#my parents and my two girlfriends that are best friends i love when they french kiss
plushyluke · 2 years
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i got the magazine <3 😭
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amirasainz · 2 months
omgg!! could you write baby!sainz going to the met gala and the grid watching the livestream of her walking the carpet 🤍
Omg, I love this story. I'm a huge fan of the Met Gala and Vogue. I hope you enjoy reading and don't forget to send some requests. -XoXo
The Met Gala
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Amira’s excitement was palpable. The Met Gala—an event she had always dreamed of attending—was finally within her grasp. As a child, she would secretly stay up late with her Abuela to watch the glamorous affair, hidden from her parents’ knowledge.
When the coveted invitation arrived, Amira couldn’t contain herself. She let out a joyous scream, prompting Carlos Sr. and Jr. to rush upstairs in alarm. “Mijha, what happened?” her father asked frantically. “Papá, Papá! Look! I got invited to the Met Gala!” she exclaimed, her happiness overflowing.
Carlos Sr. breathed a sigh of relief before pulling her into a tight hug. After celebrating with her father and her brother Carlos, Amira wasted no time in sharing the news with her mother and sister. The house echoed with even more screams of excitement, and the two Sainz men exchanged knowing glances. It was a moment Amira would cherish forever—a dream come true at last.
Amira’s long-awaited day had finally arrived. Unfortunately, her family couldn’t be there with her; they were in Spain. Her brother and friends were all in Miami. However, Carlos had promised that they would watch her, which eased her mind.
At 5 p.m., she prepared with her team. Ryan, her makeup stylist, was one of the best in the business. Shanaya, her hair stylist and close friend, was always her go-to for events. As expected, they did an amazing job.
Her dress, a stunning blend of white and blue, was a creation by Dior. It reminded her of the waves in Spain on a windy day—comfortable yet elegant, making her look like a Spanish princess.
“Nervous?” she asked her two friends as she examined herself in the mirror. “Amira, you look—” Ryan began, but Shanaya playfully interrupted, “Perfekt!” Ryan added, “Now, vamos! You want to be fashionably late, not annoyingly late.” Their banter made Amira laugh.
Stepping out of the car, the flashbulbs went wild. Amira tried to maintain her poker face, but when Kim Kardashian and Lana Del Rey greeted her so sweetly, she couldn’t help but grin. They all sat at the same table, and that day marked the beginning of new friendships.
Photographers clamored for her attention, capturing her ethereal presence. With a lovely smile, she waved at one of the broadcast cameras, ready to embrace the magic of the Met Gala.
“There she is! Oh, look at her!” exclaimed an excited George. The drivers gathered in Max’s room, surrounded by snacks. They had banned their girlfriends from entering—knowing that chaos would ensue. For the past hour, they’d been scrutinizing every look, but none of them quite matched Amira’s.
“My God,” whispered a starstruck Oscar. Lando sat silently next to Carlos, unable to put his feelings into words. Carlos himself felt tears welling up, his little sister looked stunning. He couldn’t have been prouder.
Charles and Pierre exchanged excited whispers in French. “Regarde ça, calamar,” Pierre said. “Je sais. Elle est vraiment la plus belle fille du monde,” Charles replied. Pierre teased, “Ne laisse pas Alex entendre ça.” Charles chuckled, “Alex serait d’accord avec moi.” Then he added playfully, “Comme si Kika et toi ne pensiez pas la même chose.” The best friends burst into laughter.
Max was on the phone with Kelly, passionately maxplaining Amira’s perfect look. Daniel busily snapped pictures of her. Even Yuki stopped eating, captivated by her presence. The camera stayed focused on Amira throughout. When it was time to film another celebrity, chaos erupted in the room—they all wanted to see their Amira.
The next day, it came as no surprise that all the Formula 1 drivers bought fashion magazines featuring Amira Sainz. She had left an indelible mark on the Met Gala, and her star continued to rise.
Bonus (+) Amira sat at the table, flanked by her newfound friends Kim and Lana. The Met Gala buzzed around them, a whirlwind of glamour and excitement. Suddenly, someone’s hands covered her eyes, and she instinctively turned around. There stood Lewis, a smile playing on his lips.
“Lew-Lew!” she exclaimed, her joy evident. She wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. “Hi, pretty girl,” he whispered into her ear. “I didn’t know you were here.” Lewis’s possessive arm encircled her waist as he settled into the seat next to her.
The star-studded night continued, and Amira found herself surrounded by both old and new friends. And Lewis? He didn't leave her side the whole night.
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judysxnd · 1 year
Hello! Can you write one where Pedro surprises his girlfriend at her masters graduation? (She studied psychology if that has any importance :)) It doesn’t have to be a long one! 🖤
I actually have no idea how the ceremony for the graduation in America is like, I’m French and we don’t get anything when we graduate in college.. I just know how it goes at the end of high school, so my bad if it sounds similar even if in reality it probably isn’t. I actually remembered one that I saw in the show “my wife and kids” (that I love sooooo much), but it’s pretty old so idk if it’s still the same!
Also I’m trying not to use the same pics on my fics, but it’s hard to remember the one I used, and I’m running low 😂
Today is a big day. It is your graduation. You’ve been pretty nervous but also extremely excited. There were a few ambiguous feelings forming in your stomach, but all for a good reason. After years of hard work, studying on a passion subject that you always loved and will always be loving: psychology. It’s always been a big part of you, you’ve always been interested in psychology and a lot of people told you that too.
At first you had been very hesitant to go back to college. You had tried a few years back, but it didn’t really work. Also it wasn’t the same degree. You feared it would do the same thing this time. Luckily, you close friends, family and your boyfriend were supporting you. You had a lot of phone calls with your mom, lots of texts with your dad, and it was Pedro who helped you go on campus, to meetings and stuff before actually making the move to go there.
Pedro has been a huge part of your decision. If he hadn’t been here supporting you, you didn’t think you would go through this alone. It’s a big decision, change in situation to go back to college after working and earning money. A lot is aspects change. But Pedro didn’t care, of course he didn’t. He can support you financially, even if you don’t like it. He insisted, said that he was here for you, either emotionally, or financially. That’s why you were so thankful for him.
He also helped you a lot during your studies and researches. Hell he even could graduate with you, that’s how much he helped you. He loves to learn new things, so he remembered and learned a lot of your stuff. For your exams he helped you study until 2am, he helped you correct and edit your essays, he really supported you in every way possible.
That’s why you’re also pretty nervous for you graduation. Because he can’t be here. Unfortunately your graduation happens the same day he films the first part of his latest Gladiator movie, in an entire different country, so he really couldn’t be here. So you had to go through without him, and you didn’t like it. Your parents are going to be here, but it’s not the same without him.
So here you are, waiting in line, surrounded by the other graduates, looking for you parents in the crowd. You knew they were in the front rows, they wanted “the best sits for the best moment”, that’s what your dad said. When you finally found them, you recognized another person next to them. One less person in front of you, still two and it’s your turn. You look again, as you got a step closer, and as unbelievable as it was, Pedro was next to them, smiling and waving at you. Wide eyes, tears forming, there was a feeling of relief when you realized it was him. You blew a few kisses at him. Still one person.
“Y/n Y/l/n” your heart started to beat very fast, your legs were moving by themselves. Next thing you knew, you were on stage, holding your diploma, looking rapidly at the crowd and then at your parents and Pedro with a big smile, before walking on the other side. Your foot barely touch the ground that you ran in Pedro’s arms.
“What are you doing here!!!” You said excitedly, still holding him tight.
“I wanted to surprise you cariño” he said kissing the top of your head. Feeling his touch, smelling him, just little simple things were what you needed. You needed him.
You parted, looking at him with nothing but love.
“I finally did it” you said, showing him the paper you had in your hand. He couldn’t stop smiling either.
“I’m so proud of you princesa, we all knew you could do it” he said, glancing at your parents. You let go of Pedro to hug your parents.
“You worked so hard honey, we are so so proud of you” your mom said, playing with your hair, some tears forming in her eyes.
“Thank you. I couldn’t do it without you guys” you looked at the three persons in front of you.
“All credits to you, we were just supporting you” Pedro added.
“Now we have a free psychologist” your dad joked
“Be careful, it’s not always a good thing” you added, you all laughed.
“How about we go to a nice dinner, so we can celebrate properly?” Pedro asked
“That’s a great idea!” Your mom said.
So you all left, very happily, and had a nice dinner, with a few bottles of champagne. You were surrounded by the people you wanted and you accomplished what you wanted the most. A new chapter is coming for you.
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echowritesstuff · 3 months
WIP introduction : Teacups and Ticking Clocks. (TW: mentions of schizophrenia, delusions, narcolepsy and ADHD)
This is my newest WIP (it's literally only a couple days old) but I treasure it with all my heart, honestly I don't know why I just do. Kinda similar to Aurabreak, it's very different to my other WIPs. This time it isn't because of the audience though, it's because of the genre.
Unlike most of my WIPs, Teacups and Ticking Clocks isn't really a fantasy novel, despite being inspired by fantasy. As the name might have suggested, it's a moderen day parody of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll. Also, it isn't by any means a one for one parody, a lot of the stuff has been changed, such as relationships between characters amd the overall story. I also added some extra characters as well ;D
Since it isn't Fantasy, there isn't much world building to cover so I'm probably gonna dive into the characters cause well, I feel like it.
Alicia Lennings (Alice) - Alicia is an 18 year old girl with diagnosed schizophrenia. She lives with her older sister Lori, older brother Garrett and one of his boyfriends Derrick. Her parents work away from home (a different city) so she doesn't see them too often. Alicia currently attends Silver Creek Community College and studies Media Studies, History and Art there. Her, Bianca and Chester often visit Grey's tea shop together. Alicia also has appointments with Dr. Caroll twice a week.
Bianca Harely (White Rabbit) - Bianca is extremely shy, though fiercely protective of those she loves. Like her girlfriend Alicia, she is 18 years old and attends Silver Creek, where she is studying Psychology, English (Literature and Language) and French. She also loves to write poetry, though she would be sooo embarrassed if anyone actually read it. Which is kinda a problem since it's what she's planning on pursuing a career in.
Chester Kade (Cheshire Cat) - Chester may not be the most academically minded but they try their best. They're a little older than the other members of the main trio (19 years old) but are still at college due to having to redo a year. They are ultimate chaotic neutral energy but are always there for their friends. The courses they're studying at Silver Creek are drama, geography and law.
Rosalind Heartman (Queen of hearts) - Rosalind (or Rosa for short) is 18 and attends Silver Creek, like the main trio. She studies food and nutrition, art, film studies and drama. However, she finds them (and almost anyone else who is different ) as far lesser than herself and those few whom she holds in high regards. Rosa often expresses her distain to those around her, especially Alicia, who she often calls crazy and other ableist insults.
Grey Conwell ('Mad' Hatter) - Grey is older than most of the main characters, not by much though, he is 21. Throughout his teenage years, he apprenticed at a small tea house. When he graduated, he ended up buying the shop when it was up for sale. It is now known simply is "Grey's Hat and Tea Emporium" as he also sells hats he creates. Grey has ADHD and like Alicia has sessions with Dr. Caroll, though his are only once weekly. He's also in a polyamorous relationship with Garrett and Derrick.
Mars Harely (March Hare) - Mars is Bianca's younger cousin. He is best friends with Dorine and the two are pretty much inseparable. He doesn't attend Silver Creek College since he only just turned 16 (he goes to the local high school instead) but he does work a couple of weekend shifts at Grey's.
Dorine Abbot (Dormouse) - Dorine is a sixteen year old, who like her friend Mars works part time at Grey's when she is not in school. When Dorine is on shift, there always has to be someone extra working with her, just incase anything happens due to her narcolepsy.
Dr C. Caroll. - Dr Caroll is a psychiatrist originally from a small village in Cheshire. He has many clients, though out of the main cast he works with Alicia, Bianca and Grey (who was the one who first told Alicia of him). He is a kind and gentle man, who is always very patient with his clients.
I think that's pretty much all for now!
Also, now that this monster of a post is done, I can get back to answering asks and tags! :D
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madlad-sadgal · 4 months
Intro Post
Did I just now realized I haven't made one? Yes. But here it is now!
My Blog/About Me
My blog is a safe place for practically everyone (except for TERFs, get off my page). I don't care if you're here just to look around, or if it's because you're interested in one of the things I talk about, you're welcomed here and I'll gladly talk with you about whatever it is you might want to! <3 I'm active in a few fandoms on here, mostly Nimona, though I also like RWRB, LOTR, and a bunch of other stuff.
About me, I'm bigender and mostly use he/him and she/her, though I'm comfortable with pretty much anything. I also think I'm pan, but I've kinda been doubting that recently? Eh, I'll get through it. I live in Quebec so you might catch some works written in French (I'll probably add the translations under cuts though).
I've been meaning to get more into Writeblr and share more about some of my writing, fanfiction and original works alike. The things I like to write most about is fantasy and also LGBTQ+ stuff. So here are two original works you might catch me talking about:
Life after Life (Undefined Title) Tag: Life After Life(:OC/Plot/Etc) This is a story of two soulmates, reincarnation, immortality and betrayal. One is immortal, while the other one is mortal. The immortal one has to watch as their lover dies, but they always get reincarnated and always manage to find each other, usually when the mortal one is around 20 years old. Except this time, it takes until the mortal is 27 years old for them to find each other, and the immortal doesn't think much of it at first, but they can't help but notice that their lover is acting differently than they did in their past lives, which isn't inherently bad, but they can't remember a single time when their personality wasn't the same at the base. But it as time keeps passing, it becomes clearer and clearer that their lover is not the same, and someone seems to know of their immortality. Someone they may have met in the past. Now they have to try and protect themselves and their lover from this person, but what can this mortal be hiding from their own soulmate? What shall they do when war and love collide? Will they forgive each other for these hidden secrets? More importantly, will they manage to stay with each other this time, or will they be forced to wait until the next life once more? (Also ending line idea: Mortal, dying: I'll see you in the next one, yeah? Immortal, crying, and holding them: And every single one that follows.)
Love is a Fantasy (Been working on this one for over a year now, the one I'll be talking about the most because this is one I am very passionate about. Also don't get fooled by the title, this isn't just filled with unrequited love.) Tag: Love is a Fantasy(: OC name/Plot/Etc) LGBTQ+ story exploring how teens go through questioning their gender and sexuality and how people may pride themselves differently on this stuff.
Alex is a gay teenager who isn't ashamed of his sexuality, but keeps it to himself mostly. He is lucky enough to have accepting parents and friends, but the crush he has on one of his best friends may complicate their friendship, which terrifies him. He uses he/him pronouns.
Ava is a non-binary lesbian teenager who uses they/them pronouns. They are proud of their sexuality and gender and never hesitate to correct people who misgender them. They've been friends with Alex since the two were young. Their parents aren't exactly weirded out by them, but more so confused by all this, but Ava gladly answers all their questions and doesn't let that stuff get to them.
Ethan is a bisexual teenager who turned Ava and Alex's duo into a trio, but lately, he's been wondering if maybe he's not as attracted to women as he originally thought. This terrifies him because his parents aren't the most accepting people, and he also has a girlfriend whom he doesn't want to break the heart of. But of course Alex just has to complicate everything, doesn't he? ;)
Avery is Ethan's girlfriend, but she's dealing with a lot at home, and now on top of that she doesn't know where her feelings stand. She thought she was pan her whole life, not feeling a difference in romantic attraction towards gender, but all of this comes to a half when she meets one of the new kids who explains she doesn't feel any romantic or sexual attraction, and now she doesn't know where anything stands anymore.
Evelyn and Chelsey have been friends since they were young, often helping each other hide their sexuality and genders from their Christian parents. Evelyn is pansexual and bigender, often stepping way off of the gender binary and just having fun with her looks, though a certain Ava catches her eye once she meets them. Chelsey is aro-ace and is open to pretty much any pronoun, and they have a pretty feminine style.
All these kids meet in an LGBTQ+ club (created and hosted by Ava), and are now helping each other figure out their sexualities, helping each other hide certain things from Christian parents, and just trying to get through the horrors of the teenage years.
Other Socials
Just my AO3 for now:
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waremyth · 1 year
I was currently getting ready for a reunion at Francios Dupont, my fiancé is currently trying to get our children dressed, oh right you don't know yet, let me explain
I had defeated hawkmoth with dragon, viper, princess honey, chat noir, and lastly bunix, after the defeat we revealed our identities to each other, jagged had adopted us after finding out that my parents had abused me and that Adrien's father was hawkmoth and had isolated Adrien from the outside world other than school, Lukas mother had kicked him out because Julica told her that he was helping a bully and is being one so jagged took full custody of him, when he had adopted Adrien and I we were.... let's say complicated, I didn't like being locked in a room for too long, and hands or voices being raised at me because of the bullying and the abuse, while Adrien didn't like being stuck in a room locked or a house alone, they didn't know till it happened(ill make small one-shots for how they figured it out later) they tried to not do those things just in case, once fagged found out about the bullying and they found out about a couple of scars from the class, jagged moved us to Gotham and we transferred to Gotham high, Adrien and luka had made the sister protection squad aka SPS, after about two weeks of school I had made friends with Damien Wayne the ice prince of Gotham and John Kent, we were unsure about them until a month after, about five months after Damien asked me out on a date and to be his girlfriend and i said yes, then about two weeks later Adrien and John got together and yes they know what had happened to us in Paris, and we know each other's identities, after being together for a year Damien and I had our children twins named Amira and Lilian, about four months after Damien proposed to me, Adrien and Jon where already married and had adopted a meta human child, his name is Dax, Luka and Kagami are also married, Chloe is engaged to Tim, Alix met a girl with white hair down to her shoulders, blue left eye, hazel left eye, loves black clothes, her name is Wendy, Shes very nice, they are currently girlfriends soon more, I still have a problem with hands raised at me but I try my best to block it out when I'm ladybird, now let's continue shall we?
I was currently wondering if I should change out of the dress I'm currently wearing a red that fades to black dress that goes down to my feet, with off the shoulder sleeves, you can see some parts of my scars, I heard my door click open so I turned around to see Damien there, "angel you look gorgeous" "really I don't look ugly in this dress" Damien walks over to me and kisses me "Angel you're not ugly, your beautiful" "but my scars..." "show that you went through something bad and out came it" he said then kissed my dimples "also I had found out that Adrien, Jon, Chloe and Tim will be coming, Alix said that they won't be with us today" "will she be-" proposing, yes she is" I smile "They're going to finally make it official" Damien just chuckled and we had set off to my old school with Amira and Lilian, about ten minutes later we reached toe school, and I was nervous, my whole French class will be hear, the worst bullies I have ever had with Lila at the top, I had squeezed Damien's hand for comfort and he squeezed it back just as tight to reassure me, we had started walking in after and saw Adrien, Jon, Chloe, and Tim in the corner, we had decided to go join them after about twenty-thirty minutes I had went to go find myself a drink, when two people I knew all too well came to me "Oh Marinette, why are you hear you aren't apart of this class anymore*Gasps*are you hear to bully me again I'm so sorry if I did something to you" "Mari-slut how could you come here just to bully sweet Lila, you're a monster" about to smack her but someone grabbed her arm, I look over and see Damien glaring at her "TT, what do you think you're doing you my wife you harlots" I then see the twins run up to me saying "Mama" "mom!" I hug the two and look up to see Damien looking at them along with Tim, Jon, and Chloe, Adrien came to me to calm me down and check for any injuries on me, "TT, Tim starts the plan, were going to leave afterward" Tim had nodded and went up to the podium, I was confused, there was a plan? " Everyone can I have your attention please!" everyone stopped talking and look at him "please turn you direction to the screen please" everyone looked at the screen and a video started playing.
Everyone was shocked and horrified to learn this, police officers had come in and is currently escorting Lila to the car, while Damien and her friend and family left the scene.
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thecapturedafrique · 2 years
KTAW: Day 1—What We Love Most/Throwback
Good evening and happy Kiara Theron Appreciation Week! This post is definitely late, but for day 1’s theme, I’m sharing the character page I made for Kiki. After all, when it comes to what I love most, it’s her entire character!
Tagging @kiaratheronappreciationweek and the fantastic hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes!
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Full Name: Kiara Afnane Theron
In Greek: Κλάρα Άφναν Θήρας (Klára Áfnan Thíras)
In French: Claire Théron
In Arabic: أفنان حكيم آل شَوْكَتْ (‘Āfnān Ḥakīm Āl Šawkat/Afnane Hakim Al Shawkat)
Nicknames: Kiki (Ezekiel), little owl (Hakim)
Noble Title: Lady Kiara of House Theron, Countess of Heartwood, RC
Charge and Colors: little owl; sable and argent (w/ or)
Epithet: The Gilded Lady
Age: 24
Date of Birth: April 30th, 1994
Place of Birth: Sorbier, CS
Gender: Cis woman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Zodiac: Aries ♈️
Enneagram: 3.2 (w2; Performer)
Self-assured, energetic, and competent with high self-esteem: they believe in themselves and their own value. Adaptable, desirable, charming, and gracious.
Height: 5’4”
Race/Ethnicity: Maghrebi and Afro-French (Mandinka)
Nationality: Cordonian, French, Moroccan
Face Claim: Flora Coquerel
Education: Aurynn Academy; BA (Hons) in Government with a joint Political Theory and International Relations Concentration from Harvard University; MA in International Relations with a Language and Diplomacy Concentration from Vancross Institute
Languages: French, Greek, English, Arabic, Vóreios Norse, Swedish, Spanish, German, Italian, Sabir, Latin/Ancient Greek (studied)
Favorite Color: gold
Piercings: double lobe; right tragus
Partner: Hana Lee (girlfriend)
Best Friend(s): Penelope Amarantos and Savannah Walker
Family*: Joëlle Theron (mother), Hakim Theron (father), Ezekiel Theron (older brother), Aaron Condé (maternal grandfather), three maternal aunts, two maternal uncles, Leïla Theron (parental aunt), Patrice & Aminata (maternal cousins)
*Maternal Lineage
Character Notes
Kiara’s middle name Afnane means “branches,” which I found fitting for a descendant of Rowan Thorn
Her surname Theron is an anagram of the original Thorne, which gained the additional vowel “e” over the course of the century following Cordonia’s formation and later became “Theron” after their house was exiled following their involvement in a revolt*
As the new heir of Castelsareillan, I decided Kiki should have a courtesy title to use and went with “Countess of Heartwood” to reference Bellmere
I chose the little owl as the specific species for House Theron’s sigil due to them being associated with Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and war (and thus found it an even more fitting nickname for Hakim to use)
The capital of Castelsareillan where Kiara was born, Sorbier, is French for “rowan”
Kiara’s enneagram is type Three, also known as “The Achiever”: the success-oriented, pragmatic type described as adaptive, excelling, driven, and image-conscious. She is a Two-Wing, who are generally more extroverted and charming than other type Threes, and her level 2 is the level of psychological capacity.
I head canon Hakim as being Moroccan through his father’s side, while Joëlle is ethnically of Mandinka descent
Credit to @lizzybeth1986 for Kiki’s face claim!
Many Cordonian noblewomen attend a finishing school their final year of gymnasium (Greek-equivalent to junior high) in preparation for their official court introduction, with Aurynn Academy being the premier
Of the ten languages Kiara knows, I included Vóreios Norse (an invented regional language of Lythikos) and Sabir (a pidgin language formerly used in the Mediterranean Basin which I head canon is still spoken); though she is fluent in all ten, they are listed in order from most familiar to least
Kiara’s tragus piercing is an old Castel tradition as the inner ear helps keep balance which is needed for archers; it’s now essentially considered a good luck charm
All of my character pages for TRR cast are of their status post main series, and like many others, I am a member of Team Hanara and imagine the two as having fallen in love over the course of TRR3
I also head canon that Kiara and Savannah were closer than canon indicates to flesh out both of their backstories
The only cousin named here (Aminata) is the one mentioned in canon whose wedding was missed
*Due to my lateness, please enjoy this extra bit of Cordonian history involving House Thorne becoming House Theron:
To avoid the Black Death, in 1344 C.E. all the kingdoms on the island of Pontios including Cordonia chose to close their borders. With exports severely reduced, this left the kingdom in need of becoming more self-sustaining, primarily in regard to necessities such as food. As such, a royal decree was passed the following year that all groves managed by hand would be replaced with apple orchards.
This included a major portion of Bellmere’s Heart Oak forest, and so commenced the Foresters’ Revolt. Unfortunately, despite the support of their noble house, the revolt was suppressed and Applewood was formed. The members of House Thorne were stripped of their titles and banished from the kingdom, and they ended up relocating to the northern forest south of the Blackspines. It would not be until two centuries later—due to their support of House Rys in the civil war—that the members would regain their status as nobility, now under the name House Theron.
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dragonakina · 2 years
akina Q&A!! and her story (atari included at the end) NEW UPDATE GUYS PLEASE TAKE A LOOKE AT THE INFO OF AKINA UNDER HER PICTURE
btw i can draw just about any species you ask for! ill also be doing a q&a for my main oc akina! just to sum it up so yall can think of questions she is in the ninjago universe she is one of the first spinjitsu masters greatest creations her mother is the dragon queen and her father is the oni king she has a two sided personality but she is known as "realm protector" she is as old as garmadon and wu and is like family to the ninja are like best friends and great each other with a punch in the arm! akina has had her bumps in the road when she first came to ninjago when it was young she took over it and ruled it but stepped down after a while feeling sad and feeling it wasnt the destiny she thought she wanted years went by and she met the ninja and that is how he friendship with them began akina's mother never liked her b/c her oni side was more dominant but her father has always been there for her they fight a lot normally just settle opinions fighting is an oni's way to settle things or arguments and i mean fist fighting in witch normally ended up with injuries akina had always wanted a child but she never got into a relation ship that worked out so since she has the power of creation just like the first spinjitsu master she used that ability to created solar star her daughter. akina moved bk to the first realm and became the ruler/queen taking control from her parents! before akina lived with the ninja for a long time. In that time akina and lloyd became close friends they would great eachother by punching one another in the arm. after a while akina began to get bored with just sitting around all day in meetings so she began to explore the universe and thats how she found the rise of tmnt she wondered into the realm she walked for a while and was greeted by the turtles attacking her thinking she was evil she kicked their butts and asked them why they did that after they talked they took her to the liar and she then met atari donnie's girlfriend! after that day akina went there often when she wasnt busy bk in her realm she became close to the turtles like she did with the ninja she was especially fond of leo and he seemed fond of her too she would often hang out with leo, watch tv with mikey,explore with raph or work on inventions with donnie and have gal time with atari! after a while her and leo began to go on dates together leo fell head over heals for akina and akina fell for him but they arent dating yet but they are thinking about it akina loved being int the turtles world.
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akina basic information name: akina age: ??? sex: female statues: single but likes someone likes: training: she likes to train to stay strong and always in shape and up to date! rain: she loves water and rain it makes her feel happy french fries:she loves french fries its her fav snack fighting: she likes to fight she loves a good competition!! dancing: she likes to dance she even dance fights(dance fighting) she also uses dancing as a good distraction sunflowers: she loves sunflowers they give her good thoughts and reminds her of summer summer: she loves summer all the flowers,rain,sunlight everything's in bloom.
dislikes: rain,worms,barny the dinosaur,your face,makeup,dresses,getting stared at,cloths,shoes atari art (not mine) atari is a complete mystery ask questions all i will say atari wasnt always a mutant she used to be human but was mutated and after a while started working at an underground hidden mutants bar/cafe she met donnie while she was working one day. time skip when leo was alone training he asked atari to train with him she refused and he said "its ok if your not a good fighter" so she trained with him and whooped his butt but had a bit of trouble after getting a bloody nose after seeing her fight the had her join the team.
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bl00dyvampirexxx · 1 year
The thing about my ex...
About half a year ago, my girlfriend dumped me using a pink note in the shape of a loveheart in the middle of french, last period. You see, as a teenager i dont really get hung up on past relationships but this girl shes different. I've told all of my friends that im totally over her but whenever i see her, my vision goes blurry and all i can think about is all of the times we've made out and shit like that.
Its also so annoying aswell because after she did brake up with me i was friggin broken and went on to this "hoe phase" and i really hate myself for it. I wanna get back into some kind of relationship with her (even if its just friends) but i feel like i cant because there's two reasons.Reason 1:shes thriving right now an looks the best she has ever looked and just seems genuinely happy (i dont wanna ruin that). reason 2:i was kind of a bitch to her after the break up, when she was at her lowest i couldnt help her and was blind to see how much damage i actually caused.
She is always so nice to me when we actually exchange words and i always catch her looking at me. She told me the reason she did breake up with mebecasue she couldnt keep on lying to her parents as they are extrememly homophobic.
Anyway, my long-distance boyfriend of 3 months commited suicide and mymom said shes not going to drive me 3 hours to his funeral. Ive been crying for the last few days, i mean he wasa bit toxic but he made mesohappy and feel so loved. He had bpd too, poor soul, well may his soul rest in peace. Speakingy about peace, i lit cant get any so i ran away but then i cameback, these last few months have been so chaotic, can you tell i have ADHD?
anyways moral of the story is, i wanna kms XD
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lovemesomesurveys · 1 year
How many people have you liked this year? Zero. I haven’t been interested in someone since 2016. I don’t even remember what that feels like, ha. 
How many pills do you take a day? Several. It used to be just one medication like 4 times a day, but when I was in the hospital I had a few added that i take 2-3 times a day and then my primary doctor also prescribed me an antidepressant and an anti anxiety medication that I take one of once a day. Oh, and my sleeping pill at night. 
Do you have any celebrity crushes? Alexander Skarsgard, of course. 
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? At this point, I wish I had healing abilities. 
Do you put ketchup on top of your French fries or on the side? Bleh, neither. I like ranch on the side with my fries. 
Where did you last sleep other than your house? The hospital. 
Where did you get your last bruise from? I think I banged my elbow on the side railing of my bed. 
Is it okay to kiss people when you’re single? I mean, if that’s what you feel comfortable with and the other person is as well. And they’re single, too. 
Ever worn something of the opposite sex’s clothing? Most of my graphic tees are men’s because I like the fit of them better. 
Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? Maybe.
Last CD you blasted through your car stereo? I have no idea, that was many years ago.
How many email accounts do you have? Two. 
Who is the best cook in your family? My parents and brother are all good cooks. They each have their specialties. 
Which baby animal is your favorite? Puppies and giraffes. Honestly, though, baby animals in general are all pretty cute. 
Have you ever carved a pumpkin? Many times. It’s been a few years since the last time, though. 
When is the last time you went to a carnival? Back in high school at our school carnival. 
Do you have a favorite glass, cup, or mug? Yeah. Currently, it’s my Reese’s mug I got for Christmas. I’ve been seriously obsessed with Reese’s the past few months and for Christmas I got a Reese’s gift set that came with candy and 2 mugs and my stocking was full of Reese’s lmao. 
What branch of science interests you the most? Psychology.
Have you ever written anything longer than 10 pages? Yeah, in college. 
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with via text? I haven’t had any deep conversations via text in a long time. 
Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr for sure.
Have you ever been given a lapdance by an actual stripper? No.
Favorite YouTuber? I have several. 
Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? No.
Have you ever written a love letter to someone as a joke? No.
Do you have any gay family members? Yes, a few. 
Was your first kiss romantic? No, it was super awkward lol but it was cute. 
What are you most likely to go to jail for? I have no idea. I can’t even imagine. 
Who was the last person to sleep over at your house? My aunt. She’s staying this weekend, actually. 
What would you think if you found out your ex was gay? I would trip out a bit just cause that would come as a total surprise. I don’t have any feeling that he might be. It wouldn’t matter of course, I would just be surprised. 
How many people has your best friend had sex with? I don’t have any friends.
When was the last time you had a conversation with an ex? Several years ago.
Are you currently “appearing offline” to anybody? I don’t think so. I think Tumblr shows when you’re online and I haven’t tried messing with the settings. I don’t care.
What were you for Halloween last year? Nothing. I stopped dressing up several years ago.
Do you believe that karma can come back and slap you in the face? I don’t believe in karma.
Have you ever been to Texas? No.
Do your siblings text you? My younger brother and I do. Mostly it’s memes and TikToks. 
Have you ever searched for your own house on Google Earth? Of course. That’s like the first thing everyone did. You can look up anywhere and for some reason we all had to look up our own houses lmao.
Did your last kiss end up with you and the person doing anything sexual? No.
Who is your ex dating/talking to? I have no idea, nor do I care. 
Who did you last pinky promise with? I don’t recall the last time I did that. 
Did you ever have to share a room with one of your siblings? No.
What happened at the last party you went to? I haven’t been to a party in several years. And parties for me were small get togethers with friends or family, I was never a big partier. 
Have you ever completely misunderstood what somebody was saying? Yeah.
When was the last time you felt ill? What was wrong? I always do in some way or another, but I had a bacterial infection a couple weeks ago and felt really shitty. Thankfully, my doctor was able to prescribe me some antibiotics and I felt better within a few days. 
Who was your first best friend? Do you still speak to that person? These two girls, Crystal and Starr, in preschool. We sadly lost touch after preschool cause we went to different schools. 
Are you wearing anything that was given to you as a gift? Yes, my shirt and my rings. 
What is your least favourite song, by your favourite artist? I don’t feel like thinking about it.
What color is your jewelry box? I don’t have one.
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? No. 
What is your brother/sister’s favorite food? My younger brother loves Mexican and Korean BBQ and my older brother is a vegetarian and mostly eats just veggies. 
Do you have any ice cream in your freezer? What flavour is it? I’m not sure.
In your life, who is the person that seems to understand you the most? My mom.
Are you afraid of losing the person you like right now? I don’t like anyone. 
Does anyone know your Facebook password? No.
Would you ever consider getting a piercing in your septum? No.
Do you enjoy being outdoors? Only if I’m at the beach.
How many times have you been to a zoo? Many times. 
What’re some unspeakable subjects for you? Hm. I don’t know. There’s certainly subjects I’d rather not talk about, but not one I wouldn’t talk about at all that I can think of. 
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survey--s · 2 years
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How many people have you liked this year? Just one. How many pills do you take a day? None, for the most part, but when I’m on my period it can be 10-12 pills a day. Do you have any celebrity crushes? Bradley Jaden. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? The ability to always have the amount of money I want/need in my bank account. Do you put ketchup on top of your French fries or on the side? On the side, for sure.
Where did you last sleep other than your house? The hospital. Where did you get your last bruise from? Copper jumping up at me and accidentally hurting my leg. He was so timid a week ago and now he’s all over me wanting fuss lol. Is it okay to kiss people when you’re single? Of course - why on earth wouldn’t it be? Ever worn something of the opposite sex's clothing? Sure, I practically lived in Mike’s t-shirts and hoodies when we first started dating lol. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? I suppose, but they’re not really a secret, more I just haven’t felt the need to tell anyone about certain things. Last CD you blasted through your car stereo? I haven’t ever played a CD in my car, I just connect my iPod. How many email accounts do you have? Just two that are in use, but I’m sure there are loads of old ones out there. Who is the best cook in your family? My aunt, for sure, but my mum is pretty good too. Which baby animal is your favorite? ALL the baby animals lol. Have you ever carved a pumpkin? Nope. My parents were very anti-Halloween so I never did stuff like carving pumpkins or trick or treating. When is the last time you went to a carnival? Uh, it would have been when I was at university, I think. Do you have a favorite glass, cup, or mug? My multi-coloured polka dot mug. What branch of science interests you the most? I’m not hugely interested in any kind of science, but maybe forensics or astronomy if I had to pick. Have you ever written anything longer than 10 pages? Sure, loads of times for university. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with via text? Uhh, I have no idea. I don’t tend to have deep conversations by text. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr. Twitter is just a cesspit. Have you ever been given a lapdance by an actual stripper? No. Favorite YouTuber? I don’t really get the appeal of watching random people on YouTube. Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes. Have you ever written a love letter to someone as a joke? Nope. Do you have any gay family members? Yeah, my dad’s sister is gay. Was your first kiss romantic? It was sweet, but I wouldn’t say any kiss between two 11yo’s can be romantic. What are you most likely to go to jail for? Hurting someone who hurt my dog. Who was the last person to sleep over at your house? Nobody has ever slept over at this house, lol. What would you think if you found out your ex was gay? One of ex’s has been in a relationship with another man for about three years now lol. I’m not entirely surprised tbh. How many people has your best friend had sex with? I don’t have a best friend. When was the last time you had a conversation with an ex? A few months ago. Are you currently “appearing offline” to anybody? Ha, I miss those days sometimes. What were you for Halloween last year? Nothing. Do you believe that karma can come back and slap you in the face? I don’t believe it’s karma necessarily, but your decisions can definitely come back and bite you, that’s for sure. Have you ever been to Texas? No, and I have absolutely no desire to go there either. Do your siblings text you? I don’t have any siblings but I occasionally text my sister-in-law.  Have you ever searched for your own house on Google Earth? Haha, of course. I think I’ve searched all my old houses on Google Earth. Did your last kiss end up with you and the person doing anything sexual? Nope. Who is your ex dating/talking to? As far as I know, he’s single.  Who did you last pinky promise with? Probably Amber, lol. Did you ever have to share a room with one of your siblings? No siblings. What happened at the last party you went to? I honestly couldn’t tell you the last time I went to a party, lol. Have you ever completely misunderstood what somebody was saying? All the fucking time, lol. When was the last time you felt ill? What was wrong? This morning but I think it was just being tired and being out in the rain lol. I feel fine now so I’m going to assume it was nothing major. Who was your first best friend? Do you still speak to that person? Her name was Lucy, and no, we’ve not spoken since primary school. Are you wearing anything that was given to you as a gift? My wedding and engagement rings. What is your least favourite song, by your favourite artist? I don’t really know. What color is your jewelry box? Brown. Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? That’s my mother, lol. What is your brother/sister’s favorite food? ... Do you have any ice cream in your freezer? What flavour is it? We do. Clotted cream and I think some Ben & Jerry’s but I don’t know what flavours they are. In your life, who is the person that seems to understand you the most? Probably my husband. Are you afraid of losing the person you like right now? I mean, I don’t actively worry about it, but I’d be devastated if he died. Does anyone know your Facebook password? No.  Would you ever consider getting a piercing in your septum? The idea makes me wince, lol. I’m not really a big fan of septum piercings. Do you enjoy being outdoors? As long as the weather is good, yes. Gay marriage: love is love or a horrible stand against God? Love is love. I don’t really understand any other way of thinking. How many times have you been to a zoo? Load, I used to go all the time as a kid as our local zoo was only about half an hour away. What’re some unspeakable subjects for you? None of them are unspeakable, but there are some I avoid in company as it inevitably just leads to an argument.
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tunawithsoysauce · 2 months
Date: 12/5/24
Hiya to nobody in particular! Today was kind of normal. I'm getting ahead of my self.
I woke up like six, and I drank tea. Chamomille. It was quite lovely, actually. It costed like 6€, which isn't that much. Anyways. I ate a sandwich for breakfast. My mum forced me. I didn't really want to. I wasn't really hungry. She sounded mad. I might have cried a bit because I got upset when I thought she was. She became nicer after that.
I took the bus (ofcourse) to school, and bought a monster. It tasted like mango. It wasn't amazing, and I got anxious becus of it. But it wasn’t that much, and I added the can to my collection. Anyways.
I had history first. It was fun, I think? I mostly just fiddled with Leija's hands and kicked my feet.
Then we had P.E. It sucked. I almost had a panic attack through half of it, and I left. I really hope my mum didn't get a notif about that.
I sat in the restroom and read "The graveyard book" (Neil gaiman). I only have a swedish copy. I don't remember who gave it to me. I think Anna did? She's a swedish teacher. And I wouldn't be despicable enough to buy a translated book.
It was nice, anyway. A character is called Jack. It made me think about my girlfriend. And Jack harkness. Mostly my gf, though.
I kept re-reading a chapter. I didn't get it into my head.
I don't think I payed much attention.
Then I had swedish. I mostly just watched Torchwood with Leija. I read some stuff for the project im doing. Writing about a country. I picked Finland. Leija said Mämmi looked like it tasted yucky. I pretended to be offended.
I wasn't really.
Then I ate lunch. Well, I didn't really. I tasted the weird school food, gagged, and then talked with my friends.
I had some spare time. Me and Leija sat in the empty corridor and yelled The smiths together. It was fun.
I had french, after. I think my teacher saw my cut scars. The ones I made, I mean.
I cheated off of my friend on the test thingie. She offered to help me, since I haven't been in class the last four french lessons.
My friend suggested we go hang out after school. I reminded her I had an extra hour music afterwards. She said she'd wait for me. I hugged her so hard she almost fell over.
We played piano. It was fun. My parents taught me the basics a year ago or so. I didn't complain.
I talked to my music teacher about music theory.
Leija had waited for me.
We stayed in the music block for a bit. As always.
Then we walked around a mall. I stole two monsters. I gave one to my friend. She said i was cool.
I don't even like energy drinks.
Then I took a buss home. I talked with Otto for a bit. He said he was dissapointed in me.
I said sorry.
I told my sister about it. She said I wasn't allowed.
I said sorry.
I dont think she believed me.
I promised I wouldn't steal anything more. She knows best. She’s my sister, after all.
Now im home.
0 notes
ecofinisher · 1 year
All the Sims that appear in "Ecofinisher's Sims 4 Base Game file" - Part 4/6
I forgot, what was the reason I wanted to do this bio, but here it is.
This post focuses on the Sims, that live in Oasis Springs. Both self-made and gallery-taken Sims.
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HART (Dorie and Gus Hart)
Summary: Bebe has really been through a lot in the household of the Harts.  Her best friend Holly Alto was her help in her darker days, until the Alto clan had created inside their lineage their own problems. Luckily over the last school year, Bebe and her crush began dating at some point, then moved out to live with him. Bebe finally gets used to the peace in their household, but soon things are put upside down again as Lisa brings into the house her boyfriend VJ as well…..
OG Creator(s): hestiah23
Note: Bebe Hart is living in the Bunch household
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DON LOTHARIO (+Chiara Lothario, Deceased mother ghost)
Summary: SimNation's favorite womanizer is 40 and has spent a big chunk of his life playing with women's hearts for short-nighters. Don never was a man of a big commitment. Long-term relationships and family bonds literally scared him. One day he received a lawyer's letter informing him about one of his earlier girlfriends has passed away and left a young baby for care. Out of pity, the Italian accepted the guardianship, and little did he know, that this little girl would change his entire life…..
OG Creator(s): MAXIS for Don Lothario
Note: Chiara's mother is present as ghost in the household.
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LANGERAK-GOODE (Arthur Langerak, Gloria Goode. William, Arthur Junior Langerak. Jeremy Goode)
Summary: Arthur Langerak’s gotten hit by the midlife crisis and decided to quit his day job to become a musician. Upon this coming to the ears of his father-in-law, their relationship has changed drastically. Gloria has to deal with her father’s complaints about the choice she made, but he kept getting reminded of her lifetime promise goes for the good and bad times. 
OG Creator(s) Jeremy Goode by ?????
Note: Originally, user used my creation to add Jeremy Goode, but I ended up losing it.....
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SINGLE MOMS (Fiona McIrish, Molly and Sandi French)
Summary: Molly has always had a bad luck in terms of love. The longest crush of hers lasted for a year and even thought she believed both were destined for each other it broke in pieces as well! Her best friend Fiona stood always by her side, despite herself not looking for love. Fiona has always been a great connection for Molly in all those up and downs in life. Slowly as their lives move on, both their friendship blossomed bigger and it began to evolve into a relationship both didn’t even think about.
OG Creator(s): Fiona and River by hestiah23. Molly and Sandi by MegKatt.
Note: River is living in the Langerak Jr. household.
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CALIENTE-COSTA (Diogo and Victoria Costa. Dina and Nina Caliente. Guillermo Caliente)
Summary: Dina found herself invested in a new relationship, which led her to an unexpected pregnancy. With her sister both planned, what to do with the child after it's birth and soon as the baby arrived…….Dina’s whole life attitude was turned around. She gained a new sentiment towards her son. As the years went on, she settled down appreciating her new life. Despite missing the old days, she carries her wild party animal instinct at her new job, leaving her a big part of the day time to appreciate her boys….
OG Creator(s): Dina and Nina by Mizzystace
Notes: Santiago Caliente is the newborn between Diogo and Dina.
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CLAVELL (Ayesha [née Ansari] Clavell, Xander Clavell. Kari, Tyler and Buster Clavell.
Summary: During day time, Xander and Ayesha are two normal Sims leading a normal life. This is, at least what the neighborhood including their oldest child Kari thinks. Kari knows, her parents work night shifts. But behind those nightshifts there’s actually a dubious business running…….
(((([Deleted summary for Buster Clavell, when living alone]:
Buster has long after his wife passed away made amends now with Xander and bond with his daughter-in-law and his grandchildren. Knowing very well about the young couple’s dirty track, he worries, that his grandchildren might find out or worse suffer any consequences related to this issue.  ))))
OG Creator(s): The Clavells by Vit_DM3994. Ayesha by ToriGlory
Note: Bessie Clavell has passed away.
Presumed and marked with ???? Sims I wasn't able to find their owner again and on my gallery they were tagged as "mine", when I actually had saved them and changed their clothes to "base game".
All Sims are split into 6 blog posts due to the limitation of images.
'm looking forward to sharing each household separately into my gallery in the next 48h for anyone who's interested in specific ones only.
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stayathomesurveys · 1 year
How many people have you liked this year? One.
How many pills do you take a day? Two.
Do you have any celebrity crushes? Jon Hamm lololol.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Teleporting, being able to make myself look however I want, or the ability to grow money lol.
Do you put ketchup on top of your French fries or on the side? The side.
Where did you last sleep other than your house? My sister’s house.
Where did you get your last bruise from? I hit my arm on the doorknob.
Is it okay to kiss people when you’re single? Yeah.
Ever worn something of the opposite sex’s clothing? Yes.
Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? Maybe.
Last CD you blasted through your car stereo? I have no idea, that was many years ago.
How many email accounts do you have? Two.
Who is the best cook in your family? My parents and brother are all good cooks. They each have their specialties.
Which baby animal is your favorite? Puppies and giraffes. Honestly, though, baby animals in general are all pretty cute.
Have you ever carved a pumpkin? Many times. It’s been a few years since the last time, though.
When is the last time you went to a carnival? Back in high school at our school carnival.
Do you have a favorite glass, cup, or mug? Yeah. Currently, it’s my Reese’s mug I got for Christmas. I’ve been seriously obsessed with Reese’s the past few months and for Christmas I got a Reese’s gift set that came with candy and 2 mugs and my stocking was full of Reese’s lmao.
What branch of science interests you the most? Psychology.
Have you ever written anything longer than 10 pages? Yeah, in college.
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with via text? I haven’t had any deep conversations via text in a long time.
Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr for sure.
Have you ever been given a lapdance by an actual stripper? No.
Favorite YouTuber? I have several.
Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? No.
Have you ever written a love letter to someone as a joke? No.
Do you have any gay family members? Yes, a few.
Was your first kiss romantic? No, it was super awkward lol but it was cute.
What are you most likely to go to jail for? I have no idea. I can’t even imagine.
Who was the last person to sleep over at your house? My aunt. She’s staying this weekend, actually.
What would you think if you found out your ex was gay? I would trip out a bit just cause that would come as a total surprise. I don’t have any feeling that he might be. It wouldn’t matter of course, I would just be surprised.
How many people has your best friend had sex with? I don’t have any friends.
When was the last time you had a conversation with an ex? Several years ago.
Are you currently “appearing offline” to anybody? I don’t think so. I think Tumblr shows when you’re online and I haven’t tried messing with the settings. I don’t care.
What were you for Halloween last year? Nothing. I stopped dressing up several years ago.
Do you believe that karma can come back and slap you in the face? I don’t believe in karma.
Have you ever been to Texas? No.
Do your siblings text you? My younger brother and I do. Mostly it’s memes and TikToks.
Have you ever searched for your own house on Google Earth? Of course. That’s like the first thing everyone did. You can look up anywhere and for some reason we all had to look up our own houses lmao.
Did your last kiss end up with you and the person doing anything sexual? No.
Who is your ex dating/talking to? I have no idea, nor do I care.
Who did you last pinky promise with? I don’t recall the last time I did that.
Did you ever have to share a room with one of your siblings? No.
What happened at the last party you went to? I haven’t been to a party in several years. And parties for me were small get togethers with friends or family, I was never a big partier.
Have you ever completely misunderstood what somebody was saying? Yeah.
When was the last time you felt ill? What was wrong? I always do in some way or another, but I had a bacterial infection a couple weeks ago and felt really shitty. Thankfully, my doctor was able to prescribe me some antibiotics and I felt better within a few days.
Who was your first best friend? Do you still speak to that person? These two girls, Crystal and Starr, in preschool. We sadly lost touch after preschool cause we went to different schools.
Are you wearing anything that was given to you as a gift? Yes, my shirt and my rings.
What is your least favourite song, by your favourite artist? I don’t feel like thinking about it.
What color is your jewelry box? I don’t have one.
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? No.
What is your brother/sister’s favorite food? My younger brother loves Mexican and Korean BBQ and my older brother is a vegetarian and mostly eats just veggies.
Do you have any ice cream in your freezer? What flavour is it? I’m not sure.
In your life, who is the person that seems to understand you the most? My mom.
Are you afraid of losing the person you like right now? I don’t like anyone.
Does anyone know your Facebook password? No.
Would you ever consider getting a piercing in your septum? No.
Do you enjoy being outdoors? Only if I’m at the beach.
How many times have you been to a zoo? Many times.
What’re some unspeakable subjects for you? Hm. I don’t know. There’s certainly subjects I’d rather not talk about, but not one I wouldn’t talk about at all that I can think of.
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suckitsurveys · 1 year
How many people have you liked this year? One, my husband.
How many pills do you take a day? None.
Do you have any celebrity crushes? Oh BUDDY are you new here?? I have a LIST, lol.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Teleporting would be nice.
Do you put ketchup on top of your French fries or on the side? On the rare occasion I do use ketchup, it’s on the side.
Where did you last sleep other than your house? My dad’s I believe.
Where did you get your last bruise from? Being a clumsy bitch.
Is it okay to kiss people when you’re single? Yeah?
Ever worn something of the opposite sex’s clothing? Yes, a lot.
Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? Of course.
Last CD you blasted through your car stereo? Yikes this is old. The last album I played in my card through spotify was Father of the Bride by Vampire Weekend.
How many email accounts do you have? Two. One for work and one personal one.
Who is the best cook in your family? My husband.
Which baby animal is your favorite? Kittttttiesssssss.
Have you ever carved a pumpkin? Yes, at least one every Halloween.
When is the last time you went to a carnival? This past October.
Do you have a favorite glass, cup, or mug? Yeah. It’s a mug with bats on it.
What branch of science interests you the most? Sociology/Physiology.
Have you ever written anything longer than 10 pages? Yeah.
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with via text? Sarah.
Twitter or Tumblr? I really only use Tumblr for this shit.
Have you ever been given a lapdance by an actual stripper? No.
Favorite YouTuber? Bunny Meyer aka Grav3YardGirl. I haven’t watched her in a while but she’ll always be my favorite. Oh and Mamrie Hart.
Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? Yeah.
Have you ever written a love letter to someone as a joke? That’s mean.
Do you have any gay family members? Yes.
Was your first kiss romantic? No.
What are you most likely to go to jail for? Nothing because they never catch me. Ain’t nobody gunna catch me.
Who was the last person to sleep over at your house? My niece, Althea.
What would you think if you found out your ex was gay? I’d have no way of finding out since I have no contact with any of them. But good for them?
How many people has your best friend had sex with? I don’t know.
When was the last time you had a conversation with an ex? Over 10 years at this point.
Are you currently “appearing offline” to anybody? I’m actually appearing offline on Teams right now lol.
What were you for Halloween last year? This past year I was a Rockford Peach and the year before that I was Ash Wednesday. I’m glad I finally executed the latter when I did because I can’t imagine trying to find a Wednesday dress this upcoming Halloween...
Do you believe that karma can come back and slap you in the face? KARMA’S A RELAXING THOUGHT, PANCHO EN FIESTA POR YOU IT’S NOT
Have you ever been to Texas? Nope.
Do your siblings text you? Yeah.
Have you ever searched for your own house on Google Earth? Uh huh.
Did your last kiss end up with you and the person doing anything sexual? Nope.
Who is your ex dating/talking to? Again, I wouldn’t know, nor do I care.
Who did you last pinky promise with? I’m pretty sure it was one of my nieces.
Did you ever have to share a room with one of your siblings? Nope. She’s 9 years older than me and my parents recognized that’s not fair to make a pre-teen share a room with a toddler. When I was born, my family lived in a 3 bedroom apartment, but one of the rooms was very small, very cold in the winter and hot in the summer, and had a balcony off of it--aka not fit for a kid and not big enough for my mom and dad. So for a little while I slept in their room and my sister had her own room. When I got to be a toddler, they gave my sister their room, I took over my sister’s old room, and they opted for the couches in our living room. It only lasted a year or so and then we moved into the 4 bed house where my family currently lives and my sister and I (as well as my mom and dad) were able to have our own rooms there as well.
What happened at the last party you went to? That would be our family’s Christmas Eve party at my dad’s. We ate food and exchanged presents, along with lots of talking and catching up with cousins.
Have you ever completely misunderstood what somebody was saying? Of course I have.
When was the last time you felt ill? What was wrong? I felt a little nauseous last night.
Who was your first best friend? Do you still speak to that person? A girl named Liz. We still follow each other on social media but we aren’t really close anymore.
Are you wearing anything that was given to you as a gift? My socks.
What is your least favourite song, by your favourite artist? That changes all the time bro.
What color is your jewelry box? Red.
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? Very much so. That’s my husband.
What is your brother/sister’s favorite food? You know what, I’m not sure? Maybe oysters? I’ll have to ask her when I see her next.
Do you have any ice cream in your freezer? What flavour is it? I have old popcicles if that counts lol.
In your life, who is the person that seems to understand you the most? Mark and Sarah.
Are you afraid of losing the person you like right now? I mean, not like, actively afraid, no, but I don’t want to lose him.
Does anyone know your Facebook password? Yes.
Would you ever consider getting a piercing in your septum? I usually hate that piercing but I keep thinking about it honestly. I want something else pierced and that might be what I end up doing.
Do you enjoy being outdoors? I do.
How many times have you been to a zoo? I would say, as a rough estimate, probably like 30 or more times? Chicago has a free zoo, so it’s something I remember doing a lot growing up, and our grade school would take field trips there was well because it was so close to the school. I’m sure I went a couple of times in high school, and in college too, with friends. Then when my nieces were born we took them as well. It was usually a summer activity, but recently we started going in the Fall for their Fall Fest and in the Winter for Zoo Lights, so I know I’ve been more than once a year a few times. I’ve also been to Brookfield and the Memphis Zoo a handful of times total as well.
What’re some unspeakable subjects for you? I guess it more depends on the mood I am in.
0 notes
nanalikessurveys · 2 years
Do you think that you are a good singer? No I’m a bad singer and my voice gets really weak if I even try to sing lol.
Are you sure of your sexuality? Yeah.
Do you love your parents? I  definitely do.
Do you like to read? I like reading but I don’t do it often.
Do you think that you are a good writer? I’m not.
What was the last compliment that you got? Today my mom complimented the scarf I am crocheting? lol
What does your home phone look like? I don’t have a home phone. Just a cell phone.
Do you eat candy daily? Nope.
Have you ever moved to a different home? Yes twice. Once with my family and then once to live on my own.
Have you ever switched schools? Yes from elementary school to middle school and so on. But not like during a school year or anything like that.
Do you like to go swimming? Sometimes yeah.
Have you ever been to camp? I’ve been to few summer camps as a kid.
Do you have a pet? If so what? Yes I have two cats.
Do you have trouble spelling certain words? Some words sure. Do you get nervous with public speaking? Yes which is why I don’t do that.
What is your favorite TV show? I listed these a few surveys back and I don’t feel like doing it again :/
Do you know anyone with a really weird name? Nah.
Are you taken? No I’m single.
Do you fight with your parents all the time? No, we don’t fight.
Are you in pain right now? Thnkfully no.
What are you doing tomorrow? I’m going to stay home probably.
Were you single on your last birthday? Yep.
How much longer until your birthday? A bit less than 12 months.
Who is the last person on your received calls list? My mom.
Where were you at 8 am this morning? I was waking up, so in my bedroom.
When was the last time you went in the car past midnight? I don’t know about a car but I was in a bus past midnight when I came home from Estonia last wednesday.
So, you have brown eyes? No.
Ever kissed anyone with the name Joe or Dave? No.
Who was driving the last three cars you were in? My dad, my best friend and uhhh her fiance probably.
Does anyone call you babe or baby? No.
Who is your last text from? My friend.
What languages can you count to ten or higher in? Finnish, Swedish, English, Spanish, French.
Has a boy/girl ever cheated on their boyfriend/girlfriend for you? Nope.
Last missed call? I think it was my mom.
Do you drink lots of booze? I don’t.
Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? No one in person, I live alone. But I was texting my friend.
Have you ever felt like you literally needed someone? Yes.
Are you one of those people that get nervous around babies and small children? I get uncomfortable around elementary school aged boys :/.
Do you use text lingo like ‘ur’ & ‘2’ whenever you text or instant message? No.
Do you update your Facebook status often? When’s the last time you updated it & what did it say? I'm not on Facebook.
Who was the last person you held hands with? I don’t recall.
Are you outgoing or shy? I’m a shy person.
Can you legally drink? Yes.
Will you be married in the next 2 years? Haha no.
Are you taller than 5’5”? I’m not.
At this very moment what should you be doing? Nothing in particular. Which is why I’m doing this.
Do you have any medication you have to take every day? Yeah.
Ever kissed anyone with a nipple piercing? No.
What about a lip piercing? Nope.
Who’s the last person who you went out to eat with? My mom.
What are you doing tonight? Surveys, maybe watch Netflix.
In winter, would you rather wear a jacket or hoodie? A coat.
Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? Nah.
How old do you look? Some people say I look younger. But it’s hard to say myself.
Where are your siblings? My sister is at home I’m assuming.
What are you going to do after this? Maybe watch Netflix. I started to watch Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities, I’ve only watched one episode but I liked it a lot so I’m going to continue with the other ones.
What color shirt are you wearing? Grey.
Have you ever voluntarily read the Bible? No.
Why do you think most teenagers don’t enjoy reading? Maybe because they have other things they find more appealing, or they’re sick of it because they have to read for school already, short attention span... There’s many reasons.
How much is gas where you live? I don’t know, I don’t drive.
How many good friends do you have? I have one friend.
When was the last time you were on the phone? This morning.
Did you get any compliments today? Yes... on my scarf lol.
Have you ever gotten a spray tan? No.
0 notes