#new musical au wooo!!
jack-kellys · 3 months
ONLY SO FAR. Chapter Three.
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Jack doesn’t want to change the upper world, doesn’t want to cause any uproar that would uproot Underground. He wants to know what Davey’s thinking about. What Katherine’s thinking about. He wants to know if they think the same about him.
and we are back again >:) pretty quick too! POLL #4 TOMORROW!
read chapter 3 here.
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windwheeler-aster · 2 years
new year’s kiss
summary: you go to a new year’s eve party and have a sweet midnight kiss
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pairings (separate): arataki itto, kuki shinobu, kauzha, ayaka, gorou, kokomi, heizou, and kujou sara x reader
reader info: uses gender neutral pronouns (they/them), the characters mentioned have a crush on reader, and reader is not traveler
word count: 313 words per character (1 min~ per character section)
genre: romance, modern AU, new year’s
format: headcanons
warnings: reader interrupts character’s rambling with a kiss 
a/n: initially, this was going to be all of the inazuma characters (excluding sayu), however there were too many😭 i hope you enjoy the headcanons that i did write, and have a very happy new year’s 💖
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itto is really loud at parties
the music may be so loud you can feel it vibrate in your chest, but itto is louder
and as soon as he saw you enter the party?
itto is shoving and moving past everyone, quite determined to talk to you
he and his gang have been scheming for months to get you two together
and tonight’s party was itto’s best chance, so far
but all parts of the plan to charm you went out the window
because itto is a flustered mess as he talks to you
constantly playing with his hair, shouting, and laughing at nearly everything you say
and his hands?!? goodness, itto doesn’t have any idea what to do with them
but at the same time, he feels so at ease and so happy when he’s talking to you
truly, itto feels so at peace and relaxed and honestly, the best he’s ever felt in—
as the last ten seconds are being shouted, itto panics and just blurts out that he wants to kiss you 
somehow, this silly oni managed to time it perfectly and you shared a cute, romantic, and totally radical kiss
and as soon as your lips parts itto screams in triumph
“wooo, i did it! i kissed them! take that genta and akira, i totally could— oh, uh, right! i know we just kissed but i was wondering if maybe we could— hmph! oh... i was going to say if we could go out or something but i’m cool with a few more kisses.”
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kuki hates parties.
butttt, you were apparently going to be at this new year’s party so... kuki had to go
see, kuki had this massive crush on you
but it’s not really that noticeable. in fact, you might get the impression that kuki dislikes you
which is mostly because of her mask, hiding her wonderful smirks and smiles
so the instant you came to the party, kuki quickly put it away and made her way over to you
and she’s actually pretty sweet, and such a passionate speaker when you talk with her
she’s so smooth and charismatic, too!
and the bumping bodies and loud people give her the excuse to lean closer to you and gently slip her hand around your waist as people push past you two
but the party eventually gets to be too much for you two, so kuki brings you outside for some fresh air
and while you’re outside, kuki and you start to inch closer and closer together because of how cold it’s getting
you’re having personal and deep conversations, as well as some flirty banter that makes kuki a flustered mess
but your conversation gets interrupted by the people inside, as everyone was excitedly counting down to midnight
for a second, you and kuki just look at each other and both think “screw it, why not?”
but while you kiss her lips, kuki is internally screaming 
she’s in complete disbelief afterwards, occasionally touching her lips
eventually, she finally snaps out of it and asks you out
“so, uh, would you like to go out sometime? i know we don’t talk that much, but i think we have a real chemistry and— oh, you’d like that? wonderful. so should we go back to the party or...? wanna ditch it? i heard there’s a nice sushi place nearby— my treat, alright?”
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kazuha and loud parties don’t mix well
but he tries his best to talk to you, even if the butterflies in his stomach flutter every time you laugh
his soft voice can barely be heard over the music, even when he tries to lean in to talk to you
people also keep bumping into you two, pushing you two closer and closer together
so, at some point, kazuha just casually asks to get some fresh air with him
you two sneak away, grabbing your coats on the way, and go out for a nice walk at night
some of kazuha’s friends give him a weird look, and even some encouragement, but he quickly brushes them off and joins you outside
and with a nice and quiet atmosphere, you can finally talk with kazuha
he’s so sweet as you two walk, taking the outside part of the sidewalk
anytime a car comes by, kazuha’s hand comes up to the lower part of your back (just in case, he tells himself)
and whenever you need to make a turn somewhere, he’s gently guiding you by the shoulder
generally, kazuha unconsciously tries to be touching you at all times
he’ll be overjoyed if you want to hold onto his elbow and get close
literally, his heart is doing back flips as you hold onto him
but the quiet night is interpreted by the amount of fireworks that begin to go off
kazuha checks his phone and it’s nearly midnight now
although his heart rate speeds up, kazuha nonchalantly asks if you’d give him the honor to be your midnight kiss
it’s an absolutely adorable kiss, followed by a cute eskimo kiss as kazuha chuckles in disbelief
he’s still kind of shocked, but a romantic confession comes out of him as the sky lights up with fireworks
“ever since i met you, i’ve been fond of you. you’re such a talented and attractive person that i couldn’t not fall in love with you. and you’ve found a special place in my heart, and i hope that one day i could find a place in yours. so... would you have me?”
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it’s rare to see ayaka at a party
she’s this gentle and sweet girl who barely raises her voice
and it really does surprise you when you see her leading most of the party activities
from karaoke to low-stakes poker games, ayaka is making sure the party doesn’t die down
but when she sees you by the entrance, she gets a little distracted
first of all, ayaka is blushing because omg you’re so hot in that outfit???
and two: you just made eye contact with her??? and you’re making your way over to her???
luckily, by the time you come over, ayaka has fretted over her appearance enough that she now looks more “presentable”
and she kind of abandons surveying the party activities in favour of talking to you
which leads to an almost(?) disaster, as everyone has now turned to group karaoke and the party has never been louder
so you two just take a breather outside, enjoying the night stars together
ayaka gets so caught up in talking with you, that she nearly misses the countdown
but luckily the party goers are loud enough that you two can hear the countdown go off
she looks at you, expectantly, the question on the tip of her tongue
and just as the last few seconds to midnight pass, ayaka manages to choke out her question
and she manages to share a sweet kiss with you, one that leaves her pretty face an even prettier shade of pink
but ayaka snaps out of her love-sick daze and makes sure to ask you out before she can stop herself
“i’ve been meaning to ask you out for a long time now, so i was wondering if you’d like to go out on a date sometime soon? i really think we have something special and i’d love to pursue— you would?! ahhh, thank you! i promise you won’t regret it, and that i’ll— ah, right... one step at a time, heh.”
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gorou is pretty quiet at parties
while everyone else is partying and bumping into each other, gorou stays near the sidelines
you’ll probably see him first though, as he’s been on his phone since he got into the party
but the moment you make yourself known to gorou??
he’s stashing away his phone, smiling, his ears perked, the whole shebang
gorou mostly just listens as you talk, nodding aggressively or laughing
he kinda zones out a lot though
but it’s really not his fault, honestly!
you just look so attractive in your outfit, and your lips are so pretty and tempting that he surely he wouldn’t be blamed if he—
luckily, gorou snaps out of it when you call his name in a concerned manner
which, by the by, makes gorou fall for you 10x more
his crush actually cares about him?!? oh goodness
but gorou is snapped out of that realization when the people around you two begin to cheer
he’s confused for a moment, until he makes out the slurred numbers and realizes that midnight is approaching
and gorou looks at you— no, your lips— and silently asks if he can be your midnight kiss
but he’s all the more glad that you lean in with him, touching his lips in sync with the final shouts of the countdown
“you have no idea how long i’ve been wanting to kiss you. wait, you’ve also been wanting to kiss me?! w-well, i kind of wanna kiss you again so— hmm, thank you. hey, d’ya wanna head somewhere more... private? i just want to kiss you without all these people watching, t-that’s all! i swear!”
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kokomi rarely goes to parties
it’s not that she doesn’t like them or anything!
she loves talking with her friends and having fun with them
however, her social battery is just... dead
two hours into it, and kokomi is already huddled in the corner, nursing a cup of fruit punch
but the moment she sees you come over, kokomi brightens up a little bit
she appreciates your concern, but she’s alright! really!
and kokomi does try to put on a brave face so she appears more sociable
but the more she talks to you, the more genuine she feels
had you always been this refreshing? this funny? kokomi thinks as she throws her head back in laughter
talking with you feels easy to kokomi, something that isn’t draining at all
had it already been an hour??? kokomi swore you two had just started talking
she’s rubbing her head as she tries to recall how time had just slipped by so easily
but then she glances at you and realizes it instantly
even as you give her a questioning gaze and smile, asking her why she’s looking at you like that
kokomi just shakes her head and dismisses it, all while these feelings burn her from the inside out
but just as she tries to push them away— just for tonight, at least— kokomi hears the party goers all begin the countdown
she gently whispers her inquiry, temptation and eagerness on the very tip of her tongue
and kokomi is so happy that you granted her permission, and she tries to put her all into the kiss
but please give her some time to calm down after such a passionate kiss. poor girl is as pink as a cherry
“oh my goodness, i didn’t think you’d actually— wow. ‘did i like it?’ oh, of course i liked it! i just never knew someone’s lips could be so... soft. er, do you mind if we got out of here? the music is starting to give me a headache again... and it’s really hard to hear the sound of your lovely voice.”
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heizou literally only went to the party to see you
and the moment you walk in, he’s abandoned whatever person he was talking to
he saunters over to you, touching up his hair as he does
and just so casually flashes you a smile 
throughout the night, heizou is as flirty and touchy as you allow him to be
he reads you and your body language like a book, even verbally checking in with you
does that thing where he leans in really close to hear what you’re saying, a cocky smile on his lips
he stares at your lips more than your eyes, to be honest
but heizou always has a witty remark or tease prepared in case you catch on to him
besides eyeing you up all night, heizou does make for good company
he will indulge in anything you want to talk about, treating each topic with the same amount of thought as one of his cases
loves to ask you weird theoretical questions just to see your confused expression
also, he laughs at almost every joke you say
is he trying hard? no. are you really funny? obviously
each time he laughs, heizou accidentally leans into your side
but you’ll notice that he’s always leaning into you, or simply just facing you
he really can’t take his eyes off you, either
or your lips... especially when the countdown begins
you can’t hear him, but you can see the way his lips move when he asks to kiss you
and to be honest, after the night you had with him, you didn’t expect heizou’s kiss to be so sweet
“ahahah, what’s with that look on your face? awwww, poor thing. did i really fluster you that badly? i mean this when i say that i didn’t expect to have such a great effect on you. but how could i ever make it up to you? oh, i know! how about i take you out to this place nearby? my treat, i promise.”
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she’s scowling, quietly, in the corner
but when you enter the room and make eye contact with her?
a slight blush forms on her cheeks as she shyly waves at you
very much internally panicking, but doesn’t really show it
sara has no idea on why you came over so quickly, but she’s glad for it
mostly just listens to you and sips on her drink
yes, it may seem like she doesn’t care and she’s bored
however!!! sara suffers from resting bitch face (and also this whole party)
she thinks you’re cute though sooo
sara doesn’t really make any moves to show that she’s really interested in you
but she is trying at least
she inches her feet closer to yours. even tries to smile a little!
but when the countdown approaches? she’s a nervous wreck on the inside
she sees everyone else begin to pair up and get closer together, making you two stick out like a pair of sore thumbs
but when sara turns back to look at you, she’s very surprised to see you shrug and casually ask her for a midnight kiss
obviously, she doesn’t turn down the suggestion! 
however, caught up in all her excitement, she kisses you a second earlier than midnight
but that’s alright. sara is more than willing to try again, if you want her to
“... did... did i seriously kiss you before midnight struck? ah, no bother. i can just start the new year off with a kiss from you then. i-if that’s alright with you of course! i don’t mean to be presumptuous at all, but i just felt like you enjoyed the kiss too so i just— hmph! t-thanks.”
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@x-zho  @definitelynotaneulasimp @cxlrosii @i23kazu @tiredsleep @ireallylikehamsters​
(send an ask to be added or removed)
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thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 2 months
What would everyone from your TF2 poly AU want for Christmas? Including your OCs?
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For the sake of simplicity, I'll be sticking with the Mercs + Ms. Pauling and the kiddos for this ask's prompt! I will also just be listing their respective number one item in their list to not make this post too long to read!
Here we go:
Scout: Vinyl Records of Tom Jones (Esp What's New Pussycat, Along Came Jones, and Green, Green Grass of Home)
Soldier: Any and All Things Bald Eagles, Raccoons, and AMERICA!!!
Pyro: Another Flamethrower or Their Own Supply of Napalm
Engineer: New Parts and Tools to Tinker and Experiment with (for example, parts that can be added onto his Gunslinger)
Heavy: A Birch Bark Crafted Box (esp one with Bears engraved on it)
Demoman: A Sword that Looks like The Excalibur
Medic: A Lahore Pidgeon and/or Archangel Pidgeon or the Organs of Bigger Animals to Use for Later (like Gorilla Hearts for example)
Sniper: Another Sniper Rifle, Another Hunting Knife, or a Taxidermy Hare Statue
Spy: A Really Nice Basket Full of Expensive French Wine, Cheeses, Bread/Pastries, and Another Really Nice and Expensive Outfit (with a Hat and Tie Included)
Ms. Pauling: A Purple Flower Themed Music Box that Plays the Song Mr. Sandman
LuluBelle: Art Supplies and a Stereo to Listen to Music With
Leon: Toys!!! Esp Stuffed Animals, Action Figures, and Any and Everything That's Trending/In the Toy Aisle at the Store
WOOO!!!! This took quite a while for me to type up so I really hope the wait has been worth it my good friend!
Thank you soso much for sending this ask in, I really hope you come by again soon and have a wonderful night!!
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littlebodybigdreamz · 2 years
Strawberry Fields... Where Nothing is Real
Hi all! I wrote an Au about the lovely George Harrison <3 I've always loved The Beatles but it wasn't until this year I really got into each individual Beatle as an artist after they broke up. But nontheless here is an Au I wrote one night trying to get my inner feelings out for a musician gone too soon.
I hope you all enjoy <3
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btw him with this guitar is iconic. I can't - breathe.
It was 1967, the Beatles were at the height of their fame, and the boys were having a release party for a new record that was set to be released. You had been in love with George for a while now, of course you had, every single woman who came around tended to fall head over heels for the man. You had become one of the unlucky girls, although you hid it well because you didn't want to lose your assistant job. 
You had started out as their assistant, helping run errands and fetch whatever they needed. You were a pretty girl; with a Hispanic background who somehow ended up living your whole life in Liverpool like the boys. You had jet-black long hair and beautiful caramel skin that turned pale when you didn't go out in the sun for a long time. Big brown eyes that you considered ugly due to the fact most of the boys tended to go after the girls with beautiful blue or green eyes. 
You weren't the jealous type either, except for when it came to Pattie, although she was nice, she often caught the eye of George. You knew you had no reason to be jealous though, not because you couldn't be because of your contract, you just knew no matter what, George had never once tried or at least never seemed interested in you from day one. You weren't hurt by this either, you just knew you had fantasies that would never play out the way you wanted. And you were okay with all of that. 
Until, that day, the day of the Beatles' album release party, you had decided to wear a nice flowy dress with flowers all over. You wore some brown platform shoes to give you a few inches of height as you were a shorter girl. You had accidentally taken the wrong turn a few blocks away and thus were late to the party by an hour. This had never happened before, and you'd hoped Brian wouldn't fire you over a small mistake. How were you supposed to know the street was a one-way? 
Anyhow, you arrived how people would say, "fashionably late". When you walked through the big wooden doors you saw Brian and his date casually drinking whatever they had in their cups. "Oh, look it's the beautiful y/n!", he said loudly quickly bringing a cup to your face. The smell of vodka hit your nostrils; Brian was offering you what seemed like a cup full of vodka. "Come on y/n! You work so hard! Relax for one weekend! Come on!", the girl next to him was eyeing you with jealousy. She had no idea you only had eyes for George. Nobody did. 
With the music coursing through your veins, you grabbed the cup and took a big swig of it. "WOOO! Y/N!", Brian yelled, he was gone, to say the least. From the corner of your eye, you saw Ringo, you excused yourself away from Brian to the chill and peaceful Beatle, Ringo Starr. "Hello their love. What took you so long? We were all looking for you". You smiled at his words, the hot feeling in your stomach was growing as your boldness grew more and more. "Oh really? You asked slyly. Ringo and you had been close for years, he even was dating one of your closest friends, so you had no hate for the guy. In fact, you loved his whole peace motto. George was the one you really loved talking to and even though you had just taken a swig of that drink you had begun to feel the effects of vodka on an empty stomach. "Where is everybody else?", you asked not wanting to get too specific of course. 
"Ah... they're all out back y'know talking to guests", Ringo rolled his eyes, after knowing him for a few years you knew he disliked reporters. Always wanting to get the "in" on whatever drama could be going on between the beloved four. "Oh okay". You said nonchalantly, what else could you say to the man? He had been talking to a girl and she had begun eyeing you jealously as well. You excused yourself starting to feel small again. You grabbed a cup out of Brian's hand and chugged it down. "WOOOO! Y/n you are on fire tonight madam!", he laughed drunkenly and embraced you. You giggled, and just then you felt a hand tap you on the shoulder, turning around you saw Paul. Geez, were you seeing all the men in the band except the one you truly wanted to lay eyes on? 
"Hey, darling". Paul said cheerfully, he was never one to go all out and drink like that instead he often paired his fingers with a blunt to keep him chill for the night. "Hello Pauly", you said coyly, calling him by the pet name you gave him many years before. "Where have you been y/n? George has been asking for you for a while now". He said, your heart began to flutter. "Really?", was all you were able to muster out of your mouth. Paul smiled as if he knew something was up by the way you responded. "What?", you asked nervously. "He's waiting for you outside by the buddha fountain", was all Paul said before grabbing two cups full of whatever vodka drink from a waiter nearby. Handing you one he smiled, took a swig, and walked away smiling. 
Your heart was beating fast, you were happy and yet you were nervous. Why had George been waiting for you? Maybe he just wanted you to fetch something for him like he usually did? Oh well, you thought, with the cup in your hand you went outside towards the buddha fountain George liked so much. 
Outside you saw him, he wore a nice navy-blue suit with fine white lines. He looked sophisticated and handsome, his hair was shoulder length, the style you had come to love when the band began to grow out their hair. He had a cig in between his fingers and was bringing it up to his lips when he noticed you. A smile spread across his face, the vodka had now been the reason you were able to casually walk up to him and tell him, "So, darling... I've heard you've been looking for me?", you asked with boldness in your voice. 
He chuckled, "Yes dear, I was wondering if you'd ever show up", he smiled offering you a bum of his cig. You took it while putting the cig in between your lips you looked at the man, his gorgeous eyes meeting yours. As you took a long drag, he said, "Darling, you look beautiful tonight.", he smiled kissing your cheek. 
Your cheeks flushed; you passed the cig back to him after a few drags. "Now I know what the Harrison effect is", you giggled mentioning the phrase many spoke as the way George had with many women. He loved the attention of any woman who crossed his path. Then a new thought crossed your mind, what would make you any different? 
He smiled, "No Hun, the only woman I'd ever wanted to have an effect on was and is you". You smiled but the thought still lingered in the back of your mind. You watched as from the side Pattie came up to you both, she smiled her way getting George's attention. He gave in, smiling, you looked at the two of them and smiled as you made up an excuse to leave. 
As you walked back inside you chugged the rest of your vodka-mixed drink. You went into the kitchen wanting to find water to even out everything, and while you were there you grabbed a cup from one of Brian's shelves and went over to the fountain. Turning the faucet on, you let the cold water fill up the glass almost all the way to the top. You looked out the window that was above the sink, it gave you a view of the backyard. You watched as George and Pattie talked, they were laughing and she got closer to his face more and more while she laughed. You sighed taking a big gulp of the water. 
"Ah these two...", a voice next to you startled you. You jumped to your left was now John, had he been watching you this whole time? "Hi John", you said gulping more of the water. "You know, if you like the guy you should go tell him. Before someone else confesses their feelings", John looked down at you sincerely. You knew he knew now how you felt about George. "How do I tell him when he is obviously into someone else?", I sighed asking John. "Trust me, darling, he doesn't feel the same way for her as he does for you. You should probably know that by now. The number of times he talks about you, fetches you to get something for him just so he can see you. Well, I've lost count by now". John chuckled, bringing his cup to his lips. 
You looked out the window again, this time George was alone, his cig was to his lips as he looked at the Buddha and the fish that swam in the fountain. "I think I'll go talk to him. Thank you, John,", you turned to him and smiled. 
As you walked back outside you watched the handsome guitarist under the lights Brian had set up. He continued watching the fountain not noticing you until you spoke. "Hello George", you said, George looked up and instantly smiled when he noticed it was you who spoke his name. "I like it when you say my name", George said, not even realizing what you said but feeling the comfort of safety when he was around you. You smiled; your cheeks began to turn to a rosy pink. "I must tell you something... for a while now I've had feelings for you. I never knew if you felt the same way. But after tonight, I just couldn't keep it hidden anymore. Life is too short to keep anything hidden and I think you feel the same way about me too. So, I just-". You were cut off as George threw down his now finished cig, he grabbed you close to him, cupping your face, and he locked eyes with you. His beautiful eyes dilated as he looked into your soul, "I find you irresistibly attractive and I will not spend another day on this planet without you being mine". He looked at you and then pulled you in for a kiss. 
As your lips met the fireworks in your stomach grew and then exploded. You had not been with someone who made you this hot in all the years you had been alive. In fact, you felt in this moment more alive than ever. As his soft lips touched yours, he pulled you closer and closer until you were one. You knew then and there the two of you would become inseparable. There would be many love songs dedicated to you in the future. 
What you didn't know was from the kitchen, Brian, Paul, John, and Ringo all watched. They smiled, "Finally", Brian said with a liquefied smile on his face. The rest of the boys nodded in agreement. They were happy to see the two of you finally in an embrace that had been long overdue. 
Strawberry Fields, where everything is real after all. Where love finds itself next to a Buddha fountain. 
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kiwibirb1 · 7 months
Okay so what do you get when you combine a amphiba fixation and Ocarina of Time? A half-baked AU where instead of amphiba the girls ended up in OoT era Hyrule and the calamity gems are the spiritual stones.
No seriously the colors are like perfect. More details (like a lot more be warned) under the cut because I have a feeling I'll ramble.
Okay, first Marcy. She ends up in Kokiri forest, and immediately gets sidetracked by studying the Kokiri's biology and shit. Wit gem is now Kokiri Emerald. Has roughly the same relationship with Deku Tree as she does with Andrias, but no manipulation!! Wooo! Would be hilarious if she ended up in Link's role, but I have this idea of she lands there like 3 years before the events of OoT, so Link is just a little baby gremlin. Oooo she could be the one to teach him basic moves she copies from the Vagabondia games. Doesn't go and find her girls like immediately beacuse Kokiri do the whole "Everyone who leaves DIES" and she doesn't think to check this with the Deku Tree (who would tell her that's just kokiri she'll be fine). Gets lost in the Lost Woods a LOT. But makes new friends in the skull kids, so there's that!
Next up... Sasha! Strength here ends up with the big, burly gorons! Manages to build up a high temperature tolerance but still can't handle mild spice lol. Strength gem replaced by Goron Ruby, yada yada. I haven't made it far enough into OoT to see if sumo wresting comes up there, but even if it does, I'm taking it and saying she introduces them to it. Has the Biggoron sword wayyy early because she helped the dude make it and got impatient. (Link still gets it because the girls made it home by the time of his adventure, but even though it's made already, he doesn't get it till adult.) Doesn't leave immediately because uhhh rockfall! Yeah rocks blocked the way out of Death Mountain for a while. Has a Grime-ish relationship with Darunia but no jail time and less toxic on both sides. He's still like father figure but more chill.
Finally, Anne! Ends up with the Zora, and fends off flirting from Ruto (who is like seven, why is this seven year old so horny?) while learning to swim. Heart gem is Zora sapphire, you know the drill. Oooooo wait gotta figure out how that works with the box uhhh, time travel shit idk. Leaves for Castle Town almost immediately (like stays in zoras domain for like two weeks) and gets lost. Finds her way to Lon Lon Ranch and BAM found family trope betcha didn't see that coming, huh? So yeah she stays at Ranch for a while helping out, getting a new sister, taming horses. Eventually leaves for Castle Town with her own horse, where she manages to get an audience with the king. King agrees to help her find her friends if she babysits Lil Zel. (yeah sure trust the random stranger with the two year old princess that is VERY KIDNAPPABLE(Impa does not agree but eventually grows to like Anne))
The music box! I realized that it uh needed some revamps to fit so section for it now! Okay, so due to time travel shit the stones are in the music box but are also ancient artifacts of the regions. Basically music box ends up in earth because not Leif uhhh (I probably should finish OoT first huh) but yeah girls do the whole woosh thing but the stones get separated and end up in their respective regions like 100 years before the girls go. So they're still like the regions things. Since time travel they're colored and charged, BUT when the girls get there, they suddenly uncharge and go gray because now the times are synced up and stuff. This is how girls find the correlation and then plot and junk.
I have so many thoughts for this i will not be getting sleep tonight. I will also probably infodump more about this, so yayyyy
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rylekayner · 11 months
pls tell me more abt jets punk au 👂👁️👁️👂
Wooo yes let’s go.
Ok so i’ve got a bunch of vague unconnected thoughts hence why I’ve been making my little drawing series instead of an actual fic so this is going to be very disjointed. I don’t know how long this may end up being so I’ll put it all bellow the cut :))
Mark and Connor meet at work, Mark is a tattoo apprentice and Connor is a piercer. Initially there’s a lot of tension between them, they’re opposite sides of the same coin.
Connor is an agitator and Mark’s uptight.
Half of Mark’s personality is that he’s completely straight edge and Connor used to sell drugs in high school.
Connor is a crowd killer, Mark is Mr pit etiquette.
It comes to a head when they both end up at a house show, Connor elbows Mark right in the face (genuinely by accident but to this day Mark doesn’t full believe him) and Adam drags them out side and tells them they need to get their shit together and either fuck or fight but just get it over with. Given Connor’s reputation Mark assumes he’s about to have to start throwing punches when he’s grabbed by his collar until he realised he’s being pulled in for a kiss.
They end up actually talking things out a realise they actually do a good job of rounding out each others harsher edges. Connor aggressiveness, and Marks elitist tendencies.
They still fight even 4 years into their relationship but they understand each other now much better than pretty much anyone else.
The band starts with Mark on guitar and vocals, Connor on drums with back up vocals and Troubs on bass. They end up adding Josh as lead guitar after his old band breaks up (not sure of the details with this one but I want Draisaitl in there somewhere cause I like the history between Jmo and Drai).
Troubs ends up leaving the band when he gets a “real job” in New York but he introduces the rest of the guys of Kyle as their new bassist.
Kyle would never admit it but he was terrified of Helle for the first couple of months, Connor has been in Winnipeg for years at this point but his reputation from the Michigan scene still haunts him and Kyle and heard stories. It’s almost hard to reconcile this version of Connor as the same one who’d allegedly set someone backyard on fire back in Michigan.
They end up bonding over making fun of Mark and Connor’s happy to have someone to smoke with again. Mark is still straight edge just less pretentious about it and Josh will do edibles but doesn’t like smoking so it’s been a while since Connor’s hand someone who will physically smoke with him. Once Kyle gets over his fear he has a little bit of hero worship going on which makes it very easy for Connor to convince him to get up to mischief.
This is going to end with mark/Connor/Kyle if I can help it.
Josh is a musical prodigy, he was in a metal band previously and has a crazy amount of skill with a guitar, mark thought he was being replaced when Troubs suggested recruiting him until Josh opened his mouth and they heard his excuse for singing (even for a punk band it was shocking) but he’s got a natural inclination to music in a way none of the other quite do. Together with Connor they write a majority of the bands songs.
He had a messy break up with Drai which caused his last band to fall apart and after that he mostly just focused on music and collage (he’s getting a masters in anthropology, they all thought it was a joke when he told them) but then there’s this new bouncer at Adams bar (Adam owns a dive bar sorry this is all very disjointed) and Josh is enamoured. Spoiler alert it’s Morgan who is not at all involved in the punk scene, he’s just new to Winnipeg and needed a job and now he’s at all of the gigs the play at Adam’s and Josh won’t talk to him because “he barely looks old enough to be in here”
Uhhh I think that’s it for the moment I’m on a lot of pain meds but if you wanna know anythjng in particular please ask I’m so excited to talk about this au the more I talk about it the easier it is for me when I eventually do write it
Mark: Straight Edge, Sings and Plays guitar, in a long term relationship with Helle
Connor: Shit stirer, plays drums, sometimes sings, writes a lot of the songs, in a long term relationship with Mark
Kyle: Newest member of the band, plays bass primarily but can play several other instruments, has something suspiciously flirty going on with Helle and Scheif
Josh: the most traditionally talented, plays guitar, is not allowed to sing under any circumstances, helps Helle with writing, had a nasty break up with Drai a few years back is now busy making heart eyes a Bear.
Morgan: Not really involved in the scene, just works as a bouncer for a lot of the gigs the boys play. Spends a lot of time day dreaming about Josh serenading him (only because he’s never hear josh sing)
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toasty-owl-arts · 3 years
Is this kinda bad? Yes
Am I posting it anyway? Also yes
Anyway mild spoilers for chapter 18 of Star Crossed in case you haven’t read that far ahead yet
Also warning for slight eye strain towards the end. Idk if it qualifies as eye strain but I’m putting it there in case.
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hufflepuffhollander · 4 years
fire and gasoline (mob!tom series) ch. 1: new vendetta
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a/n | wooo buckle in this is a wild ride 😼 and pls share w the world! i’m proud of this one!
synopsis | Your family runs a sect of the british mafia. Tom Holland is the son of the mob leader in your rival gang. You’ve been groomed to be at each other’s throats for as long as you can remember, and a chance run-in after over a decade of feuding and secrecy has you questioning everything you thought you knew.
cw | mob!tom au. enemies to lovers. language, angst, death threats, objectification, sexual tension, and lots of spit. 3.1k words.
read the prologue, join the taglist :)
Roxy’s was your spot- it always had been. The dark alleyway entrance, the smoky air inside that concealed who you truly were, the faceless regulars that just knew to leave you be- it was everything you could want in a local bar. So, instead of somewhere a little cheerier, you chose here; instead of a glimmering club with strobe effects to blind you and music loud enough to burst your eardrums, you decided to spend your birthday where you knew you could melt into the blackness of the night and live mess-free, even if it was just for a few hours.
You had just gotten your second round of drinks with a few friends, your heels clicking from across the room as you wandered over to your table with freshly topped off shot glasses. A brand new, skin-tight black dress paired with electric blue heels adorned you, and the birthday glow radiating across your skin had you looking and feeling like absolutely nothing could bring you down. You were celebrating, you had just landed a major deal with a supplier to your casino; and better yet, you hadn’t heard from the Hollands in weeks. Since their failed attempt at taking out your father during a high-profile event, they had been lying low, full of shame. A recent victory for your family in the never-ending turf war with the Hollands? Not a single mention of Dom or Nikki thwarting your plans in days? Well, that was the best birthday present a girl could ask for. 
You barely had time to feel the gin roll down your throat before the bar door was shoved open, bells tied in a knot overhead chiming ominously as it felt like a tornado had blown in. The room fell quiet, the punkish music on repeat seeming to mute itself. Even the smoke moving through the air was put on pause. Everyone was eyeballing the doorway, where two heavily armed young men stood rigidly; right behind them, a pale, muscular boy with the scent of his own ego radiating off him, a slick smile painted across his face. Every part of your body suddenly felt ice cold.
The boy took off his glasses, the sheer notion that he was wearing wayfarers at night making you groan, and coated the room with his gaze until it landed—and stayed—on you. You tried to avert your attention but couldn’t, as a wave of realization fell over you when he made eye contact. You knew this fuckwad. It was Tom Holland- the son of your rival mob, the boy your father always told you to imagine a target was when learning to sharpshoot...the one who had orchestrated the failed assassination of your dad. Your belly filled with a white-hot fire at the audacity he had to show his face here. Who did he think he was? What the hell was he doing on the East side? And did he know he had just walked into his own execution?
You would’ve seen it through, too, had he not been about to strike you square in the face with a curveball.
“We’re closed.” you heard Roxy spit out, not even bothering to look at the boys as she dried a glass.
“Doesn’t seem like it, babe,” Tom sneered, flashing her an insincere smile and focusing his attention back on you. “And anyway, we aren’t staying; I just came here with a message for the birthday girl.”
You fantasized about a knife appearing on the table in front of you so you could slice the little bitch to shreds for even daring to acknowledge you. But no such luck.
Tom whisked past the bar front, taking his time to saunter over towards your booth. You had bribed your security guard to let you take the night off- he was only there because of your dad’s doing, so he could breathe easier when you were out of his sight. But you hated feeling like a little kid needing to be babysat, especially tonight, when you were turning a year older, and paid him off to get doped up with a friend instead of coming with you. You were kicking yourself for that decision now, watching Tom come up to you without a hint of fear in his dark, shimmering eyes. 
You hadn’t seen him since you were kids, when you had told everyone you were getting married to the cute boy you played with and exchanged candy rings with him in your backyard.
“My my, what an impressive array of barbies,” Tom laughed as he stopped in front of your table, swiping his tongue across his teeth. “any of you pretty things looking to blow this joint?” 
Your few friends looked simultaneously revolted and terrified, and you knew they lived their lives too sugarcoated to witness the interaction you were about to have. 
“Girls, you should leave,” you said, giving them a concerned stare, and it took them less than a second to get up and bolt. Some real friends you had.
You tried to remain composed as you turned your attention to Tom, syllables seething through your gritted teeth. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?” 
“Aww, baby, that’s no way to greet an old friend, is it? ‘Coulda least let me wish you a happy birthday,” he sat down on the bench across from you, making you recoil into your seat. “I even have a candle you can blow, if you like.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, asshole.”
“Well someone just isn’t feeling very sentimental, hmm? You remember all those years ago, playing hide and go seek in your mansion, holding hands under the dinner table...I think I remember you having it pretty bad for me back then-”
“You must have a death wish, huh?” you cut him off, standing up and advancing towards him, but taking a step back as he stood up to meet you and towered over you menacingly. He smelled like cigar smoke and cherry aftershave and it clouded your thoughts. You’d always said you’d kill him if he ever got this close to you. Why were you faltering now when it mattered most? Your heart couldn’t keep up with your head.
“No, doll. Not tonight, and definitely not in a place like this. But I gotta admit, I was not expecting you to look so fucking good after all these years. Pop had me believing you were some kind of ugly recluse. Makes it extra difficult for me to tell you to give daddy a call before your birthday is over,” his eyes hungrily flicked over you in your dress, making your blood boil. “y’know, tell him you love him.”
“The hell are you talking about?” you reached for your purse where your pistol was lodged, but felt a cold piece of metal touch the back of your head, halting your movements.
“I wouldn’t, if I were you,” said minion #1, standing behind you with the barrel of his gun nestled into your curled hair. You swallowed nervously and felt your heart rate skyrocket. The bar seemed to have emptied out; it was just you, Tom, and the promise of death caressing your scalp, and you had nowhere to go.
“Hey, now, Harrison, there’s no need for that! y/n and I go way back,” Tom said, motioning for his friend to lower the weapon. Deeply buried flashbacks of child you linked arm in arm with child Tom flicked through your mind, memories you had suppressed long ago.
“Love,” Tom started, advancing towards you again, leaving you nowhere to go if you didn’t want gun grease staining your head. “I’m simply hinting that you may want to get out any last sentiments before we bleed him out on his crisp white sheets tonight.”
Your eyes widened in panic, and your words came out stuttered. “Y-you’re bluffing-”
“You so sure of that, baby?” He clicked his tongue against his teeth, leaning his head in so his face was only inches from yours. “You tellin’ me you know he’s safe and sound right now? Or does an itty, bitty part of you think that maybe, when his baby girl and best insurance policy went out for drinks, it left his ass dangling out in the open, just begging to get capped?”
Your nostrils flared and your teeth were clenched so hard together that you were sure they’d break, but you couldn’t move, couldn’t fight. You were stuck in the space of Tom as his cool breath violated your cheeks, suddenly picturing violent images of your family in a pool of blood.
Your eyebrows raised with each syllable you spoke, trying your best to conceal the incredible stress eating at you from the inside. “Get...the fuck...out of my face.”
Tom did something that almost made you combust then, swiping his thumb across the bottom of your chin, grinning, and blowing a smooch at you before finally drawing back. The sound of his lips smacking together lingered in your ears, like he not only had total control of you, but of all the soundwaves in the air.
“Look, I thought I was doing you a favor, giving you the heads up and all...I definitely didn’t have to. So if you wanna be an ungrateful little bitch about it, fine,” he stepped back, sitting down in the booth again and casually propping his feet up on the seat opposite. “don’t call him. I don’t fucking care.”
With a path to the door finally freed, you began to calculate your next move in your head, but Tom seemed to have violated your thoughts, too.
“Nuh-uh,” he tsked, looking off to the door and giving a nod as minion #2 locked it into place and stood with his arms crossed in front of it like the world’s least intimidating bouncer. “You really think we’d come all this way to tell you we’re about to kill daddy and then just let you, what, leave? Run home to his rescue?” he scoffed at the mere thought, and his worker bees in black laughed along with him. Tom gave you an infinitely objectifying once-over. “Like you’d make it that far in those heels.”
“I’d like to see them off,” one of his men said, prompting Tom to violently curse at him.
“Don’t you fucking dare talk about her like that, Harry. She’s not yours.” He was acting like some protective owner of you, which only made you angrier as you felt a dull electricity appear in your stomach.
The alcohol already in your system mixed with the adrenaline coursing through your veins made you feel fiery, out of control, erratic. You weren’t sure if you wanted to lunge at him or cry, the sting of worry pinpricking your eyelids as Tom’s smirk stayed put.
“What do you want?” you resigned, looking down and away from him, leaning against the wall behind you for support. You didn’t want to cave, but you couldn’t help it- you were paralyzed, fight or flight response warring with itself.
Tom shrugged, remaining nonchalant. “Just bragging rights, really,” he picked up an arm and ran his fingers through his tousled hair, his oversized platinum watch catching the light as he did it.
You were able to regain some composure as you responded, remembering who you were, knowing that your family could hold its own. You took a few paces forward in an attempt reclaim your pride. “Slim chance. You’d never be able kill him anyway, you pathetic excuse of a television criminal,” you spat out, seeing Tom’s expression falter just enough to spur you on. “You’re not the only one who knows things, y’know, I’ve learned all about you, too. All bark and no bite. A puppy who acts tough until he gets a paper cut and cowers under the bed.” you could feel your confidence refueling your words, and narrowed your eyes. “Maybe you were intimidating as a kid, but you don’t fucking scare me now, Holland.”
Upon the callout, Tom bolted up from his seat, swiftly pulling a handheld gun out of his belt and backing you up against the wall, barrel aimed at the perfect angle to blaze a clean hole through your head. “You little-”
Thankfully, you had friends on this side of town, and Roxy always had your back.
She tore out of the back with an assault rifle twice the size of her, firing a round of warning shots into the rickety ceiling. It shook Tom’s focus enough for you to make a break for it, running and ducking behind the safety of the bar.
“You better get to leaving before I have to mop you greasy motherfuckers off my floor,” Roxy said in her thick cockney accent, looking as intimidating as you’d ever seen her. Tom sniggered and stayed put.
“You think I’m joking?” she said, aiming at the wooden boards and landing a shot barely an inch from one of his friends’ feet. 
“Jesus-!” they yelped, forcing you to stifle a laugh as you watched the scene unfold.
Three very oversized men walked out from the back of the room with their own weapons of choice to back Roxy up. Seeing they’d been outnumbered, Tom retracted his gun and looked warily at his friends, grouping up to leave the bar. He saw you backed in the corner and took an extra moment to let that cocky sneer find its way back to his face, making sure to remind you why you ran in the first place.
The group walked out unscathed, leaving behind a deafening silence until Roxy looked back at you and shook you from your trance.
“Go home, babes, and make sure your family is okay.”
As you ran outside against your better judgement, eyes locked on your car parked in the alley, an abraisive pair of hands grabbed you from behind and pushed you up against the side of the building. You recognized the sickly sweet smell of cherries and knew Tom wasn’t finished with you.
He had his arm up over your head and the other on your shoulder, evidently taking in all of your features for the first time in years.
“Time did you well, didn’t it? My god, can’t believe my little kid wife grew up to be so pretty,” his eyes sparkled with a twisted, deep desire. “We’d look good together in different circumstances, hm?” His words prompted you to spit in his face.
“In your fucking dreams.”
“Ooh, a feisty little thing. I’d watch that temper of yours, y/n, you’ll make a lot of enemies talking like that,” he said in a low voice, collecting your spit from his cheek and sucking it off of his finger.
“We’re friends forever, darling. I’ll find my way back to you.” he winked at you and sauntered away into the dark. “Say hi to daddy for me.”
Your foot on the gas pedal made an indentation on the floor of the car as you sped home, tears almost blinding you from the road, making every streetlight overhead look like an abstract explosion of color. You left the ignition on as you careened into the gated entrance of your house, kicking your blue heels into the grass and sprinting inside, yelling. “Dad? Mum? Hello???”
You almost ran head first into your parents as they rushed out of the den after hearing your exasperated calls.
“y/n? What the bloody hell is going on?” your mother saw you standing shell-shocked, taking in the fact that they weren’t chopped into pieces, and pulled you into a hug as you broke out into uncontrollable sobs.
“T-they locked me in and told me they were- that you’d be dead when I got home-” you choked out in between tears, unable to calm your breathing. 
Your dad gripped his tumbler of scotch with so much sudden anger that it shattered into his hand. You could see fire in his eyes. “Who? Who told you that?”
You looked up at him and said exactly what he was expecting. “The Hollands. Tom. He- he came into Roxy’s.”
“I’m going to hang that chav from his wimpy little fucking-”
“Hon, please.” your mom said sternly while motioning to you in your sorry state, making your dad’s face a little less violently red. He took a deep, ragged breath.
“Hey, sweet pea, look,” he said, tucking away a strand of hair that had fallen in your face and was clinging to your tear-streaked cheeks. “We’re okay, alright? Tonight is an ordinary night, and our security detail is the best in the city. You stop worrying and go get yourself cleaned up, mum and I have something special we want to give you.” He smiled only to steam off and slam the door to his office, most likely to make a call to get someone, anyone, that may have had a hand in tonight’s events drawn and quartered by dawn.
You came downstairs after a long, boiling hot shower that only made you seethe more at the fact that Tom had been bluffing the whole time. It had clearly just been a fear tactic, probably done for no other reason than to fuck with you on your birthday and ruin your night. He loved crafting little games like that, this being the first time he’d come to play in person—and what made you angriest is that it had worked.
“Honey, we have a gift for you,” your mom said, handing you a silver box that was much heavier than it looked. She and your dad sat on the big sofa in the den, looking at you expectantly.
“Well, open it!” she smiled.
You undid the box, hands still shaking from earlier, and found a shiny, pitch black glock with a silver inscription in its body reading “sweet pea”, the nickname your dad had given you forever ago.
“Uh, wow, I don't know what to say...” you trailed off, picking it up and turning it over in your hand. It became surprisingly weightless, feeling like it was made to fit in your palm.
“It was mine, back in the day,” your dad spoke, seeming wistful. “Had it rebuilt and shined up for my baby girl.”
“Thank you, daddy, I love it,” you said, leaning over to hug your parents. You smiled blankly as they talked to you about the gift and how special it was, nodding at their comments...but you weren’t really listening.
All you could think about was a pair of flushed lips inches from your own, an intoxicating smell lingering in your brain; and just how amazing this gun would feel in your hand right after it had burned a bullet-sized cavity into Tom Holland’s chest.
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poeticandors · 5 years
Come What May Part 3
Poe Dameron x F!Reader (Moulin Rouge!AU)
Summary: You and Poe are sent undercover in order to gain information about the First Order and hope to recruit. But what begins to bloom as you and Poe continue to work closer throughout this mission? And, what happens when you happen to catch the eye of one of the most dangerous men?
Warnings: none in this chapter
A/N: Wooo finally got this chapter out! Hopefully you guys enjoy it! 
Part 1 Part 2
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After a week or so, everything seemed to slowly work into place. No one bothered you after that day anymore, but constant bawdy gazes were still thrown your way. Sometimes it was hard, but you learned just to ignore it. Everyone who went to the Crimson Club knew not to touch you in that way now— they realized they still had the other girls, unfortunately, and they didn’t want to mess with you or the bouncers after how roughed up that guy got.
He hasn’t even come back since. 
A knock is heard at your door, and after checking your appearance, you move to press the button to allow access. Standing there was Poe, his hair slicked back and a navy blue suit— a new look compared to his black suits he had been wearing. Looking down at your dress, you realized you matched unintentionally with him. 
The last few days had been… more work based between you and Poe. He would still do his job— stand in the back of the main room and linger around while you talked to anyone who had information. But after that night, he’d seemed to become more protective of you, but the conversations between you both had been short. 
You wondered if it was because you asked him to undo your dress for you? It couldn’t have been that because he had offered to help you plenty of times and still did. Was it because he realized he called you sweetheart? Not that you minded, but you wondered why he suddenly called you that not once, but twice. Whatever it was, you wished things would go back to normal— or as normal as it could get in this situation. 
Deciding not to bring it up, you give him a small smile.
“Hey, how are you?” 
“I’m fine,” Poe nods, although you notice that it’s more stiff along with his posture and then you realize…
This was Tel talking. 
He steps to the side, and there you see two other girls who worked mainly as dancers giving you friendly waves and smiles. 
“Oh! Hi, Zoras. Hi, Tin.”
“Hi, Kyla,” Zoras said. You noticed right when you first met her the slight lilt in her voice— almost innocent. Had you met her randomly on the street, you wouldn’t have known she worked in a place such as the Crimson Club. 
“We just wanted to see how you were doing?” Tin smiles. 
Looking upon them, you would have been a fool not to notice how gorgeous they both were. The light blue dress of Zoras popped against the deep copper of her skin, and her dark curls bounced with every shake of her head. Tin’s red hair cascades over her fawn, freckled shoulders, to the middle of the waist of her black dress. No one was able to resist the urge to watch them as they danced upon the stage each night.  
Both girls had been the first to check on you as well as welcome you here after that night. They were both very sweet— they at least took the time to try and get to know you while others simply turned their noses up at you. Rix was another one who was friendly, at least you were thankful to have a few other people to talk with. You mentioned recruiting them to Poe, who agreed that they could be more trusted over others here at the club and he would send their information to the Resistance to get more in depth information.
“I’m fine, I was about to head down,” you smile, turning to Poe. “Tel was just getting ready to escort me to the club.” 
The girls look at Poe, who gives them a slight nod. “That’s right. Whenever you’re ready, Kyla.”
“Is it alright if we join you down?” Zoras turns back to you. 
“I don’t mind at all.” 
“Perfect!” Zoras smiles and loops her arm through yours, while Tin does the same. You begin to walk ahead, while Poe trails behind you three at a safe, close distance. 
“By the way,” Tin leans in close, whispering. “I don’t know how you do it.”
“Do what?”
“Manage to hold yourself back from jumping in the sack with Tel. He’s so handsome. I would have done it long ago.” 
The heat rises to your cheeks as you look away from Tin, “O-oh, well… I mean… his job—”
“Also allows him to have any of the services we all give out,” Zoras gives a cheeky grin, her dark curls bouncing as she tilts her head at you. 
“Well, not all of us. Our Untouched One, on the other hand…”
“Unless Tel over there pays the requested amount of credits.”
“No offense, Kyla, but I would have just given him the full session— no credits charged,” Tin snickers, while Zoras smacks her arm. 
As much as you try to force yourself not to, you turn back to see Poe still a few feet behind you. While you knew they were whispering, the hallway was empty— and you knew there was no way Poe didn’t hear what your friends were saying. His eyes connect with yours, and your suspicions are answered by the small smirk he flashes.
Cheeky bastard, you think, shaking your head as you head into the elevator. 
You, Zoras, and Tin press up against the back of the elevator while Poe stands in front of you— his back facing you three. An awkward silence fills the elevator, so you distract yourself by staring at the floor only until you feel Tin nudge her elbow against your ribs. Looking up, you see how the corner of her mouth quirks up and she nods her head forward, wiggling her brows. 
You follow her gaze, only to realize it was fixated on Poe’s… assets. Eyes widening, you quickly look away, hearing the faint giggle Tin was giving Zoras. Poe pretends not to hear, and quickly heads out of the elevator as soon as the doors open, looking both ways. 
“Alright, ladies,” Poe turns towards you. “It’s safe.”
“Thank you, Tel,” Tin bats her lashes as she walks past him. 
“Tin and I have to go get ready for the stage,” Zoras steps out of the elevator. “But we’ll see you later Kyla. Thank you for escorting us, Tel.” 
Poe nods, giving a friendly smile to Zoras as she walks down the hallway. You knew they were just teasing you, of course you did. So why did you get this overwhelming urge to glare at your friends? 
The stinging pain in both palms of your hands has you unclenching them— you didn’t even realize you were digging your nails into your palms in the first place. 
“Kyla? Are you ready?” 
Poe’s voice pulls you and you face him, your expression pinched as you nod. He furrows his brows, stopping you as you try to move past him. He gently grabs your arm, and all you can do is freeze at his touch. This time he says your name, not Kyla’s, in a mere whisper. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing’s wrong. Why would anything be wrong?”
Poe studies you, and you do well not to give in to the look in his eyes. You know he is searching for something— some kind of hint  to let him know there is a problem. He raises his brow as the corner of his mouth lifts up and he releases you, stepping back while you fix the sleeve of your dress. 
“Like I said, nothing—“
“What, did you get jealous because of what Tin was saying?” 
He’s teasing. You know he is— the playful glint in his eye gives it away. It’s also the first sign of Poe that you’ve seen in the last few days. 
“Jealous?” You scoff. “What— why would I get jealous?” 
“You tell me,” Poe leans against the elevator doorway. 
A tense silence stirs between you both and while you did enjoy that Poe was actually talking to you, and not your alias, all you can do is shake your head and look away. 
“I have to go find Boz, he said he needed to talk to me.” 
“Of course.”
You move to walk past him, and only freeze when you hear him say your name softly. Not turning your head, you stay staring ahead through the hallway. Even when he walks up behind you, you can’t bring yourself to look at him.
Because you didn’t want him to see just how much you love hearing him say your name.
He leans close, his breath fanning against your ear— a shiver crawling up your spine. “Be careful out there, apparently a larger group of First Order officers are supposed to be here tonight. I’ll be close by, don’t worry. Okay, sweetheart?”
You didn’t know what you were expecting him to say, but calling you sweetheart for a third time definitely wasn’t it. And you definitely didn’t expect him to stand so close to you— close enough that his chest was almost pressed up against your back. All you had to do was lean back a little more, to feel him completely pressed up against you. 
Stop it, stop it, stop it!
“I know you will,” you quickly say. “You always are, I can count on that.” 
You didn’t even wait for him to respond, because you were already making your way out of the elevator, down the hall to the club— the faint sound of the music growing louder the closer you got to the door. Poe quickly manages to catch up, opening the door for you, and you see the same sight as you would every other night here. 
Making your way through the club, you push past the large groups until you spot Boz all the way at the bar. Poe moves close to you, shielding you from others as they all gawk at you. You always felt safe when Poe was near you, so you became more relaxed and paid no mind to the straying eyes. 
As you approach the bar, Boz turns to you, his face filled with glee. “There you are my darling!” 
He comes up, cupping your cheeks with his hands so lightly— like you were a delicate flower he didn’t want to bruise. 
Boz was actually a sweet man, and he did seem to show favor to you more than the others, some of which showed their displeasure at that. He did seem as though he was a bit protective of you, but also you believed it was mainly because of the situation— he didn’t want anything to happen to you before the right man came along with the highest payment.
You smile as Boz lowers his hands, “You said you wanted to see me?” 
“Yes!” He claps his hands. “We may have actually found someone who may be perfect.”
“Oh? What do you—“
“A gentleman has arrived,” he turns you to face the private booths. “See him there? The one in the black suit with the red handkerchief in his chest pocket.” 
You follow Boz’s gaze, until your eyes settle on a man taking a sip of his drink. His clean cut, golden blonde hair is perfectly gelled back— if there was a sliver of grey in his hair, you couldn’t tell. A few women, your coworkers, try approaching him but he simply waves them off, not giving them a chance to speak. By his appearance, especially the lavish black suit he was wearing, you knew he had to be of high status. 
“Who is—“
“Let’s go my darling,” Boz quickly pulls you away before Poe gets a chance to speak. 
Giving Poe a solemn look, you turn to follow Boz as he leads you through the crowd. As you get closer, a strange familiarity washes over you. You swore you’ve seen this man before. Maybe you’ve seen him around the club before and just didn’t notice him right away?
“Boz, do you know who he is?”
“Tyris Pic, made out of credits, mind you,” he chuckles. “Now, why don’t you work your charms on him, dear.” 
Your heartbeat quickens— you know what Boz wants you to do. Putting on your best smile and nodding, Boz grins before he walks up to Tyris while you stray behind him. 
“Hello Mr. Pic, how have we been settling?”
“Fine, thank you,” he says, each sound articulated with his smooth accent. You believed he might have been from Chandrila. 
You watch as he takes a drink, the liquid a bright blue like his eyes, which flicker over to you. He sets his glass down, leaning back into his seat. 
“Might I ask who this beautiful creature here is?” 
“Of course,” Boz simpers, stepping out of the way to reveal you. “May I introduce our Untouched One, our Sparkling Kyber… Kyla Tille. Kyla, my dear, this is—
“Tyris Pic,” the man says, straightening his suit as he stands up, holding his hand out. “Charmed.” 
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Pic—“
“Please,” he gently takes your hand, pressing a soft kiss to the back of it. “Call me Tyris.” 
You put on a gracious smile, pulling your hand back as Boz claps his hands. 
“I’ll let you both get acquainted.”
As Boz walks off gleefully, Tyris motions towards the booth, waving down a server droid.
“May I interest you in buying a drink?” 
“If you insist.” 
Poe’s jaw tightens as he watches the blonde haired man wrap his arm just above your shoulders. He’d been watching you both for a while, since you walked away with Boz, and so far he doesn’t like what he’s seen. 
He doesn’t like the way the man is touching you. He doesn’t like the way he leans close to whisper in your ear. And he especially doesn’t like the way you laugh at something he says. 
Something about this guy— whether it was how he looked or just the smug grin he kept on his face— made Poe feel uneasy. 
Just as Tin walks by, Poe manages to grab her arm and pull her to the side. Tin smirks, leaning against the wall. 
“Well, I knew you would come to your senses—“
“Easy, Tin,” Poe releases her. “What do you know about that guy over there with Kyla?” 
“What makes you think I know who he is?” She raises a brow, crossing her arms. 
“You always walk up to the same men— you’re good with faces and names— mainly because you know which ones pay well and which ones won’t.” 
She narrows her eyes, an amused look on her face. “Glad to hear you’ve been watching me.”
“Tin,” Poe’s voice becomes stern and she gently pats his chest. 
“I’m teasing. But, I overheard Boz talking about some important guy coming in. His name is Tyris Pic.” 
Poe repeats the name a few times, stepping back. “Thanks, Tin.”
“No problem, but you might want to ease up a bit.”
“Ease what up?”
“Don’t want anyone to see just how jealous Kyla’s bodyguard gets when she is with other men, right?”
Poe’s mouth opens and closes, struggling to come up with coherent sentences. Tin gives a teasing laugh, stepping away from him. 
“Don't worry, your secret is safe with me,” she turns away, latching onto another man’s arm. “How are you today, handsome?”
Poe shakes his head, glancing over to the booth where you still sit with the man— Tyris. Now that Poe has a name, he needs to know exactly who he is. 
Poe asks another escort to watch over you while he heads to the fresher, and quickly leaves the club. Stealing glances both ways, he heads into a utility closet, where he pulls out his comm device. 
“Finn? Come in, Finn.” 
It takes a moment, but Poe let’s out a breath of relief when he hears Finn’s voice on the other end.
“Poe? I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon. We got the information on the names you gave us: Rix, Zoras, and Tin? They—“
“We’ll get back to them, buddy. But I need your help, I got another name for you.” 
“Alright, who are we checking on, now?”
“What do you know about a Tyris Pic?”
FIC TAGLIST: @tintinwrites​ @sheridans-dynamos​ @agoldpixie​ @shakespeareanwannabe​ @starkiller-queen​ @netflixandsnuggle​ @nowheredreamer​ @blackhawklove​ @jennibradley​ @rewritingstars​ @chewymoustachio​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @spider-starry​ @roserrys​
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moonlightjeno · 4 years
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a/n : it has been a long ass time. but hey i’m back if anyone cared lol. enjoy this bullet point scenario about this precious boy. also peep his blue hair, we young was his bitch. 
genre : fluff 
pairing : jeno x reader
request : open !!
word count : 1.07 k
oml okay im rlly excited for this but if its ok i might just do jeno as a high school au bc bb boy is 18
warning this is all over the place and v long have fun
k so jeno just moved to this new high school called zuhos uni, but i mean boy is takin the highschool courses that are specialized in science bc hes a geek
a v cute one but ya know
so hes bew and hes transfered like one quarter through the year,,
bc jeno is a v shy shy boy he doesnt have many friends the first week until he joins the music club every friday after school
there he makes friends woo, shy bb opens up to haechan, jaemin and renjun even if renjun isn’t really part od the music club and more of the art club
oof details
k so this bb is rlly rlly bloody smart and hes rlly good at biology and physics but he struggles at chemistry
hes like wtf,, this doesnt make any sense one lement another makes a new one withh a different number ?? heLP
thats is until he finally asked for help
he has seen you around school, always next to your locker, head in the books, but he hd seen you around music club
you tended to stay by yourself, strumming your guitar and always writing this in your notebook
but he also knew that you were rlly good at chemistry
he didnt ask you for help perse
more like jeno asked his best friend jaemin who was one a close friend of one of your friends and who he also had a crush on to ask you if you fould help jeno
protect this bb he’s shy
you where like “huh? me? jeno wants my help? pretty boy?”
your friend was like “omg yes noe go talk to him and tell him youll help. k? k.”
so you go “talk” *cough* hyuck sets you tf up *cough* and you guys meet at the library??
at least you thought so?? but he didnt get the memo so he showed up like 30 mins lates so it wasnt that bad but like bruh??
so u were a lil annoyed bc boy asked for your help and showed up late, and jeno was a nervous mess when he finally arrived and kept apologizing seeing you with a frown
he kept saying how sorry he was and that he would make to you,, poor bb
and seeing him be a shy and nervous mess made you forget so obviously it was easy to forgive and you guys tried to start your study session
hmmm “tried” is the key word
bc everytime you guys would start their would be noises and other ppl talking so yall gave up and jeno was like “oh we could go over to my place bc my parents r out and it should be quite?? i- ii could h-hhelp youu wwith ph-ysics??,, if you want??”
akdhaj precious shy bundle nervouse mess
ofcourse you said yesss bc physics is like wtf is this ?? no one understands and i neED HELP
and you liked jeno like had a major crush on him and yku needed to help the poor boy out with chem chem
k. so yall walk home and you get to know each other and jeno starts to fall harder for you bc your so cute, the way you keep tucking your hair behind your ear
and biting your lip when your nervouse and just silent
he found it rlly cute aight
so yall finally arrived to his home, and hes a bit messy but thank GOD HIS MOM MADE HIM clean up the day before
so yall go through w your study session that lasts like an hour and a half and jenos like dam you make everything make sense
poor boy didn’t actually say that but he thought it and how you looked really pretty
but thats another time
and he explains physics to u and your like oh gotchu gravity makes sm more bloody sense
so after studying you guys go get ice cream bc he had to “make it up to you”
when he offered to lay you where a blushing red mess bc you rlly like him and ut feels like a date but he could never like u back
hes so smart and talented
but jeno just kept thinking your looked adorable with your blush and whenever you spoke to him about chemistry and biology your eyes would light up
yoy noticed though that jeno would smile *that eye smile that cures cancer* whenver he spoke and talketed about music and his friends
and it got late real quick so yall had to say hoodbye but you were rlly sad
bc he got you and you got him ??
perfect chemistry ,, mi dudes
k so like right before you left hes like “umm umm so you— want to like,, meet again??” silence “like as a date ?? — i mean if u dont want to its all— good”
and you were just like dumbfounded??
like what?? he lee jeno the most adorable smartest talented perfect boy in school just aksed you out??
you kinda justs tood there and then slowy noded
and he gave you that eye smile,, precious boy was so happy omg omg omg
so yall meet again and again and again for study sessions and a couple of dates
jamein and your friend had been a couple for a couple of weeks and hyuck just wanted jeno to shut up about you
bc bb boy was falling in love
so in one of your study sessions it was late and you guys had order dominos and were just hangin on the couch when he kept lookin over and just kissed you
boy was scared but you kissed him back bc akgshags
best day
when you broke the kiss you bith had the biggest goofiest smiles on your face ,, like how did i end up with this beautiful person right in front of me
he gave you a lil kiss in the forhead that melted your heart and you bith smiles like idiots
the end ,, jk i just have no idea how to end this
ajdha and yall just cuddled it was great
a bish is really bloody soft for jeno
i hope y’all enjoyed this mess lol. peace. 
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anarmorofwords · 3 years
I may have sent this already bc the app refreshed before I finished typing it all out but okay you said you like musical theater? And like there are so many Crazy Ex Girlfriend songs that remind me of Matthew and Cordelia and the others.
“I’m So Good At Yoga” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 1 could basically seen from Alastair and Matthew’s POV on each other.
“You Stupid Bitch” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend is again basically Matthew and Alastair’s fucking Anthem!!!!
“Friendtopia” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend is basically Merry thieves. Though , I could also argue for it to be Anna and Matthew.
“Research Me Obsessively” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 2 is modern AU Matthew and Cordelia trying to find information on New Girl Grace Blackthorn.
“(Tell me I’m okay) Patrick” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 2 is the anthem of Matthew and Cordelia telling the other deep secrets about themselves instead their closer friends and family.
“You Do / You Don’t Wanna Be Crazy” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 3 is Matthew’s anthem as he performs another impulsive stunt that is going to have negative consequences.
(Warning! Pg18!) “Strip Away My Conscious” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 3 is basically how I imagine Kellington and Matthew’s relationship was like.
“I Feel Like This Isn’t About Me” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 3 is Alastair and the merry thieves wooo!
Okay here is where I get sappy!
I think someone in Miss Rua’s controversial take stream, someone said a hc I’ve had for a while that Matthew might have bpd and like so does Rebecca (the main character of Crazy Ex Girlfriend) and like a lot of season 3 and 4 talk about that stuff so…
“A Diagnosis” from season 3 is basically a song that I wanted make a whole modern AU fic named after about Matthew, it’s just a really a good song about how fucking nice it is to know what your deal is and feel less alone!
“Back In Action,” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend is basically what happened when the adults are aloud to do stuff in tlh. And yes I imagine this is Will singing and Donna is Jem.
“The End of the Movie” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 3 is very Matthew and Cordelia on the train to Paris vibes. Life doesn’t make narrative sense…
“Spiral” From the Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 3 album (I think the song was cut? But it’s on the album) and like big Matthew when he starts drinking, or basically when he’s in that church having basically a dissociative episode on the day Queen Victoria died.
“Maybe I’m just Broken,” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend is another rather peppy song by a peppy singer about “maybe I’m just broken” and like okay Matthew saying he’s evil and refusing getting get and just getting worse instead of helping himself.
“I’ve Always Never Believed in You” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 4 (the fandom @ Matthew lol) the rest of the Fairchild family at Matthew, in Matthew’s own head.
“The Darkness,” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 4, this is another uh? Kind of personal song to me…it’s probably my favorite ballad in the song but again, I think most people who like Matthew agree his mental illness isn’t new and has been with him since basically birth and I think this ballad does a good job just…talking about what it’s like to live with that forever albeit comically. It’s basically a toxic relationship with your own brain.
“Anti-Depressants Are So Not A Big Deal,” another just great song that connections that modern AU I was talking to about in a diagnosis.
“I’m So Happy 4 U” from Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 4 is basically Matthew seeing all his friends get into happy relationships and feeling abandoned
This is a LOOOOOOONG anon I know, but there are a lot of songs. Someday I’ll make that Crazy Ex Girlfriend Matthew Fairchild AU but this is what I’ve got so far.
hi anon!!
sorry for taking so long!!!
I keep postponing getting acquainted with that musical, but now I have additional motivation! I'm currently on holidays so can't listen to all of them at once, but I'll be slowly making my way through them! I'll post an update once I did! (I'll be coming back to your analysis/takes then!)
but omg Matthew au?!? Tell me more!!!
Thank you for the rec!!! I'm always open to musical theatre recs!
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thewhizzyhead · 4 years
YUP YUP HER NEW SONG "HATE MYSELF" AND THE MUSIC VID IS PREMIERING IN LESS THAN 3 HOURS WOOO DODIE PARTY TIME oh and um i'm not doing that ask game (i suck at au's) but i think chai is iconic so yay oh and also the shuffled song is Captain Of The Team so also yay
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authenticcadence18 · 5 years
“The Start of Something New” Love Square Fluff Week Day 4: “Your Voice”/Day 6: “AU”
(this fic also counts as my contribution for Day 4, since it is all about singing...lol. Hope you enjoy!! And thanks to @lovesquarefluffweek for organizing this amazing event!!) 
“Any last minute sign ups?”
Ms. Bustier glanced around the auditorium over horn-rimmed glasses.
Marinette and Adrien both flinched from their position huddled at the door of the auditorium.
“....we should go…” Marinette whispered tersely, looking back at the boy behind her. His gaze remained fixed on the stage.
What had she been thinking, wanting to participate in Francois Dupont High’s winter musical as anything other than a costume designer?? Any lingering desires to do so had been squashed by Chloe Bourgeois’ RIVETING performance of the musical’s climactic emotional duet….by herself. Marinette definitely didn’t want to be witness to that every day for the next few months.
Even if it meant saying goodbye to Adrien as he drifted away to join the fencing team...right?
“No? Good? Done.”
Ms. Bustier flicked off her lamp and set about gathering her things.
As the light dimmed, Adrien’s desire to grace the stage and participate in theater swelled. Against his better judgement, he burst from the door frame and blurted out, “I’d like to audition, Ms. Bustier!!!”
Ms. Bustier whirled around and eyed Adrien incredulously before launching into a spiel about the importance of punctuality and being intentional in the theatre. Adrien’s face went red, and he cowered before her, the sharpness of her tone reminding him a little too much of his father.
Meanwhile, Marinette’s eyes practically bulged out of her head, her arms gesturing about wildly to convey thoughts she couldn’t articulate. What was Adrien THINKING??? Did he seriously want to audition for the musical NOW, after they’d spent the last half hour gathering their nerves to do so but chickening out at the last second??? She groaned, burying her head in her hands and hiding behind the door frame in an attempt to escape the awkwardness of it all...even though a tiny part of her wanted to join her new friend.
“The individual auditions are long long over, and there are simply no other pairs!!” Ms. Bustier finished.
Marinette peeked out at Adrien, who’d deflated at Ms. Bustier’s last words. Seeing such a sad expression on his face did something funny to her heart.
And suddenly, her heart was taking over for her brain.
“I’ll sing with him!!!” she called out before clasping her hands in front of her mouth.
HAD SHE REALLY JUST SAID THAT??!?!? Warning sirens went off in Marinette’s head, a precursor to the panic and shame that most certainly awaited her in Ms. Bustier’s response.
...but the way Adrien caught her eye and smiled at her as she timidly emerged from behind the door frame made it worth it.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng!!” Ms. Bustier articulated, eyebrow raised. “I thought you were just a costume designer. Did you bring something for me to look at?”
“No, like I said before, I’m here to….” Marinette hesitated before glancing at Adrien.
“...I’m here to sing with him.”
Ms. Bustier pursed her lips and shook her head. “Yes, well, as sweet as that is, we take shows VERY seriously here at Francois Dupont High. I called for the pairs’ audition, and you didn’t respond.”
“But--” Marinette protested as Ms. Bustier walked towards the door. “He has an amazing voice!!!”
“Perhaps the NEXT musicale,” Ms. Bustier snipped back before leaving the room.
Marinette chanced a glance at Adrien, almost afraid to witness the devastation he must be feeling.
But, to her surprise, he didn’t appear sad at all….in fact, he was looking at her, an awestruck twinkle in his eyes.
“...you think I have an amazing voice?” he whispered shyly.
Marinette flushed, memories of a certain New Year’s Eve party tumbling back into the forefront of her mind.
“Of course I do…” she replied softly. “It’s just a shame that no one else will ever get to hear it….”
Adrien smiled at her, and gently took her hand in his. “Well, for what it’s worth, knowing you like it is all the recognition I need. And...you have an amazing voice too.”
Marinette’s heart thundered in her chest. “...thanks…” she breathed.
A cough and pointed exclamation of, “Are we interrupting something?” snapped Adrien and Marinette out of their reverie. They both jumped and turned in the direction of the stage. One of the show’s writers--a girl with firey red hair and glasses--waved at them with a cheeky grin before gesturing for them to join her onstage. The show’s other writer--a boy wearing glasses and a red baseball cap--awkwardly waved as well.
Adrien and Marinette exchanged a glance before shrugging and walking towards the stage.
“I’m Alya, and this is my boyfriend Nino!!” the girl exclaimed cheerfully. “We wanted to introduce ourselves. It’s too bad Ms. Bustier didn’t let you guys audition...we were hoping more pairs would show up.”
“Oh well, It’s nice to meet you anyway!” Adrien replied. “You guys co-wrote the musical, right?”
“Yup!!!” Nino replied proudly, reaching out to shake Adrien’s hand. “Alya came up with the story, and I composed the music!!!”
“It was going to be so amazing….until CHLOE came along and ruined everything…” Alya grumbled, crossing her arms with a pout. “Our musical is SUPPOSED to be the dramatic story of two heroes whose love for each-other is the only obstacle separating them...but if Chloe has it her way, it’ll end up being about a stuck up superhero showing off for two hours.”
Marinette cocked an eyebrow, not quite understanding Alya’s description of the plot. “Can you tell us more about your story?”
“Of course!!!!” Alya replied, clearly eager to divulge the details of her script. “Our two main characters are Bridgette and Felix. In their everyday lives, they’re classmates. Bridgette loves Felix more than anything, but he never sees her as anything more than a friend because he’s already in love with his superhero partner...who just happens to be Bridgette!!!”
“Wait wait wait,” Adrien replied, brows furrowed. “I’m confused. So….Bridgette and Felix are also superheroes?”
“Yes, they’re secretly the dynamic duo of Ladybug and Chat Noir! One is gifted with the power of creation, the other destruction. Every night, they take to the streets of Paris to protect the world from villainy!! Chat Noir is helplessly in love with Ladybug, but she always refuses him because she’s already in love with another boy...but the other boy IS Chat Noir, she just doesn’t know it!!”
Both Marinette and Adrien blinked.
“So they love each other….but they also don’t? That’s….a bit convoluted….” Marinette pointed out.
“Oh, it totally is,” Nino agreed with a chuckle. “But that’s the beauty of it!!”
“The pining, the longing, the dramatic irony! It’s BRILLIANT!!!” Alya insisted, swooning over her boyfriend’s shoulder.
Marinette and Adrien shared a grin at her dramatics.
“Ladybug and Chat Noir were written to be equals and SOULMATES, but CHLOE doesn’t like that idea at all….she wants the show to be all about Ladybug and get rid of Chat Noir entirely…..and since no one else showed up to audition for the leads, she’s probably going to get her wish...
“Which is a shame, because the duet Nino wrote for them is stunning. It’s all about the conflicted love Bridgette and Felix feel for one another, both in and out of the masks.”
“I’d love to hear it…” Marinette said wistfully, already swept away in the possibilities of the love story that could emerge from such an interesting concept.
“Do you have sheet music?” Adrien asked, gesturing to the instrument on the right side of the stage. “I play piano.”
“WE DO!!!!” Alya replied animatedly, grabbing a folder and flipping through it before extracting a few pages of sheet music and practically throwing them at Adrien.
Adrien smiled and crossed the stage, sitting down and the piano and squinting at the song’s key signature. He played a few scales to warm up the key.
He looked over his shoulder at Marinette. “Shall we?” he asked with an invitational grin and a wink.
Marinette gulped.
Singing a generic karaoke song at a New Year’s Eve party with Adrien was one thing.
But singing an emotional duet? Told from the perspective of two characters who were supposedly soulmates? With Adrien?? Could she do that???
...her brain said no, but her heart screamed yes.
“...let’s do it.”
The first notes of a lilting melody echoed across the stage. Adrien’s fingers floated across the keys, a hint of the main tune emerging in the intro before being echoed in his voice….
“I see her standing at my side….she smiles at me once, then looks away….I think I understand her strange game.”
Marinette took a deep breath before repeating the melody back.
“I see him and then, I’m not myself…my face turns red, my voice goes soft…I can’t breathe but my heart’s beating fast…"
...and suddenly her heart WAS beating fast.
“Run away!!” Adrien sang out, a rawness escaping from his throat as the notes climbed higher. “That’s what I have to do! My heart’s upside down, and yet something pulls me away and beyond this wall between us!”
“But why?” Marinette sang back, gradually losing herself in the story. “Why can’t I talk to him now? …I wish he were mine, ‘cause his light and his smile bring me over this wall that exists between us……”
The song continued, Marinette and Adrien’s voices intertwining as the lyrics became more passionate.
From her position across the stage, Alya pressed “record” on her phone, grinning like crazy.
“I’ll wait for you for all my life…because it’s true, I love you madly... Our love will blossom infinitely…..”
Marinette and Adrien’s voices faded away. As the final chord of the song rang out, their eyes left the sheet music and met each other, blue meeting green amidst the notes as they faded away.
For a moment...they forgot about Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Or, for just a moment…maybe they were Ladybug and Chat Noir.
“....I think we’ve found what we’ve been looking for…” Alya excitedly whispered to Nino.
Ms. Bustier’s voice rang out.
“You have a callback!”
Thanks so much for reading!!! If you guys like this AU, maybe I’ll write more for it someday! (I have a few more ideas for it, lol!)
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laytonsartblog · 5 years
Okay so I'm dumb here's a one shot
I know I said everything that's a story would be posted on AO3, but, I have dumbass energy and was inspired by the reblog I made earlier and it is 2 am on a school night so WOOO incoherency is at an ALL TIME HIGH
@infinimay whoop tagged u for what I'll call the Bus Duty AU
Perhaps I'll make this a series?? Something light, fluffy, nothing too heavy on the angst (okay I lied)
The Wheels on the Bus (Spin the Tales of Love)
Chapter 1., Like Patton
Virgil and Damian woke up to get to school at precisely 7:30 am, and to be ready by 8:10 for when their bus arrived, every school day.
Their mother, which is now Virgil's stepmother, always said that a tight schedule and tighter patience is what wins people over. That must be how she got Virgil's idiot dad, who took nearly three years of coy smiles and teasing touches to even start dating. They had married this year, and while Virgil is certainly happy about it, he didn't realize that it came with having to deal with a new stepbrother.
That's why, instead of 7:30 and 8:10, Virgil rises at 7:15 and is waiting by 8:00. Their mother never notices, never needing to wake up this early for work, and their dad works night shift. They were by themselves, but they handled it for nine year olds. Virgil especially figured out how to handle it as soon as he figured out that despite all this change, he was still by himself.
"Vi! Vi!" Damian, or DeeDee as he liked to be called, shouted as he approached Virgil at the bottom of the street. "Why do you never wait for me?"
Virgil shrugged. "I don't know, you give me a weird feeling, like cooties, but nice? Like wriggling worms in my head. It's sticky."
There was silence between them as they waited for their bus.
"You give me wiggly feelings too. Truce?" Damian suddenly said after what seemed to be forever to their adorable little minds, and he outstretched a hand.
Virgil took it. "Pleasure doing business, Worm boy."
Damian pouted and pulled his hand back, but didn't need to wait much longer in cute anger as the bus pulled up to their street. Seemingly forgetting the nickname, he pulled Virgil along onto the bus.
"Hey, kiddos!" their favorite, and only bus driver greeted as they sat in the front row.
Virgil never liked the bus, despite how early he was this year. It was loud and cranky and he had to sit next to DeeDee and there were always the mean kids who flicked his head as if a ping-pong ball on the way to their seats. The one thing that made it bearable was the fact he got to sit close to Patton.
Patton had allowed them to use his first name from the get go, inspiring names like "Patting!" from the kindergarteners or "Shatting" from the mean sixth graders. Virgil never tainted the name for he saw no reason to change what was already his favorite part of the morning.
Patton gave them treats on their birthday, never forgetting a single one. Patton hugged them when they were sad and showed them that crying was okay. Patton never yelled or screamed when things got too loud; he knew better than to plague these children with learned behavior, scorn, and hatred. Instead he'd play games that involved the whole bus to busy everyone, or at the very least play music and encourage them to sing along or guess the song.
Patton made things better. But Virgil knew he was sad.
Today, even with Damian's unwavering questions at everything he saw and with the fake stories he kept saying to the kid in the seat next to them, even he could tell that their bus driver was tired.
The two observant fourth graders watched as their second father didn't smile as brightly as he usually did whenever he greeted the kids getting on. He sagged; sluggish and baggy. Virgil noticed he looked a lot like his cousin Remy before a test under his eyes.
However, despite how observant, Virgil never knew how to comfort the gentle man. It's why he and Damian are in the front row. The doctors said he has a "speech impediment" where he couldn't put the words in his head to the outside world quite right. They said his brain was wrong. He knew Damian had a streak of lying and throwing tantrums. It's why he didn't like his new brother; he only served to make him look stupider.
Still, that didn't stop Virgil from putting a hand to Patton's shoulder, at least not entirely. He didn't expect for him to gasp and jump, but Virgil didn't exactly know what to expect anyway. He just pulled his hand back and looked down at his ripped pants in shame the rest of the bus ride.
They got there slower than Virgil had thought, but no, they were on time. Perhaps his brain was being weird again? He couldn't tell, but either way he walked begrudgingly by Damian into the school.
They passed by their school's office on the way into the gym, which is where you wait until school started. Virgil, again, ever the observant one, saw his school secretary in the window.
He was what was best described as professionally squabbled, or in Virgil's terms, cleanly messy. Mr. Nguyen had hair that was combed back just so and glasses that hid all his worries and fears. He had impeccable pressed ties that, on the occasion, got festive when a holiday came around. He had skilled hands and Virgil hadn't walked by a day where he wasn't working or presenting a board meeting or, if he wasn't doing that, wasn't there at all for the whole day.
Virgil never really disliked Mr. Nguyen. He had no reason to like him either. But right now, Virgil could see he looked exactly like Patton did; utterly miserable.
"Hey, DeeDee, y'see Mr. Nguyen? In the window?" Virgil whispered as he sat right at the entrance so he could get a good look at him.
Damian merely ignored him. "We always see him. What's the big deal?"
"The big deal is," Virgil started, already frustrated with the words that wouldn't come out. "He like- he- he's Patton today."
Damian rose a brow, a suspicious trait he most likely picked up from his mother. "You mean he looks like Patton did today?"
Virgil could only nod in relief. "Yeah! He looks Patton today. Do you think the teachers look like that today?"
Damian scanned around the room. He saw nothing out of the ordinary on the teachers' face. However, he did spot a certain trashy boy that Damian all but felt puppy love for. He waved him over. "Rem! Rem!"
The boy, peeking from the corner around his preoccupied brother at his name being called, grinned a crooked and partially toothless grin and ran over to Damian. They merely embraced before Remus took out his backpack, no doubt to reveal some gross frog from his collection.
Virgil cared less and just kept staring at the office, seeing Patton and a few other drivers come in for their mandatory morning report before they head out to go back to whatever they do when not driving. Patton still looked like a walking corpse.
Virgil vowed to take that frown away.
However, the school bell had other plans.
Virgil thinks that time really has slowed down, and maybe it isn't his stupid brain.
Every minute of class felt not as much a blur as it usually was. Usually, class was as easy as it got, and today he even got to skip out of gym for speech classes. He liked the speech teacher, Valerie. She allowed him to say her first name like Patton did. Virgil liked Valerie too.
But even his marvel at how fantastic his day had been so far didn't distract him from the fact his bus driver was unhappy.
Virgil sat with Damian and all the other broken kids at lunch. Remus was there too, and as much as he loved Damian off his back, the two talking about frogs and the fact the French eat frog legs was already starting to get on his nerves. He just focused on his sandwich and juice box, never saying a word.
It became time to throw out the food, and Virgil knew it was gametime. He looked to everyone at the table before rushing, the other two running to throw out their styrofoam plates the fastest.
Sadly, like always, Virgil's dreams of success were barred by Remus's long, nimble legs and long, skinny arms.
Virgil wanted to pout and tell them that Remus always wins, but Mr. Glover came in to clean and one look sent the three of them scrambling to recess.
Today they had art time, and Virgil had never been more determined in his life.
He grabbed construction paper, glue, crayons, markers, tape, and a How-To: pop up book. They were supposed to be making Thanksgiving cards for one of the staff members, and technically he was following what he was supposed to do. It was just that Patton's name hadn't been listed on the board to write to for their fake post office.
No matter. He would make the best card ever to cheer up his favorite and only bus driver. Damian seemed more interested in watching Remus eat the glue stick and then calling for them to go to the nurse.
Virgil ignored the two's antics in favor of focusing on his masterpiece.
Finally, at the end of the day, with high hopes and spirits and even better hope for Patton, Virgil all but ran to the bus he remembers so clearly beyond anything else. Damian followed close behind, sitting beside him in the seat they always sat.
Virgil heard Patton greet him, as always. Virgil could still hear how tired he was. He looked as pale as Virgil did.
Virgil, without prompting, took out his card and shoved it into Patton's hands before taking his seat and covering himself up with his hoodie as far in the seat as he could go.
Patton watched the young boy sat back down in a hurry before looking down at the card. The craftsmanship, of course, could be better, but honestly Patton could hardly care. He read the "I Think Your Cool" at the top and then a hand drawing of a turkey, covered in glitter and Patton's signature blue.
Patton almost cried, and then did cry when he saw the inside.
It held handwritten words with a picture of presumably Virgil fighting away the storm clouds over Patton; the bus with muscles and also beating up the stormcloud. The words wrote "I saw your sad face. I want to fix it. See! Fixed it!"
When Patton looked up, sniffling and holding the card dear to his heart, he saw Virgil peaking out from his jacket. That little boy held the softest smile and even Damian stopped for a moment to grin, gap tooth apparent but not even a hint of malice could fill Patton at this moment.
Last night had been so awful, but maybe today hadn't been so bad. No, today had been fantastic. Virgil fixed his heart for just a moment.
Edit: the card! Made by moi
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justkpopjokes · 5 years
Vampire!Minghao || PART 2
A/N: I’M BACK WITH VAMP!HAO!! Also this was almost vampire politics lmfao
Requested by: 4 anons + sunflower anon + @riptidethepen + a blog I can’t tag (y'all sent in asks wanting for a pt.2!! this is dedicated to you♡)
NOTE: for those of you who have read my Vampire!Mingyu AU, the lore is changing! There’s new canon since that au was written so long ago. It’s just small details that are changing, the end of that au is the same👍
part 1
Imma pull some Incredibles 2 shiz with the start right after part 1 stuff
Are you ready? no? too bad
Minghao is red as blood once you lean away from ur kiss
He's having an internal meltdown like hhhhh they agreed to that 2nd kiss
y'all just take some of his knitting stuff and get back to your room so you can cuddle learn how to knit
Mr. Xu is abt to walk in but then he yeets himself outta there after seeing y'all cuddling knitting v close together
For the rest of the week, your teeth grow out a bit more and Mr. Xu teaches you how to use ur fangs properly
Basically biting into apples n other foods for practice
Mr. Dad (ik what I wrote) also makes Minghao practice because this boy turned you into a vampire from not being able to do this properly smh
After that practice is done, you get oddly sick to your stomach again, meaning ~the transformation is almost complete~
(Wow finally it's been like 2 months now)
Minghao just stays next to you as long as he can to make sure you're feeling alright and don't bite yourself
You have to get smth like a mouthguard so you don't bite ur lip in ur sleep
And after that passes…
Congrats! You've graduated from Vampire school👏
VHS'19 go bats!🦇 my new instagram bio
The whole process wasn't actually as painful as it sounds, but it's just… what do I do now
Well Minghao surprises you by dragging you outside
Minghao trains you more (rip), but it’s fun this time bc you get to run around with super speed
and climb trees!!
mainly bc you remembered Twilight vaguely and were like “wait hao can we do that stuff”
the answer is h e l l  y e a h
Yea so you climb trees and run around, essentially playing tag with hao
Until he tackles you to stop you from running
he barely manages to stop you before you get onto a forest trail leading to some buildings
You: “Wow… we're far from your house...”
Hao: “Yeah. Let's head back home.”
“Minghao, do you think… Will I ever be able to go back?”
“What do you mean?”
“To the city”
“Well, you won't have too, don’t worry. My dad arranged your stuff to be kept somewhere until he can pick it up”
“But what if… what if I want to?”
Minghao gets a little confused because he doesn’t understand why you’d want to go back
he thought you loved it here?
confused boy is like “wait what's wrong with the mansion??”
“Nothing, Hao. I just miss home.”
it’s a little hard for him to understand, having lived in the mansion his whole long immortal vampire life…
But he doesn’t want you to be sad, so he asks his dad if he can take you to Vampire Square!
which is just the vampire night market lol
Also,,,, Minghao has a plan to make you even happier ;)
so before you wander off, he takes you to this tailor who takes your measurements
Then you go out to explore the market/square w/Hao while the tailor sews up a surprise
Minghao treats you by trading books for some cake since you can finally eat sugary stuff!! also coconut water since your body has enough blood in it again
((I realize I never really explained shopping in my other vamp au, but they don’t really use money lol they trade objects or favours since everyone knows each other))
it’s a small, chill night market, so there are lights everywhere and you get to watch tiny vampire kiddos and spot a few other creatures roaming around
it makes you realize how… human they are
yknow… hahah… just humans… who have to drink blood or coconut water… and have superhuman abilities… yeah
After ur nice cough cough DATE with Hao, he takes you back to the tailor who has prepared some fancy clothes for you!!
The tailor is like “a stunning outfit for a stunning vampire! I assume it’s for the ball, yes?”
and ur like. what ball lmao
Minghao answers for you and explains to you what the ball is on ur way home
Which is via CAPE TELEPORTATION btw!!
(some capes allow for teleportation and other capes help you turn into bats, etc etc (it’s how Mingyu teleported in his vampire au btw))
So every year around Halloween, there's this Vampire Ball™ for all the vampires at the Vampire Prince’s castle, aka JUNHUI’S CASTLEEE
Btw if you haven't read my Vampire!Mingyu series, note that Jun isn’t king bc his mother is technically queen still but she’s in hiding rn
he’s coolio but anyway
His Royal Highness is a bit mad that Minghao bit someone on the streets since it’s illegal
...but with Mr. Xu’s lawyer skills and the fact that Jun is a nice person (also the fact this has happened recently but was resolved well *cough* Mingyu) you were allowed to live!
and that’s how this almost became vampire politics akjfdh anyway
The night of the Vampire Ball, the 3 of you in the Xu residence change into formal clothing
Hao looks so fine, he’s got a suit on that’s accented w/a red carnation in his pocketand of course he’s got his cape on bc he looks heckin c o o l with that on
functional and fashionable eheh
he has a real proud dad who’s like omg did you get y/n a matching outfit? (yes)
you’re the last to get ready and do that slow walk down the stairs to where Minghao & Mr. Xu are waiting
Hao is obviously like o shit okay okay don’t panic don’t pani—
Mr. Dad: “Minghao, your jaw is physically dropped, please be polite and close your mouth”
Eventually, you get to the castle, which has been decorated w/shades of red
it’s real fancy and all these vampires are dressed up and have nice accessories,
it’s like you’ve been transported back in time to another century!
there are vamps playing classical music and everything
like oh is that a dude on double bass?? hell yeah, you fine sir
and Prince Junhui proposes a toast to another year of living!
Mr. Xu goes off to talk business with some older vampires
So you get to spend time with Hao and dance!!
he was able to get you to ballroom dance with him uwu
Finally, you could be at peace and live in a dream
but peace doesn’t come that easy around here…
there’s obviously gonna be some wine, and you get kind of intoxicated oops
you get a bit moody and start thinking of home back in the city
as much as you love being here with Hao, it’s probably caused so much trouble with your friends/family who’ve likely reported you as missing at this point
Hao notices you looking sad and looking up to the moon in the centre of a garden of roses
he steps next to you and takes your hand
a section of the roses starts to glow, but he ignores it bc he just wants to understand
he can’t really know firsthand what it feels like to be far from home, but maybe you can help him understand that?
maybe then he could feel human?
so he wraps his cape around you and teleports you somewhere else
When your eyes adjust to the dark, you see city lights and trees
Hao just whispers to you, “We can’t be here for long, stay close to me”
you’re at an empty park at the edge of the city, sitting close to Hao on a bench
“Wha—Minghao why are we here?”
“I want to know what it’s like to be far from the mansion. This is the deepest part of the city I’ve been in… And I thought you’d want to be closer to home, too.”
“Thank you, Hao”
You sit silently with him, slowly falling asleep on his shoulder until he has to take you back to the garden
When you return, there’s a small crowd gathered around you
Mr. Xu is in shock or smth, “Minghao did you—was this you?”
You’re obviously like. uh what
but there’s a whole prophecy or something and because of your little trip to the park,,, you’ve got another scheduled appointment at Vampire Court™
but don’t worry, you’ve got a vampire lawyer and a vampire boyfriend by your side~
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cha-mae · 5 years
oo i came up with an au
(its a ghost au bc recently i’ve been McFricken obsessed w bfu so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wooo i love ghosties) so basically jeremy is ‘half dead’, which means if he has/collects enough energy then he could make himself seen by the living and takes on aspects of the living (so he has a solid and physical appearance, can feel pain, gets hungry, etc), but it can be really hard to take on this appearance since it’s so energy draining so most of the time he just spends his time in ghost form. The only reason he would go into that form is bc other ghosts like to *whips* bully him *nae naes* and spirits/ghosts can hurt eachother but cant hurt humans. A reoccurring problem he has when he’s ‘human’ though is that he can still see other ghosts/spirits and they tend to bug him when he is in his human form, so he always looks like a mumbling and anxious mess to actual humans. Another thing is that when he gets hurt in his human form, it only heals when he is *in* human form, so if he were to scrape his knee for example and go back into his ghost form immediately, then the next time he went back into his human form the scrape is still fresh (ew? is fresh even the right word? new? lol). He is the only one with this ability among the others because of the unique way he died. Or so he thought *que illuminati music*
little did jere know that a boi named (you guessed it) michael died the same way, but they don’t know eachother exists and they each think that what they can do is unique to only themselves. Michael doesn’t let himself get bothered by the spirits while in human form as often because of the headphones he always wears. One day michael was having a particularly hard time blocking out the other spirits while in human form. Jeremy is having the same struggle except he’s about ready to frickity frackity snap so he’s barely paying attention to where they’re going. they happen to cross paths while in human form and bump into eachother. (oh wow did someone say i’m trash for boyfs and love at first sight is a thing? no. no one did. but i’m doing it anyway). they apologize for bumping into eachother but when they go their separate ways, they both make individual plans to try and hopefully ‘bump’ into eachother again in the same spot. the only problem they realize they have tho is that they can’t let eachother know that they are actually dead because i mean- who wants to date a dead dude. amirite?
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