#nam ju hyeok
phantomstatistician · 7 months
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Fandom: Nevertheless
Sample Size: 170 stories
Source: AO3
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terpsichorestyx · 1 year
hiiii!! i was wondering if u could do a aouad Su-hyeok fic where him and the reader we’re together in the broadcasting room with everyone else but she ended up getting lost when they were going to save Cheong-San? Maybe she re-finds them after the group got to the roof ?
(established relationship if that’s okay 🤗)
i really hope that makes sense (_T_)
sorry it took so long 😭 su-hyeok x f!reader
murder, zombies, blood (everything in aouad basically)
(on-Jo likes cheongsan, Nam-ra doesn’t like anyone. Also the whole rooftop thing with eun-Ji doesn’t happen at the same time. she’s already a halfbie and her friend is at the safety camp already.)
Not proofread and it’s not very good 💀👍
You both were together when it happened. Su-Hyeok had bought you flowers out of the blue, and you were laughing together outside. He had put a baby pink flower in your hair, stuffing the rest in the dark blue bag that hung on your shoulders. He was just leaning in for a kiss when you both heard a bloodcurdling scream, and saw a horde of students running in one direction infront of you. Looking to see what they were running away from, you saw a group of bloody students stumbling behind the rest. An unfortunate girl had tripped and fell, and you both watched as the group fell on top of her while ripping flesh from her skin with their teeth. You looked at Su-Hyeok in fear, and he got up holding your hand and ran through the halls, following the other students.
You both ran until you found a safe classroom and locked yourselves inside.
Gyeong-Su, Cheongsan, On-Jo, Na-Yeon, Dae-Su, Nam-Ra and Hyeon-Ju were already inside.
Since then, you all stuck together. Bad things happened, like Hyeon-Ju getting infected, zombies breaking in, and more, but you all stuck together and fought no matter how much you were hurting. Eventually, you had found a way to the broadcasting room. The water-pipe hung from the window and everybody took their turns going down. You volunteered to go last, after Su-Hyeok.
In the broadcasting room, Na-Yeon and Gyeong-Su had began arguing. Su-hyeok and Cheongsan went to make them stop, so they didn’t notice. If they did, you would’ve been with them right now. You weren’t blaming them, if anything, you blamed yourself. You had slipped. You slipped off the pipe, and luckily grabbed onto a ledge a few floors down just in time. Too scared to call for help in case you attracted the zombies, you went inside the class hoping to find the others soon later.
Su-Hyeok realised soon enough, and he was frantic. He tried climbing up the pipe to get you, but in your place were a bunch of zombies. He wanted to leave, to find you, to save you and bring you back to safety, but nobody let him. He still had hope you were alive. You were strong, he knew that. Despite the growing feeling of despair each hour he wasn’t with you, he held onto that string of hope.
You, on the other hand, were fighting. Running from class to class, hitting zombies with anything and everything you could find. You took a break in the music room, trying to stock up on food and water. Opening your bag and looking at the flowers for a second, before gently placing the food inside to not ruin the flowers. “He’ll be okay. He’s with everyone else, and he’s going to be safe.” You thought.
Your break was interrupted by a lone zombie running to the music room. Dropping your bag, you pushed a piano onto it before grabbing a bottle of water and running. You ran to the roof. Luckily, the door was unlocked and you could find refuge there.
You saw helicopters near the school before, you knew more would come soon after, so you waited.
Meanwhile, Su-Hyeok was with everyone else. They had used a drone to locate Cheongsan, but couldn’t find a trace of you. They had made their way to the music room and sat there for a while before exploring the music room for useful things. They couldn’t open the supply room door, but they saw a zombie stuck under a piano.
“Hey, What’s this?” Dae-Su said as he picked up a dark blue bag. Su-hyeok didn’t pay attention. He was caught up in his thoughts. “Is she okay? It’s almost been two days.” He thought. Dae-Su opened the bag and said “Hey! There’s food here!” Which caught Su-Hyeok’s attention. They group had been starving for hours. They all scrambled to Dae-Su to take some food. Su-Hyeok went last, but just as he was about to pick up a Soda can he saw a familiar bouquet of flowers. Wilting baby pink flowers were placed beside the food, just barely out of sight. He grabbed the bag and looked around it, finding a name tag with your name on it.
He froze. He couldn’t think of anything, nothing registered in his mind. Your bag was in the music room, bloody. You were in the music room. You left your bag here, with food and water. By choice? No. Something must have happened. The small string of hope he was holding onto was gone.
Everybody came around to gather, and they all saw your bag. Though they tried to comfort Su-Hyeok, they were all thinking the same thing. You were bitten.
After that, nothing mattered. su-hyeok felt dissociated. He was fighting, but for what?
They made a plan to go to the roof, so that the helicopters notice and save them. So they did. They fought and fought until they made it to the roof, and started banging on the doors to get in.
You were skeptical at first, but you heard Cheongsans voice. You ran to the door and pulled it open.
Everyone fled inside and closed the door behind them, and then you saw him.
He spotted you and his eyes widened in relief. He ran to you and pulled you into the tightest hug, never wanting to let you go. “I thought you were dead” said su-hyeok, holding back tears.
You didn’t say anything, you just held him closer. Sure, you would have to keep fighting, and it won’t be easy, but you were together. All of it was okay if you were together, and he wasn’t going to let you go ever again.
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quack-quack-snacks · 10 months
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Star Crossed - Chapter 2
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
The Star Crossed Masterlist
My All Of Us Are Dead Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
Warnings: Zombies, gore, normal AOUAD things Word Count: 6,347
As you leaned your head back against the tree trunk, the rhythmic beat of your favorite song playing through your ears and the rest of the world canceled out, you didn’t notice the horde getting closer.
Su-hyeok was running down the hall after searching practically the entire school and still not finding you. Telling his friends he was going to go play basketball to spare himself some time to find and talk to you seemed like a good idea when the world wasn’t ending but now he was just even more lost with what he should do.
There was no way he wasn’t going to keep looking for you. No. He would rather die than leave you all alone in a zombie fucking apocalypse. Knowing you and how you shared a habit of listening to your music too loud at all times with Nam-ra, you wouldn’t hear the screams even if they were right next to your ears.
He was going to find you and keep you safe if it’s the last thing he did.
Everything seemed to be going wrong today; first, Hyeon-ju had been kidnapped by the science teacher and passed out in the middle of class; second, On-jo confesses to him on the stairway; then, he finds out his classmates have turned into blood thirsty, flesh eating monsters and he can’t seem to find you no matter where he looks.
So much for confessing on her birthday.
He had been planning the day for months.
He was going to take you to the roof - which he’d gained access to earlier that morning to put a set of picnic required items in a cooler - then he would stop you at the door after class and ask you to have lunch with him - just the two of you - which he was sure even if you were hesitant about he would be able to convince you that he didn’t care about how others saw him and you would give in.
After that, he would cover your eyes and walk you up the stairs, you would laugh that soft laugh of yours when he would purposely walk you in zig-zags and do 180s just for more time with you.
Then, he would finally lead you up to the roof where a bouquet of flowers would be resting against the wall in the corner. The two of you would eat and drink the foods he provided and he would ask you to skip the rest of the day with him to just sit on the roof and talk with each other. You would say yes, you could never say no to him and hating school was just a way to guarantee his win.
After a while, he would confess.
He would’ve already handed you the bouquet so instead he would give you your birthday present. It was a simple small heart shaped locket that he had put some dried, flattened flowers into; small ones so they could still be visible and not need to be squished down even more. The other side of the locket would be empty, if/when you accepted his confession, he was hoping you two would fill it with a photo of the two of you.
The present came with a card but he would’ve told you to open the present first. After you opened it and he placed it around your neck, his fingers lightly skimming your neck as he clicked the latch in place, he would tell you to open the card.
He drew the card himself, it was a photo of you holding a flower with the locket around your neck and a soft smile on your face. The inside was decorated with drawings of flowers that surrounded the neat handwriting which displayed his feelings like lyrics of a love song.
Just as you’d start to read it, he would start saying each word he’d written down, spending countless hours practicing the exact words he had written down in front of the mirror. In his head he would say it perfectly with no stutters or awkward pauses where he would have to try and remember the words but he was sure he would mess up in some way. You had that effect on him. You made him nervous and confident. You made him excited and calm. You made him laugh and cry.
God, he was so in love with you.
And now I might never get to tell her that.
He almost physically slapped himself at the thought, not being able to even think about the possibility of you not surviving.
He had one more stop where he thought to go, and that was the cherry blossom tree in the garden. It was where the two of you would meet for lunch on the days where he could convince you to hang out with him during school hours.
It recently became a more popular place to go since it was the time of the year where the leaves fell and cherry blossom flowers and petals littered the ground to show a beautiful yet tragic sight. Ever since more people showed up, you’d told him you shouldn’t meet there anymore. He’d felt devastated when you told him that. He was sure you’d meant you never wanted to hang out with him again until you clarified that the two of you would just have to find another secret space where you could share your private lunch times.
Finally arriving and just barely missing a zombie that was running full speed toward him through a hallway that ran perpendicular to his. Luckily for him, although it made him feel sick to his stomach, the zombie with which he’d just escaped had found another target and was running toward it, completely forgetting Su-hyeok’s existence. As he exited the school doors and went into the garden area, he saw you sitting with your head lightly bobbing and gently hitting itself against the trunk of the tree you were resting against. Your headphones were in just as he’d predicted them to be and if he weren’t in a life or death situation, he would’ve wanted to stay right there and watch you for hours.
The sun shone through the leaves of the tree above you beautifully and landed on your cheeks and made you look heavenly. Your body was dressed in your normal uniform but somehow you made it look like it was being worn by a model down a runway.
He ran toward you and grabbed your hand, quickly pulling you up despite the way you flinched and smacked his arm in fright. He started running down the opposite way he came from, this time with you in tow and him grabbing onto your hand tightly, afraid if he let go he would lose you forever. Running through the halls, the two of you arrived at the glass bridge that connected the two buildings of the school. As you ran down, you passed Nam-ra who was also unaware of the situation going on around her because of her headphones. Yanking yourself free from Su-hyeok’s grip, you ran back to grab onto her hand and pull her with you before you reconnected yours and Su-hyeok’s hands as the three of you ran.
After seeing how the school’s gardener, who’d been trimming the bushes before shit went down, fell off his ladder and onto his garden shears before being pounced on by zombies, you noticed an opportunity with the ladder. Releasing the hands of both people who protested worriedly at the loss of contact, you rushed over to grab the ladder and prop it up against the wall so the three of you could climb it into what you knew was your homeroom class. At the beginning of the year you’d placed some small stickers in the corner and they’d been there ever since. Grabbing onto the ladder, you motioned for Su-hyeok to climb up it which he started to protest to until you grabbed him by his shirt and forced him to start climbing the first couple of steps, you did the same with Nam-ra who held a look of protest on her face but did not physically or verbally state it. After both of your friends had started climbing the ladder and Su-hyeok had managed to get the window open, you started climbing yourself until you felt a grip hold onto your shoe, trying to pull you back.
You turned back to see it was the gardener who’d only been killed a minute or two ago. It made your eyes widen before you used the ladder as support behind you and kicked him in the chest using your other foot. Once he’d fallen back, you wasted no time in climbing up the ladder, especially at your friends’ panicked yells of your name. As you reached the last few steps of the ladder and Su-hyeok grabbed onto your hands, you suddenly felt the stability of the ladder beneath you falling. Using the last bit of ground, you launched yourself into the air and grabbed ahold of the edge of the window with all your might. Su-hyeok and Nam-ra rushed to pull you in.
Once you’d made it safely inside and landed on your feet, Su-hyeok started frantically searching your body for any wounds, bite or not. After satisfying himself that you only had a few bruises that looked a couple days old, he pulled you into a tight hug with his head buried into the top of your head.
“This is why I always tell you to lower your music, dumbass,” he breathed in a whisper only meant for you while he held your shaking body. For the first few minutes of running, you didn’t even know why you were running until you finally took you headphones off and looked behind you and saw the two of you being chased by students with blood running down their chins while others were eating the flesh off the bones of other students who were screaming bloody murder.
It was quite a shock.
“Yeah. Like you would have predicted this. Mr. Big Psychic Guy,” you sarcastically retorted but your voice shook and he hugged you harder.
“It’s just like Train to Busan,” Cheong-san said as he looked at his friend holding you with mixed emotions. He wasn’t sure how to feel about seeing his best friend hugging the school bully’s little sister yet.
“Holy shit,” Dae-su exclaimed as he dropped to the floor while wiping the rest of his face from the fire extinguisher’s foam.
After a while when you’d calmed down a bit and gave an appreciative smile to Su-hyeok, you noticed the group searching around for a phone.
“See if it’s there,” Wu-jin told Joon-hyeong while they searched through people’s backpacks.
“It’s not here either,” Joon-yeong groaned.
As they started talking about how the zombies weren’t able to open doors, you started walking over to your own bag before Nam-ra tugged on your sleeve. Turning around, you gave her a smile and pulled her into a hug. The other kids were too worried with their own problems and searches to notice but Su-hyeok did and he smiled before going to look for a phone with the others.
After releasing Nam-ra, you placed your hands on her upper arms and gave a comforting squeeze before going over to your own bag. Pulling out your phone, you hesitated before speaking up.
“Uh… guys,” everyone looked up at you as soon as you spoke and you held your phone up for them to see. “Here.”
Cheong-san slowly came up to you and grabbed the phone from your extended hand with a slight nod of appreciation. The phone was already unlocked when he grabbed it and he immediately went to the call app to call 112.
Cheong-san brought the phone up to his head as he called.
“Hello? This is Hyosan High School! A ton of zombies showed up at lunch, and they’re eating people.”
You slapped your head in annoyance. “Idiot, they won’t believe you if you say zombies,” you whispered to him.
“Then what?” He questioned in an annoyed voice.
“They won’t believe you!” On-jo told him and slapped his arm lightly.
“Did you happen to see the movie Train to Busan?” He asked the dispatcher and you just groaned and walked away.
Going over to sit on your desk, Su-hyeok came over to sit on Nam-ra’s which was beside you. Right as he was about to speak, all of the zombies started running in one direction.
“Where are they going?”
“Why are they leaving?”
Everyone started speaking at once.
“They probably heard or saw someone,” you said quietly and reached into your bag to grab the pocket knife Gwi-nam gave you to put on your keychain.
“Better to always have one just in case of emergency. Just don’t get caught with it.” He’d told you as he gave you the knife along with a pepper spray that was your favorite color.
You’d kept them in your bag ever since.
Gyeong-su opened the door to look outside and Su-hyeok ran over to yank him back inside.
“What are you doing, moron? Close it!” He exclaimed and the boy complied immediately.
“Okay, fine. You scared me!” Su-hyeok slapped his back a few times to reassure himself and Gyeong-su that they were both fine.
On-jo walked over to Cheong-san with a desperate look on her face and she held her own hands to stop them from shaking. “And the police?”
Cheong-san hesitated before repeating back what the dispatcher told him. “He said they’ll come,” he sounded unsure.
“Did they believe you?” Gyeong-su asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice but you could tell it wasn’t aimed at Cheong-san. “What if they think it's a prank and decide not to come?”
“Well, then try again!” Na-yeon stood up abruptly and yelled. “And tell them to hurry up!” She yelled.
“Na-yeon,” you said in a monotone voice from your spot still sitting on your desk. She turned around to look at you and froze when she saw your blank stare. “Shut up, you’ll attract the zombies.”
Nobody could blame her for her reaction, you looked very intimidating. You were sitting on the table with your elbows supporting your body on your knees while you flicked your knife open and closed. She gulped then nodded and stopped talking. On-jo grabbed the phone from Cheong-san and called 112 again, this time with a different strategy.
“Hi. Hello, sir. Do you know Captain Nam So-ju from Rescue Team One?” She tried. You knew her father was a firefighter, having heard her talk about him as well as seen him pick her up from school in his uniform a few times.
There was a pause as the dispatcher talked on the other end of the line. The voice could be heard from him but it was too quiet to understand. “Captain Nam So-ju is my father. Please tell him to hurry over to my school.”
Su-hyeok and Gyeong-su both turned around when they heard her talking. “Who is she calling?” You could hear Gyeong-su ask but Su-hyeok just shrugged his shoulders.
“There's a fire.”
At that, everyone’s attention focused on On-jo and what she was saying.
“Hyosan High School, classroom 2-5. Hurry up. The fire is massive.”
With that, the call ended and she turned back to the rest of you. Cheong-san walked over to stand next to her and look out the window to the field where hundreds of students wandered, their souls now gone and replaced with emotionless, hungry beasts.
“No one’s coming?” Su-hyeok asked as he came up behind him. You decided you couldn’t just sit around anymore and you stood up to stand on the other side of Su-hyeok and look out the window.
As Cheong-san stayed silent, you noticed something over at the gate. It looked like a bus.
“Is that a bus?”
“I think something’s happening at the gate.”
You and Cheong-san spoke out at the same time.
Na-yeon, who had been having a panic attack and had her head in her hands for the past few minutes, stood up. “Let’s call the cops again. Get them to listen.”
On-jo looked at her with a worried expression. “I am, but they won’t pick up.”
Na-yeon breathed heavily and for a second you felt bad, feeling the need to comfort her, until she walked up to where Nam-ra was sitting with a face that arrogantly showed her blaming the situation on her.
“Hey,” she started but Nam-ra showed no reaction. “Do something. Tell Ms. Park to come and help.” Nam-ra still showed no reaction. “Do something!”
“Do what exactly?” Su-hyeok asked, absolutely done with her bullshit and how she seemed to place the blame on everyone around her.
“I don’t know. Anything!” She said desperately, her voice rising before she remembered your words and shot you an almost apologetic glance. She looked back at the girl who was still sitting, staying silent and listening to how she was being berated. “What have you done as class president?”
Min-ji grabbed onto her arm from behind her. “Stop it,” she pleaded but Na-yeon just yanked her arm away from her grip.
Nam-ra stood up and walked so she was standing directly in front of Na-yeon.
“Teacher’s office?” She asked with a hint of a mocking tone in her voice. “So you just want me to leave now?”
There was a moment of silence as the two girls glared at each other. “Well, if you’re offering.” Na-yeon said and you took a step forward before Su-hyeok placed his arm in front of you to stop you from going any further. He gave you a look and you knew almost exactly what he was saying.
Nam-ra can hold her own, she’s strong.
“You told me to do something,” Nam-ra started again. “Do you want me to leave?”
“Stop it, you two!” On-jo begged from her place in front of the window. You could see how she tried to slowly inch away from you ever so often and you just dug your nails into your palms to stop the hurt from building.
You liked On-jo. You really did. She seemed like such a good friend who, if you could get to know her and she could get to know you, the two of you would be good friends.
“She’s only saying that because you’re class president,” On-jo tried to defend Na-yeon’s words even though she didn’t really deserve it.
“Yeah. You are, right?” Dae-su asked and you just rolled your eyes as everyone started to know her as the class president and ask for her help only when the world was ending.
“So just be patient, okay?” Wu-jin jumped in and told her. Nam-ra looked over at the two of them and Wu-jin comically grabbed Dae-su’s chin and forced him to look the other way while he also did.
“So stupid,” she said, shaking her head slightly in annoyance. She shot you a look and saw you were feeling the exact same thing. Although she wouldn’t say it out loud, she was happy she had at least one person who seemed to be on her side. “Typical.”
“What’s typical?” On-jo asked and Nam-ra turned around to look at her, a sarcastic smile gracing her lips.
“Now that we are in this mess, I’m your class president?” She berated.
On-jo looked guilty at her words but she held eye-contact.
Trying to cut the tension, Su-hyeok started to mediate the situation. “We called the police, so I’m sure we’ll be fine soon.”
Na-yeon whined and jumped up and down a bit like a toddler not getting her way. “But no one’s coming!”
“Enough already. We’re all scared too!” Ji-min exclaimed, getting up from her seat and only just being stopped by Hyo-ryung and Min-ji.
“That’s why I’m telling them to call!” Na-yeon screamed back at her.
“Why don’t you do it, then?” Ji-min challenged.
“Ladies, ladies, can you just stop the whining?” Gyeong-su let out exasperatedly from his spot blocking the door. You rolled your eyes at the tone of his voice but decided not to say anything.
“Oh, now you’re butting in, shithead?” Na-yeon turned around to face him.
Okay, nevermind I’m not staying out of it.
You walked over to the two of them as Gyeong-su walked away from the door to stand in front of Na-yeon.
“What? Did you just call me a shithead? Call me a shitheaed, you shithead,” he exclaimed and Wu-jin along with Dae-su ran over to hold him back from starting a fight while Min-ji wrapped her arms around Na-yeon to do the same.
The boys holding onto Gyeong-su just told him to let it go and not listen to her while you stood a few feet away, waiting for the situation to go from bad to worse.
Su-hyeok pointed at the door while telling Gyeong-su to go back. “Hold the door. I said hold the door.”
Seeing the boys not moving, you decided to go over yourself and to hold the door when a familiar face came rushing in before closing the door behind him.
“Coach Kang,” you said.
The man’s eyes scanned the room with a suspicious look before he asked, “Are you guys okay?” A few of the students nod but most just stayed still. Kang let out a deep breath of relief before Gyeong-su ran up to him.
“What about you? You weren’t bitten?”
“No. Of course not. I’m- I’m all right,” there was something about the way he hesitated when saying he was fine that made you stand on guard and put your hand into your pocket where you stored your knife. “Hey, guys. Let’s block the door first.”
All of the students started helping push the desks in front of the door but you just stood back as you watched Kang and the way he moved, there was a slight stutter in his steps, like he was struggling for control over his body.
You started to think you were being paranoid until suddenly you heard I-sak say something to On-jo.
“On-jo, look,” she said and pointed to Coach Kang.
“What?” On-jo asked, still confused on what her friend was telling her.
“There. His arm.” She pointed right at a bite that was on his right arm and On-jo gasped.
“Coach Kang,” On-jo spoke softly. “Your arm.”
The coach just looked at them irritated. “What are you doing? Come help us!”
Knowing On-jo would have trouble with standing up against a teacher, you took the initiative to tell the others.
“Coach Kang, you have a bite on your arm!” You walked in front of the two girls and pushed them behind you while firmly gripping your knife in your pocket.
Everyone else backed away from the man as he stared at his own bite mark in shock.
“He said he wasn’t bitten,” Gyeong-su said in slight denial.
“No, no I, I wasn’t bitten,” he tried desperately to cover his arm where the bite mark was in an attempt to make it seem as if it wasn’t there. As if, if you couldn’t see it, it didn’t exist.
“It’s a bite mark,” On-jo told him.
“I said it isn’t. Don’t talk back to me. Okay?” He exclaimed, getting angrier by the second and you gently pushed the girls even further behind you.
“It looks like you were really bitten,” I-sak spoke up from behind you and you could hear the slight tremor in her voice.
“I wasn’t! How many times must I tell you?” Coach Kang yelled at her and took a step forward so you also took a step forward.
“You should go,” You told him in an strangely calm voice considering the situation.
“Then why the hell are you hiding it? Just show it to us!” I-sak spoke up again and Kang tried to step around you but you just pushed him back by his shoulders and he stumbled for a second before regaining his balance.
“Why… you little bitch. How dare you disrespect me!”
I-sak took a step forward and grabbed your arm to pull you back a bit. Her voice got more quiet as she spoke again. “I think you should leave right now.”
“Get out of here immediately.”
“You want me to go out there?” He pointed toward the door where a few zombies walked past the window. “After all I did to get here? You want me to go back out?”
“You were bitten,” she said while breathing heavily in fear. “Come on, get out.” There was a moment of silence before she yelled, “I said get out now!”
“Cocksucker! How dare you yell at me like that?” He stared at her as he spoke and his face continuously got sweatier as the seconds passed. As he took a step forward, On-jo pulled I-sak back as you took a step forward to protect them. You were unknowing to the faces of the girls behind you as you were too busy protecting them but they were shocked. They thought you would be more like your brother who would only care about his own safety - along with yours, everyone knew how overprotective he was of you - but here you were, protecting them with your life. Coach Kang looked at you with annoyance but focused his attention on I-sak.
“You little… Get over here. Come here,” He seemed to be getting angrier and everyone was on edge. “Now!” I-sak continued to remain still. “You won’t come? Hey.” He started advancing forward and Su-hyeok rushed forward to push you back as Dae-su went to push Kang back but was held back by Wu-jin.
“Get the fuck back,” you yelled at him as he tried to get around you and Su-hyeok tried to pull you back.
“You know, you have been getting on my nerves. How dare you not listen to me. I am your teacher and I demand respect!” He yelled at you.
“Respect is earned motherfucker. I won’t respect you until you show me you deserve it,” you told him and he looked positively fuming.
“You will respect me!” He took a step forward as you were yanked back by Su-hyeok who was pulled back by On-jo who looked at the two of you with a weird gleam in her eyes. Suddenly, his nose started bleeding and he turned away as he wiped it away.
Before you could stop her, On-jo ran from behind you and hit the man over the head with a backpack.
He turned around with a silent anger. Cheong-san pulled On-jo behind him as Kang started walking toward her. “You fucking bitch,” he spoke, raising his hand like he was going to slap her before falling flat on his face.
“I think he really was bitten,” Gyeong-su said stupidly and you just looked at him with an exasperated look. “Guys, we should get out of here as soon as possible.”
Kang twitched on the ground and you tried to pull away from Su-hyeok to go toward him and prepare to stab him but Su-hyeok wrapped his arms around your waist and shoulders and you couldn’t move no matter how you squirmed.
“Hey. Hey! He’s turning!”
The coach’s bones cracked and crunched as he rolled around on the floor and turned from one type of monster to another.
“Get him out of here! Hurry!” Na-yeon yelled as she shut her eyes closed tightly and covered her ears. For once you agreed with her and couldn’t find it in you to tell her to shut up. “Hurry! Throw him out!”
The coach had finally fully turned and started crawling toward Min-ji before standing up and lunging at her completely, latching his teeth onto her cheek and not letting go until he was pulled off by Dae-su who tried desperately to save his friend as she screamed in agony.
Dae-su threw Kang into the drawers on the wall of the class room and he rolled around while readjusting his bones.
Still struggling against Su-hyeok’s grip, you started thrashing around but he held strong.
“Dae-su… I can’t…” Min-ji started and you felt tears well up in your eyes as you thrashed harder. You never really knew the girl but she didn’t deserve this, that’s for sure. “I don’t want to die…”
The zombified coach stood up and Su-hyeok gently tossed you to the side as he lunged straight for the two of you. He swiftly dodged the attacks of the man as everyone screamed. Disorientated from the lack of hold of his arms, it took you a minute to regain your balance and try to help the best you can and yet before you could Su-hyeok was holding you back again. Cheong-san quickly picked up a desk and used it to slam Kang into the wall, gathering the help of Gyeong-su who helped hold him there.
As Min-ji kept begging for help, Na-yeon scurried to the pile of desks and chairs and started pulling them away from the door so she could get out.
For once, not a bad idea.
You were worried when you saw Min-ji get up to walk after her and gasped when Na-yeon kicked her back so she fell to the floor. There, she started having the same experience as the previous person on the floor as her nose started bleeding and her bones started to crack. Her eyese went red as she reached for Dae-su before she fell to the ground. She suddenly jumped up and lunged at Dae-su but was apprehended quickly by him as he begged her to stop, nearly crying at the loss of his friend.
“We gotta go,” Su-hyeok exclaimed as he continued to hold you back. You’d started hitting him and only were released when you kicked his shin a little too hard and he fell to the floor for a moment. You ran over to where Cheong-san and Gyeong-su were holding the zombified Coach Kang and helped push the desk into him while hurriedly reaching into your pocket.
Everyone started chasing after Na-yeon who had gotten the door opened and was running out. On-jo, Su-hyeok, and the three of you pushing the table into the man against the wall were the last ones in the classroom and you exclaimed a small noise of victory as you’d finally gotten the knife out of your pocket and opened it.
Curse you Gwi-nam, why’d you have to give me a complicated one?
Stabbing the knife into the head of the coach, he dropped dead but before you could indulge in your victory you were getting pulled out of the classroom, you knife forgotten behind in the skull of your previous P.E. teacher.
Su-hyeok shut the doors behind him and the group moved together down the hall toward the stairs until everyone stopped and you ran into Cheong-san’s back. Before you could even realise what was going on, Su-hyeok ran up to the front and did a flying kick into one of the zombies. Not allowing yourself to be useless and let a man of all people show you up, you ran up to the front as well and threw, kicked, and punched the zombies as much as you could, keeping them away from the group while simultaneously making sure you yourself were safe. You allowed yourself to check on Su-hyeok every other second to make sure he was also okay until a zombie somehow had gotten past the two of you and started sprinting towards the group. Running as fast as you could, you tackled the zombie right before it was able to get to Na-yeon who had been crawling backwards after falling to the ground when the zombies first arrived. Another zombie ran toward you and you had to fend off the two of them by yourself, unable to gain assistance from Su-hyeok who was also in a sticky predicament himself.
“Well shit. I never thought I would die from a zombie apocalypse but I guess here we are,” you thought to yourself as you felt your arms get tired and the mouth of the zombie who was on top of you get closer to your arm.
Suddenly, the zombie was struck by something hard in the head and then smacked again so it fell to the floor. You looked up to see Cheong-san was the one who saved you and Gyeong-su ran up to Su-hyeok with a window - the same weapon you now knew Cheong-san used - to help him out. The ones holding the windows ran toward the small herd of zombies and used them as a barricade to hold them off while Dae-su had grabbed a whole classroom door.
“Hey! Get out of the way!” He screamed at the boys and started running toward the herd, swinging the door horizontally and using it as a larger barricade.
Running toward the boys, you slammed into the door as well to push and help them move the zombies backward. The girls looked slightly ashamed that they hesitated to follow after your example.
Turning the corner, the zombies were stuck at the top of the stairs of the floor you were on.
“Girls, upstairs!” Wu-jin screamed at you all and you just rolled your eyes as you forcefully grabbed the back of his shirt and pushed him toward the stairs.
“You first, dumbass!” You retaliated and he wasn’t sure what to say. The rest of the girls sprinted up the stairs as you pushed as hard as you could and were able to successfully knock all the zombies down the small flight of stairs before grabbing two random hands and dragging them toward the stairs as you forced them to go up. Making sure everyone was able to go up the stairs, you almost groaned in annoyance as you saw Su-hyeok, once again, practically sacrificing himself and kicking the zombies. As he fell over, you grabbed his hand and pulled him up before sprinting up the stairs before the zombies could regain control. You couldn’t see it with your eyes focused on the stairs in front of you and how you avoided the miscellaneous zombies as you dragged Su-hyeok behind you, but he was watching you in awe as he had never fully realized the full capacity of your strength.
As you were right behind Wu-jin who had stopped to push back a few zombies with the window piece he had, he got pushed toward the stairs as you started fighting the zombies expertly, avoiding their mouths while keeping the upper hand. Su-hyeok ignored the way you’d yelled at him to follow the others and started helping you kick the zombies back down before grabbing your arm to pull you up the stairs.
As a zombie launched itself at you while you climbed, it attached itself to your foot and you fell over, just barely being able to kick its face away from your ankle where it was aiming to bite you. Cheong-san had seen how you were down and how Su-hyeok had fallen with you.
“Su-hyeok!” He screamed in concern.
Said boy looked up at him before looking back at you and how you kicked the beast away. “Go to the science lab! Now!” He yelled back at him and Cheong-san hesitated before complying. Su-hyeok pulled you up and kicked another zombie away from the two of you before it breached the area where you considered yourself to be relatively safe. The two of you ran hand in hand up the stairs where you saw Su-hyeok’s friends being cornered between two hoardes of zombies. Before you could think to help in anyway, you were tackled from behind, your grip on Su-hyeok’s hands being pulled harshly away.
Su-hyeok’s eyes widened exponentially when he saw how you got attacked and was able to use his quick thinking to pull the monster off just before its teeth could latch onto your neck. Now only worried about your safety as he saw the group run into a classroom that the outside was still covered by zombies with, he grabbed your hand once more, pulling you up and silently apologizing when he heard you wince before pulling you into a room a few doors down from the science room.
The art room.
Ducking down before the zombies in the room could see you and both of you covering your mouths with your hands to quiet your panting, you ducked behind some very well placed desks and filing cabinets on wheels.
After a while of just sitting down and your breathing calming down, Su-hyeok pointed over to where the windows were. You shot him a hesitant glance but knew it was the both of your guys best shots at surviving and making it out of this blood stained room.
Just as Su-hyeok started to move, the speakers started squealing and you both covered your ears from how loud it was. Suddenly, the familiar voice of your teacher Ms. Park filled the classroom as well as the halls.
“Students and teachers of Hyosan High School. I'm Park Sun-hwa, the English teacher. Something strange is happening throughout the school. Some students are attacking others indiscriminately, so please flee and find a safe place. If any student or faculty hears this and is able to, please call the police and the fire department. Students, hide somewhere safe until help arrives. If you can get out of the school, please get out,” her voice started to shake and you felt horrible. This must be terrible for her too. “I'll say it again. Some students are…” She let out a few shaky breaths and Su-hyeok grabbed your hand with a firm but gentle grip, squeezing slightly to reassure you.
“Hey, everyone…” She started again, her voice becoming less professional and now more caring and loving like the teacher you’d come to know. “You're okay, right? You're not hurt? I don't know what's going on in here or how this whole thing happened, but... Still, find a safe place and hide. I… I'm sorry… I can't help.” She started sobbing and despite keeping your face emotionless you could feel a single tear fall down your cheek. “Don't get hurt, okay? Please, let's stay alive and meet again. Okay?”
Let’s meet again.
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
Lmk if you want to be added or removed!
141 notes · View notes
papaya2000s · 1 month
Master List:
The posts listed below are all my own, except for the fanfics, which include original links to the sources where I discovered them, giving credit to the respective creators and writers of their work.
Old Korean Movies:
Emergency Act 19 (긴급조치 19호) - (08/08/2024)
Let's Meet at Walker hill (워커힐에서 만납시다) - Coming Soon!
Crossroads of Youth (청춘의 십자로) - Coming Soon!
The History of Korean Acts - 1900s-Now:
History of Korean music over the past century.
The History of Korean Male Groups (Rewrite):
Part 1 - (13/08/2024)
Part 2 - (21/08/2024)
Part 3 - (29/08/2024)
Part 4 - (29/08/2024)
Part 5 - (15/09/2024)
Part 6 - Coming Soon!
The History of Korean Girl Groups (Rewrite):
Coming Soon!
Korean Soloists from the 20th Centaury:
Enjoy the history of some of famous Korean performers that lived in the 20th centaury that have been lost with time.
Yun Sim Deok - (29/04/2024)
Lee Ari Su - (05/03/2024)
Kim So Hee - Coming Soon!
Park Nok Ju - Coming Soon!
Lee Hwa Jung Seon - Coming Soon!
Kim In Sik - (21/09/2024)
Choi Nam Seon - Coming Soon!
Lee Eun-sang - Coming Soon!
Hyun Je Myeong - Coming Soon!
Lim Dong Hyeok - Coming Soon!
Kim Saeng Ryeo - Coming Soon!
Lee In Beom - Coming Soon!
Kim Seong Tae - Coming Soon!
Jeong Jeong Ryeol - Coming Soon!
Im Bang Ul - Coming Soon!
Han Seong Jun - Coming Soon!
Photo Collection of Kisaeng's:
All photos below have been AI enhanced for a more clear viewing (there may be some errors in the pictures).
Part 1 - (17/07/2024)
Part 2 - (17/07/2024)
Part 3 - (17/07/2024)
Part 4 - (21/07/2024)
Part 5 - (21/07/2024)
Part 6 Finale - (24/07/2024)
Women considered to be the most beautiful in Korean History:
More than a century ago, a remarkable group of women known as Kisaengs captivated the elite with their captivating performances, without ever compromising their dignity.
These extraordinary women, often referred to as the celebrities of their era, were renowned for their beauty and talent, as evidenced by historical records that ranked the most enchanting kisaengs of that time!
Part 1 Oh San-wol (오산월) - (11/07/2024)
Part 2 Jang Yeon Hong (장연홍) (1) - (14/07/2024)
Part 3 Jang Yeon Hong (장연홍) (2) - (16/07/2024)
Part 4 - Coming Soon!
The Birth of Korean Girl Groups Preview:
A preview on what girl groups I'll be posting in my series on 'The History of Korean girl groups'.
Part 1 - 1900s-1945 - (28/04/2024)
Part 2 - 1950s - 1960s - (28/04/2024)
Part 3 - 1960s - 1962 - (28/04/2024)
Part 4 - 1963 - 1965 - (28/04/2024)
Part 5 - 1965- 1966 - (28/04/2024)
Part 6 - 1967-1960s - (28/04/2024)
Part 7 - 1970-1972 - (02/05/2024)
Part 8 - 1974 - 1981 - (09/05/2024)
Part 9 - 1983 - 1987 - (09/05/2024)
Part 10 - 1989 - 1997 - (09/05/2024)
Part 11 - 1997 - (09/05/2024)
Part 12 Final - 1998 - 2000s - (09/05/2024)
Michael Jackson & Friends Korea, Seoul:
S.E.S: Part 1 and Part 2
H.O.T: Coming Soon!
H.O.T Kangta - Atlantis: The Lost Empire 2001
H.O.T Kangta - Dreams and Faith - (27/07/2024)
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heavens-moonlight · 2 years
𝐆𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟣𝟤 | ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟣𝟦
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬…𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝.
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“What took you so long, Dad?”
Mr. Nam encases his daughter snug against his chest, tenderly caressing her head as On-Jo nuzzles into the warm fatherly embrace, so sorely-missed. Though tears track down her face, a small smile rests undyingly on her face.
Even in the midst of the heartwarming scene, everyone is preoccupied with the imminent danger still, hastily filing outside and leaving Cheong-San with the responsibility of bolting the doors behind him. As it seals shut again, you can hear the zombies thumping their bodies against it from the other side, snarling incessantly.
“Are you all okay? Are you hurt anywhere?”
“No, sir,” Dae-Su answers politely despite his whole body rolling with unease, having been on the brink of death.
“Good, good,” On-Jo’s dad reprises, nodding his head at everyone in sequence, genuinely relieved. “There’s nothing I’d rather hear than that you’re all safe and sound.”
He opens his arms right after, gesturing for Cheong-San to come. “Cheong-San.”
“Ahjussi,” Cheong-San snivels out, burrowing into the hug, the comfort of a person who’s essentially his second dad bringing immeasurable ease.
With a final strong pat to Cheong-San’s back, he moves away and tucks Cheong-San under one arm and On-Jo in the other as he addresses the group. “Is everyone still in running condition?”
You look around, considering everyone worn and weary, but to the best of your knowledge, unharmed. “Yes, we all are,” you reply affirmatively.
“Great,” Nam So-Ju sighs in respite. “Since we’ve got that cleared up, it’ll make everything much simpler. For now, if you go through the tennis court to the construction site, you’ll reach the mountain. Once you’ve made it that far, Yangdong shouldn’t be far off, the destination merely over the—"
“Watch out, Ahjussi!” Cheong-San alerts in advance, spotting the undead clustering from the right-hand side, your group standing smackdab in clear view of the open area.
Mr. Nam isn’t fazed and proceeds to flip one wayward zombie onto its back effortlessly, snapping its arm posteriorly, twisting punitively. “Incoming!” he warns, the sudden tumult drawing a slew of zombies, whipping his head back toward the group in haste. “Run, now!”
“Shibal,” Mi-Jin swears, following the others in snatching whatever is left of the weaponry from the earlier fight, dashing off afterward in the direction of the tennis court. Nam-Ra tugs you by the arm, Cheong-San and Su-Hyeok trailing behind to aid Mr. Nam if necessary. On-Jo grabs her dad’s backpack off the ground and gives it to him before tightening her hold on his hand, the father and daughter duo bringing up the rear.
Reaching the tennis court, Ha-Ri pivots back to stand guard outside the metal gates, aimed at the ready, awaiting the rest of the group to make it past the perimeter.
“Hurry!” Mr. Nam hastens, making sure everyone is accounted for before himself, going so far as instantly wrenching an unruly zombie off of Ha-Ri when it manages to tackle her to the ground.
Su-Hyeok fastens the gates together with a clang shortly thereafter in the nick of time, right as Mr. Nam’s heels make it through to the inside. Hyo-Ryung’s legs give out and she stumbles, Dae-Su pulling her back to her feet.
“Yah, yah, yah,” Dae-Su reiterates, endeavoring to keep everyone as far away from the edge near the perforated fence as much as possible. “We can’t go out there.” He gesticulates at the gory throng encircling the premises. “No way in hell.”
“What should we do then?” Wu-Jin gapes at the rapidly amassing population of creatures.
“Damn it. Out of the frying pan and into the fire,” Dae-Su breathes out. “We’re screwed.”
Just as he says so, the locked tennis entrance gives out under the weight of zombies pushing against it, and upon its collapse, the horde pours in, spilling onto the green court. Frantic, everyone veers to opposite sides, fleeing to no end.
Mr. Nam however, doesn’t waver and wastes no time in opening his backpack, pulling out a flare signal in hopes of luring the creatures to him. With metal bats in hand, Cheong-San, Su-Hyeok, and Mi-Jin hit relentlessly, bashing in heads so hard blood sprays across the square. But, even to that degree, it isn’t enough to hold the monsters at bay.
“Cheong-San, take On-Jo!” Mr. Nam requests over the growling and crackling of the flare signal.
You push Cheong-San toward On-Jo and take the bat from him.
“Appa!” On-Jo yells, voice trembling. “Where are you going?”
Unanswered, On-Jo continually calls out to her father even as Cheong-San tries with all his might to drag her in a different direction.
Tugging on the whistle around his neck, Mr. Nam places it in his mouth and blows hard, drawing all the attention to himself, even lighting another flare signal for maximum recognition. “All of you, vacate! Get out of here and don’t look back!”
Not able to turn a blind eye, Su-Hyeok and Cheong-San sprint toward him to assist as you turn On-Jo away, impeding her from approaching any further. She’s too panic-stricken to think sensibly, and you both miss a zombie propelling itself onto you by a hair’s breadth.
By the time everyone survives in making it to the second exit’s threshold, you all realize Mr. Nam isn’t coming with when he promptly padlocks the gate from within, the cold metal separating him and his daughter.
“You kids must leave.”
“Appa…” On-Jo glimpses down to see a visible bite mark on the back of her dad’s hand, tears brimming on the rims of her eyes.
“Honey, look at me,” he utters softly, grabbing her hands where they’re slotted in between the chain links of the fence from the other side. “You have to survive.”
“How can I, without you?”
“The saddest day in any parent’s life is the day they watch their child walk away, so let me be the one to depart first.” Mr. Nam stares at On-Jo for another second before he looks away resolutely. “Remember that I’ll always be with you, no matter what, On-Jo.”
Right as he finishes his sentence, the measly stronghold folds, all of the zombies burst forth to deadly latch onto his back as they bite away, unceasing even with On-Jo’s shrill screeches.
You block her sight as On-Jo efforts to push her way around you. Her sounds of distress attract another undead cluster near the edge of the woods, Cheong-San hurrying to pry a resisting On-Jo from you. Emotionally and bodily drained, she falls limply against his side, Cheong-San wrapping an arm around her shoulder to steady her.
“We have to go, now,” Nam-Ra states decisively, sensing incoming endangerment, cursorily eyeing On-Jo with sympathy.
Unwillingly, you all desert the progressively transmuting form of Mr. Nam and tread onward toward the construction zone, burdened by the mountain’s expansive, steep knolls.
On-Jo hasn’t stopped weeping, hand securely clasped in Cheong-San’s as she forces herself to keep moving, not desiring her father’s sacrifice to have been in vain.
You’ve all scarcely stepped foot into the barren groundwork of the area, mid-renovation, when Nam-Ra stops short, virtually tripping over her own feet in her urgency. “No!” At her outburst, everyone pauses, heels skidding on the ground to halt, glancing at one another.
“What? Why?!” Dae-Su questions, now paranoid.
“Upstairs!” Nam-Ra’s curt one-word reply is enough to sense her exigent tone, the group instantaneously retreating to the half-formed stairwell.
“She hasn’t been wrong yet, so let’s not take any chances!” Dae-Su impels everyone passing him, giving them a boost forward from the back firmly. “To the second floor!”
Sorely mistaken, you all realize that what’s supposed to be a way to get to the higher level is still in-progress, the steps leading up unable to reach the top.
“Nam-Ra, there’s no way out!” you turn around, the dread in your eyes matching hers.
“Now where do we go?” Dae-Su asks in trepidation, spinning his body every which way in hopes of finding another means of escape.
On a whim of intuition, Nam-Ra flings back opaque construction coverings, discovering hollowed out windows yet to have glass installed. “This way! It’s our only choice.”
Though appearing distinctly incredulous, Dae-Su locates a wooden work bench to use as a step stool for climbing onto the steel scaffolding outside, ushering the girls to go first. Everyone clambers out cautiously but swiftly in rapid sequence, adhering close to the jagged bricked walls.
“Stay away from the edge,” Cheong-San cautions, catching sight of a curious Hyo-Ryung, half a step away from potentially falling off the precarious ledge.
“You can come here,” Dae-Su prompts, pointing to his side, “so you’re not on the outside, right at the tipping point.”
“Alright,” Hyo-Ryung concedes, casting Cheong-San an appreciative glance for his caveat, now taking more careful steps as she inches her way over to the other end.
In all seriousness, Nam-Ra turns her ear toward the blurred canvas, hardly concealing anything as it flaps in the wind. Her eyebrows knit together in concentration, listening attentively. “Remain quiet, and don’t say a word.” The group doesn’t hesitate to heed the warning, everyone clamping their mouths shut forcefully, whether from apprehension or compliance, there seems to be little difference at the moment.
After a long bout of vows of silence, Nam-Ra sinks down to take a seat to your left, On-Jo’s intermittent sobs echoing in the backdrop as she clenches her teeth to hold back overflowing tears. Regardless of the transient reprieve due to Nam Ra’s cessation of tenseness, reality seeps in again, settling in the pits of grief everyone fell into.
“You can let it out,” Cheong-San murmurs gently, crouching beside On-Jo and smoothing her hair away from her face.
“Why the fuck is nothing working out for us?” Mi-Jin seethes, glaring down at the ground below, estimating the drop distance. “We keep hitting dead ends upon dead ends.”
“I wish you’d just can it.” Dae-Su rolls his eyes, mimicking a zipping motion level to his mouth. “Joon-Yeong nearly died because of you. These ‘dead ends’ feel a lot like they’re your doing.”
Wu-Jin exhales long-sufferingly, turning to his friend. “Dae-Su…” he starts, shaking his head. “Now’s not the time. I think you’ve said enough.”
“If you hadn’t bitched at him earlier, he wouldn’t have felt the need to jump out there to prove a point, a suicide mission in his challenge.” Dae-Su spits it out with so much contempt, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him this angry before, usually one for sarcasm rather than direct confrontation.
“Cut it out,” Joon-Yeong places a hand on Dae-Su’s upper arm but the latter shakes it off brusquely, irritated. “I appreciate you sticking up for me, but I’m fine now, just…we have more pressing matters. Let’s not make enemies out of one another.”
“Fine,” Mi-Jin retorts. “It was my fault for wanting to change our plans, it was my fault for getting your friend almost mauled, and it was also my fault for sticking to this group in the first place.” She side-eyes Dae-Su, provoking. “Are you content now, asshole?”
“You give it a rest too!” Wu-Jin groans, looking back and forth between Dae-Su and Mi-Jin from his place in the middle. “What does surviving or dying even mean? I have no idea what it entails. If we get out of here, is that living? Our old friends have left; our moms and dads long since passed. Should we continue on like this?” The inflections in Wu-Jin’s words distort by the end of his tangent, having to swallow past the lump in his throat, Adam’s apple bobbing from the action.
“Then, do you seek to die, moron?” Mi-Jin berates. “Have you tried being seniors? Do you even know how it feels not wanting to wake up ever again—”
“That’s enough,” Joon-Yeong interjects inflexibly. “Why can’t we be glad to have made it out alive instead of bringing up our losses all the time? It’s not like we have many wins we can be proud of.”
You close your eyes and breathe out through your nose, pulling your legs to your chest and leaning your head into the crook of your forearms as they settle on top of your knees, wanting nothing more than to drown everything out. A warm, calloused hand rests on the nape of your neck, rubbing soothing circles. Turning your head to your right, Su-Hyeok is watching you fixedly, silently inquiring with his eyes, and you answer in the same wordless manner, your slight head nod enough to placate him. Even when you lower your head again, he leaves his hand in the same position, unmoving.
“Is it some badge of honor?” Dae-Su’s indignant voice reverberates.
“Try being a senior then! You juniors better survive until next year and live a day in our shoes. Come back and tell me after what’s tougher: zombies or your final year of high school.”
Done with the childish conversation, no one retorts back and Mi-Jin doesn’t push for an antagonistic atmosphere any longer either.
“Your father,” Ha-Ri’s soft voice flits through the air, “He saved all of us. I’ll never forget it for as long as I live—none of us will. If someone is remembered by many people for all their virtuous doings, that person will without question, reach the entrance of heaven.”
Contributing to the consolation, Cheong-San gathers On-Jo to his chest and pats her back, much like she did for him in the gymnasium after the farewell with his mom. “We’ll get out of this place to not disappoint all our loved ones watching over us from above. They’re waiting for us away from here with open arms. The only thing left is to imagine that we’re running toward them.”
Leaving the two to themselves, Ha-Ri stands up determinedly, peering down at Mi-Jin. “Mi-Jin, let’s go.”
The short-haired girl rotates her head toward her friend, discernibly confused. “Where? Why?”
“Let’s look for a spot we can jump off from. You said so yourself: we’re the seniors.”
“It’s not like they show us any respect or treat us remotely close to it.”
Ha-Ri clucks her tongue loudly, disapproving. “I’ve heard that excuse from you too many times now for it to have its intended affect. “Come on,” she urges, tilting her head to the right. “I’ll go this way. You split left.”
You look up just in time so see Ha-Ri slipping past her half of the ledge, an awed Mi-Jin staring after her. “Aish, this bitch is so cool.” Grudgingly, Mi-Jin gets up as ordered, dusting off her pants in a show of effort.
“I’ll go,” Su-Hyeok springs up, offering.
Mi-Jin eyes him, unimpressed. “Stay down.”
He gives her an exasperated look. “I’m not a dog to follow that command.”
Mi-Jin makes to shoulder him out of her way but he doesn’t budge in the slightest, and the only one most surprised by his strength is her. Concealing her discomfiture at being obstructed, she masks it by raising her hand as if to slap him. You shake your head, bemused, as he flinches, the imagery quite entertaining. He’s got at least a foot or more over Mi-Jin but is quick to back away, no longer standing his ground.
She retracts her hand and scowls. “Just move.” Finally, Su-Hyeok gives way for her to brush past him, you, and Nam-Ra as On-Jo speaks up, garnering everyone’s receptiveness.
“Whatever happens, I hope no one sacrifices themselves. It’s so hard living because of someone else.” She inhales shakily, staring down at her feet as she sits nestled into Cheong-San’s side, one of his arms draped loosely over her shoulders. “There’s nothing we can do for them. Living life to the fullest in honor of the person who died is too selfish. You can’t die for lack of courage even if you want to; you wish to die for yourself but you have to live for the person who saved you.”
No one knows what to say or how to respond to something that runs deep and resonates a lot with her, so you glance over at Cheong-San, knowing he can take it from there, having been in a similar situation and the closest to On-Jo out of everyone.
“How about we talk about all of this a little later? Tomorrow, or even the day after. There’s next week too. Let’s go someplace together, if you have a minute to spare after we get out of here, and we can talk about anything and everything okay? I know we have a lot to discuss, and it might be a simple thing, but I don’t want to treat this like the end of everything. I want us to be able to dream of a better tomorrow, because I believe in us, and I’d like to believe that we still have a lot of time left together. So, why don’t we go talk about it then?”
On-Jo turns to look up at him, eyes wavering as she recalls the same lines recited to him barely a day ago. “Tomorrow it is.”
She reaches out toward him, and he raises their intertwined hands seconds later, pointing to the left of her face. “This side.”
“Huh?” On-Jo angles her head, not comprehending what Cheong-San is referring to.
“You probably don’t remember, but I do.” He grins down at her. “The left side is by far much better.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’ll tell you tomorrow, On-Jo.”
You watch the two intently, something about their companionship, to whatever extent, so palpable and personable. If anyone deserved a happy ending—especially one together—to you, it should be them.
Momentarily, you’re drawn away from Cheong-San and On-Jo as you register Nam-Ra’s shoulder bumping lightly into yours. As you turn toward her though, you come to realize that she’s curled in on herself, shaking. When you go to place a hesitant hand on her shoulder, she recoils, withdrawing more into the wall, facing away from you.
“Nam-Ra…?” you inquire faintly, not wanting to scare her off, the sudden oddity of her mannerisms incomprehensible. Receiving no response, you peer around her, stretching your neck out to the side, eyeing her balled up fist as she bites on it.
You yank her hand away, evidence of teeth marks already embedded into her pale skin. She’s crying silently, looking downward aimlessly. “What do I do?” she sniffs out so inaudibly you nearly miss it.
Ripping extra pieces of saved fabric from your skirt pocket, you wrap her wounded hand tightly with one, and use another to cover her morphing eye. Drawing both of her hands in between yours to clutch them together, you give it an earnest squeeze. “Nothing else but survive.”
Nam-Ra shifts her body fully toward you, forlorn, but eventually nods, breathing out on a shaky exhale.
Cheong-San and Mi-Jin’s side conversation exponentially grows in volume, gaining interest. “I think that’s the only way out,” he proposes, mentioning the direction Mi-Jin went in previously.
She shakes her head, bobbed hair swishing with the movement. “No, I looked down and that side drops into the basement. There’s a lot of exposed steel bars from unfinished construction, so leaping is out of the question.”
Ha-Ri motions to the area she surveyed, adding, “I don’t think we have any use heading toward the side that faces the school. There’s no point.”
Mi-Jin chucks a spare rock off the ledge irately. “We can’t go left, and we can’t go right. Neither can we go down since the ground is infested with those mutants. Don’t tell me the only way to escape this is demise.”
“Not this shit again,” Dae-Su grumbles. “Stop talking about the end.”
“You little—" Mi-Jin twitches, but Ha-Ri interposes, silencing her effectually without need for more dramatics.
“We do have a door on the first floor that will lead us to the mountains. Seems like that’s our best bet.”
“But…” Dae-Su splutters, squinting at Cheong-San. “Didn’t we clamber up here to get away from the downstairs pack of construction ahjussis? Why would we go back down?”
“You have a point,” Cheong-San acknowledges, pausing for a moment before resuming talking. “Can’t we reach the roof if we scale the ladders here or the windows?” He throws an arm out at the perilous metal rods serving as provisional rungs. “If someone goes to the roof and screams, the zombies will surely follow suit. Then, it’ll empty out and expose a path for the rest.”
Su-Hyeok nods, approving, the two of like mind preferring to act first and reason later. “I think that will work.”
On-Jo glowers at the two simultaneously. “No.”
“No means no,” she cuts Cheong-San off before considering the look on his place and drags in a short breath, releasing it soon after to grip his forearm. “Please,” she implores, eyes flickering and lips quivering, “let’s not have anyone forgo themselves.”
Cheong-San presses his lips together strictly and averts his gaze, knowing full-well what he intends to say next isn’t what On-Jo wants to hear.
“I’m against it too,” Hyo-Ryung supplements. “We agreed to survive together.”
Dae-Su slides his eyes across to Cheong-San and concurs. “I feel the same.”
“So do I,” Wu-Jin supports.
“If that’s what the majority says, then let’s wait for now,” Mi-Jin reconciles without a second thought.
“Then what?” Ha-Ri probes, sweeping her fallen strands of hair back despairingly. “We keep waiting forever?”
Mi-Jin mimes cupping her hand and raising it up toward the firmament. “It might rain again and then the zombies will hear us less.”
“And when will that be, huh?”
“Who knows?” Mi-Jin shrugs, much too nonchalant for the situation. “My knees are aching. That’s a telltale sign.” You’re more flabbergasted at the fact that everyone aside from you and Nam-Ra decide to look skyward, anticipating rainfall at that exact moment.
“What are they saying?” Nam-Ra intones.
“The group? They’re making weather forecasts using the power of half a brain cell.”
“Geez, I was kidding alright,” Mi-Jin huffs. “You don’t have to call me out on my failure to predict inclement weather.”
“No…” Nam-Ra grabs at your arm. “They’re telling us to take cover.”
You ignore the senior, meeting eyes with Nam-Ra warily. “Who is?”
Her grip on your arm tightens. “It’s the government. “There’ll be explosions. We need to hunker down and brace for impact.”
Hyo-Ryung whips her head toward your side, eyes wide. “Explosions? What explosions?”
“Listen again,” you encourage.
Whatever Nam-Ra hears, she rattles off, repeating after the voice only she can hear. “Hyosan intersection, future college, and our school will be blown up.”
“Is the army going to fucking launch missiles at us?” In disbelief, the force with which Wu-Jin throws his head back has it colliding into the wall behind him with a thwack.
“When?” Dae-Su pipes up.
“They’re not saying, so I have no idea. The only instructions are to either evacuate straightaway or to find shelter somewhere.”
“Well, where the fuck are we supposed to go?” Mi-Jin punches the ground beneath her in annoyance.
“Won’t we all die if we stay here?” Hyo-Ryung gabbles more so to herself than the group.
On-Jo leans forward, trying to make eye contact with Nam-Ra from the far end. “Do they say where to flee to?”
“It’s best to hide underground if there’s a means for it,” Nam-Ra accounts.
Hyo-Ryung is bordering on hysterics. “What if it’s a nuclear bomb?”
“Yah!” Dae-Su chides. “Korea doesn’t have nukes. Get a grip.”
“You don’t know that! They’re blowing up our school!”
“Where are we supposed to hide until this is over? There’s nowhere to go,” Wu-Jin expresses dismally, searching around animatedly for a way out.
A familiar voice booms in the distance and you lock eyes with Cheong-San.
Not again—not now.
“It’s Gwi-Nam.” Cheong-San bends to seize a metal rod and Su-Hyeok mirrors his actions, gauging the situation.
“That asshole will not die!” Dae-Su grouses, and you couldn’t agree more with the statement. With nine hundred and ninety-nine problems already, Gwi-Nam’s presence amps it up to a thousand.
“Maybe we misheard?” Hyo-Ryung is entirely too sanguine for less than anticipated circumstances. “It’s quiet now.”
Cheong-San sidles past you and Nam-Ra, scrutinizing through the opaque tarp as everyone springs to their feet, on high alert.
Not a moment later, the flimsy material flies in an arc, and as expected, but nonetheless still unsolicited and petrifying, Gwi-Nam pops his head out of the window frame, hanging his arms laxly over the edge, smirking. “Here you are,” he sneers, before jeeringly placing his hands over his eyes and opening them outward. “Peekaboo, I see you.”
“What the hell…” Mi-Jin pronounces, dumbstruck and rooted to the spot as she meets Gwi-Nam for the first time, his bloodied appearance throwing her for a loop.
“Cheong-San!” Su-Hyeok swings his bat harshly, though it’s easily thwarted as Gwi-Nam grabs him by the back of his collar to slam him unforgivingly into the wall, his body ricocheting back.
You’re about to jolt forward but Nam-Ra throws an arm out, keeping you back. It’s too risky for a fight this close to the edge where there’s little to no room for movement.
In that short amount of time, Gwi-Nam has Cheong-San pinned flat down, face pressed against the rocky surface of the ledge underneath his foot. Albeit his body having hardly enough room to fit, Cheong-San’s head dangles treacherously off the scaffolding.
Su-Hyeok recovers while Gwi-Nam is distracted and hurries over to rescue Cheong-San, only to wind up getting punched in the face, the force with which Gwi-Nam hits him sends him backward, dropping over and off the side, narrowly able to grab hold of the sill at the last minute.
“Su-Hyeok!” You throw yourself down to the floor, kneeling in order to clamp your hand around his wrist as his grip strength loosens. You can feel yourself gradually slipping, his body weight dragging you forward, your knees scraping painfully against the cement infrastructure. Nam-Ra rushes to balance you from behind as Mi-Jin clutches Su-Hyeok’s other arm, Ha-Ri going to stabilize her.
“Shit!” Mi-Jin cusses, all traces of her early disparaging tendencies gone in a flash in the face of jeopardy.
“Don’t let go!” Su-Hyeok’s too drained to reply but nods as best he can, face contorting as he struggles to pull himself up using the added strength from you and Mi-Jin.
On the next attempt, with succor from Nam-Ra and Ha-Ri, Su-Hyeok ultimately swings one leg up, giving him better leverage to climb back safely, everyone letting out a breath they weren’t aware they were holding.
On-Jo’s shriek has you swiveling your head back to the left, leaving Su-Hyeok with the others, observing powerlessly as Gwi-Nam hauls Cheong-San up by his shirt and suspends him in the air, his uniform now even dirtier than before from the scuffle.
Cheong-San punches Gwi-Nam to no avail, the latter not even flinching, and you decisively inch forward to avoid from falling off yourself, walking heel to toe as you advance.
Just as Cheong-San rears back to throw a second punch, Gwi-Nam blocks the expected attack to torsion his opponent's arm, and though you lurch forward to shove at him, it’s useless.
In the next second, Gwi-Nam chomps down on Cheong-San’s forearm so impulsively, you don’t have enough time to react. Cheong-San’s earsplitting screeches of pain ring in your ears, rendering you stock-still, heart frozen over seeing him cleft out a chunk of flesh, creating a hole wide and deep enough down to the bone.
“NO!” you shout, elbowing at Gwi-Nam with all your might, in a frenzy.
He merely cackles, undeterred, and controls your forearm harshly, holding you in one place as he leers. “Yes,” he counters, snapping his head to the side, wanting to bite at Cheong-San’s neck as well.
Cheong-San’s form blurs through your tears. How is it that one of the people you care for the most has to suffer so much at the hands of one of the people you hate the most?
By some miracle, Gwi-Nam suddenly cowers down into fetal position, hands braced his ears, and you have half the mind to piece together that it’s distressing Nam-Ra in the same way.
With Gwi-Nam’s now slackened handhold on your arm, you pull Cheong-San back to you, kicking Gwi-Nam against the side of his head to send him clear off the end of the construction beam.
“Cheong-San…” you respire out, mouth tipped downward as your eyes flick to his arm, blood dripping from it.
“Don’t cry.” He goes to wipe your tears off with shuddering hands.
“You shouldn’t be the one to comfort me!” you cry, upset at the vicissitudes of life. “I couldn’t help you.” More tears stream down your face and you wipe at them with your sleeve frustratedly, throat constricting from the onslaught of emotions. “Why can’t I save everyone?” you look up at him, fully defeated.
Cheong-San gives you a faint smile, despondent but also equally as endeared. “You’re only human.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t try.”
“You have,” Cheong-San stresses. “All this time, you’ve only been protecting others. It’s time to look after yourself now.”
“And what about you?” you grasp his uninjured forearm like a lifeline. “You’ve given up so much for the group that now there’s nothing remaining. What’s left of your own self?”
Before Cheong-San can reply, On-Jo is beside you, twisting fully to keep him wholly in her view.
“Cheong-San, it’s okay. It’s not what you think.”
He removes your hand even as you try to hold on, and steps away from both you and On-Jo.
“What are you doing?”
“Don’t do this,” On-Jo pleads. “You’ll be fine.”
“No one will die here today,” Cheong-San announces vaguely, the rest of the group looking on with all kinds of emotions on the spectrum of misery. As you comprehend his self-exclusion from the statement, his words fall between you like stones cast into a still lake, only to sink to the bottomless depths.
“Cheong-San…” You step forward, spanning the distance again, not ready to burn the bridge so soon.
“Our peaceful swing ride is too far-fetched now, isn’t it?” he whispers tenderly, and it brings you back to the music room, the memory feeling like a lifetime away.
“It’s not, for me.” Your eyes flit back and forth between Cheong-San’s begging him to reconsider his unspoken decision.
“I don’t like making promises I can’t uphold, so know that when you feel the wind brushing past, just think of it as me being by your side.”
You can’t tamper down your tears, hurting more the longer you reminisce. Your next sentence comes out in broken pieces, much like the current state of your fractured heart. “In our next lives…let’s be real siblings, okay?”
“What do you mean the next one? I already consider us as siblings in this one.” Cheong-San places one hand on top of your head affectionately, when he always used to do it teasingly to annoy you, and the gesture only serves to send another torrent of tears like downpour from your eyes. He wraps you into a hug and you return it, sobbing into his shoulder. “You’ll always be my little sister, Y/N.”
When Cheong-San pulls away, it’s with finality as he pushes you in Su-Hyeok’s direction. “Take care of her for me.”
At this point, you’re inconsolable and if it wasn’t for Su-Hyeok propping you up against him, you most likely wouldn’t be standing.
Facing On-Jo, Cheong-San tears off his nametag velcroed to the left side of his chest, pressing it into the palm of her hand, the red rectangle representative of his heart. “I’m giving this to you to hold and safekeep.”
Tearfully, On-Jo removes her own nametag and hands it off to Cheong-San. “I still have so much I want to tell you,” On-Jo blubbers, engraving his blurring image slowly fading into her memory as she stares through a haze of tears.
“Then…” Cheong-San drawls, twin trails of tears running down his face. “Tell me tomorrow.”
“Just this one thing…I have to say now.” On-Jo looks up at him raptly. “Remember what I said to you over the speakers before when you were stranded in the music room? For you to wait for me?”
Cheong-San nods, hands clenching at his sides, restraining himself from staying.
“I like you too much to forget about you, so I’ll be the one waiting for you this time—as long as it takes for you to come back to me.”
In a few strides, Cheong-San places a bittersweet kiss on On-Jo’s lips, their first also their last.
Without another word, he turns away toward the open window, before whirling back at the last moment to pull On-Jo into his arms, hugging her close as tears rain down his face, watering the ground, none the wiser to transient human life.
“See you later, On-Jo.”
“See you later, Cheong-San.”
When he pulls back against her resistance, he looks at the group one final time. “Lead them all to the first floor, Su-Hyeok. I’m counting on you.”
Cheong-San disappears almost as if he had never been there in the first place, but the gaping hole in your chest won’t allow that forgetfulness.
“Cheong-San!” On-Jo screams after him sorrowfully, knowing she won’t receive an answer this time.
“COME GET ME, ALL OF YOU!” Cheong-San’s declaration resonates loud and clear through the void foundation. “TODAY…I AM THE HAPPIEST ONE AT THIS SCHOOL!”
Even as the group runs back in through the construction zone following in the opposite direction of Cheong-San’s voice toward escape, toward freedom, you don’t feel exultant.
After all, as they say, fake happiness is the worst kind of sadness.
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟣𝟤 | ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟣𝟦
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
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rye-views · 11 months
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All of us are Dead. 지금 우리 학교는. 7.6/10
I would recommend this drama to my friends. I wouldn't rewatch this drama.
I only really know Lee Kyu Hyung from Prison Playbook, so seeing him in this role, he's kinda hot. The archers are cool, hot damn. Ha Ri is my fav character. The archers in general. Okay, but the mouse was kinda cute before it went crazy. Omg that crawl slide on the hospital floor is legendary. The real chemistry is between Su Hyeok and Chung San. Bro the knife toss at Chung San was crazy. The library parkour was fun to watch. I would love a dad like Nam So Ju who is that committed to his values. Also, once he got dressed in black and got that gun, he got kinda hot. Honestly, Dae Su would be nice to have around. He's like committed to fighting, is real and honest, is entertaining, and is just a lovely fellow. Soo Hyuk is actually p good at fighting ngl.
The bullies making the girl undress immediately balled up my fists. My patience would be so tested in this setting. I'd be so fed up with anyone who gets in my way. I also can't with people who lie about the sickness. Like people lie all the time about being sick, but this one is deathly and contagious?? My anger boiled again when Eun Ji was having her bullying flashbacks.
So many things are happening on this day at this one school regardless of the zombies. I can't believe no one chose to go to the rooftop initially. It doesn't even make sense that zombies have such good hearing and can't find them that easily. I feel like all these zombies are moving very ineffectively, but also the one that didn't listen to the music, was moving so effectively. I do not need a guy like Chung San to like me. He's so inexpressive. I get that he's in high school, but still. The uniforms are really giving me team Slytherin. I honestly don't know if I could overcome the trauma of witnessing a loved one of mine becoming a zombie. I would cry if someone said to me what Ha Ri said to On Jo about her dad going to heaven. That's like so kind to hear. I cried a good chunk.
Poor Chun San's mom. God, I feel for Mi Jin when she loses Joon Sung.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
After a deadly earthquake turns Seoul into a lawless badland, a fearless huntsman springs into action to rescue a teenager abducted by a mad doctor. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Nam-san: Ma Dong-seok Yang Gi-su: Lee Hee-jun Choi Ji-wan: Lee Jun-young Han Su-na: Roh Jeong-eui Lee Eun-ho: Ahn Ji-hye Kwon Sang-sa: Park Ji-hoon Teacher: Jang Young-nam Tiger: Park Hyo-joon Yeon-su: Seong Byeong-suk Madame: Jung Young-ju Ju-ye: Lee Han-joo Director Choi: Park Sang-hoon Director Oh: Ahn Seong-bong Ju-ye’s Father: Jeong Gi-seop Ju-ye’s Mother: Kim Young-sun Western Grandfather: Sin Sin-beom Western’s Mother: Hong Yi-joo Film Crew: Production Design: Jo Hwa-seong Sound Supervisor: Kim Suk-won Editor: Nam Na-young Special Effects Supervisor: Jung Do-ahn Adaptation: Ma Dong-seok Lighting Director: Song Hyun-suk Director of Photography: Byun Bong-sun Production Sound Mixer: Jung Gun Producer: Choi Won-ki Makeup & Hair: Nam Ji-soo Special Effects Makeup Artist: Pi Dae-seong Digital Intermediate: Lee Hye-min Production Design: Park Gyu-bin Original Music Composer: Kim Dong-wook Editor: Ha Mi-ra Martial Arts Choreographer: Heo Myeong-haeng Writer: Kim Bo-tong Executive Producer: Byun Seung-min Martial Arts Choreographer: Yoon Seong-min Original Story: Kim Dong-gyun Adaptation: Kim Chang-hoon Writer: Kwak Jae-min Executive Producer: Choi Byeong-hwan Special Effects Makeup Artist: Seol Ha-un Props: Kang Shin-hong Key Grip: Lee Hyun-gyu Special Effects Supervisor: Im Jong-hyeok Line Producer: Choi Su-im Visual Effects: Yuk Gwan-woo Movie Reviews: Chris Sawin: The film features some hard-hitting and explosive action sequences that will rightfully cater to fans of the genre. The battle in the basement of the apartment building, where we see Nam-san use a shotgun to blast his way through some of the doctor’s ‘enhanced’ individuals, is a total exhilarating blast. Ma Dong-seok has been a powerhouse for most of his career post Train to Busan, but he sends people flying whenever he throws his fist or pulls the trigger. _Badland Hunters_ also has to break a record for most decapitations in a film. **Full review:** https://bit.ly/bdlndhntr MovieGuys: Badland Hunters does something things well, others just passably. Action is wall to wall and well choreographed.Special effects are excellent. Characterisations are solid if predictable and the acting is not to be sniffed at. However, the story is unremarkable, with a climax that feels, well, anti climatic. In summary, an okay but hardly exceptional watch, that would have benefited from more creativity on the storytelling front. Ritesh Mohapatra: “Badland Hunters: A Visually Striking Action Spectacle with Narrative Shortcomings” In this post-apocalyptic action thriller, Badland Hunters, while suffering from a repetitive and clichéd plot and uninteresting characters, excels in stunning hand-to-hand choreography and scintillating action set pieces. The film benefits greatly from the expertise of its veteran stunt coordinator turned director, known for his work on Train to Busan. Commendable world-building, visionary concepts, and excellent VFX are hindered by conventional writing. The short, crisply edited runtime avoids unnecessary elements. Don Lee’s exceptional portrayal of Nam-san, with exhilarating action sequences, overshadows the film’s narrative weaknesses, making it a guiltily satisfying popcorn-worthy entertainer, particularly for adrenaline enthusiasts. Instagram & X @streamgenx.
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tintysun · 1 year
All of Us Are Dead (2022) [Character Lists]
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My personal list of All of Us Are Dead characters. Not that everything literally revolves around me nor that my word is Law. This is just how it went for me. Because... characters! ♥
Most liked Characters: • Park Sun-hwa • Nam So-ju • Lee Cheong-san • Lee Su-hyeok (I have to put him somewhere, rofl.) • Han Gyeong-su • Choi Nam-ra • Yang Dae-su • Jang Ha-ri • Park Mi-jin
Characters I believed I c/would like but then became indifferent about: • Song Jae-ik (I do feel bad putting him in here because he is quite virtuous in his own way, but it is what it is...) • Jin Seon-mu (Same here, but eh... Values and priorities too different after all...)
Most disliked Characters: • Yoon Gwi-nam • Lee Byeong-chan • Lee Na-yeon
Characters I'm noticing more significantly on this other round: • Min Eun-ji • Kim Cheol-Soo • Orangibberish
(I may be missing some that have yet to pop up again and currently don't remember them there...)
0 notes
let's stay alive and meet again. Okay?//05
Prev 04 - Next 06
"...You were with him.” She turned over to Cheong-san. 
“He was behind me, but..."
"Then where is he?”
"I don't know."
“Wait we are another person short..”
"We're missing Min-jee too," Wu-Jin said as he looked around noticing the familiar girl's presence wasn't around.
"They're both missing.." 
Hwa-young looked at Soo-jin who in turn only frowned at her, both were worried for their friend and Su-hyeok. 
Nam-ra looked outside in search of Su-hyeok and Min-jee but found nothing all she saw were two zombies that ran by and one appear to close up to block out her view.
Soft cries were heard Yoon Gwi-Nam looked over at the crying girl before moving forward to cover her mouth, "You. Shut your mouth." She softly whimpered. Gwi-Nam heard a slight gurgle sound and looked over to see it was a zombie. He waited for a moment as it dawned on him that it was either her or him. With that, he pushed her out from where they were underneath. The girl crawled away to get far but was unsuccessful. Her screams were heard as well as her flesh being bitten off. Shin Hyung-Seo and Gwi-Nam flinched at the sound but remained quiet. They both ended there when the outbreak began in the cafeteria. With nowhere to run Gwi-Nam went to the kitchen, sacrificed the lunch lady, and hid under what appeared to be a stove. Hyung-Seo was already there.
"Rescue team Three, head to Hyosan Hospital. Team four, head over to the accident at the Hyosan intersection. Team two, you have another call. Fire, Hyosan High School. Please head there right away. Ambulance One, stay where you are." 
So-ju looked at the radio and picked it up, "Team One. We've arrived at the accident." Soon other dispatchers answered in order.
"Rescue Team Two. We'll head to the accident at Hyosan High School." 
"Accident reports keep coming in. All units, standby where you are." 
Nam So-Ju, Kim U-Sin, and Park Young-hwan got out of the vehicle. So-ju looked over to the side as he heard a female scream, a blackbird flew by and landed above them. They looked at the bird for a moment before So-ju told them let's go. All three medical dispatchers ran into the building.
Park Mi-Jin smoked a cigarette in the bathroom stall while sitting on the covered toilet seat quietly. 
"We should stay here a bit longer."
"Right. Okay." 
Plastic was heard for a bit before a small thud hit the floor, Mi-jin had just thrown the now empty cigarette box on the floor.
"Do you think they're gone?" Yoo Joon-sung said as he stood by the bathroom stall's door. 
"What do we do? Shouldn't we call the cops?" Lee Ha-lim replied as she sat on the covered toilet. 
"We can't go out now."
"I'm sure they're still out there."
"Who's smoking in this situation?"
"Who are you to hide in the girls' room? Be a man. Wimp." Mi-jin said while taking a small drag from her cigar. 
"Why, you... Who are you?"
"Leave her alone. It's Mi-jin." Ha-lim reached out to grab Joon-sung's wrist. 
"Mi-jin? Park Mi-jin?" 
"Joon-sung. I'm really dizzy." She said sickly, she looked sick too.
"Is it bad? What do we do?"
"I don't know. It's weird. Every sound is muffled, and I'm dizzy." Mi-jin was minding her business until she heard Ha-lim explain what she felt. She looked over at them before resuming back to her quick smoke session.
"Ha-lim, it's probably just from the shock."
Let's go to the hospital once things calm down outside, okay?" 
"Okay." A squeak was heard as a bathroom stall was unlocked and opened. Mi-jin then knocked on their door.
"What is it? Who is it?" 
"Hey, open up." She then bangs on the door before going to kick it, "Open up. Now!"
"Why, you-" Joon-sung mumbled as he unlocked the door. Just as he opened it he was pulled outside by Mi-jin, "get out."
"What are you doing?"
"Don't move," Mi-jin said while pushing Ha-lim back with a toilet plunger. She searched the girl for a bite.
"What's wrong?" The sick girl asked before she groaned in pain due to Mi-jin reaching out towards her to push aside her shirt. There on Ha-lim's body near her shoulder was a bite mark. Mi-jin moved back and immediately shut the door.
"What are you doing?"
"Fuck, let go of me!" Mi-jin yelled out while pushing away Joon-sung's arm from her.
"Mi-jin," Ha-lim said while looking at the door thinking about how to get out. 
"Listen carefully. You know how to play tag, right? We're all hiding here to get away from someone. But now... You're it." Ha-lim's nose began to bleed, small whimpers were heard as she began to cry silently. 
"Don't just stand there! Help!" Mi-jin yelled at Joon-sung who was just standing there on the side whereas Mi-jin was holding the door, struggling, to prevent Ha-lim from coming out. 
"But Ha-lim's in there." 
"Ugh, She was bitten. Do you get that? Now, help." Reluctantly Joon-sung went to help Mi-jin.
"Mi-jin, don't do this... I'm okay... Let me out." Mi-jin glanced at Joon-sung before backing up from the door slightly, "Shut up, zombie." 
"Joon-sung, don't do this. Let me out." Ha-lim began to plea. The blood fr her nose continues to run down spreading slightly on her pale lips and now down her chin. She kept trying to get the door open, but failed miserably, "We ran away together earlier. I save you."
Those words seem to have hit a spot on Joon-sung, Mi-jin came back after going to the cleaning supply corner and grabbed a mop, "If you let her out, we all die."
Ha-lim gave up in trying to get them to open the door and instead grabbed the metal above the bathroom stall's door and pulled herself up. 
"Shit. Shit!" Mi-jin panicked a bit and thrust the mop in Ha-lim's face. Ha-lim fell back, the back of her head smacking the metal part of where the toilet was connected to the wall. 
"Get it together! Look up." 
"What do you want from me?" Joon-sung exclaimed. 
"We have to kill her."
"Kill Ha-lim?"
"She's not Ha-lim anymore. She's a... Zombie." Ha-lim's eyes rolled back as she began to transform. Somehow she managed to look more pale and sick, her bones began to crack, eyes turned bloodshot red. "Still, I don't wanna," Joon-sung said. Ha-lim looked over at the door panting, the virus was still fighting her and would soon take her over.
"Do we have any other options?" 
"I don't know."
"Mi-jin. I hear you." Ha-lim said weakly.
"I know."
"Do you really have to do that to me?"
Mi-jin didn't like this, but she couldn't figure out any other way, "You're going to turn, eventually."
"I- I know. But you..." Ha-lim began to struggle to speak, but continued, "I will kill you first. I'll kill you before anyone else." 
"Mi-jin. I'm so scared" Ha-lim cried out before arching her back in pain. Bones crunching and body spasmed. The door began to shake due to zombie Ha-lim hitting it. Mi-jin stomped on the mop on the end causing it to break, "get ready." She said glancing at the door before looking at Joon-sung, "Hey! I said get ready."
"For what?"
"We gotta kill her." Mi-jin took small deep breaths to prepare herself before seeing that Joon-sung wasn't moving, "Are you gonna hold that forever?" Joon-sung looked at her and slowly let go, his hands slid down the door, and took a few steps back quietly and slowly. The door creaked open, and there zombie Ha-lim was biting the air, she turned around as the door opened. A loud growl was heard, Ha-lim now a zombie went straight for Mi-jin. If Mi-jin could change this she would, she gripped the now broken mop and lunged the spikey part of the broken mop into the zombie's mouth, and out came through its neck. The zombies growled unfazed and continued to walk toward Mi-jin. More and more did the zombie slide down the stick, "What are you doing?!" Mi-jin yelled out to Joon-sung who was hiding in a corner behind her. After wincing and groaning he went to help Mi-jin push the zombie back, "Why won't she die?" Joon-sung said while panicking. 
"I don't know. Maybe it's not the right spot." The zombie grabbed onto the side of the stall and pushed forward against them. Soon its head lopsided and it stopped growling and an arrow had lodged itself through her neck. A few seconds after it fell, "What?" Mi-jin and Joon-sung let go of the mop letting the body fall. Mi-jin turned towards the door. Jang Ha-ri walked in a stance ready to hit them with an arrow too. Immediately Mi-jin and Joon-sung put their hands up, "Stop. Not us. We're fine." Ha-ri ignored her, instead, she pulled her arm that held the arrow in between the bow's bowstring back more.
"Not us, Jackass!" Hearing someone yell, Jung Min-Jae hurried in to look at what was happening, "Hey, I think they're okay. Zombies don't curse." 
Ha-ri didn't budge, "Shoot if they turn." Min-Jae didn't question her, instead, he just followed her instructions.
"You crazy bitch. We're fine- ahh" just as she was about to push Ha-ri the speakers of the school squeaked loudly.
Ms. Park took a moment and rubbed her hands on her shirt as she desperately wanted the blood off of her hands, she looked around the room before going over to the Microphone connected to the intercoms around the school. She took a deep breath and pressed the button. All the students in the school winched at the loud sound the speakers produced, soon it was replaced by Ms. Park's voice. 
"Students and teachers of Hyosan High School. I'm Park Sun-Hwa, the English teacher. Something strange is happening throughout the school. Some students are attacking others indiscriminately. So please flee and find a safe place. And if any student or faculty hears this and is able to, please call the police and the fire department. Students, hide somewhere safe until help arrives. If you can get out of the school, please get out. I'll say it again. Some students are..." Ms. Park looked down and took a deep breath as she swallowed back her fear, "Hey, everyone... You're okay, right? You're not hurt, right? I don't know what's going on in here or how this whole thing happened, but... Still, find a safe place and hide. I... I'm sorry... I can't help. Don't get hurt, okay? Please, let's stay alive and meet again. Okay?"
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yphim · 2 years
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team-boulet · 7 years
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modelsinkorea · 7 years
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boyfriend; nam joohyuk
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quack-quack-snacks · 8 months
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Star Crossed - Chapter 7
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
The Star Crossed Masterlist
My All Of Us Are Dead Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
Warnings: Normal AOUAD things Word Count: 5,362
“I mean… I wanted to bite her.”
“N-no. But you didn’t!” You tried weakly to protest. 
“I shouldn't stay with you any longer. If I hadn't come to my senses, I would've bitten her.”
“No, wait. Stop!” Su-hyeok tried but she just took a step towards the door as she spoke with determination. 
“I'll go.”
“Please wait,” On-jo begged, stopping Nam-ra in her tracks. She then turned to Cheong-san. “You saw Gwi-nam get bitten by zombies?”
The boy rolled his eyes before answering. “I told you a hundred times, yes.”
“And you saw Gwi-nam turn?” She questioned.
He paused for a moment before sighing. “No, I didn't. I was busy running away.”
On-jo then turned to Su-hyeok. “Su-hyeok, you definitely fought Gwi-nam?”
“Yes, I did,” he confirmed. 
“There's no reason for either to lie,” she started. “Maybe Gwi-nam was bitten but was not affected. In the movies, there are always people who are immune, remember?”
“We shouldn’t rely on movies for our information. Those are fiction, this is real life,” you whispered sadly and On-jo looked at you empathetically, also knowing what it was like to lose your best friend to this god-awful virus. 
“And still, she tried to bite her,” Ji-min announced and your head shot over to look at her. “She could have bitten her for real. Regardless, she isn't normal, so I'm not going with her.”
A tear streaked down Nam-ra’s face and you grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently but she shook you off and your heart broke when she scrambled to take a step back, flashbacks of when Gyeong-su turned presenting themselves in your mind. 
“Ji-min, stop,” On-jo pleaded. 
“What? Are you saying that I'm wrong?”
On-jo paused as she debated in her mind over what to say. “Maybe… I really don't know what we should do.”
“We can't pretend she's fine,” Ji-min insisted with an angry glare towards her. 
“Enough!” Nam-ra called out and everyone fell silent, the only sound being the soft groans from the turned students out the doors. 
“Please don't fight. Leaving will solve everything,” and with that, she quickly started walking towards the door and before you could run after her, On-jo already had and grabbed ahold of her arm. 
“Don't go! Where would you go?” She cried out as Nam-ra struggled to set herself free from her grasp. “Stop it. Please!” Nam-ra finally stopped and they stared at each other. “I don't want anyone dying.” On-jo’s hands glided down Nam-ra’s arm until they reached her hand which she gently held in her own. “Hyeon-ju and I-sak… They're hands were very cold before they turned,” she turned around to face everyone else, one of her hands still holding Nam-ra’s as she spoke again. “Nam-ra's hands are warm,” she explained her point. “She isn't a zombie. So cut it out, and let's talk about how to get to the roof.”
“No,” Ji-min stubbornly demanded. 
“No way! She may be fine now, but who knows what's gonna happen when she turns?” She looked around for help as everyone else had remained quiet for the entire quarrel. “Guys, say something. This is wrong,” everyone remained quiet at her pleas. “She said herself that she wanted to bite her. She has zombie blood in her veins. Zombies killed my mom and dad,” she paused for a moment and your eyes widened as you looked at her sadly in sudden realization. “My mom…”
Seeing a break in the talking, you looked around for something that could help you and keep your friend by your side. Finding it, your eyes lit up and you walked over to where it was. Picking it up, you walked back over to Nam-ra and gently grabbed her hand, starting to tie the curtain tieback around her hand. 
“What are you doing?” She asked in confusion and you looked up at her for a second before turning your head back down to focus on the knot you were tying.
“I’m tying us together.”
She struggled and tried to pull her hand away from you, not willing to allow you to let yourself die if she did end up turning. “Stop it. Stop!”
You gently grabbed her other hand and placed it down, her struggling stopping as you looked her deep in the eyes. “Hold still, I don’t want to make it too tight for you,” you looked back down and tied to the fabric around your own hand as Su-hyeok came up to stand beside you.
“(Y/n), I don’t think this is-”
“Su-hyeok, respectfully, stay the fuck out of this,” you interrupted him as his hand reached out to stop yours and he sighed before stepping back in defeat, knowing he wouldn’t be able to convince you to stop no matter what he said. 
This was your best friend after all. 
You turned back to the group and held up your, now-connected, hands with a sarcastic smile. “Are you happy now? Now you don’t have to worry. If she turns and bites anyone, it’ll be me and not any of you.”
You saw some of the group’s eyes tear up but nobody spoke out to protest. 
You sat with Nam-ra to your left near the window and Su-hyeok to your right. No matter how much convincing you tried to give him, he wouldn’t leave to go sit on the other side of the room with the rest of the group. It warmed your heart but annoyed you nonetheless at his stubbornness.
You couldn’t really speak though with how stubborn you were being with Nam-ra. He was probably just being a good friend just like how you were being to Nam-ra. He’d only said it once but you knew he meant it. 
~364 days ago~
You walked to the cafeteria by yourself like always, passing by the group of friends Su-hyeok had gathered after leaving Myeong-hwan and his little band of bullies. You sent a subtle smile towards him when he looked at you and he returned it full force, not trying to hide it in any way so you immediately looked away and plugged your headphones in. You were still terrified by the thought of Su-hyeok getting caught up in the way people thought about you, he didn’t deserve that. 
You let out a little gasp as a hand grabbed one of your wrists and your waist before pulling you into a broom closet that was to your right. You rolled your eyes after you got past the surprise, knowing it was him. You turned around to find him grinning at you so genuinely that it almost made you forget your annoyance.
You slapped his chest and he winced slightly. “Su! I told you about this, what if someone sees us?”
“And I’ve told you about this, I don’t care who sees us. I don’t care about my reputation. I just want to hang out with you,” he reassured but you rolled your eyes despite the heat rising to your cheeks that wasn’t visible under the dim lighting of the closet. 
“Well, I do. I don’t want you to be seen with me,” you told him with a stern tone and he just looked at you with a sad smile. He wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you in for a hug that you instinctually returned. You sighed as he rested his head on top of yours. “I know you have your own reputation. I know that… but I don’t want it to be any more tainted by the fact that you hang out with the school bully’s little sister. That… that would just hurt you and your friends,” you pulled away so you could look him in the eyes. “I like your friends. They’re good for you and they’re kind. So, I don’t want them to be caught up in it either. I don’t want them to leave you over a silly fact like someone you’re friends with.”
He shook his head with a frown. “(Y/n), if they choose to leave me over somebody that I am friends with who they don’t even know, I don’t want to be friends with them anyways.”
You still didn’t look convinced at his words and plopped your forehead against his chest. “But they’re becoming your real friends! Friends that you need after… everything. You should keep them.”
He placed his hands on your cheeks and forced your head up so you could look at him. You tried to avoid eye contact because of how intimate the position seemed but he tapped your cheek and you sighed, complying. He smiled when your eyes met and your heart fluttered. 
Stop it. You know he doesn’t like you like that.
You mentally smacked yourself for giving yourself false hope but stopped when he spoke. “(Y/n). They might be my friends, and I might need them in my life,” he paused to place a lock of hair behind your ear. “But you’re my best friend. I don’t want to have a life without you in it.”
You smiled despite yourself and just wrapped your arms around him again. 
Even if it never becomes anything more, at least he considers me his best friend.
You were brought back to the present when he rested his hand on yours and squeezed it. You looked over at him with a smile but it faltered when you thought of something. Putting on a fake teasing smile that he didn’t seem to realize wasn’t genuine, you spoke. “So…” You leaned over to elbow him gently. “I saw you drew a picture of a girl in your notebook,” his face flushed and he looked at you with a panicked expression. “She looks familiar, who is it?” Your tone turned into genuine curiosity as you were able to hide your disappointment. 
He let out a sigh that seemed relieved but also disappointed. With a blush, he looked away from you and spoke, “She’s just a drawing, nobody really…” 
He didn’t seem too convinced of his wordings but you decided to let it go with a slight push of your shoulder against his and he smiled. Right as you were about to speak again, you heard banging from across the room. You looked over to see Dae-su ramming his body into the storage closet door. While he did, the zombies got more aggressive and tried to come into the room. Everyone else noticed this and started yelling at him to stop. As he calmed down and slid down the door, you turned back around to face the window, not bothering to turn around when soft music started playing behind you. 
As Ji-min started to talk to the camera, you remained facing forward looking out to the blue sky. The camera passed around, each person leaving their message for their parents or what they wanted to be known for if all went wrong. After On-jo’s message to her father, telling him how much she loves him, she stood up and walked over to where Nam-ra, Su-hyeok, and you sat. She held the camera out to Su-hyeok who was closest to her. 
“You guys can leave a message as well if you want to.”
Su-hyeok took the camera and looked at it for a moment. “I don't really have anything to say,” he turned to you and Nam-ra. “Do either of you?”
You looked at Nam-ra and she shook her head. Looking back at him, you spoke. “No.”
On-jo looked from you to Nam-ra, to Su-hyeok, and then to the tie that held you and Nam-ra together, then back to you. “We trust you. You can untie it now,” after that, she walked away to retreat to her chair on the other side of the room. 
Su-hyeok placed the camera on the table behind you and you hesitated before reaching over to grab it. 
Opening the camera and flipping the screen so it faced you and you could see how you looked while recording yourself, you hesitated before pressing the record button. 
“It is currently day two of being trapped in the school. None of us have had water since the apocalypse started so we’re all tired and dehydrated,” you took a deep breath before continuing. “I’m scared to go to sleep and realize that I won’t be able to wake up,” you felt tears well up in your eyes as you thought about what you were going to say next but you blinked them away. “My brother… the high school bully… the one who always woke me up in the mornings an hour before my usual wake-up time by smacking me with a pillow. He… he was bitten by zombies and bit my best friend. I guess he’s still sentient even after being infected and that got passed to her since she hasn’t turned yet either and it’s probably been at least half an hour. I-” You got cut off by your voice breaking and you took a moment to collect yourself. “Gwi-nam? I know there’s no way you’ll ever see this… but I cannot believe what you’ve become. I stayed silent for years when you joined Myeong-hwan’s group because you told me it was to protect me. To protect me not only from them but also from Dad. He only focused on you and how badly you did in school. But, after a while, it stopped being about protecting me. Even though I know you were still scared of them, both Dad and Myeong-hwan, you liked doing it. You liked hurting the kids of the school. I wish I had said something sooner so you would have stopped before it’s too late but here we are,” you raised a hand to gestures around you with a frustrated sigh. “I’m stuck in a classroom and my best friend has been infected. Because of you, nonetheless. I don’t know what to do anymore,” you sighed again and a tear streaked down your cheek. “I already lost Mom to the pressure of dad’s expectations, I don’t want to lose you too,” you sobbed once and closed the camera. 
Neither Nam-ra nor Su-hyeok said anything and you wonder if they even heard it from how quietly you were speaking. You placed the camera back onto the table behind you and after a few seconds, Nam-ra picked it up and faced the screen towards herself. She seemed troubled, like she was seeing something that no one else could see, and you grabbed her free hand gently. 
She looked down at your hands, seeing the red fabric still tying them together. “I don’t understand why you’re doing this, (Y/n).”
“I’m doing it because if I didn’t then the people over there,” you gestured to the group with your free hand. “Would have kicked you out… I know it was your choice, but I just couldn’t allow it. You’re too important to me Nam, don’t you understand that?”
She looked down at her lap for a minute before asking, “You know how I said I wanted to bite you earlier?” 
“Yeah, I know. But you didn’t, and you won’t,” you insisted and she nodded but still looked grim.
“It felt like I was dreaming. You were just giving off such a beautiful scent,” she said seriously but you couldn’t resist the temptation to playfully flirt with her or tease her. 
“Well, if you liked my perfume that much, you could’ve just asked,” you winked at her mischievously and she shook her head with a smile. You went back to being serious as you asked her your next question, “What kind of scent was it?”
“I'm not sure. It was something that I had never smelled before. All I could think about was eating you… How much I wanted to bite you. Bite you and eat you. But then I heard your voice saying my nickname,” she looked at you and smiled. 
“So you’re saying I brought you back?” You teased and she scoffed with a playful eyeroll
“Yes. I am saying that it was your voice that woke me up.”
You smiled and looked down when suddenly she looked over her shoulder at the door and stood up. 
“What is it?”
“I heard something strange…” She started walking towards the door and you, still being connected via the curtain holder, walked after her, Su-hyeok following loosely behind. The group started walking towards the two of you as you did and you heard indistinct talking which you couldn’t make out. Nam-ra stood for a second and listened. “I hear it.”
“You hear what?”
“What do you hear?”
You, Su-hyeok, and On-jo all spoke one after another. 
She paused as she listened again. “I think someone is puking,” she paused before continuing. “It stopped.”
“What stopped?” Su-hyeok asked from behind you and you turned around to give him a disappointed look. 
“The sound of puking,” you told him and he oohed while you shook your head.
“Yes. It stopped,” Nam-ra confirmed. 
“Stop it. You're scaring me,” Hyo-ryung complained and Nam-ra turned to look at her, confused.
“Don't you hear it?” She asked but everyone shook their heads. 
“I'm not hearing anything,” Hyo-ryung told her again and breathed heavily. Nam-ra’s eyes dilated for a moment as she stared at her. “What? What?” Hyo-ryung asked, obviously scared which kind of ticked you off. 
“Are you scared?” The girl connected to you asked. 
“Stop that.”
“It's just… you're the one breathing the loudest.”
“Do you hear that?” On-jo whispered loudly to Hyo-ryung and Dae-su.
“All I hear is that zombie,” the boy responded. 
Nam-ra looked around, focusing on some things you couldn’t see or hear. “We should go. It's weird here.”
“We can't just leave,” Cheong-san stated. “There are zombies out there.”
“We should've gone to the roof when the music was playing. Shit,” Dae-su groaned and sat down in one of the chairs. 
“Music. Wait a minute. We have music!” On-jo exclaimed excitedly. 
“What? What music?” He asked.
“I heard some music playing a while ago, do you mean that music?” You asked and she nodded before walking over and picking up the video camera still resting on the table. 
“I have an idea. We're going to have to build a tall barricade here,” she walked around and gestured a line down the middle of the room. “And then we lure them in with music. Use the instruments too.”
“We could also use the instruments as a source of noise for the zombies to hear us and come after us,” you suggested and she nodded at your idea. 
“Yes, that could work well! If we leave the door open, they'll follow the music in. Once it's clear, we take the back door up to the roof,” she continued to explain the plan only to receive a couple of confused looks from her classmates. 
“Am I the only one who’s lost right now?” Wu-jin asked and Dae-su raised his hand in agreement. 
“Basically, we are going to build a barricade in the middle of the room by stacking the chairs and desks here, open the front door, before running out the back door once the zombies have all gathered into the room,” you looked back at On-jo for confirmation. “Right?”
“Not here. Farther back. We need more room on this side,” she corrected and you let out an ‘oh’ while nodding. 
“And why is that?” Dae-su asked, not getting it.
“There aren't that many of us, but there are lots of zombies,” she explained and Dae-su closed his eyes with his head facing upwards.
“Ah…” he sighed out in understanding. “She sucks at school, but she's pretty smart,” he backhandedly complimented her. 
“Hey!” She growled at him and he held his hands up in surrender.
“It's a compliment,” he defended and you rolled your eyes with a scoff.
“It’s a backhanded compliment,” you pointed out but he just gave you a confused look.
“What’s that?”
“It basically means a compliment with an underlying insult. ‘You’re pretty strong for a girl’ is an example of a backhanded compliment. It’s degrading the person you told it to and setting them on a different level than the rest. In this case, it’s just insulting,” you explained with a wink at the end while he just looked at you in shock. 
“Wow, (Y/n), I never knew you were so smart. I always thought you were quiet because you didn’t know anything,” he told you and you rolled your eyes.
“Another example of a backhanded compliment,” you stated and he just rolled his eyes with a playful dismissive wave in your direction. 
“Let's give it a shot,” Cheong-san commented after he saw the conversation/argument between Dae-su and yourself end. “We can figure out the rest later,” everyone nodded at his words.
“We have a TV too,” you pointed out. “If we can maybe connect the camera to the TV it might be louder than just the camera by itself.”
“I can do that!” Joon-yeong blurted out. “I will have to look for the cord though. Hey, can you help me look, Ji-min?” 
The girl nodded. “Sure,” they both went to look for the cord and Hyo-ryung quickly followed behind them. 
On-jo walked up to where you and Nam-ra were standing side by side. “We should untie that,” she pointed to the knot and then reached forward to untie it when you lightly knocked Nam-ra’s hand back away from On-jo’s outreaching one with your own.
“It’s okay, On-jo,” you gave her a small, although genuine, smile but she just frowned. 
“She'll never be able to get close to the others this way. And no one will approach her,” she mentioned and you nodded for her to continue. “Hatred is contagious… but so is trust.”
She reached forward again and this time you let her, holding your hands out so it would be easier for her to untie it. 
“You should've been the class president,” Nam-ra told her with a genuine but still monotone voice and On-jo just looked down as she smiled. 
As you and Nam-ra just watched On-jo leave, Su-hyeok jogged over to stand beside you and placed a hand on your shoulder. “Come on, let's help out.”
You nodded and the three of you went over to assist. Finding whatever you could to help create a strong barrier, you pushed and pulled desks and chairs and instruments and cabinets to wherever it was needed. 
“It's looking great,” Dae-su examined the work done with a proud expression and you took a step back to do so as well. 
“Alright. I think this is good enough,” On-jo explained with a worried face after checking the situation outside. 
“Okay,” Cheong-san agreed before Dae-su called for the rest of you on the other side of the wall near where the exit was supposed to be. 
“Aren't you guys coming? We left a gap over there for you.”
“Let’s go,” Su-hyeok directed, looking back and forth between everyone before grabbing a chair and walking towards the gap in the door. He placed it down before stepping onto the desk and hopping over the gap. You helped Nam-ra and On-jo hop across, Su-hyeok doing the same on the other side, until you saw Cheong-san stop, not hopping over himself. 
“(Y/n), you go,” he told you and you nodded before hopping over yourself, Su-hyeok’s hands landing on your waist to help you even though for the previous girls he only held their hands. You and On-jo looked back to see Cheong-san still hadn’t jumped over, standing on the other side looking like he had no intention of crossing the barrier. 
“Why aren't you coming over?” On-jo questioned. 
“Well, someone has to stay to open the door.”
“Fuck…” you cursed. “We totally forgot about that…”
“Couldn't you have come up with a better plan?” Dae-su complained and you smacked his arm which he dramatically grabbed in pain. 
“It's okay,” Cheong-san reassured. “I'll come over right away.”
“Wait,” you protested. “I'll come,” you told him and pressed your hands up on the cabinet to lift yourself up when hands grabbed your waist and pulled you back down. 
“It's fine.”
“Like hell, you will.”
Cheong-san and Su-hyeok both spoke at the same time and Su-hyeok lightly pushed you back as he jumped over the cabinet himself. You let out a sound of complaint but he just poked your nose which succeeded in rebooting your brain for a second. 
“It’ll be okay,” he promised and you pressed your lips together as you debated if you should let him go but knowing you were on a limited schedule you just sighed and held out your pinkie. It was childish and something you hadn’t done in years but he just laughed and interlocked your pinkies. You smiled at him before backing up, making sure to give plenty of enough room for them to jump over when they had the door open. 
After a while, Cheong-san came back alone but the door was yet to be opened. You decided not to say anything because you knew two people on that side would just be too many people to get out. 
Seconds later, the door opened and Su-hyeok ran to jump over the cabinet, using the window sill to give himself an advantage before you pushed a desk placed on its side where the gap was. You held it there as Dae-su, Cheong-san, and Su-hyeok pulled a bookshelf over and pushed it to where you once stood before moving out of the way while Joon-yeong started the music. Zombies flooded into the room and you all held it there before On-jo ran to the window to see how much you all had succeeded in your plan. 
By her face, it wasn’t good. 
“Dae-su, you gotta make some noise!” She instructed and Dae-su took a deep breath before screaming. 
“Die, zombies! Fucking die!
“Do it one more time!” She ordered desperately. 
“Shit! Stupid zombies, motherfuckers!”
On-jo grabbed an instrument and started hitting it, creating a loud banging sound and the girls followed suit as Wu-jin ran over to the window to see if the halls were clear. You stayed and held onto the bookshelf, keeping it there as the zombies piled and started to climb over. 
“Wu-jin!” Cheong-san screamed in distress but he shook his head.
“We can't go yet! Not yet!” He looked back in anguish and all the girls ran back to help support the barrier, hitting the zombies that had climbed over back to the other side. 
As a zombie had crawled over the rest to where Nam-ra had run back over to help, you quickly looked around and picked up a drumstick that was lying on the floor and then ran back over to her. “Nam-ra!” You screamed as you stabbed the zombie through the eye with the drumstick along with other zombies that had started to climb over and they fell back down the crowd in a lifeless heap. 
As you saw Cheong-san do something similar for On-jo, you heard Hyo-ryung shouting at Wu-jin despairingly. “It's not going to hold up!”
“How much longer is it gonna take? Let's go!” Dae-su called out but the answer was the same. 
“A little more. Not yet!”
‘A little more’ became ‘just a few more’ which became ‘they’re still coming’ until finally it stopped.
“Clear. We have to go now!” Wu-jin shouted as he opened the door to find no zombies roaming the hallway. “Hurry!”
Hyo-ryung was the first to go, followed by Ji-min, then Joon-yeong and Nam-ra, and then On-jo. Su-hyeok, Cheong-san, Dae-su, and you were the last of the bunch. 
“(Y/n)! Go!” The three boys seemed to yell out simultaneously and you would’ve laughed given another situation but you just squeezed your eyes tight as you continued to push against the barrier to hold it up. 
“Fuck off and save yourselves first!” You screamed back at them. 
“Dae-su, go!” Cheong-san tried again but to a different member. 
“You go first,” when Cheong-san nor Su-hyeok nor you responded, he yelled out more strainedly, “I'm gonna shit my pants. Go!”
Su-hyeok reluctantly left but not before grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you out of the room. You turned back just in time to see Cheong-san drag Dae-su away from the barrier and the barrier collapsed. You turned back around to focus on running and hurried after the others who were headed for the roof. 
As you all continued to run up the stairs, Su-hyeok, who was still holding onto your wrist for dear life, tripped and almost brought you down with him if you hadn’t caught yourself in time. You reached down to hold his hand and drag him up. “Hurry!”
You all reached the top and you saw Cheong-san twisting the handles to no avail as the doors didn’t give way. 
“Come on, open it!” Dae-su whined, looking behind him in fear of anything there. 
“It's locked,” Cheong-san breathed out in disbelief. 
“What? Move!” Dae-su pushed Cheong-san out of the way to try himself, slamming his shoulder into the door in an attempt to open it but to no success. 
“Wait. Get back. Move,” Choeng-san told everyone as he ran towards the keypad to try and enter any code that might work. 
As they started to call through the door in hopes of someone being on the roof, you looked over to see the sign written on the door and sighed in anger. Anger at the situation, anger at the door, but also, anger at yourself. 
You had known the rooftop was always locked, your brother had told you time and time again but in the moment you had completely forgotten. 
Su-hyeok and Cheong-san had gone down the stairs with their makeshift weapons and you looked back and forth between them and the door. Nam-ra had announced that the zombies had arrived and you quickly decided to try every combination on the keypad that you could. It wasn’t great but it was something. Thank god it was only 4 digits. 
That’s still 9,999 codes though.
You could hear the zombies as they screamed and growled but you just focused on trying the codes. Nam-ra had the great idea of throwing a tarp over to hold back the zombies and it did an amazing job, only a few zombies got passed which Cheong-san and Su-hyeok dealt with accordingly. 
Dae-su and Wu-jin fell to their knees, leaning against the door as they gave up on using brute force to wrench the door open. You watched from the corner of your eye as they ran to help with the tarp but just remained focused on trying to wrack your brain for the code. They changed the code every day but you just knew you had seen it. Gwi-nam kept a paper in his room that held the number combinations to open the rooftops because of how often his group went up there. You had seen it once and even took a photo of it, just because you wanted to. You’d never done anything with it, you just had it, looking at the codes now and then as you debated whether or not you should go up there. You decided against it every time. 
Just as you had remembered it and you almost laughed with glee, you heard Nam-ra say something from behind you and it made your heart stop. 
“Why didn’t you die?”
You looked behind you just in time to see your brother get sent slamming down onto the blue tarp. Your eyes then locked onto Nam-ra’s and she looked at you with the same amount of shock you were looking at her with. You shook your head in dismissal of the situation, the zombies below still coming and cornering your group. “Guys! I’ve unlocked it! The door’s unlocked! Let’s go!”
On-jo was the one to push open the door and you waited until everyone piled out onto the roof, saving Cheong-san and Su-hyeok for last before you followed them out. Just before running through the door to escape the inbound zombies, you saw a withering bouquet of flowers leaning against the corner of the wall.
They were your favorites.
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
Lmk if you want to be added!
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lokynepicx · 8 years
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Nam Joo Hyuk
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mysteryinc-hq · 5 years
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“Do what is right simply because it is the right thing to do.”
Full Name: Benny Till
FC: Nam Ju-hyeok
Gender & Pronouns: Cis Male, He/Him
Age: 18
Type: (Honorary) Meddling Kid
Benny has been known for being patient, he could brace a storm with his witty sense of humor but can also be a solid rock when you need him. He knows who his friends are, nor to judge a book by its cover, like with Vincent Porter. He is there for them, and he find they got his back as well. Benny will always be the guy to offer a helping hand, even when their paths have split before.
His job isn’t the most credit worthy, but he likes doing it. It is safer than his dad’s job. Yet in coolsville is anything truly safe?
- Is an honorary member of the Meddling Kids. He often gives them information about cases, and delivers the pizza. He mostly sees himself as the snack guy of the group even though he offers so much more.
- Works as a pizza delivery guy for Papa John’s.
- Benny’s the first one people will usually turn to when they need a shoulder to cry on, since he’s always been there.
- His father is the chief of police.
EMMA PORTER - Benny may only be an honorary member of the Meddling Kids, but to Emma, he is by far the most helpful. The pizza boy has been her study partner since freshman year, and when he started helping them out, they just got closer. Their habits tend to mirror each other, and if Emma is stuck on  a case she will go to him 9 out of 10 times.
VINCENT PORTER - He isn’t scared by Vincent in the least. Benny knows Emma wouldn’t ever let her brother punch him, and that Vincent isn’t that mean under all that rage. He usually responds to his blow ups by offering him pizza or saying something like “Whatever you say man.”
TESSA HWANG - Tessa and Benny were friends once upon a time, they grew up right next to each other. Then in High School, they just went separate ways. This hasn’t stopped the occasional tap on his window whenever Tessa needs a friend. He knows something is different about her, but he can’t put his finger on it.
GABRIELA HAYWARD - Gabriela is a breath of fresh air after being around Mystery Inc so often. They never seemed to chat much when they were younger, but Benny would start to swing past her work to see her in the quieter hours. Sometimes she even opened up a free lane for him. In turn she occasionally keeps him company on deliveries.
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iamphotoshop · 8 years
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