#neighbour keegan
n1ghtfurys · 4 months
I saw this idea on tiktok and I don't know where I found it but I had to do something with it so if anyone knows who posted the original idea please tell me so I can credit them :)
Second part
Keegan being flirty↓
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You hated parties, always have, always will but your roommate, and best friend, loves them. She has one almost every week, sometimes it's university friends, sometimes work friends but this time it's a party for all of the people in your building.
You hate it, it's loud and annoying and people keep trying your locked door. Probably so they can come and hook up on your bed, fucking animals. It's not even like you dislike the people in your building, you just hate parties.
It's moments like these that make you curse your minimum wage job, if only you could have a mini fridge. You wouldn't have to go out there to get the lemonade you so desperately wanted. You've been arguing with yourself over it for a good twenty minutes.
You tried texting your roommate, then calling but she's probably borderline dry humping some guy in the middle of your living room right now. You kind of respect her ability to do that, envy it sometimes. And anyway, you'll probably hear about this guy's sexual skills tomorrow over lunch.
When you finally come to the conclusion that you're doomed to have to leave the sanctuary of your bedroom, you reluctantly open the door. The noise is worse out here. It's shitty club music and the bass is so hard that the cups on the table near the speaker are shaking. Like you expected, your roommate has her tongue down someone's throat, the girl from the floor above actually. She has short brown hair and so far, in your three years of living here you haven't seen her not in a flannel. Upon a quick look around you find that most of your younger neighbours are here.
You almost drop your phone when your eyes land on Keegan. Not only is he so rarely home, because of deployment, you also never took him as a party goer. Equally you find him incredibly attractive and have made a consistent fool of yourself around him, he's always friendly but you assume that's because your best friend is hot and also a bit of a psycho. The last time you saw him, you walked into the door of the lift and your friend simply told him that she knew where he lived, he grinned but nodded and kept his laughter to a minimum or at least he tried to.
You turn so quickly that you walk straight into the boy who lives across the hall from you. He's sweet really, you apologise and hope that Keegan didn't see that because that would be yet another time you made a fool out of yourself, and in your own house. God all you wanted was lemonade.
You look down at the floor and try not to come off as embarrassed as you feel, you just want to get back to your room as fast as you can. When you finally make it to the fridge you grab the lemonade but notice that you've still got left over whipped cream. Your roommate convinced you to get some the last time you went shopping, you can't really remember why but it's there now.
You can't resist it, so you tilt your head back and squirt some into your mouth. As you go to replace the cream you're stopped by a voice, a voice you can place immediately. One that makes your knees weak.
“Got any left?” Keegan looks down at you, his mask concealing all but his steely blue eyes.
“Um what?” You heard what he said but you're frozen and it's like your brain has gone into low power mode.
“Whipped cream.” He clarifies, looking between you and the canister. You stare at him, you probably look like such an idiot.
“You want some?” You ask as if you don't know, as if it's not incredibly obvious.
“Yeah, just squirt some in my mouth.” You try to ignore how dirty that sounded and also try to stop your mind from drifting to how he would sound saying other things.
He pulls his mask up just over his nose. “Um okay?” You reach up but the angle is awkward, you haven't really processed how much taller than you he actually is. “Sorry you can just…um.” You hold the whipped cream out for him but he shakes his head.
You give him a confused look and he lowers himself onto his knees in front of you opening his mouth.
You stare down at him utterly bewildered, a smirk plays on his lips as he looks at your expression.
You stare, glued to the spot and completely frozen for a moment before you come back to reality and conscious thought.
“Um yeah..”
He opens his mouth again and you press down on the nozzle until the cream fills his mouth. You try desperately to keep your thoughts from wondering. You hope he doesn't know how much that affected you but the flush on your cheeks probably does nothing to hide it.
“Thanks princess.” He smirks as he gets up and rolls his mask back over his lips. You take a moment before putting the whipped cream back just to regain your motor control.
The image of him on the floor in front of you with a mouth full of whipped cream will be burned into your retinas for the rest of your life and did he just call you princess? Fuck, now you needed to go back to your room but for a whole different reason.
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aanxiousangel · 3 months
send in requests, pretty babies!!!
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madstronaut · 2 months
tis christmas in july aka the season for feasting year-round 
much like the 3-in-1 monstrosity of shampoo/condish/bodywash that the COD men probably use (not gaz, though he would n e v e r) I am tossing in my ramblimmentaries three of cin’s lovely fics together here 🥰
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aaanyway not even ashamed to say I’ve been re-reading their holiday keegan fic SEVERAL TIMES a month since I first saw it last december cos it’s so cute and fluffy
ok I need to get this out of the way laughing my ass off rn because autocorrect changed cumikering to cucumber several times throughout here and i was howling when I went to edit this and I was like why are there cucumbers everywhere??? LMAO
Reading: Neighbour Keegan Russ x reader by @cumikering
ah meet cute at the laundry room; I love it alr (as you can see i am easily pleased/amused/moved)
also it’s already on sight with reader’s cuz, i have unfortunately met ppl like this IRL (haven’t we all) and well talk about telling on themselves about how unhappy they are :/
“Well, if you need company…” he said, trying to not sound too hopeful. I’d love to spend some time with you. You turned to him, brow raised. “Wait, you mean, you want to come with? Be my plus one?” “That wasn’t- well, yeah. I can do that.” He shrugged. “If you want.” This wasn’t the direction he was heading for. He was going to offer to spend Christmas together, maybe exchange gifts, but he surely wasn’t going to take that back. Anything for a chance with you.
He always enjoyed seeing your face brighten like that, despite never getting the chance to see it enough…But between deployments, he was lucky to even catch a glimpse of you once a week, leaving any possible advances towards you simply a fantasy to him. He was out of practice, but was he that out of practice that he came on too strong and scared you? He certainly didn’t mean to make it suggestive. This was going to end before it even started. He grimaced to himself.
we love some good ole mutual pining🥺🥰🥺🥰🥺🥰
That time you saw Keegan on a run shirtless out your window you had to sit down.
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA crying laughing at this…also reminded me of a time I hung out with a friend in LA who went to pick up a friend after he ran a marathon and drop him off before we went to dinner - didn’t realize the runner was an old acquaintance I hadn’t seen in a while since he was a senior when I was a freshman in college but I fucking remembered him alright when he came running up ripped af, shirtless, sweaty, saw me and went “MADSTRONAAUUTTTT OMG” and picked me up and spun me while in his giant hulking sweaty arms and I briefly bluescreened…anyway cough sorry back to keegan what was I saying, yes shirtless sweaty keegan yes yes 
He didn’t speak much (you wished he did though because his voice was divine)
my fellow voicekink brian bloom fans where you at
ah wooing by fake dating, is there a better trope (tbh the ones I’ve read are hit or miss but this one is 10/10)
Keegan sat on his bed as you went through his wardrobe. How cheesy would it be if he were to pull out his guitar and serenade you? He, too, was told the ladies liked men who played the guitar. Why do you think he picked it up in high school?
*thousand eyed stare thinking of how many times I've heard wonderwall as a millenial*
He’d made it his mission to make sure taking him to your family was worth your while.
ah yes a true soldier through and throughhhhh~
You were a steady stream of glee that didn’t drain him and he couldn’t get enough.
AAWWWWWWW fucking loved this line!!!!!!!
also the cousin’s name as Bella now has me picturing her as twilight kristen stewart
It only made it hard to dilute your hopefulness that this meant the slightest bit more than nothing.
“dilute your hopefulness” GAAHHH LOVE THIS PHRASE CIN MWAH MWAH
now how to put this lightly but everything about bella just filled me with pure rage lol first off I WOULD ALSO KILL FOR A DYSON AIR WRAP GIFTED TO ME (can I buy one? yes. can I justify buying one? hell no) and I hate to use this term but textbook definition of a ‘pick-me girl’ right here but seeing casual cruelty like this would make me hear those kill bill sirens and have me swabbing some vaseline on my face and taking my earrings off and spitting some razorblades out my mouth and- cough anyway that’s from my younger fanciful days, I don’t carry razorblades in my mouth this isn’t late 90s/early 2000s new york ha cough anyway moving on smh throwing my hands at bella up in air
but I loved the contrast with keegan and let me just say everything about bella’s ‘gift’ goes against the pure nature of giftgiving and I am thrilled that she left the card there but got to take Keegan home 🥰
this whole fic reminded me of a lovely quote I read on a tear-off daily calendar lol
“The wise one knows. The giver of the gift IS the gift. And the gift is just the giver’s heart in the shape of something to make you smile.  The gift decays. The giver stays. And so the real gift remains.”
I will make an exception for celebrating Christmas in July for any of cin's holiday fics 🥰🥰🥰
aaaaand also reading: by Ghost x plus-sized reader by cinny
omfg fucking tearing up my pillows to shreds at how much I love this lil fic!!!
You scoffed, looking past him at the other ladies in the room. “Are you serious? There are plenty who weigh far less.” His brow rose. “Are you calling me weak?”
fucking love reading about a suave smooth-ass ghost
His eyes softened a touch. “May I? Please?”
 Across the pub, the table of three men grinned at the massive stranger. The one with the mohawk was very much entertained as he gave him thumbs up.
yes yes we love wingman!141
You laughed, your breath warm against his ear. “Are you going to set me down or am I having my drink on your back?” “Don’t give me ideas.” He chuckled as he lowered you to your feet.
“Okay. Well, thanks for he drink. You could get back to your mates if you want.” “I’m Simon,” he mustered instead.
When he turned to them, they immediately busied themselves with their drinks, averting their gazes.
So that was why you were alone. You were waiting for someone. Disappointment anchored at the bottom of his chest. “Right. Okay.” You smiled. “Thanks for the drink, Simon. I’ll see you around, yeah?” He grunted and you headed to the end of the bar. He stood umoving for another second before retreating to his table like a kicked puppy.
ummm omg I literally keeled over and slumped out of my chair in sympathy for simon for a good minute before I could read on OMG CIN HOW COULD YOU (lmao jk I loved this sm)
You flagged down some other blond man who walked over to you with a smile.
LMAO yes yes simon you are clearly superior
“I know she’s with someone, but I can tell she likes you more,” Price said, and Simon finally tore his gaze away from you. “Ye should fight ‘im, L.T. He dinnae stand a fuckin’ chance.” “You can knock him out with a slap,” Gaz quipped.
fucking love this, cin has 141 characterisation down to a T with each of their responses!!!! 
also men of the world if you can please take notes on stepping up from 141 here, please start doing so yesterday tyvm
so busy mopping up my heart from melting at how adorable this meet-cute is and I also got halal two days in a row from the halal guys cart by work thanks to reading about the kebabs in this fic
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and finally reading: Ghost x asmr artist reader by cinny
"Simon had a pepper problem and a pasta dilemma"
🥺🥺🥺🥺 I am dying at the cuteness here alr🥺🥺🥺🥺
You turned to him. He noticed the little startle before you shoved your phone back in your pocket.
men who are self-aware of their size and presence and the effect it has on ppl around them and act accordingly, I love you
Your quiet cooking videos were one of the only things left that offered him calmness, especially on those nights away on missions, giving him tingles in all the right places, and shamefully, the wrong ones too sometimes.
sir, sir, there is no room for shame in love~
“Ah- I’m sorry,“ he managed, flustered by your sudden exit. “I didn’t want to be presumptuous, but you make those videos, don’t you? I recognised your voice.” You grinned, turning to him. “I just wanted to thank you,” he said. “Your videos comfort me a lot.” “I’m happy to hear. Thank you for watching.” Simon wanted to tug his beanie over his face because as you walked away, he was unmoving with a racing heart and a blush over his pale cheeks.
omfg WANTED TO TUG HIS BEANIE DOWN??? I AM IN LOVE I LOVE STRONG YET VULNERABLE GIANT MEN SM (this is a fluff fic so I am keeping with the fluffy vibes nd restraining my horny ass from choking out some absolutely thirsty comments here)
Despite the uncomfortable circumstances, your quiet yet crisp voice always sent him into a restful slumber.
yes shoutout to my favorite YT vids and comfort fics for putting me to sleep without fail
The chance encounter only fuelled his attraction. Knowing the kind smile behind the sweetest voice felt like an intimate secret, one you shared with him and only him - not with the rest of your few thousand subscribers.
i love how sweet simon is here with his lil parasocial crush and OMG WHEN READER APPROACHES HIM FIRST IN THE PASTA AISLE I also blushed IRL GOD I LOve FLUFF FICS SM
“Someone sent in a recipe for a video, and it’s absolutely delicious. I’ve been making it at least once a month ever since.”
He combed his hair back with his fingers, hoping his hat hair wasn’t terrible. He caught the double take you did at his tattooed arm.
🥰hehehe i love these little tidbits and morsels of vulnerability (hmm good band name, writing that down)
The rich scent of caramelised meat drifting in the room wrapped around him like a warm blanket.
Between sips of tea, you enjoyed your own halves of the chocolate wordlessly, the music melting into the background.
The savoury aroma glided past the thin gaps of the oven, swirling and dancing between you and him.
mmmmmm this has to be one of the coziest fics ive ever read
“I was an apprentice butcher before I enlisted.” He pressed down on the ricer with ease.
so much said in two sentences!!! ugh mwah mwah so many chef’s kisses for your writing style cinny
also loved how both are very self-aware and how reader picks up on simon talking about his mom in past tense and the whole fic emerging to fit around this bit of simon’s story is so wonderful to me… He waited until you took a bite before taking his own, and his breath caught. His brows furrowed as lump formed in his throat. Had the ground cracked and plunged him into a glitched universe? He was once more in Manchester, 10 years younger, finally home after a long day at the butcher, his mum and brother waiting at the table with the piping hot dish in the middle of it.
literally picturing that critic eating ratatouille flashback end scene from the eponymous movie 😂🥰
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The last thing he wanted to do in front of you was shed a tear, but there he was, some hulking stranger sobbing on your shoulder as nostalgia held him in a death grip. It was humiliating to be seen like this – he didn’t remember the last time he cried from feelings, yet the tears wouldn’t cease despite his efforts. But you held him close, and his thick arms wrapped around you. He told himself if he pulled you close enough, it would hurt less.
i love how simon’s comfort streamer becomes an IRL comfort place for him to safely break down 🥹🥹 did I cry from reading this? IDK MAYBE WHO KNOWS? (looks at the ruined kleenex piled in my wastebin)
I hope all readers know and have a person and place like this (and may we host such places and become such people as well) 💛✨🌿
and of course I will pause my rambles here with a big-ass hug 🫂 and thank you to cinny for being a wonderful comfort fic writer for meeee 🫶🫶🫶😘👌😘👌😘👌
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quiltedlovers · 2 years
im having such a great run with fiction right now and largely with fiction written by women which is so sick
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sweetiecutie · 1 year
Part three: daddy kink~ 🩷Kinktober Masterlist🩷
Pairing: Keegan P Russ x fem! Reader
Warnings: NSFW, mdni choking, spitting, daddy kink, size kink, omg this is nasty I like it
The sound of headboard hitting repeatedly against the wall filled clammy space of the room, your wanton moans along with Keegan’s heavy breathing bounced off tall walls around, going back straight into your ears.
Keegan’s mighty body was covering all of your smaller frame, his stomach was pressed against yours half-laying on top of you, allowing you to feel his abs flexing and relaxing with every deep breath he took. One tattooed hand was wrapped around your throat, squeezing the sides slightly, making it harder for blood to flow through your carotid artery. This made you lightheaded - your head buzzed with some undecipherable feeling, white hog of pleasure covering your eyes along with Keegan’s lengthy cock ramming in and out of your drooling cunt, causing your senses to sharpen and your toes curl in pure bliss.
Bright euphoria sparkled up and down your spine as grip of Keegan’s hand around your throat loosened - such needed oxygen rushed to your brain; your swollen lips parted in a silent moan, unseeing eyes half-covered by heavy lids, letting pleasure consume you whole. It all just felt too good - Keegan’s hips were angled perfectly against yours, his leaking tip was nudging that one spot deep within you, his thumb never stopping its abuse on your poor clit.
Hand around your neck came up to cup your chin - a thumb on one cheek and four fingers on the other squeezed your face slightly, preventing you from closing your mouth. Your vision came in focus just as you saw a thick white glob of spit falling from Keegan’s lips, next moment you felt its warmth on your tongue. His fingers covered your lips then, Russ leaned closer towards you, his lips brushing your temple as he murmured:
- Swallow, - his raspy voice made your pussy clench, eliciting a small grunt and then a laugh out of Keegan’s throat. You swallowed, opening your mouth afterwards to prove that you didn’t loose a single drop. - Thants my good girl, so eager to please daddy, just my perfect slut, yeah? Tell me.
- ‘m daddy’s slut, - you mumbled up incoherently, mind hogged with feeling your fourth orgasm bubbling up within your stomach.
- Louder. Scream it so our neighbours hear, - Keegan said, smirking at your fucked out expression. You both knew that your neighbours’ living room was right next to your bedroom - a nice middle aged couple, a balding man’s eyes always lingering on you for too long - there was no way they wouldn’t hear. - Come on, don’t make me wait.
- I’m daddy’s slut, fuck I’m daddy’s desperate slut! - you cried out, feeling your orgasm approaching rapidly. Your back arched off the bed, up into Keegan’s strong body. The corners of his cold blue eyes crinkled at your words, wide grin plastered across that handsome motherfucking face, enjoying how fucked-out you already were.
- That’s it, doll. Cum on that dick, make daddy happy, - his pace never once faltered, fucking you into and through your mind-blowing high, holding your shaking body tightly, keeping you right underneath him - just where you belonged. He only stopped when you began to writhe and whine under his touch, his calloused thumb rubbing against your swollen clit being too much to take.
Keegan straightened up, sitting on his haunches with his dick still buried deep inside your cunt, piercing eyes gazing down onto your pliant body, occasional post-coital shudders still tumbling though you. Warm hand splayed across your heaving tummy, covering almost all of it - with how fucking bigger he was than you - gliding up to your ribcage and sternum, turning left and gripping a handful of soft tit. You were laying still, trying to catch your breath, your eyes peeled open to look up at Keegan - his skin shone with thin layer of sweat, short strands of black hair stuck to his forehead, a few bright marks you left bloomed on that pale neck of his.
He smirked upon meeting your eyes; a sudden thrust of his hips made you yelp in both surprise and pleasure, drilling his dick even deeper into you.
- Come on, princess. Daddy’s not done with you yet. Still gotta let that dickhead of a neighbour know just who you belong to, right?
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cumikering · 9 months
Neighbour Keegan Russ x reader
3.4k | fluff Fake dating on Christmas but wishing it wasn’t. Hey, where did the rest of the wine go?
“Didn’t expect to see you here.”
Keegan turned to you standing at the door of the laundry room.
He chuckled. “Likewise. Seems like everyone’s already gone for the holidays.”
“You’re not going home?”
He shook his head. “My break’s too short to make it worth the trip. You?”
“I’m flaking.” You tipped your basket into the machine next to him. “I’m gonna say I’m sick.”
“Oh, why?”
“My cousin’s family is hosting. She’s not my favourite.”
He laughed. “What’s your beef with her?”
“She’s such a show-off, won’t stop talking about her boyfriend and the fancy gifts she’s getting.” You inserted the coins into the machine with more force than needed. “And I think it’s finally getting to my mum, because she’s asking about my relationship status.”
“Well, if you need company…” he said, trying to not sound too hopeful. I’d love to spend some time with you.
You turned to him, brow raised. “Wait, you mean, you want to come with? Be my plus one?”
“That wasn’t- well, yeah. I can do that.” He shrugged. “If you want.”
This wasn’t the direction he was heading for. He was going to offer to spend Christmas together, maybe exchange gifts, but he surely wasn’t going to take that back. Anything for a chance with you.
He always enjoyed seeing your face brighten like that, despite never getting the chance to see it enough. When you moved in down the hall a few months back, he’d always found you cute, even managed to exchange numbers ‘in case you need anything’. But between deployments, he was lucky to even catch a glimpse of you once a week, leaving any possible advances towards you simply a fantasy to him.
But the opportunity presented itself that late Sunday morning and he wasn’t going to let it go.
“I don’t mind. Spending Christmas alone is depressing anyway.” He smiled. “What do I need? Wine, gifts?”
You shook your head. “Just show up, that’s all.”
“I just need to look good?” he teased.
You laughed. “I didn’t want to put it that way.”
“That’s alright. I know my place. You’re welcome to dress me up.”
“Okay.” You looked down at your basket. “I’ll text you when I get the details. See you next week.” And with that, you left, avoiding his gaze.
He was out of practice, but was he that out of practice that he came on too strong and scared you? He certainly didn’t mean to make it suggestive. This was going to end before it even started. He grimaced to himself.
This fake dating shenanigan was never going to work if you could barely look at your ‘boyfriend’. Dress him up? That time you saw Keegan on a run shirtless out your window you had to sit down.
But he was casual about the offer. Obviously it meant nothing to him, just something to do for the holidays - anything was better than celebrating alone. You didn’t have to make it weird.
It was just a lunch.
So when he asked if you wanted to have dinner at his place on the 24th, you didn’t know if you were supposed to be excited or not. But surely he was just being nice. He was nice.
He didn’t speak much (you wished he did though because his voice was divine), but he was always nice ever since you moved in, telling you to not hesitate to text if you needed anything. You knew he meant it, but between his tours, he was still a busy man you didn’t want to bother. Instead, you delivered home cooked meals after each deployment.
Maybe he was trying to return the favour.
When you said yes, well, Keegan couldn’t contain his excitement. He made a run to the fancy supermarket after work. He’d been told that women liked guys who cooked and he wasn’t horrible at it. It was his time to shine.
He welcomed you to his apartment with a smile. He hoped you didn’t judge the state of his kitchen too much. He had underestimated the effort required for said dinner, but the way you lit up made it all worth it.
“Would you like some wine?”
“No, thanks. I don’t really drink.”
He sat down, the dishes across the table. “Well, then your family is getting two bottles.”
“Please, you didn’t have to.”
“Are you sure I don’t have to try to impress them?” Isn’t that what boyfriends do?
“You’re doing more than enough coming tomorrow. My mum’s going to like you too much.” You let out a small laugh.
You too, I hope. He helped you to a serving of potato gratin. “I really don’t mind.”
“This is delicious. I didn’t know you’re such a great cook,” you said after a bite.
He smiled proudly. You didn’t need to know he persuaded (or coerced, who knows) the cook at base to coach him for the night.
Your eyes flicked back onto your plate, but his remained on you. You were a pleasure to look at, and the fact that you were there in his apartment, letting him cook dinner for you, made him chew on his lip.
Having usually only met in passing, he finally had the chance to ask more about you. And you smiled again when you talked about what you liked doing for fun, the passion oozing out of you. He could listen to you all night.
He wished he had dessert as a reason to keep you longer, but the conversation moved to the couch after you helped him clean up. He breathed a small sigh of relief, feeling like a boy clueless on how to keep their crush’s attention.
“What are you wearing tomorrow? I’ll pick something that goes with you.” He figured he was too bold the other day with his statement.
“Actually, if you don’t mind, I might as well pick your outfit while I’m here.”
Well, he didn’t expect that.
Keegan sat on his bed as you went through his wardrobe. How cheesy would it be if he were to pull out his guitar and serenade you? He, too, was told the ladies liked men who played the guitar. Why do you think he picked it up in high school?
“I can’t pick between these two.” You held up a maroon sweater and a dark green button down.
“I probably I shouldn’t be offering after such a huge dinner, but do you need me to put them on to see?”
You looked at him with a little glint in your eye as you laid the clothes next to him. “If you insist.”
Oh, he loved making you smile.
It was adorable how you quickly everted your gaze when he took his shirt off (he was hoping you’d look), but at least he enjoyed the attention you gave him when he was in said tops. You settled on the sweater and black jeans before excusing yourself for the night.
“We don’t need to take a cab tomorrow,” he said at your door. “I haven’t driven anyone in a civilian setting in a long time, but I can drive us.”
You laughed. “I can’t even begin to guess why you feel the need to tell me this, but I am not reassured at all.”
“People at work think I’m a bad driver, but I’ve never been in any accident.” He placed a hand over his chest. “I promise to keep you safe.”
“You better.”
The next morning, as your (self-proclaimed) arm-candy for the day, Keegan did way more push ups than he needed to. He also managed to retrieve the cologne he hadn’t seen in at least a year. He’d made it his mission to make sure taking him to your family was worth your while.
He fussed with the car audio. “Would you like any music?”
“I thought the etiquette is the driver gets to pick.” You strapped yourself in, the belt snug against your dark green top.
“Fair enough,” he said with an amused smile. He pulled off the lot as the familiar intro to Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High played.
“Oh, I like this song!”
“Sing with me.” He turned up the volume.
The both of you sang wholeheartedly, and he knew he shouldn’t be looking, but he had to see the smile on your face. You were rather quiet in the short interactions you had, but you’d opened up the night before, allowing your playful personality to shine. You were a steady stream of glee that didn’t drain him and he couldn’t get enough.
He should have made his move much sooner.
“You wanna tell me about your cousin’s infamous boyfriend?”
“They started dating in the summer. Bella couldn’t shut up about how he went to Ivy League and got his masters, how much he’s making and his fancy vacations.” You chuckled. “Well, the first time we met, she dropped her very expensive earring at the restaurant. The three of us looked for it under the table and then he said ‘threesome’ under his breath.”
Keegan bellowed a laugh, looking over to you. “What the hell?”
“I wish I was joking.” You shook your head. “I don’t think he intended to say it out loud because when I turned to him, he looked like he was about to piss himself. He never looked me in the eye the rest of the day.”
He stifled last of his laughs. “If I were him I’d have left. Forever.”
“She’s always smiling with him so I’m happy for her too, but he’s definitely not as cool as she painted him to be.”
“Wait, that’s who I’m up against? I don’t stand a chance. I should have got a fancier gift than wine.”
“I didn’t want to compare, but you’re the far better company. Far better looking too.”
He didn’t have to look at you to tell you were smiling. He hoped you meant that.
“So I have to stare at you a bit to sell it, right?”
You laughed. “Well, you don’t have to.”
“What if I can’t help it?”
“Then I guess I’ll have to stare back.”
“Should I- can I hold your hand?” He was glad he didn’t have to look at you because he wouldn’t dare to ask otherwise.
When you placed a hand on his forearm, he gripped it against his thigh. His heart raced.
And yours now too.
Keegan went far beyond the extra mile for this silly lunch, and what for? It only made it hard to dilute your hopefulness that this meant the slightest bit more than nothing.
A sliver of dread crept up. If your mum liked him too much, and you knew she would, she’d keep asking about him, and what would you say? You wouldn’t want to break her heart, but most importantly, you didn’t want to break yours. How were you going to say ‘we won’t be seeing each other anymore’ without your genuine disappointment bleeding through?
But you were a big girl. It was your petty idea to rub it in Bella’s face that you had a handsome and well-mannered plus one with a stupidly silky voice. You told yourself you’d worry about that after.
You turned to him. He’d styled his hair differently and shaved that morning, his light stubble accentuated his jaw. He smelt good – fresh and clean. His sweater was snug enough to outline his strong arms and chest. You hoped he didn’t mind you looking. Maybe you should have taken his offer to dress him up.
He had loosened his grip on you, thumb now stroking over your knuckles. He had pretty hands, his long fingers curled over the steering wheel. You entwined yours with his.
Despite the weather, your hand remained warm in his on the porch. You looked up at him, rocking on the balls of your feet, but his gentle smile and the squeeze to your hand slowed you down.
It was your first time being this close to him. His beautiful blue eyes twinkled in the sun. The eye-contact lingered.
“Coming!” A voice called from inside as footsteps approached.
“Show time,” he muttered close to your ear.
Bella couldn’t hide her surprise when she opened the door and you bit back a smirk.
“Hi, I’m Keegan. You must be Bella. Nice to meet you.” He extended his hand.
She blinked before taking it. She swallowed and took another second before turning to you. “I thought you were joking about bringing someone.”
He chuckled. “Well, here I am in the flesh. Hope you don’t mind.”
“No, not at all.” She stepped aside. “Please come in.”
He followed behind you as the three of you made your way past the kitchen. You hugged your mum and aunt before introducing him.
“From us. Thanks for having me, ma’am.” He handed your aunt the wines and gave your mum a squeeze.
You went to the dining room where your dad and Bella’s chatted. Keegan addressed them with sir and exchanged pleasantries before you followed Bella back to the kitchen. You didn’t miss how the table was only set for six.
She linked arms with you, eyes narrowed. “Not bad,” she muttered.
I know. “Ryan’s not joining?”
“We broke up last month.”
You stopped to look at her, brows furrowed. “No. What happened?” You genuinely thought they were going to last a while.
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m not sad about it.” Her manicured fingers squeezed your forearm.
“Are you… Sure you’re okay? You seemed happy with him.”
“I am. I guess the honeymoon period wore off, that’s all,” she said with a shrug. “Anyway, for my birthday, he got me a Dyson Air Wrap gift set, but it’s so not in my colour.” She shook her head and continued to walk. “He should have known. How did he think I was going to like it?”
You blinked. You’d appreciate even a quarter of a Dyson Air Wrap, but you knew it was another one of her humble brags. You let her have her moment.
Your mum laughed with her sister over tea. They didn’t get to see each other often and you thought it was worth the hassle of enduring Bella that day to see her like so. She gave you a pleased look and a thumbs up as you grabbed extra tableware and you had to stifle a giggle.
Keegan flashed you a smile when you entered the room to set the table for him. Making conversation with your dad and uncle, he looked like he fit right in.
Lunch began shortly and the chatter built as the wine poured. Keegan sat next to you and helped you with the food before himself. He put his hand over yours when you mouthed ‘thanks’.
“I heard you moved to a new apartment? How’s it been?” your aunt asked.
“I did. I love it there.” You turned to Keegan. “Actually, that’s how we met. He’s my neighbour.”
She cooed. “How sweet! Looks like you settled right in then.”
“How big is your apartment? Mine is huge. It’s such a pain to clean,” Bella said offhandedly.
You blinked. Your aunt turned to her with furrowed brows.
“How’s the new job, kid?” your dad asked. “I hope better than the last.”
Before you could answer, Bella interjected. “Oh, did I tell you I’m getting promoted next month? They’re giving me my own office too.”
The table fell silent. After a beat you said, “That’s great. I hope you like the new office.”
“How’s your new job? Tell us,” Keegan said.
You gave him a small smile before turning to your dad again.
After lunch, the seven of you moved to the living room for the gift exchange. Keegan didn’t leave your side, a hand on your knee as you unwrapped your gifts.
You got your parents a couple’s spa trip, a tea set and a board game for your aunt and uncle, and a perfume for Bella. In turn, you received a pretty charm bracelet from your parents and a nice pair of headphones from Bella’s. You gave each of them a squeeze for the gift.
As Keegan helped you put the bracelet on, you ignored Bella when she asked what brand it was, thankful she didn’t even comment on the perfume. You didn’t expect much from her, but you definitely didn’t expect the gift card to the hairdresser and the little note that it came with. Hopefully you can fix your hair <3
You froze and Keegan leaned over to read the card in your hand.
“I’m sorry, is there something wrong with her hair?” he narrowed his eyes at her.
She shrugged. “Oh, it’s just dry, that’s all.”
Your aunt gave her a disapproving look, but she wasn’t looking.
“I don’t think there’s anything that needs fixing,” he said firmly, his stare unwavering. “Her hair’s perfectly fine.”
Before Bella could respond, you excused yourself to the kitchen and your mum quickly followed.
“Oh, I’m sorry for making you come,” she said, stoking your back. “I know you two don’t really get along.”
“It’s not your fault, mum.” You frowned as you poured yourself a glass of wine and downed it. “She can say whatever she wants. I shouldn’t care what she thinks of my hair, or my apartment, or my job.”
“Maybe she’s a bit envious today. I mean, you’re the one with the nice boy with you.” She smiled playfully. “You should see the way she keeps stealing glances at him. Too bad he’s too busy staring at you to notice.”
You let out a small laugh.
“That’s my girl.” She gave you a hug. “I like that he stood up for you. It’s the only way my daughter deserves to be treated.”
You smiled against her shoulder and the both of you stayed in the embrace for a bit longer.
The living room was tense when you returned to your seat next to Keegan. He gave you a sympathetic look as he rubbed your arm. Bella didn’t meet your eyes, her arms crossed over her chest. She’d been told off by her mum, and it was hard for him to bite back his laugh.
Your aunt broke the silence by suggesting a few photos by the Christmas tree before you left. He volunteered, making sure you looked perfect in them.
You bade your goodbyes and once again gave your aunt a hug. You left the damned gift card on the couch and took Keegan’s arm to the car. He had noticed you were more smiley than before the incident.
You groaned when he drove off. “Now you know why I was going to bail.” You slumped over, looking out the window.
“I’m sorry about what happened."
“M’glad you’re with me. Would’a been pathetic going home alone and pissed.”
“But the rest of your family’s very nice. I actually had a nice time.”
”Yeah, but how much of that was fake?”
“What?” He took a quick glance at you.
“Y’know, the hand holding, standing up for me.”
“None. Nothing I did was fake.”
“You sure about that?”
He laughed. “Were you drinking? In the kitchen?”
“Well, yes,” you hesitated. “How’d you know?”
He pulled over and turned to you. “If I didn’t like you I wouldn’t have come.”
“Don’t joke around now.” Your eyes narrowed.
“I’m not.” He took your hand, lips quirked into a small smile. “Sometimes I linger around at my door so I can catch you, but I never do because I come home too late.”
Your frown remained and his heart raced as the silence ensued. Shit, he must have read the room wrong. How much of this would you remember?
“You should talk more,” you finally said. “Your voice is perfection, addicting,”
He let out a relieved chuckle, thumb grazing over your knuckles. “I sound that good?”
You shrugged, flashing him a playful smile.
“Can’t help thinking had I been more forward from the start, maybe I wouldn’t just be ‘someone you’re taking’ today.”
“There’s next year, no?”
He held your gaze. “If you were sober, I’d ask if I could kiss you.”
“Why not now?”
“I want you to remember, so I’ll wait until we get home.”
“That’s a shame, but at least the wine will make your driving somewhat bearable.”
He laughed, pressing your hand to his lips. “You better sober up fast, because I’ve been waiting too long.”
More Keegan: second chance on Tinder, werewolf AU
@glitterypirateduck @sofasoap @macravishedbymactavish @shadofireshinobi @keegansshark @tiredmetalenthusiast @caramlizedtomatoes @two-gh0sts @rowanyaboats @mysticslumber @tipsykeen
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p1astories · 20 days
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# 𝐏𝟏𝑨𝑺𝑻𝑶𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑺 — navigation.
free palestine. — bookworm history nerd / swimmer | bisexual | asian-british | she / her | 🧺🌺🪿🪭
# @f1-and-shiz
— formula one blog | #🍒🪩🍾
— #WORKS !
( MADEIRINHA — joão félix. ) work in progress !
# IN WHICH — madeira ‘madeirinha’ barreira is formula 1’s IT GIRL, an absolute ray of sunshine, but the newest chelsea player, who happens also to be her new neighbour — thinks otherwise. it’s only a matter of time before she — and her cat, ayrton — charms her way into his heart as well.
# PG8 —
nothing here yet !
# — 6:15 AM. work in progress ! will be out soon.
# absolutely no — smut ( not yet ) , racism , homophobia , transphobia , disrespect or anything of the sort — you will be immediately blocked and reported.
# i write — x gender neutral ! reader and x female ! reader , smau , imagine , blurb , series.
# i write for — ( # — FOOTBALL :: pedri , gavi , ferran torres , joao felix , marc guiu , lamine yamal , hector fort , jamal musiala , florian wirtz , kai havertz , joshua kimmich , ruben dias , pau cubarsi , cole palmer , robin le normand , pablo torre , julian alvarez , fermin lopez , marc bernal , martin odegaard , federico chiesa , scott mctominay ,
( # — FORMULA ONE :: franco colapinto , oscar piastri , paul aron , jack doohan , max verstappen , arthur leclerc ,
( # — OLYMPICS :: keegan palmer , leon marchand ,
( # — FICTIONAL :: conrad oxford , eggsy unwin , percy jackson , jason grace ,
( # — KEEP AN EYE ON THIS LIST ( above ) :: this list may be added onto a lot , as i very quickly find new people to obsess over ( lol ) or i just might not feel like writing for them anymore. also, keep in mind that this list only contains who i feel the most comfortable abt writing, but i like to be pushed out of my comfortzone once in a while :) — you may suggest someone that isn’t on this list in my ask box , and i’ll decide if i want to write them :).
# warning — probs inconsistent posting , swearing , slightly mature themes , possible violence or anything trauma inducing — i will be adding a trigger warning.
# taglist — ( if you want to be tagged when i post a fic , write ‘ # ’ under this post <3 )
c. #P1ASTORIES — 2024.
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oikiri · 1 year
So what happened exactly? (and a little timeline from what I have observed)
It started around March. AJ/Dilan was talking to Inquisitor3 (Vincent) on discord since she did some edits for him and I think he just wanted to be nice to her. Later on she already tried to expose him after trying to get him to flirt back to her which was I think her first attempt at exposing him (cue several screenshots of her talking to Tito mentioning they tried to expose/cancel him before and it didn't work & screenshots of him calling out AJ/Dilan in DMs because he saw her attempt at doing so.
Now, I don't know how long she's been scheming this whole thing along with Tito (her boyfriend) but from screenshots between them it's clear it's been months.
Tito encourages her to try harder because they don't have enough "proof"/enough entrapment material to set him up.
During this conversation Tito not only supports her and further pushes her to do so, AJ/Dilan isn't stupid, she is also quite obsessed with the idea of cancelling him.
She mentions hes live and mentions she needs someone called "Pippy" to answer back to her [for further planning I suppose but this person may be involved in this too].
Tito mentions he wants to speak to his other parent about AJ/Dilan so they know about her --> Dilan barely acknowledges that and then jumps straight back to talking about Inquisitor3. Then asks her own boyfriend if its okay if she "flirts" with Inquisitor3.
Very strange dynamic they have but even further proof that she is obsessed with him.
They message Keegan's Mask on tiktok, she tries to "help" apparently (I take it as being purposefully happy about someone in the community getting cancelled as her previous videos have been bordering on roasting/bullying other content creators in the hopes of being funny) and she makes a video of him. Now she has almost 300k followers and her fanbase picks it up rather quickly.
It blows up and Inquisitor3 deactivates all of his accounts.
What happens next?
I personally went onto tiktok to find some videos addressing the whole issue. Most of the videos I find aren't really viral so I check the comments.
I see someone commenting in all caps "IM THE GIRL HE WAS TALKING TO" (don't quote me on that I don't know if she wrote minor or girl but this was about it).
Her replies were full of support but I found her comment incredibly weird and off-putting.
There were many comments so I scrolled further down and saw Turkish Terminator's comment (same one who made the video explaining the situation so kudos to him for knowing all of this before and trying to tell people) that he was talking about AJ and her using slurs and what not.
So this brings me back to my original thought as to how this AJ person is this involved and proud about being the person in question and then also being someone who is problematic on whole other levels.
Meanwhile Tito is bragging in comments about how it's his girlfriend that was targeted.
Three days ago Inquisitor3's tiktok account is back up. He's on live for several hours but I couldn't join.
I commented on one of his recent videos asking for clarification and update about the accusations just to a few hours later receive a reply in which someone stated that he's dead.
Inquisitor3 had been on live for around 2 hours with nothing but silence, the room was mostly dark and the camera was facing his glass door. The comments were off. Keegans Mask meanwhile was making fun of this same live.
After 2 hours or so, someone breaks the glass in, pushes inside and you can hear the panic in his voice as he tries helping Vincent (Inquisitor3). This goes on for a while as more neighbours come around to help I suppose? They call paramedics and it's all caught on live until they turn it off.
So lets circle back. AJ came forward to say that the accusations were false.
Tito pretended he wasn't involved at all.
And Keegans Mask made a tiktok wistfully looking out the window as if a man hasn't just ended his life on tiktok live.
AJ immediately went into hiding right after, changed her discord username and responded to a comment on one of her tiktok accounts that she's been crying and praying all night for him and didn't want any of that to happen.
Meanwhile Vincent's real life friends/mutuals came forward to confirm that he has passed and Turkish Terminator made the video about him explaining the situation further for everyone's understanding and naming all three involved in these accusations and set up: AJ, Tito and Keegans Mask (which I think was the right thing to do.) Yes, Keegans Mask may not have been part of the set up but she is just as wrong.
So why did this happen?
In my opinion AJ is/was obsessed with Vincent. I think that is why Tito also played into it because it bothered him without him openly mentioning or confirming this fact. From their exchanges it's very clear of how she ignored Tito to obsess over Vincent. Ultimately she did all this because she wahted his attention.
Later that day Vincent's father also came forward to confirm his sons passing with a video.
Turkish Terminator made another video confirming this also and has been in contact with Vincent's father to make sure his source is right unlike some other people.
Now the community is obviously shaken up and upset and due to AJ's hiding she's lucky she's not getting tagged in most videos addressing these things. Minor or not she was the main culprit and needs to face consequences for pushing a man to end his life.
I cannot even begin to mention how it bothers me that in most videos now people only mention Tito and Keegans Mask or simply call Dilan Titos girlfriend. She needs to be named too.
All three have posted "apology videos" yet I find they lack responsibility and empathy.
Dilan deleted her apology account quickly again and Keegans Mask is currently deactivated. Tito still pretends to be mostly innocent and pretends to have broken up with Dilan and say that her accounts have been removed (which are lies).
She's also back on discord and chats with people claiming she wants to end it and Tito claims she attempted, yet the conversations that I have seen from her make it visible that she lacks any empathy in this situation still and sees herself as the victim.
I'm not here for a witch hunt I am simpy here to explain what I've observed and want these people included to face serious consequences.
Screenshots incoming soon as I am still collecting the ones I've seen floating around + extra ones and I'm currently at the beach with the worst internet connection.
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robotstrategy · 8 months
Recalled • Part 4 • 27 - Keegan
Previous • Series Masterlist • Part 4 Masterlist • Next
TW: Animal Death + Slight Gore (Trust me, you won’t like this chapter.)
The trailer park is colourful, there’s the patchy grass that is mostly all dirt at this point holding up all the trailers. The dull stained trailers in all different colours, but what’s more colourful is the people that live there. Keegan sits on the electrical box next to the main road waiting for his older brother to come home.
“Just sitting out here in your wife-beater aren’t you, Keegan?”
Keegan cringes, looking over at his neighbour, he sneers, “Don’t call it that!”
“But that’s what you call it? Don’t you?”
Before Keegan can say anything it’s like the wrong words start spilling from his mouth. “Hell no!” He awkwardly gets up off the electrical box, his mind is fighting with itself again. It’s been a year with Roland controlling his mind, and still can’t tie him down to his command.
Keegan enters his family’s RV and the smell of nicotine enters his nostrils. His mom smokes while looking at a magazine, probably daydreaming of all the things she can’t afford. Keegan has never really connected with his mom, yet now he feels some sort of sympathy but also anger towards her.
“What do you want, Keegs?” His mom asks, her raspy voice echoing through the camper.
“Roland has been messing with me again,”
“Knew it was a mistake to get you a new brain part, I tried to tell your father, but he wouldn’t listen, we could’ve put that money to good use.”
“Please, all you’d spend it on cigarettes.” Keegan watches his mom sit there, a teardrop lands on the magazine. “I know I’m hopeless, you don’t have to rub it in.”
Keegan is about to say something until he hears motorcycles roaring in the distance. He runs out of the RV towards the street watching as five motorcycles stop in front of the trailer park. The leader takes off his helmet and fixes his hair, he turns his head to Keegan, frowning.
“Oi Tony! You’re stupid-ass brother is still sitting out here waiting for us like he’s a little kid.”
Another one of the bikers removes his helmet, he puts two fingers to his temple, glaring at Keegan. Tony puts his helmet between his arm and his chest, grabbing his motorcycle by one of its handles pulling it off the street. While walking towards Keegan he grabs onto the back of the tank top, dragging him up into the RV. One of the other bikers passive-aggressively waves at Keegan as they go out of his view.
Once in the RV, Keegan gets out of Tony’s grip. “What the hell was that for?”
“Stop being such a friggin baby! It was endearing when you’d wait for us when you were fourteen, but it’s been three years. Grow the hell up!”
“I'll join you guys when I get the money, you know that?”
“Hell no you won’t!”
“Am too.”
“You’re such a whiny bitch!”
Keegan’s mom rises from her chair, filling her lungs with air as much as she can. “If you two are going to fight, do it outside, Myrtle is tryna sleep off a hangover!” She yells, surprisingly her yell is loud enough to wake up the pitbull a few trailers down.
“Or maybe you should just stop at this point.” Their mom looks outside at the pitbull. “Jesus, that thing is still kicking?” 
“It’s only a five-year-old mom,” Tony mutters, “and its brain is only getting worse and worse.”
Someone swings open the RV’s door, and all three of them turn around to see Keegan and Tony’s dad.
“I see the ole yapper is at it again?” He asks.
“Yeah, Mom woke it up with her yelling,” Tony exclaims, Keegan glares at him.
“Ah, making a fuss in here aren’t you Wendy?”
“Would all of you quiet down? Myrtle is trying to sleep!” Wendy whisper-shouts.
“Right, right.”
There's a second of silence in the RV, Keegan can only guess it’s between waiting for the dog to stop barking and seeing if Myrtle will get up because of it.
“Keegan still hasn’t gotten used to that new brain part yet,” Wendy mutters.
“Well of course, that Roland boy was violent, it’ll take some time to control him.” 
“Yeah, but you guys got his frontal lobe replaced, that Roland kid will most likely control him in the end,” Tony replies.
“Are you concerned about me?” Keegan asks his brother.
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re not my little brother, you’re some stupid jerk who’s taken over his mind!”
Keegan scowls, “You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew what I went through, huh, would you like to know what it was like to be unwound? I don’t like being here as much as you do.”
Tony and Wendy look horrified, his father says nothing. Keegan watches as his brother looks miffed, he then falls to his knees and puts his hands to the floor, he’s crying.
“Get out of here you hear me?! You probably went through a lot, but you can’t take my brother down with you, got it?” Keegan wants to scream back, but at the same time, he wants to run from the RV, from the situation. 
What happens is that he looks like a lunatic as he rages and runs out of the RV over to the entrance of the trailer park, he crouches himself in the tall grass, planting his palms to the ground, and words start falling from his mouth again.
“Pfft, your family is worse than mine, at least my sister liked me.”
“S-shut up.” He mutters.
“And ya don’t even live in a house? Y’know used to hear that they’d give out three thousand dollars if you unwound your child.”
“Shut up!” He yells.
“Oh you know your family wants to unwind you, shame I wasn’t the toughness they were looking for. And that whole ban on unwinding, god, wish that came sooner, then I wouldn’t be stuck here with you.”
“Maybe you should’ve told the Akron Awol to hurry up!” His mouth stays closed this time, guess Roland won't say anything on that subject. 
“Is that who stopped this?” Roland asks as he speaks from his mouth.
“I thought you’d know already”
“I make you do things, not remember them, idiot.”  
“Fair,” He pauses, “You seemed quiet when I talked about him, why?”
“Can I remember things?” 
“No, I can’t,” Roland says in a friendly voice, “Stupid!”
Keegan sighs as he gets up from hiding. “This has got to stop Roland, you can’t keep taking control of me!” Roland doesn’t talk this time, instead, there’s a wave of doubt that washes over him. Keegan knows why, he’ll never really get rid of Roland, not ever, unless one day he’s got enough money for a Biobuilder transplant. Well, unless he can scare Roland into submission.
Keegan knows from a neighbour who has an unwind part that unwinds don’t like the look of antifreeze. Something about the artificial greenness of it sends unwind parts bonkers. Keegan heads to the metal box welded to the RV; it's mostly filled with emergency supplies like nonperishables, an extra tank of gas, a first aid kit, and whatever the sort. Though below that is a bottle of antifreeze, Keegan shoves things to the side, pulling out the bottle, almost immediately his hand that holds it begins to shake. He unscrews the cap and sticks a finger in it, coating his finger in antifreeze he wipes it across his leg. His knees begin quaking as if he’s been kicked in between them, he quickly caps the bottle back up before Roland can try to release it from his grasp.
“Stop it! Stop it!” Roland cries.
“Pussy! Weak bitch!” He yells back.
“Shut up!” Keegan looks back up to the RV, Myrtle must’ve finally woken up to yell at him. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the only thing Keegan really woke up, he turns his head to look behind him, the pitbull charged at him, barely being held back by the metal peg and leash buried in the ground. Keegan looks it in the eyes, they show nothing but pure rage, it’s barking so much that spit is frothing up in the corners of its mouth. And yet, for how much Keegan is scared and enraged by this dog, part of him is worried about it. Keegan grumbles, he’s not worried for the dog but Roland is, Keegan backs away from the dog, and after a solid minute, it stops barking and goes back to its trailer and sleeps.
“Why are you worried about it?” He asks aloud.
“Thing looks like it has rabies, it’s miserable out here.”
“Psh, so I’m I.”
“I don’t care about you.”
“You should, if something bad happens to me, it’ll happen to you too.”
“Thought I told you before, I don’t wanna be stuck here.”
Keegan stays silent for a moment. “There’s a pocket knife in my jacket pocket, hurt me, Roland, I know you won't.”
“Just ‘cause I hate your guts doesn’t mean I want them all over the floor,” His hand pulls the pocket knife out, “Though…”
Keegan stabs himself in the arm and pulls down, leaving a giant cut all the way down. He winces and goes frantically through the first aid in the metal box. He sprays it with isopropyl alcohol, then shoves gauze on it and wraps it with bandages like his life depends on it.
“Ya better be livin’ on a prayer, ‘cause I don’t that’s gonna do shit.”
“You shouldn’t have done it in the first place! For the longest time, I thought you were harmless!”
“Ha! I don’t think I can kill, but I’ll harm all I want!”
Keegan sits in what little grass there is in the trailer park and thinks about what Roland said. He can’t kill. He doesn’t think he can kill. What if Keegan could confirm something about him? What if he could get Roland to kill? That pitbull is looking tempting right now, it’s about time someone put it down. Keegan had once read a horror story about the murderer killing the victim’s guard dog by filling up their water bowl with antifreeze and watching the dog drink it down. Roland seems to be afraid of the antifreeze, Keegan doesn’t think it would take much to convince him to do the crime.
Keegan looks back down at the bottle of antifreeze on the ground, he picks it back up. “How about we get rid of this.”
“Seems like a useless waste.”
“C’mon, by getting rid of this we could get rid of so much more, like that pitbull.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You know exactly what I’m saying.”
“I won’t do it.”
“You will.”
“Like you have any authority over what we do.”
“I told you, you have to stop controlling me, I’m going to get my way.”
“It’s just a dog, Keegan!”
“Don’t care, didn’t ask.”
“What are you going to do to it!?”
“You’ll just have to wait and see.”
Keegan knows that the pitbull’s owner works a 9 to 5, and right now it’s 2:30, a perfectly good time slot. It’s easy to walk in between the trailers, RVs, and caravans without getting caught, nobody wants their doors to be facing towards the pitbull, all Keegan has to do is duck under the windows. He lets out nervous hums as he gets closer to the dog, who lays sound asleep.
“You must be excited.” He whispers.
Keegan tiptoes past the dog over to a white jug with an orange cap. Keegan notices that every time the owner gives the dog water he gives it out of this jug, the jug almost calms the dog down as even the dog barks at the owner. Keegan grabs the jug and starts filling it with the antifreeze, he looks on the outside of it as the level of the antifreeze starts rising. “No, no, no, no, no…” He whispers, it seems like Roland wants to talk again. As Keegan steps closer the pitbull starts waking up, but it sees the jug and stays calm. Keegan walks over to the water dish and starts pouring the antifreeze into the bowl, the pitbull stumbles over waiting for it to be all filled up. He stares at the dog a bit, noticing little things about it, it's got a bitten-off ear and snaggletooth. There’s a pink collar around its neck with the name “Shyla” on it. He can feel his body start to tremble as Shyla starts lapping up what she thinks is a drink, in some way to repress Roland, Keegan bends down next to Shyla and starts petting her head like he watched her owner do every day. Somehow Shyla doesn’t see the difference between some middle-aged greaser and a 17-year-old with liberty spikes, not that Keegan is complaining, he’d rather not be chased down by a rabid dog right now. Noticing that blood from his fresh cut is starting to leak through the bandages Keegan finally gets up and walks backwards away from Shyla, watching for any aggression. 
“Are, are you happy now?” Roland asks.
“Yeah, I proved something.”
“What? That you’re a monster, that you're insane?!”
“You said you thought you couldn’t kill, so I wanted to prove that you could.”
“No! You did this, you made me make you do this!”
“I thought you were the one that made me do things, idiot.” 
Roland doesn’t respond. “Let’s face it, you’re what makes me do everything, if I killed a dog, then it was you that did it. You’re a killer Roland.”
“No, I can’t, I’ve tried it before, it doesn’t work!”
“I don’t know dammit!”
“Well, I guess animal’s lives don’t mean that much to you then.”
“No, no, they’re innocent, I’d only attack something if it attacked first.”
“Well, that dog would’ve hurt us one day.”
“But it didn't today, and if we stayed away from it, it wouldn’t have ever!” 
“And what if it attacked a little kid, how would you feel about it then?”
“Would you have cared if that dog hurt a kid?”
“... Of course, I would.”
“You do realize you use my part to think, I know your nasty thoughts, you wouldn’t care as long as it wasn’t you, you sicko!”
“So why didn’t you stop me from doing this in the first place?”
“Because, because somethings I just can’t control, okay? Certain parts of the brain don't interact with me.”
“You seem a little obsolete.”
“Keegan, I am your frontal lobe when I figure out how to, I’m gonna make sure you hold your breath ‘till you die!”
“I hear that realistically takes 8 minutes, you won’t get second thoughts?”
“I won't!”
Keegan hears the dog start to wheeze and pant and it lays against the ground, the antifreeze is kicking in. Keegan grins as he watches Shyla die from afar, though it seems like Roland is trying to have the last laugh, or the last cry in this case as Keegan’s eyes are forcibly shut. Keegan growls to himself, Roland doesn’t seem to be controlling everything as Keegan is able to force his eyes open again with his fingers. No matter how hard Roland tries and no matter how much he wells Keegan’s eyes with tears, Keegan makes sure that Roland sits through every last of Shyla’s breaths.
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beats-it · 9 months
A Dreamer's Dance.
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Nishikawa Keegan is a lively 5 years old kid with a spirit as untamed as the wind. One ordinary evening, as raindrops tapped on the windows, his usual joy was dampened by a fever that kept him indoors. Unwilling to let a simple cold hold him back, Keegan's parents decided to lift his spirits by turning the living room into a stage, playing Michael Jackson's legendary concert on the television. As the room filled with the infectious beats, Keegan's eyes widened, and his tiny feet couldn't resist the impulse to move. Inspired by Michael's moonwalk and spins, he twirled and leaped around, his imagination soaring beyond the confines of the four walls.
That night, Keegan's dreams danced to the rhythm of Michael's tunes. In his sleep, he found himself in a world where the moon was a dance floor, and he was the star, donning a sparkling glove just like his idol. The next morning, he burst into the kitchen, declaring, "I'm going to be a dancer, just like Michael Jackson!" Keegan's older sister, Kaylee, a passionate dancer herself, overheard his proclamation. With a knowing smile, she embraced her little brother's dreams. "You've got the moves, Keegan! Let's dance together," Kaylee encouraged, her own love for dance serving as a guiding light for her younger sibling.
The living room transformed into a dance studio, where Keegan and Kaylee grooved to the beats, creating a dynamic duo of tiny twirls and synchronized spins. Kaylee, with her experience, guided Keegan through the dance steps, turning their impromptu sessions into a lively spectacle that echoed through the house.
Recognizing Keegan's enthusiasm, his parents decided to nurture his dream. They enrolled him in the same dance class as Kaylee, creating a bond between the siblings that extended beyond the dance floor. Kaylee, proud of her little brother, became not just a sister but a mentor, encouraging Keegan to embrace his unique style.
Word spread through the small town their living in, about the dynamic dancing duo. The town planned a grand talent show, and Keegan, with Kaylee by his side, eagerly prepared for the spotlight. As they practiced their routine, Kaylee whispered words of encouragement, "You're a star, Keegan. Just shine like you always do." The stage lights illuminated a tiny figure dressed in a sparkling jacket, reminiscent of Michael Jackson's iconic style. As the music began, Keegan transported the audience into his world of dreams. His tiny feet moved with an uncanny precision, his infectious joy radiating through every twirl and spin.
For Keegan, that night's performance wasn't just a small performance, it's a cherished treasure. The cheer from his neighbours, unforgettable music, and exhilarating choreography done with Kaylee transport him to a world he had only dreamt of. It's a tale of hope and adventure that has taken root in his heart, and he is truly hypnotized by that moment. At just 5 years old, Keegan is already deeply engaged in the world of dancing, with Michael Jackson serving as his gateway to a realm of art and imagination that promises to be a lifelong passion.
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markwatkinsreviews · 1 year
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Harrods & Fulham FC owner, Mohamed Al Fayed, sadly died this Summer (2023) aged 94 and this is the “inside story” of how the businessman bought the Club in 1997 and then took things forward.
Often described as many Londoners’ second-favorite team, because of Fulham's rich history (star players such as: Johnny Haynes, Bobby Robson, Jimmy Hill, Malcolm MacDonald, Bobby Moore, George Best, Rodney Marsh & top managers including: Kevin Keegan, Jean Tigana, Chris Coleman, Roy Hodgson ) AND boat-race scenery, a fascinating aspect of Tony Bank's new book is detailing how Fulham upgraded their ground, at one point even considering a ground-share with Thames neighbours Chelsea. But that proved to be a (Putney) bridge too far, blue being off-colour!
Former Fulham Director, Andy Muddyman: “We had things drawn up, we got that far with it, not working drawings but illustrations of what it would be. It would be like Tottenham's new ground. We wanted to put a Tottenham-type stadium there, so that we could rent it out as part of the business, with hotels, shops, the whole nine yards”.
Aside from redeveloping Craven Cottage, THE GREAT ADVENTURE focuses on Fulham's great European adventures and being back in the top flight after a struggle - not a bad match report.
A bonus chapter goes into the billionaire’s passing and legacy.
Rating: 7.5/10
Published by PITCH 9 October, 2023.
The Great Adventure | Pitch Publishing
Mark Watkins, Dare radio, 12 October, 2023.
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cumikering · 9 months
Oi, it’s Cin. My heart is mostly filled with Brian Bloom and boba.
☁️ fluff | ♠️ angst | 🩷 smut | 🌈 doodle
Alex Keller
Cherry Lollipop
Your date was interrupted ☁️ Alex was a morning person 🩷 How you met Alex ☁️ You could get used to this ☁️🩷🌈
Comforting his plus-sized partner ☁️
Rescuing a mermaid ☁️
Johnny ‘Soap’ Mactavish
Possessive best friend Soap:
Operation sabotage ♠️ Prequel ☁️🌈 Beyond friends ☁️🌈 Sorry ♠️ Be kind ♠️☁️🌈
A Year after MW3 ♠️
Line art
Line art CK
John Price
Ex boyfriend Price:
Back in Liverpool ♠️ Your closure ☁️🩷🌈
Formula One Price
John raced for McLaren ☁️ Three weeks apart ☁️🌈 Are you a bear? ☁️🌈 Blueberry pancakes ☁️🌈 JP's usual order ♠️ From each city ♠️ Champagne-soaked ☁️
Keegan P. Russ
Meeting childhood friend Keegan on Tinder ☁️
Fake dating neighbour Keegan on Christmas ☁️
Werewolf Keegan:
The stiffest neck known to man ☁️ The dogsitter ☁️🌈 The fighter ☁️🌈 The industrial-sized lint roller ☁️🌈 The glorified yoga mat ☁️🌈 The terrible secret ♠️ The common denominator ♠️ The scar we share ♠️ The two wolves (and a half) ☁️🌈
Line art
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick
Comforting you after a breakup ☁️
Stuck in a lift with uni student Gaz ☁️
In a 90s college band ☁️
Line art
Meeting ex bf König after three years ♠️
Nick Reyes
How Infinite Warfare should have ended ♠️☁️🌈
Phillip Graves
He wanted one thing, but told you another ♠️
Line art
Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Parra
Meeting your BFF’s older brother ☁️🌈
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Neighbour Simon:
English Breakfast ☁️ Oolong ☁️ Earl Grey ☁️ Jasmine ☁️ Ceylon ♠️ Pu Erh ♠️ Darjeeling ♠️ Camomile ☁️ Line art
Ghost gave you a piggyback ride ☁️
Ghost's online fantasies came true ☁️
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newswireml · 2 years
Nurses’ pay squeeze and Tory tax cut ambitions: can they perhaps be related? | William Keegan#Nurses #pay #squeeze #Tory #tax #cut #ambitions #related #William #Keegan
Before we get on to Brexit – don’t worry: we shall – I want to draw attention to what I regard as the epitome of the meanness and duplicity of what is indubitably the worst government of most of our lifetimes. Sorry, did I say “government”? A neighbour asked me the other day if I was aware of a new oxymoron. Tell me, I replied. “The very phrase ‘Conservative government’,” he said. Anyway, it…
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aroadtofollow · 3 years
Okay I'm running with the musical movie theme and picking myself up to watch the rest of The Prom
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coriel-muroz · 3 years
Huntsville Revived #317
Luke wasn’t even at home, but that didn’t stop the bad luck that had followed him his whole life from affecting those who were there.
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While the children were happily in the living room, watching Mathnet on the TV, the adults were hanging out pleasantly in the main room until things took an unexpected turn.
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Jessica and Hazel were surprised that anyone had paid any attention to the silly flirt they had shared. They found themselves allies, confused by a harsh response that condemned their actions as akin to an affair.
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"Hazel, I am not sure why this has escalated, but your husband seems really upset with you. Go talk to him and try to deescalate the situation?” Ashley tried to intervene.
Hazel thought it was sage advice, but before she could say anything, Jack did something she would never have expected.
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He began to flirt with the landlord.
"Excuse me, Madame Landlord,” Jack began in a voice that was most seductive, “I’m not sure if I have told you lately how sexy I find you. Did you want to head upstairs to my bedroom and find out?”
"Oh my, Jack, I thought you would never ask.” 
Keegan had thought his mom flirting with a friend was weird, but this was a whole new level of WTF.
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"Did he just...? Is he serious!? What the hell!” Hazel might have understood that he was annoyed, but this?
"He looks like he’s really going for it with the landlord.” Jessica was equally surprised.
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"Come here, sexy.
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Hazel could not believe that her husband was making out with their landlord. In front of her. In front of everyone. Just because she had barely flirted with one of the neighbours. This was a side of him she had never imagined possible - he had always tried SO hard to be nothing like his father.
Before she realized what she was doing, she had a poll cue in hand. She wasn’t sure what she would have done next, but the children running back into the room stopped her cold.
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"Will you dance with me, Dad?” Dustin demanded.
Jack was quite startled and wasn’t sure exactly how he had got here, but agreed to dance with his son.
"Hi Mom! You want to hear about Mathnet?” Shay started. This son was always more in tune with what was going on around him. “Mom? you don’t look very happy.”
"It’s only because your father is having an affair so I am really mad at him.” The words escaped Hazel’s mouth.
"What?” Shay, Dustin and Briony all exclaimed.
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Thoughts on The Prom! (SPOILERS)
I present the thoughts that popped into my head as I was watching The Prom.
Let's go:
- I like it!
- James Corden as Barry isn't as offensive as I thought it would be based on what I had read previously, it was still uncomfy though. I do think that there are plenty of gay actors who could have done this role just as well and who are just as well known as James Corden.
- I read a post earlier where someone pointed out that it looks very questionable that a bunch of white people turn up in a racially diverse area and to try and educate the local population. I don't think this is what they were going for intentionally for but yeah I did see it.
- Keegan-Michael Key has a great voice.
- Jo Ellen Pellman (Emma) also has a lovely voice.
- I would have liked some better Fosse dancing for a Fosse number - loved it anyway though!
- Barry giving a speech about his struggle as a gay man is kind of uncomfy coming from a straight man who (as far as I'm aware) hasn't experienced anything like that.
- Let's not talk about James Corden's accent.
- When You're Alyssa Greene is a 10.
- Love Thy Neighbour was a tonic I didn't know I needed.
- Barry's song would mean more if James Corden was LGBT+
- Baso a summary of the whole Barry storyline: it would mean more if James Corden was LGBT+, and in a story about gay acceptance it would be preferable to have LGBT+ actors playing LGBT+ roles. That being said, we see it all the time in shows like Gentleman Jack (which seems different somehow in my brain, idk why).
Overall summary:
I mean, I loved it! It is a flawed film in many aspects (as most films are) but it was a feel-good film and I needed it in 2020. I really enjoyed the performances by Keegan-Michael Key, Arianna DeBose, Jo Ellen Pellman, and, of course Andrew Rannells and MERYL. I recommend watching it if you need some classic Broadway fun!
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