#my yoi fanfiction
A couple of weeks ago, I discovered that one of my works had been added to an anti-rec list with an awful bookmark comment. That list consisted of 100+ works and almost all had such a bookmark comment. I immediately blocked the user, which unfortunately didn't hide my works from them, and reported them.
This morning, the AO3 staff finally responded to my request, saying what I had almost feared: it's not harassment to voice one's opinion, so they won't do anything about this user. If the user upsets me, I should mute them.
Muting won't stop this user from adding works to their anti-rec list. It won't stop them from creating negative publicity for hundreds of writers. The anti-recommendation is there for everyone to see who browses the bookmarks of my work, or the bookmarks of the works of those other writers who were unlucky to become the target of that user. It's there to see for everyone browsing the bookmarks of that awful user. And there's nothing we can do about it. We can't even contact this user and ask them to remove the bookmark or hide our works from them.
Aside from the fact that this anti-rec list is a total dick move, it's also absolute coward behaviour. If this person found my work so awful, they could have written a comment and we would have discussed the issue. It might have turned out that I had made a mistake and our dialogue would have given me the chance the improve my work, which would have been a win-win for everyone.
Instead, one of my works is on a negative rec list and I can't do shit about it.
In the meanwhile, I discovered that the same user is targeting my main work. That it will join my other work on the anti-rec list is probably only a matter of time...
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blonndiec · 5 months
I’m sticking with Yuri!!! On Ice for life and might sometimes feel like White Flag by Dido, now that everyone is saying it’s dead and bidding it farewell, but…
I will go down with this ship…
And I will keep writing fanfiction, even if no one comment or reads.
Will try to keep making illustrations, even if I currently suck and haven’t gotten back at 100% of my ability.
And I will keep supporting talented people, who are truly artists, that keep them alive with their craft and create new stories.
And will be a part of the fandom and be here for anyone who wants to keep Yuri!!! On Ice alive. To connect, to chat, to expand and grow YoI.
I won’t put my hands up and surrender, I’m in love and always will be 💖✨✨✨✨✨
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I love Leo de la Iglesia so much.
Yes he's just a minor character, as many of them are in Yuri on Ice. But that's one of the things that was so special about that show, at least for me. He may have only gotten one short program that we got to watch, he wasn't one of the final 6 to make it to the final, so we saw very little of him. But they had such a way of making him, as well as many others, a thought out and relatable boy.
I watched that show when I was very depressed, majorly struggling to understand why we're all here and what the point off at this was. When getting out of bed was a mountain instead of a molehill and I didn't think that life was going to really get any better. Watching Yuuri Katsuki go through similar issues, realizing that we are often our own worst enemy, that was all really great, helps me a lot. But there was something about Leo.
He's 19, I was 20 or 21 at the time, so we were pretty similar in age and that was really nice. Yuuri and Victor seemed so much older than me, older than I was really able to see myself as. 21 was hell. I couldn't imagine myself as 27, as Victor. (As I type this is am in fact 27, going on 28 in the spring. 💛)
19 year old Leo de la Iglesia. A minor character in a short show that in many way saved my life and certainly saved me from myself. I still don't know exactly what drew me in to him. I'm usually more of a fan of the dark, brooding, angry but is secretly quite soft characters. And Leo... he isn't that.
His name is Leo and he is a Leo and he's just this ray of sunshine and he loses his brain cells when Phichit and Guang-Hong are with him. He cares so much about his sport and the other people in it and he wants to do well but I think they did a good job of showing that he doesn't want to succeed because of other people's failures but because of his own growth.
I wanted to write this really well thought out post about how great Leo is but all I can think of to fully describe him is:
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So yeah, to summarize: I just think he's neat. He deserves all the love that I bet he will never get because this fandom is dying.
If you're still here, if you're seeing this, I love you. I'm sorry that Mappa hurt us. My fic Cadence isn't dead. It is very much alive and I will update as soon as I am able.
I'm glad you're still here.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk about Leo. :)
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triptychgrip · 2 months
Now complete: The Katsuki-Nikiforovs Take Vanity Fair's Lie Detector Test
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My story covering Yuuri and Viktor's appearance on Vanity Fair's Lie Detector Game series -- with Yurio, Phichit, and Otabek tagging along -- is now complete! Read the second chapter (covering Yuuri's turn in the hot seat, from Viktor's POV) here. Be prepared for some major feels along with the laughs.
Below is an excerpt that I hope piques your interest in this story, or my other Yuri!!! on Ice work:
“As we’ve shared with our fans more and more candidly over the years, I was rather shameless in the early part of our courtship.”
He let his lips quirk at Phichit and Otabek’s slightly muffled laughter, and Yuuri’s cautious smile.
“Your ‘Yuuri on Ice’ Free Program is a very taxing one, and right after the first training session during which I joined you for successive run-throughs of it – with the full jump layout in addition to max difficulty on the step and choreo sequences – I made a big show of collapsing right outside the entrance to Yu-topia. I then begged for you to help me up the stairs to my room. You were so attentive and sweet that, naturally, I couldn’t resist the temptation to milk this opportunity in the following weeks.”
With only a brief flicker of guilt (what else was he supposed to have done?! Desperate times, as they say…), Viktor kept his eyes glued to the page and continued reading.
“At strategic points over the next month or two, I may have played up my fatigue, or orchestrated a few sympathy-induced falls when feeling particularly touch-starved. However, there were a few hints that cropped up now and then to suggest that you knew about my deception. And yet, you appeared to have no problem indulging me, anyway, practically carrying me every time that I whined about my pitiful stamina, or my achy knees.”
He looked up. Yuuri’s cheeks were charmingly pink, and Viktor’s fingers itched to poke at them.
“So, that being said, anata: did you know about my little charade, back then?” he asked, already aware of the answer but eager to see his love’s reaction, nonetheless. “And if so, why did you let it continue?”
Yuuri began to scratch the back of his neck, his flush growing even rosier.
Viktor nearly cooed.
How was he so cute?!
Even after over two years of marriage and four-and-a-half as a couple, Yuuri still grew adorably embarrassed around some of the particulars of their early beginnings.
His spouse gave a tiny cough and kept his gaze affixed to the table they were seated at.
“Maybe not from the very beginning, but eventually? Yes, I knew,” he responded, and from the slight upturn of his lips, Viktor could tell that he was reminiscing. “And you know exactly why: your little scheme started before we officially began dating, so it gave me an excuse to be close to you and to take care of you, for a change.”
Yuuri glanced at him and his face changed, as if he’d suddenly realized what he’d said.
“Not that you had asked to be taken care of, in so many words…but I liked having the roles reversed, so to speak, at least for those brief exchanges,” he went on, without a trace of levity. “You were doing so much for me, and it felt nice to be able to make sure that you were ok, too.”
The subsequent awwww’ing was somewhat drowned out by the way Viktor proceeded to half-stand and envelop him in an eager hug.
He giggled at Yuuri’s yelp of surprise.
“My Yuranya is sooo sweet!” he cried, swaying them back and forth. “And I love that you take care of me. You’re very good at it.”
There was a brief pause, but then his embrace was being returned with equal fervor. “I try my best, Viten’ka. You deserve it,” his husband replied, sounding so earnest that it made Viktor’s heart skip a beat.
“Sit down, geezer! That half-standing position can’t be good for your arthritic back!” Yura called out, the caustic words only slightly intruding on his bubble of bliss.
“Careful, Yura!” he challenged, good-naturedly, after breaking out of Yuuri’s hold.
“Off-season or not, I can still put restrictions on your diet at dinner tonight if I want to.”
Viktor allowed himself a smirk when his student seemed properly dejected at the prospect of this threat.
“Ok, so no lies, so far, right Funmi?” he asked, to which she gave an enthusiastic thumbs up.
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lou-is-lurking · 17 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage Relationships: Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky Characters: Otabek Altin, Yuri Plisetsky Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Friends to Lovers, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Explicit Sexual Content, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Semi-Public Sex, Alley Sex, Unsafe Sex, Unsafe driving, Horny Teenagers, Teenagers being reckless, First Time Getting Off Together Summary:
“This is madness,” Otabek mutters, “We shouldn't be doing this.” Laughter rolls from Yuri's lips. “But you want to.”
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this-is-krikkit · 3 months
me: i'm gonna write a cute lil onesided yuri x otabek crush fic the fic: *turns into an introspection of yuri's relationship with his two unofficial dads + his perception of victor as a whole instead* me: ... aight nvm
details under the cut
rating: T (because swearing. because POV Yuri.)
relationships: Otabek Altin & Yuri Plisetsky, one-sided Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, background Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Victor Nikiforov & Yuri Plisetsky
additional tags: Post-Canon, Future Fic, Aged-Up Yuri Plisetsky, POV Yuri Plisetsky, Yuri has a crush, Yuri also has kleptomania, (okay not really), Fanboy Yuri Plisetski, Katsuki Yuuri and Victor Nikiforov are Yuri Plisetsky's Unofficial Parents, Victor Nikiforov and Yuri Plisetsky Are Also Unofficial Siblings, just…., Found Family, there that explains everything, Domesticity, Intimacy, Character Study, Inspired by Fanart
Otabek often stays at Yuri's place during the off season. And this year, he's got something to say about Yuri's latest... decorating choice.
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dearvitya · 1 year
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Chapter 2 is finally uploaded!
“Would you like to dance?” Nikita asks. The ribbon in his hair is loosening, his ponytail dropping lower and a few short pieces falling out to frame his face.  He really is beautiful, Yuuri thinks, obnoxious remarks aside. Like the yokai his sister used to warn him about when they were kids, some mesmerizing, impish creature up to no good. He swallows against the uncomfortable lump in his throat.  “Next time,” he promises, and he doesn’t know why he says it, why he just willingly opened up his future to more, but he finds that he means it. He just can’t do it now. How is it possible to feel so thrilled and so scared at the same time? “Next time,” Nikita repeats, and Yuuri can’t understand why his declination has him looking so disappointed. A teasing smile tugs at his lips. “I’ll hold you to that, you know.” Yuuri rolls his eyes, bumping their shoulders together. “Oh, I know you will.” Yuuri’s well aware that he will never hear the end of this promise until he sees it through—and he knows he’ll personally be thinking about it nonstop until then too.
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marislittlethings · 1 year
it's so fucking funny to read fic in a fandom that was most active in like 2016/2017 and has since become... a bit less so
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femmfaetale · 1 year
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ex i never had - an otayuri fanfiction 
ch.3 read here
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m0srael · 2 years
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A series in which I ask my mutuals for fanwork recs, and then come back and tell you why I loved them. Any chance you have something to rec (the criteria are virtually non-existent)? Please, please send it on. Here is my original ask with more info.
I Was Recced:
As The Lights Lift Around Us by @zeziliazink [Drarry | M | 25.6k]
“What?” Draco said, finally looking Potter in the eye. Potter’s eyes were wide and green below his raised eyebrows. It must have been the lenses of his glasses sharpening the flecks of color in his irises, because they were almost shimmering in the light of the hundred-year old sconce on the brick wall behind Draco’s head, and oh fuck, he was still looking Potter in the eye, what the fuck, how was he supposed to get out of this, now?  In which our heroes become reacquainted in a pub, spend a whole day together that turns into night, and then...? Featuring a minor freakout (Draco), a brand new song (Harry), and affectionate exasperation (all of their friends). Will Draco figure his shit out before Harry gives up? Will Harry survive the Venomous Tentacula? Will Draco ever decide which tea he wants? Will Harry's HooTube commenters ever forgive him for falling in love?
As the Lights is a stark departure from last week's read: Open Fire by Slytherco. With tags like "musician!Harry", "flying teapots", "lots of blushing", and "lots of grinning", you might expect this fic to be super cute and fluffy--and you would be absolutely right! Zezilia gives us just enough angst in this Enemies-to-Friends-to-Lovers story to make the getting together feel genuine and believable without making us doubt for one second that these boys we love so much will end up happily together. Reading this story made me feel so warm and fuzzy that I inhaled it in a day, and I highly recommend you do so as well! In addition to the classic, very gay trope of the "24 hour date" and musician!Harry's smoldering good looks and endearing friendship with Luna (who fronts a band called Luna Lovegood and the Good Loves !!!!!), there are a couple of specific things I want to shout out about this story:
🐣 Draco Malfoy's Journey to Healing His Inner Child Is there another person, real or fictional, who needs to heal their inner child as much as Draco Malfoy?? Arguably Harry James Potter, but when we meet him in this fic he's well on his way. I love how Zezilia skillfully peppers in all these little but significant ways that Draco is trying--consciously and subconsciously--to re-parent himself and to replace all the vicious, unkind voices that have populated his head for so long. His mirror has the voice and personality of someone's doting grandmum, for goodness' sake! But beyond that, we get to witness Draco learning how to allow himself to be earnest, to openly enjoy the things he likes, and to be a little weird! It helps that he has two of the world's best friends, Sophie and Ravi (Zezilia's OCs), to encourage and support him. Honestly, I desperately want a Sophie. It's so gratifying to watch Draco not only love himself for who he really is, but learn that other people will love his true self, too.
🧙🏻‍♂️ The Wonder of the Wizarding World I adore the ways that Zezilia has woven the most magical parts of the wizarding world through this story. The way that they use magic to embellish scenes and complicate the characters lives is so delightful. Whether it's a particularly bawdy painting of a shepherd tending his flock (and other things), the most magical sounding café with Cheering Charm-infused pastries, or a magical park full of animated (and also bawdy!) statues, Zezilia doesn't hold back on the whimsy!
And a bonus: this fic is pro-Hot!Neville, and so am I. So very much.
If you read this (or have read it), let me know what you think!!
I Was Recced As The Lights Lift Around Us by @softlystarstruck, so I read:
morning light [victuuri | G | 1.8k]
A cozy winter morning, and a new term of endearment.
Okay, so technically speaking I have read everything Bee has ever written--much of it several times--which means this was a (blissful) re-read for me. I've gushed about my favorite stories Bee has written before (starlight (the unsuccessful return of a runaway prince), to be a bit of warmth (for you), you bring me home, their kinktober 2021 collection, for starters) but I have yet to really rec this one. Since most of my mutuals will be familiar with the way Bee writes our favorite boys, Draco and Harry, I am here to implore you to dig into their Yuri!!! on Ice fics on AO3, even if you aren't familiar with the source material!
Bee takes all the tenderness, care, and intimacy which which they write their Drarry stories and carefully molds it to fit these two lovely, anxious men. What I love most about Bee's writing is that they are able to gently pick up two characters, see right to the heart of them, and then translate all their deepest desires and fears right onto the page in beautiful prose (and sometimes verse!). This means that while morning light feels undeniably "Bee" in its tone, pacing, and use of endearments, the relationship between Viktor and Yuuri is unique and so true to their characters. Viktor (off-screen) is bold and confident and commanding, while Yuuri (everywhere, all the time) is anxious, self-effacing, and unsure. In this close, intimate moment Bee manages to capture all of their facets, allows them to let their guards down, and helps them to grow even closer to one another. This fic is warm, quiet, blushy, and so, so lovely!
Thanks for sending me a recommendation!
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Hello! Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to five other writers 🥰
Thanks for the nomination, Angela! 💙💜
Since I got started in 2009, I've written tons of fanfictions and I love all of them, but I will only include those I posted on AO3 because I deem the ones from before as no longer relevant (plus the old ones were in my first language lol). That means I only have Yuri!!! On Ice fanfictions on this shameless self-rec list.
Because the Hydrangeas weren't yet in Bloom - a one-shot about Japanese flower language and how it applies to Yuuri's and Viktor's gala costumes
A Song of Fiery Birds and Endless Winter - a cute little romance that explores "what if Yuuri and Viktor meet at the Olympics?" with lots of figure skating including homages to the skaters that inspired the YOI characters, and a sensible presentation of mental illnesses. It's my only non-canonical YOI fanfiction albeit still canon-verse. Ended up in an anti-rec collection because Yuuri was too fanboyish (make of that what you want).
The Instruments are in Harmony - a one-shot about the making of Yuuri's free programme
Beneath the Shine of a Thousand Spotlights - a multi-chapter narration about Viktor fighting depression and creative burnout right before he became Yuuri's coach. Although this story flopped gloriously, it's very dear to my heart not only because Vitya is but because I wrote the whole draft during a time when I contemplated stopping writing for good.
Last but not least, my special extended novelisation Can You Hear My Heartbeat, which is my love letter to Yuri!!! On Ice. Prepare yourself for flirty coaches, hanging out that's actually dating, Japanese culture, fantastic figure skating, awkward actual dates, steamy dancing lessons, explorations of sexuality, kinky!Eros and a loong summer of mutual pining.
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blonndiec · 5 months
''When did Viktor cut his hair? Why?''
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A season or two after his first senior GP gold, he had a master plan while looking himself in a large mirror. ''Little Vitya'' was gone, so he was going to surprise the world next season.
WIP/rough sketch project linked to my series Sleepless in St. Petersburg first installment
*Today was holiday due to Labour Day and thought about this while writing S&SN, so got inspired and spend all afternoon on the sketch that will be redone on the weekend*
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memoryofapricity · 2 years
aquamarine eyes. Viktuuri
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𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌 – 𝐘𝐮𝐮𝐫𝐢!!! 𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐂𝐄
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 – 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐘𝐮𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐱 𝐍𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐯 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 – 𝐬𝐟𝐰, 𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞, 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭
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this fic is for the animanga secret santa exchange 2022 ! my giftee was @bl-astoise, hope you enjoy <3
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Katsuki Yūri had always loved animals. most of his relatives thought he would grow out if it in his teenage years, but here he was; an animal lover in his twenties.
something else he'd always loved was baking. it was a shared activity that had brought him closer to his mother. the nostalgia from smelling cinnamon in the air, or brushing flour off of his hands took him back to the kitchen of his childhood home in a matter of seconds.
oh, and one more thing he loved was the holiday season. he loved the light hearted spirit that surrounded this time, but he also enjoyed the sense of rush it gave him in a customer service job. that's right, Katsuki Yūri had achieved his dream job. nothing could ever be a more perfect work environment for him than a cat café.
he'd managed to climb the ranks and gain the trust of his superiors. by now he was something of a manager in his little café.
that didn't mean he wouldn't get the normal tasks done himself, though.
he was just sweeping the floors and cleaning the tables during the last open hour, while jazzy Christmas songs played in the background, when he heard the door open.
"welcome! what can I get you?" he said his usual greeting while making his way back to the front.
only as he stood behind the counter he got a good look at the gentleman with a long trench coat and platinum hair. his prim appearance made him look out of place in a more relaxed environment like this one.
"may I have a cappuccino, please?" the customer requested.
"coming right up! would that be all?"
"that's all, thank you."
the platinum haired man gave Yūri a small, polite smile before stepping to the side to wait for his order.
the barista prepared the coffee, but he couldn't erase those light blue eyes from his mind. they looked like a pair of aquamarine gemstones.
Yūri looked at the milk foam sitting at the top of the glass mug, before deciding to draw a heart on this handsome customer's coffee. he took the mug to the cash register and pushed it across the counter carefully.
another small smile formed onto the other man's lips the moment he saw the heart.
"thank you kindly", was all he said after paying for his drink.
Yūri watched him walk across the room to an empty armchair and pull out a small book from the breast pocket of his jacket. the brown eyes were glued to him as he slipped the outside coat off and set it on the armrest carefully.
Yūri could feel his coworker's eyes on himself as he kept admiring the blue plaid vest paired with a simple, white button up.
"Yūri, you're staring", his friend Phichit noted.
"but... just look at him", Yūri sighed out, "he looks so... posh."
he leaned his elbow against the counter and kept his eyes on the stranger whose body language was the most graceful Yūri had ever seen.
Phichit nudged him forward.
"stop drooling and go talk to him!"
Yūri's face flushed and turned around to scold the younger man: "I am not drooling! I just admire people like him."
along with a "sure, sure", he was pushed out of hiding behind the counter and he stood awkwardly in the open. he took a deep breath and started walking towards the customer.
it was only then he noticed one of the cats curled up on the elegant man's lap.
"oh, she seems to really like you."
the light blue eyes looked up at him.
"why do you sound so surprised?" the customer questioned as his head tilted to the side slightly.
"she's usually not one to care about customers. she always takes a while to warm up to the staff too", the black haired one explained.
a chuckle was heard before the stranger spoke up again: "I must be special, then."
the next day Yūri couldn't get the strange customer out of his mind. the way he moved, the way he spoke...
"thank you for the coffee", he'd said, glancing at the nametag on the apron, "Yuuuuri~."
the way he'd dragged out the u in Yūri, made the barista's heart flutter.
"stop daydreaming", the youngest employee, another Yuri, - though everyone called him Yurio - said as he smacked the back of Yūri's head.
"ow", the older of the two mumbled out while rubbing the spot Yurio had hit.
"you're usually not like this. I'd expect this from Phichit, but not you. I thought you were sensible."
"hey!" was heard from the back.
Yūri chuckled.
"well, yes, this is the first time this has happened to me", he admitted.
Phichit chose to stop eavesdropping and join the conversation: "but you had a girlfriend in high school, didn't you?"
Yūri felt guilt flushing through him.
"yes, I did, but I don't think I was ever in love with her."
"because you're gay", Yurio retorted.
Phichit looked at him with his jaw dropped open, as if he just revealed a character death from a show they were watching.
"what? did he seriously not know?"
Yūri could only replay those words in his head. gay? now that someone said it out loud, it made a lot of sense. maybe he was gay. and just maybe, that gorgeous customer he knew nothing about was his gay awakening.
but, it wasn't like Yūri would ever see him again, unless he decided to visit the café again himself.
the next time he saw those aquamarine eyes was on a late night walk back home after closing the coffeeshop.
"Makkachin!" someone yelled, right before a strange force took Yūri down to the ground.
"I am so sorry, he doesn't usually do things like this", the stranger apologized.
Yūri opened his eyes to see the faces of a large poodle and that platinum haired customer from earlier the same week hanging over him.
"I must be special, then", he laughed out as the not-so-unfamiliar stranger helped him back up to his feet.
"yes, I suppose the tables have turned", the taller man said with a gentle smile.
before letting go of Yūri's hand, he breathed out a name: "Victor."
"my name. I'm Victor."
"oh!" Yūri exclaimed as realization rolled over him, "nice to formally meet you, Victor."
"please, no need to be so polite, my dog did just knock you over."
they both chuckled softly before Victor started speaking again: "have you eaten yet?"
"ah, no, I'm going to eat once I get home."
"could I treat you to some nikuman?" Victor offered, "it's the least I can do."
a certain warm excitement filled Yūri's chest as he nodded with a smile.
"I'd like that."
the pair walked together, with their steaming meat buns in hand. Yūri could feel the awkwardness in the silence hanging between them, and he had to break it.
"so, do you usually use your dog to get closer to people like this?"
bad joke... not funny.
"only when they're adorable", Victor slipped out smoothly.
oh. oh. wasn't that a flirt?
and a good one at that.
Yūri could feel the heat rush to his cheeks as he bit into the bun again, trying to think of how he could possibly respond to that.
"I saw you looking at me, Yuuuri."
great, add in the embarrassment of getting caught staring at a customer, and what you have is Yūri turning into a mess.
after no replies from Yūri, Victor kept talking: "I wanted to see you again, but I didn't want to be your customer."
they both stopped walking and Victor turned Yūri's head towards himself.
Yūri felt his knees go weak as the sincere aquamarine eyes gazed into his soul.
"I must be lucky to run into you like this."
"m-me too", Yūri finally stammered out.
the gentle smile on Victor's face grew slightly wider.
"I know this might all come out of the blue, but would you want to go on a date with me?"
Yūri blinked once, twice, even thrice. a date? he must've been dreaming this.
a snort escaped the other man.
"yes, I'm serious."
"uh, yes, I'd love to..."
Victor let go of Yūri and took a step further away from him.
"how about dinner after your shift on Saturday?"
Yūri only nodded enthusiastically. his voice was lost somewhere inside him due to the shock. he could only watch as Victor waved his goodbye and started walking away with his dog.
"he asked you out!?" Phichit's exclamation filled the kitchen the next morning as they were rolling out dough.
"yes... he's taking me out tomorrow night", Yūri said quietly.
"what? where? when?"
the bombarding of questions made it seem like Phichit was more excited for the upcoming date than Yūri was himself.
"he's meeting me here after closing, and we'll go to dinner."
"ooh, how classy.... a dinner date. wonder where that'll end up~..."
the tone in Phichit's voice got the nerves in Yūri to wake up.
this would be his first proper date. how was he supposed to act? was he supposed to get something for his date? what would they even talk about?
maybe he should read a short guide on dating...
Phichit's voice cut through his thoughts: "you look like you're spiraling, Yūri... you okay?"
"...yes! I'm totally fine. I can go on a date with a crazy handsome guy who's clearly out of my league! no problem!"
the nervous laughter escaping his lips didn't help in convincing his friend. the pair of dark grey eyes only gave him a pitying look, as if to say he was thinking too deeply into this.
"you'll be fine. there's no need to think about it too hard, just act as you would normally."
the – without lying – almost dreaded Saturday evening drew close, and Yūri couldn't contain the butterflies in his stomach when the platinum haired gentleman stepped inside the café. his lips curled into a soft smile as his aquamarine eyes locked onto the man standing behind the counter.
Yūri felt like his knees might give out at any moment. somehow Victor's gaze on him was fierce and tender at the same time.
"Yuuuri", he spoke, and his voice was velvet against Yūri's ears, "are you ready to go?"
the black haired man could only nod as his heart was beating out of his chest. would Victor reach for his hand?
he didn't.
Yūri could feel disappointment settle into his chest as they walked side by side, with a gap in between.
Yūri felt as if he needed to close said gap. he couldn't stand feeling like he was too far to reach Victor even with the tip of his finger.
suddenly the other man stopped walking and their arms bumped into each other.
"we're here", Victor breathed out a small cloud of fog into the cold night air, "the best sushi in town."
the pair walked inside and were wrapped in the surprisingly warm ambience.
Victor led Yūri into a small table in a quiet corner, with a single candle and rose in the middle.
"I made us a reservation beforehand", he mentioned as if it was the most obvious thing to be done.
he even pulled out the other chair and motioned for Yūri to sit down.
the flutter returned to his heart as he took a seat and watched the graceful man sit down on the other side of the table. Yūri watched the flicker of candlelight dance on the flawless face as the blue eyes scanned through the menu.
the dinner date went on smoothly. conversation flowed naturally and the experience as a whole felt breezy to Yūri. he hadn't felt this exhilarated in possibly years – Victor really made him feel like there was a whole new world to be discovered.
to top the night off, Victor had offered to walk Yūri back to his own apartment.
"tonight was really lovely", the black haired man said quietly.
the taller one gazed into his eyes with a soft smile as they stood on the doorstep of the apartment building.
"yes, I had a wonderful time" the velvety voice sounded out as Yūri felt a gentle squeeze on his hands, "do you think I could take you out on another date?"
an exclamation was heard: "yes, absolutely!"
and a satisfied chuckle followed.
"get your skates ready for next weekend."
with that, Victor said goodbye, but his hands lingered on Yūri's for a moment longer before pulling away.
the barista stood still at the door. he could feel the cold air surround the skin on his hands again, without the warmth from Victor.
the days went by in a flash – Yūri tried to convince himself – when in reality this had felt like the longest week of his life. but like promised, on Friday afternoon, Victor took Yūri out to an ice skating rink.
"let me help you with those", he said before kneeling down and tying Yūri's skates.
"oh, thank you", Yūri mumbled while hiding his red cheeks into his wooly scarf, "it's been a while since I last went ice skating."
"that's okay. I'll help you", Victor assured, giving a gentle look to the other man while offering his hand.
Yūri took the hand, and he was lead to the ice. his knees felt weak, but the hands holding him up were like a strong force supporting him.
little by little, Yūri did get comfortable on the slippery surface. and by the time Victor finally let him go, he was able to skate smoothly without falling over.
"great job, Yuuuri, look at you go!" Victor encouraged him with the signature gentle smile.
and when Yūri looked at the smile, he could feel his heart melting away into a puddle, filling his whole chest with warmth.
it was a completely new feeling to Yūri. everytime he was with Victor, he could feel the excitement bubbling up inside.
that was until a vital piece of information was revealed.
maybe Yūri shouldn't have asked what Victor did for a living. he wasn't prepared to hear that Victor worked for the exact law firm, which had been tormenting the café and its owner for years. for some reason they'd been set on finding the slightest reason to get the café shut down.
was Victor just trying to get to close to him in hopes of making a new discovery? or obtaining some delicate information?
Yūri's head started brewing a storm of doubts and disbelief. he couldn't understand how good of an actor Victor had been.
and it seemed like the platinum haired man noticed something going on.
"Yuuuri, what's wrong?"
"I- I think I... I need to go", Yūri stammered out before stumbling off the ice.
he kicked the skates off as fast as he could, hoping Victor wouldn't be able to run after him.
but just as he was leaving, Victor grabbed his wrist.
"Yūri, please, talk to me. what happened back there? is my occupation a problem?"
Yūri took a few shaky breaths before replying: "don't pretend like you don't know... how could you just be using me? playing with my feelings? I really liked you, but knowing this was all fake breaks my heart."
he yanked his hand free and ran away, tears almost freezing on his cheeks as they escaped his eyes.
there was a pit in his chest, where there used to be warmth.
after that, Yūri didn't see Victor for another week. with each passing day, he did want to see the platinum haired man more.
it made him feel conflicted.
why would he want to see someone who was only messing around with him?
had he already lost all sense to being charmed by the gentleman?
yes, he had, Phichit had told him.
he'd also said Yūri needed something called closure. if things were to be left like this, it would be unsatisfying and Yūri would keep wondering about the what ifs even years later.
his friend was probably right, considering out of the two he had more experience with romance.
and as Christmas eve drew close, Yūri was as absorbed into his work as ever. the only thing he allowed himself to worry about were the cats of the café.
and as he was working at the counter, the bell tinged.
once he looked up to see the customer, he saw those painfully familiar aquamarine eyes. his heart almost stopped beating for a moment.
Victor stood at the doorstep, a bouquet of amaryllis, a couple poinsettias, cymbidium orchids, and to top it off; red roses.
and as if Phichit had changed the song of his own accord, one of the most well known American Christmas songs started playing.
the tall man took hefty steps, crossing the wooden plank floor to hand the bouquet to the barista.
"all I want for Christmas is you", Mariah Carey sang through the speakers.
"Yūri, will you please let me explain myself to you?"
after what felt like ages, but was only a few seconds in reality, Yūri gave Victor a nod. he couldn't help but feel curious about what the man had to say for himself.
and once they had stepped outside together, Victor began explaining.
he elaborated how he'd had no idea the firm he was employed by was fighting against this specific café, how he had been kept completely in the dark about everything related to it until he asked around about it.
"I wanted to get to the bottom of it, so I could understand your side, and I realize what it must have looked like to you now", Victor said carefully, "but I promise I've been serious this whole time."
Victor reached out to grab Yūri's hand, lifting his other one to the black haired man's cheek. the hands were cold, but still they managed to spread warmth onto Yūri's skin.
he had to admit he had been missing Victor's touch. maybe now he didn't need to long for it anymore.
"Yuuuri, will you give me another chance?" Victor spoke softly while leaning closer.
"yes, Victor, I'm sorry for judging you so fast..."
he really did feel guilty. Victor had been innocent the whole time, but Yūri had let his doubts get the best of him.
the aquamarine eyes were staring into his soul – or at least that's what it felt like – and Yūri felt the most vulnerable he ever had before.
that's when Victor said it: "I'm not going to wait for rain for me to kiss you."
instinctively Yūri leaned closer, he gazed back at Victor, before closing his eyes. he felt the other man holding the side of his face as their lips crashed into each other. their dance started slowly and delicately, but turned into what felt more needy than anything else.
once they pulled apart, they only kept staring at each other with shy smiles.
finally, Yūri broke the silence by asking: "why would you go to such lengths for me?"
"I really like you, if that wasn't clear already, and I want you in my life..."
Victor squeezed Yūri's hands.
"whenever you're ready for it, I'd like to make this official."
the barista was shocked. this person, who was clearly out of his league, wanted to date him?
"well, um", he stammered, "I do want that, but are you sure..?"
"yes, positive", Victor affirmed as he pulled Yūri into an embrace.
and as he was wrapped in the most comfortable warmth he'd ever felt, he sighed happily and whispered: "why me?"
"because you're special."
another thing he'd come to love, was going to be Victor.
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𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3290
𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧: 24th of December, 2022
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triptychgrip · 4 months
Post-canon Viktuuri intimacy: my love of writing the most tender filth imaginable
I think I'll always love writing post-canon Viktuuri smut, because in my fluffy little head, Yuuri and Viktor have the most filthy yet tender sex imaginable. It's particularly fun to write about their kink life, imagining what a few years' experience of unraveling Viktor time and time again might do for Yuuri's confidence...
If you've read my work before, I imagine you know I love writing Dom Yuuri. The most recent chapter of my married Viktuuri 2018/2022 Olympic Games fic -- Chapter 17, meaning there are only 4 chapters left until the end of part 1! -- features a pretty lengthy sex scene, and given the heightened emotionality of this particular day (i.e. the one right before Yuuri's last ever competitive skate), it was really fun to write.
It also includes mention of one of my favorite headcanons in the overall 300K+ word fic series: that Yuuri is not only a talented athlete, but singer as well. In fact, since gaining confidence in his skating as well as his relationship with Viktor, it's long been a dream of his to skate to his own music one day in competition. He finally does so in his last ever competitive season, which culminates with the Bejing 2022 Olympic Games.
Below is an excerpt from this most recent chapter, which I hope piques your interest in checking out this story or my other YOI works (which are basically all explicit...lol, what can I say?).
Note: content warning for explicit sexual content, Dom/sub power exchange
Note of context: on this particular day, Viktor is in a feminine mindset. She came out as genderfluid post-retirement, and sometimes uses she/her/hers pronouns
Given Yuuri's impressive stamina, Viktor decided to help things along by beginning to twist her wrist and pulled off for a few seconds so that she could administer a few full strokes.
“I love making you feel good…that’s all I ever want to do,” she whispered, glad when her husband opened his eyes so that they were looking at one another. “You deserve it, you were so beautiful yesterday. And not only your skating, but your singing, too.”
Her eyes actually grew wet when she said the words, but she knew Yuuri would understand the sudden onslaught of emotion.
Viktor had been hearing ‘Gold’ all season long, but never in a million years would she have guessed that Yuuri had recorded a surprise version of it: one that featured his own lead vocals instead of Yukimi’s. Though her love had skated to the sound of his own voice before (at the 2018 World Championships, in a tribute during her last competition), this was the first instance in which Yuuri had skated to a song of his own creation.
It had long been a dream of his to do so, and Viktor hadn’t even really been able to pay attention to the first thirty seconds of Yuuri’s performance yesterday, what with the way she’d broken down, sobbing. Her uninhibited reaction had been the subject of quite a lot of memes, but she couldn’t bring herself to feel even the slightest bit embarrassed. She hadn’t even realized that she’d grabbed Phichit’s sweaty arm – he had literally just come off of the ice after his own stellar performance – and had been grateful that he hadn’t minded when she’d begun to blubber all over him (then again, Phichit had cried a bit, too).
It spoke volumes about their relationship that even with the very wanton activities they were currently engaged in, a distinct softness entered Yuuri’s beautiful, gold-flecked and chestnut colored gaze.
“I could never have done it, if not for you watching me, Viten’ka,” he whispered, bringing his forehead slightly down to meet her own. “I’m so happy I got to surprise you like that.”
Viktor was proud that even as her vision grew blurry, she managed to keep up her ministrations. She giggled quietly at the sweet way her spouse kissed at some of the tears that spilled over, but the sudden heightened emotion receded, replaced with the earlier eroticism when she gave a particularly deft twist of her wrist.
She recomposed herself, bringing her mouth back down and attempting to fit the entirety of Yuuri’s dick inside. When it hit the back of her throat, she hummed, satisfied at the second loud thunk! that resounded.
“Ah! Vitya!!”
Viktor immediately pulled off with an unabashed slurping sound, but before Yuuri could protest, she sunk back down, taking his cock all the way to the back of her throat, yet again.
“Swallow around me, honey,” he ordered, the firm directive sending another heady pulse of fuzziness right to her brain.
She did so with enthusiasm, nearly losing her goddamn mind when her husband brought his hand up to her throat, lightly massaging it so that he could feel himself inside of her.
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lou-is-lurking · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky Characters: Otabek Altin, Yuri Plisetsky Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Post-Canon, Explicit Sexual Content, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Temperature Play, Masturbation, Blow Jobs, Ice on Yuri, Explicit Descriptions of Summer Heat, Fluff, Humor, Otabek Altin is a Tease
Yuri can't stand the heat. Otabek finds a way to cool him down.
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this-is-krikkit · 4 months
For the Kiss Roulette: number 17 please: “an upside-down Spiderman kiss” with Victuuri please. I love the way you write them 💜
mmkay so technically this also fills prompts... 1, 2, 3 and 9, but who's counting, right?? i mean, Victor is so ridiculously in love with Yuuri it allows me to write the corniest, most hyperglycemic fluff for them, and i love him sm for that.
thank you for the prompt, enjoy your fluff babe! 🩵
smitten - 👉 read on ao3
word count: 2.2k
ship: Victuuri
rating: Teen
Victor's not one to waste an opportunity to show Yuuri just how much he loves him.
additional tags: Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Multilingual Characters, except Yuuri's a little better at English than Victor is, POV Victor Nikiforov, Victor Nikiforov is Extra, Body Worship, (face worship really), Smitten Victor Nikiforov, Rinkmates Victor Nikiforov/Yuuri Katsuki, Domestic Fluff, Tumblr Prompt, Yuuri Katsuki Has Dimples, Victor Nikiforov Is In Love
💋 pick a ship and let's play kiss roulette! 💋
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