#nakamura sensei extras
thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
assassination characters x adhd reader please?❤️
Class 3-E with a classmate with ADHD
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[ Assassination Classroom / Anatsu Kyoshitsu ]
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I don't know much about ADHD since I don't suffer it myself, I made some search to be able to write this I hope I made it right !!
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When Koro-sensei decided that he will become a teacher he decided that he will be best teacher he can be, taking care of all his students and teaching them all he can, and thanks to his efforts soon everyone start to open up and care more for each other
It doesn't take him long to notice how easily you get distracted of how you tent to get busy during classes doing diferent things (like scribbling on your notebook), while he doesn't mind it too much he will hate for you to end up missing class
At first he scold you for getting so distracted but when he noticed that it happen to you a lot he knows that is not because you are bored or trying to skip the classes. After the clases Koro-sensei ask you directly about it, making clear that he won't scold you for getting so distracted again instead he wants to know why you are so distracted, it would be better that you tell him about your ADHD because that way he will be able to help you
Koro-sensei is really smart and know a lot of things so is for sure that he knows at least a little about ADHD, even if he doesn't know he wont waste any time and will search everything he can about the topic. He wants for you to feel safe and comfortable in the classroom so he reasure you that there is nothing bad with you and that you don't have to feel ashame for how you are either, and he doesn't judge you he knows is something you didn't chose
Koro-sensei will help you find a way to be more interested on the class, that way you will be able to put more attention without much problem, besides his erratic movements and and al the colors with which he paints his body can help to keep your attention to him too
He will ask you if there is something particular that you are interested on or a small activity you can do that help you keep you concentrate longer, if that is the case he wants to know so you can do it while in class and he will know, also he has no problem with giving you extra clases to help you understand better the assignments, and he makes sure to keep it dinamic in a way that keep you interested
If you didn't tell your classmates about your ADHD yet he can help you with that if you want, if you want to do it alone is okay but is for sure that he will take this opportunity to make a special class to explain the ADHD
If you have moments were you get hiperactive it won't be really a problem since the classroom is literally surrounded by a mountain, and with the training Karasuma put you you will be able to put your energy on it, also if you ask him Karasuma can help you plan differents exercises for you to do when you get a lot of energy, and since all in the classroom are taking the training some of them will offer you go with you (mainly Kurahashi, Nakamura and Maehara, who end up inviting the others too)
If you have problems organizing your timetable just ask for help to your classmates, some of them could give you tips of how they organizade their own while other tell you that is not a problem if you can't organizate yourself or that you have troubles finishing things (like Terasaka and Okajima, but that isn't a really good advice), and in the school if you want they can remember you the assignments you have (like Isogai, Kataoka, Yada and Kanzaki, they will help you even if you don't ask for it)
If you suffer from lack of impulse control and end up doing things you shouldn't do or even causing a mess they take it pretty well, even the teachers they know is something you can't control and its fine, they may even laugh at what you cause (not as making fun of you, they will never do it), most of them tent to be playful too so they just take it like that and even make jokes about it (if it make you umconfortable they will stop) and some of them (like Karma, Terasaka and even Itona) will encoure it (again, it isn't the best advice)
After a while they just get used to all of it, like the hiperactivity or that you can get easily distracted, but they, with Koro-sensei's help, teach you to identify different socials cues or when you should hold back yourself a little, they don't mind at all but it will help you outside of the school
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asnowperson · 1 year
I had no idea that one of my favorite manga artists, Nakamura Asumiko, drew a short manga for the Sarazanmai Anthology. I found the book on the discount shelf of my local comicstore for a low price, and had to get it because I am an Ikuni fan and Sarazanmai is the last anime I thoroughly enjoyed. (Yes, I don't enjoy anime since 2019 and this is sad.)
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And she drew what she excels in drawing: black-haired megane guys. In an apron. Naked. It was just a 4-page manga, but I loved it. I mean, what's not to love about any Reo-Mabu interaction?
The manga revolves around innuendos after Mabu offers Reo some "kaminari okoshi", and Reo shivers in fear because he thought Mabu went for treats with "anko", red bean paste. That's where Translator-san, Beni Axia Conrad, comes in with the best translator's note: "anko" (アンコ) means "bottom" in Japanese slang. To be more precise, it means "bottom" in prison slang, and カッパ (kappa) means top, according to my "research" (I just googled アンコ and 隠語, lol). So this was extra hilarious to me. However, the use of 雷おこし (kaminari okoshi) confuses me here. I get that it's about topping/bottoming and fun, but I'd like to know if 雷おこし also has a double meaning like that. My research only yields results about recipes this time, so maybe I should beg people for a free Japanese lesson. Does anyone know any hidden meaning of 雷おこし, or what the exact pun sensei was going for with おこし?
Anyway, I am weak for Nakamura's linework and the unique way she draws eyes that suck you in.
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silentprincess100 · 7 years
*Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Extras Translation*
Needless to say, there are spoilers.
Volume 11 cover, Chapter 22.5, chapter 24.5, volume 12 cover, volume 12 special illustration book extra
 Apologies that this is late, but I promised that I would add some untranslated extras, and here they are!! This time, they are translated from the Chinese with some rudimentary consultation of the original Japanese text, but the caveat still stands that some of the original nuance from the Japanese text may not have been captured!! Any errors are mine alone. Also!!! I know a lot of you hate me for the other posts being so long, and I’m SORRYYYYYY. I’m new to Tumblr please don’t hate me. Again, this is not a scanlation, just a translation project for those who want to read the chapters early!
 Credits for scans: First Love 漢化組 for Volume 11 cover and 22.5
 Tongmenghui 同萌繪 Draw Club for Volume 12 cover and 24.5
If there are any objections to posting the link to these scans, message me, and I’ll be sure to take them down at owner’s request.
 Cover to Volume 11
page 1:
[It has been a while since I saw Yoshikawa-sensei.]
Yoshino: Ahh, Takano-san, it has been too long. So sorry, um, about the draft, you know, that it was... *embarrassed embarrassed*
Takano-san: You’ve worked hard. It’s totally fine. You weren’t the last person to turn in their drafts this time around.
Yoshino: Really?!! That’s amazing!!
Hatori: Like hell “it’s amazing.” Nearly every other time, you’re -
Takano: Okay, okay. We’re looking forward to continuing to work with you, Yoshikawa-sensei.
 Page 2:
Yoshino: So sorry to trouble you, thank you for all the help. Well then, I’ll be accepting this souvenir. (*polite polite!!*)
Takano: Why is it almost always impossible to tell the ages of manga creators? Yoshikawa-sensei seems so young! How old is he?
Hatori: The same age as me.
Hatori and Takano: …
Hatori: It’s fine, when I was in middle school, people would say I seemed old enough to be a functioning member of society.
(If it wasn’t because of my face, it was a judgement of my mental age…)
Takano: No. I didn’t say anything.
[This is most likely Yoshikawa-sensei’s fault.]
 Chapter 22.5
This is the extra at the end of Volume 11, and it takes place after the Emerald Editing Department’s trip to the onsen to buy Isaka-san’s udon is unfortunately prolonged by inclement weather. This is right after the chapter where Takano and Onodera visit Takano’s grandmother’s grave. Basically, they were supposed to go back to Tokyo, but flights were cancelled because of a major storm, so they were stuck another day at the onsen.
Page 1:
Onodera: I know that because of the weather, we can’t go back to Tokyo at this time, so there’s no helping that… (Even if we did go back, it would just be to mountains of work…)
And it just so happened that another guest cancelled their room reservations, so, luckily, we can stay here another night, but… BUT
Takano: Isn’t because there were only three goddamn rooms left?
Page 2:  
Onodera: So, didn’t I just say that I’d rather room with anyone but you? (*fighting fighting*)
Takano: You’re so fucking annoying. I’ll double your workload.
Onodera: WHAA??!!!!
(this is totally, a straight-up abuse of power)
Takano: Geez, the rain’s really coming down.
Page 3:
Takano: ….
[Ritsu stops]
Onodera: Wha-what is it?
Takano: Thinking about it, when we were in high school, there was one day when it was raining and you brought an umbrella and waited for me.
Onodera: Did – did that happen? I don’t remember anything like that.
Takano: Yep, it did. I was being pretty seriously stalked by you.
Onodera: Please stop talking about me like I was some sort of criminal!
Page 4:
Takano: Back then, I’ll admit that I never thought that I would be able to come travelling with you like this, but still, I’m happy that we were able to come here together.
*Holds hands*
page 5:
*pushes away*
Onodera: Hey, wait!! We’re in the hallway!!!!!!!
Takano: So, you’d be okay if it was the room?
Onodera: No – that is not what I meant!!
Takano: Didn’t I say that we had to finish what we started?
Page 6:
Takano: We should wake up early tomorrow to do it once.
Onodera: Wai—Didn’t I say, we’re not doing it-
*closes eyes*
page 7:
Kisa: ALRIIIIGHHHT!!!!!! RICHAAAAAAAN!!!! Wanna go to the baths now?
Takano: ………..…..….Kisa-san…. You….
Kisa: (Oh, there you two are.) Huh? Whatchu guys doing?
Takano: ………………………………..
Onodera, it’ll have to be at least three times.
Onodera: What?!! Why is that your conclusion?
Kisa: ????
What are you guys talking about~~~??
No. 22.5 the end.
[in the final page – RItsu bought a box of his own udon to eat. The box says- Udon, 24 packets]
  Cover Volume 12
(starting with the page after the cover of the illustration collection extra, the one with a black background and Kisa’s head as the first panel.)
[When I first met Kisa]
Takano: You’re a student here for part time work?
Kisa: Oh, I’ve gotten this sort of question loads of times.
Takano: Oh. Sorry. Didn't realize that you were older than me… (I’m Takano)
Kisa: No worries, no worries – I’m used to it. (The name’s Kisa!)
Takano: Then you’ve got some really youthful looking skin.
Kisa: The truth is that when I was in middle school, I made a deal with the devil, so I wouldn’t grow any older. It has been like that ever since.  (Since I’ve been found out, might as well let you know…)
(heh heh heh)
Who’s to say I won’t live upwards of one thousand years?
page 2:
Takano: So, next, I’d like to talk about division of work. (Is that okay?)
Kisa: I totally do not mind that you’re completely looking over me.  (Not even using polite speech!) (t/n this translation I was a little bit unsure of).
[At this time, Takano did not make too much of this.]
Takano: What’re you doing?
Onodera: Ah! Kisa-san is showing me a picture from when he was in middle school!
Here, check it out!
Takano: ………………………… the devil’s deal….
Kisa: The heck? 
[However, now, Takano can’t help but start to think that maybe what Kisa said back then was true.]
  Chapter 24.5
(This is the extra at the end of Volume 12. Starting with what looks like keys, water bottle, and wallet falling out and then Takano and Onodera on the floor picking up fallen objects)
page 1:
Onodera: (OHHH MY GOOODD.) SO- SORR!!!!!
Onodera: …-ry… Ah! Takano-san?!! (You’re still here?!)
Takano: Ouch--- watch where you’re going, why don’t you.
Onodera: I’m sorry! I’m hurrying to catch the last train!
Takano: You’re not going to make it. Better take a taxi – just take one with me, problem solved.
(Ugh, and it had to be this time that you use a bag without a zipper.)
Onodera: It’s FINE. If I run, I can still make it. 
Takano: And also, your bag has way too much stuff in it. 
Onodera: Good work today – I’m taking my leave!!
*Stuff stuff*
page 2:
 *Onodera runs off*
Onodera (thinking): …. Gahh I’m exhausted!!! Who knew that there would be an accident on the last train…  (If I had known, I would have taken a cab.)
My bag is so heavy!!
But… there really is too much stuff in my bag. I’ll clean it out a little…
Huh? Aren’t these Takano-san’s glasses?
Ah! Maybe I put it in my bag by mistake when we bumped into each other earlier?
(Waa.) Shoot! Better return these quickly.
page 3:
*puts on*
Oh my goddd. *Dizzy dizzy*
These are strong!!!
Takano-san’s eyesight is pretty bad after all!
[I seem to remember that someone once said that glasses are a crucial part of a person’s appearance.]
Onodera: !!??? *jolt* 
Ah!! HELLO?!!
Takano: Sorry to call in the middle of the night. Were my glasses put in your bag by accident?
Onodera: (AH – ha-ha!)
Ah! Yes! I have them!!!
B-but, more to the point, Takano, you’re really blind, huh…
Takano: Huh? What? You wore my glasses?
Onodera: *JOLT* EH??! AH, NO!!! I definitely didn’t!!
Takano: Uh-huuuuuuuh.
Onodera: So I’m saying, I didn’t…!
The end. 
 Hatori and Onodera, end page comic:
 Onodera: S-so! I’m thinking that there has to be some sort of pot in which I can supply the ingredients and it can make the dishes itself, and I just don’t know about it yet. If there really was this sort of thing, I really want one!
(That’s some miracle pot…) 
Takano: Onodera, you should just stick with learning how to chop food…
Nakamura-sensei: This has been Nakamura Shungiku. Thank you so much for buying World’s Greatest first love, the case of Onodera Ritsu Volume 12!
If it helped you feel at least a little bit of happiness, that is my honor.
The story is still unfolding, so I hope that you can continue to follow it. Thank you in advance for all of your continued support! See you next time! 
Volume 12 Special Edition Illustration Collection Extra:
This is the extra included in the Special Illustration Book that was paired with the special edition of Volume 12. It’s the one that begins with Onodera in a loose-fitting shirt.
It takes place right after the amazing shower scene from chapter 24.
Page 1:
*loose fitting clothing*
As to how it got to this point…
First, being jumped by Takano-san (waaaa)
Taking advantage of Takano-san falling asleep to try to head back home, but not finding any clothes … or underwear…
(Suddenly disappeared)
Onodera: What?!
It seems that when I wasn’t paying attention, Takano-san took it upon himself to throw my stuff in the wash. (with a dryer cycle too!!)
--> But! I want to go home!!
Onodera: (thinking): Even though I knew that the clothes wouldn’t fit because of our different statures, it still really pisses me off.
(as a point of manly pride)
I know that wearing Takano-san’s clothes without his permission isn’t so good, but that’s because he threw MY clothes in the wash without asking me! He totally did that on purpose!!!
page 2:
Onodera (thinking): Even though I live next door, I can’t go like this back to my house… Maybe I should also borrow a pair of pants?
(So sorry for going through your closet without your permission.)
But…. Eh?
[No matter what, it’s not decent to wear someone else’s pants while going commando, right?
Ah, but, at this point, wouldn’t I also have to borrow his underwear?
Huh? What? I have to wear Takano-san’s underwear?]
Takano: If you want, you can have these.
Onodera: *Enraged*
Takano: Oh, okay. Well then, you can either go back with your dick hanging out, or you can come back to bed with me – your call.
 [24.5 the end]
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affectionatetea · 4 years
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go for it, Takaya!
i had to jump on the meme, it was too good to pass up (but BOY WAS IT A LOT OF WORK i have so much respect for everyone who is doing this)
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lemonade-if · 3 years
Update 3/21/22
I'm 1.5 hours too late to meet my original 3/20 date but...here I am, as promised!
The past week was quite literally the busiest week I've ever had in my life, involving three all-nighters to wrap up work projects. Luckily, I was able to celebrate a wonderful birthday with my best friends on Saturday (JJK0 was incredible), and I spent today visiting my new house with Haru, which I'm in the process of moving to. No overtime this weekend! Nanami would be proud.
Since I couldn't do much throughout the week, I've spent the last 3 hours working on Chapter 1 and added a little over 2k more words. Specifically, I was able to complete all the branches for MC's first scene with Yosuke (his name seems to be coming up often this week, sorry 😂). I'm quite happy with it! Different aspects of his character comes through with different MCs, and I liked showing that in this scene, as basic of an interaction it was.
I added some fun mini surprises if your MC's chosen surname is 'Mutou' (the very unpopular math teacher) or 'Suzuki' (Nakamura-sensei's crush and the PE teacher). Of course, if your surname is Nakamura, your teacher will acknowledge that as well.
I edited my master post and RO posts (linked relevant asks, updates, etc) and did light revisions of a few older answers.
Finally, I added additional non-binary characters. If your MC is non-binary, you will have at least one additional non-binary companion, regardless of which club you join :- ) And while sports teams are gendered (figuring out the best way to navigate this troubled me for a long time), non-binary MCs will play in a mixed-gender sports team that includes boys, girls, and non-binary characters. Female and male MCs will play in all-girls and all-boys teams.
After this post, I'm gonna try to knock out a few of the quicker asks before I head to bed. By the way, I really enjoyed learning people's opinions regarding spoilers, so thank you for sharing! I think going forward, I'll answer asks with a "spoiler version" and a "non-spoiler version" so people can take their pick of which they prefer to read. My only concern with this is that cuts don't seem to always work on mobile...
Anyways, thank you so much, as always, for all the thought-provoking questions, fun questions, and kind comments, as well as your patience with my speed in responding to them! (´ ω `♡)
Today's long sneak peak is related to last time's-- just that this time, I'm tacking on a little bit extra from each choice's follow up. It is Yosuke-centric since his scene was the one I worked on so I apologize for that, but I hope some of you will enjoy regardless ( ´ ▿ ` )
His gaze flickers down to your hand before returning to your face, questioning you impassively. You suddenly realize that you're still touching him.
#"Ah, I didn't mean to...my bad." You smile sheepishly.
As you pull away, you notice his burgundy eyes lingering upon your face. You blink at him curiously.
For a moment, it seems as if he might say something to you, but the girls smother him with questions again so he turns away to face them instead. This time, it's your turn to contemplate him.
[i]Takanashi, was it?[/i]
You furrow your brows, scrutinizing his side profile as you try to search the depths of your memories. Something about him is incredibly familiar…have you met him before? [i]I guess that'd explain why he was staring at me…but then again, I'd stare too if some random stranger touched me without warning.[/i]
You shake your head. It's no good; you've encountered way too many faces and names over the years to recall individuals with clarity. Besides, being TDH (Tall, Dark, and Handsome) is hardly unique. His lookalikes are all over the media…[i]must be a false memory.[/i]
#Remove your hand and give a silent nod of apology.
Burgundy eyes meet yours. You stare back coolly, waiting to see if he might speak. For a moment, it almost seems like he will, but he's interrupted before he can.
"Takanashi-kun, when's your next basketball game?"
"We'll come to watch you again!!" The gaggle of girls cut in again, smothering the boy with more questions. He gives you one last look before turning away to face the others. Your eyes linger upon him.
[i]Takanashi, huh.[/i]
You can't shake off the nagging feeling that something about him is incredibly familiar…have you met before? [i]Not impossible. He was about to say something before the girls cut in.[/i]
In any case, there's no point agonizing over something you can't remember. Being TDH (Tall, Dark, and Handsome) is hardly unique, and you've encountered way too many faces and names over the years. It's not unnatural for him to resemble someone you might've encountered before, whether in the media or in a classroom.
#"S-sorry, sorry!!" you yelp, leaping backwards.
He doesn't say anything, so you clap your hands together in an attempt to emphasize your sincerity.
"…" Still nothing, though you're starting to feel self-conscious about his close examination of your face. [i]Uh…maybe he's mad? Or is he trying to remember what I look like so he can beat my ass at school tomorrow? Is he that type of guy?[/i]
You don't get to find out. Before he can say anything, the girls smother him with questions once more so he turns away to face them instead. You give a sigh of relief.
[i]Seems like I'm safe…Takanashi, was it?[/i]
You idly observe him as he converses with the girls. [i]Ha…"converses".[/i] More like the girls are firing question after question on top of each other as he stands there, absorbing the barrage. [i]He must either be incredibly patient or incredibly used to this.[/i] Probably a mix of both.
#Snatch your hand back with a gasp, absolutely mortified.
Burgundy eyes seek yours, but you avoid his gaze and stare down at the ground immediately. You don't dare to look up again. Your hand that touched him feels like it burns as badly as your face, and there's a knot in your throat that's both dry and acrid.
"Takanashi-kun, when's your next basketball game?"
"We'll come to watch you again!!" The gaggle of girls unintentionally save you by cutting in again, smothering the boy with more questions. You seize the opportunity to scurry quickly to the back of the group, as far away from everyone as you can. You hope that you'll never run into this boy ever again, for the next three years of school. [i]That's impossible, but, just maybe…or maybe I'll have to transfer again…[/i]
It's not long until you hear the boy pardon himself from the group to leave. You can hear his footsteps approaching—he'd inevitably pass you on his way to the elevator— and you tense in anticipation, trying to shrink yourself into invisibility.
To your horror, his white sneakers pause in front of you. You don't know what he's doing or what he expects from you. You're still staring at the green linoleum floor, after all.
"Are you okay?"
#"☆~" Wiggle your brows jokingly as you assess him for a reaction.
He…doesn't react. You're disappointed but not surprised. [i]This guy doesn't exactly look like the type who'd be fun at parties…though it sure seems like people want him there anyways. Benefits of having a nice face in a shallow world…well, that applies to me too.[/i] Undeterred, you grin and offer your hand for a handshake instead.
"${surname} ${name}. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance." Very much aware of his burgundy eyes lingering upon your face, you decide to make another quip. "If you like what you see, I'm open to being more than acquaintances, too."
"I'll keep it in mind," the boy replies dryly, clearly meaning none of it. You chuckle. [i]Well, at least he's not thoroughly boring.[/i]
#"There's a bug!" you shout, pointing at his torso to emphasize your lie.
The boy's aloof burgundy eyes indicate neither belief nor disbelief (and definitely neither shock nor fear.) You decide to double down on your act— you're in it too deep to back out now. Leaning in, you yank apart his blazer like curtains and pretend to inspect his shirt. Some of the girls behind you gasp, scandalized. He remains still, watching you blankly.
"I swear there was a bug," you reiterate, pretending to look around very seriously. "It was right around here…darn. I guess it's gone now."
"Hey!! What do you think you're doing to Takanashi-kun!?"
"That's rude!!" The boy straightens out his blazer as you receive a barrage of scoldings from your female companions, all of them equally determined to clarify their disapproval to remain in good standings with their object of affection. You groan internally, standing back up. [i]This is so troublesome. Why did he pick such a bad timing to come out the door…[/i]
#"That's- it's [i]your[/i] fault for coming out the door so suddenly, idiot!" you yell with a red-faced scowl.
The boy doesn't say anything and merely watches you with aloof burgundy eyes. Maybe he's confused by why he's getting scolded for simply walking out of a door. [i]T-That's not the point![/i] You don't know how else to redirect your overwhelming sense of embarrassment, so you decide to continue reprimanding him.
"I don't have a clue why the rest of them think you're such a hot shot, but you're mistaken if you think I'm the same. J-just so we're crystal clear, I wasn't trying to touch you, didn't want to touch you, and never want to touch you. Got it?"
"Got it." For some reason, you didn't expect him to respond, so the fact that he did makes you feel even more embarrassed than before. [i]Is he patronizing me!?[/i]
#Glower at him. "You're in my way."
He doesn't seem affected by your intimidating tone. You take a step forward; from the side, you hear one of the girls squeak his name with nervous concern. He neither acknowledges them nor steps back from you.
"I said," you repeat menacingly, right in his face, "you're in my way."
Burgundy eyes remain steadily locked on your own.
"You're in mine, too."
Your fists clench automatically. Part of you is already imagining how it'd feel to punch him in the face; the feeling only intensifies when he proceeds to sidestep you wordlessly and leave.
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fumiko-matsubara · 3 years
List of Multi-talented AssClass Characters
This includes both characters who have actually showcased their many skills and characters who had shown potential to be multi talented.
¤ The teachers, assassins, and Gakuhou won't be included in the list as they are already a given.
Asano Gakushuu
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I mean, do I even have to say anything? He's got the grades, the athleticism, the artistry, the reputation, and even being able to responsibly handle all of these at the same time. Rather than asking what else he can do, the better question is: What CAN'T he do??
This guy is the epitome of multi talented because it's not just him having a lot of skills, but you can really expect him to be good at each and every single one of them. Truly an ace.
Akabane Karma
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This one is just half-assed lol. But let's be real, I can't even expressed how much of a genius this guy is, it's actually terrifying. Like imagine being able to remember the stuffs you've secretly studied for after two weeks of study ban, to the point that you managed to place 2nd in rankings among the entire 3rd years?? He's ridiculous.
I think it's just him being disinterested that's stopping him, because it should be obvious that he'd be the type to easily become scarily good at the skills he just picked up.
Isogai Yuuma
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Being practical is his strongest suit. It probably stemmed from the fact that he's currently the one providing for his family, but I could totally see Isogai picking up plenty of skills just for the sake of making things easier. For all we know, he could've tried applying for different kinds of jobs that required certain skills before he settled on being a waiter.
Then top it all off with his good grades, being athletic, and leading the class well, yeah he's got it good.
Sugino Tomohito
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One day we are going to have a whole discussion about Sugino having many hidden talents (that he's also VERY good at doing). Let's start off with baseball. It has been confirmed by Matsui himself that ever since Sugino had joined a local baseball team in town, along with perfecting his own curved ball pitching technique, it's been assessed that in the technical side of baseball, Sugino should have already surpassed Shindou in most areas.
As stated by Karasuma in the character book, Sugino literally has ZERO flaws in his assassination skills and if you look at his stats, there was not a single category that he was lacking in omg. Sugino had also shown exceptional skills in the art department, specifically in acting and drawing, as repeatedly praised by Korosensei.
Chiba Ryuunosuke
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Being multi-talented isn't just about having as many skills as possible, it's also about being incredibly good at the skills you have even if they aren't that many. Chiba is a great example of this.
Sniping, maths, architecture, and spatial awareness ー those are some of the skills he was explicitly shown to have in canon and there is no denying that he is good at every single of one these. Not just good actually, but exceptional, to the point of being directly praised by actual professionals themselves.
Kayano Kaede
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Being a gifted young actress, it would be no surprise that Kayano would have to have a very wide range of skills in order to be able to tackle any acting role given to her, which is what she was specifically known for.
And who passes the entrance exams of an academically renowned school on their first try at the last minute? She has it all lol.
Kataoka Megu
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I think Megu is the type to find herself picking up skills and become good at them since she is a leader with a natural sense of responsibility. Especially when it's sports, because you're telling me that this ace swimmer with a record for freestyle swimming is also good at basketball, enough to both coach, lead, and carry her team all at the same time?? Damn.
Of course not forgetting the fact that she's also one with exceptional grades and is good at languages, Megu is defintely a well-rounded leader. Wish we could have seen more from her.
Hayami Rinka
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As remarked by Koro-sensei, Hayami is a "jack of all trades but lacks in her own individuality and passion". Because she is said to be skilled enough in so many things, she became a reliable worker who people can depend on no matter what it is for as she can surely tackle them.
Perhaps a little bit too reliable? While there are some skills that she is obviously good at, like her sniping and dancing, I don't think people would really notice how much of an ace she is at first glance, likely because she wasn't being loud about it (as in she was lowkey).
Maehara Hiroto
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Defintely the dress to impress type.
I am adding Maehara to this list because this dude came back 3 years later and suddenly he's good at b-boying!
He's good at sports, dancing, singing, he gets along with people, he dresses well, and for a carefree playboy like him, the last thing you would expect from him is his best subject being Maths, right?
I won't be surprised if plenty of these were just because he wanted to impress the girls he goes on dates with. If anything, it's likely lol. Whatever helps him I guess.
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Bonus: Potentially multi-talented
Yada Touka
Being under the tutelage of Irina, it would be no surprise that Yada would end up wanting to expand her skillset as she'd find it beneficial for her in the future.
Nakamura Rio
Maybe because she's bored or just wants to be funny, but Nakamura had shown skills with... random stuffs (like diassembling gadgets or the ability to make geeky boys flustered with her dirty jokes through the school radio... 😭). As long as it can be funny, I think she can pick up anything she can use to toy with others.
Kurahashi Hinano
Drawing! It's surprising because no one can argue that she is the best at it among the girls, but it wasn't explicitly showcased AT ALL (if it weren't for that skills ranking in the manga extras, we wouldn't have known this). I wonder what else she's really good at that haven't been addressed.
Takebayashi Koutarou
I am adding that joke from the career chapter of Koro q that Takebayashi is apparently good enough at dancing to land a career for it 😂
But yes, he also ranked 4th best artist among the boys for being the "2D master". Being an anime fan does have plenty of perks... I wonder how good his singing is 🤔
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chibisunnie · 4 years
Blanc Ch 10 Translation
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EDIT: BLANC HAS BEEN LICENSED IN ENGLISH!! :D It is now released and can be ordered from all the places listed on Seven Seas’ site here: https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/classmates-vol-6-blanc/ Since deleting a tumblr post from my page won’t delete it everywhere on tumblr, I figured the best thing to do would just be to delete the pictures from my translation and then whenever anyone clicks the read more they’d see this update and the link of where to buy it. So if you want to read it, go buy the official version or request it from your public library! :D Below the cut is my translation of Blanc Ch 10! Thank you @aliciacentolla​ for the raws since I can never get good pictures from my own copy!  ^_^ Also thank you to @kusajo​ for being my sounding board when I was debating between the possible ways to read some of the lines! ^_^  This chapter taking so long is like a direct reflection of 2020. >_< My friend told me that Honyakusuru had posted their translation of this chapter a full week before my magazine had even arrived. Since Zandy’s group can’t make the scanlation until the digital raws come out 3 months later and the fandom already had a translation from Honyaku, I figured there was no rush. And then 2020 decided to be extra 2020-full and just about every week I had some sort of life stuff to deal with (things like my apartment building having no water due to a city water main break, my car battery dying, getting my heart broken) on top of still struggling with depression and having class and work. >_< So I really didn’t get a chance to start working on this until about 2 weeks ago. But I did my best with it! ^_^ And like with Ch 9, I’m just posting it here so I can have all my translations on my tumblr. 
As always, please support Nakamura-sensei and buy the mangas if you’re able! Vol 1-3 of Doukyuusei are available in English (they call it Classmates) at pretty much all places that sell mangas, and you can buy the rest of the series and the current issues of Opera that contain Blanc on amazon.jp or CDjapan (they even have ebook versions, but they’re always at least 1 issue behind for the magazine)! Also Seven Seas has a survey on their website where you can request titles you want them to license. So if you haven’t yet requested them to license the rest of Doukyuusei (Sora to Hara, O.B., and Blanc), let your voice be heard and fill it out! :D
Pg 1: Top text: Latest Work in the Doukyuusei Series   Middle text: The ribbon that was cut is tied together again…   Bottom Left Text line 1: Books & E-books now on sale:   Bottom Left Text line 2: [Doukyuusei] [Sotsugyosei -Winter- ] [Sotsugyosei -Spring- ] [Sora to Hara] [O.B. 1] [O.B. 2] [Sotsugyosei Album Extended Edition]   Bottom Right text: Nakamura Asumiko
Pg 2: Left Side Boxes: Top part: Past Issues:   Bottom part: Due to the long-distance, Kusakabe and Sajou had briefly separated. Because Sajou’s mother who was hospitalized asked Kusakabe “I want you to make a CD of your own,” he had sung an original song that he had composed about Sajou. Just as they had recovered from the distance, Sajou’s mother suddenly died. Sajou was furious at his dad who had returned home and criticized Kusakabe. At the funeral service, Kusakabe showed up with cut hair and declared “We’re getting married.”   Panel 4 Cell phone text part 1: Marriage Ceremony Q&A Cell phone text part 2: Q. Should I send out written invitations to my parents, brothers, siblings, and relatives?   Cell phone text part 3: As it turns out, it’s not mandatory. However, in any case, it’s good to send notice in advance. Cell phone text part 4: time and place memories Bubble 1:  --------You know, I also…
Pg 3: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …wondered about all those sorts of things and what would be good for us… Bubble 2: I thought about it and… Bubble 3: And well, I think for me it’s more like…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: … I want things like having the same last name as you. Bubble 2: And I want to be buried together. That sort of thing… Bubble 3: Well, it’s not like there’s anything…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …that we have to do. I don’t have any must-haves. Bubble 2: But like… Bubble 3: That’s why something like… Bubble 4: I guess, really… Panel 4 Bubble 1: We-
Pg 4: Panel 1 Bubble 1: We’re two people who love each other. Bubble 2: So we   Panel 2 Bubble 1: could Bubble 2: m-   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Make an announcement…? Bubble 2: Or something!! Tiny text: Kyaaaaaaa! Bubble 3: Well, that’s why umm…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: …a marriage ceremony is…
Pg 5: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …something I was thinking…   Panel 3 Bubble 1:  …that I want to do. Bubble 2: Okay.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: With our friends… Bubble 2: And people we’re indebted to…   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Okay. Bubble 2: If that’s the case, we might have to invite Harasen. Bubble 3: Also…   Panel 6 Bubble 1: …our parents.
Pg 6: Panel 2 Bubble 1: Tug   Panel 3 Bubble 1: ….What? Bubble 2: Mr. Negative Face. Bubble 3: Shut up.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: …Even if we invite him, he won’t come.
Pg 7: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …It’s not about whether or not he comes. Panel 2 Bubble 1: Isn’t it about whether or not you want to ask him to come?   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Don’t you think?
Pg 8: Panel 1 Bubble 1: EEEHHH?! Bubble 2: MARRIAGE?!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Not marriage, more like a marriage ceremony. Tiny text: You idiot! Bubble 2: Those are the same thing!! Bubble 3: What’s with you?! You haven’t said a single thing about this person! Bubble 4: Well, but it’s not like we’re going to be expressly changing the family registry.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Eh?! Bubble 2: WHAT?! Bubble 3: WHY?! Tiny text: Why won’t they be in the registry?! Bubble 4: What kind of person are they?! Bubble 5: Well, a normal person. Bubble 6: Ah, he is a man, however.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: EH?! Bubble 2: HUH?! Bubble 3: Ah, but rather than normal, he’s actually super smart. Bubble 3: A MAN?! Bubble 5: He’s going to Kyoto U.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: KYOTO U?! Bubble 2: I MEAN— Bubble 3: EEHHH?! Bubble 4: A MAN?! Bubble 5: Easy there, Mom.
Pg 9: Panel 1 Bubble 1: After all, these sorts of things exist. Bubble 2: WHAT ARE YOU--?! Bubble 3: And I never pictured Okaru with a girl.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: JUST BECAUSE--!! Bubble 2: And well, how to phrase THIS… Bubble 3: I’m pregnant.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: HUH?! Bubble 2: WHAT?! Bubble 3: Well, that’s how life goes. Bubble 4: Hold up, what’s with you two all of a sudden?! Geeze… Tiny text: Are you idiots?! Bubble 5: Sis?   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Is Daddy here? Bubble 2: In the Japanese-style room upstairs. Bubble 3: Say, what’s with your head? Tiny text bubble 1: Hey, are you listening?! Tiny text bubble 2: You two!!   Panel 5 Bubble 1: I really wanna touch it. Let me touch it. Tiny text bubble 1: Listen to what I’m saying! Bubble 2: Later, okay?
Pg 10: Panel 2 Bubble 1: Dad!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Hey, Dad? Bubble 2: Can I talk to you?
Pg 11: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Buzzzzzzzzzzz Bubble 2: Buzzzzzzzzzzzz Cell phone text line 1: Kusakabe Hikaru Cell phone text line 2: Slide to Answer Bubble 3: WAH   Panel 2 Sfx 1: Clink Sfx 2: WHACK Bubble 1: Buzzzzzzzzzzzz Bubble 2: Buzzzzzzzzzzzz Bubble 3: OW!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Hello? Bubble 2: N- Bubble 3: No, er, Bubble 4: I’m fine…   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Eh…?
Pg 12: Panel 1 Bubble 1: You didn’t have to wear a tie. Bubble 2: After all, I’m not wearing one. Bubble 3: I have to when I’m… Panel 2 Bubble 1: wearing a suit.   Panel 3: Bubble 1: But you didn’t have to wear a suit. Bubble 2: I have to when I’m…
Pg 13: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …you know.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: I know it’s pointless to say don’t be nervous, but…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: I’m here with you.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Shall we go?
Pg 14: Panel 1 Bubble 1: YOU CAME!!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: That “you came” seemed unhinged, Mom. Sfx line 1: Scared Stiff Bubble 2: AH! Bubble 3: WAS IT?! Bubble 4: I guess so. Sorry! I’m a bit nervous!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: YOU LOOK SO SMART!!   Panel 4 Bubble 1: How?! Bubble 2: How are you with our idiot?! Bubble 3: I will start the cooking.   Bubble 4: Mom, calm down. Bubble 5: Hey, and you two.
Pg 15: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Don’t just stand there idly. Hurry up and sit. Panel 2 Bubble 1: She’s beautiful……… Bubble 2: ‘Kay. Bubble 3: OH, Bubble 4: KYOTO U?!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: IT’S KYOTO U, RIGHT?! Bubble 2: KYOTO UNIVERSITY?! Bubble 3: Ahh, really, how are you with our idiot… Bubble 4: WHERE DID YOU--?! Bubble 5: Y-yes. Bubble 6: So like, take your coats off! Bubble 7: I can take care of your coats. Bubble 8: You said you went to high school together, didn’t you? Bubble 9: Everybody fine with beer? Bubble 10: Sis, you can’t have beer. Bubble 11: Ohhhh is that right? Seriously?! Bubble 12: OH, Bubble 13: THEY SAY THAT KYOTO U IS A LOT LIKE TOKYO U, DON’T THEY?! Bubble 14:  WHICH ONE HAS SMARTER STUDENTS?!   Tiny text: Beware, this arouses controversy Bubble 15: Mom, like…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: …why are you being such a shithead? Tiny text bubble 1: Eh?! I can’t ask that?! Bubble 2: Sajou Bubble 3: Rihito-kun.
Pg 16: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Is that right?   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …Yes. Bubble 2: It’s the same name as our Hikaru.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: …Umm…
Pg 17: Panel 1 Bubble 1: This was so sudden… Bubble 2: I bet… Bubble 3: …you were really surprised… Bubble 4: Haha, Bubble 5: well, I must admit…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: But you know…   Panel 3 Bubble 2: …when it comes to important things, he doesn’t talk about them readily.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Until he’s sure of it himself, Bubble 2: he absolutely won’t say anything to anyone else. Bubble 3: …That’s why Bubble 4:  the other day when he suddenly came home, I thought…
Pg 18: Panel 1 Bubble 1: that he was saying that he found the person he wants to be together with. Panel 2 Bubble 2: Yeah, he was saying that he had already come to that decision.
Pg 19: Panel 2: Bubble 1: Congratulations.   Panel 3: Bubble 1: And also, Bubble 2:  thank you.   Panel 5: Bubble 1: … Bubble 2: Y-… Panel 6: Bubble 1: Yes… Bubble 2: Um…
Pg 20: Panel 1 Bubble 1: EH?! Bubble 2: HOLD UP, WHAT’S WRONG, SAJOU-KUN?! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! Sfx: Urk   Panel 2 Bubble 1: JEEZE, DEAR, WHAT DID YOU DO?! Bubble 2: YOU’RE HARASSING HIM!! Bubble 3: Hahaha. Bubble 4: N- Bubble 5: no, Bubble 6: please excuse me. Bubble 7: It’s nothing like that………   Panel 3 Bubble 1: I’M SORRY! THIS MAN CAN’T READ THE SITUATION! Bubble 2: You’re the one not reading it, Mom. Bubble 3: Mom, shut up. Bubble 4: Sorry to keep you waiting. For your drinks…..? Bubble 5: Ah, beer for me! Bubble 6: I already told you, you can’t have beer, Sis. Tiny text line 1: Noooooooo! Tiny text line 2: That’s Tiny text line 3: riiiiiiiiight.
Pg 21: Panel 1 Bubble 1: That sure was exhausting.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: My family is so loud. Bubble 2: Or rather, it’s only my mom who’s loud. Bubble 3: But she makes about as much noise as 100 people all by herself. Bubble 4: No, Bubble 5: not at all.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …But, well, Bubble 2: I was nervous.   Bubble 3: You did so well.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: ...Daddy is awfully old, isn't he?
Pg 22: Panel 1 Bubble 1: You know, this is my daddy’s second marriage.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: His previous wife had passed away… Bubble 2: But my daddy was my mom’s boss.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: That’s why remarriage was very troublesome. Bubble 2: People said all sorts of things about it too.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Even so, Bubble 2: they got married.
Pg 23: Panel 1 Bubble 1: ……………My condolences,   Panel 2 Bubble 1: on the loss of your mother. Bubble 2: Ah… Bubble 3: Yes, Bubble 4: thank you…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: I heard about your father.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: …My dad hardly ever lived with us. Bubble 2: That’s why Bubble 3: I think it really was a shock for him find out about all that so suddenly.   Panel 6 Bubble 1: It’s futile trying to ask him to understand. Bubble 2: Even though I think it would be better if he understood… Bubble 3: I wonder if it’s selfish to think that………..
Pg 24: Panel 1 Bubble 1: It might be more so that you want him to understand…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …regardless of whether or not you ask him to do that.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Don’t you think?
Pg 25: Panel 1 Bubble 1: ...Your dad is wonderful. Bubble 2: Hmn? Bubble 3: He also Bubble 4: is so similar to you.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Ehhh? Bubble 2: Hahaha, seriously?   Panel 3 Bubble 1: But I’m happy.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Because I love my daddy veeeery much.   Panel 6 Tiny text: It Bubble 1: It’s not like I don’t.… Bubble 2: Hm? Bubble 3: It’s not like I hate my dad… Bubble 4: Eh?
Pg 26: NO TEXT
Pg 27: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …We will make it a good ceremony.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Yeah.
Pg 28: Panel 1 Envelope text left side: Kusakabe Hikaru Envelope text right side: Sajou Rihito   Panel 2 Envelope text: Hara Manabu-sama   Panel 3 Envelope text: Miyamura Maya-sama   Panel 4 Envelope text: Kinosaki Hideto-sama
Pg 29: NO TEXT
Pg 30: Panel 2 Envelope text left side: Kusakabe Hikaru Envelope text right side: Sajou Rihito   Left side text:  Line 1: blanc #10 \ End
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vulcan-highblood · 4 years
You Belong With (someone better than) Me
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: T
Pairing: Umino Iruka / Hatake Kakashi
Chapters: 1/3
Summary: Exasperated with the ever-increasing number of well-meaning but annoying busybodies who seem to think he needs a man in his life, Iruka finally breaks down and asks Kakashi to be his fake-boyfriend in order to keep the wannabe-matchmakers off his back. 
The only problem is, Kakashi turns out to be a much better boyfriend than Iruka anticipated.
Read it on AO3
[For @the-umino-hours 1-year anniversary prompt: Fake Dating/Marriage]
Chapter 1: Will You Be My (Fake) Boyfriend? Please Check _Yes or _No
“That’s all from me,” Iruka lifted his eyes from the grade report he’d finished reading off, wrapping up his fifth student feedback report of the night. “Did you have any other questions about your daughter’s progress, Nakamura-san?” Iruka asked, gently closing the folder of Kanade’s information and handing it across the desk to her mother, who accepted it with both hands. 
“I did have one question,” she said, “It’s not about Kanade, but…” she tucked the folder into her bag and dug around for a moment before withdrawing a small photograph. “I wanted to tell you about the nice young man in this picture. He’s my cousin, Kotaro. A weaponsmith.” She wiggled her eyebrows conspiratorially. “He’s got a strong back and a lot of stamina, if you know what I mean.”
Iruka knew exactly what she meant. Face heating, he accepted the photo, sparing a quick glance down at it. He’d seen the man - Kotaro, apparently - around the village. He was tall and muscular, with wide shoulders and soft eyes. A rather unfortunate bit of facial hair, but Iruka wasn’t one to hold that against someone. Everyone had their idiosyncrasies. “I’m sure he’s very nice,” Iruka said weakly, tucking the picture into one of the drawers in his teaching desk. 
“Oh he is,” Nakamura-san insisted, leaning forward. “His contact information is on the back of the photo. If you’re interested.”
I’m very much not, but I suppose I appreciate the sentiment? Iruka thought tiredly, forcing a smile. “Thank you for your consideration,” he said. “As for Kanade-chan…?”
“Oh, she loves your class, and she’s been improving steadily, as you noted,” Nakamura-san said, finally taking her cue to leave. “Thank you for everything you do for her, Iruka-sensei.”
“Of course,” Iruka said, rising also and bowing politely. “It’s my honor to do so.” He held the bow as she crossed the room.
“Oh,” Nakamura-san paused at the door, “Just so you know, Kotaro’s usually only free on Sundays.” She turned and winked at Iruka. “But for you, I’m sure he could make an exception.”
“Ah,” Iruka said awkwardly, bowing again to avoid eye contact, “Yes. Thank you for the information.”
As soon as she was gone, Iruka flopped back into his chair and groaned loudly, covering his face with his hands. He still had another three days of parent-teacher conferences to look forward to, and that was his ninth proposition-by-proxy this week. What was it about being a single male teacher that made all of the village busybodies come out in droves? It didn’t make sense. Iruka wasn’t particularly clever or talented, and he certainly didn’t have much in the way of disposable income. So why had it come to this? He yanked open the desk drawer, staring forlornly down at the small mountain of photos residing there. He didn’t have the heart to throw any of them away, but at this point he was starting to run out of room for actual teaching aids in the drawer. Clearly, something had to be done about the situation. But what? 
Start dating? With what free time? Iruka was barely making ends meet with his punishing schedule as it was, he didn’t have time to date anyone. That’s why he was still single! He barely had time to take Naruto out for ramen between his missions, and woe to any man who thought Iruka would prioritize a date over spending time with the growing boy. 
But this was starting to get ridiculous, Iruka thought, shutting the drawer a bit more forcefully than was strictly necessary. No one had been so invested in his personal life when he’d been running missions. He paused, considering that for a moment, and decided that yes, it wasn’t just rosy hindsight. While his friends had given him some grief about being the perpetually single third-wheel, he hadn’t really been close enough to anyone else in the village to warrant that level of attention. So maybe it was more a problem of visibility? Iruka was almost always in the village these days - teaching, working the mission desk, taking Naruto for ramen… yes, the real problem here was that people were entirely too familiar with Iruka, so he bore the brunt of Konoha villagers’ well-meaning but excruciating attempts at matchmaking.
But how to get it to stop? He couldn’t even bear to throw out the useless photos, so telling them to their face that he didn’t have time for their matchmaking was out of the question. But he had equally little time to devote to deterring them! What he needed was something that would require very little effort, but would have significant enough visibility and impact to be both noted and respected by the villagers.
Packing up his supplies, Iruka considered his options. He could buy a fake engagement ring, but people were bound to start asking around about his mysterious fiancée. Worse yet, if it ever got out that the ring was a fake, he’d be back to square one, but instead of giggling it would be pitying stares and sympathetic hand-pats that accompanied the photos. It wasn’t that Iruka couldn’t get a date, and a fake ring might give the mistaken impression that Iruka thought he couldn’t get anyone without faking it. The issue here wasn’t a failure to get a date, but rather a lack of willingness to pursue the option. 
Could he get a fake boyfriend? Iruka immediately dismissed the idea. For one thing, he couldn’t afford an escort. And if anyone found out the boyfriend was fake, he’d be in the exact same position as he would be in with the fake ring - pity and hand-pats. No thank you.
Grumbling under his breath, Iruka gave the classroom a once-over, plucking a stray shuriken out of the wall and wiping the blackboards down one more time before letting himself out and shutting the door. He glanced at the hall clock and winced. It was late. By the time he managed to cook something, it would be too late to digest it properly. Besides, he had homework assignments to grade, and if he spent an hour or more buying ingredients and making an actual meal, he wouldn’t be getting to sleep until midnight. Then he would be getting up at six, rushing through breakfast and back at the Academy by seven to prep for classes. Ugh. 
Iruka decided he’d rather sleep an extra hour than go to the effort of preparing a healthy meal (especially since his healthy meals always ended up tasting terrible), so he headed in the direction of the nearest shop that offered carry-out meals. He picked up something with vegetables and a lean protein to feel like he was at least wasting money on healthy pre-prepared food. It was cheaper to cook his own, but at what cost? Iruka needed his sleep, especially with several more days of parent-teacher conferences looming in his future.
As he was waiting for his meal, he happened to glance outside and caught sight of Kakashi wandering by. Iruka immediately perked up, realizing that if the jonin-sensei was around then Naruto was probably somewhere in the village, too. Iruka hopped from one foot to the other, more anxious for his food to be ready. He really didn’t have time to go looking for Naruto tonight, but he wanted to see the boy. Maybe if he put off grading for one night, he could visit the kid. He could catch up on grading over the weekend. 
“Here’s your order, Iruka-sensei,” said Fujita-san, passing Iruka a wrapped bundle of delicious-smelling food. “Have a nice night.”
“Thank you!” Iruka beamed, rushing out into the night. By some stroke of luck, Kakashi was still out there. “Oh! Kakashi-san!” he called, hurrying over.
Kakashi, nose stuck in his usual reading material, lifted his head slowly, turning to Iruka. “Ah, Iruka-sensei. To what do I owe the pleasure?” 
“Oh,” Iruka felt his cheeks heat as he realized how rude it probably seemed to jump straight to asking where’s Naruto? “Are you back from your mission?”
“Mm,” Kakashi made a noise of assent. “The kids did well.” 
“Oh, good! I’m glad to hear it. And you’re all fine?” Iruka looked Kakashi over, but he wasn’t really the sort to look injured, even if he was. Elite jonin like Kakashi didn’t get to that status by broadcasting their injuries. 
“Nary a scratch between us,” Kakashi said. “We just got back. I think Naruto might be looking for you, actually.” 
“Oh!” Iruka glanced down at his dinner. “I only bought enough for one person,” he frowned, then turned back to Kakashi and said, “Have you eaten yet?” 
Kakashi’s visible eye widened in surprise. “No,” he said slowly, “I haven’t.”
“Here,” Iruka pressed his dinner into Kakashi’s chest, “You take this, Naruto and I will find something for the two of us.”
Kakashi glanced down at the dinner, then back up to Iruka before carefully accepting the wrapped meal. “...thank you?” 
“Thank you,” Iruka countered. “Have a good evening, Kakashi-san.” Then, before the jonin could formulate a reply, he scampered off. 
The next morning Iruka dragged himself out of bed early so he could throw rice in a pot and toss some dry sardines in a pot of water. He managed to scrounge up some cabbage that had seen better days, chopped up some tofu, and was just throwing them into the fish-water when Naruto wandered into the kitchen, scrubbing his eyes and yawning loudly. 
“Morning, Iruka-sensei,” Naruto said, a bit too loudly for six in the morning, “Sorry I fell asleep here again last night. I was planning on going home, I promise.”
“I don’t mind if you sleep over, Naruto. That’s what the guest futon is for,” Iruka reassured him. “Are you hungry?”
“You’re cooking?” Naruto grinned widely. “What are you making?”
Iruka gestured at the simmering pot and then turned to dig in his fridge for the miso. He pulled it out and scooped up a large spoonful, gazed at it consideringly, and put about a third back. “Miso soup, rice, and I’ve got eggs in the fridge,” he said. “Nothing too fancy, I’m afraid.”
“Sounds great!” Naruto exclaimed. “Kakashi-sensei brings me breakfast like that sometimes. But he usually makes fish and vegetables too.”
Well good for him, Iruka thought, half sincere, half snide. I’m glad one of us knows how to cook.   He tasted the miso soup consideringly. It might have too much miso. Or not enough. Or was he supposed to take it off the heat before adding the miso? He didn’t remember. The rice pot wasn’t steaming anymore, and Iruka lifted the lid only to smell the distinct odor of scalding rice. “Oh!” he yelped, turning off the burner and staring at the rice, wondering if it had cooked through this time or if he would once more be having al dente rice for breakfast. He grabbed the spoon he’d used to taste the miso soup and took a small bite of rice. It tasted slightly burnt, but seemed soft enough. A little on the firm side, but certainly not the worst rice he’d ever made. 
Behind him, Naruto giggled. “Did you burn the rice again, Iruka-sensei?”
“That’s enough out of you,” Iruka groused. “I’ve told you before, the smoke adds flavor!” he scooped a large portion into a rice bowl, setting it down in front of Naruto before dishing up a second bowl for himself. Quite a bit of rice was stuck to the bottom of the pot. Lovely. He’d leave the pot to soak while he was at work, hopefully it would be washable by the time he got home. 
“Make sure you eat the cabbage, too,” Iruka warned, setting a bowl miso in front of Naruto. He moved back across the kitchen, plucking two small styrofoam containers and two eggs from his fridge. “And eat your natto, it’s good for you,” he added, plunking the little box down and setting the egg down beside it.
“You really need a new rice cooker, Iruka-sensei,” Naruto observed, ignoring the natto and cracking the egg over his rice, pouring a bit of soy sauce over it before vigorously stirring it in.
Iruka sighed, popping open his natto container and removing the thin paper covering the beans. He used his chopsticks to stir the fermented beans around before piling them atop his rice and cracking his own egg over them. “I’ll get one eventually. But this works fine, for now.”
“At least rice cookers don’t burn the rice,” Naruto pointed out. “I think that’s probably worth it, right?” 
Iruka shrugged. Rice cookers could get pretty spendy, and the ones at the secondhand shop had appeared to be on their last legs. He was saving up, of course, but he had other priorities. He could handle a bit of burnt rice. “You really should eat the natto,” he encouraged. 
“I tried it once, Iruka-sensei. I think it almost killed me,” Naruto said too-seriously. “I’m just not cut out for healthy food, I think.”
Iruka laughed before he could help it. “Oh, fine,” he shook his head. “Next time, then.” It was something of a joke between them by now - Iruka would give him natto, Naruto wouldn’t eat it, and the natto would go back into the fridge.  
The two of them ate in comfortable silence, and Naruto wordlessly gathered up the dishes, putting them in the sink before running some hot water. Iruka felt his eyebrows climb in surprise. “Oh?” he said, “What’s this?”
“You made breakfast, so I’ll wash the dishes,” Naruto declared. “Kakashi-sensei always makes me wash the dishes when he brings me food, so I’ve gotten pretty good at it,” he added, beaming with pride. 
“That’s very kind of you,” Iruka said, “I guess I’ll go get my things, then.” He hadn’t bothered unpacking his teaching satchel, but he still double-checked it to make sure he had everything he needed. That done, he wandered back into the kitchen, spotting Naruto attacking the rice pot.
“Oh, just let that one soak, I’ll get to it tonight,” he told Naruto. 
“Okay,” Naruto agreed cheerfully, setting it in the sink and following him to the door. They left together, Naruto not-so-surreptitiously sniffing his shirt. 
“If you feel you have to do a smell check, you should probably just shower and change,” Iruka chided. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Naruto waved him off. “It’s fine.” 
Iruka considered pressing the issue, but in the end, he decided it wasn’t worth the shouting. “Have a good day of training,” he said as Naruto drew to a halt at the corner of the street. 
Naruto beamed back at Iruka.  “You too, Iruka-sensei!”
Iruka waved him off with a smile, before picking up his pace and heading for the Academy. He had another long day ahead of him, and running late wasn’t going to make it any easier to get through.
“Thank you for always taking care of our boy,” Tsutsuji-san said, heading for the door, “And remember what I said about my friend Hiei,” she added with a small titter. “He’d definitely be interested.”
“Of course, Tsutsuji-san,” Iruka managed to say in a strangled voice, “Thank you for your consideration.”
“Oh you’re very welcome, Iruka-sensei,” Tsutsuji-san said. “Have a nice evening.”
“You too,” Iruka replied. As soon as she was gone he shoved the third photo of the night into his desk drawer. This had gone so far beyond ridiculous he wasn’t sure what word he could even use to describe it. Scowling, he straightened up the classroom, shoved some homework assignments in his bag, and matched out of the Academy in a huff. He had to find something to make this stop!
“Yo, Iruka-sensei,” Kakashi called as he exited. The jonin was leaning casually against the Academy gates, age-inappropriate reading material in hand. Kakashi glanced up fully as Iruka approached, his eye widening as he took in Iruka’s appearance. “Rough day?” he asked, pushing off the gate and transitioning to a more vertical slouch. 
“You could say that,” Iruka sighed, then frowned in confusion. “Forgive my rudeness, Kakashi-san, but why are you here?” 
“Maa, I wanted to ask you if you had time to grab dinner sometime. Since you gave me dinner yesterday, I thought I might return the favor,” Kakashi explained. 
“Dinner?” Iruka repeated, frowning. “What, like tonight?” 
“Whenever you have time,” Kakashi clarified. 
“Oh. Uh. Sure, I’ll get back to you on that…” Iruka turned to leave, then paused, an idea forming in his mind. “Say, Kakashi-san?” 
“Yes?” Kakashi was still standing there with a vague expression on his face.
Iruka glanced around nervously to make sure no local busybodies were watching, then leaned in. “How would you feel about making that dinner a monthly arrangement? I’ll pay, of course!”
Kakashi’s eyebrow lifted in response. “Mind if I ask why?”
Iruka glanced around again. “Do you mind if we talk it over somewhere else?”
“Like over dinner?” Kakashi suggested, sounding faintly amused.
“Somewhere private,” Iruka specified. 
“Dinner at my place,” Kakashi amended.
“At your place?” Iruka echoed faintly.
“It’s pretty private,” Kakashi assured him. “Just me and the ninken.” 
“Okay,” Iruka agreed. “When?”
“We can go now,” Kakashi suggested. “I have all the ingredients at home already, we just need to eat them.” 
“You bought enough for two?” Iruka asked faintly, not sure how this conversation had gone from maybe a dinner sometime to a home-cooked meal at the copy-nin’s house.
“I usually take some leftovers to Naruto,” Kakashi explained. “He never eats vegetables when left to his own devices.” 
Iruka laughed at that. “True enough,” he noted with amusement. 
“So it’s decided. You can tell me more about whatever it is you can’t discuss publicly over dinner,” Kakashi gazed at Iruka for confirmation.
“Sure,” Iruka agreed, mentally apologizing to his future self for the pile of grading he’d be doing this weekend. “Sounds great.”
Nodding, Kakashi turned and began wandering off, heading into the village. It was at this point Iruka realized he had no idea where Kakashi’s house was. Well. If Kakashi was going to agree to Iruka’s harebrained scheme, perhaps it was a good idea to know where the man lived.
It didn’t take them long to reach their destination. It turned out Kakashi had a modest one-bedroom apartment with a wide living room and a cozy kitchen and dining area. Kakashi pulled out a small induction burner, setting it on the table, carrying over a large pot a moment later. It was packed full of vegetables, tofu, shirataki noodles and beef. “Hope you like sukiyaki,” Kakashi said, pouring a thick sweet dashi broth over the ingredients.
“Are you kidding? I haven’t had beef for two weeks!” Iruka exclaimed, probably more excited than he should have been, but beef was expensive and he was starving. “This looks amazing, Kakashi-san!”
Kakashi scrubbed at the back of his neck awkwardly, a blush rising on his visible cheek. “Maa, sensei, it's just a bit of chopping vegetables.”
“Yeah, well, considering I don’t even do that half the time, I’m impressed!” Iruka grinned at Kakashi, unable to contain his excitement. 
Kakashi set a small bowl in front of him with an egg, then carried over a steaming bowl of rice for each of them before settling down at the other table setting. “So,” he began, cracking his own egg into the bowl and lightly scrambling it, “What did you want to ask about that you couldn’t bring up in public?” 
“Well,” Iruka began, cracking his own egg, “Lately I keep having well-meaning people trying to set me up on dates, and honestly it’s starting to get on my nerves.” 
Kakashi hummed sympathetically to show he was listening, then adjusted the temperature on the burner to bring up the temperature of the sukiyaki broth. 
“So I was thinking,” Iruka continued, picking up the provided chopsticks and attacking the egg with a bit more ferocity than was probably warranted, “Maybe I should just… pretend to date someone? Just to stop the nagging.”
Kakashi turned from the sukiyaki to gaze at Iruka. “Oh? Were you planning to ask me out on a fake date, then?”
“Here’s the thing,” Iruka said, finally setting down his chopsticks to look Kakashi in the eye, “I have no time for dating. It’s why I’m not dating anyone currently. So I really don’t have the energy to spare for faking it, either.”
“Hmm,” Kakashi made a thoughtful noise. “Sounds difficult.”
“It is,” Iruka agreed. “And then, you offered dinner, and I thought maybe…” He tried to think of how to explain his thoughts in a nice (or at least nice-ish?) manner. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but… if I were going to only go on sporadic dates with someone, it would have to be someone who’s… also sporadic?” He grimaced, realizing that maybe this wasn’t the most diplomatic approach. 
“Ah,” Kakashi said, digging into the sukiyaki with his chopsticks, checking the doneness of the meat. “So you don’t want to go on dates, but you still want to pretend you’re dating.”
“Exactly,” Iruka exclaimed, pointing at Kakashi excitedly. “I need someone… low effort? Who wouldn’t care if we only went out, say, once a month. Or less, even. Less than that would be ideal.”
“I see,” Kakashi grabbed Iruka’s plate, plopping some beef on it. “Here,” he handed it back before serving himself as well. “So you want us to go on fake dates, but not very often. What am I getting from this arrangement?”
“Oh,” Iruka realized he’d not really thought that far ahead. “Well. I’m really busy, so I can’t offer much. I can, uh… buy you dinner once a month? Or maybe less than once a month?” Iruka offered, smiling weakly as he dipped the beef into his raw egg before dropping it onto his rice and shoveling it into his mouth. Oh. The rice was perfectly tender, the broth was just the right balance of sweet and salty, and the thinly sliced beef was melting with marbled fat. “Oh wow,” he moaned. “Maybe you don’t need to eat out, this is so good.”  
Kakashi snorted in amusement. His own beef had vanished, though his mask was still in place. 
Iruka averted his gaze out of courtesy before continuing. “So. Uh. What do you want from me, then?”
“Eh,” Kakashi said, serving himself some of the vegetables. “I don’t really need anything. But this sounds interesting, so I’ll do it.”
“You’ll pretend to be my boyfriend and you don’t want anything in return?” Iruka asked, surprised to have gotten Kakashi to agree so quickly. He’d thought the jonin would at least ask for something from him, but Kakashi seemed remarkably easy to please. Then again, that had been the whole reason Iruka had asked him in the first place - he wanted someone low-effort. 
“If I think of something, I’ll let you know,” Kakashi said. “Now eat, the sukiyaki’s not going to finish itself.”
It wasn’t until Iruka got home late in the evening that he realized he and Kakashi had never decided when their first official “date” was to take place. Oh well, he thought, dumping the pile of grading out on his kotatsu with a heavy sigh, surely they’d be able to discuss it soon enough. For now, he had homework to grade.
“Oh, hey Iruka-sensei!” Naruto called from the kitchen. “Welcome home!” he poked his head out to gaze at Iruka curiously. “You were out late.”
Urk. “Yes,” Iruka answered awkwardly, “I was having dinner with Kakashi-san.”
“Oh really?” Naruto asked, wandering out of the kitchen and into the living room. “Why didn’t you invite me?”
“It was rather last-minute,” Iruka admitted. 
“Oh,” Naruto said. “Okay. Cool.”
“Why are you here?” Iruka finally asked. 
“I came to wash the pot from this morning,” Naruto replied, “and then I ate some of the food in your fridge, so I had to wash my plate after that. Did you know you don’t have any instant ramen in your kitchen?”
“Yes,” Iruka replied with an amused snort. “There’s a reason for that. It’s not healthy.”
“It’s a lot easier than cooking, though,” Naruto grumbled. “So what did you have for dinner with Kakashi-sensei?”
“We had sukiyaki,” Iruka replied, settling down on a cushion and pulling out one of the homework papers. “Did you eat the rest of the rice from this morning?”
Naruto laughed. “No, actually I just ate some fried eggs.”
“That’s not enough for dinner!” Iruka protested. “You should have eaten more than that.”
“It’s fine,” Naruto assured him, “I had a big lunch.”
Iruka gave him a look, but Naruto didn’t flinch, so he must have meant it. “All right,” Iruka finally said, “But if you get hungry…”
“I know, I know, I just have to tell you.” Naruto flopped down on the other side of the kotatsu, wrinkling his nose as he eyed the homework spread across the table. “Oh, this stuff? Gross.”
“Hey, that’s my occupation you’re calling gross,” Iruka protested, setting his pen down momentarily to shoot a scowl in Naruto’s direction.
“Yeah, but homework sucks,” Naruto said. “I bet you didn’t like it when you were a kid, either.”
“Immaterial,” Iruka replied, “It’s important to make sure all the students understand the coursework and have a firm grasp on what we’re learning in class.”
“Oh sure, but important doesn’t mean it’s not boring,” Naruto shot back, grinning and ducking under Iruka’s half-hearted swipe at him. 
“If you’re just going to be a pest…” Iruka warned.
“I’ll be good!” Naruto promised, lifting his hands in a gesture of surrender. “I just… didn’t want to be alone tonight.”
“You’re always welcome to stay with me,” Iruka said, lifting his eyes to make sure Naruto saw he was serious. “You know that, right?”
“I do,” Naruto admitted, shuffling around so that most of his body was hidden under the kotatsu quilt, tucking it up under his chin and grinning at Iruka. “It’s just nice to hear it, sometimes.”
Iruka smiled. “Then I’ll say it as many times as you need.”
The next morning Iruka dragged himself out of bed and stumbled into the kitchen. Rather than make rice, he had a vague inkling that maybe toast and soup would be good enough for the day. He dug some corn potage out of the fridge and had it heating on the stove, shoving the toast in the toaster. He scrounged through the fridge, finding a few tomatoes which he sliced up and sprinkled with a little salt and pepper. He dished up the sliced tomatoes, tossed the toast onto plates, and poured two bowls of the corn soup just as Naruto wandered into the kitchen. 
“Toast for breakfast, huh?” Naruto commented sleepily. “And tomatoes?” 
“And corn soup,” Iruka added. “I just heated it up on the stove.”
“Looks great,” Naruto commented, sitting down at the table and clapping his hands together. “Let’s eat.”
“Let‘s eat,” Iruka echoed, then dug in. The tomatoes were… oversalted. But still mostly edible if you ate them with the toast. The soup was fine, at least. 
“Thanks for the meal!” Naruto exclaimed after practically inhaling his breakfast. “I’ll wash the dishes.” 
“Thanks for the meal,” Iruka mumbled as he finished his own breakfast, then wandered back into the living room to pack his school bag. 
He and Naruto left together not too long after that, parting ways at the same corner as yesterday. Iruka trudged the rest of the way to the Academy, already exhausted. Just one more day of parent-teacher conferences, he reminded himself. Then he had a whole weekend… of double shifts at the mission desk. And all the grading he hadn’t finished yet. Iruka groaned. 
“Yo, Iruka-sensei!” 
Iruka blinked, not sure he was seeing things right. “Kakashi-san?” he said, spotting the jonin casually leaning against the Academy gates, drawing confused looks from passing staff members.
“Please, it’s just Kakashi,” he said, moving away from the gate and walking over to Iruka. “We’re dating, after all.”
“Right,” Iruka said, feeling off-center and a bit confused. “Did we… have something scheduled?”
“Nope!” Kakashi replied cheerily, then lifted a thermos. “But you looked tired after last night’s dinner, so I thought I’d bring you some of my favorite coffee.”
Iruka hadn’t gotten around to the grocery store to buy more of his own coffee, and the swill in the teacher’s lounge could double as paint-thinner. Coffee sounded marvelous, though he still felt a little confused . He stared at the thermos in Kakashi’s grasp, struggling to formulate a response. “But...why?”
Kakashi pressed the thermos into his hands. “Just a thoughtful gesture from your boyfriend, that’s all.”
“I can’t accept this,” Iruka protested, his hands closing around the thermos anyway. “I already told you, I don’t have a lot of time - ”
“It’s fine,” Kakashi assured him, taking a step back and lifting his hands. “I already made the coffee, so you might as well drink it.”
“True…” Iruka glanced down at the thermos with a sigh. He decided that he could accept this one gesture, so long as he impressed upon Kakashi that this sort of behavior couldn’t become a habitual thing. Iruka just didn’t have the energy to reciprocate, and he didn’t want it to look like Kakashi was putting all the work into the relationship. “Thank you,” he said, lifting his head to face the jonin, “I appre - ”
Kakashi was gone.
Sighing exasperatedly, Iruka waved the thermos in the air. “I appreciate it!” he shouted, just in case the man was still hanging around. He supposed that popping in with random gifts and then vanishing was to be expected when ‘dating’ someone as eccentric as Kakashi. He still felt bad, though. He’d specifically asked Kakashi to do this because he hadn’t wanted to go to much effort. If Kakashi was going to do his best to sell the relationship, it would look pretty bad if Iruka wasn’t doing his best, too.
With a groan, Iruka stared down at the thermos of coffee. This was going to be more work than he’d bargained for.
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Karma and Terasaka for 11 and/or 2?
My boys 🥺💜
“The things I do for this goddamn class,” Terasaka muttered to himself as he trudged up the mountain. His footsteps were soft and sounded like they barely made contact with the grass, a result of the stealth training they were doing lately.
He held the bag over his forearm easily, as it felt like a feather to him. There was darkness all around him, the only light he had being his phone’s flashlight. Not that he needed much anyways. The path to 3-E’s building was like a memorized route at this point.
The night sky loomed over him, a shade of midnight blue that matched the time perfectly. Bits of moonlight shone through the leaves of the trees, but just barely.
“I’m a maniac, coming here in the middle of the night,” Terasaka sighed to himself as he neared the building. “That billion yen better be worth it.”
Of course, he wasn’t just doing this for the money.
The class had made a new assassination plan amongst themselves, not even telling Karasuma. And one component of this plan required someone to sneak into the building the night before and set things up.
Naturally, Nakamura raised her hand...and volunteered Terasaka on his behalf.
Yep. He was pissed but couldn’t back out of it once that antenna-head ikemen exclaimed, “Wow, thanks, Terasaka! We appreciate that!”
And now here he was, freezing in just a hoodie and carrying a bag of deadly assassination things.
“Alright,” He whispered to himself as he easily unlocked the window, using a trick that Muramatsu taught him. He lifted a leg and climbed inside, cherishing the slight warmth he felt. “Where’s the-”
Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me.
“Well, well, well,” Karma Akabane laughed from his spot at a desk, his usual video game in his hand. “Look who we have here.”
Terasaka dropped his bag and marched over to him, not bothering at all to conceal his presence. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“What am I doing? What are you doing?” He smirked and crooked an eyebrow, leaning back into his seat. “Jeez, is breaking into your school at midnight and throwing a fit a common thing for you? You should visit therapy-”
“Oh my god, shut up,” Terasaka groaned, facepalming. “I’ll ask one more time: what are you doing here?”
Karma yawned, pausing his game and setting it on the desk. “Playing Sonic Ninja: Revenge of the Zombies. It’s an exclusive Halloween game-”
“That’s not what I mean, dumbass.”
Karma finally took pity on the exhausted expression on Terasaka’s face and decided to just answer him.
“I’m here to set up some pranks, of course. Just killing time with my game while waiting for the superglue to dry.”
“Of course,” Terasaka repeated dryly. “Why didn’t I expect that?”
“You should know me better than that at this point in the year. We’ve spent so much quality time together.”
“By quality time, do you mean us constantly wanting to beat the shit out of each other?”
“No, I mean, me being my awesome genius self, and you being my sweet loyal minion.” Karma grinned at him.
Terasaka rolled his eyes and turned away. “Anyways, I’m here to do something important, so don’t mess it up.”
Karma stretched an arm behind his head, which Terasaka caught even if he didn’t see the movement. “Oh, the plan that Maehara and the Class Reps came up with today? It won’t work.”
Terasaka rolled his eyes, digging out small vials from the bag. “How do you know for sure?” He challenged, ignoring the small seed of doubt. 
Karma sighed. “I would say that it’s obvious why, but you’ve never been the brightest bulb, so...”
A sharp glint shone in Karma’s eyes as he straightened up in his seat. “No one has made a fraction of a successful plan yet, so what makes you think this will work at all?” He drawled, an edge to his voice.
Terasaka swallowed, mulling over his words for a brief moment. The bastard was right, and he knew it...
His fingers hovered over the tiny vial of Anti-Sensei solution, hesitating to pick it up and sprinkle it around the classroom like the plan intended. He could feel Karma’s gaze on him.
Suddenly, a harsh gust of wind flew the room, blowing everything around. Chairs and desks screeched a bit against the floor as they moved. The air stung against Terasaka’s face as he leapt up in surprise. “What the hell-”
Oh. Oh no. The octopus was coming.
Terasaka’s body moved on auto-pilot as he jumped up and hurriedly grabbed the vials, moving to sprinkle them on as much surface as he possibly could in a matter of minutes. No, seconds. 
He could vaguely hear soft shuffling as Karma seemingly wrapped up his pranks and gathered his belongings.
Terasaka finished up his job in a shorter time than he thought was humanely possible, and grabbed the now-empty bag. He cast a look back at his classmate, who was standing still for some odd reason he couldn’t fathom.
“Idiot! What are you doing? Move!” He whispered.
Karma shrugged. “The glue hasn’t dried yet, and I need to move it once that’s done.”
“Are you crazy-”
“Listen, I didn’t come to this mountain in the middle of the night just to leave my prank half-assed.”
“You- nevermind. Fuck it, I’m leaving.”
He caught a glimpse of a rare expression on Karma’s face, and suddenly, his body went numb, and he stupidly stayed in his spot.
Karma was pouting as he said, “Are you really gonna leave me here?”
“Yes,” Terasaka mumbled, still completely still at the sight. A part of his brain was telling him to grab his goddamn phone and take a picture.
“But I’m cute!”
And then, Ryoma Terasaka, a famed delinquent, former bully, a young man known for his unbending toughness, found himself stuck in one of the classroom cabinets next to Karma Akabane. Hiding from a superpowered Octopus who was their teacher.
“I need a drink,” Terasaka muttered tiredly, scowling and trying to hide the flush to his cheeks when his leg brushed against Karma’s for the fifth time.
“I have an extra strawberry drink in my bag,” Karma offered benevolently, to his surprise.
“That’ll work. Thanks-”
“It’s for me, though. Get your own.”
“Fuck you.”
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nekomassetters · 3 years
"So I know you already heard a bit from Y/N," your coach starts off as she gathers your teammates around, "but there's going to be a camp for both Nekoma volleyball teams along with the teams of Fukurodani next week."
You watch as your teammates light up in excitement just the way the boys' team did when they heard the news.
"Also, it is tradition that on one of the last days, the girls from both Nekoma and Fukurodani will play a game against the boys of both teams. Throughout the week both the Fukurodani girls' coach and I will be evaluating you to make up our starting lineup for the game."
Your coach continues to describe the tradition, ending the lecture on a note that sent chills down the body of each of your teammates.
"And I swear to god you better not lose. I've got money riding on this shit with Nekomata-sensei," she growls, "I will not submit to that fucker again."
Way to keep it professional, coach.
"So Y/N a whole week with Kai-chan, huh?" Ritsuko teases while mocking the way you say your friend's name.
"Ritsu what's your obsession with Kai?" you ask frustratedly.
"Oh my god," Nakamura whines, "are you blind? He's super into you, Y/N!"
"Not to mention he's also super hot," Ritsuko adds.
"Look you two," you say as you cross your arms in a means to show them you aren't messing around, "I am not interested in anybody like that and it's probably been a million times since I-"
You get cut off by Ritsuko interrupting you with her own rebuttal.
"Well I heard that you almost kissed Kai last Saturday."
"Ooo seriously?!" Nakamura turns to you with excitement painted all over her face.
"How old are you guys, twelve? I thought you were supposed to be mature," you say as you roll your eyes.
You begin to walk away, but what Ritsuko says next causes you to stop dead in your tracks.
"It's too bad that Kenma interrupted your little moment," she says cockily, "buuuut I bet you were glad that he came to your rescue."
You sigh and turn back to your friends, anger fading, leaving yourself to be more vulnerable to them.
"Fine I'll admit that both Kenma is attractive but I don't have a crush on him or Kai and I don't even want to think about dating."
The girls groan in disappointment. After thinking that you were going to give them a better answer, they're left sad from the real response.
"Well I'm going to the boys' gym for practice I'll see you both on Friday."
"Why are you going to the boys' gym? You don't have to go today," Ritsuko asks sincerely.
"There's nothing wrong with extra practice," you shrug.
As you walk away, you hear both of your friends whispering behind you.
"There's got to be something more than just practicing going on there," Ritsuko says quietly to Nakamura.
You decide it's best to ignore the girls and make your way to the other gym instead of picking another losing fight.
When you arrive at the boys' gym, you quietly push open the door and catch Kenma on the side drinking his water. As you put down your gym bag nearby, you wave to him.
"You excited for the camp next week?" you ask energetically as you get ready to begin practice.
You notice Kenma send you a quick grin as he places down his water bottle. When he stands back up, he nods calmly.
"What was that?" you ask coyly, "I coulda sworn I saw you smile for a second."
Kenma takes a few steps closer, only letting a few inches between you.
"Because I'll get you all to myself for a week," he breathes before starting to walk around you.
"Ya know everybody else is going to be there too," you whisper as he reaches your side.
Kenma stops in his tracks. The two of you standing side by side, facing different directions. You look over at him and see his eyes piercing glare into yours.
"That doesn't matter I'll just find my ways to get you alone like I usually do."
His answer rings in your mind as he walks away. The calm tone he spoke to you in left you frozen in your spot. That is, until you hear his voice speak louder from a bit further away.
"Are you gonna practice or not?"
His voice prompts you to turn around. You see him standing a little ways from you, golden eyes still piercing into your own.
"Oh, r-right," you stutter as you jog after him.
Eventually, Kenma stops nearby Kuroo.
"Choosing Y/N over me again, huh Kenma?" Kuroo teases.
You look to Kenma whose face is red from either embarrassment or anger, you can't tell. After Kenma's muttering under his breath for a response, Kuroo turns his attention to you.
"At least don't make her chase after you like that, stupid," Kuroo adds with a hint of disdain.
You grab onto Kenma's arm and pull him past Kuroo, in an effort to finish the awkward conversation. Kenma tries to ask you something but instead, you cut him off.
"Just ignore him," you snap, "he's going to keep bothering you as long as you give him the reaction he wants."
"Tch," he disagrees as he rips his arm out of your grasp, "I already know that Y/N."
You both look back at Kuroo who's still smirking at the pair of you.
"He's just going to be annoying no matter what," Kenma says defeatedly before picking up a volleyball.
"So you're saying you got it under control?" you tease as you grab the ball from his hands.
"Huh? Of course I do," he grumbles as he watches the ball leave his grasp.
"If you say so."
0 notes
Assassinating an Oversized Octopus and Other Thing I Didn't Want to Do Today
Assassinating an Oversized Octopus and Other Thing I Didn't Want to do Today by Possible phsycopath
When Class 3-E were introduced to their new classmate, Akatani Mikumo, to be a 5'4 green haired innocent looking kid.
They also didn't expect that kid to be a trained assassin, or that he wouldn't tell them anything about them, including their real name or quirk.
Oh well, it can't hurt to have an extra pair of hands to help kill their teacher, well trained hands at that.
Izuku joins 3-E to kill with a fake name and a backstory he won't tell.
Words: 1034, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Assassination Classroom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Akabane Karma, Shiota Nagisa, Shiota Hiromi, Karasuma Tadaomi, Irina Jelavić, Korosensei, Nakamura Rio, Sugino Tomohito, Kayano Kaede, Class 3-E
Relationships: Akabane Karma & Midoriya Izuku, Akabane Karma/Shiota Nagisa, Midoriya Izuku & Shiota Nagisa, Irina Jelavić/Karasuma Tadaomi
Additional Tags: Demon Akabane Karma, Shiota Nagisa Has a Quirk (My Hero Academia), they all do, obviously, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Akabane Karma, BAMF Shiota Nagisa, Midoriya Izuku is Akatani “Yamikumo” Mikumo, Tags Contain Spoilers, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Assassin Midoriya Izuku, Sensei | All For One is Midoriya Hisashi, Hero Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Takaoka is a Bitch, i hate that guy, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30887312
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numahachi · 4 years
On Chapter 178
or, “A Trilogy In Four Parts”
Nichijou chapter 178, where Nano chases down her stolen ‘fry’, never really made sense to me. Maybe that’s the point and it’s just supposed to be extra bizarre, or maybe the odd things can be explained away in various ways. But I always felt like there was something more to it. Then when I rewatched the anime a few months later, something clicked and I ended up with a pretty fun theory.
The first odd thing is Nano’s behaviour. She spends most of the chapter using her robot functions to their full extent – intentionally, for the most part.
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Now maybe this can be explained by character development, since by the end of the anime Nano had become more accepting of her robot nature. I’m not convinced this fully justifies such a radical change though. Would Nano really display her robot nature so openly to a complete stranger and anyone else who happened to witness the fight? Would she really intentionally use her powers to attack someone, even if they’d stolen something important to her? No other scene in Nichijou has really come close to this. It seems like something’s different in chapter 178.
The second anomaly is the thief who stole Nano’s menma (translated as “bamboo shoot” in the English release), mistakenly believing it to be a french fry. This character, who identifies himself in the chapter as “KP3”, is the long-awaited appearance of Kaze no Potesaburou-shishou, who was previously mentioned in volume 7 during Tanabo & Sumika’s encounter with Yukko. Throughout the chapter he converses on the phone with “IP1” – Idaho Poteichi-sensei, also mentioned in volume 7 – about their “Master”’s haemorrhoids. (In the English release this connection is less clear since they had previously translated those characters’ names as “Master Pota-three of the Wind” and “Professor Idaho Pota-two”, but then in chapter 178 changed KP3 to “PP3” and left IP1 unchanged for some reason.)
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What’s strange is how those characters have changed. When they were first mentioned in volume 7, it was established that they were often seen alongside Double Cheeseburgirl. Given that Double Cheeseburgirl was later confirmed to be some kind of celebrity entertainer or performance artist, it seemed likely that they were all part of the same trio, maybe with ‘Double’ Cheeseburgirl slotting in between IP1 and KP3.
But in chapter 178, they’re portrayed more as subordinates to their unseen “Master”. Maybe the implication is that they were always just Double Cheeseburgirl’s assistants or something, but even then it seems odd that KP3 would randomly try to steal a schoolgirl’s lunch in broad daylight.
Additionally, KP3 apparently got his jetpack / potato sprout gun from Nakamura-sensei (or at least, she helps him maintain it). Admittedly it ends up breaking, but it still seems unlikely that Nakamura would be capable of engineering something that holds up for that long against Nano, and would provide it to this random shady guy.
So overall the chapter feels quite different to the rest of Nichijou … and this brings us to what I noticed when rewatching the anime. It turns out KP3 and IP1 aren’t the only parts of the chapter that have been referenced previously. During the third and final part of Yukko’s dream, in which Mio confronts the Fey Kingdom soldiers, the Scholar consults his “Demon World Dictionary” for information about the wood cubes. One of the nearby entries in this dictionary is actually for menma:
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The implication is that, in this world, menma is considered to have some kind of magical power – like Mio’s wood cubes, though to a lesser extent.
What if chapter 178 actually takes place in that same dream world? The menma connection alone is by no means conclusive, but if you think about it this would actually explain the oddities in the chapter quite nicely. For one thing, while Nano’s behaviour might not match up very well with the rest of Nichijou, it’s absolutely consistent with where Yukko’s mind would wander in a dream. And remember Yukko has a very incomplete picture of who Double Cheeseburgirl actually is, so KP3 and IP1 could easily be based on her hazy assumptions about them. Similarly Yukko may be aware of Nakamura’s experiments to some extent, but wouldn’t fully understand their limits or Nakamura’s motivations.
Maybe it’s all a coincidence and chapter 178 really is just another normal Nichijou story … but it’s nice to think that, even after the conclusion of the Fey Kingdom trilogy, Yukko’s dream world lives on.
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lemonade-if · 3 years
Okay, so I know you said you don't wanna prioritize asks atm and that's totally fine, I just wanna ask this before I forget (I'm an old woman, don't judge 👵 not really, but y'know)
Iirc in one of your posts our MC can react to karaoke so I'm wondering:
Who of the ROs (+ Nakamura-sensei if that's alright) goes to Karaoke and what do they usually sing?
Do any of them "dance" while they do so--either partly an official dance or whatever or at least move around in some way--or are they more the type to stand entirely still while singing?
Who jokes around while singing, maybe mimicking voices or stuff like that and who is serious business?
Who would give MC and us readers the biggest pikachuface.jpeg? Maybe because they sing entirely different from what we might've pictured. Either because the genre of the song is not one would expect (e.g. Yuushin singing cute raaburaabu songs lol) or because the singer is so awful (or so good) unlike what we might've thought at first.
Is there any of the ROs (+ Sensei) that has to be dragged to karaoke or are they all fine with that if MC asked?
Please take your time. Hope work is treating you alright🙏🏻
Don't forget to take a break and eat/drink enough.
I wish you a wonderful Sunday!
Hi RK!! ( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑ Your other question continues to marinate in my drafts, I’m sorry OTL In exchange, please have this extra long response!
I made a playlist of everyone's go-to karaoke songs. They’re scrambled out of order for anyone who might like to try guessing first. The answers are at the bottom of the cut below (*´꒳`*)
Hikaru and Ren are definitely the type to dance, mess around, and create a lively atmosphere. They love karaoke and put a lot of passion into it: thanking their "fans" for coming to "Budoukan" (the most iconic performance venue in Japan), jumping around, or doing call and responses. When they're not on the mic, they go just as hard as supporters and are enthusiastic tambourine users.
Aleksei cares less about the singing aspect of karaoke and more about just chilling with people. If someone talked to him during his turn, he’d continue the conversation and let the music go on unattended, or just cut his song. If someone else is singing, he wouldn’t really pay attention, unless it’s a close friend or someone he’s interested in.
Yuushin would have to be dragged to karaoke, and even then, he'd be reluctant to participate. If someone miraculously manages to make him sing, it'd be muttered halfheartedly in a grumpy monotone with zero movement. The most engagement you could wrangle out of him would be him watching and nodding along.
Shion is comfortable with karaoke. She never has the time to go herself, but she’ll deliver an earnest performance if she's there and someone passes her a mic. As in other situations, she'd remain calm-- standing still as she sings or clapping/waving her arms politely for others. Her taste in music might be a bit of a surprise.
Akane has performance anxiety so she only sings with close friends or when she’s home alone. She does enjoy it though, and just like everything else she does, she puts her full, serious effort into it. That being said, her singing ability is definitely a pikachuface.jpeg moment... 😂 When she's not on the mic, she engages supportively with the people who are, whether through cheering or call-and-responses.
Leila feels neutral about karaoke. She'd rather be part of the instrumentals than the vocals when it comes to music, and if she has to sing, she'd rather sing to live music than the sterilized BGM they play at karaoke. If she receives the mic, she’d remain lounged in her seat the whole time-- but she has a stunning voice, so even minimal effort from her is captivating.
Yosuke will go to karaoke if close friends invite him, but he wouldn’t go with random classmates (poor guy was deceived into attending the goukon in chapter 1, bless his soul). Though he doesn’t like to sing, he’s not particularly bad at it, just unemotional. He also doesn’t mind watching others go crazy around him, if they’re having fun (just don't make him join). His song choice (when forced to sing) is probably surprising.
Nakamura-sensei is a huge fan of one-man karaoke. He goes twice a week for 2-3 hours each and takes it very seriously (official choreography and all), though he won’t be serious in front of others because it's embarrassing. His music taste is definitely pikachuface.jpeg and also something he’s embarrassed to reveal to others, so if he’s in a group, he wouldn’t go for the songs he normally sings.
Ren: PONPONPON by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
(Hikaru: ♪ EVERY DAY PON ♪)
(Akane: Ozaki-san, what does that mean?)
(Leila: Beats me...it’s not English for sure.)
Yuushin: Sharp Sword by Tade Dust & Bonbero
(Classmate A: U-um...it’s very cool, Mikazuki-san.) <- They're lying because they don't want to die.
(Classmate B: This is niche as hell. Nobody knows what this is, man.)
(Yuushin: Shut the fuck up.)
It’s a song that gets played often at his boxing gym.
Shion: Shelter by Porter Robinson & Madeon
(Ren: No way, Kisaragi-chan is a rave chick!?)
(Aleksei: That’s unexpected.)
(Hikaru: I don’t know what she’s saying but it sounds good!!)
Hikaru: Silhouette by KANA-BOON
(Hikaru: Yosuke, remember that time we blasted this and did the Naruto Run together in fourth grade PE class?)
(Yosuke: No.) <- He actually does
(Aleksei: I remember. Didn't you step in dog shit?)
(Yosuke: ......) <- Yes, he did
Leila: Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless
(Akane: S-so cool...)
(Hikaru: Is it okay to be hearing this for free?)
(Ren: Ozaki-chan, you can't forget us when you become a global rockstar, okay? 🥺)
Seeing Taylor Momsen in that MV was her sexual awakening.
Aleksei: DOWN by Hentai Shinshi Club
(Hikaru: I’ve never heard you sing more than 30 seconds of this...do you even know the rest?)
(Yosuke: Hikaru, you’re the one who always interrupts him.)
Akane: Gurenge by LiSA
(Ren: Oooh, Akane-chan singing Gurenge? I wanna hear!!)
(Shion: Yoshida-san has a sweet voice. Her singing must be very pretty.)
(Yosuke: ...)
(Hikaru: Yosuke? What’s wrong?)
Bring earbuds. This will be the absolute worst rendition of Gurenge you’ll ever hear.
Yosuke: Yoru ni Kakeru by YOASOBI
(Leila: ...pft.)
(Aleksei: Hearing you sing this makes me want to race into the night myself.)
(Yosuke: Oi.)
Nakamura-sensei: Snow Halation by μ's
(Leila: Oh?)
(Ren: Sensei, is this true!?)
(Suzuki: PWAHAHAHA Bakamura!! You're even more of a virgin than I thought!!)
Bakamura is crying.
Singing Abilities General Ranking
Unacceptable: Akane
Acceptable: Yuushin
Average: Ren, Yosuke
Above Average: Hikaru
Good: Shion, Aleksei
Exemplary: Leila, Nakamura-sensei
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domeyashiro · 5 years
Do you have any other BL/yaoi/shounen ai that you recommend? Thanks! :)
Yes, I have tons of manga that I love! But many of them haven’t been released in English yet, so I’ll stick to the ones that are officially available. You didn’t state if you’re new to BL, or if you’ve been into it for years, so I’ll just recommend what I like no matter how old/new or popular/unknown. I usually prefer a solid story over lots of sex, because if I can’t bond with the characters I don’t care if they’re fucking (unless the author draws great sex scenes :D). I also prefer non-school settings and grown up characters, because I’m old.
Anyway, on to the list (sorted by publisher & listed alphabetically):
Blue Morning
by Shoko Hidaka (I love historical settings! + Great art and story)
Candy Color Paradox
by Isaku Natsume (Such a fun read!)
by Ranmaru Zariya (The Art! And the story is great too!)
Embracing Love
by Youka Nitta (A classic + I love switching couples.)
by Scarlet Beriko (I love all her works and her female characters kick ass which is rare.)
Lost Letters
by Sakae Kusama (I have a thing for unique art styles and great storytelling.)
Say Please
by Kano Miyamoto (She used to be my favorite artist over ten years ago.)
The Match Seller
by Sakae Kusama
Two of Hearts
by Kano Miyamoto
by Ranmaru Zariya (Zariya-sensei draws the hottest sex scenes!)
A Windflower Embroidery
by m:m (A very unique story and couple)
Let’s be a Family
by Tomoko Kurahashi (God, I love these two!)
My Dearest Cop
by Niyama (Funny, hot, Doumeki-like seme!)
My Fickle Jaguar
by Unohana (I love all their works but this is my absolute favorite!)
Neon Ginza Paradise
by Unohana (This is my second favorite work by them!)
Someday I’ll fall for you
by Tomoko Kurahashi (The same couple as above. This is their backstory.)
The Second Sales Division!!
by Kei Kanai (This one is so cute and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.)
by Asumiko Nakamura (A classic and must read because beautiful story and art)
Graduate Spring / Winter*
by Asumiko Nakamura (The just-as-beautiful sequel)
The Love that Binds
by Rou Kuzuya (Switching couple!)
Wild Rose
by Haruko Kumota (All her works are recommended, including the non-BL ones.)
by Yuki Shimizu (I’ve been her fan since Love Mode. She always draws series with several couples. Shoui and Asari from volume 9 are one of my OTPs.)
At 25:00, in Akasaka
by Natsuno Hiroko
Mood Indigo
by Marukido Maki (One of my top 3 favorite authors! This is the backstory of the uke from Pornographer.)
by Marukido Maki (I love this couple so much! Read this one before Mood Indigo)
Shinjuku Lucky Hole
by Kumota Haruko
Wolf in the House
by Park Ji-yeon (I rarely read Manwha but this one I love!)
In These Words
Guilt | Pleasure
(Pretty dark and violent at times, but the art is amazing! I actually love David x Katsuya even more than Shinohara x Katsuya.)
I also recommend everything by Yoneda Kou, but I guess I don’t have to state the obvious. ;)
By the way:
In case you haven’t heard of futekiya Library yet: It’s a new subscription service for BL manga that launched only two months ago. For 6.99 USD per month you can access their whole catalogue. They only have 30 titles so far (as of September 2019) but they are quickly and constantly expanding. They already announced 27 more licenses on Yaoi Day, so you’ll get lots of great BL for little money. This is a great way to support BL artists, so I highly recommend checking them out if you haven’t yet!
*Edit: Thanks to @cyclemama for pointing out that Seven Seas Entertainment is currently publishing Classmates and the sequels with a new translation (digital and print)!
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minamimaru · 6 years
Skip Beat Extra chapter
I am just re-reading Skip beat once again in the light of the special chapter. Tsuruga-san sent two invitations to an amusement park to Kyoko. Nakamura sensei said that she was not able to fit this story to the main one and now I can see it is true. I was reading chapter 240 and what Yashiro said to Kyoko make perfect sense now. 
He gave his White day gift one month later because he was waiting for Ren to give his gift first. When he asked to Ren on the 14th of March if he had a gift ready Ren said no. Maybe as it was a letter sent to Kyoko as long as she had not received it yet he wasn’t considering his gift as complete. 
Later on Yashiro asked again to Ren and he probably explained to him what he had done because Yashiro is saying “I only found out the other day that I can finally give my return gift.” Thinking that she had received Ren’s gift Yashiro is trying to explain to Kyoko that she is special to Ren. But as she has still didn’t receive it there is a misunderstanding and she is thinking that she is not special to him and she should not hope for one in the first place.
In order for Kyoko to believe Kimiko Nakamura-san had to create this misunderstanding. And it can explaine why dispite what anyone will say to her during this arc she will still believe that the special person to Ren is Kimiko. 
I just hope that after receiving her gift she will see as special she is to Ren. I can’t wait for the next chapter.
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animefagos · 6 years
Anunciadas cuatro voces más para Hi Score Girl Extra Stage
New Post has been published on https://www.animefagos.com/2019/02/21/anunciadas-cuatro-voces-mas-para-hi-score-girl-extra-stage/
Anunciadas cuatro voces más para Hi Score Girl Extra Stage
El staff de Hi Score Girl Extra Stage, los episodios números 13, 14 y 15 de la adaptación animada del manga Hi Score Girl, de Rensuke Oshikiri, ha anunciado la incorporación de cuatro voces más:
Kenichi Suzumura como Sagat Takadanobaba
Takuma Terashima como Aulbath Ōimachi
Junichi Suwabe como Blanka Kuhombutsu
Y Kensho Ono como Sasquatch.
Anteriormente se anunció la incorporación de
Shiori Izawa como Nikotama
Kenta Miyake como Zangief.
La edición en Blu-ray y DVD de los tres nuevos episodios se pondrá a la venta el 20 de marzo, y tendrá un precio de 9.800 yenes (unos 76 euros). Los nuevos episodios también se podrán ver en marzo vía Netflix.
El anime se estrenó el 14 de julio.
Las voces fueron:
Kōhei Amasaki como Haruo Yaguchi.
Sayumi Suzushiro como Akira Ōno.
Yūki Hirose como Koharu Hidaka.
Kazuyuki Okitsu como Kōtarō Miyao.
Daiki Yamashita como Genta Doi.
Daria Midō como Chihiro Onizuka.
Satomi Arai como Namie Yaguchi.
Shizuka Itou como Moemi Gōda.
Chō como Jiiya.
Chinatsu Akasaki como Makoto Ōno.
Tomokazu Sugita como como profesor del colegio.
Kana Ueda como Tōno-sensei.
Taketora como el padre de Koharu.
Houchu Ohtsuka en la narración.
Yūichi Nakamura como Numata-sensei.
Hiroki Yasumoto como Guile-san.
Yoshiki Yamakawa (Hells, Kill Me Baby, Little Busters!) se encargó de la dirección bajo el estudio J.C. Staff. Tatsuhiko Urahata (Hajime no Ippo, Saki, Tsuredure Children) estuvo a cargo de la composición del anime. Michiru Kuwabata (Penguin no Mondai, Danchi Tomoo) se encargó del diseño de personajes. Yūsuke Suzuki se encargó de la dirección CG. Yoko Shimomura (Street Fighter II, Final Fight, Final Fantasy XV, Hirune Hime: Shiranai Watashi no Monogatari) compuso la música. Yuji Matsukura se encargó de la supervisión de animación. Tomoyasu Sakakibara (Monster Strike The Movie, Kuroshitsuji: Book of the Atlantic) está acreditado como director CGI, y Shogakukan Music & Digital Entertainment se encargó del CGI.
La cantante Etsuko Yakushimaru contribuyó con su tema Hōkago Distraction como ending del anime. El sencillo salió a la venta el 22 de agosto, y el mismo Oshikiri se encargó de ilustrar la cubierta.
El resto del staff es el siguiente:
Dirección de modelaje de personajes: Eri Sekido (SMDE).
Dirección artística: Akira Suzuki.
Color: Miho Kimura.
Dirección de fotografía: Shingo Fukuyo.
Edición: Kentarou Tsubone (REAL-T).
Dirección de sonido: Jin Aketagawa.
Producción de sonido: Magic Capsule.
Yaguchi Haruo, es un muchacho de sexto en el año 1991 y que vive para los videojuegos. No es popular en la escuela, no es guapo, no es divertido y ni siquiera es simpático. Lo único que se le dan bien, son los videojuegos. Un día, en un salón recreativo, se encuentra a Oono Akira, compañera de clase y que es guapa, inteligente, lista y popular. Ambos jugarán a Street Fighter II, solo para que Haruo pierda 30 partidas seguidas contra la chica, la cual resulta ser invencible en cualquier juego. Akira comenzará a seguir a Haruo en todas sus visitas a los recreativos para pegarle palizas en todo juego existente, algo que al muchacho molestará bastante en un inicio… pero que acabará haciendo que forjen una extraña amistad.
La revista Big Gangan anunció el anime en diciembre de 2013, que ha estado en pausa desde entonces por los problemas legales del mismo con SNK Playmore.
Oshikiri estuvo publicando su manga Hi Score Girl en la revista Big Gangan (Square Enix) desde 2010, pero en 2014 el manga entró en pausa debido a una controversia legal entre SNK Playmore y Square Enix debido al uso sin permiso de varios personajes de videojuegos propiedad de SNK Playmore. Posteriormente los derechos de los propietarios de los personajes se fue aclarando y por ejemplo Bandai Namco y Capcom confirmaron que habían dado su permiso, sin embargo Sega comentaba que a pesar que habían aparecido algunos de sus personajes, sólo había dado permiso para uno de ellos.
Square Enix y SNK Playmore sellaron un acuerdo en agosto de 2015, por el que SNK Playmore retiraba la denuncia contra Square Enix, permitiendo que se pudiera seguir haciendo y vendiendo el manga Hi Score Girl.
En 2016 los cinco primeros volúmenes se reeditaron bajo el Hi Score Girl CONTINUE.
El noveno tomo recopilatorio del manga reveló que la obra finalizará con el décimo tomo recopilatorio. El último capítulo del manga se publicó el 25 de septiembre.
Fuente: ANN.
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