#no art for now I am knee-deep in homework
voidshrub · 5 months
Happy birthday to the stinky lil man that made me descend, crash and burn in addison hell, thank you Spamton I love you Spamton 💕
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theagstd · 3 months
One Night stand
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➥ rundown ; as if the unexpected twist of a one-night stand turning out to be your CEO boss wasn't surreal enough, the situation takes a more challenging turn when both of you discover that you're expecting his child.
→ genre ; strangers to lovers | CEO au | pregnancy trope | slowburn
→ Jungkook x y/n
→ contains smut, fluff and angst
→ Chapter Four ; wc | 3.1 k
primarily on Wattpad
Chapter Four
index ⇢ next chapter
Working couldn't have been any better, it keeps you occupied and it feels amazing to be doing something you love and spent years learning for. it's been a little over 2 weeks now and you will be lying if you say you don't miss working at the cafe. that has to be one of the loveliest times of being an adult, trying new coffee arts for different customers, being recognised but your favourite everyday coffee lovers, serving pastries and cakes to students who come to the cafe to study or do their homework. 
you also miss the aroma of the coffee beans, it always makes you feel like home and whenever the weekend comes by, you don't forget to pass by the little shop to collect your daily order, honey almond milk with extra cream and caramel. working with Hoseok comes with new stories every day. that man has got a lot of stuff to talk about and that has made the two of you really good friends. he's always ready to lend a hand when you need any help or are in doubt with certain areas of work, the man makes sure to have lunch together and it's become a routine now. which you've adjusted in no time, shows how badly you wanted this job. you've managed to keep up with going to the gym too, instead of the week days you chose to go during the weekends so it's stress free and you've got the time to relax after too. 
Kayla and a few other girls called you a couple of times over the weeks to hangout at the club but you declined to join them because you've got enough on your plate to handle besides you can't suffer from hangovers when there's already a pile of work load.
"I won't be flying anytime soon mom. Don't be ridiculous!"
You laughed at her words sitting upright and crossing your feet on the couch, your darling mother has been missing you so much that she wants you to fly back to Canada.
"Am I being ridiculous for wanting to see my one and only daughter. It's been 2 years! " She huffed earning a giggle from you, as she did the same. "How's the Job? Is your boss treating you right?" She questioned curiously, that caused you to roll your eyes, with a deep exhale leaving your lips, there's only so much you could tell your mom about him. "he's fine, can be annoying." "Y/n don't say that-" "mom, you have no idea. Anyway I'll hang up now, I'll call you over the weekend bye." "Y/n-" "bye mom, love you-"
you declined the call, aware that she's gonna give you a little speech and then throw questions at you. There's no time to answer all that. You've now got a Clothes brand to advertise for and that's so exciting!
you've been working on this for days, it's tiring but you're enjoying this new experience. However you do feel lonely in your apartment, the sounds of the TV only keeps the room from being silent. Playing your 'work' Spotify playlist, you sing along while typing in your laptop. you wish you'd made more friends or got a pet.
The song that played next was a slowed reverb of 'Streets' by Doja cat, you glanced at the TV and then sighed, leaving a scowled look on your face. 'Streets' has always been a sensual song but this slowed down version only reminded you of that one night.
"No- no no stop right there y/n." When those visions were about to conduct your mind, you immediately change the song.
During lunch break, you were engrossed in a lively conversation with Hoseok. Both of you burst out laughing as you recounted the time you slipped in the bathtub and hit your knee so hard it looked like you were kneeling to a ghost.
Just as you were enjoying the chat, your CEO, Jeon Jungkook, rudely interrupted. "Ms. Lee! Did you forget there's a meeting today?" You stood up respectfully, puzzled. As far as you knew, there was no meeting scheduled. "Sorry, Mr. Jeon, but I don't have any meetings scheduled for today-" "Well, are you busy right now?" he asked sharply, his chest puffed out and hands in his pockets. Feeling uneasy, you shifted from foot to foot under his scrutiny. The eyes of the staff and Hoseok flicked between Jungkook and you. Jungkook rarely came to the café on the ground floor, preferring meals in his office.
"Uh- I'm not exactly bus-"
"You could use this time more productively with the creative team rather than having," he glanced disapprovingly at Hoseok and then back at you, "a little chit chat here. Get to work, Ms. Lee. Right. Now." He turned and walked away, leaving the surrounding staff in shocked silence.
You swallowed hard, clearing your throat as you packed away your uneaten croissant. you found this whole situation to be embarrassing and humiliating. he didn't have to create a scene in front of the staff. Would he lose a piece of himself if he had called you over personally for a few minutes instead of snapping at you in a public area.
"I- I'll catch up with you later, Hoseok. Enjoy your meal," you muttered, forcing a tight smile. Ignoring Hoseok's concerned response, you hurried away, you didn't want to spend any more time at the place where you were shamed. Jungkook's public reprimand made your blood boil. You wished you could confront him and wipe that smug look off his face, if he thinks he can do this stunt again then he's wrong. he does not know who Lee Y/n is. 
As you entered the boardroom with your iPad and laptop that was of the company, you found it empty. Puzzled, you approached the manager in the section. You clearly had an irritated look on your face and now seeing the boardroom empty only made the frown on your face deeper.
"Where's the meeting?" you questioned the man and he looked at you, confused. "There's no meeting scheduled today." Feeling a surge of frustration, you stormed back to your desk, only to receive a call on the office phone. "Hell-" "At my office," Jungkook interrupted.
His abruptness left you fuming, you could feel the heat pass out your ears and nose. Gathering your belongings hastily, you made your way to the 32nd floor, knocked on his door, and poked your head in. Jungkook was in the middle of a conversation with another man.
"Excuse me, Mr. Jeon, may I come in?" you murmured. Upon his nod, you entered and noticed Park Jimin seated there, which only made you inwardly groan. Jungkook gestured for you to sit beside Jimin. "you've both been called here to test your skills. Park Jimin has been with us for a little over-"
"Four years, Mr. Jeon," Jimin interjected smugly, no one has the right to interrupt the CEO but Jimin gave no fucks, even though the interruption left Jungkook annoyed he didn't let it show on his features.
"A little over four years," Jungkook continued, "and Ms. Lee," he gave you a nearly mocking smile, "has been here for a little over two weeks." You nodded in determination, unsure where this was heading. "I've heard about the incident in the basement. Does that ring a bell?" Jungkook's fingers tightened around his ring.
Jimin gave you a sideways glance. "Ms. Lee holds a higher position than you, Mr. Park, but now I'm beginning to doubt that." Your eyes widened in shock, while Jimin seemed to internally celebrate. "I've been observing your work, Mr. Park, and I find your ideas unique. Therefore, I have a challenge for Ms. Lee and Mr. Park. I need your ideas for a new makeup brand project. Can you handle it along with your other responsibilities?"
Both of you nodded obediently. "Details will be sent by email," Jungkook said, casting a glance at you before focusing on his fingers. "I want detailed ideas, no personal opinions. Understand, Ms. Lee?"
You felt the sting of his words when he pulled up one of the worst nightmares of working here, but you managed to reply with confidence, "Yes, Mr. Jeon." "Good." He smirked as you stood up, exiting the room. Jimin's smug expression only added to your irritation.
"No one cares about your opinions, Ms. Lee. Be ready to switch to a lower position soon," Jimin taunted with his smile and tone, but you weren't one to let go easily.  "Did you just admit you're in a lower position, Park Jimin?" you voice out your thoughts, stopping the man's feet from walking away. he turned to face you, he had his frustration shown in his lips and eyebrows.
"Not for long. I'll be taking yours soon enough," he chuckled in a mocking tone, leaving you fuming. Park knows how to handle people, he's fully aware of how he's gonna respond to each word thrown at him and he gladly takes it and slaps it back.
Back at your desk, you bit the inside of your cheek in frustration, you need to calm down. Working with anger issues is difficult especially when you've got a stupid arrogant boss and co-workers that test your patience at each step and breath you take. Rosé approached with some files, sensing something was wrong.
"Everything okay?" she asked curiously as she gives you a soft concerning look, leaving the files on your desk, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Yeah, just got more work from Mr. Jeon," you replied with a smile, not showing any signs of worry or anger on your face. you really appreciated her support and care. 
The day dragged on, and by the time you were ready to leave, you still hadn't received the email with project details, which only added to your frustration.
Wanna hang out at least today?
Please girl!
It's been a while :(
It's true, it's been awhile since you last met her. Maybe hanging out today will be fun. Besides, the details weren't sent either so work can wait.
Alright where?
Club, down the street of Popeyes
No, no clubbing
what?! So boring god
You can unmistakably detect her irritation. Yet, the idea of heading out clubbing with all the accumulated stress and responsibilities feels daunting. Tomorrow being Wednesday, a workday, waking up at 7 a.m. with a hangover is the last thing you desire. Everyone has vacated your floor, leaving you in solitude except for two employees who share laughter at the far end of the corridor. Making your way to the elevator, weariness weighs on you, though there's a flicker of anticipation to reunite with your friend. You're well aware she has plenty to share, judging by her eagerness to meet. 
As the elevator doors shut, you lean against the corner, shutting your eyes. The prolonged hours staring at the screen have left your eyes burning, and the need to rest them is evident. you know that it's just about a month since you joined. you can't afford to strain your eyes too much. However, you've been experiencing fatigue lately, the cause of which remains unknown. you feel different, unlike you. like the insides of your system have changed their settings. The elevator halts and opens a couple of times, weary staff members stepping in and out.
A robust waft of black vanilla scent greets you as the elevator stops on the 12th floor. Inhaling deeply, you recognize the unmistakable scent. Your eyes remain shut, a departure from your usual acknowledgment. Jungkook takes a passing glance at you, rolling his eyes as he mutters 'cheesecake' mockingly under his breath, shooting a sidelong glance. His thoughts about you are unclear. You bear no resemblance to the girl he encountered at the club. The realization of the influence he holds surprises him. Shooting you a frosty stare, he observes you exhale audibly before the elevator reaches the basement.
You open your eyes, exiting alongside Jungkook, offering a respectful bow to avoid leaving a negative impression on him. You head left while he veers right towards your respective cars. No words are exchanged. No eye contact is made.
"Gurl, work has turned you into such a bore, but I've missed you!" Kayla envelops you in a tight hug, instantly easing your tension. The exhaustion from work compounded with being single feels draining.You settle beside her, opting for hot chocolate and a simple chicken sandwich for dinner, the aroma of the sandwich is unpleasant and it's weird because you usually love the food in this cafe. but all you want is to retreat to the comfort of your soft bed at home and sleep.
"What's up with your boss? Has he been hitting on you or-" "Ew, no," you cringe at the suggestion, repulsed by the idea. There's no way you could view him in that light anymore. Kayla regards you suspiciously. "Why? he was your one-night fling, correct?"
Her words catch you off guard, why bring this up now? Kayla awaits your reaction, sipping on her iced latte while fixing her gaze on you. "He's just my boss now, Kay, that's it." Sensing your reluctance to delve further, she nods and shifts the conversation. She spends the next 30 minutes venting about a male colleague who seems overly interested in her conversations. Despite the intriguing topic, exhaustion gradually pulls you away from the present, causing you to close your eyes intermittently. 
Kayla instructs the café waiter to pack your sandwich to go since you haven't had dinner. She calls out your name a few times, eventually having to shake you awake as you're about to drive home. It's only 11 p.m., and you had planned to work until at least 1 a.m. Lately, however, you've been mentally drained, perhaps due to lack of sleep. After forcing yourself to shower, you collapse onto your bed, sleep enveloping you instantly.
Hoseok [ 12: 02 am]
Y/n, I'm so sorry for the late notice but could you give Kim Miniso's file to Mr Jeon tomorrow,
Like as soon as you get to the office. I know it's short notice, I trust you so please do, i've got an emergency and it's too late to inform Mr Jeon.
"Good morning Y/n, did you sleep well?" Rosè greeted you as you emerged from the elevator. You appeared refreshed, sporting a morning glow, a rarity due to your typically poor sleep quality. "Morning Rosè, I did. Very well." You chuckled in agreement as she walked alongside you, giving your shoulder a friendly pat upon reaching your desk. She proceeded to retrieve the keys for her drawers while you reflected on the benefits of getting more than three hours of sleep—it certainly made a difference. 
Today, you felt lighter, confident that work would go smoothly. You approached the day with determination, eager to outshine Park Jimin in the upcoming presentation. If he had an ego, so did you, and you refused to let him undermine your efforts, especially when it came to your hard-earned position. With the meeting scheduled for 2 p.m., you had ample time to prepare. Assisting your colleagues with their tasks and projects, you found satisfaction in their cooperation. The hours passed swiftly as you coordinated and organized items for upcoming shoots, ensuring timely completion of all projects.
"Yeah, I'll get my iPad, just a se—" The office phone's shrill ring interrupted you abruptly. Only the CEO himself would call you. "Lee Y/n speaking—" "To the office now!" His abrupt demand left you gasping, your expression tight-lipped and tense. 'What did he want now? Jerk.'You muttered curses under your breath as you dragged yourself to his office, dreading the encounter. Knocking on his door, you cautiously poked your head in. "May I come i—" "Walk in!"
His tone was unusually harsh, leaving you puzzled and annoyed. 'Why was he behaving this way?' You entered, taking slow steps until you stood before his desk, hands clasped behind your back. "Yes, Mr. Jeon?" "Where the hell is my file? Why have I not received it yet?" Panic surged through you as you realized you had forgotten about the file completely. Your hands trembled, and you met his glare with concern. "I-it's at my—"
"Bring it to me, right fuc- right now." His anger was palpable, evident in his reddened ears and clenched fists. "Right now, I said." His command prompted you to bolt out of his cabin in a frantic search for the file that should have been on his desk by 9 a.m. 'How could you forget?' Anxiety gnawed at you, knowing that Hoseok would also face consequences for this oversight. You bit your lip nervously, feeling the weight of his anger. He seemed too furious, almost scary. Hurriedly grabbing the file from Hoseok's drawer, you dashed to the CEO's office, hesitating outside his door. Hoping to avoid his wrath, you knocked and entered when he bid you to.
Placing the file on his desk, you bowed and apologized for your mistake. "This won't be repeated. Please excuse my mistake, Mr. Jeon." He remained silent, not even acknowledging your apology. Gesturing for you to leave, you exited quietly.
As you pondered, it dawned on you that the meeting was fast approaching—the task Mr. Jeon had mentioned. You didn't quite understand the purpose of it, but you had no choice but to comply. With Hoseok absent, the thought of facing Park Jimin alone for the rest of the day filled you with dread. As the creative team assembled for the meeting, you avoided making eye contact with anyone, especially Mr. Jeon. When he and Park finally entered, you kept your gaze fixed on the table, unwilling to meet their eyes. "Good afternoon, creative team. We may proceed with the meeting," Mr. Jeon announced, settling into his chair with a calm tone.
"Alright, let's hear out Park Jimin first." Jimin confidently presented his idea, and despite his arrogance, you couldn't deny his talent as a graphic designer. His proposal received applause, and you stole a glance at Mr. Jeon, who surprisingly appeared pleased. Suddenly, you felt insecure about your own idea. 'What if Mr. Jeon reacted unfavorably?'
"Great work, Mr. Park," Mr. Jeon commended, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity. You loved your idea, but self-doubt crept in, fueled by the day's earlier mistake. "Ms. Lee, please," Mr. Jeon spoke with a hint of annoyance in his voice as he gestured for you to proceed, and you rose from your seat, feeling a sudden wave of sweat despite your usual composure.
As you stood before the group, you felt the tension in the room escalate. However, you couldn't deny feeling proud of your work and determined to prove yourself. Taking a deep breath, you began your presentation, but suddenly, dizziness overcame you. Struggling to maintain your composure, you tried to push through, but before you could finish your sentence, darkness enveloped you, and you collapsed onto the floor.
"Ms. Lee—" "Ms—" "Ms. Lee—"
Muffled voices echoed around you as you slipped into unconsciousness, feeling nothing but coldness enveloping you.
next chapter ⇢
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harrysweasleys · 4 years
a little sunshine never hurt // d.m
Summary: hi alexa!!! if your requests are still open, could i request a draco x reader fic? in it’s the first day of holidays/vacation and the reader and draco are best friends who (obviously) have feelings for the other but think the other doesn’t like them that way, and they’re having a picnic at malfoy manor, relaxing in the sun reading or doing homework and draco just blurts it and confession + kiss?? if you can’t there’s no problem! thanks 🥰💓
Warnings: mentions of food! also v v short but v v sweet (also not proofread/edited so pls dont come @ me)
Word count: 1.9k
a/n: yikes, so completely ignore my message about not posing a fic before christmas because here i am, posting another fic before christmas. hope you all enjoy!!! xx [I DO NOT GIVE CONSENT OR PERMISSION FOR MY WORK TO BE REPOSTED ON ANY OTHER PLATFORM!]
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Ah, finally summer break.
The start of the holidays meant that you’d now have a good months time to catch up on rest, relaxation, and obviously, assignments. Though you usually disliked the prospect of doing homework while on vacation, you couldn’t help but feel a little thankful at the fact that you now had something to keep your mind laced on magic while you were away from Hogwarts. 
Though you were staying with Draco for the first two weeks — where magic was very much present — you still liked to learn. You liked to keep that ever-growing passion for the magical arts, and you were most likely going to finish every single project within the first week of the break.
Draco, however, had different thoughts.
“Bloody ridiculous,” he scoffed, raising his hand to move his blond bangs out of his face, “Giving out homework while we’re on break? What kind of git does that?”
“Those are your professors, Draco,” you grinned, turning to face him, squinting slightly in the blinding sunlight, “Have a little respect, yeah?”
He rolled his eyes, laying back down on the freshly mowed lawn, his dark clothing most likely scorching his skin under the blazing afternoon sun, “Is giving out homework a show of respect? I don’t think so.”
You leaned up on your elbows, a fresh summer breeze rolling through and pushing your hair over your shoulder. It wasn’t necessarily a cold breeze, but it did cause you to let out a small shiver. Draco’s eyes followed you as you sat up properly, crossing you legs and reaching into the tiny basket that carried your snacks.
He had asked you to share a picnic lunch with him today, which came as a bit of an odd question, to be honest. A picnic? You knew Draco wasn’t the kind of person to ‘enjoy the fresh air’ so it was a little bit of a strange request coming from him, to be honest. But there was no bloody way you’d complain. An outdoor lunch with him meant that you got to spend more time one on one — it meant that you’d get to continue seeing the side of him that he chose not to show anyone else.
He was quite a complex fellow, if you were to be honest. In school, he closed himself off. He hid away from the world and kept his cold exterior up, not daring to let anyone in. You had gotten through to him — after trying for multiple years, of course — but there really was nothing better than seeing him as relaxed as he was when he was home. Maybe ‘relaxed’ isn’t the proper term; but he did have a totally different air. Less arrogant, less obnoxious, and definitely less pompous. 
It didn’t help your ever-blossoming crush in the slightest.
“Can you toss me an apple?” he asked, now mimicking your position and crossing his legs as well. His knee brushed against yours, and even though you were both clothed, you felt a jolt of sparks rush through your body. 
You let out a small cough to clear your throat, “Sure.”
Completely forgetting whatever it was that you were looking for in the first place, you tossed him the bright green apple that he had insisted on bringing to lunch. You were surprised that the Malfoy family didn’t decide to grow their own apple trees, to be honest, with how often Draco would scavenge the pantries for the perfect one to eat, they’d most likely be better off by growing some in their own vast yard.
“What are your plans for the summer, then?” he asked, taking a big bite, crunching loudly and closing his eyes as he craned his head up to look at the sky. 
Your mouth went dry at the sight of him, his defined jawline and smooth neck looking sharper than ever under the bright sunlight, casting shadows around the base of his neck. His platinum hair hurt your eyes to look at, but even then, you’d love nothing more than to run your hands through it. While he rested his head on your lap, while you made out in bed, while you —
“Are you ignoring me?” he snapped your attention back to reality with the low chuckle in his throat.
“No. No, sorry, just got caught in a daydream,” you turned away from him, hiding the growing redness on your cheeks before trying your best to play it off, “I don’t really have plans for the remainder of summer, honestly. Just taking it one day at a time.”
You laid back down on the grass next to him, resting your arm at your side and brushing your fingers against Draco’s. Your heart jolted and you tried to quickly pull your hand away, but you felt his finger twitch against your skin, his pinky finger locking with yours.
It was as if you totally forgot to breathe.
“I’m happy to have you here,” he said softly, placing the unfinished apple down on top of the closed basket, giving you his undivided attention, “I’m gonna miss you when you leave.”
You could hardly think straight, but you couldn’t give in to his charm that easily. He’d only tease you for the rest of the break, wouldn’t he? But, it was hard not to give in. His finger was awfully soft locked with yours, and you could feel both the heat from his body next to you, on top of your own body temperature spiking. It was way too warm to be in the sunshine.
“I’m happy to be here, too,” you replied, voice awfully quiet. You were almost sure he didn’t hear you, but the way that his hand gave yours a little squeeze, you knew that he did. 
You two were often on the same page, it was rare he didn’t know exactly how you were feeling. And it was rare that you didn’t know exactly how he was feeling. Right now was one of those rare moments. You couldn’t tell if he was honestly just pleased to have you here — mostly to help him deal with his pain in the ass father — or if this was something more. More than friendship, more than just... platonic. You couldn’t tell what he was feeling and it was driving you absolutely bonkers.
How could you even begin to ask him? Could you even ask? How would that go?
“Hey, Draco, I think I like you.” Pathetic, really. What a way to embarrass yourself.
You felt his hand give yours another squeeze, “You alright?”
Turning to face him, you thought that it was now or never. When would you get another moment of privacy with him like this? Where you could tell him the truth without the possibility of being overheard? 
To weight the pros and cons; if he felt the same, you guys could get the next little while together before going your separate ways for the remainder of the holidays. But if he didn’t, you’d have to deal with the brutal awkwardness of spending the next ten days with him, knowing that your feelings were one sided. Then, you’d have to see him again once returned to school. It wasn’t a very balanced list, in your opinion.
“I’m fine,” you turned to face him, forcing a small smile. 
As mentioned before, Draco could always tell how you were feeling. Which is why he pulled his hand from yours, turning over on his side to look at you. With furrowed eyebrows and concerned written across his features, you wanted nothing more than to peel your eyes away from him and completely ignore his gaze. But that was nearly impossible. It’s hard to look away from Draco Malfoy.
“Something tells me you’re lying,” he said softly, eyes scanning your face as if he could read your emotions written into your skin — as if the light freckles dotting your cheeks could give him the answers he was looking for.
You sucked in a deep breath, feeling the expansion of your lungs in your chest — it felt as if you were going to crush your heart any second now. Quite an unpleasant feeling, really.
“I’m not lying,” you said, voice cracking as you spoke. The worst possible lie. There was no way he’d believe that. 
He scoffed lightly, “So you’re just going to ignore your feelings then, yeah?”
It was now your turn to sit up, leaning against one of your elbows as you turned your body to face him. His cheeks were tinted with a pale shade of pink, most likely from the burning sun. It was a rather warm afternoon for summer in England. 
“What feelings?” you asked, averting your eyes, choosing to stare at an ant crawling slowly up a blade of grass. Not fascinating, but better than giving in to Draco. 
“Y/N,” one of his hands reached over and touched your chin, lightly tilting it so you could turn your head up and face him, “I asked you to a picnic today so we could be alone, you know?”
You finally looked over to him, eyes scanning from the base of his throat, slowly up to meet his eyes, “Why?”
“Well, I thought I was being bloody obvious,” he grinned, “I like being alone with you.”
“But why?” you sounded like a child
His laugh was taunting you — effortless and relaxed. Completely juxtaposed to the raging storm of emotions going through your heart and head. How he could say something like that; so heavy and heartfelt, to acting like it was nothing, you could never understand.
“Because,” he scooted closer, his hand leaving your chin, but coming to rest atop of yours, “I don’t know how much clearer I can make this, but I like you.”
You looked over at him, eyes wide and mouth gaped open like a fish. You must look like a bloody idiot, but there was really no other way to respond to that. He liked you back. All this time, he liked you back. And you genuinely had no idea.
There were really no words you could say in response, so you decided on showing him how you felt instead,  placing your hand at the back of his neck and bringing his lips to yours. They were incredibly warm — possibly from the sun — and soft. Softer than the grass beneath your skin, and sweeter than the chocolates melting in the basket by your feet. He tasted like mint and green apple, a mixture that felt odd when spoken, but tasted like heaven when experienced.
You felt him mumble against your lips, “I’ll take it you feel the same way?”
Pulling away to let out a small laugh, you nodded your head, “If it wasn’t obvious, yes.”
“Just making sure,” he gave you a lopsided grin, his hand cupping your cheek to connect his lips to yours once again. 
— — —
taglist (message me to be added!)
@grierpilots @hxfflxpxffs @mikumana @msmimimerton @pit-and-the-pen @diary-of-an-onliner @theweirdsideofstuff @thoseofgreatambition @theweasleysredhair @haphazardhufflepuff @starlightweasley @mytreec @thisismysketchbook  @valwritesx @vogueweasley @hufflrpuffforfred @phuvioqhile @marvelettesassemble @shadowsinger11 @breadqueen95 @hahee154hq @ickle-ronniekins @beiahadid @mymessedupbrain49
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~Rainy Day~
(Man I’ve decided to combat baby fever by making some more of this Au. It’s been a while since I’ve written for it anyway so why not! Also you may notice the art I’ve drawn for this kiddo. It’s true his design differs from reader to reader. How he looks skin and hair wise is based entirely off your mind. But for me, I’ve drawn what I think he’d look like if I were Y/N myself.)
Au: Kaishi
Part: Sixteen
Theme: Fluff
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A deep sullen sigh escaped as he sat on his knees and stared at the rain running down the window. He had long since lost his interest in pretending the drops were racing and now he was at the rock bottom of bordem itself. He leaned forward and pressed his chubby cheek against the window along with his ear so he could listen closely to the sound of rain hitting the roof. It could almost soothe him to sleep had it not been for the input from his father on the couch. 
“Brat, get your face off the window. Not only are you making it dirty with your dead skin and oils, but you’re also making yourself dirty from the possible germs it holds.” Kai spoke as he flipped the page of the book he was reading. effortlessly. “But I’m boooooooooored!” Kaishi drew out the word with a lengthy groan as his face slid down the window. Kai rolled his eyes and closed the book. “Then go do your homework.” He placed the book down and watched his son slug across the room to sit next to him on the couch. “I already did all of my work for today AND tomorrow too. I even did my bonus work.” Kai sighed and reached into his pocket to pull out a handkerchief. He began rubbing off the side of Kaishi’s face that was on the window as he spoke. “Alright then watch TV, or something. Go play with your toys, read something, or maybe help Pops tidy up the study. There’s a lot of stuff to do so cut out that complaining will you?” The boy grumbled under his breath and crossed his arms in annoyance. “I don’t want to do any of that stuff. I’m way too bored for that junk.” 
“Watch it.” Kai thumped his nose.
“Did I hear someone say they were bored?” You spoke as your head popped out from around the corner of the hallway entrance. The picture of both your son and husband’s eyes lighting up when seeing you was something you’d never get over. “What’s ailing you hmmm baby?” You took a seat on the other side of Kaishi and opened your arms for him to scurry into your lap. “I’m so super bored and daddy hasn’t given me any good advice.” You laughed at the way Kai scoffed. “Hmm well, it’s a rainy day huh. Why don’t you go puddle stomping?” Kaishi tilted his head at this, meanwhile Kai was shaking his head rapidly in the background. You smiled and continued explaining to you son while your husband sat in the background with a look of defeat. “Puddle stomping is something I used to do with my mom/dad/guardian when I was a little kid. It’s nothing big or serious but it was still really fun yknow? All you do is find puddles and take the biggest stomps you can! The bigger the stomp, the more fun the splash is! The best part of puddle stomping is when you come back inside from it. You take a warm bath and dry off with warm towels that were put in the clothes dryer. You can then have warm soup or hot chocolate depending on the weather. I always wanted an ice cream Sunday myself.” Kaishi’s wide eyes seemed to sparkle in excitement. He whipped his head around and practically shouted at Kai. “DADDY TAKE ME PUDDLE STOMPING PRETTY PLEASE!!!!!!!!” 
“Nope! Absolutely not! The entire act in itself is filthy. Think of all that nasty water that’s out in the streets. Not to mention the mud and dirt. That’s why I never did it myself, and I would’ve preferred if you never knew about the activity.” Kai paused to glare at you while you snickered to yourself. “Y/N, you do it.”
“Me? Well I’d love to but I’m busy today.”
“BS, no you aren’t.”
“Am too. I’ve got to get groceries.”
“Make Chrono do it.”
“Chrono is off today and I don’t want to bother the others. Why don’t you do it, my loving husband?”
“I’ve got paperwork to do.”
“Oh? That same paperwork you told me you finished earlier then?”
“...Well, Pops can do it then.”
“Nope, I’m taking Pops with me because he has a clinic appointment today.”
Kai groaned in defeat and Kaishi hopped off the couch. “Yes!!!” He rushed down the hallway to fetch his new raincoat and boots you got him last week. Once alone, Kai moved to smother you in a too tight hug. “You think you’re slick huh? Oh you’ll pay for this one later, Angel.” You wiggled out of his grasp and planted a kiss on his cheek, admiring the small pink that began dusting his cheeks. “Oh I’m so scared, oooo oh no!” You exaggerated before heading off to find Pops with a laugh. As you went down the hall, Kaishi came out of it wearing his rainy day attire. “Okay I’m ready!” Kai sighed and pulled his fluffy hood over his head. “You get 20 minutes of this madness and then it’s straight to the bathroom to clean yourself up, got it?” Kai ordered as he grabbed his large black umbrella. He passed a small blue umbrella with white polka dots and a red hook handle to Kaishi. “Thank you daddy!” The boy held the umbrella close, nearly shivering from excitement. “One more thing.” Kai paused with his hand on the door knob. “You stay close by y side out here. I don’t want you taking off running and getting hurt, okay?” Kaishi nodded in agreement and watched excitedly as his dad opened the doorway and ushered for him to leave. “The boy walked outside to the front, popped open his umbrella and waited until Kai followed along with it. “There, number one! It’s really big!” Kaishi pointed at a large puddle in the grass by the end of the driveway gate. “Go on then. I’ll stay back a bit so I don’t get subjected to this madness.” Kai watched his son rush to the puddle and basically leap into it. The cute giggling almost made up for the fact he was outside in the rain right now. He sighed and followed behind Kaishi as they exited the yard and walked down the sidewalk of their neighborhood. Kaishi took a break from the puddles to slow down and walk alongside his father and enjoy the rain for a bit. “Daddy, why come you never did puddle splashing as a kid?” Kaishi asked with curiosity. “It’s puddle stomping, brat. And the reason is the same as I said earlier: it’s disgusting.” Kai sighed and looked over at the flower bushes that grew alongside the fence line this way. It brought back a few memories of when Pops would walk him home with an umbrella after his school fights. “Daddy, you really hate germs huh.”
“Well then what did you do for fun during a rainy day?”
“Shogi. I’d play it with Pops a lot. It’s why I’m so good at it right now. No one can beat me. Not even the old man himself.”
“Will you teach me to play Shogi one day?”
“Kai thought to himself for a second before smiling and putting his free hand on the top of Kaishi’s hooded head. “I suppose. If it’ll please you then I will.” Kaishi smiled widely and leaned onto his fathers touch before gasping and pointing ahead of himself again. “Big one spotted ahead!!!!” He rushed and jumped into the puddle repeatedly, unknowing to the fact that his father had slipped out the cell phone.
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He smiled to himself and slipped his phone in his pocket. “Alright that’s enough. It’s been well past 20 minutes so let’s pack it up and get inside.” He directed before turning to walk away. He smiled to himself under his mask at the sound of pattering rain boots squeaking to catch up to him. Once inside, both boys hung their wet jackets up at the doorway hook and placed the umbrellas in the holder. Kaishi went to his room to pick out pajamas while Kai went to run some warm bath water. He looked up at the picture on the wall and stared at it for a bit while the water trickled from the bath spout. The picture was a baby photo of Kaishi wearing an oversized bath towel and smiling widely. Kai suddenly felt a lot less annoyed with today and a ton more thankful with the memories he was able to make. Kids grow up so fast, right? 
While Kaishi was taking a bath, Kai was preparing two cups of Sundays. How could he honestly resist joining in on the sweet icy treat? “Hope you’re making one for me too?” Your voice suddenly appeared as you entered from running errands with Pops. “Done already? It hasn’t even been all that long. How did you get everything done so soon?” Kai questioned as you pulled out a spare cup for your ice cream Sunday. “I never said how many groceries I needed to get. I only said that I needed to shop.” You winked at him and he rolled his eyes. “Of course you’d trick me.” Kai scoffed before filling your glass with ice cream first. “You’re home!!!” Kaishi shouted as he rushed up to sit in your lap and hug your neck. “And daddy is making the ice cream thingy too?! This is the best rainy day ever! Thank you daddy!!!” Kai smiled beneath his mask at his little family. You guys always brought out the fluff in this man.
“Go ahead and make room for me too. I’d love a Sunday.” Pops smiled as he entered the kitchen as well.
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maggies-scribblings · 3 years
Remind Me How To Breathe
Nora Césaire, tall, strong and beautiful, has a sensitive, insecure side that she tries to hide from everyone.
Jalil Kubdel, diligent student, historian and archaeologist, loses his capacity to think when he bumps into Nora.
What happens when such opposites meet? Well, a school party and a painfully oblivious couple of teenagers may help them find out.
This is my July participation for the @mlwritersguild, fulfilling an anonymous request for the Noralil pairing. Thanks to @adventuremaker21 for the beta read.
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It all began on a perfect, sunny Saturday afternoon.
The graduating classes of the Françoise Dupont school were hosting a Family Day. There were art exhibits, coffee, art auctions, food stands, and school newspapers for sale. They even had live music, with Kitty Section playing soft bossa nova ballads, instead of their signature hard rock. The students were enthusiastic, and most of them had their whole families there.
Alix waited by the door for her father and brother to arrive, excited as she was to show them her art installation: a mural mixing urban graffiti with Ancient Egypt designs and pictograms.
“Hmm, yes, Alix. Very well done,” her father said, as he tapped her shoulder. “I really like your work. I might even use it for the Museum’s next youth guide!”
“Wow, Dad! That would be so cool!” She hugged her dad, as her brother, Jalil, examined the graffiti more closely.
“Are you sure, Dad? There are a few errors in these hieroglyphs…”
“Don’t be a spoilsport, Jalil!” M. Kubdel scolded. “This is a great project, and you should be proud of your sister.”
Jalil sulked and walked away from his family to go look at the other exhibitions.
Blah blah blah! You should be proud of your sister. You should be proud of me, too, Dad!
He knew it was unreasonable to be jealous, he was an adult now! So what, if Alix was his favourite? He was the one actually studying History and Archaeology to follow in his father’s footsteps. No, he would surpass him! He’d be—
Jalil was so caught up with his thoughts, he bumped into another person. He looked up to apologise… and kept looking up.
“E-excuse me, I—”
“No, I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
His brain stopped working when he got a good look at the person he bumped into.
She was a tall, strong and beautiful woman, dressed in a ruby red off-shoulder top and skin-tight black shorts, showing off her toned muscles and tiny waist.
“G-goddess…” Jalil whined, then dry swallowed and cleared his throat. “I mean, GOSH, yes, I’m fine! Are you alright?”
She chuckled, and Jalil went weak at the knees.
“Of course I am!” She smiled and flexed her muscles. “It takes more than that to knock me down!”
Jalil whimpered an imperceptible reply.
“Excuse me, I have to go.” She ran across the school patio as she shouted. “Ella! Etta! Get your hands off that cake!”
“Huh? Bye?”
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Jalil actually knelt down at Alix’s feet with pleading hands.
“Please! I promise I’ll never ask you for anything again!”
“You’re a grown-ass man, Jalil. You find a way to talk to her.”
“How? I don’t even know her name, or where she hangs out!”
“Fine! Her name is Nora.”
“Nora…” Jalil repeated in a dreamy voice. “What a beautiful name.”
Ugh! I just made him worse, Alix thought.
“You have to set us up, my dear little sister… I’ll do all your chores for a month!”
Alix looked at him, smirking.
“Three months!”
“Two months… and I’ll do your History homework.”
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It wasn’t long before the tables were turned, as Alix begged Alya for help.
“You have to help me, Alya! He won’t shut up about Nora… he’s writing poems for her! And then he sings them, playing that awful drum of his, all day and all night!”
Alya tapped her chin in deep thought. At first she thought Alix was pulling a prank on her. How could Jalil, the impish bookworm, be interested in her super strong, kick-boxer sister?
Then again, maybe it was true. The heart works in mysterious ways, as she very well knew.
Nora had been dumped by her training partner a few months ago — his fragile masculinity couldn’t handle getting his ass kicked by his girlfriend every day. Maybe it would be good for her sister to be wooed properly, with poems and songs. From what she knew of Jalil, he was a really good guy, in a nerdy-cool kind of way. He was dedicated to his family and fanatic about his interests, just like Nora.
Alix’s voice interrupted her musings.
“I’ll do anything you want, just… help me!”
Alya twisted her lips into a wicked grin and tapped her chin.
“Anything, huh?”
“Well…” Alix replied, narrowing her eyes. “Anything within reason!”
Alya cracked her knuckles and bent down to look Alix in the eyes.
“So… Shorty? What do you have in mind?”
“Just… introduce them, or… or set them up on a date, and let Jalil do the rest!”
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Nora finished getting dressed and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Maybe playing chaperone won’t be so bad, she thought.
She had to admit, she looked good in this dress. Usually she just wore training clothes or comfy shorts and baggy t-shirts. It was hard to find nice clothes that suited her: regular sizes didn’t fit her, and plus sizes were designed to hide big bodies instead of showing them off. She always got upset after she went shopping, looking at endless pretty clothes that would never fit her, only to end up getting ugly stuff from the man’s section.
One day, after one of those excruciating shopping trips, Alya suggested commissioning her friend, Marinette, and she was a true godsend — she’d been so nice to her all this time! Always patient when taking her measurements, making sure to use elasticised fabrics, so they could adapt to her muscles whether she was in competition season or on a calmer period with less training. All while making feminine, practical clothes.
Little Baguette was definitely an impressive seamstress, but Nora’s dress for the school graduation party was a masterpiece. She looked amazing in her jade green, draped satin dress, and the plunging halter neckline and thigh-high slit made her feel confident, feminine and sexy.
With Alya’s help, she styled her dreads into a bun and enhanced her honey-coloured eyes with green glittery eyeshadow, and painted her generous lips with bright red lipstick.
Alya’s dress was a Marinette creation too — a short, fitted little number, where the true standout was the colour: bright, almost fluorescent, orange.
When the sisters walked out of Alya’s room, the twins jumped on them.
“Nora! Nora! You look like a Hollywood star!”
“Can I wear that lipstick, too?”
“You look pretty, too, Alya!”
“Can I borrow your dress?”
“Come on, girls, let us go, or we’ll be late,” Alya scolded, trying to keep a straight face.
After prying the twins’ hands off, they went downstairs, where a limousine was waiting for them.
“Alya, how did you—”
Nino came out of the limo for them to go in, guiding them in by the hand. There were more people inside: she knew the model kid — oh right, he’s rich, this must be his car; Marinette sitting next to him, pretty in a rose-coloured dress and rosier cheeks; the pink-hair little girl — Alice? Alex? She knew it was similar to her sister’s name; and an older guy she hadn’t met.
Alya sat next to Marinette, with Nino on her other side. Nora took the only empty seat, next to the other guy.
“You know Alix’s brother, don’t you, Nora?” Alya said in a sing-song voice.
Nora looked at the man by her side, who was offering his hand for her to shake.
“Jalil… I bumped into you the other day.”
She took his hand and shook it vigorously.
“Oh, yeah… Family Day, right?”
Jalil smiled as he retrieved his hand, flexing his fingers.
“Yeah, right. Nice to meet you again, Nora.”
He was kind of cute, in his black suit and tie, matching his lovely blue eyes. His long red hair was tied up in a ponytail.
“Thanks again for agreeing to this, Nora and Jalil!” Marinette said, after some moments of silence. “It’s thanks to you that our whole class can go to the party.”
“It’s cool, Baguette,” Nora smiled. “You kids are almost eighteen anyway, I’m sure you’ll behave…” she made a serious face and punched her left palm with her right hand. “Right?”
The younger crew collectively gulped and nodded. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jalil gulp and nod too.
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The conditions for the party had been set by the class parents’ association: no alcohol, no substances, at least an adult chaperone present at all times, and no funny business. Jalil wasn’t sure about that last part — it would be impossible to control a bunch of hormonal teens in their last class party.
When Alix asked him to chaperone, he almost turned it down, but quickly changed his mind when she said Nora would be there, too.
Now here he was, sitting next to her in a limousine, reminding himself he ought to breathe. If Nora looked good on the day they met, tonight she looked fantastic! Sitting next to such a beauty, legs and shoulders touching when the car took a turn, having her smile at him and shake his hand… he was in heaven.
If tonight went well, he’d be thankful to Alix forever. Even if he had to do her chores for the next months… Nora was worth it.
The limousine pulled up at the Hotel Grand Paris. The party would be on the top floor and terrace.
Being closer to the door, Jalil exited the car before Nora and offered his hand to help her out. Not that she needed any help, he was just being gentlemanly, as he saw the other boys do with their girls.
It was early, so the party hadn’t started yet. They couldn’t all fit in the lift, so Jalil and Nora let the kids go up first. After all, it was their party.
Only after the doors closed did he realise he was in an enclosed space with the person who’d inhabited his dreams for a few weeks now. He took a deep breath and squared his shoulders, trying to make himself look taller.
“You, erm… I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but… you look very pretty tonight, Nora,” Jalil started.
Nora looked a little embarrassed by the compliment, but not in a bad way.
“Why…” she pulled a stray dreadlock behind her ear. “Thank you, Jalil. You look nice, too.”
Yes! Jalil fist-pumped internally, thankful that Alix’s friend, Adrien, loaned him a suit and helped him with his look.
The doors opened to the terrace. It was all decorated with banners and paper lanterns made by the class. Nino was already setting up his DJ table, with Alya helping with the wires. His sister was already jumping in and out of the pool, which was filled with balls for the occasion. The other two kids seemed to be talking and appreciating the view from the railed balcony.
“So… uh… how do we do this?” Jalil asked.
“I don’t know, I never did this before,” Nora answered with a laugh. “I guess we let the kids have fun and try to enjoy the party too.”
“Well, they’re good kids, most of them anyway. I’m sure we’ll survive the night.”
“Haha! You’re funny, Jalil.”
His heart swelled with her compliment, and he wanted to hear her loud and raspy laughter some more.
They found a table near the bar and sat down for their duty. The other official chaperone was the hotel’s head butler, who was in charge of serving the drinks while keeping an eye out for any contraband.
Nora fanned herself with her purse after a while.
“Can I get you a drink, Nora?” Jalil asked.
“Sure. Surprise me.”
He nodded and approached the bar, where Jean was filling champagne flutes with non-alcoholic cider. After some consideration, Jalil picked a water bottle and put it in his pocket, then took two bubbly flutes.
“Mademoiselle,” he said, handing Nora her drink with exaggerated formality.
“Ooh la la,” she said as she took a sip of her drink, “I see they have the good stuff here.”
They shared a laugh as they drank. Conversation flowed easily between them, and they almost forgot what they were there for. By now, more kids had arrived, and the party was in full blast.
“We should let ourselves be seen,” Nora said. “Let’s take a stroll around the terrace. You go left, I go right.”
Jalil was a bit pained by the plan, but nodded and stood up.
As he expected, everyone was in their best behaviour. Some teens were dancing, others goofing around (there was Alix’s silly friend Kim, having some kind of push-up bet with another boy), but they all seemed to be having a good time.
Well, maybe not everyone. One of the girls was leaning against the railing, hiding her head in her arms.
“Marinette, are you alright?” Jalil asked. She was one of Alix’s best and oldest friends, so he’d come to see her almost as a family member. She looked like she’d been crying.
“Jalil!” She snapped straight up and turned her face away, trying to wipe away some tears. “I’m fine! Just f-fine!”
“Want to talk about it?”
“Not really… but thank you.”
Jalil didn’t quite know what to do, so he gave her a few consoling taps on her shoulder and kept walking. Spotting Alya dancing close by, he pointed out to her that her friend might need her.
He walked on, after a few stern looks at a couple getting too frisky while making out, and some boys being too rowdy. Halfway around the terrace, he crossed paths with Nora, and was once again blown over by her beauty. Her dress floated around her body in the summer breeze, and her smile lit up the night.
“All clear?” Jalil asked, when they met.
“All is well!” Nora replied.
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Nora felt a little dizzy when she got up for her lookout, even if the champagne was fake. Jalil was a cute little guy, polite and knowledgeable. They’d talked about their interests, finding common ground in things like French hip-hop and old adventure movies. She was sure they’d be very good friends after this, but didn’t dare think about taking it any further. She reminisced about her ex and how some men could feel threatened by her.
She was pulled out of her thoughts by a sad, soft melody, which she could hear despite the booming dance music. It came from the white grand piano, a few steps further.
Nora approached the piano to find the model boy — Adrien, playing. He stopped when he saw her approaching.
“Don’t stop,” she smiled at him.
He nodded and resumed his song.
“Everything okay there, kid?”
“I… I think I just broke my friend’s heart.”
“Marinette?” Nora asked, concerned. “Did she finally manage to confess her love?”
“Wait… you knew?”
Nora gave him a hearty slap on the shoulder.
“Everyone in Paris knows, Adrien.”
“Then how could I be so blind?”
“You… don’t love her back, huh?”
“No, I mean… yes, but not—”
“How can anyone not love Marinette? You’re so weird.”
Nora was well aware of the whole situation. Whenever the girl gang had a sleepover at their apartment, they made sure to include her in the games and conversations.
“I… do love her… but I’ve been in love with someone else for a long time.”
“And how’s that working out for you?”
Adrien dropped his head onto the piano keys, producing an almost comical sound.
“Think about it, kid. Don’t let her get away from you… again.”
She ruffled his hair and walked away, reaching the other side of the terrace in a few steps. When she saw Jalil walking towards her, she couldn’t help but smile.
“All clear?” Jalil asked.
“All is well!” she replied.
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They walked back to their table together. The party was at its peak, Nino’s beats at their fastest, and almost everyone was dancing. Nora turned to Jalil.
“Do you want to dance? I feel like dancing!”
“I—” Jalil started, momentarily surprised, then smiled and nodded.
Jalil swayed awkwardly, snapping his fingers to the beat and singing along. He couldn’t take his eyes off Nora. The way she moved her perfectly toned legs, rocked her hips with her arms in the air, and totally lost herself in the songs, were absolutely hypnotising.
They danced a few songs before heading back to their table.
“I really needed that!” Nora sighed, as she sat down.
Jalil, still panting from the effort, took a sip from his water bottle.
“I hope that’s water and not vodka, young man,” she joked as he drank.
“O-of course it’s water!” Jalil replied.
“I’m kidding you. I know you wouldn’t do that!”
Jalil sighed in relief, then wet his finger in the water and flicked it in her direction. Nora feigned indignation.
“Why, I never—”
Both broke out in laughter, then resumed their animated conversation from before.
It was the best night in Jalil’s life.
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It was almost time for the party to end. The music changed to a calm, pre-recorded playlist, so that Nino could hang out with his friends, too. A few couples were slow-dancing in the moonlight.
Nora noticed Adrien and Marinette dancing together.
“Aww, look at them,” she cooed. “Looks like they worked things out.”
Jalil followed her line of sight to see the young couple. Adrien was cupping Marinette’s face and speaking to her, then he leaned in to kiss her.
“Yeah,” he replied. “Finally.”
“I know, right? Four years those two danced around each other, can you believe it?”
“I know, Alix used to tell me all about the shenanigans to help her confess.”
“I can’t believe he never figured it out… what a waste of time.”
Jalil was lost in his thoughts for a few minutes, then turned to Nora.
“I… I don’t want to waste time,” he said, putting a hand on top of hers. “Please go out with me… on a date.”
Nora looked at him, a little confused, but didn’t remove her hand. Encouraged, Jalil continued.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. I’ve been thinking about you since the day we first met, but tonight, talking to you, dancing with you, making you laugh… I want us to do that again!”
“Okay.” Nora replied.
Jalil held her hand tighter, with a smile of pure happiness, as she put her other hand on top of his.
“Okay! I don’t want to waste time, either,” Nora said.
Nora pulled him closer to her and planted a kiss on his lips.
“So, where are you taking me tomorrow?”
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phonecallwithsatan · 4 years
That’s A Pretty Color
a.n.: Fred Weasley x y/n, just fluff in this one folks<3 How is everyone doing? I hope everything is well, and if it is not, don’t let anything stop you from sharing if you need to! I wrote this one up because it’s a scenario that I will NEVER experince in my life because all real life men are trash exept for Alex Lawther and of course, the rest of my thirty-plus celebrity boyfriend. Lord, I’ve come full circle from 2015. Enjoy, my beauties! 
Reader paints their nails but it takes a long time to dry. Luckily, a certain crush is able to help them with some tasks reader cannot do on their own. No specific gender or house is specified:) 2k words!
For the first time in what felt like forever, everybody in your year had no homework for the weekend, and students had free reign over their plans.
It was Saturday, and you and your friends went to Hogsmeade, where you had found the perfect nail polish. It was in your favorite color and it had a perfect wand for application. Not too dark, not too light. It was perfect and you couldn’t wait to put it on.
That activity would have to wait, though, because all your friends had convinced you to wash up way too early for your liking, as you liked to bathe a bit later at night, and attend a planned party by a friend of another friend, of yet another friend who was in your house.
Your house often had parties. Really often. And today was one of them. However, it was a strange one. Everybody showed up in their loungewear after coming back from the bathrooms, and there was no alcohol. It was just students in sleep shorts and slippers talking among themselves.
You actively participated along with your friend Luna Lovegood, who had just decided to turn in for the night.
“[y/n], I just am so tired. It’s one in the morning, can’t I see you at a more normal time?” She had a soft voice that deemed even softer when she was tired.
“Of course, Luna. Wait for me at the entrance tomorrow, okay?” You said, taking your legs off her lap as she got off the couch, only to curl them up to your stomach as you waved goodbye to your friend. 
You looked around to see who was left at the gathering and one by one people began to either go up the stairs or to just leave.
Now bored, you took the polish that was next to you on the table you had placed it on. You decided to paint your nails.
One by one, you dragged the brush along your nail beds to spread the gorgeous color you had found by surprise, deep in the back of the beauty store you and your friends frequently visited.
You had just finished your first coat when you felt the couch shift a bit. Fred Weasley.
“Hey, George.” You wanted to mess with him.
“Not Geo-” He was interrupted by you.
“I know, Fred. I’m just messing with you.” His reaction softened when you said that. He shook his head and smiled, looking down and then back up at you, running his hand through his short red hair.
You knew the difference between the two brothers. You only knew it because you’d always had a thing for Fred. It made you mad when people mixed the two up, even though they would never know that.
“I don’t know how you do it every time [y/n]. It’s a skill very few possess, even my own family can’t tell the difference like you do sometimes.” He made you blush similarly to the color of his hair, hoping he would never, ever, be able to feel the heat rising to your cheeks. You shrugged and continued onto your second coat of color.
You’d talk with Fred from time to time. Whether it be at a party like this one, or just in class, he was always engaged and interesting- and bloody good to look at, too.
You didn’t know if it was the way his eyes would shine when you told a joke, or when he’d walk you to class just to put a hand on your lower back and waist to say goodbye, but you could say you had a small, teeny, tiny, crush on the boy who was sitting beside you.
“That’s a pretty color.” He leaned over to look closer and smiled as he pulled his head back.
“Thanks, Freddie. I bought it today at Hogsmeade.” 
“Yeah, I know.” You were so confused by that statement.
“What?” You looked up and you saw him slightly scratch the nape of his neck. He brought his hand back down and pointed at the bottle on the table beside you. 
“Well, I saw you today, Y’know, at Hogsmeade.” Now he was turning red. This was something new coming from Fred, you’ve never seen him flustered. You were just so- confused.
“Why didn’t you come over and say something?” You laughed at the boy in front of you. It was more of a nervous laugh rather than a ‘you’re-so-lame-for-not-saying-anything’ laugh.
“Well I’m here now, aren’t I?” He grinned over at you and you shot him a grin back, kicking the leg that was now facing him. He ducked and caught it instead, putting it in his lap just like Luna did.
A short amount of silence bestowed among you two and you dropped your other leg so both of them were draped across his lap. He placed his hands on your upper knee and asked you if this was alright.
“Is this okay, love?” He asked you and slightly shifted his thumb across your knee, not daring to go up unless you had told him so.
You grinned at the replacement of your name.
“It sure is, but just so you know, I’m almost done with these nails.” You raised your hand and waved and wiggled your fingers at him to show off the new color. They made your skin tone pop beautifully.
“Leaving so soon even when I am here? That’s just a mistake, [y/n].” 
“No, Freddie. The mistake was when you came to talk to me so late!” You smirked at your comment as you looked up from your focus. He was full-on cheesing at you at this point, and you felt as if your day was made with that smile.
You were not one to put a crush ahead of agenda, but Fred was just so bloody cute and sweet. You couldn’t help but gush at him. And plus, your legs were currently laying over his lap, slightly bent at the knee, what could you do? Not think about him?
Finishing up your left hand, you screwed the bottle shut and put it on the table behind you. You lifted up both hands to view your work and Fred did the same, his eyes following your hands. You flipped them over so they were now facing palm down on the couch.
He removed his hands from their placement on your knees and he took your hands in his, viewing the art meticulously.
You were now geeking out. Again, you couldn’t help it. It just happened. 
The common room was now only full of maybe five people or so, that included you and Fred on the couch, a kid passed out on the loveseat across from you, and a couple on the stairs just chatting.
“I should get going, Fred. Maybe I’ll see you at breakfast tomorrow?” Unfortunately, you removed your hands and legs away from him and he helped you by lifting your legs up.
“Yeah, for sure.” He was visibly disappointed that your conversation was cut short and his eyesight moved down to the gorgeous chain you had displayed on your neck. It was a thin, gold chain that hung right below your neck but right above your collar bones. It was one of your favorites from Holiday a few years back and you had forgotten to take it off after your hangout at Hogsmeade. “That looks really nice on you. I hadn’t noticed it until now.”
Why was he telling you all this. You shifted your hand to touch it and you thanked him for being sweet.
You reached back to unclasp it, but it was unsuccessful. Your manicure was not dry yet, so if you played with the clasp, it would most likely lead to a smudge on your perfect craft.
“I totally forgot to take it off and now I can’t.” You huffed and dramatized the puffing of air, a deep sign escaping you which in the end both made you laugh.
“Here, let me help, [y/n].” He motioned with his hand but you refused. 
“It’s okay, Fred, really.” But he insisted.
You were not in the mood for an argument, so you complied. You shifted on your seat so your back was towards him, and he scooted a bir closer to you.
He moved a bit of your hair out of the way and his fingers grazed the back of your neck. Only then did you realize how close he was to you. He took the delicate necklace in his fingers and easily unclasped the claw, bringing it down your chest into your hands. His arms were on either side of your head as he brought it down.
You turned around and you thanked him.
“Thank you, Freddie, now my art won’t get ruined!” You were still very close to him, and it made you jumpy in a way that was new for you.
“I only like it when you call me Freddie.” He blurted out. 
You were so confused as to why this boy was being so flirty towards you. You smiled at him and began to stand up.
“Goodnight, Freddie.” He stood up with you and in a burst of spontaneity, you raised yourself on your toes a bit to kiss him on the cheek, holding it for just a second before you came back down to look at him. 
He held his hand by his cheek and looked at you in awe, and you finally realized what you had done. 
The boy was obviously going insane in his brain right now and granted, maybe this wasn’t the best decision. 
You decided to just absolutely make a run for it, and you turned around to head to your dorm room, not a chance in hell you were to look back. You went around the couple that was now making out on the stairs and you made your way up before you felt a hand surround your forearm.
Fred was smart to reach there, as he had remembered that you had just painted your nails.
“Why’d you just leave like that, [y/n]?” He was confused and you were too. He was now at the same step as you and he just looked at you with fire playing in his eyes that gave you butterflies as you looked into them.
“I don’t really know, Fred. I’m sorry.” You began to go up but you were cut off by his lips attaching to yours. You sank into the kiss, indulging in the smell and new-found memory implanted in your brain for life. You tore apart and you just looked into those eyes, again. Fred scanned your face for any sign of displacement and he shifted his hand to your waist again, the same feeling you got when he walked you down the hall.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a really long time, [y/n].” He murmured towards you. Your faces were close together and it didn’t take much to hear it. You leaned in again and kissed him softly, cursing at the fact that you ran your hands through his hair. You looked down to check if your manicure was ruined, and luckily, it was still in tact.
He chuckled at your panic towards the art and you looked up confused. Realizing, you began to laugh along, bringing the hand you checked up to his cheek to hold it. He sank into it and you smiled at the boy in front of you, still not believing that had just happened to you.
“Goodnight, [y/n]. Thank you for, well, that.” He was unusually sweet, and not as snarky as usual. Not that you missed the snarkiness Fred owned, you were just excited to see this new side of him.
He let go of you and put one leg down just as you leaned down and grabbed his shoulder.
You were being impulsive, but you truly did not want him to leave. Plus, you knew he had no bad intentions.
“Don’t go. At least not yet.” He turned around and you looked up the stairs and down the hall to your dorm. It was one of the closer ones. “Why don’t you maybe, I dunno, stay?” You were risking it all. “I mean, you’re already here, and you’re wearing that, and-” You were rambling so you cut yourself off.
“If you’ll have me,” Fred said with enthusiasm. “Can’t get enough of me in one night, can you? Sleepover it is, I suppose.” You were so happy that your plan worked so you quickly grabbed his hand, nonchalant about your maybe-dry nails, and you ran up the rest of the short stairs up to your room, where you only saw two out of the five of your roommates in your dorm. One of them even had someone laying next to the other, a result of the party, you supposed. 
You placed the necklace on your nightstand in a tray that was it’s usual resting place.
Fred shut the door behind you and you led him to your bed. Just as you were pulling back your sheets, he leaned behind you and placed his body to yours, arms snaking around your waist and his head leaning just a bit down, enough to kiss your temple, moving down to your neck, where he bit slightly but not enough to mark up.
You brought your hands up and you touched him, leaning to your left to look at him behind you.
“I’m really tired, Freddie.” You said. Your voice was now a lot more tiresome than before.
You knew Fred was strong, but this was the last thing you were expecting.
In a matter of seconds, Fred had picked you up bridal style and he laid you on the bed softly, letting your head hit the pillow and your legs to hit a part of the bed that was yet to be pulled back. He slid his hands out from under your knees and back to pull some of the duvets back to cover you up.
“We don’t want to get that manicure ruined, now do we?” You smiled at him and reached for his hand, pulling him.
“You’ll stay?” You looked at him from under and he was unsure about what you had said.
“Are you sure?” He asked you mid-stride to the other side of your bed, longing for your hand once more.
“Yes, now come on, I’m seriously going to pass out.” The window in your room was closed off with curtains, but you could still see the boy’s face in the dark.
“Your wish is my command.” He said kissing the back of your hand and sliding next to you. You let him get positioned comfortably before squishing up next to him so your head was on his chest, where you would dream for the rest of the night about the morning.
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bigteefsmallbrain · 3 years
Someone called the first set cute and I am unbelievably determined to make their goddamn day/night now, also, just realized you could get around the talking barrier with your soulmate if you direct your speaking at yourself, though I imagine that would be quite hard without a lot of focus or practice, so I’m implementing that in this set, hope you enjoy!!
WARNING: For Midoriya Izuku - Mentions of past fish death; For Umino Iruka - Mentions of his parents passing; and For Erza Scarlet - Death, the Tenrou island incident, signs of depression and loss of a loved one [It turns happy though]
SOULMATE AU HEADCANONS FOR: Izuku Midoriya, Iruka Umino, Erza Scarlet
Izuku Midoriya
Welcome to your own personal hero encyclopedia
Literally your best friend when it comes to quizzes and homework
If you so much as mutter to yourself a question
He is mumbling to himself the answer and all the steps to solve it
Brain = Autopilot
He doesn’t even consider that you might have been rhetorical
Or that you might be taking a quiz
Soulmate asked a question and he’d rather die than not mutter the answer to himself under his breath so his soulmate can hear
He’s your worst enemy sometimes too though
Trying to sleep? Nah, listen to him fanboy over a hero documentary instead
Trying to have a little you time? Funny joke, you’re learning about All Might now
You now know the weirdest facts about heroes
And events that most teachers don’t know about
May I suggest a heroics history teaching job?
Unfortunately, you also have to listen to his crying
I don’t mean it in a bad way
But you have no way to comfort him
Literally all you want to do is give him a hug and comfort him
But all you can do is say comforting words to yourself
Hoping he’ll hear them over his broken, heart wrenching sobs
But don’t worry, he does, he hears everything you say to yourself
He has a notebook dedicated to you and o n l y you
He nearly ripped Bakugo’s head off when the blonde accidentally burnt it’s pages when they were younger
Yeah, fun times [Bakugo double checked that it was the h e r o notebook and not the s o u l m a t e notebook when he burnt it in middle school, never again would he risk hearing his last name be spit venomously from the green haired males mouth]
He writes down anything he deems memorable [AKA nearly everything] that you say
He notes things you have difficulty towards academically and makes sure to break it down and read the now less complex version aloud in hopes he’s helped you
He has, he’s probably the main reason you’re in the top 5 academically
But also he loves hearing your meaningless rambles
You have scared him a few times
“Wait, is he dead? Oh no! Please don’t tell me he’s dead!”
w h a t
“I don’t think I can handle mom crying over another fish.”
Oh, just a fish, thank All Might, he nearly went into cardiac arrest
They brighten his day, and he can’t wait to meet you and tell you just how thankful he is that you’re his soulmate
Just like you can’t wait to hit him upside the head for all the sleepless nights he’s caused with his fanboy behavior
Okay, but when you do meet, you immediately ask for Bakugo
You give zero fucks about possibly being expelled/sent to prison
Hell hath no fury like you who had to listen to their soulmates broken cries over the blondes treatment for years
And Izuku can only hold you back for so long
He definitely wants to see your quirk in action when you meet
And when demonstrating he’s mumbling all the uses and possible ideas
While also complimenting you and how amazing you are
He doesn’t even notice he’s doing it
If you do it back, he WILL blue screen
Midoriya Izuku.exe has stopped working
He literally freezes on the spot
Iruka Umino
Oh do we love our dear teacher
Maybe a little too much
But we don’t talk about that
He will also say other things, like “I made pancakes for breakfast, I wish you were here to enjoy them”
And call you sweet pet names like “Dear” “Darling” “Honey” etc. and when he’s feeling especially corny “Snookums” or something really out there when he feels like you need a good laugh like “Cookie Cutter”
No, I'm serious, if he thinks you’re sad, he w i l l say “Hey there, how’s my little cookie cutter?” to himself in a half joking tone in hopes of brightening your day
You can pry this headcanon from my cold, dead hands
He loves it if you mutter responses to yourself for him to hear in return
His heart will melt the moment he hears you say “Good morning” back, or if you mention wanting to cook for him
He also loves it if you give lesson plan advice to him
Like, he’ll be muttering about the best way to teach his class how to throw shuriken and your voice will pop up in his head with friendly advice
Makes him wonder if you’re a teacher too, or if you’re planning to become one
Secretly hopes you’re planning to become a teaching aid, because A) Work and soulmate at the same time? Yes please, and B) Kami knows he needs help with his rowdy class
If you are, he’s sure to be over the moon when he finds out
In his younger days, before teaching, he definitely went on missions and looked for you when he could
Like, yes, the mission is important, but finding the owner to the beautiful voice in his head is ALSO important
He’d usually finish the mission and stay an extra one or two days looking for you
It didn’t really cross his mind till later that you could be in the Leaf Village, since he figured he would have already found you if he did
Till he saw people older than him who grew up in the village only just finding out they were soulmates
He went on less out of village missions after that
Till eventually he decided to become a teacher
When I tell you this man melts when you talk
I mean he MELTS
He loves your voice so much
It helped him through his parents deaths
Helped him when he felt at his lowest points
You’ve done so much for him, and he’s so thankful, he’s fallen so deeply in love with you and you haven’t properly met yet!
He still wants to marry you on the spot though
It’s not a strange sight to see him browsing rings
Or thinking of how he’d propose
You’ll never let him know that he’s unconsciously spoken out loud about it a few times
Not until you meet, then you’ll mention it
And never let him live it down
“You know, I’ve heard you say you wanted to marry me on the spot, is that still on the menu or…?”
Yeah, when you first meet each other, that’s the first thing that pops out of your mouth
And it has his face burning red
He’s stumbling through his words, trying to convey that yes, he would like to marry you, but he needs your ring size first to go buy the ring
Trust me, this man has made enough trips to know what ring, he just needs the size
Then he’ll be down on one knee quicker that Shisui’s Shunshin no Jutsu
The fact that you seem okay with it also seals the deal for him
He’s so ecstatic when you meet each other
He feels like he could take on Madara one v one and win
He’s so unbelievably happy
Like he’s convincing you to take a photo so he can frame it on his desk and always remember happy
He’s so cute and blushy about it too
Rambles about never wanting to forget the best day of his life so far
“So far?” “Well, yeah, I imagine marrying you will take the spot soon”
He’s so giddy about introducing you to his class too
Especially Naruto
[Mostly Naruto]
He’s showing you off and preening at the congratulations his class gives
And later on introducing you to Naruto personally
As much as he loves his class, he adores Naruto, and really hopes you both get along well
And you do
And it was the worst mistake of Iruka's life
[or best as both you and Naruto often correct him]
Honestly you probably convinced him to at least bring up the possibility of Adoption to Naruto
Which has Naruto howling in excitement and agreeableness
The boy looks up to him and they both have such a father/son dynamic, let me have this dammit
[Also, being able to get Naruto to be the ring bearer/flower boy? P r i c e l e s s]
He loves his family, so very much
And is so thankful that you convinced him to adopt Naruto
The man has been debating on if Naruto would want to be his son or not for ages, you can NOT tell me otherwise
You also can’t tell me Naruto wouldn’t jump at the chance to have Iruka as his father
Erza Scarlet
She’s so eager to find you
She’s spent so long perfecting the art of speaking to you despite the barrier
And she’s always so responsive to you
Always talking about the adventures she's had
What she wants to do with you when you find each other
And she’s always so happy when you do the same
She’s always been responsive with you, even though the beginning was a bit rough with communication
So when she suddenly goes radio silent, it scares you, it hurts when you come to the realization that she’s dead
She can hear you, even in her deep sleep on Tenrou Island
And it’s heartbreaking
Your cries
The endless broken sobs
“I’m so sorry I never got to meet you” No, I’m still here!
“Hey soulmate wha- oh, right, you’re..” I’m not dead! I promise I’ll be there soon!
To say the least, it’s a long 7 years
And you never did get over your soulmates tragic death
Though you did find out who she might have been
Hurts more knowing how she passed on though
She always spoke of her guild, Fairy Tail, and you had been saving up enough jewels to go there, in hopes of finding her
You know she must have been on Tenrou when it fell
And by deductive evidence, it must have been the S class wizard
Erza Scarlet, you’re soulmate
Dead, soulmate
You joined not long after the news had spread
Figured it might help with the ache
It didn’t
But you grew to love the guild anyways
They welcomed you as family
Because to them, you already were
Erza spoke so highly of you
Always talking about how amazing her soulmate was, and everything she wanted to do with them when they met
And it was because of that you were able to deduce that she is your soulmate
Was, your soulmate
It wasn’t an odd sight to see you crying when the Tenrou group was brought up
Or after a particular rough beating from the Twilight Ogre guild
They watched you slowly fall apart when you tried speaking to her
Helped put you back together when you remembered she wasn’t on the other side
And eventually you began healing
Never getting over her or forgetting her
You could never forget her
And broke down just thinking about trying to find another
You took to talking to her in hopes she could still hear you in the afterlife
Talk about your day
How the guild is doing
If there was a particularly rough beating from the other guild
It hurt, much worse than when you forgot that she wasn’t there
But you carried on, believing that if she could hear you, she’d want to know
She adores that about you, your will to carry on, even though it hurts
And she’s sure to leave nothing but corpses in Twilight Ogre for all the years of torment
When Blue Pegasus found remains of the Island, no one stopped you from boarding the ship
They knew you needed this, more than the rest of them
You needed to know if she was really gone or not
And when you caught sight of scarlet red hair
You wept
She’s here
She’s alive
She turned the moment she heard your voice weekly call for her
To say your first meeting was filled with tears would be an understatement
You were attached by the hip from that point on
Not that either of you were complaining
Erza was especially ecstatic to have you by her side finally
After all, she had 7 years to make up for
And you can show her where Twilight Ogre is
The Master and Mira didn’t question why she was especially rough with a select few members
I Hope you enjoyed reading this set of Soulmate AU HC’s! If you would like to see any specific characters, don’t be afraid to leave a comment or submit an ask! If it’s a character I’m not familiar with, I’ll do my best to learn about them!!
P.S. I nearly killed Reader-chan off in Erza’s (:
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sunsetcurbed · 4 years
you showed me faith is not blind (miracles happen)
Pairing: Alex/Willie  Words: 5,369  Rating: T  Chapter Warnings: none  read on AO3 
Chapter Summary:  "What the fuck?" Luke murmurs across the table from Alex, just loud enough to grab Alex's attention from worksheet. "What the fuck?" he says again—much, much louder. His head snaps up and his eyes, burning, land on Alex.
Alex flinches back. "Dude, what?"
Julie is leaning into Luke's space, reading whatever is on his phone that's made Luke so upset. The rest of the table is silent, even Greg and Shawn. Alex is just… waiting, at this point, really, but Luke seems too angry for words.
Their movie night starts off as normal with the group in the kitchen making their snacks. Alex has no reason to suspect that anything will go differently than his past experiences. So when things do... change, he's thrown off.
In Julie's living room, there's a couch, a love seat, and a recliner. Luke and Julie always share the love seat and Flynn claims the recliner. That leaves Alex, Willie, and Reggie to figure out who gets the two armrest seats of the couch and whether the other wants to take the middle cushion or just lounge on the floor. They… don't have that issue today.
Reggie is the first one inside from band practice so he is the first one done making his popcorn so he gets first claim. When Alex and Willie make it out, Willie gestures for Alex to take the other, and quirks an eyebrow at him. "I'll figure something out," he says. Alex eyes him warily but takes the seat anyways, grateful for a place to set his water down. Willie stands there for a moment, staring between Alex and the middle cushion. He sets his popcorn next to Alex's feet, then sits on the middle cushion with his back facing Alex, and reclines himself back so he's lying across Alex's lap. He grins up at him. "Told you I'd figure it out."
Alex quite literally has no idea what to do or say. What comes out is: "I'm going to drop so much popcorn on you."
"Cool. More for me."
He's thankful for his friends, because over the next hour, every single one of them sends him a look when Willie's attention is elsewhere, which lets him know that he's not just being dramatic. This… this is new and this is—
Alex doesn't want to call it weird.
He's actually quite enjoying it, once the initial awkwardness has faded away. He likes the weight of Willie in his lap. It's grounding. And Alex has an arm across Willie's abdomen, and Willie is absentmindedly playing with Alex's hand that's resting on Willie's side, and Alex likes the feel of Willie's fingers on his. Still, it's all overwhelming, but Alex finally has his proof that he needed to refute Willie: he's wide awake and doesn't fall asleep at all through the second movie, which Willie teases him about from his lap.
He spends the rest of movie night trying not to wonder what this could possibly mean because he knows the most likely answer is that it doesn't mean anything.
Days blur together for Alex after that—he doesn't have an off day (he doesn't have an off hour). Honestly, he likes that. He likes the constant going, the constant moving, the constant action in his brain. It keeps him from lingering on one thing for too long, from letting one thing manifest and grow into something beyond itself and gnaw away at Alex until he's a shell of himself.
He has his prince lessons, therapy twice a week—which his grandmother had offered to bring to the consulate after he had a panic attack in front of her on Sunday—, school, band practice, his new Friday "date" with Willie after prince lessons, and then on Saturday the 13th, Julie and the Phantoms play Camelot, a wildly popular nightclub that they'd worked their entire high school career to book. They're excited about it, and Alex is even more excited about it because his grandmother has actually booked the VIP suite, which, as Alex had expected, hadn't been reserved. She invites Alex's parents to come as well, so they hire a baby sitter for Ava and Austin and make a night of it, and Alex plays his heart out (not that he usually doesn't, but this feels special). The next day, at his shortened Sunday prince lesson, he catches his grandmother humming along to Finally Free a few times, though he doesn't point it out. He doesn't need to bring attention to it. Just… knowing is enough.
Somehow it's already Monday the 15th, two weeks into his prince lessons. He is getting more used to the routine now. He still does his homework at lunch, but he doesn't focus quite as hard, as he has learned that he has enough time left at the end of each day to do it. Still, sometimes it is nice to watch Netflix instead of doing homework. That's his hope for tonight as he sits at their lunch table, bent over his math homework. Reggie and Flynn are lost in conversation and Willie is talking about some skating competition with Greg and Shawn, while Julie and Luke are on his phone.
"What the fuck?" Luke murmurs across the table from Alex, just loud enough to grab Alex's attention from worksheet. "What the fuck?" he says again—much, much louder. His head snaps up and his eyes, burning, land on Alex.
Alex flinches back. "Dude, what?"
Julie is leaning into Luke's space, reading whatever is on his phone that's made Luke so upset. The rest of the table is silent, even Greg and Shawn. Alex is just… waiting, at this point, really, but Luke seems too angry for words. Alex can see him literally shaking. So instead he turns to Julie to gauge what to expect from Luke based off of her reaction. The way her eyebrows are halfway up her forehead and her lips are parted, he guesses it is something big. And then her eyes flick to him. "Alex," she starts, but Luke cuts her off.
"So, what," Luke hisses leaning over the table, dropping his phone like he's completely forgotten it. "You were going to drag us along for as long as you could and then drop us at the last minute to go live in some castle in a country you didn't even know the name of a month ago?"
"Luke," Julie whispers, grabbing at his chest to pull him back.
"Thought maybe you'd get one last hurrah, but oh, no, don't even bother to mention it to us," he spits, spinning in his seat fluidly, standing up, and storming out of the cafeteria. Julie sends Alex and apologetic look and then chases after Luke. Flynn sighs and gets up from the table, chasing after her best friend.
Reggie is staring, wide eyed, shell shocked. "Uh… what?"
"I… don't know," he says even though he has a guess. But he's not sure how Luke would know or how his phone would factor in. Alex reaches for the phone that Luke had left abandoned and freezes. One of his instagram pictures is on the screen, but it's not on instagram, it's on a news site. Beneath it, there are several blocks of text.
Prince Alexander of Beasiga, 16, is a student at performing arts high school Los Feliz High School in the Los Feliz District of Los Angeles, California. The prince is in a popular pop-rock bank with three other members (Julie Molina, Luke Patterson, Reggie Peters). The band is called Julie and the Phantoms and they were last seen playing at the popular nightclub Camelot, November 13 th  where sources confirmed his identity. The prince is the band's drummer and a back up vocalist.
Alexander has been on the honor roll at his high school multiple times throughout his schooling career and is in the highly renowned music program at Los Feliz High School. He is close with a small group of friends who mostly keep to themselves. According to all sources the prince is currently unattached romantically and has never been linked to anyone, not even close friend Julie Molina.
Sources say that Prince Alexander will be presented at Beasiga's annual Independence Day Ball on December 21 st , accepting his role as future ruler of the small but mighty country.
Alex drops the phone to the table after that, completely uninterested in anything else that it has to say. He doesn't need to read a news article to know about his life. He is living it. Except he certainly isn't planning on accepting his role as future ruler of Beasiga on December 21st.
On either side of him, Willie and Reggie lean in to look at the phone. Willie's hand immediately comes up to his shoulder and squeezes while on his other side, Reggie snorts.
"Dude, what?" he laughs. "Is this news article calling you a prince?"
Alex looks at Reggie. He feels his knee start bouncing under the table, and Willie must too, because his hand goes from Alex's shoulder to Alex's knee. "Uh… yeah. It is." he says. He takes in a deep breath when Reggie laughs harder and lets it out. "Reg. It's right. I—I am."
"Oh, sure," Reggie laughs, elbowing Alex in the side. When he looks over to Alex and sees his face though, Reggie pauses. Slowly, the longer he looks at Alex, the more the smile on his face fades. After a minute it's nearly gone. "Dude, seriously?"
Alex swallows. "Yeah, Reg." He reaches for the phone and holds it up shaking his head. "But—but this isn't—I didn't—I've made no decision. Well, yeah, I have—I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna be a prince. Two weeks ago I almost passed out during my public speaking midterm. Do you really think I'm planning to throw away the band to be a public figure for the rest of my life? Do you think that'd go well for any of us?"
"Of course not," Reggie says, seemingly offended that Alex thinks Reggie could share Luke's thoughts. "You love our band. I know that. Besides, even if you were going to move and become prince, we'd find a way to make it work."
Alex stares at Reggie for a long moment, and then feels a small smile form. "Thanks, Reg."
Reggie shakes his head. "That's not something you thank me for, man. That's just how we work. We're a band. That doesn't stop just because you're royalty now."
"You're taking this surprisingly well," Willie says from Alex's other side. "I knew Luke was gonna freak—didn't realize how much—, I said Julie's gonna try and find a way to fix it in her own way—probably offer to talk with his grandma—, and I guessed Flynn was gonna reference Prince Charming, William, and Harry all within twenty-four hours of finding out, so there's still... twenty four hours left for that. But I really wasn't sure for you. And yet I'm still surprised. Huh."
"I don't really know how you're supposed to react when you find out your best friend is a prince, to be fair," Reggie points out. Alex and Willie both laugh. Reggie narrows his eyes. "Wait. You knew?"
Willie grins. "Oh, yeah. From day one."
"We've been best friends since kindergarten, Alexander!" Reggie gasps, dramatic and exaggerated, in a way that lets Alex know he's not really upset.
"Yeah, well," Willie leans into Alex's space and rests his chin on Alex's shoulder. "What we have is stronger."
Alex feels his heart pick up into overdrive and his face heat up, all while Reggie raises his hands in surrender. "Whoa, okay, I know where I'm not wanted."
"Who said we didn't want you?" Willie asks in a deep voice.
"Okay!" Alex yelps, shifting so Willie's chin falls off of Alex's shoulder. Willie starts giggling, and Reggie falls into laughter, and Alex just feels like he's about to combust. He stares at the table while the two of them get this out of their systems, which leads to staring at Luke's phone, which leads to thinking about the article, which leads to—"Oh, my god."
"What?" Willie and Reggie ask at the same time, both still laughing.
"The news published a story about me."
"Uh, yeah, we were just reading it," Reggie laughs a little more, but Alex notices Willie go silent next to him.
"Yeah, I know, Reg," Alex says. "But—this is supposed to be a secret, at least from the public. I admit I didn't tell you guys for reasons that don't matter anymore, but—they're not supposed to know I exist yet."
"Oh," Reggie says, slipping from laughter to serious just like that. A lot can be said about Reggie not taking life in general seriously, but a lot can also be said when it comes to him taking the lives of his friend's seriously. "That's not good."
"No, it's not."
"When was it published?" Willie asks.
Alex picks up Luke's phone and unlocks it—eleven years of being his best friend having earned Alex that privilege—and looks at the publication time. "An hour and a half ago. Why?"
"Hey, Alex?"
Alex turns in his seat to find Flynn standing behind him. "Yeah?"
"Principal Lessa wants you in her office."
"What?" he frowns. "Why?"
"Your… grandma? is coming. There's a lot of news stations outside the school waiting to talk to you," Flynn explains.
Willie sighs. "That's why."
"Fuck," Alex says. He twists in his seat to get up, but Willie's hand on his arm stops him. He looks at Willie.
"Hey. See if you can get out of lessons today. I think you deserve it. If you can, text me and I'll wait for you after school, we'll go do something that will get your mind off this shit, okay?"
Alex feels so overwhelmed with relief and love and joy—with Reggie's reaction, with Willie's care, with their friendship. He nods at Willie, and then stands up and collects his things. He leaves Flynn with Reggie and Willie and makes his way to Principal Lessa's office, which is on the other side of the building. To get there, he has to pass through the front wing, and through the front doors he can see multiple news vans parked in the normal student pick up lane. He groans to himself and carries on faster to the front office.
His grandmother and John make it to Principal Lessa's office within five minutes of him, and they quickly get down to business. They discovered that it was a leak from one of the college interns at the consulate—that she was at the Julie and the Phantoms show at Camelot and was talking about Prince Alex once she recognized him on stage. Unfortunately, one of those people she had spoken to had been a journalism student with a job at a local paper that had looked into the story, which—likely to the student's surprise—had actually checked out.
Through all of this Alex is surprised that he keeps his fragile composure, even though he can feel his heart pounding in his chest. It's just… the news breaking means eyes on him. And, well. He has to admit now that Julie was right, at least partially. He might still suck at giving speeches (but also probably not because he got an A on his speech when it was one on one with only him and Mr. Kullins) but really, the truth is he can't have people looking at him because he's scared of what they'll see. He's scared he'll let them down. He's scared they'll notice everything wrong with him. Fuck, he's scared they'll be able to know what he's thinking, just by looking at him. Half the time, he wishes he didn't have to listen to his own thoughts, so even just the thought of other people knowing what he's thinking…
So, yeah. No surprise, Julie was right. She usually is, even if Alex likes to pretend that she's not at first. She knows it too, so at least he doesn't have to admit it to her.
It's been just about an hour since they all gathered when the bell rings to signal the end of what would have been Alex's public speaking class. His grandmother looks at Alex and clasps her hands together. "Well. Shall we see if police have escorted them away and get you out of here? We can get an early start on the 1800s history."
"I was actually gonna talk to you about that," Alex murmurs. "Uh—my friend wants to know—you know with. With my anxiety this has been a lot. So he suggested maybe skipping lessons today?"
Her face softens. "Oh, why Alexander, of course. I don't know why I didn't think of that. I'll call your driver and have him take you straight home."
"Oh," Alex frowns, "well, he actually—we actually thought we might. Just hang out a bit? Get my mind off of today? So he was going to drive me."
There's a long pause. "All right," she says. "As long as you don't go out anywhere too public, at least today, not without any security. Please, Alexander, for my peace of mind?"
"Oh, no, totally," he agrees. "We're probably just going to get tea and maybe get food. Sit in his car and talk about how this sucks."
His grandmother simultaneously pulls a face and laughs, and that's how he knows that he's growing on her, improper language and all. "All right then. I hope your afternoon with your friend helps," she says sincerely. She stands and turns to Principal Lessa. "Thank you greatly for allowing us to visit your school and use your office today."
Principal Lessa shakes her head. "It is not a problem. I am just sorry this happened. Please know that we will do everything we can to ensure that he is as safe as can be."
His grandmother smiles at her and then walks out of the office, followed closely by John. Alex is left sitting alone with his principal which—awkward. She gives him the choice of going back to class or hanging out in the front office for the last period of the day. Since his last class of the day is biology—which first, he enjoys and second, means he could potentially be missing something important—he opts to go back to class, but not before sending off a quick text to Willie, promising to meet him at the end of K wing after class.
Biology goes by quick and it's clear that no one in his class has seen the news yet, because not a single eye turns to him the entire class, aside from his late entrance. He can't say the same for the rest of the school, as he can feel a few eyes on him as he makes his way through the halls after class has ended. It's not the majority, not even close, but it's enough to be noticeable, enough to make Alex's skin crawl, heat creep up his throat, and spots dance in his vision. He tries his best to ignore them, but it's hard, especially when he hears his name a few times.
K wing is a reprieve. It's the least crowded wing in the entire school, and even though it leads to the student parking lot, since people who drive themselves don't have to rush, the flow of students leaving is slow and not all at once. Alex is grateful for the lack of stares, and pulls out his phone as he waits for Willie. Swiping through his phone, the typical list of suggested articles pop up and he freezes when he sees when he's not in not only one but three of them. So, people in his biology class may not have known today, but they definitely will tomorrow, along with everyone else in all of his other classes, and everyone else that he passes in the halls. Alex felt sick dealing with the few stares he got today, how in the hell is he going to manage the entire school looking at him tomorrow?
Or, maybe he's just being really self-absorbed. Maybe they won't care. They might see it, read it, think 'oh, ha, what a nerd,' and write it off. They'll pass him and won't look at him because why would they care that he's a prince? It's not like they live in Beasiga. It's not like him being Prince of Beasiga impacts them in any way. So, yeah. Self-absorbed.
"Hey, hot dog."
Alex clicks his phone off and pushes it in his pocket, pushes his thoughts away. "Willie. Hey."
"You ready to go?"
"Yeah, I'm ready."
Alex figures that this is going to be like their Fridays, where Willie picks him up and sort of just—wings it as he goes, but as soon as he gets in the car he has a purpose. He drives them to Alex's favorite tea shop and, before Alex can even begin speaking to the cashier, asks for the order to go. When their tea is ready they start driving again, a fifteen-minute drive until they're at one of the hiking trails just outside of Los Feliz. Alex supposes it's just to give them something to do, or to keep them away from other people, he's not sure why Willie chose this, but he doesn't think Willie factored in the tea to the hike. The tea is hot in his hands while they walk so he has to keep passing it back and forth between them.
"See, with invisibility you could skate wherever you wanted within reasonable distance, but with teleportation you could skate in a lot more places legally by just popping away," Willie explains, answering Alex's question about his reasoning for his choice of super powers. "So like, it'd have to be one of those two for me, I'm just… I don't know which one."
"I feel like you'd get more added benefits beyond the skating perks with teleportation," Alex says. "Go on vacation whenever, break in places, no rush hour traf—"
"I'm sold. No rush hour? Down."
Alex watches Willie make an exaggerated motion with his hands and then kicks at the trail dirt. He smiles and turns away.
"What about you then?" Willie asks. "What's your super power?"
"I don't know," Alex admits. "Is there a super power where you just… don't get anxious?" Next to him, Willie laughs. "No, I… I'm not sure. Indestructibility might be nice. I… I, like, wanna die of old age. Not in a car crash or some freak accident."
"Nice. Fits with your brand."
"What brand?"
They keep talking—they talk most of the time, about weird encounters they've had in Downtown LA, about whether or not ghosts are real, but never about the news article—sorry, articles. And when it's silent it's nice, too. And then sometime later—he's not sure how much later because he hasn't looked at his phone once, but their teas are gone and thrown away in trailside garbage cans—they make it to a peak. They take a seat in the dirt right off the trail and in the distance he can see Downtown LA. Alex's legs are stretched out in front of him and he leans back on his hands, and Willie sits next to him, cross-legged. They're close enough that Willie's knee is pressing into Alex's thigh and Alex is trying not to think about that, because he still can't make sense of what has changed the past couple of weeks, of how it's changed and why it's changed—of the touches of the hand holding of the dates of the—this was actually my parents first date, too—of the too.
"So what'd your grandma and, uh, her people say about all of this today?" Willie asks after a few minutes, finally broaching the subject.
Alex shrugs. "They weren't happy, obviously. It was, uh. An intern from the consulate who did it. I feel bad, but it's just… I mean… it was just… everyone knew that the press wasn't meant to know, right? They had a briefing over that. And I don't know if she wasn't there for it or wasn't paying attention or if she just didn't care… But, yeah, a journalism student got her first published article in LA Times because of it, at least." Willie's eyebrows shoot up, mirroring Alex's exact initial reaction. "But, um. Grandma's really mainly concerned about my safety, you know? Lessa had to go over our school's security with her a few times for her to feel secure, and John asked to have someone from his security team in the front office for anyone who visits throughout the day so they can vet them, which Lessa agreed to, but… I don't know. It feels over the top, but… you didn't get to see it, but there were so many news vans outside the school today, man. It was wild. So maybe it's not over the top. It's—just. Man, this is just like the prince thing all over again. It feels like a joke, or like a dream, you know?"
"Yeah," Willie says, nudging Alex's shoulder with his. "How's your anxiety dealing with it?"
"Honestly? Not that great," he admits. "Julie made me realize that it's not so much public speaking I'm bad at as it is people… noticing me. And now? So many people are going to notice me and I don't know how to handle that. I've always been anxious, and then I became a prince. Which did not calm me down. Now, to add to that, the world now knows I'm a prince. What do you think that's going to do for my anxiety?"
"Huh," Willie huffs. He looks over at Alex, tongue poking in his lower lip. His eyes drift from Alex out to looking at downtown LA, and then his entire demeanor changes. "I bet I know something that will help," he says, and in one quick motion hops to his feet. Alex watches him from where he's still sat in the dirt. Willie stares down at him with a maniacal grin on his face. "Yelling. on. a mountain." And then he throws his head back and screams.
Alex drops his jaw, whipping his head around. "Willie!" he gasps, reaching over and grabbing at the other boy's leg. "Willie—shh!" Willie stops, laughing, and looks back down at Alex. Alex stares up at him. "We're okay! Everything's okay!" Alex calls out as loud as he can.
"C'mon, man!" Willie encourages. "Ah!" he screams, much shorter than his first go. He nudges Alex with his foot.
Alex huffs. "Ahhhh," he breathes, sounding more like he's sinking into a hot bath than he is dropping off the top of a roller coaster.
Willie laughs, loud and open, and reaches down to grab the front of Alex's hoodie. "No, dude. You're doing this. Come on. Stand up. Spread your feet, brace yourself, take a deep breath. Ready?" Alex does everything Willie says and then bites his lip, hard. He can already feel the scream welling up inside him, ready to burst out. So when Willie screams at him, Alex screams back, and feels a pressure release somewhere deep inside him. When he cuts off, he already wants to do it again, so he does, and for much longer this time—this time, he screams until his lungs are screaming in their own way for air, and Willie screams right along with him. Tension that Alex didn't even know he had snaps and he feels like some lock inside of him has been broken. He's breathing hard and feels himself beaming at Willie, who has grabbed on to him at some point and is still holding him in his grip. Alex, in his current state of mind, really doesn't want Willie to let him go. And yet, Willie flashes his eyebrows and takes a step back, dropping Alex's shoulders in the process.
"Feels good, right?"
Alex grins. "Yeah. It does." And then. "Oh, my god." He looks around them again and yells, "we're okay! Everyone's fine!" In a normal voice he says, "there's going to be a news article later tonight about the search for two hikers who were screaming for help, isn't there? Because that's how my life is going."
Willie tosses his head back and laughs, and falls back to the ground. Alex joins him a second later, hesitating only because he's not sure if he should sit as close as they were initially sitting or not. He settles on a middle ground—sitting close enough that Willie could brush against him, but that he wasn't pressed against him. When he's settled back into the dirt, Willie starts the conversation back up. "I am excited to see what rumors might pop up about you though," he says with a waggle of his eyebrows.
Alex has a sudden thought. "What if they find out I'm gay?" Oh, god.
Willie frowns. "I thought you were only out to us?"
"I mean, technically, but there have been rumors at our school for—for how long now?" Years. There have been rumors for years. And all it took was one person like that intern talking to the wrong person and passing that rumor along and then Alex will have to—have to ask Flynn to pretend to date him or something and—no, god, no he can't do that, to himself or to her. "And like you just said, rumors are all the news need—and I don't—I don't want to have to deal with a fake girlfriend to get those rumors to go away, or, or—"
"Alex," Willie coos, gripping Alex's bicep tightly in his hand. "Alex, calm down. It'll all be okay. You won't have to. Okay?"
"But my parents," he says, realizing. Oh, god. It's not just the public he has to worry about. "My grandma—they don't, she doesn't—she doesn't know."
"That's okay," Willie says.
"She should know though. I'm just—I'm not… brave enough…" …but he can be.
He just screamed at the top of a mountain for the hell of it. It's not a very tall mountain, it's really much more of a hill, but that takes away from his point.
"Alex, what, of course you—"
"Willie?" Oh god. Whatever that lock that broke inside of him was, it was really, truly broke. And there was no going back.
He closes his eyes. Okay. He's doing this. This is a thing he's going to do. He's going to be brave. He's going to do this, and then he'll be brave enough to tell his grandmother, right? If he can do this he can do anything. He's going to do it. He is. Just in—3, 2, "I like you," he blurts out, and… it's out there. He did it. Some pressure in his shoulders releases but—but that's not all he has to say. "And like, before you say something dumb like 'I like you too, dude.' I just. I mean in the way that's probably closer to the way that means 'I'm in love with you' than anything else. So like. Maybe not I like you. Maybe I love you. I don't know. I'm not sure how that's supposed to feel but I've felt it for a long time, specifically towards you, and it's never gone away, and it's only gotten stronger, so maybe that's love, but maybe I just have a really big crush on you? I don't—"
He's cut off by—
He's cut off by Willie kissing him.
Without hesitation, he kisses back, hands automatically reaching up to hold Willie's face, his thumbs tracing over Willie's cheekbones as their lips move against each other. Willie's knee presses way too hard into Alex's thigh, probably hard enough to leave a bruise, and Alex can feel Willie jostling back and forth, can feel his hand sliding along the dirt as he shifts his hand to change his position. It's a little awkward, but it's—
It's good.
Willie pulls back far too soon, but Alex can feel the grin spreading on Willie's lips against his, before they even part. Willie doesn't lean all the way back. He pushes their foreheads together and bumps their noses together. "Maybe I just have a really big crush on you, too," he says.
Willie laughs, and sits back then. "Alex?"
"You know that means I love you too, right?"
"Oh. No."
"I love you too."
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"I torture you."
Kai Parker x OC!Mack Grace
Series synopsis: "We're both cursed, in a way."
We all know the story of Kai Parker, but he once lived in a very different life. Do you ever wonder what that life looked like?
Chapter summary: Ben doesn’t know what ‘no’ means, Mack meets Joshua
Warnings: smut ahead, IMPLIED SEXUAL VIOLENCE - if this makes you uncomfortable, don’t read. Your media consumption is your own.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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As they reached the top of the stairs Ben tugged Mack into the nearest room and spun her around, pinning the girl to the door. His lips crashed to hers in a lustful kiss that scared Mack. His hand braces against the Wood next to her head whilst his other one rested on her hip with a vice grip - strong enough to leave bruises. She gasped as his lips connected with her neck, leaving wet, open-mouthed kisses over the soft skin. As he brought his mouth back to hers tried to pull away.
"Ben, stop." But he didn't, his hands now groping and touching her. "Ben! I said stop!" She cried.
"You always play hard to get, but I know you want it," he mumbled against her skin, kid lips tracing over her jaw, "because deep down, you're just a little slut." He growled, reaching under her skirt and tugging her panties down.
"Help! Someone, please hel-" she tried shouting, but his hand clamped over her mouth.
"Shhhh, we don't want to get caught, baby." His breath in her ear sent chills down Mack's spine and she shuddered, bracing her hands on his shoulders to try and push him off but before she got the chance he collected her wrists in his hand and pinned them over her head. His knee between her legs kept them parted and his other hand worked on his belt buckle, then his jean's zipper. When his trousers were half-way down his thighs he hiked her leg up to his waist.
Kai's eyes stayed trained into the door for a moment, the terror-filled look in Mack's eyes when they met his engrained in his mind. After a moment of contemplating he decided to follow them, slipping out the room almost unnoticed. But he wasn't. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, a hand curled around his bicep and pulled him to face her.
"Hey handsome. Going somewhere?" Her soft voice drawled. She slid her hand up his chest and fiddled with the buttons of his pull-over before his hands came up to grip her wrists and pull them off him.
"Yes, actually. So if you wouldn't mind." Kai said with irritation, letting go of her and turning to walk up the stairs. But she grapes his wrist and spun him back around. She slinked closer and wrapped her arms loosely around his neck, playing with the collar of his shirt.
"You seem agitated, maybe you could use some," she paused and leant into him, her breath fanning over his neck as she whispered in his ear, "company." Her voice was seductive but Kai sighed and pushed her off him, making the girl stumble back a few steps.
"I'm fine. Go find some other guy to fuck." Kai spat before charging up the stairs. He instantly paused as he reached the top, the sound of a girls muffled screams filling his ears. Before he could do anything they stopped. He looked around confused, before the door opposite swung open and Ben sauntered out, a smug smirk on his face.
He noticed Kai and his smirk grew, giving the witch a clap on the shoulder with his hand before making his way down the stairs. Kai eyes the room suspiciously and slowly pushed the door open. His attention was immediately caught by a girl curled into a ball on the floor, her head resting in her hands.
"H-hello?" He asked tentatively, not wanting to spook her. The girl look up with a tear-stained face and puffy, red eyes. The emptiness in them was unmistakable. "Kenz?" Kai all but whispered. As they held eye contact she broke into tears again, burying her face back into her hands. He cautiously moved to sit next to her, bringing his knees up to his chest and mimicking her position. "A-are you okay?"
Mack look over at him with a red face and a broken expression. That was enough of an answer for him.
"Kai." His head snapped in her direction.
"Why is my life so shitty?" Her voice cracked as she spoke.
"W-What do you mean?" His eyebrows pulled together. Bad life? Kai had no idea.
"My family is in dept - crippling dept - my mom is dead, I probably won't get to go to college, my boyfriend is a dick who just fucking raped me and I'm a, a-" she was interrupted by more sobs wracking her small frame. His eyes widened and Kai's features formed an expression of shock before it morphed into one of rage.
"He what?!" Kai growled, balling his hands into fists. He went to stand by Mack's small hand around his arm stopped him, making his face sink back into one of pity and concern. "Why?" Kai's voice cracked this time too. Mack only shook her head, still confused herself. As Kai sunk back into his position next to her, Mack rested her head on his shoulder, testing the waters. When he didn't move or try to push her away, she relaxed into him and his arm found its way around her shoulder - holding Mack in a warm embrace while she cried against his shoulder.
After what felt like hours - but was probably mere minutes - Kai spike up again.
"Before, when you were upset, you said you were 'a' and then cut off. What did you mean?" He asked carefully, not wanting to set her off again. Mack pulled back enough to look him in the eyes, her own ones soft and doe-like.
"I didn't say that." Her voice was calm. A scowl overcame Kai.
"Yes you did. You know you can tell me, right? I promise I won't tell anyone." He spoke frankly, rubbing her arm reassuringly.
"Promises are a way of giving false hope to someone in order to get what you want. No one ever keeps a promise because they never intend to in the first place." Mack shot back bitterly, surprising Kai with her anger in the sudden outburst.
"Okay then, I give you my word. I will or tell a soul as long as I live." He said, pretending to zip his mouth shut and throw away the imaginary key. Mack's eyes crinkled up as she giggled, Kai letting out a soft chuckle.
"I'm, I'm a - um..." she took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. Kai gave her a nod of encouragement and a small smile. Mack closed her eyes for a moment before reopening them, but the sight of his face made it feel impossible to even comprehend what to say.
Without warning Mack stood up, pulling out of the embrace and storming out the room, the door slamming behind her.
It was Monday, Mack and Jo were sat at their usual spot on the bleachers, chatting about everything - the fit guy in Jo's art class, Mack's sister being a bitch, how Jo's trip went. Then the party came up.
"So Kai mentioned that he had some people over last weekend- and that you came." Jo took a bite of her sandwich, looking at Mack with a knowing look. God, Kai, Mack thought. She had barely seen him all week. She had skipped first period last Monday, gone to the nurse the next day and after that she just ignored him - tuning him out like she did everyone else. She didn't go near him at lunch and made sure not to go anywhere he could be. Though by Friday it proved a challenge, as Ben had been all over her again and tried to convince Mack to hang out with them again. She'd also been avoiding Ben, barely able to look the bastard in the eye after what he did. He rolled her eyes internally before responding to Jo.
"It's not like that. Ben dragged me along. And anyway, wouldn't you find it odd if I was hooking up with your twin?" Mack waved off. Jo giggled and swallowed the bite she just took.
"Well, yeah. But I'd still want you to tell me if anything was happening. And besides, it's him I'd be mad at, not you silly." Jo laughed, screwing up the foil her sandwich hand been in and throwing it towards a bin nearby. When it missed she scold and stood up, slowly walking over to put the crumpled foil in the bin.
While she was away Mack didn't even notice Ben sliding onto the seat next to her until he planted a kiss to her cheek. Mack instantly cringed away, stiffening at the touch.
"Hey babe, haven't seen you all week. Where you been?" He asked as if nothing was wrong, flinging an arm over Mack's shoulder. She rolled her eyes before looking at him.
"I've just been busy, helping dad at home and doing homework I guess." She dismisses. Ben's face grew irritated.
"But spending time with you're boyfriend is also important. Far more so than helping your pathetic dad who need to just pull it together." He scoffed, making Mack grow angry.
"Don't. Talk. About. My. Dad. Like. That." She said through gritted teeth.
"Don't talk to me like that." Ben shot back, giving her a warning glance. At this she piped down and instead focused her attention to her lap, where she played with the hem of her jumper. Jo waved at Ben as she walked back over, who waved back and greeted her.
"Well as lovely as this has been, I better get back before the guys think you two kidnapped me. Bye babe, bye Jo." Ben said, placing a chaste kiss on Mack's lips before heading back off to where the crowd of popular guys were crowded. Jo stared off after him.
"You're so lucky." She sighed.
"I am?" Mack retorted. Jo looked at Mack as if she'd just claimed to see a flying pig, clear and utter confusion in her gaze.
"What do you mean 'am I?' If course you are! You get a guy like that and I'm stuck here with no one, all alone while you get sweet kisses and visits from your super hot boyfriend." Jo ranted, a teasing smile tugging at her lips. If only you knew, Mack thought.
"It's not all that, y'know. You can't be caught gawking at cute guys in public." Mack brushed off, trying so hard not to say exactly what she wanted. 'He's a fucking rapist who doesn't give a shit about me' Mack wanted to shout, 'he only cares about his fucking reputation and whether his dick is the biggest out of all his friends' she wishes she could scream. But she couldn't.
"Hey, do you want to come round mine after school? I thought we could study for that maths test we have Thursday." Jo suggested, sipping from her coke bottle. Mack smiled warmly.
"That'd be great. I'm awful at maths, maybe you could help a little?"
"Oh, I'm shit too, but don't worry. Kai's great at maths - I'm sure he'd help if you needed it." That's when Mack remembered that going to Jo's would mean facing Kai, but she couldn't say no now. It would be rude and unfriendly. Ugh, having a friend was much harder than Mack remembered.
The ride from school back to Jo's was awkward and full of an uncomfortable silence, the tension from whatever it was that happened between Kai and Mack still fresh in both their minds. As they pulled into the drive Mack quietly thanked Kai for driving before both girls hoped out, the mood instantly changing as the walked through the door. The two girls sat down in the kitchen, pulling out textbooks and flash cards.
An hour later and Mack sighed frustratedly, slamming her book shut and leaning back in her chair. Kai stifled a laugh from where he sat at the breakfast bar, silently reading a comic book.
"Need some help, babe?" He taunted, instantly reviving a glare that shot daggers from Mack.
"Kai, don't ever call my friends 'babe'" Jo complained. Kai stuck his tongue out at her before hopping off his stood and seating himself beside Mack.
"You know, if you let me help you, you might actually pass the test." Kai spoke as if Mack was a small child, slowly saying each word so she would understand. Mack hit him in the arm playfully and Kai leaned back, holding his hands up in surrender. Mack rolled her eyes and Kai shot her a quick wink, before motioning to the textbook. Mack kept looking at him for a moment longer before caving, opening to the right page.
"Oooh, quadratics. A hard one, I'll give you that." He commented when he saw the page, giving Mack a mock-sympathetic look. She scoffed.
"I just don't get it." Mack lamented, holding her head in her hands.
"What's the part you don't get, babe?" Kai asked leaning over the book. Both Mack and Jo shot him a death glare and he chuckled, muttering an 'okay, okay. I'll stop.' Before going back to helping her. "Ahhh, so it's the factorising you don't get. Well don't worry, I'm brilliant at fitting numbers into things." He said with a suggestive wink, making Mack's eyes roll. Kai chuckled.
"Hey dad!" Jo called as someone walked through the door, the sound of it closing behind him echoing.
"Hey, honey." He greeted as he walked into the kitchen. "Who's this friend of yours?" He asked, eyeing Mack and Kai sat next to each other.
"Oh this is Mack, the one I said about from school." Jo said brightly. Kai looked up at their dad and gave him a tight, mocking smile.
"Hello, Mack. I'm Joshua. It's nice to finally...meet you." Joshua said slowly, extending his hand towards the girl. Mack took it cautiously and shook. They released each other's hands and Kai looked at his dad.
"Hey dad, nice to be acknowledged." He deadpanned with a fake smile. Joshua rolled his eyes at the boy.
"Go to your room, Malachai. You know you're not meant to interact with the guests." Joshua demanded flatly. Kai reluctantly got up and walked out the room, pausing at the door and turning to face the girls.
"Good to see you, Kenz. Hope you pass that test." He sent her a wink and left, leaving Mack sat to figure out everything on her own again.
She shut her book and put it in her bag, standing up and looking to Jo.
"I should get going, I'll see you tomorrow." She turned to Joshua. "Thank you for having me, it was nice to meet you Mr. Parker." Mack thanked. Joshua waved her off.
"Good to meet you too, but please, call me  Joshua." Mack nodded and walked out, calling 'bye!' Before walking out the large, wooden door.
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autumnsart22 · 4 years
Oikawa x Reader ch. 4
I had no idea what to do. 
It had been three weeks since I joined Aoba Johsai, and things were starting to fall into a rhythm. I went to class, and although the school was larger than I was used to, I easily stayed on top of all the work despite getting extra to catch up. I visited Karasuno as often as I could, almost twice a week to see the whole team. Also, Kiyoko’s house was closer to Aoba Johsai than my own, so I used the excuse to sleep over there almost every night. 
But despite that, I was bored and lonely. Studying wasn’t enough to keep me occupied, and now that I wasn’t the manager of Karasuno, I had large amounts of extra time with nothing to fill it. 
Such was the case on the Saturday morning after the second week at Aoba Johsai. Kiyoko was at a practice game against one of the other schools in the Miyagi prefecture, and I had already finished most of my homework. I had decided to pull out some of my old sketchbooks from under my bed, which had grown dusty from me not using them, deciding to try and pick back up my old hobby.
I’d stopped all kinds of art a few years ago, after my parents had a sit down talk with me about success. Before that, I had imagined that maybe I could make a bit of money by designing logos or web pages for businesses and companies, but my parents made it clear that would never be an option. 
But I was bored now, so the sketchbooks were laid out on the table and the pencils were sharpened. Unfortunately, I was a perfectionist who was out of practice and without any inspiration. I ended up breaking two of my nice pencils out of frustration, and decided to go on a run to cool my head. 
It was pretty early in the morning, only 8:30, and mist lay heavy in the air. It was good weather for running, cold enough that I wasn’t overheating as I jogged. 
I definitely wasn’t the most athletic person, although I wasn’t out of shape either. My body was curvy, not particularly muscly in any way, but I wasn’t fat. I had major body insecurities like every other girl in existence, but I had been working on it to try and like myself better recently. 
Either way, I was out of breath after only a few minutes of running, but I kept a steady pace, and focused on the rhythm of the music pounding through my headphones instead of the pain in my side. 
After jogging for almost twenty minutes through town, I finally allowed myself to slow to a walk as I approached a street. The road was busy, so I hit the button for the crosswalk and gave myself a minute of recovery. 
I almost jumped out of my skin as a voice spoke from behind me out of the blue. 
“Hey there, are you the new student at Aoba Johsai?” 
I turned and felt my heart practically stop. The boy that stood a foot away was tall with messy brown hair falling around his head, his figure lean with muscle but not very bulky. He was one of the prettiest people I had ever seen. I guessed that he had been on a run too, but unlike me, he didn’t look the slightest bit out of breath. 
“Oh um,” I realized I had forgotten to respond. “Yes I am. Do I know you?”
“Nope. Not yet,” He smirked, and I fought a blush. What was with this guy? 
“Uh, ok. Well I have to go…” Thankfully, the light turned, and I awkwardly turned away. He didn’t say anything, but I could feel him watching me as I jogged across the street and headed back home. 
That night, I sat on Kiyoko’s bed, legs across her lap. Apparently Karasuno had lost the practice match, but only by two points. The team was improving all the time, with every practice and every game. 
According to Kiyoko, the boys had been upset that I wasn’t allowed to come to the practice game, which made me feel a bit happy. It was nice to be missed. 
“What did you do today?” Kiyoko asked, glasses flashing as she leaned over to plug her phone into a charger. 
“Literally nothing. Went for a run, attempted and failed at drawing, finished my homework.” I sighed. I didn’t mention the boy I had run into while I was out, but I had been thinking about the awkward encounter the whole day, each time making me more and more embarrassed. I had definitely been rude. I hadn’t even asked for his name! 
He hadn’t asked for mine either, I reminded myself, but at least he had talked like a normal person. I had just stuttered, which I always did when I got uncomfortable. Ah well. 
“Y/n-san, you should become Seijoh’s manager.” 
At first I wasn’t sure I heard her right. “Huh?” Kiyoko sighed, pushing up her glasses. “You love volleyball just as much as me, and clearly you’re going out of your mind with boredom. I think it would be good for you.” 
“But-but Aoba Johsai is in direct competition to Karasuno! They’re our enemy!” 
Kiyoko rolled her eyes. “Y/n, honestly. That’s not an excuse for you not to join. Yeah, you’ll probably have to play against us, but it's not like you’ll become our enemy.” 
I sighed, shoulders slumping. “Maybe I’ll just go to a practice and see what the team is like, and decide from there.”
My friend shrugged and nodded. “That sounds good. You have to tell me how it goes.” 
On Monday, I went to the front office to ask about Seijoh’s volleyball club. Apparently they met after school for two hours every weekday except for Monday, as well as every other Saturday. It was a lot, but Karasuno did even more, so I knew I would be able to handle it. 
I had to ask a few people for directions about how to get to the gym, but I managed to get there before practice had officially started. I could hear shoes squeaking on the floor when I arrived, which made me pause. I hated being the only new person, especially when entering such a tight knit group like a volleyball team. My social anxiety always made things awkward. 
I took a deep breath, reminding myself that the boys would most likely be too busy to notice me, and I just had to go talk to the coach. 
I shoved open the doors, sliding into the gym and quickly surveying the space. It was way bigger than Karasuno’s gym, the equipment clearly better quality due to their higher budget. 
I expected a few of the team members to be there early, maybe doing simple spikes against the wall to warm up. Unfortunately for me, the entire team was already dressed and gathered around the coach. As the gym doors slammed closed behind me, they all looked over as I walked in. 
I felt all the blood rush to my face, and I awkwardly crossed my arms and stood off to the side as the coach finished talking. I noticed a few of the boys muttering to each other and gesturing at me, which only made my stomach twist. Thankfully, the coach sent them on lunging laps pretty quickly, which kept them from hanging around. 
“Oikawa, not you!” The coach yelled, gesturing at one of the boys. “Your knee isn’t fully healed yet and I don’t want you to reinjure it.” 
Oikawa, the team captain and setter, I remembered. The arrogant one that Kageyama didn’t like. My mouth fell open when he turned around. 
It was the same guy from my run, who had asked me if I was the new student. I felt my entire body tense, and I quickly looked away from him. Damn, this had been a bad idea. 
“Aw coach, come on! At least let me do something,” Oikawa said, practically pouting. 
“You can do some stretches over there,” the coach said with an annoyed look.
The setter grinned, and then he looked at me. His eyebrows went up in surprise as he recognized me, and I smiled awkwardly before quickly turning towards the coach. No need to interact more than necessary. 
“Hi, can I help you?” The coach was looking at me imploringly, and I quickly bowed. 
“Yes, my name is Y/n L/n, and I was looking to see if you had any need of a new team manager. I have some experience from my last school, and I would love to get involved here.” 
The coach looked surprised, but then he smiled. “You have the most perfect timing. Our official team manager just quit, so we were looking for someone to take over. You would need to fill out some paperwork and figure out if you’re eligible, but if you want to stay for today and see how it fits, that would work out great.”
“Ok! Thank you so much.”
“Of course. I’m Coach Nobuteru, and over there is our team captain, Oikawa Toru. Oikawa!” 
I turned around, only to see the tall setter making his way over to us. He grinned down at me, eyes trailing over my body and back up. “Hi again, new girl.” “Oikawa,” the coach said. “This is Y/n L/n. She’s looking to become our new team manager.” Coach Nobuteru spoke for me, and I bowed quickly. 
“It’s nice to meet you officially, Y/n-kun.” Oikawa said, bowing back. He looked clearly surprised that I was looking into the manager position, which annoyed me a bit. I wondered what he thought of me. 
“Yes, it’s nice to meet you as well, Oikawa-san.” 
“Oikawa, why don’t you get back to work?” Coach Nobuteru said after a moment.
The team captain nodded, smirking at me one more time before heading back over to where his team were finishing their laps. 
I watched the practice on the sideline with Coach Nobuteru, assessing the players and trying to determine who needed to work on what. I asked the coach a lot of questions about names and strengths, and he looked at me with new respect as he seemed to realize that I actually did have experience with volleyball. 
It was obvious that Oikawa knew his team extremely well, and I couldn’t help but admire the way he encouraged them, capitalizing on their strengths. They worked like a well oiled machine, unlike anything Karasuno had ever managed to do, even though I didn’t want to admit it. 
The strength between Iwaizumi Hajime, the team’s ace, and Oikawa was almost unbelievable. They knew what the other was intending without effort, and they seemed to work in sync to slam one quick attack after the other over the net. The only relationship I had seen that could compare was that of Hinata and Kageyama. 
At the end of the practice, Coach Nobuteru directed me to the club office, where I could get the paperwork to officially become the team manager. As I left the gym, I felt the best I had for a long time. The energy from watching the team play volleyball made me feel light and happy, like I had a purpose again. It was definitely nerve racking to have to learn the names, strengths and weaknesses, preferences, and relationships of the entire team, but it was also exciting. I would do my best to be as good a manager of Seijoh as I was of Karasuno. 
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
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myforeverforlife · 4 years
the way to your heart.
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For another anon! Chanyeol and 62. "You're not as quiet as you think you are." + 103. "Sharing is caring." (I hope you like it! 💕)
Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Word Count: 3,374
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You watched with bated breath as your coworker, Minkyung, finished filling the newest batch of cream puffs. The bakery kitchen was warm from the ovens, but you didn't mind — not when fresh desserts were close by. 
"Oh my god, you're so good at this," you praised. Just as you tried to pick up one of the round puffs, Minkyung reached out to swat your hand away.
"Don't even think about it. You want one, you have to pay. Being part of the staff doesn't mean you get to eat everything." 
"Auntie won't mind," you wheedled. "And it's just one teeny, tiny cream puff." 
Minkyung sighed, eyes roaming over each bit of pastry as she tried to figure out which was the least fit to be sold. "Here," she finally said, picking up a slightly-lopsided puff and holding it out to you. 
You popped it into your mouth eagerly, humming blissfully as a burst of strawberry-flavored cream exploded in your mouth. "These are amazing!" 
"Good." Minkyung sent you an appreciative smile. "I'm going to finish decorating, then you can take these out to the front." 
At that moment, you heard the sound of the bakery door opening. The customer went the extra lengths to ring the bell on the counter, two sharp dings echoing in the air. 
Sneaking a quick look at the clock, you rolled your eyes with a smile. "Coming!"
You pushed the kitchen door open, wiping your hands on your apron. "You know, you don't have to ring the bell every time." 
The man at the counter grinned, leaning forward on his arms. "Sorry, was I too loud? I tried to do it gently, I swear."
"You're not as quiet as you think you are, Chanyeol. Sehun didn't come with you today?"
Chanyeol frowned at this. "Hey, what about me?"
"You always come here after your last class, Yeol. Plus, your mom owns the place, why wouldn't you come here? I rarely see Sehun, though." You copied Chanyeol, leaning on the counter as well. "How is he doing?"
"He's okay. How have your classes been?" he asked, eager to shift the conversation away from his best friend.
You shrugged. "The usual. I still hate the fact that I have to take Stats."
Chanyeol smiled sympathetically. "That sucks, sorry about that." He hadn't taken a math class since high school, which brought him no end of relief. As a student at K-ARTS, Chanyeol only had to worry about music. "What about your history class?" 
You perked up at this, a glimmer coming to your eyes. "Oh my god, it's amazing. We started learning about Japanese feudalism this week, and there's so much to cover." 
As you launched into what you had learned, Chanyeol couldn't help but chuckle at your enthusiasm. He wondered if this was what he looked like whenever he was talking about music, or writing and composing songs with Sehun. You and Chanyeol were in two completely different majors, and at different colleges, nonetheless. If it wasn't for this bakery, you probably would have never met. 
"Sorry," Chanyeol heard you say. "Am I boring you?" He glanced up to see you rubbing the back of your neck in embarrassment. 
"No!" he shouted, cringing when you flinched. "No," he tried again, at a normal volume this time. "Sorry, I think I'm just tired from classes." 
Thankfully, you bought the lie, eyes softening in sympathy. "Stop staying up late and gaming online. Sehun always tells me you guys play League for hours when you should be sleeping instead!" 
Sehun, again? Every time you mentioned his best friend, the envious green-eyed monster hiding deep inside Chanyeol tried to climb out. It was a juvenile emotion, yet like with every other emotion, Chanyeol felt it strongly. You didn't even think of Sehun in a romantic way, and Chanyeol knew that Sehun fet the same way. 
His mind knew better, but why wouldn't his heart listen? 
The front door opened, a familiar permed figure entering the bakery. "What are you doing here?" the woman asked, addressing Chanyeol as she kissed him on the cheek. 
"Hi, Mom. Just keeping Y/N company." 
"Hi, Auntie." You waved at Chanyeol's mother. "I didn't know you were coming in today?" 
"Yoonha called out sick, and I know that the neighborhood kids usually come here after school. I didn't want to leave you here by yourself," Chanyeol's mom said. She let herself in behind the register, searching for a clean apron. 
"You didn't have to," you said. "I can stay longer, if you need me to." 
She waved this off, tying the laces of her apron around her waist. "Don't trouble yourself. You're a college student, you need all the rest you can get. Dowon will be coming in half an hour earlier anyways, so we'll be okay." Chanyeol's mom left for the kitchen, the door swinging shut behind her.
"What time do you finish today?" Chanyeol asked.
You glanced down at your watch. "I'm off in an hour, but I have to run by the store for some more pens." A few wrinkles appeared on your forehead as you frowned. "I've used up almost all of my favorite pens with note-taking, and the others just aren't the same." 
Chanyeol grinned, amused by how particular you were with your stationary. "You wanna grab something to eat with me after? There's a really good pizza place that I've been hearing about." 
"Do they have chicken wings, too?"
"And cheeseballs," Chanyeol added.
"Count me in! You don't mind stopping by the stationary store with me, though?" 
"Of course not, I love hanging out with you." Chanyeol froze, surprised by his own boldness. But you didn't seem to notice, beaming brightly.
"You're sweet, Yeol. Now I can't wait for my shift to end! Are you gonna wait here?"
"Yeah, I'll get some homework done. I brought my guitar too, I was gonna see if Mom could take it home for me." Chanyeol reached down, picking up his guitar case from where it had been hiding out of sight on the other side of the counter.  
"I'll make sure to bring you some snacks while you're waiting then." 
At the mention of snacks, Chanyeol began looking over all of the pastries and cakes in the display cases, round eyes wide as he looked for the perfect, sugary after-school sweet.
The students in the neighborhood began to flock over to the bakery as school let out, children of all ages coming in to make the most of their free time. Most of the customers were high school students, groups of friends giggling over inside jokes, and the occasional couple out on a date. Other students came with their parents, as a special treat for a good grade on a test, or just to spend some time bonding together. It always warmed your heart to see how happy the bakery made these customers. Some of them came often, and you easily greeted them by name whenever they stopped by. The customers were just as happy to see you, always glad to see a familiar face. 
As much as they loved you, there was no denying that the neighborhood had a special spot for Chanyeol's mother. She was a social butterfly, much like her son, and was able to recall even the most specific of details about her customers. She came out to the front to help you as things got busier, seamlessly taking on tasks at the counter with you or going to help Minkyung behind the scenes. 
Every so often, your gaze wandered over to where Chanyeol sat in his corner, guitar propped up on his knees as he worked. Although there was music playing in the bakery, you could still hear the strumming of his guitar as he played with ease. Soon enough, you weren't the only one who was paying attention to him. 
Chanyeol strummed away at his guitar, pick in his mouth as his foot tapped against the floor. You recognized the chords of a Crush song, something he often played whenever he was in a good mood. As he finished playing, a few of the customers began clapping. Chanyeol's head shot up in surprise, almost identical to a meerkat. 
You joined in the applause, smiling proudly when Chanyeol looked over to you. 
His large ears started to turn red at the tips, a bashful grin appearing on his face. "Thank you," he said shyly.
"Do you take requests?" one boy asked, moving around in his chair to face Chanyeol.
"I can try." 
You watched in awe from the counter as Chanyeol took on song requests from a variety of genres. Most of them were pop songs, others more R&B or alternative. But with each request, Chanyeol managed to play them almost perfectly, only hitting a few snags a couple of times. You knew that Chanyeol was musically talented, but not to this extent. The customers were just as transfixed, many of them staying longer than they usually did. No one was able to resist being drawn in by Chanyeol's aura, by his friendliness and cheerful attitude. 
Before you knew it, your other coworker came in. You couldn't believe how much time had passed, but you were also glad that your shift was over. 
Chanyeol noticed how you took your apron off, heading to the back as you got your things ready to leave. He finished the song he was playing with a flourish, smiling at the student who had requested it. 
"It's time for me to head out," he said, much to the disappointment of some of the students. 
"Will you come play for us again?" one of them asked. 
"Definitely! I'll keep practicing until then." Chanyeol winked, packing up his things and going to the kitchen. He ran into his mother as he opened the door, barely avoiding bumping into her. 
"Are you leaving? Y/N's about to head out too," she said with a knowing look.  
"I know. We're gonna go shopping and grab some food together."
Chanyeol's mom held up a finger, turning around and going into the small room reserved for her office space. Chanyeol dutifully followed along, placing his backpack and guitar case on a chair. "Mom, can you take my things home for me?"
"Of course." His mother took out a few bills from her wallet, giving them to her son. "Make sure you pay for Y/N's food too. Oh, here's some extra!" She pulled out another bill. "And grab some more dog food for Toben on your way home."
"Mom," Chanyeol whined.
"He's your dog. After all the begging you did to get a dog, you won't take care of him?" 
Chanyeol knew it was wiser in the long run to just suck it up if he wanted to avoid a long lecture from his mother. "Fine." He accepted the money, smooching a grateful kiss to his mother's cheek. "I'll text you when I'm on the way home," he said over his shoulder as he left.
You were just saying your goodbyes to Minkyung, already changed out of your work clothes and back into your regular clothing. Chanyeol couldn't help but notice that you were wearing the hoodie he gifted you for your birthday a few years ago, the same year you came to work at the bakery. 
"Ready to go?" you asked him, moving the strap of your bag onto your shoulder. 
Chanyeol could hardly believe it — this was an outing for just the two of you. It wasn't a date, but Chanyeol still felt the exhilarating rush of butterflies in his stomach. 
He nodded, moving past you to hold the door open. "Let's go!" 
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One subway ride and a few minutes of walking later, the two of you found yourselves in one of your favorite shops. Chanyeol felt out of place, a giant among the colorful pens and rolls of washi tape. It was easy to get distracted when everything was so pretty, and you were no different.
"Look at this bookmark," you exclaimed holding one up for Chanyeol to see. It was mostly translucent, covered in delicate drawings of flowers. 
Chanyeol came over to stand by you, picking up a similar floral bookmark and sticking it behind his ear. "What do you think? Do I look pretty?" 
You burst into laughter, the perfect reaction that Chanyeol had been hoping for. "Yes, very pretty," you agreed. Reaching up, you placed your bookmark behind his other ear. "Now you're twice as pretty." 
Placing his hands underneath his chin, Chanyeol blinked innocently.
"Wait, I need to take a picture of this," you said between giggles. 
Chanyeol gave you various poses, both of you finding the impromptu photoshoot more hilarious with each passing second. You hurried to find your pens before the shop employees could get annoyed with you for being too noisy, leaving with a paper bag of goods. 
"So where's this famous pizza place?" you asked, putting your purchases into your shoulder bag.
"It's not too far away. I didn't realize that store was so close to it until we were on the subway." Chanyeol switched places with you on the sidewalk, taking the spot closest to the street so that you were walking on the inside. It was a simple gesture, but it still warmed your heart nonetheless. 
Had Chanyeol always been this considerate? You had known him for a couple of years, but you only ever saw him as your goofy friend. It was strange to realize that Chanyeol could be such a gentleman as well, your thoughts drifting back to the way he had taken song requests without a complaint back at the bakery. 
You looked up, eyes wide. Sometime during your reverie, the two of you had come to a crosswalk. The light was still red, people on both sides waiting to cross. "Sorry, what?"
"Do you want to sit inside, or outside?" Chanyeol pointed across the street at a restaurant. You could see groups of people eating inside or out on the patio, each caught up in their own conversations. 
"How about outside? It's such a nice day today, it'd be a waste not to enjoy it."  
Chanyeol grinned from ear to ear, pulling the beanie off of his head as he ran a hand through his silver hair. "You're right." He nodded towards the street as the light turned green, stepping off of the curb once it was safe to cross. 
Ordering was simple, and even considering how busy the restaurant was, your food still came out fairly quickly. Your mouth watered as you looked at all the food, spicy chicken wings piled up on a plate, a large pizza taking up most of the table. Chanyeol was already biting into a cheeseball, stretching out the stringy mozzarella cheese inside. 
You soon found that the restaurant really did live up to its praise, falling in love with the pizza as soon as you took a bite. "This is so good," you gushed.
Chanyeol smiled, reaching for a slice himself. "I'm glad you like it. I figured we could deserve a treat, you know, with the new semester starting and all." 
"Don't remind me," you groaned. "I rarely have time for myself, nowadays."
"Same here." Chanyeol took a long sip from his soda before speaking again. "School just gets harder as we get older, huh? I miss the times when we were young and we just had to turn in a packet at the end of the week." 
"Now it's just endless amounts of assigned readings and papers. And making music, in your case. What's it like this semester?"
"I did a lot of acoustic music last semester, but someone I worked with let me try out his electric guitar and god, it was awesome. The way it feels just to hold one of those, Y/N, it's insane. We've been trying to write a few songs together." Chanyeol grabbed a piece chicken, taking a huge bite out of the small wing. 
"With your senior, right? The lizard guy, Gecko?"
Chanyeol choked on his food, coughing as he reached for his water bottle. He gulped down half the bottle in a flash, eyes still sparkling with mirth. "Gaeko," he corrected with a laugh. 
"I was close!"
Chanyeol nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. "I gotta call him that next time — Lizard Guy." 
"No," you pleaded, shoulders slumping. "You know what I meant. Anyways, didn't you work with him before too?" 
To your relief, Chanyeol went along with your attempt to brush off your misunderstanding. "Yeah, Sehun and I worked with him before. He's really — he lives, breathes, eats music. I've never seen anyone as passionate about music as him."
"Wow." You lifted your eyebrows, clearly impressed. "I already thought you were like that. No wonder you two get along together." 
The rest of your meal passed by as you and Chanyeol talked about other things on your mind. From talking about Chanyeol's latest compositions and favorite songs, to your anthropology class and latest drama you were binge-watching, there wasn’t a dull moment in between. There was never a boring moment with both of you, even in lazy, restful times like this.
"Ugh, I don't think I can eat any more." You leaned back in your seat, both hands on your stomach.
"We have one slice still. Someone's gotta finish it." Chanyeol wiggled his eyebrows, pushing the slice closer to you.
"Fine, but only if you help me out — sharing is caring." You ripped the slice in half, leaving the other piece for Chanyeol.
"Does this mean you care about me?"
You paused, the pizza slice halfway to your mouth. "Of course I do, Yeol." 
Chanyeol brought his elbows up onto the table, thumbs fiddling with each other as he mustered up the courage for his next words. "Uh, I have a performance coming up in a few months. Sehun and I are gonna perform some songs that we've been working on since summer. Do you want to come?" 
"Yeol, I'd love to! I'll be there, no matter what." 
Your friend cleared his throat, suddenly finding it hard to look you in the eye. "I mean as a date. But it doesn't have to be," he tacked on, worried that you'd be scared off. He took a brave peek at your face, noticing how you were shocked into silence. 
"A date?" you repeated. Your breath started to quicken as it finally started to make sense — Chanyeol had been acting weird around you because he liked you. The revelation made your heart race.
Chanyeol nodded, chewing on his lips as he waited for your answer. 
"Okay," you replied, completely taking him off guard. 
"Really?!" Chanyeol's voice boomed, garnering the attention of a few customers close by.
"Yes," you said with a laugh. "It's a date, Yeol." 
He stretched his hands out high into the air, a relieved smile on his face. "Oh my god," he breathed out. "This is great." 
"Chanyeol, people are starting to look." You trued to hide your face with your hands, unable to stop yourself from giggling.
"Let them look! I'm going on a date with Y/N!" His happiness was infectious, quickly taking over you as well and leaving a warm, fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
Chanyeol gobbled up the last piece of pizza left for him, and paid for the bill without letting you pay for a single cent. It was still light out, but the streetlights were just beginning to turn on. 
"I'll walk you home," Chanyeol announced, proud to have the honor of doing so.
"Are you sure? Your mom will worry if you're home too late." 
"I'll let her know, don't worry." Chanyeol started walking, hands tucked into the pockets of his jacket.
You hurried to catch up to him, your bag bumping into your hip. Once you were by his side, you wrapped an arm around his. 
Chanyeol jumped slightly at the sudden contact, smiling shyly as he realized it was you. One of his closest friends, his longtime crush, and now the possibility of something more. 
Somewhere, after years of getting to know you, he had found the way to your heart.
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A/N: this was very loosely inspired by exo-sc’s “rodeo station”! It’s definitely one of my favorite tracks off the album! I figured a couple of college kids would probably hang out around smaller, more casual places than a luxury department store like the apgujeong galleria haha, but I really love getting to write college chanyeol who’s loved by his neighborhood. also, I was eventually going to write sehun in during his performance with chanyeol, but the fic was already at 3k+ words, so I had to stop myself 😂
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Painted Books
Pairing: Young!Sirius Balck x Slytherin!reader
Word Count: 3,297 (I'm sorry I got carried away)
Warnings: Swearing, Underaged drinking, Mentions of alcohol abuse/addiction, Super long
Summary: After a prank Sirius ruins something extremely important to you, so you get pissed. While sneaking around he realizes why you were so pissed and tries to apologize
A/n: Omfg I havent been on tumblr for like a month I'm so sorry I was inactive, high school has sort of been kicking my ass. I hope this super long story makes up for it. I actually kinda like this one alot, hope you enjoy it.
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Hatred filled you like air into a balloon. Your blood had been replaced by lava and it was steaming, white-hot through you. Those idiot Gryffindors were going to regret everything they have ever done in about 10 minutes you thought as you looked at your common room. Red and gold covered everything. Every couch, every chair, every table, every wall, and unfortunately for you, every book and paper on the tables. You screeched loudly.
You had simply left for 30 minutes to eat dinner before returning to your homework and now, not only was the positions essay you had almost finished been ruined but so had your charms, Defence against the dark arts and herbology essays. Along with the seven books for those classes you had bought at the begging of the year. There was no way that you would be able to clean the paint off, it was surely enchanted and now you would have to stay up all night finishing essays that would never be even half of the quality the originals were.
As the rest of the Slytherin house began to clean up the mess you had ideas of making a new one. And not of their common room but of Sirius Black's face.
You snatched your soggy papers and books off of the table and stormed out of the room. The second you saw him your anger returned like a boiling title wave. He had just ruined all of your work from the past week and now he was laughing throwing his head back as his shiny teeth flashed and his glistening black hair fell away from his precise jawline and cheekbones. You walked straight up to him and before he could even look at you, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and threw him against the wall holding him there. As you did you heard many people utter gasps of surprise and James yell something but you were defened by wrath. His eyes widened in surprise then relaxed as you saw your small frame.
“You think this is funny?” You yelled holding your paint-splattered papers and books up for him to see.
“I do find it quite amusing.” He answered with a smirk.
You screeched again, shoving your fist upward effectively throwing him back against the wall and jabbing him in the throat. You may be small but you were far from weak.
“Look if you wanted to throw me against the wall you could have just asked.” He winked, his voice coming out raspy from his throat being half closed by your hand.
“You absolute piece of shit!” you screamed, “You just ruined all of my work from this whole fucking week! I'm going to fail because of you!”
“You could just sleep with the professor again.” He sneered Your eyes widened in shock, it had been a year since the rumor of you sleeping with a teacher had ruined your social life and here was this high and mighty asshole, who had slept with half the school bringing it up again. You had had enough. You brought your knee up and as it connected with his crotch you dropped his collar and he tumbled to the ground with a scream.
“You say anything like that again I will break your nose.” You hissed down at him, throwing your ruined essays and books at him. With that, you turned on your heel and left pushing past the group of students that had gathered to watch. Before you could exit the scene a hand grabbed your wrist.
“What the hell was that for? It was just a stupid prank!” James yelled as you snatched your hand from his grasp.
“It wasn't just the prank asshole.” You growled glaring up at him.
And that was the truth it wasn't just the prank. It wasn't your homework being ruined, hell it wasn't even the fact he accused you of sleeping with a professor. All of those things were insignificant to the real problem. He had ruined your books. No, you’re not some Ravenclaw who obsessed over books, and it's not like they were signed by the author either they were simply books. But not to you. To you, they were the extra hours you worked at a stupid coffee shop. They were the late nights and early mornings you had forced yourself in to. They were the reward you got for getting stared at by men twice your age because of the stupid tiny skirt that was somehow considered as a uniform. Hell, you worked all fucking summer. Your whole summer was just dumped in paint by some pretentious brat and his even more pretentious friends.
When you reached the Slytherin common room you were close to tears and when you entered you saw the one thing that could cheer you up. Kathy. Kathy was your best friend, she was also one of your few friends, I mean you were a Slytherin half-blood, you were no Lily Evans. She was also Slytherin and was the good cop to your bad cop attitude. When she saw you she rushed you upstairs as you explained what happened.
Sirius, Remus, and Peter crept quietly (not so quietly) through the halls under the famous invisibility cloak. James stood beside them his head-boy badge shining in the light of his wand.  
“Shut up Wormtail,” James scolded, “I think I hear someone.”
They all stopped and listened. With the shuffling noises silenced they could hear something. Laughter drifted through the halls. Soon muffled voices could be heard from some hidden place.
“I think they're in the kitchen,” Remus whispered.
“I hope they’re Slytherin.” James giggled as they approached the hidden door to the kitchen. James poked the bowl of fruit, hitting the apple once and the orange twice. The door swung open into the first layer of the kitchens. They shuffled in James taking the lead they were about to continue through the next doorway when Sirius heard a voice that made him jump.
“Wait!” his whispers called to his friend.
“What?” James whispered back.
“That's Y/n,” Sirius explained.
“Hell yeah this is going to be fun,” James smiled wide happy to catch you out of bed. “Finally get the bitch back.” He began to walk toward the second room in the kitchen when Sirius stepped out from beneath the cloak and grabbed his shoulder.
“Just let me see what she's doing.” He asked.
James’s eyebrows scrunched together in confusion he opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted.
“Please.” Sirius begged his friend, “Then we can bust her.”
“Fine” he muttered
Remus handed Sirius the invisibility cloak sighing, “This better be quick.” disapprovingly
Sirius rolled his eyes throwing the cloak over him and walked into the next room what he saw made his jaw drop.
There you sat, on the kitchen floor in nothing but a deep green crop top and a pair of shimmery silver booty shorts. Your y/h/l y/h/c hair was cascading down your back like a waterfall that seemed to glow in the candlelight. Next to you sat a brunette girl in a hoodie and sweatpants that Sirius recognized as Kathy Underhill. In your right hand, you clutched a bottle of fire whiskey and in your left, you held a spoon filled with chocolate ice cream from the carton at your feet.
“You know everryboddy thiks that imma stuck up bish now right?” You slurred, clearly drunk.
“I'm sure they don't,” Kathy said clearly sober.
“Oooohhh yeahhu they do.” You continued. “They’re all wike look at that tempershmental bitch who cants take a joke, wow somebody locks her up shes crazy, she fucked a professor for an and she is sooooo stuck up.”
“Well it's not true,” Kathy said grimacing as you took another swig from the bottle.
“SOO WHAT?” You shouted, your voice suddenly rising as you did from your crossed legs dropping you spoon on the ground, “What am I gonna say, I'm not shtuck up my mom is a alchohalic that blows her money on booze and I had to work all fucking summer in a shitty Cafe where middle-aged men stared up my skirt, to afford the books that the two ashholes you call “funny” you added very dramatic air quotes on the last word. “Ruined for a stupid prank ecaus they are stuck ups dicks who shove money up their asses for fun.”
Sirius’s eyes widened, he really shouldn't be listening to this conversation.
Tears began to fall from your eyes in large drops and Kathy sighed as you started to blabber nonsense.
“Alright sweetie, let's get you off your feet before your trip and kill yourself,” Kathy said rising toward you. You continued to sob as she took the bottle from your hands and helped you to the floor where you buried your head in her lap as she stroked your hair.
“Looks like imma just like my-” You hiccuped “- my bitch of a mother.” You groaned angrily.
“Hey honey, you will never be like that woman, I promise.” Kathy soothed, “I promise.”
“Your the best. I love you” You muttered as you began to drift into sleep.
“Love you too.” Kathy sighed.
    Sirius was so caught up in the scene in front of him he almost forgot about his friends who were waiting for him. He quickly turned and walked back to the second room where he removed the cloak and looked at his three wide-eyed friends.
    “Oh shit,” James muttered as he looked at Sirius who looked on the edge of a breakdown. Without another word, Sirius thrust the cloak into his friend's hands and bolted.
    Of all the people he knew what it was like to hate your mother, to have nothing, to work your ass off for things that are ruined by someone who had so much more. Now he had caused that pain. He had ruined your books. He had destroyed your hard work. He had caused those tears that sprung from your eyes. He had become what he hated most.
Sirius may be fast but James was faster, and he caught the young boy’s wrist before he could escape to god knows where.
When Sirius world around James saw something very rare in his eyes, tears. They were glassy and full. One cascaded down his cheek leaving a shimmering river in its wake.
“Sirius it's not your fault.” He said looking at his friend quite concerned.
“I ruined her books.” he sniffed,
“We didn't know, it's not our fault her mom’s an alcoholic,” James explained.
Sirius glared at his friend ripping his hand from James's angrily, “Would you have cared?” he asked bitterly.
“Of course I would,” James said sincerely
“I don't think you would have,” Sirius seethed taking a step towards him. “You have always had everything, the parents, the money, the house, the smarts, the skills, the girlfriend. YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO HAVE NOTHING!” He yelled his face red with fury, “So you don't know what it's like to have the one thing you did have ripped from you.” He whispered stepping away from his friend taking a couple of steps turning and sprinting back to the common room.
The next morning Sirius woke to see a stack of books on the end of his bed with a note stuck on top.
“Your right, I'm a dick, now please go give that girl these books and essays before I feel even more like shit. P.S you owe Remus big time for the essays” Sirius lifted the note to see a stack of brand new books and on top four essays each with the name Y/n Y/l/n printed in your handwriting on top. He then glanced at the stack of paint covered books in the corner you had thrown at him, they were still there covered in paint. Confusion covered him He then remembered who he was friends with and smiled.
“James you idiotic genius.” He muttered looking at each perfectly crafted essay. His eyes were shining.
    You woke to a less pretty sight. Your head throbbed as you sat up in your bed groaning, you looked at the clock, you still had an hour till your first class but you were too hungry to pass up breakfast, even with your head about to explode. You got up stretched moaning at the pounding in your head and changed into your robes. You headed down to the grand hall after downing five Advils.
When you arrived you saw Kathy chatting with a few other girls you knew. You sat down next to her grabbing the pot of coffee of the table and dumping it into your cup as Kathy greeted you.
    “Damn Y/n you look like shit.” a girl named Emma said.
    “I feel like shit too.” You answered as you took a massive swig of the coffee.
    “You stay up late finishing your essays?” Another girl asked.
    You groaned throwing your aching head onto the table as the essays that you had forgotten about reentered your half-awake mind.
“I swear next time I see one of those four assholes I'm gonna put them six feet under.” Kathy hissed.
As if on cue Sirius Black tapped your shoulder. You spun around and were about to speak when Kathy rose, “I think she's seen enough of you Black.” she said sternly.
“Look I know I was I dick I just want to apologize,” Sirius mumbled seeming very uncomfortable as all the girls at the table glared him down.
“She doesn't need your fake apologizes, she’s had enough for a lifetime,” Kathy growled.
“It’s fine Kath.” You sighed, “I'm way too hungover to deal with him asking all day anyway.” You grumbled quietly to her.
She huffed and sat down glaring the boy down as she retracted to her seat.
You looked up at him waiting.
Sirius flashed bright red, an unusual sight, “Oh um I thought I could talk to you in private.” he asked his voice fading in the last words as he scuffed the ground with his feet.  
You sighed, “If this is another prank Black I will break you back.”
“No no no I swear it's not.” He said hurriedly.
You groaned standing from the ground and following him out of the hall, still feeling like shit.
“Look, before you break my back can you let me finish what I’m saying?” He asked nervously, You had never seen the boy so nervous.
“Depends on what you say.” You answered narrowing your eyes.
“Alright then here goes,” He sighed “So me and the rest of us were with James last night and we umm heard you and Kathy, and I just-” He was cut off by a fist hitting his jaw.
“YOU ASSHOLE!” You yelled as you realized what he must have heard. Anger once again overrode your systems and you glared at the boy in front of you, “I swear to Merlin I'm gonna drive my-”
He slapped his hand over your mouth muffling your shouts. “Please just listen,” He begged, “Please.” when you looked at him you saw something you had never seen on his face before, desperation. This made you stop nodding as he slowly removed his hand from your mouth. Today was full of new experiences.
“Look I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for ruining your books and that I was a dick and well here.” He said as he reached into his bag and took out a bundle of books and papers.
You gasped when you saw the papers were essays, in your handwriting but much better than you ever could have written, and the books were all of the ones that had been ruined in paint except they were all hardcover and pristine as if they were bought last night.
“How did you….??” Your voice trailed off as you scanned the papers and books.
“My friends may be idiots but they’re geniuses.” He chuckled nervously.
Your amazement was replaced by rage (again) when you realized what was happening and anger flashed in your eyes, “I don't want your pity, Black.” You seethed handing his books back.
“No no no, it's not pity please.” He said as you turned to go.
“What is it then?” you glowered.
“It’s empathy ok? I know what it's like to have an asshole for a mom who never did anything for you ok? I know what it's like to have nothing. I know.”
You stared at him confused, what did a pureblooded rich kid know about that?
“Look my mom kicked me out last year, I mean not out of the house but out of the family. She disowned me and I get it, it sucks. I just got lucky to have amazing friends like James whose parents are super cool.” He sighed handing you the books back, “I was a dick, I’m really truly sorry.”
Your mouth hung open eyes wide. How had you never know this? You knew his brother and him didn't exactly get along but you never knew anything like that had happened to him. And then you did the last thing you expected you would ever do. You took two steps forward and hugged him. Dropping the books and papers on the floor, you wrapped your hands around his waist and buried your head in his chest. At first, he was surprised but it only took him a second to react and he wrapped one arm around your waist to the small of your back and his other around your shoulder resting his hand on the back of your head and pulling you closer to him.
You noticed he smelt of mint and smoke as you let your tears fall from your eyes, soaking his robes.
He buried his head into your soft y/h/c locks and he smelt pomegranate and ginger with the slight tinge of vanilla linger there. His eyes filled with tears and he squeezed them shut as he felt your body shake with sobs. You don’t know how long you stayed there but you wished to forever. When you did pull away your eyes were puffy and red as were his. You were about to turn to pick up the books and papers that were scattered on the ground when Sirius spoke.
“Hey Y/n one more thing.” He said.
“Wha-” his lips collided on yours and it was your turn to be shocked. After a second you melted into the kiss and leaned back into his minty scent as you felt his toung run along your lower lip, you tipped your chin upward giving him better access to your mouth. As his hand found the side of your cheek and yours found his hair. You pulled away after a few seconds later gasping for air.
You looked up at him cheeks flaming red, “Sorry I pushed you into the wall” You paused, “And kneed you… and punched you in the face”
“You could make it up to me by got to Hogsmeade with me this weekend.” He suggested voice barely above a whisper as he stroked your cheek.
“Sound good.” You giggled just then you glanced at your watch. “Shit!” You yelled quickly gathering you new books and essays from the ground. “I've got to get to Herbology!” you turned, turned back placed a quick kiss on Sirius' cheek, “I'll see you later.” You said before dashing out the doors onto the grounds. As he watched you go he touched his flaming cheek with his hand. A few seconds later James walks up next to him.
“She a little less pissed?” he asked nervously.
“You have no idea how much I owe you right now.”
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up (◕‿◕✿)
nAdDy sEnpAi if you’re still doing ikevamp matchups, could you do mine pleaseee 👉🏼👈🏼, school’s been really hectic and i need a pick me up 😔😔 here’s my updated info hehe 😚
I’m a female on the libra-scorpio cusp and a Slytherin, I used to be an ENFP but now I’m an INFP. Appearance-wise, I’m 5'2, i’ve brown eyes and caramel brown hair. I also wear glasses and I’m also quite tanned from being out in the sun all the time.
- I can be really enthusiastic about stuff I’m really interested in, such as history (especially world war history), sciences (but physics is trash to me) and anime (I’m a closet nerd hehe) .
- I can be really ambitious and competitive, and I would sometimes place unrealistic expectations on myself, leaving me mentally exhausted and stressed, but like i place these unrealistic measures on myself to strive to be the best
- I do try to chill and take it slow, but you know, sometimes i just can’t 😅
- I’m quite an open book to all my close friends
- I also tend to be really possessive, like I dont like people purposely trying to steal my friends (it happened a lot of times before) and i hate it when someone randomly butts into a conversation i’m having with anyone, especially if it’s a deep conversation
- I can be really awkward around people i don’t click with, but around people i click with, i can be pretty wild and will be able to hold conversations with.
- I tend to procrastinate a lot, and people say i look intimidating but i don’t feel like I’m intimidating.
- I can be really sensitive to other’s emotions and i tend to put others before me, so like my close friend always told me that i’m too much of a giver, like I try to please everyone else and ignore myself
- My love languages are physical touch and quality time
- I can’t stand people who are attention seekers or just aim to be public nuisances as i feel that they’re just really irritating and it gets on my nerves, especially those people who are just doing stupid things to be popular (which is lowkey why i think tiktoks dances are dumb, like seriously i dont get the hype, but i do like tiktok meme videos tho)
- I listen to a lot of different genres of music, but i especially love classics (mozart and chopin are my favourites) and pop.
- I can really insecure at times, because i always feel that every other girl out there is better than me and i’m just a plain and ugly, and partially because i got bullied when i was younger about my appearance
- I like dressing up and putting on makeup occassionally, but i do act like a tomboy most of the time (ie. I hate skirts, like i really dont like them and i have no idea why, but jeans are supreme).
- I also love playing the piano and singing as well, even though i’m not that good at it :D
- People tell me that I’m very curious and persistent, constantly pushing until i get answers, but i do know my limits.
- I’m also very passionate about things I love, and i would do anything to protect people that i care and love.
- I’m also very affectionate and supportive towards my close friends and people i love. - I do have trust issues and I often feel like i do not deserve love and that I hate people who betray my trust.
- I’m ok with pda, but not anything overly affectionate, like hand-holding and kissing is ok, but not making out 😳😖
- I also tend to be pretty forgettful, and i’ll not eat for hours to get my work on hand done (whoop pretty unhealthy but :0)
- I’m also really sarcastic when i want to be, and i can’t hold a poker face to save my life (i swear i always start laughing like 2 seconds in) and I tend to sass people a lot, especially if I’ve had a bad day
- I’m also pretty fiesty and I hate people stereotyping me for my gender (i.e like when someone says that “oh you’re pretty good for a girl”) like what does my gender have to do with my ability? Like there is zero correlation
- My sense of humour is kind of twisted at times but i really love memes and i tend to crack inappropriate jokes sometimes
- I’ve been told that i come across as really flirty to some guys but it’s because i can be really touchy feely to my friends
- I’m also quick to anger, especially if i have a bad day, i hate people who nag and i hate people who put down others
- I’m kind of touch-starved, so i really like hugs and cuddles, but I’m also ticklish so my friends tend to tickle me when hugging me
- I can be a daydreamer at times, like I would get stuck in my own fantasy world when i shouldn’t 😂😂
- I’m also a drama queen around my friends, I dont have a lot of them in real life because of some rumours that others spread, so i only have a close circle of friends i really treasure and would do anything for them
- I also tend to bottle up all my anger and negative thoughts, and would sometimes like explode on others even though I don’t mean to
- Sometimes I don’t really think before I say or act, which is why sometimes I can come off as a bit rude or unfeeling but it’s just me and my impulsiveness 
Fun Facts:
- i really love food, especially sweets (dark chocolate and dango is my life)
- i really hate horror movies (I’m usually pretty brave, but horror movies just get to me so much ergh) but i love chick flicks and adventure flims
- I’m also a hopeless romantic, which is why even little romantic gestures can make my heart flutter
- My hobbies are reading, writing and shooting (only air-rifle though)
- I used to be pretty athletic, I still am, but to a lesser extend now, because i injured my left knee playing volleyball in the past. It’s on it’s road to recovery, but it still hurts quite badly when i overexert myself.
- I love artic foxes and cats, dogs are too energetic for me 😅
- I’m also a sneaker hoarder and I love collecting and wearing sneakers hehe, heels are like torture devices for the feet i dont care even if they make me taller
- Coffee over tea anyday, no offense to peoples who like tea, but a fresh cup of brewed coffee is one of the best things in the world 😚
- I’m really terrible at drawing, I’m not gonna kid you. When i was younger, my art teacher threatened to fail me because im really terrible at drawing. 😂
- I’m also very injury-prone and a bit clumsy, which caused me to have bruises occasionally
- I’m kinda bad and math and physics, but like if you take your time to explain to me then I’ll understand a bit more lol, my best subject is like chemistry
- my ideal date would just be cuddling with my boyfriend, and either watching a movie together or bookshop date hehe
uwu i would be super grateful and happy if you did my matchup uwu thank you sm sending you all my love and hugs and cuddles 🥰💖💕
Hi hi, lia! ❤I’m so happy ya requested! 😆Hehe, I hope you enjoy it love, and I hope this cheers ya up! Love ya lots, and I hope you enjoy it! ❤😊
So I match you with……………. Isaac
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Oh, the first time Isaac spotted you in the dining room, introducing yourself to everyone, he was paralyzed with fear. You quite possibly looked more intimidating than anyone he has ever met in his whole entire life, and that’s saying a lot considering you were standing right next to his pure blooded vampire, sire. Comte spotted Isaac hiding behind the doorway of the dining room, peaking in to catch a glimpse of their new guest. You instantly turned around when you heard the blond vampire beckon, someone closer, whose name you know all too well. He had been the cause of endless amounts of math and science homework over the years. 
Your eyes locked with his for a split second, but moments after you met his rosy eyes he darted them to the ground. “I-s-saac Newton, n-nice to meet you.” You gave him a shy smile and took his outstretched hand and shook it, before you could even say a word, Arthur budded in and interrupted. An action which caused you to feel slightly irritated, Isaac looked up at your face and saw that you were starting to become awkward with being the centre of attention. The two of you still held hands when the physicist decided to pull you into the kitchen with him to give you a moment of peace. You smiled when he is a very soft meek voice confessed that he didn’t really like crowds or loud people, a little fact that the two of you bonded over. And before you knew it, you and Isaac were now sitting in the kitchen chatting away in a deep conversation about your mutual dislike of overcrowded places, bullies and plain old public nuisances.
The next day you decided to curiously explore the mansion. You came across a great big library, and you felt as excited as a kid on Christmas day. They had every and any book you could possibly wish for. You decided to spend the day doing something you absolutely loved, and that would be... reading. You had found yourself an old outdated science book, and you were honestly so fascinated at how little had changed in terms of scientific principles over the years. You were so invested in the book you were reading you didn’t even hear Issac walking in. He was on the hunt for his little hedgehog. 
You were awoken from your book reading trance when you heard the sound of a vase smash against the floor. Startled you turned your head towards the loud crash only to see a very distressed looking Isaac. You are naturally sensitive to other emotion, and very much a giver, so it only took one glance at Isaac’s troubled face to prompt you into action. You noticed that he had cut himself on the fallen vase and he was now down crouched on the floor trying to retrieve his terrified hedgehog, who had gotten himself caught at the bottom of one of the large bookcases. 
Wordlessly you laid on the floor beside Isaac and peered under the bookcase, when you spotted little Harry cowering in the dark corner tangled in a ball of wool. Your hands and arms were much smaller than Issac’s, so you were easily able to reach under the bookcase and secure the little hedgehog. Both of you sat up as you cradle the scared little animal in your hands, trying to untangle the wool that was wrapped around his body. “My God, Harry, I was worried sick about you, please never disappear like that again.” both you and Isaac breathed a sigh of relief at the now rescued critter.
That is when you looked up and noticed that Harry wasn’t the only hedgehog who had been injured, “Isaac, your hand!” You stood up and offered Isaac a hand up, you then gently took his hand in yours and led him to your room. You sat him down on your bed and gently started treating the injury as Harry had made himself comfortable, now sleeping on your pillow. While treating Isaac’s injury, you started chatting away with him. You could see him blushing profusely from embarrassment so you decided to tell him about the book you were reading before the whole fiasco. At the mention of the science book, Isaac instantly perked up and met your enthusiasm ten fold. After his wound was wrapped and treated, the two of you sat in deep conversation for the second time that week, chatting all about science and your mutual love for the subject. And that my dear friend is how you and Isaac had become good friends
Since that day, it wasn’t uncommon for the two of you to be sitting across from each other in the library, reading away. Usually, Harry would be nestled in your lap as you and Isaac enjoy a quiet afternoon together. Some afternoon the two of you would just simply sit in silence and read while other afternoons were filled with laughter and conversation between the two of you cuties. 
As the days went on Isaac had noticed a very curious fact about you, and that was how forgetful you were. He had noticed that you would go hours and hours without eating or drinking something which strangely enough, was the exact opposite of him, who required minimum routine of five meals a day. It was this curious observation that had started the habit of the two of you dining together every day. Something which both of you really enjoyed, especially now that the two of you were determined to find the best sweets in all of Paris. Every day without fail, at lunchtime you and Isaac would go out to town to try a new cafés for lunch and sweet. These café crawls usually involved Isaac showing you around Paris, visiting book stores together and leisurely walking beside the Seine. You honestly loved spending time with this hedgehog, who had seemed to have completely opened up to you. 
Isaac loved your inappropriate jokes and twisted humour and would bust out into uncontrollable laughter whenever you would crack a joke. One time as the two of you were sitting on the fountain’s edge eating some ice cream, you saw a man falling up stairs. As hard as you tried, you couldn’t keep a poker face, it just wasn't in you, especially when Isaac had just witnessed the exact same scene and was now looking at you and snickering. Of course, being the sweet angels you were, you rushed to see if the man was alright, however, your walk home with Isaac was filled with jokes and endless laughter of the days events. 
Ooh how Isaac had fallen head over heels for you, his favourite thing in the world was to hear you sing and play the piano. He would silently walk into the piano room whenever you played, and just let the beautiful sounds wash away his weariness of the day. He would shower you with endless compliments, even more so, when you would deny them, saying that you aren’t that good. These playful little banter fights usually end with him tickling you. He usually won’t give up until you admit that you are the best singer and piano player in the whole mansion. Cue Mozart walking in like challenge accepted.
The night Isaac finally confessed his feeling for you was on, one warm summers night. The night started of with Isaac taking you out to watch a musical concert. He knew just how much you love music. Before he had met you, he had never really bother taking the time to listen to music, as he had always been far to absorbed with his own work, to stop and smell the flowers. However since meeting you, he found himself utterly enjoying going to the opera and musical concerts and letting himself just get absorbed by the sound of music. He loved the way your eyes gleamed as you watched and listened to the performance. 
After the concert, he lead you out into the garden, where his telescope had been all set up. The two of you sat together and stargazed while Mozart played some romantic classical music in the background, which was arranged by the resident hedgehog himself. Somewhere between the beautiful sight of the stars and the gentle melody playing in the background. Isaac build up the courage to finally reveal to you just how madly in love he was with you. He then produced a bunch of red roses out of thin air and resting in the roses was a card with a hand-drawn meme ( courtesy of Sabastian) asking you in the most hilarious way to stay in the past with him. The two of you met in a sweet kiss and the rest of the evening was spent cuddled in each other’s arms under the stars.
Both of you are pretty touch starved creatures, so expect to be cuddled, snuggled, kissed and hugged whenever Isaac comes across you. Like if Isaac spots you in the garden hanging laundry he will give you the biggest hug from behind, kiss your neck and then tell you how much he loves you, before he is off with Napo to teach the children.  
Don’t worry about your impulsive behaviours, bottled up emotions or a quick temper. Isaac might be new to the whole human behaviour thing but he is very in-tune with your emotions and he will instantly pick up when you are feeling upset or angry. He will aim to fix every and all problems immediately, especially if it is causing you hurt or upset. This also counts for when you are over stressing yourself, about putting too high an expectation on yourself. If he sees you getting angry, stressed or frustrated, he will pull you into his arms and gently stroke your hair, you can’t be angry when you are being so gently held and loved. Isaac will sit an listen to all your troubles. 
He always encourages you to communicate whenever you are having negative emotions so he can help you through it the best way he knows how, with cuddles. He would usually make you a cup of coffee and pull you into his lap and cuddle you, as you unpack everything and anything that had upset you that day. He will patiently listen and leave small little kisses on your cheeks to remind you that he is there for you and will support you no matter what
He loves your competitive side, even more so when you use it to win a bet and beat Arthur. HE also loves how open-minded you are. The two of you often teach each other new skills, for example, you have been teaching Isaac how to shoot while Isaac has been patiently teaching you maths and science.
He low key loves how possessive you are and is just as possessive over you. He absolutely adores you and will remind you of that every single day. 
He loves holding your hands and giving you small kisses on the cheeks whenever the two of you go out together. He honestly can’t believe it when you feel insecure about the way you look, “You are honest to God, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.” Will tickle you and shower you with kisses and loving words whenever you are feeling insecure about yourself. 
He will always snicker when your feisty side comes out. Like whenever you sass the men at the banquets for spewing gender based stereotypes and being ignorant. Once they have been put in their place, Isaac while still laughing at the hilarious smack-down you just gave the ignorant men will always give you the sweetest kisses, “God, I love you so much.”
Isaac legit loves everything about you from your quick temper to your clumsy streak. You best be sure this hedgehog is ganna be right by your side whenever you clumsily injure yourself. He will legit sweep you off your feet and nuzzle into your neck, all while making sure you didn’t injure yourself too severely. 
This boy loves you to the moon and back and would do anything to make you happy. If you are overexerting your injured knee you best be sure he will piggyback you to his room and do everything in his power to ease away the pain. Even if that means taking a soothing hot bath with you.
Often the two of you cuties can be found cuddled together, each reading their own book. Both your love languages are physical touch and quality time so Isaac is happiest when you are nestled near him simply spending some good quality time together.
Other potential matches…………. Comte 
I hope you have the best day lia! Sending ya all the hugs! ❤❤🌻 @i-sleep-like-napoleon
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skythealmighty · 4 years
A girl in a spider costume zooms through the sky on webs strung from her hand, whooping. A narration cuts in of a sassy teenage girl. 
“All right, let’s get this part over with. I’m not the first, and I’m certainly not the last. Cut to backstory!” she said, then snapped. The scene changed.
The girl, outside her costume, is eating a bagel. She has blond-brown hair in a messy bob, blue-green eyes, and pale skin. She’s wearing simple clothes. “My name is Skye King. In my universe, I’m one of two spider-people, though I’m the only Spider-Girl. Spider-Man is in New York. My business is in Seattle. One day, during summer break, I was bitten by a radioactive spider after my 15th birthday. You get the jist, right? Then I had spider powers, yadda yadda yadda. We’ve all heard it before. Well, the thing is, not really. That spider was from another universe (at least I'm 99% sure).” While she said all that, in the cutscene, a spider bit her on the hand and she threw it outside. “I could tell something was wrong, so I decided to cancel my hangout with my friend the next day, telling her I was sick. I couldn’t have been more wrong, but it was a good call. I absolutely trashed my room that day.” It showed Skye in her room, sticking to the bedcovers and the ceiling and her books. “Needless to say, my parents were kinda, okay super mad. Oh well, small price for a little superpower! I discovered during the next few days that I could create portals with my webs, and the first one led to the universe with the graffiti Spider-Man, Miles Morales.” Another scene showed her fistbumping with Miles, masks down on their spider costumes as they sat on top of a building. “There, I officially got my suit from Aunt May with some help. I wanted a little piece of everyone I met, so I asked Miles to decorate my costume a bit. He got the left arm, and I gotta say, it looked pretty sweet! Over the next week, I visited other universes and added to my suit a little at a time. You name them from Miles’s movie, I’ve probably visited them. Peni Parker (got a robotics upgrade from her), Noir (the guns were cool, but he also got a bit of space on my mask), Gwen (I stole her hoodie idea and went to gymnastics), Peter B. (not much, his suit’s the same as the original), and even Peter Porker (got a cartoon hammer, I love Looney Tunes)! They were all really cool, but my story isn’t about meeting them. Way too cliche, and probably done before, too. This little mini story takes place in the universe where that spider came from. So why don’t we finally get started, now that you know who I am?” The scene returned to Spider-Girl swinging from the Seattle Space Needle. She winked at the camera, and the screen turned black.
Skye yawned, sitting up in bed as her alarm went off. “Hey Google, alarm off,” she said tiredly, getting out of bed and getting dressed off-camera. She ate her breakfast, said hi to her family, packed up her backpack (not forgetting her Spider Suit), and jogged out the door to her bus stop. She napped on the bus until it arrived at school, where she was woken up by her Spidey senses. She got off the bus. “Hello again, Edison High,” she sighed, walking into the cafeteria and sitting down at a table full of older students. The narration starts. “This is my average, everyday high school, Edison High. These are my art club friends, Olivia, Jack, Darth, and.. well, they’re important to me, but maybe not to you. My other friends are Sofia, Haylie, Mitchell, AJ, and Micheal. At my high school, nobody apart from Sofia, AJ, and Haylie know I’m Spider-Girl, even though she’s the main topic of gossip. School’s boring, so I’ma skip it.” 
The scene of a high school day is fast forwarded until the very end, where she goes to the bathroom. “I’ve long since made a secret exit, and most girls don’t check the bathroom mirror, so I get dressed in my onesie there. It’s really not that hard, and I have a drone get my backpack home. That does mean I have to do my homework in class, but I’m pretty smart, so I can do it most of the time.” Skye, in her Spider-Girl suit, exits the stall and opens the mirror like a door, walking inside. She drops her backpack into a carrier drone, then opens a secret door from the inside and webs to the top of the school. “All in all, a pretty normal day. No crime at the moment, so I decided to visit another universe again. I mean, why not?” She spun her web in a circle, creating a portal, which she swung into. “I wanted a little something to add to my outfit. But that day? Fate didn’t like me one bit.” She looked around at the other portals, which had markings on them, the logos of the different Spider-Men she’d met. One of the portals was unmarked, and that was the one she swung into. As soon as she did, she attempted to make another web, but failed. “Aw, what? Talk about bad timing..” the Skye in the scene said, before yelling and slamming into the ground. “I think I’ll stop the narration now, so you can focus on the story.”
The screen was black, but then Skye opened her eyes. In front of her was a rainbow Spider-Man, upside down in front of her. She yelped and scrambled backwards in surprise, bonking her head. “Ow..” she muttered, rubbing her head. She flicked her wrist, trying to spin her web. Nothing happened. “Damnit!” she cursed.
“You okay?” the rainbow Spider-Man asked, letting go of his web (which was unsurprisingly rainbow as well) and landing on the ground. “You hit your head pretty hard.”
Skye grinned under the mask. “I’ve had worse. I mean, when you’re Spider-Girl, you gotta be able to take a few hits, right?” She got up, standing in front of the walking rainbow and looking him up and down. “I like the sugar glider wings,” she complimented. “I bet those come in handy a lot, huh?”
He smiled too (though only shown with the eyes of his mask). “Yeah, they do. So, how’d you get here anyway? Super collider?”
She shook her head. “Nah, got here on my own. Part of my powers include going to other universes, weirdly enough. My webs aren’t working, though,” she flicked her hand for emphasis, “so I’m stuck here for the moment. I don’t think that’ll last for more than a couple days, so no need to worry.”
He sighed in relief. “Good, I’m already taking care of four Spider-Children, so I don’t need more.. why are you looking at me like that?” he asked, after seeing her starstruck expression. 
“There’s more!?” she said, sort of high-pitched. She covered her mouth. “Oops. Um, basically, when I run into another Spider-Person, I want a way of remembering, so I add to my outfit.. I was looking to upgrade mine for a while, so this is perfect!”
He laughed. “Alright, I’ll take you to them. Be warned though, they’re all pretty extra in their own way.” The scene cut to him swinging her up to an apartment, setting her down.
“Thanks for that,” she said, embarrassed. “If I had my webs, I wouldn’t need you to do that, though..”
“Nah, it’s fine!” He took off his mask, grinning. “I don’t mind. I’m Thomas.” He held out his hand.
“Skye,” she said, taking it after pulling her own mask off. “Now if you don’t mind, you got some thread and needles?” He pointed her to a room. “Sweet!” she said, running in. “I’ll be back!”
After a few minutes, she came out with the same sugar glider extensions he had, but they were the bi flag instead of the gay flag. “Ta-daa!”
“Nice,” he nodded in approval. “There’s some spare clothes in the closet if you don’t mind sweats and t-shirts.”
She grinned. “That’s what I usually wear anyway!”
The screen showed a Spongebob ‘one hour later’ cutscene, then showed Thomas and Skye watching a movie. She was wearing a blue t-shirt and purple sweats. There was a knock on the door. “Come in, guys,” Thomas said, not taking his eyes off the movie. Skye, however, looked towards the door to see four different Spider-Men come through. One wore a royal outfit with flowers, hair uncovered, one wore a pink outfit with hearts and a baseball cap, one wore an outfit similar to Gwen’s with a V, and the last one wore a blue outfit that had a tie design on it and four robotic spider legs on his back. Her eyes widened.
“Okay, now I definitely need to update my outfit again!” She grinned, dashing into the room she’d been in before where her suit was. The others looked at her.
“Uh… who was that?” the one in the royal outfit asked, looking perplexed.
“You’ll see,” Thomas answered.
After a half hour, while everyone was on the couch with masks down, she came out with the suit on and mask up. The hoodie was up, and on top of it, there was a gray V like the Gwen lookalike’s mask. One of the legs had pink hearts and red flowers, and the other had the same design as the tie design but only up to below the knee. She was grinning, until she realized something. “Oh, right, I never introduced myself. I’m Skye, Spider-Girl!” she said, pulling her mask down and bowing. 
“Virgil,” said the Gwen lookalike.
“Roman!” introduced the royal one.
“Hi, I’m Patton!” grinned the pink one.
“Salutations, my name is Logan,” said the one in the tie.
“Nice to meet all of you!” said Skye, grinning and sitting down with the rest. 
A timelapse showed the day going by, nothing super interesting. The timelapse stopped at the next day during lunch, because that’s where the action is. Besides, this is supposed to be a short story, so I won’t bore you too much.
Everyone was having pizza. “Mm, they do not make pizza like this in Seattle, let me tell you,” Skye said after finishing her first slice. “I almost wish they did, but then I’d never cook for myself!”
Suddenly, everyone froze, Spidey senses going off. “Oh no, why in the middle of lunch?” Roman groaned, setting down his slice and going into one of the stalls in the corner. Everyone but Skye followed him, her going into the suit touch up room. One by one, they all emerged in their Spider suits. Thomas and his gang swung out, while Skye took a deep breath and glided after them using the addition she’d just added yesterday, since she still couldn’t use her webs. They arrived in Times Square to see the Scorpion causing trouble with the Tinkerer, again. 
“Peter always has to deal with these guys, why don’t they ever quit?” Skye asked, perched next to the others on top of a building. 
“Evil never rests?” Logan offered.
“Nah, these guys are just really annoying,” Thomas sighed. 
They all jumped down, standing in front of either the Tinkerer or the Scorpion. Virgil, Logan, and Skye were in front of the Tinkerer, while Thomas, Patton, and Roman were in front of the Scorpion. “Time to kick some ass!” Skye said, crawling up a building and launching herself at the Tinkerer. Soon after, Virgil and Logan swung at him in turn, Logan knocking the Tinkerer out of his own vehicle and taking control, which he then used to stun the Tinkerer while Virgil tied him up. Thomas swung and glided onto the Scorpion’s face, blinding him. Patton and Roman tied the Scorpion up, then Thomas kicked the Scorpion over and over in the face, temporarily stunning him. As if it was second nature for her, Skye swung using her webs and tied the Scorpion up some more, knowing her webs were stronger than the others’ by nature. As she landed on the ground, she looked at her hands and smiled. “Looks like I can go home now,” she grinned to the others. “Sorry for overstaying my welcome.”
“Nah, you’re fun to hang around with. Come back anytime,” Thomas said, waving goodbye. She nodded and made a portal, swinging through as it closed behind her. She hung in place in the middle of all the universes, making five webs above the top of the portal she just came in from. The middle one was a rainbow spider, and the other four were a gray V, a red rose, a pink heart, and a blue tie. She grinned and swung through the portal labeled ‘home’, swinging above the city. She was lucky it was Saturday, so she didn’t miss any school. But how would she explain it to her parents? She shook her head to clear her thoughts as she spotted a robbery. Good never sleeps, she thought, webbing one of the criminals with a sigh. The scene faded to black.
“Hey, don't get mad, I told you it’d be short. Cut!”
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septicbro1005 · 4 years
I am an Addict, But I Get Paid to Indulge in my Habit
A/N: Sad Kirishima thing with implied Kiribaku. I just heard a song, got hit with the biggest wave of inspiration, so I’ll work on it between breaks in homework assignments. Ready for some good ol’ sad shit? Great. Based off of “Art is Dead” by Bo Burnham. There will be cursing, self-deprecation, depressed / anxious thoughts, suicidal thoughts, mentions of self-harm, etc. If this shit is not your cup of tea, go onto whatever the hell else you’d like. Cool? Cool.
Eijirou Kirishima hasn’t really been the most confident person in the world. Hell, probably not even the most confident person in Class 3-A. No matter the facade he put on, his inferiority complex has always bit him in the ass at the worst times.
Does he ever show other people how he feels when that happens?
Of course not!
He’s Eijirou Kirishima! The Unbreakable Red Riot! Nothing will ever make him break! He’s the toughest, manliest man out there!
Yet, behind closed doors, there are those days.
When the voice in his head screams. When a loud noise makes his heart race for the next thirty minutes. When his fingernails dig into his shoulders as he takes deep breaths. When the second he does something wrong or that he feels is wrong, he clams up and is flooded with guilt. When he doesn’t speak unless spoken to, and only replies with the fewest amount of words possible. When the fake smiles and the fake affirmations come to the surface.
Then the memories come in.
They flood in faster than he can stop them, and he’s stuck thinking about those things until he finds something else to do.
So that’s why he asked Jirou, in their first year, about music. Happily, Jirou taught him to play the keyboard, which he grasped quite quickly. In fact, by their third year, he was writing his own songs.
Of course, his lack of confidence never allowed him to put them out to the world for people to see.
But, he anonymously goes to a cafe near campus and plays his music there. Every weekend he can.
He’s somehow become a hero in training by day, and a comic musician by night.
This results in little to no down time, what with all of his classes, studying, creating new music, and anything else along those lines.
And there’s one song he’d been working on since he began writing his own music. He’s put his heart and soul into it. He’s practiced it, he’s practically perfected it.
Since he started his gigs at the cafe, he’s been debating on whether or not to throw it into his set list. And every time, before he can even make a joke to introduce the song, he pauses.
He can’t.
He can’t move. He can’t breathe. He can’t think properly. There’s only a few thoughts that swirl in his head, until one voice in his head yells at him to move on.
And so he does.
There was one night, however, that he had an exceptionally shitty day. He almost entirely flunked a quiz, he passed out during training because he didn’t eat lunch, and Bakugou was nowhere to be seen.
Eijirou has no idea how or why Katsuki Bakugou affects him so much. Yet, whenever something happens to the ash blond or the ash blond isn’t there, he’s filled with anxiety and even a bit of jealousy.
Which makes Eijirou hate the way he felt that day.
So when he came into the cafe that night, his beanie shoved low onto his head and colored contacts on, it was much harder to fake his entertainer’s smile.
He started with a couple of jokes and dumber songs, with only some meaning behind it.
And as he finished the third song, he heard the door open up to the cafe.
He’s grown used to people walking in part way into his shows, it doesn’t offend him. Not like it really should. He’s not doing it for money. He just wants to release his feelings in the form of music and comedy.
Katsuki Bakugou was a frequent customer at a cafe close to campus. He had been since he was a second year. He’s always loved going on the weekends, when the entertainer is there.
He never heard a name from the man, and it seems no one else has either. He asked the manager, but she said she was sworn to secrecy by him.
So, he hears the wild applause coming from the cafe, and felt a small grin bloom on his face that grew once he entered.
The man sat in front of his piano, drinking from one of the coffee cups from the cafe. The cafe bought a piano for the man a few weeks after Katsuki began to frequent the place.
Customers erupted with clapping and laughter as the man turned from the piano.
“Okay. Next, I’ve got a poem for you guys. It’s called ‘I Fuck Sluts’,”
A woman in the crowd screamed.
“Not a roll call, but thank you,”
The night was almost over, one song being the last thing in Eijirou’s set list.
He’s kept it to himself for far too long, He was gonna burst if he didn’t say something.
“This next song honestly isn’t funny at all, but it helps me sleep at night,” he managed to push out, rubbing his sweaty palms against his pants.
The anxiety in his voice would be obvious to any of his friends. None of them were there, though, so he doesn’t have to worry.
Katuski watched the performer closely, watching his nails dig into his knee for a moment before bringing them up to the piano keys.
His fingers moved quickly and gracefully across the keys, causing a swift yet elegant melody to float through the air.
Katuski watches as the performer looks out into the audience, taking a clear breath in before turning back to the piano.
“Art is dead. Art is dead. Art is dead. Art is dead,”
Eijirou’s voice carried through to the ears of the crowd, one or two weak cheers coming from the audience.
Katsuki appreciated the performer’s voice, being so soft and soothing, no matter how dark the lyrics were.
“Entertainers like to seem complicated, but we're not complicated. I can explain it pretty easily,”
The performer looked like he was glaring holes into somebody, brows furrowed and shoulders stiffer than usual.
Eijirou was tense.
There was no going back. No stopping now.
“Have you ever been to a birthday party for children? And one of the children won't stop screaming,”
They way that line was sang sent shivers through Katsuki. Hatred was evident in his voice, but the question was who it was pointed to. This hypothetical child was clearly a stand-in for somebody.
“'Cause he's just a little attention attractor. When he grows up to be a comic or actor, he'll be rewarded for never maturing. For never understanding or learning that every day can't be about him. There's other people, you selfish asshole,”
Katsuki frowned as the crowd laughed a bit.
Eijirou’s heart beat erratically in his chest, having to take deeper breaths to continue singing properly.
The hypothetical child was one he hated.
“I must be psychotic. I must be demented to think that I'm worthy of all this attention,”
The hypothetical child with shoulder length dark hair, red eyes, sharp teeth and a worthless Quirk.
“Of all of this money, you worked really hard for. I slept in late while you worked at the drug store,”
The hypothetical child who was greedy and ungrateful.
“My drug's attention, I am an addict. But I get paid to indulge in my habit,”
This hypothetical child who grew up, dyeing his hair firetruck red and putting on a mask of confidence.
“It's all an illusion, I'm wearing make-up, I'm wearing make-up Make-up, make-up, make-up, make...”
Katsuki noticed the performer’s voice sounding far more choked up, and he felt his own grip tighten on his coffee cup.
“Art is dead. So people think you're funny, how do you get those peoples money?”
Eijirou’s hands shook as he played, praying to every god that he wouldn’t miss a key and mess up.
Because then the audience might see this isn’t a joke.
“Said art is dead. We're rolling in dough, while Carlin rolls in his grave, his grave, his grave,”
Katsuki went to the coffee counter to go get a refill on coffee, not wanting to take his eyes off the beanie clad performer.
“The show has got a budget. The show has got a budget. And all the poor people way more deserving, of the money won't budge it,”
Eijirou’s had a complicated relationship with money in his life. He started his life with a good amount of money, which then dropped substantially when his Quirk activated.
It wasn’t because of that, but he’d always thought it was his fault for developing a Quirk.
But as he got older, his financial state got much better. He could afford luxuries. He could afford dyeing his hair consistently. He could afford to go to Yuuei.
But then he felt guilty when his parents paid for his braces. He felt guilty when his parents paid for him to go to Yuuei. He felt guilty when his parents paid for a therapist after his mom thought he developed depression. He feels guilty when his parents pay for his medication.
He wants to pay them back, he just doesn’t know how.
“‘Cause I wanted my name in lights. When I could have feed a family of four for forty fucking fortnights. Forty fucking fortnights,”
Eijirou realizes he’s allowed to feel bad for himself. He knows that.
But it’s hard to feel like shit when you know there are small children who can only eat a meal or so a day, because their family lives in poverty.
There are people dying from cancer out there.
There are people who run a razor across their wrists almost daily because they no longer want to be alive.
There are kids who look at the knife block in their kitchen and think about which knife would kill them the fastest.
Because he used to be that kid.
He used to pull the big knives out of the knife block when his parents weren’t home and would think about how quick and easy it would be to make his family’s life so much easier.
Just a few stabs, and they don’t have to deal with me.
“I am an artist, please god forgive me. I am an artist, please don't revere me. I am an artist, please don't respect me. I am an artist, you're free to correct me,”
Katsuki had gotten his new cup of coffee and practically squeezed the coffee out of the cup when he looked at the performer.
His hands were shaking, his cheeks were flushed, and tears streaked down them.
“A self-centered artist. Self-obsesed artist. I am an artist. I am an artist,”
Eijirou hated the warm tears trickling down his face as he sang. He despised it. All he wanted was to finally put this song out, and just be free of it’s almost deathly grasp.
“But I'm just a kid. I'm just a kid I'm just a kid. Kid. And maybe I'll grow out of it,”
Forcefully, Eijirou pressed on the keys with their finishing notes, drinking from his water.
Hardened fingers dug into his leg as he told everyone to have a good night, packed up, and left.
As he exited the warm cafe, he shivered under the fluttering snow. Releasing a sigh, it quickly fogged up.
“Okay, back to--”
Katsuki watched as the performer whirled around.
“You alright?”
Eijirou sat there, unable to speak.
Katsuki Bakugou went to his show.
Katsuki Bakugou saw him sing his most vulnerable song.
Katsuki Bakugou watched the unbreakable break.
“Fine. You need something, sir?”
“I need to know you’re okay, Shitty Hair,”
Hearing the nickname confirmed Eijirou’s fears, and he shook.
“Ha. So you did recognize me, huh?” Eijirou laughed weakly.
Katsuki felt his brows furrow in a way they don’t normally.
“Wanna talk back at the dorms?” Katsuki offered before taking a sip of coffee. “I’m willing to listen to you,”
Eijirou felt the lump in his throat swell and his eyes spring with tears.
“Yeah... sure,”
A/N: I actually like how this came out! It’s sorta shitty, but not incredibly so! I’ll put this on my Wattpad and my AO3 later, so if you vibe on there, then vibe on there. Peace out! Stay safe and healthy! - Septic / Spark
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Ship Request: Hey! I was hoping for a ship from the outsiders, Harry Potter and Dps, I'm 15, a gemini, straight, i have dark brown hair down to my knees but i usually wear a scarf (its fine if u dotn know how to incorporate that XD), i have dark brown eyes. I am an artist,  daydreamer, poetess and writer, love reading and singing but never in front of anyone since im too shy. I love watching good old movies or staying up late writing, i love animals and hiking and stargazing and love rainy/grey days. I'm stubborn, mischievous, impulsive, deep, and loyal but cunning, and if you cant already tell, chatty. Oh! and im 5'2-5'3 . And after this whole essay (im so sorry) I dream to be a famous writer one day and i live for the moment
@sodaoverstars For DPS, I ship you with...
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Neil Perry!
Now, I just had to go with Neil, you two have the perfect mix of common traits and different ones. 
Like Neil, you are a dreamer and you are passionate about what you love and he would admire that in you just as you admire it in him. 
You are both artists and creative, in your own sense, but still that creativity was what drew Neil to you. 
Neil is someone who believes anyone can do anything if they want to and he would support you every step of the way with your writing and join your hopes in you becoming a famous writer one day. (This is my dream too, I hope we both make it)
Being a poetess you’d fit right into the DPS crew and you’d love writing poems for the meetings in the cave. 
Neil definitely loves cuddling up with you on rainy/gloomy days to watch movies or simply just watch the rain with a hot beverage. And he is definitely into star gazing, you two are both just these fantastic dreamers who love to explore their dreams together
While you are stubborn, mischievous, and chatty, Neil is more on the opposite scale for those things. But there is no hiding the mischievous glint in his eyes he gets. You bring out that side of him.
Neil is by no means guarded or quiet, but he’s not as chatty as you and sometimes he’ll just let you talk for hours. He loves the way you can go on without a break talking about things you love and the way your eyes light up when you talk about writing and being a famous writer one day.
Neil can have a hard time talking about his dad, but you being so deep and talkative makes him want to be more open. Also might have something to do you with your loyalty.  
Living for the moment is something Neil admires and loves about you because it’s something he aims for too. Carpe Diem!
Harry Potter
I ship you with...
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Dean Thomas!
I know the gif is him younger, but I’m using just the gif search on my laptop and I had few options
Like Dean, you’re an artist. And that’s probably how you two started talking. 
I like to believe Dean is a dreamer like you. He’s an artist, a loyal friend, and someone who grew up not thinking magic existed, and I think him finding out magic was real would only make him more of a dreamer. 
Dean loves to sit on the grounds of Hogwarts with you while you guys work. It could be homework, writing, art, whatever he doesn’t care as long as you’re together. 
Dean would love to read anything you write and he understands the importance of constructive criticism.
Face it, if you are with Dean you better be prepared to be friends with Seamus too because these two are best friends. And although Seamus can be a bit destructive he’s a great friend and fun to be around. 
As someone who loves animals, you definitely have a pet at Hogwarts (maybe even two, i.e. an owl and a cat or something). 
If you’re not familiar with muggle life Dean introduces you to muggle movies and you immediately fall in love and you guys spend time away from Hogwarts on holidays watching old films. 
Hogwarts in any weather is awesome, but Hogwarts in the rain is even better. And you love it. Dean doesn’t understand you love for the gloomy weather, but he tries to.
You and Dean could talk to each other for hours. Dean strikes me as a quieter type as Seamus is definitely the louder of the two, but he adores chatting with you. 
As you’re too shy to let anyone hear you singing, it’s difficult for you to do it all at Hogwarts especially since you don’t even have your own bedroom. But eventually maybe Dean catches you singing to yourself and encourages you to join the Hogwarts choir. I dunno if you’d be into that, but Dean definitely supports you in all your talents. 
I ship you with...
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I ship you with Soda because you remind a bit like Ponyboy, and since he loves Ponyboy I figured it made sense.
Soda’s not exactly quiet, but he’s not exactly a dreamer 
He loves your passion for your art and your writing and he wants to see you succeed. 
Soda’s had a hard life, they all have, but your dreamer nature and love for what you do changes the way he sees life. He wants to follow your footsteps and live in the moment. To say you changed his life for the better would be an understatement. You weren’t trying to change his life, but you did it just by being yourself and he likes him better when he’s with you because you bring out a different side of him
Soda’s not quiet and tends talk a whole lot but he loves listening to you talk, but the way you just talk and express everything makes him want to be a little more quiet
He never understood Ponyboy’s whole love for reading and movies, but when he saw you and Ponyboy chatting about something you saw or read he started to understand how important that stuff was for you two and tries to understand it better. 
You take him stargazing and he appreciates you taking your time to share your interests with him. It never occurred to him to see so much in the night sky before
I have a feeling deep down Soda would be a daydreamer he just doesn’t realise it. All the boys are, because they all dream of an easier life.
Soda’s not big on movies but he tries to get into them more for you, you appreciate it but let him leave if he’s bored. You can finish it with Ponyboy and tell Soda the rest fo it later. 
I will admit I was going to ship you with Ponyboy at first, but you said you’re 15 and personally boys younger than me were always too immature to date even if it was just one year.
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