#L’s for me not for anyone else. everyone else take care of yourself
melancholy-smile · 7 months
It’s like baseline symptoms but god do I have abandonment issues?? I have enough L’s as is-
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barcaatthemoon · 7 months
company & comfort ||alexia putellas x reader||
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you take care of alexia when she gets sick.
the incessant beeping of alexia's alarm pulled the woman out of a deep sleep. she woke surprised to find herself fast asleep in an empty bed. usually you were still asleep whenever she woke up. that was just the first of a few things that alexia woke up noticing were off. the second was the pounding in her head, like someone was taking a jackhammer to her skull trying to break a piece off.
a normal person would have taken that as a sign that they were sick, but alexia wasn't normal by any standards. you had always held her in an extraordinairy regard. alexia didn't take sick days like everyone else. she was the captain of the biggest women's soccer club in the world, and that came with extra duties. simply put, alexia didn't believe that she could afford to get sick as far as her career was concerned.
"ale, are you okay? you look a little pale." it was asked purely out of concern for your girlfriend, only to be met with a nasty glare from alexia. she softened the expression on her face a little when she noticed the way that you backed away from her.
"my head, it hurts a little. that's all. nothing like last week," alexia said. you were pretty sure that she was reassuring herself more than she was telling you. it most likely was the bug that had run through nearly half the team during their break. you had caught it from ona, who had begged you to take care of her when she came down with the sickness. after that, alexia had taken care of you and despite being in close proximity to you for the whole time you were sick, she hadn't shown any symptoms. at least she hadn't until today.
"well, take some medicine and go lay down. i'll let coach know that you don't feel well. better to nip this quickly than let it fester and grow," you told her. alexia didn't like the idea of sitting at home all afternoon, but she wasn't in the headspace to argue. that was your clue that alexia really wasn't feeling good because you swore sometimes that arguing with you was her second favorite past time.
alexia took some of the leftover medicine from when you had gotten sick and laid back down in bed. you made something small for her to eat, knowing that even if alexia was sick, that didn't mean her appetite would be gone. alexia's body ran on a schedule, and you had assigned yourself the job of making sure that she could rely on you to keep her on that schedule. the last thing you wanted was to somehow have alexia in worse condition after taking care of her.
"aw, poor baby. can i get you anything else?" you asked. there wasn't really much that you could do, but since you had already gotten sick, you could offer a bit of company and comfort. alexia didn't say anything, but she did open her arms up and shift over just enough to allow you plenty of room on the bed.
you smiled to yourself as you got in bed next to her. instead of wanting to be held like you had, all alexia wanted to do was hold you while she was sick. she wrapped her arms around you as your head settled on her chest. you could hear her wheezing with each breath, which deeply unsettled you. alexia seemed to pick up on your sudden discomfort and began rubbing little circles on your back.
"maybe if my head starts to feel better later, we can go out and play a little? i was really looking forward to practice today," alexia suggested. if she really did have what you had, there was no "getting better" for today. you hummed in agreement. you did want to go out and play a little, even if you weren't really looking forward to practice. it was a cardio day, which meant lots of running and sprints, which as a goalkeeper, was not your strong suit.
"just because you're sick doesn't mean i'm letting you get a goal on me." alexia chuckled at that. in reality, you knew that alexia would get a goal on anyone if she really wanted to. she had proven it time and time again in practice. the days whenever you had been a little mouthy, she had even started to have a little fun with it. both you and alexia knew that she could utterly humiliate you if she really wanted to.
"after i rest, it's all over for you," alexia teased. you didn't completely doubt it. she'd remember your teasing for the next practice she felt good enough to attend. alexia never went easy on you. everybody on the team knew that you were together, and alexia didn't want them to think that she was going soft. technically, it made you a better goalkeeper, but at the end of most days, it had you harboring some negative feelings about that day's practice.
alexia's hands ran through your hair, slowly coming to a stop as she fell back asleep. you quickly joined her in slumber, always glad to get a couple of extra hours here and there. alexia wasn't a big fan of naps, not even after a grueling practice or long week. she could keep going and going until she completely burnt herself out and was forced to take a step or two back for a moment. getting to lay in bed all day with alexia was like a secret blessing for you. you hated that she felt bad, but you were glad to see her getting proper rest for once.
even when she had woken up, alexia didn't make any moves to try and do anything. she did join you in the kitchen when you decided to make some soup, but that was only because she didn't trust your cooking completely. you knew that you weren't the best cook, but alexia had asked for homemade soup and agreed to talk you through it so there was no way that you could mess it up.
"stop making that face, i told you we should have ordered in," you said as alexia grimaced a little. the soup was somehow incredibly salty despite you not having done anything aside from exactly what alexia told you. she had even measured out the spices for you, and yet, you deemed the soup nearly inedible.
"it's fine, i swear. i just am not very hungry. can you get me a gatorade mi carina?" alexia asked you sweetly. you nodded, giving her a peck on the lips as you got up. she had finally given up on telling you not to do that, which you were grateful for. alexia even leaned in to kiss you whenever you brought the drink back to her.
the two of you laid on the couch together watching a movie until alexia started coughing. you sat up with her and rubbed her back until the fit stopped. alexia's eyes were watering as she sat on the couch trying to catch her breath. it broke your heart to see her in any kind of pain, especially since the last time you saw her cry was when she got injured.
"it's okay, i've got you," you tried soothing her. alexia tried to stand up from the couch, but she fell back almost instantly. "take it easy. do you want to go back to bed?"
"no, i want to go on the balcony. i need a change of scenery," alexia told you. you helped her up and over to the balcony. the two of you sat down in the chairs, alexia putting her feet up on your lap to stretch out. "thank you for taking care of me today, mi carina. i know that i did not do this good a job when you were sick."
"it's okay, i like taking care of you. today has been surprisingly easy." you pushed alexia's legs off of your lap and leaned over her chair to give her a kiss. alexia put her hands on the back of your neck to hold you close for a couple of seconds after the kiss. "i'll always take care of you, even if you won't let me."
"sometimes, i swear you are too good for me." you vehemently disagreed with alexia's sentiment, but you weren't going to argue with her today. instead, you pressed another kiss to her lips before you sat back in your own chair. in your mind, alexia was too good for you, but you weren't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. alexia loved you just as much as you loved her, and that was what mattered.
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fiamat12 · 1 month
The ring, the ring, the ring, the ring…
I think she’s using that ring to show her relationship status: Taken. And I have a hard time believing that she is going to have a ring commissioned to symbolize S3 of Bton and then use it to broadcast her relationship with anyone but L. What kind of relationship are they in? Don’t know, but the kind that has her finger screaming “Not Available to Anyone Else!”
Can you imagine her getting in a relationship with someone else and then being like, “Hold on honey, I’m just going to flip around this ring that I literally had made to symbolize playing out Pen and Colin’s epic love story to let everyone know I’m taken now!!! (BTW babe did I tell you they’re soulmates and will die on the same day and our on screen wedding literally felt like the real thing, I won’t be as protective of MY OWN WEDDING DRESS as I was with Pen’s, and I made L wait to see me until the wedding filming day because I knew he’d be gagged. Also the thing about S3 I will miss most is LUKE LUKE LUKE, I cried my eyes out after our last sex scene where I slipped him the tongue, he’s the absolute best.)”
ALSO her face is bare, she’s wearing nothing but her bathrobe but that damn ring is still on her finger. Either it’s the last thing she takes off at night, the first thing she puts on in the morning, or it stays on all the time. That’s personal. That’s symbolic of something.
Is it a signal to him? A promise to herself? Couple it with the song lyrics and comments about waiting for someone, not compromising yourself, waiting for the right person (he couldn’t agree more, nothing to add), and it makes me think she’s waiting for him to disentangle, and the ring means she’s waiting until he does, and they have an understanding about it. I don’t know what the hell he is doing with A but maybe she does and there’s a reason for it.
I’m open to hearing alternative theories about what it might mean, but nothing else puts all of the pieces together in a way that makes sense.
Someone like N does not wear/have made custom symbolic jewelry like that and wear it in the manner that one would wear a wedding/engagement ring, never taking it off, showing it off sponsored posts, at events, in every pic, and not have it mean something. May I remind you that SHE designed Pen’s wedding ring to symbolize the merging of their families. She cares about symbolism and tokens. IT MEANS SOMETHING.
Valid points to consider ☝️
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becomingmina · 9 months
FUCKBOY MIN 2. little series w/ LEEKNOW + HYUNJIN
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x female reader x lee minho genre + warnings: slight angst wc: 3.5k mina's note: I really enjoyed writing this. Sorry it took a while! This part was was like a filler, I know.
other works here ; any comments and thoughts you can drop them here ; ty for reading.
series chapter ➵ part one, part three ending one
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“You done crying yet or?” Hyunjin jokes after watching over you for the past thirty minutes. He was in the drivers seat handing out countless tissues to you, who was in his passenger’s.
“Hyunjin, stop,” you crack up at his teasing. You were done crying now, you just weren’t done being upset yet. A heavy feeling still lingering around your shoulders as you try your best to block out Minho’s words circulating in your head.
“Are you still not going to tell me what he said to you in the bathroom?” A hand comes to wipe away the last of your tears, his tone gentler now.
Hyunjin can see the marks on your neck, anyone can. He can tell what happened in the bathroom and he knows Minho must’ve said something to overwhelmed you to cry, but he just doesn’t know what exactly.
“I don’t want to re-live it Hyunjin,” you couldn’t tell him. You didn’t want to tell him that you said the L word to Minho within the same month you got rejected by him. Hyunjin could never judge you for that but how can you tell him without telling the whole thing, how it was forced out of you. Dirty? Dirty because of Hyunjin? The words repeats again, haunting you. Hyunjin was involved in Minho’s mean and hurtful words and you feel guilty. Hyunjin did absolutely nothing wrong, he didn’t deserved to be dragged into whatever mess was going on between you and Minho.
“Why? Is it because you might cry again?” He playfully says, not wanting you to feel downhearted at your own actions. He lets out a giggle after observing how you quickly pierced your eyes at him sassily - something you picked up from him. It doesn't matter what situation you're in, Hyunjin always makes it light hearted. He's so playful but in a way where he is still careful and you never fail to warm up to him. Just like this moment.
“I just got my heart broken by the city’s fuckboy, I don’t need the city’s heartbreaker to feed into it,” you chuckle and he follows with furrowed brows, unable to keep a straight face at the names.
“Those names are crazy Y/N,” he remarks.
“I actually don’t think you’re a heartbreaker Hyunjin, it’s just what everyone calls you,” you reassured him, hand finding his to give him a tight squeeze.
"I probably am one," he held yours back tighter, letting you know he didn’t take it to heart. "I'm curious though," he continues .
“Curious to why the city’s fuckboy keeps yelling at you,” you eyed him again, arms crossed this time with a fake pout. “Or is it that you’re just a cry baby?” he laughs but he was serious though, he wanted to see why Minho keeps leaving you in tears.
“I’m not a cry baby,” you defend yourself. “You’re probably tired of me crying hey? I know how to smile too!” To be fair, you were kind of a cry baby especially as this is the second time he has picked you up and wiped away your tears, all within a month.
“Wait, can you actually?” he continues.
“I’m actually really sweet Hyunjin, I promise!”
“How about the city’s heartbreaker takes you out one day?” The tension from the incident with Minho start to disappear as Hyunjin slowly soothes it, directing your attention somewhere else - something he is very good at.
“Hmm?” brows furrowed together. His question had taken you by surprise, you were unsure if he was serious. “Like on a date?” You clarified.
“Mhmm,” he confirmed. “So you can show me how sweet you can be and that you’re not just a cry baby.” He already knows how sweet you are. Last couple of weeks you guys spent together talking about everything and nothings have really shown him what type of person you are. You were caring, cheerful, playful. You loved to tease, loves to be teased and takes on jokes like a champ. You were just full of laughter and happiness and meeting someone like you is hard for Hyunjin. It seems that he has developed a soft spot for you, but unlike Minho he isn’t afraid to show you.
You just giggle back, unaware of the thoughts going through Hyunjin’s head, everything falling into silence right after.
Hyunjin is a lovely person and you hate to say yes just to distract yourself from Minho. But Hyunjin has that effect on you, where he has made you forgot about Minho whenever you’re with him. You don’t know how to explain it. Like earlier tonight before all of this, when you went with him to the party, you had zero care for anyone and anything besides Hyunjin and wine. Or like right now, Minho was slowly fading away in your head. If you give him a chance, maybe he’ll be better than Minho. He always was, seeing as he was the one who was here, unlike Minho who didn’t even chase after you.
“A date with you sounds cool,” your silly smile returning. He couldn’t control his smile back, his eyes turning into thin lines as his upper lips disappears a little showing his white pearlys.
The man who broke your heart an hour ago long forgotten, in moments like this.
“You okay hyung?” Han asks, after observing Minho for the past hour just downing his drinks.
“Yeah.. Good.. I’m good.” Minho could barely reply, slurring on his words clearly intoxicated.
“What happened in the bathroom? What did you do to her?” Han was worried about you both. He still doesn't understand what you did to get Minho to push you away like that, especially when Minho would used to reschedule his plans with Han and their friend group just to be with you. It was clear to Han that you guys had something going on. Minho wasn’t much of a drinker too but seeing him suddenly finish all these drinks made Han sense something was up.
“Nothing, I just.. Nothing just shooed her away like usual,” Minho replied, acting uninterested in the conversation.
“Marks on your neck tells me otherwise,” Han replied back, eyeing up at his hyung. Minho doesn’t reply, instead he stays quiet, one hand coming into contact with the marks you left on his skin. His head is in a daze, the scene of you pressing kisses to his neck, how soft your plump lips felt, your tiny hands holding the back of his neck to keep him in place while the other was wrapped around his..
“Hyung? Hey hyung?” Han snaps the older man out of his thoughts, holding him by the shoulder trying to steady him. “She’s a good girl. If you don’t like her don’t do that to her.”
“She gave me the marks Jisung.. I didn’t do anything to her,” Minho huffed, trying to defend himself.
“Sure, it’s not like she didn’t walk out of the bathroom with marks herself,” Minho just rolls his eyes. “If you don’t like her like that, stop hurting her.”
“Looks like you also want to fuck her, seeing as how you’re talking about her-”
“-Just because I feel sorry for her doesn’t mean I want to fuck her, hyung. No girl should be treated like that,”
“Whatever,” Minho pushes the smaller boy’s arms off his shoulders making him stumble back a bit.
“See how you act? You’re a dick. How is it that every other girl gets let off easily when they admit they like you and when Y/N does it she gets yelled at?” Han was over his hyung’s antics, also fuming from the way he was pushed even though he was only trying to help him up.
“Last month you pushed her away then tonight you’re all over her again just because she’s with someone else. You’re so possessive. What did you do to her in the bathroom?!” Han has never called Minho out like this but the way Minho acted was very possessive. It was like he hates seeing other people interested or talk about things that was his. In this instance, you.
“I don’t know,” as much as he hates to admit it, your words engraved itself to his brain. He couldn’t come up with a reason why he treated you the way he did tonight or ever. Just the words I love you bouncing in his head, hitting every surface of his brain. Did he like you back? He’s not in-love with you right? Or was he just possessive over you? Did he want you to himself only? Minho was overwhelmed with his thoughts, unable to voice anything else, eyes just seeking some sort of help from the younger boy.
“You okay hyung?”
A couple weeks go by and Minho catches himself thinking about you every second pf his day. He doesn’t know how to make it stop. He contacted so many girl just to ghost them before they meet up as he has this feeling of guilt. Not towards the girls, they don’t mean anything to him but guilt towards you. It was like he was doing something wrong to you. But you weren’t even his and he doesn’t even like you back. He has just be constantly in and out, and his friends aren’t any help either. Well to be fair, he’s only been keeping his thoughts to himself so it’s not really his friend’s fault. But you and Hyunjin has been the topic of the week, updates of where you guys went or what you guys did was brought up every single day in conversation.. well ofcourse it would, seeing as how Hyunjin and Minho shares mutual friends.
“You think he really likes her?” Felix asks the others.
“Yeah, if he didn’t he wouldn’t have come with her to the party the other week,” Chan clarified and they nod in agreement.
“Why wonder we haven’t seen him all of last month, he was with Y/N.”
Minho listens to the conversation, quietly contributing and attacking Hyunjin in his head. Yeah but she doesn’t like him. She clearly loves someone else.
“Wasn’t she one of your flings?” Chan’s question wakes Minho up.
“Hmm? Y/N?” Your name comes out more tender than expected from his lips. “I don’t remember,” Minho lies.
“Anyways, I reckon the photo he took of her from earlier this week was cute,” Seungmin says, the rest giggling like high school girls at their friends love life.
“Looks like the heartbreaker Hyunjin found someone he really likes.”
“And Y/N seems to really like him too,” Minho was furious, wanting to tell them what the reality was but even himself wasn’t sure if it was true anymore. Maybe you have fallen for Hyunjin. Maybe you have forgotten all about Minho now.
He looks to his side, watching Felix swipe through Hyunjin’s instagram story. It was the first time he saw you since. You were as pretty as ever. Hair in a half up half down look, in a black dress looking and smiling at Hyunjin’s camera.
Hyunjin had taken you out to one of his favourite bakery and art museum. He had told you to wear something pretty, and be ready by noon. You got dolled up, picking out your most gorgeous dress and by the time he promised, he messaged you to come outside. Hyunjin was lean up against his car, his camera strap across his body, a small bouquet in his hand. It was something you never experienced before, you couldn’t help but smile instantly at the sight. Oh how sweet he was, and definitely very handsome.
“You look like you can be very sweet, Y/N,” he playfully says before pulling you into a hug. You hold him back, arms wrapping around his body pressing your cheeks against his toned chest, staying there a little bit longer than you extended.
“Ready to go?” He asks, and you remove yourself.
“Mhmm, ready to go and ready to show you I can be sweet!” The conversation you had with yourself, a couple days ago still implanted in your head. You will give it a try with Hyunjin. He has always treated you well, despite his title he received from everyone, but a little part of you is afraid. Minho treated you well too, but turned his back on you the second you liked him. You were afraid you were going to fall for it again. Hyunjin could never make you fall for him then ditch you right? But to be honest, has Minho ever picked you up in broad day light like this? No. You guys would sneak around all the time, and was only ever relaxed in a closed off area - that being his house. Minho has never planned a date this. But did your heart wanted that more than this? A unlike tingling heavy feeling fallen in your chest, the feeling is different.
As Felix continues to tap his screen, more images of the date appears. You guys spend a while in the coffee shop just goofing around with each other, then at the art museum.. Oh the art museum.. countless photos of you standing infront of and looking at the art works makes Minho go red.
“Fuck-” Minho bites, fist forming into balls as he feels his blood boiling. Minho was angry now, he was jealous. He didn’t ever show you off like this and was mad someone was able to do.
“Gotta go, gotta go call Bella,” Minho walks out, everyone else looking around trying to seek a reason why he was acting like that.
It was dark and late, 9pm to be exact. Silence fill the air as you and Hyunjin both just sit in his car. You shyly glance over to him, unsure of what to do now, he just gives you a smile. You really enjoyed your day with him, it was fun and quite the romantic day. But do you invite him in now? Do you take it slow? What would you do if you invite him in anyways?
"I enjoyed today with you too Hyune," you break the silence. "I'm actually really tried from everything though" you lie, you needed to distant yourself for the rest of the night, to work out what you were feeling. You needed to take it slow. The tingling sensation before was still around you, a feeling you can't explain. "I think I might start ready for bed," you observe his reactions, but there is none. Just him keeping a small smile like earlier.
"We did so much today, I’m tired and ready for bed too," he agrees, one hand reaches over to hold yours. He was so soft, it's like he knows the barrier you had set up. He doesn't questions it and just lets it be.
"Thank you Hyune," you reply, twisting your wrist so your fingers can interlock with his now, giving him some sort of affirmation. You lean in towards him and ahe air grows a bit cold now. You had to do it, to show your gratitude. You continue to move in, giving him a peck to his cheeks. Hyunjin freezes in return, the sudden affection makes him flustered. "Goodnight Hyune." You retracted back your hand, collecting your stuff, along with your nice bouquet of flowers and exiting his car.
It was clear to Hyunjin after the peck that he liked you. He really liked you but he was still unsure of where your feelings stands. Regardless, he wanted to keep trying with you.
You were in the middle of the dance floor, to the grand party that Hyunjin asked you to be his date at. Well technically, you were invited by Minho's mum but you can't turn down a cute date with Hyunjin.
“Where are you?” You ask on the phone, eyes searching for a lost Hyunjin. He has disappeared from your sight so suddenly after you guys had spend a hour of drinking the free wine.
“At the table we were before," you can hear him slurring on his words, unable to keep your giggles in at how tipsy he is.
“Okay, coming! Stay where you are," as you turn around someone pulls you back, making you stumble a bit forward into them.
“Can I talk to you?” You encounter a familiar face. Minho was standing in front of you, his hand gripping your wrist not painfully but strong enough for you not to pull back. Your eyes scan his face. He looked so different. He had his hair down covering his forehead, something he never wears out in public. His eyes were coated with a thin cover of gloss, almost looks like he had been draining in his emotions for the longest time ever. Minho looked so soft, you were taken back.
“I gotta go. Hyune’s waiting for me,” you reply trying to pull away from him. You needed to avoid Minho, unsure why but you had too.
“Yes, Hyune,” you managed to escape and walked off, only because he loosen his grip. Minho was left on the middle of the dance floor, watching you make your way through the crowd.
“Hyune?” He whispers to himself, confused. A nickname already? Maybe the boys were right.
You don’t know why but a sudden urge to spin around got the best of you.
“Hey Min!” The nickname makes him instantly turn around but he knows it wasn’t going to be you standing there, so he prepared himself for whoever was there.
“Hey, I was looking for you,” he lied to the gorgeous woman infront of him, Bella.
You watch as Minho smile at her, his hand coming in contact with her cheek. You spun around again, not wanting to watch any more of what he got up to, going back to Hyunjin.
The music was blaring now and you feel yourself getting light headed from the countless shots and mimosas you consumed. You lean into Hyunjin’s chest, wanting to stay still for a minute to regain control of your body.
Minho doesn't know how he got here but there he stood a couple steps infront of you, watching you with Hyunjin. He has Bella in-front of him holding his hands as she sways to the music, seeking for his attention.
“Hey, I’m losing you here Y/N,” Hyunjin laughs, although him himself was feeling the same thing. He had to control it, he couldn’t let you both loose to alcohol.
“I’m so tired Hyune,” you replied, unable to move your head from his upper chest.
“You wanna go sit down?” He asked, hands coming to your waist to help hold you up. The small contact with your body makes you widen your eyes. You steady yourself back on your heels as you make eye contact with the sweet boy in front you. Your eyes catch his lips for a second, they were so plump, so full and the perfect shade of pink, almost a reddish. A thought ran through your head and you feel guilty about it but you wanted to do it. You want to feel his lips on yours to confirm that feeling that keeps staying around in your chest. His eyes flutter from your eyes to your lips. You looked so pretty like this, your cheeks was pink, eyes looks so bright and full, you were so kissable. Hyunjin slowly leans in, one had holding your face and when he doesn’t see a signal of you avoiding it, he closes the gap between your lips.
Minho’s heart sinks watching Hyunjin kiss you. He has always been possessive of you, hating when your attention is on another person. He has always been annoyed, always been angry but right now, he feels broken, he feels hurt. He didn’t come here with Bella because he liked her. He came here with Bella because he wanted to use her as a distraction. He wanted to use her to get over you. He doesn’t realise it until now, after witnessing the kiss, that since the night you confessed your feelings to him, he felt the same. He felt the same but he was too afraid to say it, to show it. Liking someone was overwhelming, let alone loving someone. Minho was just afraid.
The feeling doesn’t go away, it’s heavy it’s numbing your body. You pull away from Hyunjin’s lips, hands on his chest to help you detach. You can’t keep his eye contact, letting out a heavy breath.
“Hyune, I..” you look up over his shoulder and catches Minho eyes as he towers over Bella. Minho stops to observe you, observing your next move. For a second the world stops, everyone’s face was blurred, the music goes from blaring loud to a long beep, something you hear when your brain restarts similar to the sound in movies when the main character watches someone close to them die. It was only you and Minho.
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{Tag list 🏷️@20minsat180dgegrees : @feybin : @whosanaanyway : @k0nst3nceee : @hoes4lino : @ihatewritingshit : @armystay89 : @redstayrosie : @captainchrisstan }
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nyxvuxoa-writes · 3 months
Hello! Could I please get #22 with Tom Ryder? And if possible could it have some jealousy-driven angst? I love your writing so much, you’re one of the bests in this website (along with your wife) 😍
Thank you for your kind words! I hope this hit's the spot for you.
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𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝘽𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙨
Tom Ryder x F!Reader
◢ Genre: Prompt Request — Suitable For Adults Only. Minors will be blocked.
◢ Warnings: 18+ only, please. AFAB Reader. PWP (slight plotting, mostly smut). Angst. Tom is jealous, maybe a little paranoid. Drunk and high Tom. Slightly drunk reader. Mentions of drinking. Mentions of drugs. Mentions of a party. Smut. Marking the reader with hickeys. P-in-V. Mentions of orgasms and cum. Mentions of Tom saying you're his.
◢ Word Count: 1.7K
◢ A/N: Gif was made by me, please credit me if you use it. Likes are enjoyed. Reblogs are always greatly appreciated. And I am always down to hear what you think.
2K Follower Prompt List
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"Were you flirting back with him?" Tom asks, his tone sounding rough, almost slurring just slightly from the mix of liquor and drugs.
The party, as usual, had been nothing short of crazy. Everyone wanted to be around Tom. Everyone wanted to be friends with Tom. People fawned and pawed for his attention and his favor. None of them knew him. None of them actually care about him. It was just the glamor effect of being around a big celebrity.
A part of you hated it, but that didn't stop you from enjoying yourself. Still, he was searching for a problem that wasn't there.
"No, Tom." You respond sounding almost annoyed at this point.
You have given him the same answer a couple times now. Why was he reaching for a problem that wasn't there? You were faithful to him, even when he was a complete asshole. Even when he would allow some strange girl to hang all over him for attention.
Maybe you should be the one raising questions, but you didn't. You had this trust in Tom because he didn't give you a reason not to, as much as it might look like it sometimes.
Placing your hand on the wall, you brace your slightly drunk self as you reach down to take off your shoes. You slip off one, and then the other, stumbling slightly.
"Were you interested in him?" He asks.
You shoot Tom a rather angry glare. "Seriously, Tom? No."
You go to make your way through the apartment, shaking your head in disapproval. This was insane. He knew better, but when he got like this, there was no stopping that sometimes stupid vivid imagination of his. But his hand reaches for you, grabbing at your forearm tightly as he pulls you back to him. He jerks you slightly, forcing you to look at him.
"You're mine, Y/n. No matter what anyone else thinks or wants. And they think they can just have you like they think they can have everything else --- they can't."
Tom's tone makes you stop, your eyes searching his. This wasn't just some stupid argument for the sake of it because he was drunk, was it? You couldn't tell anymore. You go to pull your arm away from him, wanting to walk away. You didn't want to reward this kind of behavior, but he pulled you back, jerking on your arm a little harder.
"Tom, let me ---" "No." He cuts you off. "Stop -- stop brushing me off."
He lets go of your hand only to wrap his arms around you. His face grazes against the crook of your neck. You can smell the liquor and cologne mix on him, the scent filling your nose and it's almost as intoxicating as what you both had to drink. His breath is hot on your skin, causing goosebumps as he grazes his nose against your neck. His hand travels against your body, going to grip your ass as he pulls you as close to him as possible, his fingers pressing to your cheeks and pulling them apart slightly.
"What's mine is mine. You're mine. All mine."
You're frustrated with him, but the way his hands handled your body made you weak. He can hear as your breath becomes shaky, slightly heavier than normal. He lifts you up, wrapping your legs around him as he goes to carry you off, moving a little slow to not drop you or bump into anything.
"Tom, I gotta ---" You start to say softly. He caught you off guard. "Shut up." He cuts you off again.
He wasn't about to let you have a word in edgewise. He was tired of you brushing this off, or getting mad at him because he wanted to make a point. Since talking about it didn't work, he was going to make his point in a way that you'd understand. Drunk, high, or not, he knew what he wanted and he wanted you. He wanted people to stop trying to get your attention. That guy wanted your attention. He hated it. It got under his skin.
Your body comes to the bed and he lays you on it, hovering over you for a moment. The weight of him on top of you felt good, the frustration starting to fade as he ran a hand up your thigh and to your side. It creeps up under your shirt, pushing your bra out of the way as his hand starts to fondle your breast. Your skin is sensitive, feeling hot as it responds to the desire that you always had for him.
Tom's lips feverishly press against yours before they start to trail from your lips to your jaw, and then your neck. He makes you moan slightly, your hips lifting up and pressing into his. This was much better than arguing or getting annoyed, but he still had nothing to be worried about when it came to you. Maybe you didn't understand why he responded the way he did, but you were tired of it.
Going to lift your shirt slightly, he fumbles a bit, wanting it off your body. You help him, lifting yourself up just enough to remove the fabric and the bra, then come to lay back down on the bed. His lips go to meet your nipple, taking it into his mouth like his life depended on it. He pulls slightly at it with his teeth, all while his hand moves from your side to between your legs.
Feeling his fingers meet your clit through the fabric, working the flesh in a circular motion, you gasp slightly. Your hands run through that tangled mess of shaggy blonde and brown hair. You pull at it slightly, feeling the vibrations of a groan against your breast. He knew exactly how to touch you, to cure that sense of bubbling frustration. His fingers pressed against the fabric of your pants a little harder, feeling as you started to become wet and it clung between your legs slightly.
Tom became increasingly excited at the response you gave him. His hips, pressed down slightly as he felt the restriction of the fabric that held him. With a heavy breath, he moves from you, his hands quickly gripping the waistband of your pants, pulling them down, and stripping them from your body, along with your panties. He tosses them to the side before he fumbles slightly, stripping his own clothes off and letting them fall to the floor.
It's just a matter of moments before he's between your legs. His hand grips the shaft of his cock, stroking it slightly against you before he guides his sensitive head between your wet folds. Both of you moan in unison as the length is pressed in deeply. He starts to thrust, his flesh meeting yours with deeply pressed, rough, steady paces.
The feeling of him makes your back arch against the bed. His lips meet your collar bone, nipping at your slightly before they trail against your neck. You can feel Tom nuzzles into you slightly, a hand gripping at your hip, the other braced next to the side of your head. Noises start to fill the room as Tom becomes increasingly vocal in his enjoyment of the way your body flexes around him.
"Ma-- Mark me, Tom." You stammer in a breathy tone. "What?" He asks, face still nuzzled into the crook of your neck. "Mark me. Mark me so everyone knows who I belong to."
Your words bring out a sort of feral instinct in Tom. His lips press against your neck as he starts to pull at the skin between his teeth. You can feel the wetness of his lips, the warmth of it as at first it tickles and then a slight bit of pain. You moan out, your hands quickly moving against him as you aid to pressing his cock in deeper between your legs. He moans quickly, letting go of your neck as his lips part in a heavy breath. Your neck is left with a tingle of pain, a warm wet spot where his lips once were.
But he doesn't stop there. A low groan comes from him as his pace starts to pick up, pressing into you with a more fever of pacing. His lips meet a new spot on your chest, pulling again as he starts to leave another mark. Before moving to another spot on the other side of your neck, leaving another. Maybe you were never one for love bites, maybe in some way, you were. But in the moment, there was something about the action that had sent both of your bodies into a sort of overdrive.
The sounds of flesh meeting flesh become louder as the pumps between your legs become harder, a little more clumsy in nature. Both of you let out moans in unison as you two fit like perfect puzzle pieces. He comes to take that bracing hand and lowers it a little more, his body weight pressing against you as he rests on his elbow. His other hand, still gripping at your hip starts to leave little fingertip bruises against your soft flesh. You both work your motions together, your hips moving in synch as the pace starts to pick up more and more.
His lips move from your flesh to your lips, pressing against yours. Hovering little kisses at first before your two became more passionate. Your tongues start to dance together messily, letting out noises of pleasure between your breaths. You start to feel that tremble in your body, working its way from between your legs and throughout your limbs as you climax. Tom is right along with you. He presses deeper, faster, harder until that building presser lets go and releases his finish deep into you.
There's a heavy groan from Tom as you moan his name loudly, gripping the bedspread under you in an attempt to hold onto something. You both ride out those finishes, with twitches and heavy breaths. After a moment of silence, he shifted his weight to hover over you better once more. He still braces with one hand as the other comes up to grip your jaw. He looks over the marks on your neck and he boyishly smirks. Your head turns from one side to the other as he checks your neck. His grip on your jaw tightens slightly as he leans down, kissing your cheek.
"You're mine babe." He mutters softly. "All yours, Tom." You whisper back.
Extra tags: @voxmortuus @earth-elemental18
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star1ight0 · 5 months
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader "could've said something"
Guess what! I have issues and crave comfort so HERE WE ARE AGAIN. (It's 11:48pm as of rn send help) (Just finished it's 1am and I fell asleep halfway through)
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Your quirk: Light manipulation. You can move and summon light, light bending, summoning balls of light ranging from small particles to large masses
Bakugou was always a.. scary kid to say the least. You two grew up together and he had a soft spot for you to say the least. When you got your quirk it was a lot to say the least between shining light in your faces and burning holes places. Eventually you got the hang of it. It did however make you wary of when and how you used it. Katsuki on the other hand seemed to get how to use and control his right away. The two of you trained together and Katsuki taught you how to make explosions with the light you could summon. The 2nd year of middle school you had to move because of your moms job and as much as he made it seem like he didn't care he made a point to ask you to keep in touch.
It was the second semester of classes yet you were just now starting UA high, class 1-A. Your mom had decided that because it was a little too far you'd move into your old house and she'd find work elsewhere, UA was a top school how could you say no to that argument? Late transfers and acceptance was rare enough for a top school. But it also meant you get to see him again. You thought about calling him and telling him but you thought it'd be better to wait till you saw him in person, you were next door now.
Most of your stuff was in your dorm by now, having the first day before settling in was a true blessing.
It was starting to get dark and the stress of it all was starting to hit you, thinking of how much you had to catch up being in 1-A and all. You made your way up the stairs finding the roof door. Making your up you got a text:
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Kat: Hey. You busy?
You: Never am
K: got a new person in the dorm next to me, if they are loud I swear I'll end them
Y: I'm sure you'll be fine, don't kill anyone please.
K: Not that I care, but you've been radio silence for a few days
Y: I think if you have to say you don't care you do. Sooo talk to me when you can process your emotions then maybe I'll talk about mine
Love you.
K: whatever
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"Everyone this is Y/N L/N, now be nice and be on time tomorrow" he said quickly walking away right after, a few people walked toward you to ask questions when they are all promptly showed away by the blond hot head. "The hell?! What the fuck were you just not gonna-" he was cut off by a hug. As he was debating on hugging you back you hear a girl's voice "GUYS THE NEW PERSON JUST HUGGED BAKUGOU!" the crowd of people grew and you felt a hand grab your wrist pulling you away. They all clump together continuing the conversation. You take the lead pulling him up the stairs onto the roof.
If anyone else had even remotely talked to him that way you were sure they'd be dust. But you cared about you too much to even yell at you unreasonably. Now at the top staring up at the cloudy dark sky you sigh mumbling to yourself "guess I'll make my own stars" you lied down on the roof making small glimmers of light float into the sky.
Not sure of how long you'd been out you looked at the time on your phone, bolting up at the time. Your new teacher Aizawa had instructed you to be in the common room by 7:30pm to introduce you avoiding using class time for it. It was 7:28. You bolt down the stars finding a room for people sitting with their teacher. You stand next to him with an apologetic face. You look around looking for something to focus on when your eyes land on blond hair and a familiar angry tone.
"Hi, I go here now. " You said with a smug look on your face you summon a little ball holding it for light between you. "Still gonna kill me if I'm loud?" You say in a teasing tone. You look up at him seeing a light pink on his cheeks. "I thought.. I wouldn't get a chance to see you again after I got kidnapped and everything. The least you could've done was say you were in town" he says a shift in his voice and body language making him self more guarded. "sorry I wanted to surprise you" you say wrapping your hand around his.
"I- I know we only ever all and text but I've missed you and being around you. A lot. "
"i missed you too. Ass hole."
"you love me"
He flinches at the words spoken feeling his grip tighten on your hand. Pulling you into a hug.
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jjkamochoso · 4 months
Lovesick… Emphasis on the “Sick”
You have a really bad cold and Levi, of course, takes care of you :)
Levi Ackerman x sick!gn!reader
Warnings: mentions of mucus, runny noses, general cold/flu symptoms, cussing
A/N: hi everyone i am currently Sick as Shit so i really hope this fic flows okay and makes sense!! if it doesn't... yes it does
You had never felt so terrible in your entire life as you did that morning. Your whole body ached like you had gotten thrown into a tree by a titan and your head was throbbing with an intensity akin to thunder and lightning in your brain. Your stomach was getting sore from all the coughing you had been doing the previous night and your nose was completely plugged up in both nostrils. When you finally rolled out of bed, begrudgingly getting ready for work, you could barely stand up. You had no idea how you were going to complete your duties today in the state of exhaustion you were feeling. As a captain in the Survey Corps, you had lots of responsibility riding on your shoulders and you couldn’t let anyone down by taking a sick day. You bent over to pull up your pants which led you straight into a long lasting coughing fit, leaving you gasping for breath like you had sprinted a marathon. You let out an anguished groan as your jacket sleeves were yanked onto your arms to the best of your ability. Looking in the small mirror that sat on your bedroom dresser, your head fell forward in despair. If you thought you felt bad, you looked a million times worse. You were completely disheveled; your skin was taking on a sickly hue and your eyelids were barely staying open. You turned away from the grisly sight as quickly as possible without falling over or bringing on another bout of nausea, opting to pretend you noticed nothing different in the way you looked today if anyone dared ask. You grabbed a few stray papers from your desk that needed to be signed by the commander, choosing that as your first task to be finished this morning. As you closed the door to your room, you winced at the loud noise it made in the echoing hallways, doing absolutely nothing to help your headache. You soldiered on toward Erwin’s office, each step draining more and more energy from your frail body. You were one hallway away from where you needed to be when you felt a cough attack come out of nowhere, your body racking as spit and germs angrily shot out of your mouth and into the arm of your uniform.
“Who is making that disgusting racket?” a firm voice called from opposite of where you were standing. Captain Levi then entered your view, lips pressed firmly together and eyebrows furrowed in a state of repulsion.
“Captain Y/n. I’m not surprised those sounds were from you, you look like shit.”
“Always the charmer, aren’t you, Levi?” you said, sniffling and sneezing into your handkerchief.
“Tch. Why didn’t you take a sick day? I don’t want your nasty germs spreading around the Scouts,” he said, eyeing you from a safe distance.
Another coughing fit.
“Because,” you sputtered out, “I have work to do. I can’t slack off because of a little cold.”
“Looking like you’ve approached death’s door isn’t what I would call a little cold,” said Levi, now sporting a frown. Levi was no stranger to sickness—he’d been surrounded by it since his birth, and especially now while living in barracks with all these people, but it didn’t make seeing you come down with an illness any easier. You were one of his closest comrades and, as childish as it sounds, seeing people he cared for catch a sickness made anxiety bubble in his stomach as his thoughts roamed to the corpse of his beloved mother, staring at him with those lifeless eyes as disease slowly consumed her before she perished. He’d be damned if he let anyone else suffer that same fate so he certainly wasn’t going to let you run yourself ragged.
“I’m fine. I-”
“Go back to your room. That’s an order.”
“We’re the same rank, you can’t boss me around” you said, crossing your arms.
“Does it look like I care?”
Judging by his deadly serious expression, he truly did not.
“I have to get these to Erwin. It’s important,” you told him, waving around the papers you held. Levi crossed the gap between you in quick strides, the papers slipping from your grasp with ease into his own.
“Fine. I’ll take them. Go to bed, brat.”
You weren’t in the mood or right mental state to argue so you began to take your leave. Everything was going fine until you got superbly dizzy, your shoes barely able to grip the ground and keep you upright. You stumbled back toward your bedroom’s corridor but your boots could no longer make purchase on the slippery stone floor. Before you could fall to the ground, though, you felt two strong arms wrap around your middle, steadying you. You immediately knew it to be Levi and you were grateful as he helped you into your room, guiding you to your bed and setting you down as gently as could be.
“You have to be careful. I don’t want to clean up the remains of your cracked skull off the floor,” he reprimanded. You sighed, feeling a bit of guilt creeping up for distressing him. You knew this was his way of letting you know he was worried about you. Sure, he was gruff and used kind words sparingly, but his actions did all the necessary talking for him. And what he was saying right now, as he untied your boots and ODM straps, was that he was there to take care of you.
“Change out of your uniform and into something less presentable. I don’t want you getting any funny ideas of sneaking back to work after I leave.”
“Yes, Captain,” you joked, saluting him lamely and sending yourself into yet another coughing fit. Levi’s steel gaze softened as he observed you in your weakened state. It pained him to see you like this and he’d do everything in his power to nurse you back to health.
When Levi returned to your room a half hour later, signed papers in one hand and a piping hot cup of tea in the other, he wasn’t prepared for the absolute mess he was greeted with. There were used handkerchiefs littering the floor and you were preoccupied with hacking up mucous from your lungs. The sound of the wet cough made Levi cringe to the deepest extent, but he wasn’t deterred; in fact, it made him more determined to get you healthy again in no time. He never backed down from a challenge and this situation was no different to him that solving a problem within the Scouts—with a little bit of luck and a whole lot of strength and courage, he’d get you through this with as little hang-ups as possible. The raven haired man placed the papers from Erwin neatly on your desk, the tea finding a temporary spot next to them for a moment as he procured a mask from his pocket, covering his mouth with the fabric and tying the strings behind his head. He then picked the tea back up and walked to where you were coughing up a storm. He placed his free hand upon your back in an attempt to calm you. It seemed to work as you gained control over your breathing and stopped convulsing. He silently held out the teacup and you took it, a voice cracking “thanks” leaving your chapped lips. His eyes nervously scanned over your figure as you sipped on the warm drink he brought you, intensely looking for any sign of discomfort. As you swallowed down the delightful leaf water, you felt an extreme chill blast through your body. Levi noticed the goosebumps spreading across your skin and, without hesitation, rested the back of his hand against your forehead.
“You have a fever,” he stated plainly, trying to keep his racing thoughts at bay the best he could. Could he make you more comfortable in any way? Should you be under a blanket since you were cold or have a cold compress since you were also hot? How could he help you break the fever?
“Levi,” you whimpered, freeing him from the endless vast of questions he pondered on his mind, “can I h-have an extra blanket, pl-please? I’m f-freezing.”
“Of course.” He responded unnaturally fast, eager to fulfill any requests you gave him. The person taking care of you was still the awkward, almost socially inept, sarcastic man you knew, but the way he so lovingly tucked you in under the soft blanket he draped over your body had you wondering if you died, went to heaven, and were now under the care of an actual angel. When Levi put a cold washcloth to your hot-to-the-touch head, you let out a gasp of relief. Soon enough your eyes were closed and you were asleep, Levi keeping a close watch on how your chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm and making sure you weren’t having any difficulties breathing. He could hear that you were still stuffed up and had plenty of mucus build up in the way you were wheezing in your slumber, but he was happy you were at least able to get some good rest for now. He didn’t want to leave your side but he knew you needed medicine so he quickly departed, making a beeline for the infirmary.
"Captain!" the doctor saluted him, "how can I help today?"
"I need your strongest medicine for cold symptoms," requested Levi.
"I'll work on that right away," said the doctor, already preparing the ingredients. "Feeling under the weather?"
"It's not for me. Captain y/n is sick."
"I'm sorry to hear that, I hope they feel better soon. That's awfully kind of you to pick this up for them especially since I know how much you hate coming in here. They're lucky to have you around."
Levi just grunted in acknowledgement and hoped the doctor would end the torment of her making small talk with him. By some miracle, it was like she read the man's mind, making no indication of wanting to continue the conversation. The next few minutes in the infirmary were filled only with the sounds of glass clinking as your medicine was being made. The doctor eventually finished, handing Levi the elixir.
"Thank you," he told the doctor, wasting no time getting out of there. Like the doctor mentioned, he despised setting foot in the infirmary. All the germs and suffering that went on in there was nothing he wanted to willingly subject himself to unless it was a dire emergency. Getting you some medicine was absolutely worth every second in that repulsive place and he'd gladly go in as many times as needed if it meant he could see you well again. Moving through the hallways at top speed, he decided to grab you some snacks from the dining hall since he knew you hadn't eaten all day. Relief washed over him when he saw you were still soundly asleep as he opened the familiar wood door. Picking up the used handkerchiefs and placing them in the pile of used laundry in the corner, he was pleased with how quickly your room looked better. Now out of things to keep him busy, he left you alone one last time to retrieve a pile of his own work papers so he wouldn't fall too far behind. As he took a seat at your desk, he felt his attention roam to you once more. Seeing you lying there, finally so peaceful after experiencing such awful cold symptoms, stirred up an emotion in Levi he couldn't quite place. Sure, you two were close friends, on the same level of trust and respect that he held for his squad and even Hange, but had he ever gone this far out of his way to help them when they were sick like he was doing now for you? He couldn't recall. He disliked watching any of his friends fight sicknesses of any kind but when he witnessed the horrid display of your illness earlier that morning, it felt like his world was about to crumble if he didn't help you that instant. Never in his life had he felt the urge to abandon his duties in favor of doing something else--until today. He'd much rather forgo paperwork and meetings to help you back on your feet, or at least to make you realize you didn't have to struggle alone. He didn't know what was coming over him as he took notice of the strong desire to place a hand on your cheek and tell you everything was going to be okay when you woke up. Levi felt his face get hot with embarrassment at the mere thought of touching you so delicately like that. Was he getting sick too? What was with his heart pounding at the idea of getting close to you like that? He got ahold of himself quickly, deciding to sort through his frazzled thoughts later. Right now, he had more pressing matters to attend to: the work in front of him and keeping you as satisfied as possible. You were squared away for now so the only thing left for him to do was work. He glanced at you one last time, burying the lingering feeling of wanting to hold your hand in a comforting manner deep into the darkest corner of his mind where it could no longer torment him, then he turned away and began reading.
Levi's attention was pulled from his work when he heard you begin to cough and blow your nose a few hours later. He was next to you in a flash to help you sit up in bed, fluffing the pillows you had flattened in your slumber. He leaned over your side table to grab a small glass jar with oddly colored liquid sloshing inside.
"Medicine," he explained, taking the cap off and holding the jar out to you. You took it gratefully, chugging the contents. The bitter concoction was unpleasant on your tongue but you knew it would do you good so you didn't complain. You sat in silence for a bit after that, watching birds flit around outside your window, Levi having opened the curtains some to let in natural light. You tried to see what he was doing but his back was turned toward you. All of a sudden, the bright smell of citrus assaulted the one nostril of yours that had temporarily cleared up.
"Am I going crazy or do I smell an orange?" you asked. You were presented with a handkerchief filled with meticulously peeled orange segments, each looking as tantalizing as you'd ever seen.
"I never guessed fruit was going to be the tipping point of you questioning your sanity."
"Making fun of the sick isn't a good look," you grumbled, chewing up the juicy snack as Levi swallowed the chuckle about to escape his throat.
"Eat as much as you can tolerate. It helps your body fight the illness."
You hummed in agreement and the captain went back to filling out his never ending work papers.
"Hey, uh... Levi? Can I ask you something real quick?" You broke the comfortable silence but thankfully Levi didn't seem bothered.
"I'm beyond appreciative for all of your help today and I'm really grateful that you've been here with me... but... " You faltered.
He raised an unenthused eyebrow. "But what?"
When he didn't answer right away, you tried to do some damage control in between your sneezing and coughing.
"I just meant, I know you're always helping where you can and I've seen you bring tea and food to our comrades when they're sick, but I've never known you to be this attentive, or-or nice, as you've been to me and--"
"I like you the best."
His simple reply was astonishingly profound for such generic words. If anyone else had said it, you would still be happy, but for Levi to be as vulnerable as that, you knew you truly meant a lot to the man. You were aware that it certainly wasn't easy for him to admit anything about the matters of his heart and you were considering just how lucky of a person you were to hear any kind of confession from him, let alone such a personal one. However, as you looked at him, there wasn't a hint of stress or uncertainty present whatsoever like you thought there might've been. He spoke of his feelings for you as if they were plain, obvious facts like grass is green or the sky is blue.
"That's good to hear because you were always my favorite, too," you told him, a knowing smile blossoming as your hand slid over the blanket in his direction like you were the arrow in a compass and he was north. Levi understood the deeper intent of your words, the underlying meanings that matched his own. The unbreakable bond you two forged over countless years working and fighting together was something he had cherished for a long time and he was relieved to know you came to the same conclusion he had--you were going to be by each others' side for the rest of time. There was something about you that brought out his most loving, doting side, and though the softer facets of life were foreign to him, he wasn't necessarily against exploring them with you in the future, especially if he and the rest of the Scouts eradicated the titans and established a world free of that ever present danger. With you being as sick as you currently were, though, he didn't want to somehow take any sort of advantage of the situation since he knew some people latched onto their caretakers while in the throes of a fever, desperate for any sort of human contact to ground them. That's why he resisted the call of your warm skin, beckoning him to experience what it felt like to be under your touch, instead opting to rest his hand on the bed near your leg in an attempt to show that he was still there for you. He was content being with you in the same capacity as he previously was--except now, the promise of a care free life with you was another addition to the long list of reasons to fight so aggressively for a better tomorrow.
"I'll look after you until you're healthy. Someone has to make sure you're not infecting the rest of the soldiers with your piss poor cough covering technique."
"Can I request a different nurse? Your bedside manner is leaving much to be desired."
Levi handed you another snack, this time being a big chunk of bread.
"At least you didn't have the stomach flu. I wasn't in the mood to clean up your actual shit."
"Levi, please, I'm trying to eat."
He felt the slight tug of his mouth go upwards into an imperceptible grin. If this was a glimpse into what a future alongside you would be like, he'd do anything to keep you both alive long enough to see it, no matter if his foe was a titan or a viral infection.
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spookypete-94 · 11 months
Reader is a medic that has been assigned to specifically take care of TF141. She learns just how difficult the lieutenant can be.
SFW, CW for- language, more then likely medical inaccuracies
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You had worked next to Price shortly a few years after he started. Your impressive skill level always imprinted on him. After he became the Captain, he had sought you out specifically. The risks of the missions he was on he wanted someone he could trust on standby to take care of him and his men if something were to happen. Sure, you knew your way on the battlefield and could do basic operations if needed, but your area of expertise was caring for the injured. It was almost like you were hardwired and made for it, a natural.
Once learning Price had requested you, sought you for so long- it was a no-brainer to join him and his team.
"Ready to meet everyone?" He asked, his voice quiet but still carrying a booming effect.
"Sure am," she you replied, crossing your arms as he led her to his office. Inside stood 3 men. One that wore a blue hat in casual attire, the second one with bright blue eyes and a mohawk, and the other was a large looming man that leaned against the desk face covered with a skull balaclava, dressed all in black.
"Would like you all to meet the team medic, this is Y/N L/N. I sought her specifically for us."
Y/N stuck her hand out to greet everyone, shaking the first two, easily learning their names as Gaz and Soap. The third one, however, did not step forward to shake her hand. One could feel the distrust from his gaze.
Fine, You thought to yourself and instead stood next to the Captain again.
Price explained your duties and how you would be attending missions with them on scene, in your own helicopter, and would respond as needed.
"If I could have dog tags, just to have full name and blood type, I'd appreciate it. Makes it easier for me to log and store blood if needed."
Again, the first two she met and Price complied, handing their dog tags over with ease. The large one never left his stance from the desk, arms crossed, hands never reaching into his shirt.
"Lieutenant," Price said just shy of a scolding manner.
"No worries, Captain, I'll manage." you said, waving it off. Honestly, far from offended, dealing with difficult men your entire career, becoming used to it. Price looked at you, shocked, wondering how you would "deal" with it. Scribbling the information down, your own chicken scratch looking difficult to anyone else who might read it before handing the tags back. "Thanks," you said cheerily, handing the tags back. "Lieutenant," nodding in his direction still being courteous to him. "I'll be in the MedBay updating my records and starting carts for all of your needs. Hope you all have a pleasant day." Nodding, and stepped through the group of men.
Once the door was shut, they all turned to Ghost appalled by his behavior to such a kind woman. "Why ya' gotta be like that, mate?" Soap asked him.
"Don't trust new people," he grumbled, leaving them all to shake their heads.
Time had passed, you had her records all updated and built trust with three of the group she cared for. Not quite with "Skullface" though, as you called him. Being on the team with the TF141, means you still had to qualify on all weapons... leaving you at the mercy of the range with the grumpy Lieutenant as he was the instructor.
His tone came across condescending at the very start. The first weapon he picked was a handgun. He showed how to load and reload the mags, how to place it in the bottom of the guns and forcefully shove up to make sure the mags don't fall out. How to use the iron sights and the difference between red dots, the difference between calibers - things already known by you but dared not say anything wanting to make a point. He handed back the pistol, taking aim, and shortly emptied the clip, hitting the metal target in the center. The ping echoed, target shaking with each bullet. Managing tactical reload, dropping the mag, pulling the full one from your belt, reloading it, and doing the same thing.
"You know how to use a gun?" he asked stunned.
"I do."
"You could have led with that."
"Didn't want to interrupt your whole "spiel, "seeming it's the most you've said to me the entire time I've been here."
Behind him, Price stood smiling, arms crossed as he stood at the front of the range. Game, set, match, he thought to himself comically.
"Can we do shotgun next, or are you gonna break the basics down for me on that, too?" Your tone playing coy, making Ghost shake his head, handing her the shotgun.
The day was over faster than Ghost expected it to be, thinking you would be inexperienced.
"I'm sorry I treated you like that," Ghost said humbly as they picked up the empties.
"Used to it."
This answer caused silence among them both. You took it upon yourself that he was waiting for you to answer why.
"Most men in this field just see me as a nurse. They seem to forget that Medic's have to be battle trained, too. Used to being treated like that."
He turned to look at you. "Shouldn't be a medic, you're better than most of the soldiers I've seen in the field."
"All be it surprised, I'm a better medic, then I am on the battlefield."
"Have to be one hell of a medic then."
"I am." you said confidently, throwing the expended bullet casings into a bucket to be repressed.
How grateful you were, that it ended on a positive note between the two this time.
"Here," he said, going to hand her his dog tags.
"Don't need them any more."
Even though his face was covered, you could tell he was confused by your response.
"Got it taken care of." smiling widely to him, throwing your assigned weapons over your shoulder and heading back to the base.
You had left him preplexed and him watching that smile never leave as your legs carried you away. Satisfaction filling you, knowing you made your mark on him.
"Fuckin' hell," he said quietly to himself.
Inevitably, the day came. Ghost had found himself and Soap injured, Ghost was losing blood rapidly, taking the grunt of whatever exploded. They requested evac but had to wait for an extraction team to get to him. His conscious status was in and out, vaguely remembering you and your squad getting to him and Soap. Your facial features make you seem like you were is glowing, the light being so bright. If he had not seen your ability to be deadly, he would have thought an angel was standing before him from the golden glow.
The next thing he knew, he was on the helicopter, finally coming to. He started to sit up quickly, the sudden alertness making him realize what had just happened
"Sit your ass still," you growled to him.
Even as a threat, your voice calmed him, making him indeed sit still.
"Where's Johnny?"
"Next to you, across the bird behind the curtain, my team got him stitched and wrapped up. Hold still," You said, pulling his arm back to her. He realized you were stitching him, hand holding his arm close. Noticing the IV for fluid and another for blood attached into his other arm. There, he saw a rolling cart with "Skullface" wrote on the top where his name should have been, bags of O- blood inside it.
"My blood type isn't O-," he said, head rolling over to look at her.
"Mine is. It's the universal donor."
Finally, he realized what you meant.
"That's your blood?"
"Yup, been pulling mine off for your cart in case something happened since you wouldn't give me your tags that day."
He was silent for a bit. That was her way of managing... using your own blood to save him. "I'm sorry I was such an asshole to you."
"Stop. You already apologized. Just be grateful I did what I did and didn't leave you to bleed out." Some men just needed tough love.
Somehow, you had struck him. He was seeing you in a different light once more. How grateful he was for his mask because if it wasn't there.. you would be able to read his face. Adoration and all. He leaned back into the pillow, letting you finish and look him over. Fingers ghosted across his skin as you moved his body to be able to check for whatever it was you were looking for. No resistance was given by him now. You had earned just more than his respect and trust. Just on the ride back to base, you already had him stitched up.
"Still will have to do scans to make sure there is no internal bleeding, but have to do that back at base. I'm glad you're still alive." you said, patting his thigh in an area that you knew was not injured.
"Fuckin' hell," a phrase he found saying all too much with you. Eyes watching your walk away and prepare for landing.
Soap pulled back his curtain, smiling mischievously at Ghost.
"Not a fuckin' word," he grumbled to him, knowing all to well that Soap knew that Ghost had caught feelings for hyou.
Simon Ghost Riley Masterlist
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You Can Be The Boss
Warnings: Smut, g!p Nat, light angst?, pregnancy
Words: 2,782
Summary: You slept with your boss, what happens now?
A/N: who doesn't want CEO Nat yk? Remember to drink water and eat everyone, ily all <3
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You were the assistant to one of the most powerful, and rich CEO in all of New York. Natasha Romanoff.. she was a strict, straightforward type of boss, frankly you didn't quite adore her, you were more scared of her, and you would gladly accept a job offer from anyone else. But you never got any, and this was probably the most paying job you could ever work at.
You step into the elevator, making your way to the top floor to hand Miss Romanoff her daily caffeine. A ding noise follows as you reach to the top floor. Sighing, you knock on her office door. “Come in.” you open the door, avoiding eye contact. “Ah, Miss Y/l/n. What brings you to my office?” you hold up the cup of coffee, placing it on her desk. “Y/n. I have a request– more like an order, really.”
You nod, waiting for her to finish speaking. “I need my assistant, you. For the work event this Friday, clear your schedule, or plans if you had any.” you did, in fact have plans. “I'm so sorry Miss Romanoff but, my friend's out for work on Friday and she asked me to watch her son.” she raised a brow, looking over at you from her desk.
“So? It was an order Miss Y/l/n, I expect you to follow it.” you dryly swallow, “Y-yes I'm sorry it won't happen again.” she watches you for a few more seconds, “Now get out, you have paperwork to do no?” you nod nervously, walking over to the door. “Bye!”
You exit her office, going back down to your floor.
“God I wish she was less m–” the elevator door opens, it's her sister who was pretty much your work best friend. “Yelena!” “Hey sestra, Natasha's still picking on you?” you let out a nervous laugh, “Uh.. no! No– she's fine.” she gives you an assuring smile, “If you need to be saved from her, I'm one call away.” she enters the elevator, as you step out of it. “Bye 'Lena!” she waves goodbye before the elevator doors close.
You take your phone out, calling your friend. “Hey! I'm sorry, but um.. something came up, and I can't watch your son today. I can pay for a sitter if you want?” "No! No, that's okay Y/n.." you hear loud noises from the background, "Put that down! .. I'm so sorry, he's being annoying all day, I have to go, so.. bye—" you turn off your phone, walking into your office.
You sigh, sitting down onto your office chair. The keys on your keyboard clacking, you type, responding to emails. A knock on your door, “Yeah?” the red-head walks through, “Miss y/l/n, I don't care if you have anything against it. I ordered you a dress for Friday..” she trails off, looking down at you.
You clear your throat, “Uh.. Miss Romanoff?” her gaze flickers back to your face, “That's– that's all, I'll be going now.” you nod, “Bye!” she gets up and goes to the door, “Bye.”
You hear the door close shut, you furrow your brows in confusion. “What was she looking at?” you mutter to yourself. You face the desk mirror, gasping quietly. “Ohh– oh.” you bring your hands up to your blouse, buttoning the top button.
You look back at the computer, seeing you received an email. "I'll be picking you up at 7 pm on Friday night. Don't be late." You find yourself smiling at her email.
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The week flies by pretty quickly, Tuesday going to Friday. Your apartment bell rings, you go to open it, just to see a box with the words, "Y/n /Y/l/n, from: Natasha Romanoff." You assume it's the dress she was talking about the other day. You pick up the box, closing your door.
You open the box, emitting a gasp. It was beautiful, a gorgeous deep emerald. You pull out the dress from the box, lifting it up to see it in full view. It was modest but with an off shoulder cut. "Did you like the dress?" You look over at your phone, seeing her text pop-up.
"Yes, thank you! I'm so sorry if it was over-priced." She hearts your message, "No worries, I have the money for it. Think of it as a gift Y/n." You smile at her message, not knowing what to respond with, all you do it just heart her message and turn off your phone.
You check the time, "5:24 pm" “Shit. I'm gonna be late.” you get up, grabbing the dress and running off into your room to go get ready.
An hour and a half later, your doorbell rings. You scramble out of your room, struggling to put on a heel. You open the door, “Miss Romanoff! Hi– I'm..” you slip on your heel, grabbing your purse. “I'm– ready, shall we go?” she nods. You step out of your apartment, locking the door and walk down to the parking lot.
She drives off, leaving your apartment complex. “I'm sorry that you have to drive me.” she glances at you, “Don't be sorry, I offered.” you hum in response, looking out the window. “How long till we get there?” she pulls up to a parking space, “We're here already.” you respond with an, "oh."
She gets out of the car, you get out as well.
You two step into the building, you gasp in awe looking around the place, you feel a nudge on your shoulder. “I'm gonna go talk to some other guests, don't do anything you aren't supposed to.” you nod, watching her leave.
You walk over to the bar, picking up a glass of champagne. “I haven't seen a beauty like you here before.” you look up to see a blonde woman, “My name's Carol Danvers, you can call me Carol sweetheart.” you blush, “Hi– uh.. I'm Miss Romanoff's assistant.”
She smirks, handing you a drink. You accept it, “Romanoffs assistant huh?” you nod, “If she's too tough on you, feel free to come by at my office.” you laugh slightly, “Thanks for the offer.” she brings her hand up to your face, tucking in a stray hair strand behind your ear.
“I believe she likes it here, isn't that right Y/n?” Natasha walks up behind you, holding a glass of wine. You freeze, looking up at Carol. “Um.. yeah–” you hand Carol the drink back, “Don't be so harsh on her,” her gaze lingers on you, “She's my assistant if she didn't like how I treat her she would've quit by now.”
You feel as if you've gone invisible, watching the two women bicker. A few time passes by, Carol leaves the bar, you and Natasha just stand there. “Come on Y/n let's take you home.” you hazily look up at her, nodding slowly.
She takes you back to the car, driving off. “Mmh.. Natasha–” she glances at you, “You're drunk Y/n.” you smile at her words, poking her cheek. “No you're drunk!” she rolls her eyes, eventually making it to your apartment building.
“We're here, wake up.” you flutter your eyes open, looking up at her. “Walk me up?” she looks back at you, sighing. “Okay fine.” she helps you out of the car, and you two get into the elevator to your floor.
You unlock your apartment door, “Miss Romanoff are you mad at me?” she looks at you, “Why would I be?” you shrug, walking inside your home. “You can come in if you want.” she hesitates for a moment, but steps inside anyways.
“Do you.. want me to make food?” you offer, “Or—” you get cut off with a pair of lips crashing against yours, you moan into the kiss. Her hands roam around your body, finding the zipper on your dress and unzipping it.
She backs you up into your bedroom, shoving you onto your bed. You let out a gasp, “Yeah, I guess I was mad at you.” she hoists your legs over her shoulders, you watch her slip off her pants. She makes eye contact with you, you nod giving her consent.
You feel her hardened cock on your clothed clit, letting out a small whimper. “Let's get that off of you, hm detka?” you nod vigorously, bringing your hands down to your panties and taking it off. She gropes your waist, lining her tip to your entrance.
She pushes a few inches inside your throbbing core, making you emit a loud, breathy moan. “Fuck.. you're so tight. Taking me all in, just like that— good girl.” her words make you roll your eyes to the back of your head.
“Miss Romanoff I'm gonna—” she feels you tense up, “Do it baby, cum all over my cock.” your walls clench around her length, a wave of pleasurement crashes down on you, you scream out her name over and over again.
She thrusts in deeper into you, smirking down at you. “Mmh.. kotenok, gonna fill you up huh?” you mumble something out, getting cut off with a loud moan.
She comes inside of you, collapsing on top of your chest, panting heavily. “Y/n? You okay?” you hum as a response, nodding as you catch your breath as well.
“Uh.. I'll be going now– see you on Monday.” she slowly pulls out of you, putting her clothes back on. “Yeah! Yeah– see you on Monday too.” she smiles at you before leaving you alone in your bedroom.
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The weekend passed, and you find yourself getting on the elevator to Natasha's office holding her coffee as usual. You sigh and knock on her door, “Come in.” you open the door, she freezes, and looks over at you. “Y/n.” you put the cup on her desk, “Yeah?”
She pauses, “Listen about Friday night..” you look up at her, listening intently. “It was wrong, we were both drunk and– I'm your boss, you're my assistant. If anyone found out it would be bad. So I'm trying to tell you to forget about it.”
You nod, exhaling shakily. “I understand, don't worry.” she smiles at you, “Thank you, you're free to leave now.” you walk to the door, waving goodbye.
You go back to your office, signing papers. You hear a knock on your door, followed by a, “It's me!” you smile, “The doors open 'Lena.” the blonde opens the door, flashing a big smile at you. “How did the party on Friday go?” you groan, “God, don't remind me.” she furrows her brows in confusion, sitting down on a chair.
“What happened sestra?” you chew on the inside of your cheek, looking at her. “You really wanna know?” “Yes? If somethings bothering my work sister of course I want to know.” you sigh, “Don't tell anyone.” she takes a deep breath, “Oh so it's that bad.” you nod meekly.
“Isleptwithyoursister.” “Slow down, what?” you look down at your hands. “I.. slept with my boss– who happens to be your sister.” she widens her eyes, processing what she has just been told. “Oh. Natasha!? Seriously Y/n?” you nod. She burst out laughing, “I thought you had good taste.” you frown, “So.. you're not mad?” she shakes her head, “Why would I be?”
“What did she tell you?” you look at her, confusion displayed on your face. “After—” “Ohh.” you grab a pen from your desk, fidgeting it. “Um.. she said that it was a mistake and– to forget about it.” she looks back at you, “She what?” you nod.
She gets up from the chair, “Well, I'm gonna go. I'll see you later sestra.” you smile, waving her bye. “Bye Yelena!” she mouths bye, opening the door and leaving.
She goes up to Natasha's office, opening the door, too bothered to knock. “Hey 'Lena.” she walks up to her desk. “It was a mistake?” Natasha looks at her with a confused look. “Y/n.” “Who told you tha– oh.”
“Why would you say that to her? Natasha.” she sighs, dropping her attention from the computer to Yelena. “Because I'm scared.” she looks up at her sister. “For?” “She, I love her. I do, really. But–” Natasha pauses, looking at Yelena. “But the media wouldn't approve.. So? Natasha it's your life.”
“You have until next week to tell her how you feel.” Natasha widens her eyes, opening her mouth to argue. “Because I know she feels the same way.” “She does?” Yelena nods. “Next week Natasha.” she trails off, walking out of her office.
Natasha sighs, running her fingers through her red hair. How do I tell her?
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The next few days have been bad, you couldn't figure out why, you've been having the worst headaches lately. But you still went to work, obviously.
You were at your desk when Yelena came in your office, “Hey sestra what's up?” you look up at her, “Hey 'Lena, nothing much. You?” you croak out, your throat scratchy. “You okay Y/n?” you nod, weakly smiling at her.
“Well.. anything happening at work lately?” you huff, dropping your pen on the desk. “Other than Natasha bugging me.. I mean– she tells me it was a mistake but doesn't stop bothering me.” Yelena looks at you, “Do you think it was a mistake?” you hesitate, “No, but I'm respecting her opinion.”
“What if she changed her opinio—” Natasha walks in the room, Yelena stops. “Was I interrupting?” you shake your head, “No it's fine.” she looks at you the same way Yelena did, “Are you okay?” you lock eyes with her for a split second, “Yeah! Yeah.. I'm fine.”
She sighs, “You can take off for the day.” you look up at her, “Really?” “Yeah.” you thank her, picking up your paperwork. “Leave that, I'll tell someone else to do it.” you blink, “Thank you! Bye, I'll see you tomorrow Miss Romanoff, bye 'Lena!” you wave goodbye, leaving your office.
You feel the need to throw up as soon as you get home, you rush into your bathroom, and vomit. You get out, and drink water, throat still scratchy. What the fuck? ...
Days go by, you keep calling out sick. Natasha starts to worry, debating whether or not she should check up on you.
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Eventually, she drives to your apartment. Knocking on your door. You open it, widening your eyes when you see her in front of your door. “Miss Romanoff!” you open the door further, signaling her to come in.
“What– what are you doing here?” you ask, closing your door. “You haven't gone to work in 8 days, I'm worried Y/n.” you sit down across from her. “What's wrong? Is it me?” you stop her, “No! I mean‐ it is you but it isn't you.” she furrows her brows in confusion.
“Miss Romanoff I—” she cuts you off, “I'm in love with you.” you widen your eyes in shock, “Well that makes this 10 times easier.” you laugh nervously, “Makes what easier?” you fiddle with your fingers, looking down at your lap. “Natasha I'm.. pregnant.”
She looks over at you, “You– it's mine?” you nod your head. She moves closer to you, grasping your hand. “Are you keeping them?” you nod, “Yeah.” she brings a hand up to your cheek, “Can I—” you slam your lips with hers, kissing her deeply.
You break the kiss, gasping for air. “Natasha what would everyone think?” she squeezes your hand, “Don't worry detka, I have it under control.” you smile at her, “Okay..” you two sit in silence before you speak up, “Are you staying?” “If you want.” you kiss her cheek, “Of course I want you to stay.”
She smiles at you, “Then I'm staying.”
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The next week you back to work, when you enter your work building, you hear series of, “Congratulations Mrs. Romanoff.” not knowing what they meant by that, you go to Natasha's office.
“Y/n,” you set her cup of coffee on her desk. “What do they mean, "Mrs. Romanoff"?” she sighs, passing you a magazine. “Read it.” you grab it from her, reading it.
'Natasha Romanoff and wife expecting a baby' you put it back on her desk, “So.. I'm Mrs. Romanoff?” she nods, looking at you. You smile, taking a seat on her lap. “Baby I'm working..” you kiss her softly, “I could get used to 'Mrs. Romanoff'.”
She smiles, kissing you back. You hear a knock on the door, Natasha groans. “Come in.” Yelena barges into her office, “So my sister and bestfriend are having a baby and just happen to not tell me?”
Yelena looks at the both of your positions, widening her eyes. “Pretend I never came in here. Congratulations by the way sestra. I'm gonna go.” She runs out of Natasha's office, closing the door shut.
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serotonins-stuff · 7 months
I have a Bakugou x fem! reader request if you’re willing!
so reader is really smart but disguises it at school because she’s afraid people (especially boys) will think she’s stuck-up and unattractive. But Bakugou sees through her act and likes how smart she is and asks her out in his own Bakugou way.
Preferably fluff but suggestive bc Bakugou is turned on by smart women ;)
Smartass | K•Bakugo
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Includes : Fluff
Warnings : none
A/n: Apologies for only getting to the requests months later :), I've got quite slot on my schedule.
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Exhaustion wouldn't even be able to explain how you felt after an all nighter, studying your ass off for a biology test after all you've done the past week is hang out with your friends who could care less about good grades.
Being in this highschool meant that you would be classified as a nerd if anyone knew about the lengths you go through for a perfect score, so naturally you did everything you could to avoid that.
You never bragged or showed anyone your scores, you never raised your hand in class even if your mind was tearing you apart for knowing the answer, and because of this no one had gotten suspicious of your actions because you were sure to attract as little attention towards yourself as possible.
Though, at least that's what you thought.
You were convinced that you fooled everyone but, unbeknownst to you, there was always someone watching you from the corner of your eye.
Bakugo Katsuki, the only person in your class who found your behavior suspicious.
Occasionally he would pass by while you're talking to your friends in the hall and overhear you claim that you didnt study for the test. Though it would be a different story when he got a glance of your perfect score from where he sat behind you.
Today was no different, because as soon as you got your paper you flipped it upside down before a look of dissapproval crossed your features. It made his blood boil. Why would someone as smart as you not want to show off their skills to the world?
"We're going to have a class project" The teacher spoke out, "As you all know we're going to the aquarium next week-."
Various complains could be heard by some of the students and you tried to refrain from showing your excitement.
The idea of biology made you feel giddy inside. You were just imagining how calming it would be like to be in the presence of so much aquatic life, in the dimmly lit hues of the water cascading all around the building.
"As I was saying.." She cleared her throat and everyone went silent. "I'm going to be putting you in pairs"
Your heart dropped.
She had to be joking right?. The people in your class had to be the laziest people you had ever met in your life, and there was no way you were going to be stuck with them for a whole day.
Every group project you've been in, there would always be only one person who did the the work, while the others would slack off, and that person was you.
Nobody ever handed their assignments in on time or even took it the slightest bit of interest. You played along with their act, fearing that they'd judge you for being a goody two shoes if you spoke up. In your own time you'd sit by yourself to finish the project and of course they'd take all the credit. They always take the credit.
A pair of hands slammed down on your desk and you flinched.
"You dreaming in class?" He scoffed, staring you down with his crimson eyes, His face held a neutral expression, and could feel from his aura that he was trying to read you.
"Katsuki Bakugo" you said in acknowledgement, averting your eyes from his to break the somewhat intense staredown.
"Y/n L/n" he tilted his head, not once looking away from your face. "Pair up with me"
You looked at him with shock, was this the same Bakugo who always wanted to work by himself because 'everyone else is weak', now standing at your table demanding you to work with him?
You never really spoke to him in class, but often you'd find yourself staring at him whenever you had hero training. He was always so focused and well calculated. On the battle field he's better than you in every aspect.
He was smart, possibly even smarter you, so why did he need you on his team when he'd just fine by himself?
"Um, why me?" You you're voice wavered.
"You're one of the only idiots in this class who actually put in the effort"
Your eyes widened and you stared at him to search for any sign that he was joking, but he wasn't. Could this mean that he was one of the people that actually acknowleded your hard efforts?
"What you're what you're talking abo-"
He cut you off before rolling his eyes. "You can't pull that clueless act shit on me and you know that."
You avertes your gaze and he continued. "You get a perfect score on almost every test, yet you don't tell anyone that cause you don't wan em to know you're a smartass."
He would rather much have to work with you than the other people in the class, considering you always take the number two spot regarding academics. He's always right ahead of you, scowling in first place, but hell- even he had to admit that there was nothing hotter than a smart woman. If anything he wanted to see this smartness up close, test the limits, and see just how much of your intelligence you were hiding from everyone else.
Don't get him wrong, he loved getting first place, though it wasn't really worth it if his opponents weren't going to give him a challenge. He wanted to fight for his place, give blood his blood sweat and tears for it.
And what better way to do that then get his academic rival pumped up?
You sighed in defeat and he reached into his pocket to pull out his phone. "We'll have to do research, you free after school?"
He looked away slightly bashful as your fingers brushed against his to type in your number.
"Yeah I am, did you have any place in mind?"
"The cafe two blocks down, afterschool" he said abruptly and turned to leave but stopped when you spoke.
"I don't know where that is" you said softly.
"I'll walk you there after school" he replied, a tiny hint of nervousness coming from his voice.
He needed to end this conversation or else he was gonna end up looking like a tomato from all of this blushing. He practiced this conversation a million times in his head and even that wasn't enough to prepare him. Hearing your voice address him did things to him that nobody would ever understand. The look of your sweet gaze directed to him was more than he could ever ask for.
This class project was a great excuse for him to get to know you better, but you didn't need to know that.
It would've been embarrassing if you noticed him acting all weird, but luckily you were too trappped in your own little world to notice.
A/n. (again) : Focused on getting requests out :)
See you all on Friday.
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 year
Toji Fushiguro coming back to life to save (y/n) in Shibuya
Shibuya Arc scenarios that live in my head rent-free pt.ll
Pt. l with Gojo and Geto are here
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x reader
Word Count: 2,5k
Notes: Literally no one asked for this, I had to do this for myself after the latest episode okay. Loots of grief, hurt and language. Enjoy
„Hey, it’s been a while“, you mumble to yourself, mindlessly dropping a bouquet of flowers onto the stone in front of you.
“You’re not coming back, are you?”
It’s been more than 10 years to be exact. Ten years of working as an assassin, ten years of roaming around without an aim.
Ten years since losing him.
Back then, you never admitted to anyone how you felt about him, how his sight alone made your body do crazy things and lightened up your cloudy mood. He was never a man that was easy to love, let alone very emotional. When it comes to women, Toji probably was the worst man walking on this earth.
But oh how much you loved him. How much you adored the little smile he wore on his face when he teased you, how much you longed for his arms that wrapped themselves around you when nobody was watching, how much you miss his hands roaming all over your body while he fucked you brainless each and every night, screaming out his name like a prayer.
Losing him was the most unbearable pain you’ve ever felt, an event that made you forget your belief in love forever. He was never yours, but losing him shattered your fucking heart. Since he’s gone, you never let another man touch you again, living from alcohol, cigarettes and assignments.
And this.
You visited Toji’s grave whenever you felt enough courage to do so without breaking down. Day after day, week after week, year after year. Always with the same empty feeling that occupies your mind, the what ifs that plague your tired heart whenever you think of him.
Beep beep beep.
Who the hell is calling you right now?
“I’m busy doing nothing”, you bark into your phone.
“(y/n), just wanted to let you know that something’s going on in Shibuya. Rumor has it that that Gojo boy was sealed.”
“Impossible”, you breathe out, almost dropping your phone.
Gojo Satoru, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, the fucker that killed Toji all these years ago, is gone? Your heart bangs against your chest, mind unable to comprehend the words. This is your chance. The chance to seek revenge, to kill everyone he cares for in one place without resistance.
Everyone expect him.
“I don’t know how this will go. My kid, Megumi. If something happens, keep an eye on him for me, will ya?”
You promised. Despite the fact that you pushed Toji’s past away as far as you could, you have to keep an eye on his son when Gojo isn’t around anymore.
“I thought so too, but seems like that’s a fact.”
“Do we know anything else? Some dirty details?”
“Not really, but someone pretty strong has to be there if that person was able to seal that fucker, don’t you think?”
“Yeah”, you mumble.
“I will take a look at this myself.”
Without waiting for a reply, you hang up and start walking.
This is your chance. After all this years of suffering, regretting, anger and agony, you’ll finally get your revenge. You will show them what the strongest jujutsu sorcerer did to you by taking your love away, by destroying your life so violently that there’s no more happiness left. You will give him a taste of his own medicine.
If Gojo Satoru ever sees the light of day again, all of his beloved ones will be dead. You will make sure of that.
-at Shibuya-
“Jujutsu sorcerers and their fucking curtains”, you mutter to yourself while effortlessly walking through the barrier.
How pathetic to think that curses and other jujutsu sorcerers are their only enemies. After all, Toji was almost able to defeat the strongest of them with nothing but his own rough hands.
Almost. How much you hated that word. He was almost able to defeat Gojo, he was almost able to survive that battle, he almost made it home to you.
But he never did. And that’s why you’re here, standing on top of a tall building while scanning the area around you. A few seconds later, loud bangs can be heard from a stress a few miles away. You spring into action immediately, gliding over the buildings with your harness so effortlessly that even a trained eye wouldn’t detect you. In their world, you are invisible, nothing more than a shadow without jujutsu.
And that’s their weakness.
You stop on a house corner, immediately caught by the sight of none other than Megumi Fushiguro in front of you along with another boy and an old fart. Your heart clenches painfully at the way his cold eyes stare at the old man, his facial features taking you back in time. Oh, he looks so much like his father.
So much that you want to go back home and swallow a bottle of vodka to get his face off your mind. But no, you’re on a mission, you have to make sure that kid is alright and kill all of his friends. You’ve got a job to do, get a hold of yourself.
With skilled eyes, you judge how he moves, how he acts, how he fights. Well, he might not be the best fighter you have seen yet, but he sure has some potential. Together with his little friend, he should be able to defeat that old fart. If not, you’ll come back later.
While you swore on keeping an eye open for him, you’re reluctant to meet Megumi and somehow don’t want him to find out that you’re after his friends and sensei. So you tear your gaze away from him, aiming for the skyscraper in front of you where another fight takes place. Whoever this is will be the first victim of your killing streak.
You will make every single one of these bastards pay for what Gojo did. You will make them feel the way you felt after his decease.
And over.
It isn’t hard for you to get up Shibuya tower in the matter of seconds, the harsh winds waving through your hair. Your heart pounds, eyes darting around the area.
Three people, two men are fighting while an old lady sits on the ground.
“And who of you belongs to that Gojo fucker?”, you mumble, gripping both of your katana’s tightly.
This is the moment. After Gojo is sealed, this is your opportunity to finally seek revenge, to kill every single one of them. When this fucker returns, he’ll be alone.
Just like you are since he killed Toji.
“What the hell are you doing here? Get lost”, the old woman hisses.
You stare at the broad back of the man who hits the other without mercy. Damn, that speed, that precision. It’s like back then. His fine technique almost makes him look like…
Automatically, your feet carry you forward. You swing yourself in the air, feet ready to kick the broad man into his chest.
“Don’t you think this is a little unfair?”, you shout.
His eyes dart towards you.
He grabs your ankle.
All you can do is stare at him, mind going completely blank.
His face. This gorgeous face you adored so much. The little scar that emphasized the corner of his delicious mouth so well. His collarbone that creeps through the sweater he’s wearing. No, there’s no doubt. The man standing in front of you is Toji.
“Get out of the way, woman.”
Toji’s frame slams your body against the ground merciless. You see stars, lungs refusing their service as all you can do is stare in horror at the shell of the man you used to love, glimmer of hope nipped in the bud.
This isn’t his voice. This isn’t his smile.
This just isn’t Toji.
You hate the way your eyes start to water as he grabs your throat and yanks you upwards.
“You are not Toji. How dare you to use his body like that”, you cough out.
Instead of replying, he just smiles at you so heartlessly that you feel like throwing up. No, this simply can’t be Toji. This is the empty shell of the man you’ve lost. Feelings flood your heart uncontrollably. Anger, grief and most of all disappointment haunting and bringing you to your knees. God, how much you wished it was true. For the split of a second, you really thought this was him. Your Toji, the man you haven’t forgot after all these years, the only one you ever sacrificed your heart to.
But he’s gone. And he won’t come back.
“There needs to be a corpse for shapeshifting. Dumb girl, of course this isn’t Toji Zen’in. But you will die through his hands.”
Your body refuses to move. All you can do is watch as he throws the body of the other man down, off the tower, into certain death.
Fuck. Is this really how it ends?
“Y’know, you’re actually not that bad.”
“I hope so, jackass. Otherwise I’ll throw you out.”
“C’mon princess, don’t be like that. Y’know I’m obsessed with you.”
“Oh yeah? Might need to hear that again…”
“I’d rather show you.”
Like in slow-motion, his frame casually walks back and comes to a stand next to the old woman. Every limb of your body screams out in pain, lungs feeling like they’ll rip apart any minute. So this is the force of Toji Fushiguro.
It could be funny, actually. You always thought Toji is the strongest man on this earth, admired him for his sheer strength despite not being a jujutsu sorcerer. But when he was with you, his deadly touch became gentle, caressing you with what felt like…love.
Did he really love you? Who knows. But you did. Oh, how much you loved that man – the man whose back is now faced towards you, muscles tight by the thought of killing you with his bare hands.
Is there anything more ironic than getting killed by Toji Fushiguro?
“I would rather die through his hands than living like this until I’m as old and ugly as you.”
“I know, granny.”
He turns around. The shell of the man you thought about every night before drifting off to sleep, the man that is the only one you ever dedicated your heart to. That oh so rough face that felt so gentle against your fingertips. How much you’d give to talk to him one last time, to let him know how you really feel.
With a swift motion, he grabs your throat again, feet hanging in the air as you feel like life is slowly drifting away from you. Before your blurry vision threatens to eat you alive, he slams your already weak body into the floor, blood spurting in every direction.
Nothing but darkness and this foreign far away voice that speaks out of his body.
“That should be enough.”
Your fingers twitch. Is this the end? His footsteps echo through your brain.
“Granny, wh-wh-wh-wh-what do whe do now?”
“It won’t hurt to keep Satoru Gojo out of play. So go down below and kill sorcerers.”
“Who the hell do you think you’re ordering around, old hag? And how dare you to hurt ma princess?”
That voice…You must be hallucinating. It sounds just like him, just like you remember it. That deep unpromising vibration that made you go crazy more than once.
A shriek, a dull fall, silence. Footsteps that are approaching you again. Heavy, confident steps.
“I thought you can take more than that, princess.”
Hands grab your shoulders gently, lifting your bruised and weak body out of the dirt. You force yourself to open your heavy eyelids, mind still trying to process what is happening.
You stare right into his ocean blue eyes.
“Missed me?”
Your shaky breath rings in your ears, trembling hands searching for hold on his shoulders.  
Nothing more than a fade whisper in the night, a faint hope resonates.
“You’re still looking hot.”
Tears swell up your eyes before you can catch yourself while you wrap your aching arms around him for dear life. This has to be a dream, some cruel technique, a hallucination. But you don’t give a fuck. At the moment, all you can think about is how he wraps his large arms around your waist and back while holding the back of your head and the way he smells.
God, he smells just like you remember, just like the Toji you knew.
“Please tell me you’re back. Tell me this isn’t just a cruel dream. I don’t want to wake up anymore….”
“Live and in color. It’s been a while”, he comments.
Your eyes dart towards him and his sly grin. The grin you know all too well, the grin you adored more than anything else in the world.
“I missed you every single fucking day. And now…And now you’re standing in front of me. Alive”, you stammer.
“These fuckers thought they could use my powers against you. Ain’t no way  I’d let this happen princess. Even if it means going to hell and back to be with you.”
Your fingers trace over his cheeks, his collarbones, his broad chest.
“It’s me, (y/n)”, he confirms your unspoken question.
“I missed you.”
“Yeah? Missed ya too. And can’t wait to show you how much. But work comes first and I still have a lot of shit to do.”
“I came here to take revenge, to kill all of Gojo’s little puppies for what he did to you”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
“What a good girl you are, I always loved ya for that. Let’s get you out of here first. I’ll be back in a few hours, ‘kay?”
Toji…Loves you? Your hands dig into his firm biceps, eyes piercing right through him for any sign of sarcasm, any sign of manipulation.
But no, it’s clear. The man in front of you is indeed Toji Fushiguro. And he told you that he loves you.
He’s back and he loves you.
“I love you. Fuck, I love you so much! Living without you was hell”, you cry out, completely breaking down in tears while he holds you in his arms.
“I know princess, I know… Will catch up on everything, I promise. Let’s get you outta here. So sorry for hurting you like that.”
He picks you up in his arms while you allow yourself to close your eyes and lean your face against his chest. This might be a manipulation, a dream and nothing more. But you never thought you’d get him back. Fuck, after more than 10 years you’re really back in his arms.
Screw if this isn’t real. For this precious moment, you finally feel home again.
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xoxoxkisses · 3 months
desc: strangers-> friends, friends-> lovers, fluff, angst, modern au, fem reader
warnings: sh! mention, angst(again), not proofread.
You were different from most people. You were quiet and kept to yourself unlike everyone else. Because of this, you didn’t have many friends…actually you didn’t have any. You didn’t mind though, you liked the peace of keeping to yourself.
As you were walking to your next class, you heard a lot of people talking about two people. You overheard their names were Yuichiro and Muichiro. Apparently they were new kids and they were “super cute” according to most of the girls in your class. As your class was starting, someone knocked on the door. Everyone paused as the teacher went to open the door. As she walked back in, a boy with black hair and team tips followed her. “Everyone, this is Muichiro Tokito! I hope you all give him a warm welcome here!” She smiled at him and he bowed towards everyone. “Muichiro, you can sit by Y/n L/n. Y/n, raise your hand.” You looked at the awkward boy and raised your hand.
As he sat down beside you, you could feel the stares from everyone and kept your head low. The teacher continued the lecture and you continued writing your notes. “Um excuse me, Y/n, right?” You looked up at him with your usual blank stare. “Yeah?” “Can I have a pen please?” You rolled your eyes at him. How irresponsible. You grabbed your bag and started looking for a pen. You found one and gave it to him, his face lit up like you gave him a million dollars. “Thanks Y/n.” You just nodded at him and continued taking notes.
At lunch you went to your usual spot in the back. You were usually the only one who sat there, besides the few times some people had to sit there due to the seats being full. As you were eating, someone came over to you. “Y/n, may I sit with you?” You looked up to see the boy from earlier. You covered your mouth and swallowed. “Don’t you have anyone else you want to sit with?” When you said that he let out a sigh and rubbed his neck. “Well you see, you’re the only person I’ve talked to today.” You turned back to your food and patted your hand on the table space beside you, inviting him to sit. You didn’t see the smile on his face as he realized you allowed him to sit there.
“So Y/n, why does no one else sit here?” You were kind of surprised someone cared that you were alone. “Well, I’m different from the others. No one really tries to become my friend and I don’t try to become theirs, so I’ve sort of earned the title of being the ‘loner’ of this school.” He seemed to be deep in thought, thinking about what you said, when he suddenly lit up again. “Well now you won’t have to be a loner bc you have me!” You smiled to yourself and continued eating.
Ever since that day, Muichiro clung to you everywhere you went. He mostly talked to you and told you things about him and you sometimes would say something about yourself. You found out he had a twin, Yuichiro. And the two of you became friends as well. It seemed everyone knew about your newfound friendship with the brothers, and more people tried being your friend. You declined however, you knew it was just because of the twins.
“Y/n, can I come over today?” It was usual for him to come over. Yuichiro never did, but you didn’t mind. “Yeah sure.” He walked home with you that day, talking all the way to your house. Once you got there, you led him up to your room. “I’m going to go change, if you want to aswell, you know where your clothes are.” You grabbed a hoodie and some shorts and went to your bathroom to change. When you got back, Muichiro was already changed. You both agreed on watching some movies and play board games.
As the two of you were watching the movie, Muichiro began to get curious. “Y/n?” You acknowledged him but didn’t turn to him. “Yeah?” You didn’t see, but he got uncomfortable knowing his question was not any of his business. “Why do you always were long sleeves?” You felt your breath get caught in your throat. “I-um, I just get cold easily.” He sighed at your response. “Y/n, i know that’s not why.” You scratched your throat out of nervousness. He grabbed your hand. “Don’t do that, it causes a mark. Y/n, please be honest with me, are you hurting yourself?” Muichiro was smarter than he looked, he could pinpoint when your mood shifted. The way your eyes moved away from him and your demeanor changed.
He pulled you into a hug. “You know I’m here for you, right?” You hugged him back, holding onto him tightly as you nodded your head. You couldn’t tell if it was him confronting you or him comforting you that made you cry, but before you knew it, you were sobbing into his shirt. He whispered the same thing over and over again. “I’m here for you.” You two stayed like that for a few minutes, until your sobs quieted and your breathing steadily slowed. “Can I stay the night?” You nodded into his shirt. You didn’t want him to leave and he knew that. The two of you had only been friends for 3 months, but you each meant a lot to the other.
As he went to get an extra blanket and pillow, you followed holding onto his shirt. You didn’t want to let him go. He knew that too, but he wasn’t going anywhere. Once he had the blanket and pillow he motioned for you to go lie down. You hesitated, but you let go of his shirt and lied down. He soon followed and got beside you. He got comfortable and when he did, he wrapped his arm around your waist. You curled up next to him, you were already close, but you wanted to be closer. Soon enough, you both fell asleep.
It’s been a few months since that night, and Muichiro couldn’t deny his feelings for you anymore. “Y/n, I’m coming over today.” You looked up from what you were doing and smiled at him. “Okay!”
At your house, you could tell he was nervous. You grabbed his hand, he flinched. “Hey, are you okay?” He looked at you and it seemed like his worries went away. You were looking into his eyes, feeling the tension in the room. Suddenly, he leaned in and his lips crashed into yours. You were taking aback, but you kissed him back. He pulled away. “I’m sorry Y/n, I like you, a lot.” You chuckled at him. “Me too Muichiro.”
Since that day, the two of you began dating. Muichiro would refer to you as a wildflower. So beautiful, but no one knew exactly what they were. They were quiet, yet loud. It seemed they hid themselves away in fields and were only brought out if someone grabbed one. Just like you.
a/n: I haven’t been feeling the best so I won’t be posting as much in the next couple of days!
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ayanominitrash · 10 months
Stay Awake For Me (Sukuna x reader)
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I first posted this on Ao3 here.
**contains cussing and mentions of taking medication One shot where the reader is a sleepy university student and Ryomen Sukuna is the infamous mean frat boy classmate. An encounter in class resulted in him finding out you're taking meds for anxiety.
₊˚ ♡
University certainly kicks ass, and it certainly is incredibly expensive. You try your best to keep up with the never-ending piles of homework and your hectic part-time night shift job at the nearby fast food chain. The pay was shit but you'd do anything to support yourself instead of relying solely on your siblings' money to help you through school.
Unfortunately, you couldn't keep up with it all with your past school schedule, so you dropped one of your subjects and replaced it with one that's a bit later than usual. This is hilarious on your part because after lunch was usually when your sleep-deprived self has caught up with you and you end up dozing off in that class almost all the time.
Today was no different. Your eyelids feel heavy as you take a seat. It wasn't your usual seat but you couldn't care less as your head falls down in your arms as you take a nap while the class was waiting for the professor.
It wasn't long till you were shoved off of your seat and onto the floor, squealing out in surprise as you rub your aching bottom from the fall.
"The fuck you think you're doing sitting on my chair, brat?"
The metal stands of the chair you once sat on grinds against the floor before the tall man takes a seat, looking down at you with a disgusted look on his face.
It was Ryomen Sukuna. He's a notorious frat boy who everyone feared. This wasn't your first time interacting with him so you weren't surprised by his brash behavior.
The same goes for the other people in the class. They stopped in their conversation when you fell, but seeing that it was Sukuna, they weren't surprised and went back to their own thing.
"S-sorry, I didn't know I was sitting at - "
"Well, now you know. Now, get the fuck out of my space." He says as he waved a hand like he is dismissing you.
You quickly gather the stuff that fell with you, scrambling to stand up. You hear something metallic fall out of your bag, to which you seem to notice Sukuna was going to say something about it when the professor finally shows up. You hurriedly find your usual seat at the back and plop down before the scary man can say anything else.
₊˚ ♡
It was finally the end of class and you managed to stay awake this time. The incident probably helped you stay alert. The class said their goodbyes to the professor and you were quick to gather your things and walk out the door. During the class, Sukuna keeps on looking back at you with a quizzical look on his face. You don't know what this means but you certainly aren't going to hang back after class to find out. For all you know, the man was thinking of different ways to murder you.
It was either he was fast as hell or you were moving too slow because he caught up to you in the middle of the hallway, pulling you by the back of your collar to stop you.
"Brat, stop walking so fast. Geez." Sukuna says as you turn around to look up at him.
"L-look, it was a little mistake. I didn't notice that it was your chair -"
"Shut up." He simply says before his hand reaches something from his pocket. "You dropped this, genius."
One look was all it takes before you immediately grabbed the metallic item from his hand. You quickly looked around to see if anyone saw the thing before sighing in relief.
"That some kind of birth control or something?"
"W-what?! Do I look like someone who has an active sex life for that kind of thing?!" You say, cheeks and ears turning pink at the ludicrous statement that left the tall man's lips.
He simply shrugs. "The fuck is it then?"
"I-it's my... .my prescription meds. F-for my anxiety. Please don't tell anyone."
"Oh," He has the same quizzical look he was giving you in class, but this time, it was more thoughtful. The tall man suddenly smiles widely. "So you're a psycho or something, then? Crazy?"
This was something that may seem normal for anyone, like off-handed teasing but this was a sensitive topic for you and something in you snap. Suddenly, you weren't afraid of the man in front of you anymore. You throw him a stormy look on your face, the best that you can muster that he actually looks a bit surprised. Without saying anything, you turn around to speedwalk out of the hallway, trying to get a good distance away from the prick.
"Woah, woah, there. What's the matter, struck a nerve?" Sukuna quickly caught up beside you. With him being taller than you, it was an easy few strides for him to fall in step beside you despite your efforts. "It was a joke, you silly fuck. Don't get all emotional on me, yeah?"
You didn't look back at him, your brows still furrowed and your eyes glued to the ground. Suddenly, he puts a hand on your head and ruffled your hair, much to your surprise.
"C'mon, let's have lunch together." He says in a soft voice that you were caught off guard a bit. "I'll try to make sure you don't fall asleep on your food."
₊˚ ♡
Ryomen Sukuna, the frat boy feared by everyone, wouldn't stop bothering you after that. He would follow you in between classes, hands in his pocket. Pestering you until you two fall into your usual banter, throwing insults just for shits and giggles. People were raising eyebrows about how Sukuna treated you. He was still being a prick but he's more mellow when it comes to you. Although he was starting to get annoyed at how you're always knocked out whenever he goes out looking for you.
"And here he comes," Your batchmate, Maki, says as your friend group watches Sukuna approach your table outside the schoolyard. This is where you, Maki, and Nobara hang out whenever the three of you have a free period. "And look, he even bought her a drink."
Nobara wiggles her eyebrows, "Wonder if that's the only thing he'll do to keep her up."
"I can hear both of you bitches." Sukuna says as he reaches the table.
He clicks his tongue when his eyes land on you, passed out on the table. There was a slight pool of saliva where your cheek met the table. It was gross but Sukuna secretly finds it adorable, with your hair matting against your forehead with your sweat.
"Now, whatever shall you mean? All we heard was the sound of love birds chirping in the air!" Maki teases, nudging Nobara with her elbow.
"Leave or I'll spill this drink on both of you."
Nobara puts her hands up as if to surrender. "Okay, okay. We'll leave you both to it. Y/n, your boyfriend's here!"
She nudges you lightly in an attempt to wake you to no avail. They leave the both of you as they make their way back to the University entrance.
Sukuna places the can of energy drink near your face as he takes a seat across from you. He looks at your sleeping face for a bit with a soft look in his eyes before shoving you harshly, almost falling off your seat like the last time.
"Stop sleeping, brat. Anymore sleeping and you might start missing me."
You wipe the drool off your cheek and raise an eyebrow at him. " Oh? Isn't it the other way around?"
"Why would I fucking miss you? I practically see your ugly face every day."
"Yeah, cus you keep following me. You even bought me an energy drink just to keep me awake, huh?." You cup the said beverage in hand, grateful that it's still cold.
"Don't feel too fucking special. Someone from my fan club bought that for me. I'll give it to you since I already had one."
"Liar," a smirk playing on your lips.
Opening the lid of the can, you take a sip from it as Sukuna watches you. You don't know when the two of you had gotten so close that you'd end up like this but you don't mind.
"Hey, why are you being so nice to me anyway?" You say as you settle the can back down the table.
Sukuna leans his head in his palm with a bored look. "I'm not being fucking nice to you. Who said?"
"I mean, you're clearly harsher with everyone else. So why am I different?"
"Exactly. Why are you different?"
You hit him with a deadpan and he just grins at you. "There's nothing much to it, brat. I'm just bored and I got nothing else to do."
"And well," He continues, his eyes looking away from you. "My younger brother, Yuji, is on the same meds as you. So in a way, you kind of remind me of him."
"Do you happen to want to kiss your brother, by any chance?"
He scoffs, "Shut up smart mouth. Who says about anyone wanting to kiss you?"
"Just had a hunch, is all." You wiggle your eyebrows at him to which he just scoffs again, not missing the slight twitch of his lips.
Silence falls between the two of you for a while, engulfed in both of your own thoughts. You smiled at him suddenly, to which he lifts his brows in both question and surprise.
"Thank you for being nice to me." You say in a small voice.
He quickly looks away and you note that the tips of his ears turn pink.
"Fuck off, brat. You just think I'm nice to you because you're too busy sleeping to know how I really act."
⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
(❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡ reblogs and comments are appreciated//do not repost my work anywhere
another mid plot and writing but i wrote this when i first started drinking antidepressants just to cope and to feel comforted
i hated it and stopped drinking it after a while tho ://
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f10werfae · 2 years
My wife is fine, thanks
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pairing: Husband!Henry x Wife!Reader
summary: I LOVE YOUR HENRY CAVILL POSTS!So can I request an Instagram blurb for wife!reader (obv for Henry Cavill), where fans react to wife!reader and henry having an age gap (10+). (requested by @chaotictwig)
requests are open/likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Full M.List, Henry M.List, Taglist Form
@/hellostarsky: Can everyone stop hating on Henry, so what if he’s 39 and she’s 28?? They’re both legal consenting adults, he did not groom her and treats her with the utmost respect. She does not need the stress of you guys while she’s pregnant with their baby.
@/caviilll: I don’t care what anyone says, Y/n and Henry are so mf cute. The way he spoils the hell out of her and just always holds her close♥️♥️ If only
@/relatimefr: Ok but their age gap is so weird, she was being born when he was like 11 wtf
>> @/Prettyprincess: They lit started dating at 24 and 35, you can calm yourself honey, they did nothing but fall in love☠️
@/Henry Cavill: Happy 29th birthday to my lovely beautiful wife, the future mother to our baby(ies) and my best friend in life. Glad to be doing life with you and no one else, can’t wait to see you when I get home tonight, both you and baby Cavill ♥️
@/Holymacsncheese: But their age gap suits them sm, Y/n makes sure Henry keeps up to date with all the new things today, and he grounds her to a sense of comfort and love. They compliment each other so much, match made in heaven I say
@/Polypockets: yall acting as if he groomed her straight out of highschool, they literally met on set where she had to play his wife, yall just jealous cause it ain’t you 💋
@/Y/nCavill: 35 Weeks today! Baby Cavill is now officially nearly here, unfortunately i’ll be taking a break from future projects for some time, I want to finally settle down and accept my new role. The role of motherhood. Hope you all understand, Y/n xx
>> @/HenryCavill: I’d like to follow this by saying that, after this new movie I will also be taking a break for the next year or so, who knows. Just would like you all to know that I appreciate those who support us wholeheartedly, and I can’t wait to start this new journey!
@/User19204726: That picture of Henry showing Y/n new dresses in the maternity shop while she’s sitting watching him, is the cutest thing. She was too tired to walk about the shop, so he literally went around and got everything to have a mini fashion show for her
@/pumpituplease: God bless Y/n for posting pictures of Henry painting the nursery, that man is giving real dilf material now, and we can’t forget about the milf Y/n. Sexiest Power couple for realsies
@/geraltlovers: Omg I thought we were over the whole age gap thing?! Why the hell are papers still calling him all these names and calling Y/n naïve?? They lit have a child together, get a grip
>> @/petalsforpeps: omg ikr, like get over yourselves because they don’t care about what you have to say
@/Y/nCavill: Henry and I would like to welcome baby Penelope into the world, she arrived on September 25th and is currently rocking it! No pictures will be shared, hope you all understand that ♥️
@/rainbowsncakes: Omg that photo Y/n posted with Henry’s back to the camera, you can just see the tiniest bit of baby Penelope’s hair out of the corner of his arm, AND ITS DARK HAIR, SHE GOT HIS CURLY HAIR I BET
>>> @Y/nCavill: NO BECAUSE THIS IS TRUE, 38 HOURS OF PURE HARD LABOUR. Thankful for all the nurses, doctors, midwives and especially my bear of a husband who didn’t leave me alone once♥️
@/user823783: Fuck this family bullshit, when is Henry gonna back to our screens?!
>> @/HenryCavill: i’m sorry but I don’t tolerate anyone speaking about my family like that, a fan of mine wouldn’t speak of people I love like that. We want to live a peaceful life full of love, if you can’t respect that then i’m glad i’m not back to work yet. Family comes first.
@/HenryCavill: I love my wife @Y/nCavill and my gorgeous daughter Penelope, the exact double of me I must say (sorry babe) I also love the people who support me, and it hurts me to say that it’s a minority of you that seem to keep harassing my family. Please respect our lives, not only has our relationship been through enough, but our privacy has been violated more than enough times. Enough is enough.
>> @/jellyjumpbean: What sorta losers are still hating on them?! Can we please grow up and stop being delusional, the man is happy with his own family now. None of then deserve this abuse and especially not little Penelope who hasn’t even been here 5 minutes
@/Dcornarvel: Y/n is absolutely growing post pregnancy, you would never guess that she’s edging 30, Henry is one lucky man for real
>> @/HenryCavill: That I am. Thank you very much my friend ♥️
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aphroditelovesu · 10 months
Yandere Cassian Headcanons (Romantic)
''You are everything I ever wanted and I will protect you with everything in me.'' — Cassian.
❝ ⭐ — lady l: Do I have a soft spot for him? I have. Can you blame me? Probably not. Ah, I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of murder, jealousy, unhealthy relationships.
❝ ⭐pairing: yandere!cassian x gender neutral!reader.
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Cassian is very passionate and intense, his feelings are overwhelming and he needs to vent them in one way or another. Usually he does it by fighting, but he needs love. He needs you.
You are everything he ever wanted. It doesn't matter if you're his mate or not, Cassian is completely in love with you and he only wants you.
He can't remember ever wanting someone as much as he wants you. Cassian just knew that he loved you, that he needed you in his life and he wouldn't stop until he got it.
Cassian is a lovesick puppy, basically. He will follow you everywhere with passionate eyes, his wings spreading menacingly to anyone who dares to approach you.
He has no qualms about eviscerating alive anyone who dares to look at you the wrong way. You are all that matters and he will never let you be hurt. And anyone foolish enough to try will regret it very quickly.
He will do anything for you. Anything. Just order and it's yours. Do you want an expensive shoe? It's yours. Do you want a Spring Court rare flower? He'll sneak in there and get it for you. Everything, anything, just ask him.
To say he is overprotective is an understatement, Cassian is completely obsessive when it comes to your safety. Anything that shouldn't be there will be cause for concern and murderous rage. Even if it's just a broken nail, if you weren't the one who broke it, you can be sure that someone will die.
Cassian can't help but be so overprotective, he just wants to take care of you. It's his Illyrian instincts screaming at him to rip apart anyone who poses a threat to you. He's your bodyguard, basically.
He is your biggest fan. If you do anything, he will be rooting for you. If he could, he would wear a t-shirt with your face showing how much pride he has for you. He also constantly seeks your attention and approval.
Cassian would love to train you if you want, although he knows it's dangerous, he wants you to be able to protect yourself if he's not around. He would never forgive himself if something happened to you because he didn't want to teach you how to defend yourself.
Like all males, Cassian is very possessive and jealous and this is nothing new. He gets jealous very easily and generally acts petty about it. In the blink of an eye, he'll be at your side, pulling you into his embrace and staring at whoever made him deathly jealous. No one will take you away from him. No one.
He wants you to be happy with him. That's all he asks. He does not deserve? After all the shit he's been through, Cassian feels like he deserves to be happy and he knows he can only be happy with you. You are everything to him.
Cassian can be called a brute and, although he can often act like that, he is a teddy bear to you. He loves to hold you, hide you in his wings and just be by your side. He needs to always be touching you and not always in a sexual way, he just needs to have confirmation that you are real.
His touches are always soft and gentle on you, as if he's scared of breaking you. Cassian would never forgive himself if he ended up hurting you.
Cassian is a big softie for you. He would never hurt you and would always put you above everything and everyone, including his own family. You are everything to him, his life, his motivation and his reason for breathing. He would die and kill for you in a heartbeat. Cassian just wants to be loved and you are everything he loves, so don't abandon him. He wouldn't react well to that.
He would never force you to stay with him, but Cassian wouldn't let you go. He can't lose anyone else and he won't. You are his and you will always be his.
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bunnypeew · 4 months
Do you write nsfw alphabets?? if yes then valentino alphabet valentino alphabet valentino alphabet valentino alphabet val 🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀👄👁️ (i'm mentally ill)
Valentino NSFW alphabet
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self explantory MDNI THANK YOU
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He would defintly prepare a bubble bath for you after it since he's pretty rough with it and wants to make sure you are in perfect shape for him
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his favorite body parts of his are obviously his wings! cuz even tho they are very big they are still pretty sensitive, while on you it would be the breats/chest part, he loves to touch there since its almost always the most sensitive part of someones body
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he's not scared of cumming inside, also loving it doesn't help that you are most probably getting cream pied every single time :)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he doesnt really have a dirty secret, everyone knows he's into anything so
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
hes the Overlord of p0rn for fuck sake, he knows what he's doing for sure, since he had a lot time to practice too
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
mating press. MATING PRESS. even tho he knows he cant get you pregnant he wants you to take every single drop of his cum
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Hes not a really humorous person in general but he does like to make you laugh sometimes during the deed, just to make sure you are enjoying yourself too
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I like to believe he completly clean shaven, he's doesn't like hair and messy so he cuts it completely
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
again he doesnt seem like the romantic type, but with you its a completely different thing, he loves you a lot even tho he's doesn't like to show it, sometimes he just cant help but be kind of lovey dovey during sex
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he likes to do it a lot, especially when you arent around, he used to have a lot of fwb before he met you, but now he restrains from fucking anyone else lol
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
OH LORD DOES HE HAVE KINKS,,, he has way to many to list I'm gonna be honest, he likes and accepts everything
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
everywhere. LITERALLY everywhere. he doesnt care if he gets caught, if he wants you he wants you, end of discussion
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
usually hes a really horny person in general but what gets him going is when you wear something revealing, or seeing you naked
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I'm really not sure about this one chief 🤔
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he prefers giving, he wants to make sure that you are the one enjoying it
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
fast and rough 100% self explanatory
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He loves quickies, especially if he needs to go to work after cuz then it means he will be in a good mood
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
like I said in the Location part he doesn't care, he will take the risk if it means you'll both feel good
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he will go for a ton of rounds, that is until you are worned out, for him you could go on for forever
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he likes to use vibrators, to make you feel even better during sex,, usually its an internal one :3
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He teases A LOT,, he likes to be a dickhead about it
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's really loud, grunts. moans and whimpers will be heard from him all the time you are doing it
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
As I said in the title I imagine him as a switch so he fw everything, especially pegging ;)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
hes pretty big, but it doesnt show cuz he usually tucks, but lets say 8 inches soft and 9.5 inches when hars :3
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
hes libido is really high. hes horny at all times of the day so ahahah
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
hes an old man. He will fall asleep right after idc
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