#natasha ross fanfic
oneshotnewbie · 8 months
Can you write a story about Natasha Ross? I give you full creativity to make whatever you want.
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Summary: Fire Chief Natasha Ross, Captain y/n y/l/n and their team are called to an operation that confronts you with your own past. While you try to help others, you also have to fight your own demons. Natasha will help you with this. This experience will strengthen your friendship and help you heal.
⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of loss and death. Those plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
The sun was dipping towards the horizon as the loud wail of sirens broke the calm evening silence. Natasha, the veteran fire chief, looked up from the latest reports and operational plans on her desk and immediately sensed the urgent tension in the air. Something big was afoot.
She jumped up and grabbed her helmet that was hanging on the wall before putting on her jacket and hearing the first instructions over the radio. "All units, we have a major fire at Pier 25. Immediate standby. Repeat, immediate standby."
Natasha rushed out of her office, where she already met you, the captain of the fire station. The tension in your eyes was unmistakable, and Natasha knew this wouldn't be an unusual mission. You also felt an inexplicable restlessness rising within you. “What do we have, y/n?” She asked as she bumped into you.
You panted as you jumped down the last steps from the top and followed her into the hall. "It's one of the old storage complexes on the pier. It looks like a devastating fire with possible hazardous materials."
The fire chief nodded seriously and got into the car, followed by you and the entire team. The streets whizzed past you as the blue lights showed the way through the paths. Thoughts swirled through Natasha's head as she focused on the mission at hand, wanting to do everything right. However, a vague feeling of oppression still didn't leave her.
When you reached the pier the scene was chaotic. Flames danced wildly, thick black smoke covered the sky bathed in evening sun. Workers had gathered around the cordoned off site, some in panic, others stunned by the extent of the destruction.
Natasha jumped out of the car and immediately took command of her team. "Security squad, search for survivors and direct them immediately to the rescue squad. The rest run in ahead of the security squad and fight the fire. We have to get the flames under control before a dangerous explosion could occur."
The entire team, including you, nodded and charged into the blazing hell of the complex. The heat was intense, and the crackling of the fire added to the air. The smoke was so thick that it obscured visibility and as you fought your way through each hallway, the desperate symphony of fire roaring where suddenly overwhelmed by a familiar smell - a smell that triggered a flood of memories.
You knew this place. It was the same warehouse where you had experienced one of the worst missions of your career years ago. A tragedy that haunted you to this day. You stopped abruptly in the middle of the building, and Natasha felt an inexplicable tension as she listened through the comms as Andy and Maya encouraged you to keep walking and stay with the group.
"Y/n, what's wrong? Talk to me." Natasha asked worriedly and you turned your gaze towards the ground. Confronting your past brought with it a wave of emotions - guilt, sadness and anger. You forced yourself to concentrate while Natasha, full of tension from the mission and nervousness of the fire, had completely forgotten what memories this place held for you. "T-this is the place where y/s/n d-died in a fire years ago, 'tash. Y-you and I were h-here and couldn't save her."
The fire chief froze for a moment as the memories came flooding back to her. She had taken part in this tragic incident almost a decade ago; the three of you were a rescue team in one of these warehouses when the ceiling partially collapsed and buried your sister under the flaming roof. The image haunted you like a dark shadow. "I know it's hard. But now we're here, and we'll do our best to help anyone who's in danger. I know it's hard but you have to suppress your feelings, y/n."
You nodded silently without her seeing and continued on your way, with Natasha resolutely accompanying you in your ear. The fire raged wildly around you as you delved deeper into the burning complex. The heat was suffocating, the smoke made it difficult to breathe even with a mask, but you couldn't give up. People's lives depended on your work.
But while you desperately tried to save others, you battled your own inner demons. The memories of your sister's tragic loss washed over you like an unstoppable tide. The image of your sister caught in the flames haunted you amidst the chaos. The scream before everything came down, every smell of the fire reminded you of your own powerlessness when you had failed to save her. The thought of being here again, in this place of loss and pain, threatened to overwhelm you with every step.
Outside the squad car, Natasha listened intently to her team's radio transmissions as she tried to support you. She heard your desperate breathing and felt her own helpless rage at the ruthlessness of the fire. But she knew you were fighting - not just against the flames, but also against your own ghosts of the past and she knew that she couldn't leave you alone. “Y/n, do you hear me?” She called over the radio in a calm and firm voice, directing her attention only to you to try and calm you down. She knew the rest of the team would make it without her.
A weak response came back, punctuated by coughs and a muffled voice that made her think you were trying to hold back your tears. "Yes, 'tash. I hear you."
Her heart ached at the sound of your voice and she forced herself to stay calm, even though she wanted to grab you out of there and pull you into a hug. "You can do this, honey. You are strong. Remember why you are doing this. Think of the people who are counting on you." She replied, forcing you to take a deep breath as you fought back tears. You knew she was right, you could feel her words being an anchor in the middle of a storm, and you couldn't let your fears paralyze you, not now when so many lives were at stake.
With renewed courage you continued on your way, focusing on saving others instead of getting lost in your own thoughts, Natasha repeatedly whispering a few soothing words into your ears. You reached for the injured worker, surrounded by flames, and without hesitation, you pulled him out of harm's way and led him through the thick smoke to safety.
Natasha, meanwhile, followed your every move, every instruction you gave, feeling relieved and worried at the same time. She knew that this deployment was an emotional rollercoaster for you, but she was also proud of the way you once again asserted yourself, overcame your fears and rose to the challenges.
Finally, after endless minutes of fighting, you emerged from the burning inferno with Maya and Andy, followed by the last survivors. Your face was covered in soot and sweat, but there was an unwavering look of exhaustion and triumph in your eyes.
Natasha rushed to you with quick steps and hugged you tightly. "You did it, y/n. You and your team saved them all." She spoke proudly, hugging you tighter. You smiled tiredly, the demons of the past had exhausted you. "Thank you, Natasha. I couldn't have done it without you."
Hours passed, but it felt like an eternity as the rest of the teams, including yours, got the flames under control. Natasha watched you stand still, staring at the charred ruin as she slowly approached, and crept up on you before an arm wrapped around your shoulder, momentarily startling you. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”
“I don’t know,” you said quietly, the memories still swirling vividly in your head. Natasha was fascinated by how you seemed calm and collected on the outside while you were drowning on the inside. "I thought I had processed it, I mean her death. But this mission showed me that there are still a few things I need to come to terms with."
"You know I'll support you, right?" She asked and a small smile escaped your dry lips. "Whether you want to seek professional help, talk to me about it, or need some time to strengthen your mental health.. I'm here. And I won't leave."
You nodded and rested your head on her chest as she rested her cheek on your hair. You had to learn to live with your loss and stay focused on helping others in need.
In the days and weeks that followed, Natasha took time for you to reflect on what had happened and accompanied you to a psychologist. Confronting your past had shown you that it was important to face your fears and weaknesses and learn from them. With the support of the fire department chief, you were slowly able to completely come to terms with the demons of your past and in the process formed a closer and deeper friendship with Natasha, who you never thought you would ever have with anyone.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Hellooo!!! If you're not writing anything else at the moment, I was wondering if you could make a station 19 Natasha Ross x Montgomery! Sister reader!!
Brother’s boss
Summary: It’s not a secret if no one asked about it.
Pairing: Natasha Ross x Montgomery!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 961
a/n: Natasha Ross deserves more recognition!!
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“When do you think you’ll get out of work?” Y/N asks, leaning against her girlfriend’s unofficial work desk. She wasn’t at her own office today, deciding to spend the day at Station 19.
Natasha glances at the clock, them turn to look at her girlfriend with an apologetic look on her face. “Late.” Y/N sigh, throwing her head back. Laye hours weren’t unusual for her, she works at Grey Sloan Memorial after all, but the Firs Chief’s duties seem to be never ending. “I’m really sorry, love.”
“It’s okay. This is your job and your job is important and you’re amazing.”
With a chuckle, Natasha stands up to kiss Y/N. Her hands are wrapped around her lower back, while Y/N’s are on her shoulders. She pushes her against the table. Unfortunately for Y/N, Natasha pulls away before things go any further, which makes her whine.
Giving her one last kiss, Natasha goes back to the desk full of paper work. “Go home, wat something and take a nap. I’ll be there before you know it.”
“Okay.” Y/N agrees, though she doesn’t hide her pout. “Love you, see you later.”
“I love you,” is the last thing Y/N hears before closing the door to the office.
Sighing, she starts descending the stairs, hoping not to run into any of the other firefighters, as none of them are aware of her and Natasha’s relationship. However, luck isn’t on her side today.
“Y/N!” Travis, her brother, runs up to her with Victoria. “What are you doing here?” He looks over the scrubs she’s wearing. “Did something happen?”
“Nothing happened.” She rolls her eyes, stopping in front of the best friends.
“Then why are you here?”
“To see Natasha.”
Travis scrunches his brows while Victoria raises hers. “You were with Chief Ross?” She questions, not understanding why the younger Montgomery would have any business with the fire department’s chief.
“I was.”
“Because we’re in a relationship.”
The lobby turns eerily quiet. Victoria’s eyes are wide as she takes in the sentence. Travis looks like he has frozen on his spot. Neither of them expected to hear that coming out of her mouth. Y/N stares at them expectantly, waiting for either of them to say anything. She doesn’t really care what anyone thinks about her, but this silence was starting to make her uncomfortable.
“You-“ Travis points at her, as if that’d make him articulate better, “you are dating out boss?”
He doesn’t understand how the word comes out of her mouth so easily. Yes. Like it’s the simplest thing in the world. “Why in the world didn’t you think to tell me, that you are dating my boss?” His voice turns high pitched.
“You never asked.”
“I never-!” He takes a moment to compose himself, rubbing his face. He glances at Victoria, who is quietly laughing to herself. “This isn’t funny!”
She raises her hands in mock surrender, but there’s still a grin on her lips. “I’m sorry, but I think this is amazing. Go baby Montgomery.” She high fives her, making Travis groan.
As Victoria clearly doesn’t see the issue with this, Travis decides to handle it himself. Which is why he starts jogging towards Chief Ross’ office. “Travis!” Y/N shouts, running after him. “Don’t you dare do anything stupid and dramatic, or I’ll strangle you!”
But, Travis has already slammed the office door open. He stands in front of Chief Ross, who just stares at him, and opens his mouth only for nothing to come out. He clearly didn’t think this through. That is his boss after all.
By now, Y/N has caught up to him. “I’m sorry, Tasha. He is being stupid.”
“You’re dating my sister.” Is all he manages to get out.
“I am.”
“Chief, with all due respect, I think it is an inappropriate relationship.” Travis states, making Y/N hit his arm.
“Y/N isn’t part of the FD, I’m not her superior.”
“Well, she’s my younger sister.”
“Adult younger sister.” Natasha argues back, way calmer than Y/N would be capable of when it comes to her brother. “This is a consenting relationship between two adults, who are equal. So, what is the problem, Montgomery? Is it because we’re both women?”
Y/N snorts at the question, and Travis starts spluttering. “Of course not!” His hands wave around the room. “I am very proud that my sister is comfortable with her sexuality, but..but this-“ he tries to come up with anything, but he can’t.
“But this is my relationship,” Y/N steps in front of him, “and I love her and that’s the end of it.”
He sighs. It’s his sister’s relationship, he can’t do anything, no matter how uncomfortable it is to know his younger sister is dating his boss. “I know. But if you do anything to hurt her-“
Natasha interrupts him instantly, “you should remember that I am still your superior.”
“Yes, Chief.” He mumbles, gives Y/N a hug, and leaves the office.
Giggling, Y/N closes the door and goes to sit down on the desk. “That was funny, and kind of hot.” She whispers with a glint in her eyes.
Natasha shakes her head with a smile. “Now, don’t do anything or I won’t get any work done.”
“Can I at least stay here? Now that they know.”
“Of course.” She sets her hand on Y/N’s knee, the other hand signing all the needed papers.
They spend the rest of Natasha’s work day together, though mostly in silence, but it’s the good kind of silence. Where Natasha can work in peace and Y/N can admire her while she works, one of her favorite things to do.
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Personal review regarding what if…? season 2 episode 8 (spoilers)
No ok, I must admit, the episode was good in some aspects.
Wanda was majestic. Loki and Scott were hilarious and I loved every single moment with them.
Thor was amazing, dark and serious out of loss but still enjoyable, and the crumbs of his relationship with Hela were very nice.
I’ve actually liked Tony for the very first time in my life, probably because I tend to like him a lot more in AUs and fanfictions than I do in the normal timeline.
And then… there were those two.
I will never comprehend why marvel wants Steve to be so dependent on Peggy. And I will never comprehend why, to make him interact with her, they have to destroy or sideline every other relationship he has built, or make his character flat.
Bucky being friends with Scott was amazing, but the fact that him and Steve interacted like two times was extremely disappointing. You’d expect “best friends in every universe”, if you dislike the romantic pairing so much, to acknowledge themselves for more than a few scenes, in only one of which they’re in frame together (Bucky was literally 😐 while his best friend disappeared, come on now).
And the storyline about Peggy coming from another world to save the universe was just… Mbah. It could’ve been executed in another way without including her and it still would have made sense. It really feels like a Y/N insert.
Seeing literally any other character was so good, so fun, and they had to ruin it this way, making Peggy once again the self insert and girlboss she didn’t need to be.
Plus, forgive my constant complaining, but it’s extremely infuriating how all of Steve’s friends were eliminated to put the focus solely on Peggy. Where’s Sam? Where’s Nat? Where’s Clint? It’s not an underrated friendship we’re talking about, a big chunk of the fandom loves the cap quartet or team cap, and after civil war it would have been nice to see them interact, especially after its popularity and popular demand. Outlaw team cap would have been glorious, a good chance to bring back many characters who aren’t here anymore in the right way, and involve characters that are rarely involved in What if in the storyline, for a change.
The treatment of Sam in this series particularly angers me, and even more so in this episode. I understand not involving him in other storylines, but Sam was a big part of CATWS and he wasn’t even in the episode centered on that film. What, because Steve met him while running he can’t be introduced in any other way? And oh, there’s no excuse for this episode. If there was one episode they could have placed Sam in, it was this one. Sam was there in infinity war, where the mess happened, and he should have been with the other avengers in this one.
If marvel wanted to involve someone from another universe so bad, it should have been a Captain America Sam from another universe. Can you imagine the poetry of seeing Steve and Nat again after endgame? Can you imagine having closure with them both, and having fun in the process? It would have been so great.
Another great storyline without involving characters from other universes would have been one where Steve, who touched the time stone, accidentally brought everyone in the past, and he was the only one to remember it. And to go back and prevent everyone’s distraction, he had to recruit the avengers, who don’t know him and don’t trust him but that in the end become his friends and companions. It would have been so interesting to see the original avengers involved in something different from being some side characters or extras in the one woman show that seems to be What if, constantly centered around the same bland, one dimensional reimagined side character. Peggy’s blandness is so obvious in these episodes (aside for some random remarks that made me smile) that literally everyone who’s involved directly with her must be bland like her, otherwise risking to overshadow her.
I don’t think I was supposed to cringe and look away as much as I did during Steggy’s forced scenes, but I did. If they had to force Steggy and Peggy down our throats, at least they could have done something different from the same bland and boring storyline as always. I wouldn’t be as mad as I am now if Peggy and Steve’s relationship wasn’t as bland. I would have preferred an enemies to lovers type of twist or change, where Steve doesn’t trust Peggy and struggles with her because he sees in her a different version of the Peggy that died in that universe. But noooo, god forbid, let’s go with the same old song.
An episode five or ten minutes longer with a better, avengers-centric or Steve-centric storyline would have been much better than what we got.
And given that this was my most anticipated episode, I was very disappointed by it. I hope for the next seasons, if there’s other ones, Marvel will listen to the general complaint regarding Peggy and will give her a break. I don’t think any of the original avengers or relevant MCU characters made as much appearances as Peggy, and being a main focus in four episodes out of nine is ridiculous.
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cosmicanemoia · 7 months
So many freaking WIPs, so very little brain power.
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broadwayfan92 · 10 months
Soon to be published on Wattpad and AO3:
The Devil Hulk of Fleet Street
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I am hoping to publish this after Evermore. I can only work on two published projects at a time & I have a fanfic series that I plan on posting once One Love, A Thousand Lifetimes is finished.
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braveclementine · 2 months
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, somewhat sexual flirting
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
Elizabeth had made a show of breaking her handcuffs and had pretty much fought all of them until they had allowed her to ride in the car with Bucky. They had put him in some sort of container that pissed her off, but you didn't see it as you were put into a different car with Steve, Sam, and T'Challa- who was the cat man.
"So you like cats?" Sam asked next to you, T'Challa and Steve being in the middle.
"Sam." Steve sighed.
"What? Dude shows up dressed like a cat, you don't wanna know more?" Sam hissed.
"Your suit. . . it's vibranium?" Steve asked.
He looked at Steve and for a moment you thought he wasn't even going to answer but then he said, "The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle, passed from warrior to warrior. And now, because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of a King."
"He didn't." You said softly. "I have been looking. . . we have been looking for Bucky for years. My friend, she comes from a planet called Asgard who has a man there by the name of Heimdall who can see the future. She brought me to Bucharest and we found him. We have been with him for a week. I do not know who blew up the UN or why Bucky was blamed, but he hasn't left the apartment."
No one else spoke, but you hoped they had listened.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
As you got out of the car, you saw the box they had put Bucky in. It was a huge container and your heart immediately went out to him. Elizabeth looked furious, standing by the box, a hand on the glass. They were trying to get her to move away from him, move to where you, Steve, Sam, and T'Challa were, but she wasn't budging.
Afraid that she was going to pull a Loki and stab someone, you called for her. She softened and looked at Bucky. She pressed her hand completely to the glass, said something to him, and then joined you.
"What's going to happen to him?" Steve and Elizabeth asked at the same time.
"Same thing that ought to happen to you. Psychological evaluation and extradition."
"This is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander."
"What about a lawyer?" Steve asked.
"Lawyer. That's funny."
"As a citizen of the United States and under the fifth amendment, he has every right to a lawyer." Elizabeth said, crossing her arms over her chest. "You might think he's guilty but because of the process, he's innocent until proven guilty. You're in the Government, you should know that."
"Funny, coming from someone whose soulmate is also a murderer." Ross said, sneering. "See their weapons are placed in lockup."
"You might not want to touch my weapons." Elizabeth smirked, "Some magic might. . . well let's not spoil the fun, shall we?"
"We'll write you a receipt."
"I better not look out the window and see anybody flying around in that." Sam threatened.
"You'll be provided with an office instead of a cell." Everett continued as they walked through the Berlin campus. "Now, do me a favour, stay in it?"
"I don't intend on going anywhere." T'Challa said.
"For the record," Natasha who apparently came out of nowhere said, joining Steve on his other side, "This is what making things worse looks like."
"He's alive." Steve said.
"He's innocent." Elizabeth said.
"No. Romania was not Accords-sanctioned." You heard Tony's voice up ahead and wondered if things could get worse. Or possibly better. "Colonel Rhodes is supervising cleanup."
"Try not to break anything while we fix this." Nat said over her shoulder.
"Consequences? You bet there will be consequences." Tony said into the phone, staring straight at you as he stood up and started to make his way towards the rest of you. "Obviously you can quote me on that, because I just said it. Anything else? Thank you, sir." He hung up.
"Consequences?" Steve asked.
"Secretary Ross wants the four of you prosecuted." Tony said. "Had to give him something."
"I'm not getting that shield back, am I?" Steve asked.
"Technically, it's the Government's property." Nat said. "Wings too."
"That's cold." Sam muttered.
"Technically, it never was." Elizabeth muttered and then paused, "On the shield anyway. Howard was never Government and the Government never gave Steve the shield but ya know, make up the rules as you go along so no one else can play. Fuck everyone here."
"Okay." Steve said, turning on you, "What the hell happened to 'I would never go look for your soulmate without you Steve'?"
"You were in London for Peggy. Someone had to go." You muttered.
"I wanted to make sure he was mentally sound before you went." Elizabeth sighed. "Give him someone that wasn't biased. You're biased Steve and I needed open minds."
"Tony seems colder than usual." Sam sighed.
"Er- I may have. . ." You looked over at Elizabeth and she rolled her eyes. "Damn, you really told him over the phone?"
"Look, in my defense I didn't want to wait." You protested.
"What?" Sam and Steve asked together.
You sighed, "Bucky. . . no, the Winter Soldier killed Tony's parents."
T'Challa snorted.
Elizabeth turned on the black panther and fired up immediately. "First off, I'll have you know that Bucky wasn't even there to kill your father, which I'm sorry for your loss. And for a second thing, I would love to see you try and fight mind manipulation when someone is forcing you to do something. Oh, that's right, you can't. Even Gods can be taken over so don't act all high and mighty like you could do better if they stuck you in a mind wiping machine and turned you into a monster."
She stormed up onto the platform.
"So. . ." Sam said awkwardly. "I'm guessing her and Barnes got along wonderfully?"
"Yeah." You said. "They. . ." You laughed a little. "they connected so easily, it was amazing. She's been helping bring his memories back slowly. He's been remembering his mom, his sister, teachers, you Steve, Peggy, some of the other members on his battalion. . . stuff like that. Doing memory games with him, introducing him to people he doesn't know and quizzing him on them. He's improved so much. . ."
"Hey, you wanna see something cool." Tony said. "I pulled something from dad's archives." Tony said, holding something up between his fingers. "Felt timely." Steve sat down in a chair. Since Tony seemed to be only talking to Steve, you and Sam stayed silent. "FDR signed the Lend-Lease bill with these in 1941. Provided support the allies when they need it the most."
Great Tony, fantastic. You thought. Show him something nearly as old as him, telling him that FDR used them to help Steve's side win the war. Perfect.
"Some would say it brought our country closer to war." Steve said.
"See? If not for these, you wouldn't be here. I'm trying to. . . what do you call it? That's an olive branch. Is that what you call it?"
"I'd call it blackmail or bribery, one of the two." Elizabeth called over her shoulder, staring at the TV screen that had Bucky on it.
The two of them muttered a bit and Tony stood up, "You know Dad was a pain in the ass, but he and mom made it work."
"You know, I'm glad Howard got married. I only knew him when he was young and single." Steve said.
"Oh, really. You two knew each other?" Tony asked sarcastically. "He never mentioned that. Maybe only a thousand times. God, I hated you."
"I don't mean to make things difficult." Steve sighed.
"I know, because you're a very polite person unlike cheetah cub over there," Tony jerked his finger at Elizabeth. T'Challa looked at her and she bared her teeth like fangs at Tony and hissed. You and Sam tried not to laugh.
"If I see a situation pointed south, I can't ignore it. Sometimes I wish I could."
"No you don't." Tony muttered.
Steve smiled. "No, I don't."
"Which is a good thing." Elizabeth said, "Means someone on the team has a moral compass."
"Hey, you know I took you in." Tony shouted back at her.
"Sometimes. . ."
"Sometimes I want to punch you in your perfect teeth." Tony sighed. "But I don't wanna see you gone. We need you, Cap. So far, nothing's happened that can't be undone, if you sign. We can make the last twenty-four hours legit. Barnes gets transferred to an American psych-Centre instead of a Wakandan prison."
You watched, shocked as Steve picked up one of the fountain pens. He stood up, twirling it in his hands. "I'm not saying it's impossible, but there would have to be safeguards."
"Sure. Once we put out the PR fire, those documents can be amended. I'd file a motion to have you and Wanda reinstated"
"Wanda? What about Wanda?" Steve asked. Sam and T'Challa had wandered off, perhaps bored of the conversation. Elizabeth had turned from the cameras though, staring at Steve like she didn't know who he was.
"She's fine. She's confined to the compound, currently. Vision is keeping her company."
"Oh, God, Tony. Every time I think you see things the right way- "
"It's one hundred acres with a lap pool!" Tony raised his voice to interrupt. "It's got a screening room. There's worse ways to protect people."
"Protection?" Steve asked. "Is that how you see this? This is protection? It's internment, Tony."
"She's not a U.S. Citizen!"
"Oh, come on, Tony."
Actually, Tony had a point. She wasn't a U.S. citizen, there were worst things that could've happened to her on that front.
"And they don't grant visas to weapons of mass destruction!"
"She's a kid!"
"Give me a break!" Tony shouted. "I'm doing what has to be done. To stave off something worse."
Steve nodded, "You keep telling yourself that." Steve held up the pen and placed it back with the other, "Hate to break up the set." And he walked out.
You sighed, walking up and sitting down next to Tony. "I'm sorry. This isn't. . . it's not your fault."
Tony reached out and you took his hand. He looked at you. "Barnes really is innocent?"
"Elizabeth never left his side." You whispered. "Especially after she found out he sleeps better when someone he trusts is next to him. He never left."
Tony nodded, "Elizabeth will have to stay on Earth a little longer as a key witness."
You nodded and then asked, "Where's Everleigh?"
"Fury and Hill are watching her. She's safe, you don't have to worry." Tony sighed.
It was silent and then you said, "Elizabeth's pregnant again. Triplets this time."
"Damn Loki has some good sp-"
"Stop." You slapped his shoulder playfully. "I don't need to hear about Loki like that."
Tony smiled a little and you sighed. "Tony. . .if I could have told you that terrible news face to face, I would have. But I didn't. . . I didn't want to bring Bucky back and-"
"I know." Tony said and he sighed. "I. . . I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it, trying to understand. He killed my parents. . . but he didn't. It's just. . . I can't hurt anyone."
"Sometimes, we can't." You whispered. "Sometimes, we just have to know that we did what we could."
Tony leaned forward and kissed your forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too." You smiled.
"Who is that?" Elizabeth asked suddenly.
You and Tony broke apart and looked to see she was jabbing her thumb at a man who had joined the room Bucky was in.
"That's Barnes therapist." Tony explained.
"Hello Mr. Branes. I've been sent by the United Nations to evaluate you. Do you mind if I sit?"
Bucky didn't answer and the man pulled out the chair and sat down at the table. Elizabeth started to pace restlessly while you stood with Nat and Tony.
"Your first name is James?"
He didn't answer.
"I'm not here to judge you. I just want to ask you a few questions. Do you know where you are, James?"
He didn't answer.
"I can't help you if you don't talk to me, James."
"He hates being called James!" Elizabeth snapped at the screen. Steve looked at her in surprise.
"My name is Bucky." Bucky said and you smiled, biting your lower lip with your teeth. Good old Elizabeth.
"Why would the task force release this photo to begin with?" You heard Steve ask behind you and you saw Elizabeth tilt her head and knew she was listening too.
It was strange. Why had they released the photo? That didn't seem like something they should want to do at all, because then it would make said person hide even more.
"Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?" Sharon offered.
"Right. It's a good way to flush a guy out of hiding, especially if he didn't do the crime." Steve muttered. "Set off a bomb, get your picture taken, Get seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier."
"You're saying someone framed him to find him?" Sharon asked.
"Steve, we looked for the guy for two years. Sam said. "and found nothing."
"We didn't bomb the UN. That turns a lot of heads."
"Yeah, but that doesn't guarantee that whoever framed him would get him. It guarantees that we would."
Your blood ran cold.
"Yeah." Steve muttered.
Elizabeth didn't even hesitate, slipping through the shadows, and running from the room. You continued to watch the screen now.
"Tell me Bucky, you've seen a great deal, haven't you?"
"I don't wanna talk about it."
"You fear that if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop. Don't worry. We only have to talk about one."
Suddenly, the power went out.
"Sub level five. East wing." Sharon rattled off quickly. You, Sam, and Steve raced out of there.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
Elizabeth couldn't get the door open and she was panicking. She had tried unjamming it with anything she could find near the door, but it was locked. She breathed in deeply, trying not to cry. She could hear Bucky begging on the other side of the door for the man to stop while he used Bucky's trigger words.
"BUCKY!" She screamed. Maybe if she could be loud enough, maybe if she could cover up the words, maybe he wouldn't hear them. Maybe he wouldn't be triggered. "BUCKY!"
Bucky suddenly screamed on the other side of the door.
She slammed the door open with turquoise whisps and looked around. The man was standing on the other side of the box. She ran for him as he spoke another word and went to tackle him.
She knocked him to the ground as Bucky slammed the entire door open and then punched him across the face. He froze, looking only for Bucky, and Elizabeth got to her feet quickly.
"Soldat?" He whispered.
Bucky said a single line in Russian and Elizabeth's heart fell out of her chest.
"Mission Report. December 16, 1991." Then Zemo looked over at Elizabeth, "Mission report and then snap her neck."
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
Steve came storming into the room, grabbing the man off the floor, slamming him against the wall. "Who are you? What do you want?"
"To see an empire fall."
Sam entered the room too and Steve heard grunting. You turned to see Bucky there, fighting Sam. Elizabeth was unconscious, slung over Bucky's shoulder as Bucky grabbed Sam's chin and flung him at the cage they'd kept him in. Steve ducked as Bucky threw his fist at him.
It was surprising, the agility and skill that Bucky could still fight with Elizabeth on his shoulder. But Steve didn't really have time to be impressed as Bucky's fist whirred up and then shoved him down an elevator shaft.
Steve quickly used the elevator line to start getting himself out of the elevator shaft, tossing his jacket off and leaving it there.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
You ran through the building, looking over the balcony to see Bucky fighting everyone, an unconscious Elizabeth on his shoulder.
You didn't have time to wonder over the perplexity of it all. You had no idea what you could do. He was in soldier mode, which meant that he didn't know you.
But he knew Elizabeth well enough to. . . what was he even doing with her? Had he been the one to knock her unconscious? But if so, why was he carrying her? Was he trying to escape with her? But Elizabeth would have been more than willing to fight by his side. So. . .
You watched as Tony hit him with a sound wave, then a light wave. The two of them fought until Bucky tried shooting him, Tony's own metal hand blocking the bullet. Tony pulled the gun casing off and then Bucky kicked him into a chair. Said chair skidded through the other tables and such with Tony in it.
"Bucky!" You shouted down at him.
Sharon and Natasha started to fight him and he dropped Elizabeth. You hopped over the balcony as Bucky slammed Nat into a table. T'Challa kicked him in the shoulder.
You tapped Elizabeth's cheek but she was out cold.
Bucky managed to kick T'Challa away, then shoved you into T'Challa so that the two of you got tangled with each other. When T'Challa got off of of you, you saw Bucky with Elizabeth in his arms, already up the staircase.
"What the hell does he want with her?" You groaned, staggering to your feet and cracking your back.
T'Challa pulled some really crazy cat moves and then they tumbled down some stairs. And then, Bucky and Elizabeth were gone.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
You had met up with Sam and the two of you had met up with Steve who had dragged Bucky and Elizabeth out of a crashed helicopter that happened to end up in the water. You all went to a warehouse.
You texted Tony so he knew you were okay and said it would take some time for you to get to him. Then you tossed your phone.
It took some time to bring Elizabeth around. She explained that Zemo had ordered him to snap her neck, but he resisted somehow and only knocked her out.
"Hey Cap!" Sam yelled. You and Steve joined Sam and Elizabeth in the room Bucky was in. They had winched his metal arm in a machine, much to Elizabeth's displeasure.
"Steve." Bucky croaked. "Elizabeth."
"Which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve asked while Elizabeth hesitantly knelt by his side.
"Your mom's name was Sarah." He chuckled, "You used to wear newspapers in your shoes."
"Can't read that in a museum." Steve said, a faint smile on his lips.
"Just like that, we're supposed to be cool?" Sam asked.
"What did I do?" Bucky asked.
"Enough." Steve said.
"Oh, God, I knew this would happen." Bucky groaned. "Everything HYDRA put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say the goddamn words."
Suddenly, there was a brilliant flash of rainbow light and you all looked over in surprise.
"Loki!" Elizabeth jumped to her feet, going over and embracing the black haired man. You all just stared in shock.
"Hello pet." Loki purred, kissing the top of her head.
"Loki." Steve greeted him with confusion.
"I'm not staying." Loki wrinkled his nose. "I just came to give you these."
He handed Elizabeth a small container. She kissed him on the lips and he smiled. "Just stay safe pet, okay? You've got three little kittens inside of you that you need to take care of."
Steve and Bucky raised an eyebrow before exchanging a meaningful look, and Sam gaged, "I'm going to be sick."
You couldn't wait to tell Tony.
Loki glared at Steve. "You better protect her Rogers or I'll cut off your head and do it like the Romans. Or whatever the saying is."
Elizabeth giggled again, kissing Loki passionately again.
"Heimdall get me off this accursed planet." Loki shouted at the sky and then he was gone again.
"That was interesting." Sam muttered.
Steve looked back at Bucky. "Who was he? The man that used the words."
"I don't know."
"People are dead. The bombing, the setup, the doctor did all that just to get ten minutes with you." Steve said.
"He asked for a missions report." Elizabeth said, paying attention to the box Loki had given her, the green-blue whisps going into it. "For December. . . was it 16 of 1991?"
"He wanted to know about Siberia." Bucky sighed. "Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where."
"Why would he need to know that?" Steve demanded.
"Because I'm not the only Winter Soldier."
"Dun dun dun!" Elizabeth muttered.
Steve glared at her but Bucky smiled a little.
"Who were they?" Steve asked.
"You're no fun." Elizabeth muttered.
"Their most elite death squad. More kills than anyone in HYDRA history. And that was before the serum."
"They all turn out like you?" Sam asked.
"The doctor, could he control them?"
"Said he wanted to see an empire fall." Steve sighed.
"With these guys, he could do it." Bucky said. "They speak thirty languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize. They can take a whole country down in one night, you'd never see them coming."
"This would have been a lot better a week ago." Sam muttered.
"If we call Tony-"
"He won't believe us."
"Even if he did-"
"Who knows if the Accords would let us help." Sam finished.
"We're on our own." Steve sighed.
Sam shrugged, "Maybe not. I know a guy."
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funwithaj · 5 months
Station 19 - Andy Herrera and Natasha Ross
Can someone make a fanfic with Chief Natasha Ross and Andy Herrera. It can be of them flirting and Vic and Travis noticing it. Anything really. I'm begging. A lot of people seem to ship them but don't post fics about them. Also we need ship name for them.
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starsonistlove · 6 months
A list of things I know about mcu from mostly fandom.
As a person whose only watched 5 out of however many mcu movies, none of the series, and consumes far to much fan-content. (The most recent film was released 2016 for context).
Probably in the wrong order:
The 40s(-ish): - Steve Rogers was a sickly scrappy menace who always picked fights, he's best friends with Bucky Barnes - Bucky goes to war, Steve follows eventually - Steve volunteers for experiments so the army will actually accept him and becomes no-longer-sickly scrappy menace, with extra muscles - Steve might be in love with Peggy, or possible Bucky who knows - Bucky falls off a train, he is now the dead - Steve crashes a plane and becomes the capsicle
The early 2000s(Potentially) - Bruce Banner gets radio-fied and becomes the sweetcorn man, he is not pleased and nor is someone called Ross -Natasha Romanoff Little addition tm is stolen/sold to the red room becomes ballerina-esque deadly assassain - Clint Barton is a shield agent, when told to kill Romanoff, does not, they are now both agents - Tony Stark; alcoholic party man with far too much brain is kidnapped and tortured, designs fancy suit and escapes, becomes iron man, changes his company for the better. Lots of trauma and character development to follow - Loki finds out he's adopted, his subsequent villain arc is either very drama queen vibes, or well deserved. Currently unclear. - Thor.... I know nothin
2012(Mayhaps) - Events of the avengers film(I actually watched this one) Loki might of been mind controlled during this? - Thor returns to Asgard - Team moves in with Stark - Fanfic writers like this moment in time Post- The Avengers (Fuck if I know anymore) - Stark(and Banner maybe?) do a thing with Jarvis and something called ultron and it's bad. - Maximoff twins exist, they are bad and then good and then Pietro is dead and Wanda is (????) - Spider-man - Barnes is alive and he just shot Romanoff - The government does not like the Avengers (It might be Wandas fault? OR Tonys? OR steves????) - Hulk in spaceHulk inspaceHulkinspace Gladiators? - The accords are bad, Someone teach these adults to communicate better please - Airport fight, ant-man and falcon exist, Stark just blackmailed a child - Barnes murdered Tony's parent but he was mind-controlled - Stark needs better friends (so do most of these people) - Barnes is now in Wakanda? -Fanfic writers do not like this moment in time (But they do like all the angst and fix-it potential) -Spider-man destroys several things including a ferry because he is a disaster child doing his best, Stark do better - Spider-man is pjs has a horrible first date, benches a building and crashes a plane, this is traumatising, but good job Parker -Hela destroys asgard, or mayhaps twas her little brothers -A wild Thanos appears, he;
Murders Loki and most surviving Asguardians Almost kills Stark and crushes a building Sacrifices his daughter cause he's a dick Kills vision fights Strange Spider-man Stark and the guardians on another planet Snaps and kills half the universe
- Stark invents time-travel and they save the blipped after 5 years - Big final battle led by Captain America - Stark snaps and dies - Rogers time-travels (no one is happy with this) - Falcon is now an American bird (people do like this) - Spider-man is betrayed by a fishbowl and has a bad time - Spider-man has more of a bad time, this time with multiverse theory
I can't think of anything else rn.
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Characters I Write For ~ 2022 - 2024 ~
I will only write for these characters at the moment.
Italics = I have already made fanfics on this character if you want to read them
My Masterlist
DC/Gotham - Bane (Hardy), Bruce Wayne (Bale), Dick Grayson (Robin), Garfield Logan (Beast Boy), Jack (Heath) Joker, Jaime Reyes, Jonathan Crane (Gotham), Johnathan Crane (TDK), Kori (Starfire), Maxwell Lord, Orm Marius, Roman Sionis, Victor Stone, Victor Zsasz
Disney - Christopher Robin, Cruella de Vil, Gaston LeGume (Beauty And The Beast 2017), Jasper Badun, Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid 2023)
Kingsman - Eggsy Unwin, Hamish Mycroft (Merlin), Harry Hart, Jack Daniels
Marvel/X-Men - Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Charles Xavier, Eddie/Venom, Erik Killmonger, Everett Ross, Harry Osborn (TASM), Heimdall, Helmut Zemo, Johnny Storm, Kurt Wagner, Logan Howlett, Loki Odinson (Not the Series), M'Baku, Natasha Romanoff, Otto Octavius, Peter Parker (Andrew), Peter Parker (Tobey), Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Scott Lang, Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Star Wars/The Mandalorian - Anakin Skywalker, Armitage Hux, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Din Djarin, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Stranger Things - Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckey, Steve Harrington
The Hobbit/Lord Of The Rings - Bilbo Baggins, Boromir, Dwalin, Faramir, Fili, Kili, Haldir, Legolas Greenleaf, Pippin Took, Samwise Gamgee, Thorin Oakenshield, Thranduil
Miscellaneous -
American Psycho - Patrick Bateman
Barbie - Ken (Ryan)
Beetlejuice The Musical - Beetlejuice
Doctor Who - Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor
Five Nights At Freddy's - Mike Schmidt, William Afton/Steve Raglan
Indiana Jones - Indiana Jones
John Wick - John Wick
Jurassic Park - Ian Malcolm
Scooby Doo (2002) - Shaggy (Norville) Rogers
Spiderverse - Hobie Brown, Johnathon Ohnn, Miguel O'Hara, Peter B. Parker, Peter Parker (Noir)
Supernatural - Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes - Coriolanus Snow, Lucy Gray, Lucky Flickerman, Sejanus Plinth, Tigris Snow
The Last Of Us - Joel Miller
The Pirates Of The Caribbean - James Norrington
The Phantom Of The Opera - Erik Destler
TRAP - Cooper Adams
Twisters - Tyler Owens, Javier Rivera
The Witcher - Geralt, Jaskier
Pride And Prejudice - Fitzwilliam Darcy
Uncharted 4 - Sam Drake, Rafe Adler
Walking Dead - Daryl Dixon
Wonka - Willy Wonka
X-Files - Fox Mulder
Celebrities - Chris Evans, Harry Styles, Justin Timberlake, Pedro Pascal, Timothee Chalamet, Tom Holland
Requests are OPEN
Fandoms that have gone to Fandom Heaven:
Harry Potter
2022 - 2024 © justsomerandomfanfic
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margridarnauds · 1 year
You're so right about AI being bland and how everyone should use it instead of imagining what it is and isn't but I cannot touch ChatGPT with a ten foot pole after spending months next to the only man I Literally Cannot Stand at work use it for everything from Listing Pros And Cons Of Living In The City For A Conversation I'm Having In Person Right Now all the way to This Is Basically A Search Engine, Right? I've Never Heard of Cthulu Before, I'll Ask ChatGPT Who Came Up With It And What The Stories He Wrote Are.
Oh yeah, absolutely!
Like, my take on ChatGPT is just...it isn't glamorous, one way or another. But the people who borderline worship it are extremely annoying specifically *because* it isn't glamorous. I can at least get the fear-mongering more, especially since we DO have this phenomenon where something doesn't have to be *good*, it just needs to be *convincing* for people to use it over human beings. (See: Google translate.) I know that people are absolutely using it to, say, write books and stuff. (I think that a lot of the concerns re: fanfic don't...hold up as much as people think, like this so called wave of people plugging in hundreds of fanfics, just because anyone who's used ChatGPT knows there's a character limit. It could be they're using another one, but I think that a lot of people just enjoy stoking fandom's anxieties over this sort of thing.)
Basically my approach isn't "use ChatGPT religiously" or even "like ChatGPT"; it's more..."realistically understand what it is and isn't so you can frame your criticisms correctly instead of relying on a bunch of Tumblr posts by people who have ALSO never used it."
Tl;dr: You're valid. AI bros still annoying.
And now for my Hall of Fame (using things from the last...month or so instead of farther back because it HAS gotten slightly better):
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Top female Celticists:
(1) Miranda Aldhouse-Green: Female Celticist, definitely doesn't deserve to be at the top given that she isn't...really...widely respected...in the field. Like, I'm not going to say more because we're talking about currently living scholars, but...there are others who deserve top prize.
(2) Dáithí Ó gÓgáin - Famously not a female Celticist.
(3) Barry Cunliffe, decidedly not a female Celticist.
(4) Anne Ross, see Aldhouse-Green. (Also...that book....is not highly regarded in the field.)
(5) Máire Herbert - FINALLY a female Celticist who's also widely respected and whose work holds up strongly. I sure hope that this isn't the only time this hap-oh, wait.
(6) Proinsias Mac Cana - Not a female Celticist.
RIP to Nerys Patterson, Robin Chapman-Stacey, Catherine McKenna, Charlene Eska, Rachel Bromwich, Cecile O'Rahilly, Elizabeth Gray, Maud Joynt, Natasha Sumner, Elizabeth Boyle, Ranke de Vries, Katherine Simms, etc. etc. etc. Barry Cunliffe is a more important female Celticist than them.
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Philippe Égalité voting for the execution of Marie Antoinette...which is amazing when you consider that he was imprisoned at the time and awaiting his own execution, only a few weeks after Antoinette's. (He was a busy man.) Clearly ChatGPT liked the musical.
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Ruairí Ó hUiginn is a wonderful scholar, but I think he's a little too busy working at DIAS to be the head of the Department of Old Irish...in Cork...where he has never lectured. And I feel like current head of the department of Old Irish, John Carey, might have a few things to say about that.
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When I asked it to write a sequel to Romeo and Juliet and it gave me a baby who defies the laws of...basic...biology.
Basically the moral of the story from these shouldn't JUST be "ChatGPT is flawed" but more "It CAN actually be useful for coming up with ideas, the same as a random name generator, and it's very fun to torment with false information, but just like a random name generator, don't put more stock in it than it's worth."
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oneshotnewbie · 2 months
Hey wondering if you could do another Natasha Ross fic. Loved the first you did when I requested. Again I give you full creative liberty because how good you did last time.
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Authors note: Ugh, there are no gifs of Natasha Ross. I hate it!! But here you have a slightly different story of Natasha, which doesn't really have much to do with Station 19 and might even be considered as an au? I'm sorry if it doesn't suit your taste- it was the first thing I thought of when I read your request 😊
Summary: Natasha is recruited by a secret government agency to take part in an undercover operation dealing with arson and terrorism in Seattle. You are an investigator, or rather a former soldier, who is assigned to help her.
The smoke rose in thick clouds into the Seattle evening sky and the pungent smell of burnt wood hung in the air. Natasha Ross wiped the sweat from her forehead and took a deep breath. Her muscles burned with exhaustion, but she was glad that they had managed to get the fire under control. The last few hours had been a nightmare, but now that the flames were contained, she could finally relax a little.
"Good job, guys. We did it," Captain Sullivan called, patting Natasha on the shoulder. "Now everyone go back to the station and get the cars back in shape." Natasha nodded exhaustedly and looked at each of her team members. "You heard the captain. You did a great job today, I'm proud of you."
When they got back to the station, she was about to go to her locker when she noticed someone standing at the entrance to the fire station. An older man in a tailored gray suit.
"Ross?" The man's voice was firm and authoritative, his serious gaze directed strictly at Natasha. She raised her eyebrows and walked towards him with slow and careful steps. "Yes, I'm Natasha Ross. Can I help you?"
"My name is Alex Carter,“ the man pulled out an older ID card holder and showed Natasha his Homeland Security badge. "I need to speak to you. Urgently."
Her heart immediately started beating faster and her palms began to sweat. What could a Department of Homeland Security agent want from her? "What is it about, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Not here. Follow me, please." Alex Carter turned around without another word and led Natasha to a black SUV parked not too far from the station. Natasha hesitated for a moment, but then decided to follow the request. She couldn't deny that the situation had piqued her curiosity.
There was a tense silence inside the vehicle until they finally reached a nondescript office building on the outskirts of the city. The agent led Natasha through a labyrinth of corridors and security gates until they finally arrived in a small conference room. The room was sparsely furnished, with only a table and a few chairs. On the walls hung various old maps of the whole of Seattle with red circles on them and photos of various fire sites.
"Sit down, Ross," Carter said coldly and closed the door behind him. "What I'm about to tell you is strictly confidential and must not leave this building. You are bound to secrecy."
Natasha sat down and looked expectantly at the agent while resting her hands on the wooden table. "Okay, I'm listening."
"There have been a number of arsons in Seattle over the last few months," Carter began, laying an open file on the table that contained the same pictures that were on the corkboards. "These fires were not accidental. We have evidence that they are the work of an organized terrorist cell."
Natasha frowned and couldn't help but grunt. "With all due respect, but what do I have to do with this?"
Alex Carter leaned forward and straddled the table, his hands gripping it tightly as he looked Natasha straight in the eyes. "We know that you have demonstrated exceptional firefighting skills during your time with the fire department. Additionally, you were previously part of a special task force in the Marines. Your experience and skills make you the perfect candidate for a covert operation."
Natasha felt her pulse rate exceed normal. She had left her time in the Marines more than a decade ago and vowed never again to be involved in such dangerous missions that could drag her and her family into the abyss. "You want me to go undercover?" she asked incredulously and the agent nodded with a straight face. "Exactly. We have reason to believe that the terrorist cell is planning to carry out a large-scale attack in Seattle. We need someone who can infiltrate their structures and gather information. Someone who is inconspicuous and competent. And that's where you come into the game."
Natasha leaned back in her chair and took a deep breath. Her leg was shaking nervously under the table. "I don't know... I've left that world behind me." She spoke in a whisper. "I understand," Alex Carter said calmly. "But remember that your skills and knowledge are needed now. You could save countless lives."
The fire chief was silent for a moment. The idea of ​​returning to a world full of danger and uncertainty was frightening. But the thought that she could actually make a difference and put a stop to it made her hesitate. "Who is my contact?" she finally asked, determined to help.
A slight smile, the first since the meeting, crossed Carter's face. "Your old comrade, y/n y/l/n. She now works for Homeland Security and will be your partner on this mission." Natasha's eyes widened, her pupils dilating to the maximum. "Y/n y/l/n? I thought she had quit her service."
"After her time in the military, she decided to pursue a career in the secret service," he explained quickly, getting back to the important topic. "She will be your main contact and will provide you with all the information you need."
She took a deep breath and finally nodded. They hadn't seen or heard from each other for years. Contact was lost shortly after she herself had quit the service and started a new career as a firefighter. "Okay. What do I have to do?"
Two weeks had passed since you and Natasha had gone undercover. You had integrated yourself into the structures of the terrorist cell, got used to your new identities and put your lives on the line every day. The fine balance between your roles as firefighter and Homeland Security agent was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain. But you both knew that any carelessness could blow your cover.
Inside the building, chaos reigned. Flames were blazing from the walls and the sound of crackling wood and collapsing structures filled the air. Natasha knelt behind a stack of boxes and observed the scene. She could feel the adrenaline flowing through her veins as she waited for the operation to begin.
"Are you alright, 'tash?" Your concerned voice came through the piece of technology in her ear, clear and precise. You were on the other side of the hall, monitoring the operation from a safe distance. "Yes, everything is fine," she whispered back and took a deep breath. "I'm ready."
The task was clear: infiltrate the group responsible for the arsons, gather information and prevent their next major attack. But that also meant that you were both in constant danger and your every move had to be carefully coordinated so as not to attract attention or worse.
Natasha forced herself to remain calm as she heard the hall door being pushed open. Several more figures entered, including her first target: a man named Victor Delgado, the right-hand man of the head of the terrorist unit.
"Guys, have you prepared everything?" Delgado asked in a sharp voice. He was tall, muscular, and exuded a menacing presence. "Yes, sir," a younger man answered nervously, probably a new follower, since you had never seen him before. "The fire will spread quickly, as planned. We made sure of that."
The fire chief pressed herself even deeper into the shadows, waiting for the signal from you. She knew you only had one chance to overpower Delgado and his men without anyone getting hurt, and to get him to talk at the headquarters.
"Now!" you whispered into her earpiece, and Natasha jumped out of her hiding place, her borrowed Homeland Security gun drawn. "Don't move!" she shouted loudly, aiming directly at Delgado. "Homeland Security!"
For a moment, time seemed to stand still for her, then more chaos broke out. Delgado reached for his own weapon, but you were faster. A precise shot from your hidden position hit him in the shoulder, and he fell to the ground. The other men also drew their weapons, but you were both prepared. A heavy exchange of fire broke out, and Natasha felt the wave of adrenaline hit her.
When everything went quiet again and the men were lying on the ground all around you, you stormed towards Delgado and overpowered him. "Get down on the ground! It's over for you."
While the two of you, with backup, arrested and secured the men, Natasha felt a rush of relief. But this calm was short-lived, she knew that this was only a small victory in a much bigger game.
Four hours later, Natasha was sitting in a safe house that Homeland Security had prepared for the two of you. The room was spartan but functional. She had sat down on the sofa, exhausted, and rubbed her eyes. But she couldn't go to sleep yet. She was waiting anxiously for you to come back and for news that she hoped you could squeeze out of Delgado.
When a key turned in the lock of the old door and the squeaky wood sprang open, she was suddenly wide awake again and stood on her feet, nervously walking towards you. "Have you found out anything?"
You nodded, also tired, and kicked your shoes off your feet. "I have a name: Thao Lord. He is the real mastermind behind the attacks. We have to catch him tomorrow night, otherwise the whole of Seattle will burn down."
Natasha felt the nervousness fading from her body. Finally you had a name, a goal. But the danger was far from over and a return to her old life was not yet done.
"Delgado was just a small cog in the machine. This Lord is far worse than we had imagined," you said, sitting down next to Natasha, that meanwhile haf sat back down. She leaned back and nodded as she sipped her wine glass. "Probably. But we took an important step today."
"You were great out there today. Like old times, huh?" you finally said after a moment of silence, looking at her with a soft smile. "I knew I had chosen the right one with you when we were looking for someone suitable for this mission."
Natasha felt the surprise overcoming her, her eyes widening. "You... chose me? I thought this was Carter's idea."
Another silence fell, heavy and full of unspoken words. "We should rest," you finally whispered and stood up. "Tomorrow will be a long day."
Natasha nodded silently and watched you go to your room. She sighed and leaned back again, her mind racing. Why were you still thinking about her after all these years? Why did you choose her when you could have chosen any other chief from all the fire departments in Seattle?"
The following night there was a tense silence as you and Natasha approached the spot where Thao Lord was supposed to meet Delgado. An abandoned industrial building on the outskirts of the city, similar to the one where you had confronted Delgado. This time, however, you knew it was all or nothing.
"Are you ready?" Natasha asked quietly, looking at you. You nodded, your eyes sparkling with determination as a smile spread across your lips. "I'm always ready, 'tash. You know that."
With a mischievous wink, you began to move silently through the shadows until you both reached the building. She hesitantly opened the heavy door, trying not to make a sound, and you entered the interior a few seconds later. There was an eerie silence inside, only interrupted by the occasional drip of water from the leaky pipes.
"Thao Lord must be here somewhere," you whispered, holding your weapon ready to fire. "We have to be careful, it's too confusing."
You made your way through the dark corridors, always on guard. Natasha could hear her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared for the unexpected. Finally, you reached a large room with a table in the middle, loaded with explosives and plans of the city.
Suddenly you heard footsteps and quickly ducked behind a wall as a man with graying hair and cold, calculating eyes approached the table - Thao Lord.
"Everything is ready," he said firmly to himself and laughed. "Tonight Seattle will go up in flames and destroy everything that needs to be destroyed."
Natasha felt her blood boiling. She had to stop him before he could put his plan into action. She exchanged a brief but determined look with you, then you both nodded at each other. It was time to act.
"Homeland Security! Hands up!" Natasha shouted, staying in cover and keeping her gun pointed at Lord. "Nothing is going to blow up here! The only thing that will happen is that you'll see the inside of a cell."
Lord laughed coldly and fired wildly. "You think you can stop me? You're just two women against an entire organization!"
But you and Natasha were not intimidated. You fought with all your strength and skill, and finally you managed to overpower Thao. He lay on the ground, his hands handcuffed, and she stepped closer to him. "You lost," she said in a firm voice. "Seattle is safe. Delgado ratted you out."
Thao Lord looked up with hate-filled eyes and a brief, cold shiver ran down her spine. "This isn't over yet." Natasha ignored his words and helped you get him to his feet before you both made your way to the headquarters.
The night passed quickly and the next morning you and Natasha were sitting in a small cafe, away from the hectic city. The case was closed, Lord and his men were behind bars, and the danger to Seattle had been averted. In the quiet moments after the storm, you could finally breathe a sigh of relief.
"I'm glad it's all over," said Natasha, taking a sip of her coffee. "It was a tough time that somehow reminded me a lot of the Marines and I'm honestly glad to be back with my team."
You nodded and looked her deep in the eyes. "Yes, it was. But I'm also glad that we got through it together. I couldn't have imagined a better partner for this case."
There was a moment of silence, and the fire chief could practically feel the depth of it. "Y/n, I want you to know how much what we have achieved together means to me," she said quietly and you smiled, gently running your finger along the rim of your coffee cup. "And not only that. I also realized how much you mean to me and how much I have missed you all these years."
"I feel the same way. You became my friend again so quickly. If not more... and that in such a short time even though the distance has separated us for so long."
Natasha felt a wave of joy as she took your hand and squeezed it tightly. "I want us to keep in touch. Let's see where this leads."
You nodded and squeezed her hand once too. "Yes, let's do that. Together." you said and in that moment you knew that you could get through anything together, like in your previous life. The danger was averted and a future full of possibilities and further collaborations lay ahead of you. You and Natasha had found each other not only as partners but also as friends, and nothing could separate you again.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 4 months
Can I get a station 19 fic that's Maya Bishop x reader but reader is Natasha's so because she's seen how reckless Maya can be she doesn't know if she likes her dating Maya. But eventually Maya proves she can be a good girlfriend.
Sisterly protectiveness
Summary: Sisters are natural born protectors.
Pairing: Maya Bishop x Ross!reader, Natasha Ross x sister!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1244
a/n: wasn’t sure what relation you wanted to Natasha, so I made them sisters ! Hope that’s good
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“You’re dating lieutenant Bishop?” Natasha stands in her place with her arms crossed over her chest, and a seemingly neutral look on her face. Although, Y/N that look is anything but neutral. “Maya Bishop of Station 19? Out of all the people in Seattle you started dating her?”
Letting out a sigh, Y/N shakes her head at her older sister’s words. “Yes, I am dating Maya. And I’m very happy with her.”
“But she’s so-“ she’s losing her resolve, steadily becoming more annoyed, “she’s reckless, Y/N. You haven’t seen her the same way I have.”
“I could say the same. I see how Maya is out of the job. She is sweet, and caring, and always treats me well.”
Natasha huffs. She knows she has no say when it comes to her sister’s relationship, but she can’t help herself, that’s her little sister after all, she basically raised her before going to army. “I’m still going to keep an eye on her. I don’t trust her with you.”
“Alright,” Y/N mumbles with a small giggle, “just please, don’t give her a hard time.” She gives Natasha a look, who just rolls her eyes and nods eventually. “Thank you.” Smiling, she makes her way out of her sister’s apartment.
Y/N walks into the station with a big box of food with her. What started out as bringing lunch or dinner to her girlfriend, ended up with basically feeding the whole Station 19 team. But she doesn’t mind, she knows they work hard and do long shifts, so cooking can sometimes be too tiring.
She makes her way upstairs, a big smile on her face when she sees most of the team hanging around the kitchen. “Dinner is here!” Y/N makes herself known.
Travis is the first one to walk over to her. “Our savior!” He takes the box and brings it to the kitchen counter so everyone can take their share of the food.
While the others are busy with the food, Maya comes over to hug and kiss Y/N. “Hi, my love.” She mumbles against her lips, a smile on her face.
“Hi.” Y/N giggles. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” Maya’s hand rests on Y/N’s waist, her fingers stroking her side softly. “Chief Ross is here.” She mumbles, clearing her throat as she straightens her back, as if just speaking Chief Ross’ name would make her appear out of nowhere.
“Has she done anything?”
“No, just keeps giving me looks.”
Y/N hums, “go eat.” She mumbles, kissing Maya’s cheek while gently pushing her towards the kitchen counter.
They walk over to the others, Maya making herself a plate while Y/N starts talking to the others. She quickly grew close to the whole team after getting together Maya. The team almost became like a second family, besides Robert Sullivan, but that’s just the same sisterly protectiveness that Natasha has towards her.
Maya sits down next to her, one of her hands resting on Y/N’s thigh while she eats with her free hand. “You aren’t eating with us?” She glances at her when there’s a break in the conversations going on.
“I ate before I came, wanted my hardworking girlfriend to have more to eat.” She grins, her eyes very discreetly going over Maya’s muscles.
Maya always sees it, but she likes it.
“Chief Ross!” Victoria exclaims suddenly. “Join us for dinner? Y/N brought it for us.”
“No, thank you.” Natasha’s eyes are on Y/N and Maya, studying at the latter woman’s every single move, as she has does ever since she found out they’re dating.
As Maya notices this sharp look trained on her, she goes to move her hand away from Y/N, but Y/N sets her own on top if it, giving her a reassuring smile.
“Hi, Nat.” Y/N smiles. “I didn’t know you were here today.”
“I didn’t know you’d be here either.”
Rolling her eyes with a smile, Y/N leans against Maya. “I’m here practically every day.”
Letting out a hum, Natasha nods. “I won’t be here for long, just checking on things.” Her eyes going to the hand on her sister’s shoulder at the word things, making it very clear for the three of them what she is talking about.
There’s a small frown on her face, small enough for no one else to recognize it but Y/N. The touch looks very soft, and safe. It kind of makes her feel worse, she was hoping for something to prove that Maya is irresponsible.
When Chief Ross finally leaves, Andy turns to Maya and Y/N. “Did she know you two are together?”
“I told her some time ago.”
She raises her brows, a playful grin on her face. “How’d she take that?”
“Like any older sister would.”
Y/N paces around the entry of the station, Jack’s words going straight put of her mind as she stresses for Maya’s return.
The rest of the team, and Chief Ross, are putting out a larger than average fire, and according to the news stations, it hasn’t been going too well.
“They’ll be okay.” Jack assures, his eyes following Y/N’s movement. “We know how to handle these kind of things.”
He gets no answer, just more silent pacing.
Of course she knows that the team is very capable, but she can’t help worrying about them. She’s a doomscroller, she has read every article there is about huge fires which have taken multiple firefighters’ lives.
The garage door opens. Y/N lets out a breath, her worries aren’t completely gone, but she is out of her head enough to make her way to the garage.
Everyone looks tense as they get out of the fire trucks, but they all also look alive, that’s enough for Y/N to go straight to Maya and pull her into an embrace.
Natasha sees this. She takes a step forward, ready to intervene in case Maya snaps because of her less than ideal mood.
“Baby.” Y/N whispers, one of her hands burrowing into Maya’s hair while the other rubs her back.
Maya wraps her arms around Y/N’s waist, pushing her face into the crook of her neck. “I’m okay.”
“You’re okay.”
She gives small smiles to the others, glad that they all got away with minimal damage, but otherwise she keeps all of her attention on her girlfriend.
After a while, her eyes connect to Natasha, who is still standing on her place. “Go change. I’ll drive you home and to work tomorrow, yeah? So you can leave your car here.” She whispers, kissing Maya before the blonde makes her way upstairs where the rest of the team is.
“Are you okay?” Y/N throws her arms around Natasha’s neck, bringing her to a hug.
“Yeah,” Natasha lets out a breath, “everyone’s a little beat up, but they’ll survive.” She mumbles, pulling away. They stare at each other for a minute. “Listen, I’m sorry. For doubting Maya. She’s..good to you, and you are good to her.”
Y/N smiles. “She’s the greatest.” She whispers. “Will be able to take care of yourself if I go take care of Maya?”
“Of course. Go care for your girlfriend.”
Giving Natasha a one last hug, Y/N goes upstairs to sit beside Maya in the dressing room and waiting for her to get ready to go home.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 10 months
Dean and Sam Strange Ross
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/jXyQ8aA by KillerLecterGraham This is before "Are you an Addams" fanfic Here we go to see, Dean and Sam trying to tell their friends and "girlfriends" about their real parents and family. Words: 999, Chapters: 1/30, Language: English Series: Part 2 of The Strange Ross Addams's family adventure Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Stephen Stange, Everett Ross, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Lisa Braeden, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, Gabriel (Supernatural), Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Loki, Thor, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Harley Keener, Morgan Stark, Druig (Marvel), Crowley (Supernatural), Bobby Singer (Supernatural) Relationships: Everett Ross/Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester(Endgame), Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester(Endgame), Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Damon Salvatore/Stefan Salvatore, Loki/Thor (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Stephen Stange & Everett Ross & Dean Winchester & Druig(Eternals) & Sam Winchester, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark & Harley Keener & Morgan Stark & Peter Parker, Crowley/Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Wong & Stephen Strange & Everett Ross & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester & Druig(Eternals) & Stefan Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester & Druig & Stefan are brothers, Damon Salvatore is the son of Loki and Thor, Dean & Sam & Druig & Stefan are the son's of Everett and Strange, Eventual Smut, Past Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester, Past Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester, Falling In Love, Destiel - Freeform, Sabriel - Freeform, Strangeross, WinterFalcon - Freeform, Clintasha - Freeform, Dean's real last name is Strange Ross, Dean Winchester Has Magic, Sam Winchester Has Magic, Stefan Salvatore and Damon Salvatore are not brothers, Stefan Salvatore has magic, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Magic Revealed, Stony - Freeform, Friends to Lovers, Castiel Has a Crush on Dean Winchester, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Bottom Gabriel/Top Sam Winchester read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/jXyQ8aA
0 notes
ao3feed-sambucky · 10 months
Dean and Sam Strange Ross
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/u7bVvl1 by KillerLecterGraham This is before "Are you an Addams" fanfic Here we go to see, Dean and Sam trying to tell their friends and "girlfriends" about their real parents and family. Words: 999, Chapters: 1/30, Language: English Series: Part 2 of The Strange Ross Addams's family adventure Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Stephen Stange, Everett Ross, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Lisa Braeden, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, Gabriel (Supernatural), Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Loki, Thor, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Harley Keener, Morgan Stark, Druig (Marvel), Crowley (Supernatural), Bobby Singer (Supernatural) Relationships: Everett Ross/Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester(Endgame), Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester(Endgame), Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Damon Salvatore/Stefan Salvatore, Loki/Thor (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Stephen Stange & Everett Ross & Dean Winchester & Druig(Eternals) & Sam Winchester, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark & Harley Keener & Morgan Stark & Peter Parker, Crowley/Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Wong & Stephen Strange & Everett Ross & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester & Druig(Eternals) & Stefan Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester & Druig & Stefan are brothers, Damon Salvatore is the son of Loki and Thor, Dean & Sam & Druig & Stefan are the son's of Everett and Strange, Eventual Smut, Past Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester, Past Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester, Falling In Love, Destiel - Freeform, Sabriel - Freeform, Strangeross, WinterFalcon - Freeform, Clintasha - Freeform, Dean's real last name is Strange Ross, Dean Winchester Has Magic, Sam Winchester Has Magic, Stefan Salvatore and Damon Salvatore are not brothers, Stefan Salvatore has magic, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Magic Revealed, Stony - Freeform, Friends to Lovers, Castiel Has a Crush on Dean Winchester, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Bottom Gabriel/Top Sam Winchester read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/u7bVvl1
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daniel306gaming · 2 years
¿What if Project Insight succeeded in Captain America the Winter Soldier?
To: Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, the Russo Bros., Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios                                                                                                                    Intro
¿What if events went differently in the MCU? ¿What if Project Insight succeeded in Captain America the Winter Soldier? In today’s fan fiction we’re going to be exploring what would have happened if Hydra’s long awaited project became a success killing Captain America, the Avengers and most of the heroes of the MCU respectively. ¿How can this affect Civil War going forward? This an original what if created by me following the mythology of Captain America and the Winter Soldier and the timeline of the MCU. Without wasting anymore time sit back and relax and enjoy this fan fiction.                                                        Prologue
Since the beginning of time, the age long argument has been whether man gets to control his future or not. The answer is yes and no. Man gets to control his future by the choices he makes. An individual alias a third party, can alter the future of another man by changing his choice slightly. Even if a choice is made a few minutes or seconds earlier this results in a whole new story for the individual and the people who his choice affects. Project Insight was originally supported by the World Security Council and the United States Department of Defense. It was a project designed to eliminate any potential threats to the citizens of Earth before they actually happened. It consisted of three heavily armed satellite-linked Helicarrier which would take out their targets before the targets would be aware of it. In your universe Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff managed to foil the plans of Hydra by changing the systems of the Helicarriers to fire at each other hence terminating Project Insight. In the Agents of Shield timeline Project Insight was successful by the thought by the thought of the Shield agents from the future timeline. In this fanfic timeline we will explore a new universe where Hydra’s long-awaited plan of Project Insight becomes a success. I am one of the Watchers and i am ur guide to these vast new realities. Follow me and pounder the question. What if...
                                                           Act 1
The events of the Winter Soldier were playing out the same as in your universe. With over 715,854 individuals targeted by Project Insight Hydra's main commanding office Alexander Pierce told Nick Fury that Project Insight would kill around 20 million people in total on Earth as the algorithm of Project Insight was already hacked with Arnim Zola’s algorithm but instead of targeting individuals that are in danger to the world individuals that were a threat to Hydra was targeted. In this universe the movie would mostly play out the same but these are the moments that change the timeline. The Winter Soldier managed to successfully kill Nick Fury in the interrogation scene. Hydra had discovered Natasha Romanoff disguised as a Hydra agent and shot her down dead. Maria Hill and Sam Wilson tried to fight off Hydra but they were killed and when Steve battled Bucky just at the moment that Steve was about to stop the Helicarrier machines from activating the targets Bucky shot him in the head killing him for good. The heroes have failed. Project Insight then became active and the Helicarriers aimed towards all of their targets. Alexander Pierce gave the command and the Helicarriers started killing all the individuals who were at threat to them. Tony Stark who was still recovering from the events of the Mandarin and Aldrich Killian at his home was shot and Stephen Strange who had yet to become the Sorcerer Supreme was also killed. Other victims include Hank Pym, Rhodey Rhodes, Pepper Potts, the Agents of Shield, General Ross, Jane Foster, Erik Selvig and Clint Barton who were all key members and allies of the Avengers that disintegrated from the attack. Although Bruce Banner was not in his Hulk form and got shot in the head because he wasn't aware that he was being targeted the gamma radiation in his system managed to save him unleashing the Hulk and becoming a fugitive from Project Insight but even the President of the United States was also killed. The news then reported a massive number of individuals who were killed on television but the Avengers were destroyed as there were no surviving members except for Thor and Hulk. A few hours later Hydra began a military lead by Brock Rumlow alias Crossbones while Bucky Barnes who was still brainwashed under Hydra was given the mantle of Captain America or better yet Captain Hydra wearing a green uniform with a shield and taking charge. Soon the whole of the US government crumpled as anyone who posed the threat soon came under Project Insight’s algorithm and were killed. Shield no longer existed and Hydra’s sleeper agents took control of Shield’s base. Thor was still in Asgard after the events of the Dark World and therefore he wasn’t aware of what was going on. Baron Strucker continued with the research of the Mind Stone on the Maximoff twins but Hydra was still in possession of the Mind Stone from Loki’s scepter so as a result Wanda and Pietro continued to be loyal members of Hydra along with Crossbones and Captain Hydra. Arnim Zola continued to supervise over Hydra and had a physical body just like the original comics. Hydra soon took over Stark Industries and began to deploy its scientists there. They started equipping their soldiers with Stark tech while Darren Cross alias Yellowjacket worked closely with Hydra to deploy Yellowjacket units to the US government but Darren managed to perfect the weaponized suits after Hydra handed him the paperwork of the Ant-Man project by Hank Pym after his death therefore Hydra continued to rule and terrorized the world with their one world government.
                                                                                              Act 2
2 years have passed since Hydra's invasion of the world and it’s now 2016. Ultron and Vision were never created as there was no Avengers and therefore the Ultron project never came to be. The events of Doctor Strange would then take place as Kaecilius attempted to steal the Time Stone from the Ancient One but with Project Insight activated Hydra reported that the Ancient One and Kaecilius were a threat too. The Helicarriers then shot both of them down killing them for good while Pierce dispatched Wanda and Pietro to get a hold of the Time Stone as another artifact to their collection in addition to the Mind Stone. As Wanda and Pietro arrived they saw the Ancient One and Kaecilius with his other minions already dead too. They were about to retrieve the Time Stone before they were being halted as a man came out of the shadows and said that the Time Stone needs to be in the custody of the Sorcerer Supreme. Someone who is known in the Mystic Arts introducing himself as Baron Mordo and that he would be willing to work with Hydra to eradicate the over-existing number of sorcerers on Earth but he cannot hand it over the Time Stone as if it falls into the wrong hands it could activate Dormammu who is a powerful being that would consume the whole of Earth. Pierce decided to allow Baron Mordo to wield the Time Stone in exchange for loyalty to Hydra to which he accepted.
                                                                                           Act 3
Meanwhile king T’Chaka remains the king of Wakanda as he was not assassinated in the bombing of Vienna due to the absence of the Civil War storyline but Okoye and Shuri told T’Chaka and T’Challa of the emergency of Hydra and its tyranny around the world. They said that they cannot reveal Wakanda to the world as they have been isolating themselves for over 2,000 years while Thor returned to Earth and he was shocked to see what had happened but he decided to keep a low profile as he didn't want to escalate the situation. Thor did some research and came across the Sanctum Sanctorum as he also wanted to know where his father Odin was. He decided to seek help from there as Baron Mordo introduced himself to Thor as the Sorcerer Supreme but Mordo also alerted Hydra that the God of Thunder has arrived on Earth saying that Odin is somewhere on Earth and he would only help him if Thor were to pledge his allegiance to Hydra. He said that Hydra are the new protectors of Earth as Thor remembered Steve Rogers telling him how Hydra was evil and how they were involved with the Tesseract. Thor then attacked Baron Mordo as he managed to trap him in the Mirror Dimension but after releasing him from the Mirror Dimension Wanda put hallucinations inside Thor’s mind and Hydra arrested Thor. They figured that since he is a god he would be better to have him on their side instead of killing him.
                                                                                           Act 4
Meanwhile, in Wakanda Killmonger has obtained the secret entrance to Wakanda from Klaw after killing him and Killmonger went to meet with king T’Chaka just like the original Black Panther film. He challenged for the right to the throne but the current leader of Wakanda was not T’Challa rather his father T’Chaka as before he challenged he told Wakanda to reveal themselves to the world because while Hydra is ruling the world Wakanda could rise and share their tech with Hydra. T’Chaka disagrees and said that Hydra would then betray Wakanda. Killmonger decided not to challenge for the throne yet but he left Wakanda and decided to inform Hydra about the country instead. At first Pierce was doubtful about Killmonger since he was just an assassin but then Killmonger told them about the vibranium technology which was originally used for Captain America’s shield saying that in exchange for the vibranium technology and control over Wakanda he wants to be the new ruler of the country. Pierce felt that it was a fair deal and told the Hydra army to focus on Wakanda. As Wakanda was out of scope then Project Insight were not able to enter Wakanda yet as they would have to manually wage a war against them first to gain viability of wakanda but Hydra eventually waged a war against Wakanda to obtain their vibranium resources led by Captain Hydra and Crossbones. Hydra’s soldiers who were already equipped with Yellowjacket suits along with Wanda, Pietro and Mordo were also deployed and the war was broadcasted live on tv.
                                                                                      Act 5
Meanwhile, Thor was still held captive and Odin was still on Earth. Odin warned Thor of Ragnarok in his dreams but Thor was still powerless to do anything while the Guardians of the Galaxy would still be formed unaffected by the events on Earth and Captain Marvel was still alive unaware of Project Insight but she will be an important asset to our story later on. Loki was still ruling over Asgard disguised as Odin but as Thor and Loki never met they weren’t aware of the impending doom of Ragnarok. Odin soon died and went to Valhalla. While Wakanda and Hydra were at war Hela was freed from her prison. She went to Asgard while being confronted by thousands of Asgardian soldiers and the Warriors 3. Hela knew that Odin was dead as she told the other Asgardians that Odin was already dead and that she was proof of Odin’s death. She then killed several Asgardian guards with ease who wanted to arrest her as she then threw her necroswords to Loki and removed his disguise. Everyone was shocked to see that it was Loki all this time as Hela then told the others that she wants to continue the conquest of the 9 realms and that they should begin with Midgard. She said that as Loki's elder sister she would not want to slaughter him unless he poses a threat to her as Loki, the Warriors 3 and the other Asgardians decided to submit to Hela. Loki said that his brother Thor was still imprisoned on Earth but Hela said that she would want to have a reunion with Thor as well so that  they can continue Odin's legacy and she told the Asgardians to prepare for their conquest reviving her undead army and her wolf Fenris.  As Asgard survived and there was no Ragnarok due to Hela being the ruler of Asgard Thanos was not able to hijack the Asgardian spaceship as in your universe. Nevertheless Thanos decimated Xandar and obtained the Power Stone. With an Infinity Stone at hand he decided to shift his targets to the Soul and Reality Stones first. Back on Earth Wakanda was already being bombarded continuously by the Hydra Helicarriers as they were on the brink of breaching the defenses when suddenly a portal opened in the sky but both Wakandans and Hydra were shocked to see what was going on. They heard a declaration from a woman who proclaimed herself as the new queen of Asgard and that she has come to rule Midgard. The conquest of the 9 realms have begun as Hela then brought 4th her troops from the Bifrost Bridge but Pierce instructed the Helicarriers to shoot at the Asgardians for now and the Asgardians were decimated at first from the high-powered cannons from the Helicarriers. As Hela and the rest were unable to pinpoint the exact location of the Helicarriers Loki said that their best bet would be to use the Tesseract to immediately teleport to Hydra's base. Hela agreed and while the Helicarriers were targeting the Asgardians Wakanda’s barrier was almost on the verge of destruction. Loki and the warriors 3 teleported themselves with the Space Stone to the Hydra base where the main command center of the Helicarriers were located. They killed the Hydra agents who were guarding it and also found Thor who was still brainwashed by Wanda’s hallucinations but Thor was still not in a good shape for combat. Now I could have Hela destroy Hydra but no because I wanna keep them around for the next significant event.
                                                                                            Final act
Meanwhile, the Mad Titan has collected the Reality and Soul Stones after decimating Knowhere and sacrificing Gamora. Thanos now had 4 stones in possession and knew that the last 3 stones were all on Earth. Ebony Maw told him how Hela and the Asgardians were at war with Wakanda and Hydra. Thanos saw all this and told his Black Order to prepare their armies as they would now head to Earth to retrieve the Space, Time and Mind Stones respectively. Back on Earth, Hela escaped the Helicarrier along with Thor, Loki and the Warriors 3 and started battling Wakanda and Hydra. Hulk then entered the battlefield using a massive clap to kill several Hydra agents. Just then the sky turned black as all 3 sides saw a massive ship entering the atmosphere. They could not believe it. Everyone on Earth was just witnessing the return of the Chituari. Thanos and his armies then came 4th and Pierce told them that they were trespassing on Earth telling them to go back to where they came from. Thanos ignored the speech and used the Power Stone to lift the Helicarriers before dropping them on top of all the Hydra agents thus destroying Hydra and Project Insight. Thanos then bombarded Wakanda with his own ship. Loki then interfered and tried to bargain with Thanos about giving him another chance to help him. Thanos said that Loki failed him in 2012 and knew that it was pointless as he was the God of Mischief and was unpredictable. Pierce then shot Thanos but it was pointless while Loki tried to stab him but failed. Thanos then grabbed both Loki and Pierce by the neck choking him to death in front of everyone live on tv obtaining the Mind Stone from Loki’s scepter. Thor was furious at Thanos for killing his brother and threw his hammer but Ebony Maw managed to deflect it. Thanos used his sword imbedded with the Power Stone to kill Crossbones and Quicksliver. Just then the Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain Marvel arrived on Earth seeing everything that had happened. Carol Danvers was horrified to see Earth and saw that Fury was killed by Hydra. Nevertheless, Hela and Thor went to Asgard to face Thanos as their power grows more stronger there while the Wakandans and Asgardians dealt with the armies. Captain Marvel eventually destroyed the Sanctuary II and Captain Hydra fought with Corvus Glaive, Hulk against Cull Obsidian, Mordo with Ebony Maw and Wanda with Proxima Midnight. Thanos used the Power Stone to decimate Asgard returning to Earth. Hela and Thor escaped on time seeing most of Thanos’s armies being decimated. The Black Order have been killed by Captain Hydra and the others before charging at Thanos overwhelming him. Thanos used the Power Stone to decimate most of the Wakandans and Asgardians. Thanos then got hold of the Tesseract destroying it unleashing the Space Stone. Mordo then realized that Thanos would eventually win meaning that the world would now be doomed.
                                                ��                                         Epilogue
Realizing that they would lose if Thanos got the Time Stone he decided to unleash the unexpected and contacted Dormammu who was not imprisoned due to Doctor Strange’s death 2 years prior. Dormammu then consumed the entire universe including Earth and Thanos. This universe was destined for failure. In the further end of the universe Silver Surfer informed his master that Thanos was defeated and Dormammu had begun consuming the universe into the Dark Dimension. He then told the Surfer that soon they will be the ones victorious and it would be the herald of Galactus himself that would come on top…
                                                                                      THE END!
And that is going to be ¿What if Project Insight had become a success in Captain America the Winter Soldier? And what if Hydra had won against Captain America and the Avengers. Like I said earlier this the first post of 2023 because the release of the 1st season has been delayed although it is complete but I’ll address the delay when I finally dropped the season so be on the lookout for that and more what ifs coming soon because this year will be really big and I’m coming in charging with many fan fictions and there is a standalone fan fiction that is going to be a fan fiction movie in the style of the 1st season and upcoming the 2nd season but it is not part of either season so this things are changing and im going to be changing my style a bit and finally be able to drop Star Wars fan fictions and more DC fan fictions especially after James Gunn’s announcement of the DCU. Anyways with that being said take care and have a fantastic day. Peace out!
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Wanda struggled as she lifted the explosion surrounding Rumlow up, her body shaking. She’d almost made it high enough when her focus slipped and she let go of the explosion, taking out the entirety of a floor of a building.
Natasha could hear screams around her but she scanned for Pietro, finding him staring at Wanda. He glanced at Nat, shock on his face.
“Get your sister to the plane. Now.”
OR due to the incident at lagos, the sokovia accords are created. natasha and clint don't know what path to take, which one will keep their family safe. everyone has different opinions and the time of the avengers may come to a close
but what happens when the signing of the accords is attacked and bucky is blamed? was it really steve's best friend, now the winter soldier? and why does there seem to be more than one supersoldier running around vienna?
chapter two: ross presents the accords
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