#new aesthetic done and i even did some replies
lghtyear · 7 months
i go to bed , but come write w me on discord ! <3
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neo-techculture · 3 months
Swipe Left, Swipe Right... Or Die?
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Summary:- A dating service that use people's search history for matchmaking. You're a writer having writer's block. Your friends insist you use the dating service for some inspo. You thought your match might be another writer since all your searches have been about poisons and effective ways to hide a body. Oh boy, you were definitely in for a surprise.
Pairing:- Serial killer!Sam x Writer!Reader
Warnings:- Slight stalking.
Part 1 | Part 2
You stand in front of the surprisingly aesthetically decorated cafe, a pink and red colored flyer in hand. Near the entrance to the cafe, there was a small blackboard with the words 'Swipe left, or Swipe Right' in quirky handwriting. A few people were seated beneath the outdoor tables, enjoying the shade provided by the adorable umbrellas. Even the interior of the cafe looked cozy.
With a sigh, you walk over to the glass door, push it open, and set off the little bell above. There was a table a few feet in front, and three people seated with papers and tablets. You walk up to the first one; a woman with a friendly-looking smile.
"Welcome! Are you here to find your match?" She smiles, looking up at you through her glasses.
"Yeah," You reply, a little nervous.
The lady's smile widens, "Of course! If you could just fill out this form and give me your phone."
"Sure," You answer as you pull out your phone from your handbag. You hand it over to the lady as she points to the form. It had basic questions like your name, age, interests, etc. Within five to ten minutes, you have finished the questionnaire.
You watch as the lady takes the form back along with your phone. The latter, she connects it to her tablet. After about ten minutes, she turns back to you and hands over your phone.
"There, all done! We have found you a potential match. How exciting! Please go over to floor 2, table 5. If you have any questions, there are staff spread around the building."
You thank her, walking over to the elevator and pressing the button to the second floor. You were nervous would be an understatement.
You were a bestselling author working on a new project. But lately, you seem to lack the inspiration and motivation to write. It was as if nothing you wrote was good enough. To switch things up, your friends suggested signing up for the new dating service, insisting that it might help spark new ideas. You found it a little freaky that the service used people's search history to find a match. You finally relented two days ago. What was the worst thing that could happen?
The elevator door opens into a well-furnished lobby with tables for two, some even three and four. There were little numbered cards that made it easier to find yours.
There was already a person seated at your table, his back to you. You tap him on the shoulder, prompting him to turn around. He had the clearest blue eyes, and his blond hair made them even more prominent.
"Oh, hi! I'm Sam." He introduces himself with a smile. "You must be my match."
You introduce yourself before you both sit down.
"So, uhm.." You laugh nervously. "This is a bit awkward."
"Tell me about it," he chuckles. "I'm quite nervous myself."
It was a little awkward at first but you both hit it off quickly. Sam was fun to talk to. He tells you about his love for exploring haunted locations with his best friend, Colby.
"What do you do?" He asks, his head tilted slightly to the left.
"I'm a writer," You reply as your eyes light up, which happens whenever you talk about something you love; Sam notices.
"Oh shit," He murmurs. "No wonder, what did I even expect.."
His words were too low for you to catch.
"Pardon?" You lean forward a bit, a confused look on your face.
Sam jolts as he hears your voice. "Um, it's nothing," He laughs sheepishly.
"It's.. my first time meeting a real author y'know.." He smiles. He had this weird glint in his eyes which you couldn't put your finger on.
As you chuckle, Sam's gaze fixates on your lips, admiring their shape and softness. He notices how so soft and red they look; he's sure it'll feel even better when they're on his. Cause, Sam knows you're his next obsession, his newest addiction. He doesn't care if it's too fast; after all, Colby always said he got obsessed with things fast.
After about half an hour, Sam led you out of the cafe.
"So... Is it too soon to ask you out for another date?" He grins.
He loves the way your cheeks flush a soft pink; it might be his new favourite thing.
"R-Really?" You stutter, feeling flustered all of a sudden.
Sam nods. "Really, give me your number." Sam hands his phone over for you to type in your number. He pockets the phone after you give it back.
He just stares at your for a minute before leaning down slowly. Your pulse raced faster, and your stomach filled with butterflies. You were sure that he could hear the frantic beating of your heart. Sam's lips touch your cheek in a gentle brush, staying there for a few seconds before he straightens back to his full height.
Oh, how he wished he had a camera to capture this moment. Your doe eyes wide, lips slightly parted and a flush coating your cheeks.
"See you later, doll." Sam's lips tip up in a tiny smirk.
As you walk back to your apartment, you go over the events of the day in your head. It's obvious that you liked Sam. He's funny and sweet, and you can't wait for the next date.
After a short while, you start to feel that someone is following you. You glance in all directions, but no one is in sight. You dismiss it as your paranoia and carry on walking. Only after you get inside your apartment and lock the door, do you feel safe.
Meanwhile, Sam watches your movements through the window. From where he's standing and your apartment being on the second floor, he could only glimpse a shadow of your movements.
'No matter', he thinks. He would soon remedy that too. He had followed you back home, hiding himself effectively. It was amusing to see the slight fear in your doe eyes, your steps getting a little faster each time, and the constant looks over your shoulder as if sensing a predator nearby.
Your lovely face is etched in his memory: the way the orange summer dress complimented your skin tone, the heels that accentuated the length of your legs, the soft waves of your chocolate brown hair cascading down your shoulders, with a few delicate strands framing your face.
Sam was absolutely certain that he would kill anyone who tried to hurt you. It won't be the first time that he has committed murder, after all. You belong to him, even if you are not yet aware of it.
Sam walks back to the house he shared with his best friend and partner in crime. He finds Colby sprawled on the living room sofa, a beer in hand, and watching some random show. Hearing footsteps, Colby turns to Sam, an eyebrow-raising at the look on his face.
"You got that look on his face bro," He comments. "The one that you get when you find something new to obsess over."
Sam grins, a glint in his eyes. "Because I did."
Had this in my mind for quite a while. Enjoy reading! Don't be shy to put in requests or just questions and stuff in general!
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mariipun · 1 year
Some Sunny Day
Warnings: N/A, Fluff
Word Count: 1,671
Brief Description: Welcome Home Bakery AU. Wally Darling x GN!Reader. Reader/self-insert. You are learning how to bake, but don’t know where to start. Not wanting to be a nuisance, you’ve begun watching from outside the local bakery café’s window as Wally took notice.
[Characters belong to Clown, aka, partycoffin]
Dedication: @satanic-witchcraft (Inspired by their Bakery AU, although it’s extremely loosely based /I just love the aesthetic/. Just a fanfic I wrote because I dreamt about this scenario lol)
It first began on a warm Tuesday afternoon.
You stood there outside, writing in a yellow-covered journal as you watched through the window of the bakery café; the blue-haired man glancing up at you every so often as he kneaded the dough. At one point, the both of you had made eye contact and he watched as you smiled. You pointed toward his motions and then pointed at your book with a slight tilt of your head as if asking permission to take notes.
Wally nodded, a smile of his own forming on his lips in return before going back to work on evenly distributing the dough. You continued to take notes, sometimes carefully mimicking some of his movements in the air as if committing to memory the way the dough needed to be handled. You’d be there for about an hour before placing your journal into your satchel, tucking the pencil behind your ear, and waving goodbye. Wally simply grinned, nodding in reply as you walked away.
This continued every week for the next three months.
Like clockwork, you were there every Tuesday afternoon as the café side bustled with life; customers shuffling in or out with pastries, coffees, or teas. Wally had become accustomed to your presence, albeit through the bakery’s window. He wondered why you simply didn’t come in to ask him questions about his work... or why you never seemed to come into the establishment during this time.
The other workers happened to take notice as well, but he assured them it was not an issue, and he didn’t want anyone to pry. He assumed you were wanting to learn how to bake, perhaps even explore new culinary skills. He may not know the extent of your situation, but he was always happy to teach, as you had always been enthusiastic to learn.
You’d watch, you’d write, and then you’d both exchange goodbyes. He didn’t realize when he’d stop working on whatever he was doing to simply watch you walk away to whatever destination you were headed to next.  
Every Tuesday afternoon, he began anticipating your return.
He didn’t quite show how excited he was, maintaining his cool demeanor, yet mindlessly fiddling with the strings of his apron. As the clock ticked closer to the predetermined time, he would prepare his area, having a different recipe or lesson at the ready.
You had even started noticing the little things he did, perking with curiosity. Some days there would be a recipe for whatever he was making during that time, laid out in front of your view; a list of ingredients meticulously written out in what you assumed was his handwriting.
Was he sharing his trade secrets with you?
You would read through the list of items, jotting them down quickly before watching as he began creating the batch of goods. Whenever Wally shared one of his recipes though, he’d patiently wait until you were done writing before showing you how to measure and make.
On other days he’d start showing off, tossing dough in the air, or elaborately packaging whole loaves of bread for orders. Sometimes he’d get a bit carried away, getting flour in his hair, or accidentally dropping an egg on the floor. He’d shift his eyes toward you to catch a glimpse of your reaction, always earning a giggle or stifling a laugh in your hand before continuing to write away in that yellow journal of yours. His cheeks would dust rouge in embarrassment, but honestly, Wally was glad he had an audience, especially one as devoted as you.
Sometimes, a bittersweet taste would settle on his tongue as the hour would end and you’d retreat into the world while he stayed behind the glass. Your figure would be lost within the crowd of people walking up and down the sidewalk, colors of various shades blending and muting into the background.
He wondered what you did every Tuesday morning before coming to the bakery, and what you did after when your time together would end.
Maybe he’d ask you one of these days, but for now, he enjoyed the wordless company.
Twenty minutes.
Twenty minutes past your usual arrival time.
You hadn’t shown up yet and the ticking of the clock began to make him restless.
Wally started to wonder if you were no longer available, or maybe, no longer interested in stopping by. A few different scenarios had swirled in his mind from you being at work, maybe school, having gotten hurt, maybe sick? Why was he so concerned about a complete stranger? Neither one of you even knew the other’s name.
Yet… he felt his chest tighten, disappointment prickling at his skin.
Surely, you were just running late today?
He stared at the counter; his mind lost in thought. He didn’t hear the familiar dings of the bell when the front door opened as you stepped inside, yellow journal in hand. He had only looked up when he heard Julie’s voice greet you from the register.
“Finally decided to come inside instead of watching through the window, huh?” Julie chimed.
You laughed in response, the sound filling the bakery with warmth.
Wally’s cheeks lifted as a smile formed on his lips, eyes falling on you. Feelings of elation and relief both washed over him in waves.
He stood still. The world around him seemed to burst into vibrant hues of light. Soft yellows, pinks, and mellow blues dance around you. He continued to watch you in adoration as you placed a drink order and made your way to one of the small tables near the corner of the café.
“It’s not polite to stare you know,” Poppy spoke up from behind him, causing him to turn and stutter in response. She smiled at him and shook her head. “Why not just say hello?” She encouraged, earning a defeated sigh from the man.
Wally took off his apron, hanging it up. “You’re right…” he mused, dusting himself off. “I’m going to take a break…”
“Take all the time you need dear,” Poppy replied, taking over the kitchen.
He carefully made his way over.
You were comfortably seated in the corner, reading through your writings as you sipped your drink. Setting the cup down, you looked over to the man making his way to you. You gave him a smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Mind if I join you for a bit?” he asked, a bit hesitant.
“I don’t mind at all.” You spoke sweetly, gesturing for him to sit.
Wally pulled out the chair across from you, settling down as well. Eyes panning down to your journal, he pointed a finger in its direction. “May I?”
“Oh! Of course.” You chuckled, moving the journal toward him. He began turning through the pages in awe of the detailed notes, scribbles, and even sketches of the baked goods he shared with you.
“Wow, this is incredible.” He breathed, “You even captured some of the techniques I use when I bake…”
“Yeah, I really wanted to make sure I got it right, ya know?” You confessed before clicking your tongue, “…But… whenever I try to bake something myself, it doesn’t seem to turn out right…” You mulled over the words, leaning forward to rest your arms on the table as you watched him read.
After a moment, he looked up at you in understanding before setting the journal back on the table. “Well, if you are interested, I’d be more than happy to teach you one-on-one here in the bakery, so you aren’t just watching from outside.”
“Really?” You squeaked, a bit more loudly than intended, earning a few looks your way. You gave him a sheepish grin, nodding. “Thank you… I would absolutely love that, but…”
“But?” He looked at you quizzically.
“I don’t have much money to really afford private lessons or anything…” You said sadly, reaching over to take the journal back. “I’ve usually just come by to watch you work, which is why I took notes. I tried doing the same with a few other bakeries, but they brushed me off. You were the only one that didn’t really seem to mind…” Sighing, you closed the journal and tucked it away, “I just didn’t want to bother you with it, so I’m just fine watching from the window…”
Wally pondered this for a moment, humming thoughtfully before nodding at you. “Then how about this? I’ll teach you ways you can improve your skills, and in return, you help me organize my recipes. That sound fair?���
“More than fair… That’s just way too generous.” You counter, hands coming up in defense.
“I suppose, but I do need some help with organizing my own notes. And it’d be a great help if you could assist with that, especially with all the ideas and experiments I have in mind... Sometimes I lose track.” He chuckled, gently scratching his cheek. This offer was more of an excuse to get to know you better anyhow. “So, what do you say?”
“Y-Yes…. I say yes, absolutely. Thank you so much, Mr.—"
“Darling”, he interjects, extending a hand for you to take. “My name’s Wally Darling. But please, call me Wally.”
You slowly take his hand in your own, heat emitting from your cheeks as you gave him your name in return. “It’s a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance… Wally.”
For the rest of his break, the two of you talked, laughed, and talked some more until his attention was pulled away back to work.
You said your farewells, but before leaving, Wally gifted you a small box of pastries filled with new flavors he was working on; contemplating whether they would be good to sell or not. He asked you to try them and write in detail what you thought about each one. You were happy to do so, saying goodbye once more as you left the bakery.
You were both looking forward to next Tuesday.
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not---meat · 7 months
Paradise: Chapter 5: Ever Tear, A WaterFall
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Pairing: Javier Peña x McKenzie Martel
Rating: A - Adult
Warnings: Angst, Illegal drug use
Summary: McKenzie makes a grave mistake
Note: This is an AU set in between season 2 and season 3 of Narcos sometime in the 90's. I apologize in advance for any historical inaccuracies!
There were very few things that McKenzie appreciated about Rob. He was a terrible roommate at the end of the day. He never cleaned, always left a mess wherever he went, was typically late on his rent, and could be quite rude to new people. The positives though? He did pay his rent even if it was late, he didn't care about Kenzi painting every surface she could, and when it came to them getting high Rob was always prepared.
By the time Kenzi was ready to go, Rob had already gotten them all set up. There was snacks and drinks if they needed them or wanted them, and the lines were already cut. He even had the straws ready. Kenzi could appreciate that at least in this aspect, Rob was good.
Kenz flopped down on the couch, looking up at Rob as he handed her a straw. She took it gratefully and leaned forward over the coffee table, plugging one nostril and inhaling the fine white powder through the other. She leaned back on the couch and let out a soft breath.
"You good?" Rob asked, taking his line before flopping down next to her, he tossed his straw onto the coffee table in front of them. "Who was that guy on the phone at the ranch the other day?"
"Javier." Kenzi replied, leaning forward so she could set her own straw down. She run her fingers through her hair and blew out a puff of air as she sat back again, pulling her hair away from her face. "Don't worry about it. He's just an old friend."
"Wasn't he your best friend?" Rob questioned. In response, Kenzi only nodded, staring up at the ceiling. "Shit. You okay?"
"Yeah, Rob, I'm fine." Kenzi spoke. She rested her head on the back of the couch and stared up at the painted ceilings, watching the dark black swirls above her move and change. For the first time since Javier had come back she started to slip into a peaceful feeling. She felt happy. A grin slowly crept along her lips as she watched the swirls above her morph and change, the pops of colours that she had painted seeming almost more vibrant now.
The pair were silent, experiencing their own highs in their own ways. Kenzi watched at one point as Rob moved to the kitchen and started clanking pots around. She didn't let it bug her, instead just going back to her own little happy world.
"You want some macaroni?" Rob called out from the kitchen, peeking his head around the wall with a goofy smile on his lips.
"Sure." Kenzi replied, sitting up again. How long had she been staring at the ceiling? She didn't know. She leaned forward and took another line, wiping at her nose after she was done. She leaned back again and started fiddling with her hair, grabbing a few random strands of the red curls and braiding them.
When she was done braiding she moved to fiddle with her pendant, fingers tracing the little peace sign sigil that she wore almost every single day. It was rather large and made of metal. Truthfully Kenzi couldn't remember for the life of her where she got it. Some sort of music festival? It had come in handy quite a few times. It was supposed to be a bottle opener but she decided to thread it onto a piece of twine and just wear it. That way she would be prepared for anything, really. That and it matched her aesthetic.
Another change. Something that had happened within the past few years. Kenzi wasn't certain what had brought on the sudden change, her aesthetic before being so laid back and whatever. She hadn't really cared too much what she looked like before but in her college days she had made a change, deciding to embrace the trippy, flower child aesthetic that worked well with the style of her art. Typically that just meant some oversized jeans and a tight tank top that showed off her mid drift and the piercing she had gotten on a whim, normally decorated with some fort of hanging jewel. At the moment it was just a little silver alien with green gems for eyes.
It was a vibe. Her vibe. One that she knew had thrown off Javier at first.
Not that it mattered at the end of the day. McKenzie was happy with who she had become. She was confident in the way she appeared to the world now and at times she felt almost as if she was actually beautiful. Not Javiers type, of course, but it didn't matter anymore. Kenzi had moved on. That ridiculous crush that at one time she had allowed to control her every though had slipped away in his absence.
In some cases, absence made the heart grow colder.
Kenzi looked up from her fiddling with a gracious smile when Rob walked into the room, a bowl of macaroni in each hand, he handed Kenzi hers. She sat up and started eating, doing a little happy wiggle on the couch as she took in forkfuls of food.
Kenzi was so lost in her own little world that she didn't hear the doorbell. Another good thing about Rob. He was much more attentive when he was high than she was.
"Kenz!!" Rob called out as he walked from the front door to the livingroom where Kenzi was peacefully jiving to the music in her head while she practically inhaled her macaroni.
She hummed in response, looking up toward Rob and their visitor. Her heart dropped. It was Javier. Shit.
"You have a visitor." Rob stated as he plopped back down onto the couch beside her. He picked his bowl of food back up just as McKenzie set hers down onto the coffee table, her heart absolutely pounding.
It only took one look. One look at the coffee table, one look at her eyes and the half dazed expression on her face. One look and McKenzie knew that Javier knew. The way his eyebrows furrowed ever slightly as he stared at the duo, his eyes flittering from the coffee table and back to Kenzi, there was so much anger. Anger in his eyes. Anger in his expression. The world seemed to go in slow motion as Javier pursed his lips, hands going to his hips as he shook his head slowly, a breath leaving his mouth.
"Jesus christ McKenzie." He spoke under his breath, his voice barely a whisper. All she could do was watch as he pulled off his yellow tinted aviators, folding them and tucking them into the collar of his shirt.
The aboslute horror in McKenzies eyes as she stared up at Javier spoke a million words. She wanted to apologize but she didn't truthfully feel remorseful for what she did. She was just sad that he had found out.
"So that's it then, huh?" Javier hissed, "I leave to fight against this shit and you become one of them?"
At his anger filled words, Rob looked up from his food, his gaze moving from Javier to Kenzie then to the lines of coke still sitting on the coffee table. "What?" Rob asked, looking over at Javier, "You didn't come for the sesh?"
McKenzie opened her mouth to speak but no words came out, just a muffled squeak as she watched Javier move toward the coffee table. She watched in horror as Javier picked up the edge of the coffee table and flipped it up ever gently so he didn't actually wreck the table. She watched as all of Robs stash slid off the edge of the table and onto the rug underneath, effectively ruining it.
Rob stood at once, his bowl of macaroni still in his hand. "What the hell is your problem?!" Rob yelled, glaring at Javier.
"Don't." Javier warned, returning Robs hateful gaze, he looked over at McKenzie before crossing over to her and grabbing her by the chin, looking into her eyes so he could truly see just how dilated her pupils were. "Jesus Christ." He hissed, pushing her away and stepping back.
Rob was immediately at Javiers side, pushing him away. "Hey get the fuck away from her you creep." Rob spat.
Silently brooding, Javier pulled away from Rob, glaring over at him once again. "Sesh is over." He hissed, grabbing Kenzis arm. He pulled her to her feet and looked her over, making sure she was okay.
Wordlessly, McKenzie led Javier to her bedroom. She knew all too well that a fight between Rob and Javier would not end in her roommates favour and if she wanted to keep her friendships with both of the men she would have to play this smart.
Once the door to her bedroom was shut, McKenzie turned to look at Javier who was still obviously fuming.
"So that's it, huh? You realize what you're doing McKenzie? You're throwing your life away is what you're doing." Javier spat.
"Stop, Javs. There's nothing wrong with having a little fun from time to time." Kenzi spoke, crossing the room so she could sit down on her bed.
In any normal circumstance it would have been surreal to have Javier there. To have him surrounded by the colourful swirls and harsh black lines of her art. To see him in the dimly lit room, his features glowing with all the colours of the rainbow as the light hit him. Instead this was just… hard. It was terrible. Shameful. McKenzie felt a deep sadness in the pit of her stomach.
He was never supposed to see this.
"Don't pull that shit with me McKenzie." Javier argued back, crossing his arms as he stood in the middle of her bedroom. He hadn't moved an inch, almost seeming as if he was ready to walk out at any moment.
His anger was sobering for her. Dread settling into her as she came down from her high.
"Javier…" She started, getting promptly cut off by a glare thrown her way.
"Do you even realize how many people had to die for that one little sniff? I hope those fifteen minutes were worth it to you, McKenzie, because you effectively killed six people just there." Javiers words were so full of anger, so full of hate.
The worst part about it all was that McKenzie knew. She knew that she was fucking up. She knew the horrors of the cartel and yet she still indulged. Selfishly, she indulged.
"You weren't supposed to see this…" She whispered.
Javier just scoffed, looking away from her, "You…" He started, shaking his head. A sadness passed his eyes as he looked over at McKenzie. "You realize that I could easily get you arrested just for being in the possession of that? You relaize that you could get in a lot of trouble?"
"I know."
"Then tell me why, McKenzie. Tell me why you're…" Javier let out a breath, trying to calm himself down. "Fuck, McKenzie…. What the fuck happened to you? This is not you."
It was McKenzie's turn to furrow her eyebrows. It was her turn for anger to bubble into her. Perhaps it was the cocaine still in her system or perhaps it was the hurt and pain that she had endured in the past ten years finally raising up to the surface. Regardless of the reason, McKenzie opened her mouth and she yelled.
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nogenderbee · 2 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ not a request
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Happy Birthday to my gamer girl~!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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Ah... Nene and her tendencies to stay up late... Was it another show she was stressing about? Did she just found a new game? It could be cause of many reasons...
You knew she was having a bit of harder time and was determined to making everything perfect! But you also knew her comfort food were grapefruits~ So why not make w cake with that? It doesn't even have to be anything fancy! Simple sponge cake with fruits could work alone!
Luckily for you, despite her birthday, she still had a show today, which meant you could start working on your cake from the very morning!
You woke up early, with shower or coffee to wake you up, before stretching and finally preparing ingredients for your cake!
You quickly prepared the batter for you cake, rolled grapefruits in flour and put them on top! It's quite easy cake but you were sure it's gonna turn out great the moment you put it in the oven!
While it was getting ready, you decided to find some box you could use for it. And you indeed found some under bed! So you just had to dust it out and hope that you still have some decorations saved in one if your shelves.
You moved all decorations to kitchen, so you could keep an eye on the oven just to realize... it's so dirty... Putting your box decorating on hold, you cleaned the kitchen to some decent level first and then spread the decorations! You had a bit of a plan~ To make it simple and classic, yet aesthetic with green decorations~
It was just the matter if tying and gluing few ribbons, paper hearts to it, so you could say you also finished quickly. At least way quicker than you expected... cake still wasn't done, you cleaned the kitchen again from your decorating and now you didn't knew what else you could do... So you did the only rational thing. You checked up on your girlfriend!
"<Hi Neneeee~ How's the play going? ^^>"
You had to wait few minutes for her to reply, but once she did, you at least got a reason to WHY she was late with replying.
"<Sorry I was during a play. It's good tho, I know it from memory by now... And your day?>"
"<That's fine! I'm just glad you're having fun! I'm just doiiiiing a bit of surprise~?>"
"<Should I be scared?>"
"<No! Not at all! I'm sure you'll like it!!>"
"<Whatever you say... I'll see you later, okey? See you>"
You couldn't help but giggle, you were pretty excited about the cake and Nene's reaction when she sees it after a long day of work!
Few minutes later, the alarm in your phone finally let you know the cake was ready to take out while you were laying down in boredom. But of course upon hearing it you immidietly got up and came to the oven.
Opening it, sweet smell of grapes filled the room~ You carefully took it out with the help of a towel and let it cool off on the counter. And~ you came back to being bored...
You ended up checking if the cake has already cooked off like every 5 seconds. Yes, you couldn't wait to put powdered sugar on top as a final touch! The grapes honestly looked perfectly there! And you got to know that first hand once you felt the cake is finally ready~
Without wasting any more time, you put powdered sugar on top, made sure to cut it in a nice shape and to fit inside the box, packed it there securely, and got ready to go out!
You still have quite a bit of time before your girlfriend finishes her last play of the day, so you dressed warmly, got the keys, safely picked up the bod and went with it right to the Phoenix Wonderland!
Way there wasn't necessarily long... but it definitely felt like it due to you being excited to visit your loved one!
You walked in right when the whole troupe was bowing, as audience applauded, letting you know you came at the perfect time! Once Nene saw you standing on the side, she waved at you with gentle smile before going backstage.
You moved aside so everyone could leave without damaging your cake and patiently waited for Nene, who soon made her way outside~ Not wasting any time, you came over and hugged her!
"Nene!! Happy birthday, love!"
You said excitedly and inmidietly handed her the box, leaving her in small surprise of how eager you were, but she gladly took it.
"Thank you. It's.. oh!"
Her face sparkled once she saw what's inside and gentle smile spread across her face.
"You really made it for me? That's... thank you. Do you maybe... wanna share it and go to ferris wheel after?"
You quickly nodded, absolutely loving the idea of spending time with your loved one. Especially today, when it's HER day!
"You already should know the answer! Let's go!"
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @bl4cktourmaline @nenes-numberonefan @ravenmoon903 - come get your shy gamer~
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dandeliicnsarchiived · 8 months
Long time no see
Hello everyone! I know it's basically been over a year and I have so much to catch you up on and give a little explanation as to why I went MIA on here and discord if you have me. So grab a snack, get some liquids and allow me to fill you in on what's been going on.
So, back in July I left my retail job for a federal job that had a night shift. I thought I could handle it. I did at first....for two weeks and then I was moved to night shift. 10pm to 6am, being an US Army veteran I thought I could handle it. I've done 24 hour duty, I've done 12 hour shifts I thought I could do it! Apparently not, my mental health was rapidly declining. I was struggling to maintain relationships, both my platonic friendship and my current romantic one. There was even some times I forgot I had a boyfriend and that was bad.
So I lasted 6 months, 6 months of the worlds worst work schedule and all my days running together and losing track of time. When I was on auto-pilot like that, I ended up in the hospital and I REFUSED to put my loved ones through that. I've been committed and I rather not do it again.
So end of November and December I focused on finding new jobs, focused on my family and loved ones and I bounced back but my muses were quiet. I didn't want to force replies or try to plot because y'all don't deserve that. So i decided to stay away and just try to get my groove back.
Now it's 2024 and I have a new job that I'm loving the idea of and it's a day shift job! I can have an amazing work balance and slowly but steadily, my muses are waking up but have to make some changes because I have so much to work on with the Atlas gang and I'd love for you guys to be here for it!
So with the blog, I'm going to focus more on writing instead of aesthetics. I want to share the world I'm trying to create for The World of Atlas and I want develop my babies so much. So what I'm going to be doing is the following:
Revamping bios and explaining things more in-depth lore-wise.
Changing some face claims.
focusing on Rosalie, Tyler, and Victoria, hinting at NPCs such as Claire, Natalie, Jackson, Axel, and Kelly. If people want to see what these guys are like, they can be requested but this will not be my main focus.
Focusing on abilities, world-building, and so on and so forth.
Developing more ships, platonic and romantic
If you made it this far, thank you for reading and sticking around even though I haven't been here like at all. I love you all, happy new year and here's to new beginnings. ♥
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safyresky · 3 months
Happy June 13th on July 2nd, apparently ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Year Six
Just managing to avoid detection, Jacqueline escapes! Only to find herself face to face with a very shocked and concerned Blaise and Winter. Preferring to avoid explanations, Jacqueline hides in the Pole in the hopes of working with Bernard to somehow put a stop to Jack's plans…
I'm getting very bad at going by this particular ah, aesthetic, aren't I?
Anyway! Frostmas Y6 is now up on ao3, freshly swept and tweaked here and there! It's all neat and tidy and up to SafyreSky Industries 2024 Standards so that's lovely! Check out Year 6: 2024 Edition HERE on ao3 and, yes, ff.net has been updated to match :)
What's 🆕 NEW 🆕 for Year Six?!?!
Word count has swung up: went from 16k to 21k. All I did was add a bit more dialogue lmao, WHOOPS!
Once again YEETING any instances of third person POV! It's all Jacquie baybe
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hehehe. ANYWAY
Made the motivations STRONGER; upped Jacqueline's "ANNOY JACK" mode to MAX HIGH HEAT BABY!
Also refined the B-Man/Jacquie chat where he's like "hey man what are friends for" and she's like "😲😲😲 we're FRIENDS?!?!?"
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(this may or may not be one of my fave memes lmao)
And I think that about covers it NO WAIT I LIED! A Year Six BTS HERE.
(As a heads up it IS a little bit (a lot) personal—a literal diary entry prefaces the post because there was a nasty gap between Y5 and Y6 bc of some personal shit? So heads up! I did make it VERY clear where personal shit ends and BTS begins so you can skip the Dani rambles and get right to the BTS rambles :)
Frostmas? You are saying. This thing again? Aren't you the Crystal Springs person? What's Frostmas? I am SO glad you asked. Let me share the summary!
The Twelve Years of Frostmas
Nobody but he and I knew the truth. Jack wasn’t supposed to be Santa; I wasn’t supposed to be Jack Frost. He thought being Santa would fix everything. He was horribly, horribly mistaken. [My take on Jack’s reign as Santa during the Escape Clause. MAJOR OC involvement AND First Person POV from said OC. Finally cross posting THIS behemoth! Enjoy!]
Intrigued? Take it from the top: [ao3 | ff dot net]
And here's a Year Six snippet for you, chosen with utmost care (MAXIMUM ANGST) in mind :)
"You know, I really didn’t think you’d do it!”
“Do what?!”
“Freeze that elf! I never even thought you’d agree to it! And when you did I thought wow, she’s really ready to go far for this whole fake freeze thing,” he laughed. “And then! You actually did it?! A little extra, but, I’m a fan of the style that went into it. You took the ice sculpture thing and, and ran with it!”
“Then why keep me here too? What, you still think I’d go to the Council with everything? That I’d stop this?”
“Uh, duh. What do you think I am, stupid?”
I opened my mouth to reply in the affirmative.
“It was rhetorical. Don’t answer that.”
I shut my mouth and pulled a face.
“Besides! I’ll need your help getting all this ready! What with your easy access to our shared heritage. It’ll take AGES if I attempted to do this on my own. Between decorating and the airport—"
I could barely focus as he began listing everything he needed my help doing, and continued walking. I could feel the beginnings of a sprite sleep clawing its way to my eyes as I stifled a yawn, trying to keep my two feet moving forward as I followed Jack down the corridor.
“—and I simply cannot do this all in time if you're out and about all willy-nilly. Also, just in case you're that good.”
“That good?”
“Y’know, actually faking it! Willing to go the distance to keep this up! Then the moment I let you go you’d run to the Council and we can’t have that.”
“Okay so, let’s say, theoretically, I WAS faking it. How would all that—” I gestured back towards the steps, where ice-Mason still sat beyond the walls and halls and twists and turns— “Convince you otherwise?”
“Because it’s exactly what I would’ve done.” The full impact of what he said hit as he turned around, surveying me with an unreadable look. “And you did it.”
I came to a grounding stop, my heart falling in my chest.
Jack chuckled quietly to himself. “Exactly. Now, I’ve got tons to do! We will chit chat later, Jacqueline—I’ll make sure your rooms are done up for your stay. Ciao!”
And, shooting me a smile and double finger guns he disappeared, leaving me alone in the corridor as the crushing weight of what I had just done—and what I had agreed to do—came falling down on me.
I stood in the hallway, motionless. The sounds of the chaos of the Workshop dulled before disappearing completely, nothing but a white noise as the world faded out from me and I realized that yes, Jack would've done it.
And I had done it.
I was turning into Jack.
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Check out Year Six HERE. ENJOY! 😘😘
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modern-oedipus · 1 year
Hey , i just want know are you okey ? Are you alive ? Because youre not been here for a long time and i just wonder . Loveyou <3 <3
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Hello! Thank you for checking up on me! I am doing well. I shifted my focus from the online platforms to different priorities, so I am not checking my social media as often, but I am really doing great! I’m also here with good news that I want to accounce while responding to this ask:
I am writing Conflict!
Important parts of previous chapters are being rewritten, polished and edited for a better reading experience. Chapter 20 is on the way!
I have been working on it for last two weeks by now! I wanted to post the new chapter on Norman’s birthday, but reviewing the previous chapters take way longer than I anticipated. I am also adding some author’s notes to update about what I changed in the fic or how I am feeling compared to then-vs-now! I am putting more emphasis on the trigger warnings as well!
Right now I am editing chapter 11. I am directly editing on AO3 and posting whatever progress is done, then I go back to it, so if you check the chapters you may come across to live-time edits! As I explained in detail at the author’s notes of Chapter 1, I don’t aim to edit or rewrite the whole story; doing that would be against the fic’s soul and it wouldn’t feel the same anymore. I’m just doing some reconstruction work, I am trying to keep my writing style as it was back in 2019, add some details and in-depth descriptions of some scenes, explain the little plot holes, fix the formatting issues, etc. I am doing this both to remember the story better before writing Chapter 20 and so on (Chapter 20 is not the final chapter, so I am thinking about giving more regular updates since I am getting my momentum back) and to confront the times I was writing it.
I kept back from announcing it here and just silently edited it, though a reader realized it on first day and commented on Chapter 1 and I felt the happiest to know that they were still here! I am going to reply back to the comments I received within 1 year, as well!
My plan is to finish editing and reviewing all of the chapters 1-19. Then I am going to make a full Google Drive doc with detailed, spoiler-containing Trigger Warning for each chapter. Then I’ll publish Chapter 20. After that, I’ll respond to the comments. I think after all of this long and tedious committed work, I can just keep updating regularly. That’s the plan if it all goes well!
On a good note! I am also adding Chapter Songs! Those are the songs I used to listen while I was writing Conflict. I really thought they are fitting to certain chapters. I didn’t write any chapters with a specific song on my mind, in fact, I discovered those songs for Conflict aesthetic instead, but either way they are really fitting! So I am editing and updating as I go, to the songs I find relevant.
Reconstruction of chapters 1-10 is complete and I am consistently working on the next ones, so if you want please check it out! ❤️
On a side note, I am aware that it has been sooooo long, so I wasn’t really expecting anyone except for a few people I know in-person, to read Conflict again! I mean, I am not even offended or anything, most of us have sort of moved on from hyperfixations we had back in 2019, myself included. But I have my personal reasons to go back to checking Conflict. On the day I started editing, I was telling myself, “It is okay if no one notices. I don’t even want to make an announcement. I’ll just quickly take a tour on AO3.” but I received a comment on it on the morning of it, despite not making a single announcement! It just… made me happy beyonds words can express.
I don’t know if I would go so far in editing/rewriting if I did not KNOW for the fact that, some people are definitely interested! I know that because they went out of their way to let me know! All the comments I have been receiving within this year, all the asks, dm-s, everything summed up and gave me the Courage to keep writing.
So, once again. Thank you. All of you. I’m looking forward to enjoying the ride with you! ❤️
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trialbystory · 7 months
SoC Behind the Scenes
Bit of preamble here, TLDR, look below the break for to see my original notes from before I started writing SoC.
At some point in the next 3-5 days I will post the final chapter of Spirt of Competition. This is the second time I've actually finished a multi-part story (arguably third if you count the FFM I did right before SoC, which'll be transplated to Ao3 starting next weekend). Last time was back in 2009, and it sucked so bad that I went back a year later and rewrote the ending. But after I posted the last chapter of that story, I thought it'd be fun to also post a picture of the original, written-by-hand-when-I-should've-been-taking-notes-for-my-Sociology-class, first draft of that final chapter.
I don't really do actual writing with pen&paper anymore, but most of my conceptual-level notes are still done hardcopy, and I thought it'd be fun to do that again. So click to see my original, hand-written notes, made between frames while playing in my dad's bowling league, back in late August/early October of 2022.
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As you can see, basically my whole concern at that point was figuring out who was going to play who. I was just following the story from New Challengers beat for beat (at that point, anyway), so that kind of makes sense. But there's some interesting stuff too. Like Sienna was the running at one point to be the big bad. Or that I couldn't remember the name of P2W's token female player in Arcade Spirits. Something I think I've mentioned in comment replies is I kept going back and forth swapping Ruby & Weiss' placement. Because Weiss' family is rich and affluent like Grace's, but Ruby is a maker/engineer (my favorite characterization for her) so it makes sense for her to have made the AI and be an aspiring gameDev. And they both have reasons to have a chip on their shoulder, which would relate to the protagonist's competitive streak. But something I don't think anyone knows about is that while Cinder does line up with Domino's nihilism quite well, the actual reason she's in that spot, and therefore what ultimately made the story Frosen Steel instead of Burning Whiterose (I love FS, but Cinder honestly would've been a better fit for Jynx than Penny was. But I STILL STAND BY SASSY GOTH AESTHETIC PENNY), is that Rhodes felt like an easy answer to 'who do I use for this detective character that's related to Domino in AS?' and if you read SoC you may have noticed that Rhodes is conspicuously absent, because that character tied into what was going on with Mercury, which got cut mostly for pacing and also because at the time it would've been included I very much needed to not be writing the type of content that came up next in his sideplot. Oh, and the Seamonkies swapped back and forth on Ben and Matt not because they fit opposite characters better, but because I am MASSIVE fans of the Very Kind and Very Funny Graham Stark and Jacob Burgess, who voice Ben & Matt, and I thought Sun and Nep needed to swap to better fit their personalities.
So yeah, hope that was interesting for you. Or at least neat. See you for the grand finale later this week!
(Oh, also I really liked doing this, so I'll probably do it for future stories/fics as well. I even included the date at the top of the notes for that "If hell is forever then heaven must be a lie" DWR idea from a few nights ago in anticipation of one day sharing them)-
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@nobody33333333, I finally did it!!!
Alrighty, it has taken me ages to get around to finishing all of this, because of unfortunately unavoidable things, but I am done with the semester now and so ready to spew all of my thoughts on the unsuspecting audience of poor people who follow me.
So, without further ado, I present:
Sophie's Unhinged and Excessively Hyperactive Word-Vomit "Review" of Chapter 11 of S.O.S.
Ooooh, Curtain’s evil villain motivations for tipping the boys off balance is so sinister. It’s interesting, because he is using the same tactics he used on/around Nicholas when they were children. Just. The narrative parallels.
She’s so funny. Even with all she’s been through, she sees right through Curtain to his theater kid core.
(It’s still really sad, though, because she doesn’t get why he’s trying to get her opinion and he keeps forcing her)
“For someone who was fine bypassing ethical standards to rush their timeline, Curtain still put a ridiculous amount of effort into aesthetics. Not that any of this would matter if his new messengers didn’t adapt to The Whisperer.” It just hits so hard, for some reason. Maybe because you can really understand the difference of perspective between her and Curtain.
Oh!! “psychics or telepaths”, we’re getting somewhere!
It makes a lot of sense that the Whisperer tech would pick that kind of thing up!! That’s so clever, and very much something Garrison would take into account. You are so good at putting these little details into it that give the story so much more dimension and open up a lot more paths for the characters to take.
Lindsey!!! Lindsey gets a part and can do things!! I’m so excited for her :) 
Aaaaand she’s got a crush on Isaac. I can’t believe you’ve gotten me extremely invested in this as soon as I got to that line. She’s so sweet, though! I’m excited to see more of her.
And you can tell Garrison is trying to be nice, even though she’s having a breakdown fifty percent of the time and doesn’t really want to deal with teenagers.
It cracks me up that they made a full model of Reynie. Why. Just, why. Did he leave some of his clothes behind? I feel like it would have been better to make one of Kate. You can’t tell me they looked at Madge and went “Yes. I am certain that Reynie, our resident soft-hearted child who’d probably cry if he saw this bird eat a live mouse, he is the one who will be most in-tune with this child. Not Kate, no. There’s no way that the girl who was raised by a circus would be the one who will volunteer to handle the actual falcon we’re about to send to them”
I’m so proud of Number Two for breaking Madge out of a terrible zoo. 10/10 No Comments, one of the best plot points I’ve seen.
Also, this Madge perspective is so cool! Omniscient narrators don’t always remember that they can do anything, but this was a fantastic usage of it.
She’s trying so hard. Madge has made no mistakes ever she’s beautiful.
““Oh, Hello.” replied Nicholas awkwardly, hoping that this woman, who clearly cared about Reynie, wouldn’t notice the newly destroyed dummy that happened to be wearing one of his sweater vests.” Ajasdjgadskjl What even. He’s so silly, but that is certainly not a situation you want to be in with Miss Perumal.
I’ve said it before, but the little descriptions and dialogue tags you add to the lines from the show are so good!!! Just tiny things, like calling her “the woman” and then immediately switching to “Dipika” when she introduces herself make it so incredibly amazing. You don’t have to worry at all about it being “boring” or “redundant” because people have already seen the show.
And now we’re sad again because of Milligan. I love him but he is so full of melancholy right now :( 
I love how you’ve been incorporating Mr. Benedict’s tendency to just adopt every single child into Curtain’s character. He may not be going about it properly, or for the right reasons, but he’s just as inclined to take in (abduct) children as his brother.
Isaac cameo!!
The details in how you explain all of the tech, from the Whisperer to the Waiting Room, is ingenious and thrilling to read and I am loving it!!
It just repeats people’s thoughts!! It’s not really like an AI, more of an echo chamber that can project into people’s minds, that is so neat!
Of course, Reynie is able to distance himself by thinking about Miss Perumal, that is such a good paragraph.
And the Curtain/Nicholas parallels are back again!! He’s such a contradiction; He misses his brother and wants him back, but he also can’t stand when things remind him of Nicholas. Oh boy this man needs so much therapy goodness gracious.
Good job, Reynie for being cautious!!
Oh. Oh no this is one of my least favourite bits it’s just so awkward aaahhhhhhh
“The first thing Number Two had done was quickly search Miss. Perumal’s bags for weapons, which was fine with Dipika, since she knew that Number Two wouldn’t find anything (no one ever did).” This is why she’s one of the best characters ever. I did really like the book version, of course, but I also love the way they changed her into Pink Biker Vigilante Mom.
AAAHHHH YOUR WAY OF DESCRIBING HER THOUGHTS IS SO COOL. “Dipika Perumal had met people who wanted to hurt children. She had met people who hated children, who even enjoyed hurting them. She knew what that looked like in a person, you could see it in their faces. And she could see that Mr. Benedict and his companions were not those people. But just because they didn’t enjoy hurting children didn’t mean they wouldn’t use them, and it didn’t mean they weren’t up to anything nefarious.” YES. OH MY WORD SO GOOD.
Also Mr. Benedict being like “Yes, if I tell this lady that my recently discovered twin brother is behind all of this, it will definitely give me credibility. This is the best option”
There’s something about Number Two fixating on the food as a way to enter the conversation/be sure that if something goes wrong she’ll be there that rings very true to me. She anxious about this, and she wants to protect Mr. Benedict and exert some kind of control because she couldn’t keep the house from being broken into and now they’re in the woods and she can’t keep Rhonda from wanting to quit and she couldn’t keep Miss Perumal from finding them and the only thing she can control right now is the stuff she makes with her own hands and she’s scared that she’s falling behind because of all her failures and you can feel that she just needs to do something. You do a good job of portraying that.
And poor Sticky is ashamed of admitting that he’s afraid of not being wanted, like he thinks he isn’t even worth being upset about how he’s been treated.
It’s been kind of intriguing to see Curtain’s feelings about Reynie and Sticky slowly switch.
And now we’re back to Mr. Benedict’s questionable attempts to explain himself. Why on earth would she need background for the information you just dropped on her about your brother? That certainly wasn’t something to be expected.
AKJFshad;asdfg Number Two just casually going “He’s narcoleptic, it’s fine. Please continue to enjoy your food” and the way you write Miss Perumal’s reaction!! She’s so baffled but she adapts, as she does.
Oh goodness, she thinks he’s crazy. I feel so bad for him because he’s had such awful experiences with that, but also from her perspective it’s totally justified.
I love how she initially was trying to be nice and not trigger him but immediately forgoes this to yell at him about sending children into an underground secret tunnel.
“Garrison tried to believe that it was for the best. The helpers were happy at the Institute, which was more than she could say for herself.” Please, I will bake you muffins if you stop destroying me like this :((((
Oh my. He feels so guilty about how they might have hurt Milligan. And he’s so alone in that.
Oh my. He feels so guilty about how they might have hurt Milligan. And he’s so alone in that.
She knows!! She sees the button and that whole paragraph looking into how she feels about the situation and how she fought Curtain to avoid brainsweeping the children is bone-chilling I don’t know how you managed to make us feel that way when I know what’s going to happen it’s nuts how good at this you are.
Their decaying dynamic is driving me up a wall. She doesn’t get why Curtain cares about her, but she’s using it to her advantage, all the while Curtain’s still manipulating her, but he’s trying to do it in the least malicious way possible. (And he’s failing)
“the shock of Curtain realizing the situation she was imagining. A world where they were actually held accountable for what they were doing.”
Garrison’s little dive into Curtain’s weird delusions is very interesting. He really is unsettling, because he isn’t some mastermind who spends all his time distracting people from his real intentions, he’s spending just as much time trying to convince himself of what he’s telling others that he can’t see clearly anymore.
I really appreciate how you give Miss Perumal her own opinions and personality, but you keep her thoughts directed at Reynie. That’s a tough balance.
The narrative tension in the details of how Dipika leaves thinking that Mr. B and Co aren’t intentionally hurting people, but should be stopped nonetheless, and she doesn’t see how badly she’s shaken him is so good!!
More Perumal backstory!!!
Oh, this is one of my favourite scenes in the show, just for the lines and the mirror shots and everything, I’m so excited to see your take
Aw yeah, this is brilliant.
Let him go to college!!!! Let him do the things!! Let him do his art!!!
He wants his dad to be proud!! He’s trying so hard to frame it positively, but Curtain’s a wacko and he isn’t going to let him :( 
Let him have his confidence!! He could so definitely do it, I’m so sad :(
Garrison: “Hmm, I’m going to have a look at my readings, so I can maybe hypothesise about how I could possibly find the child” The Readings: “She was in your lab, you weirdo”
Please don’t go and put your liver in jeopardy again, Doc. I don’t think anyone can take much more of that.
AJKSFhakjsgh You always manage to come swinging out of the blue with your chapter conclusions. Goodness. I think I need to go sit down, but I still have another chapter to read and I don’t know if I can wait!!
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loomiskiller · 7 months
this is a highly canon divergent portrayal of billy loomis from the scream franchise where he got away with his kill spree. this means he doesn’t die and he frames stu for the killings. he maintains his innocent and acts the victim despite the fact he is anything but. another major change would be that he has raised sam on his own since she was three. she comes back years later when sam is thirteen. tara still exists in this, sam just did not always grow up around her. read more about it here. this blog is heavily head canon based along with totally ignoring canon. everything to do with this blog’s canon i have come up with on my own. duplicate and crossover friendly. blog established 3/28/23. but i have been writing him since 2022. blog under co. if you want to continue an ask meme, please move it to a new thread.
a study in: making a murderer, horror fanaticism, analysis of a serial killer, starting a legacy, getting away with murder, blame it on my daddy & mommy issues, being terrible person but good father, doomed by the narrative, dark & troubled past, a pretty face does not mean a pretty heart, masterful deception, freudian excuses, abandonment issues, troubled teenage hood, a serial killer functioning in normal society, and being the mastermind.
trigger warnings for: blood, murder, parental abuse, gore, abandonment issues, gaslighting, violence, mentions of self harm, violent & intrusive thoughts, potential toxic relationships, and other triggering topics. billy isn’t a good person even if he seems like he is. he has dark thoughts and he’s done terrible things. he will say shit that normal people won’t say and his introspections reflect that as well. he will be mean and rude. he may even hurt your muse even if he cares about them in some way. the only people i can guarantee he won’t hurt are his family members ( his sister vicki and his daughter sam ) excluding his parents. he will do bad things as well. proceed with caution when following me and interacting with me. i tag all triggers accordingly.
DUE TO HATE ANONS I HAVE GOTTEN i have to add this little blurb unfortunately: do not send me biphobic anons trying to argue with me about billy's sexuality. as far as we know, he is canonically straight. which means i can head canon him as whatever one i want. ergo, he is is bisexual in my portayal of him. he is bisexual. do not try to fight with me on this. do not try to change my mind. i will block someone without a second thought. billy is a bisexual man with a heavy preference for women. do NOT send me hate because of this.
while this blog is canon divergent and the whole scream franchise has been rewritten for my lore, i will not support or acknowledge ANY scream film after scream vi due to melissa's firing. the scream franchise ended with scream vi. i do not support scream 7. dni with me if you support this movie.
REBLOG FROM THE SOURCE OR ELSE. this includes ASK MEMES, PSAS, EDITS, GIFS, AESTHETICS, MUSIC, MUSINGS, AND MORE. only things tagged with OKAY TO REBLOG are okay to reblogged from me. multiple offenses of this will result in a soft block to mutuals. non mutual rp blogs will get blocked automatically. non rp blogs will also get blocked automatically.
mun info: rissa. she / they. usa. 30.  i roleplay from mobile and the desktop. i primarily do not use images in my replies. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. this blog is low activity aka i reply at my own pace activity. 
links: rules. about. playlist. pinterest. head canons. ask memes. mains. verses.
affilates: @thvnkpink ( all blogs ), @depictedblue ( all blogs ), @lcveblossomed, @faeryworlds
blog roll: @loomisheir / @percentstardust / @neversith
personal / non rp blogs, do not reblog my ooc posts, my shit posts, my head canons, edits, and promos. reblog ask memes and other posts from the source. mass spamming my notifications with reblogs and likes will get you blocked.
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jacqueline314 · 1 year
BN/MHA x Lupinranger Fanfiction AU
hot-pinkI’ve been watching Lupinranger vs Patranger recently, and I enjoyed every episode so far (rn, I’m at ep17) My mind then then thought, “What if Lupinranger was implied in BNHA/MHA?” So that’s what I did. However it isn’t where Lupinranger powers are converted into quirks, it’s more of a merge of two worlds but there will be no Ganglars nor Patrangers & past Lupinrangers. It’s just going to be a story about an OC Phantom Thief stealing back Lupin Collection Pieces from BNHA’s Yakuza, Villains, Gangs, Leagues, and Museums. Meanwhile, there’s a detective and a UA Student chasing after the Phantom Thief. It has been a while since I’ve done some story writing, and now I’m going to give it another shot. I might do some artwork of this when I feel like it.
In a world where the majority of people poses a unique ability called a Quirk, there are those who will use their supernatural abilities for good or evil. However, there are a very few number of people who don’t need to rely on a quirk to do get the job done.
Hidden from the public streets, there is an underground Masquerade Casino, being run by a Yakuza Family. This Yakuza in particular are a group of gunslingers who were each rejected by society for having a worthless/useless quirk. Almost every member is highly trained to use a gun by carefully watching and learning from the pro hero Snipe. Even though their level of skill is far from the pro, they are still considered dangerous to the average person.
Blending in among the Yakuza, is a hero in training, infiltrating them to retrieve a stolen piece. Momo Yaoyorozu. A UA Student disguised in a hot-pink color dress with a ribbon wrapped around the waist and tied to a bow at the back. Carries a hand bag over her shoulder. Her hair style is also different, so it’s to make people not recognise what her normal hairstyle looks like. Her new hair has two long bangs that split and go down to the side of her face. Her tied hair is relatively similar but it’s styled in a curved design. And of course, a mask to obscure her facial features. This is a masquerade, after all.
Five days ago, while Momo was working for Majestic, her work study mentor got an unsuspecting visit from a detective named Gorou Ogasawara. He has seen Yaoyorozu’s performance in the school sports fest and license examination. And based on what Majestic told the detective, he finds her as a reliable asset. Even though she’s young, he sees great potential in her.
Detective Gorou offers Momo an opening to a sting operation with him. He informs her about an up coming underground masquerade casino, held by a yakuza. They learned from their sources that they will be selling a prized Jewel that was stolen from a historical museum 5 years ago. 
The detective went to Momo for her quirk and her careful wits. And after giving it a day to consider, Yaoyorozu agrees to help Detective Gorou with the sting operation.
The jewel that was stolen is known as the Calder Jewel. Encased in a gold piece, that’s aesthetically designed to be, descriptively, a canopy of a tree. It’s also worn as a neckless.
In order to get pass the security unnoticed, Momo has to break in by disguising herself as a staff member and then change in a private room into a formal masquerade attire.
And now that Momo has infiltrated the casino, she has to look around for where the yakuza has kept the jewel.
She passes by an open bar and the tapper(aka: a bartender) asks what she would like to order. Yaoyorozu replies in a nervous tone “N-No thank you. I’m driving.” The tapper happily respects, and goes to another client to serve.
The casino is relatively spacious. There’s three lines of 5 slot machines at one side of the room, 4 total blackjack tables on the opposite, and 8 roulettes filling up the rest of the space. There are two sets of stairs that lead up to the 2nd floor balcony where gamblers can find a couple or few poker tables. In this same spacious area, Momo spots a pair of large doors being guarded, located at the 2nd floor. Perhaps that’s where they’re keeping the prizes.
Momo eventually makes her way up the stairs after pretending to play one of the slot machines so no one would be suspicious of her. When she reaches the 2nd floor, Momo hides behind a corner and informs the detective through her ear piece. “Detective. I’ve spotted the location.” She says. The detective replied “Be careful and be vigilant with your approach.”
When Momo peaks around the corner, she is then spotted by the guard. Momo quickly pulls back to hide, but the guard has already spotted. The guard approaches Momo after she yells out “Hey!” The guard catches Momo and asks a few questions. “What are you doing at the corner?”
In Momo’s head, her thoughts are jumbling around. “What should I do?” “I’m caught!” “Should I fight?” “Immediately run?” The guard slams her hand on the wall to get Momo’s attention. “I’ll ask again, What is your business?”
There is a momentary pause between the two. Before Momo could speak, the guard goes “If you’re not hear to try your luck in roulette, you’re not going to participate in the bidding.”
Thanks to Momo’s quick wits, she under stands what the guard meant. “Oh, Y-yes!” Said Momo. “I’m here to play.” The annoyed looking guard then places her hand behind Momo and shoves her in to the direction of one of the roulette tables. That was close. Her cover was almost blown.
Now in order to avoid suspicion again, Momo steps into the poker table and meets a few poker players and a dealer. After standing in front of them for a moment, Momo quickly takes an empty seat on the table. Fortunately for her, the other gamblers are about to start another round. The dealer looks at Momo, and lets out a cough to get her attention. Momo turns and is puzzled by the way the dealer is looking at her. Did she do something wrong or is it an actual bad time to join?
The player next to Momo gives her a nudge by the elbow to inform her. “Your poker chips?” Said the player. That’s right! She knew she forgot something. She tells the dealer to wait for a minute, then she put’s her hand in her bag to “bring out some poker chips” In actuality, she’s just making her own poker chips. Fortunately, she has a good look on what they looked like from where she is sitting.
Being relatively new to gambling, she just drops an arm-full of poker chips onto the table. She then mimics the other players on how they organize their poker chips. Once Momo has fixed her pile, she’s ready to play.
The dealer deals out each player 2 cards faced down, after two players raise the pot. Each player secretly checks their cards. Momo’s cards are the 4 of clubs and the 8 of hearts. When the player next to her calls their chips, everyone turns to Momo to she what she does.
Momo is relatively nervous playing, but fortunately Detective Gorou has already taught her how to play. As it was her turn, she calls her chips to the pot. Once all the players have placed in their starting bets, the dealer places 3 cards face up on the table. There’s the 5 of spades, king of hearts, jack of spades. One of the players fold, and the others call. The next card is placed and it’s the Ace of diamonds. All of the players, including Momo, checks their turn. The final card, the 3 of hearts, is placed. This is the final turn of the round. The other players have checked their turn. Momo is carefully studying her cards and the probability. Eventually, she checks too. Once all of the cards are revealed, the winning pot does to the player at the opposite end of the table. This is just the first game, Momo will win next time.
After a while, Momo walks out of the poker room with her poker chips. After losing and winning multiple rounds, she earns 2% more than she initially started. There was not much of a profit from playing poker.
Momo then places the poker chips into her bag. Just as she was done pouring, she accidentally bumps the side of a person while she was not looking as she walks.
As Momo and the person in front of her catches themself, they go “Oh pardon me.” before turning towards her. Momo sees the person in front of her wearing a black morning coat attire with some pink aesthetics, a pink decorative mask, and a fedora with a pink ribbon around. Everything about their outfit gives out a pink aesthetic yet still dressed formal.
Once the two looked at each other, Momo softly yips before bowing forward. “I’m deeply sorry!” She apologize. “I wasn’t paying attention on where I was going!”
The pink person replies, “That’s quite alright, ma’am. In fact, I should be the one apologising you. For I just came out of the poker game.”
“Oh really?” Momo awkwardly laughs as she tells them her first experience playing poker. “I didn’t get lucky with every hand I got.“
“You’re just relatively new to gambling. Heck, I bet a lot in these games but I’m not a gambler. I only lasted one round of the game that I was just in. I betted 500 and I lost 500.” They laugh at their own irony. “I just started playing and I only bet in a poker game, Once.”
Momo finds it hilarious too, but also feels sort of bad for their loss.
Once after the two of them shared a laugh, the pink anonymous takes a drink from their glass that’s shaped like a bee hive, topped with a honeycomb and a piece of cotton candy.
While they were savouring their drink, Momo’s ear piece goes on and she hear’s Detective Gorou’s voice. “Yaoyorozu.” He said. “Come in. Have you spotted the stone yet?”
Momo turns to secretly respond. “Negative.“ She replied. “The room is being held by guards until the bidding starts. I have to blend in until they’re open.“
“Affirmative.“ The detective then ends the call.
When Momo turns back after the call, she sees the guard who yelled at her earlier, had just turn towards her direction. “Did she see me that I was in a call?” “Does she suspect me?” These are the thoughts that are going around her head.
"Say, I can lend you all of my chips.“ Said the pink individual.
Momo is shocked when she heard their offer. “Uhh, n-no. I can’t do that.”
“I insist. You can use them to earn more chips.”
The offer is intriguing to Momo. The chips she has in her bag are her creation and doesn’t want to inflate the economy. So using the actual money would sustain it.
“That’s... Quite generous of you. But are you actually fine with this? Giving your money to a complete stranger you just met? Aren’t you interested in buying something from the bidding as well?”
“I only came here to have fun.” They replied. “And fun I will have!“ They raise their hive glass as they cheer.
“O-okay.” Said Momo, hesitantly. “I’ll accept your offer.“
“Very well. Shall we?“
“Ehh? You’re coming with me?”
“Sure.” The pink anonymous opens one side of their coat, showing the poker chips being kept in their pocket. “Someone has to carry them while your bag is already full.“
Momo looks down at her bag then sees and feels how cramped it is inside. Right... She hasn’t realised until now.
And so, the two of them head down stairs to bet in other games. Roulette was worse than poker, it’s too random to come up with a strategy. Slots are next, however, 10 times in a row, they won nothing. That is until Blackjack. Momo made a huge comeback with her wits of probability analysis. In the end, they earned about half from what they’ve started with.
After the back to back gamble, the pair sits down at the open bar. Momo still refuses to drink while Mx. Pink orders the same glass from before.
The tapper takes out the hive-shaped glass and sets it on the table. Then pours in 1 part of whiskey, half-part mead, honey, maple syrup, and stirs until the honey-syrup is diluted. He then adds a piece of honeycomb and cotton candy, before sliding it to Pink. They thank the tapper and takes another sip.
To Momo, that looks like a lot of sweet flavours going into their mouth. Perhaps too sweet for Momo’s liking.
“I’ve got to say, you have quite a sweet tooth there.” She said.
Pink replies. “Well, this is a night where we get to be happy. Does it not?”
Momo sees how genuine their smile is. Even though this person might be a criminal, she can hear the tone of happiness in their voice.
Momo nods to their response. It’s probably a good thing that they gave her all of their chips. Otherwise, they would’ve been devastated when they found out that a particular item was taken from the bidding? If they didn’t crossed paths, would they still attend the bidding and be wiped out by the competition?
A moment passes, everyone in the casino then hears the speakers turn on. Everyone hears a message. “Attention. We may now be starting the bidding in 5 minutes. Please bring your chips and pick a number sign. Those who out their chips together with others are allowed. And to those who do not have any, will be kicked out of the casino immediately.” When the ends, the speakers become silent. Then, Momo sees the majority of gamblers start heading their way to the two doors where she suspects where the jewel might be. The other players are cashing out and leave. The staff are leaving as well.
Momo stands up and turns to Mx. Pink. “Looks like this is where we part. I appreciate your help but I need to head up there.” Before she could hold out here hands to receive their poker chips, Mx. Pink stands up and says “Wait a moment.”
And just as they start to walk over, Momo’s thoughts are running around her head again. “What?” “D-did they change their mind after everything?” Was being so generous an act to get more chips?”
When they stand next to her, they let out an unexpected info.
“I thought you were just here to get extra money, but you actually want to bid on something. You see, those chips I gave you are registered to me. If you walk up there with my chips alone, they’ll accuse you for stealing from other.“
Does that mean the chips Momo created wouldn’t be accepted?
“What do you mean by ‘registered’?“ She asked.
“You remember that one staff who provide you your chips, asks for your thumb prints? Well, that means you registered an account. And for every chip that was first touched gets added to the player’s account. This is so that no greedy gambler here would snatch anyone’s chips.”
Oh no. The detective heard what that individual said was not aware of the anti-piracy system. This is bad. How is Momo going to take the jewel now?
Pink turns and sees the troubled look on Momo’s face.
Momo looks down and is standing in the middle of the room, internally panicking. She messed  up. The sting operation has failed.
Pink holds out their open hand to Momo. When she sees the hand, she looks up to them. “It’s okay.” They said. “Your not going to get in trouble, because I’m going to be paired up with you.”
Well, that’s quite kind of them to say, but that’s not really the problem. Before Momo could say anything, Pink grabs her right hand and pulls along with her to the two doors, up on the 2nd level.
When they arrived in front of the door with the guards.... guarding the door, each holding a device. Mx. Pink demonstrated how the device works. They take their poker chip and place it in the slot. Then they press their thumb on the scanner. The light turns green, meaning the chips belong to them.
Now it’s Momo’s turn. She’s entirely anxious at this moment. Her poker chips are a fraud. This is not going to end well. Momo opens up her bag, reaches in, and pulls out one of her chips. Pink then snatches the chip from her fingers and places it in the slot. Now, is is the troublesome part.
Momo hesitantly reaches out and presses her right thumb on the scanner. As it’s pressed, the device starts scanning, analyzing the her thumb print. Momo readies herself for the worst. When the device says negative, she just has to fight her way through the guards and break into the stash some ho--
The light on the device turns green. Confirming her chips are valid. This has come to a surprise for Momo. How did the light turn green?
“You’re clear. C’mon in.“ Says the guard. The ear piece is still active. Detective Gorou was being so worried about Momo getting caught, he let out a big sigh of relief when she is granted access. He would’ve called for back up and stormed the casino if anything bad happened.
Before she could question to herself more, Pink grabs hold to her hand again enters the room.
Once they enter, the doors close behind them. The room they have entered gives off a small cinema vibe to it. There’s multiple rows of chairs and a stage at the front with small sets of stairs leading up to the stage. There’s a large curtain backdrop and two lines of yakuza guards on each side across from each other.
The speakers in the room turn on, and the two head over to take a seat. The bidding is starting. When they sat down, Pink whispers to Momo. “You can use all of my money to buy anything you want.” and then goes back to their sitting position.
That’s generous of them, but Momo has eyes on a bigger prize. The first item to bid is a gorgeous chinese house pot with a lid. It looks really pretty. Momo has about 10 of them in her [“house”]. Pink whispers over to Momo again. “This is one is an antique.” They said. “This used to be a soup pot.”
Momo turns her head and looks over to Pink with a concerned face. Pink’s comment even get picked up by the ear piece microphone, Detective Gorou becomes puzzled also.
Pink continues to whisper. “No one uses them anymore, but back then, in almost every household in china, they have pots like that one, used for making soup. That’s why the pot has a lid, to prevent the steam from escaping. Now a days, we have modern cooking pots and stoves to have better control.”
So it used to be a kitchen utensil. Imagine using an old kitchen pan or steamer to act as a plant pot. That would be weird for a lot of people.
Once the pot was sold to the highest bidder, now comes the second round. An anthropomorphic shark walk in, wearing the same attire as the yakuza, carries something with a blanket over, on a dolly. This is strange considering that there are no yakuza members with powerful quirks. Momo’s friend, Tsuyu Asui, talked about her experience with a shark quirk during her internship and how strong he was in her encounter. So why is there a shark in the yakuza?
When everyone sees the shark, all of the guards draw out their gun. Looks like he isn’t apart of the them. He doesn’t seem hostile yet either. He’s just slowly walking on stage.. Once the shark stands in the middle, he sets the dolly down and then pulls away the blanket. He reveals a tied up old man with duct tape on his mouth. It looks like he’s struggling to get out.
The audience and guards gasped when they say all saw what was under the blanket.
The shark draws out a gun and points it at the old man. “You damn bastards!” Shouted the shark. “Do you even know what it’s like to lose someone you love?! You all treated him like one of you. And then you just threw him under the bus?!”
The guards point their guns directly towards the shark. He sees them and places the tip of the barrel at the old man’s neck. “Go ahead! Your guns aren’t strong enough to penetrate my skin. If you do, I’ll blow your boss’s neck off.”
The old man is the head of the yakuza? Momo turns to the guards and sees that they’re shaking as they’re holding their guns. They eventually lowered them before the shark swaps out a tommy gun and starts spraying the room. He mainly aimed at the guards while the audience and Momo ducked down. A couple got shot.
Momo tells Pink to take cover before she crawls over to the other side of the sitting row. The detective hears gunfire and immediately calls for back up.
At the end of the row, Momo peaks over a seat to see the shark. Then she pulls back and creates a shield. She has to take down the villain before things escalate.
Momo rolls out the seats and runs up the stairs with the shield facing towards the shark. He sees her running and then fires the gun at her, but the shield reflects off the bullets, protecting her. She rams it at the villain, making him drop the tommy gun.
Momo quickly creates a rod and swings it at the shark. When she strikes however, there was no damage done. The villain absorbed the force like a brick wall. He grabs the rod and tosses Momo across the stage. Just as she gets up, the villain then pulls out his hand gun again and places the tip at the same spot on the yakuza boss.
“It’s useless. No one is going to help him.” Says the villain. “He’ll be the first to pay for what he did!“ Said in an infuriating tone.
To Momo, hope is not lost. By now, the detective has already called for back up when he heard the gun shots picked up from her ear piece. She just needs to stall for time until they arrive. But the real challenge is, how is she going to save the yakuza boss?
Just then, she notices a red card flung into the air. It changed trajectories and flies pass the shark’s hand. Giving him an unbearable sting on his and and dropping the gun, before the card vertically sticks onto the stage floor.
The boss, Momo, and the villain, focuses on the card when it landed. They look concerned on how it got here.
“Ehh?” says the villain. “What is this.” He then hears a gunfire as he fells something hitting his back before he fall down to his face from the force behind him. His fall domino effected the yakuza boss, making him fall as well. Momo heads over to the boss and crates a sharp tool to quickly cut the rope.
After shots were fired, the shark and Momo hear a voice replying to the villain’s question. “You may have tough skin, but everyone gets paper cuts.” To Momo, it’s entirely familiar.
The two looked behind the villain and sees the Pink Maskarade person with a fedora. Momo thought they were still hiding. She then noticed a strange looking gun in Pink’s hand. It’s white with some orange stripe features and a grip handle at the back. She has never seen a gun or a blaster like that before.
“Your weapon may have hurt me.” Says the shark. ”But your power will be overwhelmed by mine!” He says that as he and the freed yakuza boss behind him stands up simultaneously.
There was a brief pause and then the two looked at each other. Just as the villain goes “Huh?!?!” in shocked, the boss immediately flees the room with all of the bidders and other yakuza members in a fast forward zany visual and leaving the doors open.
The villain turns back to Pink with an even angrier look oh his face. “LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE!!! YOU LET MY PREY GET AWAY!!!”
“Well then.” Pink replied. “Looks like you’re my opponent now.” They then pull out a pink-silver aesthetic jet that's the size of their hand. Momo sees it and wonders what they’re going to do with it.
Just before Pink could do anything, the villain picks up the tommy gun he dropped and sprays at the ceiling. The debris then fall on top of Pink. Momo couldn’t help them in time because everything happened too fast. Pink got crushed.
When the villain is about to laugh at their demise, he stops and sees a silhouette in the cloud of dust. When it has cleared, the shark and Momo sees Pink has changed into a black helmet with a pink top hat-shaped mask at the front, and a Pink cloaked tuxedo. They are also holding the gun but with the pink jet from earlier, attached to the gun.
“Ehh? Wh- who are you?!“ the villain asked as they point at Pink-top hat.
Pink replies as they start walking towards the villain. “You didn’t introduced yourself. So you don’t need to know, for now.” Then they start firing a few shots at him. He takes in the hits and shoots back with the tommy gun. Pink evades the bullets, swerving in front of the shark as he continues to lock on them.
Momo takes this opportunity to create something to capture the villain while he’s distracted. She sets one knee down to create a special cannon that’ll shoot soft ammo. Once the cannon is set, the shark turns his head towards her as she hold an orange sphere that’ll fit into the weapon. The villain turns around and points his gun at Momo and fires before she could load up the cannon.
Momo quickly holds up her shield to defend herself from the bullets. Pink sees all of this happening and then blasts the tommy gun out of the shark’s hands. When Momo notices no bullets fired at her, she immediately loads the cannon pointed at the villain, and fires.
The villain gets hit by the projectile then it covers him with a soft-yet sticky substance upon impact. The shark’s body is now trapped in a tar-like blob, leaving his head sticking out. “What is this? Release me at once!” he demanded.
Pink ignores his demands and walks over to Momo. But before they could say a word, she disappears from where she was last standing. Meanwhile, Momo ran to the back of the stage to look for the stolen Jewel. After rummaging around, she finds a jewellery case. Upon closer inspection, the case has already been open and the necklace is gone. “Wha- Who- Where did it go?!” she thought.
Just then, Momo hears the police entering the room and shouting “FREEZE!” and the detective calling out “Yaoyorozu!”. They’re here to apprehend the villain who caused trouble. She immediately heads back to the front of the stage. “I’m alright!” She responded. “But detective, we have a pro-” Just as Momo passes through the back drop, she sees Pink having their hands raised while the police and detective are pointing their guns at them.
Momo stares at the scenario she’s witnessing. Detective Gorou turns his head to Momo. “Yaoyorozu, don’t go near them!” he said. “They’re the Phantom Thief.”
“So they are a criminal.” She thought to herself. But if that’s the case, why would they be so generous by giving all of their money for the bidding and help Momo get through security? If they’d haven’t bumped into each other, they would’ve attend the bidding anyway because the chips were registered to Pink.
“Glad I could help out.” said Pink as they look at Momo. “But I’ll be taking this with me.” Then they hold out the Calder Jewel in their hand. Momo is shocked that the stranger who was helping her, has taken a priceless artifact.
The police opens fire and Pink gracefully evades them while keeping the jewel undamaged. They swiftly run towards the exit door while slipping pass, pushing, and redirecting the cops away. They immediately jumped off the 2nd floor balcony and then lands on the ground floor. Detective Gorou follows along by quickly taking off his long coat, grappling it by the railing, and holding on to the other end as he jumps off. His rope-cloak allows him to decrease his momentum when he reaches to the ground.
The detective stops at 3 feet above ground, then he lets go of his cloak before immediately dashing towards Pink. Who has already called the elevator. The detective jump towards the Phantom Thief to tackle them and prevent from escaping. However, just as the elevator doors open, the Phantom Thief grabs Gorou’s arms uses his momentum turn and redirect him down on the floor. Causing him to feel excruciating force on his body. When he’s on the ground, Pink lets go of his arm and steps into the elevator. The detective watches them press a button and say “Adieu~” before the elevator closes.
The detective is infuriated from the sight of the Phantom Thief escaping. He slams his fist on the ground as he lays there. Momo sees the detective pacing on the floor from the 2nd floor indoor balcony. She then reflects on what happened tonight. She interacted with a criminal, but they helped her get into the bidding room. “Why were they after the Calder Jewel? How did they changed appearance?” She then takes off her mask and looks at ti in her hand. “And who is the Phantom Thief?”
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ponds-of-ink · 1 year
Quick Pre-Ruin One Shot: “A Moment of Confidence”
Had this idea in my head, so I wanted to get this out there. More of a half-joke (emphasis on half because oh boy this went from a joke to something else quick) than an actual head-canon for what could actually be in store for Ruin, but here we go. This might be a low key sequel to the whole Setback Saga I did ages ago..? Huh.
Also, speculative stuff and potential Tales from the Pizzaplex spoilers ahead. That second warning’ll make some sense in a moment, hopefully.
Padded footsteps thumped down the dingy hallway. Not with its typically skipping gait, but with a furious and steady rhythm. The bunny-like figure approached a large, open area where a bundle of wires and robotic parts towered above everything. Fortunately, the strange thing remained dormant as the rabbit stormed closer. “Where are you, you absolute slacker!?” it roared out in some eerily flat, feminine tone. “We’re almost ready for our final tests!”
Violet static pulsed from various cables. It sparked and glowed as it drew close to the mishmash. Suddenly, in a flash of similarly-colored light, a ghostly man in a casual outfit appeared in front of the creature. “My apologies,” he said softly, bowing low. “I was running some of my own experiments while you were preparing. Mobility in different forms and such.”
The bunny’s head tilted. “Does that explain why you look... different?” she asked, her tone slowly adding in a hint of disgust. “I never thought you would stoop so low as to turn into this... heavier shape, Mr. Afton.”
The man looked down at his portly figure. “Is it really ‘stooping low’ when the only thing I am defying is aesthetics?” he questioned back, placing a hand on his hip. “Honestly, ‘Mimic’, I am not sure why you are making such a fuss since I can revert back to my ‘normal’ state at any time.”
Mimic grumbled underneath the rabbit mask. “I’m not sure why you aren’t making a fuss,” she quipped back darkly. “Don’t you realize what the internet’ll do to you if you get caught looking like this?”
The man’s expression shifted into terror. “You are onto something there!” he gasped out, staggering towards Mimic as if he couldn’t just float over to her. “Whatever will they do if such a mad idea gets found out!? The Purple Man himself, once a pear-shaped giant of a human? The idea would be too much to bear for some of those poor souls! Oh, the discussions and debates that would spawn! Oh, the absolute humiliation!” Then, as if to lead this spiral of sadness to its natural conclusion, he leaned on Mimic’s shoulder and sobbed... much to her chagrin. “Well, William, at least you’re coming to your senses,” she grimaced. “So, can you please change back before someone new finds us?”
William’s crying softened. His half-pixelated face dropped its sad expression. “I will, but in a moment,” he answered softly, lifting himself off his listener. “What concerns me more is that fact that you failed to detect my complete and utter sarcasm. Whatever happened to your sense of humour, Glitch— Mimic? You used to be so maliciously joyous, prancing around like Spring Bonnie and the like! Now you just boss everyone around and guard me and my new fusion as if we’re some porcelain artifacts— Which is ironic, as I am sure you must be thinking about me being a one-and-done springboard for something else!”
‘Mimic’ sighed. “My humor died as soon as you failed your mission,” ‘she’ explained coldly. “Hopefully, your next attempt can revive it. Maybe even.. hurt a few more people on the way out, who knows? Two birds with one stone, as the saying goes.”
William rolled his eyes. “Unless my actions in that pile of metal and cords cause such a thing, do not count on me fulfilling that second wish,” he replied somberly as he floated back to the huge mishmash. “Especially since I am now reconsidering changing back into my ‘normal’ state.”
The remaining indoor lights flickered much more than usual. “Take that last part back,” ‘Mimic’ said with a growl, stepping forward. “Or else.”
“As if a threat like that should scare me nowadays,” William huffed, crossing his arms. “Please! I have dealt with so many furious demands that the only emotion I feel from yours is annoyance. Do yourself a favor and save those for when it counts. Trust me, it will do wonders.”
Mimic stepped even closer. “Take that back, or I will make you regret every last word you just said,” ‘she’ insisted, ‘her’ voice dropping in pitch as the darkness grew more frequent.
“What fear can you revive that I have not encountered already?” William inquired, shaking his head. “The fear of too many calories? Or is it the fear of returning to a body type I once despised? Whichever it is, I can assure you that I already have those covered.”
The room plunged into complete darkness. A more greenish rabbit emerged from the feminine figure. With a snap of its fingers, the rabbit made sure the once-dormant wires bound the man like chains weighing down a prisoner. The new bunny strolled over, clicking its unseen tongue as it drew nearer. “I think you still haven’t covered the most important one,” it smiled, its voice now more masculine and sinister. “The fear of not being able to escape.”
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iwadori · 3 years
are you going to do a 'when the haikyuu boys make you insecure' part with Iwaizumi / could I request that?
When they make you insecure part 6 (Iwaizumi,Matsukawa)
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Part 1 Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 Part 6
Word Count: 2.8K
Genre: Angst, Fluff
AN: Did I embedd myself in this story? Yes, yes i did. :3 (it’s only a small part dw loool)
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One day when you were walking to the gym to go see your boyfriend  
You overhear him and the team talking about some instagram girl
“She’s hot” you hear Boktuo yell doing a hoot as he fawns over a picture, with the rest of the guys agreeing.  
“What do you think Iwaizumi?” Hinata ask  
“She’s cute... I guess?” the rest of the guys, grunt in disagreement at Iwa’s lack of drooling over the girl.
“Well I see why you wouldn’t want her Haji-kun,” says Atsumu “you are into the more simple girls bro”
“Simple?” Iwaizumi questions, and the rest of the guys agree
“Yeah simple, you know Y/N... she’s simple” says one of the guys, with the word ‘simple’ rolling off their tounge with a tone of disgust.
“I guess your right guys...” Iwaizumi says “Y/N is pretty basic and simple but-”
You leave the gym before you hear what the rest of them had to say. When you got to your house you bolt straight to the mirror, you look at your outfit and frown. You never thought your style was ‘basic,’ to be fair you wouldn’t describe anybodys style as basic or simple. Of course, you weren’t like those instagram influencers, that wasn’t your thing. But Iwa has known that about you for years... but I guess that’s not what he truly likes.
You go to your closet and take out all the contents, just tossing all your clothes (even some of your favourite items ever) and dashing them in a black trash bag putting them to the side. You were already on a mission to buy a whole new wardrobe, going through all different stores and looking on pinterest for inspo.
You didn’t really talk to Iwa for the rest of the week, since you wanted him to see you in your ‘new form,’ you weren’t being radiosilent but you didn’t initiate any hang outs with him or face time calls (which he did find slightly odd, but didn’t think that much by it.)
Finally, the clothes came and you were kind of shocked at how much you ordered you spent over £200 on clothes from all different places. When you were trying them on, you liked some of them the ones that were kind of similar to your past style but not so ‘simple,’ the others you kind of frowned at since it definitely didn’t feel like ‘you’ at all. ‘This is for Iwa,’ you reminded yourself as your forced a smile on your face analysing yourself in the mirror.
You had everything sorted, your wardrobe was now changed and done the colours and styles you once wore before is now the complete opposite. You invited Iwa over, hesistantly waiting to see how would he react.  
When you hear your door knock, you rush over to open it and model a pose you saw one of those girl do trying to look as natural as possible.
“Hey babe ho-” he says, with his eyes widening seeing your new look “Woah Y/N!”
“Hey Haji..come in!” you exclaim with a beaming smile pulling him inside to the couch. “So, are we going to continue watching the crown, I watched the previous episode and god prince phillip is such a dick.”
You look over your shoulder and see Iwa still standing in your entranceway a bit awkwardly, looking a bit stunned. “Come sit down then, we’ve got an episode to watch.”
“uh oh yeah, sure” he says blinking, following you to the couch.
You got through atleast 4 episodes together, you barely talked as you were really engrossed in the show. Iwa was barely paying attention, he was too busy questioning how you were acting. This definitely wasn’t the girl he knew, even the way you were acting whilst watch the show was odd. The way you’d cutely giggle and ‘sublty’ look over to him whilst laughing at a funny part of the show instead of just doing your usual obnoxious laugh that he loved to hear.
“Oh Y/N, I’m going to go to the bathroom.” he says standing up, you don’t reply you just wave your hand in acknowledgement.
On his way to the bathroom, Iwa nearly trips on a black bag left outside your bedroom door. He opens it, and mildly gasped when he saw all your old stuff jumbled up in there. He picks up the back and goes straight back to the living room and stands in front of you.
“Haji, what are you doing you’re blocking the TV” you complaining trying to see what’s happening behind him.
He drops the black bag infront of you and you internally curse yourself for not moving. You stare at him waiting for him to say something.
“Well whats this then.” he says looking down at you, almost like a disapproving dad.
“Clothes.” you say smartly, knowing what he was asking.
“You know what I meant Y/N, why are all your clothes in a garbage bag.”  
“Because I wanted to put them there,” you wanted to seem as nochalant about it as possible as if putting all your clothes in a garbage bag doesn’t make you feel sad.
“Yeah but why?” he says sitting down next to you.
“Just because I wanted to” you reiterate “what else do you want me to say?”
“Well this isn’t like you, its just a bit random Y/N” he says
“I know this isnt like me you” you spat, standing up “Isn’t this what you wanted anyways.” You head to your bedroom picking up the bag with you, with Iwa hot on your heels.
“What do you mean this is what I wanted?” he says in disbelief “When did I ever say that?”
“It doesn’t matter” you mumble, you start to aggressively take our your old clothes and shove them back into your wardrobe whilst Iwa is just talking. You’re not really listening to him your just putting the clothes back.
“Y/N Stop!” he yells kind of knocking you out of your ‘trance,’ “what is going on with you?” he grabs you hands and pulls them down stopping you from what you were doing and he winced at seeing your tear stricken face.
He gently pulls you into his arms sitting you both on your bed, waiting for you to speak. “I don’t know what you want from me Iwa..” you start your voice slightly breaking “it’s just I did this all for you and you don’t even appreciate it.”
“I don’t know what you mean Y/N?” he says sounding genuinely confused.
“Y/N is simple and basic.” you say repeating words that you heard your boyfriend say about you, you feel him tense as you say it and you slowly get out of his hug.
“Y/N I-”
“That really hurt Hajime, I know now that I'm not your ‘type’ but I-”
“No Y/N, you are my type of course you are!” he says gulping in nervousness “I love you, and your style. I’ve always being enamored by how you dress and present yourself and I don’t know why I even said you’re basic and simple I didn’t mean it that way.”
“Really?” you say sniffling looking down
“Yes really you idiot,” he says lifting your head up “To be fair I don’t care what you wear, since you look great in anthing I just want you to be happy Y/N and especially not dress for anyone including me. Okay?”
“Okay,” you agree slightly nodding your head.
“Good, so can we go and finish the crown and then burn all these clothes?” Iwa jokes as he stands up.
“Burn them!” you exclaim “These cost £200, you muppet.”
“£200! Gosh Y/N, next time you go shopping im definitely coming with you.” he says shaking his head “can’t have you blowing out your bank account for clothes you don’t even like that much.”
You spend the rest of the day finishing of The Crown and you and Iwa eventually both sort out your wardrobe. Your style and aethetic changes a lot more through the times you were together and Iwa was very supportive and helpful of every single change. Especially *insert your favourite dress aesthetic here.*
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You were walking with your friends; Iwa, Tooru, Maki and your boyfriend Matsun. Walking to school as you did every morning, today the topic of conversation was Tooru’s bad taste in women.
“Gosh yesterday was horrible, she didn’t want to talk to me at all,” he complained “all she wanted to do was to come straight to my place, I didn’t even have the chance to tell her my hair routine.”
“That’s why you don’t find dates off of Tinder shittykawa” grunted Iwaizumi
“Well I know that now!” he exclaimed.
“Y/N,” said Makki grasping your attention “Would you ever use Tinder?”
“Well I-”
“Of course she wouldn’t” your boyfriend interrupted wrapping his arm round your shoulder “she’s got me”
“Yeah, but if you two weren’t together, would you use it.”
“Well may-”  
“Y/N definitely wouldn’t” he said interrupting you AGAIN “she’s way to frigid for that shit”
Frigid? You thought to yourself, ouch. Their was a quick awkward silence and all you could hear was Matsukawa laughing with the others laughing after awkwardly in pursuit. After sensing your uncomfortability (is that a word?) Oikawa decides to change the subject to make things less awkward,
“I need a woman who understands me!” he rants “One that can listen to me and appreciate my awesome hair.”
“Goodluck with that Shittykawa.”  
Oikawa rambles on as you walk to school with the other guys chiming in. You on the other hand, were lost in thought. Your sex life wasn’t something you would want to publicly talk about let alone to you and your boyfriends' male friends. Also, with Matsun describing you as ‘frigid’ struck a nerve. You weren’t frigid, well at least to you, you weren’t.  
When you got to school you immediately rushed straight to your lesson claiming that you teacher really needed to talk to you. Which was odd to Matsukawa as you usually all hung around each other until the bell rang, the other boys gave each other knowing looks all assuming the reasons for your odd behaviour.
At lunch time, you stayed in your class instead of going up to the roof where you and your friends usually end up. In the class room you hear one of the girls in your class, Empress having one of her usual gossip conversations with her group of friends.
“Hajime is so hot!” she said, fanning her face being dramatic  
“Of course he is! You should totally go for him.” her friend said and the rest of the friends agreed.
“What do you think Y/N?” she says to you catching your attention “you’re close friends with him right?”
“Yeah, I am” you say a bit sadly “You should definitely go for him, I think you’d be perfect together.”
“Okay! I think I might later” she says smiling. Her and friends leave, but then Empress returns and walks straight to you.
“Are you alright doll?” she asks softly smiling
“I guess so..” you say hesitantly “It’s just something my boyfriend said to me this morning.”
“Matsun?” she asks and you nod in reply “What did he say?”
After you rehash the situation from this morning Empress scowls in annoyance, “Boys can be such pigs sometimes, such a dick thing to say.”
“I know right!” you respond “Even if I was frigid, which im totally not it’s not even a bad thing nor is it something to reveal to people in public in a ‘jokey’ way.”
“Yeah!” she agrees “I think you should go and give him a piece of your mind.”
“I mean...” your voice falters, when it comes to Matsun you’ve never really given him a ‘piece of your mind,’ even when he makes jokes that you’re not so fond of.
“Come on!” she encourages “I’ll come with you and cheer you on.”
“You just want to come to see Iwa Empress” you say pointedly “But fine let’s go.”
You both power walk to the roof where you see the four seijoh boys sitting down and eating. “Oh hi Y/N/-chan and look Iwa its Emp-chan... isn’t that a surprise!” Iwa blushes and the rest of the guys laugh.
You walk straight up to Matsun and stand right infront of him. “Matsukawa I need to talk to you,” you say folding your arms. “Why whats up babe?” he says, still sitting down with a cheeky grin on his face.
“Alone.” you say turning around walking to a secluded spot. Behind you, you hear Matsun get up and the rest of the boys saying “oooh Matsukawa your in trouble” as they laugh.
“What’s wrong with you today Y/N?” he asks slightly accusatorily.  
“I didn’t appreciate the comment you made today on the way to school,” you say with your arms folded.
“Oh that little comment about you being frigid, come on it was just a joke I wasn’t being serious.” he says lightly laughing but he stops once he sees the glare you give him ”you knew it was a joke right?”
“Matsun, some are your jokes just aren’t funny,” you say “especially when they're about me and our sex life in front of our friends too.”
“Y/N I didn’t mea-”
“You just come off as a huge dick sometimes, and I can’t do this anymore if you keep on making these comments anymore I don’t think I can do this.”
“Woah Y/N, are you threatening to break up with me?” he asks “Over a few little comments?”
“These aren’t a few little comments, sometimes what you say is just unnecessary and rude.”
“Okay well...”
“Well...” you repeat staring at him waiting for to apologise or atleast say something, “fuck you Matsukawa.”
You storm away and walk bout to the group saying “Empress lets go.” She jumps of Iwa’s lap and waves by to them following you back down to the school. You walk into the bathroom and just start to cry, “Y/N whats wrong?” Empress says pulling you into a hug  
“H-He doesn’t care,” you cry “He pretty much excused his stupid comments, passing them off as little ‘jokes,’ that didn’t apparently mean anything.”
“Oh dear,” Empress says consoling you “he’s not worth your time right now.”
“B-but but I love him.” you wail fat tears streaming down your face.
“I know sweetheart, I know,” she says letting go of the hug “so what do you wanna do about him?”
“I don’t know,” you say “I don’t want to break up with him or anything, but is there a point in staying if he’s just going to make these comments again.”
“I don’t know Y/N, but whatever you wanna do I’ll support. Wether it’s keying his car or reading shitty fanfiction and crying.” Empress says making you laugh.
The final bell rings and now it's time to go home, of course you don’t walk with the guys so you just enjoy your own company walking home.
“Y/N! Y/N!” you hear from behind you and of course the only person it can be is Matsukawa.
“What do you want?” you mumbled  
“I..I want too” he says heaving out of breath from the running he had to do “I want to apologise. I need do.”
“Okay...” you respond
“Im sorry, Im so so sorry,” he says “those jokes and comments were stupid and I agree I can be a dick sometimes. Well a lot of the time, but I never wanted to be a dick to you.”
“Well you were.”
“I know I was, and I’m so sorry. There’s no excuse what I said and what I have said before I just hope I can make it up to you.”
“Okay then.”
“So are we not broken up?”
“No we’re not broken up, but it’ll take a lot of making up to do for me to fully forgive you.”
“Great! And I'll spend every day to get you to forgive me.”
Which he did, he spent every day showering you with love and affection. He was way better than he was before, you even went on double dates with Oikawa and his flavour of the week and triple dates with Iwa and his girlfriend. Matsukawa, although he still made jokes, he never targeted them and centered them around you in an insulting way.
AN: I didn’t really like the matsukawa one since i couldn’t really write for him properyl sooo sorry bout that one kids.
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J2 Gold Panel Chicon 2022
My boys looking as handsome as always, really loving their outfits today ❤️
At the beginning of the panel Jared makes a joke about his accident which the crowd does not appreciate- it’s too soon Jared! But as he says, he’s joking about himself which is a valid point. Anyways, there’s a little exchange between the boys because Jensen jokingly says he was all ready to wheel Jared up the stage that morning and Jared replied Jensen carried him up the stairs. x
Asked why he didn’t sing in yesterday's concert, Jensen replies that he did sing. In his hotel room, he sang himself to sleep. To which Jared comments: I wish it was just yourself. Interesting comment there Jared 👀 After looking at Jared with an expression I can only describe as mischievous Jensen says it’s true that the whole hotel lobby was asking Jared to shut him up. x
Jared makes a second joke about his accident, and I wanna point out Jensen’s reaction when he does this; Jared jokes that he just didn’t want to go to the con so he came up with an idea to stay home aka his accident. Jensen did not like that joke, and you can tell because he goes from smiling to pursing his lips, slightly shaking his head, and then saying “next time just stay home”. And Jared got the message loud and clear because he turns serious and sort of mumbles ‘might have turned out better’. Jensen’s reaction was twofold. He not only let Jared know that he did not like the joke but - while I do not know and it is not my business to know Jared’s reasons for being in that car on that day I am willing to bet that Jensen and him had a very serious conversation about it, and that while Jared may joke he knows not only how bad it could have been but also how much it frightened Jensen. x
First, official question is: in what world do they imagine that Walker, and Jensen’s new character on Big Sky, Beau Arlen, meet? Jared says in all the worlds he imagines. Me too, buddy. And Jensen says that it’s the crossover that makes most sense since his character Beau is from Houston and has a law enforcement past there.
Jared also says that since around spn s4 he has wanted to work on a joint project with Jensen that’s separate from spn which I find kind of adorable because even when he was spending little to no time away from Jensen all he wanted was to spend more time with him and do other projects together. Says he wants to do a project where he and Jensen’s characters have a moment where they pass by each other and do a double take; which prompts Jensen to share that technically they did a moment like that when he directed Walker. After they filmed one of the concert scenes he walked on set and he and Jared looked at each other and it would have worked if it hadn't been for Odette Anabelle, who plays Geri, reacting. x
Do they have any short term or long term plans for what they want to do with their Baby's? Jared wants to keep it aesthetically the same but fix it so it’s workable because it works for filming but not so much for actually driving through town which he found out when he drove it home from Jensen’s brewery which is where the cars had been delivered to, so she's getting some work done; Jensen said the same, he doesn’t plan to change anything aesthetically but he has gotten some work done on her and at first he was planning to change the engine because it’s loud as hell but after thinking about he thinks he’s gonna keep it just for nostalgia sake and just get it tuned up.
When the show wrapped up, their props department gifted them “care packages” , which was basically a collection of little, random props. Some of the props Jared got was the Samulet, hotel keycards, some legos and GI Joe/army men from Swan Song and when he got them he went to the garage and put some of the legos around 😭
What was the inspiration for the City Grown Willow music video? They were bored and stuck in the mountains. Literally. It was filmed during the pandemic lockdown, Steve was there, it was snowing, him and Jensen had nothing better to do so they went and spend a couple hours filming the thing; originally it was gonna just be for them, something they did for fun but since it turned out so good they decided to post it. Steve is the one who came up with the idea for the song and it’s based off of a friend of his, she was a city girl and he was kind of a country guy and it was inspired by their relationship. Then Jared makes Jensen crack up by reminding him of an old SNL sketch. x
What inspired Jensen to start writing music? He’s always been surrounded by musician friends who encouraged him, and included him in their songwriting. And Jared once again shared the story of how when his brother went to visit back in s1 he told him that he had to hear Jensen’s singing. Proud hubby from day 1 this one 💕
Does Dean Jr. having the anti possession tattoo leave the door open for a sequel? Jared says that was not the intention, that for him the intention was that even though Dean was gone he was still there, but sure, maybe 🤷‍♀️
A fan askedJensen about how it was to film as Soldier Boy as opposed to filming as Dean. But before she can finish her question Jensen mentions seeing episode 1 of The Boys s3; I’m not gonna give spoilers and he doesn’t give spoilers either but he mentions how he saw the episode at the Paris premiere, in a movie theater, and it had been so long from filming and reading scripts that he had forgotten all about a specific scene involving a character named Termite. So he got to see that on a very, big screen, and when the scene happened what he heard was Kripke, who was sitting behind him, cackling maniacally 😂
Him and Jared flew to the convention together (💕), and Jensen being such a good husband, such a good friend he showed the episode/Termite scene to Jared on the plane 🤣🤣🤣
Before we continue just in case anybody who has not seen the episode and does not watch The Boys is curious and decides to look up the scene in question please be aware that the scene is extremely graphic, it contains nudity, a sexual situation and gore. Look it up at your own discretion.
To answer the question, Jensen says it was different all around. With spn that was his and Jared’s house, and they loved inviting people in and making them comfortable, but on The Boys he was the guest so he made sure to stay in his lane and be respectful. He says Antony Starr who plays Homelander on the show was reluctant to like him; he told Jensen that he didn’t want to like him but he does. When it comes to the character aspect, he had several conversations with Kripke and Phil Sagriccia to ensure he didn’t slip back into Dean. And says that Soldier Boy arrives on the scene in ep 4! I’m so excited, we got a bit of him in ep 3 and he’s just 😍
If they could cameo on any show that’s not related to spn or one of their current projects, what show would it be? Jared says Saved by the Bell or Home Improvement. Jensen goes with Yellowstone. 
Jared, also says, that he wanted to be like Jonathan Taylor Thomas, and tells the story that years ago he was in LA driving down this thin street and there was an SUV heading his way but it wasn’t in its lane so he’s looking at the car like wtf! and as the car slowed down and came nearer he realized it was JTT, and when Jared noticed who it was he just went ‘oh it’s cool man!’ 😂
Final question! They are known for being menaces on set. Is that something that will continue on in their new sets? It’s difficult for Jared to do so because he doesn’t have a partner in crime on the Walker set due to being the EP. So for example he’ll start joking around and he’ll see Keegan go with the flow and tease him back until he remembers Jared’s the EP and then he’s like oh shit and Jared has to tell them that it’s okay to tease him. He loves his Walker crew but so far only two of the members are comfortable teasing and joking around with him. Jared has such golden retriever energy when he’s saying this; and Jensen mentions how on his first day of prep for the Walker ep he directed, he made a friendly joke about Jared thinking the crew would laugh and instead all he got was a bunch of wide eyeballs staring back at him like 😳
In Jensen’s case he did have a partner in crime on The Boys. Him and Karl Urban build a camaraderie and after a couple eps they started doing the silent communication thing where whenever someone said something that could be taken as innuendo or in a different way they would smirk at each other and that would lead to them messing with somebody but they had to be careful because there’s a lot of different personalities on that set and while some are okay with joking around others are very much not. x
J2 Gold Panel Chicon
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sweetestlamb · 2 years
Yours, Mine, Ours
Summary: "She had a fiancée now. She was a fiancée now. There was someone who wanted to spend his life with her. "
Author's note: Had this in the drafts and didn't post it because I couldn't figure out the ending then I read @orphiccs 's new fic and as usual reading great writing just inspired me and I was able to finish this fluffy engagement character study fic. I pray we get a drama with these two as leads soon!!
She thought she would be the type to announce her engagement to the whole world, an aesthetic pleasing photo on her Instagram; something sweet but cliche like him holding her hand with her ring the focal point of the picture.
But surprisingly she feels protective of this secret that only they know right now. She was buzzing to tell her best friend, they told each other everything afterall but at least for a little bit she wanted this all to herself.
She had a fiancée now. She was a fiancée now. There was someone who wanted to spend his life with her.
It was terrifying to consider. She'd seen her own parent's marriage collapse like a sinkhole built on sand but then witnessed love that could withstand the biggest hardships in Ha-ri's parents. So she learned that marriage wasn't the problem it was the people involved, her mother was never enough for her father- never rich enough, pretty enough or money driven enough. And she wasn't enough for him as a daughter. Yearning for love just like her mother did, she spent most of her childhood watching her mother waste away staring out a window with soulless eyes thinking to herself that would never be her. She would marry for love or never at all.
"You look lost in thought. Everything okay?" As if summoned by her thoughts he joins her on his couch wrapping her up in his thick arms and immediately she feels safe, untouchable.
"I was thinking about my mother and marriage."
He's quiet beside her, she's never mentioned her mother before. Never had any reason to as they aren't part of each other's life. Not in any meaningful way.
"I learned about real love from Ha-ri's parents. My parents met on a blind date and they were married immediately, then they had me. I just remember she never looked happy, not once. She never smiled or spoke to me. I used to be so scared of getting married because I thought that would happen to me too. But then I saw what love could be, and then I dreamed of nothing but falling in love and having a husband who truly loved me."
He hums softly, nuzzling into her ear and she sighs as he squeezes her tighter wordlessly replying to her.
But then he uses words too, never straying from giving her everything and then some more.
"I love you with every fiber of my being. I'm going to do everything and anything to make you happy."
The irony is that all he needs to do is be there and stay by her side, forever and even after that.
"Just keep loving me. That's enough."
"That's easy. It's not like I even have a choice."
She's not going to her apartment tonight, he seems to know too changing his bedding and bringing her comfortable clothes to wear. They all smell like him and she rubs her nose deeper into his collar, he stares at her fondly when he catches her looking completely enamoured with her; it all but leaks from his ever expressive eyes.
"Give me your phone." She asks beaming when he does so without the slightest hesitation, his background is a picture of them smiling brightly at the camera.
"010396." He calls from the kitchen puttering in there now as she sits alone on the couch. As the lock screen appears she realizes what he just gave her, complete access to his phone.
Then something else hits her. It's tomorrow's date. His phone code was her birthday. She wanted to melt into a puddle.
Smiling warmly she's unlocks his phone and silently gets to work, grinning when she's all done before putting his phone back on the table.
"What did you want to see?"
She giggles lightly, "It's a surprise you'll see it eventually."
He gazes at her with warm eyes before nodding and turning back to the stove. She doesn't realize she dozed off until he's shaking her awake on the couch, that handsome face the best wake up call.
"How did I get such a pretty fiancée?" She whispers and he blushes cupping her cheek with his large warm hand.
"What did I tell you about stealing my lines? I should be the one saying that to you."
"Well, you can start saying it to me everyday then. I won't mind."
"Everyday huh? Is that the only thing you want me to do everyday?"
Oh. She loves this side of him, to everyone else he's the rigid and proper secretary Cha but behind closed doors she's learned that he has another side that only she gets to see. A playful, teasing side that gets her blood running no matter how many times they do it.
They already did it this morning in the shower but she's not opposed to being reacquainted with every crevice of his perfect body.
"I can think of a few other things too." She replies, tugging him down and pressing a kiss against his neck.
"Wait. Just a second." She's grunts in disappointment, he had been the one to get her rearing to go in the first place so why was he stopping her?
"You damn tease." She chides, glaring up at him without any true heat. She can hardly stay mad at him on a good day much less on their engagement day.
"You love it." He has the audacity to wink at her before walking away with too much swagger in his stride. He was so annoyingly sexy when he was confident.
She stands up ready to follow him when he suddenly returns, a large round cake in his hands and too many candles shining brightly. He had turned off all other lights leaving the room dim and oddly intimate.
"What's all this?"
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to my Young-seo. Happy birthday to you."
She can only gape in return. Before looking at the clock: 12:00 am. She'd only ever celebrated her birthday with Ha-ri and her family, but now there was someone else who was glad that she'd come into this world.
How nice.
He places the cake on the coffee table, it's a bit messy on closer inspection and the message is sprawled in thicker than usual lines but she can still understand the words written on top.
I love you.
"I didn't know how I was going to bake a cake with you here but thankfully you fell asleep almost right away. It's not perfect but it should taste alright, and I'll buy you a better one later."
"It's perfect."
"You don't have to sa--"
She presses a finger to his lip, tears already streaming down her face. She tried to keep them in but it's her birthday and she can cry if she wants to. And he makes her want to cry for every birthday she's spent without him. A younger Young-seo could have never imagined this would be her future. How many times had she cried different tears all alone on this day? Too many to count.
"It's perfect. Thank you, I love you so much. I'm going to love you forever I promise."
A wet sob escapes as he closes the small distance between them and hugs her to his chest, she wraps her arms around him clinging to him like he'll disappear at any moment.
"Shhh it's okay. It's your birthday, don't cry. I can't be the person who made you cry on your birthday."
He sounds so helpless and adorable that she starts to chuckle, squeezing him before peppering wet kisses all over his face before planting a big one on his lips.
"Let's try it!" She demands, tugging him onto the couch and reaching out to swipe a finger across the rosy pink frosting- hopefully strawberry her favorite. She pops the digit into her mouth and lets out a low appreciative moan, immediately going back in for another taste and having the same bodily reaction.
It is strawberry. Bits of real strawberry cut through the artificial sweetness of the cream. It's luscious and she can't get enough of it in her mouth.
"Did you really make this? It's sooooo good!" She squeals, now breaking off a small piece with her hand. Oblivious she happily eats her cake, licking her fingers clean after each bite squirming and dancing in her seat.
"Here try some." She finally offers him some, holding out her icing coated finger. He doesn't move a muscle and she gets a good look at him. His face is beautifully flushed especially his ears, he's staring at her so hard she feels transparent.
Feeling frisky she swipes the icing across his lips before ducking in the lick it off herself.
"Even more delicious."
That's the most action the cake gets that tonight, completely forgotten as he dives for her sticking his tongue down her throat while stripping her down to her birthday suit, how appropriate she thinks as he takes her roughly against the wall and then more gently on his bed.
"You're looking....happy. Something good happen Secretary Cha?" Taemu raises a thick brow as he watches his usually stoic adoptive brother and trusted right hand man try to smother his smile.
"No..... it's nothing. The weather is just nice lately."
He looks suspiciously at the answer, Cha Sung Hoon isn't someone whose moods are subject to change based on the weather. He's never been so fickle. But he accepts the answer with a hum returning to the mountains of document that need his tending to. Just a few more hours until he can use that focus to make his girlfriend blush so prettily. Priorities.
He works diligently on for a few minutes, Ha-ri his motivation and reward. Then a light buzzing nose knocks him from his laser focus. He looks around the room for the cause of the disturbance before his sharp eyes land on a phone. He pats at his pants, not his.
"Secretary Cha? You forgot your phone in here."
But there is no response.
Oh, yes. He'd sent him to get coffee for Ha-ri everyone as a gift for their hard work.
Pushing his hair back, he stands up walking over to the phone to see who would be calling his secretary at this hour. It's a work day after all.
With two huge strides he's standing above the phone, squinting to read the words on the screen. It's at this exact moment that his missing secretary enters the room, two coffee cups in hand. Their eyes lock before he looks back at the phone.
"My loving fiancée?" There are too many heart emojis, a ring emoji and the infinity sign.
He's never seen his secretary at a loss for words before. He crosses his arms in response, waiting impatiently for an explanation.
"I can explain."
He opens his palms with benevolence, encouraging him to do so.
"Well...I...um. I'm engaged. To Young-Seo. I proposed last night."
They stare at each other long and hard and he sees Sung Hoon swallow waiting for his reaction.
He perks up, looking relieved.
"But do you think it's right for you to do all of this before me? You got a girlfriend first and now you have a fiancée first? Shouldn't you give me a chance too?" He whines and he's almost knocked backwards from the force of Sung Hoon's hug, he returns the hug easily. They don't do this nearly enough, they should fix that. The little boy that he met all those years ago has grown up quite nicely.
"Congratulations on finding love. You deserve it more than anyone I know."
He means every word. He knows all too well the negative thoughts that plagued Sung Hoon's mind growing up, whereas he was worried that his parents would resent him for their death, Sung Hoon was tortured by thoughts of never being good enough for anyone, even unlovable.
He could have never imagined that one blind date could change both of their lives so tremendously.
He hugs his brother even closer, it was finally time for them to be happy they had both spent too much time in darkness.
Now, they both had found their light.
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