#natasha ross imagine
oneshotnewbie · 8 months
Can you write a story about Natasha Ross? I give you full creativity to make whatever you want.
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Summary: Fire Chief Natasha Ross, Captain y/n y/l/n and their team are called to an operation that confronts you with your own past. While you try to help others, you also have to fight your own demons. Natasha will help you with this. This experience will strengthen your friendship and help you heal.
⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of loss and death. Those plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
The sun was dipping towards the horizon as the loud wail of sirens broke the calm evening silence. Natasha, the veteran fire chief, looked up from the latest reports and operational plans on her desk and immediately sensed the urgent tension in the air. Something big was afoot.
She jumped up and grabbed her helmet that was hanging on the wall before putting on her jacket and hearing the first instructions over the radio. "All units, we have a major fire at Pier 25. Immediate standby. Repeat, immediate standby."
Natasha rushed out of her office, where she already met you, the captain of the fire station. The tension in your eyes was unmistakable, and Natasha knew this wouldn't be an unusual mission. You also felt an inexplicable restlessness rising within you. “What do we have, y/n?” She asked as she bumped into you.
You panted as you jumped down the last steps from the top and followed her into the hall. "It's one of the old storage complexes on the pier. It looks like a devastating fire with possible hazardous materials."
The fire chief nodded seriously and got into the car, followed by you and the entire team. The streets whizzed past you as the blue lights showed the way through the paths. Thoughts swirled through Natasha's head as she focused on the mission at hand, wanting to do everything right. However, a vague feeling of oppression still didn't leave her.
When you reached the pier the scene was chaotic. Flames danced wildly, thick black smoke covered the sky bathed in evening sun. Workers had gathered around the cordoned off site, some in panic, others stunned by the extent of the destruction.
Natasha jumped out of the car and immediately took command of her team. "Security squad, search for survivors and direct them immediately to the rescue squad. The rest run in ahead of the security squad and fight the fire. We have to get the flames under control before a dangerous explosion could occur."
The entire team, including you, nodded and charged into the blazing hell of the complex. The heat was intense, and the crackling of the fire added to the air. The smoke was so thick that it obscured visibility and as you fought your way through each hallway, the desperate symphony of fire roaring where suddenly overwhelmed by a familiar smell - a smell that triggered a flood of memories.
You knew this place. It was the same warehouse where you had experienced one of the worst missions of your career years ago. A tragedy that haunted you to this day. You stopped abruptly in the middle of the building, and Natasha felt an inexplicable tension as she listened through the comms as Andy and Maya encouraged you to keep walking and stay with the group.
"Y/n, what's wrong? Talk to me." Natasha asked worriedly and you turned your gaze towards the ground. Confronting your past brought with it a wave of emotions - guilt, sadness and anger. You forced yourself to concentrate while Natasha, full of tension from the mission and nervousness of the fire, had completely forgotten what memories this place held for you. "T-this is the place where y/s/n d-died in a fire years ago, 'tash. Y-you and I were h-here and couldn't save her."
The fire chief froze for a moment as the memories came flooding back to her. She had taken part in this tragic incident almost a decade ago; the three of you were a rescue team in one of these warehouses when the ceiling partially collapsed and buried your sister under the flaming roof. The image haunted you like a dark shadow. "I know it's hard. But now we're here, and we'll do our best to help anyone who's in danger. I know it's hard but you have to suppress your feelings, y/n."
You nodded silently without her seeing and continued on your way, with Natasha resolutely accompanying you in your ear. The fire raged wildly around you as you delved deeper into the burning complex. The heat was suffocating, the smoke made it difficult to breathe even with a mask, but you couldn't give up. People's lives depended on your work.
But while you desperately tried to save others, you battled your own inner demons. The memories of your sister's tragic loss washed over you like an unstoppable tide. The image of your sister caught in the flames haunted you amidst the chaos. The scream before everything came down, every smell of the fire reminded you of your own powerlessness when you had failed to save her. The thought of being here again, in this place of loss and pain, threatened to overwhelm you with every step.
Outside the squad car, Natasha listened intently to her team's radio transmissions as she tried to support you. She heard your desperate breathing and felt her own helpless rage at the ruthlessness of the fire. But she knew you were fighting - not just against the flames, but also against your own ghosts of the past and she knew that she couldn't leave you alone. “Y/n, do you hear me?” She called over the radio in a calm and firm voice, directing her attention only to you to try and calm you down. She knew the rest of the team would make it without her.
A weak response came back, punctuated by coughs and a muffled voice that made her think you were trying to hold back your tears. "Yes, 'tash. I hear you."
Her heart ached at the sound of your voice and she forced herself to stay calm, even though she wanted to grab you out of there and pull you into a hug. "You can do this, honey. You are strong. Remember why you are doing this. Think of the people who are counting on you." She replied, forcing you to take a deep breath as you fought back tears. You knew she was right, you could feel her words being an anchor in the middle of a storm, and you couldn't let your fears paralyze you, not now when so many lives were at stake.
With renewed courage you continued on your way, focusing on saving others instead of getting lost in your own thoughts, Natasha repeatedly whispering a few soothing words into your ears. You reached for the injured worker, surrounded by flames, and without hesitation, you pulled him out of harm's way and led him through the thick smoke to safety.
Natasha, meanwhile, followed your every move, every instruction you gave, feeling relieved and worried at the same time. She knew that this deployment was an emotional rollercoaster for you, but she was also proud of the way you once again asserted yourself, overcame your fears and rose to the challenges.
Finally, after endless minutes of fighting, you emerged from the burning inferno with Maya and Andy, followed by the last survivors. Your face was covered in soot and sweat, but there was an unwavering look of exhaustion and triumph in your eyes.
Natasha rushed to you with quick steps and hugged you tightly. "You did it, y/n. You and your team saved them all." She spoke proudly, hugging you tighter. You smiled tiredly, the demons of the past had exhausted you. "Thank you, Natasha. I couldn't have done it without you."
Hours passed, but it felt like an eternity as the rest of the teams, including yours, got the flames under control. Natasha watched you stand still, staring at the charred ruin as she slowly approached, and crept up on you before an arm wrapped around your shoulder, momentarily startling you. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”
“I don’t know,” you said quietly, the memories still swirling vividly in your head. Natasha was fascinated by how you seemed calm and collected on the outside while you were drowning on the inside. "I thought I had processed it, I mean her death. But this mission showed me that there are still a few things I need to come to terms with."
"You know I'll support you, right?" She asked and a small smile escaped your dry lips. "Whether you want to seek professional help, talk to me about it, or need some time to strengthen your mental health.. I'm here. And I won't leave."
You nodded and rested your head on her chest as she rested her cheek on your hair. You had to learn to live with your loss and stay focused on helping others in need.
In the days and weeks that followed, Natasha took time for you to reflect on what had happened and accompanied you to a psychologist. Confronting your past had shown you that it was important to face your fears and weaknesses and learn from them. With the support of the fire department chief, you were slowly able to completely come to terms with the demons of your past and in the process formed a closer and deeper friendship with Natasha, who you never thought you would ever have with anyone.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Hellooo!!! If you're not writing anything else at the moment, I was wondering if you could make a station 19 Natasha Ross x Montgomery! Sister reader!!
Brother’s boss
Summary: It’s not a secret if no one asked about it.
Pairing: Natasha Ross x Montgomery!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 961
a/n: Natasha Ross deserves more recognition!!
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“When do you think you’ll get out of work?” Y/N asks, leaning against her girlfriend’s unofficial work desk. She wasn’t at her own office today, deciding to spend the day at Station 19.
Natasha glances at the clock, them turn to look at her girlfriend with an apologetic look on her face. “Late.” Y/N sigh, throwing her head back. Laye hours weren’t unusual for her, she works at Grey Sloan Memorial after all, but the Firs Chief’s duties seem to be never ending. “I’m really sorry, love.”
“It’s okay. This is your job and your job is important and you’re amazing.”
With a chuckle, Natasha stands up to kiss Y/N. Her hands are wrapped around her lower back, while Y/N’s are on her shoulders. She pushes her against the table. Unfortunately for Y/N, Natasha pulls away before things go any further, which makes her whine.
Giving her one last kiss, Natasha goes back to the desk full of paper work. “Go home, wat something and take a nap. I’ll be there before you know it.”
“Okay.” Y/N agrees, though she doesn’t hide her pout. “Love you, see you later.”
“I love you,” is the last thing Y/N hears before closing the door to the office.
Sighing, she starts descending the stairs, hoping not to run into any of the other firefighters, as none of them are aware of her and Natasha’s relationship. However, luck isn’t on her side today.
“Y/N!” Travis, her brother, runs up to her with Victoria. “What are you doing here?” He looks over the scrubs she’s wearing. “Did something happen?”
“Nothing happened.” She rolls her eyes, stopping in front of the best friends.
“Then why are you here?”
“To see Natasha.”
Travis scrunches his brows while Victoria raises hers. “You were with Chief Ross?” She questions, not understanding why the younger Montgomery would have any business with the fire department’s chief.
“I was.”
“Because we’re in a relationship.”
The lobby turns eerily quiet. Victoria’s eyes are wide as she takes in the sentence. Travis looks like he has frozen on his spot. Neither of them expected to hear that coming out of her mouth. Y/N stares at them expectantly, waiting for either of them to say anything. She doesn’t really care what anyone thinks about her, but this silence was starting to make her uncomfortable.
“You-“ Travis points at her, as if that’d make him articulate better, “you are dating out boss?”
He doesn’t understand how the word comes out of her mouth so easily. Yes. Like it’s the simplest thing in the world. “Why in the world didn’t you think to tell me, that you are dating my boss?” His voice turns high pitched.
“You never asked.”
“I never-!” He takes a moment to compose himself, rubbing his face. He glances at Victoria, who is quietly laughing to herself. “This isn’t funny!”
She raises her hands in mock surrender, but there’s still a grin on her lips. “I’m sorry, but I think this is amazing. Go baby Montgomery.” She high fives her, making Travis groan.
As Victoria clearly doesn’t see the issue with this, Travis decides to handle it himself. Which is why he starts jogging towards Chief Ross’ office. “Travis!” Y/N shouts, running after him. “Don’t you dare do anything stupid and dramatic, or I’ll strangle you!”
But, Travis has already slammed the office door open. He stands in front of Chief Ross, who just stares at him, and opens his mouth only for nothing to come out. He clearly didn’t think this through. That is his boss after all.
By now, Y/N has caught up to him. “I’m sorry, Tasha. He is being stupid.”
“You’re dating my sister.” Is all he manages to get out.
“I am.”
“Chief, with all due respect, I think it is an inappropriate relationship.” Travis states, making Y/N hit his arm.
“Y/N isn’t part of the FD, I’m not her superior.”
“Well, she’s my younger sister.”
“Adult younger sister.” Natasha argues back, way calmer than Y/N would be capable of when it comes to her brother. “This is a consenting relationship between two adults, who are equal. So, what is the problem, Montgomery? Is it because we’re both women?”
Y/N snorts at the question, and Travis starts spluttering. “Of course not!” His hands wave around the room. “I am very proud that my sister is comfortable with her sexuality, but..but this-“ he tries to come up with anything, but he can’t.
“But this is my relationship,” Y/N steps in front of him, “and I love her and that’s the end of it.”
He sighs. It’s his sister’s relationship, he can’t do anything, no matter how uncomfortable it is to know his younger sister is dating his boss. “I know. But if you do anything to hurt her-“
Natasha interrupts him instantly, “you should remember that I am still your superior.”
“Yes, Chief.” He mumbles, gives Y/N a hug, and leaves the office.
Giggling, Y/N closes the door and goes to sit down on the desk. “That was funny, and kind of hot.” She whispers with a glint in her eyes.
Natasha shakes her head with a smile. “Now, don’t do anything or I won’t get any work done.”
“Can I at least stay here? Now that they know.”
“Of course.” She sets her hand on Y/N’s knee, the other hand signing all the needed papers.
They spend the rest of Natasha’s work day together, though mostly in silence, but it’s the good kind of silence. Where Natasha can work in peace and Y/N can admire her while she works, one of her favorite things to do.
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mr-m-murdock · 2 years
ross: you've got balls
nat: more balls than you'll ever have
steve: bitch
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traveler-at-heart · 10 months
Finding Home
Summary: This is a series imagining what it was life for Natasha after joining S.H.I.E.L.D. - First few chapters feature a platonic relationship but maybe it will develop. Who knows! Let's enjoy the ride :)
Warnings: Mentions of trauma, past violence.
Part 1
“You can’t be serious”
“I am always serious, Barton”
Clint pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn’t know what else to do, how to make this situation any better. Take down an enemy, that’s easy. You just shoot an arrow.
This required more than an arrow.
“She helped us kill Dreykov. What more proof do you want, Fury?”
“I want training. And regular sessions with a S.H.I.E.L.D. shrink. And constant surveillance”
“So I’m a babysitter now?” Clint looked out the window.
“You made a decision, Barton, and now it’s time to stick by it” Fury said in a tone that made it clear the conversation was over.
“Yeah, but I was expecting a little more help from your side” the man grumbled. They both stared out the window.
“I already did. Secretary Ross wanted to prosecute you”
Clint left Fury’s office, aware that Natasha was following him. He was used to it by now. Without speaking to her, he walked to one of the tables in the cafeteria, resting his head on his hands.
The redhead stood by the wall, looking around as if she was ready to escape.
Maybe she would, and then he’d be so screwed not even Fury could help him.
“What’s wrong?” he heard a voice say. Clint lifted his head and saw you, smiling at him.
“I have a headache”
“And a shadow” you nodded to Natasha. As one of Fury’s apprentices, you’d heard about her already. The young woman before you was stunning in a way that was hard to ignore.
Her green eyes examined you as you leaned forward, offering your hand to introduce yourself. She kept staring and Clint chuckled.
“Scary” you said, not taking offense in her guarded demeanor. “So, what now?”
“I don’t know. I need to clear my head” the man stood up. “Wanna come to the gym with us?”
“After you”
Natasha was beautiful, yes. But now you understood the Black Widow monicker completely.
In a matter of minutes, she left Clint completely defeated.
Good thing she was on your side, right?
“Agent Y/L/N” Fury walked up to you as you left the gym, still thinking about Natasha’s incredible technique.
“What do you make of Romanoff?”
“Well… she’s... I don’t think I have the words. She doesn’t need training, that’s for sure. In fact, she should be training our people”
“I need to know if I can trust her first. The way I trust you, and Barton, and Hills”
You crossed your arms, because Fury already knew what the plan was gonna be. And all you could do was listen and accept it.
“The secret Penthouse. I already told Maria to give you access and everything you need. Natasha stays there with you. Earn her trust”
“I can’t lie to her, Fury, and neither can you. A golden prison is still a prison” he rolled his eyes and you tried to hide your smile. It was always fun to annoy Fury with your morals.
“This is what I imagine it would be like to work with Captain America. And it ain’t fun, Y/L/N”
“I’m not saying I won’t help”
“But you’ll do it your way. Fine. No one listens to me anymore”
“Maybe you’re going soft”
Fury requested daily reports, which was to be expected. Except you only saw Natasha once and she barely spoke to you.
You cooked all three meals, trying to guess what she’d liked, knocked on her door to let her know it was time to eat, and then she’d wait for you to finish to come out.
Same with training. She hit the gym at break of dawn. You only saw her whenever you drove her to Doctor Taylor’s office, who was assigned to her case and then later, before dinner when she’d answer your questions about her work as a Black Widow and gave you all the information she could remember about Dreykov’s operations.
A week after moving to the penthouse, Fury and Maria showed up.
“We’re just checking”
“I sent you everything she’s told me. She’s being cooperative”
“That’s not enough” Fury said. Natasha came out of her room in that moment and you looked over your shoulder. “Let’s see what you’re made of”
“I already told you she doesn’t need training”
“Of course. I meant you, Agent” he pointed at you. “You said Romanoff should be training us. I know she can kick Barton’s ass. What about yours?”
Natasha did. You were thrown around in ten different ways, always discovering a new weak spot that you’d never thought about before.
S.H.I.E.L.D.'s young promise, panting and sweating on the gym’s floor. Begging for your life.
The last time Natasha knocked you down, you stayed there. You couldn’t take another round.
“Train together. Every day” Fury requested and you nodded.
To your surprise, Natasha offered her hand to help you up.
You smiled and took it. Fury was gone before you could say anything to him.
“Make sure you ice that punch” Maria pointed at your split lip and you sighed.
“Thanks, Hill”
As the warm water of the shower soothed your muscles, you kept going back to Natasha’s flawless movements. Of course you had read her file. The Red Room training included all kinds of physical demands and oddly enough, ballet.
To reach that level of perfection and control, Natasha must have worked out endlessly, without rest, without room for error.
Without a life. Or a childhood.
Knowing you’d be sore the next day, you took painkillers and went to the kitchen to start with dinner.
To your surprise, Natasha was already there.
“I’m sorry” she said as soon as your eyes locked. Before you could ask, the redhead clarified. “I didn’t mean to hurt you”
“Oh. It’s not your fault that I’m out of shape”
“You’re not… I’m just…”
“Better” you said, laughing. There was the glimpse of a smile on her lips.
“I can help with dinner if you want to. That pasta you made the other day was good. You’ll just have to tell me how to prepare some stuff”
“Sure. We’ll make it together” you offered, standing behind the kitchen counter. “Just don’t tell my mom I gave you the secret ingredients for the sauce. I’m supposed to share it only with the girl I marry”
When you were met with silence, you thought your attempt at a joke had gone unnoticed. Instead, you found Natasha looking at the knife you were offering so she could chop the tomatoes.
“Are you sure you want to give me a weapon?”
“What? You’re gonna chop these with your ninja moves? Come on, Nat. If you wanted me dead, you could do it with a pencil. That much is clear”
“Ok” Natasha nodded, taking it and following your instructions. You cooked in silence, until she spoke again. “No one’s ever called me Nat before”
“Sorry. Is that ok?”
“I think so”
“Alright” you nodded, smiling at her.
For a week, Natasha put her entire focus on your training and a new, pleasant routine developed.
Training, prepping meals, doctor Taylor, more training, dinner. Small talk here and there. Natasha never asked you personal questions, but you volunteered information about your family.
Clint stopped by and you could tell that Natasha trusted him more than anyone, including you. It was only logical, considering he was the one who put his ass on the line for her.
Maybe things would move along if he was the one here, instead of you. But Fury trusted you with this, and you had to follow his lead.
He always had a reason for eveything.
The autumn rain hit the penthouse windows. Natasha looked out, her head resting against her knees.
“Here” you offered a cup of hot cocoa. It was a lazy day, and you’d rather spend it making cookies than getting your ass kicked.
Sitting next to Natasha, she looked over at you as you took a sip of your own cup.
“What?” you asked when she smiled.
“You have whipped cream on your nose”
“Oh, you think that’s funny? Here” you leaned forward, getting some cream on her cheek.
“сука” she said playfully.
“I love it, let’s learn Russian curse words instead. That will please Fury”
“So, we don’t have to train today?” Natasha asked in a small voice. It almost sounded like… a child, asking if she could skip school.
“No, never if you don’t feel like it. Ok?”
“Ok” she nodded, looking out the window.
But your eyes, they remained on her. Hoping, wishing, you could help Natasha build a life worth living. Part 2
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fluffystevefest · 3 months
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This was a very special day because we celebrated Steve's 106th (or 40th) birthday! 🎂 Thank you so much to everyone who shared their creations or showed their love and support. Every day feels like a birthday with likes, kudos, reblogs, shares, and comments! 💙
Perfect by @sleeplessmidnight26 ★ Fic: 3.3k, E ★ Pairing: Steve/Tony, Steve/Brock ★ Steve Rogers and Tony Stark have been friends all their life. They know each other and can stand to be apart. When Steve’s boyfriend stands him up on his birthday, Tony comes in to make sure his best friend has a good birthday.
Birthday Traditions by @capsicle13 ★ Fic: 1.5k, G ★ Pairing: Steve/Tony, Steve & Peter ★ When Steve was younger, his mother always took him up to the rooftop to watch the firework display for his birthday. Steve keeps that tradition alive by taking his son to the top of Avengers tower so they can watch the fireworks together.
A Vital Mission by @polizwrites ★ Fic: 339, G ★ Pairing: Steve & Natasha ★ When Natasha interrupts a meeting with General Ross,  Steve assumes it’s for something very important.  He’s not wrong.
Double Date by @buckys-wintersoldier ★ Fic: 2.5k ★ Pairing: Steve/Reader ★ Challenge: Vitaray Chamber ★ Your best friend, Bucky, introduces you to one of his friends.
Star-spangled man with a plan by @holylulusworld ★ Fic ★ Pairing: Steve/Reader ★ It’s Steve’s birthday.
Happy Birthday Cap! ☕️ by @askstevella ★ Fic ★ Pairing: Steve/OC ★ 7:45 in the morning the alarm rang loud and clear. July 4th. His eyes fluttered open, taking a deep breath. A soft smile stayed on his face, and just he lay there in peace. It was silent from what he could imagine. He can only imagine how today could be going for him. He turned his face ready to meet the sleeping face of his beautiful wife.
Fluffy Steve Fest Rec List: July 4: Birthday by @ephemeralbutterfly ★ Rec list ★ Pairing: Multi ★ Hello everyone! I am doing daily themed rec lists for @fluffystevefest. The fics are related (some more loosely than others) to the daily prompts. The number of fics for any given day and prompt varies, but I have at least one fic for each day. There's also a wide variety of fic types and ratings, so I hope there will be something for everyone. The lists are vertically long, so I've put them behind a cut. Today's fics are a grab bag. Happy birthday, Steve!
Happy 106th (or 40th?) birthday to Steve Rogers, who has the sweetest smile 🥰 by @meidui ★ Gifset ★ Pairing: None ★
by time's grace by @cinderellasfella ★ Fic: 764, G ★ Pairing: Steve/Thor ★ “Does it not trouble you?” Thor asks, the question slipping out before he knows it. Steve looks to him in curiosity, his face still flush with good food and drink. “Does what not trouble me?” he asks. They've all migrated out to the tower balcony as the party winds down, watching as bursts of red, white and blue light up the city skyline. They also light up Steve's face. Illuminating crow's feet around his eyes that Thor knows weren't there this time last year.
Becoming Older by @darthbloodorange ★ Fic: 300, G ★ Pairing: Steve/Clint ★ Challenge: Vitaray Chamber ★ Steve isn't aging. Clint tires to help... or at least lighten things up a bit.
happy birthday, steve rogers! ♡ by @soliloquent-stark ★ Gif ★ Pairing: None ★
birthday boy's gorgeous side profile through the years by @soliloquent-stark ★ Gifset ★ Pairing: None ★
Birthday Picnics and Wishes by @darthbloodorange ★ Fic: 400, G ★ Pairing: Steve/Bucky ★ Steve and Bucky picnic in a secluded field to escape the 4th of July fireworks for Steve's birthday.
Birthday Clubbing by @darthbloodorange ★ Moodboard ★ Pairing: Steve/Bucky ★ When people look at him, they don't exactly think of 'Captain America', which is great for nights like tonight. He's glad the future still had places for people like him to meet. And many more of them, too. Steve decides to try out a new club hosting a costume party for the 4th of July. He intended to spend the night celebrating his birthday without all the unnecessary fanfare being Captain America brought. He didn't intend to get into a fight defending someone from a guy who'd had too much to drink. The bouncer's face, upon realising he didn't need to step in to help Steve, was the second greatest moment of the night. The guy taking him outback to tend his injuries, giving them a chance to get to know each other, was the first.
Miami Nights by @thebrooklynnway ★ Moodboard & fic: 3.3k, E ★ Pairing: Steve/Bucky ★ Bucky’s wrapping up Clint’s latest ink when a captivating fragrance wafts through the air. He knows that scent—the soft, subtle fragrance of spiced caramelized apples. It’s been ten years since he’s smelled it, ten years since walking away from it and starting a new life here in the Magic City.
A Really Great Day by @darthbloodorange ★ Fic: 600, G ★ Pairing: Steve & Avengers ★ Challenge: Switcheroo ★ Steve has a good day with his new friends.
Day 4: Bashes of ALL Kind by @mercurial-chuckles ★ Fic ★ Pairing: Steve/Reader ★ You are all set to go to the Fourth of July celebrations at Tony and Pepper's when you realize you have two flat tires. You have forever harbored love for Steve, thinking it was one side. Your dumbassery tags along when you talk to him. So, you try to keep the interactions minimal. When you are at the party you overhear something and come to know he beat an agent to a pulp. Wondering why? Read to know :D
Fluffy Steve Fest Rec List Day 4 - Birthday Comedy by @bulkyphrase ★ Rec list ★ Pairing: Multi ★ It's @fluffystevefest day 4 - Happy birthday Steve! The theme for Thursday is Birthday, but, like yesterday, you're getting something completely different—comedy! Please enjoy this not at all birthday-themed list of some of my favorite funny fluffy fics.
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Are you team cap or iron man?
woah, loaded question lol
I believe that there were better ways to go about it from both sides.
I'm going to answer this with mostly Captain America Civil War in mind.
So here we go... (good luck)
I believe that Steve was incredibly selfish as soon as Bucky became involved and dragged people down with him. (Steve's actually a really selfish guy if you actually look at everything, but that's a whole other rant...)
I believe that Steve was too emotional and wasn't thinking fully since Peggy passed and Bucky became involved. He couldn't see past himself.
I believe that Tony signed the Accords due to all the guilt and he was honestly trying to make things better.
I believe that if they had ALL signed the Accords, they would have been able to negotiate and get the Accords amended over time as problems arose.
I believe that if they had all signed the Accords, the United Nations would have come to realize the mistake they made in the Accords and either amended or dissolved. Instead, Thanos came and the United Nations were still too busy hunting down the fugitive Avengers! (Ross, I'm looking at you...)
I believe that if they had ALL not signed the Accords, they would have been able to negotiate and figure out a new plan together with the governments. Though, I do believe that this way would have gotten them all in jail together at one point. (Can you imagine? All of them in Raft together? What chaos would that bring? Ross would have definitely retired after that.)
I believe that Steve didn't have any right to keep Tony in the dark about the truth about how Bucky killed Howard and Maria. (Like, when did he find out? How did he find out? Did Sam know too since he was helping search for Bucky? Did Natasha, Maria Hill, and Nick Fury know the truth? I hate them all if they knew and kept it from Tony.)
I believe that Ross was so against the Avengers, that he helped push the Accords and offered to be the one to break the news. I believe that he purposely reached out to Tony first, knowing that Tony felt all the guilt from every incident, and knew that he could get him to sign it. (Ross is the real bad guy here. He is the worst.)
I believe that Steve was right to not want to trust the government. (Who would after the fall of SHIELD?)
I don't believe that Tony fully trusted the Accords or the government, but understood that it was a step to making things right.
I believe that the Avengers should be held accountable and kept in check. (Even Tony agreed and he was the one to create Ultron!)
I believe that if Steve had gone to Tony before the airport incident with proof that it was a setup, things would have been different.
I believe that if the Civil War hadn't happened, Thanos would have been defeated in Infinity War.
I believe that Steve's viewpoint of everything being black and white (right or wrong), is not a good way of viewing things and caused a lot of this.
I believe that Steve doesn't feel enough guilt for the damage he and the other Avengers have done.
I believe that Tony feels too much guilt for the damage he and the other Avengers have done.
I believe that locking them in a room together until they figured it out, would have solved the issue. (Seriously, Natasha, why didn't you do this?)
I believe that Steve fully took advantage of Sharon and should have looked after her. She had to be on the run, alone, and then never got pardoned. (He also only kissed her because she was related to Peggy.)
I believe that in a real world scenario, Tony is the most correct in his believes. (Can you imagine if the Avengers were real and New York got demolished every other Thursday? Like, what would insurance look like? You cannot tell me that people would still be living in New York if the Avengers were real. Or living any place that constantly gets attacked like that.)
BUT after all that, I am Team Iron Man. Tony Stark is my main man and has successful character development. He truly changed where Steve remained selfish (to the point where he left!).
If you decide to respond to this, please be kind. We all have the right to our own opinions.
(I added this to my opinions masterlist...)
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New Year’s Eve
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Characters: Steve Rogers x Reader ft. The Avengers, Doctor Strange, Peter Parker, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes (all platonic)
Warnings: None.
Description: It’s December 31. You’ve just returned from a mission. Tony wants to throw a New Years Eve party. And Steve just wants to speak to you for a few minutes.
A/n: Wishing each of you an early Happy New Year! I hope 2023 is filled with happiness and love. Here’s to another year of little stories and imagination running wild x
There was a lot of noise coming from below. You would have been bothered if you hadn’t already been up awake still jumpy from the mission in Wakanda.
The thumps and bumps drew your curiosity and you set off on a journey to see what was happening. Two floors down, you ran into a series of strangers in the tower wearing guest passes. As they walked by, you noticed your favourite spy-turned-Avenger leaning against the kitchen bench.
“What’s with the good looking people at 8am?” You asked.
Natasha was quietly watching Tony sign some documents out on the helipad and sipped on her favourite morning juice.
“Didn’t you hear? Tony wants to have a lavish New Years Eve party tonight.”
A few of the stronger workers were lifting crates marked with ‘warning: explosive’ according to Tony’s instruction.
“And here come the fireworks. Hold this,” Natasha passed you her drink. “I need to move the quinjet before that goes up in flames too.”
You had questions but she left your side before you could voice them. The fridge door closed and Thor walked over with a tub of yogurt in his hands.
“I never understand you mortals. You can court chaos and yet create such beautiful ‘sky fire’.” He said bumping your shoulder. “A party this evening is exciting, is it not?”
“It would be if he hadn’t sprung this out of nowhere.”
Thor looked away from the workers and frowned at you. “Nowhere? Did you not receive the message two days ago on the small voicebox?” The God of Thunder recognised your blank expression and explained himself. “The phone?”
You reached into your back pocket and pulled out your handheld device. Tapping a few button, you realised that the battery had fallen flat. “Crap. It must have run out while I was away.” You realised.
Thor leaned over and touched the screen, sending a small electric current into the device and bringing it back to life. As the screen loaded, you gave a grateful sigh. “You’re like a walking source of energy.”
There were several pings of missed texts and calls that floated to the top of the screen.
29 December 10:50am - 1 missed call from Hawkeye.
29 December 10:56am - (Hawkeye) Text over your room’s access code. I need to hide the Asgardian mead.
29 December 1:21pm - 1 missed call from Thaddeus Ross.
29 December 2:56pm - (Hawkeye) Don’t ignore me.
29 December 2:58pm - (Hawkeye) Your phone’s dead, isn’t it?
30 December 7:22am - 1 missed call from Pepper P.
30 December 10:53am - (Steve) I’ve moved your mission debrief to after the party. Hope you’re keeping safe.
30 December 12:36pm - 2 missed calls from The Raft.
Dismissing them for now, you tapped a few icons to replay the voicemail left by Tony.
“Avengers - it’s time to celebrate the end of the year with flair. I’m hosting a New Years Eve party in two nights at the tower. Food, friends and fireworks. Invitations are going out right now so come dressed to dazzle.”
“What do you suppose he means by ‘dress to dazzle’? Perhaps, Jane will know. I’ve invited her to join us if she’s not too busy. Barton mentioned a tradition of kissing someone at midnight. Hopefully Jane finds me worthy.” Thor hoped.
You groaned internally. The dreaded pressure of kissing someone at midnight was something you never enjoyed. It felt too dramatic for your taste.
“Will you be bringing someone?” The God of Thunder wondered.
Patting his arm, you stepped away. “I’m going for a walk so less people ask me that question.”
Leaving him to watch the workers and enjoy his breakfast, you crossed the room to the elevator. You descended to the lobby where more people wandered about. While walking, you hadn’t noticed the foot of a marble statute poking out of place and accidentally kicked it.
Caught off guard, you cursed while hopping to nurse the temporary pain. Turning around, you found yourself nose-to-box when a hand grabbed yours, pulling you to the side.
“Whoa, easy there.” Steve laughed as he held your arm so you wouldn’t hit the stack of boxes.
“Sorry, I was just - why did we take the statue down?” You asked, looking back at the sculpture.
“Tony wants there to be more space for the crowd to mingle.” Steve replied.
“This party is just getting more elaborate by the second.” You sighed. “If I had known it was tonight, I might have stayed in Wakanda for a few more days.”
“Come on, you don’t mean that.”
You didn’t really wish to be away from home on New Years if you could help it.
“No, I don’t.” Placing your hands on your hips, you exhaled a thought. “I had hoped today would be a day of rest. Not party prepping.”
“Actually speaking of the party, if you’re not taking any-”
“Here he is! Just the man I was after.” Tony called out as he appeared from behind the super soldier having taken the stairs. He approached and patted Steve’s shoulder. “I need your help upstairs.” Tony then looked at you.
“And I need your help with the last remaining invitations. FRIDAY hit a small glitch during the send so I’ve texted you the names that were missed.”
Steve glanced at his friend. “Sure thing Tony but I was just-”
“You’ll have plenty of time later. Come on, Cap.”
With Steve on a task with Tony, you looked at your phone screen to read the message he left on your phone.
Stephen Strange, Wong, Peter and May, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes.
The latter two were easy to reach since you were always in touch. You could extend their invites on your way to Bleeker Street.
Wrapping up for the cold weather outside, you caught a cab to the Sanctum Sanctorum. As you were driven, you tried to give Sam a call but reached his voicemail.
“Hi, this is Sam Wilson. I’m not available but leave a message…”
“What are you doing?”
“Recording an outgoing voicemail so people leave a message when I can’t take their call.”
“That’s weird.”
The banter between Sam and Bucky was so enjoyable that you almost forgot to hang up when the tone beeped. You’d try again a little later in the day. 
With the traffic being a little heavier, your ride was slow so you went through a few missed calls and called back the time sensitive ones. After the third, you slipped your phone back into your pocket when you noticed that the cab had slowed to a stop. Paying the driver, you stepped out and pulled your coat a little tighter before walking up the stairs.
Knocking twice, you paused on the third when you heard a crash behind the door. Then the wooden panel creaked open and you were pulled inside and landed on a platform that wasn’t part of the usual foyer.
“Y/n! It’s so nice you see you.” Wong welcomed from somewhere above where he stood on a large rock as he wrangled against a large beast.
You waved at him when suddenly the ground you were standing on trembled. At the end of it was a second beast set on fire.
What the hell had you walked into?
It charged towards you until a magical leash fastened around its neck and pulled it away before you were swallowed. Following the thread, you saw the man you were after.
“Is now a bad time?” You called out.
Stephen rolled his eyes. “Does anything about this seem normal to you?”
Looking around, it was hard to answer because the last few times you visited, there was another perilous disaster occurring within the walls.
“Actually, this is a bit of a habit.” You admitted. Stephen sighed and accepted the reply. “I came to invite you to the New Years Eve party tonight. At the tower, if you survive this.”
Stephen grappled with the reigns of his creature as it grew in strength. Wong leapt into the air, opened a portal beneath the feet of his own beast and let it fall through with a growl. He then made his way over to you.
“What time is the party?” He asked.
Stephen groaned. You ignored the sorcerer and addressed his friend. “At seven.”
Wong nodded, happy with the invitation. “I’ll be there.”
You looked up at Stephen. “And you?”
Doctor Strange sighed and cast a hand in your direction with a circling motion. “I think you still have a few more guests to invite.”
That’s when you realised that there was no floor beneath your feet and you fell through a hole only to land on a soft couch.
“Oh my god!” Aunt May cried out as a bowl of popcorn flew into the air.
Peter jumped out from the kitchen brandishing wooden spoons poised for attack. “What? What?”
You cleared out the stray kernels from your hair. “I really hate it when he does that. Oh, hi you two!”
Aunt May calmed her erratic heart and lowered the volume on the television. “Y/n, as much as I enjoy having you over, why don’t you try the door next time?”
You apologised for the suddenness and the mess as you gathered the bowl. Peter set the spoons down and walked over.
“Is something wrong? Does Mr Stark need my help?” He wondered quickly filled with so much hope.
Chuckling, you helped clean up the ruined movie snack from the floor. “Not quite. Actually we’re having a party at the tower tonight and would love for you both to be there if you’re free.”
“A party? With the Avengers?” Peter’s eyes widened, mouth grinning while trying to contain his excitement.
May cleared her throat. “Will Happy be there?”
Her interest in the body guard had not gone unnoticed particularly since Happy always asked you about her. “Oh he’ll be there.” You smirked.
May looked at Peter and then pretended that she wasn’t too excited. “We’ll let you know.”
Thanking them both and apologising once more for the earlier incident, you left their apartment.
Four down, two to go you thought to yourself. There was a buzz from your pocket so you fished out your phone. There was a text message from Clint. Opening it, you read:
Emergency. Pick up blueberries.
Frowning, you texted back while audibly speaking the message. “What happened to the batch I bought?”
Three dots graced the screen and then…
I ate them.
You glanced at the time and knew that the ingredients at the cocktail bar hadn’t been prepared yet. Tony always requested the caterers to do it an hour or so before the event. Luckily there was a good market close to the tower from which you could purchase the fresh produce. 
As you walked to the subway and rounded a corner, you managed to get Sam on the line. It would be a great way to let him know of the event. The call was picked up with a familiar bright voice.
“Well if it isn’t my favourite Avenger.” Sam answered.
“Don’t let Cap hear you say that.” You laughed with a small head shake. “Are you home?”
“No, actually I’m visiting a family friend. What’s up?”
“That’s okay. I called for two reasons. Firstly, I found some intel on Zemo’s prison cell. Had to check in a few favours there. And second-”
“There’s a party happening at the Tower?” Sam guessed.
How did he know that? “Was it Steve?”
“You know I don’t reveal my sources.” He teased. “But to ease your mind, I’ll be there.”
“Could you try and get Bucky to come as well? I know Steve would appreciate having you both.”
Sam laughed. “That’s the third time you mentioned Mr Blue Eyes in this conversation and it’s not even 2’o clock. Why you’re not dating the guy is a mystery to me.”
You had made it down to the platform as a train pulled up. “Okay, I won’t mention him again.”
Sam loved to poke at you for fun and it was all done from a place of love. You caught up with the man for a little while longer until your stop and you bid him and the subway adieu. It was a short walk to the market where you collected enough blueberries to cover Clint’s thievery before anyone found out.
When you returned to the tower, you delivered the berries to the bar and let Clint know that the crisis was averted. The tower was getting busier and so you decided to head up to your room to get dressed.
Like any Tony Stark party, he delivered. It was magnificent with lots of familiar and new faces gracing the halls and levels of Avengers Tower. Everyone was dressed up and looked incredible. You caught a glimpse of Peter Parker in the crowd who was taking everything in. Wong managed to seek you out for a short conversation and gave you an apology on Stephen’s behalf for not making it.
After a round through the crowd, you settled at the bar to enjoy a drink with Pepper, Happy and Bruce. Steve was on his way to get some food when he heard your voice.
“I think the kissing tradition on New Years Eve is cute.” Bruce commented.
Happy shrugged. “I don’t know, I think it depends on the person you’re with.”
You set your glass down and pat Happy on the shoulder. “This. See, I think you should only kiss someone on New Years Eve if you’re in love with them or planning to pursue a relationship. What’s the point of kissing if it’s just for fun?”
Pepper laughed as she took a sip. “Don’t knock it until you try it Y/n. There are heaps of strangers here. Why don’t we set you up with one?”
Steve’s stomach flipped at the thought and he entered the conversation circle. “How is everyone doing over here?”
He leaned towards you to pull over a glass and pour himself a drink. You smiled as the rest of the group gave their replies and caught him up to speed on their last topic.
“What do you think Cap?” Happy asked.
“To kiss or not to kiss?” Bruce chimed in with a chuckle.
Steve paused for a few seconds as he thought up a response. “I like romance. I’d imagine each kiss to be special and tell a story.” Steve’s eyes landed on you. “Actually that’s why I wanted to speak to you. I-”
Suddenly, Tony interrupted the group with his presence and a holopad that was flashing red. “Oh boy, we have a major problem.” He said and showed them a newspaper article. “Vibranium was stolen in transit to Wakanda. We need a lock on their trail before it runs cold. Pun intended since the route was in Iceland.”
Happy sighed. “Wow, they picked a hell of a time to strike so close to midnight.”
Steve jumped into Captain America mode almost immediately, shoulders straightened and brow-furrowed. “I can be ready and take the quinjet in ten.”
Bruce set his glass down. “Want me to come with you?”
“Thanks Bruce. But if it’s a simple tailing job, I’ve got it covered. Besides, you should enjoy the night, you’ve earned it.”
Suddenly, the crowd began making their way to the terrace, Thor amidst them when he spotted his friends and called out from the sea of heads.
“Come, my friends. We are about to watch the sky fire!”
Tony unbuttoned his suit jacket with a flare, “It’s my time to shine.” He walked over to Pepper and stretched out his arm for her to take before striding out onto the balcony. Bruce found Natasha and followed her out while Happy caught a glimpse of Peter’s aunt in the crowd and also head in that direction. 
You looked at Steve and he seemed a little disheartened. “I’ve been trying to catch you all day and now-”
You placed a hand over his arm and gave a kind rub. “Hey, it’s okay. If it’s not important, it can wait until you’re back. I’ll still be here.” Hearing your name being called outside, you stepped away from the man. “I should go. Can’t miss Tony’s wondrous display.”
Leaving Steve behind for his mission, you joined the Asgardian in the middle of the crowd. He was telling stories about how he and Loki would steal fireworks from each festival and light them up on the bifrost for the people of the lower towns. “...I think our Father knew.”
In the next few minutes, Jane Foster appeared at Thor’s side and exchanged pleasantries until the crowd began to hush and stir as they looked to the sky. Tony’s drones took to the sky in marvellous fashion before they shaped themselves into the countdown numbers.
…5, 4, 3, 2, 1!
The crowd cheered, some even coming from the streets as they watched the pyrotechnics come to life. As fireworks rose and lit up the sky, you felt a kind of magical buzz, lucky to be where you stood.
It was a beautiful sight and you looked at the surrounding crowd. Lips were locking all around and you felt your stomach twist as the feeling of being alone began to settle. It normally never bothered you but this environment felt different. While everyone was distracted, you snaked between the bodies to return inside.
As you crossed the seating arrangement with every intention to call it a night, you barrelled into a very combat-suited Steve. Shouldn’t he be halfway across the sea?
“What are you still doing here? I thought you left for Iceland.”
Steve’s eyes were fixed on you, the gentle twinkle of fireworks reflecting in his blue irises. It was like he was staring into the heart of a jewelled cave - completely mesmerised.
“It’s important.” He said closing the space between you. A hand setting against your waist, Steve leaned forward. His lips ghosting against yours as your eyes closed. “You’re important.”
It was though fireworks were being set off in your body when he pressed his lips against yours. All you could feel was magic, heat, love and you just wanted to melt against him. His warmth, his touch, if you were in a private space you were sure things would have heated up far quickly. Little did you know, Steve was feeling the exact same.
Pulling away reluctantly, Steve rest his head against yours and smiled. “A part of me wishes that I could stay.”
Closing your eyes, you took in a deep breath. “Me too.”
The door from the terrace opened. Tony had walked in to refill his glass and wandered about the bar for a suitable drink when he overheard. The rest of the team also came inside for a break from the party.
“Then why don’t you just go with him?” Tony suggested. “There’s no rule saying that you can’t.”
It was such a simple resolve but you remembered that Steve had turned down Bruce’s offer. You looked at the captain silently asking if he’d like the company.
He smiled. “It would be an honour.”
Tony stood to the side with a wine bottle in his hand as he poured another drink for himself and Pepper, quietly watching you and Steve walk away hand-in-hand towards the hanger bay. Clint grabbed himself some water and took a seat on a high chair.
“Don’t you think they’ll need some back up if vibranium is in play?” He wondered.
Tony nodded, closing the bottle and sipping his drink. “Of course, if the mission was real.”
Thor threw back the last of his Asgardian mead and set his cup on the table (he was learning that the Asgardian custom to break the instrument was frowned upon). “You mean to say that you fabricated a story to…”
“To stop our two closest friends from more pining? You bet I did. God it was giving me whiplash.” Tony confessed. Then he pointed to each member present. “And now you know the truth, you’re all accomplices to the crime.”
Masterlist here
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pluckyredhead · 7 months
just because you just answered an ask about kon stories i am still made at the superboy man of tomorrow for setting up such an interesting arc with kon feeling superfluous to the superfamily, and clark not even noticing for a while that he’s left the planet, for such a supremely average comic and kon hand waving clark’s single attempt at an apology like it didn’t matter.
I one hundred percent agree with you, but I also feel like...it's almost not the Superboy mini's fault it was mid, because...what the hell kind of character development are we going to get out of any miniseries? Especially in the 2020s, where all miniseries are like, Issue 1: Introduce the concept; Issues 2-5: Nonstop action!; Issue 6: I guess we have to wrap things up now? There's no room for any kind of character or relationship growth because contemporary comic book storytelling simply isn't structured that way.
I did a deep dive into 80s/90s Superman comics a few months ago, and one thing that really struck me was how much time they spent on character. There were a billion subplots and every supporting character got one. Every issue told me not just what was going on for both Superman and Clark Kent, but what was going on with Lois, Jimmy, Ma and Pa, Perry, Perry's wife, Perry's terrible son Jerry, Cat Grant, Pete Ross and Lana Lang, Jose Delgado (MISS U JOSE, COME BACK TO ME), Professor Hamilton, Lex, and usually a handful of other antagonists. Pete and Lana didn't even live in Metropolis or Smallville or hang out with any of the other main characters, and the comics were still constantly like "Better check in on Pete and Lana!" And it never felt overfull, because the comics were structured to keep the central plot moving forward while always juggling multiple narrative balls, so that when, for example, Superman finished saving Cat from Morgan Edge and Intergang, the latest Jimmy plotline would be ready to take center stage.
I'm mostly enjoying the current era of Superbooks because I like seeing all my blorbos, but I'm frustrated too, because they finally have the whole Superfamily all hanging out all the time and they haven't actually done anything with it but let them all strike a dramatic pose on a splash page once per issue. (And, I guess, hint vaguely that various characters feel insecure - Kon, Jon, Kara, Karen - but never ever ever let those hints become satisfying stories.) Between Superman and Action Comics (especially when the latter was still an anthology book), they absolutely have the page count to tell a story about whatever villain Clark is currently fighting...and also Lois's struggles to lead up the Planet while Perry is in the hospital, and also Jon adjusting to not being the baby anymore in the face of his own lost childhood, and also Kon coming to terms with the Lex side of his DNA, and also Kara getting to do literally anything interesting, and also Kenan adjusting to living in America (...is he???), and so on. They're just letting a limited story bloat to fill the page count, instead of adding more story.
I mean. I cannot imagine picking up a Superman book in 1989 and not knowing what a character's job was or where they lived. Where the fuck do Kara or Kenan live? Is Jon living at home? How did the Kents fit two extra children in their apartment, then? What the hell does Jon do all day if he gave up on school after 20 minutes? If Kon is still in high school as that one terrible backup story implied, why is it not a problem for him to go into space for weeks or spend every day in Metropolis? Is Kenan commuting from China? Do Kara and Natasha have jobs? WHAT DO THESE PEOPLE DO WHEN THEY ARE NOT SPLASH PAGE POSING???
Anyway. All that was a little beside the point of what you asked, but I think my point was: we're never going to get anything satisfying with Kon (or Jon, or Kara, or anyone else) until a) he gets to take up space in an ongoing that b) is concerned with something more than fighting the latest villain or Shocking Revelations.
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itsdelicates-blog · 8 months
I beg someone please write (or tag me in) some cheif Natasha Ross (station 19) oneshots/imagines because I’m dying dying to read some
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crimsonscloud · 1 year
everybody stop and imagine this for a second because i had this thought the other day and it is killing me.
imagine that betty didn’t just disappear after the incredible hulk. she and bruce get back together and she’s there throughout all the rest of the films. (samson is supportive; he knows when betty’s made up her mind.) that kind of stability is new for bruce, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything. no natasha romance. hulk doesn’t disappear to sakaar for two years because he still has her. leaving would hurt betty and he’s done that before, he won’t do it again. they stay out of the civil war conflict for the most part — but betty would have some words for ross.
and then the snap happens. even through that, betty stays. miraculously, she and bruce are both survivors. and though that traumatizes both of them, though the guilt weighs on them, they still have each other. in the five years after, they decide to finally tie the knot and get married. they move into a cabin that once belonged to betty’s mother. (her father had abandoned it a long time ago; it fell into disrepair and needed to be fixed up before they could officially make it theirs.)
before the time heist, bruce is… scared, honestly. scared that something will inevitably go wrong and that he will lose this peace he has managed to find for himself. betty holds him close and tells him that she knows she can’t keep him away; he’s too selfless for that. bruce says that maybe they deserve to be a little selfish, but there’s that quirk to his mouth as he says it that tells her he knows she’s right. so she smiles and tells him to just come back to her. and he does. he always comes back to her, after all.
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oneshotnewbie · 2 months
Hey wondering if you could do another Natasha Ross fic. Loved the first you did when I requested. Again I give you full creative liberty because how good you did last time.
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Authors note: Ugh, there are no gifs of Natasha Ross. I hate it!! But here you have a slightly different story of Natasha, which doesn't really have much to do with Station 19 and might even be considered as an au? I'm sorry if it doesn't suit your taste- it was the first thing I thought of when I read your request 😊
Summary: Natasha is recruited by a secret government agency to take part in an undercover operation dealing with arson and terrorism in Seattle. You are an investigator, or rather a former soldier, who is assigned to help her.
The smoke rose in thick clouds into the Seattle evening sky and the pungent smell of burnt wood hung in the air. Natasha Ross wiped the sweat from her forehead and took a deep breath. Her muscles burned with exhaustion, but she was glad that they had managed to get the fire under control. The last few hours had been a nightmare, but now that the flames were contained, she could finally relax a little.
"Good job, guys. We did it," Captain Sullivan called, patting Natasha on the shoulder. "Now everyone go back to the station and get the cars back in shape." Natasha nodded exhaustedly and looked at each of her team members. "You heard the captain. You did a great job today, I'm proud of you."
When they got back to the station, she was about to go to her locker when she noticed someone standing at the entrance to the fire station. An older man in a tailored gray suit.
"Ross?" The man's voice was firm and authoritative, his serious gaze directed strictly at Natasha. She raised her eyebrows and walked towards him with slow and careful steps. "Yes, I'm Natasha Ross. Can I help you?"
"My name is Alex Carter,“ the man pulled out an older ID card holder and showed Natasha his Homeland Security badge. "I need to speak to you. Urgently."
Her heart immediately started beating faster and her palms began to sweat. What could a Department of Homeland Security agent want from her? "What is it about, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Not here. Follow me, please." Alex Carter turned around without another word and led Natasha to a black SUV parked not too far from the station. Natasha hesitated for a moment, but then decided to follow the request. She couldn't deny that the situation had piqued her curiosity.
There was a tense silence inside the vehicle until they finally reached a nondescript office building on the outskirts of the city. The agent led Natasha through a labyrinth of corridors and security gates until they finally arrived in a small conference room. The room was sparsely furnished, with only a table and a few chairs. On the walls hung various old maps of the whole of Seattle with red circles on them and photos of various fire sites.
"Sit down, Ross," Carter said coldly and closed the door behind him. "What I'm about to tell you is strictly confidential and must not leave this building. You are bound to secrecy."
Natasha sat down and looked expectantly at the agent while resting her hands on the wooden table. "Okay, I'm listening."
"There have been a number of arsons in Seattle over the last few months," Carter began, laying an open file on the table that contained the same pictures that were on the corkboards. "These fires were not accidental. We have evidence that they are the work of an organized terrorist cell."
Natasha frowned and couldn't help but grunt. "With all due respect, but what do I have to do with this?"
Alex Carter leaned forward and straddled the table, his hands gripping it tightly as he looked Natasha straight in the eyes. "We know that you have demonstrated exceptional firefighting skills during your time with the fire department. Additionally, you were previously part of a special task force in the Marines. Your experience and skills make you the perfect candidate for a covert operation."
Natasha felt her pulse rate exceed normal. She had left her time in the Marines more than a decade ago and vowed never again to be involved in such dangerous missions that could drag her and her family into the abyss. "You want me to go undercover?" she asked incredulously and the agent nodded with a straight face. "Exactly. We have reason to believe that the terrorist cell is planning to carry out a large-scale attack in Seattle. We need someone who can infiltrate their structures and gather information. Someone who is inconspicuous and competent. And that's where you come into the game."
Natasha leaned back in her chair and took a deep breath. Her leg was shaking nervously under the table. "I don't know... I've left that world behind me." She spoke in a whisper. "I understand," Alex Carter said calmly. "But remember that your skills and knowledge are needed now. You could save countless lives."
The fire chief was silent for a moment. The idea of ​​returning to a world full of danger and uncertainty was frightening. But the thought that she could actually make a difference and put a stop to it made her hesitate. "Who is my contact?" she finally asked, determined to help.
A slight smile, the first since the meeting, crossed Carter's face. "Your old comrade, y/n y/l/n. She now works for Homeland Security and will be your partner on this mission." Natasha's eyes widened, her pupils dilating to the maximum. "Y/n y/l/n? I thought she had quit her service."
"After her time in the military, she decided to pursue a career in the secret service," he explained quickly, getting back to the important topic. "She will be your main contact and will provide you with all the information you need."
She took a deep breath and finally nodded. They hadn't seen or heard from each other for years. Contact was lost shortly after she herself had quit the service and started a new career as a firefighter. "Okay. What do I have to do?"
Two weeks had passed since you and Natasha had gone undercover. You had integrated yourself into the structures of the terrorist cell, got used to your new identities and put your lives on the line every day. The fine balance between your roles as firefighter and Homeland Security agent was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain. But you both knew that any carelessness could blow your cover.
Inside the building, chaos reigned. Flames were blazing from the walls and the sound of crackling wood and collapsing structures filled the air. Natasha knelt behind a stack of boxes and observed the scene. She could feel the adrenaline flowing through her veins as she waited for the operation to begin.
"Are you alright, 'tash?" Your concerned voice came through the piece of technology in her ear, clear and precise. You were on the other side of the hall, monitoring the operation from a safe distance. "Yes, everything is fine," she whispered back and took a deep breath. "I'm ready."
The task was clear: infiltrate the group responsible for the arsons, gather information and prevent their next major attack. But that also meant that you were both in constant danger and your every move had to be carefully coordinated so as not to attract attention or worse.
Natasha forced herself to remain calm as she heard the hall door being pushed open. Several more figures entered, including her first target: a man named Victor Delgado, the right-hand man of the head of the terrorist unit.
"Guys, have you prepared everything?" Delgado asked in a sharp voice. He was tall, muscular, and exuded a menacing presence. "Yes, sir," a younger man answered nervously, probably a new follower, since you had never seen him before. "The fire will spread quickly, as planned. We made sure of that."
The fire chief pressed herself even deeper into the shadows, waiting for the signal from you. She knew you only had one chance to overpower Delgado and his men without anyone getting hurt, and to get him to talk at the headquarters.
"Now!" you whispered into her earpiece, and Natasha jumped out of her hiding place, her borrowed Homeland Security gun drawn. "Don't move!" she shouted loudly, aiming directly at Delgado. "Homeland Security!"
For a moment, time seemed to stand still for her, then more chaos broke out. Delgado reached for his own weapon, but you were faster. A precise shot from your hidden position hit him in the shoulder, and he fell to the ground. The other men also drew their weapons, but you were both prepared. A heavy exchange of fire broke out, and Natasha felt the wave of adrenaline hit her.
When everything went quiet again and the men were lying on the ground all around you, you stormed towards Delgado and overpowered him. "Get down on the ground! It's over for you."
While the two of you, with backup, arrested and secured the men, Natasha felt a rush of relief. But this calm was short-lived, she knew that this was only a small victory in a much bigger game.
Four hours later, Natasha was sitting in a safe house that Homeland Security had prepared for the two of you. The room was spartan but functional. She had sat down on the sofa, exhausted, and rubbed her eyes. But she couldn't go to sleep yet. She was waiting anxiously for you to come back and for news that she hoped you could squeeze out of Delgado.
When a key turned in the lock of the old door and the squeaky wood sprang open, she was suddenly wide awake again and stood on her feet, nervously walking towards you. "Have you found out anything?"
You nodded, also tired, and kicked your shoes off your feet. "I have a name: Thao Lord. He is the real mastermind behind the attacks. We have to catch him tomorrow night, otherwise the whole of Seattle will burn down."
Natasha felt the nervousness fading from her body. Finally you had a name, a goal. But the danger was far from over and a return to her old life was not yet done.
"Delgado was just a small cog in the machine. This Lord is far worse than we had imagined," you said, sitting down next to Natasha, that meanwhile haf sat back down. She leaned back and nodded as she sipped her wine glass. "Probably. But we took an important step today."
"You were great out there today. Like old times, huh?" you finally said after a moment of silence, looking at her with a soft smile. "I knew I had chosen the right one with you when we were looking for someone suitable for this mission."
Natasha felt the surprise overcoming her, her eyes widening. "You... chose me? I thought this was Carter's idea."
Another silence fell, heavy and full of unspoken words. "We should rest," you finally whispered and stood up. "Tomorrow will be a long day."
Natasha nodded silently and watched you go to your room. She sighed and leaned back again, her mind racing. Why were you still thinking about her after all these years? Why did you choose her when you could have chosen any other chief from all the fire departments in Seattle?"
The following night there was a tense silence as you and Natasha approached the spot where Thao Lord was supposed to meet Delgado. An abandoned industrial building on the outskirts of the city, similar to the one where you had confronted Delgado. This time, however, you knew it was all or nothing.
"Are you ready?" Natasha asked quietly, looking at you. You nodded, your eyes sparkling with determination as a smile spread across your lips. "I'm always ready, 'tash. You know that."
With a mischievous wink, you began to move silently through the shadows until you both reached the building. She hesitantly opened the heavy door, trying not to make a sound, and you entered the interior a few seconds later. There was an eerie silence inside, only interrupted by the occasional drip of water from the leaky pipes.
"Thao Lord must be here somewhere," you whispered, holding your weapon ready to fire. "We have to be careful, it's too confusing."
You made your way through the dark corridors, always on guard. Natasha could hear her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared for the unexpected. Finally, you reached a large room with a table in the middle, loaded with explosives and plans of the city.
Suddenly you heard footsteps and quickly ducked behind a wall as a man with graying hair and cold, calculating eyes approached the table - Thao Lord.
"Everything is ready," he said firmly to himself and laughed. "Tonight Seattle will go up in flames and destroy everything that needs to be destroyed."
Natasha felt her blood boiling. She had to stop him before he could put his plan into action. She exchanged a brief but determined look with you, then you both nodded at each other. It was time to act.
"Homeland Security! Hands up!" Natasha shouted, staying in cover and keeping her gun pointed at Lord. "Nothing is going to blow up here! The only thing that will happen is that you'll see the inside of a cell."
Lord laughed coldly and fired wildly. "You think you can stop me? You're just two women against an entire organization!"
But you and Natasha were not intimidated. You fought with all your strength and skill, and finally you managed to overpower Thao. He lay on the ground, his hands handcuffed, and she stepped closer to him. "You lost," she said in a firm voice. "Seattle is safe. Delgado ratted you out."
Thao Lord looked up with hate-filled eyes and a brief, cold shiver ran down her spine. "This isn't over yet." Natasha ignored his words and helped you get him to his feet before you both made your way to the headquarters.
The night passed quickly and the next morning you and Natasha were sitting in a small cafe, away from the hectic city. The case was closed, Lord and his men were behind bars, and the danger to Seattle had been averted. In the quiet moments after the storm, you could finally breathe a sigh of relief.
"I'm glad it's all over," said Natasha, taking a sip of her coffee. "It was a tough time that somehow reminded me a lot of the Marines and I'm honestly glad to be back with my team."
You nodded and looked her deep in the eyes. "Yes, it was. But I'm also glad that we got through it together. I couldn't have imagined a better partner for this case."
There was a moment of silence, and the fire chief could practically feel the depth of it. "Y/n, I want you to know how much what we have achieved together means to me," she said quietly and you smiled, gently running your finger along the rim of your coffee cup. "And not only that. I also realized how much you mean to me and how much I have missed you all these years."
"I feel the same way. You became my friend again so quickly. If not more... and that in such a short time even though the distance has separated us for so long."
Natasha felt a wave of joy as she took your hand and squeezed it tightly. "I want us to keep in touch. Let's see where this leads."
You nodded and squeezed her hand once too. "Yes, let's do that. Together." you said and in that moment you knew that you could get through anything together, like in your previous life. The danger was averted and a future full of possibilities and further collaborations lay ahead of you. You and Natasha had found each other not only as partners but also as friends, and nothing could separate you again.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
🌻Station 19 masterlist🌻
Maya Bishop
First glance
One look is all it takes.
That woman turned her world
One night stand that leads to the great love story.
Doctor’s appointment
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Under water
It’s hard to be your father’s favorite child when your sister has an olympic gold metal.
Sisterly protectiveness
Sisters are natural born protectors.
Andy Herrera
Secrets weigh you down.
All you need is love
Meeting your best friend’s girlfriend’s sister.
My heart belongs to you
Just two women in love.
Carina Deluca
Our baby
The world is full of unconventional families.
Ti amo
One year over, many more to come.
Victoria Hughes
The aid car
One person’s injury is another person’s chance to find love.
A mess of a human
The words leave right out of her mind.
Natasha Ross
Brother’s boss
It’s not a secret if no one asked about it.
Sometimes there isn’t enough air.
Time management
Showing up matters.
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themculibrary · 12 days
Steve Rogers Pairings Masterlist
a long winter (ao3) - dropdeaddream, WhatAreFears steve/bucky, steve/peggy M, 35k
Summary: In 1945, Steve Rogers jumps from a nosediving plane and swims through miles of Arctic Ocean to a frozen shore.
In 1947, Steve Rogers marries Peggy Carter. 
In 1966, the New York Times finds the lost letters of Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.
an unexpected engagement (ao3) - thedrih steve/natasha M, 208k
Summary: Natasha Romanoff has a huge crush on CEO Steve and decides that the company’s Christmas party is the perfect opportunity to win him over but she ends up exaggerating and after several disastrous events she wakes up in Steve’s bed without remembering how she got there. And the most surprising thing is that he makes her an unusual proposal: that she pretend to be her fiancée!
Steve Rogers is a workaholic CEO who, in order to escape the family’s insistence that he have a serious relationship, invents a fake bride. And when the family shows up by surprise and catches him with the employee he brought home drunk and passed out last night, he decides to make her a proposal: that Natasha pretend to be his fake bride.
What Steve doesn’t realize is that Natasha has much more elaborate plans for him, making him a very malicious counterproposal!
a pirate’s tale (ao3) - Marvel corner (PinkGold) bucky/steve/tony M, 35k
Summary: Pirate AU where Bucky, Steve and Tony have a past, a present and a future together. Not everything is easy, in fact, easy may not have been in their vocabulary to start with.
catfish (ao3) - L1av steve/bucky E, 28k
Summary: Catfish /ˈkatˌfiSH/ - A catfish is someone who pretends to be someone they’re not using Facebook or other social media to create false identities, particularly to pursue deceptive online romances.
Steve Rogers is a famous movie star, known for his role as Captain America. Bucky Barnes is a bored law student who drinks too much wine. Bucky gets on match.com to boost his confidence. What he doesn’t expect is a guy using Steve Rogers’ pictures on a dating profile. Bucky decides to mess with the guy. After all, what idiot uses Steve Rogers’ pictures on a dating site?
Not like it’s really him, right? Bucky may need more wine.
close-up magic (ao3) - Draco_sollicitus scott/steve M, 5k
Summary: After getting apprehended for supporting Captain America in the battle against the Accords, Scott Lang finds himself under house arrest (and no, he will not just be “grateful” for that “light sentence,” Ross, and yes he still really, really wants to punch a Stark in the face, no lessons learned here!).
A little heartbroken, and a lot lost, the only thing that breaks up the monotony of Scott’s life are the visits he gets from his precious Peanut. And when Cassie comes home on the weekend with a wild story about her new best friend, Captain America, well, Langs always did have active imaginations.
(Scott is definitely about to learn that his daughter’s imaginary friend … isn’t so imaginary).
counterfeit and counterpart (ao3) - Frea_O maria/steve T, 28k
Summary: Five times Maria Hill doesn’t understand Natasha Romanoff, and why she might be better off that way.
dad’s got skeletons (ao3) - kehinki steve/howard T, 3k
Summary: “To think he became a dad—your dad. A daddy.” He looked up sharply and saw that Steve’s smile had twisted a little bit, pulled up at one corner like a smirk, except no, Captain America did not smirk. “You know, it’s funny. I called him daddy once too.”
dearly beloved (ao3) - Hollyspacey darcy/steve E, 21k
Summary: Darcy has 99 problems, and her first assignment for SHIELD is, like, 98 of them.
As if going back home to deal with all of the people who made her childhood miserable wasn’t bad enough, she’s also stuck in holy matrimony with a surly supersoldier who can’t even deal with her under normal circumstances.
fate will play us out (ao3) - steveandbucky steve/bucky M, 30k
Summary: Bucky has landed himself a job with Stark Industries. He doesn’t know yet that the job is actually being the PR manager for the Avengers.
Bucky has also started dating Steve Rogers. He also doesn’t know yet that Steve is Captain America.
Bucky’s life is about to get a whole lot more exciting.
floral engagement (ao3) - ABrighterDarkness, NachoDiablo pepper/steve T, 5k
Summary: The cute blond florist keeps gifting Pepper flowers. She’s determined not to read into it. But she really should.
flowers (ao3) - includewomeninthesequel steve/peggy E, 91k
Summary: She was light, warmth, and life.
She was everything he wasn’t, and everything that he didn’t know he wanted - needed - until this moment.
A Steggy love story inspired by the myth of Hades and Persephone, with more than one twist along the way.
found your husband (ao3) - sara_holmes clint/steve T, 8k
Summary: Clint was never any good at strategy. He’s pretty good at putting his foot in his mouth, though. Never to the extent where he ends up accidentally marrying someone he’s not seen in twenty years, though.
it’s not personal (ao3) - TheMeaningofHaste steve/brock E, 5k
Summary: There on the mats of the dirty gym floor, with Rumlow pinned beneath him, Steve expected to get hit, he really did, when he leaned in for a kiss. What he didn’t expect was a hand to fist in his hair, pulling just this side of too hard, and keeping him close.
That was the first time Steve had sex with Brock Rumlow. He was a little ashamed to admit that wasn’t the last.
just between us (ao3) - LiandravZ steve/natasha G, 43k
Summary: Two years had gone by since they last saw each other. The big question is: how do you talk to someone whose heart you’ve shattered?
Does it ever begin with a, hello? hey? Or Hi, how have you been? She doesn’t have a fucking clue.
let’s play house (ao3) - Not Applicable (not_applicable) rhodey/steve M, 4k
Summary: “So. Good morning, I guess.”
“Yeah, good morning,” Steve said, and he took a seat on the bed beside Rhodey. Rhodey was still just in his boxers with his phone resting on one leg, and he was twisting his matching wedding band around his left ring finger as he grinned warily at Steve. “So,” Steve continued, and he held up his left hand, “this happened last night.”
lovers in war (ao3) - Shatterpath steve/peggy M, 13k
Summary: There is so much more to the tale of Peggy and Steve; their tale of love and war, of laughter and loss, of pleasure and pain. The more I watched their movie, the more I saw. That seeing became this.
We pick up with our heroes on the night after Steve has returned to camp with the liberated POWs. Hold on tight!
peggy carter is a howling commando (ao3) - The_Marauders_Daughter steve/peggy M, 19k
Summary: It’s 1944, and Hydra is giving the SSR a very hard time. Sometimes Captain America isn’t enough for a mission. Sometimes what the mission needs is Peggy Carter.
take me private (ao3) - Silver_StCloud steve/bucky, peggy/steve M, 37k
Summary: How to get yourself into a pickle (if you’re Steve Rogers) in 6 easy steps:
Step 1: suspect your wife of cheating on you
Step 2: Snoop on your wife’s laptop and discover her secret kink for m/m porn
Step 3: discover her Only Fans account and, in turn, discover a very cute adult entertainer who goes by the name ‘Bucky’
Step 4: create your own Only Fans account to get even with your wife. Request nude photos from Bucky
Step 5: start video chatting with Bucky on the regular, then agree to meet in person
Step 6: fall in love with Bucky and start an affair
(Congratulations, Steve Rogers, you are now in a pickle.)
the bruises that we share (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor steve/bucky T, 3k
Summary: Soulmate AU. Sharing the same injuries/bruises. Pre-War. Skinny!Steve doesn’t like bullies, and often finds himself getting beat up, leaving bruises littered all over his body. Steve doesn’t really think about his soulmate when he gets himself in these situations, figuring someone like him won’t end up with his soulmate. Then, Bucky enters the picture.
worth it (ao3) - snack_size bruce/steve E, 15k
Summary: Bruce likes Steve, and, as it turns out, Steve likes Bruce - but it’s all very awkward, and they agree to take it slow.
you can see it with the lights out (ao3) - defcontwo steve/sam M, 4k
Summary: “Will you believe me if I tell you that this is a normal thing that happens between two guys that are friends?” Sam says, and yeah, he’s pretty sure that that came out as weak as it sounded in his head.
Steve leans up on one elbow, looking down at Sam, that same crinkle around the edges of his eyes noticeable even in the gloom of the motel room light. “I know it’s been seventy years since I last had sex with a man but I’m still pretty sure that’s bullshit, Wilson.”
Sam Wilson falls in love. Like everything else, it’s a process.
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captainwidowspring · 1 year
Zemo's plan seemed to hinge upon a few things happening:
Captain America recruits allies and tells them about the HYDRA base
Something happening where said allies, but not Steve or Bucky, get captured and are in a position for Tony to coax it out of them later, and Tony comes alone because everyone else on his side is either injured or has to leave for one reason or another. In other words, he depended on the airport battle to go down exactly as it unfolds in the movie.
Which makes one wonder, what would he have done differently if something went different in the airport battle? Say, a situation like:
A) Everyone on Team Cap gets away, and thus when Tony finds out that Bucky was set up, he has no way of knowing where to go. Meanwhile, Steve's arriving at the HYDRA base with a full Avengers team. (Perhaps in these circumstances, Zemo would just unleash the Winter Soldiers instead of killing them before Team Cap arrives; it's also possible that in these circumstances, T'Challa would give Tony a ride / Tony would just track Team Cap down through trackers on the Quinjet or maybe Falcon's drone Redwing)
B) Everyone on Team Cap gets away, and no one on Team Iron Man is injured or left disillusioned, resulting in Cap storming the base with a full Avengers team, with Tony bringing another Avengers team shortly behind them because of them following the Quinjet in T'Challa's plane.
C) Everything in the airport battle is the same, but Vision shoots down Tony instead of Rhodey at the end. This would definitely screw Zemo's plans over since Rhodey's not going to lash out in response to the video. (I imagine that Rhodey would blame himself for Tony's injuries since he was the one who ordered Vision to fire on Sam, and would also show disgust and disapproval for the conditions Team Cap's captured members are being held in that he, Natasha and Vision would tell Ross, "You can't treat them like this. It's illegal, [especially the way you're treating Wanda]" and when Ross refuses to listen to them, the three of them break Team Cap out and they all go to Siberia.) Maybe in these circumstances Zemo doesn't play the video, or maybe he just emails the video to Tony?
I think these alternate scenarios provide a clear demonstration of how dependent Zemo's plan was on events playing out exactly as they did, and how easily it could fail.
A) I don't think Civil War ever actually establishes how T'Challa knew to go to Siberia. Official sources didn't know where Steve and Bucky went, after all, and while it's pretty unbelievable that Sam would tell Tony where Steve and Bucky were going, especially after he shot him out of anger, he definitely wouldn't give their whereabouts to a complete stranger, one who tried to kill Bucky multiple times, no less. Honestly, the only somewhat reasonable explanation I can think of is that Tony told him where to go, so if Tony didn't know where to go, T'Challa certainly wouldn't either.
But while Age of Ultron established that the Quinjet is very hard to track, so he probably wouldn't find them that way, I do think it's believable that Tony could track them down through Redwing. John Walker was able to do it, after all. And this would actually be quite beneficial for Sam, for it would alert him that such a thing was possible, and inspire him to do something about the trackers. Considering that Peter and Ned were able to overcome the trackers in Peter's suit in Homecoming, Sam would doubtlessly be able to do the same with Redwing.
But regarding Zemo, his plan would be quite ruined in that case. For one thing, the supersoldiers probably wouldn't do much for him. Even if he held off on killing them so that he was able to unleash them on Team Cap when they arrived, Steve, Bucky, and Wanda alone would probably be able to take them, so with Clint and Scott and Sam (and Redwing) also there, the team would likely be able to defeat the supersoldiers without much trouble.
And for another, Zemo no longer has the necessary setup for his plan to be successful. His plan required only Tony, Steve, and Bucky to be present: and indeed, the movie even helped Zemo with this by having him randomly leave the bunker instead of admiring the success of his plan, so that when T'Challa came after him he would not interfere with or distract from Tony's fight. But all of Team Cap being there would rob Tony of the opportunity to attack Bucky. If Zemo simply showed everyone the video, assuming Tony even saw it in the first place (Zemo had it pulled up on a small screen, and it would be hard to fit seven people around that screen), Tony certainly wouldn't be able to do anything to Bucky with so many other people there to restrain him. And even if it came to pass that Zemo showed the video and then unleashed the supersoldiers and Tony still sought to kill Bucky, Wanda or Clint could damage his suit (and then Wanda could throw him somewhere where he wouldn't be in immediate danger from the supersoldiers), and then they could focus their attention on the supersoldiers, and again without too much trouble dispatch them. And even if for some reason T'Challa never found out that Bucky was framed and attacked along with Tony and the supersoldiers, Wanda could probably restrain him and tell him the truth about the situation after dealing with Tony, while everyone else dealt with the supersoldiers. So Zemo's plan could be pretty easily overcome in any case.
B) Everyone from both teams showing up would be even worse for Zemo. The originally intended ending for Civil War is actually very similar to this; the Avengers were meant to reunite and fight against the supersoldiers. But even if the best-case scenario for Zemo came to pass under these circumstances (Tony, T'Challa, and the supersoldiers attacking at the same time), since such a thing could be fairly well dealt with by Team Cap alone, it definitely would not succeed with the addition of Rhodey, Natasha, and Vision. Either way, however, everyone showing up would cause Zemo's plan to backfire spectacularly. Ostensibly his goal was to break up the Avengers, even though his plan, successfully executed though it was, did next to nothing to accomplish that. But while Zemo was lucky enough that the execution of his plan happened to catch the Avengers at a time when Tony had caused a rift in the team, unleashing the supersoldiers with everyone present would cause them to reassemble to deal with the threat (plus Tony and/or T'Challa if they needed to), as well as emphasizing just how harmful the Accords were, and then Zemo's plan would have accomplished the exact opposite of its intended effect and brought them back together.
C) Zemo would definitely be quite screwed if it had been Tony who was shot down. And I do think that that is how events would play out in such a scenario.
And it was actually stated in the audio commentary that Zemo would probably e-mail Tony the video if things didn't work out for him. But here's the thing about that. A large part of the movie’s defense of Tony’s homicidal outburst rested on the assumption that asking him to not attempt murder while standing next to the person who was forced to kill his parents, after he had to watch a video of their death (limited and suspicious as it was), was too much, even though there are many other, better ways he could have dealt with such a revelation. And presumably Zemo went through all the efforts of his ridiculous plan so that he could create such favorable circumstances for an attack; because Tony was already armed and Bucky was right there, and Steve was the only other person present, Tony didn’t really have to stop and think before beginning his assault. However, Zemo e-mailing Tony the video would introduce three main complications:
Zemo’s plan should not have succeeded as it was, but Zemo just randomly e-mailing the video to Tony would introduce a lot more opportunities for failure. First of all, since Tony would most likely not be wearing his suit while checking his e-mail, deciding to try to kill Bucky might not be his first resort. Or if it was, and Bucky was present or in close proximity when Tony saw the e-mail, Tony might just immediately start attacking him even though Bucky could easily fend him off, if we are to assume that the video will inevitably inspire Tony to fly into a blind murderous rage so intense he cannot control it. Or he might try to summon his suit to him, but this would give Bucky the opportunity to break the pieces before they reached him if Bucky was in the room, or hear the pieces being summoned and be warned if he was not. If, meanwhile, Bucky was not in the same location as Tony when he saw the e-mail, Tony might have time to calm down before he ever got the chance to launch an attack on Bucky. And even if he immediately resolved to don the Iron Man suit and he knew where Bucky was and went there, there would be a pretty good chance that someone would notice his sudden intention to attack, and then find out what he intended, and talk him down. And even if the attempts to talk him down failed and he still went after Bucky, whoever tried to talk him down would be able to send out a warning, so that Bucky could move if Tony knew his current location. FRIDAY might also be able to do these things if Tony managed to put on his suit and slip away undetected. And even if Tony was able to find Bucky and attack, Zemo could not guarantee that Bucky would be alone, and not in company that could easily put Tony's attack down. So it is exceedingly likely that Zemo would not get what he wanted in that case.
If Tony did end up attacking Bucky because of the e-mail, this would be a much darker stain on his character. I mean, even in the canon scene it's pretty clear from how Tony ignores Steve's attempts to reason with and stop him that he was pointedly trying to kill Bucky and not just having an emotional overreaction moment. But first of all, it would make the fact that Tony’s first thought on seeing the video was to try to kill Bucky more shameful. Part of the movie’s defense of Tony’s homicidal outburst was that Tony was already in a stressful situation, so he didn’t have the mental capacity to deal with more stress (although if that was true, he should not have been wearing the suit to begin with). However, it is very unlikely that Tony would be checking his e-mail in the middle of a stressful situation: so in that case, there would be no reason why he should not have the time and the headspace to think about the situation and/or talk about it with someone (and reflect on the fact that Bucky had no choice in the matter), making his explosion into violence much less defensible. Also, it's rather unlikely that Tony would be wearing the Iron Man suit while checking his e-mail: so having him put on the Iron Man suit with the direct intention of assaulting Bucky would both make him look even more thoughtless than the canon attack does, and it would further emphasize the fact that the attack was a conscious choice. Then the heinousness of what he was doing would be harder to overlook.
If Zemo was nonetheless confident that sending Tony an e-mail would cause him to attack Bucky, this introduces the question of why Zemo didn't just send the e-mail to begin with instead of constructing a whole elaborate plan that could have gone awry at any moment.
So yeah. Imagining such alternate scenarios makes it very clear just how dependent upon perfect conditions Zemo's nonsensical plan is, and how easily altering events even slightly can cause it to fail.
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it-happened-one-fic · 9 months
500 Followers Playlist Starter Pack: The Genshin Impact Version!
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Thank you so much!!! As I said in the Twisted Wonderland version of this post, I'm afraid I don't have time to do a full event (Christmas and all that jazz) but I did want to say thank you to everyone. Since I have a habit of listening to music while writing, I used few songs (I aimed for four each but didn't always make it) from my playlists to form sort of a starter pack under the cut! Again, thank you so much!!!
(NOTE: The links go to Youtube. Songs only for characters I have written [though the fic may not yet be posted]!)
Twisted Wonderland Playlist Starter Pack
Tubthumping - Chumbawamba (cursing)
Fly Away - TheFatRat & Anjulie
Scalliwag - Gaelic Storm
Run - Jasmine Thompson
Honey Whiskey - Nothing But Thieves
Skeletons - Dihaj
Night Moves - Lissie
Break The Ice - Britney Spears
Going Crazy - Goo Goo Dolls (cursing)
Natural - Imagine Dragons
I Will Not Bow - Breaking Benjamin
Life After You - Daughtry
Centuries - Fall Out Boy
House of Memories - Panic At the Disco
Pompeii - Bastille
Yours Forever (Reprise) - Phillipa Soo & Conrad Ricamora (From Over The Moon film)
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough - Diana Ross
Sound the Bugle - Bryan Adams (From Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron film)
All The King’s Horses - Karmina
My Demons - Starset
Icarus - Bastille
Cure For Me - AURORA
Die For You - The Weeknd
Kamisato Ayato:
Feeling Good - Michael Buble
Million Dollar Baby - Ava Max
The Greatest - Sia
Arataki Itto:
All Star - Smash Mouth
I Like it, I Love it - Tim McGraw
Let’s Get it Started - Black Eyed Peas
Good Time - Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen
Safe and Sound - Capital Cities
Just the Way You Are - Bruno Mars
Our Song - Taylor Swift
Fallin For You - Colbie Caillat
I’m Like a Bird - Nelly Furtado
North Star - Tyler Shaw
Butterfly - SMiLE.dk
Mind Over Matter - Young the Giant
Sherlock (CLUE + NOTE) - SHINee
I Think We’re Alone Now - Tiffany 
Troublemaker - Olly Murs (feat. Flo Rida) 
Blow Your Mind (Mwah) - Dua Lipa
(This Ain’t) No Thinkin Thing - Trace Adkins
DJ Gimi-O Habibi Albanian Remix (Slowed and Reverb) - Ricky Rich 
4 Minutes - Madonna, Justin Timberlake, & Timbaland
Treat Her Like a Lady - The Temptations
There Was Sun - Nothing But Thieves
Let’s Stay Together - Al Green
Money, Money, Money - ABBA
Never Give Up - Sia
Arabian Nights - Will Smith (Disney Aladdin 2019)
Desert Rose - Sting & Cheb Mami
Whenever, Wherever  - Shakira
How Far We’ve Come - Matchbox Twenty
17 Crimes - AFI
Please, Don’t Leave me - P!nk
Don’t You (Forget About Me) - Simple Minds
Love Story - Indila
Don’t Turn Around - Ace of Base
Here Comes the Rain Again - Eurythmics
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
Bones - Imagine Dragons 
Warriors - Imagine Dragons
Daydream - The Aces
Animal - Neon Trees
Il Dottore;
Black Sea - Natasha Blume
The Wolf - SIAMES
Everything Black - UNLIKE PLUTO & Mike Taylor
One Hell of a Team - AmaLee & Divide Music
Rasputin - Boney M.
Irresistible - Fall Out Boy
Don’t Blame Me - Taylor Swift
Hold Me Like a Grudge - Fall Out Boy
You and I - PVRIS
Never Really Over - Katy Perry
Die For You - Starset
Willow - Jasmine Thompson
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violetwinterwidow01 · 6 months
Civil War: Dumbfounded (AU)
This popped in my mind, i had to throw in my 2 cents😜
Before Ross leaves, Cevyn grabs his attention.
Cevyn: Hmm, seems like he finally grew some balls, but allow me to crush them before you go...
He drops his head, sends his security out of the room and turns around. Everyone's eyes land on her as she absentmindedly swivels in her chair staring up at the ceiling. Cevyn lulls her head to the side, to look at Ross, and scoots up folding her hands on the table.
Cevyn: If you could give us a logical explanation as to WHO or WHAT is going to save this planet from the next alien invasion, we will gladly get out of what little hair you have left...
She rises out of her seat before he can speak.
Cevyn: And if you're gonna stand there naming off the Army, The Navy, The Seals, The Air Force, Police, Firefighters, Doctors, Scientists, pretty much anybody that has no goddamn expertise in this field... youre gonna need a third tripple bypass fucking around with me.
Rhodey snickers. She smiles.
Rhodes: Cev, calm down-
She cuts Rhodey off.
Cevyn: I am calm. Im simply waiting for an answer.
All eyes are set upon Ross as he blankly stares at the enraged yet calm woman hes been afraid of since the day they met.
Heres a backstory on Cevyn and Ross. The hatred runs deep. When Cevyn was 10 , Fury thought it would be a good idea for them to meet so that Ross was made aware of her powers, but mostly because Fury wanted to know if he could trust him, and the only way he could tell was if Cevyn shook his hand. Shaking hands allowed her to read someone, sense their aoura, and to see into their future. Seeing everything caused Cevyn to snatch her hand away and give him a death glare that could make Satan piss himself. From that point on, Cevyn knew that she would never get along with him, so she stayed as far away as she possibly could. Until she became an Avenger.
She saunters standing in front him. At this point everyone can see how intimidated he his by her. She snaps her fingers to get him out of his daze.
Cevyn: You have nothing to say do you? Because that's exactly who you were going to put in place of us weren't you?
Ross looks around the room for any signs of help. Wanda looks down, Vision looks straight ahead, Sam looks behind him, Natasha smirks, Rhodey lightly chuckles, Steve's shaking his head grinning, and Tony... you know those really good silent laughs you get? Yeah, thats where he is.
Cevyn: After all these years, still the same dumb ass expression on your face. Do you know the real reason why we do this, cause if not I'll be happy to break it down for you. We do this because we love this planet. Its the only one we call home. Nobody else can do what we do. Yes, there will be consequences. Yes, there will be collateral damage. But we can't help it when that happens. It shows that we are trying our best to control the situation, and save lives all at the same damn time. Do you have any idea how hard this shit is?
At this point, her body is vibrating with malice, yet she never raises her voice and masks it with laughter. Steve gets up to rub his wife's shoulders coaxing her down, while the team watches the scene unfold before their eyes. Tony sits in the corner burying his face in his hands, trying his hardest to suppress his snickering.
Rhodes: Tony, nows not the time to laugh.
Cevyn: You're one to talk. Over here about to keel over in laughter, go ahead and laugh because it is funny. This asshole has been a joke since the day Fury took me to meet him. The nerve of you walkin' up in here with the gall and the gumption to give us this bullshit proposal, basically saying you wanna keep us on a leash. In case you've forgotten, we're here at our own free fucking will, so Ill be damned if any of us will turn into somebodys bitch. This aint prison.
Natasha/Sam/Wanda: Oh my god🤭🤭🤭
Cevyn: You wanna know why i despise you so much? Youre sneaky, conniving, undermining, and repulsive. But, more importantly, it's the fact that you don't let your brain catch up to your actions. You do before you think, and that is highly disturbing. All im sayin is that You need us, and until you figure that out you can shove these accords right up your scrotum. I'm going to take a nap.
Cevyn shoves the accords into his chest walking out of the room. Tony can't contain his laughter any longer, and neither can the rest of the team. Steve chuckles and halls ass to follow his wife.
Steve: Sweets???
Cevyn: Steve, i dont wanna hear it. That imbecille has been a thorn in my side since i was 10. 10!!! Do you know how fucked up you have to be for a child to realize, "Hmm, theres something wrong with this mothafucker! Piece of shit dont know left from right, north to south or yes from no." Its time someone had the cojones to knock some sense into him.
Steve calms down from laughter. God he loves this woman.
Steve: First if all, language. Secondly i was just gonna say you were right.
Cevyn: Well, Thank you.
He wraps his arms around her waist, kissing her. He pulls back.
Steve: How are you feeling?
Cevyn: Tired. Not even showing that much, and this baby of yours is already kicking my ass. On top of that this asswipe comes in here causing a ruckus.
Steve laughs again. She joins in.
Steve: Can you see what he's gonna do next?
Cevyn: Ol' dumbass is gonna have chat with the United Nations. They're gonna realize what a terrible mistake this is and that if they were to go through with it, they'd be losing half of earth's mightiest superheroes. This also buys us more time to get to Bucky.
Steve quirks an eyebrow looking down at her and her stomach.
Steve: Us???
Cevyn: Yes. Me, you and Sam. Ill detach my conscience so she can go with you guys. She wont be pregnant.
Steve: okay.
Cevyn: Now, since all is said and done, take a nap with your wife and child.
She wraps her arms around his shoulders, leaving lingering kisses all over his neck. He scrunches up his nose.
Steve: A nap?
Cevyn: Yup. Why?
Steve: I was hoping to do something else. What you did back there, made me feral.
She pauses mid kiss, Pulling away.
Cevyn: Even more than you normally are?
He deadpans.
Steve: Im offering you some head. Take it or leave it.
Cevyn: Fine.
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