#my wrist isn’t hurting as much as before either ???
why-its-kai · 2 years
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i drew a funney dragon🐉
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lace-coffin · 10 months
Hi! Can I ask how the slashers would feel if they ever accidentally hurt their s/o? Gender and everything is up to you!
How slashers would react to Accidently hurting their S/O
Thank you so much for my first ever request ah! I hope you enjoy 💖
Requests are open!
Warning for blood/injury - mild sexual content/reference to sexual activity and power dynamics -unhealthy relationships (I think?)
Reader is gender neutral!
Bubba sawyer
Most likely happened via Bubba playing too hard and Accidently pushing you over or being a bit too heavy handed with you. If it’s a case of them mistaking you for a victim and catching you with their chainsaw before being able to stop then they’ll be even more in inconsolable : (
Stops and stares for a minute to process what’s happened before devolving into full blown panic.
She’ll drop whatever she’s doing to carry you back to the house, even if that means letting the victim escape and having Drayton yell at her.
Will hurriedly explain in rushed sign to either Choptop or Nubbins to go take care of the victim as he’s busy caring for you.
Checks you over frantically. Please explain you’re going to be ok and help them calm down.
Once he knows you’re not in any danger he’ll feel absolutely awful about it and whine apologies to you even if you tell him that it’s ok and it wasn’t their fault.
Please comfort them once you feel better and reassure them.
Will insist you come up with a verbal and nonverbal sign to give if they’re accidently messing around to hard.
Will make you agree to stay in the house out of the way when victims are around so you don’t Accidently get hurt again.
Thomas Hewitt
After another night of Hoyt berating him for things out of his control, Tommy storms off to the basement to cool off. You follow after him, intending to comfort and wanting to help. You place a hand on his shoulder without thinking, forgetting he doesn’t enjoy physical touch without warning, thinking it might help. Whipping around he grabs your wrist a little too hard, causing you to wince.
He snatches his hand back as soon as he realises what he’s done.
Tommy will bring you to Luda may to have her check you over and assess the damage.
Once he knows you’re safe he’ll confine himself to the basement for a few days, only coming out to eat but even then it’s tense.
He’s truly sorry and feels like all those people who called him a monster and an animal were right, he hurt the one he cares about most, after all.
After a few days apart, a lot of hushed words of affirmation and kisses/nose bumps he’ll feel comfortable being with you again.
You know to let him cool off by himself and come to you when he’s ready after a heated argument now.
Michale Myers
You jump out at Michael thinking it would be funny to catch the shape off guard for once and not the other way around. Unfortunately this backfires and he swings his knife at you, thinking it may be an intruder since you’ve never pulled something like this before, You manage to jolt out of the way but the knife still catches you in the shoulder. Thankfully, it’s only superficial and will heal, but it still looks like it needs medical attention.
Initially Michael looks at you unamused, granted it’s hard to tell what he’s feeling underneath the mask. He gives you a kind of “well If you weren’t being dumb this wouldn’t have happened” attitude. However this is a front for the actual panic he refuses to show on the surface.
Having a few cuts and scratches isn’t super uncommon when your with Michael considering his tastes involving knives in bed ; )
Usually hurting others comes naturally and without remorse to Michael, so it shakes him to his core that he’s actively worrying about your wellbeing instead of feeling the usual indifference.
It disturbs him that he actually cares about someone enough to feel remorse for his actions.
After unceremoniously pulling your shirt off and looking the wound over he forces you go to A&E, practically marching your ass out the door.
Since he’s basically an escaped criminal he can’t exactly casually walk in the hospital with you, however he will stalk you the entire time, lurking close by to make sure you arrive and leave safely.
Although he usually has his guard up he vows to try be a little less bristly with you from now on if it means he doesn’t have to see you hurt and feel that awful tug of regret/worry in his chest.
Jason voorhees
You went out looking for Jason one night after he hadn’t returned to the cabin by his usual time. You were worried he’d been overpowered by a group of trespassers or caught in a trap and didn’t have any way to communicate that to you. The woods were beautiful but so dense and vast, getting lost or injured in the thick of them may as well be a death sentence.
Whilst searching for your missing partner you get your leg snagged in a bear trap he had set out previously for the trespassers. You howl in pain as you hear the sickening snap of your ankle between the traps jaws.
Jason was trudging his way back to the cabin when he heard it. Knowing that wasn’t a rougue teen as he’d cleared them out already, alarm bells went off in his head. He stormed to scene as fast as he could.
He could have sworn his undead heart stopped for the second time as he saw you sitting there in agony, murky blood seeping into the forest floor.
He rushes to your side and looks frantically between the trap and your teary face, he knows he’s going to have to disengage the traps and for you it’s going to be..less than pleasent.
He signs for you to grip onto his arm for support. Since he’s already dead and regenerates fairly quickly he feels it’s the least he can do to let you grip his arm for dear life as he wrenches the trap from your shattered ankle. If you cause any damage to his arm (which is very unlikely) it will heal up in no time anyway.
Once he’s carried you back to the cabin he’ll be frantically following Pamela’s directions in his head for what to do and how to clean/ wrap it.
If the damage is extensive he’ll relent and let you go to the hospital, only if a trusted friend takes you though, he’ll be sitting by the window of your shared cabin every minute until you return back to him.
You’re no longer aloud to be out in the woods after dark alone if he’s set traps. You both carry whistles now so if he’s not home and you need to know he’s safe you can whistle to each other and feel more at ease.
Billy Lenz
Interacting with Billy when he’s having an episode is never a good idea. You thought it would be fine to just be in the room though, providing you stay out of his way. As you enter, Billy is in the midst of trashing his attic once again, the disgusting feelings bubbling in his chest too much to bear. You enter just as he’s angrily thrown an old glass christmas ornament at the floor that the sorority had kept in storage. It shatters and flecks of sparkling glass scatter along the floor. One piece catching you in the hand in a nasty glass splinter. You swear under your breath and rush off to take care of it.
Billy doesn’t even realise what’s happened until you return to him, him now having exhausted himself and you knowing it’s safe to try do some damage control. You bring him a sandwich and juice knowing he’ll need it after all the energy and tears he just used up.
Your hands touch as he’s accepting the plate from you with a muted “thank you” and he notices the bandage.
Billy essentially bristles up like an angry cat at the idea of someone hurting his piggy and demands to know who did it and what happened.
Once you tell him it was actually from the ornament he feels horrible. He doesn’t even remember it happening with the state he was in.
He snuggles into the crook of your neck and mumbles apologies into your skin.
Billy will place sloppy kisses over it as an apology until you forgive him. (Not exactly hygenic since it’s an open wound but i mean…you’re dating the attic rat)
Brahms Heelshire
When living with Brahms there isn’t usually much to injure yourself on considering the estate is fairly out of the way from the rest of the village. You most likely caught yourself on a pair of sheers. Brahms is being stubborn about you being out of the house and slings the sheers in your general direction from the door frame when you ask for them. You don’t even notice you sliced your hand when catching them until you see a patch of blood soaking through your gardening gloves about ten minutes later.
You come in to grab a tea towel to wrap your bleeding finger in, not really fazed as it’s only a small cut. Brahms was lurking from the window as you tended to the hedges, not wanting to be away from you but not yet brave enough to tempt leaving the house he’s been in all these years.
As soon as he sees it he’s panicking, it’s only a little cut and you’re not concerned in the slightest but to Brahms you may as well have just came in with an arm missing. He’s instantly flittering around you asking if you’re ok and if you need a hospital.
You stifle your laugh at his over the top concern, you find it rather sweet, it’s not his fault he’s a little bit sheltered.
After cleaning the cut and bandaging it, it’s totally fine. If anything Brahms needs more reassuring and coddling than you do to get him to settle.
He apologises a thousand times for his attitude because he knows If he hadn’t been stroppy about you leaving the house and passed the sheers nicely then you wouldn’t have been hurt in the first place. He promises to try be more composed when he starts getting antsy.
He may need some ✨punishment✨ in order to encourage his behaviour change and to feel forgiven.
He begrudgingly lets you back outside to garden after about a week.
Asa Emory
If you’re the pet of Asa then it’s likely that most of your injuries are purposefully given from him and are no mistake. You’re poked and prodded often considering your residency in the collection. Wounds from experiments and correctional punishments when you disobey or refuse to submit are not uncommon at all. So it doesn’t bother him since he inflicted them. This also assures he cleans them with clinical precision. If you were anyone else he would leave the wounds to fester, if you died from a complication then that was just inconvenient. Not you though, you’ve caught his attention and heart. He loves you in his own domineering way.
If the wound was created by him on accident then he would give himself a hard time, chastising himself for his carelessness.
For example, if he had more trouble with law enforcement than he thought and that led to you to spending way more time in the trunk than you usually do, causing you to develop a sore from sitting in one cramped position for too long.
Asa would realise you’re injured once you’re let out of the trunk, hissing in pain as you stretch. He makes you show him where you’re hurting so he can inspect over it.
Despite Asa’s stony face his stomach is actively sinking. He knows you’re hurt because of him and it wasn’t purposeful or measured like it would be during a punishment. He sees this as failure in his pet care and it takes a blow to his god complex. Gods don’t make mistakes, but here he is, hurting his dolly by being so out of it.
He’ll make sure to clean it for you and even stop putting you in the trunk for a while. This does however still mean you’ll be attached to him via leash or chain connected to the ring sitting on his belt. Just because you’re hurt and his favourite toy, doesn’t mean he will except anything less than your complete and total submission.
He’ll be more tender and soft handed with you than usual for a while after. Punishments will be withheld until you heal. Then it’s back to normal routine as expected.
You were wearing a new perfume you’d picked up at the market during the day, You were only supposed to be getting meats and maybe a new fur for the bed but once the alien at the stand had convinced you to sample it you fell in love with it.
Your mate picks up on an unknown scent entering the house, hackles raising and stalking towards it. As soon as they catch the heat signature they throw a wrist blade in warning.
Their eyes widen in horror, rushing to the door as they catch scent of your tangly blood dripping onto the hardwood floor of your shared home.
The new perfume masked your familiar scent from them, making them believe the house was in danger and being intruded on. If their face could loose colour it would, cringing as they see the wrist blade sticking through your palm, groceries discarded at the door.
They start talking at you in rapid clicks before they realise you can’t actually understand. After making sure to keep the object in your hand so you don’t bleed out and that you’re not going to pass out on them, they insist on carrying you their medic instead of going to an ooman one.
They argue that their medicine is far more advanced and will heal your wound much more efficiently then your “ primitive ooman medicine”
Thanks to yautja medicine being far more advanced, It will heal like nothing ever happened in around two weeks. The wound stitched shut and given some kind of injection.
Your mate purrs and clicks for you deep from their chest the entire time you’re having the blade removed to try calm you.
They beg for forgiveness despite it literally being an accident and will need some reassurance that they haven’t failed you as a mate. Once you’re all healed up they’ll bring back an impressive skull from a hunt as an apology even if you’ve already forgiven them.
Whilst it’s healing you’re probably going be kept in the nest of furs and pulled tightly against them whilst they purr and sooth you.
My requests are open if you’d like to send any prompts or ideas for me to write!
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iliketangerines · 6 months
Kuai Liang and Tomas with a reader who was sent by bi-han to assassinate them but reader is not intimidating AT ALL- like she’s small but has the perfect body for carrying a child. So both of them instantly are like “well time to put her to good use” basically both of them knock reader up and now reader is apart of the shirai ryu walking around carrying twins- like I imagine small reader in some Hanfu that’s white and yellow and is struggling to do stuff because of her stomach size. ((My breeding kink is going through the roof and all I can imagine is Tomas and kuai with a small reader sandwiched between them))
good use
a/n: god, i want to be sandwiched between them too
pairing: tomas vrbada x afab!reader x kuai liang
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), breeding kink, fingering, thigh riding
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Kuai Liang and Tomas look at you with a quirked eyebrow
you’re small, about half a head shorter than the both of them, and you hold your weapon in one hand as you hold yourself in your stance
but they notice the hesitation in your steps, almost as if you didn’t want to hurt them, and Kuai Liang wonders where he’s seen you before
for a second, nothing happens between you two, but then you leap forward and the two are forced to defend themselves
you put up a much harder fight than either of them had anticipated, and it’s only when Kuai Liang finally recognizes you and calls your name do you flinch and let your guard down
which allows Tomas to come in with the attack that disarms you
you sit on your knees, hands tied behind your back and mask pulled down and eyes downcast as you await death while Kuai Liang and Tomas hold a quiet conversation
they come back toward you, and you bow your head forward, asking them to make it quick and clean so that you wouldn’t have to suffer
Kuai Liang instead offers an olive branch to you and asks if you would like to join the Shirai Ryu, and you look up at him in surprise
you take a few breaths as if contemplating your decision before you give a small nod, and Tomas unties you and helps you stand up
the next few weeks Kuai Liang stares at you from across the training grounds and has a foot soldier trail you to make sure you weren’t double crossing them
but you don’t do anything, you follow his orders, work hard in training, go to bed, and work your way up to sparring with Tomas and Kuai Liang
he remembers you from when he was a child, training alongside him despite your parent’s disapproval and had made a name for yourself in the Lin Kuei before disappearing for a few years
Kuai Liang remembers feeling sad, and Tomas had felt the same way as well
in the present, you spar with Tomas, and he pins you down, face smashed into the dirt and hands held behind your back
you concede, and Tomas lets go
you roll over onto your back and let your chest heave up and down in the air as you try to calm down from the rush of adrenaline from fighting
a sudden thought enters Kuai Liang’s head, the thought of you pinned down underneath him, hands gripping onto your wrists as he fucks into you
how sweet you would sound and how obedient you would be
Kuai Liang turns away and shakes the thoughts from his head, he cannot afford to be distracted by his own soldiers
and yet, he finds himself drawn to you ever since that day, and he notices Tomas shying away from you and growing flushed whenever you two spar
Kuai Liang talks with him, and Tomas rubs the back of his head and admits that he does like you and wants more with you
for a moment, Kuai Liang isn’t sure how to proceed, but he figures brothers should share
and so the two of them watch you carefully, and they notice how you lean in closer to their touch, how you flock to them easily, how much smaller you are to them
you’re not too short, just about half a head short
and yet, you still have to crane your head to look up at them, and Kuai Liang always has to turn his head away to not crack underneath the pressure and fuck you right then and there
and then one day, you finally pin down Kuai Liang in training, and you have the biggest smile and Kuai Liang can’t help himself and calls you beautiful
you freeze in place, and Kuai Liang watches you blush and get off him
you hold out a hand, head turned to the side to try and hide your blush, but he can still see the way your face flushes
Kuai Liang smiles and takes your hand to stand up, kissing the back of it softly when he gets up off the floor, and you let out a small squeak before bowing respectfully and scurrying off
the next few days, Tomas and Kuai Liang make moves on you, kissing the back of your hand, bringing you in closer, piling food onto your plate during mealtimes
and finally, at the end of the week, Tomas and Kuai Liang sit in the head office, going through papers and sorting all the information when they hear a knock on the door
they call for them to enter, and in you come in your sleepwear, a thing night robe that does nothing to hide your figure
Tomas and Kuai Liang immediately stop what they’re doing and ask you to come and sit down next to them, patting the space between them
you sit between the two of them and fiddle with the hem of your robe before asking if they’re actually making advancements on you, if you’re not imagining it?
because you like them too, but you don’t want to ruin their relationship or anything
and you start to ramble, and Tomas grabs your chin and brings you into his lap for a kiss
you let out a small yelp of surprise before melting into his arms and letting him support your weight as you deepen the kiss
Kuai Liang comes up behind you and kisses your neck, and you whine into Tomas’s mouth as Kuai Liang gropes you from behind
you start to grind into Tomas’s thigh, looking for some friction, and whimper into his mouth as he gropes your ass
Kuai Liang slips off the shoulder of your night robe and salivates at the realization that you’re not wearing a bra, and he wonders…
he slips a hand down the inside of your robe, and confirms his suspicions that you’re not wearing any underwear either
he grins at you and asks if you were looking for this in the first place, and you whine in Tomas’s mouth, turning warm as Kuai Liang slips off the rest of your robe from your body
he squeezes your chest, taking your sensitive nipples and rolling them between his heated fingers, and your bare cunt jerks against Tomas’s rough pants
Tomas groans into your mouth and grips onto your hips and slides them back and forth, making your head tilt back as you whine into the air
your clit drags against the rough material, and Tomas ducks his head down to suck hickeys into your neck as he drags you against his pants
Kuai Liang coos at your strained moans and continues to tease your nipples as your hands trail up and Tomas’s arms, not sure whether to let go of you or continue to tease you
you squirm in Tomas’s leg and let out a pant, asking them for more please in a desperate voice, and Kuai Liang coos at you
Tomas lets go of your hips and holds onto your shoulders, detaching his mouth from your neck to kiss you
Kuai Liang grabs onto your hips and drags them back towards him, so that you’re on your hands and knees between them
he can see the wet patch you’ve left on Tomas’s pants, and Kuai Liang chuckles at you and squeezes your plush ass between his calloused fingers
he runs his fingers through your folds and finds them soaking wet already
he chuckles at you, asking if you really got that wet just from Tomas letting you hump his thigh, and you place your face into Tomas’s neck and mumble something
Kuai Liang asks you to speak up, pinching your clit as he does so, and you whine loudly before telling them you had played with yourself earlier, needed them so bad that you fucked yourself open on a toy
Kuai Liang digs his nails into your ass, making you whimper and your hips buck backward, and he has to stop himself from imagining the thought of you fucking yourself desperately on some toy and moaning his and Tomas’s name
Tomas seems to find pleasure in the thought and bites into your neck, running his tongue over the mark, and he grips onto your shoulders tightly as if to control himself
you pant into Tomas’s shoulder, hips jerking as Kuai Liang slips his fingers into your wet pussy and slowly pumps them in and out of you
somehow, you’re still so tight around his fingers, and he decides you need to be stretched a little more if you want to take the both of them
Kuai Liang curls his fingers to try and find that little sweet spot that he knows that you have, and when your hips rock backward, and the top of your body collapses onto Tomas’s, Kuai Liang knows he’s found it
he massages his fingers into the spot, and he can feel your pussy growing wetter around him and dripping onto the floor as he continues to fuck you open on his fingers
you moan into Tomas’s shoulder, and the gray assassin coos at you and palms at his cock as he lavishes your neck with hickeys and bite marks
he groans into your skin as your hand wanders downward to take his cock out of his pants, and you pump Tomas, spreading the pre-cum all over his shaft
he grunts at the feeling and holds onto your wrist, simply holding on as he lets you stroke him
Kuai Liang continues to fuck you on his fingers, and he adds in a third finger, relishing in the sound of your high-pitched whine at the stretch
you pant and wiggle your hips around, and Kuai Liang has to grip onto your hips to hold you still for him
he fucks you on three of his fingers,and he feels your needy cunt clamp down on his fingers as you let out a loud keen and cum on his fingers
you thumb presses into Tomas’s slit, and the gray assassin bites your neck again to try and control himself from cumming
although that becomes increasingly harder with the way you quicken the pace of your hand, desperate to have him cum with you
Tomas takes your hand off of his cock, shushing you when you let out a small noise of complaint
Kuai Liang removes his fingers from your cunt and sticks them into his mouth, running his tongue over your taste and moaning at it
next time, he would have to taste you properly, but for now, he needed to fuck you and stretch you open on his cock
he slides your hips forward, and you straighten your back so that your chest presses flush against Tomas’s and Kuai’s chest presses into your back
Kuai Liang takes out his cock and slides it in between your folds, and you squirm as the head of his dick catches on your puffy clit
you moan for him to fuck you, please you need it, and Kuai Liang chuckles at you but concedes and slides into you
you grip onto Tomas’s shoulders, moaning at the stretch, and Kuai Liang isn’t much better, holding onto your hips tight enough to leave bruises as he tries not to cum
he thrusts into you shallowly, waiting for Tomas to slide his cock into you as well
the gray assassin takes his cock and notches it next to Kuai’s, and slowly slides in, kissing your face as a few tears slide down at the pain
you pant into the air but neither of them stop moving, fucking into you shallowly as you adjust to their size
Tomas groans at the sight of your stomach; he can see how their cocks bulge from your stomach, and his hips jerk harshly into you
you moan loudly, and the both of them take it as a cue to start fucking into you roughly
Kuai Liang brings his hand around to press a hand down on your stomach, and it makes you whine and throw your head back as you become jello in their arms
Tomas watches as the bulge disappears in and out of you, and he wants to see more, to see you big and round with their children, his children
he tells you so, telling you that you’d look so pretty with his children, all big and round and beautiful when you’re pregnant
it fills Kuai Liang’s head with thoughts of his children, and he can feel himself get harder at the thought of you pregnant and full of him
he holds onto your hips roughly as his hips grow erratic, thoughts of you leaking with his cum, stuffed with his heirs and so sensitive and pliable underneath his fingertips
Tomas isn’t much better, groaning as he holds onto your shoulder and tells you how pretty you look, how pretty you’ll look with their heirs
you whine and sob as your hands wander over Tomas’s arms and Kuai Liang’s hands, unsure of who to hold as you keen and cum on their cocks
they fuck into you harshly, chasing their own highs and cumming deep inside of you
they don’t slide out for a moment, taking a second to calm down before finally slipping out and letting you fall down and cuddle on Kuai Liang’s chest
Tomas watches as their cum drips out of you and onto the floor, and he takes his fingers and pushes it back into it, insistent on not wasting a single drop
Kuai Liang pets your hair as you whine, and he picks you up into his arms to take you to the hot springs and help you relax and clean up
he helps you clean up, and when he carries you back to your bed, Tomas has the bed made and helps moisturize you and dress you in some light clothes
they tuck you into bed and cuddle up next to you, a protective hand over you as you all fall asleep together
months later, Kuai Liang tuts at you and picks up something off the floor and hands it back to you, and you smile at him gratefully
you rub a hand over your round belly, baby kicking hard, Tomas comes over with a few fruit slices and kisses your forehead
you smile at the both of them, basking in the sun, happy that you had met the both of them again
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lonelywitchv2 · 1 year
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summary: it’s safe to say you didn’t expect company when you snuck out for a picnic with Regulus, your relationship more forbidden than the forest itself.
content: the marauders basically being your older brothers after you grew up next door to the Potters, protective and angry James and Sirius, Sirius and Regulus still being on bad terms, fluff turned slight angst, short, food, teasing, mentions of Sirius and Regulus’ parents 
wc: 587 (just a little blurb)
part ii part iii
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“So you’ve never read Pride and Prejudice?” You asked, almost offended by your discovery.
“No. Do you happen to remember that my parents are blood supremacists who forbade me from reading muggle literature?” Regulus responded.
“Okay, maybe I forgot. Either way, this is unacceptable. Reggie, it appears we have found our next book to read.” You announced, picking up a strawberry that Regulus had been reaching for.
“Oi! I was gonna grab that one!” He exclaimed, trying to reach for the red fruit, only to have you pull your arm away from him.
“You snooze, you lose,” You said with a shake of your head.
However, right as you went to bite into the sweet berry, Regulus tackled you, his body hovering over yours and your wrists pinned against the picnic blanket laid on the grass.
Throughout being tackled, you somehow managed to continue your hold on the strawberry, refusing to yield to him.
“You could’ve just asked to split it and I would’ve done it, love,” You pointed out, cocking your eyebrow.
“Well, this is much more fun. Isn’t it?” Regulus’s voice dropped to a whisper, his face lowering closer and closer to yours.
“It is…” You breathed out, lifting your head up until Regulus’s lips were pressed against yours, his hair brushing against your forehead.
The blissful silence was broken by a loud shout.
“What the hell is this?!” Sirius yelled, causing the two sixteen-year-olds to quickly break apart, scrambling to opposite sides of the blanket with their eyes wide in horror, the strawberry long forgotten.
You opened your mouth to respond but faltered at the rage burning in Sirius’s eyes.
“What is it Padfo- what in Merlin’s name is going on here?!” James’s eyes fell upon the sight of Regulus and you, his big brother mode immediately activating.
All words of defense and explanation quickly disappeared from your tongue, unsure of how to respond to the obvious rage emitting from the two boys.
“James, Sirius, I... I can explain- we can explain, please-” You stuttered out, struggling to get any words out of your mouth as your panic set in.
“No. No, c’mon Y/N, we’re leaving,” James said, his voice as firm as his grip on your arm as he pulled you off of the blanket, glaring at Regulus and dragging you away from the Black brothers- one of which was frozen in horror, the other seething with rage.
“Y/N-!” Regulus called out, going to stand before falling back from a shove from Sirius.
“What the fuck, Regulus?!” Sirius exclaimed, “Why her? Out of every girl in this school, you chose the one who’s like a little sister to me- is it to get back at me for leaving?”
“It’s not that, Sirius- I…” Regulus faltered.
“What? Spit it out!”
"Listen, I... I really like Y/N- really like her. Please, I'm not doing this out of vengeance, Sirius. I wouldn't even think about hurting Y/N! Siri… I’m not lying to you, I swear," Regulus stuttered out, the childhood nickname accidentally slipping off his tongue, "It's... real and I've never experienced anything like it before.”
“Godric… I just don’t…” Sirius paused, chewing on his lip, “I can’t do this right now.”
Sirius turned around for a moment, but turned to face his brother once more, “We aren’t done, Regulus. But this? This is.”
Regulus sat there speechless as his brother jogged to catch up to James and you, looking down to see the red strawberry sitting on the blanket, miraculously untouched.
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mawofthemagnetar · 4 months
Scar Talks.
(This is a prequel to another tumblr fic I wrote. Check it out!)
“…As I was saying, Scar,” Doc chuckled evilly, “we have ways of making you talk.”
“Really?” Scar said incredulously. He pulled on the restraints tying his arm to the chair, “I mean, Doc, I’ve been in a lot of interrogations before. You don’t have the chops.”
Scar glanced across the room, to where Keralis was leaning against a suspiciously-blank wall. Apart from Keralis’ perch, the chamber was empty, and Scar decided to ignore it for now. He had far more pressing concerns, like the awful sartorial choices of his fellow Hermits.
Both of them were wearing matching white suits with black ties and dress shoes, which Scar thought made them look very silly. He’d humor them for awhile (and make fun of them for sure), and then he was making for the door. 
Speaking of the door… His wheelchair was still parked beside him. Not that it was much help, because the door was still locked. Great. Well, never hurt to try some honeyed words…
“By the way, this is the most accessible interrogation room I’ve ever been in. No sills, nice flat hallways, big doors. Top three for sure. Thanks for that.” Scar said warmly.
Doc sniffed, doing his best to hide his smile.
“Of course. What do you take me for? Anyway. We’re getting off-topic, Scar. Like I said, we have ways of making you talk. And you’re going to tell us everything you know.”
“I don’t think so. You two don’t have deep enough pockets for that.” Scar chuckled.  
“But Sweetface,” Keralis said, batting his eyes, “I need to know! I need to! It’s important!” 
“Well, what do you want to know? Maybe we can work something out,” Scar said smoothly, “make all of this unnecessary.”  
“Oh, I’ll tell you. You know where Etho keeps his computer, yes? And his keyboard. And his tissue box. I just want to give him better things.” Keralis said, pressing his hands to his chest, “You just have to tell us where he keeps these things. It isn’t that hard.” 
Scar shook his head. 
“So that’s what you’re after…Well, no can do, Keralis. Etho swore me to secrecy. And is paying me handsomely.” 
Keralis shrugged. 
“Suit yourself. Doc? Take it away.” 
Doc stepped in front of Scar with an evil smile. 
“One chance. Tell us where Etho keeps that keyboard, and you can leave.” 
Scar smirked. 
“This ain’t my first rodeo, Doc. I’m not telling you anything.”
Doc just shrugged, and punched a button on the wall. 
Scar spared a glance at Keralis, who was smiling benevolently. 
A slimestone flying machine slid up, revealing a well-lit room on the other side of a tinted glass wall. In that room, Iskall and Gem sat on either sides of a table, chatting away with big smiles on their faces. 
“That’s your method? Chitchat?” Scar raised an eyebrow, “This is pathetic.”
Doc leaned in, eyes blazing with menace. 
“I wouldn’t be so cocky,” he said softly, “this glass is completely soundproof. They can’t hear a word we’re saying in there. But there’s speakers in the walls. You’ll be able to hear everything.”
Scar frowned. 
“How’s that going to help?”
Doc grinned, and tapped a button on his wrist. 
“Gem? Iskall? Time for you to earn your pay. If you’re both ready…we can begin.”
Both hermits craned their necks up to look at the ceiling. They both shrugged, and then they started to talk. 
The speakers kicked on, and-
“No, that’s not right.” Gem said, “See, that Anakin guy was the bounty hunter, right? With the friend who’s dressed as a bear?”
“Oh, yeah, right. My bad. And then the guy in the like, blue and white trashcan, he’s…?” Iskall scratched his head and started to write something on a piece of paper. 
Scar’s eyes bugged out. 
“Doc. How long are they going to do this?” Scar said, beads of sweat staring to form on his forehead. His smile was gone. 
“That’s up to you.” Doc said with a vicious smile.
“-Okay, I think I got this worked out,” Gem said, “so that Obiwobi guy fought off the Death Star with a sword?”
Scar screamed. 
“Yeah, now you’re getting it. And then that Luke guy was all, “I am your father!” to, uh, what was her name again?” Iskall scratched his head. 
“I think it was Lilo?” Gem said, “Yeah, definitely Lilo.” 
Scar threw his head back and screamed.
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Law x f!crewmember
Can be read as either platonic or romantic.
Y’all it’s that time again and I would ask him to do this for me. I’m dying.
TW’s: period talk, organ removal, medicine, pain, talk of gore(?), no use of Y/N.
Unedited drabble. Enjoy my fellow freaks.
“Law… can I ask you to do something really weird?”
He scowled up at you, textbook in front of him forgotten. You saw pictures of plants but a wave of pain made you clench your teeth and shut your eyes.
“What is it?” He asked cautiously. You were slightly hunched over, and trying to suppress shivers of pain. He stood, walking around his desk and put his hand on your shoulder to steady you. It took a few moments before you were able to speak confidently again.
“You know I’m female, right?” You said awkwardly. Law rose one brow, guiding you to sit in the chair behind you.
“…yes?” He said, wondering where on earth you were going with this.
“And you know females have periods?”
He tilted his head at your question.
“Yeah? Are you in pain?” He asked tentatively. He leaned against his desk and didn’t try to keep you from balling up as another cramp seared through your abdomen and lower back. You blinked back tears.
A shaky hand reached out and gripped the hem of his shirt. His hand hovered over your wrist, pausing when you spoke.
“Law. Get this fucking uterus out of me and put it in a bath of lidocaine before I fucking do it myself” you gritted out. Both his eyebrows rose and he swallowed harshly. He didn’t respond, only raising a hand to spawn a blue dome.
“Room” his voice shook a little, but transported the two of you to the infirmary. You were sitting on an exam table, and Law was in front of you. He looked a little pale, but another wave of pain rocketing though your lower half had you curling up on the table as Law clattered around at the counter, opening packages and pouring certain liquids in a huge beaker. He flicked on the Bunsen burner to warm the liquid, and put the beaker on a tripod he put above the blue flame.
“You’re on birth control, right?” He asked over his shoulder. You wanted to snap at him, but didn’t have the energy.
“Yeah” you replied shortly. He flipped open a file, and he hummed.
“That kind should help immensely with cramps and pain. Most women even stop their period with it” he muttered.
“Well obviously that’s not the fucking case with me, is it?” You couldn’t help but retort. He only glanced at you as you curled back up with a whimper. You heard some glass tapping against each other as he checked the temperature of the bath he was preparing.
“Okay. Try to lay flat on the table” he instructed. You hissed in pain but managed to put your back flat on the table with your knees bent.
“Straighten your legs. It’ll only hurt for a second” he said clinically. You glared at him but followed instructions. He cast his Room again, and removed your uterus. The jelly-like substance around it was clear, and you looked at your organ. It was only as big as your fist.
“How can something so small cause so much pain?” You huffed out. You saw the muscles twitch and a wave of pain clawed through your abdomen. Your back arched as you gasped before you curled into the fetal position again.
Law said nothing as he gently placed the organ in the bath, adjusting the flame of the Bunsen burner so it wouldn’t get too hot. You felt the warmth cover your uterus, and you groaned in relief. Law turned back to you with a smirk.
“It isn’t a bath of lidocaine, but it’ll work well” he said. He seemed rather proud of himself. You held out a hand, and he walked closer. You gripped his wrist, and looked at him with tears shining in your eyes.
“Thank you” you whispered. He grunted, and looked away with flushed cheeks.
“You’re forbidden from doing that shit by yourself like you said you would” he said sternly. You smiled weakly at him, twitching as a faint pain went through your lower abdomen.
“Okay” you murmured. You yawned, and sat up. You were so tired from fighting the pain all day.
“I’ll go back to my duties now” you said.
“The hell you will” Law said firmly. You looked at him in surprise.
“Go rest. Read, sleep, draw, whatever you do. If we got by without you before, we can do it for the rest of the evening” he said. Your slight smile turned into a frown as you thought about his words.
“Then… you guys don’t really need me” you said sadly.
“What? No that’s not what I said. I meant- fuck. I mean… the crew cares about you and would want you to get some rest after fighting this all day, okay? We can handle it.”
You look up at him, tears building in your eyes.
“Are you sure? I’m not too emotional and worthless?” You asked in a wavering voice.
“What? Where did- no. You’re not too emotional and worthless. Let’s go get you settled in your bunk” he said gently. You nodded, and let your head fall with a slight ‘thunk’ on his chest. You felt the surgeon sigh, then rub his hands up and down your arms.
“C’mon. I’ll carry you” he said quietly. You nodded listlessly. He scooped you up so your legs were hanging over his arm and his other arm was cradling the back of your shoulders.
You closed your eyes, tears falling down your face as you gripped his shirt. He quickly carried you to the room you shared with Ikkaku, and opened the door with the hand under your knees. Ikkaku looked up from flipping through a magazine on her bunk, her duties done for the day. She looked concerned as soon as her eyes landed on you cradled in Law’s arms.
“What happened?!” She sat up quickly and watched as Law placed you on your bunk. She sat down at the foot of your bed.
“Period cramps” you muttered. The other woman winced in sympathy. She looked at Law.
“Did you give her meds?” She asked. Law shook his head.
“Her… organ is in the infirmary in a warm bath with meds in it” he said. His cheeks flushed as he referred to your uterus. Ikakku’s eyes lit up.
“You can do that?!” She said excitedly. Law groaned with a nod. He turned to leave.
“Take care of her” he said, opening the door. The woman nodded, looking at you. You smiled at her tiredly.
“Take a nap. I’ll see if there’s anything I need to help with” she left you in a darkened room, and you drifted off into the world of sleep.
Note: I actually looked this up and no I didn’t get an answer. I also couldn’t remember or find the name of his move where he removes an organ lol.
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lanitalay · 3 months
In the cover of night, star-crossed lovers meet.
a/n: I'm back from the dead!!! this time with Covid. Enjoy this lil Cassian x autumn court princess drabble.
Pairing: Cassian x y/n (autumn court princess)
word count: 1k
warnings: mentions of scars and implied violence
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“I’m not worth fighting a war over.” Your eyes cloud as the plea falls on deaf ears. 
“Yes you are.”
You brush the rogue strands that frame his face behind his ears, placing both your hands firmly on his cheeks. “No, Cassian, I’m not.” His thumbs are drawing circles on your hips, feeling the heat rise. 
“You’d do the same for me.” 
“I’d think twice about it.” Your hands were on his chest now, firm. 
“What alternative do I have?” 
Here you were, back to the same place you always ended up. Your hand was promised to a lord from the Continent. Your father found it advantageous to match his only daughter with a wealthy male across the sea. Prythian was becoming too tumultuous for his liking, the tides were turning in favor of Night and he would rather have you shipped away. Securing funding for the battles that were sure to be waged soon. He did not account for your resistance and utter refusal to marry. 
The gods gave you a kindness, the male refused to take you without consent. 
But the betrothal still stood. 
Mikaiel would visit once every few months. Beron was furious at the delay. His torments have become more violent, intent on making you succumb. 
“I-” there was no alternative. If you joined him in Velaris on your own accord or if he knocked you unconscious and dragged you there it would all end the same. “You could always find some-”
His grip on you tightened, a warning to not finish the sentiment. “There is no one for me but you.” It was supposed to come out rougher than it did. But the general was tired of making his case for your love. “We’ve been through this a million times-”
“And my point stands, Cassian. If only one person gets hurt because of this… it would be too much. The Night Court is strong, and loyal and I’d argue bloodthirsty-” Cassian opens his mouth to object but you go on “-but Autumn is not. My father, yes. Our people, no and they would be the ones who take the brunt of battle.” 
He lowers his forehead to yours. “I can’t keep meeting in secret like this, y/n.” 
“The alternative is not worth it.” His grip changes to your wrist and he lifts the long sleeve of your gown up to your elbow. “This is not worth it either, you are not saving anyone by letting him burn you piece by piece.” 
You step back and yank the sleeve back down. “It’s only until I wed and it isn’t anything I haven’t handled before.” He’s ridiculous if he thinks that you’d send your people, most of whom are farmers, to war over a few burn marks. 
“If your people saw your skin they’d riot too, you know. They’d fight for you if given the chance.”
Your eyes roll before you can stop them. “My people will never fight for me, they will follow the commands of the High Lord and general, even if it leads to no good end.” 
“And marrying a lord in the continent will save them from what exactly? You father isn’t trying to secure funds for Court Peace you know.” 
He closes the gap between you again, breath ragged. “Y/n, my love, war will come no matter what. I’d rather you be by my side when it does. Not in some palace where I’d never see you again. We have wards, powerful wards that will keep you safe-”
“It’s like you’re not listening to me!” You swat his hands away. “It matters naught to me if I am safe! It's my people, my brothers, my mother who will suffer while I lay behind wards.”
“Do you want me to kill Beron?”
“Watch what you say.”
“I’m serious, I’ll rip his throat out if that’s what it takes, I’ll raise my army against him right now if it means you’ll be happy and safe and mine.” 
“Cassian… he’s High Lord-”
“Say the word and he’s dead, y/n. I’m your sword and your shield. I’m yours entirely-” 
“Stop talking.” You run your hands through your hair… not a war but an assassination. Eris is ready, you’re sure of it. Mother would be free. The Court would be free. You’d be free. 
“I have- I’d have to talk to Eris.”
Cassian’s brows shoot up to his hairline. “You can’t tell anyone about this conversation, y/n.”
“He’s heir, if you want me to agree he must vow to not wage war against Night.”
“My love-”
You hold your hand up “that’s my condition.”
“Don’t you think he’d be warning Beron before we get the chance to-”
You cross your arms on your chest. “If you think my arms are bad you should see his back, Cassian. He won’t warn him, but he deserves the heads up.”
He sighs and rubs his eyes. Mentally arranging the pieces so this plan might work. He needs you home, desperate to see you free from the confines of the Forest House and the cold chambers of the Hewn City. 
“Fine what?” 
He cups your face “How you escape your current situation is up to you. I’ll do as you wish.” 
You soften under him. “I love you, you know that?” Half his mouth quirks to a lazy smile. 
“You make me crazy, and if it were up to me I’d demolish Prythian entirely just to kiss these lips.” 
He chuckles. “I love you.” 
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lxverrings · 6 months
It's been a while I know 💀
I just have something in my head and can't get my head out of it. Just hear me out- 😭
Spider!Reader being Miles', Gwen's and Mayday's work-mom (basically their mom at work). Reader just loves kids (haha can't relate 💀) and is a natural mother.
Miguel realizes that he wants needs to put a baby in Reader asap. (Breeding kink basically)
- Solecito (aka. Spanish anon 🇪🇸)
Me coming right back to life from how GOOD this ask is... Holy shit you put me in a mood 🥲
Motherly Instinct.
A Miguel O’hara drabble ; MDNI, NSFW under the cut!
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Summary: What Solecito said, except I took the creative liberty to ensure reader speaks Spanish and also Mayday kind of has MJ (/other variations of her) so I’m going to add Pav and Hobie!!! Also reader isn’t necessarily a spider-person but def in the medical part of the spider society, so you go ahead with your little imagination <3
R/N: this put me in such a mood I need to find more fics like this smh and extra note, I feel you Solecito, I HATE TODDLERS!!!! babies are fine, so are teens, but TODDLERS??? TODDLERS???? my patience is thin... But I personally would like kids and especially with Miguel O’hara...
Warnings: NSFW under cut!!!! Obviously breeding kink warnings, mating press ig, Miguel physically cannot get his hands off reader...
You’ve been in the society for quite a while now. From Miguel’s start to the shablam with Miles and the final acceptance of the boy into the society, even if Miguel was a bit sour about it...
Either way, it’s been long enough so that Miguel put a ring on that finger...
For the time being, your husband hasn’t had time to discuss babies, which is something that you’ve been thinking about, and subtly (not) been bringing up. He promises that someday in the future.
Well, someday is still too far away.
You’ve been at least calming your raging baby fever by talking with the younger spiders and doing your best to take care of their occasional reckless behavior...
“Hey! Heyyy!!! I told you I was fine!” Gwen puffed as she was bandaged up from the shards of glass due to her impromptu landing, Hobie just chuckled— probably his idea...— more than anything to land that way.
“Oi, “ma’...” do me a favo’ ’n check on my ’vitr, thanks, luv.” he mused, he seemed unfazed, despite the wraps tied around his wrists and arms.
“Will do, Hobie...” you smiled warmly, nodding at the younger spider, while Miles nervously fidgeted. “Miles...” you began before you gently patted his arm, “It’s okay, don’t worry.” you smiled reassuringly, trying to soothe his nerves— seeing Gwen and Pavitr get hurt like that, definitely must have altered the nerves in the young man.
“I know... I just... I guess I’m nervous. I would talk it out with mí mamí, but I guess I just... Well. It’s nice talking to you, not lie a replacement, but... Like a supplement? Wait... No that sounds wrong...” he mumbled— which got him out of that loop.
“You sound like a gym bro...” Pavitr finally giggled. Hobie let out a small sigh of relief and chuckled.
“Swolemates, huh?” Hobie chuckled, you rolled your eyes and smiled at them, the little group of preteens filled the room with easy chatter.
You smiled and nodded at them, unaware of Miguel’s gaze from the sight of the cameras that filled the screens of his monitoring.
Honestly, Miguel wasn’t paying much attention, until Lyla’s alarming noises went off.
“What the shock, Lyla?!”
The snarky hologram just smirked, “Oh nothing.”
“I just wanted to show you this!” she chirped with a smile.
He just rolled his eyes for a while— until the screen lit up with your face and the chit-chats with the younger spiders.
Mom? Ma?
He was so down bad.
Embarrassing, really, wasn’t it?
Either way, Miguel just stood and grumbled.
“Lyla. Shock. Call her in.”
“Shut the shock up and call her in!”
“C’mon! C’mon!”
“Please, can you just shocking—”
“Yeah, I already called her.” Lyla smirked as Miguel grumbled and swatted her off.
“Boss got you on track, huh ma?” Hobie smirked as you smiled nervously and swatted him off.
“I bet it’s not important...” you mused before Lyla interrupted.
“It’s very important!!!”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure everything is okay? Maybe it’s important— but in a good way?” Gwen offered with a small smile and tilted her head quietly.
“Don’t be that way,” Miles muttered, but he shuddered, perhaps he was getting the PTSD that Miguel put him through.
“You are all such pessimists! The passion is palpable, how can you concentrate when our big bad boss is in loooove?” Pavitr quickly shot back in absolute delight.
You shooed them off with a smile before retreating to Miguel’s... Lair. If you could call it that. Office? Same thing.
You walked off quickly, and entered his office. If you could call it that.
Miguel watched you sternly and crossed his arms as he stalked over your smaller form
“Hola, Miguelito!”
“Ay. You’re finally here.” he grumbled, putting his large hand on the top of your head, pushing back stray locks of hair to kiss your forehead.
You smiled warmly, unaware of the daunting gaze he held on you.
“I have to ask something of you.” he mumbled as he lightly peppered your face in kisses, “És muy importante...”*
“Lo que tú quieras...”*
He stared down for a moment.
“Quiero un bebé.”*
You stared up at him nervously, your face flushed as your hands twittered together, and you gazed nervously up at him, “Oh?”
“Shock.” he hissed and held your chin as his kisses became more passionate, “Wanna get you pregnant, I want to give you a little baby. A little baby that looks like you, shock. You would make such a good mommy. Cuidando chamacos qué ni son tuyos... Y lo hacés tan bién...”*
Your breath hitched but you smiled up at him, “Me gustaría tener un bebé contigo...”*
The bed screeched underneath the brutal pace Miguel was going at, how many hours had it been?
Your clammy hands pulling at the sheets and the hiccups and tears that left your eyes as he pounded over and over again.
His tip prodding at your abused cervix, the harsh little veins scratching at your sweetest spots, and the scruffiness of his happy trail scratching at your little pearl of nerves.
God knows how many orgasms you had, your ankles over his shoulders as he bent you in half had your squelching cunt shaking and twitching as tears left your eyes at rapid paces.
“Dios. Ay! Miguel, por favor—Sisisi— ay! Ahí! Ahí!”* you begged in tears, both of you reduced to mingled Spanish as he gruffed and grunted.
“Te voy a llenar otraves, así te gusta. Sí. Tómalo todo. No dejes qué sé salga nada. Te voy a llenar de bebés. Te voy a dejar redonda y hinchada, hasta qué quedes bién embarazada y tengas mí bebé. Hasta qué grites de tan sensible y débil qué estés...”* he hissed back and kissed you with a stronger passion.
He was relentless with his pace as his fingers worked your nipples and he mused something about getting to drink from your swollen boobs, and getting to dress you in maternity clothes— how he couldn’t wait to watch it work wonders on your body. And how well he would take care of you with his baby. How his spoiled little wife would get nothing but the best, and have her with the most beautiful baby imaginable.
No mercy was bestowed on your poor body and less so that night. Your poor cunt was seeping his essence, and every time that a single drop leaked, he gave you another round until you passed out, only to fall asleep to his gentle praises and his gentle caresses.
Because he wouldn’t have it any other way; you would make the perfect mommy, and god was he lucky, that ring on your finger was absolutely perfect...
But what would make this more perfect? A little baby in your arms.
Surely, as soon as the baby was here, it wouldn’t be very long until he wanted another.
It’s very important...
Whatever you want.
I want a baby.
Taking care of rascals that aren’t even yours... And you do it so well...
I would like to have a baby with you...
There, there!
I’m going to fill you up again. That’s how you like it. Yes. Take it all. Don’t let anything spill out. I’m going to fill you with babies. I’m going to leave you round and swollen. Until you’re pregnant and you have my baby. Until you scream from how sensitive and weak you are...
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heizouology · 1 year
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ayato/f!reader, nsfw, lingerie, calling you a slut
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your boyfriend ayato has been away for a week for a business trip and you miss him so much! you try masturbating by yourself, imagining it’s his fingers instead of yours, his dick instead of a dildo, but it isn’t good enough. your fingers are too small to reach the spots he can, and riding a dildo just isn’t the same as riding his dick :(
when he gets back, you’re super excited! you're wearing his favorite lingerie under your usual clothes, anticipating that he'll fuck you when he gets home. he knows how much you miss him when he’s away, and as soon as he sees you, he’s got you wrapped tightly in his arms and showering you in kisses. you want him to take you right then and there, but he insists on getting to the bedroom first - wouldn't want anyone walking in on the two of you!
once he gets you on his lavish bed, he always makes sure to give you a little pleasure first. foreplay is just as important as the actual sex to him, and he puts his partner’s pleasure before his. as he's taking off your clothes, he notices the lingerie set you're wearing and smiles - what a cute little girlfriend he has, knowing what he likes! he knows all of your sensitive spots and pays special attention to them, turning you into a moaning mess! he’s whispering the dirtiest things to you, calling you a whore for being so turned on by him. his hot breath against your ear, whispering such dirty, degrading things with his intoxicating voice, along with his long fingers rubbing against your puffy little clit, makes you cum on spot! he’s amused by this, taking a mental note that you get off to him calling you his little slut &lt;3
still trembling from your previous orgasm, he’s taking out his dick, getting ready to put it in you! you’re begging him to fuck you, practically drooling at the sight of it. you’re so needy and desperate for his cock, and with your pussy so wet - wet because of him - who is he to deny a request from his little angel?
he takes your wrists and gently pins them down on either side of you. he enters you slowly, careful not to hurt you in the process, filling you deliciously with his dick. every thrust takes you to heaven and back, and soon, you find yourself reaching your climax, trembling in his grasp as he fucks you through your orgasm. soon after, he pulls out, stroking himself a few times before cumming all over your tummy.
he holds you for a moment, kissing you and whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you recover from your orgasm, before tossing on a robe and leaving the room briefly to ask one of the servants to prepare a bath for the two of you. after the two of you get cleaned up, he'll treat you to whatever restaurant you'd like to go to as a thank you gift for the little welcome back surprise you had for him.
"my darling, i knew you were a slut, but i didn't expect you to be this needy... not that i mind, i think i like seeing you like this..."
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starcrossedxwriter · 27 days
Built for Love Part 13 (MBJ x Famous Black OC)
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A/N: you know the saying "it's gotta get worse before it gets better??" Well, that's true lol But enjoy the ride!
“You keep actin’ like it’s not a big deal! Like we can just wake up and get over it.” 
“I never said that!” Charlotte called over him, attempting to drown out his blatantly false words. as she angrily folded her arms. She flopped back into the soft cushions of Dr. Matthews’ couch, angrily folding her arms. “But I’m sick of him acting like I’m the problem for focusing on OUR future? Shaun is the past. We’re supposed to be planning a wedding? You proposed to me! Why is it wrong for me to focus on that and not the past??” 
“Well, I don’t know if that’s what Michael mea-” 
Michael did not even allow their therapist to finish her thought before he jumped back in, his anger rising.   
“I didn’t travel back in time and stumble into a bathroom to find him hurting you, Charlotte! It’s what? Almost the end of April so this happened six weeks ago?? He is very much our present and potentially part of the future. How can I just pretend that ain’t the case? He will be a threat to you until he’s in prison. And I’m not interested in being caught off guard again when he shows up for round two. And you know I’m right!” 
“I don’t know that actually!” 
“Sure. Lie to your family, Dr. Matthews, and yourself all you want but I see you, Charlotte. You haven’t moved on either. You’re just trying to ignore it so you don’t have to deal with it. So you don’t have to talk to me about it. Better to pretend this is somehow a normal everyday experience rather than just admit that it’s fucked up. You can say you’re fine all you want but I ain’t gotta pretend I believe it when I don’t.” 
“Oh right cause you’re the resident expert on being stalked and almost murdered? Remind me when that happened to you too??” she snapped sarcastically. “Exactly! So why do you think your opinion of my progress somehow matters more than the only person in this room with actual experience surviving this and him. You’ve got no idea what it’s like. I’ve been here. I’ve survived this and worse. So maybe I am actually fine because I know exactly what this feels like. You can’t hold it against me that I’m not a broken thing that needs you to swoop in and fix her!” 
“I don’t need to know what that’s like because I know you! And I’m not trying to fix you. Cause I don’t think acknowledging your pain means you’re broken. I do know that the last time you swore to me you were fine, he showed up at your rehearsal and then he bruised your ribs. And I knew, I fuckin’ knew, something was up before I left and I went anyway because you swore you were fine. Call me controlling o-or overprotective or annoying or whatever but at least you’ll be alive to be mad at me. Cause I sure as hell am not gonna make the same mistake ever again. You want me to chill out? Then start bein’ honest with me when shit isn’t fine and maybe I’ll start believing you when you say it is.”
“You act as if I just lie all the time?? In our entire relationship, I’ve kept one secret from you, made one more mistake! If you can’t forgive me for it, why are we even here??” 
“Maybe I could if it was just one mistake. I love you with my entire soul, fuck you’re my everything. But for whatever reason, your go-to is to keep shit like this from me. He showed up at your rehearsal and you said nothing. Had nightmares that were so bad, you got sick and you told me everything was just fine. He hit you and threatened you and you still lied to me when I asked you what was going on. Same thing with your arm the night of the premiere. Do you wanna tell Dr. Matthews how you got that brace on your wrist and how you tried to hide it from me or should I?” 
“This again!” Charlotte threw her free hand in the air as the one wrapped in a black brace stayed in her lap. “It’s a sprain and it was an accident. I didn’t tell you because of this - I knew you’d overreact and we’d be back where we were in March! And I was right. One accident and you acted like I was gonna fall apart. I wanted to celebrate, have fun and you overreacted and just wanted me to be sad all night. So much so that you couldn’t even see what I needed!” 
“Overreact?? Wow. How am I supposed to react to finding out I hurt you??” 
“YOU didn’t hurt me! I got hurt, there’s a difference. And the only person who was bothered was you. You know how many times I’ve been hurt? Concussions, bruised and broken ribs, carpet burns, regular burns, broken bones, cuts, hell, I bruised a kidney once. I’m a fuckin’ walking Grey’s Anatomy episode. I don’t need to send you a press statement everytime I’m hurt.”  
“You know that’s not what I want! But you could at least tell me so I can help. Otherwise, what use am I to you?” 
“Whoa whoa whoa!” Dr. Matthews interrupted the pair. “Enough. Both of you!” 
The couple had dissolved into a loud and biting vocal hurricane within five minutes of stepping into her Lower Manhattan office. Neither of them came ready for productive conversation but to unleash their frustrations onto a third party in hopes that she would convince the other that their side was the right one. 
“You just spent 10 minutes arguing and I doubt either of you even heard a single thing the other person said. Getting louder doesn’t ensure your point is heard, it just makes you loud. So let’s take a deep breath so we can actually have a conversation.” 
Charlotte took a few deep breaths before glancing at her fiance, guilt immediately surging as he jiggled his knee, a clear sign that he was upset. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her hand rubbing her forehead. “We d-don’t speak to each other like that. I’m just…” She glanced away from him as her voice trailed off. She did not know what she was but she knew nothing was as ok as she wanted it to be. As she wanted them to be. “Frustrated.” 
“I know…” he acknowledged, letting out his own deep breath to release some of his anger. “I’m sorry too.” 
“Ok good. I wondered when we’d finally get here. It took one session for me to see this argument brewing but I honestly thought you two would never get here. So amenable to other, willing to make surface-level changes that don’t address the root cause of your problems but unwilling to be vulnerable and say the hard things that would actually help you move forward. But like a lot of things, sometimes we have to take a couple steps back to reevaluate and move forward. So tell me what happened since our last session to get us here?” 
Dr. Matthews’ calming voice was a sharp juxtaposition to the red hot anger they both entered her office ready to unleash. She was not wrong, this argument was simmering since Charlotte got home from the hospital and had boiled over without warning. Charlotte had thought they were making small inroads to being back to normal but Dr. Matthews now challenged everything Charlotte believed about their progress. She was so frustrated at Michael for setting them back but maybe she had just put too much hope that their problems were an easy fix and wouldn’t require the thing she dreaded most: vulnerability. But the last 48 hours felt like God saying that neither of them could sustain that much longer. 
Charlotte sighed and glanced at Michael, his own shame wafting off of him.
“It really wasn’t a big deal. The other night…” 
“WRONG! He can’t be dead!” 
“Whatchu mean wrong?? We watched that nigga get stabbed eight times.”
“Yea we also saw dragons and zombies… you’re telling me that in a world of dragons and zombies, a nigga can’t come back to life?? What about Beric???” 
Michael laughed. “Doesn’t mean everybody can do it just cause he did?? And how would he even come back? The entire Night Watch against him, Red Woman’s nowhere to be found. That nigga cooked. Had a good run though,” he remarked as he pulled their dinner out of the oven. 
It was Charlotte’s night off from the show and the couple’s chosen date night. Their therapist had recommended setting aside the time each week to reconnect and focus on them. And Charlotte felt as if it was working, they were slowly but surely becoming them again. Perfect? No. But even their playful fighting over mundane tv plots was a new development. Fuck… just being playful at all was a glorious return to who they once were. Their relationship simply existed day to day with such an overcast of tension, the overbearing weight of life and death, that there was little space or energy to feel anything light. But the excitement of the day had turned tonight’s mood celebratory and fun, exactly what Charlotte needed to feel like herself again. 
“Wow. You have nooo faith. That man’s comin’ back, I know it. Also if you were really killing off a character, is that how you’d write it?? The whole ‘is your favorite character dead?’ season finale cliffhanger almost always ends with the character being alive.” 
“We talking about Thrones, Els! The show that killed off the main character in season 1 and most shows ain’t doing that shit. So I still haven’t heard one real reason he can’t be dead dead aside from the fact that you gotta crush on him.”
Michael loved egging her on when she put on her nerd hat. Mainly because he loved seeing her come alive in this way, as if this part of her had always been suppressed in relationships and her light just glowed when she was able to be her. 
 Charlotte turned and glanced over her shoulder as she made guacamole to accompany their homemade enchiladas. She placed her utensils down before walking over to wear he perched against the counter, too invested in their conversation to multitask. 
“I mean even you have to admit that Jon’s brooding demeanor is sexy??” 
“I’ll never admit that!” 
Charlotte almost doubled over in laughter at the incredulous look on Michael’s face. 
“Reasonable crush or not,” she struggled to say as she reigned in her laughter. “I know I’m right. Mark my words, by the end of episode 1, Jon Snow’ll be alive and kicking. His character arc isn’t over yet.” 
“Wanna place a wager about that, honey bee?” 
Charlotte raised an eyebrow. “Sure… cause I know I’ll win,” she teased. 
“Loser has to give the winner massages, anytime requested, for a month.” 
“Two!” Charlotte interjected. She merely smirked. “What can I say? I’m feeling lucky today for some reason.”
“Oh for some reason? Could it be cause a certain actress, as of today, is now Tony-nominated Charlotte Bennett - soon to be Tony Award winning Charlotte Bennett-Jordan,” he amended with his perfect boyish grin that made her roll her eyes and giggle. 
“Maybe” she challenged with a modest look on her face. “Just… feeling inspired.”
 And the day had been inspired indeed as Charlotte woke up to the highly anticipated nominations announcement. Her first real shot at a lifelong dream, finally realized. When they said her name among the nominees for Lead Actress in a Musical, she felt the world stop on its axis. Everything she thought she had lost was hers again. 
Michael had been ecstatic for her, though not nearly as surprised by the news as she had been. If there was one person he would always bet on, it was his girl. And so they spent the entire day celebrating and Charlotte loved every moment of it. She had missed the version of Michael today brought out. Playful and silly, joking and laughing with her over mundane things, arguing with gusto about controversial storytelling opinions, going on tangents about his upcoming roles and his research. She missed his uninhibitedness, how he was unafraid to pull her into his arms, and be unrestrained. She just missed him. 
“Is that right?” he remarked as he reached for her, Charlotte playfully sliding out of his grasp so he could not catch her. 
Feeling emboldened by their return to some semblance of normalcy, she continued the game, giggling as she continued shifting out of his grasp as he reached for her. His eyes had a mischievous glint to them as he caught onto her game and soon they were in a full chase around the kitchen. 
Laughter filled the living room as they played their game of cat and mouse. By the time they were circling each other around the coffee table in the living room like opponents in the ring, Charlotte knew she was caught. She would have to concede and accept defeat, but she hoped that her capture would lead to a reignition of far more enjoyable games. 
She took off running by their couch, knowing Michael would grab her immediately and likely jokingly toss her onto it. However, as she rounded the corner, her foot caught onto the leg of their table, sending the clumsy actress hurling down to their carpet. She threw her arm out to break her fall, a searing pain shooting through her wrist as she landed on her stomach. 
She groaned as she lost her breath on the impact, immediately curling into a tight ball as the fall reignited a dull pain in her freshly healed ribs. She cradled her wrist against her chest as she tried to fill her lungs with air again.
“Fucking… idiot,” she forced out as breathing started to feel less like an Olympic task. 
“Shit! Baby, baby… Els. Talk to me, you ok??” 
She simply nodded as she used her good arm to lift herself up and turn around. 
“Yea, yea, I’m good. Just… annoyingly… clumsy,” she pushed out a chuckle as Michael helped her shift off the floor and onto the couch cushions. “As God… likes to remind me.”  
“Fuck. I’m so sorry, baby.” Charlotte was almost startled when she finally looked up at him, hovering above her. His eyes frantically searched her body for injury, his face blanched as if he had been startled by a ghost. His phone trembled in his hands as he rushed to unlock it. “Let me call your doctor… or… shit, your concussion just healed… Did you hit your head on anything?? We should get it checked anyway. Maybe I should just call an ambulance?? Gonna call an ambulance. Anywhere else hurt?? Your ribs? It didn’t get the same spot he… Probably wasn’t hard enough to bruise them but we should get it checked too… how’s you-” 
“Hey, hey, whoa. Slow down, baby,” she cradled the left side of his face, forcing him to slow down and go quiet for a moment. She could almost hear his heart hammering against his chest. “Take a deep breath, Bakari. I’m ok. Just a danger to myself and your expensive furniture,” she joked, hoping to calm him with humor, which didn’t work in the slightest. “Thank god I didn’t fall into the table. I know how much all this set you back. No need for doctors or ambulances. I promise. I’m good.” 
She bit down on her inner cheek to avoid the wince as one subtle movement let her know her wrist was, at best, sprained. She kept it limp by her side as Michael helped her to her feet. But the look on Michael’s face made her question whether sharing that now would only make things worse. So she said nothing at all. 
“I shouldn’t have chased after you like that. I should’ve moved faster when I saw you fall.” 
“We were having fun. We’re allowed, you know?” 
“Hurting you ain’t fun, Els. You’re hurt. Where?” 
“I hurt myself, you didn’t do anything. And I just hit the side of the table as I went down, I think. It hurts but will probably feel fine tomorrow. I’m ok, I swear.” 
“You sure?” She could see the disbelief in his eyes but she kept her face upbeat, ignoring the throbbing ache branching out from her wrist. 
“Yes,” she chuckled. “Now, can we go back to enchiladas and margs and debating the narrative choices of Game of Thrones? And celebrating the biggest day of my career? We still gotta pop that very expensive bottle of champagne Chris sent. Please? I’m really ok.” 
Her words convinced him to return to the kitchen where dinner waited. But they could not restore the carefree, celebratory aura they had 5 minutes ago. Instead, only that awful tension remained, leading to an uncomfortable silence that Charlotte could not break. 
Michael’s thoughts were no longer on their date night, but clearly preoccupied. Charlotte could almost see the wheels of guilt spiraling out in his brain. Her mildly funny dad jokes fell on deaf ears, her questions and prompts for conversation were met with silence or one word answers. Occasionally, she felt his eyes on her, studying her for signs of pain or discomfort. But thankfully, he found none and did not notice her first couple awkward bites using her nondominant left hand. 
She had every intention of telling him about her wrist once he calmed down but that moment never came. She tried to fight her way through the rest of the night, the couple even trying to catch up on a tv show together. But their usual vibrant commentary was silent as Charlotte stole worried glances at Michael and he did the same to her. 
She did not even understand how they got here. How he was this upset when the entire incident was her own fault. After all, what clumsy person thinks it’s smart to start a high-speed chase in their living room? She felt as if this was the best outcome she could have hoped for. 
“Michael… babe. You can’t just go silent on me,” she muttered grumpily, her frustration getting the better of her. “What’s wrong?” 
She had been doing as her therapist recommended, practicing understanding and grace as Michael navigated his emotions after everything. But as more time passed, she was simply too ready to move forward and growing frustrated with his lack of interest in doing so. He was stuck, firmly planted, and no amount of tugging on her part felt like it would get him out of it. 
The lack of intimacy in their relationship seeped into all aspects of their lives, including how they slept together. While they knew different rooms were simply too much distance for them, the furthest apart they could go were their separate corners of the bed. Charlotte tossed and turned most nights without her human weighted blanket draped over her. She understood the shift when her ribs were healing but he still held himself back from her, even after the all clear from her doctor. There were no playful touches or cuddling briefly before falling asleep, no more rolling away to cool off and Michael finding his way right back to her. They rolled to their corners after a chaste and subdued goodnight kiss before they both fell into restless sleep. 
But tonight, she supposed the distance worked in her favor, giving her space to gently elevate her wrist. She knew she would regret not icing it in the morning but somehow that seemed more inviting than opening that can of worms with Michael right before bed. 
“Just worried you aggravated your injuries or somethin’. You sure nothin’ else hurts? You can’t always tell right away?” 
She knew what she should have said. The truth. That she needed an ice pack and a doctor. But she didn’t. In that split second, she knew he would never let this go if he knew she was actually hurt. And she could not deal with that. It was just a sprain anyway, she reasoned. She had dealt with far worse. 
“I’m sure. Really. I didn’t fall off a ladder, I tripped. It’s fine. But if you’re gonna get stressed every time I fall, I’d rethink getting on this ride for life. You’ll be in for a hella stressful one.” Her tone was filled with amusement that finally did, minimally, tug at the corners of his lips. She leaned over and pressed another kiss to his cheek. “Accidents happen and I’m not made of glass. Now take a deep breath and get some rest. Love you.” 
She turned over and closed her eyes, hoping that her words would be enough. But somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew they would not be. 
But sleep was not something Michael would find tonight as he stared at the ceiling, wallowing in this stabbing guilt in his chest. He did not particularly want to be awake with his thoughts but he knew sleep was not a reprieve either. This monster, this fear chasing him and making him feel and behave in ways he knew were utterly irrational, haunted him every minute of every day. 
And all he knew was that he had to stay alert, stay ahead of it and protect his girl. Because the one time he wasn’t watching close enough, wasn’t listening or paying attention close enough, she got hurt. He would not let that happen ever again. 
Spring had officially settled into the New York City air but today, Charlotte was grateful for the lingering morning brisk that required long sleeves, praying it would hide the swelling on her wrist until she left for work. She grimaced and struggled to get her jacket on without moving her wrist much.  Some idiotic part of her had hoped it would magically feel better this morning. But that was dumb. So she was leaving a bit early to carve out time for an urgent care visit. But she knew Michael would never let it go if he found out. 
They had started to turn a new leaf and find their rhythm again. And Charlotte wanted to preserve that, not giving her fiance any more reasons to coddle her to death. Besides, Charlotte much preferred the old version of him to this one overprotective one. 
She turned it over in her head most of the night and decided that it didn’t serve them to make a fuss over something so small when it was clear Michael harbored some unfounded guilt. She’d get it fixed and pass it off as a rehearsal injury. No harm, no foul. 
Michael emerged from their bedroom with his work bag and shoes in tow as she finished putting on her coat.
“You ready?” He flopped down on the coach to put on his sneakers, Charlotte pausing with an eyebrow raised in confusion. 
“Where are you headed?” 
“With you.”
All good things must come to an end, she groaned to herself. She thought they had finally moved past him accompanying her to work every day like a guard dog. Some good things were simply too brief. 
“Michael… I thought we agreed you didn’t need to come with me anymore?” Her tone couldn’t hide her annoyance, and she didn't particularly care to. “I went to the theater by myself like a big girl all last week and was totally fine.”
“I’m not bothering anyone sittin’ in a theater watchin’ you practice, Charlotte.” 
“Yea no one except me,” she muttered just loud enough for him to hear. A wounded look crossed his eye for a moment that made her feel guilty. “Sorry, sorry. That was rude. I just thought… we were settling back into normal life again. I don’t need a babysitter when you pay for me to have a bodyguard anytime I leave this apartment. I’ll be fine.”   
“There’s nothing wrong with extra protection. You need it. At least till he’s in prison.” 
“I don’t actually. I can handle it.” 
“No, you can’t.” 
Charlotte paused, slowly turning in surprise as silent frustration morphed into roaring anger. “Excuse me? Who are you to decide that?” She paused. “Wait, wait, wait. Is this still about last night??”
“You sure? Cause you were fine before last night and now you’re back to being unnecessarily overprotective.”
“I don’t think it’s unnecessary.” 
“Why?? Cause I tripped over my own feet? I’m gonna get hurt, injure myself and you can’t freak out like this everytime. I’m a magnet for accidents who bruises like a fruit. I’m fine. You can’t keep acting like we’re still at DEFCON1. We’re not. Things are getting back to normal, can’t we just enjoy that? Please? For me?” 
He studied her for a moment before nodding softly, throwing his bag down on the couch. She closed the space between them and kissed him softly on his cheek. 
“Thank you. I am heading to the theater. I’ll call you when I get there. Love you.” Not thinking, she went to grab for her discarded bag with her injured arm before the pain forced her to awkwardly change course and use her other hand. She started to move toward the elevator when she heard his voice stop her. 
“Wait! There something wrong with your arm?” Michael’s voice reached her as she was pressing the elevator button to the lobby.  
“No, why?” She was so close. Literally steps away. How had she fucked this up? 
“Because I saw you strugglin’ to put your jacket on and you just avoided using that arm like you couldn’t. And now that I think about it, I haven’t seen you move it all morning.”
“Jesus… you get trained by the CIA at some point or something?” 
“Charlotte. I’m serious. What’s wrong with your arm?” 
“Nothing, Michael.” 
“You’re really gonna lie to my face right now? Ok… Move it.”
She could always tell when Michael was serious, when he did not want to be trifled with. It was just rare that he had to direct that tone at her. But hearing it now, she felt resigned. She would have to tell him the truth and she could already tell.. 
This was going to fucking suck. 
“Ok fine. I tried to break my fall last night and my wrist hurts a bit. It’s nothing.”
“Fuck, Charlotte!” He closed the space between them quickly, only pausing when he noticed the almost unnoticeable jerk of her body away from him. He could tell she started to flinch but caught herself, not that that made it hurt any less. He held his hands out as he took the last couple of steps to her side. He gently reached for her arm, pushing her sleeves out of the way to find her wrist swollen and red. “It’s sprained or broken. Why didn’t you tell me last night?? I asked you hella times if you were hurt. I knew we should’ve gone to the hospital o-or called a doctor.” 
“That’s why I didn’t tell you!” She cried out in frustration as she watched the love of her life turn into this person she did not even recognize. “Because I knew you’d lose it. I knew you’d force me to spend the night in the ER regardless of what I wanted. I’m tired of you coddling me like I can’t make decisions, Michael!” 
“So cause you’re mad at me… you lied to me? Again??? After you promised you wouldn’t do that shit again.” 
Charlotte scoffed. “It’s hardly the same thing! This was literally nothing! A few weeks in a brace and I’m fine. So yes, I omitted a minor injury so you wouldn’t feel the need to take control! So you wouldn’t focus 100% of your attention on every stage of healing of my wrist or whether a fall triggered PTSD somehow. I have this under control and handled. I don’t need help. I. am. Fine. I don’t know why you aren’t listening to me when I say that.” 
“Maybe because had I listened to you the last time you said that, I would’ve come back from LA to plan your funeral!”
Charlotte’s comeback died in her throat as his words caught her off guard. She didn’t think about… that. It was a simple statement of fact. But she didn’t really dwell on it, how close she came to losing everything, how she only survived because someone else was there to save her. That she would have died as the woman he created - weak and broken - and not the person she believed she fashioned herself into. 
No, those were truths Charlotte had no interest in dealing with. So she forced her reaction to remain neutral, ignoring the ache in her chest that had nothing to do with physical pain. 
“So you’re just gonna hold that against me for the rest of our relationship? Just never believe me o-or take my word for anything ever again?”
“No but-” 
“Cause that’s what it’s starting to feel like.”
“It wouldn’t if you were just honest! I’m trying to help you.” 
Charlotte took a deep breath before turning to hit the button on the elevator door. 
“Ok… Honesty… Well, honestly, I’m getting a little tired of being called a liar when all I’m trying to do is help us. Honestly, I’m not sure how you expect me to be vulnerable when you aren’t listening to me. Honestly, I’m tired of convincing the man I love that I’m not gonna fall apart every second because he can’t stop treating me like I’m gonna fall apart every fucking second. Honestly, I’m tired of feeling like I’m the only person trying to move past this. And honestly, today, I don’t want your help. Because reminding me with every look and action that I’m a victim when all I want is to continue celebrating the biggest accomplishment of my career isn’t helping me. It’s just more of what everyone else in my life does. And honestly, I’m. Tired. Of. It.” 
She punched the elevator button hard, a soft chime letting her know it arrived almost instantaneously. Thank God. 
“So, want any more honesty for today or are we good?”  
“That’s not wha-” 
“I have an interview in 20 minutes and I can’t be late.” She cut him off, pressing the elevator button in rapid succession as if that would conjure it faster. “See you tonight.” 
And with that, Charlotte stormed out, leaving Michael alone with his frustrations and guilt. Charlotte was rarely angry at him but he could tell she was reaching a new height of frustration. But he did not know how to stop. Even standing there, equally as pissed off at her as she was with him, all he wanted to do was rush after her to go with her to work. He could be pissed and still protect her, right? 
He despised the fact that she claimed he was not hearing her. He was listening, far more intensely than she realized. Which is how he knew that all was not well for her, how he knew she needed the extra support even if she did not want to admit it. 
And then to find out that she kept something significant from him again. Had he not proven to her that he was going to be present? And protect her from every threat? Did she not consider him capable of fixing her problems, of helping her? That made him only want to prove himself more, prove he could protect her from anything that came her way. 
But he didn’t know how to get her to see that he was doing what he had to protect her, to not fail her again.  
“Wow. Ok… a lot to unpack there,” Dr. Matthews muttered. “Charlotte, did you mean what you said? About him not helping you?” 
“Well… kind of? At the moment, yes. He’s been helpful in a lot of ways, don’t get me wrong. And I love him for it. It’s just… I lied because… I mean shit, I just wanted one day. One day to not be a survivor or victim or be reminded that Shaun tried to ruin yet another thing in my present. In fact, I wanted to celebrate that even though he tried to ruin this for me, I still came out on top. But it’s like - and I don’t even think he’s doing it on purpose, which it’s been so hard to tell him - Michael can’t not remind me of it. It’s in every look, every touch, every decision. It’s like all he sees is the broken woman on that bathroom floor. And I don’t want to be made to feel like her when she’s dead and buried.”
“Michael, do you hear what Charlotte’s saying?” 
“Yea, and I understand it but… what else am I supposed to do?? What if he comes back? What if he attacks her again? I need to be there to protect her.” 
“He’s not gonna come back!”
“You don’t know that! Did you think he was gonna basically change his job so he could get closer to you? I’m not gonna underestimate that nigga… ever again.” 
“Oh and I did? I underestimated the man I slept next to for years? I’m the only one here who actually knows what he is capable of!” 
“Clearly you did if you thought you could take him on yourself.” 
“Right because I’m just a weakling who needs big strong men to swoop in and save her at every turn because I got hurt once?” 
“It wasn’t on-”  
“Okay okay, once again, deep breaths. Whew… the soul mates ones are always the most intense. Can’t even get a word in in my own office,” Tanya remarked. “Ok, you want to know what I hear? Two people who, despite their immense love and adoration for each other, aren’t actually ready to be vulnerable with each other. And without that, you’ll never understand the other person’s perspective because you’ll never have the full story and you’ll keep bumping heads.” 
“We know how to be vulnerable?” Charlotte argued back. “I mean even telling Michael what happened to me in the first place, sharing that was me being vulnerable.” 
“It was and that’s brave and admirable. I don’t doubt that you two have had moments where you offer vulnerability. But this situation you find yourselves in is unique and trauma, our fears, are often the hardest to share with others. I think you both are acting from a fear-based place and that’s understandable but you’ll never be able to move forward. Instead, you’ll just keep holding tight to behaviors you both know don’t serve you or your relationship.” 
“I’m not scared,” Charlotte remarked. “Maybe this would be easier if I was… at least then his behavior would be understandable.” 
“We all have fears, Charlotte. And I do think there’s a reason you opt for dismissing and lying about your own pain as if it’s insignificant. And it could just be an ingrained behavior but I think you need to ask yourself if there’s another reason you don’t trust the foundation of this relationship enough to be honest with Michael when things aren’t going well. And Michael, getting worked up to the point of distress over simple injuries, not being able to let your partner out of your sight… that’s not healthy or sustainable for either of you. And that’s more than general anxiety. And in our first session, you admitted that to us both. So ask yourself why you’ve reverted to something you know doesn’t work? Whatever the reasons are, I can help you both navigate all of it. But you’ve gotta be honest with yourselves and me about the reasons behind it. Until you’re ready to share with each other how that night changed you and your relationship, you’re just gonna keep having this argument until you break. And I don’t think either of you really want that?” 
The both of them shook their heads, her words were harsh but they both knew there was a ring of truth to them. 
“Okay good. So homework for this week is to do just that. Sit with yourselves, really sit with everything the other person said today and try to examine it. Not from a defensive posture like you’ve been doing but like you know the other person loves you and has your best interests at heart. And figure out the why behind your behavior. Keep asking why until you drill down to whatever is truly bothering you. Then… I don’t care when or how, whether you wait till our next session or do it while you’re alone, you’re gonna have to tell the other person your why. And to be honest… it’s gonna suck. But that’s the only way you’re gonna make it to the other side of this. Sound good?”
Charlotte glanced over to Michael who gave her a slight nod. He reached across the cushions and gave her hand a squeeze. 
“Sounds good.”  
Michael glanced over at Charlotte, her deep brown eyes set with sadness and far away from him as she changed out of her costume. He would have been more worried if that look had not been a staple in her eyes since their therapy session a few days prior. Whether it was the lingering silence and coldness between them or the reflection Dr. Matthews tasked them with, he did not know. But he knew one thing: he hated it. 
And as much as he knew it would suck, he was ready to do his part to end that. Whether or not he felt as if he was doing the right thing, his time reflecting made him realize that if Charlotte did not agree, he was doing the complete wrong thing. He didn’t have to sit with himself long to understand his why, understand what fears had him in a tight vise grip. As much as he dreaded saying it out loud, part of him dreaded an endless stream of sleepless, lonely nights even more. 
He missed his honeybee. His Els. He missed who they were before Shaun waltzed back into their lives. And he knew some of it was on him. He could not force Charlotte to trust him again, but he could be a better listener so he could show up however she needed when she asked… not when he decided she needed him.  
“Wanna grab dinner nearby tonight? Instead of heading home?” 
“Not really up for it. Been a long day.” 
He bowed his head, nodding slightly. “Neither am I,” he admitted. “But I think we gotta try.” 
He knew he was asking a lot of her after the days they had. They had whiplash going from the highest of highs to a low so low, it felt as if they couldn’t climb their way out. But he wouldn’t lose her and he wouldn’t allow him to break them. So they would try. 
And soon they found themselves in a near-deserted 24 hour diner next to the theater, Charlotte stopping in her tracks when he went to open the front door.
“You wanna eat here?” 
“Yea I know it doesn’t look like much andd I definitely saw a mediocre health rating when I was here earlier but well, I had a whole reason. We can go somewhere else though.” 
Charlotte shook her head. “No, no. It’s fine. It’s just… God is funny, I guess.” 
“What do you mean?” Michael asked as they situated themselves in a booth at the very back of the restaurant. Michael sat with his back to the door, not his preferred arrangement but he wanted to minimize the chance of a random stranger recognizing them. 
“I’ve been here before… when I left Shaun.” She pointed to a worn out booth on the other side. “Sat right in that booth over there with Jazz and it was the first time I admitted to anyone what was going on. We sat here for hours, drinking terrible cheap coffee and she saved my life. Just telling her, saying it out loud, gave me the confidence I needed to do what I had to. A week later, Shaun was at a bachelor’s party in Vegas and I was gone. Shocked it's still standing. How’d it catch your eye?” 
“Came in here yesterday during the show and… reflected. Over about 6 plates of greasy fries and cheap terrible coffee.”
“Oof, reflection. I guess that explains the six plates of fries huh?” she joked with a light teasing smile that made him chuckle. “Seems like that’s our needed reflection fuel” she remarked as the lone waitress came to take their order. Once she returned to the diner counter, Charlotte continued. “And what did you learn?” 
“My why.” 
“And are you ready to tell me?”
“Yes but then… if you’re ready, I need yours. Because I think you know yours already too?” 
“How’d you know?” He knew her far too well.  
“Cause you would’ve tossed and turned even more than usual the last few nights if you didn’t. That genius brain of yours would’ve never let you sleep.” He teased back at her, Charlotte laughing lightly. 
“I don’t know if I like how well you know me.” 
“I do… know you. And I see you, Els. So I know I’ve been overbearing and probably annoying, Charlotte. And I’m sorry for how that made you feel, like you weren’t being heard and I never want you to feel that way with me again. But you aren’t being honest with me or yourself and I can’t move on till you are.” 
“You’re right,” she admitted. “You’re… absolutely right. I haven’t been and I know why. I just… it’s not even admitting it to you. I didn’t want to admit it to myself, really. So let’s agree… no judgments, no anger, no arguing… Just our ridiculously painful reflections and ugly truths laid out in a rundown crappy diner. My future is with you and there’s no future here if we can’t talk about the hard shit. So… let’s talk” 
“Ok I’m in.” 
“Pickers of the terrible diner first,” she smiled half heartedly, turning the table over to him. Her hands wrapped around the warm mug the waitress dropped off moments earlier. 
Michael sighed, his eyes trained on the cast on her arm for a few moments. Charlotte’s eyes widened as she saw his eyes brim with tears. He glanced away from her, sniffling a bit to stop them from spilling over. She reached across the table and grasped his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. 
“Bakari… baby. It’s just me. Just the two of us. You’ve been so strong for me our entire relationship and I love you so much for it. But you also have to trust me to be vulnerable, trust that I can be strong for you too. Talk to me. No matter what you say, I’m not going anywhere.” 
Michael nodded, internally working up the courage before he just decided to jump. Head first into it. That was always their way anyway, just leaping into what felt right and safe. And they had yet to crash and burn. They wouldn’t this time either. 
“A couple days after everything, I had this… dream. We were back in LA, married, livin’ together at the house. We h-had kids. Two boys, I think. I mean you would’ve thought time just sped up or something, it was so real. Everything I want for us, you know?” 
“It sounds perfect. I’m guessing it didn’t end that way though?” 
The back of his hand brushed away an escaped tear. 
“Nah, it didn’t. I came home and you were there. And so was Shaun,” he paused, his hand squeezing hers a bit before he continued. “He had a gun and he just voiced every guilty feeling living in my head. How I prioritized a fuckin’ movie role over you, how I went to LA even though I knew something wasn’t right. How you almost died and I could’ve been too late. How you probably think I’m like him when you flinch away or get scared of me. And the worst part was you agreed with all of it. You screamed at me for failing you.” 
“Michael, you gotta know I-” 
“J-just let me get this out, Els.” He sniffled and took a deep breath before continuing, “I woke up as he pulled the trigger and I freaked out for a minute. I’d just never had a dream feel so real. I reached and still there, and you flinched away from me. And it… fuck, it killed me, Els. It felt like God affirming everything I thought, all the ways I’d failed you. You didn’t trust me anymore, didn’t see me as safe. And every time I hear you cry in the shower because you think I can’t hear you o-or diminish your pain as if I shouldn’t care or act as if you aren’t worth being taken care of and protected, it reminds me that I can’t fail you again. I can’t afford to fail you again. I know I’ve been overprotective but I just… I can’t stop looking over our shoulders for him. Terrified I’m going to miss the signs again and this time, I’ll lose you.” 
Charlotte’s heart broke a bit at his words. Why had she not considered this? She thought he put all of his guilt and blame to rest but to know he had been harboring it for so long, everything made so much more sense. And she felt like the world’s biggest idiot. 
“Hey. Look at me,” she demanded, not speaking until his expressive eyes were trained on hers. “There hasn’t been a single day since I met you that you’ve failed me. I d-don’t need you to try and prove you’re my safe place or that you can protect me. You just are that by existing, by loving me and showing up for me. And yea… it might take some more time for my body to catch up, but that isn’t on you. That’s on me for not dealing with it. And PTSD is just a fucking bitch,” she chuckled, causing the deep creases of his frown slack a bit. “But I don’t blame you, not then or now. I lied to you, Michael.” 
“But I should’ve-” 
“Should’ve what? Been a mind reader? Sacrificed a job on a hunch? That’s not a fair expectation for yourself, baby. Nor would I have ever wanted or expected you to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime for me. I don’t need a savior, I just need you to be there as best you can. And even when I didn’t realize how much I needed you, you did and came back for me. How could I ever think a man who sees me as clearly as that is a failure?”  
“You asked me to move here to protect you. And I didn’t. And now he’s back out there and I need to know you’re safe until he isn’t a threat to you anymore. You were gone for five minutes, Els. That was all it took. And now, it feels like if you’re out of my sight for long, I just spend the time on the verge of a damn panic attack.” 
“I asked you to come with me to make me feel safe, to love me, and support me. Not to be a bodyguard. And that’s what you’ve done and more. You know what I love about how you love me?” 
“You’ve always seen me. Every little detail, every word, every oddity and intricacy. You see everything and your love has always reflected that, has always been exactly what I needed. But you can’t love me like that if you can’t see me. And you can’t see me fully if you’re always looking over my shoulder for him.” 
“And if he comes back around? What then?” 
“Then we deal with him. I know he could come back and there’s not much I can do about it. The only thing I can do is not waste my time, our time, waiting for him to knock on our door. He can’t be our anchor, holding us in one spot when we need to move forward. What kind of life would that be for us? I never felt like I could win against him but this made me realize that I win every day by thriving. He tried to hurt me on the opening night of my show and in June, I could potentially win a Tony for that show while he waits to go to prison. That feels like victory in some way to me. And I can live with that. I can live every day knowing that every time he’s shown up, I’ve just come out on the other side stronger and better for it. I could waste my life waiting around for him or I can live it. And I just need to live my life. And we just have to be us. And more than anything, I just want us back.” 
“I want us back too. But I can’t do that if you aren’t even being honest about how you’re feeling and what you need.” 
She sighed. “So I guess it’s my turn, huh?” 
She stared at him for a few moments before saying, “When I left New York, he had taken everything. My identity, self-esteem, personhood. He took it all and left me with the scraps. And for a while, even with the entire country between us… I still lived in terror of him. Afraid of my shadow, afraid to speak without permission… to look people in the eye. I could put on the character of Charlotte to perform for a couple hours a night or for a day on set but what he created was just a shell of a person. And I hated myself for it.” 
Charlotte glanced out of the window at the cars rushed past them, the city that never sleeps indeed. 
“And eventually I put myself back together and I said he’d never break me again… never take that power again.” 
She glanced over to him. “And then he showed up here a-and I realized that terror wasn’t gone… I just let it go so quiet that I forgot it was there. And the moment I saw him, it was like I was that broken girl all over again. When he hit me, while I laid on the ground apologizing to him, you know what he said? ‘There she is… the real Charlotte.’ Like he knew I had dressed up the shell all pretty and different but on the inside? I was… am still hollow… still his broken scared plaything who couldn’t fight him.” 
Michael’s heart broke at how despondent her voice sounded. But as hard as it was for her to admit that, he could not pretend he was not glad she did. This was easily the most honest Charlotte had been with him in their entire relationship, the most revealing about her own insecurities and pain. And regardless of what it took to get there, he knew what a monumental step forward this was. 
He doubted therapy would do much for them, or him individually, at the beginning but Dr. Matthews seemed to hit a home run yet again. 
“But you did fight back, Els. You fought him.” 
“I fought him because of you. Because I saw you in the crowd. Because you came back for me. And I should’ve told you that. You’ve spent almost two months believing you failed me when you saved my life twice that night. I fought and without you, I would’ve lost. I dunno, I guess I just didn’t want to admit that when it comes to him, I’ll always be broken? I’ll always be hollow. And that felt like admitting that all that work and healing to create the woman you fell in love with, the woman I was finally proud of, was a lie. And why would you want to be with a shell? And everytime you treated me like this fragile broken flower, it just felt like you were agreeing that I hadn’t changed too? And that just made me want to prove that I had.”
“Honey bee… You really believe that? That you’re a shell?” 
She shrugged. “What else am I supposed to think? I worked so hard and when I had the chance to show him that I was different, I froze until I knew there was someone bigger and stronger to help me.”
“You wanna know what I believe?” 
“I think you gotta start giving yourself more grace, baby girl. To survive what you have and be where you are today? You didn’t need me or Jazz or Lauren or Jackson or anyone else to do that, that’s just you. And I’m not even talking about your insane roster of accomplishments. You’re light, baby. I mean literal light, you lighten up every room you walk into, people gravitate toward you in a way I’ve never seen. No one would blame you for being jaded or hardened but you aren’t. You laugh loudly and love hard. You aren’t hollow, Els. You’re overflowing with life and love and light. That’s strength. And acknowledging how he hurt you, how it still hurts you, doesn’t diminish that.” 
“I don’t want to acknowledge that version of me, Michael. Especially not with you. This isn’t a part of me I ever wanted you to see. Didn’t think… you could love me the same if you saw how broken I am. I guess that’s why I’ve also been pretending like I’m fine. Dealing with all this and being open about it… I don’t wanna turn you off.” 
“I wanna see it though, Els. I need to understand you, to support you. I’d marry you tomorrow if we could. You thought it’d be this easy to get rid of me?” 
“Falling into a million pieces after a stalking ex felt like it would be enough? You must really be in love with me then?” Though she meant it as a statement, he could hear the question in her words, her intonation spelling out her doubts. 
“No number of stalking exes could make me fall outta love with you. And there’s no reaction you could have, no number of nightmares or whatever that would do it either. I ain’t going anywhere. I love you and I should be supporting you the way you need it, not however I think is right. I knew that and I still haven’t been doing it and I’m sorry for that.” 
As they talked, Charlotte felt lighter than she had since Shaun waltzed back into her life. Unburdening all of her fears and actually talking to Michael made her feel like they could actually take a step forward, even if it was a series of baby steps. 
“Thank you and I can’t promise that tomorrow I’ll just be an open book. But I promise to try harder to be. I used to have to hide everything from everyone. No one knew the real story cause if I was honest, everything would fall apart and I thought I’d lose everyone. And I guess I convinced myself that going at it alone is the only way to avoid that? And this made me realize that… that’s all I know how to do. But I know I can’t go at it alone all the time and I shouldn’t. Our love was built to withstand a lot more than I give it credit for. So I will try harder and be more honest about how I’m feeling with you. Keeping things from you isn’t right, regardless of the reason. And you deserve better than that. I’m sorry too.” 
“Apology accepted. I know it won’t be easy for either of us, I ain’t expecting that. Let’s just promise that everyday, we’ll try?” 
“That I can do.” Charlotte studied him for a moment before getting up and scooching into the booth next to him. 
She threw caution to the wind and pressed her lips to his. The first second was tentative, as if she was mentally prepared for his sudden rejection. But instead he merely encouraged her, a gentle hand cradling her neck in an effort to bring her closer. And she leaned into it, savoring the renewed intimacy between them. All was not perfect and there was still work to do but she realized that with Michael, she didn’t need perfection. She just needed him. 
She only broke their intimate moment when she remembered they were most certainly in a public place. It hadn’t felt like it but she often felt like, when she was focused on Michael, everyone and everything around them melted away. But she also didn’t want a photo on the shade room tomorrow of them making out in a random diner. 
“Thank you,” she whispered. “For being here and loving me.” 
“Always, Els.”   
Michael let out a deep content sigh as he found himself back in his favorite sleeping spot, his face buried in the nook of her neck. 
“Fuck I missed this.” 
“Me too… you’re a really good weighted blanket.” 
“Damn, that’s all I’m good for??” 
Charlotte made a face as if she was contemplating his other qualities. “Yea… that and other fun bedtime activities,” she offered with a joking smile. 
“Say the word and I can show you just how good I am at those activities too.” 
“Not tonight. But only cause I know you’re gonna wanna make up for lost time and I want us to actually stay awake for it.” 
“I’d prefer you be awake too,” he muttered sleepily, the late hour starting to get to him. 
Charlotte could feel the tell-tale signs of Michael starting to drift off but despite the late hour, she found her brain unwilling to turn off as she thought about them. And how lucky she was to be with him. Weeks of disagreement and strife but they still found their way back to each other, found safety and refuge to reveal their fears and actually come closer together after so much time apart. 
If asked, Charlotte wasn’t sure she could find the words to articulate the love she had for this man and the love she felt from him. She never believed she would find this - someone who loved her so deeply, so purely. Someone whose love didn’t hurt. Who loved her scars she saw as ugly and the parts of her that she hid from the world, the parts that were barely bandaged together. For some unknown reason, he did. And he chose every day to love her through it all. 
The painful stinging of tears behind her eyes hit her as she sniffled. This is what hope and excitement about the future felt like, something that before Michael she rarely felt. Because regardless of what happened with her career or anything else, she couldn’t wait to build her life with him. This love was light and everything she hoped for but didn’t believe she deserved. And for the first time since the incident, she wasn’t scared to lose it. She no longer felt like she was watching their love story in fear of the end, but that she was watching it blossom. Because this was just the beginning of their story. 
“You good?” he asked as she sniffled quietly, lifting his head to find her eyes glistening in the dark with tears. “What’s wrong, honey bee??” 
“Nothing, nothing. These are happy tears, I think. I just… Marry me.” 
Michael let out a confused chuckle. “I know it was a crazy few days back then but you remember I already did this right? Proposed?” 
She reached over and turned on their bedside lamp, Michael shifting so she could sit up. 
“Yessss I know. I’m not reproposing. I’d never propose to a man, goes against my religion. I’m saying… Marry me… now. Well, not now as in here,” she amended quickly. “I mean, we’re in bed and we don’t have a marriage license but I don’t wanna wait.” 
“Els… don’t say that shit if you don’t mean it. It’s been a long few days, an emotional few months. We don’t gotta rush if you aren’t ready…”
Michael did not want to get ahead of himself or too excited, worried that she was swept up in the emotions of the day. After all, deciding to get married right away was something he would usually suggest, not her. She has always been the more cautious one where they were concerned. But he could not deny that if she was serious, she would be making him the happiest man on this planet. He was so ready to be her husband, to vow to love her for the rest of his days. He was dreading the year+ it would likely take to find the right time for a wedding given their schedules. He had bounced around ideas of smaller, intimate destination weddings in the fall but they hadn’t found the right fit yet.  
“I’m not rushing. I can see how it looks like that but this isn’t rushing. And I know we still have shit to figure out. I just… It’s gonna sound cliche but whatever time I have with you, whatever time I have to love you and be loved by you? I don’t want to waste it. I don’t wanna wait 3 or 4 months till we’re back in LA or however long it’ll take to plan some big wedding I don’t need. You’ve never wasted our time, Bakari. You’ve always been so sure and moved with that assurance. And I’ve never felt rushed by any of it, it’s always just felt right. And this? I feel sure, it feels right. We could wait if you want to, I’ll totally understand. I know this is literally insane. But I’m ready to be your wife, to build a life with you. I’m ready for our next step and I think you are too? Maybe?” 
At his silence, she added. “And it doesn’t have to be a big thing. We can go to the courthouse for all I care.” 
“Say something… please. Before I pray that God let’s the ground swallow me whole from embarrassment.” 
“My bad my bad. I was trying to find the words but then got offended at you thinking I’m gonna give you a courthouse wedding like we’re two teens trying to hide a pregnancy or some shit.” 
“What?? There’s nothing wrong with a courthouse wedding.” 
“Nah there isn’t but what about your family?? Mine? You don’t know how happy this makes me. And I’m all in without hesitation. But you deserve a special day, not a drive by at the courthouse. Give me 30 days, Els. Memorial Day weekend in LA, let me make it special for you.” 
Charlotte transitioned to sitting up on her knees before literally catapulting herself into his arms with pure excitement. Michael had to roll a bit to make sure they didn’t topple right off the bed. 
“We really doing this?? We’re getting married in 30 days?” 
“Yea! I can’t wait to be your wife, Bakari. Besides, you were right, Tony award winning Charlotte Bennett-Jordan has a far better ring to it.” 
“Fuck I love you so much,” his heart could’ve exploded into a million pieces in his chest. There was work to be done but they’d do it together, every day for the rest of their lives. And he couldn’t wait. 
“I love you more.” 
“Impossible.” He stared down at her, licking his lips as his eyes filled with lust. “You awake enough now for me to show you just how much?” 
Charlotte squeezed her legs together as his deep baritone reignited that feeling in her core. His lips searched for her weak spot on the side of her neck, caressing and sucking with the skill of a God. Fuck, it had been too long. But something stopped her. 
“I want you… so bad. But what if we wait until the wedding?” At his incredulous expression, she added, “You know, think about how much more special it’ll be after we’ve reconnected more emotionally after all this, our first time back in a while as husband and wife. It could be really special. What do you think?” 
Michael knew in his brain that she was right, it would be more special and intense after a long bout of celibacy. But the smaller head that controlled some of his decision making… was less than thrilled. 
So he immediately got out of bed and started to walk toward the bathroom. 
“Ok we haven’t had sex in weeks, 30 more days couldn’t have upset you that much??” she called out after him, her surprise clear in her tone. 
Michael turned as he reached the door, smiling his superstar boyish grin at her. “I’m not mad, I’m in. I’m just… gonna jump in the shower.” 
Charlotte doubled over in laughter at him. “Let me guess, a cold one?” 
“Ice cold. You shouldn’t be so irresistible, honey bee.” 
“You’re a mess,” she smiled at him. But he was her mess. And she loved him for it.  
“Maybe but fair warning, you won’t be tapping out that night.” 
She smiled. “As if I’d ever tap out on you. I guess we’ll be sleeping in separate corners tonight again?” 
“We’ll see how effective this cold shower is.” 
She let out a belly laugh as she flopped back into their warm covers and he started the shower. She could hear a girlish shrill noise a few moments later that she suspected was him stepping into the freezing water. She had to use their duvet to muffle the sounds of her giggles as she listened to him mutter expletives as he adjusted to the water temperature. 
“You good in there? Sounds like someone’s dying?” she called loudly over the water, deciding that she couldn’t not tease him for this. 
“Shouldn’t you be asleep??” 
She rolled her eyes with a grin and turned over to try to fall asleep, leaving her future husband to his needed activities. There would be quite a few cold showers and long runs in their future. For the next 30 days at least.
Taglist: @certifiedlesbianbaddie @bangtanxmegan @reelwriter19 @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @hi888888sworld @msniaimani @destinio1 @lynaye1993 @chaoticevilbakugo @blackerthings @pipsqueak-98 @miyuhpapayuh @passionxwrites @gopaperless @injerafiend @ari17
A/N: I realized that the last time I updated the main story was like December lol my sweet OG babies... But they're getting married!! I really wanted to explore their recovery and hang ups before moving them forward. The next chapter is their wedding and then our final chapter (can you guess what night that'll be? lol) drop a comment and let me know what you thought!
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afuntimepartyy · 29 days
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Dandys world wings of fire!!! Since there’s so many in the post I’m not going into full descriptions but here they are! Def want to revise tisha a bit to give her slightly more obvious icewing traits and a wider rectangle shape. And cosmo isn’t feeling cosmo to me yet, so I’ll be revising him too but yay! (Astro will get really tiny changes probably, giving his cloak that copies his blanket a hood so he can have SOMETHING on his bald head)
Each characters and their tribes though because some of them are cut off
Sprout - Leafwing / Skywing, powerful leafspeak but no skywing abilities. Has big wings though! Currently not under dandys control
Astro - Nightwing / Seawing, born with powerful mind reading to the point of being able to go into others dreams. Animus cursed by dandy with powerful future sight with good intentions, the first to be controlled by dandys own silly version of evil leafspeak. Can’t breath underwater, can’t even breath fire! But can fully speak aquatic if he wanted to.
Dandy - Rainwing / Leafwing, born with absolutely no leafspeak and can’t spit venom but he does have full color changing abilities. Second active threat on the island, supposed to be the “friendly face” you can trust.
Vee - Hivewing / Silkwing, Hivewing stingers in tail and wrists with the abilities that comes with having silkwings antennae. Not under dandys control, but no friendly face either.
Cosmo - mudwing, distant nightwing which manifests in some star shaped patterns! Not under dandys control and is actively protected by sprout. Sprout used his animus magic once and that was to create a charm for him to makes sure dandy won’t hurt him
Tisha - Icewing / Leafwing, came to the island with teagan and was her childhood friend and maid. Originally assigned to Teagan as a dragonet to keep them company, and just sorta became her personal maid when they got older. No leafwing ability’s and is cold to the touch. Has icewings frost breath though weakened by her leafwing genes. Not under dandys control
Rodger - Nightwing with future sight, detective and came to the island to get answers. Toodles was not supposed to come with him, but she managed to sneak by and now him and toodles, teagan, and tisha are stuck on the island thanks to vee. Had an ear torn in his youth and early detective days, which is also how he got his eye scar. Not under dandys control.
Glisten - Silkwing / sandwing, pretty much all Silkwing abilities. Has a sandwing barb but it’s ineffective and small, so no sandwing scorpion action going on. Yada yada I already talked about him. His design and traits are made to mirror (heh) vee though, soooo… not under dandys control
Flutter - silkwing, just a small fat fluffy silkwing with big ol eyes. Currently under dandys control, though wasn’t drawn with that in mind (all drawings of these dragons are before things go REALLY bad so far). Overcome by flowers instead of vines.
For your patience with my rambling have some of the design processes for their shapes
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wonyopout · 8 months
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(cw: noncon->dubcon, g!p wonyoung, overstim, manipulation but only a little 😋)
i wrote her sorta bratty in this but idc!! she’s still my perfect well behaved princess.. noncon notwithstanding…
wony who’s so pussy whipped/pussy drunk that she just wants your cunt all the time whether you want it or not! big into somno and will fuck you or eat you out while you’re sleeping soundly. a lot of the time it’s funny just how badly she wants you and you’re eager to indulge her most of the time, but sometimes you’re busy or you wanna do something else, and wonyoung just isn’t having it.. the second you flat out say no or even hesitate to say yes she’s grabbing you and ripping your pants and panties down, one hand groping your tit while the other rubs harshly at your clit, forcing you on her cock. both you and wonyoung groaning at the tight fit. she’s grabbing at your hips as you try to push away from her. pulls you flush against her to nip and suck at your neck 😵‍💫 she pushes her mouth right up against your ear as she says,
“y/n unnie, this pussy’s mine ok?? I can fuck you when I want to and you acting like I can’t is starting to piss me off”
your streak of spoiling her is really biting you in the ass now. every time she gets hard she’ll tell you to help her, being sure to pout and put on a show about how much it hurts and the only thing that’ll make her feel better is using your cunt like a fleshlight.. you gotta hand it to her though, she’s a pretty good actress, gets teary eyed when she’s really into the bit. a lot of the time though, she doesn’t even bother to manipulate you into saying yes. she realized she can just bend you over whenever and wherever she wants and you’ll hardly put up a fight! she’s definitely got you trained, shoves her dick in you and you meekly tell her “no” or that you “don’t want it” but you’re pushing back to meet her thrusts and clenching down on her?? grabs you by the throat to hold you in place while she’s abusing your cunt, squeezing ever so slightly on the sides of your neck making you cream around her cock as you get light headed 🥴 also loves putting you in a mating press and going to town, your tummy bulging slightly from the angle and how big she is.. she cums so much too, breeds you full just from cumming in you once.
it’s not just having you on her dick that makes her crazy either, she’s the exact same when it comes to eating you out. overstimulates you so much because she just can’t tear her head away from between your thighs and she won’t let you try to either! binds your wrists or holds your hips down when you get too restless, tears streaming down your face when you beg her to stop or at the very least give you a break!! wonys such a meanie because when she does pull away, mouth and chin all covered in slick, all she says is, “stop crying so loud it’s annoying! we’re not done till i say so, so be a good unnie and take it..” with sweet little smile before she shoves her face back in your cunt, slurping away at you, moaning at how good you taste. also shes definitely uses a spreader bar on you to make sure you can’t close your legs when she eats you out 🥴🥴 just when you think she’s done with you she’ll start talking about how yummy your cunt was and how it got her so hard. “i know i said i was almost done but i really really need you. you don’t need to do anything kay?? just lie there and let me use you..” 😵‍💫
so what if you’re turning into wonys free use toy?? at least you get mind blowing orgasms out of it.. yea sometimes she makes you come so much you pass out and even then she doesn’t let up. i’ve mentioned wonys crazy amount of stamina before, so she can go round after round not giving you a break. she’s so lost in her head when she’s fucking you, just so pussy hungry that she doesn’t care how spent you are… at the end of the day she’s still your sweet girl though!! she basically waits on you hand and foot on the days she knows she’s been extra mean :(( runs you a hot bath and washes your hair for you 🥺 doesn’t let you lift a finger as she washes and changes your sheets. offers to give you a massage and the whole time she’s doing it she’s leaning down to kiss your neck or shoulders or any exposed skin really (she’s obsessed with you). she can be so soft with you when she wants to be..
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diabolicalacid · 2 months
birds of a feather— d day
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october 6, 7:57 PM
location— tokyo university girls dormitory
you’re waiting by the gate to your dormitory for atsumu to show up. you’re dressed like a dime, in the prettiest outfit you could find. it’s the one you purchased on the rare occasion when tobio tagged along to the shopping mall with you. you’ve dolled yourself as much as possible, from your outfit to your hairdo, to your stiletos, the ones you never wear because your feet hurt terribly when you’re in them. all that, hoping it would catch atsumu’s eye.
as you wait, going back and forth between the watch on your wrist and the street in front of you, there’s one constant thought stirring around your mind. call it a newbie’s curiosity.
exactly what is it that atsumu miya has planned for the two of you. you cannot help but wonder. after all, he did say he’d make it a day you’d remember for a long long time. but if you’re being honest, even if it’s just the bare minimum, you’re still likely to appreciate it just as much since it’s your first time. if no one has done it for you before this moment, you’re bound to acknowledge the first time someone does it.
it’s twelve minutes past eight when a black sedan pulls up a few feet away from you. you’re sure it’s atsumu in there. the fact that you’ve seen this car dropping shoyou off a couple of times, and the fact that it’s an expensive luxury car only someone with atsumu’s net worth can afford, is enough to provide you confirmation.
atsumu opens to door to his car, letting himself out. he smiles softly, waving at you the moment he spots you standing by the gate. you’ve seen the man in his social media posts, you’ve seen him in several pictures with shoyou, you’ve seen him on television. but to see him in person, looking so crisp even whilst donning only a baggy jeans and a white tee, ropes your heart into losing control over its rhythm.
you haven’t even made a conversation with the man yet, all he’s done from his end is to wave you a hello, but you already feel your cheeks getting warmer by the second as he trails toward you, hiding something behind his back.
“shit, he’s quite good looking.
chuck that.
he’s very very good looking. who am i kidding?”
you drop your face into your palms, turning around for a moment. you need to take this in. it’s very heavy and scary and exciting and new all at the same time. for someone who’s never been taken out before, you think it must be normal for one to get goosebumps moments before their first date. the fact that atsumu miya is such a good looking, charismatic and gentle man isn’t helping either.
you take a deep breath, regain composure and turn around to face him, letting out a sigh as you attempt to shake the nervousness off yourself before you finally initiate a conversation.
“hey.” the word barely makes it out of your mouth, instead what comes out is a cracked rendition of his name, “miya.”
“atsumu, i mean.” you shake your head, embarrassed, correcting yourself.
you shrug, saying in an undertone, eyes unable to meet his gaze, “but miya is your last name, so that will do too, i guess.”
“i’m not sure.” you give up, dropping your head in your palms again.
he chuckles at you. you’re sure he knows you’re quite nervous. there’s no hiding the fact from the man who witnessed the colour red brimming off your cheeks as soon as he waved at you. not to mention, the way your dropped your face into your palms, not once, but twice, and your terrible attempt at greeting him while you couldn’t even say his name. if he knows, he should be a little more considerate. it’s your first time, you’re allowed to lose your cool.
he puts his hand on your head, ruffling it, a huge smile creeping up his face, “well, hello there, cutie.”
you whine, instinctively reaching his hand to take it off your head, “you’re ruining my hairdo.”
“i did my hair,” you mutter, under breath, “just for you.”
he apologises, withdrawing his hand, chuckling, “alright, alright, i’m sorry. no more, cutie.”
“you don’t have to be nervous.” he reassures you, moving his hand and places it over your cheek.
he caresses your cheek, then pinches it, beaming like a cheshire cat, “just call me atsumu.”
you nod, “okay.”
you breathe to render yourself in a better position, then speak up in an attempt to say his name, “atsumu.” you still falter.
“nice to meet you.” you manage to pull out a small smile for him, and though it’s plagued by nervousness, he accepts it.
“you too, cutie.” he affirms as he takes his hand off your cheek and pats your shoulder, continuing, “i hope you’re looking forward to our date.”
“i’ll make sure you have the best time today, my cutie.” he winks at you, adding, “it’s going to be a perfect date.”
if you weren’t flustered already, you sure are now. your cheeks turn a shade darker and your heart starts beating a little faster. to dramatise the moment, there’s a gush of wind and for a second, just for a second, it’s like atsumu and you are in middle of a scene from a romance movie. if it weren’t you in the situation, you would’ve thought to oneself, how cheesy.
he reveals the bouquet of flowers he was hiding behind his back all this while. it’s sunflowers. you love sunflowers. something about those flowers always facing the sun gives you hope. for someone like you, who yearns to have happy moments in her life in order to get by, and tries her best to be optimistic even on that worst days, sunflowers are quite symbolic to you.
he’s offering you something that means magnitudes to you. it seems his gesture allowed the heart inside of you, that was beating in a hazy rhythm, to calm down a little. however, after this, you aren’t sure if letting go of miya atsumu following only a single date is going to be an easy task.
he offers you the bouquet, “for you.”
“thank.” you stutter, taking a hold of it, “you.”
you look at the present in your hand for a moment. it instantly puts a smile on your face. you’re quick to embrace the bouquet of flowers closer to yourself.
“they’re beautiful.” you look up to him with the warm smile his gift put on your face, signifying your gratitude, speaking his name confidently for the first time, “atsumu.”
“just like you.” he compliments you, leaving you stunned. you don’t think your cheeks can turn another shade darker, and you heart that had managed to calm itself down, beats faster once again. at this rate, you might end up needing an ambulance for the tachycardia.
he takes one of many daisies mingled in with the numerous sunflowers, and puts it against your ear, mumbling, “pretty.”
it is at this moment that you feel your heart waging a war against its cage and your cheeks burning up quite literally. you step back, nervousness clouding your thoughts once again, but atsumu takes your hand and pulls you closer to himself.
with your bodies in close proximity of one another, only an inch apart, you aren’t sure what to feel in the moment. you feel dizzy, you’re about to lose your footing. you’re still being held by him, and when you lose your balance, atsumu’s hold tightens, his arm instinctively curving around your waist.
he looks to your feet, noticing your stiletos, instantly aware you’re quite uncomfortable.
he growls, “did you have to wear that?”
he sets you free from his embrace, hand reaching out to flick your forehead, as he reminds you, “i asked you to dress comfortably, didn’t i?”
“i dressed to impress.” you mumble, barely audible, eyes fixed on the concrete underneath you.
he sighs, saying, “give me a moment, i’ll be right back.”
atsumu jogs to his car, leaving you stranded with that massive bouquet of flowers. you aren’t sure what his intentions are, you can’t bring yourself to think straight either. your mind is fogged because of the things this man has been doing since he jolted into your life. if all this is for nothing in the days to come, you’ll be quite disappointed.
he returns with a pair of crocs in his hand. they’re the colour purple and approximately your size. they must belong to rin.
“here.” he hands you the pair, but before you can take it from his grasp, he stoops down and gets on one knee, muttering, as he lifts your foot, “nevermind.”
he takes the stiletos off your feet and replaces them with the crocs, looking up at you and smiling, raising his brow in question “better, isn’t it?”
you purse your lips, shrugging, “yea, i suppose.”
you cannot caulk your curiosity, so you ask, gesturing to your feet, “these belong to rin, don’t they?”
“yes, they do.” he confirms.
you smile, dejected, as you look to your feet, slightly smaller in size than rin’s as they sit in her crocs. you don’t understand the cause of your disappointment. you should probably be grateful that atsumu helped you out because if he hadn’t, your feet would’ve undergone tumultuous suffering through the day. but the fact that they belong to rin, his ex, seems to bother you to the core.
“rin would do the same thing.” he starts, raising himself off the floor and dusting his hands, giggling, “she’d wear ridiculous shoes too, until it made her feet hurt.”
you aren’t sure what to say, or how to feel about this. so you thank him, pursing your lips as you speak, “i’m grateful.”
he holds out his hand for you. you take it. he pulls you in once more, voicing, “let’s go.”
he starts walking to his car, pulling you alongside him, remarking, “we don’t have time for you to get cold feet, cutie.”
“i have the entire day planned for us.” he informs you, as he continues to tow you to his car. you allow your fingers to entwine with his.
his hold of you tightens and he drags you closer until you’re walking right next to him.
you chirp, lips stretched into the widest smile you have to offer, dimples apparent, “thank you.”
“i’m looking forward to spending the day with you.” you divulge, ending your sentence with his name, “atsumu.”
atsumu notices the bright smile tugging at your lips from the corner of his eye. he comments, “you have a beautiful smile.”
you receive his compliment, shifting the loose strands of hair behind your ear, so that they won’t pry with your smile that atsumu seems to appreciate so much, “thank you.”
“also, it’s my pleasure to be taking you out on a date.”
“are you sure it’s not the other way around?” you ask playfully, poking fun at him.
he wags his head, declining, a light chuckle accompanying his words, “not the other way around.”
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౨ৎ it wasn’t yn who gave up making the summoning circle, it was me.
౨ৎ yn isn’t half as confident in real life as she seems online.
౨ৎ atsumu doesn’t know yn has been single all her life.
౨ৎ if it isn’t obvious, yn is hoping for more than one date with atsumu, expecting it leads to something more.
౨ৎ atsumu asked shoyou all about yn’s favourite stuff before he planned the date.
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previous : every dog has his day
masterlist | next : the head and the heart
🐰 i have a feeling atsumu, shoyou and yachan are going to regret this. i had so much fun writing this chapter. special thanks to @wolffmaiden, i asked her to describe her perfect date with her favourite haikyuu boy and because she’s so delusional, she gave me a very in depth reply. i based off this chapter and the next based on her response.
taglist— @wolffmaiden @kafkassexchoe @luna-mothii @bomjug @le000xxgrd @dazqa @ineednanami @iluvaquaphor @debussy42 @choizzn @bunninio @empress-pug-pug @karasunoya @sereniteav @yuminako @reooreo @loveelylacey @nbcvs
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myslutwritings · 1 year
Hi there! How are you doing?:) I've loved your writings and I'm so happy that you mentioned that you're comfortable with writing for self harm as I'm never sure if I shall request such topics or not. :(
I'd like to request sfw headcanons for Muzan and Douma when they discover that reader has got many self harm-scars(cutting)? How would they react and what would they say? I don't really care if reader is AFAB or GN but I'd say to make it GN so more people can enjoy your writing!!:)
Thank you and take your time!<3
Aw, thank you so much. I’m happy to know you are fond of my writings! thank you again for requesting.
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➤ Muzan and Douma with a S/O who has self harm scars
➤ SFW headcanons
Muzan & Douma x GN!reader
warnings: self harm
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Muzan Kibutsuji 🩸
Muzan wouldn’t know how to react at first.
He’s never dealt with anything like this before.
I mean, Muzan is in fact familiar with the concept of self harm.
He’s just never witnessed it first hand, you know?
Is in shock at first. You can’t tell because he often wears his calm expression. But he’s panicking on the inside.
Muzan is absolutely distraught to discover the scars aligned your wrists. (Fresh or old it still counts)
Then again, he honestly doesn’t know how to help at first so he asks if there is anything he can do to make you feel better.
If you don’t want to talk about it yet he will try his best to understand and not be so pushy. gives you the space you desire because he would hate to make you uncomfortable.
Doesn’t mean to be pushy about it but he’s only like that because he cares.
However, do not just expect him to drop the whole thing! Muzan wants to know everything still. he isn’t going to let this slide.
How long have you been self harming and what compelled you to commit such harmful acts upon yourself?
Is curious and wants to know everything on your mind. even if it secretly hurts him to witness you in so much pain.
He hates the fact that your beautiful skin has been damaged.
Holds you in his arms all while comforting you properly.
This is the first time you’ve seen Muzan this affectionate.
After the two of you have a heart to heart conversation about this he will force you to throw all away your blades
If your refuse he will do it for you.
Muzan is angry, not at you, just by your choices. He knows you can’t help it and that it was a former addiction but he just can’t control it.
He’s also angry with himself for not finding out sooner.
After he finds out you self harm you bet he’s going to become even more protective and keep an eye on you.
If anyone dares to upset you or point out your scars he’ll just kill them right on the spot. Even if it’s one of his uppermoons.
“My dearest, please do not ever do this to yourself again. You know that i’ll always be here for you, don’t you?”
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Douma ❄️
It takes Douma awhile to find out.
Mostly because he’s so busy running the cult. His lack of emotion doesn’t make it any better either.
However, with you he feels things! Doesn’t give a fuck about his naive little followers and his duties.
Still dedicates his time to you! Whenever he is bored or not doing anything he will check up on you.
He found out while the two of you were having a cuddling session.
Douma is aware that people self harm but like Muzan he never witnessed it.
Is horrified his S/O would do such a thing.
Doesn’t understand.
He knows it won’t make it any better if he throws a conniption fit so he settles down and communicates with you about it.
He still doesn’t fully understand but do not let that mistake you for him not caring. Douma cares SO much. you may just need to explain everything to him in greater detail.
Oddly is fast at understanding? Because he feels emotions around you it makes things easier.
It breaks his heart to know his S/O would have such thoughts and hurt themselves because of it.
Douma and you throw away your blades together.
And from that moment onwards he’s never letting you out of his sight or giving you any privacy. Not even to use the restroom.
You’re sleeping with him, attending his meetings with his pitiful followers, bathing with him, etc.
Ditches his basics duties for the sake of his beloved S/O.
Douma takes care of you pretty damn well. just his only red flag is the lack of privacy.
Doesn’t give you privacy until you promise him you aren’t going to relapse again.
He just wants to look out for you and protect you from harms way:(
Mentally checks up on you everyday, asks how you’re feeling? etc!
Doesn’t care for other peoples problems in the slightest, he isn’t even listening to his followers, but with you he does as you vent to him about anything that’s on your mind.
Cradles you in his lap whenever you’re upset and gives you all the attention you need!
He loves you fiercely and doesn’t want to lose you.
Reminds you that he’s here for you and that self harming is not the answer. Honestly gives you great and genuine advice.
“My lotus, do you know how upset i would be if i lost you? Please never do such things to yourself ever again!”
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A/N: If any of you out there are struggling right now i promise it gets better! As someone who used to self harm frequently who is now almost a year clean i can assure you it gets better over time. You matter and you are loved! <3
I promise i’m getting to everyone’s requests! Feel free to keep sending them in. It may take me time but i’ll make sure to do everyone’s requests in my inbox. Thank you for the overwhelming support. I appreciate you all so very much.
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r0ttenhearts · 1 year
Last Night Together
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angst, no comfort, insults.
his breath tickled your ear as his weight shifted onto your back, soft mumbled insults in your ear as he watched you play your game. surprisingly, they weren’t directed to you.
“can’t believe you hangout with this guy.. he sucks! childe isn’t good at anything.”
you giggled at the feeling of his lips by your nape as he groaned, more insults spilling from his lips.
“well he’s my best friend it’s not like i owe him anything for me to hangout with him.”
you could feel scaramouche stiffen from behind you as you said that. his snarky attitude now gone as his tone went serious.
his pale, slender fingers wrapped around your wrist as it stopped you from playing your game.
“so that means you don’t need me, right? i can leave? just say the word and i’m out of your life.”
you narrowed your eyes at him, his words making your blood boil. you scoffed, your fingers tightening around your mouse as you attempted to shoot your gun, hearing childe give you call outs as you tried to ignore scarmouche’s annoyingly repetitive words.
scaramouche grit his teeth, spinning your chair around so you were forced to face him. his cold hands gripped your chin as he forced your headset off of your head. childe’s barely audible voice in the background as he yelled your name for your forced afk.
“that’s not true. you’re still my favorite person scara, you know that.”
“liar. i’m not going to bullshit with you anymore y/n. it’s not that i think both you and childe should just kill yourselves.
it’s that i think you’re both so fucking disgusting, like— you gross me out to be around you and even associate myself with you.”
the gentle glow of your monitor made scara look almost ghostly as he rolled your chair over the carpeted floor of your bedroom closer to him. his face was practically inches away. if you weren’t in this position you might have even felt embarrassed to be so close to this toxic boy you have a crush on.
“you don’t though.. it’s not like i openly talk about you anymore either.”
“good, keep it that way. the way you people act is so discomforting to me. worse than a stomach ache or even a migraine.”
scaramouches grip doesn’t falter on your face as he huffs in frustration, his long bangs covering his eyes for a moment.
“i just cannot with you—“
“it’s not like we—“
scaramouches eyes widened as his nails dragged down your skin and you could’ve sworn he’d drawn blood from how harshly his nails were scratching at your skin.
“shut it. i need you to understand just how much i don’t fuck with you. i need to openly express how much you disgust me.
you’re decent 25% of the time, but fuck y/n.
it’s insane to me, if i do something that displeases or bothers you, you get so fucking bitchy.”
he looks to the side, biting his lip before inching closer to your face. your noses were practically touching.
“then isn’t it better that i’ve stayed away the way that i have lately?” you whispered. you could feel your body shaking as fear set in. you knew what was coming. and it was long overdue.
“i genuinely do not care what you have to say in this moment. talking to you feels like a chore more than anything, i always have to come here at night or you’re a total bitch to me in the morning.
do you think i enjoy doing this? when you mean so little to me?
i hate having to watch what i do or say around people. like fuck, solve your own problems don’t bother me about them.”
“i don’t care about you as much as i used to scara, it’s fine, really. i won’t get mad at you.”
“oh so, if i told you i’ve had a girlfriend for the past month you wouldn’t get bothered? not one bit?”
your eyes widened as your heart dropped into your stomach. it all made sense now. his distance, spaced out texts and even more spaced out visits over the past few weeks. he wasn’t busy. he was just giving someone else the attention that you tried so hard to get.
and that hurt.
you bit your tongue, a sad smile on your face. “i wouldn’t. it’s not my business so why would i care.” you lied. it felt thick and bitter as it left your mouth. words you knew were nothing father from the truth.
“you chased me away from your own weird ass actions, y/n. pushed me into her arms.
i hate dumb fuckasses like you.
do you not get it?
you keeping up with your little autism caused the very thing you didn’t want. all you had to do was not be weird. you understand that? no, what the fuck am i saying? of course you don’t.”
fat tears rolled down your cheeks as he let go of your chin, his hands on your shoulders as he shook you with every word. a sick smile on his face as he watched your tears fall. “it’s not like i could’ve lived up to what you wanted in me..” you whispered, your voice cracking as a soft sob escaped your mouth.
“i’ve never met a more naive person. you can’t and refuse to listen to me. you preach about how you follow me around but you can’t listen. yeah, no, just do your own shit.
the dick sucking you to do me is just crazy. the glazing is immeasurable.”
he laughs in your face as he shoves you against your chair, knocking you back into your desk as your monitor and keyboard jump from the impact.
“i hate you so much but i hate being a dickhead to people. you’ve got me hung by a thread of empathy. not even pity, just empathy. it’s the only reason why i’m still around.” he spat, enjoying the way your face crumpled with every word.
he ripped his necklace off, a necklace that connected to yours that you gifted him on your third anniversary of becoming friends. he throws it into your lap as he gets next to your ear, your tear stained face amusing him.
“don’t expect me to come here again.”
he leaves your room with a slam of your door as you sit there, your chest clenching in pain at the sight of him gone. there you were, alone again.
“i shouldn’t have gotten close to you. we should’ve never met.”
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a/n: based on last nights argument with my “scara.” :’)
maybe his words will feel the same as they felt to me in that moment
another comfort post, thanks for reading my lovely readers <3
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cherry-muses · 6 months
tom riddle x gn! reader: oneshot
<a/n: oneshot after the image! haven't written in a while so i lowkey feel like this sucks. ps: sorry i disappeared for like 5 months lol i had to graduate. >
tags: mentions of a difficult childhood, orphanage, bullying, hurt/comfort, fluff
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He was sat across you, writing his History of Magic essay with his ever-so-neat handwriting. The only sounds you could hear were those of his quill scratching the parchment and of you turning the pages of your Potions textbook.
As Riddle wrote, his other free hand rested on the table, and you couldn’t help but appreciate the fact that he had really pretty hands. Your eyes subtly scanned them and eventually landed on the sleeve of his robes… which seemed to be a little torn and frayed at the edges.
You smiled to yourself, knowing the exact spell required to make the sleeve good as new… secretly hoping that Riddle would give you one of his rare smiles when you did. Perhaps it’d make the boring study session slightly more entertaining, and the rather bleak winter evening more colourful.
You tentatively reached your hand to gently hold his wrist, and gave him a soft smile. “I could fix that… may I?” You asked, gesturing to the torn sleeve.
To your surprise, Tom did not give you even the smallest smile. In fact, he flinched and harshly pulled his hand away, giving you an accusatory glare at the same time. “I’d much appreciate if you wouldn’t disturb me when I’m trying to work. And I know perfectly well to take care of my own clothing, thank you.”, he snapped. “I think I’d much rather spend my evening with someone who isn’t so dull and irritating to the core.”
“I didn’t mean-”, but you were rudely cut off mid-sentence by Riddle slamming his textbook shut, stuffing it into his satchel and storming off, out of the library.
You were left sitting alone in the library, feeling an odd mixture of guilt, anger, and confusion, holding back tears.
It was the next evening, when you were approached by the dark-haired prefect again. You had been reading by the fireplace in the Slytherin common room when he came up to you, fists clenched at his sides in nervousness. “What do you want, Riddle?”, you spoke, rather harshly, as you sat up straight to face him.
“I am… sorry.”, he replied, voice strained as if it was taking him a great deal of effort to get the words out.
You slammed your book shut, tossing it aside on the couch in annoyance. “I am sorry too.”, you replied, not a hint of emotion in your voice.
“You’re sorry?”, he asked, frowning in confusion.
“For assuming we're friends.”
For a split second a look of hurt flashed across his sharp features, until, ever the Slytherin, Riddle schooled his expression to appear vaguely sad.
“I should not have spoken in that way to you.”, he begins.
“No, you shouldn’t have.”, you retort.
You are both silent for a few moments, and the air has a sort of charged tension which makes you feel like either one of you would be storming off at any moment.
It comes as a bit of a surprise, then, when he instead chooses to sit close to you on the black couch, the water from the Great Lake casting a greenish glow upon the two of you.
“I really am sorry. I must admit, out of sheer habit I had assumed the worst intentions out of you.”
Those deep brown irises of his conveyed a kind of sincerity you had never before seen in him. You hoped to Merlin it was genuine.
“It is no excuse but I’d like to…er, explain why I behaved in such a way. Not justify, just explain.”, he said, a request for you to kindly hear him out implicit in his words. You somehow found yourself nodding, silently urging him to continue.
“You know where I grew up. I much prefer to hide it, but somehow your… constant affection has gently coerced me into entrusting to you the things I wish I could hide even from myself. ” He pauses, sighing and staring outside the dungeon windows, into the depths of the Great Lake.
“As would be expected, the orphanage wasn’t made of money. They could hardly feed us twice a day.” He was practically avoiding your eyes now. “My wardrobe essentially consisted of the worn clothes people donated. And, well.” A pause. “My first time on the Hogwarts express, a group of Ravenclaws found it a good enough excuse to remind me of my inferiority… and throw a couple of assorted hexes my way.”
Realization dawned on you, and at once you took his hand in yours, gently caressing his skin with your thumb. “Oh…”
“Well, since then I’ve managed to handle such issues with reparation spells, but I suppose I missed my robe’s sleeve. Which caught your attention yesterday. And… and when you tried to fix it, I just...”
You could bear it no more, and without any warning he was engulfed in a hug. “Tom, I’m so so sorry. I should’ve known.”
“No, it is my fault, for comparing you to someone who was been cruel to me, when you’ve always shown me nothing but the complete opposite.”, he breathed out softly.
There was a look of steely determination on your face now. “Promise me one thing, Riddle.”
“Hmm?”, he inquired, far too occupied with staring into your eyes to bother with actual words.
“Next time you feel like that, please… please just talk to me.”, you request. “I hate when we hurt each other in such a way.”
“Anything you ask.”, he says. You beam at him and gently kiss his forehead
The rest of the evening was spent cuddling on that couch, whispering sweet nothings to one another and watching the fish swim by in the lake.
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