#nikos the impaler
izmooi · 6 months
🎥 izi's Random Movie Reviews 🎞
Nikos the Impaler 👤 dir. Andreas Schnaas
This post contains spoilers.
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"There is one scene, though, where Niko's sword makes an airplane sound as it moves through the air - gold star to the sound guy overall."
Alert: Good, bad movie! My friend and I randomized a movie to watch, and we landed on this piece of cinema. This movie is a Z-grade splatter film, meaning it's not that great of a budget, but it sure does have lots of killing in it. The mix of pros and cons of this movie fell to the unexpected end of the spectrum.
I became fond of all of the characters, which typically, with these movies, isn't the case. I thought the main character focus was the two college boys, but it's not; it's the teachers. I didn't grow attached to anyone in a super heartfelt way, but the dynamics among the characters added to the fun of this overtly violent film. The beginning of the movie in the gallery is drawn out for a long time without much going on, but it allows for the characters to bond for survival while yelling at each other for a third of the movie. Nikos, our dear titular star, was a funny character to watch run around and slice through people like butter. He never had any hesitation in making his large, gaited strides toward people and using his comically large sword to smite them where they stood. They don't call him the impaler for nothing.
Some of the audio mixing and music volumes were wild at times. It didn't help that we watched this movie in 144p on YouTube, and everything was shot in the dark so we couldn't see a whole lot. There is one scene, though, where Niko's sword makes an airplane sound as it moves through the air - gold star to the sound guy overall.
As is the case with a low-budget movie, there are occasional scenes that have wild camera cuts. There are lots of tangential headshots, where the tip of the head to the bottom of the chin is the only thing in view. Folks are often standing way too close to the camera. Kudos to them for shooting in the space they reserved for the gallery, which seemed like a tight space to record all of these random shots in. 
A common scene in these Z-grade films is the Booby Scene, where a woman gets full-body naked for no reason other than to show boob. This turns into gore porn quickly, and while these scenes are always of bad taste, this one gets an even lower rating for its poor execution in exposition and delivery. 
My friend and I were unsure about what the guy sneaking into the backroom to find Nikos' helmet in an unpadded crate had for a goal that led to his resurrection. It was very confusing at the end, too, when Nikos suddenly developed superpowers and summoned Hitler and a low-budget Elvira to serve under him.
Upon researching more about this movie, we discovered that it is meant to be the fourth and last movie of Schnaas' "Violent Shit" movies. If we had watched the previous three, then maybe more would have been explained, and the ending may have been a bit more satisfying. I could imagine the other three films are just like this one, though. Before seeing the movie, we found DVD listings for around the $40 range. After watching, we determined the price tag might be worth it at the risk of it not getting a better resolution.
Read this review on Letterboxd!
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rwac96 · 8 months
Type: Ask
Fandom: RWBY
Summary: What If: What if Jaune was the one who fought Cinder and managed to succeed in killing her at the cost of his life?
Meme: What If Meme
The budding swordsman panted heavily, as his Aura crackled around him, signaling that he was on the verge of breaking. Jaune Arc had always wondered why his father and grandfather never pursued being a Huntsman, and now, he was figuring out why. Before him stood an ambered-eyed woman, hands engulfed in flames as she approached him. His ocean eyes shift to his shattered shield, and then towards the approaching woman, the one responsible for the siege. The blonde lets out a battle cry, charging towards the now Fall Maiden.
He met with her fireballs with each swing of his family's blade, but missed a few and felt the intense heat of those attacks. But he kept sprinting. Cinder yells in anger, as she runs towards her opponent, aiming to end the young man. Then, when the flames struck Jaune again, his Aura shattered, causing him to feel the horrific pain of his flesh burning. But despite the agony he was experiencing, he drove Crocea Mors into the woman's heart, who gritted her teeth in hatred.
"A-All that," she said as she spat up blood, grabbing the leader of Team JNPR by the throat. "f-for a rookie strike..."
"A-At least I got you," Jaune chuckled weakly, his pupils shrinking as he felt her hand growing hotter than a humid Summer Day.
The youth falls down onto his knees, as the Fall Maiden uses every ounce of her strength to perform her Semblance: Burning Caress. As flames surrounded the aspiring Huntsman, Two redheads arrived on the scene, despite the intense battle and the Wyrvern that circled Beacon Tower. Ruby Rose, Jaune's first friend, and Pyrrha Nikos, his partner, friend, and confidant, witnessed Jaune Arc's body turning an ominous orange and his entire body is reduced to ashes. All that remained were Crocea Mors, his armor plates, and a cloth of his hoodie.
"JAUNE!!!" The Gladiator recoiled in grief-stricken horror, having just witnessed the demise of her partner, leader, friend, and crush.
"...Jaune...?!" The wielder of Crescent Rose drops her weapon, as her friend's killer falls down onto her front, letting out a lowly moan that she couldn't hear. "....Jaune," tears filled Ruby's eyes, as her pupils began to glow brightly.
The winged Grimm roared, turning its attention to the two young women, as a strange orange light traveled to Pyrrha, noticing the now dead Cinder staring at her with her emotionless eyes. As the Wyvern shrieks, proceeding to charge towards the duo; intending to add more to the already large body count of the Siege of Beacon.
"JAAAAUUUUNEEE!!!" Ruby hollered at the top of her lungs, as a bright, white light erupted from her eyes, blinding both Pyrrha and the Grimm. It engulfed the two students, the dead infiltrator, and the beast in an eerie, blinding, bright silver light.
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orionsangel86 · 5 months
Absolutely rolling at Trixie and Katya's Dead Boy Detectives Review
Highlights Include:
Trixie channelling all of Tumblr by asking "is she les?" right as Crystal sees Niko and the glowing parasite lights for the first time.
Kayta projecting herself onto Esther lmao
"Neil Gaiman you know what he delivers on? Hot, Sexy, and Creepy"
"Gaiman recognises gay men" LMAO I can't BELIEVE you guys made THAT joke
"I'd rather suck cock than count cats" ASJKAJSAKJD
"They do seem gay for each other" (about Charles and Edwin)
The shade at Netflix making them watch stuff they hate but then stating that "they've got a good one here"
"Lesbianism is so much harder than people realise" (as they watch Maxine try to kill Jenny)
"I'm here for an impaling"
"She's amazing." "The casting, the performance" "She's incredible" THE LOVE FOR MY GIRL RUTHIE CONNELL HELLS YES!
"Everyone is bisexual until proven otherwise" "tea" YES LADIES I HAVE BEEN SAAAAAYING!
"All of this could have been avoided if you'd just sucked that cat cock" ASJAKDFJESLJDKAJDKAJ LMAOOOOOO Its true though
The excessive amount of thirst for the Cat King (GIRL SAME)
Play a drinking game to this and everytime they say "cunt!" or "cunty!" you have to drink a shot - you'll be on the floor by 10 minutes in
And finally, the best highlight:
"This was one of the best things we've watched. This was really really good."
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howi99 · 4 months
Project ARC remake 3
Jaune: *flying through the air* Hm, i don't really know how to land yet. *Looking at the ground, knowing he will soon have to try something if he doesn't want to die* If i hit multiple branches, would it break my fall enough so my aura doesn't break? *The ground is approaching dangerously quickly* I guess never better time than now to try new thi- *get his hoodie impaled by a ice spike*
Weiss: *from afar* Were you trying to die? Why didn't you use a landing strategy!? You were aiming for a bunch of thick branches, it could have hurt you!
Jaune: *looking at the ice shard, then in her general direction* I don't know any landing strategy, figured i could tank the hit. Thank you for saving me.
Weiss: *still from afar* You better be, you idiot! Don't move, i'll try getting you out of there.
Jaune: I am quite capable of getting down by myself. *Try pulling the ice shard, who slips through his hands, making it almost impossible to remove* ... I have spoken to soon it seems.
Weiss: *finally getting close* Here, i'll give you a hand. *Use her glyphs to make a platform so he can more easily remove the ice shard*
Jaune: *finally free* I must thank you miss Schnee, i... Why are you looking at my foot?
Weiss: *not looking at him so she still can find someone else to partner with* I'm planning to partner up with Pyrrha. No offense but i would prefer having her in my team.
Jaune: Does that have anything to do with her fame?
Weiss: *upset* Of course not! I just want to be friends with her!
Jaune: I see. *Turning around* Good luck with that.
Weiss: Wait, where do you think you are going alone in a grimm infested forest!?
Jaune: ... Kill them? I don't wish for anyone to be hurt in this examination and the easiest way to help is by killing all the grimm. I can in fact detect a dozen north from here.
Weiss: You can detect them? Is this a semblance?
Jaune: ... i saw them while falling to my almost certain death.
Weiss: That's... A weird way to tell someone. But i can't just leave you alone.
Jaune: *pointing to the south* I can see miss Niko looking around in a tree around 500 feet from here. If you prefer, i could always escort you to her.
Weiss: Why do you speak weird like that?
Jaune: Why are you so short and yet decided to risk your life to fight grimm?
Weiss: Hey! I'm not that short!
Jaune: the point is i don't know the answer and it's not important in the present.
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DBD As Iconic B99 Quotes
Charles: They said all the bleeding was internal. That’s where the blood’s supposed to be!
Esther: Great, who are we killing? I won't do kids. That's a rule. But that rule is negotiable if the kid's a dick.
Jenny: I once went on a date with a girl who cried when I told her I was a Gemini.
Crystal, to Edwin: With all due respect, I am gonna completely ignore everything you just said
Edwin: A place where everyone knows your name is hell. You're describing hell
Niko: Did something awkward happen? I can probably relate
Charles: I’m not totally useless. I can be used as a bad example
Charles in hell: You know what else is interesting? Grenades
Edwin: I'm fine, except I was impaled on a metal pipe
Esther: How was I supposed to know there would be consequences for my actions?
Niko: My body has the structural integrity of a chocolate souffle
Esther: So you have an audience for this little performance? Edwin/Crystal: Who wouldn't want to watch a man fight a crocodile?
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
Family Pictures
Pyrrha: *at a mission briefing* …and here she is at a month old, being held by Jaune! Doesn’t she have his eyes? We were a bit surprised when we found out about her before Jaune and I even graduated, but I wouldn’t trade our family for the world! 🥰
Ozpin: *looking around baby pictures being held in his face* …very cute, miss Nikos, but if we can get back to the mission…
Pyrrha: *holding more photos* Oh! And this is her first birthday! She may have Jaune’s eyes, but she definitely has the Nikos redhead! See her trying to blow on the candle with her father’s help? 🥰
Lisa Lavender: Oh, how cute! Can we get a camera close-up?
Talk Show Audience: AWWWWWW!!!!😍
Lisa Lavender: …but seriously, can we talk about your combat career? That’s what this show was supposed to be about.
Pyrrha: *going through a photo album* Here’s another one of my daughter meeting her new brother for the first time! She didn’t quite understand how the process worked, but when she saw him she just demanded to hold him too! Isn’t that the cutest?
Cordovin: Yes, but if we could please focus on the topic at hand? The Branwen tribe has resurfaced and Argus is under threat!
Pyrrha: *scrolling through gallery*…she was so nervous at first about the water, but here she is just a month later in her little swim team uniform! She was so proud! 😁
Raven: *disheveled and bruised after furious battle with RWBYJNPR* …my kid was cuter…!
Yang: Mom, can you just not?
Pyrrha: *holding up her scroll with video playing*…and they just climbed right onto Jaune the second he got home! Here’s my son holding up his little toy sword like he’s a knight and he’s slain his daddy! 🥰
Tyrian: *beaten up and at zero aura* ????
Pyrrha: …and my son decided swim team wasn’t for him after all, but he’s interested in how our weapons transform, so we’re trying to get him to try out some basic engineering clubs!
Mantle Moms: Aww!/So adorable!/My son tried the same thing!
Jaune: *waiting with the Mantle kids* Pyrrha, I can’t hold up traffic any longer! Can we do this later?
Pyrrha: …so my daughter is starting next week at Beacon, and my son just got awarded a scholarship to an engineering school where he’s going to specialize in robotics! *points at photo* He’s the blonde on the left without the beard! The other one is actually my husband! Don’t they look alike?
Salem: *impaled and beginning to evaporate at the end of a climactic battle* Such an adorable family! Let me get my album out and show you my girls!
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mondaymelon · 11 months
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𖥔 ݁ ˖⩇⩇:⩇𝟦.𖥔 ݁ ˖
⤷ a halloween event hosted by @mondaymelon !!
taglist: @manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu, @achlysis, @swivy123, @silaswritesthings, @neigesprincess, @mintydump, @kaeffeinee, @scaranaris-lil-niko, @yuraasia, @chiyoso !! last trial will be posted tomorrow!! ending on nov 1 (this may be a lie because my plot has SOOO much in store for you guys... i want to make this like a i2109320983902 part series) but that was my bad im so sorry about that :( writing burnout is not completely over
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I don’t want to risk it. No, I can’t. He… I need to know more about it. About him. He said he helped me.
“No, I can’t. I can’t leave you here.” You shook your head frantically, feeling your breath quicken as their eyes, red, red, eyes, all turned to stare at you, tracking your every movement with a gaze too sharp to be human.  Xiao’s eyes widened, his pupils dilating as he slowly opened his mouth to speak. Even Wanderer had paused his ridicule, instead choosing to transfix his eyes on you with a manic smile that was growing on his lips. All of a sudden, the tentative expression on Venti’s bursted into a close-eyed grin.
“Hahaha! Oh, we’ve found ourselves an interesting human this time!” Venti laughed and let you down with a fluid motion of his arms, almost like he was putting on a show for the rest of them to see. “To think you’d value his life over your own, I can’t tell if your being suicidal or just plain stupid!” His voice sounded so delighted it was hard to tell if there was any truth in it.
“This…” Wanderer’s eyes were round, and his purple eyes that glinted with red quivered. His voice almost held a tone of reverence, slightly shaking as he whisper-spoke, his expression one that looked like it could fall apart at any moment. “Just who are you?”
“I’m… I’m sorry?” You flinched and shied from his gaze, only for Venti to pull you closer with his hands around your waist. It was only an instant, but in that moment, Wanderer’s face contorted into one of pure rage. There was a gust of wind, and suddenly, the man before you was held into the air, a hand gripped around his throat, the fingers digging into his pale skin.
Venti coughed out a laugh. “Ah, ho…honestly, we should’ve gone back to the manor when we had the chance-” Xiao propelled himself forward, gaze scattered as he impaled his spear into the ground where Wanderer had been standing seconds before. The twin-braided man fell to the ground, clutching his throat with a wounded smile. “So aggressive, and for what?”
“Wanderer.” Heizou’s chiding voice came in once more as he stepped forward, adjusting the gloves on his hands. “You know what we came here to do. We have a task to complete, let’s not forget about that.” He sighed, giving a loose shrug of his shoulders. “Although, I suppose if a fight is impossible to be avoided…” Before his mouth could even close, he launched himself and drove his fist through Xiao’s stomach, setting the leaves in the area dancing upwards in a whirling gust. When the debris cleared, you saw that Xiao had managed to parry the sudden attack, his crossed arms guarding against the blow to his underside. 
“Sneaky bastard.” Xiao spat out the insult, his aureate eyes glimmering with anger. How come the smirk on the redhead's face seemed so familiar?
A quiet voice moved the clearing. “Heizou.” It was but one call of his name, yet the man had already bowed his head in silence. Striking blonde, golden hair fluttered in the breeze as a man stepped forward, twisting horns protruding from his head and spiraling towards the stars above. His gilded eyes glittered. 
“Yes, your eminence?” Heizou spoke in a revered tone, his entire body quivering. It was unnerving, seeing them all bow to the mysterious man who had appeared out of seemingly nowhere, like he had fabricated himself into this space with his pure willpower.
Wanderer had paused his seething, and now had his head bowed with the slightest ounce of reluctance. “I thought you were staying at the castle. There was no need to-”
“Silence.” His voice held the power of someone who had seen the collapse of a thousand universes. “What bad habits have you been picking up, to speak back to me like this?
“...My apologies.”
“I will be expecting a statement from you when we return. As for the intruders that have found themselves on our land… just what do you think you’re doing?” He turned his narrowed gaze to the three of you, where Xiao had found his place standing protectively before you. Mud was splattered across his refined clothing, yet it was a better sight than a mess of crimson that could’ve been.
“Traveler.” He spoke cautiously, his head lowered a fraction. “We came to retrieve a matter, and we were just planning to leave. There’s no need for us to overextend our visit.”
“You are correct.” The one deemed "Traveler" nodded his head, and relief was visible on the vampire’s face. “I have more words to say, but there is little time to say them. Then, there is no need to stay here any further. Wanderer, Heizou.” He raised a gloved hand, gracefully grabbing hold of the empty air before him and then flicking his wrist downwards, tearing a rip through reality, a swirling expanse of glittering stars shining from outside the world’s walls. “Come.”
And so they did, but not without apparent reluctance. Wanderer hissed quietly, loud enough for your ears to pick up, “Hah, pigs who gorge themselves on blood may fail to notice what in front of them has long been swept away.” He gave one final glare as he stepped into the rift.
As their figures disappeared past the misty visage, Venti let out a joyous laugh, still massaging his throat with a rather pained grin. “Well, at least that’s done and over!”
“Venti, shut the fuck up. Don’t talk for the next two minutes, please. There are things to explain before the matters spiral out of control, and I cannot with you.”
The said male stuck out his tongue with a huff, before settling into a quieter air as he followed in suit with Xiao’s swift-paced walk. He pressed ahead as Xiao fell back, to your side, with eyes that had softened from concern. “You. I promised you answers. That… thing I did to you earlier. It was more or less a test, of sorts. You see…” He let out a sigh, like it was a tiring topic to discuss. Considering the seriousness of the situation, it likely was. “Among us vampires, there are tiers. We’re not all on the same level of status, and our rank is dependent on the purity of our blood. The blood we first received, as our origin calling. There are other methods in transforming one into a vampire aside from being birthed as one… but no matter, those tactics are rather inhumane and are mostly outlawed. What I did to you hasn’t turned you into one of us. Please rest assured.” Xiao shook his head slowly, like he was disgusted with the thought. “I wouldn’t plague anyone else with this terrible lifespan, like… that idiot over there did.” When your eyes widened, and your mouth opened to speak, he replied before you could even question it. “Venti is a pure-blooded vampire, one of the purest, and he made me, along with others, how I am now.”
You stared ahead where the dirty boy was skipping from foot to foot, openly humming a cheery tune as he flung his arms about. It was hard to believe that anyone like him was someone who had taken the blood, and presumably lives, of many. “What does this have to…”
“Pure-bloods have special abilities, in accordance with their dispositions. As for Venti, he can take on the faces of those he has killed.”
A chill ran through your blood. “Then…” All of a sudden, the beaming grin and cheerful, half-closed eyes of Venti seemed like the face of a dancing corpse with strings tied at its joints. 
Xiao sensed your discomfort, and corrected himself. “It was not a matter of massacre. It could not have been helped. That aside, that is irrelevant information. Those turned into vampires by pure-bloods receive blood too intensely concentrated for the bodies to handle, and if they survive the transformation, they will often come with side effects.” With this, he tore off his ragged sleeve to expose his shoulder downwards, his skin characterized with deep green symbols of wings, scales, feathers, spiraling outwards and wrapping around his arms in a sort of beautiful manner. “This is my curse. A karma I have to bear. It makes my mind cloud with bloodlust and… well, makes it harder for me to control myself. Vampires who lose their control are nothing more than animals, pursuing anything that breathes and sinking their fangs into it. They are often taken down by bounty hunters who ensure that they never escape our grounds.”
“Your-Your arm- will you end up like that too? Is… Is there a way to prevent it?” Your voice shook, and the majestic inking suddenly seemed distorted, vile. We’ve only just escaped by clinging to the scruffs of our mortality, and yet he still has this to worry about?
“No, there is a way. Vampires… Well, our history is deeply intertwined with the fate of you humans. From the beginning, inferior-blooded vampires are “born” with a desire to feed. An internal craving that can only be satisfied with the blood of their soulmate. Mine… I’ve yet to find mine. I- I had hopes that it might’ve been you, since you appeared at the moment when my attacks were beginning to grow more and more frequent, and more and more intense… but I suppose those thoughts were baseless. It was purely my fault. As for the “protection” I told you about, that was the truth. Those not tainted by fangs are unable to withstand the pressure of this realm for long. Before long, your mind will collapse far sooner than your body will.”
The intake of information was a struggle. Not a digestion, but a suffocating sense of choking, trying to swallow this disastrous pill before it strangled all your air away instead. “I…see.” Your throat was dry yet once more, and your own voice felt unfamiliar where it resided on your tongue. “Then, where do I come into all of this? I mean… Why are you helping me?”
Xiao paused briefly, but not awkwardly, like this question was one he expected. Around you, the scenery had shifted, and the sky was gradually blending into lighter shades of gray. “Vampires are social creatures, like you humans. For kinds like me, whose ropes are reaching their ends… they hold a special sort of banquet, for the damned to either have one last chance at life, or at least die with their own kind. I have been invited. I cannot refuse.” His words were heavy, like lead. “Doing so would result in my execution.” Abruptly, his gaze was on you. “There is no one else to accompany me. For you who appeared in my hour of need, please, I request your assistance.”
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ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴏᴜʀᴛʜ ᴛʀɪᴀʟ.
hey there please read !!
(would it be okay with you guys. if i extended this series. i know its meant to be only for halloween but i have... like... more chapters in mind. at least like three or so more. would you guys still be interested in reading it ?? i cant add another poll. so uhm. please comment. thanks :"") )
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slappycat · 6 months
what is your favorite lancer mech?
my favorite is the enkidu!!!! it is also the frame that my pilot niko exclusively uses (but she utilizes a lot of vlad features on it like the impaler nailgun and combat drill)
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konstcntin · 8 months
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konstantin vasiliev | tattoos
1. skull and roses on the back of his neck 2. devil whispering behind his ear 3. tree branches on the entirety of his right side ; for niko 4. perseus holding medusa's head ; for aren ( probs not a good idea ) 5. sleeve of horror media on his right arm 6. pinhead portrait on his left arm 7. universal monsters portraits on his left hand fingers 8. v mask on the back of his right hand 9. mechanical exoskeleton on palm of left hand 10. loser/lover on his left knee 11. snake coiled around an impaled skull on his left thigh 12. snake coiled around his right leg
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shane-west · 1 year
Rules: share some unpopular opinions about 5 different fandoms of your choosing. I was tagged by @payidaresque and honestly, this is the type of venting I usually keep in my drafts so be prepared 💀💀 If you don't feel like doing it, no pressure but I am tagging @jensens-ackles @olyphant-tim @ladybokatankryze @harrison-ford @rebekahmikalson 👀
ER Archie wasn't cute or funny, he was just annoying and on top of that a pretty rubbish doctor. If it hadn't been for the helicopter landing on top of Romano he would have rightfully been fired - he did drugs when working I mean - come on!
Supernatural The storyline with the angels should have ended after season 5, and with that - the characters like Cas and Chuck should have gone. The writers just kept flogging a dead horse and bringing back dead characters so much that you didn't care if someone died you knew they would probably return at some point. And Dean's death was the stupidest thing I've seen. If he had to die it should have been in a blaze of glory not some stupid, forgettable fight scene were he gets impaled.
Killing Eve The way the show had Eve pining and running back to Niko when he was a complete asshole. It made her look weak and I hated that. Every time he reappeared on the screen it made my blood boil.
Sex Education I am a total Eric/Adam shipper, but I hate that they made Eric angry at Adam for not wanting to be more open and public about their relationship and his sexuality when he was still only learning about himself. When Eric didn't want to be as PDA with Rahim he set his own boundaries, but he wants to push Adam and got quite bratty when he didn't get his own way. Eric is one of my top characters, but it does make me dislike him and I hate that they made him like that - to me, it seems to out of character.
Black Sails I know that he did horrible things, and he was a bad guy - but I do really like to think that James got his happy ending with Thomas, that even if they are enslaved they're together for the rest of their lives. Fight me on this one because nobody can convince me otherwise. 🫶🏻
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alongwiththebees · 7 months
Book Tropes
Accidental Murder: Niko accidentally stings Mr. Cavatica to death when he lunges at her. Though it wouldn’t be called “murder” since they’re both bugs, and those kind of laws don’t apply to the insect world.
Adorkable: Niko.
Always a Bigger Fish: Birds, which Niko takes full advantage of to defeat Mrs. Weaver.
Amicable Ants: The ants of Ari’s colony, even if most of them are Large Hams.
Animal Talk: The insect characters are all capable of speaking to each other, regardless of their species, but not with normal humans.
Battle in the Rain: With an interesting twist—because these are tiny bugs, the raindrops are enormous and fall like bombs. They all scatter to avoid these while Mrs. Weaver chases Niko.
Bee-Bee Gun: Subverted when Niko becomes a bee, her only form of protection being her new stinger.
Big Damn Heroes: Flash and Niko arriving to stop Mrs Weaver from delivering a fatal bite to Daniela.
Big Good: Chandra, the Witch of the Wood.
Big Sister Instinct: When Daniela realizes that her little sister has disappeared, she frantically searches the beach and the trail leading there from their house, to no avail, not knowing that her sister’s actually been turned into a bee.
Black Widow: Mrs. Weaver becomes a literal one, as it was Niko who killed her mate.
Cruel and Unusual Death: Mrs. Weaver getting eaten alive by birds is not a nice way to go.
Curse: Piccolo’s honeybee curse is what starts the plot.
Didn’t Think This Through: While in bee form, Niko sees her sister, Daniela, and tries to fly over to her to tell her about her own predicament. She realizes too late that to Daniela, it just looks like a bee that’s going straight towards her. This results in her bolting for the house.
Disproportionate Retribution: Piccolo curses Niko for disturbing the shell that is his “Summer home”.
The Ditherer: Scrap the cockroach.
The Dreaded: Mr. Cavatica has this reputation.
Dreadful Dragonfly: Averted with Flash, who saves Niko from Mr. Cavatica, though accidentally, upon entering the plot.
Everyone Has Standards: Niko, a human girl turned into a bee, has to look away in horror before even a monster like Mrs. Weaver getting eaten alive by a couple of bluebirds.
Exact Eavesdropping: Niko overhears the spiders’ entire plan to rid her house of humans. Granted, she was warned to go listen in by another insect, but that seems a bit too convenient, no?
Exit, Pursued by a Bear: Mrs. Weaver meets her fate via this trope.
Family-Unfriendly Death: Moreso than her mate’s, Mrs Weaver getting devoured by the bluebirds. The last thing she (and Niko, before the bee-girl turns away in horror) sees is one of their gaping beaks clamping around her head and pulling…
Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Niko is described as the Foolish to Daniela’s Responsible.
Forced Transformation: The story deals with this trope throughout, as Niko is transformed into a honeybee and journeys with other bugs to change back.
Grotesque Cute: The cute bluebird couple who eat Mrs. Weaver alive at the end.
Hell Is That Noise: See Sound-Only Death below.
Hornet Hole: Naturally, Niko finds herself in an artificial beehive, where she meets the bees who become her allies.
Humanity Ensues: Chandra casts a spell that allows Niko’s insect friends to eventually be resurrected in human form upon inevitably reaching the end of their natural lifespans, so that they can see each other as much as they want.
“I Can’t Look!” Gesture: Niko turns away in horror at the sight of Mrs. Weaver being eaten by the birds.
Indy Ploy: How Niko tricks Mrs Weaver into getting herself killed. 
Inertial Impalement: Mr. Cavatica meets his end when he lunges at Niko, only to be impaled on her stinger.
Insect Queen: Queens Mesilane and Ari, both of whom are royalty and the literal mothers of their respective “kingdoms”.
Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Kava. She comes across as crabby quite a bit. Despite that, she’s still good friends with the other bees and forms a sisterly bond with Niko as well.
Just Desserts: Mrs. Weaver meets this fate, courtesy of some birds whose nest Niko lures her to.
Karmic Death: Mr. Cavatica, who relishes Niko’s fear as he prepares to kill and eat her, is almost immediately Impaled With Extreme Prejudice on her stinger.
Mrs. Weaver gets her Just Desserts when he becomes the meal of some hungry birds. For extra points, she despises birds.
After spending the story lording her superior arachnid size over the insects, it’s this superior size that does Mrs. Weaver in, as the birds are more interested in having the spider for a late night snack than Niko.
Language Barrier: Niko transforms into a bee and gains the ability to talk to bugs, but also loses the ability to talk to humans. Luckily, Chandra Speaks Fluent Animal.
Large Ham: Queen Ari.
Looking a Miffed Animal in the Mouth: Near the end, Mrs. Weaver chases Niko in a rage until the spider (after biting off the tip of Niko’s stinger) happens across a bird which loudly screeches in her face. Terrified, Weaver attempts to run away, to no avail; The bird’s mate is waiting for her.
Meaningful Name: All the bee characters (Niko being an obvious exception) have names for "bee” in different languages.
Misfit Mobilization Moment: After Mr. Cavatica’s death, Niko and the insect characters unite against Mrs. Weaver.
Missing Child: Niko’s family tries to find their missing 13-year-old daughter. Little do they know that she is currently trapped in the form of a honeybee.
More Deadly Than the Male: Mr. Cavatica is less violent than his wife Mrs. Weaver, though more sadistic. After killing Cavatica and chucking the spider eggs into the garbage disposal, Niko laments that still leaves Weaver, whom she herself knows will be even worse.
Mr. Cavatica hides himself for a surprise attack, only to be killed by Niko. Mrs. Weaver attacks the sleeping Daniela with no care for hiding herself, and it’s only by the insects’ intervention that Niko’s family comes out unharmed and none the wiser.
Non-Malicious Monster: The bug-eating birds. They’re really just doing what comes naturally.
In an even more abstract example, the thunderstorm at the end is literally just a force of nature that nonetheless manages to foil the bees’ attempt to take down Mrs. Weaver.
Oh, Crap!: Niko’s reaction upon realizing that she’s been turned into a bee.
And her reaction upon realizing that Mr. Shaffer intends to put her into his hive, although it does lead her to meeting new bee friends and starts her on her quest.
“Niko, get off that flower, now!”
Niko when she gets swarmed by the ants, and later upon overhearing the spiders’ plot to kill her mother and sister.
For Mrs Weaver: “CHIRP CHIRP.”
Only Sane Bug: Kava is the more sensible and mature of the bees who accompany Niko. Likewise, Princess Foumi, though she isn’t without her quirks, is otherwise the most level-headed ant in her colony.
Polly Wants a Microphone: Aponi, Chandra’s wise-cracking parrot, is fully capable of fluent speech.
Predators Are Mean: Despite how Predation Is Natural, neither of the spiders are particularly pleasant individuals. Mrs. Weaver is a Manipulative Bitch, while Mr. Cavatica is a Sadist who relishes Niko’s fear. Both are also planning to kill Niko’s family as well.
Scary Stinging Swarm: A heroic example: Towards the end, Niko and Queen Mesilane lead such a swarm to confront Mrs. Weaver.
Sensory Tentacles: Upon first meeting Niko, the bees of Clan Shaffer investigate the newcomer by laying their antennae on her.
Bleta: She doesn’t smell like any bee I’ve ever met…
Shout-Out: The way Niko is lured into Piccolo's trap is a reference to a Swahili folktale in which an ogre captures the female protagonist this way.
The naming of the bug characters, especially the bees, is an Homage to Clan Apis/The Way of the Hive.
Sound-Only Death: How Mrs. Weaver’s death is described:
…Mrs. Weaver let out a piercing scream, which was abruptly cut off by a different noise: The meaty sound of something being torn to shreds.
Roar Before Beating: The bird lets out a deafening screech right into Mrs. Weaver’s face before it and its mate prey on her.
Truth in Television: A lot of actual bug facts are interspersed throughout the story, such as how bees die after stinging creatures other than insects, or how female ants make up the vast majority of any given ant colony. 
Unholy Matrimony: The two venomous spiders are mates who wish to assassinate all the humans in the house so that their eggs will have a safe place to hatch.
Villainous Breakdown: Mrs. Weaver breaks down when her husband is killed and her eggs are destroyed. And she breaks down even more when her attempt to kill Daniela is thwarted.
Virtuous Bees: The bees of Clan Shaffer are goodhearted bees that want to serve their hive.
Women Are Wiser: Protagonist example: Niko’s worker bee friends are shown to be smarter than drone bee Diden, who is a bigger goofball than even Phung and Niko, the latter of whom helps organize the bees into fighting Mrs. Weaver.
Antagonist example: Mr. Cavatica’s ambush plan is smart, but upon recognizing Niko, he attacks her head on, and is killed by her stinger for his trouble. Mrs. Weaver is smart enough to not only avoid being stung, but to also gnaw the tip of Niko’s stinger off.
Xenofiction: An unusual example, being from the point of view of a girl transformed into a honeybee.
Zerg Rush: The ants swarm Niko this way. Later she and Queen Mesilane lead the bees to attack Mrs. Weaver.
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moviesandmania · 1 year
BROOKLYN 45 (2023) Reviews of ghost movie
‘The ghost of the past would like to have a word with you’ Brooklyn 45 is a 2023 American horror film about five military veterans who get together for cocktails and hold an impromptu seance. Written and directed by Ted Geoghegan (director of Mohawk and We Are Still Here; writer on Satanic Panic; Night of the Pumpkin; The Disco Exorcist; Sweatshop; Don’t Wake the Dead; Nikos the Impaler;…
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lottieurl · 2 years
what they don't show in the finale is villanelle comes back to life after 3 days. what else were the jesus scenes for otherwise
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Saw a post where @thoughtsonhurtandcomfort recommended impaling by giant thorns/vines. And it inspired me to make this!
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Version with blood below. Looks pretty rough, but he’s immortal so he’ll be fine I guess!
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moonpastries · 3 years
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big ol doodle page WAHOO
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hi everyone, apologies for my absence! here’s a quick sketch to make up for it...i think i’ll finish it later :-)
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