#my friend was the one who went “did something happen on cr i saw they were trending”
the-al-chemist · 2 years
Artemis Hexley and the Circle of Khanna
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Chapter 15: The Creature in the Moonlight
A/N: Beatrice Haywood finds herself in trouble at the lakeshore, and everyone wants to know what she saw there, including a reporter from the Daily Prophet… Warnings: mentions of death, grief and loss, canon-typical prejudice, description of mild injuries, crack journalism.
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Artemis had thought that she had no tears left to cry after leaving the mysterious mirror in the Come-and-Go Room, but when she returned to the dormitory and saw Penny and Tonks, a fresh wave of emotion took her. The three girls collapsed on Penny’s bed hugging and crying, stopping only when they were interrupted by a bemused looking Alanza as she returned from the bathroom. 
That night, in a state halfway between waking and sleeping, the noises of the others already deep in sleep filling the dormitory, Artemis had a realisation. Charlie had been right; Rowan wouldn’t have wanted her to stop her life just because she was not there to enjoy hers. She had to do what Rowan would have wanted: study hard, read books, and be kind and loyal to her friends. Including Alanza.
And so, in the morning, it was Artemis who suggested that they all go to Hogsmeade together that weekend, a motion that was met with resounding support. But as they got dressed ready for breakfast, there was a knock at the door.
“I’m really sorry,” said Chiara, lingering in the doorway, her face even paler than usual. “Madam Pomfrey sent me. It’s nothing too serious, so don’t worry, Penny, but Beatrice has got an injury and she asked for you to be there while Madam Pomfrey attends to it.”
Penny nodded her head without outwardly panicking, but Artemis could see the way her blue eyes widened fractionally and filled with poorly concealed fear. Chiara was also hiding something, she was sure of it, though it was difficult to know what exactly, because she looked so tired.
“Do you want me to come with you, Penny?” Artemis offered, seeing Penny’s hand shake as she reached for her wand on her bedside table.
“Oh, I don’t want to inconvenience you.”
“You won’t. I don’t mind. Besides, it saves you having to walk to Hogsmeade by yourself.”
With a grateful smile, Penny agreed, and she and Artemis followed Chiara up to the Hospital Wing, where they found Beatrice sitting on a wooden chair, the deep cuts on her legs being cleaned and examined by Madam Pomfrey.
“Bea!” Penny rushed to her sister’s side and wrapped her arms around her. “What happened? How did you get those cuts on your legs?”
Beatrice swallowed and looked at Madam Pomfrey nervously before replying. “I went down to the lake early this morning, while it was still dark.”
“What? Why on earth would you do that?”
“Because,” Bea looked across at Artemis, “I had one of my bad dreams again, where I was in the portrait, and the lake… When I woke up I had this feeling, like the lake was calling to me or something, I don’t know.”
“I think it’s high time you started taking your dreamless sleep potions again, Miss Haywood,” Madam Pomfrey told her, her voice sharp. “You haven’t been back here since the Christmas break.”
“That’s only because I haven’t needed the potions since Christmas,” said Beatrice. “Ever since the holidays I haven’t had any dreams at all, not until the spring weather came. When everything was still cold and snowy I was okay.”
“In any case, I shall be prescribing some more. Ah, Professor Kettleburn. Thank you for coming so quickly.”
“You’re welcome, Pomona. I like your new apron, by the way,” said Professor Kettleburn, and Madam Pomfrey raised one eyebrow at him. “Now, you wanted me to examine some wounds?”
“Indeed,” Madam Pomfrey indicated to Beatrice’s legs. “I would be suspicious of an attack by some sort of creature, though what sort, I am not sure… I thought that would be your area of expertise.”
“You flatter me. Where did the attack take place?”
“By the lakeshore.”
“And you, girl,” Kettleburn addressed Beatrice directly, “you don’t remember seeing the creature who attacked you?”
“No, I was still half asleep. I didn’t really know what I was doing, I just needed to be by the lake. I only really woke up properly when my legs started hurting.”
“I see.”
Kettleburn crouched down and frowned as he looked at the wounds, deep scratch-like cuts that could well have been left by sharp claws. An idea struck Artemis, and she asked:
“Could a wolf have left those sorts of scratches?”
Five pairs of eyes turned and stared at her.
“Why do you ask that, Miss Hexley?”
“Well, I was walking back to the dormitory late last night and I stopped by the bridge, and down by the lake there was a wolf sitting there. I thought maybe it could be that wolf that attacked Bea.”
The blood drained from Penny’s face. “A wolf attack? But… But it was a full moon last night!”
As soon as Penny said the words, Artemis regretted suggesting that it might have been a wolf that had injured Beatrice Haywood. Of course, with the moon having been full, any wolf attack might well have been a werewolf attack, and she knew how much Penny feared werewolves. 
Surely enough, Penny’s face had turned deathly white, as had her knuckles, her fingers now digging into her sister’s shoulder. Beside her, Chiara was also looking distressed, her front teeth gnawing at her bottom lip and her eerily pale eyes wide with terror. Of course, Artemis realised, Chiara had also been a near victim of a werewolf attack two years ago, when a group of werewolves in their human forms had attempted to kidnap her.
“Could it?” Chiara asked, her voice barely louder than a whisper. “Could it have been a wolf that left those marks?”
“Difficult to say,” Kettleburn said, straightening up, and Chiara’s face turned even whiter. “Though if I were a betting man, I’d be putting my money on a Grindylow being your culprit. The scratches are deep but narrow, and the Grindylows have been acting aggressively all year. Even if it were a wolf, these would be claw marks, not bite marks.” He paused and, with a glance at Madam Pomfrey, added, “I suppose if you are concerned you could give her Wolfsbane potion at the next full moon and monitor her for signs of lycanthropy.”
“It would not do any harm. Most likely unnecessary, but I’d rather err on the side of caution,” Madam Pomfrey said, and both Penny and Chiara looked relieved, but still shaken. “Right, girl. Let’s get these wounds dressed.”
Chiara stayed behind to assist Madam Pomfrey, and having been dismissed, Artemis and Penny made their way to Hogsmeade. 
“What is Wolfsbane potion exactly?” Artemis asked Penny, who was fiddling with a silver charm bracelet on her wrist as they walked.
“Oh. Well, it’s a potion for werewolves. It stops them from being dangerous at the full moon.”
“So it stops them from transforming?”
“Not quite. It just makes them less aggressive to people, so that they won’t bite or hurt anyone, hopefully,” Penny sighed. “But it’s terribly complicated to make, and the ingredients aren’t easy to get hold of. A lot of werewolves just don’t have access to it or can’t afford it, which is why they…”
Artemis squeezed Penny’s hand. “It’s okay, Penny. Kettleburn said that there weren’t any bite marks.”
“I know. It’s just scary, that’s all. Lots of things are scary these days, aren’t they?”
“Yeah. I guess they are.”
In the Three Broomsticks, Penny and Artemis found Tonks at a table with not just Alanza, but Charlie, too, his right arm resting on the back of the chair Alanza was sitting in. It was strange, Artemis thought, as she took the seat on the other side of him, she hadn’t noticed how much more confident he had appeared in the last couple of weeks. 
“You alright?” he asked her. His voice was casual, and anyone else would have thought that he was just asking out of politeness, but the look in his eyes made it clear that he was referencing the events of the evening before. Artemis nodded.
“I’m fine,” she told him, looking him in the eye sincerely and adding, “Thank you.”
The corners of Charlie’s mouth twitched, and Artemis could have sworn that he gave her an almost imperceptible wink before he returned to his and Tonks’ conversation. Artemis took a deep breath before joining in, trying to actively engage with the others. It was difficult, but she found herself able to do it, albeit with less enthusiasm than she would have done before Rowan’s death. Still, it managed to feel almost feel natural, chatting with her friends, even with the strangely melancholic sensation of something - or rather, someone - being missing. 
As the talk turned to Beatrice and the attack at the lakeshore, Artemis became aware of a lady sitting very straight at a nearby table. She had blonde curly hair that framed a strong-jawed, spectacled face, and wore brightly coloured robes. Her nails, which were impossibly long, were also brightly coloured, and at her feet rested a crocodile skin handbag. A notebook was open on the table in front of her, in which an acid green quill was writing without her input, and she appeared to be listening in on their conversation. 
Artemis narrowed her eyes at her, and as the lady noticed her silent glare, she stood up, her quill and notebook hovering in the air behind her as she made her way over to their table.
“Hello there,” the lady said, smiling widely but insincerely. “I’m so sorry to intrude, but I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. Another attack on a student at Hogwarts, and your sister no less. That must be so frightfully worrying for you, Miss…”
“Haywood,” said Penny, eyeing the lady with some suspicion.
“Lovely. And do you know how your sister - Beatrice, I think you said her name was - came to be attacked?”
“She was by the lake and a Grindylow scratched her legs. They think she’s going to be okay, though,” Penny smiled, but the lady looked almost disappointed by the news of Beatrice’s probable recovery. “I’m terribly sorry, but if you don’t mind my asking-”
“Oi,” Tonks said, staring at the woman from across the table. “Who are you, exactly?”
“Deary me, did I not introduce myself? How inconsiderate of me,” the lady laughed shrilly, and pulled her shoulders back and down. “My name is Rita Skeeter, I’m a reporter for the Daily Prophet. May I take your names? Maybe get a statement from each of you about the current situation at Hogwarts? I know many of my readers have concerns about the incidents that have been taking place recently. Curses released from ancient vaults, a teacher exposed as a dark witch, dementors guarding the perimeter, a student’s death from mysterious and - dare I say it - suspicious circumstances…” 
Artemis tensed involuntarily, hoping that the reporter wouldn’t notice. Clearly, she did not, for she sighed loudly and smiled sweetly, summoning a chair and sitting amongst them, looking at each one in turn with a look of faux-sympathy on her face.
“Now, all that must be affecting you deeply, and truly, my heart goes out to all of you,” Rita Skeeter lowered her gaze and placed a hand on said heart momentarily, before sitting upright and tapping her long fingernails on the table in front of her, her quill poised beside her. “Now, who wants to go first?”
Before Artemis or any of her friends could provide Rita Skeeter with a statement for the Daily Prophet, the shadow of Madam Rosmerta appeared at their table, standing with her hands on her hips and giving the reporter a smile that jarred with the furious look in her eyes.
“You had better not be hassling my punters, Rita,” she said outwardly politely, but with a warning tone to her level voice. “We have spoken about this before, remember…”
“I do remember, Madam Rosmerta, however, on this occasion I am not hassling anyone. Miss Haywood and her friends were just giving me their insiders’ opinions on the recent events up at the castle.”
“Recent events that I believe you have been explicitly instructed to not report on."
“Yes, well,” Rita Skeeter shuffled in her seat under Rosmerta’s fierce glare. “The freedom of the press-”
“I don’t give a flying Crup about the freedom of the press,” Rosmerta said, her voice almost conversational. “I will not you to conduct interviews - let alone with underage students - in my pub. Do I make myself clear?”
“Crystal,” Rita gave Ros another insincere smile as she rose from her seat. “I don’t suppose I could have a word with you before I go?”
“Certainly, Rita, you can have two. The second one is ‘off’, I’ll let you pick the first.”
Artemis’ friends sniggered as Rita stormed out of the inn, muttering under her breath, and Artemis was surprised to hear her own laugh escape from her lips, the sound familiar and alien to her ears. Her laughter faded as she realised that it was the first time she had laughed since before Rowan died, and she felt the threat of tears once more. She stopped herself from forcing them back, and let them start to well in her eyes.
“I’ve missed that sound,” murmured Madam Rosmerta, smiling gently and placing a hand on Artemis’ hair. “You didn’t tell her your name, did you, love?” Artemis shook her head in response to Rosmerta’s question, and the landlady nodded hers. “Good. You know who that woman was, don’t you?”
“Rita Skeeter,” Artemis frowned. “The same Rita Skeeter who wrote that book about Jacob?”
“The very same. Whatever you do, do not give her your name, or she will have a field day. Trust me, that woman is a nasty, vindictive-”
“But Ros, won’t she write horrible things about you for being rude to her?”
“Hopefully,” Ros smirked. “Every time she prints something scandalous about me, I get a flurry of customers. Especially that time she reported that I had a secret history of working as an exotic dancer.”
Rosmerta winked and wiggled her hips as she walked away, and Artemis found herself laughing again; this time the tears that filled her eyes overflowed a little, and she wiped them away with the heel of her hand. 
“Are you okay, Artemis?” asked Alanza, frowning at her. Artemis nodded, aware of how ridiculous she must look, getting upset about laughing. 
“Yeah. Fine,” she said, and not wanting to be rude to Alanza, she added, “Thanks for asking, though. I’m just going to go to the bathroom, I think.”
“Here, you can take this with you if you would like,” Alanza reached into her bag and pulled out what looked like a purse made out of brightly coloured woven cotton. She leant across Charlie to pass it to her, and as Artemis opened it, she found that it contained a supply of makeup. “I thought you might want to look better… Not that you look bad, of course, only your eyes are a little red, so maybe this is going to help.”
“Right. Um, thanks.”
Artemis carried Alanza’s makeup with her to the toilets, where she splashed her face with cold water from the sink. The urge to cry had now passed, but Alanza was right, her eyes did still look pink and puffy, with dark circles underneath. The rest of her skin was pale, and her lips dry and chapped, and her cheekbones appeared more prominent than she was used to. She lifted her jumper up and dried her face on the material, before rummaging in Alanza’s makeup bag, not entirely sure what all the contents were or what they were for. She picked out a tube of cream that was vaguely skin-coloured and put the tiniest amount on her finger, dotting the dark space under each eye and rubbing the cream in until it blended with her own skin, before finding some mascara - that one at least she knew how to use - and applying that to her eyelashes. She still looked tired and a bit sad, but less like she had just been crying. 
Closing the multicoloured bag, she went back out to the bar to rejoin her friends, just the door to the inn opened, and Chiara Lobosca entered. Artemis smiled and tried to catch her eye, but Chiara didn’t see her, she was too busy scanning the room as if she were looking for someone. A look of recognition crossed her face and she walked over to a table in a dark alcove in the opposite corner of the inn, and took a seat next to a wizard that Artemis didn’t recognise.
Her first thought was that the man must have been Chiara’s father; he had the same exhausted and slightly unwell look to his pale face as Chiara, though his was marred with fine scars. But, beneath the scars and the dark circles under his eyes, he did not look old enough to be Chiara’s father; he could have only been around thirty. And aside from not looking well, the two of them did not resemble one another in the slightest. 
Her curiosity was piqued, and only grew stronger as the two began to talk. Both Chiara and the man were speaking in hushed tones, and the way that Chiara kept gnawing anxiously at her lower lip and glancing over her shoulder made it clear that whatever it was they were talking about, she did not want anyone to overhear them. 
Artemis frowned. Was this about Bea Haywood, perhaps? As she considered how best to go about finding out exactly who this man was and what business he had with Chiara, she heard footsteps approaching, and turned to see Merula Snyde walking towards her.
“What do you want, Merula?”
“Is it true what they’re saying about Haywood’s sister? That she got attacked by a werewolf last night?”
“Good news does travel fast,” muttered Artemis, and she folded her arms against her chest. “It wasn’t last night, it was this morning, and it wasn’t a werewolf that attacked her. Well, probably not, anyway. Kettleburn looked at the scratches and thinks it was a Grindylow. They’ve been acting funny since September and she was down by the lake, so it would make sense.”
Merula wrinkled her nose. “What was she doing by the lake before the sun came up?”
“She had a dream about the Cursed Vaults. She started getting them after she got stuck in that portrait, and they stopped for a bit and now they’ve come back.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Doesn’t it?”
“No,” Merula sighed haughtily. “Why would she go down to the lake if she’s dreaming about the Vaults, and why would the dreams go away and then come back?”
“Because,” said Artemis, with a shrug, “when she dreams about the Vaults, she dreams about the lake, too, and apparently the dreams stopped when the lake froze over winter.”
“Does that mean that the next Cursed Vault is in the Black Lake?”
“Probably, yeah.”
“Okay, so when are we going to go down and break the curse?”
“What?” Artemis blinked. “First of all, Merula, there is no we, and second of all, even if there was, we wouldn’t be going to go down and break the curse.”
“Why not?” When Artemis didn’t answer Merula’s question, she scowled. “You’re scared, aren’t you?”
“No. I just don’t want anything to do with the Cursed Vaults.”
“Because of Khanna?”
“That’s stupid.”
“It’s not,” Artemis shook her head. “Rowan never really wanted anything to do with the Vaults, and if it wasn’t for getting involved with them, she’d still be here.”
“Yeah, but not breaking the curse isn’t going to bring her back, so you might as well finish what you started,” Merula rolled her eyes. “Besides, don’t you think you’re being a bit selfish?”
“Selfish how?”
“Well, until the curse gets broken, the curse is going to keep turning people into statues.”
“No one has been turned into a statue in months, Merula.”
“But what about the people who are already statues? And I bet it’s like Haywood’s sisters dreams,” continued Merula, both her voice and face earnest. “Now that the river isn’t frozen over, the curse will come back. It needs to be broken as soon as possible.”
“Then you do it. You’re meant to be the most powerful witch at Hogwarts, after all,” Artemis muttered, and Merula stared at her in disbelief. “What?”
“I just thought that you’d want to break the curse. I thought you cared about this stuff.”
Artemis pursed her lips. She had cared about the Vaults and curses and curse-breaking, but that had been before. Perhaps, somewhere deep down, she still did, but she couldn’t do it. Not anymore. Rowan hadn’t wanted her to go looking for the Vaults, and if Artemis had only listened to her best friend, she would still be here. But she wasn’t, because of her. 
So, she uncrossed her arms, looked Merula in the eye, and told her:
“No. Not anymore. I’m done with the Cursed Vaults.”
Beatrice Haywood was discharged from the Hospital Wing later that evening, much to the relief of Penny. By the following morning, Penny was still anxious, but far less so than she had been the previous day. As they walked into the Great Hall for breakfast, however, she seemed more jittery again.
“Is it just me,” she murmured, “or is everyone talking about us?”
Artemis was more than used to having strangers talking about her, having put up with it since she had first arrived at Hogwarts, and as she looked around the Great Hall, she could see that Penny was right. She recognised the flicking eyes, the hushed voices, the not-so-subtle nudges and nods of the people they walked past. 
“I expect people have heard about Bea getting hurt. You know how fast news travels in this place,” Tonks said, with a yawn. “Come on, I want a coffee. Let’s find a seat.”
As they approached the Hufflepuff table, they found that seats had already been saved for them by Charlie Weasley, who smiled at them in an awkward sort of way as Alanza took the seat next to him.
“Alright?” he said in a breezy voice that did not quite match the look in his eyes. Artemis narrowed her eyes at him.
“Why would we not be alright?” she asked, and Charlie shrugged in response, suddenly becoming very interested in his food. Artemis raised her eyebrows. “Charlie?”
“What? I’m just being polite.”
As Charlie was stubbornly avoiding eye contact, Artemis glanced at a group of fourth years further down the table, who were having a whispered conversation over a copy of The Sunday Prophet. One of them caught Artemis looking, and all of them quickly fell silent. She craned her neck to look over at the Slytherin table, and saw that there too, a pair of girls in her own year were muttering to each other whilst reading the newspaper.
“What does it say?” 
Charlie’s face turned pink between his freckles. “What does what say?” 
“The paper, Charlie. What does it say?”
“Oh, not much,” Charlie cleared his throat. “I mean, the Chudley Cannons are last in the league again, but otherwise…”
He was obviously lying, so Artemis leaned across the table to grab hold of the newspaper lying in front of him. He used his elbow to push it out of her reach, where it was promptly picked up by Tonks, who read it with her bright yellow eyebrows furrowed. After a minute or two, she swore loudly.
“Oh no,” Penny bit her lip. “Is it really that bad?”
“It’s not great,” muttered Tonks. She folded over the paper and held it out across the table. “Here, read it for yourself.”
“No, don’t,” Charlie said, but it was too late. The newspaper was already in Penny’s hand, and she had unfolded it and placed it on the table in front of her. 
The front page showed a photograph of Hogwarts castle taken from a Hogsmeade street, and the headline was written in block capitals:
Artemis frowned and shuffled closer to Penny in order to read over her shoulder, her eyebrows furrowing deeper and her head spinning faster with each word that she read.
Reports of yet another student harmed on the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft Wizardry have been proven to be true. In the early hours of Saturday morning, Miss Beatrice Haywood, aged twelve from Surrey, was found badly maimed by an unknown creature. Miss Haywood is said to be in a stable yet critical condition, however rumours are circulating about the nature of the attack. 
Miss Haywood’s sister, Penelope Haywood, 17 and also of Surrey, reports that Beatrice was injured by an errant Grindylow, however, this has yet to be confirmed. It may well be that the older Miss Haywood has been misinformed, or is deliberately lying in order to protect her younger sister; the attack took place on the night of the full moon, and so a werewolf attack is a distinct probability. Werewolf bite survivors are rare, but not unheard of, however those bitten will become afflicted with lycanthropy. One has to wonder what course of action the faculty will take if the younger Miss Haywood has in fact been the victim of such an attack.
Then again, it may be that something more sinister still is behind the attack on Miss Haywood. Whispers in the Three Broomsticks Inn, oft-frequented by staff and students of the school alike, speak of something highly concerning starting to stir within the castle itself. It may well be that the legendary Cursed Vaults are no more than just a legend, but there have been multiple reports of strange and unexplainable occurrences at the school in recent years, culminating in the death of a student just three months ago.
Miss Rowan Khanna was found deceased on school property shortly before her seventeenth birthday in December, and three months on, her death remains shrouded in mystery. Whilst investigations are still ongoing, the press has been forbidden from reporting on the events that led to Miss Khanna’s untimely demise, a decision that in itself is highly suspicious, as are the circumstances of her death. Was it a tragic accident that the faculty are trying to cover up? Was it an ancient curse? Was it murder? At this point, all options are possible. 
Miss Khanna is not the first student to have passed away since rumours of the Cursed Vaults began to circulate over ten years ago. Mr Duncan Ashe, then seventeen, was also found deceased during the summer of 1981, resulting in the expulsion of the deranged and/or dangerous Jacob Hexley, who went missing four months later and was never found. Now-notorious Dark Witch Patricia Rakepick, former Head Curse-Breaker of Gringotts Bank and erstwhile teacher at the school, is also still at large, with Aurors apparently no closer to catching her. 
Could Hexley or Rakepick - or potentially both - be to blame for the death of Miss Khanna and the attack on Miss Haywood? What is Dumbledore hiding? And more pressingly - are our children safe?
Report by Rita Skeeter. Further coverage and advice on how to identify werewolf-bite wounds from Verruca Buckthorn, Head Matron of St Mungo’s Hospital, on Page 5. For more information about the case of Jacob Hexley, see Rita Skeeter’s 1984 exposé, available at all good bookshops. Also by Rita Skeeter: The Secrets of Hogsmeade Landlady’s Scandalous Past, Page 17.
“Oh,” said Penny, her eyes and mouth wide open. “Oh dear.”
She blinked, shuddered, and folded the newspaper over. Across the table, Tonks exhaled loudly.
“Well,” she murmured into her coffee. “It’s no wonder people are whispering.”
“I should never have told that awful Skeeter lady my name. Now all everyone will be talking about is poor Bea and poor…” 
Penny’s voice tailed off, and everyone at the table was silent. Everyone except for Alanza, who reached across to take the newspaper and read it for herself.
“Patricia Rakepick?” she said incredulously, looking up from the page. “The Curse-Breaker? I know her! She was at Castelobruxo, maybe three years ago, I think. She had the cutest little Niffler, he was called Sickleworth, and this one time, I found him inside my jewellery box wearing my earrings.” Alanza giggled, but the only response from the others was a strained smile from Charlie. She frowned, and put down the newspaper. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No,” Charlie shook his head. “No, it’s just… Well, like it says, Rakepick was a teacher here, and now she is missing.”
“And evil,” added Tonks. “She tried to-”
Artemis quickly interrupted Tonks. “She’s gone now, though. No one knows where she is.”
“I see,” Alanza nodded, and returned her gaze to the article. “The other person in the article has the same name as you, Artemis.”
“Yeah. That would be my brother. He’s not deranged or dangerous.”
“Oh, okay. And who is Rowan Khanna?”
No one spoke for several moments. Eventually, Charlie cleared his throat looked questioningly at Artemis, who nodded her head.
“She’s… She was our friend,” Charlie said quietly. “She died.”
Charlie shrugged, his eyes on Artemis. “We’re not sure exactly.” 
As Alanza opened her mouth, presumably to ask yet another question, Artemis stared at a breadcrumb on the table next to her plate, and Charlie made a humming noise.
“Bugger, I forgot I’m meant to be going down to see Hagrid and the Crups this morning,” he said, his voice breezy again. “Alanza, do you want to come with me?”
“Right now?”
“Yeah, why not? I’m nothing if not spontaneous…”
Alanza and Charlie walked away, but Artemis did not look up. She could still feel Tonks and Penny staring at her.
“I hadn’t even asked you-”
“I know what you were going to ask, though,” Artemis looked up at her friends. Penny’s eyes were dewy, and Tonks’ hair had faded slightly. “I can’t… I don’t want to talk about it.”
Artemis shook her head. She couldn’t tell them what happened the night Rowan died. She had only recently stopped reliving it every time she closed her eyes, and talking about it would only make her remember it even more. And even if she hadn’t minded that, she knew in her heart that if she told Tonks and Penny how she was the reason they had all lost Rowan, she would lose them, too. She looked at them both, and swallowed hard before speaking once more.
“Please don’t make me talk about it.”
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mysafehaneul · 3 years
I am thinking of making it a series if it gets good response tho.
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The Gif is from Yuri on Ice, since I can't find any other aesthetically pleasing Gif. CR to the owner.
Wonwoo×Reader (Angst; slight fluff)
Warnings: none
Word count: 1.5k ish...
The light illuminating from the chandelier as u stood under it and its light reflecting on the glass you were holding onto as if your life depended on that grip, you were trying your best to look calm and collected but your anxious eyes and nervous smile were slowly giving it away from time to time you were glancing towards the entrance of the mansion where you and your soon to be fiancè was supposed to get engaged yet the latter was no where to been seen most of the guest were too caught up in their own conversations pay mind to you yet giving a glance at your direction in short intervals, dressed in their finest and pulled up their most civilised and happy upfront you were aware although it didnt seemed like it, there were some silent eyes observing yours and your families every move to catch a sniff of drama for their headlines and small flashes from the camera around you, you were unconsciously biting your lips when your left a small hand slightly hovering over yours taking the glass out of your grip you looked up to see you mother with slight tensed eyes giving you a tight smile,
"Pull yourself together sweetheart I have thought you better, Where is Wonwoo?"
To be honest you would like to know the answer to that question too where is Wonwoo? A small inaudible sigh left your lips you leaned into your mother's ears to whisper
"Anywhere but here, Why don't you ask his parents about their son's whereabouts"
You both looked at the bar where Wonwoo's parents were sitting while one of their bodyguards' talking to Mr. Jeon and he looked like he was about to pop a vein of his brain trying his best to keep his voice low In order to avoid any attention when Mrs. Jeon's eyes met yours and then your mother's she gave you a small smile and diverted her attention back to her slightly frantic husband raising her hand on his back and rub it up and down to calm him down anyone from a 10-mile radius could sense the tension in the room, everyone is here except the man of the hour. You liked her, Wonwoo's mother she was a good person that's all you can say from your two encounters the first one was when both of the families ate lunch and you met your mother's childhood best friend and his wife aka Wonwoo's parents and the second was a dinner where they expressed their wish to make you their daughter-in-law, making you both you and Wonwoo choke in your respectable food and him on his drink you were well aware that things like these are not decided over two meals in the gap of one week because the way your parents looked unfazed and nodding as If it's approval to their wishes all you could think was a heads-up would have been nice so that you could have fled to Paris or something. Wonwoo looked like he was about to explode in rage but he trying to mask it with all his might but the shake in his body was slightly giving it away seemed like he had no prior knowledge of this either as he excused himself to the washroom.
Just like that day you were alone standing in the middle of a ballroom surrounded by acquaintances extended family and friends waiting for him to show up and do the formality play the part of a dutiful son and a reliable successor of their family business. You both knew that this was a marriage of convenience and no matter what you had to bend your knees in front of the responsibilities and the wishes of your families, The heels you were wearing were numbing your feet and a small headache making it way up from the tight bun and buzz from the champagne you were drinking.
Your parents were now talking or more like assuring the Jeon's when you felt someone stand next to you looking to your left you saw your best friend looking at you holding two glasses extending one in your direction which you gladly took raising it to your lips you took a small sip and felt the bubbly liquid going down your throat,
"Gosh even Aphrodite would be jealous of you today, Wonwoo is going to fall in love with you all over again "
when did he fall in love with you in the first place you thought to yourself nodding in their direction you gave them a small smile,
"Thanks, babe," you said taking a step back and doing an up and down at their attire "you don't look that bad yourself either".
Rolling their eyes they said, " I know but tonight is about you. So where is your prince charming, it's about time he showed up-" as they said that all heads turned toward the entrance in Walks the prince charming in his slicked black hair and royal blue tuxedo matching your attire he was not wearing his glasses maybe lenses. His parents sighed in relief and walked towards him you saw his father asking him something but his mother squeezed his arms stopping him from drawing any unwanted attention soon acquaintances flocking him shaking his hands and mingling you noticed the frown easing from your father's face as your mother was talking to someone from your company and your father trying to keep up with them without being rude.
Wonwoo was easily towering over most of the people in this room he was talking to someone when your eyes met but to were quick to look away.
"Close your mouth you are drooling all over the floor," your friend said making you roll your eyes throwing a small glare in their direction you were about to make a remark when from the corner of your eyes you saw his figure striding towards your direction as he reached next to you his hands going on the back of your waist and leaning in to plant a small kiss on your cheeks catching you slightly off guard your hands on autopilot went to grab his bicep before you stumble you both never stood in this proximity let alone kisses on the cheeks He leaned into your ears his lips slightly bumping the shell of your ear making the goosebumps rise on your skin as his breath fanned in your ear he whispered, "sorry I am late, I hope nothing exceptional happened in my absence"
You moved your head away your eyes locked as you reached for his ears and replied,
"Your father was about to pop a vein if you can call that exceptional" your eyes didn't miss the red mark below his ear lobe and now your question of where he was and who he was with, was answered before you even had the chance to ask with a little disappointment bubbling in your stomach but you tried ignored it with all your might.
Soon you both were standing facing each other with his hand in yours as your slid the engagement ring on his fourth finger, his mother beaming with glee and his father fashioned a proud smile on his face she and pulled out a box from her bag handing it over to wonwoo as he open the box the people surrounding the both of you went awestruck and why not it was a princess cut aquamarine ring one of a kind removing it from the box the diamond reflected the light of the chandelier he reached for your hand, there was a slight shake in wonwoo's breath and you couldnt differentiate if it was his or your hands which were sweating as the ring slid inside your finger wonwoo noticed how you hands were slightly shaking he gave your hand a light squeeze and closed his eyes taking a moment to gather himself you were about to reciprocate the squeeze but the pop of champagne starled you removing your hand form his your mother engulfed you in her arms as if you have just returned from war soon one by one the congratulations kept flooding in when you eyes met your father's he gave you a nod and an assuring smile he knew that wonwoo wasnt the one you want, but he believed that he was the best choice for you and your bussineses future. All you could think to yourself Is that It's not the parent's fault to think the best for their children and their future but why do they forget that their happiness matters equally too their opinions matter too they matter too, You can't help but look at Wonwoo, feeling sad for both of yourself he was doing a pretty decent job to pull up a happy facade which matched yours but his eyes said otherwise as you both caught each other gaze you knew that there is no turning back from here two different paths joining together to form a single road now it's unbeknownst to you how the journey will go...
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evvlevie · 2 years
sweet baby Jesus please let me shift for fucks sake (screaming, crying, throwing up and sleeping on the highway): in conclusion I am frustrated 
Hi, Hello my sweet followers and random people who found this post on accident! My name is Evangeline, Evie for short, and I am losing my mind. Some weeks ago I posted a summary of my shifting journey. It was as detailed as humanly possible and I concluded that whole BIBLE of a post with the fact that I am going to shift because I want to and that's all I need. And while I still am fully convinced that that is all you would need to shift it ✨ big surprise✨ still did not happen. That post was made in may of 2022 and today is the 13th of July 2022. My plan was to make a follow-up post on my shifting journey once I have shifted to my DR titled something like "holy shit I shifted: screaming, crying, throwing up and sleeping in my bed while in my DR". well. how was I supposed to do that WHEN IT NEVER HAPPENED? in case you missed it: I am letting out my frustration.
so one might wonder: "Evie, what happened in the timeframe between may and today?". So every time I went on with my shifting attempts I never used a method by the way. I am aware about the fact that methods aren't what shifts you and I honestly can't imagine how visualizing 15 fucking flights of stairs would do that. still can't figure out why people do that stupid method as if you wouldn't fall asleep during it because it has like 17 goddamn steps to it. (Seriously tho, that shit takes like 20 minutes minimum, and the average person falls asleep in 7 minutes so please explain) After some time I thought that the problem was, that my subconscious has trouble picturing my DR-Bedroom and so I scripted that I would wake up in a Waiting Room that looks exactly like my CR-bedroom. Key aspect to all of this is that I have intuitively started feeling like I am getting closer and closer to shifting, to the point where I felt like I was just on the verge of it and it could happen every moment. I still didn't shift, BUT when I was on the train to the billie eilish concert (it was amazing, breathtaking and soul-rejuvenating, thank you for asking) two weeks ago I was falling asleep and while I was still half asleep I was CONVINCED that I was sleeping in my room but then the train shook in a weird way, and I woke up and realized/remembered I was actually on said train. So that was pretty close I'd say. A week later I was vacationing in Italy (I love living in Europe), and I manifested that if I shifted to my DR soon, that I would see a sign related to my DR. That being said, a restaurant near our airbnb, and an entire boat were named after one of the people I was going to shift for. So that was a pretty good omen. We came back from vacation and I hit up my shifting-bestie and we don‘t know why, but we always had a feeling in our intuition that once we shift, we would do it at or around the same time. My bestie is shifting for Harry Styles and she literally managed to manifest concert tickets ONE DAY before he was coming to MUC to perform!!! Plus: the tickets were super cheap, they sat directly in the first row, Harry even waved at my friend MULTIPLE TIMES and mind you the concert was sold out and 14 THOUSAND people fit in the Olympia-Stadium in Munich, so what are the odds, right? So we took that as a sign. If you are able to manifest that, then you MUST be shifting soon, if not the same day. So yesterday we met up, and we DECIDED today is the day. We talked about how that night we will be shifting and that we will be going to sleep and wake up in our DR. Mind you we did not HOPE to shift, but we WERE CERTAIN to shift. On my way home I even came across a dude that looks like someone out of my DR and I even saw THE EXACT model of the car I am driving in my DR, and while a G-Wagon is not a rare sight in Germany, the color definitely was. Germans don‘t like extraordinary colors on cars and to see the exact tone of gold I scripted felt like one of the biggest signs imaginable, because I promise to you: I have never seen a gold g-Wagon in Germany EVER and I never expected to. Germans don't fuck with anything other than black, silver or white as car-colors (our cars are holy to us).
so as you can imagine: I woke up here. and I am so goddamn confused as to why. The past days I was convinced, CONVINCED, about the fact that a) shifting is easy as fuck, b) everybody, even me, even my mom, even my bitchy coworker and her dog could shift if they wanted to c) shifting doesn't require anything other than myself and my intent to. That was my mindset. Still is. And it didn't happen. and I know, I KNOW I am always the first person to preach, that you can't EVER greet your desires from a place of desperation and frustration because then you send out the vibrations of lack, and you want to attract fulfillment instead. I AM FULLY AWARE OF THAT. the past week I was answering the dm's from followers and helping them manifest and shift and motivating them and telling them that it is all very very possible and easy. but I can't do it for some reason. wrong. I CAN do it. It just kinda did not happen. I wish I knew why. I wish I could say my mindset was off and that my doubts interfered with the shift, but I know my doubts don‘t keep me from my intention.
basically what I came here for is ranting and venting. Evil Evie getting evil I guess. Here's what's gonna happen:
I will keep on shifting
I will keep on having a positive attitude
I will keep believing that it is possible, and not only that, but that it is possible for everyone on this stupid planet and in this stupid reality
shifting doesn't take luck, or practice, or fate or the perfect method, not even the perfect mindset. It just needs you. You are all you need. Keep on shifting baby!!!
I guess I just needed to get this out there for all the people who are in the same place as me right now, and I know a lot of you guys are, but I am begging you from my entire being: DON‘T GIVE UP ON IT. Last week I was advising a stranger on the internet to take shifting like peeing: don‘t overcomplicate it and just do it. Easy to say, but that's essentially what it is. You can't put it on a pedestal like it's such a hard thing to achieve and that it takes practice or effort. There are people out there who have shifted on their first try, do you think they overcomplicated it? Do you think they got caught up in their head about it? NO. They just decided to do it, no overthinking and did it.
Thank you so so much if you read this, and as always I hope hard that this helped you in some way or another. If you need someone to talk about it, don't be shy to dm me, I have been helping bloggers all week now, and I am always happy to <3
Now I usually don‘t do this, but I would appreciate it if you commented positive and encouraging statements for me and other shifters who have come across this post for a safe place and help ❤️
a lot of love and positive vibes:
Evie <3
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ladydimitrescuspet · 3 years
Make Me Feel Better - Chapter 3
ao3 link! fair warning, reader gets spanked, it's not like graphic or anything, but it happens. sorry for the wait, but please enjoy and tell me what you think in my ask box on @homoo-wan-kenobi! and apologies for any grammatical errors!
You’d told Angelika that you’d be right back after you went to go check on Natalie. You knocked on her door, hoping that she’d be in there.
"Yes?” She answered when she opened the door. “Oh, Y/N, it’s you! Is everything alright between you and Lady Dimitrescu?” Natalie asked as she let you into the room.
“Everything’s fine.” You said. “I just wanted to make sure you were fine. That she hadn’t done anything to you.”
Natalie gave you a small smile. “I appreciate that, Y/N.”
“I should probably get back.” You said. “But I’m glad you’re okay and I swear I won’t ever ask you to do something like that.” You pulled Natalie in for a hug, holding her for a few minutes before letting go. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night.” You said before you exited the room.
As you walked back to Lady Dimitrescu’s chambers you ran into Angelika coming out. “Oh, the Lady wanted me to tell you that she’s gone to speak with Lord Heisenberg and she’ll be up momentarily.” You nodded your head. “And your bath is ready.”
“Thank you.” You replied before you entered to get ready for Lady Dimitrescu’s arrival after her conversation with Heisenberg. Poor man, he was in for it big time with her. And you were right about that.
“Heisenberg,” Alcina started, but he cut her off.
“Listen, Al, before you get all huffy and puffy, let me just say this.” Alcina crossed her arms. “Y/N told me what happened with Daniela, what she said. Did you talk to Daniela at all before you shipped her off to Mother Miranda?” Heisenberg asked.
Alcina shook her head. “I saw no reason to, Heis. She lashed out at Y/N and I simply don’t have time to deal with her behaviour right now. If any one is fit to do so, it’s Mother Miranda.” Alcina replied. “Why? Are you questioning my parenting skills?”
Heisenberg shrugged. “Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. All I’m saying is that maybe you should’ve talked to your daughter first.” Heisenberg said. “It’s obvious that Daniela feels like you care more about Y/N than you do her and her sisters. And the fact that you sent her away and took Y/N’s side proves that, Al.”
Alcina growled at her brother. “How dare you?!” Alcina practically roared at him. “I appreciate you getting Y/N here safely, but you have no right to talk to me about my daughters. I care for each of them as I care about Y/N. For you to stand there and imply that my daughter lashed out because I am not giving her enough attention is outrageous.” Alcina said in a dangerously calm voice.
Heisenberg gulped. “I know it’s not my place to judge your parenting and I’m not.” Heisenberg said. “But when the girls get back home, just speak to Daniela. Obviously she’s holding some resentment towards Y/N for some reason. She lashed out for a reason, Alcina. And you, you weren’t there for her. I know Y/N needs you, but sometimes you have to tend to your family first.”
“Get out, Heisenberg. Get out right now!” Alcina yelled, her claws extending.
Heisenberg held his hands up. “I’ll go, Al, but talk to Dani before she does something you can’t reverse.” Heisenberg said. "And go easy on the kid, they were just scared, Alcina." He added before walking away from her.
Alcina allowed her claws to retract before letting out a sigh. “Maybe that idiot brother of mine is right,” She mumbled to herself as she headed back upstairs. When she entered the room you were sat on the bed without any clothes on, but wrapped in a blanket. “What do you think you’re doing?” Alcina asked.
“I got cold.” You replied, snuggling deeper into the blanket that you had wrapped around you. Alcina raised her eyebrow and you removed the blanket. “Better?” You asked.
“Much.” She replied before sitting at the vanity. “I see you didn’t listen to my instructions.”
You shrugged. “I didn’t feel like being in ropes tonight, My Lady.” Alcina raised her eyebrow again at you defying her orders to better suit how you were feeling. “May I say something?” You asked and she nodded her head. “I’m worried about Daniela.”
“As you were before you ran away, though you didn’t explicitly say that.” Alcina said. “Heisenberg’s already given me his opinion and told me that I should talk to her.”
You nodded your head. “He’s just concerned about his niece.” You replied. “And I am too. I mean, I’m still hurt by what Daniela said, but I care about her. And this Mother Miranda you sent her to, Heis doesn’t make her out to be a good person.”
“I wouldn’t call Mother Miranda a saint, but she will certainly know how to help Daniela reign in her emotions.” Alcina said. “You needn’t worry yourself with how Mother Miranda works, it’s none of your concern.”
You frowned. “Who even is Mother Miranda, Alcina?” You asked.
Alcina sighed before she met your gaze in the mirror. “That’s an explanation for another day, darling.” Alcina replied. You cocked your head to the side at the reply. “Don’t give me that look. I am very upset you with you and your actions.”
You lowered your head. “I’m s-“ Alcina cut you off.
“I don’t want to hear it, Y/N.” Alcina said before she stood up and made her way over to the bed. “You put not only yourself in danger, but that of your friend, Natalie. If Heisenberg hadn’t found you… Where were you even going?” Alcina asked.
You shook your head. “I don’t know. I just, I got scared.” You replied softly. “I had to get away for a while. I was going to come back in a few days, promise.”
“What were you scared of?” Alcina asked as she crouched down in front of you. “Were you scared of Daniela? Of me?”
You shook your head. “No, not of you, never of you. And Daniela, yes, I am scared of her, but she’s not even here.” You replied.
“Then what, Y/N?” Alcina asked, her voice a bit more firm.
You looked up at her, your lip trembling a bit. “Last night, I had a dream that I was with the people that kidnapped me. And then when Daniela snapped at me, it just made me remember the terrible things they said to me… and I got scared because what if they’re looking for me? I don’t want them to find me.”
Alcina cupped your face in her hands. “So why’d you leave the castle, little one? They’d get you out there in the village, yes, but in here? On my grounds? They wouldn’t dare touch you. Do you understand me?” You nodded your head as best as you could. “You could’ve talked to me about it, you didn’t have to run. Do you know how worried I was about you?” Alcina asked. You nodded your head. “If anything happens to you… I just can’t let that happen.” She let your face go before she went to go get the box from the other night and placed it next to you on the bed.
“What’s that?” You asked.
Alcina grinned. “It’s a surprise.” Alcina replied. “And I’d let you have it, but you haven’t been good for me. In fact, you’ve been very, very bad and Mommy is not happy with you.” You gulped as your heart race picked up. “I see you’ve grown a little scared of what I have planned for you.”
You shook your head. “I’m not scared.” But you both knew that wasn’t true.
“Oh, is that so?” You nodded your head. “Very well then. Shall I let you choose your punishment, hmm?” You nodded your head again albeit hesitantly this time. “By all means, throw some suggestions my way, draga mea.”
“I could clean the castle by myself.” You suggested. Alcina shook her head. “No sex?”
Alcina frowned. “That would be punishment for both you and me, dear. Try again.”
You scratched your head. “I could… you could have your way with me and then, then you could chain me up or, um, put me in the cellar.” You fidgeted with your fingers while you spoke.
Alcina hummed. “It’s an interesting idea, pet.” She said as she leaned down, placing her hands on your thighs. “But first, we’re going to have a little fun. Crop or paddle?”
Your eyes widened at her question. “Wh-what, My Lady?”
Alcina pursed her lips. “You know I don’t like repeating myself. Either you pick one or I do.” She growled out.
“The, um, the cr-crop.” You replied. Alcina grinned as she pushed herself off of you and headed toward her closet. “Will it h-hurt?” You called out to her. She didn’t reply so after a few minutes you called out to her again. “Alcina?”
“Yes, dear?” Alcina replied. Your words caught in your throat when she stepped out of the closet. “Dear, if you’re not going to speak then please let me concentrate in silence, yes?” You gulped before nodding your head and she smiled at you before she went back into the closet.
You let out a deep breath. She looked absolutely gorgeous in the black slip she had on. You didn’t realise she was changing when you had called out to her and the thought made you flush a bit. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t realise she’d come out of the closet until the crack of the crop made you jump.
“Penny for your thoughts, my dear?” You opened your mouth to answer but no words came out causing Alcina to chuckle. “Oh, cat got your tongue, hmm?”
“N-no, My Lady.” You replied. Your face was on fire from when you’d seen her the second time she exited the closet. She’d change from the black slip to a black lacy corset, her stocking connected to her garter belt with suspenders, and a pair of panties that matched her corset. She’d taken her hair down, letting it rest against her shoulder blades. “You look mesmerising, My Lady.”
Alcina hummed as she walked toward you. “Flattery won’t get you anywhere now, soarece mic.” Alcina said before standing right in front of you. “Up.” You obeyed, standing up face to face with her thighs. “You listen so well.” Alcina sat down in the spot that you’d previously occupied before pulling you into her lap.
“I tho-“ You started, but she cut you off.
“Relax, little one.” She cooed. “To answer your question, yes, it will hurt. But don’t worry, Mommy’s going to take good care of you after.” She whispered into the back of your head before pressing a kiss against your head.
“You will, My Lady?” You asked.
“Of course, darling.” She replied. “Now, shall I have you over my knee or would you like to hold onto the wall?” You sat on her lap in silence as she ran the crop over your thigh in a circular motion. “Won’t you answer my question, dear?” She whispered into your ear.
You nodded your head and bit your lip as you thought about which position you wanted to be in. You let out a startled yelp when you felt the crop hit your thigh causing you to cry out an answer to her. “Your knee, My Lady!” Your lip trembled at the sting of the crop, you hadn’t expected her to hit you.
“I told you that it would hurt.” She chided before she pushed you off her lap. “Over my knee. And if you need to help muffle your sounds, you may bite my thigh. I’m not in the mood to take pleasure in your noises.”
You nodded your head before you placed yourself over her knee. You felt her push her other knee against your legs to lock you into place and you braced yourself for the first hit, but it never came. “My Lady?"
Alcina hummed. “I’m just appreciating you for a moment, pet.” The statement caused you to smile and flush a bit.  “How many minutes until the hour, dear?”
“Um,” You started before you turn your head as best as you could to see the clock. “23 minutes, My Lady.” You replied.
Alcina grinned. “Then you will get 23 hits. I don’t want you to count them. I want you to stay still and be good for Mommy. Can you do that for me?” You nodded your head. “Good.” She said before she raised the crop and hit your right cheek causing you to stiffen. “Was that alright, pet?”
“Yes, My Lady, that was fine.” You replied.
She didn’t reply, instead she took her time alternating between both of your cheeks as she hit you with the crop. By the seventh hit, your fingers were digging into the flesh of her thighs as you had your mouth over her thigh to muffle your cries. Alcina made sure to praise you every few hits, proud of how well you were taking your punishment. By the fifteenth hit, you were silently sobbing into her leg, your bottom had gone numb a bit, and your grip on her had tightened. Lucky for you, there were only eight more hits left. But by the time she'd gotten to 23, your body felt like jelly. Your arm was hanging down her leg and your face was pressed into Alcina. You didn't even realise that she'd finished until she sat you up in her arms.
"Hush now, little one, it's over." Alcina said softly as she pressed a kiss to your forehead before wiping away your tears with the pads of her thumbs. You pushed yourself face first into her chest to cry a little more before you allowed yourself to calm down. "Are you alright now, dear?" You nodded your head slightly in response.
Alcina then laid you down on the bed face first and you whispered at the loss of her touch. "I'll be right back, draga mea." She pressed a kiss to your temple before she got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. When she exited the bathroom you could see something in her hand and noticed that she now donned a black robe. "I'm going to spread this over your bottom to help soothe it." Alcina explained as she sat back down on the bed.
The ointment she out on you was cold at first, but after a while it became quite comforting, making you close your eyes. "So nice." You mumbled out and Alcina chuckled a bit. When she was done she laid down next to you, pulling you back against her.
Alcina ran her hand down your cheek as your breath started to even out. You felt her press a kiss to the back of your neck as her hand came up to you neck. She pressed more kisses to your neck as she held you against her causing you to moan softly. The pleasure of the kisses only lasted a few more seconds before you felt her fangs bit into your neck causing you to scream out in shock.
Alcina drank from you for a moment before she pulled away, her mouth coming up to your ear. Her breath against your ear caused you to shiver. "You're mine." She whispered into your ear. You whimpered when she pushed you onto your back and leaned over you, her hand still choking you a bit. "Do you understand that, draga mea?" You nodded your head as best as you could. Alcina smiled before she leaned down and gave you a kiss, a bloody one to be exact.
When she pulled away, you had blood on your lips and your teeth from when she had pushed her tongue into your mouth. "M-my Lady?" You panted out. Alcina hummed as she pressed more bloody kisses to your neck and chest. "I'm sorry."
Alcina pulled herself away from you and gave you a smile. "I know, little one." Alcina said. "You've been so good for me tonight, I think you deserve a treat. Don't you?" You nodded your head, albeit hesitantly. "It's in the box, go ahead and open it."
You could still feel your blood rolling down your neck as you struggled to sit up. You reached for the box, opening it with shaky hands, gasping when you saw what was in it. You pulled out a black collar with Dimitrescu written on the middle of it, two red roses on each side of the name. The Dimitrescu family crest hung from a ring connected to the collar. You held it in your hands as you looked up at Alcina with wide eyes.
"Do you like it?" You nodded your head. "Splendid. Let me put it on you." You passed the collar to her and allowed her to place it around your neck, making it as tight as possible. "Now, if you ever decide to pull another one of your stupid stunts again, no one will touch you because you're mine." She growled as she tugged on the collar, pulling you closer to her. "Who do you belong to?"
"Y-you, My La-lady. Only y-you." You replied. There was blatant fear in your eyes that pleased Alcina.
Alcina hummed before she attached the collar to a leash. "That's right, darling. You belong to me." She tugged on the leash as she stood up from the bed. "Grab the blanket, pet, you're going to need it." You did as she told you and followed after her as she walked out of the room.
You didn't say anything, but you knew where you were headed. This part of the punishment was inevitable, being put into a cell. "Do I have to?" You asked in a small voice.
Alcina sighed. "I'm afraid so, darling. I wish I didn't have to send you down here, but bad pets need to be thoroughly punished. It'll help you think twice before making bad decisions." Alcina replied. The two of you walked in silence after that, only stopping so she could unlock the door that led to the dungeon. A shiver ran down your spine as you followed her down the stairs, the moaning and growling from the moroaică making you clutch onto the back of Alcina's robe.
"I don't like it down here." You said when the two of you stopped in front of your cell. The cell was customised a bit for you with a small bed and a desk for you to write at. And unlike the other cells, it didn't have bars, but four walls and a door. It was made that way so you wouldn't see anything disturbing and didn't have to worry about creatures being able to come into the cell. When you entered the cell after Alcina unlocked it, you turned to face her. "Please don't leave me down here." You were crying again and you could see the sadness in Alcina's eyes.
Alcina cupped your cheeks and pressed a kiss to your forehead before she straightened herself up. "I'll send one of the girls down here to check on you when they get back." Was all she said before she closed the cell door in your face, locking it.
You stumbled over to the bed, your shoulders rising as you sobbed. Laying down on the bed, you wrapped yourself up in the blanket to provide you with some warmth and comfort. You had no idea how long you would be down here. You pulled your knees up to your chest as you cried and listened to the noises of the creatures outside of your cell, wishing for this part of your punishment would be over, wishing that you'd wake up from this nightmare soon.
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khadij-al-kubra · 3 years
Storytelling, Fate & Happy Endings
I’m still processing last nights episode (CR C2 Ep140), and much like every critter I’m SUPER emotional about it. But something about last night’s events and how they played out really got to me, not just as a fan but also as a storyteller. And even the day after, i was actually crying (still am crying in fact) more than i did last night watching it happen. At first i thought it was because i’m a fairly new critter and this is my first time watching a campaign come to an end. But the more i think about it and process, the more i realize that’s not just it. This effected me as someone who deeply believes in the power of storytelling and how it can not only effect but reflect the world around us. And because I have to get them out of my head, here are my thoughts on why last nights episode was so important, not just for CR fans but also as a an important narrative for right now.
...Yeah that’s a bit vague, isn’t it? Okay, let me explain. If you’re willing to take the time to read fellow Critters, I greatly appreciate it in advance. ^__^
WARNING: Major spoilers for CR Campaign 2 Episode 140 ahead. Also it’s gonna get kind of meta. And long. Because i have a lot of thoughts & feels.
So I think it’s fair to say that, as much as we would’ve been devastated by any of the M9 perma-dying in the last battle, part of us wasn’t expecting them all to make it out of there alive. Not even the players, I think, despite how much they likely didn’t want that to happen. Just look at the half-resigned way Liam talks about Caleb in the last few Talks Machina episodes. Or how, in game, Jester was fully prepare to die trying to stop the city from coming back. And for a while there, it seemed like some of them might not survive.
But then they did. Despite so many crappy rolls throughout the night they stopped Lucien, set free all the souls trapped in Aeor, saved Exandria, and brought each other back from the dead. Not only that, but they also did the impossible: They saved Mollymauk. Their lost friend who had such a deep impact on all of them even after his death. The delightfully charming asshole who was so full of joy and life and who, despite how the world treated him, was happily determined to leave every place better than he found it. Moreover, they almost didn’t succeed! But then they did, all because of teamwork, love and one last minute ditch effort ‘what-the-hell-have-i-got-to-lose’ dice role that none of them saw coming. And now they get to go home together, truly as The Mighty NINE.
Just this once, everybody lived! We got a happy ending!
And that’s HUGE in game...but also think for a second how that reflects outside of game too. Do you realize what a story like that means to people, especially given the year from Hell we’ve all had?
Think about it. This past year the world has suffered. We’ve all been impacted by the pandemic in some way shape or form, either on small levels or large. Our world has been at war with a virus that effected everyone and everything: Our sense of safety. Our health. Our economy. Our families & friends. Our freedom. (in the sense of our ability to travel & just be in close proximity to people without fear, but i digress) Deeply imbedded social and systematic diseases have been brought further to light in the past year and a half largely because of this virus. Some of us have lost people we love. Hell, the pandemic even effected the way that the latter half of Campaign 2 played out because of social distancing protocols. If you further compare this to Campaign 2, the world of Exandria was caught in the middle of a war that started because of social & systematic corruptions that had been rooted in two opposing kingdoms for years. And so many suffered and died because of it.
Then the Mighty Nein comes in. This ragtag group of delightful assholes with nothing to lose; these flawed but inherently good at heart and deeply human adventurers, broken and lost in their own ways, trying to make a home and family for themselves in a world that took advantage of them or left them alone or said they weren’t good enough...and they changed things. 
They grew. They fought back. They found moments of silliness and peace and joy and fun amidst all the strife and sometimes grief. Most of all, they tried. Sometimes out of necessity, sometimes out of spite, sometimes even out of compassion, but mostly just out of love. And in the end, not only did they help people and stop a war for the sake of their loved ones, but they also saved their world from being destroyed by a rotted perversion of life from the past that threatened to consume everything they cared about. AND they STILL managed to bring everyone in their found family back to life. Does it erase the bad and sad things that happened to them? Hell no! But those things don’t negate the fact that in that moment, they made it out okay. That this was a victory and they won!
Think of what a story like that means to people right now.
I’m personally a pretty spiritual person, and much like our favorite clerics, I also believe in a higher power. But whether or not you also believe in a Divine being, the Universe or whatever, every D&D player believes in one thing: Fate. Luck. Call it what you will. But it was fate that made those dice rolls that saved everyone happen. It was fate that not only stopped Cognoza from returning, but also brought Jester and Caleb and Molly back to life, even when it seemed like it wouldn’t work. (and holy shit that gave me emotional whiplash!) 
After everything they went through, both individually and together, the Mighty Nein defied the odd and demanded that Fate let them save their loved ones. They demanded that the world give them back their friend; That they deserved to have their happy ending & get to go home alive together. Just. This. Once.
As a writer, I know firsthand that there are some stories we find and create ourselves, but then there are stories that have a way of finding us. Sometimes a story or world or character from somewhere in the Aether will pop into our minds one day and say, ‘I need your voice to tell my story.’ Maybe this is just me getting carried away with the meta brain again. And like i said, i’m a spiritually inclined person, so I believe in things like Fate and a Divine Higher power writing out the stories of the Multiverse. If you’re reading this (and thank you for taking the time to do so) maybe you do too. Or maybe you don’t. Either way, if you’re a fellow critter, then you’re clearly a fan of good stories and/or playing Dungeons & Dragons. So you know how fate/dice roles have a big impact on the outcome of a story, regardless of how tightly written a setup the dungeon master makes. Given all that and how organically stories tend to play out in D&D, I genuinely believe that Matt Mercer and the whole CR Team were meant to be conduits for a story where the flawed heroes save the world AND all make it home alive.
And I think Fate knew that we needed last nights battle to end like this. After all the crap we’ve been through this past year, we needed this happy ending, deserved it even! Not just us critters, the CR team too. As much as we all like to joke that Campaign 2 was secretly scripted, we all know that’s not true. Yes, the setup storyline and world were brilliantly crafted by Matt, and the character roleplaying is beautifully acted out by the team. But the twists and turns, the direction it goes, and how the game plays out is all up to fated dice rolls just like any other game. And something, some kind of force of luck, some force of fate, some Universal Divine DM out there made the roles happen the way they did last night.
It gave us a happy ending.
I believe that this was meant to happen; now of all times with everything else going on in the world. Amidst all this darkness and rot, both in game and in the real world, in the end of it all there was light and life. A reminder that sometimes people do live. They do get second chances. They do find a new family or reunite with old ones. That sometimes the world can be saved for a time, and happy ending do still exist. Even if it’s not broadcasted on the daily news amidst tragedy reports, or even tragedies that don’t get reported (which sadly are a lot, but again i digress).
Because the thing is, like Beau said, no one else will probably know they were heroes. No one will know what the Mighty Nein sacrificed to save all of Exandria. But they don’t need to know that for it to still be true, for life to happen again, and for a found family of nine broken people who love each other to go home together safe. It doesn’t invalidate that the good things happened. That at least for today everyone was saved. That flawed people were still able to do good because they tried. That they left the world better than they found it and got their own small but satisfying happy ending. Even if only for now, because we don’t know what’s gonna happen next Thursday. We don’t know what the future will hold for the Nein or Exandria when the Campaign ends or even when (hopefully) some loose ends will be tied up in later oneshots. But neither that nor the bad and sad stuff that happened beforehand in the game and in the character’s lives invalidates the fact that tonight they won. They lived.
So why can’t that be true for us in the real world?
I said earlier that, as a writer, I believe in the power stories have to not only reflect but also shape our world. This story is an example of why, but especially this episode, and that’s why i was so euphoric about the outcome. It wasn’t just a game for me, and i’m sure for others too. It was a much needed reminder that happy endings can still happen in real life, just as much as they can in stories. Even when everything seems dark and corrupt and rotten and hopeless, we can still keep fighting. We can keep trying. We can make new families and start over and be heroes in our on little lives in small ways. 
We can leave the world better than we found it. 
And maybe, with hard work, imagination, luck and a little Divine intervention...we can also get the happy endings we deserve.
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
The Eclipse Ep 4 Live Blogging
First time waiting for a whole week for an episode since like 2gether, so I hope they make the 7 day wait for 40 minutes worth it (unlike 2gether cuz I started watching it around the time it fell apart in the later episodes T.T)
I'm excited and nervous. Saw this tweet (cr: gramyok) about how no accidental kiss has ever hit and it was an hour ago (self-admittedly by the user that it's very chaotic of them to say that like right before akkayan potentially do that) but yeah please let that one be a misdirect
The Eclipse Ep 1 - 3
Sep 02 - during the premiere
accidental kiss and frozen and paused too. well, I'll just ignore it
the second time Akk pulls Ayan's sleeve to stop/sit down against Waree
omg being good at school is sooooo attractive and I'm also a bit jealous even though that's not the point of this. Now that I'm in uni and terrible at knowing what's going on, this show made me miss school being understandable and sometimes easy for me in high school
Anyway, the teachers doing that as punishment... this school seems to love public humiliation as punishment. It went mostly fine because Ayan knew all the answers but if he didn't, it'd be cruelty and humiliation in front of the class (Waree was already gunning for humiliation if Ayan took like 3 seconds to answer)
Akk sympathizing with Ayan and even going to ask Chadok about it
that was such a good scene, don't fuck with me. Khao does this quieter, yielding, tired Ayan so well. Also, Khao's thigh tattoo was showing. There was one moment where Ayan looked so deeply at Akk after pulling him back from leaving that Akk turned away all dear in headlights and it was funny and endearing to me. We even got an allusion toward the Dika mystery. I wonder how seeing this side of Ayan will affect Akk. Favourite scene of the episode for now unless something in the following 2 parts blows me away fr
Ayan and Thua continue to be interesting, I hope Saturday is in this episode
I continue ignoring what happened in the showers during the cold open
Things I want in the next 2 parts: Ayan and Thua meeting on Saturday, Kan and Ayan scene. Update: both happened, nice.
Oh yeah, what happened to those protestors? Hope they're planning on making another splash
I love the trio of friends even though Akk has some terrible stalking ideas
a queer cafeeeeeee alksdflaksdfj O.O that's so exciting i could cry. There's a pride flag and a variety of queer people, it reminds me of Not Me and Badhaai Do, but the pride flags and celebrations were during momentous occasions, protests, and fighting for rights. This cafe was so lovely with its casual display of queerness and community, just existing. my post
it's making me a little nervous that Akk and Kan aren't gonna be able to watch Ayan and Thua sneakily though lol They'll probably get caught and either have to admit they followed Ayan or that they just frequent this queer cafe
omg Akk being like :D vs Kan's nervousness/uncomfortableness. It supports my understanding that Kan's the one who's dealing with internalized homophobia and is uncomfortable being associated with queerness despite being aware that he likes Thua whereas Akk's not really facing internalized homophobia, just mostly confusion and new feelings, so hasn't been keenly aware of his queerness the way Kan has been
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I need to think a bit more to understand what just happened with Thua's mom, how it happened, and its implications
Update: Okay the mother thing confused me deeply but then I came to adopt SeekingIdleWild Hal's conclusion that makes to me (happened to Reddit and discord, so here's it copy-pasted):
"Did Thua come out to his mom before we saw their interaction? It didn’t show that and after a coming out I would expect more of a reaction even if it’s of support and love. I think it would’ve been a bigger deal for Thua as well if he was gonna come out
Did Thua’s mom already know and Ayan was just like yo lemme meet her :) with the ulterior motive of starting a conversation between Thua and his mom? I’m leaning toward this one ig"
"It never even crossed my mind that Thua’s mother doesn’t know he’s queer because considering the meeting place, I assumed he’s either about to come out to her or she already knows. Now that I’m seeing your and some other comments, I guess narratively it makes sense that she actually doesn’t know and that’s why the whole conversation was just kinda vague about everything. Logically, though, I cannot imagine bringing my mother who I’m not out to to a very explicitly queer cafe, especially if I’m not very very very certain that she’s supportive of queerness.
It also threw me off that Ayan just told his mom (who I’m assuming he just met but more on this later) that Thua was struggling. If Ayan picked up on the fact that Thua’s struggling because of his stepdad, how does he know he can just tell the mom (who is married to said stepdad) about it?
Also, I just don’t get this meeting happening in the first place. Was Ayan just like “come to this cafe I know and bring your mom!” to Thua who he has known for only a short period of time and whose mom he has never met? With no real explanation for why?
I love the existence of this cafe a lot, so I wish the writing and motivations behind the cafe scene was less confusing to me.
Edit: spoke with SeekingIdleWild and I’m adopting their opinion that the actual Saturday plans were probably just to hang out together at the cafe, the mom was just there to drop off Thua but sat down to chat for a bit (that’s why she had to leave quickly), Ayan took his chance to bring up Thua’s problem, then the two of them just hung out afterward like they planned but they didn’t show much of that. They also could’ve been wanting to plan something about the school but that probably didn’t happen since they knew Akk and Kan were there."
Also, when the mom mentions the dad’s “methods” I can’t tell if she means it in like his personality/how he deals with things, or methods as an euphimism for physical punishment.
There are like 10 more minutes, possibly less of actual content, left and I don't wanna watch it because it'll be over.
They're fr spying on Ayan going to his uncle's grave
yay Kan and Thua scene, though short as hell. Both of them trying to help the other in their own way whether it be Thua avoiding Kan because Kan doesn't wanna be associated with the gay rumours or Kan telling Thua to confide in him. Update: Ayan knew about Akk and Kan following them, so does Thua here know? Doesn't seem to mind if he does but he could also just not have noticed
oof, Akk and Kan starting to connect Ayan and Dika (Akk gotta stop with the faen thing lmfao) but they don't know Dika died
Akk asking Teacher Waree to stop punishing Ayan and let the Prefect Club handle him. This is the 2nd time Akk's asked a teacher about Ayan's punishment and he's doing it so polity with his prefect identify but technically he's disrupting their chosen punishment.
Ayan really lets a lot slide, he caught Akk tryna go through his stuff twice and knows Akk and Kan followed him on Saturday but he isn't punching him the way I would have
not Akk saving Ayan from a motorcycle lol a very seme move and the long ass hold that Ayan points out
lol they forgot about the "what did you tell Waree" "were you following me" thing ig
"You got used to my car really fast" that's what I was thinking lmfao Akk comfy and familiar in there after one ride
wait a minute what why is he kissing his cheek is it for a picture bye i don't understand where they stand with each other on the frenemies who are attracted to each other triangle and I don't think they know either, it's all very tumultuous
I'll skip the next episode preview once again I guess but like I don't expect to remain spoiler free lol last week people giffed/uploaded clips of it all.
Overall Episode Thoughts:
This episode didn't have anything about the curse, focusing mostly on the characters and their relationships. I think the Ayan and Akk interactions were a little wonky at the beginning (the accidental kiss - unnecessary) and at the end (the cheek kiss - I think I saw Ayan taking a photo of it and I guess we'll explore it next episode but I also wonder of its necessity. I guess perhaps this wouldn't have happened if not for the accidental kiss before and that was the purpose of that?). Anyway, these interactions made me confused about where they stand in the friend - enemy/suspicious person - attraction/to be lover triangle because they seemed to move around a lot during this episode. The scene with Ayan, Thua, and Thua's mom was confusing as well.
Despite that, still a very enjoyable episode. We got to see how the school is starting to punish Ayan and how Akk reacts to that (doesn't like it and tries to subtly stop the teachers from doing it - a very small step back from his 'krap, ajan' motions). We got to see how Ayan reacted to the punishment and how Akk was there for him, even if not in so many words. Khaotung is very impressive, as is the rest of the cast but Khao stands out as an actor and Ayan stands out as an interesting character. The Cafe for All is great. Akk and Kan are slowly inching toward Ayan and Dika's connection and finding out Dika's not just teaching at a different school.
I also loved getting to see Ayan’s reaction to the kiss (my guy dropped the shampoo/soap he was holding and then walked out all flustered lol all that bravado and flirting and yet) + him being exhausted and crying due to being picked on by the teachers + how happy he was that Akk was looking out for him. Also, we got to know that Ayan’s not just being contrary for the sake of it (the way teachers seem to think) or even because only he’s standing up for his beliefs (which is what I thought) but also to figure out how the school deals with disobedient people. We never got to hear Dika’s answer to the question “How will they punish us?” is ep 1 or 2 but maybe Ayan didn’t either and is trying to figure it out. 
What I wrote on Discord about Ayan/Akk’s current dynamics: The current dynamics for Akk and Ayan is interesting to me because they're somehow in every stage of "enemies to friends to lovers" like they're the whole damn scale. frenemies who are accidental kissers and also are attracted to each other in every possible way 
Really liking all the characters looking out for each other
Akk -> Ayan: Trying to get him to sit down when he's tryna go against Waree, softly questioning Chadok about the punishment, being there for Ayan at the stairs, softly redirecting Ayan's punishment so that he instead is responsible for him, saving Ayan from getting run over
Ayan -> Thua: telling his mom Thua's struggling so that they can be open with each other
Thua -> Kan: He noticed Kan doesn't like the judgment and assumptions that may come when they associate with each other and thus avoids him. This one's a bad sad one, hope it changes esp because of the next one
Kan -> Thua: telling Thua to tell him when there's anything on his mind
Also, I really liked this post about their parents.
Excited for the next episode, didn't watch the preview but heard it's intense. I hope there's more about the curse next ep, someone mentioned class disparity is discussed so I'm excited about that, hope there's more of Wat and/or Namo and their own storylines, more of the Akk - Kan - Wat besties trio, also want to understand Akk more because the stuff we know about him is mostly like yeah he's a rabid prefect + obsessed with Ayan. Unlikely to get all of that in 40 minutes next ep but a few would be good.
Fave Scene: Akk beside a tired Ayan in part 2. The emotions and dynamics in that were just so good.
Curse Culprint Suspects:
No changes because there were no curse activities or really even any mentions of it in this episode. Akk and Namo are still the main suspects for me.
Most viewers that I saw per part during the premiere
4-1: 7.2k
4-2: 5.6k
4-3: 8.9k (had like 5 minutes between the ending of part 2 and the premiere of this part, so people who were watching but paused somewhere got to catch up)
4-4: 10.6k
The 5.6k was lower than Episode 3's lowest view count of 5.7k but the other parts were on par with or higher than Episode 3's highest view count of 7.3k. I wonder if last week's preview of almost showing the accidental kiss had anything to do with it or if it's just the growth since more people are watching as the weeks go by.
12 hours later
Part 1: 378k
Part 4: 268k
Views Tracking (just because I'm curious. Wish I had other GMMTV/popular non-GMMTV data to compare with):
3 Weeks Later
Ep 1 - 1: 1.27M (+100k)
Ep 1 - 4: 712k (+100k)
2 Weeks Later
Ep 2 - 1: 825 (+165k)
Ep 2 - 4: 630k (+130) (Continues to have higher numbers than part 2 and 3)
1 Week Later
Ep 3 - 1: 750k
Ep 3 - 2: 556k
TODO for later eps: Avg of all 4 parts for an ep
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connieslover · 4 years
headcanon : my heart was pounding and fluttering
✧˖*°࿐  headcanons of midoriya, todoroki, bakugou and kaminari realising that they’re in love with you (bruh i have a cr*sh on kaminari)
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 ˖◛⁺⑅♡izuku midoriya
ෆ one night, you were in todoroki’s room along with the rest of dekusquad, studying for your finals
ෆ you offered to make drinks as everyone looked pretty tired and unmotivated to study 
ෆ “i-i’ll help you!”
ෆ being the gentleman midoriya was, he quickly jumped from the ground and offered to help you
ෆ “oh thanks midoriya!” 
ෆ you exited todoroki’s room along with midoriya, the two of you walking in silence as you took in the ambience of the night
ෆ once the two of you arrived at the kitchen, you headed to the cupboard to retrieve the mugs 
ෆ “midoriya, could you make the green tea latte for ohcaco and iida? there should be tea bags somewhere there,”
ෆ without hesitance, the male nodded before taking two of the mugs you laid on the counter and walking to the drawer that was filled with many varieties of tea bags 
ෆ thank you yaoyorozu for being 1-A’s tea provider
ෆ midoriya stood in front of the drawer, baffled
ෆ there were at least four boxes with the label ‘green tea’ 
ෆ how could he possibly know which one was ‘green tea latte’?
ෆ seeking for help, he turned his head to ask you 
ෆ “y-n….?”
ෆ his voice turned into a quiet whisper
ෆ you were currently heating up hot milk for you and todoroki, humming softly to a song 
ෆ the light from the moon was shining on your silhouette which was slowly swaying from side to side 
ෆ he was enchanted by your beauty which was even more pronounced during the night 
ෆ he quickly shook of his thoughts before returning his attention to the tea bags in front of him
ෆ but only then did he realize that he was alone
ෆ with you 
ෆ his thoughts didn’t allow him to go further as he felt a presence behind him
ෆ “midoriya, you do know which one is the green tea latte, right?” 
ෆ he literally froze
ෆ your head was peeking from behind his shoulder curiously
ෆ this was the first time he had ever been so close to you
ෆ the close proximity made his cheeks turn into a dark shade of red and the hairs on his arm to stand up
ෆ “s-so close!”
ෆ “midoriya?”
ෆ “oh- uh...actually i’m not sure which is the right one,”
ෆ the air from your chuckle breezed against his neck and midoriya felt his breath hitch
ෆ “it’s this one,” 
ෆ you took a step beside him and pointed at the correct boxes of green tea
ෆ midoriya sheepishly took two packets from the box, ripped it open and poured the contents into the cup
ෆ “the water’s boiling so i guess we’ll have to wait for a while,” 
ෆ the two of you stood side by side, listening to the sounds of the rapids of water, elbows touching
ෆ midoriya took this moment to regain his composure 
ෆ he’s interacted with people before
ෆ (obviously)
ෆ and he had been in situations where he was left alone with females
ෆ and had them fall on top of him 
ෆ but he had never felt his heart seconds away from combusting, his palms sweating, his mind pounding and the shyness to look at them in the eye like he did now 
ෆ it was different 
ෆ although you weren’t doing anything in particular, the male was nervous like crAZYY
ෆ “oh! it’s done,” 
ෆ midoriya took the kettle and poured the water into the mugs
ෆ with shaking hands, it was surprising that he had actually poured into them
ෆ “here’s your hot chocolate,”
ෆ you slid the green colored mug towards midoriya with a smile on your face
ෆ “th-thank you,”
ෆ the two of you were walking back to todoroki’s room with a tray each
ෆ it somehow surprised midoriya that you knew his favorite late night drink was hot chocolate
ෆ but he wasn’t completely flustered about it
ෆ one of the things he liked most about you was that you were observant and that you took in the smallest bits of details
ෆ “wait a minute-did i just-LIKE?”
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 ˖◛⁺⑅♡shoto todoroki
ෆ you and todoroki were paired up together for the first time for your hero lesson with All Might
ෆ you weren’t exactly his best mate nor was he yours, but you two were able to classify each other as ‘good friends’
ෆ for today’s lesson, it was to simply rescue the citizens
ෆ “let’s go into that sketchy building,” you chirped, skipping off towards the building while todoroki followed you from behind
ෆ as the two of you walked side by side in the dark hallways, checking every room for any citizens, you heard footsteps 
ෆ “did you hear that?” 
ෆ “yeah, i think the sounds are coming from that room,”
ෆ you followed todoroki into an empty room where you carefully observed the area
ෆ suddenly, the wall had been broken through by an oddly strong robot
ෆ the bricks flew towards you and todoroki and you let out a squeal before cowering behind todoroki who had created an ice wall
ෆ “woah~” 
ෆ “i thought we were just rescuing civilians….” mumbled todoroki
ෆ “i should’ve known something like this was going to happen. let’s go kick their asses todoroki!”
ෆ and so, you and todoroki fought the robots which were coming your way together
ෆ from todoroki’s peripheral view, he could see you spitting out curse words at the robots and hitting them with your quirk 
ෆ unknowingly, he felt his lips itching to smile 
ෆ the two of you gave out loud pants, sweat dripping from your necks as you had destroyed the last robot
ෆ “god that was tiring,” you huffed, wiping the sweat from your forehead
ෆ "let’s continue to find civilians,” spoke todoroki
ෆ you nodded in reply and started walking and by chance, your shoe laces had untangled during the fight, causing you to step onto it
ෆ you were prepared to face plant into the ground embarrassingly until you felt a sudden coldness around your ankle, preventing you from falling
ෆ "sorry,”
ෆ you smiled sheepishly as he walked over to you, melting the ice away with his fire quirk
ෆ “thanks todoroki, you saved me from sharing my first kiss with the floor,”
ෆ after rescuing civilians, encountering a few classmates and beating up more robots there was a loud announcement from All Might saying that their time was up 
ෆ whilst you and todoroki were walking back to the changing rooms, reflecting on your lessons, you had suddenly gone quiet 
ෆ confounded by the sudden halt of your conversation, todoroki glanced at you from the corner of his vision
ෆ you had a small smile on your face 
ෆ it was sort of a proud smile
ෆ “you should use your fire quirk more often by the way,” you spoke in a soft yet genuine tone before switching to your more bright and loud tone, “with just your ice quirk you’re already pretty strong but imagine if you used both of them.... you’ll be unstoppable!”
ෆ todoroki felt a jolt of bashfulness, pleased and comfort mixed together
ෆ before he knew it, you had bidded him goodbye as you went towards your changing area with a smile on your face, leaving him wondering as to why his heart was pounding faster than before
ෆ after changing back into his uniform, todoroki was walking along the corridors when suddenly the image of you smiling proudly appeared  
ෆ he felt his heart race once more
ෆ bewildered by his sudden heart rate increasing, he ran towards recovery girls' room
ෆ he was worried if he had caught some kind of sickness or was experiencing a form of heart strain
ෆ when recovery girl had checked up on his vitals and did a physical examination on him, she had said that todoroki was perfectly healthy
ෆ “but...my heart beat keeps racing at odd times...and whenever i see this person i feel at ease and i have this urge to hold them. are you sure i’m fine?”
ෆ “todoroki... i think you have a crush. and all these sensations you’re feeling, are symptoms of love. ”
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 ˖◛⁺⑅♡katsuki bakugou
ෆ bakugou thought that midoriya was the only person capable of making him feel like murdering someone 
ෆ well that was until he met you
ෆ don’t worry he doesn’t want to kill you
ෆ bakugou was sulking on his seat as per any other day, accompanied by his close friend, kirishima
ෆ “you dumbass don’t abuse your quirk like that”
ෆ kirishima let out a chuckle at his friend’s response to one of his stories he had probably told three times already
ෆ their conversation was cut short when kirishima’s name had been called out by you
ෆ “kirishima come here,”
ෆ kirishima immediately jumped up from his seat and jogged towards you
ෆ “r-red riot? you know me so well y/n!”
ෆ bakugou glanced at the bright smile on his best friends face before tearing his gaze to the squirrel in the tree 
ෆ however, his eye’s couldn’t help but wonder to you conversing happily with kirishima
ෆ being the social butterflies you and kirishima were, you two immediately clicked and became good friends so it wasn’t a surprise to bakugou that you two bonded so easily
ෆ but what did surprise him was the faintest shade of pink on your cheeks as you laughed
ෆ the way you threw your head back and your eyes crinkled as you laughed was enough to make anyone else in the room smile
ෆ bakugou was even more surprised at the fact that when you were laughing with kirishima, he felt angry
ෆ he felt the urge to punch his own best friend for making you laugh
ෆ “wait what? why the hell am i feeling this way?”
ෆ as he continued to gaze at you and kirishima, the feeling of envy bubbled inside of him
ෆ but being the oblivious person he was, he just thought that he was angry at you for stealing his best friend from him
ෆ “yeah, that must be it. i’m feeling angry because that damn extra stole my friend,”
ෆ “oi bakugou, why do you look so pissed? i mean you always look pissed, but you look even more pissed off today,”
ෆ “tch i just thought about something that made me angry,”
ෆ “could that something be y/n? you’ve been staring at her for quite some ti-”
ෆ “shut up kaminari,”
ෆ for the remainder of the day, whenever he saw you, he would scoff and turn his head away from you
ෆ bewildered at his attitude, you decided to talk to him when you found him sitting by on the couch by himself in the living room 
ෆ "moron,”
ෆ from the tingling sensation he felt from your whisper behind him, bakugou immediately whipped his head around 
ෆ your brows were slightly furrowed and you had a slight pout on your lips as you crossed your arms 
ෆ “did i do something wrong?
ෆ bakugou turned his head away from you, “no,”
ෆ “then why did you keep ignoring me the whole day? you keep scoffing at me! geez did i really not do something wrong? could you just tell me? it’s been annoying me the whole day you know! or maybe....do you...do you hate me?”
ෆ “i don’t hate you!” you were slightly taken aback at the loudness of his voice 
ෆ it was the fastest bakugou had ever responded to you
ෆ bakugou sank back into the couch before mumbling, “you didn’t do anything wrong,”
ෆ relieved at his answer, you gleefully skipped away 
ෆ “why the hell does she make me feel nervous?”
ෆ distressed about the thought of you, he decided to talk to ashido and kaminari about it
ෆ “bro...you’re totally in love with her!”
ෆ “yup!”
ෆ “according to wikihow, you’re showing all the symptoms of a man whose fallen in love,”
ෆ “wikihow is complete bullshit there is no way in hell i am in love,”
ෆ and yet, when you complimented him during his battle with todoroki, he couldn’t suppress boasting himself around kirishima
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 ˖◛⁺⑅♡denki kaminari
ෆ you and kaminari were known as class 1-A’s crackheads
ෆ and that’s what made the two of you best friends
ෆ thanks to your playful and carefree personality, you were able to befriend kaminari easily
ෆ you two were like two edamames in a pod 
ෆ does that make sense idk lol
ෆ when the two of you were put into the same group for a mission
ෆ god aizawa-sensei literally regrets his decision in becoming a teacher
ෆ you two were literally UNSTOPPABLE together
ෆ like you’d literally be shouting encouraging words at each other and kicking ass side by side 
ෆ your friendship with kaminari definitely raised a few brows amongst your classmates 
ෆ one night, kaminari was laid down on the floor of kirishima’s room, talking about god knows what 
ෆ suddenly, kirishima asked a question regarding you 
ෆ “soooo kaminari, are you and y/n a thing now or?”
ෆ “what? no! what makes you think that?”
ෆ kirishima tapped on his chin with a sly grin on his lips,
ෆ “i just thought that you had feelings for her or something,”
ෆ kaminari’s mind literally blanked
ෆ “f-feelings? as in....romantic feelings?”
ෆ “yes you idiot,”
ෆ kaminari blinked as he stared at kirishima with a baffled face
ෆ he stood up in a robotic manner,
ෆ “i’m going to bed now. goodnight,”
ෆ kaminari laid on his soft mattress as he stared at the ceiling of his room, his thoughts running rapidly
ෆ “romantic feelings....”
ෆ kaminari always saw you as a person he could trust, enjoy his time with and confide in
ෆ surely he only saw you as his bestfriend and nothing more
ෆ right?
ෆ his loud thoughts were broken off when he heard a knock on his door
ෆ “kaminari, it’s me!”
ෆ “did i just manifest y/n?”
ෆ after hearing your voice, he immediately rolled of his bed and twisted his door knob, allowing you to enter
ෆ although a majority of your face was hidden due to the oversized hoodie you were wearing, the gleam in your eyes was evident
ෆ you twirled into his room, clutching your nintendo switch in your hands 
ෆ “kaminari, you can’t believe what just happened!”
ෆ you shoved your nintendo switch into kaminari’s hand and started blabbering about your island and your new villagers
ෆ the words from your mouth sounded like gibberish to kaminari as he was focused on the way your eyes twinkled as you spoke about your treasures, your feet which were jumping up and down in excitement and your hands which were moving around as you spoke
ෆ  “i just thought that you had feelings for her or something,”
ෆ “hello? earth to kaminari?” you waved your hands in front of the dazed male 
ෆ he immediately snapped back into reality, cheeks slightly flushing as he realized he was caught dazing about you
ෆ “we’re just best friends. there’s nothing more to that,”
ෆ “oh! could you help me go fishing? kirishima says that you’re good at it!”
ෆ before he knew it your hands were on his wrist, dragging him to his bed where the two of you sat down, side by side
ෆ kaminari decided to push his thoughts away and instead focus on the game in front of him
ෆ “ah shoot i nearly had it!”
ෆ kaminari’s fingers fumbled clumsily on the controller as he tried reeling in the fish, resulting him to fail his third attempt 
ෆ as his brows furrowed in concentration, he couldn’t help but notice your presence getting closer to him
ෆ from his peripheral vision, he could see you looking at the screen with intense concentration which he oddly found cute
ෆ ‘ba-bump’
ෆ “wait what? no way! my heart totally skipped a beat just now..”
ෆ pushing his thoughts away from you my ass smh
ෆ kaminari became even more aware of your presence, causing him to lose the fish once again
ෆ “what did kirishima say about you being good again? i bet my toes could play better than you!” 
ෆ you took your nintendo switch from kaminari with puffed cheeks as you were slightly disappointed at his gameplay
ෆ but the moment your fingers grazed kaminari’s,
ෆ he knew that the jolt of electricity he felt wasn’t from his quirk
ෆ “look! i got one on my first try!”
ෆ for the next five minutes of you catching fishes with intense concentration, kaminnari spent this moment to fawn over you 
ෆ he was entranced by the way your eyes lit up when you had caught something and the way your lips unconsciously pouted when you didn’t
ෆ maybe he did have feelings for you after all
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thomaslightwood · 4 years
Blackthorn Detective Agency - Part 1
KitTy Sherlock AU!
It's set in 1930s, slow burn & will have a few parts!
I'm not 100% sure where this is going but I'm already writing the second part, so we will see
Words: 3 862 (I know it's long, sorry, this part is more about the plot and the surroundings)
Kit looked at the grey sky above his head and frowned. It was going to rain. Of course.
He hasn't been in London for over a year now but he wondered how he could forget that. The bad weather, the noise, (and true to be told - very dirty) streets, the men in suits and cylinders, the women in pretty dresses, sometimes with pants. He wondered what happened to the few closet shops he was passing by. One of the many mysteries of life.
And talking about mysteries…
Kit saw at the other side of the street what he was looking for. A grey showcase, thorns all over the frame with a few simple words in the middle - "Blackthorn Detective Agency". There was a small bee on its left.
Kit fastly crossed the street, holding his hat. Some man angrily shooted, cursing the sudden wind that scattered many leaves, newspapers and even a few hats. Kit laughed. He missed London even though it wasn't the most awesome place.
He stood up in front of the agency, hesitating. He knew the guy who ran it is young, very good at what he does and known among people as Sherlock Holmes. Kit didn't know almost anything about him. What if he was a criminal? Or another kind of dangerous person?
But he remembered the look on his father's face. The empty package. Kit needed the money, no matter what kind of guy was this Sherlock.
He quietly opened the door and looked around the room as he was entering. It was kind of a lobby but a lot smaller - there was space only for two comfortable-looking armchairs, mahogany mass and a portrait hidden behind a curtain. The walls were in nice, warm colors, mainly grey and brown, a turned off radio on the desk. In the right corner, almost unnoticeable was a polished ajar wooden door.
Kit cautiously stepped towards it but then he heard voices. He stopped, grateful he was quiet while coming inside.
“... think so?” this was a woman's voice, perhaps a girl's.
“Look. All I know is that my friend disappeared a few days ago,” this was definitely a woman's voice, probably older than the first one. “He didn't show up for our meeting the next day. He didn't send a note. And…” she hesitated.
“What is it?” this time it was a male's voice.
There was a minute of silence, then:
“The only reason I come here is not because I can't do investigation on my own. It's because…” she sighed. “The last day we saw each other, exactly the day before our appointment, he told me there is a secret that was passed to him to protect. And he told me about it. Not everything, not enough details, but I'm sure he told me because he knew he may be… attacked. I think his… attackers may know about me and this would impede the investigation.“
“I understand,” the male voice again. It was a nice voice. Melodic. Kit could listen to it for hours. “I suppose you can't tell us this secret.”
“No,” she said firmly. “I definitely can't. It's not mine to say.”
After this no one said anything but Kit thought he heard a pen writing fast on a paper.
“Is there anything further you want to share?” asked the male voice.
“I don't think so,” the woman said. “Just… be careful. Find my friend. The money is not a problem.”
Kit swallowed. Money. This woman had money. Kit should get the job at all costs.
“Thank you, Miss Loss. We will do everything we can to help.”
This was followed by silence and noise of moving clothes. Tracking of heels. Kit jumped off the door, hoping he wouldn't be caught eavesdropping.
A woman with blue skin and white hair came out of the room. A warlock. She suspiciously looked at Kit but didn't say anything. She walked past him and frowned at the sky.
“London's weather is terrible, isn't it?” Kit chuckled. “Sometimes I forget.”
A shadow of a smile crossed the woman's face. “It is, indeed. That's why I brought an umbrella.”
“Lucky you. I always forget and I'm supposed to live here.”
Then a real smile appeared on her face. But she didn't say anything - just put on her gloves, took out her umbrella and went outside. As she opened her umbrella right in front of Kit her skin and hair became darker and she wasn't warlock anymore - just a regular woman in the rain.
Kit watched after her for a second then turned around. On the door's frame was leaning a girl. Not much older than Kit probably, with bright blue-green eyes that was watching him curiously. She was wearing gloves, white shirt with puff sleeves and coffee brown wide leg pants, almost as dark as her curly hair. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest. Kit noticed a necklace around her neck, with a gold chain and a slim disk of metal on it. On the front was a wreath of thorns - probably the family symbol.
“How can I help you?” she asked politely.
“I'm here for the job. I heard that… Sherlock… is looking for a partner.”
“Yes, that's right,” she said. “Very well. Come in.”
She turned around and got back into the room she and the other woman were in. Kit followed.
It was an office. The shelves on the walls were filled with books - some of them about mathematics and the morse code, about the body language and animals, others - mysteries and classics, fairy tales and mythology, most of which Kit didn't recognize. It was surprisingly cozy - the room was warm and smelled like ink and paper. There were a few maps on the walls - of the world, of England and of London. Three armchairs like the ones in the lobby and surprisingly many tables (at least three) on which were a few little toys and tons of well organized paper - on one was even a disassembled watch. Right against the door, no more than 5 meters away, was a big desk - it was a little messy, with a rotary dial telephone and two chairs on both sides. Probably for the clients.
There was also a board, standing close to the desk - big, see-through board on wheels with paper and written things on it. A young man was cleaning it right now.
As Kit saw him everything around faded a little and his gaze was focused only on him. How beautiful.
This was probably the most good-looking man Kit has ever seen. He was tall, taller than Kit, with messy black hair which showed he probably runs a hand through it a lot. His eyes were grey like the sky outside, carefully reading a piece of paper. He was wearing gloves, a silk white shirt, a little loosened on his neck and black trousers with braces.
This should be Sherlock, Kit thought. He didn't expect him to be so young. Hell, he probably wasn't much older than Kit.
“We have a job candidate," the blue-greened girl said and sat on one of the armchairs.
The young man lifted his gaze to look at Kit. Kit felt embarrassed. He was wearing his favorite overcoat and cap - he wasn't as elegant as the two of them.
“Hello,” he said, trying not to sound too nervous. Or desperate. “I'm here for the job. I heard that Sherlock is looking for someone helping him.”
None of them said who Sherlock was or if the guy in front of him was Sherlock. The black haired one just nodded.
“You can sit if you want.”
Kit sat. The boy took a notebook from one the piles on the desk and a pen.
“My name is Livvy. This is my brother, Ty. We run this place. Nice to meet you.”
They, Livvy actually, asked him a few basic questions - his name, age, occupation. Kit came here prepared to lie for them all. But watching the boys' - Ty's - face while he was writing down the information, he couldn't make himself tell all the lies he had prepared. Kit ended up telling them the truth. His father would be disappointed in him. Well, if he knew his son was here.
“So, Mr. Rook,” the girl started.
Kit shivered. “Please, Mr. Rook is my father. You can call me just Kit.”
“Kit, it is,” she smiled. Kit had a feeling the serious questions begin now.
After almost 30 minutes the interview was at its end.
“Final question,” Livvy said. “Tell us Kit, why do you want to work in this agency?”
Kit paused. “True to be told, it's mainly because I need the money.”
“Oh,” clearly this wasn't the answer she expected. Even Ty looked up. “Really?”
Kit shifted uncomfortably. “Well… I want to help my father and for this I need to find a job. And when I saw the inquiry in the newsletter… I told myself this is what I want to try to work.”
It wasn't the greatest answer, really. But it was the truth.
“Very well,” Livvy said. Ty wrote something in his notebook - he was doing it the whole interview. “Please, leave us alone for a few minutes.”
Kit nodded and got up. He smiled at them and turned around.
When he got out of the room the door closed tightly after him.
Livvy turned to him with a playful smile.
“What do you think about him?”
Ty looked at the notes he had made during the interview. Christopher, also known as Kit Rook.
“He looks like he can do the job,” Ty said.
“Oh, come on!” Livvy stepped away from the door and approached Ty's desk. “I know you liked him.”
It was true. Ty did like him. He had a nice smile.
“You're not wrong,” Ty said. “But.”
“But?” Livvy raised an eyebrow.
“I don't think he'll keep up around for long. You heard him. He's here only for the money. When he is financially stable again he'd quit.”
“Ty,” Livvy sighed. “We talked about this. We're looking for someone who will work here, no matter how long. We can't find a full time worker that fast.”
Ty ran a hand through his hair. He closed his eyes and breathed. He looked at the empty board. He already imagined how he filled it with paper, the possible connections and people, places and details, the web of the case - could this stranger help him solve the board?
“I know you don't like strangers,” Livvy said quietly. “But at least give him a chance. From all the people that came, he is… I don't know. Most reliable-looking, I suppose. He would talk with people and he's smart. And I have a feeling he may know a thing or two about London's criminals.”
Ty looked suspiciously at the door, even though he couldn't see Kit through it. “Do you really think he would be helpful?”
Livvy sat on the chair in front of the desk, looking amused - Ty wasn't sure why. “I think he is worth a try.”
Ty looked at his notes one more time, tapping with the pan on them. He looked at Livvy. Sighed.
“All right,” he said. “Let him in. He must hear the good news.”
Livvy smiled at him and got up. Ty almost didn't hear their conversation. Still tapping with the pen on the papers, he read again all the information Catarina Loss gave him. He should talk with some people. Check some places. To think about it.
“Yes?” he looked at Livvy.
“When is Kit starting?”
Ty thought about it for a second. “Right now.”
Well, Kit thought. These guys are intense.
He watched, sitting on a chair, as Ty and Livvy together "prepared" for the case. Ty cleaned up one table, while Livvy moved the London's map closer to the see-through board. At some point they were finished and Livvy sat on the same chair she was sitting on during Kit's interview, while Ty remained standing.
“Let's retell get the case from the beginning,” Ty said and grabbed his notebook. “Before four days, on 10th October Ragnor Fell arrived in London, around 2 p.m. After that, around 4 p.m he and Catarina Loss met on George Street, in a restaurant whose name is unknown. They sat there no more than three hours and left between 6 and 6:30 p.m. This is the last time Catarina sees Ragnor. The next day, 11th October, they should have met at Arthur Street at 11 a.m. but Ragnor never appears.”
He looked up from his notebook and said, “Do I miss something?”
“I don't think so,” Livvy, who had written fast while her brother was talking, shook her head. She turned to Kit as she was handing the paper to Ty. “This is the 'skeleton' of the story. The very basics we know. The details come after this.”
Kit nodded, fascinated by the team they were. What was Kit even doing here? It was obvious the twins worked well together - they didn't need a third wheel.
“Now,” Ty said slowly, looking at the paper with the information Livvy wrote on. “Ragnor told Catarina the secret during their meeting on 10th, correct?” On another list, which he pinned next to the first one, he carefully started to write what he just said. He was making a timeline, Kit realized.
“Correct,” his sister said. “Also, in the same conversation he mentioned he's going to meet with a person named Raphael Santiago, but it's unclear when and where.”
Ty wrote that too.
Then he stared at it, tapping the pen on his hand.
“Do we know when he comes from?” Kit suddenly asked.
They both turned their heads at him at the same time. A little creepy but impressive.
“What do you mean?”
“I was talking about Ragnor and his train. Do we know where the train started from? Or from where Ragnor was before arriving here?”
Ty intensely searched his journal. “I don't think so.”
“It's probably not important anyway…”
“It may be,” Ty just said and took one more paper, wrote something on it and pinned it on the other side of the list with the 'skeleton'. “This is the first thing we're going to check tomorrow.”
For a few more hours they discussed the case. It was Ty mostly and Livvy. Kit was only following their conversations (and Ty's monologues), adding some little details time to time.
He was amazed. After spending a few hours in their company he could understand why "Blackthorn Detective Agency" had this reputation.
Kit looked at the clock on his hand and stood up. “I'm sorry but I have to go.”
It was almost 6 p.m. His father would wonder where he was.
“All right,” Livvy said. “Come here tomorrow morning. Nine a.m. Or earlier.”
Kit shivered. So early. But he only nodded and left.
Kit was running down the street. The wind was blowing in his face, his lungs were burning. He could barely stop in front of the door of "Blackthorn Detective Agency". Kit took one deep breath and entered.
Ty was in the lobby, sitting on one of the armchairs. He was reading his notes, in one hand holding a calabash pipe and in the other - his journal.
He glanced at Kit. “You're late.”
“I'm sorry,“ Kit said. It was his first day - it was a bad impression to be late, wasn't it? “I didn't correctly estimate how long it would take me to get here. I promise it won't happen again.”
“Good,” Ty said, closing his notebook. He got up from the armchair and grabbed the overcoat that was on the other.
He was as tall and handsome as yesterday. Under the overcoat he was wearing clothes similar as the day before - only the shirt was green. The braces remained the same.
“Let's go.”
“Shall we not wait for Livvy?”
“She is not coming with us.”
“Oh. All right.”
Ty eyed him as they were leaving the building. “Are you disappointed?”
“Well. No. Just surprised I suppose.”
Ty seemed like he accepted his answer. They walked side by side on the street.
“Where are we going? To the train station?”
“We shall,” Ty said. “But our first stop is Ragnor's apartment because it's closer. Then we'll take a taxi to the train station.”
“Sounds good.”
They walked together in the chilly London. Kit could see his breath in the air. The streets were rather empty. Maybe it was because it was too early? Anyway, he liked it this way. It was calm.
“So,” Kit said. “Why do you choose to call yourself Sherlock? Where does it come from?”
“Livvy came up with it,” Ty said, glancing around the street. Maybe he was searching for Ragnor's apartment. “And I'm not Sherlock.”
Kit was so shocked he stopped walking for a second. Then he caught up with Ty and asked, “Wait, you're not Sherlock Holmes? Then who is it?”
“Well,” Ty said and turned towards the street on the left. “It's Livvy and I. Although she probably will disagree.”
“Interesting,” Kit said absently. This explained some things. Like why no one could tell how Sherlock looked or his age. Even if he was male or female even though most people thought it's a man.
“This is it,” Ty said and they stopped in front of a tall but narrow building, reminiscent of a tower. “I believe Ragnor's apartment is on the third floor.”
Instead of entering the building from the main entrance, they went around to the rear entrance. While they climbed the stairs (because around the elevator too many people would see them), Kit asked, “Do you have a key to the apartment?”
“No,” Ty simply said.
“You say we're going to break in?”
“Well, technically, yes. But Catarina Loss said we should do everything we can to find him. Even if this includes "some not so legal actions", in her words.”
“Dear god,” Kit murmured. “So, we, kind of, have her permission to break in her friend's apartment?”
“That's right.”
Does he know how to do that? Kit thought but didn't say it. He probably knew. This was Sherlock Holmes (or at least half of it).
They quietly sneaked throughout the floor, until Ty stopped in front of room 66B.
He frowned at it.
“What is it?” Kit said.
“It seems that the lock is not... what I expected it to be,” Ty sounded deeply displeased when he said it.
Kit signed. He didn't want to seem like a criminal but desperate situations require desperate measures.
“Have you brought some instrument to open the door?” Kit said, already looking at the lock. “Small screwdriver perhaps? Or something like it?”
“I did,” Ty said absently, tapping with his foot. He was probably thinking of other ways to open the door without breaking it. Well, with a bit of luck Kit was going to do it for him.
“Can you give it to me? I want to try something.”
For a second Ty just looked at him but did as Kit asked.
Kit took the little object and kneeled in front of the door. The lock was better than he expected from a place like this but nothing unbearable.
After a few minutes, a few clicks and pressure on the mechanism Kit unlocked it. He stood up and gave the screwdriver back to Ty.
Ty was looking at him with amused eyes. “Unexpected but very helpful. Thank you.”
Kit felt warm and smiled. He wasn't used to people complimenting him. Shyness he didn't know existed in him woke up and he just said, “Nothing special. You're welcome any time.”
Ty gave him a thoughtful look for a second but didn't say anything.
They walked in the Ragnor Fell flat. It was a rather simple room. Pale red wallpapers, boring green sofa. A dresser and a desk with a few books about Spanish language on it. Bookshelf and a few plants. In the end of the room was a door, as boring as everything else here, that was probably the bedroom.
“This doesn't make sense,” Ty said, looking around the room. He approached the desk and looked at the books.
“What? That this flat is awfully boring for a warlock to live in? If so, yes, you're right.”
“No. I mean,” Ty ran a hand through his hair. “You have a point. I suppose. But I meant that such a warlock as him would protect his own flat at least. We get into it too easy. There were no spells, no protection, nothing. This is strange.”
Kit closed the door to the apartment and stepped in it. “Maybe he just didn't have the time?”
Ty shook his head, opening a drawer in the desk. It was empty. “Between his meeting with Catarina and his arrival in London are two whole hours. After that too, if we guess he hasn't been kidnapped right after meeting her.”
“Fair point.”
Kit looked around as well, approaching the door. There really wasn't anything interesting. Most of the books were classics, the sofa looked old but unused. Kit opened the door to the bedroom which creaked quietly.
This room was even simpler. One big bed, two nightstands on both sides of it and one more wood door, probably for a bathroom or closet. At one of them though there was a frame. As Kit took it in his arms he saw it was a black and white photograph. In the middle Kit recognized Catarina Loss - she was smiling quietly with crossed on her chest arms. On the right was a tall guy with cat eyes and a big smile, maybe a little drunk.
Kit decided the man on the left was Ragnor - he couldn't imagine a guy like the other one would live in place like this. Maybe-Ragnor looked grumpy and annoyed but Kit could see in his sparkling eyes that he was happy. He probably loved his friends but would never admit it.
On the right corner with a thick pen was written 'Peru,1890'.
“Did you find something?”
Kit looked a little startled at Ty. He almost forgot they were here to investigate. Almost.
“Something,” Kit repeated. He handed the frame to Ty and watched as his grey eyes were running through the photo.
“Peru, 1890,” he said thoughtfully. “This photography is from more than 40 years ago.”
“It's the only personal piece here. Probably in the whole flat, except the Spanish books.”
“You have a point,” Ty agreed. “But this is not his-”
A sharp sound interrupted him. It was the front door. Someone was trying to break it.
Kit breath stopped. Before he could do anything Ty grabbed his arm, opened the wood door and dragged them both inside.
Ty closed the door to the narrow dark room. Kit couldn't see anything. The only material thing was Ty's body against him. A moment later they heard how the stranger broke the lock and their steps as they came inside.
To be continued...
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xwing-baby · 4 years
A Day Off (Mandalorian x Reader)
This was inspired by everyone’s favourite @dindjarindiaries ​ and her lovely fic ‘The Challenge’ go read it because it's way better than this bullshit that my brain came up with. You’re an amazing writer Molly, I am sorry for this. I’m not sure why I really wrote this, but I hope you enjoy!
IMAGINE: Din leaves you for the day to go on a hunt. You entertain yourself and end up very drunk by the time he comes to find you. Hilarity ensues. (Drink responsibly kids!)
Word count: 2.4k... this was meant to be short. 
Warnings: Mention of alcohol, violence, and vomit! Please drink responsibly!! Cheeky bit of pining, little bit of flirting, fluff at the end!
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The decision to leave you out of today’s hunt was a mutual one. You were tired and in need of a rest, the quarry was easy and Din was more than capable on his own anyway. So, he left you in a small town a few miles from his destination. In that small town, you found a tired old cantina, filled with enough booze and pleasant conversation to survive the next few hours. 
The hunt was done, the victim handed off successfully to the right person and Din was on his way to find you so you could move on to the next planet. He was tired and bruised from the hunt and wanted to get back to the safety of the Crest sooner rather than later, but knew as soon as he heard your distinctive laugh from outside the cantina that that was not going to be the reality. 
As if you knew he was coming, you stumbled out of the door before he could even open it. Your hair was messed up, strands falling out of the tie and into your face. There was liquid spilled down the front of your shirt and your boots were untied. You looked a mess. For a second he was a little worried, until a goofy smile spread across your face when you recognised him. 
“You came back!” You threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around the Mandalorian. Shocked, Din stands still. Not really sure what to do with himself. You notice and laugh, stumbling back off him. “You were gone for like a million hours! I missed you” 
“It was ten hours,” Din said with a smile, “But we’re going now,”
“Great, ‘cus I don’t think I can go back in there again,” You ran ahead of Din a few paces and grimaced. “Not a lot of friends were made today! But-but- but! I did a good thing actually!” Din just kept walking, trying not to entertain your rambling. You carried on anyway, you were used to his silence by now. “There was this twi’lek right, looked great but oh my stars! The worst! Turns out he knew you! Everyone knows you, not a surprise there. But he also knew that I was with you and tried to chat shit about you!” You were shouting now, gesturing animatedly and zigzagging across the street. “And he kept going so I just punched him,” You mimicked your actions from early, swinging your arm and using the momentum to turn back around to face the Mandalorian, “Punched him straight in the face! It was awesome!” 
“You didn’t need to do that,” 
“He was an asshole of course I did,” You sighed, “And apparently you know his sister or something? Didn’t realise you were such a Casanova, Tinman!” Again Din didn’t reply. He knew exactly who you were on about and was a little proud that you’d punched the guy. Must have been Xi’an’s brother. “Well, of course you are,” You continued. “You’re so freaking handsome all the time, and nobody can even see your face!” You swung back around to walk forward again, swinging your arms by your sides and giggling as you thought about what the Mandalorian might look like. You hadn’t been in his crew long but had developed feelings for him quite quickly. Not that Din knew this, “You know, I bet you’re really pretty under that helmet,” You tapped the top of his head for emphasis. “I don’t think you understand how pretty you are with it on! Maybe it’s for the best that you keep it on, you’d never be able to get anything done!” 
“Alright, y/n,” 
“You’re going to make some woman very happy one day Mando,” You said with a dreamy look in your eye. 
Din smiled and blushed a little at your words. At the same time you had developed feelings for Din, Din had developed feelings for you. He was very glad to have the helmet to hide how obvious a blush came to his face when you said things like that. He wanted nothing more than to make you happy, if you only knew. 
The pair carried on walking out of the town, and towards the small valley the crest had been hidden in. You carried on rambling away, telling him in immense detail everything that had happened while he was gone. 
“And then I got challenged to a drinking contest with this other dude. I say dude but turns out he was a Wookie. And I won! Everyone says I didn’t but I saw the way he walked out of there, I won so hard! Drunk him under the table,” You spoke quickly and animatedly. Din wasn’t really listening anymore, just enjoying the sound of your voice and watching you as you walked ahead making sure you didn’t fall over. “You should have been there and we could have smashed it!” You laughed, spinning around to face him again now with a puzzled look on your face. “Have you ever been drunk, Mando?” 
“A few times,” He replied, “Watch where you’re going,” 
“I am,” You say, continuing to walk backwards anyway. You thought about something for a second then spoke again, “But what about the Creed? Don’t you have to drink alone? Or,” You stopped again and burst into laughter. Din stopped walking, his patience growing a little thin. “D-do you, Ha!” You could barely get your words out, tears streaming down your face laughing at your own thoughts. “To- to get around the cr-creed… oh my stars!” 
“Y/n I don’t have time for this,” He said sharply.
“You have to use a straw!” You howled with laughter. Din shook his head, he wanted to be annoyed at you but your infectious laugh had caught him. He stifled his own laughter. “I want to see it so bad! Oh my stars!” 
“You’ve had your fun now,” Din tried to sound serious, his voice wavering a bit through the modulator as he tried not to laugh. 
“Yes, yes… oh! I’m sorry,” You tried to take a deep breath to calm yourself down. “Yes, I’m sorry you’re a super serious Mandalorian you wouldn’t use a straw!” You coughed to force yourself to calm down but cackled with laughter again. Din started walking again, leaving you behind a few paces while you calmed yourself down. Eventually, you followed and saw the ship over the crest of the hill. 
“I’ll race you!” You called, already speeding past the Mandalorian down the grassy hill. “Winner gets the refresher first!” 
You ran as fast as you could, and looked back for just a second to see that your companion hadn’t followed you. Before you could even blink you tripped and fell on a rock sticking out of the grass. You fell, flipping over and landing with a thud on your back. You skidded to a halt at the bottom of the hill, conveniently next to your intended destination. This made Din run. 
Once he got to the bottom where you were, his panic quickly vanished as he found you in fits of laughter yet again. 
“Did you see that!” You laughed. “I won!” 
“Are you alright?” 
“My back hurts a little, but I won, loser!” You exclaimed, putting your fingers in a ‘L’ on your forehead. Din rolled his eyes. As if this whole experience couldn’t get more ridiculous. “Not going to help me up?” You pouted and held up your arms like a child. Din uncrossed his arms and held his gloved hand out for you to grab and pulled you up to your feet again. The back of your shirt was ripped and grass stains covered the pale materials along with a few drops of blood. You didn’t seem concerned at all as the alcohol in your system was numbing everything. 
Din opened the Crest and you walked up the ramp to the safety of its interior. 
“Where’s the baby?” You whispered loudly. Ever since you’d joined the crew you’d loved the Child like your own. Another thing Din admired about you. “Baby! We’re back,” 
“Why are you whispering?” 
“Shh!” You shoved your hand over the front of his helmet, “He might be sleeping,” Din pushed your hand off, and you carried on walking into the ship, creeping on your tiptoes. 
“I think you need to go to sleep,” 
“Only if you’ll come with me,” You turned around and looked the Mandalorian up and down, your playful attitude now turning darker. You played with the buttons of your shirt, slowly undoing them. Din was stunned, freezing in his spot. 
“That wouldn’t be appropriate,” Din tried to stay composed, but it was becoming more and more difficult as you took your top off. He knew he couldn’t do anything, you were way too drunk. He wasn’t an idiot. But he was also human. 
“I bet you’re so pretty under there,” You sighed. You moved to be closer to him when a small green creature stood on a box and caught your attention instead. “Hey little guy!” Din took a sigh of relief, the tension you had created dissipated almost instantly as you bent down to pet the little creature. 
While you were distracted he checked over your back, seeing only a few scrapes and deciding it would be fine until the morning when you’d sobered and also weren’t trying to flirt with him anymore. Well, the last part he didn’t mind so much. 
Din went about his usual take-off activities. He could hear you talking to the Child, telling the little thing about your day and listening to it babble back, acting as if you could understand what it was saying. Eventually, you disappeared into the ship. Din hoped that you had gone to sleep. 
You hadn’t. You went to throw up, ultimately finding an empty freight box. The mixture of spinning from alcohol and the bumpy takeoff made for an upsetting mix. The Child grimaced and put its hand up to comfort you. An odd feeling washed over you, like a warm water trickling through you, then you felt better. You could see straight now. The Child seemed happy with whatever it had done and toddled away. 
You pushed yourself off the floor, and went in search of a new shirt. The cold chill of space had begun to seep into the ship's cracks making you shiver. You stumbled into Din’s quarters, you shouldn’t have  been in there but it was the first place you thought to look for a new shirt. And you found one. His cot was messy, clothes thrown around the small room. You couldn’t help but think about him then, getting out of that armour… 
It was too much. You shook your head. Even your drunk brain knew it was wrong to think about him like that. He didn’t like you, like that, there was no need to encourage the idea. Instead, you pulled the closest piece of clothing on. It was a little too big, but it smelt like him which made you smile. 
You decided to go to the cockpit to bother the Mandalorian again. It was lonely being drunk on your own. You climbed up to the cockpit and stood in the door silently. Din was talking quietly to the Child, trying to pull it away from the many shiny switches on the control panel. You grinned, seeing him with the child made your heart soar. He was so sweet to the creature, for a moment you could forget what a formidable character the Mandalorian really was. He acted like the creature’s dad and it was entirely believable. Quietly, you settled into the seat to his right, looking out as the stars streamed past in hyperdrive. Din had noticed, though didn’t say anything. It was silent for a moment or two, bar the Child’s playful squeals as it played with a silver ball. Din figured you had fallen asleep, glad that you weren’t trying to flirt with him anymore. 
“When are you going to let me fly?” You ask suddenly. Din turns to you, but doesn’t say anything. This was almost a daily discussion. It was always no. “I know you said no the last time but I really think you’re underestimating me. I land badly one time and you never trust me to fly your ship!” 
“You crashed,” Mando said plainly.
“One time!” You exclaimed. “I’ll have you know it was very harsh conditions, and desert planets are very deceptive! Give me a nice- a nice planet,” You slurred as your eyes become heavier, “and I promise I will land the crest beautifully,”
“No way,” 
“Spoil sport,” You grumble. The Child hopped up into your lap, and presented the silver ball it had in its mouth, which made you giggle. You settled further into the seat, throwing your legs over the armrest, kicking them against the leather. The Child sat in your lap and showed you its new trick of making the item float. 
Mindlessly you began to sing, quietly, and play with the Child. The melody made Din’s ears prick, you were singing in Mando’a, a song that he hadn’t heard since he was a child. Your voice made him shiver, memories flooding back of the few happy moments of his life when this song was sung last. 
You sang it to the end, with very few mistakes, making Din wonder how long you’d known it. You must have known it for a while, but you’d never understood him when he spoke the language before. 
“Where did you learn that?” He finally caved and asked, wanting nothing more than for you to sing it again.
“I learnt it for you,” You said with a yawn, your eyes closing. You started singing again, the words now fading into mumbles and eventually you fell asleep. He turned in his chair to look at you as you were quiet once more. You’d curled yourself up in the chair, head tilted back resting on the wall. The Child sat in your chest, playing with the ends of your hair. The child looked at Din and smiled, then back at you. It's a little green hand patting your leg and it cooed.
“I know, kid.”
A/N: That ended a lot softer than I planned but hey ho. Remember drink responsibly, don’t challenge a wookie to a drinking challenge, you will lose. They’re massive. Goodnight!
Tagging: @captain-skytrash​ @dindjarindiaries​ @dartheldur​ @inked-poet​ @tortles
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c-is-for-circinate · 4 years
Y’all this episode had everything I could possibly have wanted and things I never even knew to wish for.
How did one episode start with Henry Crabgrass, the most glorious and beloved NPC of my heart, and end with mother fucking Avantika, with so much awesome shit in between!!!  How!!!
Okay I am making a list of shit I absolutely loved tonight, in approximate chronological order:
Y’all I just love Henry Crabgrass so much.  I don’t even have smart things to say about that fact, just a warm glow in my heart.  May all the light of Melora’s grace smile down upon them and leave Henry as the toughest, most unkillable patch of crabgrass in all Exandria.
Vess and the Tombtakers, so many questions and so few certain answers, so many things to wonder, so many dots to connect!  I really do feel like the crew are connecting them at this point, and while I’m sure in some places they’re far from the map, the general outline really is starting to emerge.  What, exactly, was in the book the Tombtakers tried to claim without showing it to Vess deRogna first?  What did it do to Lucien?  And, if Vess has the book--what are they trying to find now?
So okay, let’s talk about Yasha and Beau. As someone who has had a lot of feelings about the intense relatability of Beau’s crush on Jester, I have now fully committed to also having a whole lot of mostly new feelings about these terrible awkward disaster lesbians with no fucking idea what they’re doing.  I saw a post the other day mention how this whole relationship is about the feeling of discovering you can have this, that you can actually be happy, that you get to have this kind of relationship with someone.  I’ve written about that.  And I feel it so, so hard, every time I see them interact, when every bit of bravado leaves both of them. It’s so easy to be off-putting!  It’s so easy to have crushes on wonderful people you kind of wish would look at you but you’re absolutely sure never will.  It’s so hard to actually know what the fuck to do in the face of wait shit this might actually be a thing I could get for real? how? wait, how???
Also let’s talk about Jester in that scene, who ships Beauyasha harder than anything in the world???   Because yes, right, some of it is just that Jester loves romance, and some of it’s that Jester gets very invested in the happiness of her friends, but that is a lot of investment there.  And I can’t help wondering if there’s a little dimension of...she wants to see True Love and Happily-Ever-After work.  And she’s delighted to see it work for her friends who she loves, and when it comes true they’ll be happy and she loves that, but also I don’t know that Jester’s ever actually seen two people fall in love with each other and enter into a healthy, happy relationship before.  But hey, all of her books say this wonderful magical thing exists, and now it seems to actually be showing up for her friends?  Of course she wants to see it.  Of course she wants it to be just as magical and wonderful as in all her stories, even if it’s not for her. (And maybe especially if it’s not for her, but I think that’s a whole separate post about Jester and her very high passive insight and all the people who are in love with her and the very specific ways she treats each of them.)
I love Yeza.  Don’t we all love Yeza?  He’s trying so hard.  It’s always great to see Yeza for that kind of wide-eyed outsider POV on the M9 shenanigans, and I love it.  He made a comment this episode about meeting goblins while living in Rosohna, and everything that’s happened to him really hit me in a while new way.  Usually I think about how he’s had his life turned upside down by all of this, but man, just think how much he’s seen that he never in a million years would have begun to expect to experience!  This smalltown alchemist from a pastoral little farming city in the middle of the Dwendalian midwest has lived for a significant amount of time as a housekeeper in the capitol city of the Krynn Dynasty.  He must have gone to the markets and met the neighbors and learned the streets and the food, and who had he ever known in his whole life who could say such a thing?  He lived with the Ruby of the Sea in Nicodranas by the ocean.  He’s been to Zadash, now, and it’s only a matter of time before he sees Rexxentrum.  How much farther will he go?  (Man, I would love some good Yeza fic once this campaign is over.  I think it’s going to take that long for me to really know how his story arc ends.)
Someone was posting earlier this episode about witnessing Vess scare Yeza so badly, and insight into how the Nein are starting to run in circles that really outstrip the people they used to know.  Watching Pumat in the wake of being Informed By Lady de Rogna That He Would Put A Rush On That has really hammered it home.  They remarked, in their very M9 somewhat idle vaguely ridiculous way that they wanted the icebreaker, and one tiny snowman later Vess had pulled rank and money and rerouted the ship’s entire passage for them.  She’s scary--and with her, the M9 have the kind of power that’s scary, too. And that’s always such an interesting moment.  The M9 are used to thinking of themselves as people with very little, who have to fight and scrap and get lucky for their own survival all the time.  And yes, they’re utterly careless with money--why not be, when it comes and goes and almost none of them have ever really seen it help or last?  And yes, they’re prone to violence and sometimes pretty rude.  But before now, it’s always been a situation where the M9 acting loud, rude, and demanding could be chaotic underdogs scrapping to get what they needed or wanted from people who had the option of saying no.  Suddenly they’re in a position where the balance of social situations is biased in their favor instead of against them. There’s such a difference between ‘please accede to my unreasonable request because I have a high charisma and will pay you lots of gold’, and, ‘you’re going to accede to my unreasonable request because otherwise my Cerberus Assembly boss may or may not have you assassinated’.  The M9 have never been on this side of that before.  I’m very curious to see how much they notice that they are now.
PALADIN OATH PALADIN OATH PALADIN OATH!  I was not paying nearly enough attention when that scene started, so I am going to need to watch it again and also make extra sure to read any available source material on this specific homebrew oath, because it’s probably not exactly the same as the Oath of the Sea homebrew you can find on google.  There’s some overlap between the abilities there and the ones Fjord already have, and the vows don’t quite match up, though some of them are close.  Ugh, mostly I’m just so glad it has happened and Fjord has promised and he means it, he means it so much.  He rest-of-his-life means it, and my heart belongs to Fjord who couldn’t even imagine the rest of his life as a thing separate from the monotony of his first thirty years, so very recently.
I actually always really love when CR has episodes at sea?  Obviously the M9 have done it the most, but Vox Machina went sailing a time or two as well, and it’s just always so great.  It’s often days of down time in a way that overland travel isn’t, and the party fills it with so many good little moments.  Matt always gives them such cool encounters.  On boats, spending a week at a time getting from one place to another, so much of the chaos of rewriting a plan seventeen times in an hour gets stripped away: they’re headed towards a destination, sometimes something comes up to deter them, and they have to find a way to deal with it.  There are always crew members and the structure of a boat itself to take into consideration in any combat that pops up.  It’s just such a nice tone, and I also love that the ocean itself kind of hates them now because it adds really delightful additional risks, and anyway heck yeah ocean voyage.
WHICH ENDS IN UNDEAD AVANTIKA ATTACKING THE SHIP WITH A TRIO OF CRAB-MEN AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE HOLY FUCK.  Look, I think M9 becoming pirates by accident and then trying to figure out wtf might actually be my favorite arc of this campaign so far, and every time it comes back I get so so happy.  I’ve got some feelings about this showing up in the same episode as Fjord finally taking his full oath to the Wildmother. They are going to have to kill U’kotoa before this campaign is through.  They are going to have to, because Fjord will never be safe on the ocean again if they don’t, and Fjord has bound himself by vow and will in service as the Wildmother’s paladin of the open sea.  She hasn’t asked it of him, not specifically, but it’s his job.  It’s going to be his job.  In part it’ll be because it’s poetic justice, Fjord taking down the cruel demigod who (in some ways) made him.  Mostly it’s just that killing U’kotoa is a job that needs to be done.  To protect the oceans, the life they hold, the people who sail upon them, it’s going to need to be done.  It’s Melora’s domain to do this, which means it’s her paladin’s job, and Fjord is her paladin of the sea.  It’ll be him sooner or later.
I am so fucking delighted at the massive pile of fireworks on the deck of this ship, and I hope to god these Chekhovian bottle rockets go off before the end of this combat encounter, because this is, in fact, all I ever wanted the minute Beau put them in there.
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your-turn-to-role · 5 years
so i finally finished cinderbrush
general thoughts:
i would die for jamie wrenly
i mean this was the most taliesin taliesin's ever played, they're 99% him without the filter but somehow the addition of being a nonbinary teenage witch makes jamie the best character i've ever seen????? tal how do you do this. i love your kid.
ashley johnson has really gotta consider the lesbians in the audience before playing jock characters. i'm not even into guys but fuck
(what even is your sexuality if you're a girl into girls and also one fictional guy played by a girl and one fictional enby played by a guy? complicated? which i feel like was the point of this one shot. but i love them.)
the whole AF throwing the book at the teacher for deadnaming them and then lying and saying they were throwing it at a bird and jamie backing them up by saying "i saw it too" but then AF later admitting to the lie and jamie going "then what the hell did i see?" was hilarious
also "i wasn't lying for your benefit but i'm glad you got something out of it" jamie pls explain what happened in this classroom from your perspective i'm dying to know
four horsepower
every impulsive decision AF made was also hilarious
i agree with everyone else saying they should bring these characters back, i'm not sure if there's enough here for a full campaign but there's definitely enough for a few more episodes
i wannnaaaa seee alll the coooooolll shiiiiitt
speaking of endings though, while i understand that was rushed due to time, a lot of them got real fuckin hurt in that last fight?
like AF probably has supernatural werewolf healing but jamie and sasha don't
sasha has a serious leg wound hastily bandaged and jamie got fuckin shot point blank in the stomach
the first thing that happens after is not them getting arrested its them heading to the fucking hospital
(and then getting arrested)
(but legit there's so much hurt/comfort fic potential someone write it pls i need it)
(or if people want more angst ideas, any of their parents' reactions to anything in that ending)
(that said all of you writing ot4 fluff are still incredibly valid)
between the brief stuff we got of jamie and cam and the sadly also brief stuff of yasha and molly i need ashley and tal to play weird queer best friends in everything now actually? its such a good dynamic
honestly they don't even have to be best friends, just. tal as a very loudly queer weird kid and ashley as a quiet jock weird kid and also they're soft around each other. give me this in 500 different variations pls
half the cast was non binary. when will your fave ever. cr is already getting so delightfully queer but i appreciated the explicit use of they/them pronouns for major characters, and also the respect for them by every other character
also while more goth than usual, i loved that jamie and AF were sat next to each other because i feel like they were really representing the two ends of the nonbinary fashion spectrum
all of the music was great
they did a surprisingly good job as all 30+ year olds at being current teens. the occasional embarrassing moment but most of it was just funny and also "yeah i've been there" moments
(though - taliesin having way too much knowledge of party drugs, way too much experience getting arrested, he's talked about that before, it's not that surprising anymore. but tal relating hard to the "i didn't plan an outfit for this party so last minute i stole a table mat to make an ascot out of, because what my casual clothes really need right now is an ascot" decision was really the moment i went "what kind of life have you lived???")
the sheer ridiculous juxtaposition of AF, teenage werewolf with anger issues who has definitely killed a person, saying "that was the worst thing i've ever done" about lying to their dad and legitimately meaning it
did i mention i love jamie wrenly?
i really love jamie wrenly
they're the best
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bopbopstyles · 4 years
10. Emerson
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Y/N promised herself she would never date a musician. It was her one rule–her only rule, actually–when it came to dating. But then, Harry Styles rolled into her life and asked her to break it, just this once. And this is what happened.
a/n: this is the last chapter of The Only Exception, and honestly, i never thought it would come. s/o to @bfharry​ and @havethetimeofyourstyles​ for helping me with dad!harry concepts! thank you to everyone who reblogged and loved my two little angels - i love them so much and hope you enjoyed their journey as much as i did! concepts for them are always open - i’m definitely not ready to let go of dad!harry. slide into my DMs and share your thoughts!
pls reblog to spread the word about only exception! 🥰
The final weeks before Emerson arrived were a flurry of activity. Y/N went on maternity leave, much to her dismay and Harry’s joy because he got to spend all day with her, every day. They finished the nursery off, finished their respective parenting books and compared notes, and did buckets of research on what to expect at the hospital. Harry, being Harry, ended up worming his way into helping Hanna and Jamie plan the baby shower, saying that if it was going to be at their house he deserved to have at least some part in planning it.
If he was being honest, he mainly did it to distract himself from the anxiety that seemed to plague him every time he woke up in the morning and rolled over and saw Y/N’s extremely pregnant belly. It wasn’t necessarily the anxiety about being a dad, that he could figure out, it was the anxiety about her giving birth. He had stayed up one night stalking a Reddit page that started out as advice for soon-to-be-dads, but ended up devolving into horror stories of things gone wrong. There were even a couple where the woman had died, which had Harry immediately shutting his computer, trying to get the thought of Y/N dying in childbirth out of his mind.
But he couldn’t. He rolled over every possible outcome of the birth, even the extreme ones of losing either her or their little Peanut, who he hadn’t quite adjusted to thinking about as Emerson yet. Anne hadn’t been much help at calming his nerves, even though he knew she was saying all the right things. The problem was that he wasn’t being rational, that he was letting his mind run rampant, and the only way to solve that, Harry knew, was to focus it on something. A goal.
Which led him to the baby shower. He had basically forced Hanna and Jamie to let him help, which he was a bit ashamed of, but the planning actually helped. Thinking through decorations and guest lists and party games and food and playlists, it quieted his mind enough to let his anxiety subside for most of the day. Now they only took over when Y/N fell asleep and he laid awake, watching her sleep and staring at her belly in awe.
Those moments of anxiety and awe were, coincidentally, the same moments in which he ended up thinking about proposing to her.
He loved Y/N more than any other woman he had ever known, he knew that much for sure. She challenged him in ways he loved, made him work to keep her around, and cared for him in a way he had never experienced before. Somehow she knew what he needed before he ever asked—the touches, words, reminders that put his mind and body at ease. Loving her was so fucking easy that it scared him a bit.
And then there was their little Peanut, Emerson, who was already the love of his life. The time he spent singing to her belly, talking to him with his body nestled between her legs, pressing kisses to where he kicked her, it made his heart practically burst. Harry had always wanted to be a father, and even though this wasn’t how he had planned it, it made no difference to him. It was still the best thing that had ever happened to him. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
He wanted them to be a family, a proper family in a traditional sort of way. And he knew that marriage didn’t make a family, that it was love and time and effort that created one, but that didn’t mean he wanted to marry her any less. He wanted her to have his name, the same last name Emerson would have. He wanted to watch her walk down the aisle in a beautiful white gown in the church in Holmes Chapel he’d spent years in. He wanted their child to throw rose petals ahead of her. He wanted to say his weddings vows to her, to slide a ring on her finger, to kiss her when it was all said and done. He wanted to spend the rest of his life loving her.
He didn’t necessarily know when he decided he wanted to propose to her, which night exactly, or what moment he knew in his heart that if he didn’t he would regret it for the rest of his life. He’d been thinking about it off and on since she told him she was pregnant and it got stronger when she moved into his house and made it her permanent address. When she came on tour and he saw how easily she fell into his world every single day. When she had a group text chat with Anne and Gemma where they bullied him and talked about the baby and politics all in the same conversation. When he got home and he felt like he could finally breathe again, because he was with her.
He was fully set on the idea a week into being home, and that was when he went rummaging through his attic for the box of things Anne had given him of his grandmother’s. Specifically, he was looking for a ring—one that had been her wedding ring, and she had given him as something to remember her by, or use for his own marriage. When he found it, he knew it was perfect for her—simple silver with vines etched into the band, and one clear diamond. Y/N was an understated person, never too flashy, and even though Harry could afford an expensive ring, he knew it wouldn’t mean nearly as much to her as this one would.
When it came to the question of when he would propose, he decided to wait. She was too stressed as it was, with Emerson on the way, and it wasn’t like she was going anywhere. He would wait until things had settled down, until he had the ability to do something special for her. He didn’t want to rush it in any way, shape, or form. So instead, he kept the ring tucked into the back of his sock drawer, ready for when the moment arrived.
Until that time, though, he would have to satisfy himself with the simple moments of loving her. And when they were all sat in their backyard, streamers and lanterns decorating the space, their closest friends and family sitting around them at tables and chairs, that was one of those moments. She was talking Anne and Gemma, who had flown in for the birth—which was only a handful of days away—a grin on her face so wide he wondered if her cheeks hurt. Her hair tumbled down her back in waves, her eyes glowed with joy, and the soft pink lipstick she had selected made him want to kiss every inch of her face. She was in a white summer midi dress and a pair of comfortable sandals, and he didn’t know if she had ever looked more beautiful.
“Harry!” His name pulled him out of his trance. She was beckoning him over, and he stood from his chair where he had been vaguely talking to Jeff and some of his other friends, and moved towards her immediately.
“Hey love,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, his chest pressed to her back, and rest his chin on her head.
Her hand moved to cup his forearm, a simple touch that made him smile. “Anne and Gem were just wondering if there was going to be cake.”
“For the record,” Gemma said, “we did not specifically ask about cake. We asked generally about the likelihood of there being dessert.”
Harry laughed at his sister and simplicity of the request. “Yeah, there’s cake. Got. Your favorite kind,” he said squeezing Y/N’s shoulder.
She tipped her head up and looked at him, eager eyes finding his. “Really?”
“Mhm,” he murmured. “Cookies and cream ice cream cake is in the freezer.”
She yelped in excitement, pressing a kiss to his lips chastely. “Love you.”
“Just for the cake?”
She shrugged. “And other stuff.” Anne and Gemma started laughing, the sound intermingling with the chirp of the birds and soft sounds of the playlist he had spent hours creating. They had played baby shower games led by Hanna, which had left them all in hysterics, some people had gone for a swim, and they’d had a cookout. It was simple, easy, and exactly what Y/N had requested. There was pile of gifts inside that she declined to open in front of the group, since neither she nor Harry were the kind of people who liked to show off their gifts at parties. One of the many things they shared.
Now, the party was winding down, the sun was setting, and he knew people would begin preparing to head out. It was probably time for cake. “Ready for it?” He asked Y/N.
“Yes!” She followed him inside, where the air conditioning was a welcome relief from the warm summer day. Her hand slipped into his and thumbed along the inside of his wrist, a smile drifting onto his face from the small action.
“Do you like the party?” He asked when they reached the kitchen.
She leaned against the counter and watched him make his way over the fridge. “Yeah. I don’t know why I was so against the idea at first—it’s been nice having everyone here. And to celebrate little Peanut.” She hadn’t adjusted to the name yet either, so they had stuck to calling their unborn child Peanut, leaving the name for when they arrived in the world.
“Me too.” He pulled open their freezer and found the cake easily—he’d gotten it done at their favorite gelato shop and it had cost an absurd amount for a cake, but he didn’t mind. The reaction on her face when he lifted the top and she saw the cake was worth double the price. “Like it?”
Her arms came to wrap around his waist, tugging him into her. “You know, sometimes you just blow me away a bit.”
He mirrored her position, arms twined around her waist. Her head was tucked into the crook of his neck, and he leaned his head against hers, savoring the simplicity and calmness of the moment. He’d started doing it lately, knowing they would be few and far between. “So do you.”
Footsteps sounded on the wood floors of their house, and he turned his head to see Trisha, her mother, in the living room. “Sorry,” she said with an embarrassed smile. “Came in for another drink.”
Y/N pulled away, much to his dismay, and when to the fridge for another sparkling water for her mother. “Can you take the plates out too, Mom? We’re doing cake.” She handed her mother a stack of plates and flatware, bustling around the kitchen to find the rest of the napkins from earlier.
“Is that ice cream cake?” Trisha asked, sliding the stack into her arms. “You know her well, Harry.”
That he did. Was quite proud of it, too. The three of them made their way out to the rest of the party, Harry holding the cake and the napkins clasped in Y/N’s hand. Everyone turned at the sound of the sliding door and excitedly joined the couple around the cake, a jabber of conversation about how gorgeous the cake was and how delicious it looked. Anne asked if it was going to melt and Harry chuckled in response, before cutting into the cake. Y/N got the first slice, and Harry watched as the ice cream melted on her lips ever so slightly, a sticky mess coating her skin a bit. He restrained the desire to lick at her skin knowing she would hate him doing that in front of everyone. Instead, he stood next to her with his own piece of cake, an arm around her waist and her head nestled against his shoulder as their friends and families chatted.
“How are long are you staying?” Hanna asked Anne and Gemma, taking a bite of the cake.
“A few weeks,” Anne replied. “I might stay longer, but Gem has work to get back to.”
“If you need someplace to stay, I’ve got spare rooms,” Peter piped up.
Anne gave Peter a thankful smile. “We might take you up on that. Hotels can get a bit tiresome.”
“Mum, you can alway stay with us,” Harry told her for the millionth time. Anne had insisted upon her and Gemma staying in a hotel until the baby was born, wanting to give Y/N and him as much solo time as possible before Emerson arrived. Harry and Y/N had both fought her on it, telling her she was welcome, but she was sure on the decision. Trisha had ended up deciding to stay in the same hotel, echoing Anne’s desire to let them have their space before the birth, so the two had gotten a bit closer. Trish had even become Anne and Gemma’s personal chauffeur, since they didn’t have a car.
Anne waved at the thought. “No, I want you two to have your space. We’ll be here after the birth, but until then, savor these last moments together.”
Y/N pinched at Harry’s hip and he yelped, giving her a glare. She was giggling into his arm though, a playful smile on her face, so she let it slide. “As much as I’d love to have family around, I can’t say I’m mad.”
Everyone laughed at that, and Harry rubbed a circle on her skin, enjoying her relaxed nature, the anxiety that had been plaguing her recently disappearing. It wasn’t just him who had been stressed lately about the quickly approaching birth—Y/N had been having vivid stress dreams that usually ended up waking him up, her body sweating next to him.
Harry wasn’t mad that his family wasn’t staying with them either, because frankly after being apart from Y/N for so long, he didn’t want anyone invading their space unless absolutely necessary. (Exceptions would obviously be made for their child.) He just wanted to touch her all the fucking time, just pet her skin or kiss up and down her neck, and sometimes he kissed her hard against the wall just because he could. As they stood next to each other, her hands gripping the back of his striped t-shirt and his fingers brushing up and down her spine, he wanted everyone to leave so he could love on her as much as he wanted.
When Y/N started to yawn, Harry knew it was time to wrap up the party. He did the honors of ushering their guests out, knowing she was too kind to ever pressure people to leave, but Harry had no problem forcing people to leave his home so that he could be alone with her. Peter lingered behind to help pick up the yard while Y/N and Harry washed dishes in the kitchen. Fleetwood Mac flowed from the speaker and they moved around one another in ease, comments about the party passed between them. Harry pinched her hip when she scooted past him and she swatted his ass with a towel in retaliation, a playful smile directed his way.
“Love you,” she murmured against his shoulder, nosing at the shirt stretched across his body. His hands were in soapy water as he washed a plate so he couldn’t touch her, which he felt was a crime, but he settled for just turning his head and kissing her temple.
“Love you too,” he replied. “Now get back to drying, you’re messing up our flow.” She giggled and he handed her a plate, which she wiped dry. Her father came inside with the rest of the decorations and items that had been left outside, and Harry directed him to put them in the garage. Going through all of them was on his to-do list for tomorrow, but he didn’t have the energy to do it now. After that, Peter showed himself out, promising to call Harry the next day to talk about the song he had mentioned wanting to work through with him. Harry had never thought having a talented musician as a father-in-law of sorts would be so nice, but now that he had Peter he loved being able to give him a call and get his opinion on a mix or the bridge of a song he was working on.
The dishes were finished, and Harry pulled the plug in the sink to let the soapy water drain before wiping his hands on a towel and turning to Y/N. “I was thinking a late night swim might be nice,” he said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
“I don’t want to try and find a suit that fits,” Y/N said with a frown, hand brushing over her belly.
Harry would personally have favored if she was naked all the time. “Don’t need one, love. C’mon��I’ll turn on the fairy lights you love.”
She smiled and nodded, letting him lead her to outside to the porch. Outside, it was dark, moonlight illuminating the outline of the large oak trees in the backyard, the shed with the lawnmower Harry had been meaning to replace, and a vegetable garden they had put in before tour. Hanna had tended to it while they were gone, and then it was Y/N’s responsibility, and she had done a good job—they had little tomatoes and beans and broccoli and a variety of herbs, which Harry loved cooking with. A few feet past the patio was the pool, the concrete surrounding it strewn with reclining chairs where they loved to sunbathe in the afternoons, Harry running sunblock over Y/N’s stretched skin.
When his feet met the concrete of the patio, Harry tugged his shirt off, then his pants and briefs, before turning to look at Y/N. She was struggling with the tie at the back of her dress, and Harry motioned for her to turn, his fingers deftly pulling the ties loose and then tugging her zipper down her back. “Beautiful,” he murmured, pressing a series of kisses to her spine that had her shivering. He helped her out of her undergarments, and then she stood before him bathed in moonlight and the soft glow of the fairy lights that twinkled around them. Her full breasts, a hand rubbing over her belly where their child rested. She looked almost ethereal, a vision, a dream. “Come on, love,” he said, walking towards the pool.
He dropped into the water without a pause, the cool temperature washing over his skin deliciously. When he poked his head up to the top of to the water, he found Y/N sitting on the edge of the pool, her feet dangling in. “It’s cold,” she said, kicking some water into his face.
Harry moved towards her, pulled like magnets, and snatched her feet. Littering her leg with kisses and leaving her giggling for him, he found a spot between her knees, his chest pressed to the side of the pool. “Feels good, though.” His hands swept over her belly, and he nosed at her bare skin. “Want to go for a swim, Peanut? Think it’ll feel good, but Mumma isn’t so sure.”
“God, you’re so annoying,” Y/N said, pushing at his chest so she could slide into the pool. She landed on the bottom and immediately reached for Harry, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “Did you have fun today?”
Harry pulls her thighs up so he can hold her close, and her fingers scratch at the nape of his neck. “I did. You were so happy.”
“Not just about my happiness, you mush. You seemed pretty happy too.”
This was true, but the sight of Y/N happy made him happy. “I was, baby,” he reassured her. She pressed her lips to his, one of love and care, and then pulled away, resting her head on his shoulder. He just held her close, adoring the feeling of her bare skin on his, their child nestled between them, basking in the glow that was loving her.
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Harry dipped the tongs into the pasta water, grabbing at a piece and pulling it out of the hot water to test its readiness. Y/N was standing next to him, tossing the salad they had put together, and trying to hold herself together. The contractions had been coming and going all day, pain that radiated up her spine as she clenched her jaw and tried to continue her activities. They’d called the midwife the minute they started and she had been there ever since, helping Y/N with breathing patterns and guiding her into different positions to keep the pain from overwhelming her. They hadn’t been regular, though, so they were still at home, waiting for the contractions to speed up or even out.
“Another one?” Harry asked, peeking over at her, her hands clenching the edge of the counter as another contraction rolled through her body. She nodded shakily, and Harry ran his hand across her back. “Breathe for me love, remember? In, out, even—there you go.” Once he was breathing more evenly, he went to pour out the pasta, wanting to make sure Y/N had strength for the delivery that was for sure coming.
It might have seemed unusual that Harry and Y/N were cooking dinner—the midwife had sure thought so, but it felt good to have something for Y/N to focus her mind on, even if it was just putting together a salad and watching Harry cook. It was better than doing uncomfortable exercises in the backyard to try get the labor moving along. They’d tried her squatting, her waddling around, her doing loud yells, and none of it had worked. She was exhausted.
All of a sudden, a dull pain lashed through her and she dropped the tongs to the counter with a clatter, the metal hitting the granite countertops.“Fuckkk,” Y/N groaned, clenching the edge of the counter and trying to breathe in and out.
“That was faster,” Harry said, panic rising inside of him. He looked to the midwife, who was on her feet and moving towards them from where she had been sitting on the couch reading a book. “Right?”
“Yes,” the midwife, Sarah, told them both, coming to Y/N’s side. “Breathe for me, Y/N, okay? I need to start counting them. Can you do that with me?”
Harry had completely forgotten about dinner as he counted with Sarah and Y/N, timing the distance between her contractions. Y/N was panting so hard and all Harry could do was grip her hand when she reached out for him, and hold it and watch in sheer horror at the pain in her face. It had been like this all day, but this—this looked different somehow, more intense. Her fingers were squeezing his palm so tightly he thought she might cut off circulation.
Together, they managed to move Y/N to the couch, where she could be more comfortable. Her contractions were coming faster and more frequent over the next hour, dinner completely forgotten—Harry could tell and Sarah agreed. “Harry,” Sarah said, breaking her focus on Y/N to look at him, “is the hospital bag ready?”
It had been ready for two weeks—he’d done it the day after he had gotten home and checked it almost every day to make sure they had everything. “Yes,” he said.
“Go get it.”
Y/N’s eyes widened, and Harry pressed a kiss to her hand before scampering upstairs to the nursery to grab it. He took the stairs two at a time, eager not to be away from her for too long. When he reached the nursery, he looked around and thought to himself that the next time he would be there, his little Emerson would be coming home.
Downstairs, Sarah was counting with Y/N again, talking her through the contractions and the pain. When Harry reappeared, she waved him over before taking out her phone. “Take her,” she told him. “I’m going to call the hospital.”
“It’s time?” Y/N looked up in panic, before another contraction made her moan, her fingers squeezing Harry’s. “Oh my god, H, it’s happening.”
Harry scooted next to her on the couch and pressed a kiss to her sweaty brow. “It’s happening, love. How does it feel?”
“Like hell,” she said, teeth clenched. “They said it hurts but fuck this is horrible. Why do women have to experience this? Fuck, Emerson, baby, please calm down.”
Sarah was talking to the hospital in the background, giving them information on Y/N’s contractions and Harry was only half listening, mostly focusing on Y/N’s eyes, which were darting around the room. “Got the bag ready,” he said, trying to distract her. “We’ve got everything we need. Plenty of gas in the car, too—checked this morning.” He did it every morning now, just to be sure that if it happened suddenly, he would be ready to drive.
“What—fuck—about dinner?”
Harry just chuckled, brushing her hair back. “I’ll have Gemma come by and clean up. Don’t give a shit about the pasta getting stuck to the bottom of the pan.”
She leaned into Harry’s neck and exhaled sharply, clutching his leg. “I don’t know if I’m ever going to have another kid,” she said, “because this is fucking torture.”
Before Harry could reply, Sarah turned to them. “They’re waiting for you—let’s go you two! Time to meet little Emerson!”
Harry drove like a calm, collected, race car driver on the roads. Trying to go as fast as possible without getting pulled over, jumpy because every time Y/N moaned he freaked out a bit, just praying he would get the hospital soon so that they could give her something for the pain. At one point he had brought up natural birth and she had given a look like he made him immediately shut up and never bring it up again. Now that he was seeing labor in person, he fully understood why.
He pulled into the hospital, following Sarah’s instructions for what entrance to use, and put the car into park. People were rushing to the car with a wheelchair which he knew Y/N would hate, but she needed it. He let them get her out of the car before parking it horribly and racing after them, hospital thrown over his shoulder and his phone in his hand. He was having a baby, he thought to himself after the door slid shut behind and he walked alongside Y/N as she was wheeled down the hall. He was going to be a dad today.
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“I don’t know if I can do it,” Y/N panted, holding onto Harry as she looked at the doctors around her. They’d given her an epidural, which helped, but she was fucking exhausted. She’d been pushing in time with her contractions for two hours and her body felt like it was on its last limb. Even though she couldn’t feel the pain, she could feel the ache in her muscles and she just wanted to sleep for hours. But she was dilated to ten centimeters and it was time to do the final pushes. She was in the home stretch.
“Come on, love,” Harry said, brushing at her forehead. “You’re so close, yeah? You can do it, baby.” His eyes bore into hers, the hazel irises overwhelming her. The look of love and pride and utter awe written all over his features.
“I need you to push for me, Y/N,” her doctor said. She could see him between her legs, where he was looking up at her. “Emerson is ready to meet you both.”
She nodded, taking a deep breath, and then she pushed as hard as she could, bearing down on Harry’s hand so hard she thought she might break it, but he didn’t say anything. Just held her tight and repeated encouraging words, telling her how good she was doing, how she could do it, how they were so close to meeting their baby.
“I can see the head,” the doctor informed her when Y/N took a breath. “Another one—okay? You’re doing great.”
She looked at Harry, the eyes pricking both of their eyes at the prospect of meeting little Emerson finally. And then she shut her eyes, took a deep breath, and pushed with every fiber of her being, desperately wanting to meet her child and let this be over. She screamed—she could hear it in her ears as her body tensed, toes and fingers curling.
And then she heard the most beautiful sound in the world.
The cry of a baby.
“Oh,” Harry gasped, kissing her hand in his, making her look at him. He was crying in the chair next to her, tears rolling down his face, utterly overwhelmed. “You did it, baby.”
“It’s a girl,” the doctor said, giving them a wide smile.
A girl. “Emmy,” she said, the nickname claiming its place in her heart immediately.
“A little girl,” Harry murmured in awe, and she couldn’t stop the tears rolling down her face at the sight of him, overwhelmed with love for her and their child.
The doctor pulled away slightly from her and looked to Harry. “Do you want to cut the cord, Dad?”
Y/N’s heart lurched at the doctor calling Harry “Dad”—the kind that utterly took her breath away. Harry was moving in an instant, going to where the doctor was situated. “Harry, what does she look like?”
Harry’s curly hair bounced as he looked from their child to her. “Pink,” he said simply, a giggle leaving his lips. “Beautiful.” Then she heard a snip and the umbilical cord was cut, and the doctor was handing her baby to Harry.
She wanted to see her child, but the next thing she knew she was being told to keep pushing, that she had to deliver the placenta, so she focused on the task at hand. She was worn out, but she reminded herself that she sooner she did this, the sooner she could hold Emerson in her arms. When she was done, she sagged into the hospital bed and stretched out her arms to Harry, who was swaying slightly, their child held close in his arms.
Y/N looked at her child in awe. Ten fingers and ten toes, two little green eyes that stared up at her when Harry set her against her chest, a tiny nose and adorable lips that puckered and stretched. Emerson. Her baby, her child, the person who she loved with her entire soul from the moment she discovered her existence. “Hi, Emerson,” she whispered, brushing at her face.
Harry knelt next to Y/N, kissing her forehead. “She has your nose.”
“How in the world can you tell?”
He shrugged. “Just can.”
She looked up at Harry and found his eyes, the one their daughter shared. “I love you.”
He kissed her lips, the love that flowed between them overpowering every other feeling in her her body. “I love you so much, Y/N. Feel like the luckiest man in the world—I’ve got you and I’ve got little Emmy.” Then, he was nudging at Emerson’s hand with his forefinger, and Y/N watched in amazement as her daughter opened her little fingers and clasped Harry’s finger, as if to know it was her father.
She was a true wonder, and Y/N couldn’t look at anything else.
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Harry set his daughter down on the counter, her chubby thighs nestled against his torso. She had on a pair of overalls and a baby blue shirt, a pair of little baby Converse that Harry had absolutely lost it over when he saw them. He had discovered an obsession with baby clothes and had turned Emerson into his personal model, despite Y/N’s annoyance at the size of her daughter’s closet.
“Need to put your hair up, Ems, otherwise it’s going to get all in the food,” he told her, pulling at the hair ties he now always had on his wrist for moments like these. His daughter’s dark brown curls that matched his own were long enough to where they had to be tied up, otherwise they would end up tangled in seconds.
Emerson looked up at him, her hazel eyes peeking up at him under long eyelashes. Y/N always joked that she was a spitting image of Harry, and he couldn’t help but admit it was true. He adored it—seeing his child, who was so obviously his, but with a personality that was so Y/N it made him laugh sometimes. Her stubbornness, the way she insisted on her own way, even her little opinions that were starting to peek out as her vocabulary grew. It drove Y/N bonkers, but Harry loved discovering more and more of his child.
He swept her hair into a ponytail, something he had become adept at in the two years of being a father. As he tugged the hair tie around her locks, Emmy’s hands made their way to Harry’s hair, which had grown longer recently. Y/N had been working up a storm since she was promoted last year, and Harry had taken on the role of full-time stay at home Dad with glee, but it did mean things like shaving and hair cuts had fallen by the wayside. He didn’t mind though, and Y/N didn’t seem to either, from the way she nuzzled her face against his bit of a beard, and tugged on the ends of his hair when they made love.
Emerson had a similar obsession with Harry’s hair, another thing she shared with her mother, and it always made Harry burst with love whenever his daughter played with his hair. “Papa’s hair is soft,” she mumbled as he tightened the hair tie so none would fall out. “Like mine!”
He poked his daughter on the nose, loving how her eyes scrunched up. “That it is, my little angel. Ready to cook with Papa?”
“Yes!” Her hands reached for him to pick her up, which he did, swinging her onto his hip as he moved to her designated spot on the floor next to where he would be set up by the stove. It was their nightly routine—as Harry cooked dinner for them all, Emerson played with the wooden cooking toys that Harry had bought for her, babbling at his feet. It kept her entertained while he got dinner done, just in time for when Y/N got home from work.
He situated her on the floor and pulled out her box of toys from the cabinet, squatting down to unload the wooden bowls, spoons, and fake foods inside. Emerson grabbed at each of them, telling him the name, as he had taught her. “Bowl, spoon, cheese!” She said, looking at him with wide eyes to see if she got it right.
“Good job,” he said, kissing her forehead before standing to his full height. “Where’s your apron?”
“My apron!” Emerson babbled with a gasp, grabbing at her clothes.
Harry chuckled at the sight before grabbing her yellow apron that Harris had sewn her for her second birthday, something far too gorgeous for a two-year-old, but Emerson was utterly obsessed, so Harry didn’t make a fuss about it. “Apron!” She said when he tied it around her neck and her little waist. “Papa, spoon!” She was holding her wooden spoon up at him and Harry smiled at his daughter, her love for their little traditions making his heart soar.
He grabbed his own spoon from the cup on the counter, bending down and bumping it against his daughter’s mini version. “Spoons unite!” He said, the sound of his daughter’s giggles filling his ears. “What do you want to listen to while we cook, bubs?”
“Hmm.” Emerson dropped the block of cheese and some nondescript meat into a bowl and twirled them around with her spoon. “Papa!”
“Me?” Recently Emerson had become obsessed with his music, constantly requesting for him to play it. Fine Line had come out just a few months ago and she loved Watermelon Sugar, which Y/N utterly hated since she knew what it was about, but Harry found it hilarious. “Which one?”
“Watamelon Suga!” She said, struggling with her Rs. She bounced up and down on her knees in excitement until he was hooking up the music over the speakers. When it came on, she immediately began bopping her head back and forth to the music and trying to sing, which Harry found positively adorable.
He started to make dinner, chopping up vegetables for a stir-fry that he knew Emerson liked. He had been trying to help her branch out into new foods, which Y/N kept on reminding him was really unnecessary considering she was barely two years old, but he liked seeing her little face screw up when she didn’t like something or eyes widen when she liked it. They sang along to his songs, and every so often he’d peek down and check on Emmy, who was happily pretend cooking with her toys, making all sorts of things. Sometimes he would ask what she was making and she would reply with any foods that came to mind that she had heard him mention, even if it was completely incorrect. One time she said she was making a cake, but she had a broccoli and some grapes in the bowl, and he tried not to crack up at the sight.
“Papa!” He looked down at his daughter, her spoon raised at him. “Look at my spoon!”
He chuckled, bending down to take a picture of her holding her spoon up triumphantly. “You just love your spoon, huh?” He snapped the photo and posted it on his Close Friends story on Instagram, which was 90% photos of Emerson doing random things throughout the day.
“Papa’s spoon is bigger,” she said, struggling with the last syllable of bigger, but making it through.
“It is. But yours is pink, which I like a lot.”
Emerson examined her spoon, and then lifted it to Harry, rubbing her nose on the back of her tiny hand. “You can use it, Papa!”
His heart melted at his daughter’s generosity, which was overflowing. She was always offering for him to borrow her toys or to let other kids to use her things, and he loved her kind soul. It was another thing that came from Y/N, he was sure of it, since he hated sharing as a kid. “Thank you, bubs, but I’m fine with mine.” He kissed her hand and she smiled at him, before going back to her cooking.
Fifteen minutes later, he heard the garage door open and close, and Emerson must have heard it too because she on her feet immediately, teetering out of the kitchen in the direction of the garage. “Mama!” She screamed, and Harry smiled at the sound of Y/N’s voice, her soft reply of “Hello, pumpkin,” and the soft laughter of his daughter cascading through the house.
“Smells good,” she said, and Harry’s eyes caught hers as she entered the kitchen, Emerson resting on her hip. Her little head was on Y/N’s shoulder, each hand scrunched in her work shirt, eyes flickering over Harry. “Stir fry?”
Harry gave his love a kiss on the forehead. “Mhm, know how much my two girls love it.”
“That we do,” Y/N replied, hiking Emmy up a bit on her hip. “Did you have fun with Papa today, bubs?”
“Yes!” Emerson replied, picking her head up and smiling at them both, her little baby teeth showing. “We went to park and made new friends. Charlie, right, Papa?”
He nodded, brushing a hand across Y/N’s shoulders and rubbing into the tense muscle there. She lolled her head back on his arm and smiled at him, a silent thank you passing between them. “Then we got some lunch at our favorite spot, and took a swim in the pool.”
“I kicked Papa!” Emerson said excitedly to her mother, and she laughed in response.
“Did you get him all wet?” Emerson nodded, and Y/N brushed her hand to Harry’s side, the touch warming him immediately. “Sounds like fun. Maybe we can have a pool day tomorrow?”
It was Saturday, the whole family’s favorite day. Emerson got both of her parents all day, and Y/N and Harry usually had date night, Emerson going to her grandpa’s house for the night. It was a tradition they’d had since she was born, and one that had become incredible important to them. “I think that sounds great,” Harry said. “Ems, can you help Mama get dressed for dinner?”
“Yes!” Emerson loved watching her mother get dressed and Harry firmly believed that she was inheriting his love of clothes from the way she loved to run her hands over the materials.
Y/N chuckled and pressed a kiss to Harry’s cheek before she walked out of the kitchen, their daughter on her hip. She chatted to Emerson about her day, asking questions about what she and Harry had done in her absence and answering her daughter’s questions. Harry got dinner finished up, putting the stir fry into bowls for him and Y/N and a smaller amount into a bowl for Emerson, cutting it up into smaller bites so she could eat it more easily. He placed them on the table and filled up a glass of wine for both Y/N and himself, before switching the music to some nice relaxing jazz while they ate.
Y/N reappeared in one of Harry’s old tour shirts and sweatpants, an excited Emerson trailing after her on the stairs. She was scooting down them hesitantly, something she had recently become obsessed with doing and Y/N and Harry were letting her do while supervised. Harry was terrified of her cracking her head open on the stairs, but Y/N told him it was important for her to develop confidence in her ability to move around, so he tried to let it go.
“Ready for dinner, Ems?” He asked, picking her up and settling her into her high chair. She nodded and he handed her little fork and her bowl, before settling into his seat next to her. Y/N sat down in the seat opposite him, reaching out for her wine glass and taking a long sip. “How was work, love?”
“Long,” she replied, tucking her napkin into her lap and picking up her fork. “I got that presentation done I was working on. I think we’re planning to bring someone else on, which would be a huge help.”
“When’s that going to be?” Harry took a bite of his food before reaching over and helping Emerson to get some food onto her fork, noticing she was struggling.
Y/N sighed, and Harry looked up at her, noticing the exhaustion in her eyes. “Soon hopefully. There’s way too much on my plate and there’s just no way I can get it all done.”
“I hope they figure it out soon,” he told her, reaching across the table and squeezing her hand. “Want to have a bath after dinner? I can do nighttime tonight.”
“You sure? You’ve been with her all day—“
“Hush,” Harry cut her off with a smile. “You know I love doing it. Want you to relax, okay?”
She nodded, lifting their clasped hands so she could press a kiss to his knuckles. “Thank you.”
“Of course, love. Emmy and I have a book to finish, right, bubs?”
Emerson nodded, and then launched into a mildly botched description of the book they had started reading last night, one about a girl detective that she really liked. Harry was passionate about reading to her every night, as it helped her settle down and developed quite a healthy imagination that he loved. They chatted for the rest of dinner about what they wanted to do the following day, deciding that Harry was going to make biscuits, Emerson’s favorite, and have a pool day, since it was quickly becoming too cool outside to have a proper pool day. Harry loved that about California, though, that it was warm year round so even in September they could be outside in the sun and he could work on teaching Emerson how to swim. Y/N wanted her to be comfortable in the water so they could feel safer with her around the pool, so they had been working on teaching her how to get in and out of the pool how to kick and how to breathe. So far, she was a natural, a little fish, Y/N called her.
After dinner, Harry helped Emerson into her pajamas after changing her diaper—they were still struggling with potty training—and watched her as she brushed her teeth triumphantly in the mirror. Then, they recited their nightly affirmations, thinking of something they were thankful of and something they liked about themselves. Harry had implemented it from the moment Emerson had started learning to talk, and now it was a nightly ritual for them.
“I’m thankful for Papa,” Emerson said, making Harry smile as he stood behind her in the mirror, the resemblance between them startling. “I like that I was nice to Charlie. What about you, Papa?”
“I’m thankful for Emerson and Mama,” he told her, tickling her sides and making her giggle, “and I like that I was able to help Mama tonight when she was stressed.”
Emerson turned around, gave her father a peck on the cheek, and lifted her arms for him to carry her to bed. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, clinging to him like a koala, and Harry walked her to her bed, pushing aside the princess netting she had fallen in love with at Target one day and had nearly thrown a tantrum about before they bought it. She snuggled into his side as he curled up next to her, grabbing the book from the bedside table to continue reading. She rested her head on his chest, eyes on the book that he had opened for them to read, and he sighed from the feeling of his daughter nestled into him. He loved the moments like this of being a father, the quiet ones of just him and Emerson, the world falling away from him.
Being a dad was his proudest achievement.
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Once Emerson was asleep, he got up, tucking her in and making sure her nightlight was on before shutting the door gently behind him. Down the hall, Y/N was waiting for him, tucked into bed with a book she was reading.
“Hi you,” he said, shutting their door behind him, the wood creaking softly as he leaned against it. “Missed you today.”
She looked up, taking in the sight of the man she loved standing next to the door. His hair as all askew from her daughter’s pillow and his voice was a bit raw from reading, clothes creased from a long day with a two-year-old with plenty of energy. But she loved him like this, so obviously a father, taking every part of his role with a smile on his face.  “You say that every night.”
“That’s because I miss you every day,” he said, moving towards her. “Now come here, wanna hold my girl.”
But Y/N waved him away. “Go get ready for bed. Don’t want you to have to get up later.”
“Fine,” Harry said, rolling his eyes at her, but followed her directions anyways. While he brushed his teeth and washed his face, she chatted about work and asked questions about Emerson’s day, wanting to know what she had missed out on. As much as she loved working, she hated being away from her family all day. After he had stripped out of his clothes, just his briefs hanging on his hips, he pulled back the duvet and pulled Y/N into his side. “That better?”
She rolled on top of him, her book long forgotten on their bedside table. “Much.” Her knees came up on either side of his hips and she tucked her hands into his hair, tugging softly as he pulled him into a kiss. She lost herself in the taste of his lips, a home she loved returning to every day, a home she never wanted to leave. His fingers trailed down her body, rucking up the edge of the shirt she wore and smoothing across her back. She shivered under his touch and he smirked, pulling her bottom lip between his teeth and making her pant his name.
“Thought you were tired,” he mumbled, brushing his lips down her neck in short kisses that had her panting in his ear.
“Not too tired for this,” she replied, and when she rolled her hips over his, Harry groaned, hot and heavy into her neck. She wanted him always, it seemed, unable to get enough of the way he touched her, even after a child and plenty of sleepless nights, she still found the energy to love on him. It filled her up, the way he brushed her skin with his kisses and showed her how much he appreciated her.
“Gonna kill me, love.” His hands, bare from his usual rings, pressed into her hips, anchoring her against him. “Ya sure? Don’t have to.”
But Y/N had other plans, wiggling free from his grip and kissing a line down his chest. Harry was mumbling her name as she moved, tugging at her skin as she disappeared under the comforter and pulled his briefs down his legs. He pushed at the duvet, desperate to keep his eyes on hers, and Y/N loved it, wanting nothing more than to see his face as she drew pleasure from his body. “Want to show you how thankful I am for you,” she told him, before spitting on his dick and pumping the spit in her hand.
“Fuck.” Harry gripped the sheets to try and hold himself together. Nighttime was her favorite time of day, because it was when she got him all to herself, Emerson far enough down the hall that they could do whatever they liked without waking her up most times. They’d had some close calls, but so far they were blessed with a daughter who loved to sleep and they’d made sure to put her on a sleep cycle early on so she was trained to sleep through the night by now.
Y/N tugged her hand up and down him a few times, before licking a stripe up the underside of him. Harry pushed at her hair, tugging it into a ponytail so he could see her face as she did it and the light from their bedside tables illuminating his face. His wide eyes, the same ones their daughter had, stared back at her, blown wide with desire, his tongue licking across his lip as he watched her move. “Wanna taste you,” she said, pressing a kiss to his tip.
“God,” Harry mumbled, bucking his hips up into her touch and she loved the control she had over him. “Can do anything you want to me, baby.”
Without waiting, her lips were around his tip, taking him into her mouth and Harry moaned, fingers digging into the sheets from the sensation of being inside her. He was heavy in her mouth and she loved how he brushed her throat and panted her name, barely holding himself together and she licked at him. She knew everything that set him off after years of being together and used it all. Scratched at his thighs, hummed over him, batted her eyelashes at him, mumbled his name.
She knew Harry wasn’t going to last, though, he never did. Far preferred being inside of her to coming in her mouth and told her often. “Love,” he said, reaching for her and trying to pull her off of him. “Need you.”
She decided to play with him a bit, wind him up just because she could. “Where do you need me?”
He whined, pulling at her hair to try and get her to move up him, a desperation overtaking his body. “Around me. Need your pussy.”
Those were the magic words for her. She climbed up him, capturing his lips in hers for a passionate kiss that had them grinding against each other like kids. He was hard against her clit, the wetness of both of their desire mixing and allowing him to slide easily between her folds. When he bumped her clit with his tip she whimpered, and Harry lost it, unable to wait any longer.
He flipped them, Y/N yelping as she landed on her back, a soft giggle escaping her lips as he settled over her. “Little tease,” he scolded with a playful smile, sucking on her neck, the soft spot that always had her pawing at his skin.
“H,” she panted, pushing her hips up to his. “Please.”
She was on an IUD, had been since they’d started having sex after Emerson was born. Neither of them were in the market for another kid right now, as much as they loved Emmy, she was plenty of a handful for both of them. They wanted to wait longer, get their life together and more settled before they had the conversation about more kids, although it definitely wasn’t off the table. Especially since Y/N had said yes when he had bent down on one knee, a year after Emerson was born, unable to wait any longer. For now, though,  they were in no rush to marry, just enjoying building a life together, raising Emmy, and being together. Maybe it hadn’t been the life either of them expected, but now that they were living it there was no turning back.
Y/N pushed his hair off his forehead and tugged at the ends, pulling his head to hers so she could pull him into a kiss that left them both breathless. “H, fuck me, please.”
“Good God,” he panted against her lips. “One day you truly are going to kill me.” With that, he moved slightly and pressed his tip to her slit, both of them groaning as he pushed inside. It had been a few days, the longest they usually went since they, even after a child, couldn’t get enough of each other. Y/N quickly adjusted to his size, because after four years with Harry she couldn’t remember what it was even like to be with someone else—he was so good to her, always.
Her legs twined around his waist and pulled him deeper into her, and Harry moaned her name into her neck as he sunk in and then pulled back out. He leaned on his elbows on either side of her face, his head falling so his forehead knocked against hers when he pushed into her, but neither of them minded. They loved being this close, so close she could feel the beads on sweat on his chest and hear his every exhale in her ears. He was deep, deliciously so, and when he nudged the back of her walls, finding that spot that drive her wild she arched her back into him. “Feel so good,” she murmured, attaching her lips to the column of his neck, sponging kisses down it. “H, fuck fuck fuck—“ He drove into her, deeper than before, and the impact had her scratching lines down his back, red angry marks left in their trail that he would admire in the morning and Y/N would blush at the sight of.
“Yeah? Like feeling me inside of you?” He nudged at her nose, turning her head so he could kiss underneath her earlobe, a soft spot that left her keening in his touch. “Made for me, you know. Just…made for me and only me. You’re mine, love—fuck—mine forever. Can’t wait to marry you, Y/N, please,” he spat when she fluttered around him, walls pulling him deep. He stuttered inside of her, barely inches from tumbling over the edge, but he wanted her to come first, always wanted her to finish first. “Close for me, baby?”
She nodded frantically, pulling at his biceps to keep her steady and he thrusted into her at a fast pace, their bed squeaking slightly. “Want you to come, too,” she told him, lips finding his in a quick kiss.
“I’ll come when you do,” he promised, because he could never hold himself together when she came around him. Had never been able to and would never be able to. “Come for me, love.” His words were rough in her ears, murmuring and begging for her.
With another thrust and a sloppy kiss to her nipples, she was coming, panting his name in breaths that left her gasping for air. Harry finished right after her, slamming into her and shuddering against her body as he fell, sweaty skin kissing sweaty skin. He rested his head on her chest and her fingers combed through his hair, brushing at the locks just like he loved. “When do you want to get married?” She asked him after a few minutes of lying there.
He picked his head up and looked at her and she saw the sparkle in his eyes that she adored. “Tomorrow. I don’t care, Y/N, as long as it’s to you.”
She kissed his forehead and pushed a curl back. “I want to do it in Holmes Chapel, like we talked about.  Or maybe Italy. In the Spring? Before Emmy is three.”
He slid his arms under her and pulled her up so she was sitting in his lap, her legs around his hips, and he grinned at her. “Yeah? You wanna marry me in the Spring?”
“As long as it’s to you,” she said, and Harry chuckled into her skin, before capturing her lips in his, just as sweet as the first time he tasted them. “I’m so glad I made an exception for you.” Her words were a quiet confession, and one that Harry had heard multiple times over the past four years of being with her, but ones that never ceased to make him love her more.
“Your only exception,” he mumbled, kisses dusting across her cheeks, showering her in his affection.
She nodded, holding his cheeks in hers, eyes boring into his, the ones he dreamed of when he was gone. “My only exception.”
TAGLIST: @smokeinherperfume @afire-hes @harryinsweatersandbandanas @marinalima3 @havethetimeofyourstyles @ursogoldenshan @inmygardensuit @marinalima3 @amaridon @harrys-watermelons @dontgiveupthedayjob @cronias13 @apples2019 @laula843 @afterstylesmadeit  @kait-brin @harrys-watermelons @groovybaybee @clumsywithlove93 @1142590m @erin0717 @ketchuplukehemmo​  @harrysclementines​  @meetmeinfleetwood​ @kakaym @harrystyles-concepts @harrymoncheri @berrynarrybanana​ @samjo1986 @adams-tammy72
205 notes · View notes
cherryhanji · 4 years
tears and smudges
oneshot. bang chan x reader
genre: drama, angst, fluffy tones at the end
words: 4.3k
warning(s): foul language, super slight mentions of domestic abuse, mentions of degradation, themes of prostitution and sex, themes of violence, suggestive themes, mentions of drinking, lots of kissing at the end (lol)
alexa's note:
hello! this is my first time writing a scenario with those themes mentioned above. again, i'm not used with these kinds of themes but I tried my best to write this one. (But really, I can't write some scenes with explicit sex, graphic sexual content, as I've mentioned on my request guidelines)
If you're not comfortable with these kinds of stories, I do suggest to you that I have other works listed on my masterlist and most of them are fluffs (if it's your thing)
Sex work is the one that makes you stand on your own feet for almost five years. In this kind of living situation, you already met different kinds of people, and one of them is the person you really trust the most, the person that never judged you in all aspects. You met Chan at the bar you're currently working at, he is the kind of regular that never asks for sex unlike those grumpy old horny businessmen and horny college dudes in exchange of money.
Chan is a drunkard, tho. You'll never know about him if you didn't insist him to take you, a challenge you accepted from your coworkers who didn't charm their way into the man's heart. his looks are breathtaking, one thing that made your coworkers drool for him. But he didn't budge, saying that it's not his thing. This scenario continued until you gave up and decided to offer to be friends with him which he gladly accepted. That's when you knew he has respect for every woman, including you. That's why he always refuses to have sex either with you or your coworkers. That's when you knew he's the only guy you'll put your trusts into. And he never failed you. Always taking care of you after work. Listens to your rants about different clients you've encountered every work. He's the one who can bring out the inner you, the vulnerability that you always hide whenever you're at work. Showing him all the frustrations and judgments that you always, but despite that, he never, ever judged you. And you're beyond grateful for that.
"Hey, y/n. Is baby boy not coming tonight?" Your coworker asked when she didn't saw any traces of Chan on the bar stool.
"hey! Don't call him that! He has a name!" You said and chuckled.
"I think he's busy at work. It's not like he'll always spend the night here and drink until he becomes wasted as fuck." You said while putting on heavy makeup on your face. It's always been your routine before the clients went into the bar. Putting on those thick eyeliner and brick red lipstick that your regular clients like.
"Ladies! Listen up!" You're manager called all your attentions.
"This night is our biggest break! One of our biggest clients is here and you y/n" she pointed at you and you listened intently.
"You're the one he suggested tonight. Accept it, you'll have your big paycheck tomorrow after." She said and winked at you. You nod slowly as the thought sink in. Having a big paycheck means to you. But it also means that the client you're assigned tonight is quite tough, it's been five years since you started this kind of job but you still feel nervous about it. Shaking it off from your head, you prepare yourself as the bar finally opened its working hours now.
before you head out from the staff room, you checked first your phone if there are any messages on it, you smiled as you saw Chan's name on the notifications.
you chuckled as you read his message.
from: Chan
are there lots of people tonight? sorry I didn't go early. Work, you know.
to: Chan
yep. A lot, as usual, I got assigned to this biggest client of our bar. Good luck to me! Anyways, it's okay if u didn't come early tho, just focus on your work so you can have lots of money to spend on our booze.
your heart skips a beat as you read the familiar pet name he always calls you with, his princess. you shrugged and put back your phone inside your bag before starting to work.
from: Chan
I will princess, and I'll stop by later, I'll walk you home okay? Keep yourself from any harm. see you :>
as usual, the bar is now stuffed with people who don't do anything but to have some fun, drink with friends, people who are brushing off their stress and frustrations away with the help of alcohol. You were used to these kinds of scenarios. And you once experienced them. Being an orphan made you lonely, in and out of foster homes to find your own kind of "home", you were once adopted by a couple who can't have their own child. You decided to leave the couple when your foster father always hit you whenever you do something that isn't to his likings. Growing up without someone guiding you made you face all the struggles that a person will always encounter without any knowledge on how to properly deal with it. That's why alcohol is your only escape. Brushing it off with alcohol that you always throw on your system. Temporarily forgetting all the problems that you will still face when you're sober.
You met someone who you thought will never leave you and betray you. But it turns out he just used you for his own sexual needs. Leaving you wasted and a crying mess for believing his shit. That's when you started having trust issues. Struggling to trust someone for not wanting to be abandoned again. But ever since Chan came to your life, you never once contemplated bringing back your trust to a person again. And you're glad that you did the right thing.
"Hey! Y/N!" Your coworker called you as soon as you went out of the staff room
"Oh, what is it?" You asked as you wander your eyes on the bar.
"Your client is now waiting for you." Your coworker said and pointed out the man who you assumed is in his late 20's. he looks so young for a millionaire, you thought.
"He's hot, isn't he? Go now! If I were you, I would love to have him as my client, lucky you, he picked you." She said and winked before she pushed you towards the client. You glared at her before fixing yourself and went to your client.
The man can't hide his desires as soon as you approached him on his seat.
"You're y/n if I'm not mistaken," the man said and you nodded confirming him.
"I've never made a mistake in choosing you. Come, join me here beautiful lady," he said and tapped the side of the couch signaling you to sit beside him which you accepted.
"Being your new client, I guess you know already who am I." He said. you gasped slightly, completely forgetting to ask your manager the name of your client. Stupid you.
The man chuckled at your sudden silence. "Oh I guess Ms. Jang didn't tell you, I'm Lee Minho, you can just call me Minho." He said and offered his hands to you asking for a handshake. You accepted it and smiled shyly at him.
"I, I'm sorry M-minho, I forgot to ask Ms. Jang about you." You said and smiled sheepishly.
"It's okay, dear. As long as you came here, I'm beyond okay with it. Want some drinks?" He offered you the glass containing expensive booze from your bar and gladly took it. Looks like with his oozing expensive looks and wealth, you think he can also buy the entire bar you're working at.
After a couple of drinks and talks with Minho, you can now sense that he is nearly intoxicated with the alcohol he's been drinking. You decided not to drink too much so you can still be aware of what was happening to your surroundings. While your eyes wander at the people who were having fun, a hand slowly nestled on your thighs, which made your breath hitched at the cold feeling. Looking at the owner of the hand, you saw Minho cocked his head at the side while smiling at you, a hint of desire in his eyes.
"Uh, Minho... Is there anything you need?" You're already used to these kinds of scenes so you just brush it off by asking him. You surely saw that his eyes darken for a second. His jaw clenched, hands now near at your inner thighs before he pulled it off and fixed his tie.
"Is there any room we can occupy?" He asked you. You stand up from your seat and ask him to wait for you while you asked your manager about it.
You went straight to the staff room and quickly check your phone first. You saw a message from Chan and you opened it.
you decided not to reply to him and went straight to your manager to ask what room did Minho purchase.
from: Chan
10 minutes more and I'll be there. I'll wait for you later, princess.
You went back to Minho who is calmly drinking while waiting for you. He immediately stands up as soon as you went near him. Grabbing your hand, he lets you guide him to where the room is.
As soon as you closed the door, Minho's hands wander to the different parts of your body, satisfying himself by touching your smooth skin.
"You're so fucking sexy, you know that?" Minho said as you just nodded at him.
"You don't know how much I want to wreck you now," Minho grunted, hands still exploring your lower part.
Minutes later, the touches were slowly getting rougher, one that made you winced because of the aggressive touches Minho giving you.
Hearing your whimpers that he thought came from the pleasure he gives you, he aggressively grabbed your chin with his big hands forcing you to look at him.
"I knew it. You love it when someone's being hard on you, huh? You like it, slut?" He said making your eyes widen and shook your head.
"No? Isn't this enough for you? You want it a harsh way? Okay. I'd love to do it then." He said and pulled you towards the bed, hands still on your chin. He pushed you harshly on the bed. Removing his top, he climbed on the bed giving himself space between your legs and harshly dive into your neck. You cried because of the harsh bites he gave you, with zero pleasure, pure pain. You try to wriggle out from his hard grip but it's no help.
Annoyed by your actions, he stopped what his assaults to you and slapped your face hard. Making you cry out because of the pain.
"What do you think you're doing, slut? Do you think you can deny me? I already bought you, remember? I paid a high amount to have you as my property now. You can't do anything but to obey me, because you're just a little slut, hungry for money." He said and put his hands on your throat with such force making tears slowly flow out from your eyes because of the lack of air. Did your manager just sell you out to this man?
He removed his hands from your throat making you choke, gasping for some air to breathe in, while he continues doing all his assaults to you. This is one of the things you really hate in this job, giving them the pleasure they want is okay not until they lay off their abusive hands to you. And because of this kind of abuse you mostly encounter because of your job, you learned how to properly defend yourself from it. Adrenaline rushed into you as you kick his crotch very hard making him fall to the side of the bed.
"Fuck you slut! What do you think you're doing?!" Minho blurted out while wincing from the pain on his crotch. You quickly get up from the bed and ran out of the room. Rushing to the staff room looking for your manager. You've had enough.
"Y/N?! W-what are you— where is Mr. Lee?" Your manager asked you as soon as you enter the staff room. Shaking with anger, you question your manager, "How could you—" you stopped trying not to cry out of anger. besides Chan, Ms. Jang is the second person you gave your trust into, taking care of you like a real mother. You just can't believe that she will sell you out in exchange for a big fucking amount of money.
Trying to ask you again, you interrupted her, "Did you just let that man bought me for a big amount of money? how could you do that to me, I thought you care for me?" You said, not wanting to cry in front of her. You stopped her when she tried to go near you.
"No, please don't go near me." You said
"I'm, I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't plan to do that. It's just that he threatened me, he said that he will report our bar to the police if I didn't give him what he wants, he wants you, Y/N. I, I can't risk our business. That's--"
"So you decided to sacrifice me?" You nodded and continued. "I understand... Who am I to refuse, I'm just a wasted orphan you adopted, a new girl you added to your collection. You know what, Ms. Jang, thank you for taking care of me for the last five years, I felt the love that I thought was real. Thanks for letting me experience how to have a real mother. It's been a nice journey. But I've had enough, it's like I've ever wanted this kind of life anyway. Thank you, and please tell the others, I'm thankful for them, too. I need to go. I can't stand this place anymore." You said and grabbed all your things. Ms. Jang tried to stop you but you didn't budge, you want to get out of this life for so long, maybe now is the time. As soon as you stormed out of the room, you saw Chan peacefully sitting on the barstool, assuming that he's waiting for you. He smiled as soon as he saw you but quickly withdrew it as he saw your expression. He immediately went to you and held your arms gently, softly caressing it.
"Hey, what happened?" He asked, eyes glassed with worry. You faintly smiled at him and grabbed his hands in your arms and squeezed it.
"Let's get out of here?" You asked and he just nodded, still clueless with what was happening.
"Where do you want to go?" Chan asked you as soon as you went out of the bar. Because of the situation, you can't go straight to your home as it was also Ms. Jang's home.
"Can I stay at your place for a while?" You faced him. Examining your face first, he sensed that something's definitely wrong. So he just nodded and hailed for a cab.
"Wait for me here, I'll just get some water." You just nodded and hummed in response. You just fiddled with your fingers as you recall the happenings a while ago. Your trust had shattered again, making you feel devastated. Ms. Jang sacrificed you? Maybe Minho was right, you're just a worthless slut. You were never loved by anyone because you're just one of those existing trash here on earth. No one dared to love you, words are just words. People who say that they love you were never real. They meant nothing. People loathed sluts like you. You are a failure, a total failure. Thinking those thoughts, you didn't notice the tears that are now falling from your eyes, eyeliner mixing with your tears making it smudged on your face.
"Y/N! Shit! Why are you crying?" Chan immediately placed the glasses of water to the coffee table and sit beside you. Feeling his presence beside you, you quickly grabbed the hem of his shirt asking him for a hug which he immediately gave you. Chan shushed you, swaying your bodies side to side as he let you cry your heart out. You felt him kissed the top of your head and caressed it after, making you calm.
"What happened back there at the bar?" Chan asked when you finally calmed down. Grabbing the tissue box and wiped your face gently, also removing the smudges of eyeliner on your eyes.
"Ms. Jang just sold me to our biggest client. I... I trusted her, Chan. I thought that she'll take care of me. I just can't believe she betrayed me for a big amount of money." You told him what happened at the bar. Chan stayed silent before attempted to speak.
"What are you going to do now?" Chan asked you. Tucking in stray hair at the back of your ear.
"I'll stop working there. I want to change, Chan. I can't be stuck there forever. I need to improve myself." You said, tears slowly falling to your cheeks again. Thinking how will you start to change your life for the better. You're afraid, you're afraid of the changes. But you wanted this. And you know Chan will always be there for you. Chan smiled at you dearly. Hearing it from you makes his heart clenched. He never judged you because of your way of living. But he's glad that you wanted to change your life for the better. And he's willing to help you and guide you.
"Sssh... Don't cry, princess. I'll stay with you. You know that, right? You know you can rely on me." He said and you nodded at him.
"Thank you, Chan. For not judging me, for always taking care of me, for everything that you did for me. Thank you for coming into my life. You're my angel, Chan." You said and smiled at him. Hearing those words from you, his happiness jolted up. He's also beyond thankful to you coming into his life. And he'll never stop taking care of you, never stop protecting you, and will never stop giving you the love that you deserved.
Chan held your cheeks, which you leaned in. He slowly lowered his head, and kissed you. Your eyes opened out of shock, but quickly melted in as soon you felt his soft lips on yours. Realizing what he was doing, he quickly breaks the kiss. You opened your eyes, looking at his face mirroring regret. Also realizing what happened, you stayed silent. You always have a soft spot for Chan. But after he kissed you, it's like there's a place inside your heart you didn't know you that had only for him.
"I-I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to kiss you. Fuck." Chan said and cursed himself making you chuckle. He looked at you confused as to why you're laughing.
"It's okay. You like me, do you?" You teased him making his eyes widen at you, like a deer caught in the headlights.
"H-how did you know?" He asked, confirming that he does likes you.
You shrugged and shift from your seat. "Dunno, I just guessed." You said. He just facepalmed. Completely cursing himself for being stupid.
"Yes, Honestly speaking, I've been in love with you ever since we met." He continued.
"You caught my eye, and that made worse when we grew close with each other. I just learned each day that you're so special to me. I, I love you, Y/N." Chan said making you shut in silence. Slowly sinking in all the words that he confessed. You're never used to these kinds of things. You don't know the feeling of being truly loved by someone, and hearing this from Chan, made you realize that you've been truly loved for a long time, you've been truly loved by Chan. The moment is too much for you making you cry again. Chan saw you making him baffled and held your face slowly.
"Hey, don't cry. It hurts me." Chan said, wiping your tears away.
"It's just that, I've never been so loved before. I've been a failure, Chan. No one ever loved me the way you do Hearing this all from you, it's too much, making me cry." You said trying to stop from crying.
"Don't say that. you're not a failure, y/n. You're the best thing that happened to me."
"But I don't know how to love again. I mean, I don't know how to start loving again." You said.
"You don't have to, princess, Just let the time. Just let me love you, okay?" Chan said and kissed you once again. The feelings, the atmosphere is too much for you to handle, making you burst out again into tears as you felt the love Chan is giving you. You don't know what did you do to deserve this. But you just let the moment pass by and relish all the love this man was giving you.
You were the one to break the kiss because of a lack of air. Chan leaned his forehead on yours and chuckled. You felt his thumb on the corner of your lips. You looked at his thumb that obtained red stains from your lipstick.
You also looked at his lips, chuckling as you saw the visible lipstick stains, courtesy of you.
"Your lipstick made a mess, princess." He said and chuckled.
"You look sexy, Chan." You blurted out, grabbing a tissue to wipe the smudge of lipstick on his lips.
"Don't say that, princess. I know I am." Chan said, combing your hair gently. You finally wiped the smudges on his lips and yours.
"Promise me you'll never cry again, princess, I just saw how much of a crybaby you are." He said and you just smacked his chest lightly.
"It's because you made me cry." You said and pouted.
"But not because I hurt you. And don't do that, please. It makes me want to kiss you again." Chan said and pointed out your pouty lips.
"Then do it." You teased him making him grunt.
"We all have the time in the world princess, so take a shower first so we can have our dinner and we can do all the kissings later." He said and chuckled making you blush at his playful banter. He just pinched your cheeks and stand up.
"Take a shower, I'll prepare your clothes for now." He said.
"Shower with me?" You asked making him gasped with your suggestion
"W-what? Hell no!" Chan completely refused to make you chuckle
"Why? We're already dating." You teased making him rolled his eyes dramatically.
"That doesn't mean I will accept your offer." He said and slowly pushed you towards the bathroom.
"Okay, okay. Fine." You laughed and stuck your tongue out before closing the door of the bathroom. You just love how to make him blush on the spot, looking so cute.
You and Chan's bodies were comfortably slumped on the sofa while watching some movies after you ate dinner. You snuggled on his broad chest, while his arms encircled around you making you warm and comfortable.
"Y/N..." Chan called you softly. You hummed and lift your gaze to him.
"Now that you left the bar, when will you gather your things from Ms. Jang's house? You know I can help you with it." He said and combed your hair.
"I'll gather my courage to face them first. I need to clear my mind. I don't think I can face them for now. And I need to think of a place to live now I already left the bar." You said
"Live here with me?" Chan suggested making you look back at him.
"I might be a burden-"
"No. You'll never be, princess. At least you'll only have to think about looking for a job. Living here with me can lessen your problems. Besides, I love you being here." Chan said and smiled at you. Chan never failed to make you smile even at the smallest things he did and said to you
"Fine. But let me contribute to it. Let me have a share in paying other bills. I am also now living here. And I am consuming the things that you consume." You said.
"You sound like my future wife." He chuckled and pinched your nose.
"Do you want me to be?" You asked and he nodded.
"I'd love to. Mrs. Bang." He said making you both laughed at the thought.
"You're tired, Chan. You need to rest." You said pushing his face against you.
"But I'm serious!" He whined and you just nodded.
"Yes, I know. But that's not our priority for now. I know that you love me, I'll just be here with you." You said and give him a peck on his lips. You were about to move back when he grabbed your face and made you stay still, catching your lips with his. You smiled against his lips and soon gave in with the kiss.
"You're too much of a kisser huh? Maybe you waited for this time to come, did you?" You asked, gasping again for air after the breathtaking kiss
"Maybe yes, maybe no. You guess." He said and hugged you.
"I love you, princess. I love you." Chan said. Wanting to say those words to him, you contemplate as you still not yet completely have the confidence and assurance of those words. You still need to find the real meaning before you finally tell him. Sensing your uneasiness, Chan sighed and cupped your cheeks.
"You don't have to say it now, princess. Just what I've told you a while ago, just let the time, don't worry about me. Just let me love you. I won't force you tell to me." Chan said and smiled. Maybe what he said isn't that hard to do. Because you can see how much he loves you, you'll soon learn how to love him back. You know how much he also deserves the love that he always gives you. You just need to let the time do its thing.
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tomspancakes · 4 years
This Way: Part 5
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*not my gif*
Pairing: Tom Holland x Actress! reader
Word Count: 4557
Warnings: Dickhole Tom
Summary: Uncharted filming is postponed and Tom comes back home.
A/N: Please lmk if you’re enjoying this series or have any constructive criticism for my writing! Don’t hesitate to ask to be a part of the taglist (if i can even make it work lol) Enjoy part 5, loves :)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
“What the fuck. She’s actually crazy! We have to do something about this. I mean she’s literally blackmailing Tom into staying with her!” Harry said loudly.
“Shhh, I don’t want the other boys to hear.” You said trying to quiet him down, “I know it’s crazy, but Tom and I said we’d figure out a way for her to stay quiet or something I don’t know. But the only thing we can do right now is let him stay with her.”
“No, Harry, if you do anything she’ll expose Tom and I. E-even though we’re broken up I’m not ready for people to go digging into my past life. We’ll figure something out I promise.” He nodded understanding how much you cared about your privacy.
“Hey Harry and y/n. You guys down to-” Haz came into the living room and saw your puffy eyes and bruises forming on your left arm where Allana grabbed you. It was still a mystery that she was able to bruise you, “Oh what the hell happened, are you ok y/n?” He said very concerned and picked up your arm to examine it.
“I’m ok,” You laughed, “Just a little accident when we were coming into the house.” You said trying to not mention Allana.
“Oh it was definitely far from an accident. Allana came looking for Tom and she was-”
“Harrison! We have to go outside! Allana is going psycho on y/n and Harry!” Tuwaine came running down the stairs to show Haz the security footage, “Oh, oops… I thought this was going on now…” You all laughed.
“Anyway, Allana is way crazier than we thought, guys. She was trying to accuse y/n of trying to take Tom, calling her a ‘stupid whore’ and such. Well you can see it in the security footage. We can’t let her near y/n if she comes back.” Harry said and the boys nodded crossing their arms like they were your body guards and your heart melted.
“Aw you guys are gonna make me cry, love you guys,” They smiled at you, “but I can take care of myself. She’s just being a jealous girlfriend.”
“Uh no. more like a fucking psychopath.” Harrison said sassily and the boys agreed.
“Ok whatever she is, it doesn’t matter. You guys also can’t tell Tom what happened. We all know he’d come back in a heartbeat if he finds out.” The boys looked at you with a face like, ‘what the fuck?’. 
“He left to have some time for himself so we’ll give it to him. Plus he’s gonna start filming in a few days so we can’t distract him from his work.” The boys agreed because you made a valid point.
“As soon as he gets here though I’m gonna tell him to break it off with her.” Harrison said sternly and you got a little nervous about that.
-*One week before lockdown*-
It’s been a few days since Tom had left. Tom tried to reach out to you a few times, but you wouldn’t budge.
You were beginning to get nervous hearing about the restrictions of travel to the US and your manager, Stacy, called.
“Hey y/n how’s it going?”
“Well, I’m sad filming was cut short, but I guess I could use a break. I’m trying to find a plane ticket home, but they’re so hard to find since everyone is trying to go back to the states now.” You said nervously.
“Yeah, y/n, here’s the thing. I don’t think you should come back home.”
“What? B-but what about my family?” Your manager sighed.
“Look, you were gonna be gone from home for a few months already, if you stayed it’d be like the same thing. And who knows? You may even start filming in 2 weeks like they said. Plus it’s really not safe to travel at this time. I don’t want you to get sick and I’m sure you don’t want to get anyone in your family sick.” Stacy was making really good points, you sighed and nodded, “I’m sorry, y/n, just try to come to terms with it.” 
“Ok will do, Stacy. I’ll talk to you later.” She gave you an apologetic smile and hung up. You were upset, but at least you wouldn’t be alone right? Quarantining with 4 other boys was going to get real interesting… especially when one of them is your ex.
“Everything alright, Y/n?” Harry sat next to you on the couch. You shook your head and rested it on his shoulder. 
“I can’t go back to my family because of the virus.” He looked at you apologetically and rubbed your back.
“It’s gonna be ok you have me, Harrison, Tuwaine, and Tom will probably be home soon.” You nodded and felt a sense of comfort knowing Tom would be back soon.
- In Berlin, Germany-
Tom got a text from the producers for the entire crew to meet in the hotel lobby. Tom already had an idea of what was about to happen. As soon as everyone got there the director, Ruben Fleischer spoke. 
“Thanks for coming down everyone, I assume you already know what this announcement is about. We’re going to have to postpone all production of Uncharted until it is safe to return. I suggest that you make your way home soon since travelling restrictions are getting worse.” As soon as he finished talking Tom got a text from his assistant, Ben, saying that he already booked Tom a plane ticket last night because he heard the news beforehand somehow. 
Tom was sad that he’d have to leave doing what he loves most, but he was excited to go back home and see you and the boys. He thought of this as a nice little break, then he remembered he had to deal with Allana and he sighed.
He sent a text to a groupchat called, “y/n and divs,” (which consisted of everyone in the house) saying he’d be going back home now.
- Heathrow Airport - 
Tom tiredly tried to hail a cab until a familiar car pulled up in front of him. 
“Hey, Tommy.” Tom's eyes widened. How the hell did she know he was coming back? “Hop in, baby.” He gulped and walked into the passenger seat.
“How’d you know I was coming back?” Tom asked, a little freaked out.
“I had Ben update me since you weren’t responding to any of my texts or calls for three fucking days! Which we really need to have a chat about.” She said getting mad, then she breathed out trying to calm down and cleared her throat, “I’m just worried about you, Tommy.” She smiled at Tom and kept driving.
“Sorry I was really busy with work and they needed me to come to set early.” He lied, hiding the fact that he was trying to get away from her. He texted the, “y/n and divs,” group chat,
Tom: Hey, just landed. Allana picked me up. She's taking me back to her flat, I’ll try to be home before 8
Harrison: Oh shit good luck lol
Tom looked confused at the text. Did Harrison know something?
Tom’s heart sped up when he saw that you texted, but in a private chat. 
Y/n: Make good decisions… Be safe please x
It’s the only thing you’ve said to him in a few days. He knew you’d come around eventually and your concern for his safety made him smile. ‘Wait, why is everyone texting me like embarking on a dangerous adventure?’ He thought.
“Who’re the texts from?” Allana asked. 
“Oh uh nobody.” Tom quickly deleted his messages with you just in case Allana would see.
“Bull shit.” She said sternly and snatched Tom’s phone, “Ugh why does Harrison hate me so much?”
“Allana what the fuck you’re driving! What the hell is going on? You’ve been really cr- uh different since the dinner.” Her mood went from mad to sad in 0.0002 seconds as she pulled over. She sighed and said innocently,
“I-I’m sorry, Tommy. I-I guess I’ve just been so insecure ever since y/n showed up and I don’t want to lose you because you're such a great guy. And it really hurt that you left without telling me because it was our 5 month anniversary.” Tom’s eyes widened because he forgot about that and began to feel bad and sighed.
“Allana, why didn’t you just tell me that? You have no need to worry either, Y/n and I aren’t getting back together.” Tom hurt himself when he said that. He wished he could get back with you, but you just wanted to be friends. Allana perked up right away and leant over the console to give him a long kiss, but Tom cut it short, still not able to trust her. She cleared her throat and began to drive again.
“I’m going to use the loo really quick, then we can go pick up some dinner.” Allana said. Tom nodded and decided to check his security cams since he hasn’t in a while. He casually scrolled through the usual footage of the mail men and people coming into/ leaving the house, that is until he saw a video of Allana going to sit on the porch and noticed it was from the day he left. His blood began to boil when he saw Allana yank you back and say all those mean things to you. 
The driver door swung open, “Ok, ready to-”
“Allana what the fucking hell is this?” Tom hissed and showed Allana the footage. Her eyes went wide, 
“First off you left me without any warning. I’m your girlfriend, Tom! Second you didn’t answer any of my texts or calls on our 5 month anniversary. Third it really seems like you weren’t trying to stay away from y/n, don’t even think for a second I didn’t see what Tuwaine posted.” Tom looked at her confused, she groaned and pulled up the picture of you laying across all the boys. “Care to explain? Because I’m very close to exposing your little secret.” She said darkly.
“Allana, jeez that was before you started this insane ‘deal’ of yours. I swear.” 
“Hm, you got lucky this time Tom.” She snarled. Tom was getting fed up,
“That’s it. You called y/n really rude things and would have hurt her. I can’t do this anymore you’re insa-”
“Ohp stop right there, Tommy, if you’re trying to break up with me right now remember that the ball is in my court.” Tom furrowed his brows in anger, “If you do I’ll make the story worse. I’ll go straight to TMZ and along with your past relationship I’ll tell them that you and y/n were fucking behind my back. I’ll make sure to ruin both of your careers.” Tom stayed silent. 
“Oh, Tommy, don’t look so sad.” She said in a baby voice.
“I need to go. I can’t be around you right now.” Tom got out of the car and retrieved his luggage. She yelled behind him,
“Don’t forget about what I can do, Tom. I want you back at my flat tomorrow.” 
Tom walked to his friend Connor’s house which was only two blocks away and knocked on the front door.
“Hold on I’m coming!” The door swung open, “Tom? Mate, it’s been so long you ok?” They bro hugged before Connor let him in.
“No actually, I uh came here for some info…” Connor raised his brow, “about Allana.”
“Oh shit, Tom. I told you you should’ve left her as soon as possible.”
“Yeah I know. I-I don’t know why I didn’t listen to anyone. I guess I just wanted to be with someone.” He sighed and his mind went to you as he plopped down on the couch.
Connor patted his back and sat next to him, “It’s ok you’re not the first guy to have troubles with Allana. Well, what’d you want to know?”
“Every single detail of her last relationship.” Tom said sternly.
“Thanks for giving me a ride home and for telling me everything, mate. I owe you.” Tom said, giving Connor a bro hug over the console.
“Don’t even worry about it. You already got yourself in quite a pickle.” Tom laughed tiredly and turned to walk to the house. 
“Hey guys I’m home.” Tom said in a very unenthusiastic way. Nobody came to greet him or anything, he heard voices upstairs and decided to check it out.
“Bro, that’s sick! Do it again.” Harrison said amused. 
“Haha alright I will, give me a second. Y/n, are you recording now?” This time it's a familiar American voice that’s coming through the phone. Tom walked into your room to see all the boys huddled behind you at your desk. He knocked on the door frame and everyone turned around. 
“Aye look who’s back. It’s Tom!” Tuwaine cheered. Your heart skipped a beat with excitement.
“Oh, wait a sec not yet.” You said as all the boys went to greet Tom. You sat there afraid that Allana might be watching the instagram live.
“What’s going on here?” Tom asked, coming to look at your phone. He saw you were on an instagram live with Gavin Leatherwood. His heart dropped and his body began to heat up with jealousy. 
“Hey, Tom! Long time no see. I was about to do a double front flip. Did you just get back from filming?” Gavin asked nicely. Tom had a straight face the entire time. You could sense Tom was not happy and you watched him closely afraid he’d do something bad.
“Yep. Filming got cancelled for me.” He said seriously and stood straight up to walk away without letting Gavin respond. ‘Well that went better than expected.’ You thought. The boys looked at him apologetically, but went back behind you to watch Gavin flip.
“Uh, Gavin, why don’t you do that flip and that’ll be the last thing because we gotta go.”
He nodded and did the flip, sticking the landing perfectly. The boys cheered and everyone in the comments went crazy. 
“Nice, mate, you’re so good at that!” Harry said, clapping still. Gavin laughed,
“Thanks it took a lot of time for me to get that down. Alright you all gotta go now?” You nodded, 
“Yeah sorry, it’s around dinner time here now.” You said.
“No worries! It’s breakfast time for me anyway. Text me and send me the video.” You nodded and both said your goodbyes to everyone watching the live.
“Man that was dope. Y/n, you have to get him to hang out with us when this is all over.” Haz pleaded before speaking with Tuwaine. You giggled and nodded in agreement.
“Y/n, I don’t think Tom was very happy about that.” Harry said sticking with you as Haz and Tuwaine walked ahead.
“Yeah no shit, he had a straight face the whole time. Should I talk to him?” Harry shrugged.
“Maybe? I mean it seems like he’s already had a really rough day.” 
“Yeah I just don’t want to make his day worse-” Harry cut you off pointing at Tom sitting at the dinner table. He was drinking a beer and had an empty shot glass next to him,
“Looks like you should talk to him, hear him out or something. I’ll help Haz and Tuwaine cook dinner.” Harry sighed and walked to the other boys.
You nodded and made your way over to Tom rubbing his shoulder before sitting down, “Not even 20 minutes here and you’re already trying to get drunk?” You joked and he scoffed. Oof. “Wanna talk about anything?” You looked at him concerned. 
“Hm yeah I do. I’ve got a lot to talk about actually, but seems like you’d much rather drool over Mr. Leatherwood instead of listen to poor old Tom.” You sighed and gave him a sad look. 
“Tom, Gavin just joined my instagram live because he was bored. We were just entertaining other people.” You didn’t want to say anything more because you were worried Tom would only get more upset. 
“That’s fucking bull shit.” He hissed taking another swig of beer, “He was literally just trying to impress you with his stupid flip, which isn’t even that impressive. You know I could do that too, y/n. He’s not special.” His jealousy was beginning to show. You smiled a bit at him and nodded, 
“I’m sure you can do that and more, but he’s just my friend and he knows that’s all he is to me.”
“Does he really? Or are you just saying that to make me feel better? Who decided to break up first in the relationship?” His voice was raising a bit and Harrison and Tuwaine kept looking your way. 
“Maybe we should take this conversation to the liv-” You said already standing up. But Tom lightly pulled your waist back down to the chair.
“No we’re going to talk about this here and now. Who decided to break up first?” 
“L-like I said, it was mutual.” You said softly
“No that’s bull. I can tell you’re lying.” You shut your eyes stressed and sighed,
“Ok, I was the one that suggested it.” Tom sat back looking satisfied taking a sip of his beer.
“Ya, that’s what I thought. You don’t like staying tied down. Did you also tell him you still wanted to be friends so that you could fuck him when you’re feeling lonely?” You stared at Tom in disbelief.
“What the hell, Tom?” He snickered darkly and shook his head.
“Oh my god, you’re not even fucking denying it. You probably go around telling guys that you’d be their friend instead of straight out rejecting them so you can fuck around with their feelings and have some sex when you feel like it.” Your vision began to get blurry with every word Tom said, but you refused to cry.
“You of all people should know damn well that I’m nothing like that, Tom.” You spat
“Do I really though, y/n?” Tom said, his voice booming. The other boys all turned to you two now. “You couldn’t even tell me the truth about you and Gavin and then I see the shit Allana did to you a few days ago? Well actually none of you fuckers bothered to tell me about it.” He said turning around and pointing at the other boys. “Damn it this is my house as well!” You stared at him with apologetic eyes.
“Hey, Tom. We didn’t tell you what went down because you said needed to leave for space and we gave it to you. Don’t blame y/n for anything.” Harry said standing up for you now. Tom scoffed.
He turned back around and looked at you straight in the eyes, “What, are you getting into my friends’ minds now? I left for you, y/n. I left so that I could fix shit and all for what? Fucking lies. That’s all I get in return,  and you never even communicated back to me. You were probably being petty because I left. Which again was for you damn it!” He was beginning to turn red and getting angrier by the second. Nobody was prepared for what he was about to say next.
“You know what? You’re a manipulative snake and get everyone wrapped around your little fucking finger so that they can do your work for you. You never probably even thought about how I felt about this situation or how I felt when you wanted to hide our relationship.” Tears rushed down your face now, “And you know what? I’ve fallen under your spell, but I can’t do it anymore, I’m done with your shi-” 
“Tom! You fucking dickhead. You don’t even know half the shit y/n has been through after you broke up. You can’t blame her for anything when she reached out to you and you couldn’t even work up the damn courage to simply reply.” Harry walked over to you and pulled you up as he glared at his brother. “Let’s go y/n. I’ll have the boys bring us food later and we can start a movie marathon now.” He comforted you as you walked away from Tom. 
“See, Harry? You’re falling for her shit too!” Tom said and Harry flipped him off. That made your heart break even more.
“Fuck!” Tom yelled and slammed his hands on the table. Haz and Tuwaine walked over to him and sat him down. All the words Tom said to you replayed in his mind and he immediately regretted saying them. 
“I fucked up didn’t I?” He asked his friends with his head in his hands.
“Majorly.” Tuwaine said.
“That was really harsh, mate.” Harrison said, “Why didn’t you tell us what was going on? You never even told us how you felt after you guys broke up. You kept saying you were fine when we tried to reach out.”
Tom sighed, “That’s because I’ve never felt that much pain before. I didn’t even know it, but I’ve been numb the whole time she was gone. I-I think I stayed with Allana because she distracted me from my heartache, and look how that’s going for me now.” He looked up at his two friends with tears in his eyes.
“W-well mate I mean anyone who was born yesterday could even see that Allana was just there to keep you busy…” Harrison said and Tuwaine slapped his neck while Tom groaned.
“God, Harrison, you’re shit at this. Tom, don’t pay attention to him. The only way you can fix this is by confronting the pain, not ignoring it. No matter how painful the feelings and memories are you need to bring them out and come to terms with it.” Harrison nodded.
“Yeah, you’re not the only one who’s felt pain before. You know I’ve been numb after a bad breakup before, and you were there to help me heal. It’s gonna be difficult to get over it trust me on that, but you have us here and your family to help you. Now if you don’t mind, why don’t you tell us what you’ve felt the past 6 months so we can help now.” Tom cried more and hugged Harrison and Tuwaine. 
“I feel very vulnerable right now, but thanks, you guys are the best.” They smiled and sat across from Tom to listen to his troubles.
“It’s ok to feel vulnerable sometimes.” Tuwaine said.
“Wow, I feel like shit, but also a little free.” Tom said sniffling, his eyes were beyond puffy, and they were hurting a bit. Both Haz and Tuwaine cried a bit as well.
“Yeah that was pretty heavy, but I know you’ll get through it, mate. You’re strong.” Tuwaine said with a smile and Harrison agreed,
“I think you should talk to y/n about this though. She needs to know what you’ve been feeling. Oh and of course apologize for what you said to her.” said Harrison. 
Tom nodded and asked, “Do you think y/n will ever forgive me?” 
“From what I know I think she’ll come around eventually, but you know her the best, mate.” Tom agreed and hoped to a high power that you’d forgive him even if it takes weeks. Tom was determined to win your trust and friendship back.
“Here take this food up to her and Harry as well.” Haz said, handing Tom two plates.
Tom lightly kicked your door because his hands were full. Harry swung the door open and clenched his jaw a bit when he saw Tom, but his expression softened when he saw how puffy and red Tom’s eyes were. 
“Well you look like shit.” Harry joked, making Tom smile a bit.
“I feel like it too.” Tom said softly. 
“Is that for us?” Harry asked looking at the two plates in his hands.
“Y-yeah,” Tom handed Harry the plates, “I wanted to apologize to you for being a dickhead, I get now why you guys didn’t tell me what happened.”
“We’re a bit at fault too, we should’ve thought about how you’d feel.” Tom nodded in agreement, “But you shouldn’t be apologizing to just me. You really hurt y/n’s feelings.” 
“Yeah I know. I need to talk to her now.” Tom said sternly. Harry peaked back into your room and said,
“Sorry she doesn’t want to talk right now.” 
“Y/n? Please let me explain everything. I-I didn’t mean what I said to you down there.” Your heart began to beat faster. The door was opened wider and you saw Tom’s tired and sad face, your heart ached, “Please, y/n, I-I need you.” You wanted to give in, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to and you shook your head.
“Tom, I’m sorry. I’m not ready to talk yet. P-please leave.” You said as tears rolled down your cheeks again, his heart dropped.
“W-well then, I’ll wait out here until you’re ready to talk.” You watched as he began to cry again and sit against the wall across from your door. Harry gave his brother an apologetic look before coming back into your room and shutting the door. He set the plates on your desk and gave you a long hug. You sobbed even more.
“H-Harry, I’m hurting.” 
“Shhh, I know. I can tell Tom is hurting right now too.” He rubbed your back.
“I-I think I should leave.” You said and Harry detached from you. 
“What? No you can’t do that, y/n. It’s not safe to leave the country a-and Stacy said you can’t remember?”
“No, I mean leave this house. I know it’s gonna be hard to find a place, but I’ve only caused problems and I don’t want to cause anymore conflict.” You looked at Harry sadly.
“I’m not gonna force you to stay, but running from your problems doesn’t solve anything. Remember when you told Tom that?” You nodded your head sadly. He was right, but you felt like a mess and you didn’t want the boys to have to clean you up.
- Hour and a half later -
“Love, I’m going to go to bed now. I can stay and sleep on the floor if you want.” Harry said.
“No no. It’s ok I’m feeling a lot better now. Thanks for making me feel better with Harry Potter.” You smiled at him, your eyes hurt a bit.
“No problem, love. Don’t hesitate to come to me if you need anything later tonight.” You nodded and he kissed your forehead walking away with the two empty plates. When he opened the door your heart melted seeing a sleeping Tom with an empty plate next to him. 
Harry looked back at you and chuckled, “He really did wait. You want to talk to him?” You thought for a bit before sighing and nodding your head. Harry nudged Tom with his foot and he stirred awake. Tom looked surprised at you before getting up. He thanked Harry for taking his plate and walked into your room. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry-”
“Tom, before you say more, I’m going to move out.” Tom’s heart broke. He couldn’t let you leave again, not after everything he told Haz and Tuwaine.
Tag list <3 :  @averyfosterthoughts @thollandx @mrsjeffwittek @panicattheeverywherekid @racewife2004 @greatpizzascissorstaco @witchything @wheelertozier @runway-to-my-aid @rafficorn @jessirosebud @peterspideyy  @superstarchick @jackiehollanderr @astridcommings @mineymak712 @hollands-osterfield @inhumanwithpowers @aduky​ @thevelvetseries​ @twelfthnightorwhatyouwill1998​
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angelrunners · 4 years
This is my fucking mood when people bitch and threaten me over cookie pronouns. The cookies do not care. It is a game for all ages. And this will be my last ramble. But lemme give yinz a fucking wake up to how cr haters see us.
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Video i found awhile ago and hated that i can agree with on some of it.
Ive had good experiences and bad ones with the fandom. But hot damn the fact this person calls the tumblr part of us out should be a wake up call. I originally saw this video and got upset. But after ive got death threats over cookie pronouns. YEAH I AGREE MORE WITH THIS GAL. Like holy fuck. I love the fandom and not everyone gatekeeps. But good lord. What the fucking shit is wrong with you? Let people enjoy things that arent hurting anyone.
Calling someone out for aging up characters to draw porn is deserved. Sending threats and harassing people over the fact they aint using the pronouns you headcanon for x cookie, THAT'S FUCKING TOXIC. I dont wanna hear it.
I do my damned best to keep my ask blogs as sfw as possible. As well as keep my main safe too. Granted on main i do reblog gore on occassion.
I honestly think some of yinz need to fucking chill out. I was in homestuck back in 2011 - 2017. Maybe 2010 i can't remember. But we all were fucking batshit shippers. We all had opinions on what could be what ship. But ya know what? At the end of the day. Hussie was like "all ships are canon" and that was that. I will literally go full homestuck to prove a point here. I know damned well how i used to act. Heck even in roleplay on ye olden sites i can't remember. We all were civil. If you didnt like someone then you ignore them. You know how many people i blocked because i hated the ships they liked to share? A fucking lot that's what. Hell me and a friend back then disagreed on so many ships but we fucking shut up and just mellowed out. We did full on roleplays for the middle ground stuff. Which is fucking badass.
So it begs the question. Why can't cookie run chill? Why can't the gatekeepers just go block the people they disagree with over fighting? Because you aint gonna get anywhere. Now if you ask me politely and we're friends, sure I'll do it in pm. But i aint gonna bend over. I don't even do that shit for my best friends i know in person. Hell when i went to a con in fursuit years ago. My bff called me the wrong pronouns and i dealt with that the whole con. And that's something i care about. But yet when its fucking fake characters, nobody can have nice things.
Tell me how this is ok? Gatekeeping makes people see that first. Then they make judgments off that as "everyone must be that way since these dummies stick out." Same shit happens with any fandom. But hot fuck. The dumpster fire these things turn into.
Sending me death threats via pm is fucking disgusting. And its happened for M O N T H S. Yeah i don't give a fuck about your shitty gatekeeping. Go fuck yourself. Because that is literally proving my point as well as why people hate the cr fandom as a whole. They see that shit that's innocent then have to rip everyone apart.
Its a game for all ages. Its literally got an E rating in the Google play shop. You think kids who play this give shit over genders?? Its a g a m e.
So either block and move on. Or shut the fuck up and don't gatekeep.
Yo newsflash. This is the internet. Everyone sees what you say and nothing can truly be deleted.
- Lilac
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bechloeislegit · 4 years
DAY THREE (#HW203) Final Girls
WARNING: Mention of rape.
"STOP!" A voice screamed out in the night, waking Chloe and several of the Bellas.
"What the Hell?" Chloe mumbled, sitting up in her bed.
"NO! Please stop!" The voice screamed out again. "Help!"
"Beca!" Chloe yelled and jumped from her bed.
Chloe ran out of her room and toward the attic door. Stacie and CR were close behind her.
"Beca!" Chloe called out as she opened the door and started up the stairs.
Chloe got to the top of the stairs and saw Beca thrashing about in her bed. Stacie and CR stood back as Chloe hurried over to the bed.
"Beca, wake up," Chloe said as she sat on the side of the bed and grabbed Beca's flailing arms. "You're okay. It's okay. You're having a bad dream. Wake up. I'm here. You're safe. I'm here."
Beca stopped flailing about. Chloe pulled Beca to her and held her tight. She murmured soothing words in Beca's ear as she ran a comforting hand up and down Beca's back.
"Is she okay?" Stacie asked.
CR started to say something but stopped herself when she realized Beca was crying.
"Beca, could you look at me, please?" Chloe said softly, pulling back to look at Beca. "Are you okay?"
"I'm so-sorry," Beca stuttered while wiping at her tears. "I didn't mean to wake you. Any of you."
"Do you want to talk about it?" Chloe asked.
"It's okay, Beca," Stacie said. "We're here for you."
"Yeah, Beca," CR said. "Whatever you need, we're here."
Beca nodded at Chloe and Chloe looked over her shoulder at Stacie and CR. "Do you guys mind leaving us alone?"
"No!" Beca said quickly. "They can stay. It's okay. I feel safer with the three of you here."
Stacie nodded and she and CR sat on Amy's bed, looking over at Beca.
"Go ahead, Beca," Stacie said. "Tell us what caused your nightmare."
(^_^) Pitch Perfect Halloween Week 2020 - Day Three (^_^)
Beca wiped her eyes and stared down at her hands.
"Do you remember the Bigfoot Killings that happened about five years ago?" Beca asked. "It happened in Falmouth Town Forest near Portland, Maine, and made nationwide news."
"I remember that," Stacie said. "It happened around this time of year. It wasn't really Bigfoot that killed those people but some guy dressed like Bigfoot, right?"
"Yeah, that's right," Beca said, leaning into Chloe more. "Do you know what the term Last Girl means?"
"Isn't that something from horror movies?" Chloe asked.
"Yeah," CR said. "And it's usually a white girl virgin who kills the killer and escapes."
Beca let out a teary laugh and said, "I didn't know what it meant until a cop used the term for me."
Beca sat for a moment not saying anything; Chloe's arms tightened around her.
"Wait," Stacie said, sitting up to stare at Beca. "Are you saying you're the Last Girl from the Bigfoot Killings?"
Chloe's eyes widened as she looked expectantly at Beca.
"That's exactly what I'm saying," Beca mumbled. "And, I had to kill a man to save myself."
The three other Bellas looked at each other before returning their gaze to Beca.
"Can you tell us what happened to you?" CR asked.
"Beca, you don't have to tell us anything," Chloe said quickly.
"I need to tell someone," Beca said. "I keep having nightmares where I relive the whole night over and over again. Maybe if I tell you guys the whole story, the nightmares will stop."
"Didn't you tell the cops what happened?" Stacie asked.
"Not all of it," Beca whispered.
"What do you mean by not all of it?" Chloe asked.
"I left out a few things," Beca said. "I couldn't stand the idea of having to repeat some of the things that were done to me before I was found."
"It's okay, Beca," Chloe said, hugging her tightly. "Just tell us what you want to tell us. You can leave the rest out."
"I'm not even sure where to start," Beca said.
"The beginning is always a good place to start," CR said.
Beca nodded. "Okay. So, um, some friends and I had heard that Bigfoot was seen in the Falmouth Town Forest just outside Portland, Maine, where I lived at the time with my mom. So, a small group of us decided to camp out in the Forest to look for Bigfoot. We were all just sixteen and thought it would be so cool to find and photograph Bigfoot. We wanted to be on the news; instead, we became the news."
"How many of you went?" Stacie asked.
"Counting me, there were five of us," Beca answered. "There was Jeanie, my best friend at the time, and her boyfriend, Derek, along with Bo and Stephen; they were Derek's cousins. We drove to the forest in Bo's truck that we loaded with camping gear, cameras, and food."
Beca took a deep breath and let it out; she got a faraway look in her eye and started talking in a monotone voice.
It was a Friday night and we got to the park just before dark and set up camp. The three boys started horsing around and ran off. It was dark and we couldn't see where they went. Jeanie and I yelled for them to stop being assholes and come back. We were getting scared because it was quiet. Really quiet. Suddenly, Bo came out of the darkness and grabbed me; Derek grabbed Jeanie. We both screamed and I punched Bo. The guys laughed at us and decided it was time to settle down for the night, so we did.
Stacie, CR, and Chloe looked at each other and waited for Beca to continue.
The next morning we woke up and Stephen was missing. We yelled for him, but he never answered us, so Derek said we should start looking for Bigfoot and maybe we'd find Stephen while we were searching.
After about half an hour, Jeanie asked, "What's that?" She was pointing at a group of men off in the distance.
"Looks like the military," Derek said.
"Or hunters," Bo said. "Their outfits are more camouflage than military issue."
"I don't like this," I said. "We should head in the opposite direction from them."
"I agree," Bo said. "Let's get the Hell out of here."
Derek and Jeanie agreed and so we used the trees to block us from their view and we made our way in a different direction. We had only gone about thirty yards when Jeanie let out a blood-curdling scream. Bo and I ran to see why she was screaming and we saw a body. It looked bad, really bad. Bo turned his head and vomited. I was close to doing the same.
"Is that Stephen?" I asked, swallowing to keep from losing my breakfast.
"I'm afraid so," Derek said.
Jeanie was screaming and crying. I heard voices yelling and turned to Jeanine, and whisper-yelled at her to shut the fuck up. Derek grabbed her and slapped her, which stunned her enough to make her stop screaming. Suddenly, Derek got this look on his face and just fell face-first into the dirt.
"Quit fucking around, Derek," Bo yelled.
I looked at Derek and said, "I don't think he's fucking around. I think he's dead."
"Shit, shit, shit," Bo said, turning in circles. "What the fuck is going on around here."
I looked closer at Derek and could see an arrowhead coming out of his back. "He's been shot with an arrow," I told Bo.
Jeanie screamed again and started crying. She dropped down next to Derek and tried to get him to wake up and get up.
Suddenly, a big hairy thing came out of the woods, holding a crossbow.
"Run!" Bo yelled as he pushed me in front of him, and grabbed Jeanie's arm.
We ran for all we were worth. The next thing I know, I hear something hit the ground and turn to see Bo writhing on the ground. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and told me to get the Hell out of there.
Jeanie ran past me, and I followed her. I looked back over my shoulder but didn't see anyone or anything chasing us.
"Jeanie, stop!" I cried out.
It took a few minutes but Jeanie finally stopped and I was able to catch up to her.
"We need to get back to camp," I told Jeanie, as I tried to get my breathing under control. "We can take the truck and get out of here."
"We don't have the keys," Jeanie said, breathing just as heavily as I was. "I saw Bo put them in his pocket before we left camp. He probably still has them."
"Shit!" was all I could think to say. "We have to go back and get the keys."
We both looked back to where we left Bo and Derek.
"Come on," I told Jeanie, taking her hand and walking back the way we had just come.
We move slowly, trying to be as quiet as possible. I heard a sound like someone walking through the woods and pulled Jeanie down next to me, whispering, "Shhh!"
We remained motionless as we watched the big, hairy thing stalk off into the woods to our left.
"Let's go," I whispered as I stood, pulling Jeanie up with me.
It took a while but we finally found Bo's body. I turned him slightly and reached into his pocket and found the keys.
"Got 'em," I said, holding them up so Jeanie could see.
I saw Jeanie's eyes go wide and she looked panicked as she stared at something over my shoulder.
"What?" I whispered.
Jeanie didn't answer, she just kept staring, so I slowly turned around to see four guys in camouflage watching us.
"Well, well," one of the guys said. "Look what we have here. I think our night just got a lot less lonely."
I turned back to look at Jeanie and she had tears running down her face. I reached out to her but was grabbed from behind before my hand touched her. I was thrown on the ground and another guy threw Jeanie down next to me. I screamed and fought with everything I had in me, but they were bigger and stronger. They, um, they took . . ."
"We get it, Beca," Chloe said, wiping tears from her eyes. "You don't have to continue this part"
"Thanks," Beca said, wiping her own tears. "Anyway, after they were done, they pointed their guns at us. I closed my eyes and curled into a ball. I heard a shot and flinched from how close it was to me. I realized Jeanie was quiet and knew that she was dead. I expected to hear more shots at any second, but instead I heard bodies hitting the ground. I opened my eyes and the four guys were laying there with arrows in them. I heard a sound and when I looked up, there was Bigfoot pointing the crossbow at me. I noticed a gun near my hip where one of the guys fell, so I grabbed it and started shooting. After the first shot, I felt a pain in my side but kept shooting until the guy fell. I kept pulling the trigger even though the bullets were all gone. I dropped the gun and laid there crying for a while before I was able to get myself up. I wanted to pull the arrow out of my side but was afraid it would make things worse. It took a while, but I made it back to the camp and managed to get into Bo's truck where I passed out."
"Is that the end of it?" Stacie asked, tears running down her face.
"Not quite," Beca said.
"Jesus Christ," CR said muttered, wiping her hands down her face. "How much more could there be?"
"Not much more," Beca said. "I, uh, stayed in the truck until the police found me around dawn the next morning. I had remained unconscious until then. They had found the bodies of my friends, the hunters, and Bigfoot before they found me. I told them most of what happened, except my r-rape. I just told them I saw them rape Jeanie and lied and said no when they asked if I was raped as well. I don't think the cop believed me, but he didn't push me on it."
Beca sniffed. "I spent two weeks in the hospital because the wound from the arrow got infected."
Stacie got up and jumped on the bed to pull Beca into a hug.
"If you need anything, just ask," Stacie told her. "I'll even stay up with you when you have a nightmare."
"Count me in, too," CR said, leaning all three girls in a hug.
"I think it goes without saying that I'm here for you, Beca," Chloe said.
"Thanks, you guys," Beca said. "Why don't you all go back to bed? I'm feeling much better having told the story. I promise I'll be okay."
"Are you sure?" CR asked. At Beca's nod, Stacie and CR left Beca's bedroom.
"Goodnight, girls," Chloe called out.
"You should get some rest, too, Chloe," Beca said.
"I'm not going anywhere," Chloe said and laid down next to Beca. "I'm staying here tonight."
"You don't have to," Beca said.
"I know I don't have to," Chloe said. "I want to. Now get comfy so I can cuddle you while you sleep."
Beca sighed and let Chloe spoon her. She looked over her shoulder at Chloe when Chloe let out a big sigh.
"What's wrong?" Beca asked.
"Would it be weird if I asked to see your scar?" Chloe asked.
"Why do you want to see it?"
"I want to know how I could have missed an arrow scar on your body when I saw all of you in the shower," Chloe said.
Beca chuckled and lifted her shirt. "It went through my body so I have two scars. The entry is here," Beca touched her front right side. "And the exit was here." Beca touched the back right side of her body.
Beca held her shirt up and Chloe lightly ran a hand over both scars, causing Beca to shiver slightly.
"I thought it would look bigger," Chloe said.
"It may look small," Beca said. "But, it hurt like a bitch."
"Thank you for sharing your story with us," Chloe said quietly. "I'm glad you lived through all that. I, uh, I love having you around."
"I love being around," Beca said, covering her mouth when she yawned. "Sorry. It's really late and we should try and get some sleep."
"Okay," Chloe said, snuggling close to Beca. She kissed the back of Beca's head and said, "Goodnight, Becs."
"Thanks for staying with me, Chlo," Beca mumbled before drifting off to sleep.
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