#my favourite authors
dailydreamer57 · 1 year
Ask & Answered
Tagged by @childotkw
Favourite colour(s): green/emerald green but also love dark bordeau reds :D
Favourite flavour(s): obviously chocolate or Xmas tastes, cherry spiced cake, but for savoury I love prawn cocktail and mousaka (I love to cook so I love playing with loads of different flavours from different countries)
Favourite genre: fantasy, futuristic, sci-fi, magical
Favourite music: oh god, my taste is all over the place, I like pop, rock and indie, house, ect...
Favourite movie(s): catch me if you can, matrix,
(any movies with anti heroes but my mind just went blank there, oh and serial killers xD)
Favourite series: The punisher, Prodigal son, Hannibal, Daredevil, legion, Veronica Mars (oh and I was obsessed with Dark Angel with Jessica Alba when I was a kid,) 24H, euphoria
Last song: 'Miguel - sure thing (sped up)'
Last series: Jack Ryan season 3
Last movie: Dr Strange and the multiverse (bit disappointed tbh)
Currently reading: loads of fanfics haha, just finished 'how large the teeth by MaidenMotherCrone (hp/voldemort fic and started her Aemon/lucerys fic' the beast you've made of me)
Currently watching: young royals
Currently working on: another sculptures
Tagging: @epic-solemnity @obsidianpen @cybrid @maquira713 @terrific-lunacy @k-s-morgan @slashyrogue @vivypotter @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger @purplewitch156 @shouldertallabyss @thefictionist @kitastrophea
Tag me back so I can read your replies :D
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mabbbish · 1 year
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wonderful day to remember ninjago has a canon highschool au
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marypsue · 2 years
Like for real I am always one to strongly recommend wearing shit that shows off what you like and ignoring anybody who has anything to say about that, but also...you know a white cotton T-shirt and a pack of Sharpie markers are your best friends, right? And a quick trip in the dryer on high heat once you’ve drawn on the shirt will set the colours, right? If you’re feeling adventurous, you can get puff paint in many exciting neon colours. I picked up a bottle of additive to turn regular acrylic paint into fabric paint at my local dollar store, which also has a wide selection of acrylic craft paints. Heck, you can use just regular acrylic paint straight out of the bottle on heavier-duty fabrics, like denim. I have a whole bunch of hand-painted band patches made out of old pairs of jeans. Or you can paint directly on a denim jacket or a pair of pants, if you’re feeling it. 
If you want replica merch and your poison of choice is a Hellfire Club shirt, go fully in-universe and paint your own. Stick it to Netflix and Hot Topic. Become ungovernable. Be your own weirdly-endearing punk little freak. 
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fluffyartbl0g · 10 months
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KATE YOU BEAUTIFUL SOUL T ^ T my zolu brethren go check out @thychesters wonderful fic about luffy getting bench pressed by zoro and just chattin havin a grand ol time (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
HAHA and then AFTER UR DONE READING THAT ONE, if you’re craving something a bit spicier, go read @swordsmans phenomenal fic about zoro and luffy “training” together XD
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fernsensei · 15 days
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sorry im on a hiatus again have this silly ass mouse drawn gabriel
original vv
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riacte · 3 months
self indulgent idea but i think it would be fun if ao3 allowed authors to pin one (1) of their works so it shows up in front of everything else no matter when it was posted/updated. as a treat.
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remembered @hehe-hoho-ohno's misfits au it's sooooo good and i love it. CHEERS AND APPLAUSE. YAY
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johaerys-writes · 9 months
....the Iliad doesn’t have anything explicit, or even implicit, about our heroes having sex. Patroclus and Achilles sleep in the same tent, but the narrator tells us that each of the men has an enslaved woman at his side. I felt I had to respond to the reader’s possible expectations and possible disappointment in two ways. One was to discuss the Patrochilles relationship fairly extensively in the introduction and notes, and make clear the ways that it’s taken absolutely seriously, and is at the emotional heart of Achilles’ narrative arc. In the introduction, I also discuss the fact that the Iliad doesn’t treat sex as a measure of closeness or love—so the fact that the poem doesn’t tell us that Achilles and Patroclus had sex is in no way a sign that they’re less than everything to each other. The characters who do have sex in the Iliad—Helen and Paris, Hera and Zeus, and various warriors with the enslaved women whom they regularly rape—are not exactly doing so out of “love.” 
Within the translation itself, I knew that I had to convey the profound intimacy and love of Achilles and Patroclus; the reader or listener has to understand on a deep emotional level that Patroclus is Achilles’ person, and that without him, he is all but dead himself—and he also knows that his death is at least partly his own fault. You, the reader or listener, should feel his devastation.
“My friend Patroclus, whom I loved, is dead.
I loved him more than any other comrade.
I loved him like my head, my life, myself.
I lost him, killed him…. “
By the time you get to Book 18, if you don’t feel the full horror of that moment with your whole being, I’ve failed.
Excerpt from Enduring Epics: Emily Wilson and Madeline Miller on Breathing New Life Into Ancient Classics on Literary Hub
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anglerflsh · 3 months
they need to give me a prize for managing to do anything school-related without the direct validation of professors like I had in highschool. What do you mean I'm not their favourite student that they would trust with their life (and with money for coffee) and talk to during break. "There's 200 people in the class" well there should be 199 and me
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arachnidlily · 3 months
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“I won’t give up on this life”
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thevelaryons · 1 month
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Rhaenyra and Addam by Nozomi Matsuoka // A Feast for Crows, George R. R. Martin
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literatureaesthetic · 7 months
thinking about elena ferrante and the neapolitan quartet and the line — 'if nothing could save us, not money, not a male body, and not even studying, we might as well destroy everything immediately.'
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artists have "draw this in your style", i think fic authors should start doing "write this in your style" where a ton of people write the same prompt but all do their own lil interpretations and characterizations and fun dialogue bits etc
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michaeldrawrrett · 1 year
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"It went by the name of the Luggage. Why it consented to be owned by Rincewind was something only the Luggage knew, and it wasn't telling, but no other item in the entire chronicle of travel accessories had quite such a history of mystery and grievous bodily harm." My right wrist hurt like Buggery today, so please enjoy A left-handed Luggage to mark what would have been Terry Pratchett's 75th birthday
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panevanbuckley · 3 months
don't get me wrong i love ao3 i would sacrific my soul for ao3 but sometimes i really wish it had that one feature from wattpad where you can comment on paragraphs rather than whole chapters y'know??
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Why We Never See Elendira's Story
In a story that emphasizes the human or otherwise sympathetic aspects to its focal characters, it’s very intriguing that Elendira remains an enigma right up until the very end of her story.
We receive some tantalizing hints that there is much, much more to Elendira than what we’re explicitly shown – asides from her apparent sole interest in witnessing the end of the world (to which she'd prefer to see Knives' chosen ending, but is prepared to act herself if he fails), she looks somewhat resigned when saying that nice men “die so easily”, that no matter what Vash does, humans will “ruin it”, and so on and so forth.
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[ID: Two screenshots from Trigun Maximum Volume 11. In the first, over a rocky ground, Elendira says "I liked you better when you had nothing to lose. What a shame." She looks down, somewhat resigned, and continues "I don't like nice men. They die so easily." In the second, she stands, frowning and saying "No matter what Vash the Stampede does... there will always be those..." On a close up of her right eye, she says "...who ruin it." End ID.]
Elendira seems to have little to no faith in humanity, and in that sense, she seems a lot like Knives. Knives, who aims to become more and more powerful, and in the process, severing all meaningful ties he has with others on his quest to ensure no one can take advantage of him or use him. We know, of course, that Knives doesn't quite succeed here... but Elendira has. She is the peak of human (or part human? We never get an answer to her unexplained abilities) capability in speed, skill, and strength. The only reason Livio stood any chance in that fight was due to his incredible regeneration.
(As an interesting aside, she also has an interesting commonality with Vash - what comes to mind is her telling the kids to bury Livio because he "died" trying to protect them. Why does she care about that? Why does it matter? None of the other GHGs do this. This is not important to the point I'm making here but it's just interesting to me. There's very few characters who explicitly make a point of burying the dead.)
The point being, Elendira is the height of strength... and at the top, she is alone.
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[ID: A panel from Trigun Maximum Volume 13. Elendira is in the action of dropping her white coat, which she has taken off to reveal an underarmour suit that is almost skeletal in appearance. She looks confident. End ID.]
In a story where characters' motives and pasts are told through their connections with others, through their memories with people they cared for, and through the eyes of the people who care for them...
Vash's story is eventually told in pieces to humanity through Meryl, through Luida, and through his sisters. Rem survives in Vash's memories, and we see the part of her story that young Vash saw, just as we also see his own past from this recollection of her.
Milly is a clarifier and communicator who sees so strongly the sides of Meryl and Vash that they suppress, all that grief and fear, for the sake of remaining steadfast. She is the one whose eyes we see through. It had to be seen to be told. Wolfwood does this too.
The rest of GHGs get some elaboration also. Hoppered is defined through his loss of the woman he cared for in July. Midvalley is defined by his fear and contention with Knives. They also have a dynamic between them that few of the other GHGs shared - and it's likely for this reason we received more elaboration on the two of them than many of the others. But even characters like Rai-Dei, for whom we don't get very much at all, has at least his sunk-cost fallacy explained through the memories of the people he's killed to get to that point.
Chronica's story, though largely removed from the people of No Man's Land, is given definition and stakes through the loss of Domina, and we are told about her incredible determination and strategy she has through her reputation with the Earth fleet.
Legato, desperate to play a singularly important role in Knives' story, tells his own through that lens and that lens only. The moment his life changed was the moment Knives entered it, and that is likely the most important memory to him - Knives is the only meaningful bond he has (sadly for him, this was not reciprocated). Well, an argument can be made for the contentious dynamic he builds with Vash too.
Even Knives, for all that he tried to separate himself from others, is known and seen through his connection with Vash - and his acceptance and unwillingness to fully lose this connection is not only what eventually saves him, but also the reason we, as the audience, know his story so well.
We see characters' stories in Trigun mainly through the bonds they share with others - never the whole story, but the sides that others knew of them.
So, who does Elendira have? Every interaction she has is shallow, dismissive, and exceedingly temporary. Through her dislike of Legato, we get that she may be somewhat bitter about his important status to Knives... but there is no elaboration, because it goes no further than that. Knives calls her directly on the phone, and she is very invested in his vision for the end of the world and intrigued by him... but it goes no further than that. He does not really seem to care about her beyond her effectiveness, and she does not offer any information about herself. Even her allegiance is kind of flimsy. She's only there because she wants to be.
During their final fight, Wolfwood lives on through Livio, through his actions and resolve. It is the teamwork between him and Razlo, in the spirit of Wolfwood, that eventually overpowers Elendira. Amusingly (at least to me), Livio is quite literally never alone, because he always has Razlo - and now, Wolfwood too.
"Yer too strong... and that's why yer gonna lose."
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[ID: A screenshot from Trigun Maximum Volume 13. Livio narrates over a shot of his eye, Razlo's eye, and finally, his whole face, with Wolfwood's final vial of serum between his teeth. "...to me... to Razlo... and to him." End ID.]
Elendira has succeeded in separating herself from everyone – she is the most powerful of the GHG, and every battle with her is basically one-sided – but she’s alone, and that’s not only why she loses… it’s also why we never get to know her in any meaningful way.
Because no one knows her. She has no personal connection with anyone. Her motivations never get any clarity. We don’t even know who did her modifications or how she gained her power. Even if she did have someone she cared for in the past, she apparently does not hold onto their memory. And maybe that's the reason she told the kids to bury Livio - not out of respect, but because to her, that is where the past belongs - dead and buried, soon to be joined by the rest of the world and humanity as it all comes to an end.
We never see Elendira’s story… because there is no one from whose eyes we can see it in any capacity.
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