#ngl kinda blew my own mind on this one
cowboysuperhero · 1 year
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oh so this is what they meant when they said your art would improve faster if you became obsessed with your oc
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sunnisurrealism · 2 months
A Complete Unknown Trailer Celebration + My Flight Was Delayed to 10pm Tonight!
Oh me oh my, blue balled blue, YOU ARE AMAZING, AND I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
i feel like i have been waiting for this day for a long long long longgggg ass time and OMG SO MANY STRANGE BEAUTIFUL EXCITING FEELINGS HAVE BEEN STIRRED UP! THE TRAILER IS SO FUCKING SICK TIMMY I LOVED IT SOOOO MUCH :D :D :D I feel a bit ridiculous talking about Bob because you know his character so well, but i do eagerly feel the need to share that i was MINDBLOWN about the way in which you captured him! His voice ToT his aura ToT his mood ToT like omg this trailer truly is a blue ball, which ideally a good trailer does precisely, and it fucking worked. i INSTANTLY want to see more more MORE of you playing BOB! AHHH!!!!! heheheheh. fock. the cinematography is beautiful too ToT. i loved walk the line i watched it during covid to study. i love Pheonix too :)
i just read the rolling stone article and some interesting things came up for me. First off, it completely blew my mind as utter genius that this story will keep people from fully getting him, because that act is indeed exactly what bob was trying to avoid. so strangely meta mirrors within mirrors. this idea is so mindblowing genius to me. i always hella admired the fact that bob was an artist and everyone was like but bob what does it all mean and he's low key like y'all are squares AHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH i mean that's p much the essence of this movie right? BABABABHAHAHAHHAHA. timmy you know how deep i am in the metaphor consciousness. bob is probably overall one of the most über level metaphor consciousness writers. okay sure whatever yes these metaphors come from something sure but also, how gawd dayum boring would it be if we had to explain each impressionistic thought? it's called being an artist people BEING AN ARTIST! jesus fucking squares calm down. BAHAHAH.
other things: it occurred to me you may quite deeply feel like Bob yourself, now that i know you wish for exodus, and understand more cleary how much it prolly hella bothers you all this PR people in your face demanding opinions and your time n shit. was it in a weird way a spiritual release to get this energy out from yourself into the world? release prolly isnt the right word, you're still trapped, but perhaps idk alignment? synthesis? let's just say this, we know this role is not a coincidence on many levels. Additionally, i am wondering if you see me in Sylvie because i am the not famous normie girl not tainted by your world of fame and power. oh me oh me oh meeee the stoop photos really truly did melt my heart :) the nails were hot ngl. and dont want transactional relationships? shiet, awkward :(((((( it's okay my baby boi im never leaving you :)
Okay additionally i cannot deny my personal inspiration from Bob. From the interview, i was struck by the comments about tryna answer what it means to have special talents and how it can lift or destroy you. Loved this: "And instead of me trying to answer that question, which I truly believe is unanswerable, I think that we try to answer, when we come across someone like that, who’s got some kind of artistic tiger by the tail and seems on a kind of rocket ship compared to us mortals *(LOL)*, how does it affect us and our feelings about existence, our own validity? Jealousy, worship, idolatry, obsession, love, all these things can be the result of this kind of superpower that a character can have."
Well shit dicks dog, watch out for that FUCKING TIGER! Tigers are DANGEROUS. Grr grr like so totally grrrrrr. LOL. First off Amadeus is one of my all time faves, i always loved his laugh in this, wait shit my laugh is kinda getting weird like that, okay that's cool actually. Second off, tbh ngl when i read this my immediate thought was i want to be that person LOL / i kinda know i will be. you already are hella hella hella LOL WHAT A BURDEN LOLLLLLL ahahhaa. it's hot LOL. i know i'm gunna become so much more hella talented than i am rn n like my theory jazz knowledge will make me über über level magical talent vibes, it is a heavy burden but tbh and this is the main thing i wanted to share in relation to you: I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY I GET TO BE A FREELANCE ARTIST ON MY OWN GAWD DAYUM TIME WITH MY HOT FAMOUS HUBBY AND NEVER HAVE TO TOUR OR DO PRESS WHEN I DON WANNA BECAUSE THE INTERNET IS A BLESSING AND MY LIFE CIRCUMSTANCE IS DIFFERENT! I AM FREE AND I WILL REMAIN FREE!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! heheheheh. tbh i am so excited to see the scenes in this where bob is smoking a cig wearing the shades being like wow. wow yall wow. hahaha cuz that is indeed hella frustrating, which you would know from your own lyfe, and i know we will have to do press conferences like that too one day (i am so so so stoked to see your portrayal of Bob's moody and hardworking capricorn energy in this LOL) but there's also youtube and i am more than happy to explain all my metaphor shit because my dominant function in extroverted feeling so in that way i am different than him. tbh i dont imagine press conferences going poorly with me because i'll probably just make everyone crack up the entire time. hehe!
wow just realized he's a gemini. BAHAH fucking figure THAT one out PRESS TROLLLLLLLLLLL i lav that so much LOL. Gemini Rights, Lacy it up and FOCK OFF. all the chart sites are different but i think he has hella gemini and taurus. represent and respect. i need to confirm if his mars is in pisces, cuz that would be VERY interesting. anyways. oh and his mercury for communication is i think also in gemini which i feel like will be the entire plot of this movie TROLL I LOVE IT SSSSSSM! i feel like because i relate to having an inner thing that others don't understand. i relate to Bob and i highly respect it. idk wat can i say? it's just an artist thang (troll). im assuming/know you feel the same way. what im tryna say is that reading this article and seeing the trailer made it clear to me that this movie will hella guide me as i navigate my future of fame, which will be useful regardless of not signing deals or touring personally. we all fucking know everyone on the planet is going to ask about the lore and why why why. if i tell people i believe in the simulation i might look stupid, so that will be the one we'll need to navigate carefully, just like bob tip toes around his own artistry which i imagine is also THE major plot in this movie. love it. which by the way, i saw an interview in which he said he "made a pack with the man". or something. he is locked into the spirit realm, fo sho. no shit the squares dont get him. LOL.
lastly, i would like to address the Mrinmöy spirit connection to Bob as i had mentioned many times in the past, and how think it relates to what i saw in the trailer and... you Timmy! I do not think that Mrinmöy *necessarily* needs to have a perhaps... broodiness that i imagine you bring to Bob as he faces the onslaught of the world. However, there are still immense inner similarities. Mrinmöy (and Sunnï technically) have gone on many many side quests and learnt about the higher nature of reality through metaphor, and this leads to a secret wisdom that somehow needs to be shared with the world. also a burden. We have talked about this, but Bob's connection to divine metaphor and music and peculiar storytelling in ways that is hard to simply understand because it is so unique to him is his way in which he has connected to the higher magical realm. your spirit identity timothée does literally the exact same thing. you are writing it in the book, which i highly encourage you to include hella poetry because it is more mystical, and now you have amazing amazing useful guitar skills too to further explore this divine connection, on top of your amazing singing voice (still so impressed with your singing in the trailer). Now, what i think is interesting to reflect upon, is the ways in which we can *integrate* what we have learnt from this movie (which i know is ridiculous for me to say cuz i havent see it but to prompt your own reflection) similar the ways we have learnt from Dune. We can now take it for granted that, similar to Bob, you already do and now in different ways through writing the books and connecting with Félix and Mrinmöy have special secret identities that everyone in the entire world will inquire about. I accept my own responsibility for technically giving them do you. AND i think this movie will hella help me navigate what this struggle will be, SO THANK YOU FOR THAT! JESUS! and so let's finish with some reflection questions:
-What have you learnt from playing Bob that has helped you navigate your multiple identities? What visions do you have of the future that are similar to how things went down with Bob, and how would you like to play yourself differently to avoid his troubles? Or are there things you'd like to keep the same?
-How do you with authenticity and openness and just the right amount of distance share your special talent in a way that maximizes the magic of the talent? Do we have a responsibility to be open or hold back at all? How do we (and *should* we?) share magic talent?
-What have you learnt from playing Bob that has given insight into Mrinmöy? As a wise man, how does Mrinmöy navigate his power with grace? How do YOU see Mrinmöy being connected to Bob? What are your visions telling you? Why why why did we fall off the tower when you were filming this? How does Bob help transform the society (how does he see systems of power and patriarchy?) Did Bob give any insight into the patriarchy in a way? In what ways did the cultural tides of the 60's inspire you to be a "change-maker" in the future? Is "change-maker" a dangerous word? What have you learnt from Bob being lost in the sauce and how can we use that learning to integrate... something in ways similar or different? What is your vision knowing we will be bombarded by the world seeking answers? what is your responsibility and...
WHAT WILL YOU YOU TEACH ME?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! ToT ToT ToT :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Oh My Timmy, I truly love the trailer and i feel so blue balled and.... I CANT WAIT TO SEE THE MOVIE!!!!!!!!
I know we fell off the tower right when you were filming this. what a fucking troll. i am so so sorry. and again i am sorry for making the oscar comment when the sky fell, for some reason i thought filming was just wrapping up. im really truly so sorry for all the stress i inflicted upon you while you were filming this special important movie. i feel so so grateful and upon watching the trailer and reading the article it has really really occurred to me how much this movie will be a central guiding point for me as i navigate a sudden future of fame and for this... i am eternally grateful and SO SO EXCITED!!!!!!! the times are a changing muther fuckers and when my time comes i sure as well wont be a mutha fuckin rollin stone LOL. i dearly hope in our co-artistic career we can make the whole world feel like we're all just knockin on heaven's door :') ;) ;) ;)
My Angel My Love, sending big hugs and kisses to kick start your day wherever you are in the world, my sweet sweet sweetheart, today, every day, and forevermore 🖤 Congratulations!
Je T'aime Timothée! Ps. my flight was delayed to 10pm tonight, gunna pack all my shit up except my laptop and usb and do some extra recording this afternoon. hehe!
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erraticgiggle · 2 years
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  〖  rami  malek.  cismale.  he/her.  ┇  that’s  ARO  ,  an  ORIGINAL  VAMPIRE  that  just  blew  out  24(  1000+  )  candles  on  their  last  birthday.  i  heard  them    listening  to  KNIFE  PARTY  BY  DEFTONES  the  other  day.    rumor  on  the  street  is  that  HE    sides  with  t/he  VOLTURI  in  this  time  of  war.  they  remind  me  of  manipulation  has  seen  no  bounds  worse  than  yours,  cheery  disposition  is  fraud  to  the  knowing  eye,  a  keen  eye  for  oppositional  pollution,  the  king  of  kings,  defiance  ends  in  beautiful  bloodshed.
first off can i just say how TRASH my boy is ? aro is seemingly very boisterous however these  energetic & loud behaviors act more as a dramatic façade to disguise the anxiousness & displacement he’s been feeling a lot of lately. my portrayal of aro is a lot less , mind the silly ass blog title i gave him ---- he’s not as i guess kiddish. 
aro barely gets his hands dirty , in the events he does it means whatever has happened is pretty personal , aro hates the idea of hybrids ( save for his children being heretics ) but the idea of the stench of  wolf + the strength of a vampire is less than amusing to aro and does cause reasonable room for anxiety since the wolf bite IS in fact lethal to all vampires. 
aro doesn’t care about many things. to a certain degree he does *feel* things but it doesnt necessarily mean that in conjunction that feelings are relevant for long periods of time. he switches himself back and forth. i do think that the wc witch i have - she is one of the few things aro tries his hardest to emulate love for --- however the extent of how far that goes is truly unforeseeable.
a change to aro is - when jane and alec were young they belonged to the gemini coven , they’re both witches to their own right and have always had miraculous powers. he watched them for a while and found himself utmost bewildered by them. as some time past and research was made , he started to understand how the gemini coven worked and learned that one of the twins would be sacrificed during to what their coven refers as a “merger”. aro finally made his appearance and offered the two young witch immortality , and in return of their devotion he would save them from this horrible procedure. both in agreeance , aro turnd both jane & alec making them the first ever known vampire / witch hybird. 
key differences : aro wild man, he rules with an iron thumb but i think he can be in some situations more forgiving and less in others. i think hes utterly fascinated with witch craft. hes kinda a pig ngl / i think he loves to sleep around , hes def more of an asshole. he lets time progress and acts with the times. aka he has a cell phone , computers , doesnt talk like all old-timey. still giddy but less i’d say. 
connections -
f buddies - he’s probably got a plethora of women for this in my imagination
werewolves & witches & other vampires who want to help him in aid of stopping klaus get his way of making a hybird army. 
marcus !!!!
someone who willingly lets him feed off of them straight from the vein bc mf is EXTRA as shit
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
(3)—and so they’ve never really had convo’s unless they get invited to hang out w/ their mutual friends. so maybe it makes them think if they’ve done anything wrong to her, but in reality it’s just her way of coping when she starts to genuinely like someone? so if she avoids them, she thinks it will get rid of her crush on them? it’s your choice if it’s the reader or the guy that’ll confess! ☺️ anyways, god bless and i hope you have a good day xx
on avoiding your crush with oikawa, kuroo, akaashi, and terushima
a/n: ngl this one is kinda long that’s why it took a while to post, but i like spoiling you guys so enjoy :))
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— o. tooru
you were never really the type to confess your feelings to someone as not doing anything about your feelings and forgetting them is much easier that having to suffer the consequences of rejection or heartbreak
this was especially prevalent when the boy you’re literally head over heels for is in fact none other than the golden boy of seijoh himself, oikawa tooru
homeboy has a literal entourage of girls following around all the time
they literally give him sweet little gifts like baked goods and cute little knickknacks, not to mention a lot of them are super pretty and attractive
like how the hell could you compete with that many girls ??
not to mention you had always come to believe that oikawa was into more outspoken and lively girls granted his own personality
that dynamic of you being the quiet one in the relationship with him being the loud one was something you thought oikawa wasn’t looking for,, it honestly made you want to give up your feelings for him completely
mind you, you literally CANNOT escape this man
not only was he talked about a lot among your classmates, but by some form of sheer luck and faith, you two were both in the same friend group
you honestly had no idea how the hell you were part of it in the first place, but during first year you just magically became part of this friend group composed of oikawa, iwaizumi, mattsukawa, and a couple of other girls from your year
anyone that attended seijoh with half a brain cell would know that the friend group you were in was definitely the popular crowd
you couldn’t help but feel some sort of impostor syndrome as you weren’t exactly the most popular, if anything people only knew you as the quiet girl in oikawa’s group
that definitely didn’t mean that anyone in your circle was rude to you in any way
everyone in your friend group would literally die for you as you’re genuinely the sweetest person they have ever met
like if they hear anyone talk shit about you, they’re immediately #protecty/n2020 !!
yet despite being in the same circle of friends, you and oikawa rarely talk. hell, you guys are barely considered acquaintances let alone friends
you liked to stick around the girls of the group more as the only guy you actually talked to in your circle was iwaizumi and that was it
this obviously led oikawa to believe that he had done something to you that made you avoid him at all costs
the thing is, he always had this problem with since the start of your first year together, but recently it had been affecting him more than he had thought considering he would’ve been used to it by now in his third year
perhaps it was the way he would watch you giggle at something matsukawa whispered in your ear, or the fact that you literally had a secret handshake with iwaizumi, or often shared some of the snacks you bought with your girl friend but did absolutely nothing with him
it irked him to his very core that the one he had always was the most found with in his group of friends was someone who avoided him at all costs
he would spend his breaks during practice to exasperatedly vent to iwaizumi about how adorable your laugh was and how envious he was that he couldn’t make you laugh
or how whenever you would sometimes greet iwaizumi with a hug but completely pass by him would literally make him chase after you
“Y/N!! where’s my hug??” 
yeah he’s that type of guy, but in a good way tho lmao
and in the midst of oikawa telling his best friend how much he just wanted to be your friend made iwaizumi roll his eyes
“the way you talk about (y/n) makes it sound like you like her,” he would mutter nonchalantly as he sipped at his water bottle
iwaizumi would flicker his gaze towards oikawa to see the capillaries in his cheeks literally burst, tinting his cheeks all pink 
he had to stop himself from snorting out a laugh as iwa may or may not have known about your crush on seijoh’s golden boy himself
the way he had find out was pretty simple considering you and iwa were walking side by side near the back of the group as they were walking towards somewhere to eat
the girls and mattsun in the front were too busy teasing oikawa, that they weren’t really paying attention to you and iwa lagging behind
“you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but why do you avoid him?” iwaizumi asked gently. as he was the only guy in the group that you trusted, he didn’t want to ruin it by forcing an answer out of you knowing how you were
immediately, your cheeks heated you lowered your voice down into a mere whisper. “promise me you won’t tell anyone,” iwa nodded before bringing his ear down so you could whisper in his ear. “i really like oikawa and...” you paused, almost hesitating and you don’t exactly know why
but fortunately, iwa was super patient with you like he’s literally a homie
“i’ve liked him since our first year and i figured avoiding him would make me lose feelings. but the thing is, it’s been three years and i still like that idiot.” you sighed, and yet for once you didn’t expect the worst as you knew you could trust iwa with valuable information like that
he nods, pinching his pointer finger and his thumb together before pretending to lock his lips. “you’re secret safe with me, (y/n).”
so here iwa was now, attempting to provoke something in oikawa 
it was then the coach had blown the whistle, signalling that break time was over and they had to get back on court for their last practice game
oikawa cleared his throat as they stood up, flickering a look towards his best friend as he suddenly remembered the times he felt envious of him. “what if i do like (y/n)?”
iwaizumi feigned a smirk on his lips, “then confess to her before i do.” (he wasn’t actually going to lol)
and lemme tell you sumn, even though this was just a practice game, oikawa played as if his life depended on it
as if having you depended on it
and per usual, oikawa’s team won in the end and every day after volleyball practice, you and the rest of the girls would walk in and wait for the rest of the boys to get ready so you can all get food
there you were in all your glory, you hair blew gently behind you due to the air conditioned gym. you were waiting patiently and you definitely didn’t mind waiting as the boys had to clean up after themselves, but you swore you had never seen oikawa clean up faster in his life
once the vb team finished and your circle of friends were on your way out of school, oikawa purposely lagged behind the group as he stood next to you to your surprise
he was usually leading the group, but for once he was at the end with you. giving you a smile, to which you quickly avoided, oikawa quickly rested his hand around you
“hey (y/n)?” he says as you try your best to hide the sudden onset of heat rising to your cheeks
“hm?” you hummed, attempting to not give much of a reaction. maybe then he would leave you alone and your feelings for him would finally disappear
oikawa brought his lips to your ear, “do you know how long i’ve liked you?”
and immediately you froze, forcing oikawa to stop walking too and making the gap between you and the rest of the group to widen. you shake the thought out of your head, he’s probably playing around, you thought before continuing down the road
“shut it, oikawa.” you pulled yourself out of his grasp only to be pulled back in by him
“i’m serious, (y/n). i’ve liked you for a while now and it’s been absolute torture seeing you be closer to iwa and mattsun rather than me.” muttered oikawa, almost feeling embarrassed himself despite experiencing many confessions himself
perhaps maybe this time he was the one confessing and not the other way around
— k. tetsurou
where do i even start with this man
there was something always so compelling about kuroo, that you really couldn’t resist his good looks and to how kind he treated you
granted, you were the manager for nekoma’s volleyball team so maybe it was a given, but there is no denying the fact that you were irrevocably head over heels for the captain
your feelings for him initially formed in the middle of your first year at nekoma and the volleyball team’s manager was already in their last yer and preparing to leave so they needed a replacement
at first you said no, but kuroo, who was also a first year and in the same class as you literally begged for you to join. he mentioned how fun it would be, especially with him around
from the way your heart bounded in place within the confines of your ribs, to the way your cheeks often heated up whenever you were around him, even kenma (who you didn’t even meet until your second year) had already seen through you
fortunately, kenma was always the kind to mind his own business and stay in his lane. in fact, he had actually been a big help in you vying for kuroo’s attention but you both eventually got tired of how daft the captain had been
instead, you aimed to just avoid kuroo as much as possible for the time being, perhaps your feelings for him from the past three years would finally disappear and you can finally move on with your life
but it was safe to say you were not anticipating how hard it was going to be
not only were the nekoma’s volleyball manager and had to interact with the captain, you and kenma were also close friends. and when it comes to being friends with kenma, kuroo is more or less with him as well which made it inevitably more difficult
momma didn’t raise no bitch tho, so you powered through and avoided kuroo as best as you could and only talked to him if it involved school or volleyball
this was technically the worst form of silent treatment where it wasn’t full on ignoring (which honestly isn’t that bad cause you tended to forget about the person anyway) but this kind of silent treatment where you are constantly reminded of it because you had to talk once in a while was literally killing kuroo slowly
he was always a social person and usually respected and didn’t mind those who wanted to distance themselves from him, but once it came from you, it was literally game over
he believed that you were the second closest person to him besides kenma (and excluding the rest of the vb team) and the fact that you don’t even like making eye contact with him makes him feel dejected
especially when your actions really came abrupt as one day you were laughing and hanging out with him to giving him the cold shoulder and only talking to kenma
kuroo genuinely thought he had done something to you 
eventually, after volleyball practice where everyone had to clean up, he would deliberately slowed down and waited until you and him were the last ones in the gymnasium
“(y/n),” he called out to you as you finished putting all the stray balls into it’s respective basket
your eyes widened into saucers as your pulse suddenly increased, turning around to face the tall captain, you had to force a mellow look upon your face
he held the net in his hands, “could you help me with this?”
you didn’t even mutter a response as you only nodded. you hated how you had to act so cold to him, but it was what you had to do in order to leave your feelings for him behind
your train of thought went like this: it was only a couple months before your third year ended anyway, might as well forget about him
walking past the captain, you bent down and grabbed the other end of the net and you two began folding it in quietly
kuroo was going to spark a conversation, but he surprisingly found that silence blanketing you two to be comforting. he couldn’t take his eyes off of you each and every time the net had gotten shorter and shorter
eventually you two met in the middle, your eyes were directly looking at his broad chest you had hesitantly flickering a glance up at him
“stop ignoring me,” kuroo said in almost a harsh whisper
your cheeks flared red as you looked away shyly, pulling the net along with you and out of his hands. “i’m not ignoring you.”
“yes, you are.” he presses, “we were fine before, but now you don’t even talk to me anymore... did i do something wrong?”
you couldn’t help but notice that slight hurt in his serious tone that made you look back to him. your eyebrows furrow as suddenly your throat felt incredibly dry
“you didn’t do anything wrong,” you answered while kuroo approached you closer
“then what is it?” he scoffs dejectedly, placing his hands on his hips as he searched your expression for any answer. it was then his eyes widened larger than ever as he felt the rhythm of his heart quicken, “holy shit,” he sighed, “did you find out?”
confusion melted over your visage as you looked up at him, “find out what?”
“lev and yaku probably told you didn’t they?”
you were still not following, “told me what?”
“that i like you!” he exclaimed, his sudden confess echoing throughout the empty gym as everything went silent. the only sound surrounding you two was the air conditioning circulating around you two as you were completely frozen in place
you mouth ran slightly agape and undeniably speechless at the mere fact that that just happened. you certainly weren’t expecting it as your cheeks heated up for the umpteenth time, you swore they were never going to be given a break anytime soon.
meanwhile, whilst you were in a state of utter shock, the worst was spiraling inside kuroo psyche. with how long the silence fell upon you two, he couldn’t help but to feel that you were just thinking of a nice way to reject him
“look (y/n), i--” he was immediately cut off by you throwing a light punch to his chest, your eyes had fallen to the floor to hide the burning red sensation tinting your ears and cheeks
“i like you too, idiot.” you mutter, almost feeling a shiver down your spine as kuroo held your hand that was on his chest. “why do you think i was avoiding you for so long?”
— a. keiji
as i’ve mentioned in previous headcanons, homeboy is BLUNT
and he would definitely call you out on your shit with avoiding him and all
despite being on the quieter side, he does like conversing with other people with his amiable witticisms and classical one-liners whenever he would pop into a conversation
usually people (specifically ones he’s not entirely close to) would get annoyed by this, which is why he’s quiet in the first place. but when he first met you, you played off of his words. for once, akaashi was surprised by this and was immediately compelled by you
meanwhile, you were good friends with bokuto, which was the only reason why you had gotten to know the setter in the first place. you were well aware that he was bo’s best friend and was genuinely surprised how nuanced the pair was
eventually, you had come to take a liking for the boy as he was always quiet and a bit mysterious, yet whenever he talked it would always make you laugh or melt a smirk on your face
you were a year older and in the same year as bokuto, so to you it always seemed a bit weird to date someone younger than you. you always pined yourself as someone who would rather date older guys or someone around your age, but this was definitely an exception
however, you definitely didn’t like the idea of perhaps confessing to akaashi and then leaving in a couple months for college. it honestly seemed like a waste of time to get into a relationship especially in this time of the school year, so had decided to do something you had always done:
avoid your feelings until they disappear into oblivion
it would make things easier on both of your parts anyway, you were in your last year of high school and on your way to college while akaashi had the possibility of taking over the captain spot next year and had to focus on his final year
besides, despite knowing him for a good two years, you could never tell whether or not he liked you (even as a friend)
so here you were, acting suspiciously cold and avoiding your underclassman who, for once, is vying for you attention and you aren’t even noticing
whenever you were around bokuto, akaashi would purposely try to be in the conversation more and maybe even try to stand closer to you than before. he would often ignore the slight aching jealousy in his gut whenever you and bokuto messed around during lunch
honestly, homie doesn’t even know he has feelings for you and just simply thinks he did something wrong that you don’t want to interact with him anymore
he eventually went to bokuto about it, “does (y/n) hate me?”
and perhaps his best friend had to feign laughing right in akaashi’s face at this, “why would you think that?”
“well, she’s avoiding me and i don’t like it.”
one of bokuto’s eyebrows lift as he gave akaashi a look, “why don’t you ask her yourself?”
the setter sighs, “but she’s an upper--”
“since when were you scared of third years?” the alabaster haired boy chuckles, “c’mon akaashi, you’re a big boy now. deal with that yourself.”
the second year grumbles as he pushing himself off his chair, “fine.” he mutters as he made his way out of bo’s classroom and towards the courtyard where you sometimes hung out during lunch
he immediately spotted your figure talking among other third year girls, eyes never leaving you as he made his way over.
“excuse me, can i borrow (y/n) for a minute?” he asked, his height looming over you and the others as they gave you a look.
a sigh left your lips as you excused yourself and went with akaashi. you didn’t bother speaking to him as you simply just followed him into an empty hallway
“do you know how rude it is to ignore people, senpai?” he starts, provocation lacing his words as you gave him a look. he was well aware of the fact that you lowkey didn’t like being called senpai, so he was definitely saying just to get you riled up
“eh,” you shrug, trying to act nonchalant as possible. “it depends on who and why you’re ignoring them.”
“why are you ignoring me then?” he interrogates you.
and you weren’t entirely sure if it was his height towering over you or the way his words were leaving your mouth that made your heart skip a beat, you had almost forgot his was your kouhai
akaashi peered his eyes at how sus you were being, “because??”
you sigh, ripping your eyes away from him as you thought to yourself briefly. you definitely couldn’t continue looking at him as each beat that passes you felt the rhythm of your heart quicken. was he really affecting you this much?
you considered this: you were in the your last and final year with the possibility of not seeing akaashi ever again once you graduate. despite it being a bit bittersweet, telling him your feelings would possibly lift some weight off your shoulders and you didn’t have to worry about it anymore
looking back at him, you swallowed your pride. fuck it
“because i have feelings for you and i’m trying to forget them,” you confess quickly as your arms braided over each other, watching as akaashi’s expression morphed into surprise and almost a mere confusion
“y-you like me?” he asks for a confirmation to which to nod and watch his cheeks and his ears burst into shades of pink and red blush
perhaps you found yourself blushing too with how adorable he was as he cleared his throat to regain his composure
“why were you trying to forget them?” there was a hint of hesitance in his voice as he asked, almost to afraid to know the reason.
bittersweetness suddenly coursed through your veins as you sigh, “i’m going to graduate in a few months, akaashi... i’m going to go away for college while you’re still going to be here and i’m not sure if we’re actually going to see each other again.”
“we can if we tried,” he mutters quietly as there was still an inch of hope within him. “we can still make it work.”
“you think so?”
“i know so.”
— t. yuuji
you had now idea how the hell you had come to like someone like terushima yuuji
not only was he incredibly loud and a bit childish in nature, he was an absolute fuckboy
it should’ve been a big enough turn off, but perhaps you somehow liked how he would remember the little things whenever he would annoy the shit out of you everyday
like how you always got melon buns for lunch, he would always buy you one before you even had the chance. or how he knew your favorite subject was math, despite you never mentioning to him. or how he knew that there was always a kick in your step whenever you were in a good mood.
despite his persistent nature is more likely to come off as arrogant and annoying, sometimes his assertiveness comes to be beneficial at times
like that one time you were walking home during the night and a pair of creepy older dudes kept asking you for your number, terushima (who was also going home after volleyball practice) had come to help you
his persistence in making sure the guys left you alone had worked and perhaps the way he wrapped his arm around you protectively had your heart pumping faster than you anticipated
that was when you had finally come to the conclusion that you had feelings for some fuckboy name terushima yuuji, who literally annoyed you to your core
knowing damn well that terushima wasn’t going anywhere, you figured that if you avoided him enough, that your feelings for him would eventually go away
you supposed it was because of his usual nature, constantly flirting around with other girls before eventually getting bored of them. it then rang into your head, wondering when terushima would eventually get bored of you
perhaps there was an aching his your heart when you thought about it, but in your brain you wished for him to forget about you. if anything, it would’ve made loosing your feelings for the blond boy to go away easier
your avoidance and lack of interaction with terushima definitely did not unnoticed by him. if anything, it made him want to talk to you more
he would literally shower you with melon buns and snacks during lunch, to which you would politely decline and walk away from him. he would greet you everyday in the mornings, to which you would simply flicker him a look before brushing past him
for once, terushima felt challenged when it came it you and only fueled his yearning to get back to that stage of comfortably throwing his arm over your shoulder
it even got to the point of you ignoring him enough that you started talking to another guy in your class, with how comfortable you are with the new dude as you were playfully handsy and giggled loudly at his jokes
perhaps he felt a bit jealous that someone else was making you act like. terushima wanted that to be him
it was like a wave of emotions had tumbled over him as he saw you and the boy walking with a group of others in front of him. he swiftly caught up and pulled you away from the group fast enough that they didn’t notice
“terushima?” you said breathlessly
“i like you, (y/n).” he went straight to the point. there was no reason to beat around the bush any longer as you and him were finally alone together and he didn’t know whether he would have this chance ever again, “i like you a lot, so stop ignoring me.”
“y-you like me?” you repeat, you eyebrows suddenly furrowing. “is this a joke?”
homie couldn’t help but notice the slight worry lacing your voice, as if he wasn’t serious and just playing you. he was well away of his reputation and certainly did not want it to get in the way of you and him. 
“i’m serious.” he reassures, “there’s a reason why you’re the only one i haven’t gotten bored of.”
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frenchphobic · 4 years
long fucking post on why a c!dream is a shitty person and probably should not have a redemption because it is unpog
honestly i just want to refute dream apologists thats why im making this post. i think that dream as a villain is interesting but i think that trying to make him out to be secretly a good guy is just bad ngl. also /roleplay and all
tw for abuse and mentions of suicide
dream as a villain
dream is a villain. he is chaotic evil according to wilbur, deliberately does not stream to appear less sympathetic (and yet), and is set up as an antagonist to tommy who bears the title ‘hero’. dream is not a good person, no matter how you look at it or try to justify his actions.
‘but he wants to unite everyone to be a big family :((’ the ends dont justify the means believe it or not. having a vaguely positive goal does not excuse the actions you’ve done. it also goes hand and hand with saying dream is correct for punishing tommy the way he did because he acted up. if i socked you across the face and then suddenly said ‘sorry there was a roach on ur face’ does that make it okay? probably not i still punched you, enacting an unnecessary amount of violence. thats a very simple analogy i will admit and there are more complex comparisons. another example off the top of my head is say a child just scribbled all over you walls with crayons. would hitting them be a justified answer? if u said hes thats really fucked of u go seek help u loon. violence as a punishment is very toxic, just because it gets the job done does not mean it is okay. at the end of the day, you still committed this act and the harm you caused is real, having a good motive doesnt suddenly make it okay.
‘but tommy causes all of the conflict’ the disk war wasnt even caused by tommy, it was sapnap and then tommy got involved. and the reason why tommy even caused conflict was because of the discs, because he wanted them back. and most of the time there was a level of antagonism from another party, such as schlatt exiling him, dream taking the disks in the first place, dream threatening l’manberg. and if dream wanted to end the conflict so badly, why didnt he just give tommy back his disks? tommy upfront said everything started with the disks, so he wants them back so he could end the conflict. notice how after tommy got his disks back he has been staying out of conflict, apologizing to everyone, and the only bad thing hes done is try to scam people but everyone does that. this would have been the most peaceful option, yet dream chose the path that would further antagonize tommy which then draws everyone else into conflict. why did dream need to have leverage over tommy so badly? why did he want to hold power over tommy so badly? its because of control, and that’s ultimately dreams end goal. sure he wants a big server family, but would said family have a free will?
‘but dream is sad’ the thing is dream is completely at fault for everything that happened to him. he pushed away sapnap (and george ig). he tried to take control over the server and their possessions. literally everything that happened to tommy. literally everything involving ranboo. villains can be sympathetic, i am not arguing against that. but it does not mean that they should be left off the hook. that doesnt mean u should ignore the shit theyve done because ‘oh no theyre sad’ because it doesnt make anything better. dream had this shit coming for him.
now people also skirt around calling dream an abuser. which is fair ig, its a very loaded word. its much easier to say manipulated. that being said, dream can classify as abusive. and no, tommy is not abusive. abuse is about control and a power imbalance. dream has power over tommy, but tommy does not have power over dream, at least not in the way dream does. he’s taking back power to stand up for himself, dream uses power to control.
the reasons i listed for why dream is from the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project so if u want a source on that, there you go.
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using coercion or threats: dream often threatened tommy, such as the pit thing and often employed violence on him. while normally this could be attributed to Normal Minecraft Player Go Smack. minecraft mechanics cannot always translate to real world since violence is pretty normal in minecraft however we also need to consider the context of the scene. dream gave an order, tommy refused, dream applies violence, tommy submitted. thats why its a threat, it has tangible effects that can correlate to real life.
using intimidation: dream blew up logsteadshire as a punishment. dream also destroyed tommys items anytime he visited. dream also hit tommy with his axe i believe. he killed mushroom henry, one of tommys pets.
Using Emotional Abuse: dream guiltripped the shit out of tommy for just hiding things and pinning the blame on tommy for just wanting his own private items. he definitely played mind games on tommy, pretending to be his friend. honestly i probably dont even need to go as in depth because it was so obvious.
Using Isolation: putting him in exile in the first place. destroying the bether portal so no one could visit tommy anymore. i really dont think i need to expand upon that.
Minimizing, Denying, and Blaming: dream in tommys stream when he got trapped said that exile wasnt that bad. he does shift the blame onto tommy for logsteadshire being blown up, even though dreams reaction was entirely unjustified for not listening and hiding.
Using Economic Abuse: see this is where i attempt to parallel minecraft mechanics to real life. obviously, there is no monetary system in place, so when i mean economic, i will use valuables such as armor, food, etc in place of currency. the idea behind economic abuse is to limit the victim’s resources so that they are dependent on the abuser and cannot escape. dream only really allowed tommy to have the armor he gave him while not giving access to armor so he does not regain a sense of power, and in the prison stream, dream holds all the potatoes which puts him in a position of power over tommy. this argument is more ambiguous i feel cause the whole minecraft mechanics thing is kinda weird so u don’t necessarily have to take this part in.
i feel like i need to emphasize this very strongly because dream is not a good person. abuse cannot and should not be a response to someone. its an awful mentality to have. i just want to prove the point that dream is not a good person, his reasons absolutely do not justify his actions.
what makes a good redemption
redemption arcs are tricky. when done right they are great. when done poorly, its a slap in the face. rn im going to establish a formula to what makes a good redemption with an example.
the most well known example of a good redemption is zuko from atla. first, its the magnitude of what theyve done and why. zuko did commit some shitty actions, since he was in a position of power in the fire nation but its because he is a child being abused and wanted to regain honor. zukos real awful acts was season 1 and the whole betrayal thing. thats not to say that zukos actions suddenly are okay, he did shitty things. but its something that can be traced to a higher entity or seem less malicious then the other villains. the thing also about the magnitude of actions is that there is a certain point of atrocities that there is no redemption. some people simply cannot be redeemed because the actions they commit are so ingrained in their character or the action itself has serious moral issues that it would just be wrong.
the next is acknowleding what they did was wrong. a genuine reflection on the self and analyzing what they did and why it was not okay. zuko realized what he did to uncle iroh was bad for example. he turned his back on his father, realizing he didnt and shouldnt seek acknowledgment from someone as heinous as him. its pointing out your actions and going ‘hey, this wasnt right i should not have done this’ and not even excusing ur actions. its also going straight for the root of the problem and figuring out to stamp it from the source. just because a character is sad does not mean they are reflecting, sometimes they are attempting to garner pity. it has to be direct and clear acknowledgement of the injustice.
and finally, an important part about redemption arcs is the actual redemption part. its when you make amends. zuko made amends with katara by trying to help her get revenge, he fought against the fire nation and tried to make things more peaceful in his rule. he apologized to iroh. an important part of the amends section is that it does have to be a genuine desire to change and become a better person, not to change a person’s perception of you. the thing is u cant expect a person youve hurt to forgive you. you cant expect people to be sympathetic towards you nor should u attempt to make urself sympathetic. u shouldnt be expecting a pat on the back or an award. redemption is about internal and character change.
why dream should not be redeemed
ive already established the key points to a good redemption (imo) but heres where dream falls short. his actions are extremely heavy so redemption may not even really be possible. abuse is not something you can wave off so it does cross to the point of fucked up. acknowledgement of what he did was wrong? all he said was that he changed, yet never explained why he changed or was too vague. he needed to label specifically what he did and bring it up. attempting to make amends? he’s been doing the exact opposite in fact he continues to manipulate tommy and ranboo. its not a genuine change. he is still repeating the cycle and has given no indication of ceasing. at the moment he does not have any signs of redemption.
and the thing is most of the attention around a dream redemption comes from either justifying his motives (which i do want to emphasize does not make anything suddenly okay) and because he is sad in prison sad face. these are not good reasons. its gonna pain me severely to bring this up but snape from harry potter does have some form of sad character ig yet he very much abused his authority to bully children as old as 11 just because he said ‘aight gonna die’ doesnt suddenly make his general bigotry and abuse suddenly okay there is a threshold. again im so sorry for using harry potter as an example none were coming to mind and i needed a popular one i do not like harry potter please dont say i do i would pass away.
and the last thing to consider is the audience. keep in mind that the audience is composed of minors and while yes there are adults, minors are the main component of the fandom. keep in mind that there are quite a few people who can relate to tommys character because they might be in the same position or have gone through his experiences. tell me what kind of message does it send to that audience that abusers can be redeemed. this is not a narrative u should push to this audience in these situations and the writers are seemingly aware of it. remember how in exile tommy spiraled into a suicidal mentality? consider how fucked of a message it would be if he just committed suicide instead of escaping abuse and attempting to recover from his experiences. tommy did an excellent job in not going that route and having a message of ‘it will not get better’. its the same thing here. victims are not obligated to care for or forgive their abuser, and portraying an abuser as sympathetic might fuck with the message a lot, even change their perception in that ‘oh, maybe my abuser was right, maybe they had a reason for treating me the way they did’. this is not to say that every victim watching this will internalize this message, but people also look up to these characters. there can be a degree of influence from the story onto oneself and thats the dangerous part.
all in all dream is a shitbag asshole and probably shouldnt get a redemption because it would not be pog thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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korijime · 4 years
—anam cara
(gaelic) a person with whom you can share your thoughts, feelings and dreams with ; your soul friend or mate
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d. kunikida, bungou stray dogs
implied insecurities
wc ; five hundred and thirty five words
dt ; @t-amajiki
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riyuu says ; aaaahhh, this was a hard one to write, kinda. i think i made him pretty ooc, ngl. but gere’s literally woke up and said “good morning i’m in love with kunikida” so i just had to do it
this is more or less self-indulgent in the aspect of the dialogue being either heavily referenced or straight up pulled from my conversations with gere, and i’m sure they’ll know which bits weren’t changed. and yes i do imagine myself as kunikida in this situation no i do not regret it.
thank you to @himichii for helping me with the two minute heart attack i had when i realised i didn’t know what his given name was and they helped me settle for ‘kida’ instead. that was fun.
2/3 fics for gere’s birthday, multifandom type beat. happy birthday, gere. i hope you like it. ♡
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“darling, why are you awake?”
you turned at the sound of his voice, a lazy smile pulling at your lips when you saw him standing in the dimly-lit hallway, trying to fix his hair.
“mm, couldn’t sleep. had some things on my mind.”
“things such as?”
you let out a soft chuckle, turning back towards the balcony. night-time yokohama was truly a sight to behold, one you wouldn’t trade for a lot.
“ahh, ‘kida, don’t ask such questions. you already know the answer.”
his tired expression pulled into a frown, as he stared at your back and wondered as to why someone as amazing as you would have such thoughts.
he gently approached the balcony, moving to stand beside you. you turned your head towards him, watching as the cool breeze blew through his hair, as it did yours.
“..what is it?” you questioned after a long silence of staring at each other.
he looked down at his feet, his hands fiddling with the railing of the balcony.
“why do you think such things? what made you think like that?”
he looked back up to see your reaction the question, and wasn’t surprised to see you looking back at him with soft yet pained eyes, a semblance of a smile on your lips.
“no clue.” your voice was barely above a whisper, perhaps with the intention of not wanting to break the peaceful atmosphere.
no one could blame you for that. nights in yokohama were always pleasantly cold, the kind of night which would make one want to take a walk at three am. not many would, not with the underground organisations running rampant at the same time.
but it is nice to think about. walking under the softened lights of the office buildings, with your loved one by your side as you huddled against them under the guise of being cold.
“you shouldn’t think like that. you are not what you see yourself as, darling. you are so much more.”
“you are to me what the stars are to the galaxy. you are to me what the sun is to the galaxy. you you are my sun during the day for i feel only warmth when i’m around you, and you light up my day. you are my stars during the night for it is you who i look at, you who i try to understand, and you who i think of while i sleep.”
kunikida moved impossibly closer to you, taking your hands in his own, and thus making you face him completely.
“you are made of stars, darling. you are otherworldly, you are ethereal, you are beautiful. please don’t forget that.”
“..are you trying to say i’m an alien?”
an exasperated huff left his lips, which sounded like the mix between a chuckle and a sigh.
“that’s what you got from that?”
“hah, no. thank you, though. i love you.”
“of course, i love you too. let's go back to bed.”
he pulled on your hand and led you away from the balcony, stopping only to close the doors. heading towards your shared bedroom, he only had one last thing to add.
“remember, darling. you are enough. you are my ideal partner.”
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tagged ; @t-amajiki @tokyoghoose @kei7ime @inarizsunarin @tsukkiboii @spicyfoodboi @kakiwrites @lcaita @lnarizakis @kuro0luvr @himichii
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maadorii · 4 years
I Don’t Wanna Be Up No More— t. goshiki x gn! reader
max.note’s: one weird about me is that i like to come up with the idea first and then match it to a character that fits, so, goshiki it is. plus he needs more love. ngl, i’m kinda mad that his debut on my blog is angst cause he DESERVES the world!!! also, i’d like to apologize in advance... you’ll see why ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
synopsis: Where Goshiki is mad at himself (and the world) that he keeps staying up at night thinking about what could’ve been
warnings/tags: angst, post break-up, descriptions of suffocation, goshiki needs a hug desperately
w. count— 630
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goshiki couldn’t breathe. 
it felt as if someone was plunging his head further and further and further down a barrel of water; their hand gripping the inky strands of his hair like a vice, making it harder for him to push or pull away. 
the choked sob that left his throat echoed in the paper-thin silence of his dormitory. the way his breath stuttered as he tried to bring in as much air as possible, but the feeling of water inside his lungs made him cough and hacked, his body hunched over the side of his bed. 
he couldn’t see anything either, the waterfall of tears that never seemed slow down blurring the world around him into a kaleidoscope of mesh grays and black. and when he finally calmed down enough to take in one full breath and exhaling it without much trouble did it dawn upon him. the anger entering his bloodstream.
it’s already been two–– almost three weeks since then, he should’ve been over it by now. he has better things to do and worry about than let his thoughts linger on... you. 
your smile that always brightens up his world when he said something dumb or funny. the way your hand would gently caress his when you studied together on saturday nights, the relaxing beats of lo-fi playing in the background. the warmth surrounding you that melted away the bitter cold that surrounded him––
and there he goes... again. 
he let his mind wander off into things it shouldn’t be thinking, but the dull warmth that made his heart pitter-patter brought him a sense of empty, hollowed happiness. it felt good now, but later, he’ll regret it.
“fuck!” goshiki bellowed into the woeful emptiness, slamming his fist into the wall next to him. the frustration, the sadness, the rage–– the raw, unfiltered rage that was at a low simmer was now bubbling over. 
and it was hot. too hot.
he couldn’t stop himself when he leaped across the room; he couldn’t stop himself when his arm slashed down across his desk, knocking every paper, pen, pencil, and book onto the floor; he couldn’t stop himself from the deafening shout that escaped his mouth, tearing his throat in two. 
and when he came too, the entirety of his dorm was trashed, as if a tornado just blew by. his breaths short and ragged as his body shook from the last of strung-high adrenaline dissipating from his tense body. 
the door opened revealing a shock tendou, semi, and surprisingly ushijima, all wide-eyed and mouth gape. they said nothing as they slowly entered the room, taking in the sight of torn books and turned over furniture. they were greeted by a slumped shoulder goshiki who was on the verge of tears–– on the verge of breaking. to a point where there’s no possible return. 
in his hands, a simple, black picture frame, but tendou knew exactly what was in that frame. 
a picture of them, a picture of you.
“goshiki-kun... what happened––” tendou started, but was interrupted. 
“it won’t stop! it just keeps playing over, over and over again in my head, i can’t eat or sleep! i just want it to end tendou-senpai, why won’t it end?!” goshiki cried, blobs of salty tears dribbling down his round cheeks to meet at the dip of chin before splashing to the ground below, his petal-like lips quivering. 
the redhead didn’t say anything but extend his arms out to his kouhai, who all but fell into them, hanging limply onto his shoulders as his own shivering body convulsed with uncontrollable sobs. 
the sheer pain in his cries, even made someone like ushijima turn his head away, to at least spare the younger with some dignity. 
...just... how bad did you hurt him?
copyright © 2020 maadorii. all rights reserved.
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wolfcha1k · 4 years
Flood and Flame /// Guy x Eep Fanfic
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"You're the fire and the flood
And I'll always feel you in my blood
Everything is fine
When your hand is resting next to mine
Next to mine
You're the fire and the flood"
"Something wrong?" Guy inquired.
She shook her head before resting it on his shoulder, getting comfortable. "No, not really," Eep told him, seeing he didn't look convinced despite all she could really see was the curve of his jawline. "What about you? I have a feeling that it's not just itchy feet bothering you tonight." 
Guy and Eep take some time to sort out their feelings, surviving The End of the World itself can take its toll. There's also matters of the heart... /// Guy x Eep /// Post!Croods but before A New Age ///
You can also read it on Ao3 or FF.net here:
- <3 -
Author's Note: I'm always fascinated by the development of Guy and Eep's relationship that we don't see leading into "A New Age", since they start off rather new to each other. I also like to explore just how the family processed surviving The End since I'd imagine that was a very traumatizing experience. Especially for Eep who had nearly lost both her father and Guy during all that, two people she cares deeply for. So this is a little "what if" into that scenario.
This is also just a little distraction from "A Tomorrow of Our Own" as I sort through my writer's block. I had wanted to post this before Valentine's Day hit but what can you do, can't rush quality. The picture here was drawn by me and I hope you like the story and artwork. Some warning, kinda steamyish near the end, skip right to it or over it, your choice. If it makes anyone feel anything, then I did my job despite my virgin awkward boyfriendless ass feeling differently, haha. Ngl, took me several days just to write the kiss because I got so much second hand embarrassment yall gotta read that.
Eep couldn't sleep but then again, how could you catch a wink after surviving The End of the World itself? Her blood was still pounding in between her ears and it thrummed through her veins. The energy hummed under her skin, desperate to burst alongside the burning that sent her nerves ablaze. It was barely a few short hours ago they'd outlasted certain death. For those short moments, all had seemed lost.
In-between the restless twisting and turning amongst the sleep pile, Eep gave up trying to sleep. The dark around her didn't help matters much, even if Eep prided herself in her courage. She hunted for light all her life, eyes drifting towards the remains of the embers that still glowed upon the ground. It gave little comfort.
Her father's words echoed in her memory, the whole ordeal still fresh as a wound. Never be afraid.
Perhaps it was easier said than done, green gaze finding the hulking mass of fur and muscle that was Grug. She almost lost her father without never telling him she loved him. It haunted her when she waited on the other side of that chasm, bordering The End and waiting for a response she knew was never coming. The anxiety came like an unwelcome stranger, knocking persistently at her skull. Giving a soft frustrated groan, she sat up and crossed her arms.
She looked up at the moon and the night sky that held all the Tomorrows, the sleeping suns shining like beacons of hope. Eep tried laying down again, cuddling close to a nearby snoring mass she assumed was her little brother Thunk. There was Chunky's loud rumbling purr, Gran's thunderous snoring and Ugga's gentle murmuring to seek comfort from. She counted each breath, in and out and shut her eyes… How did the tiger fly? Her voice echoed, reminding her of caves and the canyon that once defined her existence.
And then he stumbled into her life, well, more like she pushed her way into his with persistence rivaling the most stubborn of beasts. He held the sun in his hands and showed her there was more than darkness. She jumped on the sun and rode it to Tomorrow.
Her nerves, taut as a bowstring, nagged for release. Like the tiger in Guy's tale, she was ready to fly.
I gotta move around, she thought. Eep gave one last look at her slumbering family silhouetted in the darkness. Instinct was something she knew innately, it kept her alive.
She wiggled free of the tangled bodies around her, rolling onto her hands and knees. Eep quickly felt the crisp night time chill turn her skin to goose flesh. She shivered, partially regretting the choice to leave the warm safety of the family sleep pile. Her body was too tense for sleep though, reminding Eep of the static feeling the air got before lightning struck.
She shrugged the feeling off and like a cat on the prowl began to creep away from the slumbering clan. Eep made distance and in-between trotting along her knuckles, she sprang up onto the balls of her feet gracefully. Muscles rippling under her tanned skin, she just let loose. The lush green jungle and its many colorful flowers rushed past her in a blur of color. Breaking into a run once Eep knew she was far enough away not to make noise, she relished in the freedom the night brought her. Eep breathed in the air deeply, feeling it expand her lungs and suddenly the cold of it felt good in comparison.
Her feet carried her towards the edge of the jungle, white sand expanding far as the eye could see. The ocean was shining bright, so blue she wondered if it was even real. The moonlight reflecting on the ocean called to her in a whisper yet was loud enough to deafen her ears. Eep wondered perhaps if she dipped her hands into the water she would scoop up a shard of the moon. Eep paused at the edge of the treeline. A familiar scent blew in on the breeze upwind, Eep flaring her nostrils.
Guy, she would recognize his scent anywhere. He smelled of wind and freedom, like innovation and firewood. He was also tinged in ash from The End and the burning scent of the tar he'd been stuck in with her father. It was thick and pungent, making her tense. Again it reminded her how close she had nearly lost everything. Eep without another thought was quick to seek him out, a part of her worried about him being alone out here.
It was silly to worry, there was no danger here now. Besides, Guy had survived alone long before he ever met her and her family. However she couldn't shake it, especially when today she saw him lose hope in that moment. Guy was a dreamer and always knew how to escape the worst of dire situations. Full of ideas that seemed endless, he'd had no solution to when the earth broke into pieces around them. It had broken her heart seeing him like that, all her faith was on him and she'd never thought he could lose that spark.
It didn't make her regret the journey though, she would have always followed him to The Ends of the earth. Despite how short she'd known him, it felt like forever somehow. Were soulmates real? She hoped so.
Come with me.
She found him quickly thanks to her keen sense of smell. Seated on a tall rock on the shore, his back was to her. His knees were curled up to his chest, long arms wrapped around him. Eep crept towards him and he perked at the sound. He turned his head, squinting to see passed the dark. He relaxed when he realized it was not danger, a sigh rattling his thin, lanky frame. His smile could radiate light as he gave her one. It made her insides melt.
"Hey," he greeted, already scooting over to give her a spot on his lonely little ledge.
She didn't hesitate to plop herself next to him, quickly cozying herself into his side. "Hey you," she chirped back.
Guy didn't seem to mind the affection, if anything he was just as eager to meet her half way. He leaned his head comfortably against her temple, breathing in her scent.
"What are you doing up?" Eep asked him after several moments, needing the time to enjoy having him to herself for once. It was one of the first real time being alone together since getting stuck in the canyon.
"Just wanted to explore a bit, I couldn't sleep," he told her, turning his face to nuzzle her cheek. If Eep were a cat, she would have purred at the affection. "What about you?"
"I'm too wound up I think," she said. "I can't sit still for long anyway."
He chuckled fondly, pulling away to look at her. Eep practically whined at the loss of contact, looking into his eyes. "You do have a severe case of wanderlust, I must be contagious."
"Hey, so long as it's not the common cold I'm good."
"I'd never want to make you sick," Guy promised her. "I'm healthy as a horse fly, I swear."
Lovesick seemed to be a fitting description though, Eep batting her eyelashes as she swooned at his affection. He grinned at her.
"How did you find me?" He asked her suddenly, returning to nuzzle the soft skin of her cheek and jaw.
"I sniffed you out," she exclaimed, sounding proud of herself.
"Do I really smell that weird to you?" Guy teased her, gently lifting a finger to boop her on the nose. She went cross eyed, amused.
"A bit, I've gotten used to it though," she teased right back.
He gave her a lopsided boyish smile at that, chuckling low in his throat. Guy made himself more comfortable on his perch on the ledging. Eep watched Guy turn away from her to look towards the sky, his brows furrowed. Something seemed to be on his mind, Eep's curiosity pricked under her skin and she shuffled her weight. Feeling her shift, Guy turned back to her, questioning.
"Something wrong?" Guy inquired.
She shook her head before resting it on his shoulder, getting comfortable. "No, not really," Eep told him, seeing he didn't look convinced despite all she could really see was the curve of his jawline. "What about you? I have a feeling that it's not just itchy feet bothering you tonight."
He sighed, merely cuddling her warm body as he put an arm behind her back. "Bad dream," he confessed at last, looking up at the slumbering suns above them again. Guy's face was solemnly drawn, forlorn as seemed to search the heavens for answers. "Today was a lot."
"Yeah," she agreed quietly, mind blanking as she thought back to what had happened just barely a day ago now.
Eep looked at her arm where a fresh wound was, the blood long since dried. She'd gotten it after Grug threw her across the chasm, her bicep had grazed a sharp rock when she landed. Eep had a feeling it would scar, it wasn't like she was scared or ashamed of those though.
This one though felt different, sure, she had survived but it'd been a horrifying day. It was something that would take time to forget and feel pride in.
Guy followed her eyes and gently nudged her, drawing her from her thoughts. "What about you?" He echoed the question. "I know it's not only me who's reflecting."
"What is there really to say?" She shut her eyes, returning to the darkness that had suffocated them in dirt and ash. "I nearly lost my dad." We all almost died.
They fell into a tense silence as both Eep and Guy continued to digest all that they'd experienced today. Guy idly peeled at a piece of dried tar he couldn't wash off successfully with his finger nail. She lifted her head a little and Eep watched him, green eyes flickering between his face and the splotch of black tar.
"I know the feeling," he murmured at last and he hesitated a long moment, steeling himself as he lowered his head. "I… um… I lost my parents when I was a little boy."
Eep drew away to properly look at his face, seeing the old hurt there. He wouldn't look at her, trapped somewhere in his mind she was unable to follow. She reached out to cup his cheek to turn his head towards her, rubbing her thumb tenderly against his face.
He leaned into her touch, lifting his hand to cover hers. He pulled it away slightly in order to press his nose into her calloused palm, a gesture of deep fondness amongst cave people. Did he know that? Eep wondered. It made her ears burn despite the weight of what they were talking about.
"Guy… I'm sorry," she said finally, it was the only thing she could really say. It had been an obvious conclusion for why he was alone, so young yet wise beyond his years. His experience spoke volumes of the world he had to face.
She once couldn't imagine living without her father, no matter how much Grug frustrated and smothered her. After today she knew though at last and it was the worst feeling in the entire universe, no kind of wound she'd ever gotten could come close to comparing to it.
"The tar pit with your dad really picked at an old wound for me," he went on, voice beginning to warble a little. "They had drowned in that stuff. I guess… I guess I wasn't as over it as I thought I was. I can't forget that awful smell, it suffocates you."
Eep didn't think it was a thing you could get over, part of her didn't want to meet the person who had forgotten it that easily. She wasn't sure what to say so instead she wrapped an arm around his waist, hoping her presence would be enough comfort.
"I'm not alone anymore though," Guy continued despite how sad his voice sounded. "I got you and your family now."
"And Belt," she added helpfully and it made him smile a little bit as waned as it was.
"And Belt," he agreed. "I think my family would have wanted me to go on this crazy road trip with you."
"Log ride and all?"
"Maybe sans the log ride," Guy admitted, twisting his face up in a pout. Eep pulled him closer so she could hug him better.
They fell into a companionable silence for a time, listening to the wind as it blew over the beach. Her thoughts wandered again to places she didn't want it to go, that buzzing unused energy beneath her skin returning with a vengeance.
Eep knew thinking about things wasn't going to be helpful for either of them, her gaze jumping between Guy and the ocean. The tide rumbled softly as it eased in and out along the coastline. She tugged on his elbow, gesturing with her head in the direction of the ocean.
"Wanna go for a swim?" Eep asked, knowing the shift in topic would be welcome. They would drown their fears in the water. She idly flexed her muscles in preparation of the activity to come.
His expression lightened despite his eyes still looking sad. It was progress at least. "Yeah, sure," he relented with a small smile.
Eep beamed at him in girlish glee, separating herself from his side to spring to her feet. "Last one in is a rotten egg!" She shot off, leaping off the ledge onto the sand gracefully.
Guy scrambled to rush after her and nearly fell face first off the rock, calling out accusingly, "Hey! That's cheating, Eep!"
"No, you're just a sore loser!" She called back, turning around as she ran backwards a moment. She saw him running as fast as he could, long legs extending forward and back. Eep made it to the shore line and leaped into it in a cannonball, climbing a nearby series of rocks as a kind of diving board.
There was a dark shape distorted on the surface of the water before suddenly it crashed down after her. Eep moved to avoid being crushed and saw it was Guy. He grinned at her, paddling about skillfully. Eep was still learning this whole swimming thing, he was like a swan to water compared to her. They were deep enough that they could see the bottom yet not far enough for it to be a problem returning back above the sea. She swam after him when he went further down, showing her some coral and undersea plants that were eye candy. Some fish swam passed them, their scales rainbowy and glistening in the lowlight.
Her lungs began to burn for air and she could see Guy was beginning to feel the effects too, for he started upwards with a strike of his feet to the sea floor. Eep could see the mottled light shining above her on the water, casting the belly of the sea in an ethereal sort of glow. She kicked her feet down, paddling her way up to the surface with a gasp. She moved a clump of wet hair out of her eyes, grinning when she saw Guy resurfacing next.
She splashed him merrily, Guy lifting his arms in a feeble attempt to protect himself. He swatted water back at her afterwards childishly, Eep giggling as she began to crocopup paddle away from him. Guy followed her, easily cutting her off to dunk her when he grabbed her around the shoulders. Eep sputtered as she resurfaced, seeing the wide mischievous grin on his face.
"Two can play at that game!" Eep declared, sucking in a breath dramatically before diving back down.
She could see Guy's body twist and turn as he attempted to peer down to see what she was doing. Eep swam under him and hefted him onto her shoulders, she heard his surprised gasp as he clutched around her neck for support. She promptly tossed him head over feet before scrambling to the nearby rocks again before he could get her back.
His head popped up above the sealine, Guy wiping his face away the water and spitting salt from his mouth. He looked around for her before his dark eyes found her standing proudly on the rocks.
"What are you doing now?" Guy asked her, swimming near her suspiciously.
"I'm the queen of the rocks!" Eep called out, puffing her chest out. "And you're the dirty dung beetle," she added, her teeth shining from her wide playful smile.
"I'll show you who's the dirty dung beetle," he said, beginning to climb the rocks after her.
Eep pounced to a higher one as he got closer, her balance better than his as she lowered onto all fours. "You gotta try harder than that to dethrone me, Guy."
Guy scrambled on the wet slippery stones but found his balance before he could plummet back into the ocean. He got to her perch and the two of them began to wrestle for the spot, Eep getting him into a headlock as his arms went around her torso.
He attempted to shove her with all his might, looking rather pathetic as he went red in the face from exertion. "You're like a rock!"
"Complimenting me won't get you anywhere!" She shifted her weight, ready to throw him.
He saw an opening and Guy swept his leg against hers, forcing her to stumble as her foot slid from underneath her. Suddenly, Eep lost her footing and yelping out loud began to fall. She didn't release him, if she was going down he was going down with her. Guy gave a similar shout and the two crashed in a heap into the water.
He let go of her and Eep loosened her grip from around his neck as the two swam back to the surface, gasping for air. Eep pulled him up with her, arms loosely draped on his shoulders and back. Guy had a sopping mop of hair drooping over his forehead and eyes, his smile wide. "I win."
"That was hardly a fair victory," Eep accused him without any real bite, lightly kicking his leg. "You fought dirty!"
"You're just a sore loser," he teased her, echoing what she'd called him earlier.
She just huffed, floating there with him. She looked at his face, amused. He looked so funny with his hair covering most of his face, it reminded her of the shaggy mop sabrebunnies had. She was suddenly hyper aware of how close together they were, his face nearly touching hers as his breath came out huffing. She could feel it fan her lips and a chill that wasn't just the cold this time made her shiver. His torso pressed against hers, their knees touching and chests close together.
It reminded her of when they'd set the trap together back in the tundra with the weird rocks. They had gotten tangled together like this before, faces touching and limbs ensnared tightly. This time there was no turkeyfish or Grug to break the tension.
She swallowed, her throat felt tight. Guy brushed aside the hair from his eyes, his laughter stilled and the smile on his face fell away slowly. His eyes fell to her lips for a moment. He suddenly realized their position but he made no move to pull away.
She felt like she had butterflies inside her stomach yet somehow it didn't seem to matter at all right now. Eep only wanted to hear him say her name again like that, softly and wrapped with warmth. Only he could make her name sound like one of the most beautiful things in the world.
"Yeah, Guy?" It took her a moment for her brain to catch up to reply, she wondered if she sounded as breathless as she felt.
He was quiet, a seriousness she wasn't quite used to seeing when she thought of Guy. He was usually so goofy and strange, in a good way, of course. It was easier on her nerves though when he was stammering and a little nervous of her. Now she was the one feeling a little frightened but she also couldn't care less about that right now. It was a fear that reminded her of when she tried something new, nervous energy that fell away into satisfaction when it proved her fears wrong.
"I think I love you," he confessed after hesitating, needing to collect his thoughts. His words were soft and gentle, the fondness there even without him directly telling her. They came out of nowhere practically, yet it just felt right. Guy gauged her expression which must have been surprised because he reached for her hand as it trembled. "Are you okay?"
"It's just the cold," she mumbled with a sheepish look, attempting to ignore the gooseflesh erupting across her skin. Eep smiled.
He seemed as nervous as she was, resting her palm on his chest and covering her hand entirely. His heart was thundering under her fingers and he shivered. She felt it through her hand and arm, Eep blinked at him with concern. "Just the cold," Guy murmured back with a small grin.
"My heart feels like that too," she chuckled, shutting her eyes tight as she sucked in a deep breath. "Is that normal?"
"Yeah, it is," Guy assured her, squeezing her hand with a gentleness she wasn't accustomed to. Used to rough handling, it was something she was still adjusting to. "Least I think so. I've never… felt like this before."
"Okay," Eep murmured. "Hey, um, can I…?"
"Can you…?" He encouraged her softly.
She decided it was easier to just do it than elaborate what she wanted because something about it felt too intense to put into her voice. She forgot what words were but that was okay, they seemed unneeded. Not thinking was becoming easier, Eep closed the distance between them, not that there was much left to begin with anyway. She pressed her forehead against his, holding her breath as she waited for his reaction. He was so warm, his breath stuttering against her lips at the contact.
He was tense under her touch for a moment before relaxing, brushing his nose against hers as he tilted his head at a more comfortable angle. His touch thrilled her, a feeling she'd never experienced before until meeting him. Nobody had ever touched her like this, vulnerable and intimate. It was a long drawn out moment, Eep hearing the soft exhale of his breath.
"You need to breathe, Eep," Guy reminded her in a low voice.
"Oh," she managed to say, sounding rather pathetic as she let it out.
Guy nuzzled his nose against hers, brow against brow. "I like this."
Eep found what she wanted to say again, pressing her palm against his heart. His fingers tightened around hers. His pulse raced under her, pounding like thunder in a storm. It fueled her resolve and gave her relief that her feelings weren't something fleeting. It wasn't just because Guy was new that he fascinated her endlessly, her feelings ran deeper than that. "I... I think I love you too, Guy."
There was a hitch in his voice. "Yeah?"
They breathed together for what felt like forever, his breath fanning her face. Guy moved, she felt it in the water around them. Eyes still closed, they widened when she felt the gentle press of something against her lips. His fingers brushed along her jawline tenderly, tilting her head further. A rush of heat made her skin feel more alive than it ever had before, touched by sunlight and fire all at once. It burned her blood and pounded in between her ears. His mouth moved against hers, each movement making her heart skip a beat. He pulled the slightest bit away, lips hovering above hers. His chest heaved a bit as he caught his second wind, Eep realized she was just as bad. It felt like the rush she got from hunting or when he taught her something new, invigorating and alive. Guy seemed to be waiting for something, what that something was, Eep wasn't sure.
A shiver ran down her spine despite how warm her entire body felt, Eep gathered her resolve. She leaned back towards him, hesitating for a heartbeat before tentatively closing the distance between them. He pulled her closer, which was somewhat difficult due to being in the water. He let go of her hand to tangle his fingers in her hair, Eep stroking the indentation between his pectorals. He trembled like a leaf under her touch as it roved over his skin, her hands moving from his chest to his shoulders, kneading the sinewy muscle there. His hand gently stroked the slope of her neck and down her muscular back, tracing scars in a awed sort of way, like she was precious.
She felt the soft flicker of his tongue against her lower lip and she couldn't help but startle, pulling back the slightest breath away. He didn't chase after her lips, just shut his eyes and breathed out a long, drown out exhale like he was pained. Her face leaned closer to his again and shyly she copied him, gliding her tongue along his lip to show her what he wanted.
And show her he did, tentative and gentle as always when he sensed her hesitation. He would never push her, though once Eep found her courage, she turned the tides on him with her typical ferocity. Guy gave a sound that was nearly a growl, thrilling her. She'd never been wanted before, her palm cradling his cheek. Her other arm went to wrap around his neck as his hand fell to squeeze her waist. He gripped the furs at her hips, pulling her closer yet still feeling too far away. She wanted him closer, like prey being hunted she felt cornered but it was exciting. Emotions she never knew before raged within her, Eep couldn't help but whimper against his lips as they spiraled down.
He paused, pulling away at the sound to take in her flushed face. His chest heaved, Eep feeling it more so than hearing it now. "Are you okay? I'm um… sorry." Guy was suddenly sheepish.
"I think I forgot how to breathe," she said between breaths, exhilarated.
He swallowed thickly, gathering his wits as he gently pushed her away. "Me too." The words seemed to remind him what was at stake here, that there was more than the burning in their blood.
The distance helped her heart time to finally stop its frantic beating. It found itself a much more manageable rhythm, one that thankfully didn't make her feel like she was dying. She caught her breath, lifting her hand out of the water to see it was pruned. "Wow," she mumbled, surprised.
"We've been in the water too long," he said, looking at his own fingers. "I think I'm actually cold now." Guy shivered, teeth chattering for a second.
Eep giggled with a sheepish grin. "Me too."
Guy began making his way towards the shoreline, padding through the water. Eep followed him as she crocopup paddled. Once they reached the soft white sand, the couple flopped together on their backs. Eep wiggled into his side, curling up into a ball. With the warmth of the sun gone, there wasn't much of a way to chase off the chill.
He wrapped an arm around her, rolling onto his side to get closer. "We can't stay here, you know," he mumbled into her hairline.
"Too cold, don't care," she rebutted. "Make me warm."
Guy chuckled, pulling his hands away despite her whining protest. He blew hot air into his palms and rubbed her chilled skin vigorously. They stayed like that for a moment, trading body heat until the cool night air on their skin felt tolerable. Eep pushed herself to her elbows after pulling away, gazing at the sky. Guy followed her eyes towards the sleeping suns.
"I'll never get tired of seeing this," Eep said aloud, turning to face Guy. He finally sat up, draping his arms over his knees as he crossed his legs.
"Me either," he said, relishing the beautiful sight. "I've followed each sun for so long," Guy continued, closing his eyes with a peaceful look on his face. He turned to face her, a smile quirking the corner of his mouth. The fondness in his dark eyes made her feel shy, something she hadn't known she could be. "They lead me to you."
"I should thank them," Eep decided, getting to her feet. She stretched her arms above her head, hands attempting to reach for the moonlight. "Thank you, Tomorrow!" She called out, smirking at Guy who laughed.
He found his legs, standing up next to her. "Yeah!" He shouted, cupping his hands to his mouth so the sound carried. "Thank you!"
She giggled, giddy as she pressed into his side. He rested his head against hers, grabbing her hand to affectionately smooth his thumb over her knuckles. Guy raised her hand to his lips after, placing a featherlight kiss on each finger. "Your dad would so kill me right now," he mumbled against her skin.
"I won't let him," she quipped, practically glowing in her warmth. "Though, he might hunt you down if we don't go back to bed."
"Yeah," he sighed, sounding reluctant as he let her hand go. Eep instantly missed the warm of his calloused palm and fingers around it. "We probably should."
"We can still take advantage of the sleep pile though," she said with a slow grin, hands behind her back coyly.
He copied her expression, keen on the sneaky plan. "Not like Grug can really lecture us, everyone moves like an earthquake in there."
She toed the ground, shaking her head with a snort. "Yeah." Eep nudged his shoulder and looped her arm through his. "C'mon, it's late and I think I'm worn out enough to sleep now."
Guy nodded his agreement, seeming to suppress a yawn suddenly as he muffled his mouth. "Yeah, I'm all adventured out." He gave her a sly little look, Eep innocently blinking up at him as if not knowing what he was insinuating. "Thanks for that, by the way."
"Anytime," she quipped.
They began to make their way away from the beach and into the jungle, hearing the snores of the slumbering family through the thick foliage. Eep tugged Guy down besides her to practically curl around him. Guy wrapped an arm around her waist, shimmying into a more comfortable position before sighing. Eep closed her eyes with a low hum, listening to the soft beating of Guy's heart.
She felt something soft press against her forehead, a kiss, she realized. She idly kissed the spot where his heart was in response, lovingly without a word but he knew its meaning. His breath hitched a little and he tugged her closer.
She was asleep faster than she thought possible, content and cozy…
Of course the awakening was less so when morning came, a disgruntled and shrill sound reached her ears. Yup, everything seemed back to normal, its natural balance. Guy could do nothing more besides retreat away as the familiar broad form of Grug seemed ready to skewer him with a nearby branch he grabbed. Of course he had assumed the worst, having awoken to see Guy's body draped over Eep's, pinning her beneath his weight
"Belt!" Guy shouted as he pelted off into the forest, ducking and weaving.
But the sloth only raised his long arms in a sweeping dramatic gesture. "Dun, dun, dun!"
"Ah, young love," Gran crooned, resting her fist on her chin as Eep got up to go save her boyhog. "I doubt he will kill him, we still need his fire."
Fire indeed, Eep thought with a burning blush.
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redwritinghood · 4 years
for a lamen writing prompt maybe something like enenmy secret agents or assassins
YES. ngl though kinda gets soft rather than action/adventure-y 
A shadow fell over Damen’s desk and he knew he was about to get bad news. Nikandros never loomed behind him to ask what bar they were going to after work.
“What’s up?” Damen turned in his chair and looked up at Nik’s dark expression.
“You’re being taken off field duty,” he said and folded his arms, guarding against Damen’s objections.
“Why?” Damen asked standing.
“Intel has discovered a hit was put out on you and an assassin has already accepted the job.”
“That doesn’t mean I should be taken off field duty,” Damen said.
“Yes,” Nik emphasized his words, “it does.”
“That’s what the person who put the hit out wants. I’m obviously on to something with my case. Besides, I have to go outside at some point, you can’t keep me locked away in the building.”
Nikandros stood firm in his decision, staring Damen down with no chance of relenting.
“Nik—” Damen began.
“Don’t even start.”
“Just let me—”
“No. Desk duty.” Nik ended the conversation by marching away.
The threat was bothersome but Damen determinedly went about his daily schedule. Only under scrutiny did he realize how predictable his routine was. Particularly the mornings. After the gym, he went to the same cafe and made an excellent target when he sat outside to eat his breakfast. There were even tall buildings across the street, an ideal place for a sniper to nest and take him out. This was where Damen would set his trap.
“Damn it, Damen, you aren’t even trying to be careful.” Nikandros’s shadow loomed over Damen’s desk and he turned in his chair to look up at the grumpy expression.
“You said desk duty and I’ve been here, at my desk, for over a week.”
“That doesn’t matter if you’re just going to walk around the city unprotected.” 
“Exactly,” Damen agreed, “I’m more likely to be shot outside of work, so you should probably just let me back on my case.”
For a moment, Nikandros was speechless. “You’re unbelievable. I’ll start having you escorted to and from work in an armored vehicle if that’s what it takes.”
“No thanks, I’ll handle this myself,” Damen said.
“Handle what yourself?” Nikandros asked. His face was darkening to an unhealthy color.
“My assassin,” Damen said. Nikandros opened his mouth then closed it, a vein prominent on his forehead. Damen had mercy, and said, “As in I think after Friday I’ll be working from home.”
Nikandros recovered enough to say, “Fine,” before he stormed off.
Damen had been certain to follow his same routine for a week, most importantly taking his breakfast outside the cafe. Everything else he let vary to be certain the assassin considered the cafe was the best place to strike. Now he just had to force the date and time. Only two days until Friday and Damen continued his morning routine, but was careful when he visited the cafe. One morning he’d been purposefully late so his breakfast went with him to the office, the next day he was fortunate the forecast had been reliable and ate inside to avoid the rain. 
His assassin had to know Friday would be their last chance. The night before, Damen prepared, packing his gym bag differently than normal. His body thrummed with nervous energy. He was excited.
At the cafe, Damen had to plan his moves carefully. His pulse was loud in his ears as he stepped outside claiming his usual table. After setting his breakfast down he re-entered the building hoping it appeared like he planned on returning to his meal and the sniper would wait. Instead, Damen went out the back, pulling his hood over his head he bolted across the street far enough from the cafe to go unnoticed. The schematics for the buildings had been obtained through work and he had used them to memorize the quickest path to the place a sniper would likely set up camp.
The gun came out of the shoulder holster when he was close to where he predicted the sniper would be. The top two floors were empty, closed off for construction until someone bought the office space. The area was plywood walls, with multiple trip hazards, and plastic flapping in the breeze. It was exactly where a movie or tv show would depict a waiting assassin. 
He turned the corner and aimed the handgun at nothing. The space was empty. Damen could barely hear over his heartbeat. His stomach had dropped with disappointment. Carefully he approached one of the open windows where the hot summer air blew in uninhibited. The cafe was easily visible, he could even see a pigeon attacking his breakfast sandwich. This was the best vantage point for a sniper. 
Unless the person he was looking for never did the expected. Damen thought quickly. Where would there be another vantage point? 
There was another spot. The adjacent building had its large industrial AC units on the roof. They would hide a person easily, but the line of sight would be a different angle. Even an experienced marksman would have some difficulty lining up the shot. 
It was loud. The flat rooftop vibrated. The large units and giant exhaust pipes created a maze. Gun still in hand, he approached the probable sniper spot. There wasn’t a clear view, he couldn’t tell if an assassin waited only a few feet away. 
A sharp beam of sunlight reflected into his eyes. He threw up a hand seeing a singular bright spot near the ledge. It was a small mirror. 
Damen’s heart was in his throat. The assassin had been able to see him coming. He turned in time. A figure dressed entirely in black rolled out from behind a vent pipe, rifle braced to the shoulder. Damen dove for cover barely fitting between the metal units. The assassin was swift and nimble, leaping onto the platform above Damen. He grabbed the attacker’s ankle and the body hit with a metallic hollow thump. On his back, he aimed the rifle at Damen’s face. Only a foot away, Damen was able to catch the barrel and redirect it away from his body. Black boots kicked off Damen’s chest, he slid backward off the unit and ripped the rifle from Damen’s grasp. 
There was a glimpse of the figure as the assassin disappeared into another row. Smaller than Damen, he hid easily. Whereas Damen had to crouch down to keep from being seen. The motors from the ACs masked most sounds and unable to rely on sound or vision, Damen had to trust his instincts. 
Just a flash of black was seen from his peripheral, but it gave him enough time to turn and block an assault. Too close to use the rifle like a gun, the assassin had swung it as a club. The blow had landed on Damen’s forearm. It stung but he reached out to catch the black figure. He would undoubtedly have the upper hand in wrestling or hand-to-hand combat. 
His arm was kicked aside, the movement grounded in a martial arts stance. Damen squared-off, a balanced position. The assassin’s face was hidden beneath a black hood so Damen wouldn’t be able to read the expressions and interpret the next move. It came with speed and agility, using the rifle like a bo staff. Damen had to block both the gun and another kick. He tried to snatch the rifle but still held his own gun and only had the one free hand. The assassin was skilled, more acrobatic, using the varying heights of the units to his advantage. It made Damen have to evade spinning kicks at head height. 
It was very impressive. The ninja-like skill of the assassin was a contrast to Damen’s sturdy defense. The only advantage was speed, there wasn’t enough power to do serious harm, and Damen was mostly concerned with the rifle. The enemy was smart, knowing to stay out of reach and use the gun like two separate weapons. It had to be blocked when used as a club and avoided when the barrel pointed at him. All of this was done while fending off the distracting barrage of attacks. 
Damen moved backward, careful of tripping hazards, and eventually stepped into a clearing where he thought he would have the advantage. Damen took the offensive, also experienced in martial arts. His opponent was skilled even without the help of the varying terrain. He moved deftly, skirting the edge of Damen’s reach. He caught the rifle and only had the one hand to hold on with. The assassin tried turning the gun to dislodge Damen’s grip, but he held on. Quickly, he pushed forward, walking the assassin back into a corner, and trapped him against the brick. Damen’s body held him there, unable to escape, the rifle a hard line between them. 
Damen ripped off the hood. Blond hair spilled out into piercing blue eyes. The pale face flushed from exertion. Their bodies pressed together, Damen could feel him trying to catch his breath.
A golden brow lifted, “You’re getting slow.”
“You put a hit out on me?” Damen asked.
“Now you look more important. How many agents can boast an assassination attempt?”
“Laurent,” Damen groaned.
“If I were actually here to kill you, you’d be dead. I know I’m the best but you should be more careful.”
“I was fairly certain it was you.”
“And what if it wasn’t? What were you going to do with that unloaded pistol?”
“You’re carrying around a paintball gun.” Damen released the rifle and so did Laurent. It fell and there were only clothes between them. “There’s a clip in my pocket,” Damen stated.
“That’s something I suppose. Now about your schedule—”
“I know,” Damen said, “I’ll work on that. What else am I doing wrong?”
“You haven’t kissed me yet,” Laurent said, blue eyes bright.
The handgun clattered to the ground. Damen pulled him close with a strong grip on the slim waist. Laurent’s lips parted and eyelashes dipped in anticipation of the kiss. Damen stroked a thumb along his jaw, briefly cementing the moment in his mind before he leaned in to take Laurent’s mouth. Laurent went to his toes, hands traveled up Damen’s arms to circle his neck and bring him closer. 
There was an urgency. A need. It had been too long. Damen couldn’t seem to hold Laurent close enough. He pressed him back into the wall and lifted him with hands beneath his thighs, bouncing him once for a steadier hold. Laurent assisted by wrapping legs around his waist. Damen reclaimed his mouth and Laurent made a soft sound, body arching into Damen’s.  
“I’ve missed you,” Damen breathed, his face turned into the slender neck. 
Laurent’s hands tangled in his hair, the grip almost painful with his fierce hold. “Fuck me,” he said.
“Here? On a rooftop?”
“We can go to the apartment—”
“Now,” Laurent said, desperation roughening his voice.
“What about—”
Laurent moved his hips, just so, and the air escaped Damen. Leaning in with mouth against his ear he said, “I’ve already prepared.”
Damen nearly fell over. “Okay,” he choked.
As an internationally wanted assassin and government secret agent, they tried to not be seen together. Damen took a cab to the apartment. Laurent got there somehow. He was climbing through the window as Damen unlocked the door.
“Perhaps we should hire a maid.” Laurent swiped his fingers across the dusty desk. The apartment was only used when they were both in town, which wasn’t often, it could be a financial drain but was a more reliable hiding place than a hotel.
“Hey, get over here,” Damen said, throwing the blankets off the bed. Laurent complied, smiling as Damen pulled him down into the sheets. It was clumsy at first, with the same rushed need as the rooftop, but this time clothes were coming off. Laurent’s outfit was convoluted and frustrating like always.
“Do you think you’re Batman or something?” Damen grumbled after struggling with knee and elbow pads only to discover wrist sheaths complete with six-inch blades.
“I’d probably look good in a cape,” Laurent said, watching with amusement as Damen fought the buckles and straps. 
There was a pile of weapons when they were finished. Damen knew they would have to sort through them later. It would be very hard to explain how his government-issued firearms had ended up in the hands of an assassin.
“I missed you too.” Laurent languidly rolled onto his back, his voice thick with satisfaction.
“How long are you staying?” Damen asked, moving to kiss his bare shoulder.
“I have a plane tomorrow night.”
“That’s not long enough,” Damen groaned, dropping his head into Laurent’s neck.
“I know,” Laurent said, stroking Damen’s hair. “We have Paris in two months.”
“You’re not going to forget?”
“I didn’t forget about New York, I couldn’t make it and I’ve apologized a hundred times. Besides this is our anniversary.” Laurent lifted his hand into the sunlight filtering in through the window. He wore the gold woven band shaped to look like a laurel wreath. Damen's matching ring was worn on a chain around his neck. He wished he could wear it on his hand but no one knew he was married. 
“What’s the gift for five years?” Damen asked.
“Wood,” Laurent replied, still admiring his ring.
“I have that now,” Damen said, rolling over on top of him. 
Laurent snorted, unamused, “While I envy your stamina, you are lacking in wit.” He sat up pushing Damen off. “I need food.”
Once dinner was ordered and delivered, Laurent explained the new pink scar on his bicep and told of his recent adventure in Iceland. Damen suspected he downplayed the violence and danger.
“Where are you going after this?” Damen had settled in behind Laurent, hugging him to his chest face resting against the back of the blond head.
“Home. Briefly.”
“I haven’t been to France since—”
“Since you arrested me?”
“I was going to say since we met,” Damen said. “I didn’t technically arrest you.”
“No, you just cuffed me to a bed.”
“You were being a pain in the ass,” Damen laughed, absently running his knuckles along the naked pale thigh. 
Five years ago, Damen had been given the task of gathering evidence against a corrupt politician, only to constantly have Laurent in his way, even appearing as a waiter at a fundraising event. Threats of incarceration hadn’t frightened him away. At the time if Damen had known who Laurent really was he wouldn’t have simply used threats, but instead thought he was a lackey being used to distract Damen from his case. At the party, the mini-feud had escalated to Damen tying Laurent to a bed, which had escalated to something else. Laurent then shared a partial truth that the corrupt politician was his uncle and he was after him for personal vengeance. A tentative partnership had been formed and from there the chaos had only escalated, ending in a marriage.
For the agency, it was still an open case, and for Laurent, it was his main mission. He had even claimed he would retire afterward and made a joke about becoming a trophy wife. Damen wasn’t optimistic, Laurent liked his adventures and he secretly worried he couldn’t keep him entertained. 
They had fallen into a comfortable silence. While Damen petted Laurent, he removed the chain from Damen’s neck and slipped the ring onto his finger where it belonged. Laurent held his hand next to Damen’s comparing the bands while on the appropriate finger. Endeared by the quiet reverie, Damen held him a little closer.
Laurent turned in his arms, kneeling, face above Damen’s. The cool hands held his face, thumb caressing cheekbones. He looked into Damen’s face the same way he had admired the rings together. Gently he pressed a kiss to Damen’s forehead. The tenderness and adoration of it made Damen’s heart ache.
“I love you,” Laurent said it in his language before he kissed him.
Neither wanted to sleep when they’re time together was so brief, but it went by too quickly anyway and Laurent left the next evening.
Damen was sure he remembered there being a newspaper stand near the Eiffel Tower. When he found it, he bought the day's paper and flipped to the story he wanted. A few weeks ago it had been on the front page around the continent. Plane crash over the Meditteranean. Twenty-one dead, thirty-four survivors, six missing. Pictures of the six had made it into the media. After a time, three had been found alive, one dead, with two still missing. The images were still in circulation and Damen found them on page seven. He put a finger over the blond head printed in black and white. 
The face next to Laurent’s was also recognizable. It had been over five years now but Damen knew the flat-nose face of Govart, one of the uncle’s henchmen. It couldn’t be a coincidence. Two months ago, 4am, and wrapped in Damen’s arms Laurent had told him it was almost over, that he was close to finding his vengeance.
When the news first came out and Damen had seen the headline and photo of Laurent on the front page he had quit his job. Laurent was alive. Damen was certain and he would find him.
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And I’ll Shut Your Dirty Mouth
[1] . . . [2] . . . [3] . . . [4] . . . [5] . . . 
Ngl, I’m reeling by how many notes my other post got. And it’s only been like, a day. That’s insane. I don’t get those kinda notes. I expected there to more notes then my other posts since Dream SMP is a more popular/active fandom right now but I wasn’t expecting this. ty to all y’all, if any of you ever want to discuss it more with me, you can @ me in a post, you can dm me, or you can send me an ask
This one will be more focused on the siblings as a whole, since I realized when I woke up that Tommy wasn’t just ‘basically Wilbur’s brother’ he was Willbur’s brother and that just. Has so many things attached to it. Also a post about how canonical deaths work was brought to my attention(here) by @insert-chaotic-enby-name so hell yeah to them, ty my dude
Hopefully this will be less of a disjointed mess the other one was, but I personally don’t have that much confidence in that. It’ll probably just fall into the same almost-fanfiction type formatting
So, three siblings. Wilbur, Techno, Tommy. Two traitors and one left to rebuild in the other’s footsteps of carnage. I don’t know how I forgot about it being canon last night, but now my thoughts are in full swing.
[“I wonder, did Tommy ever see Techno and think of Willbur?
Did Willbur ever see Techno and think of Tommy?
Two siblings, seeing something that could have been(Tommy, lets be the bad guys) and something that will never be(Willbur, do you hear yourself?)“]
Do they ever see each other in their third sibling? It makes sense, now, why Techno’s betrayal would be painful for Tommy, why it would hurt him so goddamn much.
Techno’s his older brother. He’s meant to protect him, to keep him safe. He was meant to fall into Willbur’s place when Willbur abandoned Tommy. 
He didn’t, though. Instead he chooses Willbur, chooses destruction over rebirth- the death of a nation instead of the revival.
(Tommy, if you want to be a hero...
Then die like one)
I wonder, has Techno always been like this? He seems to like history(Theseus slays the minotaur, he saves his land, he’s cast out), does he relate to it? He seems so inhuman, have others always shied away from him? Did he only have his family? He hates government so damn much, does he have experience with watching it fall, outside of Schlatt’s administration? 
Was he ever cast out himself? Exiled from a land he may have called home?
Is his story of Theseus not only told to illustrate to Tommy why heroes never get happy endings, but also to remind Tommy of something else?
I wonder, was Tommy so in denial about Techno’s inevitable betrayal because of hope, or because he’s never truly seen what Techno’s like? I wonder, in the past did they part ways, Willbur with Tommy and Techno alone, only to reunite, Tommy unaware of how unstable Techno can be?
He’s so focused on Willbur, after all. Willbur’s been with him since the start, he’s been there with him through everything. Was he so blinded by Willbur’s spreading madness that he was unable to see the festering madness Techno also held?
Willbur and Techno sparred as children. Did Tommy? Or was he the sheltered youngest, only allowed to see slivers of the real world when they deemed him ready?
But in the pit, he sees his defeat at Techno’s hands as inevitable but he still goes through with it. He isn’t surprised when he’s defeated, but he’s still angry at Techno- angry enough to fight him. Has he watched Willbur and Techno spar as children? Did he spar with Techno himself? Did he just not care(he killed Tubbo, he can’t let that go, he killed Tubbo), because he couldn’t let Techno’s crimes at the festival stand?
Was that his first taste of Techno’s cruelty, his crumbling sanity?
Was he reeling when Techno did it, did he view Techno as the one who get out of every situation(Your Technoblade! You could’ve fought your way out!), was he so angry not because Techno had just killed Tubbo, but because he’d killed one of their own(we found Tubbo on the side of the road), was he angry because if Techno could kill Tubbo, couldn’t he also kill him?
And he does, later on. Stands before Tommy and snarls and snaps at him and kills him.
Three deaths, you get three deaths before your gone. Tommy has lost two, one at the hands of Dream and one at the hands of Techno- at the hands of his brother.
One at the hands of enemy. One at the hands of blood.
I wonder, was he relieved when he discovered Willbur to be dead? Relieved, because then Willbur couldn’t kill him, too. Relieved because if Techno could kill Tubbo, could kill him, then couldn’t Willbur do the same?
(you sure want to risk it? That’s an awful lot of tnt potentially attached to that button)
I wonder, did Tommy ever think that the blast would kill him, if Willbur ever hit that damned button?
Did he ever think he was about to die again, when the lands underneath him went up in flames?
I wonder, did Tommy ever think it would be his brothers that would be the end of him? Or did the thought never even cross his mind, something unthinkable- because, after all, they’re his family. His brothers.
Unthinkable, even as Willbur spiraled further and further. Did Tommy ever truly give up hope for him? Did he still have Hope that Willbur would join them, till the very end?
Hope that this dream of theirs wouldn’t have to end, that the great symphony that was L’manburg would continue on, Willbur and Tommy at the head.
L’manburg was Tommy’s safe space, it was where his friends and family was, it was where they belonged. Willbur may have created the idea of L’manburg, but Tommy was the one to secure it’s freedom and was the one to begin to breathe life into it.
Tommy saw L’manburg as something that would keep them all together, something they needed. 
But L’manburg was what started all the hurt- it was the cause of Tommy’s first death and it was the cause of the loss of two of his most prized possessions. It was the cause of a war and it was the cause of everyone turning against them.
Willbur saw L’manburg as something that lead to pain(so many injuries, we’ve lost so much), something that would continue to hurt unless it was gone.
And L’manburg also shouldn’t exist. It couldn’t exist, not without violence. It was built on the blood of those dying and hurting for it and it was built on the blood of those trying to stop them from creating it. The foundation of L’manburg is one of bones, and that is unavoidable.
Techno saw L’manburg as something that would rule, that would be built on top of tyranny and continue with that tyranny(you just got L’manburg back with a hostile take over! Your just replacing one tyrant with another!), something that couldn’t exist for there to be true peace.
So, when it’s the end, when Schlatt is dead, when Techno sits and watches, when Tommy stands behind Tubbo to support his presidency, and Willbur is at the button?
It’s three siblings, and the eldest two have seen too much, done too much. Their ideals line up and Willbur slams his fist to the button. His father stands before him. Techno kills Tommy, kills others, then die a hero.
Techno wasn’t the traitor, not really. He’s a wildcard that was thrown in with the hopes that his ideals align with one side or the other. Instead, while Willbur may be the traitor, he’s also led to believe he’s not. (there was no traitor, Tommy. I lied) So, when he hears the sound of Techno killing everyone, the all too familiar sounds of fireworks being launched, hitting their target?
Maybe he feels relieved in a way. He’s not the traitor, it’s Technoblade. His brother is on his side. Someone agrees with him.
He’s not alone.
His father stands before him, afraid(he doesn’t trust him either, does he?), and his brother stands at his side.
He might not have Tommy or Phil, no, but he has Techno.
And so, Tommy is betrayed twofold.
The tnt blows. (There’s screams and cries of those caught up in the blast and Willbur laughs)
Phil kills his son. (with the sounds of his eldest son’s weapons firing above, with Willbur’s vicious whispers echoing in the air, I wonder. Did he imagine he would have to kill another of his sons that day?)
Techno unleashes his whithers. (he watches them go towards Tommy, making no move to intercept. Tommy, already injured by the blast, by Techno’s onslaught, tricked into wearing bad armor, dies immediately)
And I wonder, here. Phil said it himself in his most recent Dream SMP stream- he appeared to be the traitor.
As the world blew up beneath their feet, Phil kills Willbur and walks away.
(your my son! Even if you’ve- if you’ve...
Kill me, Phil)
Did Tommy ever think everyone had betrayed him?
You know what I can’t stop thinking about? How Willbur only really remembers the happy times, and Phil is included in that. Phil killing him is included.He truly sees his own father killing him as a good thing.
He might not remember it, but that smile after he’d gotten Phil to stab him? That satisfaction? I wonder, does he remember it? Did he think I am a bad person and this is the best ending, for everyone. Because he blew up L’manburg, he did it, and so he’s done, finally. He’s allowed to forget the bad, only remembering the good. He remembers raising Fundy, remembers the taste of bread, he remembers sparring with Techno as a kid.
All happy memories(Philza killing me).
An attempt to continue the list(-I don’t remember), is watching all the others reference things he doesn’t remember make him want to get his memories back? Does it hurt for him to only remember so little? (Bullying Tommy(he’s a child)) does he even remember that Tommy is his brother? Is he left wondering, constantly, why everyone hates Techno so much, his brother? If he does remember that Tommy is his brother, is he left confused as to his fury when it comes to their eldest sibling? Does he want to find out what Techno did, or leave it forgotten just like Schlatt? Has anyone tried to tell him?
Does it hurt, for him to know that they’re all so much more happy now that he’s dead? Does it hurt for him to know that they prefer him dead, and don’t want to bring him back even if they find out that there’s a way?
Is there any part of him that aches at the knowledge that Phil doesn’t regret killing him in the slightest(or does Phil regret it?), or is he happy that way, knowing that there’s no guilt- does it make it more justified, for him to have it as one of his happy memories, because, surely, if even his father is happier when he’s dead, that must meant that it was meant to be.
Was Willbur’s body ever recovered? It should have existed, if Schlatt’s did. They’ve got Schlatt’s bones, after all. Did they retrieve it? or was it left to rot in the button room? Did Phil ever go back to bury his son? Is that where Ghostbur woke up? did he come back, standing over his body, or did he come back later, when his body was already gone? Was it disorienting? If they did bury his body, was he there? Was he tangible from the moment he became a ghost or did that take time? Did he ever search out Tommy, Techno, or Phil when he first woke up?
Did he have any memory at all, at first? He’s said that he didn’t remember who Tubbo was till he was called Mr. President. Was it like that for the others, too? Tubbo was someone he grew up with, if he didn’t remember him at first did it take even longer for the others? Did they have to sit there, watching as he tried to help them and didn’t remember any of them?
Did any of them attach him, when he first showed up? Did any of them yell at him, scream about his fuck ups, as he just sat there, not even knowing who they were? Did he ever seek any of them without real reason, just knowing that he had to be there, or does he only go out when he feels he has to help, or that he can contribute something?
Do his memory and go- constantly fluctuating as he tries to better the world around him(I don’t want to be a ghost, all that’s left is suffering), do pieces come and go as he wanders, lost? He’s said he’d rather be dead than a ghost- rather have nothingness over the suffering that was being there, does he ever get flashes of times far worse?
Can ghosts feel any sort of pain? Does he ever get phantom pains, aches from he was alive and injured, does he ever feel like he’s being, again? He’s died three times, each death stacking one atop the other, even if he can’t remember them is there any sort of phantom-muscle memory burning at him? Does he really only remember just the good, or is he lying?
So, this was a thought that I had before I realized it’d become canon that each character only got three respawns before they actually died, but I still think it holds up decently now.
So, with how flimsy the idea of death must seem to them(would it even matter? some of them probably think, the ones that haven’t died yet. would it even matter if they died, since they’d just come back?) do any of them really give much care into how their life goes? Or do they put more value into material things, such as Tommy’s disks, since those are constant that can’t be destroyed then brought back?
Is the ‘three deaths only’ thing even widely known? Has anyone even bothered to figure out why Willbur and Schlatt died, instead of respawning? Or is it just something you know, a concept that you have known since your very first breath into the world?
Maybe they all latched so hard onto L’manburg not just because it had become their escape from the harsh world, but because it was the perfect blend of there and real, and also filled with hope and happiness and memories. Things that don’t come back must seem all that more precious to them, when they have extra lives to their names. 
In a world where violence is the only way to get what you want, do they ever look at the things more fragile than them and decide that that one, that one will be the thing I keep safe?
Is the loss of L’manburg not tragic because it was the loss of a dream and a hope, but tragic because it was the loss of the things they held dear to them? Buildings can be rebuilt, sure, but they won’t have the same scuff marks as the old one, won’t have the same items and design as the old one. They’re starting from scratch- building the nation in a crater, the leftover destruction of stacks upon stacks of tnt and two whithers.
You can hide your most precious items in an ender chest, sure, but an ender chest is small and some of the items they held dear must gone down with L’manburg when it toppled. A house of cards stacked too high with too much riding on it.
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photolover82 · 4 years
The Masked Singer Season 4 Episode 5: Last but not Least, let's (finally) meet Group C! (Commentary and Guesses)
Hey fellow Masked Singer fans! Welcome or welcome back to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana, recap every episode of the Masked Singer. I am so happy to be back after a short break after the World Series (thank God for the Dodgers). If you don’t know how these recaps go, first of all hi, feel free to follow me if you want to see more of these. Anyways, so how these work is that I first talk about who gets eliminated, give my thoughts, and then give my guesses and commentary for the remaining contestants and their performances. I also try to back up my guesses as much as I can by using the clues... even though I guide myself with the voice of the individual contestant. Anyways, having said that, let’s jump into it:
Warning ⚠️: If you haven’t watched the show yet, there are spoilers below, so read at your own risk.. this is your official spoiler alert warning. Don’t say I didn’t warn you...
With this episode, we met our last group of contestants, Group C, which consists of 5 masked characters, Squiggly Monster, Mushroom, Jellyfish, Lips, and Broccoli. Overall, to me, they are the weakest group vocal wise, but they were still fun to watch.
Alright, so let’s talk about the eliminated contestant, who was...
Lips 💋
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Performance: Alright, so she sang “Native New Yorker,” by Odessy.... and I really try to be as kind and constructive as I can with these recaps especially when critiquing their performances because being rude really doesn’t solve anything and I want you guys to understand why I don’t like a performance if I dislike a performance (so we can start an open dialogue you get me?) ... but I am so sorry, this lady can’t sing like at all. Oh and I knew exactly who she was (haha insert Ken’s voice into that phrase lol) the moment she opened her mouth. The thing is she is talking and she messed up in the middle by laughing/snorting in the performance, it was kind of hilarious not gonna lie... it made me laugh, which I guess is a good thing, but like yeah it’s kind of obvious why she left first, because she (I mean no offense to this.. well maybe I do because I am not a fan of the person under this mask like at all since she ain’t kind and civil like at all) blew it, like it kinda felt like she messed up on purpose or that she is actually horrible at singing, which is ok because she isn’t supposed to be a professional singer and that’s fine. All that to say Lips made me laugh and I appreciate it but I am kind of glad she was the first one to go....
Anyways, she was revealed to be (to no surprise of my own) controversial talk show host...
Wendy Williams
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Whoop whoop, I got it right (as did like everyone who knows who she is because her voice is that distinct... oh and also she spoke during the song so it was kind of obvious, but I am still claiming my victory: Gotten 3/5 correct so far and I am proud of that number)! Anyways here are the clues that pointed to her:
Shock= she says very shocking things on her show and is a pretty polarizing figure, you either love her or hate her (I am not fond of her myself but whatever I guess)
“Speak my truth”= she’s known for stating her mind and is unfiltered with her thoughts on things
West Wing= her initials WW
Fire= Hot Takes is a segment on her show and also a reference to her book Wendy’s Got The Heat
Alright, now that we have finished with her, let’s talk about our remaining 4 masked contestants:
1. Squiggly Monster 👾
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Performance: I really liked his performance of Have You Ever Seen the Rain by Creedence Clearwater Revival. He did super well, like I really liked it, I had low expectations because of the costume (it’s kind of creepy looking ngl) but I was pleasantly surprised. Having said that, the moment I heard him, because of his tone, I knew exactly who it was (again insert Ken’s voice here)...
So, for my guess, I think it is Full House actor/comedian:
Bob Saget
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Ok, so besides the voice, lemme give you why I think that clues wise (credit goes to this Screen Rant article for the details idk on my own):
Penguin visual in the package= he directed a parody nature documentary called Farce of the Penguins
Father and a scoundrel= father part due to him actually being a father to 3 girls/his role on Full House as Danny Tanner (a single father of 3 daughters which I think is wow funny) and the scoundrel part referring to his raunchy/dirty comedy
Cookie clues= nod to Michelle from Full House and her love of cookies
“Breaking News” and him on a news show kind of thing= reference to his Full House character Danny Tanner being an anchor for Good Morning San Francisco
He also was on the show as a shrimp cocktail as the friend for the Taco aka Tom Bergeron! So it makes sense for him to come back this season which I am all into
2. Mushroom 🍄
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Performance: Ok, so this is like the most confusing, is it a he or is it a she? That’s the biggest question, my money’s on a boy... so my guess is going to be male (I am gonna call Mushroom a he because of that so I apologize if I am misgendering them, I just need to narrow it down somehow and I am gendering them based on who I think it is, and I feel like he is the correct pronoun). Anyways, I love him, he’s my favorite Group C contestant, and his performance of This Woman’s Work was amazing, people said it was not good, but I really enjoyed it because I am a sucker for a good falsetto and this guy was almost all falsetto, I was feeling it. Having said that, maybe I like him so much because I feel like it is someone I adore, like if I meet him, I will faint status...
Having said that, I think it is Broadway star, heartthrob, actor, singer, adorable human...
Jordan Fisher
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Omg he is so cute... sorry I am gonna stop being 😍 for him I promise. Anyways, big clue was a video of him singing this exact song (I think it sounds so similar, but you guys can judge for yourselves), here it is: https://youtu.be/3lzRsMl8M8Q
Apart from that, here are some actual clues (with a bit of help from this Screen Rant article) that got my mind thinking it is him:
WAITTT 🤔... before we get into that, what I found interesting is that he tweeted and I quote “Seasonal tweet to let everyone know that ____ on the masked singer is once again not me 💜” and THE MASKED SINGER RETWEETED IT... but also I just checked and this is the first time he’s ever had to clear that up... soooo maybe he’s a liar (bc of an NDA ofc you cannot really spill the beans.... but let’s go with he’s a liar)... a cute liar... but he’s lying.
Ok, now onto the clues:
A lot of Hamilton clues= “a healer and a scholar,” “young, scrappy, and fun-gy,” “shroom where it happens” = he replaced Anthony Ramos as John Laurens/Philip Hamilton in the Broadway musical Hamilton (and also can reference his Broadway roots in general like being on Dear Evan Hansen)
Started at a “rat race” and Men in Black were mice= could be a reference to his start on Disney (Liv and Maddie and Teen Beach Movie)
A shot to turn a hobby into a career= reference to him streaming video games on Twitch
Stars clue with audience= he won Dancing with the Stars back in 2017 and also hosted DWTS Junior
3. Jellyfish 💚
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Performance: I really liked her performance of Big Girls Don’t Cry by Fergie even though I felt like she was holding back a bit (I can kind of say the same about Mushroom... but I still enjoyed it). I am really curious to see what she can really do, because I felt her nerves in the performance and like she can do more. This one’s killing me because I feel like I have heard that voice but I can’t put my finger on who it could be
So, with that said, I have no idea who to guess:
But I do know that it isn’t ✨Billie Elish✨
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No, but like seriously, that ain’t Billie Elish even tho a lot of people are guessing it, I am not buying it... you’ll see why in a second, here are the clues:
The Little(ish) Jellyfish title on a book
Reigned supreme in an underwater kingdom
Fans, Tiara (“princess”)
Angel Fish
Flower Crown
Missed out on normal girl stuff like parties and making friends
Billie Elish “Bad Guy” lyrics in the background= that’s way too obvious for it to be Billie Elish
4. Broccoli 🥦
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Performance: His performance of House is Rockin’/Whole Lotta Shakin Going On by Stevie Ray Vaughan/Jerry Lee Lewis was not what I expected to be honest. I thought it was going to be someone younger or a rapper, but it was an older gentlemen, and he was rockin, not gonna lie. I really liked it, not my favorite though I don’t think he is bad by any means. Anyways, I feel like I know who it is... maybe I am getting this from another person on YT’s guess who I really liked (Shoutout to them idk their user sorry)
So, for my guess for the Broccoli, I think it is legendary singer...
Paul Anka
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The reason why is because of the following clues:
Can of Soup= he won a Campell’s Soup competition and that jump started his career
Tik Tok reference= his song Put Your Head on My Shoulder went viral on Tik Tok
Also, the letterman jacket is very 60s which is his era I guess (my mom knows more ab it than I do)
Anyways, that’s it, guys! I hope you enjoyed this recap, I apologize for how long they are, it’s kind of my thing lol! Don’t forget to comment your guesses (do you agree with me? Disagree? I wanna know below... especially Jellyfish guesses bc I have no idea who she can be), like, and follow for more Masked Singer content. I’ll see you all next week for the Group C Playoffs! Bye guys! 👋🏼
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becksfm · 4 years
hey CASEY “BECK” BECKHAM , welcome to dillon university . has anyone ever told you you’re GAVIN LEATHERWOOD’s twin ? no ? well okay , i heard you are TWENTY - TWO & a JUNIOR at the university . we hope BIOCHEMISTRY isn’t kicking your ass too much , especially since you’re a STUDENT PHYSICAL TRAINER . see you at the next game, BECK & character’s cismale + he/him . 
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it’s me & i’m here for round fuckin’ two , friends . this time i bring you resident GOLDEN BOY . . . a whole 6′1 of soft boy energy . . . floppy overgrown curls . . . king of talking - your - way - out - of - everything . . . retired hockey player . . . a man of Many Talents , of which the most astounding is his ability to look like he’s got it all together when , in fact , he does not ! under the cut , you’ll find a lil more about him . . . & if you wanna plot hmu @ 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣#9956 on discord or pop into my ims here !! 
𝑩 𝑨 𝑪 𝑲 𝑮 𝑹 𝑶 𝑼 𝑵 𝑫 .
dillon , texas born & raised . on the outskirts of town is a ranch that is enough to house the beckham family: mom, dad, and all eight beckham children . beck is the second oldest , with one older sister , four younger sisters , and two younger brothers . . . not necessarily in that order . 
mother , sophia mattheson - beckham is a lawyer based in austin working with the ACLU , and father , michael beckham has a small private practice in dillon working as a pediatrician . they weren’t home often , but when they were , they spent as much time with the kiddos as possible . it’s just . . . they were so rarely home that it really didn’t matter. 
with the beckham name, though, comes the pressure to be SOMETHING GREAT , and that’s something that’s been a part of beck’s life since . . . he can remember . little league & kindergarten grades were always taken a little too seriously , and it didn’t help that his older sister was a shining example of perfection . 
growing up it was hard not to like him. he was quiet for the most part , but goofy when he wasn’t . there was a little extra charm about him that just gave him an all around magnetic pull . kids wanted to be his friend and he wanted to be theirs . he fit in , but around home , he was the odd man out . beck was always a little more interested in sports rather than math or music rather than reading . it wasn’t to say he wasn’t smart , it just kind of –– bored him?? where his family was v
there was give and take with beck–– the golden boy of dillon but the black sheep of the family . he could play hockey if he kept his grades up. he could take guitar if he was also on student government and model u.n.. his parents would applaud him on his grades but never cared to hear him play; they’d show up for debates but rarely ever saw a hockey game. it was touch and go, his relationship with them, and it still is.
DESPITE IT ALL though, you wouldn’t catch him complaining. he bore the crown of homecoming king his senior year and never went to a dance without a date. teachers loved him, so did his coaches. he found a best friend in one cameron sloane –– ( because of course he did ) –– when the sloanes moved to dillon , and they were an unstoppable kind’a duo on and off the ice.
when it came time to pick a college, he really . . . had his pick of the lot. coulda gone anywhere, but there were roughly six reasons , all with the same last name , that kept him close to home. his parents even agreed that if he went in as pre-med, they would pay for the whole thing . . . and even make time to watch him play hockey. 
things were good for a long while, until they weren’t. you can usually see the stars on the outskirts of dillon, but one night, his sophomore year, you couldn’t. storm clouds covered ‘em up, and he tried his damndest to get cameron to stick around a celebratory party until it passed, but sloanes are stubborn and there was no changing his mind. 
cam passing away was like losing a brother, and he spent countless hours pacing in a hospital waiting room . . . hoping for good news and never getting it. beck had never known loss like that, and it knocked him into a bit of a tailspin . he quit hockey and didn’t register for school the next year . he spent a lot of time at a family residence in austin and even more time drinking . for the most part . . . he kind of DISAPPEARED , losing himself in the process for a good nine months.
they say it takes a village to raise a kid, and it took a village to drag this one out of a spiral. his parents. his siblings. his friends. and eventually . . .  dillon’s football coaching staff. a loud knock on the door from coach buchanan and a swift kick in the ass from coach sloane, a man who knew the kid almost as well as he’d known his own son. come work for us, they told him . . . and it was a way to get him back on track under a watchful eye that. wasn’t quite as critical as his parents
so that’s where we are now . . . back at dillon, a year behind, and working with both the football and cheerleading team as a physical trainer, playing a heavy hand in making sure both teams are the best conditioned in the state of texas. his grades are looking up, and he’s still on the fast track for med school, much to his –– and his parents’s –– surprise. 
the beckhams don’t talk about his little stint of a spiral. no one in dillon does . . . unless in tones of hushed whispers alongside judgmental looks. beck doesn’t mind it too much ,though . . . even takes it as a challenge 
𝑷 𝑬 𝑹 𝑺 𝑶 𝑵 𝑨 𝑳 𝑰 𝑻 𝒀 . ( i’m getting tired so this gon be ugly )
you want inspo?? i’ll give ya inspo!! richard campbell gansey the third ( dick 3 babiiiie ) is my main inspo for beck. you’ll also find a lil bit of jim halpert, a lil bit of rob maclanahan from miracle ( even tho he w as a real person too shhh ), and *insert big eyed emoji here* grizz from the society 
ever since he can remember, there’s been pressure on this kid to be something great . . . so he feels like if he has the capability to do something, he has to do it. . . there’s no choice in the matter. a lot of this stems. from his parents, but he’s also really just . . . overly critical of himself sometimes
boy is a fucking PARADOX okay bc sometimes . . . . with the way he talks. . . . he accidentally puts his damn foot in his mouth . he’s smart so occasionally comes off as condescending , but he’s . . . incredible in conversation with people he needs to impress because he’s hella charming
that said... this quote is REALLY important and REALLY summative of beck: “Gansey had always felt as if there were two of him: the Gansey who was in control, able to handle any situation, able to talk to anyone, and then, the other, more fragile Gansey, strung out and unsure, embarrassingly earnest, driven by naive longing.” –– let’s dive into that!! when he feels like he’s got a sense of control of the things around him, when he’s in his element or in his comfort zone, when he’s feeling confident , the boy is a force. he can talk you and anyone else out of any situation, and he has. he can make friends with anyone put in front of him, and he has. when beck is ON . . . he is on . . . but it’s a bit surface level because when he’s not wearing the crown of GOLDEN BOY and he’s . . . vulnerable . . . or unsure . . . or stressed . . . he tends to put that foot of his in his mouth and spit. out whatever it is he’s thinking. he’s honest to a fault in this sense, and he’s hopeful beyond compare. 
an introvert. . . . can CHARM u but doesn’t want to because honestly that is so draining and he’d much rather be at home. the popular type but only has a few friends that are really really close to him
loyal to a fault . . . will give you 392847 chances that you don’t deserve .. fool me once shame on you ! fool me twice shame on me! fool me three time what the fuck bro now ur just taking advantage of me 
very . .. calm and even tempered.  he’s a mediating type and like . . would rather find a conflict resolution than sWING u feel me
he’s cute.  .. . and. people love him but .  . . despite it all, he really doesn’t let that go to his head?? the boy was raised to believe you had to earn things and he’s just. idk . . .. humble king
eloquent as fuck ( lol good luck @ me writing that shit )
quick witted and very sharp
probably a lawful good type ngl :\
Does Not Do Well.With Change. when his older sister left dillon to go to notre dame??? boy damn near blew a gasket how dARE SHE go that far away!!! 
v close with his sibs . .. . activate Dad Mode. he loves all of them equally and definitely does not at all favor the 10 y/o baby brother of the family or his sister closest in age, who is also a student at dillon. doesn’t favor them ONE BIT 
u want a vibe for the beckhams??? “ the beckhams were courtiers and kings . when there was no castle to invite them, they built one” ( we stan ONE weird author lady named maggie)
insomnia!! the boy nEVER SLEEPS1! always thinking. always planning what’s next. gotta go gotta go gotta go.
kind of .. . a hopeless romantic :\ dated the same girl for most of high school but when she fucked off to ole miss she broke up with him in a text. so that .. . . . .. went well for him ..... still a dumb bitch tho and would love to hold ur hand
wire rimmed glasses, wool sweaters, light colored hoodies, distressed denim, cuffed pants, :\ chelsea boots :\
phobia of bees. there’s literally no reason for this other than my own, personal, geeked out pleasure
prank king
Smart Jock Type
plays guitar to relieve stress and you bet baby’s got some pipes here u go 
literally nothing like nicholas scratch DO NOT call him daddy
tall and doesn’t know what to do with all the extra limb like .  . . . . the fuck
will push you to your personal best in any conditioning circumstance
okay I THINK THAT’S ALL . . .. i’m a big fan of basic plots that kinda ebb and flow with chemistry BUT!! gimme the basics man . . . a roommate . . . a past hookup or two . . . some spicy friendships or . . . fRENEMIES even u know the drill
ok that’s all i hope u love him bc i am v nervous about playing A Man buT IT IS WHAT IT IS U KNOW
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nightsh6de · 4 years
1, 3, 16, 39, 42, 43 :) x
hey, first off, thanks for sending in so many numbers!! i really appreciate it <3
1 : What was your favourite episode?
The finale, hands down! i haven’t stopped rewatching it since last sunday (i may be slightly obsessed). just everything about it was fantastic. it’s left the door wide open for the further development of villaneve in s4 & i’m just in love with the episode overall. truly the best episode of television i’ve ever seen 👌🏻
3 : What is your favourite Eve scene?
It’s honestly a tie for me between her confrontation with dasha in the bowling alley (she looked and acted so damn confident and that was honestly so sexy ngl) & the whole tallulah shark scene (peak comedy tbh). and i also just really loved her responses to villanelle in their finale scenes, but idk if that can count as an eve scene because she wasn’t really on her own?? but yeah seeing her growth shine through in the finale was so awesome!
16 : What is your favourite Eve outfit?
I lowkey feel like she was wearing the same outfit the whole damn season (i pray that s4 gives her some new, sexy outfits), but the one that really stands out in my mind is that turtleneck she wore while confronting dasha. i lost my mind when i saw the first pics of her in that scene tbh
39 : What do you want to see in terms of Villanelle and Eve’s relationship in s4?
I honestly just want to see them in the same space together for the majority of the season. I think s3 did such a great job of developing them as individuals, which in turn helped develop them as a duo (because they’re connected regardless of distance & circumstance), and then the finale just blew me away with how easily they set up the exact framework needed for putting them together in s4. so i’m really just wanting to see them fully lean in to their romantic & sexual tension, and maybe even have them work together in some capacity as well?? i’m not too clear on what the plot will fully be in regards to the twelve in s4, but yeah, i just hope they work together and, well, maybe make out & bang along the way lmao
42 : How do you think we will find Villanelle and Eve at the beginning of s4? Have they started a quiet life? Has there been a time jump? Are they still hunting the Twelve?
As with the previous question, i can’t even begin to imagine what the plot will be in s4 regarding the twelve, but i do have hope that villaneve will work together to take them down or something along those lines.
I personally would really love if there was no time jump & laura neal chose to pick back up on the bridge. i feel like there’s so much potential to benefit from that tension that they left us with after they turned around. but at the same time, i think no matter what laura chooses to do in the beginning, it’ll be brilliant!
In terms of the whole “quiet life” situation, i really don’t see villaneve ever living a quiet life lmao but it might be kind of comedic to make it seem like they’re hidden and unbothered but then have everything kinda go to shit. again, i’m sure laura will come up with some wild stuff for s4 that will blow any of our predictions out of the water
43 : What do you want to see explored in terms of the larger plot in s4?
Ahhh i feel so bad to say the same thing again, but i just have no clue where they’ll go with everything outside of villaneve, and i honestly don’t even have any ideas or expectations of my own! i guess that just generally, i want to figure out more about the twelve & more about carolyn. maybe see what happened to konstantin & irina?? idk tho that’s all i can come up with 😬
again, thank you so much for sending in some numbers!! i had a fun time answering these <3
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seventeendeer · 5 years
Okay, for the character ask, can you answer it for the first character that made an impact on you and brought you into your first fandom? (I love undertale too, but my first fandom was a Broadway XD)
I’ve been super obsessed with fiction since I was a little kid, but my first ‘real’ fandom where I interacted with other fans online and such was Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning, and the character that made me fall in love so hard was Cynder!
favorite thing about them
I was 10 or so and my reasons were simple: she had a cool af color scheme, and it blew my tiny child mind that she was a good guy all along and that she stayed goth and scary-looking even when she was turned back into her good self. I still feel exactly the same way, except I now also appreciate that she’s a fat little baby that looks kinda like a cat and a dog and a spike collar in one, and I wanna protect her
least favorite thing about them
ngl while I enjoyed The Eternal Night and Dawn of the Dragon on their own terms, I feel like they missed an opportunity by keeping Cynder’s story all dramatic and constantly having dark forces get on her case. I would have loved to see her just hang around and be treated like a normal secondary character like the elemental guardians instead. it would’ve been fun to see an evil-looking character just be a nice normal girl with a normal life. the writers could’ve just chosen to let her have no memory of what happened to her in the past and she could go about her day back at the temple chilling out and finding out what she wants to do with her time now that she’s free
favorite line
Cree Summer generally did a fantastic job voicing her, but the way she says “no mercy this time” stands out in my memory as chilling the first time I heard it, which is saying something bc I did Not understand English back then. the intent was clear enough, I guess lol
I want her to be friens with the guardians, this kid needs parents and they’re the only ones we got!!! idk why but I remember as a kid I was very attached to the idea of Terrador being a parental figure for her the way Ignitus was for Spyro, I guess I saw potential in a nice, stable, friendly dude taking in a weird lil goth kid and helping her adjust to normal life
I remember being absolutely Hyped about Cynder being Spyro’s love interest, at the time I’d never seen a character like her get to be the hero’s love interest, and tbh I still? haven’t seen many love interests like her?? it is not often that the female romantic lead gets to be scarier-looking than her partner, unless she’s also conventionally cute or otherwise attractive in a vamp-y kinda way. I think it was just really touching to me to see a female character be cared for and loved even though her design didn’t signal her as having that role at all, for a little tomboy like me that was extremely validating
random headcanon
the blue bits of her markings are the same color that she would have been if she hadn’t been pumped full of dark magic goo since before she was born. she’s implied to be a messed-up wind dragon (wind often being associated with blue bc blue skies and whatnot), and in that one flashback her egg is the same shade of blue. her white horns and green-blue eyes are probably also her natural colors.
unpopular opinion
relating to the ‘least favorite’ bit above, all the angst that was heaped upon her in the two sequels was ... kinda boring. would’ve been much more interesting if the writers had let her develop at her own pace instead of constantly throwing unpleasant situations at her in order to force a character arc that didn’t need to exist in the first place. just give the baby amnesia and let her have a nice chill b-plot about finding her way in life and be done with it tbh
song i associate with them
Astronomical by SVRCINA is only vaguely related to her character, but something about the mood is perfect for the time when she was under Malefor’s control.
favorite picture of them
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they are both so SMALL ...
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 209: Proud Dads, Determined Rivals, and a Prison Interlude
Previously on BnHA: Team BakuJirouSatouSero scored a flawless 4-0 victory against Team TokaBondoAwaKama. Here’s how it went down: (1) Bakugou protected Jirou and everyone watching was like “holy shit did Bakugou just protect Jirou??” and his classmates were like “YES THAT JUST HAPPENED”; (2) Awase welded Bakugou to some columns with his quirk; (3) Satou used his own quirk to smash Bakugou free; (4) Jirou stunned Awase with her quirk and Sero tied him up; (5) Bakugou blasted Bondo and Satou restrained him afterward; (6) everyone watching was like “SO BAKUGOU DOES TEAMWORK NOW?!” and again his classmates were like “YES”; (7) Bakugou flung Kamakiri into a wall, which looked like it hurt, sorry Kamakiri; (8) we learned that Bakugou had given some extra grenades to his teammates and they’d used them to blow up a bunch of Tokage’s amputated body parts, forcing her to regenerate and use up her stamina; and finally, (9) the depleted Tokage flew right into Bakugou and he took her out with a (Point-Blank) Stun Grenade attack. Basically it was just Bakugou is Awesome: The Chapter. If I didn’t know any better I’d think I had fantasized this whole fucking thing you guys. THAT’S MY BOYYYY.
Today on BnHA: Aizawa gives his team a thumbs up and Kaminari is all “WOW KACCHAN YOU REALLY CAN BE NOT-A-JERK IF YOU TRY HUH” and All Might is all “chills, Young Bakugou. LITERAL CHILLS” and that last bit makes Bakugou get all shy and embarrassed and it’s super fucking cute. Then he bumps into Deku and Deku is all “wow that was awesome” and Bakugou is all “you can’t beat me” and Deku is all “nah I can” and it goes on like this for a page and then Bakugou leaves and then All Might is all “I ship it.” Over on class B’s side, Monoma and his team begin to strategize for their upcoming battle. Everyone agrees that their first priority should be to take out Deku because You Just Don’t Fuck With Deku. The 5th set begins, and it’s honestly too many names to squish together, I’m gonna be real with y’all, but anyway so Deku’s side also has Mina, Ochako, and Mineta though. And their plan is to have Deku be a decoy and draw out Team B’s most troublesome members (i.e. Shinsou). As things get started, All Might gets a call from Gran Torino. We then cut to Tartarus of all places, where Prisoner #1541, better known as All for One, is squirming around and making the guards nervous. Turns out AFO is excited because apparently he can “hear his little brother’s voice.” Um. Okay.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 224, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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oh man. that was such a rush. how could anyone possibly not enjoy that. I think even Aizawa was probably pumping his fist a couple of times and then trying to play it off like he didn’t care lol
poor Vlad King
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I wonder how this will change people’s strategies going up against Bakugou in the future. the kid whose own classmates once worried that he wouldn’t accept being rescued even when his life was literally on the line just pulled off some of the smoothest fucking teamwork I’ve ever seen. I mean that shit was seamless. and “cooperation” was this kid’s one and only weak stat before; moving forward it’s getting harder and harder to imagine how anyone could possibly beat him
and lest I not give the others the credit they deserve, they were outstanding as well. Satou with the clutch save and then later helping to apprehend Bondo! Sero who made expert use of his quirk to get the others in position and to capture Awase! and then being the one to figure out Tokage’s weakness and exploit it! and last but most definitely not least my girl Jirou, who kept the others advised of class B’s movements throughout and was the one to actually KO Awase before Sero tied him up!
basically they all did so gooood. even Aizawa can’t possibly find anything to chew them out for can he? lol I’m so proud of my babies
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meanwhile poor Vlad can’t find much to say either because let’s be real there’s no way his kids were ever gonna win that one
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“based on past data” wow you guys I wonder if I’m ever going to stop being over the moon about this lol
but I mean, that’s exactly why I’m so psyched! it’s that slow burn character development! this was done so, so painstakingly, and little by little all the groundwork was put in until we finally reached the payoff. and that’s why it’s so satisfying. it’s because this is the side of Bakugou that I’ve been waiting for from the very start. this is him finally achieving the potential he has always had. it took so much patience and it was so, so worth it. so yeah. fuck it. I’m gonna keep being giddy about it
poor Tokage is apologizing to her teammates and she looks really worn out and I feel bad :( poor girl
but Awase is all “if someone with moves like his turns into a ‘goody two-shoes’, they have no holes to exploit” and oh my god lol. that’s what I’m saying, though. lol everyone is so fucked now :DDDD “well fuck us, if Bakugou’s not even going to be an asshole anymore then we might as well roll over and die now”
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and last but not least, there isn’t so much as a blink in regards to the “Kacchan.” this seriously is going to be his new hero name. this has gone from “I sure would love it if...” to “I’m actually starting to become increasingly sure of this” to “I would put solid money on it and would be amazed at this point if it doesn’t end up happening.” honestly I just want it to happen already lol
(ETA: yeah I might lose that bet lol. I still would love this because Parallels, but those Ground Zero feels from 223 have me rethinking my entire life ngl. btw that turned out to be “ground zero” spelled out in katakana though, not 爆心地/bakushinchi, so who knows. still kinda up in the air here.)
-- oh my fucking god you guys!!
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ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ;______;
let’s analyze everything again omgggggg
look at Kacchan’s face. look at how he’s ignoring the others behind him entirely. his focus is entirely on All Might here. just waiting for his response. trying his best not to show how important it actually is to him
and All Might’s exceedingly proud face, and that praise. “CHILLS, YOUNG BAKUGOU. YOU GAVE ME FUCKING CHILLS” lmaoooo
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THE LEFT HAND MOVING UP TO HIS EAR! you’re telling me this kid, Bakugou fucking Katsuki, THE COCKIEST BOY WHO EVER LIVED, actually felt self-conscious to the point where he had to turn away and was all “whatever it’s not a big deal” and rubbing at his ear and avoiding eye contact with fucking everyone because he was so fucking happy that he made All Might proud, and no one can ever know!!!! QUICK, SAY SOMETHING COOL! “...YOU PROBABLY JUST CAUGHT A COLD OR SOMETHING.” NAILED IT!! SO SMOOTH KACCHAN
oh my god you guys this moment is seriously everything to me though. I’m so fucking happy for him. and he is so fucking cute jesus christ I want to pinch his adorable embarrassed cheeks ffff
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but he was so wrapped up in the praise he just got from his hero that when Deku startled him he got so flustered and he just automatically slipped back into what he knows. “nuuu leave me aloneeee.” HE’S NOT EVEN IN YOUR WAY THOUGH
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lol unlike with All Might, Kacchan knows exactly how to respond to Deku’s praise by this point
but they’ve seriously come such a long way as well. look at how Katsuki’s response acknowledges Deku’s strength even as he keeps the rivalry alive and well. “you’ll never be able to catch up.” acknowledging Deku as the threat he is, the one who pushes him to keep improving
and then Deku’s confident response, slipping right into a rapport with him. no stammering or hesitation. just his own cocky little grin. he’s fucking living for this. being rivals with Kacchan! don’t mind him it’s just everything he ever wanted that’s all
lol so now Katsuki’s telling him to shut up and that he’ll never be able to surpass him!
and Deku’s all
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I stan two (2) idiot rivalboys who are just starting to heal their relationship after so long and let me tell you guys it is an absolute and utter pleasure to see it go down and I am here for it and will be here for it as it continues to progress and as Katsuki continues to learn how to be Less Of A Jerk and make amends for his Past Bullshit and the two of them continue to establish this rivalry and then start to take their next steps toward the final stage, the endgame if you will, which is being partners who actually trust one another. oh my god. and I can’t fucking believe we’re finally within sight of that now though and oh my fucking god you guys
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what are you thinking All Miiiiiiiight. I just explained to you all of my ten zillion thoughts on this so now you give me one of yours!
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ffffffff I’m telling you, every time he looks at the two of them together he sees their future selves, working together and trusting one another and relying on one another and together being the greatest heroes the world has ever known. All Might is the original BakuDeku shipper. he loves them so much and he’s so proud of them
and look at the word he uses there. friend. once again seeing through all of their fronting and other nonsense to the core of what they really are. and “friend” is not a word you could use to describe what Katsuki is to Izuku until very recently, but he’s absolutely right. we saw that earlier today when Katsuki saw them talking and came over and asked if anything had happened with OFA and then listened and reassured Izuku. that wasn’t rivalry, there -- that was care and concern (very brusquely offered but still). we are officially entering a whole new stage of this thing you guys, and fucking bring it on
also Deku’s face though. like, he was trying to keep that Rival Smirk in place, but look at the Actual Grin fighting to work its way out and him being so excited because it’s Kacchan and it’s what he’s wanted for so long ffff
ANYWAY. so we’re finally going to move on from the BakuDeku part of this chapter now though so say farewell
(ETA: oh my god this one section of this recap analyzing three fucking pages was longer than some of my other recaps in their entirety. sorry, guys; I see a pair of rivals and I lose all self control.)
All Might is adding “other than that potty mouth of his” which is Classic All Might, and meanwhile Shinsou is watching the two of them (All Might and Deku) with an indecipherable expression, oh my
anyway so now we turn to our other resident cocky blond
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“not half bad” from Monoma in reference to Katsuki is like a fucking Michelin star holy shit
now Tokage is coming up to him dejected and apologizing and saying that it’s mathematically impossible for class B to win now
well that is true but they can still tie though. honestly I have no idea how this last fight will go now
wow Monoma
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that accelerated from insightful to pompous so quickly I don’t think anyone even had time to strap themselves in
“everyone is a supporting character in someone else’s life, and the main character in their own” fucking what lmao
I mean, he’s not wrong though. unless you’re Deku. then you’re just The Main Character. surprise! a good way to tell if you’re actually the main character in everyone’s lives and not just your own is if you get attacked by villains in every single arc btw
so Kakashi Girl is asking what is Monoma’s plan anyway
did they not come up with one yet?? they had all that time! the most time out of anyone!
Shouda says they should adapt a strategy similar to Tokage’s team
sure, if you also want to get beat 4-0 in a record five minutes
so he says they should stick together and keep themselves concealed and that there are no merits in challenging the other team to hand-to-hand combat
whatever you say. I only know two of you guys’ quirks here. I personally would be looking to take advantage of the Monoma-borrows-Shinsou’s-quirk strategy to take them by surprise, which is only going to work once but damned if it won’t be really fun to watch though
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absolutely. he’s the Bakugou of their team, for sure. but if you thought Kacchan’s team had good teamwork, you ain’t seen nothing yet though
and also don’t forget that my girl Uraraka “gon’ fuck your shit UP” Ochako is also on this team! anyone wants to underestimate her, it’s at their own risk
apparently class B has been doing their research and keeping up with the times, because they’re aware that Deku’s style has come a long long way from the days of the sports festival. they even know about his new long-distance attacks! wow
also they describe him as “Bakugou’s equal or maybe even greater” in terms of both mobility and power, which is excellent. this series keeps giving me what I want
so Shinsou agrees that they need to take out Deku first “no matter the cost.” but he’s bringing up the fact that Deku is able to escape from his brainwashing
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ehhhh but I kinda feel like that’s a waste of the potential that Monoma-with-Shinsou’s-quirk has, and I don’t get how doubling down would do anything other than just make things more complicated. and also, won’t Deku’s team be on the lookout for Shinsou’s quirk now? idk just seems like a lot of things that could go wrong here. this fight is going to be so interesting
Monoma looks thoughtful and says that it’s possible “things won’t go as planned for me either”
but he says that either way they need to stop Deku from roaming free or they have no chance. “I’m counting on you, Shinsou”
so now the teachers are gathered and saying that this is the last round, which we already know. “I wonder how Shinsou will fare?”
I know Aizawa is actually way more invested in this than he’s letting on, so I’m officially rooting for class B here despite my best boy and best girl Izuku and Ochako being on the class A team. sorry guys. but I just want your new brother to do well so he can be accepted into your class and get to be your brother full time!
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I highly doubt that they will! so now we’ll see whether or not he can adapt!
oh shit I forgot Mineta was on this team. hey team B I’m giving you guys a freebie. you can just come pick him up now
anyway so on their side they are of course worried the most about Shinsou. though Ochako’s reminding them that they should be worried about everyone!
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lol that started out as what seemed to be a pep talk, but then turned into more of a “there’s actually way more ways we could lose than just that!” type of thing lmao
and what is this now
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did you guys spend all your time practicing this instead of coming up with some actual strategies. we fucking know what you can do you boobs
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what are you talking about!? honestly you could probably combine your quirks and still pull out a win even without Deku if you tried. Mina what happened to all that creativity you were overflowing with during the Band AU arc??
(ETA: thankfully she’s still got it! lol watch your back Mineta)
and anyway, since you do have Deku though, this team is basically Bakugou’s Team 2.0. the possibilities are endless! you guys are so fucking versatile! stop getting down on yourselves! where is the leadership?? the last group only just showed everyone how much of a difference that shit makes. Deku where are you
oh there you are
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would that really work? I know if it was me on team B and I saw Deku off on his own I’d be like “okay great, let’s stay as far the fuck away from him as possible and go after the others while they’re undefended”
oh apparently he told them all about his weird quirk mishap earlier because Mina’s asking him how he’s doing now
but he says he’s feeling fine, same as always
and he thinks that after watching the 4th set, they’ll be on their guard against him though. yeah exactly
Mineta’s asking if he’s going to be all right because they’re relying on him
oh y’all know I’m living for this calm heroic confidence
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this right here. is exactly the type of hero I want Deku to be. oh my god I’m so fucking proud of my boys in this arc, though
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so now Deku’s flexing his hand and he says nothing feels off
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“after he lit a fire under me like that” oh my god. and this is why their rivalry is my favorite fucking part of the series. just look at how they push each other. Kacchan just gave the performance of a lifetime after reluctantly learning the true meaning of Christmas from the boy he formerly thought of as a pebble in his shoe. and now Deku is here calmly telling everyone they’re definitely going to win, and thinking determined thoughts after getting all fired up after that talk with his best friend. CAN I CALL THEM THAT YET? NO? I’M BEING TOLD I JUMPED THE GUN EXTREMELY BY A WHOLE LOT? ARE YOU SURE? OKAY SORRY I JUST GOT EXCITED MY BAD. BUT GIVE IT A LITTLE MORE TIME THOUGH?
anyways so Vlad is all “BEGIN!” and there are two big panels of the teams getting all set to go!
oh shit and now All Might’s phone is ringing unexpectedly
lol @ Midnight telling him to shut that thing off. All Might that’s so rude
oh shit it’s Gran! that was fast. oh my god now they can talk about Deku’s weird quirk bullshit yessssssssss
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jesus christ. if you have upwards of 1500 extremely dangerous high security prisoners, then maybe just maybe you might want to go ahead and refer to them by their fucking names just for simplicity’s sake. “which one is 1541 again?” like is it good or bad that he moved? these are circumstances where even a split second of having to go through your mental filing system to recall who’s who might end up being disastrous if things go wrong
anyways don’t mind me, just nitpicking really stupid things instead of getting on with the story. okay so who is that. is it AFO??
so the guard is mumbling that it would be nice if they could hurry up with “the decision and execution” of 1541’s sentence. “at this rate we won’t be able to last”
wow. so it must be AFO, right? if they’re just letting him move around all the time, they really are screwed. what, were those gun turrets just for show? he’ll be out of there in a blink of an eye once he finally feels like it
and now we’re cutting to the cells and I’m preeeeetty sure this is AFO talking with Stain here
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Chaplin sounds like some redpill prick if you ask me
also I’m not quite sure but did they just confirm that Chaplin is Gigantomachia’s true identity?
I just went and checked JBox’s translation and they made it seem like Giganto is Chaplin’s subordinate. which can’t be right because we know he’s AFO’s. serves me right for trying to verify something with JBox. I’ll just check Caleb Cook’s twitter after this and see what his thoughts are
-- wait hold up. now it looks like the guards talking. maybe JBox was right after all
(ETA: okay I wasn’t able to check Viz’s version to verify, but I think this is actually the guards talking and the correct translation should be “he’s his direct subordinate,” with him being All for One. the original Japanese line was “直系の部下だ” which basically means “he is [their] direct subordinate” without actually clarifying whose subordinate they are, so it’s a bit confusing when you don’t know who’s talking. anyways!!)
anyway so they’re saying that AFO has tons of other followers still in hiding and that it’s not just the league. and that they have to be careful not to provoke them
eh, I’d say it’s worth the risk. these other villains ain’t shit compared to AFO and we all know it. but if you leave him alive, and he gets out and regains his strength and retakes his place at the head of them all, then we’re talking about an all-out war potentially
which is actually where I’m thinking the series might be headed though. at least for the final arc. so I guess we’ll see
um whoa
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seriously?? you too?? oh shit what the hell is even going on
anyways so that’s the end. oh my god. the series is getting so good again. it’s actually been really good since the Endeavorhawks arc honestly. like we’re almost back at full steam again. big things are coming, we’re heading toward another huge arc, I can feel it, and I can’t wait
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ettadunham · 5 years
A Buffy rewatch 3x22 Graduation Day Part 2
aka miles to go before Buffy can sleep
Welcome to this dailyish text post series where I will rewatch an episode of Buffy and rant about it in 10-3k words. What you can expect: long run-on sentences and disjointed observations, often focused on one tiny detail about the episode. What you shouldn’t be expecting: actual reviews that make sense.
And I take it as a sign of me getting older that this episode gets me almost as emotional as Becoming Part 2 these days. They’ve come so far!!! And they’ll go so much further yet!!!
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Like, no one tell s1 Willow that she’s gonna roll into her own graduation 5 minutes late with sex hair. She’d have a heart attack.
It’s true though. The Mayor’s speech actually got to me. As the camera panned to all these characters I loved I not only remembered how they changed since their first appearance on the show, but how they will continue changing throughout the series. It really is a hell of a journey for all.
The nostalgia of Graduation Day Part 2 doesn’t really hit you in the head. I don’t think the characters actually have any lines reminding the audience of where they started, but that’s kinda what I like about it. We, the audience, remember, and that’s what matters.
Another subtle thing that I discovered about the episode was the score. It doesn’t have those super memorable notes as The Gift, but that’s why it managed to surprise me here. It adds extra weight to scenes, like the opening with Buffy, as she stands at the rooftop, contemplating what she’s done to Faith.
I also loved the detail of her leaving the knife there. even though I believe that we could’ve done more with that storyline. For part of the episode, Buffy actually believes that she killed Faith. I love how SMG plays that opening, and I understand that Buffy’s still processing that information by the time it’s revealed that Faith survived, but that’s some heavy shit, man. We could’ve explored that.
Still, the scene that I want to spend more time with is definitely the Buffy/Faith coma dream.
I already talked about this, especially with Surprise, but I love the dream sequences on this show. Partially because I love a good puzzle, and Buffy dreams provide an excellent blend of the prophetic and subconscious kind.
The first thing anyone who starts looking up Buffy foreshadowing will stumble onto, is the line “Miles to go, Little Miss Muffet counting down from 7-3-0″. Which is a reference to the 730 days aka two seasons Buffy has left until her death in The Gift.
And that kind of blew my mind when I first read about it (especially with the Restless callback), but this time around, I also took a moment to appreciate how the “Miles to go...” part references Buffy’s “sleep” (”Miles to go before I sleep”) - which now she has to wake up from, as she’s still got those 730 days before she could rest. (To drive it even more home, Buffy keeps repeating at the end of the episode how she’d just like to sleep now, thank you very much.)
There’s also the cat. Which is a she, and mostly symbolizes Faith herself, especially as it fades to her for a moment.
Buffy:  Who's going to look after him? Faith:  It's a she. And aren't these things supposed to take care of themselves? Buffy: A higher power guiding us? Faith: I’m pretty sure that’s not what I meant.
The last part is a bit of an insight into the show’s (and Whedon’s, lbr) stance on religion, and yet the Powers That Be will still be a major player over on Angel the series? The Buffyverse has an intriguing relationship with these ideas, that’s for sure.
But in the context of Faith, it’s a reaffirmation that she always had to look out and take care of herself, because no one’s done that for her. Not her mother, not the Watchers, and not even Buffy in the end. And certainly not some higher power...
A cat will also appear in Restless, but that will be Tara and Willow’s kitty - a different and much younger cat. One that’s much less jaded and is actually taken care of. (Except in season 6 I guess??? I have questions about who’[s feeding that cat during that time.)
Given the foreshadowing we get when we sort of revisit this dream in This Year’s Girl, I guess one could also interpret the cat as a Dawn reference? Maybe a stretch, but one that we could certainly run with as well.
I also wanted to talk a bit about the This Year’s Girl dream in general, because it’s fascinating how this scenario appears in Buffy’s and Faith’s respective minds. I definitely get the sense that there’s a connection and a shared consciousness happening in this dream... But Slayer dreams are still happening inside the head of the person dreaming them. That’s why Buffy’s prophetic dreams in Surprise are full of her own anxieties, and why Drusilla plays Buffy’s role in them as Angel’s doom. It’s how Buffy’s mind interpreted the message received.
Similarly, in Faith’s mind Buffy will be reduced to the role of the villain in those dreams. Even though as we’ll later find out, Faith sees herself as the villain, more than anything, and she’s projecting that onto Buffy in the dream.
That’s not to say that there aren’t more layers still - Buffy did stab and almost killed Faith in the name of saving Angel after all - but I like to think that the Faith Buffy sees in her dream contains some of the essence of the real Faith, despite what we’ll see of Faith’s dreams later on.
The clutter in Faith’s apartment in the dream not so subtly symbolizing Faith’s own mind is an interesting touch to that. Although her line about all the new things in her head feels like something that relates more to Buffy.
Faith:  Sorry, it’s my head. A lot of new stuff.
It’s Buffy who’ll take and learn whatever she needs from Faith as she wakes up. Faith herself will be trapped in her own mind for almost a year.
Buffy: I can’t use all of this! Faith:  Just take what you need.
Probably one of the best dream sequences, ngl.
Graduation Day Part 2 really is a great season finale, and a perfect end to an era in the show’s history. So... I’m not even gonna try and go over all of that.
One thing though... I kept mentioning how Larry will die in this episode, but you know what? He’s not dead. He just got knocked out. He’s fine. He was at Pride with the Scoobies this year, I saw him, it’s true.
They all survived high school. It’s fine.
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