#ninjago fan music
ninjagoroh · 2 years
Initially proposed by Zena Airale and Yozakame ( @yozakame ) , then later expanded upon and founded by Morro, The True Green Ninja/Winderful ( @morro-the-true-green-ninja ) and Zena Airale (Main Founder of Raykazai Productions , @keliharuza ), Realm of Harmony—aka Ninjagians Unite, When Communities Collide, Ninjago United—is a group of fans who enjoy multimedia and who want to create tributes to them (and especially obscure media). Additionally, it's a place for members from all facets of the Ninjago community to share their love for the show.
Old account: @ninjagoxmusicals
We're looking for… -Songwriters -Artists -Musicians -Composers -Audio Producers/Mixers/Sound Engineers -Graphic Designers -Animators -Voice Actors -Video Editors -VFX Artists
Realm of Harmony Socials:
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/ninjagorealmofharmony/home
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/ninjagomastersofharmony
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NinjagoRoH
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ninjagoroh/
Tumblr: https://ninjagoroh.tumblr.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@R0H
Ninjago Fanon Wiki: https://ninjago-fanon.fandom.com/wiki/Ninjago:_Realm_of_Harmony
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meterrrvolt · 22 days
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i am Not good at animating (im inpatient) but this song has been sooo stuck in my head lately idk i had to try
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cookii-moon · 1 year
This came to me and I feel the need to share it.
yknow that time Jay became a rock star?? Yeah so anyways I want an AU where after the merge Jay decided he wanted to become a npop idol (ninjagan pop idol) and somehow roped Cole into it.
They are now famous anonymous pop singers. I leave the ensuing shenanigans to you.
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ninjagood4 · 7 months
The first music volume for my #Ninjago novel is available now!!!👇
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basicallyjaywalker · 4 months
A Brief History of the Element of Love
Recorded by... (the name is scratched and scrawled. You cannot make out any letters beyond M and T)
Type: Metaphysical
Previous Known Master(s): Elizabeth Chumsworth (née Lamoree)
Current Master(s): Nataly Chumsworth
Abilities: Masters of Love are known for being able to sense emotional connections. Unlike the Element of Peace, they are unable to manipulate or persuade these connections in any direction, only sense them.
Personally, I have sometimes questioned the use of Love as this element's name, as it goes beyond the realms of platonic and romantic affections into those of hate.
At the start of--and according to Elizabeth Chumsworth's personal account, even before--training, Masters of Love are attuned to three types of affection: Romantic, Platonic, and Malicious.
Described as feeling like one's heart is on fire and/or feeling like they're "floating."
Described as feeling like "sparklers" in one's mind, also compared to "eating an entire bag of pop rocks."
Described as feeling a bottomless pit in one's stomach or throat. Hollowness.
According to some personal correspondence with Nataly Chumsworth, multiple of these feelings can be present at once. Additionally, there are "sibling" feelings that appear under the umbrellas.
Familial affection is understood as falling under platonic, but has a feeling more akin to the "crackle of a hearth," comforting as opposed to zealous.
Additionally, Nataly Chumsworth has described a type of "Toxic" love that is a mix of the romantic and malicious categories. She's said the two combine to create extreme nausea, almost like an acid reflux response. She says she's only had the experience twice, but both times she felt physically ill.
"It was like being trapped in vengestone, complete disconnection from my element..." - From personal correspondence with Nataly Chumsworth.
Some evidence suggests Masters of Love have strong emotional capacities and tend toward aiding others in emotional strife, both personal and interpersonal. It is unclear whether this is a product of their elemental powers or not.
Currently, there are no other known abilities tied to being a Master of Love.
First Appearance: Secondary, appeared after the initial share of powers by the First Master and within the second generation, led by his sons. First known Master was Elizabeth Chumsworth
This Element could have spawned as a way to manage the passing of Elemental Powers to mortals, or could have been made in the wake of interpersonal conflicts between the first generation of Elemental Masters. It seems to work with the Element of Peace, acting as its passive counterpart. With Love sensing animosity or affection, it can correspond with Peace to help with mediation. The tendency of Masters of Love to help alleviate personal issues could also be connected. Further research and possible historical analysis needed.
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fiddler-sticks · 1 year
This part of the song is just so them, I couldn't help myself.
Pardon my mediocre editing skills lol
Reblogs are appreciated :))
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sakurastarkey · 1 month
True potential 🏯
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
talk/doodle about hatsune miku for the art/opinions thing
Hatsune Miku???
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Oh wow… my favourite Ninjago character… ig I can work with this…
Happy belated birthday Hatsune Miku
Hatsune miku is a vocaloid (a vocal synthesiser) created by Crypton Future Media and she is used to sing (and feature as a character) in songs (usually in Japanese) created by various artists that own her software. She is a widespread internet sensation, globally famous making cameos in various other mediums, like comics, anime and lady gaga concerts.
If you’d rather not delve in the horrors of EC (which is murder and everything that’s worse than murder) then just skip this paragraph. Miku tends to be given character of a sentient doll constantly in an existential crisis and severe daddy issues. One of her roles is Maria Moonlit (which could be counted as her first appearance (or her last), if we’re counting song wise in chronological order. Idk? who’s counting amirite?). Maria Moonlit is an orphan born near the beginning of time, got struck by lightning and chosen to be the prophet and figure head to a technologically advanced medieval civilisation. She supposedly had the power to hear the voices of the gods who claimed to be her parents. However, the gods were evil and trapped somewhere and wanted to be born into human vessels, so she made up a lie to trick the people into starting a project to create magic twin babies to house the gods. This turns into an incredibly convoluted science experiment which involved serial killers, cloning, incest????, the government being overthrown, dragons and the entire city exploding and all technology being lost as the world is thrust into the dark ages. Maria lives the sad life of wondering who she is and wondering whether she’s just been used like a plaything to the gods, and technically she was, because she was a doll wound up like clockwork to repeat her miserable life forever (literally, there’s time travel shanigannery). We can assume she’s a doll because she’s the reincarnation of one that has been sent back in time. Okay Ik that was entirely crazy but that’s only the first part of evillious. Miku’s two most prominent parts in the series however, is trans lesbian servant girl Michaela, who got assassinated in the name of a jealous betrothed of a man with a one sided crush on her and became a tree - and licensed doctor by day, drug supplier mafia member by night, Margarita, who is unable to sleep because she’s secretly a doll and her husband only married her because she was rich and he likes gambling and sleeping around, so she released an airborne toxin killing a whole town whilst calling herself the sleep princess. The first girl, Michaela, is part of the more well known section of the series, the story of evil. She was originally a tree spirit in the form of a bird, who became a human in order to become close to a depressed peasant girl who was ostracised from her village due to her ancestry to a certain clan. She learns the joys of being human, hanging out with her friend, falling in love with said friend, but eventually her otherworldly beauty causes conflict and the continent goes to war, which ended in the genocide of a country and Michaela stabbed and left in a well. The other girl, Margarita, is a pretty significant character in the series due to the fact that the series is structured around the biblical seven deadly sins, with her story being Sloth (Michaela is a side character of Pride’s story). Margarita may seem like an odd choice for sloth as part of her story follows how she is unable to sleep, and instead works hard to develop her gift to her loved ones (but gift in the German meaning of the word check below image). But sloth also means lacking devotion or care, and Margarita by the end of it, despite once vowing she’d always her husband, couldn’t give a damn about him in the end, describing herself again like “a plaything, broken from the start” and eventually she gives up on everything. All these Miku characters all have the same things in common (other than being screwed over by men), which is their relationship with inhumanity and artificiality, which is kinda meta given how Hatsune Miku is an artificial singer made for the amusement of others. But at least she’s not about to poison anyone because of it.
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I’ve spoken too much evillious, so let me info dump about a much more palatable Miku related thing. That was a pun because it’s Colourful Palette. Or Colour Stage? Uhh Project Sekai. Yeah. A rhythm game (that’s free), that revolves around the concept of different genres of hatsune Miku that come from magic other worlds and are really good therapists. There are five storylines of different music groups that have really strong feelings tm that their emotions spawned whole other worlds that are inhabited by vocaloids, who want to help the main characters, discover what their feelings are so they can write songs about it. Yeahhh… Miku comes in five different flavours! School, idol, street, catgirl clown and depressed! ALSO EVILLIOUS DID A CROSS OVER WITH THE GAME SO THE POISON LADY IS HERE ALSO. The songs used in the rhythm game consists of a lot of iconic vocaloid songs as well as songs specifically commissioned for the game, sung by both vocaloids and the real life voice actors, which is very fun. Hatsune Miku, due to coming in different forms in this game, kinda works like a character from a multiverse story (like spider verse or the incredibly convoluted branch of the undertale fandom), and it seems like Miku is kinda just born from emotions and music, which makes her way more cryptid/deity like than the game presents her to be. Miku is just an entity yknow? I haven’t finished the main storylines of the game yet, but they’re good and also the vocaloid side plots are cool. For example the School world Miku tries her hardest to act like a mentor figure to the humans, whilst Luka (another vocaloid) who is more of a mentor figure to Miku looks on. I think in the fandom, the theme park theatre storyline and the emo shut ins storyline are more popular (because they are the embodiment of the “nothing in life matters” millennial vs gen z meme), and can we talk about depressed Miku because she’s literally born out of somebody’s mommy issues and depression but she’s really sweet. The whole “Miku’s personality is based around the feelings that are put into her songs” are again in reference to how the character of Miku works.
To round off this ramble about Miku I’m going to talk about some of my favourite Miku songs. I’m more of a kagamine Len listener, especially when I was younger and first discovered vocaloid but these are my Miku picks.
Miku by Anamanaguchi: yeah so this chiptune song is about Miku herself and it’s pretty iconic. A lot of vocaloid songs are kinda vague, but this one seems to describe who and what Miku is in a way that makes her seem mysterious, like an interesting technological phenomenon which checks out. She mentions how “anyone can find her” and that people can “play me break me” referring to how she’s easily found on the internet and she can be used to make songs. The ending of the song seems to take a more sinister turn where Miku seems to want to make you stay forever (in like a ddlc Monika way). It does make sense in a way, since Miku is a program that relies on other people’s interest to stay alive and relevant, and in a sense, people’s dedication/addiction to Miku is what keeps her going. She’s like one of those spooky maybe??sentient AIs.
The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku by cosMo: so this is a song depicting what happens to Miku when no one likes her. Specifically this is supposedly about that one time in 2007 when suddenly, Miku disappeared from the search engines, and every time someone tried to look her up, the search results came up blank. She became incredibly popular in a short amount of time that allegedly people searched her so much that Google and yahoo blocked the search, because it looked like spam. The incident upset people so much they created a fan made character, that later was recognised as an official derivative of Miku, based on their boredom. There’s also a conspiracy on whether this was actually a motivated attack on Miku’s popularity due to an anti Miku campaign lead by an advertising agency that influenced the Japanese music industry but idk there are a lot of stories on the internet. Evidently the problem is fixed. The song came out around that time and is about Miku lamenting the fact that she’s getting shut down, and all she wants to do is sing before she dies. Yeah. The song is notorious, not just for its background but also for its incredibly fast paced rap?? part that gets as fast as 240bpm, and I think the fact that’s is almost impossible for a human to sing it, works well with Miku’s struggle with the fact that’s she’s not human.
Okay that’s a lot of talking so here are some quick recommendations:
The maiden of the tree ~ Millennium Wiegenlied ~ by Akuno-P: this is the evillious song about Michaela the spirit turned human lesbian. Very boppy!
Patchwork staccato by toa: I like this one for the actual music it’s a bop. There’s a few interpretations of the song but generally it’s about relationship problems, be it one sided love or a toxic relationship that’s hard to break away from.
Kagerou Daze by Jin: more of a rock song, which is part of a wider vocaloid series (The Kagerou Project) and it’s about a boy who keeps living through the same day over and over again because his friend keeps dying no matter where he takes her. It’s a time travel trauma loop! The song ends when the boy realises to break the cycle, he has to die instead, and m the last verse of the song reveals the girl is also trapped in the same loop. Fun! The actual story is a little different but I don’t need another incredibly complex and convoluted vocaloid series to cry about so I didn’t get into it. Also the animation for it is so cool
Anything from the Night ∞ Series by Hitoshizuku-P x Yama△: a series consisting of four songs sung by eight vocaloids (ofc Hatsune Miku is included), which tell the tale of a group of actors who get trapped repeating the same play of a manor in the woods forever which also becomes real life because someone lost the last page of the script (and also someone perhaps died??). The songs all tell the same story from different perspectives and end differently (but usually either Miku or everyone else dies). There’s a novel about it. It’s confusing spooky and good music. I also feel like I’ve listed way too many dark songs oops.
Aww man I can’t talk about “all phone zombies lead to Rome” by manbo-p because it’s a gumi song, not Miku. It was going to be the one not tragic song on this list! Oh well you should totally listen/watch it, it’s hilarious and also educational.
Well yeah that’s it! My tastes in Miku songs are a little intense but yeah!
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un-pearable · 1 year
sonic 06 🤝 ninjago s6 skybound
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keliharuza · 2 years
**Ninjago Musical Community**
Created in 2018 alongside the Ninjago Musical fan-project, this server is a fan community for Ninjago, Theatre, and Music Fans to network and talk about their interests.
> __Features__
> • Creative showcase channel
> • Memes
> • React roles
> • Forums
> • Voice and Stage channels

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/WGj3q8EsEC
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plazsma · 8 months
Why do. ninjago Fans not talk about the Insanity that is the musical production of the Hunted intro
like guys LISTEN to That.
the little chime as little miss girlboss pops up. the insane strings???? the erratic fucking 🎻🎻🎻 as we see the parallels of the ninja team split up?? really makes u tjink oh man. things are freaky deaky
the jump in production quality from s7-s8 was amazing but s9 really is peak ninjago for me.
fucking Crazy. yeah it’s no fold rock but it scratches my brain so HARD
i also love that it’s similar vibes to the sons of garmadon intro but slightly more insane, slightly more unhinged to say “hey, we’re still here in this crazy fucked up storyline, but now things are even worse”
they’ve captured so much emotion and energy into an auditory setting and it’s
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ninjagoroh · 2 years
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"Emit the Light, Cast the Shadow"
Art by @morro-the-true-green-ninja
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
I recently found your page and I must say, I freaking LOVE your writing!!! :D Can I request Cole x f!reader who's a musician? I am a proud cello player and I thought this would be TOO CUTE!!
Thanks <3
You're so right, this is adorable!!
Ninjago - Cole with a Musician s/o
A dancer and a musician? DELECTABLE
You're both definitely music nerds to some extent
Cole's into a broader spectrum of music (rock mainly, but he likes jazz and classical and R&B and.... okay he just loves all music)
But if anything that means he just helps you explore more genres!
For him he likes different kinds of music because they give him unique feelings, which makes him dance differently
And he assumes it's the same for you when you play :)
So he'll suggest new songs or genres to you
He won't directly request you to try and play them, he just shares music that inspires him and lets you do what you will with it, even if you just listen to it
But when you do try to play a new song, he is ALL OVER IT
Like, a song that inspires him played by the person he loves? A WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF INSPIRATION
You really do inspire him a lot :)
Not just because you're beautiful and amazing and talented and so so special and *gets pulled off the stage with a shepherd's crook*
But because you make music that is all of those things too!!
And we all know how much Cole loves music
When he's feeling uninspired, sometimes he'll ask you to play something
Always gets him out of whatever creative rut he's in :]
Or it just calms him after a tiring day; he'll also ask you to play then
If you do live performances, you can BET he's first in line for tickets
Always gazes at you from the audience, love practically seeping from his eyes (along with tears)
He literally jumps up for a standing ovation when you're finished
And he always showers you with gifts after; a huge bouquet, chocolates, a sweet card, plushies...
And of course he takes you out for a treat after, too; whether that be a full fancy dinner or just some ice cream
He's your biggest fan, and you're his beloved muse <3
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Thank you for this request! And thanks for reading, take care doves <33
(divider by saradika)
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laughingbrand · 2 months
Looking for art buddies/Introduction
Hello, my name is Brandy, and welcome to my blog! I'm a 20+ art major who has fallen outta my passion for art over the last few years and wants an excuse to get back into it. So, I figured I might as well give Tumblr a try again and see where it goes! My main account is @brandywyne so if you get a follow from that it's me lol I dunno how to follow from side blogs. I'd love to make some friends on here again and just have a good time and maybe get some art practice here and there. I'm probably going to mainly post fanfiction/fanart for a while as I get back into the swing of things. Might have art requests open too? Haven't decided yet. Though if you like/do any of the following, please leave a note/reblog/like so we can chat! Biggest interests to smallest: ☠ World Building (!!!) ☠ OCS (I love making fanart of OCs, please let me know if you aren't okay with that!) ☠ One Piece (Big Kid Pirates fan) ☠ Creepypasta (I was an OG back in 2012 era Pasta community) ☠ Sketching/drawing/art (any medium is cool!) ☠ Summoner's War Sky Arena ☠ Markiplier fan (Been a fan for about 10 years now) ☠ Music ☠ Headcanons ☠ Horror (games/movies/stories/etc) ☠ Fanfiction/stories ☠ Monsters/teratophillia ☠ Journaling ☠ I used to be in a lot of older fandoms like Homestuck, MLP, Ninjago, SVTFOE, OFF, RPG games, Villainous, New Vegas, Skyrim, DC Comics, Outlast, Evil Within, Samurai Jack, MHA, Hazbin Hotel, and a few others too. Not as big these days but some I still have a mild interest in. Feel free to ask! NSFW Stuff: I'm fine with general NSFW stuff for writing and art, but because of that I do want to mention the following:
Please do NOT interact if you're a/into: Underage/minor (18+ only please. I'm a little too old to be friends with kids.), pedophile, bestiality, lolicon/shota, incest, age regression, pet play, feeder/vore/inflation, basically anything you'd find on the front page of Deviantart if you catch my drift. (Edited post to include more info)
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ninjagood4 · 6 months
Are you looking forward to the second musical volume?
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dolliedyhard · 1 year
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Hello and Welcome! I’m Luna, better known as the creator of DollieDyhard ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ I’m a MEGA creepypasta fan like… SUPER-ULTRA-MEGA. As you can guess my blog will be all about Creepypasta! Hooray🎉☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ From fanart to OC’s to creepy stories to comics, I’ll make it ALL! In fact I have my own creepypasta oc! Her name is Dollie Doxwood, nickname DollieDyhard (hence my username) she’s the blonde girlie in the pic above and my pfp :3 This blog will be centered around her! Learn more about her here!
Stuff about meh!
14 - poc - I’m a girl :3 - bday is June 5th -
I’ve been in the creepypasta fandom since 2017! >_<
I used 2 b scared of Slenderman and Jeff the killer when I was a little gal, like DEATHLY AFRAID. I thought they were real 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
Now Jeff is my favorite pasta, he’s delicious🍝!
Nina, Jane and Slenderman are also my favorite pastas too♡
Do not interact list
Alt account: @xlunathekillerx
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♬♩♪♩ MY ♩♪♩♬
Every creepypasta fan comes with an obsession with punk-rock and alternative music, it’s a fact! Aaaaand that fact applies to me too _(┐「ε:)_
Favorite bands? Here’s a list! (In no particular order :v)
Pierce the Veil
Panic! At the Disco
My Chemical Romance
Get Scared
Set it Off
Ghost Town
Three Days Grace
Avril Lavigne
More about the music I like here!
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。・:*:・゚★ ,。・:*:・゚☆
A list of my other interests! Including anime, tv shows, and much more! If they are numbered it means they’re my top picks!
You might see me make fanart or mention from these fandoms! So that’s why I listed them.
1. Ouran High school Host Club, 2. Black Butler, 3. Death Note, 4. Sailor Moon, Chibi Vampire, Vampire Knight, Inu Yasha, Jujutsu Kaisen, Diabolic Lovers, Tokyo Mew Mew, That time I got reincarnated as a slime, Cardcaptor Sakura, Loveless, To Love Ru, Toliet-Bound Hanako-kun, Naruto, Hellsing Ultimate and Elfen Lied. (Many more but they aren’t important or I just forgot
1. The Boondocks, South Park, My Little Pony (concept tho. Show is too childish :/), Inside Job, Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles, Ninjago, Hannibal, Breaking Bad, Camp Camp, Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse, Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse, Deadpool, Sonic X and Invader Zim. (MANY MORE BUT I probably forgot… @_@)
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Thank you SOO MUCH for reading! ((o(^∇^)o)) a lot of people don’t read intros >_> so I’m glad you did :) (Comment with a 💖 emoji if u made it dis far ^_^) I hope you stick along for the ride because it’ll definitely get wild! XD
If you want to see more art from me check out my gallery on DeviantArt!
Anyways, that’s pretty much everything I got 2 say :D
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