#nancy and andy
deadirlshwriters · 6 months
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*takes deep breath*
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self-dependent · 2 years
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goryhorroor · 2 years
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final girls/boy & remake counterpart
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
Samba BTS: Crew 02/27/2024
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Lots of shoutouts to the wonderful crew of OFMD Season 2 from Samba on his Instagram.
Srcs: Samba's IG Post/Stories
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cornerofhell · 2 months
Something I thought of today:
Sidney Prescott: So I hear we're adding someone to the "final people" group.
Laurie Strode: Yeah. Apparently about time too, I hear their movie is from the eighties.
Nancy Thompson: Huh, I wonder why they haven't joined us yet.
Tommy Jarvis: Apparently their movies are getting more famous now.
Kirsty Cotton: Shh! The door's opening!
6 year old Andy Barclay: Um... Hi. My name is Andy.
All the Final people:....
Sidney:.... Oh my God...
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wynnyfryd · 3 months
so like… fruity four as interns/employees in the Hawkins Parks department?
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ffuscous · 1 year
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Andy + Gabby with auntie Robbie, Nancy, and Eddie
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shrimply-a-menace · 1 year
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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"Do the dunlin." The Murmuring Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities (2022)
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dragonsareawesome123 · 9 months
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"Last one out, turn off the lights."
Andi Mack (2017-2019), 3x20 - "We Were Here" Nancy Drew (2019-2023), 4x13 - “The Light Between Lives”
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makeyouminemp3 · 2 years
Robin: You won’t believe what just happened! I ran into a glass door!
Nancy: Again?
Robin: A different one! Much more painful.
Nancy: Then why are you so happy?
Robin: Adrenaline and shock! Which is starting to wear off. Ow…
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moonchildreads · 11 months
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small town
Chapter 20 - Self Control
IN THIS CHAPTER: The last high school party, apple flavored Kool-Aid, and Andy gets what he deserves [10.3k]
WARNINGS: underaged drinking, mentions of drug use (weed), slut shaming, a little misunderstanding (gets resolved really quickly), suggestive themes? (very mild, eddie's just a little bit wired, okay?)
A/N: i know i'm a day late, i'm sorry T.T someone got fired at my job and i'm supposed to handle their shit now because my boss is kinda cheap. it is what it is. BUT. hopefully this chapter makes up for my tardiness because as you can probably tell from the banner, the slow burn is officially boiling, you guys! enjoy <3
masterlist - prev - next | playlist
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In the night, no control Through the wall something's breaking
Saturday, May 31st - 1986
Dottie was pacing like a nervous dog in a cage, feet hitting the soft rug in front of her closet with each step she took. It was the first Saturday in a long time that she hadn't spent in a blissful domestic bubble with Eddie and she was feeling downright antsy. The night before, once Hellfire had officially said goodbye to its Class of '86, the two teens had sat themselves in a booth at the back of The Hideaway with burgers, fries, and milkshakes, and something had finally clicked into place for her. There was no longer a specific need for them to spend so much time together anymore - no more exams to study for, no more books to read or worksheets to fill, and yet there they were still, on a Friday night, getting food together like usual. Sitting opposite of Eddie in that booth, watching him try to lick ketchup from the corner of his mouth and not reaching the smudge with the tip of his tongue, it dawned on Dottie that she had never loved anyone the way she loved him.
It wasn't that Dottie hadn't loved throughout her life, because truthfully she had. She had loved her Dad first, tiny fingers wrapping around a big thumb when she was just a few hours old. She'd loved her Grandparents, all four of them equally, but maybe no one should tell them that Grandma Jo leaving after a visit would always cause the biggest sobs to escape her tiny toddler body. She'd loved her Uncle Johnny, always cuddling up to him while they lived together, not really understanding that he wasn't actually her Uncle until it was too late to start calling him anything else. She'd loved her friends back in New York, even though she knew now that they hadn't loved her back in return. Hell, she'd loved Tyler, or else it wouldn't have hurt as much as it did when he broke her heart. Dottie wasn't someone that didn't know what loving meant or felt like, but the way she loved Eddie was unlike any other kind of love she had ever experienced before, and she knew she had to tell him sometime soon or she'd regret it for the rest of her life.
But first, there was prom, and graduation, and most pressingly, a party for which she had absolutely no idea of what she was going to wear, hence the continuous pacing. James, tired of hearing the back and forth on the wooden floors for the last fifteen minutes, came into his daughter's bedroom resigned to play stylist for the night like he'd done so many times before. Keeping up with the latest trends for the sake of his little girl was a full time job he had long ago learned to love.
"Do you know what Nancy is gonna wear?" he asked, sitting down at the end of Dottie’s bed.
"No, I didn't think to ask. But she always looks so pretty, Dad, I can't look like a bum."
"How about you tell me what you don't want to wear and we can start from there, okay?"
Thirty minutes later, Dottie had an outfit laid out where James had been sitting and she was doing her makeup in a hurry before Nancy picked her up. The plan was simple: go to the party, say hi to Chrissy and thank her for the invite, hang out with Nancy for a bit, meet up with the boys, and if the party sucked, head over to Jeff's for a movie night. He'd rented Ghoulies and Weird Science for the weekend and he still hadn't seen either, so it seemed as good a backup plan as any. Besides, movie nights had always meant sharing a blanket with Eddie and cozying up to him when she got sleepy. No matter what ended up happening, she knew her night wouldn't be completely terrible.
"Honey? Are you done yet? Nancy is here!" James yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
"I'll be down in a second!" she hurried to put on her clothes and ran down the stairs to meet her friend, crossbody bag bouncing behind her and hitting her backside.
She found Nancy politely making small talk with her Dad on the foyer; James had gone to school with her mom Karen and had fond memories of sharing a desk with her throughout their many years at Hawkins’ various academic buildings. They hadn't exactly been friends, but they always were on good terms and had even worked on a few projects together, namely one about growing sprouts from beans in mason jars when they were in middle school.
"Hey! Sorry for making you wait," Dottie said, stopping to hug Nancy who was better prepared to receive it than she had been in the school’s bathroom a day before.
"You're fine, don't worry about the time," Nancy reassured her. "There aren't any schedules to keep at these parties, everyone just comes and goes when they want to."
"Oh, good to know that we can just leave whenever if it sucks."
"Speaking of that," James said, getting his daughter's attention. "Call me if you're staying at Jeff's, okay? I'll come pick you up tomorrow."
"Donny can drop me off, you don’t gotta come," she waved her hand nonchalantly.
"Okay, but call me anyway so I know where you are. Take care you two, don't get too wild."
"Dad, seriously," Dottie rolled her eyes, exasperated but not without fondness. She knew he worried too much, but after all they’d been through, she couldn't blame him.
"Have a good night, Mr. Burke, it was nice to meet you," Nancy said, heading out with Dottie at her heels.
"You too, Nancy. Say hi to your parents for me, will you?"
The girls got into Nancy's car and drove away towards Loch Nora, the radio playing The Rolling Stones’ Harlem Shuffle softly in the background. They talked about random things, filling the empty space with the kind of anxious but lighthearted conversations one would have with someone they don’t know very well yet. So far their budding friendship had proved satisfactory for both girls, and they were willing to put in the effort to get to know one another better, even when that meant having to venture outside the comfort zone The Weekly Streak’s newsroom provided. During the ride Nancy complimented Dottie's outfit, and in turn, she had loudly admired hers, prompting the blue-eyed girl to admit she'd borrowed the shiny jacket with padded shoulders from her Mom’s wardrobe. After a good-natured laugh, Dottie admitted she had stolen her dress from her Mom’s closet too and Nancy told her her Mom had good taste. When they parked across the street from Jason Carver's house however, the friendly chatter ceased and both girls stared at the two-storey rising in front of them with apprehension.
"I'm so nervous," Dottie admitted, watching the colors spilling from the fairy lights inside the living room paint the veranda red, then green, then blue, and finally back to red.
"Me too," Nancy said, taking a shaky breath. "But we got this. How bad can it be?"
"Yeah. You’re right. It’ll be fun," Dottie nodded, and arm in arm they ventured inside the packed house in search of good old teenage normalcy.
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Neither Nancy nor Dottie were having the slightest bit of fun. After a few shouted-over-loud-music hellos to some familiar faces, they had found themselves in Jason’s kitchen, nursing cups of a strange brown concoction that didn’t smell good and tasted even worse. Dottie wasn’t much of a drinker, and apparently Nancy wasn’t either, citing that the last time she’d gotten drunk, she’d embarrassed herself so badly she’d rather not have a repeat. The jocks and popular kids disagreed heavily with that assessment, and were having a lot of fun with two kegs in the backyard next to the pool. Dottie had suggested they venture out, sit by the water where it wasn’t as stuffy, but Nancy had quickly directed her into the kitchen where they ran into Marcie Hurley, an acquaintance from the newspaper club. Marcie was a lovely tall girl with a bold pixie cut; she was currently slightly intoxicated but full of ideas for stories to run in the last edition of The Weekly Streak before summer holidays started. Nancy pretended to listen to her with her utmost attention, but Dottie could tell by the way her eyes were glazed over that she was definitely calculating how much more she’d have to hear before she could get away without coming across as rude. Two girls Dottie didn’t know walked into the kitchen searching for something fruity to drink when they said something that caught her attention.
“What do you mean Munson said no?” one of the girls was saying.
“He said he wasn’t selling tonight! Which is honestly such bullshit, he was smoking with some other guys, he definitely had something on him,” the second girl said, pouring vodka into a cup.
“Show him your tits, maybe he’ll share with you.”
“Ew, I’m not that desperate!” the first one laughed loudly.
Dottie scowled immediately. She’d once gotten curious about him dealing and asked him a couple of questions, like how did he get into selling and if he was allowed to smoke his own product. Eddie hadn’t been particularly proud of his answers, but she told him she didn’t mind: the money helped pay for some bills around the trailer and put food onto their table. It wasn’t like he was dealing hard stuff or was some kind of mafia lord moving tons of product, for fuck’s sake. People talked about him like he had his thumb on the illegal underground in Hawkins when in reality, he was just a teen selling weed and a couple of pills here and there to a few fellow students at parties. Dottie hoped he’d never done something as gross as asking a girl to show him her body in exchange for a couple of hits of a shitty joint. She liked to believe she knew Eddie, and in her opinion he’d never do something like that, but teenagers had never been particularly known for making good choices. Nancy was already looking at her when she turned around, a knowing smile on her face. She nodded towards the door once, and after a whispered “thank you” off Dottie went in search of her friends.
The boys were enjoying the fresh air and sharing a smoke on the veranda at the front of the house, not really ready to go inside and face the music just yet. Donny had picked up Gareth and Jeff on his way to the party, but Eddie had arrived solo just a few minutes after them. They were talking about music, as they often did, when Dottie opened the front door and jumped on Jeff’s back, who flinched in surprise.
“Fucking hell, Dot, you’re gonna kill me someday if you keep doing that,” he said, rubbing his chest.
“I was worried you guys weren’t gonna show up,” she admitted, hanging onto his shoulders. He leaned his weight into her, hands wrapping around her loose wrists like they were backpack straps to keep her in place as they swayed side to side.
“Party sucks that much?” Donny asked, passing along the joint to Gareth.
“I mean, it’s not like I know a lot of people here. I’ve been hearing Nancy talk to other girls all night, and I think she’s as fed up as me.”
“Wanna ditch?” Jeff asked.
“We’re not leaving until I drink my fuckin’ weight in rich people’s beer,” Gareth declared, giving the cig to Eddie who took a long drag and put the roach out on the underside of the railing he was leaning against.
“If you want beer, there are a bunch of cans in the kitchen but you gotta fish them out of the cooler and someone spilled something green in there. It’s kinda gross,” Dottie grimaced.
“What? No keg?”
“Actually, there’s two in the backyard but the basketball team took ownership of one and I think the football team was doing handstands on top of the other one.”
“That’s so fucking lame,” Donny scoffed.
“Well then, who’s down for fishing?” Jeff looked at the guys, and Gareth shrugged, putting his hands in his jean pockets and following him inside.
“You coming?” Donny asked Eddie who didn’t move from his spot.
“Nah, gonna smoke a cig first. You go ahead,” he said, getting his Camels out of his front pocket.
Donny headed back inside and then it was just Dottie and Eddie under the moonlight, the tiny lamp above the front door doing nothing to shield them from the darkness. Eddie smiled, putting the cigarettes back in his pocket and opening his arms so Dottie could sheepishly tuck herself into him. She felt like she could finally breathe easy when feeling his chest rising up and down under her cheek, his warmth seeping into her bones.
“Too many people?” he asked knowingly, cupping the back of her head with one of his hands. Her fingers drew patterns on the soft cotton of his shirt.
“Mhm,” she nodded. “This is nice.”
“Yeah? You like my shirt?”
“Smells good,” she laughed. He smelled like Old Spice aftershave and laundry detergent.
“Why, thank you for noticing I showered, princess,” he said, grinning. “You look pretty. This your Mom’s dress?”
“Yeah,” she beamed, looking down at her shift baby blue dress. “I didn’t know what to wear so I just played it safe. The socks are new though,” she lifted her leg to show her white ankle socks with frills under her black kitten heels.
“So cute,” Eddie pouted theatrically, making her slap his chest in return. “No, really. You look nice.”
“Thanks,” she settled back against him, cheeks burning.
They enjoyed each other’s presence for a few seconds when the front door opened with a bang, an overexcited and red-eyed Chrissy Cunningham spilling out from the inside, her giggles following her as she skipped towards them in tune with the music coming from the speakers in the living room.
“Am I interrupting something?” she asked, a mischievous grin gracing her fairy-like features.
“Hey, Chris,” Eddie smiled, still holding onto Dottie as she turned in his arms to take a look at the newcomer. “How was your latest purchase?
“It was so good. Valerie, Julie and I just smoked a joint each in the bathroom,” she whispered conspiratorially, making Dottie laugh.
“Oh my. What would Jason say if he knew you were hotboxing his shower?” Eddie matched her tone.
“What Jason doesn’t know won’t hurt him. D’you want to smoke with us later, Dot? Only girls allowed.”
“Sorry, I’m not really a smoker,” Dottie said, feeling a little bit dumb. “But I’ll take you up on that Queen song you promised me yesterday if you wanna dance.”
“Oh my God, yes!” Chrissy grabbed her arm and pulled her out of Eddie’s grasp. “She’s mine now, Ed!”
“I can see that. I’m gonna go get a beer,” Eddie said, following them inside. “Have fun, ladies!”
“We will!”
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Weed affects different people in different ways. That was a fact Dottie knew after spending so much time with the members of Corroded Coffin, better known as her best friends. Donny was always virtually the same after a good session, just got very thirsty. Eddie would get deep and thoughtful, and once the effects were gone, he’d get so hungry he’d eat drywall if it was the only thing around. Gareth, like Chrissy, would get giggly once he hit that sweet spot. It was like drinking, Donny had told her once. Everyone had a different tolerance, and most of the time taking a few hits of a shared joint wouldn’t be enough to change anyone’s personality significantly. There were other people like Jeff, for example, who had a very low tolerance and had decided to stop smoking altogether after realizing he’d get panicky and his clothes would always start itching each time he indulged in the vice with his friends. None of them had ever questioned him or pressured him to smoke after that, the same way that they didn’t pressure Dottie to smoke or drink when they were doing it around her. They’d always smoke outside, and Dottie and Jeff were free to lounge around on the couch and talk about anything and everything until they all regrouped inside again. Watching Chrissy be so carefree and joyful made Dottie think that maybe she’d enjoy being invited to one of their movie nights some day.
Chrissy, on the other hand, was a girl on a mission. There were no movie nights being planned in her head; she was instead focused on getting information out of Dottie to relay to Eddie at his earliest convenience. Chrissy liked Dottie, she really did. She liked how kind and attentive she was despite always walking around with an anxiety cloud above her head. She liked how she dressed, with her vintage clothing and big earrings Chrissy couldn’t wear because it’d be dangerous for a cheerleader to be tossed around with hoops or fun acrylic shapes dangling from her ears. She liked how she made Eddie feel, and Chrissy liked Eddie very much, so that just cemented Dottie in her mind as a good person to have around. And so, the blonde lulled her into a sense of comradery with heartfelt compliments and wild dances, trying to get to the bottom of the question she’d had swirling around in her brain for two months now: do you like my friend or is he wasting his time to end with his heart broken? To her credit, what came out of her mouth was much more subtle than that.
“Eddie’s awesome, isn’t he?” Chrissy asked, casting her line into the sea and waiting for Dottie to bite.
“Yeah, he’s great!”
“He was so right about us being friends! I’m so happy you came!”
“Well, thank you for inviting me!” Dottie smiled at her, and Chrissy squeezed her hand in response.
The party was in full swing now. Nancy had found a couple of classmates she got along with and finally managed to escape Marcie’s insistent newspaper talk; she looked much more happy talking to them near the door to the backyard than she’d looked like back in the kitchen. Donny, Gareth and Jeff were fishing out beer cans from the cooler and passing them along to people that normally ignored them in the hallways, their bravery for sticking their hands into the horrid green liquid making them the heroes of underaged teens trying to get unbearably drunk before inevitably throwing up all over Mrs. Carver’s bushes. Eddie stood to a side, near the archway that led to the stairs where bubblegum pink eyeshadow Marianne from his Sociology class had just disappeared up to with his lovesick boyfriend trailing behind her, much to his friends’ jeers and claps. The metalhead had a barely sipped on beer in his hand and hearts in his eyes as he watched Dottie and Chrissy spin around in the middle of the living room, singing along to Top 40 hits and dodging couples making out.
Eddie had never felt happy at a house party before. He’d usually drop by, deal a little bit from the back of his van, and speed away either to Jeff’s house to hang out with his friends or back towards his trailer where he’d smoke and fuck around with his guitar until he’d fall asleep on his tummy with his jeans still on. But standing there, seeing his friends being treated like normal people instead of the dirt beneath a shoe, he felt happy at a party for once in his life. He felt like a normal teenager, like everyone else in the Hawkins High Class of ‘86 saying goodbye to a long school year and hello to the unforgettable summer ahead. Chrissy made a suggestive face at him while dancing around with Dottie and Eddie laughed.
“Hey, Munson!” a familiar voice said, coming to clap his shoulder and snapping him out of his trance.
“Hey, Foster. How are you doing?”
“Weird seeing you here,” Kyle Foster of the Yearbook Club said, looking friendly but fidgety. “You never sell inside at these things.”
“Not selling tonight, man. Just enjoying the beer,” he lifted his can above waist level to demonstrate.
“Ah, dude, that sucks. I had a twenty with your name on it,” he clicked his tongue. “But if our deal still stands, I guess in a couple of weeks you’ll have a bag with my name on it.”
“I’m a man of my word, Foster,” Eddie smirked, shoving his hand into his pocket. “But here, for your troubles.”
He produced a tightly rolled joint from inside his packet of Camels and extended it to Kyle, who looked at him like he’d grown two heads. Never in his entire time being Eddie’s customer had he sold him a pre-roll, much less one that he had intended to smoke himself at some point. He eyed him curiously, not making any moves to pluck it out of the dealer’s hand.
“You sure about that, Munson?” he asked, giving him the chance to recant his offer.
“Yeah, you can have it. I’m not gonna smoke it and I’m feeling generous tonight. Just don’t send anyone else my way, okay? It’s the only one I had.”
“Y-yeah, man, sure! Thanks,” Kyle smiled, grabbing his prize for holding a polite conversation with the town’s freak who felt like less and less of a monster as the school year came to a close. “Here, take the twenty anyways,” he pulled a single bill from his back pocket. “Sorry about, y’know, that whole thing. See you when the yearbooks come out!”
And with that, he shoved the note into Eddie’s hand and left towards the backyard, probably in search of a borrowed lighter to spark up in a corner of Jason Carver’s lush garden. Eddie looked down at his hand, snorted, and put the twenty bucks away to spend another day. Maybe he’d get Dottie a strawberry milkshake like he’d done the day before, only to watch her eyes light up at the first taste and indulge in her pleas because it’s so good, Ed, you gotta try this! They make them with real strawberries! Chrissy found his eyes again over Dottie’s shoulder and stuck her tongue out at him. He clutched his chest like he had been hurt by her, overdramatic as always, and Dottie twirled Chrissy around breaking their eye contact. The songs changed but the girls stayed dancing and he kept on watching them with a satisfied smile on his face. It was a shame, really, that Eddie often became blind whenever he saw the girl he was in love with being truly, completely happy, because if he didn’t, he would have noticed one Andy fucking Humphrey staring at him like he could make the dumb metalhead drop dead in a heartbeat just by looking at him.
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Jason Carver wasn’t the typical high school bully you’d see in films. Truthfully, he wasn’t even a bully; he just kept quiet while his friends did all the fucked up things the basketball team was infamous for. He was known as someone who would fly off the handle quickly, but not without reason. He took freshmen and sophomores under his wing, taught them what being a good teammate looked like, gave them a family within the walls of Hawkins High as part of his team. Jason was, if anything else failed, extremely protective and fiercely loyal to his own, and expected the same considerations to be returned to him. So when Andy, one of his best friends since elementary, came running to tell him that The Freak of Hawkins High was trying to flirt with his girlfriend in front of everyone, Jason had no reason to doubt him. Why would he, when Andy had been nothing but reliable all this time?
“What do you think you’re doing, creep?” Jason told Eddie, his tone low, trying not to call too much attention to themselves. Chrissy didn’t need to see this, she didn’t have to know she was being ogled by a pervert under his own roof.
“Drinking your beer, Carver, what does it look like I’m doing?” Eddie said with a sour tone, and instantly knew that had been the wrong answer.
“Yeah? What makes you think you’re welcome in my house?”
“Chill, man, I got invited, same as everyone else.”
“Who would want you here?” Chance Peterson said, appearing at Jason’s shoulder. This was bad.
“Uh, his girlfriend? Just like everyone else?” Eddie deadpanned, putting his can of beer on a ledge and lifting his palms. “Look, I’m really not looking to cause any trouble tonight-”
“Why would Chrissy invite you? You aren’t friends,” Patrick asked, and Eddie held back a scoff. He was willing to bet he knew Chrissy, the real Chrissy, more than any of these meatheads did.
“She invited all the seniors, that’s all there is to it. I’m a senior too-”
“Yeah, a senior citizen, you freak,” Chance said. “Why don’t you go home early and leave us actual seniors alone, huh? What is this, your tenth time trying to graduate?”
“See Peterson, I always knew you didn’t know how to count, but didn’t think you would be so bad at it. Should have known though, it’s not like anyone expects you to do anything that isn’t playing around with your balls. Now why don’t you back off and let your captain here and I have a civil conversation, alright?” Eddie looked down at Chance who narrowed his eyes at him, but Jason threw his arm out to stop him from moving forward.
“We’re not having a conversation, Munson. Back off my girlfriend or leave.”
“I’m not interested in your fuckin’ girlfriend, Carver,” Eddie said, bewildered.
“You say that, but you sure were looking at her before we walked in,” Andy said, stepping around his friends to stand next to Jason. “Wanna explain that?”
“Is looking at someone a goddamn crime now? Can’t exactly leave my eyes at home, you dumbass,” Eddie said, getting loud.
“So you were looking at Chrissy!” Jason yelled.
“No, I wasn’t! Believe it or not, not everyone is fuckin’ in love with your girlfriend, man!”
“Hey, what’s going on here?” Donny flanked Eddie, his voice booming over the sound of the music.
“Back off, dude, what’s your deal?” Gareth threatened Chance when he shoulder-checked him.
People were starting to catch on now, curious eyes looking around for the latest gossip. Jason and Eddie yelling at each other wasn’t exactly new, but both groups of friends having a screaming match at a house party? Now, that was juicy. As everyone started insulting and trying to intimidate each other, Eddie looked around trying to find Dottie in the crowd. She was still dancing with Chrissy, oblivious to the conflict, and now another cheerleader had joined them; he was pretty sure she was a junior and her name was Valerie.
“Hey! Stop looking at her, asshole!” Andy said, grabbing Eddie’s hair and turning his head back towards the imminent fight.
Andy’s voice was loud enough to startle the girls and make them look their way. Chrissy and Valerie paled instantly, hurrying forward to try to contain the scene before it turned truly ugly, leaving a path open behind them for Dottie to follow. Chrissy grabbed Jason’s arm and tried pulling him away when Eddie turned to Dottie and shook his head, his curls still in Andy’s grasp.
“It’s okay, Dot, stay over there!” he told her, not wanting to get her involved and hurt.
But it was too late, because Andy, as stupid as he was, caught on pretty quickly. He hadn’t recognized her before, all dolled up and giggly while she danced with Chrissy and Valerie. He’d simply assumed she was one of their friends, maybe even a junior he hadn’t really paid too much attention to while in school. Insistent on Eddie perving on Chrissy, he’d missed a crucial detail: that the unknown girl she was dancing with was the same girl that had threatened him in the AP Spanish classroom just a week ago. The same one that had told him to stay away from the Hellfire Club. That girl wasn’t Chrissy’s friend, she was a freak, merely blending in with the rest of the school population because she didn’t wear dark colors and leather. Andy turned on her so quickly she didn’t have time to heed Eddie’s warning before he was spewing venom towards her.
“I see now, freak,” Andy said, letting go of Eddie’s hair with a shove and stepping towards Dottie. “You weren’t looking at Chrissy, you were looking at your bitch.”
“What the fuck did you just call me?” Dottie said, angrily.
“That’s what you are, isn’t it? The freak’s little bitch. That’s why you came after me last week, huh?” Andy was seething. “Did he tell you to do that?”
“You brought that on your own by being a smug idiot,” she told him, not backing down from the fight even though she was terrified of him.
“Wait, what are you talking about?” Patrick asked.
“This slut tried to tell Mr. Lorenzo that I cheated on a test if I didn’t leave her friends alone,” Andy explained, once again looking smug. Everyone was watching them now. “Said I was gonna lose my ride to college, acted all flirty and shit. What is it, honey? The freak not giving it to you good enough? Do they all share you, like the big whore you a-”
Dottie hadn’t hesitated. Instead, she’d just simply punched him right in the face with her right fist, thumb on the outside like her Grandpa Ken had taught her when they were boxing in his backyard one summer, hitting pillows and humming along to the Rocky theme song while Grandma Caroline made fresh lemonade. The crack that followed the punch was deafening. All chatter ceased and the music was turned off - if a needle were to hit the floor, it would have been so easily heard in the silence that followed her expletive. It had hurt for him, yes, something was definitely broken, but the impact on her knuckles had split the delicate skin covering them, not used to being treated so roughly by colliding against a jock’s bones. Andy pinched his nose with pain, blood starting to pour down his cupid’s bow.
“Wait, no!” Chrissy gasped, as Andy reached over to take someone’s beer can out of their hand and emptied it on Dottie’s head, throwing it away once it was empty. The metal clang on the floor until it hit someone’s shoe.
“What the fuck?” Gareth managed to say, before Eddie launched himself and pushed Andy away from Dottie who just stood there clutching at her hand and looking at the floor in shock.
Her Mom’s dress was ruined, sticky liquid dripping from her hair onto the soft fabric, staining everything as it went down, down, down onto her thighs and legs until it reached her socks. She smelled like an alcoholic and her fingers hurt. She felt empty, adrenaline leaving her body as she shivered while everything around her dissolved into utter chaos. The Hellfire Club and the basketball team were yelling and pushing each other once again, people rushing to get out of their way so they wouldn’t get hit. With the reflexes of someone used to being on alert, Nancy grabbed Dottie’s arm and yanked her aside just in time for Andy to push Eddie off himself and into a side table. Eddie hit the floor with a sickening crunch, but what made everyone stop the brawl was the sound of the lamp on top cracking into a million little pieces right next to the couch.
“Jason, stop this!” Chrissy pleaded, hanging onto his arm.
Andy, not one to be deterred, snapped his head towards Dottie, not caring that Nancy threw an arm out to cover her with her own body. He raised his hand, fully on board with hurting either of them to make a point, when Jason finally snapped into action and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him into Patrick’s arms who instantly held him in place, Chance coming over to help.
“Are you crazy?” Jason yelled at his friend. “We don’t hit women!”
He turned just in time to see Chrissy helping Eddie up, the two of them muttering to each other softly, looking a lot more friendly than he liked. His eye twitched once and he looked at Hellfire as they huddled closer to each other and started inching towards the exit, Nancy and Chrissy herding them out.
“Get out of my fucking house!” Jason told them, like they weren’t already trying to leave.
“Gladly,” Donny said, closing the door behind them and shielding them from further aggressions.
“You guys, I am so sorry,” Chrissy was saying, not knowing who to direct it to first.
“It’s okay, Chris. Not your fault your boyfriend has shithead friends,” Eddie said, patting her shoulder in comfort.
“Still, I should have-,” she cut herself off because there was nothing she could have done; the basketball team and the Hellfire Club were destined to hate each other until the end of time. She turned to Dottie instead. “Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah, I think so. My hand hurts,” she sniffed. “I’m sorry we ruined your party.”
“Oh, please, that party sucked,” Chrissy snorted. “The most fun I had all night was when we were dancing with Val.”
“Come on, let’s get you home,” Donny said, guiding Dottie towards his car.
“I can drive her, I brought her here,” Nancy offered, giving him half a smile. She wasn’t friends with the guys, but she knew enough about them through Mike to have at the very least positive feelings towards them. Besides, it wasn’t like Jonathan hadn’t also been an outcast back when he was still in Hawkins. She knew what that was like.
“No, no,” Dottie hurried to say. “You should both go back to the party. Eddie can drive me, Don, I don’t want to ruin your car.”
“Are you sure?” Chrissy said, not wanting to leave her in such a vulnerable state.
“Yes, I’m sure. Go back inside, it’s your party,” she squeezed the blonde’s hand. “I had fun dancing with you, thank you for inviting me.”
“Maybe we can do it again some day? Just us girls?” Chrissy said, eyes full of hope.
“I’d love that,” Dottie said, and she really meant it.
“Okay, then… let’s go back inside, Nancy. Bye guys, drive safe,” Chrissy waved at them, pulling her cardigan closed and both girls disappeared back into the house.
“Is this a bad time to say that I stole a case of beers?” Gareth said, lifting a 12-pack and bringing some much needed humor to the situation.
“Let’s go back to mine then, we can sneak in through the basement door,” Jeff proposed, and Donny nodded.
“I’m… I’m gonna pass, guys,” Eddie said. “I’ll take her home and head back to the trailer. My ass kinda hurts.”
“Have fun without us, okay? I’m sorry I ruined it,” Dottie said, tears swimming in her eyes. Whether it was because of the shame or the pain in her hand, no one knew but no one asked her either.
“Hey now, you didn’t ruin anything. We’ve got an awesome story to tell the kids someday,” Donny laughed.
“Yeah! We’ll be like: Auntie Dot broke a jock’s nose back in high school because he called her names,” Jeff said, putting on an old man voice and Dottie chuckled wetly.
“Come on, let’s go,” Eddie said, guiding her towards his van with a hand on her lower back.
“I should sit in the back, I’m gonna get your seats dirty,” Dottie said.
“Don’t even think about it, there’s no seatbelts in the back,” he said, climbing in and rummaging around for the tarp they covered Gareth’s drumset with when they moved it for gigs.
The music from inside the house was booming again when Donny’s car pulled into the street and the boys left, saying goodbye by honking twice. Eddie covered the front seat with the tarp and helped her get in, clicking the seatbelt for her in place and jogging to get to the driver’s side. Dottie stared out the window as Eddie turned the van on and backed up into the street, waving at a defeated Chrissy who was looking out from the living room’s window. When Eddie stopped at the first intersection, Dottie turned to look at him.
“Ed?” she asked in a shaky voice. “Can you take me to yours instead?”
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The trailer was empty with all the lights turned off when they arrived, which was unusual for a Saturday night. Wayne had always had weekends off, after all, he had a kid at home to take care of and nobody was an asshole enough to ask an old man to come in during his time away with his family. Still, as Eddie kneeled down next to the entrance to help Dottie undo her heel buckles, she looked around while holding onto his shoulders and found herself missing her Mr. Wayne. Eddie had asked her in the van why she didn’t want to go home, and she had simply replied she didn’t want to tell her Dad she’d gotten into a fight just yet. She’d failed to mention that she was expecting Wayne to give her the parental comfort she needed, but without the grounding she was sure she was gonna get from her own father.
“He’s at the plant,” Eddie said, guessing her silent inquiry. “He’s doing extra time this weekend so he can take a couple of days off for graduation.”
“That’s really sweet,” she smiled, stepping out of her shoes now that he’d gotten them unbuckled. The beer that had dripped down her legs had stained the tops of her socks.
“Wait here, okay? I’ll get the shower running for you, the knobs are… well, they’re stupid,” he shrugged with resignation. “You can call your Dad if you want, tell him where you are.”
He started the shower for her while she dialed home, James picking up after a few long rings. He listened to her talk quietly while getting her a towel and clean clothes; she hadn’t exactly asked, but Eddie got confirmation that she wanted to spend the night when he heard her lie to her Dad about being at Jeff’s and having a movie night. Eddie wasn’t about to complain about her not mentioning she was with him if it meant he could sleep next to her for a full night. He went back into the bathroom, lowered the toilet’s lid and put the things he’d gathered for her on top before opening the mirror cabinet and pulling out a new toothbrush along with a packet of makeup wipes. She hung up and walked into the small bathroom after him, looking at the items in his hands with a quirked eyebrow.
“I wear eyeliner for our gigs sometimes,” he admitted. “It always looks like shit, but if it’s good enough for Ozzy, it’s good enough for me.”
“Maybe I can teach you how to do it right sometime,” she said, the corner of her mouth lifting into half a smile.
“Maybe you should just do my makeup so I don’t poke my eye out.”
“Okay,” she agreed. “I’ll do your makeup next time.”
“Kick your clothes out the door when you take them off, I’ll throw them in the washing machine for you,” he said, and left her to her devices.
He went back into his bedroom to give her privacy and get changed into his own PJs, which consisted of an old ratty t-shirt with a couple of holes around the neck and plaid pants he was sure had belonged to Wayne at some point in their lives. While he busied himself changing his sheets into fresh ones, putting her clothes in the washer and making his bedroom look somewhat presentable, Dottie tried to hurry up in the shower, not wanting to use up all the water. Still, she couldn’t help but take her time appreciating the fact that Eddie actually owned conditioner and that the green apple smell that surrounded him in the mornings belonged to the big bottle of shampoo in the corner of the tub. She washed all the beer off her skin and hair and, feeling a lot more like herself, wrapped her body into the soft off-white towel he’d gotten for her, standing at the mirror to rid herself of her make up as best as she could. She brushed her hair quickly, scrunching her curls into the towel to remove the excessive moisture, and brushed her teeth making a note to buy him a new toothbrush to replace the one she’d used. Timidly, she also reached for his deodorant, reasoning that it was better to use it than to stink up his clothes and bed with her sweat.
She was studying herself in the small mirror, not entirely believing that she was wearing Eddie’s clothes, when she realized the light scabbing on her knuckles had probably loosened up with the water and they were all bloody again like she’d never cleaned them up in the first place. Poking her head out of the bathroom, she directed her voice towards his bedroom where she could hear him pottering about.
“Eddie?” she called.
“D’you have any bandages? My hand’s bleeding again.”
“Uh, lemme see,” he pushed the door open and rummaged around in the sink cabinet, grabbing a little bag that contained their first aid supplies. “Come, sit on the bed,” he instructed, and she did as he asked without a word.
He kneeled in front of her and inspected her right hand, closing each finger carefully and pressing on parts of her palm to see if anything hurt. Nothing seemed to be permanently broken, so reached over to his bedside table where a cup of water sat and gave her an ibuprofen to help with the swelling before moving on with his next task. She watched him as he worked diligently to clean the scrapes, long thick fingers fluttering softly on her skin.
“What’s the diagnosis, doc?” Dottie asked.
“I’m getting a weird déjà vu here, princess,” he chuckled. “You need to stop getting into trouble before I get into pre-med.”
“Can’t help it. Trouble’s my middle name.”
“I thought it was Ann?” Eddie said, laughing.
Truthfully, he was joking around to hide the fact that he had been losing his mind since she’d opened the bathroom door and came out all rosy-cheeked, smelling like him and wearing his clothes. He’d given her one of his old shirts, a white one he hardly ever used anymore with a Garfield print at the front and his blue checkered boxers, not expecting them to look as big on her as they did. The hem of the shirt almost covered the shorts, and the short sleeves went past her elbows. The less was said about his gray socks that bunched up at her heel, the better, and he tried not to think about the fact that he knew she wasn’t wearing a bra because he’d had the most mortifying pleasure of throwing the cute cotton garment into his washing machine fifteen minutes earlier. Eddie was wrapping up her knuckles with a long piece of gauze when he noticed she’d gone strangely quiet. He looked up at her face to find her teary-eyed and chewing on a wobbly lip.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, holding onto her hand. “Is it too tight?”
“Is that… what everyone thinks about me?” she whispered, like she was afraid of asking out loud.
“I- I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about, darling.”
“Wh-what Andy said. About me being… does everyone think I’m a slut?”
“What? No! Of course not!” he stuck the gauze in place with a piece of medical tape and lifted himself onto his knees between her legs to hug her. “Dot, he didn’t even know who you were until tonight, he was just talking out of his ass.”
“I’m not a whore,” she muttered into his shoulder. “I promise I’m not.”
“Darling, what are you on about, huh?” he grabbed her face with two hands and brought her eyes to his. “I know you’re not. You could sleep with half this town and I still wouldn’t think you’re a whore. You- you can do whatever you want with whoever you want! I know you, you’re… Dot, you’re so fucking nice to me, to all of us, and the only reason Andy said that bullshit about you is because you’re friends with the freaks.”
“I’m not,” she said, and he looked at her in question. “I’m not friends with the freaks. I am a freak.”
“Hell yeah you are,” Eddie smiled. “You are a freak, and you shouldn’t let what that piece of shit said get to you, okay? You broke his fucking nose because he talked shit about you, Dot. You’re so fucking amazing.”
It was probably the way Eddie was looking at her like she’d hung the moon and all the stars, or maybe it was the way he was holding onto her face with a gentleness no one associated with the rugged metalhead, fingers extending under her ears and into her damp hair, thumbs on her cheeks. It was most definitely the way he always took care of her, how he cleaned her wounds like she was the most fragile thing on Earth and how he never hesitated to pull her into his arms whenever she needed a hug without questioning her reasons. But honestly, it was most likely the fact that he was so close to her, his warm breath mingling with her minty one, that had her leaning forward and pecking his lips with hers in the most chaste kiss she’d ever given to anyone in her entire life.
She tried pulling away as fast as she had leaned in, she really tried to, but Eddie felt like he had been struck by a live wire and instinctively chased her mouth with his own, still cupping her face but moving one of his hands to tangle into her hair, finally taking a hold of the proverbial carrot dangling in front of him. He was kissing her - Eddie Munson was kissing Dottie Burke and he couldn’t get enough of it - he needed more, he needed to consume her and she to him until there was nothing left for anyone to see. He grabbed onto her bare thigh to pull himself up and she whimpered, the walls of the illusion suddenly crashing around him. She’d just tearfully asked him if the town thought she was a whore, and his way of reassuring her, had been to deny it and then make a move on her. Eddie jumped back so quickly he fell onto his bruised ass and hissed in pain.
“Fuck, Dot, I’m- I’m so sorry!” he pleaded, leaving her dumbfounded and glazy-eyed.
He’d fucked up. He’d ruined everything. With his eagerness, he’d jumped the gun and now his plan was ruined, and she probably, maybe, definitely thought he was a fucking pervert trying to get into her pants, and yes, he very much would like to do that but not like this. Not before she knew he would quite literally die for her, not before he’d confessed to her the profound love he felt and had finally become the kind of man she deserved to have. Dottie looked at him not understanding what had just happened, but when she moved to get off the bed and closer to him, he jumped off the floor and put even more distance between them.
“I’m so sorry, we shouldn’t- fuck, I didn’t-”
“Eddie, it’s fine-
“No, it’s not fine!” his hands tangled in his own hair while he tried to find the words to explain himself. “This is all wrong, goddamnit-”
“Eddie, calm down-”
“Fuck, Chrissy is gonna kill me, I’m such a fucking idiot-”
“Ch-Chrissy?” Dottie whispered, but he didn’t hear her in the middle of his freakout.
Oh. Oh. She was so stupid. She couldn’t even blame him, she’d been influenced by her aunts and by Gareth - and of course, who wouldn’t be in love with Chrissy Cunningham, Head Cheerleader and Queen of Hawkins High? She was so kind, and friendly, with her gorgeous eyes and warm smiles. And by his own admission, if she was going to kill him, well, that certainly meant she returned Eddie’s affections, did it not? She’d be an idiot not to love Eddie back because Eddie was so loveable. Sweet, silly, wonderful Eddie who had just kissed his best friend and regretted it deeply. She had to get out of there if there was any hope of saving their friendship.
“I’m so sorry,” Dottie said, rushing out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.
“Dot, wait!” Eddie followed her. He had to fix this, he had to tell her, he was gonna tell her- “What are you doing?”
“I’m really so sorry, Eddie, I didn’t know,” she got her damp clothes out of the washing machine; the cycle had probably ended in the middle of his upset rant and neither of them had heard it.
“Where are you going? It’s midnight!” he watched her shove her feet into her heels, not bothering with fastening the buckles before she opened his front door. He had to act fast or he was going to lose her forever.
“Eddie, please,” she asked, tears pooling in her eyes again, voice broken. “I just want to go home. Everything’s fine, I’ll see you on Monday-”
“No!” he threw himself onto the door, closing it again effectively locking her in. “Y-you can’t leave like this! What are you gonna do, walk home in your heels? Are you insane?”
“Please, I’m sorry,” she sobbed, breaking his heart into a million tiny pieces. “We can forget this all happened, please, just let me go!”
“No! We need to talk about this!”
“There’s nothing to talk about! I didn’t know you were dating her, just let me-”
“Wait, what?” It was Eddie’s turn to be confused. “I’m not dating anyone, what are you talking about?”
“I’m not fucking deaf, Ed! You just said Chrissy was gonna kill you!”
“Yes, but that’s not- Fuck! That’s not what I meant! She’s dating Jason Carver, for fuck’s sake!”
“It’s okay if you like her, she’s fucking perfect-” she babbled, fat tears leaving tracks on her cheeks.
“You’re fucking perfect! God, fuck, this is not what I-” Eddie took the clothes out of her arms and threw them into the living room, pulling her into his arms again.
“Eddie, what the fuck?!” she shrieked, trying to get away from him but he held on tight, throwing her onto his shoulder and sitting her down onto the kitchen counter.
“I made Kool-Aid!”
“What? I don’t want fucking Kool-Aid-”
“Just stop arguing!” he yelled, effectively shutting her up. “I made apple Kool-Aid.”
“...I love apple Kool-Aid,” she said, for lack of a better response.
“I know,” he said, leaning back and looking at her sitting between his arms, palms on the cold surface of his kitchen countertop. “That’s why I keep buying it. For you.”
An ugly sob bubbled up out of her throat and she hid her face in her hands. She wasn’t strong enough to keep fighting with him, and when he hugged her again, fingers tangling back under her ears, she simply bowed her head and cried harder. Eddie kissed her hair and held her, letting her release all the pent up emotions that were swirling in her mind. When she breathed a little bit easier, he looked at her, drying her tears with his thumbs.
“Can I trust you to stay here while I get the Kool-Aid?” he asked, softly.
Dottie nodded, so he moved away from her to get the pitcher out of the fridge. He filled a mug first, watching her legs swinging lightly back and forth while she sniffled and picked at her nails, and stopped before filling the next one. She saw him frown and look around the kitchen before finding what he was looking for: a yellow ceramic mug with a gnome playing the accordion on the front. A couple of weeks ago, the teens had been studying in the trailer on the small table in the kitchen, and Dottie had mentioned to Wayne she was gonna get him a hat with her college logo when she was in Michigan so he could add it to his collection. He’d glowed at that, joking that he was gonna tell everyone his niece was a genius and that he’d leave her her favorite mug in his will in return. The two of them had spent around 30 minutes going through every mug until she decided on one, all while Eddie worked on his homework with a dumb smile on his face. She’d picked a yellow mug with gnome playing the accordion on the front, the very same mug Eddie was now gently putting into her hands filled with apple Kool-Aid he allegedly kept buying because he knew it was her fave flavor.
They sipped their juice in silence until Dottie calmed down, holding onto the mug with both hands for comfort. Eddie stood there, waiting for her to say anything and when it became clear she was not gonna be the first one to talk, he put his mug down and turned to her, pulling on the hem of her borrowed boxers.
“Hey,” he said, ducking his head down to look her into the eyes. She made a small sound of acknowledgment but kept staring at the liquid between her hands. “I’m not dating anyone.”
“I don’t like Chrissy,” he kept going.
“You don’t have to explain anything to me.”
“Yes, I do. I really fucking do,” he took her mug out of her hands and ducked a bit more. “Dot, look at me. Please.”
“Eddie, it’s fine-”
“I’m kind of insanely in love with you.”
“What?” Dottie breathed out, eyes widening.
“Darling, I haven’t been able to even look at anyone else since the day I met you. I’m so fucking obsessed with you it’s actually embarrassing,” he smiled at her, finally hitting her with the full force of his confession.
“You… you like me?”
“Mhm,” he nodded, lifting her hand and kissing her gauze covered knuckles. “Chrissy has been helping me plan how to ask you out. We’re not secretly dating, she knows I’m crazy about you.”
“Oh. Sorry, I didn’t know,” Dottie murmured, ashamed that she’d jumped the gun with her conclusions.
“You couldn’t know, that was the whole point,” he chuckled. “I was gonna ask you out after graduation, I wanted to have our diplomas and everything but then you kissed me and… you’re awfully impatient, has anyone ever told you that?”
“God, I’m an idiot,” she laughed, hitting her forehead with her palm. “How long had you been planning that?”
“Since around your birthday,” he admitted, and she groaned. “I would have asked you earlier but I wanted to set things straight before, y’know? I wanted to graduate first, maybe get a job, I dunno… Give you what you deserve. Instead you get… this,” he waved his hand around. “Sorry.”
“Eddie, I’m so in love with you, it’s not even funny. What are you talking about?”
“Oh my god, we’re both idiots!” Dottie groaned again, and he laughed in disbelief.
“You’re in love with me?”
“Yes! Why did you think I kissed you?!”
“I mean, I kinda figured out you liked me, but love, darling, that’s… That’s a lot.”
“You just said you are “kinda insanely in love” with me, what do you mean it’s a lot?” she looked at him like he had just told her the sky was green.
“Well, yeah, but- that’s different! I’m me!”
“Okay, what the hell does that mean?”
“I don’t know, I just- fuck, I love you and I really, really want to kiss you right now. Would that be okay, darling? Can I kiss you?”
She shook her head at him like he had just said the stupidest thing on Earth and wrapped her arms around him, bringing him forward and pressing their lips together again. Eddie laughed against her mouth, hands coming up to cup the sides of her jaw, thumbs rubbing circles into her skin. They kissed with no hurry and no other motives than to just kiss, savoring the moment like a cold sip of water after a long race. There were no more places to hide, no more shadows lurking in the background. It was just them under the mismatched light bulbs in the Munson kitchen, two mugs and a pitcher filled with Kool-Aid, and limbs tangling with one another, scratching an itch that had once seemed impossible to relieve.
Eddie moved his lips from hers to her cheek, up her nose and eyelids until he reached her forehead and stayed there, just breathing in and basking in the knowledge that they’d jumped off a cliff together and had landed on the other side unscathed. There were so many conversations to be had, so many things to be said, but this was more than okay for him now. This was enough, and for the first time in his whole life, he was enough. Dottie’s hands moved under his shirt, lightly running her short nails over his skin, the motion calming and grounding him. He was hers, and she was his, and there was nothing else that mattered anymore. The waters were calm. The locked padlocks remained in place, but the keys weren’t forgotten or hidden anymore. She felt at peace in a way she had never once felt before, knowing that no matter what came next, they would face it together. She yawned once, burrowing further into his skin, and he chuckled.
“Wanna go to bed now?” he asked, softly.
“Yes, please,” she replied.
Eddie helped her off the counter and let her get comfy in his room while he finished getting ready for bed, turning all the lights off and brushing his teeth with a dazed expression on his face. He found her tucked in on the left side of his bed, the one closest to the wall and realized that he could get used to this so easily. He was sure that once she went home the next day, he’d have trouble falling asleep until she was back next to him, nuzzling into his chest and wearing his clothes. They cuddled in silence, soft touches in the darkness, just exploring skin and calming rapid heartbeats with innocent caresses that revealed just how much they’d longed for this. There would be time for bolder actions, but tonight they just wanted to hold each other tight and never let go. Eddie, however, had one more question to ask before sleep could whisk them away to Dreamland.
“I don’t want to, like, ruin the moment, but… what happens now?”
“Dunno. What do you want to happen?” she asked, moving her leg on top of his so he could shuffle closer to her.
“Can we maybe not tell people this happened so I can ask you out like I planned?” he said, shyly. “I just… I want to do things right with you. I don’t want to fuck this up.”
“You’re not fucking anything up, Ed. But sure, we can pretend this didn’t happen and I’ll act surprised when you ask me out,” she rolled her eyes playfully.
“No, no, that’s not what I meant,” he squeezed her closer. “I meant it more like… not telling the guys? You can tell your Dad if you want, though.”
“How about this?” she said, reaching up and kissing his jaw sweetly. “We don’t tell anyone anything, and my Dad doesn’t get an aneurysm every time he sees you. Sound good?”
“You want to lie to your Dad?”
“Not forever. We can tell him before I leave for college. You’re gonna come see me, right?” Dottie asked, hopeful.
“Baby, Michigan is only three hours away. They’re gonna think I’m your roommate with how often I’m gonna be there,” he pecked her hairline.
“Just trying it on. D’you like it?”
“I love it. And I love you.”
“Fuck, I’ll never get tired of that. I love you,” he chuckled, leaning in to kiss her. “Okay, we won’t tell anyone so your Dad doesn’t murder me.”
“I have one condition though.”
“I still get to kiss you when we’re alone.”
“You just want me to be your dirty little secret, don’t you?” Eddie joked, poking her side.
“I’ll be yours too if that helps,” she said, cheekily.
“Oh, don’t tempt me with a good time, princess,” he said with a mischievous tone. “Who knows? Might be fun to sneak around all summer.”
Half an hour later, when they were finally falling asleep between soft kisses and whispered sweet nothings, they both agreed that a little bit of teenage disobedience might just be the missing piece they didn’t know they were looking for to complete their perfect summer before officially being adults. After all, it always looked so much fun in movies, right?
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taglist (comment below or send me an ask if you want to be added!): @munsonology @kurdtbean @every1lovesanunderdog @eg-dr3amer3
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philsfavoritepillow · 2 months
I think I have a superpower
So the buck being bi thing just made me realize something. I think I have a superpower. I just started watching the series as it comes out this season right, well this season is when they made buck canonically bi. This has happened before for me. I started watching supernatural as it came out on the last season. They made Cas and Dean Canon in the last season. I started watching teen Wolf as it came out on the last season, They made Lydia and stiles canon in the last season. I started watching Andy Mack in the last season. They made Cyrus and TJ canon in the last season. It’s happened other times too but those are the times it happened with the BIGGEST ships.
EDIT X2: Never Have I Ever, and Nancy Drew as well
When I was in high school: Chicago Med, The Mentalist, Awkward, The Fosters, Timeless, Superstore, the list goes on, this is WEIRD
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thatgirlwithasquid · 3 months
Stranger Things F/M Pairings AO3 Ranking
The F/M pairings for stranger things teens and their rankings! These are ranked purely on number of works they have on archive of our own, just for a fun comparison cause I like looking at the numbers
Numbers are as of 5th March 2024
1. Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler with 4,716 works
2. Chrissy Cunningham/Eddie Munson with 3,248 works
3. Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler with 2,291 works
4. Jason Carver/Chrissy Cunningham with 384 works
5. Tommy Hagan/Carol Perkins with 197 works
6. Chrissy Cunningham/Steve Harrington with 132 works
7. Eddie Munson/Nancy Wheeler with 99 works
8. Argyle/Eden Bingham with 76 works
9. Steve Harrington/Kali Prasad with 45 works
10. Chrissy Cunningham/Billy Hargrove with 37 works
11. Billy Hargrove/Heather Holloway with 36 works
12. Billy Hargrove/Nancy Wheeler with 32 works
13. Billy Hargrove/Barbara “Barb” Holland with 24 works
14. Eden Bingham/Jason Carver with 21 works
15. Chrissy Cunningham/Gareth with 19 works
16. Steve Harrington/Heather Holloway with 17 works
17. Jonathan Byers/Chrissy Cunningham with 13 works
18. Steve Harrington/Barbara “Barb” Holland with 11 works
19. Steve Harrington/Vickie with 9 works
20. Jonathan Byers/Barbara “Barb” Holland with 8 works || Argyle/Kali Prasad with 8 works
22. Steve Harrington/Tammy Thompson with 7 works || Billy Hargrove/Carol Perkins with 7 works
24. Eddie Munson/Carol Perkins with 6 works || Jason Carver/Nancy Wheeler with 6 works
26. Argyle/Chrissy Cunningham with 5 works
27. Carol/Steve Harrington with 4 works || Heather Holloway/Eddie Munson with 4 works || Jonathan Byers/Kali Prasad with 4 works || Chrissy Cunningham/Jeff with 4 works
31. Barbara “Barb” Holland/Eddie Munson with 3 works || Jonathan Byers/Carol Perkins with 3 works || Argyle/Nancy Wheeler with 3 works
34. Billy Hargrove/Tina with 2 works || Billy Hargrove/Kali Prasad with 2 works || Jonathan Byers/Heather Holloway with 2 works || Chrissy Cunningham/Patrick McKinney with 2 works || Gareth/Barbara “Barb” Holland with 2 works
39. Eden Bingham/Steve Harrington with 1 work || Eddie Munson/Tina with 1 work || Tommy Hagan/Nancy Wheeler with 1 work || Tommy Hagan/Heather Holloway with 1 work || Chrissy Cunningham/Tommy Hagan with 1 work || Billy Hargrove/Tammy Thompson with 1 work || Jonathan Byers/Vickie with 1 work || Eden Bingham/Jonathan Byers with 1 work || Patrick McKinney/Carol Perkins with 1 work || Jason Carver/Kali Prasad with 1 work || Barbara “Barb” Holland/Jeff with 1 work || Fred Benson/Chrissy Cunningham with 1 work || Andy/Chrissy Cunningham with 1 work || Andy/Nancy Wheeler with 1 work || Chance/Nancy Wheeler with 1 work
55. Tommy Hagan/Barbara “Barb” Holland with 0 works || Fred Benson/Nancy Wheeler with 0 works
Robin Buckley hasn't been included in this, since she's canonically a lesbian
Pairings with no ao3 tag:
Steve Harrington/Vicki Carmichael, Steve Harrington/Tina, Eddie Munson/Vickie, Eddie Munson/Vicki Carmichael, Eddie Munson/Kali Prasad, Eddie Munson/Tammy Thompson, Tommy Hagan/Vickie, Tommy Hagan/Vicki Carmichael, Tommy Hagan/Eden Bingham, Tommy Hagan/Tina, Tommy Hagan/Kali Prasad, Tommy Hagan/Tammy Thompson, Billy Hargrove/Vickie, Billy Hargrove/Vicki Carmichael, Billy Hargrove/Eden Bingham, Jonathan Byers/Vicki Carmichael, Jonathan Byers/Tina, Jonathan Byers/Tammy Thompson, Patrick McKinney/Barabara “Barb” Holland, Patrick McKinney/Vickie, Patrick McKinney/Nancy Wheeler, Patrick McKinney/Vicki Carmichael, Patrick McKinney/Eden Bingham, Patrick McKinney/Heather Holloway, Patrick McKinney/Tina, Patrick McKinney/Kali Prasad, Patrick McKinney/Tammy Thompson, Jason Carver/Barbara “Barb” Holland, Jason Carver/Vickie, Jason Carver/Vicki Carmichael, Jason Carver/Heather Holloway, Jason Carver/Tina, Jason Carver/Carol Perkins, Jason Carver/Tammy Thompson, Gareth/Vickie, Gareth/Nancy Wheeler, Gareth/Vicki Carmichael, Gareth/Eden Bingham, Gareth/Heather Holloway, Gareth/Tina, Gareth/Carol Perkins, Gareth/Kali Prasad, Gareth/Tammy Thompson, Argyle/Barbara “Barb” Holland, Argyle/Vickie, Argyle/Vicki Carmichael, Argyle/Heather Holloway, Argyle/Tina, Argyle/Carol Perkins, Argyle/Tammy Thompson, Jeff/Vickie, Jeff/Nancy Wheeler, Jeff/Vicki Carmichael, Jeff/Eden Bingham, Jeff/Heather Holloway, Jeff/Tina, Jeff/Carol Perkins, Jeff/Kali Prasad, Jeff/Tammy Thompson, Fred Benson/Barbara “Barb” Holland, Fred Benson/Vickie, Fred Benson/Vicki Carmichael, Fred Benson/Eden Bingham, Fred Benson/Heather Holloway, Fred Benson/Tina, Fred Benson/Carol Perkins, Fred Benson/Kali Prasad, Andy/Barbara “Barb” Holland, Andy/Vickie, Andy/Vicki Carmichael, Andy/Eden Bingham, Andy/Heather Holloway, Andy/Tina, Andy/Carol Perkins, Andy/Kali Prasad, Andy/Tammy Thompson, Chance/Barbara “Barb” Holland, Chance/Vickie, Chance/Vicki Carmichael, Chance/Eden Bingham, Chance/Heather Holloway, Chance/Chrissy Cunningham, Chance/Tina, Chance/Carol Perkins, Chance/Kali Prasad, Chance/Tammy Thompson
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F/M pairings for the stranger things have a total of 11,504 fics. This is 29,857 less than M/M pairings and 566 more than F/F pairings.
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jcforsapphics · 1 year
I wish I could see inside people's heads simply so I could see the fanarts people who can't draw imagine, because I'm sure they look sick as fuck, unfortunately they'll just never come to life
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rushman2-0 · 10 months
Donna Moss this, CJ Cregg that, I wanna know your favorite random featured female guest star with 10-20 episodes over multiple seasons
For our favorite ladies with less than 10 episodes, go here
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