#nick fury x you
The Marvel Master List
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The Rich
Tony Stark
Stephen Strange
Peter Parker (TASM/Marvel)
The Old
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
The Bad
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
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@firefly-graphics for dividers
Marvel Master List Tags- @yourfavdummy
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waltermis · 3 months
*Natasha walking pass Y/N*
Natasha: Hey Y/N, will you join me in Fury's office for a second?
Y/N *following Natasha*: Ohhh, private rendezvous huh? This whole 'trying to make a baby' thing has got you super freaky girl-
*Entering the office*
Y/N: Heeeyyy FuRY! *clears throat* What's up dude...!!
Fury: ...
Natasha: What did you think was happening??
Fury: She clearly thought you were gonna have secret sex in here...
Y/N: WHAt?! Inappropes much, Nick? *awkward chuckle*
Natasha: ...😏😏
Fury: Hey! Stop thinking of ideas!!
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literaryavenger · 4 months
Happy Birthday
Summary: It's your birthday and the only person who doesn't seem to be excited about it is you.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death. Angst. Fluff. Language probably. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 2.5K
A/N: This story was completely self-indulgent, but I hope someone out there likes it!
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You’ve always been very reluctant to celebrate your birthday.
You haven’t had a birthday party since you were 12. The following year your mom died a couple of days before and neither you nor your family were in the mood to celebrate anything.
It wasn’t by any means unexpected, she had been sick for a few years, but it still hit you hard.
You were the youngest and were far too young when she first got sick to really understand everything going on.
You were 8 and all you really remember is watching your mom get more and more sick until eventually there was nothing more the doctors could do.
Her death hit you hard and you closed yourself off, never talking about it or even crying after the day of her funeral. To this day you’ve still never cried, in front of others or even by yourself.
You started exercising to channel all your energy, refusing to do anything more like the therapy your family suggested. 
When you were 15 you discovered SHIELD and decided you wanted to help others, so you signed up for the SHIELD Academy, working your hardest and pushing yourself to your very limit.
You ended up being not only the youngest cadet ever, but the youngest to actually graduate and then the youngest recruit at SHIELD at only 16 years old.
Natasha was very impressed when she heard about you and took a liking to you, convincing Fury to make you part of her team during her missions and teaching you everything she knows.
That’s how you ended up in the Avengers Initiative, not that you felt you didn’t deserve it since you know how hard you worked and everything you gave up to work towards this achievement. 
The team themselves were initially skeptical since you were barely 18 during the battle of New York, but they were quickly proven wrong when they saw how well you handled yourself against the Chitauri. 
You were devastated when SHIELD fell, but carried on as an Avenger, battling Ultron and then moving to the Compound with the team.
You met the actual Bucky for the first time when you were 22, during the whole Civil War thing with Baron Zemo. Like Natasha, you were on Tony’s team, fighting mostly Pietro, but the conflict eventually ended. 
It took Tony some time to get over the whole ��Bucky killing his parents while brainwashed” thing, but, as he likes to say, he can’t call himself a genius without admitting that Bucky didn’t have much of a choice. 
Thanks to Tony’s help Shuri was able to find a solution to Bucky’s brainwashing faster than she would’ve alone, meaning Bucky didn’t have to go back into cryo and was pretty quickly cleared to join the team, about a year after the airport battle in Leipzig.
You were warmly accepted by everybody and, the more the team grew the more you felt at home with these people.
And now you wish you could burn down the whole compound because, somehow, Tony convinced you to have a birthday party for the first time in 13 years because, in his words, 'you only turn 25 once'.
Good news is you managed to make him limit the guest list to the team and other people close to you like Maria Hill and Fury. Bad news is you’re still gonna be the center of attention, which you hate.
You couldn’t stop Tony from making everyone dress up for the party, and you couldn’t stop the team from getting you gifts even though you insisted all you wanted was everyone together and to have fun with them since for the longest time nobody ever even knew when your birthday was. 
What you didn’t realize was that the only person more worried than you about your gifts was Bucky.
Since he joined the team the two of you have gotten close, starting with his first training with the team where he very loudly told Steve about his disbelief that someone as young and small as you could actually be an asset to the team.
You quickly put him in his place by taking him down after less than two minutes of sparring, taking full advantage of his underestimating you because he “didn’t want to hurt a pretty little thing like you.”
Admittedly he was impressed and wasn’t shy about letting you know that, while the rest of the team snickered at his initial shock when you pinned him down.
You became friends after that, not as close as you’d like but friends nonetheless.
If you were honest with yourself you’ve been harboring a little crush on the supersoldier, but he’s never shown any interest so you resigned yourself to just being his friend.
Something that you did come to treasure, though, is your and Bucky’s late night talks.
It started with you walking in on him in the kitchen on a late night where you couldn’t sleep, nothing new to you, but the two of you barely talked other than acknowledging each other.
You took a bottle of water and left.
A couple of days later you ran into him again and you stood there in silence while you made yourself a cup of tea and then left for your room.
A few days later again he was just sitting there and said nothing as you made your tea, except this time you put a cup in front of him and silently took a seat next to him at the counter.
Two nights later when you arrived at the kitchen he was already there with a cup of tea in front of him and one in front of the seat next to him.
You didn’t want to assume it was for you, but you took a chance when you noticed it was the cup you always used, a blue mug with Stitch on it that says “Let’s get weird”. Your favorite in fact.
You hesitantly sat down next to him and, without you having to ask or without even looking at you, he told you that the nights you stay up late because you can’t sleep you tend to be more quiet during the team dinners and while you hang out afterwards.
You didn’t say anything in return and just sat there, trying not to overthink how much he seemed to watch you.
But the more nights you spent like that, the more you two talked and you gathered quickly that Bucky is a very observant person, nothing more.
You loved the time you spent together after dark where you’d talk about everything and anything, but come morning it was almost as if it never happened, which you came to accept.
It weirdly made the nights you spent talking even more special, which was almost every night.
But back to the present, you’re currently getting ready with Natasha and Wanda, who know much more than you about hair and makeup and are always happy to help you out with getting ready for Stark parties. 
You put on the black cocktail dress with rhinestones all over the corset and a slit down the left side, then the three of you make your way to the party room and you take a deep breath before entering.
Everyone is already there, all dressed up in fancy clothes as they all shout “Happy Birthday”.
You laugh and say hi to everybody while they all take turns hugging you, there’s not too many people but everyone important to you is there.
Even Laura and Clint’s kids are there, which you consider a second family at this point, since Laura always did treat you like a daughter.
You hate to admit that it's a nice party.
Knowing you, everyone makes an effort to not put you too much at the center of attention and you just go around talking to your friends like every other party.
Eventually time comes for the cake and, the moment you kind of dreaded, opening the gifts.
Since it's the first birthday you allowed the team to celebrate everyone decided to go all in for your gifts, which you picked up on from the very first gift you open.
Pietro got you a first edition of “The Picture Of Dorian Gray” which is your all time favorite book, Wanda and Maria got you a leather jacket and an amazing pair of boots that you knew were expensive because you were all out shopping together when you came across them.
Steve got you a gold heart-shaped locker with a picture of the team inside it, Natasha got you a charm bracelet with a little charm to represent everyone on the team, and Sam got you a cute necklace with your birth stone on it.
When you open Fury’s gift you start laughing since it's a gun, a SIG SAUER P226 to be precise, which is very Fury.
“It was my first gun when I joined SHIELD.” He says with a smile and you smile back, knowing how much thought he put into this gift.
You open Clint’s gift next, a bow and arrow that he already taught you how to use, and Laura got you a pair of diamond earrings.
Your heart melts when you open Lila, Cooper and Nathaniel’s gifts, respectively a friendship bracelet, an Avengers action figure of yourself and a Stitch plushie.
The three of them hug you tightly as you say thank you and now you only have two gifts left, Tony’s and Bucky’s, and they’re both little boxes. 
You open Tony’s next, thinking it’s some fancy necklace or earring but you frown when you see a car key.
“Is this the key to your car?” you ask Tony, knowing full well you’re holding the key to an Audi R8 Spyder, the car Tony’s let you borrow so many times you’re now wondering if he’s gifting you his spare set of keys.
“No.” He says casually “It’s the key to your car.”
You’re even more confused and simply stare at him with your mouth gaped, not really processing the information.
“Y-you… You got me a car?!” You almost yell out of shock and everyone else starts laughing at your antics when you start basically jumping up and down and hugging Tony, squealing like a little girl.
“Well, come on, let’s go see it!” Tony says enthusiastically after you’ve calmed down, and you get up, just as enthusiastic, but are stopped by Steve’s voice.
“Wait, wait. You have one gift left.” He says, picking up the small box and giving it to you. “It’s from Bucky.”
You were so pumped up by the car, you almost forgot about it and completely miss the mischievous look Steve gives Bucky and the murderous glare Bucky gives back.
You also miss Bucky starting to protest before you open his gift, but he instantly shuts up when he sees your face falling the second you open it.
It’s a small necklace with a blue rose in it, it really looks like something you’d give a little girl more than a 25 year old woman.
You look at it for a minute, running your finger on it before you raise your head and look at Bucky.
The whole room goes silent as they all watch you worriedly, everyone noticing immediately that tears are streaming down your face.
Nobody understands what’s happening and nobody knows how to react or what to do, it’s like they’re all frozen by the sight of you being vulnerable for the first time ever. 
Meanwhile Bucky’s heart is beating so loud he’s sure everyone around him can hear it, and he feels himself starting to panic at the thought of having ruined your birthday with that stupid gift.
Everybody else got you expensive gifts and all he did was get you a small, cheap necklace that reminded him of a story you briefly talked about once on one of your late night talks about a necklace you had as a kid.
He saw it at the mall while looking for a gift for you, remembering the sweet smile you had on your face when you mentioned it and the fleeting sad look he thought he saw when you told him you lost it when you were 12.
He was really proud of himself for that gift, but the more he saw the other gifts you got the more he regretted his choice, especially after Tony gave you a fucking car.
And now you were crying, not saying anything while just looking at him.
He doesn’t know what to expect from you at the moment, nobody does, he thinks you might yell, throw his gift back at him, tell him how much you hate it and him.
But you surprise everyone by throwing your arms around Bucky’s neck, hugging him tightly while crying into his shoulder.
You honestly forgot telling Bucky about that story and certainly didn’t expect him to remember it, especially since you always got the feeling that he didn’t care about your talks as much as you.
You just assumed that come morning he deleted everything you told him to make room for more important things, and you didn’t blame him.
But he didn’t.
What you didn’t tell him about the necklace is that your mom gave it to you because blue roses were her favorite, you had that necklace since you were born but you somehow lost it the day of her funeral.
That day you lost the two most important things in your life and cried yourself to sleep, and that was the last time you allowed yourself to be weak and cry.
Until today.
Bucky hesitantly wraps his arms around you, rubbing your back hoping to get you to calm down. He looks around at the rest of the team, panicking a little and not knowing what to do.
Everyone else is as clueless as he is, never having seen you in such a state before.
Bucky starts apologizing, his heart breaking at the sight of you crying, and he feels horrible that it’s because of him.
You shake your head quickly and pull away a little to look at him, wanting to reassure him you’re not sad or angry but incredibly happy, but words refuse to come. You take a deep breath to calm yourself and finally manage to speak.
“Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me.” It’s quiet, but it’s something, and it’s enough to make Bucky let out a breath of relief at knowing you don’t hate him or his gift.
He brings you back in for another tight hug, almost forgetting about everyone else in the room as you hug him back without hesitation.
You’re honestly not even embarrassed at crying, all you care about at the moment is Bucky, his arms around you while he lets you bury your face in his neck, like you’ve been wanting to do for years now.
“Happy birthday, doll.” He whispers in your ear and, for the first time in 13 years, you really feel like it is.
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rafeslittleangel · 4 months
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One night only...right?
In which you and Natasha are on a mission and lose all communication from Shield, forcing you to stay at a motel.
Warnings: Smut, tribbing, fingering, edging, mommy kink, oral f receiving, slight mentions of injury
Words: 2.6k
18+ mdni
"All clear" 
Nat whispers, pressing the earpiece to hear your response. 
"They're heading your way, Romanoff. I see thermal signatures of three." You mumble, looking at the small screen attached to your sleeve. "Stay on comms. I'll come in when you need me to."
Natasha smirks, her eyes flitting to the entrance of the room, waiting for the incoming. Rubbing her lips together, almost hungrily, she mutters...
"I'd like to make you come in other ways sweetheart."
You blush furiously, so glad Natasha couldn't see you right now. Before you could even respond, you heard the voice of the one and only Nick Fury, who was sitting back at base, guiding you through the mission. Your mission was to take down agents from a small organization that had recently popped out of nowhere, following the Hydra framework and belief that SHIELD and the Avengers knew all too well. They were on a mission to recover important information from an old hydra facility. Your job was to get your hands on it first.
"Focus on the mission, Romanoff; you can go back to your y/n fantasies later."
Fury's voice rings in your ears, bringing you back to reality. 
"Oh, I'm sure she wasn't, uh, fantasizing about me. Just an offhand comment, right?" You whispered unsurely, laughing nervously.
"Oh angel, I was doing much more than just fantasizing."
Normally you would blush and laugh it off, completely oblivious (maybe a little aware) of Natasha's advances, but you saw a flickering movement on your screen that made you squint, zooming in on the building schematics.
"Nat on your right, you have incoming through entrance four. I count 2, one armed, one strapped."
You widened your eyes, making sure you were looking at the signatures properly.
"Strapped to a bomb vest, Natasha, do not engage!" You yelled into the mouthpiece frantically, sprinting towards the room she was in. You neared entrance four, kicking down the other guy while you gingerly approached the human bomb, threatening to blow at any second.
"Romanoff, we need to evacuate. Where are you!?" You utter desperately, watching as the bomb vest turns red hot and the man dressed in it grins maniacally.
"Right behind you," Natasha knocks out a man who had gone unnoticed and was right behind you, peering at his figure on the ground. You hadn't even realized that someone was behind, let alone someone who was probably planning to blow you up. Natasha wraps her arm around your waist urgently, looking at the live bomb.
You both sped across the hallways, her protective hold on your body tightening with every turn. You didn't slow down as you ran out of the facility, not looking back once.
Natasha screamed, pushing you to the ground and covering your body with hers. You heard a loud reverberation that echoed for so long that it felt like hours.
A few more minutes passed before she let up. You rolled around on your back, looking up at her tiredly to see a shit-eating grin on her face.
"This is not how I imagined we'd be when we laid down together for the first time."
At this, you giggled, looking away. She offered you a hand, and you took it, your hair bouncing as you got up.
You reached to tap your earpiece, wanting to let Fury know you're both safe. You pressed it, only to hear static. You took it out and groaned to see that it was broken. You looked toward Natasha to see her having the same luck. The vibrations from the explosion and the frantic escape must have damaged it. You sighed and looked around.
"Where's our ride? Do we go back to base?"
Natasha looks at you guiltily. "Well..." You widen your eyes, shooting her a wary glance.
"I was supposed to call for the quintjet through comms. We have no forms of communication left to call Fury."
"Wh-UGH what about the bike?"
She looks around, examining every nook and corner of the destroyed facility and the grounds around it. "It blew up". You groaned, looking away from her, dread filling your heart. You had never been stranded before. You were a young avenger, comparatively new one. You bit your lip and surveyed the ground underneath you.
Natasha looks at you sympathetically. "We can't go back y/n. This just got way more serious than it should be. We need that intel, whoever it's with. And we need to find out why they would blow up their own facility. What were they hiding in here?" She thought out loud. "We'll have to camp out here for a few. Even if we had a means of transportation or communication, we would have to stay to figure this out."
You nod reluctantly. Friend or not, Natasha was still your senior. You looked into the pitch black sky. "Where do we start?"
She lets out a laugh, looking you over. "I might be tough on you hon, but I'm not a monster. We're gonna get some rest, recuperate and prepare, starting with stitching that ugly cut up."
Natasha brings her hand to your cheek, a borderline concerned look on her face. You tensed up. You hadn't even realized you were hurt.
She gently traced the pad of her thumb below the lacerated skin, her eyebrows pinched together. You observe her face, which was practically glowing, even in the darkness of the night. She blinked, as if put out of a trance when she notices you staring. She withdraws her hand, almost hesitantly (you notice) and cleare her throat.
"Uh...l-let's go look for a motel to spend the night at huh?" You caught a glance of the faint blush that spread on her cheeks, right before she turned away, walking quickly. You stood there, dumbfounded.
Natasha fucking Romanoff was...nervous?
You shook your head, laughing softly. "Wait for me!" You rushed behind Natasha, who was practically speed walking by now.
You stood in front of the bathroom mirror, wrapped up in a towel. You'd just gotten out of the shower, the gash on your cheek pulsing. You winced, letting out a few yelps of pain as you a attempted to put a measly bandaid on it. You hear three loud knocks an you jump, your knuckle hitting the cut.
"Fuck!" You screamed. Hearing the noise, Natasha barged in, gun in her hand.
"Are you okay?" She asked, eyes suddenly fixated on the towel hugging your body.
"I was until you knocked on the door, making me hit my cheek!" You huffed out, annoyed. Natasha chuckled and put her gun down.
"I just wanted to ask if you need help sweetheart. And apparently, you do.." She peered at the bandaid on your face. "You don't put bandaids on cuts like that sweetheart."
You looked at yourself in the mirror, then at Nat, suddenly feeling so stupid as you look down at the first aid kit in your hands.
"I-I didn't have anything else..."
Natasha smiles, caressing your side gently. "You'll need stitches princess." She takes out her own first aid kit, finding the sterilized needle and thread she kept.
"Will you get on the counter for me sweetheart?"
Natasha was taller than you, so it made sense for you to sit on the counter so that she could stitch you up more easily. You felt your cheeks get hot at her choice of words but get on the counter anyway, clutching your towel as it ridea up your legs.
She starts working on the cheek carefully and gently, inserting herself between your legs. You screw your eyes shut at the pain, needing something to hold on to as you grip her thigh, digging your nails into her flesh. She let out words of appreciation, hating to see you in pain.
"Almost done princess, just hang on..."
She whispers, doing the last stitch, finally cutting up the thread to look at you.
"All done sweetheart, you can open your eyes now."
You let go of a breath you didnt realize you were holding, as you turn to look in the mirror, inspecting your cheek. You look at Nat in the mirror, who was already looking at you. You felt your throat go dry as you looked into her eyes.
"T-thank you..." You stuttered out, looking back at her. She smiled and put the things back in the first aid kid, not moving away as her thigh rested dangerously close to your almost exposed pussy. You felt Natasha's gaze burn into you as she traced your inner thighs with her fingers.
"Can I kiss you?"
She whispered, lips inches away from yours. You nodded slowly, lost in her eyes. She didn't waste a second to crash her lips onto yours, hands funding your lower back. You let go of the towel loosely wrapping your torso, the fuzzy cloth dropping to reveal your body as you kept your hands on her neck to pull her closer.
Natasha stops, eyes relishing every nook and corner of your naked body as she looks you up and down.
"Sweetheart..." She whisper, completely entranced, bringing her thumb to stroke your soft nipple, playing with it until it becomes a small hard nub. A rush of euphoria hits you and you whimper, your hands finding her waist.
She looks up at your face and smiles, delighted to see your head thrown back, eyes screwed shut. She brings her mouth to your other nipple, licking and sucking it harshly, dragging a real, loud moan out of your throat.
Natasha pressed herself closer to your core, your legs involuntarily wrapping around her waist. She picks you up, carrying you out of the bathroom and to the medium-sized bed, which was the best that the run-down roadside motel you were at could offer. She gently placed you on the matress, looking at you hungrily as she spread your legs. She knelt down, her thumb reaching your clit, gauging you for a reaction. You bit your lip, whimpering and looking down at her as she pressed her thumb on the bundle of nerves, bringing her teeth down to graze the sensitive bud.
You were soaked by now, squirming and begging for some kind of friction as Natasha carelessly traced her fingers on the work of art between your legs.
"M-Mommy please!"
You whimpered out, bucking your hips towarda her fingers. All movement stopped as she looked up at you, a mocking pout on her lips.
"Please what sweetheart? Use your pretty words angel, can't get everything by begging and whining can you?"
You moaned, your hand reaching down to rub your clit. "Need you s-so bad." Natasha shoves your hand away from your clit, delivering a slap to your pussy. You cry out, your hole tightening around nothing.
"Did I say you could touch yourself?" She asks, reaching up to pinch your nipple.
"Answer me." She brought her hand down on your pussy again, smirking as you hiss in pain.
"I-I'm sorry-" You mumble, closing your eyea and biring your lip. Natasha lights taps your cheek, gesturing for you to look at her.
"Sorry what?"
"I'm sorry m-mommy!" You choke out as Nat plays with your clit. She smiles and takes your pretty bud in between her lips, sucking on it while forcing your legs open, even as you struggle to close them from the sensations. You gasp when her tongue enters your wet hole, eagerly lapping up your juices.
You thrust your pelvis into her face, causing her to hold you down as she aggressively licks your pussy like it was her last meal. Your hands reach to her scalp, stroking and pulling her red hair as the knot in your abdomen threatens to unravel.
You moan with pleasure, eyes falling shut when you shudder, so wo close-
"Fuck!" You cry out, tortured swollen pussy pulsing as Nat looks up at you, your arousal dripping down her chin.
"No...no why'd you stop!?" You sniffle, tears in your eyes.
Natasha licks her lips, bringing her face down to kiss your neck, biting and sucking so hard it left a large purple mark. You gasped, nails digging into her hips.
"Well you haven't been the best girl for mommy... didn't think you deserved a release." She whispers, rolling both your nipples betwen her fingers. You shudder with pleasure running down your torso.
"I'll be better...I-I promise I'll be better...Please Na-mommy!" Your best, puppy dog, princess face was on, playing at Natasha's heartstrings but she was not that easy. She settled onto the bed, gesturing for you to come towards her.
"C'mere sweetheart..." She whispered, arms out as you crawled towards her. She takes off her shirt and jeans, left in a red lingerie that could make anyone salivate at the sight. She scooped you up, laying you down in front of her. She spread your legs, blowing air to your core, watching as more arousal leaks through your hole.
"Aw sweetheart... baby's eager isn't she?" She whiapered out, eyes fixated to your insanely wet swollen cunt. You nodded and whimpered, nails digging into the matress of the bed.
She teased you, slowly sliding in one finger as she looks at your pretty face, whines falling out of your mouth. She keeps the finger inside, unmoving, looking at your eyes shut at just one.
"My princess can take another can't she?"
You nod eagerly, thrusting your bottom further down the finger. Natasha puts her hand on your jaw, pressing harshly.
"Didn't I ask you to use your words sweetheart?" She whisper, threatening to pull out the first. You babble, trying to find your speech.
"Another one m-ma please..." You bite your lip, anxious for friction.
Nat joins her index finger with her middle finger, finally starting to move them, thrusting them into you. She curled her fingers inside, grazing the squelchy, spongy spot inside that made you moan and shut your eyes.
She was breathing heavily, touching herself over the thin material of the panties, seeing your little hole get so stretched by just two fingers. Without warning, she slid another one in, making you gasp and hold her wrist.
She slapped your hand away, thrusting her fingers harder, pulling down her own, soaked through underwear. She felt your pussy clench around her fingers and she withdrawed them completely, leaving you clenching around nothing. You cried out, having yet aanother orgasm ripped away from you. The desperation was short lasting however, as Natasha pulled you to her lap, thrusting her bud onto yours, placing your wet and slippery pussy on hers.
She moaned loudly, her grip on your ass tightening as she made you grind into her pussy. You squealed as she flipped you over, rolling her hips into yours, rubbing herself on you without a break. Squelching noises filled the room as your slick coated pussy caressed against hers, your orgasm threatening to burst for the third time that night.
"Come on princess, I know you're close, gonna cum for me huh? Gonne show me who made you feel this well?"
With that, you reached your climax, your pussy pouring out everything it had, Nat's hands supporting your convulsing body as she herself let go, feeling her orgasm. You blacked out for what it felt like was seconds, but when you woke up, you saw that Natasha had already cleaned you up, her shirt on your torso. She stroked your hair, sitting beside you.
She kissed your cheek, seeing you wake up and smiled. You rubbed your eyes.
"W-what happened?" You whispered, snuggling closer into her chest. She laughed and pulled you closer.
"You squirted sweetheart. What a pretty sight it was too..." She whispered, drawing patterns on your thighs.
"Go to sleep angel, you've had a long day."
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ily-fictional-women · 11 months
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Summary: A Russian. A cold-blooded killer. An assassin. Or at least that’s what they say about the new recruit in SHIELD. And the worst part is, Y/n will have to work with her without knowing if these rumors are true.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader + platonic!Maria Hill x fem!reader
Warnings: None that I know of but if I should add anything let me know.
Word count: 3526
a/n: Y/n/l is for your last name since y'all voted for that one the most. Also this was supposed to a be a quick one shot but I kind of got carried away. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
Y/n lugs her duffle bag over her shoulder before jumping off the helicopter and feeling the adrenaline from her mission finally subside. Already going on autopilot to her bunk, she’s suddenly stopped. Y/n rubs her eyes, “Maria? What do you want? I’m trying to go to my bunk right now.” Maria holds out a file to Y/n, “Fury wants to talk mission prep with you.”
Taking the file reluctantly Y/n gives her a tight-lipped smile, “Thanks Maria.” As Y/n walked off towards Fury’s office she could hear the other woman holler, “And for the last time L/n, It's Hill. Agent Hill.” Y/n laughs out loud, “And last I checked Hill we’ve been friends way before SHIELD.”
Maria slowly follows Y/n with a grin, “Then as your friend, I should tell you that apparently you’re working with the new rookie everyone’s been talking about.” Y/n immediately stops mid-step, turning to face her friend. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me,” Y/n groans. “I already don’t like working in teams, but a rookie who’s an emotionless assassin is crossing the line.”
Maria lets out a soft laugh at Y/n’s dramatics. “Just go talk to Fury, Y/n.” Y/n gives her a sarcastic shocked look, “Whoa whoa whoa now. I thought we were on a last-name basis, Agent Hill.”
“Stop stalling and just go Y/n/l.”
Y/n lets out a deep sigh, “Fine”
Finally making it to Fury's office Y/n knocks on the open door. “ Agent Y/n/l, good of you to finally join us.” Us? Y/n thinks to herself. Peering her head through the doorway she sees a woman with fiery red hair turn her head to look at her. “Agent Y/n/l stop standing around and sit your ass down.”
Sitting down, Fury clears his throat, “Before we talk about mission work we’ll talk about the elephant in the room. Agent Y/n/l, this is Agent Romanoff, you’ll be working with her on this mission. Now Y/n/l I’m sure you’ve heard plenty about Miss Romanoff, and I honestly don’t care. You two need to work that out yourselves.”
“But I don’t-” Fury cuts Y/n off. “Y/n/l, you’re doing this mission. You gotta learn to work with people.” Out of the corner of Y/n’s eye, she could see the redhead tense up slightly, grip tightening around the arms of her chair.
“Moving on, if you review your mission files you’ll see that your mission is taking place in an underground Hydra laboratory in the White River National Forest. Your goal is to take samples of a new super soldier serum Hydra is attempting to make. Then destroy the lab.”
“And what do we do with the rest of the samples and the laboratory?” This was the first time Y/n heard Romanoff’s voice, she’d heard rumors that Romanoff is Russian but the American accent caught her off guard. “You both will be given explosives with a personal detonator. The faster you get out of there the better. Are we clear on everything?”
Y/n closes her mission file getting up from her seat, “Crystal, sir.”
Hearing a quick knock, Y/n opens the door to her room with a yawn, “What do you want, I have a mission tomorrow can’t-” squinting her eyes she realizes it’s Maria. “I was going to ask how the meeting went, as your friend. But I feel like this is a bad time.”
With a huff and another yawn, Y/n pulls Maria into her room before flopping onto her bed. “She’s weird, Maria.” Maria sits next to her on the bed with an amused smile, “And how exactly is she weird?” Y/n throws up her arms dramatically, “She was just so quiet! It was off-putting.”
“That’s not really fair Y/n.” She sits up, “How is that not fair Maria?” Y/n could see a huge grin grow on Maria’s face and already knew what she was going to say. “Rember boot camp? Before SHIELD?” With a dramatic whine, Y/n quickly flopped back down on her back, “I knew it! I knew you were gonna bring this up.”
“It’s a valid thing to bring up, Y/n!” Maria tries to shake her arm to get her attention which results in a quick scowl. “Don’t look at me like that, you know I’m right. You didn’t talk a lot or have a lot of friends then. Now you have me and I can’t get you to shut up.”
“Ha ha Maria. But how is that supposed to help me?” Maria lets out a stressed sigh. “Do I really need to spell it out for you?” Y/n shrugs, “Yeah, please. I’m tired, and I have to wake up early tomorrow.”
“Just try not to treat her like everyone else does. Be nice to her.” Rubbing her face into her pillow, she closes her eyes and lets out a soft, “Okay.”
The loud rumble of the helicopter was muted by the headsets Y/n, Romanoff, and the pilot wore. Looking down at the view through her window Y/n could see small flakes start to quickly pile up on the trees below her. “Hey, are you sure it’s safe to fly in these conditions? It’s starting to snow pretty hard.”
The pilot presses on her own headset, “Shouldn’t become a problem as long as there’s no delays, Y/n/l.” With a quick sigh, Y/n presses on her comms headset again, “Copy that Agent May.” It takes another irritatingly quiet silence to land a safe distance from the Hydra base.
After everyone takes off their headsets one by one, Agent May pulls out a tablet with an overview of the base. Turning to face the two she gestures to the defenses of the base. “About half a mile from here is the south entrance, which is closest to the ramp leading to the lab you need to go to. The lab is the most heavily guarded part of the base, so be prepared for that.”
The two quickly nod, slinging the supplies in their duffle bags over their shoulders and trudging through the snow as the helicopter started to lift up into the sky again. Making their way to the entrance, two soldiers guarding the front immediately started firing at the two agents.
Reaching for her sidearm, Y/n manages to shoot one in the shoulder while matching Romanoff’s sprinting pace. On the other hand, Romanoff manages to hit the other guard with a blast from one of her wrist tasers, then sliding on one leg sweeping the guard off his feet. Examining one of the guards' bodies, Y/n pulls off their ID card.
Moving slower and quieter, the two make their way to the ramp leading to the lab– the entrance only being a large cement wall and a steel door with, as predicted, an ID scanner beside it. Y/n begins sliding the ID card but pauses, looking over to Romanoff. “Do you have anything besides those taser things?”
Romanoff pulls out her own sidearm and holsters it, "I’ll be fine Agent Y/n/l.” Sliding the card the rest of the way, the two agents are met with seven guards on the other side of the door. Three on each wall of the narrow hallway and one last extra burly soldier in front of the last door that leads to the laboratory.
One of the soldiers smirks, inching closer to the two and slowly raising his rifle. “Now who let you pretty ladies wander down here?” Immediately Romanoff taps something on her wrist, sending the man into a greater electric shock than the last. Romanoff looks down at him, “We let ourselves in.”
“We?” Y/n asks with a smile, following her lead shooting at the guards.
“That’s what I said,” Romanoff replies plainly as she picks up the rifle the soldier dropped, shooting at the other guards.
Now the only one left is the burly guard who started charging for Y/n. Trying to shoot at him, Y/n’s gun only makes a clicking noise. “I’m ou-'' Before Y/n can even finish her sentence Romanoff taps her wrist again, shooting the man which causes him to immediately fall to his knees and land flat on his face.
Finally taking a moment to breathe, Y/n feels a sharp pain in her shoulder, touching the most painful part and feeling blood. Romanoff looks at her with somewhat of a false calm look, “You okay to keep going?” Y/n nods painfully, “Yeah, yeah. The padding took most of the hit. Just a flesh wound.”
Giving Y/n a hesitant look for a moment she moves forward toward the lab, Y/n following suit. Opening the lab door the two are met with a mess of a lab and an obviously panicking scientist. She immediately breaks a glass beaker, lunging at Romanoff. “Y/n grab the vials!” is the last thing Y/n hears before Romanoff starts wrestling the other woman on the ground.
Searching the tables of the lab, there’s no visible sign of the Hydra super soldier serum. “Agent Romanoff, there’s nothing here.” Romanoff manages to straddle the scientist, slowly inching the broken beaker towards her. “Well then keep looking!”
“I will not have my work seized by some spy scum!” The scientist manages to flip Romanoff over, inching the broken glass closer to her chest. “Romanoff! Catch!” Y/n slides a large sharp piece of glass towards the other woman before getting back to looking for the serum.
With the new shard of glass, Romanoff manages to toss the other woman to the side, stabbing her. But in the process of doing so getting stabbed herself.
“Romanoff! I found some vials! We need to plant the bombs and go-” her voice goes quiet as she notices the wound- “right now. Shit.” Romanoff pulls the glass out of her side, putting pressure on her wound. She grits, “Plant the bombs first, worry about me after, Y/n/l.”
For a second she hesitates wanting to help her, but ultimately she listens to Romanoff’s instincts. Shoving the samples in her pocket, Y/n takes off her duffle bag and begins unloading the explosives. Four explosives, one for each corner of the lab– ensuring that everything is destroyed.
Lugging her bag over her shoulder, Y/n pulls Romanoff off the ground before swinging the agent’s arm over her uninjured shoulder. Hobbling out of the lab, Romanoff groans in pain, “Y’know you don’t need to do this. I can walk fine on my own.”
Y/n manages to let out a pained laugh, “Save your energy and stop complaining, Romanoff.”
Managing to get out of the laboratory is one thing, waiting for extraction will be another thing. Sliding against the cement wall, both Y/n and Romanoff sit down. Looking out in the distance Y/n noticed the snow, there was so much more of it compared to when they first landed.
Pulling out her phone, she called her last resort, Fury.
“Come on, pick up, pick up.”
“Miss Y/n/l, I was just about to call you.”
“Don’t Miss Y/n/l me Fury, where’s extraction?”
“As I was saying Agent Y/n/l, I was about to message you stating that because of an incoming blizzard, it isn’t safe to bring extraction to you. But there’s a SHIELD-owned cabin that Hydra doesn’t know about 2 miles West of your drop-off point. I suggest you start heading there.”
Not having the composure to reply to anything Fury said Y/n just hangs up on him. “Romanoff. Come on, we gotta start walking. Fury said there’s a place we can stay for a bit.” Y/n was met with no reply. Slapping the redhead’s cheek lightly a few times wakes her up. “Good, I can’t have you falling asleep on me Romanoff. Let’s go!”
“The bombs Y/n/l,” Romanoff nearly whispers. “What?” Y/n asks more focused on making it to the cabin. “The bombs,” Romanoff says louder one more time. “Shit, you’re right.” Y/n immediately comes to a stop, nearly causing Romanoff to trip. But with the bomb being set off they needed to move fast.
“In SHIELD training there’s similar exercises to walking long distances with partners. What they don’t account for is the snow, injuries, and trees! So many damn trees. I don’t know why I’m rambling, you've probably gone through SHIELD academy.”
Romanoff hisses in pain, “I haven’t, and you can stop complaining about the trees-we’re here.” The outside of the cabin looks practically abandoned, with the paint peeling and wood rotting. When touching the rusted handle though, an automated voice appeared. “Access granted. Welcome Y/n Y/n/l.”
Unlike the outside of the cabin, the inside looked nice. It wasn’t luxurious looking but it worked. And most importantly, there was a fireplace. Easing Romanoff onto a nearby chair gave Y/n a moment to look through the drawers of the cabin. “Matches! Finally.”
Flicking a lit match into the pre-placed pile of wood in the fireplace, Y/n starts rummaging through her duffle bag, grabbing a first aid kit and kneeling in front of the other woman. “Okay, Romanoff this is gonna sound super weird but I’m gonna need you to unzip your jumpsuit.”
“I- It’s too cold.” Y/n stands up, wrapping one of Romanoff’s arms over her shoulder once more. “We are going to sit on the floor in front of the fireplace then, because I can’t have you dying on me here.”
Y/n eased Romanoff on the floor, quickly sitting in front of her looking for the right supplies. “Your shoulder.”
“What about my shoulder Romanoff?”
“You’re bleeding through your jacket Y/n/l.” Y/n shrug,s finally pulling out the right supplies from the first aid kit. “I told you already. I’m fine.” Y/n flashes a quick smile, “Now you need to unzip that jumpsuit so you can stop bleeding. Please.”
With a painful groan, she unzips the jumpsuit, revealing a black sports bra and a nasty wound not so far below it before tying the upper part of her jumpsuit to her waist. “Okay, you shouldn’t need that many stitches. Can you lean back a bit?”
Leaning back, Romanoff could already feel the sharp sting of alcohol. She was in pain, but trying to hide it. “You wanna talk?” Y/n asked, managing to keep her focus on cleaning the wound. “What do you mean talk?” Y/n shrugs, not breaking her focus, “Anything,” she glances up at the redhead. “It usually helps me forget about what’s happening.”
Romanoff lets out a dry chuckle, “I don’t think I’m in a talking mood.”
“What if I ask questions and you just answer them? It’s less effort,” Y/n grins. “And it’s the least you could do for me after I dragged you for two miles in a snowy forest.”
“I told you I could walk fine on my own.”
“Yet you didn’t bother to stop me once on the way here.” Romanoff lets out a deep annoyed sigh, “Fine. Only five questions though.” Y/n glances up at her one more time with a subtle smile, “Deal. First question, what’s your name? In situations like these, I usually like to be on a first-name basis.”
“It’s Natasha, Romanoff.” Y/n pauses immediately, before tossing a cotton ball to the side with a playful smile plastered across her face. “Can I call you Nat then?” Natasha cracks a genuine half smile with Y/n’s being too infectious. “We’ll see, but that does count as one of your questions.”
“All right, all right, fine.” Y/n continues cleaning the wound. “So, third question, your accent, is it real?”
“No, but I’m sure it’ll become real over time.” Starting the first stitch Natasha winces, but Y/n just keeps talking. “So if you fake your accent, is that why you don’t talk a lot? So you don’t slip up.”
“I’m not afraid of slipping up. I think it makes things less complicated. Less questions are asked, usually.” Y/n slips out a loud sarcastic laugh finishing the second stitch. “Wow! I think you just made a joke!” Natasha smiles to herself, “I think I did. But you’re on to your last question.”
“Okay, why did you join SHIELD?” Y/n can see Natasha bite the inside of her cheek, regretting the question. “You don’t have to answer or anything I can-” Natasha stops her, “No, no it’s fine. Um, long story short I was part of the red room. Then I met a guy who gave me an opportunity to clear some red from my ledger and take down the red room. So I took it.”
“Have you thought of reclaiming the title Black Widow then? Maybe clear the red of the title itself, make it something good?” Natasha gives Y/n a mock shocked look, “I thought you agreed to just five questions?” Y/n shrugs with a smug grin, “I mean I finished up when you were talking about clearing your ledger. I figured I might be able to sneak one more in.”
“How about this, you take that jacket off and let me look at your shoulder that’s ‘just fine,’ then I might answer it.” Y/n collects all the bloody materials used to clean up Natasha’s wound, throwing them away. “And I told you it was just a flesh wound, Nat. I’m okay.”
“And flesh wounds still should be disinfected Y/n, sit down.” With a loud reluctant sigh, Y/n sits in front of her, unzipping her jacket and exposing the bloody shoulder with a small hole made by the bullet. After leaning back a little, Natasha Immediately starts cleaning the surrounding area of the bullet wound.
“What about you?” Natasha asks as she continues cleaning the wound. “What about me?” Instead of avoiding eye contact this time, Y/n keeps her eyes on Natasha. “Why did you join SHIELD?” Y/n smiles, “No, nope. You didn’t answer my question first.”
“Fine, I’ve thought of it. Now what about-” Natasha quickly pulls out the bullet in Y/n with tweezers, “you.” Y/n yelps in pain pressing a hand against her shoulder for a moment before letting Natasha get back to work. “Okay, next time give me a warning.” Natasha grins to herself, “You should hope there isn’t a next time.”
“You knew what I meant. Anyways, when it comes to your question I joined SHIELD because my best friend did. Before SHIELD her and I, Maria, we served as Marines together. But Fury realized could do more, be more if we joined SHIELD. And she saved me enough times back then for me to trust her.”
“Do you trust me?”
“Considering you are finishing patching up the shoulder I got shot in, I'd say yes. Not with my life though, yet.”
“Do you plan to trust me with your life?”
“I don’t see why not. Having just one person to trust like that is limiting.”
“Trusting me like that is dangerous though.”
“Sometimes you need to live life a little dangerously.”
“That was a good debrief Romanoff, although I think you could have left out the part about me complaining about the trees.” Natasha grins, “Maybe don’t complain about trees the next time we’re in a forest then Y/n/l.”
As Natasha starts to walk off to her bunk Y/n stops her, “Nat, wait.” Natasha has a faint smile visible on her lip. “Did you need something Y/n?”
“Not really, I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe train together sometime. You could even teach me that leg sweep move you did.” Natasha crosses her arms looking Y/n up and down for a second. “Yeah, we could do that. Just prepare to fall a lot.”
“Am I interrupting something?” Both women jump a little, Y/n specifically turning around to see who it is. “Oh! Maria! Ehm um, I mean Agent Hill. Did you need something?” Natasha starts backing away, “I think I’ll leave you two to whatever is going on.”
“Okay, I’ll talk more about that move tonight?” Natasha smiles, “Yeah. That works.” As Natasha walks out of earshot Maria immediately starts giggling. "I told you to be nice to her Y/n/l, but not that nice." Y/n looks at Maria with a slight blush coming onto her face. "Wait, what do you mean by that?"
Maria shrugs with a suggestive smile on her face, "Y'know what forget that, how'd the mission go." Y/n smiles bashfully, "Uh it was good, it went really well actually."
"You like her don't you?"
"W-what no. It's not like that." Maria smiles knowingly, "Oh it totally is like that." Y/n slaps Maria’s arm in embarrassment, "Shut up."
"For what it's worth," Maria glances over Y/n's shoulder, "it looks like she likes you too."
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imtryingbuck · 8 months
Asset - series masterlist
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Summary: The team lose their friend, 6 years have gone by and they still haven’t gotten over it. They find out something about their friend
Series Warnings: Me being absolutely terrible at summaries for starters. Angst, Small mention of past child abuse (very very small) mentions of murder/murdering. mentions of Bucky being sad (THATS A WARNING) the blip never happens, also all characters may be a tat bit out of character, but listen, it’s fanfiction okay!
Word Count for series: 13,230
Status: completed
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader & Fem!reader x platonic avengers.
fluff - ❀ angst - ❁ both - ✾
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➳ She’s gone - ❁
➳ Come back - ❁
➳ Birdie - ❁
➳ Remembering - ❁
➳ Fly Birdie fly - ✾
➳ Epilogue - ❀
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316 notes · View notes
maahzz · 7 months
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— I'm Yours
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MariaHill X FReader
Summary: When you return from a mission with some injuries your girlfriend will see you, and what was supposed to be a conversation, some lectures and hugs ends up becoming something more.
Warnings: age gap (legal), oral sex (r receives), fluff, romantic.
Author's note: English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes.
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You came back from a mission with a big wound, bruises and a split lip. Sitting on a bed in the medical, her attention was drawn to the beautiful woman who entered.
— I heard you got hurt.
gave an awkward smile, — Yes, it's a gunshot wound. At first I didn't even realize it, the pain only really came after the adrenaline wore off.
Maria sighs and sits down on a chair next to the bed — You need to be more careful. — Maria says, she seems upset, she always gets like that when you get hurt. It's her job to protect and love you, and when you get hurt she feels like she failed. You've already lost count of how many times she tried to make you give up going on missions and convince you to work inside the base, alongside her.
— I know... — you say and look at her with a small smile, she nods and smiles at you and then remains silent for a few seconds, looking at the report that was on the table next to her bed, already tired you decide to break the silence — At least the mission was successful, we got the data we needed.
She smiles again and nods, looking a little more relaxed when she sees how well you look, — You did good... and I'm proud of you.
She gets out of the chair and comes to you, — let me see... — She examines you carefully, she looks into your eyes and then to her mouth — more specifically to her bruised lip — she runs her hands over your arms where there is a large bruise and you know what she's thinking.
— It was nothing, don't worry.
— I hate that. — she murmurs and becomes quiet again and then she just pulls you close, giving her a small hug and kissing your forehead — My beautiful little girl, you are too good...
You smile, but then your expression changes, — Not a little girl, I'm nineteen… I'm already a woman. — She looks at you and smiles, giving you another kiss, this time on the cheek and sarcastically murmuring "of course."
You enjoy the feeling of your girlfriend's affection and wrap your arms around her neck — I love you, old lady.
She laughs — I'm thirty-three... I'm not old, I'm just experienced. — You laugh at her and she looks at you seriously, but she also pulls you closer and gives you another kiss, but this time on her lips. It's passionate and she doesn't release it this time, she just stays like that for a few seconds.
You return the kiss with the same passion, her hand goes down from your cheek to your neck, Maria looks at you and smiles, she climbs on top of you and starts kissing you intensely and you can feel your pulse increase. You close your eyes and enjoy her kisses and the feeling of her warm breath on your mouth, she stays in that position, kissing you passionately. Slowly she lowers her lips to her neck, you feel her tongue touching your skin as she kisses and nibbles gently. You let out a light moan as her tongue caresses your neck, briefly separating from you, she carefully takes off your shirt, leaving your sports bra visible. Carefully she lies completely on top of you, the feeling of her chest — still covered — touching you is electrifying.
You briefly remember where you are, and how embarrassing it would be if someone walked in and saw the erotic scene that was unfolding — Isn't it dangerous to do that in the infirmary? — you asked, your voice came out trembling and accompanied by a groan.
— Probably... But who cares? — Maria looks at you with a raised eyebrow, she clearly doesn't care. And she soon goes back to kissing your neck, leaving some marks as she caresses your boobs over her bra. She stays like that for a few seconds until she separates from you and with your help frees your beautiful boobs from the damn bra.
Without wasting time, Maria wraps her mouth around her right boob while massaging the other. You just enjoy the feeling while letting out moans. Maria leaves her right breast and then goes to the left. — Maria loved yours boobs, she loved to delight in them. She also liked her moans, they were like music to her, music that made her very excited.
you start breathing faster and faster, finishing with your boobs, Maria removes her shirt and all you do is admire her. Maria leaves a trail of kisses and hickeys across your belly, making you increasingly hot and wet. She then moves away from you a little and looks into your eyes, she smiles — Do you want me to stay down here? I bet you're all wet. — she says while playing with the hem of your pants. You try to speak but the words won't come out, so you just nod, your heart is beating fast and you feel your cheeks burning.
— Use words, Princess. — Maria looks at you and waits for your answer, she waits for words, not just a simple nod, but a real answer.
— Y-yes… — Maria smiles again. Now that she has permission, she undoes the buttons on your pants and takes them off your body, revealing your black panties with a damp stain on them. Maria doesn't hide her smile, she starts kissing and slowly nibbling the inside of your thighs, you place your hands on her head, your fingers caressing the back of her neck as you try to guide her to the right place.
— Such a needy little girl… — she murmurs while playing with the hem of your panties.
— Maria, p-please.. — you couldn't take it anymore, you were thirsty for your girlfriend's touch.
Being as thirsty as you are, Maria takes off your panties and fitting between your legs, she stares at your wet pussy. You moan when you feel the touch of her tongue on your pussy, she looks up, trying to meet her eyes and then smiles. — You like that, don't you? — she says and goes back to sucking you. She moans with pleasure at the of you taste.
You can't help yourself, your moans getting louder and louder, you start to breathe harder and close your eyes enjoying the feeling of her mouth on your clit, you can feel it, it's great, you just want her to keep doing it forever. Maria sucks your clit hard, and you feel your pussy tighten, you need more, much more.
— Maria… I-I need you.
Maria licks your pussy one last time before pulling away, and, looking into your eyes, she brings her face closer to yours and brings your lips together in a quick kiss. — My girl needs me, hm? Do you want my fingers stretching your pussy? Is this what my girl wants? — she says as she teases you, running her fingers lightly over your folds.
— Yes, lov- — your sentence was interrupted by a moan, you were taken by surprise by Maria who, without even a warning, put two fingers inside you. You were tight, but very wet, which made Maria's job easier, your pussy swallowed her fingers perfectly. Her moans became louder as Maria moved in and out of you, she brought yours lips together, muffling your sounds. Maria alternated speed, driving you crazy.
Maria moved her lips away and placed her forehead against yours trying to catch her breath, both with your eyes closed and again without warning, Maria added a third finger. You felt your walls tightening and you hugged Maria, in the process you left some marks, but she didn't care. Increasing the speed, she felt you were almost there, and skillfully she used her thumb to rub your clit. With that it didn't take long for you to reach the peak, your breathing quickening along with your heartbeat. A heat and a tremor rose through your body, the feeling of pleasure took over you as your fluid, whitish and thick liquid took over Maria's fingers.
After a few seconds, Maria removes her fingers from you and takes them to her mouth, sucking your sweet cum, she moans at your taste and then kisses you, making you taste yourself. Panting, you smile, after the difficult mission it that was all you needed. Not only you, but Maria too, she was addicted to you and loved taking you to the extreme. She felt more pleasure giving pleasure than receiving it.
Maria walks away and collects your clothes that were scattered around and hands them to you. — What do you think about a second round?... In a more suitable location.. — Maria makes the proposal with a mischievous smile and you smile back. this definitely wasn't going to end anytime soon.
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th3-c0rps3-r0gu3 · 6 months
part two to simple.
Pairing: Natasha X fem feader.
Warnings: swearing, major character death.
Natasha was fuming. She paced around the meeting room with Clint, Wanda, Maria and Fury.
"this is your fault Fury. We, I, could've gotten us out with y/n and the vile easily!"
The Russian snapped harshly. Fury looked at her calmly.
"Agent Romanoff I would beg to differ. There was something inhuman there. You would've died."
Natasha scowled again.
"so!? We have Wanda! Don't act like she's completely human too!"
Wanda flinched and Natasha sent her an apologetic look. Maria sighed.
"Natasha as much of a help Wanda is with her magical abilities this thing is unidentified and so we couldn't know what to expect. We aren't losing our best Avengers."
Maria spoke calmly but kinder than Fury did. Natasha still diverted her scowl to her though.
"I don't care. We shouldn't have left y/n."
Clint finally speaks up
"Natasha as much as I want to agree with you we had to leave y/n. There was nothing we could do."
This time the assassin glares at the archer.
"we could've fought the guy!"
She snarled.
"and what about the inhuman thing?"
Wanda objected.
"stop reasoning for leaving my girlfriend!"
Natasha screamed.
"we can't when the reasons make sense!"
Maria stated back firmly, leaving no room for discussion. Natasha grumbles but doesn't argue further.
"look if we are getting y/n back we need a plan."
Wanda speaks up. Clint nods. Natasha simply scowls and sits down in a nearby chair.
"well let's get scheming. My girlfriend is in danger and I do not like it."
The red head snaps.
It has been months since y/n had been first captured and months since Natasha and the others had formulated a plan. A complicated plan. But a plan all the same. Natasha had been insufferable during these months. She missed her girlfriend and was pissed she was taken so easily. But at least during these months her, Wanda and Clint had gotten information about this inhuman being and the other guy who took y/n.
Thale plan had been simple. Gather information and then base and attack off it. Now they had gathered what fury called 'enough information to make a calculated plan'. To Natasha however they had gained enough information during the first week. Nothing that it mattered now. Today they were putting their grand plan into action.
"Nat you in place?"
Clint asks over the coms.
"I'm set. Wanda?"
Natasha responds coldly. She's waited too long for this and if it goes wrong...
"all good here. Let's go!"
The Sokavian responds. Natasha breathes deeply. Plan A was a stealth idea. Try to avoid the inhuman being at all costs. If that didn't work, grab y/n and blow the place to bits and everything in it.
So far so good. They've located y/n and managed to avoid confrontation. Now's the hard part. Breaking y/n out.
Y/n is kept in a high security cell. They went all out on making sure noone could get in or out unless it was themselves.
Natasha approaches the cell cautiously. She knew y/n was in there somewhere. But there were no windows on the cell. Wanda is right behind Natasha keeping an eye out. Clint is farther down the hall. Natasha starts to put in the security code they managed to find after observation of the base. The code doesn't work.
"shit. It didn't work."
Natasha turns to Wanda however Wanda is being held by the mystery man at gun point. Clint is in the floor next to him. And on the otherside. A husk of a human. The obvious decomposing shell of a being inhabited by shadows. The inhuman thing.
"you didn't think we wouldn't notice you watching us do you?"
The man asks. Natasha scowls and lunges at him. The man dodges the attack but Natasha goes in again. He dodges. She lunges.
Several dodges and lunges later Natasha is starting to get worn out. The man, still holding Wanda at gun point, seems unaffected.
"getting tired?"
He asks cocky. Natasha doesn't know what to do. She can't get y/n and blow the place up and plan A has gone to shit. So time for plan C.
Natasha glances at her surroundings. So far the human shadow thing hasn't moved. So that means the man controls it. So maybe if she gets the husk destroyed it'll weaken him. Natasha lunges for the shadow human shell. The mystery man notices and his cocky grin leaves and he lets wanda go. Unexpected but useful.
"magic Wanda! Man now!"
Natasha screams at Wanda as she finally gets up. The man has blocked Natasha from attacking the shadow thing and is now attacking the russian. Natasha fends him off but Wanda uses her telekinesis to lift him off the floor and away. Natasha goes to attack the shadow thing but it suddenly moves and starts attacking Wanda. At this point Clint has awoken though and helps prevent the attack.
Natasha turns back to the lock and starts punching in numbers. Nothing is working. She can hear the others struggling behind her. Frustration overcomes Nat and she simply punches the lock to bits. The door opens. Unexpected.
Natasha launches into the cell only to see y/n slowly bleeding out on the floor at a knife is being dragged along her skin. Making small cuts. Despite the small size the cuts add up and blood oozes out of each of them. Natasha darts over and breaks the machine harming her beloved in an instant. Natasha checks for a pulse. Nothing. Panic takes over. She can't be dead. She's not aloud to be dead. Never.
Picking up y/n she rushes out.
"got her. Let's go and blow the place up."
Natasha yells rushing past a struggling Clint and wanda. Both nod and run after the ex assassin. Placing bombs as the go.
They all make it out of the base mostly safely. Well Clint is bleeding severely and Wanda is nearly completely drained and y/n is plausibly dead.
Natasha hits a button and the base goes to pieces in moments. Natasha pulls y/n over to the quinjet and then helps Wanda take in Clint. But that's before the shadow thing shows up again.
They have boarded the quinjet and are just closing up as the corpse shell shadow teleports in. Panic arises again. Clint stumbles into a fighting position and reaches for his bow. Natasha gets up from y/n's side to fight. But Wanda basically screams in frustration.
"bloody hell I am sick of you!"
The second red head yells. She then proceeds to point a finger at the thing and it gets obliterated by Wanda's red magic.
"that was anticlimactic"
Clint mumbles sitting back down. Wanda glares at him obviously tired. Natasha turns back to her girlfriend.
"how is she?"
Wanda questions. Natasha glances at her vitals. There was a heart beat. Was. Natasha fills with panic again. God this is getting old for her.
"Wanda watches too and her heart sinks. Clint can see from the womens faces she's gone.
Clint murmurs. Natasha shakes her head furiously.
"she can't be dead. I won't allow it."
The Russian chokes back a sob. Wanda pulls Natasha into her arms.
"she's gone nat. We failed.."
Wanda says quietly in Natasha's ear as tears fall down her own cheeks. At that moment Natasha Romanoff combusts into tears.
A/n: I'm shit at writing fight scenes I know but deal with it. Felt like some angst here though. However tell me if you want a part three. I may write one. Also merry Christmas to those who celebrate it! And to those who don't I hope you have a good day. And to any of those who celebrate something different happy that. (For me it's boxing day but that's cos I'm Australian) I hope this was a good enough part two for those who wanted it.
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sycamorelibrary754 · 4 months
Guardian Angel
Chapter 9: When in Rome
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Summary: I have no idea how to summarize this chapter besides saying buckle up. 🫣
Warnings: Danger, angst, claustrophobia.
Word Count: 6.3k
A/N: My apologies for how long it took to get this chapter posted. I wanted to take my time on it because it’s essential to the rest of the story. I hope you enjoy it!
Guardian Angel Masterlist
You walked into your room, anxiously shutting the door behind you. Your mind races as you pace back and forth. Running your fingers through your hair, you struggle to comprehend why Onyx Petroleum would be interested in Sokovian land. Your mental spiral is interrupted by a knock on your door, followed by Tony's voice asking if you're okay. You open the door, and the billionaire walks in, quickly shutting the door behind him.
"I can't believe I didn't clock it before," Tony said, holding up the newspaper. "Those con artists from Onyx Petroleum are your parents - sorry."
You force a smile and respond, "It's okay. They deserve the title, trust me."
"I know firsthand," Tony muttered.
“You know my parents?” 
“Your father was a regular visitor of the Stark Expo in the old days.” You're taken aback, wondering how you never knew that. “Dear old dad rarely spoke to me growing up, but I remember he once said that Y/F/N Y/L/N was the only person who made him believe that humanity was doomed to extinction.”
“Sounds about right,” you said.
“Oh, and then," he recounted, "A few years ago at a September Foundation grant presentation at Cal Tech. Your mother, as usual, was doing her thing - schmoozing with everyone. She cornered Pepper and started rambling about how a partnership between Onyx Petroleum and Stark Industries could transform the global oil exploration and production industry. Pepper kindly reminded her that Stark Industries no longer partners with companies or individuals that harm the environment or the population. So your mother called Pepper a fraud and threw her drink in her face! Can you believe that?"
You sigh as you sit down on the edge of the bed, “Unfortunately, yes.”
"Any idea what this is about?" Tony asked, holding up the paper again.
You shake your head, saying, "No clue. They've never shown any interest in foreign oil.”
"Do you have access to anything that would give us insights into their business dealings?" Tony inquired.
You shake your head again, feeling helpless. "Not anymore. My parents removed me from all of their bank accounts and company mainframes when they kicked me out," you say with a huff, throwing yourself back onto the bed. “I don’t get it. Sokovia was destroyed. What’s left for them to find.”
“What?” You said as you sat up. “That doesn't make sense. Sokovia was a war zone.”
“What do you think they were fighting over?” the billionaire asked rhetorically. 
“How do you know this, Tony?” 
“After Ultron's attack on Sokovia and the subsequent sinking of Navi Grad, FRIDAY performed an extensive deep-sea mapping of the ocean—every square centimeter. Seven hundred thousand images were captured at a depth of almost 4,000 meters,” Tony explained, tapping the screen on his watch. “The mapping exercise was aimed at locating the submerged remnants of the destroyed city and ensuring the safety of any underwater vehicles or divers exploring the area. Doing so would provide insights into the underwater topography of the region and assist in the reconstruction efforts.” 
You rise to your feet as a hologram of the 3D map materializes before your eyes.
“Instead, FRIDAY found something else,” Tony explained, shifting pieces back and forth through the air. “Outside of Wakanda, Sokovia has the largest natural vein of Vibranium anywhere in the world, but no one has been able to mine it yet because…,” zooming in on the composite. “It’s underwater.”
You studied the 3D image carefully, trying to comprehend how Onyx Petroleum would go about mining the most potent substance on Earth. 
“This much Vibranium in anyone’s hands is frightening,” Tony said. “In the hands of a company notorious for unethical business practices, it’s perilous.” 
“Does Wanda know?” Your mind was racing with concern for your girlfriend.
“No, and I don’t think we should tell her,” closing the hologram. 
“What? Why not? She has a right to know! It was her home. We can’t just—“
"Easy, Willy Wonka," Tony said. "I know she needs to know, but we need more information before we can act. I need to do some more research and figure out the next steps. In the meantime, tell the rest of the team what we know. Wanda is running point on a full-team, large-scale mission the day after tomorrow, and it benefits no one for her to be distracted, right?" 
You nod hesitantly in agreement, still processing everything. "Trust me, Y/N. If we take our eyes off the ball, bad things happen. We need to be strategic and focused if we're going to keep everyone safe." 
After a moment of silence, you let out a heavy sigh. "Okay, you're right," you concede, looking down at your hands. "I just don't feel good about keeping this from Wanda. We've always been honest with each other, and I don't want to ruin that." 
Tony places a reassuring hand on your back. "You're not lying to her. You're just postponing the truth to protect her," he explains calmly. 
You slowly nod, taking in his words. It made sense, in a way. But the guilt still lingered in your mind, gnawing at you. You knew that, eventually, you'd have to come clean.
You stirred from your sleep two days later, but the uneasy feeling in your stomach lingered. Your conversation with Tony was still vivid in your mind. You peered outside and saw SHIELD agents hustling and bustling around the grounds. You felt lost, unsure of what to do or where to be, so you did your best to keep a low profile and stay out of everyone's way. This was your first time seeing a mission play out before you. Sure, team members had come and gone before in the three months you had been living at the Avengers Compound, but being so focused on your recovery, you hadn’t paid that close attention. 
FRIDAY interrupted your train of thought as you stood by the window. “Ms. Y/L/N,” she said, “Ms. Maximoff requests your presence in The Overwatch.”
You were confused. “The Overwatch? Where’s that, FRIDAY?”
“I’ll escort you there, Ms. Y/L/N,” FRIDAY said, opening the elevator doors.
As you stepped into the elevator, you noticed it was going down. The compartment sprang to life, and you counted at least three floors before it finally stopped. The door opened, revealing a futuristic virtual command center. Wanda stood with her back to you, looking up at a wall of monitors.
You couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow!"
Wanda turned at the sound of your voice, and her smile was enough to melt you into a puddle. "Impressive, isn't it?" she said.
You nodded, still in awe of the sight. "What is this place?"
"This is The Overwatch," Wanda explained. "It's a command center that allows Fury or other Avengers who aren't on a mission to provide support in real-time."
You walked over to where Wanda was standing. "It's only used when everyone gets called away or on big-scale operations," she added.
You looked up at the bank of monitors, each displaying a name in the corner. Your eyes quickly found Natasha's, labeled N. Romanoff. Next to her, you spotted T. Stark, S. Rogers, B. Banner, T. Odinson, C. Barton, B. Barnes, S. Wilson, K. Bishop, Y. Belova, P. Parker, and C. Danvers. 
"Am I even allowed to be in here?” You asked.
"Technically, no," Wanda replied with a smirk, "but this is my first time running point on a mission, and I could use the company."
Curiosity getting the better of you, you asked, "Who are they after?"
"Unfortunately, that information is classified," Wanda replied, typing away on the keyboard and pulling up a map, "but I can tell you they are in Europe."
"Well, that narrows it down," you joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Wanda sighed and sat before the command module, motioning for you to join her. "I wish I could tell you more," she said, "it's so much more stressful sitting in here than being out in the field with the team."
You tried encouraging her, saying, "Hey, at least you're safe here."
“Yes, but I feel so helpless," Wanda admitted while monitoring the team's vital signs. "Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to Fury for agreeing to let me ease back into the swing of things, but the loss of control scares me.” 
The tense atmosphere was palpable in the comms as Steve's voice cut through, "Wanda, we're on our final approach. ETA, 30 seconds."
Natasha's raspy voice chimed in, "How are we looking?"
"The approach is clear—five guards in the courtyard outside the building.
"I got it," Tony interjected. You heard muffled groans on the other end of the comms as Tony dismantled the threat in a matter of seconds. "We're clear outside."
Everyone, turn on your body cameras," Wanda commanded as the monitors rose to life, giving you a first-person point of view of what everyone on the team was seeing.
"Nat, the security office is two doors down on your left," Wanda directed.
"Noted, I'm on my way," Natasha confirmed.
"When do I go in?" Peter's voice sounded eager on the comms.
"Hold your position, Spider-Boy," Yelena said. "Patience is key."
"Yeah, Peter. You're too eager. Just slow your roll and wait for the signal," Kate Bishop said.
"So is being quiet, Kate Bishop." Yelena cut in again.
I can't believe this is happening," you said involuntarily.
"Shh," Wanda whispers.
"Who is that?" Thor asks as he catches his hammer flying towards his monitor screen.
"Is that Y/N?" Carol asked between shots.
"No, it's not," Wanda lied to protect you.
"It is Y/N! What are you doing in The Overwatch, Willy Wonka?" Tony asked.
“Aww, they’re having a date night,” Clint joked sarcastically as you watched an arrow fly away from his camera and out of sight.
"Everyone, please be quiet. You're clogging the comms," Bucky demands irritably.
"Let's all be civil," Sam adds.
“I concur,” Bruce agreed.
"How are we doing, Nat?" Steve asked as he knocked out another security guard.
"I'm bypassing the firewall, Natahsa replied, typing away on the keyboard. “There. The Iris Detectors are down.”
"On my signal," Wanda spoke calmly. "Disabling the dome cameras in 3, 2, 1. Go.”
Sitting in front of the bank of monitors, you found yourself momentarily bewildered. You weren't sure which of the screens to focus on as the team moved in unison. Each one displayed a different angle of the action, and you didn't want to miss a single moment of what was unfolding before you. You watched with bated breath as they efficiently made their way through the building, their movements purposeful and precise. It was a sight to behold - you had never seen such determination and skill in your entire life. 
Despite seeing footage of the Avengers on the news over the years, watching them firsthand was an entirely different experience. You felt incredibly fortunate to be able to call them your friends. As they worked towards the second level, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over you. These were some of the most powerful beings on the planet, and yet they were risking their lives to protect others. It was a humbling and inspiring sight to behold.
As the team entered the building, you watched Bucky effortlessly kick in a door. "I'm in the lab," he announced, his voice calm and collected.
Tony's voice crackled through the comms, "Do you see the mainframe?"
"There's two, which one is it?" Bucky replied, scanning the room.
"Open the silver panel," Tony instructed.
With a few hard pulls, Bucky managed to pry off the front of the mainframe. Suddenly, the sound of shattering glass filled the air as Carol crashed through a nearby window with a guard's arms wrapped tightly around her neck.
Without hesitation, Bucky turned to assist her. "Keep going! I got this," Carol shouted, her voice slightly strained.
Tony's voice cut through the chaos, "You should see the mainframe HiperSockets that provide high-speed TCP/IP connectivity within the central processor complex."
"For fuck's sake, in English, Tony!" Bucky shouted, his frustration palpable.
"Language,” Steve reprimanded.
An alarm began to blare as red lights flashed, signaling the imminent arrival of more guards.
"Bucky and Carol, eight more guards are heading your way," Wanda's voice sounded over the comms. "Thor, you're the closest."
"I'll be right there," Thor answered.
You watched as The God of Thunder bounded down the stairs and into the lab. In a thunderous flash, he took out all eight guards, leaving the room eerily silent.
"Cut the blue cable!" Tony finally shouted.
Bucky pulled out a pocket knife and quickly sliced through the blue cable.
The rest of the team arrived on the scene, and the lights inside the mainframe went out, plunging the room into darkness.
"How do we know for sure it's down?" Kate asked, her voice laced with concern.
Natasha fired three gunshots into the mainframe, causing the container to smoke.
"That ought to do it," she said, lowering her gun.
"Well done, everyone," Wanda praised. "I'm no longer seeing a heat signature from your location, which means the building is offline."
"Thanks, Wanda. Nice job on the point," Steve said. "We'll reconvene at 1800 hours to go over Phase Two."
Wanda looked exhausted as she removed her earpiece. The monitors had gone dark again; she leaned back in her chair, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath to calm herself down. After a few moments, she opened her eyes and looked at you.
"Wow, sweetheart. That was amazing! I've never seen anything like that in my life. You were great,” you said, touching her shoulder. 
Wanda smiled weakly, feeling a sense of satisfaction mixed with exhaustion. "Thanks," she said, "it was touch and go. But I'm glad they were able to get the job done."
You nodded in agreement. "Are all the missions that intense?"
Wanda thought for a moment before answering. "Not all of them," she said, "but this is one of the most challenging ones we've had in a while. But that's what we're trained for, right?"
“Do you miss it? Being out there, I mean,” you asked hesitantly. 
Wanda’s expression was pensive as she spoke, her gaze fixed on the ground. "It's a complicated situation," she began slowly. "On the one hand, I don't want to leave my boys. After we lost their father, I made a promise to Billy and Tommy that I would always be there for them, no matter what." She paused for a moment as if lost in thought. "But on the other hand," she continued, her voice growing softer, "sometimes I feel like I'm denying who I am. Like my magic knows, I’m turning away from that part of myself.”
As you sat beside Wanda, you suddenly realized something that had never occurred to you before – you had never seen her use her powers. You searched your memory for any instance where you had witnessed her abilities in action, but you drew a blank. The only thing you could recall was being in her arms after the accident before you passed out, but even then, you couldn't remember if she had used her magic to keep you safe.
You took a deep breath and reached out to hold her hand. "I know we've never talked about this, but is there a reason you've never used your magic in front of me?" you asked, your voice gentle and curious. You hoped she wouldn't take offense to your question, but you couldn't help feeling a little curious about this aspect of her life that she had kept hidden from you.
"I was wondering when you would finally ask me about this,” Wanda sighed softly. “Since Westview, I have had difficulty trusting myself to use my powers safely. I lost control in a way that I never have before, Y/N, and the thought of putting anyone through that again is unbearable." Her voice was tinged with remorse and sadness as she continued, "I don't want to be a danger to those around me or myself. I’m afraid to use my magic again, and I don't know how to overcome that fear."
As you stroked her hand, you spoke reassuringly to Wanda. "I know you're feeling guilty about what happened in Westview, but that was only one aspect of your powers. You've done so much more good in the world than bad, and the magic that courses through you is a testament to that. Remember all the times you used your abilities to save lives, protect innocent people, and bring hope to those in need. That is the true measure of who you are, Wanda. Don't let a single mistake define you or your legacy."
Wanda nodded as she looked at you. “Thank you, Y/N,” wiping the tears away that threatened to fall. “I know I can’t avoid using them forever,” she looked around the room, “I also know I can’t hide down here for the rest of my life.” 
“Why don’t you show me?” 
“Show me your powers. Come on, let’s see what you got, sweetheart. It’s just us, and we’re three floors underground. Nothing can go wrong, I promise.”
She looked at you hesitantly before she finally agreed, “Okay.”
Wanda rose from her seat and walked to the middle of the room. She took a deep, cleansing breath, held out her left palm, and began slowly circling it with her right hand. You watched as an orb of red energy materialized in her palm. Pointing her hand in your direction, you felt the chair you were sitting in move underneath you as you quickly rolled across the room and stopped on a dime in front of the redhead.
“Woah,” you said in amazement.
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” she smirked.
Slowly but surely, she rose above you, her body glowing with a vibrant, otherworldly red magic that seemed to envelop you completely. Despite your shock, you felt a sense of calm wash over you as you basked in the warmth and comfort of the magic surrounding you. It was as if Wanda had wrapped you in a cocoon of pure energy, and you felt safe and protected in her presence. Her eyes were fixed on you, glowing like twin stars in the night sky. For the first time, you knew without a doubt that you were in the presence of a powerful being beyond your understanding. Yet, despite her immense power, she was your Wanda—gentle and kind.
The redhead reached down and gently touched your cheek. For a moment, you closed your eyes and basked in the warmth of her touch. You couldn't help but wonder if she felt the same sense of warmth and safety with you that you felt with her.
I do, Y/N," Wanda said with nothing but adoration in her eyes.
You were confused and asked, "Do what?"
"Feel the same warmth and safety you feel with me," she replied.
You wondered, "I, did I - I don't think I said that out loud, did I?"
"I heard your thoughts, love," she answered.
You repeated, "You heard me - you can hear my thoughts? Oh, God."
Wanda reassured you, "Oh no, no, Y/N. It's okay. This was the first time I've ever listened to your thoughts. Outside of work, I never invade anyone's privacy that way and never would with you without your permission or unless it was an emergency."
The redhead reached for you as she floated down. The red magic swirling around your joined hands.
"That was incredible, sweetheart. I know it will take some time, but don't hide this part of yourself away. It's wonderful.”
The sudden sound of the elevator whirring through the walls startled Wanda, breaking her concentration and causing her to dismiss her red magic hastily. "Shit! Quick, hide in that storage cabinet," she urgently whispered, pushing you towards the stainless steel structure.
"What?! Why?" You asked, confused and alarmed.
"I told you, you're not technically supposed to be here. The security clearance is off the charts," Wanda explained as she urged you towards the cabinet.
You sprinted towards the cabinet and quickly shut the door just as Maria exited the elevator. "Hey, Wanda. Great job on Phase One. Everything looks good on our end," she said, scrolling through her tablet.
“Thanks,” Wanda said, nervously tucking a strand of red hair behind her ear as Maria continued.
"I'm going to go brief Fury, but I'll be back for the check-in call at 6 pm to discuss Phase Two."
"Okay, see you in a bit," Wanda replied, relieved she hadn't noticed you.
As Maria stepped back into the elevator, she teasingly called, "Oh, and Wanda? If Y/N is going to be down here with you, at least give her a key card."
Wanda blushed at being caught. "I don't know what you're talking about," she fibbed.
"Of course, you don't," The Deputy Director chuckled. "Ask her to bring some Candy Bar chocolate for us later when she comes out from the storage cabinet," she added with a giggle as the doors closed.
You cautiously opened the door to the cabinet and stepped out, your cheeks reddening as you met Wanda's embarrassed gaze. She fished a blank white key card out of her pocket and handed it to you. "Here, now you can legally be down here with me."
You took the card and turned it over in your hands. 
"Thanks," you said softly. “Tell Maria I'll bring some chocolate truffles later," you winked.
"Hmm, sounds good," Wanda smiled, leaning in to give you a gentle peck on the lips.
You arrived back at The Overwatch a few hours later, your white key card and a bag of truffles in hand. Maria was sitting next to Wanda in front of the wall of monitors. You sat down next to the redhead, passing the bag of chocolates to Maria. 
"Aww, Y/N. How did you know? This is exactly what I wanted."
"Shut up,” you smirked. “So, what's happening here?" As you pointed toward the dark screens.
"We had the check-in call about forty-five minutes ago, and Steve should be reporting in any minute to confirm they've reached the target,” Wanda explained.
As if on cue, Steve's camera turned on, followed by the rest of the team. "Speak of the devil!” Maria exclaimed. 
You could tell immediately that the team was in an underground passage, evidenced by the rough stone masonry surrounding them. Their footsteps echoed through the tunnel, adding an eerie quality to the tense atmosphere.
"Hey, Cap, you ready to go?" Maria asked, glancing up at the screen.
"Affirmative," Steve replied. “Although some of us are feeling a bit claustrophobic."
"Speak for yourself,” Clint chimed in.
"Tony, you want to take that one?" Wanda asked, typing away on her keyboard.
"Sure thing, Red," Tony replied. "Everyone, reach inside your suit pockets. You should find an object the size of one of Morgan's Legos."
Yelena, ever the skeptic, held up the miniature object Tony had referred to. "What the fuck is this?" she asked, her voice laced with annoyance.
"Language," Steve admonished.
"Oh, tell it to someone who cares," Yelena retorted, rolling her eyes.
"Sestra," Nat scolded, her voice echoing through the tunnels.
"It's a bit of technology I borrowed from our friendly neighborhood ant, and subsequently made even better,” Tony smirked. "Press the button on the top."
As one, the team pressed the button, and a small oxygen mask grew to fit in their hands.
"And we couldn't have worn these on the walk down here because?" Sam asked, his voice heavy with sarcasm.
"Because they only have a 24-hour oxygen supply," Tony explained. "We need to conserve as much as possible."
"Do I have to wear this?" Carol asked. "I can breathe in space. I'm pretty sure I'm fine down here."
"The vacuum of space is very different from underground," Maria said. "We don't want to take any chances. Put it on, please, Danvers."
“Why doesn’t the billionaire genius have to wear an oxygen mask?” She asked. 
“There’s an oxygen supply built into the suit,” Tony smirked.
With a resigned sigh, Carol donned the mask, and the rest of the team followed suit. Wanda went over the topography of the catacomb, identifying key landmarks and intricacies that could help them navigate the maze-like structure safely.
In a hushed tone, you turned to Maria and asked, "Have they ever had an underground mission before?" 
Maria shook her head and replied, "No, not like this. This is completely uncharted territory for them.”
"Okay, as we discussed," Steve said, pointing to the left. "Group one with me down the left tunnel; group two with Tony down the right tunnel."
As you observed intently, you saw each group setting off towards their designated directions, down the ancient corridors. The walls were adorned with intricate archways, illuminated by sporadic pockets of light that added to the mystique of the surroundings.
“Mr. Stark, this is amazing! Have you looked at these carvings and art? Easily third century—” Peter started. 
“This isn’t a history field trip,” Natasha interrupted. “Pay attention to your surroundings.”
The group had been walking through a tunnel for some time when, without warning, felt the ground beneath their feet shake. A low and ominous grumbling noise echoed through the air, and everyone was thrown into the tunnel walls. 
"FRIDAY, what's happening?" Tony asked urgently.
"Accessing the wave radar and enhancing the thermogenic signature," FRIDAY responded.
“Do you feel that too, Steve?” Wanda asked
Steve grunted as he struggled to regain his balance. "Yeah, is it an earthquake?" he asked.
"It's an energy surge, Boss," FRIDAY replied to Tony. "A core reactor holds together the primary stabilization of the tunnel structure."
"That's not first-century tech," Peter mumbled, face down on the ground.
Kate helped him up. "Yeah, no kidding, Sherlock."
Just as the group was getting back on their feet, Sam's voice cut through the tense silence.
"Hey! Hold it!" he shouted.
"What is it, Wilson?" Tony asked.
"Someone is watching us at the end of this tunnel," Sam exclaimed as he ran ahead of the group.
"Sam, wait!” Steve shouted.
"Lock onto Wilson," Maria said, standing up.
Wanda quickly shifted to Sam's primary camera and enlarged the visual. The mystery figure took two quick turns to the left as if they knew exactly where they were going. A third turn to the right, and Sam lost sight of the man for a split second. Looking around quickly, but to no avail, he said, "I lost them."
"How will he get back to the rest of the group?" You asked.
"Good question, Y/N," Sam replied.
Maria glared over at you. "Sorry, I keep forgetting they can hear me too."
"Sam, you're closer to Tony than Steve," Wanda said. "I'm pinging his tracker right now. Two lefts and a right should do it. And Steve and company, follow your tunnel about a half a mile down and then take a right, and you should meet up with everyone else."
The team wandered through the catacomb tunnel in silence, only the sound of their breathing and the stone under their feet breaking the stillness. When they were finally reunited, Tony broke the silence, "Okay, new plan. We're staying together." 
Peter quickly agreed, "I'm with Tony on this one." 
Yelena, standing nearby, murmured to Kate, "Color me surprised." 
“Oxygen masks stay on, Nat,” Maria said pointedly. 
"Yes, detka,” Natasha replied.
Yelena couldn't resist mocking her sister, "Yes, detka," she repeated sarcastically. But before she could carry on, Natasha pinched her arm, causing her to yelp in pain. 
Thor shouted, "Knock it off, Lady Widows!" 
Wanda added, "Thor is right. The catacomb can be disorienting, but you need to keep moving. Tony, I'm reviewing the National Geophysical Data Center records to assess your declination value and sending them to FRIDAY. Keep true north." 
You turned to Maria, puzzled, "What did she say?" Having no clue what your girlfriend was talking about. 
"They should turn right," Maria whispered. 
You watched as everyone walked in a single-file line to the right, trying their best to keep their footing on the uneven stone. Suddenly, a second energy surge echoed loudly through the comms, causing everyone to turn their cameras downwards. Your heart raced as you gasped at the sight of cracks quickly forming between everyone's legs. Before anyone could react, the ground gave way beneath them, accompanied by screams and the sound of broken gravel. 
Maria gasped, and Wanda put her hands over her mouth in shock. 
"Oh my God!" You exclaimed. "What the hell just happened?" 
Wanda asked urgently, "Steve? Tony? Can you hear me?" 
Maria followed with a shaky voice, "Natasha? Come in! Anyone?" 
"Shit," she said anxiously, picking up the phone in front of her. "All SHIELD agents, Romeo, Echo, Delta." 
"FRIDAY, Code Red. Initiate Emergency Protocol 3000," Wanda ordered, running back towards the elevator and flipping a red switch under a glass cover. 
"Compound shutdown initiated. Director Fury and Mrs. Stark have been notified and are en route to The Overwatch," FRIDAY responded.
You stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do with yourself. The shock of what you had just witnessed was so intense that your vision started to blur, and you felt as though you were about to pass out. Suddenly, you felt someone's arms on your shoulders, and you jumped slightly. 
"Y/N? Y/N, love, stay with me, okay?" Wanda said, her voice soothing.
You looked up at her and then back at the monitors, pointing at them with a shaking hand. "They... it..." you stammered, struggling to form coherent sentences.
Wanda nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I know," she said, rubbing her hands up and down your arms in a gesture of comfort.
She slowly led you back to your seat, still holding onto your shoulders, and conjured a glass of water out of thin air. Taking it in your hand, you felt the coolness of the glass against your skin, which helped ground you and bring you back to the present moment.
Fury furrowed his brows and asked Maria, "When was your last point of contact?"
"Five minutes ago."
"Maximoff was running point?"
You didn't appreciate the way Director Fury was speaking about Wanda as if she wasn't in the room, but as an outsider, you chose to hold your tongue.
Wanda stepped forward before Maria could respond, "Yes, sir."
"What happened?"
“Two energy surges of unknown origin, but we didn’t have time to assess the cause before-." Wanda’s voice trailed off as she struggled to continue.
“Before you lost them,” Fury finished the sentence for her. Wanda nodded silently, unable to look the Director in the eyes.
“She didn’t lose them! It was an accident,” You suddenly heard yourself shout.
Pepper placed a hand on your shoulder as Fury’s gaze shifted over to you. 
“Who is this?” Fury asked, pointing at you.
“I'm Y/N Y/L/N, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you,” you said, slowly reaching out your hand to shake his, but the gesture went unreciprocated.
"The car accident victim," looking you up and down. "She looks fine, why is she still here?"
You wondered why you were still here yourself, but Maria jumped in before you could respond, "She’s still recovering, Sir."
"Do you have clearance to be down here?"
You fumbled in your pocket for the white card Wanda had given you earlier. Fury looked at the card but gave you no response before turning back to Wanda.
“Are we still picking up pings from their trackers?”
“Yes, faintly,” Wanda said.
"Do we know how deep the catacomb goes?" He continued.
“Roughly 65 feet, but the fall could have taken them another 50 feet at least," Wanda stated.
“They were wearing oxygen masks?” Fury asked.
“Yes, but they only have a 24-hour oxygen supply if they haven’t been damaged,” Wanda explained.
Fury turned back to Maria, “How fast can we have a team of agents on the ground in Rome?”
Your ears perked up at finally knowing where everyone was.
“Four hours,” Maria responded.
“Make it three,” The Director said.
“Yes, sir,” Maria replied as she started to walk away.
Wanda interrupted calmly, "No. I’m going."
“Out of the question, Maximoff. You haven’t been back in the field since your return, save for her accident," Fury pointed at you. "I’m not sending you out there by yourself in the most dire moment in the history of SHIELD. You don’t know what you’ll find down there, and you’re still too unreliable."
“Unreliable,” Wanda repeated. “With all due respect, Director Fury, no one is more reliable than me. There is no one more powerful than me, and you and I both know that it will take someone who can move heaven and Earth, literally, to bring everyone home!”
Fury looked over at Pepper, who had yet to say a word—doing her best to keep her calm.
"Wanda can do it," Pepper declared, fidgeting with her wedding ring. "I have faith in her." 
"You leave in 20 minutes,” Fury said, turning to Wanda. “But you're not going alone.”
“I’ll get changed right away, sir,” Maria assumed.
“No, you’re staying here, Hill. You’re too close to the situation with Romanoff.”
“Nick, I-“
“No, you’ll run co-point from here. That is final."
“Co-point? Who is-“
“I need to make a couple of phone calls. In the meantime, Maximoff, you get suited up. We’ll meet you in the hangar,” Fury ordered.
“Yes, sir,” Wanda acknowledged.
You followed Wanda out of the elevator and into the locker room, feeling nervous and determined. Wanda suited up with a look of solemn determination on her face. You didn't want to show your nervousness; Wanda had enough on her plate. She took out her phone, frowned at the screen, and then turned to you with a serious look.
“I need you to do something for me,” the redhead said.
“Of course, anything,” you replied, trying to sound as reassuring as possible.
“I need you to pick up Billy and Tommy and stay with them at my house. I know you have only met them once, but they liked you,” she started to ramble, her voice tinged with anxiety. “Pepper offered to take them, but I just can’t let her do that while Tony is…” she paused, her voice breaking with sadness.
You nodded understandingly, realizing the gravity of the situation. “I’ll do it,” you said, grabbing both sides of her face. “The boys will be okay, I promise. You bring everyone home.”
“Thank you so much, Y/N. I I already called the school to let them know you’ll be picking them up. I know I can trust you,” she said, her voice shaking with emotion. Your lips met in a kiss—one of comfort and reassurance.
The word trust was all it took for Onyx Petroleum and Sokovia to rush back to the front of your mind. But then you remembered Tony’s words. “If we take our eyes off the ball, bad things happen.” Wanda needed to focus. But God, it was killing you to keep this from her, even under the most dire circumstances.
You walked with Wanda to the hangar, an area of the compound you had yet to visit. The mood was a stark contrast from this morning. SHIELD Agents moved about the space with the same purpose and direction, but the energy differed. It was anxious.
You caught sight of Director Fury standing next to one of the Quinjets with two women you didn’t recognize, but it was clear Wanda knew both of them. She ran a few steps ahead of you and wrapped her arms around both of them in an emotional embrace.
“Y/N, this is Dr. Darcy Lewis and Captain Monica Rambeau,” Wanda said, motioning to each woman. “This Y/N Y/L/N, she said, touching your back.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you both,” you said as you shook their hands, trying to keep your composure.
“Hi, nice to meet you too, Y/N,” Darcy replied warmly.
“It’s a pleasure,” Monica said, giving you a small smile.
"Captain Rambeau will be accompanying Ms. Maximoff to Rome, and Dr. Lewis will be running point with Deputy Director Hill from The Overwatch," Fury explained before glancing at his watch. "It's time to go."
Wanda looked at you with a mixture of anxiety and determination in her eyes. You tried to hide your nervousness, not wanting to add to her stress.
After a deep breath, Wanda spoke, "Billy and Tommy will be off from school in a couple of hours," she said, handing you her house keys. "Let them know that I'm working with the rest of the team, but don't give them any details. I’ll try to check in if I can.”
"Okay, sweetheart," you replied, taking the keys and putting them in your pocket. "Just make sure everyone comes home safe."
"I will," Wanda said with a nod, her eyes shining with determination.
As you leaned in to kiss the beautiful redhead, you felt a rush of emotion wash over you. Her soft lips met yours, and for a moment, everything else seemed to fade away. When you pulled away, you wrapped her in a tight embrace, holding her close to your chest. You watched as she walked towards the Quinjet, accompanied by Monica. Darcy and Fury were waiting by the side of the hangar, their faces solemn. You couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as the jet's engines came to life and slowly lifted off the ground. You stood there, watching as it climbed higher and higher into the sky until it was nothing more than a speck in the distance. As it disappeared from view, you felt a pang in your chest, as if a piece of your heart was flying away with it.
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yourloverfromthepast · 9 months
Y/n: Hey Nick!
Fury interrupting you: Fury.
Y/n: Yeah, we... already met, I know who you are..?
Hill: No, he just wants to be called Fury. Nobody calls him Nick, only his friends.
Y/n: Oooh, right right, I'm sorry...anyway, Sparrow! No wait, he doesn't have an eye patch...
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Marvel: The Good Master List
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Bruce Banner
Clint Barton
Peter Parker
Nick Fury
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The Good-
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akariamai · 1 year
Briefing Room
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Part 1, Part 2
Pairing: Steve Rogers x android!reader
Word Count: 2076
The day was spent waiting for any new prospects on the situation, leaving Steve unable to sit still for even a moment. Under the circumstance, you did not know, he was justified to acting in such a way. It is his first job back on the field since he was under the ice. He wasn’t used to waiting around doing nothing. He was always a man with a plan, but at the moment, he was a fish out of water.
“Would you like to sit down, Captain Rogers?” He was hovering over the table you were seated at. Frown line encapsulating his face, his eyes scrunched up as he stood in his red, white, and blue costume. The situation must’ve been dire to make him act in such a manner.
His shoulders sagged a bit as he snapped out of his thoughts. He shook his head, refusing your offer, “No thank you, [Reader].” There was so much riding on finding the man who stole the Tesseract and all anyone could do is wait around for the machines to do their job. He was not used to being in such a predicament.
Throughout waiting, many of the agents would walk up to him in awe. A war hero in the flesh. Captain America in the twentieth century. Physically, still young. To many, it was a dream come true; a living legend in real time. To Steve, however, he wished to be back in his apartment spending the day with you. Instead, he was twiddling his thumbs, unable to prevent another power-hungry man from disrupting the peace.  
Agent Coulson, when he wasn’t busy, walked right up to Steve and began an actual conversation with him. Unlike the other agents, who just stared or awkwardly glanced at him, Coulson began to rant about the set he’s collected throughout the years. “I mean, if it’s not too much trouble.” You accessed your database on the set he’s mentioned, finding a small group of history buffs and Captain America enthusiasts grant on about how rare and expensive searching for every piece of the collection. It only showed you the dedication Agent Coulson poured into acquiring his collecting, in near mint condition as well.
You found it strange for the tendency of humans to hoard a particular set of items. It led you through a rabbit hole of the collecting of coins, stamps, shoes, dolls, etc. It was all so bizarre to learn. You needed more time to learn more and perhaps teach Steve about such tendencies.
“No, no. It’s fine.” Polite as always, Steve was. While Steve was used to children being fans of the Captain America persona, Agent Coulson didn’t seem so bad.
“It’s a vintage set. It took me a couple of years to collect them all. Near mint, slight foxing around the edges, but...” Coulson’s rant was about to continue until it was interrupted by another agent.
“We got a hit. Sixty-seven percent match. Weight, cross match, seventy-nine percent.”
“Location?” Agent Coulson at once went into work mode. No longer was he the awe-filled man that adored the man next to him but a ready-to-work agent of SHIELD. He switched so seamlessly, impressing your robotic mind. Coulson was a professional.
“Stuttgart, Germany. 28, Konigstrasse. He’s not exactly hiding.” You did not know who he was or what the agents were searching for. You were completely in the dark, by the orders of Director Fury, and will continue to do so until you were either considered worthy or could not be kept away from the situation.
“Captain, you’re up.” Steve nods, preparing his mind and body for a battle that had yet to come. The last time he fought uprooted his existence to a new century. The people he had once trusted were gone. He was going to be alone on the battlefield with the eyes of SHIELD judging his every move. They had expectations for him and he was unsure if he could fulfill them. He had to bear the exaggerated fabrications of the history books as his story was dramatically Americanized into fantasy.
“Stay safe, Captain.” You muttered loud enough for his ears to pick up. Human life is a fragile and short. You did not want Steve’s story to end so soon after being free from the ice. He was slowly learning to live once more, and it would be unfair for it all to be taken away from him again. “The world still needs a hero.”
It has been a while since Steve had left and no one has reassured you the mission is or had went well. They ignored your presence like you were a bystander and perhaps, in their eyes, you were. The entirety of SHIELD moved like a lifeless machine. Each person acting like moving parts without the essence of lifeforms. Their movements were more robotics than you.
An agent, you did not know or recognized, walked up towards you. “Move to the briefing room.”
You nodded and was about to ask if they could walk you there but they walked away angrily. You didn’t know the way there. It was your first time in a helicarrier and you surely did not have access to the floor plans. So, you wandered around aimlessly until you found the room.
There you found Steve, Dr. Banner,  an unfamiliar man dressed in strange clothing, and unnamed agents in the room. Steve, from your perspective, was watching a sort of broadcast on a monitor. As the monitor goes black, the group just stand there in silence.
You walked closer to Steve, scanning to see if he had any injuries he probably hid from SHIELD. Steve was the type of person to hide his injuries, waiting for everyone else to be checked before him. It didn’t matter if he was heavily injured, his teammates would always be checked before him. You managed to find several light bruises that probably weren’t light when he got them. His healing factor was fascinating.
Dr. Banner broke the silence, “He really grows on you, doesn’t he?”
“Loki’s gonna drag this out. So Thor, what’s his play?” Steve didn’t even notice your presence. He was too busy trying to piece together a puzzle you could not know. Loki and Thor... gods of Norse mythology. You had not gotten to show Steve mythology yet. You’ll be sure to go over mythology from all over the world.
“He has an army called the Chitauri. They’re not of Asgard or any world known. He means to lead them against your people They will win him the Earth. In return, I suspect, for the Tesseract.” You had never heard of the Chitauri before. The word was a complete mystery. Nothing popped up when you searched through your database.  
Steve looked aghast, “An army? From outer space?” There are an infinite amount of universes, with vast galaxies top scientists haven’t even discovered yet. From unexplained objects moving in the sky to crop circles, it’s no wonder a small percentage of people believe in extraterrestrial lifeforms existing somewhere in the galaxy.  
“So, he’s building another portal. That’s what he needs Erick Selvig for.”
“Selvig?” The man you learned is named Thor asked.
“He’s an astrophysicist.”
“He’s a friend.”  
“Loki has him under some kind of spell, along with one of ours.” You were confused of this conversation. You didn’t have all the information the others had. Portals? An astrophysicists. Spells? What could it all mean? There were pieces of the puzzle within the conversation but without preeminent information, it was unsolvable. You were left in the dark, with only your robotic mind to try to piece it together.
“I wanna know why Loki let us take him. He’s not leading an army from here.”
“I don’t think we should be focusing on Loki. That guy’s brain is a bag full of cats, you could smell crazy on him.”
“Have care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard, and he’s, my brother.”
“He killed eighty people in two days.”
“He’s adopted.” You didn’t get it.
“Iridium, what did they need the Iridium for?”
Iridium is one of the rarest elements on Earth as it can be found in sediments by rivers and a thin layer exists in the Earth’s crush. It is thought meteors and asteroids, containing high levels of iridium, had caused a huge dust cloud creating said layer.
“It’s a stabilizing agent.” Tony Stark, the billionaire who announced to the entire world he was Iron Man, and Agent Coulson walked in.
“I’ll fly you there. Keep the love alive. Means the portal won’t collapse on itself, like it did at SHIELD.
Tony turned to Thor, “No hard feelings, Point Break. You’ve got a mean swing.” He turns his attention to the Iridium, “Also, it means the portal can open as wide, and stay open as long, as Loki wants.” Tony, then, turns to the crew dramatically, almost as he is putting on a show, “Uh, raise the mid-mast, ship the top sails. That man is playing GALAGA! Thought we wouldn’t notice. But we did.”
You whispered to Steve, “I’ll go over video games later.” Steve was glad you were with him. He had a feeling he would need all the help he could get to understand the meaning behind the conversation that was speeding along.
Tony stood in front of the monitors and questioned, “How does Fury do this?”
“He turns.” An agent replies. You didn’t quite catch her name.
“Well, that sounds exhausting. The rest of the raw materials, Agent Barton can get his hands on pretty easily Only major component he still needs is a power source. A high energy density, something to kick start the cube.”
“When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?” She asked.
“Last night. The packet, Selvig’s notes, the Extraction Theory papers. Am I the only one who did the reading.”
“Does Loki need any particular kind of power source.” While Steve did not full grasp the conversation, you had helped him tremendously with understanding a bit of astrophysics. He might be able to catch up with two of the world’s greatest's minds but he could pick up certain phrases of the conversation.
“He’s got to heat the cube to a hundred and twenty million Kelvin just to break through the Coulomb barrier.”
“Unless, Selvig has figured out how to stabilize the quantum tunneling effect.” The phenomenon, that is the quantum tunneling effect, is essentially when a particle, with less kinetic energy than the barrier its penetrates, is able to penetrate through a potential energy barrier. The odds of the phenomenon to happen is one in a hundred billion. If Selvig found a way to heighten the possibility, even a smug more, it would be known throughout the scientific world.
“Well, if he could do that, he could achieve Heavy Ion Fusion at any reactor on the planet.”
“Finally, someone who speaks English.”
“Is that what just happened?” Steve asks you as Tony and banner shake hands. There is a mutual respect for one another.
“It’s good to meet you, Dr. Banner. You’re work on anti-electron collisions is unparalleled. And I’m a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.”
Dr. Banner looks down before muttering, “Thanks.”
Once you see Nick Fury walking into the room, you try to move behind Steve, not wanting to be kicked out. “Dr. Banner is only here to track the cube. I was hoping you might join him.”
Steve caught everyone’s attention, “Let’s start with that stick of his. It may be magical, but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon.” Loki’s staff was so reminiscent of the weapons he had faced in World War II, he believed it couldn’t be a coincidence.
“I don’t know about that, but it is powered by the cube. And I’d like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys.” Mind control?
“Monkeys?” Thor questioned, “I do not understand.”
Steve was so excited to understand something fully in this conversation. Obviously, he would have to ask you questions later when he was finished, but he was proud to have gotten it alone. “I do! I understand that reference.”
“Shall we play, doctor?” Tony asked.
“Let’s play some.” Dr. Banner and Tony walked out together and everyone else dispersed as well.
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Can I request avengers x fem! teen! Reader
Where reader is a new recruit and the avengers don’t like her (except Peter because he knows that’s she’s not useless, just scared) because they think she’s useless
Reader has mind control powers, but the avengers don’t know because she’s been so scared to use them (past trauma) so during a mission the avengers are at lost hope so reader hops in to help being there only hope. She uses her powers to the best of her abilities and saves everyone, also leaving the avengers flabbergasted. But since reader ends up on best rest for overpowering herself and became mentally drained.
The avengers apologize and thank her for saving them after all they put her through
Proving Them Wrong (Request)
Warnings: Absolutely Age: 16 Word Count: 2,502 Requests: Closed Summary: Read the request and you will get a general idea Requested by: Anonymous Date: 16/05/2023 A/N: Lost motivation again so that's fun. Is anyone actually still reading these stories?
This request is like over a year old but we're not going to talk about that
You've been with the Avengers for almost a month now, but things aren't going as smoothly as you hoped. At first, everyone was welcoming and friendly, but lately, you've been getting the sense that they don't quite know what to do with you. After all, you don't have any obvious superpowers like the others do.
But what they don't realize is that your powers are more subtle than they appear. You've always had a knack for hearing other people's thoughts, but as you've grown older, you've learned how to control and enhance that ability. You can now manipulate people and objects around you with ease, all without anyone else noticing.
It wasn't easy growing up with these powers, though. Your grandparents discovered your abilities after they found out that you were responsible for your parent's death, and they sent you away to a secret organization to protect your younger siblings from you. There, you learned how to control your powers and keep them hidden from others.
The Avengers found you locked up in a cage and they took you in. You knew you couldn't tell them the truth about your powers, so you changed the details of your backstory to make it seem like you were just a normal person. They took you in out of pity, but you knew you had nowhere else to go.
As you settle in with the Avengers, you can't help but feel like an outsider. But you're determined to prove yourself and show them that you're more than just a liability.
"You were in your room, the biggest room that you have ever had in your entire life, that you had decorated with posters of your interests and a few plants that you had managed to keep alive only because they're fake and you didn't realize that they were till almost a month of owning them, you were even regularly watering them too.
You were sitting on your bed, your legs crossed, and your hands fidgeting with a pen as you tried to focus on your sketchbook. You heard a knock at your door and recognized Peter's thoughts immediately.
"You can come in, Peter," you called out, putting the sketchbook aside.
Peter pushed open the door and stepped inside. He looked around the room, taking in the posters and the plants.
"How did you know it was me?" he asked, a small smile playing on his lips.
You felt your heartbeat quicken and your palms start to sweat. You couldn't exactly tell him that you had heard his thoughts.
"Because you're the only one who knocks, the rest of them just walk right in," you said, coming up with the first excuse that came to mind. "Anyway, what's up?"
Peter's smile faded a bit as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "Well, everyone is going on a mission later today, and I just came to see if you wanted to join in with us?"
You sat up straighter, your eyes lighting up at the invitation but your posture changed suddenly almost as if you had been deflated. "I best not. Stark says that I haven't done enough training yet."
"I thought you were training every day with Ms Romanoff?" Peter asked, looking genuinely confused.
"I am, but she's only teaching different fighting techniques and stuff. She says that I'm not mature enough to deal with weapons yet, which is stupid. I'm more mature than half of the adults here. Like the other day, Sam and Bucky were arguing over who gets the last egg." You sighed, flopping down on your bed.
Peter chuckled. "Well, why don't you just come to the debriefing anyway? Even if you're not going on the mission, you're still a member of the team."
You let out a loud sigh. "Okay, fine," you said, forcing yourself up and following Peter to the conference room.
As you walked down the hallway, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. Maybe you weren't going on the mission, but at least you were somewhat a part of the team.
You and Peter walked into the room the original six Avengers as well as Nick Fury were already there. You took a seat in the middle of Steve and Peter. Steve smiled at you and you gave him one back.
As Fury went over the details of the mission, you found yourself playing with your fingers to keep from getting bored. Tony chimed in with some ideas for new gadgets he could make for everyone, but he didn't include you since you weren't allowed to go. You weren't sure if you were even allowed to go on the mission, but you didn't bother asking since you knew they would all say no.
Finally, the meeting was over and you stood up to leave. But Fury stopped you in your tracks. "Don't think about disappearing," he said sternly. "You're having a training session with Agent Romanoff before you go with them."
Tony grumbled, "Why is the kid coming along?"
"Because I ordered it," Fury replied coldly.
"Well, I'm not babysitting her," Tony muttered before walking out of the room.
As Tony left, the other Avengers turned to look at you. You could feel their eyes on you, judging you, and it made you feel extremely uncomfortable. You knew they didn't think you were capable of handling yourself in the field, and it hurt to know that they didn't believe in you.
But then Peter spoke up, his voice firm and unwavering. "She's not a kid, she's a member of this team. And she's just as capable as any of us."
The other Avengers looked at Peter, surprised by his show of support. Even you were taken aback by his sudden show of support.
"No one has to babysit me," you said as you made your way to the door. "I can take care of myself." You walked out of the room, feeling a sense of pride and determination.
Fury gestured to Romanoff to start the training session. She stood up and left to go find you, ready to help you prepare for the mission ahead.
You walked down the hallway and found Natasha waiting for you. She had her arms crossed and her normal serious look on her face.
"Ready for some training?" she asked.
You nodded. She always made you feel very intimidated no matter what she did. You came up with the conclusion that it was a good thing since she wouldn't be here if she didn't
Natasha led you to the training room and showed you, like always, some basic moves. As you practised the same stuff over and over you were getting bored and wanted to try something different but you didn't say anything. You knew better not to.
As you were practising, Peter walked in. "Mind if I join in?" he asked.
Natasha nodded, and Peter joined you in the training session. You were grateful that he arrived when he did since Natasha started showing you both different training techniques.
After the training session, you and Peter walked back to your room. "You did great," he said, giving you a reassuring smile.
"Thanks," you replied, feeling a sense of pride.
"I'm sorry they don't take you seriously," Peter said. "But I know you're capable of so much more."
You smiled at him, grateful for his words of encouragement. "Thanks, Peter. It means a lot that you believe in me."
The two of you sat down on your bed and talked for a while longer. You could feel a sense of warmth and comfort around him, and you were grateful to have him as a friend.
As the night wore on, you knew that tomorrow would be a big day. You were going on a mission with the Avengers, and you were determined to prove yourself. With Peter by your side, you knew that you could do anything and who knows maybe tomorrow would be the day that you prove them all wrong and show them that you're much more than what they think you are.
The next day, you woke up early and got ready for the mission. You took a deep breath and reminded yourself that you were ready for anything. You met up with the rest of the Avengers and got briefed on the mission.
It was a tough one, but you knew that you could handle it. You and Peter were assigned to work together, and you felt grateful to have him by your side.
As you made your way to the mission location, you were ready to prove yourself and show everyone what you were capable of.
As the Quinjet was landing Steve was handing out everyone's orders. despite what Fury ordered he told you and Peter to stay back and only step in if it was absolutely necessary.
They were only gone for 20 minutes and you heard through the comms that things weren't going well even for them they were struggling.
Peter stood up and put on his mask.
"Where are you going?" you asked him as you stood up
"We need to help them Y/N," Peter said.
"No Peter, Steve told us to stay back and only step in if it's absolutely necessary. What if we only make things worse?"
"This is your one chance to prove to them that you can handle this so are you going to take it or not?" He said walking out of the Quinjet.
As you watched Peter walk away you couldn't help but think to yourself about just how right he was. This is probably your one and only chance to prove to them and yourself.
You started walking out of the Quinjet you didn't need any weapons since you yourself is a weapon, a killer, a monster that's what your grandparents and the agents at the organization where you were held for years told you. This was your chance to change that to make you a hero.
You began running in the direction where you could hear the gunshots the most. You peered around the corner and saw the Avengers fighting but it wasn't humans they were fighting it was some sort of robot.
They were struggling to fight the robots. Natasha's gun or widow bites weren't affecting that at all.
You watched Steve throw his shield at one of them causing its head to come flying off. You were just about to walk away thinking that they were fine when the robots head became attached to the body again and it stood back up
The robots were fast which made them difficult to hit. They had powerful weapons built into their arms, and they fired with deadly accuracy. Each robot seemed to have a different fighting style, which made them unpredictable and hard to fight.
You watched as Steve throw his shield at the robot again but this time it bounced off the robot and landed near you.
You were looking down at the shield and you didn't notice Steve running over to you.
"What are you doing here? get back to the Quinjet." He said grabbing your arm to get you to move away.
"I can help." You said quietly.
"No, you can Y/N. You're going to get yourself killed."
Before you could say anything he ran off again.
You watched as Steve got thrown to the ground obviously he got it wrong when he said that you were the one who was going to get killed.
You turned around to go walk off but you suddenly stopped. You let out a loud sigh and turned back around.
You closed your eyes and clutched your fists focusing on activating your powers. As you concentrated, everything around you seemed to slow down. You were able to hear each robot's movements and thoughts, allowing you to anticipate their attacks. You could sense the energy flowing through each of the machines, and you knew that you had the power to manipulate them.
You opened your eyes and your eyes changed from your normal eye colour to a light red and looked at the robots. You raised your hand towards them, and a burst of energy shot out, hitting one of the robots. It exploded instantly, sending other robots flying. You could feel the shockwaves of your power as you continued to fight.
You moved your hand in different directions, causing the robots to get thrown off balance, and you could hear their cries of pain as their systems were overloaded. You were able to control the machines with ease, and it felt exhilarating to use your powers for good.
As the last robot fell to the ground, you stood there, still holding your hand out. You looked up at the Avengers staring at you.
Every part of your body was in extreme pain. You lowered your arm and went to take a step but you ended up passing out and falling to the ground from exhaustion.
When you woke up, you were disoriented and confused. You looked around and saw that you were in the med bay. You didn't remember how you got there or how long you had been unconscious.
You sat up and saw the Avengers standing around you, looking concerned. They explained that you had used your powers to defeat the robots, but that you had exhausted yourself to the point of passing out. They had taken you back to the base and had been monitoring your condition ever since.
"Why didn't you tell us that you had those powers Y/N?" Natasha asked sitting down on the end of the bed
You shrugged your shoulders "I don't know"
Natasha gave you a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Y/N you can tell us."
You took a deep breath and told them the whole truth about your past
The Avengers listened intently as you told them about your past and how you had been afraid to tell them about your powers. You were looking down at your hands the whole time you were talking.
When you finished you looked up at them The Avengers looked at you with understanding and compassion.
"We're so sorry Y/N for everything, especially for how badly we treated you," Natasha said. "We should have been more supportive."
Steve nodded in agreement. "We're here for you, Y/N. Whatever you need, we'll do our best to help you."
You felt a weight lifted off your shoulders as you realized that the Avengers were truly your friends. You smiled at them and said, "Thank you. It means a lot to me to have your support."
After that day all the Avengers treated you so differently than how they did before. They treated you with a newfound respect and kindness. They were more patient with you when it came to your powers and always made sure to include you in everything they did. You felt like you had finally found a place where you belonged.
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ily-fictional-women · 9 months
I can kinda imagine a part 2 that shows reader and nat starting a relationship and its all very slow and tentative and hesitant because nat’s never done this before and shes soft and shy and awkward or maybe reader and nat maybe in a relationship now and its just super cute and domestic and shows how soft nat is and how wrong the rumours about her are maybe things like she steals hoodies and likes to be the little spoon and stuff like that
I can kinda see this as like its own au with lots of little one shots if you can’t tell 😂
Secrets | Rumors part 2
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Summary: Secrets do more damage than good.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader + platonic!Maria Hill x fem!reader
Warnings: None that I know of but if I should add anything let me know
Word count: 1966
a/n: I’ve been meaning to write this part two. If you haven’t read the first part though it still reads pretty well by itself. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
Natasha tosses her bag to the side quickly closing the door behind her, “That was a disaster.” Y/n simply shrugs grinning, “At least you didn’t get stabbed with lab equipment this time.” Letting out a small laugh Natasha rolls her eyes at Y/n as she begins changing out of her mission clothes.
Y/n glances at her phone, “They’ll be here in about ten hours so we have a lot of time.” Natasha flops onto the hotel bed reaching out a hand to Y/n, “Come to bed then, it’s late.”
“Oh no, it’s okay Nat. I’m not that tired.” Natasha looks at Y/n seriously, “Y/n, we have been up and awake for 48 hours. Come to bed, please.” Y/n rubs her eyes, “Alright fine.” After changing her clothes Y/n climbs into bed holding Natasha by her waist turning the nightstand lamp off.
Feeling the warm light coming through the window Natasha starts to feel herself wake up. Sleepily moving her hand across the bed her hand lands on Y/n’s thigh. Remembering Y/n is usually the one to sleep in Natasha sits up squinting her eyes trying to wake up.
“When did you wake up? And what time is it?” Y/n flips a page in the book she’s reading, “It’s six o’clock so you still have about an hour before extraction gets here.” Natasha sleepily glares at Y/n.
“You’re avoiding the more important question Y/n. When did you wake up?” Not taking her eyes off the book Y/n simply replies, “I didn’t wake. I told you I couldn’t sleep. So I waited for you to fall asleep so I could read.”
Natasha bites the inside of her cheek hesitantly resting a hand on top of Y/n’s motioning for her to close the book. Y/n finally focuses her gaze on Natasha, Natasha kisses Y/n’s forehead quickly, “Just tell me when you can’t sleep next time okay?”
“Okay, I will,” Y/n smiles assuringly.
After finishing the debrief with Fury, Natasha and Y/n walk out of the office. “You want to get lunch?” Y/n glances at the clock on her phone, “I can’t I’m planning on doing the mission report right now. And after that, I planned on meeting Maria in the training center to spar. I’ll meet you up for dinner though, yeah?”
“Yeah that works,” Natasha looks down starting to play with Y/n’s hands nervously. “You’ve been awake for a long time though so just please get some sleep in between.”
Pulling away her hands Y/n quickly snaps at Natasha, “I’m not tired! Alright? Just please leave it be.” Not saying another word Y/n quickly walks off to her bunk. She’s hiding something and it’s obvious to Natasha.
Natasha peeks her head through Fury’s office door, “Do you know where I can find Agent Hill? I need to ask her about something.” Fury looks up from his file, squinting his eye at Natasha. “I’m pretty sure she said she’ll be at the firing range right now. Said she wanted to practice her aim for an upcoming stealth mission.”
“Thank you, sir,” Natasha quickly nods her head closing the office door behind her. The firing range was only about two stories below Fury’s office so it wouldn’t be a far trip. But the fact that Y/n was keeping something from her bothered her.
Did Y/n not trust her? What was keeping her up at night? Or more importantly what was keeping her up at night that Y/n couldn’t tell her about? The thoughts intruding on Natasha had swallowed her enough that she hadn’t realized she had gotten to the firing range so quickly.
As Maria fires off the last bullet she unloads the magazine to the gun almost startled by Natasha leaning against the dividers of the firing lanes. “Hey! Romanoff,” Maria gives the redhead a quick grin, “what’s up?”
Natasha crosses her arms, “It’s about Y/n. I’m worried about her.” Maria finishes loading the gun before putting it to the side raising an eyebrow at Natasha. “What do you mean worried? What’s wrong with her?”
“She refuses to sleep. And she just snapped at me a minute ago because I told her she should get some sleep.” Maria scrunches her brows looking down for a moment trying to rack her brain on why Y/n could be acting like this.
Her eyes quickly shoot back up to Natasha, “Wait. What date is it today?”
“May 21st, why?” Maria runs a hand through her hair letting out a loud sigh, “Shit.” Natasha's posture stiffens at Maria’s reaction, “Shit what? What’s wrong with her.”
“Um,” Maria hesitates, “that’s something I can’t be responsible for telling you. But the most I can say is that she doesn’t sleep well around this time and she hasn’t for years. And when she does she doesn’t like it.”
Natasha’s face gets serious, “Could you talk to her for me then?” Maria holds back a small smile, “I can convince her to talk to you. But you’ve been her girlfriend for about three months now. You’ll need to talk to her about this.”
Rubbing the back of her neck nervously Natasha makes her way toward the exit of the firing range, “That’ll work. Thanks, Hill.” Maria picks up the gun again aiming at the target, “Anytime Romanoff!”
Y/n hears a knock on the door to her bunk but she doesn’t get up to answer it. She was falling in and out of sleep every minute trying to finish her mission report. The creaky opening of the door wakes her up though.
Turning in her seat Y/n tries to blink away her sleepiness inevitably giving Maria a sleepy gaze anyway. Maria sits on the bed near Y/n, “You never met me for sparing Y/n.” Y/n’s eyebrows knit together as she glances at the tiny clock on the corner of her computer.
It was about two hours past the time she was supposed to meet Maria. “I don’t remember giving you a key to my room Maria.”
“It was last year, you were assigned on a mission that was supposed to be a week and ended up being four months. You gave me a key to your room just in case something like that happened again so I could give you a supply drop of more of your stuff.”
Silence fills the room for the moment, Y/n had honestly expected Maria to get on her for changing the subject. “She’s worried about you y’know.” Maria had filled the silence and Y/n had somehow wished for it back.
“The nightmares. Are they coming back?” Y/n can feel a lump grow in her throat at Maria’s question. Pressing her hands against her face Y/n lets out a frustrated groan, “Yeah, they just started a few days ago. She wasn’t there for the first one so I was able to get away with not talking about it.”
“Haven’t you been awake for a few days Y/n?” Y/n’s eyes wander her room not wanting to make eye contact with Maria while talking about something like this. Her jaw tightens, “Yeah. Figured I could try and avoid it this year.”
“Y/n…” Maria’s voice is soft. “Talk to her tonight. You know you can’t just avoid this. You need to sleep at some point.”
“And if I don’t?” Y/n’s voice was quiet but bitter. Maria stands up ruffling Y/n’s hair a bit, “Then I’ll tell Fury to put you on probation until you’re deemed fit to come back to work. So talk to her tonight and get some sleep. She cares about you.”
“Okay, I’ll talk to her tonight. You still up to spar though?” Maria laughs out loud at the question, “No, you can’t fight right now. Plus if we did, I’d kick your ass. Then your girlfriend would kick my ass. And that’s a fight I wouldn’t win.”
As Maria makes her way out of the room Y/n manages to smile a little, “I would still kick your ass.” Maria laughs out loud again, “Whatever you say Y/n/l.”
Managing to power through dinner pretending to feel awake Y/n follows Natasha back to her room. With the tiredness weighing Y/n down even more though the need to talk to Natasha slipped her mind.
Closing the door to the bunk Natasha sweetly kisses Y/n on the lips, “You ready for bed?” Rubbing her eye little Y/n nods, “Yeah, I could go to bed right now.” Slipping under the covers, feeling Natasha’s warm body next to hers, Y/n falls asleep for the first time in days.
But that's the catch. She fell asleep, so the nightmares followed. The old memories came in flashes. First the ringing in the ears. Then that closing-in feeling. Then the screaming. Then the blood. Then the- there’s whispers. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up Y/n.
Immediately Y/n gasps awake sitting up feeling tears start to stream down her face gasping for air trying to breathe. “Hey- hey. Detka, breathe. Slow breaths.” Y/n felt one of Natashas' hands come up and rest on her chest to feel her breath.
The touch itself started to calm Y/n’s nerves, and her breathing started to slow. But the tears didn’t stop, they just kept going no matter how much Y/n kept cocking her head back. Noticing Y/n struggling Natasha quickly pulled her into a long tight hug.
As the tears stopped Natasha pulled her away to look at her brushing away a few stray tears. “Y/n, what was that?” Y/n runs a hand through her hair sniffling, “It was just a nightmare, go back to bed.”
Natasha puts a hand on Y/n’s cheek having Y/n look at her, “It wasn’t just a nightmare. You were crying and thrashing around in your sleep. Just tell me what’s wrong.” Y/n moves Natasha’s hand holding onto it.
“Back when I was a Marine with Maria, uh, I had to go on a mission with some newer people I didn’t know. We were on our way back to base, but we had to camp out for the night. We were ambushed when we were sleeping though. I was the only one to make it out with injuries that didn’t kill me. Today’s the sixth anniversary of this happening.”
Natasha’s grip on Y/n’s hand tightens, “So is that why you don’t like working in teams?” Y/n lets out a dry laugh, “Yeah, you could say that.” Natasha inches closer to Y/n, “So do you get these nightmares a lot?”
Y/n shrugs drying off the last few stray tears with her free hand, “I used to for about the first two years. But now they just usually come back around the day it happened. In fact, the first year when Maria went on leave with me and slept on the floor next to my bed in my apartment at the time to make sure I was okay.”
“Then I’ll stay awake.” Y/n looks up at Natasha tears starting to well up in her eyes again, “What?” Natasha squeezes her hand, “I’ll stay awake. I’ll make sure you get sleep. You can lay your head on my chest. And if the nightmares come back I’ll be right here to wake you up.”
“Okay,” Y/n whispers. As Natasha hears the confirmation she pulls Y/n close, her head on her chest drawing shapes onto her shoulder whispering ‘it’ll be okay’ quietly over and over until Y/n fell asleep. And then the nightmares didn’t come back.
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months
So it's kind of being presented that the forehead touch is a Skrull greeting (ex. the scene where Priscilla introduces Fury and Gravik) but come on. The scenes where Talos and Soren, and Talos and Nick, respectively, were reunited show so much more intimacy and meaning than just an ordinary greeting; it's a real emotional moment on both accounts. The way they mirror each other is incredibly cool, and I love that in both it's insanely clear that Talos is locked in this embrace with someone he cares about deeply.
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she-wolf09231982 · 10 months
Chapter 2-The Prodigal Soldier Returns
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Summary: The day of the Super Solider Serum infusion arrives, and you may or may not emerge as the next gender bend Captain America. Either way, you survive Howard Stark’s experiment, and carry the torch supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic…and possibly intergalactic.
58 years later, Nick Fury and agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. discover Steve Rogers still alive and cryogenically preserved in ice. Rogers is returned immediately to New York for rehabilitation and recovery from his 66-year slumber under ice. When Steve is finally acclimated to his new 21st century life, he eventually bumps into you at the compound.
Author Note: Steve Rogers x Female!Avenger, Captain America x Female!Avenger, Y/N, L/N=Wolf, Reader!EnhancedAvenger, Avenger name She-Wolf, Avengers, Marvel movie references, Howard Stark, Maria Stark, Peggy Carter, Nick Fury, Agent Phil Coulson, S.H.I.E.L.D., story begins in 1953 ends in 2011, Military and Medical terminology, Pre/Post Captain America: The First Avenger, Pre Avengers
*Bold Italics represent character thoughts and flashbacks
The lab room suddenly became chaotic. Alarms started to sound off on the heart monitor connected to the Vita-Ray Chamber and red warning lights flashing. Your face began visibly wincing from pain in the window of the encasement you were locked into.
The serum made your blood pressure spike, edging you close to what could be a heart attack.
“Howard! Cut the infusion! Her heart rate is dangerously high!” Peggy called out over the commotion of white lab coats running around.
Howard Stark began to rush over to the main controls to shut down the serum transmission when he suddenly heard your voice through the container.
“NO! Keep going!” You pushed. You’ve worked too hard to stop now.
Peggy and Howard exchanged concerned glances.
“Stark, she’s only at 70% completion. If she’s already struggling now imagine what will happen to her at 100%.” Peggy cautioned.
Howard looked at the serum percentage meter indicating how much of the I.V. was imported into your blood stream. The meter continued to rise… 75%...80%...85%...
He glanced at your face in the viewing window of the chamber. Your eyes shut tight; jaw clenched doing your best to not black out.
“Stark??” Peggy yelled.
Your heart can take no more. Your heart rate reaches its limit causing you to go limp inside the box.
“Shut it down!!” Howard called out as he raced to the Vita-Ray Chamber door to force it open as fast as he could. Peggy joined him to assist.
You had flat lined. The sound of a steady drone from the heart monitor filled the room.
The extreme heat of the chamber had expanded the metal from within, making the door almost impossible to open.
One of the lab coats brought a crowbar to pry the latch. After a little bit of muscle and leverage, the door sprung open. Steam projected outward overflowing the room, blocking the view of you. Howard and Peggy began fanning the air so they could see you.
There you were, still vertically strapped in, head resting on your shoulder, eyes closed…still not breathing.
“…Howard.” Peggy said with breathy distress while looking at you.
Howard walked up to your lifeless form, placed two fingers to your carotid artery on your neck to locate a pulse. As soon as he pressed into your skin your eyes sprang wide open.
You gasp loud and harsh, frightening everyone in the room, causing Howard to fall backward into Peggy.
Exceptionally confused and panicked, your eyes darted side to side trying to get a grasp on what had just occurred. As the heart monitor machine came back to life beeping frantically, the lab started humming again, everyone calling out results and observations over eachother from their stations.
“Heart rate is detected and, on the rise…”
“Oxygen levels at 100%…”
“Blood pressure is getting high, Mr. Stark…”
“Her muscle mass increased by 70%!!”
“If we don’t calm her down, she may go into shock, Agent Carter…”
Peggy took the initiative.
“Everyone, simmer down!” She commanded the room. All the lab coats froze.
She walked over to you and in a soothing tone, spoke to you.
“Y/N, you’re going to be alright. The experiment was a success. You did it.” she said calmly.
She held your face firmly between her hands, so you focused on her. Your breath was short and fast as Peggy continued.
“Deep breaths, Wolf. In…” She inhaled with you.
“Out.” She exhaled with you.
You repeated this until you finally relaxed.
Howard approached you. “Y/N, how do you feel?”
You took a minute to assess yourself.
You noticed your white pajama set was suddenly quite snug. Some parts were even torn especially in the shoulder and thigh area. The hem of your pants that once hung closer to your feet were now shorter revealing your ankles and calves.
“I feel…taller?” You respond first. “And sweaty.”
Stark’s mouth curved into a triumphant grin. The serum worked. And it showed.
Your body was evidently more toned, developed muscles straining against the fabric of your white outfit. Pants now hanging at your calves instead of below your ankles, you’ve obviously grown at least 5 inches. You were a colossus compared to former your self.
Howard offered his hand to help you out after releasing the safety harnesses, but you stumble out like a newborn giraffe as both he and Peggy catch you before you hit the ground.
“Get a wheelchair over here now!” Stark called out.
He looked back at you. “This is the beginning of something big, Y/N. You are going to be part of some of the greatest stories in America’s history.”
You only nod at first since you are too weak to be excited about anything yet.
“Mr. Stark, I’d like to take a nap first if you don’t mind?” You finally responded.
The room chuckled in unison.
You spent the next 58 years battling local crimes in New York, and eventually deploying overseas mostly assisting medical squadrons or rebuilding critical structures for allies and joint forces in combat zones. You were utilized during conflicts such as The Vietnam War, Desert Storm, and The Global War on Terrorism. You were especially useful during Operation Iraqi Freedom clearing potentially hostile locations with Special Forces and patrolling with convoys to secure safe passage for American military to travel.
The Super Soldier Serum’s organic preservatives left you looking and feeling your best since the infusion in 1953. You didn’t look or feel a day over 25 in over five decades because of it. However, you were only able to withstand 90% of the serum’s deposit, therefore you weren’t at full potential of your superhuman capabilities, unfortunately. Nonetheless, you were still a success story in Howard Stark’s eyes.
Sadly, in December 1991 while you were tasked to a recovery detail in Eastern Europe, you returned to American soil to be met by an Agent Nick Fury with grave news. Howard Stark and his wife, Maria, were killed by a HYDRA assassin while you were away. This information absolutely ruined you. You didn’t take Howard’s death very well. You progressively became a shell of your former self, sinking into a depressive state. Since then, you became quite an introvert and kept a low-profile spending most of your time at the gym, in the library reading, or in your sleeping quarters.
Through it all, you still led a life of service to your country when called upon in memory of your surrogate father. Nick Fury assumed command of S.H.I.E.L.D. by this time and took you under his wing, making sure to commission you with new assignments to continue Stark’s legacy.
Even though you were one of Howard’s greatest accomplishments in decades, a resurfacing discovery by S.H.I.E.L.D had the entire compound particularly energetic today. You were leaving the gym and noticed all the lab coats buzzing back and forth whispering to eachother. You also hadn’t seen Fury in a few days, which was unusual because you would usually get a debrief from him of your assignments every night for the following day.
As that thought crossed your mind, he appeared before you.
“Y/N, just the woman I’m looking for. Come with me.” He ushered you down the hall.
You were utterly perplexed, but continued to follow him down the halls having no idea where he was taking you.
“Director Fury?” You began.
He continued walking at a brisk pace. “Hm?” was his response.
“Forgive me if I’m not up to speed on what’s happening here, but….”
You tread lightly about asking too many questions because Fury’s mind was obviously busy, and you weren’t sure if he was really listening to you. You pause as you arrive at a long observing window that peered into what looked to be a hospital room. He gestured towards the window.
“Have a look for yourself.” He invited.
You walk up to the glass and look through. In the hospital bed laid a man peacefully asleep.
Your heart stilled as you stared at this alluring stranger.
He had a thick head of blonde hair, disheveled strands laying softly across his forehead. A chiseled jawline, perfect nose, flawless skin, and the longest lashes any woman would be jealous of. And dear God, arms that look like they could crush concrete.
You stood there with your mouth agape staring at this brawny, angelic creature in front of you.
Fury tilted his head to the side observing your reaction. He was mildly entertained by your moment of shock that rendered you completely speechless.
“You know who this man is, Y/N.” He finally tells you.
You shake your head to snap out of your hypnosis. You look at Fury and raise an eyebrow at him. Clearly indicating you didn’t understand.
“Is that a question or a statement, sir?” You ask.
Fury chuckled as he continued.
“This, my friend, is the one and only Steve Rogers…TheCaptain America.” He explained.
You narrowed your eyes at him in disbelief.
“But sir…” You began.
“Yes, I know, but we discovered him conserved cryogenically under ice a few days ago.” He explained.
You look back through the window.
“Alive? But…how?” You manage to ask.
“Well, blood tests revealed that his blood contained excessive amounts of glucose as a result of his liver processing his glycogen storage, thus lowering the freezing temperature of blood-borne water and creating a 'cryoprotectant'. This process is similar to those of hibernating bears and wood frogs that metabolize glycogen in their liver to circulate ample amounts through their body to reduce the osmotic shrinkage of cells and prevents them from freezing. This, however, has never been seen before in humans.” Fury explained in a ‘matter of fact’ manner.
Your confusion must have reflected on your face because he reiterated by simply saying,
“Howard Stark’s preservative components in the serum allowed Rogers to survive freezing temperatures.”
You nod, “I see. You could’ve just led off with that, sir.”
With Captain America resurrected, the atmosphere at the facility completely shifted. Agent Phil Coulson addressed the public to officially confirm Steve Rogers’ return. Which was an absolute honor for him since he was a huge fan of Captain America and everything he represents. All the lab coats walking around were all a flutter about Captain America’s presence in the building…especially the females which made you utterly nauseous.
You, on the other hand, thought everyone was being overdramatic. You were particularly curious about what would happen next, though. What did this mean for S.H.I.E.L.D.? For America? Where did this leave you? Questions stirred relentlessly in your head for days. Every thought of what could happen next now that Steve was back didn’t have a good outlook for you no matter which way you spun it. These intrusive thoughts keep your brain busy, causing you to lose sleep at night.
You became very irritable with the few people you came into contact with throughout the day, so you decided to spend more time training in the boxing gym hitting the heavy bag. Fury frequently gave you direct orders to hit the showers and sleep it off, which you begrudgingly comply with out of respect.
Fury knew you were less than pleased by Steve’s return, and he was correct in assuming so. Your mental and emotional balance was already thrown off by the passing of Howard and Maria. Now you felt your livelihood hung by a thread because of the sudden homecoming of the prodigal soldier. You felt resentment and anger with every passing thought. And as assignments grew scarce, there were less deployments to redirect your attention leaving you with little to no outlet for your concentrated emotions.
One sleepless night, you once again find yourself hooking deep punches into the midriff of a 100 lbs (45.359 kg) Everlast boxing bag. Your hands only ever wrapped in sports tape, your knuckles are constantly bruised and swollen by the excessive number of times you spend pummeling the cylinder sack.
Sweat beading on your forehead and soaking through your shirt, hissing out loud every time each hand makes contact, you’re so deep in the zone surrounded by fire and wrath that you didn’t notice Steve had entered the room. He stood there watching you intensely while holding his gym bag in one hand, as he held a towel in the other. You deliver one final blow to the bag, sending it across the room like a projectile into the brick wall opposite you. You stood there panting, staring at the pile of other destroyed boxing bags that you’ve launched with your fits of physical rage.
“Wow.” Steve said impressed with a half-smile.
You turn your attention to him, meeting his blue eyes from where you stood. Your eyebrows furrowed still trying to catch your breath. You realize it was only him, so you turned away without responding, (not before pursing your lips together in disdain while rolling your eyes). You pick up your hand towel and wipe your face, then retrieve a new heavy bag, lifting with one hand effortlessly hanging it, replacing the one you just demolished.
Steve coughed awkwardly, sensing the thick air in the room between the two of you.
You started to stretch in front of one of the mirrors that had a ballet barre, completely disregarding the man behind you.
“We haven’t formally met yet.” Steve stated.
You let out an audible exasperated sigh. You barely glance over your shoulder, almost acknowledging him, waiting for him to continue.
“I’m Steve Rogers. Brooklyn. It’s good to finally meet you…”
His voice was smooth and resonating…Like honey. He spoke deep from the chest and his voice projected, yet he didn’t need to yell. His voice just traveled through the room to you like music and almost had you melting into a puddle.
“Get it together, idiot…” You told yourself.
You decided to remain cordial. Even though you’d rather not engage with him at all, it’s what Howard would’ve wanted.
“You know who I am?” You finally responded with your back still facing him.
“I know of you, yes. Word is you were my protégé after I disappeared.” He replied.
“Is that all that was said about me?” You asked.
“Of course not.” He assured confidently.
You turned around while dabbing your neck with your towel, then draped it around your nape holding each end with your hands. You looked at Steve and started to walk towards him. Steve was positively handsome, and although he appeared intimidating and confident, he still had little experience interacting with women…especially if he found them attractive. As the gap closed between the two of you, his heart proceeded to beat faster. Your supersonic hearing picked it up right away, and you relished the effect you had on him.
Steve tried to diffuse his ascending apprehension as you stood feet from him.
“Um,” he started to scratch the back of his head bashfully, “if you’re up to it, maybe you can show me around the compound sometime?” He suggested.
You raise your eyebrows and inquisitively squint at him. Your mouth involuntarily curled into a grin because he looks so stinkin’ cute standing there tensed up in suspense, holding his breath, waiting on your response.
“Sure, Cap.” You say curtly. Steve let out a sigh of relief.
“Wanna start tomorrow?” You ask him.
“Uh, sure.” He replied.
“Meet me here at 0800?”
You nod at him, shoulder your backpack and breeze past him without another word, leaving him slightly stunned and bewildered.
He watched you leave until he couldn’t see you anymore.
“Phew…that was exhausting.” Steve said out loud to himself.
You chuckle to yourself because you were totally close enough to hear that.
You kind of felt bad messing with him, but you’re the one that has seniority here. Even though he’s older than you and is the original super soldier, he’s “the man out of time” having been asleep under ice for almost 70 years. The horrific things you’ve seen and experienced during those years have hardened your heart and you weren’t one to coddle anyone anymore. Not even America’s favorite poster boy from Brooklyn.
At 0745, you walk into the gym and see Steve sitting on a stool in a corner of the boxing ring. You shoot a perplexed look at him and smirk.
“How long have you been here?” You call out to him.
He looked up.
“Long enough.” He said simply smiling back.
“Waiting to go a few rounds with me, Cap?” You ask almost too flirtatiously.
Steve scoffed then stood up.
“No ma’am, I would never hit a lady.” He responded.
“I’m no average lady, Rogers.” You replied sternly. You weren’t about to let him categorize or underestimate you.
Steve’s smile faded to a look of fascination and curiosity.
“Should we head out then?” You ask.
Steve nodded and exited the gym with you.
“I never knew a place could have so many…levels.” Steve said as you walk off the elevator where the living quarters were.
Up until now, you were the only one residing in dorms. Now Steve shared this building with you but had his room in another wing. It had a common area, an impressive kitchen, dining and living room and a full gym on a separate floor.
“S.H.I.E.L.D. obviously spared no expense.” You stated.
Steve nodded in agreement. He continued to admire the surroundings.
“So? What do you think, Cap?” You finally ask.
Steve looked at you confused.
You gesture to everything around you.
“All of this. What do you think?”
Steve let out a puff of breath and looked around again in thought.
“Well…” He started “it’s going to take a lot getting used to.” He finished.
“Mmhm.” You hum.
He continued.
“But I’ll manage.” He added confidently.
“I sure hope so.” A voice rang out from across the living room area.
Director Fury stood at the doorway, then proceeded to walk towards you.
“Director.” You greeted as he approached. He nodded at you.
“I see you two are getting along just fine.” Fury said with an almost visible smirk.
You released a faint laugh.
“Y/N has been very hospitable.” Steve responded earnestly then looked at you with a soft smile.
You felt yourself blushing when your eyes met his.
“Snap out of it, you idiot.” You scold yourself.
“Good, because one day, you’ll need to work as a team.” Fury explained.
You snap your head at Fury with anger rising in your chest like lava.
“Director??” You ask almost with panic in your voice.
Nick Fury released an irritated sigh, rolling his eye before facing you.
“Y/N, we discussed this. Why do you insist on acting this is the first time you’re hearing this?”
“Because, sir, I never agreed to it.” You pointed out.
“Last time I checked, Wolf, my title is ‘Director.’ I don’t need your consent nor your approval.” Fury retorted in a very parental tone.
Steve just sat, arms folded across his chest while his eyes flitted between you and Fury like he was watching a tennis game.
“With all due respect, Director, I refuse.” You declared.
“Excuse me?” Fury dared you to repeat.
“I refuse.” You restated boldly.
Fury began to open his mouth to reprimand you until Steve cut in.
“Ok now this is escalating quickly.” Steve said while inserting himself between you and Fury.
“Director, perhaps allow Miss Wolf and I to build more rapport before talking about working in the field together? We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” He suggested.
Fury studied Steve, then looked at you.
“Fine. Understand this now, though, when you two are called upon, you will be responding…together.” Fury declared.
You only respond by crossing your arms. Fury turned on his heel and exited, leaving you there with this annoyingly reasonable and infuriatingly gorgeous super soldier.
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