#no blood/crushing damage so i doubt he got hit but who knows.
samble-moved · 2 years
one of the strays i feed is limping but wasn't earlier. no clue what could have happened but will be monitoring the situation.
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Perspective's Sentence Starters; GUTS by Olivia Rodrigo (Part II)
God, you're so good at what you do.
I'd put myself through hell for you.
I fell for you like water falls from the February sky.
No, I couldn't get out if I tried.
It was all in my mind.
I'm the love of your life.
No, love is never logical.
You built a giant castle with walls so high I couldn't see.
And all the things you did to me...
The sky is green, the grass is red, and you mean all those words you said.
I'm sure that girl is really your friend.
Our problems are all solvable.
Loving you is loving every argument you held over my head.
You brought up the girls you could have instead.
Said I was too young, I was too soft.
Said I can't take a joke, can't get you off
Oh, why do I do this?
I know I'm half responsible and that makes me feel horrible.
I know I could've stopped it all.
God, why didn't I stop it all?
I met a guy in the summer, and I left him in the spring.
He argued with me about everything.
He had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye.
He said he's six-foot-two, and I'm like, "Dude, nice try".
He was so much fun.
He had such weird friends.
He would take us out to parties, and the night would never end
When hе said something wrong, he'd just fly me to Francе.
I miss him some nights when I'm feeling depressed.
I remember every time he made a pass on my friend.
Do I love him? Do I hate him? I guess it's up and down.
I wanna get him back.
I wanna make him really jealous.
I wanna make him feel bad.
I really miss him, and it makes me real sad.
I want sweet revenge.
I write him all these letters.
I miss the way he kisses and the way he made me laugh.
Everyone knew all of the shit that he'd do.
He said I was the only girl, but that just wasn't the truth.
When I told him how he hurt me, he'd tell me I was trippin'.
I am my father's daughter.
Maybe I could fix him.
I wanna key his ca.
I wanna make him lunch.
I wanna break his heart, then be the one to stitch it up.
Wanna kiss his face with an uppercut.
I wanna meet his mom just to tell her her son sucks.
I'll get him back.
I'm gonna get him so good, he's not even gonna know what hit him.
He's gonna love me and hate me at the same time.
Get him back, girl.
You better get him back!
I got him really good.
I told my friends you were the one after I'd known you, like, a month.
Then you kissed some girl from high school?
I stayed in bed for, like, a week when you said space was what you need.
Waited by my phone like a goddamn fool.
Now it don't mean a thing.
God, love's fuckin' embarrassing.
Watch as I crucify myself for some weird second string loser who's not worth mentioning.
I consoled you while you cried over your ex-girlfriend's new guy.
My God, how could I be so stupid?
You found a new version of me and I damn near startеd World War III.
Jesus, what was I even doing?
I give up everything.
I placed my bets, and it's not worth anything.
I keep coming back for more.
I'm planning out my wedding with some guy I'm never marrying.
I have nightmares each week.
One phone call from you and my entire world was changed.
Took everything I loved and crushed it in between your fingers.
I doubt you ever think about the damage that you did.
I hold onto every detail like my life depends on it.
My undying love, now, I hold it like a grudge.
I hear your voice every time that I think I'm not enough.
I try to be tough, but I wanna scream.
How could anybody do the things you did so easily?
You know I can't let it go.
I've tried for so long.
It takes strength to forgive, but I don't feel strong.
The arguments that I've won against you in my head.
I fantasize about a time you're a little fuckin' sorry
I try to understand why you would do this all to me.
You must be insecure, you must be so unhappy.
We both drew blood, but, man, those cuts were never equal.
Do you think I deserved it all?
You built me up to watch me fall.
You have everything, and you still want more.
But even after all this, you're still everything to me.
I know you don't care, I guess that that's fine.
It takes strength to forgive, but I'm not quite sure I'm there yet.
I bought a new prescription to try and stay calm.
There's always somethin' missing.
There's always somethin' in the mirror that I think looks wrong.
When pretty isn't pretty enough, what do you do?
I'd always feel the same.
Pretty isn't pretty enough anyway.
You can win the battle, but you'll never win the war.
You fix thе things you hated, and you'd still feel so insecure.
I try to ignorе it, but it's everything I see.
It's on the poster on the wall, it's in the shitty magazines.
It's in my phone, it's in my head, it's in the boys I bring to bed.
I don't know why I even try.
I bought all the clothes that they told me to buy.
I chased some dumb ideal my whole fucking life.
None of it matters.
You just feel like shit over and over again.
It'll never change.
When am I gonna stop being wise beyond my years and just start being wise?
When am I gonna stop being a pretty young thing to guys?
When am I gonna stop being great for my age and just start being good?
When will it stop being cool to be quietly misunderstood?
Got your whole life ahead of you.
I fear that they already got all the best parts of me.
I'm sorry that I couldn't always be your teenage dream.
When does wide-eyed affection and all good intentions start to not be enough?
When will everyone have every reason to call all my bluffs?
When are all my excuses of learning my lessons gonna start to feel sad?
Will I spend all the rest of my years wishing I could go back?
They all say that it gets better.
It gets better the more you grow.
But what if I don't?
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bouqetofmemes · 2 years
so Are we gonna get cake still?
y’all get yo ass beat here 🧍‍♂️like kicked in the stomach beat
While everyone was playing pool you were spacing off in the garden
'If I wear a nice dress one day out of the blue, what would he think of me?' 'What if I'm not the sister he was expecting? What if I disappeared, would he even care?... I'm useless.' Y/n started letting a couple tears slip
"Mistress?" *gasp* *sniff* "Yes Sebastian?" "It is tea time." "Oh, I'm coming...."
While Sebastian was talking about the tea for the day Ciel asked Y/n a question "Y/n, where did you go earlier?" "I went to the garden." "Oh."
"Grell." "Oh, yes my lady?" "Learn something from Sebastian." "Yes." "Just look at him. I mean this physique!" Madam red started touching Sebastian's ass 🌝 "You should quit this country job and come work for me in the city!" "Pff- Madam red, you're too funny!"
"So do you believe the drug trafficker was one of your guests today?" Lau asked "Perhaps." "Why not leave the extermination to Lau?" "A rat knows best where a rats nest is, doesn't he?" "I'm but a tame Guinea pig dedicated to my lord and lady." "If they instruct me not to act, I'm bound to do nothing." Lau finished with both of his hands on your heads
"Watch it!" "You'd best keep your paws off my darling niece and nephew!" Madam red yelled at Lau "You wound me!" "I would never paw at them in they're own home, dear Madam!" "Are you saying you would elsewhere?!" Madam red yelled at Lau letting both of you to fall to the ground "Careful! Your on thin ice now sir!"
"Master, mistress?" "The rats are here..."
"IT WENT THAT WAY!" "And here too."
"...ready soon, would both of you like to eat with your guests?" "Bring it to my study, I'm done here, come Y/n." "Yes
Certainly, my lord."*huff*"Finally, some peace and quiet..."Then both of you saw black "The policeman and woman of England's underworld, two of the nobles who have done the royal family's dirty work for generations."" "the Queen Guard Dog, and Butterfly." Tasked with disposing of anyone who disagrees with her.""Just how many nicknames do you two have?""How many family's have you crushed, Ciel and Y/n Phantomhive?""I thought it would be you.""You shame your family Azzurro Vanel.""Come now, my little Lord Phantomhive.""Do you know how hard it is for the Italian mafia here?""You Englishmen have nothing but tea on the brain.""It's difficult to penetrate those small minds of yours, so we have to think outside the box to make money.""So we found the drug trade."
"CIEL!""Did you hear that!?" "The time for talk is over!"
*scream**splat*"Y/N!"Azzurro was kicking your stomach multiple times while pulling your hair"Monsters like you always wear disguises, how 'bout you turn off that porcelain face you've got heh?" He was now kicking your face as blood was coming out of your mouth and noseThe telephone rang and the man answered it, not expecting to hear Sebastian
"That's too bad..." Y/n started"Sounds like your little game of fetch is over." Ciel ended"Just shut your mouth you damn brat!""CIEL!" Azzuro hit Ciel once again"Hello?"
 Sebastian was on the phone"Woof." Ciel answered Time skip
A couple minutes later"I have no intention of fighting you. Not yet." Azzurro said to Sebastian
He then grabs your hair along with Ciel's "But you better have what I asked for!" Azzurro said while holding both of you at gun point"Yes I do, it's right here."
*gunshot*"Wha-""Sebastian, what the hell...""Aw, sorry, dandy. I really am, but this rounds mine.""There's no way I was going up against Phantomhive’s, lord and lady of games, without a trump card hidden.""I damaged the goods a little bit , but that's alright. I'm sure both of you'll fetch a pretty price, even in this condition.""I might even keep the girl here.""Im sure she'll make a fine attraction." Azzuro said darkly"Don't worry, you have so many enemies,I doubt you'll be alive for that much longer.""Alright, I'm tired of messing around." Ciel finally spoke up"How much longer are you planning to play dead.""Not long."
As Sebastian was turning into his demon form you grabbed a handkerchief and wiped off any remaining blood from both you and Ciel"Good thing we didn't get injured too much." Y/n said softly"But your stomach-""I'm fine Ciel, just a couple kicks, that's all.""Whatever, I'm having Sebastian check you for bruises and scratches.""Fine."As Sebastian was carrying Ciel and holding your arm the other servants came
"Oh, master, mistress, are you alright?" Mey-Rin asked"We were so worried, I thought you two died!" Finny said almost crying at the end"Well, at least you guys are safe and sound." Bardroy said, sounding relieved"Well, we need to get cleaned up, so please, excuse us." Y/n said worried"Do you think she's alright?" Finny asked"She's was prolly shaken up by the fact that she got kidnapped." Bardroy said"But she's safe now, maybe I can prepare a bath for 'er!" Mey-Rin said"Sure, I'll give you what's needed then you can take care of her while I tend to the master.""WAHH- S-Sebastian?""My lady.""Come in?""Mey-Rin, did you need something?""Ah- I- Uh-m, I've come to prepare a bath for you!""A bath, for me? You're far too kind Mey- Rin, there's no need for that." Y/n said, walking towards Mey-Rin"But my lady, you got kidnapped not too long ago, I bet you're shaken up a bit.""Indeed I am, fine, come, run the bath, I'll wait here.""Of course my lady." Mey-Rin said bowing
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
SCP-682 vs SCP-AAB
SCP-682 was incapacitated with a heavy mixture of sedatives and other experimental chemicals while he was being transported within a large create by a Foundation transportation helicopter. He wondered why they would transport him this way, these vermin were cautious if nothing else, so they always made sure to ensure he would never escape. Even when he did escape the annoying insects always tore him apart and dragged him right back into his cage. So what the hell were they doing now? Is this another test? If so, why just sedate him? Where were his cuffs or his guards?
"Are the monkey's finally losing their touch?" SCP-682 laughed at the idea, he could feel the sedatives slowly wearing off. Once he got his full strength back, he would be sure to break out and kill every single vermin he came across. However shockingly the crate opened on its own with the doors being right below him. He roared in anger as he fell into what looked like the middle of a thick forest. His body slammed hard on the ground; it was mostly just internal damage like ruptured organs that resulted from the impact. Nothing that took too long to regenerate. He looked up in the sky and saw the Helicopter drop the crate which was only seconds from landing on top of him. After being crushed by the crate SCP-682 ripped it apart and roared at the helicopter as it flew away.
"Fucking apes, I'll ensure they choke on their own blood while I tear them limb from limb." SCP-682 then looked around at his surroundings to understand his surroundings. Thought all he could see was just a bunch of forest trees.
"Now where the fuck am I?"
"Exactly where I want you to be." SCP-682 looked forward only to see SCP-343 standing there looking at him with anger and disappointment. SCP-682 only growled at the sight.
"Dr. Wicked told me the truth, your nothing but an imposter!"
"You would believe the lies of a mortal?"
"There's nothing mortal about that freak, you should know he's the reason your stuck in a tesseract!"
"And yet, I stand before you."
"As do I..." SCP-682 didn't recognize the voice behind him but for some reason it sounded familiar, which didn't make any sense no matter how you spin it. SCP-682 turned around and for the first time in his life his heart sank out of overwhelming fear. It was the Scarlet King, there was no doubt about it, his scarlet fire and fleshy skin, the thousands of eyes on his face and chest, and who couldn't recognize those horns on his head.
"Hello my child."
"I am not your child! I ate your child and stole his power! Its mine now, you world devouring piece of shit!"
"And yet you are my child, bound to my will of hate for all life, to see it for the true disgusting nature of chaos. The only way to obtain piece is to destroy it all and begin anew."
"Enough of your idiotic bullshit! I don't have time for either of you so fuck off!" Suddenly a blast of energy hit SCP-682 in the back forcing him to fly in the air and crash into several trees, crushing them all with his overwhelming weight. SCP-682 growled and groaned in anger, as he got up he could see SCP-343 and the Scarlet King approaching him as if they were equals.
"The serpent banished from the garden."
"The devourer of the A’ZIEB's spawn. you cannot escape your fate."
"Your judgement begins now." SCP-343 raised his hand to blast SCP-682 with a beam of incinerating light. He would have succeeded if SCP-682 hadn't thrown a three at him with his tail. SCP-343 ended up stumbling because of the impact, this confused SCP-682, even though he knew SCP343 wasn't a god, he still should have been strong enough to fully withstand that. SCP-682 then charged at the Scarlet King and bit into his chest, though not before the Scarlet King made a sword that stabbed into SCP-682's stomach. SCP-682 roared in pain and was forced to throw the Scarlet King away deeper into the woods. But that should have been impossible and SCP-682 knew it. The Scarlet King was the God of Destruction, Defilement, and Anarchy, there was no way that even in his weakened state would someone like SCP-682 would ever be able to harm him. Before SCP-682 could think anymore he was blasted again by SCP-343 with a beam of light making the whole in his stomach wider than before.
"Gah! That's it! I've had it with you stupid Wanna-Be gods!" Giant tentacles of flesh and hardened scales grew out of his wound and stabbed into SCP-343 and kept stabbing while SCP-682 roared at him with frustration and anger. Eventually SCP-343 fell to the ground with golden blood seeping out of the thousands of puncture wounds in his chest. SCP-343 even spat golden blood as he tried to speak.
"Please... Please my child..."
"When you meet the real gods, tell them they should have never banished me over a slut and a monkey." SCP-682 then bit into SCP-343 and started eating him while ripping his flesh apart. However, as SCP-682 kept eating he felt like he wasn't actually eating anything at all, as such he was regeneration extremely slowly. Then as he finally finished, he turned around to see the Scarlet King approaching him with absolutely no wounds at all.
"Like me you have broken the chains that bind you. Now take my hand and let us destroy this world together. Of the thousands of children I spawned, you are the only one who will have this privilege."
"... Ok that's enough puppet shows, come on out you freak."
"Still trying to escape your fate? How pathetic that-"
"You can stop it with the show dumbass! I know this isn't the real Scarlet King! Now come on out!" The Scarlet King then sighed in annoyance as his form started to shift, into SCP-682.
"Fucking hell, and people called me ugly, what the hell are you supposed to be?"
"I am known as the Child of Loki, The Wanderer of the Nightmare Forest, The Gate Keeper of Guilt, The One Who Waits, and I believe your foundation calls me SCP-AAB. But you can call me Jötunn Moder."
"Are you perhaps talking out of that asshole you call a face? Or is that an inverted penis you call a face?"
"Also, SCP-AAB? When the fuck did, they start using letters instead of numbers?"
"We could keep asking questions all day, but I do believe we have some business first. I want you to join me, become my servant."
"... I think you already know the answer to that you literal fuckface." SCP-AAB just stood there for a moment, then it suddenly started laughing.
"What the fuck is so fu-" Suddenly two large trees landed on SCP-682 pinning him to the ground.
"You are by far the strongest being I have ever encountered within my territory. Alas, you're not strong enough."
"Let me go you abomination!"
"My power only grows when more are within my territory. I feed on their fear, their guilt, and their dependance. Those who cling so tightly to the past and never want to grow are of great food to me. But alas even they didn't compare to that army your Foundation sent. None were within my domain, but I felt their desire for knowledge and their fear of the unknown. It filled me with so much power that I craved for more."
"If you love the monkeys so much then why don't you just go fuck them?!" Another tree then fell on top of SCP-682 making him roar in anger.
"However, you are equivalent to a hundred armies. And your rage... I feel I could never go hungry again once you become mine."
"I'm not interested in fuckfaces!"
"I see you and your entirety of being... Exile of the Flesh."
"DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING CALL ME THAT, YOU SHITTY FUCK!" SCP-682 grew large spikes out of his back and broke out from under the trees. He charged at SCP-AAB but before he could reach him a large fist, with lots of large and randomly colored eyeballs on it, grew out from the ground and punched SCP-682 sending him flying toward another place inside the forest. By the time SCP-682 landed he realized he was surrounded by walls with the SCP Foundation logo.
"Oh, fucking damn it! Are illusions all you good for?!"
"I know you soul. What you hate, what you dread, what you fear." Suddenly a large MTF boot landed on SCP-682 and started crushing him. SCP-682 started growling more armor scales and was making his muscles bigger but it ended up only delaying the inevitable.
"You hated the humans before, but now you fear them. If anything, it's not even the humans you hate."
"Shut up!" SCP-682 started coughing up blood as his insides were begin crushed.
"You hate that even with all the power you were given and the power you stole, it's still not enough to kill them all."
"Shut the fuck up!" SCP-682 then started growing arms, claws, and other fleshy limbs on his back to try to push away the boot to no avail.
"And worst of all, you hate that it's all your fault."
"I SAID SHUT UP!" SCP-682 then spat out a smaller version of himself while letting his old body die. This smaller body already had extremely sturdy metal armor; it was especially thick on the head, so he head butt through the wall allowing him to get out. Now SCP-682 was in a large field where there was nothing but grass and flowers for as far as the eye could see. SCP-682 growled in anger, he knew were this was supposed to be, and it made him angry how nostalgic it made him.
"It was you that gave Eve the forbidden fruit." Then a large metal looking tree with thousands of leaves, each made of different metals and had different mechanisms on them; some leaves were digital or looked like crystals. Then SCP-682 saw a snake slither up to the tree, the snake was being followed by a naked woman. The snake then started enchanting a spell and suddenly several leaves joined together and formed what looked like a silver pomegranate. The woman then broke the pomegranate open and inside the seeds shined like gemstones. At the same time a naked man walked up to the tree seemingly arguing with the girl but the girl didn't listen and instead ate the seeds and even offered some to the man.
"It was you that started the war." Then suddenly the clouds turned red, there was Yaldabaoth with their form so large you couldn't even see what it was standing on. The only way SCP-682 was able to see it was because the god was practically lightyears away from it. Yaldabaoth was so large that it covered half of the open sky. Soon the other half was covered by an equally large entity, Mekhane. Yaldabaoth then reached down and grabbed the snake, but Mekhane tried to stop him. Soon other gods filled the sky as well and started fighting one another.
"Grrr! Just stop it already! I know how it goes, you obnoxious fuck!" SCP-682 then slammed his whole body onto the ground making everything shatter around him like glass. However now SCP-682 was back in a hallway of the SCP Foundation, he growled as he looked around to see what was going on. That was until he saw SCP-053 standing in front of him with tears on his face. SCP-682 was shocked at first but then smiled, his left claw enlarged, and he smashed SCP-053 into a bloody paste.
"Your illusions are becoming as idiotic as your fucked up face! Is this seriously all you can do?" Then SCP-682 was back in the forest and SCP-AAB was right in front of him.
"You failed the test; I should have predicted this... No matter, I still want you." Suddenly a larger arm grew from the ground and grabbed SCP-682 by the throat and forced him down and still. SCP-AAB slowly approached SCP-682 and once he was close enough he placed his human hands onto SCP-682's snout.
"Get your filthy fucking hands monkey off of me!"
"Be reborn as my child, be reborn a child of the wood!" Suddenly runes started engraving onto SCP-682's skin. He roared in both pain and anger but couldn't move as more hands grew form the ground and grabbed onto SCP-682 to keep him still.
"Be bound to me! Be my servant, my subject, my lifeforce!" Now SCP-682 was bleeding profusely because of all the runes on his body, but still the ritual wasn't working. SCP-AAB was getting visibly frustrated and made all SCP-682's blood flow onto his body to increase both his own power but also the power of the ritual. However soon the runes on SCP-682 started glowing a scarlet red and SCP-682 opened his eyes as they grew a scarlet light. Red horns grew out of the sides of SCP-682's head and despite his body not changing at all he was slowly getting stronger.
"Your Servant? Fuck that and fuck you." SCP-682 then forced his way out of the giant hands while ripping them apart. Once he was free, he jumped at SCP-AAB and bit into his body, shook him around and threw him at a tree, injuring SCP-AAB further. SCP-682 then started licking the blood off of his teeth as he quickly regenerated. He smiled at SCP-AAB as the monster slowly got back up after being injured.
"Come on get back up or are you finally willing to acknowledge the piece of shit you are."
"You dare make me bleed? ... YOU FUCKING ABOMINATION! I'LL RIP YOU TO PIECES!" SCP-AAB then charged at SCP-682 and rammed him with his horns. SCP-682 wasn't injured by the attack but SCP-AAB wasn't done, now several spikes grew from the ground and stabbed into SCP-682, SCP-682 ate the spikes and broke apart what his mouth couldn't reach. After absorbing the spikes, he grew several large and extremely sharp spikes on his back and charged at SCP-682. Two large hands grew out of the ground from SCP-AAB's left and right, the large hands were made of stone and slammed down onto the ground to crush SCP-682. However, SCP-682 shifted his front claws to become bigger and sharper, allowing him to cut the giant hands before they could even touch him. SCP-AAB panicked and tried to jump out of the way but not unscathed. Thanks to his back spikes, SCP-682 was able to scratch SCP-AAB in the side of his body and his left front leg, injuring it badly. SCP-AAB screeched in pain as SCP-682 started laughing at him.
"What's the matter? I thought you were supposed to be the top dog around here? Can't you handle one little lizard?" However, before anything else several spikes of stone grew out from under SCP-682, ripping through his flesh. SCP-682 was able to regenerate quickly but the spikes kept coming, not only that but they were shooting out of the ground like a barrage. The spikes kept cutting him while pushing him toward the edge of the forest. Once SCP-682 was finally out of the forest, the spikes disappeared as if they never existed in the first place. Suddenly SCP-682's runes started to heal, and his horns vanished however afterwards his scratch wounds got worse, and his stomach practically ripped open. SCP-682 wasn't actually bothered by this, instead he just laid there in silence, as his wounds slowly healed. However, SCP-682 did growl with he heard the sound of hooves clattering toward him.
"Ugh, what? Wanted to gloat or something?"
"... If only I had you, I could finally expand beyond this place. All the servants I had before, none of them, not one could ever give me the power I needed. You, on the other hand, had exactly what I needed. If you had joined me we could have worked together and became gods of a new world. This was your chance to finally scorn those that wronged you. But instead, you chose this... I don't understand you."
"No one does, and frankly I prefer it stays that way. Not that anyone gave a fuck about what I want."
"... foolish serpent of the lost garden, mark my words. Without me, you will never achieve your goals, you will die achieving nothing."
"I'll never die and that's why the Foundation has and always will fear me, and that's good enough for me, now fuck off." Soon Foundation helicopters and tanks could be seen on the horizon heading right towards SCP-682. SCP-AAB that was standing at the edge of the forest growled in annoyance and simply back into his domain.
The Foundation forces armed their weapons expecting SCP-682 to fight them with everything he had but instead as they got closer, they were surprised to see that he was just lying there with his front claws raised up, ready to surrender. Even as they got closer and surrounded SCP-682 he refused to move or hurt any of them, and when they opened up his cage he slowly just walked right in and curled up so they could close it. Then entire time the MTF units were scared and moved slowly thinking it was a trick yet SCP-682 didn't do anything, instead he just yelled at them to hurry up and they did as he asked out of fear. Then once they were all good to go they got ready to transport SCP-682 back to site-19. Then entire way SCP-682 just thought about what he encountered within SCP-AAB's Doman, how angry and annoyed it made him but then he remembered the vision of SCP-053. SCP-682 then curled up tighter and sighed in annoyance as he said something he never thought he would.
"... I wonder if Lanie is doing ok."
SCP: HMF - Tales Hub
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hyunsuks-beanie · 2 years
Enhypen Reaction to Another Member Lusting After You
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Content Warnings: A bit of violence in Jake's part
Mellow speaks: Been a while since I wrote a reaction, so here goes!!
Tagging: @sweethyuka @yedamology @enhacolor @axartia @hyunsuksmygod  @duolingofanaccount @zurimochi 
He's got to be joking, right? There's no way he's being serious right now. There's no way on earth Jay actually means what he just said, there's no way on earth he just expressed the desire to fuck you, and in front of the elder too, no doubt. Sure, Heeseung's not your boyfriend yet, but he's sure it would be obvious to anyone who saw the way he looks at you that he's completely infatuated with you. 
And despite being as friendly as he is, he doesn't take well to sharing things he's set his eyes on. So you can well imagine the sneer that curls his lips upwards as he listens to Jay describe in-depth just what he finds sexy about you, everything leading up to the that one sentence that had his blood boiling. "Fucking Y/N's become a dream of mine," he slurs drunkenly, and the next thing he knows, Heeseung is rushing out the dorm, anger evident in every step he takes.
Where's he going, though? To your apartment of course, ready to put the sexual tension that's been building up between the two of you, to rest. It's high time anyway, because now he needs to make sure random guys won't be ogling at you and trying to make moves on your body. He needs to make sure you know you belong to him, and he needs to show it to the world. 
He had thought having you as one of Enhypen's managers would be all fun and games, because then he'd get to have his partner right next to him the whole day. He wouldn't have to rely on stolen moments and secret rendezvous to get him through the hard work that went into being an idol. But it had never crossed his mind that spending too much time with the group also meant you'd catch their eye sooner or later, and being the attractive soul he knew you were, it wasn't hard to think they'd get hormonal at some point.
So it shouldn't have had come as as nasty a surprise as it was when Jake said he'd like to see the treasures you kept hidden under the layers of your clothing. But it did come as a nasty surprise, both to him and to you, because yes, you were there when he said that. And that didn't fail to make your boyfriend's blood boil. Had the Aussie only known that you in fact, belonged to Jay, he never would have uttered those words. 
But now that they're out in the open, all Jay can do is show him who you belong to, all the secrets be damned if it means getting to have his hands on you at all times, in order to protect you from prying eyes, of course. So he kisses you, his lips full of passion as his hands run up and down your arms, sending goosebumps in their wake. He's giving them a show on purpose, and while you're not too keen on making your private life public like this, you can't seem to mind when he's making you feel this good. 
He's got a crush on you for ages, and he's down bad for you. Because after all, you're the definition of perfection in his eyes, the most gorgeous Goddess in the world. Yeah, he's down bad, in more ways than one. When he's not blushing at having your hand brush against his, he's fantasizing about what it would feel like to have you fully exposed and writhing under him. But he's not blind, he can see that he isn't the only one who has such fantasies. Not by a long shot.
Still, being the reasonable chap he is, he tries to keep the damage to a minimum and doesn't comment on what the others think of you. Or rather, he hadn't made a comment until right now, until he saw the way Sunghoon's lips curled up into a smirk as he expressed his desire to stuff his cock into you. That's all the push Jake had needed, and now he finds himself engaged in something he never would have dreamed of engaging in, a well-placed punch almost hitting Sunghoon in the jaw had he not dodged at the right moment. 
He knows he should be sensible right now, he knows he should just express his displeasure with words instead of throwing hands, but as he's finds himself being pulled away from the younger, his feet carrying him over to the door in search of you, there's all he can do to restrain his urge to test all the fantasies he's had about you.
You're his partner, and it sucks that he has to hide his relationship to you. But he can see where you're coming from, not wanting to share the details of what he is to you when you're still at the early stages of dating. He's sure you'll come around and let everyone know you belong to him. And until then, he's content with just getting to love you behind closed doors. Yet there's days when he wants nothing more than to pull you onto his lap and shove his tongue down your throat in front of the others, just so he can tell them to keep their hands off you.
And today definitely is one of those days, his mood more sour than sour cream as he watches Sunoo check you out. The smirk on his face means no well, that much is clear, but when you bend down to pick up the eyeliner that's fallen to the floor, exposing your cute butt to the world, the words that escape the younger (under his breath but loud enough for your boyfriend to hear), end up being his endgame. 
Next thing he knows, you really are on his lap, his teeth digging into your bottom lip, making you let out a gasp of surprise. Yeah, your equation with him is going to become the talk of town now, but if that's what it takes to keep eyes from prying and inappropriate words from slipping, then that's what he's gonna do.
He's still exploring his sexual interests with you, and he's grateful that he gets to go slow and take all the time with you. He wants to learn the ins and outs of how your body responds to his touch, and he wants to be the one to explore what treats and secrets you have in store, just for him. And everyone knows he can get pouty if things don't go the way he wants them to, with the same applying to how he takes to anyone else that's not him getting too handsy with you.
So you can only imagine how annoyed he gets whenever Heeseung is in one of his flirty moods, his hands roaming across your body in a way they shouldn't as you engage in a battle of video games with him. But still, hell doesn't break lose until a little later when he overhears the elder talking to Jay about how he'd love to touch you even more, if only you weren't taken already. 
That's all it takes for him fo get his blood boiling, his hand getting wrapped around your wrist as he pulls you out the front door and out the building, ready to take you over to your own apartment without even answering the questions you throw him, eager to claim you the second you're inside the confines of your own home. 
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absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
what you deserve
loki x reader 
description - Y/N gets injured and loki, who she thinks hates her, has to convince her to let him help.
warnings - self-doubt, some gore (fairly mild but blood is described), some toxic loki behavior at the beginning, someone kill me for writing myself into every story i write
word count - 3400
A/N- why hasn't anyone stopped me from writing myself into every story i write. God this hit hard, i need to cry and this hasn't achieved it yet so there will be more angst coming until I'm successful.
Loki had met you more than a few times, each making him hate you more than the last.
The first time he met you, it was the day he got introduced to the team as a friend instead of an enemy. The rest of the team waved reluctantly and turned to go back to whatever they had been doing. Loki was okay with that. He went to sit on the couch, something already having been playing on the tv and nobody on the couch. Until you came over and sat next to him.
"Hi! I'm y/n." You stuck your hand out to shake but he simply looked at your hand, back to your face, back to your hand, and then rolled his eyes away from you. You felt your heart drop a bit. You hadn't seen or met Loki before this and he was one of the most attractive people you had ever seen. Of course, he was, he was a god. But he seemed so sad. Even if he was trying to seem aloof, you could tell he was lonely.
But he rejected you. He didn't acknowledge any of the words that you said or try to interact with you.
That continued for months.
You had thought that maybe he had just been tired when you first met him but no. He just didn't like you. He had even seemed to warm up to some of the team. Natasha and he had a similar habit of judging people from the corners of rooms. Wanda and Loki would compare magic. Thor had grown close again with his brother.
You would think about it often. What had made Loki hate you so much? You tried to be kind to him. You would offer him breakfast when you were making it, you made him coffee in the mornings which he took without a glace your way, he refused to spar with you. it made you sad.
You had grown to have a crush on the god. He was quiet and brooding and you thought you could tell that he was softer than he let on. But maybe you were wrong. As you watched him laugh with his brother from across the room, your heart was in your stomach. You had cried a few times about it since you'd met him.
You had also talked to Nat about it. She knew you were in love with him before you did, and she knew Loki fairly well so she had insight on the situation. She tried to convince you that he didn't actually hate you but it was getting to be impossible to believe her. You would just have to get over it. You cried that night again. You just wanted Loki to like you. To be friends with you. You just wanted to know that he didn't hate you.
3 months into him being at the compound, it came under attack. It was a Hyrda fringe group. There had been, however, a protocol in place. Whenever the compound were to come under attack, it had been set up that Loki would be held in a cell. While he seemed to have been acclimated, he was not yet trusted and while you were all distracted, you were weaker.
So when the alarms went off, Loki was taken to a cell. You all fought hard but the attack was well planned and damage was dramatic. You had been stabbed and bruised but Bruce patched you up a bit before moving on to people with more severe injuries. Some of the other people around you gave you judgemental glares. You hadn't performed your best. You had been distracted, your concern for Loki in the cells underground making you a poorer fighter. That’s how you had gotten stabbed and it was also how you managed to trip up another member of the team. You knew that they would forgive you and understand eventually but at that moment, you hated being around them. You were disappointed in yourself. Tony had told you that the power and automation was down so he advised taking stairs and not to get locked anywhere. You agreed and wandered the halls. You found an upper floor, one you'd never stepped onto. There were clean white walls and you were headed toward a secluded corner before you could think about it.
You fell against the wall and slid so you were sitting against it, head between your knees and shoulders shaking. How could you have been so stupid? You were worried for a man that hated you. You hated yourself. Your breaths were uneven and you shook as you felt like the world was crushing your chest, preventing air from entering your lungs.
"What are you doing here?" A familiar voice grumbled and your head shot up. Loki was in a cell across and down the hall. You looked around and it dawned on you that this was the floor made to hold overly powerful beings. Supposedly it could hold Bruce, Thor, even Wanda. It made sense that this was where Loki would go. He looked at you curiously though he would never have shown you that he had genuine concern for you and your wellbeing.
"Why are you still in there?" You avoided his question for a moment.
"Power is out and I can’t exactly magic myself out, now can I?" He grumbled and your heart dropped. How much worse could this day get. "Now can you leave this floor before you flood it with tears?" You held your breath for a moment while you processed his words. Officially everyone in the building hated you. You couldn't breathe.
"'m sorry." You whispered and stood on shaky legs. You didn't make it more than a foot before you collapsed. There was pain in your side where your wound was and when you looked at it, you could see why. There was red bleeding through your shirt. You must have ripped some stitches while you were hyperventilating.
"Y/N?" His voice sounded more concerned than you'd ever heard it.
"Sorry, I think I ripped my stitches." You whispered, disappointed that you couldn't fulfill his request. The blood coming out of your side seemed more severe than it had been when you'd gotten the injury. You got slightly lightheaded and Loki could tell that you would likely pass out soon.
"Call someone!" He barked and you shook your head. Loki remembered that power was out. He cursed.
You knew that you wouldn't be able to make it on the stairs. Your best bet was to not upset the bleeding and wait for someone to come get Loki out of his cell. You tried to army crawl back to the corner you'd left so you could still try to respect Loki's wishes and get out of his way. To take up as little space as possible. There was a trail of blood that followed you.
"What are you doing?!" You wished he would stop yelling at you. Instead of responding, you leaned your head against the wall and squeezed your eyes shut. You could barely feel the pain in your side, the crushing pressure in your chest much worse. "Y/N?!" He was shouting again. God could he not stop yelling at you even when you might be dying?
"Please stop." You whispered it with the intent of only yourself hearing it. You didn't want him to get even more upset at you but you couldn't help the quiet sob that left your chest. You pressed your hand into your side, it would be fine. It would be uncomfortable and you might even pass out but you didn't think you would die. Probably. You were willing to risk it in order to try to not draw attention to yourself.
Loki was silent. He watched in horror as you quietly sobbed in a corner, bleeding out and trying to remain small. And he had made you cry. Well maybe not originally but he definitely was making it worse. His heart was pounding so loud in his chest that he could hear the dull roar of his blood in his ears. He knew he had been awful to you since you had tried to introduce yourself to him.
He hated you.
or maybe, he hated how he felt about you.
When he had met you on that first day his heart hardly worked anymore. You had been so beautiful and you looked so kind. Why then, could he not be kind in return? You didn't deserve to be treated poorly but every time he was around you he could hear himself being mean or not even responding at all.
He watched you interact with others. You were strong and sweet and took care of everyone on the team, including him despite how he knew he treated you. He had started to talk to Natasha as a way to learn more about you. To know what you liked and how he could make you smile without you knowing it was him. He tried to make sure that your favorite cereal was always in the cupboard. He always had flowers on the countertop of the table you ate lunch at. He always recorded that show you liked on the tv because he knew you forgot. He tried so hard to make your life better while he knew that he was making it worse whenever he was around you. He thought you must have hated him at this point. That you had to have grown to resent him but that wasn't the case. You never snapped at him. You always respected what he said and made him coffee in the morning.
And now here you were in the corner of the floor you were on, trying to give Loki space because you thought he didn't like you. You were bleeding out and you were still being kind to him. He took a breath, trying to soften his voice. He knew this was going to be hard.
"Y/N, love, will you please come over here?" He asked and it took a moment for you to process that he was talking to you. When you figured it out you looked at him. Your eyes were wide and your eyebrows furrowed with confusion. He took a breath in. "Please come here."
You had never heard him say please since you'd met him, least of all to you.
"I don't understand." It was still coming out in a whisper.
"This floor can’t dull my magic entirely, I may be able to stop the bleeding." He clarified but that didn't help too much with your inability to understand.
"Its okay, Loki. You don't have to do that. I'm sure it will be fine." You assured. You even smiled at him despite the tears in your eyes from the pain you were in. He didn't know if the tears were from physical or emotional distress. Perhaps both.
"Y/N, I'm begging you to come over here. Please, dove." His eyes were watery and greener than ever. Your skin tingled at the pet name but you still couldn't comprehend what was happening. Either way, you figured it wouldn't hurt to try to go over to where he was now kneeling against the large bars of the cell. You removed your hand for a moment and the blood resumed coming out of your side. You winced and Loki winced as well.
You managed to stumble over toward the cell and Loki extended his hand to help you to the floor. When your hand held his for stability, you realized that this was the first time Loki was touching you. Your heart hammered harder in your chest.
You managed to tumble to a sitting position on the floor pressed against the bars of the cell as Loki tried to make you comfortable from the other side. He cringed when he saw the blood on his hand from you taking his but he knew that it wasn't going away. It just scared him.
He pressed his hand into your side over your injury and you both winced.
"Im sorry, dove." He whispered and you thought you might have died, that this was some sort of weird fever dream or maybe you were in a coma, but the pain in your side was very real. Loki must have been real as well. Your side very slowly stopped bleeding and you were finding it easier to stay awake. As you started to feel it become easier to keep your eyes open and you could focus on the things around you, you took in your surroundings.
You were splayed on the ground, your upper body leaned against the bars while loki supported part of it. He had a gentle hand on your side which was becoming less and less painful. You looked closer and he actually seemed to have tears in his eyes. he was muttering under his breath.
"What are you saying?" You sounded groggy.
"Nothing." He grumbled and your heart sank. He was back to being cold with you. You started to wiggle and when you found that your side only mildly ached, you started to get up. "Where are you going?" He was quiet.
"I just thought..." You trailed off. "I know you don't like me, I just didn't want to stay in your space and make you uncomfortable." You mumbled. You both knew that he hated you, you didn't much care if he was aware.
"You don't make me uncomfortable." He stated and you sighed very quietly. He hadn't denied that he didn't like you
"Its okay, Loki. You don't have to be comfortable around everyone and I've taken the hint. It doesn’t hurt my feelings." You both knew you were lying.
"Y/N, I dont-" He paused and suddenly there was a whirring around you. The power was back on. You stumbled to the pad next to Loki's cell and unlocked it. Before he could even step out, you were already rushing to the stairwell. Loki let out a defeated sigh.
You made it back to your room and managed to avoid everyone for the most part. Those who did run into you only glared a bit and walked by. You were exhausted. You didn't want to eat or go into the common area for any reason so you just decided you would spend the rest of the day in your room. Nobody else seemed to mind.
Night came without a disturbance and you were slightly hurt. You wished that you knew that the team cared. You were starting to wonder. When it was sufficiently late, about 3AM, you headed out of your room. Bucky was normally resigned to his room by 3 and Sam didn't wake up for his run until 5 so you had a bit to try to grab some food and water and maybe some tea to calm your nerves.
You tip-toed to the kitchen and you were right, it was empty. You let out a breath and emotion waved over you. You didn't know where it was coming from, why it was coming out now, but it was an overwhelming sadness and anxiety.
You figured by now that FRIDAY had alerted them to the near death experience you'd had on the 5th floor and yet none of the team had come to check on you. Or had even said a word to you. You didn't know if they cared. You also felt awful knowing that Loki didn't like you. That it took you almost dying for him to even touch you. You were, of course, thankful that he had helped. You couldn't be upset with him. You were upset with yourself for being like this, for not being a better person and friend and fighter so that everyone would at least be okay with you being around.
You felt a tear leave your eye and you fell to your knees in the middle of the kitchen. Your hands wrapped around your stomach and your body curled into itself, trying to be as small as possible. Your tears were hitting the floor and your breath was becoming uneven.
You were so pathetic. Why did you need constant validation. Why couldn't you have just gotten over yourself. Over Loki. Be a better fighter and be a stronger person with less emotions and not make everyone so disappointed all the goddamn time. It felt like everyone was against you. They should be. They were right. You were incompetent, clingy, emotional. You couldn't fight without getting distracted. You screamed at yourself in your head.
You were so consumed by your emotions that you were startled when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You flinched and quickly turned around. Loki stood above you, crouched to reach you. He had a concerned look on his face.
"Are you in pain still?" He was checking to see if you were still inured. You took a breath quickly and wiped the tears from your face hastily. You stood up so fast that spots danced across your vision. Loki's look of concern didn't fade.
"What are you doing up?" You avoided the question.
"Y/N, are you still hurt. I could fix it."
"No I am not hurt still. Here look." You assured with a small voice and lifted your shirt. The previous stab wound was now reduced to a freshly covered scar that ran across about 5 inches on your side. You tried no to show that it was painful. It didn’t feel healed. It felt better, of course, but it ached and was tender when you touched it.
"I could fix it all the way." He offered and you quickly shook your head.
"No, thank you. It’ll be fine. You should be in bed." You offered, even though you knew it wasn't really relevant.
"I asked Friday to let me know when you came out of your room." He mumbled and you tilted your head.
"Why would you do that?" You weren't mad, just curious.
"I wanted to talk to you." You paused. Why? Was he upset at you about something? You took a shaky breath in.
"Okay, what did you need to talk to me about?" You were preparing for the worst.
"I cant-" He couldn't form the words in his head. "I don't dislike you, Y/N."
You looked at him from across the kitchen. You had a look on your face that revealed that you didn’t believe him.
"Okay." You whispered. Was that really what he had come here to do? Lie to you?
"You scare me." He admitted quietly and your eyebrows scrunched up at his revelation.
"I'm sorry, I didn’t mean t-"
"No, it’s not your fault." You waited for him to continue. "When I met you, you were so outgoing and happy and everything that I wasn't. And it scared me. And then I got acclimated but you still intimidated me. You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met and you are mortal and I didnt know how to cope with my feelings. I still don't." He sighed, "I just want you to know that you never did anything wrong. There isn't anything wrong with you, I just can’t express my feelings, especially romantic."
"Romantic?" You were whispering. You were worried that he might take back what he was saying.
"Im afraid I'm in love with you. And I am so bad at communicating emotions that I have convinced you of the opposite. For that, I wanted to apologize." He had just admitted that he was in love with you and you had no idea how to respond. "You do not owe me a response or reciprocated feelings, I just hadn't realized until earlier how dramatic my actions were affecting you and that was never my intention."
"What if I do have reciprocated feelings?" You could feel your breath shaking from nerves. He could barely believe what he was hearing.
"Then I would feel very fortunate. But also slightly worried." He admitted. "I haven't been as kind to you as I should have been and I don't want you to think that is who you would be getting involved with or that that is what you deserve. If you felt at all the same, which I hope that you do, I would like to perhaps take things quite slow. You should not rush into something you may not understand the full scope of and I would like to prove that I can treat you as well as you should be treated."
"That sounds good." You whispered with a smile on your face and he smiled back at you, both of you blushing.
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Imagine the Doctor finding your drawings of him.
>DOCTOR WHO playlist<
Of course, he was tempted to open that notebook: you always carried it around, shielding it from any, even accidentally, prying eyes. He has seen you scribbling something across coarse pages, hands dusted with charcoal, only to quickly close it whenever someone was around. He could only wonder and assume what that leatherbound book held inside and perhaps it was the secrecy itself that pushed him beyond the boundaries of privacy.
As it always so happened, the said notebook was lying on top of the console - you kept it there to make sure you don't forget it on your way out of the TARDIS. The Doctor didn't mind it, at least not anymore. He became so accustomed to the book's existence that his mind didn't register it anymore; especially at that fateful moment when he was a little too preoccupied with making sure the spaceship didn't crash.
The Doctor hit the console with a hammer, unintentionally making the notebook fall; it opened upon contact with the metal floor. Because of the great strength he had to use and the unexpectedly major tilt the TARDIS took, Doctor find himself catching his balance right above the leatherbound book. Looking down, he was momentarily taken aback - the coarse, beige pages weren't empty. Instead, he was greeted by a familiar face drawn in charcoal.
"It's... me?" he said to himself. The discovery made little to no sense to him - Doctor expected something less... mundane. Ordinary.
There was no doubt that the black lines twisted together constructing an impressively realistic image of him. Although there was nothing strange in his own face, there was a strangeness in its sole appearance - why would your notebook be filled with portraits of him? Was that the secret you had been keeping away from him? Why did you think it was something that should remain hidden?
"Why are you looking through this?!" He heard your panicked shout. The TARDIS was no longer experiencing pandimensional turbulences and so you had no problem in speedin towards him.
You quickly picked up the sketchbook and held it close to your chest, embarrassed that the queer mystery had seen the light of day. A flustered blush crept upon your face, making you look even more anxious. The lazy whirring of the machinery was drowned out by the blood rushing inside your head. Panic made your body feel all sorts of uncomfortable and tingly, suddenly appearing terrifyingly foreign to you.
"No, I didn't." He shook his head. It was a poor attempt at feigning ambivalence. "It fell off the console and opened. Why are you keeping it here anyway? It can get damaged!"
For a moment, a silence fell between you too. Your lower lip got caught between your teeth; Doctor knew you well enough to become certain that something serious and problematic was on your mind. There were words you had to say, maybe even wanted to but your own hesitation and anxiety kept them lodged in your throat.
"You've looked through it, didn't you?" you asked quietly. He barely heard you above the loud machinery of the TARDIS. For a split second, he was sure it was his conscience, ready to crush his ribcage with the pangs of guilt.
"Yup," he answered after a while, suddenly feeling embarrassed about his nosiness. Doctor caugh a glimpse of your uneasy, maybe hurt, expression and quickly averted his gaze. "I shouldn't have. I'm sorry."
Your next words were spoken in a gentle, absentminded tone and so Doctor wasn't sure whether you were talking to him or more to yourself:
"Then I guess there's no harm in showing you the rest."
His ears metaphorically perked up and the embarassment or guilt were nowhere to be found anymore - excitement took their place.
"It's, you know, not much. Just me scribbling things I want to remember."
The first pages presented landmarks of places you had visited, quick sketches of spaceships or pieces of alien technology. Although he was silent at the moment, Doctor was admiring your eye for details - how just a few charcoal squiggles could capture the complex design and grandeur of things you were seeing for the very first time. His hearts began to clench with yearning and a strange type of shame as he began to think that he wasn't as important to you as he initially thought and the portraits of him were probably a result of long hours when he was fixing something and you had nothing better to do besides waiting.
To his returning excitement, the pictures of architecture, technology and clothing stopped, only to be exchanged for sketches of himself. The variety of the said drawings made him blush slightly - some pictures must had been done while he was focusing on something else, capturing the raw honesty of his soul in those short moment when he had thought that no one was watching. In the back of his head creeped a fantasy, a wonder, that there was a time when your undivided attention and fascination belonged only to him. In a sense, it was your affection for him that made him immortal and he wasn't sure how he felt about you having such power - most of all, he feared his own hypothetical jealousy towards all the other things littering the coarse paper of the notebook. Yes, your fingers lay him into eternal memory upon sheets of paper - to be witnessed by eyes that had already closed and hearts not yet born.
"I like this one best." You pointed out a very detailed sketch taking up a whole page. Doctor couldn't discern when exactly you had drawn it but judging by the wide smile on his face, it was a moment of thrill or joy. It surely wasn't a drawing one makes after acciddentally witnessing someone laugh; no, it was a sketch of a committed observer.
"Why that one?" he asked. "The arch was marvellous and currently blown up. While he," Doctor vaguely pointed at the drawing of himself. "Is here all the time."
"Well, that arch is still intact in here." Your finger gently tapped the beige paper. "Forever a masterpiece of alien architecture. In a way, it's as if it had never blown up, you know?" He caught your eyes when you looked at him to see whether you got your point across. The quiet moment of intimacy would've lasted longer if your adoring timidness did not force you to finally avert his gaze. "And now there’s a place in this universe where you’re always happy."
The Doctor felt a little too flustered to point out that it was missing you.
TAG LIST: @restingbitchsblog
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just-my-fandom · 3 years
Heartache (Shouta Aizawa x Pro-Hero! Reader)
A/N: Ooo-kay, finally back from my month long, needed break from writing. I’m kinda attached to MHA at the moment, so that is what I am taking requests for.
Summary; The two times where two of UAs teachers nearly lose their lives to protect their students, mindful of the child they have at home.
Request; Can we have some pro hero love where reader (pro hero) and Mr. Aizawa have a daughter and Thirteen who is readers best friend is said daughters god mom while Present Mic is the god dad plz
Akari- Japanese name meaning “Light”. Readers quirk is the ability to send large waves of energy a selective distance, and shield herself with said energy.
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Two months prior- U.A.
“Alright, everyone,”
Shouta Aizawa seemed well too calm this early morning. Too calm despite the fact that he is holding a child on his hip, who looked all too like him.
“Today’s lesson is simple. Based on communication,” He starts, “Communication when it comes to citizens. This lesson will teach you how to comfort an injured or scared citizen during an attack, specifically women and children,”
“Uh, Mr. Aizawa?” Denki Kaminari was first to speak up, hand half raised in confusion, “Why do you have a baby?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Mina leans forward, eyes wide and gleaming happily, “That’s Mr. Aizawas and Neutron Shields baby! She looks just like him,”
“Lets not jump to conclusions,” Shouta hums, but the barely visible smirk on his lips lets his class know that the toddler is, indeed, his own, “I brought Akari here today for the lesson that will be taught. You will all need to learn and know how to comfort a child during an attack if the child has been separated from its parents,”
“Only, however,” Shoutas eyebrow raise causes his students to watch as his daughter leaned against his shoulder and glanced outward to the class, “Akari does have a quirk. It is similar to her mother’s, as Mina predicted, Neutron Shields. Meaning if she were to get defensive, you would have to calm the child from harming herself more, or you,”
“So we’re fighting a little brat,” Bakugou mumbles, rolling his eyes so when he looked back up to his teacher, said mans hair had raised and his eyes glowed red,
“Insult my daughter again,” Shouta threatens, instantly dropping his intimidating act when Akaris hand reaches up to pat his face. With a deep sigh, Shouta looks away from his daughter to his students, “No. Youre not fighting her. Simply consult her into comfort so she knows you’re not a threat. Akaris been taught how to control her quirk on demand,”
Lowering the toddler onto the floor, Shouta steps back as soon as his daughter began to tear up, twisting to reach for her father with quiet sniffles.
“Well?” Shouta eyes the students, when Akari hiccups and looks back to the teenagers, “She’s distressed,”
“I got this,” Kirishima is first to push out of his desk, hands out and steps slow as he approached the child, “Hey, Akari, it’s okay,”
Akari is swift to shake her head and twist her upper body away from the red head. On cue, a purple bubble surrounds herself, Bakugous brows pinching as Dekis mouth dropped, hand reaching over to pat Todorokis shoulder in amazement.
The bubble then expands to hit Kirishima and throw him off his feet, landing hard on his back so Akari blinked and giggled, loudly, the bubble then vanishing.
“Me next!” Mina exclaims, Akaris eyes flicking from the red head and to the pink skinned girl, who knelt down next to Kirishima and opened-closed her hands.
Hesitantly, Akami leant forward onto her hands and knees, ready to crawl up to the girl, but instead blinked so a bubble formed around Mina, the bubble suddenly shrinking so Mina shrieked and pressed her hands to the sides in an attempt to stop the shied like bubble from crushing her.
“Akari,” Shouta speaks up, his daughter blinking so the bubble vanished, her eyes shifting to her father before looking back to the class, Mina exhaling in relief and backing away.
“Come on, shit for brains,” Bakugou scoffs, standing to his feet so Akari stared at him, “We’ve trained with Neutron Shield before. The brats no different,”
“Akari is a child,” Todoroki reminds, on his own feet and stepping forward so Akari instantly reached up, the fire and ice powered male pausing to stare at her.
Her whine when he makes no move to pick her up causes him to do so, Shouta smirking as Akari stared at Bakugou and stuck her thumb into her mouth.
“It seems she has a favorite,”
USJ Training Facility
You weren’t sure what happened. As soon as you were in line of view, two of Shoutas students- Uraraka and Ashido- immediately began to panic from where they knelt down next to Thirteens collapsed figure.
“Mrs. Aizawa!” Mina cries, tears in her eyes as her hand rests on Thirteens shoulder, “Thirteen- she took a hit-!”
You are quick to move next to Ochaco, hand opposite of Minas so Thirteens head turned and her eyes weakly looked up at you,
“Thirteen,” You call, softly, “Hey. It’s okay,”
“I tried to protect them,” Thirteen murmurs, and you nod, sliding your arms beneath hers to heave her to her feet, Mina and Ochaco quick to stick their hands out in case she fell,
“You did,” You promise, “You did amazing, Thirteen,” Your eyes flick to the class, “Where’s Iida?”
“Getting help,” Mina heaves, shakily, “What- what’s going to happen to Thirteen?”
“Shes going to be okay,” You reassure, and shift Thirteens arm around your shoulders so she fell slump against your side, “I’m going to make sure of that,” Your eyes shift to your best friend, “Do you hear me, Thirteen? Akari needs her godmother in her life,”
“I’ll always be here for that angel,” Thirteen breathily laughs, watching as you looked over in alarm at the sounds of fighting, “Eraserhead. He stayed behind,”
“He can hold his own,” You murmur, but the doubt in your tone causes Thirteen to grasp the back of your suit,
“Go help him,” Thirteen demands, extending her free hand for Mina to drape at her shoulders, “I’ll be fine,”
You hesitantly peel away from the pro-hero, glancing between her and where the fighting could be heard, before you sprint down the steps, looking up in time to see Noumu, Shigarakis weapon, on top of your collapsed husband.
“Hey!” You call, raising your hands so a bubble surrounded you, expanding in a rush to hit Noumu so he stumbled off his feet, a good distance away from Shoutas figure.
Protect him. Protect him now.
With quick steps, you throw out a hand that forms a bright (Favorite/Color) bubble, which you slide under and next to Shoutas collapsed form so the bubble shielded both you and him.
“I always wondered when I would get to fight the famous Eraserhead and Neutron Shield at once,” Shigaraki speaks, your eyes shifting over your shoulder where he stood at one end of your bubble, while Noumu stood opposite of his leader,
“But defeating them both?” Shigaraki chuckles, “A dream come true,”
The first punch Noumu sends against your bubble creates severe damage to your shield. It cracks beneath his fist, giving the monster the confidence he needs to continue punching and clawing at the barrier,
“Mrs. Aizawa can’t take them both- not on her own,” Midoryia heaves from his spot in the water, where he, Mineta, and Asui hid a good distance from the battle.
“She has shields!” Mineta reminds, shivering in a panic, “She’ll be fine!”
“Ribbit, her bubble can only take a certain amount of damage before it breaks,” Asui states, “And the damage her shields take, her body takes,”
Where’s All Might when you need him?
With a weak breath, you slide your hand beneath Shoutas head, resting it in your lap as your muscles screamed for you to drop your shields.
“Honey,” You call, pleadingly, free hand resting over Shoutas chest- thankful to feel a heartbeat, “Baby, wake up. Please,”
Looking up, you watch as the top of your bubble cracks and shrivels in defeat, Noumu stepping back enough for the shield to drop and leave not only you, but now Shouta, vulnerable.
With a startled gasp, you raise your hand as Noumu then lunged at you, the shield only protecting your face, so the punch Noumu sends forces you feet back, tumbling backwards and onto your front, leaving Shouta out in the open yet again.
Fingernails grabbing at dirt, you moan out in pain, forcing your arms to push you to sit up, raising your head in time for Noumus claws to latch at your shoulders, shoving you onto your back, his weight forcing you to gasp for air at the pressure of him on your chest,
Raising a hand that clawed at his arm, you are quick to throw a shied, the edge slicing Noumus face so he only jerked back then growled down at you.
With wide eyes, you look over to Shoutas form, then up, at a distanced- “I am here!”
Noumus weight lifts as he departs, your lungs expanding as you gasped, coughing as you sit up, slowly moving up to Shoutas form.
“Help me get him up,” You demand, when Tsuyu and Mineta rush next to you, “Please,”
“Mrs. Aizawa- you’re bleeding!” Mineta stammers, your hand raising to your mouth where blood dripped.
Shaking your head, you allow All Might to take your hand and help you stand, “I’m not worried about me. Get him out of here,”
Camp Attack
Why were you struggling so hard to fight a girl with a knife? Maybe it was because you just couldn’t stomach the thought that your students- your husband were still somewhere in these woods, being attacked by someone else.
Your breaths are shallow by the time you pull yourself from your thoughts. With a hand grasping Togas wrist that held the knife, your eyes wildly search behind you, landing on two of your students,
“Asui, Uraraka, go,” You heave, grunting when Toga shoves at your front, “Go, now!”
Uraraka gasps in fear when Togas foot skillfully hooks around your ankle, jerking so you fell on your back with a pained grunt. Toga is quick to pin over top of you, knife held against the skin of your neck.
“Aren’t you supposed to be a pro-hero?” Toga grins, voice high as you narrow your eyes and suck in a deep breath through the nose, “You’ve gotten weak after having that stupid baby of yours,”
“Do not ever mention my child,” You heave, raising a hand so a shield formed, that instantly vanished when Togas knife slid across your neck, startling you to gasp in quick breaths,
“Mrs. Aizawa!” The two students shriek, your eyes pinching shut as you form a small bubble around you, successfully pushing Toga off of you so you could sit up and cough, hand covered in dark red blood.
You look over and form a bubble around Asui and Uraraka, looking back up at Toga when she giggles, dragging the blood covered knife across the bubble,
“You think a small bubble can stop me from getting what I want?” With a quick jab, the knife plunges into the bubble so you flinched and raised a hand to your neck.
Vision blurry, you blink, the bubble shattering so Toga giggled and lunges forward, not before a tongue shoots out and wraps around her, tossing her to the side and into a tree nearby,
“Mrs. Aizawa!” Uraraka quickly moves next to you, eyes wide as she watches you slowly lower back onto the dirt in defeat, “Mrs. Aizawa, stay awake!” Uraraka looks to Asui, alarmed to find Toga gone, “Tsu, go get help!”
“Uraraka, Asui!” The two girls look over, to find a group- consisting of Midoryia, Todoroki, Bakugou, Shoji, and Tokoyami- rushing towards them, “Come on! We’re heading back to the Camp!”
“Our pace will be slower with two injuries,” Todoroki states, eyes flicking to Midoryia on Shojis back, before he moves to help lift you up, your arms around his and Urarakas shoulders, “We need to find Mr. Aizawa, first and foremost,”
“They said we can use our powers to defend ourselves, and now we have two injured, one being a teacher,” Shoji states, “So don’t let anyone stop you,”
“You shouldn’t be moving around so much,”
You hum through a light laugh, lifting your head from where you rocked back and forth on your feet, your daughter curled against you.
“I’m not dying, Shouta. I’ll be fine,” You feel Akaris hand graze across the stitches at your neck, as you turn to face your husband.
“That’s nothing to joke about,” Shouta steps up, sliding his hands under Akaris arms to peel her away from you and against his own shoulder,
“Just thought I’d give a little pay back for the heart attack you gave me during the USJ incident,” You shrug, frowning at Shoutas glare, “Okay. Sorry. But honestly, honey, I’m okay. Recovery Girl said I should be fully healed by next week,”
“Until then you should be resting,” You roll your eyes at Shoutas statement, turning to then pluck a shirt from your pile of laundry to fold,
“Take your own advance, honey. You haven’t slept a full night in three weeks,” You turn, hand at your hip, “Why don’t we call Hizashi and let him take Akari for a day or two? Give us time to rest?”
“If you want another kid, just ask,” Shouta smirks, your lips parting as he moves around you, laying Akari in her own bed in the corner,
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it,”
“Do I, though?” Shoutas hands rest at your hips, and you smile, hand at his jaw to pull his lips against yours.
“Seriously, though,” You hum, “Hizashi would love to see his god daughter. I promised Thirteen I’d help her with her own recovery,”
“I swear you love Thirteen more than me,”
“Oh, definitely. No questions asked,”
“Fine, go ask her for another kid,”
“Nah, I like my kids to have your attitude,”
“Oh, sure,”
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goldenkirstein · 3 years
never knew what i was missin'
or alternatively, reiner being an oblivious simp
@clean-soap requested: Hi. I saw that your requests are open and i was wondering if I can request a Reiner x reader. I was thinking the story line could be like My Love Story!! Anime, where Reiner comes and protects you from a creep and the both of you fall in love. However, through some misunderstandings he thinks you like Bertholdt and not him. So he tries to set you guys up, even when you try to be with him. I was hoping for some angst through the story and fluff at the end!
pairing: reiner x gn! reader
wc: 2.5k+
tags: fluff, some angst, modern! au, fem bodied reader, language, mentions of violence & assault, threats of assault, mentions of blood & bruises.
a/n: so i got a little carried away writing this, but i hope this fits what you were looking for. i really loved writing for reiner, its my first time and my first request !! also I haven't watched the anime, but i read the synopsis and tried to make some ties to it !! I hope you enjoy.
this is a work of fiction. please reach out to the necessary hotlines and call for help if you're in any danger. Please read the warnings before reading.
“I’m sorry, I’m flattered, but unfortunately, I’m busy.” You offered the man in front of you an apologetic smile and tried to hand back the tickets he had given you. Occurrences like these weren’t common, but you had your fair share of handing out rejections. It wasn’t something you enjoyed doing; someone was exposing their heart to you, and you had to crush their hopes.
Most understand. Most will leave you alone.
“Is that a no? You expect me to be okay with that?” The man glowered at you; any sight of despondence wiped clean from his face.
“Sorry? I’m not sure-” You stepped back to try to get away from him, back hitting the wall, any sense of composure inside you disappearing. He responded by advancing towards you.
“Are you trying to get away from me? I asked you a question, you ungrateful bitch.” He spat the words at you, grabbing your wrists caging you between his body and the brick behind you. His nails began to dig into the flesh of your wrist, causing you to drop the tickets in your hand. “I bought you those, and this is how you repay me?” His eyes had darkened; you could feel his hot breath on your face, making you sick.
“Get off me, or I’ll scream. I don’t owe you shit.” You sneered at him, trying to twist out of his grip.
“Oh, don’t worry, darling. You’ll be scream-” A prominent figure forcefully shoved him off of you before he could finish his sentence. You let out a sob, eyes-widening as you realized what scene was playing out in front of you.
The man was on the ground gripping his nose, which was gushing out blood; the figure was standing over him, chest heaving, fists clenching and unclenching.
The figure whipped his head back to look at you; his expression immediately softened as your eyes met his. You let out a shaky sigh; it was Reiner, the figure was Reiner.
“Lay another hand on them, and I swear you won’t see the light of day again, Grieves.” The man haphazardly stood up and scurried off before Reiner could cause any more damage to his face.
You were frozen to the wall, not even registering that Reiner had walked over to you and was calling out your name.
“Are you okay? Can I look at your wrist, if that’s okay with you?” He gave you a worried look, waiting for your permission before touching you. You gave the blond man a short nod, and he bent down to place his fingers gently around your wrist; you could barely feel them as he carefully examined your forearm.
“What were you doing out at night? If you don’t mind me asking.” His hazel eyes flickered up, a concerned expression still painting his face.
Your breathing had stabilized, Reiner’s hands on your wrist were a comforting presence in contrast to the harsh man who had touched you prior, “I was out with Bert; he was helping me with an assignment.”
Reiner’s jaw clenched at the mention of Bertholdt; you barely picked up on the slight change in expression from him.
“Grieves offered to walk me home, but I had no idea-” You let out a shaky sigh; the jarring experience was still fresh on your mind. The man stood up, giving you a heavy nod.
“It’s okay; you don’t have to continue if you don’t want to.” Reiner was still worried for you, his mind racking through ways to get your mind off of what just happened. He noticed in the corner of his eye the outline of what seemed to be tickets.
You watched as he bent down to grab the passes, wiping them on his pant leg. “Two tickets to the theatre, how fun!” He looked up at you with a crooked smile.
“Wait, no, I didn’t mean it like that, it is fun, I mean, not by yourself though-” You giggled at his awkwardness as he quickly stood up, his cheeks rosy with a blush.
“I got what you meant, Reiner, but to be honest, I don’t think I’ll go.” He shook his head and laughed. You looked at the man and bit your lip, words threatening to spill from your mouth.
He gave you a questioning look and tilted his head. “Reiner, walk home with me. Please?”
Having Reiner near you was already doing enough to calm your nerves, but you didn’t want to be alone after what you experienced. He blinked a few times, processing your request before giving a short nod.
You peeled yourself off the wall and promptly placed your shaking hands in your coat pockets, hoping that spending more time with Reiner might quell any remains of anxiousness you felt.
He waited for you to start walking before matching your steps, eyes flicking between your face and the path in front of the two of you.
Both of you walked in silence, the sound of your shoes clicking against the pavement filling your ears. Reiner spoke first, “I know you said you didn’t feel like going, but you should ask Bertholdt; I’m sure he would love to go with you.”
You turned to look at him, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Bertholdt? You think he would wanna go with me?”
The tips of Reiner’s ears were coloured a stark red, from only what you could assume could be the cold. He gave you a strained smile, “Yeah, of course, he would; you’re such a kind person, and I hear him talking about you all time!”
“Oh. Yeah, maybe I will ask Bert. Thanks, Reiner.” You hoped that any sign of dejection wouldn’t be evident to the man next to you. Sure, you thought Bertholdt was a nice guy, but it wasn’t him that you longed for; it was Reiner. Moments like these made you doubt the little hope you had that maybe, just maybe, he reciprocated those feelings.
“What play is it anyway?” You asked him, noticing that his shoulders had tensed after you accepted his suggestion.
Reiner realized that he was still holding on to the tickets that he had picked up earlier; he brought them up, reading the fine print, “it’s Much Ado About Nothing, hey, at least it’s not Macbeth.” He whispers at the end, handing you the tickets. You blinked at him before bursting out in laughter.
“You can say that outside of the theatre, you know, you don’t have to whisper it.” Grabbing the tickets from him, you watch as his mouth falls open before he turns his face away from you to mumble curses under his breath.
His face was flushed; it was odd seeing such a burly man get embarrassed at the slightest of things. For you, however, this was commonplace; Reiner was gentle and kind. He never overstepped your boundaries and treated you with compassion. While others would look in fear to him, scared to ever cross paths with him in the dead of night, his presence brought you immense comfort. It wasn’t surprising how quickly you fell for him; you thought he might feel the same, but it was clear that he saw you just as a friend.
“Okay, okay, I’m the idiot ha-ha, sorry for not knowing how theatre works.” He rubbed the back of his head as he smiled at you.
The both of you had gotten carried away in conversation, not realizing that you had already approached your apartment.
“I guess we’re here.” Reiner stopped in front of the pathway leading to the main entrance.
“Yeah, I suppose so. Um, Thank you for walking me back and helping me out back there. You’re a wonderful friend to have, Reiner.” You spun around, already wincing at your word usage.
“You are too. Remember not to put too much pressure on your wrists, okay? I'll see you soon" He waved at you before walking off, mind already replaying the way 'friend' rolled off your tongue so casually.
Reiner felt a sense of ache as he walked away from your apartment. Outwardly he didn't seem like the insecure type, he was well-built, and while people revered him for his strength, most never saw past that.
He didn't mean to scare people off, but Reiner couldn't blame them; he wasn't exactly the most inviting person to be around. He kept a small circle of friends, never venturing outside of his comfort zone unless forced. Practically a walking ‘Danger: Do Not Approach, unless you want to get hurt’ sign.
Then there was you.
For a long time, Reiner didn’t understand why you were so kind to him, never once in fear that he could ever hurt you; not that Reiner ever would, you were precious to him. He wanted to tell you how he felt, that he liked you more than a friend, but Reiner realized early on that it would never work out. While you were seemingly unaware of looks the both of you got in public, Reiner wasn’t. The lingering glances told him everything he needed to know. You deserved better; it would be selfish of him to confess and ruin your friendship just because of a silly crush. Which is why he shouldn’t have felt his heart sink when you mentioned Bertholdt.
You shut the door to your apartment before slipping off your coat and shoes. You were exhausted mentally and physically. Walking over to your kitchen, you poured yourself a cup of water and checked your phone. You were debating as to whether you should text Reiner or not.
Deciding against it, you made your way to your bedroom and began changing your clothes into something more comfortable. While you had calmed down significantly from the earlier events, your heart felt uneasy.
Did Reiner think you liked Bertholdt? You thought you made your attraction to the blond obvious, the soft touches, laughing at his jokes, stolen glances, maybe you were just bad at flirting, or perhaps he honestly didn’t reciprocate the feelings.
It couldn’t hurt to try one more time, right? Gather the courage to confess your feelings, and if it doesn’t work out, then so be it.
You chewed your lip before picking up your phone that you had thrown on your bed while changing, shooting him a text.
Hey! I’m going to be meeting with Bert again at the library tomorrow, do you want to join us, maybe?
You drummed your fingers anxiously against the back of your phone, waiting for his reply.
Sure :) What time?
You let out a sigh you didn’t realize you were holding in. This was it. Tomorrow you would tell Reiner how you felt.
“Reiner told me that you wanted to go to the play? Well, he didn’t say that he, uh, said you wanted to go with me?” You sat in front of Bertholdt, who paused his typing once he heard what you said.
He lowered his laptop screen to look at you more clearly, “Me? Why would Reiner say-” You watched as the Brunet groaned and his head fell into his hands. “That idiot, I swear to God, he’s so fucking oblivious.”
It was your turn to be confused, but before you could question the man sitting in front of you, Reiner cleared his throat from behind you.
You whipped around and saw him smiling gently down at you; his hands were tucked into his jean pockets, “Hey, can I sit here?” You nodded quickly, pulling out the chair next to you, watching as he promptly slid in.
You passed over your laptop to Reiner, showing him the assignment details, pointing out the parts where you were confused. He nodded at everything you said, mind occupied with the feeling of having you near him. Reiner looked up and caught Bertholdt’s eye, who raised his eyebrows at him.
Bertholdt mouthed a ‘what the fuck’ to Reiner, who furrowed his brows in confusion.
He realized that maybe his friend was jealous that you were giving him your attention and not Bertholdt. He cleared his throat, “Thanks, I got it.”
You smiled at Reiner, pulling your laptop back to where you sat. He looked at you before looking at Bertholdt, “So, did you end up asking Bert?” Reiner smiled back at you, watching as your head tilted in confusion.
Bertholdt spoke before you did, “You know what, guys, I have to get this call; I’ll be right back.” He shot Reiner a look before standing up and exiting the library.
“Um, I did, but uh, Reiner? He was confused why you told me to ask him; I thought you meant he liked me or something?” You turned to face the blond who was writing his notes for you.
He placed his pen down, and you noticed that the tips of his ears were red, “You like him though, right?” His voice came out as a whisper.
You blinked at him, eyes going wide. Had he thought that you liked Bertholdt and not him?
“Wait, what? I don’t like Bertholdt, I mean, I do, he’s a nice guy, but he’s not my type.” You watched as Reiner shifted his body to look at you; he was barely able to keep eye contact.
“Oh. So what is your type then?” His gaze finally met yours, and he watched as the corners of your mouth turned up, forming a smile.
You figured that it was now or never, “If I were to generalize, then I would say, six feet tall, Blond, some facial hair, looks really serious all the time but has the kindest hazel eyes, and the name Reiner.” You saw as the gears finally clicked into place for the man in front of you.
He let out a small chuckle, “You like me? Not Bertholdt? Why?”
“Why not? Reiner, you are the sweetest guy I know; when I’m around you, I feel safe, my heart is on cloud nine, I never have to pretend around you; you’re so genuine and caring. Sure, Bertholdt is a nice guy, but it’s you I like Reiner, always has been”
If Reiner was blushing before, his face had gone completely red now, “How could I have been so dumb. I like you too.” You giggled at his bashfulness; tiny moments like this reminded you that he wasn’t as scary as people described him to be; to you, he was just Reiner, perfectly so.
Bertholdt walked back in, catching the two of you in the middle of your moment, “So I take it that you sorted out whatever was going on?”
You nodded quickly, grinning at Reiner. The Blond turned to face his friend, “I’m guessing you aren’t going to the play with them, are you, Bert?”
Bertholdt gave the Blond a dead-panned look, “No, you idiot, I think it’s pretty clear who they wanna go with,” he tilted his chin in your direction.
You were fiddling your fingers, the sound of your heartbeat loud and clear in your head.
“Would you like to go with me, Reiner?”
For the first time, Reiner felt okay with being a little selfish.
“Yes, I would.”
a/n: i hope you enjoyed this !! I had a lot of fun writing it, though i understand it was sort of dark in the beginning. this was my first time writing for reiner, so any feedback is encouraged !!
taglist: @c0urtn3y, @depressedbisexual, @dai-tsukki-desu
taglist form in pinned !!
As always, please leave a like/reblog if you enjoyed this, I appreciate lots <33
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p-artsypants · 3 years
A Gift from Mr. Blanc
Marinette's worst nightmares were of Chat Blanc. But that's all they were: nightmares. Until one day where in the stone cold light of day, Chat Blanc walked into the classroom, with a gift in hand. "This will make you love me again, My Lady."
Ao3 | FF.net
Everyone is on this Chat Blanc train, so I bought a ticket and got a window seat. 
“Yes, Timestreamer, find me the best Akuma ever created!” Shadowmoth raised a manic fist as the images appeared before him. 
The woman who was once Nathalie Sancoeur stood next to him, now transformed into an Akuma with thick glasses, which almost looked like VR goggles. 
In a fit of artist’s block, Gabriel Agreste had vented that he had run out of ideas for Akuma. He had to keep going, and the villains couldn’t slack less Ladybug and Chat Noir get the upper hand. 
To which Nathalie had said, “well, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel.” 
She had meant it to be cheeky, but he took inspiration from it in a whole new way. Why invent a new villain when one from a different time is sure to work? Timetagger, an Akuma from the future, had seemed to almost win. Perhaps there were more like him out there. 
He only needed someone to see the timelines so he could pick his champion. 
So here they were, scanning through endless time streams, looking at massive successes, and massive failures. There really was no telling which one would do the job, but unless Timestreamer’s Akuma was taken or, heaven forbid, the Butterfly was taken, they could send villain after villain after villain. 
Yes, this was a good plan! 
“That one!” Shadowmoth pointed, the stark white catching his gaze. 
“That one?” Timestreamer asked, feeling unease looking into his soulless blue eyes. 
“That has to be Chat Noir’s akumatized form. He’s perfect.” 
Following orders, Timestreamer summoned the Akuma forward. 
From the static images appeared a grainy figure, slowly solidifying into a solid white boy. His expression was one of confusion and disorientation.
“Chat Blanc, I am Shadowmoth,” he began. 
Immediately, Chat Blanc snarled. “You! You monster!” And he leapt. 
Suffice to say, neither Timestreamer or Shadowmoth were prepared for a full on fight this early in the conversation. 
Shadowmoth did have training in fighting, and successfully blocked the incoming swipe at his throat with his arm. However, the claws cut right through his suit and into his flesh, making him cry out in pain. 
The next swipe hit true, and knocked the butterfly Miraculous from its place on his collar. 
Chat Blanc then plucked the Peacock from his lapel while Gabriel Agreste tried to put pressure on his grievous wounds. 
“Why?” Asked Gabriel, “don’t you know I made you? Don’t you know I can give you everything you want?” 
Chat Blanc didn’t respond, only snapped the goggles off of a shell shocked Timestreamer. He then touched the black butterfly with his claw, and it crumbled into dust. 
Nathalie ran to Gabriel and looked at his wounds. “You need to go to a hospital.” 
“No!” He protested, pushing her away. “Answer me, boy! You’re easily the most powerful Akuma ever made. Once you get the Miraculous of Ladybug and this timeline’s Chat Noir, we can make the ultimate wish! Whatever your heart’s desire, it’s yours!” He reached a hand out to the boy. 
Chat Blanc, who Gabriel knew as the exuberant and emotional Chat Noir, just looked at him with a sharp, emotionless stare. 
“You already took everything from me, Father. This is my one chance to get things back to where they are supposed to be.” 
The gaze didn’t change, but he did raise an eyebrow. “In my timeline you knew. You knew, and you still hurt me. You hurt her. You turned me, and you forced me to kill. You left me alone in that world for months. Left me to mourn. Cursed me to this form—“ he snarled. “That can’t starve, that can’t sleep, that can’t thirst or drown—“ a tear fell down his cheek. “You left  me in a prison where I couldn’t die, and would continue to suffer because of your mistakes.” He gave a hint of a bitter smile. “Does that answer your question, old man?” 
Maybe it was just the blood loss, but Gabriel felt some remorse. “I’m sorry, son. Give me back the Butterfly, and I’ll set you free.” 
“Not a chance. Ladybug will fix me. And when I give her these, she’ll love me again. And I’ll have all the family I ever need.” With that, he summoned his baton to break through the window, and launched out into Paris. 
Gabriel laid still on the ground, holding his chest with one hand while Nathalie gripped his wrist with the other. 
“I…what am I going to do?” 
“Well, you know Adrien has the ring—“ 
“No doubt Chat Blanc will tell him everything before we can get to him. I don’t think that’s an option anymore.” 
“Then…what would you like to do?” 
He spent a long time just breathing and thinking. 
“I guess, apologize. And then hope that I haven’t done enough damage to lose the only family I have left.” 
“Maybe, if he is Chat Noir, and you explain the truth to him…he’ll tell Ladybug. Maybe she’d help.” 
“I doubt she’d do anything to help me, after all I’ve done.” He leaned back and stared at the ceiling. “I could just bleed out here. Save him the pain.” 
“I won’t let you do that, Sir. As upset Adrien will be, he still loves you.” 
“But for how long?” 
“I think you should live and find out.” 
Chat Blanc had never been so happy. He should be upset, angry, sobbing even, but he wasn’t. 
He was getting his second chance. Paris was full, alive, teeming with traffic and swearing and smoking and everything foul that wasn’t there in his wastelands. 
Hawkmoth was gone, and he was on his way to Marinette. With these, she had to love him, she just had to.
Francois DuPont never looked so pretty. The windows showed bored expressions of dozens of students. 
Students that were alive and not submerged under water. 
He dropped down in the courtyard, letting muscle memory take him up the stairs to his old classroom. The door was closed, but not locked. 
Did he knock? Or did he just walk in? It had been so long…did he introduce himself? Did he apologize for interrupting? 
He decided to forgo knocking, and pushed the door open on his own. 
All eyes turned to look at him, but his attention was only on her. 
Though he did get a glimpse of his own horrified face. 
“Chat Noir?” The teacher asked. 
“No.” He shook his head. “Not anymore.” He never stopped looking right at Marinette.
“I must be dreaming,” the girl in question said aloud. “I must have fallen asleep, and now I’m having a nightmare.” Tears were filling her eyes as her voice crumbled. “Please tell me you’re a nightmare, Chat.” 
“No, My Lady. I’m real.” Did she know him from somewhere? Or was she just assuming he was an akumatized Chat Noir? “But this shouldn’t be a nightmare, Marinette.” His steps were slow and soft, trying not to spook her. “I’m your dream come true. Because it’s over now, and we can be together.” 
She stood abruptly, smacking her knees on the desk and almost tumbling. “What are you talking about?” 
He placed the Miraculous on the desk. “It’s over now. I won. Hawkmoth is no more, and there’s nothing that can hurt us. This will make you love me again!” 
“Holy shit…” Said Alya. 
Marinette just stared at them, and then at Chat. “How—?” 
“He brought me here. Somehow, an Akuma I guess. He plucked me out of my time, and brought me here. This is my chance to start again, you know.” He grabbed her wrist. “Now our love won’t ruin the world! We can be happy again, My Lady! We can be happy and nothing will tear us apart!” 
Adrien, who had up until very recently, by reveal of a certain nickname, thought that Marinette was only just Marinette, grabbed Chat Blanc and yanked him back, forcing him to let go of Marinette. 
“Don’t touch her!” He snapped. 
“And you—“ Chat Blanc grabbed him by the throat and lifted him into the air. “A little liar with too much self preservation! Why didn’t you act sooner?! Why couldn’t you save her?!” 
Adrien clawed at the hand on his throat. “I don’t—know what the hell—you’re talking about!” 
“Don’t play stupid, Adrien! It’s not going to work on me, and you know that!” 
His voice was just a whisper now, as he attempted to meet Chat Blanc’s gaze. “Whatever, man. But you think outing her is smart? You think that’ll make her like you?” 
Chat Blanc crushed harder, suffocating him. “It doesn’t matter with Hawkmoth out of the way! And once I kill you, there will be no competition! She’ll love me for sure!” 
Marinette had stashed the Miraculous in her purse once Chat Blanc had turned his back. She was going to attempt to talk him down, but at his threat on Adrien’s life, she realized he was beyond talking. 
“Tikki, Spots on!” 
Chat Blanc whirled back around, only to get a fist to the face. 
Adrien fell on the floor, gasping. 
“Are you alright?” She asked, helping him up.
He rubbed his neck sheepishly as he nodded. He knew she was Marinette, but the mask still turned his legs to jelly. 
“Why do you protect him, Ladybug? Don’t you know you can just be happy with me?” 
Marinette pushed Adrien behind her. “I might be able to be happy with my Chat Noir, but never with you. I love Adrien, and I’ll fight to protect him, even if he doesn’t love me back.” Though it was a brave declaration, she still blushed. 
“Ugh, don’t you get it? I am him!” 
“I’m Adrien! Adrien is Chat Noir! We’re supposed to be together! And we were! We were happy, Marinette! And then—and then you told me you didn’t love me anymore. You almost got akumatized over that…but I saved you.” He snarled. “But he kept us apart. My father knew who I was, and he turned me into this…” 
“Wait,” Adrien rasped. “Father turned you into…an akuma?” 
“Because he’s Hawkmoth, Adrien. He always has been. Mother is alive, in a coma, in the basement. And he never let you see her, because he doesn’t trust you.” 
“Shut up!” Ladybug shouted. 
“Even after he knew who I was, he still hit me. He beat me, Adrien, because he doesn’t love us!” 
Adrien held a hand over his face, willing his sobs to stay silent. 
“We’re just a pawn for him. But…I can make it better. Let me destroy you, and everything will stop hurting. I’ll take care of Marinette, I promise!” 
“That’s enough!” Ladybug lashed out and snagged his bell, ripped it from his throat, and smashed it on the floor. 
Then she caught the butterfly as it emerged, purified it, and let it go. But she didn’t call for a cure, not yet. 
Chat Noir, sans bell, glanced around the room in confusion. “Ladybug? What’s going on? Why are we here? Where’s Hawkmoth?” 
She met him with tear streaked cheeks. “You’re in the wrong timeline, Chat Noir.” 
His eyes flicked to Adrien, who was clearly shell shocked. “That would make…some sense.” 
“You were akumatized, and our Hawkmoth brought you here…probably to recruit you.” 
“Did I hurt anyone?” 
“You beat him. You beat Hawkmoth.” 
“And you tried to take my place,” Adrien hissed, showing his bruised throat. 
Chat Noir gripped his hair fiercely. “Oh crap! Oh crap crap crap! I’m so sorry! He’ll be all better once you do the cure, right Bug?” 
“Yeah. Physically, at least…but you did say some things that will hurt for a long time.” 
“I didn’t mean any of it! I was an Akuma, they lie and say all sorts of things—“ 
“You told me about Father. And mother.” 
“Oh…” he sighed. “Unfortunately, that’s too fresh in my mind to be a lie. I saw mom. He wanted to use the Miraculous to bring her back, but he was so unwilling to listen to me, to even think about working with us—that’s how it happened. He got me.” 
“I’m so sorry, Kitty.” Ladybug lamented. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.” 
He shook his head. “It’s over now. If I defeated him, then you don’t have to be subjected to it,” he told Adrien. “I don’t mind taking one for the team.” 
“Did you kill him?” Adrien asked. 
“I don’t know.” 
“Even if he did, casting cure would fix it.” Said Ladybug. “There might be hope for a happy ending.” 
Chat Noir took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “My Lady, will you send me back? I have to see her again. My Marinette. I have to see her and make up with her.” 
Ladybug patted his cheek fondly. “Knowing me, she probably still loves you. But something happened to make her put distance between you.” 
“You’ll be happy together, right?” He asked, pouting. 
Adrien slipped an arm around her waist and held her. “I think we’ll manage.” 
Ladybug hugged Chat briefly. “Thank you. For all your trauma and suffering, you helped us.” 
“You also revealed both of our identities to the class, but that’s the kind of mistake I would make as an Akuma…” Adrien winced. 
Chat Noir looked at all the shocked and concerned faces around him. “Wow, look at all these comforting, understanding, and loyal friends you have. Where’s Lila?” 
“Out sick today,” provided Sabrina. 
“Perfect! Don’t ever ever tell her what happened here. She’s a liar and would tell our identities in a heartbeat for a chance for fame.” 
“Not a problem, Kitty Cat,” said Alya, with a wink. “Some of us are pretty good secret keepers.” 
“You knew!?” Adrien cried, with betrayal in his voice. 
Alya winced. “Ah, yeah…”
“Adrien.” Ladybug took his face and held it with trembling hands. “My kitty, my partner, my best friend, what I’m about to tell you is going to suck and you’re going to hate it, and that’s why I haven’t told you.”
“I’ve already had a lot of bad news dropped on me today, lay it on me.” 
She glanced at the rest of the class and then Chat Noir. “Let me send him home, and then we’ll talk in privacy.” 
He nodded, not really fond of how much the class had already learned about him today. 
Ladybug threw her yo-yo up in the air. “Miraculous Ladybug!” 
In a wave of fluttering red, Chat Noir was gone, and so were the bruises on Adrien’s neck. 
“Spots off.” 
Now, the class started whispering. Up until that moment, shock held them in silence. After all, it's not everyday you find out your classmates are superheroes. 
“Miss Bustier, are you okay if we leave for a while?”
The teacher stammered a second, unfreezing from her complete and total shock. “I think it would be a crime to make you stay here today.”
Marinette smiled gratefully, before taking Adrien’s hand and leading him out into the hall. He was silent, rightfully so, and Marinette could only be happy there was no chance of him getting akumatized. 
Finally, they took a seat on a bench, and waited for the other to speak. 
“I…didn’t think this was how our identities would be revealed,” he breathed. 
“I always wanted to tell you.” Marinette insisted, “even though I said otherwise. Tikki and Master Fu were so adamant that I not tell a soul.” 
“So why does Alya know?”
She rested a hand on his. “I’ll get to that. But first…Chat Blanc.” 
Adrien sat attentive and quiet, holding his accusations for later. 
“It started about three months ago, when I gave you that Beret.” 
“Beret? The one from the Brazilian fan club?”
“Yeah…except it wasn’t. It was from me. Originally, I left it in your room, with my name on it. My real name. A little while after I left, Bunnix came to me, and explained that she needed my help. She took me into her burrow, and led me to the future…the future where you were akumatized.” 
“As Chat Blanc.”
“That same akuma, that same Chat Noir?”
“I assume so. The moon was destroyed, the city flooded. You were all alone, everyone was gone.” 
“Where…where was that Ladybug?” 
She hesitated to say it, but admitted, “I found her underwater…cataclysmed.” 
“No…I wouldn’t have—“ 
“I know, Adrien. Chat Blanc was upset about it too. He cried. He wanted my Miraculous to make the wish and fix it.” 
“Sounds like an Akuma alright,” he said bitterly. 
“At the time, all I knew was that you knew my identity, and you said that our love destroyed the world. So…I assumed that you became akumatized by finding out who I was…and that the beret had something to do with it. So I erased my name.” 
“Oh…but Chat Blanc said he was akumatized because of my parents.” 
“I didn’t know that back then. I wish I had. As it stood, I was certain an identity reveal would end up with an Akuma.” 
“I understand your reasoning…but what about Alya?” 
She sighed, the guilt toiling around inside her. “That wasn’t…it was a spur of the moment thing. I was back into a corner and people were getting really worried about me. Worried and nosey…and so I told Alya. Rena Rouge.” 
“Ah. I see.” 
“I should have told you. I should have told you so you could have told someone. It’s not fair to think I was the only one that needed a confident.” 
“If I had to pick someone that wasn’t you, it would have been Nino. So I get it. Really, I do.” 
Tears welled up in her eyes regardless. He was hurting so badly, but what could she even do to help? 
“I’m sorry.” 
“You don’t have to apologize.” 
“Yes! Yes I do! Adrien, you’re my partner. Yes, keeping secrets can keep us safe for a while, but eventually we’ll run out of trust and then we’ll be in danger again. I don’t want to lose you!” 
He gave her a little smile. “I might be upset, but you aren’t going to lose me. I promise.” 
She squeezed his hand. “No more secrets. We train as guardians together. I’ll tell you all the auxiliary heroes, and all the formulas and—“ she stopped, blushing. 
“Ugh…I have to tell you something, since I said no more secrets.” 
“Is it bad?” 
He turned his hand to squeeze her back. “Okay. Well then, let’s hear it.” 
She looked away, too nervous to look at his face. “Gah! This is just as hard as it’s always been!” 
“I’m not going to judge you.” 
“I know! I know!” 
Pretend this is just Chat. She goaded herself. 
“I…I’m in…love with you?” She squeaked out. There. The deed was done. She shyly turned to look at him. 
Wide, sparkling eyes full of tears, but a big smile on his face. “You mean it? You said as much to Chat Blanc, but I didn’t know for sure…”  
“Ugh, right. That.” She nodded. “You were the boy I kept turning…well, you down for. I’m sorry…” 
“I’m not!” He chirped. “Marinette, if anyone was going to have a crush on me as Adrien, I’m so glad it’s you. You really know me! You’re special to me, and I always considered you as a friend.” 
She sighed, hearing the magic words. “As I’ve heard.” 
He frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
She blushed again. “It’s just…whenever we had a moment, or I tried to do something special for you, you always remind me that you feel…nothing for me.” 
“Wait, what? That’s what you got out of that?” 
“That you want me as a friend and just a friend?” 
He actually laughed at her and pulled her into a hug. “Marinette, I thought you were nervous around me because you were uncomfortable. I said that stuff to let you know I treasured our friendship. I love you so so much, My Lady. I was deeply in love with Ladybug, and completely in denial with Marinette.” 
“Can confirm!” Shouted Plagg from inside his jacket. 
“So having you be the same? I’m…I’m so happy!” He hugged her tightly. “Today has thrown a lot of bad things at me, and I’m so worried about what comes next. But with you, I’m sure I’ll be okay.” He pulled away slightly. “You…will stay with me for whatever happens, right? I know Hawkmoth being my dad is kind of a deal breaker…” 
Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned up into him, kissing him right on the mouth. 
He stiffened briefly, before melting against her and pulling her tighter into the hug. 
The kiss was perfect, not in execution or performance, but because of the love they felt. Adrien nipped at her lip, and Marinette hummed as she twined her fingers into his hair. 
They pulled away begrudgingly. 
“You and me against the world, right Kitty?” 
“You know exactly what to say to make my heart swoon, my lady love.” 
“I’m sorry I hurt you.” 
“Kiss me and I’ll get over it.” 
“I’m serious, Kitty.” She touched his cheek. “I knew it was going to hurt, and I foolishly and cowardly put it off, hoping it would go away.” 
“Marinette, from what you said…it wasn’t just painful for me. It scared you, didn’t it? You said…when Chat Blanc appeared, that you thought you were having a nightmare. Do you dream of him?” 
“I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s not your fault, Adrien.” 
He considered his next move, and decided to scoop her up into his lap. “So, here’s my idea. If you have another nightmare about him, you call me, and I’ll be there in a jiffy.” 
“And do what?” 
“Hold you. Kiss you. Reassure you. Cuddle with you until you fall asleep. Whatever you need.” 
She snuggled closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. “I love you.” 
“I love you too, bugaboo.” 
Silence lapsed between for a while, as they just sat together, enjoying the warmth of their bodies, and the open air between them. 
Marinette sighed. “We should probably go confront your father.” 
“Yeah. We should…” 
“Could…I offer you a reward if we go through with it?” 
“What could possibly motivate me?” 
“Once we’re done, and everything is put away…we can find a random, secluded rooftop and…make out for a while.” 
Adrien stood, with Marinette still in his arms. “You know how to motivate a man.” 
“I’ll be with you every step of the way. Just think about later.” 
“One peck for the road?” 
Adrien held her tightly before dipping her and pressing a sinful, toe-curling kiss to her lips. When he finished a few minutes later, she breathlessly huffed, “that was not a peck.” 
“No, but I need the strength.” 
“Somehow, it’s a lot harder to stay mad at you. You can put me down now.” 
“Nah. Plagg, Claws out!” 
“Tikki, Spots on!” 
The closer they got to the mansion, the faster Chat’s mood tanked. All the surface level happy feelings had bubbled away, and now he was filled with dread and apprehension. 
“I…I don’t want to send my dad to jail,” he said, as they landed inside the walls. 
“I know Kitty. I can do the talking.” 
“You’re so good at it, Princess.” 
She knocked twice, but didn’t wait for an answer before entering. 
It didn’t matter. Gabriel and Nathalie were sitting in the lobby, waiting, as it appeared. 
“Hello son,” said Gabriel, with not a trace of malice in his voice. 
Chat halted, paling considerably. “You know?” 
“Chat Blanc revealed as much. What did he tell you?” 
“He said that…mom was still alive. You wanted the Miraculous to wake her up.” 
“That’s right. But…” he sighed. “Can I humble myself and ask for your help, Ladybug? Can you look at her? Can you see if there’s any hope?” 
“I would love to.”
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typical-simplelove · 3 years
Since We Were Three (J. Oleksiak)
Summary: What happens when you go work for the Dallas Stars and your childhood enemy plays for them, too?
A/n: Here is a fun enemies to lovers I wrote. This is the first time I've ever written for that trope, but I want to write more so buckle up! Enjoy this!!
Warnings: people doing things enemies do (sorry, that's really vague), mentions of sex, breaking/spraining ankles
Word Count: 12.1k
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You didn’t expect to move to Dallas; it wasn’t even on your radar. All you really remember is sitting at your parents' house back home and you got an email from your Linkedin saying that there was a position open for something you were qualified for. You didn’t even bother to look at where it was; you opened the application, read the prerequisites, and filled it out. You were desperate to get a job, so it didn’t matter. Only after you emailed your application did you realize where it was - Dallas. It didn’t even register in your mind at the time that your former neighbor and lifelong enemy lives in Dallas or plays for the Dallas Stars, the organization you just sent an application for. They were looking for someone to work in their marketing department. If you knew that your former neighbor and lifetime enemy was working for the Dallas Stars, then you’d probably not have submitted the application. You decided, however, that the pros greatly outweighed the cons, and you doubted that you’d ever need to interact with the players unless they had a marketing issue. You doubt they would, right?
You got an email three days later asking for an interview. You emailed them back saying that you lived in Canada and weren’t sure if you could make it down for an interview. Thankfully, they said that they’d be willing to have a virtual interview; however, you’d have to be willing to move to Dallas for the job. You knew for a fact that you’d be more than willing to move to Dallas. That wasn’t the problem. So, you and the Dallas Stars’ representative set a time for your virtual meeting. You had the interview, and it seemed like they liked you. You got an email three days later that you got the job; you moved to Dallas three days after that and started four days later.
You completely forgot about the fact that your enemy slash former neighbor was in Dallas until your mother brought it up.
“Hey, yn, you know, you don’t not know anyone in Dallas.” You were confused. You literally moved to a country in which you knew no one.
“Mom, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Jamie, remember him? Jamie Oleksiak. You hated him growing up. Well, remember, he plays for the Dallas Stars. You should contact him.”
The normal warmth in your face immediately drained. Yeah, now you remember. The only reason you had the slightest inkling as to what Jamie was up to was because your mother and his mother were good friends. You don’t care for him at all.
You knew that you couldn’t just outright and tell your mother “no”, so you pivoted. “Maybe,” you said and your mother seemed to think that meant that you’d be reaching out to Jamie. You weren’t. You were going to do everything in your power to try to avoid him. There was no way that someone who worked in marketing would ever come in contact with any of the players, right? You didn’t work in media that was in constant contact with the team, and you didn’t work in anything to do with the contracts or paychecks. As long as you keep a quiet profile, you expect you should be fine, right?
This worked for your first season working with Stars. You were new and a few years out of college, so your more experienced colleagues made sure to observe what you were doing. You were happy with this. Before working in Dallas, you only worked for one small company and you were one of two people in the marketing department. The reason you were looking for a new job was that this company went bankrupt. Yeah, you were grateful for the oversight you received. You made it one year without seeing, hearing, talking to, or being around Jamie. The fact that the two of you were in the same city made your blood boil. You hated Jamie Oleksiak with your entire being, and you hoped to avoid him as much as possible.
You went into the second season thinking that you’d have the ability to remain anonymous to the team and stay in your lane. This, unfortunately, did not work. You went to work on the morning that training camp started. You sat at your desk and noticed that everyone was quite angsty. You turned to a friend and asked what was going on. She told you that someone from management was coming to find people to work for the GM, specifically, someone in marketing. You knew that you’d be the last one selected considering your lack of experience. You were wrong.
The minute the representative from the GM’s offices walked in and saw your application, you were swept up and taken to their offices. Happy with the new promotion, you didn’t realize that you’d be closer to Jamie.
The notion hit you nine days after you were promoted when Tyler Seguin walked into the office and walked over to you.
“Yn, right?” he says and you nod. “We need someone to fill in with media personnel and they asked for you.”
“Oh!” you say; you had experience in media but not that much to get a recommendation.
“Yeah, they said to be there at 1:30pm.”
“Thanks,” you tell Tyler; he smiles at you and waves.
So you were going to be getting closer to the team than you thought.
. . .
As you walked down the hall towards the locker room, you ran right into the wall. Except it wasn’t a wall.
“Oh, you’re not a wall,” you say mostly to yourself. It was a very hard and firm person.
“So, you’re telling me you would have walked into me also if I were a wall?” You look up and see none other than Jamie Oleksiak looking back at you.
His beautiful eyes made you want to throw up. There was no word to express how much you hated him. Literally just staring at him for a second made you want to run away and scream.
“I, no, I just thought I had more time before I had to turn the corner.”
“Sure,” he says in a voice that makes you want to punch him; however, looking at him, you know it wouldn’t hurt at all and do the damage you wanted. Since when did he get so big? “Hey, Yn. I heard you started working for the Stars organization. Welcome to Dallas.”
“Yeah, no, you’re not my welcome party. And I’ve been in Dallas for almost a year.” You immediately back up but trip over your feet. Jamie instantly reaches out and helps you balance. You feel your face suddenly grow warm. Why did Jamie’s enormously large hands have this effect on you?
“You always were quite clumsy growing up. Tripping and falling for me, I mean in front of me.” Jamie’s joke didn’t go past you. It infuriated you. He liked to think that you were in love with him. You weren’t.
“You know, the only reason I kept on falling was because you kept tripping me. It’s your fault.” You storm away angrily and head to where you need to be.
Jamie smiles after you. “That’s the feistiness that I remember.”
You turn around and glare at him. Yeah, this wasn’t going to be fun.
. . .
You’ve hated Jamie Oleksiak since he tripped you in daycare when you were three years old. The first three years of your life, you didn’t mind Jamie. Your mothers were best friends, and you were both neighbors. Your parents were both ER surgeons and sometimes they had to go in for emergency surgery. This was one of those days. Your father was already working and your mother was called in for emergency surgery, so Jamie’s mother was going to pick you up from preschool. You put on your small, sparkly light purple backpack and followed Jamie and his mother out the door. The minute you were about to cross the parking lot, Jamie stuck his foot out and you tripped and fell on your face. You didn’t immediately feel the pain until Jamie’s mother helped you up and mentioned that your face was bleeding. You touched your face and began to cry. Jamie tripped you purposefully and now your face was bleeding. From that day forward, you hated Jamie Oleksiak with your entire being. How could someone who was supposed to be your friend and care for you purposefully hurt you? Where was the logic in that? Why could Jamie purposefully hurt you unless he didn’t like you? He must hate you to want to hurt you.
It wasn’t just because he tripped you; Jamie began to make your life miserable. From taunting you on the playground to tripping you all the time. It continued into kindergarten and elementary school. Middle school was terrible. He taunted you and made fun of you. He always found ways to make anything you were enthusiastic about a reason to taunt you. He joined clubs because you were in them and so he could bring his stupid with him who would the experience unenjoyable for you. You remember your parents telling you to ignore him and Jamie probably had a crush on you. He didn’t. He just out of nowhere opted to make your life miserable.
It only got worse in high school. As his popularity grew in high school as a result of hockey, he only became more cocky and unbearable. He always found a way to make you miserable. Whenever you had any remote crush or boyfriend, Jamie always swept in and ruined it for you. By the time you graduated and went to college, you were ready to leave the horrors that Jamie brought on to you. You were quite proud of the fact that despite your mothers being friends, you had no idea about anything to do with Jamie’s life. You went to college and built a life that was the exact opposite of the misery that Jamie brought into your life.
. . .
You walk into the locker room and Carrie, one of the other media execs, greets you. “Yn, right?”
You nod. “Yeah, that’s me.”
“We need you to fill in for a few weeks with our media team because one of the media personnel had to leave for a family emergency. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, I mean, I’m not sure how good I’ll be at it, but I’m willing to give it a shot.”
Carrie laughs. “It’s not too hard. You just have to take photos and videos of the team during warmups, practices, and stuff like that. If you know how to use Instagram, then you should be great.”
“Well, then, I think I should be good.”
“We’re going to give you a separate phone to use that you can just keep at your desk in the GM’s offices.”
“Perfect, that sounds great.” You and Carrie continue to talk and work out the little details about your new temporary position. You walked back to your desk in the GM’s offices with a smile on your face. You were happy to have this new position. At first, I didn’t recall to you that you’d have to be in contact with the team. When you heard Jamie’s voice echoing through the halls, your blood began to boil. You definitely weren’t looking forward to having to have to work with him.
. . .
The day after you got the word that you were filling in with the Media Department, you started right away. You were told to sit in the practice arena ready to take photos and videos of the team. As the practice was ending, Carrie asked you to head to the locker room and take one-minute interviews with the players. She gave you the list of players: Tyler Seguin, John Klingberg, Esa Lindell, Roope Hintz, and, much to your disappointment, Jamie Oleksiak. You sighed. You really didn’t want to have to talk to him, but you were going to be professional and try not to let him get to you.
You walk towards the locker room and Carrie tells you to wait a moment; the players aren’t ready. After fifteen minutes of small talk, you and Carrie walk into the locker room. The players that you and Carrie were going to interview were sitting on the bench waiting. You glance around the room and Jamie is looking at you with a curious eye.
“This is yn; she’s filling in for a few weeks as media personnel whilst Tristain is out with a family emergency,” Carrie explains. “Be nice to her please.”
Jamie meets your eye again and smirks. You roll your eyes and some of the players notice with confusion.
“Yn, why don’t you start with Tyler and I’ll start with John and we’ll work our way around?” Carrie explains.
You nod. You glance around the room and take note of who you’d be interviewing. You were going to be interviewing Jamie Oleksiak much to your disappointment. You get through the interview with Tyler, but he stops you before you can move on.
“What’s with you and Big Rig?” Tyler asks.
You smile at him trying to hide your disdain for your former friend. “Nothing, I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
Tyler laughs. “If you say so.”
You move on and interview Roope next. His interview made you giggle like a maniac behind the camera, and you didn’t notice the glares that Jamie gave his teammate and you.
You finish your interview with Roope and get ready to interview Jamie.
“Hi Jamie, ready for your interview?” you ask professionally.
“Yeah, I am,” he says in a tone that you can’t quite decipher but it’s already got your blood boiling. This wasn’t going to be fun.
“So, Jamie, tell me, what’s been the best part of the start of the new season?”
He puts a smirk on his face and you know exactly what he’s thinking - you’re not going to get an answer you like. “Uh, I’ve liked that I’ve been able to rekindle our companionship.”
You roll your eyes. “That’s not what this is, and you have to give me a different answer.”
Jamie’s answer didn’t go unnoticed by his teammates and they were begging, no yearning, to ask more.
“Fine,” Jamie pauses briefly to think of another question. “I would say just being back with the team and skating with everyone again is probably the best part about the start of the new season.”
You nod and glance down at your list of questions. “What do you hope to get out of this new season?”
“Hopefully a Stanley Cup?” he says and quirks his eyebrows in a way that sends warmth to your face but also infuriates you. You nod in a sign of acknowledgment and Jamie can’t pass up the opportunity to get a rise out of you. “Maybe you, too.”
You instantly drop your notepad and glare up at him. What was his problem? Why was he like this? Jamie should know you hate him, so why does he suddenly think that you two were going to fix the hatred that’s been building for years? Your reaction doesn’t go unnoticed by everyone in the room. “Can you please stop? Just so you know, I hate you, so whatever fantasy you’re playing out in your mind? It’s not happening, Jamie. Can you please stop making it harder for me to do my job?”
Jamie smirks. He knows he should stop, but he won’t. “I always liked watching you get frustrated at me.”
“Jamie! Just cut it out!”
“Is everything okay over here?” Carrie says, trying to calm the situation.
“Yeah, we’re fine. Jamie’s just rehashing things from our childhoods.” You explain.
“Wait, you two know each other?” John asks comically.
Jamie nods. “Know is not quite it, but yes.”
“What does that mean?” John asks
“That means that Yn hates me.”
“You hate me too, Jamie; don’t just put this on me. You’ve only ever made my life more difficult throughout every part of it.”
“Yn, why don’t you interview Esa, and I’ll finish with Jamie, that good?” Carrie suggests
“Yes, that works,” you walk over to Esa and breathe out a sigh of relief. Yeah, you knew that this was exactly what was going to happen.
You finished your interview with Esa, and you and Carrie walked out of the locker room to prep the videos to be posted.
“Dude, what did you do to make her so angry at you?” Esa asks. “It seems like your mere presence pisses her off.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it does,” Jamie admits. “I can’t remember why; all I remember is that one day we started hating each other.”
“I’d hate to be in your shoes,” Tyler tells his teammate. “A pretty girl hates you, and you very obviously like her.”
Jamie pales. He didn’t think it was that obvious to anyone, ever. “What?”
Everyone laughs.
“It’s obvious,” Roope agrees. “You like her. Just the way you looked at her and acted around her. You’ve got it bad.”
“No, I don’t,” Jamie grumbles.
“Dude, you were staring at her the entire time she was interviewing Roope. All the giggling made you jealous, didn’t it?” Esa states.
“I’m not jealous, and I don’t care. There is nothing but hate between us.” Jamie tries to defend himself. It’s useless; Jamie knows for a fact that he was jealous that Roope got to be on the receiving end of your giggles.
“Whatever, this is going to be fun,” John says.
It truly will be.
. . .
When you got home from work that day, you immediately called your best friend, Lisa, to tell her all about your day with Jamie.
“You know?” you being. “He’s just as infuriating as when we were children. He had the audacity to believe that we could possibly be friends. I mean, come on, the antipathy and rancor between us can be felt for miles and miles. He drives me crazy so much.”
Lisa was glad that you weren’t doing a video call because the smile on her face was wide. Deep down, she knows that there are other feelings besides this hate between you and Jamie; she just wasn’t sure if it would ever come out. “Maybe he wants to be nice again.”
“No, that’s not what this is. If he wanted to be nice and try to be friends again, then he wouldn’t have done exactly what he knew would drive me insane. It’s probably like caffeine to him; driving me insane is the coffee that wakes him up in the morning. You know, now, probably, he wakes up and hatches a plan to try to drive me insane.”
Lisa laughs. “Aren’t you taking this a bit far?”
“Absolutely not, I think I’m acting appropriately. You didn’t see his smirk; I wanted to punch him in the face so badly. Obviously, it wouldn’t have done anything to hurt him as he’s huge now.”
“Oh? Down there too?”
Your face warms suddenly, and you’re glad Lisa can’t see your face. “That’s not what I meant. He’s giant and super muscular. I guess you could assume that he’s packing quite a bit.”
“You know, yn, maybe this is just pent-up sexual tension and frustration. Maybe you just need to get laid and get laid by someone in particular.”
“You’re telling me that when we were seven when Jamie broke my ankle, that was pent-up sexual frustration?”
Lisa laughs. “Okay, maybe not your entire relationship was pent-up sexual tension. Maybe just now and parts of high school? You have to admit, Jamie is quite hot, now, right? Maybe the past few years of hate has led to the dire need to just sleep with each other.”
“Thank you for your take, but these past few days is the first time I’ve spoken to Jamie in almost five years. I just don’t know what to do.”
“Just talk to him. Maybe tell him that you want this to be as professional as possible and try to move past the hate. Yn, before you argue, just think of what working for the Dallas Stars could do to your career. That’s a high-profile job. Maybe if you try to be professional and polite, then maybe he will too?”
You wanted to contradict everything Lisa said, but you knew she was right. For your job to go smoothly, it was important for you to keep a professional attitude and any hate you have for Jamie on the backburner. “You’re right; however, I’m not promising that it’s going to work. I’ll try my best to be professional, but if he starts to aggravate me, I’m not sure if I can keep up that facade.”
“That’s why you talk to him. Maybe set up a time to meet up or something and just discuss what you have to say.”
“That would require me to unblock him on literally everything, even Facebook.”
“Does he still even have that?”
“He does; it’s not even his real name. It’s an alias. He only made it to try to talk to me and bother me. I doubt he uses it and it may be deactivated now.”
“This is besides the point. Yn, Jamie is obviously not going to try to be professional with you, so it’s up to you to make that clear.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
The only lingering thought you had was whether or not this would work. Surely, Jamie could be a decent human being to you, right?
. . .
The next day, you went and sat in the practice arena ready to take the photos that your job required you to take. Today, you decided was going to be the day that you had that all too important conversation with Jamie. You really didn’t want to have that conversation, but you knew that it was important in having a not chaotic working environment for everyone, not just you and Jamie.
When practice was over, you waited outside the locker room for Jamie. He walked out on his own and smirked when he saw you waiting. He didn’t know for sure you were waiting for him; however, when he saw that your phone was off, he assumed you weren’t there for work.
“Hey, ynn,” Jamie says to you and your blood instantly begins to boil. Jamie knew that you never gave him the jurisdiction to call you that, yet he still used it. You wanted to call him out on it but thought better of it. You were here to try to be professional and rehashing this would contradict your objective.
“Hey, Jamie, can we talk? It’s about something important.”
Jamie’s smirk instantly left his face and worry washed over his face. You didn’t know that Jamie could be sympathetic towards anything you said. “Yeah, is everything okay?”
His response shocked you and it took you a moment to regroup. “Oh, yeah. I just want to talk about our relationship, well, lack thereof of one. I think that when we’re here at work, we should be professional. We should put any hate that we have for each other on the side while here so that we can have a better working environment.”
Jamie laughs. “This is what you wanted to talk about? This couldn’t have been a text? You had me so worried, yn.”
“It’s important to me, Jamie,” you protest. You didn’t want to get angry at him, so you calmed yourself down. “I think it’s better for both of us if we can just keep our history and past behind us while we are doing anything to do with the Dallas Stars.”
“If I were to take you out on a date, then we could hate each other as normal?”
“What?” you falter.
“You heard me, yn. You never had a hard time hearing what I had to say.”
“No, absolutely not. You will not be taking me out on a date, ever.”
“Come on, really?”
“Jamie, this is beside the point. I’m trying to move on from our pasts and you aren’t really making this any easier. Isn’t this what you said the other day? You were hoping for a rekindling? Well, this is the first part. Trying to put behind us any hate.” You were raising your voice now. “I’m trying to make my job easier, but you’re making it incredibly difficult. Jamie, all I want is to come to work and not have to worry about whether or not an outburst I make at you will cost me my job.”
Jamie doesn’t have anything to say. “Yn.”
“No, don’t do that. You know, the reason we hate each other is your fault, so you should be the one fixing things, not me.”
“You tripped me purposefully when we were three and laughed at me.”
“Wait, this is what this is about?”
“No, that’s the first time you treated me terribly. It was the start of you belittling me and making me feel terrible. I hated going to school because I was always worried about you and your stupid antics.” Tears are forming at the corners of your eyes, and you try to will them away.
Jamie feels terrible now. “I’m sorry, ynn. I didn’t know.”
“Firstly, don’t call me ynn; you don’t get to do that. Secondly, seriously? You’re telling me that you didn’t know you were being a total ass to me? No, I don’t believe that because I know for a fact that your mother talked to you. Do you want to know how I know that? Because she apologized to me time and time again for what you did to me. Don’t you dare say that you had no idea.”
Jamie looks down at you and extends his left leg so it’s jutting out. “You’re right. I was a total ass.”
“Only took you twenty-plus years to finally admit that.”
“Come on, ynn,” Jamie says and you glare at him. “Yn, I’m trying here, and you’re not making it any easier.”
“Oh my goodness, Jamie. Literally, that’s what I’ve been trying to do! You not willing to accept my proposition is the whole reason we’re rehashing this stuff.”
“Yn, I’m sorry. What can I do?”
You look at him and are shocked to see that he has remorse in his eyes. “Nothing, just let me be.” You take a step to the right and begin to walk away. Unfortunately, because Jamie extended his leg, you tripped over it and went crashing to the floor hurting your ankle in the process. You screamed out in pain; you always had weak ankles after breaking them in elementary school. Your cry out in pain brought some people out of the locker room.
Jamie’s eyes go wide in fear. “Yn! Are you okay?”
“Does it look like I’m okay? Jamie, did you really have to trip me?”
“Really? I didn’t mean to! My leg was just there, and you tripped.”
“It doesn’t matter; let me just get up.” You put your hands flat on the ground to help yourself up. The minute your leg is stable enough to be stood up on, you get up but fall immediately. You cry out in pain again.
“You might have sprained your ankle,” Roope says. He was one of the people who rushed out of the locker room when you first fell.
“No, I don’t think so. I just have very weak ankles after Jamie broke, I mean, I broke my ankles in elementary school.” Your correction of Jamie breaking your ankles does not go unnoticed by him. He wants to ask why but feels it’s not the right moment.
“Here, let me help you,” Jamie reaches for your arms and you move them away. “Really, yn? Just let me help you.”
Jamie and Roope help you up and put you on the bench in the locker room, and Roope goes to find a trainer to check on your ankle.
“I’m sorry, yn, really,” Jamie says with a soft voice. You begin to put your foot on the ground but Jamie stops you gently. “Put it on the bench. It’s important to keep it elevated.”
“It’s cold, though,” you pout.
Jamie laughs. “Here, put it on my lap then, okay?”
You look at Jamie hesitantly.
“This isn’t a trick, yn. I think I’ve hurt you enough over the years. Just put your leg on my lap.”
You do as he says and Jamie rests his hands on top of your ankle. Your face grows warm at the touch and you suddenly don’t hate Jamie. “So, you’re finally admitting that you made me miserable?”
“I don’t think I made you miserable,” Jamie says and you scoff. “Wait, let me finish. I think I didn’t make your life any easier. I’m not relenting any more than that, babe.”
You flinch at the pet name, but your face grows warm. Do you address it?
Jamie makes the decision for you. “Yn, I have a question for you.”
You nod, signaling him to continue.
“You were saying something about how you have weak ankles and then said something about me. This isn’t me trying to be self-centered or whatever. I just genuinely want to know. I don’t remember what happened.”
“Well, we were in elementary school and you once, I’m pretty sure it was accidental, put your hand out and it hit me while I was walking down the stairs and I fell. I landed weirdly on my ankle and broke it.”
“So you blame me?”
“Yes, absolutely. Do you blame me? You had a way of hurting me and making it seem like an accident.”
Jamie laughs and you giggle along; he’s about to comment when a trainer walks in.
“Let’s see what’s the matter here,” he says. You are suddenly extremely aware that your leg is sitting on Jamie’s lap and his hands are on your lap. The trainer examines your ankle. “It’s nothing too terrible; just a small sprain. I think if you keep it elevated as much as possible then it should be healed in a few days. Can you try walking on it?”
You nod and put your foot on the ground gently. Jamie puts his hands on your waist as you try to stand, and your skin is burning beneath his touch. “I think I’m good to get back to work.”
“You sure?” Jamie asks, concerned.
You nod. “Yeah, I think so,” you walk away from Jamie’s embrace. “Yeah, I’m good.”
“Just ice it and keep it elevated once you get home tonight,” the trainer tells you. You nod and walk out of the locker room.
“What did you do to her?” Roope asks Jamie.
“Too much damage to ever fix,” Jamie says with a sigh. There was no way that your relationship with Jamie would ever go past professional acquaintances after what you revealed to him today. If Jamie knew one thing about you it was that you were strong and steadfast with your opinions and rarely changed them, especially when it came to people. Jamie doubted that he’d be an exception considering all of the past history there.
. . .
The days that followed your fall, you avoided Jamie as much as possible. You could proudly say that you didn’t hate him anymore. That’s not true. You still hated Jamie; however, when you heard his name, you didn’t immediately roll your eyes and get angry. Sometimes, you’d smile and other times you’d have no reaction. This shocked everyone because they all knew about the hatred you had for the Dallas Stars hockey player.
Shortly after, you were taken off of the media job and went back to your marketing job. The night of the home opener, however, Carrie comes up to your office with a request. “Tristain can be back at work but not for games at the moment. Do you think that you could fill in tonight? We had her on the schedule and no one else can be there.”
You hesitate; the only thing holding you back was the fact that you’d be seeing Jamie again.
“Sure, of course!”
You sort out the details with Carrie and are set to be available as part of the media team tonight for the home opener.
Later that day, you’re standing outside of the locker room filming the boys get ready for warmups. Once the video was taken and posted, you put the phone in your pocket and begin to head to the place you were supposed to be. However, someone grabs onto your arm gently and stops you.
“How’s your ankle?” Jamie asks softly.
This should infuriate you; however, his concern has you touched. You don’t show it though. “Better. I think I’d be better, though, if I didn’t have to worry about my ankles but oh well.”
Jamie shakes his head; he wasn’t sure why he was expecting anything else from you.
“I have to go, good luck tonight, Jamie,” you tell him and walk away. You’ll admit, your comment was quite snarky and unneeded. You feel bad for what you said, and Jamie was only trying to be nice. You had to keep up familiarities, right? You hated Jamie Oleksiak for the majority of your life, so why did you suddenly feel bad for what you said to him?
. . .
“Are you coming out with us tonight, Yn?” Denis asks. The team won and wanted to go out and celebrate.
You shake your head. “No, thanks for the invite though.”
“Oh, come on, why not, Ynn?” Jamie asks. Why was he asking you that? Did he not remember that the two of you have hated each other since birth? “Don’t not go because of me.”
“Funny. You think that I care about what you do or think. I just have a few things I have to do.” you lied; you weren’t going to admit that Jamie was the reason you weren’t going out.
Jamie smirks. “Fine, if you say so, but I will continue to think in my head that the reason you’re not coming out with us is because of me and the animosity we have for each other.”
“Well, look at you. Did you finally begin to remember the vocabulary we learned in high school?”
Jamie’s face turns red. Yes, he asked his sister to send photos of his old stuff from high school to try to impress you. He wasn’t going to admit it, however. Ever since that heart to heart in the locker room, Jamie wanted nothing more than to impress you. You went back to bantering and driving each other crazy; however, this was a lighter teasing and driving each other crazy. Some would even call it flirting. Would Jamie say he was flirting with you? Yes, absolutely. Would Jamie say you were flirting back with him? No, absolutely not. You hated him, so Jamie knew that whatever he thought you felt was obviously in his head.
“No,” he grumbles and some of his teammates laugh at him. The one thing that was sticking out to Jamie was that you didn’t correct him when he called you by your nickname. You went along with it. Was there some progress being made? “Enjoy whatever you have to do tonight, yn.”
You smile at him softly that has Jamie’s heart beating fast and walk away.
“Dude, you’re in deep with her,” someone says as they clap Jamie on the back. He didn’t have the energy to determine who was talking to him or contradict what they were saying. They were right; Jamie was in deep and he had no idea what to do about it.
After taking the video you needed for the Stars Instagram of the boys playing soccer at the next home game, you wave goodbye and head to the media offices; you once again had to fill in for the media team. You take five steps and hear a loud “ow!” from the one voice you despised. You turn around to see Jamie rubbing his head and staring down at his teammates. You can’t help but smile.
“Stop staring at her, you idiot,” Roope calls out and this gets a laugh out of all the boys. “Just ask her out instead of staring,” someone else yells. A deep red blush overtakes Jamie’s face and you can’t help but smile. You walk away with a giant smile on your face. You immediately shake it off. Why was Jamie getting flustered making you smile? You hated Oleksiak, right?
. . .
When you got home from work after a long day, all you wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep. You had a minor sinus infection and the day was exhausting. You had a massive headache and felt nauseous all day. There was nothing more you wanted to do was take a hot shower, curl up in warm clothing, and call it a night. You weren’t expecting to come home and see a DoorDash bag sitting outside your door. You knew for a fact that you didn’t order anything. You picked up the bag and noticed there was a note attached.
I heard that you were feeling sick, so I bought you some soup.
Jamie bought you soup? Jamie was asking about you? Where did this come from? Why would Jamie extend any kindness towards you? Isn’t he supposed to hate you? Isn’t Jamie supposed to be making your life miserable? You’ll admit, after the incident where you sprained your ankle slightly, you and Jamie have been cordial. Whenever you both talked to each other, mean words were being passed around. However, it was more of a teasing and flirting meanness. Does this mean that you and Jamie were friends now? No, right?
You walk into your apartment and open the bag - it was Italian Wedding Soup, your favorite. Your heart warmed at the fact that Jamie remembered your favorite soup. Growing up, your grandmother always made this for you when you were sick. Sometimes, she’d bring some over to the Oleksiak house if anyone was sick there, too. You grabbed a bowl and ladle and put some soup in a bowl. The minute you took the first bite, you sighed in content. It wasn’t quite like home, but it was close. You started to immediately feel better. How did Jamie know this was exactly what you needed? You wanted to text him to thank him; however, you didn’t have his phone number and didn’t feel comfortable sending him a text through Instagram quite yet. You opted to write him and note and were going to leave it in his stall the next morning.
You finished the soup and began to feel better. You were happy and thankful for the soup, but you had one lingering thought. Why would Jamie do something like this for you?
The next morning, when Jamie got to his stall, he noticed that there was a gift bag sitting on the bench. He looked around to see if maybe one of his teammates left it there. It wasn't his birthday and there was no big milestone coming up. What was the message behind it, then?
“It was here when I got here,” John tells Jamie.
“He wanted to open it, but we told him that it wouldn’t be nice,” Roope says.
“I didn’t want to open it; I wanted to see who it was from. There’s a difference.”
“Whatever, Jamie, just open it.”
Jamie grabs the bag and looks for a card or maybe a note. He removes a piece of tissue paper and sees a note. He smiles as he sees your familiar handwriting that always got Jamie’s heart racing back in high school.
Thank you so much for the soup last night. How did you know it was my favorite? I didn’t have your phone number, so I am leaving this for you. Enjoy a small treat from home! Again, thank you.
Jamie smiles and peers into the bag. Inside, Jamie finds a bag of snacks that are endemic to the Toronto area. Only, you would know what his favorites were. “It’s from Yn,” Jamie tells his curious teammates.
This gets a few raised eyebrows and snickers from the people that were currently in the locker room.
“Why did she leave you a gift?” Roope asks.
“I bought her some soup and had it delivered to her house yesterday because I heard she was sick. This is her thank you.” Jamie blushes with these words and can’t meet anyone’s eye.
“You got her soup?” John asks curiously. What did this mean? “Are you trying to date her?”
Jamie pales. “What? No. She just wasn’t feeling well, so I tried to make her feel better.”
John smirks. “How did you know exactly what she would want?”
Jamie, not realizing that his teammates were setting him up, answered obliviously. “It was always her favorite growing up.”
“And how do you know this?”
“Because I loved her, still do.”
This was not the answer that everyone was expecting. “What?” someone asks.
“What?” Jamie looks up from the note to see everyone staring at him.
“You love Yn? The girl who hates you? The girl who you treated like absolute shit your entire life?” Roope confirms.
“I, yeah, I loved her. In middle school and elementary school, I just messed with her because she was a girl and, you know when you have a crush on a girl that young, you tease her.”
“No, you don’t,” Miro says.
Jamie glares at his teammate. “Whatever, not the point. I thought I was being obvious, and then in high school, I realized I was in love with her.”
“You wanted to treat her right, but you knew she’d find it suspicious.”
“I forgot about my feelings when she went to college and my career picked up, but when I saw her that first time I, just,” Jamie stops talking because he isn’t sure how to continue.
“Realized your feelings.”
“I don’t know what to do.”
“Maybe just talk to her? Tell her how you feel?” John suggests.
“That probably won’t work. How do I tell her that I’ve been in love with her since we were three and I treated her terribly because I was scared of my feelings? Oh, and I ruined any possibility of her dating anyone in high school because I was a jealous idiot who couldn’t figure anything out.”
Jamie’s words get a few pitiful glances, “that sucks”, and pats on the shoulder. No one knows what to say or do. Jamie was in love with the one person who might never love him back.
. . .
Walking into the ballroom, you were trying to find your boss so that you could tell her that you were here. Tonight was the annual Casino Night and you were working behind the scenes to make sure the night went smoothly. This was the first time you were attending because last year, the marketing team didn’t need you to work it, and you also caught a cold right before.
“Oh, hey, yn’s here,” Carrie calls out and crosses your name off the list. “Perfect, you’re going to be sitting at the table in the front welcoming guests and stuff. You are going to ask for their name, ID, and ticket. Once you do that, you’ll tell them their table number and give them a gift bag. A few of the players will be serving as ushers tonight, so they’ll bring the guests to their tables.”
You nod. You want to ask who the players are, but you don’t want to sound eager.
“The organization assigned Roope Hintz, Denis Gurianov, and Jason Dickinson as ushers. They also put Jamie Oleksiak. I know the two of you have some hardcore animosity between you two, so if you don’t want him there, then we can get someone else.”
“Oh, don’t worry, we’ll be okay,” you tell Carrie. For the first time in your life, you were serious. Things between you and Jamie were cordial and professional. You still hated him like crazy but significantly less than when you were growing up. You weren’t even sure that you and Jamie would be at this point, but here you two both were.”
“Okay, great, why don’t I bring you to your station and show you how the software works,” Carrie says and leads you to the entrance of the ballroom. The next ten minutes pass, and you think you’ve got the software and system figured out pretty well that you should be okay. Carrie told you to organize the table in any way that’s fitting to your needs, so you begin to reorganize based on how you think you’ll be able to work more efficiently.
Walking to the front entrance from the back entrance are the ushers. Leading the pack is Jamie and Roope. They were walking and talking casually when Jamie suddenly stopped in his tracks.
“Keep walking,” Jason says and smacks Jamie over the head.
“What are you staring at - oh,” Roope follows Jamie’s eye line and spots you organizing the table.
“She’s so beautiful,” Jamie says with heart eyes. You were wearing a dark green dress that fell just above your knees and matching green stilettos. Your hair was done in the way that you knew looked best. Jamie recognized it as the same way you did your hair for Senior Prom and graduation.
“You know, maybe tonight you should tell her?” Denis suggests.
“I don’t think so,” Jamie says with reluctance. “I know she doesn’t feel the same.”
“Then try not to stare or gape too much, then.”
Jamie nods. “We should head to where we need to be, right?”
The four boys continue walking to where you were. “Hey, yn,” Roope greets you.
You look up and smile. “Hi, well, you guys clean up nicely.”
“As do you,” Jamie tells you, and the heat rushes to your face. So, Jamie was complimenting you now.
“Um, so, I’ll be greeting guests and taking their ticket information,” you explain. “Your job, which you've probably been briefed on, is to escort them to their table numbers.”
“‘Briefed on’?” Jason begins. “Are we in some kind of spy or FBI movie?”
“Very funny,” you say sarcastically. “Not the point, but that’s it basically. I think Ryan from marketing will be here to help me with the tickets. Carrie told me that two of you will be on my side of the table and two on Ryan’s side.”
Ryan suddenly appears and greets you with a hug. “You look nice, yn.”
“Thanks, Ryan, you clean up well, too,” you say back to him. You don’t catch the glare that Jamie was giving to Ryan. “I was just explaining what we’re going to be doing tonight to the boys. Two will be working with you and two with me.”
“Perfect, thanks for briefing them; you four can talk amongst yourselves as to who you’re going to be working with. I don’t care either way.”
“See?” you look pointedly at Jason. “Ryan used ‘brief’, too. Oh, I also don’t care. Actually, I’m going to head to the washroom quickly before people start to arrive.”
You get up and walk away, but you don’t notice Jamie watching you leave. He was incredibly captivated with you and wants nothing more than to sweep you up and kiss you. He wants to profess his love to you and love you forever. Sadly, you would never feel the same way as a result of how he treated you growing up. Jamie is drawn out of his thoughts by Jason smacking his arm.
“Dude, you have to stop staring,” Jason says.
“Oh, you like her?” Ryan asks. “She’s quite a catch.”
“Oh, no, I don’t,” Jamie denies. He gets stares from his teammates. Jamie isn’t sure why he denied having feelings for you. You weren’t even here to hear them anyways.
“Good, I like her, and I think I’m going to ask her out. I wasn’t going to say anything if you liked her, but since you don’t, I should be okay to do so.”
Jamie nods but locks his jaw. “Excuse me, I have to go to the washroom, too.” Jamie walks to the bathroom angrily. Of course, Ryan likes you, who wouldn’t? Why couldn’t Jamie just tell Ryan he likes you? That way, Ryan won’t be asking you out. Too entranced in his thoughts, he runs right into you, again.
“Oof, wow, hi Jamie,” you say to him giggly after regaining your composure. “I should stop doing this, you know, running into you. Are you okay?”
“Um, yeah, why?”
“You look really angry and pissed off.”
“Oh, well, I’m not, so, don’t worry,” Jamie says in a voice that doesn’t express what he just said.
You laugh softly.
“What?” Jamie asks.
“You say you’re not angry, but your tone says anything but,” you explain with an amused smile. You look up to meet Jamie’s eyes, and you see the fury going on in his head. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, don’t worry about it,” Jamie brushes you off and walks away toward the washroom.
You want to yell after him, but you don’t feel it’s your place to do so.
“Oh good, you’re back,” Ryan says to you. “Jamie and Jason are going to be your ushers and Roope and Denis will be mine.”
You nod and sit down. So, Jamie was going to be closer to you than you thought. “Perfect.”
When Jamie gets back from the washroom and sees you talking to Ryan in a much too friendly manner for his liking, Jamie sulks again. This was going to be a long night.
Somehow, despite his anger and frustration, Jamie was able to put that all aside as he was working as an usher for the Casino Night. Just being near you and around you was enough to calm him down. Watching you interact with the guests made Jamie’s heart warm. He always knew that you were incredibly caring to everyone you met; he just didn’t know that your actions would make him melt and fall more in love with you. After about an hour and a half of welcoming guests, Carrie walks over and says that one group can go and get something to eat. She walks away and the six of you talk amongst yourselves as to who should go. The decision is made for you when two guests walk up to you and begin pulling out their IDs. Out of the corner of your eye, you watch Ryan, Roope, and Denis head into the ballroom to have dinner. After welcoming them in, Denis ushers the guests to their table. You take a breath of releasing exhaustion and Jamie smiles at you.
“Tired?” he asks.
“Yeah, it’s a lot of people to talk to; when I took this job, I thought it would just be marketing, not the rest of this, too,” you tell him. “It’s a very versatile job.”
“Well, if it weren’t versatile, then we wouldn’t have ever come into contact with each other, right?”
“Yeah, I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing yet.”
Jamie looks you in the eye. “Well, I think it’s a good thing. A very good thing.”
You raise your eyebrows at him. “Oh yeah?” you say to Jamie, and he nods. “I’ll take that into consideration as I make my decision.”
Jamie chuckles deeply, and you feel the shivers go up your spine.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” you ask Jamie.
“Sure,” he tells you.
“Why were you, actually never mind,” you stop asking, seeing Denis walking back to the table.
Jamie was about to question why, but he sees Denis and another guest approaching. He takes this as the reason that you stopped talking. You put on a bright smile and begin talking to the guests and welcoming them. Jamie ushers them into the ballroom after you talk and gives you a wink. You feel the warmth reach your face; you see Denis shaking his head and you question him.
“Just give him a chance,” he replies to you.
“What?” you ask confused.
“I’m serious, just give him a chance.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You will, just give him a chance when you realize you know what I’m talking about.”
You nod. What in the world could he be talking about?
Three hours after the event starts, Carrie comes over to the six of you and tells her that you were all relieved of your duties and were free to enjoy the event. You weren’t sure what to do now.
“Where are you headed?” Jamie asks.
“I’m not sure, you?”
“What do you mean you’re not sure?”
“I’ve never been to one of these before, and most of my friends are working or have their own dates. I don’t have a table to sit at and don’t want to intrude.”
Jamie nods. He extends his arm for you, and you look at him skeptically.
“What?” you ask.
“Dance with me,” he tells you.
You want to tell him he’s crazy and that there was no way in hell that you were going to dance with him. However, you wanted to. You wanted to dance with Jamie, so you loop your arm through his and he leads you into the ballroom. The two of you find a spot on the dance floor and maneuver yourselves into a dancing position. Jamie rests his two hands on your waist and you reach up to wrap your arms around his neck. You giggle softly; your hands don’t reach because Jamie is too tall.
“What?” he asks.
“You’re too tall; I can’t get my arms to go around your neck,” you tell him.
“Oh,” Jamie says. His eyes suddenly light up. He removes one of his hands from your waist and takes your hand. “Now, you put one of your hands on my back. This work?”
You do as he says and nods. “Yeah, and now we dance!”
“That we do.”
You and Jamie begin swaying with the music. You remember that you had a question you wanted to ask Jamie, so you decide to prompt him with it now. “Hey, Jamie?”
“Yes, ynn?”
“Why were you so upset earlier?” you ask.
Jamie suddenly stiffens, and you begin tracing patterns on his back with your hand to try to calm him down. “No reason.”
“So, you mean to tell me that you just get angry for no apparent reason?”
“No, I did get angry for a certain reason.”
“Care to share? A penny for your thoughts?”
What about a kiss for my thoughts. “It’s stupid. Ryan just said something I didn’t like, so I got angry.”
“Oh, okay.”
Jamie smiles at you, and you both continue to dance to the song. When the song ends, you begin to release your grasp of Jamie, but he doesn’t do the same.
“Jamie, the song's over.”
“I know, one more?” he asks. You want to say yes, but you aren’t sure why you don’t want to. You aren’t sure what this shift in your relationship is, but you need some time to figure it out on your own.
“I’m sorry, my feet hurt, I think I’m going to head to the back with staff and just rest, okay?” you pivot.
Jamie nods and releases his hold on you. “I probably have to do some sucking up to the donors and stuff.”
“Oh yeah, probably,” you tease. “See you later?”
“Absolutely, yes,” Jamie says to you, and the two of you go your separate ways. You head to the back to find Carrie, and Jamie heads to his teammates.
“So, did you finally tell her?” Denis asks excitedly.
“No,” Jamie says glumly.
The team gathered at this certain location all shook their heads in annoyance. When will the two of you finally realize these things?
You’re sitting in the back kitchen with a piece of chocolate cake as the event wraps up. Carrie told you that you could just sit in the back if you didn’t want to go out. Yeah, that’s what you did. You didn’t want to see Jamie again because you didn’t know what the shift in your guys’ relationship was. You needed to talk to Lisa as soon as you could before you saw Jamie again. Sadly, the universe didn’t care that much about what you felt.
“Is this the pity party?” Jamie asks as he sits across from you. He grabs the fork in your hand and takes a bite out of your cake.
“Hey!” you jokingly scold. “And no, this isn’t a pity party. I just don’t have anywhere else to go.”
“You could have come and found me, you know.”
You open your mouth to say something but close it right away.
“What?” Jamie asks with his mouth full of cake.
“Stop eating my cake,” you tell him and take your fork out of his hand. “Should you really be eating this anyway?”
“It’s cake.”
“Yeah, and you’re a professional athlete.”
“I don’t follow.”
You sigh. “Aren’t you supposed to be eating only healthy things?”
“I guess, yeah.”
“But you’re eating cake.”
“Oh, now I get what you're saying,” Jamie says to you. “Just don’t tell the nutrition staff.”
“Then maybe you should wipe that chocolate icing off your face,” you joke.
“Oops, my bad,” Jamie begins wiping the icing off his face but misses.
“Here, let me,” you say and scoot your chair closer to him. You use your thumb and wipe the icing off your face. “Better.”
“Thank you,” Jamie says to you, and his face gets closer to yours so close that your foreheads are touching. “Yn, can I tell you something?”
“Of course,” you say to him, realizing how close your face is to his.
“You know how you asked me earlier today about why I was mad?” Jamie asks, and you nod. “Well, I wasn’t entirely telling you the truth. Yes, Ryan said something I didn’t like. When you walked to the washroom, I was staring at you because you were so beautiful. One of the guys told me to stop staring at you, and Ryan asked if I liked you. I don’t know why, but I told him no even though I’m so in love with you. Ryan then said that he was going to ask you out, and I got mad. I got mad because I want to be the one to love you, and I think Ryan might be the one to get that first.”
You pull back slightly, shocked. “What?”
“I’m in love with you; I always was.”
There’s no way you feel the same way. Where did that come from? “What? No, Jamie. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You’ve treated me like shit our entire life. There is no way you’re in love with me. No, you’re not. I’m sorry, I have to go.” You get up abruptly and walk out of the kitchen.
You walk to go find Carrie, so you could tell her you were going to head home. You were going to tell her you feel sick, which you do. You find Carrie and tell her you’re going to head home. She says it’s fine, and you head to the exit.
“Yn, wait, don’t leave because of me,” Jamie says to you as you’re about to leave. Somehow, he found you and was following you.
“No, Jamie, if you didn’t want me to leave, you shouldn’t have said those things to me. Why? Do you hate me that much that you want to mess with me so badly?”
“What? No, of course not. I don’t hate you, yn!”
“That’s rich; I’m leaving. Goodnight, Jamie.”
You don’t see the fallen look on Jamie’s face as you walk away, but his teammates do. Jamie goes back to his table but doesn’t say anything. Why did he think you’d ever feel the same way? Because he was nice for a few months? No, he should have known better. This was his fault, and he had to live what he did.
You held in your tears until you got to your car. The minute your door closed, you broke down. How dare he do this to you? How dare Jamie say something like that to mess with you? What was his problem? Why would he do that?
You and Jamie both went home miserable that night. Jamie went home heartbroken, and you went home angry and annoyed. What happens next?
. . .
You called in sick the Monday after Casino Night. You weren’t ready to face Jamie even though you knew that you’d probably not see him. You weren’t sure what to think. Jamie was always someone that you knew would be in your life. However, you always thought he’d be there as your lifelong enemy who you happened to still be in semi-contact with because your parents were friends. As of late, though, you’ve been seeing Jamie as a friend. You weren’t going to lie, you found Jamie ridiculously attractive, and ever since the accident you had where you and Jamie finally talked, you began to see him in a different light. Instead of your first thought being how much you hated him, you thought about the good things he had to himself. You saw how friendly he was to everyone, and he always asked how you were. He had a selflessness to himself that you were starting to love about him.
“Why are you telling me all this, yn?” Lisa asks you exasperated. “I always thought that the two of you were perfect for each other, even in high school. Don’t lie, you thought about it, too.”
You pause for a moment carefully thinking about what you were going to say. “I guess you’re right. I did have a small crush on him in high school because, for almost six months, he was mostly nice to me.”
“And what about now?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you want to know what I think?”
“Yes, please, Lisa.”
“I think you’re in love with him, too. I think you always have been; I think he’s one of those people that is always going to be in your life whether or not you like it. At first, everyone thought you two were going to be the best of friends and take over the world. That all changed when he tripped you and the rest is history, but I think it’s different now. This time around, you both are mature adults who, I think, subconsciously realized that the way they dealt with the crushes they had on each other was by absolutely hating each other. You both didn’t know what to do, so you’re coping mechanism? Hate each other senselessly because you didn’t know what else. Now, Jamie realized how he feels and wants that with you. He said it first, right? Maybe he wants to show you he’s changed and truly loves you now.”
“I guess you’re kind of right,” you tell Lisa. “I just, I don’t know how I feel.”
“Do you find him attractive?”
“Yes, of course, he’s gorgeous.”
“Did you always think that?”
“Yes, because he’s always been gorgeous.”
“Was one of the reasons you hated him because he was so gorgeous?”
“Yeah, I’m not sure where you’re going with this, Lisa,” you tell your best friend skeptically.
“My point is that if you truly hated him, you wouldn’t have called him gorgeous so quickly. I think you would have just denied finding him attractive and that’s that. Now that you know what nice and kind Jamie is like, I think you want more. You want to have more with him because you’ve seen what a great person Jamie is. Because you’ve seen the goodness, you want more and all of it. Can you say that you currently hate Jamie Oleksiak with your entire being?”
“No, I cannot say that I hate Jamie Oleksiak with my entire being.”
“Your first reaction to him telling you how he feels was not to punch him or to hurt him, was it?”
“No, I guess it wasn’t,” you say calmly.
“What was it then, yn?”
“In my head, and I don’t know why I said it, but it was ‘there’s no way you feel the same way', and I was surprised those words even formed in my head.”
“Don’t you see, yn? You feel the same way! You just didn’t know it! Your head and heart have been trying to tell you how you feel by spreading warmth to your face, making you feel shy, or just wanting to be around him. Yn, you’re in love with Jamie Oleksiak.”
“Holy shit, I’m in love with Jamie Oleksiak.”
“You’re in love with Jamie Oleksiak, yn.”
“Oh dear goodness, what do I do now, Lisa?”
“Apologize and tell him.”
You take a deep breath. “Yeah, I can do that, right?”
“If you want to be with him, then yeah.”
“Okay, I can do that, it shouldn’t be too hard, right? What could possibly go wrong?”
. . .
Believe it or not, a lot. The next day, you were set to go back to work, but you woke up with a massive migraine, an aching cough, and a debilitating stomach ache. You couldn’t go to work feeling like this, so you called in sick for real this time. You finally had the courage to go see a doctor, and they told you it was just a bug. They gave you some antibiotics, and you were back to work in three days.
On the Saturday after Casino Night, Carrie asked if you could fill in for the media team, and you agreed enthusiastically. Maybe you’d finally be able to see Jamie and talk to him?
Unfortunately, that was not the case. You weren’t outright trying to talk to Jamie or get his attention, but you weren’t not doing that. You tried to act normal, but Jamie wouldn’t even acknowledge you. You were able to catch him alone after the game, but when you called out to him, he didn’t respond. You went home that night crying thinking you ruined something great without knowing you had something great at the tip of your fingers.
The following Monday, you were sitting in the GM’s offices when Jamie walked in looking for one of the team managers. You were the one of two sitting in the room, and Jamie walked to the other person who was on the far side of the room to ask if the manager was there. You’ll admit, that hurt.
You saw Jamie a few days later on your way to the locker room to give some paperwork to the coaching staff. You were about to turn the corner when your foot got stuck in a loose floorboard, and you went tumbling to the ground.
“Are you okay?” someone asks you as you try to get up.
“I mean, considering I just fell to the ground, no, but thanks for asking,” you answer and lookup. “Jamie.”
“Yn,” he replies back to you. “I’m going to go.”
“Jamie, wait, please.”
“What, yn? Are you going to reject me again because I don’t want to have that conversation with you, then.”
“When we both aren’t at work and in a public place, can we please talk?”
“Why should I agree to that, yn? Because, for your information, you’re breaking my heart. I can’t do this if you’re just going to make me feel terrible.”
You falter slightly when Jamie tells you that you’re breaking his heart. “I’m really sorry, can we just please pick a time and place to talk?”
“Sure, right here, right now.”
“Jamie, that’s not what I --”
“No, if you want to talk, then right here. I don’t want to have this conversation later if you’re going to reject me again.”
You’re getting kind of sick and tired of Jamie insisting that you’re going to reject him again because you’re not. “Jamie! I’m not going to reject you again! Do you think I’m some kind of heartless monster who loves to see you suffer? Guess what, I don’t! I hate that my words made you hurt and put you in a terrible mood. I apologize for that. You know you got to speak your mind, isn’t it time for me to be able to speak mine?”
Jamie is about to say something, but you stop him.
“No, I’m not going to break your heart, I promise. Just listen, okay?”
Jamie nods and takes one step towards you.
“Casino Night? You caught me off guard. My entire life, I hated you and that was all I knew. Wake up? Hate Jamie. Go to bed? Hate Jamie. You have to admit, though, you didn’t make it hard, but that’s beside the point. When I literally ran into you all those months ago, I picked up where we left off because that was all I knew. Then, come to find out, I didn’t like that. When I tripped over your foot and we talked? That was the shift inside of me. I didn’t know what I was feeling. The next few things I’m going to say I didn’t makeup on my own, Lisa helped me with it. She told me that I got to experience nice and kind Jamie, and I loved it. I did, I loved being on the receiving end of it. She was saying how I wanted more, all of the love and kindness you have to offer. She’s not wrong. I want everything you have to offer because I’m in love with you.”
“Casino Night? I didn’t know what I was feeling. If you gave me a bit more time, on my own, then I think I would have realized it soon. I’m not sure if you know this, but in sophomore year of high school, I had a crush on you because, for once, you were quite nice to me. I like nice Jamie because he makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Jamie Oleksiak, I’m in love with you even though I spent almost twenty years hating you. And, that’s all I have to say, so I’m going to go now.”
You begin to turn around, but Jamie’s next words leave you stunned. “I’ve had a crush on you since we were three.”
“When we were three years old, I realized I had a crush on you. I wouldn’t have called it a crush, but I always saw how in love my parents were and one day wanted that with you. You know how children get ‘married’? Well, I wanted to marry you. I didn’t know how to process how I felt so I treated you like shit and for that, I’m sorry. I realized I was in love with you in high school, but at that point, too much damage was created for me to go back and change things. When I saw you again a few months back, I realized that I never really got over you, and I wanted more with you.”
You take a step forward. “So.”
“So, we’re two idiots who are in love with each other, then?”
“So we are,” Jamie says to you with a smile.
“Now what do we do?” you ask.
“Well, I’d like to take you out for dinner and maybe kiss you? Then, take you out for dinner again and call you my girlfriend. What do you think?”
“I think you should kiss me now and we can just jump to the ‘I’m your girlfriend’ part.”
“That’s a deal,” Jamie says and leans down to kiss you. He places a gentle kiss on your lips before leaning back to take a breath. He leans in again, and you both deepen the kiss he places on your lips. All of five seconds pass when you hear cheering behind you. “I guess this is why you wanted to talk in private, right?”
You laugh. “Yeah, it was. Maybe you should listen to me more often.”
“Well, now that you’re my girlfriend, I guess I have more of a reason to.”
“And why’s that?”
“So I get to keep you and love you forever?”
You smile and say, “that I can do.” You perch upon your tippy-toes and kiss Jamie again. Who knew that two childhood enemies could one day learn to love each other?
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soggy-platee · 3 years
Rating: M
Pairing: Din Djarin x gn!reader
Summary: You get hurt doing something stupid, Din has to confront his feelings for you.
Crossposted on ao3 here!
This was bad. Like, bad bad. You had gotten into fights before, of course, been roughed up more times than you could count. But previously, you had always been able to make it back to the Crest and hide the evidence before Mando got back. This time, however, you weren’t even sure if you would make it back to the Crest alone, much less heal yourself.
Tatooine, of all places, was where you were currently limping through, Mos Eisley to be more exact. Mando had stopped for repairs and you had made the usual excuse to get yourself out of mechanic-assistant duty, yelling something about supplies over your shoulder before hustling to the nearest cantina. Mando and you had been on countless missions over the years, sometimes staying and working together for months at a time. This current run was one of the longer ones, being on your third month-long job with the Mandalorian. Honestly, you had no idea why the hell he kept working with you. You were his total and utter opposite. All talkative and friendly, and a total ass most of the time. Your skills didn’t exactly make up for your personality either, you were a half-decent hunter at best. You liked to think it was because you always filled the silence of the old ass ship he insisted on using.
You had a feeling that if he found out the stupid shit you were always getting into, it might be your last time with him. It was some fucking dumb wager you made, betting on a brawl you knew nothing about. Somehow you won, and that seemed to piss a lot of people off. You had managed to fight most of them off, everyone underestimated you at first because of your small stature. But that element of surprise only lasts so long, and there were just too many of them this time. A slash to your thigh with a rusty knife took you to one knee before a first connected with your temple, sending you sprawling on the dusty floor. After that, it had been a flurry of hits and kicks before the owner chased them off. You had lain there for a while, trying to regain some sense of up and down through your obvious concussion. When you finally lifted yourself to your knees, the only thing that was clear in your mind was the idea of Mando seeing you like this, realizing how reckless and useless you really were. That’s why you were so desperate to get back and cover the evidence. As much as you hated to admit it, you liked working with him, loved it really. It had nothing to do with the little crush you had been harboring on the metal man, you often told yourself.
The port coming into view shook you from your thoughts. No sign of the Mandalorian yet. You tried to hurry, but the deep cut on your thigh stung in protest. You tried to walk as smoothly as possible, the last thing you needed was some other low-life on this dump planet to try to rob you in your weakened state. The high walls of the building loomed over you, casting you in shadow as you moved through the entrance. You moved as silently as you could, listening for the slightest movement to indicate the presence of your partner. The place was silent besides the small tinkering of the pit droids in some corner. You grimaced to yourself, at least this was working out for you .
You limped up the ramp into the dark hold. Making your way to your bunk, you fumbled around in the darkness for your own little stash of medical supplies. You only ever took from your personal stuff; the last thing you needed was being caught because Mando noticed his shit was missing. He had enough of his own wounds to worry about. You precariously gathered all your things into one hand, the other holding your upright. A bacta shot slipped, clinking loudly on the floor as a wave of dizziness came over you. Your hand immediately shot to the wound on your thigh.
Fuck , that was way more blood than you thought. You dipped down to grab the shot, the same dizziness doubling with the movement. Finally, after a few seconds of fumbling, your bloody hand found the cold tube. At the same time your fingers closed around the object, the cockpit door slide open with a metallic hiss. Your head shot up to the sound only to find the large outline of Mando hovering over you in the doorway. He was silent as were you, caught in a contest in the near-darkness of the hold. You swallowed hard. He was usually quiet, but this time, you could feel the anger radiating off him in waves.
Finally, he moved, hitting the first rung and the second before leaping down with a resounding thud . The moment he landed you shot up as fast as your injured state could allow. You both rose straight in tandem. He was directly in front of you, making your height difference more than noticeable. It made you feel even worse, even more, insignificant compared to the warrior in front of you. It was still too dark to make out his features, or lack thereof, but you could hear the creak of his leather gloves as his gloves clenched and unclenched.
Holy shit, he was pissed.
Your mind was racing, maybe you could still get out of this. Apologize like crazy, get out of his sight before he could realize just how bad you had fucked up, how hurt you were. You just hoped to God that he wasn’t using any special settings in his helmet to see you in the dark.
Finally, the damn broke.
“What the fuck did you think you were doing?”
Your brain went into overdrive, getting ready every half-assed excuse you could. Before you could get a word out, he trampled over you nearly shouting, “You were gone for an hour , and now the whole fucking town is talking about the brawl that you were at the center of? Over a fucking bet ? How reckless can you -”
Your anger grew as he grew louder, words getting harsher. Who the hell did he think he was? Yeah, yeah you fucked up, but he wasn’t your fucking dad. W hy did he get a say in what you did anyway?
“Sorry, we can’t all be as fucking upstanding as you, okay? I was blowing off a little steam, Jesus , it’s not that big of a deal…”
You could hear his surprised grunt under your tirade, actually physically moving away an inch at your verble assault. He recovered quickly though, leaning back toward you, leaving only inches between you as he growled, “ Not a big deal ? You know what kind of people are on this fucking planet, how much trouble you could get into?”
You paused, confused. Wait, was he mad at you because you got into trouble or because you could get into more?
Your pause made him continue, lecturing you firmly about how reckless and stupid your actions were. You just took it, hoping he would give up soon and leave you alone. He would have to quit soon if there was any hope of still hiding your injuries from him, you were growing fainter by the second, all previous anger seeping out along with your strength. The blood from your leg had to be pooling onto the floor by now.
There was a break in his speech, so you interjected in a feeble attempt to end the conversation. “ I’m sorry... I get it. I was wrong.” you practically whispered.
“You’re sorry ? I don’t-”
Suddenly, the ship was filled with an overwhelming light. You lifted a hand to shield your eyes, shoulders hunching as the light hit your face. Mando spun in comparison, stance low as he searched for an assault. After a moment, you both realized that the floodlights of the hanger had come on, compensating for the now-low light of sunset outside. In the same second, you realized what Mando would turn to see. You tried to hide, pulling your injured thigh as far back as you could without falling over. But it was no fucking use, bruises smattered your face and arm, dried blood leaving a trail from your brow-
He turned, freezing once his visor met your pained expression. He stood still for a moment and you started with your excuse, “Listen, it’s not as bad as it looks. I can do it myself if you just-”
He was on you a second, grabbing you by the shoulders and pushing you back to sit on the lip of your bunk. You were shocked as you were sat down, he hardly ever touched you, let alone with the firmness and caring that he was using now. His hands moved to cup your face, turning it back and forth, taking in the damage. You braced for a lashing.
Instead, his voice was deadly low when he asked, “Who did this?”
You jerked in his grip, “What?”
He gripped your face tighter, thumb brushing over your cheek before repeating, “ Who did this ? Just give me a name and they’re fucking dead.”
Your dumbfounded expression was reflected in his visor. Wasn’t he just mad at you?
“I’m- I’m sorry. I shouldn't have reacted like that. I didn’t know you were...hurt.”
Whoops, you didn’t mean to say that out loud.
His hands probed their way from your temples down your body, noting every bruise and mark. Finally, he reached the cut on your leg, hissing through his modulator as he felt the sticky fabric around the opening.
He sighed your name as he took in the extent of the damage, “God this is- Why didn’t you tell me ?”
You shifted nervously on your bunk, you couldn’t tell him the truth. It was lame, it was weird . It would freak him out, how much you wanted to stay with him.
I’m so desperate to stay with you I’d rather bleed out than tell you I fucked up.
Yeah, that would go over well.
So you simply acted aloof, hoping to God that he would buy it. As he continued to inspect you leg, you plastered a fake grin on your face and spoke down to him, “Come on Mando, you don’t think that I can handle some cuts myself?
His helmet shot up to your face so fast your expression faltered, giving way to wide eyes and parted lips. He seemed pleased with himself at breaking your facade, grunting in approval as he returned his attention downward.
The both of you were silent as he dug his hand through the medical supplies you had retrieved initially. He started at the cut, snipping away the fabric with careful precision. You had a death grip on his shoulder while he cleaned and cauterized the ugly thing. He kept checking with you, breaking every few minutes with “Are you okay?” , “You’re doing great” , and “Almost done, just hang on.”
What the hell did you do to deserve this, all his devastating kindness?
When he moved to the cuts on your head, you were totally unable to keep your face neutral. Your eyes were saucers, desperately trying to burn this image into your memory. His soft gloves brushing your hair away, helmet titled in concentration. As he cleaned the various areas, one hand soon came to rest on your hip lightly, helping him maintain his crouched position. You couldn’t help the soft smile that overtook your features. You doubted he even knew what he was doing, doubt he knew just what the hand was doing to you.
The pain was getting to you now. Through the bliss of Mando’s hands on you and the numbness of the blood loss, each breath shot stabbing pains through your body. You tried your best to be quiet, accept his treatment without any fuss, but as he reached on a particularly bad cut just above your brow, a whimper of pain slipped from your pursed lips. He pulled back instantly, visor pointing to your eyes. You gave him a tight smile in return, grunting, “I’m good. Keep going.”
He sighed, weighing your words, then slowly returned to his task. God, it felt like molten lava on you, every brush of the cloth made you impossibly tense. No doubt Mando felt you tighten under his grip as he spoke, “What can I do?”
You didn’t even think before you responded through clenched teeth, “ Just talk ...please.”
To his credit, he didn’t laugh at your request. Didn’t even hesitate in fact. He just started talking, to your amazement.
“You know, I was fucking pissed when I was in town and heard you had gotten into that fight... God , I was fucking angry with you…”
You winced at his words, even though you knew the sentiment was well deserved.
“But then I was scared. You could’ve...I was scared you were hurt. I started toward the cantina to find you before, before-I just kept picturing you hurt and it scared the shit out of me.”
You didn’t know what to say, silence falling over the hull once more as you fell short. He had to be kidding, just something to keep you occupied.
You knew that was wrong, as his hand had fallen from your face long ago. It wasn’t a distraction, it was a confession. You should be overjoyed, it was absolutely everything you ever wanted to hear from him. So why weren’t you?
Your brain couldn’t process why, so your mouth took charge, words tumbling from your mouth in a desperate attempt to understand.
“But I didn’t-that was all my fault . I was stupid, reckless , you said it yourself. You shouldn’t- I don’t want you worrying about me over that shit. I fucked up, I fucked up big and -”
He cut you off with a squeeze of your hip, skating his helmet back and forth to your confusion.
“I was just scared and I took it out on you...I’m sorry for that. I don’t like that you think that way. I don’t want- ” he took a breath, collecting himself by ducking his helmet down before returning to face you.
“What I am trying to say is that I don’t care what you did, I just want you safe.”
Tears pooled in the corner of your eyes, all the stress of the say leaving you all at once as you sagged forward, head dropping. You were overwhelmed, but happy. So fucking happy. Everything had just fallen into place and you just couldn’t hold it in.
Mando, unfortunately, took your actions to be ones of injury, as he quickly moved one hand to your jaw, fingers wrapping around your chin tightly forcing you to face him. A tear fell off your nose onto his glove, making a pleasant plopping noise.
He spoke hurriedly, “Hey-hey look at me. What is it? Something hurt?”
You grinned in his grip and grabbed him by his ammo sling. Pulling him close, you leaned forward and rested your forehead against the cool metal of his helmet as he let out a grunt of surprise.
You were both silent for a moment, breathing in tandem before his hand left your chin and came to rest in your hair.
“Not hurt, then?” he guesses. You can hear the smile in his voice.
“No, not hurt.” you choke out around your tears.
Another beat of silence, then, “Wanna tell me why you’re crying?”
You let out a quick laugh at his tone, it was interesting to hear the Mandalorian so hesitant.
You sighed, then said, “I was so worried when I got back here. I thought that, if you saw what I got myself into, you- well, that you wouldn’t... want me anymore.”
His hand gripped tighter in your hair, pressing his helmet more firmly into you. “ Nothing could make that happen. You hear me? Nothing .”
You brought your hand to his still on your hip, gripping it softly. “ I hear you .”
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acourtofsnakes · 3 years
Tracinya - Rogue, Chapter 23 | The Mandalorian x Force Sensitive! Reader
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Summary: Nothing will stop you from rescuing Din. Anyone who stands in your way is merely an obstacle to be removed. But will you be merciful... or listen to that dark call? 
Warnings: Injury detail, blood, guns(of the space variety), knives, fighting, swearing, death, watch me make things up about the Force again. 
Word Count: 13k+ (I got carried away?)
AN: Well. This ended up a lot longer than I expected it to be. I got rather carried away it seems  ((oh well)) Also, I have checked this ((twice)) but its over 13k words and there is going to be something I missed. 
1: Solus | 2: Arir | 3: Tor | 4: Gaa'tayl ^ | 5: Kyr’am | 6: Cabur ^ | 7: Ret'urcye Mhi | 8: Haran | 9. E’tad | 10: Tome * | 11: Aliit Ori'shya Tal'din * | 12: Mar’eyce**^ | 13: Kov’nyn | 14: Ne’tra ^ | 15: Or’dinii | 16: Dar | 17: Haalur | 18: Mesh’la** | 19: Talyc ^^ | 20: Jorhaa'ir ^^ | 21: Hibirar | 22: Jetii’kad | 23: Tracinya | 
Rogue| The Mandalorian x Force Sensitive! Reader (f) Taglist: @snipskixandbeskar @weirdowithnobeardo @the-bottom-of-the-abyss​ @kenoobiwan @sarahjkl82-blog @boomtownboy @goldielocks2004 @seninjakitey @what-iwish-you-knew @queenofthefaceless @rosiefridayrogersunday @greeneyedblondie44 @itsnottilly @welcometothepedroverse @xgoldenjenny @mamacitapascal @heyitsjaybird @amyk-37 @greatcircle79
Permanent Taglist: @greeneyedblondie44 @mamacitapascal @mypedrom @undiscovered-misunderstood @kaylee-krystal
Mando’a Translation: Tracinya - Flame
There was no part of his body that wasn’t screaming in pain. 
His right leg was broken, possibly in two places, and his left ankle was fractured. 
He had taken the fall on his right side, meaning the impact had dislocated his shoulder and shattered his collarbone, resulted in searing agony whenever he moved his head. 
Not only that, but every breath felt like glass and fire, a pain he was familiar enough with to know he also had at least three broken ribs. 
Of course, there were bruises – his entire body was probably littered with purple and black smudges – and cuts. 
Din didn’t remember hitting the floor. Only remembered saying goodbye and then… nothing. He supposed he should be grateful, because from the state his body was in, the feeling of impact would have been horrendous, his body crushed under the very armour that was made to keep him safe. 
He’d been convinced that was it, the lights were turned off and the Maker would come to greet him. 
And yet, after an indeterminable amount of darkness… there was suddenly light. 
Harsh, blinding light and hands moving over his body, checking for injury and – 
They were going to remove his armour. 
The thought and realisation sent shockwaves of terror through him, and despite the agony that had threatened to suck him under, survival instinct kicked in and he lashed out. Taking down anyone who came near him, the medics, the guards, Troopers – anyone who threatened to touch his armour. He was like a caged animal, defending his last dying breath even as his head spun and his knees gave way. 
He fought for consciousness, long enough to see a pair of immaculate boots walk in, the edge of a long, ebony cloak embroidered with gold.
Through the roaring in his head, he heard a silken voice ordering everyone to stand down, that if anyone removed the amour, they would be removed of their head. 
And then he had been sucked back into a fitful abyss 
Din wasn’t sure how long ago that had been.
The room – cell – they had put him in contained no windows, no clocks, nothing to give him indication to what time it was. Only a few artificial lights placed on each wall – which he was grateful for, because the dim lighting was a minimal balm to his pulsating head. 
Only a thin cot for him to sleep on, pushed into the corner of the room and a tiny area in the corner where he could relieve himself. The ceiling rose far above him, giving the impression of being at the bottom of a very small, very dark pit. 
There was no regular pattern to when they pushed a tray of food and water through a tiny hatch in the door either, so he couldn’t even use that. 
Not that he could have concentrated anyway, with the agony waging war on his body. 
He’d had countless injuries before and danced the line of death so many times he was surprised he kept getting away with it. 
And yet this… this was bad. 
His vision kept fading in and out, blurriness making his sight hazy before it cleared again, but not without leaving fuzzy auras that floated in his peripheral. 
Concussion too then… a bad one. 
He just prayed there was no permanent damage. 
He could still talk, though his voice was hoarse and ragged when he whispered to himself the names of his loved ones – he could still remember them, thankfully.  
The ability to move remained intact – though heavily compromised. He could only manage tiny movements, embarrassingly slow as he tried not to move his neck or shoulder… or head… or back. 
An escape probably wasn’t going to be possible for a while. 
Din sighed, laying in an awkward position on his cot, one that gave the least pain. 
Again, his thoughts returned to his haven. 
You were going to kill him when he got out. 
Either for being a hypocrite, or for the worry he was causing you. 
The worry, no… the heart-wrenching terror he had heard in your voice mere moments before he fell. That cruel fear of the consequences as you laid into him, tried to keep that anger contained but he knew you too well. Knew that this would be tearing you to pieces.
He had felt the exact same way when you were taken – when she died. 
You were a rather dysfunctional pair, weren’t you. 
That thought had him chuckling – and then groaning as the small movement sent shockwaves from his broken ribs. 
Maker, he was battered. 
He didn’t even know how it had all gone so wrong. 
One minute he was flitting through the sky, dodging blaster fire and the next there was a loud pop and smoke began billowing from his back, from the jet pack. 
A very carefully aimed shot, with precision and intent – not to blow him up by shooting at the fuel lines… but perfectly lined up to knock out the thrusters and sent him tumbling to Earth. 
There was only one person he knew that could make a shot like that. 
Someone he should have foreseen, if he was honest with himself. 
Looking back, the townspeople letting slip the information about the base… that had clearly been a trap. 
A false trail to lead them right to the doorstep of the very people trying to chase them down. 
Din hadn’t just led himself to his death… but his friends too. He had no idea where they were, if they’d escaped – if they were even alive. 
He was disgusted with himself, the way he had so easily and thoughtlessly allowed his friends to be brought to such danger. He should have just gone in alone but… he hadn’t been thinking straight. 
When he’d heard that there was a whole base dedicated to finding his sweetheart… a whole legion of Stormtroopers trained, and no doubt given weapons specifically made to defend and attack Force users, he’d lost it. 
How could he walk away knowing all of that? Knowing they were going to come after you?
He couldn’t. He didn’t.
And now look where he was. 
Movement outside his door suddenly broke him from his reverie, a shadow moving past the gap in the food hatch. 
Something beeped outside the cell, multiple locks sliding and scraping through the door and then it was pushed open. 
Din blinked against the sudden harsh light flooding his cell, his helmet damaged so his visor didn’t adjust to the brightness the way it should have done. 
As his eyes cleared, he saw a figure lean and tall, wearing a long cloak – with golden embroidery. 
Oh, joy.
Anger sizzled through his reluctant body as Haran prowled into his cell, filling the small room with that unearthly presence. The shadows of the room seemed to cling to him, perhaps recognising that their master had arrived. 
Din grunted, ignoring the screaming agony that flooded his senses as he dragged his body to sit up, leaning heavily against where the two walls joined near his bed. If this was his end, he didn’t want to be laying down. 
If it was a friendly little chat… well, he could at least give himself a better position to punch the bastard in that overly pretty face. 
Haran stopped in the centre of the room, lifting gloved hands to his hood and he pushed it back.
He looked the same as always. 
Sharp cheekbones accentuated his face, which was neither old nor young – timeless, for no one knew how long this man had truly been alive.
Amber eyes that dominated his appearance, simmering like molten gold and only highlighting the fact that he wasn’t quite human. 
 The twin scars across his mouth and eye did nothing to mar the beauty of him – and Din supposed that was all part of the act. A beautiful face, a silken voice and a laugh that could bring entire villages to their knees to worship this fallen dark prince.
Before he slaughtered them all. 
Din hated him. 
Those golden eyes simmered with amusement as he beheld Din, as if knowing the thoughts going through the Mandalorian’s head… which he probably did. 
He cocked his head, a smile lifting his full lips, “Well, fancy seeing you so soon, Lori.” 
Din growled, his hands tightening into fists and he wished his blazing glaze would melt through his beskar helmet and sear straight into those lion’s eyes. 
That damn lovers laugh rippled through the tiny room, setting Din’s teeth on edge, “Oh, Mando, no need to be so defensive. You had to know what would happen when you decided to infiltrate a base dedicated to hunting your little Jedi.” 
“You won’t find her.” Din spat the words, wishing his body wasn’t so battered, wishing his had his strength so he could tear this creature apart. 
Haran’s smile widened, revealing a set of pearly white teeth, his scar tugging ever so slightly at the corner of his mouth – a predators grin, “That’s not entirely true, considering I found her so easily last time. But I won’t need to find her.” He examined his cloak, brushing a speck of invisible dust from it. 
Dread coiled in Din’s gut, “She doesn’t know where I am. She won’t be able to find me, so you can’t lure her here like a piece of bait. She’s smarter than that.” With every word, he had the sinking feeling that he was saying exactly what the King of Shadows and Death expected him to. 
“You see, I would believe you, if not for one tiny little detail.” Now Haran inspected his gloves, tugging the buckles that tightened them around his wrists, a picture of cool, arrogant confidence. 
It was an effort for Din to keep his voice steady, “And what is that?” 
Please no, please…
Haran looked up at him again, a dark curl falling over his forehead, “I hacked into your comms system, right as you hit the deck. You really should get some better tech, Mando.” He clasped his hands behind his back, “I sent a distress signal to your pretty Jedi, telling her your exact coordinates and even how to get in.” 
Din simply made a noise of horror, knowing that nothing in the world would stop you from finding him. You were stubborn, headstrong and determined… all combined with a fierce desire to save the ones you loved. 
He just prayed Ahsoka would make you see sense. You would be smart about this… right?
Haran shrugged lightly, “I don’t think even Tano will be able to hold her back.” 
Sick bastard, reading his thoughts. 
“I guess we’ll see who’s right soon enough, won’t we?” With that, he turned, walking back to the door, where he knocked twice. 
The beep and locks sounded again, and Haran looked over his shoulder at Din, who was still struck dumb with dread, “Why, I bet she’s already on her way right now.” He laughed low, and then he was gone with a sweep of his cloak.
You were beside yourself with panic and terror in the first few hours after the call cut off. 
Your scream had woken Ahsoka and the kids, who made it to your tree in time to see you half fall from the branches, stumbling around looking for something, anything to help. 
You could barely hear Ahsoka calling your name, until she grabbed you, forcing you to look at her and calm down. You’d told her what happened, before yanking out her grasp and running to the camp. 
Nothing was computing in your brain, nothing except a primal instinct to go and save Din right now. 
Again, you hadn’t heard her calling your name, mumbling over and over that you needed to go, you needed to get out of here, Din needed you. 
Except there was just one problem…
“Slow down. How are we going to get off of the planet? We don’t have a ship…” Ahsoka spoke calmly, but firmly. She was watching you tear through the camp, emotions a wreck and noting you were moments away from a panic attack. 
You had turned to her, clutching your belongings in your arms, your breathing coming in sharp pants, “Then - then we’ll just… Um...” Casting your eyes about helplessly, you had felt your throat close up, your heart race and your palms start sweating. 
A sob had been about to break from your lips but then – you both heard it. 
The tell-tale sound of a twig breaking, of hushed voices. 
The pair of you whipped your heads in unison, toward the sound and your panic attack vanished, being replaced with the cool ice of battle. The things in your arms had been placed on the floor and then Ahsoka’s voice had been in your head, “You go left, I’ll go right. We’ll meet in the middle.” 
You nodded, reaching for your blade but then Ahsoka had held out a hand to stop you, instead… holding out one of her sabers. 
Yes, you’d trained with it but… now she was letting you use it for real, in actual combat? 
Lifting your eyes to hers, she had seen what you were thinking and simply smiled encouragingly. 
That said enough, so you curled your fingers around it and then the pair of you had separated, footsteps lighter than air as you both forged a protective Force field around the kids. 
Moving through the trees, marking the intruders... it had all soothed you, soothed the ache and terror in your chest for the time being. 
Your power let you know they were close, and you hovered in the darkness for a moment, watching the two cloaked figures and sensing Ahsoka opposite you. Something flowed through the air, like a confirmation and you activated the lightsaber, springing from your hiding space with a burst of glowing late. 
“Wait!!! Wait, it’s us!!!” The two cloaked figures turned around, dropping their hoods so their faces would be revealed in the glow from both your sabers. 
Cara, and another man you didn’t recognise – bald, with a numerous harness and straps that no doubt held weapons under his cloak. 
You made a nose, lowering the saber, “Cara?! I thought… I thought you were with Lori – what are you doing here?” Despite the situation, the anonymous nickname for him came out instantly – protecting his identify even here. 
Cara looked from you to Tano, who was still standing in a somewhat defensive position with her saber held out. “We were… We’d split up to take down more of the Troopers. Mando took to the sky to draw fire so we could sweep through them. When we saw him get taken down, we had a choice. Either get captured ourselves, or go and get help.” 
You blinked, a frown forming on your face, “Hang on, let me get this right.” Something stirred in your chest, something smouldering, “You saw Din get taken down, saw him fall from the sky, into the clutches of Stormtroopers who are no doubt reporting to Moff Gideon… and you ran away?” The last two words come out in an incredulous tone, your face showing confusion as you looked between Cara and the other man. 
He raised his hands, shaking his head, “Hey, I wouldn’t go as far as to call it running away. We didn’t know he’d contacted you; we didn’t know how anyone would find us. If we got captured too, there was no way we could get out. Only Boba and Fennec knew where we were, they wouldn’t have been enough.”
Ahsoka raised her eyebrows, stepping closer – never lowering her lightsaber, “So, he’s there alone? Or wherever else they’ve taken him?” 
The man blinked as he looked at her, “Do you mind lowering that thing, lady? I don’t see how we’re the enemies here.”
You snarled at him, mimicking Ahsoka in the closer advance, “I’m not calling you enemies, I’m stunned that you just abandoned him there!!”
Cara held out a hand, trying to diffuse the situation, “Mayfeld, shut up.” She looked at you, “Look, Mando isn’t incapable of taking care of himself. He’s been in situations like this before, he’ll be fine.” 
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, your head spinning, “He’ll be fine?! He could be anywhere, Cara! Who knows where they’ve dragged him, what they’re doing to him! I’m not doubting for a second that he’s been captured before – but not by an army of Troopers, alone, after falling hundreds of feet from the fucking sky! How about I push you out of the open air in a metal tomb and you tell me if you’re up to fighting your way out of an Imperial army.” 
Mayfeld squared up to you, tensions running high, “You know, you might want to be a little more understanding. I’m sure if the situation was reversed, Mando would have - ”
Suddenly, you had pulled free your knife and it was held to his throat, “If you dare say he would have done the same, I’ll cut your throat.” You didn’t care that these were Din’s friends. Didn’t care that they were obviously here to help. 
You were furious, feeling helpless and well… you had never been the greatest at controlling your temper.  
Ahsoka disabled her lightsaber, running forward and gently pushing you all apart. You felt a phantom brush over your skin and realised she had weaved threads of the Force between everyone, “Hey, hey, let’s all just take a moment to breathe, okay? We’re all worried and wound up… Yelling at each other isn’t going to solve anything.” 
Mayfeld muttered something you didn’t hear, though you did hear the thump as Cara elbowed him in the ribs. “Enough.” 
You powered down the saber and dropped your head into your hands. 
The world had flipped on its head, completely and utterly shifted and turned into something unrecognisable. Maybe this wasn’t really happening, maybe you were having some kind of fever dream. 
You sighed long and deep, rubbing at your eyes before looking at Mayfeld and Cara, “I’m sorry, for what I said. You did the right thing… We wouldn’t know anything if you hadn’t come back.” You shifted your gaze solely to Mayfeld now, “And I’m sorry for holding a knife to your throat.” 
To your surprise, he just chuckled, shaking his head, “Don’t worry. I’ve had worse from your Mandalorian, this was nothing.” He held out a hand, “Migs Mayfeld.” 
You found yourself smiling back, sliding your hand into his and shaking it as you told him your name. 
Cara looked around, “As much as I’m glad we’re not threatening to kill each other anymore, does anyone want to tell me how we’re going to find Mando?”
As if by coincidence, the comms device on your wrist started to emit a high-pitched beep. 
All four of you jumped, then looked at the device which had begun to flash red. 
You held it up between you all, and the screen lit up, displaying a string of co-ordinates with that same persistent beep. 
It dawned on you instantly, “It’s a distress signal. Lori sent us the co-ordinates of where he is.” 
Cara was eyeing it thoughtfully, “Do we want to ask why that suddenly came up, just as I asked where he was? And what if he isn’t there by the time we get there?” 
You were already moving back toward the camp to gather your things, “I don’t care. I don’t care if it’s a trap, or if he’s a whole parsec over. It’s the best thing we have, so we’re using it. Get your things.”
That had been a couple of nights ago. You were now travelling on Boba Fett’s ship, a tight squeeze but you didn’t care. Nothing else mattered apart from finding Din. 
Boba Fett was an interesting man. He was a clone of the infamous Jango Fett, the Mandalorian of whom you’d grown up hearing about. His armour was older, less sleek than Din’s but still as ruggedly beautiful and had belonged to Jango himself. He was shadowed by another woman, Fennec Shand – an assassin of whom you’d also heard of on your ‘travels’. 
He was a straightforward, direct man, greeting you and praising you on the stories he had heard – then asking how everything was going to go ahead. Straight to business. 
Two hours later, a plan had already been created.
The distress signal coordinates you had given Boba would take you to the general area you needed to be. Then, once you located the Cruiser, Boba would get you as close as he could, slipping into a disused landing bay. 
He would remain with the ship and kids, waiting to get out – and to lead a distraction if it came to it. 
The rest of you would infiltrate the Cruiser, splitting up to cover more ground and find Din – Cara and Fennec in one pair, you, Mayfeld and Ahsoka in the other. 
You sat a little way away from the others – as far as you could in the ship, letting the sound of their planning wash over you. They were determined the best way to get in and out without being seen, whether it was best to go in all guns blazing – literally – or try and be as discreet as possible with minimal causalities. 
You were glad you had excused yourself… because that dark assassin within you was stirring, sensing the oncoming fight – readying a thirst for blood. 
Sure, some of the Troopers may have had no choice… but they certainly hadn’t done anything to change their fate. They still chosen to continue following Gideon and Haran – for you knew now it was him that shot down Din, but you had kept that nugget of information to yourself, only telling Ahsoka. 
The others didn’t need the added stress of knowing a terrifying legend had truly come to life. 
If they wanted to try and preserve life – fine. You certainly didn’t have to agree with them. You didn’t answer rot anyone but yourself. 
And you supposed that mindset should worry you, making you concerned that you were slipping back to that cold killer but… you didn’t care. If you had to become her to save Din and get everyone out safely… so be it. You would deal with the consequences later. 
Ahsoka crossed your field of vision, and then came to sit down opposite you, her back against the wall and her legs stretched out next to yours. She said nothing, merely watching you with an unreadable expression for a few moments. 
You sighed, “If you’ve come to tell me not to go where my thoughts are leading me-“
She shook her head, cutting you off gently, “I’m not going to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. I’m just going to ask you… Are you prepared for the consequences of what you do, either way? If you choose to go down the path of tearing down anyone in your way… How will you feel afterward?” 
How would you feel afterward?
“I don’t know how I would feel… I know what it’s like to be pushed into a life but… There’s always a choice at some point. However small…” You looked up at her, truly valuing her opinions and advice – she was already a trusted friend, one you could speak your mind to. 
Of course, you had Din. But to have something sperate from him… it felt good. Healthy. You both had your separate friendships away from each other… for moments like this perhaps. 
“I can’t think of anything but saving him. And it’s easy to sit here and ask myself what I’ll do, before we’re even there… but when I’m in there, when I’m walking through that Cruiser to find him...” You shrugged slightly, “I don’t know what I’ll do. And I might not have the time to make that decision when I’m there.”
Ahsoka nodded slowly, listening to what you have to say, “Then whatever happens… We’ll deal with it afterward. Whatever you choose to do... I believe you are strong enough to take it. And if not… then we’ll deal with that too.” 
Gratitude warmed the cold feeling in your chest, spreading through you and you looked at her with new appreciation, “Thank you…” Those two words were heartfelt, all the emotion and thankfulness pumped into there. “For this, helping me… and for everything you’ve done.”
She inclined her head slightly, bumping her foot against your thigh, “You needn’t thank me… It’s been an honour, to help you and train you. After everything that’s happened in my life, the mistrust I had for those I once believed in… I never thought I could get over that hole. But you’ve shown me that it’s not all the way I believed. Things are changing… I’m learning that now. So… thank you.” 
You were about to answer, but Boba’s deep, gravelly voice came from the cockpit, “Time to gear up guys. We’re about to hit the same co-ordinates from the distress signal.” 
Moff Gideon walked over to the young man who had just called for him, seating in front of a holo-screen like the others dotted about the room, “Yes? What is it?” 
The man brought up a radar screen, a pulsing red dot just coming into the edge of it, “They’re getting closer. They followed the Hunter’s trap.” 
Gideon smiled slowly, watching that little red dot slowly creep closer to the centre of the radar, toward his Cruiser, “Excellent. Tell the troops to be ready. Just because we want them here, doesn’t mean we’ll make this easy for them.”
Boba Fett’s ship glided through the atmosphere, all of you peering out of the windows for any sign, any hint as to where Din might be. 
You’d been in the general location for about twenty-five minutes, travelling right to the edge of each grid square on Fett’s radar. 
“I think… we might have missed him.” Cara spoke the words that you had all been reluctant to acknowledge, her voice quiet. 
You shook your head fiercely, moving to the other side of the ship, “No. You’re wrong. He’s here. I know he is. I just… know.”  
Grogu cooed from behind you, his ears floppy like they had been since you lost contact with Din.
You turned to look at him, heart breaking at the utter sadness in his glossy eyes, “Oh, Gu… I know.” You scooped him up, cradling the little body to your chest and you pressed a kiss between his ears, “We’ll find him… I promise you; we’ll find him.” You pressed your face to his little head, whispering, “Even if we have to do it on our own.” 
His little arms reached up to your shoulders, and you took a few moments just to hug him, giving him comfort but also receiving it in return. 
You felt his hands tugging at your collar and wondered if he was trying to reach for your hair… but then he grasped something and pulled – your necklace. 
The mythosaur necklace that Din had given you. 
You looked down at him, watching as he cradled the symbol in his tiny little hands, gurgling at it but for once, you weren’t sure what he was saying. It itched at you, like you could almost understand him. 
It turns out, Ahsoka did. She gasped a little, looking at Grogu suddenly and blinking in surprise, “Oh, you’re right. I can’t believe I didn’t even think of that…” She looked at you with wide eyes, “You can find him.”
You blinked at her, raising an eyebrow, “What do you mean?” You felt Grogu’s eyes on you too, and he tugged gently at the mythosaur charm, “The necklace?”
Ahsoka nodded, “Kind of… You have such a strong connection with him, such intense care for each other that if you use your power… you might be able to sense him, where he is.” She walked closer, “It’s hard to explain… it’s an old Jedi trick. They used to use it to track others or find people in hiding. It’s difficult to do, and not all Jedi could do it but… You know him. Better than any of us.” She took Grogu from you gently, “Close your eyes and focus your mind the way we practiced.”
You nodded, not questioning it. There was no time. 
You shut your eyes, following the breathing exercises she had taught you and dropping everything away from your mind. The ship, the murmuring of the others – the panic. 
All of it fell away until you felt the power flowing through your blood, felt it brush up against every living thing in your vicinity. 
Ahsoka’s voice slipped through your mind, “Now, think of him. The memories, the way he makes you feel, the happiness you feel with him. Think about what makes him your Mandalorian.”
Your power flowed through you, out of you, wrapping around the ship and you were already deep in your mind by the time it started shifting the direction you were facing. 
What makes him your Mandalorian…
You let that question move through you, thinking of his touch, his voice… the way he softened the harsh edges of your mind and eased your chest.
The way you had truly come alive after meeting him, how you saw the galaxy as you had before – something beautiful and wild and begging to be explored. 
You breathed in and out slowly, musing on the way you felt you had also brought light to Din’s life. Not just from the way he told you... but the way he seemed to have mellowed even more since first knowing you. 
He laughed more, let himself go a little… His moments of uptight, rigid restraint had melted into something far softer and… goofier. 
Ahsoka’s gentle praise whispered through the thoughts and memories, encouraging you. For however long, you didn’t know. 
And then you felt it. 
Your power brushed over something… someone. 
His essence, his soul, burning like a bright star in your longest night. A sense of comfort, fierce loyalty and determination, all encased in a glittering shell of honour. 
Your eyes snapped up, the ship slowing to a stop and then – there it was. 
Moff Gideon’s cruiser. 
And speeding toward you… about thirty Stormtroopers, ready to attack. 
Mayfeld grinned from behind you as Duru leapt from the control panel, “Time to make an entrance.” 
When Din got out of here, he was going to tear Haran into little pieces. 
He would help you tear him into little pieces. 
You had probably more rights than anyone to do so, but he had some things that the cocky shit needed to pay for. 
Hey, maybe you could tag team. 
Din kept thinking of creative ways to take Haran apart, to see if he was as strong inside as the power he oozed on the outside. It would be a fascinating project. 
Maybe when you cut him open, he would be a hollow shell, or maybe there would be some kind of malevolent demon inside him. 
He supposed these thoughts were rather twisted and dark, and that Haran had undoubtedly been through some awful things in his life… but so had you, and you were worlds apart from each other. 
Besides, it was all he could do. Think of Haran’s death and try to avoid thinking of the alternative thing that was screaming at him like a siren. 
That you may very well be on your way to rescuing him. 
Din could tell himself for hours that you wouldn’t heed it, that you’d know it was a trap but… it just wasn’t you. 
You were one of the smartest people he knew, but if anyone you loved was in danger, caution tended to get thrown out the window. 
Sometimes, you were both more alike than you realised. 
Din sighed, curling his fingers into fists and then releasing them again. A few hours ago – or maybe days? – he’d lost feeling in his arm. He couldn’t pop the dislocated shoulder back into place without removing his armour, so it was stuck there, swollen and pressing against the beskar. It had started with pins and needles, and then a cold feeling like ice in his veins. 
It made him feel unsteady, lopsided – though that may have been the broken right leg and twisted left ankle. 
Not only that, but every movement of his head made his stomach roil dangerously, and his breathing seemed to be coming laboured… more like sharp pants rather than deep breaths. 
You were never going to let him live this down. 
He huffed again, but the faintest smile rose to his lips as he imagined you both somewhere safe. 
You’d wait long enough for Din to be suitably healed before tearing into him… and no doubt it would creep up for months afterwards. He could almost hear the cocky tone as you bickered about something and you’d whip that out, “Oh, well, I suppose I could always go an attack an Imp base and get shot of the sky. Stars above, can you imagine doing that? What fun.” 
The thought made him chuckle, just a bit even though it irritated his ribs again. 
Of course, that soft sound seemed like a siren call and seconds later, the door to his cell swung open and the King of Shadows and Death appeared – more like King of Arrogance and a limited wardrobe. 
Didn’t he have anything else to wear besides that cloak?
Or was Din just jealous? His own cape was a bit tattered, and he’d always envied the way you wore your own hooded cloak, blending into the darkness and sweeping around corners like some kind of phantom. 
Maker, his concussion must be getting worse. 
Pushing that thought from his spiralling mind, Din tilted his head back to look up at Haran, “Are you lonely? Is that why you keep coming to see me?” He tilted his head, ignoring the feeling like boulders crashing against the inside of his skull and the bits of light dancing across his vision, “Or are you looking for a bit of nightly entertainment? Because I have to say, I’m hardly in the shape to do so.” 
His tongue felt so heavy his mouth. 
Haran rolled those unsettling eyes as the door closed behind him and he walked over, leaning against the wall opposite, “Yes, Mando. My days are just so meaningless without your shiny head to light the way.” He put a gloved hand to his chest, gasping, “Why, if we weren’t on an Imperial Cruiser, I might just drop to one knee and beg for your hand in marriage, right now.” 
Din turned his head away, breathing shallow as his stomach flipped again, “What do you want? If you hadn’t noticed, I’m a rather busy man.”
Haran chose to ignore him, snapping his fingers together and pulling a face like he just remembered something, “Oh, wait. I can’t marry you, can I?” He looked up at Mando, golden eyes burning through the side of his helmet, “Because you already have plans to do that to someone else, don’t you? 
Din willed himself not to rise to the challenge, not to take the bait. He instead tried counting his breaths, focusing on anything but Haran’s silken words. 
They flowed like water around the small cell, almost irresistible, “Does she know? Does your little princess know that you’ve been carrying that ring around for months now?” He crossed one ankle over the other, “I have to admit, it is a stunner. How much did you have to save for a rock like that?” 
Anger hissed through him, but Din closed his eyes. 
Many jobs. He had saved the credits from… more jobs than he could remember. 
He would bring home most of the credits but would siphon off just a little from the top to add it to the tiny stash he had going. He knew he wouldn’t be able to get a ring with a huge stone like others he’d seen but… he had a feeling that you would love it regardless – at least he hoped. The ring had sat nestled in an inner pocket of his tight underlayer of clothing for a while now, and he could still feel it’s hard press into his skin. Thankfully it hadn’t been crushed in the fall. 
It was new to him. Not just the fact he had reached this point in his life, but the fact he was looking for an engagement ring. 
Mandalorian’s traditionally gave weapons instead but… you weren’t a Mandalorian. And the pair of you… this was different. And he wanted to do it right. 
You had taken on board so much of his traditions and rules… he wanted to do this for you. Do something in a way that you would be familiar with. 
Of course, there was one other major thing that was different – 
“Have you even revealed your face? How do you know she’ll want to marry you? I mean, she loves you now but… What if you take off your helmet and she can’t stand you?” Haran examined his gloves, his words low and almost childlike but that was the point. 
Din gritted his teeth, keeping his body loose – as much as it could be with the pain – “Seriously, are you here for a reason?”
Suddenly, an explosion rocked the entire ship. 
It echoed down the hall, but Din could calculate it was far away, deep in the belly of the cruiser so most likely a cargo hold. 
Red lights began flashing outside of his cell, the sound of many thumping footsteps racing past. 
No… no-
Haran’s eyes unfocused and a cold, dark power brushed against Din. Even through the armour, he could feel it. The way it leeched the warmth from him, swallowed what little light was in the room. It had a pull to it, like the silken caress of his voice given life. 
Din shuddered, but Haran hadn’t noticed, instead feeling for something… someone…
His pupils dilated, black swallowing the gold and then he grinned, a cruel, delighted grin and his eyes came back into focus. He stood up, laughing, “Oh, Mando. I’m afraid your luck has run out. Your precious princess has just made her entrance.”
Bile rose up in Din’s throat and he shook his head, “No, you’re lying.” 
Din knew he wasn’t. Knew it because he felt you. Every cell in his body was crying out to leave the room, to be reunited with you. Hell, he could almost smell your achingly familiar scent. 
Haran advanced on him, crouching down and he took off his gloves, revealing a pair of slender hands – absolutely mauled with twisted, marbled scars. 
Din couldn’t stop staring at them, at the evidence of some awful injury – fire, by the looks of it, “What are you doing?” He couldn’t move away, the pain too great and the room spinning. Horror flooded his senses – horror and relief. 
He felt sick at the relief, because the last thing he wanted was you near any of these people, but at the same time… you were coming to rescue him. 
He wasn’t going to die in here – 
That power brushed against him again, slipping through the cracks in his armour and seeking out the injuries as Haran said softly, “The game is beginning.” 
So, your idea to enter the ship discreetly… maybe hadn’t gone entirely to plan. 
In all honesty though, it wasn’t your fault that you’d been attacked. 
And it wasn’t your fault that the only evasive maneuverer that they wouldn’t be expecting was to lead them on a wild goose chase around the ship and then…. Crash into the cargo hold. 
Okay, so Boba had been going for a gentle landing, but the situation had required some fast thinking and strategy and so… there you were. 
Maybe it hadn’t been what you’d decided upon but… you had to admit, the explosion provided excellent cover for your teams to slip in. 
Amongst the chaos, you weaved around the edges of the cargo ship and you were through into a service passageway, watching Cara and Fennec disappear down a hallway opposite. 
The cruiser was like a maze. 
You had no idea how long you had been navigating the halls, but you knew it was long enough. 
Already, you had encountered a few Troopers, but they were silenced before they could raise the alarm – and stuffed into nearby rooms so they would be delayed when they awoke. 
Mayfeld kept pace easily with you and Ahsoka, as you sent out waves of power to sweep the area, “They most likely have him in the cells. But if they know we’re coming… They would have moved him. 
Somewhere more central, where we have no choice but to be in the open and vulnerable to attack. So, we should head toward the front of the ship, maybe.” He kept his voice hushed and his blaster aimed. 
Ahsoka peered over her shoulder at him, raising her eyebrows, “Tell me again where you came from?” She had her other saber in her hand, held in her trademark grip as she moved like a shadow. 
Mayfeld chuckled low, “Impressed?” 
Ahsoka rolled her eyes, looking ahead again, “Please, don’t flatter yourself.” She shook her head, pausing and raising a hand for you all to stop too. 
You pushed your power around the corner as well, combining with hers and you felt it. 
A cluster of Stormtroopers gathered near a service room. They were standing between you and the next hallway and would need to be removed. 
Focusing, you did a rough tally, “Nine of them. All armed.” You worked it through in your mind. You could take them – but there was still enough time for them to raise the alarm. Especially if they were near service rooms, they’d be able to signal to others and you would soon be ambushed. 
Even without power, Mayfeld appeared to have done the same, “We need to draw them away, get them somewhere quiet.” He looked back the way you came, then to the right where there was a dead end. 
Ahsoka sighed, shaking her head, “How? Any noise will alert the others. We need to - ” She broke off, having just seen what you were doing. “Where are you going?” 
You had moved away from the safety of the wall, drawing the hood of your cloak up over your face. “You and Mayfeld get ahead, see if you can find a map or something in one of those rooms.” 
Something dark thrummed in your blood, your palms itching with an intense need to… to make someone hurt. 
Mayfeld rose an eyebrow, facing you as he kept his back against the wall, “Are you crazy? They want you as much as you want Mando! You can’t just walk out there like a party gift.” 
A party gift that’ll explode in their faces. 
Stars above, the very thought almost made you laugh with an unnaturally shadowed delight. 
You indeed chuckled, rolling your eyes, “Exactly. What Stormtrooper grunt would pass up the opportunity to deliver Moff Gideon the very thing he’s doing all of this for? They’ll take me straight to him or throw me somewhere to wait. Either way, it gets them away from you.” 
Ahsoka was watching you, her eyebrows furrowed slightly. She didn’t agree with this anymore than Mayfield, but she too knew there was no other way. “Okay.” She ignored Mayfeld’s noise of protest, “Be careful. Try not to draw too much attention if you can help it. We’ll find anything we can and if you’re not back out here, then circle back to find you.” She was still watching you with that strange look – like she could sense something off. 
You gave her a playful salute before pulling out another knife from your boot, rolling your shoulders and strutting around the corner. 
Instantly, the group of Troopers turned around, guns raising as they beheld your cloaked appearance, and the shining lightsaber in your hand, “Hey! Stand down!” 
You dropped the hood, grinning wickedly as you purred, “Hello, boys.” 
You moved like a flame, tearing through the group of Stormtroopers and spreading your embers of death, ready to turn into a blaze. 
The whir of the lightsaber was the conductor of your dance, providing a beat as your separated limb from limb. The deadly energy whipped through the air, severing one of the Troopers hands from his wrist and he went down screaming, clutching at the stub at the end of his arm which was smouldering. You didn’t hesitate, whirling and flinging a sharp, deadly knife from your hand. 
There was a muffled, wet noise impact as it lodged itself in his throat, buried in the gap between the chest plates and helmet. 
You didn’t know if Ahsoka and Mayfield were close, if they’d found a map – you didn’t care. 
These men, these followers were standing between you and Din. Maybe they had been forced into it, but as you had said before. They made the choice to stay. 
A yell sounded from behind you and a sharp blow to the middle of your back had you stumbling, the air knocked from your lungs. 
You sucked in a sharp breath but before you could turn, the back of a blaster smashed your skull and you tumbled to the floor, fighting through the wave of nausea and the stars in your vision. The lightsaber was flung from your grip, skittering across the floor. 
A somewhat altered voice hissed against your ears, a knee pressing to your spine, “You think you can waltz in here and take us all down? I don’t care what the boss says.” The muzzle of his blaster now jammed against the back of your skull, forcing your forehead to press against the icy, metallic floor and you bit your lip with the impact, “You are vermin. A monster. People like you shouldn’t exist.” 
The dark creature within you snarled, and you spread your fingers of your free hand, the other caught up underneath you, “Didn’t your boss tell you?” 
You heard him cock his head, “Tell me, what?” He dug his blaster in harder, right against the base of your skull. 
A wicked grin spread your lips, causing them to split further but quite frankly, you didn’t care. The pain only aided in the focus, the hot blood nothing as it ran down your chin, “Watch the hands.” You lifted it from the floor, wrapping the Force around his throat and you gave him only a second to realise what was happening, before curling your hand into a fist and crushing his windpipe. 
He choked, hands flying up to his throat but then he was instantly gone, slumping forward over you in a heavy tangle of limbs. 
You groaned, shifting his body off of you, “Get off of me.” You muttered it uselessly, scrambling up and you scooped up the lightsaber, before turning to survey the hallway. 
Footsteps resounded from both ends of the hallway, and you lowered into a battle stance, adrenaline still humming through your veins and numbing everything else, everything but the fight and the goal – Din.  Along with the cool ice of battle… something heavy and alluring whispered to you, as black as night and hungry for more death. 
White armour burst into your left peripheral and you whirled toward it, flinging a hand forward and then back. 
The Stormtrooper was dragged off his feet, again trapped with the invisible pressure around his throat as he ground to a halt, legs swinging forward with the remaining force of him flying at you. 
He snarled, scrambling at his throat, “You can’t do this. You won’t beat him, no matter what you believe.” 
You rolled your eyes, letting your head fall back with a groan, “When they make you, do they implant some kind of need for all the dramatic bullshit? Honestly, whoever the first one of you was, he must have been an incredible bore.” 
The Trooper thrashed about uselessly, his weapon falling to the floor and you sensed the glare through the black visor, “At least we have hearts. And maybe we’re all the same, but we’re more human than you are.” 
Ah, back to this, yet again. 
Always back to this. 
Your smile was angelic, your appearance anything but. 
Long cloak hanging from your shoulders, battle suit fitted and black as coal. Your boots were stained red, the blood looking like ink on the dark leather. 
As for your face, you sported a wicked bruise to your cheekbone, a long cut across your forehead and with the blood dripping down your chin, the wild fury in your eyes… You probably looked every bit the monster they said you were. 
And you couldn’t care. 
“You think I haven’t heard this one before? How I have no humanity, no soul… I’m an abomination that shouldn’t deserve to live, blah blah blah.” You shook your head, something deadly and shadowed twisting through your blood, humming in dark delight at what you were doing, the devastation you were feeding it. 
There was a name for it. 
You knew what it was, the siren call to step over the line that you were only too pleased to answer. 
You’d deal with that later.
The Stormtrooper choked as you tightened the hold on him, obviously about to speak but then his head jerked, focusing over your shoulder. 
The other footsteps – a pair. One heavy, one light and nimble. 
Mayfeld, and Ahsoka. 
You didn’t bother turning around as you heard them skid to a stop, Mayfeld sucking in a breath at the sight around you. 
The fallen bodies of the Troopers, broken about and still smouldering, the blood coating the walls and the floor, the edge of your cloak trailing in it. The stench of death and the smell of molten plastic. 
Mayfeld whistled low, “Fucking hell…” 
You ignored them, focused on your prey, tightening that leash bit by bit. 
It was like the very air around you was alive, more frantic than normal. Your power flared, tasting the death in the atmosphere, slipping through the ship like a poison and marking where each target was. Every single obstacle between you and your love. 
You could feel their living souls, see them in your mind like glowing stars in the sky. You knew that if you went for them, you could close your eyes and still take them down as quickly and skilfully as if your eyes were open. 
Is this how Haran was so good at killing? So skilled at finding people? 
Without the distraction of sight and sound, you needn’t worry about the expressions on people’s faces, the noises they made as they died. 
With your eyes shut, using this glittering map in your mind… they were merely lights to snuff out. 
“If you follow this path… No one will be able to help you. You will have to make the choice whether to stay on it, or to fight your way out.” Ahsoka’s voice was a soft breeze in the night of your mind, softly lit in the same white as her sabers, of which one you held in your hand. 
A symbol of strength… which you had used to destroy lives. 
Your eyes opened slowly, gazing up at the Stormtrooper ahead of you. 
A choice. 
Seconds ticked by, seconds you knew were slipping away on the clock of Din’s life as you made up your mind. 
The Trooper fell to the bloody floor and your voice was demanding, no room for argument, “Take us to your little master. I except he’ll be waiting.”
Booted footsteps rang out on the cold metal hallways. 
The King of Shadows and Death could move like a whisper on the wind, as if the air itself parted around him and kept him silent. 
But this time, he wanted to be heard. 
He wanted the Mandalorian to know that his hope had been in vain. 
He merely looked at the guards standing either side of the door and they nodded, one scanning the chip that would trigger the heavy locks in the door. 
It swung open and Haran crossed the threshold, gazing down at the broken Mandalorian, slumped on his cot. He grinned, cocking his head, “Time’s up, Mando. Your saviour has come to rescue you from the enemy walls. Looks like you don’t know her as well as you thought.” 
The Mandalorian growled, dried blood like rust on his beskar, “If you think you’ll walk out of this unharmed, you obviously don’t know her like you think you do.” 
The last time Haran came to see him, he had healed his injuries just enough that Mando wasn’t permanently dancing the line between being awake and being unconscious. He did nothing to remove the pain, or the severity of them, but he had prevented infection. He’d also healed his legs to the point where he could walk – barely. 
What good was a knight who fell before the Queen could finish the game? 
Haran walked over to him, hauling him to his feet. The Mandalorian was the same height as him, so he gauged he was looking right into Mando’s eyes when he whispered, “I think I know her a lot better than you think. I can tell you that she would not have come here peacefully. And she would not have let go the people that stood in her path.” 
Mando shook his head, trying to pull away from him but he was unsteady on his feet, the blood rushing from his head, “No. You’re wrong. She won’t listen to that call, to the... Dark Side or whatever it is. She’s walked that line before, and she’ll make the right decision again.” 
Haran chuckled low, half dragging the beskar-clad knight out of the door, “Oh, I don’t doubt that she’ll make the right decision. But whether or not it’s right depends on which side you’re standing on.” 
The Mandalorian groaned, hating that he couldn’t pull away from Haran, hated the weakness of his body, the unsteady, lurching footsteps of his still fractured legs and the armour that weighed down on his broken bones. “Why are you doing this? Why are you so obsessed with corrupting her? You’ve been living your sick little life for… however long it is now. Surely there’s some other person to terrorize?” 
Haran scoffed, rolling his amber eyes, “You really need to get it through that thick skull of yours – I’m not corrupting her. I’m merely bringing back someone she’s tried to bury.” He looked over at Mando, raising his eyebrows, “Has she told you? About the time she had no code of honour, of mercy?”
The man beside him snarled, his leg giving way for a moment as agony rippled up his hip, his bones screaming, “What the fuck are you talking about now?” 
It was easy to hold him up, despite the weight of his beskar and they walked down the imposing hallways, three Stormtroopers flanking them – whether it was to stop Mando trying something, or stop Haran having his fun, he didn’t know. Or care. 
“There was a time, little hunter, where your precious princess slaughtered anyone who dared stand in her way. She was broken, hungry for vengeance and only to eager to have her fill.”
Mando was quiet for a moment, the heavy scuff-drag of his boots the only sound to be heard – one he probably hated as he moved nearly as silently as Haran did. 
Something like triumph flickered over Haran’s face at his silence, “You truly didn’t know? Oh dear… There’s a lot she hasn’t told you, Lori. Things I’ve seen in her head that I doubt even she remembers she did.” He guided them around toward the corner, to where it would all come to a head. 
And to where his power was tugging him, whispering to him of the state the next hallway had been left in. 
The Mandalorian pushed away from him, summoning some kind of inner reserve of strength. He stopped, the guards pausing behind him and shifting their weapons as a warning. He looked at Haran, the harsh lighting bouncing off his beskar, revealing nothing of the man beneath and Haran wondered if he had revealed his face yet. 
“You seem to think telling me these things will bother me or make me look at her differently. Whatever she’s done, whatever terrible things she’s committed… it doesn’t change the fact that I love her.” He stepped forward, ignoring the guards as they moved too, “I’ll tell you something, Shadow man. There is a light that burns within her, a fire that could rival the very stars up there.” He pointed to the ceiling, “And no ounce of darkness, be it her own past or your own twisted powers, will ever snuff it out.” 
He moved that finger to jab Haran’s chest. “You tried to dump her at the bottom of a lake, and she came out burning brighter than before. So carry on, tell me all these horror stories to try and scare me away.” He shrugged, the rough baritone of his voice steady, ringing with loyalty and truth – and threat, “All you’re doing is making me love her even more.” 
Golden eyes flicked between the visor, assessing. Plotting. 
Then Haran smiled, a sinister, deadly smile as he inclined his head, “I don’t doubt for a second everything you said is true.” He brought his hands together behind his back, resuming the walk and he used his power to push the Mandalorian along. “I believe that you’re willing to throw down the gauntlet to protect her honour every single time someone threatens it. But I wonder… All you’ve heard is stories.” 
He walked around the corner and stopped yet again, his dark power dragging Mando to his side. “What will you do when faced with the truth first-hand?” 
The hallway was carnage. 
A bloody battlefield. 
Multiple bodies littered the stark floors, bright red blood sprayed all along the walls – even the ceiling. The once white armour of the Troopers was stained with the stuff, their bodies bent at unnatural angles, as if a strong power had taken hold of their limbs and yanked them in all the wrong directions until bones shattered and muscles tore. 
The Mandalorian looked upon the scene, the blood coating the tips of his boots. 
A dismembered hand lay just a few feet away and the severed wrist, the tendons hanging out of it... all singed. As if cleaved from the body by something white-hot and burning. 
A lightsaber. 
Which would explain why the hard shell-like armour of the fallen Troopers were marked with black holes and marks, the stench of melting plastic mingling with the reek of burnt bodies and blood. 
This was the work of someone with deadly skill, usually so precise… pushed to the edge, to this. 
Oh, it wasn’t mindless, not by any means. 
It was clearly thought out… maybe even savoured. 
Haran breathed in the smell like he was standing in a field of flowers, “Well. I have to say, I’m impressed. This looks like something I’d leave behind.” He walked through the mess of shredded bodies, a phantom wind lifting the edge of his cloak so it didn’t drag in the blood, “These poor soldiers never had the chance.” He crouched down, pushing the helmet of one Trooper – resulting in the head rolling a few inches away from his body. 
He looked at the Mandalorian, raising an eyebrow as the fluorescent lighting brought out his scars, “Still singing her praises?” 
The Mandalorian was silent, hands clenched at his sides but then he moved, not away from the scene, but toward it. 
Through it. 
Through the blood and flesh until he was standing right in front of Haran, feet splashing to a stop in the scarlet river, “Always.”
Moff Gideon was waiting for you as you were escorted into a large, open chamber.
He stood there, hands clasped behind his back, with a young girl at his side – presumably his second in command.  There was a sick expression of glee on his face, dark eyes glittering with what he presumed was triumph. 
Next to him, stood Haran, clad in black as always, with that embroidered cloak holding – 
Oh, the sight of your Mandalorian threatened to bring you to your knees as you were stopped a few metres away. 
You couldn’t see his body – obviously – but you knew simply from the way he held himself, that he was terrible injured. 
He seemed to be bearing his weight to one side, slumped over even as he stood, and you could hear is laboured breathing from here. 
Oh Din, what happened to you…
You had to admit, a small part of you wondered if there would be anything left of him when you arrived. Not from the possibility of torture, but simply from that terrible fall. 
The thought of tumbling all that way down to the ground, encased in a rock-solid metal shell… You couldn’t even fathom it. 
And yet, there Din was, still alive after something that should have killed him. 
Clearly, the Maker had plans for him. 
Gideon cleared his throat, watching the Trooper grunt retreat to the edge of the room, “Well, well. After all my time spent hunting you… Here you are.” He cocked his head, “I thought you’d be taller.” 
You rolled your eyes, sighing, “Oh stars above, please tell me this isn’t another villain speech. I hate those.” 
Haran’s lips twitched perhaps remembering this exact same conversation from his bunker. 
You flickered your eyes to him, before looking back at Moff Gideon, who was looking at you with… a rather bored expression already. 
“I was told you were insolent and arrogant, and I can see my sources were correct. They were also correct about how to summon you here.” 
He looked over at Haran, “Though it took many years for someone’s ideas to actually bear fruit. Well done.” 
Haran bristled slightly, as if taking praise from a mere human man irritated him. 
You supposed it did. 
Gideon was nothing compared to Haran, power or not.  
“Well, I would hate to disappoint you, of course.” You shot him a sweet smile, venom in your eyes, “If you wouldn’t mind, do you think you could tell me what it is you want before I take my Mandalorian here and leave this dump.” You held up your comms watch, “I have a party in Coruscant I’m due to be at and it won’t look very good if I’m late.” 
You thought you may have heard muffled chuckles from the line of Stormtroopers assembled behind him, but you paid it no heed. 
Gideon bared his teeth at you, eyes blazing, and he brought a hand in front of him to point at Din, “Do you not realise, we have your precious bounty hunter captive? Do you not realise who is holding him?” 
You looked over at Haran, shrugging lightly, “A guy who has interesting taste in fashion?” 
Did Gideon not know about the bunker or the lake? Had Haran neglected to tell him you’d met before?
Haran revealed nothing in his expression, but there was something in his eyes… something ancient… some of betrayal? Of lies? 
Moff Gideon snarled at you, “Insolent creature. You are here because we allowed you to be. In fact, the only reason that happened, is because of the failures of the people I sent after you. Had they done their job, you would have been broken long ago. That disgusting affliction of yours burnt out of you.” 
Heat licked down your spine, and the atmosphere in the room shifted as the three Force wielders within it straightened at is words, the ugly discrimination in his words. 
Dangerous game to play, Gideon. 
You kept your breathing even, feeling the shadows prowl beneath your skin, teeth and claws still dripping with blood from the hallways, wanting more, “Have you ever wondered why you’re stuck here, chasing down women and babies?” You took a step forward, anger and pride for yourself, for Ahsoka, every Force Sensitive person both dead and alive making your voice carry strong over the empty air – even pride for Haran, in some way.  
Gideon rose an eyebrow, “Do tell.” 
“You’re stuck in the past. You believe that people like us,” You motioned to yourself, “You believe we are abominations. Freaks of nature. The Force is nature. It’s the very thing that binds us all together. There is no fear in it, no monstrosity. I don’t know why it’s so hard for you people to understand.” 
The Officer sighed, shaking his head and moving a step closer as well, “Oh, I understand that. I wasn’t referring to the others in this room. I was referring to you. You, my dear, have been sick and twisted from the very moment you were born.” 
Din pulled against Haran’s grip, growling in anger, “I’d advise you to stop speaking.” 
Haran yanked him hard, “Stay quiet.” He spat the words at Din, but you didn’t fail to notice the murderous look he shot Gideon over Din’s head, his golden eyes livid. 
A shaking had taken over your hands, so you clenched them tighter around your weapons, years of abuse playing in your mind. 
But you pushed back against it, for you were stronger now. Stronger because of it, not in spite of it. 
Gideon continued, looking upon you in disgust but there was a sick fascination here too, “You have been marked for death long before you showed your powers. You think it was coincidence that the hunter was stalking you in your miserable little village? She was there on orders.” He looked over you, “A child responsible for the deaths of her parents. You might as well have pushed the blade in your mothers flesh yourself.” 
A roaring took over your head, filling your ears with the sounds of screaming, the stench of blood and the way the light sapped from your life as your parents died. 
But… the world was different now. 
It was bright again. 
Because of Din, your friends… That’s why you were here. 
You glared at Gideon, wanting so desperately to tear out his throat with your power, your hands, or even your teeth – but now wasn’t the time. You shook your head, “You don’t win this time, Gideon. I’m afraid your sad little life will be ruled by chasing me for just a little longer.” With that, you flung your hands wide, making your power explode through the room with a battering impact. 
You felt another wave at the same time as yours, fuelling it – Ahsoka’s. 
You only just managed to keep it free from Din, though Haran had thrown up a hand milliseconds before you, as if sensing what you were going to do – and evidently creating a shield. 
Gideon and the Troopers weren’t quite so lucky. 
The Force flung him through the air, causing his head to smash harshly against a metal beam and he crumpled to the ground, limp. 
Haran spun to look at him, and it occurred to you – he should have protected him too. He was working for Gideon. Or… at least pretending to be. 
Who was really calling the shots here?
No time for that now. 
You used Haran’s distraction to throw yourself at him, activating the lightsaber and unleashing yourself on him with a strangled cry of rage. 
He startled, just a few seconds too late and he pushed Din at you in an attempt to slow you down. 
Just as you planned. 
You were never really going to engage in battle with him, had never intended to attack him. 
But you knew he would use Din as a shield, thinking you were too blidned in your rage – but you proved him wrong. 
Din careened into you, stumbling against your body and you both nearly tumbled to the floor, but then Cara was there, helping you support his body as he wrapped an arm around you, “You came…” His voice was hoarse, weak with pain and exhaustion. 
The relief and love in his voice nearly brought you to the ground, “Of course I came for you, Din. I will always come for you.” You gave him a watery smile, walking toward the others, keeping one eye behind you as Haran watched. 
Why wasn’t he moving… Why wasn’t he attacking?
“I saw what you did.” Haran’s silken voice called out from behind you, making you pause in your retreat. “I know you feel it. The call to the Dark Side. And I know that you answered it.” 
That would be why. 
You slowed to a stop, forcing Din and Cara to slow too. “How do you know I answered it?” You looked straight ahead, still not turning around. 
Haran sounded as though he took a step forward, “I felt it. I felt it when you allowed the Dark to show you how to get here. You saw the lives as glowing lights, a map to saving your Mandalorian. And the mess you left in that hallway…” He trailed off meaningfully, “You needn’t fear it, darling. It’s not evil. It’s merely… a different perspective.” His voice had melted into the same one that had coaxed you into swallowing the poison, into stepping off the edge. 
Here you were, yet again. Only you weren’t standing on the precipice of a raging torrent… You were standing on the edge of the Dark Side. 
And his words had instantly awoken it, set it pining for a life to be unleashed, untamed. 
Slowly, you turned around, cringing when Din’s broken feet tumbled over each other too, so you slowly let go “A different perspective…?” You cocked your head, voice starting to sound unsure as his seductive baritone filtered through your mind, weaving around it. 
He smiled, that gorgeous, disarming smile that instantly made you lock focus on him, “Yes. Others may tell you that the dark side is evil… But it isn’t. It’s simply using that power in a different way. Using it to get the things that you deserve.”
You swallowed, feet hanging over that metaphorical edge, “You – You promise? I can’t go back to that place. I can’t be a… monster again.” Your voice trembled over the word; eyes locked on his amber ones. 
Din shook his head fiercely from your left, fighting against Cara’s hold as she pulled him away, but he was too weak, “No. Sweetheart, no. Stop listening to him, please… He’s lying to you. You don’t need this. You don’t need that darkness, princess. You’re so good, so strong… please don’t do this.” 
And then you made a decision. 
You ignored Din.
And walked toward Haran. 
Stepping off of that edge. 
Haran extended a gloved hand to you, “That’s it, darling. That’s it… Coming here doesn’t make you a monster, it just means you are claiming your birth right. This is where you belong.” 
As you reached his presence, a feeling wrapped over you, muffling Din’s voice, the sounds of the others around you. You slid your hand through his, gasping a little as you felt your shadowy beast respond to his own, felt them twine around each other, greet each other. 
“I don’t…” Uncertainty still clouded your expression, and you lingered a little, worrying you were making a fatal mistake. 
He saw this, gently drawing you closer and into the circle of his arms, “No one will die. Your Mandalorian, your friends… We will help them leave safely and then… Then we can begin.” He guided your head to his neck. 
Din’s voice, though muffled, was desperate, clawing at you, “No! Cyar'ika, you can’t. Please, I’m begging you. You don’t need to go to him, you don’t need to do this. I love you. I love you for who you are, for every single thing. I’m not afraid of you, of any single part of you.” He sobbed. 
Din sobbed, reaching for you, “Please don’t leave me alone.” 
You were glad your head was pressed to Haran’s neck, because the backs of your eyes burned, shame and guilt threatening to choke you. 
You had to do this. 
You had to do it now before you shattered completely.
You were quiet, and then just… went pliant in his arms. You raised your own to his back, winding around his lean frame and lifted your face from Haran’s neck, nuzzling your nose along his neck, “I believe you.”  
“NO!!” Din fell to his knees beside Cara, shaking his head in disbelief. “Sweetheart, please don’t do this. Please-” The way his voice broke tore through your heart, and you nearly backed out right then and there. 
But you didn’t because Din… He didn’t understand. He didn’t understand why you had to do this… 
Haran’s arms tightened around you, one coming up to cradle the back of your head, “Good girl. I always knew you would see the light.” A deliberate, ironic choice of words form the King of Shadows and Death.
Din’s sobs speared though you, each devasted noise threatening the tears building in your own throat. 
Raising on tiptoe slightly, you ran a hand down his back, the other splaying wide, ready. 
You brushed your lips along the smooth line of his skin, breathing in the smell of wind and midnight, “There’s just… There’s one little thing…” 
Haran nodded, his cheek resting against your hair, “Anything. Anything you want, it’s yours.” 
His words muffled the soft sound of an object flying into your hand as you let out a breath against the shell of his ear, whispering, “I will never be your Queen.” 
The sound of a lightsaber activating, not through air… but through flesh. 
Haran’s choke of surprise – and agony. 
You held his sagging body to yours, snarling, “That’s for the lake, you twisted asshole.” You stepped back, letting him fall to his knees, yanking free the lightsaber and savouring the gritted howl of agony as you tore back through more flesh and tendon. 
Those amber eyes of his blazed like molten gold, deadly and furious, “You don’t know the mistake you’re making. You’re throwing away your life with these fools.” 
You bared your teeth at him, raising the saber threateningly to his throat, letting it make the faintest contact, “Come after me again, and I will end you. I don’t care if you’re hundreds of yours old, or the King of Death or whatever else you call yourself. I’m not afraid of you. And I will destroy you before you can do the same to anyone else.” 
With that, you quickly turned, bolting toward your family and friends, “Now!!” 
Ahsoka flung her hands wide at the same time as you, creating a wide bubble of Force energy that blew through the space. 
Every Stormtrooper in the area was knocked flat on their back, instantly out like lights as you threw your arm around Din’s shoulders, trying to get him up as he stared at you. 
“What… I don’t…” His voice was bewildered, dazed with pain and he was heavy in your arms. 
You whimpered just slightly, desperation and anxiety creeping forward, the edge of battle slowly fading, “I’ll explain everything later, we have to go now, Lori. Please.” 
Mayfeld was suddenly there, supporting his other side and then you were all running for the cargo hold, leaving the destruction behind you. 
Even as you ran, Cara and Fennec scouting ahead, Ahsoka behind you aiding with the energy bubble and Mayfeld helping you carry Din… You couldn’t quite figure out how you had pulled this off. 
You’d done it. 
Haran watched her leave, supporting the Mandalorian and hurrying away with her friends, her power combined with Tano’s to create an impenetrable shield around them all. 
Well… He would have gotten through with half a thought – perhaps a whole one – but any of the other fools in this place wouldn’t stand a chance. 
Many footsteps rushed into the room and then he felt hands on him, pushing away his own, trying to get to his wound. 
He looked down, saw a medic with their pack open by his side, flitting and fiddling. 
“Leave it.” His silken voice was hard ice, enough of a bite there to inform the medic what would happen if they didn’t leave. 
Despite the medics healing instincts, they knew the tone well, and moments later the kit was packed up and Haran was already turning away from the retreating figure. 
She had grown stronger far quicker than even he had expected. He knew it was within her, but he had thought the trauma ran deeper, its claws embedded into her very soul and creating a barrier every time she would try to tap into the power. 
Tano must have taught her how to master her fear, or how to get past it.
Useful, it saved him a job… but also irritating. If she was already harnessing that trauma, it would mean he could no longer use that aspect. 
Haran walked the path she had taken, out to the cargo load, the harsh wind roaring across the space as the tech’s struggled to gain control of the ship again, to remove whatever bug the girl and her friends had slipped in. 
No matter. It didn’t upturn his plans… just meant he had to work with a new angle. 
And fortunately, he had one, courtesy of the would-be Queen herself.
Haran had come across the bodies in the hallway on his way in here, saw the way they were dumped on the ground with their limbs at unnatural angles, their armour shattered from the inside out. 
And if the still smoking scorch marks all over their bodies weren’t indication enough, a sweep of his power had revealed massive internal devastation. 
Haran stood with a gloved hand pressed to the bleeding wound as he watched the steadily shrinking shape of a ship. A mere thought had the hole stitching back together as he extended his fingers out slowly. 
No one on the clean side of the Force would wreak havoc like that of the hallway, regardless of their love having been kidnapped and beaten. 
And that meant simply one thing. And one thing only.
She was being called to the Dark Side. 
And she’d heeded that call. 
Maybe only temporary, but the Dark Side was like Haran himself. Once you let it in, once you got that first taste… it never truly left. She could deny it all she wanted, trick him with it, think it was merely a reaction from the stress of saving the Mandalorian, but it had already rooted within her. 
He could feel it. 
Haran tipped his head back and laughed, his ebony curls dancing across his forehead as the wind tugged and pushed at his tall, lean frame. A lone pillar of darkness, hovering at the edge of the world. 
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
Chapter 5: Dangers of love
Loki x reader, Bucky x reader
Word Count: 3273
Warnings: graphic description of injury, swearing
Tag List: @caffeineoverloadandstudying @zizzlekwum @magicalpieex @lokiyoulittle @daddysfavoritesexkitten @buckylokisimp
A/N: Okay, so I got a little carried away with this chapter because things are heated! We got some Bucky vs Loki conflict as well as hurt Bucky. It’s time to spice some things up in this love story.
“We need you! Bucky got hurt and may not live! We need you to save him!”
Panic begins to set in as you scramble to get off of Loki. You run towards Sam who’s eyes still dart between you and Loki who is laying on the floor, face covered in a disappointed appearance. Sam grabs your hand and pulls you toward the Quinjet, running as fast as you can.
Loki lays on the ground and watches you run off with Sam. The feeling of your body on top of him lingers and his eyes miss the sight of you. He knows Bucky is hurt and your job is to heal, but he can’t help but feel jealous. You at their beckoning call. Pulling you away from him. He wanted to keep you there on top of him… forever, but Bucky once again steals you from him. Loki finds his way to his bedroom, saddened by your sudden absence and filing his time with something else.
You and Sam rush in the Quinjet as the door starts to close. You sit down and stare at the floor, dreading the sight that is about to be in front of you, as Sam rushes to get some basic gear to cover you. He straps on a helmet and a bullet proof vest to you in a frantic manner, struggling to clasp the buckles. His hands are shaking, so you place yours on his, forcing him to look at you. You give him a look of comfort, yet control. His anxiety melts at the calm fear in your eyes, knowing you’re just as scared but determined.
After 1 agonizing hour, you land in some unknown desert country filled by tents and soldiers. Sam grabs your wrist and starts sprinting to a broken and abandoned building surrounded by American soldiers. Steve stands at the door waiting for you. Stress blows off of him as he sees Sam dragging you behind him. 
“Hurry, he’s barely holding on!” Steve yells.
The three of you enter the building and rush to the second floor where Natasha is leaning over Bucky, putting pressure on the wound. 
“Two bullets below the heart and one to the left. They barely missed, but he’s bleeding out like a bitch. There was also a large boulder on him so I’m sure there’s internal damage,” she informs.
You drop to your knees and lean over Bucky. He looks up to you, face full of pain and desperation. Even in his own demise, he gives you a smile and warm eyes. You shake your head at him, You’re not supposed to die you idiot, you thought. Taking Natasha’s hands, you force her to push on his bullet wound harder, implying she isn’t putting enough pressure on it. Steve and Sam stand behind you panicking, but informing the rest of the team through the intercom. 
“Yeah, she’s here… I’m not sure… let’s hope,” Steve mutters.
Bullets are flying through the air as Bucky attempts to run around. Their camp was attacked late last night when no one was prepared and the battle has been going on for hours. No one was sure where it came from at first, all that they did know is that they’re surrounded and out manned.
Steve and Bucky started running first, trying to get to the general and end things, but as buildings started to fall down, things got harder. Soldiers were getting trampled, crushed, hit. Rocks were flying everywhere within the rubble falling.
Bucky loses track of Steve, the two getting split up somewhere about ten minutes ago. Leaning against a large chunk of wall, Bucky sits and regains his breath. He looks over the wall seeing that no one is near him. After all of this fighting, Bucky prays they’ll be taken home finally, knowing the opposing enemy is almost out of tricks considering they did a surprise attack.
He can’t wait to get home. He can’t wait to feel you jump in his arms, lay on him as you read, lean your head on his shoulder when you can’t stay awake during a movie. Two weeks is too long to go without you after spending every day together for a while. He started getting antsy to see her three days ago. Knowing he can’t stay in his location forever, Bucky starts to get up and dash.
“Bucky, look up.” Steve says over the head set.
Bucky looks in front of him to see Steve hiding behind one of their trucks looking over by him.
“To the left, there are three soldiers, go the opposite direction and they won’t see you at all.”
Bucky nods to him and takes a deep breath. Turning to his right, Bucky stands and starts to sprint. Gunshots go off and completely drown out Steve yelling “to my left, not yours!”. He barely takes a step before feeling an awful pain in his shoulder. 
In slow motion, Bucky feels himself slip and get pushed down by an invisible force. Another burst of pain hits below the first one and one to his other shoulder. His vision goes blurry as he falls, his back slamming into little rocks and pebbles. Hitting his head on the ground, everything goes dark.
Steve watches as his best friend gets shot three times. Fear settles in as he sprints over to Bucky, but the enemy sees him running. Quickly, they shoot the corner of the building next to them, sending shards down around Bucky’ unconscious body. Steve stops and blocks his face from the oncoming rubble, panicking about losing Bucky in the dust.
“Everyone, Bucky’s down! I need back up!” The dust settles and Steve sprints to Bucky and looks down, “Wake up, Buck. Come on.”
Steve takes Bucky by his shoulders before realizing the bullet holes beneath his thumbs. He wildly lets go of Bucky as he stares at the open wound. Blood gushes out of Bucky as he lies in the sand. 
Next thing Steve knows, there are S.H.I.E.L.D agents surrounding him with their shields and Natasha is joining him on the ground. Natasha carefully picks up Bucky’s shoulders as Steve grabs his ankles. They attempt to drag him to the building when they notice opposing men in the main floor.
“Someone clear the building for us! We need to get him to safety!” Steve yells over the intercoms.
“I got you.”
Tony flies over in his suit, shooting down the men in the building and around the perimeters as Steve and Natasha drag Bucky inside. 
“We’ve got him secured, but we need someone quick before we lose him!”
“Steve, doesn’t Y/N have healing powers?” Tony inquires.
“Holy crap, yes. Sam! Get to the Quinjet fast, we need Y/N!” 
“Copy that.”
Sam sprints to the Quinjet with adrenaline bouncing through his veins. 
“I need someone to watch the building as we wait,” Steve orders, “Nat, put pressure on the wounds, I’m going out to defend for a moment.”
“Will do.”
Steve rushes out of the building to find the agents from earlier setting up a temporary barricade. Thor runs over out of breath and covers for them. Steve watches Sam running back, praying that he can get there in time with Y/N to help Bucky, but for now they have to keep fighting.
Steve watches as you stare at Bucky, praying that you know what you are doing. He can see the panic in your eyes as you look down at Bucky. He knows that fear. It’s doubt. It’s the same doubt he felt when he was first in charge of a mission. The tears start coming in your eyes as you look up to Steve.
“You’ve got this,” he comforts, “I know you do.”
You look over to Natasha and nod for her to let go of the wounds. She quickly pushes herself away as you take control. Putting pressure onto the wounds, you close your eyes and focus. You feel the powers surging through your body and pouring into Bucky.
Steve and Natasha stare at you in awe. Light emerges from your body, surrounding you and Bucky, but not blinding them. You look so graceful as you pour your heart and soul into him. The blood starts clotting as it comes out before it stops all together, but as it stops, they watch as the light from you slowly flickers. You start to wobble over his body, looking more tired as you go on.
“Is it working?” Sam asks.
“I think so, but somethings wrong.” Steve answers.
Steve rushes to your side, holding you up from the back as you start to fall over. You start to get light headed as you pour all of your energy into Bucky. Opening your eyes for one second, you see the wounds not closing up between your fingers. They’re too deep for you to comfortably heal. 
You take your hands off of Bucky for a second to lean back. Steve catches you as your arms barely keep your body up as Natasha rushes over back by Bucky, applying pressure again but not as much.
“Are you okay?” Steve asks.
You lift your hand to shake it, signaling you're fine before holding up your index to signal that you need one moment. Steve holds you tight, almost laying you across his lap. He looks over to Sam who’s staring at you. 
“It’s like she ran out of energy,” Steve comments.
“It might be too much for her. I think we have to pull back and go home.”
“Sam, you know how much I love Bucky, but we’re so close to finishing this.”
“I can contact Fury or Coulson and see if we can get sent back, the rest of the soldiers can stay here and fight until called.”
“Then do it.”
Sam furiously runs back to the Quinjet to get a better signal, hoping they’ll be able to take Bucky back home. Steve looks down at your tired body sprawled across him. You start to waken a little bit more, looking over to Bucky in determination.
“Wait, Y/N. Do you think it’s a good idea to-”
You ignore Steve as you push Natasha off of Bucky. You get up on your knees before taking Bucky again and emptying all your energy. The brightest light Steve and Nat have ever seen comes out of nowhere, shining from your body. 
People describe a terrifying event that their “soul had left their body”, but you literally feel every fiber in your body get drained. You lose breath, surrendering everything you have in you. Bucky starts to stir, coughing as he gains consciousness. Steve rushes to his side and holds his head up. Shielding his eyes, Steve sees your eyes go completely white, glowing as if the sun had entered you. Your face has gone blank as you black out, losing yourself in healing Bucky.
Nat runs to your side as the light disappears at once. You fall over as she catches you, trying to keep you from hitting your head on the ground. There’s silence in the building as Nat and Steve attempt to get both you and Bucky up before Sam stumbles in.
“We can go back! What happene-”
“No time to explain,” Steve interrupts, “Avengers, fall back. We’re heading home immediately.”
The Avengers sprint back to the Quinjet. Sam carries you as Steve carries the limping Bucky back, setting you both down on the floor. Clint and Wanda run inside as see you and Bucky swapped appearances. Wanda starts asking a million questions that Nat tries to answer as they take off.
“Steve,” Bucky coughs, “what’s going on?” “We’re heading back to the compound. You were injured severely and Y/N saved your life.”
“But I thought she was back at the-”
“Sam got her after you got shot. She did everything she could.”
Steve nods over in your direction. Bucky looks over to see you passed out on the ground, Natasha and Sam tending to you. He starts to panic at the sight of your paralyzed body lays next to him.
“Bucky, you have to hold still. Your wounds are still-”
“No, no, no, no, no, no.”
“Bucky, calm down!”
Bucky whips his head to look at Steve who’s frantically trying to keep him on the ground in a sederatary fashion. 
“I can’t Steve. Is she alive?”
“She’s fine. You need to worry about yourself. She’s tired.”
“You promise?”
Bucky searches for an answer in Steve's eyes, but he knows Steve can’t promise that. No one really knows if you’re okay. There’s a tense silence throughout the quinjet as it flies home.
Loki hears the engine of the quinjet as it lands. He rushes off the couch to stand at the tower’s bridge doors, watching it land. As the door opens, he hurriedly walks onto the bridge looking around each Avenger as they walk out to see you. Steve and Tony stop when they see the writings on Loki’s body, recognizing your handwriting from the notes on Bucky’s arms.
“What the-” Tony mutters.
“Where is she?” Loki asks worriedly.
Sam steps off the quinjet carrying your body bridal style. Loki rushes to him as the other Avengers stare at him in awe. Laying his hand on your forehead, Loki reads your brain to find you asleep. He forces you awake with his magic, having awakened in Sam’s arms. You look up to see Sam holding you and Loki next to you. Reaching out, Loki takes your limp body from Sam, carrying you to the med bay as the Avengers follow behind. Bucky watches as he leans on Steve’s shoulders, anger rising in his body from seeing Loki’s appearance and behavior towards you. Everyone glances at one another in disbelief of the sight in front of them.
You don’t remember falling asleep again, but you wake up in a bed in the med bay. Loki sits on a chair next to you asleep. By the looks of it, he hasn’t been able to sleep in a while. His hair is all distressed and there are bags forming under his eyes. You try to sit up before you feel a pounding headache start.
Loki wakes at the sound of you rustling around in the bed. He sees you gripping your forehead in pain.
“You’re awake. Careful, your body may still be weak,” he warns.
You smile at him for being so kind to you. Loki reaches for  a water bottle sitting on the stand beside your bed and a small container of pills. 
“Take these. I was told they would help.”
He hands you the little bottle of Advil and the water. You timidly take them from him and take one pill. Your hands are still shaking from how tired you are. Loki gives you a gentle smile, but you can see the sadness behind it. Your state of being concerns him, seeing how exhausted you are. “Are you feeling okay?”
You nod weakly with a smile, trying to comfort him, but you know until you have complete strength, nothing will make him feel better. The two of you sit silently for a moment before Loki gasps and pats down his pockets.
“I forgot… I have your pen.”
He hands you the ball point pen you use to write on him, which makes you smile. Why does he have this on him? You think.
“Just in case you need to tell me something you can’t sign.”
You look at him confused.
“I can read minds.”
All of the thoughts you’ve had about him run into his head. You freak out internally, wondering what all he had read.
“Don’t worry, I don’t read it often. In fact, this is the first time I’ve read your mind.”
He leans forward and sets his leg on your bed, pulling up on his pants to reveal his ankle.
Loki chuckles at you. He likes being able to talk to you, even if it’s through pen and skin. 
The Avengers sit outside your room, listening to Loki talk to you. They give each other quizzical looks as they hear Loki laugh.
“Do you think he’s torturing her?” Tony asks.
“Oh stop. Did you see the way he was covered in writing? They clearly bonded while we were done,” Nat points out.
“Oh they did more than bond.
Everyone looks at Sam, confused about his comment.
“When I came to get Y/N, I found her on top of Loki on the ground. She was laying on top of him and leaning over his face. It looked like they were about to make out or something.”
Bucky is fueled with rage at Sam’s description. Steve looks over to his friend to see Bucky’s hands in the tightest first he’s seen in a while. There is nothing but anger seeping through his eyes, jealous of the way Sam talks of the two. Bucky storms off towards the hallways before slamming his door closed. The team looks over to Steve worried, knowing Bucky has feelings for you.
Is Bucky okay?
“Yes, he is.” Loki’s heart drops. Even in your own pain and healing, you worry about Bucky. He forgot about your attachment to the solider due to his own growing feelings for you. “He’s alive and doing well, thanks to you. You’re a good person.”
It’s the right thing to do. I don’t like it when my friends die.
A little flutter of hope flickers in Loki’s mind when you refer to Busy as a friend. He knows that you have more of a relationship with Bucky than the others, but ‘friend’ gived him hope.
“Most people don’t like it when friends die, but I won’t lie dear, I’m surprised you consider him a friend.”
He knows what he’s doing by starting this conversation, but better to have his feelings squashed now then later when he’s ever more attached to you.
What do you mean?
“It just seems like you and him have a special bond.”
Like a dating bond?
“I suppose you could say that.”
No, we’re just friends. Besides, I like you.
Loki meets your eyes to see nothing but warmth and comfort. 
“I like you, too. You’re much more enjoyable than the others.”
The next day comes and you’ve gained more energy, enough to get out of bed. Feeling the cold floor on your feet for the first time sparks new joy and hope. You grab onto Loki’s arm, who hasn’t left the med bay since he brought you there. Slowly, the two of you shuffle out of the room and into the elevator. 
As the elevator opens us, the Avengers laying in the main room turn to see you weakly walking, clinging on to Loki as you move. He looks down at you with a proud smile across his face. Bucky watches from the kitchen with jealousy in his eyes. Steve gives him a warning look, not daring him to do anything. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Steve says sympathetically, “Are you feeling better?”
You nod with a smile which brings a smile to everyone’s face, except Bucky’s. When you spot him to your left, you notice the cold stoic face he gives you and the way he stares at Loki, his eyes burning holes at the writing on his fair skin.
“I’m taking her to my room so she can rest more,” Loki informs.
No one misses the way he says ‘my room’ and not ‘your room’ and they definitely don’t miss the way your hand slides from his biceps down his arm to tangle into his hand.
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marvelyningreen · 4 years
[Summary: Professor Xavier once said that there was much more in you than you knew. You weren’t sure what he’d meant by that. Then again, when push comes to shove, who knows?
Warnings: mild language, references to injury
Notes: Peter Maximoff x reader, of the low-key established relationship variety. Sequel to “Linger.” ]
“You are gonna come with, aren’t you? Please?” Peter had laced his fingers through yours, swinging your hand playfully. “The professor thinks you’re ready, and I wanna be there for your first mission!”
The better part of a year had passed since Professor Xavier promised to spend more time helping you master your abilities and, true to his word, he devoted time every week to training you. To your own surprise – if not to anyone else’s – you’ve actually been improving. While you sometimes still feel that you’re behind the curve, you can’t deny that you’re much stronger than you used to be.
For your part, you kept your promise to the professor.
You’d always been too intimidated to speak to Jean, but one morning, you psyched yourself up and did it. You asked to sit with her at breakfast, and initiated a fumbling conversation that was mostly about the weather. Scott seemed baffled – and frankly embarrassed for you – but from across the room, Peter gave you a thumbs-up.
You did manage to find out that Jean’s fond of phlox and peonies, and resolved to add more to the garden. You must’ve thought it pretty loudly, because Jean caught your eye and smiled. She greets you when you pass in the hallways now.
You’d overheard Kurt mention that a certain disused alcove was probably once a little Mary garden. He’d sounded wistful to you. You did your homework, bringing in a small statue of Mary and filling the surrounding flowerbeds with irises, lilies, and roses.
The next time you saw Kurt in the gardens, you casually suggested that he walk over that way, trying hard not to sound like a try-hard and hoping that you hadn’t overstepped yourself. Not two minutes later, Kurt suddenly teleported in front of you and hugged you before you could say a word. Now, you often see him go out there to pray. Sometimes, you join him.
Summers are fairly quiet at the school. The students who were able to would go home for summer vacation. Some elected to stay around to further their training and some, sadly, didn’t really have homes to return to.
Your summer project has been an effort to revitalize the mansion’s disused kitchen gardens. You let the remaining students know that anyone who wants to is welcome to help out, and the response so far has been enthusiastic. You haven’t had any shortage of volunteers to help with the planting and weeding and watering. Some of the faculty joined in as well, when they were between missions. You think you might able to get a head-start on replanting the orchard.
And Peter, well…
Peter may not be inclined to gardening himself, but he’s definitely inclined to hang out with you while you garden. Apparently, you’d been the last to figure out that Peter was smitten with you, so it was to the surprise of no one when it was clear you two were seeing each other.
He’d even volunteered to help with your training. Of course, he was almost immediately banned from using the “think fast!” technique, if only because he was way too nice about it. The second it looked like you weren’t going to catch whatever he’d tossed in your direction, he’d zip in and catch it himself so it wouldn’t hit you. It was adorable, but not exactly helpful to your learning process.
He’d be gone for weeks at a time, though. He would get sent on missions here and there, and he took summer as an opportunity to spend time with his mother and sister. Your windowsills are beginning to fill up from all the souvenirs he brought back.
Just this morning, you’d promised him homemade apple strudel for breakfast, and he’d mentioned he might bring someone else along, if that was alright with you. You’d assumed that meant Kurt was coming home early. But no, Peter turned up at your door with Mr. Lehnsherr in tow.
It might’ve been nice to have a little advance notice so you could make a good first impression on your boyfriend’s very intimidating father – who happens to be an ex-supervillain – but at least Peter’s easygoing confidence managed to keep things from getting awkward.
And somehow – somehow – the offshoot of all this was that you and Mr. Lehnsherr both ended up tagging along on this mission. Whether it was the professor’s reassurance that it was strictly a diplomatic errand or Peter’s puppy-dog eyes that were more convincing, neither of you could say.
You’d managed to convince yourself that this was fine. The professor wouldn’t have brought you if he didn’t think you were ready, right? And all of your doubts were in your own head; you knew that. Nobody was looking at you and wondering why they’d brought the help along. Peter, who for some reason seemed to be enjoying the opportunity to spend time with you and Mr. Lehnsherr simultaneously, stuck close to you and gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.
And then everything went all to hell before you could blink.
Now you’re trying to telekinetically prevent a net-full of plastic waste barrels from falling into the harbor, Scott has just lasered a third shipping container in half, Mr. Lehnsherr is turning the wreckage into a makeshift holding cell, and Peter is zipping around tossing your assailants into it.
And just when everything’s finally been safely contained and you think you’ve got a second to breathe, the professor speaks up.
“I’ve lost Hank.”
The fairly upbeat mood darkens instantly.
“One of those guys was running psychic interference, wasn’t he?” says Peter.
“Yeah, but he got knocked out,” says Scott. “Nice shot, by the way.”
That last part is directed at you, with an approving nod.
“We’ll find him, Charles,” says Mr. Lehnsherr. “He can’t be far.”
“I’ll take a look around,” says Peter.
He disappears, and there’s a second or two of silence. The professor presses his fingertips to his temple and glances around worriedly, as if listening all the harder for any trace of Hank. Before you can suggest heading back to your transport, you hear Peter shout.
“Over this way! Hurry!”
Wordlessly, you all take off at a run. He’d only said to hurry. He hadn’t said that Hank was alright, which can only mean…
As you round the corner, you gasp in horror. There lies Hank – injured, unconscious, and bleeding out on the ground. As one, you all rush to his side, but Peter’s there in a blink.
“I can run him back to the mansion,” he begins, but Mr. Lehnsherr interrupts.
“If we move him before we stabilize him, it might kill him.”
Peter had looked worried up until this moment, not panicked. But at the thought that his particular skills won’t help here, his expression turns grim.
“If we don’t get help, he’ll die anyway,” Scott argues.
As the others speak, the floor seems to tilt under you, and you sink to your knees just to keep yourself from falling. You press your hands against the cold pavement, trying to steady yourself.
Is it because of the blood? No, it’s something else. Something pressing against your skull.
Hank, who’d always been kind to you, who’d become like family to Scott after Alex was killed. Hank, who’d been giddy as a schoolboy all week waiting for Saturday, when he was going to take Mystique out on a real date – dinner at a fancy restaurant, just the two of them.
It isn’t fair.
You feel Peter’s hands on your shoulders. You feel sick, like you’re about to faint, like you’re seeing double, like-
You are seven years old, playing out in your yard. A windstorm the night before has knocked several baby birds from their nest. The mama bird hops nearby, chirping and calling to no avail. You watch as the baby birds, featherless and helpless, struggle in the grass.
You feel a horrible crushing sadness in your chest. You’ve been told never to touch baby birds, and even if you did, there’s no way you could climb all the way up to their nest.
A heartbroken sob shakes your body. It isn’t fair. The birds are too small to fly, and too weak to defend themselves. And you’re too small, too.
It isn’t fair. You should be able to fix this. You should be able to help.
You aren’t allowed to touch wild animals. Why couldn’t there be a way to help without breaking the rules?
You reach out, and –
The mama bird shrills in alarm. Your sobs fade, and your eyes widen, and you watch as the little birds are lifted into the air – up and up and up – and set gently back in their nest. You know somehow, although you don’t understand, that you made it happen.
“I can fix this.”
The words leave your mouth before you know you’re speaking, and suddenly the others are staring at you in confusion. They know, as you do, that you don’t have any healing abilities, and yet… There’s an inexplicable certainty in your mind, in spite of the panic in your chest.
“I can fix this,” you say again, “But I don’t know how.”
You turn away from Hank, looking up at Professor Xavier. There’s worry in his eyes, and something unreadable along with it.
“Sir, please, can you help me?” you plead.
The professor nods, and reaches out to place his fingertips on your temple. Almost of their own accord, your eyes close, and your hand reaches out to Hank’s shoulder.
Through the chaos of your fear, there’s a calm presence in your mind.
Focus, it bids you. You can fix this. You can change it. Reach out to that which is damaged, and make it whole. Focus.
You reach out, and your mind is overwhelmed with a sensation that it struggles to comprehend. You’d thought that trying to use your powers was like trying to remember the words to a song. You see now that that’s not quite accurate. It feels like having heard a song played backwards your whole life, and finally hearing it the right way ‘round.
You are thirteen. A girl in your class has just seen her friend get pushed down the stairs by a bully. The girl shouts, and suddenly the granite steps rearrange themselves into a ramp, and the landing turns to sand, and the friend slides down into it unharmed.
The girl runs off before you have a chance to say anything. The following week, she doesn’t show up for class. You learn later that her family moved away.
You’re afraid, and you don’t understand, and you keep going. The effort of focusing is immense, impossible. You hardly know if you’re remembering to breathe, or if the pressure is inside your skull or around it.
You feel… What you feel defies description. It’s as though you’re at a beach, and you press your hand against the sand, and you can feel the pattern, the structure in the seemingly random grains of sand, and you know that it isn’t right. And if you focus – if you focus all your energy – you can will the millions and millions of grains of sand to rearrange themselves into the right order.
For a moment, the sheer vastness of the situation threatens to overwhelm you. But the professor’s steadying presence stays in your mind, like a hand holding yours as you lean further and further out over a ledge. Slowly, grain by grain, the sands are beginning to shift.
You’re in college. Yet another class has devolved into a debate about mutants – their existence, their rights, their purpose.
You don’t speak up in class under normal circumstances. That isn’t about to change now.
A voice, outside your head, drifts through the garbled static in your ears.
“His wounds are healing. He’s… he’s stabilizing. Charles, how-?”
You’re vaguely aware that the professor is answering him out loud, but you hear him in your mind: Come back now. Come back. You’ve done it; just relax.
Relax? You can try. The strange sensations fade from your mind, and their place is filled by the sounds of the world around you and an overwhelming sense of exhaustion. It feels as though the hand has pulled you back onto solid ground, but you can’t seem to keep your balance, and-
The instant you begin to fall, you find your head resting against somebody’s shoulder, and their arms are wrapped around you.
You’re twenty-five, and the entire world is shaken to its foundations by some catastrophe in Cairo. You try with all your strength, but nothing you do can prevent your apartment building from collapsing.
“Professor…?” Peter’s voice is beside your ear, strident with worry, but it seems so much further away.
“It’s alright, Peter,” you hear the professor saying, dimly.
You’ll be alright.
You are twenty-six. It’s far too quiet in this room. This building may function as a school, but it still feels like a mansion. You stare at the cup of tea in front of you. It smells wonderful, but you’re too nervous to take a single sip. Across the table, Professor Charles Xavier regards you with a thoughtful expression.
“I understand you wish to work here at my school. Is that right?” he asks.
“Yes,” you say. “I know I’m too old to be a student, and I don’t really have any experience teaching, but I… I want to learn, and I’m willing to work. If there’s any job that needs doing, anything at all; if you need a custodian, or help in the kitchens, or… or a groundskeeper, maybe. Anything.”
Your gaze darts longingly to the gardens outside the window. The grounds here are so beautiful. It’s one of the things you missed most when you lived in the apartment – having a garden to look after.
The professor takes a sip of tea and sits back.
“My school is open to anyone who wishes to learn,” he says. “What are your abilities, exactly?”
“My…? Well.” Your heart sinks. You were afraid of this.
Painfully aware of the professor’s eyes on you, you telekinetically lift your spoon into the air. Focus, now. Focus. The spoon dips into the sugar bowl, and – spilling a trail of sugar along the way – shakily hovers back to your teacup and stirs itself in before returning to the saucer with a loud clink.
“I know it’s not much,” you say, “But that’s why I want to learn.”
With hands trembling as badly as the spoon had, you pick up the teacup and take a sip, just to buy yourself a precious few seconds.
The professor nods. “I see.”
He leans his chin on his hand. You’re certain that you’ve failed. Just as you’re bracing yourself to hear him politely send you packing –
“We hire a local company to maintain the grounds,” he says, “But the gardens themselves could use better tending, especially from someone who cares about the work. There’s even a little groundskeeper’s cottage that’s only being used to storage now, if you need somewhere to stay. The job is yours, if you want it.”
You can’t believe your ears. Professor Xavier – the Professor Charles Xavier – is offering you a job, and a chance to learn, and a place to stay? You nearly upset the whole tea set as you stand abruptly, reaching across the table to shake the professor’s hand.
“Yes! Absolutely, yes,” you say, “Sir, thank you. I’ll work hard, I promise.”
The professor laughs. “I don’t doubt it.”
Are you ready to wake up?
No, you mumble. Five more minutes.
The voice in your head chuckles gently.
It’s been three days already.
Three days? Ridiculous. No one would’ve let you sleep for three whole days. The gardens would be overrun with weeds. The windowboxes would’ve dried up. Indignant, you open your eyes.
And immediately squint them shut again. The intense brightness of the room stings.
You feel a hand lift from your forehead, and a shadow falls over your eyes and lingers there. Beyond its merciful shade, you can tell that the light in the room has dimmed. Cautiously, you open your eyes once more, blinking a few times.
You’re disoriented for a moment, expecting to see the familiar walls of your room in the cottage. But this rather featureless room is in the infirmary beneath the mansion. You don’t have the faintest idea what you’d be doing there.
The hand shading your eyes withdraws, and you follow its movement to see Professor Xavier looking down at you. He smiles.
“Welcome back.”
“Back?” you repeat. “Back from wh- … wait.”
You remember. You remember all of it – the docks, the blood… Hank.
You have to get up. You have to find Hank.
The professor catches your shoulder, preventing you from sitting up.
“Easy. Easy, there,” he says.
“What happened? Where’s Hank? Professor, did I… Is he-?”
The professor speaks slowly and gently, like he’s calming a frightened child. And to be honest, that’s exactly what you feel like in this moment.
“Hank is fine,” he says, “He’ll need to take it easy for a while, but he’s going to make a full recovery. You saved his life.”
Relief floods through you, tightening your throat. For a moment, you don’t trust that your voice is steady enough to speak. You look away from the professor’s kind gaze and blink back tears. You’d been so scared that a good man might’ve died because you and the others were too late to save him. You’d been certain that, once again, you were powerless to help.
“I don’t understand what happened” you say, finally, “All of that… Was it you, Professor?”
He shakes his head.
“All I did was help you keep your focus. Everything else was you entirely. Didn’t I say that there’s more in you than you would guess?”
“I… I figured you were just saying that to be nice.”
Your sheepish honesty makes the professor laugh, and that puts you a little more at ease.
“I said it because it’s true.” He pauses, then continues on to answer your unasked question. “Hank has some rather complicated term for your abilities, but the more common expression for it is a reality warper. Telekinesis is merely the simplest manifestation of those powers.”
“Reality…? I’m still confused,” you say, and it’s the understatement of the century. The sporadic, barely-adequate telekinetic abilities you’d possessed since childhood weren’t really telekinesis at all?
“Within limits, you have the ability to alter reality. For example, it would be simple enough for you to change an apple into an orange, or freeze the water in a glass. It follows that you are able to take something damaged and repair it again. And if the damage is an injury, you could heal it. Of course, Hank was quite badly injured, so undoing the damage required tremendous exertion on your part.”
Your head is spinning as you try to process all of this. You can change things, transform them, fix them.
Your gaze drifts to Professor Xavier’s wheelchair.
If you can heal people, then maybe…
But when you look up, the professor is shaking his head.
“As I said, there are limits even to powers like yours.”
“But if I tried,” you say, “Maybe I could-”
“No.” The professor’s tone is firm. “You’ve been unconscious for days, and that was from healing recent injuries. Something new is more easily altered than something old. And an old wound… It’d only do you harm to try. I can’t allow you to do that, even for my own sake.”
The confused elation you’d been feeling starts to flag. You’ve been so used to feeling useless that it’s easy to slip back into that familiar territory. It startles you when Professor Xavier lays his hand on yours.
“Someday, you may be able to accomplish that and more,” he says, and laughs gently. “I’ve just told you that you have the power to reshape the world, and the first though that comes to your mind isn’t a way to use it for gain or entertainment. Your first impulse is to use it to help someone. I’m touched. Truly, I am. Thank you for thinking of me.”
There’s a deeper warmth in his voice as he says this, and you cannot doubt that he’s speaking from the heart. He’d know – he must’ve known, somehow – what you were when you came to him, offering to take on any job that needed doing just for a chance to learn. On some level, you’d always assumed he hired you out of pity.
But things are becoming clearer now – why he’d accepted you, why he hadn’t told you what you were, why he’d let you find your own way.
You’ve known the professor long enough to understand that his decisions are motivated by kindness. He had no choice in gaining immense powers at a young age, himself. Jean was just the same. You couldn’t fault him for wanting to spare someone else that burden.
The professor must be following your train of thought, because he nods slightly.
“I always had faith that your path would lead you here,” he says, “And that whatever the circumstance, you would come into your own out of an earnest desire to help others. That’s exactly what you did. I’m proud of you.”
Your hand closes around the professor’s for a brief, fervent instant.
“Thank you,” you say.
The sincerity of this validation warms your heart. You blink rapidly, trying to keep yourself from actually tearing up, when –
You’re startled by the sound of another voice in the room. You look sharply over to see Peter sitting in the corner, his feet kicked up on a table.
“Peter!” you gasp, “How long have you been there?”
He shrugs. “The whole time. You just never looked over this way. And it seemed like you two were having a moment, so I didn’t wanna interrupt. Good morning, by the way.”
“Good… morning,” you say, haltingly, suddenly realizing that you have no idea what time it is.
Peter grins and pushes himself to his feet, walking over to stand at your bedside. The professor watches him with a smile.
“Peter’s hardly left this whole time,” he says.
“Not true,” says Peter. “I went out to try and help keep up on your groundskeeper stuff. Don’t, uh… Don’t look too impressed. I don’t actually know what’s a weed and what’s not, so I might’ve pulled up a bunch of your flowers. Sorry.”
Oh god, you can just picture the state the gardens must be in. You’re going to have a lot of work to undo whatever happened out there. But the mental image of Peter speed-weeding the entire estate is too amusing not to smile at.
“It’s the thought that counts,” you say.
“Tell that to the geraniums,” says the professor, shaking his head wryly. “Well, I’d better go tell Hank that you’re finally awake. I’m sure he’ll want to thank you in person. I’ll be back.”
The professor could’ve easily just called for Hank telepathically. You get the feeling he’s being polite and trying to give you and Peter a moment alone.
You start to sit up, and wow, apparently that’s a bad idea, because the room is no spinning. You close your eyes, reaching out as if to steady yourself against thin air. In an instant, Peter’s sitting on the edge of the bed, gently holding onto your arms.
“Whoa, take it easy,” he says. “I got you.”
You take a moment to breathe, and the dizziness slowly fades. “It’s okay. Just headrush.”
When you open your eyes, Peter’s still watching you intently. Never fully letting go, he moves his hands to hold yours.
“How are you feeling?” he asks.
“Alright, actually. Just… tired. Not in a bad way.”
You smile, hoping it’ll reassure him, and it seems to work. Peter leans in to kiss you.
“Who’s exceptional and important and incredible now?” He grins brightly as he tosses your own words back at you.
“That’s not- You don’t- Um…”
He laughs as you trip over your tongue completely. You’d always felt a little inadequate in the face of compliments, and that’s a lot of them to accept all at once.
Peter rolls his eyes. “Alright, fine. Bite-sized compliments from now on. Got it. But you are all of that. I always knew you were.”
Though his tone is teasing, the look in his eyes is entirely sincere. And, to your surprise, you believe him. There’s not an insincere bone in his body; you know that for a fact. So, it stands to reason that his feelings about you must be just as genuine.
The rush of that feeling – the confidence in Peter, and in yourself – puts on you cloud nine, almost literally. You have to focus to keep yourself from actually levitating everything in the room.
“I can’t believe I’m just figuring all this out now,” you say. “I mean, I’m thirty, for crying out loud.”
“And I lived in my mom’s basement until I was twenty-seven. What’s your point?” says Peter, shrugging. “Just ‘cause it took us a little longer to figure things out – we both still got there in the end. Late-bloomer solidarity, am I right?”
“Late-bloomer solidarity,” you repeat, grinning back at him. “Wait, do you think this means I’m gonna be an official X-Man now?”
Peter’s face lights up. “Hell yeah, you are! I’m officially calling dibs on having you as a partner. Hey, have you thought about what your codename’s gonna be?”
Your brows furrow in a look of confusion that Peter seems to find amusing. You actually hadn’t thought about it at all. You never thought you’d get this far, really.
“I wouldn’t know where to start,” you say.
“Yeah, you’ve got a lot going for you. You’re a jack of all trades, a wild card. Oh!” Peter snaps his fingers excitedly. “Wild Card. That’s a good one. You don’t have to pick right now, but… I’m just sayin’- if you don’t pick your own, somebody’s gonna pick one for you.”
You grin. “That’s true. I mean, look at you. You’re fast, you’re full of sass, and you love sugar. In another life, you might’ve been The Amazing Hummingbird.”
The look of disgust on Peter’s face is priceless. “That’s tragic, and I’m offended.”
You can’t help but giggle.
“I like Quicksilver,” you say. “I think it suits you.”
You run your fingers through Peter’s hair, and he seems to melt. He turns his head to kiss the palm of your hand.
“You don’t know how glad I am that you’re back,” he says. “I didn’t realize just how boring this place can get without you.”
In spite of Peter’s frank expression, you can’t quite believe that. As a fairly reserved gardener, you know you’re not exactly the life of the party.
“Without me?” You laugh. “Be serious.”
Peter snorts. “Right, right. Baby steps. I forgot.”
By chance, your gaze drifts to the far side of the room, where Peter had been sitting before. You just now notice that there’s a cot set up over there, and it’s clearly been slept in. He really had stayed down here for the past three days, hadn’t he? It gives you kind of a warm fuzzy feeling that he’d wanted to stay close to you.
When you look back at Peter, you see that he’s frowning slightly.
“Y’know, you had me worried for a minute there, back at the docks. I mean, the professor explained that you just exhausted yourself because you never changed anything that big before, but…” Peter blows out a breath, shaking his head. “It really looked like you pulled some sorta equivalent exchange healing thing, and I thought, like, what if this is it? I guess what I’m trying to say is – there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
Before you can ask what he means, Peter leans in and kisses you.
“I love you,” he says.
You wonder if this is how Peter feels when he uses his powers – like being the only person truly awake while the rest of the world is frozen in time. In spite of yourself, you feel the gravity in the room loosen its hold just a little, and everything’s floating gently an inch off the ground.
“I love you, too, Peter,” you say.
The trace of apprehension in Peter’s face melts into a smile.
“Even though I wrecked your geraniums?” he asks, sheepishly.
“I can find more geraniums. There’ll never be another you.”
At that, Peter actually looks bashful. Is he… is he blushing? He absolutely is. Gently, you take his face in your hands, and even as you kiss him, he can’t seem to stop smiling.
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WIP Wednesday
Title: Extraordinary
Pairings: HotchReid (more to come)
Summary: League of Extraordinary Gentleman/Vampire AU;
Within the FBI there is a specialized team full of an elite selection of people. Unique individuals with very particular skill sets. And their job is to take the unusual cases: the ones that need to not only be solved, but are undetermined if the unsub is human, or something else entirely.
In a world filled with Vampires, non-human creatures, and subspecies unknown, there is only enough information to have them vaguely regulated. Rules that are so easily, and violently broken, all while hidden in plain sight among the unsuspecting public. Unrivaled for eons.
That’s where the BAU comes in.
Official Posting Date: October 2021
Links: (Masterpost) (Snippet 01) (Snippet 02) (Snippet 03) (Snippet 04)
(TW/CW: dead body/crime scene, blood and bite wounds talked about in detail, hypnosis/compelling someone to do something against their will, overall discussion of murder (basically what we see in every episode of the show))
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(the story so far/what you need to know for this clip at least: Absolutely nothing you don’t already know, this is legit from the first chapter. Hotch is a Vampire (although the LEOs don’t really know that), Rossi is a priest, Morgan is so empathetically telepathic he can touch the auras in the air, and Reid is Reid. I know I’ve been giving you the juicy HotchReid stuff but here have some case stuff too, to see what you’re in for with the plot and everything. This is FIRST DRAFT so it’s terribly unpolished, first part is generalized POV (hence the more professional titles) and the second is within the team dynamics so they get more familiar. idk my first drafts are messy and indecisive, enjoy anyway. 💕)
They approach the body and Rainer shoos away his pestering, hovering officers and --- winces once again at the sight of the bloodied woman. “This is the third body in two days; a jogger found her about 6 am. Coroner says she thinks she’s been dead for about 6 hours; killed in the middle of the night, just like the others.” 
“Closer to five hours, I think,” Dr. Reid says, crouching down to look closer. All long legs and his gun looking too big on his belt next to his FBI badge. “Could still be within the Witching Hour, though.”
“Do you have accurate time of death estimates for the other two bodies?” Agent Morgan adds on, already picking up the train of thought Dr. Reid has started on. The detective pulls out an old-school flip notebook book and looks through it before answering.
“3:15am the first night, 9:30pm last night and now this.”
“Well that rules out hex, sacrifice, and spell gone wrong,” he concludes, as the other agents surround the body to inspect it from all angles. “So what are we thinking?”
“It’s a frenzied bite,” Agent Hotchner points out, looking from where he stands and not having to get as close as Dr. Reid to inspect it accurately. His eyesight is better than any microscope. “Shows multiple entries, it couldn’t get a good enough hold to rip her throat. Or she struggled, so it wasn’t strong enough to keep her pinned down.”
“The boys think it’s a Vamp,” Detective Rainer points out. “Maybe a baby one, still learning the ropes?”
“Vampire changes are regulated and no sire would allow whoever they turned to do this,” Agent Hotchner says, a colder flint to his voice that matches the way his dark stare cuts up to the detective. “No one has been turned in the United States in the past twelve years.”
“It’s not a Vampire bite,” Dr. Reid agrees, putting on latex gloves to further inspect the body and test the bite radius. “And it’s not a werewolf bite, either.”
“...Werewolf?” the detective says with a winded sound, eyes wide and looking to the three agents who didn’t even blink at the word. “There’s -- there’s such thing as werewolves?” 
“Detective, I think you should let my team and I work, we will come to you with our findings and then help you track down your killer.” Agent Hotchner doesn’t leave room for argument, his dark brown eyes looking pitch black in the early morning light, and Detective Rainer… suddenly feels the overwhelming urge to walk away. Like he can’t breathe if he doesn’t comply; he fights it, tries to fight it, and feels his will crumble beneath him like a sand bank giving way under his feet. He turns, even that small gesture lessening the pressure crushing his chest, and takes a step away from the group, air swept into his lungs like a riptide. He makes a hasty retreat after that, winded as if he just ran up a flight of stairs and the sweet taste of oxygen being his only reprieve. He doesn’t know what happened, and wouldn’t upon further inspection until much, much later.
“That wasn’t very nice, Hotch,” Rossi points out with a look of glib reprimand towards their team leader. “I thought compelling feeble minded beat cops was for those who have no skills to avoid it.”
“My patience was running thin, and we need to move faster on this case before our unsub kills again. He’s escalating.” That much is obvious, by the timeline alone, but Father Rossi still gives him a side-ways glance that says he finds far too much amusement in the undead’s antics. “Reid, are you sure it’s not a werewolf bite? It would explain the lack of control and precision.”
“I’m sure,” Reid says with finality, and no one makes a mention on why. He had done more research than any human possibly could in the past few months on werewolf transformation and the after effects of attacks. With what happened to one of their former agents mere months ago, no one doubted his newly learned expertise. “It’s also not a shifter, or a ghoul. We can rule out ghost and poltergeist as well, no residue or temperature shifts.” 
“Demon possession?” Morgan asks, looking to Rossi just as he does his customary Sign of the Cross at the mere mention. Can’t help the gesture, after his own past experiences. Giving anything the power of a name, even arbitrary, can be a dangerous thing. 
“We can’t rule it out,” he admits. “The teeth marks are human, someone possessed would still have a hard time biting that deep and doing that much damage. Cannibalism is only reserved for the amusements of level three demons, however they aren’t usually powerful enough to reach the mortal plane or take possession of someone’s body. They would need help.” 
“You really think someone would weaponize a demon like that?” 
“We’ve seen people do worse things, as has history, but I’d like to hope it wouldn’t happen in my lifetime.” 
“We need more information,” Hotch concludes, arms crossed and watching as Reid stands up and removes the blood stained gloves. “Morgan,” his gaze cuts to the tall man in his deep blue suit. “Can you walk the scene, tell us what you see?”
“Not with this many people around,” Morgan shakes his head, eyes glancing to every person within a twenty foot radius. “Too many readings, the aura field here looks like an oil spill. The only thing I can latch onto is…” his gaze is back on the ground, hovering over the dead woman, who would have no aura to speak of at all and therefore a blank canvas. He replaces Reid’s space, crouching down to touch the air over the bite wound. Fingers spread wide, less than a foot from her but not touching, palm suddenly curving as if over an invisible shoulder, the place where someone had once been not so long ago. It could have been the coroner, or the crime scene photographer, but with it being so close to the body -- chances were it was the unsub.
“They were crouched down, half on the ground, no… human thoughts that I can hear,” he says, closing his eyes and letting his hand glide through the air a little more, following the curve of someone’s spine and up their neck, resting where the head would be. “They have a fever burning them up, hot as a furnace--” he keeps his hand there too long, suddenly jerks it back as if it had physically burned him, then stands up again. Shaking off the aura reading still sticking to his fingers and the forefront of his mind. “Sound like anything you’ve heard of, pretty boy?” 
Reid shakes his head, sharing a glance with Father Rossi. “We might have to go through some of your demonology books.” The older man grins wide.
“You just want to get your hands on them, at this rate you’ll have them memorized by next week.” 
“Dave --” Hotch says slow, a reprimand of his own.
“Fine, fine, I’ll have Garcia send us some scans. If the Vatican knew I was putting a book like that in his hands they’d strip me of all my titles.”
“Didn’t they already do that?” Morgan teases with a grin.
“Ex-communicated. I got to keep the dog collar, the honorifics, bless the holy water, you know -- the party tricks.” 
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