#my favorite color is apparently ALL OF THEM AT ONCE PLEASE
tj-crochets · 10 months
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I still have not actually quilted my scrap quilt but I spread out the backing fabric to see if I have to piece it together* and look at this!!! I saw it and started cackling. It’s magnificently loud and clash-y and every color at once and I love it so much
*I don’t but I do need to iron it
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mj-iza-writer · 2 months
Pet whumpee who got snatched from the streets so they’re not conditioned yet and its their first time being a pet
Whumper trying to condition pet whumpee
Fist mitts so whumpee will stop using their hands, Removing all of whumpee’s clothes and making them bare naked to get them used to being a pet, a muzzle with a bit gag to prevent whumpee from talking, chaining their hands and thighs together so they’re almost always crawling and even if they DO stand up the boots on them are slippery and whumper can just use 1 finger to make whumpee slip. Choke chain that makes whumpee choke when they stray too far or whumper pulls on it, Also whumper occasionally putting a blindfold on whumpee so they’re reliant on whumper to guide them.
❤️ :)
Thankyou for the request. It took some work knowing in what direction I wanted to go... so I went with a comfort whump. I enjoyed writing, and I hope you enjoy the story.
Warning: Intimate Whumper, Pet Whumpee. Bathroom usage.
Whumpee didn't know why they had decided to go out so late in the evening. Now they were in the trunk of someone's car feeling every bump and turn the driver made.
They struggled against the ropes tied tightly around their wrist.
"This can't be happening", Whumpee mumbled against the cloth gag in their mouth, "you could be at home right now, but no."
It felt like hours before the car had stopped.
Whumpee counted the footsteps until the trunk was opened.
"Come on", their apparent captor pulled them out and guided them to the ground.
Whumpee struggled a bit more before huffing nervously.
"Oh don't sound so indignant", their captor came around to their face, causing dirt to cloud into Whumpee's face, "this will be nice and easy as long as you behave."
Whumpee squeezed their eyes shut from the dirt.
"You should be grateful. Not everyone gets lucky enough for this opportunity", their captor knelt down and pulled their head up by the chin, "my name is Whumper, but you can call me Master."
Whumpee winced as their head was moved around so Whumper could view them closer.
"Yes, you will do nicely", Whumper smirked, then removed the cloth gag.
"Fo-for what?", choked out.
"You'll see", they chuckled.
Whumpee was picked up and carried into a house.
They seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. The house was unimpressive at most.
Whumpee whimpered as they were taken down some stairs. A long chain was the only thing they could see in the way of furnishings, then they noticed a cabinet.
Everything was cement, and the chain looked like it was also cemented into the floor.
"Okay, let's see", Whumper knelt and laid Whumpee on the floor, "this will be your room, especially while you are being trained. Once I am satisfied with your behavior, you'll earn the right to go upstairs. You can also earn rewards down here as well. I would love to spoil you, my pet."
"Pet?", Whumpee made a concerned face.
"Yes, my dear", Whumper smirked.
"Bu-but I'm no..."
"Shh, shh. No need to worry about the details", Whumper held their finger on Whumpee's lips.
Whumper then glanced at the chain.
"Tell me. What is your favorite color?", Whumper stood and stepped toward the cabinet.
"Uhm, uh green", Whumpee whispered hoarsely.
"Oh, very good choice", Whumper pulled a green collar out of the cabinet and walked toward Whumpee smiling, "this will look very nice on you."
"No, no please", Whumpee attempted to roll away.
"Now, now", Whumper wrestled with them as they tried to get the collar around their neck.
"You better stop", Whumper slapped Whumpee's face, "do as you're told or else you get punished. Be a good pet."
Whumpee sniffled as tears rolled down their face.
"Now that we have that straightened out. I'm afraid I don't even know your name yet", Whumper frowned as they locked the collar in place on the chain.
"My uhm, my name", Whumpee looked at them through tears.
"Yes dear", Whumper softly thumbed away the tear tracks.
"Whumpee", they looked up, "please let me leave. I beg of you. I won't tell anyone. I promise."
"That's always the promise, isn't it?", Whumper sighed, "no matter, like I said earlier. You have been selected, and I took a long time choosing you and studying you. I've been watching you for months. You're mine now."
"Months?", Whumpee watched them get up.
"Oh yes, and by the way, your last date you went on.... you could have done so much better", Whumper frowned, "it seems I need to run upstairs to grab a few things. Pardon me."
Whumper came back with a plastic bag, "I apologize, but I'll be changing out the collar for this one", they held up a chain choke collar. You can still wear the green one, of course, as it looks so nice, but during training this will be our little friend."
Whumper knelt down and slid the collar over Whumpee's head and adjusted the chain.
They gave it a small tug, causing Whumpee to gag.
"Perfect. Now, puppies don't have hands... or feet", Whumper smirked.
Whumpee looked at their hands, "what?"
"No worries, I won't cut them off, at least not yet", Whumper pulled out some black duct tape, "you will have to learn to crawl though."
The sound of the tape being pulled was sickening.
Whumper forced Whumpee's hand into a fist and started to wrap the tape around them. Then they moved down to their feet.
"This will probably make your feet pretty slick on the floor. You're not to be standing anyways, but if you did, you will fall flat on your butt or your face", Whumper tossed the empty roll away, "so I don't suggest standing."
"Go ahead and get some rest. We begin training tomorrow", Whumper started for the stairs, "I hope you have a good night."
The next morning, Whumpee woke up sore from the cement. They heard the door open, then the jingling of chains.
Whumpee stood and tried to move to the farthest part of the room, at least to the limit the chain allowed.
"Now we can't have you standing", Whumper frowned as they saw Whumpee on their feet, "you're going to fall... see."
Whumpee was actively already falling over when Whumper got close to them and tapped a finger against their ribs.
Whumpee yelped as they crumbled to the floor.
"Ow", Whumpee looked up.
"I did warn you that tape was quite slippery, and I did warn you not to stand up", Whumper knelt beside them, and showed a pair of scissors.
Whumpee tried to crawl away, but Whumper grabbed the chain and pulled them closer.
Whumpee whimpered as they were forced to come closer. It was that or choke.
"I'm not going to hurt you", Whumper held up the scissors, "but I do suggest you hold still. Accidents do happen."
Whumper started to cut away Whumpee's clothes.
"Why... What are you doing?", Whumpee panicked and slapped at Whumper.
"Hey, now we don't do that", Whumper grabbed at their hands and pointed the scissors into Whumpee's neck, "apologize before I draw blood."
Whumpee sniffled, "I-I'm sorry", Whumpee tried to back away, "I-I panicked, why are you cutting my clothes?"
"Puppies don't need clothes. I won't do anything, but it's better you learn this now", Whumper grinned, "trust me, I have no interest in you other than you being my pup."
Whumpee whimpered as they were stripped more.
"Please no more", Whumpee watched as they threw the shredded clothes to the side.
"I have a few more things to do though", Whumper pouted, "you're just going to need to deal with this."
Whumper pulled out some more shackles.
"What are those for?", Whumpee frowned.
"Keeps you crawling, and it will teach you the proper position to crawl in", Whumper frowned when they heard liquid, "what is that... oh?"
They glanced and saw a stream coming out of Whumpee.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know.... I didn't know where to go", Whumpee cried as they peed.
Whumper looked around and realized they had definitely failed to leave out a place to go to the bathroom.
Whumper sighed, "it's alright. I can't believe you held it that long."
Whumpee started to cry as the puddle grew larger.
"It's alright. Very pet like of you anyways, so that's not a problem", Whumper started to remove the chain and guide Whumpee to the steps, "you probably feel a lot better."
Whumpee sniffled as they nodded.
"Yes, see, that's okay", Whumper cooed, "and probably removing all of the clothes made it a little chillier."
Whumpee whimpered and nodded.
"It's okay, I failed to leave out a spot for you, so that's my bad. Let's get this and you cleaned up", Whumper smiled, "I guess we can do some training upstairs while this dries."
Whumper ran up the stairs and came back with a watering can.
Whumpee watched as they poured the water over the cement and guided it to a drain. Next, Whumper went to the cabinet and pulled out dish soap and a brush scrubber.
Whumper poured some soap, then leaned down and scrubbed. Once satisfied, they ran back up the stairs for more water.
After the floor was rinsed, Whumper grabbed baby wipes and came up to Whumpee.
"Let's get you cleaned up now", Whumper knelt on one of the steps and gently wiped Whumpee's hands, legs, then feet, "their all better."
Whumpee looked around the living room while Whumper grabbed a few things.
They were too scared to do anything else.
The living room looked better than the outside of the house.
"I swear you'd think I was an amateur with how forgetful I've been", Whumper came in, "I guess it's the excitement and adrenaline I'm feeling."
Whumpee instinctively backed away while Whumper knelt beside them.
"None of that pet. You have three seconds to come back before I pull on the collar", Whumper fiddled with what seemed to be more restraints, "1..."
Whumpee looked down at the shackles that had already been locked around their upper arms and wrist.
"2...", Whumper sighed.
Whumpee hurried to step closer.
Something was forced into Whumpee's mouth. Their head was pulled down as Whumper forced it into place.
"The shackles you wear will be removed at the end of training or at the end of the day", Whumper smiled as they lifted Whumpee's face, "this gag will be worn during training, and you may even have a blindfold on sometimes for certain training as well."
Whumpee tried to spit the gag out, but it was tightly on. A type of rubber bone was in their mouth from what they could tell. Drool already started to stream to the floor, causing Whumpee to wipe at it.
"It's alright, just stand over this pad. Drool is to expected from a puppy", Whumper cooed as they patted Whumpee's head.
Whumpee wouldn't lie. That did feel pretty good to be pet. They leaned into the touch.
"Hmm, does puppy already enjoy pets?", Whumper cooed again, "see when you behave, you get this type of attention. You get rewards. After you get better house broken, we can have a bed downstairs for you, and some toys. Those rewards can be taken away though."
Whumpee looked down, 'what am I becoming? Why does this feel good? I should be appalled by this, but... but they've been so patient already with me', Whumpee thought to themself, 'why does this feel good?'
Whumpee fell over and almost seemed to be panting with the gag. Training was intense, and with movement restrictions added, Whumpee was growing tired faster. Plus, they didn't sleep well last night.
"I think you're done for today pet", Whumper smiled at their sleepy nods.
"Alright let's see if the basement is dried yet", Whumper knelt down and started to remove the gag and cuffs, "you did a very good job on your first day of training so we will remove these. How about a trip outside before we go down their though. You can use the bathroom out there even. I'll make sure you have a place to go down there as well."
"Oh uhm, okay", Whumpee nodded.
"Did you you have a question pet?", Whumper looked at them, "you can ask questions."
"I know you said you wanted a pet, but what does that mean?", Whumpee frowned, "what exactly do you want from me?"
"Oh, hmm, that is a good question", Whumper nodded and started to walk away, "come along, let's go outside."
Whumpee followed, hoping to get their answer.
"I've always enjoyed having pets growing up. I've had every pet you can imagine, they all thrived, but now living here, I've gotten kind of bored with those type of pets. I have a friend who has a human, and I pet sat for them a few months ago. Their human is doing really well under their care. I thought maybe I'd get my self own."
Whumpee frowned.
"The trick is to get someone who may not be missing, at least not for a while. The trail would go cold before anyone realizes", Whumper chuckled, "you seemed like such a sweet heart. I was surprised when you didn't seem to have many family or friends around. You just seemed so sweet."
Whumpee stopped crawling, they remembered again that they had been kidnapped.
Whumper stopped and looked at them, "I didn't mean anything by that."
"There are others that have been kidnapped... like me?", Whumpee looked at them sadly, "this isn't a first time."
"Oh yes, there is an entire network of us", Whumper smirked, "how do you think I was so well prepared."
Whumpee looked around the yard for a few minutes before finally finding a hiding spot to use the bathroom. Better to go out their than inside again, especially with what they had to do."
Whumper looked around and saw Whumpee partially hidden.
"You're either hiding from me to try to escape or because you need to poop. Which is it before I come over there", Whumper called.
"Poop, please don't come over here", Whumpee strained.
Whumper chuckled as they sat down again.
Whumpee came out after a few minutes and looked at them absolutely petrified.
"Wh-what do I do now?"
Whumper stood, "we get you cleaned up and taken care of."
Whumpee nodded and watched as Whumper walked toward them.
"I-I'm sorry", Whumpee frowned as Whumper looked.
"No its okay, seems you had a nervous tummy", Whumper nodded, "glad you came out here to do it."
Whumper went down the stairs first, then Whumpee.
"Still a little damp", Whumper sighed, "I've got the heater turned up, so hopefully, it will be done before bed."
Whumpee nodded as they looked into the room.
"You'll see over here is a tray that will fit you in it. This is for your bathroom use, I'll clean it regularly for you", Whumper held it up a little, "of course if you have a tummy ache and you know I'm home, you can yell for me so you can go outside."
Whumpee nodded.
"Well, I'm not going to leave you down here until it dries", Whumper sighed, "I guess it's a movie night kind of night."
"Really?", Whumpee almost squealed with excitement.
"Yes, I love movies, so we have plenty of options", Whumper grinned.
Whumper sat down and invited Whumpee onto the couch, "here let's take this tape off. One of my friends has a pair of gloves and boots that I can use for you. It will be a little more comfortable. We can take this tape off now. The gloves and boots will shape your hands and feet, but still be comfortable."
Whumpee whined as Whumper tried to gently remove the tape.
"I don't want to train fear into you, I don't want a fearful pet, I just want a trained one", Whumper patted their leg and invited Whumpee to lay their head down on it, "I know that this is something very new to you, but as long as you behave to the best of your abilities and listen... I promise you will actually enjoy yourself a lot here. You will be absolutely spoiled, I promise."
Whumpee looked up and nodded.
"I-I think I want to be good", Whumpee whispered.
"That's good", Whumper smiled, "let's watch the movie."
Whumpee was surprised when Whumper started to run their their fingers along Whumpee's scalp and massage their ears.
Whumpee made a gentle moan as their eyes grew heavier.
"Uhm Master, I-I'm getting tired again", Whumpee mumbled.
"That's alright. Go ahead and take a nap before bed", Whumper chuckled.
Later in the night, Whumpee was surprised to wake up still on the couch.
Whumper made a disturbed snore and moved a little. Whumpee looked up at them.
They felt that their chain collar was being held tightly by Whumper. Other than that, they were quite comfortable.
'Am I really okay with being a pet, especially to someone who kidnapped me', Whumpee thought to themself, 'this feels so wrong, but I've never been chosen by someone before. My own family didn't even', Whumpee wiped away a tear.
Whumper felt the movement of Whumpee crying and jumped awake.
"What's going on", Whumper looked them over, "did I pull the collar and hurt you while I slept."
"No", Whumpee shook their head, "I was just, uhm", a few more tears were wiped away, "you said you chose me?"
"Yes I did", Whumper sat up and turned on the light.
"I've never been someones choice before. I was just thinking about that", Whumpee frowned, "though this is a different situation, I'm somewhat grateful I guess. That sounds really messed up though."
"Neh, not as messed up as you think", Whumper smiled, "some of the others have the same thoughts about their masters", Whumper patted Whumpee's head and enjoyed that they leaned into the touch, "I'm glad to know that you may be enjoying this situation faster than what I planned. I promise it's going to be okay."
Whumpee sniffled a little.
"It's okay, how about we go back to sleep", Whumper pulled Whumpee closer, "everything will come into place as we learn more about each other."
Whumpee nodded and rested their head on Whumper's stomach.
Whumper began playing with Whumpee's hair again.
Soon, happy snores filled the dark living room.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @sunglasses-in-the-bentley
@isikedmyself878 @daffyduckcommittedtaxfraud
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marthawrites · 5 months
The Post-Flying Gift
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Daemon Targaryen x Rhaenyra Targaryen x fem reader
Can be read as a one shot but reads best to pt 3 to "Whore, Pet, Lover"
Word count: 2.2k+
About: A rare fully sunny day beckons Daemon and Rhaenyra to fly their dragons above Dragonstone for hours. You are more than happy to watch them in flight. When they return, their dragonblood runs hot.
Includes: Continued slice of life plot, canon incest (this is canon Daemon and Rhaenyra), f/f, pet play undertones, dumbification understones, pussy eating, vaginal fingering, Daemon is stealthy, m/f, implied dick sucking, implied facefucking, aftercare
Note: Hello lovely reader! Apparently it's been nearly a year since I wrote "the gift that keeps giving". WILD. I definitely wanted to revisit this little mini series because my Daemyra brainrot is always real. As always, reader is non-descript. Please, enjoy! ♥
A warm sun glinted off Caraxes’ crimson body as he flew above the ocean of Blackwater Bay with Daemon at his reins. So red, and so swift was he against the blue sky, that he appeared to rend the sky with each passing by. Chasing and playing with the Blood-Wyrm was Rhaenyra upon the yellow-scaled Syrax who shone like burnished gold in the sunshine. They’d been flying at least two hours now–perhaps longer.
You had a perfect view of the Black Queen and her Prince Consort from where you stood upon their private balcony overlooking all of Dragonmount. Castle Dragonstone was as much your home now as your previous home had been. You were a birthday gift for the Queen. Deemed “the prettiest whore in all of Westeros” by Daemon Targareyn. A whore you were, then, and now, their little pet. They’ve never treated you badly. You’d never given them a reason to. Oftentimes in the sweet afterglow of your shared pleasures you daresay you are their lover: more than a whore and more than a pet.
Turning inside, you tidied their martial chambers and made sure to have clothes laid out for them for when they return from dragon riding. They both had special garb to fly in. Dragon smell was a very distinct thing, and in your experience even the most skilled servants had a hard time fully ridding the stink. A platter of herb roasted fish, tart berries, and salted root vegetables also sat awaiting their return. 
With a goblet of wine in hand, you returned to the balcony to watch them in flight. Scanning all over where your eyes could see–and double checking–you didn’t see, or hear, them anywhere. They might finally be done, you thought, and a smile twinkled up to your eyes.
A windswept Rhaenyra was the first to return. Silver strands of hair fell from her once neat braid giving her a wonderfully disheveled appearance. “Your Grace!” You said excitedly.
Rhaenyra grinned, beginning to take her leather riding gloves off. Her eyes were bright and wild. “Hello sweet love.” Flight had a way of elating her like none else could. Her riding garb was a mixture of wool and leather, both ash in color, and embellished with black dragonscales. Silver accents paled only in comparison to red gems highlighting the whole set up: coat, tunic, gloves, pants, boots. Aside from her rich Targaryen gowns, this was her favorite attire. “Did you enjoy watching my husband and I fly together?”
“Always! I could watch you both all day from the balcony.”
Matching Rhaenyra’s eyes, a wild smile took over the rest of her features; something dark and mischievous alike. A challenge and a dare. Proud and amused. “Out of all the gifts my husband has ever gotten me… you are my favorite. By far. My darling little pet,” she cooed as she opened the front of her coat and began unbuckling her belt. She sat in a chair and bent to work the lacings of her boots loose. Kicking them off, she sighed contentedly. “Mayhaps one day I will take you asaddle with me on Syrax. Would you like that?”
If watching your Queen begin to undress didn’t get your blood pumping, then her suggestion of flight surely did. “You mean it?” You asked, half dumbfounded by her proposal. “I would love nothing more!”
Her legs were bare, now, and she tossed her coat over to a nearby chair. The only thing she wore was her linen undershirt and smallclothes. She leaned back comfortably against the chair, legs outstretched and crossed at the ankle, and  she beckoned you over with one hand. “Come,” she said with a tilt of her head.
The sly little smirk upon her mouth had your belly doing flips as you walked to her. She was so lovely, and radiant, and tension sparked in the air between you two as you stepped between her legs. “Shall I redo your braid?” You asked softly, doing your best to keep your eagerness at a reasonable level. You really didn’t want to seem completely pathetic. Though, Rhaenerya knew how pathetic you could get for both her and Daemon; the glint of her expression told you she noted your anxious yearning.
Leaning up and forward, she gently cupped your face between her warm palms. With fluttering lids she pressed her lips to yours. Soft. Devious. “Not yet,” she whispered between sensuous kisses. “I don’t think that’s what you’re really interested in right now, is it?” 
Between Rhaenyra and Daemon, you didn’t know which one enjoyed making you blush more. She could see right through you. And, assumedly due to the thrill of flying, she wasn’t shy of putting you right on the spot. You shook your head and sighed blissfully against all of her kisses. You could kiss her until your lips were chapped and still kiss her more. “Not really…”
Her laugh was warm honey dripping down your spine. “I didn’t think so. Good girl for being honest about it.” Once again she leaned back against the chair as she looked at you with pride. But, the darkness of lust shadowed her features. “Flying is truly magnificent. It makes me feel… powerful. Invincible. And free.” As she spoke, one hand curled into your hair and began to gently urge you down. “It makes me feel good,” she added, raspy. “Be my good pet and keep making me feel good.”
Any thoughts you might have had going on in your brain were quickly shut down upon Rhaenyra’s request. You kept your eyes on her and shuddered with delight. You followed her downward push until you happily knelt right there in front of her–right between her parted legs. You pressed both hands up her thighs while planting kisses all along the smooth insides. “I love making you feel good,” you said to her, and she answered with a curl of her fingers inside your hair. You smiled; thoughts already dissipating from your brain.
“Such a pretty, sweet thing looking up at me like that,” Rhaenyra cooed approvingly. She shifted her hips slightly, just enough to make your ministrations easier.
The Black Queen smelled like a dragon. On anyone else you’d hate the sharpness of it. The stink. But on her? Somehow, it was perfect. Between the salty sea air on her skin, unclouded sun rays in her hair, and saddle leather where you knelt, she was the Dragon Queen. Tension rolled through your body until it left the buzz of excitement behind in each place it lingered. You were humming from the inside out. Purring. Rhaenyra’s pretty pet. Leaning down, you sat on all fours in front of her, now. You kissed her covered cunt where you knew her clit was.
The softest of a sigh left Rhaenyra’s mouth. “Tease me any longer and I’ll forbid you from watching us for the next fortnight,” she threatened.
“Yes, your Grace,” you simpered. Curling your fingers beneath the waist of her smallclothes, you pulled them fully down and off. Now there was nothing stopping you from what you both wanted. You repeated those same kisses over her pearl; each longer, softer, your lips parting more and more with each until you tasted her on your tongue. 
“There you are,” she rasped. Looking down at you she smirked triumphantly. She ran her fingers through your hair and said, “keep going. Keep making me feel good.” 
A whine broke from you and your tongue slid up through the fullness of Rhaenyra’s slit. When you saw how her head tipped back in bliss, your own head went brainless–focused now only on her pleasure. You lapped, and circled, and gently sucked, over and over again, your whole attention solely on her and her pleasure. Each of her whines, moans, and inhales of breath sent goosebumps pebbling atop your skin.
Make her feel good. Make her feel good. Make her feel good.
You loved the way she tasted. You loved the way she reacted to you. You loved the way she idly stroked through your hair, or pulled it, or held onto your ears. She was never shy in her passions, and neither were you. 
You lavished her clit until your jaw ached, but you never let it stop you. Rhaenyra’s sounds of pleasure were coming quicker now, sharper, and you knew she was getting close. It was then you delicately slipped a finger into her and began to work her from the inside, too.
“More,” she half stammered.
You added a second and moaned against her. It was only then that you realized how wet you were. How utterly soaked and needy your own cunt was. It clenched around nothing, your bud practically throbbing, your thighs pressing together to give you some minor relief from the pent up tension knotting in your belly. Yet never once did your own hand wander to that incredibly yearning space between your thighs. Your eyes were rolled closed. Only Rhaenyra’s building climax mattered. 
More. More. More.
She shuddered when she came undone around your fingers and upon your mouth. Her orgasm was sweet against your tongue; you dripped with self-satisfaction. It continued to roll through her in waves until the aftershocks had her panting softly. But, even still, you gently licked over all of her. Not enough to overstimulate her, but enough to keep her peak going as long as it could. You moaned softly all throughout; purring.
So lost in bliss, and so focused on your Queen, you hadn’t noticed anything else. You didn’t hear the door open or close. Never did you hear the soft scruff of leather on stone. Nor did you take note of a presence behind you. It was only when you felt fingers pressing into you that you paused to think. Those weren’t your fingers. No. They were too big and felt entirely different than your own. You gasped; desperate. Looking over your shoulder you nearly crumbled.
“Valzȳrys” husband, Rhaenyra whispered with half-lidded eyes.
“Ābrazȳrys” wife, he answered. “You two are having all the fun. Have you any idea how fucking wet your little pet is right now?” As if to make a point, Daemon worked his fingers just right to make you squelch. It was borderline obscene.
Your face was hot and for a moment you thought you’d come right then and there. Your spine dipped lower, presenting yourself to him as he knelt behind you.
“Oh… and how pretty she moans.” Daemon crooned, easily sliding two fingers in and out of you at the most devastatingly wonderful pace. “Did she make you feel good?” He asked Rhaenyra, continuing to finger fuck you from behind.
Rhaenyra grinned wide and smiled breathlessly. “Very.”
“That's our girl.”
You shamelessly pushed back against his hand. You were so slick he could have easily slipped a third in. Despite how well you did, however, you didn’t want to seem greedy, and so you took all that you could from those two fingers. 
“Shall I let her come, or do you wish to see her tears first, my Queen?” 
Dread dropped in your stomach because you knew exactly what he meant by that. Rhaenyra fucking loved to watch Daemon edge you until you were crying and begging for release. It was one of the darker games they liked to play with you. If at any time you wanted the game to stop–everyone knew–all you had to do was ask. Yet, never once had you brought the edging to an early end. As much as you hated it, you also fucking loved it. And so did Daemon. 
Rhaenyra shook her head, still basking in the afterglow of climax. “She did extremely well today. Let her come as she pleases.”
That’s all Daemon needed to hear. He indeed pressed a third into you and gave you exactly what he knew you liked. The tension in your belly sunk deeper, and wound tighter, and had you blabbering near gibberish until it snapped. Liquid warmth filled all of your limbs. Storm static clung to each of your nerves. Your pulse pounded in your fingertips. The force of your peak had you collapse forward until your cheek lay flat on the rug-covered stone floor. You panted, dizzy. 
Daemon gave your backside an approving smack. “A very good girl.”
You smiled softly at both of them relishing in the adoration they had for you, and you had for them. Leaning back up, you gently laid in Rhaenyra’s lap and allowed your eyes to close for a few moments. It wasn’t until Daemon called you that you woke. How long had you dozed off?
“Hm?” You asked.
“Crawl to me,” he said from where he sat in a chair, nude from the waist down with his doublet open. He was already hard.
You didn’t have to be asked twice.
You crawled to him and knelt between his thighs, looking up at him sweetly, obediently.
“Now it’s your Queen’s turn to watch. You know how much she likes watching. I don’t have to edge you to make tears fall from those pretty lashes, hm?”
Shaking your head with a tiny smirk, you knew exactly what he meant. With the sweetness of Rhaenyra’s climax still on your tongue, you took the Rogue Prince deep into your throat. You let him fuck your mouth how he wanted to until tears and saliva smeared your face, and and his seed overwhelmed the taste of your Queen.
It was in the sweet afterglow of these pleasures, where you all laughed, drank wine, and shared meals, that you truly felt like their lover.
Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider a follow, and/or reblog, and/or letting me know as it all makes me vvvery happy! ♥
I am redoing my taglist! If you wish to be tagged in any of the fics I write and share (main, aemond, daemon, rhaenyra, harwin, daemyra) PLEASE let me know! Thank you! ♥
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hauntingkiki · 4 months
some venture headcannons that i came up with!
i hope you guys enjoy!
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Some Basic Head-cannons
Venture x Reader Headcannons
2nd POV
- they go by they/he pronouns, but mainly use they/them! (amab)
- they have a few cuts/scars from exploring and from the fights while at overwatch
- they listen to just about anything. goth rock? they have a playlist for it. country? turn the volume up!
- they have dimples! the one of their left side is more prominent than the one on their right :3
- since they speak spanish, if they forget a word in english, they'll say it in spanish so it's like a guessing game to figure out what they're saying (unless you also speak spanish)
- the words that they forget are recurring words, like they'll forget the word spaghetti in english, so they made a list of the spanish word and the english definition next to it. (it's your life saver)
- they've very clingy! but not in the bad way, like, they like to show you off around their coworkers! ex. holding your hand, an arm wrapped around your shoulders/waist, kisses on the check, forehead, nose, lips, hands :}
- if you're the one to kiss/give them attention in front of their coworkers, they easily get flustered and will not shut up about the interaction.
"oh! hana wants to show me something really quick! i'll be back, sloan!" *kisses their cheeks and walks off with hana*
*very flustered* "he...hehe...did you see that? i love my girlfriend/partner so much."
"yes, venture, we saw it."
"she's/they're so pretty."
- will randomly quote a line from a song out of nowhere.
"baby, we can do it, take the time, do it right. bum, bum, bam."
"what was that, sloan?"
- has the coolest rock collection you have ever seen. in your shared bedroom, their side of the room is all rocks, sketches they made while exploring and work related stuff while your side is just all of your interests
- proud 24/7 yapper
- ^ will just talk about work, overwatch/his colleagues, random facts they know/learned
- while the two of you eat dinner, you two will have a yap fest where you just talk about random things! (work, interests, drama, or whatever pops into your heads!)
- they love to paint rocks and gift them to you out of the blue, so you have a small, but growing, collection of painted rocks by your truly
- they used to draw a lot when they were younger, but since they do more rock/structure drawings, their human sketches are a little rough but they will ALWAYS use you in order to improve
- they will paint their nails your favorite color and you will paint your their favorite color, but on your ring fingers, you'll have your favorite color and they'll have their favorite color
- matching tattoos with you :D
- they have some kind of autism, so when they get excited, they'll crack their knuckles, flap their hands around, tap/stomp their feet!
- when you both go to sleep, they'll take all the blankets and hog the whole bed.
"why weren't you in bed when i woke up?"
"hun, you took the whole bed."
"...no i didn't?"
they only do this if they had a long day at work (which is very rare surprisingly)
- apparently them eating rocks is cannon?!😭 but i think they'd also eat those candy rocks, and they LEARNED how to make them at home.
- has a HUGE ASS JAR of rocks and candy rocks.
you took one once and it was an actual rock. (thankfully you didn't chip a tooth unlike sloan)
- they rarely curse, but if they get overwhelmed/overstimulated they'll just shout a random curse word and everyone knows that you are needed immediately.
- they want to get their tongue and ears pierced but is surprisingly scared of needles, so they're holding off the appointments (for some reason it's only piercing needles, they have no problem with tattoo needles)
please request i need stuff to do☹️
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aleksanderscult · 6 months
Since we have officially entered the Aries' season I thought I should honor the fact that it's the Darkling's birthday! 🎉🎊
(No, we don't know his exact birthdate but we know he's an Aries. Anyways)
To celebrate it let's remember some facts about him.
Even though he was a Shadow Summoner, he loved bright colors. Blue, red, purple but most of all the color of sunlight.
Since we mentioned that he was a Shadow Summoner, isn't it endearing and ironic how he feared the dark when he was a child?
Once he didn't sleep for two nights because his mother had left him in a tent without a lantern.
He loved sweets! Cakes, pies etc. but his two favorites were a cake with cherries and sweet cream from Kerch and candies coated in sesame from Shu.
He had trouble mastering his powers as a child. He felt embarrassed for the fact that he couldn't make the Cut at the age of 13.
He could play the violin. 🎻
He was really intelligent from a very young age. Until the age of 13 he could speak three languages fluently and could read people and their behavior like an open book.
He was awkward and felt uneasy around children his own age since Baghra always kept them on the move and insisted not to let anyone touch him or for him to get close to someone.
He never met his father although he kept asking about him to his mother and wanted to meet him. The only thing he (possibly) ever knew was that he was a Heartrender.
He loooved nature. The trees and forests. The smell of them. Especially the evergreen trees. He even decorated his room in the Little Palace with carvings of trees.
Oh and he loves animals too! In the "Demon in the Wood" he got excited in the thought that he would see white tigers for the first time and Leigh once mentioned that he's kind to animals (we even saw that in "The Tailor" when he took time out of his duties to visit his horses, pat them and whisper to them soothingly).
And he actually saw those white tigers eventually.
Apparently he has great good looks to the point that he attracts others (and especially girls) like magnet since forever.
And his life was full of sex so he was experienced with it (Alina, your opportunity to fuck around and find out was literally right there).
The author confirmed (in 2014-2015, years before even the show came out) that he indeed harbored strong feelings for Alina and believed that they were destined for a future together (my man was ready to buy IKEA furnitures for their future house😭😭).
He had many, many half-siblings (one of them was a mermaid) and throughout the centuries he sought them out, out of a need for kinship, companionship and a desire to not be alone (🥲🔫)
This one is especially sad. He wasn't conceived out of love.
On another note though, his smell has been described as the smell of winter, forests and of the night.
In a solar eclipse his powers wouldn't be affected.
He's the Grisha with the most aliases in the Grishaverse (that's what living in a persecuted environment as a child does to you).
It's confirmed by the author that he was created after fantastical villains that she used to love, so please let that rumor that he was inspired after her abusive ex finally rest for good.
He had indeed fallen in love many times in the past but he kept witnessing the people he loved die from their mortality. At some point he just gave up on love and became more and more closed off. (Let's talk about the break he never had💀)
We might not know which person was the first he ever fell in love with, but we know which was the last one: Alina.
Do you remember those countless letters Alina was sending to Mal in "Shadow and Bone"? Well, the Darkling not only kept them secretly but read ALL off them.
He has a throat-neck fetish. And it's probably canon. The way he kissed Alina's throat every chance he got, the way he once nipped it, the collar and how he was always touching it.
According to Leigh, he didn't start wanting to be King. But this ambition came eventually after deeming it the only way to change things.
Kaz has been described as more selfish than Aleksander.
Well most of them turned out to be sad and tragic but that's because he had a tragic life and he himself was a tragic character.
Happy birthday to one of the best and most iconic book characters ever created. 🎉🎊
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angelbaby-fics · 1 year
Don't Bite
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Word Count: 850
Warnings: Slight injury to the reader! Lots of comfort and fluff though of course!!
A/N: Aww this one's kinda similar to one I did for the tea party event but I've actually had this concept in my notes app for like 6 months! Hopefully posting this finally works & I hope you guys enjoy!! ❤️
It started off as a peaceful morning. Steve was in the kitchen, his turn to clean up after breakfast, and Bucky was starting up a load of laundry down the hall. You were splayed across the couch, watching cartoons and digesting your pancakes when Alpine sauntered over to the sofa and leapt up next to you. The cat took a big yawn before curling up halfway on your chest, purring and nuzzling you as you pet her silky white fur. Lost in the dancing colors on the tv screen, you aimlessly scratched behind her ears, down her back, across the length of her tail.
Too far!
In a flash of white, Alpine whipped her body around to face your offending hand and let off a warning hiss! Your precious pet suddenly transformed into a vicious predator, baring her fangs at you with fire in her eyes. Out of shock, you pulled your hand away, some of the fur still entwined within your fingers, and when you yanked back, Alpine sunk her teeth into your arm out of self defense. It wasn't too hard, just meant to admonish you like she would her own kitten, but her teeth were sharp enough to break your skin, and the sight of blood was enough to make you start screaming. 
Naturally, Steve and Bucky were abandoning their respective chores rushing to your side to comfort you in no time. Alpine had fled the scene at the sound of your screams, so it wasn't immediately apparent to them what was wrong; all they saw was their baby, distressed and injured. Hearts racing, they each tried in their own way to figure out what the problem was and solve it. Steve dried your tears, carefully petting your head and whispering words of comfort to you while Bucky protectively wrapped an arm around you, jaw clenched with stress as he scanned the room for what hurt you. 
When they were both certain the coast was clear, they moved you to the bathroom, Bucky holding you firmly against his chest. He kept you in his arms as he sat down on the closed lid of the toilet, pulling your legs up onto his lap as Steve rummaged through the cupboard for the family's first aid kit. He emerged with a clear tub, which he set on the bathroom counter and opened and began unpacking. Your arms were wrapped around Bucky's neck, and he felt you grip onto his t-shirt once you saw Steve pull out the bottle of antiseptic. 
"Nonononono," you mumbled into Bucky's shoulder, "no more ouchies please!"
He tightened his arms around you, soothingly rubbing your back. Both your daddies' hearts broke at your pleas. 
"I know, babydoll. It's just gonna last a second, okay?" Steve tried to reassure you, but your tears were starting up again.
"Shhh.... You're safe baby, it's okay," Bucky whispered into your ear. 
He reached up to untangle your injured hand from his shirt. Holding it softly in his right hand, he slowly brought your arm down from his neck and held it out towards Steve, who was looking at you with eyes like warm oceans. You met his gaze and nodded slightly before turning your face back into Bucky's chest, bracing yourself for the sting of the antiseptic. Maybe it was the gentleness that Steve applied the cotton on your skin, or maybe it was the hold Bucky had around you keeping you safe, but it didn't hurt nearly as badly as you thought it would. Next thing you knew, you were emerging from you Bucky cocoon to see Steve presenting you with multiple boxes of bandaids. 
"Alright, angel, you get to pick whichever kind you want!"
You looked between the boxes, some with cartoon characters, some with animals or flowers or rainbows or stars. You pointed towards your favorite, and Steve got to unwrapping it, kneeling down to your level to softly and sweetly stick the bandaid to your skin. Then he started clapping. 
"All done, baby! You did such a good job!" Steve cheered for you, smile beaming, but your eyes were drawn to something else.
Curious about her family all gathering in one room, Alpine was peering around the doorway of the bathroom. Usually she would bound right in, weaving herself between Bucky's legs or trying to get another treat out of Steve, but now she was unusually reserved. It was as if she knew that all this commotion, all this distress was because of her. Bucky leaned over to see where you were looking, Steve turned around, and instantly they solved the puzzle of what had happened to you. 
"Oh baby, did Alpine get you?"
You nodded, and whispered "Piney bite."
With a steely look, Steve walked over to the cat, bending down to look her in the eyes, and he shook a stern finger at her.
"Alpine, we don't bite our friends, do you understand?" He asked her, which made you start giggling; music to your daddies' ears.
"Its okay, Piney, I forgive you!"
And once again, it seemed like she understood, because with a little trill, she was trotting over to you, pressing her face up against you and starting to purr.
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agentstarkid · 7 months
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Kalopsia, a Greek term that encapsulates the enchanting phenomenon of seeing something as more beautiful than it truly is. In matters of love, kalopsia paints an exquisite portrait of romantic delusion— a state where the heart, intoxicated by affection, transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. It's the magic that turns a shared gaze into a symphony of stars and a simple touch into a dance of cosmic forces. In the realm of kalopsia, love is not just seen; it's felt in the kaleidoscope of emotions that color the world with a unique, intoxicating brilliance.
✦ PAIRING: daniel ricciardo x famous!latina!reader
✦ PIT BOARD: social media au | ✦ FC: becky g
✦ TRACK LIMITS: female!reader, fluff, mentions of sexual acts, age gap, language, internet meanies, angst if you squint.
✦ MAY'S RADIO: Holii loves! Happy Valentine's Day in advance to those who celebrate! ❤️ And to those who don't -like me- Happy Galentine's Day! Feliz San Solterín! or, Happy random February day! 🙈 Here's a little treat for y'all! I know it's been almost two months, and I'm so sorry! But I got a new job and it's been stressful ngl + my work hours aren't the best and I get home super late. So please, have patience with me and with the next chapters! I haven't given up on this and I have so much planned 😊 Let me know what you guys think of this chapter! ❤️
< previous chapter | series masterlist | general masterlist | next chapter >
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JUNE 10, 2021
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liked by chrisstapleton, haimtheband, aitanax, reikmx and 1,986,854 others
yourinstagram 🌧 the I Quit Drinking music video with thisislany is out now (apparently we were really upset about about not being able to pop bottles? 😂)
Directed by _blythethomas
View all 256.254 comments
pauljasonklein didn’t trip once yay! yourinstagram ily lil sis! “i quit drinking” out everywhere now x
userA "lil sis" lmao everyone who started shit last year about them rn: 🤡
danielricciardo the first 1000 replays are mine alone 🥰
user I'm so obsessed with this song, been repeating more than 10x a day🙌❤️
user2 userig we are totally jamming y/n tomorrow, you better be ready
kelseaballerini THIS IS STUNNING
user3 I listened to this song yesterday over 100 times laying by the pool. BEST SONG ❤️❤️❤️❤️
halsey you're both amazing ❤️
user4 Thank you so much for this! We always look for that perfect song that represents something or someone in our life. I’ve been searching for a long time and this song perfectly represents my ex and my past relationship to a “T” and why I had to quit drinking.
chloestroll Amazing work! 🔥❤️
user5 isn't this the dude who she cheated on her bf with last year? lol
userA apparently it wasn't just last year 😂
kaceymusgraves I love the way you're willing to take risk yourinstagram, this is your time. I'm so happy for you! ❤️
user6 Goosebumps
JUNE 25, 2021
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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JULY 1, 2021
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liked by dermotkennedy, caamp, martingarrix, maxverstappen1 and 1,335,333
yourinstagram Your light brightens my world and your spirit is as infectious as your laughter ❤️ Cheers to you, my love! Feliz cumpleaños, mi vida! 🥳🎂
View all 674, 254 comments
danielricciardo Gracias for being my brightest light, my love ❤️
marcusmumford happy lap around the sun flashman 🥳
user ai que gato 😍
daxshepard Happy birthday Aussie boy 😘
user2 happy birthday fellow July born
user3 vocês são tão fofos juntos!
user4 🥂🍾 HBD Honey Badger 🥂🍾 Love you from Thailand 🇹🇭
user5 omg omg max liked 😱
chloestroll Happy birthday DR! 🥳🍾
user6 what was he doing in that last video yourinstagram 😂
yourinstagram that day he visited me in the studio and ryantedder let him be the producer for a few minutes, and well, it was chaos 😂❤️
martingarrix 🥳🍾❤️
yourinstagram A philosopher once said: Everybody is a Ferrari fan...❤️ userA are you a Ferrari fan yourinstagram? yourinstagram aren't we all? I'm a Tifosa at heart ❤️ user7 OMG OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ANSWER ME
itsvittoriasousa Iza says: Happy birthday, Tío Danny! danielricciardo 🥳
yourmomsinstagram Feliz cumpleaños Danielito! ❤️ next time you come around, a big cake and a plate of your favorite meal will be waiting for you!
conangray HBD DAD
JULY 9, 2021
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JULY 18, 2021
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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AUGUST 5, 2021
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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AUGUST 25, 2021
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liked by rubendias, tomholland2013, thalia, yandel and 1,698,123 others
yourinstagram i've been very very busy ☀️🏝️🌿🏞️❤️
View all 685.456 comments
user they're so precious and I will fight anyone who disagrees
user2 THAT NOTE!!!! 😭 just the most darling ugh I can't with them
nina well deserved ❤️
itsvittoriasousa those little toes in the havainas 😭❤️
yourinstagram I KNOOOOW!!! I CAN'T HANDLE IT 😭😭😭
danielricciardo Being your co-pilot on this is a mix of thrill and questionable decisions 🤷‍♂️ Let's do it all over again, shall we?
yourinstagram "questionable decisions" is all you 🙈 I'm an angel 😇 landonorris wasn't lucifer an angel? yourinstagram mclaren come pick up your kid, it's past his bedtime mclaren 👀👀👀
user4 get that d girl 🔥🔥
evalongoria I love seeing you being happy ❤️
user5 does she have to flaunt every little message he leaves her? those are personal, attention seeking behavior lmao
user6 look at my pookie floating in the river 😍 I also wanna be held by daniel while I sit on his lap 😭
charles_leclerc next time you're in town we should all go karting 😊
userA sharls what are you doing here???? 😂 userB not my man out here shooting his shot in public lmaooo userC nah girl he's a known y/n-girlie, he's just trying to look cool meanwhile he's probably fangirling right now 🤣 joris_trouche can confirm userC 😂
AUGUST 29, 2021
danielricciardo has added to their story!
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SEPTEMBER 11, 2021
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liked by 30.241 others
My post of this couple on Friday was my biggest of the day by a mile! Will it be again today? Fellow Western Australian Daniel Ricciardo and Latin Superstar Y/N L/N arriving together for Saturday's Sprint Race (1st. photo) where Daniel managed to finish 3rd., and were seen again this morning walking around the Italian paddock before the race, where Daniel starts in P2.
For A3 prints, hand-signed & numbered by a range of drivers/team principals head to kymillman.com #f1 #formula1 #signedprints #monzagp #DanielRiccardo #Y/NL/N
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user love their height difference 🥰 i wanna put her in my pocket 🤏🏽
user2 She's so stunning omgggg 😍
user3 This is just ridiculous her mind and her style and how cute she is, beyond anything else on the grid
user4 She is a wannabe singer following him like a dog to every race.
userA sorry I can't hear your whinning over her 3 grammy's, 2 golden globes nominations, 9 latin grammy's and other multiple awards 🙂
user4 gawdddd dayhuummmmm 😍😍😍 the girl is pretty good too I guess
user5 is it hot or cold in italy?? I can't decide with what she's wearing
Daniel Ricciardo Post Race Interview | 2021 Italian Grand Prix [Ziggo Sports F1]
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liked by danielricciardo, tchalamet, salmahayek, vindiesel and 2,986,546 others
yourinstagram MONZA WINNER BABYYYY!!! 🍾🍾🍾 From the roar of the engines to the victory kiss, every moment with you is a celebration and sharing these victories with you is my favorite kind of joy ❤️🏆 Beyond proud of my champion danielricciardo for this incredible weekend!! Look at that dazzling smile 😍 Monza wasn't just a race; it was a masterpiece of determination and talent, a testament to your dedication and passion for this sport and your team. Monza is for the dreamers, and you, my love, have made our dreams dance on this iconic track. 🏁
The Honey Badger never 👏🏽 left 👏🏽❤‍🔥
View all 1.685.456 comments
danielricciardo thank you for always being in my corner, mi amor! Ti amo all'infinito ❤️
user english, spanish and italian; the polyglot romeo 😂❤️
yourinstagram Also, congrats to mclaren for their 1-2! 🧡
mclaren you were our lucky charm this weekend 🧡
jensonbutton Ricky Bobby did it again!
user "Monza is for the dreamers" WHY AM I CRYING SO HARD?? YOU'RE SO RIGHT Y/N
landonorris That was fun, let's do it again but I'm coming first next time danielricciardo
userA WHAT DID HE SAAAAAAY??!! 👀👀 maxfewtrell mate, do you even read what you write before you post things? userB "but I'm coming first next time" SJKLDJFKAS
user2 I can't explain the scream I let out when he jumped down from his car and ran straight to where she was to kiss her
user3 me entró un árbol entero en el ojo 😭
user4 quien pudiera ser ella para que daniel corra a plantarle tremendo beso 😪
lilymhe congrats to my wife's boyfriend! 🥳
alexalbon 🤨❓ yourinstagram did she stutter alexalbon? 👀
user5 bestie give him the best night of his life and blow his mind off for us, he deserves it 🤭😭
carmenmmundt Dining out again is a must next time we see each other! Also, congrats to Daniel 👏🏻😊
user6 "It's a team effort, and having her in my team makes all the difference" crying, shaking, pulling my hair out
userA they keep showing me that I've never really been loved 🫠
user7 she's so real for dedicating "willow" to him in her stories and simping for him 🥴 because honestly I'd do the same
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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SEPTEMBER 30, 2021
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OCTOBER 6, 2021
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liked by joshallenqb, kristenanniebell, heidiberger_ and 757,905 others
danielricciardo Happy birthday to this gangster! 🎉 You're officially a year older, wiser, and stuck with me. Here's to more laughter, adventures, and convincing you that my dance moves are, in fact, impressive. Cheers to you, mi amor! 🥳🎂❤️
View all 5,625 comments
yourinstagram Stuck with you? More like blessed to be on this wild ride with someone that makes every moment an adventure! Te amo una galaxia entera! ❤️
scottyjames31 Daniel is a tiny bit less annoying because of you yourinstagram 😛 Sending massive birthday vibes your way, Sparky!
user if these two ever break up, we riot.
userA both of them posting each other's baby pics I CAN'T
marcusstoinis HBD Sparky! 🥳
userA I saw Scotty called her Sparky too, so that means his mates gave her a nickname?? 🥺 userB userA she did spend a few months in 🇦🇺 and she was part of the lockdown challenges the guys used to do + they've been together for some time now 😊 userC this is so so fucking adorable omg
kristenanniebell happy birthday gorgeous ❤️
user2 why is she with my man??? why can't I be her???
kylieminogue cheers to you, my darling! yourinstagram 🎉❤️
user3 bro r u kidding
gerihalliwellhorner Wishing you the happiest of birthdays yourinstagram! May your day be as bright and wonderful as your spirit ❤️
user4 this fucking caption man
user5 You should focus on driving better than on this nonsense.
pierregasly feliz cumpleaños mon ami yourinstagram
mclaren Happy birthday, Y/N! 🧡
user6 you gunna marry her
user7 Mate, you made a stupid move and now it has backfired. You should've stayed at RB FFS !! It's so painful to watch you struggle on each and every race weekend from a fan's POV and you keep getting distracted with this girl 🤧🤧😮‍💨
user8 I always knew she would find someone better than who-shall-not-be-named
chloestroll yourinstagram your presence lights up every room, and your kindness touches every heart. May this year bring you all the joy and fulfillment you deserve, babe! Happy birthday! 🥳❤️
trevornoah Happy birthday to the incredible Y/N!
user9 happy birthday mrs. honey badger!! 🥳🥳🥳
OCTOBER 22-24, 2021
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liked by 3,474 others
f1gossippofficial Daniel arrived at the paddock this Sunday, accompanied by his current girlfriend Y/N (entered through separate gates), the girl was also at the McLaren garage on Friday! She was accompanied by her friends!
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user she understood the assignment
user2 The dedication to the tradition and the sheer adorableness is unmatched.
user3 in Y/N we trust 🙌
user4 What the hell is she even wearing? She should have just showed up in booty shorts because that skirt is too short, maybe she wants to impress the other drivers more i guess 😂
userA user4 i don't necessarily like her but that's literally such a dumb reason to hate on her 💀
user5 Y/N showing up in a cowboy-inspired outfit with Daniel is the level of couple coordination we didn't know we needed
user6 they arrived separately
f1gossippofficial They just entered through different gates, but they arrived together 🤷‍♀️
user7 Cowboy chic just got a whole new meaning
user8 she looks so cheap lol
user9 daniel ricciardo and his shadow
user10 She's always gorgeous. No wonder these haters are jealous haha
user11 Y/N stepping into the cowboy tradition with Daniel at the Austin GP is the sweetest thing!
user12 the amount of hate this girl gets is absurd!!! you dont know her. are you all seriously this deluded and jealous?!?! get a life she's a gorgeous girl who has done nothing wrong leave the poor girl alone
userA she's a cheater and a liar, Daniel deserves so much better userB userA do you have proof of what you're accusing her of? where you there to witness it when it happened? no? so shut the hell up
user13 Did anyone else's heart melt seeing them in their cowboy outfits? They're like a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde, but with way more style. Love it!
user14 I can't understand how people keep criticizing a person and relationship that they don't even know. If the girl can afford to be in all the GP's then congratulations, it's her life, not ours. Stop being so intense with a relationship that is not even yours, live your way and let others live theirs. Let's just enjoy the sport and respect drivers private life
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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NOVEMBER 1, 2021
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liked by yourinstagram, jackdoohan, nyckdevries, heidiberger_ and 526,424 others
danielricciardo Oh boy. Halloween 21’ 🎃
View all 1,429 comments
user I think the scariest thing is that it actually suits ya 😂
user2 El sonrisas
daxshepard same time next year?
user3 everything was good until I saw her in the girl's pic ugh 🙄🤢
user4 BLAKE ❤️❤️❤️
user5 you couldn't get that smile off of his face if you tried
user6 are Daniel and Y/N still in texas???
user7 great pics & your Y/N looks so cute!!! ❤️👻😍
NOVEMBER 3, 2021
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NOVEMBER 16, 2021
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NOVEMBER 21, 2021
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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DECEMBER 14, 2021
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DECEMBER 19, 2021
♡ liked by kunaguero, shakira, rubendias, danielricciardo and 3,652,485 others
yourinstagram 💋
View all 6,958 comments
sofiavergara Brilla y nunca dejes de hacerlo ❤️🌟
rosalia.vt Reina, siempre has sido oro. Sigue brillando con todo tu arte ✨💖
user can someone translate what she's saying for the non-spanish spearkers please? 🥲
userA "Ay, to be honest, I'm not worth it... I'm worth my weight in gold, dammit!" 😊
karolg Grítalo mami!!!!
user2 she really said: idgaf what y'all think of me, I know I'm THAT bitch! 💅 And I respect her so much for it 👏
shakira Totalmente de acuerdo, Y/N! Eres oro puro. ✨
selenagomez You've always been pure gold, babe. Keep shining ❤️
rubendias 💙
manuelturizo acá reina, se te calló esto 👑
user3 Eres más valiosa que anything in the whole universe
llane eres un tesoro inigualable, hermanita ❤️
lali a vos se te reza 🧎‍♀️
maluma Exactamente, hermana. Tu valor es como el oro, irremplazable. I love you ❤️
jbalvin Que siga brillando fuerte esa estrella tuya, hermanita 🌟
user4 I'm gonna sit here waiting patiently for Daniel's comment so I can know everything is alright and that we shouldn't panic 🫠🫠🫠
userA it's been more than 5 hours and no comment yet, but he did give it a like though
DECEMBER 25, 2021
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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DECEMBER 31, 2021
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liked by taylorswift, glenpowell, rubendias, danielricciardo and 3,652,485 others
yourinstagram 2021 was filled with moments of all kinds. Wanted to share the ones that made me smile even in the hardest of times. With the new year on the horizon and big changes coming soon I just wanted to take a moment to say I am so proud of us… We're a team.
Can’t wait for more of this in 2022 🌺 the type of laughs that hurt your cheeks, make your tummy hurt, & feed your soul. Beyond thankful ❤️
View all 4,423 comments
danielricciardo Always a team ❤️
userA and the ring when?
userA we can breath now, we are NOT children of divorce!!! 😭❤️
badbunny ¡Pa'rriba siempre, Y/N! Que este año nuevo te traiga pura buena vibra y éxito. 🚀💫
user2 MOTHER ❤️
user3 The photo with Dan sitting on the floor and leaning on Y/N's leg while she's running her hands through his hair gave me extra years of life 😭
taylorswift Your spirit shines so bright, and I'm excited for all the wonderful moments this year will bring us. I love you! ✨💖
luisfonsi Happy New Year, Y/N! Que este nuevo año te traiga más éxitos y alegrías 🥂
corey_wilson Happy New Year!
charles_leclerc maman I've made it 😎 Bonne année Y/N!
pierregasly I demand another lap and another photo because I'm not on this one yourinstagram 😤 Bonne année mon ami! ❤️
userA piEEEEERREE gasLYYYYYY!! userB did they all go go-karting? Rue when was this? 🧐 userC it was only Charles, Pierre, Daniel and George! It was in Austin userD so you're telling me they were all together and this is the only photo we have?
georgerussell63 pierregasly I'm not in the photo either! she destroyed you mate, admit it 😂 And I also demand a new one yourinstagram 🤨
fioamato Happy New Year filled with lots of love and laughter 🎊💖
iamdannaschwarz Beyond grateful to have you as a friend ❤️
itsvittoriasousa We love you to the moon and back! 🌙💖
user4 Happy Enchanted/Enchanté day to those who celebrate!
user5 we officially survived 2021, everybody!
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─── Please don't forget to reblog and/or comment! ♡
✦ ooops 🤭 btw this is how I picture him waiting for Girlie to perform at the Latin Grammys 🥰
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argisthebulwark · 8 months
babe. serious question. whats bryns favourite colour? and while we‘re at it: same question for cicero, farkas and vilkas. cause i have thoughts, if you wanna hear them
what the fuck why did this save to drafts instead of posting lmao. sorry for the apparently late response, this truly is a Website <3 yes please tell me all of your thoughts my beloved!!!! <3<3<3
I think if you asked Brynjolf his favorite color he'd try to laugh it off. He'd smirk and lean over the desk, one finger curling under your chin to ensure he's the sole thing you're focused on. "The color of your eyes, of course." He'd chuckle, voice velvety and smooth. If you swatted at his hand and insisted for an honest answer, he'd heave a dramatic sigh before making a show of contemplating it. "Honest truth?" His head would tilt, sending a strand of red hair over his cheek. "It's got to be gold, love. Preferably snagged from some lordling's pocket."
"Blood." Cicero would grin if you asked him, eyes narrowing in on yours. "Deep and dark when it spills, or the pretty pink in my Listener's cheeks!" One gloved hand would pinch at your face, his voice shrill and gleeful. "Why do you ask Cicero such a question? Are you scheming to get poor Cicero a new outfit? Oh Listener, you're too sweet to your Keeper! Always so thoughtful, you are." He'd probably rattle off a few more poetic examples of how pretty red can be, though he'd sneer at the garish shade adopted by the Imperial Army.
Farkas would contemplate it for quite a while, eyes cast far out over the plains surrounding his home. Tilting his head closer to yours and flashing a hint of that dazzling smile, he'd finally answer. "Green." His voice would be hushed, as if he didn't dare to disturb the nature sprawling out at your feet. "Dark, like those trees." Following his finger, you'd see the expanse of coniferous trees covering the hillside. With fallen needles pooling around their trunks the shades melted together into one soft mix of green, one that felt welcoming and safe. If you pressed him for a reason, his smile would soften before he spoke again. "No matter how far away I get, once I see that color I know I'm almost home."
"I don't have one." Vilkas would grumble without turning to face you. His muscles would keep flexing, sword continuing over the grindstone. His brows would tighten, muscles in his jaw feathering as he tried to work through why you'd ask him such a silly thing. Unfortunately for him, he's all bark and no bite. It would be fairly easy to pick up on his preference - the way he drifted toward deep indigo dyes when repairing his armor, the various shades of blue bedding he'd collected over the years, even the faded navy socks you frequently caught him wearing around Jorrvaskr. You would probably have to point out that he does, in fact, have a favorite color.
135 notes · View notes
mimisempai · 1 year
Yellow is the color
Aziraphale borrows the Bentley again and customizes it once more. When Crowley finds out, he gets annoyed all over again and asks him the reason for the color choice. The angel's answer doesn't have the expected effect.
Our demon isn't ready for the answer…
On Ao3
Rating G -  1367 words
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"Keys, my dear?"
Aziraphale was standing between the screen and him, holding out his hand.
Crowley raised an eyebrow, " Hm?"
Aziraphale rolled his eyes, "Don't pretend you don't know, I told you I needed the Bentley to get to Cookham. Apparently there's a museum library that's about to close and it looks like they have some very old manuscripts and..."
Crowley was no longer listening. 
Of course he remembered. Aziraphale had been talking about it ever since he'd gotten a call about it. On the other hand, Crowley had deliberately chosen to forget that the angel had needed the Bentley to get there.
"Crowley? The keys, please."
Crowley fumbled in his pocket and, with obvious reluctance, placed the keys of the Bentley in the angel's outstretched hand.
Aziraphale smiled indulgently and said gently, "It's only for a few hours and I promise to take good care of OUR car."
The rascal, he knew full well the effect it had on Crowley to hear him speak of the car as a common possession. Crowley sighed and the angel leaned over and kissed him on the cheek before leaving the room. As he walked through the door, he turned and told him with a wink, "I promise not to make too many changes."
Crowley called out, "Angel!" and heard Aziraphale laugh slightly as he left.
The demon stood and couldn't help but look out the window as the Angel got into the car, and he followed the car with his worried eyes until they were out of sight.
"Um...Crowley? Could you help me?"
He turned to Muriel and raised an eyebrow as he asked, "With what?"
Muriel replied, "Well, I'd like that book, but it's too high for me."
Crowley looked at the top of the shelf and turned to them, saying "You know you have abilities, magical ones?"
Muriel replied hesitantly, "But... but it's not right to use them for such trivial things..."
"Says who?" asked Crowley gently.
Muriel answered shyly, pointing to the sky, "Up there." 
Crowley leaned toward them and said quietly, "I'll tell you a secret, whether it's up there or down there, they're pretty blind. Aziraphale and I have been using our powers for little things for thousands of years with no consequences. So don't worry about something as trivial as taking a book off a shelf, they won't see anything."
Seeing the angel hesitate, he added: "Aziraphale and I won't let anything happen to you.
Muriel asked, "Why are you both being so nice to me?"
Crowley leaned against one of the columns and replied, "The fact that you ask the question gives you the reason. You shouldn't have to wonder why people are nice to you when you've done nothing to deserve anything but kindness. Because we know how people like you are treated up there, and you don't deserve it. I've seen your loneliness, my little bee, and you don't deserve that either." Then he added playfully, "And then I saw that there was some potential here in breaking the rules. I like that."
He gestured to the top of the shelf and asked them, "So, are you going to bring that book down?"
Crowley watched in amusement as Muriel narrowed their eyes and the book quickly floated into their hand. Then they cautiously opened one eye, then the other, as if expecting retaliation.
Suddenly, Crowley frowned and Muriel looked at him anxiously, "They've spotted me, haven't they?"
Crowley shook his head, "It's Aziraphale, the car, he's done something to it again. It's okay, you can read your book, I need to talk to him."
Muriel nodded before they hurried to their favorite spot in the alcove of a window and began to read.
Aziraphale was on his way out of town when the Bentley's radio emitted some interference.
"Angel! I know it! You've done it again!"
Aziraphale replied innocently, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Yellow! The wheels are yellow! Change them immediately!"
Aziraphale sighed and replied, "You're really not funny."
"Why yellow anyway?"
Aziraphale hesitated a bit before answering, then smiled gently, figuring it was easier to tell the truth when you couldn't see each other.
He said softly, "Crowley, my dear, what color are your eyes?"
Only silence answered him.
The radio resumed playing the music the angel had chosen just before, indicating that the demon had cut off communication, then the song changed.
He needs you anyway, anyway 
Not often easy to say
Anyway, anyway
Ooh-ooh ya 
Who knows what it leads to 
Just know that he needs you 
That was enough for Aziraphale, who said to the car, "Turn around, we're going home."
This time he didn't care about the speed limit.
It took him less than twenty minutes to pull up in front of the bookshop. He entered and saw Muriel reading in their usual corner and asked, "Where is he?"
The angel shook their head, "He went upstairs and hasn't come down since."
Aziraphale nodded and hurried up the stairs. When he reached the room, he saw Crowley standing at the window and, a rare sight when he was inside, his glasses on his nose.
The angel called softly, "Crowley?"
The demon turned and exclaimed, "Angel? You're back already?"
Aziraphale replied, "Well, the way our conversation ended, I was worried about you, so I rushed home."
Crowley sat on the edge of the bed and shook his head, muttering, "I don't understand..."
Aziraphale crouched in front of him and, placing his hands on the demon's knees, asked softly, "What don't you understand?"
Shaking his head, Crowley replied, "How can you love a color that reminds you of these eyes? My snake eyes, my demon eyes..."
Aziraphale raised his hands and removed the demon's sunglasses before placing them on the bed beside him.
Then he sat down on the other side and, turning to Crowley, cupped his face in his hands and said softly, "These are your eyes, how could I not love them? I don't see a snake or a demon when I look into them, just you. I see their warm color, the hues that change with your mood when you're not wearing your glasses."
Crowley asked softly, "But...wouldn't you rather my eyes be like the day you first met me? Like before..."
Aziraphale sighed before answering, "That is a difficult question..."
"I knew it..." Crowley started to turn his face away, but Aziraphale stopped him and said, "Silly, I didn't mean it like that. To have your eyes like before would mean you hadn't gone through everything you did, the fall, etc., so in a way yes...but also no, because I love the demon you are now and no longer the image I had of the angel. Don't you see? I love who you are, not the idea I had of you. Which means I like those eyes too..." he traced the eyes with his thumbs before moving his face closer to the demon's and kissing him softly on the lips. 
Pulling back, he continued, "And so, yes, I love the color that reminds me the eyes of the one I love."
Crowley muttered, "That's no reason to change the color of the Bentley."
Aziraphale raised his hands in surrender and replied in an amused voice, "I promise I won't do it again."
Crowley grabbed the angel's hands to pull him close, then wrapped his arms around him, holding him to his chest. He whispered into his hair, "Thank you for loving who I am."
Aziraphale replied softly against his chest, "I wouldn't have you any other way."
The demon pressed him a little closer, burying his face in his neck, and when the angel felt a certain wetness where Crowley's face touched his skin, he simply tightened his embrace and continued to whisper words of comfort and love into Crowley's hair. 
A few minutes later, when the demon lifted his head, his beautiful eyes glistened with the tears he had shed.  Aziraphale kissed each eye devoutly and then pressed his lips to the demon's in a kiss that made him understand, far better than words, how much he was loved for exactly who he was.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : here (After season 2)
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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edenalieth · 9 months
i want to believe in forever
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Pairing: Seungmin x reader
Genre: angst, hint of fluff
Warnings: none
Summary: Seungmin wants to move on from his heartbreak, however the colorful memories of you are holding him back. 
Words: 1.3K 
A.N: hello guys, cami in the building! it’s my first time writing a seungmin fic (@seungseung-minmin forgive me for not making a cuter one ;v;) it was mostly inspired by the song « the exit » by conan gray which i found really beautiful and true. sorry for the possible mistakes. hope you enjoy, feedbacks are always welcome! ♡ — 231217
He took another sip of the black coffee he was holding on his hand and grimaced. It was already half cold and far too bitter for his liking. For how long did he stare at those high limestone walls ? Apparently long enough for his coffee to turn bad. Spotting the closest bin, he threw the drink away, watching it fall as the lid opened spreading the brown liquid. The winter breeze made him shiver and he buried his hands deeper into the pockets of his coat, trying to warm them up. 
« You can do this, Kim Seungmin », the brown haired boy thought to himself. 
He climbed the stairs silently until he reached the ticket office. A young girl was reading. She was probably just starting her university course and needed this job to gain some money seeing her bored expression. She barely looked at Seungmin before nonchalantly putting down her book with a barely hidden sigh. 
« What can I do for you ? » she asked, visibly annoyed to be interrupted. 
Seungmin cleared his throat « Hmm, one adult ticket please. » 
He was tapping on the small counter with his fingertips, nervous. He was about to tell her that he had changed his mind and turn around but he had promised himself he would do this. It was necessary. Even if it hurt. He knew, he needed to detach his mind and feelings from this place and many others. 
« What is this book about ? » he said, trying some small talk while she was preparing the ticket. She put one out of the drawer of her desk and handed it to him, announcing the price. « Just a regular thriller. » Nothing more, nothing less. He paid and left without further ado. He was sure that, if you had been there, you would have managed to pick that girl’s interest, even just a little. That’s how you were, solar, attracting people around you like a magnet. However, you hadn’t been by his side for months now, he had to move on. 
When he entered the familiar hall, he was greeted by the unique scent of museum and all its splendor. Soon, he was surrounded by history and felt so little and insignifiant, as well as mesmerized by the beauty of those masterpieces he had seen so many times with you. When you used to call yourselves « us », you had made a ritual to visit this place once a month. The museum was big enough for you to always discover small details you hadn’t seen before or to explore the temporary exhibition. Since your breakup, he avoided this place like the plague. Yet here he was, feeling his heart clenching as he looked at the paintings. One of your favorite hobby was to tell him stories when you analyzed a canvas. Your imagination was overflowing and never missed to make him laugh, which sometimes made you incur the wrath of the visitors and security. No one was here to make him laugh today and loneliness weighed heavily on his shoulders. He didn’t have this talent. He would just skim through the description next to it. Colors seemed dull compared to the vivid memories of you, scarring his heart mercilessly. He felt his throat getting tight. He had chosen the museum to start his healing journey because he knew he wouldn’t be able to cry without being heard. He had shed tears more than he would even admit. Was it truly helping though ? Or what is it just him blowing on the embers of your lost love. 
He sat down on the leathered bench, facing your favorite art. It was a pretty simple one, a cottage on the countryside, using impressionism technique. The first time you saw it, you went strangely quiet. You were like absorbed by it. He remembered how you leaned on his shoulder, intertwining your fingers with his. « I can picture us living there. » you had softly whispered. « It would be the embodiment of our love, our safe place. Growing old together, laughs of our kids and grand-kids filling the rooms. Am I allowed to dream about this ? » your voice had seemed insecure, seeing you vulnerable like that was rare. « Yes and it will be our dream from now on. » he had replied, brushing his nose against yours before tenderly kissing you. Warmth had filled his body, his heart melting like ice under a scorching sun, your touch permanently marking his skin. A dream. Was it all it had been ? Just something made up by his cruel mind ? No. He still could remember the sensation of your skin on his, the scent of your shampoo, the little habits you had, the sound of your giggle. 
Recalling these memories was like torture. The grip he had on the bench became stronger, his knuckles turning white. If only he had noticed how left out you felt sometimes. Maybe, you would be next to him, still daydreaming about your perfect house. Or, perhaps, you just weren’t meant to build one together. This thought turned his vision into blurry shapes. « Shit ». He didn’t want to cry in public. He stood up hastily and looked for the exit. Wandering between the corridors, his steps echoing on the cold ground, the artworks seemed like moving stains. It was as if the walls were tightening around him and he was tempted to rush out of here to get some air. However, his run was abruptly stopped when the object of his obvious desire showed up. You. 
You were there. Your arm around the waist of someone who wasn’t him. His mind went blank for a second. It couldn’t be, right ? He swallowed the sobs that were trying to escape his throat, his hands shaking. He thought you were both sharing the same wounds, that you were still mourning your old feelings. His were surely not buried yet. Still, there was no mistaken. You looked happier now and you had already found someone to miss. He wanted to let himself drown into the abyss of his sorrow. He almost called out your name, every single letter which used to roll on his tongue like honey, addictive like a drug, tasted sour. He had to leash his heart not to break down and try to get you back again. He had tried but you already had built up a wall to protect your opened wounds. His were still raw. 
Were you going to tell this man the same stories you had told him ? Did your « I » became a « we » when you met him ? In fact, he didn’t want to know. He wanted to forget you for a time, to get strong enough to be able to talk about you as a young love that bloomed too fast and wilted in the process. He couldn’t blame you for getting everything you wanted. 
He stared at you, as your eyes spoke for you, full of some love that used to be his. Each step you took leading you towards your ideal. Deep down your heart, feels for Seungmin were still waiting to be set on fire again. However, the ones you had for your new lover were stronger and you wanted to cherish them. It was a painful sight for Seungmin and he wished someone would rip his heart for it to get numb. He had to let you go. He was still standing at the exit before he opened the glass door. 
Immediately, the cold bit his flesh, tears rolling down his cheeks and burning his skin. 
« I want to believe in forever » he thought, you just weren’t meant to be his. 
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Inspired by this post
Lan Wangji didn't know where the rumor came from or how A-Yuan had heard about it but he supposed it wouldn't harm anything to give in (It had nothing to do with his son's pleading gaze, honestly it didn't it did).
The house from the rumor, if Lan Wangji is thinking of the right one, was just a few blocks away from the usual path they took home after trick or treating. It wouldn't be that out of the way.
"Alright. We can stop by that house on the way back."
A-Yuan screeched in excitement, "Yay! Jingyi is gonna be so jealous!" He hopped up and down, the bunny ears on his head flapping.
Lan Wangji really hoped this guy was as nice as the rumors made him seem. He'd hate to see his son disappointed.
The man was definitely as nice as the rumors said, he was also absolutely stunning.
Lan Wangji didn't speak much on a normal day but as soon as the man, Wei Ying, he'd introduced himself as, opened the door, all words fled Lan Wangji's brain except four–
'Oh no, he's hot.'
It got even worse (better) when A-Yuan eagerly wished the man a happy birthday and gave him a bunny drawing he made, gaining a bright, beautiful smile.
(A-Yuan informed him it would be rude to wish the man a happy birthday yet not get him anything. Lan Wangji wasn't gonna spend money on a stranger. They compromised on a drawing.)
"Aw, thank you! I will put this on my fridge! Front and center!" Wei Ying beamed, gently setting the drawing down on a small table by the door, "As a thank you, why don't you take a toy as well as some candy? If your dad doesn't mind, that is." Wei Ying glanced at him with a questioning look.
A-Yuan turned wide eyes up at him, expression pleading, "Please, please, please?"
How could he possibly say no when both A-Yuan and Wei Ying were looking at him like that?
A-Yuan jumped up and down with excitement, turning to Wei Ying with a happy grin.
"Okay, little bunny! Pick whichever you like." Wei Ying said as he grabbed a small bucket hiding by the door, it had a bunch of colorful little toys in it. Varying from, what Lan Wangji can identify, bubble blowers, tiny skateboards, small stuffed animals, bouncy balls, and a lot more. It definitely wasn't a small amount. He wondered how much Wei Ying spends on Halloween every year, considering he also had a big variety of candy on offer as well.
A-Yuan took a long moment, seriously debating which toy he wanted, eyes flickering back and forth between items before they apparently landed on the one he wanted.
A small stuffed butterfly.
"A great choice!" Wei Ying praised, his beautiful smile once more appearing. Lan Wangji would be lucky to leave this house with his heart intact. He wasn't sure if he even wanted to.
A-Yuan grinned right back, face flushed with happiness.
Wei Ying noticed his continued staring and looked at him with a, was that flirty?, wink.
"Now, Lan-gege was it? Thank you for bringing this cute little rabbit to my door. It was a wonderful birthday present!" Wei Ying ruffled A-Yuan's hair, right in front of the hood with bunny ears he wore, "Don't tell the others kids but—" he leaned down to stage whisper, "You're costume is my favorite of the night."
A-Yuan lights up like a lightbulb, clutching onto his new butterfly shyly. Lan Wangji felt a spark of pride at the words, they spent a long time debating which costume to get. The adorable bunny costume won by a wide margin.
"Definitely! It reminds me of my own little bunnies." He admits brightly.
"You have bunnies!?" A-Yuan all but screeched, immediately shooting his father a sheepishly look of apology afterwards.
"I do." Wei Ying shifted the bowl in his hands, letting it rest against one hip, "Two of them. They came as a pair, I couldn't separate them even if I wanted to." He laughed, a tingle of something Lan Wangji would rather not identify, but it felt warm and sharp, shot through him at the sound.
"Woah. Can I see them?"
Wei Ying glanced at Lan Wangji, then behind him, Lan Wangji didn't have to look to know there were more kids coming up the drive. He could hear their shouting and laughter getting closer, parents calling after them to be careful, they unfortunately needed to get going.
"Maybe another time, if Wei Ying is okay with that." Lan Wangji offered before he knew it.
Wei Ying was more than okay with that. As soon as the words left Lan Wangji's mouth, Wei Ying was already nodding, "Yes! I would love that! Uhm–" he looked once more at the approaching children, "Why don't you come over tomorrow afternoon? I work from home, so it won't be a problem." He said with a soft laugh, "And you already know where I live!"
Lan Wangji was supposed to have a meeting in the afternoon. He barely had to think before he replied.
"Of course. We will be here around 12."
A-Yuan nodded as well, happily taking his dad's hand as he made way for the other kids.
"And Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji said as Wei Ying started to turn towards the children crowding his doorway, "Happy birthday." he added, earning himself a truly breathtaking smile before gently tugging A-Yuan back down the driveway.
Maybe some rumors are worth listening to after all, he thought as he made a mental note to reschedule his meeting tomorrow, this one definitely was.
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heliads · 8 months
i've been big and small (and big and small again)
The Ferrari news drops. Sebastian has to know.
Sebastian sounds amused over the phone. Even more so than usual, actually. It figures. Anyone would be pleased if the entire motorsport world was tearing itself to pieces to determine fact from gossip and you were the one man with the central cause of the hubbub on the other end of the line. Sebastian Vettel has always been territorial and deeply possessive of the men and teams he covets. This, by all accounts, is a win for him.
It’s a win for both of them. Lewis could have addressed the rumors earlier, certainly, he has known how to handle the PR side of racing for years, but this time around he liked the unsteadiness of it all. Lewis has kept a level head for much longer than he’s really wanted to, and now he gets to revel in the mystery. For once, everyone can chase after him instead of the other way around. No more begging for good cars or for anyone to listen to his suggestions. Hopefully.
Plus, keeping the secrecy alive was all but a guarantee that Sebastian would call. Lewis is not above teasing a married man by leaving him sly details about his future like digital breadcrumbs on a path to more transgressions than either of them would ever admit aloud. Lewis knows perfectly well what he’s doing, and Sebastian does too. If he goes too far– which, above all things, is their favorite habit– well, Maranello is closer to a certain estate in Switzerland than Brackley, at any rate.
“So,” Sebastian says, dawdling on the line, “I seem to recall that I did a surprise switch to Ferrari before you. If this is imitation, I’ll take it as a compliment.”
“A compliment?” Lewis repeats, chuckling. “Of course you would.”
“How else should I take it?” Sebastian protests. “You’re following in my footsteps, it’s lovely. Only, I hope you do a better job of it than I did. My time with the Tifosi was unfortunately lackluster. Fernando’s was as well, so you’ve got two of us to show up.”
“What if mine is too?” Lewis asks. It’s a question that’s been gnawing at him for a while. There is, of course, the freedom in joining with a new team, the resurgence of a hope that’s been steadily decaying for a while, but fear comes with it, the fear that even a new team, new colors, new everything, won’t be enough to reclaim past glory.
Sebastian blows out a low breath, and the static of it crackles over the speaker. Lewis shifts his grip on the phone, cradling it so he can expose more of his skin to the digital current. “Will that matter?”
Lewis scoffs. “Of course it matters.” He’s a man of results. If they try to discredit you, you prove your worth by making it impossible to ignore you. Wins give you protection, world titles give you armor. Lewis cannot afford to be mediocre. His life is one of excellence or nothing.
“I had thought you would say that,” Sebastian tells him wryly, and Lewis can imagine the quietly sarcastic uptick of his smile.
“Am I that predictable?” Lewis asks.
“Well, apparently not, because Sky Sports is running around like a headless chicken,” Sebastian informs him. “But anyone in your position would wonder about what they were doing. Eleven years is a long time to leave behind.”
Lewis shuts his eyes. “I know that part.”
As if he hasn’t thought through it already. Committing to Mercedes was exhausting, but leaving it took far more energy and nerve than even he’d expected. Lewis knows what he wants, an eighth championship with Mercedes and then an opportunity to fuck off forever without being bothered ever again, but sometimes he doesn’t always get what he wants. He’s learned that with Sebastian too, in the form of a ring on his finger that haunts Lewis like a hand around his throat.
“And I know the rest,” Sebastian muses. “We all have to try, and we all have to fail. It’s inevitable.”
“Inevitable,” Lewis says disbelievingly. “I don’t believe you’ve ever thought anything was inevitable. You’ve fought for everything in your life, even when you didn’t have to.”
Lewis can imagine Sebastian’s proud grin even without seeing his face. “I like to make life exciting, yes.”
“Difficult,” Lewis amends. “You like to make life difficult.”
“I make life interesting,” Sebastian suggests. “Can we agree on that?”
“We can,” Lewis decides. “Now, come on, man. This is the part where you try to convince me that the Tifosi will change my life. Radicalize me with Forza Ferrari or whatever it is that you do. Or at least remind me that there will be substantially less porpoising. Distract me from leaving the W14 behind.”
“And Bono?” Seb asks, clearly indulging himself.
Lewis snorts. “Don’t bring up Bono,” he says, but he’s laughing, and blushing more than he’s laughing, and he figures Sebastian can probably tell that even over the phone, so. Not a whole lot of disguising that, then.
Seb chuckles fondly. “You’ll have others.”
“Yeah?” Lewis asks, not quite listening.
“Yeah,” Sebastian affirms. “And old friends, too. There’s a lot to enjoy at Ferrari.”
“Tell me,” Lewis says.
Sebastian’s breath hitches in his throat at the order. And then he talks, and Lewis listens, and the time passes. Rumors spread. Neither of them care.
f1 tag list: @j-brielmalfoy, @juphey
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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blkmxrvel · 4 months
Haven’t Forgotten My Way Home (30) - [CONVERTED]
Pairing: Kara Zor-El x Female!Reader
Summary: In the D/s society of National City, men and women abandoned by their Dom/mes or otherwise deemed unfit for life “outside” end up at the Mount Overland House for Orphaned Submissives. It is here that Kara Zor-El finds Y/N Hastings, broken and fearful from mistreatment at the hands of her former Dom. Can Kara coax Y/N back into the world that once so terrified her, and show her the true meaning of care and submission?
Warnings: Domestic Violence (Flashbacks, Mentions and Descriptions), Misogyny, Domination/Submission.
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Little Y/N/N,
Good to hear you and the loud one (I’m kidding don’t kill me) are settled in. Ma’am says she “finds the pictures acceptable, but please tell Kara we need to talk about the color scheme in the living room.” (Actually had to give her the laptop.)
Back to me now. Sam’s good, her and Lena are just spending their time spoiling the monkey face. I finally have babysitting privileges. Brainy took the Paternity  test. It would’ve been nice for him to be a dad, but Lana’s looks are scary so I’m glad it came back negative. And Ma’am and I got some brochures from an adoption agency yesterday; we’re going to see about maybe a kid of our own.
Don’t worry about Kara finding a role. Ma’am says it’s a tough business but if anybody can break into it Kara can. Oh, thought you’d like to know that Schott got arrested for taking bribes from Willis. So now all his cases are being reviewed. Dunno what that means for yours, but Ma’am says not to worry, she’ll let you know. And Sam and Lucy are on top of it too.
I gotta go cause it’s roleplaying ni grefsrersl  cause Ma’am says so, but I’ll write again soon.
Miss you, Little Y/N/N. Love ya.
Y/N closed her laptop with a smile; she’d answer Maggie later. She sipped the last of her tea and glanced out of the shop, seeing the sun beginning to slip down. It had been a good day, her first at the bookstore. Her boss was nice, a sweet little submissive who was pleased that Y/N knew so much about art and Broadway, and Y/N got a 20% discount on books. Mistress was limiting her to two books a month though – “Just for now,” she had said – because they were just starting out and she knew Y/N would buy out the store if she could.
Today was also Mistress’s first day, at an off-off-Broadway workshop, and Y/N couldn’t wait to ask her how it had gone. She knew Mistress was in a hurry to win a good role, because she wanted success for herself and Y/N, and to get them both out of the small apartment in a moderately good but still not the best neighborhood. But it would come in time, Y/N had reassured her, and after all, they’d only been in New York a month.
She was on her way, and so was Mistress.
And the apartment might be small, but it was theirs. It was on the 4th floor but thankfully there was an elevator, and Mistress had been glad that there was a doorman for a little added sense of security. They had decorated it together, though apparently Alex didn’t agree with the shade of green they’d chosen for the living room. Y/N could only imagine what Mistress would say to that, and she laughed softly.
As if on cue, she felt someone slip in next to her and clear their throat expectantly, and that’s when Y/N realized.
The sun was going down.
“I was supposed to be home an hour ago.”
“That you were,” Mistress said, but she wasn’t angry, and she rested her head on Y/N’s shoulder. This was Y/N’s favorite shop besides the bookstore, and Mistress knew that if Y/N wasn’t to be found, she’d usually be here, just two blocks from their apartment.
“I’m sorry, Mistress.” Y/N tilted her face to kiss her forehead.
“Mmhm,” Mistress hummed. “When we get back to the apartment, for an hour you’ll spend 3 minutes of every 10 in the corner. Perhaps that will help you remember the importance of time.”
“Yes, Mistress,’ Y/N answered, and smiled as she began running her fingers through Y/N’s hair.
“Are you sure you like it?”
“I told you I did,” Mistress said, toying with the cropped pink strands. “It’s a good look for you. And very, very hot.”
“Mm, good to know,” Y/N said, kissing her. “I think I’ll keep it this way for a while, then.”
“Let’s get home now,” Mistress said. “Theo missed you.”
“Just Theo?” Y/N teased, standing up and shouldering her bag as Mistress circled her hand around her wrist, holding her protectively.
“No, not just Theo, you little brat,” Mistress said with a roll of her eyes.  “I missed you too. And I was worried. I thought you’d forgotten your way home.”
Y/N shook her head and stopped in the middle of a busy New York evening to hug her Mistress, and kiss her with as much love as she possibly could.
“I could never forget my way to you.”
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jeankluv · 10 months
Snow on the beach || Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
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Words: 3.1k
Warnings: none
Note: It’s been over a month since the last update but here we are once again. Enjoy 💗🍉
Previous chapter || Materialist || Next chapter
Chapter VII: Uh oh, I’m falling in love
You entered your house followed by Law, you told him he didn’t have to check your knee now but he insisted on doing it and you know how stubborn he was. You walked through the house in silence, although you could hear your heart beating loudly in your ears. Please calm down y/n, calm down.
“Change into something more comfortable, so I can check your knee and see if I can know what you got.” He spoke, taking you out of your bubble.
“Yeah… sure. I will change.” You said and disappeared from the living room.
Leaving Law completely alone. He looked around, inspecting the house, you didn’t decorate it at all. It felt quite cold, not only because there was no heater but also because despite you leaving here for almost a month already, it seemed like an empty house. You probably hadn't had time to go shopping for things you liked. But what were the things you liked? If Law started to think, he knew things about you, the typical things you learn if you play twenty questions. Things like that you liked Taylor Swift, you preferred the cold over the heat even though you were having a terrible time here due to the cold, that you loved the stars and everything that had to do with them, that you preferred strawberry ice cream to chocolate ice cream, that you said you were a cat person but you were dying of love for Bepo, that you loved reading even though you haven't lately, that you could spend hours watching series of any genre and that her dad was a dick apparently, but beyond that you haven't told him more.
Things like the fact you touch your necklace or your neck when you're nervous, that your ears turn red, that your nose wrinkles a little when you lie, that you were sarcastic, or that you seem to have a need to please others without realizing it, leaving your feelings to yourself, are things he had realized by calmly observing. But what would you like your home to look like? Would you like a minimalistic style or maybe a more rustic style? Which was your favorite color for a room?
“I’m back. Please don’t judge my pijama, it’s the best I found for you to be able to check my knee.” And Law turned around, to see you on a cute… Spider-Man pijama?
“It’s that…”
“I like superheros okay? Especially Spider-Man, it sounds cliche but I’m a nerd alright Law? Now check my knee. Please.” You said sitting down on the couch.
“I was just going to say that I liked. I was not going to make fun of you.” You nodded.
“Thank you. It’s an old pijama but was one of the warmest I had back home, so it was the best option for here.”
“Okay now let me check your knee.”
You lifted your pants and showed him your knee. He started touching it, asking if the places he touched hurt you.
“Was this scar before or after the pain started?” He said pointing at the scar that was on your knee.
“I got it when I fell.”
“So you fell?”
“Yeah… Well, they pushed me, someone pushed me and I fell and hit the curb with my knee.” You explained.
“When was that?”
“Months ago, I don’t remember exactly.” But you did, you knew exactly the day.
“Did they check you after the incident or…?”
“No, you’re the first one.”
“You should get an x-ray scanner, just in case there is something broken, which I doubt but to see if we can know what it is.” You nodded. “Unfortunately our x-ray scanner broke a couple of weeks ago and we are still waiting for them to fix it, so you will have to go to the nearby city to get it done.”
“Oh okay, no problem.”
“I will go with you.”
“You don’t have to Law.”
“I insist, besides I know some doctors there, it will be easier to get everything done.”
“Okay, good but weren’t you saying something this morning…”
“Y/n… you love to mock me right?”
“I love it.” You laughed. “But now for real, is it okay?”
“It’s okay… I will figure things out.”
“We.” You responded.
He rolled his eyes. “You’re such a stubborn.”
“Look who's talking, Mr. stubborn.”
He smiled to the floor and then looked at you, once again with his serious face. “It’s late y/n, I will leave.”
He stood up and you followed him to the door. You said goodbye and you saw him walk to his house, a few meters away from yours. You closed the door and leaned your forehead against it, you wanted to scream. Because? Because Law, it wasn't normal what the simple brushing of his fingers on your knee had caused you. Shit y/n, he was treating you like his patient and you are here fantasizing. But not only that, it's that smile at the end, damn, if Nami saw you at that moment he would be making fun of you and telling you “I told you so.”
Law woke a bit later than he usually did that day, he took a shower and then fed Bepo, who was already sleeping at home because the weather was starting to get colder and he was a spoiled boy, like Law used to call him. He was in the middle of preparing his coffee when he heard some knocks on his door. He knew Corazon wasn’t because he was still sleeping after arriving late last night, so he figured out it would be you. He opened his front door to find you pouting in front of him.
“Why…?” Law started to speak, with a concerned tone on his voice.
“You lied.” You cut him.
He blinked “Excuse me?”
“You said it was starting to snow… but look!” You said pointing outside. “There is nothing! I think even the grass looks more green today than yesterday.”
He sighed and leaned into the door frame. “I said that snowflakes were falling, not that it was going to snow.”
“Snowflake equals snow.” You replicated. “I never saw snow okay!? I got excited when you told me there were snowflakes. I thought I was going to wake up to a completely white landscape and I woke up to this.”
“You never saw snow?”
“Yeah never, okay? Where I am from it never snows, and my mom wasn’t rich, we never went to the snow, we didn’t even have a car of our own.” You told him.
Law softly laughed at your facial expressions. “Don’t worry peachie it will eventually snow. I promise.”
“Climate change is knocking on the door and is saying that maybe not.”
“You woke up funny today? What did you have for breakfast, one of those Brook’s brownies?”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m just stating facts, maybe it doesn’t.”
“It will, it always does and if it doesn’t, then I will make sure you see the snow for the first time.”
You smiled. “Promise?”
“I promise.” He smiled back at you and you felt like you could die in that moment. “Did you eat breakfast?”
“Mmhmm… I did.” Big mistake, because Law knew right away that you were lying.
“But how do you know?!” You cried
“You always bite your lip before telling the lie and then you start playing with your fingers.” He said and you were left without words. “Now c’mon let’s have breakfast.” He held your hand, making your heart skip a bit.
Law walked in front of you holding your hand and unbothered by the fact your hand was sweating like crazy. He guided you till the kitchen, where he made you sit down and wait for him to prepare breakfast. Bepo came running towards you, asking you to pet him and so you did.
“You are a good boy.” You said playing with him, while Bepo happily moved his tail.
“He really likes you.” Law said, leaving a plate in front of you.
“Thank you. And well what can I say, look at me I’m charming.”
“Sure you are. Now eat.”
You ate what Law brought you, while observing his profile. He saw reading and concentrated on whatever it was, from time to time he would reach for his coffee and drink it. You couldn’t deny it, he was good looking and the piercings on his ears were…
“You should take a picture, it will last longer.” You heard him talk.
“Fuck…” You whispered, looking down trying to hide the fact your face was probably red like a tomato.
“Peachie, come on, finish everything.”
“Why do you always call me that?” You looked at him.
“What peachie?” You nodded in response. “Whenever you are embarrassed your cheeks will turn red, similar to a peach and that’s why… I find it cute.” He said looking at you and then went back to his book.
You were left unspoken, like he always did. Stupid Law, who was making your heart race like that.
“What do you find cute Law?” You heard the voice of Corazon and you smiled.
“Good morning Corazon.” You greeted him.
“Oh y/n! Hello, how are you? It’s been some time since we saw each other. I’m glad you’re here.”
“Yeah, the restaurant it’s keeping me busy, but I’m glad I came.”
“Oh Law! What a gentleman you’re cooking for y/n. But nothing for your old man.” He cried and you laughed at Corazon’s face.
“Cora-san…” Law rolled his eyes.
“I’m kidding, I can do it myself. You two love birds can keep talking, pretending like I’m not here.” With that Law choked on his own coffee and your eyes opened like plates.
“Corazon!” Law shouted.
“Oops.” He laughed.
You felt your face heat and tried to hide it behind the cup, while trying to avoid both, Law’s and Corazon’s gazer. Corazon put the topic aside and proceeded to ask you about work and the new group of friends you had made. From time to time you glanced at Law to see what he was doing and you would notice him reading. The minutes began to tick and before you realized it, Corazon was saying goodbye to the two of you to go run some errands. You were both alone at home. You picked up your breakfast plate and even though Law insisted that you didn't need to clean it, you did, Law had already been nice enough to you to make him clean your breakfast.
You still had time before going to work and honestly, a part of you didn’t want to leave at that moment. You liked Law’s presence, even if he didn’t speak much or at all, feeling him near was enough for you to feel comfortable. But the other part inside of you, was screaming to leave and that you were probably being a burden to him. You closed your eyes for a moment and then turned around to face Law, who was coming into your direction.
“Do you want me to take you to your work?” He said, not letting you speak.
“I… there is no need.” You moved your head. “I will take the bus, like always.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, besides I need to go home before leaving.” You pointed out. “I will be heading home, thank you for the breakfast Law. It was really nice.” He nodded and you disappeared from his gaze.
You hugged yourself, started walking, almost running back home, it was so cold outside you could feel yourself almost freezing right there. Entering the house you felt a little bit warmer but not like you did back at Law’s home. You told yourself that it was because their heaters were better than an hour, not because their house actually felt like a home.
You took a quick shower, you actually told Law no to his invitation to take you to the town because you needed to call your mom and didn’t want to explain Law your whole trauma and past. It was hard enough telling Nami back then and you didn’t want to bother Law with it. You would end up being a mess, with your whole face red from crying and you didn’t want him to see you like that, not again.
Thirty minutes later I was already putting the coin in the crack to call your mother, it was Sunday so I would be at home with Kelly and David. You smiled as you thought about the Saturdays you used to spend together, how you played with Kelly and David and your mother would hang out together or when the three of you would play board games in the afternoon. Your heart skipped a beat thinking about it and you held the phone tighter in your hand, trying to stop yourself from crying. Part of you wanted to go back, hug your mother, shower Kelly with kisses, enjoy David's company again, but the big part of you wasn't able to do it. The phone rang twice before they picked up on the other end.
“Honey?” You heard your mom’s sweet voice on the other side.
“Yeah mom, it’s me.” You smiled.
“Oh honey, I missed you. I was getting worried because you didn’t call and I thought something happened.”
“Don’t worry mom, I’m perfectly fine, it’s just… it’s been busy here and I couldn’t call. Sorry.”
“Don’t be, I am just glad you are okay.”
The two of you started talking, your mom told you about Kelly, about David, about things that had happened to her throughout the week and you told her about your things, the restaurant, your new friends.
“This Law… you also mentioned him last time we talked. And you had mentioned him a lot again, who is he? Someone I should know about?” Your mom teased on the other side of the phone.
“He is just a friend…”
“A friend?”
“Mhm, he is a doctor here in town.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah but we are not anything, we are just friends…”
“But you like him?”
“Mom please…” You leaned your head against the glass of the cabin.
“What honey? I’m your mother, if my sweet baby is in love with someone I deserve to know.”
You stayed silent for a moment, in love with Law? That was such a big word, to be in love. You didn’t even know how it felt to be in love with someone, yeah you liked people before but you don’t think you have ever been in love with anyone. But with Law? You liked him and you felt sexually attracted to him, that was impossible to deny. He was someone who made you feel safe and comfortable, whenever he was around. Made your heart race, made you blush, but were you in love? Uh oh, I’m falling in love.
“I… maybe?” You whispered.
“Oh honey… I’m so happy for you.”
“Mom it’s getting late, I have to leave.”
“Okay, but I want you to tell me more about Law. I need to know more about this guy.”
You laughed and told her goodbye. You stayed there for a couple of more minutes, thinking about it. You were falling for Law, it wasn’t just sexual attraction or a simple liking, you loved him. Oh… all those times when your heart raced, when your eyes met and your face would blush, you were starting to fall for him.
“I’m falling for him…” You said for yourself.
“I knew it!” You opened your eyes widely looking at the person standing next to you. “Robin owns my 15 bucks.”
“Wait what?” You stepped out looking at Nami.
“I’m sorry my baby, but it was kinda obvious. And I could bet Law is also…”
“He is not and stop betting for my love life.”
“Okay.” She smiled. “What were you doing?”
“Oh I was just calling my mom.”
“You don’t have a phone.” You shook your head. “You can come to my apartment and use mine or come to the store whenever you want. Stop spending money on this old thing.”
“I just… didn’t want to bother anyone.”
“Y/n….” She sighed and held you from the shoulders. “You are not a bother and will never be. Understand? You are my friend. A dear one. And I don’t mind, you crashing on my apartment at 4 a.m., because you are homesick and you want to talk with your mom. I will let you, and prepare a hot chocolate and then spend the rest of the morning talking about how you are in love with...” You hit her. “Ah! Okay falling for…”
“Enough. I’m leaving, I need to work.” You started to walk off.
“Okay baby! But don’t think our conversation is over.” She waved at you.
You rolled your eyes and smiled. You began walking towards the restaurant, meeting familiar faces that smiled kindly at you. Zeff greeted you like always and Sanji came running towards you and welcomed you. You mentally prepared yourself for today, today was Sunday so it would be busy and you knew you would be closing late. Lunchtime was quiet, as was the afternoon, but the worst came at night, when families arrived for dinner after spending the day at the tourist spots near the town.
Moving one of the chairs, you fell into it exhausted. You had been exhausted, you had been alone most of the night because Sanji had to go into the kitchen to help because they couldn't keep up with so many orders. Your days at the restaurant were normally slow but Saturdays and Sundays, were a whole rollercoaster, where you could go from having no activities to being full of clients. You said goodbye to Sanji and Zeff, if you walked a little fast you could take the bus to go home and sleep all day tomorrow. You walked through the streets, hugging yourself to warm yourself.
“Miss?” You heard a man’s voice behind you.
You hugged yourself harder, feeling a chill running through your body. You turned around, leaving a space between the man and you. He was tall, really tall, blonde and he was wearing sunglasses, despite it being night already. You looked at him frowning and not stopping hugging you, as if that action were some kind of shield.
“Miss, do you know by any chance, Dr. Trafalgar?”
Law. Was he looking for him? Why? It didn't give you any good vibes.
“No. Sorry.” You said sharply. “Now if you excuse me.” You started to walk away.
But you were stopped by the man, who stood in front of you. You swallowed looking up at him. “I think you do miss, and you know? I hate liars.”
You shaked after hearing his words, could this be… that famous boss?
Tag list: @phsycochan @punem699
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pidgefudge · 4 months
SO. i have listened to @gooboogy 's wonderful green album. and i wrote down my thoughts on each song. and now i am putting them here!!
"thoughts" being actually somewhat coherent comments that devolve into What Would This Be In A Video Game because this is me we're working with after all
and you reading this. yes you. go listen to it
verdant: oooough blorpy,,,, very cool i like. good beat it's quite foot tappable. also the name itself might be a new vocal stim. verdant. vvvverrrrrdant.
halls: much noises!! the instrumence in this scratch my brain in a good way. feels a bit like im 7 years old watchinf my brother play 2d mario stages and reimagining the music
agua: oooohh arpeggio action and a SICK beat. once again the Noises are lovely. big fan of all 3 so far but this one in particular methinks. however i have many more songs to go (!!)
doot doot: very fun i also like this one a lot :3 and coming to you from my one-track autistic mind: this album would be a fantastic game soundtrack
side note i know im writing less for some of these but thats bc im experiencing them in shapes and colors more than expressable words. trust me they're stirring the brain stew
going for a walk: i know the title is about a walk but im envisioning this as the soundtrack to a sort of road trip montage animation thing. specifically my road trip with family from san francisco to la. oh yes this ending is us finally getting to the hotel and me flopping onto the bed
forward: im liking the melody here a lot <33 this album is making me want to boot up lmms again and try my hand at original music,,, ive only ever attempted remixes (i tried to do aquarium park from sonic colors a few years ago and gave up but now i kinda wanna go back to it,,, i wonder if i was cooking) ok yes back to the actual song whoops this one is soo cool one of my faves so far
snag: i like these opening chords!! i dont know what you actually call them but the like. buildup parts?? you know?? those bits??? big fan OOH and a uh. build down (lol) bit too! also liking the sparkly chimey instrumence
blazen: OHHH YESSS this would be the theme for my favorite antagonist in the hypothetical game that i am apparently going to be referencing multiple times (dimentio and mr L came to mind immediately) absolutely jamming
beep boop: fuck yeah man it sure does OH SPOOKY NOTES OH OH COOL BEAT ASWELL i am in for a fun time this is. also the theme of my favorite antagonist. but the battle theme i think. oh hell yeah the orchestra hits. yes yes definitely battle theme. sorry for putting all these in a vgm context shfjdkfkssghf i just listen to a lot of it so thats how my brain parses instrumentals
hunt: strimgs :3 wohhh this is so cool. buzzy in a good way. golden brown triangles and other spiky shapes. that's kinda meaningless to anyone but me but. oh nice more Noises always love the Noises
overwhelm: theme for when i have a project due the next day and am swamped with other homework shdjdksfjdh
VERDANT!: once more with gusto!! loving the faster tempo. constellationy crystally instrument is particularly pleasing. oooughh so gooddddd
creepin': spacey!! im watching a crew set out in their little shuttle, oblivious to the horrors awaiting them on their station
envy: this is a boss fight that's emotionally heavy for the protagonists. perhaps fighting a former friend or mentor or team member
whomp whomp: quite a tricksy track!! some sort of haunted place,,,, maybe the place where the previous battle takes place. maybe it's actually a ghost (especially if the protagonist had some role in their death and feels crushing guilt) (bonus points if the ghost openly expresses resentment for the protag)
gromulous: the word ever. final boss' lair for sureee. yeah this song sure is gromulous. idk how else to describe it you hit the nail on the head
largemouth: oooh a bit silly but also cool guy. im thinking some sort of underground secret society/lab thing they have to infiltrate that's hiding a Sinister Secret (the big plot twist of the game) doesn't even have to physically be underground it could be a moon base situation. maybe i should just make this whole thing into a scifi space rpg
a way out: i can see this as the final boss music and as you get further in the fight it ramps up. i know i already assigned songs to the main antagonist but shhhhh. (or i can always pull a super paper mario in terms of antagonists)
under over: oh!! i love this one!! hometown theme. chill and familiar but still upbeat rather than sleepy. and it has a very strong nostalgia factor,,,,, in love with this song it might be my favorite. but there are still 3 more so!
float: this beginning is very cool im loving the vibe. dire dire docks but make it just after sunset and watch the ocean come alive with bioluminescent lights and fish raves. i guess it isnt a space game anymore. or maybe dream sequence beach episode?? WOAHHH OCEAN MAGICANT i might be cooking with this one Hold On. yesyesyes ok some sort of trip/dream where theyre shrunk down marinauts (whatever ocean prefix) as opposed to astronauts and exploring a cool coral reef/ocean floor area and talking to the sea life and woahhhhhh this would look gorgeous in pixel art. tbh this one could be in its own game considering how vivid the imagery is
outside: post-final-boss world returning to normal/person being rescued or uncorrupted/whatever magical thing happening. very fond of the bird chirps too <33 OH MUSIC BOX SOUNDS i also adore this one. i think the ending of this game is kinda bittersweet. we saved the world/person/whatever but At A Cost. this is sooooo pretty. would also transition well into credits
Green: and roll credits!! this would be the kind of credits theme i sway in my seat and contemplate the game to. the entire album is fantastic and these last few especially have been so lovely
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respectthepetty · 9 months
With My Dear Bro Day Four & Five
Love Tractor's leads got sent to El Nido in the Philippines by the production company and recorded it for With My Dear Bro. I got nothing but time, so I'm binging it and writing it up in three posts: One, Two, Three.
Do Won is holding onto a can of Raid like his life depends on it spraying the entire bedroom, so Yoon Do Jin decides to film him, but Do Won tries to hide in the bathroom, then asks for Yoon Do Jin's help picking out sunglasses. This is carryover from Day Two & Three because Yoon Do Jin notices that Do Won, a shy guy, hides behind his glasses.
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Yoon Do Jin is giving compliments ("You look good") and compliments.
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Then, he strategically plans for them to stumble upon a seafood restaurant even though he already looked it up because Do Won just casually mentioned that he wants seafood! This man is dangerous!
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While at the restaurant (that Do Won is very excited about and Yoon Do Jin is very pleased with himself over), they discuss buying each other clothes and forcing the other to wear them. Do Won has stipulations. He wants a cool-colored Hawaiian shirt and flip-flops. Yoon Do Jin says he trusts Do Won to pick out what is best for him. But they get sidetracked because Yoon Do Jin wants to feed a dog. Do Won says no. So Yoon Do Jin feeds Do Won instead.
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Do Won takes intricate photos of his food and Yoon Do Jin loves it.
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Whoever said to send them on this trip deserves a raise! Do Won keeps asking if Yoon Do Jin likes the food as he keeps giving Yoon Do Jin food on his plate, but Do Won comments that "the forehead doesn't lie" so he stares at Yoon Do Jin's head because he thinks Yoon Do Jin doesn't actually like it.
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They split up to do their competition shopping, but IMMEDIATELY Do Won gets anxious being alone and people watching him. He is the dog drinking coffee in the burning building. SOMEONE ADOPT HIM!
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But Everyone's Best Friend Yoon Do Jin is thriving! He is waving at todo el mundo, singing songs in the street, and haggling which seems to be his favorite activity.
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They meet back up but Do Won is late because *ANXIETY!* and Yoon Do Jin fakes a fight with him because Do Won, the entire trip, has been harping about sticking to the schedule and being on time. Yoon Do Jin, once again, questions if Do Won is a man who keeps his promises. It's ridiculous and makes Do Won smile.
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They go back to the house, and Do Won is cooking chicken for Yoon Do Jin. Yoon Do Jin mentioned his weight management previously (he was apparently heavier), so the chicken is good for his diet. Yoon Do Jin is going out on the motorbike to buy the fruit that Do Won likes. Do Won tells him to be careful, and Yoon Do Jin tells him if he sees a bug to call him. Do Won is not amused.
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Yoon Do Jin goes back to the same market that he got the free fruit and haggles some more because now they are all best friends and in love with him (the crew blew up the girl's head just so we could know it was HER who complimented him). Dangerous, this man is.
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Yoon Do Jin returns looking like he robbed the place with eighty million bags but stands outside for a bit watching Do Won make the food until Do Won notices.
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Yoon Do Jin says he doesn't normally like fried chicken, but he really likes Do Won's. Then, he says the pineapple is so good, he'll probably see it in his dreams. And that poster about being loved just casually hangs behind him.
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Then they exchange the clothes they bought each other, and this shit is LOUD AS FUCK compared to Do Won's normal style.
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Do Won gives Yoon Do Jin the slippers he wanted the first day, a cool colored shirt, and SUNGLASSES! Someone clearly won this competition, and it ain't Yoon Do Jin.
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Loose threads: Do Won is always tripping over his own feet. They wore those Hawaiian shirts to bed. Yoon Do Jin always cuts off the light at night because it's so dark that Do Won is already in the bed. When looking for a shirt for Yoon Do Jin, Do Won had to keep telling everyone it was for his large man friend. AND frugal Do Won went over budget getting the gifts because he felt Yoon Do Jin deserved them, while Yoon Do Jin was worried that Do Won would be upset if he went over budget so he bought cheaper items.
It's the final episode and Do Won is still attached to the can of Raid since his normal bug killer, Yoon Do Jin, is still asleep. Do Won tells Yoon Do Jin about it as he mists him later in the morning. It's their thing.
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Do Won presents his gift to Yoon Do Jin, and by "presents", he actually slides it onto the counter as Yoon Do Jin's back is turned, then runs away, and puts on his sunglasses. Yoon Do Jin is De. Fucking. Lighted. as he recites the heartfelt message Do Won wrote on the back of the poster in his cockiest voice. Then, he asks Do Won if he is shy as he states he will get a frame for his poster. A DANGEROUS MAN!
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They head out to the final destination before the leave back home. But it starts to rain and Yoon Do Jin, a dangerous man, drops this banger of a line after Do Won tells him that his tension goes up when it rains. Do Won looks directly at the cameraman, The Office style after Yoon Do Jin drops this line. Do Won is the only reason I think this is real because he looks like he is being Punk'd every single second of this interaction.
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They finally are able to get on the ATV, but it takes a second for Yoon Do Jin to figure out how to go. However, he loses his cool when Do Won KEEPS MAKING ODD NOISES!
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They switch drivers. They ride faster. Then, they play on the beach. Yoon Do Jin asks Do Won for a reflection on the day, and Do Won says "The beach . . . is nice" and I think that is the most he has said in one go! Yoon Do Jin also takes off his shirt because . . . DANGER!
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They go back to the glamping spot which is a yurt with TWO beds, and Yoon Do Jin does this ridiculous crawl into the yurt so mosquitos don't get inside, and when Do Won tells him to put repellent on, Yoon Do Jin drops another doozy line saying the mosquitos will ignore him then and he doesn't like being ignored (he is firing shots at Do Won for ignoring him sometimes). He also states he doesn't like his shirt, so DO WON GIVES HIM ONE OF HIS, but Yoon Do Jin doubts it will fit. However, it does, because Do Won made sure to get a big enough size because he made it FOR him since he designs shirts. As usual, Shy Glasses has to look away after that confession.
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So Yoon Do Jin gives Do Won a gift too. Lip balm? Because he notices soft lips Shy Glasses is always applying lip balm. WHERE IS THE BRACELET?!
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IT'S HAPPENING! IT'S HAPPENING! Yoon Do Jin is going to give Do Won the bracelet, BUT . . .
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But Yoon Do Jin is a dangerous man and tells Do Won it's an "amulet" to ward off ghosts since Do Won said he saw a ghost earlier. The gift is accepted.
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They go outside to eat by a nice blazing fire. They act like their roasting sticks are fishing poles, they light marshmallows on fire, and they eat like caveman, but a dangerous man takes it too far.
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They have to go back in because it starts raining, and Yoon Do Jin makes a dad joke through poetry (he has been doing this the entire trip), and ends it with "it . . . was nice" because he must tease Do Won about his reflection earlier on the beach. Do Won responds that he wishes he hadn't let his anxiety get the best of him on the first couple of days and that he was more like Yoon Do Jin. Yoon Do Jin reveals that he always travels alone, yet felt really secure traveling with Yoon Do Jin.
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Do Won asks where they should go next, and Yoon Do Jin, a dangerous man, jokes that Do Won just wants a second season with him, but then offers up his dream place because it's "more realistic" which gets an honest laugh out of Do Won.
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Hand over heart, I WANT A SECOND SEASON!
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I don't care if this was scripted or not. Shy Glasses and a Dangerous Man who is everyone's best friend deserve more of my attention.
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Or all of it.
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