#my very first cell was an lg
stuckysbaby1938 · 1 year
In the beginning
Summary: when you get captured by Rumlow and Steve comes to your rescue. Once he has you, he doesn't want to let you go.
warnings: DD/LG lifestyle, mentions of needles, drugging, little space, Rumlow being Rumlow, threats, very light panic attack (just reader saying she can't breath), abuse, mentions of blood, reader cries a lot, choking, mentions of murder, parental death, cursing, pet names (princess, baby, honey, angel, doll),
first person narrative, reader is named in this story
Word count: 4009
"Oh, I'm sorry." I was walking home from the store when I bumped into a tall man. He didn't respond so I tried to walk around him. He stopped me, so I tried to walk backwards only to walk into another chest. I looked behind me to see another man as the one in front started walking towards me. I begin to panic. Two more men came from either side of the street. "Don't worry, we're gonna take good care of you." Right after the man in the front spoke, I felt something poke my neck and then it all went dark.
When I woke up I was in a small room. I immediately started to feel little from fear. I looked around, trying to find a way out when a man opened the door. He was the same man that I bumped into. "Don't be scared, baby." I crawled into the corner, feeling tears burn my eyes. "Don't cry." His voice, which was soft at first, turned cold. It only made me cry harder. "Stop crying." He walked closer. I tried to scoot back, but I was already cornered. "I said stop crying!" He yelled. He came closer. He covered my mouth with his hand. "If you don't stop crying, I'll give you a real reason to cry." I couldn't breathe.
"So are you gonna stop crying? Huh?" He tightened his hand. I nodded as best as I could with his hand forcing my head back. "Good girl." He whispered in my ear. He leaned in close, to close. He started to drag his nose along my neck, making me pull away. He pulled back and looked at me with fury in his eyes. I heard it before I felt it. Heat spread through my cheek from the force of his hand. Tears continue to fall from my eyes. He raised his hand again but he never struck. He put his hand down and turned to the door, laughing as he left. I rolled myself into a ball and cried until I fell asleep.
When I woke up, he was there again. I immediately cower away from him. "You must be hungry. Eat." He slide a tray close to me. I just looked at him from the floor. "I never told you my name. I'm Brock." I didn't respond. "Eat or don't eat. It's up to you, but this is all you get." He got up and left. I looked at the tray. It had a sandwich, a cup of fruit, and a carton of milk like you would get in a cafeteria. I was hungry but didn't want to eat. So I tuck my arms in my shirt and tried to sleep.
I woke up to a bang outside and started to cry. Rumlow walked in and I noticed the blood on his forehead. "You're coming with me." He grabbed my arm and drug me out of the cell. I started to scream only for Brock to slam me into the wall and put his hand around my throat. "You listen to me, you little bitch. You're gonna do what I say so we can get out of here and if you even think about screaming, then I'll cut your fucking tongue out, you hear me?" I nodded. He released my throat and held a finger to his lips. He started walking and I followed him into room after room.
When we got to the third room, I saw a fire extinguisher. Without thinking I grabbed it and threw it at him. It hit him square in the back and when he fell, I ran for it. I had no idea where I was going, I just ran. I didn't stop until I hit what felt like a brick wall. I looked up and saw a man with a mask over his face. I tried to run away from him but a woman was standing in the doorway. I started to cry when I realized there was no way out of here. I backed up into the corner of the room and grabbed the closest thing to me, which was just a pencil, to try and keep them away. The man took off his mask and bent down to look me in the eye.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. There's no need to be afraid, angel." The man walked closer while holding his hands up. I watched him through blurry eyes. "Shhh, don't be afraid. We're here to help you." He kneeled in front of me. "It's okay." He took the pencil and laid it on the ground next to him. "Steve, we gotta go." The woman was now beside Steve. "Working on it, Nat." He never took his eyes off me. Before anyone could say anything else, Brock ran into the room. Steve stood up and looked to Natasha who was looking at Brock. "I see you found my new pet." He stepped closer only for Steve to step in front of me. "Now you can give her back." Brock pointed his gun at Steve. "That's not gonna happen, Rumlow, so put the gun down before I beat your ass. Again." Steve growled. Natasha looked at me. "Dove, do you want to go with him?" I shook my head and cried harder. "You take her to the jet, I'll take care of him." Natasha said walking toward Brock. "You sure?" She nodded. "I can handle myself, Rogers." She smirked and ran at Rumlow.
Before I could see much, Steve picked me up and carried me to the exit. A gunshot rang through the building, making me hold onto Steve tighter. "It's okay, no one can hurt you now. I'm here." He whispered as we got outside. I saw the jet out of the corner of my eye and I could see a few people. Steve walked up the ramp and sat down with me still in his arms. "Where's Nat?" Another man asked. "Taking care of Rumlow. Where Bruce?" Steve started to rub my back to calm me down. "Right here. Are you hurt?" A man with glasses and a tablet came out of a room. "No but I don't know if she is or not." Steve stood and started to walk to the front of the jet. "Where was she?" Bruce asked as he walked beside Steve into the medical bay. "With Rumlow. I don't know for how long or what he did to her." Steve tried to put me down on the table but I didn't let him. Instead I just held onto him.
"Angel, you need to lay down so we can see if you're hurt." He tried to reason. "No, no no! Hims gonna get me!" I screamed. "No, no baby. My friends taking care of him." He looked to Bruce for help. "No! Hims comin'! Don't let him get me!" I cried harder and his in Steve's chest. "Bruce, what do we do?" Steve whispered while rocking me back and forth to calm me down. "I just need her to lay down so I can check her for injuries." Bruce went and grabbed a shot. I screamed at the site of it. "Hey, hey, it's okay angel. If you just lay down and let him check you, then you don't have to have a shot, okay? Can you lay down for me?" I nodded slowly and laid down. Bruce checked me over for any injuries and when he found none, he let me sit up. "Nothing but a couple of bruises." Bruce assured. I tried to get off of the table they had me one but I couldn't.
When Steve noticed, he picked me up and put me on his hip. I laid my head on his shoulder as he started to walk towards the back of the jet. When we got there, Natasha was back and so were two other people. Steve sat down in a chair and started to rock back and forth. Soon I was asleep again. "Who's the girl?" Clint asked. "We don't know yet." Bruce said. "She seem to like you, Rogers." Natasha smirked. Steve rolled his eyes. After a little while everyone was sitting down on their phones, reading, or asleep.
Once the jet landed, everyone was tired enough that they decided that they would debrief tomorrow. Steve, still with the girl in his arms, went to the elevator up to his floor. The doors opened and he saw his husband, Bucky, on the couch, watching some cop show. Bucky got up to greet his husband. but stopped when he saw a girl sound asleep on his husbands shoulder. "Who's that?" Bucky walked closer to Steve. "I'm not sure exactly. She was at the hydra base and I couldn't leave her with Rumlow." Bucky tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Where's she gonna sleep? If she wakes up beside two guys she doesn't know, she might freak out." Bucky took her in his arms so Steve could get some water. "I figured she could sleep in the spare. I just couldn't leave her alone in a med bay." Steve walked towards the stairs, to their shared room. Bucky followed him. "I think she would feel better in the spare anyway. Although she didn't wanna let me go so Bruce could give her a check-up." Steve went into the walk in closet and came out in a white tee shirt and grey sweats to match Bucky.
"She's gonna need some pajamas. She can't sleep in jeans." Steve went back into the closet and grabbed an old tee shirt and another pair of sweats. "This'll have to do for tonight." Steve slipped her shirt over her head and replaced it with his while Bucky worked her jeans down her legs, all while she laid sound asleep. Once she was dressed, they took her to the spare room. It was the smaller of the two with light grey walls, a queen sized bed in the middle of the room with a few book shelves along the walls, and a few pieces of art here and there. Steve pulled the covers back while Bucky laid her down. Once she was covered up, they each kissed her forehead before walking out and shutting the door.
When I woke up, I looked around at where I was.  I quickly climbed out of bed and quietly opened the door. I heard voices downstairs. I tiptoed down the stairs, hoping they didn't hear me, but the supersoldiers heard everything and smiled. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw Steve, the man from before, and another man I didn't know. I started to back out of the room. "Don't be afraid, angel. He won't hurt you either." Steve said as he flipped the last pancake. "C'mere doll." The man on the barstool said. I could feel my heartrate pick up as I stood still. Bucky looked over at Steve for help. Steve placed the pancakes in the oven to keep warm before he slowly walked over to me. "You remember me, sweetheart?" I nodded and walked over to him and raised my arms. He chuckled and picked me up. "This is Bucky, honey. You can trust him." Steve walked over to Bucky. He smiled at me and held out his hand. "Can you tell me your name, doll?" Bucky asked. "Ashton." I whispered. "That's pretty, baby. Thank you for telling me." I smiled and hid in Steve's neck. "I think someone's shy, Buck." Steve smirked. "I think you're right Stevie." Bucky rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "Are you hungry, princess?" I nodded. "how do some pancakes sound?" Bucky took me out of Steve's arms and started to walk in a circle. Steve made everyone a plate a sat down, me still on Bucky's lap.
After we ate Steve took me to the couch while Bucky cleaned the kitchen. Steve put me down and started to leave. "Where a goin'" I started to get up when he stopped me by picking me up and sitting me back down. "I'm just going to see if Bucky needs any help, angel." I nodded and brought my knees to my chest. "I'll be right ba-" before he could finish his sentence Bucky walked in. "No need, punk. I'm already done." Bucky came and sat beside me and I leaned on his shoulder. He smiled and put his arm around me. "Doll, can you tell us more about yourself?" Steve sat in front of me on the coffee table. "Like what?" I didn't really know what to say, it wasn't like there was a lot to know. "Where are you from?" Bucky asked. "Brooklyn." I have never left Brooklyn. Well, until the whole hydra thing. "Any siblings?" Steve was next. "No." I whispered. "What about your parents?" Steve asked.
"What about them?" I felt myself start slipping out of little space. "What are their names? What are they like?" I sighed. "My mom's name is Charlotte. I don't really remember her anymore." I whispered. I saw the look on their faces. "She died when I was 7. She was shot when two guys broke in one night." I started to stare at the ceiling. "Where were you?" Bucky spoke after a minute. "Right beside her." I didn't realize I was crying until Steve wiped a tear away. "After she died, my dad started to just-" I paused looking for the right word. "-not care anymore." They looked at me, waiting for me to continue. "He started drinking more, staying out late at the bar. He was barley ever home, but when he was," I stood up and started to pace. "He would yell for no reason. I mean I would be sitting there, waiting for him to be a fucking father and actually take care of his child, but he never did. He just yelled and yelled and-." Steve put his hands on my shoulders to stop me from moving. I hadn't even noticed him get up. "You don't have to tell us anymore about that. Let talk about something else." Steve lead me back to couch and sat us down.  
"What do you like to do, angel?" I thought for a minute. "I like to color." I whispered. "So does Steve, doll. He'll have to show you some of his drawings." I smiled at that. "Why don't we go look at them now?" Steve stood and held out his hand. I took it immediately and started walking with him towards a door I hadn't been in before. He opened the door and my jaw dropped. There were drawings and art supplies everywhere. Before we could really look at anything a voice sounded throughout the room. "Captain Rogers?" I looked around. Steve chuckled at my reaction. "Yes Friday?" The voice spoke again. "Mr. Stark request your presence in conference room B." Steve sighed. "Tell him I'll be right there." Steve gently tugged my hand and pulled me out of the room. "Alright sweetheart, you gotta stay here with Bucky while I go talk to my friend, okay?" We started walking to the stairs. He lead me into a bedroom and told me to sit on the bed. Bucky walked out of the closet dressed in a maroon Henley and black jeans. "You get called down too?" Bucky asked. Steve sighed and nodded. "What do we do with her? Can we take her?" Bucky shook his head. "We can't take her, you know that." Bucky leaned against the wall.
"Why not? She's not gonna be a bother and I'm not leaving her up here alone." Steve walked into the closet to get dressed. He and Bucky whispered a little more before they came out smiling. "C'mon doll, we need to go get you dressed." Bucky grabbed my hand and lead me out of the room, down the stairs, and out the door. When we got inside the elevator I watched the numbers of the floors as we descended. Steve knocked on a door and a woman opened it. She had long red hair and a warm smile. "Good morning, who's this?" She waved at me and I shyly waved back. "This is Ashton. She needs something to wear for the day. Can she borrow something?" She nodded and waved us inside. "What would you like to wear, hun? I have leggings, sweats, jeans?" She lead us to her room and opened her closet. "Leggings?" It was more of a question than a statement. "Of course, pick out anything you like." I walked in and grabbed a pair of black leggings and plain white shirt. "Thank you." I whispered.
"You're welcome, anything you need, just ask." She smiled. I got dressed and then we were in the elevator again. "Where we goin'" I looked up at Steve. "Bucky and I have to go to a meeting and we didn't want to leave you alone." I nodded and shivered. Steve noticed. "Are you cold?" I nodded again. He took off his sweatshirt and slipped it over my head. He pulled me to his chest for extra warmth. When the elevator stopped we all got out and walked to the meeting room. Bucky held the door while Steve gently pushed me inside. I froze at the amount of people and started to feel myself slip. "Finally you two show up. Who's the girl?" Sam asked. "She's the one he saved yesterday." Natasha waved at me. "Ashton, this is Tony, Sam, Clint, Bruce, and Natasha. Everyone this is Ashton." Steve pointed at everyone as he named them. Tony, who sat at the head of the table, just stared at me. My breathing got heavy as I turned to Steve. 
Tony stood up and walked over to me. He crouched down to my level and pulled something out the pocket on his suit. It was a small lollipop. "There's no need to be scared, honey. We just need to talk about what happened last night." He held the lollipop out to me. I took it slowly. He smiled and went to sit back down. Steve and Bucky sat down at the table and Bucky patted his thigh. I sat on his lap while they had their meeting and enjoyed my little treat.
She fell asleep on Bucky's lap a few minutes into the meeting. After the meeting was over, everyone left but Tony, Steve, and Bucky. "She's adorable." Tony smiled as he looked at her. "She is. She seems to trust us." Steve looked at her too. Tony looked between the two supersoldiers. "You two don't know, do you?" They both shared a look. "She's regressed." Steve and Bucky were still confused. Tony sighed. "When someone regresses, they revert back to a childlike mindset. It's to heal their inner child because they had to grow up to fast or they had a rough childhood. They might play with toys, use bottles and pacifiers, or maybe suck their thumb." Tony nodded to Ashton, who was now in Steve's lap, sucking on the tip of her thumb. "What do we do?" Bucky asked. "When she wakes up you ask her if she has a care giver. If she says no-" Steve cut Tony off. "Then we can be her care givers." Tony went wide eyed.
"Just make sure you do your research. Being a care giver is hard. Don't hurt her again." With that Tony got up and left. "You really wanna be a care giver?" Bucky asked. "I want to be her care giver."
I woke up to two supersoldiers staring at me. "Hi doll." Bucky smiled at me. "Hi." My voice was soft as I sat up. "Can you take me home?" I wanted to see Franklin. Franklin was my favorite stuffed animal in the whole world. He was a green dinosaur and my best friend. It might be kinda sad to have a stuffed animal as your best friend, but I had a hard time making friends. "You wanna go home? Like to your mommy or daddy?" They had done their research and Steve was becoming very nervous. When I laughed they looked at each other with confused looks. "I don't have a mommy or a daddy." Steve was filled with joy and anger all in one. "So you just take care of yourself?" I nodded. "That's not safe baby. You need someone to take care of you. What if you hurt yourself while your all alone one day?" Steve pulled me into his lap. "I want a daddy, but I can't find one." It was true. I had looked for a daddy but I never got one.
"We could be your daddies." Steve whispered into my ear. I searched his eyes for any sign of dishonesty but there was none. "R-really?" They nodded. "Only if you want us to, baby. We want this but only if you do too." Bucky grabbed my hand. "I would like that." We all shared a smile. "If we're gonna be your daddies, then we need to go shopping, angel." Steve stood with me in his arms. "Wait! I need Franklin! He's all alone in my room! We has to get him!" I jumped out of Steve's grip and ran to get my shoes when Bucky picked me up. "Who's Franklin, sweets?" I looked at him like he was crazy. "Franklin's my stuffie. I need him!" I started squirming to get away. "We'll go get him, honey. And we'll get whatever else you want."
When we got to my apartment, I started to run up the stairs only to be stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist. "No running, angel. You could get hurt." Steve put me on his hip and I frowned. I started to say something but Bucky cut me off. "You'll get Franklin, baby but you can't run up the stairs, you could fall and hurt yourself." After a few more stairs, we were at my door. I took the key out from under the mat and unlocked the door. I immediately ran to my room and flopped on my bed. Steve and Bucky watched from the doorway, looking around. The room was a light blue with white stars painted on the wall near my bed. There were three bookshelves, all filled with books. I had turned the window into a reading nook when I moved in. Steve smiled at paci sitting on my nightstand.
"This is all I need." I walked over to Bucky and raised my arms for him to pick me up. "Are you sure, honey? You can take whatever you want." Bucky rubbed my back as he spoke. "But we can always come back here to get anything else you want." Steve added. "Wait!" Bucky let me down and I ran into my playroom and grabbed my favorite coloring book. It had pictures of farm animals in it and it came with stickers.
Not long after it was time for dinner. We all sat down at the table and ate together. After that it was bath time. Bucky washed my hair then Steve washed my body. They dried me off with a nice fluffy towel. They put me in my new hello kitty pajamas and took me upstairs. Bucky laid me down in their bed while Steve went to get ready for bed. Once Steve was done, he came and laid with me while Bucky went to take a shower. Soon we were all cuddled up under the covers with me laying on Steve's bare chest and Bucky behind me. "Good night, princess." Bucky kissed my cheek. "We'll be here when you wake up." Steve kissed my forehead.
"Good night, daddies."
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hetastates · 2 months
Midwest Monday!
How each (Midwestern) state responds to scam calls
Illinois: Abruptly hanging up the phone. He doesn’t have time, patience, energy, or will to deal with this. As a kid he might have played along, giving a fake name like "Mr. Hugh Wang-Kerr"; as a teen he would have made threats to the spammer, but as an adult he likes to keep the line free for business opportunities and ladies in strapless dresses (for some reason, though, they never keep the line free for him…)
Indiana: Specifically answers to say "what do you want" and hangs up. Sometimes does this while driving. It’s quite concerning to those who share the road with her. Everyone wonders why she picks up if she knows she’s going to be hanging up within two seconds, but nobody has ever asked her directly why she does this. Indiana's response to scammers is an enigma and— INDI KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!
Iowa: WHAT? HUH?! He'll call you back, he says — and by that he means meet him at the Flying J later if you have something to say to him. He might be a strapping and toned young man — the type you’d think is attractive until you get close enough to smell that True Farmer Boy Whiff — but he’s an old boomer in terms of technology. He owns a LG 5450 for "business calls" and an iPhone 5 because his friends begged him to get a real phone, yet his monthly screen time is about forty two seconds.
Kansas: How do these people keep getting her number? She once took her grievances directly to the cell phone tower, but that wasn’t resolved the way she wanted it to be resolved. Kansas has a very communal way of fixing her scam call woes: If there’s anyone around her in the vicinity, she’s all up in their face. "Hey, do you know anything about how to get rid of these dang calls? Is there, like, a button I press or somethin'?" Oklahoma once told her to chuck it into a tornado. They haven’t spoken as of late.
Michigan: Are you calling about getting your car fixed by him? He’s told you a thousand times, these new cars and their computers have got to go. Oh, you’re not? Well, why are you bothering him? "We've called you about your car's extended warranty—" Oh have you? Have you now? Nah. He’s not buying it. Get off the line right this second or else he'll reach so far under your hood that you’ll be seeing via LIDAR until Teslas are reliable.
Minnesota: Poor Minnesota, easily flustered and not one to Karen around. Half the time, she’s not sure if it’s a scam call of if it’s genuine, and she doesn’t want to be too quick to judge. She'll sit there on the line for a couple of minutes to really gauge the situation, adding in a few "uh-huhs" and "mmms" until the time is right. Then — ope! There’s someone at the door! — or, — ope! My casserole is ready". Half the time, it’s not even a lie!
Missouri: The good thing about Missouri is that he likes good, cheap, reliable things — cell phones included. He has a Sonim XP8, meaning that every time a scammer (and this extends to tax collectors, insurance agents, and Oklahoma — "Seriously, Okie, go bother someone else!" —) gives him a ring, he just throws his phone at the nearest wall and picks it up after it’s stopped ringing. Concerned? Don’t be. The Sonim is designed for that type of treatment. There’s no point in buying something if you can’t huck it.
Nebraska: When she got her first scam call, Nebraska was quite surprised — she was under the impression that this sort of thing would never happen to her! She ushered over Minnesota, who begged her to be kind (oh, Minnesota — the trouble you go through), but Nebraska had heard too much about funny responses to scammers and wanted to try some out on her own. From inventing fake and morbid businesses to pretending to be in the mafia, Nebraska has demonstrated quite the creative streak when it comes to answering scam calls.
North Dakota: He doesn’t give much thought to the matter. He barely answers these calls. Sometimes it’s a one word "no" or a two word "go away", but NoDak works in silence when it comes to scam calls. Why give it time or energy?
Ohio: Aww, yeah! It’s his time to shine! He acts as though he’s in a Broadway musical or an award-winning Hollywood hit. He doesn’t want the fame and fortune that this career demands — no, he just wants the feeling of pride and superiority he gets from completely destroying the competition. He’s mustered up some quite imaginative responses to scam calls, and has concerned quite a few of the callers. His insurance company isn’t too happy with him, because he took it a step further and started doing it to them, too. Good thing they’ve got a lawyer…
South Dakota: Like Ohio and Nebraska, he has quite the enthusiasm to answer in funny and offbeat ways, but unfortunately, he’s got a brother to the north to put some sense into him. "No, SoDak, don’t answer the phone." "No, you’re not being stupid today." Dang it, NoDak, why do you have to steal his thunder? Can’t a state do anything fun? Saying funny things to scam callers isn’t even illegal this time!
Wisconsin: What's that? Wisconsin, pick up the phone! Or is she busy again, screaming over some sports game. What game could she even be this enthusiastic over? Does she even have any major sports teams? Regardless, that phone is not getting answered in a timely manner. Does she even hear it? Wisconsin? Wisconsin, we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty! Wisconsin! Wisconsin! Nothing. Damn.
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emojireviewpage · 1 year
🪐 Ringed planet emoji review 🪐
(I’m not a scientist, I just like Saturn)
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Apple: So here we have Apple’s take on a ringed planet which resembles saturn because of the hexagon. it’s tilted a little wrong. You can see the details on it’s surface and the ring is nicely distributed. 9/10 Strong.
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Google: The tilt on this one is more accurate. It looks simplistic, which works fine. I see the hexagon. The color of the rings shouldn’t be that blue. 7/10 Reminds me of my first Saturn drawing.
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Samsung: Again, the tilt is pleasant. it’s decently shaded. It needs more coloring as the color scheme is very repetitive and boring. The rings don’t look separated enough for me, even though I like their aesthetic. No hexagon. Pixelated 6/10 Because it’s not as bad.
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Microsoft: I can see they wanted to make an adapted simple version of Saturn, which is a nice idea. The execution looks too off. Can you add more rings please? Random colors on the surface. Bad tilt. 1/10 You can see me after work.
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WhatsApp: now, that’s a good ring! I love the surface although the tilt should be different. It looks shiny, like a marble. 9/10 You did a good job.
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Twitter: Yikes. I can be the only one who thinks this could smell like cheese. Too saturated for my tastes. The rings are lazily done. 2/10 Ok tilt though.
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Facebook: Tries too hard to make it super detailed that it looks harsh. The surface is pretty. Doesn’t look much like Saturn, but it looks nice. The rings could be more separated. The tilt is good. 7.5/10 Could be an exoplanet similar to Saturn.
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Skype: See? Another simple Saturn like Twitter and Microsoft. Please. Change. The. Colors. 3/10 Good tilt and ring though.
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Twitter emoji stickers: It reminds me of blender renders. I like the rings and how 3d it looks. The shading and details are good and the surface is nicely done. It reminds me of my current Saturn drawing. Off tilt. 8/10 I like the shadows
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Joypixels: Cutest colors. The tilt is a little off. The rings are distributed nicely and is that the hexagon? I think it could be a good idea to erase the grey space between the rings. 7/10 doesn’t look that bad actually
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TossFace: You just drew a purple circle and added a lilac ring. Do better. 0/10 sorry, but no.
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PS5-4: This could look decent if not too pixelated. It’s a little sad. 3/10 the tilt looks nice but please fix the graphics.
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Openmoji: Actually, the cell shading makes the colors pop. Doesn’t look like Saturn though. 2/10 Adding a red ball won’t make this emoji a masterpiece.
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Emojipedia: I love how realistic the surface looks. I think the main purpose of this emoji is to make it classy and elegant. The planet itself lacks an hexagon though. It’s got a lot of rings, which is a nice idea but they are too close. I like the shading. I don’t mind the tilt in this one. 8/10 I see you tried.
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LG: It looks more like Jupiter than Saturn. The rings are good but it’s a better idea to make the surface different. 5/10 Pitty points.
Thank you!
Saturn is so aesthetic 🪐
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isaac-clarke · 15 hours
It's wild to think that my first cell phone I got was the LG Cherry Chocolate and I specifically remember having it in freshman year of high school in 2006 because I literally lost it the first day I brought it to school. That was fun lol. Luckily someone took it to the front office thank god.
After that I remember having the LG EnV2 in cherry/red. I can't remember when I actually upgraded to it but I do recall having it at the latest in late 2011 or super early 2012. I specifically remember being in my evening life drawing class at community college and texting on it. I must have had it at least a year or two (or three!) ,I remember I even had a thought of 'why does everyone and their mom want an iphone? This works just fine!'
After that I was in art school starting September 2012 all the way to 2015. But I remember definitely having and iphone by then! I don't remember upgrading but it must have happened, I was still on a family plan at Costco then and I think there was some sort of free upgrade. So I wound up with a shiny new iphone 4--- yeah it was, and then I finally understood what all the hoopla was about lmao. I also bought myself an ipod nano touch (7th gen) because I didn't want music to take up space on my iphone and for it to kill the battery. Sadly that thing just broke and got fucked up in less than a year so.... iphone only it was.
And since then I've been an iphone gal and am currently rocking the iphone 15 pro. It's wild to think how much tech has changed even just in the years following my high school graduation. It was even more wild growing up as a kid. And this is just for phones, I could talk about how the computer and laptop changed for me too.
Very cool/interesting to think how much of this would overlap with gen z, what'd we have in common, what's different. Though I know for sure that gen alpha only knows smartphones. The wild west of interestingly designed phones with keyboards is a thing of the past.
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dfroza · 2 years
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i used to stop in from time to time 12 years ago when driving out to Grand Haven
Jumpin Java, 215 Washington Ave. in Grand Haven, has been a go-to spot for locals to enjoy a cup of coffee and comfort foods for 18 years.
10.15.22 • 5:26pm • Twitter
GRAND HAVEN, MI - Jumpin’ Java has been a long-standing cafe for people to grab gourmet coffee creations, baked goods and savory sandwiches and soups for the past 23 years.
Owner Erin Lyon took over the cafe in 2016 from the previous owner Doris Fekken, who owned the business for 18 years.
Lyon said she always had a dream of owning a restaurant. In 2013, that dream was starting to become a reality, but another job opportunity in London fell on her lap.
“I took the chance to move to London for a little while,” Lyon said. “And when I came back, I continued to search for a space before I was told that Jumpin’ Java was possibly going to be for sale.”
Lyon took the opportunity and ran with it. She reached out to Fekken and said she immediately clicked with her.
“Although she was only as old as my parents, she was very much like a grandmother,” Lyon said. “We just talked for hours that day, and over time we both felt it was the right relationship. I was just like, ‘this is where I belong.’”
After weeks of sitting down with Fekken, Lyon soon discovered they were more connected in life than she previously thought.
“It turned out that her daughter and my brother had been best friends growing up,” Lyon said. “And so the rest is history.”
Lyon touted the cafe as a welcoming and safe space and hopes people feel the same as they walk in.
“Everybody is welcome for who they are at the exact moment they walk in,” Lyon said. “It’s very family-friendly and relaxed. It’s almost like walking into your friend’s house; that is how I like to think about it. At least, I’m hoping that’s how people feel when they walk in.”
A set of tweets from my personal History in 2010
back in grand rapids. had to drive to grand haven. lost my phone cord, somehow left it at jumpin java. it's nice to find lost things.
3.16.10 • 1:37am • Twitter
my first cell phone (LG chocolate flip phone, i.e. clamshell) with no cell service then. i was using it solely as a camera along with my former Acer Aspire laptop to write on
at jumpin java downtown grand haven, mi, where the grand river meets lake michigan. if you were here, i'd give you a hug and a heartsmile.
3.14.10 • 8:27pm • Twitter
an illuminated screen to pour out the heart on…
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writertrust · 2 years
Gta 5 spaceship parts
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Also didn't know about the Epsilon thing either. Cell Phone LG VELVET 5G gta v korean version note 9 korean version v. I didn't know I had to collect both all letters AND spaceship parts first. which harry potter hot hd xnxx world is part spaceship, hot hd xnxx part food. If you're only going for 100% game completion, you only have to worry about Franklin's side missions (aside from the one that unlocks after you get 100% game completion, obviously). The first bunch of Vinewood Souvenirs missions as Trevor are on your map as faint orange circles, which I didn't notice/forgot about for quite a while. One after collecting all space ship parts.Ī long string of side missions that unlock only as Michael when you search the internet for Epsilon (see the Kifflom achievement). One for Trevor (that starts a string of them) after you beat the game. They emit a slight humming sound that can be heard when. Spaceship parts are small, glowing objects that are usually well-hidden inside buildings, crevices, rooftops, or underwater. There are fifty parts scattered throughout San Andreas. One is for Michael after you buy the Sonar Collections Dock (northwest corner) as him. Spaceship Parts are a collectible in Grand Theft Auto V. The very last one is a Franklin mission and it's after you get 100% game completion. The spaceship parts have to be collected for Omega as a part of Franklin’s Strangers and Freaks mission. I called her to initiate the 3rd one, the rest came naturally. What are the spaceship parts for in GTA 5 A. 02 Take the metal staircase up to the second floor of this unfinished concrete building. Beware rampant cattle, they trample for laughs. LaMarr was one of the original featured cast members on the sketch. GTA 5 Spaceship Parts Map Spaceship parts guide and pics 01 Inside a barn at the end of that little offshoot road on the map. I believe you have to call Tonya to get at least one of the tow truck missions to pop up. Phil LaMarr (born January 24, 1967) is an American actor, comedian and screenwriter. Last Dom mission after you complete all parachute jumps. Here are a few I can think of off the top of my head that don't just pop up on the map:
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busylilbee · 2 years
I bought a new phone over a week ago and still have not started using it which seems ridiculous but like...changing over is ending up being more emotionally difficult than I was expecting lol.
Not really, but I've had this one for 5 years so it has been through an incredible amount of shit with me and has withstood much abuse (smashed on rocks, dropped in rivers, yeeted across the sidewalk as I trip, etc).
It has started to show its age in little malfunctions, and a respectable amount of time has passed so I figured I would get a new one. But now I kinda wish I had waited to see how long this one would last. I think i could get another year out of it?
Today I finally applied the screen protector and put the case on my new phone (I've had both for several days). I am going to try switch to it tomorrow and finally bid my old V30 goodbye.
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 1/Episode 10 ("Forgiveness and Stuff")-PART 2 of 2
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Sigh. If only. As of August 2022, this is my fourth time watching the show begining to end and I'm acutely aware that I will have to put up with this fuckstick Dean and Lorelai kissing his ass for another 60 something episodes. AGAIN.
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Awww, I missed Luke. We see his disdain for Dean (D4D) for the first time. Luke is generally a good judge of people's character. Lorelai is a terrible one. Lorelai either giggles away a million obvious red flags or sees them where they don't exist. She does not listen to him.
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The Lorelai And Dean Affair is officialy off and running, folks. Where is my barf bag?
Sorry Jess, if only you could grow a few more inches, your future Aunt might just give you a chance.
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Why yes, I did try to read the teeny tiny print on the back of this menu I succeeded: Basil Pesto Pizza, Meat Pizza, Thai Pizza, Veggie Pizza, Shrimp and Crab Pizza, Macho Nacho Pizza. So Luke serves at least 6 varieties of Fancy Hipster pizzas (it seems very off brand for Luke to be serving pizza. Who's making them? And they're not even like, pepperoni or sausage) yet Lorelai just resorted to depression salad because one pizzeria couldn't deliver to her. As if she would ever decide against any excuse to go to Luke's to get pizza, and eat a salad instead. Maybe his pizza sucks.
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I want to travel back in time to tell Luke that he will face a rising tide of resistance to this "no cell phones" business, but that with the advent of texting, public phone conversations will be much more uncommon. Yes children, 20 years ago, cellphones had antennaes, they had jingly little ringtones, using them in public was considered bad manners, and the only thing we could do on them was talk. It's true. Lorelai gets a call that Richard is in the hospital. I think Richard is a great character, and I usually enjoy his relationship with Rory and most of his scenes.
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Again, the more times I rewatch the show, the more I get this intense urge to reach into the screen and warn the characters about what their futures hold. Like, I want to warn Luke that in a few years he's going to find out that he has an incredibly annoying daughter (and that his nephew will get dumped on him).
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That won't happen until season 5.
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So cute.
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Teehee! Oh Dean! Someone please stick a fork in my eye, it would be less painful than this. After what happened when Rebecca Pearson turned around to get a candy bar from a hospital vending machine, I don't trust em.
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Not to Dean, anyway.
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L&L are just too flipping adorable in this episode. It somewhat erases all of those toxic Dean Vibes.
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No, no, no, no! Bad Lorelai! Bad! *whacks her with a rolled up newspaper* LG to RG: "Go, talk mushy to each other, then spend an hour arguing over who's going to hang up first." But that's YOUR Dean fantasy, Lorelai.
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Awww, the debut of the blue hat! And Luke's hair. I love this scene. Confession: I got a little teary eyed at that scene where she gave him the hat. It was so cute and sweet. I may be extra hormonal today. Who can go from insulting a character one minute to praising them the next.. I can, I can…
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And a SantaBurger to close out this review. The Good: The scenes in the hospital were all touching and sweet. Lorelai, Luke, and Luke's hat. Luke is a good judge of people's character. Christmas theme. Santa Burger. Rory looked cute. Richard recovers. A dog. The Bad: Lorelai's exhausting hypocrisy, Creepy Forrester peeping into Lorelai's house, The Lorelai and Dean Affair rears its ugly head, Dean's behavior is forgiven because he's tall, Dean lying when he says he supports Rory's Harvard endeavors, Lorelai is a terrible judge of people's character. The New: The beginning of the Dean & Lorelai affair (DALA). More early signs of life in the Luke & Lorelai relationship. Emily shows emotion. Luke's new hat. First time we see Luke's hair. Nostalgia: Ancient phones and manners.
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gallifrey1sburning · 3 years
Muggle Technology Through the Ages:
A vague and incomplete timeline of what people were using when for writers who want to avoid anachronistic technology use in their canon timeline-compliant Harry Potter fic.
Keeping track of the evolution of technology is hard! Here's a cheat sheet for those of you who either a) like me, have trouble keeping track in your head even though you lived through it, or b) are young enough that you didn't live through a lot of it at all.
Land lines were the norm well into the 90s. Not only that, but CORDLESS landlines didn’t even become prevalent until the mid 90s; they still cost hundreds of dollars in 1994, and the frequencies on them were weird, so you would sometimes hear your neighbors’ phone calls by accident. Ours used to turn on my little sister’s remote control Barbie car. We thought it was haunted.
Although cell phones have been around since the 80s, they were uncommon until the 90s, and then they were nothing near as ubiquitous as they are now. In 2000, when I was in high school, I had ONE friend with a cell. I got my first one in 2002, and it was only for emergencies while driving, because when I’d get lost I would have to pull over and use a pay phone otherwise.
Unlimited calling wasn’t a thing until 2002; until then, all plans were pay per minute. A lot of plans stayed that way for many years after. “Roaming” cost more. (Roaming was when you were outside of your own area code, basically.) When you moved, you got a new number.
Texting was expensive and difficult for ages. You used your normal phone numeral keys and a system called T9 tried to figure out what you meant, because every number stood for 3-4 letters. It was a giant pain in the ass.
The first full QWERTY keyboard phones came out in 1997, and most people didn’t have them until the early 2000s. I got my first one in 2007, and no one thought anything of it.
There was NO internet capability of any sort on mass market cell phones until 2000/2001. After that, it was still pretty limited until the iPhone came out.
Texting didn’t really become a big part of how we communicate until 2002/2003 for most people. And, like calls, they charged per text, so you were VERY careful and would get super mad at your friends who pushed you over your limit, because that shit was expensive. I can’t find info on when unlimited texting started being offered, but I didn’t get it until 2007/2008.
The first iPhone also came out in 2007. It was the first phone with full internet access. It was also the second full touchscreen phone ever, and the first one (the LG Prada) was only announced a month before.
Camera phones have existed since 2000ish, but weren’t the main method people used for pictures until much later, mostly because they were super shitty. I still had a separate, physical digital camera in 2008/2009.
Consumer access to the internet was virtually nonexistent until 1995. My family got it circa 1997. It was all dial up.
Dial up was slow, sometimes you couldn’t connect, and it USED YOUR PHONE LINE. Remember, from above, the fact that landlines were the predominant phones until the early 2000s? Yeah. If you didn’t have multiple lines, you weren’t likely to be online for very long at a go. My parents limited us to 20 minutes. Also, sometimes, if a call came in while you were online, you’d get kicked off.
Broadband came out in the late 90s, and people were still commonly using dial up until the mid 2000s
WIFI wasn’t common for consumer use until the mid 2000s, either.
We may not have been texting, but we were all VERY into instant messaging. Pretty much everyone had AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) or ICQ starting in the late 90s as well. I did a lot of late night chatting when my family was asleep and I wouldn’t be tying up the phone line.
Social media & popular websites:
Here are some key dates for when various things that seem like they’ve been around forever actually started!
Google: 1998
Livejournal: 1999
MySpace (it was huge before Facebook and not mostly for musicians!): 2003
Facebook: 2004, and you had to have an email address from a college or university that had been formally included until 2006.
YouTube: 2005
Twitter: 2006
Spotify: 2006
Tumblr: 2007
Instagram: 2010
Tinder: 2012 (before that, the biggest online dating services were Match.com (1995), eHarmony (2000) and OkCupid (2004).)
Bonus: Netflix came out in the late 90s, but it was a physical DVD mail order subscription service. They didn’t introduce streaming until 2007!
CDs came out in the early 90s, but a lot of people kept using cassettes for a long time afterwards. I got my first CD player in the late 90s; portable CD players weren’t popular before that because the CDs would skip if you jostled the player. My first car (a 1991 model I bought in 2001) only had a cassette player, so I had this weird converter thing to hook it up to my CD player. Mostly I just listened to the radio, though.
Digital music wasn’t super big before the late 90s/early 2000s, and even then, we were mostly downloading (read: stealing) it and burning it to CDs. Napster was the main service we used for piracy at first; it came out in 1999. That’s around when mix CDs started overtaking mix tapes for wooing people with pointed song lyrics.
The first MP3 player came out in 1997. iPods (which were JUST for music) were introduced in 2001, and CDs only started to lose popularity around 2003. I got my first iPod in college (an iPod mini) and it was SO COOL. It came in 4 or 6 GB versions.
Some of this info is from research, some from personal (and American) experience, but hopefully it’s helpful! I didn’t bother to go into computers or TV here, but they’ve changed a hell of a lot, too, and I’m happy to do a run down some other time. Suffice to say that the TV I took to college with me in 2003 was a 12” screen tube TV with a built in DVD player, and that before leaving for college, I didn’t have my own computer—I shared it with my entire family. There were six of us. Yeah.
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harryspet · 4 years
rogue angel [3] bucky barnes
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[Warnings] dark bucky barnes x reader, don’t read warnings if you don’t wanna be spoiled, daddy bucky, dd lg dynamic, ab dl dynamic, forced age regression, bondage, vibrator, overstimulation
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! 
series masterlist
In which you want to believe he cares. 
word count: 2.5k
“Where are we?”
“On a picnic blanket.”
You had to keep yourself from rolling your eyes as you took in the environment. He had to carry you for a good ten minutes before you ended up by the lake and you hadn’t taken your eyes off the view since he’d set you on the picnic blanket. The lake was surrounded by tall mountains that reflected off the blue-green water. You hadn’t seen anything like it but this was simply a backyard to Bucky. 
There was also a dock nearby with a deck boat sitting at the end. If you had a key and you could somehow make it down to the lake then you could-
Your thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of something cold touching your back, “Stay still for Daddy,” You tried your best as he began to rub sunscreen into your exposed back. You wondered how there could be snow on the mountain tops but the sun still shined down on your skin. You never felt the sun on your skin before, always locked away in the cell that they kept you in. 
You didn’t mind it then but now … 
“Can we swim in the water?”
He tapped your nose with a bit sunscreen on his finger and you insisted that you could rub it in yourself but he didn’t care to listen. 
“The water is pretty cold,” You frowned a little, “Do you like to swim, angel?”
“I don’t know,” You answered honestly. You had no idea what you liked. It wasn’t in your nature to enjoy things of that nature. 
Bucky held your face in his hands and you wish very dearly that you weren’t so close to him. The feelings he brought out you were frightening, “We’ll try swimming someday. We can try lots of things and then we’ll make a list of everything you like.”
A list? “Why does it matter?”
“Because they make you happy,” Bucky gave you an earnest look, “C’mere, I brought something for you to do.”
He moved to reach into the picnic basket and removed a couple of books as well as a fresh pack of crayons. He placed them in front of you, one was full of blank pages and the other had lots of designs. You flashed him a look of confusion as you stared at the items. 
“What am I supposed to do?”
“They’re for coloring,” Bucky grinned, “You can either draw your own pictures or color in the designs. It’s relaxing.”
Relaxing, you thought it was an interesting concept.
You had no idea what you would draw on your own so you picked the book that already had outlines in it. Bucky watched you carefully as you flipped through the pictures, none of them piquing your interest until you paused. He couldn’t see which one you had chosen but your mood seemed to shift at the sight of it. 
“Just … right on the page?” She asked after picking out a yellow crayon. Bucky didn’t expect the question or for her to care in the slightest about the coloring book, “I won’t ruin it?”
“It’s your creation, how can you ruin it?”
You could definitely ruin it, you thought, you had screwed up many times before. As your fingers traced the design of the family of giraffes, you couldn’t help but stop yourself from pressing the crayon to the paper. 
It weakened Bucky’s heart to see you nervous and it took little effort to scoop you into his lap. You struggled, unsure of his intentions at first but he grabbed a blue crayon, “Let’s do it together, princess.”
The picture was a cute family of giraffes enjoying a watering hole together. Bucky began to color inside the lines of the water and you hesitated, looking him over. One hand was on your waist and the other was around the crayon. You brushed off that feeling in your heart as you pressed the yellow crayon to the paper. 
You colored their hides yellow and their spots brown. You liked how you added the splash of color, brightening the page, but could keep things organized by staying in the lines. You hadn’t even noticed that Bucky had stopped coloring to just admire you. 
Your eyes were focused solely on the drawing and he felt you began to relax in his arms, “You’re making such a pretty picture, Y/N,” Bucky praised her, watching your nose crinkle as you tried to hide a grin, “When we get back to the house, we’ll put it on the fridge.”
You didn’t respond, only shaded in the trees with dark green. You lost track of time as you colored in every single detail on the page carefully, from the butterflies to the smiles on the giraffes’ faces. You didn’t even notice as Bucky began to slip blueberries and strawberries into your mouth. You just enjoyed the taste, caring only to make sure no juices slipped onto your artwork. 
“Why … why are they so happy?” You asked, after placing the final touches. 
“Who are they?” Bucky asked, following your fingers as you pointed to the giraffe's on the paper, “Hmm, we could make up our own story. Maybe they’re happy just because they’re together?”
You looked over the picture again and you could suddenly see the picture moving, “Maybe they’re a family … maybe these are the Mom and Dad and maybe this is their baby,” Your fingers traced over the picture as Bucky listened to you speak. He liked the sound of your voice very much, especially now that you were relaxed and your mind was racing with pure thoughts, “Maybe the baby was lost for a little while and they found him … a-and they always go to the watering hole together so the baby never gets lost again.”
You felt Bucky place a gently kiss on your shoulder and you were surprised that you didn’t flinch. Not even a little bit. “That’s a beautiful story, angel,” You only nodded, feeling a tear drip down your cheek. Your lips parted in a look of shock as he wiped the tear away with his thumb.
“I’d never lose you, Y/N.”
For a fleeting moment, you believed him. 
Bucky added coloring to the list of things that you would probably never admit that you liked. You had colored a few more pictures and Bucky had proudly displayed them on the fridge. Now, he was seeing if you liked Disney movies. After her dinner and bath, he had set up the projector in the living room and created a cozy space for them on the couch. 
You waited patiently in your unicorn onesie and pigtails on the pile of blankets and stuffed animals.
Out of the most interesting DVD covers, you had picked Frozen from the pile. 
“How does the snowman talk?”
“Because of Elsa’s magic.”
“Why does he like summer so much if it’ll just make him melt?”
“That doesn’t mean he can’t like summer.”
“Is magic real?”
“I’ve seen some pretty magical things in my long lifetime.”
As much as the moving shapes and fun songs intrigued you, it baffled you at the same time. This is what people did for fun? They just sat around and let movies entertain them rather than working? You guessed that Bucky had lived long enough not to have to work anymore. 
After you had gone through both of the Frozen movies, Bucky decided that it was time for you to go to bed, “Can we watch another one? Please?” You grabbed his hand which took him back for a moment, “Daddy? I want to see more magic stuff.”
If Bucky got you into that bed then he’d wrap that magnetic cuff around your leg and you’d have no chance at escape.
Bucky believed you as you were a convincing liar. He should’ve known better, remembered your Hydra training, but he couldn’t deny your doe eyes at that moment. He sat back on the couch and let your head nuzzle into his chest, his right arm holding onto you. 
You knew how to slow your breathing and heart rate down and that’s exactly what you did as you pretended to sleep on his chest, “Goodnight, princess,” He whispered, stroking your hair.  As Lilo & Stitch reached its end, you felt Bucky’s head tilt back and some light snoring ensued. 
You waited until he was deeper into his sleep, to move his arm from around you. You were as careful as you could possibly be. 
You thought you’d fall but as you put one foot in front of the other, you managed to keep your balance. You were wobbly, of course, but you were walking. You held onto the back of the couch to keep your balance as you practiced for a short moment. 
You moved as quietly you could through the house as you mentally yelled at your legs to not give out. You looked over the front door, at the three locks that were on the door, and carefully undid each one. You took at least a minute on each one, trying to make the least amount of noise as possible. 
Your plan was perfect. I’d never lose you blah blah blah. He had some ulterior motive you couldn’t quite calculate yet but you knew there had to be a reason he was pretending to care for you. Everything was perfect until an alarm blared through the house and then through the forest that surrounded the house. 
You moved as quickly as you could without tripping over yourself. Down the porch and then towards the treeline. You almost jumped out of your skin as the sound of Archer’s barks filled the air. 
You cursed because your body wasn’t listening to you, “Y/N!” He called for you and your heart sunk. You turned to see he wasn’t even chasing you. He was far too strong and you were far too slow for that. 
As your knees suddenly buckled, you fell onto the grass, “Don’t touch me!” You shouted as you felt his arms grab ahold of your waist. He lifted you and tossed you over his shoulder without a word. You screamed for help as your fist pounded at the rock he called aback. 
He carried you back into the house, the scent of the evergreens still on your nose, as the front door slammed shut. He disabled the alarm before carrying you up the stairs. You weren’t surprised when he brought you to the room but your eyes widened as he tossed you onto the bed. 
He held you down with his vibranium arm as he wrapped those magnetic cuffs around each of your wrists, “Bucky, please. Please don’t hurt me-” 
“I’d never do that, Y/N. I could never do that,” His words were soft but his tone was anything but it. You had truly made him angry and something in your heart twinged as you heart the hurt in his voice, “But you have to be punished somehow. You can’t run away from me. I take care of you and you are obedient in return. That is the only way things will work around here.”
“Call me that one more time and you’ll make things worse,” Your mouth instantly closed as you heard his words. 
Bucky leaned down to undo the buttons at the crotch of your bodysuit and you flinched as he tore away the fabric of your underwear, “W-What are you going to do?” He didn’t answer as he grabbed a device that looked sort of like a wand. It was a bright pink color and mushroomed at the top. He used a belt to strap it to your thigh as he pushed it against your folds. 
As it began to vibrate, you threw your head back as your body reacted to the shock. If you thought the emotions you were feeling were foreign, this feeling was otherworldly. It felt strange… good. Your cheeks began to heat as you saw him watching you and you guessed this was another aspect of your punishment. 
You pulled at your restraints as electricity seemed to flow through you, warming your body with pleasure, before that heat seemed to build up in your core. You felt something coming like you might wet yourself, and you winced, “Don’t run from it, angel. It won’t hurt you,” And he was right because, as you tried to relax, it ripped through you. You shook as your body lept over that cliff and you exploded in ecstasy. 
Bucky could feel himself growing harder in his briefs as he listened to you moan uncontrollably. He looked away from you for a moment, trying to call himself down as he grabbed your pacifier gag from one of the lockable drawers, “Pl-Please-” You were still crying out in pleasure as he forced it into your mouth. 
You were done, your body had reached its climax but the stimulation continued. You watched as Bucky crossed the room, taking a seat in the rocking chair across the room. His arm was bent on his knee and his hand on his chin as he watched you. You shook your head over and over, wanting him to stop it but your body was beginning to prepare you for another climax.
How many could you have? How many would Bucky force out of you?
After number two you were writhing in that small bed, running from the next orgasm. As you moved your hips, it only pressed the vibrating toy closer to your sensitive bulb. Your screams were being muffled by your gag.
Just one break. If you could have just one break you’d be okay. Right now you weren’t sure how long you could stay conscious with that scorching fire inside of you burning on. You weren’t sure what happened after number five, you were so tired that your vision was blurry. Still, you felt Bucky’s hand against your cheek as you floated away into dreamland. 
“It’s only been a few days, Bucky.”
“I just thought I was making good progress today.”
“You were, I’m sure you were. She didn’t just forget the connection you’re building with her. Her instincts are still telling her to run, telling her that you are the enemy but soon ... you’ll be the one she runs to.”
Bucky sighed, holding the phone closer to his ear, “I really hope so.”
“My little Rory was just like her and, after I lost Vision, I didn’t think I could take his rejection at first. But I was all he had and I showed him that I was gonna be there for him whether he hated me for it or not. You just have to be there for her.”
“Yeah,” Bucky nodded, “I’m just gonna be there for her, Wanda. Thank you.”
“No need to thank me. You’re a great Daddy, Bucky,” He could hear her warm smile through the phone, “I can’t wait to meet your little angel. I’m sure she’s just as beautiful as you describe her.”
Hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think! What sort of role do you hope Wanda plays in the story? Also, if you want to give me some extra support then you can buy me a coffee through the link in my bio :)
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mylionbattery · 3 years
What is a ternary lithium battery?
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1. Concept:
 Ternary polymer lithium battery refers to a lithium battery that uses lithium nickel cobalt manganese ternary cathode material as its cathode material.
 There are many kinds of cathode materials for lithium ion batteries, mainly lithium cobalt oxide, lithium manganate, lithium nickelate, ternary materials, lithium iron phosphate, and so on. At present, ternary material batteries have replaced the previously widely used lithium cobalt oxide batteries and are widely used in the field of notebook batteries. In recent years, ternary lithium batteries have also begun to be used in the neighborhood of electric vehicles.
 2. Advantages:
 Compared with lithium iron phosphate batteries and lithium manganese oxide batteries, it has high capacity, long life, and light battery weight; materials that are more balanced in terms of capacity and safety have better cycle performance than normal lithium cobalt oxide; due to technical reasons in the early stage, The nominal voltage is only 3.5-3.6V, which is limited in the scope of use. However, with the continuous improvement of the formula and the perfect structure, the nominal voltage of the battery has reached 3.7V, which has reached or exceeded the lithium cobalt oxide battery in capacity. level.
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Why Tesla is so fond of ternary lithium batteries:
 After Tesla tried more than 300 types of batteries on the market, the reason for choosing ternary lithium batteries was that they had greater energy density and better stability and consistency; they could effectively reduce the cost of the battery system; small size, controllability and safety Sex is constantly improving. (From Kurt Kelty, Director of Tesla Battery Technology)
 3. Disadvantages:
 The cost is relatively high; when applied to electric vehicles, a very strict battery management system is required. Only a few foreign models such as Tesla are widely used. The neighborhood of electric vehicles in my country is still dominated by lithium iron phosphate batteries, but a few electric vehicle manufacturers also Has gradually begun to apply.
 4. Development:
 The world's five major battery cell brands SANYO, PANASONIC, SONY, LG, and SAMSUNG have launched ternary material batteries (it can be seen that the world's first-class ternary lithium battery technology is concentrated in Japan and South Korea), and a considerable part of the notebook battery line uses ternary Material batteries replaced the previous lithium cobalt oxide batteries, SANYO, SAMSUNG cylindrical batteries have completely stopped production of lithium cobalt oxide batteries and turned to the manufacture of ternary batteries. At present, most of the small high-rate power batteries at home and abroad use ternary batteries. Cathode material.
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5. Examples of the use of ternary lithium batteries in electric vehicles in my country:
 The ternary lithium battery used in BAIC’s new energy vehicle Saab EV is structured with aluminum-plastic soft packaging. Its capacity is 10-15% higher than that of steel-case lithium batteries of the same size and 5-10% higher than aluminum-shell batteries; It is 40% lighter than steel shell lithium batteries with the same capacity and specifications, and 20% lighter than aluminum shell batteries; the thickness can be less than 1mm; the thickness of the battery can be increased or reduced according to customer needs; at most, air drum will occur in case of impact, which can ensure Safe; the internal resistance is small, which greatly reduces the self-consumption of the battery.
 Chery has prepared a new set of battery components for eQ electric vehicles. The core battery pack is a ternary lithium battery pack. The charging energy is 30% higher than in the past. In order to improve the performance of the battery pack, a 32-bit battery management system is specially matched to greatly enhance the vehicle's endurance and maximum range. It can reach 200 kilometers.
 It is not difficult to understand from a point of view that my country has made good progress in the research and development and even application of ternary lithium batteries, but the gap with the international first-class standards is still quite obvious. After all, in 2009, the Obama administration has listed ternary lithium batteries as a new The field of energy subsidies. However, my country has an urgent demand for the development of new energy. Therefore, the ecological environment will greatly promote the development of new energy. As a small but important neighborhood of new energy, ternary lithium battery will also meet Come a period of rapid development.
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Someone's Trying To Fully Restore That Obscure Super Mario Anime
So, as one does when one runs a Twitter account that's centered on video games, I tried to be "part of the conversation" by participating in this year's Mario Day. Generally speaking I avoid hopping on the bandwagon, yet I like retweets as much as the next person, so as with all other similar situations, I use the chance to unload everything that happens to be related and which I've been saving for some time now.
In this case, a ton of various odds & ends from suppermariobroth & smallmariofindings that's been in my war chest of stuff to post... Point being, the day (which might be one of the fakest of fake holidays to be concocted by some company's marketing department in recent memory) was hardly special. That was until I came across a Twitter account belonging to one Stian Schultz.
I honestly don't know much about Stian; he has a homepage that has a few precious morsels of personal information, largely due to the fact that much of his official web presence is apparently offline. Though the placeholder, I guess, tells us that he's based out of Norway and runs a company that handles Norwegian/English video game translations.
I plan on reaching out to him shortly after I publish this point... or maybe I'll wait till this coronavirus deal blows over, not sure which first yet... cuz I need more info on what Stian is doing. Something that has me so excited that I absolutely needed to say something ASAP (yes, this is a transparent attempt at me going "I saw it first"; at a time in which everyone is hunting for game culture artifacts, you basically have to lay your claim ASAP as well).
Anyhow, are you familiar with the Super Mario Bros.: Peach-Hime Kyushutsu Dai Sakusen!? It's an anime circa 1986 and is a loose translation of the very first Super Mario Bros. According to its Wikipedia entry: "It is notable for being the first movie based on a video game, predating the live-action Super Mario Bros. movie by seven years." And a self professed video game cinephile... that sounds about right actually.
Here it is for those who haven't seen it...
... The above claims to be "Restored" & "Best Quality!", with both descriptors being technically true. At least for right now. But Stian is in the process of fully restoring the rather obscure anime. Actually, from the sounds of it (again, I hope to get more details eventually), it's a project that's been in the works for some time now.
To make it happen, Stian is utilizing elements hailing from "Two VHS tapes, vinyl soundtrack and single, and a cell comic. All digitized through an LG RC185 and an ION iTTUSB Turntable."
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Though the heart of it is an 16mm print! Not only that, but also: "The vinyl soundtrack has been re-ripped via a combination of this rega turntable, hooked up through a Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 via a rega Fono Mini A2D pre-amp (which has it's own USB interface, but I prefer the Focusrite)."
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At the very top of this post is one of scanned frames. Some additional intel: "I want to avoid using DNR filters (no Disney level detail butchery on my watch). Thankfully, since the movie is basically done in doubles, it's very easy to clean up dust/lint -- even horrible splices like this -- by simply using the nearest frame as a partial donor/match.
In the same sequence, despite the tape harming an identical frame, there's still matching duplicates available to use as donors, making it very easy to remove dirt -- and even the tape itself -- whilst [simultaneously] keeping as much of the original frame intact as possible."
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"For those curious about technical stuff: Each frame in the current editing flow is at a resolution of 2736x2192(!). The project folder is currently at nearing 300gb(!!). Each manually edited frame is a 22.9 MB tif."
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Once again, this all so crazy awesome that I had to share! I hope to sooner or later speak with Stian and provide a closer look at the history of the project, specifics regarding the workflow, and more! Also, apologies in advance if this is old news; been so damn busy with grad school that I haven’t been on Tumblr proper in ages.
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lilocsstuff · 3 years
Depression things:
Found out my favourite phone company(LG), from which I've gotten every cell phone in my life (save one) from, has decided to close it's mobile division.
Shouldn't be that big a deal, but instead I'm on the edge of tears and my brain is screaming kys, which is ridiculous.
I have to replace my phone very soon, as it's on its last legs... And now I'm not sure I'll be able to get a phone I am comfortable and confident with, while I'm in a low state.
And I know it's a first world problem. But it's just a breaking point. I'm just so tired and done.
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skippyv20 · 5 years
MM Anon
MM ANON ……… 🎼I don’t like Mondays🎼………” turn her bloody ugly face orf”. …… “ your call William!!” ……… bad advice ……… A military absence ……… “ yes,Pontcius Pilate” ……… Charles, The weakest link ……… “ your over generous ma’am”. ……… “ let them go, f**** em” ……… The taxpayers won’t like it ……… Canada caves……… RCMP……… BO offers a net- flick……… 🎼money,money,money 🎼…………… royal dis-appointments. ………… a tabloid tornado looms.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
January 12/2020
1610 hrs CST
🎼I don’t like Mondays🎼………”
This song, by the Boomtown Rats,  was sooo popular when l was young, it was if l recall the first song about depression and school shootings. A very dire song indeed. If this is in comparison to tomorrow’s meeting, extreme dire warning!
 turn her bloody ugly face orf”. 
 “ your call William!!” bad advice ……… A military absence ……… “ yes,Pontcius Pilate” ……… Charles, The weakest link ……… “ your over generous ma’am”. ……… “ let them go, f**** em” ……… The taxpayers won’t like it ……… Canada caves……… RCMP……… BO offers a net- flick
O most pernicious woman!
O villain, villain, smiling, damnèd villain!
My tables—meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain—
At least I am sure it may be so in Denmark.
Hamlet Act 1, scene 5, 105–109”
🎼money,money,money 🎼…………… royal dis-appointments. ………… a tabloid tornado looms.
1650 hrs CST
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
Fascinating!  Thank you Dear PG!  Yes, all the PR trickery and lies is the work of Satan!  HM will make sure Canada is protected!  This has to play out in order to free Harry, with minimal damage to the crown!  Everything has been executed brilliantly!  God Save The Queen!  🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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mirrordoctor76 · 4 years
Whatever You Need To Understand Concerning Ostarine
Dbal Kinds, Crazybulk Bewertung
Ostarine As Well As Ligandrol Enhance Muscle Mass Cells In An Ovariectomized Rat Model.
Modern Technology.
Firm Overview For Sarms Business Restricted (.
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Individuals usually have feelings of guilt and also disgust at their absence of control throughout and after binge eating, which can strengthen that cycle of adverse feelings, restriction and binge consuming again. People with binge eating disorder consume large amounts of food over a brief time period.
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This not only results in enhanced muscle mass growth but likewise results in muscle retention as well as the development of brand-new muscle mass cells. This SARM was initially produced to aid clients dealing with muscle loss, yet it's mainly used by bodybuilders to prevent muscle mass wasting. GHSRs are additionally found in the locations of the mind that regulate hunger, state of mind, pleasure, memory, organic rhythms, cognitive functions, and also memory. When you take Ibutamoren, you'll not just shed fat and also construct muscle mass yet will certainly also feel much better as well as extra sharp, boosting your physical fitness performance. A huge part of this reason is exactly how Ligandrol increases your energy.
Ostarine And Also Ligandrol Boost Muscle Mass Cells In An Ovariectomized Rat Version.
You'll have the ability to exercise for longer as well as can sustain more extreme training sessions, which will certainly bring about some severe muscle mass gains. is one of one of the most effective muscle-building SARMs on the market. It just takes a few weeks for Ligandrol to work, even after a solitary cycle. Bodybuilders will also experience various other advantages when using Ostarine, such as improved bone density and faster recuperation time. Bodybuilding offers several physical benefits and also can boost your body. When S.A.R.Ms bind to the receptor they show anabolic and hypertrophic task in both muscle as well as bone.
People may locate it difficult to quit during a binge also if they wish to. Some people with binge eating condition have defined really feeling detached from what they're doing during a binge, or even battling to remember what they've consumed afterwards. The majority of people recommend that the item is administered just as soon as every 4 weeks, dbal kinds.
Makers should evaluate each product in independent labs, which must offer their permission for sporting activities supplements to appear on the marketplace. Without it, clients may doubt the correctness and safety of the product and not buy it. Some SARMs had actually been examined years before they were accepted for usage. Although costliness is a loved one term, a lot of users will agree that the rates of SARMs are high.
Unlike individuals with bulimia, they do not usually follow this by removing the food via, as an example, throwing up, though sometimes they may quickly between binges. BED is not regarding choosing to consume huge sections, neither are individuals that deal with it just "overindulging"-- much from being enjoyable, binges are very upsetting, commonly involving a much bigger quantity of food than someone would wish to eat.
Business Review For Sarms Ventures Limited (.
Furthermore, cycle support lowers the opportunity you'll experience any type of side effects. Many PCT supplements contain natural vitamins, minerals, and natural herbs such as ashwagandha essence, Tribulus Terrestris extract, Rhodiola Rosea remove, vitamin E, as well as saw palmetto remove. These ingredients will stabilize hormones while improving body make-up and also your overall feeling of health. However there are specific supplements that body builders and any individual taking SARMs need to use. Supplements consist of vitamins, minerals, fats, amino acids, and various other beneficial ingredients. People take supplements for even more reasons than physical fitness advantages. Supplements consist of important vitamins, minerals, and other compounds that boost your health.
While BCAAs are necessary to muscle gain, it is recommended you take BCAAs with healthy protein supplements, specifically whey protein. BCAAs stimulate muscular tissue healthy protein synthesis, which is the procedure of building muscle mass. It's likewise stated that BCAAs reduce muscle damages along with the size as well as intensity of delayed start muscle soreness, motivating body builders to raise extra. Top quality cycle assistance supplements have components such as grape seed essence, Tribulus Terrestris extract, vitamin E, N-Acetyl-I-Cysteine, saw palmetto essence, celery seed extract, and also hawthorn berry. Cycle support secures necessary bodily features, such as cardio, liver, prostate, as well as cholesterol wellness and likewise sustains your high blood pressure.
Binges may be planned like a ritual and also can include the person purchasing "unique" binge foods, or they may be extra spontaneous. People might most likely to severe lengths to accessibility food-- as an example, consuming food that has actually been discarded or taking food. Binge consuming generally takes place secretive, though the individual might eat routine meals outside their binges. Individuals with binge eating problem may likewise limit their diet regimen or place in certain rules around food-- this can likewise result in them binge eating because of cravings and also sensations of deprivation.
It is worth noting that Cardarine itself was originally recommended as a way to deal with excessive weight.
SARM-type mass tablets from this team permit to melt fat tissue without shedding muscle mass tissue.
click here to signup with pharmalabglobal Shop Epithalon Online for weight decrease and assistance in developing a brand-new one include Ibutamoren, Cardarine and Endurobol.
Generally when I quit with my steroids, my toughness lowers and I am reducing weight.
SARMs were in fact discovered by crash in the 90s when cancer cells scientist James Dalton identified the molecule andarine, or S-4, which came to be the first-ever SARM.
I obtained it for myself, not as much to be getting mass however essentially for after steroid cycle.
This would certainly be similar to a SARMS triple pile that is normally kept up Ostarine, other than there is an opportunity of more size being placed on while cutting. An excellent dose for this technique would be 3-5 mg a day for 8 weeks. LGD has actually shown one of the most capacity of any SARM to put on dimension that can be thought about a mass. increases, and also have had a considerable increase in calorie intake. A recommend dose for this sort of goal would certainly be 5-10 mg day for 8 weeks. If you disable this cookie, we will not have the ability to save your choices. This means that each time you see this website you will need to make it possible for or disable cookies once more.
Kinds Of Bonds In Biological Molecules.
Being https://pharmalabglobal.com/product-category/oxytocin/ of any of the above can indicate that you shouldn't be taking efficiency boosters just yet-- this is because your body still has the ability to improve naturally. Just when you can not improve any longer would certainly I recommend taking into consideration taking performance enhancers. Value that efficiency boosters will not make you rub by themselves. As your body reacts, you might really feel a lack of hunger, but this need to not place you off from adhering to your diet plan. The most effective SARMs up for sale included clear and also comprehensive directions.
How long should you take Mk 677?
Previous studies in humans demonstrated that daily oral administration of MK-677 in healthy older adults,8 GH-deficient adults9 for 4 weeks, and GH-deficient children10 for 7 days increased serum GH, IGF-I, and IGF binding protein (IGFBP)-3 concentrations.
A dramatically higher intramuscular fat web content of the quadriceps femoris muscle mass was observed in the OVX+LG 4 team compared to the Non-OVX team. In OVX rats, the fat material of the muscle did not vary from that in the various other groups. All rats received a soy-free rodent diet regimen (ssniff Spezial Diät GmbH, Soest, Germany) throughout the experiment. OS and LG were provided with the soy-free diet (ssniff Spezial Diät GmbH).
Purely Essential Cookie must be allowed whatsoever times to make sure that we can save your preferences for cookie setups. It indicates that customers have proper security when buying sports supplements, both online as well as offline. Authorities are reacting very rapidly and also capturing fraudsters marketing phony SARMs.
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The gastrocnemius muscle mass, soleus muscle, and longissimus muscle were drawn out. The GM and also SM were weighed as well as all muscle mass were iced up in fluid nitrogen and saved at − 80 ° C until more evaluations. Either left or best muscle mass were made use of arbitrarily in either histological or enzyme analyses. In pharmalabglobal Buy SARMs Online app , intramuscular fat material was figured out in the quadriceps femoris muscle mass in Non-OVX, OVX, and OVX+LG 4 groups.
The remaining food in the cage was weighed once a week to calculate the average daily food intake of a rat by splitting these data by days in between the weighing and variety of rats in a cage. The ordinary daily dose of OS and LG was calculated based upon the daily food intake and the mean BW in the cage on the corresponding week. After 13 weeks post-OVX, all pets were euthanized under CARBON DIOXIDE anesthesia. Blood serum was accumulated for further analysis of creatine kinase as a pen of muscle damage.
CRN updates guidelines on SARMs, caffeine - NutraIngredients-usa.com
CRN updates guidelines on SARMs, caffeine.
Posted: Mon, 09 Jul 2018 07:00:00 GMT [source]
If you haven't obtained any, part 3 has been made to assist you get the most out of your cycle. Perfect for those that do not take pleasure in having a healthy and balanced degree of testosterone. I really lost weight no stamina gains no anything basically. My diet is actually better than its ever been training is good also. It will radiate more-so if ran in conjunction with SARMS S-4 and also Cardarine (GW ).
Nevertheless, they are still associated with venous thromboembolism and stroke. C4 (typically called pre-workout) delivers a boost of high levels of caffeine as well as other components to raise endurance, energy, and also performance. It's perfect for body builders of all degrees, however you need to comply with application instructions carefully.
OS as well as LG are still being investigated in scientific tests, as well as neither have actually been approved as therapies to this point. There are no studies reporting in vivo impacts of OS and also LG on postmenopausal muscle mass framework and also metabolic process. The aim of the here and now research study was to check out the result of OS and also LG on the muscle mass tissue of ovariectomized rats as the basic design for postmenopausal problems. The OS result on bone cells and also animal version as a component of Experiment I has been just recently released. Hormonal agent replacement therapy in postmenopausal ladies is connected with serious adverse effects, such as a raised risk of coronary heart disease, breast cancer cells, stroke, and venous thromboembolism. Nonetheless, it is still the most effective treatment for postmenopausal signs and symptoms as well as for thoroughly chosen females, benefits might surpass dangers. Selective estrogen receptor modulators have beneficial results on the bone and joint system like estrogen, they have fewer adverse events on busts and also the womb.
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lipliquor8 · 4 years
Peptides Advantages - Do They Assist You?
Dbal Kinds, Crazybulk Bewertung
Ostarine And Also Ligandrol Improve Muscle Mass Tissue In An Ovariectomized Rat Model.
Modern Technology.
Firm Overview For Sarms Ventures Limited (.
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Individuals commonly have feelings of regret and disgust at their lack of control during and also after binge consuming, which can strengthen that cycle of adverse emotions, limitation and binge eating again. Individuals with binge eating disorder eat big amounts of food over a brief time period.
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This not only leads to raised muscle mass development but likewise results in muscular tissue retention and also the formation of new muscle mass cells. This SARM was originally created to help patients struggling with muscular tissue loss, however it's mainly used by bodybuilders to avoid muscular tissue losing. GHSRs are also discovered in the areas of the brain that regulate appetite, state of mind, pleasure, memory, biological rhythms, cognitive features, as well as memory. When you take Ibutamoren, you'll not only lose fat and construct muscle mass but will additionally feel far better and more sharp, improving your fitness efficiency. A big part of this factor is how Ligandrol boosts your energy.
Ostarine And Also Ligandrol Enhance Muscle Mass Tissue In An Ovariectomized Rat Version.
You'll have the ability to exercise for longer and also can maintain extra extreme training sessions, which will certainly result in some major muscle gains. is just one of the most effective muscle-building SARMs on the marketplace. It only takes a few weeks for Ligandrol to work, even after a solitary cycle. Bodybuilders will certainly additionally experience other advantages when making use of Ostarine, such as enhanced bone density and also faster recovery time. Bodybuilding offers lots of physical benefits and can improve your body. When S.A.R.Ms bind to the receptor they demonstrate anabolic and hypertrophic task in both muscle mass and also bone.
People may find it difficult to stop throughout a binge even if they wish to. Some people with binge eating condition have defined really feeling detached from what they're doing throughout a binge, or even having a hard time to keep in mind what they've eaten afterwards. The majority of people suggest that the product is carried out only as soon as every 4 weeks, dbal types.
Makers have to test each product in independent research laboratories, which must offer their consent for sporting activities supplements to show up on the market. Without it, customers might question the accuracy and also safety of the item and deny it. Some SARMs had actually been tested years prior to they were accepted for use. Although costliness is a family member term, the majority of customers will agree that the costs of SARMs are high.
Unlike people with bulimia, they don't normally follow this by eliminating the food via, for instance, throwing up, though occasionally they could quickly in between binges. BED is not regarding selecting to eat huge portions, nor are individuals that struggle with it just "overindulging"-- much from being pleasurable, binges are really distressing, frequently including a much bigger quantity of food than a person would wish to eat.
Company Review For Sarms Business Restricted (.
In addition, cycle assistance lowers the chance you'll experience any side effects. Numerous PCT supplements have natural vitamins, minerals, and also natural herbs such as ashwagandha remove, Tribulus Terrestris essence, Rhodiola Rosea remove, vitamin E, and also saw palmetto extract. These active ingredients will certainly stabilize hormonal agents while boosting body structure and your total feeling of wellness. Yet there are specific supplements that bodybuilders and anyone taking SARMs should make use of. Supplements contain vitamins, minerals, fats, amino acids, and other valuable components. People take supplements for even more reasons than fitness benefits. Supplements consist of vital vitamins, minerals, and also other substances that enhance your wellness.
Does Vitaminhoppe sell SARMs?
SARMs are drugs and they are not dietary supplements. Using the internet one can easily find SARMs for sale. The bigger retail stores like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe do not carry them, but the smaller independently owned supplement stores are notorious for distributing SARMs.
While BCAAs are vital to muscle mass gain, it is suggested you take BCAAs with protein supplements, specifically whey protein. BCAAs promote muscle healthy protein synthesis, which is the procedure of structure muscle. It's likewise stated that BCAAs reduce muscular tissue damages in addition to the length and also severity of delayed beginning muscle discomfort, urging body builders to raise extra. Premium cycle support supplements include ingredients such as grape seed essence, Tribulus Terrestris remove, vitamin E, N-Acetyl-I-Cysteine, saw palmetto extract, celery seed extract, as well as hawthorn berry. Cycle assistance protects important bodily features, such as cardiovascular, liver, prostate, and cholesterol health as well as also sustains your blood pressure.
Binges may be planned like a routine and can involve the person buying "special" binge foods, or they may be more spontaneous. People might go to severe sizes to accessibility food-- for instance, eating food that has actually been gotten rid of or swiping food. several BPC157 Italy eating normally occurs in private, though the person may eat routine dishes outside their binges. People with binge eating disorder may likewise limit their diet regimen or place in specific policies around food-- this can additionally lead to them binge consuming due to appetite as well as feelings of deprivation.
It is worth keeping in mind that Cardarine itself was originally suggested as a way to deal with obesity.
SARM-type mass tablet computers from this group allow to shed fat cells without losing muscle cells.
SARMs for weight decrease as well as support in constructing a brand-new one include Ibutamoren, Cardarine and also Endurobol.
Usually when I quit with my steroids, my stamina minimizes as well as I am slimming down.
SARMs were actually uncovered by accident in the 90s when cancer cells researcher James Dalton recognized the particle andarine, or S-4, which came to be the first-ever SARM.
I got it for myself, not as much to be obtaining mass yet essentially for after steroid cycle.
This would be similar to a SARMS triple stack that is generally ran with Ostarine, other than there is an opportunity of even more dimension being put on while reducing. An excellent dose for this approach would certainly be 3-5 mg a day for 8 weeks. LGD has shown one of the most capacity of any type of SARM to place on size that can be taken into consideration a mass. boosts, and have had a considerable increase in calorie intake. An advise dosage for this kind of goal would be 5-10 mg day for 8 weeks. If you disable this cookie, we will certainly not be able to conserve your choices. This indicates that each time you visit this internet site you will need to enable or disable cookies once again.
Types Of Bonds In Biological Molecules.
Being uncertain of any one of the above can indicate that you shouldn't be taking efficiency enhancers just yet-- this is since your body still has the ability to boost normally. Only when you can not improve any longer would I suggest considering taking efficiency enhancers. Value that efficiency boosters will not make you buff on their own. As your body reacts, you may really feel an absence of appetite, but this should not place you off from staying with your diet plan. The very best SARMs offer for sale included clear and thorough guidelines.
How long should you take Mk 677?
Previous studies in humans demonstrated that daily oral administration of MK-677 in healthy older adults,8 GH-deficient adults9 for 4 weeks, and GH-deficient children10 for 7 days increased serum GH, IGF-I, and IGF binding protein (IGFBP)-3 concentrations.
A significantly greater intramuscular fat content of the quadriceps femoris muscular tissue was observed in the OVX+LG 4 team compared to the Non-OVX team. In OVX rats, the fat content of the muscle did not differ from that in the various other teams. All rats obtained a soy-free rodent diet regimen (ssniff Spezial Diät GmbH, Soest, Germany) throughout the experiment. OS and LG were provided with the soy-free diet plan (ssniff Spezial Diät GmbH).
Strictly Necessary Cookie ought to be enabled at all times to make sure that we can save your choices for cookie setups. It indicates that purchasers have proper defense when purchasing sporting activities supplements, both online and offline. Authorities are responding really promptly and also capturing fraudsters offering phony SARMs.
there are others ='display: block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;' src="" width="304px" alt="Peptides advantages"/>
The gastrocnemius muscular tissue, soleus muscle, as well as longissimus muscular tissue were removed. The GM and SM were considered and all muscular tissues were frozen in fluid nitrogen and kept at − 80 ° C until further analyses. Either left or right muscles were used arbitrarily in either histological or enzyme evaluations. In Experiment II, intramuscular fat material was identified in the quadriceps femoris muscular tissue in Non-OVX, OVX, as well as OVX+LG 4 teams.
information BPC157 Australia remaining food in the cage was considered weekly to determine the typical daily food intake of a rat by separating these information by days in between the considering and also number of rats in a cage. The ordinary day-to-day dosage of OS and LG was calculated based on the everyday food intake and the mean BW in the cage on the particular week. After 13 weeks post-OVX, all animals were euthanized under CO2 anesthetic. Blood serum was accumulated for further evaluation of creatine kinase as a marker of muscle damages.
CRN updates guidelines on SARMs, caffeine - NutraIngredients-usa.com
CRN updates guidelines on SARMs, caffeine.
Posted: Mon, 09 Jul 2018 07:00:00 GMT [source]
If you haven't received any kind of, part three has been made to aid you get the most out of your cycle. Perfect for those that do not take pleasure in having a healthy level of testosterone. I really dropped weight no toughness obtains no anything essentially. My diet is actually far better than its ever been training is great as well. It will radiate more-so if ran in conjunction with SARMS S-4 and Cardarine (GW ).
Nonetheless, they are still related to venous thromboembolism and also stroke. C4 (commonly known as pre-workout) delivers an increase of high levels of caffeine and various other active ingredients to boost endurance, energy, as well as efficiency. It's excellent for body builders of all levels, but you ought to adhere to dosing guidelines meticulously.
OS as well as LG are still being investigated in clinical tests, and neither have actually been authorized as therapies to this point. There are no studies reporting in vivo effects of OS and also LG on postmenopausal muscle framework and metabolism. The goal of the here and now study was to explore the effect of OS and LG on the muscle cells of ovariectomized rats as the typical model for postmenopausal problems. The OS effect on bone cells and animal design as a component of Experiment I has been recently published. Hormone replacement treatment in postmenopausal females is connected with extreme side effects, such as an enhanced danger of coronary heart problem, breast cancer, stroke, and venous thromboembolism. Nonetheless, it is still the most efficient therapy for postmenopausal signs and for very carefully selected ladies, advantages can surpass threats. Selective estrogen receptor modulators have useful results on the musculoskeletal system like estrogen, they have less adverse events on breasts and the uterus.
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