#naruto is pretty annoying at the start even though i know he gets better later
moonpaw · 4 months
As someone who tried Naruto right before getting hooked on one piece, it struck me as something that I would have liked more if I got into it when I was, like, twelve. Definitely not a bad piece of media and I can see why people enjoy it, but I feel like it's better if it hooks you when you're actually in the intended age group
yeah i remember liking it just fine when i was younger 😭i only got tired of it sometime after shippuden
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bigteefsmallbrain · 3 years
So, Soulmate AU where when you talk out loud to yourself, your soulmate can hear you and vice versa, but actively trying to have a conversation with them doesn't work. I'm here, it's 8:43 in the afternoon as opposed to 3:29 AM when I first came up with this.
SOULMATE AU HEADCANONS FOR: Shoto Todoroki, Rin Okumura, and Sakura Haruno
Shoto Todoroki
Aha, good luck finding out you have a soulmate in the first place with this one
He literally does not speak out loud to himself
Not at first that is
He also is clueless about soulmates, like, as soon as he hears your voice he’s google searching “Why is there a voice in my head talking about how their family is disrespecting Ramen?”
When he does realize that it’s his soulmate, he won’t actively pursue speaking to himself or finding you
Actively being the key word here
He wants to believe he doesn’t care and that his soulmate, whoever they are, will just get in his way
But that doesn’t stop him from focusing solely on you when you talk
Or trying to reply to you sometimes
And it certainly doesn’t stop him from subconsciously starting to speak to himself
Which, by the way, scared the piss out of you the first time
You didn’t even know you had a soulmate till that point
so hearing a male voice in your head go “I can’t believe they only serve hot soba here”
Would understandably frighten you
He doesn’t even realize it at first until his father gets pissed at him for mumbling
And he’s just like “oh” and immediately stops, as soon as he realizes from then on
Like you’ll be going about your day, hear him start to speak, then cut himself off
Which is disappointing
His sudden radio silence changes drastically after his fight with Midoriya
Like after getting knocked out by Bakugo and being put into the infirmary, he decides to check over himself while mumbling or if Recovery Girl lists his injuries for him, he’ll repeat them under his breath
Which, scares you obviously, but you’re also glad he’s not dead or something
He starts rating cold soba that he has or has had in the past
Reviewing his day
Talking about Midoriya
Which worries you, does he have a crush? Are they just good friends? Is this ‘Midoriya’ going to steal your soulmate
I stg, Midoriya has become a love rival and the poor boy has no idea
You’re stalking him on the internet trying to find anything you can on him to make sure you can outdo anything he does
He can knit? Oh look, professional lessons and equipment
He does Yoga? Aha, you have never been more flexible in your life
Anything he’s done? You are now doing it better than he ever could
Todoroki doesn’t have this same fear, his parents weren’t soulmates, and he fully trusts you, you’re made for each other, literally
When you finally meet, it’s so unexpected, and he blue screens
Here? Now? Who? What’s yesterday?
He’s not functioning
Todoroki.exe has crashed
Person too pretty
You’re not any better though
Honestly, have you seen this man? He’s model material
Worth millions
You both stare at each other for a good while before Midoriya comes and breaks the silence
And Todoroki makes the mistake of going “Oh, hey Midoriya” and paying attention to him
The fire has been lit, RIP Midoriya Izuku, an innocent man
Rin Okumura
You have a collection of recipes
He talks A LOT when cooking, like, he’s a walking cookbook, going through each step and ingredient
Even for recipes of his own creation
Which he never writes down and frequently forgets
So when you meet, he’s convinced he died and went to heaven
All his beautifully crafted recipes and instructions, he may cry when you show them to him
He also reads out loud to himself, so prepare for that
All the Manga, any book he may read, some new recipe he found on the internet
He reads it out, and sometimes does different voices for other characters
Which is great and all, but since he’s a dropout, it’s literally at all the worst times
Doing a math quiz? He’s crying while reading a romance manga
Trying to study? Good luck with that, he’s dramatically reenacting a action manga panel
He watches Hell's Kitchen and other cooking shows
He’s talking about how this technique would be better
Or how he should try recreating that dish later
Critiquing how something turned out
Making a dish along with the show
Now, for him, every time he hears your voice, he freezes
Like, physically freezes
No thoughts, head empty, only soulmate
He will not respond until you’re done talking to yourself
And he commits whatever you say to memory
If you talk about a certain food, he is IMMEDIATELY in the kitchen either A) Learning the recipe for it, or B) Making sure he can still cook it
I can, nearly guarantee, that this man will invite you to his home for breakfast/lunch/dinner when you meet, and cook literally everything you’ve ever mentioned
And continue to cook for you after that
Like, he goes from “I wish to eliminate my birth father” to “The way of the house husband, Okumura style”
When you both meet, he pounces on you
No, I mean literally
He leaps on top of you
No hesitation
As soon as he hears your voice
It’s a immediate cuddle session on the floor
Or if you manage to stay upright, he’s clinging to you like a koala
No, you can’t escape or avoid
And if you DO stay upright, he will continue to lunge at you every time he is within jumping distance
Sakura Haruno
Yes, she may be seen as annoying or useless, but I like her, so I’m going to self indulge, and you can’t stop me
That doesn’t mean I'm gonna sugar coat this though
She has spent who knows how long pursuing a toxic, probably Naruto-sexual, duck lookin emo DISASTER only to find out he’s NOT her soulmate?
“I went on this diet, and for what? Nothing”
“I bet it’s wrong, it has to be, right? Sasuke can’t NOT be my soulmate, RIGHT!?”
Yeah, she’s in a sad/denial state for about a week after that
And even after, she’s still salty
It’s not until Sasuke leaves, telling Sakura to go pursue HER soulmate instead of some stupid skin deep crush that she really begins to get OVER him and get INTO you
Except you’ve had enough of her Sasuke BS, so she not only needs to let go of her long time crush, but also make it up to her soulmate
The first time she says something about getting over Sasuke and wanting to be with her soulmate, you laugh, and she hears because you DON’T want to talk to her
“Does she really think one sentence is going to fix years of heartbreak?”
Now, when you put it like that, she cringes, and realizes that there's a lot of damage she caused
Honestly, when you two meet, you don’t recognize each other immediately, due to the fact that you don’t speak to her often or care to remember her voice
You probably found her with her head in her hands, probably eating away her woes at Ichirakus
You slide in, very smoothly, might I add, and ask what’s wrong while ordering yourself a bowl
She tells you the surface, that a friend ran from the village, which is true, but not what she’s sad about
You give her advice, chit chat a bit longer, getting to know each other, before paying for both her and your bowl and heading off
Never gave any names, just friendly conversation
You run into each other more frequently, growing closer with each talk, finally knowing each others names
Never mentioning meeting each other when talking to yourselves though
Eventually, using your advice when Sakura mentioned her soulmate was mad at her, you grew to forgive your soulmate
The two of you got such Deja Vu because of it too, since you were talking to each other and listening to the other ramble to themselves
Till one day, one of you mention the others name
And the other is like, “Oh my gosh [Y/N or Sakura] is my soulmate”
And then you both know
And the next time you see each other it’s a bit awkward, until Sakura says “So uh, I used your advice”
And you burst out laughing, conversation flowing as it would from there
You do hold a vendetta against Sasuke though, and after getting to know Sakura, it just gets 10 times worse
Like you’re ready to knock his teeth in if you ever see him
The pure, unadulterated rage you hold for him grows with every hate crime against Sakura he makes
Like, she tries to help him, now platonically, and he tries to kill her
There is no end to your rage
Everyone knows not to mention his name around you now
White boy better run and run fast if y’all ever meet
Yes, I do simp for pink haired characters, what are you gonna do about it?
If you’d like to see more headcanons, be that for this AU, or something else, feel free to submit an ask or comment! I hope you enjoyed these little headcanons!
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Hey, really liked your analysis of Hinata. I feel almost the same way about her. Even though generally I dislike female characters who are naturally meek, subservient and pointless with no character arc in any type of media, what made me absolutely hate her character was how she treated Neji. If Kishi wanted to show her arc being developed organically, instead of proposing to Naruto that removes her stuttering and gives her new found confidence (because girls only get confident when proposing to guys 🙄), Kishi could have shown her talking to Neji after he literally told his bitter story on the chuunin exam grounds in front of everyone. She is shown like she is sympathetic but didn't do anything about it. She didn't even talk to him after he was hospitalized. She knew exactly why he was the way he was, and yet she fights him as if it was his fault. She, an heir of the clan, could have asked her father to support Neji, she had some clout. But nope. In fact, it was Neji who apologizes to her in a way, he is the one who trains her and help create a new jutsu for her. What did she ever do for him exactly? And Neji didn't have to help her. She was in the best position to help and understand Neji but what did she do? A lot of fans like her character because she is reserved but kind and sympathetic. She is reserved but a coward. She was not kind towards Neji. He died for her when he didn't deserve to, he had dreams and goals that were much bigger than Hinata's entire existence. She couldn't even see her own cousin's pain and she claims to understand Naruto?? Really??
Even Kishi said she was a pitiful character who only watches from a distance. He deliberately made her that way, no goal, no backbone and no lines. And I think she sucks the most after Danzo.
WoooW!!!! Thanks for the ask, Anon.
[[Hinata and Sakura fans!!!! Please stay away and don't interact. I fucking tagged them properly]].
Even though generally I dislike female characters who are naturally meek, subservient and pointless with no character arc in any type of media, what made me absolutely hate her character was how she treated Neji.
We definitely share the same thoughts on this one, Anon.
I am really tired on most of the media for their poor treatment of female characters.
The last time I was amused by a female character was from 'Game of Thrones', I loved Cersei Lannister, who is an absolute biashhh and Sansa Stark, started out as an annoying rose tinted princess but ended up winning everyone's heart. Both are non-combative, soft spoken and somewhat powerless women in a world dominated by men. But they just didn't let the inconveniences stop them and instead they learned how to fuck that world back and take control. Both are similar and yet very different.
After seeing, such well-developed characters..... For me girls in Naruto series, is blehhhhh..... Nothing to get inspired from them. And I knew it by episode 3 itself. I have no idea how can girls, in real life, treat Sakura as some feminist icon, which makes my skin crawl for number of reasons. If you point her mistakes out in any discussions, they will pull the misogynist card to your face. When in reality, I am also a girl and my world views are entirely different from Sakura or Hinata. There is no way a 12 year old girl would want to look at the Duck of another boy.
And the problem is, They form the majority, I mean people who can connect with Sakura or Hinata. So, as long as girls like them exists, we really should suffer from these crap portrayal I guess.
That's why I advise people that If you want to see a good woman character, Narutoverse is not the place.
Having said that, I find Temari, Konan, Tsunade were better (I mean inside the Narutoverse). Though their motivations or reason to achieve a goal revolve around their men, I find their attitude relieving. Unlike Sakura or Hinata, they don't wet themselves on the sight of the men they love.
What irritates me was, Kishimoto could've easily put a character like Temari or TenTen or Tsunade into Team 7. It would've made my viewing experience a lot better. If he doesn't want the strong girls to take over the attention from his boys, then he should've introduced a meek character like Rin Nohara. She is silent and cute but atleast she was willing to die for the Village and never wetted herself over Kakashi, though she loved him. And she treated Obito like her best friend. But he deliberately made Sakura hateful and he never stopped.
Sakura and Hinata were the lowest of the low, compared to any other side characters. And, in the end, they got the main Character's Ducks without actively doing anything. For me this tells me three things
He was using these girls as a shield to close the hetero normative mouths while in reality hiding those boys true feelings under that shield.
He really hated these kind of girls and constantly showing his hatred on them at every given chance and never redeemed them back. 
He knew the target audience’ mindset and he simply caters them by giving them what they need and at the same time writing the important arcs according to his wish.
I think, it’s the combination of all three. 
Just to give you an example.
There is this delusional SS shipper Who justifies Sasuke was acting Tsundere throughout the war arc. I mean, come on!!!! 
I came across this post because, the Original Poster was an idiot who comes into the anti SS tag and reblogged my content and saying I was wrong... So, I don’t mind sharing that person’s content.
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So I don’t know where this delusion comes from... It's truly pathetic.
There are millions of idiots who believe in this kind of shit and Kishi is deliberately feeding them with bits and crumbs while making his boys go out and save the world.
These delusional mindset tells us they don’t give a single shit about the story as a whole. They watch it purely for the pretty faces and getting high over them. In this case, Sasuke.
It’s as clear as day that Sasuke didn’t care about anyone other than Naruto when fighting the war. You don’t have to be a shipper but even a non-shipper can point this out. I mean Sasuke wouldn’t have saved Jugo either, if he didn’t come to Sasuke and advice him. Do you think Sasuke would’ve tried to look for Jugo and saved him at all cost???? It’s just that he came to Sasuke and he helps him back. But Sasuke would’ve saved Naruto from the bomb blast even if he was standing a mile away.
So, if these delusions reflects the mindset of the majority of the women audience, then the creator will never try to give anything better but instead give us some low-life characters like Sakura and Hinata. 
So, Anon, your expectation for Hinata’s character could’ve been developed much better is just a wishful thinking. Because, Hinata is a character for these kind of people and not for us. And the author deliberately did it. 
She was in the best position to help and understand Neji but what did she do? A lot of fans like her character because she is reserved but kind and sympathetic. She is reserved but a coward. She was not kind towards Neji. He died for her when he didn't deserve to, he had dreams and goals that were much bigger than Hinata's entire existence. She couldn't even see her own cousin's pain and she claims to understand Naruto?? Really??
For me, this also irked me a lot. 
Hinata could’ve tried to talk to Neji about his problems even when he was a child. But she was simply playing innocent when in reality, she is just a coward. Even after the Chunin Exams, there was no apologies from her side, like you said. Because she is from the Main Branch. That hierarchy never changed. If she had the gall, she could’ve easily broken that hierarchy by saying, ‘I want Neji Nii-San to take over our Clan, He is the best candidate for this and I can gladly help him with all my efforts’.  A single line and just 2 or 3 panels, it all takes.
For me killing Neji is where Kishi asking us silently, 
Do you really want these pair to happen despite having a blood stain of another character??? 
Most people said, ‘Yes!!!’, because they don’t give two shits about Neji. As long as Hinata gets Naruto, the main character’s Duck, that’s all there is to it. It doesn’t matter who dies, who lives. 
That's why Kishi is shitting on them by making her as a non-existent woman in the Boruto Manga.
Even in real life, there are many hopeless foolish little girls who would do anything for the man she loves. I've seen them and I always stay 2 miles away from them. I mean, they even ditch their own friends and spends her entire time with him and when he dumps her later, she will come back to her friends for consolation. I think Sansa Stark is the best example for this. She started out much similar to Sakura and Hinata, believing in Princes and shit, she even naively betrayed her father for the man she had crush on. But the author made her to learn her lesson in a much painful way and later she came out as a Queen who no longer needed any man at the end. I think, this is called Development.
At the end of the day, Romance and Sex is all that matters. The author knew it. So, he is feeding these girls with some low quality cookies and they are very glad to take and eat it.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
I have been reading your blog for the past few days and I absolutely love it! Is it okay if I request Modern S/o from a Modern World with Yandere! Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, since we have already have Hashirama and the other 2 with Mordern S/o, also take your time!
So many modern reader😂. I didn’t try to get too much into detail with how they would share a darling since I got a request about that as well.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, delusional thoughts, possessiveness, obsessiveness, vicious behavior, violence, kidnapping
modern s/o
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🍜💙🌸Due to Sasuke needing a lot of time when falling for someone, you most likely appeared during the Team 7 days, when all three of them were still genin. They most likely discovered you together with Kakashi one day on a mission, finding a young you all by yourself and looking obviously flabbergasted and shocked when being found by them.
🍜💙🌸And they of course helped you, realizing that you were lost and their Sensei offering you to lead you home if you would tell them where you lived. You on the other hand just stared back and forth between him, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke before muttering something from if you were dreaming, pinching yourself to make sure you weren’t dreaming and that this was reality. After painfully discovering that this was indeed real you wanted to be 100% sure, asking if they were Kakashi Hatake, Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha.
🍜💙🌸Whilst you might have known Kakashi as the famous copy cat, they were all surprised when you knew the names of his pupils. You were pretty far away from their village, making the possibility that you knew them from there very little. It led to Kakashi suddenly getting a weird feeling, his intuition telling him that something wasn’t right here. So he asked you once again from where you were, leading to you explaining yourself. And knowing that they would most likely not believe you without proof, you also used your phone, showing them that you weren’t lying.
🍜💙🌸You were like this brought with them together to the Village, Kakashi deciding that you wouldn’t be safe all out there on your own and if someone would find out about you, you could become very dangerous for them. And just like that you were introduced to the Third Hokage who you showed your proof as well, amusing him greatly that in his old life he was still able to witness something like this. A dimension traveler, how utterly fascinating.
🍜💙🌸But he understood why Kakashi had brought you with him. You had explained after all that in your world their whole story was all written down as a “Manga” and could also be watched as an “Anime”. In short, you knew what would happen in the next few years, knowing what abilities someone would possess in the future and what secrets there were. It made you very valuable and if people like Orochimaru would find out about you, you were doomed. And they would be as well if Orochimaru would find a way to press everything you could possibly offer out of him.
🍜💙🌸So you were most likely given a apartment, most likely near Naruto, and were given permission to live in the village. It was also decided that Kakashi should teach you a bit how to fight, also finding out whether you possessed chakra or not. This was made a secret between you, the Third Hokage and Team 7, all promising to not tell anyone.
🍜💙🌸It should come to no one’s surprise that Team 7 naturally grew closer to you overtime since they had found you and were one of the very few who knew about this secret. So they became quickly your best friends.
🍜And Naruto was the first one who developed some more unhealthy feelings for you, openly displaying his big crush on you and making it obvious for everyone that he liked you. For the reason that you never seemed to make fun of him and always cheered him on, not thinking of him as a monster like many others or just an annoying little brat. Much more on the contrary, you always told him that he would be very strong one day. And you had to know it the best. Since you two lived directly next to each other, sleepovers and just spending every evening time together became somewhat a normality to you two, allowing Naruto to grow closer to you. His obsessive tendencies grew stronger due to the fact that you were from another world and he often begged you to tell him more about your world, listening in awe whenever you did tell him.
💙Surprised by who became Yandere next? I’ll explain later on to why not Sakura. Let’s face it, Sasuke was most likely annoyed when first finding you which might have changed quite a bit after finding out who exactly you were. He knew that you weren’t allowed to talk about it, but it did happen quite a few times that he asked you direct questions about his future and you just told him that he would later on become one of the most powerful shinobi which led to Sasuke hanging out more around you, hoping to squeeze something more out of you. What powers exactly would he gain? Would he meet his brother? How could he reach that point of being one of the strongest ninja to exist? Sasuke would keep it more subtle with his feelings even though his possessiveness was most likely triggered due to knowing that Naruto liked you as well, leading often to snarky comments from him when Naruto was all over you.
🌸Sakura was at first just your best friend for a rather simple reason. At that time she still had a crush on Sasuke and also saw that Naruto liked you a lot. And she cared for Naruto a lot, leading to her being glad that he had finally someone who seemed to understand and support him and she became a huge Naruto x (y/n) shipper. Sasuke is a lot more subtle with his signs that he likes you, but Sakura is very observant when it comes to those she’s close and will notice the way Sasuke keeps looking jealous and annoyed whenever Naruto tugs you away or tries to show off in front of you or the way he seems to tolerate you more than others. Even the way he displays a bit more softness with you which will lead her to feel a bit more conflicted, realizing that you are stuck in a love triangle. But different than with Ino she won’t suddenly start disliking you since she also sees that you keep pushing Sasuke away, most likely because you know that Sakura likes him and take that into reconsideration. You also support her just like Naruto all the time, knowing that she’ll later on become one of the strongest kunoichi to exist.
🍜💙🌸After Tsunade was made the next Hokage, she and Tsunade were informed about your secret as well in order to be able to keep in mind that you were somewhat of a special case.
🍜💙When Sasuke left the Leaf Village he might or might not have tried to take you with him, but since I need you here so Sakura can form her obsession, he failed. Even if he would have managed to take you out of the village, we all know that the with Naruto robbed him temporarily all his power, giving you the chance to free yourself and run. The fight between those two would be in general a lot more vicious than it would have been without you. Sasuke had pent-up frustration inside of him due to the fact that Naruto had gotten so strong, him fearing that Naruto might be one day able to beat him. Not only that, but Naruto also liked you a lot, more than a lot and this poured only even more gasoline in his fire since Sasuke had only you left. And now that blonde idiot was starting to become stronger and the strongest wins always in the end. He despised the thought that he could lose to Naruto. And our sunshine boy was mad as well that Sasuke had dared to kidnap you.
💙And so there is a chance that due to Sasuke’s betrayal another person found out, Orochimaru. He most likely sensed during the Chunin Exams that something about you was different. You didn’t participate or anything, but he kept an eye on you because Sasuke was really close to you and what better way to get his hands on Sasuke than blackmailing him and manipulating him with the one he loves dearly? I can even see him as someone who lit the hatred for Naruto inside of him when he noticed Sasuke’s growing jealousy. Would he seriously let such a weakling like Naruto get his darling? And with Orochimaru finding out this situation will become a bit twisted since Orochimaru will form an obsession with you as well for pure egotistical reasons. He wants to know all the secret and just now a mystery bigger than everything else he witnessed in his life so far was offered to him. So he would be all up for kidnapping you as soon as the chance is there.
🍜If we go with the theory that Sasuke did manage to kidnap you, but you were saved, Naruto would afterwards be so incredibly apologetic and feel guilty for not coming to rescue you sooner, adding even more pressure and misery onto him next to the fact that he already didn’t manage to save Sasuke. But he was also incredibly glad that you were now back, due to the shock most likely clinging terribly onto you afterwards and not leaving you alone until he left with Jiraiya, giving you into Sakura’s care for the time being.
🌸Do you remember my Naruto and Sakura sharing a darling post? It would be exactly the same to that. Sakura spent the next few years training with Tsunade and also dedicating a lot of her time with you. And it was during these years that she started developing feelings for you. The betrayal of Sasuke hurt her a lot and she also felt terrible for what you had to endure due to Sasuke’s selfish act, you were her best friend after all. You could say that after this she finally opened her eyes a bit, realizing that Sasuke wasn’t the perfect man she had always pictured in her head. It was somewhat of a wake-up call, and suddenly she realized how kind you had been to her all this time, making her feel appreciated, a feeling she hadn’t experienced so far that often. She grew very close to you and when realizing her feelings she was totally embarrassed as well as ashamed since everyone knew about you and Naruto. You were unofficially together at this point. It gave her a lot of mood swings since at one day she was on cloud nine and the next felt like hiding in a hole out of shame.
🍜🌸When Naruto came back, Sakura most likely told him about her feelings, a big sign of how close her bond with him was. And whilst Naruto was at first a bit conflicted about this, he and Sakura came eventually to the terms of sharing.
💙Sasuke on the other hand trained in order to kill his brother and get rid of Naruto with the ultimate end goal of finally getting you back in his clutches. He had started feeling incredibly lonely without you, the emptiness inside of him really getting to him. If we do go with the scenario where Orochimaru ended up finding the truth out about you, he would want to meet you as well. Not only are you interesting for him because you’re the person Sasuke’s in love with, but you’re also a dimension traveler. He does try to ask Sasuke a bit out about you, but whenever Sasuke shoots him this glare it’s obvious to him that he won’t talk. If Sasuke does manage to kidnap you, he wouldn’t let Orochimaru touch you without losing it. He knows how Orochimaru ticks and is just disgusted by this. Would be really pissed off the moment he finds out that Sakura is now in love with you too. He used to be annoyed by her because she was in love with him, now he’s mad that she loves you and shares with Naruto.
🍜💙🌸Sharing a darling is not necessarily easy for Sasuke as long as he isn’t really close to that person or it isn’t his brother. All free of them most likely started sharing after the war was over and Sasuke was forgiven his crimes. It would settle for quite the turbulent relationship because Naruto and Sasuke would constantly get into fights and it’ll be yours and Sakura’s job to separate them. More to that when I start the sharing a darling post. I don’t want to only repeat myself.
🍜💙🌸All three of them wouldn’t travel with you back to your world if there should be a chance. I do think that Naruto and Sakura would display a certain degree of curiosity in it whilst Sasuke would be more annoyed about it. But all of them would still stay in their world since all of them are dedicated to something in their world. That also means all of them will stop you if you should try to escape them by fleeing back into your world.
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reioooameonna · 3 years
Kawaki x Sarada One-Shot Fanfiction RATE: T+ for the censored harsh words. Summary: On one sunny day, Kawaki and Sarada were sitting on the side entrance of Uzumaki House, near the living room. It has been Sarada's new routine to visit The Seventh Hokage's house to see Kawaki. She couldn’t help to wonder if he needs a friend to talk with. And Kawaki has never rejected her all this time, means he quite welcomed her visit. Then, there was this incident.
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Naruto was doing his usual hokage work on the 2nd floor. Meanwhile, Boruto and Himawari were helping out their Mom to bought groceries at the market. It was a peaceful day on the Uzumaki’s house. Kawaki was turning up his gaze to look at the sky. Sitting side by side with Kawaki, Sarada took a glance at the boy's back. She looked at the symbol on Kawaki’s back and got a concerned face for a moment. It is not just a random symbol, right?
Being curious, Sarada started to touch Kawaki's back. And because of the girl's sudden move, he jolted.
"The hell you are doing? You startled me there," he scolded her.
Sarada looked at his annoyed face, "Ah noo, sorry. I'm just curious about the symbol on your back. What does it mean?", smiling awkwardly, she conveyed her thought straight to the point.
"So she’s curious about it?" Kawaki touched his nape, feeling troubled to scolded her for nothing. After being silent for a while, he began to talk,
"...Why are you being nosy all the times? I thik it is not your business,"
Sarada of course, was not satisfied with Kawaki’s answer. “Aw c’mon. You know that I want to be a hokage, right? So I tried to care about everyone, that’s including you!” she said that with a pouting face.
"And because of that, I'm obliged to answer your question?"
"Of course~ I want to be your reliable comrade. You can tell me anything," she winked at him and showing off a note and a pen.
“What's with that note and pen?"
"I'll write all about you here," she smiled enthusiastly.
Kawaki sighed, "You'll get nothing good even after knowing this symbol's means. What a waste of time. Let's talk about something else."
Sarada didn’t seem to give up. She stared directly at him with her puppy-eyes-no-jutsu. Anyone who saw this face would have melt away and give her what she wanted immediately. But how about Kawaki?
“Seriously what's with her?!” Anyway, he didn’t waver to stared back at her. But, after intensely stared at her eyes for a secs, he began to see her nose, cheeks, eyebrows, eyelashes, her lips—he ended up looking at her whole face. "She’s so damn pretty—wait, what’s going on with my mind?" He felt something weird with himself. It is like, he couldn’t look at her longer than this.
"What? You are staring too long, Sarada. Stop it, your eyes might get hurt and you have to change your lens, or even you can’t use your sharingan— " He brushed her off with his usual harsh wordings. He noticed that he succeeded to make her mad at him.
"Tch. Don’t mock THE UCHIHA, shAnNAROO!” Sarada suddenly slapped his back with her palm. Yeah, with her superhuman strength.
“ArgH!! It f*cking hurts!” he cursed at her sudden brute action loudly.
“Wee! Later, Kawaki!” Sarada sticked out her tongue and run away from him with her mischievous grins.
"I did it! Oh my, how would he react to my prank when he noticed it? Will he take it seriously? I don't mind if he take it seriously though.." Sarada fasten her running pace. She blushed very hard at that time.
"You damned as**ole!" he shouted at Sarada's direction. He stayed still on his place, didn't plan to catch her back. "What a girl!" that time, he learned that he should never make fun of her again.
Apparently, Sarada slapped a thin masking tape on Kawaki’s back, without him noticing, of course. She did it on purpose, and because of that, his symbol turned like an Uchiha crest.
Kawaki strolled around inside the Uzumaki's house. He coincidentally met Uchiha Sasuke who seemed like reporting something to Naruto. Kawaki passed Naruto and Sasuke casually.
“Where will you go, Kawaki?” Naruto reached out to him.
“I want to take a bath,”
Naruto realized that there's something odd on Kawaki's back. He grinned, “Eh? Do you want to turned into an Uchiha right now? What a coincidence, the head of Uchiha clan is here!”
Being referred on, Sasuke demanded, “What are you trying to say, Usuratonkachi?”
Kawaki seemed to grasp this situation, he responded to Naruto, “You talked about me? Why would me...becoming an Uchiha?”
Naruto gestured to point Kawaki's back, “Your back,”
“?!!” Kawaki shocked. Somehow he realized something that might related to what Sarada's doing earlier. He took off his sleeveless vest jacket where his symbol located. He looks at his symbol closely. Dang. With that thin masking tape, it has become like a poorly drawn Uchiha symbol.
Plus, there's a little note attached to the masking tape. There written: I'm Uchiha Kawaki.
Reading that, Sasuke couldn't help to think, "Why is this boy so obsessed with the Uchiha clan?"
“F*ck! That damned as**ole Sarada!” Kawaki cursed out her name.
Didn't expect to hear his beloved daughter's name from Kawaki's curse, Sasuke glared at the boy intensely, “You better explain this to Papa, Kawaki.”
Your daughter has literally proposed me, old man.
Notes: The way Sasuke refer himself as ‘Papa’ when talking to Kawaki, was that mean he has accept Kawaki? Lol. 
I was having a good mood when writing this for Twitter (published on March 10th, 2021). And even now when I rewrite this for Tumblr, it still feels so refreshing. Ah I’m so in love with this ship ///^_^// But I’m sorry if I can’t write fanfiction frequently. I tried my best to do this!! Hope you enjoy this 😊
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bokutosbubblebutt · 3 years
A little help
from us students
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- Since Sensei Y/N joined team 7, the three students noticed that their usual teacher behaved a bit weird, weirder than normal! So they assumed that Kakashi had a little crush on their new teammate and they tried everything to help him out
Pairing: Kakashi x fem!reader
Words: 2540
Genre: fluff, a bit 16+
- a/n: This was fr so much fun to write and I‘m honestly really proud if it lmao
„Okay, guys! We need to talk!“ Sakura sat down next to Naruto and Sasuke. The three we’re eating ramen together after their training session with Sensei Kakashi and Sensei Y/N.
„I was watching him now for a really long time and I came to the conclusion that Sensei Kakashi has a crush on Sensei Y/N!“ she said and ordered some ramen with pork.
„Hu? What do you mean, Sakura?“ Naruto asked confused and raised one of his eyebrows. Even Sasuke turned his head and started to think about it.
„Haven’t you noticed? He’s been acting really weird the last few weeks since she joined us. Well, weirder than usual.“ - „I noticed that he doesn’t read his book when she’s with us.“ - „Yeah, and when we have training with her, he’s always on time, sometimes even earlier.“ - „And when we had this fight with the rain Ninjas, he had a nose bleed after that even though he didn’t got hit.“
„But when I think about it, Y/N likes him too, in my opinion.“ Naruto said and put his chopsticks down. „She’s always with him! Since she joined us, you barely see them alone.“
„They even do personal training with each other, although they are both extremely strong!“ - „And she’s always laughing at his jokes!“
„I remember Sensei Guy eyeing them and he made some weird facial expressions towards Kakashi when we met him.“ Sasuke laughed and drank the left over soup.
„Thats it! It’s obviously that they like each other! Everyone notices that but not themselves.“
„We could help them out a little bit? I think they are pretty cute together and Sensei Kakashi just needs a girlfriend. Maybe he will stop reading these weird books!“ Sakura suggested and looked at her teammates. They all agreed on doing that and started to make some plans on how to get them together.
-Plan 1-
It was a casual trainings day and everyone did their own personal exercises. Sensei Kakashi and you were watching over the three, gave them tips and helped them out. Everything was normal and you all minded your own business.
Naruto was standing on a tree he just walked up with chakra in his feet. „Y/N! Look I made it!“ he screamed over to you and you just threw a thumbs up at him.
„Good Job! Now try to walk down again!“
That was the signal for the first plan they came up with. Now it’s was Narutos job to bring you up on the tree. „Uhm, Y/N Sensei! Can you please help me a bit? I‘m scared that I fall.“ he screamed down to you and tried to make a nervous face.
„I think you should try it on your own Naruto! I believe in you!“ - „But I‘m scared that I fall on my face! You probably don’t want me to get into the hospital, do you?“
Annoyed you rolled your eyes and walked up on that tree to the student. He simply thanked you and then made his first step downwards. „See? You can do it! You have nothing to worry about.“
Naruto casually walked down the tree and looked over to Sakura and Sasuke. The girl was training to put a certain amount of chacra in her Kunias with which she simply can hurt her enemies and paralyze them, a special technique she wanted to learn from Sensei Y/N.
You were about to walk the tree down as well right after Naruto. Kakashi was sitting on the ground and watching you doing this simple task.
Sakura was about to throw one of the chacra knives at a dummy but suddenly Sasuke screamed her name. Of course, this was all planed and the little girl stopped paying attention to where she was throwing the knife and looked over to her teammate. Sakura threw the kunai ”accidentally“ in your direction and managed to hit both of your ankles.
Since this technique caused paralyzed body parts and prevented the chacra flow in some certain areas, both of your feet turned numb and you weren’t able to concentrate chacra to walk down the tree. Slowly your feet started to slide and you fell. With a scream you expected to hit the hard ground and break your bones but this didn’t happen.
You fell into two strong arms which catched you bridal style in the right moment. Immediately your cheeks turned bright red and you tried to avoid eye contact with Kakashi, who catched you. He just stood there and smiled slightly. „Th-,Thank you.“ you stuttered and covered your eyes with your arm.
Kakashi looked down at you and scanned your facial features. Once again he noticed how pretty and cute you were. Slowly he sat you down to check your ankles.
„Oh my god! I‘m so sorry, Sensei Y/N! I‘m so sorry, it’s all my fault!“ Sakura tried to make it look like an accident and apologized immediately. Sasuke and Naruto gave each other a secret high five and then walked up to their teachers with a faked concerned look.
„Dont worry! At least you got it right. It’s wasn’t a big amount of chacra anyways.“ you said and tried to brush it off.
„Next time you better pay attention to where are you throwing your kunai!“ Kakashi warned her and then slightly touched the cut on your feet. The bandage, which was tied around your ankles, was covered in blood and a slight cut was visible. „Does it hurt? Can you move them?“ he asked and put one of his hands on your thigh.
„I can’t feel anything in them, they are numb.“ you answered and massaged the bridge of your nose.
„Kakashi, I think you have to carry her to the hospital when she can’t walk!“ - „Yeah, I guess I have to do that!“ Both of you just looked at each other and blushed. Carefully he placed one arm under your knees and the other on your back. His left hand rested on your hip and pulled you close.
They probably would never admit it but they secretly liked it how close they were to each other. The physical contact wasn’t uncomfortable, more like the opposite and they enyojed each others touch.
-Plan 2-
A week later your ankles were completely healed and you could move them normally again. Now it was time for their second plan, which was well, less painful.
The friends noticed that Kakashi visited you almost every day and brought you flowers. When you got released it was time for the second part.
You five were walking trough the village and talked to each other. „Uhm, Sensei Y/N! We wanted to invite you for dinner as an apologize and we will pay, together.“ Sakura said shyly and hit Naruto slightly in the side. He just nodded and agreed to what she said.
„You don’t have to. It’s okay“ you simply answered and smiled. „We won’t take a no! And we are already here.“ Sasuke threw in and walked towards the restaurant.
It was their favorite ramen noodle shop and Sasuke hold up the sheet for the others. „Hmm, when we are already here.“
Quickly the three picked their seats and made a gap for their senseis so they had to sit next to each other. Normally you sat down and put your hands on the table.
The nice lady took your order and then they started to make your food. As always you ordered ramen with lots of veggies and your favorite drink.
„Do you know what our next mission is going to be? Hopefully something cool, I wanna see Sensei Y/N fighting again!“ Naruto laughed and looked over to Kakashi. Naruto sat besides you and Sasuke sat next to Kakashi.
„Yeah, she is really good, right Kaksahi? The way she does her genjutsu is amazing.“ Sakura mentioned and smiled at their Senseis.
„Hu? Uhm, yeah! I-, I also think your fighting skill is pretty good. It’s, uhm, nice to watch you.“ Kakashi stuttered and tried to hide that he was blushing.
Finally the soup was ready to eat and you all started seating silently. Suddenly Naruto reached over to Sasuke with the intention to get a towel to clean his face.
Accidentally he managed to push against your arm and make you spill your drink all over yourself. Now your shirt and pants were soaking wet and it felt disgusting.
„Oh my god! I‘m sorry Sensei Y/N! I‘m so sorry!“ he started to apologize and looked shocked at you. Sasuke and Sakura gave each other a little high five and just giggled a bit.
Annoyed you looked at your student and then at your wet disgusting clothes. „It’s okay, just be careful next time!“ You tried to brush it off.
Kakashi asked the nice Lady for a towel and she gave it to him. „Wait, let me help you.“ he said and started to gently pet the towel on your wet clothes to dry them a bit.
Carefully he pat it on your torso and on your boobs. You didn’t even realized it at first what he did because you just thanked him for helping you but after a while you noticed the gentle touches. Your face turned bright red and you tried to cover it with your hands. „Th-, thank you!“ you stuttered and looked away. „This is so embarrassing.“
„I can give you my jacket!“ he offered and immediately took it off, although you haven’t answered yet. Now he just sat there with a tshirt and his mask. Slightly he threw it over you and closed it for you. Again you thanked him quietly and smiled.
His jacket smelled good. It smelled like him. Not what you expected, even better what you expected. He smelt like the forest after a rainy day and a hint of wet dog. Maybe he had washed his dogs while wearing it.
-Plan 3-
Your team planned instead of training to do a day off and just hang out and spend some time together. And the tree students had the idea to relax a bit and go to the public bath together.
„You are really exited, aren’t you?“ you giggled because the three rushed immediately into the building. Together you and Kakashi paid for their bath and said „see you later“ to each other since the bathes were separated into men and women sections.
While humming a little melody, you took off your clothes and wrapped a towel around your body. After that you went outside and made your way to the hot bath. You didnt even look in which part you went because you knew the women bath was right and the men bath was left. Suddenly Sasuke stopped you.
This was their third plan.
„Uhm, Y/N Sensei, this is the men bath you are walking in!“ he said and pointed towards the sign. A little figure which looks like a boy was on it. „I think they changed it, I almost walked into the girls bath.“
„Oh! Thank you, Sasuke.“ you smiled and looked at the sign again. Weird, you thought but went through the other door.
Little did you know that they changed the signs before you could walk in. Kakashi went into the right bath and then they changed it. Exited the looked trough a little hole to see what happens.
„If this doesn’t work, than they are both too stupid. A better plan doesn’t exist“ naruto laughed.
Unbothered you walked into the bath, dropped your towel halfway through and threw it over a stone. Slowly you walked into the water and let your body react to the hot steamy atmosphere around you. The hot water hugged your body and relaxed you sat down and finally closed your eyes.
After a while you opened them again and looked around. Where is Sakura?
Quietly you heard a embarrassed male voice which cleared his throat. „Uhm, Y/N, I think you are in the wrong bath room.“ he said calmly and slightly smiled at you amused.
„Oh, fuck! Kakashi!“ you screamed and pulled your legs closer to hide your body. Why does this always happen to you?
„Don’t worry, I haven’t seen anything.“ he said and tried to avoid eye contact with you. His hair was down and he didn’t wear his mask. That was probably the first time you saw his full face and, and he was beautiful and hot. You have fantasized about how he looks several times and this just topped your expectations. He was really attractive.
„But, but even Sasuke told me that I have to go in here.“ you whined and tried to hide your bright red face in your knees. This was so embarrassing!
„Dont worry, it’s not like that I don’t know how a female body looks.“ he giggled and slowly swum into your direction. With distance he placed himself next to you and quickly scanned your body.
You were beautiful in his opinion. Your skin looked so soft and the little rolls your stomach formed, were adorable. The wet hair and your blushed skin caused him to not taking his eyes from you.
„You don’t have to hide your body.“ he calmly said and grabbed your chin to make you look into his face. „I-, I think you are really pretty, Y/N. And I’ve liked you since the first day you joined us.“
„You, you really do?“ you asked and looked into his blushed face. Slightly he nodded and then started to pull your face closer to his.
Finally it’s happening.
At first he gave you a gentle kiss, just a little one to make sure you were into it. After that he smiled and pulled you closer again. This kiss was way more exiting and got heated pretty quickly. Slowly he placed his hand on your waist right under your boobs.
After a minute you pulled away and you smiled but immediately started to laugh at him. „Kakashi, you got a nose bleed!“ - „Oh shit! It’s quite a long time ago since I kissed someone.“ he giggled and tried to make it stop.
~Time skip~
After you two spent sometime together in the bath and talked about the last few things that happened you went outside to face your students.
„Okay! First of all, that was evil and very inappropriate! We are really disappointed and you three will get cleaning duty!“ Kakashi said and looked down at his students.
„We‘ve noticed that you three were acting really weird in the last few weeks and now you have to tell us. Of course it wasn’t an accident that Naruto pushed me and Sakura "accidentally" threw her knives at me! Explain!“ you wanted to know angrily and crossed your arms in from if your chest.
The three looked at each other and then finally they explained everything to you. „We noticed that Kakashi might has a crush on you Y/N Sensei! And, and we know that he is, well, a bit stupid when it comes to girls and love in general.“ Sakura started to tell the story. „And so we decided to help you a bit with that and made these plans.“
„And we guess it worked out, right?“ Naruto smirked.
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cupidhaos · 4 years
desk buddies
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pairing: bambam x female reader
word count: 2.3k
genre: fluff, slight angst, slice of life
summary: bambam would soon come to realize, that his ‘annoying desk buddy’ would be one of the most important people in his life
warnings: none
a/n: i was listening to cherry by rina sawayama when i was writing this and that fact is honestly not relevant to the fic at all i just wanted to tell everyone that they should listen to it too
[part of my What is Love? series]
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for most of his life, bambam kept his circle close. he never thought that he needed anyone else other than yugyeom in his life. the two boys had known each other since they were young - being the other’s first friend and all. all throughout elementary school, he had never found it necessary to reach out to anybody else. i mean he and yugyeom had each other - why would he need anyone else?
“you know - you should try to make friends other than me.” yugyeom told him one day on their way from school. it was only a couple more months until they would start middle school.
bambam frowned from where he walked by his best friend “why? if i have you then why would i need anybody else?”
it was yugyeom’s turn to frown “isn’t it better to have someone other than me though?”
the other boy just huffed in response “it’s not like you’re making any effort in making other friends either. besides, everyone else is irrelevant anyways. i don’t need any other friends if they’re just going to leave in the end and go off with someone else.”
the frown on yugyeom’s face deepens as the two of them walk in silence for a while. “i mean… that’s true… but you know i’m not good with making friends! at least you can talk to others.” yugyeom speaks up after time passes. bambam just rolls his eyes at him.
“if i have you then there’s no point in needing anybody else.”
the first day of middle school, bambam felt his world stop. him and yugyeom - for the first time since they have met each other, were now in different classes.
“i know it sucks bam, but it can’t be helped” yugyeom tells his friend who continues to stare at the sheet of paper listing their classes in disbelief. bambam didn’t know how to respond back as he just continued to look at the paper as if it were going to change the harder he stared.
before he knew it - he was sitting in his class filled with unfamiliar faces. he wondered how yugyeom was doing and was dreading the rest of the school year as he stared out of the window - an uninterested look on his face that made everyone avoid going near him.
‘see yugyeom. this is exactly why i don’t reach out and try to make friends. everyone here is all fake and irrelevant anyways. none of them even want to look my way and they’re all avoiding me anyways. who needs anyone else-’
bambam’s angry inner monologue came to a stop as he heard movement coming from the seat next to his. he looks up to see a girl setting up her materials and putting her stationary into the desk next to his. his eyes drift to a familiar wand-like pen peeking out of her pencil pouch.
“... sailor moon?” he accidentally slips out. the girl follows his gaze towards her pen and her eyes widen. she hurriedly shoves the pen back into her pencil pouch as her face visibly reddens. “what? no! haha i’ve never watched sailor moon in my entire life i have no idea who that is at all and it’s not like i’m a fan that i’d buy her merch or anything what? i mean - why are you peeking in my desk!”
bambam watches her ramble on with a confused look on his face. he had no idea why she was talking to him and why she was even defending herself in the first place.
‘wait - why was she accusing me?’
a frown takes up bambam’s face as he met her eyes. “i wasn’t peeking in your desk! you sit right next to me it’s in my vision!”
“well maybe you should keep your eyes on your own desk!”
an offended scoff leaves bambam’s lips at the comment. who the hell does this girl think she is?
“well maybe you should have better taste in anime!” “excuse me?!”
“you heard me! sailor moon sucks! she can’t even beat naruto!”
a loud and offended noise leaves her lips once she hears the comment. she clenches her fist angrily, neither of them noticing the attention of the classroom slowly being shifted towards them.
“not true at all! sailor moon can beat naruto’s ass in seconds!”
“y/n! bambam! is there a reason the two of you are arguing in class right now?”
the pair both turned towards their teacher with wide eyes before pointing an accusing finger at the other.
“she started it!”
“he started it!”
that was how the two of them were sent into the hallway on the first day of middle school. the two classmates stand on opposite sides of the hallway as they sit against the wall with their hands above their heads.
bambam looks over towards the supposed ‘y/n’ who sits there with a pout on her lips he feels. a tinge of guilt in his chest as he looked at her.
‘maybe i should apologize…’
“... naruto is still better than sailor moon” he mumbles.
and that was how they got into another argument for the second time that day.
after their first encounter - the two would get into arguments daily. since they were also desk partners, it was inevitable for them not to find something to fight about. whether it was y/n’s eraser shavings accidentally finding its way onto bambam’s desk - or it was bambam’s elbow accidentally bumping into y/n while she was writing, the two always found a reason to fight with the other.
over time though, arguments had turned more into friendly banter and teasing. y/n even began greeting him outside of class instead of the typical death glare that the two would share with each other if they saw the other during passing periods.
“you’ve been acting different” yugyeom says one day as the two were hanging out at his house. bambam looks up from his homework with a confused expression on his face “different? how?”
yugyeom just shrugs as he continues writing out the math problem on his worksheet. “i don’t know - you seem much happier and you’re even more talkative.”
bambam feels his eyes widen at his best friend’s observation. “i… have?”
the other boy just nods as he looks up at him with a mischievous smile “you have, is it because of that girl you’re always talking to in the hall?”
bambam feels his entire face heat up at the question and gives yugyeom an incredulous look. “what?! ew! y/n?! that’s so gross like i’d ever like her!”
the smirk on yugyeom’s face just grows at his friend’s response “i never asked if you liked her”
seconds later bambam has yugyeom in a headlock as yugyeom laughs loudly at his best friend’s behavior.
after that comment, bambam tried his best to shake off the happy feeling he got when he was around y/n. the two of them weren’t friends - he didn’t want to be her friend, was what he continuously tried to convince himself. it even came to the point where he tried his best to ignore her and isolate himself from the other.
another day passes by as he did his best to ignore y/n. but y/n was never one to back down easily.
“psst… bambam…!” she whispers from where she sat next to him. bambam just ignores her though as he continues on with doing his work. y/n pouts at the lack of reaction before trying again. after being ignored a second time she gives up.
bambam sighs in relief internally as he realized she was probably thinking of giving up of attempts to be her friend.
‘i’m really not surprised. this is how it usually turns out.’
seconds later though - a folded piece of paper makes its way onto his notebook. bambam stops what he’s writing and slowly turns to look at y/n with an unamused look on his face. y/n is turned away from him though as she looks into the other direction. her eyes slowly go to look at him and she gestures at the folded paper with her head. with a tired sigh, bambam opens up the folded paper to read the contents inside.
stop ignoring me >:(
was what was written in the paper. bambam rolls his eyes and y/n watches from her side view as he writes something down. he folds the paper back up and slides it over to her desk.
i’m not ignoring you. why do you even care.
bambam could hear her huff angrily and the sound of rapid writing next to him. the paper is then thrown back onto his desk.
um maybe because i’m your friend STUPID -_-
his eyes widened at the message. she considered him… a friend?
i never said we were friends. now stop bothering me.
okay well too bad because we’re friends now so tell me why you’re ignoring me
we are not friends. i hate you go away.
oh so you’re the tsundere type ~ well that sucks because i’m not going anywhere! ^u^
just leave me alone!!
`3` you’re so cruel T__T but fine, i’ll leave you alone for now - bestie ;P
bambam turns away from y/n as he reads the last message, he can hear snickering from behind him though as his face begins to turn red. the paper is quickly snatched out of his hands though before he could even respond. he turns around to face y/n but pauses once he finally gets a good look at her.
y/n looks at him with a playful smile as she teasingly waves the note at him. it was like the light around her glowed as bambam looked towards her and he felt a warm feeling rise up in his chest.
‘did she always glow like that?’ he wondered. the moment was cut short though as the note is quickly snatched from y/n’s hand. the two look up at their teacher who gave the two of them an unamused look.
“passing notes in the middle of class y/n? you as well bambam?” 
and that was how they both ended up out in the hallway for a second time. its quiet between the two of them as they sit against the wall with their arms above their heads.
“listen… i understand if you don’t want to talk to me anymore, i get it” bambam quietly tells y/n as they both sit at a distance from each other in the hallway. y/n looks up a him and gives him a confused expression “huh? what are you talking about?” “i’ve been ignoring you and i said some pretty mean things to you… it’s okay if you don’t want to talk anymore i wouldn’t be that surprised. i’m used to not having many friends.” he adds on. its quiet again before y/n breaks the silence with her loud laughter.
bambam turns to look at y/n with the same confused look that she had just moments ago. “are you mocking me now?” he asks her, annoyance was hinted at his tone. y/n just shakes her head at his question though before turning to meet his eyes.
“i swear i’m not i just - i knew that yugyeom said you weren’t used to having friends but i didn’t know he meant it” y/n explains in between her laughs. bambam gives y/n a horrified look “how do you know yugyeom?!”
y/n’s laughter stops as she stops to think back. “hmm i met him a couple of days ago through mingyu since they’re in the same class. he came over to gyu’s the same time that i was there and he told me he was your friend” she explains. the look of terror doesn’t leave bambam’s face the more he heard y/n speak “what?! what did he say to you?!”
she just responds with a mischievous look on her face as she sends him a playful wink “that’s a secret”. all bambam could do was groan in response as the two people he didn’t want interacting had already met each other without him even knowing.
“he explained to me how you didn’t like making friends since you ‘didn’t need anyone else other than him’ or something like that.” y/n adds on and bambam turns away from his classmate in embarrassment “yeah! what about it! friends are irrelevant! they could just leave you at any time they want anyways.”
she just nods in understanding at his words “i mean, yeah thats true and all but isn’t it kinda lonely? besides - theres no harm in making any friends anyways. if they leave then they leave and then you can grow from it. but then again you also have to give people the benefit of the doubt from time to time you know”
his eyes widen at her words and he looks back up at her. y/n stares back at him with a small smile on her face which just causes thirteen year old bambam to blush even harder.
“it sucks being alone - don’t you think?”
and it was in that moment, bambam realized that she was someone he didn’t want to let go of anytime soon. it was because of her words, that he had came to the realization that he was just trying to convince himself by saying he didn’t want to let people in.
“yeah… it does”
just like that - it was like a switch inside of bambam had flipped. from wanting nothing to do with anyone else other than yugyeom, he now craved for friends and social interaction with others.
from feeling like he was in a dark room all by himself - he now felt as if the door to that room was opened, and it was all because of her. he wanted to keep staying by her side, he didn’t want her to leave.
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moments of love masterlist
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feralcherry · 3 years
Naruto takes that might enrage you (girl addition)
Warning, some of these takes might enrage you- that’s fine.
Fillers don’t count as canon, don’t even bring them up if you talk about this post lol. Also it’s been a while since I’ve seen the whole series, so some of these might be disproven as I continue with my rewatch. The excuse that Shounen is for boys is also very weak and holds no weight, as tons of girls (and nonbinary folk) relate to the characters in this show, so that doesn’t excuse Kishimoto for his weak writing of women.
To preface, I love this show. Love it to pieces. It was part of my childhood and holds a very special place in my heart. But there are some things I personally don’t like or wish could have been done better. I love every character and will go blue in the face talking about how much I still love this show. That doesn’t free it from my criticism. I’m also only listing what I don’t like and what I would change, though I’d be more than happy making a post about what I loved.
Let’s start off with my girl Sakura Haruno. She is easily the most hated girl in the series, and all because of how ‘weak’ or ‘annoying’ she is. As if that’s not the fault of Kishimoto himself lol. She was shoved off to the side continuously and never given cool storylines, unlike the other members of her team.
What I took issue with about Sakura:
-What were this girls dreams?? The whole reason she became a ninja was never really talked about nor were they really developed as time went on. She was all about Sasuke, which would be fine if she grew out of it. But no. 
-Her crush on Sasuke was super stale. He was handsome and powerful, but what else was there to him? He was a jerk to her most of the time (there are some instances he’s somewhat kind to her, but if we go off canon, it’s not enough to make her deep love make sense). I think it would have been so much more interesting to see her grow out of her infatuation for him. If they had to have ended up together, watching them relearn each other and fall in love would have made them more compelling. She stayed loving a boy who thought very little of her. 
-She’s pitted against her best friend and doesn’t develop much of a relationship with other girls her age. It’s kind of sad, and I think they should have fought over something other than a boy. 
-We are told repeatedly that she’s super powerful by other characters, but she’s never given time to truly shine. She got like a single battle with Sasori and she deserved more cool moments like that!
-She was a healer, which makes perfect sense. But why is it mostly girls who are the healers? It’s a bit weird, when there’s also Neji with his perfect chakra control. She only has her healing abilities and her super strength; but even then someone like Kabuto has more offensive healing based techniques than her. Like his chakra scalpel. 
What I would fix:
-New dreams. Show her find a dream outside of her team and grow into it. Also give her more of a backstory. Sai has more of a backstory than she does and he’s way newer than she is.
-I would let her fuck up one of the Peins instead of Konohomaru- she’s a main character and passed over for that little brat?? She should have gotten to do more than scream out for Naruto and heal people :/ 
-She her intellect a bit more. She’s so smart, and yet we don’t really see it.
-She’s perfect for genjutsu, Kakashi himself said so. So why not give that to her? Or play more with ninjutsu. She has earth and water on her chart, so why not give her those abilities? Maybe even wood jutsu to even her out with her super OP teammates. Idk how, it could have happened, this is a show full of demons and god like abilities, it could have happened someway.
-She should have grown out of Sasuke and not married a man who doesn’t really appreciate her and isn’t there for her at all.
-I would totally have expanded on Inner Sakura more. Imagine if it made her mind impenetrable? Could have woven that in with her skills for genjutsu and made her unaffected by other’s illusions.
Next, let’s go with a more beloved character of the fandom. Hinata. Now personally I don’t care much for her- she could have been so cool but just like Sakura, they kind of messed her up.
What I didn’t like about Hinata:
-Her entire existence is revolves around Naruto. Naruto this, Naruto that- and yet she simply sat back and watched as his life was shit and did nothing despite her ‘love’ for him. And then fillers/movies are added to show that oh wait! she’s been there this entire time!! no lol. Build her up from the start as his love interest at the very least.
-She stayed super meek the entire time. Shy girls are okay, but I wanted to see her grow into herself more and not need as much reassurance. She’s a ninja and should stand on her own two feet more.
-She’s less skilled then Neji and I would have loved to see her outmatch him at some point, even once. Or gain abilities outside of her clan, or do something that made a name for herself outside of being the heiress of the Hyuga.
-She never fixed her clan which was one of her few spoken goals. That was a huge bummer.
-I think it would have been cool to see her mess up Pein a little more. She only stepped in because it was Naruto, which reinforces that she’s only about him. But at least let her land a hit if she’s as powerful as people say she is. 
-She makes the most sense to be a housewife or a healer with the way her attitude is but in Boruto, she’s kind of rewritten to be a ‘scary’ mother which just doesn’t fit her. Plus, she tells Boruto to go and take care of his dad?? Bro, that’s your child and your husband is the hokage. 
What I’d fix:
-Prove her dad wrong and show him that her compassion isn’t a weakness but a strength. 
-Fix the Hyuga clan bs.
-More character growth and showing more of her life away from Naruto. Her romance with him could also have been better. I hated her always watching him but never standing up for him, it kills me.
-Neij dying for her proved their clans hierarchy bs to be right and it just doesn’t make sense for him to die for her. It showed that he was right to feel caged and that he simply existed for the benefit of the Main family.
Now with the others, there’s much less I have to say about them because they aren’t main characters or the love interests.
-Jealous of Sakura, no dreams of her own, stupidly loves Sasuke and for what? WHAT’S SO COOL ABOUT HIM?
-I like her growth for the most part, it was cool watching her fight in the War Arc with her team. 
-Why is she the medical ninja? I never got that.
-She got with Sai but they didn’t really show their development and how they fell in love with each other. It’s like she only likes him because he looks like Sasuke and called her pretty once.
-Should have gotten to train with Tsunade at some point, since she was the one who originally idolized her. 
-We know nothing about this girl at all. She doesn’t even have a last name.
-Her weapon usage was meant to be so cool and yet she missed so often- there’s a disconnect there. Her abilities could have been built up more. Imagine if no matter what she never ever missed. That would have been cool.
-Her weapon shop isn’t doing well. Just because it’s an era of peace doesn’t mean the need for weapons is totally over, not if there are still active ninja??
-I actually like her, she’s kind of funny and I like that she’s mean even if she can get annoying.
-Again, another healer, though she’s also sensory which is more interesting. I’d like to see her with some jutsus though. That would have been neat.
-Her love for Sasuke makes sense since he saved her and smiled at her, making her think of him as her hero. And she’s the only one he apologizes to without Naruto strong arming him into it.
-She’s pretty solid in my opinion. Though I would have loved to see her more without her brothers.
-Her goals in life were to support Yahiko and Nagito’s dreams. It would irritate me so much if other girls in the series were more well rounded and din’t also have some sort of dream involving a boy.
-She was underused. I would have loved to see her fight more.
-Only becomes hokage to support others dreams...All of them men. And then later passes the title onto Kakashi who doesn’t even want to be Hokage either. 
-No other justus used, she’s on par with Jiraya and Orochimaru and yet she’s only super strong and the best medic. She should theoretically be more well rounded than that, right? She also should be shown fighting more even if she’s a medic, she’s also s legendary sannin 
-Had to be saved by 12 year old Naruto. I know it’s a show about him, but she’s meant to be a literal badass but needs a kid to save her.
-Wanted to become the first woman hokage and then didn’t. Her husband did. and then she became a housewife?? What?? She should have become the first woman hokage with a badass husband or had another prominent role in the village like as a council member or something.
-Always lost a fight? She’s some genjutsu using badass but always lost fights.
-No real personality, she’s just chilling there. Sexy as hell though. Has a kid and that’s about it.
-What I will give her is that I’m so glad she was allowed to age. So many anime mothers always look the same as their teenage self and she looks like she can be anybody's mama.
Over all, the girls could have been handled much better. I wouldn’t find issues with any of them being housewives or all about boys if that weren’t what seems to be the standard in the anime. I just wanted more of a variety and better character development, especially for Sakura and Hinata who are the mains 😩
Now to what might REALLY piss people off- ships! I’m not trying to start some war here, this is just my opinion and you can take it or leave it.
Sakura- Naruto, since they had the most development and showed more than two seconds of caring for each other. Even Sai in Shippuden has more of a connection to Sakura than Sasuke did.
Ino-Shikamaru, if she had to end up with a guy it makes sense it’d be him since they spend more time together than her and Sai did. (inosaku for the win tho)
Hinata-Shino or Kiba, again, because they spent more time with her. Naruto and her felt very rushed and I don’t quite understand the appeal.
The one that made the most sense and became canon was Shikatem, though their son’s design was lazy :D 
If I do a second part, it’ll be about the boys and the ships with them that made sense to me. For now, this is all I have. If you’ve made it this far, thank you lol
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mavda · 3 years
Beast Tamers
Ch.1 |  Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4(1) | Ch.4(2) | Ch.5(1) | Ch.5(2) | Ch.5(3) | Ch.5(4) | Ch.6(1) | Ch.6(2) | Ch.6(3) | Ch.7(1) |
Ch.7: Of burdens and duties (2)
Naruto is sitting at his desk when Hinata wakes. She just rustles and turns until she can see him from where she is and then stares. His back is curled and he’s reading some documents with his eyebrows furrowed and Hinata waits.
She waits till he looks at her. A glance, his eyes passing over her out of habit and then catching her eyes looking at him.
“Good morning,” he smiles and Hinata rises immediately. Walks over him on her knees, grabbing the bedclothes around her naked body.
Naruto receives her with open arms, his hands slide through her waist to her back and he brings her closer to him. “Slept good?”
She rests her head on his shoulder as she nods. Naruto is soft with her, moves her hair out of the way and lays kisses along her jaw. Hinata accommodates herself in between his legs and Naruto keeps on moving papers in front of him. He brings one out for her to read.
“We’ll be going to this one in a month,” he shares. Hinata looks at the document and nods in understanding.
“The s-summit.”
“Ever gone there?”
“No… Neither has f-father. He thought it w-was…”
Naruto chuckles, “Yeah, well, it’s more or less the Beast Tamers putting up a show to check on each other.”
Hinata reads the names written in there, guards and servants and an itinerary. She doesn’t really know how to feel. She is excited to go there and actually see one of the biggest festivals the Beast Tamers have to offer, but now she is part of them and it means…
Naruto moves his hand up and down her body, presses her skin to catch her attention, "I can't wait for us to get there. I want you to meet Gaara."
Hinata stills a second, remembers her classes with Lord Minato before saying, "The One-t-tail."
"The one and only," Naruto chuckles.
"Lord Minato d-didn't tell me you two were f-friends."
Naruto shrugs, steals a kiss from her lips, "Dad usually doesn't say much unless necessary or asked." He lets the papers fall on his desk and buries his face on Hinata's neck. She squeaks and Naruto finds it endearing, "We've known each other since I was like 12."
Hinata opens her eyes in surprise and tries to bring Naruto up to her, "I didn't… I didn't know that."
"It was a point in time where I was super rebellious and my dad thought I needed a friend who was actually going through the same thing as me," he has a smile in place still, "he's a year older than me and now is super aloof and mellow, but at the time he was even more annoying than me." He gives a loud laugh, shaking his head in disbelief. "We fought and I got pretty roughed up but I won," he gives her a smirk, pride in his eyes.
And Hinata is still trying to grasp the story, "Why d-did you fight?"
"I… actually don't remember," he squints his eyes in effort, but gives up soon after. "At that time…"
He pauses, gulps down out of nervousness, but Hinata stares at him with nothing but open interest, and Naruto talks, this time softer, this time quieter, "I was just starting to see the outside world. I grew up sheltered and followed my dad everywhere. I didn't know what being a Beast Tamer entailed, I didn't remember anything regarding the sealing so when I had to go under the reinforcement… I started to feel pretty resentful, you know? I wanted to be normal... Whatever that means. And I started to act out. My father, bless his soul, did his best and then thought it would be a good idea to put us two together for a while. Gaara's dad accepted under the condition of my dad checking his seal and so they came here." Naruto looks down at her, kisses her temple, "Two kids who hated themselves and everything around them, I don't remember exactly why we fought but it must have been the dumbest of reasons. We were just ready to fuck everything up at a moment's notice. So we did."
"How… you s-said you are friends."
"Oh, for sure." He laughs again, shakes his head as if remembering what he wanted to say, "we ended up roughed up and all but by the end we were friends. In the fight… I guess I ended up lifting him up? He felt worse than me, that's for sure, and I guess I ended up telling him that we could lick each other's wound, being the same and all. That I understood… what he was going through."
Naruto looks lost in thought again, and Hinata raises her hand to cup his cheek. He nestles into it.
"I-I'm glad you two became f-friends."
Naruto locks eyes with her and Hinata can't remember ever seeing him so melancholic. His childhood must have been… different. She opens her mouth to say something, anything to help him feel better, but Naruto opens his arms and hugs her again, buries his face on her body.
Hinata squeals in surprise and Naruto laughs. Laughs and kisses her and although Hinata doesn't want to let this topic go, Naruto doesn't go back to it. They talk dates and guards and servants and Naruto doesn't let himself fall back into that lost look he had before.
Kiba finds her one afternoon. He looks around her before getting closer and Hinata knows he's trying not to meet Sai.
"My lady," he greets. Looking to the two servants behind her, "may I take over and guard you where you are going?"
Hinata smiles at him and dismisses the servants with a polite nod. Kiba may be brash and bold to an absurd level, but he has been nothing but civilized and nice with her and even though his sense of humor might be crass, she has come to enjoy his open-mouthed laughs.
“Has the lady been able to check the name of the guards tasked with protecting you at the Summit?”
Hinata nods, knows where he’s going with this.
“And the lady is all right with them?”
Another nod, and Kiba looks at her like she has just told him she hates dogs.
“Because you can totally tell me that you don’t want them guarding you, you know?”
When it’s the two of them, when it’s them and Naruto or the people close to him, Kiba lets go of the way he addresses her normally. It’s a breath of fresh air. He made sure to check with her if she was comfortable and the moment she shared she rather enjoyed it he had smiled like a child.
Naruto had thought she was doing it because she didn’t want to bother him, but Hinata really enjoyed his company and his conversations. Naruto had chuckled, and told her that she was really something. Preferring Sai’s or Kiba’s company over a polite servant.
But she’s sure Naruto would understand if he stayed in the Hyuga compound for a while, where loud laughs like Kiba’s or the honesty of Sai are never heard. She’s sure anyone would understand if her only source of entertainment came from what people told her. She loved hearing Kiba’s boisterous voice narrating the most mundane of activities as if they were big adventures. Or Sai’s overly meticulous explanations that almost fell into comedy at times.
“I mean, Sai you already know and like, don’t ask me why,” Kiba walks with a gait that makes him look ferocious. His unkempt hair and the coat with fur lining over his hood only adding to the look. “but I’m here to vouch for Shino, all right.”
Hinata smiles, because both of them know Hinata wouldn’t turn down Shino either way. Quiet and somber, but polite and nice always. Almost always near Kiba, as their techniques are most suitable for surveillance, and almost always making Kiba groan in frustration. Very much like Sai.
“Gloomy, sure, weird, also sure, but he’s good, ok?”
Hinata giggles as Kiba’s lackluster defense of Shino continues. He will stay, as the clan still needs to be protected and his mother asked for him to work with her. His sister, Hana, is away on a mission and his mother, as the chief, refused to let him go. Their master may be away and watchful eyes may go from the compound to wherever he goes, but still, the clan must stay protected.
Kiba leaves her inside her room, with guards outside and servants at the ready. Hinata looks around the room, moves towards the garden and sits right next to the window. She’s nervous and excited and although she worries about a list of things she tries to forget, she can’t help the giddy feeling that surfaces inside her.
A trip like she had never had before.
Naruto comes late into the night and does his best to remain silent. But like many other times before, Hinata stirs awake and stands to help him undress.
He has told her time and time again that she doesn’t need to, doesn’t have to, that she should sleep without worrying when he’s late, and she has evaded his pleas with smiles and kisses he can’t resist.
He worries, because he wonders if she feels she has to wait for him. He worries, because her hands always travel places that make him feel on edge and whenever he answers those advances she’s eager to accept. He worries, because there’s been hardly a day in which he hasn’t spilled his seed inside of her and…
Her body is soft and plump and Naruto never tires of grabbing and dragging her to him. His passion is never-ending and seeing her eyes fill with longing and lust is everything to him. Because if those eyes ever fill with worry…
Naruto feels his stomach tightening, and Hinata clamps around him making him gasp for air. She huffs and puffs and her hands search for his face and Naruto kisses her palms, searches immediately for her eyes. Craving and hunger. He sighs in relief, brings himself down to her and kisses her. Lets his tongue move lazily against hers.
When his hips move away from her, Hinata crosses her legs around his waist, shakes her head no. “Don’t p-pull out,” she breathes, and Naruto can already fill his thirst for her washing over his body. “M-more.”
Naruto takes his time. Touches and teases, drinks her, breaths her. Naruto takes his time because this is not a chore now, and will not become a chore later. The moment his mind wanders to unwanted thoughts he buries his face on her body, concentrates on her breath and the way her hands drag over his body, the way she squirms under him and presses to him whenever possible.
He looks at her eyes, feels himself hardening at her rosy lips, her hair splayed out, his hands never quite able to hold her breasts on them. Her moans…
Naruto comes inside her and he grabs hold of the legs over his shoulders. Hinata shivers under him and drags her nails over his thighs, making Naruto gasp in pleasure brought by the sharp feeling.
The pop of his penis exiting her fills his ears and he cleans between her legs with care before giving a fast wipe over himself. He brings her to him, searches for her hand to hold. He has stopped watching his seed fall out of her in fear of giving her the wrong idea. He has stopped caressing her flat stomach after sex in fear of making her fall to the wrong conclusions.
He’s not worried. He’s not in a hurry, either, but it pains him to think she is troubled. Makes him want to bring her closer to him and whisper in her ear that there is nothing to worry about.
But he can’t. So he kisses her goodnight, nuzzles his face on the back of her head and sleeps with her body close to his.
And he worries… for her.
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raendown · 3 years
Next up in the follower milestone gift fics is for @FollowingTheRivers, prompt word torpid. 
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Word count: 1397 Rated: T+ Summary: It wouldn't occur to him until much later just how ready he'd been to trust the one who found him.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
Anchor in  the Drift
Maybe, Tobirama thought, if he tried very hard, he could invent a new seal on the spot that would allow him to stand up outside of his own body and carry it to safety. That sounded a great deal like a job for those solid clones he was still working on but not really, that wasn’t entirely what he wanted. What he actually wanted was to close his eyes and just let consciousness swim away from him like it was trying so very hard to do. Unfortunately that was definitely a bad idea at the moment. Very unsafe. Entirely likely to get him killed. 
If only he could muster the energy to care. 
Something grunted nearby and Tobirama gave some thought to a curious hum. Then decided against it. Humming felt like too much effort. The sheer act of living felt like too much effort right now while his head swam wildly between perfect silence and jangling alarm. 
“You’re a hard man to find, Senju.”
Fingers carded through his hair and Tobirama found he was so much more interested in that sensation than any of the other ones he could barely feel anymore anyway. His eyes fell closed and then his eyebrows pinched when that seemed to act as a signal for the fingers to stop. That wasn’t right. He hadn’t meant for them to stop. 
“Uh...alright. So that’s not normal. You good?”
He would be perfectly good if only the fingers would come back to his hair but the very thought of cracking his jaw open to communicate such felt like asking himself to lift a mountain. Instead he whined faintly and hoped that would do. It was hard to remember the last time he’d made any sound even close to a whine over the past decade or more but thankfully whatever or whoever might be attached to those fingers seemed to get the point because a moment later they were there again and Tobirama could only smile happily with his eyes still closed. How nice. 
“Not good. Definitely not good. Look, whatever’s up, you need to live long enough for me to make fun of you for this, okay?” 
Obviously he had no answer for that but as long as he got to enjoy the sensation of being petted like some common housecat he found that he just did not care. Even when the entire weight of his body was suddenly floating, torpid limbs lifted and positioned for him, still he had no thoughts but to admire the pleasant cool sensation of whatever he was being draped across. How lovely just when his body was starting to feel too warm. Clearly the universe had decided to realign itself in order to grant him his every wish. Actually, no, that wasn’t entirely true. The hand in his hair was gone and that was simply unacceptable if he was supposed to be getting everything he wanted. 
For a short time Tobirama drifted, vaguely cognizant of the air rushing past him just a tad too firm to be a pleasant breeze, barely aware that whether his eyes were open or closed the world existed as the same blurry haze. Something might be wrong. It should probably bother him that he couldn’t tell. Mostly the last shreds of his thought processing abilities were taken up by wondering if he’d somehow developed the ability to fly. Now that would be an absolutely fascinating development, one he would need to perform extensive tests on, though just the thought of performing any sort of experiment at the moment made him want to lay down and go to sleep. Was he already laying down? It was hard to tell. 
“Here we go, easy now. Don’t even think about flopping around or something. If you get any more hurt than however much you already are I’ll kill you myself after you’re better.”
Whoever that was they appeared to lack a certain sense of their own irony. Tobirama wanted to laugh but lacked the energy. He settled for mentally composing a rather disjointed speech about how pleasant this person’s voice was, very soothing to listen to. Definitely not helping his urges towards sleep. 
“Tobirama. Can you even fucking hear me?”
“Oh thank fuck. You know, I had my own shit to do. I’m tired too. Got my own fucking mission and everything. But no! No, here I am pulling your chestnuts out of the fire and you can’t even roll over to thank me. Fucking hell.” 
It took a few moments of lethargic musing but eventually Tobirama realized he knew that voice. Or, rather, he knew the shape and cadence of those swear words, could have recognized that tone in the soundless vacuum of outer space. Apparently Madara had come to rescue him. That was sweet. It would have been sweeter if he could have done it without the bitching but that was just his way and Tobirama was self aware enough to admit he wouldn't change the man. Well, he was usually pretty self aware. Right at that moment he wasn’t aware of much more than the haze in his veins and the warmth of something tracing along his cheek.
When did they stop moving?
“Back with me again?” Madara’s voice asked him and this time Tobirama found it in himself to hum the affirmative. “Not a single injury on you; this is actual bullshit. I’ve seen all sorts of reactions to chakra exhaustion but this one’s new. You’re more coherent when you’re drunk, for fuck’s sake.”
“My hair.”
Somewhere above him he could hear the disconnected spluttering that had soothed him off in to dreams more times than anyone could count until finally Madara gave a violent snort. “More words, dumb ass. I don’t know what the hell you’re on about.”
Annoyed, Tobirama reached deep for any remaining tatters of energy. It was just enough to form what he hoped was a very irritated frown. 
“Liked it. Touched my hair. Again.” As soon as the words were out his muscles liquified and his jaw snapped shut, utterly drained. The trained shinobi in the back of his mind piped up at last to note smugly that he had, at least, completed his mission. Unfortunately he’d also run across not one but two squads of resistance on his way out of Lightning Country and fighting when he was already exhausted was never fun. If he tried he could almost recall the way it felt to drain the very last of his chakra and hit the ground in tandem with the man he’d just killed. If Madara hadn’t found him - well, there was really no point in thinking about it. No doubt he’d be getting a lecture on the subject later anyway.
It would be worth it, though, because Madara’s hands were back in his hair and if he had the energy Tobirama would have purred like one of Izuna’s damn cats. Even with the low grumbling diatribe that accompanied the petting it was soothing, grounding. Tobirama couldn’t even bring himself to care that he was being so open about something he enjoyed, a vulnerability neither of them could easily afford even after several years of marriage. 
Time had already lost all meaning so the fact that hours or minutes could have gone by didn’t even occur to him. Consciousness came and went but Tobirama couldn't tell the difference. He definitely noticed when his chakra finally started regenerating itself enough that he fell in to a true sleep, waking probably too many hours later to the rumble of Madara snoring. Which meant he’d fallen asleep sitting up. He only snored when he slept sitting up. It took a shamefully long time for Tobirama to realize he was sprawled out on cold ground with his torso leaning back against the other man’s chest, thick fingers buried in his hair with the sort of grip that spoke of an unwillingness to let go. 
Why, he wondered, were they sitting alone in a dark cave? 
“One of us did something stupid,” he muttered to the silence around them. Madara’s snore jumped in time with whatever he was dreaming about and Tobirama sighed, eyes sliding closed again. “You can tell me about it later.” 
For now he was tired, limbs like molasses, more than happy to lie here without moving for just a few more hours. 
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i-simp-for-gintoki · 4 years
Shikamaru with an Uchiha!S/o
“I saw that you did a Yamanaka!s/o for that anon, it was great! Can I ask for another one with Shikamaru, but this time with a Uchiha!s/o? Like, idk, if Sasuke had a twin sister and she stayed on the village, but she's a shinobi too? And she uses a sword like her brother, and some people of the village look at her suspiciously because of what her brother did? Thank you!!!” -anon
This came out kinda way longer then i meant it too be and wasn’t 100% focused on you and shikamaru so im sorry about that. 
Tumblr media
Oh b o y
Where do i even start?
Being an uchiha, especially directly related to sasuke did not make you look good what so ever
You two were close at one point, inseparable even, but once your elder brother slaughtered your whole clan, you both kinda drifted a bit.
Don’t get me wrong, sasuke still cared for you and vice versa but he was much more cold and closed off about his feelings
No more “lets train to impress nii-san, y/n-chan” type of shit anymore
You still tried to remain a bit positive, and be nice to others unlike your brother
You didn’t agree with wanting to kill Itachi, because what good would that bring? How would killing someone because they killed solve anything?
During the first few years of school, shikamaru might not care much for you
Just another classmate in his eyes
Might even have a few negative thoughts in the back of his mind since you guys are twins
He never cared for sasuke since he’s never anything but an ass to people
And when he’s not he’s acting like a cocky shit
He thought you guys acted the same but that proved to not be the case when he saw you outside of class once
He was out getting some dango at a new place with choji and thats where he saw you
He didn’t really want to greet you but much to his surprise you greeted them with a smile
Even offered some of your dango and choji was extremely grateful for that
You guys held a pleasant conversation and ever since then have hung out at the dango place after school
After you guys became official shinobi, you didn’t have time to hang out every day but you did when you had the chance
You once got shikamaru to wear his headband actually on his head instead of his arm and boy did he look stupidly handsome
During some point in the chunnin exams, you noticed your brother’s desire for power has grown an alarming amount
It was no longer “lets train and ask our sensei’s to give us jutsu” but “I will do anything and everything in order to gain more strength”
It honestly scared you and so you went to shikamaru and ranted about it
He acted annoyed that you went on and on about someone he didn’t care for, but did truly listen to your words
“Don’t worry, its just his teenage angst faze kicking in.” “...maybe”  “I’m pretty sure everyone gets it, it’ll pass” “Even you?” “my emo faze lasted three whole minutes as i watched choji eat the food i was looking forward to all day”
Sasuke basically stopped showing emotions to you after the exam and it really saddened you
He basically treated you as someone he lived with
Not family or friend but like “oh thats my room mate i guess”
You were out with shikamaru when sasuke ran off to find naruto, he didn’t bother to explain and you honestly didn’t care
He wants to brawl with the loud blonde? Go for it
What you didn’t know is that he would run into Itachi
Or that itachi joined some terrorist group
You didn’t hear this news until later on when your sensei sat you down and explained the situation
shikamaru cheered you up as best as he could
when the Nara became chunin, instead of sitting besides sasuke all day who was recovering from a mission, you hung out with him
Sasuke wasnt that injured anyways and he may or may not have told you to quit worrying about him
called him handsome and he basically turned into a tomato 
got some bbq with his friends and when ino started commented about minding your weight and looks and stuff you kinda became slightly insecure in the moment
he cheered you and choji up by making a few jokes
you gave him a peck on the cheek and dude he had such a dumb smile on his face
ah man ive written too much and havent even reached shippuden yet im sorrryyy
lets speed threw this then
when sasuke left the village you were distraught but he did his best to cheer you up
reassured you he and his team will bring him back
you wanted in the mission and he was hesitant about it
you were a damn good kunoichi and you also had the sharingan too so that could help 
he eventually agrees
when yall fail the mission you cry because your emo duck-bitch of a twin didnt even bother to say good bye
Shikamaru does his best to make you feel better but he feels so guilty
he sincerely apologizes and chokes up a bit when hes talking about how he failed the mission and broke his promise on getting him back
you hug him and say its okay
from then on you guys get closer than ever
You dont remember exactly when but you got a sword, almost like a katana 
you learn how to use it and love it
Add some fire or lightning to it, man you feel like a bad ass
you carry it everywhere with you
little do you know you basically chose the same sword as sasu-gay
by the time shippuden starts, shikamaru awkwardly asks you out and you agree
as much as shikamaru loves you, the village doesnt think to well of you
your eldest brother slaughtered your clan and joined a terrorist group
and now your twin goes rouge and is proceeding to head down a darker path with orochimaru
they probably expect you to do something similar
some people even think that you only stayed in the village so you can give them intel and sell out the leaf’s secrets
basically the village cares for you as much as Tobirama did for the uchiha
not too much. 
in fact if you were gone they could finally be free of any uchiha
If your bothered by those rumors or things people say, shikamaru can’t really do anything to stop them
But he can do his best to take your mind off it
Might get you some dango and say to go cloud watching, or nap under some tree to let you relax
But remember this isn’t a one way relationship, you do stuff for shikamaru as well
When he was feeling stressed (though he didn’t really show it) about planning the next chunnin event, you gave him a massage and just let him relax
You got him his favorite food and took him to his favorite hill
He doesn’t really rant or talk a lot about his problems
He’s too lazy too and doesn’t feel like its that important
You make it clear to him that every opinion he has matters
You two some times go on little small lunch dates
Ino and choji are always somewhere in the background watching
Ino probably comments that you got the uchiha good looks and with out thinking shikamaru just agrees
Definitely became embarrassed when ino squealed and shook him around
Ah man there is actually to much drama around sasuke and itachi in shippuden and im lazy so lets forget about that 
I think shikamaru with an uchiha!s/o would probably be an 8/10 experience depending on how angsty you get
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years
Neji Headcanons Collection
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Requested from my wattpad account
For everyone who has requested, I’m slowly getting through them, but I’ve been busy and exhausted lately so it’s taking longer than I wanted it to, I’m sorry!
What He Looks For In An S/O~
• Neji is a pretty stoic, introverted guy, so he’d need someone who was more on the introverted side as well. However, he would love an S/O who could bring him out of his shell a little
• He definitely seems like someone who would prefer to date a fellow shinobi so he didn’t have to worry about them and since they most likely aren’t apart of the Hyuga clan, them being a ninja would help his clan be a little more approving
• He needs a PATIENT S/O
• Neji is new to relationships and someone who understands that and wouldn’t rush him would be ideal
• Although Naruto changed Neji for the best, he can still be a little insensitive sometimes, so a partner who has a thick skin is important
• Neji hates small talk with a passion, so he would look for someone who could hold intellectual conversations or who didn’t mind silence
• As an introvert, Neji is something of a homebody, but make no mistake; this boy is always training so you’d best be ready for rigorous training being a regular past time
• COMMUNICATION is key in a relationship with him
• As smart as Neji is, he does not have the aptitude or patience to deal with mixed signals, so just talk to him, please
Relationship With Neji Stuff~
• Neji isn’t clingy by any means, but you’re his girlfriend and he expects to see you often, and will easily become concerned or upset if his partner starts to seem distant
• Trust is the most important thing to him, if he’s dating you he clearly trusts you A LOT, and it will upset him if he notices you don’t trust him as much
• Your relationship will most likely be lowkey, in public at least, but that’s not because he’s ashamed, he’s just an incredibly private person
• Although Neji will enjoy sparring with you, he will also be up to other ideas for dates
• He loves taking walks with you, whether it’s after dark, before average people are awake, or in the middle of the day
• He’s the kind of person to have a certain amount of time set aside for you, whether you spend it out and about, or inside, he won’t interrupt that time unless it’s unavoidable
• He’s very good at picking up your moods and such things, but he doesn’t always know what to do about them, so he’ll help you in ways he knows how tea and training
• He has a great memory. Whether it’s certain dates, the timing of your week, or little things he’s noticed about you; you can trust he won’t easily forget it
• PDA embarrasses him, but he will allow hand-holding and the occasional cheek kiss
• He takes so much pride in his hair, he won’t allow you to touch it until way later in your relationship, but once he does… he’d rather die than admit, so sometimes he’ll wordless put his head in your lap and scowl until you take the hint
• Neji doesn’t just date around, he’s looking for something serious, so if he realizes that you’re not what he’s looking for in a wife he will immediately (and respectfully) end it
How To Lose/Annoy Him~
• Generally, Neji is a very forgiving person since he’s needed to be forgiven many times, but there are some things he won’t tolerate; cheating, slander, and genuine disrespect
• An S/O being rude to someone for no reason would turn him off
• He really can’t stand gossipers and busybodies so if you want to lose him, go off I guess
• Laziness is a major thing for him. He can understand being tired of at your limit, but he really can’t handle his S/O just lazing around for a long time
• Immaturity is a big no-no. Neji comes from a clan who only recognizes maturity and formalities so he would be uncomfortable with an overly childish S/O
• Selfishness or being chronically inconsiderate can and will make him angry
• He won’t even entertain someone with bad hygiene like he really doesn’t understand how someone could be okay with not being clean?
• Incessant complaining and whining will grate on his nerves like anything else
• Not respecting his boundaries, even if you don’t understand them, will have him running for the hills before you could even say ‘Byakugan’
Soft Neji Things~
• Neji isn’t one for constant affection, but once he realizes how much he enjoys the lotus position (you sit in his lap, facing him, legs around his waist) it’ll be a regular occurrence. Whether he’s reading or just savoring your presence you’d better get used to it
• He loves to read and sometimes if you ask beg he’ll read to you and he has the smoothest most ASMR voice ever??
• He actually enjoys shopping with you because he loves helping you choose (and he likes to spoil you)
• I strongly believe that Neji plays an instrument (piano, flute or violin) and sometimes he’ll play for you
• If he’s had a really bad nightmare or his family is stressing him out, don’t be surprised if he climbs in your bed at a random hour of the night
• Locked doors or windows have never stopped this boy, so you’d best expect him to just walk in like he owns the place
• Considerate to the max, he’s always thinking about you and doing small things for you
• You actually bring out a new side to him, he’s more playful and free around you
Random Neji Facts~
• Neji made it into a game without your knowledge to see how many times he can scare you by just waltzing into your house
• He’s incredibly competitive, so the second you mention being the best at something, even in jest, prepare to have to prove it in competition
• His love language is in between quality time and acts of service
• He doesn’t really expect gifts or anything, so if you really want to see him light up, get him a little ‘I’m thinking about you’ gift
• Neji likes to journal, he likes to write down little things about his day, or ideas or even quotes that he heard and liked
• He really enjoys domestic activities because he didn’t really think he’d be able to find anyone to do that with
• He loves receiving and writing letters, it’s intimate and it’s special and he’ll keep everyone you send him
• Neji has a love/hate relationship with his hair; he’s very proud of it, but he hates all the extra work that goes into taking care of it
• He always carries extra scrunchies/rubberbands on missions in case his hair gets loose
• He gets sunburns so easily, he’ll always have sunscreen during the hottest months
Little Things~
• Place to kiss- Your wrist pulse point; it’s intimate and it feels so natural for him, especially when he’s holding your hand
• Way to hug- He loves to place a hand on the back of your head and one on your back; he loves the feeling of being so close to you
• Things to do with you- He loves doing small things with you; reading, drinking tea, or cuddling
• Cuddle position- When he’s not busy, he loves to lay back on the couch with you on top
• Type of date- Lowkey ones, maybe a stroll through the park, or going to a nice little cafe/restaurant
This or That-
• He enjoys spring the most, he loves seeing all the new life after a long winter
• He’s a hardcore morning person, he lives to be productive and the day won’t wait for him to ‘get in the mood’
• He’s a good cook, but as I’ve mentioned, his love language is acts of service so you cooking for him means a lot to him every time
• Loves to read, either on his own or with you and his favorite genres are classics and nonfiction
Conflict Happenings~
• He has a very sharp tongue, but he really hates arguing with you and will try to avoid that for as long as possible
• However, if something needs to be addressed, he will not hesitate
• Would prefer to have a calm, rational, debate, so if either of you loses your cool, don’t be surprised if he just up and leaves
• However, if you say something that crosses the line… God/Pein/Jashin/Kami have mercy on you, this boy will go off
• After the fight is over, he’ll need space to calm down, but once he is, apologies and makeups are quick and sincere
• He refuses to fight over small insignificant things, he finds it beneath him
• He will listen, though, because if something is bothering you, that’s valid to him
• Don’t push him or test his limits, it’ll make him uneasy and feel like he can’t trust you, which can lead to your relationship self destructing
• After fights, whether big or small, he needs some good ol’ fashioned cuddles (you both do honestly)
• He’s a firm believer in not going to bed angry, so even if you’re still upset, he’ll do everything in his power to get rid of his own irritation
• It’s hard to hurt his feelings, but if you do he’s cut deeply, so watch what you say
Modern Neji~
• OMG this boy is one of those people that are always smartly dressed and no one can change my mind
• He’s not a teacher’s pet, per se, but he’s very polite and is always doing his best
• He’s one of those gym obsessed people, but very lowkey about it
• I could definitely see him into fencing and/or martial arts
• He’s the kind of person to only hang out with his closest friends because he feels most comfortable with them
• Most people would know he was from the esteemed Hyuga family, but no one would really process it because he’s not overly flashy and doesn’t really mention it
• He’s still pretty antisocial but after Naruto pretty much shoved his way into his life he started to open up
• Has so many fangirls and is always being asked on dates but is so confused, like why do these strangers always follow him? And who are these gifts from??
• I can really see a turf war between Neji’s fangirls and Sasuke’s fangirls over who’s better
• He most likely majors in business and finance to inherit the Hyuga company or at least have a fundamental role in it
• I think he’d like a roommate, especially if he lives off-campus
• I could see him living with someone like him so he’s not constantly overwhelmed by someone with Naruto’s personality
• Neji is always the model student and I could see him tutoring a few people (begrudgingly, of course)
• He’s always doing his best, but it might not seem like it? Neji is very good at retaining information, so the only time you’ll catch him really studying is if he knows he has trouble in that area
• His living space is meticulously clean and probably kinda bare
• He doesn’t really feel the need to decorate because it’s temporary, but if his roommate wants to he won’t care
• Neji is not a partier, but if his friends drag him to one he might stay for a while
• He’s such a lightweight and he might find himself drunk quicker than he thought possible
• Doesn’t have much of a hangover besides waking up disoriented and dizzy
• I love Neji honestly
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castleofclouds · 3 years
7 Days A Week.
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Genre ; Fluff, Slice of Life, Humor
Warning ; I'm writing this in the middle of midnight and I'm trying my best to used my last brain cells.
Summary ; A Story About you (fm reader), and your 7 dorks!
Part 1 ; Nostalgia.
Today is a normal day, nothing too different than the yesterday, except the way you started isn't by cliche way in which another character would wake up at exactly 7 AM in the morning to go to class.
Nope, you weren't doing that!
In fact, you are on your bed lying down, actually not really on top of your bed, kinda like a tent that was make with a blanket and pillows build just for the eight of you.
Yup! It's a slumber party! Surprise! How is it? Isn't it great to start it with a slumber party?
Anyway that...
"Can you stop talking?" Jeno said, currently getting irritated by how the narrator never stop telling things.
"Yeah! Like we don't need to hear it just get the spotlight down here!" Renjun remarks.
Those bastard! Anyway since the narrator felt attack I will leave it to you, take care of it.
"This is much more better!" Haechan exclaimed, feeling relief after the narrator leave.
The story telling was just too much for him.
"Anyway, how's you guys been doing?" You asked trying to change the topic.
"We been doing things that you do, except we are doing it our own way." Jisung said, being sarcastic as he should, Jaemin gasped.
"Did this baby just insulted someone?!" He overreacted, trying to tease Jisung.
"Can we stop with the baby joke? It's becoming to boring." Jisung said, even though he doesn't want that to stop, he love getting attention.
"Shut it!" He shouted to the narrator at the corner of the room.
"We've been playing things like jenga and even that penguin escape." Renjun explains showing all the jenga and the penguin escape game being left alone in the corner of the tent.
"We should play something to take care of our boredom.." Mark sighed, he gets bored sometimes, but sometimes he doesn't understand how he is already 20 still love to make a tent and playing a card game, pretty sure he's just childish.
Seeing his child, Jaemin come up with a solution, it's sound like there's a lamp effect going around on top of his head.
"Aha! I got an idea!" He chirped happily, the 7 pair of eyes are lit by it.
"What is it?" You ask excitement going around your eye, you can't help it.
"Yeah yeah what is it?" Chenle said as excited as you, he hold your hands the both of you waiting for the great idea that Jaemin has.
"How about we talk about our high school life?" He said, thinking that it was the best idea he ever had.
Renjun sparkling eyes losses it's spark, now he's ready to throw some hands.
Poor boy was so happy, and either Chenle, he just want some fun, what should he hope for? It's Jaemin, Jeno best friend pretty sure Jeno teach him how to be a boomer like him.
"Seriously?! Are you being serious now?" Renjun said, getting annoyed.
Jaemin tilted his head, he thought it was a great idea, sadly not much people in here understand his efforts.
"Fine! Then come up with something nice!" He exclaimed, then Haechan start to act as if he's Sherlock from Sherlock's Holmes books series.
"Hmm... How about we talked about embarrassment that we had back in high school!" He shouted, giving his almost the same kinda idea that Jaemin just gave.
Jaemin was ready to complain how his idea sounds just like him but then he heard a lot of agreement going around.
"Not you to Jeno!" He said disbelieved how Jeno was quick to betray him.
He should have thought much before he make a deal with all of this dumbass.
"I'm sorry Jaemin, but Haechan Idea seems very interesting!" Jeno said, Jaemin felt the urge to choked his friend but he try to calm.
He isn't Renjun who are always thirst by blood and will always be the one who ready to pick a fight, he had an image and he need to keep doing it, because it's his Ninja Way! As in Naruto.
"Jaemin everyone can hear you thoughts." Renjun said, which made the boy flustered.
"Sorry, my bad." He said, excusing himself to the toilet feel ashamed.
"You don't need to go, we just start the story." You said, didn't want Jaemin to miss any of the great story that are waiting to unfold.
Jaemin who found out that you cared a lot about him, move pass Haechan who previously sit next to you.
"Hmm.. YN finally give me the attention that I deserved!" He exclaimed exclusively, while cling onto your arm like there's no tomorrow.
You pushed his head a little bit, you don't really like skinship, you are fine with some of them, but sometimes Jaemin way of affection is too much, let alone Jisung who had to endure it everytime he met Jaemin.
"How is it feel?" Jisung asked you, more like a whisper.
"Not fun, thank you." You stated calmly, while still trying to get away from Jaemin, the boy tightens his hold to your arm, his other arm are already at your waist.
Well, you gave up in the end.
"You can't get out mwaahaha!" He shouted while laughing evilly.
"Anyway let me start!" You said, taking all of the attention you get inside the room, even the narrator going closer.
What could be the interesting story you has?
"So.. I knew how all of you were very sensitive about this topic, well not really if you aren't Jaemin." You explained, Jaemin ears perked hearing his name.
"Oohhh.. What is it?" Haechan who heard the summary of your story is very excited.
"Remember how, back when we were an elementary students there are a new substitute teacher for our class?" You continue, everyone nodded their head.
But then by the power of Mark brain cell, he discovered it way faster than the other, when it comes to elementary school there's a lot of embarrassment going around the 8 of you.
And that thing is one them.
"Don't tell me.." He mumble.
"Yup! How can I forgot Miss Kang? That one teacher who made Mark, Jeno and Haechan going berserk, or you can say first love?" You smiling evilly seeing how the three mentioned boy getting shy, their ears turn to red.
"Miss Kang? Ohh yeah yeah! I remember!" Chenle chirped happily, of course he remembered.
"Yeah I knew.." Jisung whispered.
"Wait I forgot how Jisung falling for Miss Kang, it's very cute I swear!" This time you went overboard.
How back in the day, Jisung would always smiling everytime Miss Kang give him a compliment, even Mark who hated math learn it just to get noticed by Miss Kang.
Haechan would always try to point his hand toward the air, just to asked a question, and acting like he doesn't know anything when he's always the first one who knows how to finish math homework, Jeno the typical nerd he is always try to be the best students, just so he can see how Miss Kang proudly talking about him in front of the class.
And Renjun, the one who are being oblivious, that guy would always prepared an apple just for Miss Kang exclusively from his uncle farm.
Chenle in the other hand, doesn't understand a thing back in the day, he just follow everything that his friends doing, pretending like he do have a crush to while in fact he wasn't.
"Omg! Really? they did that?!" Jaemin gasped, and while getting second hand embarrassment when he heard about the story.
"Yeah, sadly you have can't join us to see how cute and naive they were, Jisung is the cutest one, poor boy was so happy because he got 97 in Math Exam to impress Miss Kang, but doesn't know that she's already married at that time." You said, ruffled Jisung hair who looked very gloomy.
"It's not my fault, I don't know that, Mark didn't tell me about it." He protests, Mark eyes turn big.
"What?! It's not my fault, Miss Kang was so beautiful I can't help to fell for her." He said taken aback.
"Anyway that was pretty fun, seeing how naive you guys were." You said finishing your story.
"Wait wait, you guys remember how Jisung literally almost burned down the laboratory?
"Omg yes!" Haechan shout happily, he remember every part of it.
"Yeah, we almost burned it if it weren't because of Jaemin smartass we would already getting sued."
That time, in a chemistry class, Jisung, Renjun, You and Jaemin were partnered to do some experiments but because of Jisung clumsy hands.
The laboratory almost burned to the ground, thankfully Jaemin who are fortunately know how to stop the fire before it become out of hands.
"Yeah yeah, I remember how literally Renjun just watching it while shouting about how he's afraid of the fire, Jisung already crying and Yn is the only one who help Jisung calmed down." Jaemin explains about the situation.
Probably that's why the 8 of you always labeled as the trouble maker back when you were still in elementary school, you know how basically every teacher hope the 8 of you ever getting transferred to another school.
Even how Mr. Ben always try to make you guys got expelled because the man are too tired to babysit, how Mark always chewed a gum on his class, even Jeno who are very obedient sometimes get out of his comfort zone because of how the 7 of you always whispering evil plan to his ears.
Anyway there's still a lot of story being told that night, you stayed up late as always other than Jisung who already falling asleep on top of Jeno shoulder.
"Well I guess we should be sleeping at this hour, Jisung seems very tired." Jeno said, while looking at his left side of shoulder.
"Yeah we should, I want to sleep next to YN jinx!" Chenle exclaimed, you nodded your head, he bopping his head excited.
Not even an hour later, the eight of you are already falling asleep, being in the most comfortable position ever.
Good night!
The narrator leave the room.
Previous / Next.
A/N ;
Okey I found this being one of the cutest thing I ever wrote, anyway, it's already morning.. Actually afternoon but you don't hear it from me, I always love this type of story actually.
Btw this story has a concept of like how the tv series showed? Like episode 1 might not be the same like how episode 2 will be so yeah, there's a whole new story everytime, and I take request.
This has something to do with NTC story, the difference is based on how this is basically a spin off, how they are best friend with you and that's is the main focus of the story.
Prepare for more fluff and humor I try my best to include it, but yeah anyway not everyday is a happy story.
See you next time! 😃 ps. I probably will upload more of 7DAW than NTC because of how I got a little bit confused on NTC.
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sasusaku month 2020
day 2 - gravity
title: Falling
summary: The entire team 7 is at the training grounds, when he suddenly finds himself staring at her. He doesn’t really understand why he can’t look away from her, but apparently, his loud, best friend does. . Rated K (or F for fluff) . a/n: I thought about this idea while searching Pinterest for some inspiration for the theme (I really had NO idea of what to write) and I'm quite happy with the way it turned out. It's simple, cute and Naruto is in it, so... I guess it should be a nice story. I hope you enjoy it and please, forgive me for any mistakes you might encounter. My beta-reader didn't proof-read it for me, but I decided to post it anyway so I wouldn't be THAT late. Have fun!
It had been long four months since they had been discharged from the hospital, and yet, only now they were able to feel their muscles stretching like before. For their injuries during the war had been quite serious— and mostly because their pink haired doctor had kept them at bay— neither Naruto nor Sasuke were sent in any missions, being ordered to stay in the village instead so they could fully recover. The’ve spent months on physiotherapy and on healing sessions at the hospital, and only after begging Sakura day after day were they authorized to go back to the training grounds. However, just because they were back, it didn’t mean they could go full out.
As the strict medical ninja she is, Sakura didn’t allow them more than 2 hours per day at the training grounds. She had also made them a list of what exercises they could do, and by no means, were they to stay out there by themselves. The girl certainly knew better than to believe her two teammates would hold back if they were left alone, so she took it upon herself to supervise their training routines. 
No punches, no kicks, no sparing and no ninjutsu. Genjutsus were also off the list, as well as any other kind of move that involved molding a considerable amount of chakra. In other words, they could only do some basic work out. She didn’t want to risk all of those months of intense care just because those idiots wanted a rematch. And even if they both hated her terms, they figured that arguing with her would take them nowhere, therefore, after being scolded at least three times, the boys settled for her rules.
Even if doing some push ups wasn’t enough to satisfy their physical needs, the Uchiha figured that, at least, they could spend some time under the soothing sun.
Spring had arrived Konoha a couple of days earlier than expected, and for the first time, his eyes could truly see the beauty of the fields around him. Flowers were blooming, the grass was green, and soon the cherry blossoms would start falling. A gentle breeze played with his dark locks, and even as he was hanging upside down in order to do some abdominals, Sasuke could see the changes in the world around him.
The village had changed, indeed. Tress had grown taller, new houses had been built and even the sky seemed bluer. People had changed, too. After so long, those he used to call teammates were now true shinobi, each of them with an important role around the village. He was on his path towards redemption, his sensei was going to become Hokage, his best friend was also on his way to the top, and Sakura…
Oh, Sakura.
Amongst all of them, the pinkette was the one who had changed the most. Apart from mastering the medical ninjutsus and healing the entire shinobi alliance during the war, she had grown taller and stronger until she became this admirable woman who was sparing with Sai right in front of him. His mismatched eyes followed her moves, and he couldn’t help but notice how clean and powerful they were as she blocked the attacks with her own blows. Her eyes moved fast, too, as they were constantly examining her opponents’ moves, and even from afar, he could tell she was very aware of their new teammate’s openings. Though he still didn’t know much about her new combat skills, he was sure she could’ve ended him many times already.
She had turned into an impeccable kunoichi, indeed, and that diamond on her forehead was not the only evidence of her victories. There was confidence in her expression, lightness in her feet and the way her body moved and stretched was just—
He could feel his cheeks growing hotter, and he knew it wasn’t only because of the blood going down to his head. Apparently, he had been staring at her for too long, trapped in whatever nostalgic thought that had crawled from his childhood memories, and even if she hadn't noticed, it was still not something he would’ve normally done. It was odd and very unlike him to do such thing, but considering all the changes going on, perhaps, that was just another thing he was going to get used to.
Perhaps, that was also a part of his new normal.
Or, at least, that was what he thought.
“Oi, Teme, quit staring at Sakura-chan. It’s getting weird-ttebayo.”
The blonde’s voice caught him by surprise, and suddenly, the Uchiha was reminded that Naruto was also there by his side. For he was also with his legs hanging on the tree-branch, his golden locks, though shorter, were also being affected by gravity. His cerulean eyes were glaring at the Uchiha, and it was possible to see them judging him for staring at his girl best friend.
“What? Don’t be ridiculous, Dobe. I was not staring at her.”
“Yes, you were! You were checking her out and you haven’t heard a single thing I’ve said, you bastard.”
“Tch, you’re delusional.” Sasuke closed his eyes in annoyance, a pout taking over his lips. “And besides, I’m pretty sure it was nothing important since you were the one saying it.”
“It was very important, you jerk! I was talking about this new jutsu I’m gonna use to beat you! ”
“Shut up, you moron! Don’t make me kick your ass!”
“Hmph“ He scoffed, a foxy grin spreading across his face. “You can certainly try and get your ass kicked again-ttebayo!”
“Bring it on, the—“
“Oi, knock it off, you two!” Sakura shouted from across the training grounds, her sparing session clearly interrupted. Her hands were resting on her hips, and her brows were knitted in a very angry expression. “Shannarou! Just focus on your own training! Don’t make me go there and smack your heads!”
Both the boys widened their eyes in surprise, and as soon as they looked at her expression, they understood she was very serious about the smacking part. It would take her no more than 5 seconds to get to them, and they knew that, if she did, their heads would hurt and she wouldn’t let them come back to the training grounds that soon.
They bit their lips, then, swallowing dry and staying silent as the two, stubborn boys they are. After a couple of seconds, Sakura and Sai resumed their activities, focusing on their own moves, and leaving the boys to their own training routine. For all the pinkette cared, they could argue all they wanted later as long as it didn’t escalate to a battle between titans that would hurt them and destroy the entire village.
Perks of giving god-like powers to two idiots, she would say.
And even if they didn’t agree with her, their previous actions were all she needed to prove her statement.
“I guess Sakura-chan just saved your ass, Teme.” Naruto whispered, his abdomen flexing as he focused on his training.
“Tch, as if.” Sasuke scoffed. “Now will you just shut up? Sakura is going to get mad at us again.”
“You shut up! This is all your fault-ttebayo!”
“My fault!? How so!?”
“You were the one eating her alive with your eyes and getting all worked up with your hormones, you pervert!”
At the blonde’s loud words, a wave of embarrassment rushed through his face and it was as if he could feel his cheeks on fire. His lips went agape as he was at loss of words, and the simple idea that the Haruno girl could’ve heard those words made him want to be swallowed whole by the ground.
What on earth was wrong with that idiot?! How could he say such things like that?
The Uchiha’s eyes started to look around desperately, frantically moving from Naruto to the pink haired girl. The tips of his ears were as red as two tomatoes now, and listening to those words reverberating inside his head wasn't helping at all. 
Eating her alive 
His heart stated beating faster, his mouth going dry.
He began sweating, and he felt something burning down his throat.
His eyes drifted to her legs, going up to her face and her rosy lips.
At that moment, his heart skipped a beat, and in a matter of seconds, he could feel his upside-down world spiraling. The embarrassment became too much, and soon, he lost control of his balance, falling face-first on the ground. He closed his eyes, bracing for the impact as his body made a loud noise when it hit the dusty floor. 
Uchiha Sasuke was down. Even if he hadn’t fallen from a place high enough to actually hurt him, his pride as a ninja was ruined. Once he opened his eyes, he saw his best friend laughing at his face, a shy tear escaping his eyes. Naruto’s voice was annoying, and he made a mental note to punch him for that as soon as nobody was looking. He placed his hand on his lower back, massaging the area that had made contact with the hard ground, and at that moment, he just wanted to go home and hide his face somewhere.
But things wouldn’t be that easy.
He closed his eyes once more, and that was when his ears finally captured the sound of rushed steps coming towards him. For he knew who was coming, he chose to linger in the darkness for a couple of seconds more than he should, only then deciding to open his eyes. As expected, the first thing he saw was the green of her orbs, and though he was still too embarrassed, it was undeniable that her eyes calmed his heart.
“Sasuke-kun!? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” She was now crouched near him, her hands carefully reaching to his torso so she could help him up. Her worried eyes were scanning him clinically, looking for bruises, and he could hear the concern in her voice as she spoke to him.
“Aah.” He said, not wanting to worry her any longer. He let her help him sit up, and their proximity didn’t go unnoticed by him. His nostrils were invaded by her floral scent, and it made it harder for him to face her directly. “I'm okay.”
“Are you sure? Do you feel any pain?”
“Does your ass hurt, Teme?” Naruto teased, then, jumping down from the branch and standing near them. Sai was now next to him, too, and suddenly, the Uchiha started to feel a bit claustrophobic with all of those people surrounding him.
“Naruto, knock it off!” Sakura scolded him, her eyes now glaring at the blonde.
“Tch, I’m fine, really.” Sasuke said, looking at her with a soft expression on his face. He felt more relaxed now, and even if he was still embarrassed, at least he felt like he could breath normally. 
“What happened?”
“Yes, Sasuke-kun” Sai started, that creepy smile on his face. “Could it be that you forgot the basics of being a ninja?”
“Oi, Sai! Not you, too!” Sakura said and Naruto had to suppress a giggle.
“What? It was a valid question.”
“No, it was not! Shannarou, if you two are going to keep making fun him, you’d better as well get going!”
“It's okay, Sakura.” The Uchiha stated, her eyes returning to him. Sai kept looking at them and Naruto just crossed his arms across his chest. There was a pout on the blonde's lips, and it pleased him to see such scene. “Gravity happened. I just lost balance, that was all.”
“Are you sure? Did you feel anything strange? Did you get dizzy or something like that? Do you feel like throwing up? Do you know where you are?”
“Tch, you’re clearly overreacting now, Sakura.” He started, sighing at her worried stare. “I’ve said I’m fine already. No dizziness or anything like that.”
“Not even a sudden heat?” Naruto asked, mockery evident in his voice.
“No.” The Uchiha glared at him, and that only made the blonde grin even wider.
“Promise?” The pinkette asked, her eyes filled with a sincere concern. Normally, she knew there would be no reason to be asking all of those things just because of a minor fall, but since they were still recovering, he knew Sakura was being overprotective towards them. She was wearing her heart on her sleeve ever since the end of the war, and he figured it didn’t cost him anything to be more sensible around her.
“Yes, I promise."
“Okay…” She nodded, tugging a lock of her pink hair behind her ear. “I guess we should call it a day, right? Why don’t we go grab something to eat at Ichiraku?”
“Now you’re speaking my language, Sakura-chan!” Naruto jolted, throwing his hand in the air. Even if the blonde wanted to work out a little longer, he could never say no to ramen.
“What do you say, Sasuke-kun?” She looked at him, her round, green eyes giving him no choice. She probably didn’t know the effect she had on him, and perhaps, that was for the best.
“Sure. Ramen should be nice.”
“Great!” She smiled. “You're coming too, right, Sai?”
“Oh, yes. Eating together is a good way to strengthen the bonds!”
“Good! I’ll just go grab my things, wait here.”
“I'll go help you.” Sai said, simply.
In a fast move, the pinkette was up on her feet, and before she could walk away in order to retrieve her stuff, she reached out with her hand and helped the Uchiha stand. She offered them a soft smile before departing with Sai, and he couldn’t help but feel his chest growing warmer at the sight.
She really knew how to make him feel better. His lips twitched upwards at the thought of seeing her like that, and—
“God, you’re pathetic, Teme.”
Once more, Naruto’s bothered voice interrupted his train of thought, and if he had been considering to smile the moment before, it was all gone now. His stoic expression was back and the Uchiha was once more pissed at his best friend.
“What is it this time, Dobe?”
“Don’t you think it’s already time for you to tell Sakura-chan that you like her?”
“What?” He sounded surprised, his eyes widening at his words. “Stop saying weird stuff. My relationship with Sakura is not like that.”
“Oh, really? Then how is it? You don’t actually believe you two are just teammates, right?”
The Uchiha stood silent for a while, trying to think of the words he could use to describe his relationship with Sakura.
How was his relationship with her?
Though he had tried to think about it a couple of times before, he would always end up settling for letting time guide them. He knew their relationship was not the same as the one he has with Naruto and the rest of the people around him, but never before had he reached a conclusion.
Was she another friend? Just another teammate?
No. None of those options felt right. Sakura was more than that. She has always been more than that. Could it be that Naruto was actually right? Could it be that he really liked her ?
Sasuke really didn’t know. At least not yet. There were still so many things he yet had to understand about himself before he could actually dwell on these feelings. His feelings for her— whatever they were— deserved more than his broken self, and he wanted to give them some time so he could finally be true to his emotions.
Perhaps, soon, he would be ready. And perhaps, then, he could reach the answer his heart already knew so well.
“Hn, it’s none of your business.”
“Tch, you bastard.” Naruto scoffed. “All I’m saying is that you should just make up your mind already. Sakura-chan is probably the most amazing girl ever, and well, you guys have history.”
“…I’ll think about it.”
“You should! After all, you can’t always blame gravity for falling in love-ttebayo!”
A silly grin took over the blonde’s face, and before Sasuke could even answer anything, Naruto was already running towards the pinkette. His lips were left parted for an instance, but he soon closed them as he allowed those words to sink in.
Falling in love, uh?
He really didn’t know. 
But perhaps, like gravity, there were just certain things he couldn’t control.
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hermadnessmacwrites · 3 years
A Game of Puzzles (Making the Pieces Fit) Chapter 4
Summary: With the war over and Sasuke home again, Sakura is more hopeful for Team 7’s future than she has been in a long time. She’s quickly disappointed to find that nothing in the Village fits quite like it used to—not her old bedroom, not her clothes, and definitely not Team 7. Join Sakura as she scrambles to understand her place in this new team dynamic.
If she has a place there at all.
It takes three dorks a painfully long time after moving in together to realize that they all belong together.
It’s the first time Sakura remembers October 10th ever being this...jovial.
The streets are always crowded this time of year, but the laughter seems oddly out of place. Gone are the mournful monochromatic clothes she’s used to. Everything she looks at—the clothes, the storefronts, the people—is so bright she has to work to avoid squinting.
“Oooh, Sakura, look, there’s a dango stand!”
Brightest of all is Naruto. He’s actually wearing less orange than usual, having been convinced into a pair of dark tan pants, but his expression more than makes up for the loss. Each street vendor and colored lantern is taken in with equal amounts of awe. He looks like a kid at his first birthday party, which…
...it’s a painfully accurate description. Sakura tries not to think about it.
“Didn’t you just eat like five bowls of ramen?” she teases. Naruto opens his mouth and closes it, looking for an excuse, but Sakura elbows him lightly in the side. “Just kidding, let’s go grab some. I heard they were going to add a new flavor today, too.”
Naruto’s eyes widen comically. “For me? Really?”
“Of course it’s for you,” Sasuke cuts in from behind them. Walking three across really isn’t possible in these crowds, but, like most genin teams, Team 7 feels most comfortable navigating public spaces in a loose triangle formation. “It’s not like Konoha has anything else to celebrate today, right?”
The pointed question isn’t lost on Naruto, who visibly deflates. Sakura spins to glare at Sasuke and catches a flash of a frown as his gaze drops to the pavement. It’s not Naruto that Sasuke is annoyed with, but that’s exactly who he’s hurting with his bitterness. It doesn’t take much for Naruto to swing to extreme sadness when he’s this happy, which Sasuke knows. She had hoped he would mind his temper today.
“Hey.” Sakura draws Naruto’s hand into hers and gives him her best smile. “Why don’t you take Mr. Killjoy and find a spot to sit for a bit. I’ll bring the dango over, okay?”
Naruto’s smile starts small, but quickly grows as she holds his hand.
“Yeah, I’ll keep him out of trouble,” he agrees, “Could you grab a couple different flavors?”
“As many as I can carry,” she assures him. Sakura sends one last pleading look at Sasuke before they disappear. She’s pretty sure he rolls his eyes at her, which isn’t exactly a promise to behave, but it does mean that he got the message. Probably. Hopefully.
Once Naruto is out of view, Sakura takes a quick second to get her emotions back in check. Sasuke’s right. The Village’s abrupt one eighty in its treatment of Naruto grates her nerves if she lets herself think about it for too long. They’d gone from disdain to reverence in the span of six months. Technically this is a festival celebrating the end of the war, but there’s been a fair amount of Uzumaki branded treats and well-wishes from strangers as well.
At least she had apologized.
A couple deep breaths later, Sakura’s pushing through the crowds towards the stand. There’s a line forming, but the vendor calls Sakura forward as soon as he sees her. Embarrassed, Sakura ducks her head in a small apology to the people in line as she moves past them. She doesn’t want to make more of a scene than she already is, and she really wants to get back to her team as soon as she can.
“Could I get two Hanami dango, a mitarashi dango, and a”—she cranes her neck to get a better look at the name of the new flavor from the poster on the side of the cart—“and one Uzumaki dango, please?”
“Absolutely! Would you like a Team 7 dango as well?”
“Oh!” There’s nothing about a Team 7 dango on the sign. Is that actually a thing? Did he make that up when he saw her? “Um, yes, please. Thank you.”
By the time Sakura’s done counting out her coins, the dango are being shoved towards her. She scrambles to put her money pouch away and grab her sweets without holding up the line any longer. Four of the dango end up in one hand while a white, pink, and orange dango ends up in the other. It takes her a second to realize that this is supposed to be the Team 7 dango. The anger kicks in a second later.
To be fair to the vendor, she’s never actually seen blue dango before. Then again, she’s never seen a red habanero dango before today, and that’s definitely one of the flavors on the Uzumaki stick. Choosing the white dango for Kakashi feels like a dig at Sasuke. Sakura bites the orange dumpling off the stick and chews furiously. There. Now it just looks like a partially eaten Hanami dumpling.
That “Team 7” roll better not be on the actual menu. For the vendor’s sake.
Sakura finds Naruto and Sasuke sitting on top of one of the tables in an eating area, of all places. She has no idea who’s idea that was. It’s an extremely rude thing to do with so many people looking for seats, but Sakura doesn’t really want to be joined by the type of people who are deterred by her teammates’ antics right now.
Naruto spots her first and starts waving wildly—as if she could have missed the pair of them. Sasuke turns to see who has caught Naruto’s attention. When he recognizes her, he pulls one of his legs off the bench and onto the table so she’ll have a place to sit. Naruto follows his lead, pulling both his feet off the bench and into a criss-cross position. So they were trying to deter people from sitting with them.
She’s not even mad.
“One mitarashi dango, one hanami dango, and one Uzumaki dango,” she declares, handing over her loot. Naruto cheers, promptly digging into the hanami stick as soon as it’s in his hand. He’s two dumplings deep before Sakura’s even fully seated.
Sasuke’s eyebrow raises as she nibbles on her own dango. “You got two hanami dango for yourself?”
“Uh, one of them is for you?” she tries. At Sasuke’s unimpressed expression, she relents, “Fine. Yes, I got two hanami for myself.” He still looks skeptical for some reason, so she tries for classic misdirection, “You might actually want to try the red dumpling from the Uzumaki dango, though, I’m pretty sure it’s spicy.”
“It is?” Naruto pauses his munching on the mitarashi stick to take a bite of the red dumpling before recoiling immediately. “Ack—it is! Why is it spicy?”
Sakura laughs. “I think the colors represent your family. The orange and yellow are pretty self-explanatory, so the red is probably for your mom. For the Uzumaki hair, I’m guessing. I don’t know why they didn’t choose cherry or something, though—that would have gone better with the rest of the flavors.”
“Her nickname was the ‘Red-hot Habanero,’ so that’s probably it,” Naruto explains, his smile dimming. It’s Sasuke’s turn to glare at her, and she winces, appropriately abashed. She always manages to stick her foot in her mouth when the conversation turns to parents. “Anyway, you should try it, Sasuke. It’s not sweet, like, at all, so I bet you’ll like it.”
Sakura figures the odds are skewed sixty/fourty in favor of Sasuke rejecting the offer, but Sasuke doesn’t actually say anything at all. Instead he bends down and bites the rest of the dumpling right off the stick that Naruto’s holding. Some of the drizzling sauce clings to his lower lip, and his tongue darts out quickly to wipe it clean.
She’s not even the one holding the stick, but Sakura is absolutely certain her heart fucking stutters to a stop at the sight. Poor Naruto looks appropriately shocked. His lips are parted in a gentle “o” of surprise, and his eyes are, dare she say it, looking a little glazed over. He rallies quickly, though, shoving the rest of the Uzumaki stick right under Sasuke’s nose.
“Try the orange one next!”
“Ugh, no.” It’s Sasuke’s turn to recoil. “That one probably is sweet, dumbass.”
"Come on," Naruto wheedles,"Just take a little—wait. Wait, are you saying my mom tastes better than I do?"
"Why do you have to phrase it like that!"
The words are different, but the cadence of her teammates bickering is familiar enough that it quickly fades to the background of her attention. She works through the rest of her "hanami" roll at a leisurely pace, scanning the crowds as she does. There's so much laughter. Even actual festivals haven't been this boisterous for years.
Most of these people weren't on the war front. It's easy to resent them for that—for celebrating the anniversary of such a trying day. Victory is not a reward granted, but a luxury paid for in blood and flesh by the pound. She understands the relief, but is this much pomp and circumstance acceptable? Does a life saved by a black market kidney still deserve celebration?
Sakura doesn't know.
A child screams, high and piercing, shattering through the joyful murmur of the crowd. Her teammates' argument grinds to a halt. Sakura swivels to locate the source, and, in her periphery, she notices the majority of the adults around her do the same. Chakra flares around her as ninja spread their senses in search of a threat.
"Kenta!" a petite woman scolds, bending down, "What did I say about screaming?"
"Not to," the child mumbles. He's small enough that a picnic table nearby obscures him from Sakura's view.
"Unless?" the woman prompts. If Kenta answers, it's too quiet for her to hear.
Everyone in the vicinity, ninja and civilians alike, visibly relaxes. It's sobering to realize how on-edge they all are despite the upbeat atmosphere. Life has not been kind to Konoha's residents.
How self-absorbed of her.
No, the civilians around her didn't watch Neji die. They didn't despair as the Ten-tailed beast appeared in the battle-ground. To say they didn't know fear—didn't know suffering—is terribly short-sighted.
Konoha is a thriving militaristic society. Has been for decades. But having the pointiest sick doesn't ensure safety. Often the wielder becomes a target of others struggling to create their own rags to riches stories.
Or revenge. Pointy sticks are great at poking avengers into action.
Point is, Konoha has been leveled three times in Sakura's short time on this earth. If the civilians don't get to celebrate the peace she fought for, maybe she doesn't get to celebrate the Village they rebuilt.
Food for thought.
Sakura lays her finished dango stick on the table. The untouched dango stick sags in her hand with her increasing disinterest. Her recent train of thought is more than enough to derail her appetite entirely despite the fact that dango is one of her favorite treats.
"You okay?" Naruto asks immediately. He glances at the dango dangling in her grasp pointedly.
Sakura doesn't even have to force the smile. His concern forces its way through the heavy stormcloud of her thoughts like the sunbeam he is. Sweet. Naruto's just so sweet.
"I'm fine.” She fans herself with her free hand. "Just kinda hot, yeah? It's killing my appetite."
Naruto's expression clears immediately. "In that case, let's go get some shaved ice soon! I think I saw a vendor on our way in."
"I did not sign up to wrangle the two of you on a sugar high," Sasuke interjects sourly. Sweet sauce is smeared across his cheekbone, and there might be a crumb of fried dough occluding one nostril. Sakura chokes on a giggle which clearly earns no points from Sasuke. "No more sweets."
Sakura raises her hands in surrender, but Naruto isn't as quick to acquiesce. They start bickering, again, and as Sakura watches a dango skewer slides dangerously close to Sasuke's eye. Idiots. That does explain the out-of-place dough and sticky sauce, though.
The reprimand on her tongue withers at the enthusiastic sparkle in Naruto’s eyes as he advances further and further into Sasuke’s personal space. And Sasuke—brooding, angsty Sasuke—has a smile playing at his lips as he avoids the sticky dessert. He’s making a good show of being annoyed by his teammate’s antics, but if he was really done he’d be slapping the blond away. Angry Sasuke wouldn’t lean back unconcernedly on his only hand like that, and he certainly wouldn’t let Naruto rest his stump on his shoulder as he pesters him.
Bright. It’s so, so bright out today—ridiculously sunny for October—but no amount of sunblock would protect her from their megawatt smiles.
If the fight gets enthusiastic enough to disturb the table, she'll step in, Sakura decides, turning her head to give them a little privacy.
Or the illusion of it, anyway.
Sakura’s not sure how her teammates are able to ignore all the attention they’re attracting. The picnic table they have selected is on the outskirts of the eating area, but they might as well be on center stage. Her skin prickles under the weight of the public’s stares.
Logically, she knows the curious civilians don’t mean any harm. It’s rare that Team 7 is out in the public eye for such an extended period of time. That doesn’t stop the shinobi buried deep beneath her medic persona from sharpening her kunai warily. Sakura doesn't resent the instinct exactly—that's what keeps her alive—but she does try to shake it. The eyes on her aren't dangerous.
Just oppressive.
It’s in pretending to look out across the crowd—and ignoring the alarming number of heads that whip away from her that she does—that she notices them.
A trio of girls sit at two tables away from them at a diagonal. Four older women share the table, but there's enough space between the two to make it clear that they're separate parties. And anyway, the women are laughing, with clenched eyes and wide smiles. The younger ones, though, they're tittering. The sound is sharper than the murmuring of the crowd around them, which is probably why they stood out to her in the first place.
In their mirth, they haven’t noticed Sakura’s attention. One of the girls has a blush dark enough to match the hair of the girl digging an elbow playfully into her side. She can’t see the face of the final member of the trio, but her shoulders shake in obvious laughter under long, black hair. Suddenly the girl’s arms come up in an exaggerated stretch before dropping to her hips so she can make a show of twisting and stretching her back. Not bad for a civilian. Sakura would have almost believed her if not for how quickly she turned back to her friends after a less than sneaky peek at Team 7’s table.
Any amusement she might have held for the girls’ antics slip away immediately. Clearly the trio isn’t looking at Sakura, or they would have noticed her attention. The number of times they’ve all slid glances her direction is too high to be a coincidence, however, which only leaves one option.
The boys.
Now it’s abundantly clear what the brunette is being teased about. It’s been a while since the Academy, but Sakura has sent her share of moonstruck looks a certain Uchiha’s way. She knows what it feels like—what it looks like—to laugh and tease over crushes. Her eyebrows narrow fiercely for all that she tries to keep her expression neutral. The only real question left is: which boy are they looking at?
Four years ago, the answer would have been Sasuke hands down. His sharp features and aloof personality are easily misread as the mysterious persona of at least fifty percent of the love interests in romance novels. Barely dodged war crimes have tamped down the general enthusiasm for Sasuke, though there is always the chance the girl thinks she has a thing for “bad boys.”
Sakura hopes not, for her sake. Sasuke’s particular brand of “rebel with a cause” needs at least three years of serious training and an instruction manual the size of one of her medical textbooks to have any chance of walking away unscathed. Even then nightmares and traumatic events are pretty much a given.
Naruto laughs, loudly, and throws his head back enough to give a clear view of the syrup that drips down his chin. The brunette’s expression softens, and Sakura can hear the lovesick sigh she heaves from twenty feet away. So Naruto is the object of her affection. The realization makes her stomach twist.
There’s a sharp crack, and Sakura’s dango drops to the grass beneath them. She blinks, confused. The bottom half of the stick is still clenched tightly in her fist. It takes longer than it should to notice the splintered edge of the stick and piece together what happened.
“Are you alright?” It’s Sasuke that asks this time.
“Yeah, I’m—I’m fine.” Sakura bends down to grab her dango from the ground. She hadn’t planned on eating it anyway, but the grass coating the dumplings means that’s not an option for later anymore. “I just, ah—”
Before Sakura can come up with an excuse for her ill-timed use of super strength, the tittering behind them grows in volume enough to catch Sasuke’s attention this time. Sakura’s eyes flit to the trio of girls automatically, and they are looking at her now. Great. Even the blushing brunette has joined in the action, so Sakura knows that the laughs are meant for her. She grinds her teeth together. They’re civilians. Sakura can’t go around just laying civilians out because she feels like it.
“That’s enough time in the sun,” Sasuke declares, sliding off of the table top. He shoots a viscous glare over his shoulder. Sakura shouldn’t find so much satisfaction in how rapidly the giggles grind to a halt, but she does. The knots her intestines have tied themselves into loosen enough that she can take aim with a sharp smile of her own.
“Guys…?” Naruto asks. He can tell that something is going on, but doesn’t have enough information to piece the story together as Sasuke did. Blonde eyebrows furrow lightly as he glances from his teammates to the girls’ table.
The brunette has the audacity to sigh again. Every muscle in Sakura’s body tenses for a fight, and she doesn’t even pause to think about how ridiculous her reaction is. It’s not like she has any sort of claim over Naruto. Sasuke is the one who has been messily sharing finger food with him this whole afternoon. If anyone has any right to feel the sudden rage coursing through their body, it’s him. How dare that girl assume she has a chance when Naruto is clearly taken?
Sure enough, Sasuke’s expression has doubled in intensity. Disgust and possessiveness mix in equal measure on his face as his lip curls up and over his teeth. He probably doesn’t even realize what an overprotective boyfriend he looks like, and Sakura can only watch smugly as the girls wilt under his glare. Serves them right.
“We’re getting out of here,” Sasuke declares, firmly. He turns away from the trio before hefting Naruto off the table and over his shoulder in one fluid motion. Naruto squawks in surprise, understandably, but Sasuke’s malice is clearly not directed at him, so he allows himself to be carted away with only token protests. “Let’s go, Sakura.”
The urge to gloat is irresistible. Sakura tosses a taunting wink that the girls are too shell-shocked to react to before falling into her place at her boys’ backs. The rage and, okay, she’ll admit it, jealousy that bubbled up so unexpectedly earlier washes away in the face of her contentment. Maybe neither Sasuke or Naruto are hers in the romantic sense, but they’re hers in all the other ways that matter.
Sakura will guard their backs for as long as they let her with a smile in her heart.
Read the rest of the chapter on ao3
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
The Uchiha In The Leaves (Part Two)
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Author’s Note: If anyone wants to be in a taglist for this feel free to let me know! Happy to do it for anyone!
(Kakashi Hatake x Reader)
Summary: What happens when Y/N finally returns to the Village Hidden in the Leaves? Her life is flipped upside down when not only does she find the man that’s awaited her return, but she finds someone she thought she’d never see again.
AO3 Link
Part One
Part Two: *NSFW Ahead!*
Word Count: 2454
As morning approached I could hear our alarms going off. The start of a new life while training team seven. I already knew that trying to keep Sasuke from looking for Itachi was going to be Y/n’s main concern. I rolled over and wrapped my arms around her. When she looked over me I kissed her nose. “Good morning.”
She smiled weakly at me. “Morning.” I stared at her for a moment before starting to sit up to get out of bed. She grabbed my arm as I tried. “Wait.” I laid back down, resting on my elbows and watched her. It always seemed funny to know that she was seeing me without my mask. The only time I didn’t wear it was when we were sleeping at home or in the shower. She put her hands on her cheeks. “I love you.”
I smiled at her and put my right hand over hers. “I love you, too.”
She pulled my face to her and kissed me. The familiar feeling of her lips was something that we were still getting used to, even after all this time. A young Y/n Uchiha had been my first kiss, hell, we have even lost our virginity to each other as teens. I had kissed her lips many times before, even though I had worn the mask then as well. I lowered myself back against the bed as the kiss grew more intimate. Y/n climbed on top of me, straddling my hips. I chuckled a little and flipped her over onto her back a second later. She moved her hands from my face and brought them to my back, pulling my body closer to hers. I chuckled again and broke the kiss. “Is this really how you want to start the morning, Miss Uchiha?”
She smiled as she kissed me. “It’s gonna be a stressful day, why not start off with a stress reliever? She ran her hands down my chest and when she reached my waist she bit her lip. “You can’t tell me that you don’t want it either.” She had her hands on my erection. I smiled and kissed her cheek, slowly kissing all the way down her body, stopping at her hips. This kind of stuff always got me more excited than it did her, and she knew it. She smiled at me and put her hands in my hair. “Quit teasing, we don’t have long before we have to leave, we can’t be late on their first day.”
I looked up at her with pleasing eyes. “Who cares if we’re a little late. You know I’m a giver.” I knew that it was something she always went for, something I always started her off with. I was set on this morning being no different than any other. I put my hands on her thighs and pushed them apart. 
“Kakashi, we really don’t have time for this.” She started to sit up on her elbows to look at me better. “I’m seri-” She was rendered speechless a second later. “Oh my god… Kashi.”
I looked back up at her a second later with a manipulative laugh. “You were saying. 
As she felt my tongue against her clit she pleaded with me. “Kashi, I’m serious.” She had all she could just to make words. She put her hand in my hair and tugged some. I could tell she was close to ecstasy and so could she and with that I stopped. She whimpered as I stopped. I had always been the best at getting her to the brink and teasing her, there was something I found pleasing about it. 
I slowly kissed my way back up to her neck and looked into her eyes. “As you wish my queen.” She slept in her underwear and a baggy t-shirt and I slept in my boxers which made it easy access for our morning escapades. I grabbed the blanket that had ended up below us and covered us up. It was the busy time of day in the village and we both knew that our blinds didn’t block out as much as we’d like them too. I fumbled around under the blanket, moving her underwear to the side and pushing mine down to expose my erection. As I entered she arched her back, grabbing our bedsheet with both hands, balling it up in them. She screamed my name and I smirked, making a small noise, as I thrusted in and out of her. We matched each other’s movements as we both grew closer and closer to the end. A few monas escaped my lips as well as hers before we both came closer to our climax. We rode out our climaxes together and I collapsed on the bed beside her, out of breath. 
I reached an arm toward her and pulled her over to me. She laid her head back on my chest, listening to me breathe. I kissed the top of her head and sighed before speaking. “I love you Y/n.”
She snuggled closer to me. “I love you, too, Kashi.”
I sat up which made her sit up as well. “No, Y/n, I mean I love you more than I think you realize. I really don’t know what I’d do without you.” I paused to gauge her reaction. She was smiling like an idiot. “I’d seriously be lost without you in my life. When you left all those years ago and we didn’t have any contact anymore I felt like a piece of me was missing. I never knew if you felt the same way about me as I did about you when we were training and such. We were just kids then, I wasn’t sure if we were just having fun and being kids, or if we were something else. That’s why I never bothered to say anything… and maybe if I had, you never would have left, maybe you would have come back after everything.”
She took my hand. “Kakashi, I’ve always had a thing for you. I just couldn’t stay here what had happened, and whether I had known how you felt back then or not wouldn’t have changed that. I couldn’t handle being here, so don’t blame yourself.”
She threw the blankets off of us and stood up from the bed, grabbing her headband off the bedside table. “Now we really need to get moving, we’re really late now.”
I stood up and headed toward the bathroom, turning on the shower as she got ready.
When I finished I wandered back to the bedroom, in the process of putting my mask on, then using my headband to hide my Sharingan eye with one side of it. I smiled at her. “Ready to go?”
She smiled back. “Let’s go.” I knew she wanted to see what her brother could do.
* * * * * * 
I had never seen her so excited to start training someone. Granted, the events of the morning might have made her mood as good as it was. She was ecstatic to see how far her brother had come. She knew I could feel it as well. Her energy was hard not to feel radiating off of her. The door to the classroom was slightly open, we could see it, and we knew that we were pretty late. Our group was probably the last group there.
I stepped through the door first. As I opened the door wider an eraser fell and smacked me, leaving the shoulders of my black shirt that I wore under my vest sprinkled white. Y/n stood behind me and covered her mouth with her hand, trying not to laugh.
A small kid with blonde hair was laughing uncontrollably as a young girl with pink hair was trying to apologize for him. “I’m so sorry Sensei, I told him not to do it, but he wouldn’t. I’d never do anything like that.”
I picked up the eraser and held it in one hand while holding up my chin like I was thinking with the other. “Hmm, let me put it this way. My first impression of this group is that you’re a bunch of idiots.”
Y/n walked out from behind me to stand in front of the students. “I’m Y/n, I’ll be helping Kakashi with you guys.” Sasuke stood in the back of the two of them, looking smug. His arms were crossed as he stood and watched the other two, clearly annoyed with their antics. 
I motioned to the door. “Follow me.”
We all left the room and walked to the roof of the academy. Y/n went to lean on the railing and I sat on it next to her. “Sit.” I motioned to the steps in front of us. When they all sat down I began. “Alright, why don’t you introduce yourselves, one at a time.”
The girl with pink hair was astounded. “Introduce ourselves? What are we supposed to say?”
Y/n looked over at her. “Things you like, things you hate, dreams for the future, hobbies, things like that.”
The blonde haired both look intrigued. “Why don’t you guys tell us stuff first? I mean, before we talk, tell us about you guys so we can see how it’s supposed to work.”
I pointed to myself. “Me, I’m Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate… I don’t feel like telling you that.” Pink hair and blonde hair both made a confused sound. “My dreams for the future… never really thought about it. As for my hobbies… I have a lot of hobbies.” I pointed at Y/n.
Y/n smiled a little. “I’m Y/n Uchiha, that’s all you really need to know about me.” They stared dumbfounded. “You probably knew me better as Y/n Momochi.”
I began to speak again before any of them could ask Y/n any questions. I knew the name Uchiha had sparked something. I could see it in their faces as they looked from Sasuke to Y/n. “Okay, your turn. You on the right first, you’re first.”
The blonde haired boy grabbed his headband. “Believe it, I’m Naruto Uzumaki. I liked instant ramen in a cup and I really like the ramen Iruka-Sensei got me at Ichiraku Noodle Shop. But I hate the three minutes you have to wait after you pour the water in the ramen cup. My hobby is eating different types of ramen and comparing them.” Y/n and I exchanged glances as he spoke. Clearly this kid loved his ramen. “And my future dream is to be the greatest Hokage. Then the whole village will stop disrespecting me and start treating me like I’m somebody; somebody important.”
I looked at the pink-haired girl. “Alright… next.”
“I’m Sakura Haruno. What I like… Uh… I mean, the person I like is…” She glanced over at Sasuke. How cute. “Uh… My hobby is…” She seemed infatuated with Sasuke and Y/n was squirming, clearly thinking it was adorable. “My dream for the future is…” Her cheeks turned red and she stopped talking, clutching her first to her face in pleasure.”
At this point it seemed like torture, I had to intervene. “And what do you hate?”
Her face got very intense. “Naruto!”
Naruto looked stunned and embarrassed and I kind of felt bad for the kid. 
“Last one,” Y/n looked over at Sasuke and smiled. 
“My name is Sasuke Uchiha, and yes, Y/n is my sister.” Y/n smiled at them. “I hate a lot of things and I don’t particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I WILL make it a reality. I’m going to restore my clan and destroy a certain someone.”
The hatred in Sasuke was pulsating. His hate for Itachi was much stronger than I ever thought it could be. Our job was going to be even harder than I thought. Once Sasuke was fully trained and at full power he would be stronger than Y/n and I. We both knew he would strive to be stronger than Itachi so he could finish him off once and for all. I knew there would be eventually nothing we could do about it, but Y/n wanted him to keep his innocence as long as she could.
I could feel Y/n get tense at what Sasuke had just said so I stopped him and spoke. “Good, so you’re each unique and have your own ideas. We’ll have our first mission tomorrow.”
Naruto got excited. “What kind of mission are we going to have?”
“It’s a task that the five of us will do together.”
“What, what, what, what, what?”
“A survival exercise.”
“A survival exercise?” Naruto sounded like he was going to cry. 
Sakura sounded angry. “I thought we were supposed to have an actual mission, not more practice. We already did this stuff at the academy. That’s who we got here.”
Y/n spoke. “This is nothing like your previous training.”
Naruto began to question. “So, uh… what kind of training is it then?”
I laughed. Sakura didn’t understand what I was. “That’s a normal question, what’s so funny?”
I continued to laugh. “Well, if I tell you the answer, you’re not going to like it.” They looked confused. “Of the twenty-seven graduates that just came here, only nine will be accepted as Genin. The other eighteen will be weeded out and sent back to the academy. In other words, this is a make it or break it, pass or fail test. And the chance that you’ll fail is at least sixty-six percent.” They were all in shock. “See, didn’t I tell you that you wouldn’t like it?”
Naruto spoke up. “That’s crazy! We worked hard to get here. Believe it, what was that graduation test for anyway?”
Y/n smiled. “That was just a test to select what candidates might become Genin or not. That’s how it is?”
I cut her off. “We decide whether you pass or fail. Be at the designated training spot at five A.M. and bring your ninja gear.” They were all tense. “That’s all, class dismissed.” We all started walking away when I turned around, remembering something important. “Oh, and you better skip breakfast, or you’ll puke.’
We all walked away and Y/n turned to me. “Five in the morning? Really?”
I smiled and winked at her. “I have no intentions of being awake that early, let alone being there.” I put my hand on her hips and whispered in her ear, checking to make sure the kids weren’t looking. “Unless something else is going on.” I nibbled on her ear before standing back up straight.
Taglist 💕 @nubiadethemyscira @nimeryaa
Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight: *NSFWish Ahead!*
Updated: 4/29/2020
144 notes · View notes