#natasha ross fanfiction
oneshotnewbie · 7 months
Can you write a story about Natasha Ross? I give you full creativity to make whatever you want.
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Summary: Fire Chief Natasha Ross, Captain y/n y/l/n and their team are called to an operation that confronts you with your own past. While you try to help others, you also have to fight your own demons. Natasha will help you with this. This experience will strengthen your friendship and help you heal.
⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of loss and death. Those plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
The sun was dipping towards the horizon as the loud wail of sirens broke the calm evening silence. Natasha, the veteran fire chief, looked up from the latest reports and operational plans on her desk and immediately sensed the urgent tension in the air. Something big was afoot.
She jumped up and grabbed her helmet that was hanging on the wall before putting on her jacket and hearing the first instructions over the radio. "All units, we have a major fire at Pier 25. Immediate standby. Repeat, immediate standby."
Natasha rushed out of her office, where she already met you, the captain of the fire station. The tension in your eyes was unmistakable, and Natasha knew this wouldn't be an unusual mission. You also felt an inexplicable restlessness rising within you. “What do we have, y/n?” She asked as she bumped into you.
You panted as you jumped down the last steps from the top and followed her into the hall. "It's one of the old storage complexes on the pier. It looks like a devastating fire with possible hazardous materials."
The fire chief nodded seriously and got into the car, followed by you and the entire team. The streets whizzed past you as the blue lights showed the way through the paths. Thoughts swirled through Natasha's head as she focused on the mission at hand, wanting to do everything right. However, a vague feeling of oppression still didn't leave her.
When you reached the pier the scene was chaotic. Flames danced wildly, thick black smoke covered the sky bathed in evening sun. Workers had gathered around the cordoned off site, some in panic, others stunned by the extent of the destruction.
Natasha jumped out of the car and immediately took command of her team. "Security squad, search for survivors and direct them immediately to the rescue squad. The rest run in ahead of the security squad and fight the fire. We have to get the flames under control before a dangerous explosion could occur."
The entire team, including you, nodded and charged into the blazing hell of the complex. The heat was intense, and the crackling of the fire added to the air. The smoke was so thick that it obscured visibility and as you fought your way through each hallway, the desperate symphony of fire roaring where suddenly overwhelmed by a familiar smell - a smell that triggered a flood of memories.
You knew this place. It was the same warehouse where you had experienced one of the worst missions of your career years ago. A tragedy that haunted you to this day. You stopped abruptly in the middle of the building, and Natasha felt an inexplicable tension as she listened through the comms as Andy and Maya encouraged you to keep walking and stay with the group.
"Y/n, what's wrong? Talk to me." Natasha asked worriedly and you turned your gaze towards the ground. Confronting your past brought with it a wave of emotions - guilt, sadness and anger. You forced yourself to concentrate while Natasha, full of tension from the mission and nervousness of the fire, had completely forgotten what memories this place held for you. "T-this is the place where y/s/n d-died in a fire years ago, 'tash. Y-you and I were h-here and couldn't save her."
The fire chief froze for a moment as the memories came flooding back to her. She had taken part in this tragic incident almost a decade ago; the three of you were a rescue team in one of these warehouses when the ceiling partially collapsed and buried your sister under the flaming roof. The image haunted you like a dark shadow. "I know it's hard. But now we're here, and we'll do our best to help anyone who's in danger. I know it's hard but you have to suppress your feelings, y/n."
You nodded silently without her seeing and continued on your way, with Natasha resolutely accompanying you in your ear. The fire raged wildly around you as you delved deeper into the burning complex. The heat was suffocating, the smoke made it difficult to breathe even with a mask, but you couldn't give up. People's lives depended on your work.
But while you desperately tried to save others, you battled your own inner demons. The memories of your sister's tragic loss washed over you like an unstoppable tide. The image of your sister caught in the flames haunted you amidst the chaos. The scream before everything came down, every smell of the fire reminded you of your own powerlessness when you had failed to save her. The thought of being here again, in this place of loss and pain, threatened to overwhelm you with every step.
Outside the squad car, Natasha listened intently to her team's radio transmissions as she tried to support you. She heard your desperate breathing and felt her own helpless rage at the ruthlessness of the fire. But she knew you were fighting - not just against the flames, but also against your own ghosts of the past and she knew that she couldn't leave you alone. “Y/n, do you hear me?” She called over the radio in a calm and firm voice, directing her attention only to you to try and calm you down. She knew the rest of the team would make it without her.
A weak response came back, punctuated by coughs and a muffled voice that made her think you were trying to hold back your tears. "Yes, 'tash. I hear you."
Her heart ached at the sound of your voice and she forced herself to stay calm, even though she wanted to grab you out of there and pull you into a hug. "You can do this, honey. You are strong. Remember why you are doing this. Think of the people who are counting on you." She replied, forcing you to take a deep breath as you fought back tears. You knew she was right, you could feel her words being an anchor in the middle of a storm, and you couldn't let your fears paralyze you, not now when so many lives were at stake.
With renewed courage you continued on your way, focusing on saving others instead of getting lost in your own thoughts, Natasha repeatedly whispering a few soothing words into your ears. You reached for the injured worker, surrounded by flames, and without hesitation, you pulled him out of harm's way and led him through the thick smoke to safety.
Natasha, meanwhile, followed your every move, every instruction you gave, feeling relieved and worried at the same time. She knew that this deployment was an emotional rollercoaster for you, but she was also proud of the way you once again asserted yourself, overcame your fears and rose to the challenges.
Finally, after endless minutes of fighting, you emerged from the burning inferno with Maya and Andy, followed by the last survivors. Your face was covered in soot and sweat, but there was an unwavering look of exhaustion and triumph in your eyes.
Natasha rushed to you with quick steps and hugged you tightly. "You did it, y/n. You and your team saved them all." She spoke proudly, hugging you tighter. You smiled tiredly, the demons of the past had exhausted you. "Thank you, Natasha. I couldn't have done it without you."
Hours passed, but it felt like an eternity as the rest of the teams, including yours, got the flames under control. Natasha watched you stand still, staring at the charred ruin as she slowly approached, and crept up on you before an arm wrapped around your shoulder, momentarily startling you. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”
“I don’t know,” you said quietly, the memories still swirling vividly in your head. Natasha was fascinated by how you seemed calm and collected on the outside while you were drowning on the inside. "I thought I had processed it, I mean her death. But this mission showed me that there are still a few things I need to come to terms with."
"You know I'll support you, right?" She asked and a small smile escaped your dry lips. "Whether you want to seek professional help, talk to me about it, or need some time to strengthen your mental health.. I'm here. And I won't leave."
You nodded and rested your head on her chest as she rested her cheek on your hair. You had to learn to live with your loss and stay focused on helping others in need.
In the days and weeks that followed, Natasha took time for you to reflect on what had happened and accompanied you to a psychologist. Confronting your past had shown you that it was important to face your fears and weaknesses and learn from them. With the support of the fire department chief, you were slowly able to completely come to terms with the demons of your past and in the process formed a closer and deeper friendship with Natasha, who you never thought you would ever have with anyone.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Hellooo!!! If you're not writing anything else at the moment, I was wondering if you could make a station 19 Natasha Ross x Montgomery! Sister reader!!
Brother’s boss
Summary: It’s not a secret if no one asked about it.
Pairing: Natasha Ross x Montgomery!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 961
a/n: Natasha Ross deserves more recognition!!
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“When do you think you’ll get out of work?” Y/N asks, leaning against her girlfriend’s unofficial work desk. She wasn’t at her own office today, deciding to spend the day at Station 19.
Natasha glances at the clock, them turn to look at her girlfriend with an apologetic look on her face. “Late.” Y/N sigh, throwing her head back. Laye hours weren’t unusual for her, she works at Grey Sloan Memorial after all, but the Firs Chief’s duties seem to be never ending. “I’m really sorry, love.”
“It’s okay. This is your job and your job is important and you’re amazing.”
With a chuckle, Natasha stands up to kiss Y/N. Her hands are wrapped around her lower back, while Y/N’s are on her shoulders. She pushes her against the table. Unfortunately for Y/N, Natasha pulls away before things go any further, which makes her whine.
Giving her one last kiss, Natasha goes back to the desk full of paper work. “Go home, wat something and take a nap. I’ll be there before you know it.”
“Okay.” Y/N agrees, though she doesn’t hide her pout. “Love you, see you later.”
“I love you,” is the last thing Y/N hears before closing the door to the office.
Sighing, she starts descending the stairs, hoping not to run into any of the other firefighters, as none of them are aware of her and Natasha’s relationship. However, luck isn’t on her side today.
“Y/N!” Travis, her brother, runs up to her with Victoria. “What are you doing here?” He looks over the scrubs she’s wearing. “Did something happen?”
“Nothing happened.” She rolls her eyes, stopping in front of the best friends.
“Then why are you here?”
“To see Natasha.”
Travis scrunches his brows while Victoria raises hers. “You were with Chief Ross?” She questions, not understanding why the younger Montgomery would have any business with the fire department’s chief.
“I was.”
“Because we’re in a relationship.”
The lobby turns eerily quiet. Victoria’s eyes are wide as she takes in the sentence. Travis looks like he has frozen on his spot. Neither of them expected to hear that coming out of her mouth. Y/N stares at them expectantly, waiting for either of them to say anything. She doesn’t really care what anyone thinks about her, but this silence was starting to make her uncomfortable.
“You-“ Travis points at her, as if that’d make him articulate better, “you are dating out boss?”
He doesn’t understand how the word comes out of her mouth so easily. Yes. Like it’s the simplest thing in the world. “Why in the world didn’t you think to tell me, that you are dating my boss?” His voice turns high pitched.
“You never asked.”
“I never-!” He takes a moment to compose himself, rubbing his face. He glances at Victoria, who is quietly laughing to herself. “This isn’t funny!”
She raises her hands in mock surrender, but there’s still a grin on her lips. “I’m sorry, but I think this is amazing. Go baby Montgomery.” She high fives her, making Travis groan.
As Victoria clearly doesn’t see the issue with this, Travis decides to handle it himself. Which is why he starts jogging towards Chief Ross’ office. “Travis!” Y/N shouts, running after him. “Don’t you dare do anything stupid and dramatic, or I’ll strangle you!”
But, Travis has already slammed the office door open. He stands in front of Chief Ross, who just stares at him, and opens his mouth only for nothing to come out. He clearly didn’t think this through. That is his boss after all.
By now, Y/N has caught up to him. “I’m sorry, Tasha. He is being stupid.”
“You’re dating my sister.” Is all he manages to get out.
“I am.”
“Chief, with all due respect, I think it is an inappropriate relationship.” Travis states, making Y/N hit his arm.
“Y/N isn’t part of the FD, I’m not her superior.”
“Well, she’s my younger sister.”
“Adult younger sister.” Natasha argues back, way calmer than Y/N would be capable of when it comes to her brother. “This is a consenting relationship between two adults, who are equal. So, what is the problem, Montgomery? Is it because we’re both women?”
Y/N snorts at the question, and Travis starts spluttering. “Of course not!” His hands wave around the room. “I am very proud that my sister is comfortable with her sexuality, but..but this-“ he tries to come up with anything, but he can’t.
“But this is my relationship,” Y/N steps in front of him, “and I love her and that’s the end of it.”
He sighs. It’s his sister’s relationship, he can’t do anything, no matter how uncomfortable it is to know his younger sister is dating his boss. “I know. But if you do anything to hurt her-“
Natasha interrupts him instantly, “you should remember that I am still your superior.”
“Yes, Chief.” He mumbles, gives Y/N a hug, and leaves the office.
Giggling, Y/N closes the door and goes to sit down on the desk. “That was funny, and kind of hot.” She whispers with a glint in her eyes.
Natasha shakes her head with a smile. “Now, don’t do anything or I won’t get any work done.”
“Can I at least stay here? Now that they know.”
“Of course.” She sets her hand on Y/N’s knee, the other hand signing all the needed papers.
They spend the rest of Natasha’s work day together, though mostly in silence, but it’s the good kind of silence. Where Natasha can work in peace and Y/N can admire her while she works, one of her favorite things to do.
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literaryavenger · 7 months
Captain America: Civil War - 5
Summary: Team Cap gets taken to the Raft.
Pairing: Avengers x Reader, Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of injuries. Language. Mentions of Y/N. A little angst if you squint. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 1.8K
A/N: Thank god it took me very little to finish this one! Hope you like it!
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The Raft.
That’s where they sent you after they arrested you in Germany. The fucking Raft.
You haven’t even seen Wanda since you were handed your very unstylish new clothes and they made you change.
You got separated from her when they took you to your cell between Scott's and Sam's. You dread what they're going to do to her, but you're powerless to stop them.
You sit on the ground of your cell and don’t move from there, barely registering what happens around you until the sound of clapping snaps you out of your trance. 
“The Futurist, gentlemen!” Clint shouts but you still don’t move, just listening to the scene. “The Futurist is here! He sees all! He knows what's best for you, whether you like it or not.”
“Give me a break, Barton.” You hear Tony say and almost show some emotion, but stop yourself. “I had no idea they'd put you here. Come on.”
You hear Clint spit and then say “Yeah, well, you knew they'd put us somewhere, Tony.”
“Yeah, but not some super-max floating ocean pokey. You know, this place is for maniacs. This is a place for…”
“Criminals?” Clint interrupts him. “Criminals, Tony. Think that's the word you're looking for. Right? That didn't used to mean me. Or Sam, or Y/N, or Wanda. But here we are.”
“Because you broke the law.” Tony says.
“Yeah.” Clint says back and starts chanting “La la la la la” while Tony talks, making you grin slightly.
“I didn't make you. You read it, you broke it.” Tony keeps talking. “Alright, you're all grown up, you got a wife and kids. I don't understand, why didn't you think about them before you chose the wrong side.” he says and your face falls again immediately, knowing Tony went too far.
“You gotta watch your back with this guy.” Clint says before slamming his hands on the bars angrily. “There's a chance he's gonna break it!”
“Hank Pym always said, you never can trust a Stark.” You hear Scott say from the cell on your right.
“Who are you?” Tony says, his voice closer to you than before, and you can hear Scott mumbling “Come on, man.”
Tony gets to your cell and sees you sitting on the ground, hugging your knees tight to your chest, your head resting back on the wall while you look straight ahead.
Tony is nothing short of shocked when he sees your face all beat up and bruised, your arm bandaged with blood seeping through it showing just how big and deep the cut is, all courtesy of Ayo.
“I never wanted to see you like this...” Tony says softly but you don’t even react to his words.
He’s standing in front of you but it’s like he’s not even there, like you’re looking right through him to something more interesting behind him.
Tony sighs and shakes his head before moving to Sam’s cell.
“How's Rhodes?” Sam asks right away.
“They're flying him to Columbia Medical tomorrow. So… fingers cross.” Tony answers and you close your eyes, grateful that he’s still alive at least. “What do you need? They feed you yet?”
“You're the good cop now?” Sam asks almost in disbelief.
“I'm just the guy who needs to know where Steve went.” Tony answers calmly.
“Well, you better go get a bad cop, because you're gonna have to go Mark Fuhrman on my ass to get information out of me.”
“Oh, I just knocked the 'A' out of their 'AV'.” Tony says, much too playfully for your taste. “We got about 30 seconds before they realize it's not their equipment.”
You furrow your eyebrows at his next sentence. “Just look. Because that is the fellow who was supposed to interrogate Barnes. Clearly, I made a mistake. Sam, I was wrong.”
Your eyes snap open at his apology and, even though you can’t see either of them, you know Sam’s feeling the same way as you, which is confirmed by his next sentence. “That's a first.”
“Cap is definitely off the reservation but he's about to need all the help he can get. We don't know each other very well. You don't have to-”
“Hey, it's alright.” Sam interrupts him, then you hear him sigh and after a little pause he says “Look, I'll tell you… but you have to go alone and as a friend.”
“Easy.” Tony says and Sam proceeds to tell him all about the Hydra base in Siberia and the other supersoldiers.
When Tony leaves, Sam once again tries to make sure you’re okay even if he hasn’t had luck at getting an answer out of you since you got here.
He knocks twice on the wall between you two then pauses and then knocks three more times fast before talking, a thing you two started doing since you both moved into the Avengers Compound so you would know it was the other knocking right away. “Are you okay?”
You don’t answer him and can hear him sighing before continuing talking.
“Look, I’m sorry you got caught up in this and-”
“I don’t regret the choice I made, Sam.” You interrupt him before he can finish his sentence, speaking up for the first time since you got arrested at the airport. “As much as this sucks, it was the right thing to do. I know it was.”
You don’t say anything else. Sam can tell you mean it and he knows better than to push you.
“They’ll be okay.” He says after a moment of silence and then lets you be.
You know he means Steve, Bucky and Tony but you can’t help but think he’s trying to reassure you that Bucky’s gonna be fine.
And you can only hope that he’s right.
A couple of weeks after Tony’s visit there’s a commotion in the prison.
You haven’t so much as made a sound since that day, aside from your daily knock on the wall between you and Sam so he can make sure you’re okay, knowing you well enough to know you don’t want to talk but still wanting to check in.
But you can’t help but let out a loud gasp when you see Steve just standing in front of your cells.
You look around when the cell doors open and you hesitantly get up from the floor and walk towards Steve. He hugs Sam, then you, then Clint and then pats Scott on the back, but doesn’t linger long before he’s guiding you towards another level where Wanda is.
You get to her just as the door to her cell opens and you rush inside with Clint to take off her collar while he takes off her straightjacket. You hug her tightly and wrap your arm around her with Clint to help her move you since she looks a little worse for wear.
You manage to move through the prison without problems. You have to hand it to Steve, he’s a hell of a criminal.
When you get to the landing pad you see the Quinjet ready for take off and you all rush inside just to see Bucky at the commands and you smile brightly at the sight.
You have no time to comment, though, as Sam shouts “What are you waiting for?! Go!”
Bucky rolls his eyes but calmly says “We have one more coming.”
You frown. One more? You turn to Steve confusedly but before you can ask anything you can see blond hair darting into the Quinjet and then Natasha’s there.
Bucky instantly takes off and you all take seats and buckle up.
There’s a moment of silence while everyone processes what just happened, but you break it while looking at Natasha that’s sitting directly in front of you.
“Are we gonna talk about the hair?” You ask arching your eyebrow with a smirk.
She groans in annoyance and you can hear the others chuckling while she says “We are not.”
After a few hours you all get to a safehouse and Steve ushers you in before showing you around.
It’s not bad: a secluded cabin with three bedrooms, not too big but Steve assured you you wouldn’t be staying there long anyway. Which makes sense, you're on the run now so this is just temporary.
After the tour Bucky approaches you in the living room and only then you notice he’s missing his metal arm.
“You flew the jet with only one arm? That’s impressive…” You can’t help yourself as you reach to touch his left shoulder, your eyes fixated on it. But stop on your tracks when you feel his right hand carefully cupping your cheek.
Your eyes snap up to his and you can see him thoroughly inspecting the wounds in your face that are still healing a little. He grimaces when he looks down at your bandaged arm and whispers “I’m sorry…”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle, Sergeant.” You smile softly at him and put your hand over his still on your cheek, trying to reassure him that you’re fine.
“I bet you can, doll.” He chuckles.
You’re too busy staring at each other to notice everyone’s attention is on you until Steve clears his throat with an apologetic look on his face.
“We need to go, Buck.” He says and you look confusedly between the two men.
“I’m going back into cryo.” Bucky clarifies for you.
“Oh.” Is all you can say and your eyes widen for a second before you force yourself to put on a more neutral face.
“It’s okay.” He smiles at you, but you feel like he’s trying to convince himself as much as you. “It’s nothing I can’t handle, doll.”
You try your best to smile and not look too bummed out. “I bet you can, Sergeant.”
You hesitate for a moment before surprising him, the others and even yourself by giving him a hug. He hesitates too before delicately hugging you back and, after a moment, you pull away. 
He smiles at you with a faint blush and you smile back, watching him walk to the door.
Steve passes you on his way to the door and kisses your forehead, whispering “He’ll be okay” before saying goodbye to the rest of the team, assuring you that he’ll be back soon. Then he also goes through the door and soon both the supersoldiers are gone.
You turn around with a sigh and see Sam, Natasha and Clint standing there, grinning at you, Wanda and Scott looking more compassionate than teasing.
You narrow your eyes at the first three and say sternly “Not. A. Word.” punctuating every word by pointing threateningly at each of them.
They raise their hands in mock surrender while snickering but thankfully don’t say anything and everyone just scatters around the safehouse.
You see the Quinjet depart from the window and try your best to look at the bright side: This isn’t forever, you’ll see him again.
Requested taglist: @sapphirebarnes @aki-ham @mary-jinx @abbyyourlocalmilf @selcouthial @esposadomd @americaarse
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widowwnat · 4 months
natasha romanoff prompts/headcanons 4/?
natasha's birth name being natalia alianovna romanova is somehow unknown to the avengers
when the accords came out and the avengers were reading whilst sitting in the meeting's table, they get to the page where it says the names of the avengers and a little box underneath each name for them to sign.
all the names are there 'anthony stark, steven rogers ect.'
they see one name thats completely unfamiliar 'natalia alianovna romanova'.
tony is obviously the one to speak up and ask 'who the hell is that...?'
and secretery ross looks and him and smirks 'that is your resident miss romanoff'
natasha turns around and deadpans 'bitch you thought natasha was a russian name?'.
'thats one very long name yk?' sam says.
'romanova? huh. so are you like a lost princess? a descendant of the romanov's?' tony asks
'no tony. i am not. its a common russian surname.' she looks and him and says 'i think.'
'ok princess.' he replies, taunting.
natasha groans in her hands knowing he's gonna call her that for the next year.
steve looks confused and says 'wait but when we were in that bunker and zola said our names, he said 'Romanoff' not 'Romanova'.
'Romanova isn't on my sheild files. it was spoken in person to Fury, Clint and Maria. Otherwise the only other place you can find that name is in my old KGB files. which im assuming is where Ross found it. Loving the privacy Ross.'
'you're welcome miss romanoff.'
'fuck you mr secretary.' she says with a smile.
IF you wanna write a fic on this please do (i would but i have zero fic writing skills) send me the link or smth i wanna read it too xx :)
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I really should have talked about this author when I did my “good MCU fanfics” rec series a few weeks ago, but to be honest, there’s so much to recommend with this author that they get their own separate post. 
Basically, ever since 2017 this author has been writing counters to all the things crazy Tony stans say, and pointing out all the bad things Tony has done. I’m going to share some of my favorite ficlets with you now. Warning, there are a LOT.
Tony [Stark] has a lot to answer for - the author’s very first ficlet series in which they detail every way Tony wronged the other Avengers in Civil War. This one is only 12 chapters, so I don’t see the need to point out my faves as there are so few.
Actions Have Consequences [For Tony Stark] - highlights:
- May Parker finds out what Tony did to Peter in CW and gets him arrested
- The many problems with the Sokovia Accords
- My favorite if this collection; the Wanda chapter
- Team Cap did not rely on Tony’s money
- The Guardians of the Galaxy offer their take on the Accords
But Wait, There’s More [Prop-Tony Tropes]! - highlights
- Howard Stark would not approve of Tony’s actions
- Tony’s man-pain is not an excuse
- Wanda’s illusions were not mindrape
- Obadiah Stane’s under-the-table deals are not comparable to anything Bucky (or Wanda for that matter) went through, and Tony was most likely self-aware enough to realize that
- Why the fuck would Ultron stop mid-fight to say that Wanda was responsible for creating him instead of Tony?
Inconvenient Truths About Propping Tony Stark - highlights:
- Tony’s gamble to kill Stane was not a sacrifice
- Nebula would be disgusted and horrified if she knew what Tony did in Siberia
- My favorite of these: after the Snap, Steve gets a visit from Wanda’s spirit thanking him for giving her a new family (this was written pre-Endgame where we learned everyone was totally deleted from existence)
And the [Prop-Tony] Tropes Just Keep on Coming - highlights:
- The idea that Tony could get the Accords amended is preposterous
- If Nebula learned about the Accords, she would be furious at Tony
- Steve crashing the Valkyrie in the ocean WAS a sacrifice
- Contacting the Nigerian authorities would not have stopped Rumlow
- There were absolutely civilians who supported Team Cap
- Vision would NEVER turn against Wanda
- Killing Vision immediately in Infinity War would have been a horrible idea
More Inconvenient Truths About Propping Tony Stark - highlights
- Pepper was probably aghast at Tony’s refusal to help undo the Snap
- Morgan could have seriously injured or killed herself with that helmet and gauntlet
- May Parker would be horrified if she learned about EDITH
- Tony never gave a shit about Vision
- Tony never cared about Wanda in the slightest
- The other Avengers would have personally arrested Tony if they learned about EDITH
- Tony was not left for dead in Siberia
- Tony was fine with letting the world burn so long as he got his perfect life
- If Tony knew about the Accords ahead of time, that makes him even more despicable than he already is
- Shooting Sam point-blank was arguably the worst thing Tony could have done
- Team Cap DID face the consequences of their actions
- If Tony tried to tell Wanda he wasn’t responsible for her parents deaths (which I’d like to think he had the common sense not to do), she would absolutely school him
- The Avengers would have been better off without Tony (this one is a DC crossover in which Luicis Fox and Superman take Tony’s place in the first Avengers movie)
- Tony may or may not have designed the sonic cannons Ross used on the Hulk
- Rhodey was not given a suit during the climax of Iron Man 3, and that was dumb
- Tony never gave Nebula a second glance after getting back to Earth
- Peter would cut ties with Tony completely if he learned about Siberia
- The SHIELD data dump was carefully planned
- Bucky would NEVER, EVER turn on Steve
- Bruce would be disgusted with Tony for supporting the Accords
- None of the Avengers tried to kill Tony during Age of Ultron
- If Wanda has to stand trial after Age of Ultron, then so does Tony
- Pepper and Rhodey would be furious at Tony if they knew what happened in Siberia
So Many [Prop-Tony] Tropes So Little Time - highlights:
- If Clint learned about Tony’s refusal to help undo the Snap while he was still Ronin, he would most likely have taken drastic measures
- The Doctor would never in his/her two thousand years of life or beyond support Tony (this one was particularly cathartic as a Doctor Who fan)
- Wanda does not have to forgive Tony just because Yinsen did (and I would like to hope Tony had enough self-awareness to understand that)
- Rhodey and Vision would both blow their stacks if they knew who Peter was
- Sarah Rogers would be proud of Steve for standing up to Tony
- Pietro Maximoff would NEVER support the Accords, much less take Tony’s side over his own sister’s
- Peggy Carter would be ashamed of Tony
- Steve is an actual captain
-��Team Cap would not leave Scott (or anyone else) behind if they could help it
- T’Challa would not refuse to help get Wanda’s shock collar off
- If you seriously think a World War Two veteran would support Tony over Steve, you are delusional
- If Tony and Gamora ever met, she would not like him
- Maria Stark would not approve of Tony’s actions
- Steve having that checklist in Winter Soldier is not indicative of his skills as a leader
- Wanda would never side with Tony over Steve
- Nigeria did not support the Accords
- The universe would have been better off if Tony had gotten shot down instead of Rhodey and he went to Siberia instead
- Bruce never tried to hurt or kill Wanda in Infinity War or Endgame
- Why the fuck would Asgard support the Accords?
- There is no canonical proof that Wanda or Pietro were formally trained by Hydra
- Scott was probably horrified at the fact that Tony did nothing to help after the Snap
- If Sam actually did get shot down, Tony at least would probably have just kept going after the Quin-Jet
- If for whatever reason Wanda had cast her Hex in the ruins of the Avengers Compound while everyone was still there, it would not have lasted very long at all
- Abraham Erskine would probably hate Tony
- Michelle Jones would have had Tony running out of Peter’s apartment like a bitch if she had been with Peter that day
- If Tony forced the Avengers to choose between him and Wanda, they would choose Wanda
- May and Ben Parker would NEVER be pro-Accords
- Wanda convincing Tony to start spending his money on the world would be a good thing
- Wanda and Bucky never met until Leipzig
- If Logan Howlett randomly showed up in Leipzig, he would be on Team Cap
- If Redwing was sapient, it wouldn’t betray Team Cap for Tony
- If Howard and Maria Stark were deep-frozen in Siberia, they would horrified to see what Tony was doing
-If Tony summoned Khonsu to kill Team Cap, he would be the only one Khonsu would kill
Ghosts of Conversations Past -  in which Tony’s awful words are reacted to more appropriately. Highlights:
- Bruce is furious at Tony for saying Steve should have been left on ice
- Peter dumps Tony upon realizing his deception
- Wanda and Pietro actually get to call out Tony for claiming that arms dealing was never his life
- Revealing Clint’s family to Ross was arguably the most evil thing Tony ever did
- Natasha is internally hurt at Tony’s callous insult after Leipzig
- Steve explodes at Tony over his WMD crack
- Bruce reacts more appropriately to Tony’s story in Iron Man 3
- Remember that double whammy homophobic AND transphobic comment in Iron Man 1?
- Stane’s final quip about Tony was 100% true
- Tony sticking it to Congress directly contradicts him being pro-Accords
- That famous gif of Tony rolling his eyes only exists because he is a jackass
- Vulture gets to take his explanation further and rants about Tony’s callousness
- Tony is a massive hypocrite
- Tony not paying the Avengers is completely in character
- Per No Way Home, Tony had a Star Trek Matter Replicator and never shared it with anyone
You Could Make a Case for That - assorted headcanons realized. Highlights:
- Morgan being a robot would have made about as much sense as what we got
- If Strucker’s pedestal for Loki’s scepter was booby-trapped, Tony would have died, and the universe would have been better off
- Tony insisting that Wanda and Pietro belonged in prison would be wildly hypocritical
- The Infinity Stones may or may not have made sure Tony died
- That deleted scene from Endgame where Tony shaves Rocket is 100% in character for him, and it is awful
- Tony not wanting to undo the Blip might have made more sense if Morgan was adopted after being orphaned by the Snap, but that would definitely have made him even more despicable
- If Mantis read Tony’s emotions, she would feel nothing but egotism and rage
- Whether Novi Grad was bombed by Hydra, NATO, or whoever, Tony is stil responsible for his bombs being sold to them
- If Pepper went to Siberia via the Rescue suit, she would be on Steve’s side
- the villains of the MCU liking Tony is not a good thing (this one was a rebuttal to a specific Tony stan fic)
- Tony failing SHIELD’s evaluation in Iron Man 2 was completely fair
- Tony has a lot in common with Lex Luthor
- Vulture didn’t reveal Peter’s identity, and Loki didn’t reveal Clint’s family, but Tony did
- The fact that Tony and Bruce were nowhere near an interface when Ultron came online is irrelevant; the mere fact that they had plugged in evil alien tech is the problem
- Steve did not hurt Tony by disabling his suit in Siberia
- Vision and Shuri probably helped keep Team Cap off the radar
- Goose the Flerken would not like Tony
- Steve and Tony on Vormir together would not work at all
- Tony has a lot in common with Kang
- If the other two Peter Parkers learned about Tony during No Way Home, they would be horrified that MCU Peter looked up to him
- If Tony had tried to rebuild the world after the Snap, he probably would have made things even worse
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broadwayfan92 · 10 months
Soon to be published on Wattpad and AO3:
The Devil Hulk of Fleet Street
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I am hoping to publish this after Evermore. I can only work on two published projects at a time & I have a fanfic series that I plan on posting once One Love, A Thousand Lifetimes is finished.
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griseldabanks · 2 years
55. Share a "before and after" comparison of an excerpt of your WIP that you've edited.
This post is necessarily long, so I'm putting it under the cut for those interested in a little behind-the-scenes look at the scene I mentioned in yesterday's WIP question. Yep, you get a whole scene!
First Draft
Steve sat at the head of the conference table as the others took their places. He glanced over at Tony, who sat in the corner rather than taking a place at the table. Their eyes met briefly, then Tony looked away again. Steve couldn't read his expression, but he could tell that Tony was only feigning nonchalance. The last time they'd spoken, they'd gotten into that huge argument about the files, and...well, they certainly hadn't parted on the best of terms. Steve wondered if that was on Tony's mind as much as it was on his.
Looking down the length of the table, Steve took in the others' confused and anxious expressions as they took their seats and a few of them poured glasses of water for themselves. Bucky was keeping an eye on Jake upstairs, but everyone else was here.
At the foot of the table stood Secretary Ross, with an assistant who was setting up some kind of presentation on the screen behind him. This was the first time Steve had seen Ross in person, though of course he'd grown all too familiar with his voice over the phone. The man looked like any other middle-aged politician, with grey hair and mustache, crows' feet radiating from his eyes.... He looked harmless, but Steve couldn't help feeling suspicious.
“Good morning,” Ross said, drawing everyone's attention. “My name is Thaddeus Ross. I'd like to thank you for meeting with me on such short notice. I'm sure you all have many responsibilities to see to, but I promise not to take up too much of your time.” He smiled genially around at them all. Was it just Steve's imagination, or did his eyes linger on Steve a little longer when he mentioned responsibilities?
“Five years ago,” Ross continued, “I had a heart attack. I dropped, right in the middle of my back swing. Turned out it was the best round of my life, because after thirteen hours of surgery and a triple bypass, I found something forty years in the Army never taught me: perspective.” He gestured to his assistant, who pulled up a map of the world on the screen behind Ross. “The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt. You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives.... But while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some who would prefer the word 'vigilantes.'”
“And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary?” Natasha asked.
“How about 'dangerous'?” Ross looked around at them all, catching their eyes one by one. “What would you call a group of U.S.-based enhanced individuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose—and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?”
Steve frowned as Ross nodded to his assistant. “New York.” The man pressed a button, and footage began to play of the alien attack from four years ago. The Hulk leaped up the side of a building, ripping out chunks of stone and sending them tumbling to the ground, crushing pedestrians and whoever was holding the camera.
“Washington, D.C.” Footage of debris from the helicarriers falling into the river, sending powerful waves crashing over people fleeing the scene, knocking them off their feet.
“Sokovia.” The city flying higher and higher through the air, buildings crumbling and falling to the earth hundreds of feet below, crushing countless civilians who couldn't escape....
Steve glanced down the table to Wanda, who turned her head from the screen. Her face was deathly pale, her lips trembling as she was confronted with footage of the day she had lost her brother.
“Okay,” he said firmly. “That's enough.”
Ross nodded to his assistant, who shut off the presentation and began rummaging for something in the briefcase he carried. “For the past four years,” Ross said, “you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution.”
The assistant handed Ross what looked like a book of some kind. He placed it on the table in front of Wanda. “The Sokovia Accords. Approved by 117 countries, it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they'll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary.”
Steve was liking this conversation less and less. “The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place,” he said. “I feel we've done that.”
Ross raised an eyebrow at him. “Tell me, Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now? If I misplaced a couple of 30-megaton nukes, you can bet there'd be consequences.”
Biting his tongue, Steve narrowed his eyes as Ross paced back and forth at the foot of the table. So Thor and Bruce were just nukes now? Not people, not friends. Not a warrior prince with staunch loyalty and a delightful sense of humor. Not a brilliant scientist with enough guilt and compassion for three men. No, in Ross's eyes they were just weapons. Threats.
Maybe that's how he saw all of them. Steve was glad Bucky was upstairs for this.
“Compromise,” Ross said. “Reassurance. That's how the world works. Believe me, this is the middle ground.”
Rhodey had been flipping through the Accords booklet, but now he looked up. “So, there are contingencies.”
“Three days from now, the U.N. meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords. Talk it over.”
Three days. Three days? That was how long they had to process this law that would alter their lives forever? Steve turned to look disbelievingly at Tony, only to realize...Tony didn't look surprised. He'd known this would happen. Had Ross given him an inkling of the Accords already? Was this why he'd given up the files to the CIA so easily?
Ross and his assistant were heading out the door, but Natasha called after him, “And if we come to a decision you don't like?”
Ross turned in the doorway, looking unimpressed. “Then you retire.”
Clint snorted softly, and Natasha smirked a little, but Ross left without another word. Steve, however, found no levity in the situation. The Avengers, working for the United Nations? Subject to the whims of a committee? It was a committee who had given the order to drop a nuke on New York City. The toll that day had taken on civilians' lives and property that day had been staggering, but...if they'd followed orders, there would have been much more collateral damage than what they'd left behind. It would have taken much longer for New York to get back on its feet—if it ever truly could have.
After a stunned silence in Ross's wake, Tony abruptly got to his feet and muttered something about coffee, heading for the stairs without looking at anyone. One by one, the others stood up and followed him.
“Can I look at that?” Steve asked Rhodey, who was still holding the Accords booklet.
He began flipping through it, trailing behind the others. Immediately, he could see it would be a dense, challenging read—especially to finish in just three days. It was full of legal jargon he didn't understand, but what he did understand worried him more than ever.
“Mr. Rogers!”
Steve glanced up and saw Ross hanging back by the stairs. Was he loitering there in the hopes of catching Steve?
“I was wondering if I could have a word, Captain....”
Steve looked him straight in the eye and said coldly, “I have nothing to say to you.”
He marched up the stairs, leaving Ross standing in the hallway.
Current Draft (changes highlighted)
Steve sat at the head of the conference table as the others took their places. He glanced over at Tony, who sat in the corner rather than taking a place at the table. Their eyes met briefly, then Tony looked away again. Steve couldn't read his expression, but he could tell that Tony was only feigning nonchalance. The last time they'd spoken, they'd gotten into that huge argument about the files, and...well, they certainly hadn't parted on the best of terms. Steve wondered if that was on Tony's mind as much as it was on his.
Looking down the length of the table, Steve took in the others' confused and anxious expressions as they took their seats and a few of them poured glasses of water for themselves. Bucky and Jake were upstairs, of course, but everyone else was here.
At the foot of the table stood Secretary Ross, with an assistant who was setting up some kind of presentation on the screen behind him. This was the first time Steve had seen Ross in person, though of course he'd grown all too familiar with his voice over the phone. The man looked like any other middle-aged politician, with greying hair and mustache, crows' feet radiating from his eyes.... He looked harmless, but Steve couldn't help feeling suspicious.
“Good morning,” Ross said, drawing everyone's attention. “My name is Thaddeus Ross. I'd like to thank you for meeting with me on such short notice. I'm sure you all have many responsibilities to see to, but I promise not to take up too much of your time.” He smiled genially around at them all. Was it just Steve's imagination, or did his eyes linger on Steve a little longer when he mentioned responsibilities?
Ross began what sounded like a rehearsed speech. “I have a tremendous amount of respect for everyone in this room and what you have managed to achieve in the past few years. Before my appointment as Secretary of State, I had the honor of serving as a general in the United States Army. I've had my share of tough decisions in order to protect millions of innocent lives. I'm sure that, over the last several years, your job has changed the way you see the world. Perhaps that change happened over time, or in a single moment.
“Five years ago, I had a heart attack.” Ross mimed swinging a golf club. “I dropped, right in the middle of my back swing. Turned out it was the best round of my life, because after thirteen hours of surgery and a triple bypass, I found something forty years in the Army never taught me: perspective.” He gestured to his assistant, who pulled up a map of the world on the screen behind Ross.
And why didn't forty years in the Army teach you perspective? Steve thought, but he held his tongue and waited to see where Ross was going with this.
“The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt,” Ross continued. “You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives....” He looked gravely around the table. “But while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some who would prefer the word 'vigilantes.'”
“And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary?” Natasha asked.
“How about 'dangerous'?” Ross met each of their gazes one by one. “What would you call a group of U.S.-based enhanced individuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose—and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?”
Steve frowned. That was hardly a fair assessment.
Ross nodded to his assistant. “New York.” The man pressed a button, and footage began to play of the alien attack from five years ago. The Hulk leaped up the side of a building, ripping out chunks of stone and sending them tumbling to the ground, crushing pedestrians and whoever was holding the camera.
“Washington, D.C.” Footage of debris from the helicarriers falling into the river, sending powerful waves crashing over people fleeing the scene, knocking them off their feet.
“Sokovia.” The city flying higher and higher through the air, buildings crumbling and falling to the earth hundreds of feet below, crushing countless civilians who couldn't escape....
Steve glanced down the table to Wanda, who turned her head from the screen. Her face was deathly pale, her lips trembling as she was confronted with footage of the day she had lost her brother.
“Okay,” he said firmly. “That's enough.”
Ross nodded to his assistant, who shut off the presentation and began rummaging for something in the briefcase he carried.
“Why are you bringing this up?” Steve asked. “Are you blaming us for fighting back when aliens were attacking? Or should we have let Hydra kill 20 million people in one day? Would it have been better if we'd just stood back and let Ultron destroy the world?”
Ross held up a placating hand. “That's not the point I'm trying to make.”
Steve forced himself to take a deep breath and sit back in his chair.
“For the past five years,” Ross said, “you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution.”
The assistant handed Ross what looked like a book of some kind. He placed it on the table in front of Wanda. “The Sokovia Accords. Approved by 117 countries, it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they'll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary.”
Steve was liking this conversation less and less. “The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place,” he said. “I feel we've done that.”
“You've made the world safer?” Ross raised an eyebrow at him. “Tell me, Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now? If I misplaced a couple of 30-megaton nukes, you can bet there'd be consequences.”
Biting his tongue, Steve narrowed his eyes as Ross paced back and forth at the foot of the table. So Thor and Bruce were just nukes now? Not people, not friends. Not a warrior prince with staunch loyalty and a delightful sense of humor. Not a brilliant scientist with enough guilt and compassion for three men. No, in Ross's eyes they were just weapons. Threats.
Maybe that's how he saw all of them. Steve was glad Bucky was upstairs for this.
“Compromise,” Ross said. “Reassurance. That's how the world works. Believe me, this is the middle ground.”
Rhodey had been flipping through the Accords booklet, but now he looked up. “So, there are contingencies? We follow the Accords, and in return we're given the opportunity to help protect the world?”
“The details are outlined in the material I provided you,” Ross said. “Three days from now, the U.N. meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords. Talk it over.”
Three days. Three days? That was how long they had to process this law that would alter their lives forever? Steve turned to look disbelievingly at Tony, only to realize...Tony didn't look surprised. He'd known this would happen. Had Ross given him an inkling of the Accords already?
Was this why he'd given up the files to the CIA so easily?
Ross and his assistant were heading out the door, but Natasha called after him, “And if we come to a decision you don't like?”
Ross turned in the doorway, looking unimpressed. “Then you retire.”
Clint snorted softly, and Natasha smirked a little, but Ross left without another word. Steve, however, found no levity in the situation. The Avengers, working for the United Nations? Subject to the whims of a committee? It was a committee who had given the order to drop a nuke on New York City. The toll that day had taken on civilians' lives and property had been staggering, but...if they'd followed orders, there would have been much more collateral damage than what they'd left behind. It would have taken much longer for New York to get back on its feet—if it ever truly could have.
After a stunned silence in Ross's wake, Tony abruptly got to his feet and muttered something about coffee, heading for the stairs without looking at anyone. One by one, the others stood up and followed him.
“Can I look at that?” Steve asked Rhodey, who was still holding the Accords booklet.
He began flipping through it, trailing behind the others. Immediately, he could see it would be a dense, challenging read—especially to finish in just three days. It was full of legal jargon he didn't understand, but what he did understand worried him more than ever.
As he reached the foot of the stairs, Steve looked up and caught sight of Ross and his assistant crossing the atrium on their way out. Ross looked in his direction, their eyes meeting for a brief moment across the distance. Then Ross passed out of sight.
Steve thought of all the phone calls he'd ignored. The conversations he'd ended as early as possible. Would Ross have mentioned something about the Accords if those conversations had been longer? Would Steve have been able to see this coming?
Would it have changed anything? He couldn't stop the U.N. from signing this document, no matter how much warning he had in advance. But maybe the Avengers wouldn't have been quite so blindsided by this announcement.
With a sigh, Steve headed up the stairs. They couldn't change that now. They would just have to figure out how to deal with it.
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themculibrary · 1 month
Nick Fury Masterlist 2
part one
a direct phone line to a mob boss (ao3) - lilyfarseer clint/phil E, 13k
Summary: Clint, in a quest for coffee, accidentally stumbles into a mob turf war and saves a mob boss named Nick Fury. Fury gives Clint an IOU in the form of a cell phone with instructions for Clint to call if he ever wants to cash in a favor. After a decade of unfortunate events, Clint accidently types, “I want to be happy”. From there, a strange number of things start occurring, starting with a text back of “Understood”, and followed by a series of strange happenstances. Then there is that really handsome guy whose apartment he accidentally crashed into with big blue eyes who sometimes asks Clint, “Are you happy?” Which really, what exactly is Clint supposed to say to him?
Agent Fury, Director Fury, Fury Nicholas J, Nick (ao3) -  R_o_x_x_a_n_n_e G, 907
Summary: Nick Fury tries to cope with Maria Hill's death, the new threats in his world and his own vulnerability.
And a game of chess
all the days of our lives, phase 1 (ao3) - ElrondsScribe pepper/tony, jane/thor, clint/laura, ian/darcy, wanda/vision, sharon/steve, bucky/natasha N/R, 41k
Summary: An Avengers-watch-their-own-movies fanfiction. I know it’s been done before, but I wanted to try it with a more expansive audience. In addition to all the Avengers (both retired and active) you’ll find Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Laura Barton, Betty Ross, Helen Cho, Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis, and even Ian Boothby.
Post Captain America: Civil War. AU, obviously. All ships in the tags. Please do enjoy! Warning: there will be a bit of language.
First up: Captain America: The First Avenger
a place to lie low (ao3) - Sholio T, 5k
Summary: Two separate Hydra-hunting missions converge, and Nick Fury and Sitwell end up getting Sam out of a tight spot. Looks like they’re all going the same way for a while.
avengers at disney world (ao3) - ctxrover clint/natasha, steve/bucky T, 70k
Summary: Fury’s fed up of the Avengers not behaving like a team, so he’s sending them on a bonding trip to Disney World with Hill as their babysitter. Meanwhile, Coulson rarely gets to spend time with his kids so he takes them to Disney World. The problem? They’re going at the same time as the Avengers-who don’t know of Coulson’s survival. Some sort of AU. Clintasha. Some Stucky. Rated T.
avengers watch captain marvel (fanfiction.net) - Roxas Itsuka T, 30k
Summary: Called forth by an unknown being. The Avengers are made watch a movie about a hero who came not long before them. Fury and Goose present also. No pairing.
beneath the shadow of atlas (we’re all just chasing stardust) (ao3) - GrimRevolution G, 2k
Summary: Carol’s gone. She went back to space.
What the hell was Fury supposed to do about the alien cat?
Don't Bet With Nick Fury (ao3) - Westgate (Harkpad) clint/phil T, 1k
Summary: Phil loses a bit to Nick, and the payoff is more than annoying than a Duran Duran song from the 80s. He and Clint have to go to his High School reunion. It's a little bit Grosse Pointe Blank, it's a little bit badass Phil. Clint thinks the whole night is a success.
easy work for easy pay (ao3) - AustinB steve/bucky M, 45k
Summary: Bucky’s working his way back up through the ranks at S.H.I.E.L.D. after a mission took his left arm and Stark gave him a new metal one.
So when Fury tasks him with integrating the newly defrosted Captain Rogers into the 21st century, he jumps at the promotion.
magic isn’t the answer to everything (only some things) (ao3) - melonbutterfly loki/tony E, 25k
Summary: In which Tony is pregnant, everybody else isn’t (except for two weeks but it doesn’t count), Fury’s chair gets abducted, there’s some panicking, a little textspeak, some overprotectiveness, a lot of tuna, and no fainting.
Nick Fury (ao3) - untilweseeawingshot pepper/tony G, 1k
Summary: Fury pays a visit to the tower and suddenly gains a new friend.
nick fury is an asshole (ao3) - pastelfalcon phil/nick/melinda G, 417
Summary: Nick has been away for awhile and Phil is (understandably) pissed off about it. Melinda is, as always, the most level-headed.
Nick Fury's Missing Eye (ao3) - apollothyme bruce/clint, steve/tony G, 1k
Summary: Inspired by this memo where The Avengers form a band just to piss off Fury.
Service Dogs for Superheroes (SDfSH): Nick Fury (ao3) - literally_no_idea T, 3k
Summary: When Carol comes back to Earth, the first thing she does is meet with Nick Fury. Well, at least, that was the plan.
somewhere in the dark (ao3) - flipflop_diva steve/natasha E, 13k
Summary: In the weeks following the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson spend their days tracking down leads to the winter soldier’s whereabouts. But when Nick Fury shows up unannounced one night with the news that Natasha has gone missing, plans quickly change. And soon it becomes a race not only to find her but to figure out the circumstances around her disappearance. (And, of course, for Steve, it might be time to figure out how he finally feels about her.)
still life with flerken (ao3) - copperbadge G, 1k
Summary: Nick Fury: soldier, spy, strategist, cat dad.
the story behind the man: iron man 1 (ao3) - Anothershadow24 bruce/tony T, 34k
Summary: A year after the so called ‘Civil War’, the six original avengers, plus Sam, Wanda, Vision, Fury and Hill, get locked up on a room to watch a stack of films about one Tony Stark.
through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered (ao3) - indiefic E, 98k
Summary: Set post-Captain America: the Winter Soldier. Steve’s been lost since they thawed him out. When he discovers Peggy Carter is still alive, he’s even more lost. Sometimes reuniting with the love of your life isn’t happily ever after. Sometimes, it’s the very beginning of the hardest thing you’ve ever done.
((or, that one fic where Bucky’s medical records are missing. Tony thinks Fury’s growing super soldiers. Fury thinks Steve has an illegitimate daughter. Natasha knows a lot more than she’s saying. And everyone’s afraid of Peggy.))
Numerous flashbacks to the Captain America and Agent Carter timelines.
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japrilsanatomy · 2 years
Hey, so I’ve had this story in my drafts for a while now. I’ve never actually written fanfiction before, so this might be absolutely terrible, but sometimes you’ve just gotta get it out, you know?
Anyways, this story takes place at the end of Black Widow (2020). It dictates how Natasha reunited with her former teammates and how everyone got to the positions they were in in Infinity War. Romanogers, too, of course. Let me know if I should keep writing. Reviews are appreciated!😊
How We Stay Together
After the events of Black Widow, Natasha is on her own again. But what happens when she comes across a familiar face while breaking Team Cap out of prison? Can she earn their trust back? 
Chapter One: Everything Has Changed
Nat approached the stolen quinjet, her freshly died platinum bob mussing a bit in the light summer breeze as she said her farewells to Mason. “Where are you gonna go?”
     Nat had been pondering that question for a few days herself. She knew she was still a fugitive and she had to law low for a while after all of the uproar the events two weeks ago sparked. “It’s funny, my whole life I didn’t think I had any family. Turns out, I’ve got two.” Over the past month or so, Nat had felt a sort of emptiness. She didn’t realize how much the Avengers really meant to her until she didn’t have them anymore. “One of them’s a bit of a mess right now, I’m gonna go break a few of them out of prison, see if I can’t help patch things up.” She gave a last glance to her friend before turning and walking away.
     A few hours later, Nat sat thoughtfully in the pilot seat, feet propped up next to the controls. Now that she was thinking about it, she was quite nervous to see her former team members again. After all, she chose a different side when it came to the whole accords situation and fought them in Leipzig. She wasn’t sure if they’d accept her again. Wanda, Clint, Sam, they were some of her closest friends, but she didn’t know if they’d forgiven her yet, or if they ever would.
     But if she was being honest, the person she was most worried to see again was Steve. The two of them had grown close after working together as SHIELD operatives for two years, and then proceeding to take down HYDRA and the Winter Soldier largely on their own. He taught her how to trust and open up to people, and now he meant more to her than probably anyone on Earth. She didn’t know what she would do if he rejected her. It hurt to choose Tony’s side over Steve’s when it came to the accords, as she of all people knew how corrupt a government could be, but she made the best choice she could to keep her family together. Of course, that wasn’t the outcome, and now she’d maybe lost the few people she’d ever called friends. Of course, she’d ultimately let Steve and Bucky go in the end, but would it be enough to make him forgive her?
     Not long after, Nat could see the faint outline of the raft prison. “Good God”, she said to herself. “This is a bit overkill, don’t you think, Ross?” It just occurred to her that she didn’t really have a plan. This was going to be a lot harder than she thought.
     Nat circled the perimeter and concluded that there weren’t any guards in the area. She touched down as quietly as she could near the edge of the building. She was thankful for the cloak offered by the dark night sky as she made her way to the nearest window. On her way she saw another quinjet a few hundred feet away. Someone’s already here… she thought.
     Of course the window was locked. Why wouldn’t it be? Natasha kicked the glass hard with her boot a few times, and once the glass was cleared away she slowly squeezed her way through the small opening. She landed on her feet at the end of a dimly lit hallway, and she could see what she assumed was the main control room at the opposite end. Perfect.
     She cautiously made her way towards the center of the floor, glancing down each branching hallway and sneaking past a few guards before they could see her. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw her former leader and friend hunched over what appeared to be the surveillance system, surrounded by unconscious men who must have been on duty when he arrived.
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AverageWriter-InTheDark’s Marvel Masterlist
Link to other Masterlists
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Key: 🤍 - Personal favs, ♥️ - popular works, 📝 - series in progress, 💌 - series completed, ⏳- coming soon, 🧸 - OC not y/n 📨-requested
Rules for requests
Tea With A Hint Of Honey
Loki falling in love w/ a SHIELD agent/Avenger
You and Loki being the most fashionable couple in the Avengers♥️
The Wedding of Prince Loki & Lady Stark 🤍
Loki falling in love w/ a Master of Mystic Arts
Valentine’s Day w/ Loki
Loki in love with a romance writer
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
🕷- Tobey M., 🕸 - Andrew G., 🧬 - Tom H.
🕷 Quiet As A Cat, Sneaky Like A Spider | No Way Home Series 🤍♥️💌
🕷The Cat & Her Spider | Spider-Man 1-3 Series (Prequel) 📝
🕷 Family Of Cats & Spiders | Post NWH Series (sequel) ♥️💌
Mini Series:
🧬 Arachnids Gotta Stick Together | No Way Home Imagine P.2 🤍♥️💌
🕷 Spider Studded Reunion P.2 P.3 P.4 🤍💌
🕸 Valentine’s Day w/ Peter
Bucky Barnes / The Winter Soldier
Look Who’s Talking | Inspired by the 1989 movie
The Lake House AU 📨⏳
Sparring w/ Bucky ⏳
Baron Helmut Zemo
It’s Just A Sweet, Sweet Fantasy Baby | Based on the Jodie Comer Cover of Mariah Carey’s ‘Fantasy’ 🤍
Love Across The Galaxy
You Are The Only Exception P.2 P.3 | inspired by ‘The Only Exception’ by Paramore
Zemo befriending a former Avenger♥️
Valentine’s Day w/ Zemo
SFW Alphabet
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
A Broken Promise
Being the adoptive sister of Natasha & Yelena | goes with the imagines of “Arachnids Gotta Stick Together”
Wanda Maximoff / The Scarlet Witch
Loving You Is Red ⏳
Valentine’s Day w/ Wanda
Deadly Duo
Magical BFFs
Doctor Stephen Strange
To Infinity & Beyond ♥️
The Sorcerer & The Goddess ⏳
Cuddle Bug
Strange falling in love w/ an Avenger ♥️
Valentine’s Day w/ Strange
Road Tripping w/ Stephen
SFW alphabet
Agent Everett Ross
5 Long Years
That’s Classified 🤍
Ross catching feelings for Tony’s sister
Rescuing Ross from the CIA
The Agent & The Avenger
SFW alphabet
Fluff Headcanons
Family of Heroes 📨
Family of Spies 📨
Princess Shuri / Black Panther
My Bestie’s A Genius
Joaquin Torres
My Wingman
Sam Wilson / The Falcon / Captain America
Fugitives on the run ⏳
Dancing w/ Sam ⏳
Matt Murdock / Daredevil
Love On The Brain | inspired by the song by Rihanna ♥️
Gwen Stacy / Spider-Woman
The Heart of the Spiders | outtake of my ‘Quiet As A Cat’ series (see above)
Multiple Characters
The Chaotic Adventures A The Dysfunctional Quartet | TFATWS (Post) Series 🤍♥️📝
It All Ends In Fire & Chaos 🧸📝
Mini Series:
Welcome To Avengers Campus | Post No Way Home AU P.2 P.3 🤍🧸💌
Got Ink? | How they react to you having tattoos | Marvel HC — P.1 P.2 ♥️
They said yes ! 💍 | What your engagement ring looks like | Marvel HC— P.1 P.2
The Young Avengers
Last Update: 10 June 24
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capstoverogers · 3 years
Left Behind In Expired Moments - Natasha Romanoff x Betty Ross
Was I the only one picking up on that “we used to sleep together” tension between Natasha and Betty in this week’s "What If" episode or am I just really gay?
Word Count: 872
Warnings: Mention of Alcohol, Small Allusion to Sex
Dr. Betty Ross catches a glimpse of red hair and freezes. She’s put physical distance between herself and S.H.I.E.L.D. for many reasons; she doesn’t know how to handle one of those reasons slowly snaking up to her with that unwavering stare.
And Romanoff thrives off of the way her entire body tenses, she just knows it. Betty crosses her arms across her chest, feeling disgustingly small as she takes a small step back, pretends not to know that Natasha’s nonchalance and heavy husk are just projected overcompensations for the way her ever observant eyes soften so slightly at Betty’s discomfort.
Betty has every intention of turning her back on the agent - god knows she has the practice - but damn that woman knows just what to say, every time, to pull her in, except no, it’s really just those damn eyes again. And Betty is so many things, including a researcher, and if there’s one specimens she’s studied too arduously, it’s Natasha Romanoff, and behind all the projections and compensations and mechanisms, Betty recognizes the tiny waver in her self-sure voice, knows that Natasha is more out of her depths than she cares to admit. She can see the way Natasha’s scared.
And if there’s something out there that can scare Romanoff, then Betty knows that she should be terrified.
So that’s how she ends up with the Black Widow - her former co-worker and former other things she’s trying hard not to relive - in her not-truly-empty office. She tells herself that her heart’s pounding because Bruce is hiding in the closet. It’s absolutely not the way Natasha hovers closely by her shoulder as they examine the syringe, warm breath tickling the space behind her ear, because there is no way this woman can still have that effect on her.
Betty schools herself, as if Natasha isn’t fluent in her body language, and asserts her findings. The room falls quiet for a moment as Natasha processes, and Betty could put distance between them, but she doesn’t. It’s difficult to stay in the moment, the familiarity of the spy’s presence pulling her into memories - late nights at S.H.I.E.L.D. and one drink turning to too many drinks and backs pressed against disheveled lab tables and calloused fingertips against her heated skin and deleted security footage the next morning followed by broken promises of “never again.”
Her name on Natasha’s lips also feels like a memory but it jolts her back to the present. Betty looks up expecting to meet a practiced nonchalant stare that she has to distill and interpret. Instead she sees genuineness and gentleness in a green gaze.
“How have you been holding up?”
Betty tries to balk at the sincerity but melts into it, even as she manages a dismissive bite to her shaky words.
“Since when have you ever worried about me other than what you could get from me?”
Natasha breathes out a sigh; Betty can feel it across her cheek and the chills that crawl up her spine along with it. In that moment, she really sees just how tired Natasha looks. Not just from the past couple of days, but the decades of exhaustion heaped upon itself, revealing the cracks in the Russian’s carefully crafted exterior and Betty is fighting against memories again and those fabricated moments where she thought she’d been granted a glimpse into Natasha’s truth, only to be left cold the mornings after.
“I’ve always cared,” Natasha admits in a murmur, eyes pleading quietly. “Just never been good at showing it.”
Betty means to scoff, but it comes out as a strangled breath as Natasha shifts closer. Her hand gently takes the syringe from Ross’s, lets it rest on the table before those deadly finger caress so achingly soft against her trembling knuckles.
“You were better off without me sticking around.”
Betty shakes her head.
“No. I would’ve been better off without ever knowing you.”
“Well it’s too late for that now, isn’t it?”
Each word eviscerates what’s left of the distance between them as Natasha’s chest brushes against hers and she sees nothing but green eyes and all that flashes through them; there’s no vitriol, no bitterness. Just exhaustion and remorse and want. Natasha’s fingers still crawl along hers, and Betty’s a cellular biologist, so well-acquainted with the way humans are made up, how they hurt and how they heal - she just wants to fix Natasha, just like she thought she could all those years ago.
She just wants to kiss her.
But then Natasha’s eyes are off hers, flitting past her shoulders to the baseball caps and pizza boxes piled on the table before she’s pulling away quickly towards the closet Bruce is hiding in (oh fuck, Betty had forgotten about Bruce; had he heard everything?), and things are barreling forward out of Betty’s control because of course it’s always mission first with Romanoff. Not that Betty can blame her, at least not right now, but she’s still stuck in the moment.
And that’s the thing when it comes to Natasha. Betty is always left behind in expired moments by a woman so long gone, it’s like she was never there to begin with.
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oneshotnewbie · 2 months
Hey wondering if you could do another Natasha Ross fic. Loved the first you did when I requested. Again I give you full creative liberty because how good you did last time.
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Authors note: Ugh, there are no gifs of Natasha Ross. I hate it!! But here you have a slightly different story of Natasha, which doesn't really have much to do with Station 19 and might even be considered as an au? I'm sorry if it doesn't suit your taste- it was the first thing I thought of when I read your request 😊
Summary: Natasha is recruited by a secret government agency to take part in an undercover operation dealing with arson and terrorism in Seattle. You are an investigator, or rather a former soldier, who is assigned to help her.
The smoke rose in thick clouds into the Seattle evening sky and the pungent smell of burnt wood hung in the air. Natasha Ross wiped the sweat from her forehead and took a deep breath. Her muscles burned with exhaustion, but she was glad that they had managed to get the fire under control. The last few hours had been a nightmare, but now that the flames were contained, she could finally relax a little.
"Good job, guys. We did it," Captain Sullivan called, patting Natasha on the shoulder. "Now everyone go back to the station and get the cars back in shape." Natasha nodded exhaustedly and looked at each of her team members. "You heard the captain. You did a great job today, I'm proud of you."
When they got back to the station, she was about to go to her locker when she noticed someone standing at the entrance to the fire station. An older man in a tailored gray suit.
"Ross?" The man's voice was firm and authoritative, his serious gaze directed strictly at Natasha. She raised her eyebrows and walked towards him with slow and careful steps. "Yes, I'm Natasha Ross. Can I help you?"
"My name is Alex Carter,“ the man pulled out an older ID card holder and showed Natasha his Homeland Security badge. "I need to speak to you. Urgently."
Her heart immediately started beating faster and her palms began to sweat. What could a Department of Homeland Security agent want from her? "What is it about, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Not here. Follow me, please." Alex Carter turned around without another word and led Natasha to a black SUV parked not too far from the station. Natasha hesitated for a moment, but then decided to follow the request. She couldn't deny that the situation had piqued her curiosity.
There was a tense silence inside the vehicle until they finally reached a nondescript office building on the outskirts of the city. The agent led Natasha through a labyrinth of corridors and security gates until they finally arrived in a small conference room. The room was sparsely furnished, with only a table and a few chairs. On the walls hung various old maps of the whole of Seattle with red circles on them and photos of various fire sites.
"Sit down, Ross," Carter said coldly and closed the door behind him. "What I'm about to tell you is strictly confidential and must not leave this building. You are bound to secrecy."
Natasha sat down and looked expectantly at the agent while resting her hands on the wooden table. "Okay, I'm listening."
"There have been a number of arsons in Seattle over the last few months," Carter began, laying an open file on the table that contained the same pictures that were on the corkboards. "These fires were not accidental. We have evidence that they are the work of an organized terrorist cell."
Natasha frowned and couldn't help but grunt. "With all due respect, but what do I have to do with this?"
Alex Carter leaned forward and straddled the table, his hands gripping it tightly as he looked Natasha straight in the eyes. "We know that you have demonstrated exceptional firefighting skills during your time with the fire department. Additionally, you were previously part of a special task force in the Marines. Your experience and skills make you the perfect candidate for a covert operation."
Natasha felt her pulse rate exceed normal. She had left her time in the Marines more than a decade ago and vowed never again to be involved in such dangerous missions that could drag her and her family into the abyss. "You want me to go undercover?" she asked incredulously and the agent nodded with a straight face. "Exactly. We have reason to believe that the terrorist cell is planning to carry out a large-scale attack in Seattle. We need someone who can infiltrate their structures and gather information. Someone who is inconspicuous and competent. And that's where you come into the game."
Natasha leaned back in her chair and took a deep breath. Her leg was shaking nervously under the table. "I don't know... I've left that world behind me." She spoke in a whisper. "I understand," Alex Carter said calmly. "But remember that your skills and knowledge are needed now. You could save countless lives."
The fire chief was silent for a moment. The idea of ​​returning to a world full of danger and uncertainty was frightening. But the thought that she could actually make a difference and put a stop to it made her hesitate. "Who is my contact?" she finally asked, determined to help.
A slight smile, the first since the meeting, crossed Carter's face. "Your old comrade, y/n y/l/n. She now works for Homeland Security and will be your partner on this mission." Natasha's eyes widened, her pupils dilating to the maximum. "Y/n y/l/n? I thought she had quit her service."
"After her time in the military, she decided to pursue a career in the secret service," he explained quickly, getting back to the important topic. "She will be your main contact and will provide you with all the information you need."
She took a deep breath and finally nodded. They hadn't seen or heard from each other for years. Contact was lost shortly after she herself had quit the service and started a new career as a firefighter. "Okay. What do I have to do?"
Two weeks had passed since you and Natasha had gone undercover. You had integrated yourself into the structures of the terrorist cell, got used to your new identities and put your lives on the line every day. The fine balance between your roles as firefighter and Homeland Security agent was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain. But you both knew that any carelessness could blow your cover.
Inside the building, chaos reigned. Flames were blazing from the walls and the sound of crackling wood and collapsing structures filled the air. Natasha knelt behind a stack of boxes and observed the scene. She could feel the adrenaline flowing through her veins as she waited for the operation to begin.
"Are you alright, 'tash?" Your concerned voice came through the piece of technology in her ear, clear and precise. You were on the other side of the hall, monitoring the operation from a safe distance. "Yes, everything is fine," she whispered back and took a deep breath. "I'm ready."
The task was clear: infiltrate the group responsible for the arsons, gather information and prevent their next major attack. But that also meant that you were both in constant danger and your every move had to be carefully coordinated so as not to attract attention or worse.
Natasha forced herself to remain calm as she heard the hall door being pushed open. Several more figures entered, including her first target: a man named Victor Delgado, the right-hand man of the head of the terrorist unit.
"Guys, have you prepared everything?" Delgado asked in a sharp voice. He was tall, muscular, and exuded a menacing presence. "Yes, sir," a younger man answered nervously, probably a new follower, since you had never seen him before. "The fire will spread quickly, as planned. We made sure of that."
The fire chief pressed herself even deeper into the shadows, waiting for the signal from you. She knew you only had one chance to overpower Delgado and his men without anyone getting hurt, and to get him to talk at the headquarters.
"Now!" you whispered into her earpiece, and Natasha jumped out of her hiding place, her borrowed Homeland Security gun drawn. "Don't move!" she shouted loudly, aiming directly at Delgado. "Homeland Security!"
For a moment, time seemed to stand still for her, then more chaos broke out. Delgado reached for his own weapon, but you were faster. A precise shot from your hidden position hit him in the shoulder, and he fell to the ground. The other men also drew their weapons, but you were both prepared. A heavy exchange of fire broke out, and Natasha felt the wave of adrenaline hit her.
When everything went quiet again and the men were lying on the ground all around you, you stormed towards Delgado and overpowered him. "Get down on the ground! It's over for you."
While the two of you, with backup, arrested and secured the men, Natasha felt a rush of relief. But this calm was short-lived, she knew that this was only a small victory in a much bigger game.
Four hours later, Natasha was sitting in a safe house that Homeland Security had prepared for the two of you. The room was spartan but functional. She had sat down on the sofa, exhausted, and rubbed her eyes. But she couldn't go to sleep yet. She was waiting anxiously for you to come back and for news that she hoped you could squeeze out of Delgado.
When a key turned in the lock of the old door and the squeaky wood sprang open, she was suddenly wide awake again and stood on her feet, nervously walking towards you. "Have you found out anything?"
You nodded, also tired, and kicked your shoes off your feet. "I have a name: Thao Lord. He is the real mastermind behind the attacks. We have to catch him tomorrow night, otherwise the whole of Seattle will burn down."
Natasha felt the nervousness fading from her body. Finally you had a name, a goal. But the danger was far from over and a return to her old life was not yet done.
"Delgado was just a small cog in the machine. This Lord is far worse than we had imagined," you said, sitting down next to Natasha, that meanwhile haf sat back down. She leaned back and nodded as she sipped her wine glass. "Probably. But we took an important step today."
"You were great out there today. Like old times, huh?" you finally said after a moment of silence, looking at her with a soft smile. "I knew I had chosen the right one with you when we were looking for someone suitable for this mission."
Natasha felt the surprise overcoming her, her eyes widening. "You... chose me? I thought this was Carter's idea."
Another silence fell, heavy and full of unspoken words. "We should rest," you finally whispered and stood up. "Tomorrow will be a long day."
Natasha nodded silently and watched you go to your room. She sighed and leaned back again, her mind racing. Why were you still thinking about her after all these years? Why did you choose her when you could have chosen any other chief from all the fire departments in Seattle?"
The following night there was a tense silence as you and Natasha approached the spot where Thao Lord was supposed to meet Delgado. An abandoned industrial building on the outskirts of the city, similar to the one where you had confronted Delgado. This time, however, you knew it was all or nothing.
"Are you ready?" Natasha asked quietly, looking at you. You nodded, your eyes sparkling with determination as a smile spread across your lips. "I'm always ready, 'tash. You know that."
With a mischievous wink, you began to move silently through the shadows until you both reached the building. She hesitantly opened the heavy door, trying not to make a sound, and you entered the interior a few seconds later. There was an eerie silence inside, only interrupted by the occasional drip of water from the leaky pipes.
"Thao Lord must be here somewhere," you whispered, holding your weapon ready to fire. "We have to be careful, it's too confusing."
You made your way through the dark corridors, always on guard. Natasha could hear her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared for the unexpected. Finally, you reached a large room with a table in the middle, loaded with explosives and plans of the city.
Suddenly you heard footsteps and quickly ducked behind a wall as a man with graying hair and cold, calculating eyes approached the table - Thao Lord.
"Everything is ready," he said firmly to himself and laughed. "Tonight Seattle will go up in flames and destroy everything that needs to be destroyed."
Natasha felt her blood boiling. She had to stop him before he could put his plan into action. She exchanged a brief but determined look with you, then you both nodded at each other. It was time to act.
"Homeland Security! Hands up!" Natasha shouted, staying in cover and keeping her gun pointed at Lord. "Nothing is going to blow up here! The only thing that will happen is that you'll see the inside of a cell."
Lord laughed coldly and fired wildly. "You think you can stop me? You're just two women against an entire organization!"
But you and Natasha were not intimidated. You fought with all your strength and skill, and finally you managed to overpower Thao. He lay on the ground, his hands handcuffed, and she stepped closer to him. "You lost," she said in a firm voice. "Seattle is safe. Delgado ratted you out."
Thao Lord looked up with hate-filled eyes and a brief, cold shiver ran down her spine. "This isn't over yet." Natasha ignored his words and helped you get him to his feet before you both made your way to the headquarters.
The night passed quickly and the next morning you and Natasha were sitting in a small cafe, away from the hectic city. The case was closed, Lord and his men were behind bars, and the danger to Seattle had been averted. In the quiet moments after the storm, you could finally breathe a sigh of relief.
"I'm glad it's all over," said Natasha, taking a sip of her coffee. "It was a tough time that somehow reminded me a lot of the Marines and I'm honestly glad to be back with my team."
You nodded and looked her deep in the eyes. "Yes, it was. But I'm also glad that we got through it together. I couldn't have imagined a better partner for this case."
There was a moment of silence, and the fire chief could practically feel the depth of it. "Y/n, I want you to know how much what we have achieved together means to me," she said quietly and you smiled, gently running your finger along the rim of your coffee cup. "And not only that. I also realized how much you mean to me and how much I have missed you all these years."
"I feel the same way. You became my friend again so quickly. If not more... and that in such a short time even though the distance has separated us for so long."
Natasha felt a wave of joy as she took your hand and squeezed it tightly. "I want us to keep in touch. Let's see where this leads."
You nodded and squeezed her hand once too. "Yes, let's do that. Together." you said and in that moment you knew that you could get through anything together, like in your previous life. The danger was averted and a future full of possibilities and further collaborations lay ahead of you. You and Natasha had found each other not only as partners but also as friends, and nothing could separate you again.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
🌻Station 19 masterlist🌻
Maya Bishop
First glance
One look is all it takes.
That woman turned her world
One night stand that leads to the great love story.
Doctor’s appointment
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Under water
It’s hard to be your father’s favorite child when your sister has an olympic gold metal.
Sisterly protectiveness
Sisters are natural born protectors.
Andy Herrera
Secrets weigh you down.
All you need is love
Meeting your best friend’s girlfriend’s sister.
My heart belongs to you
Just two women in love.
Carina Deluca
Our baby
The world is full of unconventional families.
Ti amo
One year over, many more to come.
Victoria Hughes
The aid car
One person’s injury is another person’s chance to find love.
A mess of a human
The words leave right out of her mind.
Natasha Ross
Brother’s boss
It’s not a secret if no one asked about it.
Sometimes there isn’t enough air.
Time management
Showing up matters.
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literaryavenger · 8 months
Captain America: Civil War - 3
Summary: The Winter Soldier gets triggered and it's up to Steve, Sam and you to make sure that Bucky doesn't get killed, doesn't kill anyone and doesn't get locked up again.
Pairing: Avengers x Reader, slight Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of violence. Language. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 3.1K
A/N: Just to be clear, Bucky x Reader is my endgame, which is why I was so looking forward to get to Civil War because I knew I could get some scenes with Reader and our thicc Civil War Bucky.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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You get to the FBI bunker and get out of the SUV as Bucky’s pod is carried away by a forklift.
You and Steve both look at Bucky and, as Steve looks away, Bucky’s eyes meet yours for a second before he looks away again. All you can think about is how broken he looks, almost ashamed of his current situation.
You walk with Sam, Steve and T’Challa towards Sharon and a short man in a great suit.
“What's gonna happen to him?” You can’t help but ask.
“Same thing that ought to happen to you. Psychological evaluation and extradition.” the little man says.
“This is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander.” Sharon informs us.
“What about our lawyer?” Steve asks.
“Lawyer. That's funny.” Ross says. “See their weapons are placed in lockup. Oh, we'll write you a receipt.”
“I better not look out the window and see anybody flying around in that.” Sam says as they walk away with your gear.
You see the man carrying your gear playing around with a particular gadget. “I wouldn’t touch that, if I were you.” You warn him.
Almost as if just to piss you off the man activates the gadget and gets electrocuted, falling to the ground as you start laughing with a quiet "Dumbass".
As some other agents go to help the idiot you turn back to the group, Sam is grinning too and Sharon and T’Challa seem amused but Steve and Everett are glaring at you.
“What? I told him not to touch it!” You defend yourself, but it’s very clear you’re amused and have no regrets.
You all start walking, following Ross and he starts talking. “You'll be provided with an office instead of a cell. Now, do me a favor, stay in it?”
“I don't intend on going anywhere.” T’Challa says as Natasha joins your little group.
“For the record, this is what making things worse looks like.” She says looking directly at Steve.
“He's alive.” Steve answers as we approach Tony talking on the phone. You have to give it to Steve, at least he's consistent.
“No. Romania was not Accords-sanctioned. And, Colonel Rhodes is supervising cleanup.” Tony says on the phone.
“Try not to break anything while we fix this.” Natasha tells you all and you roll your eyes at her.
“Consequences? You bet there'll be consequences. Obviously you can quote me on that 'cause I just said it. Anything else? Thank you, sir.” Tony ends the call.
“'Consequences'?” You ask as you raise your eyebrow, your tone and facial expression clearly skeptical, not believing for a second that he’s serious about this.
“Secretary Ross wants all three of you prosecuted.” Tony answers. “Had to give him something.”
And, there he is. You chuckle quietly and could swear you saw a smirk in Tony’s face for a second.
“I'm not getting that shield back, am I?” Steve asks.
“Technically, it's the government's property.” Natasha says as she starts walking away before turning to you and Sam. “Wings and gear, too.”
“That's cold.” Sam says and you groan in annoyance; you love your gear.
“Warmer than jail.” Tony yells back while walking away with Nat and you roll your eyes.
You sigh deeply and turn to the two gentlemen next to you.
“Well, this is great.” You say sarcastically and, before they can say anything, some agents escort you and Sam to the office Ross spoke of, from which you can see the security cameras on Bucky, while Steve gets taken to another room for what you assume is gonna be questioning.
You and Sam are seated at the table next to each other as you see Bucky’s prison pod get connected to a pipe and the light inside it dims for a moment, just as Steve comes into the room where you and Sam are.
“What did they ask you?” You ask Steve as he comes to a stop in front of the glass where he can keep an eye on Bucky.
“Nothing, I was talking to Tony.” There's a pause where none of you talk, just watching Bucky before Steve quietly says. “Wanda’s being detained at the Compound.”
“What?!” you say loudly, startling both men. “What do you mean, she's detained?!”
“I think Tony doesn't want another accident to happen, so she's currently confined to the Compound” Steve elaborates.
“Fucking Stark…” You mumble under your breath, shaking your head in disappointment as you see Tony joining Natasha in the control room with Ross. You ignore Steve’s glare at your cursing and focus on Bucky in the screens in front of you even though you can't hear anything. 
Your heart breaks a little for him at the way he’s being treated. After all Bucky’s whole situation wasn’t his choice, just a surprising amount of bad luck in the past 80 years.
After a minute Sharon enters the office you’re sitting in, handing us some papers. “The receipt for your gear.”
“‘Bird costume’? Come on!” Sam whines as you snort and laugh as he glares at you before glaring at Sharon.
“I didn’t write it.” She says defensively, then pushes a button that stops the restriction on the audio from Bucky’s cell and allows us to hear it on the little screen in the corner.
“I'm not here to judge you. I just want to ask you a few questions.” you can hear the psychiatrist say. “Do you know where you are, James? I can't help you if you don't talk to me, James.”
“My name is Bucky.” Bucky says calmly. 
It’s the first time you hear him speak clearly and your eyes are glued to the screen. His voice is deep and gruff and you can’t help but find it attractive. You take a moment to really look at him and you think to yourself, for a brainwashed psycho assassin that’s almost 100 years old, he’s really quite handsome, isn’t he?
You’re brought back to the present by Steve’s voice. “Why would the Task Force release this photo to begin with?” He’s standing in front of the monitor, looking at the blurry photo of Bucky that was released on the news.
“Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?” Sharon answers.
“Right. It's a good way to flush a guy out of hiding.” Steve continues. “Set off a bomb, get your picture taken. Get seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier.”
“You're saying someone framed him to find him?” You say with a frown, trying to follow his train of thought.
“Steve, we looked for the guy for two years and found nothing.” Sam points out.
“We didn't bomb the UN.” You point out absentmindedly. 
“That turns a lot of heads.” Steve adds.
“Yeah, but that doesn't guarantee that whoever framed him would get him. It guarantees that we would.” Sharon says before trailing off and all of our attention drifts back to the screen where Bucky is being questioned by the psychiatrist. 
“Yeah.” Steve says quietly.
“Tell me, Bucky. You've seen a great deal, haven't you?” the doctor asks.
“I don't want to talk about it.” Bucky says quietly.
“You fear that… if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop. Don't worry.” The doctor taps his tablet to see something and you frown, everyone else’s expressions mirroring yours. “We only have to talk about one.”
Suddenly the lights go out in the bunker and you all look around confused. You can see people freaking out in the control room, Tony using FRIDAY through his glasses and Natasha looking around.
You look at Sharon and she simply says “Sub-level 5, east wing.” And you, Sam and Steve rapidly exit the room and head towards Bucky.
You arrive outside the chamber, red emergency lights flashing all around and agents slumped on the floor, all out cold.
You hear a feeble “Help me” and see the psychiatrist on the floor, clearly conscious, asking for help. Steve steps towards him and enters the room where Bucky's pod is, you barely enter it and Sam is right behind you at the threshold.
“Get up” He says and harshly grabs the doctor, shoving him against the wall. “Who are you? What do you want?”
“To see an empire fall.” Is all he says.
Suddenly there's movement behind you and you quickly turn around just in time to avoid Sam getting thrown into you and he lands against the pod instead. 
You barely have time to react when you feel a punch in the stomach and stagger backwards against the wall, knocking the air out of you. You slide down on it and take a second to compose yourself as Steve starts fighting Bucky.
After what feels like a second Bucky sends Steve down an elevator and walks away. You groan and quickly get up, going to the elevator first.
“Please be alive, Rogers!” You shout down, as you try to look down.
“I’m okay!” He shouts back and you let out a breath of relief. “Find him!”
You don’t waste a second and run after him, catching up to him as he’s beating up a guard.
You put yourself in the middle of it after Bucky gets the better hand on the agent and takes his baton, you kick Bucky on the stomach but he barely moves.
At least you have his attention now and, when he looks at you, his eyes seem empty and void of any emotions. That’s not the same person you saw before. Those are not the same eyes you met when you got to the bunker. 
You hesitate for a second and that’s enough for him to get the upper hand, grabbing you and throwing you over a table. He has a gun you assume he took from the other agent and aims it at you but, just as he’s about to pull the trigger, he gets disoriented by a stun-burst from Tony,that makes you cover your ears, then there’s a flash of light and then Bucky and Tony are fighting.
You take a moment to breathe and suddenly Tony’s on the ground and you go to him to make sure he’s okay while Natasha and Sharon take care of Bucky.
“Are you okay?” You ask him, worried, helping him sit up.
“Just dandy.” He says breathlessly.
Both of your attentions go to Sharon when she gets slammed into a table next to you and you both go to her. She’s conscious but before you can say anything, she points to something behind you and you turn around to see Bucky getting tackled off of Natasha by T’Challa.
You get up and go to Natasha as she’s taking in deep breaths after Bucky almost choked her, you help her sit up before turning around but both Bucky and T’Challa are already gone.
When you turn back to Natasha, she’s already looking at you. “Go” is all she says and you know she’s right, you should go before you get detained again. 
You nod to her and all but run outside, where you see Sam just standing there in the middle of the running crowd. You go to him and, when he notices you, he shows you a hoodie that you assume to be the psychiatrist’s.
“I lost the doctor.” He confirms your theory.
“I lost the soldier.” You tell him and he sighs, as you both look around.
“We should get out of here” He says after a moment, looking at a group of guards.
You follow his line of sight and when you notice the guards too, you say “Yes, we should.” and you both start almost running, putting as much distance between yourselves and the FBI as you can.
-[Time skip to when they’re in the warehouse because I’m lazy and don’t want to make up all the stuff in the middle]-
While Steve and Sam wait for Bucky to regain consciousness you go to look for a first aid kit.
You’re all mostly fine, but Bucky has a cut in the forehead that Steve informed you occurred when he hit the windshield of a chopper, which is why he is unconscious.
It takes you a little time to get back to the abandoned warehouse they’re hiding in because of the pain in your torso, which you’re pretty sure is because your ribs are bruised.
By the time you’re back Bucky is awake and his metal arm is free. You hear him talking as you get closer to the room they’re in and the last thing he says is “You’d never see them coming.” before the three men notice you.
You completely enter the room, standing next to Sam but your eyes don’t leave Bucky, rightfully wary of the man.
“Don’t worry, he’s back to himself.” Steve says when he notices your careful and calculated moves.
“I am worried. He also tried to kill me as himself.” You say, looking away from Bucky and to the two men next to you.
“I wasn’t trying to kill you, I was trying not to get captured by you.” Bucky addresses you directly for the first time ever with an accusatory tone.
“Semantics.” You answer, looking back at him and narrowing your eyes. Your defiant, but admittedly childish, answer seems to surprise Bucky but it gets a chuckle out of Sam and a groan out of Steve.
“Just… please.” Steve says to you, almost begging you. “Help him.”
You roll your eyes and groan, mumbling an annoyed “Fine.” while cautiously moving towards Bucky. As you kneel in front of him and open the first aid kit you can hear Steve and Sam talking, but pay them no mind.
“You know I’m a supersoldier, right?” Bucky asks you quietly.
“Supersoldiers can bleed too.” you say while looking down and not at him, looking through the stuff in the kit. “The image of an unconscious and beaten up Steve in a hospital bed comes to mind.”
He knows you’re talking about Steve’s conditions after the whole Project Insight situation in DC, and you can tell he feels bad about it as he instantly looks away from you.
“Sorry,” you say with a sigh “That was mean.”
He seems to perk up a little at your apology and looks back at you.
“It’s okay.” You look up at him. “I kind of deserved it.”
You smile a little at this, and start to take out the stuff you’ll need as you say “You kind of did.”
You go to clean his cut but wince slightly, you almost forgot about your injuries. You take a deep breath and start carefully cleaning his cut and the blood off his forehead.
“Did I hurt you?” He asks you quietly, seemingly concerned that you’re in pain.
“Don’t worry.” You tell him just as quietly. “It’s nothing I can’t handle, Sergeant.”
“I bet you can, doll.” You almost feel like you imagined the nickname, but you’re positive you saw a grin on his face for half a second.
You can feel his eyes glued to your face as you take care of his cut, silently watching you work. You almost feel like he’s memorizing every detail of your face, like he’s trying to figure out everything about you right in that instance. 
When you’re done you take a second to look into his eyes, expecting him to look away, but he holds your gaze and you feel your heart skip a beat by the intensity of his stare. After a moment you slowly get up, your eyes still locked on his and take a step back.
When you finally turn around you see Steve watching your interaction with a very curious look and, when you meet his eyes, he raises an eyebrow at you. You roll your eyes and ignore his silent question, getting closer to him and looking around for Sam, who you see just outside the room on the phone.
“Who’s he talking to?” You ask Steve.
“Don’t know” He shrugs. “Just said he knew a guy.” 
A second later Sam gets closer as he ends the call.
“Alright, thanks, Scott.” He says and hangs up.
You raise your eyebrow at him. “Scott? Really?” You ask smirking and he groans, rolling his eyes while Steve just looks at us confused at why you’re so amused by this because he still doesn’t know about the time Scott breached the Compound and kicked Sam’s ass.
“I’m just saying, this isn’t really the most practical getaway car…” You say as the four of you make your way to meet Sharon in an old Volkswagen Beetle.
“It’s low profile” Steve defends his choice from in front of you, Bucky in the backseat to your right and Sam in front of him in the passenger’s seat.
“It’s really not, Steve.” you say back as Steve groans, prompting a snicker from Sam and, surprisingly, from Bucky too. You’re about to point out that this old car sticks out when Steve parks and gets out to talk to Sharon.
You can’t hear what they’re saying but you can see them looking at the Buggy for a second before Sharon opens the trunk of her car. Your joy about seeing your gear is a little overshadowed by Bucky’s voice as he talks to Sam.
“Can you move your seat up?” He asks, surprisingly polite.
“No.” Is all Sam says, being the petty bitch that he is. You roll your eyes at him, you get that the last time a car was involved with Bucky in the mix it didn’t go great, but still.
“Here, switch with me.” You tell Bucky and pull him to the middle seat, then climb over him to slide into his seat, being sure to smack Sam in the back of his head as you go and smirking at the loud “Ow” he lets out. You look back at Bucky and see him blushing slightly and you can’t help but smile.
When you look back at Steve and Sharon you can see them kissing and you let out an amused giggle. It looks like Captain Virgin finally got some.
They talk for another second before Sharon goes to her car and Steve turns to the three of you as you all smirk and you even wink at him. You can see him groan and roll his eyes before grabbing your gear and putting it in the trunk of the Buggy.
When he gets into the driver’s seat the only thing he says is “Not one word.” while the three of you quietly laugh but don’t tease him further.
He drives off and you look out the window, knowing that the hardest part is about to come. Whatever comes next sure won’t be as fun. 
Requested taglist: @sapphirebarnes @aki-ham
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tarithenurse · 5 years
Agent of Hope - 21
Your world falls into ruin together with the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcements Logistics Division when you find out that your boyfriend isn’t one of the good guys. Pairing: Brock Rumlow x fem!reader, Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader Contents: Probably some errors due to lack of concentration when proof reading...both times. Boring office, pain and puking, fluff, hurt/comfort, comfort that is actually very intimate, smut…yeah, I mean smut. A/N: Not only have I finished yet another chapter here, but I’ve also completed two for a new series AND I’m apparently a home owner now! Now I just need to save my job after my performance has taken a toll during the home-process. Thanks for bearing with me! Thanks even more for liking and reblogging!!
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21 - Living a dream
Somehow the buzzing from the old fashioned fixtures overhead hits a frequency more annoying than a mosquito at night and the light glares off of any shiny surface, causing you to squint in this world of greys. It’s hard to keep track of the maps and pictures agent Ross is showing you, but you do recognize some of the scenes from your nightmarish memories. Through an increasing blanket of fuzz, he shows you photos from the interior of a ship. It felt bigger, but in reality it’s nothing more than a smallish trawler.
You want to ask how they found it, but the words are warbled, coming from far away. The warmth of Natasha’s hair sweeps into view, blocking some of that awfully bright light before you taste the sour discharge in the back of your throat. Fuck.
Not a sound is heard, but you know the man would have a deep voice, a foreign language that would make you think of heat and traditions from before the alphabet you know. He looks kind, the stocky man, as he stands before an audience. Sweeping rows of tables makes you think of a lecture hall, but that doesn’t fit with the glass façade behind him. Glass that suddenly shatters, pushed into the room by a torrent of fire. You see it in slow motion, how a younger man leaps out of nowhere to push the speaker away as finally there’s a voice proclaiming the king is dead.
…   Romanoff   …
Holding [Y/N] up so she won’t choke in the vomit, Natasha doesn’t bother explaining to Ross what’s happening until she hears the first groan (which could resemble the word “fuck”) is preceded by a flutter of lashes. It’s over.
“Might want to get rid of this,” the former spy remarks, pushing the waste bin across the table to the CIA agent.
Surprisingly, he just accepts, making sure to return with a relatively unused one and even extra plastic bags. “Anything else I can get? Want me to call a doctor?”
If only that would help. “I’ve got something for the pain so I can get her back…learned to be prepared.”
“This happens often?” Shock makes the already pasty face paler.
“Every time she sees something.” Soft hands run circles on [Y/N]’s back, nursing the poor woman as she’s curled together, head cradled between shaking hands. “Imagine getting your skull hit by lightning…overloading every single neuron until the whole thing is overcharged and ready to burst only it can’t explode it can just keep hurting her.”
It’s obvious how Ross’ entire idea of how premonitions work is being re-evaluated and adjusted to allow for what he’s just witnessed. Not as romantic as books or movies claim, huh?
Natasha sits patiently, answering the confused agents many questions (though, to be fair, he actually finds the answer to a lot on his own), while nursing [Y/N] back into a shape where she can drink some water to swallow some of Dr. Cho’s pills and eventually stand on her legs. Wobbly, sure, but well enough to make it down to the car.
“How you feeling, babe?” She looks better. There are bags under [Y/N]’s eyes, but at least the ashen shade that had covered her face is gone. “Dare to get some food in you?”
There’s a brief moment where the option is considered before dismissed. “Thanks though…” Then she resumes the scribbling in the notebook Happy has given her, sometimes absentmindedly stroking the sequins or highlighting something – this time in an electric purple shade which she adds to something else after leafing backwards. “Has…has there been aaa…a bombing with a king or something?”
It’s a quick search for the combined forces of Natasha and Jarvis, both coming up with nothing relevant despite the pressure of a growing frown on [Y/N]’s face. The red-head recognizes the thinning line of her girlfriend’s lips and knows an intervention is needed if ever the woman is going to get some rest, but she has also seen firsthand how important it is to work through the vision as soon as possible or it will keep interfering with everything else.
Carefully lowering herself onto the bed behind the pained woman, she runs slender fingers across [Y/N]’s scalp, eliciting a sigh. “What else can I do to help?”
“Thaaaat,” a breathy moan divulges, sending chills up and down Nat’s spine, “it feels sooo good, hon.”
Nails cart gently through messy-looking hair, fingertips circling the temples and adding pressure at the nape of the skull. Back and forth while the woman between the hands start to relax into the touch. Then the slender fingers find the shoulders, kneading gently but deeply into the tangled mess of tense muscles in the vain hope that some release can be found and might help ease the pounding headache Natasha knows is reigning.
It must be working because [Y/N] sighs deeply, a content smile growing on the lips as she arches her back in relief, free breasts stretching the front of the lose t-shirt that replaced most of the ensnaring and sweat-soaked clothes the moment they got home. It’s so simple, so natural to slide a hand along the clavicles and trace the neckline of the shirt with a fingertip while the other traces a path back into the mane that smells so perfectly, and Nat can’t resist the urge to plant a feathery kiss on the top of the ear.
Did you see this too, sweetheart? See me fall in love with you? It doesn’t matter if [Y/N] knew, though, because it won’t change how right it is. It has brought a new worry into Natasha’s life, but it’s a price she’ll gladly pay over and over again as long as she gets to listen to this woman’s heartbeat, taste her kisses in the grey morning hours, know that the trust they share can’t be broken. Not by anything.
[Y/N] twists in the Avenger’s grasp, subtly moving the southern hand to rest on a boob under which a rapid beat is drumming. Led by her own hair, Nat is guided until mouths meet. There is still a tender lightness to it but also an urge, a hunger that demands more and wouldn’t it be wonderful to give in? To gorge in the sweetness without fear of causing damage?
“It’s okay, Tasha.” Hot breath carries a scent of toothpaste. “I want it. Please?”
Anything for you. A searing kiss is the only answer Natasha can muster at first. Then, without breaking contact, she pulls [Y/N] onto her lap like a goddess placed on a pedestal to be worshipped. A stray thought tries to ruin the fun by pointing out how lovely it would’ve been to slowly remove any trousers, but it’s a notion that’s squashed the moment soft thighs settle around Nat’s in a strong hold.
The first buttons of the red-head’s blouse are worked on uncontested while the remainder pop from the brute force of [Y/N] pulling at the fabric, finally allowing colder hands to roam over pale skin, finding and caressing a few old scars and toying with the fine lace.
It’s a slow maelstrom of desire that spins and pulls the women. Natasha isn’t sure when the t-shirt is discarded, she just knows how perfect the hard nipple feels against her tongue and lips and that the weight of each breast is the loveliest burden to hold and massage until [Y/N] rocks against the jeans.
It can be seconds later or minutes when the former spy pulls out the sweetest sounds by stroking the silken folds, already slippery with need. Each pass over the clit has the woman on top moaning, trying to stifle the sound against Tasha’s skin which is puckered after kisses and teasing bites. It’s not enough to silence the quaking groan when the adept fingers brings the roaring sensations to a blissful peak and [Y/N]’s body shudders and stiffens, core clenching around a few fingers that had reach inside and found the right spot.
…   Reader   …
Inside you are heavenly chorus is singing the praises for Tasha, for the fact that she proved your hope right and showed that, yes, being intimate could still feel good. Pfft…inadequate word. It had been beyond amazing, reducing you to a soft mass of euphoria collapsed onto her gorgeous frame.
Once relatively conscious again, you wanted to reciprocate.
“No, babe, not this time,” Tasha shushes you, stopping any complaints with kisses, “tonight I take care of you, ‘kay? And right now you get to rest.”
Of course nothing she says is a lie and she makes sure to clean you before tugging you under the covers. You’re half asleep by then and smiling like a lovesick fool.
“Tasha –“
“Nuh-uh!” A finger lands on your lips. “Unless you’re about to say you love me too then you’re going to sleep. Right now.”
“I guess I have to stay awake then.” But the smirk on your face is stretched into a yawn and you feel warmth echo inside your bones and mixing with the bliss your hero has left behind.
One more kiss, a whispered promise that she’ll be back to check on you, then darkness descends with a gentle peace.
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greekgeekable · 5 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes
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