#my first time designing someone a fursona
mauesartetc · 1 year
Thoughts on Helluva Boss 108 ("Queen Bee")
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Yeeeah so we knew pretty much from the jump that this episode wouldn't have much substance to it. Viv Medrano herself said as much. But again, I have to wonder: What's the point of making a full episode of a show if you don't have the story to support it? You know the phrase "This meeting could have been an email"? This episode could have been a music video.
I typically include a list of pros and a list of cons when I write these, but everything was just so bland I can't functionally categorize much of it. I wasn't angry, I wasn't entertained, I didn't feel anything. All my thoughts about this episode are floating around in a soup and I just can't be bothered to sort them into the usual boxes. So this'll be more of a barely-coherent brainspew than anything else. If the writers couldn't put the effort in, why should I?
Fuck it, let's do this.
First, the elephant in the room: Beelzebub's design. That's a lengthy separate rant I'll save for another time, but I'll just say the first time I saw it, I thought it looked like some kid's DeviantArt fursona. But let's be real, I've got a feeling she only looks the way she does so Viv could make an easy reference to her "Die Young" music video.
I get that Kesha is Viv's idol and it must have been huge to land her for this voice-acting gig (though to be clear, she didn't sing the song in the episode. Helped write it; didn't sing it), but man, the self-indulgence is just leaking through the screen. This wouldn't feel so uncomfortable if Viv herself did any of the animation in this episode, but if you check the credits, she didn't. She wrote this plot cul-de-sac of pointless filler just so she could make other people animate the most complex character design to come out of the show and pat herself on the back for all of it. Again: Could have been a music video.
The episode's actual "plot" consists of Loona having a series of awkward conversations, calling Blitzo, and driving him home when he gets too trashed. There is a little development in their relationship? I guess? But of course no one mentions what went down at the beach. Much like what happened between Blitzo and Stolas in "Ozzie's", we can safely assume that event will get swept under the rug, never to be heard from again. I'd like to point out that the musical number takes about three minutes out of the fourteen-and-a-half-minute runtime. They could have cut the rest of this shit and nothing would have been lost; in fact a good amount of time and money would have been saved.
Three minutes. That's all you would have needed.
As far as Bee and Vortex, I never would've guessed they were a couple unless Vortex said so. They act more like good friends than boyfriend and girlfriend. Y'all couldn't have shown us a kiss, a little flirting, or even a hug? The PDA doesn't have to be excessive, but some indication of chemistry might be nice. This would also create more tension and discomfort for Loona, as it'd be hard to watch the guy she has a crush on make out with someone else.
Also, question: In this universe, hellhounds have roughly the same social status as imps, right? Maybe lower? Why, then, is it perfectly okay for one of the Seven Sins, who outranks Stolas, to date a hellhound, but it's not okay for Stolas to date an imp? What the fuck was the main conflict of "Ozzie's", then?! Hello?? With what little worldbuilding y'all give us, could you at least try to keep it consistent?
Speaking of which, the cleanup in this one is just rife with inconsistencies. It's not usually something I comment on as it hasn't been too noticeable in other episodes, but damn. Sometimes the outlines are thick, then they're thin, then they're thick again. The screenshots below came from three consecutive Loona scenes:
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And take a look at how often Beelzebub's longest eyelashes change:
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I noticed a bit of this in Exes and Oohs as well, with the scratch on Chaz's nose changing thickness from scene to scene. I'll repeat what I said then: Make sure the whole cleanup department sticks to the same brush size.
As for the song "Cotton Candy"... eh. It was alright? Not really my thing, but I'm not a big pop music fan anyway. Would I listen to it in my everyday life? Nah. But it's fine. I will say there's a hiccup in the meter of the lyrics that kinda threw me off:
Hey, I don't know why I'm whatchu want but it's the truth I'm not your lie Let them eat cake let them eat pie Or better yet Let them eat COTTON CANDY!
Feels like there could've been more after "or better yet"; the "cotton candy" seems abrupt there, as if the song were playing on vinyl and the record skipped. Maybe "Or better yet/ The sweetest treat that any one of y'all can get/ COTTON CANDY!" Like I'm not a songwriter by any means and I don't pretend to be anywhere near Kesha or Drew Pearson's level, but perhaps a few more syllables would've made that verse feel more complete.
But the animation for the musical number was really good! (Sounding like a broken record here, but this could have been a music video and it would've been much more tolerable.)
Kesha's voice acting was okay, though in some spots it came off like she's never said the f-word before. Just didn't seem natural. But the rest was alright.
I did like how Beelzebub was actually a decent person, since it would've been way too easy to make anyone Vortex was dating (who wasn't Loona) a total bitch. But Bee is gregarious, generous and actually nice to Loona despite her social awkwardness. And hey, Loona had a somewhat-positive interaction with another female character, so brownie points for that, I guess?
Not sure what Loona actually learned here, though, or how she magically dropped the attitude and became more social after some rando flirted with her (I mean you were literally crying a minute ago but some dude calling you hot is enough to change your mind about leaving?). I don't know, it feels like the episode could've shown her connecting with other introverts and doing something fun in their own little enclave, enjoying the party in their own way, rather than making her extroverted in a matter of seconds. Then maybe her newfound friends would like her for who she really is, not for the arbitrary box she tried to squeeze into. There's more than one way to have fun at a party, y'know? Perhaps a way that doesn't involve drinking, which Loona seems keen to avoid (but has no problem cheering Blitzo on in a chugging contest, apparently-?).
One nitpick about the hellhound in the purple shirt who called Loona a hottie: That was not the voice I expected to come out of him. The delivery just doesn't match at all. Something deep, sure, but maybe smoother, more sultry? (Seriously, if you played the audio of that line for someone who hadn't seen the show and asked them to match it to a male character from this episode, I'd bet anything they wouldn't get it on the first try.)
I know I've said before that Helluva Boss is what happens when you write fanfic of your own IP, but this episode, more than any other, reeaaally felt like fanfic. This felt like a fan asking, "Hey, what if we saw what Loona was up to in the Ozzie's episode?", then creating a bottle story that didn't affect anything else in canon. This whole thing (apart from Cotton Candy) was truly a waste of everyone's time. I'm glad the animators got some good reel fodder out of it, but whatever they were paid, it wasn't enough.
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farcillesbian · 11 months
mutual 1: [posting about lesbian sex]
mutual 2: hey have you heard about this OC [posts the third different OC of just today and it is just as unique and cool and interesting as the first two. how does someone have such awesome and distinct character design talent.]
mutual 3: hey did you know my nipples are pierced
mutual 4: [in depth star trek analysis followed by the cutest knitting WIP you ever did see]
mutual 5: ough my hockey boys !!! (said with deep sorrow)
mutual 6: ough my hockey boys !!! (said with great joy, about a different team)
mutual 7: respect lesbians or die by my sword
mutual 1: [pictures of power tools]
mutual 8: I need that old man so bad.
mutual 8: I need that old woman so bad too.
mutual 9: 7 queued posts in a row of zero escape games
mutual 10: [super in depth music analysis post]
mutual 11: [bat crawling gif]
mutual 3: oh hey I sketched this out real quick tonight don't pay too much mind I just wanted to show this fursona idea I had [this quick fursona drawing is one of the coolest most beautiful and well posed things u have ever seen]
mutual 12: anyone else think werewolves are kinda hot
mutual 13: anyone else wanna be a bloodbag for a hot vampire
mutual 14: [yuriposting every day]
mutual 15: I am playing this video game for the 7th time this month
mutual 16: [intricate worldbuilding about a bunch of robots] :]
mutual 17: let me tell you all about this tv show from 1992
mutual 18: jestem polakiem [publikowanie po polsku] [10 taemin gifs in a row]
mutual 19: spiderman :)
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I am thunking about N. Tell me your thunks on him pwease -🪲
My first request yay!
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Most of my headcannons about the disassembly drones are about their functions so I'll try my best for N specific ones:
DD cores crawled out of their old like hermit crabs and then grew a new shell over the top
They all have trauma :)
N's crush on V was entirely due to some memories leaking throught from the mansion
N never tortures his victims, being too kind for that
N is secretly intimidated by Uzi (even before she got her solver form)
N likes to eat worker food, even if it does nothing for him
N's love language is entirely based on physical touch
He's pretty obvious to when people like him
He can acctually keep secrets but only when they really matter
Him and Uzi were unofficially dating since about episode 4 and there were rumours from after the prom
N shuts down entirely when someone asks about Uzi
N finds the extra eyes on the top of his head really overatimulating sometimes
N doesn't have the best grasp on sarcasm and has bitten Uzi far too many times for it to be just a misunderstanding at this point
He carries rocks in his pockets
Whenever N's sad he somehow squishes himself into Uzi so she can hold him
N's finally learned not to hang from the ceiling at sleepovers with Uzi
N's body has the same proportions as J and V, it's just hidden under his coat and he's quite protective of this information (There's someone's art of this somewhere in my favorites although you might have to scroll for a while)
Uzi tells him quite often that he'll regret saying "I love doing anything" so often one day
N is weirdly bad at sports despite being stronger, faster and more agile than eveyone in the worker drone colony except V
N made a dog fursona after seeing CrowUzi at the mansion
N can't cook (he sets whatever it is on fire, every time)
N once tried swapping his feet for J and V's peg legs (he fell over)
N always forgets how tall he is and bumps his head on doors
He thinks Khan is wierd (and definitely laughed when he learned Uzi's last name)
So yeah... current thoughts about serial designation N.
A lot of this is going to be in my future murder drones fan fic that is currently being worked on :3
First request done. Thanks Bugs for my very first one :3
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ponett · 1 year
Do you have the ability and/or desire to release a plush toy of your fursona? I think she's very cute and your "toon" design of her would work great as a plush toy tbh. Sorry if this is out of nowhere.
thank you! i've had interest shown in slarpg plushes but this might be the first time someone's said they wanted one of my fursona lol
anyway, i'm not opposed to the idea, the problem is just that i hate the whole makeship business model, which is the go-to way for people to mass produce plushes of their OCs. this is the same reason why i haven't done any slarpg plushes through them or similar sites. i hate that it's a super limited time thing where if people don't preorder a plush in a span of like three weeks, either because they didn't have the money or because they missed the announcement or because they only became a fan later or any other reason, then they just never get one. i don't begrudge artists who have done these sorts of campaigns, but i wouldn't want to do that myself. that's just not the kind of relationship i want to have with the people who like my work
also with makeship in particular there have been some horror stories about them snubbing artists who happen to do any kind of adult content on the side (nsfw art, modeling, etc.), which is a whole 'nother can of worms that makes me want to avoid them
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majachee · 26 days
I am typing this at 12:30 am after being out for 7 hours walking and standing nonstop so I apologize if my tappings make no sense
anyways I think chris would’ve given the team some alien steroids, since they’re humans, and weak. like try dropping them from 30 feet high, or put them against an alien with 500 years of experience, they’re so fragile. but then he realized he gave alien steroids to *teenagers*, not just regular old plain human adults. cue to duncan holding a fucking bus over his head going on an absolute power trip, he’s having the time of his life
I also personally think that they deserve to get dna from their animals as a treat. just, y’know, some minor mutations that would help them out in battle but become massive nuisances outside of battle. courtney should become a kibby as a treat. they’re full of alien drugs, animal dna and puberty hormones. do you see it
-mmpr anon
Okay "alien steroids" is a bit of an exaggeration, but I do believe there's some sort of power-up happening there. My Power Rangers knowledge in general is rusty, I watched one of the many TV shows sporadically as a kid (ie whenever it was on the lobby TV at my sister's karate dojo) so like... Lol.
But I've recently watched the episode in season 1 of MMPR where Tommy/The Green Ranger loses his powers cuz Rita put a spell on a candle, and like... Dude mentions physically getting weaker and feeling drained without his powers, so there's SOMETHING THERE. Tommy Green Ranger come back I miss you
I'll likely not include the candle-thing in the AU, cuz that was kind of silly and also the Green Ranger is... kind of my favorite in this show, so I ain't getting rid of him that easily. 😈 Will have fun with the Island of Illusions plot, though.
In the AU, I'd imagine this is how Noah gets enough upper-body strength to hold ranged weapons. Also yes, Duncan would throw a bus at someone. He will DO THAT !!!!
As for the minor mutations thing...? Nodding, nodding. First thing that came to mind were the mutations from the MMPRxTMNT comics which IS NOT WHAT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT BUT—
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Harold made them fursonas, I guess.
I'm not sure if I can do the minor mutations thing, but I'll try to toss in some nods to their zord-buddies in their designs, regardless. 😈
I've also been thinking about Bulk and Skull, and what I'd do with them in this AU. In the show, they're meant to be seen as bullies, but to me? They're losers, first and foremost. Above all else, they are losers. Losers trying to overcompensate by trying to be intimidating bullies. So I've given the role of bumbling loser to Cody—
Also let's be so heckin real right now, these guys would NOT get bullied. They are the bullies.
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pikachugirltits · 5 months
Me, when I was a teen: I don't think I'm necessarily trans, but I sure do interact with a lot of trans people and they sure say relatable things.
Me, after being called a girl online for the first time: Oh.
Me, as an adult: Well, they tested me for ADHD as a kid and said I didn't have it, so I must not have it, but boy all these people I follow with ADHD sure say some relatable things.
Me, after properly researching ADHD: Oh.
Me, as an older adult: Well, I know I'm friends with a lot of furries and otherkin, but I don't have a fursona and I've never felt like anything other than human, so I'm probably not either of those things, right?
Me, undoing years of repression and designing my fursona: Oh.
Me, recently: Ok, I have some friends who are systems, so I should follow some systems so I have better perspective on their problems. Based on this one guy I know who's completely unaware of what his alters do, there's no way I could possibly be a system! I shouldn't think too much about how so many of my mutuals seem to be systems...
Me, talking to my one system friend about how he is generally aware of what his alters get up to and how his experience mirrors something that's happened to me before: Oh.
(Turns out that no matter how asexual you are, it is in fact not normal to dissociate so much during sex that you feel like a passenger in your own body as someone else takes control.)
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thetisming · 5 months
was talking about this with my cool and awesome beloved friend Monty and i think yall deserve to hear it too so:
if Frankie was one of those part-dog people (anthro dog or like Evan from ni no kuni but a dog) and had a tail it would start wagging whenever May kisses him and hes super embarrassed about it at first but May thinks it's seriously the cutest thing ever. and basically heres my thoughts about it
-Lance is an anthro dog person, like how Evan's dad was a grimalkin and that's why hes part dog just like why Evan was part cat. his mum is still whatever ethnicity the Frankie youre thinking of is (i'll be saying Saanvika cause. Yash) and dog Lance is still french
-he has dog ears as well that prick up sometimes
-his tail wags when he gets excited, he cant control it easily but he learned to when he was a teenager (had the same effect as masking + like masking, was harder at certain times and he sometimes failed. also he was masking autism at this time which made things even worse)
-when hes really excited it's a lot harder to mask, and he manages to for a while with May (they obviously know about the tail but not about a lot of stuff with it) but the first time they kiss his hand his tail wags because it's just so cute and romantic to him
-hes so embarrassed about it. he apolagises over and over again and is pretty clearly blushing
-May however thinks it's ADORABLE. like they cant stop giggling over it cause he's just so cute and in the middle of his rambling about it they kiss him again and his tail just wags more even if hes trying to not
-he still tries to hide it after that but after hearing how cute May finds it he tries to work on not, hes also working on not masking autism at the same time. it's hard but he's trying his best
-the fur is soft. not always because growing up he was even more embarrassed about it so he didn't brush it as much, but before Saanvika died she would brush his fur when she was brushing his hair, but now that hes an adult hes taking better care of it (he didn't let it get too bad as a kid though), and May lovesss brushing his tail and ears (hes also a bit hairier than the average person, so his body hair also needs to be brushed). they do it when theyre cuddling or just if hes lying down theyll do it just to have something to do
-May also washes his fur so that it stays soft, and he loves that so much. they normally wash his hair at the same time and he just gets very giggly about it
-since hes obviously still part human + Lance is anthro (i assume that in this universe that's pretty normal, again much like in Ni No Kuni) hes not super dog like, but he does exhibit certain dog traits, although less than the average dog-person since hes half dog
-May genuinely thinks the tail thing is so cute. like they squealed the first time it happened, and they also love that it means hes happy because him being happy makes them happy too
-he also stims still, so he'll be flapping his hands and wagging his tail at the same time
-when hes nervous/shy/scared his tail goes between his legs
-he makes dog noises! for instance growling, barking and whimpering, and he doesnt do it much but for instance if someone seems like theyre going to hurt his friends, family or May he will growl, and whimpering when he wants attention, and barking when hes excited or scared
-sometimes he gets questions about what he thinks of furries because 'well arent they humans pretending to be animals?' and he thinks it's dumb because a lot of furries are also anthro animals and most anthro animals have no problems with it. he is very sick of this question, especially because they tend to come from humans who are just ableist and anti-furry
-adding onto that, Fletcher asked him about dog stuff when he was designing his fursona and he had a lot of fun. these are the kinds of furry questions he actually wants cause he loved helping Fifi
-he has slightly sharper teeth than the average human, but less sharp than the average dog. he likes this a lot
-although being anthro is pretty normal, theres some places where it's not and May is completely ready to punch someone for Frankie. so are Juliet and Romeo and everyone basically
this was pretty fun lol i might do more :)
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slocumjoe · 1 year
⚠️Request rules⚠️
1; Be specific and unique
For example, the prompt "Sole dies". All characters would be sad, or angry. But the prompt, "Companions travel through a haunted forest and lose each other" has a lot of ways it can go. Vague prompts can be difficult for me to write, as there's often not much to write. Or if there is, it ends up feeling samey, or too short. There's only so much I can write about Sole dying.
Some prompts are answered in canon, and don't need to be answered. For example, Companions react to Sole speaking like the Silver Shroud. You can easily go on a wiki or find a compilation video on YouTube.
Also, I prefer to write about the companions, not Sole. So, requests about the Sole Survivor are likely to sit in the inbox for a while.
2; Be mindful of dark subject matter
Guys. You know miscarriage is a real thing, right? A horrible, traumatic thing that fucks up entire families? And same with rape, or abuse, or anything like that. Use your best judgement asking about heavier topics. These things aren't scenarios to generate angst. They're traumatic events. That real people go through.
I'll never forget following a react blog who was asked to write about miscarriage, only for them to apologize and refuse, as they had suffered multiple miscarriages themselves.
Rule 3; No fetishes or second-hand embarrassment prompts
So, I said be specific and weird...not with your own fetishs, please.
For non fetish stuff, I really do not care for toilet humor. Or anything meant to evoke second-hand embarrassment. This is another 'use best judgement'. I'm very easily grossed out by body fluids/excrement and there's no prompt that I'm willing to do with it.
Rule 4; I don't do Fallout 3 or New Vegas content
Newest first
Reacts V
Freaky Friday Episode
Sole vanishes, oh nooooo
Beach Episode
Companion at the zoo
The Oberland Alien
Sole gets their name tattooed
Sole finds a baby and wants it
Companions play Minecraft
Gage only; Come to the Galactic Zone if you want an asskicking
Companions and a magpie of a person
Sole with bad motor skills
Companions react to a synth of themselves
Companions as Roommates
Modern!Companions and Halloween
Sole just kisses them already
Sole sick but refusing to rest
Sole who cries when yelled at
Sole gets hurt saving their life
Touchy Sole
Overhearing Sole realize they love them
Sole breaks down crying in their arms
Companions work at a grocery store
Companions react to the Scorched Plague
Companions on Social Media
Headcanon posts V
Religion and stuff
Grab bag 4
Drinking habits
Coming out
Who they'd end up with
Losing their virginity
Modern au
Sexuality and ideal partners
Dreams and nightmares part 1
Companions' tells that they love someone
Companions' fursonas
What they'd eat in general
NSFW grab bag 3
Companions and stress
Companions spend time at a settlement
Gage fluffy-shippy-sad headcanons
Interior design
Companion Headcanon Grab‐bag
Gage Catchup Lightning Round
Favorite songs on the radio
NSFW Gage Headcanons
NSFW; Libido/sex drive
NSFW; Intensity in bed
Variety NSFW headcanons 2
Variety NSFW headcanons
Comfort food
How often they bathe
What they do/wear on days off
Danse headcanons
Laughing headcanons
X6-88 Headcanons
Physique headcanons
2 headcanons per companion
1 headcanon per companion
Meta stuff V
Synths as trans allegory for pride month
Polyamory and infidelity in games
Curie's quest is pretty dumb
A bunch of mini-essays on all the companions
Danse and autism
Oc appearance meme
Isadora ramblings and lore drops
Cait breakdown and critique
Minutemen Questline Rehaul
Florence, Isadora, and Gage
Wasteland creatures i want
Gage Name Meaning
The Gage Essay I wrote while baked on leftover lasagna
Thoughts on Piper, Strong, and Codsworth
Strong Character Bingo/Rant
My thoughts on Porter Gage before playing Nuka World
Peer-Reviewing "The Synthetic Truth"
Piper rant 2
I swear I am normal about Piper
Things I love about the companions
Biggest complaints about each companion's writing
Meme stuff V
How id compliment them
Sole gets a pet-claw
Getting Hulk smashed by a baby (game clip)
...hi (game clip)
Bad timing, dude (game clip)
Who smokes weed
Cat X6-88
Four frenchspeakers screamingn in a room
Danse's favorite shirt
dickless nickolas
mall cop
Memes 2
Memes 1
What the companions get canceled for
AITA For trying to blow up my crush's blimp?
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cosmignon · 3 months
you may have talked about this before but i'm very curious how olivia got into the mix, both in fiction and in meta :0
also do you have any animals you associate with the squad? like not necessarily fursonas but if the shoe fits 🤔
also also, do their colors have significance to their personalities/names/etc? as someone who also has a set of color coded ocs i always love to see how folks decide what colors to put with each character :3
Olivia is a fascinating facet of the Stardust Scouts story because in zer earliest iterations ze was NOT such a major character like ze is now!!
Ze used to be this minor character in a scrapped arc about the Scouts going to Mars in order to confront an opposing, alien group of martian magical girls and get them to join their side in protecting the galaxy instead of trying to fight them on their home turf. This arc doesn't exist anymore, I think the opposing alien force is further away from Earth than that & are sending basically drone/scout enemies to Earth to try to conquer/destory it.
These were the original martians' designs! They have music associated with each of them because the main 4 Stardust Scouts were originally designed based on a "randomize your playlist and design a character based on the first 3 songs" prompt, so I figured the rival magic girl team should be inspired in the same way.
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The conceit of the martian arc was that our MCs the Earth scouts would've used their magic to blend in with the martians w/disguises. Inversely, once the martians were on their side they would come visit Earth and wear their own disguises as well.
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Can you guess which of these martians eventually became Olivia as we know zer? I will give you a hint
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It's the one who's the obvious TAK from INVADER ZIM EXPY! YAAAY <3
Zer original role was the skeptic martian cleric/priest of the martian scouts, who was the most distrusting of the earth scouts having any good intentions, and I believe might've also had a toxic yuri thing going on with either the pink or blue martian.
All the other martians here never got developed much because Olivia, as the Tak Expy, meant ze had a lot of my favorite character design tropes going on and I wanted to specifically explore those more and ze became the obvious favorite haha. After that Zer role just kept increasing over time.
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I think the most major development though was definitely when I decided ze could keep the toxic yuri energy originally planned for zer, but with One Of the Main Scouts instead... Tabitha and Olivia have HISTORY BABEY!!!!
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(Fun Fact: My files say this was drawn Oct 2019, soooo... 1 month after the Steven Universe Movie came out. Spinel got her fingerprints all over this damn character, for real, she's one of my voice claims for zer)
This was the point where I decided Olivia was not an alien anymore, but a human who had been abducted BY aliens back when ze was a teenager and best friends with Tabitha. The both of them were private school goody two shoes with parents who put way too many expectations on them to get perfect grades. They would start breaking the rules a little bit by going out at night in the car Olivia got as a gift for good grades + passing zer drivers exam (important to note, Olivia used to go by she/her bc ze picked up new, alien genders while out in space)
The two sneaking out once in a while turned into most nights which culminated in the both of them being out in the woods when one of the Inciting Incident meteors with the Scouts' special magic maguffin rocks crashed nearby. Olivia was bolder than Tabitha at the time so ze investigated and got both magical girl powers and abducted by the enemy aliens who had been chasing the meteor at the same time. Tabitha was left absolutely shaken up and in the middle of a missing persons case where she couldn't tell anyone the truth of the matter bc it sounded absolutely batshit nuts.
This is information I give freely bc I don't really think it's worth hiding, but I know in the actual telling of The Story, The Stardust Scouts, this would all be information that was slowly handed out during the actual plot where Olivia initially serves as a disguised, alien general of the grunt forces being sent out to Earth. Ze's like, a hammy villain of the week that likes fucking with the Scouts because it's funny and ze Doesn't Respect Them.
Olivia doesn't recognize Tabitha at first bc he's changed so much over the years, transed her gender, stopped caring about things like school and grades. Tabitha also doesn't recognize Olivia bc ze is dressed in a full body suit, also transed zer gender, and Tabitha never thought he'd even see zer again. Spicy drama!!
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Look at those dramatic fuckers... having feelings about rivalry and lost friendship and abandonment issues!! I should redraw the fake anime screenshot/do more of those sometime, those are always fun.
Also! This is an old design, but Olivia's main power when an antagonist is that ze can copy the powers of the other scouts and counter their attacks, meaning in the moments when the gang can fight zer one on one ze has the upper hand and can get away every time. I imagine then, that Olivia's main color scheme is very steely and grey when NOT using this copy cat ability, and ze doesn't have a sense of identiy beyond what ze can do for the aliens ze considers zer superiors.
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Also! Also. Zer a jester/joker, since ze doesn't "fit" into the group's dynamic of being based on playing card suits.
EVENTUALLY, eventually, through a lot of monster of the week encounters, plot progression, and secrets revealed, Olivia's original identity would be uncovered and the team would convince zer to defect from zer alien captors, making zer a top level wanted deserter in the eyes of the big bad alien group (which I could talk abt another time).
Then Olivia gains a color of zer own, orange! Because the gang was always (in fiction) meant to be a team of 5, like the 5 points of a star! And colors of the rainbow/light spectrum, red orange green blue purple (yellow acts as a unifying accent color!).
To answer your question about the color meanings, I mostly assigned them originally based on vibes without too much through about specific symbolism. Plus I just like having characters all get one specific color, makes giving them outfits more enjoyable and fun for me. Like, you can see up above that Olivia (being Tak and all) originally had purple as zer main color. It took me a while to change that after I decided Savannah got purple instead, bc I was attached to how it looked. But orange felt like a good logical landing place. It's vibrant and fun and a little off the beaten path, again based on vibes.
Olivia starts off the story living among humans ""in disguise"" while plotting evil bad bitch things, and then after defecting ze just starts crashing at everyone's places while learning to really return to humanity in zer own way and hopefully make amends with the scouts for maybe sort of taking delight in fucking with them. Lol. Zer demeanor stays irreverent and annoying and punk throughout, even after zer turn to good/becoming the 5th ranger of the group, which makes zer a really fun character to think about and write.
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claypigeonpottery · 1 year
Heyyyyy~ I'm just... So in love with all the work you do, they're all so precious and beautiful I'm in tears. Thank you so for what you do, can't wait to buy something you made soon :D
If it's okei, can you please tell the story of how you got into this and how did you progress from being babie artist to now growing artist and how long you've been doing this for? What's your top 3 fav works you've done? Did you eat good food today, if not please dooo. Thenks
thank you! that's very sweet x3 I'm excited to get more stuff fired and up on Etsy, hopefully before the end of June
choose three favourites of my work? oh, that is a difficult question.
one thing I really didn't like about my art when I was younger was that it was all very static. it was people sitting or standing, it was still life paintings. one of the things I'm really proud of in my work now is the sense of capturing a moment instead of someone posing, and/or giving a sense of movement
these two are just the opposite of static and I love them for that
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and then there's this mug. the design is great, the details are great and I had so much fun carving it. it was honestly just delightful and I wish I'd kept it. I don't say that very often.
all sold
I'm putting the rest of this under a cut because I'm going to ramble
I started drawing because I was making silly comics about me and my friends in grade school and through high school (I assigned them all fursonas because I was a really cool 15 year old lol)
I got a little more serious about art in high school, but I never thought it'd be something I'd make money at.
when I was... in my early twenties? maybe 19 still? ah, memory issues, I went through a nine month art program, the 'Urban Canvas' project run by SCYAP (saskatoon community youth arts programming). the program is meant to support young artists, especially those with mental health or addiction issues. and it meant I got paid to draw and paint and create weird shit for 40 hours a week, for nine months. and then some (seven? eight?) years later I got to go through the program again which... honestly I'm so grateful I got to do that. (and SCYAP still supports me, they give me a table at their craft show every year and helped me with my first solo gallery show)
these are some of the pieces I made during my time at SCYAP:
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and two very rare pictures of me, posing with two of my master studies. the left from when I was 20ish, and the right when I was... 27ish? (man I'm still proud of that Gentileschi copy)
it was after SCYAP when I started thinking that I could actually make money as an artist. so I painted more than a dozen murals, drew a 20-some page full colour comic, painted pet portraits, and sold my own paintings. commissions were more reliable than selling my own work for a long time lol
as for how I got into pottery, my mental health uh... haha. it took a nosedive about six years ago and during some of the worst of it, I was severely agoraphobic. my mom, who has always supported my art, offered to take me to pottery classes with her, in an attempt to get me leaving the house at least once a week. it did help (along with a lot of other things) and once I started exploring the surface decoration side of pottery, things really clicked for me
tangent: one of the things that really drove me to progress as an artist was having something driving my work. whether it was preparing for a gallery show or making a bunch of holiday cards or making piles of fan art because I was obsessed. every time I made something, anything, I improved. so when I had a goal that made me create more, I improved faster.
my unsolicited advice: make that weird fan art. it's good for your art. (I was really into tf2 lol)
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I've tried tons of different mediums and I think it was a great way to help my style evolve.
when you're making art with a new medium, it might take awhile before you're making your own personal work. I, at least, find that I usually have to do some studies of other peoples' art and just try some basic creations before I do anything more personal. but once I'm ready to do MY stuff, I have a new repertoire to pull from. I wouldn't be the potter I am if I didn't have the experiences I got from other mediums
like acrylics (I did a lot of self portraits >.>)
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paper flower making
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cake decorating
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(also oil paints, pastels, 3D wire art, crochet, linocut, stone carving, sewing, set painting and quilting. also my spouse and I like to make crafts together, like cutting-construction-paper, gluing-pompoms-and-googly-eyes crafts, because it's just fun to make stuff together)
I'm sure pottery isn't the last medium I'm gonna try. I'll probably get obsessed with carving tiny wooden figurines or making wax sculptures at some point. who knows!
and now I'm in my mid-thirties, making art pretty much every day. I've been doing this since I was a teenager, so almost twenty years now.
I never imagined I'd be satisfied with my own art, that I could look at most of my pieces and not see how I could have done it better, but hey, here I am.
wow that was rambly. the ADHD really comes out when I'm writing lol. and I did eat real food today! before having some freezies
thanks so much for your ask, hopefully I satisfied your curiosity
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felixstudios · 9 months
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Infodump about Felix
Appearance rambles:
Even though he's covered in enby pride flags, Felix as a character isn't enby. I'm just projecting my pride onto his design since he's one of my main fursonas + he looks amazing in it
The pride flag on his backpack comes from a content pack someone named Trick made for me a long time ago. I asked for the texture to be changed and said surprise me, and that's what I got. I've kept it as his canon design since.
That also inspired me to add more enby flags to his design, which were added in with content packs {except the one on his shorts}.
The shirt and shorts are the ones they are 80% because I literally didn't know what else to wear and 20% because I actually thought it looked cool. Actually, that's... a lot of his outfit.
I got the shoes during ToonFest 2023 when all the previous codes became public. They look terrible on him and do not fit his color palette or aesthetic. I love them <3
He used to be a tall Toon, but I wanted to look closer in appearance to someone else's Toon so I changed him to a medium height Toon. He also used to be completely orange, but I gave him coral legs because I thought it was something I was obligated to do for being high laff because I saw all the high laff Toons with different colored legs. Past me, sweetie, those were elitists... but it's okay because now I love the coral legs and don't think they're an abomination!
Basically, he's very much thrown together from outside influences and I wouldn't change it for anything now because it became his "brand"
OC lore rambles:
So once upon a time a Toon named Ghostly Felix glitched so bad that his immersion in the world was completely broken and he realized he was in a video game. This was exciting at first and he hacked in max everything, cheated to be invisible so he could hilariously kill bosses with just bike horns or something, ETC.
But after a few years he got bored and basically started pondering his existence. So he created a Toon named Felix so he could be invisible and watch him complete the game so he'd have something to do. When just Felix was boring, he made Cap'n Felix, Doctor Felix, Mr. Felix, Judge Felix, Midnight Felix, Spooky Felix, Frozen Felix, Lucky Felix, Fairy Felix, Prince Felix... you get the idea.
Well, on the day Felix reached 140 laff he found Ghostly Felix by a weird glitch. At first Felix thought he was a new Felixverse addition, but realized that Ghostly Felix already had 140 laff and was acting really scared for some reason. Finally, Ghostly Felix spilled the beans about the fact it was a game and how he created the Felixverse
Felix was horrified to find out he was right, and he instantly got pretty bummed out and asked what the point of his existence is.
Eventually, this was his answer: "To have fun. You don't need to spend so long thinking about it or making it complicated- it really is that simple."
Other rambles:
His name is Felix because when I first played TTR, I tried to name him Shaun because that was my name at the time. It was instantly denied, so naive me thought "too many Toons must have that name already" and picked a random pick-a-name. I didn't expect to really get attached to my Toon or particularly care about him, which is also why he's such an obnoxious orange instead of literally any color I actually liked at the time. Well, orange is now my second favorite color because of him and I wouldn't change his appearance for the world.
He's not based off of a TTO Toon. I only remember one Toon I made in TTO, which was a red rabbit named Raboon {"rabbit" + "toon"}. I've already remade Raboon in TTR on a different Toon slot, but I didn't want to be a rabbit in TTR when I was first starting, I wanted to be a cat! So that's why I made a new Toon.
Originally when my Felixverse lore was much more resembling a kid's cartoon {yes the entire old lore that I told literally nobody was retconned lol}, he had a love interest Toon named Felixia. She was an orange cat who, like older cartoons, was basically supposed to be a copy/paste of him except feminine and cutesy. I do not have any Toons named Felixia in any of my TTR or TTCC accounts, but when I used to play Toontown Offline I did make her an unreasonably overpowered SOS Toon who would use marbles that did 200 damage.
Felix's name is actually pronounced in German, meaning that it's pronounced kinda like fae-lix rather than how most people pronounce it to me, which is fee-lix.
Speaking of his name, if it wasn't evident enough already, he was Felix before I was Felix. He basically became my identity online over time.
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viiridiangreen · 8 months
there is Real Shit happening in the world but my idiot brain decided to rant about Funko Nerds for a sec sorry
listen it's whatever i'm not about to pull a picture of someone's ShelfieTM(💀) and have an aneurysm over it like Some Twitterheads did over pics of white ladies' stupid pointless consumerist stanley cup collections which ARE dumb and annoying and woefully uncreative expressions of suburban soulrot etc yet. harmless in the grand scheme of things (esp when some of those ladies' husbands collect firearms lmfao I DIGRESS). im not gonna name names im not gonna repost anyone's pic im not gonna go be an asshole in their comments.
but i do need to rant On This Here My Toxic Dump Of A Blog for a sec bc i just don't get.... the breed of collector that i'm gonna call Funko Nerd 4 short
like i GET the impulse to be Part Of The Club and ig a couple pieces of official merch have At Times caught my eye. a few have made me deranged obsessed unwell. I DID make that extremely silly art trade with this furry i met online where i drew its fursona in exchange for a code for bluesky which i ended up using like twice and the chance to buy a years old yet unworn Very Cool destiny sweatshirt off them. i was Besotted since that particular merch drop Dropped because it DOESN'T scream to the four winds that it's A Game Merch but instead it all had the First Light Lunar Installation logo.... stealth nerd apparel my beloved. i don't wanna look like a fan of the thing i wanna look like someone IN or FROM the thing. designers of shit like that you get it. i love you. i would've gone for the boots too on either that or the Europa drop if i'd had disposable income at the time.
BUT. UHH. if i ever found myself or a close loved one filling shelf after shelf & maybe getting a whole dedicated piece of light-up furniture for like. Licensed Merch perhaps even Still In Its Box & Meant To Remain There i'd just. i'd want piglet to pull the trigger yknow? lmao
and like i FULLY GET the impulse to collect shit. gathering Trinkets and Thingamabobs and Tchotchkes is the absolute shit. minimalism be damned magpie swag is hot & sexy etc whatever
but WHY.... THE HELL.... would someone choose to collect samey mass produced shit when fanmade merch sometimes even HANDMADE is fucking RIGHT THERE ?????
and the folx who collect Funko Shit tend to have -10000 sense of visual harmony & taste. they just throw all the shit together and expect that bc fellow nolifers know how much it costs how long delivery takes how limited the runs are they'll be impressed but i just. gag. even when each individual thing is a nice & well made figurine or charm or pin or whatever instead of pukeworthy to begin with & only lent value through Licensing the way it happens w actual funkos..... it looks sososososo ugly just thrown together like that.
whatever. it's not Bad it just Deeply Offends my sense of aesthetics. if i'm gonna spend money on silly vidyagaem / generally geeky stuff i want it to approximate the look of something that came From Within The Thing's Fictional Universe. & not just give "Worthless-Until-Licensed Plastic Garbage To Make Money Off The Thing" vibes.
i'd rather have like. a tiny handful of things that were made with love for both the inspiration and the craft. that feel good as hell to hold or use or look at. that would only get clocked as Nerd Shit by someone who's been in the trenches & has crawled exactly as deep inside the creators' asshole as you have....... than a whole spare room's worth of things designed by an overworked underpaid intern to fulfill the collectibles quota or w/e. but that's just me!!
this goes for tattoos too. every time i see someone get a TRADEMARKED LOGO ETCHED DIRECTLY INTO THEIR INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM i projectile vomit inside ✨💖👌
this Grievance is Especially Silly coming from ME like. my living space objectively looks (& functions) like shit. these ppl showing off their Nerd Caves tend to At Least have like. Real Indoors Finishes And Furnishings instead of unsealed concrete nonsense and Insect Condos masquerading as walls. but. yeagh i like to imagine that if i lived in an apartment that was Made & Meant To Be An Apartment (instead of a halfassed halfconverted storage area / outdoor garage...) & had a moderate budget for decoration (???? fucking bougie propaganda brainrot 2 even think abt that in my situation lmfaooooo). i'd make Slightly More Tasteful Choices.
also i'm not vagueing anyone i've literally only seen this nonsense on facebook / lil bit on twitter
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fallowtail · 6 months
hello I'm back
Someone might have already asked this im not sure??
Top five Fursonas?
Sorry for asking you the most difficult to chose/anwser questions </3 forgive me
Oooo okay so I only have four fursonas myself, I tend to be a little precious about making representations of myself so they don't spawn too often (eyes emoji) Putting this under a read more because with the image inserts it's kind of long!
Thunder My babygirl, my ride or die, my first fursona and the character where if in some situation I had to get rid of all of my OC's except for one she's the one I would keep, this little rat is 16 years old and has largely remained unchanged....she's more of a mascot than a fursona at this point since she doesn't represent me much anymore, but she's my perfect precious baby girl angel cakes and I love her so much, in all of her cringe original-2007 to 2011-revamp glory
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2. Pigeon The name sake and genuine self insert, this is the one that's my Actual fursona and meant to just Be Me, which of course means she's the one who I have the least to say about because...gestures. LOL. Her only thing is that she followed around by ghosts which is meant to be some silly little representation of my rejection dysphoria
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3. Mudpatch Ponysona! This one is mostly just a fursona in terms of design, otherwise we're not super alike...she's a Pegamule who spends most of her time scavenging around in the Everfree Forest, and is pretty sour about the Mane 6 springing all the traps in the Castle of the Two Sisters and taking it over, since it was previously her favorite place to explore.
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4. Pigeon 2.0 Me as a Pokemon....uhhhh....yeah that's literally it. She's just kind of a design and not really an actual character. I might eventually find a way to work her into a Mystery Dungeon plot as an NPC or something?
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potatochip-oc-dump · 7 months
i am going to dump a bit of lore on your doorstep (by copy and pasting smth i wrote on discord a few days ago) so i can give context to something i have drawn
disclaimer: it may be long and wordy. but thats what its all about baby
"in short i finally figured out how Arthur gets their name.
so to preface this i must offer. context. be warned this is gonna be one of those Rambles.
before we begin, i am debating on whether or not i should keep the 'arthur possessing gidget' thing, change it to where they possess chip (?), or get rid of it... my reasoning being: i think it makes more sense for arthur to be closer to chip especially cuz they end up as siblings in the end, ALSO i dont remember why gigi had to be the one that was possessed and i think the story would work just fine if it was somebody else.
in fact itd probably work even better with chip not only bc the theming of Being In The Wrong Body and everyone claiming u r somebody youre not works even better if its with chip, it also works cuz chip in the story is frequently like... whats the word. overlooked. or not taken seriously.
but anyways:
two, there is a plot point sometime during chip & gidget's stay in the castelle manor in which everyone but chip is trapped inside a dream by moonlight (in the waking world they are all asleep & cant wake up) bc she is searching their dreams in order to find Arthur (and kill them)
hopefully that doesnt sound. too convoluted. ah. anyways. something something chip teams up w arthur to enter their dreams and wake them up. i think.
i think probably arthur was either forced into going w chip or he agreed relunctantly, but (assuming he is still possessing someone) chip asks arthur if they can see his real face. and he agrees but in a way that makes it clear he is Lying
they wake up in (.....i dont think i have a solid name for this place yet. i think i called it Space 2 in my lore doc for the bit but i think itll be called 'otherside')
and Arthur just looks like a weird version of [whoever they were possessing at the time.] chip comments on it and art's like 'oh you mean my REAL REAL face yeah ok let me. um.' (they change into an exact copy of chip.) 'Better?'
at this point it is becoming clear that arthur might not have a 'real face,' but chip doesnt know that yet
meanwhile there is some chatter between the two, w arthur passively explaining who Midnight and Moonlight are. ALSO there is a fun fact i think about moonlight canonically having a preference for Women & that Arthur's pre-death appearance was modelled after the first human woman. i think. at one point they get onto the topic of art and chip asks Arthur if they like to draw, in which they respond: 'no.' Riveting.
something something climactic point where arthur breaks down and finally admits that they dont have a body, dont have any of their powers, and they cant even remember what theyre supposed to look like. he says that he feels useless!
& then chip says something like 'you dont have to have powers to like. create stuff.'
and then they draw together :]
chip agrees to help give him a "new face" so to speak by drawing him a FURSONA (it is a JACKRABBIT with a RAINCOAT AND UMBRELLA and an EYEPATCH and like. epic scars. and two swords. and a pet dolphin & demon wings. and other convoluted detailed design elements akin to that of a sparkledog) which they lovingly name 'Arthur.' (maybe w a last name like 'skullcrusher' or soemthing)
and arthur like draws his own version of that. which is Close to what Arthur's design is currently. & he's like 'yeah. so um. uhh. close your eyes i cant do it while youre looking.'
(chip puts their paws over their eyes.) 'um ok! what are you doing?'
'im gonna show you the real me.'
& then he looks like the character he drew."
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avoidcrow · 1 year
Hello! Sorry if someone already asked this, but I just wanted to ask if you had any favorite characters (yours or other's) and what you like about them?
Hello! Oh no this might be a dangerous question, I am obsessed with characters, how do I even narrow this down
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My favourite personal character is definitely my fursona! I'm really proud of his design and he's the first fursona I've had that really feels like myself and not just a character
(Oops he is missing a thumb in this picture how did I never notice that before)
Some of my other personal OCs I like the best are
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Lee, Winter, and Rook
The thing they all have in common is that I've spent ages working on them, they're very different but they all have stories (RP or otherwise) that resonate with me and I've spent a long time on
They're also all in very difficult relationships, I guess I just like drama
For other people's characters, first of all I love my friends' characters! I don't want to post their images without permission but @every-captain, @keifujimi, and @holmgren13 are amazing character designers and/or writers. They really bring their characters to life
And with fandom stuff, I could probably talk about them forever so I'll try to NOT do that
Some of my favourite fandom characters are Ryou Bakura from YuGiOh! Duel Monsters, Kino from Kino's Journey, Pearl from Steven Universe, and Youko Nakajima from The Twelve Kingdoms
I think all of them have really interesting development, either through backstories or going forward with the narrative. They change and grow a lot, I love characters that can be viewed completely differently at different points in their stories. They're also all VERY flawed, doing terrible things at points, struggling with their personal issues, while still being compelling people
Once again, I think I just enjoy the drama
I could literally talk about them forever so I will stop here but thank you for asking and giving me the opportunity to babble!
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luxgalador · 1 year
There's a pride party tonight and I can't decide if I wanna go or not
I really need to make some friends irl but also I know I'll keep to myself like I always do so unless someone talks to me first I'm not gonna meet anyone...damn my brain
On another note, how did you pick an animal for your fursona? I wanna make one but I like lots of animals...too many to choose from
I say this not to diminish social anxiety or neurodivergence at all, as I experience and live with both. But you can just talk to people. A simple statement that absolutely is not as easy as it sounds, yet remains true. I think you should go. And I think you should try very hard to say something nice about someone's outfit and then introduce yourself. Don't be afraid of awkward. Awkward is everywhere and it's OKAY. I think so many of us have been taught that awkward is bad, but even if you talk to someone new, it's awkward, and goes nowhere, well hey that's still something to be proud of for you. And the best part is that no one's gonna keep score on that and you'll likely never interact with that person again. Or maybe you do and you can laugh about how awkward the first time was. Awkward is human. Social interaction is awkward and unscripted and silly. So I'd like to challenge you to go a liiiiiiiitle outside your comfort zone. And if it gets bad, hit the bricks! You can always just fuckin leave. But you're not gonna get what you want until you get out of the lonely routine. I spent my 20s there and have been challenging myself and like.... literally a year later my life is filled with friends who actually match me. And a lot of that is because I've learned to just say hi and that I think people are neat.
I mean tbh as soon as Socks followed me home and I spent that first year learning all about cats and their behavior (I'd never had one before), I just felt like.... a natural connection to cats. Like I saw myself in Socks and in learning about why she behaves the way she does, I genuinely learned about myself, my neurodivergence, my sensory experience, and the ways in which I show affection. I've always loved animals and creatures of all sorts but with cats it was like.... okay wow yeah that's me. So my fursona kinda built up over time in my head. Just kinda viewed myself as a cat and then it became a real, tangible design early this year! I'm actually in the process of tweaking my sona's design right now to include some fur patterns inspired by Socks since she's so special to me and showed me so much and has given me such love and companionship these last 6 years. After that I'm commissioning a fursuit maker for a cat head hehe. So for choosing, I'd recommend just keeping an open mind and seeing which creatures you relate to!
And the best part is that one don't have to pick just one. I sort of "happy accident" ended up with Sylvi as a fursuit who is now a secondary fursona for me and I'm IN LOVE with her she makes me very happy. And I always had dogs growing up so having a puppy fursona and suit is very fun too!
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