#nearly captioned this with 'happy fathers day'
hairmetal666 · 1 year
December 25, 1995
It took a long time for Eddie Munson to know anything about love. He didn’t really experience a lot of it in the first part of his life. But now, at 30, Eddie knows what love is.
It was his mother teaching him to play the guitar on a little, out of tune, acoustic; taking the brunt of his father’s anger; working two jobs so Eddie had food and clothes when his father was put away for good.
It was Uncle Wayne taking in an 11-year-old kid when he hadn’t wanted children, was uninterested in fatherhood. It was Uncle Wayne working doubles and nights at the plant to make sure Eddie was fed and safe. It was Uncle Wayne’s gruff ways falling to softness for the big-eyed, touched starved kid in his care. It was Uncle Wayne being the parent Eddie always needed.
It is The Party having set days and times to call when he’s on the road; to share their lives and check in. To make sure he’s good, even though he still thinks of them as little kids, doesn’t think they should worry.
It’s Will and El penning handwritten letters nearly once a week, and him replying—by hand—every time.
It’s Dustin Henderson calling to talk about DnD whenever the mood strikes, which is always.
It’s Nancy and Robin taking stealth Polaroids of Steve, sending them in batches, with bitchy captions about Steve’s sweaters and dumb hair.
It’s the patience and care Jonathan uses when photographing Eddie and the band, working on a coffee table book with them to showcase the best of their visual work. It’s Argyle keeping him supplied in all the Purple Palm Tree Delight he could ever ask for.
It’s Jim Hopper’s regular calls to talk music. To hear what Eddie’s working on and get dishy insider gossip (a fact which Hop will vehemently deny).
It’s Joyce Hopper sending him care packages every month when he’s touring, filled with cookies, books, CDs, and warm sweaters when Joyce think he looks too cold in tabloid pictures.
It’s Uncle Wayne buying every coffee mug that reminds him of Eddie and sending them across the globe to wherever his nephew happens to be, wanting to give him a piece of home.
It’s Steve Harrington.
Steve Harrington full stop.
Steve who put Eddie’s dream before his own happiness. Steve who hyped Eddie up even as it took them further apart. Steve’s closet shrine (it was a shrine, despite Steve’s very earnest justifications otherwise). Steve who—after Eddie spent a few weeks away recording a solo album—converted the unused dining room into a fully operational, soundproofed, recording studio. Steve who carried him out of literal hell and spent weeks with him in the hospital. Who invited him to stay when Eddie needed their family the most. Steve who always looks at him with such reverent care, even now, even five years in.
Eddie Munson knows what love is because Steve Harrington shows him every goddamn day.
The final chapter of Tis the Damn Season is up on ao3!
Thanks for reading and Happy Holidays!
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Ryan + Johnny Headcannons because they deserve the world <3
Ryan makes Johnny do TikTok dance videos with him. Johnny always participates wholeheartedly but complains and groans the whole time. The videos typically end up captioned things like “Guess how many times Johnny fell before he decided to let me use this take” to which Johnny is always the top commenter replying “It wasn’t that many! Only like 10 or so!”.
Ryan is the only person allowed to wear Johnny’s jacket. Before him, the only people to wear it besides Johnny was his dad and his mum. Marcus teases his son relentlessly on this fact even before the two were together.
Johnny keeps attempting to teach Ryan piano, a skill at which the dancer is about as graceful as Johnny was when he first started dance practice. Johnny finds this endlessly entertaining. Ryan, while having no interest in the instrument, keeps practicing because of how happy Johnny is when he sees him playing.
Ryan is the more touchy and physically affectionate of the two at first, with Johnny only ever initiating when they’re alone. However, as the relationship goes on and the show gains more publicity, Johnny soon takes over Ryan’s old role and often waxes on and on in interviews about his amazing and talented boyfriend. Ryan spends most of those interviews hiding his face in his hands out of embarrassment.
Ryan’s family immediately fell in love with Johnny when they met. He was almost instantly regarded as another son/ big brother to all family members and Ryan’s sisters got a kick out of proclaiming he’s their new favorite. They often invited him to family meals or the girls’ activities even before the duo started dating.
Ryan was the first person of the new group besides Nooshy who Johnny told about his and his family’s criminal past. Ryan’s reaction was a shrug and “Yeah I know. Lorrel (a dance troupe member oc) recognized your last name from their true crime hyperfixation last year and we googled you to confirm. We figured it out on our second day of knowing you.” Johnny was shocked at how nonchalant he was about a gang member hanging out with his family but Ryan just insisted that it didn’t change who he was now and as long as he didn’t hurt anyone on purpose without reason, his family was fine with the girls being around him.
On their first day as roommates at the new hotel, Ryan mentioned how he hated his alarm that woke him up because it reminded him of Klaus. He also mentioned his love of coffee when they went to get breakfast. Starting the next day, Johnny always would wake Ryan himself with a cup of coffee made the way Ryan liked it at the ready. Ryan had never asked Johnny to so much as see if they had coffee, let alone make him some so he was very confused but the two quickly settled into the new routine.
Ryan is amazing at ice skating and insists they go every time they’re in a town with a rink. Johnny, who’s skating ability comes down to “can make small movements without falling”, is not always so enthused but typically ends up agreeing to go. That’s mainly because then he can make Ryan hold his hand while he tries to mimic the other boy’s tricks.
Johnny and Ryan started giving each other random hallmark type cards all the time when they became friends before the Majestic run started. Ryan was often further than a five hour drive away as the boy was off working as a model or getting connections for the new dance troupe so it was just a funny way to stay in touch. They kept doing it after they started dating however and nearly bought two CVSs out of their Valentine’s Day cards in January.
Ryan likes to watch True Crime shows and critiquing the criminals on them for doing things that might get them caught. And while crime is a tough conversation topic for Johnny, he will watch non-robbery related ones with Ryan and join in on the commentary. It actually ended up convincing him to get a minor in Criminology, forever worrying his father.
Ryan loves to read old English Literature and Poetry and Johnny loves listening to him read aloud. Most of their (very few because of work) daytime dates typically involve a picnic where Ryan ends up reading aloud and Johnny ends up playing a finger piano with his head in his partner’s lap. Without releasing, they are mimicking a lot of Jia (Johnny’s mum) and Marcus’s dates.
The two have a joint playlist called “Fuck You Klaus” and they end up screaming it a lot. Like a LOT LOT during the first few months of hanging out.
Ryan and Johnny actually confessed to liking each other a month or two before they actually started dating. They both acknowledged they needed time to work on themselves before entering a relationship and they both were willing to wait for each other. When they did start dating, most people didn’t even notice because of how close the two were beforehand.
They earn the nickname “The Lovebirds of Out of this World” by other cast members and media since the two are practically attached at the hip and are always smiling around each other. They also typically only do interviews together so they’re always presented as a couple even before they were dating.
Ryan’s first introduction with Johnny’s dad was at the first performance at Crystal Theatre. The man offered him Johnny’s leather jacket (with his approval) to stop the boy from getting cold after Klaus stole his costume. Months later, when Marcus meets Ryan in an after party, he’s surprised to see the boy has Johnny’s jacket wrapped over his shoulders until he introduces himself as Johnny’s duet partner, figuring the two were close friends. Even later, in the break after the Majestic tour, Johnny returns home with Ryan wearing his jacket beside him and introduces the taller boy to his father as his boyfriend. When asked how it happened, Ryan smiled and said “He has a nice jacket.” This nearly brings the man to tears at the memories of Jia (my version of Johnny’s mum) saying the same thing with the same jacket when they were younger and Ryan is immediately welcomed into the family.
While Ryan is very physically affectionate and flirty, he always freezes when Johnny so much as compliments him. Johnny is very shy and struggles to take compliments about himself and not his performance. However, he is very clingy and affectionate with Ryan in private and insists in drowning his partner with praise.
Ryan speaks Haitian Creole because of his step mother. Both he and Johnny start taking each others’ classes as well to talk better with the other’s family. Ellie (my version of Ryan’s stepmom, yes an oc) practically breaks Johnny’s ribs from hugging him so hard when he introduced his family to her in Haitian Creole. Johnny’s dad always gets near tears when he hears Johnny speaking Hindi because it reminds him of his late wife but it made his straight up nearly start crying when he realized Ryan had learned it for Johnny. The boy got a bear hug and a “welcome to the family lad” right off the bat.
Ryan got a tongue piercing when he was 14 as an act of rebellion against Klaus. Johnny froze out of shock when he realized that his “straight laced, goody two shoes” roommate might not be all that he appeared to be. Ryan laughed at him for two hours after that.
Johnny took Ryan to get his first tattoo (at his begging) in the middle of the night during a tour break in Catalonia. He gets a medusa head over his heart and holds Johnny’s hand the whole time. Johnny just kept running his thumb over his hand and reassuring him that he was doing great.
Ryan is terrified of thunder and suspenseful stuff, Johnny loves both. A lot of stormy nights end up in cuddle sessions and binging the Great British Bakeoff. Same thing happens after Nooshy drags them to see a horror movie.
Ryan brings Johnny breakfast every morning on set and makes sure he eats so he does pass out from overworking himself on an empty stomach.
They steal each other’s clothes all the time. The troupe finds it disgustingly adorable when Johnny shows up to rehearsal in Ryan’s hoodie with Ryan next to him in Johnny’s jacket.
Johnny saves Ryan’s name as [Ryan (orange heart)] after Ryan saves his name in front of him as [Pretty Boy (black heart)] and winked before walking off on the first day of rehearsal at Crystal’s hotel.
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Famous Five Art Nostalgia #08 – Part 2
Introductory post
In this post, you will find the set of illustrations that featured in the special “Idéal Bibliothèque” collection.
🚲🦉🚪 Five Get into Trouble – Le Club des Cinq en péril
Original publication date: 1949 (UK), 1957 (France)
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(Full cover by Jeanne Hives, 1962)
Plot summary (adapted from Wikipedia):
Siblings Julian, Dick and Anne are spending the Easter school holidays at Kirrin Cottage with their cousin Georgina and her dog, Timmy. After George's parents, Quentin and Fanny, depart for some scientific conferences, the Five embark on a cycling and camping holiday.
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(Uncle Quentin doesn’t always know how to deal with George’s exuberance) [Note: I love this picture of George, she looks so cute!]
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(Onwards to adventure!)
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(A pastoral start to the holidays)
At a lake, they encounter a boy named Richard Kent, who wants to spend the day cycling with them. He promises to stay at his aunt's house at the end of the day, if his mother gives him permission. The children agree, and Richard joins them without bothering to request parental permission.
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(A refreshing bath at the lake)
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(Sharing breakfast with Richard)
[Note 1: Oh jeez. I couldn’t read the caption on the previous low-quality picture, but Richard is talking with George about their respective short-tempered fathers, and Richard asks, “Does he hurt you?” The implications are bleak. 🙁]
[Note 2: On a lighter note, Richard gives Timmy a piece of bread and butter in the French version, compared to “a nice little tidbit of roll and anchovy paste” in the original text!]
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(Richard joins the Five on their cycling tour)
Richard is later chased by a car driven by Rooky, one of his wealthy father's former bodyguards, who was fired because Richard had told tales about him. Rooky's associates chase Richard on foot in Middlecombe Woods, where they mistake Dick for Richard and kidnap him. Richard finds Julian and George, who berate him for his mendacity and cowardice.
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(Timmy, Julian, George, and Richard, lagging behind, hurry back to Dick and Anne)
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(Richard is ashamed after being berated by George and Julian for his cowardice, but kind-hearted Anne is sympathetic)
The children trace Dick to Owl's Dene, and on the way Julian observes a man changing clothes and another man throwing clothes down a well.
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(Strange dealings at night)
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(Owl’s Dene’s eponymous guardian)
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(The children’s first sight of Owl’s Dene)
At Owl's Dene, the children sneak into the house but are caught and imprisoned, while Timmy remains outside.
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That night, Julian finds Dick locked in an upstairs room and discovers a secret room with a man sleeping in it.
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(A happy reunion despite the tense faces)
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(In the morning, Julian makes one of his many delightful quips to a disconcerted Aggie [Margot]. I love how George and Anne just seem to be enjoying the show! 🤣)
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(George orders Timmy to stay down while a car enters the grounds; Timmy is Not Pleased)
The next morning, Rooky arrives and sees his associates have kidnapped the wrong boy. The Five and Richard are nearly freed, but Richard is recognised and they are imprisoned in the grounds of the house.
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(Trapped on the grounds!)
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(Richard is shaken after seeing Rooky again, an attitude for which George has no patience at all)
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(George feeds the household’s chicken with what Hunchy [La Bosse], one of their captors, believes to be poisoned food intended for Timmy. A well-deserved payback!)
When one of the gang members leaves in their car, Richard hides in the boot, narrowly escapes being recaptured and then goes to the police.
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(Richard, with some remaining traces of soot in his hair)
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(Richard at the police station)
When the police arrive at Owl's Dene, Julian shows them the secret room containing an escaped convict and stolen diamonds.
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(Final scuffle with the villains)
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(Dick, Anne and George hide in the secret room along with the escaped convict and retrieve the stolen diamonds)
The Five later join Richard for a meal and praise his heroism.
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This text appears on the inside of the cover, and gives a teaser for the story… But you’ll see that, for such a short text, it contains a remarkable amount of nonsense:
The first sentence says that the Five are going on a cycling tour to go camping on Kirrin Island. Oh wow, does Kirrin Island have roads now (and a bridge to go there)…? 🤔
The second sentence clearly states that Richard gets kidnapped by strangers in front of Dick and Anne. Sigh… Could these people just maybe leaf through the book to check that what they’re writing is accurate? 😓
The last line indicates the targeted readership. I assume that “F. G.” stands for “filles / garçons”, or “boys and girls.” Okay, fine. What I take issue with is the age limit: “up to 14 years old.” Well, poop on you, I fully intend to read these books well into my 140s! 👻
Thanks for reading and see you next time!
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The Koren Childhood
TW: description of abuse, gaslighting; nothing graphic is described or shown. The following captions are written in Sonwy's perspective.
[20220823 - The Koren Childhood Age 3.png]
I don't remember much from my early childhood. It must have been happy, all the photos of us from then have us smiling. Soyei and I looked nearly identical. The only surefire way to tell us apart was to see which side the yellow eye was on. I suppose that's why our parents made us have different hair styles, so they could tell us apart easier. That, and the fact that whenever someone tried to look into my eyes, I'd close them and look away.
My hair was the first indicator of my magic ability, too. Ever since age three, parts of my hair would always 'fwoosh' upwards, no matter how much I'd flatten them. Which, I suppose, is not by itself unusual. What was unusual is that they'd change position based on my mood, the sadder I was, the lower they'd point. It was a subtle movement, I'm not sure how long it took for anyone to notice it.
Looking at the photos again… I always seem to have at least one scrape or bruise in them. Perhaps I must've played rough as a kid. But, we always played together, and Soyei doesn't have a scratch on her…
[20220824 - The Koren Childhood Age 7.png]
I still remember the day Mom gave us our channeling orbs. She gathered Soyei and I together, and gave each of us one small, black jewellery box. Inside hers was a pink orb hung on a golden chain necklace. Inside mine was a purple orb attached to a handmade choker- elastic with pale purple fabric around it.
Both of us had been looking forward to this day for ages. Soyei immediately started jumping around in excitement. "Sonwy, Sonwy! Look at mine!!" But I was transfixed by my orb. A purple so deep, it neared black in the center. It sparkled in the light, like glitter was suspended in it. I held it to my chest, and it started to glow. It was right then and there that I decided I wanted to know everything there was to know about magic.
Later we realised Mom had split her orb to make ours. At the time I wondered why Dad hadn't split his as well, so that she could keep an orb for herself. Now I'm older, and I know exactly why he would've never done such a thing.
[20220826 - The Koren Childhood Age 12.png]
Not to toot my own horn, but I was very good at magic for my age. I realised early on I would have to teach myself and Soyei how to use magic. Mom didn't seem confident in her abilities to teach me without her own orb. And Dad… Dad wasn't going to teach Soyei anything, that's for damn sure.
Not that I minded any of this. I wanted to learn everything about magic, and teaching myself how to use it was a good place to start. Starting small, of course. Because 7-year-olds barely even have magic. It wasn't until age 8 that I was able to teleport a small orange across my desk. That being said, that's better than most 8-year-olds. By age 12 I could teleport myself across a room.
Teaching Soyei magic was more complicated. As a Mind Bender, she needed a subject to practice magic on. It's… honestly amazing I remember anything from those sessions at all. But that's fine. If either of us were to survive our childhoods, teaching Soyei how to mind bend would be vital.
[20220830 - The Koren Childhood Age 16.png]
My teenage years were hell. More and more often, I noticed my memories weren't matching up with other people's memories. I'd be accused of things I didn't do. Every account of events I gave was always wrong, somehow. I saw my father tell others that events they witnessed didn't happen. And they believed him.
The more I learned about mind bending, the more I began to piece together what was going on. Soyei confirmed it one day after a practice session. Dad had been manipulating my memories, and the memories of everyone around me, since I could talk. Making everything fit his narrative. The only reason I'd begun to notice was because Soyei was starting to prevent it. To say I was livid would be an understatement. To think he would limit himself to manipulation once he found out I knew was… foolish.
Eventually my fury gave way to hopelessness. Any person I would ask for help would get their mind washed against me. Any thought I had of defiance, avoidance, running away, getting help, was read. And punished. There was no escape, and nothing I could do. The only relief would come in the form of death. In the end, it was ultimately his. But it came so close to being mine.
I wish I could go back in time and hug my younger self. I wish I could tell him that everything was going to be okay one day. I wish I could hold him and say none of what was happening was his fault. I wish I could make him feel safe in his own home. I wish I could make people believe him. I wish I could heal his scarred and scratched body. I wish I could help him. I wish he didn't have to be in pain anymore. I wish it wasn't me. I wish he wasn't me. I wish I wasn't me.
It's so much easier to look in a photo and pretend he's a different person. To convince myself he's a child who I can still help. Than to look in a mirror. And put together the pieces of my own shattered reflection.
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draconica · 3 years
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You can call me King.
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toomanyfandoms02 · 3 years
5 Times -- JJ Maybank
Summary - 5 times Reader knew they were in love with JJ, and the one time they didn't have to hide it anymore.
Warnings - Gets a little dirty towards the end
SEND ME JJ REQUESTS!! If you look up 'prompts' or 'dialogue' in my search bar it can give you some ideas!! I need some :)
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It was always simple in the movies. The girl would come walking down the staircase in a fancy dress and a sparkling necklace and *suddenly* the boy realized he was in love. Or the boy would catch the girl *just* before she fell, and as she stared into his eyes, he was her hero. Her love.
But we all know that's not how it works. I realized my love in far different and unique ways.
1. Saturday, November 24th, 2020 -- 1:53 a.m.
I sat on my bed, scrolling on my phone in the early hours of a Saturday. I had taken a nap the previous day, making it impossible to fall asleep at a normal time. My phone buzzed suddenly and a notification framed the top of my screen.
*Snapchat From Gay Jay Maybank*
And then another, and then another.
I scrunched my eyebrows and clicked on the latest one. I opened the picture to see a deep frown set on JJ's face.
*I'm a killer Y/n.*
The caption read. I clicked again to move to the next one. This time the picture of him had his palm to his forehead.
*I didn't mean to hurt him, he was so fucking fast :(*
All I could think was that JJ had hit a literal human on the road at nearly 2 a.m. and I was going to have to get him out of this sticky situation. It wasn't too far out of the realm of possibility, he did *just* get his license. I clicked again to reveal him fake wailing.
I giggled, taking a picture of me looking distraught.
*How will I ever forgive you? After killing our SON!*
He replied quickly.
*I'm so sorry my love, I will be so careful next time.*
My heart skipped a beat. **My love**. It felt so right coming from him. So warm and welcoming. It felt like the first Sun of summer or the last snowflake of winter. Just a little sting. Though it was far easier keeping my composure over snap chat, I would manage.
2. Sunday, December 18th, 2020 -- 5:03 p.m.
JJ and I wandered around the little pop-up shops figure 8 had going on for Christmas. People were selling little goodies and crafts to make a little extra money, it was one of the few things the cut and figure 8 came together for.
"Free samples!" A younger lady shouted from her stand, this pulled me in of course. "Hi, there! Free sample ma'am?" She asked me with a smile.
"Sure!" JJ turned around at the sight of a dog, kneeling to pet it. She handed me a small slice of fudge. I put it to my nose. "Woah, this smells good, what kind is it?" I asked, putting it to my mouth.
"Buckeye." She smiled, I nodded, opening my mouth to eat it as JJ stood *very* quickly, nearly putting his whole hand in my mouth. He took the fudge from my hand and gave me a scolding look.
"Y/n, that has peanut butter in it, you could have died!" He shook his head, popping it in his mouth. "Please be careful, I can't have you dying on me." He joked, looking to the lady again. "Do you have any samples without peanut butter?" I could barely pay attention to their conversation as I thought about everything that just happened.
He saved my life, and not only that he was listening to everything. He paid attention, so endearing.
*Damnit, he makes me so happy.*
3. Thursday, February 6th, 2021 -- 1:36 p.m.
My foot tapped under my desk, listening to our teacher drone on about World War 1. A paper ball hit my desk and slid into my lap. My head snapped up to see who did it. I caught the eye of JJ, holding his pointer finger to his lips. I raised an eyebrow, uncrumpling the paper.
*I looked at Mrs. Bailey's class plan for today and we need to find partners for a project. Wanna be together?*
There was a little "yes" and "no" option at the bottom. I put a circle over the yes and threw it back to him. He opened it and smiled at me, sinking into his seat and looking back at our teacher.
"Alright, so you're going to need partners for this project..."
4. Friday, May 15th, 2021 -- 11:55 p.m.
I sat on John B's couch, my feet up on the coffee table as the boys drank. Sarah, Kie, and I were playing Go Fish.
"Sarah, do you have a ten?" She huffed, pulling a ten from her hand and giving it to me. I smiled, plucking it from her fingers and putting it in my hand. "Kie, do *you* have a ten?" She squinted at me.
"Nope, go fish!" She announced triumphantly. I rolled my eyes playfully and picked up a card. "Sarah, do you have a seven?" Just as Kie asked, I felt the couch dip next to me.
"Hey, pretty lady." An arm was slung around me and pulled me closer.
"Hello JJ." I giggled, looking over at him. I could smell the Apple Cider Alcohol on his breath.
"Can I tell you something?" He asked seriously, though I was sure it would be something silly. He was never a serious guy unless it came to someone messing with his friends.
"Y/n, do you have a six?" Sarah asked, kicking my foot on the table lightly to get my attention. I looked at my cards and silently handed her a six with a smile.
"Yes, you can always tell me anything JJ." I gave him seriousness back. His smile grew with every word.
"I learned about jellyfish in zoology today." He said with a little slur. I tried to hold back a laugh, remembering this was *serious business*. So I just nodded, gesturing for him to go on.
"Did you know that at least one species of jellyfish, Turritopsis nutricula, maybe literally immortal?! When threatened, they are capable of undergoing "cellular transdifferentiation," a process whereby their cells essentially become new again. In other words, this jellyfish has a built-in fountain of youth. It's theoretically immortal Y/n!" With every word, the room got more silent. We all knew that JJ was smart, smart enough to do almost anything. The problem was that he just wanted to goof around and have fun, which we supported. But then there were moments like these where he would say something pretty intelligent.
The room laughed, a look of confusion appearing on the boy's face. He looked at all of his with a scrunched face.
"What? It's interesting right?" He asked me, getting closer to my face.
"Yes, if was very interesting I promise, I'm just surprised you're so coherent after drinking so much, that's all." I stated, putting a smile back on his face.
"I knew you'd like that." He sighed, putting his head in my lap and wrapping his arms around my torso.
You tell a boy one time that you think jellyfish are cool and they go on a whole drunken rant about them, huh?
5. Sunday, June 6th, 2021 -- 5:50 p.m.
I invited the Pogues to my house for dinner, my mom wanted to meet them all together. They had only met Sarah, Kie, and Pope (briefly), so they wanted to actually get to know them.
My mom stepped into our little circle we had made on the living room floor.
"Alright, spaghetti is almost ready, before we sit, can I get all of your names?" JJ stood first, taking my mom's hand lightly.
"Hi Mrs. Y/L/N, my name's JJ. I'm your girl's favorite." He looked down and winked at me. My mom gave a raised eyebrow and I just shook my head at her. John B then stood up.
"I'm John B, nice to meet you." He gave a kind smile. Kie and Sarah stood simultaneously.
"So nice to meet you." Sarah said mockingly, making Mom giggle. Then was Pope.
"Hello, I'm Pope, the food smells amazing." She thanked him and we moved to the dining room.
The dinner went by pretty fast, seeing as it was 6:35 now and we were finishing up. I grabbed everyone's plates and made my way to the kitchen, JJ stopped me, taking them from my hands.
"I got you." He took them to the sink where my mom was. She smiled and thanked him, I just listened. "Mind if I help?" He asked, grabbing a towel.
"Oh, you don't have to do that sweetie." She lightly swatted at him.
"But you cooked for us, let me at least dry the dishes." He tilted his head hopefully. She eventually agreed. I listened to them laugh in the kitchen for 10 minutes before he came out, wiping his hands on his jeans.
"Spending time with my mom hmm?" I teased.
"Gotta make a good impression ya know?" He asked, "Unfortunately I've gotta go, Pops needs to be taken to the pharmacy." He gave me a two-finger salute and I held my arms out for him. He pulled me in tight. "You're moms awesome." He laughed, I nodded.
"Don't go liking her more than me." I giggled, letting him go.
"I could never." And with that he was gone, not long after the rest left too. My mom suddenly came from the kitchen, untying her apron.
"You better have a crush on that JJ boy." She gave me the mom look and I just shook my head again. "Yeah, that's what I thought." She laughed, patting my back. "I like him."
SIX - Saturday, July 24th, 10:30 p.m.
I was already pretty tipsy, much like the rest of the group, as we played the dirty deck of truth or drink. Pope picked a card up, reading it aloud, towards Sarah.
"Where is one place you’d like to have sex at but never had the opportunity?" He asked her, a blush creeping on her cheeks.
"Uh, a boat probably. Sounds good to me as long as we take Dramamine beforehand." This made us all laugh. Sarah turned to me, pulling a card.
"What is your biggest turn-on?" She asked. If I were more sober, I may have taken a drink. But this question was not worth getting wasted for.
"Uhm," I laughed, trying to think about it. "I would say there's a two-way tie. Between neck kisses and massages. There's just something about neck kisses." Kie agreed with me as I picked up a new card, one for JJ. I stared at the card, not sure if I even wanted to know the answer to it.
"What is the last “dirty” dream you had?" He wiped his hand down his face with a smile, reaching for his cup.
"Come on JJ, don't be a pussy." John B nudged him. JJ gave him a shitty look, rolling his eyes.
"Fine. It was a few weeks ago." He shrugged.
"It actually said *what* not *when* JJ." I looked at him with a challenging smirk. He glared at me a little.
"Okay. Do you guys really want the details on this?" He looked at us all expectantly, all of us gave him a nod. "Alrighty. I was in this girl's house, and she was taking me to her room, pretty normal. She sat me on her bed and sat on my lap. She kissed me and ran her hands all over my body. After we made out for a while we, ya know, and we took a shower together afterward. It was cute actually." He stared at the ground the whole time he told the story, not his usual cocky confidence coming through.
"What position?" Kie asked out of nowhere, making me laugh uncontrollably.
"Uhh," JJ closed his eyes, his head coming up from the ground. I could see his cheeks were a dusty pink, I couldn't tell if it was because of the question or the alcohol. "She was, riding me." He smiled, eyes still closed.
"Damn JJ! Who was this about?" Pope asked, raising an eyebrow at him. JJ threw his hands in the air.
"I thought we were only supposed to be asked one question!" Pope raised his hands in defense, making JJ pick a card and ask Kie a question.
Soon enough we were all about a round tipsier and it was back to Sarah asking me a question. She pulled a card for me.
"Do you prefer rough or romantic sex?"
"Definitely romantic. No questions asked." I then pulled a card for JJ and smiled.
"So the card says I get to ask a question of my choice, but it's gotta be dirty." JJ shook his head at me, knowing what my question would be. "Who was the dream about?" He groaned, grabbing his cup.
"No way I'm answering this one. All you get to know is that this wasn't the first and it probably won't be the last time I have a dirty dream about the person."
"Yeah, that's not enough." I crossed my arms.
"I know." He then threw back his drink, chugging it.
By the end of the game, I was *nearly* wasted. You know what they say about liquid courage right? Well, I was *going* to find out who that dream was about. Everyone was spread across the Chateau, I knew JJ would be in his spare bedroom, most likely smoking a joint. Perfect, he would be loosened up. I knocked lightly on the door.
"Come in." I opened the door and just as I suspected he was smoking a joint.
"Can I join you?" I pointed and he nodded. My body plopped onto the bed next to him, I got right to the point. "Who was the dream about JJ." I asked, grabbing the joint from his fingers. I took a hit, blowing the smoke in front of me.
"Why do you care?" He laughed, taking a hit and blowing the smoke in my face playfully. I swatted at it.
"I just wanna know." I slurred, slapping his chest pitifully. He shook his head at me.
"You're wasted aren't you?"
"No! Just nearly wasted." I babbled, trying to focus on him.
"Alright, I'll tell you. *Only* because I'm 98% sure that you won't remember in the morning." I nodded aggressively, eager to know the answer. "It was about you." His head was down, taking a very long drag, he let out billows of smoke, not making eye contact with me.
"What?" I laughed, shaking his shoulder. "Nuh-uh!" He turned his head slightly at me, just nodding. He looked *so* nervous. I didn't have to be sober to see that. I scrunched my eyebrows at him.
"I'm not high enough for this." He laid back on his bed, next to me, who was sitting up. I turned my body around to look at him.
"And you had more than one?" I asked calmly, I suddenly felt a bit more sober, maybe it was the shock. He just nodded again, refusing to look at me. "But why?" This genuinely confused me. He only raised his head, looking at me with a dumb look. I climbed on top of him, making him look a little surprised. I sat on his stomach, leaning over his face and putting my arms on either side of his head.
"What does it mean?" I asked seriously. He just looked up at me, his smile growing by the second.
"It means I've got the hots for you, obviously." He said, though it sounded like a joke. I squinted at him in suspicion. "What about you, do you have dirty dreams about me?" He smirked, taking another puff. I only nodded at him slowly.
"Do you really have the hots for me?" I asked cautiously.
"Yep, have for a long time. And now you know, which is great. Certainly wasn't planning on telling you any time soon but, fuck it, right?" I lowered myself to my elbows, making our faces inches apart.
"You're so cute when you're nervous." I giggled, bumping my nose with his.
"Who said I was nervous?" He asked.
"Your face does the telling." I chuckled, moving my hand to touch his cheek. "If you're serious, the feelings are mutual." I confessed quietly. He muttered a quiet yes, so I took that as a go and leaned in, kissing him tenderly. He breathed out a sigh as I kissed him, putting his hand behind my head to keep me in place. I soon pulled away, just staring into those baby blue eyes.
"You aren't just doing this cause you're drunk right?" He asked.
"Nope, I've felt like this for a long time. Though it is a little amplified when I'm drunk." I laughed, pecking his lips again.
"You're so perfect." He chuckled, flipping us so he was above me. "Now let's test some things." He then began kissing down my neck.
*Oh yeah, he was gonna ruin me.*
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ccuunnttbbooyyss · 3 years
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It had been several months, nearly half a year since the birth of the Hemsworth-Holland trips took the international tabloids by storm, and in that time there was a miraculously small number of pictures or interviews of the happy new couple with their children.
Having three kids in one go couldn’t be an easy feat, and the press was eager to interview the carrier of those children on how he was doing, how is life as a father now, etc etc.
As luck would have it, Tom Holland himself was talking a much needed walk outside, traversing his once usual route that was hindered by his pregnancy. He was quickly accosted by a reporter, who asked him all sorts of questions. He was happy to oblige, saying that the babies are more than fine and that they’re all with Chris’s family so the couple could have some true alone time.
He spoke of his recovery, how his body simply snapped back to its lithely muscled figure days after he had birthed his boys into the world, about his Chris was with him every step of the way and how he couldn’t wait to marry the man come autumn time back in Britain.
Lastly, they questioned his appearance- namely the small bump on his midsection. He laughed it off, saying it was just weight he was getting rid of. He could barely stop himself from shivering though at the thought, or at the feeling of the huge plug currently trapping the thick cum deep inside of him.
The couple was told Tom wouldn’t be able to carry children for a minimum 6 months after birth and the couple had taken advantage of every moment.
There hadn’t been a time that Tom and Chris weren’t all over each other since Tom got his sex drive back. It hadn’t really ever left, but it felt so much nicer to just lay back and have the blonde Adonis pound his cervix instead of lazily bounce on his dick.
Once those six months were up, Chris had said, he was going to make sure Tom was full of another three boys. Tom couldn’t wait, and with the addition of Chris’s new augmentation of hyperspermia, Tom wasn’t sure he was going to remain infertile throughout the waiting period.
He relished the size and heft of Chris’s newly monstrous loads, both the volume and thickness of the seed excited him to no end. It was that thick seed currently bloating his abdomen out, virile swimmers seeking out another egg to fertilise.
Tom had bid the interviewer farewell and continued his walk, texting Chris that he gave a short interview, and was sorry he disobeyed what Chris had told him not to do.
He was replied to with an image, the thick veiny pole that Tom had become well acquainted to was currently on display and leaking copious amounts of jelly-thick precum. The caption read “Get back here, you need to be punished.”
Tom squeezed down on the plug buried inside him, already it feeling too small for his liking.
“On my way.”
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foodieforthoughts · 3 years
Summary: Henry is busy assembling his PC and you got him a pair of shoes.
Pairing: Henry x Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Fluffy fluff!!!
A/N: On the event of reaching 600 followers, here's a little something for everyone to enjoy. Also, it's not beta read, so please don't mind any typos. ❤️
*divider by @leafsea*
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Title: Shoes
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"Henry," you coed to your husband. Henry's hands were busy with the components of his PC in his hand and one ear free from the headphone perched behind his ear.
"Hmm?" He absentmindedly answered, not even sparing a glance towards you.
The Christmas tree sat undecorated in a corner with Henry's bags lying next to it. He was back from filming for Christmas break, staying away for two whole months from you and yet he was busy upgrading his PC to play a newly released game and ignoring his wife. You glanced down at Kal who was sitting on his dog-bed, giving you a look like he understood your predicament. Kal had been ignored by Henry all day too. Your husband was so excited about his new game that walking Kal and playing with him had been added to your lists of chores.
"I brought you something," You walked up to him with a shoe box in your hand.
You placed it right in front of his line of sight which piqued Henry's interest. He put the component aside and swirled his chair to face you, eyeing the black Nike shoebox with a raised eyebrow.
"Are you giving me a Christmas present? Because it will make me feel like a complete arse since I haven't even gotten to buying you one." He pouted his lips. You tried not to laugh at his adorable face or kiss his perfect lips.
It was a Christmas present for him, but it wasn't exactly what he was expecting. You pursed your lips as a smile spread over your face.
Henry seemed to have forgotten in the rush of his life about the early morning rendezvous you had on the day he was leaving for filming. You both had been too lazy to slip on a condom before engaging in some loving goodbye sex. He had joked about putting a baby in you which had gotten you to think that maybe it was time for you both to start a family.
Henry always mentioned how he couldn't wait to be a father. You too believed that both of you were at that point in your life where the ticking of the biological clock was becoming too loud to ignore. Because of which when you had missed your period, rather than being scared, you were excited about taking the pregnancy test. You had cried when the two pink lines had appeared on the stick and another one flashed the word 'Pregnant' in big bold letters.
"Before you open it, I'll like to say something." You sat across from him on a chair. Henry shook the box and scrunched his eyebrows as it felt light in his hands. But without asking any questions, he placed it on his lap and looked at you expectantly.
You had pictured this moment so many times over the month. You had been nearly jumping with joy to finally tell him. But now that you looked at your husband's handsomely clueless face with his curly hair and blue eyes, you felt nervous. You played with the ends of your shirt as you felt your cheeks heat up.
Taking a deep breath you said, "I know we have talked about it a lot. I would be okay with whatever you decide though."
"Decide about shoes..?" Henry cocked his head to the side, confused.
You chuckled at the innocence of your sweet husband. You gestured towards the box. "Open it."
With a puzzled smile on his face, Henry opened the shoe box. You felt your heart race watching him look inside the cardboard case. You watched as Henry's smile fell and he picked up the tiny baby shoes in his hands. You had gotten a pair of both blue and pink since it had been too early to know the sex of the baby. Perched on the inside of the shoes were the two test sticks you had taken.
"Wha-?" His question died down on his lips as he pulled the sticks and stared at it for a long minute.
You bit your lip worried about what he was going to say. The silence stretched like eternity as Henry stared at the shoes and the tests, making you anxious and scared. You stood up slowly to ask if he was okay when Henry burst into tears. He brought both of his hands up to his eyes as his body shook with his sobs escaping his lips.
"Henry," You called out and walked up to him. "Babe," You kneeled down in front of him as he cried with the shoes still in his hands.
"Is this... Real?" He asked between his sobs.
You gently pulled his hands away from his face. Your eyes filled up with tears too as his tear stained face came into view. His lips quivered as fresh tears began forming in his eyes. Kal came quickly to your side as he was worried about his dad too.
"I could have told you on the phone but," You took the shoes from his hands and placed them inside the box. Keeping the box on the floor you took Henry's hands in yours and smiled at him. "I wanted to make it special."
"What did you mean by you'll be okay with whatever I decide?" He sniffed, turning his hands in yours and entwining your fingers with his. "You think I won't want the baby?"
"I don't know," You felt your tears stream down your face. You were so worried that Henry might not want a child since he had a couple of projects lined up. You were worried if he did say no, what were you supposed to do.
"Baby," He let go of your hands and took your face in his. "I have waited so long to be a dad. This is the best day of my life. Thank you so much, baby." He couldn't control his tears either. "I love you." He could barely mumble as his voice cracked.
He tugged you towards him and placed a soft kiss on your lips. You hugged him and stood up as he made you sit on his lap. With a hand gently placed on your belly, Henry wiped the tears from his face.
He pulled his phone from his pocket and handed it to you. "Would you like to capture this moment?"
"I have a feeling you are going to post it online." You wiped your cheeks too before taking his phone. "Crop me out please. I'm not ready to tell the world." He nodded before you raised the phone up and clicked a picture.
Later in the day after all the happy cuddles and a brief discussion of baby names, you retreated to the bedroom to snuggle with Kal. Your phone chimed as you got notified about a post made by Henry on Instagram.
A smile crept up your lips as you stared at the picture of your husband, the one you had clicked, where he had expertedly cropped you out of it. You shook your head as you read the caption.
Gently rubbing your belly, you whispered to your unborn child. "Your dad is such a nerd. But no one will love you more than he will, little one."
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Tagging: @wanderlustkitkat @michelehansel @stephartrave @yuhsophie @hennerslionhat @henrythickcavill @eldarwen333 @peakygroupie @klaine-92 @thelastsock @indigosaurus @oddsnendsfanfics @viking-raider @cavillliketravel @geralt-of-baevia @achaoticaugust @dancingwendigo @littlefreya @luclittlepond @mansaaay @agniavateira @inlovewithhisblueeyes @henryobsessed @henryfanfics101 @poucinette1333 @ohmygoodie @oolicity @momowhoo @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @asyverson @singeramg @supersweetstache @demivampirew @cavills-cavalry @raspberrydreamclouds @fuckoffbard @the-soot-sprite @hell1129-blog @inthenameofcavill @heartfelt-pen @shyinadarkplace @mary-ann84 @toomanyfandomsshreya @madbaddic7ed @mariestark @feralrunaway @infinite-shite @killjoy-assbutt-1112 @its--fandom--darling
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alfredolover119 · 3 years
I looooove your zukka rec lists! I recently became Avatar-obsessed, never got a chance to watch it as a kid and only just got through it all! I was wondering if you'd consider doing a specifically angst rec list? I love fluffy zukka everything, but sometimes you just gotta have your heart ripped out of your chest and put back in after being thoroughly blended.
thank you! i relate heavily to “recently became Avatar-obsessed” haha. as for the angst list, i sure can try! warning: all of these have happy endings because im a crybaby who can’t read unhappy endings. also, p much all of the fics in the completed section were featured on my other lists but this is specifically the ANGSTY ones >:^)
angsty zukka wips
first, most obviously, feels like we only go backwards by @oldpotatoe
-currently at 102k with 19/27 chapters posted; rated teen
-the amnesia fic. the amnesia fic. the amnesia fic. you know. i haven’t actually read it yet because, as previously mentioned, i’m a crybaby and am waiting for it to finish up but, from my understanding, this fic will murder you in a dark alleyway with no remorse. if u like zukka angst, you’ve probably already read this, but just in case!
An injury leaves Sokka with amnesia. His last memory is of the failed invasion, of leaving his father behind in enemy territory on the Day of Black Sun. Of hopelessness. Rage. // But then he wakes up, and the war is over. Suddenly, he must come to terms with the fact that years have passed, and that he's somehow the Southern Water Tribe Ambassador to the Fire Nation. He is also supposedly friends with banished-Prince-turned-Fire-Lord Zuko, of all people. Close friends.
Yeah, nah.
and i’ll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) by @goldrushzukka
-currently 38k with 6/8 chapters posted; rated mature
-holy shit. holy SHIT. modern au based on the “my cat likes my fuckbuddy and i am falling in love” trope(?). maybe it’s just because of how the last chapter ended, but oh my god. this one made me cry. made me want to commit violence. when it’s not angsty as hell, it’s pretty funny, but holy shit. ao3 user nebulastucky please.
It’s supposed to be a one night stand. Pick up some guy at a bar, barely remember his name and never learn anything real about him, send him packing in the morning with a thanks for the ride and a cup of coffee to-go. That’s how it’s supposed to go. // But then it’s the best sex Sokka has ever had, and he thinks he’ll hate himself if he never gets to have it again.
Violet Blossoms and Celestial Objects by @hollypunkers
-currently 15k with 2/? posted. rated teen.
-this is the sequel to blue (an angsty, zukka rewrite of book 2-- go read it if u havent!)! !! this is a book 3 rewrite. only two chapters in and mrs hollypunkers is really abusing the miscommunication tag, as zukka writers seem to enjoy doing. im excited to see how the world and story develops with the changes to the story! you should be too!! its very good! obviously spoilers for blue lmao
Having sided with the Avatar in Ba Sing Se, Zuko not only must navigate his new relationship with Sokka but returning to the Fire Nation as a banished enemy. His own journey of self discovery and personal growth must now coexist alongside the personal struggles of every other member of the Gaang as together they blaze a treacherous path toward an unsure victory against Zuko's own father and nation.
breakable heaven by @fruitysokka
-currently 71k with 9/11 chapters posted. rated teen
-swt ambassador zuko! soon to be chief sokka! fake dating ur best friend to get out of an arranged marriage! what could go wrong!!! i also haven’t read this one ((see: i’m a crybaby who is being hurt by too many zukka wips already)), but it has been hanging out in my marked for later for months. from what i understand, this fic has: angst.
With his twenty-first birthday looming just around the corner, the Southern Water Tribe Elders have decided that Sokka, next in line to be Chief, needs to get married. Sokka does not want that, but he does need to get them off his back until he can figure his way out of it. What better way to do that than to pretend to date his best friend (and newly minted Ambassador to the Southern Water Tribe) Zuko? // Seriously, this is a foolproof plan. Maybe one of Sokka's best. Absolutely nothing can go wrong.
angsty zukka fics (completed!)
(i’ll put these in wc order)
lighthouse beam by @incorrectzukka
-7k, rated g
-a modern college au!! zuko’s inner-monologue is very angsty in this fic. typical zuko. also per usual, theyre both fucking dorks. they sort themselves out in the end, but not before The Angst. zuko is semi-deaf in this fic and also he has a bit of internalized homophobia.
Sokka’s breathtakingly beautiful and he’s smart and makes other people laugh. Zuko has a half-burnt face and a deaf ear. It’s not rocket science. // Or, Zuko falls in love with the boy in his Philosophy class.
This Isn’t My Idea of Fun by @khaleeseas
-9k, explicit
-moon spirit/nwt prince!sokka, no war to be found here! admittedly this isnt THAT angsty but like. the angst IS present. zuko is still the prince. a lovely childhood friends (though they hated each other for a minute haha) to lovers story. 
If you asked Zuko, he and Azula saw far too much of Chief Hakoda of the Northern Water Tribe’s children growing up. It wasn’t until they were older, and Azula pointed out that - duh - their families were trying to set them all up, that he realized why. // He was told by his mother to be polite. These people were their friends and allies, and though their nations were as different as they came, harmony between nations was the most important thing. // It wasn’t his fault the Chief’s children were so annoying.
put your lips close to mine (as long as they don’t touch) by @celestialceci
-9k, teen
-modern au! zuko and sokka are college roommates. zuko goes to spend the summer with sokka. again,, not really that angsty but-- its there!! the detail and feeling of Home in this story make me happy. zuko is insecure as hell here too. if ur into that. 
Zuko hates his home. He likes college alright, but he likes Sokka even better, his assigned roommate turned best friend. Spending the summer with Sokka will be fun, a welcome change of pace he desperately wants. It probably won't awaken anything in him... right?
the thing about dancing by anodymalion
-9k, teen
-yes. this one right here officer. it makes my heart ache. also trans sokka! which is cool. but the zuko angst in this one. hurts me. not so much relationship angst as it is zuko learning he deserves happiness angst. i’m sure u know The Type.
The first time a attendant spills Zuko’s tea and doesn’t immediately fall to her knees, begging the Fire Lord’s forgiveness, it is not anger but a resounding warmth that fills his chest.
i could (never) give you peace by @zukkababey
-10k, mature
-OUCH. OUCH OUCH OUCH. boys please learn to communicate im begging u. also zuko.. zuko, dude. as the tags of the fic say, hes “really going through it” in this one. YOUCH. post-canon.
Zuko almost said it. He almost said the words I think I’m in love with you, but he choked them back down at the last second. // Zuko would never be able to be what Sokka wanted. They might have needed each other during the summer, when two boys with too much weight on their shoulders found comfort in each other in the only way they knew how. // But now Zuko was Fire Lord, and Sokka was leaving.
this love burns so yellow (becoming orange and in its time, exploding) by @meliebee 
-18k, teen, major character death 
-i lied. THIS is the one, officer. found family.. good mai and zuko and toph friendships.. . ozai escapes prison and tries to overthrow zuko. OBVIOUSLY angst ensues. poor boy. he Does heal in this but it gets worse before it gets better. angst angst angst angst.
Ten months after Zuko is crowned at seventeen, he faces his first coup.
Anything for You by beersforqueers
-23k, explicit
-istg. this is probably one of my favorite zukka fics. its PAINFUL. modern au where theyre broken up but sokka hasnt told his family yet so zuko goes home with him for kataang wedding. a bit smutty, but the plot oh my god ohgm y fuvk. made me cry the first time i read it. (see: crybaby!me) insert that one picture of the horse with the caption PAIN. 
In which Sokka and Zuko have broken up but Sokka hasn't told his family yet. So when Katara and Aang's wedding weekend rolls around and he doesn't want to break Gran-Gran's heart, he asks Zuko to pretend to be his boyfriend for one last weekend. // Things don't go as planned.
Moving Mountains by @thefangirlingdead
-64k, mature
-so. when i read this the first time it was in one sitting. soulmate au set within canon era / the comics, to an extent. soulmates can hear each others thoughts. i will happily say this is slowburn, jesus christ. champagne without the cham. 
Soulmates are chosen by the spirits and can hear each other’s thoughts. Sokka thinks it’s cheesy and dumb. Zuko thinks it’s poetic justice that he doesn’t have one because he doesn’t deserve it. Cruel irony is finding out that the prince of the Fire Nation (and the person currently hunting you) is your soulmate.
In the Soft Light by @voidcenturyscholar and @romancedawning
-83k, teen, graphic depictions of violence
-moon spirit!sokka living in the northern water tribe. zuko is sent to the northern water tribe as a cultural liaison. iroh is the fire lord but while he is away taking care of lu ten after his injury ozai steps up. i cannot express how many emotions this fic made me feel. background yuetara. i would almost say found family?? but. anyway. plenty of angst to spare here with a healthy dose of enemies to friends to lovers.
As the newly appointed cultural liaison to Northern Water Tribe, Zuko is the first Fire Nation Citizen to step foot inside the city's walls in nearly a century. He's determined to prove himself—to the Fire Lord and to his father—even if the Water Tribe's spirit-touched prince seems to want nothing to do with him.
That Midnight Sky by @zukkababey
-103k, teen
-now now now. tms... modern college au where sokka agrees to tutor zuko in physics because zuko has to maintain straight a’s and physics is just not doing it for him. so. thats cool but THEN azula moves in, randomly, with zuko. to hide the fact that sokka is tutoring zuko, they fake date! what could go wrong!! the mutual pining in here combined with the angst... wonderful, tasty. everyone read it rn. also SLOWBURN 
In Zuko’s strict family, needing a tutor is just about the worst thing you could do. Failing a class, however, is even worse. The only rational solution? Take up Aang on his offer to find him a physics tutor and have Sokka—beautiful, smart, handsome Sokka—tutor him in secret. // When Azula’s arrival threatens to reveal Zuko’s secret, it’s up to Sokka to convince her this definitely isn’t what it looks like. See, he’s actually… Zuko’s… boyfriend? // Hmm. There’s no way this could get complicated, right?
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jangmi-latte · 3 years
@ven-tii: Hello darling ☺️💕 May I request a Vil Schoenheit x reader? It’s their wedding night, and he makes it the most magical at the wedding. Like what it would be like there and if he sweeps her off her feet or something? then their sacred time together in the night? Reader is female please~ Tysm if you do this 😚 We stan for Vil
❝ 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐢 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲, 𝐢 𝐝𝐨 ❞
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➻ warnings: slight nsfw
➻ comments: i have been dying to write this :DD and you requested in your old account lette so i had to redo the tag 💨. hope you enjoy 💞 and yes we have a new format!!
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➺ You know those wedding trailers you would see during receptions? Well, you won’t be surprised when your and Vil’s trailer would look like something out of a movie. Your cameraman would be none other than Rook, of course. It’s probably one of the best parts when being at Vil Schoenheit’s post-marriage party.
➺ Surely, Vil loved the attention from others, but this life-changing event is something he would want to have in private. Only his and your friends and family are allowed to come. The paparazzi won’t even know when the marriage happened. They’ll just be surprised Vil’s already married. 
➺ The waltz you and Vil practiced had a little backstory. It was the waltz Vil taught you back when you were still in Night Raven College. Who knew you would eventually use it in the future? Both your legs already memorised the steps. Your confidence was seen through your features as you and Vil looked at each other. It was perfect.
➺ Rook was probably smiling/capturing the moment at the sidelines. Being Vil’s cameraman AND best man was an honor. Of course, he would want his friend’s marriage to be captured in the best-- no, tres bien ways possible.
➺ Vil’s happiness was off the roof at that moment, but the most beautiful thing he has ever seen was you dancing with his father. Only a few knew Vil and his father were close. He was very important to him. Seeing two of his favorite people get along, let alone have the other be part of his family, was something Vil would cherish forever. Rook was able to catch his award-winning and never dying smile from the sidelines as he watched you enjoy yourself being around your father-in-law.
➺ Please, dancing with your mother was something he loved too. He’s very thankful that this woman was the same woman who gave her daughter’s hand to him. He remembered how hard it was to please her, and damn was it worth it.
➺ Oh, you know that tradition where the groom has to remove the bride's garter from her leg? Vil can be sly and teasing when he wants to. Hands? Jokes on you, he'd use his teeth. Please, he looks handsome and gorgeous just looking at you while pulling down on the garter from your thigh. The camera angles, Rook's got it all prepared. It was seductive.
➺ Are you still alive at your own wedding? No. 
➺ While you sat there being red and possibly having a nosebleed, Vil would just smirk at you with those kissable lips of his while tossing the garter with his back turned. Damn, he knew he was your weakness.
➺ But, that wasn't all. Okay, you wanted the night to be memorable, yes? He might've seduced you on the garter pulling part, but his dance lessons with you were going to be used. You love how both Rook and Epel hid you from Vil's sight while you and your bridesmaids helped you get dressed into one of the sexiest (but presentable) outfits you bought behind Vil's back.
➺ So while Vil was persuaded to sit on the front of the stage in confusion, some slow and sensual song played in the background. The way the audience cheered and clapped while he folded/bit on his lip brought a different aura to the room. When you popped out on the stage in that tantalizing outfit, oh boy, Vil was melting. Calm and composed is he on the outside, but his heart was beating so fast on the inside, his grin was boosting your pride.
➺ You danced with your bridesmaids and maid of honor and Vil’s eyes were only glued on you. When did you have the time to escape the preparations and practice this seductive dance number? He loved your confidence. He saw you grow ever since school days and now you’re Mrs. Schoenheit. The wife of Vil Schoenheit. 
➺ When you sat on his lap while grinning, (please, even if you wanted to seduce Vil on your wedding day it was fun seeing his bashful reaction) and he kissed the corner of your lips, you knew he too had something in store. This, this is the Vil the public eye can’t see. Now you know why he wanted this event to be in private.
➺ Okay, your dance number was over, and now it’s another dance with Vil. This time, it was his turn to ‘unintentionally’ seduce you. You know how he loved to be the center of attention -- with you included -- and the night was barely over. He had you blindfolded while you teasingly touched you E V E R Y W H E R E. It was a dance of trust, he made sure you didn’t fall but his hands-- holy shit. 
➺ It was the night you two are finally as one, of course, Vil’s going all out, let him be.
➺ After the sexy dance number, Rook was already nudging the groom, whispering, “What are your plans for the honeymoon, Roi du Poison?” he chuckled. PLEASE THE SMIRK THESE TWO SHARED--
➺ After the reception was over, pictures were taken, conversations shimmered down, and now it was time for some private moment between the bride and groom. It was somewhere near the Land of Pyroxene yet closer to the Rose Kingdom. You expected it to be some grand hotel or beach but it was actually near the mountains and a simple cottage where no cameras can bother the both of you.
➺ Tired? More like turned on. After you both entered your room, you quickly laid on the bed. Taking off your heels and undoing your hairdo. Who are we kidding? Scented candles would light up thanks to Vil’s magic. 
➺ You would be giggling to yourself while you opened your eyes. Your cheeks would be tinted red while you watched Vil slowly strip himself with his back turned to you. First with his royal blue tux dropping to the ground, then his black vest, his white shirt, then… his luscious back. 
➺ “You’re taking too long,” you would complain while you stood back up. 
➺ “Oh, have you forgotten that I like to take my time?” He teased as he approached you. His arm wrapping around your waist while the other undid the ties of your dress from behind. His lips would steadily press and trail down your neck, your dress going loose and falling to your feet.
➺ All those seducing you did, that was just part of the fun. Vil would take it slow and sensual. This night is very important to him. You’ve both done well during the growth of your relationship and that day was the start of something new.
➺ You have entrusted your whole life to him when you said “I do” and he did as well. That kissed you shared after he lifted your veil sealed your new last name. A new last name, a new beginning.
➺ Lips landed on soft skin, hands roaming where only the both of you are allowed to touch, names mewling only the other would hear, what else could Vil ask? Right under him, was the beauty he helped you grow. And he? Well, you helped him build himself more. 
➺ The very heartwarming sound you released that night was his name, and an “I love you” after he finally marked you as his. 
➺ After your sweet moment, the candles died out and now you both were just cuddling under the sheets. Vil was tired and so were you. Surprising at it may be, Vil nearly fell asleep with his makeup on if only you didn’t remove them yourself with the little energy you had left.
➺ Magicam would be surprised a few weeks later with Vil’s new post having, “Mrs. Schoenheit” as the caption and the picture of the two of you having a small picnic date within the meadows. The public shall not know more than that.
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justcourttee · 4 years
Mari and dami would make tiktoks of them pranking each other
Prank War
I wasn’t really sure how to write this, but I imagine it has to go something like this lol
-It totally starts off as something innocent. Marinette was tired and accidentally used tablespoons instead of teaspoons of salt in her new cookie recipe. (it’s an insane difference, I wouldn’t recommend)  And she’s totally the type of tiktoker to post her trials with the batfamily being judges.
-Anyways, Damian is the only one she can find for the day, and she really needs to upload content so she begs him to film solo. 
-She catches the whole reaction, from the excitement in his eyes to the instant distaste at the mouthful of salt.
-He definitely is over dramatic af (will claim later that it was just an act) and shouts something stupid like “are you trying to poison me heathen? Did Tim pay you?”
-Marinette still uploads it.
-A million likes overnight. Everybody excited that their favorite baker started an all out prank war with Ice King, Damian Wayne.
-Tim and Jason rub it in Damian’s face all week that he got bested by Marinette, who wasn’t even trying. He decides he has to even the score, then everyone will get off his back about it.
-The next morning, Damian replaces Marinette’s OJ with his own special concoction. He waits until she takes her first sip, immediately spitting it back into the cup
-“Is that powdered cheese? Oh, Gods.”
-Damian smiles smugly as he ends the video, posting it immediately to his newly created account. 
-It takes exactly two hours for Marinette to figure out who did it after the video popped up on her fyp.
-She declares an all out war. 
-Several months pass with harmless pranks between the two of them. Bruce is so happy to see Damian so engaged with someone his own age, doing something his own age. He has no complaints. 
-The others that had been caught in the cross fire had different feelings. 
-Every one has picked sides now, focusing all their attention on the opposite team, no one holding back. 
-Bruce only steps in after Damian steps out of his shower, completely dyed purple from neck to toes. He forces them to post a joint TikTok calling off the prank war. 
-Thousands of messages flooded their video begging them to come back or at least announce who won, fights breaking out as to whether it was Team Sunshine (Marinette) or Team Ice King (Damian).
-After several days, Damian approaches Marinette with his head hung, mumbling under his breath. When she finally convinces him to speak up, his eyes are filled with a mischievous light that she had only ever witnessed from Jason.
-“Father does not know much about social media, but he does know out screen names. What if you turn your account back into a baking one and we start a joint account to continue this war?”
-Marinette is shocked, but readily agrees. After all, the fans weren’t the only ones unsure of who won. 
-Together, they sit down, filming an intro video for their new account, explaining the situation. It takes a couple days, but their followers slowly shift over.
-Everyone in the Batfam is buzzing with excitement, unsure of which team will strike first. 
-They get their answer only a week later when Marinette bites into a mayonnaise filled eclair, Damian nearly doubled over laughing as she ran to the sink trying to rinse out the flavor. 
-As he posts the video, he tags Marinette in the caption along with the seemingly innocent phrase:
“May the odds be ever in your favor.”
Permanent Tag List:
@ash-amg @rebecarojas07 @heaven428 @long-lost-peace @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @moongoddesskiana @nach0ava @iamablinkmarvelarmy @seraphkitty @clumsy-owl-4178 @pawsitivelymiraculous @mialuvscats @leagrey @smolplantmum @animegirlweeb
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sunnypogue · 3 years
christmas (coho!rafe)
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thinking about coho!rafe & his girlfriend’s first christmas together in their own home.
the tree is up the day before thanksgiving, rafe tasked with weaving multicolored lights through the branches as his girlfriend makes pie crusts at the kitchen island. she ignores the exasperated look her mother gives her when she comes over for thanksgiving dinner, waving a hand flippantly in the air saying,
“all the good trees get snatched up tomorrow anyways. we wanted the cream of the crop.”
the ornaments are up that friday, rafe watching with a permanent smirk etched on his face as his girlfriend pulled each ornament out with extreme care, cradling them as if they were ancient artifacts. she gave a brief spiel about nearly all of them, before hunting for the perfect open spot on their noble fir.
she almost toppled over twice, rafe’s laugh thundering over nat king cole’s voice warbling in the background. in response, she snatched the beer out of his hand and replaced it with the angel topper. 
“you’re the one who wanted the eight foot tree. your turn, bubs.” she pushed him over towards the tree with her foot, sipping her cocktail delicately. “make those long legs useful.”
their christmas card picture is shot on a thursday afternoon, rafe enlisting the help of one of his teammates girlfriends. the front side is a sweet picture of the couple in their backyard, fall foliage littering the ground, the soft winter sunset casting a muted glow over the scene. rafe helped pick the color scheme, grinning in a deep red sweater and khaki’s. she’s softly smiling next to him in a cream sweater dress, hand hooked into the crook of his arm.
the back side of their card is a photo of the two of them in matching black turtlenecks and silver chain necklaces. rafe has an arm resting on his girlfriend’s shoulder. she’s got her arms crossed in front of her. the caption reads:
“have a rockin’ holiday season and a happy new year.”
it’s a hit across the board. they’re sent countless snapchats from friends and family with their card displayed on various mantles. rafe takes all the credit. she rightfully gives it to him.
the couple does their own small gift exchange early christmas morning. running on fumes (rafe insisted on watching both home alone’s, starting at one am), she puts the kettle on as rafe starts a fire, his vintage christmas playlist softly playing bing crosby’s “white christmas.” she brings two full mugs of english breakfast tea over, immediately curling into his side as they pull each others gifts from under the tree. 
the exchange is dragged out for over an hour, with two make out breaks (“something about these matching pj’s” rafe explained as he pulled her firmly into his lap), multiple trips to the kitchen for coffee and tea, and one good cry (rafe gifted his girlfriend a canvas portrait of her and her father - she was a blubbering mess).
they facetime their families a few hours later, opting for a virtual christmas due to conflicting schedules (her family was with her brother on the west coast, his was in the bahamas), before settling in on the couch, the light from the christmas tree illuminating their living room. 
the remainder of day is filled with boozy champagne cocktails & christmas movies. rafe streams a little bit of basketball on his phone. she orders in chinese for dinner.
they emerge from their house at dusk, full of lo mein and champagne, to walk around their little neighborhood to look at lights. she’s still in her pj’s and a coat. rafe opted for grey sweats and a canes sweatshirt. the walk is better described as a stroll, the couple taking their time as they take in the decor. 
she suckers him into one more movie when they return home. he obliges, cueing up “the holiday.” she falls asleep twenty minutes in. rafe wakes her up for the mr. napkinhead scene. she giggles, and then promptly falls back asleep.
when the credits roll, rafe leaves the tree lights on. he scoops her up, carrying her to bed. she stirs when he puts her down, eyes fluttering open.
he grins down at her, “happy christmas harry.”
he had been saying it all week.
she snorts, turning over on her side. 
“happy christmas ron. now come to bed.”
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TDA Characters on TikTok
Julian: doesn’t post very often because he is a father but when he does it is always him painting or drawing something with lofi music or him sharing a tidbit about one of the children or other family members (Kieran, Cristina, Diana, Emma and Aline included and always with their explicit permission). 
- He’s very popular without even trying and most assume he is a young single father (which isn’t wrong).
-  Mostly finds himself on cottagecore or parent side of tiktok. 
- doesn’t understand all the thirsty comments he gets because “I don’t even show my face, Emma, why would they think I’m attractive?” but always shares them with Emma because they make her laugh.
Emma: Does it for the girls and the gays, that’s it. Posts nearly every day and page is generally a mixture of self defense videos, vintage makeup/dress tutorials, and videos slamming the patriarchy but also always does the latest dancing videos and other trends.
- always tries to get others to join in on her trend videos, mostly joined by Mark and Cristina when she can rope her in.
- - everyone knows the “baby” is actually at least seven but no one ever said his name because he’s too young so everyone collectively knows him as “the baby”
- solidly on gay tiktok even though she’s straight. 
Mark: Daily blogs. Everyone thinks he’s shit posting because it’s all wild things like standing in a middle of a circle of flowers and talking about “this pixie named Aelia lives here and she’s a BITCH”. Often shows videos of him cooking or baking wild concoctions that range from “Okay, I’d try that” to “this is why God has abandoned us”. 
- Does dancing videos with Emma all the time and often acts as the “creeper” in her self defense videos. 
- Caused a meltdown on tiktok when he casually mentioned his “partners” and started creating videos to raise awareness for polyamory. 
- Revealed Julian was his brother when he posted a video of Julian yelling at him for a solid minute because “the baby is covered in honey, why is the baby covered in honey, Mark? We don’t let the baby bathe in honey even if he really wants to Mark -” 
- solidly on cooking and gay tiktok, often takes a sharp left into “crackhead” tiktok
Kieran: Posts videos of cats he finds and rates them. The lowest ever was a 9.5/10 because “she bit me fairly hard but I scared her and I deserved it for trying to pet her without permission”. 
- does not do any trends or reveal much personal information. 
- Was always considered wholesome until he (on a dare from Dru) posted a video joking about choking a bossy sub that rounded up on kinktok. 
-- everyone went through a brief freak out trying to figure out if he had a partner but it was never solved. 
--- No one noticed that Mark posted a video joking about how “one of his partners was absolutely in the doghouse” accompanied by someone sitting in a cardboard ‘doghouse’ around the exact same time. 
- solidly on animal tiktok but occasionally veers into kinktok with more (less explicit) dom/sub humor. 
Cristina: Does not have her own tiktok but often appears in videos with Emma and occasionally shows up in Mark’s. 
- Absolute sweetheart always, even when she is demonstrating a self defense move with Emma, and is always commended for trying Mark’s foods. 
-- especially commended when trying the foods while, offscreen, their other partner yells about “Hell food” 
- is flattered with all the comments begging her to start her own tiktok but doesn’t feel like she has the time to fully commit to one properly. 
Livvy: (She’s alive, don’t @ me) Does absolutely all the new trends and also does various acting POVs 
- her soulmate POVs are most popular but she also is known for dueting act-along POVS with other popular creators
- also occasionally posts videos rating the best male actors/superheroes and once got into a long drawn out back to back war with someone on whether or not Captain America really had “America’s ass” 
- had a very popular multiple-part series about being a girl in the MCU dating the various Avengers but ended it abruptly after Endgame because “Natasha Romanoff deserved better and it hurts too much”
-she used to post occasional videos where she laments on being the “only single person in the family” but she started getting some very creepy duets and comments from actual adults so she told Julian and they both agreed it would be better for her to stop them
-- Julian did take the time to duet the people being inappropriate and explained very clearly that their actions were wrong and directed towards a LITERAL CHILD and shamed multiple accounts into flat out deleting
Ty: Posts literally whatever interests him. Has two animal series - one where he shares facts about his favorite kinds of animals and one where he showcases various animals he’s found in the tidepools or around the house. 
- has done several video series of rescuing animals and has at least one where Julian could be heard lecturing him on trying to raise wild animals in his bedroom again 
-- tiktok freaked out because this happened right around the same time as Julian calling out all the creeps on Livvy’s tiktok and no one knew that the twins he talked about were them  
- also does videos about his favorite literary works - notably Sherlock Holmes - and true crime/mystery videos 
-- he always makes sure to carefully put in warnings for anything remotely violent or triggering and has never had a single video taken down for violating the rules even when he did a multiple part series on the Black Dahlia and how her crime was ‘absolutely solved but because the man who did it was rich and white, he got away with it and probably also killed at least two other women, one of whom was killed in the Philippines” 
-  sometimes does twin videos with Livvy because she likes them and it makes her happy. 
Dru: Queen of witch/horror/true crime tiktok. 
- got in trouble with Julian for showing actual runes in videos but everyone just thought they were for the aesthetic so it was fine
- most popular videos is a series where she rates horror movies on how they do on the bechdel test 
- sometimes duets Ty’s or Livvy’s videos just to drag them (with love) 
- Has a very popular series on “women who snapped” and is known for almost rarely during part 2s (and therefore having to speak very very fast) 
- also complains constantly because her videos will get taken down even if they aren’t that violent and includes clips from far worse videos from male creators to point out the double standard
- occasionally dives into tiktok drama just to dabble and then sits on the sidelines and watches it happen
-- 100% built a balloon arch to flex on That Balloon Girl 
- solidly on witchtok and horrortok
Kit: King of petty/messy tiktok who also posts random videos about crime and occasional blogs
- switches from either sharing no information to borderline oversharing childhood trauma
- shares videos on borderline illegal ways to get back at exfriends/expartners/exfamily members/general enemies 
-- putting fish in people’s vents, subscribing them to magazines under various similar names, sending them glitter in the mail, opening their oreos and taking out the middle of all of them, putting baby locks on their cabinets and in the outlets they can’t see (like under the bed so they can’t get plug in their cellphone charger at night), etc. 
- is always eating some sort of snack, no matter what he is doing
- also posts videos about personal safety like what locks will actually keep people out and what ones are easy to break into
--caused several minor freakouts when he casually mentioned his father taught him how to do it
- occasionally posts videos with an adorable toddler and a young couple who he refers to as “mom and dad” even though they look at MOST five years older than him and he often makes parental abandonment jokes/comments
- no idea where he lives because he speaks in an American accent and talks constantly about American/California life but everything around him looks very British 
- absolutely dives head first into every tiktok drama and will go for the throat for anyone who makes ableist/sexist/racist/homophobic comments without hesitation
-- his drags are legendarily savage and he has caused numerous problematic accounts to just straight up disappear
- duets videos from Livvy, Dru, Mark, Emma and Julian ( with lots of savage drags) but no one knows how he knows them because he is absolutely somewhere in the UK and all of them are based in California/US
-- he also notably NEVER duets Ty
--- the mystery is finally solved when Kit does a livestream and reveals that he met all of them because he was briefly living with them before getting placed with his family, the young couple who actually are his mom and dad 
---- he is very vague about the living situation but everyone assumes he was a foster child 
- he once caused a mass freakout on Tiktok (that actually spilled over to twitter and buzzfeed) when he announced he was going back to the US to visit friends and then posted a video with the caption “when you see your boyfriend in person for the first time in MONTHS but he’s too distracted by some wet 🐱” 
-- the video panned out from Kit’s unamused face to Ty gently rubbing a tiny wet kitten  with a soft cotton towel 
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artxyra · 4 years
The Secret Life of MDC | Part 5
Part 5 – Haha, wait you’re serious?
Fun fact: This rewrite was supposed to be five parts, but as I was writing and changing things, I have no idea how long this is going to be.
Parts 01 | 02 | 03 | 04
What a relaxing evening the couples group plus one was having. Everyone but Jon and Damian was wearing a disguise of some sort. Marinette in her usual lace netted veil, Chloe with her hair down and sunglasses on, and Adrien with a dark wig and punk clothes. It was never easy being out and open like this, but it was relaxing.
“I’m telling you, she’s not worth it.” Marinette states before taking a sip of her ice coffee beverage. She doesn’t know how or when their conversation regarding the upcoming gala turned into a revenge plan to reveal the liar that has made her life miserable back in Paris.
“Angel, she is making up stories about me. How can I not make her suffer any more than she had made you?” Damian asks taking her hand into his own. Marinette huffs unsure what to say.
“C’mon buggy, even Luka agrees with him. Let him take over for a moment.” Adrien comments showing the designer his phone with a series of messages from Luka on the screen.
Marinette still doesn’t reply. Instead, she looks up to the sky as of it hoping for a miracle. Nothing was working.
“Kagami even she said she’ll help hide the body. Just give me the okay and she’ll be on the next flight here or I’ll go get her with Kaalki.” Chloe adds in taping away on her phone as if she wasn’t paying attention.
“Absolutely not. Look, guys, we have three weeks left here and I don’t want to spend it worrying about the class despite being the damn TA for this exchange. I already need to finish the touch-ups on our dresses and grade like a shit ton of assignments.” Marinette groans leaning into Damian’s chest. He places a kiss on her forehead before resting his chin on her head.
“Why are you guys even like this?” It’s Jon’s turn to cry out in frustration. Everyone turns to him with an eyebrow raised. The half-Kryptonian should no better by now than to question anything his boyfriend and friends do. “Alright, alright, I fold. What do I need to do?”
“Stay my handsome hero.” Adrien absently adds swooning in Jon’s arms looking upward to the hero. Shaking his head, Adrien turns to Marinette and blinks. “Did I really just say that?”
Marinette tries to hide her giggles, nodding. However, Chloe didn’t even try to hide her laughs causing the model to blush.
“I actually liked it,” Jon says before placing a kiss on the blonde’s cheek furthering his blush to a deeper red.
“Ooh, Gami just replied back to me, she wants to see if we can do a movie night stream?” Chloe asks on behalf of her girlfriend. Planning movie nights are often frequent amongst the group especially when they are missing each other.
“I know my father wouldn’t mind, but depending on who’s staying at the manor tonight it might turn into a family affair,” Damian responds gently pushing Marinette off of him and stand up to stretch.
“She’s fine with that.”
“Good; I’ll message Alfred to set to the theatre room.” Damian pulls out his phone and immediately proceeds to message the family butler.
“You know he’ll probably send a message with an image of the theatre room decked out with pillows and blankets with the caption: already have, young master.” Marinette jokes but little did she know her guess was actually right.
Damian’s phone dings with a message from Alfred. It is indeed a photo of the theatre room with pillows and blanket gently piled together. Underneath the photo is the message “Already done, young master, just be home before dark.”
“How does he do that?” Adrien wonders before adding, “It’s witchcraft?”
“You know as well as my brothers that we still do not know that answer.” Damian murmurs sliding his phone back into his pocket. He then holds out his hand for Marinette to take as she pushes herself off the wooden bench.
“We should head back then…” Marinette is then cut off by her phone along with her blonde sibling’s phones simultaneously buzzing. The three Parisians grab their phones and see the answer.
It’s the Headmistress of Gotham Academy calling her. Confused, Marinette answers the call just as Adrien and Chloe read the variety of messages from the classmates or at least those that still have their numbers.
Damian and Jon look to one another cautiously. It’s not every day that the trio’s phone would go off especially when they are not in a group chat with the others. Damian takes a step closer to Marinette as panic rises her eyes.
When the call ends, Marinette takes a series of deep breaths. “First the Riddler and now this shit. They better be damn glad to stay on this trip once we find them.” Was the only thing that would come out of the designer’s mouth.
Chloe and Adrien stop reading. “Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.” This really draws two teens to their friends. Adrien stays silent which is unlike him especially when there isn’t a battle or around them.
“Um, care to fill us in?” Jon asks knowing that Damian would not as he tries to get answers from Marinette.
“Apparently Mlle. Bustier and the GA staff are losing their heads.” Chloe starts.
“Nino messaged me that something had happened after we left,” Adrien adds shuffling his feet against the ground.
“Yeah; Alya and Lie-la are missing. The headmistress says that no one has seen since we left and asked if we, more specifically I, knew about their whereabouts.” Marinette shakes her head, “Which I have no clue about. I’m not a sheep’s keeper.” The noirette sighs, face-palming.
“I guess movie night is off then.” Jon ponders.
“No, no, we can still find them before it gets super late. By we, I mean Robin and Superboy along with the Gotham’s miraculous team.” Marinette counters before anyone could get a word in.
“Wait, you’re serious?” Chloe asks in disbelief.
“Yeah, let’s just hope the liar’s big mouth didn’t get her in trouble with the Joker or any other Gotham villain,” Marinette grumbles as if all happiness crash and burned right in front of her.
“And here I have thought that after last week, they would stay on the down-low, but no~ they just had to disappear. This will really put a stick into Mlle. Bustier’s teaching qualifications.” Chloe groans as she starts packing her stuff up with looks ready to kill.
“I’ll see you in a bit, suit and all. I have damage control to handle before we make our next steps.” Marinette and Adrien give their significant others a peck on the lips. As much as Damian hates the veil covering her eyes, he knows the pain the reset inside them.
“I’ll talk things through with the family. Maybe even hack into the security cameras for some leads.” He whispers into her ear holding her arms. Marinette looks up to Damian and nods.
If those phone calls didn’t give light to the current situation, it would have been like walking into the middle of a war zone. Everywhere you look there were teachers asking questions, normally this would never happen to Gotham Academy, but when the exchange happens it like the school turns on its head.
Chloe, Adrien, and Marinette decided to split up. Adrien went to speak to Nino to see if he had knowledge of his girlfriend. Chloe sneaked into the security room while Marinette takes on her teacher assistant role to speak with Mlle. Bustier and the GA headmistress.
Marinette could tell how heated the conversation is from just a few feet away. The closer she got the more she could tell that Caline was sweating where she was standing.
“Marinette doesn’t belong in conversations like this.” Caline tries to get Marinette removed from the conversation the moment she sees the girl, but the headmistress wasn’t having that.
“Marinette is allowed to be here, Ms. Bustier, she is apparently the only one with the contact information regarding your students.” The headmistress states and it was true. Even though Marinette is technically the class representative despite no longer being a student of the school, she still holds vital information regarding the class.
“Hold on, you didn’t contact our parents?” Realization began to hit. “We were nearly killed last week and today, not even a full week since we have arrived, you have lost two students.”
“Marinette, you guys made it back safely, and I just didn’t have time to call everyone’s parents or guardians.” Caline is really trying to save face here.
“We’re in a whole another country. It is your duty to inform parents and or guardians about any situation, mishap, whatever happens to them.” Marinette nearly screams at the teacher. Anger could not even begin to be Marinette’s main emotion.
“I’m sure they’ll show up, Alya and Lila are very responsible.” Seriously? She cannot be for real.
“Mlle. Bustier,” Marinette takes a deep breath, clasps her hands together. “They can be killed here. I may not like those two but even I know the importance of safety here in Gotham.”
“Marinette, I’ll take it from here. How about you go help the others in finding the two missing girls.” The GA headmistress says placing a hand on the designer’s shoulder. Marinette calms down and nods. It was for the best.
Marching down the halls, everyone avoided Marinette. How could they not, she was a woman on a warpath. The Paris exchange students have never seen Marinette so angry before it was causing them to quake in their shoes.
Adrien was finishing his conversation with Nino when he joins Marinette’s side on the march to glory. Chloe had just finished up with the security room before she joined her crew. Together, the three exits the school grounds knowing exactly where they are heading to.
It was no secret that everyone knows each other identity between the Batfam and the Miraculous crew. So, when Alfred pulled up in a disguised car, with the window rolled down he simply raises an eyebrow. The trio gets in as the school just watches in shock. Nothing was making sense to them.
“So, I found that they did indeed leave minutes after we did. The cameras lost them upon walking across the streets towards this building.” Chloe states pointing to the screen with confidence.
“From what I had gathered from Nino, they had missed their check-in time at least three times before the flags were raised. As you know the class aside from us needs to check-in with the teachers at least once an hour after what happened last week.” Adrien then adds in.
Marinette nods before she turns to Tim, who was surprising on his fourth cup of coffee.
“Tim, what did you find?”  She asks before sliding a coffee flavor “health” bar over to the hacker. Tim takes it and slides the bar into his pocket.
“Let’s just say its not the Joker behind their missing appearance. We got Gordon on the lookout, but you know what they say when it comes close to nighttime here in Gotham.”
“Out of everyone, it had to be the two of them. If my job wasn’t also kind of on the stake, I would have just left them to figure it out and stay out of it.”
“You know that’s not true Mars; you love to save people even those who let deserves it.”
“Who asked you, Kitten, let him bitch about things that we know would never happen.”
If it wasn’t for the growing tension in the room, everyone would have burst out laughing.
“We got movement,” Jason calls out while cleaning one of his guns.
Everyone catches the other’s eyes before simultaneously nodding. It’s going to be a long night ahead of them.
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rainbowvamp · 3 years
Modern Reincarnation AU. Merlin and Lancelot go through a photo album. ~1700 words. Lancelot/Merlin. No warnings apply. (Mention of car wreck that killed Lancelot in a past life.)
A late birthday gift for Mod @little-ligi, because I couldn't have made this fest work without her. You're the best Ligi 💗
There’s no need to print photographs anymore. It’s easy enough to look at a screen and and flip through thousands, hundreds of thousands of images. But there has always been something special about choosing individual moments, perfect snapshots, and cataloging them into a book whose pages he can flip through. Merlin has been alive for over 1500 years. Books are one of the most familiar things he knows. One of the only things that hasn’t changed much in 1500 years.
People changed, clothes changed, transport changed, but not books. Those had remained nearly the same. You open the front cover and you look at what’s inside, just like always.
After 1500 years of adaptations, it was nice for this one thing to remain the same.
So when Lancelot hands him the photo album, Merlin is about to break his own face in half with how much he smiles at it. It’s a good thing, no a great thing, that Lancelot has done. The photo album is a deep forest green, the cover embossed with “The Book of Us.” In silver letters that Merlin traces with his fingers.
“What’s the occasion?” He asked, almost unable to take his eyes off of the book.
“Today is the day we met in this life, 10 years ago. I thought it might be nice.” Lancelot’s voice is so sincere, that Merlin has to look at him, has to look at the face of the man that he has loved without end or conditions for 1500 years. Tears prick his eyes because of all the love he see’s in Lancelot’s.
“I love you.” Merlin’s voice is soft when he finally finds it, and Lancelot crushes him to his broad chest, giving him a stability Merlin didn’t even know he needed until he had it.
“And I you,” Lancelot kissed Merlin’s cheek and Merlin’s fingers itched to open the photo album, but he didn’t want to leave the circle of Lancelot’s arms. He’s content to just listen to soft sound of Lancelot’s breaths, feel the pounding of his heart against his chest.
It’s Lancelot who finally breaks the silence. “Would you like to see the photos, my love?” His voice is soft and nonjudgemental. It’s obvious to Merlin that either a yes or a no would be acceptable.
“Yeah,” Merlin finally says, composing himself to pull away and walk with Lancelot to the couch.
They sit and Lancelot waits patiently for Merlin to feel ready to open the book.
The first few pages cover the span of over a year, with so few pictures taken before Lancelot knew him, before he remembered. Several of them are pulled from Instagram, captions included. There’s one of an empty seat and a drained coffee cup, and the caption just reads “I think I’ve met the man of my dreams.” It’s from their first coffee date, Lancelot’s post-date instagram update. Merlin laughed aloud, almost having forgotten it. The next is a candid shot of Merlin. They’d taken a weekend holiday a few months into dating and gone for a hike. The sun was setting behind Merlin, blurring out his features, but the silhouette was so obviously him.
The next was one of Lancelot cooking breakfast, looking over his shoulder to smile curiously at the camera.
Then the first selfie they’d ever taken together, complete with Lancelot pressing a kiss to Merlin’s cheek.
The photographs become more numerous, after that. Some of them and all their friends. There’s the photoset from Morgana’s birthday party (She’d rented a photo booth “because why they hell shouldn’t I spend Uther’s money on bullshit?”) There’s the Christmas photos for the dinner they always throw at Merlin’s because Lancelot doesn’t have any living family to go home to. Arthur and Morgana pop by when Uther becomes insufferable. Gwen and Elyan bring their father by to say hi. Leon stops by with gifts on his way to Mithian’s parent’s house. All these silly little moments caught on camera and made eternal, printed and carefully organized.
There’s the set they took at their third anniversary, a gift from Gwen and Arthur (who had recently gotten their heads out of unsavory places and started dating). There’s the picture of he and Gwaine standing side be side, smiling like old friends despite having just met twenty minutes ago. Merlin has a bruise forming on his cheek, but he’d insisted Lancelot take picture, to commemorate. “It’s not everyday I get in a bar fight, my love. Humor me.” And Lancelot always did.
There’s the terrible sledding disaster of 2015, where Merlin had crashed straight into a tree, and had been having too much fun to stop it with his magic. This is a still from a video, shortly before the actual disaster occurred. By the time the disaster was eminent Lancelot was no longer filming.
There’s the pictures he and Lancelot used to sneak of each other, just to have. Lancelot watching tellie. Merlin having a nap on the couch. Lancelot unclogging the sink. Merlin folding laundry. There was no rhyme or reason, then, for why they took the photos. It was a fun phase, each feeling challenged to take the most mundane pictures, always followed by a faked whining or griping.
There’s the picture of them from two years ago, in tailored suits, surrounded by friends, making their vows, followed by a series of all their friends dancing. A professional photographer had taken these photos, but Merlin always preferred the less polished pictures he and Lancelot took themselves that day.
Like the one Merlin had taken of Lancelot after he’d shoved cake in his face. Or Gwen’s candid picture of them gazing at each other like the biggest idiots in love.
Merlin doesn’t know when he started to cry, but he feels a tear roll down his face only when Lancelot pushes it away.
“I hope these are happy.” Lancelot puts his arm around him and Merlin nuzzles his shoulder. It’s enough, right now, to feel his warmth and smell his soap and just be near him. It’s grounding in a way only Lancelot ever was. The years with Lancelot, and there always seemed to be so many fewer of those than years without him, always made him feel the most alive. The most loved. The memories of Lancelot were good, but they didn’t sustain him, not like this would.
“Come here.” Merlins said, wiping his face and standing suddenly. He takes Lancelot’s hand and leads him out to the car.
“Where are we going?” He asked as they buckled the seat belts, but Merlin just shook his head.
“I want to show you something.”
The self storage place they pull up to is one of the last things Lancelot expects.
“Come on.” Merlin gets out and Lancelot dutifully follows, just like always. He lets Merlin take his hand again and watches as he pulls out a key ring that Lancelot’s never seen before and flips through them.
‘I put everything away, every time I meet one of you.” Merlin explains. “I used to have to keep the houses, to keep the things, but these are more secure.” He finally finds the key he needs as they stop outside a storage unit. “This one is from when we lived in the 1960s. Found you in Wales, then, of all places.” He smiled wanly. “We had 10 years together before you died in 1968. Car wreck.”
Lancelot only ever remembers bits of pieces of his past lives, normally only the good bits. “You weren’t with me, I presume?”
Merlin laughed as he wrenched the storage room door open. “You wouldn’t let me.”
“Is that why you never let me ride in a car without you now?”
“Part of it. I also just don’t like to be away from you.” Merlin flicked a light on and Lancelot was surprised by the sheer volume of things that existed in the room. “This was all of your things. I usually give myself about a year to wallow before I pack it away. If it’s here I never have to forget it, but I can still come and see it, if I need to.” He drags Lancelot to the back. On a wire rack there are plastic containers that looks like they’ve been taped shut. Merlin mutters a quick spell to remove the taping and then digs through the box. There are books, folders, papers, but then Merlin pulls out a photo album.
“I want you to see this. Because… I don’t know. It feels important.” Merlin is a very very old man, but he still doesn’t always have all the answers. Sometimes he just has to trust his gut and hope for the best.
He takes the album gently. It doesn’t smell stale the way old books usually do, most likely due to Merlin’s magic, but he flips it open anyway, without question. The first picture is of him and Merlin, a different him, but the same Merlin, Merlin’s arm is slung over him and they’re posing much more like a happy couple than a pair of friends. “Who took this?” He asked, tracing the lines of Merlin’s face. He looks so much older here than the Merlin he knows.
“Elyan. He liked photography. Took well to most of the Arts that life, actually.” Merlin smile and flipped a few pages to show Lancelot a picture of Elyan with a painting. “Abstraction was sort of the thing, then. He does a good job of it.”
“I don’t know anything about art, but it’s very compelling.” Even in the dreamy old photo, which was saying quite a lot.
“I brought it, a few years after he died. It’s in one of the other units.”
“How many of these do you have?” Lancelot asked, turning the page and almost laughing aloud at the image of Gwaine holding Arthur in a headlock. The two of them never changed, apparently.
“Just a couple. There are quite a lot of units in each building.”
“You own this building?”
“I’ve been alive for 1500 years, my love.” Merlin kisses his cheek and Lancelot closes the album. “I have a lot of stuff.”
“We’re taking this with us.”
“That was always the intent.” Merlin closes the box and spells the tape back into place. “That was a gift from you, too, actually, birthday present.”
“I’m predictable.”
Merlin laughed and wrapped an arm around Lancelot, tilting his head up to kiss his forehead. “You’re sentimental, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
He pulled Merlin’s head back down to kiss hims squarely on the lips, making Merlin finally pause for the first time since they’d gotten in the car. “Neither would I.”
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moonbeambucky · 4 years
Hey Neighbor (Part 4)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 2652 Warnings: none
Summary: You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right… that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
A/N: A huge thank you to my wonderful beta Sam @buckyofthemyscira​ Feedback is always appreciated!
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The past few days have been exactly what you wanted a month ago, peacefully silent, yet somehow it doesn’t feel right. You were able to finish your paper in record time, fully concentrating on your work but part of you missed the incessant music from next door.
There was an odd comfort knowing Bucky was home playing, and with the knowledge of his musical talent you now wanted to hear what he would come up with. Getting to know him briefly was… well, it was something. It could have gone a lot better if you didn’t stick your foot in your mouth.
Bringing up the music related noise was one thing but how you ever managed to bring up the noise of his “nighttime activities” made you wish you could have vanished into thin air, never to be seen again. You had done your best to avoid Bucky ever since, rushing out of or into your apartment as quickly as possible. You weren’t sure how you could ever face him again but you couldn’t deny that a small part wanted to.
Facing your shared wall you imagined where Bucky might be, picturing him on his couch, lounging across the cushions of the soft leather as he leisurely plucks away at the guitar strings, sounding out a melody. Or was he more focused, sitting upright and gliding his dexterous fingers across his keyboard? Was he at his computer editing his melodies? Was he thinking of you?
The silence was deafening. With your palm pressed against the wall you began to lean in with your ear, hoping you could hear anything. With a slight gasp you jumped back, there was noise but not any coming from next door. Your phone buzzed against the coffee table, with Steve’s face illuminating the screen.
“Hey Steve!”
“Guess who I saw going into Sweetgreen?” The strain in his voice clued you in to the right guess, Lillian. “Yup, and she wasn’t alone … yeah she’s still with Jason, for now,” he muttered under his breath, expecting her to cheat again.
“I’m sorry Steve. You know you deserve better than her, right? I know you know this.”
Steve sighed heavily. Even though he knew what you were saying was right, seeing his ex still hurt a lot.
“Thanks Y/N, I do know that, doesn’t mean I’m going to torture myself though and go in there so is it cool if I pick us up something else? I’m in the mood for carbs.”
Chuckling at Steve’s admission you couldn’t help but agree, salads were great and all but all this Bucky stress you’ve put on yourself definitely makes you crave heavier foods.
“Mmmm, yes tacos! Extra guac please Rogers!”
You set your table in preparation for Steve to come over with food, remembering to throw your wallet on the table to give him money. The last time he came over you had forgotten, being so caught up in reliving the terrible memory of your interaction with Bucky. Steve might have been right, if he handled talking to Bucky maybe you wouldn’t be so worried about running into him.
“Sam tells me you guys spoke,” Steve said, digging a tortilla chip into the container of guacamole.
You chewed quickly to swallow the bite you had taken. “Why do you always ask me a question mid-chew?” you joked. “But yes, we did speak and…” your voice lifted with anticipation as Steve’s eyes widened, waiting for you to continue. “He gave me the number for Elena Rodriguez. She’s head of the social work department and…”
“Oh my god Y/N please just tell me!” Steve begged.
“I set up an interview with her next week!”
Steve’s eyes crinkled with his excited smile though it faded shortly after as you nervously mused about fitting the internship into your schedule.
“One step at a time,” Steve offered with a small laugh.
He’s right. One step at a time. You didn’t even go on the interview yet, you might not even be hired for it; the thought of which worries you even more, but you remind yourself to breathe and take things as they come.
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The elevator ascends slowly, filled with your eager coworkers looking to join the rush home. As it lets off on the ground floor, everyone dashes to the heavy glass doors as you leisurely stroll to the security desk.
Mr. Lee had a big smile on his face as he seemed to be in the middle of telling Steve a story. Slowly you approached the desk, seeing Steve smiling down at something in his hands.
“That’s what I said but Howard was ahead of his time. A comic book movie…” Mr. Lee chuckled. “It didn’t work in ’47 but it sure would be a hit now.”
“Oh, what’s this?” you asked.
Steve held up a sealed copy of a comic book, Kid Colt, which you were unfamiliar with.
Leaning over the desk towards you Mr. Lee spoke, “Tony found that for me in his father’s things. That’s how Howard and I met. He wanted to make a movie outta this. Stark Pictures. He never did though, the whole thing became a big tax write off.”
“I didn’t know you knew Howard Stark.”
“Oh yeah,” Mr. Lee boasted humbly, “Since I was seventeen. He was a good man. You know he was so proud to finally be a father. He worked a lot, probably more than he should have but he had Maria and the nannies bring little Tony over to the office. Tony Stank I’d call him. Oh boy, you could smell those diapers from a mile away it was so bad.”
Hearing Mr. Lee talk about the head of your company so freely like this made you laugh. It also made Tony Stark seem a bit more human. As far as you knew he was a workaholic who may or may not be seeing Pepper Potts. You’ve caught the way she looks at him though, with an extra twinkle in her eye or how she hesitates for the smallest moment to gather herself before going into his office.
“Tony Stank, that’s amazing,” you laughed, wondering if Pepper has ever heard this story before. “Well, have a good night Mr. Lee!”
Steve came around to the front of the desk standing tall, filling out his blue uniform with his broad stature. It was unfair how he could pig out on food with you and not show any sign of it. Meanwhile, your stomach has been rumbling all day from last night’s dinner.
“I’m on the late shift today,” he frowned.
“Poor Stevie,” you joked, wiping an imaginary tear from your eye. “Not that my night will be any better, I’ve got a shit ton of laundry to do.”
“Enjoy the sweaty laundromat then.”
“Oh I will,” you said sarcastically.
The steady hum of the running washing machines drowned out the sound of the newscast coming from a small TV mounted on the wall. It’s muggier inside than out, and even with the door open you can’t escape the permeating smell of cheap soap and mildew.
The wash cycle is nearly over so you move from the metal chair you had been uncomfortably sitting on, listening to music to pass the time, and lazily stroll over to the machine that is spinning your clothes. Quarters jingle in your pocket as you walk, ready to be placed in the dryer as you wait some more. You hate laundry day.
It’s crowded too, with all the chairs taken and other people leaning against the wall. A few kids were running around screaming, not helping their tired mother who looked too exhausted to even reprimand them as she folded all their clothes.
No one looked happy to be there, not even the attendants who had to apologize to the screaming man who didn’t understand why he couldn’t use one of their reserved machines. It was a cut throat world on laundry night, with other patrons fighting to stake claim for the next free machine.
A loud buzz lets you know your clothes are done, you wheel a basket over and open the door. The shadow of the clearly impatient person waiting for your machine blocks the dull light from the fluorescents above so you hope to grab everything quickly without dropping anything on the dirty linoleum floor.
“It’s all yours– oh.” Your mouth hung open, not expecting to see Bucky standing beside you. “H-hey.”
“Hey Y/N. Didn’t want to startle you,” he sheepishly said. “Uhmmm, is this free?” Bucky gestured to the obviously open machine.
You nodded quickly. Not knowing what else to say you stared awkwardly at the basket of damp clothes and said, “I’m gonna dry these.” Smooth.
Turning around you let out a deep breath and worried over what would happen next. It would be extremely rude to ignore Bucky and continue to listen to music. He hasn’t done anything wrong to you, not this week at least, but you were too scared to risk saying something stupid, again.
It would take at least a half hour for your clothes to dry so you put on a brave face and decided to walk back towards Bucky. Dressed in casual black shorts and a white t-shirt, his smooth, toned arms were crossed over his chest as he leaned against a support column, squinting to read the poorly transcribed closed captioning on the TV.
“Hey neighbor,” you said, offering a small friendly wave as he turned his head.
Bucky smiled, standing upright as he turned to face you completely to greet you back. He looked genuinely happy to see you, which made you feel even worse for how you left things.
“I’m sorry if I made things weird the other day. I didn’t mean to,” you blurted out before your brain gave any thought to see if this was a good idea.
Bucky chewed on his bottom lip, the gaze of his ocean blue eyes staring right through you. “Don’t worry about it,” he said with a cavalier air.
“So how’s the music coming along?” You were truly curious, having not heard any sound.
“It’s not bothering you, right?” Bucky winked.
“No, not at all,” you smiled softly. “Are you still working on that one piece?”
Bucky asked which one and you hummed the tune. Closing your eyes you missed the way his own lit up in delight hearing you repeat his melody.
“I know I complained about the noise but honestly it was so beautiful,” your voice lightened and he felt the weight of emotion even through the simple way you described it. “Maybe that’s why I couldn’t focus.”
Bucky adjusted his weight, needing to ground himself after your words made him feel as light as air. His music meant so much to him, working tirelessly to bring to life the sound he envisioned in his mind, to know that the unfinished piece had such an effect already made his heart swell with pride.
He developed his music like a chef crafting a recipe. Each instrument was a different ingredient, carefully selected notes were gathered on the counter, waiting to come together in a symphonic skillet. The flavors of music combine, heating up together the piano is covered in the spice of an electric guitar, with the drumming rhythm simmering beneath the surface as the sound of strings are poured generously over the top.
In the end the dish is a delicious feast for the ears but here you were, happily devouring the unfinished ingredient in its raw form.
“Yeah…” his voice came out breathless. Catching himself Bucky cleared his throat. “It’s actually for an upcoming video game. I can’t say which, but it’s part of an emotional scene when the main character finds his family is gone.”
“I can sense the depth of it.”
“That’s not even the best part,” he explained as his face grew with a wide smile. Bucky became lost in describing the emotion of the violins that would come in. “They’re the voice of the character and when he’s lost everything I have them coming in, crying out in pain. It’s sharp and strong, and beautifully tragic.”
Listening to Bucky describe his music resonated in your soul. You saw the complete love and passion he had for it and once again you felt terrible about asking him to stop.
“I’d love to hear it, if that’s okay.”
You looked at him with hopeful eyes, and Bucky smiled, nodding before he spoke his answer. He couldn’t wait for you to hear everything together.
You passed the time by getting to know each other a little more. Bucky has a younger sibling named Rebecca who moved west to work as an avian veterinarian in a bird sanctuary.
“My parents are lost without them around,” Bucky joked. “Do you know how hard it is to try to explain how to use Skype to them over the phone?”
“Oh believe me, I know. Somehow my mom always calls at the worst time to have me explain the most basic function on her phone that she already knows because we’ve gone over it a million times but…” You threw your hands up as Bucky joined in with your laughter.
When your clothes were dry Bucky gave you some space to fold them alone which you appreciated, not wanting to showcase your intimate items in front of him. He was still a stranger, sort of, but you were glad you were getting to know him.
Checking the time you realized it was on the late side and you still needed to shower before bed. Your clothes were packed neatly into a laundry bag, well most of them were at least. One sock managed to get eaten by the dryer to your dismay, and you hoped its pair was somewhere on your floor having fallen out as you prepped the laundry.
Slinging the bag over your shoulder, you gripped the bottle of detergent with your other hand and walked towards Bucky.
“Hey,” you called out to Bucky who lifted his head from his phone. “I’ve got a few things to do tonight still so can I take a rain check on hearing your music?”
“Yeah, of course.” Bucky did his best to mask his disappointment but he understood. He noticed the slump of your shoulders, balancing the laundry bag high on one side and letting your other limb hang low with the weight of the heavy bottle.
“Do you want me to carry that back?” he asked.
“Oh, no it’s okay, I can manage.”
The apartment was only two blocks away, two long blocks but still, you didn’t want to inconvenience Bucky even though judging by the curve of his biceps it wouldn’t be a problem.
Bucky walked with you to the front of the laundromat as you smiled and said goodnight.
“Goodnight Y/N,” he whispered, watching as you walked down the sidewalk until he could no longer see you in the crowd.
The words stayed on his lips like they were always meant to be there and Bucky has a brief flash of a life he’s never thought about.
A warm bed, made even warmer by the figure curled against him. His breath syncs with theirs and he’s at peace. His heart beats to the rhythm of love and his lips purse together to plant a soft lingering kiss on their forehead. A smile secures itself on his face because he’s truly happy; surrounded by the comforting feeling knowing that when he wakes up that person, his love, will be by his side.
The machine buzzes at the end of its cycle dragging Bucky back to a reality that has him gasping for breath. He steps outside for a minute for air, needing to clear his mind of the vision that seemed so real it scared him; for better or worse he can’t quite say.
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