#my only thing is sometimes I get weirdly way too quickly attached
melancholy-smile · 7 months
It’s like baseline symptoms but god do I have abandonment issues?? I have enough L’s as is-
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sigynpenniman · 2 months
- MCO Orlando. My love my queen. Platonic ideal of airports. All the other airports wanna be her.
- MSY New Orleans - I have only seen your beautiful face once but your vibes were just impeccable. I miss you beautiful
- LHR London Heathrow - you’re so chill and sweet to be such a major airport. Weirdly calming somehow. Sterile, but the big boy of London airports. When you’re here you’re in London. Smells like joy.
- CDG Charles DeGaulle Paris. Dripping in stunning retro futurism and has a Concorde on stands by the runway. We love her
- DCA Ronald Reagan Washington DC. So pretty. So clean. So easy to navigate. Prevented from S tier status by being one long skinny thing with no way to get quickly across it.
- DEN Denver Colorado. Architecture for the gods but somehow the vibes are off. I’d fly through you again happily but I don’t feel especially warm when I think of you.
- FLL Fort Lauderdale - Hollywood. You’re permanently attached to very warm memories for me because of the trip I took from you but you’re just kind of there. Vibes are off. Meh.
- ORD Chicago O’hare. Aesthetic perfection but weirdly stressful. While I had a great time on this trip I do not think warmly of the airport other than the rainbow lighting. Jules got yelled at here. -10 points.
- CLE Cleveland Ohio. Another airport that is home of warm memories due to loved ones but just really not the vibe as an airport.
- LGW London Gatwick. I don’t like you for no reason. Like a disappointment, you’re in London but not at Heathrow for some reason.
- PHL Philadelphia. Again, weird aimless dislike. I cannot justify.
- BNA Nashville. Meh. Fine, which may be the worst insult I can lob at an airport.
- LGA New York LaGaurdia. Fuck you and your tiny spirit terminal in the middle of nowhere and your hard to access rental cars and your poor road signage that sent me round and round on the New York interstate in my rented Corolla. The bigger terminals are pretty though, and anyway. New York City!
JAX Jacksonville. Ew.
BOS Boston Logan International Airport. I loathe you. Less busy numerically than ATL and yet somehow even more spread out. Signage is bad. Directions unclear. Nothing makes sense in this alternate reality. Labyrinthine building designed by the god Hades. Never again would be too soon.
ATL - Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta. The biggest and busiest airport in the world. When you buy a ticket on Delta a box pops up that says “by buying this ticket you agree to see the inside of Hartsfield Jackson Airport.” Not actually a real place, but a floating parallel dimensional space you enter when you walk through the doors. When you get off the Plane Train at terminal D a sign to the left points down a hallway and says “Walk to Terminal E. Time: 45 minutes.” Bigger than many cities and some European principalities. And sometimes you’ll be forced to run clear across it when your gate gets changed. Send every domestic flight that goes near it and many that don’t through it for a completely unnecessary 45 minute layover and sautée until golden brown to birth this unholy god of a space outside all time. They have CPR training machines. They have bathrooms too rarely. They have a whole other airport underneath for international transfers. Don’t die before you see it. Everyone should, at least once. 🎶Welcome Aboard the Plane Train!🎶 next stop: the 4th circle of hell. Walk to purgatory: 45 minutes. Moving sidewalk out of order.
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itsdanii · 4 years
Rejecting you and regretting it
genre: angst to fluff
warnings: slight cursing, rude behavior (resolved), do message me if I forgot any.
ft. sakusa kiyoomi, tsukishima kei
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
you're not oblivious to the fact that kiyoomi is a very conscious person
that's one of the things you loved about him
he was hygienic and he always made sure that his health was his utmost priority
but one downside is that kiyoomi had the tendency to push people away because of his straightforwardness
you were used to it and in fact, you were one of those people he tolerated
but everyone has their bad days
and unfortunately for you, today was kiyoomi's and since you were always attached to him by the hip, he unintentionally snapped at you
what's worse is that he snapped at you the moment you confessed to him
"Omi!" you shouted happily as you entered the gymnasium, giving Komori a small wave before making your way to where Kiyoomi was sitting.
He looked at you with a frown. He wasn't wearing a mask since they were training awhile ago and only took a quick break. "Y/n, what are you doing here?"
You sat beside him making Kiyoomi grimace and slightly move away. You frowned at him, completely displeased at the action. "I just wanted to give you a visit. Plus, I have something to tell you."
You started to fiddle with your fingers nervously. You practiced your confession several times already but doing it seemed harder than you thought.
"What is it? Talk, I'm not in the right mood to socialize right now."
Out of panic, you quickly blurted out a rather loud, "I like you!" You immediately covered your mouth with your hand and stared at him wide eyed.
The other players looked at you with sympathy, knowing what's about to happen. Out of all days, you really had to confess today, when Kiyoomi was in a pissy mood after several fangirls pushed themselves against him this morning, not minding his personal space.
Kiyoomi stared at you with a serious expression before standing up. "I don't like you. Leave."
"But Omi.."
"You're irritating and you always bother me when it is clear that I don't want your company." He turned around and left you on the bench, your head casted down in humiliation.
You whispered a small sorry before running out of the gym with tears falling from your eyes.
For the next few days, you did your very best to stay away from Kiyoomi. You changed your route to school knowing that your usual route meant that you have to pass by his house. Even if you got scolded several times for being late, you did not stop.
You sat near the door so you can easily exit the room after class. You even stopped eating with Komori and Kiyoomi during breaks and lunch. Even your usual routine of visiting the gym during practices was stopped.
At first, Kiyoomi didn't mind. He knew that you'd come back in a few days just like you always did. You like him after all, right?
But when a few days turned into weeks, He started getting bothered. Why weren't you pestering him like always? Why did you stop visiting him? You said you like him, right?
It was the second week that Kiyoomi took action. He woke up extra early to wait for you infront of your house, aiming to confront you about your behavior.
When you went out, your eyes widened slightly upon seeing Kiyoomi waiting for you outside. He was wearing his face mask while staring at you intently, letting you know that he purposely waited for you.
You looked down and was about to walk pass him when you felt him tugging on your wrist. Your gaze snapped to his hand, not believing that he was indeed touching your skin.
His eye twitched at the weirdness of you not calling him like usual. Sighing, he stepped a little closer to you, hand still holding your wrist to ensure that you won't run away from him.
"You're ignoring me," he said while eyeing you. "Why?"
You took your hand from him and furrowed your brows. "I'm just doing you a favor. I don't want to be a bother anymore. Isn't this what you wanted?"
"It's fine, Sakusa. You don't have to force yourself to apologize just because you feel bad or obliged to."
He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I'm not apologizing because I feel bad."
"Then what? You're apologizing just to make fun of me? I know I said I like you but that doesn't mean that you have the right to-"
"You don't get it!"
At this point, you were both raising your voices. Some passersby were looking at you two weirdly, some even running as to not get caught up in the fight.
"Get what, Sakusa? Why don't you tell me so I can understand?!"
"I like you!" Kiyoomi exclaimed. "I... Fuck. I like you, okay? I wasn't in the mood when you confessed and I rejected you without thinking. I messed up. The moment I saw you walk out, I knew I fucked up real bad and I-"
"And I thought that you'd come back the next day to bother me again like usual. I wanted to apologize but my pride-"
You sighed as he continued to ramble. With fast movements, you stood on your tiptoes and encircled your arms around his neck to pull him down to you, kissing him over his mask.
When you let go, Kiyoomi was silent. His eyes were wide and you thought that you went over board. Panic made its way to your face as you try to find the words to explain.
"Sorry, I didn't me-"
This time, he was the one to cut you off. Kiyoomi took off his mask and bent down to kiss you on your lips. One of his arms snaked around your waist to support you while the other settled on your nape, angling you to him.
"Be my s/o."
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Tsukishima Kei
Everyone in Karasuno knew how much you like Tsukishima
In fact, you remind him everyday
You often give him fresh strawberries from the market and even bake him strawberry cake
Sometimes, you would put little sticky notes on his belongings and write some encouraging words like "you can do it", "I believe in you" or "take it easy!"
On his birthday, you even gave him a hoodie with a dino design (which he secretly loved)
There are times that you knew Tsukishima gets irritated when you visit and even snaps at you but you didn't mind. You liked him and a small snap will not discourage you
But what you didn't know was that it would only take one conversation to completely shatter your heart
"-And they're back," Sugawara said as he saw you enter the gym, a bubbly smile present on your face as usual.
"Kei!" You skipped your way towards Tsukishima and handed him his water bottle which you voluntarily refilled with hot water.
He only gave you a 'tsk' and took the water bottle. Adjusting his glasses, he stared at you from head to toe as if analyzing you, a small blush appearing on his cheeks.
"What are you looking at? Have you finally come to realize that you like me back?" you cheekily asked, poking his bicep.
"No. I was just wondering how someone could look so ugly."
Despite what he said, you forced yourself to giggle, covering your upset feeling with an eye roll. "Oh shut up, Kei. You don't have to hide it, you know? Don't worry, I'm not going to reject you."
You winked at him causing Tsukishima to blush even more.
The rest of the boys snickered and laughed at his reaction which made Tsukishima more embarrassed than he already is.
"Just confess to the girl already, Tsukishima. Can't you see she's trying hard to win you?" Daichi said with a small chuckle while patting Tsukishima's back.
Tsukishima just huffed and pushed his glasses up. "What's there to like? They're nothing but an eyesore anyway."
"What?" you asked in disbelief.
Having a playful banter with Tsukishima was normal in your routine but this was the first time he called you such an offensive term. Does he really think of you that way?
"Oh come on, stop acting dumb. I don't even get why there are guys running after you. I mean, there's really nothing much to look at, right?"
Everyone grew quiet at what he said, clearly not expecting Tsukishima to be at such level of rudeness.
You swallowed the lump forming in your throat as your insecurity skyrocketed. "I try hard every single day to look presentable to you. I-"
You paused for a moment to laugh pathetically at yourself. "I exert a lot of effort to make you notice me. I cook for you, I give you gifts. Heck, I even stay after class to help clean the gym so that the task would be easier for you and I'm not even asking for anything in return."
Tsukishima glared at you sharply that you immediately felt extremely smaller than him. "I never asked you to do those things for me."
"Can't you at least show me that you care?" You wiped your tears with the back of your hand. "Because I'm slowly getting tired of this push and pull game."
"Don't you get it? I don't like you. Why don't you stop pushing yourself to me and start getting a life, hm?"
"Tsukishima, that's enough!" you heard Daichi yell at him.
"Y/n?" Sugawara was immediately beside you, his hand rubbing circles on your back in attempt to calm you down.
"No-" You lifted your face up to meet Tsukishima's eyes. "I think he's right. I should stop being a nuisance and focus on myself."
"I'll leave you alone. I'm sorry," you said before giving Tsukishima a bow and leaving the gym with everyone's eyes following your figure until the door shut.
Everyone could only look at Tsukishima as he cursed under his breath.
The moment you left the gym, you headed straight to the comfort room to let your tears out. You stared at yourself on the mirror as tears cascaded down your cheeks.
"You're beautiful," you reassured yourself while pointing at your own reflection. "What he said doesn't make you any less. Know your worth."
You wiped your tears and splashed your face with cold water before getting out and heading to class without sparing Tsukishima any glance.
You ignored Tsukishima, stopped visiting the gym and focused on yourself. You even made made friends with some of your classmates that you didn't bother getting associated with last time because you were too focused on capturing the attention of Tsukishima.
Unbeknownst to you, a certain male was eyeing you as you interact with other people. He blamed himself for pushing you away. He didn't talk to you, thinking that you only wanted space for a couple days before bothering him again.
He knew that what he said was out of line and he regret everything he did. He even asked Yamaguchi and the rest of the team for advice but all of them responded with the same answer - apologize and tell you how he feels.
Tsukishima gripped the pen tightly as he watched you laughing at something your classmate said. The said classmate was too close to you and it was obvious that he was trying to flirt with you.
"Tsukki?" Yamaguchi called out. He followed Tsukishima's gaze and sighed. "Why don't you go and talk to them?"
"Tsk. Why would I do that? Can't you see they're enjoying his company?" Tsukishima bitterly said.
"You'll end up losing them if you don't do something about it now. Who knows, they might already be lo-" Yamaguchi stopped as Tsukishima instantly stood up and made his way to where you are.
Taking your wrist, he pulled you towards him, heading out of the classroom.
"Tsukishima, what the hell?!" You tried to resist but his grip on your wrist only tightened.
You gasped as he suddenly stopped, trapping you against a wall with his arms beside your head.
"I'm sorry." Tsukishima closed his eyes, balling his fist as he bowed his head. "I said hurtful words to you and no amount of apology will take those away but I want you to know that I regret every single one of it."
You bit your lower lip as you felt yourself tearing up once again. "Do you really think that I'm ugly? I was hurt, Kei. It's just.."
"I'm sorry." His hand made its way to your cheek, cupping your face while he wiped your tears with his thumb. "You're not ugly."
You shook your head and averted your gaze from him, a sob escaping your lips as you felt yourself falling for him deeper. "Don't. Just stop. I'll accept your apology but please just leave me be. I won't be able to stop my feelings for you if you keep leading me on."
"But I don't want you to stop."
"I've fallen for you." He tipped your chin up with his hand making you look at him and you were surprised to see the vulnerability in his features. "Please look at me again, y/n. Keep loving me because I swear that I'll do things different this time. Give me a chance."
You can't help but encircle your arms around him, burrying your face on the side of his neck as you nodded repeatedly. "One chance, Kei."
Tsukishima hugged you tightly, lips pressing on the side of your head. "One chance." He leaned away from you and held your face with his hand, eyes boring to yours admiringly.
"You're beautiful."
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wallflowerimagines · 3 years
Hello there ! Just found your blog and I wanna say I fell in love with your writing 🥺✨ I was wondering if you could have the 4 lords react to their s/o just suddenly stealing their clothes or hat or lil trickets to wear since the s/o just loves how the lords look , hope this makes sense XD
Thank you so much!!!
You also....found out my weakness so quickly...TOP OF THE TO-DO LIST AGAIN IM SORRY IM WEAK--
Alcina Dimitrescu
First, lest we all forget: Alcina Dimitrescu is a Big Laydee
Let's be honest, there is not a person alive who is the same size as Alcina. That makes it extremely easy to find things that fit you in her closet.
The fur coats are probably going to be your favorite, because they're like the softest blankets you could ever own, BUT YOU CAN WEAR IT!
You feel like royalty walking through the halls of Dimitrescu Castle in this super sized coat. There's a big train trailing behind you, and you can tuck your feet into the super soft fabric when you sit down. Sure, the sleeves are a little long, but it reminds you of Alcina, and you miss her.
Fur coats are a favorite of Alcina's too. It's her favorite thing to see you in, especially with nothing else on underneath💕
Honestly, she gets the warm fuzzies whenever you put on something of hers--jewelry, hat, gloves, it doesn't matter. Alcina gets this deeply satisfied feeling whenever you have something of hers on.
(She's also more likely to pull you in for a smooch, but that's neither here nor there.)
Sometimes, she will even make a point to leave something out of hers that she wants you to wear. You have a little pile of things to choose from, and they all smell like her~~
There is one exception: please don't try to put on her dresses. I know you think it's going to drape all ✨sexy✨ over you, or you can tie it at the waist like a big, fancy robe, but I promise you, that is not the look that you will have achieved. There's just too much fabric--it's a loose, lumpy mess. 0/10, do not recommend.
Donna Beneviento
But...why though?
Donna is more than happy to make you your own clothes, you don't need to steal hers!
Yeah, but that's not the point, though, is it?
She's actually a little offended until you explain it to her. She likes to make you so many things, and likes to see you in the things she's made for you, so when you pick out something else she gets a little sad.
It's more romantic if she makes it for you, in her opinion.
You have to explain to her why you want to wear a trinket of hers, or else Donna is never going to get it.
You want something of hers for when you miss her, for when you're out or she's gone! You love her, you love how she looks, and you want a piece of her to be attached to you. It's reassuring to tie your hair back with her hair pins, or thread her spare veil around your waist like a belt.
It's a Lover's Token.
Oh...Well, in that case, Donna is definitely on board!
You two start a tradition where both of you wear bracelets for a week, and then switch with each other for the next week. They're shared bracelets, owned by neither of you individually, but specifically something you both have as a couple.
The more you guys do this, the more Donna understands the appeal. There's never a time when the bracelets aren't warm to the touch, and it feels like your fingers are always caressing her wrist.
It's so special for both you and Donna that you guys have a tradition all to yourselves. You guys are rarely ever apart, but in case you are, all you have to do is look at the bracelet and your heart feels full.
Salvatore Moreau
You?? Wearing something of his?? Is a dream come true.
Moreau loves indulging in various romance tropes, and if you didn't start wearing something of his, he was going to wear something of yours.
(He might have already taken a couple of things without you noticing? Not just clothes, but knick knacks and pillows. He likes to snatch up things that carry your scent and make a little nest out of them in his bed. On nights where his back hurts, the smell does wonders to distract him from the pain.)
Anyway, he likes the world knowing that you're taken, and that you belong to each other. Swapping clothes is a great way to do that.
Salvatore doesn't have a traditional body type, so you only have a couple things to choose from: his cape-cover and some of his jewelry.
It doesn't matter what you ask for though, if you even mention that you had a thought about putting on something of his, it is OFF HIM and in your hands. Salvatore is happy to give it to you.
But, if you really want to knock him out? Steal both his cape and crown and wrap yourself up in them. There's juuuust enough fabric to cover any unmentionables, and if you drape yourself over the nearest piece of furniture, well...
Apparently, you can make Salvatore's brain shut off so fast he actually drools.
Karl Heisenberg
I mean, sure? You can wear his stuff if you want to, Heisenberg isn't going to stop you.
Please, please, please wear his stuff, holy shit, YES PLEASE
Karl likes to pretend that is doesn't effect him as much as it does, but you know him. It doesn't matter how hard he tries to hide it from you, when he walks into a room and sees you in his spare coat, he cannot keep his hands off you.
It's not even necessarily a sexual thing. Karl really likes the idea of both of you being joined at the hip, a perfect pair, best friends as well as partners, and when you put on something of his?
There's a tiny little voice at the back of his head that goes 'yeeeeeees, goooood'. It reaffirms the idea that you both are close-- close enough to trade clothes.
The one thing that really messes with him is if you take his dog tags. They make tiny little tinkling noises, so he's always aware of where you are in the room. If he's trying to focus, he'll probably pull them off of you, but not before he tugs you into a kiss. 🥰
He wants nothing more than to have physical contact with you when you wear something of his. He will pull you into his lap if he's sitting, wrap his arms around you from behind if he's standing, and hold your hand if you are next to him.
He will also make little comments about how much he likes it, but it's so obviously not on purpose. Stuff about how you match, about how he trusts you to look after his hat/coat, about how you look like a real team...
It's weirdly romantic?
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user21340 · 3 years
the world in her arms
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(i don’t own this gif or characters used in this fic)
pairing: natasha romanoff x fem!reader
summary: you and natasha have always had quite a flirty and sarcastic relationship. both of you develop feelings for one another but you both are clueless to what the other feels until nat gets jealous and says something hurtful to you. will you make up (or out)?
warnings: minor angst, fluff, swearing, and a mention of death.
word count: 2.1k
a/n: omg thank you so much for 57 followers love you all 💕. sorry for the lack of content i didn’t know what to write and had almost no new ideas. also i’m a youngin and worked my first 8 hr day yesterday so your girl was exhausted and i have finals coming up soon. k thank you for coming to my ted talk, enjoy!
also this song doesn’t relate to the story at all but it’s underrated imo and also sorry for the weird pov changes throughout the story.
“Hey y/l/n! Where are you headed?” Natasha yells from the kitchen while I’m standing in the living room on our shared floor.
“Wouldn’t you like to know Nat.” I say with a smirk.
“Yeah matter of fact I would.” she retorts.
“Chill, I’m just headed to train some recruits with Clint. But don’t miss me too much, I'll be back in a few hours, Natty.” You blow a kiss her way, and she just rolls her eyes partially from the kiss and the use of her nickname but you see a faint pink tint sitting atop of her cheeks before she turns away.
I’ve been training these recruits with Clint for a couple hours and my session is nearing an end. Something I’ve picked up on today is how touchy and how dumb these recruits are acting just for me to correct their form. I don’t have time for this shit I think as this girl has me correct her jab form for what has to be the fifth time this hour.
Non readers pov
Natasha actually does start to miss you because of how bored she is due to the larger training room being occupied for these recruits. She heads down to see if you are wrapping up yet and see if you’d like to grab dinner with her somewhere. She arrives at the training room and heads to the back room where there is a large one way mirror. Natasha, having nothing better to do, watches Clint and yourself interact with these seemingly clueless recruits.
Minutes pass and Natasha honestly likes seeing your frustration every time a recruit asks you a stupid question or something you’d already answered for the hundredth time this session. That is until she sees this handsy recruit keep asking you to correct your form which she sees you fake a smile at and happily correct it. As if Natasha isn’t jealous already she sees you release a genuine large laugh at something a recruit says. Not being able to withstand witnessing anymore of this behavior from you directed towards anyone else except her. Natasha then storms off into the living room.
Readers pov
I was nearing the end of this session when a recruit comes up behind me and asks, “Soooo, is it true that you and Clint are like a thing?” he asks with no trace of humor or sarcasm on his face. I just bust out laughing because one, everyone or at least almost everyone who knows about The Avengers knows that I’m 100% only interested in women and two, CLINT? I mean he is a great guy and all but I’ll never forget the time I went into a diner to have breakfast with him and the waitress assumed he was my grandfather.
twenty long minutes later...
The living room is lively and everyone seems to strike up a conversation with one another. I decide to strike up a conversation with Natasha who is weirdly acting cold all of a sudden.
“Oh my god! You know what I just remembered the other day? My mom used to-“
“Shut up, y/n/n. I don’t care and I don’t think anyone does at the moment.” she exclaims with a small smirk thinking you’ll detect her harsh-morbid sarcasm.
“Oh.” you choke out, “It’s getting pretty late I-I better head to bed” my voice cracks as I mutter a small, ‘asshole’ agony laced in my voice blinking the hot tears away. I start walking towards my room but it slowly turns into a jog, then sprint. Anything to get to my room and release my sadness.
Non readers pov
The room is frozen. Everyone is staring at Natasha.
“I care.” Wanda states heading to your room because she knows you shouldn’t be alone right now.
“Jesus Nat, that was awful. You know you’ve fucked you when even I say it’s bad. Poor girl’s mom passed when she was around 10.” Tony deadpans.
“Oh my god, what have I done?” Nat says burying her head into her hands.
“I’m not too sure how you’re gonna get out of this one Nat, but you’ve gotta fix this.” Sam says.
Wanda reaches your room and hears loud yet muffled sobs while standing in the hallway. She can feel your grief rippling through her body. The only heartache she can relate to is the moment she lost Pietro which is more than an average person should feel. She knocks on the door softly yet hard enough to alert you of her presence.
Readers pov
I hear three soft knocks on the door. I quickly silence my cries and assume it is Nat. I then clear my throat as the knocking continues and muster up enough energy to speak,
“Go away” into my pillow loudly. The knocking stops but I don’t hear anyone walk away just yet.
“Y/n/n, it’s Wanda. Can you let me in please, so we can talk?” she asks, I stand up while groaning and walk towards the door. I unlock it and open it just a crack to make sure she is alone and not with a certain someone. It is pretty short-lived as Wanda pushes the door open the rest of the way.
“Oh hon, I’m sorry.” She says as she wraps me into a tight hug after closing the door behind her. I crumble into her embrace as she rubs small circles on my back. Wanda has always been such a calming figure in my life since I met her, a major part being that she can feel almost all of my anxieties that try to drown me throughout a day. She also knows how it feels to be alone which allows her to relate to my feelings, so she knows just how much missing someone who is gone for eternity hurts.
We hug for what feels like minutes but when I take a quick glance outside my window it is dark out.
“Is it true?” I rasp.
“What?” she counters.
“Y’know that no one cares. All I wanted to do was share a memory that I remembered of myself with my mom and as you know it isn’t too often that I remember these types of things and when I do I love sharing them, so she won’t ever be forgotten. It just hurts so much to be shut down talking about something you truly care about by someone you care about.” I explain while Wanda looks at me with the softest eyes I’ve ever seen while nodding her head slightly.
“Now that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I care and everyone in this compound cares about what you have to say as well as what you are feeling. You know how Natasha can be sometimes with the insensitive comments she makes before realizing what she’s doing.”
“I know but that doesn’t give her the right to j-just say stuff like that. I get how full our relationship is with banter and sarcastic comments but I really thought she was starting to like me.” I frown as Wanda just nods. That’s when exhaustion hits me like a truck.
“Wands, before I ask you this just know you can decline.” I give her a minute to protest, but she says nothing. ” Can you sleep with me?” Wanda’s eyes widen,
”Y/n/n I don’t think that is a good id-“ I realize what I just said and cut her off before things get even more uncomfortable. “Nonono, Wanda, like lay down with me not any of that gross stuff. Ew.” Wanda’s features fill with relief, and she chuckles at my childish comment about sex.
“Of course I will! You just may want to word it a little different next time.” she chuckles as you hide your face with embarrassment. We both get settled on the bed and I feel her two arms pull me towards her and I snuggle closer.
Non readers pov
Wanda slowly gets out of bed after she is sure you are fast asleep and sets off to find Nat. When she does she sees that Nat had barely moved from where she last saw her still with her face in her hands.
“Nat. I know you think you really screwed up, which you did, but it’s y/n/n. You can’t go on without telling her how you feel about her.”
“Wanda, you can’t just look in my mind! We’ve talked about this!”
“Romanoff you know I’m one to keep my promises, so I’d never look without your permission. Maybe if you turned down the volume of your thoughts a few decibels I wouldn’t have heard anything. Also, are you ready that oblivious to the fact the whole team knows you two are like little lovesick puppies for one another when you two aren’t attached by the hip.” she explains, “Now, stop moping around and apologize at least.”
“You’re right, Wands, wish me luck. I hope she can forgive me.”
Natasha gets up and races towards your room. She didn’t want to wait so long to talk to you and apologize, but she thought you wouldn’t want to speak to her after what she’d said.
Similarly, to Wanda’s entrance, Natasha softly knocks on your door enough to wake you even out of your semi-deep sleep.
Readers pov
I jump at the knocks on the door and am confused to see Wanda is no longer beside me.
“Wanda you don’t have to knock, you know that.” I sigh out.
“It isn’t Wanda.” a voice you are able to recognize as Nat sheepishly speaks.
“Oh, what do you need?” I ask, all the heartbreak and ache coming back when I hear the voice I’m usually excited to listen to, as if her speech is my favorite song.
“Can we talk? I need to apologize.”
“Sure,” I softly reply.
Non readers pov
Nat opens the door once she has your permission and sees your usual strong, confident frame look small and fragile. Her heart breaks at the sight of you so broken and in pain because of her own actions. Not to mention your tear stained cheeks when you look towards her. It is silent for a minute or so before you throw your head back onto your pillow staring at the ceiling. This awakens something in Natasha for an unknown reason.
Readers pov
“Y/n, I am so sorry. I know that sorry doesn’t cut it for the amount of hurt I’ve caused you all because I was jealous but I hope we can rebuild what we had but it totally is okay if you don’t want to even though I would love another chance with yo-“
“Nat, calm down. I’m not going to sit here and say I’m fine with what you said because truth be told I love sharing memories of my family when I remember them with you. Not only because I trust you but because I think I care for you and love you more than friends should. I just hope what you said is meaningless or else that is when we can’t rebuild what we had.”
“No y/n/n, I didn’t mean any of it. It was just in the heat of the moment because I saw you laughing at something a recruit said when I was going to ask you if you wanted to go get dinner with me. So, I stormed off like a child and said hurtful things to mask my selfishness because I want you to be mine and mine only.”
“Oh my god Nat. You can’t be serious, I was laughing at something a recruit said because he assumed Clint and I were going out.” Nat bursts out laughing.
“See? Anyone who was told that who knew me would just die of laughter on the spot.” I say as I glance her way while patting the place beside me on my bed. She accepts.
“So you actually like me?” you hopefully ask.
“Possibly depending on if those feelings are reciprocated.”
“They are.” I say.
“Good. Can I also say how sorry I am for saying that to-“ I cut her off but placing a quick peck to her soft lips.
“Uh, uh, uh” I tut, “I don’t want to hear any more apologies come out of that mouth. Could you just hold me?” Natasha is still dumbfounded by the little kiss.
“Of course.” Nat complies pressing your back to her front as she wraps her long toned arms around your frame. I hum at the contact.
At this moment Nat realizes there is no place she’d rather be as she feels like she has the world in her arms.
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bumbleklee · 3 years
compulsion (kaeya x reader)
masterlist | 1k prompt masterlist | discord server
★ this is a vent piece because its supposed to rain all day tomorrow which means we cant shoot off fireworks or have a bonfire anymore and i am very upset and cant stop doing laps around my house lol <3
★ content warning: reader is mentally ill (manic and depressive episodes, hypervigilance, anxiety, obsessions, compulsions, etc)
When something goes wrong in a normal person’s life, they shrug their shoulders and move on. When something goes wrong in your life, you start to fixate on everything going wrong in your life. You can’t speak right, constantly forcing a laugh and making a joke about how the cat has your tongue, and you find yourself curling your fingers around your stupid bangs and wondering why the hell you cut them (even though you liked them earlier that day). And when you try to sleep off your feelings all you can do is lie in bed and wonder if you were being too manic with your friends that day. And then the fucking tree outside your window keeps hitting the glass and you regret not cutting the branch weeks ago. 
When Kaeya was around, he helped you come to your senses. All he needed to do was cup your face and tell you to take a deep breathe and you mind blanked. The only image in your mind was the beautiful man in front of you. And then your eyes drifted to his cape which was folded weirdly and now you could only think about the fold and it really wasn’t your place to worry about someone else’s folded cape but it was right there. 
But he didn’t mind. Kaeya said he appreciated your attentiveness to keep him neat and when you were around, there was never a hair on his head out of place. He laughed when he tried to hold your hand and you always flipped them. He didn’t know that the feeling of his hand linked with yours instead of yours linked with his made you want to throw up. 
The same feeling returned when Kaeya kissed you for the first time. You loved him so dearly and were waiting for the day he kissed you so why did you feel so sick when he did. You kept kissing Kaeya over and over to try and wash that feeling away. 
Kaeya didn’t mind you and your unusual ways. He never invaded your space but knew when to calm you. If he saw your hands clenching, Kaeya would hold them before you got a chance to wrap them up in your hair. If he saw you fidgeting with a blanket, trying to get it perfectly even on both sides, Kaeya would stand up and help you. If you began to overthink and throw yourself into a state of panic, Kaeya would hold you until your legs stopped shaking. 
He listened to you talk, too. Some days you talked and talked and talked. Kaeya was never angry with you when you repeated the same story to him four times in one day or asked the same question over and over again because you just couldn’t remember if you said it already. 
Kaeya even noticed your actions before you did. He pointed out how you tapped your thumbs together when you were anxious. He never questioned your strange behavior in sorting through your sock drawer too often or not being able to multitask on things every other person could. 
Kaeya made the wrong things in your life seem bearable. 
Except when he didn’t. 
If Kaeya woke up in a foul mood, giving you an accidental attitude, you would be sent into a spiral for the entire week. Once you wanted to rearrange the bedroom to make it up to him but you couldn’t finish what you started and he was only even more irritated when he came home to your bedroom in disarray. 
He started staying at work later and you could only wonder what you did wrong. Sometimes you sat at the kitchen table and moved a fork over the placemat until you felt the burning sensation in your chest reside only for it to light back up when your chair scraped across the floor too roughly. 
He didn’t get it. He didn’t get it and no one did. 
He didn’t understand that if you didn’t tilt your head to the left every morning your neck would ache all day and the reason your desk was a mess was because you put everything there on purpose because if you organized your papers, you wouldn’t be able to find anything. 
When Kaeya wasn’t around, when Kaeya was avoiding you, you ripped your hair out and your hands shook more than usual. Like always, you had gotten too attached to him too quickly and now you were suffering like you always did.  
You weren’t good enough for Kaeya. Things in your life were too wrong for Kaeya. So you didn’t know why he came back.
When it rained on your birthday and you couldn’t light sparklers anymore, you broke. You had such an amazing day but now you couldn’t light the fucking sparklers and everything was wrong. You couldn’t breathe and all you could think about was how horrible your outfit was and how your eyeliner was going to smudge if you started crying (and you started crying). It was embarrassing but you couldn’t help it. 
Yet, Kaeya was there. Like he had so many times in the past, he cupped your cheeks and told you he was sorry for taking a break, sorry for leaving when you were too vulnerable to be on your own. He knew what to say to make you feel okay and knew what to avoid that would send you into a frenzy. 
Deep down, you knew his words only made things better for now. The next time you ran out of your favorite cereal or couldn’t find a shirt you wanted to wear, you would tear yourself apart again. But Kaeya was here with you and no matter how irrational and unreasonable your mind was telling you things were, Kaeya was there to ground you. 
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Strong Girl 🔞☁️❤️🎀
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🍧 Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
🍧 Genre: Good Girl AU!, slice of Life AU, non-Idol AU, smut
🍧 Warnings: DD/LG themes, so much love it's gross istg, a home accident if that makes you uncomfortable but we aint having a full on world's end dw, hero! Reader, no other way to put it, Koo is so proud, so so proud, showers her in kisses yes please, nsfw themes because it's me what did yall think this was gonna be, finger sucking (forgive me lord for I have sinned-), reader being cute, injuries (mentioned and described), praise kink, oral (oral f. rec.), size kink, strength kink, manhandling, subspace, Dom! Jungkook, Sub!Reader, protected sex because you won’t ever catch me slip HAH!
🍧 Summary: Jungkook is not just your boyfriend- he's your absolute hero, your knight in shining armor, your protector and personal simpBodyguard when he needs to. But sometimes, even little girls can be heroes. And they always get rewarded, in the end.
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This is part of the Good Girl Universe! (But can be enjoyed on its own)
Good Girl || Sweet Girl || Smart Girl || Brave Girl || Pretty Girl || Charming Girl || Enticing Girl || Bad Girl || Tempting Girl  || Strong Girl
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Taglist: @sweetenedcooky @ggukkieland @btsismybias22 @darkgvk @daddypkj @flowerprincess24 @crazylittlemay @zeharilisharaban @teresaisla @tangledsparkles @dammit-jjk
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The first time you said it, it made his heart beat faster.
It was on your way home from grocery shopping, a small bag in your hand as Jungkook held your hand, walking silently. You and him had been slowly but surely become a couple like the one's you always dreamt of being when you were younger- the one that fought sometimes, yes, but would ultimately be together at the end of the day, doing simple tasks such as what you did just now. Jungkook somehow made even boring things such as buying mere groceries interesting, not just by making fun of other customer's outfits, but also by explaining things you didn't know. He loved that he somehow made your eyes light up in wonder whenever he told you about a certain dish he could try out with a vegetable you've never tasted before. Or that awkward moment you said you hated brocolli, just so he could correct you and explain to you that no, you've eaten it a lot actually- he was just really good at making food taste how you liked it. He felt proud when you told him, with magic in your eyes, that he was incredible.
Because when you said it, he really felt like he was.
It all happened so suddenly, you didn't even notice yourself slip out of fear and shock- and even Jungkook didn't notice at first. A stray dog had walked up to you, but, contrary to all those cheesy movies where you'd pet it and it would be on its way quick after, it turned out to be not a stray at all; because the man that owned the big dog was desperately trying to catch up to it, leash in his hand- collar still attached to the hook.
Jungkook had never reacted so quickly in his life before, as he pushed you behind him, sucessfully shielding you from the violently barking saint bernard in front of him. You held onto his jacket in complete terror, mind filling with nothing but the loud barks as you were sure this was a nightmare. Don't get it wrong, you loved dogs- but this one wasn't so sweet.
"I'm so sorry!" The man yelled, slipping the collar back around his dog's neck, making it a bit tighter to make sure his pet was secure this time. "He just slipped out, are you two okay?" He said, and Jungkooks voice spoke out, calm, but firm in its tone.
"We're good, but please make sure to boy a harness or something, sir." He said, and the man apologized again, hurrying on his way while the dog still pulled violently and untamed at the leash.
"Baby? He's gone, you can let go now." Jungkook says with the hint of a smile in his voice, one that quickly vanished however once he feels you sniffling against the fabric of his jacket, as your head shook in denial. "Sweetheart I can't check up on you if you hide like this." He explains calmly, glad that your apartment building was already in sight. He knew that you had probably slipped, and he was unsure how to deal with that in public; it wasn't like he was ashamed of it, but he knew that others would judge you quick and easy, and he didn't want to push you into such a bad situation. "Can Kookie check up on you, baby? You're worrying me." He says, and at that, you slowly let go of the fabric, as he turns around. His heart clenches at the sight, tear stained cheeks and nose all red already. He quats down in front of you for a second as he rubs your arms comfortingly. "There we go, everything's fine, yeah?" You nodded after a moment, but refused to speak. "That was scary, wasn't it?" He asked, and you nodded, still quiet. "Let's go home, okay? We can continue that puzzle we've started yesterday, alright? And Miri is waiting, too!" He said, and at that, you nodded more excitedly, even though you still seemed timid.
But you still held his hand tightly, only letting go once you were in the safety of your own home- calling him your hero with a quiet voice he almost didn't catch.
Jungkook really enjoyed both sides of you.
Just like he did now, searching for the right puzzle pieces to place, silently watching your innocent, concentrated face. In a way, it was healing for him; since he never truly had a good childhood himself, this was somehow like a chance to enjoy all of these things he missed with you- a fact that made all of these experiences even more special to him. "Baby, I don't think that fits there." He chuckled, correcting your placement of a piece that didn't fit the edges of the picture it was trying to build. You huffed, before yawning, eyes glossing over with sleep. "Hm, this one is hard, isn't it?" He asked, running his hand over your head before pushing some hair behind your ear. "I think my baby needs to recharge her batteries, hm?" He asked, but you shook your head after a moment, making him raise his brow in question. "Oh really? Miri, what do you think?" He asked, the dog immediately skipping over, excited to be given attention so suddenly. She immediately went to sniff your face, making you giggle. "See! I knew she'd agree with me!" He said, and you laughed full on when the dog went to lick your cheek. "Alright then, Miri, off!" He called out, the dog immediately stopping her actions at the sound of his voice. Jungkook had been unsure on how to train a puppy at first, but overall, he'd done a pretty good job at keeping her fierce temper under control.
Even throughout her violent phase of chewing on pretty much every fucking thing.
So after making sure you were comfortable on the couch, he simply sat down at the puzzle laid out on the living room floor to continue silently. However, shuffling could be heard as he look towards the couch, where you'd previously been laid down on; your tired form talking towards him with eyes barely open. He chuckled when you simply flopped down close to him on the floor with your blanket, head on his thigh as you sighed in comfort. It was second nature to him almost, the way his hand immediately found your head, gently stroking your hair as you drifted off.
Days like this were nice, he decided.
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Typically when you came home, Jungkook would greet you at least with a call. Today however, you heard nothing; something that immediately set something off inside you.
Searching for him wasn't a long process- after unleashing Miri into the apartment, you went straight into the bedroom where he's usually be if he's not feeling too well. And sure enough, there he was- weirdly pale and visibly uncomfortable, even in his sleep. Squatting down in front of the bed, you gently felt his forehead, just to simply detect that he was slightly sweating, but had no fever whatsoever. "Koo?" You asked, and he stirred a little, opening his eyes, a little red looking.
"You're home? I didn't even hear you." He said, before he ran a hand over his face. "Sorry, I think I'm coming down with something." He explained, and you nodded, simply telling him to lay back down and take it easy. You made a mental note to maybe cook something light since he never really had much of an appetite when he was sick.
"Is it just me or is it cold in here?" You asked, brows furrowed as you noticed how chilly it was inside the apartment, despite the heater being set pretty high. Jungkook simply groaned, too tired to move much as he asked you to please close the curtains. You followed his request, worried figure dissapearing out of the bedroom.
However, something didn't sit well with you.
Maybe it was a simple gut feeling, but when the night slowly crept over the town, and you were slowly growing mildly dizzy yourself, you decided to make sure that your suspicions were correct, slowly walking towards the heater in the living room. It was chilly, but the heater was set to full power. And somehow, after looking at Miri whining in her bed, aimlessly pacing around, it seemed to click inside your head.
Jungkook had been home all day since last evening.
The apartment was cold, the heater's on.
Miri was already looking just as bad- and your own headache told you that this was exactly what you thought it was.
You instantly shot up from the couch, knocking your knee into the edge of the table which made you fall- the edge of the table ripping at your skin on your arm, painfully scratching it open. But it was as if you didn't feel it. Ripping the bedroom door open clumsily, you immediately opened the window, turning the heater off, before you went to wake Jungkook- or at least, try. "Kookie! Jungkook, wake up, come on!" You begged, shaking his shoulder as he slowly somehow came to his senses. He wasn't really awake- but he wasnt unconscous either. "Fuck.." You whispered under your breath, grabbing his phone and calling an ambulance- the dispatcher telling you to try and get him outside or to a place with fresh air.
But this was Jeon-I-love-working-out-Jungkook.
There was no way you could carry him all those stairs.
So you ran out the door, uncaring to close it, and knocked at your neighbours door- a familiar face looking at you with surprise. "Y/N?" He asked, visibly stunned to see you; teary eyed, with a bleeding arm, and clearly distressed.
"Namjoon, I think we have a gas leak in our apartment.. Jung-Jungkookie- they said I should get him outside but he's too heavy-" You pressed out, last words a little unclear as you finally broke. Namjoon simply went inside to grab his shoes and keys, before he closed the door, running towards your apartment, where he instantly grabbed Jungkooks arms, trying to somehow get him on his back.
"Jesus christ how much does he fucking weigh-" He swore under his breath, until he got a somewhat secure hold on the younger boy, walking out the door while you grabbed the dog, running after the two with the puppy in your arms.
Outside, the ambulance had just arrived, immediately attending to the both of you.
Seems like you owe Namjoon twice now.
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Jungkook woke up with stinging smells and bright lights around him, some birds chirping outside the opened window. His arm felt heavy, fingers tingling slightly, and as his eyes adjusted to his new surroundings, he saw the cause of it.
You, with a bandaged arm, sleeping with your hands grasping his in your slumber.
He gently moved his arm, waking you, as you sleepily looked up at him, eyes suddenly widening as they glistened- a tell-tale sign that you were going to cry. "Thank god!" You said, head burying itself into his chest as he chuckled, a little confused on what was actually happening.
"What happened?" He said, partially also referring to your arm clad in white cloth, his inked hand gently touching it.
"We had a gas leak in our apartment." You explained, sniffling. "At first I thought you were just not feeling well, but then I started to feel unwell too, and Miri.." You went on, his hand running over your head to soothe you a little, noticing how you were getting wound up again. "And then I- I checked online and thought better be safe but you were sleeping, and you looked so bad so I called an ambulance and they said I should get you outside and I really tried-" You explained, and even though it hurt him to see your tears, he couldn't help but chuckle at that in amusement.
"Baby, you tried to carry me?" He asked, and you nodded. "My strong girl!" He teased, full on laughing when you playfully hit his arm to make him stop, a small smile on your lips. "But I highly doubt you got me even out of bed baby." He said, and a familiar voice chimed in from the door of his hospital room.
"No, but she was smart enough to get someone who could." Namjoon explained, casual clothes telling you that he wasn't there for work purpose. "I'm seriously questioning your body though. How the hell do you look like a yoga instructor but weigh as much as a professional wrestler?" Namjoon teased, making Jungkook groan in annoyance.
"Oh my god, now I owe him twice!" He said, playfully exagerating his reaction to the fact that Namjoon had helped them for the second time by now. "Please someone lay me back in my bed, I wanna die!" He said, and you hit his chest.
"No!" You said. "You're ready to leave me and Miri like that?" You said, playfully pouting as you turned away from him.
"Oh baby no, I take it back- nooo, look at me!" He whined out, making grabby hands for your just-out-of-reach sweater you wore, Namjoon laughing as he watched the scene unfold.
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A couple of days later, Jungkook and you were sitting in your home again- with the pipes fixed, and plans of moving into a different apartment. For some reason, you didn't truly trust the apartment anymore- but maybe that would settle after a while.
"Hm.." Jungkook mumbled, looking at you as if checking for something, until he moved from his place on the couch, sitting up from his previously laying position. Without many words, he moved you onto his lap, his back resting against the couch, as he held you in place on his thighs. "You know everything's fixed right?" He asked, and you nodded- but he knew you simply answered to reassure him, not yourself. "Baby, I promise we can think about moving if you're really not comfortable- but let's settle down first, yeah?" He said, and you sighed.
"I know its stupid-" You began, but he quickly placed his pointer and ring finger to your lips, effectively shutting you up. You already knew that he'd argue that you weren't stupid, and you knew that- sometimes phrases like these just slipped out. So you playfully snapped after his fingers, making him shoot you a dark glance; a glint in his eyes that told you clearly that he was definitely up to play with you.
"Hm, did they never tell you to not bite the hand that feeds you?" He said, voice deep as he suddenly, and without warning, pulled you closer by your thighs, the abrupt movement forcing you to brace yourself against his chest with your hands, face inches away from his. "Or the hand that gets you off, in our case." He added, making you blush from his words.
You should be used to this by now, but somehow, as weird as it sounded, being together with Jungkook was never the same as the time before. He always found ways to make things different- either by taking it slow, or by introducing you to kinks and fantasies you never even knew were a thing. He loved excitement, loved to try out new things, even if sometimes they would turn out to be something he or you didn't enjoy. Somehow, he always managed to steer things around even if that happened however, turning an awkward situation into a sweet memory in the blink of an eye.
He groaned out lowly when you took his hand again, never breaking eye contact with him while you slowly guided his hand towards your lips- Jungkook instantly taking the hint, as he pushed his first two fingers between your lips, pushing down your tongue;
oh what a sight to see.
Both of his hands wandered towards your neck, never putting pressure- simply touching, holding you, and enjoying just how sweet you were being just for him. He loved these moments with you, these reminders that no matter how useless he felt whenever something didn't go his way, for you, he was always a hero. A knight in shining armor, your Master-
He could feel his pants getting uncomfortable at the thought of those words tumbling from your lips.
He'd probably introduce you to that someday else, because in that moment, he was way too impatient to think clear enough. He'd probably miss important clues that were sometimes so small that he himself wondered how he saw them- because you were dangerously submissive to him. He knew that if he asked, you'd do anything.
Even if you didn't like it.
"Hm.. I wonder if my baby can ride me this time?" He hummed, and you nodded, making him grin as he searched behind him for his hidden condoms in the couch- something you found quite funny at first, but by now you've gotten used to it. "Fuck." He groaned, noticing that there was no contraceptive hidden like it usually was.
"Thats a bad word, kookie." You playfully said, teasing him as he grabbed your behind quite roughly, raising his brow as his jaw clenched.
"Oh I'll make you scream out some bad words." He said, before standing up, throwing you over his shoulder in a manner that seemed to practiced to be simply winged out of nowhere. After all, this wasn't just a one time thing- he loved showing off his strength over you, and you loved it just as much in return.
Your body hitting the matress, Jungkook immediately grabbed your thighs again, pulling you to the edge of the bed where he already kneeled- placing your legs over his shoulders after almost rushing to get your clothes off. There was no gentle touching, no foreplay, he simply dived right in, pitch black eyes darkly watching you as you squirmed, back arching off the mattress every now and then in pleasure once he added the first two fingers into the game he was playing. "No smart words now, hm?" He hummed from his spot between your legs, amusement clear on his face at the sight of your trembling body. "But I'm not gonna let you suffer tonight, baby." He said, licking his lips before crawling over your body, hand reaching for the bedside table where he knew he had condoms stored in. "Take it as-" He said, while shedding his clothes before wrapping his length in the clear protection. "As a reward." He said. "For being my personal guardian angel." He said sweetly, before leaning down to connect his lips with yours. What was an innocent gesture at first, turned heated quite quick however; you would've never guessed, but Jungkook was a pretty messy kisser- open mouthed and tongue running over your lips, all while he guided his length inside you.
One thing Jungkook loved, was just how utterly small you looked underneath him. Not just that- but the way he could feel his own dick move inside you underneath his inked hand placed on your lower belly made him growl deeply as he rolled his hips in a forward motion, eyes fixed on the view he had of your cunt swallowing him as if it was nothing.
You were his.
For a long time, he didn't quite get the hype about saying that your partner belonged to you. For him, that was stupid- you couldn't 'own' a person, so why say that? But nowadays, he finally understood that no, this wasn't about ownership. It was about being able to simply have situations like these; moments of pure emotions and nothing else, with a person so devoted to yourself that you felt as if your entire life had their name.
He was yours.
Because even if he took on a more dominant role in the relationship, and a leading force in the bedroom, you had him in your hands at the end of the day. He was so utterly in love with you it sometimes hurt him to even think about it; the way you looked at him with so much adoration made him melt, the way you touched him with so much care made him feel so loved. He'd glady give his life to you if he had to choose between you and him.
"So sweet, just look at you." He mused, out of breath as he smiled, leaning over you again before kneading your soft breasts with his hands, kissing the delicate skin sweetly as he picked up his pace. "All mine, aren't you?" He said, and you nodded, mewling out something he didn't quite catch- but that was okay. "Gonna fuck you stupid, pretty girl-" He huffed out, biting the skin on your shoulder as he grew more and more sloppy. "Come on baby, cream on my cock," He grunted out, making you squirm- and open your mouth in a silent scream as Jungkooks hand found its way between your bodies, viciously moving his fingers over your most sensitive spot. The quick movement and the pressure of his length inside you finally made you come undone, hands desperately reaching for his arms as if that could save you. The orgasm you experienced made your vision bright, and unbeknownst to you, Jungkook came quickly after, panting to catch his breath, before he discarded the condom.
It took a moment for you to come back around, but when you did, the first thing you noticed was, that you were practically laying across his chest- his hand gently running up and down your arm, kisses being place on the top of your head as he bathed you in praise. "You're so sweet.." He hummed, before he noticed your eyes on him. "Welcome back princess." He grinned cockily, before placing a kiss ontop of your nose. "Come on baby, lets get you washed up and into bed, yeah?" He said, and you simply nodded.
Too tired to talk, and too comfortable in his arms to really move on your own. But that was fine.
He loved carrying you around anyways.
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"You know.." Jungkook said, while you were both at the table, eating dinner. "I know I said I was uncomfortable with you calling me daddy, and I still stand by that." He said, and you nodded, unsure where he was going.
"I mean, yeah, you've said that but what does that have to do with-"
Suddenly, he leaned forwards after finishing his plate, eyes sparkling mischieviously. "I wouldn't mind hearing you call me 'Master' though." He hummed out.
And you choked on your fries.
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scribblingfangirl · 4 years
WITH LOVE, THE GHOSTS | Julie and the Phantoms - Part One
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not my gif!
Author’s Note: Gah… I'm such a procrastinating butterfly. I should be writing my Billy Russo series which I'm so excited about, but I just want to be able to read it already instead of having to write first + I'm currently writing each and every chapter instead of the next one (struggles of a fanfiction writer - am I right?). So, what do I do instead? I flew from one of my obsessions to another and got inspired by this week's @flashfictionfridayofficial​ prompt. 
Anyways... This fic will be a little to late for some of you guys, but still: Merry Christmas everyone! And if you do not celebrate Christmas I still hope you have a wonderful day and a rest of the year filled with love and happiness. You did it, you fought through it. I’m sure you had your own pair of himbo ghosts taking care of you.
word count: ~ 1k
summary (and basically background info): Y/N is Julie's & Flynn's friend who doesn’t know about the ghosts (let’s just say she believes that they’re holograms). The boys become attached to Y/N due to her kindness and positivity and do everything in their (ghostly) powers to keep her days sunny and bright, especially in winter.  Or: Two times Y/N is oblivious to the boys 'paranormal' activities and the one time she notices it
prompt: Comfort in the Cold by @flashfictionfridayofficial​
warnings: english is not my first language, therefore, typos
| Part Two | Part Three |
#1: Luke
Slowly and quietly you made your way down the stairs of the Molina household, leaving Julie's and Flynn's sleeping forms behind. Even though you had just watched multiple Christmas movies and probably eaten double your weight in popcorn, your stomach was still asking for more. As Julie knew about your habits of needing a midnight snack and since Ray repeatedly told you to make yourself at home you weren't feeling bad about stealing some small bits and pieces out of their fridge or cupboards.
Which is why you were straining your ears to hear any sounds that might indicate that you had woken up either Carlos or Ray, but you were only met with silence. Releasing the breath you were holding you hastily hopped down the last few steps down to the living room, grabbed the stair railing and used the momentum of your movement to swiftly swing yourself in the direction of the kitchen, freezing at the sight that greeted you.
A quick glance at the clock told you it was 2 a.m. and the continuous silence indicated that nobody except you was awake and around. Yet, as you hesitantly took a view steps towards the kitchen counter, pulling your blanket like a shield tighter around your body, there was a perfectly fine peanut-butter/jelly sandwich waiting for you, a smiley made out of Nutella painted onto it. Your favourite midnight snack.
A small note peaked out from under the plate and it took you some time to decipher the chicken scratch. Can't have our favourite groupie going to bed hungry! 
Smiling and shaking your head, thinking that either Julie or Flynn must have sneaked out of the room sometime earlier to make you this sandwich you happily bit into it. 
If you'd known that there was a brown-haired ghost with hazel eyes sitting opposite to you and watching you with a smile, the sandwich would have probably gotten stuck in your throat.
#2: Alex 
Doing multiple Christmas movie marathons would be fun they said. No need to worry they said. Only Christmas cheer and joy they said. Well… long story short, even fun movies can make you bawl like a baby! 
A few days after the midnight snack incident, which you completely forgot about, you were once again sitting on Julie's bed. With her and Flynn to your left and right, you had been watching different movies on her computer. Currently, however, you were only trying. Tears were blurring your vision and your sniffles were the only sounds reaching your ear. 
Pressing the plushy's soul that Flynn had won you at a fair out of its body and sobbing into it, you felt Julie shift beside you and lay her head in your lap and mumbling something while Flynn was searching for a handkerchief.
"Whose idea was it again to watch this movie?" you tried to ask, but your voice came out all thick and full of emotion, so you weren't sure if they understood or heard you at all.
What you didn't know was that the boys were watching the movie, and now mostly you, with big eyes.
"Remember the day when Julie was crying in the garage and then Flynn came in crying too? Remember how I said that two girls crying are worse than one girl crying? This… this is way worse!" Luke pointed exaggeratedly at every single one of you and moved quickly out of Flynn's way when she left the room to get a box of tissues. 
"Dude… they're not actually crying crying. It's just a really sad movie," Alex said and sighed quietly when he heard Reggie whisper, "Do you think that's what Willie meant when he said Caleb floods the place during movie night?"
"That's... no, okay." Shaking his head Alex moved towards the bed and sat carefully at Flynn's place to not alert you of the shift beside you. Then he gently took a paw of the plushy that you weren't currently pressing into an embrace and lifted it to wipe away your tears and free your sight. 
You sniffled, too confused and full of emotion to realize what just happened and that it couldn't possibly have been Julie or Flynn, and whispered a small, "Thank you". 
Alex smiled, proud of his action.
#3: Reggie
You didn't even bother to take off your shoes or wipe away the residual snow still sticking to your hair as you flopped yourself down onto your bed, groaning into your pillow. Everything was already grey, wet or at least soggy anyway. To say your day had been bad was an understatement.
It's the most wonderful time of the year With the kids jingle belling And everyone telling you be of good cheer It's the most wonderful time of the year
Confused you lifted your head and starred at your computer who apparently decided to become sentient and cheer you up.
It's the hap-happiest season of all With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings When friends come to call It's the hap-happiest season of all
The next thing that happened would forever be burned into your brain. Your favourite pen suddenly lifted itself up into the air and started to scribble down onto a nearby paper. Slowly and unsure you stood up and inched closer to your desk, but as soon as you were able to sneak a peak onto the paper the pen stopped and fell down.
Shaking your head you rubbed your eyes and turned back to your bed. "This is the weirdest lucid dream I ever had." The moment you flopped back down onto your bed you heard the familiar scratching of pen on paper again. Turning your head there it was again - the floating pen. "What?"
However, once again, as soon as you reached the desk the pen fell down, lifeless. “Alright... alright. I understand! Don’t worry, I won’t sneak a peak.”
"I am dreaming... right?" You weren't. Pinching yourself hurt, trying to breathe through a closed nose didn't work and your pointer finger would not move through the palm of your hand.
Shakily, yet weirdly motivated by the happy Christmas music still playing in the background, you picked up the note laying beside the now still pen. "Merry Christmas Y/N! Lots of love from Reggie, Alex and… Who?" 
"It told you, Luke… I should just have signed for us all."
"Shut it Reg, I know my handwriting sucks."
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For once, I actually kinda liked how the groovied image turned out, so I included it above the cut ( ´ ▽ ` ) Birthday interview (and groovy image w/o text) is under the read more if anyone was interested tho!
Part 1
Yuu: Happy birthday, Majid!
Majid: ...
Yuu: ??? Majid???
Majid: Oh, so you were talking to me.
Yuu: Who else could I have been talking to? You’re the only Majid here. And it IS your birthday today, right?
Majid: ...What day is it today?
Yuu: May 12.
Majid: Aaa... yes, that’s what I wrote on my school application form.
Yuu: Why do I get the strange feeling you wrote down some random day for your birthdate...
Majid: No, that is my actual birthday. Or at least, that’s what the people at that place told me.
Yuu: That place... What could you possibly be referring to?
Majid: An ordinary place. A lot like any other marking on a map.
Yuu: That’s awfully vague.
Majid: It’s not important for you to know.
Yuu: Ah, whatever... We’re getting side tracked from the very beginning... So! Shall we start with the birthday interview, Majid?!
Majid: Tch. It seems unnecessary, though... Can’t I just skip it-
Yuu: Question one!
Majid: You’re starting anyway?!
Part 2
Yuu: How’s your birthday celebrations going so far? Received any fun gifts yet?
Majid: Well... I don’t know about fun, but some people brought me a bag of snacks earlier in the day. And dorm leader Kalim gave me one of the textiles his family had in a limited collection. Just a fancy blanket with the famed Cave of Wonders stitched in stars.He says it was handmade, but he’s gotta be lying... who could possibly have the time...
Yuu: So, you were given gifts, but you still didn’t remember that it was your birthday? Not even a simple “happy birthday!!” tipped it off?
Majid: Must’ve not heard them. I just thought they were all being weirdly generous today. And I like getting free stuff.
Yuu: Fair enough. Did you receive presents from anyone else?
Majid: A couple of my dorm members gave me bangles and other jewelry. One gave me a jewelry repair kit.
Yuu: Oh, seems like you’re interested in that kind of stuff. You’re always wearing those flashy accessories after all.
Majid: I don’t mind it... But I didn’t want to try the earrings on no matter how much they begged me to...
Yuu: ? Is there something wrong with what they gave you?
Majid: I’m just attached to this one earring. It holds a kind of... nostalgia... I guess...
Yuu: Nostalgia huh... Ah, right, what about Jamil? Did he get you anything?
Majid: Tch... It’s something stupid I’m sure. I saw him carrying a weirdly wrapped present. “You cannot, absolutely CANNOT open this before this evening,” he said. He’s as strict as ever. I almost got a hint from the dorm leader, but Senior Jamil slapped his hand over his mouth. Maybe it’s cleaning supplies or something...
Part 3
Yuu: Have you always celebrated your birthdays like this?
Majid: In school?
Yuu: No, I mean, with this many people around you! And with so much going on for your celebration!
Majid: I don’t see the point in birthdays. Can’t you buy yourself little gifts throughout the year and have the same effect? There’s no reason to push it all onto one day like this.
Yuu: Aaa, but it’s not just about gifts! It’s also about spending time with your family and friends! Didn’t you... celebrate birthdays with your... why are you glaring at me like that?
Majid: ...This was stupid after all. I’m going back to my room.
Yuu: Wait, wait, wait!!! I’m sorry; I won’t pry anymore about that!!!
Majid: Good.
Yuu: But I am curious on how you spent your birthdays before this...
Majid: So you’re still going on about that... I don’t usually celebrate my birthday in the first place, so there’s nothing more to say. If I was in a good mood I’d spend a bunch of money on expensive stuff or add another cool lava lamp to my collection, but that’s it.
Yuu: Certainly you celebrated your birthday as a little kid though, right?
Majid: That’s... Well...
Yuu: ?
Majid: Sometimes the people at that place would bring us to the local bakeries to get some sweets... Sugar cookies, all kinds of baklava, kanafeh... They would let us pick out whatever we wanted during our birthday month, maybe even give us little gifts if they managed to raise enough money at that time.
Yuu: What was your favorite sweet?
Majid: I didn’t care for fancy cakes and stuff, so... luqaimats were fine with me.
Some of the Muslim aunties at that place would always cook those during Ramadan and give them out to everyone there as an evening dessert. It was an easy-to-get street food too.
Yuu: You seem to have fond memories of this place, but what exactly is it?
Majid: ...It doesn’t matter. I left it pretty quickly, so I don’t even remember that much anymore. It was suffocating to begin with. Don’t ask pointless questions.
Yuu: ! I’m- I’m sorry.
Majid: No... No, never mind. Just forget I said anything. I have to go back now anyway. ...Aren’t you coming along?
Yuu: Oh? I’m invited to your birthday party?!
Majid: Not just that, it seems like there’s gonna be a separate kind of feast tonight. A lot of my dorm members have been looking forward to it for a while now. And dorm leader Kalim said to invite everyone and anyone I knew...
Yuu: So, I’m your plus one? Haha, I appreciate it, Majid.
Majid: Don’t phrase it that way. Company’s the last thing I need anyway.
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#twisted wonderland oc#twst oc#twst ocs#twisted wonderland ocs#Majid#Kalim#Jamil#art#my art#my post#birthday#writing#my writing#twisted wonderland mc#i felt like majid wouldnt be the type to celebrate his birthday in the 1st place#like no one really made it feel that special to him so he didnt see the need to continue celebrating it?? idk#those at the orphanage didnt treat any of them badly btw#but it was hard caring for so many kids at once when youre both 1) understaffed and 2) underfunded#majid has some good memories of the orphanage but also hated having to constrain himself to a set schedule and constant surveillance#so he escaped so many times that they eventually gave up on keeping him there (._.) i mentioned this before lol but its been a while#he never refers to it directly unless he’s prompted to#since some people used to give him dirty/pitiful looks whenever he mentioned it#hes never hated living there tho#also the reason kalim is so happy over the present jamil gave to majid is mostly b/c like#oh!! these two are finally getting along (⌒▽⌒) glorious day!!!#and majid may have been shocked to the point of accidentally calling jamil ‘viper senpai’ as he wants to be called#before immediately turning the other way and going back to using his first name lol#also it was vague but the ‘feast’ majid was referring to was the start of eid al-fitr#majid doesnt follow any particular religion himself but since this was the scarabia dorm i figured a good amount of them might be muslim so#so happy eid to anyone who celebrates it!! (*'▽'*) eid mubarak!!
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blackwidowyael · 3 years
One of those days
Hey y'all! I just received my first request from @thoughfulmilkshakeface, and here it is, hope you all enjoy! psa I am taking requests, mainly Natasha/Yelena/Wanda centric, and I dont do reader inserts or anything too smutty so feel free to leave smth in ma inbox ;)
Natasha has bad days. Clint knows this, and he also knows that the bad days will pass, making space for the good ones, where they can go out to the movies, or grab lunch, or take Lucky to play ball in the park without the change of routine sending her reeling.
It is these days that he treasures the most, when he can pretend, even if it is only briefly, that they are just another normal couple, with normal problems like squabbles over who’s turn it is to take out the trash or clean up after the dog.
Today is not one of those days.
Clint can tell from the moment they wake up. He cracks open an eye just in time to see the flash of metal handcuffs disappearing into Natasha’s nightstand.
The handcuffs rarely make an appearance anymore, and only on those nights where she is filled with an anxious restlessness, a sense of uneasiness that only the cool slicing of the metal can satiate.
She never talks about it, refuses to acknowledge that they still have a lingering control over her that she can’t quite shake. Clint understands what it is like to feel that lack of autonomy, and never pushes her to stop.
Lucky knows that Natasha has bad days as well. She stumbles past where he is eagerly awaiting breakfast, straight to the gym without so much as a glance in his direction. It is like she is barely even there.
Clint drags himself into the kitchen, narrowly avoiding hitting Lucky in the face as he reaches down to pat him through a haze of sleep. He fills Lucky’s bowl, and slides two pop tarts onto a plate. A smile almost reaches his face as he thinks about the plan Nat concocted to sneak them past the addicted demi-God upstairs.
And they wait for the last member of their family to return. Sometimes, an hour in the gym is enough to shake whatever demons were haunting her away and she returns more present, having slipped out of whatever funk she is in.
Today is not one of those days.
They watch the clock as the hands trail round the hour, and into the next. Lucky whines, pressing himself against Clint’s leg. He is weirdly intuitive, can always tell when something’s not right. Almost two hours have passed. Natasha’s coffee has grown cold in the pot.
“I guess you’re right, bud,” Clint sighs, rubbing Lucky behind the ears. “I’ll go check on her.”
At first, he thinks the gym is empty. Music blares out of the speakers as he scans every corner.
He finds her huddled in a crack between the wall and a punching bag. From her vantage point, she has a clear view of the entire gym, but she doesn’t even blink as he settles down in front of her.
Nat’s eyes are glassy, unfocused. Clint waves a hand in front of her face, trying to get her attention. He is wary of touching her when she’s like this, but he really needs to get her to the apartment. Clint can see the blood leaking through her pointe shoes, feet white with the ribbons tight enough to cut off her circulation. Slowly he loops one arm around her shoulders, the other under her knees, narrating as he does so.
No matter what, Clint wants her to feel at least some semblance of control.
“Alright, Tash, back to the apartment. I got you, it’s okay.” He glances at her briefly, to see if he has gotten a response, but she has retreated so far into herself that she can’t hear him. Dissociated, the part of his mind that has attended many therapy sessions with her, supplies.
She has frozen by the time he tries to deposit her on the couch. Eventually, he just sits down with her draped over his lap, hoping that the feel of him breathing would help to ground her. He thinks back to the day before, trying to remember what could have triggered it. Nothing springs to mind, although new triggers still pop up now and then. Maybe something from a mission?
Lucky worries when he sees Natasha like this. It makes Clint sad, and then neither of them will take him to the park. He leaps onto the couch, burying his muzzle in Natasha’s face and showering her with kisses. Suddenly, she stirs, breath shuddering in her chest.
“Nat, you’re okay, you’re safe. We’re in the apartment.”
One hand comes up, shielding her face, while she desperately tries to wriggle out of Clint’s lap. Her breath is beginning to come faster as she squirms, unable to escape Lucky’s slobbery hold.
“Natasha, it’s just Lucky, you’re okay.”
“Yeah. Can you breathe with me?”
She can’t.
She can feel her breath whistling in her chest, coming faster and faster and despite this feel the lack of oxygen in her brain. Lightheaded. She doesn’t think her legs would support her right now if she tried to run.
Run away from all of this. All these emotions, clawing at her chest and anxiety buzzing in her brain and tingling on her skin and she can't breathe, she can’t-
One fist gripping Clint’s shirt, the soft fabric grounding, while simultaneously keeping herself as far away from him as possible, curled on the opposite side of the couch.
Through the icy panic, she tries to focus on his chest. Watching it rise and fall. She manages to take gulps of air to match, feeling the fog slowly evaporating around her.
“Idiot dog,” she mutters, pushing Lucky away from her.
The buzzing panic leaves her as quickly as it arrives, leaving her drained. The world is far too bright, too sharp, now.
Clint is watching as she tries to collect herself. Natasha feels her mask slamming into place, protecting her from the world and hiding her humiliation. She’s not sure how she got to the couch, but she can feel the concern and smothering pity rolling off of Clint in waves and she hates it.
She just wants to be alone, until she can forget again.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Clint presses his lips together. This repression shit can’t be healthy, but he knows better than anyone that there’s no point trying to make Natasha talk when she doesn't want to.
“Fine. We don’t have to talk. Can I at least look at your feet?”
Natasha glances down. Her feet are waxy, apart from the red marks made by the ribbons chafing. Blood has congealed around the box of the shoe, spattering its way up the shank.
“I can do it myself, Clint,”
“Natasha, I swear to God.” Clint pushes her back down as she tries to stand, going into the kitchen to grab the first aid box.
Carefully, he unties the ribbons, prying the shoes off her feet. The blood is sticky, and it takes a while for him to get them off without ripping the skin further.
Eventually, both shoes are discarded and he gets a proper look at her.
“Nat, what happened?”
Clint had hoped it would be an easy fix, just a couple of blisters, but apparently it wasn’t one of those days, and nothing was easy. Hundreds of shards of glass are embedded in the soles of Natasha’s feet, and when he looks back to her shoes, he can see more littering the soles.
He gets to work, painstakingly removing each shard and cleaning the cuts, before covering them in adhesive bandage. Questions can come later, when Nat is not still partially dissociated on the couch with a vase’s worth of glass in her feet. Lucky watches, resting his head on Natasha’s lap. This time, she doesn’t push him away, running her fingers through his fur.
“I needed to know that I hadn’t got soft.”
The words echo in the silence, although they were barely audible. Clint carefully schools his expression, keeping his posture open and relaxed.
“And dancing with glass in your shoes proves that how?”
“We used to do it,” Natasha pauses, staring intently at a spot on Lucky’s back, “before.”
Clint nods in understanding. It doesn’t surprise him, seems very on-brand given the sparse details she had shared over the years.
“You haven’t gotten soft, Tash. Why would you think that?”
“But I have,” she presses, leaning forward, “I see it all the time. They told me I could never form attachments, that it would make me weak. And I can’t do the missions I did before,”
“Can’t or won’t? You didn’t have any choice over taking missions, Tash. Just because SHIELD does things differently doesn’t mean you’re any less of an agent.”
“They’re in my head all the time,” Natasha admits. “I can hear them. Telling me I’m sloppy. Weak. They would be so angry if they could see me now. I just. I just needed to feel like I was,”
She breaks off, staring at her hands.
“Like what?” Clint prompts gently.
“Made of marble. That’s what they used to say to me.”
“They’re not here now, Nat. We are. Your family. You don’t need to be all perfect and tough around us.”
Nat shakes her head in exasperation, eyes roaming around the room as she searches for an explanation.
“But I still want them to be proud of me. It’s fucked up. I’m fucked up. They took everything from me and I still want to make them proud.”
“They tortured you, Natasha. They raised you, that’s not just going to go away. You’re not under their control anymore. I just want you, whatever that is.”
Suddenly, she can’t stand this conversation anymore, ignoring her protesting feet as she stalks into the kitchen. Clint follows, Lucky not far behind.
“Love is for children.”
“It doesn’t have to be.”
Natasha huffs out a laugh, turning away to reach a mug. “You’d have to be stupid to want me.”
“I guess I really am an idiot then.” Clint reaches out, tugging on her arm until she is facing him.
“Lucky too,” he adds as the dog jumps up, pawing Natasha’s legs.
“Idiot dog.” A tiny smile graces the corner of her mouth.
“You’re more than just an incredible agent, Tash. You’re my best friend, my family. I love you.”
She ducks her head, staring at their intertwined fingers.
“I love you too, idiot.”
Clint grins. It was one of those days.
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spaceskam · 3 years
and as our lives change
Summary: Alex’s dad sold his childhood home without telling him, so Michael decides to do something about it.
Tags: sexual content (literally just the first scene), emotional hurt/comfort, friends with benefits, lack of communication
Michael watched as Alex’s head fell back, his jaw dropping as he caught his breath.
He swallowed hard, his eyes scanning over Alex’s body where it was perched on top of his in a way that felt like a renaissance painting. He was stunning. And Michael really, really didn’t know what to do about that realization. Or, he didn’t know what to do about the constant revelations he was having when it came to Alex.
Michael was straight and frustrated when this whole thing began. A weird string of events, mostly him whining and Alex being Alex, led to him getting a handjob from Alex on the couch in the apartment he shared with Max. There was no kissing or any kind of romantic shit afterward or during or before. Alex just politely went and washed his hands with a ‘will you be able to focus now?’ and they got back to their work. Michael was absolutely not able to focus.
The first time he was able to convince himself that it was just a thing between bros. No feelings, nothing weird, it was just clinical and casual. But Michael couldn’t sleep and he couldn’t stop having an entire crisis over it.
And yet, the next time he was alone with Alex in the apartment, he found himself with his hand between Alex’s thighs.
It kept happening and escalating. They didn’t talk about it or make rules or establish boundaries‒which was an admittedly bad thing‒but they seemed to both understand that they didn’t kiss, they didn’t do anything that could be perceived as romantic, and they didn’t acknowledge it. It did leave Michael to have his bisexual awakening through a series of borderline panic attacks followed by getting Alex to do whatever to clear his mind. He didn’t know if Alex knew exactly what he was clearing, but it didn’t matter.
Michael was 99.9% sure he wasn’t straight now and 87% sure he wasn’t just gay. Sometimes Alex would do something like stick his fingers inside him and order him to continue reciting his presentation without mistakes and he would consider the idea that maybe he actually was gay and the reason it didn’t feel like this with every girl he’d been with was because he was gay. But then he remembered that it didn’t feel like this with every girl he’d been with because he usually barely knew them.
He knew Alex.
He liked Alex.
It was just… a little confusing on what kind of like. Alex was his best friend and he didn’t want to screw that up. He was sure that if they just kept it like this, then they wouldn’t change anything and they could continue to just be best friends. But then he would find himself staring at Alex when there were other people around and it would make him question if things were actually still normal at all.
“Fuck, you’re getting better at that,” Alex said, pulling off of Michael with an objectively disgusting and yet still horribly enticing sound.
“Honestly, I feel like you did all the work,” Michael said. Alex huffed a laugh and cautiously got off the bed. Standing up, Alex looked even more like a work of art.
“Yeah, but the first few times I still did all the work and you were still lacking.”
“Just being honest.”
Michael licked his lips and watched as Alex walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open as he found a rag with practiced ease. His back was muscular and still a bit flexed and Michael’s eyes followed it all the way down to his ass that was, admittedly, quite a mess and still just. There. For Michael to see. And to think he thought he was straight for so long.
They didn’t talk about things like that. Michael knew that was objectively bad, but it felt good. He liked Alex just taking over and doing what he wanted to him. It was just. A little confusing. Because they weren’t dating and this was something that very clearly had a time limit. Things would have to change eventually, just he didn’t know in what direction he wanted them to change in. Or what he was allowed to have them change in.
So he kept his eyes on Alex and watched as he cleaned himself off. When he looked over his shoulder, he caught Michael’s eye and grinned.
“I’m beginning to think you’ve got a staring problem,” Alex said, but then he had the audacity to stretch up. He brought himself to his toes and reached for the ceiling and let out a little moan as his shoulder popped. Michael’s head felt empty.
Alex washed the rag out and then came back to the bed, tossing it onto his stomach before he went to go find his clothes. Michael seemingly had to reboot his brain and couldn’t get himself to clean up until after Alex put his briefs back on.
Yes, things were weird and he didn’t quite understand how he got to this point, but he didn’t really want it to stop either. He wanted Alex to keep doing shit like this and smiling at him and maybe even kissing him if, you know, he felt like it. Michael would be lying if he didn’t think about kissing him more than he thought about sleeping with him.
“Okay, I hate to fuck and kick you out, but I’ve got plans,” Alex said once Michael was done and slowly trying to find his own clothes. That was enough to get Michael’s full attention.
“Plans? It’s already nighttime,” Michael pointed out. Alex just gave that little grin of his and shook his head.
“Sweet little innocent Michael.”
“I don’t think any of the shit we do qualifies as innocent,” Michael shot back. Alex smiled wider.
Michael wasn’t jealous. He didn’t even know what Alex was doing, how could he be jealous of something he didn’t even know anything about? He wasn’t. He just very much did not enjoy the idea of Alex going out with someone else after the sun had gone down. Not for any selfish reason, but for the fact that nothing good happened after the sun went down and he told Alex as much.
“What are you, my grandma?” Alex laughed. He double-checked that Michael had his jeans and boxers on before opening the door which was the real sign that this was actually over for the night.
Ianto, Alex’s kitten‒that technically wasn’t a kitten anymore but Michael would never stop calling him that‒strolled in like she owned the place. Michael grinned as he immediately came to rub against his leg. He didn’t have to look up to know Alex was rolling his eyes.
“Hi, baby,” Michael cooed, reaching down to scratch his head, “Your dad is kicking me out to do secret things.”
“Shut up,” Alex laughed, “I’m not kicking you out. If you wanna stay, you can, but I won’t be here.”
“What are you doing that’s so late, though?” Michael asked, looking up to him. Alex sighed as he pulled his shirt over his head.
“I’m just meeting someone,” Alex said. Something twisted in Michael’s gut as he stared at him. Someone.
“Like… a date?” Michael asked. Alex took a deep breath and Michael knew that it was true. He was seeing someone.
Which. Was fine. Michael just thought he had more time. More time to understand what the fuck he was feeling, more time to get good at it, more time for whatever. That was. Okay.
“I mean… Not quite. Just, you know, someone,” Alex said, shrugging and looking away.
The way he spoke about it was almost worse than if he just said that he was trying to date people. Before they started this whole thing, Alex had always been honest about who he was seeing. Michael had a ton of memories and texts of Alex telling him about guys he’d been with. They were friends. But things had changed.
“Okay,” Michael said, standing up and quickly putting on his shirt and grabbing his phone, “Then I’ll leave.”
“Well, don’t be mad,” Alex said. Michael closed his eyes for a moment and then set back into motion to look for his shoes.
“I’m not mad. I just don’t wanna hold you up,” Michael said. Since I clearly couldn’t satisfy you, he didn’t say.
He tried not to let his ego be too bruised. It happened. Alex was the first and only guy Michael had been with. Of course he would want someone more experienced.
“Michael,” Alex said, grabbing his arm. His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked a bit lost. “Do you wanna talk about this or something?”
“No,” Michael said simply. They didn’t talk about this. Talking about it now would make it weird.
He pulled out of Alex’s grasp and put his shoes on, giving Ianto a couple more pets before he headed for the door. Alex didn’t try to stop him and that was telling enough. Tomorrow, maybe, Michael would text him or talk to him and they’d go on as normal. It made him feel a little weird, though, thinking about Alex sleeping with other people and not telling him about it. Wasn’t that, like, a rule of casual relationships? You let people know? Was he getting tested?
It didn’t matter. They were friends. This was fine.
Michael waited a whole three days without texting Alex first.
He couldn’t say why exactly he was choosing to be pouty and just choosing to let Alex be the one to reach out, but he was and he wasn’t really having much of an internal fight about whether he should reach out or not. He was going to let Alex do that, even if he missed him, because he didn’t want to seem clingy. Well, that and he was a little bit irritated, but he could focus on the not wanting to be clingy thing and feel better about himself afterward.
It was probably normal to get weirdly attached to the first guy you sleep with whether there were romantic feelings or not. He didn’t want to be attached to Alex, at least not like that. He wanted to be friends with him. Friends who slept together sometimes.
Michael just wasn’t sure if he could keep that up much longer.
And yet, when it hit the three day mark, he was tossing and turning and bed and craving Alex in some capacity. They didn’t even have to hook up, he just needed his friend. They could watch movies or do homework or literally anything and they didn’t have to talk. They had never gone this long without at least a meme or two sent between them. Weirdness from the other day aside, this was particularly annoying.
Michael pulled out his phone and let his thumb hover over Alex’s contact. He just had to hit it and ask if Alex wanted to come over. He could do that. Easy. Just hit it.
“What are you doing?” Max asked, breaking Michael’s mental discussion. For the first time, he was a little bit thankful that Max had basically no boundaries when it came to Michael’s personal life. At least it provided a distraction.
“Thinking about inviting Alex over, if that’s okay,” Michael said, tossing his phone onto the couch as he stood up. He needed a break from looking at it anyway. Max nodded his head, looking through the contents of the refrigerator.
“Sure, if he wants to after everything,” Max said. Michael’s eyebrows tugged together.
“What do you mean, after everything?” he wondered, standing up a little bit straighter. Instantly, his brain started filling with thoughts of what could’ve happened, all of which were probably over the top and wrong because if it was something dire like Alex getting hurt, there was no way Max would know before him.
It didn’t stop his mind from racing.
“He didn’t tell you?” Max asked. Michael shook his head and Max shrugged, taking his sweet damn time. “Oh, well, Liz said that his dad apparently sold the house he grew up in back in Roswell without telling him. Got rid of all of his and his brother’s shit without telling them and it’s apparently sold. I don’t know, if I were him, I’d be upset.”
Michael started at the back of his head, momentarily unmoving. His first thought was if he threw out Alex’s mom’s things too or if he kept it. He thought about the closet door that had his height marked alongside his brothers that the four of them secretly kept up after their mom left. He thought about the things Alex always said he was going to go back and get whenever he got his own place in the future, the quiet little admissions Alex only made whenever he was either drunk or one of them did something particularly mindblowing in bed that left them both a little hazy afterward.
Without replying to Max, Michael grabbed his phone and went to go find his shoes. Finally, without hesitation, he called Alex and held the phone to his ear as he fumbled to slide on his shoes. It rang and rang and rang and Michael was pretty sure he wasn’t going to answer, but he still grabbed his keys and went out the door.
Right before it went to voicemail, Alex answered.
“Hello?” he said. His voice was a little flat but otherwise didn’t give anything away about how he was feeling.
“Hey, how are you?” Michael wondered, stepping into his truck and pulling the door closed. He started it up and quickly put on his seatbelt.
“Fine,” Alex said. It didn’t count as an actual response because it was Alex and ‘fine’ didn’t actually mean anything. He’d said he was fine while having a panic attack in the library while trying to write an essay on some dumb book that touched on one too many heavy topics for the both of them.
“Okay, are you at your apartment? Is your roommate there?” Michael asked, backing up probably a little too fast but who cares. He didn’t hit anyone.
“I’m here, but Chris isn’t. Why?” Alex said, skepticism still lingering in his voice.
“I heard about your house,” Michael said. Alex stayed quiet. “Look, have the new people started moving in yet?”
“No,” Alex said softly, “Flint said they close tomorrow at two.”
“Okay. Next question, how do you feel about trespassing?”
Michael could feel Alex’s eyes on him as he moved about his kitchen, throwing shit together to make him something better than plain packaged ramen. He was blowing time, waiting for the sun to fall.
“We don’t actually have to,” Alex said. He was in a sweater and sweatpants and his hair was all tousled. Michael could only look at him for a few seconds at a time or he’d lose his mind over how cute he was. So, so not straight. “It’s over an hour away and illegal and we don’t have to.”
“If they haven’t sold it yet, I don’t think it’s illegal and I’m not going to google it because it’s much better if I just say it very convincingly,” Michael insisted, taking a spice bottle out of the cabinet that had the label removed and sniffing it. He coughed a few times, but it smelled like it was probably garlic powder so he threw it into the saucepan.
Ianto was rubbing against Michael’s legs, meowing away at the serious offense that he was taking due to Michael not giving him his full attention. He kept lifting his foot to stroke his back, but that was only so satisfying to a bratty little kitten.
When Michael looked at Alex, he looked like he was about to cry. His eyebrows were drawn together and his eyes were all glassy and he was all but pouting. Michael quickly moved the saucepan to another burner before turning around completely and reaching over the sink to get to Alex’s face since he was sitting at the counter. He held his face between both hands and looked him very seriously in the eye, something he’d do all the time when they were just friends before they made it weird between them.
“Hey, don’t cry, we’re going to see if there’s anything left,” Michael said, squishing his cheeks just a little bit. Alex huffed a laugh and pushed him off carefully.
“I’m not gonna cry and I’m sure as hell not gonna cry over that. My dad’s an asshole, but I should’ve expected him to do something like this,” Alex said. Michael pinched and prodded his cheeks for an extra second for emphasis until he got Alex to smile as he twisted out of his grasp. “Michael.”
“Stop looking so sad then,” Michael said, going back to cooking.
They haven’t mentioned the other day. Michael had no plans to be the one to bring it up.
“I’m fine,” Alex said, “I just hate him.”
“I’ll beat him up for you,” Michael offered before lifting the spoon to his lips. It tasted good enough.
Michael filled a bowl with slightly under-cooked noodles because Alex was fucking weird and spooned his makeshift sauce onto it. He stuck a fork into it and turned around to present it to Alex, giving him a smile. Alex was already giving him that look, the really sweet one he really only gave him out of nowhere and Michael had yet to really pinpoint what caused it.
Still, he liked being looked at like that.
“Thank you,” Alex said, accepting the plate, “You’re a good friend.”
“No problem.”
Michael had only been to Alex’s childhood home twice and he had never been inside.
Both times were during their freshman year, while Alex was living in a dorm still and needed to go home every once in a while to get clothes or whatever. Michael had driven him and gotten to know him super well in those long car rides together and had also gotten very used to comfortable silences with him.
Now, Alex sat in the passenger seat and had his head against the window. His eyes were closed and he was so very clearly sad. Michael hated seeing him that way. He didn’t know how to fix it. Especially since this situation wasn’t something he could really fix.
“So,” Michael said, trying to lighten the mood, “How was your date?”
Alex was quiet for a moment before he huffed and tilted his head in Michael’s direction. Michael kept his eyes forward after that.
“Seriously?” Alex asked. Michael shrugged. “Now you wanna talk about it?”
“I’m not trying to have a formal talk, just making conversation. You used to tell me about your dates all the time,” Michael said. Before we started hooking up, he didn’t say.
Alex didn’t say anything for a small stretch of time before he eventually said, “It wasn’t a date, I was going to meet up with Kyle but I knew you’d freak out if we were speaking again, so I didn’t say anything.”
Michael felt a rush of emotions at that, blinking a few times as he processed it.
“As in… Valenti?”
“Yeah,” Alex confirmed. Michael couldn’t help the look of disgust that found his face. “Exactly why I didn’t tell you.”
“Nah, it’s fine, whatever, I’m not your boss,” Michael said, trying to seem like he didn’t care. There was no reason to care. Alex wasn’t his property.
“I was just asking.”
“And even if it was a date, it’s none of your business,” Alex said, though it had admittedly less of a bite than it sounded like he intended. 
“Absolutely not.”
“Just because we’re, like, hook‒”
“Do I turn left or right up here?” Michael asked, cutting him off. He didn’t want to talk about this. They didn’t talk about it. That would fuck everything up, that would force Michael to think too hard about something he probably already thought too hard about and he just simply wasn’t interested.
Alex took a deep breath and grumbled a ‘right’.
So Michael took a right.
He drove through the middle-class neighborhood, full of white people who had pools in their backyards and fences and an HOA that would probably make Michael cringe if he looked at the rules. Without much thought, he pulled into the little park that was in the middle of the neighborhood and parked his truck. Alex looked at him with a bit of skepticism.
“If I park in the driveway, it’s gonna be kinda obvious that someone is there,” Michael pointed out.
“Okay,” Alex agreed, stepping out of the truck.
The two of them walked side-by-side in the dark, only lit by streetlights. It was entirely possible there was some kind of neighborhood watch or maybe kids coming home from a date or people taking a late-night run, someone that would see them, but Michael didn’t see anything and decided to just act normal.
“It’s up here,” Alex said, voice soft. Whether that was because of the time of night or because of the fact he was seeing his house again, Michael wasn’t sure.
“Do you have a key still?”
“Yeah, but I don’t know if it’ll work.”
“Can’t hurt to try. Besides, if they haven’t officially closed on it yet, there’s probably a key under a mat somewhere or something,” Michael said. Alex nodded.
As they got closer, Alex didn’t say a single word. They went around back through the unlocked gate and he pulled out his keys, hands shaking a bit as he went to try it. Michael put his hand on the small of his back as a silent way to show his support.
The key fit in and turned with ease.
Alex let out a soft breath as he pushed the door open, blinking as he stared inside. Michael watched his face and waited for him to make the first move. This was for Alex. Michael very specifically chose not to think about why he was willing to go so far for Alex, possibly break the law.
Alex swallowed hard and took a step inside. Michael followed suit.
He stayed quiet as Alex navigated the empty house. There were no pictures or anything furniture left, just a dishwasher and an over and an empty space where a refrigerator was meant to go. Alex dragged his fingers over the countertop and slowly walked into the living area. That was even more empty, the space looking small without anything to fill it.
“The couch that was here had, like, three bloodstains from Clay because he had nosebleeds a lot,” Alex said, gesturing to the area it once was, “I think one of the stains might’ve been mine.”
“We can make new stains,” Michael offered. Alex physically cringed, his nose scrunching up, and laughed softly.
“You’re so fucking gross,” Alex said despite the sweetness of his tone.
“I meant innocent stains, like nosebleeds,” Michael insisted, raising his hands up. Alex rolled his eyes as a smile found his face, holding out his hand.
“Come on, let me show you upstairs.”
Michael accepted his hand and let him lead the way.
The stairs were simple and the hallway was small, jutting out in two different directions from the top of the staircase. It was all only lit by the moon and street lights shining through the window at the end of the hall. Alex tugged on his hand, pulling him to the left that led to two doors. He opened one without hesitation, tugging Michael inside.
The walls were painted an off-white color and the carpet was beige, perfectly standard. Nothing stood out except for the way Alex was holding his breath. Michael squeezed his hand and stepped closer.
“This was your room?” Michael asked. Alex swallowed and nodded, looking in Michael’s direction. Alex looked over his face before they locked eyes, taking a moment to just stare. He looked pretty like this. “Tell me what it looked like.”
“Okay, so,” Alex whispered, still not letting go of his hand as he took him to the far corner, “This is where my desk was. I wrote all my cringey poetry there. Had my first kiss while sitting there.”
“You did? That’s so cute,” Michael cooed, imagining a flustered, teenage Alex after getting his first kiss against his desk.
He knew Alex was actually upset when he didn’t shove him or tell him to shut up. Instead, he just pulled him to another space.
“My dresser was here. I hid shit in my folded pants to try to keep them from my dad,” Alex said, then tugged him a little further, “And my bed was here.”
“Did you do anything fun in that bed?” Michael teased. Alex didn’t bother laughing as he sat on the ground, laying down where his bed would’ve been. Michael laid beside him. “Are you okay?”
“I never wanted to come back here,” Alex whispered. Michael held his breath. “I hate my dad. I hate this place. But… he couldn’t even let me have even the shit I did want. Like, I have my mom’s guitar and, and stuff I use, but the dumb stuff.”
“I get it,” Michael said. And he did, kind of, one some level. Bouncing around and living in  group homes didn’t really present the best opportunity to accumulate dumb stuff, but he cherished the shit he did have.
Alex rolled onto his side and stared at him. Michael stared back. It was completely not the time for it, but Michael wanted to kiss him. Just once, really quick. Just to see what it felt like.
The room was silent as Alex reached across to him, touching his shoulder gently and gliding his fingertips across his neck. Michael watched him closely and waited to see what he was going to do. He didn’t move as Alex touched his jaw or his hair, didn’t flinch when he traced over his ear and his nose, didn’t breathe when he touched his lips.
“Thank you for coming here with me,” Alex whispered, “ I really appreciate it.”
“No problem. What are friends for?” Michael responded. Alex’s eyes flickered between meeting his gaze and going down to another part of his face, wasting a few seconds before he parted his lips to speak again.
“That’s what we are? Just friends?” Alex clarified, “Even after‒”
“When did you want to head back?” Michael asked, really not wanting to ruin the mood by thinking about things. About specifics. About himself.
But unlike every other time he deflected, Alex snatched his hand away from him like he’d been burned. He’d physically moved back a bit and hurt was openly displayed on his face in a way he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen. Micheal was a little speechless.
“Why do you always do that?” Alex asked quietly, “Why do you never want to talk about it? Are you that ashamed of what we do? If you are, I don’t think I can do this anymore. It doesn’t feel good.”
“What? No, Alex, I’m not ashamed,” Michael insisted. And he wasn’t. Overwhelmed was a much better word. “It-It’s just new and I don’t know how to really process what I’m feeling and I don’t want to push it.”
“That’s when you’re supposed to talk. Talking keeps people on the same page and makes things easier. So talk to me. Tell me what you want, tell me boundaries, tell me something. Fucking talk to me,” Alex snapped. Michael blinked, eyes wide as he looked at him.
And for the first time probably ever, his mind went blank.
Every thought and idea he’d ever had regarding Alex Manes went flying out of his mind. He couldn’t think of anything he wanted or any boundaries or literally anything. All he could do was stare. Even as Alex visibly got upset, even as Alex sat up and put his hands behind his head and effectively shielded Michael from seeing his face.
“I’m sorry,” Michael said, the only thing that could come to his mind, and debatably the wrong thing.
Alex gripped his hair in his hands tighter.
“You don’t have to like me like that. I don’t care either way. But you not telling me what you want is going to drive me insane. If you just want to be friends or if you just want to keep hooking up, that’s fine, but fucking talk to me!”
Michael opened his mouth to find something to say, literally anything, but instead, he heard a noise.
“What was that?” he whispered. Alex furrowed his eyebrows as he lifted his head. Another sound came, like a door opening.
“Oh, I can’t believe leaving it unlocked worked!” a voice said from downstairs, the emptiness of the house carrying it to their ears. Michael and Alex shared equally panicked looks.
“Well, it is our house,” the other voice said.
“Closet,” Alex hissed and they both quickly and quietly scrambled into the closet, closing the door behind them.
It was small and definitely not a walk-in, but they were able to press on opposite sides of the tiny space and not have to worry about touching. They both stayed as silent as possible, listening to the couple downstairs. Thank fuck he didn’t park his truck in the driveway.
But then the couple wasn’t downstairs, they were running upstairs and laughing and going to the other rooms across the hall. It would’ve been cute and charming if Michael wasn’t scared he was about to get caught and arrested for trespassing. But, considering they didn’t technically own it yet, didn’t they technically count as trespassing as well?
It was hard to really see Alex because of the dark, but, if he focused, he could sort of see his silhouette. He was probably still angry at Michael. Maybe he deserved it. Seriously, how ironic was it that they were stuck in a closet? Maybe they really should talk.
However, that only held his focus for so long when the door to Alex’s bedroom opened. Michael held his breath, listening and hoping they didn’t open the closet door.
“We’re gonna put the crib here,” the woman said as she stepped into Alex’s room, “And we’re going to paint the walls something more fun than this. Like, a purple, maybe.”
Michael kept his eyes locked on Alex’s body in the dark, trying to gauge the body language he couldn’t fucking see. He tentatively reached out, but he only felt air as if Alex had pressed himself so far into the opposite wall that he was trying to become a part of it.
“It’s gonna be perfect,” the man said, a rustle of clothing following his voice, “Our own house, our own little family.”
The woman laughed and the sound of kissing filled the room, loud and happy.
“New, happy memories. Especially once the baby comes,” she said, her voice warm and content. They kissed more, laughing and touching, and, god, this was too much of an invasion of privacy.
But all Michael could think of was Alex.
It probably wasn’t the best thing to be listening to how happy these strangers would be in the house that you found so miserable. A happy, young family, no less. Even Michael felt kind of cynical and jealous about it, though he often did when he saw loving parents.
Michael carefully pushed off the wall and took a silent step forward, hoping not to make any noise as the couple kissed and distracted themselves. He touched Alex’s waist and patted his way up to his face. Alex’s lips were folded in and his cheeks were wet, his breathing dangerously controlled. It was more than a little heartbreaking.
He took a step closer, wrapping his arms around Alex as quietly and slowly as possible so Alex could do something if he didn’t want him to touch him. He’d understand if he didn’t. But Alex didn’t push him away, instead letting his face fall into the crook of Michael’s neck. Michael put his hand on the back of his head and kept his arm around him, keeping him safe. Alex’s fingers clutched his shirt.
And, at that moment, he realized that he never wanted to stop doing that. He really, sincerely, wished to stay right there forever.
“Okay, okay, we should go finish packing,” the woman said and Michael really wished they would go. He weaved his fingers into Alex’s hair and held him a little tighter. 
“One more kiss,” the man said. They laughed and shared another kiss or two before they eventually left the room.
Michael held onto Alex and they stayed silent until they heard the footsteps go down the stairs and out the door. It echoed through the empty house as it closed. Only then did Alex give a small sniffle and took a heavy breath, clutching Michael tighter.
“I’ve got you,” Michael whispered, closing his eyes as he held him, “I’ve got you. I’m not going anywhere.”
They stayed there until Alex stopped crying, until he got his breathing under control, and Michael held him. He took the time to let his thoughts come to him, trying not to overthink anything and just let himself feel. What did he want? What kind of relationship with Alex did he want? What felt right?
And for once that answer came easy.
“I don’t want to be just friends.”
“Oh yeah? Took you that long to come to that conclusion?”
Michael rolled his eyes and scooted closer even though there wasn’t much space to eliminate. The drive back Alex’s apartment from his old house had been utterly silent, but Alex had stayed tucked into Michael’s side as if he was meant to be right there. All it did was confirm to him even more what he wanted.
They got into his apartment and Michael didn’t want to leave him alone. Alex, thankfully, didn’t want to be left alone. He was so clearly exhausted and they had pretty much immediately crawled into bed, laying as close as possible and fully clothed. Ianto, the brat he was, had happily decided to lay against his back which had Michael pinned between the cat and Alex.
Michael never wanted to leave.
“No, I’ve known that but that’s scary,” Michael said, shrugging, “And I wasn’t sure if it was just because of the sex or not.”
“Are you sure now?” Alex asked. His eyes were still a little puffy and Michael just adored him.
“I think so,” Michael said, “I know I never want to not be holding you when you’re sad.”
Alex huffed a laugh and rolled his eyes, but he nudged his nose into Michael’s.
“I want to talk,” Michael continued, “Which is… terrifying, but I want to. ‘Cause I was kinda mad when I thought you were sleeping with other people. I want to be the only person you’re sleeping with. So, I want to talk and I want to set boundaries. I want… I want to be gross and happy like that stupid couple that broke in.”
Alex smiled slightly, his fingers slipping beneath Michael’s shirt just to rest against his bare skin.
“Okay,” Alex said, “In the morning?”
“Obviously. You need cuddles and sleep right now,” Michael insisted. Alex rolled his eyes again, but he moved forward to lay his head on Michael’s chest. It was a little strange because they’d never actually cuddled like this before.
What the hell had he been wasting all this time for?
“And in the morning,” Michael added, wrapping his arms around Alex, “I’m going to kiss the shit out of you. Like it’s gonna be the best kiss you’ve ever had. I’m gonna blow you away. If you want, I mean.”
Alex laughed, a genuine laugh that Michael hadn’t heard in far too many days. That was a good thing.
“I want it. I can’t wait.”
Neither could Michael.
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peachyteez · 4 years
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second chances ≫ DAY ONE, STRANGE NURSE.
as a feral wolf hybrid that was violent with all of the employees assigned to him, seonghwa was subjected to be put down. however, jiyu being the softhearted feral hybrid nurse she was, she decided to save seonghwa no matter what.
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✧ taglist: currently empty, but if you would like to be added, feel free to let me know!
✧ notes: featuring bunny!soobin because i couldn’t resist.
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hybrids. half human, half animal. humans that not only possess an animal’s features and personality, but also have the ability to shapeshift into their respective animal.
owning a hybrid wasn’t something uncommon. as a matter of fact, it’s an idea actually encouraged by society. of course, there were people who take advantage of their authority over hybrids and force them into unspeakable, sometimes even illegal, acts for their own benefits or pleasures.
and jiyu despised them.
she never understood how some people have the heart to selfishly exploit their own hybrids. hybrids were practically considered humans, too, were they not? so why treat them as if they were worthless?
a voice snapped her out of her thoughts. looking up, she noticed yeonjun, one of her coworkers and deskmate, staring at her with a raised eyebrow.
“sheesh, i called your name three times and it was like i didn’t even exist!” he whined.
jiyu lightly scoffed before she continued typing up a progress report for one of the hybrids under her care. “sorry, got lost in my thought again,” she apologized. “but what’s up?”
yeonjun handed her a stack of files. “can you enter these into the system? some are new and some have to be...” he trailed off, trying to find a soft way to put it.
jiyu knew what he meant. “okay. just leave them here, i’ll get to them once i’m done with soobin’s report.”
“ah, the new bunny! how’s he doing?” yeonjun asked, seeming eager to know about the condition of the new bunny hybrid that was recently admitted into the recovery facility.
jiyu smiled as she saved the document. “he’s making progress. he spoke a little more today compared to when he first came in.”
yeonjun sat down next to jiyu. “that’s good to hear. poor guy was so timid before,” he reminisced.
jiyu took the top file and started sorting through the contents. “he was. he barely spoke a full sentence.” flipping through the contents of the file, jiyu realized it was for a hybrid that was about to be put down. “park seonghwa...” she read the name aloud.
yeonjun leaned over to take a peek. “oh, yeah. he’s under my care, but he got transferred over to the feral ward. probably has some hatred or distrust against humans since he keeps attacking the nurses that come in for his checkup,” he said.
jiyu kept silent as she looked at the picture of the wolf hybrid attached to the file. she frowned. no hybrid deserved to be put down. but alas, she didn’t have any say over the matter since upper management makes the final calls over matters like that.
“jiyu, you can go on your lunch break now,” yeonjun nudged. “it’s twelve–thirty.”
standing up, jiyu strectched her arms over her head. “just leave the files on my desk. i’ll finish entering them in when i get back,” she said before leaving the office. yeonjun hummed in acknowledgement.
jogging down the hall, she came to a halt in front of one of the hybrid’s rooms. “soobin, can i come in?” jiyu asked with a knock to the door. hearing a faint ‘come in’, she entered the code into the keypad and the door automatically opened. peeking inside, she noticed the bunny hybrid wrapped in his blanket and watching TV.
she softly chuckled before closing the door. “look what i brought for you,” she said in a sing–song voice before taking out a bread packet from her white lab coat pocket.
his ears perking at at the familiar sound of the packet crinkling, his head whipped over in her direction before making a leap with his blanket for the packet. taking it from jiyu, he softly smiled. “thank you,” he softly said before sitting back down on his bed. he opened the packet and nibbled on the pastry.
jiyu sat next to him and gently rubbed his head. “did the nurses take you outside yet?” she asked. the facility had a little field area outside for the hybrids.
soobin nodded his head. “i met a golden–retriever hybrid outside! his name was beomgyu,” soobin proudly stated. “he’s really energetic, though...” he sheepishly added.
jiyu chuckled at soobin’s newfound enthusiasm. “is that so?” she vaguely remembered yeonjun telling her about beomgyu’s endless amount of energy once he fully adjusted to the facility. “did you have fun with him?”
“yep! we made—”
before soobin could continue telling jiyu about his time outside, a loud crash echoed from down the hall, followed by a scream. startled, soobin yelped and hid under his blanket.
gently giving his a few pats, jiyu immediately got up. “i’ll be right back soobin,” she said before frantically running out of the room and towards the source of the sound.
jiyu saw an open door to one of the rooms down the hall and assumed that was where the crash came from. looking in, jiyu’s eyes widened at the scene in front of her.
a hybrid was cornering a nurse, ready to pounce. the hybrid’s back was facing towards jiyu, making it easier for her to sneak up behind him and give him an anesthetic shot. the hybrid stumbled around before falling to the ground, completely losing consciousness.
with a sigh of relief, jiyu observed the state of the room. papers, medicine bottles, and medical equipment were scattered everywhere. “what happened?” she asked the nurse as she extended a hand out to help her stand.
the nurse was slightly trembling. “i–i was g-giving him h-his weekly c-checkup and all of a sudden he just...he just...”
“he attacked?” jiyu finished for her. seeing the nurse frantically nod, she sighed before shooting the nurse a soft smile. “you can go take a break. i can take care of things in here.”
“t-thank you!” the nurse gratefully said before scurrying out of the room.
jiyu’s eyes scanned the condition of the room once more before going to look at the name plate outside next to the door. she almost choked on her spit. park seonghwa.
“well, yeonjun definitely wasn’t lying,” she mumbled to herself. she took a look at the unconscious hybrid. “now how am i suppose to get him onto the bed...”
ten minutes and a few cracked joints later, jiyu sighed in relief when she successfully hauled the wolf hybrid onto his bed. she spotted the numerous toothless plushies lined along the side and her heart melted. turning away, she started cleaning the room. while picking up and organizing the various medicine bottles, she felt her heart drop to her stomach when she heard soft growling behind her.
slowly turning around, she was met with seonghwa’s glare and bared canines. without her hearing or even noticing, the anesthetic wore off on seonghwa and he had huddled into the corner of the bed and the wall.
the most logical option she had was to slowly back out of the room and close the door, but something about seonghwa made jiyu stay rooted in her spot. the longer she looked at the growling hybrid in front of her, the more she realized how scared he looked rather than intimidating.
“you’re scared, aren’t you?” she mumbled, mainly to herself but seonghwa managed to understand with his enhanced hearing. as if to prove her wrong, he started growling louder.
jiyu realized he must’ve been nonverbal if all he’s done so far was growl at her. she slowly put her hands up. “i won’t hurt you, buddy,” she softly reassured. seonghwa’s eyes quickly flitted to the open door then back to her. she softy smiled. “no one else is going to either.”
she gestured to the toothless plushies, trying to get seonghwa to loosen up and relax. “you really like toothless, don’t you?”
seonghwa glanced down at the multiple plushies next to him. his eyes slightly softened and jiyu swore they were filled with a child–like curiosity and sparkle. she couldn’t help but chuckle, causing the hybrid’s attention to shift back onto her. fortunately, his growling stopped, but he still had a hard stare.
“will you let me clean up the rest of the room?” she asked. seonghwa didn’t say anything, but he didn’t object. as she cleaned, seonghwa’s eyes were trained on her figure, following her every move.
he was quite confused. normally, others would’ve left his room out of fear when he growls at them, yet this female stayed and even talked to him.
“there, all done!” jiyu chirped when she put the last bottle on the shelf. glancing at the clock, her eyes widnened when she realized her lunch break ended five minutes ago. “oh my god, i need to go,” she mumbled before turning to seonghwa. “it was nice meeting you, seonghwa. who knows, maybe i’ll come by again later,” she smiled before leaving the room.
seonghwa stared at the door after she closed it. she really was a strange nurse.
yeonjun weirdly stared at jiyu when she came back late. “where were you? your break ended ten minutes ago.”
jiyu bit the inside of her cheek, debating on whether or not she should tell him the truth. “would you believe me if i said i was in park seonghwa’s room?” she meekly asked.
yeonjun practically choked on air. “you were where?!” he shouted. jiyu slapped a hand over his mouth while sheepishly smiling to her other coworkers who looked over at them.
“don’t scream,” she chastised as she uncovered his mouth.
“b-but you don’t even have a scratch on you!” he resorted to whisper-shouting. “are you joking around with me?”
jiyu rolled her eyes. “no, you idiot, i’m not. i really was in there. he was about to attack a poor nurse and i just happened to hear the commotion and help out.”
yeonjun raised an eyebrow. “yet he didn’t attack you?”
“...i guess not.”
“huh, interesting. i wonder why,” yeonjun pondered. “he usually attacks everyone that comes in to check up on him...”
suddenly, a light bulb went off in her head. “transfer him to me.”
yeonjun almost fell out of his chair. “pardon?”
“i didn’t enter his put–down proposition into the system yet, so the higher ups don’t know about it. transfer him to me. plus he doesn’t attack me, so i’ll take care of him.”
yeonjun stared at her like she grew a second head. “y-you want to take park seonghwa. the violent wolf hybrid,” he said, making sure he heard her right.
“yes, yeonjun,” she deadpanned.
after a moment of hesitation and contemplating, yeonjun slowly nodded. “alright. but the moment he’s violent with you, let me know, okay?” he pulled up seonghwa’s file on his monitor. “there, i emailed seonghwa’s file to you.”
jiyu smiled. “thanks!” she cheered before turning to her computer to create an application for her new patient. 
park seonghwa; wolf hybrid.
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The Great Upheaval of Percy Weasley: Lines
Percy Weasley x OC
Summary: A decision is made and the consequences are yet to be discovered.
Warnings: talk of smut, language, fluff(?)
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Lines -n- what we drew the in the sand in a desperate attempt to protect the treasures we hid between our ribs and the reputations we had cultivated within the grainy fragments that threatened to crumble
When Elle had first placed her idea on the table, he was downright appalled. He had never dated anyone normally, let alone snuck around with someone to make out whenever they felt like it. She had rolled her eyes at his reaction, making him promise to ‘think about it’ before she returned to the Gryffindor common room.
He had silently prayed it wasn’t back to that oaf that had had his hands up her skirt, and then he blushed. He’d practically had his hands up her skirt. Not that it mattered, it wouldn’t happen again.
At least that’s what he had thought three days ago. Now, against his better judgement, he was approaching her little group of friends as they worked beside the fireplace. He twisted his hands nervously behind his back before clearing his throat. In unison they all looked up, three pairs of eyes staring into him like he was something to be devoured.
“Elle, McGonagall asked if she could see you,” he managed, and her friends glared at him suspiciously. Elle, on the other hand, shrugged and shoved her stuff into her bag.
“Mind if I put this in my room?” He shook his head quickly and she strode away towards her room. He kept his eyes pinned to the couch where she had sat, if only to keep his eyes from following her as she disappeared, he didn’t need her friends anymore suspicious than they already were.
“So, do you take house points from everyone you kiss?” Dinah, or at least he thought it was Dinah, asked him with a smirk.
“No, only those who do it without my permission.”
“Oh, your permission, I see. Well, Percy Weasley, do I have permission to kiss you?” she asked, laughing as his eyes widened. He wasn’t sure to say, if he should defend himself or laugh or run in the opposite direction. Thankfully, Elle returned, saving him from further embarrassment.
“Leave the man alone, Dinah,” she called before heading towards the portrait. He awkwardly tipped his head towards the two girls sprawled out across the furniture, ignoring their laughter as he hurried off after Elle.
She smiled at him as they walked, making him more nervous than he already was.
“So, what’s ole McGonagall want me for?” she asked, but he hadn’t thought that far ahead, so instead he pulled her into an empty classroom, locking the door behind him. “I see,” she laughed, and he remained silent a bit longer. He couldn’t believe what he was agreeing to, and with whom he was agreeing. She raised an eyebrow and hopped up onto the large desk that sat at the front of the classroom. She swung her legs back and forth like a child, but her eyes contradicted all possibility of innocence as they burned into him. He had dragged her here, and yet he felt like the one who was being hunted.
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” he admitted. Instead of laughing as he had predicted she offered him a hand.
“And you think I do?”
“I mean, you’ve probably…”
“Are you calling me whore, Percy Weasley?”
“What? No! I would-.”
“I’m kidding, c’mere,” she laughed, and he stepped forward reaching out to take her hand. This was crazy, every second of it was against everything he thought he stood for, but he wouldn’t be here if he had been able to get her off his mind. Instead, the feeling of kissing her had haunted him day and night since the moment she surprised him in the common room.  
When their fingers brushed, he was instantly filled with warmth. She pulled him closer, spreading her legs just enough to allow him to get closer. Her eyes softened as he got closer, smile becoming more reassuring than mischievous.
“After the other night, I figured you were a natural,” she whispered.
���That was different.”
“I didn’t know I was going to do it.” That got him a laugh and a nod of understanding. She remained silent for a moment, studying him. He wasn’t sure what she was looking for, and if he was going to pass the test, but he took a moment to do the same.
He already knew she had passed. She was beautiful. Even with the makeup and the nose ring he had turned his nose up at for years she was beautiful. And with the way she was holding him, he wasn’t sure if he would ever leave. Her thighs were warm against his hips, and somehow, she had placed his hand against her waist without him even noticing. The hand that had held his moments ago was lightly gripping his bicep, fingers drawing light patterns in the fabric of his shirt. He leaned closer until he was hovering over her, his other hand slipping behind her back for support. And then he was kissing her again, soft, and languid, without a hurry in the world.
“Fuck,” she muttered, and he pulled away nervously. Had he done something wrong? “That was a good noise, now get back here,” she said with a laugh, and he happily obliged. She tasted the way a garden smelled. The remnants of lavender tea mixed with honey-laced Chapstick and her uncharacteristic desire to eat the flower garnishes on cakes. He only hoped he didn’t taste like that evening’s dinner. She moaned into his lips again, biting gently on his bottom lip and he decided either she loved chicken pot pie or he was safe.
She suddenly pulled away, leaving him disappointed, until she leaned in again, this time attaching her lips to his neck. He hadn’t thought there was anything better than kissing her until she started to kiss his throat, sucking at his pulse.
“Bloody hell,” he moaned, and she laughed, swiping her tongue across the trauma. His head dipped forward as she worked her way up his throat and to his jaw before landing on his lips again.
He could have stayed like that forever, tasting her lips as he held her, but the moment her hips started to rock forward he panicked. He hadn’t meant to, he really wanted to keep going, but nerves got the best of him and he pulled away.
“Are you okay?” she asked, and he nodded as he breathed deeply. Surprisingly, she didn’t act at all like he had figured a girl who, to an extent, had been rejected would behave. She looked genuinely concerned.
“Yes, I’m fine,” he promised, “It was just… a lot.” She nodded and scooted over on the desk, offering him a place to sit beside her.
He took it.
They sat in comfortable silence, swinging their legs back and forth.
“Are you a virgin?” he asked, blushing the instant it left his mouth. She laughed and leaned back on her hands.
“No, but sometimes I wish I was.” He glanced at her; eyebrow raised at her response. “I mean I’ve never loved someone that I’ve slept with, it was just boredom, and none of them have been good. It’s always pump and go. If it makes you feel any better, making out with you has been better than all of them combined, and I don’t love you either,” she laughed. He nodded, weirdly enough it did make him feel better. “Are you a virgin?”
“Are you making fun of me?”
“Maybe a little.” He scowled, but the annoyance didn’t last long. After years of listening to liars, it was hard to be mad at honesty. And while the list of cons about snogging Elle Wilton was long, liar was not one of them.
“Are you going to tell anyone?”
“Do you want me to?”
“That’s fortunate,” she said laughing at his urgency, “I wasn’t exactly keen on you telling people I was snogging the head boy.”
“It’d absolutely ruin my reputation.” He laughed at that. He knew all about reputations, and while theirs were quite different, he understood the importance of keeping them intact. “I could give you a hickey to get your brothers off your back,” she offered, but he quickly turned it down.
“Then they’d just bug me about who gave it to me.”
“That’s too bad, I was looking forward to it, giving you a hickey, I mean,” she teased with a smirk, and he made the most feminine squeak he had ever heard, which only made her laugh harder. “Maybe another day.” A day ago, he would have been disgusted at the mere thought, but after today his interest had been piqued in more ways than one.
“Never thought I’d hear Percy Weasley consider a hickey.”
“You never thought you would be snogging Percy Weasley either,” he teased, surprising both of them. He blushed and she leaned into him, bumping their arms together.
“Very, very true,” she laughed softly, and then she grew serious, turning to face him, legs crossed in front of her. “We need to set some boundaries.”
“Boundaries?” He had never expected her to be the type to set rules, and he wasn’t exactly sure what she was talking about. What did boundaries have to do with what they were doing?
“Like where we’re not allowed to take things. Earlier I did something, and you got uncomfortable, so where can we not take things? What’s the line we can’t cross?”
Percy had no idea what she was talking about. He had never considered what they were doing something worth his time. He had heard about it, two people doing nothing but snogging in broom cupboards, but he had considered it worthless. Now that he was here, he was lost.
“No sex?” he offered, and she nodded, ushering for him to go on, “I don’t know what else there is.” She smirked and leaned in, pressing her lips to his throat.
“Is this okay?” she muttered, and he nodded quickly. Still kissing his neck, she undid his tie, fingers unbuttoning his shirt with ease. “And this?” It was still very okay, much better than okay. His breath quickened as she kissed down the center of his chest, her hands gripping his thighs as she leaned closer and closer to his belt buckle. “And when the time comes for it, are you okay with this?” He nodded, the subject of their conversation twitching at future possibilities. “Then, it sounds like sex is it. And I’ll speak for both of us on this one, no visible hickeys.” He nodded in agreement. “Any emotional boundaries?”
“Well, call me territorial, but I don’t want you to snog other girls in front of me; if I’m there keep it in your pants. And I want us to be friends, no more of this darting around each other. I’m not saying the whole world must know, but if I sit by you in class I’m going to be pissed if you get up to leave. If you lie to me, about anything, don’t bother talking to anymore. And we have to end it if one of us falls in love.”
“I don’t think we’re going to fall in love.”
“Rather confident for a boy who’s never been stuck in a broom closet with me. However, for both our sake, I hope you’re right. It would be painful for both of us.” Percy wanted to push for information, to find out why she sounded so sad as she spoke, but he kept quiet.
“It can’t get in the way of school, or my duties as Head boy. And I won’t treat you any differently,” he proclaimed, and she laughed.
“I would expect nothing less, Head boy.” He hated when everyone else called him that, but when she said it, he couldn’t help but find it endearing, like that was the last thing from her mind. A few moments of silence ticked by before she hopped off the desk, brushing the wrinkles from her clothing. “I should get back before they start wondering why I was at McGonagall’s for so long. By the way, you’ve got to come up with better excuses, they’re not going to believe you if our professors keep needing me, especially when I haven’t done anything.”
“I just figured-.”
“Don’t,” she interrupted, and then leaned in and kissed him, pulling away in an instant before she strolled out of the classroom, skirt swishing around her thighs like an invitation he wasn’t allowed to accept.
What on earth was he thinking?
Taglist: @andromedasstarship​
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v3nusaphr0d1t3 · 3 years
cuz im all that you want, boy
crossposted on ao3: <3 rating: explicit content warning: shameless porn, crying during sex, unprotected sex (wear a condom kids), feminine terms used for ftm genitals, i think thats it correct me if im wrong! <3 dabi fucks tomura silly on stream !
it was only a matter of time before tomura’s next stream, and his views were at an all time high. he had taken pictures of himself in the thigh highs and garters before he went live last time, and those posts were blowing up.
he wondered if dabi would let him take pictures next time.
next time was also a fun prospect. dabi and tomura had been considerably closer since the livestream, dabi being more and more taunting each time he interacted with tomura. tomura wanted to say he disliked it, but that would be lie. not that he was impartial to lying. but it just felt strange to lie to himself about the man who would be actively fucking him to pay the bills.
tomura got almost unreasonably excited for the next stream, but before it came, he needed to talk to dabi. they needed to set limited, get supplies, and get all of that set up before they dove too deep into this. he didn’t wanna fuck the dude up or potentially get himself knocked up.
so a couple days before his next scheduled livestream, he caught dabi in the kitchen. it was later on in the night, both being unhealthily nocturnal. dabi looked up from his ramen, sitting on the counter, and immediately gave a shit eating grin.
“hello, freakshow.” tomura’s voice was laced with annoyance and sarcasm.
“hey, creep. what’s up?” he took a long slurp of his ramen, and tomura fought the urge to roll his eyes. 
“we gotta talk about some things if you wanna keep joinin’ me for the streams.” tomura pulled up a chair at the table, across the counter that dabi was currently sitting on.
“ok, so first off. you can quit out at any time, i’ll just end the stream or continue it alone. just remember that, you can leave at any time. i’ll delete any videos or anything that i put up with you in them, just tell me.” tomura started out with the most important thing. “you can always tell me if you don’t like something, or if you aren’t comfortable with something. you got a safeword? mine’s red light, just for ease.”
dabi smiled, a strange reaction that tomura didn’t evoke often, and nodded. “i gotcha, i’ll go with that too. now what’s goin’ down during the next one?” dabi’s smile morphed into the shiteating grin that tomura knew all too well.
“well, it really depends. you could do me, i could do you, its what the audience wants to see. and what they’re willing to pay for.” tomura sported a little smirk of his own, immediately dropping when the man across from him took a loud slurp of his noodles.
it was a moment before dabi replied. “cool with me.”
in the days following, tomura made it his mission to try to wind dabi up. he wanted to increase the tension between them, and he found in his attempts that the frustrated blush on dabi’s face when he was frustrated was a good look on him. 
he would purposefully brush too far against him in the hallway or the kitchen, be in the kitchen with his thigh-highs on, or just give dabi these looks that he knew he was capable of— only because he had practiced them in the mirror for his streams. and the teasing was working. dabi was wound like a spring, snapping at tomura more often, and tomura would just grin and walk off.
it made him feel powerful, knowing he was doing something to his poor roommate. 
eventually the day came when the stream would take place, and butterflies made their way into tomura’s stomach as he set up the camera and tripod perpendicular to his bed, along with quivers in his legs and gut. and ten minutes before 10 pm, he knocked on dabi’s door and made his way back into his room to sit on his bed.
he put on some beat-heavy background music, easing him into his mood. he wasn’t wearing anything special on the surface this time, just a black thong under his shorts and a hoodie. he knew dabi would eat it up anyway, by the look on his face as he entered the room. he practically billowed steam, eyes lit up like firelight. it was intoxicating the way the other man looked at him. he turned his back, swallowing his embarrassment and adopting his livestream persona. he took a deep breath, moved to his laptop, and started the stream. dabi took his seat on the bed, leaned back on his hands and watching tomura like a hawk.
tomura greeted his returning viewers, and welcomed new ones, before the view count got too high to speak to individually and he addressed the group of them all.
“hey, i’m tomura, this is my roommate dabi, and welcome to tonight’s stream—” he went on to explain the goals this stream, and left the events of the night open to the democracy of his chat.
>> I kinda want to see our boy get ruined… 0////0
>> Agreed!! ^^
>> idk, i think we shud let tomu decide -3-
>> fuck him up dabi
tomura nearly blushed at the influx of comments requesting dabi ‘ruin’ him, and he’d be lying if he said the thought wasn’t getting him wet in his shorts. he chuckled, a fake hollow little thing that the audience would eat up, and quickly looked back at dabi. he was nearly stopped in his tracks at the sight of two neon blue eyes tracing his movement with intensity that had tomura nearly shaking.
“well, folks, i’d say yes but i think i’d like to see you put your money where your mouth is.” it weirdly always paid for him to be upfront. it added to his strange rotten charm as a performer. 
dabi seemed nearly surprised in the background, the white-haired man watching him through the screen of his computer.
“what’re they suggestin’, tomura?” his name out of dabi’s mouth was intimate in this setting, and almost threw tomura off. he turned to face the man, giving another shit-eating grin.
“they wanna see you fuck me.” he was composed and slightly sultry outwardly, but on the inside it felt like a small horde of giant butterflies were currently trying to rattle his ribcage. he was glad he was on medication for his raging anxiety or he wouldn’t have this job, or the chance to fuck his hot roommate. he could feel the tingle in his legs working its way up and toward his core. especially at the look and quiet growl dabi made at tomura’s words.
he prayed to whatever god was listening that someone donated. but in the meantime, he had a show to put on. he turned back to the chat.
>> rile him up, tomu ( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑
>> ^^^^
and tomura’s own eagerness showed when he immediately followed orders, standing up and making his way over to where dabi was sitting, sliding into his lap just like last time.
“hello again—” tomura cut dabi off before he could even start with a hungry kiss. dabi’s arms immediately went to wrap around tomura’s waist, engulfing it and pulling tomura against the hardness in dabi’s sweatpants.
tomura pulled away from the kiss, whipping his head around to look at the screen.
>>> cyncyty Donated $50.00: ride his face ! <<<
tomura’s face turned red, looking to dabi, who was also staring at the donation.
“well, looks like we have a request! thank you... “ tomura didn’t have a clue how to pronounce the username, “so much!” his voice was enthusiastic to hide the shaking in his legs that dabi could no doubt feel as said man gripped his thighs and grinded his hips up, causing tomura to lose his breath.
“you heard em’, hop on.” dabi’s voice was gravelly and tomura could see the desire in his eyes. dabi leaned back on his elbows, still rolling his hips up into tomura.
tomura put on a show in taking his clothes off, as he always tried to do. pulling his hoodie over his head, and removing himself from dabi’s lap to taunt the camera with the straps of his underwear that were visible over the sides of his shorts. he saw dabi strip his shirt in the background as tomura finally pulled his shorts and underwear off after plenty of taunting his audience. and dabi, apparently, because as soon as tomura was in reach, dabi was gripping him by the waist and pulling the white-haired man back-to-front in his lap and attaching his lips to tomura’s neck.
tomura let out a (semi-embarrassing) whine, arching back into his touch, feeling the other man’s erection through his sweatpants. dabi ate it up, sucking another mark into tomura’s neck before laying back and laughing at tomura’s gasp when he thrust up again.
“c’mon babydoll, we don’t have all day.” tomura swore dabi got a power-high from this, evil little glint in his eye telling the white-haired man all he needed to know. either way, there was a reaction in the way that tomura scrambled to position himself with either thigh on the sides of dabi’s head. the camera had a side perspective, getting all of tomura’s expressions as dabi dove in.
dabi had a lot of practice, somewhere, sometime because the way he was working tomura out almost immediately was borderline unfair. tomura snuck a hand into dabi’s hair, yanking and receiving a growl against him for his efforts. tomura ground down against dabi’s magical fuckin’ tongue as he brought his other hand up to muffle himself. that had dabi immediately pulling off of him to look up at him, blue eyes meeting red, as if waiting for something.
“they gotta hear you baby, ain’t that the whole point?” tomura could hear his smirk but obeyed anyway, putting his other hand in dabi’s hair and pulling him back to where he wanted him.
>>> cmrbbg Donated $110.00: Fuck him silly, Make him cry. <<<
tomura looked over to the laptop, blissed out look in his eye, only to see his highest returning donator once again blow everyone else out of the water. tomura rolled his hips against the warmth of dabi’s mouth before pulling away, sliding down and letting dabi sit up.
but before tomura could say anything, dabi said it for him.
“god, fuckin’ thank you—” was his only warning before dabi was manhandling him into quite an embarrassing position, face down ass up on his own bed before he could even say ‘shit’. dabi had him by his hips, forcing his back into quite the impressive arch. 
dabi grabbed the lube from tomura’s bedside table and slicked his fingers up, one entering with no resistance. he added another, earning a breathy sigh from tomura. he curled his fingers upwards, locating that little spot inside him that made tomura’s hips rock against him.
“god, you’re so pretty like this, y’know?” dabi breathed out, words deep and damn near confectionary. tomura wasn’t used to compliments, burying his head into his arms. dabi scissored his fingers.
“you are. you’re glowin’, baby. so perfect like this, gonna take me so good. you’re gorgeous.” the last bit was whispered, the mic not picking it up as tomura blushed down to his shoulders. his arch deepened, legs spreading a bit more as dabi added a third finger. it was accompanied by a pitiful moan that failed to be muffled by tomura’s arms. finally, dabi deemed him ready— or he was just done with this torment, as tomura heard clothes rustling and the slick sound of the lube. tomura didn’t turn around, only swaying his hips from side to side coyly as he knew the audience liked.
he felt those hot hands grip his hips again, and he felt hot pressure against his entrance. dabi grinded his cock against him, not entering as another form of torture that teh white-haired man  was fed up with.
“you know what to do, tomura.” the words were commanding and taunting at the same time, the tone making tomura hot as dabi massaged his thighs. tomura tried to push back against dabi, grinding back and making the other man suck his breath in.
“you’re not gettin’ nothin’ unless you ask nicely, i know you know how to, baby.” dabi murmured, tracing his hand along the dip in tomura’s spine. the touch was so gentle, so intimate, that it had tomura spilling his pride and his words for this man yet again.
“please,” he panted out, nearly biting his hand out of embarrassment due to his whiny tone.
“please what?”
“please fuck me, please—” and with a shock that shot straight up his spine, he felt dabi enter him all at once. he made an awful squawking noise, nearly folding in on himself. dabi stayed where he was for a moment, tapping on tomura’s hip to check in on him. tomura nodded, and dabi began his violent thrusts. tomura felt every slide of metal and hot flesh against his inside, feeling split open on the other man’s cock. the rubbing against his insides scratched an itch, satisfied an ache, and he could feel himself getting lost in it. his moans were muffled into his arms as his eyes damn near rolled to the back of his head, eyes half-lidded and full of lust.
dabi suddenly, grabbed him by his hair and wrapped a hand under his chest and pulled his up, throwing him off guard. a new angle hit a spot inside tomura he didn’t even know he had, and he let out a loud gasp as dabi continued to plow that spot inside him. tomura felt a pressure building up in his gut.
“fuck— dabi, god, please—” tomura babbled, “god, i can feel it.”
dabi let out a breathy chuckle, nosing along tomura’s shoulders, moving to hold him up by a vice grip on his elbows.
“close, close, please—” 
and with that, dabi dropped tomura onto the bed, roughly pulling out and leaving tomura to face-plant into the pillows.
tomura looked around at him with murder in his eyes. dabi only grinned, leaning over tomura and flipping him over on his back. dabi took tomura’s hands, placing them above his head.
“keep em’ there or it’s over,” dabi threatened, despite the fact that he felt like he would die if he didn’t have tomura right there with him. tomura was heating up and his brain felt like jello already, his orgasm staved off by the drop of his gut from the surprise faceplant.
dabi re-entered, this time agonizingly slow. tomura tried to wriggle his hips, but dabi just held them in his iron hot grip. they had honestly forgotten about the camera at this point, too caught up in the flush of their hips as dabi finally pushed all the way inside. they started up again, rocking their hips together with enough momentum that the impact was nearly bruising at the spots of touch. tomura’s pillowy thighs helped with that, despite his boney nature.
the drag of heat from his cunt to the look that dabi was giving him, in addition to the buildup of one orgasm with no relief had tomura getting close again already.
“please, can i cum? i’ve been good, i’ll be good—”
“god, you have no idea how good you sound right now. you’re so hot, tomura. beg me again, just like that?” dabi’s grin was awful and shit-eating, but tomura had lost all pride, only focused on the slap of their hips and the melting of his own mind.
“dabi! dabi, please— let me cum, god—” and as much as dabi wanted to give it to him, he still pulled out. he had a job to do, and with the way tomura was wriggling in frustration, whimpering like a bitch in heat, dabi could do this all day.
he had to make tomura cry. and with the look on the other man’s face, he wasn’t far off. wide, glassy eyes, a grimace and upturned brows. all he needed was the tears. so he sat, and he waited while tomura squirmed. each time tomura would try to take initiative, dabi would grab his hips to stop his movements, and tomura had yet to disobey him about moving his arms. it was so hot to have control over someone who usually gave him so much shit.
tomura started begging again, and dabi eventually had to give in, piledriving his cock into the man below him. and with a few particularly deep thrusts, tomura threw his head back as a tear ran down his face. his moans were more like quiet and breathless sobs at this point, so eager and so ready. so dabi sped up, slamming into the boy harder and harder. tomura’s words sped up and broke apart until they were just small little groans of “dabi”, “please”, and “fuck”. it was amusing that dabi really had fucked him silly. tears escaped tomura’s gorgeous red eyes, rolling down his red cheeks and bringing dabi so much closer to the edge.
tomura’s arms finally moved and came to grip at dabi’s biceps. dabi allowed it because the boy probably needed something to ground himself with. dabi decided to show the poor boy mercy, reaching down with his thumb to circle the boys swollen clit and leaned down to murmur in his ear.
“cum for me, pretty boy,” and tomura was undone. a cry, a gasp and a visceral physical reaction, and he was clenching around dabi as he came so hard he saw stars.
it wasn’t long for dabi, pulling out and cumming on tomura’s stomach with a groan, panting as he felt tomura still holding on to his arms. dabi sat back for a moment to catch his breath before approaching the laptop, still nude.
“well, i hope you enjoyed. gonna go take care of our resident star, and i’ll be seeing you guys next time.” dabi murmured a quick goodbye to the audience, shutting off the livestream and turning off the computer. dabi didn’t know how to turn off the equipment, that was just something tomura would have to fuck with once he came back to the land of the living. dabi went off to retrieve a rag and some water, coming back to tomura staring at the ceiling.
“you with me, baby?” dabi sat back on the bed, using the rag to gently clean tomura up, before cleaning himself up and throwing the rag on the floor to be dealt with later (gross). he motioned the water bottle to tomura, which he happily gulped down.
“jesus, yeah. that was—” tomura cut off, shaking his head. “can you get my hoodie for me? and some regular underwear. i can’t fuckin’ walk, freakshow. you did me in.” tomura griped, and dabi went to fulfill the request, throwing on his own boxers. and to his own surprise,tomura grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him down onto the bed and wrapping himself around dabi like some sort of koala. 
“stay,” was all tomura said.
and so dabi did.
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merakiaes · 5 years
Best Friends Headcannon - Geralt Of Rivia
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Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x reader (platonic)
Requested: By @by-the-primes​
Prompts: None. 
Warnings/notes: This is my first time ever writing a headcannon and it turned out more of a one-shot hahaha xD I went a bit overboard and I’m not used to this kind of post at all so sorry if it sucks. 
Wordcount: 3430
Summary: Headcannons of being best friends with Geralt. 
You had first met Geralt of Rivia when you were merely twenty-four years of age. 
Seeing as you were human and didn’t age the same way he did, you were quite a bit younger, even though he didn’t look to be a year older than thirty. 
You were of noble blood and with your parents’ consent, you had headed out into the world to “find yourself”, but in reality, you just didn’t want to be stuck at home in tight, frilly dresses listening to your mother go on about potential suitors all day, every day.
So with only a bag containing some clothes, gold and other things needed to survive, you headed out on your own. 
Having been locked up pretty much your entire life had made you quite the bratty smartass. You didn’t have a filter and rarely knew when to stop talking back to people, which was the first thing Geralt got to learn about you upon first meeting you.  
Long story short, he had to save your ass in a tavern when you had picked a fight with the wrong person, severely having underestimated the amount of backup your new enemy had. 
At this point, you had only been on your own for approximately a week and still had plenty of gold left, and offered to pay for his dinner and room as a thank you. 
He accepted, but stared at you weirdly the entire time, sitting quietly until you told him to get on with it and speak his mind.
“Do you not know who I am?” “White hair, amber eyes, Witcher pendant hanging around your inhumanly muscular neck, yeah I think I have an idea. I just don’t care. Heroes and villains, we're all somewhere in between.”
You parted ways the same night as he stayed behind to care for a monster-problem, and you headed on to the next town. 
It was already the next day that you met again. 
He had come to the town you had landed yourself in and left into town for some business, and come back to the stables to find you petting and talking to Roach, feeding him apples from your bag. 
“Hm, you again.”  “Nice to see you, too, Witcher.”
You traveled to your next destination together, and Geralt quickly realized that you were in no way a noble lady, despite being raised so. 
You were a big eater and completely terrible at singing. Your personality was gruff and grumpy, but at the same time, you never seemed to drop the sarcasm. Your humour was crude, your language vulgar, and your temper was a ticking bomb. 
The latter forced Geralt to have to step in and prevent you from digging your own grave on more than one occasion. 
“Be nice.” “I am.” “You threatened them with a knife.” “But did I stab them?”
He acted out of logic, and you acted out of your emotions. 
“Learn how to sit back and observe. Not everything needs a reaction.” “That’s easy for someone who is incapable of feeling to say.”
You set camp together later that night, Geralt leaving you in charge of the campsite while he planned to go fetch some firewood.
“What if something creeps up on me?” “Trust your gut.” “I have anxiety. My gut is always telling me to abort mission.” “How have you survived on your own so far?” “Well, I’ve only been on my own for a week as of yet.” “Hm.”
You would think he would be the one snoring but he laid as quiet as a mouse throughout the night. 
Instead, you turned out to be the one with the sinus problem, your snoring keeping him awake and leaving him aggravated to the point where he wanted to smother himself with a pillow the next morning. 
“Good morning, sunshine.” “No.” “I believe the proper response is good morning.” “No.” “Yes, but-“ “No.”
You went on with your morning, and he handed you the map to which you were quick to shake your head. 
“No, no, no. You do not want me navigating. I’ll accidentally navigate us off a cliff.” “Then we die. Now shut up and turn the map in the right direction.” “Alright, alright, I got it. I know where we’re going.”
Fast forward an hour and you’re standing at the edge of a mountain, looking out over the landscape of a town you had never before seen or intended to go to.
“I thought you said you knew where you were going.” “Yeah, I lied. But in my defense, I did tell you not to put me in charge of navigating.” “That you did.”
You were forced to turn around and go back to camp, and start the journey all over again. 
But you didn’t reach it, instead being captured by a couple of elves along the way. 
Despite barely knowing you, Geralt was instantly protective of you. 
“I’m trying my best to be polite but if you move that knife a centimeter closer to her I will tear you apart.”
Unbeknownst to him, as he was taking punches behind you and trying to talk himself out of your difficult situation, you were taking your flexible wrists to advantage, being able to snap them on command, allowing you to get out of cuffs. 
To say that he was terrified when he caught sight of your limp, deformed hands was an understatement. Luckily, however, it was enough to stun your captors and allow Geralt to knock them out. 
You found Roach right where you had left him before you had been taken, and continued heading to your original destination. 
After making it to the right town this time, you parted ways, but once again destiny brought you together the next morning and from then on you just kinda stuck together. 
Being a Witcher was work enough, but now he also had to take on the responsibility of keeping you safe. Something that proved very hard when he was the one wanting to kill you most of the times. 
You just never shut up, it was infuriating. 
But it did work in his favor sometimes, too. More often than not, you would do all the talking for him whenever he was approached about a monster-problem so that he wouldn’t have to. 
In most cases your vocabulary was cut down to “piss off”, “we don’t care” or “leave”, but on the rare occasion, you would switch it up with a “come to mama” if they flashed a bag of cold in front of your eyes, followed by a shameless order in the likes of “Geralt, go do your thing.” 
When he would only stare at you in annoyance for selling him off, usually in the middle of his meals as most people approached you in the taverns you stayed at, you would only add “please” because you knew it would vex him further. 
But still, he would get up with a gruff rumble of his chest and stomp off to do his job.
You frequently started calling him Sunshine, the irony of it just being so good. 
He found the nickname irritating. As he did almost everything else you did. 
You were a very restless person, almost always tapping your foot or bouncing your leg whenever you sat down. 
“Stop that.” “The fact that you’re telling me to stop makes it so much more enjoyable.”
It got so annoying after a while he had to start putting his feet on top of yours underneath the table whenever you sat down in a tavern, or else he wouldn’t be able to eat in peace. 
It became a tradition for you that he ordered chicken and you ordered pork whenever you would stop to eat, and then you would give each other half of your food so that you each got a little bit of both. 
Much to his dismay, you also always switched his ale out for water if it was still light out, telling him it was unacceptable to start drinking before dark. 
How you always managed to succeed with it he didn’t know, because his eyes would purposely follow the tavern worker the entire way from your table to the bar to see to it that nothing happened on the journey. 
And still, he always received a boring mug of water. 
Before he met you he could travel for days, only sleeping in the woods. 
But you had a bad immune system, so now that you were moving together you could never move for too long at a time if the weather got bad. You needed to sleep under a proper roof in rain and storms to avoid you getting sick. 
After a while, the clothes you had brought with you from home weren’t usable anymore and had to be replaced. 
The only thing left from your original pack now was the blanket you had slept with every night for your entire life and four heavy books that you read over and over again. 
When in danger and having to get away quickly, Geralt had insisted countless of times just to leave it behind, to which you had insisted to go get it even if it meant putting your life in danger. 
After a while, he just got used to it and picked up the habit of reminding you of your bag every time you were starting to move somewhere else. 
When traveling, you would force him to stop by a lake or stream once every day to let you clean up. 
You might have left the safety of your home to travel the world but you still wanted to look decent. You had grown up noble, looking your best every day. 
You hated being filthy. 
And you hated messes, too. 
You might have constantly been on the move, not staying in one place for too long, but because of the way you were brought up you still despised messes. 
You usually stayed in the same room whenever you would seek refuge in a town for the night, and always scolded him and forced him to clean up his shit if he threw it on the floor. 
When you got the time to stay a bit longer and didn’t have any danger hot on your trails, however, you took separate rooms so that he could occupy himself with a no-strings-attached shag. 
Every morning after, you would casually burst into his room and wake him up, not caring in the slightest that he was naked with a woman, sometimes several, in bed. 
“Suit up, whore. We’re leaving,” You would say, to which the whores would always gasp and exclaim something along the lines of: “I beg your pardon?” while trying to cover up their bare chests, and failing miserably. 
Geralt would only grumble, wave them off and push himself up in bed. 
“She’s talking to me.”
You constantly insulted each other and talked shit about the other behind their back. 
“Maybe if you weren’t such a troublesome fobbing, clay-brained hugger-mugger, we could get some things done.”
But the insults didn’t stop with him.
“No one asked for your opinion you abominable shit gobbling.”
“Get out of my way you sorry excuse for a mammering, tickle-brained lewdster.”
“I fail to understand how you’ve become such a reprehensible fuck waffle.”
Those were only few of many insults you threw around at strangers every day, and although Geralt was amused by your big, unladylike mouth, it was worrying. 
“You’re one insult away from starting a war.” “How fun.” “You say that now, but you can barely even hold your own in a weaponless brawl.” “Can too!”
But you couldn’t. So he taught you how to wield a sword.
Already during your first sparring session, he accidentally stabbed you in the side, and your automatic response to feeling the steel bury itself into your flesh was a mere “rude” before passing out on the spot form the pain. 
But after that, you caught on quickly. And you started growing up quicker, too, taking after him and his antics. 
Soon enough, you had gone from mocking his constant humming and grumbling, to humming in sync with him. 
You always helped each other with tasks if needed, whether it be saddling Roach, setting up camp or gathering your stuff around the tavern rooms you would stay in every once in a while. 
You just worked well together, and didn’t need words to do so. 
You grew out of your overly spastic nature, but you still lacked a filter every time you opened your mouth so even years after first meeting, you would get into trouble. 
And if someone chose to fight one of you, they chose to fight both of you. 
Geralt always tried to avoid conflict and battle, but if someone as much as looked at you the wrong way, they better run. 
He was obviously the more rational one, trying to keep you out of trouble, to which you always seem to have a talent of stirring shit up even more.
“I had a thought…” “No. Don’t make that face.”
But he always came along anyway, and it most often ended up with a stab wound or two because you talked back to the wrong person. 
And you never got away without a scolding. 
“Get off the horse so I can explain in painstaking detail how much of a dumbass you are.” “Do I have a choice?” “No.”
There was no shame or shyness between you. 
You did things in the other’s presence that might have been considered romantic or intimate in the eyes of a spectator, but it was completely platonic. 
When the time was scarce, you sometimes had to bathe together, back to back, to get it done as quick as possible. 
You would shave his face and he would wordlessly put your hair up whenever he noticed it annoying you. 
The habit had started when you had injured your arm and was unable to do so yourself and just stuck with him after that. 
He couldn’t braid for shit, but he did do a decent bun. 
You always tied your laces too loosely, so he often had to redo them to prevent you from tripping over your feet. 
You would wear his shirts whenever you waited for yours to dry after a wash. 
You would fall asleep with your head on his shoulder. 
You would share beds and food. Rub each other’s shoulders to rid of the soreness after a beating or a fight. 
You made fun of each other always, and you found it particularly fun whenever he lost or took major damage in battle. 
“Nice blackeye, Sunshine.” “Shut your mouth.”
But still, you would always be there in his time of need to patch him up, and try to talk him into being more careful - exactly like he had been forced to do your reckless ass all those years ago. 
“Look, I’m glad you’ve saved everyone and all that but it’s time someone told you to take care of you.” “I’m fine. “No, you’re not, and furthermore, if you don’t take care of yourself, think of all the people who need you in the future who won't have you. Think of Ciri.”
It was funny, how you had been the one to be driven by emotions to a start, unable to control your anger and putting yourself in harm’s way, and now it was usually the other way around. 
You took care of him when it came to patching him up, and he took care of you in every other way. 
“Why aren’t you eating?” “Take my cloak.” “I’ll get the firewood, sit down.” “You can have my half.” “Watch your step.”
Those were only a few of the ways he told you he cared for you, along with “I hate you.”
“I hate you” became your way to say “I love you”, and you said it several times throughout the day. 
Even this long into your friendship, and countless of poems and songs later, people still got shocked when seeing you walk side by side down the streets. 
Geralt was powerful, had a serious face. You did not want to get on his bad side, let’s just leave it there.
But you. You were cute, had a kind face and a contagious laugh. You were kind, despite your big mouth and usually vulgar attitude. 
Still, he always warned people to never hurt you or else, but everyone always assumes he said this as a warning of what he would do to them, even though he was, in reality, warning them about you. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” “Why? What’s she gonna do? Woo me to death?” “Underestimate her. That will be fun.” 
Then they would approach you and find out you’re actually badass as shit, getting beaten to a bloody pulp. 
And all Geralt would say as he stepped over their body on the floor was: “I warned you.”
Six years into your friendship, you were a lot more mature than you had been at twenty-four, now thirty. But you were still a little shit, enjoying your companion’s displeasure. 
While Geralt would always open doors for you, you would always purposely slam them shut in his face, just to give him that extra work. 
You would slap him on the chest and say “language” every time he said “fuck” and then proceed to call him a cunt only minutes later.
You were an annoying piece of shit, but he got his revenge every blue moon. 
Men who were attracted to you would usually approach him first and ask for his blessing and advice, knowing you were of noble blood and pretty much impossible to impress. 
He would always play along, urge them on, encouraging them and telling them everything you didn’t like, and then stand by and await the show.
You weren’t dumb, always saw them speaking and always spotted the amused smirk on your partner’s face as he sent the men your way. 
So you followed his example and played along, standing by and listening to their pathetic attempts silently, pretending to be interested. 
Always thinking they had you hooked, they would touch you inappropriately and smirk. 
“Shall we?”
And to this, you would simply smile, before headbutting them to the floor and stepping over them. 
“Not even in your dreams.”
Walking back over to a snickering Geralt, you simply passed him, glaring into empty space. 
“I hate you.” “I know you do.”
One day Geralt left for some monster-killing-business, while you stayed behind in the town you had been in the past few nights with a broken arm. 
It was the first time in years that you split up, but you weren’t very worried. 
More so than anything, you were annoyed, when he came back with a chatterbox bard trailing behind. 
“Where are you from?” “Here and there.” “What do you do?” “This and that.” “You ever…?” “Now and then.” “Boy, you are just full of information, aren’t you?” “Or maybe your questions are just too boring to be worth an answer.” “I have NEVER been so insulted!” “You don’t listen much, do you?”
Finally, after so many years of it being only the two of you, karma had caught up to you. 
You were now forced to experience first hand what it was like being followed by someone who couldn’t stop running their mouth. 
“Come here.” “Why?” “Just come here.” “No, you’re going to hit me.” “She probably will.” “You guys realize how incredibly codependent you are, right?” “I fail to see your point, measel.” “Do you ever run out of insults?” “Only time will tell.” “She’s just a female version of you, isn’t she?” “She used to be a female version of you.” “That’s seriously hard to believe.”
It wasn’t long after that that you met Yennefer of Vengerberg. 
You didn’t like her, at all. But you learned to tolerate her for the sake of Geralt, trusting his judgment. 
But that didn’t stop you from keeping a watchful eye on her. 
Jaskier teased you endlessly for it, claiming you were jealous and in love with him, yourself. But it was nothing like that. 
You didn’t want romance. You wanted meaning and purpose and adventure and you found it all in him – a soulmate in the form of a best friend. 
Legends and rumors claimed Witchers weren’t capable of feeling human emotions but after being on the move with him for so long, you knew there was absolutely no truth to those claims. 
And if she hurt him, you would kill her yourself.
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Slow Going
Sometimes the world shifted.
Or at least, it felt like it did; like he was on the deck of a boat being tossed about by waves, getting knocked off his feet the moment he’d found them steady. The silver-haired man whose face looked so familiar – his brother? – explained in a soft voice that it wasn’t the world, it was his own mind. Something about memory guns and relapses and memories and slow recovery. He couldn’t quite understand it. He tried, but it was like trying to put together a puzzle with pieces missing.
For the most part the world was stable enough. They lived in a house – his house, apparently. The man was his brother. The sweet-faced kids were his niece and nephew. Or… great niece and nephew?
Definitely great. They called him ‘grunkle’.
He knew that something big must have happened, back before he’d woken up in the forest a few days ago. Everyone here seemed so sad. It made his chest ache, a black stain of worry spreading through him. But no matter how much he asked no one would explain it to him. Or… maybe they already did, and he’d forgotten?
Maybe everyone was sad because they missed this ‘Stan’ character. The kids, his brother, and that weirdly familiar man-child who came around every day looked upset whenever he asked about the guy. Even though some of them called him by that name? Was it his name?
He groaned and sat up from his bed, abandoning any hope of getting back to sleep. Not with his brain being all screwy and this headache pulsing in his temples. The dull throbbing always seemed to spike up when he hit a particularly frustrating block – like when he’d spent ten minutes staring at a stranger only to realize the face staring back was his own reflection in the window. Or when he forgotten how to tie his shoelaces. The bad days came and went like waves on the open sea.
He groaned again, one hand scrubbing at his face as the other fumbled around for…
His hand found a pair of glasses on the bedside table. That old guy wore glasses, right?
 -a bright-eyed child with a book in one hand, gesturing excitedly, poking up his glasses when they started to slip down his nose-
 Yeah, his brother, Ford. Must be his glasses then.
He pulled on a rumbled jacket and trudged downstairs, smothering a yawn in one hand. From the chill in the air it must be early, so he was careful not to make noise and wake the kids, who he was pretty sure slept in the basement or the attic or something. Were they still there at all? Still, there was a clattering coming from the kitchen. He followed it curiously.
His brother glanced up when he entered. The man – his name was Ford, he reminded himself – was doing… something at the stove. Something that was resulting in sizzling and a bit of smoke.
“Oh, Stanley, good morning. How are you?”
Stanley! That was his name, he remembered now. He got the feeling that he’d forgotten it before. Jeez, it was a bit embarrassing to forget your own name. Since when was he having memory problems anyway? He couldn’t… remember…
“Stanley?” Ford stepped closer, his eyes searching Stan’s face. “Are you alright? Are… are you having another episode?”
Stan shook his head and suddenly remembered the glasses in his hand. He held them out.
“Episode? Of what, Ducktective? No, I’m good. Are these yours?”
Ford’s eyes landed on the glasses and he bit his lip. “No, Stan, those are yours.”
Stan blinked. “…I have glasses?”
Ford gently took them from his hand, unfolded them and slid them over Stan’s face. The world sharpened around him.
“Oh! So that’s why everything was so blurry.” Now that his vision was clear he could see the mess of what he hoped were eggs sizzling in the pan over Ford’s shoulder. Well, less sizzling, more hissing and blackened around the edges. “Uhh – hey, Ford? What the heck is that?”
Ford brightened at the use of his name. Then he had the grace to look sheepish.
“Ah, yes. I was attempting to make breakfast – though it has been some time since I’ve cooked. I seem to be a little out of practice.”
Stan snorted and ducked past his brother to take the pan off the heat. “Yeah, no kidding. These eggs look more scrambled than my brain.”
“…they were supposed to be pancakes.”
This time Stan couldn’t suppress a loud laugh. “Alright, move over. Time to let the pros work.” He tipped Ford’s disaster-cakes into the bin with a flick of his wrist and pulled out a fresh bowl. “You’re gonna wanna mix the eggs and milk together before you add ‘em to the flour. And put that measuring cup away. When it comes to pancakes you gotta measure this shit with your heart.”
He found he didn’t have to ask where the flour was kept, or the whisk. His hands found them instinctively. Stan’s autopilot was on a roll as he chatted away.
And then he turned and caught a glimpse of Ford gaping at him. Stan hesitated.
“…what? I got something on my face?”
Ford shook his head quickly, a warm smile spreading across his face. “No. Please, continue.”
“Uhh… sure.” Stan shrugged before resuming whisking the batter. “You wanna pass me the ladle so I can fry these bad boys? And see if we’ve got any jam in the fridge. One of the scamps – err, was it Mabel? – she likes the stuff, right?”
“They both do.” Ford explained. “Mabel has a higher tolerance for sweets, though, so it’s an easy mistake to make. I – Stan, is that glitter?”
The surprise in Ford’s voice made Stan stop and look down at his hands. Sure enough, clutched in one fist was a jar of bright pink sparkles. When had he picked it up? Just looking at it made his head throb.
“I… I guess so. Why do I…?” He looked around helplessly. “I don’t remember why…”
Suddenly he wasn’t quite sure what he was doing. He was in a kitchen, cooking. Or he had been. How did he know how to cook? He couldn’t remember the recipe, or where he’d learned it.
Ford gently pried the jar of glitter from his hand, reading the label out loud. “Industrial strength edible glitter. I suppose this is how Mabel makes her cooking so… vibrant.”
How did he get here? Why did his head hurt?
“Do you remember a few weeks ago?” Ford prompted. “The biscuits she made were glittery. She made me come up from the basement for a formal tea party and gave us all pretentious names. I was worried the glitter may be toxic so I tried to run a few tests on them to make sure they were safe, and you told me I was being silly.”
…glitter. Biscuits. Pancakes. Stan winced and rubbed his forehead at another spike of pain.
“…right, yeah. The, um, the glitter.” Just like that, the world was coming into focus again. The boat righted itself. “I… lost a bet with – what’s her name? Mabel – and for the rest of the summer every pancake I made hasta be filled with glitter. Somethin’ about makeup for your insides.”
Ford smiled eagerly. “Stan! You remembered something without direct prompting!”
“…you told me about the thing.”
“About the glitter, yes, but not the bet! This means you’re getting better!”
Stan was still kinda confused, but it was hard to be crabby in the face of that sunshine grin. It made him feel all warm inside. Safe.
So he laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, letting the headache fade into background noise. “Yeah, well. You’re still gettin’ glitter with these pancakes. A bet’s a bet.”
“Of course. I doubt even amnesia would save you from Mabel’s wrath if she found out you went back on your word. Do you happen to remember what she would have had to do if she’d lost?”
“Err…” Stan racked his brain. It sent another twinge of pain through him but it was worth it when his brother was smiling like that. “Somethin’ about that pig. I was probably gonna make her kick it out or somethin’.”
“You love that pig.” Ford said dismissively. Stan punched him lightly in the arm and it just felt right.
“You take that back! No way am I attached to a piece of living bacon!”
“Fine, fine. Then for the sake of your dignity; you love Mabel and she loves that pig. Ergo, you would not have made her kick it out.”
“Ah, whatever.” Stan flapped his hand. “Didja want these pancakes or not, mister smarty-pants?”
“I would love nothing more.”
Stan rolled his eyes at his brother’s fervent tone. It was just pancakes. Not like Stan had risen from the dead or anything. Ugh, drama kids.
But – it was nice. Stan wasn’t sure why the familiar-but-not-too-familiar banter filled him with a bittersweet feeling. His brother’s smile, the ease of working in a kitchen he could have sworn he’d never used but somehow knew like the back of his hand, it all just felt right.
Stan couldn’t remember what he’d woken up thinking about that morning, but he did know that he was happy. And wasn’t that enough?
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