#my room would make a shit tonn of money
princessbrunette · 5 months
thinking about calling pogue!rafe over because your hot water isn’t working and he’s acting all annoyed but he’s lowkey kicking his feet at the fact that he gets to be in your home. maybe even asking him to stay after your shower so you can cook him something as a reward and play house for a bit 🩷🩷🩷
ೀ 🐰 ‧ ˚ 🪽 ⊹˚. ♡
my favourite thing about pogue!rafe is that he acts soooo inconvenienced by your presence. he hates kooks, think they’re so stuck up — so he can’t help but feel to push you away. always referring to you as a ‘stuck up little girl’ whilst he’s only a couple of years older than you. he’d done some work on the house before, and whilst your parents are away you literally don’t know who to call to fix your hot water problem so you try him, pacing around your room.
at first during your call, he tells you he’s got a shit tonne of work to be doing on other houses and doesn’t have time to drop everything for a kook princess. he can practically see your little pout through the phone, but keeps up his attitude until you thank him for his time anyway, sadly throwing out a little “no, i understand it’s okay. i’ll probably just hit up that jj maybank. i heard he’s pretty handy.” and suddenly he’s changed his tune, physically sitting up from his slouched position to be all “shit, okay fine… fine. i’ll be there in twenty minutes just — just don’t call anyone else a’ight?”
he’s sulking when he turns up with his tool box and that muscle tank and shorts with paint and dirt on them — unable to stop sucking on your bottom lip because he’s just so big and strong. he’s ignoring your lustful gaze with everything in him as he walks through to your bathroom. “lets just get this out the way, yeah?” he drawls as he gets to work.
you sit on the sink and swing your legs, not leaving him alone as he works simply chatting his ear off, seemingly unphased by his blunt replies, finding creative ways to shut you down like reminding you “yeah, uh you’re my little sisters age.” however you seemed totally unscathed, only working harder to prove you’re grown enough to take him.
“should be workin’ fine now so uh… just wire me the money n’we’ll be good. doin’ overtime right now so i kinda just wanna go home.” he waves you off and you step infront of him.
“you’re finished working?”
“di’nt i just say that kid?” he drawls and you grin, dragging him to your lounge.
“perfect! look i really wanna thank you specially for bein’ so helpful to me even though it’s clear you don’t want to. let me cook you dinner. please? i got beer and uh… i’ll make it really good. oh please rafe, my parents are away and i’m all alone.”
he sighs like it tortures his whole being, but he couldn’t deny that your house was super nice — nicer to hang out in than his shitty little fishing shack that he calls a home. he’d heard the cops had been sniffing around for him wanting to talk about a little ‘altercation’ he recently wound up in and didn’t have the energy to deal with that. no one would suspect him in the kook princess headquarters.
he cracks open a beer and lounges on your couch watching tv as you prepare the food for him before sticking everything in the oven and heading upstairs to shower. he doesn’t notice your presence disappear until you’ve returned in the tiniest little night gown and damp hair, leading him to the dining room where you serve up his food.
“some real housewife shit, huh?” he can’t hold back his smile as you seat him infront of a hearty meal. you feel all warm at the implication, shrugging modestly.
it’s inevitable that you wind up in his lap after he’s eaten, having sat with him and flirted — leaning over the table with your tits practically spilling out. you can’t quite recall how you got there, in between telling him you had nothing on under the nightgown and him telling you that it wasn’t his fault that men had primal instincts or some shit like that — but soon he was pulling your dress up to your waist and stuffing himself inside you, roughly fucking up into you.
“oww, rafey!” you whine at how rough he’s being with you, not used to being treated like anything but a princess. he can tell it’s an act though, and you truly do love it from the way your walls contract around him.
“nah, nah you knew what you were doin’ inviting me here. what were — were you just sittin’ around with a fuckin’ wet pussy waitin’ on your moment to invite me round n’let you fuck on me? huh? that was this is?” he bucks his hips, holding onto you to completely take control from below, bashing you against the table with each thrust that was certain to leave bruises.
you whimper, pressing your body to his trying to win over some affection as you sniffle. “just got such a crush on you, rafe.” you mewl and he scoffs, taking that moment to pick you up in his lap and place you on the dining room table instead, gaining more control so he could keep rutting into you.
“sick’a you little kook girls tryn’a — tryn’a use me like im some little experiment that you can toss to the side afterwards.” he complains, gripping your hips and practically using you like a toy. if he wasn’t holding you up, you’d be completely limp.
“dont want you with other girls! not — not gonna get rid of you i just want you.” you defend, and finally he slows his punishing pace to catch his breath, staring down at you analytically with parted lips, dick twitching inside you at the confession.
“that right?” he deadpans and you nod, teary eyed. “that why you let me in this princess cunt raw? huh? no protection or nothin’? just… just hoping i pull out? ha…” he chuckles maliciously, starting to push in deeper once more, upping his pace just a tad. “yeah… yeah maybe i should nut right in here—” he caresses your lower tummy making you whimper, completely at his mercy with your legs split. “knock up some kook pussy. won’t just be a phase then will i? nah baby… nah you’d be stuck with me for life.”
he’s got a sick smile on his face, but what he’s not expecting is for you to grip the back of his neck, your bottom lip wobbling with a serious look in your eyes. “do it.” you command and his face drops a little, realising that maybe he was dealing with a girl that had it bad for him. that, or you’re trying to get some sort of revenge on your parents. either option made his dick throb.
ೀ 🐰 ‧ ˚ 🪽 ⊹˚. ♡
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noforkingclue · 2 months
The Body in the Library Chapter 5 (Sherlock Holmes x reader)
You looked at your cork board as you rocked back and forth in your chair. You used this board when planning your next book but seeing you were on a brief break you decided to use it for this- trying to figure out a real life murder. Fuck, you really were becoming a character from your own books weren’t you?
Usually when you were planning one of your books you’d work backwards. Knowing who the murderer would be as well as the victim and plotting back from there. Motives, suspects, all of that came easily when you worked like that. However, this was different. You were working from a dead body, with no suspects, no motives, no-
You sighed as your phone pinged. You glanced at the message and frowned.
Stop that. SH
You glanced at the time and winced. It was two in the morning. You were usually in bed by this time but Holmes’s warning still echoed around your mind and you weren’t able to fall asleep.
How did you know I was awake?
Simple matter of deduction. You were unnerved by what I told you yesterday. The majority of people would not be able to sleep therefore I correctly assumed that you would be awake. SH
Do you always sign off your texts ‘SH’?
I wasn’t aware that you had my number saved down.
I do. Under ‘pretentious wanker’
For an author you are not particularly eloquent.
You got me off topic. What do you think I’m doing?
Trying to solve my case.
Your case? I thought that you would’ve left this to the police. Why are you taking it on?
To your surprise Sherlock didn’t reply right away. You rolled your eyes and chucked your phone back on your desk. Typical, as soon as the conversation became difficult Sherlock avoided it. Really you should’ve expected it. Although you did want to know why he decided to do this case.
You haven’t answered my question.
Ok, you shouldn’t have double texted. First rule- never double text. Although was that just for partners or possible romantic interests? You had no interest in Sherlock Holmes whatsoever.
Because it’s irrelevant.
Do you question why I take any case.
Only ones that involve someone you’re meant to be hating
I’ve been thick
Fuck you. But let me guess- Matthew is paying you a shit tonne of money for you to solve this case. Plus you get added exposure for dealing with me
 Surely that would be the other way around. You profiting from my success as a consulting detective.
I am secure enough to not need any ‘exposure’ from you
If you say so.
I do say so
You threw your phone to the side as you continued to study your moodboard. You drummed your fingers on your desk. This wasn’t how you usually worked. Hell, you didn’t even know the identity of the victim. The poor bloke that somehow ended up in your lib- living room. You couldn’t do anything without a name.
Sherlock certainly wouldn’t give it to you. Why would he do anything to help you out? If he could do something to make your life difficult he would do it. Lestrade was also a deadend. He had far too many principles to leak vital information about an ongoing case. You glanced at the clock and once again winced when you noticed the time. You pinched the bridge of your nose and finally decided to head to bed.
You couldn’t work like this. You needed a decent night’s sleep (despite fucking up your sleep schedule even more) and come at this with a fresh gaze in the morning. Maybe then, you’d be able to see things through a fresh perspective and also think of someone who could give you some scraps of information.
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pinkremedy2515 · 4 months
Recap and present intro
I’m in junior year now, and i just went back and read all my previous posts, a measly 7 by the way. Apparently they’re from 2022 and onwards if i inferred correctly. Which mean it hasn’t even been that long, huh.
I decided to be just a little more organized about the posts now because i almost had an aneurysm trying to read the last one. That’s almost a year and a half old, huh…
So quick recap of what you, the grateful inquisitive audience, missed; 1. I did my o levels,
2. discovered i was moving from the city i grew up in for my whole life,
3. went on summer vacation,
4. dyed half of my hair hot pink in a show of teenage impulsivity (although it was a thorough meticulous decision),
5. got all A*s on my o levels, missed a rank by 5 marks (or was that 7 marks…)
6. Got stuck in my home city and delayed the move because my dad’s employer decided to be an ass about my dad moving,
7. finally moved in the September of 2023, and moved to the capital city of my country from my beachside home city ( I know it sounds all Hollywood having to move in the middle of high school especially into the ‘BIG CITY’ but i was far from ‘a fish out of water’ I just hate this place)
8. Moved into a small ass apartment, that is a fraction of the size of our previous house, and my room is as small as it is legally allowed to make a bedroom (i know because I searched it up) while my older sister gets to have a much larger room with a balcony too because i lost a coin toss that i suggested to conduct.
9. Broke off a friendship that was nearly a decade old, and really I don’t even know what to make of it
10. almost instantly made friends with the girls in my new class, and made almost all the teachers hate me within the first month if I’m to wrong. This little trope suggests that i am the cool rule breaking type, but let me assure you i am not. The teachers hate me for no good reason, but it doesn’t really matter cause they fucking suck too and i hate them just as much if not more. Although I am in the stem subjects (bio, chem, physics and math) and my science head hates me so I don’t really feel the best about her having direct control of my gpa, but what can a girl do
11. Almost forgot, i went to my cousins wedding halfway across the world, spent buckets of money on the tickets and the dresses cause it was during Christmas, only to look god damn hideous because only divine intervention can help me look anything above perfectly mediocre and average,
12. And ive lost all hope and motivation for my as level, because due to the above mentioned vacation I ended up missing a shit tonne of the syllabus being taught and the teachers didn’t like me enough to reteach me the bits i missed, so i had to haul my ass all the way through my mocks, which i barely passed, and all the way to where i am now.
13. Turned 17 about 2 and a half weeks ago and felt nothing but despair for having reached that age, not because its almost as cliche as 16 but rather because I don’t look forward to the future anymore
Present day me, who just finished bombing her math and mechanics as papers on the first week of may, and i now have exactly 3 days till the next slew of exams which involve three exams in 3 consecutive days, and i really am not as prepared as I should be but I can’t seem to find it in me to haul my ass through it because i freak out and get stressed and end up doing nothing.
I’m very different from last year in that regard, i used to be at the top of my class and aced my subjects and here i am now, barely even passing and standing at the very bottom of what used to be my academic career but is now a wide yawning chasm. I hope to not fuck up everything completely, and just get an A on my AS levels, a passing A would do as well. I really hope god up there is feeling sympathetic to a pathetic stupid teenage girl who is trying to try her best.
I’ve been raised and am at an economic level that has me comfortable but the only future for me is one i make myself; through my academics and hard work, so I am fully aware what’s at stake here but im giving up on myself. The me who fought died one day and I didn’t even have a warning. No heads up, no 2 week notice, and definitely no replacement hired. The worst bit was i spent the whole summer studying and planning to make this the best and most productive year, but all my effort lead to absolutely nothing, and it would be a lie to say my spirit I entirely crushed to smithereens and i feel that i am teetering on the brink of what might be a depressive slump.
It’s currently 2:24 am on the 11th of May as I type this, and I should either be asleep or doing the past paper thats been squished under my iPad-laptop. i might not post this just immediately so the timing probably wont add up. Although im not sure tumblr has a time format or info bit for the posts anyway, at least not from what ive seen.
I missed out on a bunch of other things that happened to me along the way, and a bunch of stuff that’s happening now. But i felt a little encouraged to post because one of my previous posts had a singular like, which may have been an accident and even if it wasn’t, that person probably wont find my blog (if you can call it that) again because they don’t follow me :// which sucks a bit but whatever. Maybe I should take the initiative and follow them… maybe i might…
Anyway ill probably conclude this essay of a post now, but one last thing, i feel the need to change the color scheme and vibe of the whole account again, so ill probably do that in the morning after i wake up and have two consecutive tutoring sessions that make me want to reap my own soul :D
Byyyyeeeee to the worlds quietest audience :)
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch6: That Makes Two Of Us
Summary: Things heat up between Katie and Steve as their relationship progresses, but when Tony caches them out, he’s on the war path.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Bad Language, Smut (dry humping, oral- male receiving) NSFW, 18+. and a VERY angry Big Brother...
A/N: One of my favourite chapters. Thank you to @angrybirdcr​ , its a pleasure to have your edits for the repostings!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 5
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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End of May 2013
“For the one hundredth time, no, Tony I am NOT coming.” Katie groaned as she pulled up outside Steve’s apartment building “I have work to do.” “But the damned meeting is in DC!” Tony protested “Surely you can manage to spare an hour! You’re part of the board!” “You know full well that’s only to make sure that Starks maintain a controlling stake!”
“So basically what you’re saying is that you don’t care about our business.” Her brother’s voice took on a petulant tone. He could be such a child at times. “Stop being a dick.” She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose “Look, I’m busy with work, I can’t just drop everything you know just because you-” “Have you got a man on the go?” Tony asked suddenly, cutting her off “Because I’ve not seen you for weeks. Do I need to prep a Shovel Talk?” “Goodbye, Tony.” Katie cancelled the call before she stepped out of the car and headed to the lobby door.
In his apartment Steve was reading a proposal and groaning to himself. They wanted him to record videos to talk to high school kids about puberty, keeping fit, being in detention, not doing drugs…and he had agreed, just to shut them up mainly, but he was already regretting his decision. With a final wrinkle of his nose, he threw down the document he was looking at and was about to make himself a coffee when the buzzer to his apartment went off.
“Hey, Handsome.” Katie’s voice rang over the intercom and he smiled just as he always did when she called him that, a habit she’d slipped easily into over the last three weeks of dating, which had consisted of early morning breakfast meets on their way into work, stolen lunchtimes away from the office where they could hold hands with a slice or a burrito as they walked around the Mal, three more intimate evening meals at quiet restaurants and one trip to the cinema. That had been Steve’s favourite date so far, not just because it had been his first time in a movie theatre since the 40s, but more so that he he’d enjoyed the feel of her as she leaned into him when he’d put his arm round the back of her chair, sharing popcorn, stolen quick kisses on the lips in the dark as they sat on the back row in between their bursts of hysterical laughter at the film. They had gone to see the third and final instalment of the Hangover trilogy, which Katie had been ridiculously excited about. She loved those films and Steve had to admit he agreed they were pretty good, as all three had made him laugh in places until tears rolled down his face. Movie and TV nights in their apartments had also turned into something special too as they snuggled down together, sharing snacks and personal space along with deep kisses that left him wanting a lot more… “Hey Sweetheart, come on up.”
He waited for her by the door and felt his breath catch as she emerged onto the landing from the stairs. She was wearing a blue and white LA Dodgers T-shirt, which was tight and finished just above her hips and clung to her chest flashing a strip of her toned stomach, tight grey jeans which fit snug to her ass and black baseball boots. Steve had seen her in all sorts of clothing items- jeans, tops, dresses…but never like this.
And fuck, she looked hot.
“Hi!” She greeted him with a huge smile and a gentle kiss, standing on her toes to meet his lips, before she stepped into the apartment and headed into the living room. Spotting the file on the coffee table she picked it up.
“What’s this?” She asked, opening it.
“A proposal from Fury. I’m going to be doing some videos, for high school kids..phys-ed classes that kinda thing.” “Videos?” “Yeah, apparently they get Celebrities to do them normally but they thought they’d use me this time.” Steve shrugged. “You’re not some kind of performing monkey they can trot out when they want.” She winkled her nose in distaste as she remembered those awful USO videos as she thumbed through the file. 
Steve smiled at her indignation on his behalf. “It’s only a couple of videos.” he assured her. 
“Hmm.” she dropped the file with disdain onto the table “Anyway, enough about that. You busy?” “When it comes to spending time with you? Never.”
“Oh that was smooth, Captain Badass!” She smirked and he gave her a quick shrug and a smile.
“What you got in mind?”
Grinning like a Cheshire cat she pulled out what looked like two tickets from her back pocket and suddenly it became apparent why she was dressed as she was.
“Are we…no, you’re kidding?” Steve couldn’t help the childish grin which flickered across his face “Baseball?” *****
“Oh what?” Katie cried out, jumping to her feet as the umpire made an atrocious decision for what felt like the 100th time, turning to Steve in disgust. “Is this guy blind or just really fucking dumb?”
Steve let out a snort, leaning back in his seat with his hand gesturing to the field. “Blind, he has to be. No one can be that stupid. I mean he’s been calling bad ones all game.”
Katie angrily dropped to her chair and Steve gestured to the vendor for two more beers. He passed one to Katie who hesitated as she took it.
“I bought the car.” She said, looking at him.
“Sweetheart,” he leaned over, kissing her cheek, “ridiculously fast metabolism, remember? I can’t get drunk. I’ll drive home…”
He handed over his money, waved away the little bit of change he would have received before he turned back to his girl who was pouting at him.
“The last time you drove Rainey you didn’t respect her. You drove her through a fuck tonne of puddles.”
“Doll, it’s a…”
“Er, she.” Katie looked at him. “She is not an it…”
Steve rolled his eyes. She was ridiculously attached to her Range Rover. He had to admit, as far as cars went it was pretty damned nice both to be driven in and to drive. White with black wheels and windows, and every gadget in it known to man. Mind you, he expected nothing else from the Starks.
“Ok, she is a damned four by four…” He raised an eyebrow for her. “They’re supposed to go off roading, so what’s a few puddles?”
“Off roading?” Katie spluttered, her eyes wide. “No! You’re so not driving her ever again.”
“Fine I’ll drink both of these then.” He shrugged, moving to take the beer he’d handed her back, and she moved it out of his reach, glaring at him. The desire to drink and have fun won out over protecting her car from a haphazard Captain who was on the sly a bit of a speed demon and probably never actually completed any kind of driving lesson in his life, let alone a test. She dug into her pocket and handed over her keys.
“One scratch and you’re a dead man.” She narrowed her eyes playfully.
“I’ll take good care of her.” He said solemnly, putting the keys into his pocket.
As the game progressed, despite his protestations that the LA Dodgers just weren’t his team, he found himself rooting for them and he was getting more and more frustrated at the current batters method. The guy was swinging it around with more force than Thor wielded his hammer and it wasn’t working. But just as Steve was about to let out another cry of frustration, the bat suddenly connected with the ball, and it was a good hit. Both Steve and Katie got to their feet shouting for the players to speed up and go for home. When they made it the pair both let out a loud cheer, and Steve hugged Katie, grinning wildly. At that moment, stood there, surrounded by strangers but with the girl who made him feel so grounded, he had never felt so normal since coming out of the ice, and he loved it. 
The rest of the innings passed far too fast, but at the end of the game, the Dodgers won, much to Katie’s delight. They joined the throng of people streaming out of the stadium hand in hand and Steve, still grinning like an idiot felt Katie tug on his hand.
“Shall we head for a drink?” She asked as he looked at her.
He nodded, tilting the peak of her cap back slightly and giving her a quick peck on the lips. “Sounds great.” And it was a great idea. Until they parked up, walked into the sports bar and spotted half of STRIKE in there round a table.
“Turn around.” Katie hissed with a groan and, just as they were about to do so, Rumlow yelled from the bar.
“Hey Cap, Nova…”
“Too late.” Steve muttered as Katie rolled her eyes and turned round.
“Fancy seeing you here!” Rumlow smiled and Katie shrugged.
“Yeah, small world, huh?”
“You want a beer, Cap?” Rumlow gestured to the bar and Steve nodded.
“Sure, thanks.”
“Stark, what do you…woah, what is this shit?” Rumlow pointed at her shirt and it didn’t escape Steve’s notice that the man’s gaze was lingering far too long on her boobs. He took a deep inhale, his fists clenching in his pockets as Katie let out a scoff.  
“This shit just kicked the Nationals asses!” she responded, jabbing Rumlow in his chest.
“Whatever man!” Rumlow shook his head. “Fucking Dodgers…” They didn’t have much option then but to join the rest of the team. Rumlow took the opportunity to eyeball Katie at every given opportunity and it was really starting to piss Steve off. At one time Katie looked up and caught Steve simply glaring at Rumlow, and in an attempt to keep him calm she gently squeezed his knee under the table. Steve was glad when it was his round, giving him an excuse to leave the table, Evans following to give him a hand.
“Enjoy your date?” Thee ginger haired man looked at Steve with a smirk.
“What?” Steve replied, a little too quickly. “I saw you and Stark kissing.” Evans popped a shoulder. “Outside the stadium. Don’t worry, no one else did.” Steve let out a sigh. It wasn’t like they were doing anything wrong, but he knew that Tony didn’t know yet and the pair of them were simply enjoying the early stages of a new relationship on their own before the inevitable tornado of interest hit once they did go public. Glancing at Katie who was talking to Rollins and Rumlow at their table, he turned back to Evans and dropped his voice slightly.
“We’re not deliberately keeping it from everyone, it’s just early days, don’t want everyone sticking their noses in, get what I’m sayin’?” “Secret’s safe with me.” Evans nodded. “Although I suspect it won’t be a secret for much longer if Rumlow keeps eye fucking your girl.”
Steve let out a snort as he took his change from the bar tender. “He’s a pain in the ass.” “Yeah well do me a favour, Cap.” Evans chuckled, picking up three of the glasses “When you do eventually snap and beat on him, make sure I’m there. Been waiting for someone to smack the shit outta him for years.”
Later that evening the coffee table at Katie’s apartment sported a number of empty plates, which had previously contained several frozen pizzas, and a good quantity of empty beer bottles. Katie was happily snuggled under Steve’s arm, curled against him and he was enjoying the closeness and comfortable silence that had fallen over them as they watched another ‘Game of Thrones’ episode. Katie had gotten him hooked on the fantasy programme and promised not to watch any of the latest season until he had caught up on the last two. As the episode finished he felt her stir and he didn’t want her to move, thankfully she didn’t too far, simply shifting her head slightly.
“So I never asked if you enjoyed yourself” She asked, looking up at him.
“Doll, it was amazing. Thank you.” “We should go more often” She mused “I haven’t seen a game live in years but I really enjoyed it.”
“You know what I didn’t enjoy?” He looked down at her, the soft light from the lamp illuminating her pretty face, highlighting the freckles spattered across her nose. “Sitting in that bar with Rumlow watching him looking at you.”
“Aww were you jealous?” She teased, sitting up.
“Not at all.” He shook his head, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as he recalled what Evans had said at the bar “Just don’t appreciate him eye fucking my girl.”
She let out a large snort before she looked at him, as her brain registered what he had just said.
“Your girl?” Her tone was teasing but the look in her eyes told him she was anything but, in fact she looked almost nervous. “Is that what I am?”
Steve hesitated, realising that he’d never actually asked her that question before. Was three weeks too soon? He had no idea. To him it wasn’t, he’d been waiting to be able to call her his for months now, but was he outside of modern day dating etiquette?
He looked at her and took a deep breath, before he swallowed and spoke quietly, the nerves making his stomach flip slightly. “Well I’m kinda hoping you wannabe. I mean, if it’s not too soon.”
“It’s not too soon, it’s not too soon at all.” She whispered as she looked back at him, her features soft, eyes alive in the dim light of the lamp. “Stevie, I already am.”
And that was it, his lips crashed onto hers and he was kissing her like he’d been wanting to kiss her all day, his arm curling tighter round her, pulling her close. Katie took the initiative, every inch of her body was on fire for him, and she wrapped her arms round his neck and pulled him down as she fell slowly backwards, sinking into the couch. The movement came as a not-entirely unwelcome surprise to Steve and he didn’t resist. Automatically his hands crept to her hips, settling just under the hem of her top as she placed both hands on his face, the pads of her finger tips cupping his jaw. She broke away this time to breathe, head laying back on the arm of the couch and he dropped his head, pausing his lips inches from her neck.
“Can I kiss you here?” He whispered softly. .
“God, yes.” Katie sighed and he obliged, pressing his mouth to her neck. He gripped her hips again and they gave a little jerk of their own accord, pushing up against him and they she let out a soft moan at the feeling of his crotch bumping against hers. At the noise Steve pulled back to stare at her again, almost as if he was needing her permission to carry on. Katie wordlessly answered by tilting her hips up again, causing him to give a little grunt as she did so, before he took a deep breath and swallowed.
“Doll, I don’t want to rush you or do anything-”
“It’s okay Steve,” Her voice was low and slightly breathy as she looked at him, her eyes, locking onto his. She wanted this, more than she’d wanted anything before. She pushed her head upwards, lips pressing back to his and her hands slid under his t- shirt. His muscles twitched at her touch as the sensation of her gently dragging her nails across his stomach sent a spike of desire, like a red hot poker through his entire body. At that point, something snapped inside him and he let out a growl and Katie paused, hands still on his stomach.
“Did you just growl at me?” Her eyes flashed, dark, a smirk on her face. She was enjoying the effect she had on him, and right now so was he.
“Yeah.” he nodded, simply.
Her smirk grew wider as she grasped the bottom of his T-shirt. He held his arms up so she pull it over his head, and once he was free, he glanced down to see Katie looking at his chest.
She’d never seen him topless before and she was momentarily stunned. She let her hands wander, tracing the lines of the flowing muscles and Steve let out another groan wanting to feel her skin against his. He interrupted her hands exploration by gripping her top and looked back at her, ever questioning. As means of an answer she moved her arms and sat up slightly to allow him to yank it up and off, her hair falling around her shoulders, his lips catching hers as he gently slipped one strap of her bra down at a time placing a soft kiss on each of her shoulders. Her breasts spilled over the tops of the lace lined cups and his groin twitched, the crotch of his jeans now painfully tight.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispered gently, and then he kissed her again. Her fingers gently took his hands and she guided them onto her, sliding them up her rib cage to her chest and he obliged, boy did he oblige. Gently at first, softly squeezing and kneading the soft flesh and white lace, before his hand slid into the cups, teasing her taught nipples with his thumbs, acting completely on instinct, listening and watching her as she groaned gently, arching her back, her reaction telling him he was doing something right as all the time his groin bumped against hers.
Katie could feel the fabric of her underwear sliding in her jeans with every thrust of his hips against hers, that’s how wet she was. Steve was rocking hard against her and she buried her fingers in his hair, pulling sharply, forcing his head back, almost violently. As she tugged he let out another low growl and when she let go he stared down at her to see her smirking as she watched him, his pupils blown so wide there was hardly any blue left.
The rhythm of his hips was growing more frantic and their kisses were growing more desperate. “More,” she moaned into his mouth, and he gave her what she wanted, moving his hips even faster, rubbing against her in ways that had her clutching at his back like her life depended on it. Steve had never felt anything like this in his life. It was so good, so right, in a way nothing had ever felt so right before. This was a first for him, rutting up against someone fully clothed. Making out, Bucky had called it, but none of Steve’s bedroom experiences had ever entailed anything like this, and God, his head was a whirl of lust, desire, and he didn’t give a fuck about anything else at that moment other than her as she lay underneath him.
He started to lose his rhythm and he let out another groan as the tell-tale tightening across his lower stomach warned him he was fast approaching his release. This was too soon, he needed to get her there first. Clenching his teeth he desperately fought back the high as he pushed his hips down hard, making her gasp and claw at his back.
“Sweetheart, I’m close.” He breathed. “You almost there? Tell me your close baby, please?”
He needn’t have worried, at his words it was all she could do to moan brokenly and nod and his mouth fell to that spot on her neck which seemed to drive her wild. She tipped her head back as he gently nipped beneath her ear with his teeth and a few more thrusts of his hips against hers and she was done, fingers wrapped around his hair as the lights exploded in front her eyes and she felt the coil in her stomach unravelling as she came hard underneath him, hips bucking upwards, almost violently. Her voice was broken as she gasped out “Stevie…”and it was the single most beautiful sound he’d ever heard in his life. Her name for him, the name that no-one in this day and age called him other than her, tumbled from her lips and seeing and feeling her fall apart in his arms sent him over the edge right behind her in a pure surge of ecstasy. He fell forward, his arms shaking as he fought to keep his body up, not wanting to crush her under his weight. His head dropped forward, as he lowered himself ever so gently onto his elbows, his face pressing into the crook of her shoulder and she gently ran her fingers through his hair as they both breathed deeply as they waited to regain control of their bodies. Eventually both of them evened out and he raised his head to look at her, to find her smirking a little, her eyes twinkling with what looked like humour.
“What?” He managed to ask, his nose sliding against hers.
“I haven’t dry humped since I was about sixteen.” she said closing her eyes again with a smirk.
“Dry humped?” He snorted. “What-“
She laughed “Dry humping, making out, whatever. It’s been a while, Rogers.”
He felt himself chuckle again and she pressed a soft kiss to his lips, one of her hands running up and down his spine causing the muscles to gently twitch at her touch, neither of them in a hurry to move, but Steve’s arms were starting to hurt.
“You ok?” Katie looked at him, seeing the tension in his muscles and he nodded.
“Yeah, just, my arms.”
“Lay down.” Her hands moved to his biceps, gently trailing shapes on his skin.
“Doll, I don’t wanna hurt you.”
“I’m not made of glass, handsome. I promise you, it’ll be fine.”
Steve licked his lips and with a deep breath he lowered himself down gently, shifting and moving lower, pressing as little of himself to her as he could, despite the fact he could have happily smothered her to feel her body pressed against this. He closed his eyes and lay his head gently on her chest as she carded one hand through his hair, the other softly trailing down his neck and across his shoulders. Her touch was soothing, relaxing, loving even, and h felt himself beginning to doze off.
Katie was also growing sleepy, so she gently kissed his head and whispered a single word to him.
It was a question to him, an invitation to stay with her that she was desperately hoping he’d take up.
He opened his eyes to blink lazily up at her. “Do you want me to?” he asked, his voice thick.
She nodded, “Let’s go to bed.”
He made to stand before he remembered his trouser predicament having just shot his load into them like a pubescent teenager and stilled, his cheeks flushing even more.
“I uh…I think I need to…”
“There’s some stuff of Tony’s in the spare room.” she said, looking at him cutting him off knowing exactly what the problem was because she was also in need of a clean-up “Should be a pair of sweats in there. Might be a bit short on you but…”
With another soft kiss, he pushed himself up off the couch before offering her his hand. She took it and he pulled her up, a little more forcefully than he had intended and she fell forwards, crashing into his chest.
“Steady on Soldier.” She grinned and he apologised, dropping a kiss to her forehead as his gaze once more dropped to her chest. With a certain glint in her eye she turned around, undid her bra and slipped it off before bending over in front of him, picking up his T-shirt from where she’d tossed it to the floor before heading over to the stairs.
Steve was hard again like it had never left.
After he had cleaned himself up and managed to calm himself down, he thrown on a pair of Tony’s sweatpants retrieved from the spare room and exited the main bathroom, heading to her room. She wasn’t asleep as he found out as he settled down in the bed next to her, and she moved to rest her head on his bare chest tangling her legs into his as his hand stroked her back, gently underneath his T’shirt, light fingers brushing her soft skin.
“This is mine…” He teased with a yawn as he tugged at the bottom of his shirt and she moved laying a soft kiss onto his lips.
“You can have it back tomorrow.” She said, laying her head back down on his chest. As her breathing grew even he felt himself start to drift off too, the warm feeling in his chest made him want to burst with happiness.
When Steve woke the next morning it was peacefully. Katie had shifted positions through the night and now her back was to him pressed as close as she could get, he still had his arms around her, his face buried in her hair. She smelt so familiar and comfortable. As his sleepy brain reminded him of the previous night he smiled and felt a familiar twitch. He was hard, again, which wasn’t uncommon when waking up, but suddenly he felt her stir, and then he realised with horror that she was going to feel him poking her in the back.
It took Katie a few seconds to recall the night before, but when she felt a solid, warm wall of muscle pressed against her, a small hum of contentment rumbled in her throat as she pushed back further into him. They both lay there for a moment, silently, basking in the warmth and softness of each other before Katie turned over and looked up at him. Her face was devoid of any make up, not that she wore a lot anyway, but her freckles were more pronounced, clear skin was bright, cheeks flushed and her hair was tousled in waves around her shoulders. He reached out to tuck a long strand that had fallen over her cheek behind her ears, when she looked up at him, her eyes glinting.
He was about to wish her good morning, but before he could she kissed him, hard and fast, tongue tangling with his. And then she was straddling him, his head against the pillow, as her lips began to trail down his chest. By the time his sleep and lust addled brain had caught up with what was going on, she had reached her destination and had flipped the waist band of the sweats he was wearing down, taking his erection firmly in one hand, making him hiss slightly.
His size had taken Katie slightly by surprise, although she knew with retrospect it shouldn’t have. She looked up and locked eyes with him before she gave him one final smirk and took him in her mouth. Steve panicked for a second, this had never happened to him before, his hands flying to the bed sheets either side of his waist, but it wasn’t for long, as all worry flew out of his mind as she began to work him.
From the noises he was making Katie knew he was enjoying himself. Which was her aim. After a short while, she pulled off of him to suck at the tip and worked her hands over the rest of his length. When she glanced up at him, he had his head thrown back against the pillow, face contorted in utter pleasure. She continued to lick, suck, and when she pulled away slightly to suck at the sensitive tip, working the rest of his length with her hands he let out a loud groan and he looked at her. Her eyes locked onto his and he felt that tell-tale warmth rising in his groin and stomach.
“Katie, sweetheart, shit.” His voice was raspy from desire and the fact it was morning and Katie was beyond aroused at the sound as he babbled the first words either of them had spoken since waking. “I’m gonna-” his words caught in his mouth as she took him in hers again, this time all the way to the back of her throat. At that, he was gone, his fingers gripped her hair tight the other clutched at the bedsheets, noises escaping him that he’d never heard before as he spilled himself down her throat and slumped back completely blissed out.
Katie rolled onto her side watching, as he finally opened his eyes and looked down at her.
“Morning, Handsome.”  She grinned and he felt himself chuckle.
“Morning, Gorgeous.” he said, still fighting to control his breathing.
“You want breakfast?” She asked, leaning over to peck him on the lips. He hummed a response and she smiled once more before climbing out of bed. Steve watched her head into the bathroom and found himself thinking that as far as mornings went, he’d had worse.
She emerged a few moments later, her hair slightly less wild, and she was still in his T-shirt, which fell to midway down her toned thighs, giving him a better look at that intriguing tattoo that adorned her right which he still hadn’t seen in full properly. She flashed him a smile, fully aware he was looking her up and down, and then she left without a word, clearly with no intentions of getting dressed fully yet. Which was fine by him.
Katie turned the radio on and set about making coffee, singing softly to herself as she replaced the filter paper. She tossed in a liberal amount of Columbian Roast and was just pouring two mugs when Steve, who was now out of bed, appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. She smiled at him and slid a mug of the coffee over the island where the creamer and sugar already lay waiting and he took it with a thanks.
“How hungry are you?” she asked and he arched an eyebrow over the top of the mug and she gave a laugh. “Sorry, dumbass question. Fancy pancakes and fruit?”
“Don’t got to any trouble, Doll.” He began to protest but she shook her head.
“It’s no bother, I can whip up a batter in five minutes.”
Turning away from him, she reached up into the cupboard for the flour and the T-shirt she was wearing rode up slightly giving Steve a perfect view of her ass which was clad in black lace panties. The fraying tendrils of self-control he had been holding onto snapped completely and stood up from the stool he’d been perched on, right hand still clutching his coffee. He rounded the island in three long strides and placed the mug down on the counter beside her, his hands falling to her hips and he gently spun her to face him. She giggled slightly before his lips met hers and he reached down and cupped her ass in both hands picking her up easily and setting her down on the counter.
“Something got you worked up Captain?” She teased, looking up at him. Last night had clearly unlocked something in the Soldier, and she was liking what she was seeing, and feeling.  
“Yeah, the sight of you wearing nothing but a pair of panties and my t-shirt…” He said raising an eyebrow as he reached for his mug again, taking another drink, trying to play it cool. But it wasn’t working clearly, as she simply laughed and slid both arms around his neck as she leaned in to kiss him again. His free hand slid to her thigh, tracing a path up until, just as he had reached the bottom of her panties, they were interrupted by the sound of the lift doors opening.
“Hey Kiddo, you in?” Steve and Katie exchanged a look, utter horror spreading from Steve’s head to his toes as Tony’s voice hit his ears.
“Kiddo?” he shouted again. “I can smell coffee, you in the kitchen?”
“Shit…” Katie said as she gently pushed Steve backwards, jumping down from the counter, adjusting the T-shirt. Steve was now a shade of crimson pretty much from his neck upwards as he desperately tried to rearrange his pants to hide his once more ebbing arousal. She debated telling Steve to hide in the bedroom but there was no way he’d get across the open plan living space to the stairs without Tony seeing him.
They were well and truly caught.
As she clocked the utter horror on Steve’s face she was suddenly overcome with giggles at how ridiculous the entire situation was. A super soldier and a SHIELD agent, both of them having faught aliens, deadly terrorists and weapons traders, were stood in her kitchen panicking about being busted fooling around by her brother.
“So, the damned board meeting was cancelled which would have been fine had I not already been on the jet over, so I thought seeing as I now in town with nothing to do we could hang for the day or if you’re too busy at least have breakfast…” Tony’s voice was getting louder as he walked through the apartment.
Steve looked at her in utter astonishment as she began to laugh now because frankly he couldn’t think of a single thing that was funny about this situation if he tried. Her laughter didn’t stop even as her brother walked into the kitchen, his brown eyes flashing from his sister to Steve and their various state of undress, a look of utter horror on his face as he processed the implications.
“Oh you have gottta be fucking kidding me…” Tony muttered, dropping the box he was carrying onto the kitchen counter. “Please tell me there’s a perfectly innocent explanation for this…” “Explanation yes, innocent…not so much.” Katie said through her laughter and Steve let out a groan. This was not how he wanted Tony to find out.  “Don’t you know how to buzz Dickwad, before just walking into my apartment?”
“I have a key…” “For emergencies…” she shot back. “Stop changing the subject.” Tony demanded his eyes flashing dangerously and Katie folded her arms and tilted her chin up defiantly.
“Look, this isn’t a big deal, Tony…”
“No, this…this is a very big deal…” he snapped back as he looked from her to Steve, every line on his face was contorted with anger and shock.
Steve took a deep breath and placed his mug down on the side. “Tony…” he began trying to placate the billionaire but he was cut off.
“What, you gonna tell me this aint what it looks like?” he shook his head. “That Captain America isn’t banging my little sister? I might be like nearly 60 years younger than you old man but I wasn’t born yesterday.”
Steve took a breath, his nostrils flaring at Tony’s snipe.
“Tony, I’m 29 next week, I can do what or who I like” Katie snapped at him “And besides you’ve no room to talk, the amount of times I’ve walked in on you and whichever bimbo you decided to bring home that night…”
“That is completely different!” Tony spluttered.
“No it isn’t” she shot back, hands going to her hips.
Tony’s eyes locked onto hers, before he looked back at Steve who held his gaze evenly, before the dark haired man shook his head and looked at the super soldier.
“Can you go and put some clothes on please, frankly the amount of flesh on show is disturbing me.” “Well I would but your sister is still wearing my shirt.” Steve shot back, his temper rising. Tony gave another growl and then he stopped, open mouthed.
“Are those my sweats?” He spluttered, his voice practically a squeak.
“Yes.” Katie replied simply, and at that point she grabbed Steve’s hand and pulled him out of the room and up the stairs. The initial humour she had found in the situation had ebbed away and now she was livid at her brother.
“He is…” she started, opening the various drawers to pull out a hooded top. Taking Steve’s T-shirt off, as she threw it over the bed to him. “The biggest hypocrite going…”
“To be fair I can kinda see it from his point of view…” Steve said shrugging on his T-shirt and making a point of averting his eyes as she strode over to her dresser, naked bar her panties.
She pulled on a hoody and narrowed her eyes at Steve. “Don’t defend him…”
He chuckled and crossed the room, walking round the bed. “I’m not.” he placed a peck on her lips “But I do think that I should go, let you talk to him alone…”
“Yeah, probably for the best…” she breathed out a sigh and followed him down the stairs where he retrieved his sneakers.
“Wait, do you wanna take my car or…” He gestured up and down his body, and she took in his trainers, slightly too short joggers and a T-shirt “Nah, Baby Girl, I’ll run.” She smiled at the term of endearment that he hadn’t used before then, as he dropped a kiss to her cheek.
“I’ll call you later.” He promised, before disappearing in the elevator.
Katie took a deep breath and walked back into the kitchen. Tony eyed her from where he was leaning against the counter, mug of coffee in his hand.
“Don’t start.” Katie warned him, to no avail
“Oh I’m gonna!” Tony spat, before he paused and looked around “Where is the Star Spangled Ass-hole?”
“Gone home.” Katie folded her arms.
Tony snorted “I bet he has…” “You know I don’t remember me reacting like this every time you brought a girl home, which from my recollection happened quite a lot.” Katie sniped back, as she walked to where he was stood by the coffee pot and reached round him to pour herself a fresh mug.
“That..that was different…” Tony stammered at her back as she walked to the counter for the creamer.
“How so?”
“Because, well, it’s him…” he whined “I mean, seriously? Of all the men in the world…”
“Yeah because the last one worked out so great…” Katie said sarcastically, replacing the carton down with a slightly harsh action, causing some to spill over the top.
The room fell silent bar the chink of the spoon on the edge of her pink unicorn mug as she stirred in sugar and milk. She took a sip of her drink and turned to face her brother who was hunched over the counter slightly, eyes on his mug. Eventually he straightened up and met his sister’s eyes before he spoke again, this time his voice was softer.
“How long?” he asked,
“Three weeks, give or take.”
“Three weeks, and I’m only just finding out?” “Yes, Tony.” she groaned, with the air of someone talking to a small child “And your reaction is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you.”
To be fair, Steve was right. It wasn’t an ideal way for him to find out, but she knew the reaction from Tony wasn’t about her being caught, it was about her being caught with Steve. The two men got on okay, which hadn’t always been the case, but after the battle of New York Steve had spent a lot of time with them both at the tower. Tony was still a little reserved with Steve, more so due to the fact that Captain America was someone their dad had idolised but, whilst the two men were immensely different, there was a mutual respect between them and Katie was hoping now that that was going to be enough for Tony to be reasonable about the situation.
“Please don’t kick off about this. I care about him, a lot.” She said gently, looking at her brother, appealing to his better nature and the fact that she knew he would want her to be happy.
And sure enough, that was exactly what Tony asked as he looked at her.
“Does he make you happy?”
“More than anything.” she replied honestly. “I really like him Tony, I want this to work.”
Tony studied her face for a moment before he let out a deep sigh, looking away. “Damned it.” He groaned “I can’t believe I’m going to have to have the Shovel Conversation with Captain America.”
In the silence that followed Katie debated pointing out that Steve wouldn’t be frightened in the slightest of Tony’s various threats anyway, but who was she to rob her brother of his opportunity to try and protect her?  Instead she placed her mug on the counter and leaned forward, wrapping her arms around Tony who sighed again and reciprocated the gesture.
“Suppose he is an improvement on Agent Shitweasel” he said, resting his chin on her head.
“That’s not exactly a glowing endorsement.” she snorted.
Steve was reading a book in his lounge when Katie messaged him later that afternoon. Apparently Tony had calmed down enough to take her for lunch at some Italian place in the Business District following which they’d had a walk round the city together before Tony had left to go back to New York. Steve was pleased, he knew that despite the fact that he drove her insane at times, she loved the bones of her brother which was why his reaction before had pissed her off. He messaged back, telling her he was glad she’d had a good time and that he would call her later before he picked his book back up, but he’d only managed another chapter or so before there was a buzz on his intercom.
“Rogers, it’s me.”
Steve sighed “Come on up.”
He wasn’t surprised Tony was on his doorstep, he’d been half expecting it. And, judging from the lack of stupid nickname, no Spangles, no Capsicle, no Old Man, he wasn’t here to exchange pleasantries. A fact that was confirmed when Stark didn’t wait for Steve to invite him in, he simply pushed past the door into his flat and stalked inside, glancing around.
“You can tell Kiddo helped you decorate and furnish this gaff, far too modern to be your doing. There’s no Dig for Victory posters or wind up radios…” Tony said, causing Steve to roll his eyes “Holy shit, is that an original Dekka?”
“Katie said you’d like that” Steve watched the inventor cross the room and run his hands across the sleekness of the record player’s casing. “But I have a feeling you didn’t come here to admire my music equipment.”
“Perceptive” Tony turned to face him, his eyes flashing. Steve took a deep breath.
“Tony, I…” “No, you don’t get to talk, you get to listen. And you better listen good.” the billionaire cut him off “Katie was heartbroken when Agent Shitweasel did the dirty on her. She came home and I held her as she cried herself to sleep for 2 goddamned weeks before she shipped out to New Mexico… ”
“Tony…”Steve began, knowing already where this conversation was going. He wanted to assure Tony that he would never do what Ward had done, ever. But Tony ignored him.
“I hated him.” Tony said “he was an absolute dickhead with her at times and she changed because of it.  And then, after New York she seemed to go back to being her old self. She was laughing, socialising…and that was down to you” Tony looked at the Super Soldier, who cocked his head slightly to the right as he listened, a small smile tugging at his lips “ She had a friend, something she hasn’t had much time for since my little sioree in an Afghan cave, my bad, and for the first time in ages I can see she’s over it, you know…” he took a deep breath and Steve waited for him to finish “But Katie puts her heart into everything, and I gotta ask Cap, is this serious for you or you just after getting your dick wet?”
“What? No, of course it’s serious for me Tony…” Steve said, his temper flaring slightly at his crass tone. “I can’t believe you think that little of me that you had to even ask me that!”
“Oh get off your high horse, Rogers!” Tony shook his head, and Steve raised his eyebrows “This has nothing to do with what I think of you, this is about my sister…you know the girl I brought up from the age of 7.  The girl I couldn’t love any more if she was my own. I’d die for her you got that? Die for her!”
“Well that makes 2 of us!” Steve said loudly, silencing the other man. There was a moment where no sound was heard in the apartment bar the ticking of the clock on the wall and Tony raised his eyebrows slightly as Steve looked down at the floor taking a deep breath.
“Look, I know you’re not happy about this…” Steve sighed, looking at Tony again “But do I care about her Tony, more than you know, and nothing you do or say to me is gonna change that.”
Tony’s eyes softened, but his jaw remained set. Steve took a deep breath and wet his lips before he continued.  “And, for what it’s worth, I think you did a damned good job of raising her. She’s an incredible woman.”
“She’s a pain in the ass…” Tony sniffed, Steve was glad to hear his tone was less confrontational “And she’s stubborn, always thinks she knows best…”
“Wonder where she gets that from?” Steve said cheekily
“Absolutely no idea” Tony deadpanned back.
Steve’s face cracked into a smile as did Tony’s.
“Look.” Tony sighed, “I just want her to be happy and with someone that treats her right…”
“I don’t ever want to hurt her, Tony. You have my word…” Steve said, honestly.
“Good, because if you do, make no mistake I will fucking kill you, slowly and painfully and there will be no defrosting 70 years down the line.” Tony’s brown eyes flashed slightly as he stared at Steve, And Steve knew, absolutely 100% that he meant it. He was surprised to find himself slightly unnerved by the threat. Hoping that his face didn’t give him away her merely nodded and then Tony’s demeanour changed completely and he turned back into the Tony Stark that Steve knew, and had to admit quite liked after all.
“Good, this was a good talk…” Tony said, clapping Steve on the shoulder.
Steve smiled as the weight he hadn’t even realised he’d been carrying was lifted off his shoulder. Having Tony’s, albeit grudging, approval would mean the world to Katie, and if he was honest, it meant a lot to him as well. Not only was Tony his friend also, but he was the closest thing Katie had to a father, and he wanted him to be alright with the fact the two of them were together.
He offered the man a coffee which he politely declined, stating he needed to get back to New York. The two shook hands on the threshold of Steve’s door before Tony gave him one last look, raising his index finger and middle finger of his right hand to his eyes, before turning them to point at Steve in an “I’m watching you” gesture. Steve raised his eyebrows in understanding and felt his mouth tug upwards at the side as Tony turned on his heels and left.
He retreated back to his living room and pulled out his phone.
“Hey Badass” Katie greeted and Steve chuckled.
“I’ve just had a visitor.” Katie groaned into the phone as he sat back on his couch
“Let me guess… my darling brother turned up to give you the shovel talk?” her tone was exasperated. “No mention of a shovel, just threatened to kill me slowly and painfully if I hurt you, and you know what? I have absolutely no qualms about the fact he would.” Steve grinned as he spoke.
“Don’t tell me Captain America is scared of Iron Man?” she questioned playfully. “No, Steve Rogers is slightly disconcerted by Tony Stark.” He corrected as she let out a chuckle.
“Best make sure you don’t hurt me then aint ya?” “I’ve no intentions of doing doll.” He said, honestly before he let out a breath, smiling “I really enjoyed last night.”
“And this morning?”
“Yeah, another first.” He said, unable to stop the smirk on his face spreading into his voice “I’ve never, errr, had a woman use her mouth on me before…or vice versa for that matter.”
“I like being your first.” she said softly and his chest warmed at her words.
“You know what else was a first? Waking up next to my girl.”
There was a pause before she replied, and he could hear the smile in her voice.
“And you know what else I like? You calling me your girl.”
A shit eating grin crept back across the Captains face. “Well, you better get used to it, Doll.”
**** Chapter 7
**Original Posting**
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blueaura · 4 years
Lost and Found Ch. 3
A/N: Hey guys, just trying my hand out at this fanfic thing. I love reading everyone’s stuff and decided to write something myself. I’m fairly new to Tumblr so any tips or suggestions are highly appreciated. Let me know if y’all like it and would like me to continue. Feedback would be amazing. Thank you and happy reading.
Summary: Sam and Dean meet a young hunter who is a little rough around the edges and they reluctantly take her under their wing. But she might be a little more connected to them that any of them realise.
Word count: 1.9k
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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Chapter 3
16 years ago
It was a slow night. Dean had been scouting out players for half an hour, but no one seemed to be in the gambling mood. Finally giving up, he walked up to the bar, ordered a beer and started to look around. If he couldn’t get money, he could at least get lucky.
“Son of a bitch!” Dean softly swore under his breath, a smirk appearing on his face as he walked towards his target, sitting in the corner of the bar. He didn’t know how he missed it, missed her. What he did know was that his night was about to get a hell of a lot better.
“If it isn’t little Sandy L/N,” Dean had a shit-eating grin on his face as he walked towards her table and paused in front of her, “Always late to the party L/N.”
Sandra looked at Dean with the complete opposite expression. Her usually stoic face was pulled into a scowl as she registered what the hunter was saying.
“You got the werewolf.”
“I got the werewolf,” Dean reiterated, causing Sandra’s frown to deepen. She’d driven for over 8 hours for this hunt.
“Don’t be so mad Sandy, after all, the wolf is dead and it looks like both of us have some free time on our hands now.” Dean’s suggestion wasn’t subtle at all. He made a show of looking at her from head to toe and wriggled his eyebrows playfully.
Sandra sighed. Dean was 5 years younger than her but they always seemed to have a good time. Both parties knew that it was just sex and that was the way she preferred it, but Dean had also just ruined her hunt and she was tempted to turn him down. Looking at him again though, she reconsidered. Angry sex was tempting too.
“Buy me a drink and we’ll see.” That was basically Sandy-talk for ‘Yes, we can have sex but I’m not gonna make it easy for you, asshole’ and Dean knew it.
All in all, it was a fun night. And morning. And afternoon. She left that evening and that was the last time he’d heard from her. After that, he thought about her from time to time but she never did like giving her number to other hunters. Then John disappeared, Jess dies and the world went to shit.
He couldn’t remember the last time he’d thought about her. Until now.
Dean was too lost in his memory to realise that Sam had been calling his name for a few minutes. Y/N looked at Dean suspiciously. Dean’s reaction to her mother’s name confused her. As far as she knew, her mother didn’t know the Winchesters. She had even warned Y/N on several occasions about the dangers of mixing with the Winchesters. Sandra wasn’t one to mince words, and she didn’t have anything good to say about the infamous hunters. If she had known them, she surely would have told Y/N. The woman had loved to brag.
“Sandy’s dead?” he whispered softly.
So, needless to say she was completely blindsided with Dean’s reaction. He almost sounded … sad, which was weird because her mother wasn’t a person who usually invoked that emotion in people. Anger – yes, frustration – sure. But sadness? Because of her death?
“You knew my mother.” It wasn’t a question but Dean answered anyway.
“Yeah. We were … friends? Sort of.” Dean swore softly under his breath, processing the new information.
Y/N was quiet for a moment.
“Wait a minute. She didn’t have a kid the last time I saw her. She was in town alone, on a case. She stayed with me for almost a day.”
Sam’s brain started working in over drive.
“How long ago was this?” he asked his brother.
“15? 16 years ago?”
Sam looked at Y/N, jaw clenching just for a second.
“Y/N? How old are you exactly?”
Shit, Y/N thought. Well, it was fun while it lasted.
She entertained the idea of lying but discarded it immediately. Dean was now analysing her, looking for clues most likely. She sighed and reluctantly mumbled the answer.
“You’re gonna have to be louder than that sweetheart.”
“15, alright? I’m fifteen.”
The reaction was almost immediate. Both of them were looking at her incredulously and swearing like sailors.
“Jesus kid! What the hell are you doing? Trying to get yourself killed?” Dean was almost yelling at her, berating her for hunting at such a young age, which she thought was a little hypocritical but go off, I guess.
In the middle of all the commotion, Y/N suddenly realised that there was only one voice yelling. Sam was looking at her intensely, taking in every detail, a peculiar look on his face. Before she could ask him what the hell was wrong with him, he softly called out to Dean.
He was still yelling so Sam called out again.
“Dean!” Finally, Dean stopped, turning towards Sam. Before he could say anything, Sam started talking.
“How long ago did you say you last saw Sandra?” Sam had an urgency in his tone that confused the hell out of Y/N. She couldn’t figure out where he was going with this.
Dean paused at Sam’s question.
“About 16 years, why?”
Sam just looked at his brother meaningfully, further confusing Y/N. Apparently, Dean saw where Sam was going with this.
“Oh, hell no! Fuck. No! You’re crazy,” Dean scoffed.
Sam just glared at him. “So, you’re saying you two didn’t?”
“Of course, we did Sammy! But, I’m not an idiot! We used protection.”
“Woah, woah, woah! Rewind an-and freeze! Protection? You slept with my mother?” Y/N’s voice grew shriller towards the end of the sentence, making Dean wince and look away in embarrassment.
“That’s gross. I did not need that image in my head!”
She started pacing the small room. Suddenly she came to a stop.
“Wait, why is this relevant anyway?”
Sam glanced at Dean again, who started shaking his head fervently.
“Dude, stop it. I don’t know what is wrong with your brain, maybe you have a concussion but you need to quit this line of thinking right now. You’re freaking me the fuck out,” Dean snarled.
Realisation hit Y/N like a tonne of bricks. What Sam was insinuating, why the timing was important.
“You think Dean is my father?!” It was her turn to look at Sam incredulously. She started laughing. She couldn’t help it. The idea that Dean Winchester was her father was hilarious.
“You said you never knew your dad,” Sam pointed out, ignoring her cackling.
“So? That doesn’t automatically mean Dean is my father Sam, geez.”
“You also said that he was a hunter,” Sam was determined to at least get them to consider the possibility.
“There are a lot of hunters out there!” Y/N was almost hyperventilating at this point. It was too much. Too soon.
“Sammy, shut up,” Dean said firmly. This was not the time for this. Y/N was clearly overwhelmed. Sam noticed and a flash of guilt crossed his eyes.
“Look, all I’m saying is that there is a very real possibility that you two are related. Tell me I’m wrong and I’ll back off, alright? Tell me you don’t see it,” Sam said, softly this time. Dean looked at Y/N. She did look like him, or maybe he was imagining things that weren’t there. Maybe it was just a coincidence and he was investing himself into this for no reason, but he had to know. Now that there was a seed of doubt in his head, he wouldn’t be satisfied until he got a real answer.
“Y/N,” Dean called her softly, “look kid, I’m not saying I’m your father. God knows I don’t know how to be one. But I know that you see the coincidences piling up too. Why don’t we figure this out and if Sammy is wrong, we can laugh in his face about all this. And if he isn’t … well we’ll deal with that too.”
She didn’t say anything for a long time, both brothers holding their breath.
“I don’t care,” she snaps, “I have survived without a family my whole life. I don’t need a father. I don’t want a father. Family is poison and I don’t want any part of it. So, I couldn’t care less about biology. I don’t want to know.”
She goes to storm out of the room, barely able to look at the hurt expression on their faces. Before she can reach the for the handle, Dean’s voice booms through the room.
“Well I do. I need to know if I have a damn daughter who I failed. I need to figure this out or I’m gonna go crazy. So, here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna get a damn paternity test and put a lid in this argument until we do. But before all that, we’re gonna come back to the fact that you’ve apparently been hunting alone for the past four years. Do you have any idea how fucking dangerous that is? Me and Sam, we’ve been doing this for years, but we still always take back-up! Because hunting alone is dangerous, and reckless, specially for someone who is new to the field. I’m not gonna berate you for your age, God knows I was younger than you when I first started. Its shitty but it happens. But even I was never dumb enough to hunt alone.”
Y/N was getting a whiplash from the change in the conversation. One minute they’re demanding paternity tests, and the next they’re yelling at her about her life choices.
“First of all, we aren’t getting any tests done because one, I’m in the system and you’re supposed to either be dead or are wanted by the FBI, and two, I don’t want to! And you don’t get to dictate how I live my life. You’re barely an acquaintance, not even a friend. So back the fuck off.”
She knew she was being harsh. But she needed them away from her, out of her life. They represented hope – hope for a safe haven, hope for a family, and she didn’t want any part of it. It was better to be alone than set yourself up for more pain.
Dean was quickly losing his patience.
“Look, you have 2 options. You can either come with us and we can figure all this out, at your pace, or I can give Jody a call and she can arrange for you to live with her. She’s already fostering 3 girls and she’d be happy to take you in. You won’t be able to run away from there either, which is great.”
She glared at him.
“I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to make us angry so that we abandon you. I know all the tricks in the book kiddo, you ain’t fooling me that easily. I don’t know if I’m actually your father but I’ll be damned if I let you go off on your own again. You can either come with us or go to Jody. Choice is yours.”
With that, Dean stormed off to search for a bar. It had been a long day and he needed a damn beer.
Chapter 4 
TAGS:  @vicmc624​ @buttercookiemachoman​  @carisi-sonny​ @link--in--bio
If anyone else would like to be tagged, please send me an ask (: Thanks for reading!
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Girls Change Everything-Dimitri Mitropoulos x Reader
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(GIF credit to @mrpeteparker)
Requested by anonymous: 'Could you do a Dimitri Mitropoulos from Riot Club imagine where she's an American that Dimitri likes to flirt/banter with and he obviously has real feelings for that the Riot Club tries to manipulate his feelings for her and it causes him to stand up to them proving how deeply he cares for her?'
Characters: Dimitri Mitropoulos x Reader, mentions of the club
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, mention of sex, vulgar talk about women, arguing, fluff
Dimitri casually leaned against the bar, waiting to be served. He was bored, he didn't want to speak about new club rules, he just wanted to get pissed with his mates. It was the end of a long week, uni had been piling a shit tonne of work of him, and all he needed was a drink... And maybe a shag.
"Glass of pinot please." a distinct voice said next to Dimitri at the bar.
He turned his head, eyes locking on the beautiful woman beside him. She stood tall, flicking her hair back over her shoulder as she passed the server the money for her drink. Dimitri angled himself towards her, turning on his charm.
"An American," he started,"how exotic."
The girl's head snapped towards him, before smiling and taking a drink."The Greek calling America exotic? Really?"
"You know who I am?"
"I've heard of you and your group. It's all anyone talks about really. Gets annoying."
He hummed. She hadn't bit at him, it was banter."Well, maybe I should enlighten you, tell you if these stories are true or not."
"Won't your friends mind?"
"Fuck them."
The two of them were tucked away on a small table in a corner, not afraid to be close to each other. There were laughs erupting from them, playful shoves, and at all times there was eye contact. They didn't care who was around them, they knew people were watching, itching to gossip with their friends the next day. Uni could be so boring, all work no play, so the tiniest change on socialising sparked everyone's interests.
"So you left your family to come here?" Dimitri asked before drinking.
(Y/N) nodded."How could I refuse? Obviously I miss them all, but this is an amazing opportunity. And it'll benefit everyone in the long run."
"Well, guess I'll just have to keep an eye on you." he leaned back, his arm already around the back of her chair.
"What for?"
"Make sure you stay out of trouble."
"What if I enjoy trouble?"
"Then you'll actually make my life a little easier."
"What, because you are trouble?"
"Only if you want me to be."
"Dims, mate, you coming back st any point?, Or should we expect you in the morning?" They were interrupted by Guy, who was smiling but only out of politeness.
"Guy, this is (Y/N), (Y/N) this is Guy, my best mate." Dimitri introduced them, though there was no brightness behind his words.
"Nice to meet you." she said.
"Yeah." Guy replied."So..."
"Mate, just fill me in tomorrow yeah?"
"It's not really a club meeting without all the members."
"James will just speak about the usual shit he says, I'm not missing out on anything."
"Dimitri, if you need to go, we can reschedule." (Y/N) piped up.
"Yes, thank you (Y/N), how thoughtful." Guy was beginning to get pissed off.
"No, I don't need to do anything." Dimitri said.
"Dims, the girl is letting you go."
"It's (Y/N), remember, I'm not just a girl."
"Well, to him you are."
Guy had silenced them. (Y/N) scoffed, already downing the rest of her wine and grabbing her bag. The British were either cowards and hid their true feelings, or too blunt and were just plain arse holes.
"No, (Y/N), don't listen to him." Dimitri went after her, ignoring the glares being sent by his friend.
(Y/N) stopped outside the pub, confusing Dimitri as she began laughing."Oh I love annoying British people, you're all wound up so tightly."
"I think your friend was getting a little jealous back there. Give me your phone."
He quickly passed it to her, unlocked, watching as she typed in her number. God, this girl was fast.
"Text me when you're free. I'll let you get back to your friends before they all come and throw a tantrum. See ya Dims." she briefly pecked his lips, walking away without waiting for another word from him.
He watched her as she left, finally going back inside when he heard his name being called. As soon as this fucking meeting was over, his attention would be back on (Y/N).
She liked him. She had always preferred the confident boys, even the cockiness; but she believed it was because she could handle it, and it was always funny to see boys squirm under a woman's confidence. Her smile lit up when he finally messaged her. It was stupid, she hardly knew him, but he was intriguing. Even if nothing came out of it, that's what uni was for, she wasn't going to waste her life mourning over what could have been.
"Dimitri, that was a quick response." (Y/N) happily sighed as she opened her dorm door for him. It was the next morning, the usual Sunday feeling sinking into everyone.
"I don't like to waste time." he started to let himself in, until (Y/N) put a hand on his chest, pushing him back.
"Oh, I don't think we're quite there yet."
"Oh, right, I just thought-"
"I need some coffee before we get into all that."
Everyone was surprised when they saw Dimitri and (Y/N) hanging out multiple times around campus. It was no secret that they had fucked, and just like that people assumed she was just another girl on Dimitri's list. But here they were, enjoying lunches together, walking each other to their lectures, even studying together (though they never did get through much revision).
"Dimitri, what the fuck is going on with you and Miss America?" Harry asked.
"Piss off Villiers." Dimitri sighed.
"Tell us, is she really that good of a fuck?"
"It's not all about fucking you know Villiers."
The club laughed out loud, shoving Dimitri around.
"What happened to 'girls for now, girls for later'?" Toby sniggered.
"Some of us aren't idiots mate."
"She's quite a free spirit, isn't she?" George added, trying to be nice.
"Meaning she's into kinky stuff." Guy suggested.
"Well she's definitely not getting that with Dimitri." Harry said.
Dimitri immediately snapped at him."Why not?"
"Because you couldn't handle it."
"Right, I'm fucking amazing at fucking, alright? And at least I'm not having to go get checked every weekend, I've seen some of the birds you drag back with you."
Tension was rising within the group, some boys wondering if this was actually serious and others hiding their laughter. Harry scoffed, focusing on the beer in front of him. Dimitri knew this would happen, and it fucked him off. Like all the lads, he had messed around with girls, never taking them seriously, and as much as it sickened him to be so cliche, (Y/N) was different. He wasn't annoyed by her after they had sex, he didn't want her leaving immediately. At first he thought it was because he wanted to go another round, but when he found himself getting breakfast with her, a new feeling ha developed.
"They just don't understand." Dimitri whined, enjoying laying his head in (Y/N)'s lap. He found himself venting to her as soon as she stepped into his room.
"They'll come round to it, once they stop messing around."
"Well, boys will be boys."
She shook her head."No, that's not an excuse. Always hated that saying, makes you lot get away with anything."
"Oh, no, Dims I didn't mean it like that. There are some horrible men in the world though."
"Well, you won't have to deal with them whilst I'm around. Though I'm sure you were dealing with them long before I came along."
"You're right, but it's much nicer having someone next to you."
Someone briefly knocked on the door before letting themselves in. The couple watched as Guy hesitated in the doorway, not realising (Y/N) would be there.
"What do you want?" Dimitri plainly said as he sat up.
"Can I come in? I want to talk."
"Actually (Y/N) and I were-"
"Dimitri," (Y/N) interrupted,"let him in."
Guy closed the door as Dimitri gestured for him to clem in. The men stood opposite each other, though there was no eye contact.
Guy started."Mate, I'm sorry."
Surprised, Dimitri finally looked at him."For what?"
"For all those things we were saying about your relationship. It was wrong. Just cause you've got a girlfriend doesn't mean you're any different than what you were before."
"Oh... Right."
"I was just....You weren't around as much."
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, laughing at their awkwardness."Oh my god, would you two just admit you missed each other and make up? Come on, it's been obvious. Guy, you've been jealous that Dimitri has been spending most of his time with me, and Dimitri, you've missed your friend. You know Guy, he actually talked about you a lot-"
"Alright (Y/N)." Dimitri stopped her before she went too far.
Guy chuckled."She really says it how it is, doesn't she?"
The three of them smiled, and (Y/N) watched as the two friends hugged, patting each other on the back as men did. Picking up her handbag, she clasped a hand on each of their shoulders.
"Right then, I say we celebrate this forgiveness in the pub. Perhaps Guy can tell me something about Dimitri that I don't know yet?"
Guy was eager to dive into embarrassing stories, already looping her arm through his. Dimitri struggled to keep up as they practically ran off, dreading to think what stories Guy could be telling her. He had wanted them to get along, but this wasn't what Dimitri had in mind.
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peteywillproceed · 5 years
Hot Mess
Author’s Note: I really don’t know what this is, but I had fun writing it! If you’ve heard Hot Mess by Cobra Starship you will know EXACTLY where this came from! I’d just like to say thank you for everyone’s lovely comments, you guys really are so so sweet! Anyway, hope you enjoy! x
Summary: A party you never expected to attend turns into more than you could’ve believed.
Word Count: 3,612
You peaked through the slats in the blinds, glancing up the street as the familiar roar of the engine rumbled in your ears. Electric blue streaked towards your house, the speed totally inappropriate for your tiny road, but the face behind the wheel was set with a shit eating grin and it sent shivers down your spine.
Tom made it look so effortless, one hand carelessly on the wheel, the other running through his mass of brown curls. He was chewing something today, drawing your eye to the way his tongue ran deliciously over his lips, and you stared mesmerised as he swung into a gap in the street and pulled out his phone.
Your pocket buzzed, and you disappeared from the window, knowing exactly what the text said.
Running your hands one last time over your dress, you fled down the stairs and out onto the street, barely remembering to lock up behind you. The car door slammed somewhere across your road and you spun on your heel, stuffing the keys into your pocket, and catching sight of Tom leaning against the open passenger seat.
“Well, hello darling,” he drawled, and you felt heat creep into your cheeks.
“Hello yourself, Thomas,” you winked, walking towards him and pointing at the open door “How polite of you.”
“Wouldn’t get used to it, mum told me to be nice today.”
“How sweet, still doing what mummy dearest tells you.”
You laughed as he clicked his teeth, sliding onto the expensive leather and spreading your skirt across your legs. He’d left the air con on and goosebumps rose on your arms whilst he shut the door behind you and crossed round to the other side. You took a moment to run your eyes over him, privately enjoying the way the crisp, white shirt stretched across his chest, his fingers fiddling with the cuff links as he moved. He was wearing the navy suit you’d only seen him wear at weddings, and you wondered what could be so important he had to drag his ex-girlfriend out of bed at eight o’clock on a Sunday night.
Plenty of people had asked how you knew Tom, especially when they saw he was still your phone background. Mostly, you played it off as simply knowing him through school, and very few people actually knew the truth. For about two years whilst Tom had been filming Homecoming, you’d been seeing him privately, neither of you wanting to make a big deal out of it considering the circumstances. It had ended mutually enough, although you still wished you hadn’t spent those three weeks crying, and you’d been friends for a good three years by this point.
Never, though, had he asked to see you so urgently.
“So you gonna tell me what’s so important I have to curl my hair, Tommy?” You arched your eyebrow as he climbed into the car and threw you a look.
“Y/n, since when have you called me Tommy?”
“Since I want to know why I’m not in bed!”
He sighed, gunning the engine and shoving the car in reverse. Slamming his foot on the accelerator, you shot out of the space and down the road, swinging round corners and passing red lights like road rules meant nothing. Yeah, you hadn’t missed his driving.
“It’s a stupid party my mum’s organising, I couldn’t think of anyone else to bring.”
“You? Multi-millionaire ladies’ man Tom Holland didn’t know who to bring?” You scoffed as he hit your leg.
“Hey! When you’re hot shit you’ve got choice!” he protested.
“More like hot mess,” you pointed out, and he pursed his lips.
“You liked it enough when we were dating.”
“And that’s precisely why we are no longer dating.”
He laughed, glancing over to you as the city lights raced by. Truth was, you might have been the one to end things, but you’d never lost what you felt. Anytime you saw him on the cover of some glossy magazine, posing for the next promotional poster, you felt the familiar tug on your heart strings, the constant sting of the reminder of what you’d given up. But then he said stuff like that, and you wondered why you’d even cared in the first place.
“God, I wish we could do anything else right now,” Tom groaned, throwing his head back against the head rest as he brought the car to a halt at a red light. You gulped, tracing your eyes over the rippling skin, and tore your eyes away before they betrayed you.
“Well, what’s stopping us?” You shrugged, reaching over for the radio and turning the knob. “God, what is this shit?”
“That’s good music I’ll have you know,” Tom slapped your hand away and the car shot forward. You grabbed your seat, watching nervously as the speedometer climbed slowly past the sixties, into the seventies, until it was just a blur of small, white numbers, and Tom was laughing in your ear.
“I forgot you hate my driving, darling.”
When you didn’t respond, he simply smirked and pushed his foot further on the accelerator, rock music blaring louder in the background, and you wondered if that would be the soundtrack to your death. “If you’re going to crash, please put the tree through your half of the window.”
“I’m not sure I can control physics, darling.”
“Call me darling one more time and I’ll prove to you I can.”
Tom laughed at that one, and a warm, fuzzy feeling you hadn’t felt in a long time crept through your veins. It was slow, but it felt like you were vibrating against the seat, and you could barely focus as he turned the car onto a mountain road and you started climbing into the sky.
“What’s this party even for, anyway?” you murmured, long nails digging into your palms to distract you from the way he bit his lip.
“The Brother’s Trust, we’re trying to get new donations for a hospital, there’s only a couple of grand to go.”
That stopped you, confusion hitting you like a truck. “What?”
“Darling, you spent two years with me, I’m not that much of a selfish bastard y’know.”
You nodded, processing the information. This dude, this annoying, frustrating, uptight dude had helped to raise enough money for a hospital, and you had simply missed it. The warm fuzzy feeling was back, and you almost groaned at how much your body ached to stand next to him, inexplicably drawn to the way his fingers curved around the steering wheel. You were still blitzing down a narrow road, but the scenery had faded until you were only focused on him, and nothing else. Maybe you were going crazy after all.
After what felt like an age, Tom swung into a bay in front of a brightly lit restaurant with people streaming in through the front doors. You’d spent the rest of the trip mostly in silence, until Tom had asked you to pass him his phone, and you’d laid into him about the dangers.
“Ready, darling?” he appeared on your side, arm held out to help you out of the car, and you couldn’t help the roll of your eyes.
“Still trying, Thomas?”
Loud, vibrant music pulsed through the glass doors, urging your body to move to the beat the minute you stepped into the room. Hundreds of people littered the dance floor, dressed in evening gowns of all shapes and colours, and you suddenly felt underdressed, your simple, white outfit feeling too boring.
“You look beautiful,” Tom whispered against your ear, sending shivers across your body.
“Am I even going to know anyone here?” you asked, trying to push the thoughts that were running wild in your mind to one side.
“Sam, Harry, Paddy, my parents maybe. I think some of the cast might be here somewhere…” he trailed off, casting his eyes round the room when you were suddenly grabbed by the elbow and let out a small shriek.
“You must be Y/n!” a face you placed instantly appearing in front of you. “I’m Zendaya, Tom has told me so much about you!”
She pulled you in tightly for a hug, and you let out a strangled chuckle and glanced nervously at Tom. “He has?”
“Oh yeah, tonnes!” she beamed, and now you were really confused. Who talked about their ex-girlfriend voluntarily?
Behind you, Tom cleared his throat, and a jolt of surprise ran through you to see the blush evident on his cheeks. “Daya,” he greeted, kissing her on the cheek “Do you have to be taller than me every time I see you?”
“Grow then!” she replied, turning back to you with a grin “I’m far more interested in Y/n!”
“You are?” you asked, but before the actress could reply you were interrupted by two familiar, boyish faces, and the exasperated sigh of the one trying to shepherd them.
“Y/n!” Harry yelled, nearly jumping on you in excitement “I didn’t know it was you Thomas was bringing!”
“Neither did I until yesterday,” you laughed, embracing them in turn. “Nicki, it’s so good to see you!”
“You too, Y/n,” she smiled, although she sounded confused as she shot Tom a wary glance. “I think we’re all surprised to see you! I told Tom to bring a date!”
“Mum!” Tom hissed, and you laughed nervously.
“It’s fine, I’m just here to support Tom. I had no idea you guys had raised so much money!”
“Well it’s mostly due to Thomas,” Sam shrugged, punching his brother in the shoulder “not all of us have twenty three million women running after us.”
“And men, don’t forget them,” Tom winked, and everyone burst into laughter.
“Speaking of, is Jacob here tonight?” Zendaya cut in, and you suppressed a giggle as Harry turned to gawp at her.
“Err…some…somewhere,” he stuttered, and you nudged Tom with a smirk. He seemed to have clocked it too, narrowing his eyes at the exchange as Zendaya remained blissfully unaware.
“Great, imma go find him and make sure he’s not drunk off his arse yet,” she grinned, waving as she raced away across the dance floor, pulling Nicki with her.
“If you’re going to try and sleep with my co-workers, mate, I’m gonna need a few more drinks,” Tom look pointedly at Harry, who was still staring after Zendaya’s fading back.
“I wasn’t!” Harry protested, and you shook you head.
“Yeah right!”
“Oi, shush you! Just because Tom’s totally into you again does not give you the right to rat me out!”
You started laughing at first, not realising what he’d said, but the stunned silence quickly had you trailing off as you ran the words back through your head and it hit you like a tonne of bricks. “What did you say?”
“Oh, nothing,” Harry backtracked, thrusting a clear liquid into Tom’s hand and backing away. “Enjoy the party you two!”
You turned to Tom, arms folded across your chest as the boys disappeared, seeing embarrassment written across his face. “What did you tell them, Tom?”
“Nothing, I swear!” he gulped down the liquid and tossed the cup in the bin. “They’re just idiots.”
You frowned, surprised at the disappointment that coursed through your veins. When Harry had said it, you couldn’t deny the spark of hope that had lit in your chest. But before it could spark into a fire, Tom quenched it with just a few words, and you suddenly felt deflated.
“Well can I at least get a vodka and coke then? If I’m gonna deal with that bullshit all night, I wanna be at least a little drunk.”
Maybe, if you let the alcohol take over, you’d forget about the tingles that shot through you every time Tom smiled at you.
You lost track of time pretty quickly after that, spending most of the evening wrapped round Zendaya’s arm. You were sure it was early morning, but you’d thrown back too many shots to care, and now you were on the dancefloor whilst some pop song blared in the background and you shook your body to the beat.
“You seriously can’t dance!” Zendaya yelled over the music, and you threw your head back with laughter.
“Tom says that toooooooooo!”
She raised an eyebrow, smirking dangerously. “I thought you two were broken up?”
“Oh we are!” you giggled, too drunk to notice the implication in her voice. “But we’re still friends!”
“Babe, that’s what they all say.”
The song was slowly fading out into something much sultrier and darker, and you froze, feeling eyes on you from somewhere in the room. You spun around wildly to see Tom watching you from across the bar, hair splattering across your face and sticking against your slightly damp forehead.
You waved happily whilst Zendaya laughed next to you, but Tom’s eyes were still fixed on you, and a wave of cockiness washed over you. It was the way he looked in that God damned suit, clean lines off set by his mess of curls, and you couldn’t help but imagine the way you’d move against him if he were right next to you. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe the feeling had always been there, but now you were running your hands over your dress and trying to lose yourself in the music, hoping he’d take the hint.
The lights had dimmed and you were sure nobody could see, but so what if they did? You couldn’t keep denying how you felt about Tom, and it was about time you let your hair down. So when the warm hands wrapped around your waist, you sank back into his chest and gave in to the feeling that was so familiar yet completely alien.
“Thomas,” you whispered, gently moving your waist against his grip.
“Y/n,” he replied, bending down till he was whispering in your ear. “Just exactly how much have you had to drink?”
You giggled, not sure whether you were drunk on Tom’s whispers or the alcohol. “Not a loooottttt.”
“You mean to tell me you were eye-fucking me from over here whilst completely sober?”
You knew you couldn’t answer him without giving away just how fast your heart was beating right now, and instead you spun to face him, looping your arms around his neck, and taking pride in the look of shock that passed over his face. You pressed your forehead against his, wondering just how much you’d regret this come morning, and let out a breathy sigh.
“Cat got your tongue?” he whispered, but it came out more like a stutter. You moved your hips in time to the music, casting a quick glance over your shoulder to make sure nobody was looking over at you.
“Just want a little dance,” you winked, moving his hands so they cupped your hips.
Silence stretched between you, neither one of you breaking the eye contact, determined not to be the first one to give in. You trailed your hand down Tom’s chest, hearing him suck in a breath as you moved lower, and you smirked, suddenly remembering why.
“I forgot you were ticklish, Tommy.”
“I suggest you don’t go there, I’d rather not make a scene.”
You bit your lip, looking up through your eyelashes and held Tom’s gaze. You tried not to get distracted by the pools of brown or the smug smirk that stretched across his face, instead focusing on the way he moved against you. You felt sparks of electricity race through you, lighting little fires that burnt every fibre of you skin. Hot desire spread like wildfire to your toes and back, finally falling into place in the little pit you tried desperately to forget about. But when his hands slid below your waist and squeezed your butt, you were a gonner.
Suddenly, your lips collided with his, and for a moment you couldn’t tell who was kissing who. You were tangled together, moving like it was your last few days on the Earth, and you clung to him like he was your oxygen. It was intense yet familiar all at once, and you wondered why you had ever let this, him, go. You were breathless and desperate, barely fighting him as he backed you up against the wall and pressed his body further against yours.
“Is this okay?” he whispered, and you glanced nervously over his shoulder.
“Can they see us?”
It was dark in the corner, and you were pretty sure nobody would notice two bodies tangled together in the dusty nooks of a random restaurant. But even with your heart beating out of your chest and your brain alight with a thousand naughty thoughts, you knew you needed to be careful. There was a reason you’d ended it in the first place; you didn’t need to end up in the papers now.
“I don’t think so,” he dropped his voice, but he seemed to think better of kissing you again. Instead, he grabbed your hand and tugged you towards an open door, pushing you inside and locking it behind him.
Before you could think, he’d gathered you in his arms again and pinned you against the door, his hands wandering across your body. You didn’t fight it, giving in to the familiar touch and hot breath against your cheeks; you wondered how red you were, suddenly grateful for the lightless cupboard you’d stumbled into. You let your hands fall to his trousers, fumbling with his belt until he grabbed your wrist and jerked back.
The look in his eyes was urgent, and you felt foolish, feeling heat flare across your body. “Sorry, I, uh, I thought, uh, actually I don’t know what I thought.”
“No, no, it’s not that I don’t want to,” his words came out in a rush, and you stifled a laugh. Even now, three years older but still a complete idiot, he’d always be a dork. “It’s just…you ended things because of this. You didn’t want to be public. Why now?”
You were tempted to say it was the alcohol messing with your head, that by morning this would all be over, neither of you would remember anything, and you’d go about your business like normal. Except he was staring at you like a man possessed, and you couldn’t deny the desperation you saw there. And what about you? You couldn’t just forget about the way he made you feel, the small sparks he set you alight with anytime his skin touched yours. And kissing him just then had felt like you were floating so high you wouldn’t come back down. Giving all that up, all over again, felt like way too much.
At least if you told him now, there was chance.
“I’m still in love with you,” you blurted, and you could swear his eyes lit up. And then, much quieter “I don’t think I ever stopped.”
He was quiet for a moment, until he brought his lips to yours and placed the lightest, sweetest kiss you’d ever felt against your skin. He gripped your chin, fingers gently holding you in place, and pulled back so your noses touched, and your fingers were interlocked.
“Well that’s good then,” he nodded, and you practically melted under his touch. “Because neither did I.”
Then his lips were back on yours and you were kissing once more, fire scorching your nerves and the feeling in your core sending forks of lightning through your back. You were completely and utterly lost in the feeling of him, caught in his headlights as the taste of vanilla and mint filled your body.
As he started tugging at your dress and his lips moved to your mouth, you knew you were done in, and if this moment meant you gave your heart away, then so be it. His smell was so intoxicating you were melting with every stroke, every kiss, and you wondered if this was what it felt like to be high.
Slowly, as you sank to the floor, you ran your hand through your hair and wondered how you’d let this all become so fucked up, when it had always been so simple. You knew how you looked right now, and you didn’t care; this was what you’d wanted, and there was no way you were letting this go.
“You’re a mess, y/l/n,” Tom whispered, fingers slipping over smooth fabric, and it was almost too good an opportunity to miss. With a sultry smile, you leant forward, choking back a moan as you placed your mouth near his ear.
“A hot mess, actually Holland,” you hummed.
Then you were lost, falling completely into him as you made the choice that would change everything.
And you just didn’t care.
@zabdisamor @jinxfanfics
188 notes · View notes
Mission Turn It Up In The Club (It’s The Avengers)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Warnings: fluff, dirty brains, drunk babbies, cutest allies, shocked fathers, confused jocks.
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
One Shot: When Thor indirectly challenges you- a complete noob with zero knowledge of espionage- to go on a relatively easy mission and get some intel, you accept it, never really ready for what's about to happen. And the camera crew records it all.
Word Count: Never underestimate the power of your inner voice because boy does it make you feel amazing about yourself sometimes!
Written for @captain-kelli 500 Fam Writing Challenge. Thank you so much for letting me participate! I picked the Quote (not a dialogue) : There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
You come with your shades over your eyes and a yoghurt smoothie in your hand, and sit down on the chair in the recording room, adjusting your 'noice and toit' t-shirt before looking in the direction of the equipment. Clearing your throat and shifting back in the chair- going as back as you possibly can- you nod at Javier and get ready for the camera to roll, never taking off the shades.
You: *sighs* *rests face on your palm* *in a coarse incomprehensible voice* It all star- *tries to clear the coarseness of the throat* ahem ahem *makes bleching noises before groaning* *stops* *sighs* Hmm...where were we? *looks straight past the camera at Javier with half-open lips* Right...right. *looks back at the camera* *lips still half-open* It all started yesterday when a stupid b**** tried to become over smart.
Twenty-Four Hours Earlier
Everyone sat in the lounge of the Avengers Compound reading the reports that had just come in from Fury about a cartel trying to traffic alien wreckage- mostly weapons- to the black market. That 'everyone' excluded you, your adopted dog Zuko, and a very unamused and unbothered Loki sitting on the raised platform by the french windows with a copy of Sapiens and your favourite mug filled with hot tea.
The camera zoomed in on you concentrated on writing something on your laptop; so engrossed you were that you never noticed when Clint quietly gorged on your choco-chip cookies and drank your orange juice.
"But we only have to gather intel from a couple of guys meeting in the city today?"
Thor- who was finally at an Avengers meet after getting things in order for his Asgardians somewhere in Norway in their 'new Asgard'- pshd at the tablet in his hands and chuckled.
"Gather intel. Is that the human way to say drink some beer with these filthy humans and let them talk everything about their plan?"
"Damn right," everyone around him muttered.
"So easy even Y/N could do it," he chortled, catching your ears and a long sigh from the God sitting by the window enjoying the sun.
"Woah, now," Tony interjected, slapping Thor's shoulder with the back of his hand, "don't give her any ideas."
You narrowed your eyes at Tony. "I'm sure if Thor says I can do it-"
"Thor also said none of you ladies can process Asgardian mead," Clint added, buried in the sofa next to you, his tablet acting as a shield against the warm early afternoon sun.
Flashback to a party at the compound
Sam wobbled, trying to stand with the support of the bar while Clint kept muttering ‘I think I can see inside you guys. Like, really see.’ Bruce was being consoled by Thor in one corner. “The big guy hates me, Thor. He doesn’t-he doesn’t love me at aaaalllllll.” Scott and Bucky tried to wager who pin the donkey. The former didn’t even get to hold the tail in his hand. While all this mayhem unfurled, Natasha and Wanda sat by the bar recording everything on their phone while sipping their third Asgardian mead cocktail. “We should do this more often,” Natasha had suggested at one point during at night.
"I don’t get how you can't process it after the first buzz," Natasha called out from the dining table, never looking away from her tablet but still smiling.
"I'll sit this one out," Thor declared, sitting next to you, "I'm sure the Black Widow or Wanda can handle that."
You looked at him with an unwavering gaze for quite some time, making Thor uncomfortable after a certain point. Loki, who had caught you through the whole shebang, had a soft smile creeping on his face on watching you make his brother so uncomfortable.
"Wow," you finally spoke, letting your head move with the exclamation, "you are such a jock, aren't you?"
"A what?"
Loki: *smirks**snickers**snickers turn into uncontrollable laughter**continues laughing**stops midway with a serious look to shout* FINALLY!
"You don't want to go because there won't be any fighting and show of power," you state, turning yourself towards him, "and having conversations with guys seems too boring. Mostly because of your hate for bad guys. You know they won't give you answers straight away if you ask them politely, which I know you hate. So the next step is- 'why can't we just beat the shit out of them after they gave up on my offer to tell everything like good boys?'."
Thor: *crinkled brows* ...we can't? *looks behind the camera* why can't we? 
Tony and Steve stood next to each other- former's brows creased, latter's raised, both in a bit of admiration shock- taking in your breakdown. Finally, Steve leaned a little towards Tony to whisper, "did she just profile Thor?"
"Oh, yeah," Tony answered on the same wavelength before Steve could even finish his question, "she definitely did." He concluded with a smile filled with soft pride.
 "You know what, I'll take it," you casually declared to the lounge while leaning on the coffee table next to you. "Take what?" Steve asked, wanting to find out more of whatever was coming from your mouth. "The challenge," you shrugged, "I'll take up the part of getting some men to blabber about the locations. And while I'm at it, I'll get them to tell me about their boss' headquarters as well. Hmm?"
"Of course, you will," Tony chuckled softly in a trance for one second and furrowed his brows in confusion the next. "Wait, what?"
"You heard me," you announced in his direction before going back to whatever it is you were so busy doing on your laptop, leaving Tony to let his mouth open in displeasure.
"Young lady, you're not going anywhere near those sons of bitches."
Steve looked at the camera with a raised brow.
Steve: You know that moment when you see one of your best friends do everything reckless in this goddamn world, wanting you to curse him with having to once step in your shoes and see what it's like to keep him in check? *smiles with satisfaction* This is one of those days when you see it coming true. When God finally heard your prayers and sends that very friend's kid to make every one of your wishes come true. *nods* *gets serious* Though I'm against putting Y/N in danger. *shakes head* Would never let her do something as reckless as her biological father. *smirks* But damn it feels good.
 Tony: *narrows eyes at the camera* Is that what Captain Star-spangled underwear thinks? *Nods* Hm. *clicks tongue* Well, that day isn't far when I fund research led by Bruce to make super babies with Steve's *makes air quotes* super semen and make him go through the fate of a father and the burdens that come with it.
*camera pans out to show a very pregnant and a very weirded out Pepper sitting next to him with her head resting in her palm as she hears her husband talk*
Pepper: *looks into the void* *inhales* Or you could just make him the mentor for the young heroes in the compound and watch him struggle to get them in line. *shrugs* Better yet, let him be in charge of showing Loki the ropes.
Tony: *still silent* *looks into his void* *blinks* *tilts his head* *looks back at the camera* *smirks* Pepper?
Pepper: Hmm?
Tony: *turns to face her* Have I told you how much I admire your genius?
Pepper: *making circles on Tony's arm* *whispers suggestively* You have but I won't mind you saying it again.
Tony: Well, you are genius, darling. A genius with the power to create countries and throw dictators off their high horses.
Pepper: *raises her head from her palm with a glint in her eyes* *softly announces* Anthony Stark, we're going to your office and you won't stop saying all of it till I tell you to.
Tony: *feels a visible shudder go down his spine as Pepper gets up and walks away* Y-yes ma'am. *looks at the camera with a hint of disbelief*
Pepper: *from outside the room* Now!
*Tony rushes out*
The Confidential Club
The camera went from black to a few neon lights flickering in the distance. A heavy base song faded in when everything started coming into focus.
Don't get sick
Don't get strep
Don't get bronchitis
A soothing glow of blue lit up the walls, which the camera did a slow three-sixty, through which two figures- both tall, one slender and the other jacked up- walked in a sexy slo-mo as the club started another track.
So this money shit, yeah it's been on my mind
Fuck ya possy bitch
I'ma pop off a tonne with the tummy miss
Yea this how I slum I'm bout' to see some tits
Yea ya mummy is fine
The boys walked into the neon-grazed club glowing with a hue of red, their freshly shampooed hair bouncing with every step till these two stopped right when they entered the floor, scanning the club and the club doing the same to them, but with lost breaths, increased temperatures and some very dirty thoughts and very dirty moans.
I'm a good boy I don't hit no licks yeah
I'm a bad boy flexing with some chicks yuh
I'm a weird boy smokin' on some Brits yuh
Who dat boi
I'm that boy yuh
The slo-mo continued, recording every pair of eyes that turned to get a look at the brothers whose presence was electrifying the entire building. Ladies forgot their drinks and men, men forgot their dates and- with a swift internal jolt- their toxic masculinity and the genderless seemed to have found Gods in the club tonight.
We them bad boy come give baby kiss
We just dropped it now
Now the swallow kiss
Have to beg these ladies try to do the splits
Tryna get the boy to do the coochie little
People moved as if these Gods were gravity, walking under those flickering club lights and smoked room, hands trying to get a touch, eyes wanting to get just one sweet stare, legs wanting to get a little brush, the heat pooling inside them looking for just a little satisfaction.
Yea I'm Neo watch me on the Matrix
All these sussy boy I just implore I do not play with
Baby (Baby) sure you're crazy
Boy that gave me 8 bars and some new restraint
Who that boi
I'm that boi yuh
The blond locks seemed to find suggestive fingers in them, while some other stray ones roamed on Thor's chest. Loki watched his brother being surrounded with the crowd of thirsty thots, his face dripping with pure displeasure, letting the camera catch it frame by frame, with brilliant tilts, doing it till Loki was looking right at the lens.
Who that boi
I'm that boi yuh
Another camera standing a little further recorded Javier on his knees trying to catch Loki's displeasure and piercing eyes- at anyone who even suggested that they wanted to touch him- before he looked at Javier. "What are you doing?" Loki judged Javiers' slow camera tilts.
Javier raised his index finger for a few moments, still recording those sour expressions before giving a thumbs up, getting up and walking towards the crowd that had surrounded a quite flattered Thor.
With an eye roll in his brother's direction, Loki turned to find the other camera looking at him, quite possibly directing him somewhere else because the next moment he was looking away. The camera turned in the same direction to show- behind the crowd of mellow, drunk and horny people- you laughing with your head tilted backwards, sitting with a group of men he had seen in the report when he was forced by Thor to come on this stupid so-called mission with him.
You sat between four men, enthusiastically narrating something to your small audience with wide eyes and wildly moving arms, entertaining the viewers with intention known to them and these green eyes who could see right through every one of those scums.
The camera- swivelling between you and Loki- caught him walking towards you only to be stopped by a pale hand- carrying beautifully manicured nails in blood-red- landing on his chest.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Natasha suggested to the God with a bare hint of a smile on her lips.
Loki looked down at the Black Widow dressed in a body-hugging black dress. "Oh, I wasn't going to stop her from having some fun, I assure you," he implored.
Natasha brought her hand forward for Loki to take the earpiece in her hand. "She's got this. But you're welcome to listen in on the conversation," Natasha offered.
"My brother can fill in for me considering Y/N is already doing his job," he mentioned, pointing towards the crowd taking selfies with a giddy Thor making girls swoon all around him.
"Hot molten chocolate cake!" came a voice from the earpiece, loud enough for Loki sensitive ears and the recorders in all the devices to catch before the God could walk away.
"That's the safe word," Natasha declared into the earpiece, before turning to look at the table where you were.
"I really should go," you colourfully begged the man who had his hand wrapped around your arm, never letting go, "my girls must be waiting for me."
"Call your girls," the man holding you said, "we can all party in the private room upstairs."
"Call my girls?" you said a little louder as if asking Natasha what to do.
"On it." Loki heard another voice come through the comms, making Natasha's tensed back go straight.
"It's okay, Y/N," she confirmed into your earpiece, "go ahead. Tell them the girls can't wait."
The camera caught Natasha turning with a smirk that sent a cold shiver over the glowing dance floor, making Loki mirror that smirk, looking forward to it all.
The enthusiasm in Natasha's face was disturbed by some invisible ripple. "Where's Thor?"
 Other Side of the Club
Javier's camera showed the blond God sitting at the bar with at least twenty ladies huddled with him, handing him drinks.
"Now this one," a petite little girl stated, handing him a tall glass of Long Island Iced Tea. Thor happily took the glass, had a decent sip, gulped it down, furrowed his brows and smacked his lips.
"No," he finally declared, earning a cheer from the girls. "Not laced!" they shouted before handing him another girl's drink.
The camera stuck to the corners as it followed the men violating your private space, their arms around you, walking in front of and behind you, leaving no space whatsoever to look for any signs of the cavalry.
"Woah, guys, how about you go in and I'll go look for my sisters-"
"Oh, no," the one with a stubble and a nice jawline declared, "you're coming with us and your friends can follow. Come on, let's get some more alcohol in you!"
"Haha, yeah!" you pretended to cheer, stepping inside the room behind the guy with a ponytail, who stood in the middle of the living room like a statue for a good second.
"What the hell is this?" He announced more than he asked, pointing to Anna- the camera girl- sitting at the other end of the room, recording the entrance.
"Oh," you exclaimed in realisation, making all four men turn towards you, never noticing the door be closed by another figure in the room, "that's my camera gal. She follows me everywhere. My dad kinda got into this idea of making a documentary out of our lives so one of them is always around me except for when I'm studying or in the bathroom. But I have seen them recording me once or twice when I was in the librar-"
"Shut up!" The jawline guy roared, taking out a gun from his back, "Shut the f*** up! Rory, I told you she was a student. She'll fetch a good price on the market."
You wanted to be frightened by that gun but the camera caught you more in offended disbelief than in fearful shock. "Excuse me? How old do you think I am? Just because I'm studying, you little-minded bitch?! Learning has no age limit, you arrogant paedophiles!"
"Oh well," Jaw-guy shrugged, taking off his jacket, "you're no use to the bosses then. Looks like we'll have to make use of you. And your pretty friend there can record us doing it." He grinned, both at you and then at the camera.
Ponytails looked at you with a wrinkled forehead. "Something's wrong," he stated, taking a step close to you.
"What do you mean?" The guy in the brown leather jacket asked.
"Look at her," he answered, pointing towards you, "she isn't even sweating right now."
You looked at Ponytails with furrowed brows. "You've set the temperature quite low, dude. I'm practically shivering in here."
"That's actually true," Jacket acknowledged, nodding at you.
"No, you dumb fuckers! She isn't scared!"
Jaw had a moment of realisation at Pony's words, taking hurried steps towards you, grabbing you by your throat and pushing you into the wall behind you.
"Oh my Gaahd," you tried to exclaim through whatever air was able to pass through your lungs, as you felt your hand automatically go grab the one that was causing you pain.
"Who are you?" Jaw hissed through his teeth close to your face. "Who do you work for?"
Your brows lifted. An aching moan left your lungs. You took in a little gulp of air. "I never thought this is how it goes down."
"That's because you picked the wrong men to mess with, darlin'."
Your raised brows crinkled at Jaw's statement. "What?"
You: Oh, I was thinking about the horny wave I got when he tried to choke me. *stretches the corner of her mouth in embarrassment* Yeah, turns out not the first thought that should come to your mind when someone's trying to kill you. But on the bright side I discovered a kink so *does a thumb up with both hands with a big grin.*
"But we haven't even started messing with you boys yet."
The camera swirled from your agitated, flushed face to the doorway leading to the bedroom, catching a very disinterested Wanda leaning on the wall as she checked out her nails.
"Wow," you choked, "were you always this hot, Wanda?"
"Who the fuck is this? Who the fuck are you?" Ponytails pointed his gun at the Scarlet Witch in haste, bringing forth a plasmic red spark in between her fingers, which, with a little twist, made the man point his gun at his buddy.
Another camera entered through the door to catch Jaw pulling you away from the wall to hold you in a lock with his gun pointed to your head. "One wrong move and I blow her brains out, bitch."
"One wrong move and I'll be doing the same to you, bitch."
Natasha stood behind Jaw with a gun. "Let go of her before my friend and I paint these walls with your insides."
Jaw cursed her under his breath, taking a few moments before releasing you. You quickly walked to a safer corner of the room, next to the fireplace, breathing with ease now.
"Y/N," she called out, "you okay, sweetie?"
"Uhh...just a little light-headed. Otherwise, I'm good," you responded, finding yourself lowering your voice, "though I wish someone else was choking me right now." You looked at the camera and narrowed your eyes. "Don't you judge me," you criticised in a whisper at it, feeling yourself tilt to one side, losing your balance, already fearing to hit the floor before being caught by strong hands.
"Oh," you sang while the camera panned out from you and those pale hands to show Loki very gracefully breaking your fall, "Hey, handsome!"
Loki didn't even blink as he tried to bring you back on your feet. "Drinking on a mission? Really? I thought you were better than this."
"Ugh," you bleched at him, "shush! I was in my form with those gin shots, okay. These whiney thirsty boys were blabbering the moment I sat down. Let's see your brother pull that off-wait. Why are you here?"
The two of you were oblivious to the fight going in the background being recorded by the other camera; the Black Widow breaking bones like twigs while the Scarlet Witch was making them vomit on their fears.
"Oh, I wanted to see what petty excuse do you humans use to enjoy and forget this pathetic world-"
The camera panned in on you while someone outside the frame screamed and was thrown into a wall. You smiled with pure emotion in your eyes while looking at Loki.
"You didn't know we were here, did you?" you asked with that smile still stuck on your face.
"Thor dragged you here, didn't he?"
"I came here by my own accord."
"What did he blackmail you with this time?"
"...I wasn't blackmailed! No one can blackmail m-"
Loki: Tony said he'd block my access to his library. *clenches his teeth* That old rusty metalhead.
"Fine if you don't wanna tell me. I'm just glad you came," you pointed, patting him on his chest, completely missing the knife flying towards you being blocked by his reflexes- nothing having been displaced but for his arm.
"Wow," you gasped, letting your hand touch his chest again, "what do you have under there? Rocks? How the heck is your chest so hard?"
"I'm a frost giant darling," he asserted, twirling the knife in his hand before throwing it forward without looking, landing right on Leather Jacket's hand about to pull the trigger and shoot Wanda.
"And I'm a human. What's your point? Why are your boobies so hard and mine so squishy? Look!"
You took his hand to make him feel your chest. "Okay," he cut you short before you could forcibly make him grope you.
"You are clearly running on alcohol right now."
You snorted. "No, dummy. I'm standing. Are you sure you're not the drunk one?"
Loki looked at the camera.
"I'm sorry," you whined.
The camera caught your figure partially as you hid behind Loki in the compound elevator while Wanda and Natasha stood on either side.
"Don't worry," Natasha reiterated, "we'll take care of it. Just don't tell Tony about the..." she waved her hand in the air like it meant something to you.
The ding announced your arrival to the lounge. Elevator doors opened to see Tony standing at the entrance with crossed arms, his eyes boring straight into everyone in front of him, not even bothering to blink.
Behind him Scott and Bucky sat on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn and Home Alone on the big screen, their eyes and ears focused on all of you rather than the movie.
An everlasting moment of silence passed and you managed to get a look of those eyes of judgement over Loki's shoulder before quickly curling back into your hiding spot.
"Where were you?"
The room didn't even have time to register the chill when you heard Natasha speaking. "Wanda and I were out shopping. I don't know about these two," she announced with her hands raised, walking out while mouthing 'sorry' at your face that had just experienced third-tier betrayal.
"I suggest you come out from behind Aro here," Tony digressed, "he's not gonna hide you for the rest of your life."
Loki took a step out of the elevator, getting a little closer to Stark, towering him just a little, his hands resting in his pockets. Stark was visibly hating the suave play from the God.
You were stuck there for a few more seconds before stepping beside Loki, letting the camera capture the wide eyes, a gasp of shattering shock and the fumes dissipating to give place to something new.
Panning in on you, the camera caught the bruise growing on your cheek, the size of a pear.
"Y/N-" Stark had barely begun to address his horror when Loki cut him short.
"She’s fine, Stark. Just a little-"
"Who did this?!"
That erupting gaze was meant for you to answer the question and so the entire surrounding went silent for you to answer him. Even Home Alone was muted to hear what you had to say for this bruise.
"Mr Stark, I can explain." Your voice was a quarter of what it was half an hour ago, barely coming out in front of your father. "Please don't be mad. And please keep an open mind about it."
None of you could gather what rushed into Tony's mind because the next thing you knew, he felt himself shift back a little. Curse words flew under his breath as his hands tried to run over the tensed muscles in his face.
"Oh, my G-is this some sort of new...new thing you kids are into?"
Now it was your turn to be confused. "What?"
You: *cringe* Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Get it out of my head! Ew!!
"N-No! I-what?! Nooooooo!" you stressed at the word as much as possible. The God stood there seemingly trying to make sense of this conversation.
"Loki and I were out on a date. We were karaoke-ing and I was dancing on the bar counter when I slipped and hit myself."
Loki did not miss even a second to look at the camera with pursed lips.
Loki: That's not what happened.
 Flashback to the club
You forced Loki on the dancefloor while Natasha took care of the goons.
"Come on, show me your mooooves, Loki," you shouted over the music before giddily jumping and taking a step back, colliding with a guy.
"Oh, I'm so-"
"What the f***!" The pasty blond guy cursed at you before looking at Loki. "Take care of your bitch, asshole."
Before Loki could take a stance between the two of you, he felt your hand block him, your eyes glowing at that rude stranger.
"Who the f*** are you calling, asshole, you dried pulp-less raisin!"
The guy twisted his jaw before stepping very close to you.
Loki- clearly uncomfortable by the distance- tried to pull you towards him and away from that pathetic excuse of a human
"Alright," the God announced, "you better watch-"
The camera caught the full-blown emotion of offence on Loki's face as you swatted his hands away.
"I called. Your boyfriend. An asshole. You c***."
Loki blinked in a sense of amusement at the audacity of that man, the ripples of tensed muscles under his black t-shirt quite visible for the ones who watched.
"At least I can take a pounding unlike your ego, you smelly ballsack," you spat back. "Now walk away before I bring a mirror and show you what a real asshole looks like." The infant rage that Loki was carrying in his entire body suddenly screeched to a halt as he looked at the back of your head with shocked confusion. "What kind of insult was that?"
The pasty guy was fuming now. Your words clearly rubbing him the wrong way.
"Oh, what happened?" you sang in a sarcasm filled tone. "Did your boring comebacks turn flaccid? Just like your virgin d-"
He pushed you back. "Shut the fuck up before I make you shut up."
Loki body stood as a shield- only behind you- wanting to go ahead and do something to that guy but you were not giving him a chance to do so.
You gasped. "The audacity of this bitch!" And pushed him back. "What're gonna do, fight me?"
No one saw it coming. The punch landed on your face within seconds, pushing your back into Loki's chest, the latter having to grab you to stop you from falling.
"Okay, that's it," Loki pulled you up, his eyes on fire glaring right at the man with the intention to kill. And as his luck for the night would have it, you used him as a support to gather a bit potential, scream "Son of a-" while charging at the guy. By now the rest of the ladies on the dancefloor had witnessed enough to come to your aid and beat the living hell out of that man. Pure, chaotic energy spreading over the floor that reflected in the pleasant amusement in Loki's eyes.
"By the Norns," Loki whispered, looking at the scene unfolding in front of him before looking at the camera, "remind me never to get on Y/N's bad side."
The pasty guy screamed out of the frame, making Loki turn at him with a layer of disappointment.
"Oh, you asked for it," he shouted at the man screaming for help before being swallowed whole by the river of women.
 You: *sighs* Of course, I can't tell Mr Stark I got punched while defending your honour.
Loki: *giggle snorts*
You: *turns to look at him* what?
Loki: You're right. I can see him never believing that.
You: *nodding in agreement* right?
Loki: Because he would cut my head off the day he does. *stops smiling*
You: Aw! I won't let him, buddy.
Loki: Oh, I doubt it. He is still in shock about the whole 'date' thing.
The camera flips to the lounge showing Stark sitting in between Scott and Bucky, looking in the distance- still in shock- while those two munched on their popcorns from the popcorn bowl kept in Tony's lap.
"Nah." he finally says out of the blue, almost making Scott jump, "Y/N can't date Loki? I'm sure she's just pulling my leg for not letting her go on that stupid interrogation mission."
Scott and Bucky exchanged glances before nodding and patting him on the back, resuming their movie with a 'sure buddy'.
You: *sheepishly* Yeah, I think we broke him.
Loki: At least he's behaving like he's supposed to, unlike my brother in such situations.
You: Huh...*nods* *furrows brows* speaking of Thor...where is he?
 The Club-a-Dub-Dub
The camera captured a face covered by flickering neon pink shades looking down at a laptop in those big hands while glowing neon party necklaces adorned his neck.
"All right let's do this," Thor stated in all seriousness, using a pink tic-tac to pull his hair up above his ear. The camera zoomed out a little to show him looking at a laptop placed in front of him on a pedestal.
"We are gathered here for a task that is too important for this world to be left to another time. A task so huge that my heart feels both burdened and honoured to be able to put it to fruition. A task so pure in its being that anyone who stands up against it in this club shall face my wrath. But not before I try to make them change their mind with love. Rosa and Gina, I ask you to step forward and be the blessed lot of this sacred ceremony."
The slow panning out of the frame showed two beautiful women step forward and face each other with pure smiles.
"By the power vested in me by becomeaminister.com, I am honoured to announce you wife and wife. You may now kiss."
An uproar of elated excitement filled the club just as Thor finished; the brides kissing and their friends celebrating. Everyone toasted to the newlywed couple before someone shouted to do the cha-cha slide.
The next thing you know, Thor and the rest of the people in the house were sliding left and right.
"THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!!!!" Thor shouted with the jumps and twists, "I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER WHY I'D COME HERE!!"
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de-vee-l · 4 years
Music box: chapter 6 - Perfect
It was now a week since Antonina got on the ship. She was once again in Soundwave’s sanctum, working on dance movements. He, as usual, was working. Lazerbeak was sitting on a table beside the girl chirping something. It could be called some kind of idyll even.
The door opened and two ‘cons entered. Knockout and Breakdown were chatting about something about latest race red mech’s been to.
- Well, hello~ - Knockout purred.
- Hello, - Antonina said. Soundwave remained silent as usual.
- Hi, Tonya. Training again? - Breakdown asked, - Why do you always do this when we come? Don’t you have anything else to do?
- Well, it’s not like there are many things I can do on the ship, - the girl answered, - And I wouldn’t like to lose my skill while I’m here.
Knockout was telling Soundwave something about their searches for energon and running into autobots again, while the latter one was typing something on the keyboard in front of him and at the same time doing something with his tentacles with other two computers. He sure looked busy. After cherry ‘con finished his report they standed there in silence. Until Knockout speaked once again.
- You know, Soundwave, I heard it’s not nice for humans to stay in one place for too long. Especially, without any attention. How about we take her to our place until you finish your work?
The girl huffed. He was speaking of her as if she was some kind of dog that couldn’t live without it’s master’s attention. She wasn’t ever in need of it, especially from TIC. It’s not like there was something special when he even gave it to her. He just played music on his dynamics and she was supposed to dance. It was very rare to hear any word from him either, even in front of Megatron he would just nod usually.
- You know that Lord Megatron forbidded me from leaving this room or Soundwave’s quarters? - Antonina asked, crossing her arms.
- Come on, little one, what so bad can happen? - he laughed.
- If you always behave like this on your job, I’m surprised how you’re still alive.
- Knockout, I don’t think this is a good idea. What if he actually knows? - Breakdown nodded towards Soundwave hinting at certain abilities of certain someone.
- Well, I know, It’s not good to neglect the order of the big M. But I also know that he gave our human a little bit of freedom since she proved to be useful, - mech even showed how little it was with his digits, - If she won’t mess around, I’m sure, he won’t be that upset about it.
He then snatched the girl from the table and walked to the exit, his partner followed.
- Aren’t you going to at least wait for Soundwave’s answer? - she complained.
- Believe me, if he was against it, he would let us know - as cherry ‘con said it the door shut behind them.
But just in the next second it made a sound again. Tonya turned back to see that Lazerbeak followed after them.
Very soon they arrived at another room. It appeared to be some kind of repair shop or for a human it looked rather similar to a torture chamber with all these creepy devices, drulls and saws.
- Welcome to my domain! - the sport car exclaimed.
- Nice... - Antonina said hesitatly, - What is this place?
- A med bay of course! - the truck laughed, - Don’t you humans have these too?
- We do, but they look different. And I doubt our doctors use buzz saws.
Breakdown chuckled as Knockout placed the girl on the table. Lazerbeak entered right after them and positioned himself near the human. Now she could take a good look at her surroundings. It was a spacious room full of different shelves and drawers, with boxes or sets of instrumets filling them. The desk was also full of tools, and of course, there was an alien computer there too. Tonya could briefly see entrance to another room. There were a few beds visible through the doorway, but she couldn’t make out much more.
- So... - the girl yawned, - You are a doctor?
- Yes, - Knockout replied, - Is it so surprising?
- Yes, sort of.
Antonina chose a good place near some box, where she could hide in case someone entered, sat down and bent in half, stretching again.
- Come, on! - Breakdown exclaimed, - Can you do at least a minute without doing this?
- Why? If you want to talk, go ahead. One thing doesn’t prevent another.
- Why do you even need to do this so often?
- Right, it’s not like your life depends on it, - Knockout added.
- Well, it actually does.
Then the door slid open. Antonina jumped from her place and hid behind the box. She heard Dreadwing’s voice:
- Knockout, Breakdown, there was a rockfall in one of energon mines, so be ready to take patients.
- Extracting rocks and dust out of every hole in Vehicons’ bodies? Again? - the red bot whined.
- Looks like it’ll be hell lot of work, - his friend sighed.
- Antonina, I saw you. Stop hiding, - Dreadwing said.
The girl came out of her hideout and welcomed him. She then turned to medics that were preparing their tools.
- So, chéri, you said that your life depends on training, - Knockout said without even turning to her, - How exactly?
- Well, - Tonya sat with her legs crossed, - All money I can get is stipend for good studying. It means I must have good grades in both ordinary school subjects, like math and literature, and in dancing lessons.
- And this is why you think you must be perfect in everything? - Breakdown asked, also continuing his work.
- Yes. Because, if I get bad grades I will be kicked out of academy, and will not have right to live in dormitory. So I’ll have nowhere else to live. And nothing to buy food on. So yes, my life pretty much depends on being perfect.
- Well, it’s not like you’ll have to worry about that anymore, - cherry bot purred.
Antonina frowned. She really didn’t want to think about it. But she knew she had to at least try to do something. She didn’t want to be trapped here for the rest of her life.
Noticing the human’s behavior, Lazerbeak moved closer and started chirping. When Soundwave decided to take her in, he searched through net for things that humans need for living and for something to control her behavior. There was also an article about sounds that they find calming, among which was bird chirping. This was supposed to work. But for some reason it didn’t. Antonina still looked very tired and troubled.
The girl put a hand on her head and breathed heavily.
- Are you alright? - Breakdown asked worried, - You don’t look so well today.
- Yes, it’s just... - Tonya sighed, - I really don’t feel good past few days. For some reason I’m always tired, and have headache or dizziness sometimes.
- Hm... that’s not a good sign, - he said deep in thought, - Maybe you should go out? I heard humans feel better when they have some fresh air?
- Yes, you’re right. Maybe that’s just what I need, - the girl was about to ask about permission to go out, when she was suddenly grabbed by the large servo.
- I will take her to the front deck. Proceed with preparations, - Dreadwing said before heading for the door.
Lazerbeak let out annoyed chirp and followed them. They walked through darkened hallways for quite a long time, as Tonya thought, but then they standed in from of a large door, and she was put down on the floor. Dreadwing typen something into the control pad, and familiar sound of unlocked door was heard. Antonina breathed in ready to take in some fresh oxygen she probably lacked all these days she had been on the ship.
Meanwhile Lazerbeak though that he should inform his master about their whereabouts, just in case. He send the message and stared at the opening door. But just one nanoclick later he got a respond.
Cold wind rushed into the hallway, kicking the last air from the girl’s lungs. How... How could she not think about this?
Antonina found herself in a familiar room. Why was it familiar though? Oh, right. It was hers. It was clean and nice, even though wallpaper and furniture was quite old, and the floor was creaky, with coming out planks. She sat on the bed and looked out of the window. Branches of a green tree that grew near it blocked the view, but she didn’t really care. What she cared about at the moment was... hunger. Yes, she was very hungry and endured it for too long already.
The girl opened the door and it felt like she went through portal to another world. Everything was messy, covered in filth and dust. It looked like she was the only one who at least cleaned after herself.
There was someone on the couch. When she came closer she saw a familiar picture. The woman was sleeping there in clearly uncomfortable position, with one arm laying on the floor. There was strong gross smell of alcohol.
- Well, nothing to catch here, - the girl said to herself and started looking around the living room, - Oh, there.
She sprinted joyfully like a kid to the bag near the wall. She opened it and started searching. Finally, she found a wallet. And a two thousand rubbles inside.
- Nice! - she commented.
- What are you doing, you little shit! - a familiar voice screamed. Tonya turned around to see her father. With the same alcohol smell surrounding him, - I told you what you get for stealing!
- But I’m hungry! - she tried to object, - I’ll just go buy groceries and cook something for us!
- Shut up!
The man punched her in the cheek. She held it feeling pain pulsing through her skin and teeth. She kinda even expected it.
- Be grateful that I didn’t throw you out yet! Always spending tonns of my money is not enough for you, little bitch, you also steal from me in the middle of the day! - he screamed.
- Maybe you would have more money if you didn’t get drunk like a pig every damn day?! - the girl answered.
The man stood frozen with a mask of anger on his face. But after a few moments he began to change. His skin was ripping apart and some gross black substance came out, his mouth stretched and teeth became sharp like ones of a shark, they came in several rows and were dripping with a giant amount of saliva. His eyes became glowing red. An awful monster standed before her and she suddenly felt like she was the smallest creature in the world. She started shaking violently expecting what will come after the roar that it made. The monster launched at her.
- Ah! - Antonina gasped when she finally woke up.
Breathing heavily she tried to snap out of it. Slowly she took in her surroundings. It was a bright white room filled with the orange light of setting sun. It was... infirmary? What in the world was she doing here? What happened to her? As she tried to sit up and recall the latest events, she heard a woman’s voice.
- Oh, you woke up! - she said and immediately approached her, - How do you feel? Does it hurt anywhere?
- I... feel sick, - Tonya slowly answered, - What happened?
- I hoped that you will tell me, - the nurse answered as she rushed off to get tools and medicine, - You were just laying in the yard unconscious. When we examined you we’ve found symptoms of the mountain sickness. Just what in the world happened to you?
Then Antonina tried to recall. Mountain sickness... it’s an illness that strikes mountain hikers. It’s mostly happens because of the lack of oxygen on great heights. Why would she have it?
Then it slowly started coming back to her. Giant robots, kidnapping, Soundwave. What the actual hell was that?! Was it only a dream? That would make it a quite vivid one. Tonya never thought that her imagination could go this wild. Yes, it totally was a dream. There is no way this would really happen. But that part with mountain sickness was still very unclear.
- So... how long do I have to be here? - the girl asked.
- As long as it takes to get you cured, - the nurse answered, - Luckily, you still have a week of holidays for this.
A week... Summer holiday was two weeks long. Something was off.
Antonina took her phone that was placed on the night stand and looked through notifications. Everything was from Cecile. All messages were like “you okay?”, “how’s holidays?” “are you dead?” “where is report?”
Report, right. Her roommate insisted on her leading some social life, so she made her make posts on social media every Saturday on usual time and every three days on holidays.
- “Wonder how far she would go in dancing if she was as strict to herself about it,” - Tonya thought.
Then one message caught her attention. It wasn’t even from unknown number. Instead of it there was just some strange code. And message itself was all like this.
- “Must be some glitch,” - she said in her mind.
- Hey, put that away, - the nurse said, - With headache and sickness it’s better not to use any devices for too long.
Antonina put the phone back on night stand and lied down.
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Do you think it's totally time to give up on s5?
Hi Nonny!
With similar sentiments as I had on this post here, I’m not going to tell people to “just give up”. It’s not my place nor desire to be a hope-killer nor a gatekeeper, so I’m not going to tell you that you can’t hope for S5. 
In my personal, just-my-opinion, take-it-with-a-grain-of-salt, looking-outside-of-the-tumblr-bubble, logistical observations, I don’t think I can just keep hoping it’s going to happen within the next year or two. I just see the way the actors are essentially avoiding everything about it, and Mofftiss’ general disinterest in even proceeding beyond dangling the possibility of S5 out to garner interest in their Escape Room so it keeps making money. Apparently that’s doing really well, and contains exclusive content only for the room so THAT’S kind of shitty of them, so as long as they make bank on that, why make a new season that will contradict the story of their room if it’s still making money?
I talked on this post here, this one here, and this one here that both of the leads have other project in 2020 to 2022, plus Gatiss is filming in another show, and Moffat is working on Jekyll this year so that’s 2020 gone, at least.
Another thing I just realized and always forget to mention: they haven’t had a Sherlocked Convention since 2018, probably because of the mess of the 2018 one in the US (actor cancellations, them charging a shit tonne of money for the con which was NOT an equal exchange rate from $ to £, and The Bench being ridiculed to high hell). Which I think is quite telling; even if it was made smaller and a bit cheaper at a smaller venue, they could still get people to come in the UK at least (I mean, 221b Con is a small Fan-run con and is successful) but they haven’t done that even. 
OH, and I just remembered: they never renewed the domains for The Science of Deduction nor JohnWatson.co.uk. Soooooooo yeah. That’s a GIANT red flag for me. They kept these sites running even during all the hiatuses, and suddenly they just… forgot about it, especially since the immersion with the real world vs tv world has been a staple of the series. It doesn’t seem like a series that’s planning to continue on would let their websites expire purposely.
Everyone and everything involved seems super disinterested with Sherlock and S5. 
So those things, for ME, are why I’m not holding out hope for an S5 anytime within 2020 nor early 2021. MAYBE late 2021 for filming, but not 2022 because of Martin and Ben filming with Marvel. OR – and this is a theory I lowkey still like to tinhat about – it’s already been filmed during the filming of S4 as a single secret spisode and it contains something that is still under copyright in the US so they’re waiting until that expires and releasing it for the 10th year anniversary in July. It would explain why everyone seems to be gagged about talking about Sherlock. So there’s that.
But S5? No. Not for awhile for me. I’m not gonna condemn anyone who wants to still hold out hope about it, I just ask everyone to try to stay realistic, for your own mental health
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jadondonsancho · 5 years
Insecure. anyone.
Hey guys! I've decided to try my hand at this writing thing! This started as a chilly story but I decided to leave out the names so you can imagine it with anyone you'd like :)
My asks are open for any requests or constructive criticism, hope you enjoy!
Lots of love xxx
He came home upset. The result wasn't terrible, a clean sheet and a point meant a decent start to the season. But he wasn't happy. And the last thing he wanted was to come back home to you, knowing what was waiting. The night before an offhand comment he made, a stupid stupid comment he can't even belive he said had put him in the dog house. Deservedly. You hadn't even said a word, just ended the FaceTime.
As he pulled up to the driveway, he could feel his heart in his throat. Your car was still in its usual spot so he knew you were home. He couldn't decide if he was relieved you hadn't left or nervous about what was to come.
Today was supposed to be a great day, the first game of the new season, he was looking forward to spotting you in the stands as he always does. He knew you wouldn't show today but that didn't stop him from scanning every face in the crowd twice, just to make sure. Of course you weren't there, he didn't even know if you watched at home.
His key turned in the door as he took a deep breath, preparing himself for anything on the other side. What met him was silence. Unsure of whether to call out to you or not he placed his keys on the hook, right next to yours. Further proof you were still there.
The argument started when you had brought up, once again an article in a gossip magazine about him sleeping around with other girls. You knew better than to believe them but you let your insecurities get the better of you. Can he blame you? He's this ridiculously good looking footballer, it's no secret he's got money and let's be honest he was known for sleeping around before he met you.
The night before a home game meant he was staying at the teams hotel, as per usual you FaceTimed each other before bed. You had seen the magazine while doing some grocery shopping earlier that day, the headline imprinted in your memory. This was the 3rd one this month alone. You knew he hated to talk about it and you could understand why. Constantly needing to defend yourself to the person whose supposed to trust you the most must be exhausting.
He didn't need to defend himself though, all you really wanted was him to tell you that you weren't going crazy and that he loved you. Instead, he had scoffed and said "seriously? When would I have the time? I barley have time to sleep with you!", you could sense the irritation in his voice but at the same time, his comment stung. He had hit you right where it hurt.
Work had been stressful and he'd been away in LA for most of the summer on holiday, you had joined him for a week and that had been fun but unlike his, your job didn't offer you a summer break so it was right back home and seperated from him for a few weeks.
So to say things in the bedroom had halted would be an undstatement. And you felt guilty as hell, it wasn't like you didn't want to, God it had been so long it was pretty much all you could think about but between his preseason tour and your exhausting job you haven't had the time or the energy, life just kept getting in the way.
So when those words left his mouth, he pretty much confirmed all the things you had been mulling over for weeks. One; that he was getting tired of the relationship, two; that he resented you for not sleeping with him more often and three; that the tabloids were right.
You had watched the game on tv, despite your anger at him you couldn't resist. He played well but you knew he wouldn't be happy with his performance, the standards he holds for himself, ridiculously high. And he seemed distracted, which added to your guilt.
He rounded the corner and peeked into the living room to see if maybe you were watching TV, the room was empty. He checked the kitchen next, on the island was a plate of food. Like there normally is when he comes home late from a game. He couldn't help but smile, no matter how upset you were, you still couldn't stop yourself from taking care of him. He kicked himself for his stupidity, he couldn't believe how lucky he was to have you in his life and he hated making you feel upset.
He checked your home office before deciding you were probably upstairs in bed watching Netflix or something. Slowly he started up the stairs trying to figure out a way to apologize, trying to decide how to make it up to you. Gently he opened the bedroom door. There you were, eyes peeled to the tv screen. You were watching some sort of trashy reality show, the ones you had said were always a good distraction.
"Hey", he said lowly. Not wanting to disturb you too much.
You turned to look at him, the first thing he noticed was how puffy and red your eyes were. His heart broke knowing he was the reason for your tears.
"Hey", you whispered back before turning your attention back to the tv. No mention of the game, no indication that you wanted to indulge in any further conversation.
He stood their awkwardly at the door to his own bedroom, unsure of what to do next. All he wanted to do was give you the hug you so clearly needed but he didn't want to upset you more. "uhm, I'm gonna go take a shower, is it okay if we talk after?", he said warily.
"yeah I guess, whatever, I'm surprised you have the time", your reply was short, alluding to his comment the night before.
"babe c'mon", he sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that"
"well how the fuck did you mean it then? I don't think you could have put your point across any clearer!" you snapped turning to face him at the door.
"nah, nah, nah!" he shook his head taking a step toward you, "don't be like that, you know what I'm trying to say! Don't try and act like I'm the only one in the wrong here! How many fucking times are we going to have the same argument? How many times will I need to defend myself?"
Anger filled him again. He was exhausted and frustrated with this. Everytime an outrageous rumor was printed about him in the papers, another fight followed. He was done.
You froze, not expecting him to retaliate so harshly. Tears filled your eyes as you realized he was right, this was as much your fault as his and he had every right to be upset with you too. You still felt the need to defend yourself though.
"It's just so fucking frustrating, like you don't think I don't feel shit about our nonexistent sex life? You dont think I don't want to get back to how we used to be? So when you say shit like that and then add in my pre-existing insecurities, the fact that thousands of woman wanna fuck you in your DMs and then it being in all the papers that they have been...it just makes fucking sense that you would be sleeping around, you're not getting it at home, you look the way you do, you're a footballer for fucks sakes...im sorry I trust you, I do, it's just so fucking hard sometimes" your outburst hit him like a tonne of bricks.
You've had this argument so many times but you'd never actually said out loud how insecure you felt. How jealous you felt. For the first time he could kind of imagine what it felt like, he feels a similar way when he sees guys at the club look you up and down, or when one of his friends comments on your looks. It drives him crazy, but what you had to deal with was worse. Because it was everywhere, all the time. On Instagram and Twitter, in the papers, even in the whispers of people around you when you went out.
"babe...babe I'm sorry, I am. I really didn't mean to make you feel guilty or insecure. I love you, you know that right? And I'm definitely not sleeping around. Okay? You're the only person I'm interested in, the only person I want to sleep with and you genuinely have no reason to be insecure! " he rattled off, moving to sit opposite you on the bed. His hand gently reached up to cup your cheek. His thumb sweeping away the tears rolling down your face. "I am a footballer, but that doesn't mean you're not out of my league"
You grabbed his other hand with both of yours, placing it in your lap. His words temporarily causing you to smile. "I'm sorry I'm like this, I'm sorry I keep bringing this up", you replied looking down at his fingers intertwined with yours.
"hey, look at me", he tilted your head up with his finger so you could look him in the eyes, those beautiful eyes that drew you in all those years ago. "don't ever apologize, it's okay, I know it's hard but I promise you, you have my full attention, always. I love you" he continued.
"I love you too", you smiled at him, leaning in for a kiss, soft and gentle but full of emotion. Immediately making you feel lighter and making the tension in the room dissapte.
He pulled you closer, into a hug. The two of you sat like that, holding one another for ages, a much needed embrace.
"does this mean we can have sex tonight?", he asked teasingly, leading a reluctant laugh to escape your lips as you punched him playfully on the arm.
Leaning back, you looked him in the eyes once more and through a smile you replied, "you've gotta take a shower first, you reek"
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princessbrunette · 6 months
Spiderman JJ sneaking into your room after a fight only to find you and John B with an entire ass yarn-evidence board discussing which of the people they know might be Spiderman
today was the day, he’d decided. the day jj was going to reveal to you that he was infact spiderman. it wasn’t so much a choice, infact — he didn’t have much. he’d gotten in a bad fight, and knew you could patch him up, being a nursing student and all. he stumbled through your window, wearing his suit that now was home to a few rips and tears he was relying on you to sew up. his heart was racing, wondering what your reaction would be. he smiles as he hears your voice, about to exit your bedroom door — but his smile is quick to drop when he hears another male voice accompanying you, your joint best friend john b.
“look, i know you said to rule out rafe — but who else has his access? those web thingies that spiderman has, they had to cost a shit tonne of money, right? what does rafe have plenty of? money.” john b theorises.
“i think the webs come from his wrists john b, i swear — he’s like a spider mutant.” jj can hear the smile in your voice, clearly excited over the theories.
“yeah, you know that’s like— impossible, right?” john b’s voice flattens sarcastically.
“oh, and a guy flying across the skyline is totally normal. embrace the impossible, jb.” you grin and john b shakes his head, not buying it.
“whatever. you got anymore yarn? runnin’ kinda low here.”
“yeah, there’s some in my room somewhere. come.” you nod to the brunette for him to follow him, the sound of footsteps drawing closer. jj realises he’s about to be caught, big time.
“oh shit.” the now maskless blonde curses, going to take a step back but walks straight into your vanity, spilling an abundance of bracelets and necklaces onto the floor. he knew the commotion gave him away, so quickly — his wrist shot out and he closed the door with his web, the footsteps stopping suddenly in the hallway.
“who’s there?” you call out fearfully, and john steps infront of you protectively.
“got a baseball bat and im not afraid to use it, dude.” john b calls out, making jj pipe up quickly.
“its me! guys its me!”
“jj? what the hell are you doing in here?” you relax, storming over to the door. “how’d you get in?” he senses your hand reach for the door knob, and he panics once more.
“w—wait! okay! i’m uh— i’m naked!”
“dude.” john b’s flat voice sounds from behind the door.
“i got jumped, okay and they nabbed my freaking clothes.” as he speaks, he’s working on ripping his suit off, stuffing it into your full waste bin below your desk, covering it with balled up papers, making a mental note to retrieve it later.
when the door opens, jj stands fully naked, only his hands covering his junk.
“oh gosh.” you gasp, and the brunette shakes his head.
“they took your boxers, too?”
“wasn’t wearin’ ‘em to begin with.”
he’ll tell you another day.
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werewolves-blog · 4 years
SnapDragon’s Merchant Thoughts
So the game started a day late which made me very sad but whatever. Then I woke up from my nap and realised the game had started. I looked at my role and discovered I was a merchant. I spend the first five minutes wondering what the actual fuck, but that is besides the point.
Merchants huh? That is new. My objective is having the most money at the end of the game as living Merchant. Which is in fact an interesting concept but not entirely new. It debuted in ext-300 under the name “Bandits” but instead of working together we work against each other and we don’t know who we all are.
We get money by selling items. And we spend money by buying them. So my initial prediction is that we are here to play stock market and that items are the stock. In my honest opinion some items will be worth a ton and some will be worth nothing. For example in my opinion Protection items will be worth a lot so merchants have to chose between keeping them to protect themselves or selling them and get lots of gold. The same applies to weapons because it can be used to eliminate loot piñatas.
We are also the literal definition of loot piñatas. As in the role personified. Therefore claiming will be risky if not doing it at all.
So now a LOT of setup speculation. “You are a Merchant. You are here to exploit the chaos and make your fortune” is the fluff text. Therefore I’m gonna assume this is going to be a slow game with roles that can exploit the loot piñata mechanic. No extras joined so that rules out Undead since they cannot abuse loot piñatas. Vamp however live on recruiting loot piñatas so that is my lock-in for evil faction. Vamp however need a supporting evil faction. Coven fits this role to a T. With 18 players I’m going to assume 1 VM and around 4-5 coven. There is also the supporting cast of more merchants. My initial guess is there is more than 2 but less than 5 so 3-4 is my guess. The amount of merchants also influences the amount of coven there is.
On the topic of village roles. We talk about a loot piñata game. Therefore we talk about Thieves. Thieves will be the bane of our existence since it will make keeping items risky as all hell. Then we have some RuneSmiths, apothecaries and blacksmiths.
My final idea of a setup will be VM+1 Harpy, 1 Witch, 2 Djinns, 1 Furie, 3 Merchants -> 8 evil/neutrals. This leaves room for 10 villagers. With 3 merchants I’m going to assume 2 thieves, 1 runesmith, 1 apothecary and 1 blacksmith and 5 random roles that are going to be close to Vampire and Coven related roles. Stalkers/Militias/Gravediggers/Revivers and the lot. My guess is going to be 1 Stalker, 1 Militia, 2 gravediggers, 1 reviver as the final village roles. I exclude seers because they are too swingy for this setup. Except for maybe the novice seer because they would also see us as neutral and give us an incentive to claim.
On to some more merchants discussion since I think I barely scratched the surface at this point. I as a merchant want to win from the other merchants which means both staying alive as long as possible while making the largest amount of money existing. But I think there are also some drawbacks to buying and selling. I think that every merchant gets the same night options offered with no price visible. Therefore if we all want to buy the same items the price will be high because competition. If nobody wants to buy an item the price will be low. The trick I think is going for items that are not as desirable as other items but still better than the bad items. Avoiding the competition, going for the bargains. My other guess is that craftable items are worth near nothing because… well… they’re craftable. The obvious exception being Armour items (If they are craftable, I don’t have much knowledge of the BlackSmith yet).
My second thought related to merchants and selling is that selling to a fellow merchant will inflict penalties of some sort. Either being that you sell for low or sell for very high and they lose money. The other option being a bonus in that selling to a merchant will make money for both of the merchants. On that topic of protection items. I think they sell for high, but giving them to a fellow merchant is not something you’d want to do because they then can sell them the next night for also a lot of money. Then another thought. If items decrease in amount over the game they will become more valuable. That is if they end up in the GY or get used or anything.
That brings us to the next topic. What items are we able to expect over the course of this game? My guess is mainly consumables and renewables. Runes + Armour + Weapons + Potions. I think Demonic Relics are out simply because they’re rare and they would be worth a fk tonne to the lucky soul who winds up with them ergo they swing the market too much. On the same note wolf items are out too assuming a vampire. As for starting items I think Merchants will start with some. Armour + a random item. This is because we have to buy N1 and will lose money if we don’t sell so we need to have the option to sell N1.
This also brings us to the 3th Merchant thought: Trade-routes. My guess is continuously selling to the same person brings a bonus or malus depending on the items being sold. The idea being that selling to the same person establishes a trade route which will give more money depending on if you sell different items to them but less money if you sell the same item continuously. This gives us Merchants the dilemma of having to choose between maintaining a trade route or selling for gold.  
On another item topic: Popular buys will become more expensive to buy as the game progresses. And as the game progresses the items we will be presented will also increase in value. This brings me to another point that I previously didn’t even consider. There may be relic items in the game and we get the option later on to buy the relics that can trigger/remove their effects (Demonic Eye and Heart of Hades). The flaw with this is that we as merchants may decide to not buy the relics so a possible DemonCult can never trigger them. And the possible demonic items that are in the village may turn out to be useless if we never buy the trigger items. This is a very specific scenario though.
On to the next topic: Council. I think council is in the game and every merchant worth their salt wants to be on it. This is because Council can generate items out of thin air.
My last thought: Outlaws. If we try to sell to an outlaw they will just take the item and we will generate no money.
 To the last point: Strategy, I’m going to employ a high-risk strategy. With potential thieves etc keeping items is a waste of inventory. This also makes sure I can buy high later on when I believe the value of items increase.
Okay so apparently we’re able to leave the fking town. This puts dirt in my setup speculation since I do have to eliminate coven over a numbers issue. Perhaps if it was more than 20 I would have allowed coven to remain as a viable option. If all supposed 3 of the merchants are able to leave -> 4-basement, 5-coven 6 village with the 3 loot piñatas leaving. Merchants I think are balanced around them becoming loot piñatas at all points in time which allows for the coven. Instead I’m putting in a subfaction war. Subfaction war also fills in with the chaos because subfactions want to finish each other off to detriment of the village often. There is also no council which is kind of disappointing. Then again it’s maybe good because whoever as merchant gets on the council has a definite advantage. My proposed setup is this:
VM, MS, IL, 2 GD, 1 Stalkers, 1 Militias, 2 Thieves, Novice Seer, 3 merchants, RS, BS, Apothecary, LM, Mortician.
I’m also given the Potion of cleansing buying option so I’m not gonna rule out Damned and Demoncult just yet.
I start with as predicted: Armour and a Hvísla Rune (low cost item). I’m obviously going to sell the Hvísla for 4 gold to make some money for next nights purchase. I will keep the Armour for now eventhough keeping it does not fit in my high risk playstyle. The armour is worth 31 gold at this point. I am also going to buy cleanse potions because of the volume of the items that is. All items are tier 1 items so I’m going to assume the value between the three does not vary a whole lot so 2x cleansing is more than 1x weakness eventhough weakness costs less. The other choice was Fjat Rune which costs as much as the 2x cleansing potions.
Then we go to a second alternate setup. One involving Outlaws. Merchants and Outlaws have synergy. Outlaws want to collect items while Merchants want to sell them. Therefore it would not totally be out of the question that this is a potential combination. It also poses a second neutral faction to support the vampire because both Outlaws and Merchants want the game to not finish too quickly. Collecting items and selling items etc. This poses as help for the very confirmed Vampire who wants the game to start slow even if they’re found early. This WILL eliminate the novice seer since there will be too many neutrals and instead puts in a drunk or even a regular seer. A possible setup for this would be: VM, 3 Merchants, 2 Outlaws of varying degrees, 2 Thieves, 1 RS, 1 BS, 1 Apothecary, mortician, (drunk) seer, 1 stalker, 1 militia, 2 gravediggers, whatever.
I’m not sure if I consider my ability anything strong. In general I don’t really give a crap about who I transfer items too, I just want to make bank. The only thing it does is identify potential merchants in the early game and/or find potential evils later in the game. However I’m still using the ability to generate visits AND to find a potential Merchant N1. I’m using it on the one who nukes the everloving SHIT out of the game in Gandhi who I’m also going to transfer my Hvísla to.
I have also already identified Tomyris as a potential Bandit/BoB/Merchant due to the “new faction confirmed” comment. Same with Gilgamesh referse psychologying the shit out of everybody.
On the topic of things already being proven false
-          No council
-          Price options are visible so no invisible bidding against other merchants
The rest has to remain to be seen.
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testifytime · 4 years
do everything for me, you already know about me BUT: im described as "chaotic faggot" by my friends, i have no filter, I can switch from being outgoing to really nervous in a second, i like drawing, dice, and divinitation. i hoard candles and incense, and i like paintball.
- A Pokemon team/type theme (+ fun facts abt your team!)
Your team is full of Poison types! They’re used the most often for rascly lil fucker trainers, so, it fits :3c
Your signature Pokemon is Toxtricity, though your team also consists of Whirlipede, Haunter, Gloom, Toxicroak, and Crobat!
Fun facts!
Your Toxtricity was sent to you by your juggabro. In his words, it’s a “cool Pokemon to fit your aesthetic but keep you on track”. It can be pretty overprotective, but sometimes it turns a blind eye to the more chaotic things you do. 
Your Whirlipede is just an entire baby. Even though it’s got toxic spikes on its shell that COULD kill you, it’s pretty much a lapbug. You just have to try and remind it to be careful before it goes in for snuggles. 
Your Haunter and Gloom actually kind of hate each other! Having them out at the same time often ends up with you either getting paralysed or put to sleep. They’re super sweet when they’re apart, though, and both LOVE scritches. 
Toxicroak used to be really loveydovey when it was a Croagunk, but now it acts like it’s too cool for school. It’s really not. If you pay more attention to another Pokemon it WILL jab you in the stomach. And then it’ll pretend like it totally wasn’t even because it was jealous. 
Your Crobat is the sweetest of the bunch!! It likes to collect (read: steal) things for you that it thinks you’ll like, and is almost always attached to your back out of its Pokeball. Sometimes without you wanting it to be. It can be a bit of a pain, sometimes. 
- Bloodcaste/lusus/chumhandle as if you were a Homestuck troll (+lore)
You’re a purpleblood with a seaserpent lusus! Your chumhandle is acquiredTalisman. 
You live with your lusus in a hive that boarders where the jungle forest ends and the beach begins. It’s a pretty popular spot for violetbloods, admittedly, but it’s also the only place your giantass Seaserpentdad can actually fit; the mouth of the river is deep and leads directly out into the ocean, where he spends most of his time. The hive itself is pretty cluttered - because man, you suck at keeping shit tidy - and filled to the brim with your dice collections, your religious paraphenalia, and all the random junk you’ve stolen (of which there is a lot). 
You have a few interests, of which the main is your religion. You’re a diviner of sorts, oddly sought out by your fellow purplebloods to tell them what their purpose is in life as stated by the Great Mirthful Messiahs. You’re not entirely sure that they really do speak through you, but your readings are scary-accurate, and not only does it mean that you’ve made more friends, but you’ve made a fuck tonne of money, too. You’re more fond of practicing with your friends, or on your own, sneaking what you can beneath your lusus’ snout; so far, he hasn’t seemed to question the candle collection you have, or the alter with the Faygo bottlecaps, or the cards, or pendulum made from a grubbone you got from one of your customers. Actually, he hasn’t noticed much of anything? You’re hesitant to go TOO far, but you do like pushing at what you can get away with every now and then. 
On top of that, you love to draw - mostly as a form of worship, but also just for fun with your juggabros. You send drawings back and forth, even though you’ve never been able to meet them, and it’s pretty fun! You hope one day that you can get them to your favourite hangout spot to cause a little chaos - which usually means trashing the violetbloods’ rich boy shit and stealing things you know they’re too proud to tattle about. You don’t... always remember doing those things? But you definitely remember the amount of violetbloods that give you nasty glares whenever you walk past. It’s okay, though. You have a rifle and you’re not afraid to use it.
Beyond that, though, you’re... kind of lonely. There’s nobody that you really consider a friend around you, and when your friends do visit you, it’s only every few months. Having all those customers and the nasty violetbloods hanging around is great, sure, but... sometimes you wish you could move your hive closer inland to be near your juggabros. You could, you guess. But then where would your lusus go?
Your lusus is kind of ridiculously huge. You really couldn’t miss him even on the horizon, his giant form standing stark against the two moons. Not that he spends a whole lot of time above the water, though. He pretty much only comes back to get fed and throw a fit if he sees any of your purpleblood customers hanging around. 
- Symbol/guardian/chumhandle as if you were a Homestuck kid (+lore)
Your symbol is a and your guardian is your big bro! Your chumhandle is augmentedTemptation.
You and your older bro kick it in a sweet lil bottom-floor apartment. It’s kinda dingy, kinda shitty, but it’s the best he can afford and you’re not really one to complain when you know how hard he works just to keep the leaky roof over your head. It’s got everything you want out of a home, anyway; separate bedrooms, tiny bathroom, sweet hangout pad that doubles as a kitchen (which you’ve got a curtain draped over so that it looks like they’re two rooms) - it’s pretty neat. It’s also got a fire escape out the back and easy access to the lobby doors that’re easy to pick, so you figure it’s kinda home. 
You absolutely fucking love to play paintball. You’ve got a painball gun that you maybe stole from the store once, and a couple pellets you’ve been buying for cheap online whenever you have the money. You don’t... actually have anyone to play with, but hey, cop cars make a great target. It feeds into your general need for chaos, which isn’t limited to - but has involved - petty theft, breaking into cars, and spray painting defametory phrases against racists and homophobes on billboards. You’ve never actually been caught. Okay, you got caught once, but you’re really good at crying. You’re pretty sure your bro doesn’t know about that.
You like to practice witchy shit in your spare time. You’ve got altars set up for your patrons, and a candle collection that you really don’t know that you’re ever gonna burn through. Plus, incense! Your bro kind of hates the smell, but you just crack open a window and it’s like he doesn’t even know. You’ve also got a pretty fair collection of crystals, but that’s more because people just keep giving them to you? It’s wild what they’ve thought were just normal rocks, and you’re pretty sure some of your collection could sell for a pretty buck, but they make way better offerings. 
Of course, you also love to talk to your friends online. You have a bunch! You’re pretty easy to get on with, you think, so you end up just kinda collecting people into one giant group of friends that never stops growing. You share art, play games, chat, make them worried sick when you do dumb shit - it’s great. 
Sometimes at dusk you like to go up to the roof of the apartment block you and your bro live in and stand right on the edge. It’s so high up you can see around for miles, and everything below you looks like a speck of dust beneath your feet. The stars twinkle above you in the darkening sky, just barely visible, and you think, every now and then, that you are very, very small. 
- A FNAF animatronic design and name
You’re a broken down animatronic, probably one of the earliest of your kind. Maybe even a prototype? Nobody really remembers anymore. You’ve just kind of always been there, at the back of the store, half a body and more coherent than people expect you to be, but never fully quite there. Your head lulls back and forth, your arms moving sluggishly, and in order to get around, you drag yourself across the floor.
You can speak, but not by much. It’s glitchy and switched out more often than not, absolutely terrifying to hear in the dark - but you’re a pretty sweet soul, all things considered. The few who’ve been brave enough to slip back behind the old, abandoned doors, past the cobwebs and through the narrow halls, who haven’t run at the first sight of you, tell tales of a sweet carcass who seemed more scared of being found than anything else. 
There are a couple kids who routinely come back to visit you. They like to give you things they’ve found outside the pizzaria, mostly coins and old dice and things that smell sweet to try and cover up how musty you are. 
You’ve never hurt a soul the entire time you’ve been there, but your reputation has been built on the whispers of kids who’ve seen the rotting maw of your muzzle, the glint of your endoskeleton and the shine of your eyes in the dark. They call you Thing - as if giving you a name will make you come to life. 
The ones that know you better call you Peppi. 
- A BNHA Quirk and hero title
Your Quirk is Corroding Touch. Despite its name, and how terrifying it sounds, your quirk is pretty simple! Anything you touch wastes away, and you can control how far along its own personal timeline it decays through. For instance, you could touch a flower and have it start wilting, and stop there on its timeline - or you could have it waste away to a point that it decays completely and turns to mush. 
The drawback here is that what you’re doing is essentially speeding up a natural process. Things that don’t waste away without outside forces - such as rocks through erosion - won’t be affected by your quirk. Things that live very long lives before decaying - such as turtles - will take up a lot more of your time to speed them through their natural timeline. Finally, you can’t reverse what you’ve done. Once you’ve sped it through its natural timeline, there’s no going back; another quirk will have to undo the effects.
Of course, it also means that if you plant an oak seed, instead of waiting hundreds of years for it to grow into an oak tree, you can just use your quirk to speed up the process. So it’s a good-bad thing!
Your hero title is the Wasteful Hero: Corrosion. You’re a sort of last-resort hero, and you don’t like being in the limelight. Your quirk is dangerous if not handled correctly, so you work on a team with another hero who has a counter-effective quirk to yours (essentially Hyper Growth!). A lot of civillians are scared of you, but that’s okay. You know that what you do is important, and that your ranking doesn’t matter so long as you’re saving lives.
You are a little bitter, though, that your partner is several ranks ahead of you.
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Undercover - Chapter 9
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Undercover: A Winterhawk Fanfic
Series Masterlist Previous //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x  F!Reader
Word Count:  1617
Rating:  E
Square filled:   @star-spangled-bingo - Coming Out Fic
Warnings: Sex talk
Synopsis:  You go on an undercover mission with your boyfriend Bucky and Clint Barton.  When you and Clint have to pretend you’re in a relationship feelings become confused.
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Chapter 9
Bucky walked nervously down the hall, flanked on both sides by you and Clint.  He was on his way to Steve’s office.  He’d decided he needed to tell his best friend about his sexuality before the three of you went and outed your whole relationship to the group.  Steve had known him since he was a kid.  They’d shared a bed for Christ’s sake.  If he was going to come out, he needed to do it to Steve first.
He did worry though.  Not that Steve wouldn’t accept him.  After he’d taken him in and loved him after the monster HYDRA made him, Bucky didn’t think there was much Steve could learn that would kill their friendship or the love they shared.  What he worried about was that hearing it would hurt him.  That keeping this secret and not trusting Steve with it would cause him pain.  He told Steve everything back in the day.  It was not like Bucky’s sexuality was a new thing.  He should have told him back then.
They reached Steve’s office. It had large windows down the hall side and Bucky could see him in there working on some paperwork.  He stood at the door willing himself to just knock.
You put your hand on his shoulder.  “You okay?”
Bucky shrugged a little.  “Yes.  No.  I mean, I know he’s not gonna reject me.  I just feel bad.”
“Hey,”  Clint said.  He ran his hand down Bucky’s forearm and linked their fingers together.  “All this shit - sexuality, relationships, whatever - it’s yours.  It doesn’t belong to anyone else.  So what if you only want to come out now we’re doing this?  That’s okay.  If you’d never wanted to come out that would have been okay too.”
Bucky nodded.  “I just don’t know why I never talked to him about shit like this.”
“You are now.  That’s pretty big.”  You said.
He nodded again and let go of Clint’s hand.  He took a deep breath and knocked.
Steve looked up.  “It’s open.”  He called.
Bucky steeled himself and went through the door, you and Clint following after.  Steve tilted his head and looked you all over.  “Hey, is there a mission I wasn’t aware of?”
“No,”  Bucky said, taking the seat opposite Steve.  “This is personal.”
Steve looked between the three of you with a slightly confused expression on his face before closing up a folder on his desk and sitting back.  “Shoot.”
Bucky’s eyes flicked from you to Clint to his hands and then to Steve before he took a deep breath.  “Oh god, I don’t even know how to say it.  I don’t know the label.”
“What label?”  Steve asked.
You reached over and rubbed his leg.  “Just tell him how you feel.”
“How you feel?”  Steve asked.
Bucky huffed and shook his head.  “Okay.  So… so… I guess the thing is, that I don’t just like women.  Sexually I mean.  Like… I think I just like people.”
Steve furrowed his brow and then sat back in the chair.  “Huh.”
Bucky looked at him and shifted in his chair.  “Is that all?”
“I just …”  Steve said and ran his hand through his hair.  “Huh.”
“That’s not really helpful, Steve.”  You said.
“Sorry,”  Steve said getting up and moving to Bucky.  He crouched down in front of his friend and put his hands on his shoulders.  “Me too, pal.”
Bucky started laughing, quietly at first and then louder.  He leaned in and pulled Steve into a tight hug and they stayed that way for a while, just holding each other until Steve slowly pulled back and looked at Bucky.
“How come you never told me?”  Bucky asked.
Steve shrugged and moved back to his chair.  “I guess back then I tried to push it away.  I already had enough things to get bullied about.  Being small and sick.  Didn’t need that added to it.  Besides, I like women, so I could hide it.  Then when I came off the ice, I guess… well I haven’t really been with anyone have I?  I don’t know.  It didn’t seem to matter if I was theoretically attracted to anyone when I haven’t been attracted to anyone in any practical sense.”
Bucky nodded.  “I guess that makes sense.  You haven’t liked anyone?”
“There have been sparks, but they don’t seem to go anywhere.  You know how I used to say I was waiting for the right partner?  I don’t think that’s changed at all.  Maybe that’s not something I get to have.  I don’t know.  What about you?”
Bucky wanted to unpack a bunch of what Steve just laid out.  There was pain in his statement and he felt like he needed to help Steve deal with it, but maybe now with you and Clint wasn’t that time.  Instead, he focussed on the question.  “Back then?  I don’t know.  I think because people would say things like if a guy was were with a man they’re gay now.  Then if they were with a woman they aren’t gay now.   Or whatever.”  He shook his head.  “I thought it was a choice you made and so I chose the safe one.  It never occurred to me you could be both or all.”
“Why now?”  Steve asked.  “And why did you tell Clint before you told me?”
“Umm… well, that’s the other thing,”  Bucky said, swallowing.  “Clint … we… the three of us.”  He groaned and buried his face in his hands.
Steve looked between the three of you, somehow more confused looking than he was before.  “You want me to tell?”  You asked.
Bucky nodded and you took his hand and gave it a squeeze.  “Bucky, Clint and I are together.”
“Romantically?”  Steve asked.
“Well there hasn’t been a tonne of romance, but yeah.”  Clint joked.
“All three of you?”
“Yeah, all three.”  You said.
Steve didn’t say anything for a moment and just looked the three of you over.  “You’re happy, Buck?
Bucky nodded.  “Yeah, I am Stevie.”
“Then I guess that’s what’s important.  I just want you to be happy.”  Steve said.  “Be careful though.  I don’t want to see you hurt.  Any of you.”
Bucky smiled a little and nodded.  “Thanks, Stevie.”   He went to stand and then stopped and looked at the blond opposite him.  “Hey, you think if we’d both just been honest back then we would have … I dunno… gotten together?”
Steve looked at Bucky and wrinkled his nose.  “You’re kinda like my brother, Buck?”
Bucky started laughing and got up.  Steve did too and they hugged again.  “You’re still a punk, you know?”
“And you’re still a jerk,”  Bucky said.  “You think we can call a group meeting?  I kinda just want to get this all out there?”
Steve pulled back and nodded.  “FRIDAY?”
“Right away, sir.  I’ll have them meet you in the common living area.”  The AI replied.
The four of you headed down to the common room together.  Steve took a seat on one of the recliners while you, Clint and Bucky or took a seat on the couch.
Natasha was the first to arrive.  She smirked when she saw the four of you.  “They tell you their news?”  She asked Steve as she took a seat on one of the other couches.
“Yeah, they already tell you?”  Steve asked.
She laughed.  “No, I caught them.  They think they’re so sneaky.”
Steve laughed and shook his head.  “Imagine thinking they could hide something from you.”
“Right?  Idiots the lot of them.”
The rest of the group slowly trickled in looking slightly confused as they took their seats.  Last of all was Tony doing his usual trick of making sure everyone knew he was in the room.  “Why the family meeting?  We got a teen pregnancy?  Someone get suspended from school?  Do you all need pocket money?”
He took a seat perched on the couch next to Pepper and leaned over and kissed her on the top of the head.
You looked over at Bucky and Clint, and Clint nodded and sat forward.  “So we just wanted to get everyone together to let you all know that the three of us -”  He gestured between you, Bucky and himself.  “- are together.  In the biblical sense.”
Natasha snorted as the others looked between the three of you.
Tony started laughing.  “My god, I always knew you had a wild side, missy.”  He said.  “So how’s that work?”
“You don’t know how a threesome works?  Aren’t you some kind of ex-playboy?”  Clint asked.
“You see when a mommy and a daddy and a daddy love each other very much…”  You added.
“Ha-ha, very funny,”  Tony said.  “So you’re really poly?”
“Yep.  That’s it.  Just thought you all should know in case you see us holding hands or kissing or whatever, no one is cheating on anyone.  We’re all copasetic.”  You said.
“Hey, Pepper, you think…”  Tony started.
“No, Tony.”  Pepper said shaking her head.
“Any further questions class?”  Clint said.
“When did this start?”  Sam asked.
“Just after that last mission.  Some stuff came up. We decided to explore it.  It’s kinda working.  So we’re running with it.”  You said.
There was silence in the room for a moment and Tony stood up.  “Great talk everyone.  Shall we order pizza?”
You chuckled and leaned into Bucky, he pulled you close and kissed the top of your head and then did the same to Clint.  He wasn’t scared anymore.  He knew how he felt and knowing his friends had his back, this could work.  He might not get the life that he’d been told he should have back before the war.  Really the war had ruined any chance of that for him.  This though, with you and Clint, he could be happy and really above all, he wanted that above anything.
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amphtaminedreams · 5 years
My Amateur European Travel Guide
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Hi to anyone who’s reading!
I spent just over a month in Europe over the summer and have far too many good food pics that deserve more than sitting in my camera roll untouched and thus I thought I’d do my very shitty, amateurish version of a travel guide, basically a run down of my favourite things that we did in each city. From touristy shit like the Colosseum and the Roman Forum to some equally beautiful but lesser known places, getting an inter-rail pass gives you the time to see everything whilst not spending an absolute fortune. 
I went with a friend and we did the basic, first-time traveller route: Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Ljubljana, Venice, Rome and Milan. The pass, which allowed us to use domestic and international trains on 10 separate days within a month, for students only cost £230. We did then have to pay extra for the Eurostar from St.Pancras to Paris, and additional “reservation” fees to get seats on the trains in Italy and between France and The Netherlands, but all in all this didn’t cost us anymore than about £50. The flight back from Milan to Southend Airport cost £30, though be warned that it’s actually pretty hard to get from Southend to central London; if we hadn’t been able to get a lift, we probably would’ve spent an extra £30 getting home from there. 
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We were away for 3 weeks and 4 days in total, and on top of the approx. £700/£800 we spent on hostels and air b&bs, I spent about £1500 whilst I was away. You could probably get away with taking about £1000 with you if you’re willing to cook while you’re away. We did a couple of nights whilst we were in air b&bs, but on the whole, we usually ate out. The hostel kitchens were a bit of a nightmare, though I’m not going to pretend it was anything other than a combination of laziness and gluttony that stopped me from cooking, lol. HOW CAN YOU GO TO ITALY AND NOT GO OUT FOR PASTA EVERY NIGHT?! It can’t be done. With my non-existent self-control anyway. 
Once I got back from inter-railing, I also then spent a week with my family staying in the cutest seaside town about half an hour outside of Barcelona, Sitges, which we’ve visited a few times before. For that reason, I thought I’d write about some of my favourite things to do in and around Barcelona, not just from this trip but from all the times we’ve visited over the last few years.
I’ll start, though, with the first place we visited on our inter-railing trip: Paris.
Paris, France
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It might be because it was the first place we went and the place where I had the most energy and drive to explore, lol, but Paris was my absolute favourite of the cities we visited. I know a lot of people seem to be disappointed with it but there’s just so much to do and so much culture; gorgeous architecture, art, fashion, food, I feel that it lives up to its reputation in every way if you really utilise your time there properly. The public transport is easy to understand and use and my only gripe with the hostel is that it was a little far out. This didn’t really limit us in any way though, so it didn’t bother me. 
The Hostel
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Our first hostel, Jo&Joe’s in Gentilly, was a really cool place. I believe it was around £30 a night (one of the more expensive hostels we stayed in) to stay in a room like the one I've included a photo of. The beds were comfy and you had a decent amount of space, and the wi-fi was good. My only issue is that there wasn’t much privacy in terms of the bathroom; there was one toilet room and one shower room in the actual bedroom to be shared between the 6 of us. There didn’t really seem to be much about in Gentilly but to be honest, we didn’t venture very far and there’s more than enough to do in central Paris.
Paris Top Things to do:
1. Palais de Tokyo
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Probably my favourite art museum we visited our entire trip, Palais de Tokyo was...an experience. 
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Costing £8 for a student ticket, almost every piece of artwork in there was strange as hell. That being said, it was all very immersive and interactive and like nothing I’d seen before which is why I liked it so much. 
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Well, apart from the dirty sock. Literally. There was a dirty sock on display. Art, right? 
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2. Musee D’Orsay
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I’d say if you only had time to do one of the “big” art museums in Paris, do Musee D’Orsay, not the Louvre.
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 It’s a lot more compact and has a wider range of styles, plus a lot more modern art, including some Van Gogh and several Degas. I had so many favourite pieces from Louise Abbema’s Allegories of Spring and Winter, to Thomas Couture’s Romans in their Decadence:
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Plus I’d take Amaury Duval’s portrait of Marie-Anne Detourbay over the Mona Lisa any day. The staring into your soul game she’s got going on is unparalleled.
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3. Eiffel Tower 
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I think the level of dumbassery involved in my decision to wear heeled boots to make the 500 or so step journey up the Eiffel Tower cancels out any smarts that went into us saving €3 by booking in advance and walking instead of getting the lift, but it’s all about the experience, lol, and I would do it again for the view. It only cost €5 in total and by booking online about a month before, we didn’t have to wait in what is usually about a 3 hour queue if you turn up on the day.
4. Yves Saint Laurent Museum
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It only took us about an hour to do the Yves Saint Laurent museum but it was definitely worth the £10 for entry if you are interested in fashion. It was pretty quiet when we went which I liked as it made for a much more peaceful experience than say, the Louvre, and the museum is very well laid out. There’s a load of original pieces in there and I feel like I learned a lot about Saint Laurent himself too. I also learned that I am very unsophisticated (I really didn’t feel posh enough to be walking into the building, lol) but we been knew.
5. Sacre Couer 
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Warning: The Sacre Couer is a very steep walk from the nearest tube station. I internally died. Several times. But it’s very beautiful once you get up there.
6. Monmarte
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I wish we’d had more time to explore Monmarte as it was one of the prettiest places I saw on our trip, with so many cute restaurants and cafes. Top things to see in the area are the Wall of Love and though we didn’t actually go there, Montmarte Cemetery too. I found out when we got back that the latter is supposedly inhabited by a load of stray cats and now I am severely disappointed that we didn’t have a look. I guess I’ll just have to go back! You know, just to check if it’s true about the cats. And also eat some more of the food, ofc.
7. Vintage Shopping
We had a quick look in two of the vintage shops whilst we were in Paris, Kilo Shop and Tilt Vintage, and I saw a lot of really cool things. Unfortunately, because I couldn’t really fit anything else in my backpack and was being pretty tight with money at that point in the trip (an attitude my bank balance probably wishes had been sustained throughout, lol), I didn’t get anything. Still, I’d definitely recommend checking the shops I mentioned and the other vintage shops in that area out if you are interested in buying some clothes whilst you’re away. The only thing I’d say is to avoid them if you have trouble with crowds and/or small spaces as there were a shit tonne of people in pretty much all the ones we went in and because of the layout, not much room to move. And protip: if you like breathing non-body odour tinted oxygen, don’t venture in any of them in the middle of heatwave. Not fun. 
8. Champs Elysees 
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I think it’s kind of a given that you see the Champs Elysees whilst you’re in Paris, but last time I was there, I only really saw it from an open top bus and was quiet underwhelmed. On this trip, we walked from the Louvre through the Tuileries and then slowly made our way down towards the Arc de Triomphe, having a look down the streets that run perpendicular to the Champs Elysees on our way, which were all very typically Parisienne. At the bottom, you have Aventue Montaigne which has all the fancy, designer flagship stores, and then down Avenue FDR (where we went for lunch) there are plenty of places to stop and have a bite to eat. I thought I’d been all French getting a baguette from down here before realising it was from a glorified Paul which we have all over London, BUT, if you’re into açai bowls, my friend had a really good one at a place called Cojean.
9. Versailles
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Before we went to Versailles, a lot of people told me that it was really crowded and not worth going to but I couldn’t disagree more. It was so beautiful both on the inside and out and there’s so much to learn! I’ve always been fascinated by Marie Antoinette so I might be slightly biased but I was totally in my ex-historical nerd element. I would definitely recommend arriving as early as possible if you’re not paying for skip the line tickets, since we got there for around 10 and had to stand in a very long queue to get in. It did move quickly but looked very daunting at first and I imagine it only gets worse as the day goes on.
10. Disneyland Paris
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I mean, we didn’t got there this time and technically, it’s not Paris. But come on, it’s Disney. I couldn’t leave it off the list.
Future Paris Bucket List:
Moulin Rouge
Musee d’Orangerie
Jardin du Luxembourg
Louvre Highlights Tour
Louis Vuitton Foundation
Paris Museum of Modern Art
Get dinner in Trocadero
Centre Pompidou
Paris Catacombs
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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Amsterdam is one of my favourite places ever. It’s picturesque, easy to find your way around, and full of amazing food. It was my second time here and my friend’s third so we had a pretty chilled out time but still did a lot. I definitely wouldn’t say no to going back again.
The Hostel
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The hostel we stayed in in Amsterdam was called ClinkNoord and was a short (and free!) boat ride away from the city centre. Also at around £30 a night, the rooms were basic yet comfortable and the place as a whole had a modern, utilitarian vibe to it which I really liked. The bathrooms were a short walk down the hall, a more private alternative to the bathrooms in our Paris hostel, and were pretty much always free. As for the showers, they were a wet room kinda situation and a little bit grim at times but as long as you bring flip flops (I didn’t, another example of dumbassery, lol) you’ll be fine. Maybe this is the 10 year old in me leaping out but I really loved the bar area at this hostel too: drinks were cheap, but more importantly, it had table football, pool, AND a ping-pong room. WITH A BLACK LIGHT MIGHT I ADD!
Amsterdam Top Things to do:
1. Electric Ladyland
The edibles had already began to kick in a little bit by the time we got to Electric Ladyland so this might be a bit of an overstatement but this place was, in a good way of course, very trippy. It’s basically a mini fluorescent art museum and exhibition in this guy’s basement (not as weird as it sounds, lol), and for £5 you can go in and see it and then, if you hang around, watch him give a demonstration on how it all works and where he sourced his paint from. It says on the website that it’s by appointment only but we just turned up on the day just as a slot was about to start and were allowed in. In terms of taking an edible before you go in, maybe don’t, lol. It was a bit of a surreal experience; in a very dark room, listening to an old American hippy talk about how he explored caves in Utah to find mineral rocks, the weed-induced paranoia low-key kicked in. I did, at points, momentarily forget that there was a room around the point I was immediately focussed on and started panicking that we were just drifting through space. And then there was the occasional fear that I was trapped in some kind of eternal time loop where the man would just keep on talking in circles and I would be stuck down there forever, not wanting to be rude and leave whilst he was mid-sentence, as part of the universe’s karmic punishment for my impractical level of politeness and need to people-please. Climbing the ladder up out of the basement was...a little tricky, to say the least.
2. Pancake House
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You have to have pancakes in Amsterdam and my friend recommended this place as the original one. I had a pancake with ice cream, caramel sauce and chocolate sauce and whilst a little sickly, it was tasty af. If I went again, I think I’d just stick to one sauce; it was so sweet that I had to admit defeat about halfway, something I do not look back on with pride. Next time, I will be victorious over one of these beasts of a pancake. Speaking it into existence.
3. Hire a bike and visit Vondelpark
There are plenty of ways to get about in Amsterdam and the trams are super easy to use but hiring a bike for the time you’re there is probably the cheapest and most Amsterdammy (I know, not really a word) way to get around. We hired our bikes from Starbikes by the central station and it was a very simple and affordable process which I would definitely recommend; their shop has some of the best reviews on Trip Advisor for bike hire. Riding along the canals is quite chilled but if you’re not super confident, the best place to go is probably Vondelpark, as it has wider lanes with the added bonus of not living in semi-permanent fear of being yeeted off your bike into the canal by a car coming up behind you. It also has friendly ducks! How can you say no to that? I mean, ignoring the fact that male ducks have like, 9 inch corkscrew penises which apparently spin when they mate. Thank Reddit for that life-altering and mildly disturbing piece of information.
4. Mannekin chips
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The BEST Belgian fries which I spent the entirety of the rest of our trip craving. Best sauce combination is ketchup and samurai sauce, and I recommend going for a regular portion. The large is insane and I am very much in awe of anybody who can finish it.
5. Van Gogh Museum
We didn’t actually visit the Van Gogh museum on this trip but I went on my first visit to Amsterdam and you really can’t miss it. Not only does it have a lot of Van Gogh’s most famous works, including sunflowers, it has a lot of the work of the artists who inspired him as well as pieces from some of his contemporaries. 
7. Stedelijk
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Really cool modern art museum with an interactive room where you can take part in activities relating to the current exhibition too. Though I guess it really depends on your art preferences, if you do only have time to do either this or The Rijksmuseum, I would definitely say Stedelijk. 
8. The Rookies Coffeeshop
So I can’t say I’ve tried a lot of the coffee shops in Amsterdam as on our first visit we only really went to this one and The Bulldog chain, and this time we didn’t go as much, but they do the best space cakes. They’re genuinely really tasty but they can be quite intense if you haven’t smoked in a while or don’t do so regularly so make sure you’re in somewhere you feel safe and have other people with you.
9. Amsterdam Dungeons
Though the Amsterdam Dungeons were more similar to the London Dungeons than I thought they would be, with less of a focus on the dark history of the area and more on general dark European history such as the Spanish Inquisition and witch trials which also came up a lot in the London run through, I would still thoroughly recommend them. The Dungeons are definitely a tourist trap but they’re also just hilarious and you genuinely do learn a little, so I think worth the money!
10. The Blonds Cafe
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I wasn’t crazy about the menu here as I’m a ridiculously fussy eater but I think most people will easily find something they like, and the actual cafe and presentation is really cute. The grilled cheese sandwich I ended up having was really good and even if you end up just having a cake, I’d recommend it. They had lemon AND mint infused water dispensers, which, now I’m writing down doesn’t seem very exciting at all, but I got hyped up, okay? And worst case scenario, it’s not for you, there are loads of other cool and very hipster-y looking (lol) independent cafes in the area. 
11. Anne Frank House
Again, this was something I did on my first trip to Amsterdam, but you can’t miss it. From a history standpoint and as someone who read Anne Frank’s diary several times when I was younger, I found it very surreal to actually visit the house I’d heard so much about. You definitely get a sense of just how stifling and claustrophobic living in that annex was and even if you’re not into your history, I do think a lot of insight can be gained from taking a trip here! 
12. Go to one of the Pastry Shops
If you go to Amsterdam, you’ll see them everywhere, the little slightly shabby-looking cafes with all the amazing waffles and donuts and crepes and cupcakes in the window. Go to one! I had a waffle covered in white chocolate and Oreos and it was 1000% as good as it looked. 
13. Moco Museum
The last thing on my Amsterdam list and another thing we did on my first trip, the Moco Museum is one of my favourites I’ve ever been to. It’s pretty small and doesn’t take you that long to look around but it’s full of contemporary, provocative art based around the theme of political and social commentary. Given that description, it’s probably no surprise that it houses a lot of Banksy, but there’s also a fair bit of pop art too, and a very cool gift shop. Because I can never resist a good gift shop.
Future Amsterdam Bucket List:
A day trip to the tulip fields
De Poezenboot
Eye Film Museum 
Swing at A’dam lookout
Canal Cruise
Berlin, Germany
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Berlin definitely wasn’t what I was expecting it to be. As a capital city, I expected it to be this very built up, bustling, commercial place, but it was actually pretty quiet and very spread out. In a way, it almost seemed a bit left behind and completely deserted in parts. That being said, from a historical point of view, it was probably the most interesting place that we went. It’s easy to forget that just a few decades ago the city was completely divided and you can definitely sense that it’s still rebuilding itself.
The Hostel
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We stayed in a hostel that was tucked away in the basement of the Aletto hotel, just a minute’s walk away from the Zoologischer Garden station. I believe it was around £20 a night for an 8 person mixed dorm. The beds weren’t the comfiest and the room itself was a bit dark and dank, given that it was below street level, but all in all, the hostel was decent as a stop-off point. I liked that there was a kind of a small communal area in the kitchen and the bathrooms were spacious and clean, and fortunately, it was pretty quiet when we were there so we usually had them to ourselves. 
Berlin Top Things to do:
1. Never Ending Love Story
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A really lovely little cafe in a pretty, quiet area, the service here was exceptionally good! I’m not one to complain when workers don’t seem overly enthusiastic, I work in retail so I get that you sometimes can’t be arsed with all the over-the-top politeness, but I do appreciate friendliness and the waitress here was so sweet. I had delicious scrambled eggs on sourdough toast and my friend had pancakes and we both really enjoyed our food. 
2. East Side Gallery
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I wish I had more to say about the East Side Gallery, but to be honest I was pretty drunk and had half an edible-I thought we were going out out after, don’t judge me-so I can’t remember much. Judging from my very shitty and my friend’s very good (this is one of hers, lol) photos though, it was really interesting. Good street art is up there with the best of them imo and given the context of the gallery, it’s no surprise that a lot of the art is politically charged, which just adds an extra layer of appeal to it. There’s also a lot of good photo ops, or so drunk me clearly thought. 
3. Topography of Terror
Built on top of the former SS Reich Main Security Office, the Topography of Terror is a museum I’d say you need to set aside at least 2 and a half/3 hours for to properly do. There’s so much information to get through and I’d say I ended up skimming half of it towards the end because we were short on time; I later found out that there’s even more to see outside which we didn’t even touch. 
4. Jewish Museum
Unfortunately, a lot of the Jewish Museum was closed when we went but it’s still a very physically impressive building with exhibitions that are equal parts daunting and thought-provoking,��relating to both the Jewish experience during the Second World War and Jewish culture in general.
5. Museum Island
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We didn’t actually go in any of the museums on Museum Island but we walked around and sat at a nice little green spot nearby; t’s very pretty to explore, especially as the sun is going down. There were plenty of bars around and people drinking, sunbathing and listening to music by the river. Generally a really relaxed vibe.
6. Fritzies 
I know dirty fries aren’t the classiest thing ever but the ones from this place tasted really fucking good. How can you go wrong with a fast food restaurant dedicated to chips?
7. The History: Brandenberg Gate, Reichstag, Checkpoint Charlie, Hitler’s Bunker, Jewish Memorial
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Most of these places are within walking distance of each other and we did them all within a couple of hours. Like I said, the best thing about Berlin is the history so I think making an effort to see all these things is really important. On our last night we managed to find out, via a nearby poster, about a free show on the river (with English subtitles obviously; as the basic monolingual bitch I am, anything other than dankeschön and hallo went right over my head) which covered major points in the history of the Reichstag over the last century; it was the perfect way to round off our trip.
8. KW Institute for Contemporary Art
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This museum was half the overly pretentious contemporary art that makes classicists roll their eyes:
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-though I do actually like it, sue me-
And half the simple, but millennially-inspired kinda stuff that I love. Like, that top collection got me feeling like the new Van Gogh every time I accidentally screenshot my home screen. 
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So obviously, I rated it. And side-note, the building in general, which had an old, unused warehouse kinda thing going on, along with a shady little courtyard outside, was very cool.
9. Pizza Nostra
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Look at this photo. Do I need to say any more?
Future Berlin Bucket List:
Historical River Cruise
Return to the Jewish Museum
The Story of Berlin Museum
Berghain (even just to see it from the outside)
About Blank, Suicide Circus, i.e one of the tamer, more mainstream clubs
Anne Frank Zentrum
Hackescher Hof
Oranienburger Strasse and Kunsthaus Tacheles
Prague, Czech Republic
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I absolutely adored Prague. From the second I stepped out of the metro station into Old Town Square on our first evening, I felt like I was walking into a fairytale. All the buildings were so ornate and beautiful, everywhere you look is like a postcard. There’s so much history there which we only really had time to scrape the surface of and I can’t wait to go back.
The Hostel
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We stayed at Hostel Dakura which was only around £15 a night and a few metro stops from the city centre. As you can see, it’s a little outdated but all in all, still clean and comfortable. The dorm and bathrooms were very spacious and there was an outdoor seating area with benches and ping-pong too. I’d definitely say it was good value for money.
Prague Top Things to do:
1. Explore Old Town
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The Old Town part of Prague is definitely the main attraction, from the cute and very typically European seating areas outside the restaurants, to the Trdelnik shops, to the gothic statues, and the colourful buildings that surround them; you'll feel like you’re walking through a mix between a shopping mall and a medieval time capsule. There’s not really all that much point me putting Old Town on the must-do list as it’s pretty much unavoidable but I liked it so much I just couldn’t leave it out. I really haven’t been anywhere like it before. It’s part Westeros, part Fantasyland at Disney (with some stag dos thrown in), and that’s saying something; Disney World comparisons do not come easy from me.
2. Letna Hill
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A bit of a steep walk uphill but totally worth it for the view of the city.  Lots of cool bars and places to get cheap beer and cider too, if that’s your kinda thing. Spirits, to my dismay, are pretty much the same price as they are back home. Not that it was on Letna Hill but I paid €20 for 2 doubles one night. €20. PRAGUE IS CHEAP FOR ALCOHOL, THEY SAID. YOU CAN GET PISSED FOR A TENNER, THEY SAID. IT’LL BE FUN, THEY SAID. Sigh.
PROTIP: Make sure you have cash on you, especially if you’re heading up Letna Hill, as they don’t take card at any of the bars and there aren’t any cash machines. There also aren’t any water fountains and the tap water isn’t drinkable, apparently. You know what there are, though? Rats. 
I’m going to stop before I put anyone off. Our experience wasn’t the best but done right, I think you could have a really chilled evening here. Go to Letna Hill. It’s lovely.
3. Prague Castle
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Also a bit of an uphill walk, Prague Castle is a gothic dream with live music, tantalising food stalls (hehe, tantalising, somebody hire me to write their cookbook ASAP) and insane views. Half the time I felt like I was in King’s Landing and the other half Hogwarts, and that is the kind of 50/50 split I live for. 
4. Walk across Charles Bridge and walk alongside the Vltava River
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I thought our day peaked when I came to the realisation, whilst crossing the Charles Bridge, that we were in fact surrounded by vaguely religious and mildly creepy Jesus-looking statues but then we reached the other side and soon after, became one with nature. We saw ducks! Otters. Swans. Inject that wholesome shit into my veins. 
Also, a pigeon landed on me! That’s right, if you stand there with your arm out for long enough whilst walking alongside the Vltava River, you too can experience the fleeting terror that comes with the possibility of being pooed on but then the earth-shattering realisation that comes after: that pigeons, maybe, aren’t so bad after all. That they’re actually kinda cute in their own weird, scavenging way! That maybe the pigeon lady in Mary Poppins made some points! I mean, can’t we all relate to wanting to steal other people’s food? I definitely can. Consider me a changed woman.
5. GOAP Museum
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Though I’m not much of a Salvador Dali fan and I have a sneaking suspicion that some of the “artwork” in this museum was actually just prints from google blown up on A2 photo paper, I thoroughly enjoyed the Alphonse Mucha and Andy Warhol sections of the GOAP. 
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-Untitled Salvador Dali-
The former is one of my absolute favourite artists so I definitely had to take a moment when I walked in and saw that not only did they have several of his original lithographs, but also a whole wall dedicated to him. I wish I had good photos but the lighting was a bit too artificial to really do it justice. The lithographs came out pretty well though:
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Obviously Andy Warhol is an icon too; his exhibition in particular was hugely informative and well laid out, definitely a people pleaser. I couldn’t find all too much online but it seems like the exhibitions mentioned are permanent, so definitely go and check them out. 
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I also feel the need to mention that it was here I ascended to an elite level of art hoe by buying a Mucha lighter. Jokes on me because it doesn’t work very well, like...at all in anything windier than a very, very mild breeze, BUT it looks pretty, so points for that. 
6. Cafe Chloe
Seeing the size of the queue outside Elan Cafe in London, it kinda blew my mind that considering its flower wall, you could just walk into Cafe Chloe and get a table straight away. Obviously the flower wall is a draw for Instagram purposes (yes, I’m a shallow human being, *insert Ariana Grande “and what about it?” gif here*) but the food was really good too. The perfect place to stop off for brunch. 
7. Pedalos
Again, the pedalos under Charles Bridge are kind of a tourist trap but it was only around €12 between us to rent one for the hour; most of them appeared to be 4 seaters so you could get 2 more people in there and split the price again, making it even cheaper. Plus, it was really fun and we got to go right up to the ducks! 
8. Karlovy Lazne
I’m not gonna lie, tackiness aside, I love a club with multiple rooms and this one had FIVE. There were a lot of English people in there and it did cost about 12 euros in cash to get in (take the cash out in advance as the machine outside charged quite a steep fee), but they played ABBA on more than one occasion so I have zero regrets. I mean, apart from drinking maybe a bit too much once again, but that’s kind of a given at this point. I can only apologise to my liver and what’s left of my dignity.
9. Joy Burger
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NGL, the service here wasn’t the best and I kind of felt like I was annoying some of the staff literally just by trying to order my food BUT to be fair, I’d probably be annoyed by me too considering my upholding of the British tradition of asking everywhere if they speak English and hoping for the best rather than actually learning the native language. Anyway, back to the point: look at this burger. Fit. 10/10 would demolish again.
Future Prague Bucket List:
Museum Kampa
Petrin Hill
One of the free city walking tours
Pub crawl
Vienna, Austria
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Honestly, of all the places we went to, Vienna was the one I was most pleasantly surprised by. Before going, I’d heard that there wasn’t much to do there and I thought that 24 hours would be more than enough to see the main attractions, but aside from Paris, it’s probably the city I want to revisit most. On every other block there seemed to be some kind of beautiful flower garden or sprawling palace or stately home or elegant cafe, but at the same time, it still had a very modern feel to it. A lot like Paris but more compact, and with a slightly Germanic twist. Plus, I had one of the best Maccies of my life here, so I really can’t complain.
The Hostel
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For around £18 for the night we stayed in a 6 person dorm at the Wombats Hostel by Naschmarkt. Because we weren’t there too long, I didn’t get all that much of a feel for it but the communal areas and bar seemed very cool and the central part of the city was in walking distance. The dorms were a little small and outdated and we did get woken up by a fire alarm in the middle of the night but it gave me a kind of primary school trip type nostalgia so I didn’t mind too much. I’d probably look for another hostel if I went back to Vienna just because I think if you were staying for a while, you'd start to feel a bit cooped up in the room. For the one night, however, it was ideal.
Vienna Top Things to do:
1. Museum Quartier
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We really only walked through Museum Quartier but there seemed to be loads going on and definitely lots to look at. There’s also a giant astroturf covered waterbed which sounds kinda wack but was actually super fun when I wasn’t fearing my head was going to be squashed like a watermelon by the kids quite literally throwing themselves around on it. So yeah! Check it out!
2. The Traffic Lights
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It sounds silly but the traffic lights in the central part of Vienna are super cute. Have a stroll around and see how many of them you can spot. Berlin’s Ampelmann wishes. 
3. Belvedere Palace Grounds
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4. Schonbrunn Palace Grounds
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Even boujier.
5. Volksgarten
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I really felt like I was walking through the Red Queen’s gardens. Minus the crochet and threat of decapitation of course.
6. Max and Benito
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SO GOOD. And a really funky seating area outside too. Probably best for a quick lunch and I also imagine would make great drunk food if you need an excuse to day drink. 
Future Vienna Bucket List:
Natural History Museum of Vienna
Wien Museum
Leopold Museum
Belvedere Museum of Contemporary Art
Cafe hopping
Further explore MuseumQuartier 
Budapest, Hungary
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It might be an unpopular opinion but I didn’t adore Budapest as a city. To be honest, my expectations were probably slightly too high as I’d heard so many people rave about it. I can see why people like it so much: there’s loads of great places to eat, drinks are cheap, and ruin bars are very cool. My issue was just that I thought there’d be more to do in terms of daytime activities. The one art museum we went to was completely deserted and there didn’t seem to be as many historical places to explore as in some of the other cities we visited. Of course it’s all a matter of personal preference and I might have just not done enough research/planned enough, plus that’s still not to say I didn’t have a good time. We had some lovely chilled out days and the city kind of comes alive in a different way in the evening; the boat party we went to was by far the best night out we had throughout our trip and I had some insanely delicious food. We also hired an Air B&B here for about half the price of some of the hostels we stayed in, and so got to actually settle down and spread our stuff out for a few days; something that was much needed after living out of lockers for 2 weeks.
Budapest Top Things to do:
1. Mr.Funk’s
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Look at this bad boy and tell me you don’t want to go to Mr.Funk’s and try one of their freakshakes. Tell me that freakshakes being banned in the UK wasn’t a devastating miscarriage of justice and an attack on my human rights. Tell me that I’m not a failure for leaving a donut behind. Pls. Validate me. 
2. Street Food Karavan
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Street Food Karavan is such a cool little spot with so many delicious looking food stalls, I honestly could’ve eaten there for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Plus loads of vegan and veggie options too.
3. Boat Party
I believe we booked our night through budapestboatparty.com and honestly it was so fun and such good value for money. It may have partly been down to the alcohol and the edible I had before, lol, but everything felt so surreal; I spent 90% of the event just being amazed by how beautiful our surroundings were and the combination of the breeze and the scenery and the music made for the absolute best atmosphere. Everyone we spoke to was so friendly and if I went back I’d love to do it again, maybe slightly more sober (unlikely) so I can take even more of it in. That being said, bear in mind that these kind of things can probably be a bit hit or miss. The friend that recommended the boat party told me that she spent the first half of the event avoiding being hit on by men twice her age, so clearly it depends a lot on the company, lol!
4. Kiosk
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We didn’t actually have proper meals at Kiosk but we did find some deck chairs to sit on whilst we ate ice cream from one of the stalls they were running outside. The restaurant itself was inside but the outdoor seating had a stunning view of the sunset and the river and the area in general was really buzzing. 
5. Shoes on the Danube
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It’s a simple monument but the story behind the Shoes on the Danube makes it one of the most important things to see in Budapest.
6. Szechenyi Baths
Before we actually went into the baths, I was a bit grossed out. Like, it sounded great in theory but then we got there and I realised we were about to step into what is essentially a steaming pit of bodily fluids. BUT, put that minute, mildly repugnant detail aside and you’ll have a brilliant time. Start with the whirlpool in the outdoor area and by the time you’ve done that, you’ll be feeling wild enough to bath and sauna hop to your heart’s desire. Unless you are a real, compulsive germaphobe, pissing yourself at the sight of little kids and adults alike getting uncontrollably whisked around like a bunch of sweaty egg yolks is enough to make you put any (don’t get me wrong, warranted) hygiene concerns to one side. You can shower when you’re dead. That’s what they say, right?
7. Margaret Island 
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I think we had one of our most relaxed afternoons at Magaret Island, lying out on the grass by the dancing fountains; it’s definitely a great place to sunbathe, read, or grab a cheap alcoholic drink. There’s options for if you’re feeling more adventurous too: on our second visit there, we paid €10 between us to hire a pedal car for the hour and decided to cycle round the island. It was by the grace of god (or for the most part my friend’s very necessary backseat driving) that there was only one casualty of my steering. Angry Hungarian man, if you’re out there, I’m very sorry our pedal car almost knocked you off your bike. My bad. But yeah, my catastrophic attempt at doing the bare minimum physical activity aside, go and chill on Margaret Island. It’s super pretty.
8. Buda Castle and Fisherman’s Bastion
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Just a heads up that we paid around €4 or €5 each to go up to the top of Castle Hill with one of the companies giving out flyers at the bottom, so have a look and see if you can find a better deal before paying to ride the funicular. Once we did get up there we could hop on and off, and the ticket included a ride down as well. In terms of what to expect when you get up there, spectacular views. Though I found the castle itself a bit disappointing, Fisherman’s Bastion was really beautiful and had some great photo spots. If I went back to Budapest, I’d probably spend more time in the area as I think that’s where a lot of the history actually is.
9. Szimpla Kert
Probably the most famous ruin bar in Budapest, I really loved Szimpla Kert. It was a bit chaotic and very crowded but the eccentric interiors and open air courtyard gave it an almost magical feel that only a tiny number of bars I’ve been to have anything on. Vaulty Towers and Bar Elba in Waterloo I’m looking at you. Missing you and your overpriced drinks always xoxo
10. House of Terror
The House of Terror was my only real history fix whilst we were in Budapest and I found it really interesting. In particular, I liked how all the visitors took sheets of information in each room to read in our own time rather than us all trying to crowd round one sign. The basement part of the museum is presumably the main draw, and I understand why given how unnerving it is, but I enjoyed the whole museum. Obviously there are things you have to take with a pinch of salt and (our Air B&B host warned in our welcome package that it was slightly biased; I couldn’t find much about public opinion of the museum online so if by the slim chance somebody who knows more is reading this please let me know! Educate me!), but at the same time, if just for walking through the site of the past atrocities, there is definitely something to be gleaned by visiting.
11. Parliament Building
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There was really no need for the Hungarian Parliamentary building to step on Westminter’s neck like that but...I guess she did what she had to do.
12. Ludwig Museum
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Like I mentioned, this museum was pretty deserted but they did have some cool contemporary art and in particular an exhibition dedicated to the fashion designer Kiraly Tamas which I really enjoyed. His are the pieces in the photo above!
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13. Donut Library
Oreo donuts. Need I say more?
14. La Fabbrica 
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A very boujie but surprisingly affordable Italian restaurant right opposite St.Stephen’s basilica (pictured), I had one of the many top tier spag bols on this trip here. The toilets are also stylish af and made me feel very much like a peasant so maybe wear something nice so you can get those good good HQ bathroom mirror pics. I was certainly not in any shape to do so. Those toilets were really wasted on my scruffy ass that day. 
Future Budapest Bucket List:
The Hungarian National Gallery
Museum of Fine Arts
Budapest History Museum
Hungarian State Opera House
Great Synagogue 
Memento Park
Secret Walking Tour
Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Though we mainly went to Ljubljana so that we could visit Lake Bled, it was still a very cute little area. Pretty small for a capital city but there were loads of day trips out from the centre and for the evenings, a whole range of lively bars and restaurants along the river. 
The Hostel
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We stayed at Hostel Kva right in the city centre and paid around €20 a night. The hostel itself was lovely and kind of felt like more of a young people’s B&B than hostel; the communal area in particular had a very cosy, personal feel to it and the staff were incredibly friendly and helpful. That being said, the actual rooms were very small and I did feel pretty cramped whilst we were there, more so than in any of the other hostels we stayed at. 
Ljubljana Top Things to do:
1. Meselkova Mesa
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About a 15 minute walk from the city centre, Meselkova Mesa is a very interesting place. I'm not going to lie, I did feel a little on edge whilst we were there, lol; it was pretty deserted apart from a couple of men having a very loud argument. Nevertheless, there’s some very cool buildings and street art so if you’re in a group, check it out.
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2. Lake Bled
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Our day trip to Lake Bled, a half hour coach journey from Ljubljana Station for IIRC €8 return, was one of my favourite things we did whilst inter-railing. Not only is it absolutely magnificent to look at but there’s so much to do that I feel like you could have your whole holiday there if you wanted to. Assault courses, hikes, swimming, water sports, rowing, tobogganing, chilling on the (yes, artificial) sand, whether you want to relax or thrill-seek, you’re going to have plenty to do.
3. Puffy
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These mini pancakes were so good that I didn’t even notice the chocolate sauce was Nutella and that’s saying something because WHY DO THEY PUT IT ON EVERYTHING IN MAINLAND EUROPE!? PEOPLE WHO DON’T LIKE NUTELLA HAVE RIGHTS TOO!
4. Pop’s Place
The best burger of the entire trip, hands down, and the whole menu looked delicious. Would I fly to Ljubljana just to have another one? Probs. 
5. Tivoli Park
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A great place to sit down and read a book or go on a bike ride, or alternatively, if you’re me, awkwardly hide from a bunch of people from your hostel you irrationally believed were judging you earlier that day in the bathrooms.
6. Castle Walk
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The uphill walk did kill me a little but I am mildly asthmatic so let’s put it down to that. Nothing to do with the fact I haven’t been to the gym in a year. Nothing at all. Anyways, the view was very pretty and though we didn’t go inside the castle, there’s apparently an escape room in there as well as a museum, a restaurant and a jazz club so definitely worth the minor hike.
7. Flower Market
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If you go to the square where the food market is, by Dragon Bridge, you’ll find endless stalls of some of the most beautifully arranged flowers I’ve ever seen. It might be a seasonal thing, I’m not sure, but if you’re there in the summer, I’d recommend seeking the market out. They’re a very reasonable price and yes, I did specifically buy a sunflower for a photo op for 50 cent, guilty as charged. When vanity is that cheap I really can’t resist, lol.
8. Illusions Museum
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I would definitely recommend going with at least one other person to get the most out of the Illusions Museum and €10 is pretty pricey but if you want to get a cheesy oh-look-I’m-standing-on-the-ceiling photo, here is your best bet.
9. Grefino Frozen Yogurt
I’m not gonna lie, I don’t actually like frozen yogurt myself but I can appreciate good food when I see it and my friend’s portion looked FIT. Plus, I always get excited when anything’s make your own; there will always be a part of me that feels incomplete without regular trips to Pizza Hut to overdo it with the ice cream factory (which this is basically a frozen yogurt, grown up version of). Miss you always. 
Future Ljubljana Bucket List:
Escape Castle
Ljubljana Castle guided tour
Tobogganing at Lake Bled
Row to the Pilgrimage Church of the Assumption of Maria at Lake Bled
Škocjan Caves
Venice, Italy
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Everywhere you look in Venice is picture perfect. It literally looked exactly how it did in all the photos I’d seen beforehand. There’s so much to do and so many amazing looking places to eat, I could easily spend a relaxed week here. Emphasis on the relaxed because getting around does involve a lot of walking and a surprising amount of stairs, and we had to pack as much as we could into the short amount of time that we had. By the end of our first day in Venice alone, the word exhausted had a whole new meaning. In terms of public transport, there’s only really the boat system, and that’s a steep €18 for a day ticket. Probably partly due to my moaning, we did end up getting one of these on our last day, but that meant that we also got to go to the islands of Murano and Burano which are included. I definitely wouldn’t say no to going back but it’s quite an overwhelming space: a bit disorientating, crowded, and very expensive! You’d have to give me a few years, lol!
The Hostel
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Whilst in Venice we stayed at the Wombats Hostel in Mestre, for around £13 a night. We were lucky in that it had only opened the week before (they were actually celebrating its opening at the Wombats in Naschmarkt when we were there!), and so it was super cheap. I imagine by now the price would’ve increased as it was a lovely hostel. Being new there were obviously some teething problems: queues on the front desk were pretty long, the free drinks vouchers given out had mistakes in that you couldn’t redeem them for one of the drinks that was listed, the kitchens were apparently very overcrowded with 2 faulty hobs between about 50 people, and our room as well as the bathroom in the lobby frequently ran out of toilet paper. Other than that, the dorms were the most spacious, modern and breathable of all the hostels we stayed in and the bar and communal areas were great. The only thing to bear in mind is that you do have to get a train into the main island of Venice, but it’s only about €3 for a return and it’s a short journey. 
Venice Top Things to do:
1. Peggy Guggenheim
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A really beautiful museum and garden right on the waterfront, there were all kinds of modern and contemporary art and even a piece (pictured above) by Jenny Holzer who is one of my favourite contemporary artists! I definitely fangirled a little! Some other standouts were by Jackson Pollock, Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, Max Ernst, Joan Mitchell and Willem de Kooning which I’m going to offload here to free up some space on my camera roll, lol:
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Composition by Joan Mitchell (1962)
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Silver Bedhead by Alexander Calder (1945-1946)
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Untitled by Willem de Kooning (1958)
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Circumcision by Max Ernst (1946)
2. Liberia Acqua Alta
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An eclectic little bookshop tucked away down some Venetian side street with tower upon tower of some of the most random combinations of books I’ve ever seen, my favourite thing about Liberia Acqua Alta was the cat chilling behind the counter. It’s shameful the vigour with which the crazy cat lady in me jumped out but I actually did start tearing up at the sight of it. I hadn’t seen a cat in 3 WEEKS! I missed my babies okay:(
3. Takeaway Pizza 
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There’s loads of fresh takeaway pizza places around Venice but this particular slice was from a place called Farini. I think there might be more than one of them, and to be honest, when there’s pizza that delicious looking in the window, it would be a crime not to at least seek one out.
4. St.Mark’s Square and Basilica and Bridge of Sighs
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It might be a huge tourist trap but you really can’t miss St.Mark’s Square. The Basilica is one of the most magnificent buildings I’ve ever seen and even as someone who is not at all religious, you can appreciate the thought and craftsmanship that went into it. The astrological clock right next to the basilica is also absolutely stunning, just as much so as the one in Prague, imo:
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Getting dive-bombed by a flock of pigeons in the square was fun too. My life flashed before my eyes just for a moment. It was a humbling experience.
5. Leonardo Da Vinci Exhibit at Palazzo Zaguri
Basically, this exhibit was a collection of Da Vinci’s drawings of the anatomy of the human body side by side with the corresponding plasticised body parts. Really interesting and not at all as gory as it sounds, which was really the only disappointing part for me, lol.
6. Fondaco de Tedeschi 
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If you want a good view of the city without paying a fortune, Fondaco de Tedeschi is your place. It’s a fancy mall with a rooftop area that you can, by booking a time slot online, go up for free. 
7. "Get Lost”
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I’m not really someone that enjoys walking around aimlessly but if you’re gonna do that anywhere, Venice is your place. Every street and bridge and balcony is postcard worthy and there are pizza and ice cream and just generally good food places everywhere. You’re bound to stumble across at least one authentic, non wholesale mask shop whilst you’re wandering, and although there’s something vaguely creepy about a load of these blank faces staring out the shop windows at you, some of the displays are totally bewitching:
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The middle display is from the shop window of the place that made the mask for Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut which I thought was very cool!
8. Get a boat pass and visit Murano and Burano
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As I said, on our last day we bought a boat pass (€18) and visited the nearby islands of Murano and Burano, Murano being the island famed for its glass, and Burano for its rainbow houses. Burano was definitely my favourite of the two; it was a buzzing place full of charming little stalls and shops and boats, and of course, colour. Plus, we even got some close cat encounters in there! Murano was pretty but a lot quieter and seemingly more spread out. The glass shops get a bit old after a while as most of them all have the same things in and so I think finding out where you can see a glass blowing demonstration or visiting the glass museum is a good idea if you are thinking of visiting.
9. Osteria Trattoria Al Nono Risorto
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This was a super affordable little restaurant with a really lovely outdoor seating area, recommended by my friend’s mum. The service wasn’t amazing (they forgot about my friend’s pizza, lol) but I had what was probably my number one spaghetti bolognese of the whole trip here, and the garden was very pretty. Finding spots to eat a proper meal in Venice that aren’t going to charge you, like, €12 for the privilege of sitting down in a nice place is hard so I would definitely recommend checking this one out.
Future Venice Bucket List:
La Biennale di Venezia
Lido di Venezia
St.Mark’s Campanile
Chiesa de San Giacomo
Gondola ride
Doge’s Palace
Punta della Dogana
Bugno Art Gallery
Palazzo Fortuny
Rome, Italy
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Our final overnight destination, Rome was a lot more cosmopolitan than I expected it to be. I was so focussed on the historical side of things that I kinda forgot it’s a capital city and thus, is going to obviously be pretty commercial. Still, it’s strange to just be going down a very pedestrian street on a tram, turn to one side, and see the bloody Colosseum there. I’m not going to lie, by the time we got to Rome I wasn’t feeling my best and was physically pretty exhausted so I don’t feel like I got to appreciate it as much as I should have done; I ended up going back to our Air B&B a couple of the days, largely due to the heat. It was almost 40 fucking degrees! I was honest to god DRIPPING in sweat on the tram back at one point! But I definitely want to go back again, maybe some time when we aren’t feeling the effects of the planet withering and dying as much, and explore even more. Rome is undoubtedly a very cool place.
Rome Top Things to do:
1. Colosseum and Roman Forum
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Before we went to the Colosseum and the Roman Forum, I kind of expected it to be something you looked at, went “wow, that’s cool”, and then moved on, lol, and I was low-key a bit pissed off that we were paying €20 to do so. When we did arrive, though, I was blown away by the scale of both the landmarks and how much there was to see and do there. The Roman Forum in particular went on for ages and there were signs regularly dotted about to tell you what it was you were looking at, what it used to be, and who built it, amongst other things; though I’d love to go back with a tour guide, it’s really not necessary. I can’t tell you how starstruck I was to see the foundations of a temple that Julius Caesar ordered to be built; the Romans have always been fascinating to me and I genuinely feel like I learnt SO MUCH on our visit. We booked a last minute whistle stop tour that got us in and out of both venues with allotted time slots, meaning that we couldn’t stay too long in the Forum, so I’d say if you can afford it, just go full out and buy skip the line tickets in advance. You could definitely make a day of it.
2. Fattori Ice Cream
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From a really cute little independent shop near the Air B&B we were staying in, this ice cream was SO GOOD that my fussy-ass-self didn’t even mind that I’d accidentally picked a flavour with lemon in. It’s a bit out of the way but I’d say worth the journey, and there’s supposed to be a lot of good street art nearby so there’s non-food related excuses to make the detour too.
3. Vatican Museums and Basilica
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Honestly, the Vatican is worth going to for the ceilings alone. Raphael’s frescos are some of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen, and if anything was going to turn me (to Christianity I mean, lol), it’d be them. I love contemporary art and on the whole find classic art to be a bit repetitive and same-y in its themes but some of the work that can be found in the Vatican is just an example of the level of passion and dedication and patience that can be found in so many pieces of the period and is something that I think modern art can occasionally lack.
4. Aventine Hill
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You’d think that a spot with such a good view of the city would be absolutely mobbed but Aventine Hill is just as serene as this photo makes it look. Do-ably uphill, amazing place to watch the sunset, and heads up: I can’t think of anywhere more romantic to propose.
5. MamaEats
One of many lively restaurants in the Travestere area, I had (surprise, surprise) another glorious spaghetti bolognese here. IIRC, they also specialise in gluten free food which is very forward-thinking!
6. Travestere and Riverbank
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As I mentioned, Travestere is known for its host of buzzing bars and restaurants, but one thing we didn’t know about until we got to Rome was all the stalls and activities down on the riverbank. Though it didn’t seem to be a year-round thing, there was a whole strip of amazing food places and clothes and jewellery stalls and even some kind of VR experience down there which I would definitely recommend checking out if you are in Rome for the summer months.
8. St.Paul’s Outside the Wall
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A really beautiful Church both inside and outside that's lacking absolutely nothing of St.Peter’s Basilica except the queues, my protip for visiting St.Paul’s Outside the Wall is to WEAR SOMETHING COVERING YOUR KNEES AND SHOULDERS. I mean, I’d say the same thing for all of the Italian Churches, but specifically this one because they WILL force these blue sheets of tarpaulin masquerading as “ponchos” upon you and you WILL feel like a complete and utter twat. You have been warned. 
9. Street Art 
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We didn’t quite walk far enough to get to the cluster of street art by St.Paul’s Outside the Wall, but what we did see we found easily through the StreetArtRoma app, which marks out the various murals and professional graffiti points around the city. I think a really interesting day would be to hire a bike or a scooter and use the app to explore those various clusters that are dotted all around the city. 
10. Largo di Torre Argentina
The site where Julius Caesar (yep, him again) was assassinated, but also the site which is now populated by a group of very cute, and also very friendly cats. We didn’t get to go in the daytime when the actual cat sanctuary was open but when I went down the steps to get a closer look at the site one of the evenings, several of them came to say hello! No offence to any Christians out there, but if there was one point on this trip when I felt I was truly in the presence of something greater, it was here. And they were furry and adorable. With whiskers:3
11. Parthenon, Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona
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Basically, you gotta do all the big tourist spots. Yes, the Trevi fountain felt a lot like an overcrowded kids’ swimming pool, and yes, I did fear I was about to get yeeted into the fountain like a coin at some points too, but it is undeniably a very captivating sight. Along with the Parthenon, it’s a prime example of Rome not really being what I expected, because there’s no big clearing for either of them; they’re literally just slap bang in the middle of the street like they’re NBD, which is kinda wild considering they're hugely important pieces of history and architecture. Piazza Navona is very pretty too and a great place to sit down and get something to eat, even if it was just boxed pasta from one of the supermarkets round the corner in our case. 
Future Rome Bucket List:
Galleria Borghese
MAXXI Museum
MACRO Museum
Cinecitta Film Studios
Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna
Capitoline Museum
Milan, Italy
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We only visited Milan for the day as that was where we got out flights home from but I still really enjoyed it. I went once in 2018 and I think the appeal back then was lost at me, but this time I get it: shopping, lol. There’s also a lot of art and fashion museums which are a huge part of the draw, and of course, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuelle; I think if you’re a person with *ahem* a fucking shitload of money, that’ll be enough to occupy you for at least a day or two.
Milan Top Things to do:
1. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele 
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The oldest shopping mall in Italy and undoubtedly the most beautiful, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele might be the boujiest place I’ve ever stepped foot in. Sure, the shops are too intimidatingly expensive to consider even attempting to enter but they’re fun to marvel at and the general area has every typical high street store you can think of. Even the Zara in Milan looks like a fashion Haus inside! The same shop that in my local town centre resembles a jumble sale a good 50% of the time! So yeah, despite not having any money to spend and the fact that I was *supposed* to be on a shopping ban until October, I still like wandering around the area.
2. Novecento Museum
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With several floors of modern art, interactive exhibitions (which you had to sign a RELEASE FORM to participate in), and an amazing view of Il Duomo upstairs, I really enjoyed the Novecento Museum. I thought it was going to a be a disappointing alternative to the Armani Museum, which was closed at the time, but it ended up being one of my favourite museums we visited on our whole trip.
3. Sforza Castle 
My friend that we met up with whilst in Milan (she has a flat in the city! I’m very impressed!) took us here and we sat down in the grounds for a bit, which was a nice way to chill out for an hour or so. There was a fountain out the front that people were paddling in to cool off too and there seemed to be several exhibits going on inside the castle as well if you did want to get a bit of background.
4. Starbucks Reserve Roastery on Via Cordusio 
The fanciest Starbucks I’ve ever seen in my life. Again, intimidatingly so. But if you like your coffee you will probs be in heaven.
5. Gallerie d’Italia
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So me and my sister went here the last time we came to Milan and IIRC, really liked it. The modern art section was a bit sparse but the rest of the museum continued into some kind of grand old building and the usual stately home staples that I love were of course there in abundance: intricate ceilings, palatial stairways, opulent chandeliers, beautiful flower gardens, the place is basically a labyrinth of decadence and we lapped it up, lol. People being rich enough to own buildings like this? No. Them being open to the general public so we can go wild in them? Yes. 
Future Milan Bucket List:
Armani Museum
Go in the Duomo
Barcelona, Catalonia
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I’ve been to Barcelona about 4 or 5 times now and aside from Paris and London, there is no other European city that compares. It’s so huge, full of character and unique beauty, and endless things to do, that I could return probably about 10 times more and still leave with an incomplete bucket list. With stunning architecture, a laid-back coastline and bustling commercial areas, it’s a city with such a consistent vibe and sense of history. The only thing they could do to make it better? Take down the Christopher Columbus monument. Because having a giant statue of a man who facilitated the genocide of a whole country full of native people is a bit...yikes. Sorry, had to drop that in there. But on the whole I adore the place.
Barcelona Top Things to do:
1. CosmoCaixa
We didn’t actually go to CosmoCaixa on this trip to Barcelona, but we went a few years ago and it’s without a doubt, the coolest science museum I’ve ever been too. There’s information in Spanish, Catalan and English so most people can probably follow the exhibitions and even if not, there’s a whole interactive area with a load of contraptions that you don’t really need to understand to be entertained by. You could definitely make a whole day of it too; we went for about 3 hours and still only scratched the surface.
2. Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC)
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2 things!
Firstly, this is a portrait of Colette, the French novelist, which me and my sister got really excited about because we kinda stan after watching that Kiera Knightley film!
Secondly, and probs more importantly, the modern art section of Museum Nacional d’Art de Catalunya is one of the most ingeniously laid out I’ve even seen. With the sections separated into different eras of Catalonian art, it kinda reads like a whistle stop tour of the cultural history of Barcelona, and so not only did I see so many gorgeous paintings, I got educated af!  Also, the building which the museum is housed in, the Palau Nacional, is stunning. Plus, there are escalators most of the way up. Iconic.
3. Portaventura
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It was my sister and I’s fourth time visiting Portaventura this year and it was as amazing an experience as ever! The park is split into different themed areas, kinda like Disney, and has everything from thrill rides to Sesame Street Land (which is low-key super fun). It has what is probably one of my favourite rides ever, Shambhala, and also randomly the best theme park food I’ve ever tasted. One thing I would say is that the accompanying park, Ferrari Land, isn’t worth the extra money as the queues are super long, and there’s only really one ride worth going on, which is basically just a replica of Stealth at Thorpe Park. Same goes for the neighbouring water park; unless you’re going to pay for express passes there, give it a miss. The lockers are €10, the queues are ridiculous, the wave pool didn’t work (not that the staff bothered to tell everyone who was just stood there waiting for an hour) and the “lazy” river is pure anarchy. Literally, kids half-drowning themselves for the lols, popping up under your rubber ring when you least expect it, and then being screamed at by their parents. I live for a bit of chaotic energy but that lazy river...
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4. Visit Sitges
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A small city on the coast about half an hour from Barcelona, I really cannot recommend Sitges enough. There’s a ton of cute little art museums, delicious restaurants, heavenly beaches (the waves are INSANELY GOOD! You WILL get knocked under water half a dozen times but you also get to watch it repeatedly happen to other people too and it’s great), and a fucking ridiculously hard assault course out in the sea that me and my sister tanked at, hard. There’s incredible food places everywhere but favourites are Pom D’Amour and Dino for ice cream and sweet treats, and Beach House, Big Al’s American Kitchen, and Soca for mains . There’s also a really prominent LGBT community, plus lots of bars, pubs and clubs. Honestly, if you’re going to Barcelona, I really recommend staying around here as you get away from the the majority of the tourists but can still easily get in to the city by train.
5. Walking with Gaudi at the Gaudi Exhibition Centre
A very cool, very interactive exhibition that dives into the life of Gaudi, his creative process, his projects and his influences. My sister particularly liked the replica of El Drac. Like, she for whatever reason thought it was cute. Named it. Made us walk up to Parc Guell to try and see it. Wouldn’t leave the area til she got a keychain of it. Sigh.
6. Passeig de Gracia
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Down Passeig de Gracia, you can both wistfully gaze through the windows of the designer shops you pass by, and actually spend your money (too much in my case) in the high street ones. Best of both worlds, bby.
7. Casa Battlo 
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So it’s on Passeig de Gracia, pretty much opposite the metro station, but I had to give it its own little bit because it’s my favourite Gaudi building. Kinda looks like something aliens would build, kinda looks like something that sprang out of the ground, but that’s pretty much what Gaudi did best. 
8. Park Guell 
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Just a warning, Park Guell is VERY uphill, and we somehow ended up getting off at the metro station right at the bottom of that hill, only to find out once we got up there that you had to book a slot and that all the slots for the rest of that day were sold out. My sister didn’t get to see her dragon and I was pissed off that I’d just nearly busted a lung open and regretted throwing my inhaler away for 20 minutes straight whilst getting up there, but it was still a pretty good view and we did get to see a bit of the park. Moral of the story though is to obviously book Park Guell before you go. 
9. Sagrada Familia
We’ve never actually been in to the Sagrada Familia, again, because we’ve never thought to book it (I want to absolve myself of responsibility here since every time I’ve gone to Barcelona before this trip, I’ve been a baby and let my parents organise everything), but it is an absolutely magnificent building even from the outside. I would one day love to go in and go up the spiral staircase though, because it looks fucking terrifying and I’m one of those strange people who likes being scared every once in a while.
10. Buenas Migas
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I’m pretty sure it’s a chain thing but it’s the first time I’ve ever seen a focacceria, and maybe I’m just uncultured but...I got pretty excited. That being said, my sister and I both ended up getting pizza; it was as tasty as it looks.
13. Las Ramblas and Plaza Catalunya
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The most typically mediterranean looking square you’ll ever see, Plaza Catalunya is the perfect place to stop off and get some tapas whilst you’re exploring Las Ramblas.
14. Mount Tibidabo
“I was backpacking across Western Europe, I was just outside of Barcelona, hiking in the foothills of Mount Tibidabo”...yes, I got excited to go here because of the Friends reference (I’m a basic bitch who likes friends AND has other personality traits, smd), but equally so by all the adorable old-timey fair ground rides once we did get up there. It was a few years ago now, so I’m not sure exactly how it worked but I do vaguely remember it being a bit of a rip off in that you had to pay to ride them all individually, so it’s good to know that the view from the Church and the Church itself is more than enough of a reason to go up. There’s also places to eat on the walk down and plenty of ice cream and food stalls up there.
Future Barcelona Bucket List:
Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA)
European Museum of Modern Art (MEAM)
El Jardin del Gats
Port Cable Car
Carrer de la Neu de Sant Cugat
So, that was my summer! 100% the most eventful one I’ve ever had! I’d love to go back to every one of these places, at least for a day, and am so grateful I got to have this experience. I definitely missed home a lot and maintaining your wellbeing whilst out of your comfort zone is hard, I’m not going to lie, but I hope that a year from now I’ll be feeling even more adventurous. 
There are so many places in Europe I desperately want to go to, some even more so now that I’ve visited the country. Now that I’ve been to Germany, for example, I’d be really interested in seeing somewhere like Munich or Cologne, as they’re supposed to have a completely different vibe from Berlin. It also really inspired me to get back into Spanish and possibly even learn French. 
I don’t know if anyone who is going inter-railing will read this but if they do, feel free to message me if you have any questions. My friend did pretty much all of the organising so I’m not the most knowledgeable person ever but I will do my very best to answer! Similarly, if anybody has any recommendations of other places to go whilst in any of these cities, food places and art museums especially (lol), let me know. 
Thanks for reading!
Lauren x
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