#n e ways. idk if this even makes sense anymore
raiiny-bay · 7 months
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finished dhes & kel's character pages so here are the lil edits i made for both of em :-)
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ok, bc @ariagreenleaf inspired me over on the clock app with the "Mairin and Melkor are Oropher's dads" au, i can't help but put a little spin on it, and see how it would impact my au!
to start of with, in this au, Oropher isn't siblings with Elya (Elwe, Elmo, and Olwe's mother), instead Elya is Cloudryad(Oropher's romantic partner) twin sister. i wanna keep the twin thing going, even though i want to make being descendents of M&M unique to oropher's line.
i personally hc that, as a result of his ancestory, Oropher, and all his descendents, have yellow eyes with a black slit of a pupil, instead of round, courtesy of Mairon. Oropher, Thranduil, Miriel, and Thranduil's kids keep these hidden with illusion magic and contact lenses bc it's way to revealing of their ancestory to other elves, espescially if those elves have met Mairon.
Oropher loves his parents, but he doesn't like them. espescially in the beginning. he doesn't agree with what his fathers are doing. he understands that it's largely a result of Eru taunting Melkor with the whole "i have designed your every move, nothing you do isn't part of my plan, you have no true free will" schtick, and as a result Oropher, and his descendants, HATE Eru. like, it's personal for them.
however, that doesn't mean that Oropher thinks his parents should have gone off the deep end. bc logistically, it just doens't make sense to him. if you wanna stick it to eru, there are so many ways you could do that WITHOUT attempt at world domination/destruction, wich will inevitable catch the attention of the other valar and fail somewhere down the line. also, oropher has never been one for undeserved/unnecesary deaths. he has no issue dealing death out when he deems it deserved, but he isn't a fan of going out of his way to kill beings that have never even met him.
Oropher isn't particularly nice, but this disagreement is the main cataclyst of the rift that grows between parents and child, and eventually Oropher can't take it anymore.
what ultimatly breaks the camel's back is when oropher ends up spending time with the elves at lake cuivienen, and he meets cloudryad.
they were enemies at first (as is true to my original au) and they genuinly tried to fight/kill each other.... but then they clicked. enemies to lovers, as you will. n e way, Cloudryad knocked some sense into him (literally) though it should be noted that Cloudryad aint a saint either.
and then the 2 had Miriel and Thranduil.
Mairon and Morgoth wanted Oropher back, but when he redused, they sent an orc party after the grandbbies (mayby to kill them, maybe to capture them, maybe bc they want grandbby priveleges too, idk. it adds flavor, if oropher doesn't truelly know why his parents sent creatures to get to his kids).
Oropher and cloudryad beat them off, obviously, but Oropher is done with his parents at that point. his emotions are a mess, he loves them, but he dislikes them right now, and he doesn't know if he loves or hates them at this point either.
continuing, Thranduil and Miriel grow up into a pair of terrifying warriors, and while they do have their own distinctive personality, oropher can identify some aspects of his parents in them too. Miriel is like a fiery blaze, unwilling to bend or break, just like Melkor, and Thranduil is calmer, more likely to slit your throat from behind than to attack you from the front, like Mairon.
of course Cloudryad keeps Oropher in line (via a few loving knockes in sparing matches), and the kids grow up semi-safe (if you think that's the last of M&M, you're wrong.)
i'll create a part 2 later.
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simplesoup · 8 days
Friends don’t know the way you taste
Eijirou kirishima/blood riot x GN y/n
kidnapping it’s sad I think idk? Wrote if to read on my podcast enjoy simps lol
Red Riot a name that brings back sweet memories butterflies the fill your stomach and threaten to leave if you blink to fast
the red spiked hair and sharp toothed grin those red velvet eyes that look nothing but innocent
he’s sweet gentle just with a rough exterior and a good personality
who could ask for a better friend?….
wake up….
you sit up looking around in a panic tears almost filling your eyes…. Why… why had the world been so cruel you could only dream about your best friend god you missed him the two of you did everything together well until…
that day…
A day that made you wish you had been stronger more ‘manly’ you should have been there for him! Caught that damn building sure you would have been crushed just like him but at least you wouldn’t be here crying and masking your pain
everyday was like a reminder of what you had lost seeing the people hugging holding hands and laughing genuinely made your blood boil
Ejijrou’s death had broken you and the hero commission had done nothing to heal your wounds
they probably wouldn’t have even given you the time off if you hadn’t made such a huge fuss about it
how could you not? You watched your best friend die! Get crushed by that building you spent hours kicking rocks throwing rubble trying desperately to find his body
you held out hope… hope he was still alive…hope not even the others had…
A sob broke you from your trance reaching to your face you wiped tears from your eyes and sighed getting changed into you hero costume
you wanted to get away from this life… flee from this sick society we’re your only famous if your dead or number one…. What a joke…
who were you? A nobody… a hero who lost a friend and can’t get over them self
you brushed out your H/L hair and looked in the mirror wiping the newly formed tears away and getting yourself ready trying to appear as if you hadn’t been crying as if you hadn’t cried yourself to sleep every night since the incident….
How long had it been? How long has it been since you’ve had a good nights rest without tears? You couldn’t remember… everything felt like a blur. It felt like just yesterday that whole incident had happened.
You wish it would stop playing on loop the world would just go silent and you could finally rest easy.
you walked out of your apartment and into the night of the city heading towards the place you called heavens corner of hell… aka the alleys
Ever since that day you stopped doing day shifts, you didn’t want to be in the public eye no more avoiding people seemed like a great idea.
you walked down the dimly lit alleys it was boring but when wasn’t it boring? It’s not like you actually did anything…. You didn’t care.. you weren’t gonna step in stop a villain… no why should you? The heroes didn’t do their job and safe kiri so why should you do yours?
The dirt and cement was the only sound you heard every time you took a step it was a rythum one that you had grown more then accustomed too.
the chilly night air caused you to shiver as you turned into a new alley not quite prepared for what you had stumbled into
the newest and most dangerous villain on the list Blood Riot
you stopped in your tracks looking at him but before you could back away tucking yourself back into the safety of the dark alleys he noticed you showing off a sharp toothy grin you knew all to well
“E-Ejijrou?…” the world felt like it was spinning were you finally going crazy? Is this what death feels like?…. It all suddenly went black
‘If this is really the end…. Then show me to the door take me and let me fly…. I don’t wanna be here anymore…’
when had the world stopped making sense?….
I woke up gasping for air looking around in a panic this wasn’t my bed… that’s when my eyes landed on him “Kiri…” I started crying immediately
He walked closer to me! He was real! He’s alive!
“Y/N…. Your a mess baby… but it’s gonna be alright your safe..”
safe?.. what’s he talking about what’s happening am I dreaming… no if this is another dream it’s truly sick and twisted
“B-Baby..? Ejijrou your alive!- I god I’m so glad you’re ok!- I’ve bee-..” he cut me off
“No no there’s no need to speak darling daddy’s here and I promise no one will ever EVER even breathe on you~”
what the hell is happening!? This isn’t kiri!? Why is he talking like that saying that!? We… we were just friends right…. Best friends nothing more
“W-what are you saying…” you muttered you voice just barely above a whisper
“I love you and your mine Y/n never gonna let you go again…”
“What?… no Red!- we’re just friends!-…”
without missing a beat he walked closer chucking like a maniac “Oh pebble~ friends don’t know the way you taste~” with that he roughly brought you into a kiss one that soon turned sloppy
“You taste so sweet baby~”
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yokakaiju · 5 months
doro modern(?) au
i am so tired while writing this, so apologies if some of it doesnt make sense bleh.. i will happily answer any and all questions to the best of my ability tho!!
okay so ngl... it's really not that different from canon i think? i really don't know much abt my own damn au atm cause i mostly think of it during work and for some reason i literally NEVER write anything down?? idk why???
this shit is all 100% subject to change later btw:
• genuinely just abt everything that took place in doro takes place in the past during this au, but not in the same way or with the same characters. ik some stuff 100% wouldnt make sense because of this, BUT BLEHH ILL FIGURE IT OUT LATERR!!! literally jist like.. remove everything involving aikawa and risu and replace it with violent social unrest or smth idk yet...
• ne way, this takes place 100 years after the kaiman holey fight, but in this au it wasnt our kaiman
• the sorcerer and human world have been permanately sealed off from each other since hole fight
• humans at this point dont necessarily believe sorcerers even exist anymore due to this, but the older generations (the few people who live to be like 80-100+) are still somewhat afraid of them and think that some may still be in hole (they are)
• abt hole and this is gonna need a lot of reworking, but like.. idk. basically some humans worship hole as a modern god, taking everything that happrned as absolute truth and churches sprung up around holey, worshiping large statues made of his bones and stuff. the statues do still work as they did in base doro, but they arent as widespread anymore? theyre way more popular with older people and thr newly religous folk, but most people see them as some sort of novelty at this point and they arent widely owned outside of churches and hospitals anymore
• the refuse lake also is back kinda? but its mostly a normal lake now, but the water is still extremely tar like in some parts so its still gated off
• in the socerer world, all information regarding humans and the hole have been banned from being spoken about or learned by the general public. personal doors are also prohibited to be used/learned to be used and anyone who CAN use them that uses them unsanctioned will face capitol punishment or smth. really only the devils and en family know abt hole and shit (theres more people of course, but these are details idk yet)
• n e way, in modern era nikaido and aikawa (sigh we will get to him last...) work together at the hungry bug still
• nikaidos story is literally almost exactly the same. she is still being pseudo hunted by the en family because they got word of a time traveling socerer like howveer long ago and are trying to hunt her down in secret (they dont know its her directly tho)
• kasukabe/haze is still just chillin tho. he is nearly unchanged, still wrote books on socerers (however they were written more historically for a while, then eventually he met haru and they became research/science based) snd took ai as an appretenice, but his work outside of human medicine is thought of as crackpot conspiricy talk or entirely fictional. him and haru are stil married/divorced, haru is also atill a devil and he still has a skin door to the sorcerer world
• ive had some ideas abt shin, mostly that his mom was killed alongside his dad after someone tipped off the  militia that there was somehow still sorcerers in the hole. they investigated their home for a bit and caught her using a door, so they raided the home and slaughted his family in front of him. from there shins story doesnt change much at all rn tbh
• the en family is still highly regarded and very opressive in the socerer world. they dont destroy schools anymore because duh no black powder, but they (with some devil influenece as well) heavily regulate what is taught. resistence against the en family, namely trying to learn about doors and hole, are cruely punished to show they arent fucking around, despite them still having acess to the hole and knowing (somewhat) the true events of what lead to them being separated
• i havent put much thought into the fate of the cross eyes in this au yet, but ive had some ideas? they arent the cross eyes (yet) but, they (our commanders + natsuki and risu) were low ranking memebers who are part of a resistance against the en family that attempts to fight their opression/censorship of history and some higher ups (not the commanders rn) are even trying to figure out how to make a door to the hole or smth
• this is abt all i have rn (im also super tired writing this ugh), so sigh... aikawa time i suppose... this part is gonna be long and confusing and 99% of everything ive talked abt so far was stemed from this, so heres a barely tldr tldr becase im probably making a seperate post when im not so tired. okay TLDR: ai was always disallusioned with being a human becauee his grandpa told him about sorcerers and magic and shit, so he fully bought into hazes entire catalouge of books taking thrm as gospel. eventually he meets haze and works under him, getting close enough to see some of his studies on sorcerer corpses. due to the corpses having smoke/black powder and were killed with hatred for their fellow sorcerers (they were killed by the en family), it starts to slowly affect ais young brain and the seed of a new hole have been planted blah blah, anyway he starts having horrific nightmares from the pov of hole from over a century ago and starts hearing shit cause hes already really mentally unwell. pretyu much from here it goes thr same as base doro for rn. he begs haze to help him become a sorcerer, he has all his plans snd shit tk make it work with the "fresh corpses" (either murders or bodies provided by haru) haze has access to, but haze refuses. ai just gets worse as time goes on, but him being a little emo freak he never actually vocalizes it, but as per cannon he decided to just force hazes hand. one night haze and ai were illegally hunting for potential relics of hole or the events surrounding that around the older parts of the refuse lake whrn ai ended up throwing himself into the tar. however instead of throwing himself in the refuse lake cause he needs a corpse he was compelled by hallucinations or smth to throw himself in. haze saves him and ends up doing the surgery om him blah blah literally its not that different from here, ai still "dies" and is buried he was also made of the 9(?) corpses so hes till got all his heads ans shit. when he rises this time tho instead of going to the sorcerer world he goes to haze again immediatly and begs him not to tell anyone. from here on haze hides him ot smth since he looks so different now no ones gonna recognize him or whatevs
this aint a fuckin tldr whoops. anyway uh.. ill make a seperate post abt aikawa/kai/EVERYONE ELSE IN THERE later cause i fell asleep twice writing that
please ask questions if you have any!! i will work on this more as time goes on i imagine and ill try to start actually writing ny ideas down now
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jakesangel · 3 months
how to have a good mindset and being optimistic? i want to be kind to others often
hai anon bby <3 my apologies for my late answers i wasn't sure on how to give you a good answer :/ i don't really know what u mean by good mindset but being optimistic n kind was alwasy something i was being praised for. as it's natural for me i'm not really sure what to tell you but i can tell you how i interact w people :
꣑୧ don't wait for other to be nice to you to be nice ᵎ but don't become a people pleaser >.<
꣑୧ always smile as you see people. you don't have to greet them. but smiling is a sign of kindness.
꣑୧ if you see someone close to you in need of help, offer a hand ᵎ let's say your friend has trouble to do an exercise offer your help, or if u do struggle e it u can offer a study session together >< ꣑୧ ask if people are alright when u greet them. n check up on ur friends often ᵎ we never know when someone needs to vent and even if they don't, talking about good things is also important. you don't have to be a sponge of peoples problems, you can plais just let them kno that you are there for them.
꣑୧ stay polite ᵎ n give compliments.
꣑୧ stay out if drama n give the benefit of the doubt. everyone has their own thing n it's not because someone act up for a few minute that they are automatically bad. we all go thru something ᵎ
like i told you in someone optimistic, n i think it's because i'm very grateful for everything that i have n it's very easy for me to find joy in things. it could be because i used to be super poor but i'm not anymore n i still practice gratitude. i feel like you should way the way you see the world by a knowledginf the luck you have. like you can get to do your homework whereas someone on your age on this planet has to work to make their family survive. or that you have a roof over your head, when hornless exists... also try to find beauty in everything ᵎ i don't listen to music anymore whne i got outside so i can enjoy the landscape / even if i've seen it idk many times /. doing both helps me to always find the good in every situation. also ur mind has a huge impact on your life n environment, like placebo, creating happy thoughts create a happy life >< hanging out w optimistic people will also help you along w doing activities u enjoy.
i also feel like being pessimistic is a waste of time. like why would i make my life even harder for my own self ? the least that i can do for myself is to make it easier no ? why wasting time on hating on things when you can just look at the bright side ? idk if that make sense but thats how i see it ><
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andvys · 11 months
PART 17!!
- Reader's birthday is on April, while mine is in November, kinda sad
- "You know that seeing him tonight will only make things worse" UGH, that hurts
- "You should have said yes to Eddie when he had asked if you wanted to see a movie with him" Yes, you should Y/N! Also, that's so cute! Eddie's so cute!
- "Isn't this weird? To do this when he's with someone else?" Idk, that felt like emotional cheating again?? I don't have idea!
- "Did she make him cry the way he made you cry?" STEVE!!! I HATE HIM!
- POCKET KNIVES??? Thank goodness he didn't do anything worse to Y/N
- "He can't just hold your hand now, not anymore" Why did he had to be way too close with Nancy in the first place?
- He holds Y/N's hand tighter!!!!!
- Steve with longer hair supremacy!
- "She brought him back, she did something that you could not do" that hurted
- "He did not want to change for you" 💔
- "Looking down to hide your eye roll" QUEEN!!!
- "She is not you" you shouldn't have cheated on her!!! (Emotionally)
- Steve doesn't makes sense, like he feels something and does the opposite is what he feels!
- "To make it easier, to lie to you, to break your heart" ASSHOLE
- "He wanted you to fight for him" He could've fought for Y/N too
- Yes, he was a fucking asshole!
- "He hates the way you're still hurting bc of him" 💔
- "He hates the way your eyes continue to well up in tears" Poor Y/N
- " I just listened to you cry" THE PAIN!!!
- Asshole Steve
- "I should've given you the locket, not the bracelet you didn't wanted" :(
- "It only makes you sad now" aww
- "He could've" that hurt
- The original gift? What was it?? I wanna know!!!
- He bought the locket THREE DAYS BEFORE he left Y/N??? So leaving Y/N was not planned? But making her jealous was?
- "Everything went wrong after that night" after making decisions while drunk? Yes
- "Now you're showing him a side that he does not deserve to see" THAT WAS SO GOOD!
- The vulnerable, loving side that he only got when you were still his, the consequences of taking dumb decisions
- "He never deserved you" AHHHH
- Thank you Stevie, AHHHH 🩷
- I'll reread this on my birthday!
- " Last year he would've kissed you, this year he can't even hug you" 💔🥺
- Steve LOVES reader! But he liked Nancy while being with Reader??
- " No one can break his heart, no one but you" Like when Steve broke Y/N's heart?
- "Why did you leave her when you clearly still loved her?" Dumb decisions!
- That talk with Steve would trigger Y/N's ED more?
- "Nancy feels like a hypocrite for doing this to him" cause she is?
- "He was giving you something he never gave you while sober" that hurt!
- Steve was very toxic!
- "He cried asking why he couldn't hold you" UHHHHHH, that hurt, like poor him, but he was doing that to himself and to Y/N
- Listening to Y/N's favorite Metallica son, sure, but it's not just one song!
- "He places a kiss to your knuckles" We love Eddie's kisses 🩷
- Reader loves Eddie too?? Like romantically???
- "Happy birthday sweetheart" I freaking love him so much! 🩷
- The "Happy Birthday babe" from Heather, I loved it!
- "A poster of Eddie" I WISH!!!
- "The two blushing girls" I loved that
- He asked Y/N's mom about Y/N's birthday!! He's the one
- The skull ring that Y/N wanted and the locket that she also wanted? This is Steddie coded, like they planned it!
-"That is enough, for now" WHAT DOES THAT MEANS??? I wanna know!!!
- "Everyone else shares a look" Yes, they saw L-O-V-E
- "I'm having quadruplets" with Eddie? I wish!
- Steve went to the party?? I'm impressed, I supposed Eddie invited him??
- The ending was sad!
This was a good chapter, and I enjoyed it very much, even if I got mad because of Steve
- 🩷
OMG thank you for sharing your favorite moments with me! Reading these type of asks always makes me so happy 🥰
I'm sorry about the birthday 😩 it was actually a very spontaneous decision to write about her birthday, usually I try to avoid birthdays in fics cause I don't want any of my readers to feel excused, if that makes sense? But I just had to write it in this story.
Steve's long hair is here and soon the scoops ahoy uniform hehe
Yep. The breakup was not as planned as everyone thought
That talk didn't trigger reader's ED more, the breakup did though...
Hmm reader definitely loves Eddie platonically but romantically? I'm not sure 😌
Maybe Eddie did invite him.... maybe
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her-canine-teeth · 6 months
lots of dtuff (OH this is abt me purely no fandom or smth also it's very long as I said in the tags. Just want this to be somewhere)
i forgot what started this thiught but I think there's something of a disconnevt between me & my body. like im not rlly aware of it?? when i was younger i always like looked into the mirror and was like 'that's not me' and today I generally avoid mirrors (e. g. in elavators) but I dknt think I look bad (i look fucking amazing). had a discord group once and I think 2 were from the same country and I dont think they ever met up but like I dont think id want to? maybe it's The Fear thiugh (probably)
still dont like being percieved i think
that is. physically; my thoughts r different (desperately want to talk abt stuff like. all the time. which is hard bc my #1 fear is essentially to talk too much; i think tumblr is great for this bc I can judt put stuff out there and maybe nobody will read it, but at least it's out there. and maybe somebody WILL read it - it's more probable than when I never say it. i think thazs important to me)
me n my mum were talking like a week ago?? or smth anyways my grandparents r made of materials, my mum is made of wind. and im made of words (she says im made of what's between the words which makes sense to me somehow; Idk but I love the uncertain way more than what happened. for example the wilds; there's shoni (canon) n leatin (nof canon) n leatin Was so much more important to me (<- not in the wilds as much anymore)
reason is words r like. literally me like I write poetry, songs (sorta), fics (also sorta) analyses n like my own stuff since im 12/13, i love language(s) sm (like how they shape us. how they interact with one another (lending words, evolution of words, The Bear Thing, etc)) they even have colours for me (the letters and when i think abt it it's sorta like math? Idk)
the only thing i dont do in words is think (mostly) (it's like Idk colours and feelings and pictures or concept sometimes and there are words there but theyre not primary)
but like. call me text post the way i only (mainly) exist as an array of words n thoughts n wishes. to me
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songjustgaveyouaids · 4 years
Okay so-
I got iOS 14, like, yesterday and I’ve spent so much time just making over my phone, I swear 😤
It’s not obey me themed I’m sorry
But, like, every time I so much as look at my phone I get so happy🥺-
Also I started playing Ultra Despair Girls with my sis and-
I like it so much
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moonknightly · 3 years
what a shame — prof! p.d. (one)
word count: 2.1k
warnings: rough sex, choking/breath play, blood kink, other mentions of blood, age gap, p in v sex, uhhhh i probably said a bad word somewhere idk
a/n: another series??? sure but also i couldn’t look at this anymore so pls accept my sincerest apologies (and typos) i’ll edit later i just want it oUT
[ s e r i e s m a s t e r l i s t ]
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a u g u s t— 
It’s not the kind of meeting you’re going to tell your kids about. No, not at all.
It’s a quick glance across a crowded bar, eyes immediately locking with the other’s but it’s not love at first sight either. It’s quick, it’s dirty, and it’s dark — he has the kind of eyes you could imagine yourself getting lost in as you stare at them on top of you, with his hips moving against yours and his tongue licking sweat from your collarbone.  
A distraction. Meeting him seems like an open invitation for distraction and you’d be lying to yourself if you said it wasn’t one that you needed.
And apparently he’s welcoming a distraction as well, because it doesn’t take him very long at all to wag his finger at you, beckoning you closer. You know he’s looking at you, asking for you but you still tilt your head, anxiety rooting you to the spot as you question him — you just need to be sure. Absolutely, completely one hundred percent sure.
He nods at the confusion clear on your face, curling his finger a second time, and his smirk deepens, making your insides twist and turn.
He’s sure, so you guess that means you’re sure.
Professor Dameron gets to call the shots here, because he’s the one with everything on the line — his job, his life, his future, even if he doesn’t know it yet.
Even if he doesn’t know that come Monday, you’ll be sitting amongst the rest of his class in an overcrowded lecture hall. Even when you know that that’s exactly where you’ll be.
And you think that maybe you should tell him. Maybe he should know that he’s looking at a future student in a way that is so sinful, you can feel the heat of his gaze deep in the pit of your stomach.
You should tell him. He deserves to know exactly what he’s getting into as he buys you a drink and sets his hand on your thigh, but you won’t tell him. You can’t.
You need this distraction, you need it more than you need to take his class, more than you need any chance at a future professional relationship with him. You need it. The mess you’re about to make can wait.
“What’s your name?” he asks, his lips by your ear so you can hear him over the sound of the music blaring throughout the bar.
You tell him, and you wonder if he even listens. You’re not sure he does, but it doesn’t matter. Not really.
He smiles politely nonetheless, his eyes still holding yours, trapping you there like you wouldn’t stay on your own accord.
You almost slip up and tell him you know, but you only smile in return, reaching for your drink as soon as it’s placed in front of you. A margarita. Your drink of choice. It takes you by surprise, but before you can ask, Poe answers.
“I could see you drinking one before. Just figured you’d want another.”
Right. You can see your glass on the counter, still half full with the drink you’d abandoned for him.
“Thank you,” you mumble, feeling the heat in your stomach move to your cheeks. You reach forward and take a sip, hoping the additional alcohol will help calm your nerves. They’re so evident, even Poe can sense them — it doesn’t take much effort on his part, but neither of you seem to notice, or if you do, you don’t think about it.
“You don’t do this very often, do you?”
You set your glass back on the counter, clearing your throat to give yourself another second to try and settle the nerves compiling in your fingertips.
“Do what exactly?”
Poe tilts his head, his smirk twitching into a small smile. He shrugs first, then speaks again.
“Let a stranger buy you a drink.”
Is that all the night would bring?
“That obvious?”
He shakes his head, and for the first time since your eyes met, he looks away and chuckles to himself. “Not really. You just seem a little out of your element is all.”
His words don’t really bother you, you know you’re completely out of your element. He’s right, you didn’t do this very often at all but you just shrug yourself.
“I don’t really do bars.”
He tilts his head again, showing you that it’s a common mannerism for him. “So what are you doing out at one then, huh?”
“Stepping out of your comfort zone can be a good thing.”
Poe smiles again, nodding slowly as he considers your words and lets them sink in. “I personally think it’s always a good thing.”
The conversation flows easily as you listen to him explain his view point, and you can’t help but think that if he talks about writing the same way he’s talking about testing his boundaries, his class will be your favorite. He’s passionate, enthusiastic, not just in his words but in the way he kisses too — that’s your first thought after he gets you back to his place and pins you against the door.
His lips are chapped, rough like his hands but you don’t care. You don’t care at all.
Because you’re sure nothing has ever felt so good as those rough, calloused hands gripping your hips so hard that you know you’ll find bruises in the morning.
“Is this okay?” he mumbles against you. It’s a little redundant, considering he’d kissed you before he asked and that you aren’t even attempting to hide the desperation behind your lips, but you still appreciate it nonetheless.
“More than.”
He takes your words as a hint to push forward, and the next thing you know you're sitting on top of his kitchen island with his firm body between your thighs. His lips stay locked with yours for so long you can’t help but gasp for air when he finally pulls away to trail them down your neck. His beard makes you shiver, and you start wondering what it’ll feel like between your legs, if it’ll tickle or if it’ll burn.
You hope the latter. He’s already showing you that there’s pleasure in the pain he’s causing. It’s subtle, he doesn’t want to push too far too soon, but he bites and he nips and he smacks your cheek when he asks you a question that you don’t hear the first time.
“I said, tell me what you want sweetheart.”
The slap doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t even sting really. It’s just enough to get you wanting more.
He chuckles at your response, he can’t help it. It’s so cute and innocent, so broad.
“What do you want from me, hm? My lips, my fingers...something else?”
You whimper at the suggestion, unable to do anything but nod your head. Poe doesn’t like that.
“Use your words babe or you’re not gonna get shit.”
“Something else,” you answer immediately, the prospect of getting nothing too much. “I...fuck, I want your cock.”
He chuckles again, but it’s darker this time, and so are his eyes. “We’ve got time to work up to that sweetheart. We’ve got all night if you want.”
You perk up at his words, it’s obvious in the gleam in your eyes and how you sit up just a little bit straighter.
“Just tonight though. Understand?”
And that makes you falter, lips pursed, eyebrows furrowed. He pulls back, giving you the space to dip if that’s what you want to do.
“I don’t do repeats. Makes shit complicated and I’d just rather not deal with any of it,” he shrugs, and you can’t quite place the emotion on his face. It’s not exactly nonchalance, but it also doesn’t seem like he one hundred percent doesn’t care. It’s odd.
“I’m clean though, m’promise,” he says after you hesitate, holding his hands up.
You consider it for a moment — after he learns who you are, he’d never want to go for round two anyways. “Fine by me.”
“Good,” he says simply, pulling you back to his lips in a kiss that’s even harder than the first.
It doesn’t occur to you that you’re really about to do this until a half hour later, when your naked back finally meets cool marble, sending a shiver down your spine almost as violent as the one his fingertips sent across your skin.
He’s made you come twice already, once on his fingers and once on his tongue, and as he takes his cock out from his jeans you wonder how many more he’ll give you before he lets you go for the night. The fire in his eyes suggests that he doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
Poe pulls your hips to the edge of the counter, keeping his eyes locked on yours while he drags the tip of his cock through your folds, nudging at your clit a few times just to tease you. You’re still so sensitive from your last orgasm, you can’t help but try to back away and he only holds you tighter.
“Stay still for me, come on. Be a good girl.”
You want to oblige him, you want to be a good girl and listen but when he presses against your entrance, you can’t help but squirm — he’s so big, the stretch is so delicious but you’re not entirely sure he’ll fit.
His eyes flutter down to your pussy, spread and glistening for him, and you think that maybe he has the same thought but then he’s pushing into you with such reckless abandon, you’re positive that he wasn’t worried. He was just getting off on the thought of breaking your cunt, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t just as turned on by the idea.
The moan that escapes you when he bottoms out is the most desperate sound you’ve ever heard, somehow more erotic than any porn. The sound makes Poe’s cock twitch, and he has to hold himself still for a moment, his eyes closing and adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. Finally, he relaxes, bringing his hand to your throat. He uses the leverage over you to start his pace, finding a rhythm that’s slow and hard and makes you see stars every time he hits a certain spot inside of you.
And once he finds it, when he sees your face twist up in pleasure, he’s relentless. His hips pick up speed and you’re almost dizzy from the pleasure, your nails dragging down his back, leaving red marks in their wake.
“Harder,” he grunts, squeezing down on your neck just a bit. “Fuck, scratch me harder.”
If you do, you know he’ll bleed, there’s no way he won’t but the feral look in his eye tells you that that’s what he wants. You do it again and again and again, thrilled with every noise you’re able to pull from him, but nothing sounds as good as when you come together — you’d been ready for several minutes, but he’d forced you to hold it and wait for him. He wanted to feel you squeeze around him while he pumped his come into you.
The rest of the night continued similarly — he took you on his couch, on his balcony, over the counter instead of on top of it, but he never once offered to take you to his bed.
Not that you really thought about it, it didn’t mean anything. It was nothing more than a one night stand, of course it didn’t matter where he fucked you or how he fucked you.
It still didn’t matter when you made it back to your dorm for the night, after a quick “that was fun” and a thanks that made you feel more awkward than anything. It didn’t matter when you changed into your pajamas and noticed a little pool of red in your panties, or when you laid down in your bed and could still feel him in the pit of your stomach.
None of it matters.
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nemeseos-noctua · 4 years
hello!¡ idk if you guys have wrote for angst but i’ll req one since the reqs are open,, can i req for xiao, zhongli and venti where their [mortal] s/o slowly dies on their arms. yk since they’re basically immortal and how they’d react to losing another loved one. ty!
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: xiao, zhongli, venti (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: venti and zhongli story spoilers, not proofread
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: the way i teared UP while writing venti’s (also i love this request. i spent like 40 minutes writing it during a class but AGHH I LOVE THE FREEDOM I HAD WHILE WRITING IT)
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a part of him hates himself for loving you
he knew. he knew you were but a mortal, a fleeting love and a fleeting life. and yet, he lowered his guard. he let himself love, he let himself feel joy and bask in your warmth that the lingering thought of ‘temporary’ left his veins
but holding you like this—in his arms, in his cold cold arms that already missed your missing warmth, his bloodied gloves and sunny irises:
he hates you. he hates you for loving him. he hates himself for loving you. he should’ve never subjected himself to this pain—
but he’ll never stop loving the memories of you
“Sorry, Xiao,” You smiled weakly, chest heaving with restrained coughs as the Yaksha winced, cradling you in his arms as the moon began to rise.
“Don’t speak. Conserve your energy,” The Adeptus disregarded your words, his heart pounding against his chest with a pain so unfamiliar, a pain of heartache he wish he never experienced.
Maybe, if he had rejected you that fateful night—he’d feel this pain still. He’d feel it, just, earlier.
Would it be worth it? To sacrifice your memories, your love— for an easier farewell. Maybe, if he had never fallen in love with you, maybe, if you had just stayed in your mortal life and never seeked him out—maybe it would be you who was crying on his behalf.
Gazing down at you, Xiao’s grip on the fabrics of your shirt tightened. You had changed since he first met you—wrinkles adorned your face, [e/c] eyes drooping and your bones were stiffer and more fragile than his ever was.
And yet, he loved you like the first time he met you—though he’d never admit it, appearance never really mattered to him anyways. Though he held a youthful visual, he knew that if his true age was put into a look... it’d be nothing more than skin and bones.
“I love you, Xiao.”
Don’t. Don’t make him love you even more, don’t make him miss you before you had even left.
Don’t. Don’t leave him—don’t leave him stranded again, destined to fight against demons and protect Liyue even after its archon’s passing. 
Don’t, don’t make him cry uncharacteristic tears. Don’t make him long for a love that was gone.
xiao would put you to rest once the beat of your heart comes to a stop
he is painfully familiar with the traditions of a passing. he is familiar with the way he’d set someone down into the earth. he is familiar with the soil and the rain and the moon and the stars
he—adeptus xiao—was familiar with death. in fact, he dealed in it
this is most likely xiao’s first time watching someone die from old age
or—someone he loves
he is used to the realm of immortals, he is used to watching them be murdered or sabotaged. but never has he seen old age take someone
and he wished to never see it again.
xiao would close his heart from the world—if it wasn’t closed already, it’d be barricaded by twice the amount. thorns used to block the outside world would stab his own heart, and xiao would only know grief for a period of time
he’d find himself coming back to your final resting place, he’d find himself planting glaze lilies and flowers at your grave as he mourns a lost love
he—still hates you. he hates the love you gave him and the love you shared... but now it doesn’t hurt so much anymore
your death would only prompt him to become stronger. to become colder, to hate the world even more than he already does
zhongli would sometimes visit xiao, and even he is pained by your death. the world—it twisted and turned, it moved and wove tales with the strings of fate...
but never before has xiao wished he was mortal. if he were mortal, he could pass peacefully. if he were mortal, he could meet you again
xiao hates mortals.
he hates them because being mortal was what took you away from him
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the touch of death has numbed to zhongli
he has experienced it far too much, but watching you fade in his arms was probably the worst yet most bittersweet way to go
on one hand, zhongli is relieved. he is relieved that you passed peacefully, he is relieved that you left without any pain
yet on the other hand, he is heartbroken. he is broken to watch yet another loved one go, he is broken to have to arrange the casket that you will sleep eternally in
zhongli is grateful. he is grateful to ever meet you, he is grateful to have the honor of putting a ring on your finger and being able to lock your lips with his. he is grateful for so many things and yet he still wants more
he wishes to hold you until time itself fades, he wishes to experience the present with you instead of dwelling on the past that you so regrettably will become apart of
he, zhongli, consultant of wangsheng’s funeral parlor—wished for time. a time he so selfishly held as an immortal.
“The glaze lilies are beautiful today, are they not?” Zhongli hummed, sipping on some tea as he gazed fondly out of the window. His warm coat did nothing to prevent the cold of his side, the lack of your voice or the missing light from your eyes.
Everyday was the same. Everyday was him sitting—alone—in the funeral parlor, the pungent smell of death and cremations flooding his senses as all he could do was watch. Watch the world go by, watch his friends and loved ones die one by one as he was subjected to an eternal dance of loss.
Though, Zhongli knows that you will never truly die as long as you are in his heart. He remembers your smile, your laughs, your growing pains and complaints, your eventual wisdom and hearty laugh that you shared with him moments before your time.
He remembers so much, he loves so much, he loves you and who you were, he loves you and all of you.
“I must admit, I miss you terribly,” The consultant’s voice softened, his fingers setting the tea in his hands down as a lump formed in his throat.
“Yet I would never regret loving you.”
zhongli would stay painfully normal
he does not want your death to hinder him—he knows you would not want that. so he lives life, he carries on—but your memory never leaves
your stories and triumphs will be the topic for one of his best stories. and that otherworldly traveler... he hopes they carry on your legacy with each and every world they visit
and he hopes you... you and your beautiful smiles, you and your love and your kindness and your ambitions—
he hopes you are resting peacefully in the flowers he prepared for you
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venti would strum you your favorite tunes as you pass
a bittersweet smile paints his face as your back rests against his chest, frail and weak coughs leaving your system as you heave for a single breath
do you remember? do you remember the way the two of you used to climb the tree at windrise? do you remember how you’d drag him from the late diluc’s tavern? do you remember how you’d stay up late at night listening to his songs and mindless chatter?
he remembers. he remembers watching you grow, he remembers standing beside you as you ran for your dreams. he remembered gliding with you aboard the strange island of time you insisted on exploring
“I love you, so so so so so much, [Y/N]...” Venti would muster, wiping his tears as you couldn’t even turn around to gaze at him. To gaze at his youthful form and unchanging appearance, to gaze into those azure eyes you had fallen for and his scheming tactics. 
Burying his nose into the crook of your neck, Venti took one deep breath. He loved the way you smelled, how it seemed like you rolled in a field of sweet flowers (though he knew your stiff bones would never allow such a thing), how you used to play along with his schemes when you were younger.
Venti loves you, and all of you. He loved you when you were a young adult, he loved you when you were middle-aged, he loved you when you were an elder.
He love love love love loves you, so much so that it seemed to overpower the pain.
He knew your time was up, he knew his time with you was gone, but he persists on with your memory.
mondstadt has surely changed ever since your passing
venti finds himself waddling into angel’s share twice a day, even if he can’t afford it. he finds himself on the receiving end of pitied gazes and free drinks (for no reason, though everyone knows the reason). he finds the way klee is no longer a child and the way the honorary knight never visits mondstadt anymore quite jarring
he finds himself—lost. he has lost so many, watched so many go, held so many fallen friends in his hands that he can no longer count
though, he misses you. a lot, actually. when klee is busy being an adult and bombing abyss mages instead of fish, venti finds himself weaving tunes of your valor and honor at the statue of—himself
he finds himself longing for you, loving you as if you were still by his side. he sings and sings, strumming his lyre so much that he hopes you can hear them from the heavens
and after—after he has made his and your mark on the newer generation, venti, the windborne bard, falls into a slumber
he sleeps. he sleeps in celestia in hopes of dreaming a dream with you. he sleeps in hope of finding you in a neverland so beautiful
he hopes that one day when he descends once more amongst his people—he hopes you will be there. just like the first time he met you.
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— constellations!
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robinofinashiro · 3 years
request from anon: “Hi, can I request yandere alphabet for Kyojuro Rengoku 👉👈Thank you and have a good day Queen.”
pairing: yandere! kyojuro rengoku x fem reader
request status: OPENED
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A - Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
rengoku does not give a singular fuck who sees him when it comes to giving you affection! you’re in the public? you’ll be holding his hand, kissing your cheek when he feels like it, and if it’s that bad, he’ll do a quickie in the bathroom. 
B - Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
very messy! he doesn’t care. if he sees someone getting too close to you, he’ll make sure to get rid of them as soon as possible. he can’t let anyone get close to you. he’ll go to the ends of the earth to make sure that you’re by his side and that no one comes in between the two of you. 
C - Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
honestly, he’ll mock the hell out of them when he feels like it’s necessary. if you’re purposely doing things to annoy him or going out of your way to piss him off, he’ll make sure to remind you that you’re never leaving him. other than that, he’ll treat you like you’re a princess! you deserve everything in the world and he’ll give it to you if he feels like you deserve it. 
D - Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
despite from the sweet nature that he gives off, he will do ONE thing against your will and that’s to have kids. he needs to continue his family line and since Senjuro isn’t working to be a pillar anymore, he needs to make sure that someone continues that and it might have to be his kid. 
E - Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
rengoku, when he feels like the time is right, will bare everything to his darling. come on now, you’re gonna be his wife, right? it’s only right that you know what his baggage is! he doesn’t care if you judge him or not, when it comes to this sort of thing, he kinda wears his heart on his sleeve. 
F - Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
he would be kinda pissed. you’re supposed to be this perfect wife/darling and by you acting out, he doesn’t sit well with that. why can’t you be more like Sanemi’s wife? a perfect little darling that just sits there and waits for her husband like she should. punishment is a whole other ballgame that i will touch on later. 
G - Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
absolutely tf not. how can this be a game to someone? rengoku is the kinda person where if he meets someone that he falls madly in love with, he’ll stick by you until one of you dies first and even then, he might commit sewerslide if you happen to be the one to go first. however, he might get a kick watching you trying to leave him bc it’s nearly impossible to leave where you’re trapped.
H - Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
rengoku’s affection, jesus christ. that shit could get mad annoying. if he’s had a particularly bad day, just brace yourself and let it happen bc he will be one affectionate mf. it could get to the point where he’ll be affection even into the next day if it’s that bad. 
I - Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
literally a picture perfect life. (very much the american dream in a sense). he wants kids, hell, if you want pets of some sort, he’s down to adopt a few dogs or whatever you or your kids want. he just wants everyone to see that his family is perfect and how far he’s willing to go for them. 
J - Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
oh absolutely. rengoku is the type of mf that if he sees someone flirting with his darling, he’s ending that shit QUICK. he cannot and will not let it happen. clearly it isn’t your fault so he’ll console you that you had no way of knowing what that scums intentions were and after he’s done with that, he’ll try to find the person to give them a lesson. 
K - Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling
he will be very clingy like i said. he wants everyone to know that his relationship is perfect but in private, double that. he’ll make sure that you know you’re loved and that he wouldn’t trade his life with you for anything in the world. 
L - Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
he would try the attempt to court you at first. rengoku is someone who is very charming so 8/10 times, it’ll work. however, if you’re being stubborn, that’s when the other side of rengoku comes out. but if you do decide to date him willingly, he’s the sweetest mf ever. he’ll bring you courting gives to every date, etc, etc. 
M - Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
honestly, rengoku is seen as the black sheep in the sense that he’s always readily happy and enthusiastic. not much changes when he’s in the public. unless you happen to piss him off in public, seemingly the only time when he would change his personality. 
N - Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
he doesn’t try to do it often, he hates seeing you hurt. but if you happen to actually piss him off to the point where you need to be punished, anything ranging from being alone for days to sexual punishment (that i wont be going into detail for).
O - Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
not many tbh. you have free range into his entire estate. however if he has maids working around, they know it’s best for them not to talk to you. he wont let you leave his estate to speak to anyone. you have the right to anything as long as you’re not trying to leave or get into contact with someone. he’ll even let you visit your friends or family as long as he’s there. 
P - Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
eh, he’s about 50/50. he can be very patient with you or be ticked off almost immediately. more than likely tho, he’ll deal with your shit most days. the days that he doesn’t, it’s probably bc he had already probably had a bad day and you’re just making shit worse. 
Q - Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
if you die, rengoku won’t move on and like i said before, he’d probably commit sleep forever. if you escape, he’ll spend the rest of his days looking for you. regardless if you escape or die, he won’t move on. you’re his and you will remain that way important person in his life. 
R - Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
to a certain point, he’d feel guilty. i think the only thing eating him up is the unethical part in all of this. the fact that he’s basically abducted you and refuses to let you go. but will he ever let you go? absolutely not. you’d have to kill him before that happens. 
S - Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
i see the only way this happening is bc of his life. his childhood wasn’t the greatest but it wasn’t exactly the worst so idk, i think more than anything it was out of curiosity and probably seeing others do it that make him snap. 
T - Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
if rengoku isn’t at fault for making you upset, he’s HEARTBROKEN. he doesn’t like seeing you that way and he’ll find the person that did it and make them pay for it. HOWEVER, if he was the cause of it, he almost turns into a wall and brushes it off, probably murmuring that you deserved whatever it is that made you cry. 
U -Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
honestly no. he wouldn’t only bc he’s very much the person that finds the classics of being a yandere as the only way to do it. anything like killing your darling or along those lines are way to extreme for him and he doesn’t like it when others step out of line. 
V - Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
SENJURO RENGOKU. his little brother is also his world and i think if you catch kyojuro in a situation where you can exploit senjuro, he might give in but honestly, it probably won’t hurt and it’ll be worse for you when he finally has you alone. 
W - Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
like i said before, only if it was necessary. he wouldn’t ever intentionally hurt you if you didn’t deserve it. he doesn’t like seeing you hurt and he hates seeing you cry so only if it came to you being a brat would he then actively physically punish you. 
X - Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
ehhhhhh, not really. he sees this relationship as 50/50 however he did kinda worship you when he wasn’t your boyfriend/husband but he would go different lengths in order to win you over. he doesn’t really care what he has to do, he will make you his whether you like it or not. 
Y - Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
tbh, it doesn’t take long before he snaps. if he sees you going out with someone and he feels like you might leave him, that’ll be a point. if he sees you being too free, that might be another point. in general, less than a year before he snaps. hell, less than half a year. 
Z - Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
mentally, YES! physically, if he needed to. but not to the point where he’s killed you. 
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sailorhyunjinz · 4 years
Pls ur reactions r so good ??? I’m in love :(
Skz reaction to you having an oral fixation / always wanting to have a mouth full of cock ?
AH thank u!! its really gratifying to hear <33
also when i write these i get like a ~ feeling ~ for each member IDK i feel like a psychic AND I WRITE DOWN EVERY THOUGH HAHSAHAS so if it seems kinda... unorganized thats why lmao
Warnings; skz x gn!reader; SMUT!! oral fixation, male genitailia, blowjobs, explicit sexual content, strong language, cum, orgasm (m),,, uhm.. yeah? about that
now look,,, its not that he doesnt like blowjobs
its just that he doesnt see the point of you sucking him off all the time when he could be hitting it yk?
SURE foreplay go ahead suck his dick 
but like... always?? hmm... dont think so
he never says no to it if you offer to do it lmao
because WHY WOULD HE
BUT and now this is a big but(t)
i’ve had this thought for forever but hear me out...
he loves to 69
because he both gives and recieves and that makes his heart go BOOMBOOM
more for your pleasure and doesnt mind going without it for a while, more enjoying to give you pleasure
ah pretty boy channie :((
it gets violent 
no joke
hearing and feeling you choke on his dick is the ego boost of his life
“hmm? having a hard time baby? how about i help you?”
and then he shoves it further down, making you tear up
drool all over your chin and chest
his hand tightly gripping your hair
almost facefucking you
degradation x1000
every degrading word you could ever imagine comes out between his pretty lips 
“slut, whore, cumslave” 
but always mixes it with praise to let you know that you’re doing great and that he’s enjoying it (a lot) :(((
he’s definitely a blowjob type of guy
just taps the head of his dick against your flat wet tongue LORD SAVE ME
eye contact or no dick
in his opinion you’re the prettiest when you look up at him with sparkly doe eyes, your mouth stuffed with his girthy dick
he likes being teased?!?!?
kitten lick his tip and bruh he gone in a matter of minutes 
probably a bit embarrassed but DEEP DOWN he enjoys it 
even though you like sucking his dick A LOT
he is usually the one that suggests it just because he knows that you’re gonna say yes no matter what
praise him, he needs it
“you’re so big binnie, f-fuck...” 
size kink hello? how small your mouth his in comparison to his dick 
nah he gets off by just that lmao
i strongly believe in that the fastest way to get him off is oral
he’s not too sensitive most of the time
but oral 
PHEW boy be cumming faster than changbin grew (ITS A JOKE DONT ATTACk ME)
he cums a lot 
white ribbons just ooze out from the tip
the moans THE MOOOOANS
tiny sweat drops bead on his forehead as his long hair falls in his face, the rest being tied up in a haphazardly ponytail
he slowly guides your head down his length
gently grabbing the back of your neck
flattening your tongue and licking fat stripes up against his painful erection (im going feral)
loves cumming in your mouth 
“open up sweetheart” he’d squeeze your cheeks, forcing you to open your mouth and groaning at the sight of your wet tongue covered in his release 
my god
loves it
because it’s convenient
if he feels horny its easy for him to just nudge you and say
“c-could you,, uhm,, suck me off?”
and if you enjoy it just makes it better??!?
jisungs dream; a s/o that actually enjoys sucking him off rather than just doing it bc of foreplay 
loverboy probably whips his dick out whenever he can 
in hopes that you notice and suck him off (which,,, works)
yall had just had an argument and his way of making it up to you was to let you suck his dick ASHAHSHAS
did you take it? 110% yes
tell me why i thought of felix’s australian accent getting more apparent as you suck him off??!?” ASHSH DONT ASK
suck until your jaw hurts
cause its fun to see lixie all squirmy with small whimpers and breathy shaky moans just pouring out like water. 
im gonna say this in every damn reaction but baby is sensitive
your mouth wrapped around his dick is heaveeeeeen
it’s just perfect?? it’s warm and wet and soft :((
not too rough with it either
would never ask for it explicitly 
and so you just,,, wanting to do it is ~ lovely ~
would probably get annoyed if you did it too often
reason being that he’d get overwhelmed lol
you just wanting to continue and him trying to yell at you but being to weak from the pleasure that washes over him
a lil bit like chan 
now... believe it or not,,, he’s more gentle with you when you’re sucking him off than he is when he’s actually inside of you?
it’s like... all cute, he’s stroking your cheek, running his hands through your hair and smiling down at you
YALL WERENT EXPECTING THAT (or maybe you were idk)
when you pull off his dick with a loud pop
weak i tell you, absolutely weak because of your beauty
spitters are quitters (ASHSAHHS I CANT)
he grabs your throath gently, watching how your adams apple bobs down as you swallow his sweet cum
then he smiles, his eyes all halfmoon shaped as if he didnt just bust his load in your throat
this duality is killing me ffs
“r-really? you’d do that for me?” 
is what he would say when you suggest sucking him off randomly, seeing him getting hard for no apparent reason
nah bro he’s in love when you randomly suggest it
one thing i really want to emphazise is the hidden duality of babybread
i know everyone is going to think; CHERRY HE’S A BABY HE COULD NEVER BE ROUGH
and thats where you’re wrong
have you seen him on stage??? 
not so bready anymore ohohooho noo...
when shit gets hot and heavy so does he SO THERE IS NO HESITATION IN SHOVING YOUR HEAD DOWN HIS DICK
you just have to get to that point where they horniness is too much to bear yk??
imagine you two cuddling and you start tugging on his pants 
he already knows, no words needed 
baby bread senses lmao
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quackisinnit · 4 years
Quackity with an alt s/o || irl!Quackity x reader
Request: may i request quackity with an alt s/o, who has some piercings and tats, and a chill yet chaotic personality and a broken sense of humour? if not that's fine and i also want to say that i love your work and srry for any grammar or spelling errors english is not my first language <3 n e ways have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night
Notes: ahh dw, your english was fine:) also sorry if the spanish is butchered, i just used google translate. also idk how mexican pesos works dkshsk in ph pesos 450 aint that bad (sorta)
Genre: fluff, romantic, gender neutral, they/them
Warnings: none
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he thinks your the coolest person to ever exist
i feel like he loves buying you new earrings and piercings
like if he saw one that he thinks you'll like
he'll definitely buy it for you
"alex please dont buy anymore, you're using up all your money and i think i have enough now:))"
"noooooo im gonna buy you more cause i love you so much"
Alex walked around the store, eyeing every piece of jewelry. His eyes finally landed on a butterfly-shaped earring, he pointed to it and looked at the cashier.
"¿Cuánto es esto?" (How much is this one?) the cashier looked at the price and back at him. "Son 450 pesos." (It's 450 pesos)
He nodded and got out his wallet. "Esta por favor." (This on please.) The cashier nodded back at him and got the earring. Alex handed them the payment and they took it.
The cashier placed it in a bag and gave it to him. Alex thanked them and walked out, excited to give it to you.
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"Y/nnnn, I'm home." Alex said as he walked in you're shared home. "Alex! You're back." you said as you smiled and walked over to hug him. "Yup, and I have a surprise for you!"
He got the bag and pulled out the earring. He gave it to you and you opened it. "Alex, you didn't have to. Also didn't you buy me one last week?" you said worriedly. You didn't like Alex getting you gifts all the time.
"I appreciate it but you're spending too much money on me. I think this should be the last one you bu-" Alex cut you off by putting his hand on your shoulder.
"Y/n, don't worry, I love spending money on you and I love you. Plus, I also love showering you in gifts."
for the tattoos,
he loves tracing his finger over them and asking you about them
like if you have a flower on your leg, he'll ask you why did you get it
and what's the meaning
he'll do this every time your stressed or when you're just chilling
even if its the 4th or 6th time he's asked, he always loves hearing the backstory
"why did you get a hand holding a rose?"
"when i was younger, i had this weird dream..."
and he'd just be nodding and making comments here and there to show that he's actually listening
when you're done explaining one, he'll ask about the other
"what about this one?"
this is a great way to pass time since you have lots of tattoos
have i said he loves hearing their backstory?
okay basically in conclusion, he loves hearing the stories about your tattoos and loves that you have piercings
on stream, he loves showing how great you look
when you're on stream, your humor is just *chefs kiss* with alex's
like you'd make a joke and alex would be like
"y/n... are you okay?????"
"why are you like this😩😩"
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jadedxrealityw · 3 years
-Rivals- Hermione Granger x Female Reader
    Kody: I’m using the owls grading system for the story so if that’s not right, sue me i guess idk. 
    Movie/Show: Harry Potter, ignoring the storyline
    House/Year: Ravenclaw / 7th year
    Request:  Can I request a bold ravenclaw reader (her attitude almost could pass as a slytherin ngl) she's been Hermione's rival when it comes to grades and they DON'T get along very well. Reader is the opposite of mione's reserved personality. But rivals don't kiss and make out with each other secretly in the lavatory 😭 pls enemies to lovers (with some tension;) ykyk and then one day, they walk the great hall hand in hand and everyone is like don't they find each other insufferable?
    Possible Triggers/Warnings: if you don’t like lesbians get the hell off my page, sexual tension, enemies to lovers trope, cursing
    love came unexpectedly at times, you learned that at young age from fairy tales and such. Well all kids did, but kids eventually grew up and came to the realization that fairy tales were exactly what they were, fairy tales. Fiction. Not real. 
    people could call you cold hearted or rude, but you would describe yourself as blunt or brutally honest. Never afraid to speak your mind or point out injustice when you saw fit. To put it simpler terms, professors at Hogwarts preferred you didn’t speak at times. 
    “Your too outspoken Ms. L/n” 
    “Stick to your academics Ms. L/n”
    “You wouldn’t be in detention so much so if kept your mouth shut Ms. L/n”
    merlin, you were exhausted of hearing your own last name. You guessed the only reason you weren’t reprimanded as worse as the Weasley Twins was because you were one of Hogwarts brightest witches, always excelled in academics, in every subject. 
    you couldn’t explain it to others even if you tried other then it just came naturally. Your parents, when they were attended Hogwarts were both just as naturally skilled in there studies as you were. So you must have inherited there ‘big brain’ as your mother said many times before.
  �� you were never one to gloat though, it was never your style. You were more humble about what you could accomplish. That was until she got involved. That egoistical, hypocritical, Gryffindor girl. Hermione Granger became the bane of your existence early into your fifth year. 
   until then Ms. Granger had been the top of all her classes, no one even came close to her intelligence, naming her ‘The Brightest Witch At Hogwarts’ and Hermione wore that title with pride. Being a Muggle born put a target on her head as well as stereotypes.
    most students and some staff almost immediately came to the conclusion she wasn’t capable of achieving goals that regular half or pure bloods could. It was a terrible way to think, but it was unfortunately the reality of being involved with the wizarding world. 
   Hermione was lucky to have friends like she did that cared about her no matter who she was or what she became, but it didn’t stop her need to feel validated in her academics. It was the one thing no one could giver her shit for, because she was the best at it and no one else was. 
   until that fateful fifth year that was mentioned earlier. It was the time when you finally got your mind and heart into your studie. You blew past most of the student body rather quickly, earning the title of the fastest turn around at Hogwarts.
    it was nice
    then it wasn’t, for Hermione of course 
    fifth year / past
    “It seems we have two students with an Outstanding this time around” Professor Flitwick spoke as the exams from the previous week had landed neatly onto the wooden desk in front of you. “congratulations Ms. Granger and Ms. L/n”
    Hermione’s head perked up like a cat who had heard a bag of hard food shake from the nest room over, eager. She had never heard that name before, it didn’t come as much as an surprise though considering how big Hogwarts was. She leant to the left where Harry Potter sat. 
    “Who’s L/n? Do you know her?” she asked, casually though Harry knew her better then most. He gave her a half hearted shrug “No clue, try Ron” he suggests. Hermione nods once before leaning over to the right, where the Weasley sat, scowling at his exam. 
    “Mum’s going to kill me” he muttered, bringing no reaction to Granger’s face. He never studied. “Ron, do you know who this L/n is?” she repeated the question she gave to Harry. Ron turns his head away from the parchment and to Hermione. 
   his brows furrowed as he searches the corners of his mind for where he had heard the name from, until the visible light bulb popped over his head- well not so visible actually. “Oh um- Y/n L/n. she’s a Ravenclaw, her parents are certified geniuses. They work at the ministry. Department of magical education”
   his words did not soothe the wracking thought in the young Granger’s mind. “Certified geniuses?” Hermione echos. “If that’s so how come she’s only getting Outstandings now? she must have cheated somehow” she thought aloud. 
    “I surely didn’t cheat”
   like an owl Hermione’s head turned over her shoulder, her two Gryffindor pals doing the same. In her sight was a girl, her age, in a Ravenclaw robe. She had S/C skin with H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes that were staring back at her. Hermione was almost stunned into silence- keyword being almost. 
    “the explain the good grade all of the sudden, L/n?”
   you looked rather confused. You had never met the girl and she was accusing you of cheating because you had never gotten an Outstanding before? Was this a prank of some sort or fever dream? “I studied for once. You have no right accusing me, i don’t even know you that well”
    Harry placed a hand upon Hermione’s shoulder, signaling for her to stop before she caused a scene. Looking back, she should have listened “No right? I have a right to point out people who are just trying to cheat their way through school while people like us actually care about our grades”
    what the Gryffindor girl wasn’t expecting was for you to start laughing. Her friend, Cho Chang joining in, finding it just as equally hilarious. Hermione’s face turned just as bright as Ron’s hair. “What is so funny?” you and Cho slowly come to a stop, breathing in and out. 
    “what’s funny is that your ego is so incredibly large, so much so that it can’t comprehend that someone, not a Gryffindor either was able to match your intelligence. Now shove off ” you said it all with a grin on your face, because you certainly knew you were right. 
    and from that day, you both despised each other
    seventh year / present
    and with every exam, every questioned called on by a teacher, you fastly became Hermione’s rival. It was a term Cho used, but you didn’t really see it that way since you weren’t competing with her. You never studied harder to make sure you got the same grade, never tried to sabotage her in any way. 
    you didn’t care much about it actually
    but you did quite enjoy her face, the way her nostrils flared up an her cheeks turned a bright red in anger. It was cute seeing her so mad. Sending er a wink or sly grin when she glared at you became a daily routine as well. When at first you ignored her you now loved annoying her.
    never having to say a word was probably your favorite part. 
    that’s probably when feelings began to mix into it, but you either didn’t notice or refuse to acknowledge them at all. You genuinely thought you hated this girl, so why in the world would you ever think you liked her? Makes sense, right? Were not even going to mention the questioning your sexuality.
    “Sit still while i pass out your exams from yesterday. Once you recieve your paper you may get up and leave” 
    “You think if Snape got laid he wouldn’t be such a prick?” the Slytherin boy spoke, leaning towards you. turning your head ever so slightly, you lock eyes with Draco “Why are you even sitting here?” you whisper back, giving him a mock astonished look.
   he rolls his grey eyes, shrugging his shoulders “You never talk to me outside of class anymore” he grumbles. Is he- Is this- What is happening? “That’s because your a little shit and pushed Neville in the hallway yesterday” yeh, you caught his dumbass. 
    Draco’s eyes widen a bit, not knowing you had been in the hallway during the crime. “You saw that?- what are you his protector?” he says, clearly as an insult, but oh little did he know that you were indeed exactly what he just said and would say it with pride.
    “Ms. L/n, Outstanding as usual as well Mr. Malfoy. Good work, the both of you” Snape places the exams in front of each of you, but you were both to busy staring in shock. This bitter, old, mean, crude man just compliment you. Merlin, you had finally gotten fathers approval
    (what in the fuck am i writing)
    “Is this heaven?” Draco questioned, staring bug eyed forward. 
    “How do you know?”
    “Cormac is here”
    “Yeah your right, feelings over” both you and Draco sighed, turning to look at each other before laughing quietly. He was a pretty chill dude sometimes. “What!?” the loud screech filled your ears. All heads turned behind you, so you followed that and saw the one and only Hermione Granger. 
    she was huffing and puffing. You feared for the stick and straw houses in the world for a moment. Harry quickly stood up and pushed her shoulders down, forcing her back into her seat “I've never gotten an Exceeds Expectations before” Hermione sputters out. 
    oh this was rich, absolutely hilarious, so much so that Draco had already began to laugh. “Poor Granger, guess you really aren’t the brightest witch” he taunted. Hermione looked up, glaring daggers at the Slytherin. Merlin, he had such a big mouth.
    then her brown eyes strayed to you, but you only pursed your lips together, providing her no emotion to work off of. In a haste, she collected her things, leaving the cursed exam on the table nd rushing out the door, both Ron and Harry calling out for her. 
    standing up, you grab your bag and look down at Draco. His laughter comes to an end and he looks up at you “What?” he asked. You copied his dementor singers from third year, making him look at your hands. You took that time to reach down and flick his forehead. 
    he pulls away, his palm rubbing his head in circles “Bloody hell, what was that for?!” he exclaimed. What an idiot. “This is why we don’t hang out” you deadpan before finally going to exit the classroom, leaving a grumbling, mumbling Draco. Something about you being  ‘mean friend’
    only having ten minutes until Charms class you began to search the halls. Merlin where had she run off too? The school wasn’t THAT big- okay maybe it was. You had almost called quits, making a mental note to check up on her during lunch when you passed the restroom.
    sniffling and crys were heard. You’ll admit, it kind off hurt to hear. Taking a few steps backwards, you use the palm off your hand to slowly push the door open so it wouldn’t creak like the old shit it was. When it was open just enough for you to fit through, you slip in. 
    gazing around, you see Hermione bent over the sink, sobbing. You could hear her voice becoming rougher by the second as she destroyed her vocal cords. “Granger?” you say, staying a few feet behind her. Hermione looks up in the mirror, spotting you behind her. 
    her distraught expression quickly shifted to anger “You” she seethed. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion “Me?” you say back, crossing your arms. “Leave me the hell alone L/n!” she shouts, angry tears flooding down her cheeks. Raising your hands, you offer your surrender.
    “Shit, sorry. I was just trying to see if you were okay” you admit. Hermione turns on her heels, facing you directly this time before speaking “Oh so now your my friend, your a bully! All you do is step on my toes and try to make me look like a fool!”
    “Are you on fucking drugs Granger? Not once have i ever gone out my way to harm you of any sort. Your the one who is obsessed with trying to be better then me and i never gave a shit. I never wanted to be your rival for three years and i certainly never bullied you!”
    the words you spoke went out one of Hermione’s ears and out the other. For someone as smart as her, she could be quite dense when angry “You don’t get to play the saint, L/n! I have spent those three years studying as hard as i can and you don’t even have to try!” 
   throwing your hands up in the air a crazy person because she was honestly starting to make your brain hurt quite a bit, you laugh loudly “Oh my- no one asked you too! What is so wrong with us being the same?! ” you shouted, finally raising your voice as much as she had.
    “Because your not a Muggle! You don’t know what it’s like to have everyone you meet already assume your not worth their time just because your parents aren’t witches or wizards!” she crept towards you and which each step she took you took a step right the fuck back.
    this chick wasn’t going to hit you, right?
    “I have never judged you for your blood status Granger, i frankly could care less. What i do judge you for is you know, the giant ego thing” you spat back only causing her to gasp in offense “I do not have an ego!” she yells, stepping into your boundaries basically.
   you had tried to back up like before, but you were pressed up against a wall at this point. “Yes you do and it’s as big as Hagrid!” you reply. Hermione grabs the collar of your white uniform shirt, pulling you down a bit so her face was inches from yours, trying to intimidate you.
    “Take it back!” she threatens. In that moment your eyes scanned her face, noting her almost perfect skin, her brown eyes that looked more hazel up close then far away, and her lips. They looked so soft and inviting. You couldn’t quite understand why you were thinking like this all of the sudden.
    but it felt right, so right
    in a swift motion you place your lips on Hermione’s. You had thought she’d pull away, but only half a second later her arms were wrapped around your neck, pulling you as close as possible to her. You tangled one of your hands into her light brown wavy mess and the other pushed on the small of her back. 
    the kiss was messy and sloppy, not amount of anything really could make it appropriate. How did you two go from fighting to almost ripping each others uniforms off? A question no one could really answer but yourself as well Hermione. 
    it was over as soon as it began with Hermione pulling away, leaning her forehead against yours. You could make out the small smile on her face, it made you smile as well. “That was-” she started to speak, but was stopped by her own laughter. 
    “Yeah” you breathed out. What had just happened?
    four months later
    ever since that day you and Hermione would casually meet up in the lavatory to kiss and feel up on each other after, btween, during classes. Anything really. You both had also not interacted at all outside of these visits. Just stayed away from each other as much as possible.
    most people thought you two had either made up after three years of rivalry or had decided to no longer interact with each other at all. Little did they know right? Speaking of that, you pull away from Hermione, panting for air “We have divination in three minutes” you spoke. 
   her face turned to worry instantly making you grin to yourself “Godric, i have to get out of here. Wait a couple minutes” she gathered her belongings and rushed out the restroom not even leaving you with an goodbye kiss. How rude. After about five minutes or so you leave as well
    once you get to class you look around the room and spot Hermione already sat with Harry and Ron on one side of the arch like sitting area for the students. “Y/n!” oh not again. Turning your head to the right, you spt the Slytherin boy with his mates.
   this guy just doesn’t quit. You plop yourself next to Draco Malfoy “I thought you were going to ignore me again” he admits. Ignoring his statement, you gaze around the people at your table “Where’s Parkinson? If i’m going to be stuck with you gits and Theo i rather it be with her” 
   Theo cracks a smile while Draco rolls his eyes “She’s sick, stuck in her dorms” he explains. You nod mindlessly and look over at Hermione. She was brushing through her hair with her fingers, trying to make it look like you weren’t tugging on it just minutes ago. 
    “What’s that on your neck?” Harry asks, moving the top part of Hermione’s robe with his finger, causing her to swat his hand away “It’s just a bug bite” she says with haste. quick thinking, that’s kinda cute. For some odd reason you liked seeing her explain her way out of a hickey that you gave her. 
    class soon started, but you kept your inventive gaze on her. It was adorable how she would catch you staring and turn a nice shade of red. It brought a smug smile to your face each time. Professor Trelawney had called upon Hermione to ask a question, but she seemed to be too busy avoiding your gaze. 
    “My dear, Ms. Granger” Trelawney said for maybe the third time until Hermione finally fell back down to reality. She looked at the Professor who gave her a kind smile “Oh um-” the Gryffindor put on a nervous smile, her eyes looking to you. You sent her a wink.
    merlin you were such an asshole
    Hermione looked at her lap, trying to muster up the words, any words actually. Her savior wore glasses “Hermione isn’t feeling to well. Can Ron and i take her to the hospital wing?” Harry asked. What a buzzkill. Trelawney nods, waving her hand to the direction of the door. 
    Harry tapped Hermione’s shoulder while Ron grabbed her things and off they went. 
    a week later
    “I have to head to dinner, you should too. I saw that you didn’t eat during lunch” Hermione spoke, buttoning her uniform shirt. You smile, looking into the mirror so you could fix your hair “Watching me Granger?” you ask, turning away from your reflection.
    “You know i worry about your health” she said, which only made your smile wider “What is that stupid smile for?’ Hermione questions, an amused laugh in her tone. Shrugging, you lean against the sink counter “Stupid? I thought you liked my quote on quote ‘Goofy smile’” 
    Hermione shakes her head, grabbing her bag from the floor “I better see you at dinner or i’ll drag you there myself” she said playfully. An idea popped into your mind. “Then drag me” you smirk, tilting your head to the left. Hermione looks at you, shaking her head again. “You know i can’t”
    “Why not? It’s been four months. I would like to be your-” you stopped mid sentence. You both had never really gave each other labels before. It was always just the casual make out and flirting, but now you were much more. Fuck it “I would like to be your girlfriend in public”
    Hermione’s brow eyes went wide as she heard those words. It becoming a little too real. You saw her conflicted face and immediately felt some sort of shame. Averting your gaze to the ground, you take a deep breath. “Forget i said anything” 
    “No!- i mean. I’m ready. Plus i’m tired of being distracted by you during class” Hermione lightened the mood just a tad. You look back up at her, cracking a half smile “I’m most likely still going to distract you” you point out, making her chuckle. Cute.
    she inhales sharply “Let’s do this” she states confidently, letting out the breath. She reached out, opening her hand for you to grab. In that small gesture, you knew you would be with this woman for as long as you lived. Grabbing her hand, you intertwined your fingers with hers. 
    hand in hand, you walk into the great hall. Heads turned and pupils dialated at the sight of you and Hermione walking in together. You honestly felt a little self conscious until you saw the bright smile of Cho and Luna as well as Draco who gave you a hidden thumbs up.
    both you and Hermione took  seat at the Gryffindor table. “So Hermione, how long as this been going on?” Harry asked. Hermione glances at you before her best friend “Four months, one week.” she said, gleaming with pride at her memory. 
    Harry looked taken aback at the time, but gave you both a smile “Well at least you both are getting along finally” he says, Ron nodding beside “Yeah- getting along” the Weasley jokes. You laugh a bit before leaning over to kiss the temple of Hermione's head. 
    rivals am i right?
    Click here to join my Taglist so you never miss a new story from me!
    @the--queen-of-hell @sonbelleame @dracosathenaeum @queeriacs @marrymetheonott
    Kody- Aye look its 10 am and i haven’t slept. Good night, my requests are open blah blah. Anyways, peace. 
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svnaslove · 4 years
cuddles. II
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Genre: fluff !! and chaos 😔 !!
Characters: Kishoshita, Narita, Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi
warnings: uhm.. yams’ part is a lil suggestive 😳
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#7 | Hisashi Kinoshita | 木下
kinoshita !!
chile let me take a moment to breathe because he’s so underrated but idk how because this man is so pretty !! and kind !! and respectful !!
im about to bark
n e ways
he’s a lil insecure bub🥺
since he sits alot i feel like that did a little something to his confidence :((
but it also made him more aware of his surroundings and he’s very very supportive !!
when you first said you wanted to cuddle he was like
“😳 y-you wanna cuddle?”
kinda scared to at first because he doesn’t know what to do lsjfdls
so you guys started small like just leaning on each other, then laying on each others laps and then full on cuddle sessions <3
he’s so fcking cute !!
if your hair’s long, he ties it up while you’re cuddling so it doesn’t get in the way for you 🥺
if anything he’s trying to make sure you have a good time when cuddling more then himself
#8 | Kazuhito Narita | 成田
cutie !!
again, another v underrated boi, imma cri real quick
he’s literally the cutest ever
he was the first to initiate cuddles and it was so cuteee
he went in to give you a hug while you were standing in the kitchen and he was just like “i miss you :(”
he was touch-starved😭
but then he just...
didn’t let go DSFJLKDS
“kazu, baby, do you want to cuddle?”
but then he got bashful,,, “if you want to....then i want to too... “
“dummy, i saw how excited you got, let’s go cuddle”
literally happy boi, just trailing after you to the bed to cuddle :))
holds u so tight >.<
but a comfy tight :)
#9 | Tobio Kageyama |影山
my heart goes out to kageyama this absolute baby😭
he’s so awkward because he doesn’t know how to initiate anything and the only thing he’s ever thought about is volleyball
it’s to the point where he has this weird feeling that he just wants to hold you but he doesn’t know how to ask ??
and sometimes he doesn’t know what it is either so he’ll be like, “damn, maybe if i drink some milk, this odd feeling will go away”
spoiler alert: the milk does not help 💔
heart 💔 been broke 📉 so many times ⏰ i don’t know 🤔 what to believe 💯 mama 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 said 🗣 it’s my fault 😢 it’s my fault 🤦🏻‍♀️i wear my heart ❤️ on my sleeve 💪 
so one day you guys are just late night watching tv together and you’re both under the blanket and he’s like “damn, here’s that weird feeling again”
and he just
he just stares at you because he doesn’t know how to ask because he’s scared to feel embarrassed
you feel him looking and you just turn to him like
“😳 hello?”
literally this pretty ass boy is just staring at you and you’re freaking out and he has no self realization and you’re just there, mad blushing
he gets all blushy too and looks away 
“im sorry :(”
then he can’t take it anymore
he stares again 😭
“ 😳 tobio, do you need something?”
“c-can we cuddle?”
“yeah, come here”
you hold out your arms and he just goes to your arms
you’ll be laying on your back and he’s laying on your stomach 
and you’ll just play with his hair and hum and he just feels so relaxed and he just takes in your scent and gets smiley sometimes 
and now every time he just stares at you, you know that he wants to cuddle, its just a non-verbal agreement now fldsjsljf
this position of cuddling with him was the first time he told you that he loved you 🥺
you were just the only person that could keep him grounded, and when he’s like that with you he just feels so at peace and he just realized out of nowhere that he fell in love with you 🥺
#10 | Hinata Shoyou | 日向
🥺 🥺 🥺  !!!
so baby !!
he can’t stop smiling when you guys are about to cuddle
like his cheeks are hurting !! and he’s still like :DD
like nishinoya, he would tickle you too but it wouldn’t go as far as a tickle fight, just a little something to get you to giggle 
squeals “you’re so cuteeee” ALOT
he will squish your cheeks
honestly, at this point, you guys’ cuddles are more like both of you just laying next to each other really close face to face, some limbs intertwined and just squishing each others cheeks, tickling here and there and just tracing each others features
literally about to cry, the puppy love energy is astronomical 😭
count each others beauty marks, i just feel like that is def something that would happen one day lfkjs
silly faces !!
he compliments you all the time like “you’re so prettyy 🥺” but when you compliment him he’s like
“wait🤚 😳 , u talking about me?? 😳” will blush so hard he will blackout
he’ll have to hide his face into like the crook of your neck because he’s all blushy 
#11 | Kei Tsukishima | 月島
i hate him with so much love
does that make sense
yes, it does.
will tease the HELL out of you when you show that you want to cuddle
gets all smug too😤
but tbh he just does that because he just gets wayyy too excited and his hearts all chaos
it’s his coping mechanism for being a simp 🤡
so he’ll just play with you
“oh? you wanna cuddle? hmm, i don’t know, ask me again in 5 minutes”
also he gets way into that “hmmm” as if he’s thinking really hard about it SDLKJFSDLK
then you get all pouty and leave and he’s like 
he let his simp side show 😔 r.i.p. ur pride tsukki
and you’re shocked, like where tf did tsukki go?? this ain’t him fkjsd
so you mess with him too
“oh? so you wanna cuddle with me now? hmm, i don’t know, you were kinda mean to me earlier, maybe i’ll just ask tadashi or something.”
you’re literally reaching for your car keys and walking out of your apartment and he just 
this tree ass mf swooped you out of the floor over his shoulder earning a loud and embarrassing yelp from you and just carries you to bed
“you’re not going anywhere, don’t be an idiot”
puts you on top of the bed and just lays on top of you to keep you from moving anywhere
“then stop being weird saying you’re going to cuddle other people and cuddle me already dumbass”
gets off and you guys lay comfortably together
“i hate you kei” ~in a playful manner ofc <3
“i know” *gives you a kiss on your forehead* 🥺
#12 | Tadashi Yamaguchi | 山口
i will violently *🥺* for yamaguchi any day, everyday
i love him so much he’s just so 🥺 🥺 !!
ok !!
so cuddling with yamaguchi is the softest experience any human could ever go through
he so soft ???
he’s so sweet ???
he’s so cute ???
he’s so respectful ???
im in love.
will always be asking if somethings okay, if you’re alright, if you’re comfy, if he’s doing anything wrong
but it’s never in an overbearing way, it’s more in a reassuring way !
he was def awkward the first time but he just got more comfy with you over time
but that doesn’t mean he still doesn’t get all blushy and a lil nervous on where to put his hands because he does
he just wants to know if you’re okay, he doesn’t want to accidently make you uncomfortable
but uhm....
one day...
you two were cuddling
and everything was going good, everything was just fine
in fact, he didn’t even need to ask if you were okay or comfy etc,, because he just knows what you like now and he can tell from your body language
but uhm...
you were cuddling, you were the little spoon and he was the big spoon 
and you just wanted to get closer
so you nuzzled back into him 
and he just
“tadashi? what’s wrong?”
literally his face is so red 
and then...
u felt it.
you tense up too and you’re face is starting to get red and you’re like 
“uhh.....is ....that...?”
yamaguchi looks like he’s about to cry lsdfkjs
literally already standing up ready to run out of there
but then 😳
you just grab his wrist n you’re like
“let me help”
his v*rgin brain just short circuits like $(*#$)(#@*#*)$(@#*$)(@#$*
R.I.P. Yamaguchi Tadashi 2020
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damn we already lost daichi and now we lost yams too  😔🕊️ fly high
*raw guitar riffs going WIIUM WIIUM WAUUM WAUUM WIIUM*
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Part I: Daichi, Sugawara, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Ennoshita
Part II: Kinoshita, Narita, Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi
Part III: Kiyoko, Yachi, Ukai Keishin, Takeda
Part IV: Saeko Tanaka, Akiteru Tsukishima, Shimada, Takinoue
678 notes · View notes
pradaksj · 4 years
the swimming lessons
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all rights reserved © pradaksj
↳do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
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❧ pairing⟶  jungkook/reader
❧ genre⟶  swimminginstructor!jungkook , fluff, a bit of comedy? head canon/bullet points 
❧ rating⟶ e for everyone??? none??? idk how ratings work lol i just know that m = the dirty, which this story has none of
❧ word count ⟶ 5,000 
❧ summary ⟶  accidental swimming lessons with jungkook were definitely worth the money 
❧ a/n ⟶ i literally dreamt something similar to this in like january and told myself i'd write about it when i had the time so hear i am :)) this goes out to all my folks who can’t swim !! i'm on the same boat with you , get it?  cause we can’t swim ... ok anyways ... enjoy ! (note: i have not proofread this yet so sorry for any mistakes!! ill get to it soon !! ) 
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“hello, welcome to lucky duck swim school, how can i help you?” the receptionist, who was loudly chewing her gum, sounded more like an automated voice message than a person...
see today was your first official swimming lesson
how fun!! ...
totally not embarrassing for someone your age !!!
honestly, it wasn't your fault you didn’t have any family members or friends with a big pool you could learn in growing up 
and by the time you did, you were too much of in an awkward phase to be properly taught
aka your body absolutely refusing to float on its own anymore
but after several trips to the beach with friends and attending different pool parties, you were tired of being made fun of !! 
no longer would you remain at 5 feet and under !!! not on your watch ! 
and so here you were, ready to start your journey into the world of swimming :)) 
“hi i um have a swimming lesson at 3 with um ... i believer her name was um—” 
hmmm what was her name ??? jennie??? no, maybe it was aaliyah ??? no that wasn’t it.... 
the receptionist taps on her keyboard buttons, her long nails making a noise 
pop, her bubblegum goes 
“yeah jungkook” you mindlessly say. 
that was not the game given to you by the last receptionist 
jungkook is a boy’s name !!! 
you didn’t want a boy instructor !!! 
not with the way you were looking 
“i um—i had asked for a girl instructor—” you awkwardly mention 
she rolls her eyes
um RUDE 
she continues clacking with her keyboard, looking for god knows what 
she sighs 
“there’s no slots with female instructors available for today, nor for the rest of the month, the earliest i can probably squeeze you in by is july.” she bluntly states. 
july was when you needed to already know how to swim !!
that’s the peak of summer ! 
there was no point in knowing during winter or any other season besides summer for that matter 
and you were not going to get made of by your friends this year
no no NO
“soo do i reschedule you or.....” 
you sigh 
“no ill take it” you pout, resembling a child. 
“it it makes you feel any better, jungkook’s our best instructor, most popular too” 
oh yeah that makes you feel so much better 
you were going to make a complete fool out of yourself in front of the so called “best instructor” 
“well go get yourself washed up, get into the pool, and jungkook will be with you shortly” she smiles, her attitude now changing now that (what looked to be a supervisor) was passing by. 
what a bi—
flip flop. flip flop. flip flop. 
your sandles press onto the water on the floor of the girls locker room, a grouchy look now on your face 
this wasn't fair 
you made an appointment with a female instructor!! 
you didn’t care if he was the best instructor or the most popular ...
squeeaaakkk , you twist the rusty shower handle
...because now you were you were going to be judged for your lack of skills 
not that you had any to begin with, but still! 
god, you sounded like such a karen ... 
it’s just ...
a guy instructor ??? 
you understood that this wasn’t elementary school anymore and boys certainly didn’t have cooties anymore but like :// 
no no, you had to give this jungkook guy the benefit of the doubt
if he was one of the best, it was clearly because he was professional and good at what he does 
putting your worries to rest, you turn off the shower 
this was going to be fine
just fine 
clearly your worries were not put to rest 
just a temporary halt 
pat. pat. pat. 
okay let’s get it ! 
making your way out to the pool, you dip your foot in 
VERY cold indeed 
1 ...2...
you dip your whole leg in, quickly using the momentum to place your whole body in 
“5 feet and below ... you’re my bitch !!” you think to yourself 
your hand still clearly gripping onto the ledge, still afraid of accidentally reaching 6ft
.... now to wait 
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“megan seems to have fractured her leg last weekend on a rollerskating day gone bad, so you’ll be taking up her appointments for the next month of two until she’s cleared for work” 
huh ???
“also she, well now you i guess, have a lesson to teach at..” 
jungkook’s supervisor looks down at his watch 
“oh i guess in 30 minutes, could’ve sworn it was at 4..” he mumbles that last part to himself
30 minutes?! 
“don’t worry i’ll up your pay for the remaining time that she gets better” 
he winks ;) making a clicking noise with his mouth before leaving the staff room 
jungkook sighs 
today was supposed to be an easy day :/ 
a simple cleaning of the pool along with a couple of measly hours of being the lifeguard and that would’ve been it but noooo 
he just had to be the highest rated swimming instructor on the company website 
he couldn’t complain though, sometimes it was fun reading the reviews past students left, even if sometimes they were a little too...
whats the word...
it often made him wonder if he was in fact an actual good swimming instructor or if the high highly rated reviews were for other reasons.... 
honestly it’d be dumb of him not to acknowledge the amount of googly eyes he’d get ranging from the mother’s of his younger students to his actual adult students (female and male) 
he just liked to think that didn’t come into play when they wrote their reviews 
changing into his black fitted rash guard, he glanced at megan’s schedule 
name : y/n 
age: 23 grown
swimming level: beginner  aka noob. 
he chuckles to himself 
well won’t this be fun 
he couldn’t lie beginner adult swimmers were always a spectacle to watch 
they almost reminded him of baby ducks learning how to swim 
only that they’d verbally curse their frustrations here and there 
quickly showering, he begins to make his way to the pool 
hmm, he wonders..
what should he eat after today’s lesson? 
a bacon cheese burger sounded really good 
maybe even grab himself some birria tacos from that new restaurant that just opened near his apartment 
hmm no he had to start spending less on takeout 
looks like it’d be rame—
as corny as it sounded, he could’ve sworn he felt his heart skip a beat 
because whoever it was in that pool was pretty, like really pretty 
hOly ????? 
you couldn’t be y/n ... could you?!?!?! 
you were the only person who looked 23 years of age in the pool ...
mayday mayday 
jungkook.exe has STOPPED WORKING  
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whoever this jungkook person was, sure was taking their time 
deciding to have some fun before your lesson, you begin to gently play with the water 
swish. swoosh , the water goes 
soon you’d be well on your way to becoming the next michael phelps 
maybe with time you’d even be able to a somersault in the water like your friend always—
“y/n?” a voice from behind says your name
ah finally 
taking in a deep breath, you turn your attention to the so called “best swimming instructor” 
MY .
WHAT ?????? 
this man looked like he came straight out of GQ magazine !!!! 
this HAD to be some mistake , there was just no way ... 
your cheeks feel as if they were burning up 
probably because they quite literally were 
there was no way you’d be able to come here every saturday for the next month, not without fawning for this dude every single minute 
of course you were a stuttering mess
of FuCkiNg course 
“that’s me” 
cue the awkward smile 
“be professional” jungkook tells himself
at the end of the day, you were his student 
any crush on you would just have to wait until of course ... you were no longer his student 
for now the only goal was : teach you how to swim 
the next one down the list being : to take you out on a date ! 
he offers you a handshake 
wow he had a strong grip 
“i’m jungkook, i’ll be your swimming instructor for the next month” 
he flashes you his all too famous smile
there was just no way this man was real
just nO wAy 
crap, you were still holding his hand! 
idiot, idiot, idiot ! 
“sorry” you awkwardly laugh 
ha ha ha 
so funny 
god did you just want to hide to disappear 
“it’s fine” he laughs 
even his laugh was attractive :( 
“so y/n, before we begin with anything, i think it’s important to review about what kind of things you already know and what you don’t” 
oh right ... 
for a moment you had COMPLETELY forgotten you were here for swimming lessons 
how embarrassing 
“oh um..” 
um, um , um. 
“so like floating, holding your breath underwater, pushing, gliding, arm movement, that kind of stuff,” he explains 
you knew a cool trick to make it look like you were water bending :D 
of course you weren’t going to admit that here 
silently you nod your head no 
he gives you a reassuring smile, sensing your timidness 
“that’s fine, only more for us—” he corrects himself, “for you to learn,” he laughs 
hey you weren’t complaining 
“so i personally always like to start off with teaching my students how to float. as long as we get that down then you’ll have no problem learning the rest” 
gosh his smile was so infectious 
shaking your head, you reminded yourself that this was your teacher 
+ you paid 300 bucks for these classes, so you couldn’t afford to be giving him the googly eyes all day 
you were so cute :( 
jungkook couldn’t help but find you so endearing 
the color of your swimming goggles even matched your swim suit :(( 
so cute ! 
“okay so the first thing i want you to practice is going underwater for a couple of seconds, just so you get used it,” he instructs, “i’ll demonstrate” 
taking in a deep breath, he goes down under 
he’s back up 
pausing for about another three seconds, he takes in another deep breath of air before going back under 
he repeats the same thing over and over, until the max count becomes 20. 
“use my finger as your reference of when to go up, but come up for air whenever you feel like you need to. it’s important to go at your own pace, so don’t feel pressured to get it the first try” 
no pressure at all 
“you ready?” 
you nod your head 
“okay, deep breath in”
you sink your head underwater, mentally counting the three seconds before going back up 
“good job,” he gives you a high five, and you almost feel like a schoolgirl, “now let’s try to five seconds” 
woo!!! 5 seconds here you come !! 
taking in a deep breath you go down under again 
easy peasy ... LEMON SQUEEZY 
“okay now to ten” 
now why were these seconds going by slow all of a sudden? 
sucking it up you manage to make it to 10, but not without being out of breath 
“you okay?” he’s quick to ask 
yup, totally fine ! 
you definitely didn’t see the gates of heaven for a quick moment :D 
nodding your head, you enthusiastically say, “let’s go for 15″ 
he smiles at your enthusiasm
ahh so cute 
nope nope nope
you were not going to make it to 15 
immediately you make your way back to the surface, trying to catch your breath 
“hey you did amazing,” he immediately reassures you, “remember as long your going your own pace then you’re doing just fine” 
well doesn’t that make you feel better 
you wonder if he’s this kind to all his students 
besides the most obvious reason, there was no question as to why he was the “most popular” instructor 
and to think you had been complaining earlier !! 
and soon you’re back underwater, going at your own pace until finallyyyy you’re able to make the 20 second count 
“nice !!” he genuinely celebrates with you, making you feel completely proud for yourself 
“okay now that we have that done, we can move onto learning how to float facing both front and back” 
he was just thinking ahead 
cool :o 
“so what i want you do is first relax,” he laughs, gently pushing your stiff shoulders down 
as if your blush couldn’t get any deeper 
“now my personal belief is that all humans can naturally float, just that for others, it takes a bit of a push to get them at that state,” he begins to explain 
others meaning people like um you 
“the key to floating is to relax” 
oh you’ve heard that before
many MANY times and each time you’ve tried to so called “relax” you just end up sinking 
“the moment you fight or stress for even a tiny bit, you will sink. now i know what you’re thinking, ive heard that before” 
he was good 
“but sadly it’s true, until you learn to relax then you’ll be able to swim” 
you sigh 
this was where it became hard 
you were the queen of stress 
you and stress went hand in hand almost like a married couple 
it was just that deep water was scary !! very very scary !! 
the amount of horror stories you’d seen on tiktok was enough for you to know, ocean = scary 
“so here’s what i need you to do, i need you to place your arms on top of the water like as if you’re going to fly” 
you follow his commands 
he separates your arms, which had been too close together, giving them a small rub 
“remember you need to relax y/n,” he chuckles, feeling the tension in your arms
“relax, i need to relax,” you repeat 
“okay now right now when i tell you, you’re gonna take a deep breath in and look down, from there you’re gonna let you body move forward. so remember you’re not gonna jump, you’re just gonna let your body glide forward and float. almost as if you’re flying to me,” he explains 
mm it was easier said than done  
“you ready?” 
“okay deep breath in” 
you inhale a deep breath in 
“look down” 
you do that as well 
“and let go” 
slowly your body begins to rise on its own 
oh my god !!!!! 
you were about to float!!!!! 
the day has come !!!
no more staying at 5 feet and under 
you were ready to hang with the big kids :D 
but as quick as the momentum came, the faster it left because soon you felt yourself sinking, the breathing exercise jungkook had made you do now coming in handy 
you almost had it :( 
it was right in your grasp, only to have it snatched away 
not wanting to offend you, jungkook keeps his giggles to himself 
“hey at least you almost had it,” he comforts you, “let’s just try again” 
you sigh, now letting your doubts creep in 
because of this, this time your body almost immediately sank this time
he frowns 
you were losing confidence :/ 
“come on i’ll help you” 
grabbing your hands, he signals for you to follow his breathing pattern
“deep breath in” 
“deep breath out” 
god, was his voice soothing 
“i need you to relax y/n, let everything go” 
a soft feeling of relaxation washes over you, similar to that feeling you’d get when you were on the verge of sleeping
“i’m gonna let you go at the count of three, and then you’re going to float, okay?” 
silently you nod, knowing that speaking would only cause you to tense up again 
he lets go, and soon you’re floating, just like he said you would 
you hold your breathe for a good while before standing back up, a huge smile on your face 
“holy shit! i did it!!” 
he gives you high five with both of his hands, for a second holding them before letting go 
“now let’s try floating on your back” 
he notices that there’s now a fire in your eyes that wasn’t there before
clearly you were now more determined to learn, excited too
preparing yourself to float once more, you realize you were missing something.... 
he tilts his head, confused by the faint blush on your cheeks 
“do you think you can um—” 
now it was his turn to blush 
“o-oh yeah” 
what was his problem??? 
you were a student asking for help 
that was all ...
point blank. 
he helps you get on your back, his hand placed under your back as a way to keep you up 
you float easily again!! 
“nice!!” he smiles 
summer, here you come !! 
“okay so we’re gonna keep practicing that for the remaining time that we have and next week i’ll start teaching you about stroke techniques and which ones are easiest to do” 
nodding your head, you practice your floating by the end of the hour  having it practically mastered 
the two of you get out of the pool, now drying off 
“you’re a really fast learner y/n,” he compliments you 
you mean, you didn’t wanna brag butttt 
you were a fast learner indeed 
“thank you,” you say in return, “but that’s only because you’re a great teacher” 
did you really say that :o 
aren’t you feeling a little bold today y/n  
his blush returns for the second time today
well technically you weren’t in class anymore ... 
a little flirting wouldn’t hurt right? 
if only he knew what to say .... 
“well at least you won't ever drown!” 
jungkook, you idiot !!!!! 
someone needed to smack him straight in the face for that ! 
at least you won’t drown????
no fucking shit 
well there goes his chances with you now going down the drain 
but to his surprise, you laugh 
“you’re right, i won’t,” you say in return, “well i’ll see you next weekend jungkook” 
you flash him a smile, and he was certain he felt butterflies in his stomach 
walking into the girl’s locker room, you let out a sigh of relief
wheeeeew ! 
faking confidence was hard ! 
very VERY hard 
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“so today you’re going to learn how to stroke so you can officially be called someone who knows how to swim, next week you’ll learn to tread water and continue perfecting your swimming, and then the final week i’ll teach you some fun extra things” 
“sounds good,” you say, definitely excited to learn more. 
“okay so now that you know how to float, right now when you float facing downward, you’re going to pull against the current with your arms, alternating each one. now the tricky part is that while you do that, you also have to paddle your legs a little and come up for air when you need to, and when you’re back in the water you should slowly be exhaling bubbles of air rather than holding your breath” 
well that sounded hard :/ 
“let me give you a demonstration,” jungkook says
he’s quick to float facing downward, showing you the maneuver he wanted you to learn while coming up for air every five seconds
thought it was a little childish, he somehow still looked good doing it 
he truly was blessed with the looks of a god 
he comes out the water
“okay now your turn” 
you nod your head, that determined look you had on your face last week now returning 
following his example, you begin your attempt at paddling and stroking your arms at the same time
immediately you begin to panic and water begins to splash everywhere, including on jungkook 
noticing your panicked state, jungkook is quick to grab you and place you back on your feet 
“hey hey, i got you,” he comforts you, not wanting you to feel discouraged 
you sigh 
well that was embarrassing 
“remember y/n you have to learn to coordinate everything, so think of it this way. your legs have to always be paddling, it’s the arm and coming up for air that switch roles. when you come up for air, it’s only your legs paddling, while when you’re head is back underwater it’s both your legs and arms paddling. once you get that pattern, the bubbling will come naturally” 
you make an ohhhhh face
you could do that ! 
“remember what i told you last weekend y/n, you need to relax and be comfortable so you can build confidence. there’s no need to panic because i’m here,” he smiles at you 
gosh this just wasn't fair >:( 
cute and charming ???? 
this boy really had it all 
not wanting to disappoint, you try one more time, failing once again 
now you were frustrated :/ 
“damn it,” you mumble to yourself, a sadness to your voice
jungkook feels his heart swell 
he didn’t like seeing you sad :( 
but doggy paddling was the most basic technique he could teach you so he couldn’t really cheer you up by offering a different technique 
you needed to learn to doggy paddle before you could move on to the more bigger strokes
damn it ://  
“hey don’t feel bad about not getting right away,” he gives you a small smile, “i remember when i first started learning it took me forever to even learn how float, so the fact that you’re already at this point is enough of an accomplishment” 
well that makes you feel little better ... 
“but you were probably a kid, im ...” 
old , is what you want to say 
figuring what you were gonna say, he only laughs 
“who said i was a kid? i was probably like 19″ 
assuming he was your age (which he was), you do the quick maths in your head 
that was like .... 4 years ago ! 
how the hell did he get so good in such little time???? enough to be teaching courses ??? 
“not knowing how to swim is nothing to be embarrassed about y/n, if anything it takes a lot of courage to even sign up for a class so don’t beat yourself up too much for not getting it right away” 
he ruffles your wet hair, a small affectionate gesture 
you didn’t know how it was possible but you were falling for this man and QUICKLY at that 
he was just so ??$%@^! 
“so let’s try one more time, and if you still can’t get it then we’ll push it to next week, a free extra lesson on me” 
though the temptation to purposely fails was very intriguing indeed, you still had to try for the sake of it 
if you got it, you got it, and if you didn't well .... 
an extra week with jungkook it was :D 
“you ready?” 
you nod your head 
you float and begin to paddle, this time actually getting the hang of it !!!
you hear jungkook’s muffled voice from above the surface, “there you go!!” 
holy shit ! 
you officially knew how to swim !!! 
at least enough to save your own life if push came to shove 
once you were out of breath, you stand back up, a grin on both of your faces 
for jungkook it was hard not to tackle you in excitement so instead he settled for a very enthusiastic high five 
“you did it!” he cheers 
“ahhh!” you giggle like a child 
“from here on out, the rest is a piece of cake!” 
yay yay yay !!! 
“now let’s start working on deeper strokes, maybe we’ll even have time to throw in backstrokes!”
noticing your changed expression, he awkwardly laughs while scratching his neck 
“or maybe not” 
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this week was the final week of swimming lesson with jungkook
last week’s lesson of treading water and perfecting your swim seemed to had gone by in literally the blink of an eye ! 
and so today was possible the last time you’d see jungkook unless you managed to grow the balls and ask him out once that clock hit 4, once you were no longer his “student"
by now you were 100% sure you liked the dude... like a lot 
and he was definitely someone you wanted to get to know outside of this pool 
you just weren’t sure if he liked you the same way 
you mean yeah there were definitely times that had you raising an eyebrow here and there, but you always excused it as him simply being a kind hearted person by nature 
because clearly his five star rating on the company’s website had to come from somewhere 
not that you checked or anything....
who were you kidding 
yes you did
your favorite review was the one that went..
“wow!! this dude is amazing !! came here for beginner lessons and even i found myself fawning for the dude , and i don’t even play for that side of the team !! not only were his lessons thorough, but he’s a very charming person ! 10/10 recommend!” 
and so you were stuck 
did he liked you or was he just treating you like he treated everyone?? 
“ahh y/n,” jungkook’s voice suddenly brings you back to reality 
“today’s our final lesson!” he announces, not sounding too sad
in fact he sounded excited  
damn :/ 
he playfully jumps into the pool, today being his so called “fun day” 
“so since today’s your last lesson i thought i could teach you how to do a.....” 
he pauses for dramatic purposes 
immediately your eyes light up 
you always wanted to learn how to do a somersault in water, remembering the number of times you’d look at your friend in jealousy whenever she did one 
“you ready??” 
eagerly you nod your head yes
“okay so the steps to doing a summersault is first of course, you need to take a deep breath” 
“from there you tuck your chin to your chest, next you do the moment of the somersault by swinging your chest forward and gently kicking out your legs, so basically forming a ball and then kicking out.  naturally, if you have enough momentum, you’ll spin, but if you don’t just use your arms to complete it” 
“think you can give me a demonstration?” you innocently ask 
he winks at you, “of course i can” 
taking in a deep breath, he follows his own instructions, and you watch he perfectly executes his somersault 
“woahhh, that was so cool!” you say, even now finding the trick to be amazing 
“now i dont expect you to get it right away, so right now that you try i’m going tog hide you thought the movement so you get the gist of it” 
sounds fair enough 
you weren’t trying to drown on your last day either 
“okay, you ready?” 
“let’s get it!” 
taking a deep breath in, you feel jungkook’s hand get placed on your back, ready to push you so you could do the somersault 
and slowly you feel yourself spin with the help of jungkook, a smile already forming on your face 
“ahhh!” you smile big and wide, causing Jungkook to smile along with you 
“you think you’re ready to try it on your own???” 
“yes sir” 
“okay 1....2....” 
mustering up as much as force you possible could, you push yourself into ball and successfully do the somersault 
feeling an immediate rush of adrenaline, you begin to splash water all over once you come back up for air, declaring an all out water fight with jungkook 
soon the two of you are chasing one another, you now using your new swimming abilities to get away 
you’re a swimmer 
the sound of jungkook’s infectious laughter fill the air and soon you feel him grab your waist at an attempt to stop you 
“gotcha” he says, and he turns you around to face him 
slowly each other’s heavy breathing becomes relaxed, and it’s as if you’ve felt a shift occur in what you considered your new “friendship” 
“so....” he awkwardly says, hands still wrapped around your waist 
his was was RED
like cherry tomatoes red 
this only makes you giggle 
if you had doubts before, you DEFINITELY didn’t have em anymore 
he liked you :)))) 
and you liked him :)))) 
and in ten minutes you were officially no longer his student so......
“there’s this new restaurant that opened near my place....” you say 
immediately his eyes light up 
“cancun eats?” 
you nod your head and he gives you a toothy grin 
“i was wondering if you’d want to go out some time...” you muster up the courage to ask him out 
%^@%!@&!@^&@%! = jungkook’s brain 
holy crap !!! 
you liked him!!! 
he wasn’t just delusional !!! 
“hello?? jungkook??” you laugh, waving a hand in front of his face for jungkook.exe had truly stopped working this time 
nodding his head yes like a child,  the two of you being to lean closer to another, the clear goal in mind being each other’s lips
because honestly you’d come this far now, might as well give him a .... 
“wait!” he suddenly interrupts  he glances at the digital clock on the wall, remembering your final lesson officially ends at 4
because no way in hell was he going to get fired for kissing a student on the clock 
“okay now,” he smiles, and you only roll your eyes, happy to have taken up on those swimming lessons. 
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a/n : i was gonna make this longer but this was always meant to be a small little head canon so :))) pls give this a like, comment, or a reblog if you enjoyed it !! (if u can of course) and my ask box is always open for whatever !! :)) see yall next time 💞
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