#my fav siblings looking gorgeous as always :((
bokutizer · 1 year
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inmyheadimobsessed · 1 year
I Can't Love You in the Dark
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pairing: riri ✘ fem!udaku!reader
summary: given your siblings' over protective natures, you are forced to keep your relationship with riri a secret, but missing her calls for drastic measures. what happens when they find out? (requested by @melodykisses)
word count: 10.4k
contains: fluff, implied smut, protective!shuri, protective!t'challa, slight himbo!t'challa, shuri in her detective bag, lovesick!reader, lovesick!riri
tags: @verachii @szalipcombo @rxcently @coolestgay @widowmakker @fetchyourlife @blackgcomica @shurisbbymama @bestfriend491 @simp4iwaizumi @mocha-aya @shinsousliya @bratydoll @shuriswifereal @shuriri4life @shuris-whore @letitias-fav @axailslink @chidinma @xoxo-dede @yvxmpire @zayswriting
divider by: @firefly-graphics
note: ngl it took me forever to finish this because i kept crying whenever i had to write scenes with t'challa in them. i hope it turned out okay and i didn't completely botch his character lol. but i think it's cute and fun idk. as always shouts out to oomf for the translations. pls enjoy these words my brain concocted <333
translations: ndiyacela - please, ndikuthanda kakhulu - i love you so much, mtuwam - my person
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Rainy days in Wakanda always brought with them nostalgia. Droplets pelted the grass in your garden as you sat perched by your windowsill, admiring the fall. The hammering rain remedied your mind, bittersweet memories playing on an extended loop. A necessary distraction from your existing reality. It was not heavy enough to be deemed a storm, there was no thunder, no lightning, but it had the same lasting effects on your mood.
Rain made you miss her. You missed her smile, her laugh. You longed to feel her lips against yours again, craved the wistful sensation they filled you with that last night she spent in your quarters.
She'd come to say her goodbyes. She was with Shuri moments before, collecting her things and being reunited with her father's car. You thought she'd leave without a word, seeing as your time together was barely enough to be considered anything. Stolen touches in the presence of your siblings, magnetic fingers ghosting over one another. A push and pull that never got the chance to connect, not completely.
You two would lock eyes in your sister’s lab from a distance, using yearning stares to convey what your words could not, what you wouldn't allow them to.
At the time she wanted more than you saw yourself able to offer, so assuming she would leave Wakanda without saying goodbye to you was an idea you made yourself comfortable with. Until she showed up that night while you sat on your balcony, nursing a cup of tea, and letting your mind spin on with thoughts of turmoil and loss.
“Heavy is the head.”
You whipped up at the sound of her voice, not believing it at first. Her warm half-smile brought you back down to Earth and out of your own thoughts. Seeing her, just merely looking at Riri standing in your doorway had your chest tightening and heart sprinting.
“I am afraid you must be thinking of my brother. T’challa is king, his head is heaviest.”
She chuckled slightly, moving closer onto the balcony. “I don't think Ima ever get used to how gorgeous it is here. You hear the stories, but they don't do it justice.”
Brown eyes marveled at the city lights before them, while you marveled at how the gleams illuminated her face. It was difficult to admire the city when someone else stole all of your attention just by being.
“Wakanda will miss your presence.” You sipped your tea, averting her eyes when she finally turned to face you.
“Here I was thinking y’all wanted me out for good. I mean I'm technically the reason all that shit went down anyway.” Her nervous laughter pulled your eyes to hers.
You stood, walking over to her, studying her features. You could see the guilt swirling in her pupils, how it lodged itself deep inside of them, darkening their hue. “None of what happened was your fault. No one blames you. You are a victim just as we all are.”
“I blame me.” It was a whisper, and it rocked your core. A flick of anger ran through you at the thought of her feeling even the slightest bit guilty, anger at those who created it. Everyone who made her think this way about herself was taken care of. It eased your conscience some, knowing she would not be bothered again. Yet you still wished there was something you could do to absolve her of the feeling, anything.
You tilted Riri’s chin with your index finger and she flinched. You’d hardly touched her since she'd been in your country, not in the way you wanted to. So her shock was warranted. The two of you were aware of the brewing emotions when in each other's presence. You liked it, wanted more of it, but you were also aware of your older siblings, and their overprotective natures.
You knew it would only intensify now with your mother gone, and being with Riri, or anyone for that matter, would make them wary.
“I want you to stop that. I do not blame you, and I will not have you leave me believing that I do.”
Riri gulped. This was the closest you'd ever let her be to you. “Leave you?”
“Are you not preparing to leave me? Isn't that why you've come? To say goodbye?”
She shook her head, stepping out from under your touch. “Nah, I'm leaving Wakanda. You made it clear you didn't want this, don't do that.”
She was wrong. So very wrong. You wanted her more than she knew, more than you yourself understood. But you couldn't have her, and she didn't get that. “Do what?”
“That. Don't act like I'm breaking your heart or some shit. You don't wanna be with me and that's cool, but don't make me feel like it's on me. I told you how I felt from jump, don't put this on me. Please.”
“It is not on you. Nothing is on you, I need you to know that, now and forever.”
She backed away slowly, frustration fueling her antics. “Ugh! You know ion like when you do that. You're making it seem like choosing to be with me is some huge task, like you want to but can't. It's either you do or you don't. You're in your own way, this don't got nothing to do with Shuri, or T’challa. It's you. You don't want this, you don't want me.”
“Riri I–”
“Nah. I came to say bye, like you said, and Ima do that. Cause you deserve that at least, and I'm big on treating folks in the way they deserve. So goodbye, have a nice life.” She tried to step through the door, but you grabbed her wrist, igniting that familiar pull. That magnetic buzz you two knew well.
You spun her to face you and her eyes widened. She attempted to tug away, she was quite adamant about it, but your hold was firm. You wouldn't let her walk away from you. Not this time.
“Don't.” She did not mean it. You’d grown to learn her tones, and this one was a plea not for you to stop, but one that begged for continuance. Riri wanted you to take it all the way, and her beautiful gaze told you as much.
When you kissed her the sky roared, shaking your world. It pelted the two of you with endless showers. You cupped her wet face amidst it all, pulling her closer, kissing her deeper. Passion seeped from within her into you, and you absorbed it all like your clothes did the rain. Soaking up all that Riri was had been a long-standing desire of yours for the last two months, and now you were drowning in it; you were drowning in her.
The rain still poured as you pulled away, but neither of you seemed to mind, neither of you seemed to notice. You were too caught up in the heat of each other as you watched the lightning reflect in her striking eyes. “To hell with my siblings. I do know what I want. I want you, Riri Williams.”
She nodded, kissing you again before tugging you into your room and ridding your bodies of your soaked clothing. You touched her everywhere that night, making up for lost time. It was something you both needed, something to solidify everything you felt for each other. No one had ever made you feel the way Riri did, and you needed her to know that.
Rain pounded at your windows, desperate and eager just as your lips were roaming her body, and it only added to the intensity floating inside your bedroom. You’d never felt more whole than in that moment.
“I am going to miss you terribly. Going to miss this.”
She put her bra back on before slipping into one of your tops. She kissed you then, less forceful now, still as heated. “I think you'll be aight for a couple of months.”
Her laugh was loud and it roared from within her like the thunder outside. “Damn, I barely got my clothes back on yet and you already feening? Was it that good ma?”
You tossed a pillow at her and she gasped. “Shuri gave you Kimoyo beads?”
She held her wrist up, showing off the bracelet your sister crafted. “Good. I will be contacting you every day until I am able to see you again.”
“You real cute when you clingy, I like it better than you being detached and trying to ignore me.” You pulled her in again, pecking all over her face and she giggled. “But I really gotta go before Shuri comes looking for me and finds me half naked in your room. I been gone way longer than I said I’d be.”
Your eyebrows shot up as you were reminded of the risk you were taking. “You are right. She tracks me and watches me like a hawk. You should hurry.”
With one last kiss, Riri was out of your bedroom and heading back to America. And all you could think of was the way her mouth felt against every part of you, and how big your feelings for her were.
Every time it rained, your thoughts drifted, returning you to that night. That was your last time seeing her in person, feeling her, and you were suffering. You longed to be in her embrace again. Riri was a drug and your addiction only strengthened and grew incessant the more days you spent without her.
You’d kept your relationship a secret, fearing your siblings would not approve, especially now. At first it was thrilling, having something only you and Riri shared. And it was easy to conceal, being worlds apart.
But months of video chatting and vaguely explicit messages were no longer cutting it. You needed her with you, and it was something you were going to get. A plan hatched in your mind just as you heard soft rapping on your bedroom door.
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, I am awake. I am breathing. You may tell my brother that and you may leave me alone.”
“Who is to say I am not checking on your living status for myself?” Aneka stepped into your room then, grinning as she often did.
You spun to face her, sporting a bored expression. “As you can see, I am alive, and I am well.”
“Alive, yes. But you are not well. You have not been well since Miss Williams returned back to America.” She smirked when she caught your eyebrows shooting up, knowing she had you, but you were determined to prove her wrong. “What? Did you think I was unaware of your relationship?”
You deadpanned. “I have not been well since Shuri and T’challa decided I was a prisoner in my own home.”
“Ah, Princess, come on now. You are not a prisoner, they are only worried about you and want to keep you safe. As do I. We have all learned that we are not as protected as we previously thought ourselves to be.”
“Then why do I feel like I am a prisoner?” You challenged.
Aneka stepped closer to you, holding your gaze in that deathly intimidating way that she did. Despite her seemingly chipper demeanor, this stare she possessed, this daunting glare, it never failed to run your blood cold. The goosebumps on your forearms sparked instantaneously, like a knee-jerk reaction as she stood directly in front of you. Your breath hitched. “I can assure you, the life you live is in no way similar to the life of a prisoner, Princess.”
“Have I mentioned how unsettling it is when you stare at me like that?” Your attempt to keep the air light was acknowledged and she loosened her shoulders.
“You think so? I have been trying to perfect it, Ayo told me it isn't quite there, but I disagree.” She grinned. You respected Aneka a lot, and you respected her ability to shift from soldier to friend with ease.
You rolled your eyes with a huff, flopping onto your bed rather dramatically. “I'm glad you find this so amusing.”
“If you are so miserable without your scientist, why don't you make your case to go see her? I'm sure Shuri and T’challa would not mind you spending time with her, she and the Princess are friends after all.” You tried ignoring the buzz you felt at the words, your scientist. Riri was yours, all yours.
This made you sit up, a plotting grin hanging on your mouth. “Oh don't you worry about that, Aneka dear. I have that all figured out.”
“Now it is you who unsettles me, Princess. I want no part in whatever it is you are scheming. I will report to the King that you are awake.” With that, she picked up her spear and shifted out the door, leaving you alone to your own devices. Not a particularly logical thing to do, seeing as you had it in your mind you would be seeing your girlfriend soon. You and your devices would make sure of that.
The Throne Room awakened memories you tried putting to bed. Months of avoidance, only for you to return now, reliving everything all over again. Gone was that homey feel it previously housed, in its place stood despair. Somehow the rain was aware of that. Crying skies depicted the emotions you felt being back here, your mood threatening to darken like the clouds outside.
It was quiet. No stirring apart from the gentle showers. Your brother was alone, as you hoped he'd be.
Stoic as ever, T’challa stood in front of the reinforced windows, palms tucked inside each other behind his back as he studied the foggy glass. You needed not to see his face to know he was contemplating, deep in his thoughts, swimming in them as he often did.
His whirring mind did nothing to conceal your presence from him. There was no doubt he sensed you coming before you even rounded the corner. “Do my eyes and ears deceive me?”
He watched you now, following your distorted silhouette through the glass as you strode toward him.
“They do not, My King.” His aura as intense as it was inviting, pulling you closer until your feet rested right beside his towering body. You joined him in his leisure, your own eyes falling to the streams of water racing each other down the surface.
"How are you?" His true concern buried deep under the question, and you answered as best you could, aware he was feeling similarly.
You bumped his shoulder with your own, grinning ever so slightly.
When he chuckled, it rumbled out of him from deep within. It was teasing, just as you expected. It was also comforting, cozy, washing over you and lightening your mood. “Have you come to ask me for something Shuri has said no to? If she has denied you, I am afraid there is nothing I can do to help you, Littlest Sister.”
He was bluffing and you knew it. Together, there was no negotiating with Shuri and T’challa. They worked as a unit to plot your untimely demise, as you were so fond of saying. Or rather Shuri worked, whilst T'challa merely followed her lead. The simple thought of your new ‘restrictions’ had your irritation flaring. No late night walks or drives alone, no venturing to the river without supervision, you had to be home at a certain time, no spending the night at your friend's.
Some were reasonable, you could admit that, and you understood their worry completely. But not allowing you to go shopping in the market without Aneka at your side was a tad overbearing. You were not a child, you could protect yourself just as well as they could. But once the two of them made up their minds together, that was final.
Which is precisely why you sought T’challa out alone. Of the two, he was easiest to manipulate. In Shuri's absence, you got what you wanted. She knew your tricks too well, having been the one to teach them to you. It was tougher for T’challa to say no to you and you took advantage of that.
“No. I have not seen Shuri today actually. Aneka was too busy, she could not cradle me in her arms like a baby and escort me to the lab.” You narrowed your eyes and his smile grew.
He tsked, deciding to play along. “That is too bad. I suppose since you have no supervision, I have no choice but to confine you to your room for the rest of the day, hmm?”
“I do not need supervision, Brother, as I've been saying for months.”
“Then what is it that you want? I am sure it’s something.”
Your gasp was dramatic as you clutched your chest, and it made him laugh again. “Do I have to want something to pay my Big Brother a visit?”
“Usually, yes. What else would bring you here, and have you address me as King, instead of what was it again? Oh yes, your jailer.”
You rolled your eyes, stomping your foot in the process. He still hadn't changed his stance, if he didn't see your pout and puppy dog eyes, you would be leaving here without the thing you came for. “Well now that you mention it, there is something I have come to discuss.”
“See, I knew it!”
“But! It is not for me, it's for Shuri.”
He turned to face you then, sporting a curious expression. Perfect, it was game time. “Well, I am sure you've noticed she retreats to her lab more often these days. You didn't hear this from me, but I think she sleeps there. It's worrisome. Not good for her at all.”
You embellished your concern, adding extra emphasis to certain words in attempts to keep his attention.
The two of you nodded in unison. “Yes, I have noticed this. You are correct, it is worrisome.”
“Right? I’d say maybe she should be the one constantly surveilled and not me, seeing as she's clearly losing herself in whatever it is she's working on over there. This new project of hers has truly been causing immense stress. It's not healthy, I think–”
T’challa snapped his fingers, losing patience with your rambling. “Your point, let us focus on that.”
“Oh yes! My point! The reason I am here! Well, I have a proposal that I believe can be good for her. Something, or rather someone, who can assist her, someone who gets her. A person who thinks similarly to the way she does.”
“And who is this person you speak of?”
A large smile spread across your face as you thought of her, her name escaping you coated in sheer adoration. Adoration you wanted to keep inside. But in order to carry out your plan, have it succeed, you would need to share it, reveal it only slightly to get your way. “Riri Williams.”
“Ah, yes. The American scientist. You believe she can help Shuri?”
You paced in front of him, your hands mimicking his behind your back. “Oh, I do, yes. They are both very intelligent, I believe they can help each other.”
“And how do you know this is something that either of them will want?” His eyes followed you, watching you walk back and forth.
“Well, I can assure you, Big Brother, this is something Miss Williams and I have discussed for quite some time. She wants to return to Wakanda and I would love– I mean, I think Shuri could benefit from her being here.” You cleared your throat and tried to ignore the smirk on your brother's face.
Your demeanor displayed the utmost confidence. You rocked perfect posture and spoke with worry-drenched words, but still, there was a storm brewing inside you.
Your heartbeat stuttered with every sentence, sweat dampened your forehead the longer you stood under T'challa's skeptical gaze. He knew there was something deeper going on than your concern for Shuri, but you had to sell it the best you could.
“Is that so?” That smile on his face told you he was not at all convinced by your sentiment. But you did not need to be convincing, you only needed his permission.
You nodded with a hard smile and faux desperation. He could not break you, you wouldn't let him. “Yes.”
“You and Miss Williams speak often?” Something in his tone dipped and so did your stomach.
“We are friends. Can I not have friends?”
T’challa threw his hands up and you exhaled softly, an indication that he would not be pressing you any further.
“I do not believe that this is entirely for Shuri, you’re not that selfless,” You feigned hurt and he laughed, scratching his beard. “But I will allow it. I quite like Riri, let her know she is free to visit whenever she may like.”
“You wound me, Big Brother. But I quite like Riri as well, and so does Shuri, obviously. Which is why I have decided to arrange her visit for this weekend.”
You beamed, and he squinted at you. “Oh, Littlest Sister, this is where you reveal the part of your plan I will not like, right?”
You bobbed your head up and down before speaking. “I was thinking since this is a surprise for Shuri, I could accompany Aneka on the trip? It would be good for Miss Williams to be greeted by a familiar face you know. She doesn’t know Aneka as well as she knows me. It would make her more comfortable.”
You threw your arms around him before he could protest, pulling back to gaze at him with the most gentle, pleading eyes you could muster. “You've already said she can visit, I just want to make sure her journey here is safe. This would make you my favorite big brother in the world!”
“I’m your only brother. And I did not agree to this. This was not the idea you pitched to me. No, Aneka can retrieve her on her own.”
“Please? Please can I go? I've been cooped up in this palace for months, I just want to greet my friend. Say yes, please?”
He shook his head in defiance. “No. And that is final. I will not risk your safety. Out of the question.”
Your arms were around his neck again as you begged, yanking hard and promising to take extra precautions. You felt T’challa relax under you and a devious smirk formed on your lips, dripping triumphantly. You’d won.
“Fine. But Shuri cannot know, do you hear me?”
You zipped your lips and locked them, tossing the imaginary key over your shoulder. Your smile still housed those doe eyes, and he shook his head.
“Go. Before I change my mind.”
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
You skipped off then, humming to yourself on your stroll back to your quarters. Excitement and anticipation bubbled in your chest at the thought of seeing your girlfriend again. Your longing daydreams of holding her and kissing her would soon become a reality and you felt like you were going to burst.
“Where you going? You look pretty.” The holographic image of Riri’s face examined your expression. You were on your way to surprise her, and it was getting harder to conceal your joy the longer you spoke to her.
You smiled with a light blush, getting lost in her eyes. “Oh, I’m just heading to Shuri’s lab with my babysitter.”
Aneka’s groan was loud enough for Riri to hear and she laughed. “Well, I miss you baby. I wish you were coming to see me.”
“I miss you too, my love.” Riri stretched and you bit your lip at the sight of her in only a sports bra.
When she caught your reaction, she smirked. “You miss me? Or you miss something else, ma?”
“I do not appreciate what you are implying here.” Your voice lowered to a whisper as you eyed Aneka cautiously.
Riri laughed again and the mere sound of it soothed you, making it exceedingly hard to be annoyed with her. “I got the texts to back it up too. Remember when you said, ‘I just want to feel your mouth on m-’”
“Okay! We’ve arrived at the lab, I will talk to you later! Love you, bye!” You swiftly ended the call, hanging your head in embarrassment. Riri’s candor would never be a thing you got used to, you’d found. It was something you loved about her, her openness, but it never failed to shock you.
Aneka turned her head slightly as she spoke to you. “If only the King knew what he agreed to when he allowed you to go on this trip. I told you to leave me out of it, now I have to be subjected to these displays.”
“Ugh! How much longer until we are there? Can’t be trapped in here with you for another minute.” You huffed and she returned her attention to flying the aircraft.
“I can turn it around, you know?” Her words rendered you silent, and you remained that way for the rest of the flight. It was easy to discern from the self-satisfied smirk on her face that Aneka was pleased with her ability to shut you up. You were too excited to see Riri to challenge her anyway, even if you were sure her threat was indeed false.
“We are here.”
Stepping off the Talon Fighter, each breath you drew dried your mouth out, nerves beginning to get the best of you. This was not your first time in America, but it was your first time in Boston, and your first time being in Riri’s world.
Your mind trailed back to when you’d learned of Shuri’s kidnapping the last time she was here, along with Riri. Terror grew inside you that day at the thought of never seeing your sister again. You feared for Riri too, though you hadn’t known her then.
Now it was impossible to envision not knowing her. She took up so much space in your life, and did so gracefully over the span of months.
Your anxiety grew the closer you inched to her dorm room, treading through the sea of students littering the hall. You stood in front of her door then, and you knocked, anticipation clawing at your throat. Trembling fingers fidgeted at your sides as you waited. Seconds felt like hours, ticking by slower than molasses moved, and you allowed the intrusive thoughts to trample your mind like a stampede of elephants.
Did your hair look okay? You’d gotten your Bantu Knots redone that morning, just for her. What if she hated them? What if months apart made her realize she was no longer interested in you? Was she even home? Did she meet someone else? Maybe that was why she hadn’t answered the door yet. Perhaps she was no-
The door swung open and a rather sweaty-looking Riri stood before you: eyes wide and lips parted as her chest heaved. Post-workout looked amazing on her.
She hadn’t moved, nor had she uttered a word, her slow blink recognized as shock. You found yourself at a loss for words as well, taking her in fully for the first time in far too long. The two of you got lost in each other's eyes, as you often did. Staring down at her ignited that pull you’d been craving for months. Your eyes flickered to her lips, and she nodded, still unable to speak. You knew what she wanted, you wanted it too, yearned for it, even if you couldn’t find the words to say it.
You leaned in, smashing your lips to hers and fireworks exploded at the connection. Kissing her awoke a hunger inside your sternum. Riri hopped up, wrapping her legs around your waist and you backed the both of you into her room before kicking the door shut. Her back was on the bed shortly after as you hovered above her, lips still locked. Breathing was an afterthought. You only wanted more of her, all of her.
“You lied to me.” She managed in between hard pecks to your throat. Your hands roamed her sides and her exposed stomach as you moaned into her touch. “Said you was going to Shuri’s lab.”
“I know. Surprise.” Your lips met her chest and she shuddered with a giggle. Her whimpers drove you mad and you tugged on her leggings. “Off.”
She obliged without a beat of hesitation, and you slithered down her body, leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses down her abs on your way to your final destination.
You rolled beside her, exhaling loudly and she laughed into your side. “You are radiant, do you know that?”
“You aight too, I guess.” You gasped and pinched her thigh, bringing forth a whine. When you shifted to face her on the mattress, you found her shiny eyes already on you. The sight warmed your insides. Feeling the heat radiating from her sweaty body pulled you in, that neverending attraction working overtime to weave you two together. Being by her side mended parts of you you did not know were fractured, and you felt whole again. Riri made you whole.
Words were still scarce as you lay next to her panting body, the dim light casting shadows over that face that stole your breath away.
“What are you thinking about?” Riri’s gentle voice was like a song, and you got caught up in its melody.
“You. How much I missed you. How much I love you.” You watched the words wash over her and she grinned, making your heart flutter in that way only she could. You’d said your first real ‘I love yous’ two months ago, and now you couldn't stop.
Riri sat up, pulling her knees to her bare chest, head resting on them as she watched you intently. “How are you here right now?”
“As I said, I missed you and I wanted to see you.”
“Right, but how are you here? Thought T’challa and Shuri had that ass on lockdown.”
You rolled your eyes with a faint smile. “I think I have proven that when it comes to you, I am willing to defy everyone and everything in the world.”
“Damn, okay Princess. So how long you staying?”
“I’m not. You are coming with me.”
You watched the confusion flash across her face. “To Wakanda?” You nodded and she scrunched her nose.
“I got class on Monday baby. I can’t just-”
“I will have you back here in time for your classes. Now, get dressed and gather your things. Aneka is waiting.”
Riri did as she was told, grabbing a bag from her messy closet, stuffing clothes into it. “So you flying me to another continent? Just for the weekend? Is that what I’m hearing?”
“Yes.” Your answer was matter-of-fact and simple, and you could tell she was having a hard time believing it.
She slung her bag over her shoulder nonetheless and waited by the door for you to lead the way. “Ion know how I be forgetting I’m dating a literal Princess. Like powerful kingdom and rich as hell type Princess. How do I forget that?”
You laughed, grabbing her fingers and lacing them into yours. The static shock did not cause either of you to jump, instead, you latched on tighter. “It’s because I am quite humble, what can I say.”
“Or I’m just so obsessed and in love with you alone, I block out all the unimportant stuff. Like how rich you are.”
You beamed down at her clinging to your arm. “I think I like that reason better.”
“While we on the subject, just how rich are y’all over there? Gimme like ballpark or something.”
Your chuckle was hearty as the two of you boarded the ship hand in hand and you shook your head.
The trip home seemed to be shorter than the one leaving. Riri was all over you the entire time: sitting in your lap, kissing your face, whispering sweet nothings into your ears, and making you giggle with her corny little science jokes.
“Okay, okay you gon like this one. What do you call it when a biologist takes a photo of themself?”
Your eyes rolled and you sighed. “I don't know.”
“A cell-fie.” She laughed in that over-exaggerated way she reserved only for you and slapped her knee. It was your own fault really, you’d made the mistake of telling her science and humor did not mesh well, so it became her mission to prove you wrong.
“That was awful.” You responded with a fond smile.
She pushed off you and you attempted to pull her back. “Man whatever. That shit was hard, you just wouldn't get it. Shuri would laugh.”
“Speaking of my darling sister. She doesn't exactly know you are coming.”
Riri quirked a brow, and you heard Aneka huff a soft laugh at your confession. “What are you talking about?”
“Well… in order to get my brother to agree with you coming here, I was forced to tell a few white lies. One of which included me telling him I was bringing you here as a surprise for Shuri.” Your grin did nothing to shift her frown.
“And what does that mean for us? This isn't gon be like the first time I was here right? Because that was just, no. I ain't doing that ag–”
You reached for her hands, trying to ease her unrest. “No! Of course not. You would only have to spend some time with her in the lab. And given her current state, it is highly probable that she'll kick you out almost immediately. Then we may spend the weekend together. Trust that I have thought this through, mtuwam.”
“Okay… if you say so.” It was evident she was still a bit uneasy, so you kissed her lips gently, hoping to soothe her.
“Princess, we are home.”
Reentering Wakanda’s borders was an activity you could never grow bored of. Your home was marvelous, and being reminded of that was an amazing feeling.
Letting go of Riri’s hand proved to be a difficult task. You kept grabbing it and pressing kisses to her knuckles, prolonging your stay on the ship. T’challa was waiting to greet you as you landed and you made sure to stand a reasonable distance from Riri, though her body called to you.
“I see you have made it back in one piece. I must admit, I didn't think the odds would be in your favor, Littlest Sister.”
“Comedy does not suit you, Big Brother, I would stick to sulking on the throne if I were you.”
He laughed, then his eyes drifted to Riri perched patiently beside you. “So happy to have you back with us Miss Williams. I'm sure Shuri will be as well.”
“Happy y’all invited me. Wakanda is dope as hell, I love it here.” Her response was genuine and it filled your chest with pride. You met her gaze for a split second longer than intended and you couldn't help but grin. Damn those striking eyes of hers.
You cleared your throat, excusing yourself to help Riri settle in and T’challa nodded. “Give me your bag dear.”
It was a whisper soft enough only for the two of you to hear, and you hoped the gesture wouldn't seem too off. You were simply being hospitable. There was no way you were letting Riri carry her own bag, not when your hands were ready and available.
Your hands brushed at the exchange, longing fingers lingering lovingly. You felt eyes on the two of you as you walked away, but when you turned, there was no one.
“And the best part is my room is right down the hall. So you can sneak out at night to visit me. Or I can visit you, whichever you prefer.” You’d just gotten Riri settled in one of the palace's spare rooms.
She only beamed at you, pulling you in by your waist and you laughed. Her hands on your body just felt right. She was on her tippy toes then, kissing you long and deep, and you molded into her. Her fingers traced the hem of your skirt, climbing higher and higher up your thigh.
She shoved you onto the bed with force and you groaned. “Riri.”
“Just go with it.” She was on your lap soon after, wet mouth roaming your exposed neck as she created bruises that were sure to last.
You moaned, allowing your fingers to find her hips. “We can't.”
“You sure?” Her head was descending lower and you wanted her to keep going, every muscle in your body wanted to guide her, but you couldn’t. Not now, not with the Dora posted outside the room door, and not when you were supposed to be sticking to your plan. You knew T’challa would be checking in soon and you needed to head to Shuri’s lab immediately to avoid further suspicion.
“Ayo is outside, and T’challa could stop by at any time. I do not want to risk anything. Besides, we must go see Shuri now.”
Riri groaned but got up, once again allowing you to lead the way. You laughed at her and she stuck out her tongue. Bast, you had to be the luckiest person on Earth, with the cutest girlfriend on Earth.
“You sure Shuri’s in here? It ain’t usually this dark.” The two of you entered your sister’s lab. It was empty. Her playlist drowned out the sounds of her soft snoring, but they got louder the closer you inched to her.
“Oh, she is certainly in here. Griot, the lights please.”
The AI obeyed, lighting up the space to reveal a sleeping Shuri at one of the workstations. She was still in her clothes from the day prior, same lab coat too. Her curls were wild and frizzy from not being tied down and there was a small amount of drool on the side of her mouth.
“Yo, did she sleep here?” Riri walked closer to where you stood in front of your sister and you nodded. “Do we wake her?”
“In due time, my love, in due time.” You snapped a selfie of you and her sleeping form, mentally bookmarking it for later use. Your girlfriend shook her head next to you and your lips curved. “Now we wake her.”
Your finger met her cheek and you poked, but she did not stir. Then a thought struck you and you did everything to hold in your laughter.
“Shuri! You will never believe this, wake up! Tems has followed you back, look!”
This jolted her awake, and you took note of the candy wrapper stuck to the other side of her face. “She what? The love of my life has noticed me? Where? Show me!”
“Yeah, she did not actually notice you, but could you imagine? Tems is not thinking of you, dear sister. Just needed to wake you is all, seeing as you slept here again after you said you wouldn't.”
Shuri narrowed her eyes, looking you up and down curiously. “I would much rather sleep here than in the same place as my lying and deceitful sister. You cannot joke like that, you know how much I love her.”
“Right…” She pinched your arm and you yelped. "Ouch! What is your problem?!"
“Speaking of lies and deception, I will give you one chance to tell me where you went this morning, I lost signal on your Kimoyo beads for a few hours.”
Your groan was to be expected, and it did not soften her accusing tone. You knew Shuri would be tracking you, which is why you switched them off the moment you were outside the border. “I am not a child, you know. I can come and go as I please.”
“No. You cannot. Now tell me where you went and who you were with.”
Riri poked her head out from behind you after minutes of going unnoticed by your sister. She waved shyly with a smile. “She actually came to get me. Heard you was working on something that had you stressed, and your sister thought I could help.”
She reached up to pluck the wrapper from Shuri’s face and you swallowed your laughter.
“Riri! I've missed you! I honestly did not see you standing behind her. Sometimes I forget how short you are.” She pulled the smaller girl in for a hug and you snarled.
Annoyance bustled within you, the need to protect Riri taking hold of your thoughts and actions. “Hey! She is not that short. You’re one to talk.”
Shuri tilted her head, startled by your outburst, and your attempt to play it cool was rendered useless when you caught Riri’s sly smirk, clearly pleased with your defense. You fought your own smile, ignoring the awkward tension floating above the three of you. You prayed desperately for it to dissolve, fearing Shuri’s comments if it did not. “Okay then, that wasn't weird at all. Where is your sense of humor sister, geez? But anyway, Riri, yes I could use your help. I have not slept in my bed in days.”
“We can tell.” You retorted and she attempted to smack you.
“Uh yeah, how can I help?” It took nothing for them to completely zone out, wholly consumed by their work.
Though your presence was neglected soon after, the sight of the two most important women in your life bonding warmed your entire heart. You did not think it possible to love Riri more, but witnessing the smile she brought to Shuri’s face, seeing the way her eyes lit up, made you aware of how wrong you were. Loving her was limitless. It was so easy for her, lifting the spirits of others, being generous with her mind and time. She filled you with joy and pride, every ounce threatening to seep out of you.
You were staring, and you knew it, but it was not a thing that could be helped. Being so enamored with all that Riri was, you were oblivious to Shuri’s eyes darting between you and the young scientist you ogled across the lab.
Riri’s presence was enveloping like that, it toweled around you, muffling everything that wasn’t her.
“I think I'm going to call it a night. Going to actually sleep in my bed for once. Riri you are welcome to stay here as long as you like, I’m sure my sister would be happy to keep you company.” Something in her tone of voice sounded off, but it was difficult to pinpoint.
Riri nodded, turning back to the blueprints on the interface.
“Be safe, please.” Shuri kissed your head, smiling softly before leaving.
It wasn’t long before Riri took advantage of your aloneness, leaping onto you like a bunny. Her mouth was all over you, and you were a mess underneath her. She gripped your ass and you shrieked. “Riri, not here, we can't.”
“When you gon give me a chance to show you just how much I missed you, ma?” She kissed your stomach, pulling a tired moan from the back of your throat.
She knew just how to get you worked up, touching and kissing all the right spots. “Okay, fine. But it cannot be here.”
The two of you were giggling messes as you tiptoed through the silent palace. Riri pulled you into a secluded hallway, nipping hungrily at your jaw. Her tongue lapped over the bruises decorating your neck, amplifying your need for her. You smirked down into her lust-filled eyes. She would take you right here, and you were prepared to let her.
“I want you.” Her fingers were already under your skirt and you whimpered at the contact. Your heart came alive in your chest, batting against you from the thrill of it all.
A heated kiss muffled your moans as you writhed under her. “Shhh baby. You gon get us caught.”
It was difficult, and Riri was terribly skilled with her fingers. You were both gone off each other, so inebriated that the footsteps approaching the dark corridor went unnoticed. Someone cleared their throat and you jumped. Your stomach flipped, and your heartbeat revved into overdrive. Thrill melted away, dissolving into gut-wrenching dread.
You ripped your wet lips from Riri’s and turned to face the mystery person. The two of you were distraught and out of breath as Ayo inched closer. “Princess? Is that you? What are you doing out this late? The King–”
“I will head to my room now! No need to involve my brother!” The shake in your voice was noticeable, and her eyes widened when she caught sight of kiss-blown Riri tucked nervously behind you.
“Oh! Um, my apologies Princess. I was not aware you were not… alone. But please, head to your quarters. If I have found you, anyone can.” You tried ignoring her admonishment, but she was correct after all. Taking this kind of risk could have ended a lot worse, T’challa could’ve found you, Shuri. You knew better. It was reckless, but when Riri was in your head, thinking straight was a battle, a losing one.
She dipped her head, leaving you and your girlfriend alone. Your laughs were instant after, and you slapped your palms over each other's mouths. “Ooh, you in trouble Princess.”
“Stop it! Come on, let's go.” You tugged her to your quarters, fully intending on finishing what was interrupted moments ago.
Waking up with Riri next to you was a feeling you needed to know forever, you’d decided. In the dark of the night, she'd tucked herself into your side, head on your chest as small snores escaped her. Being deprived of this sight, this warmth, for as long as you were was criminal.
She nestled closer and it just about brought you to tears. A soft kiss to her temple pulled her from slumber and she frowned, stunning brown eyes finding yours instantly. “You woke me.”
“With a kiss.”
“I ain't sleeping beauty.” She glared at you, it was so cute you just had to kiss her again.
Your chuckle was immediate as you stared at her arms, still wrapped around your torso with zero plans of letting go. “You are beautiful when you sleep, so I disagree. You're quite the sleeping beauty.”
Rapid knocking at your door hindered your response and you panicked. It was far too early for Aneka to be checking on you. You leapt out of bed frantically with your sheet wrapped around your naked body, fearing it was one of your siblings. “Who is it? I am not yet decent.”
“It is just me, Princess. Thought I’d come to check on you a bit earlier, in case you needed help sneaking a certain scientist out of your quarters.”
You sighed loudly. “I don't need–”
“Do not lie, Princess. I am aware of where she spent the night. Your little run-in with my wife last night has made me privy to many things.”
You heard Riri giggle behind you and you huffed. “We are fine, Aneka. Your assistance is not needed.”
“Very well. Oh, and Shuri would like to see Miss Williams in her lab later today. Something about their project. And, be cautious, ndiyacela.”
It was unclear if Aneka’s concern about your relationship remaining a secret was out of love for you, or fear of losing her job. But knowing her, it could very well be both. When she left, you crawled back into bed, pulling Riri atop you, cradling her body ever so delicately in your arms. She tucked her head beneath your chin, meshing well with your skin there.
A puzzle, the pair of you were, you fit just right. Tender fingers massaged circles into her back, causing her to coo into your ear. If given the choice, you'd stay this way forever, making her frame an extension of your own.
“We have got to get up eventually, mtuwam.”
This caused her to groan and snuggle closer into you. “Don't wanna.”
“If we do not get up, someone will come looking for us. Most likely Shuri herself, if she's requested to see you.”
Riri held you tight, still refusing to budge. You had no desire to move either, having made a home under her warmth. But alas, like a wolf, you had to blow it down, leaving her bare skin exposed to the cool of the room.
Her little huff of annoyance was adorable as she shifted back to the side of the bed she slept on, and you got up. “So does this mean you won't join me in the shower? That is too bad. I remember how much you enjoyed the water pressure when you were here last.”
Riri’s head rose from the covers excitedly, tripping over the sheets as she ran into your arms.
After your shower activities, you and Riri found yourselves battling to keep your hands off of each other in the elevator down to Shuri's lab, touching her only enabled your growing addiction.
The lights were dimmer than usual when you stepped off, it was quieter too, no music or buzzing chatter of her team. Weird. There was always movement during the daytime.
“Shuri?” You called into the darkness, but silence greeted you. It all felt off; ominous, and you did not like it.
Riri tugged on your arm. “Ion think she's here babe.”
“Oh, but she is here… babe.” A shadow moved toward you and you squinted, eyes adjusting to Shuri as she stopped in your direct line of sight. T’challa was not far behind, face contorted into what you believed was meant to be a scowl. “See. I told you, Brother, if I sent word for Riri, our darling sister would be in tow as well.”
Your eyes passed quickly to Riri, who seemed more confused than anything. You, on the other hand, were on the verge of collapsing. The drumming in your chest blared in your heated ears, blocking out the sound of Shuri’s ranting. T’challa had not yet addressed you, his eyes merely fanned you disappointedly, which somehow made it all worse. Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Answer my next question truthfully or so help me…” Shuri wiped her palms down her face with an exasperated sigh, thickening the atmosphere with the air her body expelled.
“Are you two,” She wagged her finger between Riri and yourself. “You two are… Bast, Brother I cannot even say the words.”
She was being theatrical, honestly. When Shuri got like this it was hard to get her to listen to reason, but reason escaped you, so either way you were screwed. You passed a glance at your girlfriend, whose eyes seemed particularly fond of the shiny floors. Every bone in your body wanted to comfort her, needed to reassure her, but you froze, your feet planting deep roots in the ground, prohibiting your movement.
“Littlest Sister, is it true? What Shuri has told me about you and Miss Williams? Are you two… involved? You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?” T'challa spoke at last as Shuri paced.
Involved? Involved made it sound so formal, so dated, like the two of you were in your forties. You were not involved, you were in love. Admitting that would only escalate things now though, so you bit your tongue and hung your head in shame. You had to hand it to him though, pulling out the doting brother card was almost enough to crack you.
Neither of you spoke, fearing too much the outcome. Riri’s discomfort buzzed off her and onto you as though it was your own. Not easing it was enough to fracture you again, undoing all the rebuilding you’d done in the past twenty-four hours. She stood silently, fidgeting with her fingers, intending on following your lead like usual, but you were all out of moves.
“Take her silence as an answer Brother.” Shuri’s unyielding glare made you flinch. Under any other circumstance, you’d find her behavior amusing, but her ability to intimidate had grown more effective after ingesting the heart-shaped herb.
You cleared your throat, finally gaining the courage to speak and you felt hopeful eyes on you, Riri’s eyes. “Why are you doing this?”
“Answer the question, liar.”
A laugh climbed your throat as Shuri spat her sentence at you, but you swallowed it. “And what is it that you presume I've lied about?”
Your question was only to gauge their knowledge, to see just how much you could twist your already existing string of lies before it snapped completely and forever.
Shuri tapped her chin dramatically. “Hmm, well let us see. Should we start with the original lie you told to get her here? Disguising it as a surprise for me,” T’challa nodded beside her, cosigning the entire ordeal. “But that one is more on you, Brother, for not catching it.”
“Hey now! In my defense, I was truly concerned for you when I agreed to Miss Williams coming here.”
“You were a fool is what you were. You fall for her tricks all the time, it's sad. I’m sorry, but it is.”
T’challa scoffed. “Can we please focus? I am not the one in trouble here.”
“I'm just saying, if only you had run this past me, instead of blindly agreeing, this could have been avoided altogether.” Shuri’s expressive hands spoke with her, just as frantic, just as accusing.
Your anxiety dissipated the longer you watched the two of them bicker, who the ring leader was, was clear as day. You passed a glance at Riri, discreetly squeezing her hand for a few seconds.
“Oh! Did you see that?! Let's get back to you deceivers, eh? Seeing the way you defended her when I called her short did not concern me much, it was odd, but not concerning. Now, the way you ogled her, that, raised my eyebrow.”
She paced some more, condemning you with each stride. “I knew that look, it’s the same look I sport when Tems uploads a new photo. But it was not quite enough, no. It could be explained away.”
Shuri stopped, regarding Riri’s puzzled exterior before turning her focus to you. “And that brings me to my next piece of evidence,” Her fingers lowered the collar on your button-up and you cursed under your breath. “Brother, what do these look like to you?”
He jolted to attention, clearly unaware his input would be warranted. “Um, I believe those are hickeys.”
“Hickeys.” The word rancid on her tongue. “I noticed them when I kissed you goodnight. Now how would my little sister get hickeys on her neck? They weren’t there the day before, but conveniently appeared when Riri arrived.”
“I saw you take her bag as well. Yesterday when you returned, you carried her bag, you may not have thought I saw it, but I did. Shuri, tell them.”
Shuri rolled her eyes at him. “Yes, T’challa saw the stupid bag. The point is we know about you two. We know everything. And there is more.”
“More? What more?” T’challa seemed just as perplexed as you and Riri, eyeing Shuri in anticipation.
She held up her wrist, displaying a rather incriminating video on her beads. T'challa’s gasp was as loud as it was comical. It was of the both of you, in the lab last night. Your mouth on hers, hands in places they shouldn’t have been. Your blush crept up the back of your neck, stretching across the span of your body. You felt it in your stomach, your toes, it even slithered itself into your mouth. Bitter and dry, and scarce of compassion.
“I needed to be sure of my suspicions, so I turned on the cameras before I left. What do you have to say for yourselves? Lying will not save you now, we have seen everything.”
“Everything.” T’challa repeated, waving his finger in your faces.
You locked eyes with your girlfriend again, communicating without words. “Fine. You've caught us.”
“I knew it!”
Shuri’s glower was a bullet of irritation, and she smacked T’challa in the head. “Of course you knew it, genius. I told you this before they arrived.”
“Right. You did, yes.”
Your laugh evaded you before you could stop it and you were met with the same look your brother received. “So you find this funny?”
You shook your head. “Sorry, no. This is all very serious. Serious allegations, serious evidence. Carry on.”
“How long?”
“A few months.”
She squinted. “How many months?”
They both widened their eyes at your confession, and T’challa slapped his hand over his mouth, bewildered. “You have been lying to us for seven months?!?! So this started before you returned to America?”
Her question darted to Riri, and she waited expectantly for an answer. “Yes.”
Your brother shook his head, mirroring Shuri because of course he did. “You are too young to be involved with anyone.”
“Exactly. I forbid it.” Shuri threw her hands up as if her word was final. You refuted her statement with a quickness, under no circumstances did she get a say in your love life. Before you knew it, you were in a screaming match with your siblings, a rare occurrence, but you would not back down.
“You can't forbid me from loving your sister Shuri.”
The yelling subsided, three royal heads whipping around to face Riri. You had not expected that, you hadn't expected her to say anything. It was your mess, not hers. Your lies.
“Loving her?”
Riri stepped forward, gripping your fingers tightly, and for the first time, the shock startled you. “I love your sister. I'm in love with her. And if I'm speaking out of turn my bad, but forbidding us from being together ain't gon work because I’m not giving her up, not ever,” She observed them cautiously before continuing.
“Now I understand why there might be cause for concern, I get it, after what y’all went through, being protective is justified. But trust that I wanna protect her too? I want her safe, I want her sound, and I want her loved. I love her so much, too much, and ion wanna have to do that in secret. I don't wanna have to hide. Because your sister deserves more than that.”
T’challa was the first to wipe his tears. “Shuri, maybe we are being too harsh. They seem happy, hmm?”
“Was that rehearsed or did it all just come to you right now?” Her unrelenting glare was beginning to falter.
“Can't rehearse how I feel Shuri, I just… feel.”
Shuri's watchful eyes were on you, you felt them, but you only had the strength to focus on one thing, so you chose Riri. Her words rearranged every cell in your body, rendering you entirely and utterly speechless. Coherence was a thing you no longer knew as you stood dumbfounded, watching her, learning her all over again. For a moment you zoned out, forgetting where you were and how you’d gotten there.
“And what have you to say, Sister?”
“I-I love her too. She means everything to me. She is my person. I choose Riri, I will always choose Riri.” Gazing into her eyes felt different this time, more honest, more open; though they sucked you in all the same.
Shuri gagged. “You two are gross, but I suppose I can allow this, seeing as I trust you both,” She turned to Riri then. “But if you ever hurt her, and I mean in any way, I will create a virus so complex and otherworldly to infiltrate and destroy every piece of technology you own, including your suit. Maybe even while you're in it, zipping around in the sky. Then bam!"
She slammed her fist on a table with force, cracking it in half and you both jumped, blinking in disbelief. T'challa's snicker was muffled behind you and you shot him a look.
"Just because we are friends doesn't mean I won't demolish you in the name of my little sister. I will end you, in every way I know how. And trust that I know many.”
Riri gulped, clearly shaken by Shuri’s tone shift. “That's fair, I respect that.”
“Now I may not be as harsh with my words as my little sister, but I do agree with everything that was just stated. Do we have an understanding?” Your brother’s hands were on Riri’s shoulders and she bobbed her head. “Good. You two may go, enjoy the rest of your weekend, I will deal with Shuri. Make sure she calms down.”
You wasted no time, scurrying off and onto the elevator, wanting desperately to escape your siblings.
The evening breeze was brisk, and it cooled your tea as you watched the city lights flicker on. The sweet aroma of her leave-in conditioner greeted you before she did, wafting deep inside your nose and clinging to your senses. You smiled when she emerged on your balcony.
“We suck at being in a secret relationship.” Riri sat in your lap and you gripped her waist.
“Absolutely horrible at it.” Her eyes were the softest you'd ever seen them, leaking with vulnerability and want. “Perhaps our love is not meant to be concealed, mtuwam.”
Her lips curved upward, delighted by your admission. “Say more words like that.”
“I want to love you in the open. I want the world to know you are mine and I am yours, truly and fully.”
“Damn. You real good at that. Almost makes me wanna kiss you.”
Her words made you scoff, as they were intended to, and she laughed. “Almost?”
“Kinda scared to do anything now after your crazy ass siblings just jumped me.”
Your own laugh bellowed out, causing her to dip her head into the crook of your neck. “If I am remembering correctly, they cornered us both.”
“And who got threatened with an ‘otherworldly’ virus? Me or you? You ain't tell me Shuri was kinda…”
“What? Insane? I'm sure I've mentioned this over my many rants about her aforementioned insanity.”
She glared at you, and you smirked. “Seeing it for myself was different. I ain't believe you for real.”
“That's truly something, I'm glad we are in agreement, but can you please kiss me now? Or do you want me to tell them you've been denying me, and you’ve hurt me?”
Riri grabbed your cheeks and scrunched her nose. So, so cute. “Shut up.” Her lips were on yours moments after, and her tongue was in your mouth. The kiss was rough, it was passionate, and it warmed your insides better than your long-forgotten tea ever could on this chilly night.
A clap of thunder gave you déjà vu and you two pulled away. The stars competed with the shine in her eyes, losing terribly. You were bathing in rain soon after as she pulled you in again.
When the showers became too much, you carried her inside, tossing her damp body onto your bed before getting on top of her and connecting your foreheads.
She giggled as she held your wet face in place. “Convenient how it always rains when we on that balcony of yours.”
“Perhaps it is all my doing. To get you out of your clothing of course.”
She leaned up to whisper in your ear. “You don't need rain for that baby.”
“Ndikuthanda kakhulu, Riri Williams.”
And she grinned, wider than ever, basking in the tangible feeling of said love. “Right back at ya.”
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nattinatalia · 6 months
Urban Wyatt x Reader : INSTAGRAM AU
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Liked by urbanwyatt, jackharlow, cozane, selenosunni, claybornharlow, and 7,975,456 others
yourusername Princess wanted a Christmas tree in her bedroom so her daddy took her shopping for all the pink and girly ornaments they could find.
View all 1,200 comments
urbanwyatt What princess wants, princess gets 💖
yourusername No kidding 😩
jackharlow So this is why Mia demanded a tree in her room 😩
urbanwyatt I may have told her to bug you about it
yourbestiename I hate you Wyatt
yourusername Hey hey now, not so much on my baby daddy now!!!!
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Liked by yourbestiename, cozane, austinmahone, selenosunni, taylorrooks, and 7,865,355 others
urbanwyatt Baby momma is gonna have my balls for these pics. But a quick shoutout to little mama for everything she’s been doing. She’s been working her ass off for this new album and her first headlining tour. She definitely needed a little “me time”
View all 1,300 comments
yourusername I will definitely have your balls later for this! But I love you, thank you for always having my back 💜
urbanwyatt What way though? Like you’ll have them in your mouth, or ???
yourusername I cannot with you 🙄
taylorrooks My fav couple ever!!!!!
cozane Are mom and dad back together?
selenosunni I’ve been asking the same thing
jackharlow We’re siblings to divorced parents!!!!! Need y’all back together asap.
urbanwyatt Can you three stop?
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Liked by urbanwyatt, selenosunni, cozane, jackharlow, yourbestiename, and 6,876,355 others
yourusername Told these two idiots to take Cassie to leave some flowers for La Virgencita. They succeeded but then started acting a fool, little princess had to set them straight.
View all 1,200 comments
urbanwyatt I can’t believe she snitched on us
selenosunni Not even because I bribed her with chocolate 🤦🏻
yourusername Sunni, stop giving my child chocolate, especially when it’s her nap time.
yourbestiename Que hermosura de Dios 🥺😍 mi niña tan chula llevándole rosas a la virgencita 🙏🏻
yourusername ❤️ Mia looked gorgeous too
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree @toocriticalharlow @thefemalestorywriter @lightsoutstyles @violetslays818 @fantasywritersstuff @vanwritesfan-fiction
132 notes · View notes
twsted-seas · 8 months
I know I talk mostly about Azul and Idia on here, but y’all should know that if I’m going to pull for someone, it’s almost always gonna be Floyd, Ortho, or Riddle. Sometimes Jamil, but. Mostly Them. The only Azul card I Had to have was his Beanfest. While I like all of his and Idia’s in general, I’m not Mad about them. Floyd, Ortho, and Riddle, on the other hand…
Floyd was my first twst fav. The Tweels are the whole reason I joined the game. I love his cards. He’s always in a silly goofy mood and on the verge of committing manslaughter. I love that for him. I pulled 260 times for his Beanfest SSR. He did not come home. No SSR Floyd has ever come home when I’ve pulled for him. I only have Dorm Floyd because he randomly popped up when I was pulling for someone else.
Obviously, I also love Ortho. He is best boi. Love murderous slightly eldritch Bildungsroman arcs and sibling love. I cried during those last arcs in Chapter 6. And Ortho during Ghost Marriage? Iconic. Blackmail and fire away. The other thing about Ortho? He. Never. Misses. Dorm card? Gorgeous. The bday cards? Adorable. The Fairy Gala? A revelation. His hound card? Life changing. The new circus card? A classic. Vil step aside, Ortho is here to steal your thunder and your Prada.
I knew nothing about Riddle when I joined the game. I hated him initially. But he grew on me and stuck. A) This bad boy can fit so much projection in him. B) He tries so hard. Not only in academics etc., but to become a better person. To look after those he cares for. C) He’s adorable, in looks and personality. And his cards? Either adorable or badass or both. He’s either leading the cards into battle or standing before a wall of fire or riding away on horseback, or he’s smiling shyly with his friends and being awkward. His birthday boy/suit and tsum cards? The cutest ever. He slays and he protects. 10/10
So yes, those two are my favs, for all that I have no Floyds and possibly too many Orthos. I pulled for his Fairy Gala while in critical condition in the hospital and by G-d I got it. The only one of his I don’t have is his Halloween gear, as unfortunately I was dead from a different surgery or AFK for those events because I didn’t expect them to happen so early.
Also, stan Silk Jamil. One day you will come home.
Anyway. That’s it. I’m done. Just wanted to rant about my fav cards. Feel free to reblog with your own faves and rants.
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underoospeterparker · 7 months
🍩- Doughnut
Hiii:) marauders plsss
I’m about 5’5 with long wavy dirty blonde hair, grey-blue eyes and I’m kinda skinny but have large hips.
I play guitar and I like to paint, crochet, draw, and write poetry and stories. I’m from the south so I have a slight twang. I love reading and my personality type is a INFP. I dress kinda coquette.
I love traveling and going on road trips and drives with my two older siblings. I want to become a marine biologist:)
My fav tv shows are sex education, Ginny and Georgia, and a series of unfortunate events. I really like reading and playing video games:) my favorite artists are Taylor swift and Lana del Rey
I’m really shy and quiet but I’m super energetic and kind when people actually talk to me
I love you and thank you so much:3
welcome to my 300 celebration!
i ship you with sirius black! ( this is for anon 2 )
a. playing guitar for sirius:
"you never told me you had a guitar, baby," sirius said as soon as he stepped into your dormitory for the first time. "you play?" you smiled at him, grabbing your guitar from your bedside and sitting down on top of your covers. "ever since i was little. you?" fumbling with the strings, you saw out of the corner of your eye that he'd sat down next to you. he pressed a kiss to the side of your forehead and murmured, "no. i've always wanted to, though." you felt him hesitate as he quietly added, "can you play something for me?" "thought you'd never ask," you grinned.
b. going on a road trip with him to visit your siblings:
"siri!" you laughed, almost lost to the wind as your boyfriend rolled down the windows of his new but beaten up van. he laughed when he saw your messy hair, and reached over to tug a strand away from your face. how you hadn't noticed was beyond him, it would have irritated him to death. you looked over at him, a huge smile on your face. "i'm happy you're here," you shouted over the wind. "thank you." he returned your smile, reaching over the console to grab your hand that was closest to him. "i'm always here. whenever you need me."
c. wearing a new dress around him:
sirius gaped when he saw you in your pretty new dress, one that hugged your curves and looked absolutely gorgeous on you. granted, you looked beautiful in everything, but this one especially made his mouth drop open in shock because it showed how beautiful you were. "do you like it?" you giggled after you saw his reaction, making your way over to his lap. "do i like it?" he repeated your question, placing you on his lap. "sweetheart, i love it. you look gorgeous." you buried your head in his shoulder, blushing, as he wrapped his arms around you, happy just being with his favourite girl.
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navree · 1 year
What r ur fav hotd/got ships
So I'm gonna try to categorize this so that it doesn't turn into a complete ramble
A Song Of Ice And Fire: JONRYA
Listen I don't know how anyone can look at the line What do you know of my heart, priestess? What do you know of my sister? and not want to fall down on the ground in a fit. Do I think it's gonna happen? No, if only because it's part of the OG outline and I think by this point George has jettisoned nearly the entirety of the OG outline but I still love it. I love their dynamic and I love what they mean to each other and I think their reunion is gonna be whack and it's my favorite Jon ship and also all the things Jon thinks about her in ADWD make me go fucking nuts.
Game of Thrones: DANY/JORAH
In the books, I do not ship Dany and Jorah, because book Jorah is a giant fucking creep. But in the show......man oh man in the show. Listen, I'm a big fan of all those "sworn knight and the ruler he's sworn to protect" type dynamics in all things, and this dynamic has literally been that from the getgo. I love that Jorah is her first friend and her first confidant, and how much she trusts him, and how much genuine love there is between them, even in the later seasons when shit goes sideways first through his betrayal (that moment at Daznak's Pit when she takes his hand.....kill me) and then later when it's clear she doesn't feel anything back, that the love is still there and it doesn't matter, it'll always be there. Also their reunion was gorgeous, really everything about them in 7x05 was gorgeous. Plus, I'm gonna be honest, season two was insane. It was literally insane, they were putting out sooooo many feelers for Jorah and Dany, it was nuts. That scene where he says he can't even believe she's real and she looks away with a gasp? When she touches his face after talking about her dragons? Will you betray her again, Jorah the Andal? Never. And also that the only time we've ever seen her in sobbing hysterics after a loss was when she killed Drogo and when Jorah died in her arms, only succumbing to his wounds after he knew she was going to be okay. (and also drogon coming over to comfort dany and also mourn himself because that's basically his dad, he's known and trusted jorah all his life and seen him as much as family as he does dany, it makes me cry)
First of all I'm not putting Aegon/Visenya in that because I'm of the opinion that Visenya was a big ole lesbian and I love that for her, part of why I was so upset HOTD was gonna start with the Dance was because I really wanted to see a lesbian on a dragon with her giant sword and I was fucking deprived. And also please see my various comments on the Targs not being raised to socialize with their siblings as traditional siblings for why I'm willing to give the Conquerors a pass on the intermarriage, cuz sue me, I like them. Part of it is just that Rhaenys is honestly my favorite Targaryen and I love her to pieces, but there's also so much in it I adore. That Rhaenys was the youngest and the baby of the family and that they both probably felt protective of her and adored her from the getgo. That Aegon was doing his duty with Visenya but wanted her so much, loved her so much that he was desperate to marry her anyway, wed her out of desire and clearly loved her. That she was an equal partner for both of them, not just as a dragonrider and warrior but as an administrator. The special bond I like to think she and Visenya had, the eldest and the youngest, the two women, the ones carving their way through gender roles and making the world their own and being the ones who can bitch about Aegon when he's being a bit much with his dragondreaming and moodiness.
And I really, really like the idea that she was the glue that held the family together. That for a while, Aegon and Visenya were bonded in their absolute grief that their perfect and precious Rhaenys was gone, and they were going to burn the world down because someone touched her, someone hurt her, someone killed her, and now everything is shattered and nobody should be okay with that. Why is everyone not screaming and crying because Rhaenys is gone, don't they understand, don't they know that it's the end of everthing? It's so delicious, even moreso when you add in the very likely possibility that Aegon and Visenya drew apart after the Dragon's Wroth (after Aegon got that letter that made him grip the Iron Throne until he bled? Maybe it was smth about Rhaenys and he had to make a judgment call and Visenya was angry she was excluded?), that Rhaenys was their center and without her, they're just lost. They can't ever fully recover.
And also that bit in F&B where when Aegon holds Rhaena and hears that Aenys named her after Rhaenys, he openly wept. That gets me every time.
Listen, Rhaenicent were in love. They were literally first loves. If you don't see that then sorry that you don't believe in love. But they were, like, literally girlfriends, they were so in love with each other, and the scenes where you can see that it never fully went away for either of them, and that if they could just get timing right or turn back the clock or just do something, anything to get it back, they could. They want to. Alicent kept that page all those years and when Rhaenyra saw it she cried and almost considered giving up the crown. Gayass.
Alicole I've discussed a bit already so if you search "alicole" on my blog you'll see, but I dig them, I dig their dynamic, I'm ready for more of it, there's a reason I shoved Alicent and Criston moments into three outtta four HOTD fics.
Guys. Guys. Aemoned left Harrenhal. He left. He was gone from Harrenhal, it was in his rearview mirror, he had to go help his family. And then he came back. Because Alys was captured and she was in trouble and he needed to rescue her, even though she could have probably handled herself. He burned everyone and everything to a crisp just to get her back. His lady. His Alys. First of all, that's insane to say on it's own, literally why would you say that, why would you say that in front of other people, Aemond buddy my heart is fragile. Second of all, read the @saintaemond fics about them, you'll get converted real quick if you weren't there already cuz they all make me lie on the floor and stare up at the ceiling for a half hour every time I read them because goddamn, these two. Third of all, in the show this dynamic has the potential to eat. In the book it already eats, the way she's able to stop him from doing rash shit publicly, the way again, he came back for her, it's nuts. But in the show! There's so much I want from them in the show. I want Aemond to admit to her that killing Luke was an accident. I want them to understand each other, him with his traumas, her with her upbringing and the way she was mistreated as both a woman and a bastard. I want a scene where Alys uses idk herbs and shit (they called her a witch close enough) to soothe some chronic pain re: Aemond's eye and for there to be a moment where she touches his face all gentle like and he's just staring at her (and also I have my own personal headcanon that Alys has a habit of tracing a finger on his face on the scarred side, not on the scar itself but just the side, very gentle, Aemond loves it). I want to discuss Alys's potential clairvoyance and that she might have seen what's gonna happen above God's Eye and that thing Ewan said about Aemond always knowing when he's gonna die and how in a way and that painful discussion that neither of them wants but they both know that the end is drawing near. He married her, they got pregnant, he wanted to be happy with her, he wanted her.
Also I desperately need a scene with them and Vhagar like the one Daemon and Mysaria got, Aemond taking Alys's hand and placing it on Vhagar and Vhagar accepting it and even leaning into it and Alys is beaming and Aemond's just watching her. Even wrote half of it though I'm being lazy about finishing it but: In that moment, watching the sweep of her hair, the curve of her smile, the sparkle in those eyes, Aemond thinks that Alys Rivers is the most lovely woman he has ever laid eyes on in all his life.
For the first one, I think they're neat, I read some fics a while back where I thought huh, not bad, and also both Nikolaj and Emilia are really hot so I'm into it, plus it has the potential to be juicy given the Aerys stuff. For the second one, idek if it's a "ship" per se, I just adore their dynamic and their relationship and I wanna see all the emotions from them in season 2, every single emotion on every single possible spectrum between them, at all points. There should be no boring scenes between them, and they should all make me want to cry in ten million different ways.
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agathazinha2009 · 2 months
Back in 2020 I just had find out Godzilla Existence and it was great
One month later I thought "Why not make it human?" and omg I spend nights thinking on a Ghidorah(My fav kaiju) human design and BOOM!
-What If Ghidorah had bangs? one each side
my mind was blowing lmao I thought "omg I'm genious" and literally 5 months later I find out about Ruubesz existence and his gijinkas.
that was my reaction lmao
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I was shocked, I mean I just shared the same braincell with someone else lmao
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anyway, Lots of Gijinka kaijus of my Au are similar to his coincidently lmao but I will change it, except Ghidorah bros, the design is gorgeous and I don't think I can have another great idea for them again. the coincidence was killing me lol
anyway I'm rebuilding my Godzilla Gijinka Au and I will start with San :D
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maybe one day I will do it on digital(Maybe when I learn lmao I do not understand a single THING in digital art, congrats if you do digital art you have my full respect)
little comic lol
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well that's my human version of Kevin-San, since he and Ruubesz Kevin are basically siblings, I changed the much I could for not see it has the same character.
His personality is more to Canon than Fanon, which means he is curious but also cruel and mean, also very vengeful. San is always carrying a notepad and pencil for doing notes about humans(he doens't write but Draw, cause is more dynamic for him lmao), He were once "Adorable and funny" but after GvsK events he became more like his brothers.
currently lives in Mecha Godzilla City(hidden city from other Kaijus, just like in the anime) but after a time he will live by himself in Hong Kong, and he is bestie with Shin Godzilla and see Kiryu like a master or guider.
Kevin hates certain humans, and look at us with superiority and disgust, but also think humans are fascinating. His brothers came back to life thanks to Kevin, but they don't see each other anymore(Ichi and Ni don't have contact with San).
After GvsK events, and meeting the other Mechas, Kevin did notice Mechas were no well-seem beetween the flesh kaijus, and with it, especially being now a Godzilla similar, he thinks his brothers will hate on him. So he keeps distance, besides, sometimes Kevin do stalk them just for checking(San actually miss them a lot, also Ni and Ichi miss San, but he's scared of being rejected)
anyway, got quite big, but there it is. hope you like it
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icyfox17 · 9 months
feel free to continue on w fav mems/achievements :B i loved reading them bc i can never rmb my own memories
WAVESS finally getting to this one :D i wanted to wait for a day where i could properly focus on the answer eueueu
Gonna provide a cut bc im pre sure im gonna rambleeee
edit: ANOTHER ONE THAT I DIDNT POST PROPERLY HELP MEEE I think I just assumed the save draft was the post button help this was from so many days ago I'm so sorry beanz
♤ A moment I remember clearly that I'd love to go back to is sleeping with Milo. He used to curl up right under my neck and it was the cutest fucking tag ever, it was so comforting and I may have died from allergies but it was sooo worth it man ohmygod
◇ Eating at Red Robins with my mom right before going to a concert. Ider which concert ngl but idk it was just . Such a happy moment. Tbh all of the concerts I've been to with my mom (tswift, nick jonas and demi levato, tøp) are all very fond memories of mine. They were all superrr fun :))
♡ oooo idr if i mentioned this in the other one but CHOIRR vocal jazz was a lot of fun, like going downtown with everyone? It was Such an Experience man /pos
♧ VISITING MY AUNT UP NORTH ON THE ISLAND OHKYGODDD both times but i def preferred this last time bc i got to do a lot more exploring of the town myself :D i love my aunt and i love my baby cousin, he's such a menace but he's fucking adorable and really fun to hang out with (even if he gets a little much sometimes). The island itself is gorgeous and wow... the amount of wildlife i got to see was so dope. And just . We went to this small side island and we had the island to ourself LIKE A WHOLE FUCKING ISLAND . TO OURSELF IT WAS SO COOL MAN OHKYGOSHHH that trip was honestly so fucking cool man i loved it smmm i cant wait to go back rahhss
♤ watching the flash (before it got bad) with my mom :)) those times were honestly so lovely idk it was Our Special Bonding Time wout my siblings it was just . Really specisl and nice
◇ fencinggg, i miss fencing so much man, i really hope i get back into it this year omg. The feeling of doing well, outsmarting someone, dodging, getting a point. Ahhhh, there's nothing else like it. So satisfying. I miss the way it felt to be completely and utterly fluid with the the blade.
♡ playing cards with my dad and his friends, late at night while listening to 90s r&b and rap, very nice vibes:))
♧ this one morning my dad and stepmom making pancakes while listening to ccr. My stepmom kept being like "wait this song is ALSO ccr?!?!?" bc she knew of the band but she never actually knew all the songs were by them it was really funny but also super lovely
♤ christmas. I love christmas man. Specifically waking up early in the morning to the smell of coffee and land of knod (a type of cinnamon bun thingy that my stepmom always makes), dibbying out all the presents to every person as we all choose our spots, opening presents. Christmas cookies, i looove christmas cookies, i love making them tooo.
◇ playing dnd, both with my fam and with my friends. I have so many chaotic and silly moments from that. I miss dnd so bad
♡ this one time i stood outside in the pouring rain on the grass in my socks. It was such a... freeing moment. Bc yknow people hate getting their socks wet, it's very cursed, but i Did it. I did it on purpose. And it was so nice honestly. Just the feeling of the rain pressing down on my skin, the cool air breathing on it compared to the suffocating heat from inside my house... ough i love rain
♧ in a similar but almost opposite fashion, lying down in the sun on the grass field outside of our highschool. It was so calming. I still love lying down in the grass, I do it at uni too. I just put on some music and just... enjoy the moment. I dig my hands into the dirt. I love the feeling of it on my skin, i love looking at its lasting impression, even after i wipe my hands clean of it. It makes me feel alive and content to be in that moment.
♤ hehe watching tommys vlogs with my stepmom. Back when tommys vlogs first started coming out, they came out weekly, and i was visiting my stepmom weekly too so it worked out. It was a lovely lil routine between us :))
◇ scrapbooking with my dads wife, it was such a fun creative outlet and i actually got to do something with my photos for once, rather than have them just sit on my phone
♡ driving with my stepmom up that same beautiful highway i mentioned last time, going up to the waterfalls with my stepmom
♧ OOOHH HIKINGG so many hikes but there was this one Insane one where we had to 4x4 up this mountain and we went to the top of the peak and there were so many wildflowers and barely any ppl since its such an intense hike and omg it was so peaceful i wanna go back...
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katasstrophy · 1 year
Rivv bbie soooo how are the Tokrev blorbos doin' in there? You see when I was rotting w tokrev irl I haven't got a blog here yet so I really have no one to scream w except my irl friends but after I got here, I saw them tokrev men whoring around on this hellsite spreading legs omg. Tch tch tch these men. Butt I'm so glad u finished it!! Now I see Koko in the pfp but really need to know who's on top of the rank and can we at least get a top 10 fav? If not top 5 will do! 🦢💋
SWAN BBIE!! omg this is so late i meant to answer this waaayy earlier but LMFAOO tokrev men whoring around on the hellsite plsss i’m dead you’re not wrong!!! 💀🤚 i’m so glad i got into it too bc now i’m like. atrociously obsessed with it like it’s not even funny anymore.
you can ABSOLUTELY get my top 10 favs i’m rubbing my hands together greedily i’m soooo ready take a peek of the list under the cut!! 👀
1. MIKEY — this is really a no brainer for me sano manjiro the man that you are… crazy he’s so precious to me i’m always in my feels about him 🥹🥹🥹 he just. went through so much he deserves someone to be head over heels in love with him (it’s me) i’d literally gobble down every version of him he’s that powerful<3
2. SANZU — this off the rails cotton candy mfer dEAR. GOD have mercy. it’s so sexy of him to be this insane i always love a man who devotes himself to twisted loyalty bc in my head that means if you have him hooked he’s locked down for LIFE and i’m. so into that 🫶 let me lick him like a popsicle that’s all i ask!!!!
3. KOKO — my husband ofc!!! ugh he’s so slutty with that tongue of his it’s like he’s asking for me to suck on it smh 🙄 but yeah <3 the sugar daddy is strong in this one he’d take such good care of you i’m literally so in love with him i just know it in my bones that he’s the ideal lover
4. CHIFUYU — OMG MY ANGEL BABY MY PRINCESS WAAAHH :((( he’s just sooooo<3 a cutie a certified simp like if you’re looking for the perfect candidate for idiots to lovers DING DING you’ve found it it’s him. also timeskip fuyu?? with a dark undercut? 😳 legs automatically SPREAD
5. DRAKEN — literally malfunctioning thinking about this man… he’s so big and strong but also so selfless and caring akskisbdbdka i want himmm 🥹🥹 tears in my eyes pls he’s do ANYTHING for you and lord knows he’d rail you into next week (you keep a tally of how many bed frames you’ve broken PLSS i just know he’d make you laugh<3)
6. YUZUHA — *screaming* THAT’S MY WIFE!!!! no literally like i’m obsessed with her i really think she’s one of the strongest characters in tokrev for all she sacrificed and done to protect her brother :(( i support women’s wrongs 10000% stab your big bro in the back queen ur doing amazing!! and she’s sooooo gorgeous omg literally in awe <33
7. THE HAITANIS — okay technically this is cheating lol but COME ON when it comes to brothers in manga/anime… you end up wanting both like it’s the rule. them 🫶 i keep ping ponging between them all the time, depends on the day who i want more no joke but they’re both deeply damaged and so hot for that yummmm. also they’re like so funny their panels we’re batshit i was giggling
8. HANMA — NEED I SAY MORE jfc he’s fucked in the head omg but am i into that?? yes absolutely. classic example of no i can make him worse<333 he has all the (what i consider to be) “hot red flags” lol like he’s possessive as shit but it’s bc he realized he probably can’t live without you now oop
9. MITSUYA — ngl he wasn’t initially on my list but he’s been growing on me 👀 like he’s so hot and confident and FOR WHAT SIR PLS just one chance. plus he’s a fashion designer boy sign me uppp i can be his muse<3 his inspiration<3 we’d look so good together i just know it
10. EMMA — there’s just something about the sano siblings that makes me immediately wanna be in my feels and cherish them forever 🥹🥹 emma’s no different she’s such a sweetheart and a mother hen (and again. GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL PHEEWW) she deserves all the good things ever<333
honorable mentions bc i literally can’t control myself — senju. baji. kakucho. kazutora.
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Dating Class 1-A best bois + Shinsou
(bc our sleepy lavender-haired boy will always be in 1-A in our hearts💖)
Includes: Bakugou, Todoroki, Shinsou, Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero
Gender neutral I think?? I didn’t proof read and i have a tendency to write for myself so...
💥Bickering. Constantly.
💥Friends w/ his Mom
💥He cooks for you bc otherwise you would survive off of minute ramen let’s be real
💥Vv possessive and protective of you (not bc he doesn’t trust you or know you can take care of yourself tho, like, trust me, Bakubabe ain’t gon date no wuss)
💥He calls you ”My extra” (not my idea, I read this in a fanfic somewhere and latched onto the name bc fUCKTHAT’SCUTE)
💥Makes you actually study (or dies trying)
💥Tries his best to be the #1 bf because he has to win at everything he really is whipped for you
💥He tries to pretend he doesn’t care but it shows
💥Does sweet stuff for you vv aggressively
      - “Oi, L/N, take this...I got it at the store but I don’t want it.” “Bakugou, this is my favorite drink.” “Yeah so what?” “You got this for me didn’t you?” “I DID NOT!!!” “Mhmmm sure.” “I DIDN’T!! FUCK YOU YOU EXTRA, JUST BECAUSE WE’RE DATING DOESN’T MEAN I LIKE YOU OR ANYTHING SO DON’T GO GETTING ANY IDEAS!!!”
💥”I love you Katsuki” *glares and looks away, blushing* “Yeah whatever, I love you too I guess.”
💥Truly a Tsundere
❄🔥This boy feels so lucky to have you as his S/O lemme tell you
❄🔥He spoils the heck out of you, like trust me, Daddy’s money ain’t goin’ to waste 🤑🤑🤑
❄🔥And he memorizes all your fav snacks, songs, tv shows, movies, activities, etc.
❄🔥Socially tho he is oblivious AF but he tries his best pls help him.
❄🔥You cuddle with different sides of him depending on your temperature.                 - Like, Cold? Boom! Left-side Shoto. Hot? Boom! Right-side Shoto.
❄🔥Doesn’t initiate physical affection but craves it constantly (love him pls he’s touch-starved)
❄🔥You trash Endeavor all the time and it warms his heart that you care enough about him to be so angry on his behalf
❄🔥Don’t get me wrong tho we will support him fully if he wants to repair their relationship
❄🔥100% takes you to meet his Mom...you two are the most important ppl in his life ofc he’s gonna want you to meet
🎮Roasting each other 25/8
🎮Napping together
🎮”’Toshi! Cat!” “Where?!” “There! C’mon!”
🎮Uses his quirk on you but never in a disrespectful way                                      - “Pay attention to me!” “I can’t rn Hitoshi!” “Why?” “Because I have to study!” “Y/N you’ve BEEN studying, take a break!” *uses quirk to make you come cuddle him*
🎮Gaming together
🎮Y’all hardly ever go on ‘dates’ you just hang out all the time bc ur besties UwU
🎮Movie nights where you ironically watch movies like ‘Twilight’ and make SO MUCH COMMENTARY
🎮Honestly like 90% of your interactions give off vibes that you two hate each other so when ppl find out you’re dating they’re hella confused
🎮”I hate you.” “Then stop hugging me.” “No” “Bitch.” “Asshole.”
🎮Best friends who kiss n’ stuff
⚡Charges things for you (charger!Denki owns my entire heart I’m-😍)
⚡Pick up lines
⚡Couple tik toks
⚡Meme/Vine references
⚡Crackhead energy for dAYZ
⚡Karaoke dates
⚡Pokeman jokes
     - Like, if you lose him in a store you have your own version of marco polo where you say “Gotta catch ‘em all” and he’ll respond with pikachu noises
⚡He is your hype man 100% like, he just wants you to know how amazing you are so he will tell you as often as he can
⚡Physical affection too
       - he kinda clingy but you don’t mind at all
⚡He’ll accidentally zap you sometimes. Like when he gets overly excited but let’s be real when is he not or in his sleep 
       -(but he’ll do it on purpose sometimes too if you know what I mean 👀🥵😏)
⚡If you give him something he’ll treasure it FOREVER no matter how small or random
⚡Just- sweet boy isn’t afraid to look like a fool in love for you and we stan ✋😭
📼Most lowkey and supportive bf you will eVER meet
📼He’s so considerate and supportive ugh I’m weak
📼And I feel like this boi got style ok 
        - Like imagine him in some ripped jeans and a baggy white shirt with a jean jacket and some nikes 👀🔥✨
📼I will bet you $50 that our flex tape mans can do your hair and it look better than if you did it
📼You call him ‘Serotonin’
📼He rolls his eyes but lowkey loves it and thinks it’s the cutest fucking thing bc iT IS
📼Standing behind you and resting his chin on your head/shoulder
📼You play with his tape sometimes when ur feeling bored or fidgety
📼Candid photos of you are his fav
📼He loves to watch you in general and he’ll smile to himself
📼And he lovingly teases you just to see you get all pouty or mad bc u entertain him to no end
📼Overall he’s just a total package
👊Never pressures you to do anything or makes you even slightly uncomfortable 
👊Calls you beautiful or gorgeous instead of hot
👊The cute thing is that his personality is ADORABLE with yours no matter what your personality type is
     - Like, Antisocial? Anger issues? Pessimist? Boy have I got a mans for you
     - Extrovert? Super sweet? Optimistic? Boy have I STILL got a mans for you
👊Helping him dye his hair
👊Your friends and family all ADORE him
👊If you have siblings they’re all “When are you bringing Kirishima to visit?” “Did you invite Kirishima?” “Tell Kirishima I said hi!”
👊He’s their fav sibling now. 
👊You’re just gonna hafta deal with the fact that you’ll always be 2nd place (except to Kiri)
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lunarfly · 3 years
Defending Harmione part 3!
I'm back to defend my fav ship!
I have a part 1 where I debunked some of the most popular arguments against Harmione and in part 2 I debunked the "siblings" argument. Time for part 3! This one is going to be about a video on YouTube titled "Why Harry and Hermione Wouldn't Work - Harry Potter Video Essay" and I'll go over the points the YouTuber made and try my best to debunk them. 💘
Also, I accept that there's still a few minor flaws to the ship, but these little flaws and obstacles make every ship beautiful. 🥀
1. "It would be too cliche. The hero gets the smartest and prettiest girl as a trophy."
This is a fair argument to the whole story itself, but it doesn't defeat the ship in any way. If you put it in other words: "Harry and Hermione wouldn't work together because they're both very powerful and great and that would make it very cliche." That's silly. But even that isn't right. The situation isn't exactly how people make it seem.
Hermione isn't the all-perfect girl, the most beautiful, the most intelligent, everything perfect. She has flaws, many flaws (which weren't portrayed in the movies) and she is a very realistic character. She is intelligent and productive, she is a perfectionist in a way, but that also causes her to be very anxious and stressed out at moments, she puts too much pressure on herself, and she's also insecure! Who said Hermione was the most beautiful one? Just because Emma Watson was gorgeous doesn't mean Hermione was too. Of course, Harry thought she was pretty according to OotP, but it's clearly stated in the books that she wasn't the prettiest girl in the series. Fleur, Cho and even Ginny were much more beautiful. Hermione is NOT the perfect superstar.
You might say that even if she's not perfect, she's still the female lead. But the actual "cliche" part is about the hero ending up with the perfect superstar and not necessarily with the other lead hero.
So back to Hermione being the brightest witch of her age. But her being very bright and powerful doesn't make her a bad match for Harry. Ginny was very smart in fact, she was beautiful and funny, very sassy and confident. Why isn't she considered as a trophy for Harry?
The point is, NO, Hermione is NOT a perfect all-star and their relationship wouldn't even have to be built on the hero and the heroine being perfect, their relationship would be built on trust and loyalty.
2. "Harry and Hermione's relationship prove that a male and a female can be friends without having a romantic relationship, so we shouldn't ruin that."
Yes, it's truly a beautiful demonstration that a male and a female can be best friends, but this says nothing that's actually against the ship, just like the previous one. If you put this in other words, it would sound like this: "Harry and Hermione were amazing best friends so they can't date." I understand that their friendship was amazing, but that in no way means their relationship would be bad. Of course, you don't have to see their relationship as romantic just because they were good friends, you can see it as platonic, but I'm just saying that the argument makes no sense.
Besides, was Hermione really the only female friend Harry had? What about Luna? What about Ginny (if you consider Harry and Hermione start dating and Ginny remains a friend, she was clearly very included after OoTP)? What about Ron's friendship with Hermione? What about Ron and Luna's friendship? What about Neville and Luna's friendship? What about Harry's quidditch teammates (Alicia, Katie, Angelina)? Why does everyone always make it seem like Hermione was the only female friend he had? Surely she was his only BEST friend but then Ron and Hermione were best friends too...
3. "It ruins the dynamic of the story. Harry's relationships were never meant to be the main focus, just a demonstration of his maturity. While Ron and Hermione's relationship developing in the background is nice to see."
I really didn't want to drag Romione into this because it's my second favorite ship from the entire Harry Potter universe. Just a disclaimer that anything I say here is not meant to bash Romione and hate on it because I'm truly a big fan of them and their love is undeniable.
I also mention Ginny and Harry's relationship in this and I have to say they're ALSO one of my favorite ships in the entire hp universe so no hate to them either. 🥺
Okay, so, basically every point he made in his video was about the story and not their actual relationship. The title is wrong, this doesn't show why Harry and Hermione wouldn't work, he's just saying how it would change the storyline. But I think we are all already aware that Harry and Hermione getting together would change a lot in the story. But I'll go over it anyways.
First of all, I don't entirely agree that Harry's relationships weren't the main focus, I mean half of the half-blood prince was about him developing feelings for Ginny-
But anyways, if Harry and Hermione were going to end up together, it would still happen in a similar way. We have all read the beautiful moments they shared together throughout the books, and those would've been enough for them to develop their feelings, but just not realize it until the last 2 books. We wouldn't have to add in any scenes that would change the story massively to lead them to falling in love, honestly, we had enough already in the books. So the only thing that would change would be probably Harry not developing feelings for Ginny, but instead slowly realizing his feelings for Hermione. Simple!
And as for Romione, I agree, the slowburn was beautiful, but we could've had the same thing, same development but as a friendship! Ron's character arc is one of my favorite things about the series and nobody can convince me that it wasn't amazing. Instead of Ron changing for Hermione to become her lover, we could have Ron changing for her to become a better friend. His character arc remains the same and Ron Hermione become best friends. Of course this would change many scenes and the storyline would've changed a lot as I already mentioned, but hey! At least we wouldn't have Ron haters who bash him for mAkInG hErMiOnE cRy. 🤡 And JKR could add different scenes instead of the ones hinting at Ron and Hermione's romantic relationship. We still would have had a beautiful story with a VERY SIMILAR dynamic.
4. "Harry wasn't the kind of guy Hermione was looking for. She already made a mistake with dating Viktor Krum, and she realized she didn't need a hero. She was a hero herself. Although Harry ≠ Viktor, they have very similar qualities like: bravery, loyalty and they are both heroes."
This is probably the best argument of the entire *almost* 5 minute video.
But there's still so much wrong with this.
Bravery and loyalty are literally Ron's best traits lmao. That's exactly why she chose him. 🤣 Every Romione shipper knows she doesn't value intelligence and looks, she values bravery, courage, loyalty. That's exactly what she said in the first book and stuck by it until the end.
She didn't need a hero? She was a hero herself? - Then why are we forgetting that Ron was also a hero? Everyone always makes it seem like Harry and Hermione are the mighty heroes and Ron is their goofy sidekick. He was also a hero! I believe he is even on the chocolate frog cards (correct me if I'm wrong)! And we all know that's the biggest flex. 😌
But besides that, Ron and Harry are very similar in many ways. They're both brave, they're both loyal, they both like to have fun, they're both lazy, they're both amazing at quidditch, they're both talented (Harry is very powerful and he's good at DADA, while Ron can do many impressive things like mimic voices and come up with quick solutions even when he's under pressure and his life depends on it!). So if Hermione liked one and thought he was her "type", then there's a hight possibility she liked the other too. In canon, she only likes Ron obviously, but I'm saying that since Ron and Harry are so similar and share the same traits, Hermione could've chosen Harry too.
Anyways, that's all that the video included, it was very nice hearing different opinions and I actually wasn't writing this out of anger like I wrote the post about defending Romione against *the ridiculously stupid* arguments that Dr*mione shippers like to use.
Once again, if it isn't clear, I STAN both Romione and Hinny, but Harmione definitely could've worked. :)
Thanks for reading! ~ Lia <3
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Art: Asha47110 on DeviantArt :)
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bitchiha · 4 years
I just found your blog, and I love it already. Can I request relationship hc for Kankuro and Darui(if you write him)?
✎ Relationship HC’s (Kankuro, Darui)
A/N: so I’m proud I actually managed to whip a post out lol, also Kank and Darui are some of my fav characters and I’m sad I haven’t written much for either of them... anyways, enjoy and thank you for requesting this, wonderful anon!
So we can just jump straight into it here: you’re gonna have to put up with all the puppets. Like when you come over to his apartment for the first time you probably have 5 mini heart attacks. You’re shrieking around every corner you turn because there is always damn puppet there waiting for you. Sometimes it’s not even a full puppet, just a puppet limb. This continues to scare the shit out of you when you move eventually move in too. Like it’s something you cannot escape.
Yes, he does have a work room, but his work is not limited to that room (that’s what he’ll sassily tell you as he picks up the puppet you flung across the room because it basically jump scared you.) However.. Little by little you notice that he starts to leave less and less puppet parts around the house, which is really touching because Kank can be stubborn as fuck sometimes.
Also, he loves when you come over and sit on his lap while he works on one of his puppets; bonus if you let him blab about them. Honestly you don’t have to even listen, just make it look like you are. Let your hands play with his hair as you nod along whenever he pauses his sentence, knowing it’s a cue for a little response from you.
One of the scariest things you’ll have to deal with in the relationship is when Kankurou casually has conversations with his puppets. Like one night you came home a little late from work and you heard your boyfriend talking in a hushed tone and you’re like?? Who’s he talking to?? Figured it was Gaara because let’s be real.. Kank does not have a side hoe, he cannot get a side hoe, even if he wanted. So anyway.. You didn’t want to bother him, so you just quietly walk into the work room to peek inside, only to find Kank talking to one of his puppets. He notices you at the door and stops mid conversation and clears his throat, but it’s too late, you’ve already heard him.
“Kank.. babe.. we’re you talking to your puppet just now?” He just stares at you sheepishly, but the puppets still perched on his lap nonetheless, “... There’s no point in me denying it is there?”
He’s kinda shitty at gift giving on special occasions. Like he is just is so fucking bad that you’ve accepted the fact that your birthday gift will be a teddy bear like every single year. But he makes up for it with the random gifts he gives you throughout the year. Like if you’ve been away for a long time you always come home to some sort of cute little puppet waiting for you. He’s made one of your favourite animal, favourite anime character, mini versions of his own puppets, etc. At this point in the relationship you’re starting to get used to the puppets, so you end up keeping them on a shelf in your room. He always gets so giddy when he comes to your place and sees them displayed like that. And loves it even more when you keep them displayed after you move in together.
Sorry sweetheart, but if you do not like his siblings.. NEXT CALLER. Bye. He’s ending the relationship right there. But if you get along with them his heart melts, especially if you and Gaara become friends. Or like if you can remotely handle Gaara pre chunin exams. Yah will do it. He’s head over heels for you. You’re both protective mama bears now and will keep Temari and Gaara safe with your lives and vice versa.
Badass fighting duo. If anyone wants to fuck with Gaara or Temari you two are gonna fuck shit up to say the least. But even on missions too, like you guys can read eachother perfectly and even if you were bickering before the battle starts — all the tension goes out the window and you’re focused on the problem at hand. You can go back to flaming eachother afterwards. Just a little side note: he loves showing off his puppet skills. So don’t be surprised if he calls out “y/n! Babe! Y/n! Over here — This is how the Ant looks in action.” Then he proceeds to iron maiden the victim. Give him a thumbs up and congratulate him please. Even if it’s kinda a very graphic scene.
Kinda fucks with PDA tbh, like he tones it down once Gaara becomes Kazekage because he needs to keep up a respectable image, but still does light PDA. Pre Kazekage Gaara, he would suck your face off anywhere. But when Gaara becomes Kage, he just gives you quick kisses instead. Doesn’t go for handholding a lot, prefers having an arm around your shoulders or around your waist. Slaps your ass too, if there isn’t a lot of people around and he can get away with it. If you wanna make him jealous though, all that composure goes out the window.
KISS HIS HANDS. LOVE HIS HANDS. When you’re at home and you two are cuddling, run your thumb lightly over his knuckles, over his calloused palms, kiss the pads of his fingers... it just makes him so soft lol. Like kiss the scars of blisters or scratches from his work tools and he’s putty in your hands girl.
I’m 100% sure that Kank can handle a moody / bratty s/o. Like you’ve got a little spice? He can take that. Afterall, he handled little moody pre teen Gaara before, I’m sure he can handle you. Doesn’t mean he isn’t stubborn though, he won’t let you win arguments. Which is a problem if you’re stubborn too. You will argue for hours and wont even remember what you were arguing about to begin with, then one of you’ll have to be like: pause the music.. what were we even mad about? Neither of you can remember and you’ll just shrug it off and go out for ramen or something like nothing happened.
If you don’t already have somewhat of a thick skin when you start dating Kankurō, you will eventually form one. If not, shits not gonna work out. Like he’s just a teasing person and he likes to have little roast sessions, they just entertain him. He hardly ever oversteps himself when it comes to the banter, but if he does he’s kinda oblivious. If you start crying though he’ll feel so bad, like it was just mindless teasing he didn’t mean to make you cry. Will remember what made you react like that and won’t ever mention it again.
I think he also tells the best stories. Like he just has the best expressions and voice for it. Not to mention having a jinchuuriki and Kazekage as his brother; he’s experienced some crazy shit. He mindlessly babbles them out to you whenever something reminds him of that particular time. Like if he sees a person walking their dog, it brings him back to the time when he defended kiba against one of the Sound Four. Then boom. He just randomly blurts out the story as you two are walking.
Kankurou is a surprisingly good cuddler. He always wants to be the big spoon and likes to pull you close to his chest and sling his arm around you lazily when you’re watching tv together . He’s constantly getting his hands tangled in your hair because he loves to play with it. Sometimes if you fall asleep while he’s cuddling you, you’ll wake up two French braids or something. Honestly, you’ll be shocked at how he managed to do that at first, but let’s be real he probably styles his puppets hair in his free time.
Overall an entertaining s/o, I would reccomend.
Oh boyyyyyy... Where do I start with this guy? He’s such an amazing hype man. Like Darui is so fucking flattered that he managed to score such a smart and gorgeous person that he will never let you forget it. He swings you compliments all the time and they don’t even sound overbearing from him because he’s just that cool. Even the way he compliments you is cool. Don’t forget to compliment him too though.... pls be eachothers hype men.
He’s also the loyalist man you will ever meet — we see what he’s like with the Raikage, you can’t tell me otherwise. Like once the two of you are officially dating he is committed 100% to you and will do anything for you. So do not mistake his laid back demeanour for laziness because when it comes to your relationship he is ready to do whatever you want. You want a certain flavour of ice cream, but the store ran out? He will go to every single grocery store in the village to find you that flavour for you. His s/o deserves the best and if they can’t have their favourite ice cream then he won’t rest till they do. Literally. Sometimes you have to go out and find him and tell him it’s okay and that he can come home, you don’t need that flavour that badly.
Handles periods the best too. Like he’s actually mature about it for the most part. Will 100% go out and buy you tampons or pads because like I said, he will do whatever you want. He’s also practically a human heater so he will lay down with you and cuddle you to help relieve some of the cramp pains. Can figure out when you’re PMSing too and will handle it well too. Like you’re literally just spazzing out in the middle of the kitchen and you’re yelling about something that happened 2 years ago, he he just pulls you into a hug and holds you there until your anger dies down a little bit, then he picks you up and tucks you into bed. Idk how it works, but it does. Every single time.
When it comes to gift giving he’s so subtle about it. Like he isn’t the type to do something extravagant and flashy for his s/o, but his gifts are still so thoughtful and considerate that you can’t help but blush at them. He’s observant and he notices the things you like, what you talk about more than other things, etc. He takes all that into account when he wants to buy you a gift and every year he never fails to melt your heart. It also makes him super giddy when he sees you wearing / displaying his gifts in your room or something. He is always so insecure when he actually hands you the gift though, but the look of joy on your face instantly washes his hesitance away.
Honestly you two are the coolest couple in the whole Cloud, like you’re just such a badass duo. Omoi and Karui love you two, Killer Bee loves you two, Cee and the Raikage too. It’s kind of funny just how invested the Raikage is, though. Definitely cries hysterically if you and Darui get into a fight, hes all like “no! You two are meant to be, this can’t be happening!” And Darui is like... sir it was a minor fight, we’re still together... Killer Bee has also definitely made a rap about you two or at least used you two for a line in his rap. It was pretty garbage, but it’s the thought that counts; plus you guys are so cool that the rap just automatically becomes cool too.
Darui constantly apologizes for things that aren’t his fault. You learn to get used to it, but it’s a little confusing at first. One night he came to your apartment all depressed looking and he’s like “y/n, I’m so sorry, but I have to tell you this now.” And you think his ass is cheating on you or something because of how solemn he looks so you’re bracing yourself for the worst, when in reality he just wants to postpone your date an hour or two because he has to help the Raikage with something. You just stare at him for a good five minutes because wtf why didn’t he just call you? Like why does he look so distressed over something as minor as that??
Your fights don’t last very long at all. He’s a reasonable and understanding person, so he doesn’t initiate fights very often. I feel like you guys only really fight when it comes down to spending too much time apart. Like he’s been too busy with being the Raikages second hand man and you’ve been occupied with missions and your own business, you two just miss each other and kind of end up getting frustrated with each other and eventually you guys snap. Like you can’t make the date on Friday and want to re schedule, but Friday’s the only day he can make it. Cue snappy comments and one of you hanging up the phone on the other. Daruis always the first one to apologize though, go figure.
You guys are also another badass duo when it comes to fighting, like he’s super observant of you and he knows your next move before you know it. If you’re a bit on the impulsive side he’ll lowkey get frustrated because he doesn’t want you to get hurt when it’s something he can prevent. Especially if you’re fighting together, like he doesn’t want that on his conscience. Like you will never stop hearing him apologize if you get injured when he could have prevented it. You constantly have to shut him up lol.
Honestly playing with his hair is the best, he actually likes when you try and take care of it too. Even if it doesn’t work out all the time because you can’t really tame it, he loves the feeling of your fingers massaging his scalp anyway. So he’ll let you have your fun, but only you can touch it. His hair just feels so fucking nice too, like you have to refrain yourself from running your hands through his hair randomly. You definitely fluff it sometimes though.
He likes to be the big spoon when you two cuddle, but he doesn’t mind being the little one sometimes — only if you play with his hair though. Like just start running your hands through his hair and he’ll pass out just like that. Really likes when you lay your head on his chest and you just kind of sprawl yourself ontop of him. Sometimes he does that to you instead, especially after a long mission where he hasn’t seen you for a long time. He just lays his head on your chest and loves the feeling of your chest rising and falling gently as you sleep.
He is not that into pda, will wrap an arm around you or give you his jacket when you’re cold, but does not make out with you in public. If he’s feeling needy then he will simply pull you into an alley and kiss you there, but he’s pretty good at controlling himself and hardly ever needs to do that. Gives you occasional kisses on the cheek though, but absolutely no touching around the Raikage. Even if the Raikage literally doesn’t care. Darui just thinks it’s uncool.
You guys have super chill dates. Like just going out to dinner or hanging out at each others houses. The best dates are the spontaneous ones. Darui doesn’t do them all that often, but whenever there’s like a thunderstorm or a rainstorm outside, he will run to your place and you two will watch it together. Like just perch yourselves on the windowsill with a bunch of blankets and some snacks and you’re good to go. It’s kinda dangerous but both of your definitely fall asleep on the windowsill.
10/10 overall. Darui is so fucking cool he owns my ass.
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wayward-pendragon · 3 years
My favourite animated shows on Netflix
Hi y’all! Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe☺️ bc uni is soooo stressful I have been coping by rewatching some of my fav cartoons on Netflix and I thought I’d share! It’s a small list so if anyone has any recommendations leave a comment or send me a message!! (I’m not including any animes bc otherwise we would be here all day)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (my literal fav show ever) (3 seasons, 61 episodes)
I can’t even begin to describe how absolutely amazing this show is. I have been doing an annual rewatch of ATLA for just over a decade now, and I love it. I’m pretty sure most people are familiar with the show but for those are you who are not, it is set in a world where people can control the elements and the avatar is the only one that can master all 4 and keeps in the peace in the world. After the fire nation starts a war to basically take over the world, the avatar mysteriously vanishes and is discovered 100 years later by 2 siblings. This follows their journey as the avatar must learn to master all of the elements and bring peace to the world once again. This is a really trash summary but the overall premise, characters, THE SOUND TRACK, and literally aspect of this show is phenomenal and I can’t recommend it enough. If you like this one, the second series Legend of Korra is also amazing, sadly it was taken of Netflix for my region tho.
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Voltron: Legendary Defender (8 seasons, 76 episodes)
Giant robotic space lions. That’s the show. Just ur average ragtag squad fighting to protect the galaxy from evil alien invasion... with giant space lions. I went into this show knowing very little and really I think that made me enjoy it more. The characters are fantastic and the world is so much fun. This show made me laugh and cry and cheer, it really deserves all the hype it got when it was airing (maybe not the last season tho.. don’t come for me plz). The fights scenes were so sick and this show was just honestly so good plz watch it.
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Miraculous Ladybug (77 episodes on Netflix +1 of the movies, on-going)
Oh boy here we go. This cartoon originally aired in France, but got soooo popular that its now dubbed in 5 languages on Netflix. I watched both the English and French versions as French is my second language and it helps to keep my comprehension skills intact (both versions are 👌👌). The show follows 2 high schools students who were chosen to protect Paris from evil. This crime fighting duo work together as Ladybug and Cat Noir, but must keep their identities a secret, even from each other. You can imagine what kind of situations this leads to 😂. This show is so creative and precious, it’s really cute but can also pull at your emotions which really surprised me. The characters are 10/10 and the love fricken square makes you want to pull your hair out but I am sooooo invested at this point. Netflix has the episodes in a really funky or so I suggest reading some Reddit posts or consulting TikTok/youtube to find the best order.
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The Dragon Prince (27 episodes, on-going)
Honestly the animation style is what originally drew me to the show, but I stayed for the adorable characters and their adventures. The animation is gorgeous I really enjoy the direction they took the art style for this show! The characters are also sooo cute and everyone has their own little mission or back story, it’s just a fun adventure show with magic and a whole bunch of fun creatures. The very simplified summary is that 2 brothers (princes) end up having to go on adventure to protect the egg of the dragon prince and return it to its mother to bring peace to their land. It kinda ended?? But I think it’s been picked up for a whole ass saga so I highly recommend checking it out.
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Pokémon: Indigo league (52 episodes on Netflix, 80 eps total)
Okay this one is a little controversial because I’m pretty sure it’s technically considered anime but this shit was my childhood. Whenever I don’t know what to watch or need something playing in the background I always put on indigo league. It just brings back that nostalgia and I love it so much. If you have not watched this already or are look for a little nostalgia, indigo league is for you.
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Ships and Feels about them
HUGE self-indulgent post but my brain is frozen and I need to get the juices flowing so I can start studying, because if I don’t get into the college I want I just might have to kill myself and then y’all can say bye-bye to your fav fics by your majesty. 
YoruSoi- status: worSHIPPING (geddit? XD) them like the goddesses they are
I regularly play Wicked Ones by Dorothy and just imagine these two tag-teaming against their opponents, like the crazy, badass, ninja lesbians they are. It fucking gives me goosebumps and makes me blush like I am imagining them rawing each other instead. I am a big time SUCKER for powerful, cut-throat wlw. They make me feel powerful by extension, and my devotion for these two is completely unparalleled. 
VictUuri- status: will protect them with my life  
First of all, I love how layered and interesting they are. I can think about this show and this ship for hours and hours on end ( @feastingonvicturi will vouch for that). I naturally gravitate towards angsty ships and writing (because I am a weird sado-maso cross, what can I say) except for these two fluffy bastards. I had been putting off watching YOI because of the weird things I had read about ‘yaoi’ animes (IK YOI is not yaoi, now) till someone told me how pure and deep their love for each other was and welp, here we are. 
RenRuki- status: comfort ship I’ll defend till death
It was one of my first ships and even as I multi-shipper, I always had a preference for them. Childhood-friends-to-lovers trope tugs on my heartstrings like little else and Renji’s devotion towards Rukia warms my heart. I hear them in nearly every song, imagine them in every scenario I read or write about and even though I have multiple ships I adore involving Rukia and Renji both, the two together is everything to me. (Presently obsessed with the amazing hcs and art by @recurring-polynya you might wanna check them out)
KaiRay- status: heart is taking a break, but remains firmly attached
I got into Beyblade BECAUSE of this ship, because of the moments these two shared in V-Force that I caught glimpses of when my younger siblings were watching the show. I love Kai and Ray’s dynamic and I guess what attracts me the most to this ship is the fact that as a teenager I was exactly like Kai and had my own personal Ray who got me through the worst in life. I love the sense of sweet nostalgia this couple brings me and I believe they are perfect for each other. 
MariahEmily- status: coffee shop AU, anyone? 
I was HUGE on MariahxRay but strong, stylish, kinda bitchy, dumb thot falling for the highly educated and fierce lady boss she doesn’t really know how to approach is another one of my favourite tropes, (see: PansMione, down under). I saw them interact and due to personal reasons my brain rejects petty rivalry between girls (because we’re all tired of that, children, be honest) and immediately tries to fix it in fanon. ( @trashyartz  and her beautiful drawings had a lot to do with fanning these flames.) 
ShunUki- status: want them to adopt me
Need I say more? No, but I wanna. I love the steady, secure vibes of this ship. This is the one ship I physically can’t write angsty shit about because of the level of understanding and sense of comfort these two share. They give me kind and strong dad vibes and I have emotionally been an orphan since I was in my early teens so. 
WolfStar- status: they’re canon, JKR can suck my toes
Fucking TERF 
Listen, listen, have you been listening? I mentioned I am a sucker for angst, right? Are you looking at the angst potential here, cause wow. What originally attracted me to this ship was the Chemistry between the two, cause it’s undeniable. You can NOT imagine Maurauders’ Era without imaging these two pining over each other. It’s impossible. 
PansMione- status: toxic and problematic, but oh so hot
I got on this ship because I was craving some quality wlw ships. You guys’ I can not explain to you how often female characters in shows and books do not pass the Bechdel test and I stumbled on some gorgeous PansMione art and just fell in love. IK this ship is hella problematic, but I am firm on my stance that the baby Slytherins deserve a redemption arc. 
Can you imagine these two after Pansy realises everything she did wrong and vows to be better? I imagine Hermione stumbling on a hurt and confused Pansy in year 8, who can’t stop her tears from flowing and is so ashamed of herself for that. She is feeling guilty and resisting the emotion with everything she possesses because the world she’d always known has crumbled down around her and everything she believed in has now been proven to be wrong. 
She lashes out at Hermione because how dare that smart, gorgeous, courageous girl also be everything Pansy once thought she was? How dare she, a muggleborn, unravel the complicated threads of the wizard world so quickly, so efficiently, and clearly see what Pansy never could? Pansy is hurt and guilty and angry and she hates the fact that fucking Granger of all people has now witnessed her crying. 
She feels lost and her anger only rages louder when Hermione doesn’t gloat or belittle her, she doesn’t say anything. 
(Why is this turning into a ficlet, WHAT) 
Anyways, Pansy gets over herself and she and Hermione get together and oh my god, imagine them then. Smart, powerful, righteous Hermione taking the fucking Wizarding World by a storm every single day with her sexy, vivacious, clever Pansy by her side. They’d be unstoppable and they’d love each other something fierce. It would show in the way they look at each other, with a sense of victory, not only over Voldemort but over the entire Wizarding society that had done everything it could to tear them apart, and ultimately failed. 
(BONUS: Imagine Ron and Harry being utter dorks when they go to Pride parades with Hermione and let the image cleanse your skin and soul. @feastingonvicturi @trashyartz one of you (or both?) needs to collab with me so I can write a fix it fic for these two, please. I will pledge my soul to the devil to be used and abused as per Trashy’s whims in exchange. Taura will do it cause she’s my best friend and loves me more than I deserve to be loved.)
(In conclusion, I adore every single one of these ships and am willing to slice a bitch’s throat to protect their honour. Except for YoruSoi, they are fictional characters IK but I am convinced they do not need anybody’s protection, least of all this dumb fuck’s and just might laugh at the very idea.) 
Also, feel free to reblog or comment with rants about your own ships even if they go directly against mine. More love to you if you expand on the ships I mentioned here myself. Tell me about your poison of choice, go ahead. 
But if any one of you dares to send hate to any of my ships, please know that I am something of a God in my own capacity and will smite you with my preferred weapon of choice i.e. blindness in the face of adorable puppies or kittens (in pictures, videos, art, real life or otherwise). Beware. Let people love what they love.
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imbellarosa · 4 years
Hiii! I was wondering if you read fanfic?? And if so, what are your fav tropes/works??
Hi!!!! I read A LOT of fic from A LOT of fandoms! My fav tropes are either flat comedy or enemies to friends to lovers or friends to lovers or something like that! I only read happy endings, but I don’t mind some angst in the middle. Idk what fandom you’re looking for so I’m gonna give you a list of some of my all time favs from EVERY fandom, and I’ll add one that I’ve written!
Walk That Mile by purpledaisy- 150k words 1D enemies to friends to lovers road trip AU across the US for a fun, banter-y time with some real communication issues that really get resolved well. People always say that a rom com should have a good answer for “why can’t they be together NOW?” And this one does it really well! No real angst, and a lot of fun. 
Have Love, Will Travel by @kingsofeverything - 97k words 1D YouTubers on a roadtrip AU! If you liked the first one on this list, you’re gonna love this one too! Sweet and long and full of the memories you would make on a road trip. Lots of laughs with this one, and I wish I could see the “Have Road, Will Travel” video series irl! 
Tell Me Now, Tell Me Now by @vanillabeanniall - 55k words 1D Miraculous Ladybug AU but you don’t need to watch the show to ADORE it - I know that I sure do!! Funny and sweet and SUPER ironic, with superheroes and Paris mixed in and great characters! Who wouldn’t love it?
So Let’s Cross the Lines We’ve Lost by thecoloursneverfade - 165k words 1D friends to enemies to friends to lovers uni AU that was one of the first that I read in the fandom and really made me fall in love! Good friends, some angst, hard convos that lead to real growth, and lots of really great characters. This feels real, for a lack of a better word, and is always compelling. 
Ain’t That A Kick in the Head by keysmashlesbian, wreckingtomlinson (karasunonolibero) - 23k words 1D comedy AU ft. football player!Louis, Disaster gay!Harry, memes, frogs, head dives, Blue Coolattas (whatever those are), and a very sassy Red Robin waitress named Fiona. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve read it, and I always laugh, and I always find something new to fall in love with. 
Leave it To the Breeze by @hattalove - 82k words 1D GBBO AU. This one feels like a warm hug. It’s gentle, fun, has great characters, believable angst, has you rooting for more than one of the characters to win, and is also hilarious, somehow. I’ve read this fic over and over and over, and I especially do it when I have time before a new season of GBBO. Also, have snacks!! It makes me hungry
The Section by bananaheathen - 11k words 1D Uni AU with grad student TAs, sophomore undergrads, art classes, movie analysis, and final essays as methods of seduction. Also, nicknames, nude models, a Halloween party, and absolutely shameless flirting. I loved it, and laughed the whole way through. 
I’ve Heard it Both Ways by @adoredontour - 26k words 1D Psych AU. I love this one. I love the fic, I love psych, I love the author. I’ve read most of her works, but this one has such a special place in my heart. Go read it!! 
Play it All Night Long by janine_tangerine - 43k words SPN radio AU with DJ!Dean and bartender!Cas, with music, annoying coworkers, sassy siblings, and lots of love. WHOAH WHATS THIS A LIVEJOURNAL FIC??? I know but I read this ages ago, and it has music EMBEDDED WITHIN THE FIC! It was my first introduction to Bob Dylan, who remains one of my favorite artists of all time. 
Crossroads State by Mercy - 51k words SPN slice of life AU with Mechanic!Dean, Teacher!Cas, Law Student!Sam, and lovely lovely moments. All sweet, some tension, but no real angst. I read this forever ago, and still come back and back and back to it. 
Peace and Good Luck to All Men by KismetJeska - 31k words SPN College Au. DO YOU MEAN THE BEST CHRISTMAS FIC EVER OF ALL TIME??? I read this on the first day of December every year, and it makes me laugh every time. Cas falls in love with his sister’s boyfriend, Gabe and Luke are in a seduction competition, Michael is tired of everyone, and Dean doesn’t know what hit him. 
For All You Young Hockey Players, Pay Attention by @thursdaysfallenangel - 144k words SPN enemies to lovers hockey AU. Just. Please go read this. Gorgeous and still one of the best fics in the whole fandom, imo. Cas is the new transfer on Dean’s team, and Dean doesn’t like change. 
The Complete Works of Emmanuel Allen by @violue - 54k words SPN small town AU ft. writer!Cas and local business owner!Dean. Dean meets his favorite author, but does not know it’s him. Shenanigans ensue, with a lovely warm feel. Dean builds a mausoleum and owns cats and lives in the woods. Cas needs a change of scene. Sam thinks everyone needs some more company. 
The Mirror by cloudyjenn - 25k words SPN parallel universe AU. This was one of the first fics I ever read, and I still love it. Dean touches an enchanted mirror and travels through universes in search of an answer to a question he hasn’t asked. Full of love, family, and companionship. 
Asunder by rageprufrock - 24k words SPN AU with Social worker!Dean, Doctor!Cas, Sober!Sam, and RUBY!!! Ugh I love this fic for Ruby alone. This one is more bittersweet. Dean hasn’t spoken to Sam in years due to his struggles with addiction. Sam, now sober, is getting married, and has invited him. Dean can’t face his family alone. 
But It’s a Good Refrain by lady_ragnell - 23k words Merlin Radio AU! Merlin has an anonymous gossip radio show, and someone calls in to put Arthur on blast! Morgana is a fan, Arthur is not amused, and a sort of enemies to lovers thing occurs. Just lovely, and it makes me laugh every time. 
And Like the Cycle of the Year, We Begin Again by @katherynefromphilly - 208k words Merlin canon compliant. This is the Season 6 we should have had. If you’re at all into this fandom, go read it - it’s still an all time fav for me. Hundreds of years later, Arthur walks out of the lake. Merlin has been waiting. 
Give The Dragon a Chili by @supercalvin - 47k words Merlin magical AU based on the story in New Zealand of the cat stealing someone’s underwear. Merlin’s dragon is sort of a thief. 
Fundamental Imperfection by Starlingthefool - 12k words Merlin famous author AU. Arthur likes Dickens. Merlin does not. They get into it on a panel, and twitter stan wars ensue. And enemies to friends to lovers where literary arguments are an expression of love, and stories are magical. 
The Student Prince by FayJay - 145k words Merlin Uni AU. What a classic!! It’s a magical realism royal enemies to friends to lovers AU ft. a dragon in the walls, a lovely gay soc, Gwen as a Muggle, and some really great characters and moments. Do yourself a favor and go read this one. 
Call it Love by @dalek-in-heels - 30k words Merlin RPF. UGH THIS ONE!!! Okay 1.) the author is one of my best friends, and she’s amazing! 2.) lovely fic that takes place at the end of Merlin, and still has one of my all-time favorite misunderstandings in fic ever. “Yogurty Heart” is my favorite way to say I love you. 
If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things by @watsonshoneybee - 35k words Sherlock AU canon compliant through season 3. This one is sad, but the title is taken off of one of my favorite books, and the writing is gorgeous - as is the characterization. Happy ending, though! I promise! So the journey is all worth it! 
In All of the Lives We Are by @dalek-in-heels - 20k words The Magicians canon compliant through the first half of season 3. Sarah does it again and writes one of the best fics I’ve ever read. Art as therapy, a sweet love story in more than one universe, and finding the will to keep going through the worst days. The writers of the actual show should have read this fic and put it on the screen. This is my canon. 
A Happy Ending? Sure Enough by me (imbellarosa) - 8k words The Magicians canon compliant up to season 4. This is the only one of mine I’m putting on the list, because I still really like this one! You need some context, but not much? Idk, just if you want to see how *I* write! 
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riickgrimes · 3 years
Rules: answer the questions and then tag 10+ other creators to answer the questions!
thank you so much to @askmetostays for mentioning in your post! Your so talented and your gifsets are amazingggg!
I feel like most of my gifs I made this year were for my turkish blog, so they’ll be some of those included!
first creation and most recent creation of 2020: This grease set was my first one, I actually loved this coloring that I did here! My most recent one was this Pacey gifset about Joey in one of my favorite scenes.
one of your favorite creations from 2020: This Marilyn gifset was definitely a favorite of mine, I thought it (and she) looked gorgeous. Also this Pacey one I made from my all-time favorite scene and episode of Dawson’s is a DEFINITE FAV just bc he’s babyyy
a creation you’re really proud of: I’d have to go to my turkish blog for this one. This one I made the other day of Aydan’s relationship growth with Eda took so longggg and I had to remember and sift through like 22 two and a half hour episodes to find the scenes, but it came out so good. And it’s one of the very, very few long, cumulative, “multiple gifs into one big one” gifsets I’ve ever made.
a new style you tried this year and a gifset that uses it: I had a couple of gifsets on my turkish blog that were like pastel-y and had text in it which is something I never do. This one with text from a tweet and this one with text from a song.
your favorite coloring: OOooh I actually have a couple, this Pope one I just loved, this Kie one I loved, and this JJ one too! I liked this Niall one a lot too, so vibrant and pretty. And this Finn Hudson one was a true win bc I always thought glee was so hard to color, and I finally did it and it came out great!! I was like damn girl u really are the shittttt
a creation that took you forever: again the one from my turkish blog with Aydan definitely took forever, between finding the scenes, figuring out translations, piecing them together and just general photoshop annoyances, it took like 12 hrs. This one I made of Eda’s outfits took forever too.
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: I think this other Marilyn Monroe one had the most notes.
a creation you think deserved more notes: oooh prob my “#same” one about Pacey, idk i guess ppl don’t want to be swept up in joshua jackson’s arms or something, whatever, oh and this Watermelon Sugar one too!
a creation with a favorite scene/quote: Def this one from the shaving scene from Castaways. The fact that I made like 5 gifsets from this one scene aloneeee. I think I still have one in my drafts too lmaooo
a creation you made that breaks your heart: this scene with Jack and Jen FOR SURE
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: prob this Lara Jean/Lana Condor one. The coloring was great, the sharpening was great, it just looked so pretty!
a creation that was inspired by another one (add both your creation and the one that inspired it!): sad as it is to say, i don’t think i made anything that was inspired by anyone... 
a favorite creation created by someone else: ok but definitely @askmetostays Pacey and Joey every episode one and her Pacey and Joey™ one, because whew the time and effort put into those is incredible. And even though I’m not even in the fandom I had to reblog these Witcher gifsets, this one by @yenvengerberg and this one by @anya-chalotra because they were truly so gorgeous. This Winter in Avonlea by @laurens-german is just beautiful. This one with the Hargreeves Siblings by @seance is truly amazing. And this Shape of Water one by @antoniosbanderas and this Chicago gifset by @madalainepetsch were both so gorgeous and colorful!!!
some of your favorite content creators from the year: @askmetostays is definitely a favorite, since I’ve gotten into Dawson’s Creek, she’s been a definite bright spot on my dash. The fact that she’s running two other Dawson’s blogs on top of her main, and is still gracing us with The Content™ is impressive. I don’t think I follow them, but @livelovecaliforniadreams has been supplying the Pacey/Joey fandom with some quality gifs. The gifsets are so involved and all-encompassing, they must take forever to make, so I have to applauded them for that! @inejghafta has been out here making quality gifs for Anne with an E, Community, New Girl, This Is Us, and this list goes on. She’s gotten experimental with her coloring and her concepts and it’s been great to see! @baharsahins is another great one! She is like single-handedly giving the rping community an unlimited supply of Turkish celebs. Her gifs are always on point, the coloring’s always amazing and her sharpening is so soft and pretty. And @imikhailo has such such such gorgeous gallavich/mickey gifset!
a for good measure, another a couple more creations of yours that you love: oooh ok there’s this Pacey and Joey + Docks one, this Deckerstar one, this one with Kie and Sarah bc 👀, this Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist one, this Lara Jean Valentine’s Day one, and my Sen Cal Kapimi icons from my turkish blog bc i just love making icons sm
I don’t think I’m gonna tag anyone, esp since the new year already started, but anyone was already tagged or anyone that just wants to do it, feel free!!!
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