#my favorite green suited twink ever
noritaro · 1 year
You want Batman characters how about your interpretation of the riddler I would love to see it!
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drew my Riddler design yesterday, buuut it doesn't hurt to draw him once again especially when I wanna redraw all my Batman villain design references
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sciderman · 7 months
How do you feel about different animated Peters? Do you have a favorite out of them?
hooh man, i know i say that i've consumed every little bit of spider-man media ever but it's really not true actually, and i think the thought of trying to watch every single animated version of peter parker kind of makes my brain explode. there are so many. i didn't actually grow up on spider-man cartoons, i only really got into spider-man comics in my late teens so my point-of-reference for peter parker will kind of always be the 616 comics, first-and-foremost.
i did watch a bit of ultimate spider-man as it was airing and i probably am one of the very few people on the planet who's kind of oddly soft on it! i have complicated feelings about ultimate spider-man. i feel about it the same kind of way that i feel about way's deadpool run. that it's an entirely annoying depiction of the character that is full to the brim with irritating jokes that don't land and package up the character to be a nutszo joke-a-minute lols random haha type deal but - i see oddly sincere and sympathetic and self-aware moments in there that make me inexplicably fond of that particular portrayal.
i don't know - i actually really love it when peter's portrayed as an actual weirdo. not the uptight square-boy you usually see, or this quirky boy-scout who's just kind of bland and cute and nerdy - but a peter parker that is actually unapologetically annoying. like you can't stand to be with him. i kind of love to see it. i don't know, i want him to be annoying. i think he should be annoying. and i love that he's fucking insane. like, objectively. he's not a sane man. he's adhd incarnate. and he's stupid. he has heroic moments, yeah, but he's also stupid and a jerk. i don't know. i'm probably giving it way too much credit, but compared to what came after (disney xd's spider-man (2017), looking at you) it's fun and kind of a very weird departure to your usual spider-man fare. deadpool appears in this show for one singular episode also so naturally thta is enough to make my brain go brrr.
(i've actually been really wanting to write a fic set in this universe. it's a universe i'm kind of interested in exploring, actually. been rotating it in my mind for a really, really long time. i'm almost ashamed to admit it, but every version of wade wilson fires up my brain, and i'm really, really interested in fleshing out this strange, i-was-a-child-soldier-turned-teenage-mercenary wade wilson. sorry. off-topic now. spider-man. we're meant to be talking about spider-man.)
disney xd's spider-man (2017) sorry you are so ugly and so boring. she doesn't exist to me. i hate that stupid nerdy off-brand tom holland ass twink with the green eyes. hate her. she is so boring. and her voice is even worse than drake bell (how could that be possible)
60's spider-man fucks. binged it so hard during my college days because it put me into the flow-state while i was working on my animation projects. i love that square boy. i love how macho he sounds when he's in the suit. i love his stupid fucking spider with the six legs. i love that they didn't have the budget for the extra two legs. i love him. he got me through college. almost tempted to do a stream of 60s spider-man so you all can enjoy it with me. it's a treasure. and thank you, 60s spider-man, for all the reaction images.
spectacular spider-man is very beloved, and i NEAARLY watched it all the way through, but – i don't know, i kind of just... don't like that peter parker very much. i couldn't tell you why. he's just a little boring to me. maybe it's the same criticism people slam onto andrew garfield's spider-man, the "he's too cool" argument. he's just not cringefail enough. he's kind of a bit boring. and his stupid SHIRT TAG that is NEVER TUCKED IN makes me FROTH at the MOUTH. i didn't wind up finishing the series because the love-triangle stuff just got way too exhausting for me. usually i eat up the peter parker drama but this particular case it really is a "why on earth is everyone in love with him. he's so boring." kind of situation. sure, it's a universal constant, but in this series it really is true. i wouldn't waste my time with him. sorry. mid. 5/10 peter parker portrayal. but the art and animation and theme song fuck.
i don't think i've watched enough of the other series to talk about them - which i feel kind of embarrassed about. i wanted to watch the animated series (1994) but just - never got around to it. i just prefer the comic-book format over animation, funnily. the irony, of me being an animator by trade, but preferring the medium of comic books. but like - i don't know. i prefer books over movies too. i just like doing more brain-work. it's why i like to write and draw more than i like to watch things. i don't like passive consumption. i want to put my brain to work. so - soooo, when it comes to watching things, i'm kind of terrible at it.
i think i should do a massive research session where i watch every spider-man series (or at least as much of them as my brain is willing to) - so i can do a comprehensive ranking of all peter parkers. if i have the time for that sort of thing (i don't.)
one day, maybe, one day. it could make a very fun video essay. i'd love to make a video essay, one day.
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shockersalvage · 2 years
Danganronpa Togami Cast Designs Interpretations - Male Togami Siblings Edition
Time to get to the other designs for the Male sibling side of this facked up Togami family!~ Made by Novel AI generation. DISCLAIMER: This is just what I think the cast of DRT looks like. Having any other interpretation is super fine! Go nuts! It’s valid!
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Ichiro Togami
“Now this guy was pretty much gotten in one go. I gave him, and the other ‘Ro Bros, black hair from Saburo’s possibly innuendo comment. From there, aside from giving him usual dress pants/shirt, opted for a labcoat and mask to highlight his ‘Surgeon’ talent.”
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Jiro Togami
“Also pretty much gotten in one go. I figured Jiro would be the the type to a wear a gi regardless of what kind of event he popped up in. Honestly, this design works pretty well...barring the issue with his hand on the right. If you don’t notice, please, don’t look too deep in it!~”
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Saburo Togami
(takes a long swig of Vanilla Coke)
“This...this AI struggles quite hard ot make plus sized people I tell ya. He’s one of the few I had to do constant generations to get...something decent! I think this is the cutest we’ll ever get from Saburo. Anywho, gave him robes since I feel that’s what he would wear since he’s inside all the dang time. He’s pissed to ref his short temper”
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Shiro Togami
“Problem with Bro. 4 is that I constantly found the AI either making him look too much like Ichiro or too older. Eventually managed to get it to a good point. My thoughts of for his look would be someone who, like Asagao, while he does pass in terms of upstanding look, he takes it upon himself to have his own style that deviates from his family. Silver chain is a reference to his silver rank.“
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Mitsuzo Togami
“The AI wanted a twink or a hunk, but I just wanted a nervous nerdy man! So...nervous nerdy man! Hair is a reference to Takaya whose hair is brown. A green suit just fits him to me, you know?”
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Takaya Togami
“Oh, this little psycho. AI pretty much got in one go. Instead of a jacket, gave him a green vest as a reference to his brother. He looks so friendly here...but it’s just an act!~”
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Wasuke Togami
“Wasuke - another in the no description department. With his design, I gave him green hair since his dream always felt like it came from a place of envy towards his other siblings. His white suit and black tie (which he stuck in his shirt for some reason) is an intentional contrast. Dude sees himself in the right, but in truth his heart is pretty black.”
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Yusuke Togami
(down that bottle down faster)
“L-listen...I fucking HATE Yusuke even more now. I just wanted to make him a bitter redhead! Same as Asagao! Simple, right? WRONG! The AI either kept making him too young...or too hot!!! Or even genderbent him! So much anlas down the drain just trying to get this guy right! So, fack it! He’s bald now! He’s a bald drunk! He lost his hair as well as his taste! Fack Yusuke!”
Overall, I really enjoyed making the Togami Siblings! They’re an underrated bunch of psychos and jerks, with a few sweethearts mixed in. I hope at least a few of these designs ended up being favorites of you guys as well! Next up, we’ll be getting into the Hosts/Staff of the Legacy Crown Championship!~
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blue-slush-writing · 3 years
𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫
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𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 1.6𝑘
𝑆ℎ𝑖𝑝: 𝐵𝑎𝑘𝑢𝑔𝑜𝑢 𝑥 𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢
𝑃𝑜𝑣: 𝐵𝑎𝑘𝑢𝑔𝑜𝑢 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑏𝑜𝑦𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑛 𝑎 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑒𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑠
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“Where are we going, Kacchan?” Izuku looked over at his boyfriend who had his eyes glued to the road. It was clear he was ignoring him, but he had a slight smile pulling at the corner of his lips. It was late at night, maybe three in the morning and they were driving down a dirt road in the country. There was nothing but fields on either side of them and there wasn’t another person for miles. This time in the summer the countryside was beautiful, with all of the harvest in full bloom. It wasn't often that he got to come out here, but there was no one he’d rather go with than Bakugou. They rode in silence with only the slight buzz of cicadas singing sweetly and the steady sound of the engine humming beneath them. It was somehow peaceful and serene, but Izuku was still confused about what they were doing.
Earlier that night Bakugou had come into their room and told him to pack up a blanket and meet him in the car. His boyfriend had packed up his computer, some snacks and a bottle of wine before dragging him out of their apartment. The greenette had wanted an explanation, but he was only met with silence. The only thing that he had managed to pull out of the blond was that they were going somewhere special, whatever that meant. Now they had been on the road for nearly 20 minutes and were deep into the night. It was always a nice break to leave the bustle of the city. Without all the bright lights and screaming of cars, it was like you could finally breathe.
Finally Bakugou seemed to see something off the road and turned off into one of the open fields of grass. In the dirt, the car bumped around roughly, jolting Izuku in his seat as they descended deeper into the sea of green. Once they were far enough that they could no longer see the trail they had come from Bakugou pulled the car to a stop.
“We’re here.” He said opening the car door and pulling out all of the accessories he had brought. “Do you have the blanket?”
Also stepping out of the vehicle, Izuku handed over a quilt he had grabbed from the living room closet. Bakugou offered a small rare smile, that plastered a blush over the others face. He stayed standing by the hood as he watched his boyfriend spread the blanket down in the grass and sit down. He gestured for Izuku to sit with him as he opened his computer. The mood was thick in the air and the greenette laid against Bakugou’s chest, enjoying being in his love’s company. They were both busy and rarely got to spend time like this just the two of them.
“Are you finally going to tell me what we're doing all the way out here Kacchan?” He sighed contently as he watched the other pull up Netflix on his computer.
“We’ve both been swamped with work, so I thought we could get away for one night and just have a glass of wine together.” He put his arm sound Izuku pulling him closer burying his face in his hair. He had showered shortly before they left, so the green curls were still slightly wet and smelled like a forest.
“And we couldn’t have just done that at home?” He chuckled, feeling Bakugou holding him tightly. He wasn’t sure what they had planned for the night, but he certainly hoped that he didn’t plan on getting it on in the middle of a field.
“You got a problem with it nerd?” Bakugou used his old nickname, but there was no malice behind the words. The way we said it was almost like a purr as he began to plant soft kisses along his jawline. They both began to lightly laugh, Izuku a soft giggle and Bakugou a deep chuckle. It was the best feeling in the world; just being held in each other's arms.
Just the two of them sitting alone, the only light was from the stars in the sky. Out away from the blinding streetlight and widows of Tokyo, you would see so many of the sparkling diamonds twinking above them. At that moment it was like the whole universe was looking down on them. The whole sky was a light with a million stars, only for them.
Izuku slowly turned around and planted a soft kiss on the others lips, lingering a little longer than necessary before pulling away. He smiled sweetly at the way his face flared red. Bakugou was harsh and rough with his love so small shows of affection always flustered him. Just as he was about to lean in for another kiss, the alarm on the blonds phone went off. They both looked over and Bakugou quickly snatched it and clicked off the sound. He pulled Izuku off from his lap and stood up.
“I need you to do something for me.” He glanced over towards their car. “Can you get onto the roof?”
“What?” Izuku asked, thinking he was joking. Bakugou looked so stern he had to try to stifle a laugh. When he was given a look that made it clear he was being serious, he turned around and made his way over to the car. He opened the Drivers side door and stepped onto the seat, before pushing himself up onto the roof of the car. Bakugou followed suit, and soon they were both sitting on top of the vehicle. Even though they were only a little higher, the whole field spread out in front of them. As Izuku was busy gawking at the beautiful landscape, Bakugou had his eye on something much greater. He lightly tapped the other on the shoulder, taking his hand as he stared into the night sky.
“Look up baby.” Izuku turned to his boyfriend before letting his gaze drift to the clouds above. When he found himself staring at a beautiful sight, his eyes widened in amazement.
Spread out before them, was a stunning array of light, like a painting in the night sky. Flashes of fire and radiance made the whole sky glow a million colors. A meteors shower in summer. There were hundreds of bits of rock raining down and shaping the world around them. A small gasp Escaped Izuku’s lips, and he squeezed tightly on Bakugou’s hand.
“Oh my god. Did you know this was going to happen?!” He felt his whole body tingle with a sense of pure bliss. He could roughly see the other nodding but couldn’t bring himself to pull his eyes away from the show before them. Suddenly he felt himself being pulled down, and landed lightly on Bakugou’s chest. Laying on the roof, they both stared up in awe at the magic that they were witnessing before them. Out of everyone in the world, it was just the two of them sharing this moment together.
Bakugou put his arms around Izuku and Began to rub slow circles along his back. They intertwined their legs and cuddled closer to one another till they could feel their breaths hitting one anothers face. When their eyes met, they could see the sparks of the meteors reflected back at them and time seemed to stop. To Bakugou, those two glowing green orbs were truly the only thing he would ever need. Slowly they both leaned in, letting their lips collide. It was sloppy, but in sink as they danced together. Their breaths mixed, Izuku could feel Bakugou’s tongue trailing over his lips. He opened his lips in a gasp, letting both of their mouths explore each other freely. He slowly ran his hands up and down Bakugou’s chest, feeling his muscles through his thin T-shirt. Being held so close and being kissed passionately by the man he loved. Izuku was in pure bliss.
Balugou was ready to devour the other right there, but he thought he could at least wait until they were back at home. As soon as Izuku hit the bed, he would make sure to ravage him. For now, he pulled away leaving a string of saliva in between them as they both panted. They once again gazed into one another's eyes, a sight far more beautiful than the shower above them, before Bakugou sat up.
“Let's get out of here.” He said looking down at Izuku. The other nodded his head and slid off the roof, gathering the blanket in one hand, and opening the car door with the other.
Once they were packed back into the car, Bakugou pulled out of the field and back onto the road. He slowly turned the radio on and watched as Izuku’s face lit up. Before He Cheats was one of his all time favorite songs.
“Kacchan open the sunroof!” When he complied, Izuku slowly stood up, making sure not to kick Bakugou, and poked his head out of the top of the car. The wind whipped against his face, and he couldn’t help but smile and at the sound of the music blaring while the midnight air whistled in his ears. He fully pushed himself up, so that his entire torso was above the car and he threw his hands back, letting the breeze push his hair out from his face. There was no one in ears distance so he began to sing his heart out to the stars.
“I Dug My Key Into The Side Of His Pretty Souped Up Four Wheel Drive!” His words were lost in the wind, but he couldn’t care. He felt like he might cry with how perfect everything seemed. The whole world seemed so bright at that moment.
Below him in the car Bakugou was feeling the same. The slight of his Amazing boyfriend yelling to no one but him and the dirt road, and the kiss they had shared. How had he possibly gotten so lucky.
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A LITTLE INFO ABOUT EARTH 8 1/2'S JOKER (with a little bit of commentary from the man himself in "[]" and from the mod in "{}")
Name: Jack Anschel "The Joker" Napier [Yes, my middle name is 'Anschel'. It's a very common and desirable Jewish name, so shut your trap]
Nicknames and Aliases: Clown, Chuckles, Red Nose [It is NOT red, so stop calling me that, VICTOR], J, JJ, Mistah J [Ew], Lady Tomfool, The Clown Prince of Crime [My personal favorite], The Ace of Knaves, The Jester of Genocide, The Harlequin of Hate, The Man Who Laughs, Puddin' [Again, eeeeeeeeew]
Age: 29
Date of Birth: April 25, 1992 [Referencessssssss...]
Pronouns: Any [You can call me whatever you like; I still will likely never acknowledge your existence, but at least you gave it a try]
Gender: [Would you believe me if I said I was a cabbage?] {He's genderqueer [I got this from @harleyquinnade on Instagram]}
Orientation: [No comment] {While it's safe to say that he's probably bi/pan/omniromantic (with a preference for masculine traits) and graysexual and/or s*x shy, he's still experimenting a bit}
Height: 6'6"[Well, 6'5" and fifteen sixteenths, but why be technical?]
Weight: 180 lbs [...of pure muscle]
Eye Color: One green eye, one purple eye with a white pupil {It's unclear whether his eyes are actually like this or if he just wears contacts for the aesthetic}
Hair Color: Toxic green {...with five pounds of hair gel in it} [How dare you!? There are only 3, tops]
Other Aspects of Appearance: The Joker's features are so chiseled that they could likely chop someone in half. He always meticulously styles his frizzy mop of hair every morning to keep it up to par with the rest of him, but it still miraculously ends up sticking out everywhere anyhow. He can usually be found in one of his many gaudy, purple suits, his go-to choice of outfit ever since his... accident. Even though his lips are red enough on their own, he still wears lipstick and usually some eyeliner and eyeshadow.
Face Claim: A mix between Anthony Misiano in cosplay, a younger, clean-shaven Cesar Romero; and the drawings you've seen of him on this blog [Yes indeed; I'm a looker] {You're a twink, too} [And your point is...? That means that I'm extra attractive, doesn't it?]
Voice Claim: A mix between Harry Houdini and Cesar Romero {Imagine a voice that's mostly in the middle in terms of tone, but is a little on the deeper side. It has this sultry, Old Hollywood feel to it and would remind one of someone one might have a conversation with at one of Gatsby's lavish parties}
Likes: Blood, Gore, Stand-up comedy, A nice, expensive suit; Every Stooge but Shemp, Chaos, Frank Sinatra, Prince, Singing [No, I certainly do NOT like singing! Wherever did you get that idea...?], Butterscotch suckers, Club soda, Cream Soda, Orange Soda, Doritos [Nacho Cheese, not Cool Ranch], Sandwiches, [BATMAN], [Messing with Batman's little birdies], [My favorite armchair], etc.
Dislikes: A Clean and organized workspace {His living habits are as chaotic as his personality}, Bad gags, Germs, Stupidity, Copycats [Here's looking at you, EDWARD], Most human contact, The Scarecrow, Catwoman, [DAMIAN WAYNE], etc.
Favorite Weapons: Switchblade, Bare hands, Tommy gun, Six-shooter {regular and/or extra-long}, Rubber chicken {Don't ask}
Parents: [Which story would you prefer? I have at least six good ones]
Other Relations: Jessica Darron {former foster mother}, Daniel Darron {former foster father (six feet under)}, Lucy Quinzel {daughter}, Bruce Wayne [Nananananananana, Batmannnnn...], Edward "The Riddler" Nygma [former flame], Lex Luthor [also a former flame], John Constantine [don't ask], Oswald "The Penguin" Cobblepot [it was just one date], Robert "Geraldo" Ricci [My right-hand man and NOTHING MORE] {He thinks you're hot} [No, he doesn't!], Alexis "Punchline" Kaye {the Joker's main henchwoman and Lucy's "aunt"}, Harleen "Harley Quinn" Quinzel [{Ahhhhhhh...}]
{NOTE: I know that some of this information is a repeat of other posts. I just thought that compiling all of this information in one place would make things easier for anyone looking to roleplay with him}
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booklovingturtle · 5 years
Kanej and the starry night
I have been binge-watching the last season of Jane the Virgin and one of the episodes inspired this fic. It’s long and fluffy and I loved writing Kanej but I don’t know if its any goo bc its late and I’m exausted so forgive the spur of the moment writing.
Kaz takes Inej back to his village under the guise of a job to complete. One night, he pulls her out of her room to enjoy the night sky and confess his feelings for her.
Inej Ghafa, ship wrecker had only returned to the Barrel for twelve hours before Kaz Brekker had a note delivered to her room. In it, he had laid out vague details about some job that he needed her help in.  It was a two days journey from the city. Ineexhaustedted from her time at sea was both nervous and hopeful to spend some time alone with Kaz. Her nervous were quickly replaced by disappointment.
The whole trip Kaz had been impossibly hard to read. It was like they were strangers in a way Inej had never experienced with him. He kept a cold distance between them until they reached an inn located right outside of Lij. By the time they arrived, she still had no idea what the job was. She didn’t even care anymore. Inej crashed into her bed after bathing the dirt from traveling off and was immediately asleep.
That is, until she heard knocking at her door. The Wraith was up and strapping her knives along her body quickly. She moved to answer the door. To her surprise, Kaz stood in the corridor of the inn, looking rather uncomfortable to have woken her up.
“Were you asleep?”
“Yes,” Inej crossed her arms.
“I’m sorry. I-never mind,” he shook his head. Kaz had a heavy quilt in thrown over his arm and was leaning on his cane. Inej was shocked to see embarrassment behind the twitch of his jaw. She was even more astonished when she realized that Kaz had left his gloves in his room. 
He saw her notice his bare hands. She didn’t want to push him or make him uncomfortable so she ignored it.
“It’s okay. What do you need?” 
Kaz blinked, the only real sign of any level of self consciousness that he would allow. “I want to show you something.”
A flare of confusion filled her but Inej decided it would be better to see where the night would take her before pointing out Kaz’s strange behavior over the last few days.
Dirtyhands carried the neatly folded blanket out of the inn they were staying in. Kaz silently walked away from the small structure and into the forest. Her annoyance was about to overcome her curiosity just as they cleared the expanse of trees to find an empty field laid before her. Her mind cleared and a gasp escaped her.
Stars decorated every inch of her line of sight. Constellations that she had never seen before, even while traveling the continent as a child twinked their hypnotizing dance.
Kaz’s deep chuckle came from beside her as he took a few more steps forward to lay out the blanket.
“This was my home,” He said as a way of explaining. 
Inej knew immediately what he had meant. She was able to read him better than anyone, just as he was able to read her. They never needed to say much to each other in order to be understood. It was one of her favorite things about being around Kaz. Both then and now. 
Just like that, she forgave all the strangeness from before. Kaz was allowing her to see a part of him that he hadn’t shown anyone else. 
She followed his head and sat down on the blanket. Soon their sitting position turned into them laying side by side, backs pressed against the ground and shoulders a breath away from touching. Inej inhaled deeply, loving the feel of fresh dew under her fingertips. 
Inej couldn’t help but wonder how it was possible for the same, tiny stretch of land could be so different. Kerch wasn’t a large island, but somehow it held many, many worlds within it. There was the infamous and dangerous city of Ketterdam whose only god was greed. It was the part of Kerch that Inej Ghafa was most familiar with. For years, it was the only part she had visited. Though she was slowly starting to realize that there was much more this island.
There was an entirely different world that surrounded the lived and breathed just south of the blusterous Fifth Harbor. That world was covered in lush, green fields instead of filthy cobble. Vibrant wildflowers perfumed the air to clean all of the noxious smell of the Barrel out of her lungs. Even the sky that looked over the island seemed to smile at the innocence it found within the small villages that bordered Lij. Wildlife, crackling fires, and far away chatter were carried by a soft breeze.
There was a stillness about the almost-morning that could only be described as true peace. It was even more calming than the gentle rocking of her ship at sea.
“I’ve been to small villages before,” Inej rarely spoke harshly but even the usual reserved measure of her words was stripped away by the night sky. “This is nothing like the those. I’ve never seen the sky look like this.”
“It was my favorite part of growing up here. I wanted to show it to you before the sun rose.”
It felt like they were standing at the edge of a cliff. She couldn’t see the bottom but Inej wanted to leap across to the other side.
“Do you miss it here?”
“Not really. Not the way that you miss home. My family is gone. I have no one left here.”
She couldn’t really argue that point. Inej missed home every day. But home was never a place for her. It was her family. Kaz didn’t have that here. She couldn’t expect him to feel the same way she did about Ravka.
“There’s an old tale that the adults used to tell the children where I’m from.” She was surprised that he had offered her this piece of his past without her even asking. “It isn’t full of sage wisdom that Suli parables have but it's still a common story.”
Inej’s attention shifted from the sky to Kaz. He wasn’t wearing a perfectly pressed suit like she was used to. He’d changed into a light undershirt that allowed her to see the planes of his body. An arm was pillowing his head and his eyes were closed. It was a sign of vulnerability that she knew he didn’t show to everyone. It was rare the Dirtyhands ever felt so at ease with someone that he didn’t need to watch their every move for a threat. 
“Jerven Voorhent was a swordsmith.”
“Jer ven voorhent,” Inej repeated the Kerch words. You are integrity. She had learned the language years ago so their harsh consonants rolled off her tongue easily.
He nodded, eyes still closed. Kaz continued the story, “One of the best. Any blade forged by his fires would strike true. People from all the way from the Wandering Isles to Ahmrat Jen would travel to his doorstep and beg for him to craft them a weapon. Rulers begged him to become their personal weapons maker. Men crawled on their knees to become his apprentice. Jervan heard none of it. He continued to make his swords because he loved it. He didn’t even try to sell them. He just enjoyed the craft.”
“Ghezen must have been furious,” she noted. “All that lost profit.” Inej studied the sharp cut of his jaw while he spoke.
“One day a markswoman came to visit Jerven. She had heard that he was the best swordsmith to ever live and wanted to see if he could make her a bow as fine as any sword he ever made. Jerven, struck by her beauty, agreed. The woman, Almhente, taught him all she knew about the bow and he got to work. Jerven worked day and night.”
The woman’s name was almost identical to the Kerch word for prosperity, almhent, Inej thought to herself. She realized before Kaz could finish the story how it would end.
“Almhente test bow after bow that he made but none of them were right. Jerven, eager to impress her, continued to try. He stopped eating and sleeping to spend more time on her bow. His sword making fires died. The line at his door walked away. Jerven lost everything but didn’t see it because all he wanted to do was make the markswoman her bow.”
“But he never got it right, did he?”
He shook his head. “No. Jerven died working on her weapon. People forgot all of his great swords and only remembered him by his collection of failed bows.”
Inej understood the moral the tale. Jerven stood for integrity. He was a man who worked for himself until the chance of earning prosperity came along. He was blinded by his desires to prosper and eventually lost his life to it.
“That is an odd story to tell children being raised on an island whose patron is Ghezen,” she was struck by the message of the story. It was so unlike both the island of its origin and the storyteller to support a theme against profit.
Kaz shrugged. “Maybe. My parents were farmers. All of the people from my home worked the land so others could make the profit. I think a part of them was always jealous of that.”
 He finally opened his eyes. Suddenly Inej was swimming in the darkness of his gaze. The moonlight painted his pale skin almost silver but it made the darkness of his hair and eyes stand out even more.
He was close enough that she could feel his breath tickle hear cheeks when he spoke. She loved the way his voice sounded so close to her. “Why tell me this now?”
“Kaz Rietveld never understood. Then, I was Dirtyhands, I lived for profits and money and greed.”
Warmth filled her at what he was implying. Still, Inej wanted him without gloves which meant he had to specific about what he was trying to tell her.
“And now?” she prompted.
Kaz cleared his throat, looking away for a moment. She realized he was looking at their hands, laying next to each other. He looked back up at her, a question in his eyes. Inej hooked her pinky around his. He didn’t stop there. Kaz’s fingers wrapped around hers, thumb gently stroking the back of her hand.
Inej’s whole body felt the touch of his skin. Her fingers curled and her heart sword. Every part of her focused on the way he played with her hand, tracing the lines of her skin. Goosebumps danced up her arms. 
“Kaz...” she interrupted his reverent touch. It killed Inej to do it but she needed to know for sure what he wanted. “Why did you bring us here? Is there even a job to complete? What are you saying?”
“I don’t want to be like Jerven. I don’t want to die chasing prosperity.” 
Her breathing stopped. When it started again, Inej noticed that it seemed like no air was filling her lungs because all she breath in was Kaz and the fresh earth surrounding them.
“What do you want?”
“You.” His hand stilled in hers. Kaz was giving her the chance to pull away. To deny him. 
Inej would never say no to him. Not after all they had been through together. Not after the way he touched her hand, as if it was the most delicate thing in the world. Even the way he spoke to her spoke of an emotion she was still too afraid to say out loud.
“I want you, Inej. If you still want me.”
Her heart soared out of her chest. "Yes, Kaz. Yes, I still want you. I always have, I always will.”
Relief filled him and she saw his muscles loosen. “Can I hold you?”
She smiled widely and curled her body into his. Kaz wrapped an arm around her, face digging into her hair. She sighed, thanking all her saints for this small gesture. No nightmares, no anxieties, no terrors from her past could hurt her in that instant. Not as long as it was Kaz’s voice in her ear and his warmth against her.
“I’m so glad you said yes because I’m pretty sure Jesper is tired of hugging me.”
She laughed so hard that she had to pull away from him. “Are you saying that you’ve been practicing how to cuddle with Jesper?”
Kaz’s smile was more beautiful than the whole night sky. “No, but I had to practice touching someone while you were away. I wanted to make sure that I could do this,” he laced their fingers together again, “right this time.”
“Kaz, even if you had pulled away or still had to wear your gloves, it would be right. As long as its with you, it could never be wrong.” 
“I know but I but I wanted to be able to touch you while telling you how I felt without feeling the water.”
I don’t care how long it takes us to be able to touch one another. We will get there in out own time and we will get there together,” she held him close to her again.
“Together,” he repeated to her.
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A View To A Winchester (Part 9)
Series Page
Summary: Julie’s starting a new life after divorce in a home with a very nice view.
A Dean X OFC story. I got this idea staring out the view of my home office window and thinking how nice it would be to have Dean Winchester to ogle.
Section Word Count:  4,982  
Section Content: fluff, flirting, arousing, kissing, R-rated language, drinking, Suit!Dean, Dean’s heavy foot, Dean singing
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On Wednesday, Julie and Kelly had a late work lunch at one of their favorite little spots off Market Street. The gyros there were fantastic. The restaurant’s tiny back patio, wedged tight and cramped amid the other brick buildings, was quirky enough to be a distraction from the daily doldrums of the downtown banking atmosphere. A thick aroma of spices and grease drifted out from the kitchen’s open window off the patio. An occasional pot clanged or the cook barked out a loud directive to someone.
“If I have to sit through one more of Leslie’s Zoom presentations about balance sheet protocol,” Kelly was still ranting about the meeting that made them have to wait for dolmades and spicy hummus.
Julie’s phone vibrated on her lunch tray atop the iron latticed table, shaking her silverware. She swiped away, still semi listening to Kelly, and dipped her gyro in the tzatziki sauce ordered on the side.
Hey, Jules.
Julie grinned at the screen and tapped. Hey, Dean. She chomped down on the gyro before the sauce made a mess. It was hard to grin and chew, but she found it difficult to not have a smile on her face most of this week. And the reason for her glee could be traced back to him.
“Oh. It’s him again.” Kelly shoveled more hummus into her mouth with a pita chip. A hand curtained her chewing and simultaneous commentary. “He’s like clockwork.” She tipped a wrist to stare at her smartwatch. “Yep. 1:30. He’s probably got an alarm on his phone to message you at this time every day.”
Julie couldn’t argue the fact that the man seemed to have a routine. He’d texted her every day since Saturday night. And it always seemed to start after 1:00.
“Aw, crap.” Kelly rose and grabbed her tray. “I’ve got to get that transaction detail report straightened out before the end of day. Shannon has dance practice tonight, I can’t stay late to finish it. Damn Leslie.”
Julie was about to get up.
“Finish lunch. I’ll see you back in the office.” Kelly nodded to Julie’s phone. “Give you two some privacy. No sexting.”
Julie shook her head and waved, then focused on his text.
I made a reservation at Makenzie’s for Friday. I hope seven is good.
Seven is perfect. Makenzie’s is kind of formal, though.
Yeah, as I was told by the hostess over the phone. No jeans. Suit jacket required.
You good with that?
What, you don’t think I own a jacket? I clean up pretty good.
I have no doubt about that.
His retort only took a couple seconds to display. But I can be pretty dirty, too.
Julie bit her lip and checked over her shoulder to make sure she was still the only person on the patio. The narrow interior of the restaurant was bubbling, not boiling, with activity. An overcast threat hanging in the sky over most of that day kept all the patrons inside. All but Julie.
Not gonna bite? Dean continued.
How dirty?
As filthy as you want.
They had skirted towards the edge of this type of texting all week. Kelly hadn’t been that far off in her deduction. Dangling innuendos had promised to plunge into descriptions of hundreds of sexual acts and favors. It never went over the edge, though. And that had driven Julie insane with thoughts of Dean doing everything she could think of to her.
Daydreaming had sidelined and confused any ability to respond. It was a minute before Dean typed back. Sorry, I didn’t even think to ask if you were busy working before laying it all out there.
Hey, at least you haven’t sent me any NSFW pics.
Hold on.... Dean punctuated the text with a wink emoji.
No! Dean!
She tapped the screen off and dropped the phone like a hot potato. Chewing on a mouthful of lamb gyro with her eyes shut wasn’t enough to distract her from the buzz a minute later. She swallowed, heart racing, and an itchy finger went to see what he’d sent.
It took a second to process what she was looking at. Baby Dean?
He’d taken a picture of a picture… a polaroid to be exact. The muted colors dated the photo by decades. As did the mint green shag carpet under a naked toddler, mooning the picture taker.
You were a cute baby.
Yeah? How about that ass?
Julie giggled. Chubby cheeks. With a hint of diaper rash.
Well, I can tell you that the rash has cleared up. Cheeks are still a nice handful, though.
I guess I’ll have to find out for myself, won’t I?
Sure as hell hope so. The bubbles hopped for a bit before he finally dropped another line. You alone right now?
Julie swallowed. Yeah.
I’ve been thinking about you. A lot. I’m getting a little worried.
The idea that she could be occupying this man’s thoughts as much as he was hers heated up her skin. A pulse in her core made her shift in the patio chair. He was going to turn her into a puddle just in time to return to work. She’d be slick the entire walk back if she didn’t stop in the restaurant’s bathroom and clean herself up.
I doubt you’re thinking about me as much as I’m thinking about you.
You’re making it hard for me to fall asleep.
She smiled and inserted a raised hand emoji.
And, when I do get to sleep, I’m waking up in the afternoon… after dreaming about you.
Dean’s texts had become confessional-like the past week. Perhaps the anonymity of messaging made him more comfortable to express things he wouldn’t in person or verbally? It had always been that way with her preferred method of communication. But, the weak spots in this man’s wall were weathered and flaking away in random spots, with no rhyme or reason.
She inserted a raised hand emoji again. Except I have to get up early for work. Why haven’t you come over to see me then, if I’m taking up all this time?
Told you the other night, I don’t trust myself to stop once things get past a certain point.
That did it. Her flood gates had officially opened down below.
He continued. So, consider this a warning. I won’t likely adhere to that three-date rule before I have my way with you. I never have followed rules that don’t make sense much.
Julie grinned. We’ll get you off on a technicality. We can say we’ve already had three dates. Dinner on the patio. The cake we shared at your place. Bourbon and pie at mine.
You’ll get me off? Surprised emoji.
Julie giggled, then reddened when she turned and noticed a twink busboy cleaning up the only other table on the patio. She straightened up in her seat and tried to act how she thought a forty-year-old woman should in public.
Can’t wait. Dean offered a wink emoji. Listen, I’ll be away for a couple days. But back in time for our date. I won’t miss it.
I’ve been told I can slap you if you do.
Sweetheart, you can even spank me if I do.
“Dammit, Leslie.” That was Julie’s response to the distant doorbell ring drifting up the stairs to her bedroom. She was gliding on lipstick when the sound made her hand jump. The berry red careened over the lip liner she had spent minutes applying with the utmost precision.
Her nose wrinkled at the current state of her mouth. She cursed and grabbed her phone, dialing Dean’s number. Her stomach knotted up tight.
“Hey.” The one word greeting from Dean melted her insides. She hadn’t heard that deep voice, or the gritty undertone, in almost a week.
“H-hey.” She frowned at her mirrored reflection. The foundation did nothing to hide the red heat blooming over her skin. “Is that you at the door?”
“Yeah. Are you alright?” His voice held concern. “Don’t tell me you aren’t coming out and I have to break the door down?”
She laughed. God, why is that such a turn on? “No. I’m just running late. Work took longer than I expected… I had back to back meetings all day.”  
“Take your time, I’ll wait in the car.”
“Makenzie’s might not wait, though, if we’re late.”
“Let me worry about the reservations. You go get dolled up, doll.”
It was an antiquated and condescending term by today’s standards. Yet, hearing that endearment from his mouth made her grin like a schoolgirl. “Okay.”
“Let me know when you’re coming down.” He ended the call.
It took another fifteen minutes on Julie’s end to get “dolled up.” Her indecision annoyed her since she’d gotten home. Nothing had gone as planned the entire day. Plus, the little black dress she thought she’d wear had a grease stain on it upon closer inspection. She had to go with a flowy black skirt and off the shoulder, three-quarter, scarlet red sleeve top. The combo hit her at the waist in what she considered an unflattering manner. A belt only seemed to make it worse so she kept accessories to a minimum.
She raised her hands in defeat at the top to toe look in the full-length mirror. At least she had some confidence in her choice to slip on a pair of classy black heels. She traipsed down the stairs. Upon a second check, everything she needed for the evening was in her clutch. A meditative inhale and exhale with closed eyes prepared her to see Dean. Finally ready, she walked out the front door and locked up behind her.
The Impala idled in the driveway. Rays from the setting sun hung low in the sky and sparked off the car’s blacktop. Baby was literally glowing. The white halo effect obscured much of Julie’s view around the car. She walked down the path to the driveway, dropping keys into her clutch.
A squeak and slam of the front door rattled in her ears. “Hey. I thought you were going to let me know when you came down.” She heard his voice. “Was going to do the proper date thing and meet you at the front door.” His figure emerged from the light and bounded up the two path steps like he was the lightest thing ever to stand on two feet. She halted at the sight.
She noticed the brown dress boots first as they settled on the concrete. Their beautiful worn quality juxtaposed the slim tan khakis immodestly advertising the pronounced curve of his bowlegs. Her gaze dared to travel upwards. Her breath hitched. The man was wearing a well-tailored navy-blue blazer. The jacket enunciated every damn syllable of his perfect torso, from the ever so slight taper of his waist to the broadness and sharp angles of his shoulders, to the forearms and biceps straining against the fabric. A pale blue button-down shirt, with a micro checkered pattern peeked out from under the fastened blazer. He dared to leave two of the top shirt buttons undone. The sharp, crisp collar rested around his muscled neck. His hair was parted in a more formal style. He’d even taken a razor to his scruff and was clean shaven. But every other aspect was the enticing and irresistible Dean Winchester she had been blessed to experience.
He strolled up with a grin plastered on his face. “Worth the wait.” He added, upon similar ogling of her figure. He had the audacity to produce a jaw clench under those smooth cheeks along with everything else he was throwing at her.
Her mouth opened, its interior the only dry thing about her body at that moment. She squeaked out, “Thanks.”
He nodded to the car. “Come on and meet my girl.”
Julie smiled and followed him down the path. Her gaze held on the curve of his ass, wrapped in khaki, teasing her from under the hem of his blazer. A waft of his cologne breezed past. Jesus, is that scent called ‘Fuck Me Right Here And Now’?
He opened and held the passenger side door. His fingers clenched the door’s frame, a bit tighter, when she skirted past him. “You smell nice.”
She smiled, all intelligence drained from her brain. Only instinct and arousal remained. “You too.” The bench seat dipped when she sat. A coil poked from under the massive cushion into an ass cheek. Once she got situated, he closed the door with a firm click and wandered around the large corners of the vehicle. It seemed like an eternity. Her hand searched for an expected belt up by her shoulder. When Dean finally joined her in the interior, she got a better idea of the expansiveness. They were feet away from each other and he dangled his legs open in a comfortable posture. He smiled. “What are you doing?”
“Seat belt?” she questioned.
“Oh.” He scooted over and dug a hand into the cushion crevice by her ass. His stare held hers. Fingers took their time in their search and his other hand swiped over her waist. He grazed the curve of her hip and whispered, “Lap belts.”
She swallowed and heard the click.
His hands retreated, but his stare didn’t. “There. Not goin’ anywhere.” He moved back to his original position. “Ready?” He didn’t wait for an answer and shifted into reverse, rolling down the driveway.
She was going to ask if he was going to put on his own seatbelt, then realized Dean Winchester probably didn’t. She filed that away for a discussion for another time if… If what? You think you might be able to convince this man to wear a seatbelt? His hands caressed the gears and steering wheel like Baby was a well-known lover. I’m getting jealous of a car.
“I’m gonna have to go a little faster than I was intending, if we want to make it in time for our reservation.” He launched up the neighborhood lane.
Julie reacted to the push and pull of the direction change. “It’s ten of seven.” She offered. “Twenty minutes to get there, when there isn’t traffic.”
The right side of his mouth arched up. “Trust me.”
Dean was none too pleased about the valet service that was a requirement at Makenzie’s. “Don’t get a mark on her.” He narrowed his eyes at the young man with the high-pitched voice that he had to relinquish Baby over to.
They had made it in time for the reservation, with a minute to spare. The entire ride was a blur of landscape and roadway. Julie had struggled to find some part of the car to clutch during those nine heart stopping minutes.
The dinner had gone by in a blur as well. His company was wonderful, easy and unassuming. And his presence hypnotized her across the candlelight and white cotton cloth draping their table. He laughed at the salad placed in front of him prior to the main course, with its curled carrots and frisee lettuce, calling it rabbit food. But there was nothing but reverence and admiration for the large glass of ale, massive t-bone, baked potato, and green beans. He moaned quite a bit during dinner, smirking every time. He knew exactly what he was doing.
The one weird coincidence had been meeting the talkative dog walker from the park from a couple weeks ago. Ina was their water pourer, along with the three other servers it took for the entire meal. She smiled and reintroduced herself to Julie. Her face was taken aback by Dean, as Julie was now getting used to that reaction. They chit chatted a bit here and there throughout the meal. Dean offered her a killer smile, but not much else in terms of information.
She noted the stares and gazes that followed the man strolling behind her as they left. When Baby rolled up beside them Dean opened the door for Julie again and stuffed a bill in the kid’s hand. “I’ll be back if there’s a scratch.” He threatened. Julie frowned at the fear on the boy’s face. But she didn’t pay him much thought after that. The two glasses of wine had mellowed her. The fire in her core continued to get stoked by Dean, however.
Dean appeared comfy and content sliding into the driver’s seat, with his unbuttoned blazer and his collar a tad askew. He’d downed a good two pints over the last hour and a half. “That was nice.” He commented as he drove out of the parking lot. The streetlights glowed above them in the dark.
Julie nodded. “It was. Thank you.”
“Night’s not over. May not want to thank me just yet.” He shifted in his seat taking the turn out into the avenue. He drove at a respectable speed now, adhering to the limit. Restaurants littering the streets lit up Julie’s view from the passenger window. Her eyes returned to stare at him, though. Blue light danced over the contours and slopes of his face and that devastating figure. He looked straight out of a noir film.
At a red light, he leaned over, flipping open the glove box with a tap and rifling through it with his fingers. He pulled out a cassette tape, punched the compartment closed, then eased the tape into the player. He immediately hit the rewind button.
“So, that crash course in classic rock...” His fingers turned the dial up as he took the ramp onto the highway. “Let’s see what we’ve got here to school you on.” He rolled down his window, the night air blowing into the car as his speed picked up for the merge. He cocked his head quick to the left to gauge his opportunity to change lanes and slid over with ease. His finger pressed the play button, then hovered over the volume in wait. Eyes narrowed in anticipation. He gave her a quick glance and grinned before his eyes went back to the highway in front of them.
Julie watched his smile light up in the grey. The volume went up even more. Strums from an acoustic guitar filled the cabin. He bellowed over the rush of wind and the music. “Ah, yes. This, young lady, is Led Zeppelin.” She grinned at his use of the word young. “Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, John Bonham. And, just so you know, on any given day, this,” he pointed to the tape player, “is probably my favorite song.”
His fingers tapped on the curves of the steering wheel to the rhythm. Large in diameter with narrow bars, the Impala’s steering wheel was wrapped in an old school leather cover. Julie remembered watching her dad wrap the steering wheel of his Mustang when she was little with a similar one. People who took that kind of time with their car loved them on a whole other level. Dean loved his car.
His head bobbed and he mouthed the lyrics in silence. And it was beautiful to behold.
*** For now I smell the rain
And with it pain
And it's headed my way
Ah, sometimes I grow so tired
He pointed to the tape deck again and raised his brows for emphasis. “Here’s Page coming in with the electric guitar.” He hopped a bit in his seat, driving down the road without a care.
But I know I've got one thing I got to do
Ramble on
And now's the time, the time is now
To sing my song
I'm goin' 'round the world, I got to find my girl
He flashed a glance over at her after that line and smiled, wrecking her again.
And though our health we drank a thousand times
It's time to ramble on
A guitar solo took him somewhere else. As the lyrics continued and Julie listened with more intent, she heard mention of Mordor and Gollum. She wanted to ask him about the “Lord of the Rings” reference but didn’t want to break the spell and complete bliss he was under.
Ain't nothing I can do, no
I guess I keep on rambling
I'm gonna, yeah, yeah, yeah
Sing my song (I gotta find my baby)
With a sudden and unexpected tug, he grabbed at her hand in the shadows. He leaned over and brushed his lips over her knuckles, then settled with his hold on her, tight and secure, back on the bench between them. With one hand on the wheel, he drove and fearlessly started to sing along. It wasn’t in tune, but it was pure and flowed with an ease of having done it a thousand times. He tapped her hand into the cushion.
I gotta ramble on, sing my song
Gotta work my way around the world baby, baby
Ramble on, yeah
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, my baby
The track faded out and Dean turned to stare at her reaction. “What’d you think? Awesome right?” He nodded.
“Awesome.” She repeated and ran her thumb along a callous on his hand.
He squeezed back at the gesture, then retreated from the hold. The stereo volume went down. Hands switched on the wheel so he could roll up the window. “Sorry, I get a little carried away when it comes to Zeppelin.”
She shook her head. “Don’t ever apologize for allowing yourself to enjoy something that much.” She smiled. “The performance wasn’t bad.”
“Being sweet. Performance sucked.” Dean cleared his throat and gripped the wheel with both hands. “Only a couple constants in my life. No matter what, I could always just pop in a tape and drive.” He stared hard at the road.
Julie sat with him in comfortable silence for another song. He provided no commentary or details on the tune. They were both along for the melody and the drive. A cowboy riding his sturdy, trusty steed. Julie grinned to herself. He took a familiar exit ramp off the highway. She knew they’d be home soon. Home. Mine? His? Any effect the wine had mellowing her disappeared in a moment. The reality of what might be transpiring the rest of the night sped up her heart. The few bars of a well-known song began.
Julie giggled. “Journey? Is that classic rock? Cause I know Journey.”
Dean smiled and seesawed with his hand. “Debatable. A guilty pleasure, and very catchy. I’ve found this song on every jukebox in every bar I’ve stepped into. It caters to the lowest common denominator.”
“Drunks with no taste in music?”
He grinned. “People wanting to have a good time and forget their troubles. And, you know you’re going to hear this multiple times if you do a pub crawl.”
Julie nodded. “Plenty of experience with bars in my college years so I’m very well versed in Journey.”
He raised a brow and turned the volume back up. “Oh, yeah?”
She tapped fingers on her skirt to the beat. “Yep. Who hasn’t sung this offkey with hundreds of random strangers?”
They hummed along for the first couple verses. By the time the midnight train was going anywhere, Julie got the nerve to sing along with Steve Perry. Dean smiled in appreciation and then accompanied her when things went on and on, and on, and on. He let go of the wheel on a straight stretch of road to air guitar before turning into the neighborhood. A late-night dog walker that Julie recognized got an earful of them both belting out Don’t Stop Believin’ as Dean swerved past. The song, on cue, faded out when Dean pulled into her driveway.
Dean turned off Baby’s engine. “Definitely better when you sing it with someone.” His smile was stuck on full blast as Julie was sure hers was.
She nodded to the front door. “Coming in?”
“Oh, you know I am.” He grinned ear to ear now. Julie grabbed the door handle. “Ah, wait.” He ejected himself out of the car and jogged around the Impala. From the other side of the open door, he watched Julie rise from her seat. “Trying to score as many brownie points as I can.”
“We already had dessert at the restaurant. Still hungry?” Julie took the lead.
He shook his head, closing the car door, then following her up the path. “You’re dangling the carrot right in front of me with these comments.” He added.
She stopped abrupt in the path and stared over her shoulder. His pace broke and she definitely caught him checking out her ass that time. “Really? Coming from you? Dangling the carrot?” She grinned.
His shoulder tipped up.
She sighed. After what felt like forever fumbling, she unlocked the door and gained entry. Julie dropped her bag and keys on the telephone table. Without being asked, Dean peeled off his suit jacket and hung it on a hook by the door. He scooted past her in the hallway and wandered into the living room. Fingers worked at the cuff buttons on his shirt. Julie swallowed. Jesus, he’s not wasting any time. Getting right to work. “D-do you want some bourbon?”
He turned, rolling up a sleeve so it hit just under his elbow. “Sure.”
“Be right back.” This is happening.
She expected him splayed out on the couch when she returned with the two glasses. Instead, he stood peeking out the curtains into the backyard. He turned to her. “You really do have a nice view into my yard.” His outstretched hand grabbed the glass and toasted hers before sipping.
He’d gone full Dean, rolling up both sleeves, untucking and unbuttoning the checkered shirt to reveal a white tank. “You should see the view from my office.” She stated, paying more attention to his tongue licking his bourbon coated lips rather than heeding what spilled out of hers.
“Okay.” He agreed.
“Well, I turned down a tour the first time it was offered.”
“Okay.” She took a sip and debated where to start.
Dean smiled. “Taste of bourbon growing on you?”
“I like it with you.” God, cheese much?
He began to walk toward her, forcing her to make a decision on her indecision.
She tapped her heels on the wood floor. Hugging the back of the armchair she waved a hand in the air. “I think you’ve seen most of the first floor already.”
He nodded and pointed past her. “Kitchen, dining room, and bathroom are that way.”
“Down the hall past the bathroom is the guest room.”
He smiled. “Brigida uses that when she stays over?”
His gaze lifted to the ceiling. “So, your office is upstairs? And, your bedroom?” That grin and those eyes were telepathically transmitting nasty notions into Julie’s brain.
He downed the rest of the bourbon with a dramatic flair in one slow gulp, showcasing his Adam’s apple. It took only one long stride for him to stand in front of her. “Gonna finish your drink?”
A small sip was all she could manage, leaving some bourbon. His warm fingers wrapped around her grip. Prying the glass from her hand, he then finished her pour and placed their glasses on a side table. “After you.” He motioned to the stairs, a softer smile on his lips now.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Her heels echoed up the steps to the first landing. She clung to the rail for dear life and continued upwards. The creaking floorboards under his boots, close behind, amplified in her buzzing ears. One of her table lamps had timed on hours ago at the top of the stairs in the spacious landing.
He inspected the surroundings in the warm light and met her in the middle of the floor atop a circular area rug.
“This is kind of my little loft. Closet over there.” She cleared her throat. “Behind you is my office slash other guest room.”
Dean did a quick 180 and strolled through the darkened doorway. In a second, he’d found the light switch. “Ah. Wow, it really is very... officey.” She smiled at the description and wandered in behind him. He looked with his hands as well as his eyes, touching the spine of random books on the bookshelf and tapping a key or two on the keyboard. When the lock screen appeared, he tisked. “Not gonna make it easy for me to snoop with a password.” He strolled over to the large cork board mounted on the wall, filled with photos.
Julie provided an explanation without being asked. “That has been with me for the past twenty or so years. Not much has changed on it since the turn of the century.”
His eyes squinted and he leaned in closer, ducking and rising to take in all of the randomness of her younger years. Concert ticket stubs and postcards scattered amid celebrity crush pinups, childhood moments and class photos. He smiled and pointed at one picture. “That you?”
Julie walked to his right and confirmed. “Yep.”
“A bowl haircut, huh?” He chuckled.
“I was six. Not like I had much say.”
“You were a cute kid.”
She was about to thank him when he turned to the windows with the shades drawn. “So, the view is pretty great from here?”
“It is.”
He leaned against the front of one couch cushion, then propped a knee upon it. He grabbed at one of the strings and pulled. He frowned at the darkness revealed. “Can’t see much now.”
“You’ll just have to take my word for it.”
Dean released the cord. The shade dropped back in position. Without warning, he eased from the couch lean and shuffled over to halt inches in front of her. Big hands cupped under her chin and tilted her face up and up. So damn tall. She had no choice but to meet his stare. His words came out serious and slow. “I’m going to kiss you now, Julie.”
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*** Lyrics are from "Ramble On" by Led Zeppelin - co-written by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant
Part 10
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maddgarbagemonkey · 5 years
I Just Saw the Wicked 2019 Touring Cast and Boy Howdy, am I excited to Rant! (All Good things!)
There's a lot so buckle up your seatbealts!
So, first off, this was my first time seeing the show *cough cough* legally *cough* and I was amazed.
I instantly fell in love with the big metal dragon and nearly screamed when it moved and started blowing smoke out of its nose, as my Grandpa lied and told me, even though he's seen it 4 times, that the dragon was just decoration.
I love that the first solid 5 minutes of the show are just winged monkeys running around on the stage and looking concerned at one another before the opening number starts.
Glinda, played by Erin Mackey, was my WIFE.
During her first speaking part of "No one Mourns the Wicked," she got stuck on her big metal bubble and the ensemble had to crowd around her to help her get off, which, because coming off of the bubble was her cue to continue, led to a really long silence. But it kinda fit and showed that she hesitated to celebrate Elphaba's death so yeah! I just thought it was adorable and I admire how she was able to turn it into a cool window into her character!
When Elphaba, played by Mariand Torres, entered we all screamed for a solid 3 minutes and, after seeing her performance, she deserved a solid 8 more. I loved her so much!
I loved her early performance of Elphaba at Shiz because she played her as an angry little bean that snapped at everyone and everything instead of just shy and quiet and it worked so well, especially with how overprotective she was of Nyssa.
A girl literally faints upon seeing Elphaba and I can relate cause she was SO PRETTY!
Mariand's "Wizard and I" was so powerful and emotional at the same time I just wanted to pick her up and keep her! <3
Usually you see Elphaba portrayed as tall while Glinda is shorter but, because Mariand was a tiny angel and Erin was a tall goddess who literally towered over Fierro without heels, it was quite the opposite and I l o v e d every second of "What is this Feeling" because of it.
I would die for tiny little ball of angry Elphaba and Tall, regal, princess Glinda holding her back from fighting everyone who dares look at them funny and you can pry them out of my cold dead hands.
Mariand did the thing where she mimicked Glinda for the "Your Voice" line and made it extra squeaky and I died.
She also, whenever Glinda had her back turned, copied her with a stupid little kicking dance and tossed her hair way too frantically and I fell in love.
For the "boo", Elphaba had to look directly up and jump at Glinda because she was so short and I squealed
Oh my God. C U R T. H A N S E N. This man was in Big Time Rush and I can not picture Fierro's entrance without the theme song ever again. (Bruh, Chill)
His choreo also had some "not-so-subtle" scarecrow like poses and taps.
Dude, he played him as such a snotty little twink and I loved it! He almost knocked down the statue in the center like eight times during "Dancing Through Life!"
His mic also made him sound like he was under water for a total of one (1) line and I snorted.
Nyssa, (sorry Mili Diaz, you were incredible and I love you,) Please exit my server.
Glinda made at least 16 Tik Tok references and I know, it's not towards the app because duh, but I'm still very conflicted.
Elphaba was S O mad at the scene with Dr. Dillamond I was so proud and in love!
E L P H A B A ' S D A N C E!
It was so good and pure and when Glinda joined she made it look so graceful!
And Elphaba looked very doubtful at first but then she looked around at everyone doing her dance and back at Glinda and she had the biggest smile on her face and tears in her eyes because she was accepted for something and it was beautiful!
Only Boc's mic was really working at this part so the "Let's DAAAANCE" reverberated deeply into my soul and stayed there for a really long time.
Popular was superb and I literally cried.
When Erin got out of breath, she fell on the floor and just layed there for 16 counts breathing really heavily into the mic. Pure Poetry
Glinda suffocated Elphaba with hugs to her throat and swung her around like a rag doll while she just glared angry and helpless.
During "Don't Make me laugh" Glinda pushed her hand into Elphaba's face and gently and slowly set her back on her bed and if that ain't the biggest mood.
So many kicks and giggles I LOVE ERIN MACKEY!
When Glinda fell into Elphaba's arms crying after Fierro ran away at the train scene she took up half of her body and I just needed to write that out.
The egg-like Emerald City suits without arms that extended their necks and twirled them like lassos. Need I say more?
Elphaba's teary smile at "Finally, no one's looking or staring at me!" And then Glinda takes off her glasses and grabs her hand saying that she looked as beautiful as an emerald and... A C K
Upon meeting the scary robo wizard, Glinda got scared and tried to hide her 5'9 body behind little 5'1 Elphie and she looked so protective and ready to throw down I loved it!
Monkeys. Monkeys. Monkeys.
"Let her go! It's not her that you want! Its ME!" She sounded so powerful and angry I would die for her.
The part where Elphaba's begging Glinda to go with her but she's too focused on the fact that she's shaking and ties that spooky cape around her shoulders.
Mariand's "Defying Gravity" was so strong and beautiful with all of her God-tier belts and riffs I could not stop smiling and when she finally flies I yelped because you always hear about how cool it is and looks but then you really S E E it and it's beyond words! I had to do nothing and breathe for a second afterwards to find my bearings!
I loved Erin's "Thank Goodness" a lot. She poured a lot of emotion and beautiful vocals into it and just... god, she's gorgeous!
At the part where Elphaba appeared in the closet in Nyssa's office and the mirror became see through I heard a kid behind me exclaim "Zoo Wee Mama" and I won't be the same.
I don't remember Nyssa being so horrible but... *shrug* She gets it from her Dad I guess.
I love that Boc's reaction to finding out Nyssa can walk is just, "oh, good! Now you can work on this whole walking thing and get tf away from me! This worked out perfectly!" Same, boi.
I loved! LOVED! Nyssa Rose's song with a passion and the way her words get all twisted and angry literally talking about how she's going to rip Boc's heart out for leaving her and it gave me a good amount of spooks.
"Don't say I'm beautiful. You don't need to lie to me." B A B Y
"My Family has a Castle! No one lives there or will see us besides the guards!" "Where do you live, now?" "... The other castle." Oh sweetie.
Glinda, you deserve so much more than scarecrow boy and I would die for you!
Elphaba's voice drops at least 8 octaves during her line in "As long as Your Mine" The "For the first time I feel...
I have never been more physically and emotionally attracted to a green lady Other than Princess Fiona
Also, there was so much smoke during that song that I could hear some Orchestra members cough.
During that scene with Elphaba's and Glinda's argument at Nyssa's "Funeral", while preparing to fight Glinda twirls her wand and strikes at Elphie like she came out of the Karate Kid.
Elphaba's witch laugh after Glinda slaps her followed by the most serious "Feel Better?"
Both Fierro and Glinda yell at Elphaba to leave before she gets hurt and I feel things because of that.
While Fierro is fake/real threatening Glinda with a gun, she just tearfully shakes her head in a silent plea and he INSTANTLY drops his gun. I love 'em
The way Glinda's "Fierro" melts into Elphaba's "FIERRROOO!" Love.
"No Good Deed" will always be my favorite song. ITS SO GOOD! Mariand's voice was incredible and her riffs and belts added so much!
During Elphaba's little "let all of OZ be agreed I'm wicked through and through," she makes her voice all scary and raspy, but it melts back into her own voice and beautiful despair at "since I can not succeed, Fierro saving you!"
March of the Witch hunters always has and will give me chills. Nothing more to say. Just one good bop.
This is the part where I cry too much.
"For Good" was gorgeous and I cried. A lot. A lot.
Elphaba kisses Glinda's hands and wipes her tears away.
Glinda runs her hands across and straightens Elphaba's hat and OH MY GOD!
It hurts how frantically Elphaba hides Glinda to protect her! Side note, I would also die for Chistery.
At their final moments together, Elphaba blows Glinda a kiss and then proceeds to get "murdered" in a really cool way by Dorthy.
Glinda's "Elphie!?" Is so tragic and panicked I was struggling to make it through, and then she grabbed her hat and cried into it and I was long gone.
Fierro adopts spooky Scarecrow movements at the end which I think is really cool and he also mimics Elphaba's "Don't lie to me!" Line.
Before Elphaba leaves, she becomes entranced by Glinda's beautiful singing, like she's thinking of telling her she's okay, but then she turns around and walks through the door with Fierro.
The last thing we see of Elphaba is her wearing her signature hat and walking into dust with Fierro. The last thing we see of Glinda is her sobbing into Elphaba's book in her bubble.
In conclusion, IM NOT OKAY!
Nah, Fam! But seriously! Mariand and Erin's vocals and performances were to die for! It succeeded my wildest expectations! I had so much fun and would 100% recommend seeing the show if you haven't seen it or want to see it a 19th time. Both are just as valid. :)
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xvampiricx · 6 years
do all 36 for the oc meme. thanks boyfriend
a Month Late Kids
Section 1 - About:
Briefly Describe your OC: Appearance, personality, role in a story, etc..
nikolai is a ambitious but cynical vampire. he has waist length wavy brown hair, emerald green eyes, and the body type of a bear/twink hybrid. hes what he calls “tired”, which means he’s at the point where he just. hates everything and while wanting to be left alone wants attention from all.
vincent is an insecure but hopeful werewolf-vampire. he has poorly dyed green hair, brown eyes, and a muscular but not ripped body type. hes shy but he makes friends easily. a nervous wreck.
Briefly describe their backstory/childhood:
nikolai was born in st petersburg, russia on june 1st, 1753. he had a normal childhood at least for a kid in that time, though he was shy and had few friends. he was bitten at age 25, leaving his family and living in nantes, france for a while. he then moved to New York City, living there on the streets for years and years. in the 1940s, he moved to los angeles, and has been living there ever since.
vincent was born on march 26th, 1963, in newark, New Jersey. his first experience turning into a werewolf was in a public setting at age 5, forcing him and his family out of the state and to Utah (though he, like niko, has managed his accent). His family was keen on trying to cure themselves of their canine blood, but vin wouldnt. he moved to la at age 20. nikolai took him in, soon afterwards turning him at 23.
describe their family life and friends: neither of them have contact with their families anymore, niko because his family he knew are all dead, and he doesnt know where their decendents are.vin because he finds them toxic for what they were doing to “cure” themselves.
What is the world they come from like? Literally just the earth but 32 years ago.
Are they original or exist in a certain fandom? original Are they an introvert or extrovert? nikolai is an introvert, and isn’t too big on talking to people, but vincent, while shy, loves talking to people once he gets to know them.
Greatest fear? nikolai fears getting close to people, particularly mortals. he knows they will die, so he doesnt want to be grieving a loss every few years. vincent is scared of abandonment, despite leaving his own family.
What’s their sense of humor like? they both share a dry, sarcastic sense of humour.
Favorite pieces of fiction or genres they enjoy? niko likes classic fiction, and vincent likes true crime.
Favorite music genres? nikolai likes 80s synthpop, and classical russian music. Vincent likes classic rock and glam metal, and is a little more reluctant to admit that some 80s pop slaps.
Describe their vision of a perfect spouse, if applicable. Each Other Motherfucker
Largest regret? for both of them, becoming what they are. niko wishes he wasnt a vampire, and vincent wishes he wasnt a werewolf.
Something your OC would say? To quote on of my favourite vines as an example
vincent: if you play this harmonica you will get 100 million dollars but a hundred million people will die
nikolai: [aggresive harmonica blowing]
vincent: niko NO-
Whats their morality like? niko tries to have morals, but he, well, has to kill people to survive. vincent however, has very strong morals, but since he was turned, he unfortunately has to destroy them.
Would they live in a city, rural area, or suburb? Both prefer the city
Which actor would you like to portray your OC? (Or a voice actor) i havent seen anyone suiting vincent but holy shit this guy named edward bess looks Exacrly like how i think niko would look its fucked
Sexuality? Gender Identity? both are cis men, vincent is bi with a preference for men, and nikolai is gay.
What inspired you to make this character? had to make a short story for english and got a little Too involved
Section 2 - If…
If they existed in another decade, what would they wear? (Asker can choose what decade) (Bonus points if you draw them!)
dont know how to answer this one boys
If they were in a RPG, what would be their class? nikolai would either be a mage or assassin type, and vincent would either be a barbarian or healer type.
If they received a large amount of money no strings attached, what would they use it for? neither of them are good with money, so im not sure. all i know a that a lot of it is going to be spent on nikos cigarette addiction.
If they competed on a competitive TV show, how would they approach to winning? (the “mean” one, the one who makes friends, the one who’s there for fun)
niko would be a shady bitch but a helpful one. vincents more just there to make friends cause he has no idea what the fuck hes doing otherwise.
If they could change one thing about their past, what would it be?
both of them would be like “being born”
If you met them, what would they do? probably kick my ass
Ask your own! Do it pussy
Section 3 - Other:
What other OCs would they get along with? theyre the only ones i have nowadays so each other
What’s their singing voice like? dont know for singing but just talking niko sounds like an unenthusiastic stuttering melovin and vincent sounds like that one post of the guy and the 7/11s
Take a personality test as the character. Post results. niko is apperantly intp and vincent is enfp but iont know shit
What would be their fighting style in a fighting game like Mortal Kombat, Super Smash Brothers, or Street Fighter?
niko mains as the least fair edgy lookin ass character and spams side smash while vincent actually takes time to be a fair and skilled player
What are some mannerisms/quirks?
niko has a stutter when speaking english, and often forgets english words mid sentence. hes also very fidgety and easily distracted, as he has undiagnosed add. vincent tends to clutch onto things a lot, and talks in a lot of new jersey slang, that niko, who already has trouble with english being a non-native speaker as is, does not understand what the fuck he means at all
Describe their favorite meal.nowadays blood considering theyre vampires but niko also lives off of alcohol and cigarettes so theres that
What do they do when they’re bored?
niko usually reads anything he can find but vincent just contemplates shit
How do they express love/affection for someone?
vincent is more verbally affectionate, and loves showering niko in compliments and telling him that he loves him and shit. nikolai, though, is more physically affectionate, loving to cuddle and just be clingy. they both love pet names.
Most embarrassing thing that could/has happened to them? Boy I Do NOt Know
Make a portrait sketch of them!
well i fuckin would if mobile tungle let me
Put it here
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ferallymine · 4 years
Swapped Part 3
Mardea walked behind Reylin, mainly to make sure the girl didn’t run off on her own. The dirt path to the town wasn’t too hard to walk, thanks to lanterns lighting the way.
People bustled about even though the sun had set. The girls had gotten close to the scattered townhouses outside the city walls before Mardea suddenly and quickly pulled Reylin behind a tree.
“Bitch what the-”
“We’re not dressed like them.” Mardea peeked around the tree at the townsfolk, “They’re all dressed in worn-out clothing like in medieval times. We need to blend in with them, otherwise we’d get unwanted attention.” She gestured to the girl’s hoodie and jeans, and then her own skintight hero costume.
Reylin’s initial tension dissipated, “So let’s steal some clothes.”
“Gonna have to.”
“Wait, you agree with me?”
Mardea nodded, “We have no money, in a land neither of us know anything about, and it’s almost dark. Here, take my hand.”
The girls left the cover of the tree. A small house was roughly 30 feet away. Mardea’s hair glowed dully as her hand pressed against the wall. Then they were inside.
“What?!” Reylin let go of her hand, “You just walked through that wall like it wasn’t fucking there! How?! What?!”
“Keep your voice down!” Mardea harshly whispered, “Search the drawers for clothes.”
The pink haired girl complied, taking the dresser to her left. A weathered blue dress and shoes were in the top drawer, both about her size.
“Put them on, quickly.” Mardea was already donning a beige dress with a white apron and tattered sandals. Her original clothes she packed away in a sack that lay against the wall.
Reylin followed suit, also snatching what looked like money and some jewelry, “Might need these.”
The blue haired girl sighed, “I hate doing this but we need to get to town and have a safe place to sleep. Perhaps there’s a hotel we can stay in.”
“I think medieval hotels were called ‘inns,’ but yeah.”
“Smartass.” Mardea laughed and shoved Reylin’s clothes and her stolen items in the sack, “Take my hand, let’s go-” She froze, hair again dully glowing.
Reylin cocked her head, “What’s wrong?”
“People surrounded the house.” Sweat developed on her forehead, “We’re gonna make a break for it. I need you to trust me and do not ever let go of my hand, understand?”
“…can I shock them if they get too close?”
“I trust you. Let’s go.”
The house’s walls gave way for the Energy Hero’s quirk. Reylin’s legs picked up speed behind her.
There were shouts but they didn’t reach the girls’ ears. The gate to the city was closed, two guards standing in front of it. They held up their swords, ordering the duo to stop.
Reylin braced herself as Mardea charged through.
The guards left their posts, running towards the commotion at the front gate.
“What happened?!”
“They were just here!”
“Security breach! Scour the city!”
The thundering of footsteps made both girls cover their mouths. When the stomping silenced, they dared to whisper.
“What was that?” Reylin’s voice shook.
“I teleported us behind this workshop,” Mardea’s whisper was barely audible, “Seemed big enough to hide us for a little while.
Reylin peaked around the back of the wall, “I think we can make it to that other house… I see a cellar entrance.”
The girls slowly made their way over, sticking to the shadows. Mardea stayed behind Reylin, mainly to make sure they weren’t somehow separated.
The cellar door was locked, but Mardea took care of that part.
It wasn’t cold or awful smelling like Reylin thought it would be. A spare torch remained unlit on the wall. She grabbed it and let sparks form in her hand, lighting it.
“Nifty,” Mardea smirked and examined the room, “You’re alright, Rey.”
“Whatever, let’s take what we can and get the fuck out of here,” Reylin blew past the compliment and went straight for the black lockbox, “Gimme a hand, here?”
Mardea rolled her eyes, “Fine.” The lock warped until it was green energy, opening the little door. Inside were gemstones and more gold coins.
The girls’ eyes widened in awe. Opening the sack, Reylin scooped up as much as she could.
The girls froze and raised their hands. Turning around, three guardsmen with torches and swords blocked the cellar entrance.
Reylin eyed Mardea, trying to silently communicate a possible escape plan. The guards tied ropes around their hands, the Energy Hero simply allowing them to.
As they were led to what was assumed to be the jail, Mardea couldn’t help but notice the big blue cat staring at her in the shadows.
“They got arrested?” Aed questioned.
“Looks like it,” Serana adjusted her gloves, “Smart move, in all honesty. They have a safe place for the night in a land they don’t know anything about.”
The Spectre continued toying with his dagger, “Not entirely safe-”
“Dear AKATOSH we’re NOT hurting them!!!!” Arissa smacked his hand, “What would Aria say if she knew you intended to harm CHILDREN?!” That made him shut up.
Cicero bounced back and forth, a thought on the tip of his tongue, but he clearly needed to find the right words to say.
“You okay?” Serana put her attention on him.
“Hmmhmhmmmmm Cicero thinks… there’s a tunnel that leads to the jail cell…”
Inigo spoke up, “I think that blue haired girl noticed me when the guards took them away.”
“Kinda hard not to notice you,” Arissa quipped and offered a light chuckle.
“Still,” Inigo pondered a moment, “She was able to deduce that we were at that house… perhaps she is a stronger mage than she appears to be.”
“Whatever the case is, she and the other girl know where Jin and Lyn are,” Aed crossed her arms.
“Let’s storm the jail and ask them!” The jester took off without warning towards Dragonsreach.
“CICERO NO!” The group tried to stop him, but resigned to follow his lead.
“This is your idea of safe?!” Reylin sat cross-legged against the wall opposite of Mardea.
She shrugged, “It’s safer than an inn room. We’ve got guards watching over us. Now shut up and let me meditate.”
“Blah blah blah,” The Wildcard’s tone was mockery, “Why do you gotta do that weird-ass breathing and shit anyway?”
“Do you want me to lose control of my power and dissolve this entire building, possibly killing hundreds of people?”
“No way-”
“Way.” Mardea pulled her phone out of her bra, “I had this with me before that portal opened. Here, Kaminari filmed it when it happened.”
“Just watch the damn video.”
It was titled ‘Code Black.’ One minute later, Reylin quietly handed it back, refusing to look her in the eye. Mardea, content with the silence, began her meditation.
30 minutes passed. The guards rotated positions when Mardea finished.
“Your hair got all glowy and green stuff surrounded you,” Reylin cocked her head, “That normal?”
“Pretty much. Try and get some-” She paused, green spreading out in the cracks of the floor underneath her, “Someone’s coming.”
“Bad people?” Blue sparks formed in Reylin’s eager hand.
“The same frequencies as those who surrounded the house earlier, so probably.”
There was a silent scuffle of feet. Metal clanked off the walls. Arrows flew past the cell door, making muffled thud sounds as they hit their marks.
“Bad people.” Reylin grinned and readied her hands.
“Sit back and be quiet,” Mardea leaned back against the wall, seemingly unphased by what was happening.
Everything in the jail stilled. It was eerily still, until the culprits came to their cell door.
“A blue cat, a twink, Hot goth babe, skinny bitch, short cuddly babe, and a ghost who definitely wants us to join him in ghost world.” Reylin pointed at the group, teasingly.
“Also, the ones who came after us as we entered the city,” Mardea added, closing her eyes.
The one Reylin dubbed the ‘twink’ picked the lock and strolled on in, “Ohoho, Cicero thinks you should be more afraid.”
“Why?” Mardea opened her eyes to look at his small form, “If you wanted us dead you would’ve killed us by now.”
“That can be arranged,” The ghost warped through the wall towards them.
“Stop it!” The goth babe insisted.
The short babe stepped forward, “Listen, our friends disappeared. You two popped out where they went missing, leading us to believe you know something that we don’t.”
“Yeah, we know our fucking names,” Reylin crossed her arms, “We don’t know yours. I don’t trade information with people I don’t know, let alone people who just murdered a room full of guards.”
The blue cat sighed, “My name is Inigo.” He gestured to the others, “That is Aed, Serana, Cicero, Arissa, and Lucien. Our missing friends are Aria and Celaena.”
“Ah,” Mardea gave a nod of understanding, and looked at her black band, “How do I explain this…”
“Bunch of other girls in other worlds swapped places,” Reylin lifted her banded wrist up, “Each of us is wearing this band. It’s our only way to communicate with the other girls.”
“There’s… six girls total who’ve been swapped.” Mardea counted on her fingers, “Aria is in my world. I was able to talk to her shortly after I arrived here. She’s safe, and currently taking shelter in one of my favorite abandoned spots. I gave her the names of people she can trust.”
“Celaena is in a world neither of us are familiar with,” Reylin leaned forward, wrist holding up her head, “Some chick named Iris is taking care of her via these bands.”
The group seemed to relax, then Arissa spoke up, “Um… well if that’s the case, you two should stick with us until you get swapped back.”
“The people who murdered all those guards and tried to attack us when we entered the city want us to join them?” Reylin raised an eyebrow.
Cicero clapped his hands, “Don’t be afraid! The sneaking and the stabbing and the killing won’t happen tonight! Or ever! Eheheheheh~!”
“Didn’t you tell me I should be more afraid?” Mardea stood up.
“Noted.” Mardea clasped her hands, “Well, where shall we go for the night?”
Serana spoke next, “I’ve got a place. Follow me.” 
0 notes
enniewritesathing · 7 years
Based on this article. This is a SUPER long read, so... it’s behind the cut (RIP mobile users, maybe), and just some stuff... rambling even, lol. But, it’s an info dump, some insights, silliness... etc...
On Preparation:
Brian: “Oh, lord. I don’t know who’s crazier during training -- me or John.”
John: “It’s both of us.”
B: “Yeah... listen, when fight week is here in this house? It feels like every seam is going to burst. It’s chaos, it’s anxiety, the tension.”
J: “Ah, sorry. Hey, you told me to take it outside, so I did. There’s a small gym in the backyard. Pads, mirrors, the treadmill, I even hooked up the soundsystem. I’m usually in there twice a day. Three times if I’m lucky.”
B: “I usually don’t see him for days at a time. Sometimes it works out, because I’m on rotation shifts at the hospital. Then I worry that I’ll see this [jerks thumb at John] dumbass on a stretcher. It’s one thing to push yourself, but to the point of injury. Again.”
J: “He’s never going to let me live that one down.”
B: [matter-of-fact look] “He almost died.”
J: “And you call me dramatic? Brian, I didn’t [in mocking tone] “almost die”. I’ll tell that story later. I have a bunch. Before he kicked me out of the house, I’d practice in what’s now the green room. Wait-- what about when we were living at ina’s house? You wanna...?”
B: “No, what do you do now.”
J: “Ah. Well, wake up in the morning, around 4. Go out for a five mile run. Come back, stretching, then drills for three hours. If I’m lucky, there’s breakfast, full of carbs. 30 minute rest, then back to more drills. Then, shadow box with the mirrors for... [makes vague hand gesture]. When I’m at that point, it’s easy get lost in it. After that, more drills, cool down run, stretches, meditate, then dinner. Repeat until three days before a fight. It’s all meditation at that point. I’m not worried about making weight or anything like that.”
B: “Y’know, I didn’t realize we had that many mirrors until I watched.”
J: “I didn’t either. How many do we have?”
B: “I counted twelve. And they’re [makes wide armed gesture]. Sometimes, I have to pull him out of whatever he’s got going on in his mind. That’s how intense he gets. It’s amazing.”
J: “Really? [raises eyebrow] You said you watched...”
B: “Well, duh, I’m gonna watch. You’re so focused... a couple of times, I watched for an hour and you didn’t notice. Like I said, I don’t know where he goes in his mind. There’s a certain... energy that he has. It’s also the same energy that makes me a little anxious and it drives me a little crazy because I keep... visualizing something’s going to happen during the fight itself. I know-- I know it’s weird to think that far ahead, but I think about all the things that can go wrong.”
J: “Except the times... yeah.”
B: “Yeah. I have to get in that mindset when he’s getting ready for a fight, but I am not... I never feel ready and honestly, I never will.. But, when I watch him shadowbox, the way he moves and how sharp he is, how he flows, hell, the way he looks. He fights beautiful. That and those shorts you always wear... [smiles] hmm. I love it when he wears those and he has his hair down, and he’s all sweaty--”
J: [slightly embarrassed] “Babe, please.”
B: “But behind the beauty is something... I’d say even demonic.”
J: “Oh my god. You’re like the third person to say that. My opponents, I understand. But my own boyfriend? Demonic?”
B: “There’s a better word for it -- ah, scary. There are a couple of photos we have that’s in his uncle’s gym that... scares me. Because it’s like looking at a stranger or a peek at something you’re not supposed to see. I admit the one where you’re just standing there, just covered in blood is my favorite... but the one that scares me is...”
J: [thoughtful look] “Which one? I have a lot of them.”
B: “Over the trophy case. The one with you screaming and your eyes are super wide and hair wild. You looked possessed.”
J: “Oh! Yeah, yeah, that one? That’s probably the scariest I’ve ever seen myself. It’s like ‘holy shit, what did I become?’” And it’s only for a few seconds I’m like that. The funny thing is I don’t remember doing it and I don’t remember that fight...”
B: “Hell, when your eyes do ‘The Thing’.
J: “Oh, like this? [he turns to Brian. His eyes widen slightly for a moment and Brian shirks]’
B: Augh! Yes, that one. I’ve watched your opponents shrink during the staredown. You scare the shit out them before they do anything.”
J: “Really? Am I that scary?”
B: “Let me put it this way, if I never knew you like I do, I would say yes. Since I do, and I know how you work, then no. I realize that you’re a different person in the ring. I don’t know him other than what I see. The John in the ring is vicious and sinister. Dominant. I would say a monster. [sees John frowns] But that’s the only time I see that John. This John is the John I know and love dearly, and I guess no one sees that side of him, or even think that he’s even capable of it. He’s a very sweet person, so of course for me it’s scary at first, then I have that mindset.” [shrugs]
J: [stunned look] “Uh... wow.”
B: “It’s the truth. That’s what I think of you-- well, John in the ring.”
J: “Well what about... John in training?”
B: “Him? Oh jeez [counts on fingers] loud, ornery, obsessive... sometimes, I don’t even bother you when it gets close. He’s a jerk.”
J: “Ornery?”
B: “When he has to make weight, John doesn’t like it when I eat or --god forbid-- cook around him. I have to air out the house so he won’t get upset at not eating delicious food. He made me eat out on the porch a couple of times. He’s an asshole when he’s hungry. Imagine that for two weeks. The little things set him off. It drives me nuts. And it makes me want to wring his neck.”
J: “Yeah... I can’t lie on that.”
B: “The only good that comes out of it is that this [gestures over chest] looks great. [John looks exasperated] Oh, don’t give me that look. You said the same thing about my legs and ass when I ran track.”
J: “You’re rarely this... forthcoming with your thoughts.”
B: “Oh, sweetie, you should hear me when I’m at work. I brag about you all the time. Are you blushing?
J: “N-no?”
On Traveling:
J: “When I was younger, travelling was exciting. New places, new people, new cultures... Now? [sighs] It can be rough. Especially if it’s a overseas trip. I usually fly out the week before so I can get over the jet lag.”
B: “It’s rough when I can’t go.”
J: “It sucks, but it’s a sacrifice -- totally because Brian’s a nurse and honestly... it would be selfish of me take him out of a place where he’s needed, y’know?”
B: “He’s a little more nervous --just a teeny bit-- when he has to go by himself. I’m not there to calm him down. When I drop him off at the airport, it’s like... watching a warrior going to battle. Of course, I know he’s coming back, but it doesn’t make it less... dramatic?
J: “It is when we kiss.”
B: “Really?”
J: “I mean... I think about it the whole trip there. It’s a nice thought...”
B: “Ah. We got fussed at by security a couple of times because they’re not too keen on ~romance~. We’re not making out or anything like that.”
J: “That old guy?”
B: “Ugh, him. It’s always him too. I make it a point to piss him off when John comes back and I leap into his arms and give him the biggest kiss I can manage.
J: “Anyway, when we do travel together, we always fly if it’s far enough. Brian brings just about everything.”
B: “No, I don’t; I just like to be prepared.”
J: “Everything. I pack my clothes, my gear, headphones... that’s it. Brian packs like ten outfits knowing full well we’re not gonna be there that long and other things that are just...”
B: “I also like to have options. [nods. John sighs.] One time we flew to Japan-- I checked the weather before we left and it was cool -- John insisted that we didn’t need coats or anything like that, but I packed a few hoodies just in case. [beat] It was snowing when we got there. John only wore some short sleeves and jeans.”
J: “Okay, okay, so I got caught...”
B: “We got caught in the middle of a blizzard”. [gives a very pointed look]
J: [glares] “I like sitting at the window seat. Brian, though? A couple of times he’s had to swap seats to the emergency row because his seat is small.”
B: “Until we started springing for first class seats. It’s expensive, but it’s worth it. It’s one thing being tall, but when you’re wedged between two people... you get a little claustrophobic. In first class? Not a problem. We can sit next to each other and still have room to ourselves to sleep.”
J: “He’s really cute when he sleeps on the plane. Brian hates turbulance, so I hold his hand or, y’know, stroke his hair or something. The flight attendants always ask if he’s alright. They think it’s cute.”
B: “When we get to the hotel... we always get raised eyebrows. I mean, you see him, and then you see me, it’s like the beginning of a bad porno. ‘Twink Gets Stuffed By...’ eh, you get the idea.”
J: “I wouldn’t call it bad. I mean, bad would be out in the woods with Mother Nature and mosquitos joining in.”
B: “Or bears.”
J: “Or bea-- Brian.”
B: [laughs] “There’s this voice that he puts on too. I can’t describe it other than you remove the bass. Kinda like... when you talk in Filipino or something else.”
J: “It’s my friendly voice. When you have a voice like I do, it’s commanding and authoritive or something. So, to not frighten anyone, I speak higher. That’s it.”
B: “It’s too...”
J: “Fake?”
B: “Oh, absolutely. The rooms are always nice, so there’s that. One time we got a Junior suite... Best bed I’ve slept in.”
J: “It better be. I looked up the price of the bed. It was four thousand dollars.”
B: “No wonder rich people are always smiling...”
On ‘The Myth’:
B: “That myth is... It really depends. We’re still trying to find that sweet spot. A month is excessive.”
J: “A month is complete and utter bullshit.”
B: “See, it’s not a big deal for me because my wants are low to begin with; a month is no problem. Extra sex? Bonus. But John? I have never seen him so sexually frustrated on purpose in my life.”
J: “Not even--”
B: “No, because while it’s cute when you beg a little, I usually throw the bone after. This is like on a scale of one to one hundred, it was... a ninety-seven. You were like a cat in heat. A month long tease. And John doesn’t like being teased much. It pisses him off.”
J: “No sex for a month before a fight was the goddamn worst. I don’t know if it affected me because, that was the fastest fight I had. Knockout in 34 seconds in the first round. Caught ‘em with a liver shot with my knee.”
B: “It was a beautiful knee. Right after when the ref calls it, he looks like me like “Get your ass ready.” Soon as we got back to our hotel, I had very little warning... [looks at John] “I told him to hold back until we get home... he didn’t.”
J: “Hoo, yeah, no, I didn’t. I couldn’t wait.”
B: “It was a mess. I’m glad we had all those pillows around. I may have screamed.”
J: “Oh, don’t worry, it was a good scream.”
B: “I couldn’t walk straight for a week.”
J: [a rather pleased smile]
B: “A month is too excessive. For me on the receiving end. A couple of days? I can buy that.”
J: “A couple of days is fine, but... a month? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? I thought I was going to pop...”
B: “You did. Repeatedly.”
On injuries:
B: “Injuries. [long sigh] They’re terrible. They’re terrible in general, but when it happens right in front of you, you just hope that they’re going to be okay after. When John fights, I just hope he wins with minimal scratches. That goes for his opponent too.”
J: “Injuries... they can and will happen. Do I want them to happen? Absolutely not because there’s nothing worst than training for half a year or whatever, and you get hurt and lose because of it. I’d rather lose by points and hell, a knockout before losing because of that. It sucks. And while I do fight hard, I never have the intention of injuring someone on purpose. Does that makes sense?
B: “Like, legal cheap shots?”
J: “Yeah. Those piss me off because that pretty much says, “I don’t know how to fight so I’ll do this instead.” It’s like in fighting games, you use that one power attack and nothing else.”
B: “What about the... ones that are pure bad luck?”
J: “The Benni fight. God, that was rough. [John leans back] I broke his leg. I know it sounds weird, but I’m glad it was a clean snap, they’re so much easier to put back together.”
B: [nods]
J: “The way he looked, his scream... I cried behind that. Obviously, I asked about him after he, uh, got to the hospital. Visited him even, and I apologized like almost every other word. He told me not get upset over it because -- it happens. It was an unlucky moment.
B: “He took that fight pretty hard and John started to hold back because of it. No one else recognized that, but I did.”
J: “Brian got on my ass about it. I mean, I’ve hit hard. I’ve broken someone else’s nose or, slashed their face with an elbow, knock a tooth out; you can bounce back from that easy, you name it, I probably did it, and I don’t mean to. But breaking someone’s leg? [he shakes his head] That’s life changing.”
B: “I did. Now, you wanna talk about the Shapiro fight or... both sides of it.”
J: “The Shapiro fight is the fight I [looks at Brian] almost died. It’s more of ‘getting into deep shit’. So, during the second round, my defense was absolute shit and he got a knee in when he clinched me. I heard two, maybe three pops. There’s a brief pause and he lets go. I’m ready to strike and... I remember feeling something hot [lifts up shirt, points to three lower ribs] around here and I couldn’t breathe. I was on the floor. Ref’s counting. It’s a dull pain, but nothing I can’t get back up from.
I get up. Ref gives the okay. When I took a breath, it felt like I got stabbed. I didn’t let Shapiro know by my face, but I guarded more. By the time he picked up on it, the round was done. I told my uncle ‘I broke something’. I was starting to feel dizzy. He asked me if I wanted to go on. I should’ve said no, and have him throw in the towel. My pride wouldn’t let me [laughs]. It was stupid of me--
B: “--and probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen him do--”
J: “--that’s fair. Third round starts. I’m barely holding it together. I set up a combo ,ends with a Superman punch. Boom. He goes down. Thank god I knocked him out... I don’t remember the rest, other than telling my uncle, ‘I can’t breathe. I’m gonna pass out. I’m gonna pass out--’I took this huge gasp [exaggerated gasp]... and then next thing I know, I’m at the hospital.”
B: “Before the third round started, I heard John and my heart sank. I knew he was going to go for it. I wanted to scream at him ‘don’t you do it’. He looked like hell. He looked like he was going to pass out the whole time. Honestly, I wished he did. After the fight, John was in trouble. He was hyperventilating, shaking. He passes out. I’m going crazy because he’s not moving. We get to the hospital. John’s broken 3 of his ribs, and one of them punctured his lung.”
J: “I was out for a month and a half. To say that Brian was pissed at me is an understatement. But saying that I almost died? C’mon, man. That’s too much.”
B: “You scared the shit out of me. And given what I see everyday at the hospital, that escalates quick. Hell, you really scared your mom.”
J: “She cursed me out. I’ve never seen her so angry in my life. Brian had to hold her back from trying to beat the shit out of my uncle.”
B: “Your mom is like a tiny wolverine; she wanted to fight everyone. I mean, she was right in feeling that way. Especially... y’know. You’re her only son now. I know that calling it, especially with something that, is a blow to your ego given what you said earlier. It sucks. I get it, but you live, so to speak, another day. Less recovery time.”
J: “Brian took it harder than I did, and I’m the one that fought. It made me reevaluate things when I saw him cry. Full on, soul baring cry. And one thing I promised to myself is to not make Brian cry over me. He starts crying, I start crying too. Like every time he looked at me, he’d just turn away so I wouldn’t see him.”
B: “The Shapiro fight was the stupidest thing he’s done. Other fights? I can live with.”
J: “That’s because you love the scars. Everyone loves them. The bad about mine is that, you can barely see them. My tattoos cover a lot of them up. If you’re good enough with elbows, you can fuck someone up. They are the sharpest point on your body. I got cut a couple of times. [pulls back hair] de la Rosa got me with this. Pissed me off more than anything else because I have a lot of hair and it takes a while to wash it. It kept it from really bleeding enough for a stopppage, so there’s that.”
B: “A lot of his opponents try to go for his face. Obviously.”
J: “I think they’re jealous. I always hear ‘I’m gonna bust up your pretty face’, ‘I’ll make you bleed’, so on, so forth. I never take it as an insult because, hey, they think I’m pretty.” [shrugs]
On defeat:
B: “When John loses... and he does, he takes it personally. Not as much as when we were younger, but he does.”
J: “I’m still working on it.”
B: “I have to let him mourn, but at the same time, I have to pull him out of it. That’s been... sort of my role in this. I give him three days. That’s enough time to cry together, mope together, emotional together... everything. The fourth day? I have to step in. Remind him that he’s come this far. It’s a learning opportunity. Great fighters have losThat’s all .”
J: “When I was younger, before Jake died, I promised I’d win every fight. I thought that, y’know, if I win, he’d get better. That... wasn’t the case. [sniffs] Even after he died, and I’d lose, I’d... beat myself up over it. Like I broke my promise to him. I take them very seriously.”
B: “He does.”
J: “When I’m beat, it’s usually by points. The worst defeat I’ve had was by 8 points.”
B: “The... Santiago fight?”
J: “Yep.”
B: “Ugh, those judges were awful. That whole fight was awful. Not as awful as getting knockout out. [shudders] It’s like you see his soul leave his body.”
J: “Oh my god, Brian.”
B: “I’m-- okay, of course when you’re knocked out, you don’t realize it. That’s the scary part of it -- he doesn’t quite fall at first, because, i-it’s a delay. His body keeps going. You look at his eyes, he’s not there. [he takes a breath] When he does fall, it’s quick. It’s like... a fish gulping for air. It’s for maybe thirty seconds and then he’s back up. Ugh...”
J: “It’s one thing to see it on tv, but when you see it up close, yeah, it’s uh... it’s brutal. I only remember what happens after. When I’m knocked out, it’s... different.”
B: “I can’t stand it... I was gung-ho at first, but, when we became boyfriends and watching him fight... it’s just scary. I’ll go for support, but it’s getting hard for me to watch him. I’m scared that...”
J: [grabs Brian’s hand] “I don’t hold it against it when he doesn’t want to go with me.”
B: “Not any more.”
J: “I can’t trust anyone else to braid my hair like you do...” [kisses hand. Brian smiles]
B: “Among other things.”
On Watching the Fight:
B: “I can watch most of it. When we started dating? Oh, I could barely stand it. I peeked through my fingers. John knows I’m there in the corner. I try not to yell. I can’t guarantee it when Noelle [John’s mother] is with me though. She’s contagious. I know you can’t hear us.”
J: “I do. You have a distinct voice.”
B: [shocked] “Really? Oh, boy, I’ve said... I’ve said some wild things.”
J: “He’s a shit talker. Like, I barely do it, but Brian? Oh my god. I don’t know which fight he said something about...”
B: “I said that the opponent moved as fast as my grandmother. [beat] She’s been dead for twenty years.”
J: [hearty laugh] “Jesus Christ, Brian!”
B: “I know, it’s terrible, but it was the truth! He was moving in slow motion. John took him out in the first round.”
J: “I’m surprised it hasn’t gotten you in trouble.”
B: “The key to great shit talking is knowing when to stop. It’s an art form. But the one thing I always love, no matter what, is his entrance.”
J: “Oh, are you going to gush again?”
B: “Yes, John, yes. I am. You don’t get to be humble again! When he’s announced, [in ‘radio’ voice] ‘Johnathan V! R! Davidson!’ [in normal voice] in so many languages and he walks out. Music’s blarin’, crowd is going apeshit. You can see the fire in his eyes. You can feel just the raw and absolute power he has when he stands there!
J: [noticibly blushing and trying to keep it together]
B: “The way he walks down the path... the swagger and confidence! It’s like he’s won the fight already and it hasn’t started. John... [sighs lovingly] John, you’re extremely sexy. I don’t throw that word around lightly. I should tell you that way more often!”
J: [his face is beet red]
B: “I don’t know what my favorite colors on him. Any color is good on him. I would say... man, a tie between all black and all white. Probably white. You can see blood better. Mm! And the way John moves during his war dance? It’s hypnotizing. [looks at John with a lascivious smile] Did it get hot in here or is it just me...?”
J: “Brian... mahal...”
B: “Oh, fine. How about this: it make me feel super gay for you. Most days I’m regular gay. But then? [scoffs] Holy shit. I feel blessed.”
J: “Didn’t know you had levels...”
B: “Well, now you know!
On Children:
B: “That’s... hmm.”
J: “Hmm... I think if we have kids, we’ll teach them how to fight. For defense and discipline. If they want to be like papa, great. If they don’t, great. I’m -- we’re not gonna push that on them. It wouldn’t be fair.”
B: “How did you and Jacob get into fighting anyway?”
J: “My uncle and aunt babysat us and we’d watch him going through his drills in the gym and given that we were both two wild and impressionable five year olds... my dad was actually the one to be cautious. Ina, on the other hand, she was for it. She practiced Arnis and, y’know, she was one of the top women in the nation, so...”
B: “That’s where he gets his competitiveness from.”
J: “It was more like ‘let’s see where this goes’. I think... that’s a good approach to it, right?”
B: “Yeah. A healthy approach to it.”
J: “But... if they choose to follow my path... that’s going to be hard. We’re gonna be the dads that have like, journeys watching our kids fight.”
B: “I don’t think I could take it. I have a hard enough time watching you fight.”
J: “It drove my dad crazy when me and Jake fought each other. Maybe... maybe we can wait until they’re teenagers. I mean, I’ve been fighting since I was five. That’s fucking crazy when you think about it. Well-- wait, I didn’t start competing until I was seven.”
B: “No, you had it right. You’ve been fighting your whole life.”
J: “It’s... gotten me through some tough times. A good outlet, if nothing else. I think I’d be a totally different person if I hadn’t started fighting. But... yeah, you’re right.”
B: “Our relationship is uncommon for a lot of reasons, but I feel like it’s unique. There’s not a lot of... [thoughtful look], what would you say, John?”
J: “Uh, I’d say, it’s not for everyone. It requires a lot of communication and it also requires to really know and understand each other. We get into battle mode when I have my date. It’s the same thing I did for him when he went through med school; I made sure he was ready for tests and exams and whatever I could do to help him succeed. Brian makes sure that... I don’t do stupid shit when I’m training, he pulls me out of what place I go to. We’re so used to it, it’s second nature.”
B: “I’m there for him when he gets anxious, to listen to him. I’m there to get him through an injury he might get.”
J: “Yeah, Brian doesn’t... like to bring his work persona home, but, I dunno. I like him.”
B: “Oh yeah?”
J: “He’s sweet and gentle, doesn’t patronize me... doesn’t call me an asshole when I do something dumb.”
B: [laughs]
J: “Like everything, we just take it one day at a time. It’s a process. There’s ups and downs, plot twists, disappointments... it’s revealed flaws that we have, but it’s also made us stronger together. It’s a journey. It’s given us opportunities that neither of us probably never thought about.”
B: “Like paying off student loans, this house, not eating ramen every other night...”
J: “Sleep.”
B: “Oh, my god, sleep.”
J: “So, like I said. It’s a process, we’re taking it day by day. I don’t have a better person to be with than Brian. Love you.” [leans in and kisses Brian on the cheek before pressing his forehead against his.]
B: [smiles] “Love you too. [beat] Don’t think you’re getting out of doing the dishes tonight.”
J: [laughs] “It was worth a shot...”
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gowther · 7 years
Please rank the twelve gowther in order from most beloved to cursed
you got it, anon! sorry this is late, finals have been eating me alive.
in order from most beloved to most cursed, here is my personal Goat Ranking. i took looks, personality, and overall plot significance into consideration.
1. Sin Gowther (Most Beloved)
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the gentle goat we all know and love. it’d be illogical to put him as anything but first place: nothing can beat the original. plus, he’s the reason all these other gowthers exist.
2. Maid Gowther
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good, kind, and pure! maid gowther just wants to read books, learn about new things, and spend time with his gf. i’m (metaphorically) crying right now thinking about maid goat. plus, he looks very cute in this outfit. 
3. Armando
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very iconic, super hilarious, and a good substitute mom to pelliot. he deserves more appreciation, especially since a-1 decided to replace his existence with That Other Guy Who Ranks Much Lower On The List. i really liked how gowther’s debut in the series was totally misleading re: what his character was actually gonna be like. plus the recent revelations of how gowther’s appearance is actually based on his own mom- just like he took on the appearance of pelliot’s mom as armando- have me shook.
4. Commandment Gowther
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a very confusing gowther, seeing as we don’t know whether goatdad was always dictating his every movement or not. i feel like default commandment gowther (without goatdad puppeting him) would be similar to current gowther, seeing as he didn’t get his emotions until the ancient war. he gains points because i’d been waiting forever to see gowther in that setting, it’s interesting to see him acting more animated than he would normally, for jorts, and for “Baa ♡”. he loses points due to the confusion factor and the questionable vest where his nips are out.
5. Meldor Gowther
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not my favorite look for the goat (way too much hair), but he had some really cute scenes with nadja, so meldor gowther ranks here by default. meldor gowther got to ride a horse, hair blowing in the wind- truly living the dream. i also love how meldor’s hair is the very first thing gowther gets curious about after reading the book. it’s a really cute detail that was probably just used so gowther had a chance to show off his hair changing ability, but i love it regardless.
6. Fluffy Haired Nerobasta Gowther
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VERY CUTE!! his hair looks very soft and fluffable, and looks really good with the boar hat outfit. gowther hasn’t done much in this look, but it’s a really pretty one and i hope he uses it again in the future, even if it’s just for fun or pretty hair purposes. sidenote: he’s really distressed at the time he uses this disguise. someone please hug the goat.
7. Armor Gowther
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not an ideal Look for gowther at all…he has to wear this thicc, spiky, horned suit of armor every day of his life in order to keep his powers under control. he can’t fit in most buildings, or allow people to admire his hair and cute outfits (that i’m glad he’s getting a chance to wear now!). however, it is still gowther and i love him, and i’m still really interested in seeing more interactions between him and the other sins back then. tfw everyone thought you were a bara but you are, in fact, a twink.
8. Doll Gowther
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(i refuse to use the cursed sexy doll pic even though it’s the official volume version.) doll gowther is just our gowther, except the magic on him has been canceled and he’s just a nine-inch tall doll now. i’d rather he be in human form than doll form- let gowther live his life!! so that is why doll gowther ranks this low on the list. shhh. he is resting. do not disturb him. 
9. That one white-haired and tan Gowther that people ship with the other Gowthers even though Nakaba only drew him once in a question corner
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i’m not a huge fan of this design…it looks kind of like a ban cosplay? he’s even doing the P: thing. also people have incorporated this goat in selfcest art, even though nakaba only drew him once, so that’s all i can think of when i see this drawing now. why did this happen to me. why did this happen to gowther. however, he still ranks ninth, because this goat is better than what is to come.
10. Pelliot’s Mom Gowther from SNS ep 4 
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at least a-1 pictures…..tried to fix the mess they made of the gowther and pelliot storyline? they put in at least some effort. i’ve got to acknowledge that. but why did they use this hannah montana knockoff design instead of a look more similar to the armando one? why did they make gowther’s eyes change color when nakaba never established he could do that? why did gowther try and BECOME pelliot’s mom, instead of someone who’d just adopted traits from her and an entertainer pelliot loved to make him happy? it’s just kind of weird.
11. Alan
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cursed design (how does anyone think that’s a preferable design to armando? how does anyone think gowther would turn his hair green and slick it back like that? that’s so far from his aesthetic it physically hurts me). cursed altered storyline (although i’ll admit some of his dialogue with ellie was pretty good. but the rest wasn’t good. pelliot didn’t get cut from the anime only to be incorporated into 5 minutes of a mediocre anime special for this). just an all-around cursed figure. every time i remember alan exists, i scream a little bit. a-1 pictures is never allowed to make OCs ever again.
12. Blond Alan from the NnT 3DS game (Most Cursed)
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God is dead.
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cinnalock · 6 years
Quinn Rhea-Broderick Masterlist
((The collection of info/headcanons for Quinn. Like with some of my other OCs, I’ll make new, separate posts for any new headcanons for her, but then I’ll update this list as well so everything can be altogether for convenience.))
Quinn Rhea-Broderick is an albino with very short white hair, pale skin, and green eyes and she has a mole under her right eye. She’s tall (5’8”) and has a toned, but not bulky build with defined muscle structure.
Quinn is the only daughter of Martin and Charlotte Rhea. Martin was the former hero Black Corsair and had telekinetic-based shielding powers; he died when Quinn was a child by trying to smother an explosion that would’ve killed tons of civilians. This has made Quinn slightly resentful of heroes as she believes they’re glory-seekers who don’t care about the people they leave behind.
Charlotte re-married Aaron Broderick a few years after Martin’s death. Aaron is an ex-Marine and former championship boxer, but he settled down after marrying Charlotte and built a farm next to their house. Quinn was slow to warm up to Aaron, but with time and patience his presence helped her cope with the loss of her biological father.
Quinn dropped out of high school at age 17 to enlist in the Marines. She actively served 6 years before she started working at an autoshop in Sternbild for the brother of one of her commanding officers. The brother ended up attempting insurance fraud by burning the business a few months after she started. He was caught and arrested for this, and Quinn moved on to being a bartender and bouncer for a strip club afterwards.
Quinn’s NEXT ability is called “Feral” and it functions similarly to the 100 Power. While Feral is activated, Quinn gains immense physical strength, speed, and agility (though not to the same capacity as 100 Power) and heightened senses. There is no time limit to how long Feral can be activated, but when it’s deactivated it has a 4 hour “cool down” before she can use it again. The downside of Feral is that the longer she has it activated, the less rational Quinn gets as she slowly becomes a rabid beast. If she’s too far gone to know to deactivate Feral, the only way to stop Quinn’s violent behavior is to knock her out.
Quinn is a mechanical genius. It all started with her working on cars, tractors, and other farming equipment with Aaron but even as an extremely young teen the inner workings of machines just “clicked” with her. Her mother tried to convince her to go to college and get an engineering degree, but building and fixing machines isn’t her passion as much as it is a skill and a mild hobby at best.
She also has an extensive knowledge of agriculture due to her family owning a farm, and she knows how to cook very well because of her mother and step-grandmother, but doesn’t think she’s good since she’s not as good at cooking as they are. Their farm was relatively small and had cows and chickens, but was mostly a produce farm along with a few pecan and apple trees.
She owns an iguana named Charlie and an african grey parrot named Hilda. Hilda’s a very intelligent, but mischievous bird with a wide vocabulary due to Quinn leaving the TV on for her while she’s at work.
Quinn’s a former smoker and struggles with the addiction on a regular basis. She started in high school shortly before she dropped out and it got worse when she enlisted. Once she started working at the autoshop, she put in an active effort to stop. She’s quit for the most part, but she still has an electronic cigarette she uses if she’s desperate and it’s not uncommon to see a nicotine patch on her arm.
Quinn’s background music would be “Spiteful” by CFO$.

Quinn’s voice actor would be Ashly Burch (Cassie Cage, Mortal Kombat).

Quinn starts the series with short hair and starts growing it out through the timeskip.
Quinn enjoys drinking sweet tea, and God have mercy on any soul who brings her unsweet tea and sugar packets thinking it’s the same thing.
She spends a lot of her spare time at the gym or at a circus arts school where she takes classes in acrobatics and pole dancing.
Quinn’s favorite food is prime rib with horseradish sauce. (in reality her favorite food is basically horseradish and she’ll eat anything smothered in it, but she thinks it goes best with beef)
Martin, Charlotte, and Quinn are white. Aaron is half-black, half-Korean and Quinn is fluent in Korean because of him and his mother (her step-grandmother), but she cannot read Korean.
Martin’s parents live on the other side of the country. They grew distant with Charlotte and Quinn after Martin’s death, but became hostile towards Charlotte and harassed her via the phone and internet when she decided to marry Aaron and the family severed ties with them completely. Charlotte took Aaron’s last name, Broderick, but Quinn’s last name is Rhea-Broderick.
Quinn’s guilty pleasure is Animal Crossing (or at least a non-copyright T&B equivalent of it). She bought a 3DS specifically for New Leaf, but now anytime she’s staring at her phone there’s a 100% chance she’s playing Pocket Camp. Marjorie is the only one she speaks enthusiastically about the game with, but she’s horribly embarrassed about it in front of anyone else.
When Quinn becomes a hero herself, her hero name is Sergeant Wolf. “Sergeant” comes from her rank in the Marines, “Wolf” references her Feral ability. Quinn’s hero suit is similar to a military stealth uniform (imagine a hybrid between Omega Squad Teemo from League of Legends and Ana Amari from Overwatch) which includes a cowl with decorative wolf ears, bodysuit/fatigues, and a gas mask.
As a hero, Quinn tries to utilize her military training as best as she can and uses Feral as a last result. Her arsenal includes batons, pepper spray, tasers, and various firearms equipped with rubber bullets and concussion rounds.
Given the nature of her hero persona, part of Quinn’s hero duties involves being a presenter and educator in firearm safety programs.
She likes dark chocolate and puts candy bars in the fridge/freezer before eating them.
Since Quinn has albinism, her skin is extremely sensitive. She uses spray-on sunscreen if she goes out during heavy sunlight or otherwise wears lots of clothing and sunglasses. She and Marjorie (@eclatantfemme) also splurge on hypoallergenic and/or organic laundry and bath products because they like to have scented products, but can’t buy mainstream items that’ll break Quinn’s skin out.
Quinn is bisexual, though she was never a huge one for relationships as much as she was open to just casual sex. Her “type” was feminine girls and androgynous/effeminate/twink boys. Keith is her first boyfriend who’s considerably masculine, but it doesn’t diminish her attraction to him in the slightest.
For the most part, Quinn’s bad with electronics. Not with the hardware, just using them for personal reasons. She doesn’t get on the internet or check her email regularly or use social media. She doesn’t get the appeal of streaming sites like Netflix and doesn’t know how to set it up on the TV if someone asks to switch to it from the cable. If someone tells her she should learn how to do these things or get an account on a social site or lecture her about not checking her email, Quinn just shrugs them off.
Quinn’s image song is “Bubblegum Bitch” by Marina and the Diamonds.
I’m having trouble finding an anime faceclaim for her, but currently she looks most like Najenda from Akame ga Kill. After the post anime series timeskip, she grows her hair out similarly to Ria Iwamura from King’s Game.
Quinn and Marjorie’s apartment is impeccably clean all the time. Between Marjorie’s speed and Quinn’s military training, chores get done fast and efficiently before they ever have a chance to pile up.
Since Marjorie’s power gives her a hyper fast metabolism and Quinn’s a gym junkie, they have an entire cabinet and a drawer in their fridge dedicated to high protein snacks.
Both of them are mature in general, but the girls get childishly competitive when they get into eating or drinking contests with each other. There’s two buffets in Sternbild that have banned them and a few more that are weary of them ever coming back.
Quinn is aware that Marjorie is a strong woman who can take care of herself, but Marjorie is her sister and if you hurt her then Quinn doesn’t need Feral to turn your face into a bloody pulp (upset Marjorie then just go ahead and skip town or maybe flee the country, for your own safety). 
 Quinn has this ritual/joke with Marjorie’s partners where she tells them that they have to beat her in an arm-wrestling match before they can date Marjorie. She’s never enforced this, though, and it’s mainly just to show them that if they hurt Marjorie then how easily Quinn could hurt them back with how quickly she wins the matches. The only one that’s ever beaten her is Barnaby; since he and Quinn are both super serious when it comes to how much they care for Marjorie, they actually ended up breaking into Feral and 100 Power to try and win over each other. Barnaby actually accidentally broke Quinn’s arm in the process, but she wasn’t upset despite him being apologetic (and a bit horrified with himself for taking a “game” so far) and she doesn’t hold a grudge. In fact, she was happy he didn’t hold anything back since she felt it showed how serious he was about being able to date Marjorie.
If she were a Pokemon or a trainer, her type would be fighting.
At the Disney parks, her most favorite ride is Mt. Everest at Animal Kingdom. She also loves Dole Whip and churros (especially the special edition flavors) to the point where her companions have to remind her she should probably drink water and eat a vegetable at SOME point during the day.
Quinn’s really great at carnival games that involve tossing balls (shooting baskets, getting the ball in the milk jugs with the rubber rims, knocking down the stacks of bottles). She’s surprisingly bad at any games involving guns (the water squirters and the shooting range). The only arcade game she’s good at is skeeball because #BadAtTechnology
 Charlie’s a lot more docile than Hilda in terms of pet maintenance, but he’ll scratch at his terrarium (or just climb out) and crawl over to watch TV if cartoons are on because he likes the bright colors.
Speaking of Quinn’s pets, the two actually get along quite well despite being vastly different species. Even though Hilda loves causing chaos, one trick she actually obeys without question is when Quinn tells her to share their fresh fruit treats with Charlie; Hilda will fly over and drop the pieces in Charlie’s terrarium.
When talking about them, Quinn refers to Martin as “Dad” and Aaron as “Papa” (in the transition his name went from “Mister Aaron” to “Papa Aaron” to “Papa”).
Despite being physically active for the most part, Quinn does actually read a lot when she gets the chance. If she’s warming up the treadmill or bike before really getting into her work out, if it’s a slow shift at work, or if she’s waiting for tasks to complete for Pocket Camp, she’ll have a book to peck through to keep from getting bored. Since she’s not always a consistent reader she doesn’t like anything too complicated to read so it’s easy to pick up and put down as necessary. She mostly reads memoir books or books written by celebrities and saves any story/plot-heavy books to read before she goes to bed.
Quinn had a couple of summer jobs in-between school years before she joined the military. The first was at a small frozen yogurt shop that closed down the following winter due to not enough business during the colder months. The second job was as an assistant to one of her classmate’s fathers, a wedding photographer (she has a good amount of wedding horror stories from that summer alone).
Regarding her second summer job, most of her responsibilities were helping carrying equipment and assisting with directing posed photos (like she’d be the person to throw the bride’s veil up in the air and then jump out of the shot for an in-motion picture). Her boss taught her the basics of how to use a fancy camera, but the knowledge didn’t stick, but she managed a video camera just fine so he’d let Quinn manage that part if a wedding video was part of the contract. A meal for each of them was also part of the contract and, if she could, Quinn took a tubberware container to take a piece (or two or three) of cake to take home for her and Marjorie to eat while they gossiped about the event. (“Yeah, the groom and best man getting into a fistfight was bad, but the real tragedy was the bride thinking that lime buttercream would go with german chocolate…”)
0 notes
fallingashe · 7 years
Get to know Balerion
Name: Balerion Targaryean
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Style/Color: Brown (he colors it a lot but this is his natural)
Height: 5'9
Clothing Style: N/A (he dresses up some days and others he's in a hoodie and sweats)
Best Physical Feature: Lips/Eyes
Fears: Death, I guess
Bad Habits: Setting people on fire he hates/doesn't get along with.
Ambition for the Future: None, he's accomplished his goals in life
Biggest regret: Killing his king, he loved the main but he had gotten dangerous.
First Thoughts Waking Up: I'm hungry
What I Think About the Most: Sex and food
What I Think About Before Bed: Food
What I Think My Best Quality Is: My honesty, I can be honest even if the truth hurts.
Single or Group Dates: Single,
To be Loved or Respected: Why pick one when I can have both
Beauty or Brains: Same thing, why not have both?
Dogs or Cats: Cats, Dog's are... dogs
Lie: Duh
Have scars/birthmarks: Yes
Believe in Yourself: How the fuck do you I've survived this long?
Believe in Love: Yes and no, I believe that some people aren't capable of love though.
Want Someone: Yes, a pretty thing
Been on Stage: Yes
Done Drugs: No
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: No, usually I kill them
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Music: Rock
Favorite Animal: Snake
Favorite Drink: Milkshakes/Smoothies
Favorite Food: Wings, his enemies
Favorite Place: The woods, the water
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Holiday: Christmas/Halloween
Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: I don't know, I'm old as fuck. Stopped counting around the time of the Roman's
Age You Lost Your Virginity: Young,
Does Age Matter?: Yes, I look like I'm 19 but I'm older then everyone in this castle.
Best Personality: Humor
Best Eye Color: Brown
Best Hair Color: Black
Best thing to do With a Partner: Cuddle, Eat s'mores and ice cream
I love: My bed, food, sex
I hate: People who have no respect
I feel: Sleepy
I hide: My supply of chocolate
I miss: People worshipping me
I wish:
What do you look like? (Include body type, frame, hair, eyes, skin, age, and distinguishing features): I'm twink-like, I have muscles. Piercing blue eyes that can either intimidate someone or seduce them, Fair skin, pale for the most part but I tan also. I'm 3,500 years old, I have a scar on my lower lip from a crossbolt when I was a dragon.
How do you dress most of the time?: Baggy clothes, hoodie and sweats.
How do you “dress up”?: Suit and tie/bow tie. If I dress like this then you must be special
How do you “dress down”?: Sweats and a hoodie, I don't need to impress people.
What do you wear when you go to sleep?: I'm naked
Do you wear any jewelry?: yes, I wear a emerald pendant given to me when I was only a dragon. Rings made of gold or from bones of fallen friends and enemies.
In your opinion, what is your best feature?: I have freckles, everyone loves them. They also like my smile
How many siblings do you have?: Three, haven't seen them in awhile.
What is your father like?: No idea, I'm a dragon, my 'father' was a king and I served him till his death
What is your mother like?: no mother
Where do you live? Describe it: Is it messy, neat, avant-garde, sparse, etc.?: Lavish, I'm a dragon. I like showing my wealth.
Are you emotional, depressed, ect?: I can be, not often.
Would you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else? Why?: Bi... because I can admire both genders and sleep with them. Though I usually just go with male's.
How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish?: Touch me, you die
What do you do when you are bored?: Eat, play with someone, burn things
What do you envy most?: Happiness, I've never truly found it.
0 notes