#n even then i dont care if both of them dont like me cuz i understand why they dont
hailmary-forgiveme · 1 year
lets play a game: is the rumor true or not???
idk. but they (my mom) says that people (at church) say my crush (who she doesnt know i like) is dating on of the singers. which is apparently not allowed. she says they say that when getting us ready to be baptized n like... no, they dont say that. they say that if youre an adult n dating someone n have a child you gotta get married. but like 1) we're kids, 2) they dont have children, 3) as long as the relationship doesnt interfere with the church stuff it doesnt matter, n 4) no premartial sex is allowed, im assuming they arent having sex. so like, no, i dont think there is anything against it. either way, i have a theory about who hes dating, ive been thinking about this before i even liked him. its the singer who is like a solid 3 years (2 n some months for him) older than me. n the other girl really isnt a singer but shes like super pretty so i can see them dating n shes like my age, so like a few months younger than him.
anyways i surprisingly dont care cuz 1) i never even considered him liking me, n 2) i already thought he was dating someone.
0 notes
bwabys-scenarios · 5 months
helloooo!! I saw ur requests were open and that you were askin for some dungeon meshi x chubby reader....I gotchu covered.
May I please request some Chilchuck(or..Chilchack?? Ive no clue what the spelling is..) x Chubby!Reader and maybe also some Laois x Chubby!Reader? If you dont do multiples then either guy is fine!!
Sfw and nsfw on how they interact and think of your body? Scenarios like you tending to grab Chilchuck away from danger alot so he gets alot of booba action?? Embarrassed flustered old man?? Having to look up at you(if you were to be taller) but all he sees is ur chest?? Him givin Alot of needy attention to them when you do fool around cuz it Has been a big thing on his mind?? Him stiching and adjusting ur undershirt so it actually helps support ur chest a bit better and ur so grateful? Laois having a staring habit when he spaces out...yknow him and his tendencies to be curious(he wanted to Count Izutsumi nipples for gods sake.), he just doesnt know, he doesnt mean for it to be creepy or anything he jus is SO infactuated w ur body its so so so beautiful to him, him getting super happy and starts exploring ur body when consent is given?? Alot of his attention is on ur chest too, weighing it, squeezing. Stuff w warm body heat too, Just all around big loving
Thank you so much if you decide to do this and incredibly sorry if I messed up in my ask in anyway 💖💖💖
Chilchuck x Chubby!Reader SFW/NSFW HCs
a/n: I will do the Laois one in a separate post!! The Chilchuck ideas just… spoke to me!! Also pls send me Dungeon Meshi requests… I’m open to writing for all the adult characters…
warnings: boob sucking, tittyfucking, breeding, cockwarming, thigh fucking, pussy eating
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-you’re probably the only one in the party that he can sleep next to without complaining. you’re soft and warm, and when you ask if you can share his bed with him for the night because it’s cold, he’s… a bit too eager to lift up his blanket for you to join him.
-he complains that you don’t eat enough, and ends up giving you bits of his lunch and dinner. he just think your chubby cheeks are so cute when you’re chewing and likes to watch you eat. he does worry for you though…
-if it’s dark and you’re a bit afraid, he’ll hold your hand. if you ask him why in front of Laois or Marcille he’ll get all flustered and say he didn’t want you to trip him up.
-he only reaches your boobs, which is both a blessing and a curse for him. he can look at your boobs all day with little to no suspicion, but he also gets pulled into your boobs quite often when you hug him or try and save him from an attack. that might sound good to some people, but to him it gets him all flustered and hard embarrassed, then he gets teased by Marcille :(
-oh my gosh snuggles with him are so nice. he’s rather light so once the two of you are close, he’ll lie on top of you and bury his face in your chest or tummy! he’s actually quite the cuddlebug, and will want to snuggle you every single night after the first time.
-your tummy… he loves it so much. Chilchuck is quite the fan of anything soft, so more often than not, when he’s taking a nap he’ll have his head in your lap and face buried in your chubby tummy.
-he’s a bit embarrassed to show you affection in front of the others, so ways he shows he cares are usually subtle unless it’s behind closed doors or away from prying eyes. he peels your apples for you, bandages you up after you get hurt, will tug on your shirt to remind you that he’s here and that he loves you, and give your palm secret kisses when no one’s looking.
-he’s surprisingly possessive? when Laois looks at you, even if he’s just curious and wants to ask you questions, Chilchuck rushes over and finds some excuse to pull you away. he’s the most worried about Laois, but doesn’t like Senshi being all close to you either. he puts up with it more though, but dislikes that Senshi acts like yours and his relationship is like puppy love(Chilchuck is a grown ass man 😭)
-he’s very soft with you, very rarely being sarcastic or short with you specifically. he made you cry once early on in your relationship and it absolutely devastated him, so since then he’s been a lot more careful about what he says
-speaking of crying, he can’t stand your tears, it makes him nervous. if you’re a cry baby be prepared for him to be fretting over you constantly!
-you’re the person everyone in the party wants to snuggle with when it gets cold, so he has to shoo people away, blushing and stuttering about how they’re crowding you. once they’re all pouting and walking away, he huffs and snuggles up to you. you find his jealousy pretty cute, so you lift up your shirt a little so he can duck under it and rest his head on your chubby tummy or breasts.
-your chubby cheeks activate his cuteness aggression. he didn’t even know he liked cute things until he saw your cheeks puffed out and warm after someone made you mad. he nearly stopped breathing, it was the cutest thing he’d ever seen, and he couldn’t help but cup your cheek in his hands. your face heated up even more when he stared up at your with those adoring eyes, gently pinching your cheeks. “soft… so soft and warm…”
-he can be a bit clingy at times, especially when it gets colder out. when you go to sleep, he has to sleep under your shirt, his head on your chest or tummy. you complain about him stretching your your shirts, but he thinks the slightly oversized look is cute on you. honestly, everything is cute on you, because you’re adorable to him.
-boobies… he loves your boobs so much. they’re soft and warm, feeling nice and heavy in his hands when he holds them. loves when he gets to bury his face in your bare chest and just snooze… but he also adores getting to play with your nipples, gently nibbling and suckling on the perky buds. he won’t lie, he can get hard just from looking at your clothed chest…
-he is absolutely a service dom that wants to make you feel good, but he can also enjoy being taken care of sometimes!
-enjoys being between your thighs more than he likes to admit. the first time he tasted your pussy was also the first time you ever saw him look so… in love. he gets pussy drunk within minutes, not able to stop sucking on your sensitive clit until you push his head away. he had a wife so he’s definitely experienced with pleasing a woman, so don’t be surprised when he has you cumming on his tongue for an hour or more! <3
-when he’s feeling a bit horny and doesn’t want to bother you at night, he’ll kiss your temple and hold onto your hips as he fucks your thighs, his cock lightly brushing against your pussy. your thighs are fat and soft, and he just loves nestling his cock between them!
-sometimes he’s just tired and wants some snuggles, so he’ll have his cock buried inside of you while you sit on his lap. the first time he asked for this you were terrified you’d crush him because he’s so small and you’re chubby, but he begged for it, something he had never done before. you relented, and as soon as he was buried inside of you, with his head nuzzled against your chest, he looked just too content. “thank you, love… it’s perfect…”
-he’s embarrassed by how good it feels to hear you moan his name, when you say how his cock feels so nice when it hits that certain spot and how you’re gonna cum way quicker than he expected. you being so attracted to him, feeling so much pleasure by him just thrusting into you gets him feeling giddy!
-he most certainly has a bit of a breeding kink… he has 3 daughters already that he loves, but… the urge to claim you and give you a child as well does make his body heat up and his pants grow tight. Chilchuck would like to get you pregnant, but only when it’s safe to do so. he doesn’t pull out though… he just can’t, it’s too tempting and you’re way too warm and cozy… it’s why he loves cockwarming so much!
-circling back to boobs… he’s definitely the type to enjoy a good tittyfuck, but it’ll take him a while to accept this. he’s utterly embarrassed to have his cock anywhere near your face due to being a bit shy, but once he’s nestled between your breasts and your tongue touches the tip of his cock, he groans, nearly cumming right then and there. he’s already a huge fan of your breasts, so feeling them on his cock is otherworldly, and it becomes one of his favorite ways to relieve stress
-he likes to either cum inside of you or on your tummy… he refuses to cum on your face, and will only cum in your mouth if you ask. when he fucks your thighs, he does tend to make a mess all over you and feels awful since it’s not exactly easy to bathe regularly in the dungeon. but you do look awfully cute, messy and sticky with his cum, puffing out your chubby cheek to give him a pout.
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muikitoo · 5 months
Their favourite physical part of you!
Rottmnt x gn! reader
Includes both sfw and nsfw(not direct action) the nsfw only goes for the future versions of the turtles!
I finally posted! Shocker i know. I didnt have any ideas but this js popped up cuz i used to love hc like these. I've never written for gn reader so pls give some tips, ty!
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- This dude likes your hands. He likes when you hold hands and how they fit perfectly in his.
- he LOVES to play with them too, especially when he has nothing to do or when hes stressed.
- Even tho he isnt big on physical touch, he LOVES when u hold his face. But i feel like he would actually enjoy it as long as it isnt unexpected or when hes irritated!
- he would probably try and sneakily hold ur hand around family without anyone noticing bc he will not hear the end of it (*cough cough* Leo.)
- probably zones out while watching u do anything with ur hands (paint, write, even fiddle with random stuff)
- you probably have him melting if u ever try and give his shoulders a gentle massage with your hands
- in short, he loves ur hands and holds them any chance he gets cuz hes touch starved af.
Bonus: you guys probably have some morse code and he taps his fingers a certain way if he feels uncomfortable and wants you to leave the room with him.
- i think its obvious he would like your hair.
- He loves playing with your hair when you guys are cuddling.
- will style your hair. Maybe even ask Mikey to join in too. Youll probably end up with atleast 50 hair clips by the end of it.
- if u have long pretty hair u bet he WILL DRAMATICALLY SOB once u cut it off, but he loves it regardless.
- melts and grins like an idiot if u dye it blue. Brags to his brothers about it.
- "guys look! See? See? They love me so much they dyed their hair blue!"
- low-key jealous u have hair..
- I also hc that he loves ur arms too!
- oh lord dont get me started on the arms. If you're a bit muscular and u start flexing/training he would be dead. Gone. In the grave.
- even so he would love to have you wrap your arms around him
- dude wants to be babied so badly
- ADORES your smile and your eyes.
- he loves how your eyes lit up when youre excited. Or the way a smile keeps up on your lips when you talk about something your passionate about.
- your sweet giggles are heavenly atp.
- loves loves loves loves the way u praise him when he creates something.
- you have this boy head over heels.
- the way you look at him with complete love in your eyes makes him want to sob on the SPOT.
- you're so adorable he just wants to kiss u on the spot (cuteness aggression atp)
- he js wants to see you happy :(
- i feel like he would also like your hands. Theyre so small compared to his.
- Loves everything atp, tho he does get scared. Especially if you're smaller than him. Hes so scared that he'll crush you!
- probably likes your cheeks.
- bro would squish and cup them then just slightly nuzzle your noses.
- gets flustered when you cup his cheeks too
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NSFW‼️ Aged up!
If you do not wish to see any of this, please exit!
Thighs, chest or ass?
F! Donnie
- if i have to be completely 100% honest? He doesnt care about any. At all. Just loves you.
- but if i had to give an answer for sake of these hc? thighs. No words. Just thighs.
- loves it when you crush his head between them.
- will grip your thighs, leaving slight marks but not enough to actually hurt you. He doesnt want that.
- loves leaving marks and kisses on them.
- if hes stressed because of a failed project, he'll just lay between your thighs in your shared bed. Occasionally giving a small nibble here and there.
- If you're wearing short shorts, good luck.☠️ Do not expect slow and passionate Donnie.
F! Leo
- all of the above.
- mostly an ass and chest guy.
- He would probably slap your ass occasionally, but not hard enough to hurt you. Again, he hates that.
- but if you beg him to do that? He'll be hesitant but if you beg hard enough he might.
- leaves bite marks.
- I did say he loves your arms and when you flex them, but he also loves your chest.
- your gender doesnt matter. He notices you panting and your chest rising up and down?
- Lord. This man does not know is he wants to dominate you or be dominated.
- Loves trailing teasing kisses and slight bites up and down your chest.
- Loves to cum on your chest and ass. He thinks you look so pretty.
- still wants to shove his face in your thighs tho
F! Mikey
- Again, he probably doesnt care either. He loves you regardless of your body.
- He just wants to make you feel loved.
- But again, for the sake of this - i think he'd be a chest and thighs guy.
- Loves laying on your chest, loves leaving kisses and bites.
- nuzzles his face either on your chest or on the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent.
- hes so sweet, but will shamelessly cum on your chest. Especially when youre giving him head.
- he loves your thighs, doesnt care if theyre small or big.
- he thinks theyre so soft<3
F! Raph
- Waist. And belly. Forget everything above, just waist.
- Again, bros scared he will crush you. Especially since hes much much much larger now.
- He really doesn't want to hurt you :(
- He loves to grab your waist. Its so tiny compared to his giant hands.
- Dont get me started with the belly. Chubby or not he loves squishing the soft flesh on your belly.
- covers it with his cum.
- He loves it.
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I just wanted to say these are not meant to be accurate, these are js what i think the rise turtles would like physically! I struggled a LOT with mikey and raph.
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buckybabieboy · 10 months
Heyy! I was reading you work, which I love btw, and I wanted to request a one-shot or blurb for little!bucky accidentally getting drunk, like how would he act, what would he say. I feel like he’d be super clingy and needy. With cg!mommy!reader please 🥹 Love you writing <333
Lol this is gonna be the cutest thing ever😭. Thanks for the request Babie!
Tipsy Baby.
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☁️ Summary: Bucky has way too much to drink at Natasha’s party, leaving you to take care of your little boy.
⚠️TW(READ.): sub!touch-starved bucky, dom!fem!reader, Bucky is so touch starved😭, reader is able to carry bucky, lactation kink cuz I felt like it, mentions of alcohol, Bucky can get drunk if he drinks an abundance.
📝A/N(PLEASE READ): DO NOT READ IF YOU DONT LIKE. ITS THAT SIMPLE. DON’T REPORT MY WORK JUST BC YOU DONT LIKE IT. Anyways, pls enjoy this lil blurb! drunk Bucky is just the cutest 🥰. and your right, bucky is VERY clingy AND FUCKING TOUCH STARVEDDDD when he’s drunk.
“Mommyyyy!” Bucky slurs out as he dramatically falls in front of you on the compound’s floor.
“Mommy pay ‘tenttion to me!”
You peer over your phone and watch as your baby heaves and pants on the ground, his beautiful pale skin flushed with pinkish-reddish tones, and his big puppy dog eyes red and puffed.
“Baby, are you drunk?” You question him, though you already know the answer. He only whines and thrashes his limbs around in a hissy fit, not using his words.
“W-why are you so faaarrr?” He wails petulantly, completely ignoring your question.
“M’ not far, sweetheart, ‘m right in front of you.”
An empty bottle of Tiger Beer has accompanied him on the ground, clutched inside his sweaty palms.
“Gimme that!” You sigh before getting off of your comfy spot on the couch and snatching the bottle out of his hands. He whines even more.
“Who let you have this?”
Bucky pouts and mutters something, but it’s almost impossible to hear with the music and noise that flood throughout the compound.
“Can’t hear you bud, you’re gonna have to speak up f’me, okay?”
“T-tasha…” He hiccups. “N-Natasha lemme have some, mommy…”
Another exasperated sigh escapes from you as you begin to regret supporting Bucky’s idea to come to Natasha’s party. It didn’t really surprise you though, since he was always a party guy when he was younger. You rarely ever drank, especially when you were going to an event. You opted out of that a long time when the both of you got drunk, which you both know didn’t end well.
Natasha had invited everyone to her floor for a party. You weren’t too fond of the idea when you heard there was going to be alcohol, but Bucky was very excited and begged you to go. He assured you that Steve and Sam would be there to watch him.
So eventually you gave in, but not before making him promise that he wouldn’t drink.
When you arrived at the party, Bucky was acting more than normal. He immediately started chatting and playing party games with Wanda and Vision. He even played Twister with them, which you knew was a surprise to everyone. Despite the fact that loud noises triggered him, he seemed to be having a good time. Needless to say, you felt comfortable with letting him go off on his own for awhile.
Scanning the room, you spot Natasha by the fridge, a Tiger Beer in hand. The trash can next to her was filled with empty bottles of that stuff, and you knew they had to be Bucky’s. He couldn’t get drunk easily so it would take a copious amount of alcohol to get him drunk.
The blame wasn’t all on Natasha, though. Wanda, Vision, Steve, Natasha, and Sam all were made aware of Bucky and his little space—you’ve told them a numerous amount of times for his safety. So Natasha could’ve given him a bottle, but Bucky must’ve gotten his hands on this much alcohol all by himself.
You’d have to talk to them about that another day though, because right now, your little boy was cemented on the cold floor, spacey and dazed below you.
“S-so pretty. Mommy so pretty!” Bucky giggles, his head cocked to the side in awe as he gazes up at you. He wasn’t thinking about anything else. He literally couldn’t. His little brain couldn’t process anything while in little space, so him being drunk definitely amplified it X10.
“C’mon, baby boy. Let’s get you taken care of.”
You offer your hand to him. He doesn’t budge though, instead he whines, and mutters more incoherent sentences. This wasn’t the first time Bucky lost all of his words. When he was little, most of the time he would gesticulate instead of speaking up.
“Hmm…” You tap your index finger on your chin, prenteding to brainstorm. “Oh! I know what you want! You want uppies!”
Bucky nods and squeals, making grabby hands up at you. You place your hands under his arms, pick him up, and set him on your hip. A precious little noise escapes from him as he wraps his legs around your waist, his arms around your neck, and leans into your touch. The smell of your hair seemed to be the only thing he was able to process.
Once you make it to your floor, you set him down on the bed. He whines once again when you leave and you quickly shush him, reassuring him that you’re just getting his pj’s out for bed. Bucky stands up to take off his pants but stumbles and trips, landing face down on the floor.
“Hnnngh..” He whines, starting to pick up his thrashing and wailing from earlier.
“Hush, my little boy, let Mommy take care of you.”
“M’ dizzy…” He fusses. “Everything’s spinning…”
“I know baby, I know. Let’s get you in your PJ’s, okay?” You hush him a little bit before helping him off the ground and settting him back on the bed. It was a struggle, but you got his pants and shirt off. Now the task was to replace them with his nighttime ones. You take one leg of the pants, grab his leg, and slide it in.
“Good job, Jamie! Now your right leg!” You praise your little boy. He giggles when his pants are all the way on, and doesn’t even fuss when you put his shirt on for him.
“Perfect… now let Mommy get changed and then we can go sleepies, okay?”
He fussed, but you got changed in no time, and his fussing quickly became coos of happiness once you cradled him in your arms.
“My little baby.” You fawn. “Your mommy’s boy aren’t you?”
Bucky’s eyes flutter, as he tries to stay awake. His baby blues are glossy and clouded from the substance earlier.
“Mmm… uh-huh! M’mommy’s boy! Mommy’s goodest boy!”
“Yeah, except for earlier. What did I tell you about drinking that much alcohol? You know your little mind can’t take it.” You scold, and he pouts up at you.
“Sammy was watchin’ me! But then he drank some too, ‘n we-” His hiccups interrupts him.
“W-we made a stupid bet. Who could drink the mostest, ‘n I won.” He giggles at that last part, obviously proud of himself for beating Sam at literally anything.
You were about to respond when you noticed his eyes flutter. His metal fingers tug on your tank top—you already know what that means by now.
“Awh my baby’s hungry! You hungry, sweetheart?” You coo at him in the softest tone possible. He does nothing but nod, his words are becoming little to none—indicating that he was deep in.
“Go ahead, Jamie. You can have some, mommy doesn’t mind.”
You help him out a bit by tugging down the top yourself, your leaking tits out for Bucky to suckle on. He wastes no time, immediately latching his pink lips on your right nipple. His suckles were harsh and rapid. All he wanted right now was to taste your sweet nectar. A few strokes to the scalp and he’s almost out—his stamina completely gone from earlier.
You praise your little baby. Whispering to him all of the things he loved to hear. Calling him all of the names he loved to be called while in his little space.
The meekest whines and whimpers come from him as he suckled more frantically. As time went on he became frustrated—frustrated at the fact that he was too exhausted to keep going.
“Shh, it’s okay. I know… your so exhausted, hm? So exhausted from having so much fun earlier?”
You stroke his scalp with your fingers, keeping the movements slight and slow for him. Bucky could never describe it, but there was always a certain tactic, or pattern in which you’d scratch his scalp that made him feel so innocent. So vulnerable.
You know this, You know what touching Bucky’s hair does to him, what it does to him when he’s completely reliant and under your control.
“I’ve got you, Bucky Bear. Hush now.”
Bucky eventually quiets down, and so do his suckles on your nipple. He lets your nipple fall free from his mouth, some milk dripping down his parted lips. You wipe it off gently.
“Mommy m-mines?” He whimpers. “All mines?” He nuzzles himself into your chest, the warmth of your body and vibration of your voice as you cooed to him always calms him down.
“All yours, honey.”
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tokio-motel · 10 months
EHEEHEHEHEHEHEHE(i will be sending a gustav version of this soon cause it is also almost his birthday)
lemme get theeeee the third leg whopper(separate headcannons (OR just a full fic do you bae) of bill and tom) getting birthday sex from male reader cuz like😍😍😍 reader doing pretty much everything tom loves that reader does(if u wana talk abt the kinks in dms we can cuz i aint typin alat rn)
and for billl reader doing EVERYTHING(almost cuz bro is 100% subtop) bill likes in bed cause yk he would have some mf favorite things to do in bed cuz like😪✌🏾
OH i also do not care if younger or older bill and tom like u choose
hi babe 😇 erm im doing headcannons cus i just did a full fic and I don't got that kinda motivation rn....uh we are doing 2009 cuz that's like my second fav era 😻
(Contains some smut themes so if you don't like that don't read!)
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・bro is a subtop.. do i even gotta explain?
・Like he understands he's bigger than you, in both ways, but dear god being submissive for you is so exhilarating.
・You better be nice to him on his special day, bae.
・Hearing your words of praise send waves of pleasure through him.
"So good, so perfect oh my god...."
・Sir kink 😻😻
・Just whimpering out a soft 'please sir' if you choose to edge him or something
・Making him stop his movements until he begs to continue? yes pls
・Hair pulling....
・Just tugging on the dreads, eliciting small whines and whimpers as he continues his pace.
・He really likes when you moan out for him, he loves pleasuring you and making you happy oh my GOD
・He can't help but kiss and bite your sensitive skin, leaving small hickies and purple bruises all over your neck and (sometimes) chest.
・Gripping onto your waist, leaning his head into your neck once he can't make out sounds, too focused on how good you feel around him.
・A bit of overstimulation never hurt anyone, right?
・Maybe riding him for another round after he's came, listening to his squeals and whines of pleasure as his eyes roll back.
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・horny ass mf..
・he's acting more superior than usual since it's his birthday
・He's a bit of a sadist.
・Spanking your ass or slapping your thighs listening to your moans of pleasure mixed with pain
・Slight dacryphillia
・Watching those tears fall from your eyes as he fucks you, dear lord...
・He likes when your hands go up to his cornrows, tugging at them gently.
・shh dont tell anyone he's a brat tamer 😴😴🤞
・I've said this before and ill say it AGAIN: SIR KINK
・Just hearing you barley manage a 'yes sir...!' as he pounds into you, sinking his nail into your waist..
・Watching you grip the sheets as you babble, moaning incoherent words is enough to make him cum.
・Leaving hickies on your neck as he continues his movements, listening to your little gasps and whines.
・His moans and groans as he tells you how good you are!!!!😻
"Oh fuck...god your so perfect. taking me so well M/N, so well.."
・He likes to wrap his hands around your neck or waist, aroused at how huge they are on your body.
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poraphia · 8 months
Halloooo ^^ ..
I read a lot of ur stories and now Im in love with fictions :3 (might need therapy cuz of it but nvm that)
U an amazing writer <3
(Im pretty new to Tumblr so extremely sorry if this ends up where it shouldnt be or smth like that lol)
But anywaaay , Can I pls request a Wilbur Soot angst fic :D ?
Im going thru THAT phase rn so anything would be awsome really ..
Maybe a fight (unintentionally) breaks out between Wilby and reader and Wilby accidentally raises his voice and reader gets scared ? I know its a cheesy story and people might'a written before but I barely find Wilbur angst fics anymore :(((
Anyway , Thank u so much .. U dont have to write any of this if ur uncomfortable .. Hope ur doing okay :> .. Take care n' bye :D
"You’re Being Too Loud."
➵ PAIRING! cc!stressed!wilbur x stressed!reader
➵ CREATING! 10.12.23 | 1444 words
➵ CONTAINING! angst to comfort, wilbur is ignoring reader, reader lowkey has attachment issues, reader sensitive to loud noises, wilbs is overworked
➵ SAYING! hiii @toastyliltoasts41 welcome to tumblr! sorry for the late late response but i hope you enjoy :) personally going thru this myself especially w so much work ive been doing recently and also im noise sensitive (literally walk around with noise canceling headphones all the time). thank u for all the nice words!
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
I slipped off my shoes and placed them near the doorstep. My socks glided against the furnished planks as I slid to our shared office. I dragged my backpack behind me, feeling the weight of my laptop, notebooks, and textbooks. Once I made it to the room, I placed my bag on the chair and unpacked all my belongings onto my desk.
Today was too exhausting, and the one thing I dreaded doing right now was to open my laptop and be faced with more work. Instead of taking my laptop with me, I grabbed my phone and dragged myself out of the office and into the bedroom.
After changing into my loungewear, I snuggled myself into silk sheets, shivering a little from the cold fabric wrapping around my body. Ignoring the chill, I held up my phone with both of my hands and swiped open the messaging app to text my boyfriend. I glanced at the past messages, realizing that Wil hasn’t responded to any of my messages from this afternoon. The last time he texted was this morning when was telling me what time he would come home. Sighing, I typed in another message in hopes that this time he would respond.
“Hey, I’m home now. Too tired to cook food today. Let’s order something when you get home? <3”
I clicked send before clicking off my phone and placing it on the nightstand. My eyes fluttered close, and slowly, I drifted off to sleep.
I woke to the sound of footsteps clicking against the ground. With my hands I pushed my body up to examine the noise. From the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a familiar tall figure headed toward the office. A small smile formed on my face as I carefully got out of bed.
My bare freet pressed against the cream colored carpet. I wandered around the hallway before finding the office door slightly ajar. Through the crack I saw Wil hunched over his computer. His sweater’s sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his fingers hastily clicked against his keyboard. Quietly, I approached him from behind, throwing my arms around his shoulders and hugging him close.
Wil quietly hummed in response. I titled my head, pecking his cheek, but he didn’t react and instead his eyes stayed glue to his screen. My eyebrows slightly furrowed, but nonetheless, I continued hugging him.
“Hey, sweetheart.” I mumbled in a croaky voice.
“Hey,” he replied blankly.
“Did you see my texts earlier today?”
“Uh huh,” He said absently. “I saw the message after I ate though. Sorry.”
I felt my chest tighten a little, hurting at his absence. All I wanted in the moment was a hug and a conversation about each other’s day, but instead, he was absorbed in his work and couldn’t even make the effort to look at me.
“Wil, can we talk?” I asked.
He slightly shook his head. “No, not right now, honey. This video has to be out by tomorrow and one of our editors hasn’t been feeling well so I took up the work.” He explained briefly.
“But you’re already busy working at the studio…” I mumbled.
“I know, but I can finish this up by tonight. Just give me some time, please.” He requested. My heart skipped a little, feeling like a dog that had been put aside for a brand new puppy.
“Wil, you haven’t talked to me all day. Could we at least just have dinner together?” I nearly pleaded.
“I already said I just ate, (y/n).” Wil said rather sternly. “Please can I just finish my work?”
“But I want to spend time with you.” I said, speaking up a little bit. I unwrapped my hands away from him and stepped back a little. He turned his chair a little to face me with one of his hands still on the keyboard. He looked up at me, a stressed but furrowed expression on his face. I wrapped my arms around myself, hugging my own chest.
“I want to spend time with you but you’re basically prioritizing this work over me.” I said again. “I understand that sometimes you have too much work. I understand that. But we haven’t been spending time with each other for the past few days and it’s driving me crazy. I just want to relax with you, Wil.” I bit the insides of my cheek. Wil, in turn, sighed and rubbed his nosebridge.
“I’m not prioritizing work over you, (y/n), I’ve just been busy lately and this argument is just stressing me out even more.” His words were spat out like venom.
“Which is why I’m asking that we just spend time together! This isn’t just for me, but it’s for you too.” I threw my hands up, frustrated. “Wilbur, we can relax together! You’re acting like this isn’t stressing me out either!”
Wil got up from his seat now. His tall figure nearly towered over me, making me slightly cower. “I DON’T WANT TO FUCKING RELAX RIGHT NOW, (Y/N)! I HAVE SHIT TO DO!”
I stepped back, nearly stumbling. Without realizing, tears were running down my burning hot cheeks. The air went cold and I felt this hallowing emptiness surrounding me. A ringing was bouncing in my eardrums and goosebumps ran through my arms and legs. He looked down at me, eyes wide as if he just realized what words escaped his lips. Before he could say a word, I walked out of the office and back into bed, slamming the door behind me.
I jumped into the mattress and buried my face deep under the sheets. I quietly sobbed into the fabric, not caring for the tears darkening the silk. It didn’t take but a couple minutes later to hear the creaking of the door and soft footsteps approaching the bed. I lied still under the covers as I felt the mattress dip from a newfound weight.
Wil sat there for a while. His knee shook a little, making a tiny thumping noise against the floor. I was turned away from him with his lower back lightly pressing against the heel of my foot.
“(y/n)..?” He softly called out for me. “Are you awake..?”
I shifted a little, moving my foot away from him to let him know I was listening. He sighed with his leg coming to a stop.
“(y/n), I’m sorry. I—I’ve just been really stressed, but that gives me no right to start yelling at you. And me being really busy has been taking away the time with you.” He paused a little bit, presumably licking his lips. I still didn’t have the courage to move. Instead I laid still, not daring to move. “I’m really sorry, (y/n).” He apologized again.
A deep sigh huffed from my nostrils before I sat up, letting the sheets cascade off my body. He turned his head to look at me, his feet still planted on the ground. I looked into his eyes, seeing the pained looked deep in those irises.
“Y-You know I don’t like loud noises.” I croaked out, my voice cracking with my words. He slowly nodded, bringing his legs up on the bed to fully face me. “And I really don’t like it when you yell. Please, I really just wanted to spend time together.”
“And we will spend time together.” He grabbed my hands and cradled them in his. “I’ll message Elodie right now if she could finish the work. But right now, it’s going to be me and you together, okay? We can maybe catch up on our show and I’ll order some food for you, okay?” He reassured, rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand. “Maybe I’ll steal some fries from you every once in a while.”
I giggled a little. “Noooo! Get your own food!” I whined, lightly pushing his shoulder. He chuckled in response before wrapping his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. I wrapped my arms around his torso in response, breathing in his scent.
“I just missed you, Wil, you know that…” I softly whispered. He nodded, running his fingers through my hair.
“I missed you too. I promise I do.” He whispered back. His voice was low and deep but he made sure to maintain his volume. It was soothing, something I could fall asleep to,
and most importantly,
it wasn’t loud.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
a / n ~ hope you enjoyeddd notes of all kind are super duper appreciated! if you wanna be in a taglist or an anon my inbox is always freee :D ALSO SURPRISE!! TWO ONESHOTS IN ONE DAY I AM ON A ROLLLL
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(i hope this goes without saying that literally headcanon what you want: i'm criticizing the people who talk shit and can't accept other's people's headcanons. that's who i think is boring and annoying. there's complexity in Mizu's character in a lot of ways. I really cannot see how this headcanon is erasing any part of her identity. Please do feel free to correct me on this.)
I feel like ppl who hate on ppl who hc mizu as genderfluid are 1) boring, and 2) annoying. But most of all, they always use that dialogue between her n mikio, where she says she had to be one to enact her revenge.
Mizu is a person who is in an extremely sexist country, also being targeted for being mixed. In a way, being a boy was necessary. I also think that Mizu has found some comfort in being a man, in living like one. He prefers, in some ways, how a man is treated and is very comfortable being one not only out of necessity, but also because he likes it.
Now, just because he likes being a man, doesn't mean she also doesn't love being a woman. During the mikio arc, we all saw she was comfortable being a woman, she liked some parts of it even: being someone who deserves protection, who doesn't know how to throw a knife or fight for her life, who takes care of horses n cooks not just for herself; for her, being a woman means not doing what she has to as a man, which is fight for herself and enact revenge and live alone n all that.
At the same time, they're not totally a woman, nor a man. Because Mizu is not only about their gender, either man or woman: Mizu is a person who revels in both being masculine n feminine, but if they had the choice they would be both. They're part of both worlds (male n female) of edo Japan, and just as much as both worlds bring them immense amounts of pain, there's also a great deal of euphoria that they both give Mizu, and a mix of both is what gives them total peace.
I always think abt how effortlessly Mizu fought with mikio, since she was completely unrestrained and free there: both of her worlds were colliding and she fought in a way we dont rly see any other time in the series. Not only cuz she wasn't wearing her binder, but because all of her truth was revealed at the time, n she didn't have to hide any part of her then.
So yh anyways. Mizu genderfluid. And bisexual. And polyamorous.
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walli3darl1ng · 1 year
Hey fav writer!
I got a couple of ideas when I was zoning out in math class today but I'm just going to do it one at a time cuz I don't want to overboard you and have you stressed out I don't want you to get overwhelmed you're my favorite writer right now
Okay here's what I'm thinking! Okay reader recently moved into the neighborhood and has met almost everybody except for Frank...
And when they met Frank saw Stars the reader was half butterfly!
Frank x butterfly gn reader!
Romantic or platonic I don't really care whatever one you prefer!
Also I don't mind being called Moon!
From: a new friend🌜
To: You💖
Pain is illusion by gold byeeeeee!!!!
don’t even stop you’re the reason I’m even still writing on this blog, Moon!💖💖😖
But this is adorable! You know that scene from that movie about fairies and the female spread her breathtaking wings?! I can’t think of the movie oh ma gawd-
But anyways this one’s gonna be short and sweet one.
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Moving i to a new neighborhood can be hard and stressful. There’s so much you need to do and keep track of, it can be overwhelming!
Which is why you felt relief when you finished unpacking and meet all the neighbors.
First was Wally, he came up to you! You think he’s a cute little puppet, loves listening to you. You remind him of an Angel.
Next, was Julie and Sally. Lovely girls! Wouldn’t stop gushing over your wings and eyes, they’re glowing like glass!
Then it was Barnaby, so funny that one! Made you laugh every moment. You guys played around too with Wally after tea.
Poppy and Howdy were next, at the store you were getting some ingredients for dessert tonight and they were impressed with your wings.
Eddie was a big help! Moving in the boxes and helping you set up your mailbox. As well as tell you about this clearing with a bunch of butterflies!
So there is where you are relaxing and sitting on a rock not noticing another butterfly loving puppet stoping himself from stepping in the clearing when he sees you in his usual butterfly seeing spot.
“Oh hey, Frank!”
Frank panicked and turns to see Julie. He quickly covers her mouth and pulls her down with him as you swiftly turn around at the noise but turn back when you didn’t see anything.
Julie protested as Frank lets her go. “That’s rude!” She whispers now sitting on her knees.
“Rude! You’re the one who spawned outta no where!” He whispers back, taking glances at you. “Who are they?”
Julie pushes him over, only for him to push her back to keep his eyes on you. “That’s Y/n.”
Just as she said it you stand up and stretched, your wings spreading and letting it take in the sun. They were glowing! The holographic glow bringing stars to Frank’s eyes.
He thinks you’re so pretty and unique! Just look at you, everything about you is perfect! The wings and glow are just a bonus.
“Hey, Y/n!”
You turn and smile. Julie called you. Frank was slightly embarrassed that Julie just called both him and her on spying on you but you don’t seem to mind. “Hey, Julie! Oh hello I don’t think we’ve meet, I’m Y/n!” You flap your wings and glade over to them and hold your hand out to Frank.
Frank smiles and shakes your hand. Then starts letting his mind run. “Hello, I’m Frank! So do you know what kind of butterfly you are? Are the wings transparent or is it a specific color? Will you let me look at them?”
“Woah Frank, let them breathe! Oh, oh! What about a sleepover?!” Julie jumps up and down pulling Franks with her to follow her actions.
You laugh and nods you head, a sleepover sound perfect! This also is a good time to get to know all you neighbors. “That’s a good idea! Should we invite the others?”
“Yes!” Julie takes your and and Frank’s pulling you two back to the neighborhood. “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”
“Slow down, firecracker!”
You just laugh and let yourself be pulled.
You’re starting to love it here!”
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ray4youknow · 3 months
Can you probs do a stan x kyle x sick gn reader whose so fukkin stubborn it drives kyle crazy so he eventually calls stan to take care of them? 😭 if not its ok ill take pete or damien 😻
(This might be bad so please forgive me cuz I really never wrote an oneshot before)
Today I wanted to go out with my friends Kyle, Kenny, Stan and Cartman... but there was a problem... I'm sick and I promised to go to Starks Pond. I'm just laying in bed and I'm bored until...
"I'm going there! Even if I'm sick!" I stood up and immediately felt dizzy, I ignored it and packed my things and went out to Stark Ponds where I saw my friends
Kyle and Kenny waved to me, Stan and Cartman weren't there yet.
"hi y/n" kyle said and smiled at me.
“hi kyle and hi kenny” I said
"Stan and Cartman are coming, fatass really wanted to get KFC," Kenny mumbled.
I laughed a little and immediately felt dizzy again, which Kyle noticed.
"uhmm y/n? could it be that you're sick?"
"huh? what?" I asked him.
"are you sick?" he asked me again.
"No, I never get sick, Kyle" I answered him and coughed.
Kenny and Kyle just gave me worried looks..
“Dude, you should go home and rest,” said Kenny.
"No, I'm not going, I came here to have fun with you guys!"
“y/n it gets worse when you’re like this out here in the cold!” Kyle said.
"I stay here!"
Kyle sighed 
"Good, you wanted it that way... Kenny tell Stan and Cartman that me and Y/N can't come with you guys"
 Kyle said to Kenny and grabbed my arm.
"NO! let go!" 
I tried to free myself from him but his grip was too strong. He didn't say anything and dragged me to my house
he took me to my room.
“lie down y/n” he said.
"I don't want to!" I said stubbornly.
Kyle just looked annoyed at my stubbornness.
“listen y/n if you don’t rest you can’t get better!” he said and threw me (gently) onto the bed.
"Wait a minute" he said and went out of the room..... when he came back after a few minutes he had a spoon full of medicine. "What is that?" I asked Kyle.
"Medicine, and don't argue back!"
"I dont want it "
He just sighed angrily and took out his phone
Kyle tapped his phone and called Stan.
"hey dude, where are you?" Kyle asked.
"I'm at Starks Pond with Kenny and Cartman right now... I heard you two aren't coming. What's wrong?" he asked with concern in his voice.
I sighed.. well Stan... Y/n is sick and refuses to do anything... she/he doesn't want to rest or take her medicine...
“Should I come to you?” Stan asked.
“that’s why I called you... I’m sure you’ll convince y/n.
After half an hour the doorbell rang.
"who is this?" I asked Kyle.
"It's just Stan don't worry."
"Hi guys" Stan said and looked at me worried
"Thank god Stan, she drives me crazy" Kyle said..
"HEY!" I pouted, offended. Stan had to giggle.
“You two are like an old married couple,” Stan joked.
Me and Kyle looked at him like he was an alien or something and blushed a little
"whatever" stan got serious.
“take your medicine y/n”
"How many more times do I want to-"
“y/n!” Stan said sternly...
Come on, why are you all so stupid today?
"Fine..." I sighed... "but it doesn't taste good."
Kyle rolled his eyes "the taste didn't kill anyone"
"You two are so mean!"
“y/n you said you were taking the medicine” stan sighed.
"I've decided, I don't want to-.." I was interrupted by Kyle kissing me (on the cheek (I can change it if you want)) "Shut up and just take it!" he said, blushing. "o-okay" I blushed. Stan just grinned at us. "You two are cute when you blush" he said and kissed us both on the cheek.. "SHUT UP STAN!" we both screamed.
and yes... in the end I took my medication and went to sleep. But I'm not alone because Stan and Kyle watched me all night so nothing happened to me
(I think it’s okay? Sorry if it’s bad, like I said it is my first oneshot and I am also not good about feelings)
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
so i’ll give you three options, choose whichever one is easiest okay?
you notice izuku is stressed and you take him out on a date + give him flowers (i think his reaction would be cute)
you sing for izuku for the first time or or or YOU GUYS DUET SOMETHING :0
you watch a horror movie with izuku and then y’all hear some noise and you both are petrified in your seats because i think he’d be super scared in horror movies too
flora i love your blog so much! i just wanna give you a few compliments dont mind me:
- thank you for being so kind and nice to me for no reason!
- THANK YOU FOR JUST INTERACTING WITH ME it makes my day and i love seeing you on my dash
- your writing <3 it’s so funny and sweet at the same time i’m always smiling while reading it
again congrats on 2k <3 take care of yourself
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🦇. flora's notes : so as i told u in dms, i couldn't write a fic without being shit so i made headcanons instead i hope that's okay 😭. and thank you so so much for your sweet compliments, OF COURSE I INTERACT W U, MY FAVORITE THING ON HERE IS TO TALK WITH PEOPLE, and you're just so so adorable how could i not ? 💓
🦇. exciting news : this is the beginning of my halloween themed posts 🤭 of course i will still post regular posts but if u have autumn/halloween themed requests PLEASE SEND
🦇. female, male and gn reader friendly 💓
m.list | comment or reblog if you enjoyed !
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🦇. he NEVER watched horror movies before you, he kept a safe distance between him and the horror section of netflix
🦇. you actually suggested the idea on your first Halloween together
🦇. he didn't want to upset you, so he agreed BUT HE WAS FREAKING OUT on the inside
🦇. he wanted to be like those couples you see on social media, where he was the strong guy holding his scared lover and reassuring them
🦇. and so that's how he seated, your back against his chest and his arms around you
🦇. but he couldn't help but jump when a sound was particularly loud or when a monster came on the screen
🦇. and his hold on you got tighter, like MUCH tighter
🦇. "are you scared izu ?", "no I'm just uh-uh surprised that's all... yes I'm scared" he admits, looking away from your gaze
🦇. "it's okay izu, that's what horror movies are for, don't be ashamed !" you kiss his cheek and hold his hand to reassure him
🦇. he asks so many questions too cuz he has no knowledge on the paranormal lore😭
🦇. "wait how can they get the demon out of the body ? how did it even get in ? i so don't want that to happen to me it looks so scary. y/n what is that symbol ? does it work in real life ?"
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🦇. huge horror movie fan and will never say no to one
🦇. talks too much
🦇. "ugh that was so predictable", "i knew this was gonna happen, about 20 movies have the same scenario tsk"
🦇. he doesn't believe in paranormal stuff so he's just so chill during the movie
🦇. sleeps peacefully after while you're lurking everywhere if Samara from the ring didn't just come out of your TV
🦇. he wakes up and tries to keep you from moving by putting a strong arm around you, "why the fuck are you moving so much dumbass ?"
🦇. "the uh- the movie it-", "tsk, shut up and come here. nothing's gonna hurt you on my watch" he says, pulling you closer
🦇. if you let him choose the movie, he will make some snacks
🦇. he will never admit it, because it's katsubabe but he loves making snacks for you to enjoy while he cuddles with you on the couch
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🦇. he kind of always wanted to do those clichés stuff couples do and watching movies with his s/o was on his bucket list
🦇. and he was the one asking you, in perfect shoto style-
🦇. "y/n, I have a list of everything I want to do with you and I want to watch a horror movie tonight" very straightforward but in a cute way AND AT LEAST Y'ALL DON'T HAVE COMMUNICATION ISSUES
🦇. of course you said yes cuz he's just adorable
🦇. he never says no to watching movies with you, he LOVES feeling like he protects you by having his arms around you
🦇. he never reacts to the jumpscares or the monsters but he really enjoys watching horror movies
🦇. now he has subscribed to so many paranormal/true crimes youtube channels and has articles on them on his phone too
🦇. watches the Netflix releases and puts the one he wants to watch with you in the watchlist
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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kiyocuck · 7 months
ok im sick as hell and unfortunately also very bored so im gonna write down some silly naeishimondo scenarios ive been brainrotting for a while
Makoto being sick like me and staying home, meanwhile both taka and mondo barge into his house, bringing in homemade soup and tea (both of which makoto already got), and while they're being sad over the fact their favorite little guy wont be at the academy with them for the rest of the week, komaru steals the soup and tea cuz she woke up sick too (from makoto). An alt ending is them giving makoto a Liiiittle kiss on the forehead, both of them thinking they wont get sick, and waking up with 40°C temperature the next day
Them all going to mondo's house for a hangout-sleepover bcuz hes the only one of the three with a queen-sized bed (lil context, after mondo quit being a biker gang leader [in a universe where daiya is alive cuz fuck you] him and his brother move to a more. "calm" place, just the two of them. they still hangout w the other gang members though). they all watch movies and taka drops dead snoring the second the clock hits 10pm bcuz his brain cant handle staying up later for "no reason" (he has pulled all nighters when it comes to studying). mondo falls asleep second, and makoto just watches them sleep peacefully before snuggling between them and going to sleep too (imagine cringing over what ur writing help)
Going home in the snowy weather after shopping all evening (taka made them both come with him). theyre all holding equal amount of bags, until mondo grabs them all and speedruns to their house cuz hes FREEZING, and boy oh boy does he not like the cold at all. after that he sticks himself to the heater for like 10 minutes, while makoto and taka think to themselves that he looks like hes purring next to it (they both assigned him a catboy in their heads cuz it makes him 10 times cuter (also my version of him has a default >:3 face that all owada family members have (its more noticable on daiya but still))
Continuing the last one, theyre cooking together now!!! mondo kinda sucks at it, makoto is trying his best, and taka is this 🤏 close to chewing a brick over how they cut the vegetables (they look chunky (his autism can't stand it, meanwhile their autisms dont care/dont even notice it (no im not projecting not at all))). eventually they make a nice meal (of unknown kind cuz i can never think of foods LMFAO) and it turned out surprisingly good. yum!
Pet assigning. as i mentioned makoto n taka have assigned mondo a cat/catboy, but the same applies for the others. taka is a dog, obviously, but specifically a husky BECAUSE (im gonna be so annoying about this): Hes black and white, hes dramatic and loud like how huskies are, very loving (as every dog), and when his hair grows out more and mondo touches it, it reminds him of how fluffy huskies' fur is. makoto is a bunny, but i unfortunately dont know many bunny breeds so i will probably elaborate more once i look up and decide. hes just short/"small" and silly like one, and his ahoge going down when hes sad resembles bunny ears going down. (btw if ur curious mondo is either a tiger (still a cat!!!) or a persian cat. bcuz i cant help but imagine him as a chonky orange persian cat that on one occasion scratches your eyes, and on another cuddles on your shoulders. la creatura)
i think thats all for now! most of my other scenarios are even more generic, like going on dates (aquarium, cafe, cinema etc) so i dont have that much to write LOL.
if you read the whole thing, heres some items for yuo 🍀🧭💎
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simpjaes · 3 months
u liking metal aswell is wild cuz as u said people who like metal usually dont fw kpop & vice versa 😭 people who cut others off cuz of the music they listen to are sooo odd i’ll never understand that!! i mean who cares cuz at the end of the day ure the one enjoying the music, not them
best believe if u yap abt ggs or female soloists again my ass will be all up in ur inbox ..
me talkin bout music n sharing songs i love:
i don't think i said ppl who like metal usually don't fuck with kpop, as i know there's a huuuuuuuuge amount of ppl who listen to both music genres but like, i was strictly into metal for a long time, and most of my friends were metal heads and met through bands i loved, i guess it could be expected when i pop out with the super junior rokkugo back in the day like "THIS MY FAVE SONG RN"
i can't tell you how many friends i lost because of the elitism when it comes to music. don't get me wrong, im egotistical as fuck when it comes to what i listen to but i also don't judge until the judgement is dropped on me lmfao. i did lose some friends even when i was still a metal whore and started my love with dir en grey. always "they're too gay" "they look like women" and "how can u even understand that?!"
those same ppl argued they preferred me when i would fixate on dir en grey rather than big bang and suju (mind you, this was a long time ago. i do not stan super junior.)
either way!!!! im a big fan of music. BIG BIG FAN OF MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!! boy groups are usually what i gravitate towards in terms of kpop but i very much enjoy girl groups too.
GG & SOLOIST FAVES: bad boy | sweet juice | zombie | silent night | noir | dilemma | lalalilala | not kpop but this song is saaaaaaur good, LISTEN TO IT.
BG & SOLOIST FAVES: slow dive | up | all for love | yestoday (still one of my all time faves) | don't leave me | lullaby | wild fire | opening sequence | cyber punk | moonwalker | perfume | flicker | i can keep going but you'll see how biased i am to boy groups lmfao. not included: taemin, shinee, exo, j-hope, agust d, jackson wang, dawn, pentagon, b.a.p, tvxq, kang daniel, oneus, xikers.........and im rambling
OTHER FAVES: mosaic shojo | everything is all lies | to the hellfire | shokubeni | neo ark | ruten no tou
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ynluvy · 1 year
katie’s babysitter—-btr x black reader.
warnings : none, maybe some mediocre writing but nothing really. BLACK READER !!!! 
word ct : 1,143
author’s note : heyy bestiess !! i thought taking the holiday break i got at school 
and putting to use with this story could bring back the audience and refresh my account! 
ive been thinking of a btr fic that has multiple parts and i think this is it! I feel like the ending is rushed but its literally almost 7 am and i haven’t had a wink of sleep yet. I have so much to do but im glad i took the time to sit down and write this for you guys! thanks for sticking around, and ill get to re-writing this soon.
much love!!
katie had grown, she was eleven now, and arguing with her mother about how she didn't need a babysitter, she was able to take care of herself. she could put out a fire if she wanted to, and that sentence alone made ms. knight call you up.
you arrive at apartment 2J from 6E and knock lightly, and almost immediately the door is opened and an average height guy opens the door. he has pale skin, but his short brown hair and eyes contrast. he's built, but not bulky. hes surprised but smiles warmly. “you’re the babysitter for katie?” you nod and smile awkwardly under his slightly intense gaze, you shift your bag to the middle of your body as you hold onto its white leather strap with both hands. He watches  “yep, that's me.” he shifts his body to the side.
 “im logan, not katie’s brother but a friend of his. come in, katie’s in her room sulking since she didn't want a babysitter.” he says and you snort. “glad to know i wasn't wanted.” your comment causes him to chuckle. katie emerges from her room, walking up to you and huffing. “i honestly don't even know why my mom called you. ill just give you your payment and you can leave, easy money!” she cracks a fake smile you see right through. you place your hands on your knees and get eye level with her. “katie, im gonna be here for the 4 hours your mother requested me to stay. you’re stuck with me, girlie. if it was that easy i would’ve taken your offer.” she sighs and walks to sit on the couch as you stand 
as you straighten your back and walk past her to the kitchen it was then you see three other guys now by logan watching what had transpired between you and katie with hooded eyes and a daydream-like smile. You stare for a sec until you clear your throat. “um, fun question. who are you three?” they introduce themselves and you get acquainted as katie gets you to do things with her around the crib. the four guys follow you around like a puppy dog and act like they arent when you turn to them, distracting themselves with whatever is around them. you snicker, then hours go by and ms. knight calls you up. “there’s a hold up at the office, do you think you could stay for 2 or 3 more hours maybe ? ill pay you extra, just please? i cant trust those boys for the life of me.” you chuckle and agree. “sure ms. knight, i can stay for a couple more hours with katie. she a cool kid so its no prob.” she thanks you immensely and promises to call when she can make it back, to which you assure her its no problem and the call ends. 
you turn to katie and she look almost excited. “you can really stay longer? dont mess with me y/n.” she says and you giggle. “yea katie, you're stuck with me for a little while longer.” she smiles and pulls you to the kitchen. “ i wanna make cookies, easy cookies. like sugar cookies.” she says, and you nod. “We can definitely do that.” and you both get to work under four sets of eyes. You look up and crack a half-smile“Do you boys like sugar cookies?” you ask and they all nod quickly, carlos chiming. “yea,yea! love em, they’re so sweet, and pretty- i-i mean! Pretty good, y’know cuz they’re cookies, not–not a person.” the other three look over to him and scrutinize him with their eyes and he slumps in his chair. Kendall gets an idea and walks around to the kitchen, right between you and katie. “Is there anything you need help with, y/n?” you give him the dry ingredients and a bowl. “add these to the bowl, grab the measuring cups and ill tell you how much of what ingredient, ‘kay?” he nods and starts with your assistance, the other burning a hole in kendall’s face.
 “Why the long face boys? Did you wanna help too?” they all nod and you give each of them a bowl with ingredients and give them an assignment. everyone was working on their own thing in silence and thirty minutes later there’s a hot plate of sugar cookies on the table and each one of you has one in your hand, snacking and complimenting each other on their assignment. logan snorts. “y/n im not gonna beat around the bush anymore,alright? do you wanna go on a date with me?” he said, almost like normal conversation and thats when all hell broke loose. james looks bewildered, snapping his neck towards logan. “I was gonna ask her out first! How dare you, logan, ask this fine lady in such a way??” he says, winking at you and having you even more confused. Now kendall and carlos are having a screaming fight and before anything escalates you put a stop to it. 
“all four of you, quiet! how about this,” you think to yourself and have an idea. “ill go on a date with all four of you, ONE date each. whoever’s date goes well in my opinion ill go on a second date with and further on. logan’s first since he was confident enough to ask me out directly. James next, kendall, then carlos. Sound like a plan?” they all nod and re-adjust themselves. “Now, the rest of the week im free until i get a gig or babysitting call. If you’re free this week it can happen.” they all agree and ms. knight comes home. “im home guys! mm, it smells really good in here.” she walks up and grabs a cookie, eating it and asking questions to each one you answer truthfully and take your leave. “bye katie, bye boys. logan, ill see you tomorrow?” he nods and the door closes and you walk to your apartment. 
what’ve you got yourself into? thinking you’re being proactive but in reality you set yourself up for failure with this decision. but, you cant stress yourself out. whats done is done.
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signedkoko · 5 months
hello! i would like a hazbin hotel matchup pls
ima straight woman, my mbti is estp and ima aquarius sun virgo moon and cancer rising if that means anythin to u lmao
im 5'0 (sadly 😭) and i have long wavy black hair w red streaks, i usually straighten it tho. idrk how to describe my style but if i had to id say like the stereotypical y2k grunge girl look (think tara yummy) im also rly into makeup n wear eyeshadow n big ass lashes like everyday 
im kinda all over the place personality wise, but most of the time im rly energetic and always making jokes n laughing, i also love partying n going out but i need to have sum time at home too or else i get burnt tf out, im always there for the ppl i care abt even if we aint that close if someone ever comes to me for advice or anythin i always help as much as i can, i also am very very anxious but i usually keep it underwraps unless somethin triggers it and i also have a lottt of trust issues n lowkey be thinkin everyone out to get me sumtimes
i honestly dont have a lot of interests, i rly love music fashion n makeup tho, i take any excuse i can to dress myself up even if i aint goin nowhere, i listen to almost any type of music but my favs are the weeknd, lana del rey, rob zombie, and stunna girl
in a relationship im also pretty all over the place, i love very intensely n i overthink a lot n need a lot of reassurance but i tend to focus on my partners needs a lot more than mine, but if my partner brings it up i wont lie to them n if the overthinking gets rly bad to the point i cant ignore it ill bring it up, im also very clingy n always wanna be w my partner or talkin to them in sum way, im very thoughtful n love spoiling my partner w affection n gifts (usually homemade cuz im broke 💀)
ik this is rly long i tried my best to make it as short as possible mb 😭 but i hope u have a great day n thank u for doing my request :)
You got…Lucifer!
No need to worry about height because you are both the same! If not an inch or two apart, His hat, fortunately, makes it seem like he's the taller of the two of you.
Lucifer is very...fashionable? Man himself, so he really likes seeing the time you put into your outfits. They are a lot less crisp and white than his, but what's more interesting than things he isn't? Your make-up is a lot more mature than his, though, so you have two completely different dressing and makeup areas so as not to mix up his bright colours with your shadowy palettes.
When it comes to people, he has plenty of trust issues. After his wife left him without much explanation, followed by his descent into depression, it takes a lot for him to really be open to people. This made a lot of your relationship-building quite awkward, which in turn made it funny.
He loves your laugh, and he's glad you enjoy jokes because he really has way too many to count! He's got a pun for every letter in the alphabet. Even if it isn't appropriate, if it means cheering you up, he will go to some crazy lengths. He loves it when you laugh at his jokes, and he will definitely get competitive with anyone who tries to compete.
Lucifer really could use your advice, and in turn, he has a lot of wisdom. Some of your longest conversations are those where you both sit in a quiet, dark place after a long day and share feelings, worries, and solutions. He's lived a long life and seen almost everything the world has to offer, and if you ask him for a taste of his knowledge, he is absolutely thrilled that he can be of use to you.
Dedication is what he feels. Lucifer has every love language and accepts any at all in return; he has everything in his grasp, so what you want is all yours. The fact that you are clingy is just a plus, because it assures him that you do actually love him and that he does actually get to enjoy his days with you.
Any homemade gifts you make are met with utter delight. All he does these days is craft rubber ducks, so you are free to venture into his workshop and use what you need to make your items. Lucifer believes what is made by an individual is the most vulnerable gift to give. 
Expect a lot of fast, loving emotions and busy days every day! Lucifer will make you feel loved and special, and he will make sure you smile at least once a day in his company.
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Author’s Note - Your runner up was Valentino! But if you ask me, Lucifer is a much better bet.
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viscera-vital · 5 months
or like. one of my OTHER favorite things to think about kelvin like. IT DOESNT EVEN HAVE TO BE ON THE ISLAND actually i kind of love the thought of them like in their kitchen after being rescued n rehabilitated cuz its domestic and kelvin is cleaning up. n cicero comes up behind him and hugs him and mumbles to him something. cheeks turn red and he suddenly doesnt feel like cleaning up anymore!!! feels ciceros hands trail down, one slides down his chest and underneath his shirt to feel his soft tummy, the other edges its way to his waistband...... eheheehehe skjfssjdfs
whispering about how he needs to take care of him right now, needs to taste his cum LIKE. god hes all fucked up!!! heads spinning and heart pounding, hangs his head a little while he braces himself against the counter cuz he knows hes gonna need the stability
cicero palming him thru his pants for a moment but hes already hard!! easily. who wouldnt be? undoes his belt n slides his pants down just a bit, smiles softly when he feels his cock spring out of his boxers LIKE UGHHHH love him
theres nothing better in my head than giving someone a handjob while yr pressed tightly against their back ITS SO GOOD!!!! cicero can be kind of demanding so i wouldnt put it past him to snap his fingers underneath kelvins face n open his palm, expecting him to give him a little spit to work with. but kelvin likes it better when its ciceros, something about it gets him off way easier so he shakes his head and mumbles "you". GRGRGRR say less!!!!! okayyy yes sir o7
godd the feeling of ciceros hand all wet against his cock. he could die there and be happy!!! knows hes gonna take good care of him, i mean. can you blame him? looking after him for months on a remote island full of danger has kinda just embedded that need in his head, he wants to take care of him before he does anything else. its why hes got him pinned against the counter now, languidly stroking his cock, completely captivated by his soft moans and how he involuntarily bucks his hips against his hands every now and then. enamored for real
and its mutual of course, kel cant stop the way he groans when he feels cicero rock his hips against him gently from behind like. the WAY it makes him feel.. LIKE. GUHHHH HES MY PRETTY PRINCESS......... hes sooooo cute i want him to feel so taken care of and so loved and so. GRGRRR i want that grown man blushin i want him feeling so pretty and special I WANT HIM FEELING LIKE HIS NEVER FELT BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!! want him underneath me want him grinding against me and begging and crying UGHHH.
JUST THE IMAGE of him leaning against the counter while cicero works his cock, sweat forming at his brow n hes trying sooo hard to keep himself upright even tho his legs are starting to shake a little. wants nothing more than to lay down in their soft bed and let cicero have his way with him but.. knowing that at any time cicero might suddenly get the urge to make him cum, even in the middle of a chore? LIKE.. HES NOT COMPLAINING.. probably feels so good knowing he can be pleased whenever, like so willingly and eagerly too. cicero doesnt even WANT anything he just.. needs to make him cum like i can imagine cicero coming home from work and kelvin greets him and hes just like pleaseee let me suck yr dick i had a hard day today i need to taste you and hes 😃 okay!!!!!! dont gotta tell him twice.
he thinks its incredibly sweet, too. isnt it so cute? DONT TALK TO ME OKAY... sexual comfort is very healing for me!!!! so yeah i think him relaxing by getting on top of kelvin and grinding against his cock for an hour is the sweetest thing ever like. teehee want them both desperate and frantic, mumbling and whining, begging to cum!!!!! ughhh good lord. its my favorite past time love thinkin about that
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ashsostrange · 9 months
y’all i got stories for days lemme tell you one rn 🧘‍♀️ it’s silly but i promise you’ve never heard anything like it before.
i’m taking forensics and ngl i never know what the hell is going on in that class! anyway, today we got assigned a group project nd tell me why i have to work with my sixth grade roblox opp. she did me sooooo bad nd i’ve been holding a grudge since 😒
so what happened was back in sixth grade, i was friends w this girl. let’s call her jamie. jamie introduced me to her cousin, otherwise known as my “roblox opp.” we’ll call her jada.
so one day me and my two other friends are playing murder mystery two having the time of our lives and then jada, jamie, their two cousins, this other girl from jada’s school, and some random online friend they know joins the game.
tell me why mfs got mad bc me and my other friends kept getting murderer and sheriff but these bitches didn’t even get ts onceee 😭😭 they turned it into a wholeeee big thing. like it isn’t my fault!! anyway they were feeling some typa way so we got into an argument. then jada’s online friend who i’ve never met or heard of b4 decided to try and scare me by telling me what school i go to 😒 ouuu i’m so scared. are you frl my nigga?? jamie went there too so if that random tried to blow ts up we were both goin down 🤭🤭
i ask jamie how this random robloxian knows what middle school i go to, nd she’s gna lie and say “she probably goes there too. idk” HOW DONT YOU KNOW?? that’s ya cousins friend. 🙎‍♀️
anyway few weeks later, i text jada and jamie’s OTHER cousin and he tells me that this random online mf IS NINETEEN YEARS OLD!?!???! so i’m heated as hell and i blow up on them. i knew i sensed top tier oppery. why would you tell a grown mf on the internet what school i go to??? why are you even friends w a 19 year old at age 11. wtv bro. tell me y jamie apologized and jada never did.. ermmm!
we agreed to stay friends bc i was such a sweetie but these mfs were petty as hell. every time i’d join their game they’d leave IMMEDIATELY. like, word?? 🥱 that’s how it is now? 🙎‍♀️🙎‍♀️
a lot of time passes n we all eventually stopped talking in the gc completely cuz we grew up and grew apart. anyway, it’s been like five years, who cares?? (me bc i never got my apology)
i never thought i’d see this girl in person but she just HAD to choose the same high school as me. my counselor j HAD to put us in the same forensics class 😢 and my teacher js HAD to sit us right next to each other. and he ABSOLUTELY HAD TO DOUBLE IT BY MAKING US WORK IN THE SAME GROUP 😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 WDF!!!
anyway it isn’t that deep at all, it’s j real awkward. like ik we’re both thinking ab that bloxy beef when we look at each other 🤷‍♀️
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