#no idea why that one dude specifically didn’t want me to help him but ugh whatever dude
manasurge · 9 months
Ughhh today started off so badly and ruined my mood for the rest of the day. We had two customer incidents back to back, with one aimed specifically at me for some reason, and I’m still feeling that deeply uncomfortable accelerated anxiety bad feeling you get from confrontations, and I’m just… so exhausted. I just wanna go home, but instead I’m still stuck here for 2 more hours and of course, my longest shifts of the week happen at the end instead of the beginning (aka when I’m the most tired already, making it that much worse and tiring). Bad mood bad mood bad mood
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Director's Commentary! ☆☆☆: Chapter 14 from "The Problem With Mondo" although I can be specific if you wish it
"Oh, shit, if it ain’t lil’ Mondo Fuckin’ Owada, goddamn. How the fuck is it goin’, kid? S’only been, what... a year, two, since ya last called?"
"Oh, yeah? Yer just ‘in Tokyo’ now? Like I don’t fuckin’ know that yer attendin’ that pretentious as fuck institute. Ya don’t call me since yer brother died, an’ all I fuckin’ get is ‘I’ve been busy,’ ‘fore ya go on with yer request. Well, if ya want me ta do whatever the fuck ya need done, yer gonna hafta give more detail than that, squirt. How the fuck did that even happen? Didn’t think Hope’s fuckin’ Peak would be the kind ta take in a biker. Ain’t like ya don’t deserve it, but damn, kid. Goin’ places, ain’t ya?"
"So, fucking... leave me the hell alone. I’m gonna fucking leave now and I- I don’t ever wanna see yer goddamn face again. Forget my number and never contact me again. You understand me?"
"I... shit. Fuckin’... shit. Still so fuckin’ stubborn, ain’t ya...? God... god fuckin’ dammit. Fine. Fine. Ya wanna live the rest a’ yer life with yer head in the goddamn sand, be my fuckin’ guest. Cut me out, don’t talk ta me ever again. Do whatever the fuck ya like. "
I care deeply for Daisuke and Mondo's relationship
Oooh, thank you!! Honestly I had forgotten I had reblogged this, so when I saw this ask when I was at my internship this morning I was like "..... HUH????"
But! I do have a lot of commentary for that chapter, so this is a great one to do! And I'm glad you like their relationship!! I love it too, so I'm happy that other people do as well.
First, I'll do a general commentary, then do the specific ones you asked about. I'll do a read more here to prevent this from ruining someone's dash, ha.
What this ask is referring to:
Fanfic Writers: Director’s Cut
So, chapter 14. Originally, it had been a lot different when I came up with it than what I ended up writing. I actually remember that I had been at work when I came up with the idea for the chapter. I had been walking with the kids (I'm an elementary after school teacher) during their walking/running club during our weird COVID return year, and I had been thinking of what I wanted to write later when I got home. Originally, I had wanted Mondo to call in a favor from an old friend to get the helmet and wine all in one. The friend was going to be about his age, maybe Daiya's age, and I think I was going to have them be more like a lackey or something. Someone who wasn't super important to Mondo. They still were going to be all "dude that sounds like a date, wow." Mondo wasn't going to get angry or anything, though, more like "pssh, NO IT ISN'T, ugh."
However, when I got to writing it, I got the idea for the "old friend" to be an older biker. And then I thought it would be cool if it were like... an old mentor. And then I was like... but wait. What if it was an old mentor of DAIYA'S???? And then... Daisuke was born, ha. Also, random, but I hadn't meant for both Daiya and Daisuke to have Dai in their names, I just was looking at male Japanese names, and liked that one. It also means "great help," apparently, which may also have been part of why I named him that, but I don't quite remember.
The more I wrote Daisuke and Mondo together, the more I liked them, honestly. I began to really like the idea of Daiya having a mentor that Mondo was distant with, mostly due to guilt and wanting to prove himself. I kind of regretted not being able to have Daisuke in the story more, since it wouldn't have made much sense with the constraints I had with following TPWP. But I think it makes sense why Mondo wouldn't want to talk to Daisuke again after everything that happened. With how repressed Mondo was, he couldn't even think of seeing Daisuke again after everything he said. Even with where Mondo is now in the story, which him being more accepting of his feelings, the thought of talking to Daisuke would be unbearable to him.
Now! As much as I'd love to go on and on forever, I do need to stop or else this ask will be the length of TPWP and TPWM combined. So, here's the commentary on your sections.
"Oh, shit, if it ain’t lil’ Mondo Fuckin’ Owada, goddamn. How the fuck is it goin’, kid? S’only been, what... a year, two, since ya last called?"
"Oh, yeah? Yer just ‘in Tokyo’ now? Like I don’t fuckin’ know that yer attendin’ that pretentious as fuck institute. Ya don’t call me since yer brother died, an’ all I fuckin’ get is ‘I’ve been busy,’ ‘fore ya go on with yer request. Well, if ya want me ta do whatever the fuck ya need done, yer gonna hafta give more detail than that, squirt. How the fuck did that even happen? Didn’t think Hope’s fuckin’ Peak would be the kind ta take in a biker. Ain’t like ya don’t deserve it, but damn, kid. Goin’ places, ain’t ya?"
(I'm going to talk about the entire scene with Mondo and Daisuke here, since it will be easier than just the paragraphs you put, if that's okay.)
For this scene, I mostly wanted to get some exposition about Mondo and Daisuke's relationship out of the way, letting y'all know how Mondo knew this person he's calling, as well as explaining why the man was never mentioned before this scene. An estranged mentor figure seemed the best way to go. Also, fun fact: I kind of based Daisuke off of Bobby Singer, from Supernatural. I had written my SPN fic before writing TPWP, so I was familiar with writing Bobby.
When looking at the rest of that scene, I mostly wanted to show that Daisuke knew Mondo really well, and that he could tell pretty much immediately that Mondo at least really liked Taka, if not was in love with him. Daisuke always suspected Mondo was bi, and even suspected that of Daiya (since in this universe, I kind of figure that Daiya was also bi, but because of his hatred of his father, denied it as strongly as Mondo always did. Maybe even more so, since Daiya had to be the "big brother" and take care of his little bro), which I wanted to show in this scene without being too explicit.
Overall, I just... wanted to have Mondo and Daisuke to have a realistic relationship to one another. I wanted to show that Mondo has someone out there who knows him and who cares about him, even if Mondo is too damaged and guilt ridden to see it. I also wanted to set up for the next scene, which I'll talk about next.
"So, fucking... leave me the hell alone. I’m gonna fucking leave now and I- I don’t ever wanna see yer goddamn face again. Forget my number and never contact me again. You understand me?"
"I... shit. Fuckin’... shit. Still so fuckin’ stubborn, ain’t ya...? God... god fuckin’ dammit. Fine. Fine. Ya wanna live the rest a’ yer life with yer head in the goddamn sand, be my fuckin’ guest. Cut me out, don’t talk ta me ever again. Do whatever the fuck ya like. "
Now, THIS scene... so, the whole second scene with Mondo and Daisuke was where I wanted Mondo to hear from someone who knows him intimately that he is straight up in love with Taka. Rather than just hearing it from a newly acquired friend, like Leon, he's hearing it from someone who has known him since he was "a snot nosed little kid," which makes it more meaningful to Mondo.
This scene here, this is Mondo rejecting it. He doesn't want to hear what Daisuke has to say. He doesn't want to acknowledge his love for Taka, or hear from someone who knows him that what he's feeling isn't platonic, brotherly feelings. So, he reacts the only way he knows how, which is to push people away through any means possible. However, instead of getting blindingly angry, he grows cold and closed off. This is my way of showing that Mondo is truly upset by what Daisuke said. He's not responding with his usual anger, but a different, more potent and frigid anger. Anger mixed with fear, I suppose. I just... wanted to show how terrified Mondo was to love Taka. He wasn't just angry with Daisuke. He was terrified.
And Daisuke saw that. He realized in this moment just how repressed Mondo was, and in that paragraph, Daisuke was seeing just how dead set Mondo was on being miserable for the rest of his life. And it made him feel both angry on Mondo's behalf, but also resigned. You can't make anyone do anything or see things the way you see them, even people you love, and Daisuke was feeling that there. It's why I had him go on to say that Mondo shouldn't let Taka go easily, to hold on and never let go. He knew Mondo was stubborn as a bull and would likely never contact him again, so he didn't want him to leave without having someone-- anyone-- tell him how important Taka was for him.
Mostly, I wanted Mondo to hear from a source that knew him how important Taka was, and I wanted to show how violently Mondo reacted to hearing it. But not just violently; differently, too. It's not his usual anger. It's more. But then, later on, he still goes on that not-a-date date with Taka, he still holds him close and looks up at the stars. He still loves him, even with how terrified he is, since it's not something he can just ignore anymore. Even if he wants to reject Taka and his love, he physically can't. That's why he got the wine and not the whiskey. That's why he took Taka on the ride even despite his earlier terror. He loves him so much that he can't be away from him even when he's scared.
Overall, Daisuke's role was to open Mondo's eyes to his feelings, and for Mondo to force his eyes shut. I wanted y'all to know that MONDO KNOWS how he feels. He knows, he knows, he knows. But he doesn't want to know, and so he doesn't. If any of that makes any sense and isn't just pretentious babble 😅
So! I'm done, ha. Sorry for the avalanche of text, but I guess that's what you signed up for with that ask. Basically, I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about Daisuke and Mondo's relationship, and if I weren't so burnt out with everything going on, I would write a sequel with Daisuke in it. I had been starting a fic with Taka accidentally meeting Daisuke, based on an ask I got, but it's sadly on the indefinite backburner too. I really like the idea of Mondo having an older, mentor figure who was close to Daiya, though, and it makes me very happy to know other people liked that dynamic too. Thanks a lot for the ask, I really appreciated it!! :-D
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Commander Buir
Follow-up to this post. Not in any particular order, just spitballing ideas, with contributions from several friends on discord.
Like presumably it takes long enough for them all to meet up again that Anakin and Cody do, in fact, end up treating each other like family, just so I can have that good good "well, guess I'm Dad now" energy. Shmi isn't entirely sure what's going on but she's not a slave anymore and her kid seems to like this rando mando, so.
Anakin gets to have a mom and two dads, though one of the dads is arguably younger than him.
Also when they all meet up again and Cody explains the "General Skywalker got shrunk" thing, there are three reactions: (General) Obi-Wan: Oh, Anakin. Obi-Wan: [gestures to take him, ends up with an armful of clingy padatoddler] Anakin: You can't blame this on me, Obi. Obi-Wan, a little teary, because babies cause emotions: Of course I can, you absurd human being. ------ Rex: That's... my general. Anakin: I am, Captain. Rex: Cool cool cool I'm gonna go stand where I can't, uh, break you. Anakin: I'm not THAT fragile! ------ Ahsoka: [gasp] Skyguy is SKYKID! Anakin: Padawan, this is-- Ahsoka, grabbing him and cuddling: Oh my goodness you're adorable this is the best day ever. Anakin: This is humiliating, Snips, put me down. Ahsoka: Never.
Anakin hates being a toddler because of the lack of independence but Cody keeps picking him up when he's cranky and just holding him until he falls asleep and that's... nice.......
- The brain limitations aren't quite as bad as the situation with Sokanth and Ylliben in the other AU, but - Even if his brain is mostly adjusted he’s still got a tiny body with different needs that he’s not used to. Like, he needs to sleep more but he’s got more energy than usual when he’s awake and it’s all weird.
Cody carrying around toddler Anakin like "God you give me ulcers but you're adorable, you little shit."
Inconveniently tiny body aside, Anakin has a pretty great time in this au. His family are all together and safe and within reach. His wife isn't around, but toddler brain means he doesn't have the Romance Drive, so that's not as bad as it could be It could be significantly worse.
@atagotiak asked: Does Anakin get annoyed about being called cute? - To which I say, He bites the first few times but Shmi tells him that's Naughty so he stops. - Babies are cute so you packbond with them before they’re annoying, Anakin is cute as a self defense mechanism - He’s extra annoying so he needs to be extra cute
You know how you need to keep an eye on toddlers so they don't, like, fall down the stairs or put something toxic in their mouth? - They need to keep an eye on Anakin specifically so he doesn't rewire the ship they're in while they're in hyperspace. - He has less self control on account of being smol. He still has all the mechanical knowledge! Just less comprehension of y’know, consequences.
Anakin, with a sippy cup: This is demeaning. Ahsoka: Your hands don't work great enough to avoid accidents yet. Anakin: It's still embarrassing.
General Kenobi can't just kill Maul, not when Maul is baby right now (sixteen, which is baby enough) so he just. Kinda. Kidnaps a baby Sith. (It's fine. He's fine.)
General Kenobi (not to be confused with Padawan Kenobi) decides to declare Maul his new padawan because someone has to deal with this teenager, and Plo already claimed the rest of Ahsoka's training. And Anakin's three, so.
"What do we do with Maul?" "Eh, I can handle him. I dealt with teenage Anakin getting arrested for illegal pod-racing twice a month, I can work with this."
Maul bites, but only slightly more often than Anakin, it's fine
Ahsoka definitely bullies Maul whenever possible
Consider: Rex holding very still because Anakin wanted to be tall, so he climbed Rex. Being unexpectedly climbed is better than being unexpectedly yeeted. It's still extremely nerve-wracking. - Cody is perfectly capable of running around with a backpacking toddler General, but Rex freezes like a statue. - Ahsoka finds this hilarious
You know how little kids like to be thrown around and swung in circles and stuff like that? This must get even more ridiculous with force users. Can throw a child real high and catch them safely. - Rex panics whenever Ahsoka throws her chibified Master
Literally everyone except Rex loves being yeeted. Even Maul can appreciate a good tactical yeet no shut up he's not having fun this is TRAINING - Rex is Suffering - Cody, a very Tired Dad, deserves to mock his vod'ika a little, as stress relief - Rex, a certified Little Brother, shoves Cody off something tall. Jokes on him, Cody thinks freefall is fun too.
Tia asked: So the people who didn’t exist yet got flung bodily back in time and Anakin did the mental time travel. Why did Obi-Wan not become Padawan Kenobi? (I mean “because I want it that way” is def a good enough answer I’m just wondering if there’s any reason.) - Which, well, it really was mostly "I want to" but here's two options, both of which come down to Blame Daughter and Father. 1. They figured a responsible adult Jedi Master was needed to convince people. 2. Nobody was supposed to get de-aged but Daughter figured they needed to make Anakin less liable to kill things for a few years. - Also IDK the Force God-Manifestations also took away any risk of rapid aging and early death from the clones because uhhhhhhhhhhh I said so
Rex and Ahsoka are fumbling their way through a relationship where ages are just really confusing and awkward, so they're keeping it to just kisses and cuddles for a bit.
Cody is so tired he doesn't even realize anyone's hitting on him until it's been three years of co-parenting with Shmi and his General. - Somehow Anakin knows Cody is in a relationship before Cody does. Cody has never been so embarrassed. - How did he manage to be less observant than Skywalker? -- it was sabotage; all his brain cells were taken up in managing said Skywalker -- Because Skywalker was up at three in the morning whacking a training droid with a stick so he didn't have the energy for Relationships
Also Shmi's come-ons are super subtle, while the General's are... well, Cody's gotten very used to ignoring anything ambiguous on that end because fraternization rules, and also because Obi-Wan flirts a lot with everyone. So.
Please imagine Cody and General Kenobi walking around with Anakin tucked into a toddler sling while they do whatever work they've ended up with at the Temple. - Yes, Cody is helping the Jedi figure out the best plan of attack to take down this slave ring because his grasp on tactics is phenomenal and he knows how to deploy people at greatest efficiency, but also he's got a nosy toddler on his hip who keeps offering his own insane-but-competent ideas. - General Kenobi ends up with a Council Seat just on account of, like, being the kind of person he is. As often as not, he's got Anakin tucked into his robes, chewing on the ear of a stuffed tooka or something.
IDK what Shmi's doing but apparently Legends had it that some of the administrative and support positions in the Temple were held by non-Jedi civilians? So probably something like that.
General Kenobi: Ahsoka's babysitting. Anakin: I'm her master, I don't need babysitting, this is-- General Kenobi: Fine, then you need supervision, so that you don't blow up a training salle again. Anakin: And you think Ahsoka would stop me? General Kenobi, eye twitching: Fine, I'm leaving you with Plo.
Even if he’s mentally an adult Anakin always needs supervision Look at canon! Anakin was left without supervision for like two days and he became a Sith
Quinlan gets distracted by how attractive General Kenobi is and tells Obi-Wan "dude, you're gonna be so hot once you can get rid of the stupid haircut" and Obi-Wan pushes him into the nearest pond.
They end up with this weird "Uncle Jango" situation (uncle to Anakin, via weird brotherhood-ish to Cody) because Rex and Cody are just like "Uhhhhhhhhh yeah okay" about him eventually, and Jango just like. Drops by. Trying to Earn Affection Of Blood Kin by bringing weird gifts for them and their (ugh) Jedi.
"Okay, Rex'ika, I stopped by Shili--" "What?" "--and apparently this is a delicacy there, so just... your girlfriend will like it." "She's not my girlfriend." "..." "Okay, I can't call her my girlfriend. Jedi have rules about that sort of thing, and--" "This will make your Jedi happy, probably. Just take it, kid."
Baby Anakin got his arm back but for some inexplicable reason still has The Eye Scar. He matches Buir.
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hnychn · 4 years
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pairing: poly! bakusquad x gn! reader
summary: why settle for one lover when you could have five? 
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 🐝: ugh i love the idea of all five of these assholes in one relationship !! it just makes my heart 😫. lmk what you thought of it, i appreciate any constructive criticism that'll help me improve 🤍 i'm also working on a shoto work next so!! PS. this ended up being a lot longer than i thought, so i'll be making it into diferent parts!
𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 || 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 || 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞
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ur their baby
don't make the rules 🤷🏻‍♀️
so first and foremost, how you became a part of their relationship.
surprisingly, it was bakugo who brought up the idea to the others 😳
you're not in 1a, but you are in the support class. you make them gadgets 😌
and bakugo met you when the last student who was supposed to be responsible for his costume design and other shit refused to work with bakugo anymore
that was the sixth guy to quit
so you offered to pick up his work 😌
otherwise the storyline wouldn't continue
so bakugo goes to you after school and is like, "listen here you fucking extra-"
and that's as far as he got before you interrupted him and was like:
"no yOU listen you hot-headed cyndaquil! the only reason you should be talking to me is if you want to submit a request for your costume. other than that, don't look at me. don't speak to me. don't even breathe near me. GOT IT?!"
and he was just. . .😳 damn
highkey thought your yelling was hot
so the weeks pass and surprisingly he listens to you and doesn't speak to you outside of making requests for his costume or giving feedback
and your relationship with him is relatively stable
you're not friends but you can live together without ripping each other apart
there's a term for it but i forget what it is
he starts coming by more often because there's a kink in one of your gadgets
so you ask him to stay after school to test it out and figure out what the problem is
you end up talking
and you realise he's not as much of an asshole as you thought he was
and your relationship turns into more of a "friendship" but not if that makes sense?
like, "ok so i don't hate you, but i still hate you."
does that make sense? i how it does
the two of you start saying hi in the halls or nodding at each other
bakugo's babies see this and are like ??
yes. yes he did 😌
so kirishima and mina try and convince him to introduce them to you
"why would i introduce you to that dumbass? they're nothing special."
he doesn't mean it, he's just flustered.
so kirishima, mina, kaminari, and sero start looking out for you in the halls
and they start picking up on your routine
without knowing they basically know your schedule
it's bakugo who points it out when kirishima said it was time to go
🦈 "oh! it's time to go guys!"
💥 "why? lunch isn't even over yet"
⚡️ "y/n usually goes to that vending machine by their art class during this time"
💥 ". . . how do you fuckers know that?"
and they're all silent like. . . how do they know that?
that's when it hits then that without them knowing, you slipped your way into their heart
because here they were,
right next to the vending machine where you always go 20 minutes before lunch ended to get a small snack
and when you get there and see bakugo surrounded by a bunch of people looking at you with starry eyed
". . . hi?"
mina lunges at you and asks how the hell you tamed bakugo
"easy, i beat his ass."
and you just snort at his reaction and put some coins into the vending machine
"why do you think your gauntlet backfired yesterday, dumbass?"
and he blanks like. . .wait. . . wAIT A MINUTE
you nod, "wish i was there to see it though."
and you pout
and they all just feel their heart go doki doki
so the bell rings for class to start and you say goodbye to them and kaminari promises to show you the video he took of bakugo's gauntlet backfiring tmr at lunch
and while they're walking to class, none of them are talking
which is very unusual
but they all know their thoughts are only of you
it's kind of like an unspoken agreement that they're all falling for you
they have a hard time paying attention in class that day.
so you rush over to the bakusquad and practically throw yourself at kaminari
because you wanna see that video
you don't notice he's a blushing mess and the others are staring a bit bitterly because
:I i want that
so he shows you the video and you start laughing so hard
and it's so contagious and soon they're all laughing
except bakugo because he refuses to laugh at himself
but they suddenly hear someone calling your name
and you all look over and see some guy who's also from general studies
they see you roll your eyes and mutter, "fucking hell" under your breath
so it's safe to assume you don't like this guy.
"hey l/n."
"hey tanaka. . ."
the boy shoves his hands in his pockets, "so about that date saturday-"
you might have slapped the bakusquad in the face with a fish because holy-
they never considered you were seeing anyone and now they're kinda heartbroken because oop-
caught feelings too quick 🙊
but you grind your teeth, "it's not a date tanaka. the teacher paired us up for a project because he knows you're so incapable of doing anything on your own you have to be watched like a child."
kaminari snorts a bit before slapping a hand over his mouth
mina grabs kirishima's arm and burries her face into his jacket to stifle her laughs
kirishima and sero and just staring at each other with wide eyes and slowly growing smiles like "bro did they just say that?" "dude i think they did!"
and bakugo. . .
he's staring at you with the proudest look in his eyes and a smirk because yeah, that's his baby
wait what.
now the boy is a bit embarrassed that you said that in front of some of the school's top heroes
so he sputters a bit before walking away with a red face
💥 "damn i didn't know you had that in you, spit fire."
you stare at him a bit with a small blush at the nickname
and you sputter out a thanks before making an excuse to leave (something about banana milk)
and they all stare at each other
⚡️ ". . .did they . ."
🦈 "was that a-"
🍊 "holy fuck that was-"
💥 "-adorable."
mina is took shocked to say anything
during this time, you bang to realise your feelings for the group as well
but you thought you were being selfish for wanting all five of them
so you kind of avoid them for the next few days in hopes of your feelings going away
you change up your schedule
and when you see them or one of then in the halls you turn around and go another direction
they were a bit confused as to what they did
but kirisima assured them that you were probably just working out your feelings and they should respect that
so they did
and they pretended it didn't hurt when you suddenly dart the other way when you see one of them
they gave you your space
and they thought you would come to them when you had everything worked out
until bakugo cane storming into the dorms one day
he was obviously pissed, but his eyes were also a bit glossy
so they all dragged him to kirishima's room since it was closest and asked him was was wrong
💥 "that dumbass quit from making my items."
and they were all kind of shocked
like wtf ??
uhm, for why?
you had assured bakugo that you wouldn't be another one of those losers who resigned because of his eccentric personality
and yet here we are
they spend the rest of the night in kirishima' room comforting bakugo
because he really took it the hardest
like sure the others liked you too,
but bakugo spent the most time with you
and developed a deeper relationship with you than the others
so the next day,
kirishima wants to talk to you
so he goes to the support room and bumps into hatsume as she was walking out
he asks her if you're in
"oh, yeah they are, I'll go get them for you."
this is a lot longer than i thought it would be uhhh oops
so you come out, not knowing it was kirishima asking for you because hatsume was vague
only telling you, "someone wants to talk to you"
like ok specifics??
you're like. . . oop heyyy. . .
because you knew what he was there for
the two of you don’t say anything for a bit
you’re just staring at your shoes and he’s looking at you with a small frown on his face 
lowkey he’s kinda disappointed in you
so he finally speaks first
“you quit.” 
it’s not a question, or something you were expecting 
but you nod 
there’s another silence 
you fiddle with your fingers for a bit. 
now this was a question you were expecting, though, you didn’t want to answer 
kirishima is a patient boy though, and waits for you to gather the courage to tell him 
he’s not leaving without an answer
“i just-” you begin, “i. . .” 
kirishima is still waiting patiently for your answer 
“i don’t want to be selfish.” 
now he surprised. wdym selfish. please explain.
“it’s just- you all already have such an established relationship and i don’t want to interrupt that. you guys have a schedule. adding myself into the mix would only mess all of that up, and no matter how strong my feelings are for all of you, i could never mess up your relationship like that. it would be so selfish of me to put my feelings before all of yours, so i thought the only way to get rid of these feeling as to distance myself from all of you...” 
“starting with bakugo...” kirishima whispered after your rambling came to an end. 
you nodded 
kiri was at a stand still for a bit 
and it was silent once again in the hall
kiri knew his lovers had feelings for you too, and would have no problem adding you into the relationship, 
but he also knew he couldn’t fore you into anything 
he was about to reassure you that you wouldn’t be interrupting anything and that they would love to have you in the relationship 
but then you were tackled 
to the ground 
by kaminari 
and smacked your head against the floor
really hard
like, you passed out 
ahaha. . .
when you wake up, your head feels like it’s going to split open
and the loud voices aren’t helping 
so you let out a groan, “shut the fuck up...” 
and everything goes silent. 
until someone SCREAMS AGAIN
it’s kaminari 
bless his soul
poor baby is a bit slow 
so you groan out again and clutch your head
bakugo slaps the back of kaminari’s head
“shut the fuck up, dunce face!” 
he whisper shouts
mina hands you some pain killers recovery girl said you give you when you woke up, and sero hands you a glass of water 
they’re all watching you as you take the pills 
it’s silent for a bit 
and it’s making you anxious, so you fiddle with the empty glass for a bit before bakugo snatches it from you, 
“dumbass...” he muttered as he refilled it and handed it back to you
sero rubs the back of his head, “so...” 
mina pulls at the hem of her sweater, “we heard everything you said to kirishima.” 
kaminari sits next to you on the bed and whispers, “sorry for tackling you. i just got a bit emotional...” 
I'm so sorry this is getting so long 😭😭 i'm trying to wrap this up so if it gets a bit jumbled, my bad
so they all reassyre you you're more than welcome into their relationship and wouldn't be interfering with anything
so you agree
and they're all so happy 🥳🥳
and while everyone is celebrating
(quietly because your head still feels like shit)
bakugo comes up to you
"you better start making my items again, dumbass. those other dipshits in your class don't know what they're doing."
bakugo only said that because they weren't you but he'd never outright say that to you
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t-lostinworlds · 4 years
Wish You Didn’t (Peter Parker)
a/n: hello, hello. here’s another angst fic as ‘tradition’ since this is my first ever full peter parker fic so yeah, please be kind alska. this is very fluffy from the start but then it’s all downhill from there lol, hope you enjoy this one <3
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pairing: peter parker x female reader trope/genre: song fic - Wish You Didn’t Love Me by Jake Miller; best friends to...well; fluff and angst summary: You love Peter Parker with all that you have, but somehow, he doesn't find that as a good thing. Despite feeling the same way, to protect you, Peter wish you didn't love him at all. warnings: wholesome cuteness at the start to set you up for heartbreak, brief dark thought from peter, and swearing. word count: 13.9k+ (i mean, what’s new)
masterlist on bio & pinned post
Peter looked up from his textbook just in time to see you drop your bag on the table and then plop yourself down on the seat across him in the library. There was a look of pure frustration on your face, his brows furrowing at the sight of the deep frown written on your lips.
"What's up?" Peter asked, twirling his pen in his fingers as he tilted his head at you in concern.
You let out a big sigh, meeting your best friend's gaze with your frown still intact. "I've got a debate coming up tomorrow," you grumbled dejectedly.
The crease between Peter's brows could only deepen at your words.
You were the best on the debate team, always at the ready to take whatever topic it was thrown at you, headstrong. You're always excited to gush to him about what could be your winning argument, what would put the opposing team at a standstill. So, to see you be somewhat upset about an upcoming debate, it was so unlike you.
Maybe because it seemed last minute but by the looks of it, Peter can't help but feel like it was more than that.
"What's it about?" he asked.
You blew out your cheeks, hand coming up to play with the notebook he had on the table before you blurted out,
"Spider-Man: Friend or Foe."
Peter cleared out his throat just as he turned the page of his book to hide it, sitting straighter in his seat, pretending to get back to reading to avoid your gaze.
He didn't tell you.
Years and years of being best friends yet you didn't have an ounce of clue that you were sitting right across the person who was going to be the topic of your debate.
Peter trusts you of course, he trusts you with his life. His reason was simple really: he just didn't want to drag you into it.
Plus, knowing how worried you can get, he just didn't want to put you through all of that, especially on top of all things college and with what's going on in your personal life. He already feels so guilty with the stress he's put May through, he can't bear to see you have that burden too.
And most importantly, Peter just wanted to protect you.
"Still don't see why you're bummed about it," he said with a shrug, gaze running over the text printed on the paper but none of it was going inside his mind.
"I got picked to defend him."
Peter's head shot up at that, eyes narrowing on your seated form as he asked, "Oh, so you think he's a foe?"
"No..." you trailed off, eyes wandering around his slightly messy table littered with notes, textbooks and books, highlighters and everything in between. "Not really."
Closing his book, Peter leaned forward, arms rested on the surface with his full attention now on you. "Care to elaborate?"
You pursed your lips, shifting in your seat as you crossed your arms over your chest. "I mean, he's probably got good intentions but I've read about the Sokovia accords you know," you started, Peter nodding to show you that he was following. "And it's a debate. The other party would do their best to make him out to be a reckless vigilante. I can already think of so many arguments that they'd throw."
"Such as?"
"That he could be doing this for fame and attention, or that he is doing good things but his drive to do them isn't exactly the best. Is it for revenge? Bragging rights or maybe something darker? Another one could be that he's young, careless and naïve. We don't know what he's really capable of superpower wise which means he can probably hurt innocent people in the future.
"Not to mention if he's on the right or wrong side of the law. Who has to pay for the collateral damages that he has caused? Is it right to let him go scot free? I could go on and on and I just," you paused, resting one arm on the table and then placing your head on it as you looked up at your best friend. "I can't really counter those things with full force because I don't really know the dude nor do I have any real, solid facts about him to back up my claim that he's completely on the good side."
"Research hasn't done you good has it?" Peter hummed, a soft smile playing on his lips as his hand came up to poke your cheek, a sweet attempt to try and rid of your frown.
You shook your head no with a deepened pout, taking his hand away from your face with your own free hand as your nimble fingers then played with his absentmindedly.
Peter's heart grew warm at the gesture.
"There's literally nothing on this spider dude aside from blog posts written by fanboys and girls gushing about how amazing he is. Which is never a great source since it's already so biased," you explained.
"What would truly help you aside from research?" he queried, eyes trained on the way you interlock your fingers together and then letting it go only for a second before interlacing them again, letting it go and repeat. It was such an adorable habit of yours, one that Peter has grown so fond of, your touch always delicate and sweet whenever you fidget with his hand.
"An interview I guess? It'd be nice to get to ask him a few questions. Like, it would help to know why I'm on his side. Get a perspective on why he does what he does, you know?" you sighed, eyes fluttering close with your frown still intact. "At least that way, I know I'm defending someone who I know is worth defending."
Peter hummed as he tore his eyes away from your intertwined hands and back on your sprawled out upper-half on the table. He pursed his lips, gaze on the dip and valleys of your beautiful but stressed face. His brain grew at odds the more he took in your deep frown—one he always hates seeing no matter the reason—as he raked his thoughts on what he could possibly do to help without having the trouble of revealing his secret to you.
"But it's genuinely impossible to talk to him—"
"You could send him an email," Peter blurted before he gave himself time to properly process his words. Hell, he didn't even get to weigh the odds and dangers of his proposition. But now that it already slipped out his mouth—
Shit. I don't think this is a good idea...
Your eyes snapped open as you gaped up at him, brows deeply furrowed as you wondered, "Spider-Man...has an email?"
Too late to back out now, Parker.
"Well, all the Avengers do, under Stark Industries to be specific," Peter said in the most nonchalant way he can muster. "Since, you know, Stark tech in their suits, modifications, upgrades, what color they want it as, etcetera, it's how they talk about those stuff."
You abruptly sat up, dropping his hand as you laid both of your palms flat on the table, eyes now twinkling with hope and excitement. "You think he'd actually see it?"
"Yeah, not many people know about it so," he trailed off with a shrug, opening his book again and flicking through the pages.
You leaned forward, trying to catch his gaze as you narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously. "How'd you know?"
Peter scoffed with a shake of his head, never looking away from his book given that you'd notice his lie right off the bat if he does so. "I don't know Y/N, probably because I work there," he pointed out. Well, technically it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't exactly the truth either.
"And you're giving me it?"
He shrugged, finally meeting your gaze. "I don't see why not? As long as you don't share it around or sell it," Peter warned, shooting you playful glare.
"Yes! Oh my—you are the best," you exclaimed excitedly, jumping out of your seat and rounding the table to give him a back hug. "You're a lifesaver Pete, thank you." With one last squeeze, you pulled away and swiftly snatched your bag, feet in a rush as you treaded towards the door.
"Where are you going?" Peter asked bemusedly.
"Sending the email! Hopefully I can talk to him tonight!" you called back to him.
Peter can't help but shake his head at you with a laugh, "I haven't even given you the email!"
"Just send—"
"Oops, sorry," you whispered, finger over your lips as you rushed back to his side with a bright smile. "Just text me it please? Love you," you hummed, hand landing on his shoulder as you leaned down to place a swift but sweet kiss on his cheek.
The skin where your lips once were quickly turned pink, Peter's heart skipping countless beats at that four-letter word, unable to conjure any response the more he thinks about the actual weight of the warmth that's grown in his chest. He's heard you say it to him many times before of course, but despite holding a different meaning—one with friendship laced around it—it never fails to make Peter's heart soar.
Albeit wanting it to mean something else, something more, Peter knows he shouldn't. Always quick to silence his heart on screaming for more given that it wasn't ideal, for your sake. He always reminds himself that he already feels utmost content with what he has with you now, content with the love you make him feel even if it's only to an extent.
It was enough, for your sake.
Nothing but adoration coated his features as his eyes followed your every movement. His heart grew even more when you beamed at him once you pulled away, ruffling his hair playfully before hurrying out of the library, shooting him one last smile and a wave before disappearing from sight.
Peter can't wipe his own grin off his face, just the sight of your beautiful smile and your joyful eyes, easily contagious on his part. But then realization dawned on him and the curve slipped away, replaced by a frown laced with panic as he pulled out his phone to check the time.
He quickly gathered up his things and rushed out of the library, taking the back door out of the building to the nearest alley. Peter had his eyes glued to his screen the whole time as he quickly made a fake but believable enough email before sending it to you.
"Heard you were looking for me?"
You let out a yelp, jumping a few inches back as you spun around towards the direction of the voice. A hand flew over your chest the moment your eyes landed on a figure, shock befalling you as you froze. He was squatted down on the ledge of the rooftop of your apartment building, red and blue faint under the night sky. "Oh my—uh, hi," you squeaked, eyes blinking rapidly to see if what you're seeing was actually real.
The wind was blowing cold, your black pants, plain t-shirt and jean jacket doing just enough to minimize it. The sound of the streets of Manhattan was echoing below, very busy but faint due to your distance from the ground, enabling you to still hear his voice loud and clear when he spoke again.
"Hi, I'm Spider-Man," he introduced as he offered you his hand, masked eyes trained on you as you cautiously walked towards him.
"I know. I'm Y/N," you said, hesitantly reaching out to take his hand, the material of his suit rough against your palm as you shook it. You were in absolute awestruck, eyes glowing with wonder as you did nothing but gape at him.
"I know," he said and you can practically hear his smile behind the mask. He gave your hand a squeeze, the odd feeling that coursed through your bones made you tilt your head at him in mere curiosity, brows furrowed in utter confusion. Mr. Spider-Man swiftly cleared out his throat, eyes casted down as he quickly let go of your hand. "It's on your email," he added hastily.
"Oh, yeah," you muttered. A few seconds passed and you just stood there, staring at him like some star struck fan as you rubbed your hands together in both the cold and slight nerves. After a few seconds more, you finally spoke, "Wow, okay, I didn't expect for you to actually show up."
You don't know where to actually begin.
The first thought you had after sending the email was that he'd never actually see it, or if he does, he'll simply ignore it. You had been ready to wait out in the cold for a couple hours, anticipated the letdown to be frank. Yet here he was, the Spider-Man, right in front of you who, amazingly, even arrived right on time.
Spider-Man was making you nervous.
Normally, you have no problem with doing interviews. It is a form of research after all, and being on the debate team, you've done countless of it. But right now feels different.
Maybe it was the fact that he was a fucking superhero. He's someone who has actually done quite a lot and has probably seen and experienced other worldly things just as much if not more. Or maybe it's the fact that you simply don't know where this will go from here.
Will it do well that you'd get to ask proper questions and get answers that would truly help or will he get cocky and rude that this interaction would only end up being a waste of time?
Despite being famous, he was a complete mystery to everyone. The person behind the mask was wholly unknown and that itself makes you very nervous.
With a shrug, he said, "Well, wouldn't pass helping a friend."
"Are you making your voice deep?" you asked, the sound of his voice a little too...computerized for it to be normal.
He nodded. "Voice modulator, it helps keep my secret identity, well, a secret."
"Oh, yeah, figured."
You stayed quiet again after that, arms crossing over your chest as you kept your gaze steady on him, features coated with a mixture of emotions from confusion, amazement, curiosity and everything in between.
He chuckled softly, probably noticing your painfully obvious shyness. "Got questions for me?" he prodded.
You blinked a few times before frantically nodding, recalling how you specifically said in the email that you just wanted to ask a few questions. You then took out your phone, showing him the voice recording app and asked, "Is this okay?"
Spider-Man tilted his head at you with a soft hum.
"Yeah, I trust you with it."
You smiled.
The pressure and nerves turned lighter on your shoulders as you somewhat felt more comfortable...safe around him. And there's just something about the fact that he trusts you that warms your bones. It's like he's certain you only have his best intentions in mind, as if he knows you weren't in this for a selfish gain. It's really comforting in a sense, makes you feel confident that you're on the right track.
It makes you feel good about yourself.
With a soft nod, you hit record, words of curiosity slipping out of your lips soon after. "Those webs, do they come out from you?"
"No, they don't," he chuckled, taking out a vile from his wrist and then handing it to you. "That is what you call web fluid and I make them."
You gingerly took it in your hands, eyes scanning it briefly before you gave it back. "Impressive."
"Thanks. So, the fluid is like the bullets and these right here"—he showed you the black bands on his wrists with his hands open—"Are the web shooters that make me well, shoot webs. Like so," he explained as he pressed the button on his palm, the webs streaming out soon after and snatching an empty can on the far corner before it landed back in his hand.
You pursed your lips with a nod. "So, you can make weapons," you said with a certain tone in your voice that caused him to shift in his place.
"I—uh, no?" he stuttered, placing the can back on the ground loudly and in a not-so-subtle way. "I will never build a nuclear bomb if that's what you're wondering," he rushed when you narrowed your eyes at him in suspicion.
"Didn't say anything about a nuclear bomb," you pointed out with a tilt of your head.
"I-I'm, uh, I didn't—"
"I'm just messing with you," you cut him off with a soft laugh, your nerves diminishing swiftly at how he seemed to be a little shy and awkward but in an endearing way. It makes him appear more human, normal. "You're so tense, just relax."
"Yeah…okay," he breathed out. He turned around to face the city, going from crouching to fully sitting down on the ledge, hands folding on his thighs as he looked at you over his shoulder. He jerked his head, gesturing for you to come closer to which you gladly did.
You leaned on the concrete with soft hum, placing your phone beside his thigh so it was now between you both. You scanned the beautiful city with a content smile, the view never ceasing to amaze you despite seeing it too many times before. The rooftop is your best escape after all. It was nice to be far away from everything, even if it's only for a moment. Nothing but peace coats you whenever you're up here, may it be from the gentle gush of the wind or the bright shine of the moon that spreads throughout the blanket of black sky.
With a sigh, you looked up at the mask man beside you. Flustered was what you came to be when you noticed that he was already staring at your face, the white and black of his eyes looking somewhat soft, and you swear he looked almost as if he's smiling behind the mask. Warmth was quick to coat your body, a stark contrast to the cold breeze as you cleared your throat, causing him to swiftly look away.
"Sorry, I'm just a little nervous," he chuckled shyly, hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. "Really want to impress you."
You felt your cheeks heat up, a timid smile growing on your lips as you shrugged. "No need to impress anyone, let alone me," you said. "Just be yourself Spider-Man."
Oh, I truly wish I could just be myself right now Y/N—
"Okay," Peter hummed with a smile.
"Are you sure this is fine?" you asked, gesturing towards your phone in the middle of you two. "I don't want to intrude or make you feel uncomfortable by recording our conversation."
Peter's heart grew warm as his smile widened. Always considerate you are, too kind for your own good. If it was someone else, he probably would've had loads of pictures taken by now. Or maybe even a hidden camera somewhere to catch him at the wrong moment. Many of which would then be posted on the internet to spread like wildfire. Not that he minded the photos and videos but it's off putting sometimes, especially when they churn out not-so-good headlines to match.
"Promise me you won't share or sell it?" he joked, mentally cursing himself soon after once he realized it's the same words he said to you earlier in the library. Although he felt a wash of relief right away when you didn't seem to notice as you only flashed him a sweet smile in return.
"I promise," you hummed, turning to face him as you leaned sideways on the ledge. "What other superpowers do you have?"
"Enhanced abilities such as super strength, I can run fast and heal fast. Dialed up senses meaning I can see, hear, smell and feel things on another level. I'm...sticky, meaning I can climb up walls and stick to stuff like how a spider would. And oh, spider sense," Peter elaborated, watching with amusement as he saw your eyes change from awe, confusion, to impressed and back to confusion.
"Spider sense?"
"I can sense danger and threats when it's coming, like I feel a tingle."
"That's really cool," you hummed, hand rapidly lifting up as you took a fast and big swing towards his shoulder. He caught your fist in his hand way before you could even have the chance to land a punch.
Peter shook his head at you in pure amusement, giving your fist a squeeze before he let it go. "That wasn't so successful now was it?" he chuckled.
"It was worth a try. Just testing the waters to see if it would trigger your 'spidey sense' as you call it," you laughed, quoting the two words with your fingers teasingly.
"It didn't because one, anyone could see that punch from a mile away, and two, I said dangers and threats," he paused, tilting his head at you adoringly. "And you're not really a threat."
"Hey, I can be threatening," you scoffed, chin up with your chest puffed out.
Peter couldn't stop the laugh that escaped his lips. "I'm sure you can. I bet you can handle yourself well, especially with proper training." He took in a deep breath before saying, "But that's not really what I meant."
"What did you mean?
"That I feel safe around you."
"Oh." You blinked at him a few times before you fully broke his gaze, suddenly turning bashful as your eyes watched the busy street below where the cars and people were scurrying about in the cold New York night. Squaring your shoulders, you added, "Well, for what it's worth, I feel safer around you now too."
Peter felt his heart leap out of his chest, a proud smile erupting on his face, gaze dropping on the ground—or lack thereof—shyly as red started to dust his cheeks. "That's worth a lot," he hummed, lifting his head at the same time you did, your eyes locking immediately.
You beamed at him sweetly, shifting on your feet before letting out a breath. "Right, onto a more serious question," you paused, gesturing at the whole of him with your hand. "Why exactly are you doing this?"
"What do you think is the reason why I'm doing what I do?" he asked back, eyes trained on your face for a moment before he looked straight ahead. He can feel your orbs burning a hole on the side of his face, your brows furrowed in a way that Peter could do nothing but grin widely. He always found your thinking face endearing.
"I don't know, could be a lot of things. Could be money, glory, revenge, bragging rights, most likely fame?" you suggested.
Peter shook his head, keeping his gaze on the building across. "If I was doing this for fame, you'd think I would've shown my face by now?"
"But no," he breathed out, eyes now trained on his feet as he swung them aimlessly on the edge of the building. "I just want to help to the best of my abilities. I feel like I was given these powers, me, for a reason. If I'm not going to use it for a good cause then what's the point of having them?" Peter turned to face you, holding your gaze securely, even behind the mask as he continued, "If I'm not going to help out the little guy, even if I can easily do that then, who will? I can't simply watch the world fall apart when I could've done something to prevent it or provided a little bit of help, you know?"
You nodded. "With great power comes great responsibility."
Peter cracked a smile. "Yeah, exactly," he hummed, gaze dropping to stare at his gloved hands, turning it over before clasping it together with a sigh.
"How do you feel about the people who think you're not on the good side? That you have some hidden agenda?"
"I pity them if I'm being honest."
"How so?"
"I mean, if you're at a point in life where you can't accept that someone is helping simply for the sake of helping, then you've must've gone through a lot to not trust easily," Peter started, fingers fidgeting with his web shooters before he met your gaze. "We've been taught to always think that there's an incentive in all that we do. If you give, you have to receive and vice versa. But why can't we simply give and not expect something in return? People are so accustomed to the whole give and take thing that when someone just gives, it feels unfamiliar. That's why they get suspicious. They overthink that surely I'm doing this for something else when there's really no other reason than simply wanting to help.
"I also get it. It's a cruel world we're living in unfortunately where we have to keep one eye open. But I wish people would begin to accept that someone is helping to make the world a better place by simply wanting to have a safe and better place. No hidden agenda whatsoever," he finished, brown orbs catching sight of how your smile grew wider, brighter.
"You're a wise man," you said with an appreciative nod. "With a really good heart too."
"Thanks. I try my best."
"I'd say you've probably lived a life, traveled the world, seen so many new things, been to space," you trailed off, raising a brow at him in question.
"Yeah, you could say that," he chuckled.
"Are you a billionaire? Are you a prince in disguise or maybe a king? Are you a lawyer? Or maybe some kind of mythical being like Thor?" you poked.
Peter laughed, shaking his head as he shrugged. "Nah, I'm just a kid from Queens."
Peter you fucking idiot. You absolute dumbass—
"Huh, I've got a best friend who's from Queens," you muttered, voice barely above a whisper but thanks to his enhanced hearing abilities, of course he heard it loud and clear.
Peter bit the insides of his cheek to stop his smile, even though you weren't going to see it anyway since he has a mask on. I know you do. "Come on, I want to show you something," he said aloud instead, standing up to his full height with his hand out for you to take.
You narrowed your eyes at his outstretched palm before you looked up at his masked face. "Are you going to kidnap me now and sell my organs?"
Peter threw his head back with a hearty laugh, the sound ringing in the air as he shook his head at you. "No, I'm going to show you New York from a different angle," he said, smiling widely as he leaned over closer, hand open wide. "Do you trust me?"
"You did not just quote Aladdin," you laughed, taking your phone off the ledge to stop recording before shoving it in your pocket.
Peter shrugged with a sheepish grin. "What if I did?"
You smiled widely at that, placing your hand securely in his and giving it squeeze. "Then yes, I trust you."
Peter hoisted you up on the ledge with ease, both of you now standing side by side on the edge of the building. A small squeak came out of you when you curiously looked down and saw that the ground was actually very far away, your grip on his hand tightening when all you could think of was splat. He chuckled, moving closer to you as he lifted your arm and placed it over his shoulders, your eyes snapping back up to look at his masked face.
"Is this okay?" he hummed, his arm wrapping around your waist strongly once you gave him a nod approval. "Hold tight," Peter said.
"Please don't let me go," you whispered, worry-filled eyes boring into his own while a mixture of both nervousness and excitement coated your features.
Peter jumped.
You screamed.
The strong gush of the wind swiftly hit your face, hair whipping around as your grip around him tightened starkly. You felt your stomach churn while you swung in the air, passing one building to another, going high up and then dropping back down in a swooping motion. Your legs wrapped itself around his waist almost instinctively, all in fear of falling to your death.
"This was a bad idea!" you screeched, head buried on the crook of his neck, eyes shut tight ever since your feet left the ledge.
"Open those eyes Y/N! You're missing all the fun!" Peter laughed, giving your waist a reassuring squeeze. He felt you slowly pull your head away from his neck, lids inching open one by one until you finally gawked at the wonderful lights and blaring colors of the city in awe.
Your mouth fell agape the more you took the sight in, the city a blur but somewhat beautiful in its own unique way. You loosened your grip around his shoulder just so you could lift a hand up in the air, a satisfied hum vibrating in your chest as you felt the cold wind brush through your fingertips in the most comforting way.
That's when you let out a gleeful laugh.
Peter felt his heart melt ten times over at the beautiful sound. His cheeks were hurting from grinning ear to ear the more he took in how you're having the best time.
You looked absolutely breathtaking, the city lights casting a glow over your features, eyes holding nothing but pure bliss and wonder with that lovely, bright smile of yours to match.
The city was pretty sure, Peter loves seeing it at night whenever he does his patrol. But you, you were gorgeous, a stunning sight that he could never ever have enough of. You never do fail to make his heart stop, never fail to take his breath away, never fail to make his limbs all weak and Peter found himself falling deeper despite trying his hardest not to.
"This is so cool—no!" you shrieked, eyes wide with fear as you shot high up midair and went free falling for a few horrifying seconds before you landed back into his embrace, slotting right into his chest. Peter laughed as you quickly went to latch onto him, your grip viselike with both arms around his shoulders and your legs around his waist. He wrapped an arm around you securely as his other hand held tightly on the web, both of you now face to face as you continued to swing in the air.
You lifted your head up to look at him fully, faces now inches apart as you stared right into each other's eyes. Peter felt his heartbeat quicken when your orbs held a certain spark, as if you could see the actual him right behind the mask. His eyes fell on your lips, slightly parted as you gawked at him. They look really soft, very pretty, inviting.
He gulped.
At that point Peter wasn't sure if he was thankful or annoyed that he was wearing a mask. Because if he wasn't, then he would've already done something he might regret—or not—later on, especially with the consequences that would come with it.
But when you opened your mouth to start to speak, that's when Peter grew even more nervous on what could possibly be running in your thoughts.
Did you figure it out?
You didn't get a chance to say whatever it was you wanted to say when all movements stopped, Peter releasing you from his hold right as you felt your feet touch the ground.
"That was mean," you said once you gently pulled away from him. "You said you wouldn't let me go," you added, adjusting your hair and clothes before you shot him a pout.
"I'm sorry, I got a little distracted," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck with a shy chuckle. It was a full on accident, mind preoccupied by all things you that he unconsciously loosened his grip around your waist which in turn, made you slip out of his grasp. "I'll always catch you though."
You pursed your lips at him with a tilt of your head. "If I hadn't known better I'd say you're flirting with me, Spider-Man."
Peter felt the heat rush up to his face in a split second. "I-I'm, uh—"
"Whoa," you cut him off once your eyes landed on the gorgeous city of Manhattan but much farther away and wider as you stood on a much higher building. The tall structures that surrounded the scene seemed like toys with their size, the lights that gleamed looking like little specks of stars floating in the air with the Empire State Building right at the middle of it all. "I haven't seen it this high up before," you said, giving him a swift glance before your eyes were back on the scenery. "It's really beautiful."
"Yeah, very beautiful," Peter sighed, brown orbs never leaving your features, his heart thumping in his chest, loud and fast, each beat all for you.
He walked over to where you were stood until your arms were brushing against each other. You spared him a glance, your smile wide and soft in a way that made his heart grow warm. But then you leaned your head on his shoulder and Peter swore he might as well die from a heart attack. If it were you with the enhanced senses, then you would probably catch him out quickly with how frantic and loud each beat his heart was making.
It wasn't new to him of course. You've always been the affectionate kind. And being your best friend, he's always at the receiving end of those affections.
But tonight feels a little different.
The fact that you feel safe around him without having to see his face, when all you see is Spider-Man, it makes his heart melt. The simple fact that you're comfortable when you're near him, that you can feel that you can trust him is really reassuring in a sense. It's like your heart is already familiar with who he is despite your brain—or your eyes—telling you that the person you're standing with right now is a complete stranger.
It feels really special when looking at it in that perspective, it makes Peter feel special.
Sudden boldness coursing through his bones, Peter snaked an arm around your shoulder with a gentle squeeze in the process. It took every ounce of his superhuman strength to keep his legs upright when you inched closer to his side, a soft breath coming out of you, a satisfied one. His eyes glowed with utmost adoration as it traced your features, from the soft smile playing on your lips to the twinkle in those irises as you kept your gaze on the stunning city in front. It baffles him how his heart quickened it's pace even more, just the sight of you in pure bliss. God he was so in love with you and you don't even have an ounce of clue.
Just say it out loud, tell her.
No, I can't. For her, I can't.
"It's getting late. I should probably head back home," you hummed, lifting your head off his shoulder to look at him. Peter nodded, arm dropping to your waist as he crouched down a little, just so you could sling an arm around his shoulder. "No dropping me this time," you warned, narrowing your eyes at him teasingly.
Peter laughed with a nod. "Yes ma'am."
The swing back to your apartment building took no time.
Despite wanting to drag the night out a little longer, Peter knew he can't do that to you when your debate was tomorrow, especially among countless papers and homework he knows you need to get to. Plus, he has his own errands he needs to tend to as well. Both of you landed on the ledge smoothly with you laughing at some bad joke he made. Peter helped you down like the gentle man that he is and giving your hand one last squeeze before he lets it go.
"Thank you for tonight," you said as you turned to his figure that remained standing on the ledge. Nothing but a wide, genuine smile played on your lips as you added, "Everything of tonight."
"Don't mention it," Peter said sweetly. "I had a really great time with you—shit. I hope that doesn't sound creepy or anything but I really did enjoy tonight, you know, our conversation, getting close with you and feeling you close to me while we were swinging...okay, I'll stop talking."
You let out the sweetest giggle that Peter could do nothing but swoon, his eyes softening as he tilted his head at you with the most adoring smile he could ever have the pleasure of wearing.
"I had a great time being close with you, too," you hummed, holding his gaze for a moment before you casted your eyes at the ground shyly. Shifting from your heels and toes, you pointed towards the rooftop door, before timidly meeting his eyes again. "I should probably—"
"Yeah, yeah, of course," Peter chuckled, shooting you a curt nod. "Goodnight, Y/N."
"Goodnight, Spider-Man," you said, swiftly turning around as you went towards the door, giving him one last glance over your shoulder when you pulled it open. He gave you a wave in response, your smile widening before you slipped inside and closed the door right behind you.
Peter had the stupidest, most shit-eating grin on his face that he don't think he could ever wipe off, eyes fluttering close as he spread his arms wide. With a satisfied breath, he slowly leaned backwards, letting gravity take its course as pure euphoria coated every fiber of his being.
Never has he ever felt such joy, freedom and utmost content as Peter lets himself fall.
"Hello there."
Peter looked up from his notes only to be met by a set of green eyes, completely taking him by surprise since it wasn't the pair of orbs he was expecting—and really excited—to see. It confused him to the core as to why one of the most popular girls on campus was sitting down right in front of him in the library.
"Hi?" he said, word coming out more as a question than a statement as he furrowed his brows.
"Peter right? Marjorie," she introduced, hand coming across the table to which he shook gingerly.
"Yeah, that's me." Peter smiled shyly, the crease on his forehead deepening the more he raked his brain as to why she's talking to him in the first place. Of course he knows who she is, the whole school does. Hell, he can already hear the whispers of gossip echoing about all because she's sitting right at his table, or as a matter of fact, simply because she's in the room. That's how big of a deal she is.
Marjorie moved forward, both her arms resting on the table with her bust right on top of it, the low cut top she wore doing so little to hide it, cleavage right up his face. Peter was quick to look away with a clear of his throat, eyes trained on his notes as a blush coated his cheeks.
She suddenly brought two fingers under his chin, prompting him to look back up. "Look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you pretty boy," she purred, a sly smirk growing on her lips when his blush deepened. She inched closer until she was fully leaning over the table and into his space, her thumb running across his chin teasingly. Peter's eyes grew wide in downright surprise and confusion, keeping his gaze locked with hers and never looking anywhere else—mostly not looking down—as he swallowed the lump in his throat. "Anyway, I heard you're really smart and I happen to find you really cute too. Not just a pretty face, aren't you Peter. So, I was wondering—"
Peter could feel you coming, hear you even, that all too familiar sound of your giddy and specifically patterned footsteps ringing in his ears. And dare he say it, he could smell your shampoo, the scent gradually growing stronger which was a clear indication that you were getting closer to the library.
He was left downright confused when you only stopped at the door, your heartbeat quickening by a mile as you stilled. Peter grew worried at the uneven sound of your breathing, all shallow and labored, the first thing that happens whenever you're in slight panic. He removed his eyes briefly from the girl across him only to see you turn on your heel in one swift motion and then completely disappearing from sight.
What was wrong? Where were you going?
"I, uh, I'm really sorry but I need to go." Peter quickly pulled his face away from Marjorie's hand, standing up from his seat all while shoving his things in his backpack. "I-It was nice meeting you," he said with a small smile before he sprinted towards the door.
He didn't see you anywhere near the building, didn't see you anywhere on campus at all.
It worried him even more when you ignored his texts and calls for the rest of the day. He knew your schedule but somehow, the moment he reached your class, you were already gone. Or maybe you hadn't even attended class in the first place. There was no other way of him knowing your whereabouts and he was growing really concerned by the second as to what had happened. So, he went with the last option he could think of on finding you quicker.
Peter slipped his mask on with a sigh, the sun already going down when he decided to try and pay you a visit in a very different set of clothes.
"What the fu—" You jumped with a yelp as you swiftly turned to face him, hand over your chest to try and calm your heart as you gaped at his masked face. "What are you doing here?"
Three times he's passed your apartment building and you weren't home. But by the fourth try, Peter's worry could only grow some more when he saw you out on the rooftop. You never stay out on the rooftop unless something was deeply bothering you.
"Wanted to know how the debate went," Peter reasoned, not the main agenda but it wasn't entirely a lie either.
"Well, my team won so that's great," you sighed dejectedly, leaning down to rest your elbow on the ledge while your chin landed on your palm.
"You don't seem enthusiastic? You still don't think I'm a friend?"
"No, no, I do now. It's just things in here." You tapped your temple, letting out another sigh when you brought your finger down to your chest, right where your heart is supposed to be and added, "Or in here rather."
Peter frowned. "What's up?"
"Who knew Spider-Man was into gossip," you teased, turning to flash him a small smile.
"Just curios," he hummed with a casual shrugged, settling himself down on the ledge, facing you this time around. "Besides, it's always better to let it out."
"It's just boy problems," you breathed out, eyes back on the orange tinted sky.
Peter felt a lump grow in his throat, heart sinking to his stomach at the thought of you thinking about another guy. He was quick to scold himself, telling his mind not to be selfish as he cleared his throat.
"Hit me."
"Well, there's this boy I like—" you stopped yourself, lips pursed as you started to fidget with your fingers, thinking face that Peter knows so well now in full play. "Actually no, I've been in love with him for as long as I can remember," you admitted.
The ache in Peter's heart grew sharper, painful and overwhelming that he felt his body run cold. His throat grew dry that he could do nothing but nod his head with a hum to tell you he's still following.
"He's amazing, greatest guy I've ever had the pleasure of knowing and he has never failed to show that he cares about me. He's always there for me, whenever he can anyway with his hectic life. And he makes me really happy." A love-struck smile grew on your lips, eyes glowing with adoration, face holding that look of love as you bask in the sunset. The golden glow made you look even more stunning, but Peter wasn't able to fully appreciate your beauty when his mind was too preoccupied with jealous thoughts. But a second later, the joy that's coated your features slowly faded off, now replaced by one with worry.
Peter tried his best to keep his tone steady. Despite having the voice modulator on, he knows it will pick up even the slightest shake and uncertainty. "But?"
"I truly can't figure out if he's acting the way he is because he feels the same way or all of it is just an act of friendship," you paused, taking in a deep breath as you shifted on your feet. "There are moments where I do think it's more but then there are moments where I see him with another girl and I start questioning it again. Like, am I reading things wrong? Am I getting too ahead of myself by thinking he could possibly feel the same way?" You pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration. "I don't even know how to convey my own feelings—"
"You could just tell him," Peter blurted to cut you off, not wanting to hear any more as the piercing pain in his chest could only deepen the more you talk about it. He's already got the drift anyway, no need for you to explain any further.
You turned to look at him fully with furrowed brows. "Just like that?"
Peter nodded. "You are an amazing girl Y/N," he said, nothing but utmost sincerity coating his voice. He just wants you to find someone who's going to make you happy and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. It seems like you've found exactly that, who was he to take that away from you by being bitter? Besides, Peter has long accepted that that someone is never going to be him. "Whoever this guy you're in love with, he's pretty lucky. If he doesn't see that then it's his loss. And if he doesn't feel the same way, then he's not the right guy for you because you deserve someone who'll love you unconditionally."
"You giving out relationship advice now too? A sideline if you're not saving the world?" you joked, only earning a shrug and a soft laugh from him. "But thank you." You flashed him a small but grateful smile.
"Always happy to help," he said. "I better get going, got a city to look after." Peter forced a smile, a useless tactic given that there was no way for you to see it anyway. He stood up to his full height before adding, "Congrats on the debate." He didn't even wait for a response when he swiftly jumped and swung as far away from your building as possible.
The second he landed on top of an abandoned warehouse, Peter immediately pulled his mask off. He couldn’t bear to leave it on a second longer or else he was going to suffocate. Sharp breaths escaped him as his back hit the brick wall, eyes screwed shut to stop any tear from slipping out of his burning eyes. He tried his hardest to calm his frantic heart, to minimize the pain by shoving his selfish thoughts away. He forced himself to think about you and your well-being instead, tried to convince himself that this was a good thing.
He doesn't doubt that this guy you're smitten with is a great one. The way you speak about him just screams it. Add that to you being great at judging character, then he knows you're in good hands. Despite it hurting like a ton of punches in the chest, Peter still hoped that whoever this guy is, he'll catch you in his arms openly and shower you with the truest love because you deserve nothing but. The pain would be worth it if he gets to see you be happy.
Peter knows that whoever this guy is, he would treat you rightly, give you everything you want and need in a way that Peter never could.
Slowly opening his eyes, he lets out a calming breath, mind slowly slipping at ease the more he thinks about how happy, content and safe you'll be with this guy if ever it will work out.
It hurts, unbearably, but his sliver of pain in exchange for your utmost happiness? Then Peter will gladly endure it.
The next day, Saturday noon, was when you finally decided to answer Peter's texts from the day before. You apologized for ghosting him, said you got preoccupied and left it at that. And then you asked if he wanted to go for a little stroll in the park, too make it up to him. Peter could never say no to you so here you were, side by side under the afternoon sun, aimlessly walking around a nearly deserted park outskirts of the main city.
"Why'd you disappear yesterday?" he asked, both his hands in his pockets while yours were looped in his. "I saw you stop by at the library but you didn't come and say hi."
You shrugged, eyes trained on the pavement as you kicked at the few rocks that were lying around. "Something came up," you simply said.
Peter can't help but feel a little sting when you didn't elaborate further. Well, he already knew what had happened but that was as Spider-Man. He was hoping you'd tell him too, as Peter Parker, your long time best friend.
"Thank you for the email by the way," you spoke again when he stayed quiet, lifting your head up to spare him a bright smile. "We wouldn't have won the debate if it wasn't for you."
"Winning the debate was all on you and that incredible brain of yours. I'm not going to take credit for that," he chuckled as he shot you a knowing look. Eyes back in front, Peter added, "But I'm always here to help. That's what best friends are for."
You hummed, letting go of his arm as you skipped ahead and treaded towards the nearest tree. "What's up with you and Marjorie?" you asked, settling down on the grass, legs straight with your right ankle over you left as you leaned back against the trunk comfortably.
"What's up with what?" Peter followed you with a deep crease between his brows, sitting right beside you soon after, mirroring your position under the shade.
"You tell me, you were almost kissing when I saw you in the library so," you trailed off, picking at the shreds of greenery, throwing it purposelessly as you still avoided his gaze. "Are you two a thing now?"
Peter shook his head with a roll of his eyes. "First off, we were not almost kissing and second, no, we're not a thing," he clarified, head turned for him to see you clearly. "I didn't even get to hear what she wanted because I immediately left," he chuckled.
Your eyes snapped up to meet his. "You bailed on her in the library?"
"Sort of?" Peter scrunched his nose.
"That's a very bold move, Parker," you giggled, bumping your shoulder with his teasingly. "Most guys would've died to just be in the same room as her."
Peter let out a hearty laugh, shrugging his shoulders and said, "Well, I guess I'm not like most guys."
Marjorie was pretty, Peter won't deny that, but she could never amount to you. Even right now, when you're just sitting beside him in casual jeans and sweater, a simple but very charming smile on your lips as you looked up at the clouds, Peter was already swooning ten times over. Then comes the memory of you looking so breathtaking while he took you around the city. The stunning glow on your face as you stared at the scene in awe was still deeply engraved in Peter's mind, and he knows for a fact that that image will never leave him. Not that he was complaining anyway.
"So, how did your meeting with Spider-Man go?" he asked after a few moments of silence. A shy smile slowly grew on your lips, one that made Peter lift a brow at you in suspicion.
"He's really cool," you breathed out, your grin growing wider as you kept your gaze steadily trained at the blue sky. "He's a gentleman too, a little shy and awkward but in a cute way. Plus, very wise and smart, like lived-a-life wise and genius smart. He then took me to swing around the city which was awesome," you gushed, a dreamy glow coating your face as you met Peter's eyes. "That night is going to be a night I'll remember for the rest of my life for sure."
Peter couldn't help the smug grin that grew on his face. "If I hadn't known better I'd say you have a crush on Spider-Man," he teased, wriggling his brows at you.
"Shut up," you scoffed with a roll of your eyes.
"It's obvious. You have that dreamy look on your face when you talk about him," he poked even more, nudging you with his elbow playfully.
"No, I don't," you laughed as you pushed him away. "Besides, I've got my eyes on someone else already."
Peter's heart sunk.
He found himself playing with the sleeves of his hoodie as he avoided your gaze, trying his hardest to keep his feelings at bay before you'd notice the change in his demeanor. "Care to share with your best friend?" he offered, wondering if you're finally willing to tell him about this mystery guy.
You stayed quiet, eyes fluttering close as you rested your head on his shoulder. Peter kept his gaze steady on you, everything else silent aside from the sound of the rustling leaves of the tree. But then you let out a nervous breath, heartbeat picking up the pace in a way that made Peter grow curious as to what's on your mind.
"I love you," you blurted out of the blue, a slight shake in your voice as you kept your eyes shut.
Although confused, Peter responded, "I love you too—"
"No, Peter," you paused, shifting in your place, pulling away from him as you sat up straighter. You finally met his brown orbs, all while countless of emotions swam in yours. "I love you," you whispered but with your voice firm and laced with pure sincerity, eyes holding his with such intensity that he quickly understood.
Peter stared at you in shock.
Slowly, but surely, everything started to click inside his head. The confession you shared with Spider-Man. When you said you'd seen this guy with another girl...the library. Was that why you quickly ran out? When you saw...almost kissing. Was that the reason why your heart suddenly grew at panic?
The guy you were gushing about so fondly, the same one you said you were in love with for a long time now, the one Peter was growing jealous of...it was him.
You were talking about him, Peter Parker.
He grew at a loss for words as he gawked at you, a smile growing on his lips as he felt his heart stop its course and then beat again but with twice the pace. Peter was so happy, over the universe as pure warmth filled him up from head to toe. The mere thought that you felt the same, it was too good to be true. But it was, he can see it clear in your eyes, it was real.
You love him.
But then his mood was quick to shift, smile slipping off his face, the warmth and joy that coated his bones replaced by fear and worry in a snap of a finger.
Peter's heart stopped at the sight in front of him.
You were getting held at knifepoint by the throat, tears brimming in your eyes, more of it coating your cheeks as you clawed at the arm that trapped you in their vise hold.
"P-Peter, I love you," you whimpered, gaze locking with his, hope slipping out of your orbs, the glow they once held getting dimmer by the second in a way that made a shiver run down his spine. Then Peter heard it, that piercing cackle he knew too well, his brown eyes meeting the yellow ones that glowed right behind you.
"You won't be able to save the love of your life, Spider-Man...or should I say, Peter Parker!"
Peter shook his head frantically as he yelled out your name, running at full speed to get to you only to be met by sudden darkness, your heart wrenching scream ringing in his ears followed by an agonizing sound of a body hitting the floor. Peter's blood ran cold as he frantically called out your name, over and over and over yet nothing but eerie silence echoed back at him.
And then he looked down, eyes landing on his trembling hands, each finger, both palms coated with blood, your blood.
You were gone.
"No, no, no," Peter rushed, voice quivering, hastily getting up on his feet as he looked at you worryingly. "You can't, Y/N. You can't love me."
It's not safe for you to love me.
The look of pure pain that ghosted over you features squeezed at Peter's heart, the pit in his stomach ever growing the more he thought of what he was about to do.
You stood up shakily to be level with him, deep frown on your lips, confusion and hurt swimming in your eyes as you asked, "Why'd you seem disgusted? You could just say you don't feel the same way."
"N-No, it's not that, neither of that because—" he sucked in a sharp breath, a hand running through his hair as he stared into your eyes longingly. "I do feel the same way about you."
You screwed your eyes shut as you shook your head. "Please don't lie to make me feel better, Peter," you pleaded, the break in your voice a sharp stab at his chest.
"When have I ever lied to you?" Peter internally winced at his bold and very false claim. Nothing but guilt filled his stomach given that he lies to you almost every day. He lies to you about his whereabouts, lies to you about his reasons. Peter lies to you every goddamn day by not telling you he's Spider-Man.
"Then why are your actions speaking something else then?" You gestured towards him as a whole, at the obvious distance that he's put between you two. Your eyes were slowly glossing up as you tried to simply understand what was going on.
Peter sighed, "I just don't want to hurt you okay? I—I don't want you to lose faith on the things you love because of me."
I don't want you to lose your life because of me.
"You're not making any sense," you said frustratedly.
"I'm not qualified to be a good boyfriend, Y/N. I won't be there with you all the time. I'd probably cancel on you on so many dates," Peter paused, meeting your eyes so you could see where he was coming from. "Hell, how many times have I bailed on you right now as your best friend huh? The amount of times I've left you on the street to go home alone?"
Your frown deepened as you held his eyes with nothing but sadness. "You had things going on Peter. You're being really unfair on yourself," you said.
"But you still don't deserve to be treated like that. Not now, not ever, no matter the reason," he pushed. "You deserve all those romantic clichés you're always dreaming of, you deserve to be treated like the queen that you are. You deserve the whole world Y/N, but I won't be able to give you that." Peter's voice broke, eyes holding too many emotions as he kept his gaze steady with yours. A painful task with all the pain and betrayal that's coated your eyes, utmost hurt glaring right at him. "Being with me won't be a fairytale."
Peter wasn't ignorant to the fact that you were a hopeless romantic. The countless rom-coms you've watched together have long ago proved that. The specific look in your eyes, that certain glimmer that washes over your face whenever the couple would kiss under the snow or even in the rain, or whenever they'd go on romantic walks on the beach or simply be in each other's arm whenever it's needed, Peter has memorized it. The little changes in your face whenever you see those clichés, he knows it like the back of his hand, knows how you're craving that kind of simple but true love.
But Peter can't give you any of that. Not right now.
"But I don't want a fairytale. I want to be with you. I don't care if we don't get to do any romantic clichés, being with you would surpass all of that, being with you would be more than enough. And I'm willing to try and make it work with whatever you've got going on, even if I have to make sacrifices in the process. Why can't you see that Peter?" you argued, hands clenched into fists on your sides in mere frustration.
Peter winced, the word sacrifice too heavy for him to hear. It was too painful to even fathom what you would possibly sacrifice for him, that you would probably even sacrifice all of it for him, including your life.
"No, no, please don't," he begged. "I don't want you to sacrifice anything for me. I would never want you to sacrifice those little things that make you smile. I don't want you to sacrifice your happiness for me." Peter shook his head in utter distress, palm rubbing at his face harshly that had the tip of his nose turn red. "And what happens then if it doesn't work? You'll only get disappointed. You'll only end up hating me. By then, I would have already put you through so much hurt all for nothing. I don't want that for you, Y/N."
"How'd you know that when you haven't even tried?" you whispered, bottom lip trembling. "It's like you're not even willing to try," you whimpered.
The second Peter saw the single tear that ran down your cheek he instinctively moved closer, hands reaching out, desperate to hold you, to get to tell you it's going to be alright, to apologize over and over for all the pain he has caused. But you stopped him with the palm of your hand. He felt his heart drop the moment you took a step back, shaking your head, bottom lip desperately caught between your teeth to silence your sobs.
Peter nodded gravely, his arms falling limp by his sides, fully understanding that you don't want him near. He doesn't blame you by one bit. "It's not that I'm not willing to, I just," he paused as he let out a shaky breath. "I don't trust myself to be with you. I don't trust myself with your heart because I know I will only end up breaking it. I'll only let you down." I don't trust myself to keep you safe from harm. I'll only fail you just like how I failed them. Peter confessed, brown orbs turning glossy, all from a mixture of pain and anger. He was so angry at himself for putting you through all this hurt, you don't deserve it, not even a single ounce of it.
Yes, he can try, see where this will go and do his best to be there for you at all times. But that's not set on stone, never a clear promise because he doesn't know what his tomorrow is going to bring. He doesn't know if he's staying in the neighborhood one minute and then entering another dimension the next. Being Spider-Man, he doesn't have a schedule where Peter can organize things as a matter of priority, being Spider-Man requires its own sets of sacrifices. Peter doesn't want you to feel the burden of those sacrifices, too.
He doesn't doubt that you would be understanding enough with whatever it is he has going on but that's exactly the problem. He knows you'll take the bare minimum, you'll put him first above your wants and needs. You're just too kind that way, too big of a heart. But Peter can't have that because it's just not right; it's not what you should settle for. You deserve all the dates, all the romantic walks, all the cuddles and kisses whenever you're down, all the stress free nights where you don't have to worry about him or wait for him to come back to you safe and unharmed, all the time and effort, you deserve all of it and more.
And right now, Peter can't give you what you deserve.
"Or maybe you just don't love me in the way you say you do," you accused, voice soft but the sting in it sharp.
"That's not fucking true because I love you with every ounce of my being," he protested in low growl, desperately tugging at his hair, frustrated that he can't tell you his full reasons as to why exactly he can't be with you. "I love you too much and I want to be with you so badly—"
"Then why is that not enough?" you stressed.
"You don't understand—"
"Then make me understand!" you snapped, tears running freely down your face as you looked at him with utmost despair.
"It's not that fucking simple Y/N!" Peter saw you flinch at the sudden boom of his voice, his heart cracking at the sight. He felt everything in him gradually break the more you stared at him with nothing but anguish. He took in a deep breath to calm himself before he slips out any words that he'll only regret later on. Blowing out his cheeks, he croaked, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just—"
Peter tried again and walked closer to you, trembling hands slowly reaching in mere need to feel your skin on his to ground him back, relief washing over him when you let him. He felt his heart warm up a little when you didn't pull away from his touch. But the broken sob you let out when he cupped your face, it was too excruciating for him to hear. The agonizing grip on Peter's heart tightened as he stared right into your eyes, the same ones that once held so much joy but was now flooded with tears and grief, their gorgeous glow snuffed out, all because of him.
"I'm just trying to protect you, please, trust me on that," he whispered, not even trying to hide the brokenness in his voice anymore, not even trying to hold back his tears as Peter pressed his forehead against yours.
The little droplets fell down on your face, his tears joining yours on your already damp skin. His thumb oh so tenderly tried to wipe them all away, wishing that it was as easy as that to ease up your pain, to take away your hurt so simply, but he knows it wasn't. It wasn't an easy choice and Peter knows it never will be.
"I love you so much, don't you ever, ever doubt that. B-But we can't. I'm really sorry Y/N, but we can't be together. I-I know this hurts right now, trust me, I know, but I will only make it much worse," he choked, shaking his head when you leaned into his palm with a broken breath. But you kept your eyes open, held his gaze with utter strength and Peter saw it, saw how you still looked at him with love in your eyes. Despite it being mixed with pain, it was there, clear and honest. God he did not fucking deserve you at all.
"You deserve someone who'd treat you the way you deserve to be treated, someone who'd truly show you how it feels to be loved completely and not just the bare minimum. You deserve someone who'd be so much better than me." Peter's voice broke at the end of his sentence, eyes still holding yours just so you could see the other things he can't put into words, the things he couldn't say aloud. He was desperately, silently pleading that you would see right through him, so you could understand why he has to do this. "Maybe in another life, we could make this work. But right now I'm asking, begging you not to love me, because I don't deserve that love, I don't deserve you at all."
Peter practically saw your heart shatter into pieces even more with the simple look in your eyes. It's an absolute torture to look into them right now, to see you be so broken that he found himself wishing that it was only him in pain instead. Even though the thought hurts, he wished you didn't love him. Even though it would be painful to endure, to live in a world where his feelings aren't reciprocated, Peter wished you didn't love him at all if it meant it was going to save you from heartbreak.
Better him in pain than you, always.
Breath unsteady, you closed your eyes with a small nod. "I guess this is it," you sniffled, placing your hands over his, your touch tender as you gave it a squeeze. But then you pulled it away from your face, Peter's hands slipping off your skin as you put some much needed distance between you two.
"I don't think we can go back to the way things were after this Peter. I'm sorry I just—I don't think I can handle it." You shook your head with a soft cry, forcing yourself to look back into those brown orbs as you whispered, "I can’t take it."
Peter pressed his lips into a thin line, eyes casted on the grass with a solemn nod as he croaked out, "Then I guess this is it."
"Goodbye, Peter."
He screwed his eyes shut at the sound of your broken voice, the heartbreaking sob that followed soon after made him let out a shaky breath. The sound of your footsteps felt like gunshots, each step taken like a bullet wounding him deep but Peter didn't dare to respond, didn't even dare to look up as you briskly walked away.
Peter had to keep his head down because he didn't have enough strength, didn't have the sense of control to stay still in his place. He knows that if he does as much as look up and catch your figure, he'll run after you, full speed. He'll pull you back into his arms; he'll pour all his love into one kiss as he holds you tightly. He'll keep you in his embrace for eternity the moment he gives in into his selfish needs. But he shouldn't. He needs to let you go, he has to let you walk away, for your sake.
The farther the sound of your footsteps got, the tighter his fists grew, fingernails digging into his palms as his breathing became labored, harsh. Peter swiftly turned around and took a hard swing at the tree once you were gone, glad that no one was around to see the whole thing shake from his strength. The bark cracked under his knuckle, leaves falling around him just as his knees gave out. A sharp, broken, frustrated scream escaped his lips as he buried his face in his hands, body shaking with all the anger and pain, trembling from his heart wrenching sobs.
Peter felt like his lungs were about to give out, emotions overflowing and scorching all while feeling numb just the same. But he kept reminding himself why he's doing this for him to get by, kept telling himself that being far apart was for the best.
For your sake.
The wind was cold on your face as you stood out on the rooftop to escape. The night breeze was slowly drying up your tears, much to no use since it's replaced by fresh ones the second after anyway. You don't know how long you've been crying for, but it wouldn't really matter. Your tears could run out but the pain in your heart could only deepen with each ticking second.
You were worried, angry, hurt, frustrated and confused all the same, unable to tie everything together as it all just seemed like a whole jumbled mess in your head, an incomplete puzzle.
You're not naïve to think that there wasn't more to this than he's letting on. You know he was hiding bits and pieces, his words completely restrained. You saw it in his eyes how he was battling his mind. You saw how he was struggling to not slip out whatever it was he was holding back. It was painful, all of it, from seeing him so distressed to him breaking your heart with his care-filled yet hurtful words.
You get where he's coming from, about wanting you to experience it all and more and not just the bare minimum. If it was a different circumstance, the things he said would've been sweet, how he wants you to have the world, how he wants you to live all those clichés just so he could see you smile, see you be happy. But right now, his words just felt bittersweet since you lost him in the process.
All those days of imagining all the different scenarios on what it would look like, how it would feel when he admits he feels the same way, not once did you ever expect that Peter Parker saying he loves you would feel like a knife to the heart.
What hurts even more is the fact that he is so keen on shutting any chance, and sliver of hope down. He won't even try, like you're not worth any risks at all. It makes you question how important you actually are to him, makes you question if he really does love you in the way he claims he does.
"Shit!" you squeaked, head snapping towards the squatted figure, eyes landing on the familiar masked man who seemed to like the element of surprise. "You need to stop doing that!"
"Sorry, should've given you a heads up," he apologized, voice sounding a little hoarse, a little...different.
"No shit," you grumbled, hastily wiping away your tears with the sleeves of your sweater before you turned back to face him. "What's brought you here?"
"Was just in the neighborhood, saw you out here and I thought I'd swing by," he said with a casual shrug, gaze steady on the building across. You did just the same as you turned back in front, fingers drumming on the concrete ledge as you stood in silence for a couple minutes, his company soothing in some odd way. But you welcome it, makes you feel more present, stopping you from slipping neck deep into the chaos that's in your head.
"You okay? You seem a bit down," he said, voice still a little gruff, eyes everywhere else but at you.
"Well, I guess you can say that," you breathed out.
"Want to talk about it?"
You bit your bottom lip when it started to tremble, a fresh batch of tears brimming in your eyes. "I told him," you whispered. "You know that friend I talked to you about? I told him I'm in love with him and he wasn't too happy with it. He pushed me away, I—" You shook your head with a shaky breath, eyes now trained on the busy street below. You swallowed the lump in your throat before adding, "He said he loved me but he pushed me away."
The superhero beside you cleared out his throat, shifting in his place until he was fully seated down, his legs hanging off the side of the building. "Did he tell you why?"
"He said he wouldn't be a good boyfriend and that he won't be there for me when I need him. He said I deserved better, which doesn't make any sense because he's already been doing that, being there for me. And I have no doubt he'd treat me rightly but he doesn't seem to believe that himself," you whimpered, harshly wiping away the tears that rushed out your eyes, not wanting to seem pathetic for a boy, not to seem weak in front of the masked hero.
"Hey, you don't have to act all tough for me," he reassured, hand coming up to give your shoulder a comforting squeeze for a short but sweet moment. "It's okay to cry, it doesn't mean you're weak."
You nodded, grateful for his understanding, flashing him a sad smile for a second before you stared back at the city. "And I get he's got a lot going on, I do too but what's painful is that he's not even willing to try and see if it would work or not. It hurts to think that I'm willing to try and make ends meet, that I would do anything to be with him, but he won't do the same for me. It makes me feel like I'm not worth fighting for, that I'm not enough."
"That's not true, Y/N," he whispered, almost as if didn't want you to hear it, your brows furrowing a little as you spared him a glance. He was already looking at you but the second your eyes landed on his face, he swiftly looked away. "What else did he say?" he asked swiftly, voice louder with a clear of his throat.
"He said he can't be with me because he didn't want to hurt me which sounds so fucking stupid since he's hurting me now. Really badly," you whimpered, bottom lip quivering as you screwed your eyes shut, taking in deep calming breaths, steadying yourself before you opened them again.
"Maybe he is just trying to look out for you," he started, head tilted to the side as he looked at you with a shaky breath. "Sometimes the best way to protect someone is to keep them at a safe distance, to not get too close to them, both physically but mostly emotionally."
You frowned, gaze landing back on the white fabric that's covered his eyes. "You do that too? Push people away?"
"I don't want to but I have to," he sighed, looking down at his hands like they were too heavy, like they hold so much weight over his life, caused him so much trouble and pain. He stared at them for a few seconds more before his fingers started to pick at his web shooters. "It's the best way to keep the people I care about safe."
"Because of all the bad guys chasing after you?"
He let out a soft chuckle as he nodded. "Yeah, you could say that."
You turned to face him fully, deep frown still etched on your lips as you crossed your arms over your chest. "Does that not get lonely?"
"It does." He nodded dejectedly, his eyes still looking elsewhere. "But it's better than seeing the ones I love get hurt because of the sole reason that they love me and that I love them just as much, if not more. Once they find out who I am, they're going to use that against me. They will always use that against me." The pain and hurt that coated his voice in his last sentence, you heard it loud and clear, makes you wonder what hardships he could've gone through to feel this way. "I think it's best to keep them away from this side of my world. I admit, it's really hard for me to stay away but I just keep reminding myself that all I'm doing is trying to keep them safe as much as I can," he paused, turning his head to finally look at you and you felt your heart stop at his next set of words.
"I'm just trying to protect them."
You felt as though that the clouds cleared up above your head, the puzzle pieces falling into place, completing itself as you slowly and finally tied everything together.
All those times he's suddenly in a rush to leave with a half-assed reason, the times where you'd catch a glimpse of the random cuts and bruises he had on his body, it all became so clear. And the night you first met Spider-Man, that odd feeling you had when he squeezed your hand the first time, it finally made sense. That same night, you felt as though you were crazy when you found yourself gravitating towards a complete stranger, a masked superhero at that. You found it ridiculous how you felt like you could trust him right off the bat. When you felt a vast feeling of being safe around him in so little time, initially you told yourself that it wasn't a good thing, that it was dangerous and you should tread carefully, but now the feeling just felt awfully familiar.
That's when you fully understood everything. The knots in your head gradually untangled itself as you gawked at him, mouth slightly agape in pure shock, tears welling up in your eyes for a different reason this time. All the things he's been through, all the pain and grief from the people he's lost, the weight that the world has put on his shoulders, it made your heartbreak. It made you feel so guilty that you weren't there for him through all that.
A new found weight settled itself in your chest because as you stared right at the mask, you saw him.
"Well, I need to go. You know, got a city to look after," he chuckled shyly as he looked away, his voice sounding starkly different from the previous encounters as it now held a sense of familiarity. "See you later."
With that, he jumped off, your eyes following the red in blue under the night sky, gradually getting smaller until disappearing from sight.
You smiled, a small one, didn't quite reach your ears but it was genuine. Your heart was still aching, mostly for him than for you, but it was also now filled with the greatest pride as you whispered, just under your breath,
"See you later, Peter Parker."
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poisoned-peppermint · 3 years
Part 3 of incorrect quotes because people liked the other ones
Skeppy: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
Bad: Aren't you forgetting something?
Skeppy: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Bad's forehead before running out.*
Bad: No, pay your bill! Dang it, who raised you? 
Bad: Well, Skeppy and I finally did it!
The rest of the squad: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.*
Bad: That's right... We kissed!
Skeppy: I love you.
Bad, not paying attention: What was that?
Skeppy: I said I’m selling you to the zOo-
Skeppy: You’re not jealous, are you?
Bad: No!
Skeppy: Good, ‘cause I consider my fake relationship with you a lot more meaningful. 
*Bad and Skeppy are in Paris.*
Bad: I'm...moved. I...I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now. I feel...destiny?
Skeppy: But...
Bad: I don't know what it is. I feel like... I just never thought I'd see it with my own two eyes. And here it is. It's just there. It's right in front of me, and...
Skeppy: This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from Inception?
Bad: Yeah.
Skeppy: But the Eiffel Tower is behind us, babe.
Bad: Yeah, but this is the bridge FROM INCEPTION.
Skeppy: Okay, alright
Bad: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things.
Skeppy: Hi, I’m ‘things’
Skeppy: Are you sure Bad's even gay? They barely even looked at me.
Bad: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Skeppy: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
Bad: But you’re always acting stupid?
Skeppy: ...
Skeppy: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Bad: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Skeppy: Aww-
Bad: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Bad: I’m going to defeat you with the power of friendship! ... And this knife I found
Bad: So... what would you do if you were in bed with me?
Skeppy: Depends. Is your bed comfortable?
Bad: Yes.
Skeppy: I'd sleep.
Bad, to Skeppy: We had a date!
Bad: *aggressively points to Hello Kitty Coloring Book*
Bad, at the slightest provocation: I came into this earth screaming and covered in someone else's blood and and I'm not afraid to leave the same way. 
Skeppy: That was so hot, Bad.
Bad: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenerate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Skeppy: I'm so in love with you
Dream: Where's Sapnap, Skeppy, and Bad?
George: They're playing hide and seek.
Dream: Where?
George: I don't think you get how this game works.
Skeppy: Good morning.
Bad: Good morning.
Sapnap: Good morning.
George: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.
Sapnap: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
George: Several traffic violations.
Dream: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Bad: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Quackity: Also, that’s not our car.
Sapnap: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire??
Quackity: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔
Bad: Why were you microwaving a lemon???
Quackity: I read boiling lemons helps cover up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges) but I didn't own any pots.
Karl: Did you burn an orange too? How???
Quackity: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔
Tommy: Is stabbing someone immoral? Techno: Not if they consent to it. Wilbur: Depends who you’re stabbing. Phil: YES?!?
Tommy: *Screams*
Wilbur: *Screams louder to establish dominance*
Phil: Should we do something?
Techno: No, I want to see who wins.
Phil: Wake me up…
Techno: Before you go go!
Wilbur: When September ends…
Tommy: Techno isn’t answering their phone
Phil: I’ll call
Tommy: Wilbur and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
Techno: Hello?
Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle.
Phil: Shit.
Techno: Wait, three?
Cop: Yeah?
Tommy: ARE YOU-
Wilbur: Fucking.
Tommy: IDIOT!
Techno: …What was that?
Wilbur: Phil banned Tommy from swearing, so I’m helping them out.
Wilbur: *tapping fingers on table*
Techno: *taps fingers back furiously*
Tommy: …What’s going on?
Phil: Morse code. They’re talking.
Wilbur: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … -
Techno: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK! 
Tommy: I'm bored.
Techno: Wanna commit first degree murder?
Tommy: Sure!
Phil, hearing them: No- Stop, don't do that! Put that knife down! Put Wilbur down!!
Wilbur: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Phil. They're mad at you.
Phil: No, it's Tommy. They're just being grammatically correct!
Tommy: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them.
Techno: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'.
Tommy: I stand by my choice.
Wilbur: Phil, we're hungry!
Techno: Phil! What's for dinner?
Tommy: We're hungry, Phil!
Phil, frying a bottle of ketchup over the stove: *screams* 
Wilbur, writing in a letter: "I'm going to kick.. your... ass."
Wilbur: THERE. Now send it.
Tommy:: Dude, your handwriting is terrible, are you sure you want to-
Wilbur: JUST DO IT!
Phil: So what does it say?
Techno, reading the letter: They say they're going to "lick my...."
Phil: Gross- 
Quackity: Karl, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?
Karl: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Quackity: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Sapnap.
Quackity: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me.
Karl: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Quackity: Yes!
Sapnap: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Quackity: Sapnap and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us
Karl: *Sighing* What did Sapnap do?
Quackity: They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Sapnap: Who wants a steering wheel?
Quackity: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Karl: Wasn't Sapnap with you?
Sapnap: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised. 
Sapnap: Karl you can’t move in with Quackity. Karl: Why not? Sapnap: Well, um, how are you going to feel when they see you without any makeup? Karl: I’m not wearing makeup right now. Sapnap: Holy crap, you’re beautiful.
Sapnap: *is wearing silk pants* How does this look?
Quackity: Like its slips on and off really easily.
Quackity: No, I didn't mean it like that-
Karl: We know what you meant. 
Quackity: I didn't drink that much last night.
Karl: You were flirting with Sapnap.
Quackity: So what? They're my Husband.
Karl: You asked if they were single.
Karl: And then you cried when they said they weren't.
Karl: Why doesn’t Sapnap find me sexy when I bite my lip?
Quackity: What do you look like when you bite your lip?
Karl: *bites lip*
Quackity: ...Have you considered biting your bottom lip instead? 
Bad: Are you trying to seduce me?
Skeppy: Why, are you seducible?
Bad: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Skeppy: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Bad: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Skeppy: Is it working? 
Skeppy: Relationships should be 50/50. Bad cooks us dinner while I sit on the kitchen counter looking pretty. 
Bad: I still have no idea how I’m attracted to you...
Skeppy: Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me, and no take backs, honey.
Bad: The first time I saw you, you stole my heart.
Skeppy: But I'm a kleptomaniac, so that doesn't mean anything. 
Bad: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Skeppy: I wrote you a poem.
Bad, already crying: You did?
Skeppy: This date is boring!
Bad: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
Skeppy: Then why did you invite me?
Bad: I didn't, I specifically said "don't come with me" then you said " screw you Bad I'll do whatever I want!
Skeppy: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this...
Bad: *pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card?
Skeppy: Holy moly- 
Bad: I owe you one.
Skeppy: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even. 
If this does as well as the others I’ll make another.
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lihikainanea · 3 years
This is a long angsty thought I had so I apologize: Bill and Tiger on vacation with friends and this is the first one with a few new editions to the group. Tiger gets along with all of them, but one night the girl reveals she wants to get with Bill. While Tiger gets a flare of jealousy, the calming waves and shining moon makes her feel a little more vulnerable than normal. She plays it cool, but she can’t help noticing how this girl is nice, she’s a solid friend from what Tiger can tell. She bottles up her emotions from the conversation, going straight to bed without texting or visiting Bill’s room. He’s slightly worried, of course, but just figured she got wasted. She had given him a key to her room so he walked in late to get some lovin, but she’s asleep. He sees the tears on her face, still wet and he knows somethings wrong. She wakes up from his stare and she loses it. He tries being stern with her, but he knew it was really bad when that didn’t work. She sadly tells him and he doesn’t say it’s dumb or that she’s overthinking. He just kisses her, plain stupid, grabbing her face and pulling her onto him. “Every time I look at you, kid. Every single time I look for you specifically and that won’t change.” He says, the warmth in her chest makes her head spin, and she smiles which he returns. “Plus, she spent the night with another guy hear yesterday, she was probably just a little vacation lovesick, just like another girl I know” He says, pinching her bottom. (Okay I’m done, but when she feels up to it he definitely fucks her so good she’s speechless and has to keep repeating that she’s his.)
Ohhhh sweet nani, the thoughts you have given me.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I love it when tiger just kind of gets all up in her head about this thing she has going with Bill, because goddamn if that ain't relatable eh? My friends and I talk about this a lot, about the differences in the way men and women approach dating or hell, even hitting on someone. And we have come to one main conclusion: men will almost always approach and hit on someone WAY the fuck out of their league, and women seldom will.
I don't know about ya'll, but when I see an insanely attractive guy I just like...shut down. I stare at my feet. I mumble. I blush. I want the ground to open up and swallow me whole--and the last thing on my mind is "yo, I'mma hit on this tall drink of water." Like, I would literally rather pull my own teeth out than hit on a guy that is so ridiculously attractive and so COMPLETELY OUT OF MY LEAGUE.
But dudes? Dudes will see a solid 10 walking down the street and think "Thank god I'm a fucking 14 because that bish is mine." It's actually incredible. Like, it's a scientific phenomenon.
For all the confidence that us women lack, the wrong men seem to have absorbed it all by fucking osmosis.
ANYWAY. I'll bet tiger feels like that a lot. Bill is just...he's so much, you know? On the surface level there's his insane good looks, his height, the fact that he's a rich motherfucker, and he's famous. All of that weighs on tiger's mind, yes, but then she's even worse off because she knows what's underneath too. A kind, gentle mammoth of a man, the most empathic person she has ever met, someone who is incredibly sensitive and who takes such good care of her, worries over her, tries every day to make her happy. And tiger just...tiger will never understand how she got so lucky.
But then alright, it's time for another friend vacation and this time there are a few new additions. People try not to make a big deal out of it but somehow there always is just a slight check in with Bill--nobody does it outright because god Bill would be mortified and so would everyone else, but there is definitely a few mentions of new people joining the vacation and it gives Bill a chance to back out if he's not comfortable with the idea.
And maybe tiger really does genuinely hit it off with one of the girls. She's a real firecracker, and the exact type of person that tiger respects. She's funny, she's pretty as all hell, she's not afraid to make a bit of a fool of herself to make everyone laugh. This girl eats like a trucker and swears like a sailor, and tiger thinks she's good people. So much so that one night maybe the boys go off and do their own thing, macho bonding or some shit, and tiger and this girl grab some drinks and have some good girl bonding time.
But then it happens. A few drinks in, it happens. And this girl absolutely isn't trying any in vino veritas bullshit, this is really just the first opportunity she's had to drill a little deeper.
"So what's his deal?" she asks. Tiger blinks, sips her drink.
"Who's deal?" she replies. But tiger knows exactly who.
"Bill," she says, "Is he single?"
"Oh, uh," tiger knocks back another big sip of her drink, "...Yeah. Yeah he's single."
Because what is she supposed to say? No, he's taken? Then that would lead to questions about why he's on this vacation alone.
The girl gets a devious smirk, steeples her fingers together--and tiger just wants to hit something, because goddamn this girl is cute. Adorable, even. And when she gives a little whoop and a dorky fistpump, tiger feels her stomach drop to the floor--not because she's after Bill, no no, even worse--because she's actually just so perfect for him.
"Diiiiiiibs," the girl says, "Man I've been eyeing that tall drink of water all trip."
"Ha, yeah," tiger stammers awkwardly and downs the rest of her drink, "He's a handsome one."
"Are you cool with it?" the girl asks, and actually places a concerned hand on tiger's knee, "I don't want to...come between anything. If there is anything." Dis bitch is cute as a button and kind. Fuck.
Tiger gives a casual shrug.
"Why wouldn't I be cool with it?" she says, "I....don't have any claim to him."
"Would it be weird for you?"
"Go for it," she mumbles.
And tiger wants to tell this girl to back off, that Bill is claimed, and that Bill is being claimed every goddamn night of this vacation to the point where his back jammed on him again and tiger had to ice it down this morning. But she can't say any of that--and in true tiger fashion, she just gets a little sad about it. Anger and ferocious defensiveness for Bill would be her first reaction if this girl was a real fucking idiot, but god she's just....she's so nice.
"Okay, okay okay okay," the girl smoothes her hair down, starts to look real serious, "Help a bitch out. What should I do?"
And poor tiger, tiger has to sit there the whole night while this girl actually schemes to get her claws into Bill. And tiger is almost forced to help.
She retreats back to her own room that night, nauseated, sad, and with raw emotions bubbling to the surface. And bless your heart sweet nani, bless your heart for knowing mine so well--because the shining moon absolutely gets to her, the call of the crashing waves. Tiger sits out on her balcony for a bit but she just cries. Just lets it all overwhelm her, lets herself feel every emotion she tried to reel in that night as she helped give a girl tips on how to get Bill. And when she's too exhausted, when it's all just too much--she goes to bed. She misses the text messages from Bill--doesn't even look at her phone, actually. Just curls up in Sad Girl form, all balled in on herself, and falls asleep.
And Bill thinks it's pretty strange that she's not responding, and it's even more strange that she didn't let herself into his room which they had agreed would be their place of rendezvous that night. So instead, he does a quick check of the hallways and then Pink Panther's his lanky ass against the wall before deftly swiping his key card in her door and opening it.
And that's exactly how he finds her, cheeks still wet, her own thumb in her mouth, all curled in on herself. Concerned, he traces a gentle finger down her cheek and she stirs.
"Tiger," he crouches down to be eye level with her, "What's wrong?"
She blinks sleepily, bristles a little, and swipes at her cheeks.
"Nothing," she croaks. Her throat is dry from crying, and she winces.
He doesn't say anything. Just brushes his thumbs across her cheeks, keeping her face in his hands.
"Tiger," he says sternly, "We have rules."
"Yellow," she says immediately, "I don't...I don't want--"
"Okay," he soothes, running his hands up her arms, "We won't. But tiger, can you tell me what's wrong?"
"Bill, it's nothing. Let's just go to sleep."
But like, she's cracking. There are fresh tears rolling down her cheeks now, and Bill knows she needs to let something out.
"It's me kid," he says softly, "You can tell me anything."
And like, tiger cracks. It opens the floodgates. She tells him everything--the entire conversation, every little detail of it. When she works herself up too much at some points, when he starts to hear a wheeze in her breath, he puts a steadying hand on her knee to help ground her. But she lets it all out--every detail, everything this girl said about him, everything tiger told her. She's full on crying again by the end, but Bill just listens. He listens, and he waits.
And you know what I love here, nani? God it's so important. Bill doesn't tell her she's nuts. Doesn't tell her she's foolish for ever thinking he wanted anyone but her. Because that's not what will get through to her. Instead, just like he always does--he loves her and reassures her in the way that she needs, in the way that she can recognize in that moment.
He waits as she pauses, waits to see if she'll continue, but she doesn't.
"Are you done?" he asks quietly. She nods.
"Can I say something now?" he ducks to catch her gaze, and she nods again. He pulls her into his lap.
"Tiger, it's you," he says simply, "It's you kid. Only, and always."
She sniffles, and he kisses her nose.
"Everybody else can try as much as they want. They can give it their best shot. It won't matter," he continues, "It's you, kid."
Ugh, my fucking heart. It gives her the reassurance that she needs. And listen, over the next few days, Bill finds little ways to reinforce that. Maybe this girl does take a shot at him--and he politely, gently shoots her down. Maybe when tiger is feeling ready for it, man he gives it to her so good that she has to stay in bed the next day, because she's walking funny. It's his secret glances, his small winks, his hand on her knee under the table, rising just a liiiiiiiittle high under the safety of the dark night club.
It's everything she needs, in the way that she needs it.
this ask was a gift nani, thank you.
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peachbear88 · 3 years
A Whole New World (Pt 3)
A/N: So I have another idea for a oneshot or maybe series. "Forbidden Love". I think the name might already have been used but THIS IS THE PERFECT NAME FOR THE NEXT STORY AHHHHHHH! Anyways, back to the actual story at hand.
You sit down cautiously in the leather seat in front of you, almost sighing. The chair is much more comfortable then you thought.
"So... what do you want from me?" You ask timidly, shifting uncomfortably in your seat as his gaze sears into you.
"Why do you think I want something from you?" He asks and you meet his eyes, noticing the amused glint in them.
"Because you didn't hand me over to the police and instead, brought me here." You gesture to the spacious, glamorous office. He chuckles, standing up to look out the massive floor to ceiling window.
"Touchè." You fidget nervously, waiting for him to continue. "I saw you paying a visit to the youngest Maximoff." Your breath hitches in your throat as he turns to look at you. "Very skilled, the whole, swinging from the tree branch." You flush and he smirks. "Young love. I presume you'd like her hand in marriage as well." Your face turns an even brighter shade of red and he chuckles. Not a genuine, hearty chuckle but a cold, dark laugh.
"She has to marry someone that benefits the company though." You pause, letting the smallest sliver of hope leak into your speech. "Right?"
Loki laughs cruelly, crushing the liquid hope you had.
"Correct. But. I can help you." You look up into his icy green eyes and he smirks. "I can make you rich enough to qualify for her hand in marriage. Powerful enough." You lean forward eagerly but he leans back, knowing fully well he had you wrapped around his little finger. "Nothing comes for free though."
You reach into your pocket, pulling out the brooch and examining it. You take a deep breath, steeling your resolve before turning back to him.
"What would I have to do?"
"All I need is for you to go into that cave and fetch me an object. A simple oil lamp to be specific." You arch an eyebrow.
"Easy peasey." He stops you, pulling you back from the mouth of the cavern.
"Not so fast. You cannot touch any of the treasures in there, no matter how tempted. And trust me, you will be tempted." You gulp, noting the ominous tone in his voice.
"Got it. How hard could it really be?" You mutter, slowly inching down the cavern. A pebble slips, sending you tumbling down the semi-smooth stone slide. You scream as you fall, hitting the bottom of the slide with a grunt. "Didn't see that coming." Dusting yourself off, you slink through the dark, ominous cave. The further you descend into the cave, the more tempting the mounds of gold and jewels become. The cavern expands, leading into a massive area, dozens of tall, sharp pillars looming above you. Dead in the center, perched upon the tallest pillar is the desired lamp. You smile, stepping towards the pillar only to be upended by a small gem. You go flying, squeezing your eyes shut as you prepare yourself for the harsh impact but it never comes. Instead, you find yourself on a fluffy carpet. It ripples beneath you, and for a moment, you fear the whole cave is coming apart. Then the carpet pushes you off it and you shriek. The carpet, the carpet that just caught you is moving. You examine it curiously, pacing around it.
"A frickin' magic carpet." You exclaim as it watches you inspect it, impatiently gesturing towards the giant slab of stone crushing it. You scratch your chin before slipping your fingers between a small gap under the rock. "Alright, here we go." You grunt, heaving the rock. The carpet tugs and the moment the stone lifts a little, the carpet zips out, dipping and whirling around the cavern, sending gold cascading everywhere. Eventually, it calms down, circling around you and patting your shoulders enthusiastically. "Not a problem bud." You return your attention to the towering pillar in front of you. "Alright. Let's do this."
You pull yourself up, following the pre-set trail you had created for yourself as you grip another sharp handhold. A bit of blood trickles down from a thin cut on your palm and you grimace before continuing your steep climb. Your muscles are on fire, the thin cut on your hand tearing wider and wider every second. With one final pull, you reach the top of the pillar, the dusty lamp shining right back at you. Not wasting a second, you grab the lamp and slowly lower yourself down to where the carpet stands, watching you with anticipation.
"All right! Now to get out of here..." You dust of your thin, ragged pants, leaving a thick line of blood smeared on the fabric. After a few moments, you locate the tunnel you came from and make your way up the steep slope. Your footsteps echo off the large cave as you reach the large stone slide. A gem next to your foot catches your eye and you lean down, examining it. The carpet frantically waves at you, even slapping you but you push it away, picking up the gem. "No one's going to notice one small gem missing. I could go without stealing for a whole month without this gem." You shrug before slipping it into your pocket. The effect is instantaneous, a roaring voice echoing through the cave.
"You have touched the forbidden treasure. Now, you will never again see the light of day!" Molten lava spews forth from the cracks in the cavern, rapidly covering the stone. You jump up, leaping from stone to stone, clambering up the rocky slide. At the mouth of the cave, Loki stands, watching you frantically scale the rocky wall, unable to find the strength to pull yourself up the last bit of the wall.
"A little help would be nice!" You cry and Loki peers down at you, golden staff in hand.
"Give me the lamp first." He sneers and you resist.
"No. Your hand first!" He leans closer to you and his once handsome features contort into an angry scowl.
"Give me the lamp first." He repeats and you relent, reaching into your pocket and handing him the lamp. He examines it greedily while you cling onto the rock face.
"Now your hand!" He looks back down at you, all the kindness from before gone.
"How about my foot?" Your eyes widen as he raises his foot and steps on your hand, squishing it. You cry out in pain as he relentlessly twists his foot, agonizing pain shooting up your arm. Unable to hold on any longer, you fall, the sweltering heat radiating against your body before you hit a soft surface, soaring up into the air. Prying your eyes open, you look down to see carpet, speeding towards the entrance of the cave where Loki stands, still entranced by the lamp. The carpet speeds up and you reach out, snatching the lamp from Loki's hands. Loki roars in anger, pushing you backwards with the butt of his staff as the cave crumbles. Rocks tumble down, covering the entrance as you fly backwards towards a certain doom. Right at the last moment, carpet catches you and the two of you go tumbling back down into the darkness of the cave.
"Ugh..." You groan, your eyes fluttering open. You're greeted by a brightly colored carpet hovering above you. "Hi." You mutter, pushing yourself into a sitting position. The lamp is still tightly clutched in your hand and you stare at it, wondering what that man could've possibly wanted from such a dusty relic. You sigh, rubbing the back of your neck before returning your attention to the carpet. "Well, you know any way out of here buddy?" The carpet makes exaggerated gestures with it's golden tassels at the lamp. You hold up the lamp, confused. "This old thing?" The carpet nods vigorously (at least you think it's nodding) and you shrug. "What's the worst that could happen." You take a deep breath, slowly rubbing at the lamp with your injured hand, blood smearing over the dusty brass surface. Slowly but surely, a thick blue fog spirals out of the lamp, revealing a massive blue figure. You stumble backwards, still clinging onto the lamp.
"Oh great one who summons me, terrible one who commands me, I stand by my oath, loyalty to wishes three." The figure roars. Your mouth opens but nothing comes out, just a pathetic little whimper.
He clears his throat, peering down into the darkness.
"I said, 'Oh great...'" His eyes land on you. "Excuse, me, dude, where's your boss?" You stand there, gaping as he waves his massive blue hands in front of your face. "Help me out here, where's your boss? If I was just gonna talk to myself, I could've stayed in the lamp."
"Eh... Uh...." You gulp as he stares at you impatiently.
"I uh.... I'm talking to uh.... Smoking blue giant?"
"No! BRRRRRRRRR." He hums out, shrinking down and swirling around you. "I am not a giant, I am a genie. There is a difference." He retorts, waving his finger in front of you. "Giants are not real." He reclines back, leaving you frozen in shock. "Where's your boss?"
"Uh, my boss?"
He sighs.
"Look, kid, I've been doing this a long time, all right? There's always a guy, you know..." You watch his hands, noting how he uses them to gesture with every word he utters. "He's cheated somebody, or buried somebody." He explains, teleporting behind you and floating around. "I mean, you get my point. Where's that guy?" You nod in understanding.
"I know that guy. He's outside." The genie's face lights up.
"So, it's just you and me down here?" A telescope appears in his hand with a blue puff and he scans the cave through it, his brown eye bulging out from the glass. You nod, unable to form coherent words. "So you rubbed the lamp?"
"Uh-huh." He scratches his goatee.
"Huh. Do you mind if I just, you know, stretch it out over here?" He asks, already floating away from you. You look around the cave, searching for another being that the genie could possibly be asking.
"Uh, are you asking me?" He groans as he stretches out.
"Yeah, you're my master." You laugh dryly, swallowing.
"Yeah no, you look like you should be my master."
The genie shrugs, looking you up and down.
"Yeah, but that's not quite how it works." You stare at the lamp, mystified.
"How long have you been in here?"
"'Bout a thousand years." You stare at him skeptically.
"A thousand years?"
"A ThoUSanD YeARs." He mocks you, sitting down on a rock. "Is it just me or does everything surprise you?" You don't answer and he sighs, floating towards you. "So you really don't know who I am. Genie, wishes, lamp, none of that ringing a bell?" You don't respond and he looks taken aback. "Wow. Well, that's a first." He teleports a few feet away, snapping his fingers. "Monkey!" A small, frail looking monkey appears with cymbals and a band drum attached to it's back. It starts clapping the cymbals together rhythmically and blowing into a small kazoo. You stare at the monkey and the genie brushes you off. "Oh, don't worry 'bout him, he's fine." The genie starts clapping along before bursting into song.
"Well, Ali Baba, he had them 40 thieves,"
"Scheherazade had a thousand tales."
"But master, you're in luck,"
"Because up your sleeves, you got a genie that never fails!"
He finishes with jazz hands, the monkey's kazoo dying off with a slight squeak. You look at the carpet apprehensively only to see it clapping it's stray threads off.
"Whoo!" The genie exclaims, zooming around. "I'm the best." You stare at him, unbelieving. He sighs.
"Not enough, huh?" You don't reply. "I'm kidding, watch this."
A beam of blue light shoots out of his finger tip, hitting the monkey, who goes flying. The monkey lands on a tall pile of rock, behind a drum set. A jazzy upbeat tune fills the dark cavern.
"Here I go!"
"Uh! Ooh! Whoo!"
"Back up!"
The carpet disappears, reappearing on another tall pile of rock, shaking a pair of maracas rhythmically.
"Uh-oh! Watch out!"
He scats and a trumpet appears in the monkey's mouth, blasting out a high note.
"You done wound me up!"
"'Bout to show you what I'm workin' with. Uh!"
"Well, Ali Baba he had them 40 thieves,"
"Scheherazade had a thousand tales!"
"But, master, you're in luck because up your sleeves,"
"You got a brand of magic never fails."
The genie appears behind you, the golden shackles on his forearms glowing with power.
"You got some power in your corner now,"
"Heavy ammunition in your camp!"
His arms turn into golden cannons that fire bright blue blasts to emphasize his point.
"You got some punch, pizzazz,"
"Yahoo, and how?"
"All you gotta do is rub that lamp,"
"And then I'll say,"
"Missus, man what's your name, whatever, what will your pleasure be?"
"Let me take your order I'll jot it down,"
"You ain't never had a friend like me."
He picks you up and plops you into an elegant restaurant where a menu is thrown in front of you.
"Life is your restaurant and I'm your maître d'."
"Come whisper to me whatever it is you want,"
"You ain't never had a friend like me!"
"We pride ourselves on service!"
"You the boss, the king, the shah!"
"Say what you wish, it's yours, true dish!"
"How 'bout a lil more paprikash?"
You disappear behind mounds of the Sokovian delicacy, reappearing between racks of clothing.
"Have some of column A,"
"Try all of column B."
Blue strings attach themselves to your arms and you find yourself being whirled around, dancing, but from your point of view, you look like a flailing chicken.
"I'm in the mood to help you dude,"
"You ain't never had a friend like me."
He starts scatting as he pulls you around like a puppet.
"Can your friends do this?"
You point to a clone of the genie, who's standing on his head, his lower half spinning around like a disco ball.
"Can your friends do that?"
You point the other way to another clone of the genie who is whirling around a magic lasso.
"Can your friends pull this,"
"Outta they lil hat?"
He reaches into a top hat and slowly pulls out the magic carpet.
"Can your friends go,"
He starts beatboxing, bright flares shooting illuminating the cave.
"I'm the genie, of the lamp, I can sing rap dance if you give me a chance."
A couch appears behind you and you fall backwards, landing on the plush cushions.
"Don't sit there buggy eyed,"
"I'm here to answer all your mid-day prayers."
"You got me bona fide,"
"You got a genie for your charged affairs."
He slaps a certificate into your hands and the couch zooms forward at light speed, throwing you off. You wave your arms desperately, attempting to balance yourself as you teeter precariously above a pit of molten magma. The genie pulls you back by the hook of your jacket.
"I got a powerful urge,"
"To help you out,"
"So whatcha wish,"
"I really wanna know."
"You got a list that's 3 miles long no doubt."
"All you gotta do is rub like so."
The lamp goes flying into your hands as the genie appears next to you.
"Y/N." You reply.
“One wish or two or three?"
"Well, I'm on the job, you big nabob,"
"You ain't never had a friend,"
"Never had a friend."
"You ain't never had a friend,"
"Never had a friend."
"You ain't never."
"Had a."
He scats as fireworks go off, lighting the cave up in blue, red, green, gold and purple.
"You ain't never had a friend like me."
The scene fades and you stand there, still trying to comprehend the turn of events. The genie's large blue face appears in front of you.
"You can clap now." He smirks, imitating a mic drop. You raise your hands slowly to clap and he immediately stops you. "No, no no, please, please. You can thank me outside. In the sun. When you wish us out." You smile numbly before shaking your head.
"Wait so.... how does it work?" The genie's face drops into disbelief.
"You're.... You're kidding right?" He sputters, shrinking back down to a normal size. "The- The whole song was the- The instructions!" He grabs your hand, sighing. "Obviously you can't dance and listen at the same time. "So here's the basics." The lamp appears in his hand and he mimes rubbing it. "Step one, rub the lamp." A second head appears on his body. "Step 2, say what you want." A third head appears. "Step 3." The other two heads disappear as you continue walking hand in hand with the genie. "There is no step 3! See, it's that easy!" He waves his hand. "You get three wishes.They must begin with you rubbing the lamp and saying 'I wish' got it?" You nod slowly.
"I think so...." He smiles.
"Great! A few more rules. You can't wish for more wishes, 3 is enough. I can't make anybody love anybody." Pink hearts float around his head. "Or bring anybody back from the dead." Papyrus wraps around him, muffling his speech and giving it an eerie feeling. "Feel free to interrupt me anytime you don't understand." You give a sigh of relief, opening your mouth to ask a question but he immediately cuts you off. "I'm kidding, don't ever interrupt me, no matter what." You close your mouth. "Now, I usually don't have to go through all this because by the time the guy." He emphasizes 'the guy' with little quotation marks. "Gets to me, he already knows what he wants and it generally has to do with," He clears his throat expanding to a large size, a red glow hugging his blue skin. "Tons of money and power! Mwahahahaha!" He exclaims evilly, money raining down from the roof of the cave. He shrinks back down into his normal size. "Do me a favor, do not drink from that cup. I promise you, there is not enough money or power on Earth for you to be satisfied. Good? Well, what's your first wish?" You scratch your chin thoughtfully.
"Well, I have to think about it. I mean, if there are only 3," The genie scoffs in disbelief. "I mean, why are there only 3 anyways?" He cuts you off, waving his hands about.
"I don't know! Who cares?" You smirk, approaching him.
"You don't know? I thought you were all knowing."
"That's 'cause you don't listen. I never said I was all knowing, I said I was all powerful." He quips. "The most powerful being in the universe." He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "Look, whatever I don't know, I know I can learn it. Outside in the sun. Why are you playing hard to wish?" He exclaims exasperatedly. "Give us some sun!" You relent, smiling and placing the lamp behind you.
"All right Genie. I wish for you to get us out of this cave."
"Boom! Booyah!" The genie zooms around excitedly. "She has made her first wish!" He reappears in a flight attendant uniform holding a safety brochure. "Thank you for choosing Genie Airlines. Please don't forget to tip your genie on the way out!" 3 more genies appear behind him in similar uniform, waving at you. "Hold yourself kid!" He whirls around you, bright blue fog enveloping you until you finally reappear outside on the outskirts of Sokovia.
"Whoa." You mutter, nauseated at the sudden movement. The carpet does a flip, soaring off into the air. "Why is the monkey still here?" You gesture to the little frail monkey next to you.
"Oh. Uh, consider it a gift." You shrug, picking the monkey up and depositing it on your shoulder. He snaps and the two of you are sitting under a makeshift tent, a chess board between the two of you. You gulp, holding your head. "Can you warn me before you do that?" He waves you off.
"You'll get used to it. So, have you decided what you're going to wish for?" He bites into an apple. You shrug.
"Nope. Haven't really thought about it." The genie laughs, depositing the apple on the chess board.
"Wow. You really are not that guy." You sit up in the woven tanning chair, watching the genie.
"So what would you wish for." The genie examines you thoughtfully before staring back at Sokovia.
"Easy. I would wish to be free." He raps his knuckles against the golden bands on his forearms. "To not have to say," Poof! He reappears in front of you in a waiter's uniform. "How may I help you?" Poof! He reappears in the chair beside you in his normal outfit. "Freedom. I wish to be human." You look at him curiously.
"Why don't you just set yourself free?" He laughs derisively, clapping.
"Only way I can be set free is if the owner of the lamp uses one of their wishes to set me free. The last time that happened was like, the fourth of Never-ary."
"I'll do it." You volunteer. "I've got 3 right?"
"Actually, 2. You used one to get out of the cave." The genie corrects and you smirk.
"DId I? Or did you? I thought I had to be rubbing the lamp."
"Okay little street-girl. Let's rewind the tape." He imitates a cassette tape rewinding. He examines the playback. "Okay! I see what you did there." You smile at him.
"At least now I can use my last wish to set you free." He leans forward in his woven tanning chair..
"See this is the thing. The more you have, the more you want." You look out at Sokovia.
"That's not me." The genie hums skeptically.
"We'll see about that."
"But... There is something." You sigh and the genie instantly notices the lovesick expression on your face.
"Oh! Seen that look before." With a blue puff, he appears in front of you, lying on his stomach, his chin resting on his hands. "Who's the guy?" You don't look at him.
"It's.... It's a girl." He smiles at you supportively.
"Well, I can't make anyone fall in love with anyone." You quickly shake your head.
"No, no. We had a connection." He quirks an eyebrow at you.
"Alright, alright."
"She's smart, kind, incredibly beautiful. But she has to marry- Hold on, can you make me rich?" The genie teleports back to his chair.
"Kid, there is a lot of gray area in 'Make me rich'." He snaps his fingers and a rich business man in a stylish black suit appears a few feet away. "I could just make you rich." You immediately backpedal, shaking your head.
"No, no, no." The genie nods.
"Right 'cause then you'd be stuck with this guy. Be specific with your words. The key is in the detail." He advises and you nod. "Which I don't really understand because if she already likes you, why change?"
You shrug.
"I told you, she has to marry someone that benefits her family's business." The genie stands up, fiddling with his fingers.
"Alright, I can do that. An official wish this time, for those of us that are counting." You clear your throat nervously.
"Genie, I wish..." He snaps his fingers, pointing at the lamp. "Oh right! Sorry." You pick up the lamp, rubbing it. "All right. Genie..." He raises his hands in mock surrender.
"Don't hurt em Genie."
"I wish... to become rich." You squeeze your eyes shut, preparing for the worst. The genie smiles, waving his hands.
"Back up kid, I need some room to work. I'm gonna fabulize you."
Taglist: @username23345 @musicinourlips @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @trikruismybitch @ima-gi--na-tion @nicole-rayleigh-hot
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mayraki · 4 years
“Manipulating bitch”
jj x reader
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not my gif! credits to the owner.
summary: her kook cousin is staying at the cut for a couple of weeks, and after she flirts with jj, y/n gets jealous. but she’s never going to admit it.
note: this came out longer than I expected😂 hope you enjoy!
“Fuck my life!” You said after entering John B’s house. The rest of the Pogues turned their heads to you while you sat down at the couch and covered your face with your hands.
“What’s wrong?” Sarah asked concerned.
“Dude, don’t.” You heard Kie say. “In my years of knowing her, I learned that you don’t have to get closer to her. Just talk from a far.” You heard JJ let out a little laugh and you gave everyone the middle finger.
“Kie, I don’t think you’re going to be so happy about this either.” Kie furrowed her eyebrows and you sighed.
“Two words.” You said lifting your index and middle fingers. “Manipulating. Bitch.”
Kie’s face changed completely. “No...” you nodded and she face palmed her forehead. “Ugh!”
“Exactly.” You said getting up and grabbing the blunt you had on your back pocket and light it on fire.
“Who’s this ‘manipulating bitch’?” Pope asked and you turned to him.
“She’s my cousin, unfortunately.” You sat down on the counter. “She’s going to stay with my family for three weeks. Three!” You said putting your fingers up. “Apparently, she’s being a total brat and her parents want her to live the ‘Cut’ life. Typical! I don’t know why my dad keeps putting with his brother’s bullshit.” You said giving the blunt a good smoke.
“She can’t be that bad.” Sarah said.
“Oh baby.” Kie shook her head. “You innocent little baby.”
“She’s the worst.” You said and Kie nodded. “One day, my parents wanted me to take care of her, and because I didn’t let her go to a party, she set my bed sheet on fire.” Pope gasped and Kie nodded next to him. “Yeah, and that’s not even the worst thing. Another time, she tried to get me in trouble. She didn’t want to go this fancy party her parents were having so she jumped into a bush and blamed me, saying that I pushed her.” You clenched your jawline while having the memory on your mind.
“Yeah, she’s baaaad.” John B said.
JJ walked to your side and let the smoke in his mouth get out. “Ok, but, is she cute?” Kie rolled her eyes annoyed and you punched him in the arm. “Ouch!”
“The next one will be on your face if you say something like that! Don’t even think about it, JJ.” You pointed at him and got up from the counter.
“Jealous?” He said with a smirk and you let out a laugh.
“In your dreams, Maybank.”
“Hi Y/n!” Your cousin, Kim, said when she got out from the car. She quickly ran up and gave you a big hug. You patted her back and took a step back to free yourself from her. She always liked to pretend to have a good relationship with everyone, so they would do things for her if she asked. But you didn’t fall for her tricks since you were three and you were starting to think for yourself. “So good to see you!”
“Yeah.” You said sarcastically and you mother gave you a killing stare. You shrugged your shoulders and as you were about to walk inside your house, Kim’s voice stopped you.
“Y/n, could you carry my bags upstairs?” She asked with a sweet voice and you turned to her.
“You have arms, you can do it yourself.”
“Y/n!” Your mom gave you a serious look and you sighed.
You walked to her and grabbed her bags, giving your mother a sarcastic smile.
‘This is going to be fun!’ You thought sarcastically.
“I can’t believe my parents are making me stay here.” Kim said while looking around your old car with a disgust face.
“Well, and I can’t believe my parents are making me hang out with you.” You said in a whisper and you thanked the music for being loud enough for Kim not to hear you. You didn’t want to hear her high pitch voice.
“Where are we going anyway?” She asked while changing the radio. You bit your lower lip tying to not argue with her about it, you absolutely didn’t like when people touched your stuff.
“To my friend’s house.”
“You have friends?” She asked and let out an annoying laugh. You sighed and made the grip on the steering wheel stronger.
After arriving at John B’s house, you got out from your car and walked towards the front door without waiting for your cousin. You needed a good smoke.
“Wait for me!” Kim said but you were already inside. Pope, Kie and Sarah turned their head to you and then looked behind you. Kie rolled her eyes and continued with what she was doing before, which was smoking a blunt.
“Oh, I need one of those.” You pointed at Kie and she handed one that was on the table. You light it on and took it your mouth. Your body relaxed immediately and you let it fall on the couch.
“I don’t think your parents would like the idea of you smoking.” Kim said on the door and you rolled your eyes. “I’m going to tell them tonight. Or, if you... let me sleep in your bedroom, I’ll pretend I never saw you.” She said with a proud smile but you let out a little smile and locked eyes with her.
“I wouldn’t waist your breath, they already know.” You said taking the blunt to your mouth.
“You must be Y/n’s cousin, I’m Pope.” Pope said getting up and giving her his hand for her to shake. But she looked at it with disgust and after hesitating, she shaked it.
You turned to Kie and then rolled your eyes. She did the same and then turned the other way.
“Kiara, nice to see you again.” Kim said with a fake smile and Kie just nodded with the blunt on her mouth. “Sarah Cameron, nice to finally meet you.” Sarah gave her a little smile and you lost your thoughts while giving the blunt another smoke, until Kie sat down next to you on the couch.
“This place is a mess!” Kim said walking towards the kitchen and opening the fridge. “What a girl gotta do to get a glass of water around here? Jesus!”
“Dude, why did your bring her here?” Kie whispered.
“If I’m going down, I’m taking all of you with me.” You said and turned your head to where Kim was, now moving her phone around the room trying to get reception.
“Ugh! This doesn’t work! How do you guys live here?!”
“Where are John B and JJ?” You asked Kie and like a calling spell, they both entered the house.
“Finally! You guys took your time!” Pope said while helping the guys with the bags on their hands.
“Well, the grocery store it’s not as close as you guys might think it is.” John said.
“And, we had to carry this bags on the motorbike. It’s not as easy as it looks!” JJ defended himself.
“Well, the food is here and that’s all I care about.” Kie said with excitement and you let out a little laugh.
You didn’t got up from the couch and you noticed Kim was looking at JJ with a smirk on her face. She was watching him, more specifically, his arms. He had a shirt with no sleeves and you could easily see his muscles. And the fact that he was carrying heavy stuff and putting them away, his arms were more enjoyable than normal.
John B and JJ were so occupied with the groceries that didn’t noticed Kim in the room, until she walked to JJ and stood next to him.
“Do you have a motorbike?” She asked and for the first time, he turned to her. He looked confused at her trying to figure out who she was, but when he turned to you, he remembered.
“Yeah, I do.” He said and she bit her lower lip.
“That is a nice shirt.” She said touching his shoulder. Your heart dropped and you clenched your jawline without thinking about it.
At this point, everyone was looking at your cousin and JJ, Kie was trying to not rolled her eyes for the fifth time since she came into the room. Pope and John B were staring at you and waiting for your reaction. Sarah was still helping JJ with the groceries, but Kim was making it difficult since she was in the middle of the kitchen trying to get JJ’s attention. But he was too busy focused on the food and not paying attention to her compliments.
Everyone went back to putting the groceries away after noticing that JJ was, basically, not giving a fuck about Kim. You couldn’t keep your eyes away from her and follow her every move.
That’s when she, sneaky as possible, took a piece of bread and throw it on the floor in front of JJ.
“Oh, let me grab it.” She said with a smile. She kneeled down, giving JJ a perfect view of her ass. He widen his eyes and looked up. He let his arm go up in the air and giving everyone the look of ‘I don’t know what the fuck to do’.
“Not on my watch.” You whispered and walked over to where JJ was. You let your arm rest on his shoulder and when Kim turned to JJ, she locked eyes with you and then rolled her eyes.
“Can we go home now?” She asked annoyed.
“You can go, I’m staying here.” She gave JJ a last look with a smirk and then walked towards door. But stopped once John B talked.
“We have to get the beer for the party tomorrow.” You nodded and then looked annoyed at Kim, who was still on the door.
“Is there a party tomorrow?” She asked with a smile on her face.
“For you? No.” You said with a fake smile and then grabbed a beer from the fridge.
“Oh, well, I don’t think mom and dad are going to like the idea of you going to a party without me. You know, since you have to hang out with me. You don’t have a choice.” A proud smile appeared on her face and then locked eyes with JJ. “I’ll be there.” She winked at him and then walked away.
You sighed and without looking away from where she left, you said “The manipulating bitch, ladies and gentlemen.”
“She is the queen of the kooks, I never thought that I was going to meet someone that I hate this much.” Pope said.
“And she was all over JJ!” Sarah said sitting down next to John B.
“I mean, can you blame her?” He said with a smirk and then walked to where you were standing.
“I told you the next one was going to be on your face if you said anything.” You said and he lifted his hands on the air.
“Not my type.” He said and you sighed. “You know my type.” He pointed at you and your stomach turned.
“No brain?” You said and everyone laughed, but JJ just shook her head.
“You just called yourself a no brainier.” He winked at you and then walked to his room, leaving you confused and with a heart going full speed.
The music was loud as always when there was a party on the cut. People had beers on their hands and some of them were dancing around. You had your feet on the sand while talking to Kie about some girl that she was seeing.
“Then ask her out!” You said after taking a sip of your beer.
“I think I will!” She said nervous. Something caught her attention behind you and she rolled her eyes. You turned to where she was looking and you saw Kim entering the beach.
“I didn’t think she was actually going to come! She hates this kind of parties.” You rolled your eyes and took a bigger sip from your beer. You watched her walk into a group of people and how she stopped once she was next to JJ.
“I think now we know why she came.” Kie said and you sighed. You hated the fact that your annoying cousin was interested in one of your friends, especially if it was JJ. “Dude, relax your face. It looks like you want to kill her.”
You didn’t noticed that your jaw was clenched and the grip on your beer was stronger than before.
“It’s just... she’s so annoying!”
“You usually don’t let her get to you, expect if she’s with JJ...” she took a sip of her beer and you turned to her.
“What are you trying to say?”
“Maybe... maybe, you’re jealous that she’s flirting with him.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and shook your head quickly. “Me? Jealous? What? No! Why would I be jealous?”
“C’mon, Y/n! You like JJ! Maybe you two don’t know it yet, but there’s something going on there.” She pointed at your heart and you shook your head.
“No, there’s nothing going on. And you know the rule! No Pogue on Pogue.” You said taking the beer to your mouth.
“Fuck the rule! We made it when we were kids, doesn’t mean anything now. Besides, I think he-” she was about to say but was cut off my JJ appearing next to you.
“How are my favorite ladies?” He let his arm go around your shoulders and you took a sip from your beer trying to hide de fact that you were taking about him seconds ago.
“Fine! I’m going to get another beer.” Kie said before giving you a wink and walking away. You gave her a serious look and she just let out a little smile.
“So, where is your admirer?” You asked JJ.
“I have no idea. She keeps following me, but I told her that I was going to the bathroom. At one point I thought she was going to ask me if she could come.” He said and you let out a laugh.
“Yeah, if she wants something, she’s going to get it.”
“Well, I’m sorry to disappoint her, but she’s not going to get this.” He pointed at himself and you couldn’t help but let out a little smile. “But I like the fact that you get jealous when she flirts with me.”
You opened your mouth in surprise. “Why is it today? I’m not jealous JJ!”
“Oh, admit it! You couldn’t control yourself when she practically made a private show for me yesterday.”
You let out a laugh. “Sure, JJ, if it makes you feel better. Then yes, I was so jealous that I wanted to rip her hair out.” You said sarcastically and a proud smile appeared on JJ’s face.
“I knew it. You loooove me.” You let out a laugh and turned to where a group of people were now screaming in excitement. You noticed that they were celebrating that fact that they won a game of beer pong.
“Wanna play?”
“Don’t waste your energy, princess, I always win.”
“Is that a challenge, blondie?”
He locked eyes with you and he let out a smirk. “Bring it on.”
As you were walking to the beer pong table, with JJ’s arm around your shoulders, your cousin, stopped you two by standing in your way.
“Am I interrupting something?” She asked innocently.
“Yes.” You said annoyed.
“We were about to play some beer pong.” JJ said while making you walk again but after two steps he stopped. “Would you care to join us?” He asked to her, but without breaking eye contact with you.
“What?” You asked and Kim got excited. You realized that JJ was trying to annoy you and prove that you were jealous. But your proud self was never going to let him win. “You know what? Yes, Kim, join us.”
“I’ll play with JJ!” She said following him to the other side. You gave JJ a proud smile when he rolled his eyes.
“Kie! Play with me!” You called her and she nodded with a smile. “We better win.” You said to her in a whisper when she got next to you.
You grabbed the ball on the table and prepared yourself to do the first shot. And like you expected, the ball went perfectly inside a cup.
“Drink up, blondie.” You said and gave Kie a high five.
JJ did the second shot and it went into the cup. “Your turn, princess.” He said proudly and you grabbed the beer cup.
It was Kie’s turn, and fortunately, it went into the beer with no problem. This time it was Kim’s turn to drink, and she did it after giving JJ the look ‘Yeah, I drink. I’m cool’. You rolled your eyes and when it was her turn, she looked at the cups on your side and then turned to JJ.
“Can you help me?” She asked bitting her lower lip and JJ furrowed his eyebrows.
“Kim, you just have to throw the ball! C’mon!” You yelled at her but she didn’t look at you. It was obvious that she wanted JJ to do the classic ‘let me help you’ move and get behind her really closely. JJ walked to her and grabbed her hand, but staying next to her.
You let out a big smile when you noticed JJ’s actions and tried to not let out a laugh. She throw the ball after JJ gave her corrections, but she failed and the ball went into to the sand.
“Maybe next time, Kim.” You said pretending to to feel sorry for her. She rolled her eyes and then walked to the side of the table.
The rest of the game went normal, you and Kie got every shot and you were up by one. Everytime Kim and JJ would get a shot, she would go and give him a celebrating hug. You would try to ignore to stop yourself from pushing her away.
I’m not jealous. You kept repeating to yourself every five seconds. Somehow, not even you believed that statement this time.
“Ok, last shot. If I get this, we win.” You said grabbing the ball Kie was handing to you.
“Wait, we have to think of something to get if we win.” JJ stopped you and you furrowed your eyebrows.
“Like what?” Kie asked.
“Maybe, if you guys win, we” JJ pointed at himself and Kim “will buy you two dinner.”
You nodded “And what about if you win?”
JJ stood there thinking and a big smile appeared on his face. “Kim. You can choose whatever you want. But, if we win, Y/n has to go on a date with me.”
“Wait, no, it has to be a share price.” Kim complained and JJ shook his head.
“This game has no rules, so I can do it.”
You stood there without knowing that to say. Kie walked next to you and whispered in your year. “Dude, just say yes. We’re going to win anyway. You never miss.”
“Alright.” You nodded and JJ gave you a smirk. You lifted your arm and got ready to throw the ball.
You had two options, win, and get free dinner. Or, lose, go on a date with JJ and, for the first time, see Kim not get what she wants. JJ had a smirk on his face while his arms were across his chest. Kim was biting his lower lip annoyed and you let out a little smile.
Me and JJ on a date. You thought and your stomach turned. Am I about to do what I think I’m about to do? You knew that JJ asked you on a date because he wanted to annoy Kim as much as you did. Why other reason is there?
You sighed and the ball left your hand when you throw it. You watched the ball fly across the table and it looked like it was going to go into the cup perfectly. But it landed next to it, making it’s way to the sand after hitting the table.
JJ lifted his arms into the air celebrating with a proud smile on his face. You bit down your lower lip trying to fight the smile that wanted to come out. Kim just let out a simple ‘ugh’ and then walked away. A little moment of proudness came into your body. You turned to Kie who had her arms across her chest while looking at you with a lifted eyebrow.
“I’m sorry.” You said getting closer to her.
“Oh, c’mon. We both know you did it on purpose.” She tried to sound mad but a little smirk appeared on her face. She shook her head and when you tried to say something, she cut you off. “Don’t argue with me.” She winked at you and then walked away when JJ appeared next to you and let his arm go around your shoulders.
“Let’s just pretend you didn’t do that in purpose. And the fact that you got to annoy Kim was just a good side effect of your loss.” JJ said and you rolled your eyes but then a little laugh came out of your mouth. “Just admit that you were jealous?”
“What? Why would I admit something that’s not true?” You crossed your arms around your chest.
“It is true. I would admit it. If I had a cousin that had a thing for you, I would be fuming.” He said and you stood there processing what he just said to you.
“What?” That’s all you could say. JJ just shook his head and a smirk appeared on his face.
“You’re never going to admit it, do you?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Well, you lost anyway, what are doing then? I can ask John B for his boat and...”
“Wait, are we actually going on a date?” You asked.
“Yes, why would I ask you on a date if I didn’t want to go on a date with you?” He asked confused.
“I don’t know.. you wanted to annoy my cousin?”
JJ let out a little laugh. “If I wanted to annoy her, I would’ve kiss you right there in front of her. But that’s something that I want to do later.” He winked at you and then walked away, leaving you, for the second time, with a mind full of thoughts and a heart beating faster than ever.
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Don’t Feed The Flames - Bucky Barnes x (f)reader, Natasha x platonic (f) reader
Summary: Bucky has made you angry after a tough mission with the crew, why you ask? Apparently he thinks it’s totally fine to run inside a burning building to help you complete the mission in question. 
Warning: bit of angst, mostly a good time with the team, Bucky fluff shoved in ur welcome
-reader has fire powers btw, I don’t wanna confuse anyone lol
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The mission was difficult to say the least, successful in its own right, but tough for everyone involved. All the Avengers were needed for this clusterfuck of a mission, minus Bruce and Thor who are elsewhere in the universe, lucky them.
All the team needed to do was infiltrated one of the last highly armed Hydra bases left in existence, get rid of the artillery and boom, slither right on in. Objective? Snatch valuable intel as to where the other bases are hiding, and surprise surprise, you and Wanda had to take care of some very pissed off experimentees who were unfortunately brainwashed beyond the point of helping them recover.
Ending the night in everyone quickly evacuating the premise with the essentials while you stayed back to blow up the base to nothing more then bricks and ash. Although during this, Bucky stayed back to shoot some freelancers who tried to take you the fuck out, with what would you know it; flame throwers.
Apparently Hydra is greatly lacking in weapons and functioning brain cells, among other things. Granted, you understood Bucky’s concern for your well-being when he ran into the fire. But oh dear lord were you not happy with him one goddamn bit.
Luckily Sam was able to pluck him out before anything fell on your idiot boyfriend while you were producing mass destruction in the giant airplane storage area. In the aftermath, you came out unharmed but covered in smudge marks and burnt off cloves yet again.
Bucky? Well he came away with a pissed off girlfriend and his life to say the least. And let’s just say the long four hour ride back was a tad bit awkward, even if you were too damn exhausted to show your irritation with Bucky. The team sure as hell knew he wasn’t going to be spared of your wrath when the jet landed.
It took approximately ten seconds for your man to shuffle out of your line of sight, using Steve as a shield to hide behind while they walked out. You had been distracted when Natasha asked for something picked up, then suddenly your mind was on Bucky. A moment later you stomped out of the Quinjet in pursuit of the one and only James Buchanan Barnes as he awaited your fury.
“James!” You growl fiercely, “You are the most fucking reckless person I’ve ever fucking met and I’m literally friends with Tony!” You snap while the rest of your teammates go about their business, trying to listen yet smartly staying out of everything.
“I know.” Mutters Bucky like a kicked puppy suffering his mother’s wrath, blue eyes looking at you with regret clearly visible on his handsome face.
“You know! You know!? Then why the fuck would you just run into the flames like that!” You shout while throwing your arms into the air in frustration, “You’re not fire proof Bucky!”
“Do you have a goddamn death wish!?” You interrupt, giving him a dumbfounded look as he glances from Steve to the floor then back to you again, trying to find something or someone with enough pity to help him. 
He finds none, “Well....no.” Your brows raise yet again at his short and annoyingly blunt answers to make up for his stupidly daring boldness. 
“Then why-ugh, whatever never mind.” You dismiss with a wave of your hand before quickly turning on your heels to walk for the metal doors into the main part of the facility, while the others keep their distance from your heated state.
“Wait Y/N, come back I’m sorry!” Exclaims Bucky desperately while you continue to ignore your reckless man, “You’re right I shouldn’t have....ugh...come on babe....shit...” Mutters Bucky as he watches you leave him in such a heated state.
“Dude just let her cool off, oh uh well....no pun intended.” Jokes Sam with a shrug as Bucky watches you stomp away in frustration, your body almost sizzling with actual flame.
“I didn’t mean to....well...ugh, shit I guess I kind of did.” Admits Bucky with a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck as you slam the door shut with a loud thud, “Sometimes I forget fire can’t hurt her. I should have just let her handle the burning building herself instead of going inside when she uh, told me not to.”
Steve walks out of the Quinjet with a bag in hand to greet the two, “Y/N seemed a bit...”
“Pissed off.” Adds Sam with a light chuckle as Bucky frowns at the giant glass window.
“Yeah.” Mutters Steve awkwardly as he side eyes Bucky, “Well ugh, see you guys at dinner, I think Wanda and Vision are getting takeout from somewhere.”
“See ya Steve.”
Sam and Bucky watch as Steve heads for the metal doors, soon he’s gone and the two are the only Avengers left in the giant parking garage of sorts.
“She’s going to hate me for the rest of the day I know it.” Sadly mutters Bucky, already missing your beautiful face no matter what state your in.
“I wouldn’t say it’s hate.”
“She’s going to be very disappointed in me then.”
“Yeah probably.”
Bucky gives him an offended look, “You’re supposed to say something uplifting or positive.”
“Man don’t look at me for relationship advice. This is Y/N we’re talking about, just give her a couple hours she’ll simmer down.” Inquirers Sam with a friendly pat on the back before he starts walking away for the door, as casually and unbothered as ever.
Bucky keeps silent for a moment while his mind swims with what to do next, suddenly he looks up at his retreating friend, “Hey Sam!” Shouts Bucky just as Sam opens up the door, causing him to stop and give his friend a quizzical look.
“Fuck you!”
Sam immediately snorts, “You brought this upon yourself brother!” And with that he shuts the door leaving Bucky alone and full of regret for putting himself in danger today when you specifically told him you could handle yourself.
Why is caring for someone so hard, wonders Bucky.
After taking a greatly needed shower and putting on a fresh new pair of comfortable clothing for the evening, you slipped past your friends rooms and away from where Bucky may be hiding.
Until at last you made it to Natasha’s door without being caught by anyone in the hallway and stopped for a needless conversation. Soon enough you slip into Nat’s room and saunter around for a bit as you wait for her to end her shower.
“Oh shit!” Gasps Natasha as soon as she opens the door and notices you poking around her stuff, “Jesus Y/N how’d you get in here!?”
“I opened the door.”
“I thought I locked it?”
“You did.”
Natasha gives you a puzzled look as you wander over to her nightstand, nonchalantly minding your business while picking up her current novel as she watches you curiously, “So uh, how’s it going?” She asks cautiously, well aware of your irritation with Bucky earlier that day.
Flipping through the pages you answer her honestly, “I’m fine now.”
Natasha nods before turning around to search through her drawers for an outfit, “I figured that much, considering if you were still pissed you’d be throwing fireballs into the cement wall downstairs.” She quips with her usual smirk as you gently close the book and set it back in its rightful place.
“That is.....true.” You agree with a shrug, “I’m just sending a message at this point.”
“Oh really?” Laughs Natasha while slipping on a shirt, “Poor Bucky then.”
“Yeah well he was being an idiot tough guy so....it’s what I’m doing.” You add with a lopsided smug grin, “Serves him right for being reckless with no regard for his physical safety. I love him but at what cost?”
“Someone needs to tell Steve that.” Mutters Natasha as she pulls on some sweatpants.
You chuckle, “What? That someone needs to tell Steve they love him? Not a bad idea.”
“That too.” Points Natasha, “I seriously don’t know how he’s not dead yet.”
Your brows furrow in thought for a moment, “He’s built like a stone sentinel with a will greater then many, he fears nothing.” You deadpan, face stoic and serious.
“Just about.” Laughs Natasha as you begin to cackle right along with her, in the middle of your laughing fit does the door suddenly burst open to reveal...
“Hello ladies.” Chirps Tony with an award winning smile, usual old T-shirt on and hair a bit of a mess though somehow managing to keep his Stark charm.
“I really need to get an automatic lock on that thing.” Mutters Nat to no one in particular.
“What’s up Stark.” You add with an acknowledging tilt of your head, “You here to bother us or tell us something interesting?”
“Everything I say is interesting my dear sparky.” Quips Tony with a brow wiggle.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Right, anyways. Foods here.” Chides Tony as he sets a hand on his hip, “Unless you’re both too cool for movie night. More for us then, I’ll have Vision drop off our half eaten tacos.”
“We have tacos?” You ask with an intrigued raise of your brow, just wanting to confirm and make sure he’s not bluffing, you fucking love taco night.
“How long have they been here?”
“Wanda and Vis just arrived so you’re the first two I found.” Oh, fuck yeah!
Turning your head to a smirking Natasha you smile back before bolting for the door, “Move Stark!” You snap before shoving him to the side and cackling as you and Natasha book it down the hall with Tony trying to keep up in the background. What can you say, Natasha always makes it a competition and its taco night. Sometimes you gotta play dirty.
Soon you and your assassin best friend who you tripped up before reaching the door finally skid into the Avengers giant lounging area. The room is relatively empty with the exception of Wanda and Vision who are seated at the large metal table near the kitchen where all the various paper bags of tacos are seated. And ripe for the taking.
Smelling absolutely delicious all tucked snug in their wrapping and filled with the most divine ingredients, you could just about die of happiness. With a beaming smile upon your face and the surprised expressions from your two friends you belt out loudly, “Tacos FUCK YEAH!” Before racing for the bags and getting tripped by Natasha.
Whipping your head up to watch her snatch a bag you growl half angrily, “You bitch.” While she happily smiles back down at you, taco in hand.
“What are you doing on the floor? Foods here.” She jokes as you quickly walk over to the counter with all the bags.
“Ha ha, you’re hilarious now give me that.”
After about ten minutes of eating and shooting the breeze with Natasha, Wanda, Vision, and Tony; you’re ears immediately catch the sounds of thundered running down the hallway and other muffled curses from two familiar individuals.
“Fun’s arrived.” Whispers Natasha with a friendly nudge to your arm as it lays on the flat surface of the table while you absentmindedly crumple up a wrapper.
Biting your lip you anticipate the impending commotion, “Fantastic.” And this whole evening could be more enjoyable if your hundred year old boyfriend would have used some common sense.
A second later the door swings open to reveal a panting Sam before Bucky slides in after him, equally as flustered, those two idiots. As they stand there collecting their breaths, Steve casually steps into the room, walking past them and over to the bags of tacos, “Aw sweet, taco night.” He confirms excitedly, hungrily eyeing up a particular bag.
Rolling your eyes, you slouch carelessly into your expensive swivel chair before turning to Wanda who’s seated across from you, “Hey, Red Riding Hood, you’re up.” She turns her attention away from Vision and nods before giving you a sly smirk and using her power to send a balled up piece of taco wrapping straight for your head.
In one calculably swift motion do you incinerate the paper material before its able to reach your face, “Y/N you’re going to set the fire detectors off.” Laughs Tony as he crumbles up a new ball.
“Eh, we could afford a renovation.”
Tony fake scoffs, “Rude.”
“Well Y/N, I thought you did great.” Applauds Wanda with a chuckle as the three other men walk around to the far end where no one is seated, “Alright Tony you next.”
You refrain from making any eye contact with Bucky who steals a few longing glances at your smiling face, instead he follows Sam and Steve to the opposite end and watches as you quickly turn another balled up paper to ash. The sounds of your laughter and the rest of the tables almost enough to drive him insane.
Yet he refrains, Bucky knows he’s essentially in time out, reason for almost getting himself killed today; and you’re not breaking anytime soon, or so he thinks.
Ignoring the three boys hungrily attacking their poor tacos away from the main groups theatrics, Vision suddenly gains your attention, “Well I suppose I should participate with this game or fear feeling left out....uh, what is the objective? Or perhaps the name?”
“They throw wrappers at me and I set them on fire before it hits myself or the ground.” You reply while crumbling up another piece, leaving Vision to process the possible deeper meaning to your brief explanation, though there really isn’t one. It’s just for fun.
“By the way I’ve been able to get her exactly once.” Brags Tony with a shit eating grin, causing you to scoff at that memory. 
“Oh fuck all the way off you flicked water into my face and then threw the paper.”
“And it was very much worth it.” He confirms as you roll your eyes at his cheating from last taco night.
The rest of your friends fill the room with snickers and some louder laughter coming from Sam down at the far end, with a raised brow you snap your head in that direction and stand, “Something funny bird boy?” You quip in a half threatening manner.
Sam’s smirk immediately drops from his face as his expression appears nonchalant, “What nooo. That was Steve.” He mutters before taking another bite out of his taco.
“Y/N that was definitely not me.”
“Uh huh.”
“Maybe it was Bucky.” Jokes Sam as you shift your fiery attention over to a fearful Bucky who quickly shakes his head before smacking Sam on the arm.
“No.” You confirm with a knowing smirk, “He doesn’t have a death wish.”
“Well neither do I please have mercy.” Pleads Sam with hands raised in defeat, “I would like to finish my taco.”
You stare down at them for a brief tension filled moment before casually shrugging, “Yeah alright.” Before sitting back down again.
Opening up the trash can you quickly shove down three giant paper bags from dinner with a bit of effort considering how full it is. Natasha and Vision are cleaning up in various areas nearby while Sam, Bucky, Natasha, Steve, and Tony sit in the lounging area discussing if it was necessary that Dobby was killed off in the Deathly Hallows. You know, normal things you discuss with your superpowered friends.
Well Bucky is mostly just listening and stealing glances over to you every couple of minutes, really wishing you would just walk over to him and let him show you how sorry he was with the biggest hug he could possibly muster. Probably never letting you go again, though you wouldn’t mind.
Ignoring your own longing to be cuddled up next to Bucky, you instead fight with the damn trash can to fucking shut its dumb lid already. With one hand forcefully shoving down bags, paper plates, and banana peels you start to think if volunteering for clean up was even worth it.
A blue flame suddenly erupts from your palm and makes a big black hole through the paper bags and plates, your eyes go wide in surprise as you immediately retract your hand from the trash and shut the lid just as quickly.
Taking a single step back you let out a breath before turning your head to find Bucky watching your whole ordeal go down with a drink in hand, guess he must have gotten up to get some juice and stayed for your one on one brawl with the trash can. Rolling your eyes, you wave it off, “Completely under control.” You mutter as he slowly nods.
Well this is awkward.
Shifting your gaze from Bucky to your friends and back to Bucky again, he finally speaks, “Is that why the lid has smoke coming from under it?”
“What?” You wonder in puzzlement before looking back down at the trash can to find smoke indeed rising, “Oh fuck!” Ripping the lid off you’re kindly greeted with a burst of flame and smoke. Well, shit.
“Uh, Y/N?” Asks Bucky with an uncertain chuckle, “You’re positive everything is under control?” Quips your smartass boyfriend.
With more flames rising to an almost alarming level, though not quit yet, you glance at your oblivious friends before racing for the sink, “Yes! Everything is fucking fine!” Wanda skips to the side as you snatch a cup of something from the counter by the sink.
Running back you skid in your tracks and dump the clear liquid onto the flames which causes them to rise even higher and gain the attentions of everyone sitting down and relaxing, “Why is my trash can on fire?” Asks Tony as casually as ever.
“I don’t know maybe it looks better this way?!” You sass before giving the glass a double take, “The hell? What the fuck was in this!” You shout, holding up the glass while fire burns in the trash from behind you.
“Oh that had some Quinjet fuel in it, why do you ask?” Replies Tony, he’s gotta be fucking with you.
Squinting at him in bewilderment, you shake the empty glass in frustration, “Why the fuck would there be a random glass of fuel sitting in a clear unlabeled glass on the fucking sink of all places!”
“What did you think it was?”
“Oh I don’t know!? Water?!” You snap causing the fire to roar even higher at your outburst.
Looking almost like a demon princess standing there with flames rising from behind you, your fists ball up with blue flame, something that you don’t even realize is happening as you give Tony a (what the fuck are you actually stupid) face.
Sensing your obvious irritation and rising anger, Bucky comes to the rescue with a whole bowl full of actual water and promptly dumbs it onto the flames which causes the unless materials to sizzle and whine. Soon the oranges and reds are gone, leaving the contents turned to ash and nothing more then wet soot.
Distinguishing your own flames, you hang your head low, revealing a tired heavy sigh as you mumble, “Shit.” Suddenly you feel admittedly quit drained and annoyed from the events of the day, even if they weren’t all bad.
Your friends keep silent for a moment before Steve quickly stands, “Movie night anyone?” Gaining the attention of everyone in an instant; you bless the blonde for his intuitive ways of helping you out in the smallest of moments. He truly is a great friend.
“Yeah I could watch something.” Adds Sam with a shrug, “I’m thinking Deathly Hallows Part 2.”
“Yeah it’s pretty good I’ll join.”
“Me too.”
“Yeah I’m in.”
Everyone get up and begins walking for the door as you stay standing in your spot near the wet and ash covered metal trash can, everyone exiting for the home theater except for Bucky who’s back is to you while he tells Sam you’ll be there in a minute.
Folding your arms, you suddenly feel like it’s the first time you and Bucky have ever talked one on one with each other, you’re typically a pretty damn confident and fiery person to begin with, it’s just. Being mad at your favorite human in the whole entire world and then embarrassing yourself with accidentally setting the trash can on fire can take its toll.
Also not to mention the mission many hours ago was admittedly hectic and stress inducing and then, Bucky....perhaps a moment to calm down would have been smart if taken earlier. God your life moves to damn fast.
“You are so intense sometimes.”
Breaking out of your self reflective trance, your eyes quickly dart up to see Bucky who’s giving you a soft smile, “If you wanted my attention you could have just asked.”
“Very funny.” You scoff, “I was actually too busy being mad at you.”
“Ah, right.” Nods Bucky as he mirrors your defensive positioning, deciding to cross his arms and make a pouty face like yourself, “So I guess we’ll just stay here and brood then?”
“I’m trying to make a point.” You mutter, you’re not gonna crack, you’re not gonna do it.
“I’m trying to get my girlfriend to watch a movie with me.” Admits Bucky with an affectionate head tilt as you frown, “I know they’re not going to wait for us so....uh....okay let me start over.....I’m sorry for being reckless and almost dying. And I mean it too, with all of my heart. I love you Y/N.”
Although you’d like to throw his dumb reckless ass some sass and strut away leaving him guessing and begging for more, you just can’t find it in you at this point. He looks at you with those big beautiful blue eyes full of love and adoration for you and only you, how could you possibly resist them?
You know with every ounce of your soul that he means every single word, and you also know that he’s missed you since the second you yelled at him and slammed the facility door, leaving him alone and regretting his past decisions that could have potentially ended him then and there.
“Sometimes James, sometimes.” You mutter, shaking your head in disapproval before a small smirk pulls at your lips and in that moment he knows you’re his, “Come here.”
Heeding to your wonderful command that he’s been waiting to hear all day, he swiftly makes the short distance to gather your smaller body into a giant Bucky bear hug, his strong arms wrap protectively around your back as his head falls into the side of your neck as he quickly steals a small kiss.
You pull him in even tighter and fully enjoy the sensation of himself flush against you, metal arm squeezing your rip cage and long dark hair that falls into your eyes; god you love him so much.
Giving you one last little squeeze of affection, Bucky slowly pulls away and presses his head against yours, “I gotta be honest, I have no idea what this movie is about.” Reveals Bucky as he continues to holds you close.
Chuckling you press a kiss to his lips, “I’ll tell you what’s happening. Let’s go before we miss anything else.”
Nodding, he tilts your head up to press a sweet kiss to your lips one last time before letting you go, so that the two of you can begin walking for the door. Opening up the metal and glass door for you like the gentleman that he is, Bucky quickly jogs over to your side.
“So Sam told me these guys are wizards or something? Like they can teleport and fly I think?” States Bucky in question while walking in step with you.
Looking over at him you smile at how cute he’s being right now, giving him an agreeable nod, “Yeah they can do cool stuff like change form and set things on fire.”
Bucky suddenly starts laughing much to your confusion, “Y/N does that make you a wizard?”
Shoving him to the side you snort as he keeps laughing, “Shut up.” You mutter humorously as he stumbles from your friendly push.
Making quick steps to catch up with you, Bucky pulls you into his side, “Forgive me I didn’t mean it...” Snickers your adorable idiot, “I bet you’d be the best wizard, pointy hat and all.”
Shaking your head you can’t help the smirk that tugs against your better wishes, “I’m gonna set you on fire.” You jokingly threaten him with as he affectionately squeezes your side, causing you to be pressed even closer against him.
“Wizard.” Muses Bucky as he plants a kiss to your cheek as you try and push him away.
“Bucky, shut the fuck up.”
“But, I love you.”
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ak8shi · 4 years
Jobs that the HQ Boys would have in college
a/n: I’m tipsy and idk what this is.,,,,many thots head full
ATSUMU: oh my god… he would work at Lulu Lemon and also be a campus rep for the brand, he looks really good in the clothes ig,, 🙄his manager fucking hated him for the first month of working there because they put him on the floor thinking he would attract people with his athletic build and good looks but he was so judgmental towards the customers, they had to put him behind the cash register LMFAO😔😭, he’s still judgmental behind the counter about the colors people pick for things but he knows he has to stfu to keep the job.. when dudes check out and have anything longer than 5.5 inseam shorts he always mumbles under his breath about feeling bad for the dude’s girlfriend 💀
BOKUTO: ALSO a Lulu Lemon rep but more of a floor/customer service person lmfao, HE SELLS things like CRAZY, people just listen to him and his expertise when it comes to the apparel because he’s so enthusiastic about it and looks so good in it, he’s the type that has 5 million different random jobs here and there : I can see him working at the campus gym as an instructor or just someone who oversees the machine area, LMFAO he’s the one who organized recreational games and sometimes referees rec volleyball!! He loves it and people ask him for advice all the time. He also stands outside of hollister shirtless on Black Friday LAMAKISKSMS, He ALSO is sponsored by one of those companies that delivers snack packages directly to college dorms HE IS SO CUTE PLEASE
SUNA: He has a job at his college campus’ library! He literally loves it because he doesn’t really have to talk to anyone besides the elderly ladies who work with him and the occasional lost underclassman, and he can do his homework on the job. Girls go to the library that he works at specifically to stare at him, and the twins come in to annoy him often too (that’s the only way they would be in a library setting) GIRL he has to KICK them out for being so loud god. He also gets the occasional offer from the campus’ student ran fashion magazine to model but he’s too embarrassed and knows he would get absolutely CLOWNED if he accepted🥺. He also ubers on the weekends sometimes and he as a 5 rating because he’s hot and never makes weird conversation with his passengers
FUTAKUCHI: MAN he would work at the mall at one of those hair kiosks LMFAOO Listen, he’s honestly the perfect person for the job because he’s pushy, confident, and h*t… when people would usually object on getting their hair done by some random at the mall, they usually say yes to him because…. Its him ugh I hate him ALSO HE’S ONE OF THOSE SKETCHY PEOPLE ON FACEBOOK THAT SELLS SCAM BEAUTY PRODUCTS (“hey girly,” PLEASEMDMF)
OSAMU: He would work a typical bus boy job in college tbh, you usually have the start from the bottom in the restaurant business and he likes the fact that the hours are pretty flexible, and that he can show up hungover as fuck and still do an okay job. Occasionally his friends will pay him to cook a meal for them, or bake something that they can impress a girl with (sometimes he purposely burns the baked goods 😭LMFAMDM) Works late a lot of times and you can catch him downtown in the parking lot scarfing down his dinner at 2 am
SHIRABU: I have no idea why this one was so obvious to me but he 100% works at a Starbucks on campus lmao, his pre-med self is just always stressed and needs coffee to stay awake, and honestly he kind of enjoys being a cunt to all the students he encounters as an outlet for his frustration (sir…💀), He’s constantly screaming at Goshiki behind the counter, and he honestly doesn’t have the patience for any Karens or those girls who complain about their order because they ordered something they didn’t mean to. He’s genuine and friendly to his regulars though and if you tip he’ll put an extra shot of espresso in your order😙
KUROO: Also another obvious one for me, he’s giving me paid lab member by day, bar tender by night vibes from a million miles away. He honestly gets offered the job in the lab because of his grades and immense understanding of chemistry in his classes and labs, and he loves it!! God.. he’s really so nerdy and you can’t tell me this man doesn’t get published multiple times in academic papers bc he DOES! The lab is great and everything but he’s only there for a few hours per week, so he seeks out a nightlife job at a bar, let me tell you that’s where he cashes out,,, 🤑 like he gets tipped really well because he’s good at conversation while not being creepy, he’s HOT as FUCK, and he makes the drinks actually strong. Truly everyone and their mom’s favorite bartender !
ARAN: THIS MAN,,, he’s so photogenic and good looking there’s not doubt in my mind that he would be an influencer on campus (Atsumu really wishes he was him lmfao💀), he has ALL the sponsors and also a huge social media following. Fashion nova men, skincare brands, athletic programs, he has so many sponsors and basically most of his Instagram is payed placement , He also promotes a lot of campus merch and bars!! Like there are definitely pics of him popping bottles with his boys on his insta and he looks so good please😈
SEMI: he would work at a piercing or tattoo salon, and honestly it happens unintentionally ?? He went in for a tattoo and he was looking at the jewelry on display and was like??? this would be so cool to be able to pierce someone!! SO he apprenticed with a worker and had a lot of his friends who wanted piercings come in for practice, also he’s the type of dude that is great at calming/reassuring people who are nervous or anxious before getting a piercing or tat, loves to play his guitar quietly in the background when he’s not busy helping a client🥰 also volunteers at the animal shelter a few times a month bc he loves animals 🥺
SAKUSA: this one is making me laugh because he would definitely work a teleprompter job thinking it would be fine since he doesn’t have to touch or interact with anyone but he ends up hating it because of how rude the people are 💀😭 he somehow gets stuck with the most obnoxious and rude clients he really can’t take it, (the way he has to repeat himself forty times... no) he brings a huge thermos of coffee to the office when he has to work and he leaves with a huge headache every time
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
6x02: Two and a Half Men
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Sam Winchester’s back from Hell
A woman runs with her baby from an unseen assailant in her house. She gets herself and her baby under the bed and they stay as quiet as possible. She sees her dead husband on the floor and can barely keep it together, but does, just in time for the assailant to pull her out from the bed, leaving the baby to watch the carnage. 
Dean, Lisa, and Ben start unpacking their life in their new home. 
Sam checks out the murdered couple. The baby is missing.
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Dean orders pizza for lunch, disregarding Lisa’s earlier promise to Ben that they’ll check the neighborhood out when they go out for lunch. 
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Sam confers with Grampa Campbell about the case. Something weird is happening with babies. Sam doesn’t see it, but notices that the house has a security system that wasn’t set off by the invader. They have a lead. 
Dean wanders into the garage to find Ben messing around with a shotgun from Baby's trunk. He makes it VERY clear that Ben will never shoot a gun. 
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Ben wants to do what Dean does. Dean turns on the ol’ John Winchester charm and yells at Ben to shut up about the gun. Ben backs down and walks away, dejected. 
Samuel has found another family that has the same security system --and fits the profile of the previous victims. Sam heads out to find them. 
Lisa confronts Dean about his altercation with Ben. She wants to know what’s up with Dean. If they killed what was after them, why is he acting like this? She gets that he’s trying to protect them, but he’s scaring her. 
Sam gets to the couple’s house only to find them already murdered. He follows bloody footprints through the house. 
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The murderer pops out at him and they fight. Sam slices him with a silver knife, and the wound hisses. The assailant runs away. 
While Dean secures the perimeter that night, Sam calls needing his help on a case. Dean insists that he’s out. Sam tells him something so interesting that Dean meets him. 
Sam saved the baby!
The next morning, Dean hands Lisa a gun, tells her to salt the doors and windows, and takes off to work the case with Sam. 
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First on the agenda: shopping for baby supplies. As they’re checking out, the baby starts wailing. Neither brother knows what to do --and here I want to question what the hell Dean’s thinking. Sam has an excuse re: no soul, but Dean, you’ve taken care of a baby before. Anyway, they keep looking at the poor thing like it has two heads. 
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A nice woman comes up to coo over the baby and asks his name. Dean answers, “Bobby” and Sam answers, “John”. Yep, the baby is named Bobby John. She offers to change his diapers for them. Dean glances over at a security monitor and sees that her eyes are glowing. 
Dean declines. More specifically he says, “Give me the baby before I stab you in the neck.” Bold. The lady takes off running with Bobby John. Sam wrestles the baby from her while Dean full body tackles her to the ground. She plays the old lady card and security comes after Dean. He runs. 
Sam and Dean need to get off the road, especially since the shifter caught Sam’s license plate and is now a cop tracking the number.
At a motel, Dean changes Bobby John’s diaper and then hums him to sleep with Smoke on the Water. EVERY TIME I’m sorry to say this just makes my brain emit a low, steady brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
For Tender Dean Science:
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Okay, I’ve rebooted. 
Sam - who has spent the whole time seated in front of research material - is impressed at Dean’s fatherly chops. But like, HE RAISED YOU, SAMMY. You must at least be able to logically analyze your memories? Dean chalks up his skillz to his recent experience parenting Ben. “I know he’s not my kid, but lately I’ve been feeling like...yeah, he is.” He’d like to raise Ben better than they grew up. In related news, do you ever want to just chew off your own arm???
Soulless!Sam informs Dean that moving Lisa and Ben from place to place is just as bad as their own fractured childhood. 
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Sam pushes Dean to consider that his paranoid behavior is turning him into their father. I do like that Sam is helping my girl Lisa out with the traumatized man living in her home but DAMN, SAM. While Dean broods over his failures as both a father and a partner, Sam realizes that the dad in the recent deadly home invasion is still alive. He heads out, leaving Dean to dip his finger in whiskey and let Bobby John have a taste.
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Bobby John’s dad is...not bereaved. His wife was cheating on him and got pregnant. (So apparently she deserved a gruesome death? Huh. Good to know, dude.) She denied she was cheating, telling him that he’d come back early from a trip and they’d had sex. It’s fun how the layers of trauma this cold open woman goes through just get worse and worse. 
At the motel, Dean’s relaxing on the vibrating bed when there’s a wet explosion from the crib. It’s not a poopy diaper! When he peers over the crib, Bobby John’s an entirely new baby. (He’s the baby on the diapers box and I really hope those parents got to keep that prop!) Sam calls with a new theory - the baby’s father is a shapeshifter!
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Bobby John gets cleaned up just in time for a shady manager to knock on the door and demand to be let in. The shapeshifter cop from earlier bursts in just as Dean unlocks the door. He’s there to bring the baby to “our father,” whomever that is! They engage in fisticuffs, until Sam arrives and shoots the shifter.
Later, they’re driving off with Bobby John to find a safe haven for the little tyke. “I didn’t even know they had babies,” Sam says, of shifters. “I thought they were just freaks of nature - like, X-Men style.” Gurl, please. He refers to Bobby John as a monster, but Dean insists that Bobby John is just an innocent baby. If I had a dollar for every time this show danced around this point only to fuck off and forget it in the next episode, I’d have a lot of dollars. 
Sam suggests bringing Bobby John to the Campbells to raise, which Dean thinks is a monumentally poor idea. (I’m Dean/Cas endgame BUT imagine society if Dean had brought Lisa a shapeshifter baby to raise!!!) Sam “not all hunters” the Campbells, then says that Samuel is like Dean. This is...not the slam dunk argument Sam thinks it is. “I’m a freakin’ head case,” Dean rebuts and it is a SOLID REBUTTAL. Still, they head to the Campbell’s compound.
And it is a literal compound, with armed guards standing patrol at the metal gates. In the grim main building, cold Campbells circle Dean and Bobby John like sharks. All the Campbells look like they’re one step away from taking a knife to the baby. Dean refuses to hand over Bobby John to any of the “family.” Sam asks to hold Bobby John. Sam then immediately turns around and hands Bobby John over to Samuel and I CHEW MY OWN ARM OFF I HATE SOULLESS!SAM sometimes. Dean wants to know what the plan is now.
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All the dark looks shot between the Campbells make me want to scream, and then weep. 
Dean’s worried about the Campbells wanting to study Bobby John (in the mad scientist way) and Christian Campbell laconically comments that Dean’s mind goes straight to torture. When Dean demands an explanation, it’s revealed that the Campbells know aaalllll about Dean’s torture time in Hell. 
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The Campbells also fantasize about what a great hunter a shapeshifter will make. Samuel demands that Dean trust him, and then interrogates Christian about his baby-making failures with his wife. He offers Bobby John to Christian. “The crap I do for this family,” Christian mutters as he takes the baby. READERRRRRRRRRS, I hate him.
Outside, a dog yelps. Dean and Sam flee for the panic room with Bobby John while the Campbells load up with weapons. A shapeshifter arrives, wearing Samuel’s face. They tranquilize him after a fight, and try to take him prisoner. 
The shifter heads down to the panic room wearing Sam’s face, tosses Sam across the room, and then just...shimmers himself into Dean’s form. 
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The shifter pins Dean against the wall, cutting off his air until he passes out. He then takes Bobby John and calmly walks out. 
Later, they all reconvene after the fight. Samuel reveals that the shifter was an alpha shifter, who spawned all the other shifters. “The lore” also says that an alpha can sense their babies anywhere. 
As Dean and Sam walk out to the car, Dean goes over the details of the hunt. He wants to know if Sam registered what the shifter at the motel had said about his “father.” Sam lies incredibly poorly, but Dean puts it all together. If Sam knew the alpha was on the hunt, then he would have known that he would come after Bobby John. Dean wants to know if he was using the baby as bait. Sam plays it off - he just thought the Campbell compound was the safest place. UGH DOUBLE UGH at all the terrible layers. 
Samuel has a brief phone call, complaining to an unknown boss about how hard it was to try to take the alpha shifter prisoner. 
Back at Lisa’s, Dean frets about the best way to keep Lisa and Ben safe. He acknowledges that he’s been acting like a prison guard. “You tell yourself you’re not gonna be something...my dad was exactly like this. All the time. Scared the hell outta me.” Lisa tells him that she knows one thing: 
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She looks at him, and sees someone who wants to hunt. But she also tells him that he sees himself as “some bad, awful thing. But you're not.” She proposes that Dean head out to hunt with his brother, and stop by when he can. Maybe they can have it all!
Dean smiles a real, honest smile in the garage as he pulls the car cover from Baby. Smoke on the Water plays us through a truly gratuitous hot rod close-up of Baby. The curves! The headlights!
For I’m Just Gonna Give You Two the Room Science:
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Dean is back in town!
Baby Quotes:
So either we've got monsters grabbing babies to make baby stew, or we've got a bunch of psychotic yokels grabbing babies to make baby stew. Either way, it's baby stew, which is bad
You think I speak baby?
I've never seen a baby monster before
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xnchxntmxnt · 3 years
𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑢𝑛𝑎, 𝑓𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑
𝐵𝑜𝑘𝑢𝐴𝑘𝑎 𝑋 𝐺𝑁!𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑢𝑛𝑎 : 𝑎 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒, 𝑎 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡
a, can you tell I'm bad at naming things? This took me an hour b, I make this sound so much cooler than it really is lol it's just bokuto and akaashi being cuties
this is another req from tumblr that I'm excited about--also thank you to @sugasfanfics (on ao3, instagram & tumblr) for helping me with some ideas with this! Love you bro!/p Go check out her stuff! It's really good!
Anyway, enjoy!
TW//CW: minor cursing
Reader info: GN!Reader, third year student at Fukurodani, Bokuto Kotaro’s childhood best friend
Word Count:
Ao3 Link
“Akaashi! Did you see that spike! Did ya see it? Did ya?”
“Yes, I did, Bokuto.”
“Wasn’t it killer?!”
“Yes, Bokuto.”
“My shoulder hurts a little from that!”
Now that you thought about it, your shoulder hurt a little just watching him. You grew up with Fukurodani’s team captain, Bokuto Kotaro, and you welcomed Akaashi Keiji into your friendship the year prior. Now it was the beginning of your third year and Bo invited you to stay and watch practice so he could walk you home. What a gentleman.
Most of why you immediately let him join the two of you is because he and Bokuto figured out early on they were soulmates. It was great to meet them so young, but you had to admit, you were a little jealous. Especially because Bokuto had it pinned in his mind that there was someone else. All he had was a few scraped knees and/or elbows that he nor Akaashi remembered getting to go off of. Typical Kotaro making a mountain out of a molehill. You’d been dealing with his dramatic streak for a long time, though, and found it endearing.
He was endearing. You’d had a crush on the captain for a while, now, but since he and Akaashi found each other...well, it was better not to spoil their fun.
You hadn't wanted to admit it for a while, but you had a bit of a crush on Akaashi too. There was something about both the boys—very different things, of course—that drew you to them. Bokuto was loud, emotional, and so caring where Akaashi’s intelligence and natural charm were fascinating.
You didn’t have the guts to confess to either of them nor did you want to ruin what they had. They already found each other, so what was the point? It’s not like having two soulmates was unheard of but it was on the rarer side and you doubted you’d be so lucky.
“Nice one, Bo!” you yelled over to him. Today was Friday so you were planning on walking home with Bokuto from his practice. The two of you had spent Friday evenings together for as long as you could remember, rarely ever missing them. You helped him with homework when he needed it, you two played video games or watched movies. Most of the time you ended up staying overnight because neither of you wanted to move from the comfortable couch.
He turned and waved to you, a smile plastered on his face. “(Y/N), wasn't that awesome?”
“Yes, it was,” you laugh, turning back to your homework you decided to work on while at practice (that way Bokuto could have your full attention when you got home—he needed it in school sometimes). “You got this, dude!”
You heard him cheer—he was so energetic today. Someone so positive (unless he was in one of his moods) was hard to come by. Especially someone who felt all of his emotions so strongly like he did.
The end of practice came sooner than you thought it would and you offered to help the boys clean up. They graciously accepted, per usual, so you followed Akaashi around, helping him find all the volleyballs that had rolled around the gym floor.
“Any fun plans for the weekend?” you asked, hoping to start a conversation with him. Usually, he wasn’t the type to start talking to anyone, so you wanted to break the silence.
He shrugged. “Bokuto offered to go to the movies with me tomorrow night, so there’s that. You?”
“Just the usual.”
He mumbled something, but before you could ask what it was, Bokuto came skipping over. He swung around behind Akaashi, wrapping his arms around his waist. “What’re you two talking about?” he asked energetically, a smile plastered on his face.
“Just this weekend,” you reply, trying to match his energy. It was a little tough when Bo was (unintentionally) making you a third wheel.
“Awesome, awesome, awesome! Hey, I gotta steal Akaashi real quick, But I’ll be ready to leave in a sec, yeah?”
“Sounds good.” You turned to walk back to your bag, going to put away the book you had out. However, the boys’ conversation had you intrigued, so you walked slower and listened in.
“One time, Akaashi! Last time, I promise! I just wanna see-”
“Or you can just wait and find out.”
“Ugh, but thats boring! Please, please, please?”
“Fine, fine--you want me there?”
“Yes please!”
You sighed, wondering what Bokuto was up to this time. Whatever it was, at least it was legal and safe enough that Akaashi agreed to it.
“(Y/N), hey, (Y/N)!” Bokuto yelled for you, running out of the club room with Akaashi in tow. You laughed as he glared at him, being dragged along by the wrist. “I have something I wanna try on you. Works on akaashi, I wanna see if you fall for it.”
“What is it?”
“You gotta trust me on this.”
You laugh. “I’m scared, is this safe?”
“Just humor him, you won’t die or anything.”
“Yeah, you’ll be fine! Hold your arm out.”
You follow his directions and you do, rolling up your sleeve. He does the same.
Before you know it, there’s a painful stinging sensation on your forearm, but you realize you weren’t hit. Bokuto slapped his own arm, which was now slightly red where he hit.
“Did you have to hit so hard?” Akaashi complained with a sigh. “That hurt.”
“Yeah, yeah, sorry--(Y/N)?”
“What the hell?” you asked, eyes wide in shock. “Did you just--”
“It worked! Oh--Akaashi it worked! I was right! Yes! Aren’t you glad you said yes!”
“We could have just asked them to the movies Saturday…”
You listened to the two of them go back and forth for a moment, staring at your arm. It didn’t hurt anymore, but a moment ago it had. But you weren’t hit. Bokuto was. How did you--
“Is this how you broke your arm when you were seven and somehow I managed to at the same time??” you exclaim, shoving his shoulder. “When did you figure this out? How did you know? What?”
“Well, I kinda had an idea a little while ago, but I wanted to try it out…” he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. “But isn’t this awesome? You--wait, you like us, right?”
You roll your eyes, putting up your best deadpan face. “No, Bokuto Kotaro, I despise you and Akaashi with every fiber of my being.”
“No, stupid, I’ve liked you for months I just didn’t say anything!”
“Why not??”
“Cause I didn’t wanna ruin what you guys had!”
“If it helps, (Y/N), we both did the same thing,” Akaashi added. “So, if you’re not doing anything tomorrow, do you wanna come to the movies with us?”
You not, still unbelieving that this was an actual reality. Bokuto grinned and hugged you, spinning you around in his excitement. “Bo, put me down!” you squeal, hanging onto him tightly.
He set you down and kissed your forehead. “Sorry, sorry, I got excited. But you’ll come, right??”
“Yes, I’ll come to the movies with you guys.”
“I’m glad.”
You took one of Bokuto’s hands and offered your other one to Akaashi, which he also took. So your first ‘date’ tomorrow would be interesting, but you couldn’t have been happier about it.
Hope you guys enjoyed! I love these guys so much, specifically Bokuto (but I tried to write them both aaaa I'm no good at Akaashi but I tried). If you have any reqs for me, let me know either here or my inbox on tumblr!
Drink some water and stay healthy! Sending love! <3
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gamerwoo · 3 years
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Hongseok: Bittersweet (part 2 -- a glucose guardian, if you will)
Summary: You were looking for a sugar daddy to make more money. Hongseok was looking for a sugar baby to get his friends off his back. But once you find out what he’s using you for, you don’t want anything to do with him. Unfortunately, you love his money more than you hate him.
a/n: timestamps don’t matter!!!
Previous | Next | Bittersweet Masterlist
ೋღ ────────────── ღೋ
After Ryan finally texted you with the link to the website, you decided to go to the cafe with your laptop to do some looking because you knew that not only would Sadie be on your back about not doing it -- you still weren’t convinced about the whole idea but you were getting too desperate and were at the ‘fuck it’ point -- but Ellie had a reputation for somehow sneaking into your apartment, and you didn’t want her popping out from somewhere just to look over your shoulder. So the safest bet seemed the cafe with free wifi because you knew Ryan wasn’t working, and Yunho or whoever was working wouldn’t really give a shit about what you were doing either way.
The door dinged as you entered, and Yunho looked up from where he was standing at the counter with his phone, a wide smile appearing on his face, “Hey, _____!”
“_____!” a familiar voice you immediately recognized as Soonyoung’s called. He was sitting at a table with two of his friends that you vaguely knew of -- one was Seungcheol, and you only knew that because he was friends with Sadie, and the other was someone you didn’t even remember the name of.
“What’s up,” you nodded in Soonyoung’s direction as you approached the counter, giving your attention to Yunho now. “I can see the evening rush is super entertaining.”
“Yeah, everyone lines right up for coffee at 7pm,” he nodded, rolling his eyes. “I don’t get why they make us stay open this late when people who need coffee would rather go to a place with a drive-thru instead.”
“No fun when your partner in crime isn’t here??” you asked as Soonyoung walked up to you and stood by your side as if he was apart of the conversation.
Yunho was not only Ryan’s manager, but someone he was close with. You were also painfully aware that Ryan had a fat crush on the guy, but Yunho was either oblivious or stupid. Or both.
Well, that, and you were pretty sure he was straight, but you also had your gay awakening pretty late. Anything was possible.
“Nah,” he sighed, resting an elbow on the counter and placing his chin in his hand.
“What’re you doing here with your laptop anyway?” Soonyoung wondered.
You let out a sigh of your own, “I decided to take your advice.”
“You’re gonna sell your underwear?”
“Hang on, what?” Yunho asked.
“No!” you frowned. “Ugh, c’mere.”
You gripped Soonyoung by the arm and dragged him away to an empty table away from his friends so they wouldn’t hear. As you sat down at the table and got your laptop out, you explained in a hushed tone that you were going to try to find a sugar daddy, to which Soonyoung smirked.
But then his smirk turned into a wide smile as he asked, “Can I help you look?”
“Won’t your friends be a little annoyed you ditched them?”
“Seungcheol expects me to ditch them when you’re around, and I don’t really think Jeonghan gives a shit either way.”
So Soonyoung joined you in the search for a sugar daddy.
As expected, most people were older or simply just ugly. You decided you wanted to set some sort of standards if you’d have to spend time with these people. You also specifically searched for people who weren’t in search of sexual shit. You wanted someone you could just spend time with and get paid for it.
After what felt like hours of searching -- checking the clock, it had only been about half an hour -- you finally found someone who didn’t seem too...awful. By then, Seungcheol and the guy who was apparently named Jeonghan had left, so it was just you, Soonyoung, and Yunho in the cafe.
His name was Yang Hongseok, he apparently lived in the same area, and he was only 2 years older than you. It didn’t say much else about his personal info, but there was a brief bio about himself. He kept it pretty simple, just saying he was looking for a girl to spend some time with in exchange for money. He also said the allowance would be negotiable and to basically message him with inquiries. 
“I mean, he doesn’t sound creepy,” Soonyoung shrugged after looking over his profile with you, his chair scooted very close to yours as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “I guess you’ll have to dm him to find out. Still think you should fuck him, though. I mean, look how hot is is, _____, c’mon.”
“Even he doesn’t want that,” you pointed out.
He shrugged, “Change his mind. Dm him.”
“I don’t know dude, I’m kinda scared,” you laughed nervously. “I need your support.”
“You can do it, _____!” Yunho called from behind the counter.
You glanced down at Soonyoung, “You told Yunho when you went to order your tea, didn’t you?”
He snorted, “Of course I did.”
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Witchcraft does not reward shitty intentions
Hello, I am a day late with my mythological creatures AU, oh noooooo. Also, I had this filed in my brain as a love potion story and it took me way longer than it should have to realize that there isn’t actually a love potion in it. 
Read it on AO3!
Steve handed him his movies and opened his mouth like he was going to say something. Then he closed it again.
"Spit it out, Bambi," Billy said. Steve stared at him for a minute, glancing around to make sure Billy was the only customer at Family Video.
"I just wanted you to know that it's not your fault," he finally said tentatively. Billy thought about all the things Steve could be referring to and decided he needed more specifics.
"What are you talking about?"
"The...thing. The attraction thing." Steve gestured between them. "It's not your fault." Steve sighed as Billy's eyes narrowed. "I'm not trying to make this weird. I just...I've seen how you look at me sometimes, and I wanted you to know that it's not you. It's me." Billy decided to ignore the fear in the pit of his stomach at the idea that Steve had apparently caught him looking. Neil was gone, he reminded himself. Sure, his first impulse was to shove Steve against a wall until he promised never to say shit like that again, but he suppressed it. He wanted to know what the fuck Steve was talking about.  
"Still not following, princess."
"I was cursed. By a witch. So people are, you know, attracted to me." Billy stared at him.
"And that's a curse because..." he prompted.
"Oh, the curse is that everyone is attracted to me, but no one can truly love me until the curse is broken." Steve seemed remarkably cavalier about it. Billy just stared at him again.
"I'm sorry, what?" he asked, still lost. This was not a conversation he had been expecting to have--ever, really--so it was taking him a minute to catch up.  Steve sighed again.
"I was kind of a shallow dick at the beginning of high school. Someone in our graduating class didn't like it, so she cursed me to experience the shallowest possible expression of love until someone comes along who feels strongly enough about me to break the curse."
"What does that even mean? And how will you know that the curse is broken?"
"Great questions," Steve said. "Unfortunately, the witch in question is still a little vague on the details." He raised his voice throughout the sentence until he was practically yelling the last part. Robin came of the back room and Steve played up glaring at her.
"Wait, Robin is the one who cursed you?" Billy asked. That seemed harsh, even for Robin, who could be absolutely savage sometimes. Also, she was Steve's best friend. Robin grimaced and threw up her hands, already defensive.
"Ugh, we're talking about this? Again? First of all, part of Steve's whole attraction deal is definitely the Fae thing, so you can't put all of that on me. Furthermore, I was sixteen and the girl I liked wouldn't stop looking at him, and we weren't friends yet, and I thought he was just a stupid dickhead jock!" Her gaze went to Steve and her tone was a little gentler, though still exasperated. "How many times do I have to say that I'm sorry?" Steve just shrugged. Billy looked from Robin to Steve and back.
"Okay, first of all, I have never heard about any of this so, yeah, we are definitely talking about it," Billy said. "And secondly, you made it so that Harrington can't experience love, Buckley. That's a lot of apologizing."
"Oh, that is rich coming from the dude who almost beat Steve to death approximately five minutes after arriving in Hawkins," Robin shot back. It wasn't exactly an unfair point, but Billy wasn't going to say that. He stared her down instead.
"Billy already apologized for that. And it was a long time ago," Steve said generously. Steve also generously did not mention that Billy had gotten so choked up he could barely finish the apology, and that he had spent the entire second semester of that year helping Steve with his homework without Steve asking him to. Billy also still sometimes shoveled the walk in front of Steve's apartment in the winter, and he showed up periodically to do maintenance on Steve's car. He was reminded of his guilt every time he saw the scar at Steve's hairline, was all. He definitely wasn't just looking for excuses to spend time with, or in the general vicinity of, Steve. Also, none of that was the point right now because it turned out that Robin had also fucked Steve over. And furthermore, what the fuck was the Fae thing?
"He can't. Experience. Love," Billy repeated. Jesus, Steve deserved better friends. "And also, what the fuck is the Fae thing?"  
"Steve's mom is Fae," Robin said. "And you're always so fucking dramatic. He can experience love," she insisted, but she sounded a little uncertain. "He falls in love all the fucking time."
"Yeah, but no one's ever going to love me back until the curse is over," Steve sighed. He leaned on the counter, looking a little forlorn.
"Every curse can be broken," Robin said stubbornly. "I just wasn't very detailed about the wording of this one."
"And that's important because..." Billy prompted. He let the Fae thing slide for now. That revelation felt like it warranted an entirely separate conversation. Robin sighed.
"Like I said, every curse can be broken. Typically, an experienced witch will build the conditions for breaking the curse into the spell itself. Said witch will be as specific as possible, to ensure that the conditions are actually met before the curse is broken. If, hypothetically speaking, you have an inexperienced witch who used the wording from a spell template she found on the internet, you get stuck with something vague like 'the curse will be broken when the power of love outweighs the power of the curse.'"
"Ok, so someone just has to love Steve more than you were mad at him when you cursed him. And, one more time, how will you know when the curse is broken?" Robin winced a little.
"There's usually some kind of indication?" It was much more a question than it was a statement.
"I take it that's another thing that is usually covered in the initial spell."
"Yep," Robin said, staring intently at the floor. There was a long silence, and she finally looked up at Steve. "If it helps, I think that curse is probably the reason my love life is a complete disaster. Witchcraft does not reward shitty intentions, even if you're cursing a stupid jock with dumb hair who, at one time, almost definitely deserved it." Steve stared at her, visibly suppressing a smile. 
"That's a really touching apology, Robin."
"Shut up, dingus." She nudged him with her elbow and he nudged her back. Now they were both suppressing little grins.
"I can't believe you're both just fine with this," Billy said, staring at them. He knew he was irrationally angry, but he had a nagging feeling that he had been personally wronged by this entire situation. He chose not to think too hard about why that was. Robin narrowed her eyes at him.
"I tried to lift the curse a bunch of times," she said. "I can't do it. Probably because it was such a shitty spell to start with." She sighed. "At this point I'm worried that if I keep trying, I'll just make it worse." Steve shrugged.
"It's okay. It's not like it changed my life all that much in the first place." Billy's eyes narrowed at the hint of bitterness in Steve's tone. "Besides, it's not like I can do much about it now. Except wait and see if someone ever falls in love with me hard enough to break it." Steve's tone had turned wistful, and he had a faraway look in his eyes.
"Someone will," Robin said quietly. She bumped her shoulder against Steve's and smiled at him. "I know they will, dingus." Steve appeared to come back to himself a little bit. He stood straighter at the counter.
"Anyway," he said to Billy, "I just wanted you to know that it's not you, it's me. And it will fade with time. It always does." He gave Billy a reassuring smile, seemingly unaware of how fucking sad that sounded. Billy stared at him for a long moment, thinking hard. Then he smiled back, a little wolfish.
"Thanks, Harrington. That is good to know." He gave the two of them a little salute and then took his movies and walked out of Family Video.
Billy got in his car, but he didn't start it immediately. Instead he sat there, staring into space. Steve was wrong, obviously; that wasn't even a question. If the only thing Billy felt for Steve Harrington was attraction, his life would be significantly easier. He knew what to do about that. Hell, he probably would have already done it, and he thought Steve probably would have been into it; Billy hadn't been the only one looking for a while now. The problem was that he wanted to hold Steve's hand and gaze into his stupid doe eyes almost as much as he wanted to lick him all over, and Billy didn't have the first fucking clue what to do about that.
It was three weeks later when Robin cornered Billy at the auto shop. His behavior toward Steve hadn’t changed, and sometimes he thought he saw a hint of wistfulness in Steve’s expression when Billy flirted with him. Like maybe he was a little hopeful. Mostly, though, he seemed resigned. A little sad. Robin watched their interactions with sharp, knowing eyes, and Billy wasn’t exactly surprised to find her waiting for him after a long shift on a windy, overcast Wednesday.
Robin’s eyes stayed on him as he approached, and then she glanced down at his pendant.
“You never take that off?” she asked. He was caught a little off guard. He hadn’t expected her to open with that. Or to ask about it at all.
“No," he said, suspicious. "My mom told me to always leave it on,” he added, not sure why he was volunteering information except that Robin occasionally reminded him a little bit of his mom. Something in her affect, maybe. Robin nodded, like his mom's insistence on it made sense to her for some reason. She pushed off the side of his car and waited for him to unlock it.
“Let’s go,” she said.
“Go where?” he asked warily.
“My parents' house.”
“Why would I do that?” They weren’t exactly friends, despite all the time Billy spent at Family Video. Robin’s grin was sharp.
“Because I have a theory,” she said.
“Still not hearing anything about why I would want to do this.” Her grin widened.
“Do you want a shot at Steve Harrington or not?” she asked. Billy stared at her for just a second too long without responding, and her eyes sparkled, and then it was too late to do anything but get in the car and let her in the passenger side.
“Steve is cursed, remember?” His tone was acidic as he tried to regain the upper hand.
“He is,” she agreed, “but that might be less of a problem than we thought.” He glanced over at her and then back at the road. It came to him all at once, and suddenly he felt a lot less off-balance.
“You think I'm going to fix this for you,” he said quietly. Robin’s smile vanished and there was a long silence.
“Maybe. Kind of,” she admitted. “But not in the way that you’re thinking.” He glanced over again and cocked an eyebrow.
“Spit it out, Buckley,” he prompted when she didn’t elaborate. She shook her head.
“I’d rather show you when we get there,” she said. “You’ll never believe me otherwise.” He frowned at her, but didn’t argue. He could indulge her for a little while.
When they pulled up in front of her parents' house, Robin didn’t get out of the car right away. She stared up at the gabled  roof of the house instead.
“I don’t take it lightly, you know,” she finally said. She was still staring out the window. She didn’t look at Billy. “I was young and stupid and scared and it wasn’t Steve’s fault I felt that way, but it felt like it was. I did something terrible and I haven’t been able to fix it and it kills me how nice he is about it.” She turned to look at Billy and her eyes were dry, but he could see the emotion there. "I imagine you can relate," she said drily. Then she narrowed her eyes at him, calculating. “I really expected you to be a dick about it. I thought you’d find it so funny that King Steve was totally fucked when it came to love, but you didn’t look amused at all.” Robin’s eyes were intent on Billy. “You looked surprised and then angry, which was interesting. So I started paying more attention to you.” Billy stared at her, torn between anger and fear. Someone paying close attention to his life had not, historically, ended well for him. She must have seen it on his face. “Easy, big guy,” she said. “I’m not threatening you. In fact, I think I can help you.” Yeah. He’d heard that before. But Robin thought he could help Steve, maybe, and that was worth something. He sighed.
“So this theory.” Her smile was bright.
“Follow me.”
They ended up in an attic room at the very top of the house. The floor was bare wood with intricate designs painted on it. Billy thought they were chalk at first, but they didn’t smudge when Robin walked over them. Billy felt a tingle at the back of his neck when Robin closed the door, and then his ears popped. He looked sharply at Robin, who nodded to herself.
“Ok, so I need you to take off your necklace.”
“We literally just covered this; I don't take it off.” She was nodding.
"I know. But we're in a magically sealed room with very solid wards, so whatever your mom was protecting you from can't get to you here." She leaned closer, eyes on his pendant. She held a hand over it, not quite touching, but close enough to make him a little wary. "No, not protecting," she murmured, largely to herself. Her eyes went a little wide and came up to Billy's. "This isn't a protection spell. It's a concealment spell. A major one." Billy felt an echo of something familiar in her words, and it was deeply unsettling. He tried to keep the waver out of his voice when he spoke.
"What are you talking about, Buckley?" She straightened up and sighed.
"Again, it would be easier to show you." He just stared at her, stubborn. She rolled her eyes.
"Ok, fine. Your pendant is absolutely saturated with power. Fortunately for you, the only people you hang out with who are likely to notice are me, because witch, and Steve, because Fae senses. When you said you never took it off, I assumed it was a protection spell, but, well, you used to walk around with an awful lot of injuries for someone wearing a protective charm. That hasn't been true for a while, though." And there it was--the reason close scrutiny was never very good for Billy. Because he had a lot of secrets, and he still didn't like people knowing about them. His face must have betrayed him again because Robin's voice was gentle when she continued.
"Again, I'm not going to harm you. I can swear to it, if it would make you feel better."
"That's not super reassuring coming from someone who inadvertently permanently cursed her best friend," Billy muttered. Robin stared at him for a beat and then nodded.
"I'm going to let that one go because you're so obviously uncomfortable. But maybe be a little nicer to the person who is currently trying to help you."
"Don't need help," Billy said stubbornly. Robin just grinned at him.
"I think you just might. Now off." She gestured at the necklace. "Come on, you can put it right back on, and I promise this is a secure room. It's magically sealed up nice and tight." Billy stared at her for a long moment and then decided to humor her. He wasn't sure why. He lifted the necklace over his head and dropped it into the small silver bowl she held out to him.
"Cleansed and warded," she said, as though he had any idea what that meant. But she handled the bowl with respect as she set it gently on a table behind her. Then she turned and stared expectantly at Billy.
He felt the same as he always did, although he was just now noticing that the room was warmer than it had been before. He glanced at Robin and followed her wide-eyed gaze to his hands. His own eyes went wide as he stared down at them. His fingertips were glowing gold. The sight should have been shocking, but instead it was...familiar. It tugged at something in his mind--
And then he wasn't aware of much at all as a flood of memories swept over him. Sights, sounds, smells, the feel of power in his fingertips. His mother, talking him through the process as she prepared salves and potions and tinctures. The smell of fresh herbs and the mustiness of her drying room. Watching as she worked on his necklace every night for months. Her big eyes, sad on his as she explained. It's not safe, baby. I'm so sorry you have to hide, but I can't be there to protect you. It's not forever, I promise. My sisters will find you and they'll help you. The memories just kept coming. He was drowning in sensation and he couldn't get his bearings...
"--lly. Billy! Are you ok?" Robin's voice finally penetrated the haze of memories. Billy shook his head, trying to clear away the lingering headache caused by the flood. He gradually became aware that he was kneeling on the wooden floor of the room, hunched over, hands on the sides of his head. Tentatively, he lowered his hands and looked up. "Fuck," Robin breathed out. "You scared the shit out of me." She slumped down next to him. His fingertips were still glowing, but at least now he knew why. They sat in silence for a while. Billy eventually shifted until he was sitting cross-legged and closed his eyes, just breathing. The chaos in his head was settling, the memories slotting into place among the ones he already had. He took his time, wrapping his head around the way his entire world had just shifted on its axis. Robin seemed content to breathe next to him for as long as it took. It was a small kindness, but Billy wasn't used to kindness at all.
"So you thought I was a witch," Billy finally said slowly.
"Suspected," Robin corrected. "And I was right." She clearly had any number of questions, but didn't ask any of them. She just looked at him, eyes careful on his face.
"My mom was a witch," he said, trying out the words. They felt comfortable on his tongue. "I'm a witch," he tried next. It felt good. Right. He felt whole for the first time in a long time.
"I picked that one up from context, actually," Robin teased. He glared at her, but she just smiled.
"The necklace hid my power." He sighed. "She was trying to keep me safe." Robin was nodding. She carefully did not ask from what, and Billy appreciated that kindness too.
"Your mom must have been really good," Robin said. "That's major magic." Billy nodded a little. Now that he remembered his training, he knew just how much had gone into the spell. No wonder Robin had noticed it.
Billy flinched at a sudden knock at the door, and Robin's head snapped around.
"Robin? Honey? What exactly are you doing in my workroom?" Robin grimaced. She looked at the necklace on the table. Billy stood and reached for it, but she stopped him with a hand on his wrist.
"What if you lose your memories again?" she asked. Billy hesitated. The knocking came again and Robin seemed to make a decision. She tightened her hand around Billy's wrist. "My mom is...a lot, ok, but she's also very good. She might be able to help." Billy considered it. He wasn't ready to lose all those memories again. He let the pendant slide back into the bowl, hoping he was making the right choice.
Robin crossed the room and opened the door. Her mother stepped in, and Billy felt her presence immediately. It was clear why Robin had described her as 'a lot.' She wasn't particularly tall, but the room felt smaller as soon as she entered it. Her eyes swept over the two of them, just as sharp as her daughter's. Billy kept his back straight as she studied him. She closed the door behind her, and Billy felt that tingle at the back of his neck again. This time, though, he knew it was the wards kicking in, and he remembered the sensation from his mother's workroom at home. Robin's mom turned her attention to Robin, and Billy saw her swallow once. He tensed a little, but Mrs. Buckley just shook her head, a little fondly.
"Why exactly you thought I wasn't going to notice power of this magnitude in my own workroom escapes me," she said drily.
"I didn't know what was going to happen," Robin said. Her mother sighed, exasperated.
"That's not really better, love," she said, but there was affection in it. She turned her attention to Billy, eyeing him speculatively as she moved closer and held out a hand.
"Elle Buckley. Robin's mother and local High Priestess."
"Billy Hargrove," Billy said. He wasn't sure how to explain the rest. Fortunately, Robin's mom didn't seem to need much of an explanation. She crossed to the table and passed a hand over the bowl holding his necklace, though she didn't touch it. One of her eyebrows went up and she looked back at Billy.
"That must have been a confusing few minutes," she said. "You won't lose your memories if you put it back on. It will conceal your power from others, but not from you anymore."
"You're sure?" Billy asked.
"I am," she said with confidence. "It was elegant spellwork." She stared at him for a long moment. "Your mother, I assume?" Billy nodded. "She trained you?" He nodded again. Mrs. Buckley nodded to herself and turned back to Robin.
"That was reckless," she said. "What exactly were you thinking?" Robin flushed under her mother's scrutiny.
"He should know what he is," Robin said. Her mother just cocked an eyebrow and held her gaze, waiting. Robin sighed. "And I thought maybe he could help with Steve's curse," she admitted, mainly to the floor. Mrs. Buckley's expression went a little hard around the edges.
"We've been over this, Robin. The Harrington boy can get help from his family if he needs it." Billy looked at Robin, who was still looking at the floor. The Harrington boy? Not Steve, not your best friend. There was a story there. "Besides, Billy needs our help at the moment," she continued. She turned back to Billy.
"You've missed a lot of time as an apprentice," she said. "How old were you when your mother gave you the pendant?"
"Thirteen," Billy said. He wouldn't forget that age anytime soon; it had been a bad year. Mrs. Buckley nodded.
"We'll have to get you set up with someone in town," she mused.
"Not right away, though," Robin interjected. Her mother looked at her, surprised. "He literally just found out. He can take a little while to get used to it, Mom. He's got the basics, right?" Robin glanced at him and he nodded. His mom had taught him enough to keep himself and others safe. Robin's mom looked between them for a long moment, and then sighed.
"All right. Come see me when you're ready to get started. And keep that pendant on, for now, if you're not in a sealed workroom," she said to Billy. He nodded again. He had planned to do that anyway. Mrs. Buckley looked at Robin. "Next time, maybe give me a heads-up before you want to use my workroom? I can only help if I'm actually present when something happens." Robin also nodded, and Mrs. Buckley swept out of the room, pointedly waiting to open the door until Billy had his necklace on. He felt better with it back in place.
Robin led Billy out of the workroom and back through the house, and then followed him out to his car. She stood at the passenger door expectantly. He sighed and unlocked it. They sat there in silence while he lit a cigarette. She shook her head when he offered her the pack.
"What are we doing?" he finally asked, breaking the silence.
"I have two pieces of good news for you," she said. He gestured at her to continue. "You're a witch," she started.
"Wait, what?" he said, acting surprised. The smile vanished off of her face for just a second until she realized he was kidding. She shoved at his arm.
"You dick. I thought you had lost your memories again." She glared at him while he laughed. "What I was trying to say was that there are a couple of implications of your new status that you might find interesting."
"Oh?" he asked, drawing out the word, tone as obnoxious as possible.
"First of all," she said, smile going a little sharp, "curses don't work on other witches. So whatever you feel for Steve is all you, friend." She smirked when Billy looked over at her, and then she kept talking. "That was why I wanted to test my theory so badly." Billy thought about it.
"You know this doesn't actually fix anything, right? He's still cursed."
"Sure," Robin said, "but we found a nice little loophole, and now we can just exploit the shit out of it."
"So what, Steve just has to spend the rest of his life cursed? Come on, Buckley." Robin looked at him and then smiled.
"Hey, maybe the curse will be broken as soon as you kiss him. I suggest you try it. But please do me a huge favor and tell Steve the news when I'm there? I really want to see his face."
"Yeah, no, I'm definitely not doing that." Robin stared at him, amused.
"You don't seem quite as happy as I thought you'd be," she said, and then her eyes widened. "You don't know how to tell him that you like him," she breathed.
"What? I don't...I mean, I do..." She let him flounder, smile growing wider by the second. He finally trailed off.
"Good luck with all of that," she said, gesturing in his general direction. "The good news is that you're a witch and Steve is half-Fae, so you've got a long-ass time to get your shit together. I have a feeling you're going to need it." She opened the car door and got out.
"Thanks," he said sarcastically, and then he felt bad. She had, after all, given him back a part of himself that he hadn't even known was missing. "Thanks," he said again, more sincerely this time. She held his gaze and nodded, giving him a small, genuine smile. Then she closed the car door and turned to head back into her house.
Billy sat there for a while, Robin's words from before ringing in his ears. Do you want a shot at Steve Harrington or not?  He did, obviously, and now he had one. What he still didn't have was any fucking idea what to do about it.
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staytiny-present · 3 years
Ateez Coraline!au
anyway, this is meant to be a little headcanon thing for a series i’ve been planning that is, obviously, based on the movie coraline. it’ll be a reader insert for you to enjoy as well :) this is basically a “ateez as characters in coraline,” but my plan is to still make them unique to the story. i hope you like this!
warnings: this does not match at all swearing, angsty situations, borderline crack (you’ll see), i think i make one sex joke, allusions to depression - PLEASE take caution when you read yunho’s part. i don’t think i go into any specifics, but his gets serious that i just want you to be aware
Reader’s backstory: you’ve lived with your grandmother who owns the pink palace apartments since you were a teenager so you can help her out as she gets older. the pink palace isn’t the most well-known, but it’s gotten a pretty negative rap since the disappearance of your best friend in high school. it’s hard living there still, but you know your grandma needs the support. you know nearly all of the ins and outs of the place, and all of the tenants adore both you and your grandma
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Wooyoung and Yeosang ~ Spink and Forcible
tell me i’m wrong
that’s right you can’t
they’ve been friends for years and bicker and tease each other like they’re married and still love and support each other? yeah
wooyoung and yeosang are childhood friends
they mostly did dance in high school but they were also in theater, and they were kinda well known for being The Best™
they were recruited to join a lot of teams and a lot of colleges wanted them because they were just??? amazing??? how tf??
so yeah they earned a lot of recognition in high school that honestly got them really famous from when they were 16 onward
it’s been a few years since then and so the hype around them has definitely died down but we’ll get to that
they are currently still working on stuff in regards to dancing and acting
they’re technically in college too, but they do online classes so they can stay at home and work on their shows
wooyoung is the idealist while yeosang is the realist
like i said, they act like an old married couple always bickering and fighting but they really do love each other
ride or die best friends dude
it’s just that they say they’ll do certain things or are planning things soon and it just… doesn’t happen
that’s mostly idealist woo talking before yeosang can reign him in
so for years it’s been a lot of empty promises of new work that many people just stopped expecting things from them
and because of that they’ve past their peak and are basically just in limbo before they are actually able to make/perform their next show or something like that 
they rent the basement apartment of the pink palace, and they’ve technically lived in there the longest actually
growing up, both of their families lived there so that was how they met and became the best of friends :)
they didn’t want to leave either but they had to for a couple years
but at least they stayed together :)
their families moved back when the boys were about a year into high school just because the old woman who owns the place is a gem and the city had a great school for them to go to
while they were living there though a boy around their age went missing, and it basically convinced their families that they should move out
wooyoung and yeosang were very adamant about staying, so their families told them you’re either moving away with us or finding a way to pay for the apartment yourselves
so the next day wooyoung and yeosang went out and found themselves some jobs so that they could
it upset their parents sure, but they were also kinda proud that they took so much initiative about this - they knew they would succeed in life
it also factored into why grandma let them stay because she knew the same thing
the sweet woman even said she would help them out from time to time :(
then cue the next 3-4 years where woo and yeo are making a bunch of money with their dances teams and performing in shows 
they’ve gotten a good amount of money over the years that they’ve been able to renovate the basement so that it’s really nice
now they have posters of their “golden years” (as wooyoung says) from high school and their first years of college all around their place
they have a dog and have been seriously considering getting more because he’s getting kind of old :( 
they don’t really get out much bc they are constantly trying to plan and work on their shows, but it’s fine because there’s nothing really close to the pink palace :/ the closest city where they went to school is quite the commute
but because of all this - the empty promises, the lack of activity, the radio silence - no one really takes them seriously anymore, and really people just stopped believing in them
it’s a major factor in their motivation and work ethic, but they try their hardest not to let it deter them from what they want to do in life
Mingi, San, and Jongho ~ The Amazing Bobinsky
trust me here ok?
mingi, san, and jongho start their own circus right out of high school
hear me out
the boys all went to high school together, but jongho is a year younger than them so they all graduated at different times
however they had a lot of classes together because they didn’t really care much about school and it reflected on their academics
so they were put in a lot of lower classes together that they all did well in, they just didn’t care about school
their circus started out as a joke honestly
it was probably edgy teen jongho who was like “ugh i hate school i should just drop out and join the circus”
and it became a running joke between them like haha yeah let’s join the circus, who would we all be tho?
mingi and san were both very adamant that jongho would be the strongman what with all his fruit breaking endeavors and the buff buff arms dude
san did martial arts and liked dancing and was very flexible so he was like ayy i’ll be the acrobat
it took them a while to decide what mingi would be because they were like “huh well what about the lion tamer?” “you know how much of a fraidy cat he is?” “ok well what about a trapeze artist?” “he’s a great dancer and flexible sure, but would he ever be able to have that kind of coordination?” “ok fine then what about a clown?” “fuck you guys”
they chose sword swallower mostly because like??? how does it work?? idk mingi should find out 
and yeah for a while it was a running joke between all of them like yeah we’re gonna drop out of school and join the circus lol
but then come mingi and san’s senior year and they were like… hang on
could… could we actually do this? it sounds fun as hell
it went as far as them all researching circuses in their spare time and income and how to go about joining one
and it ended with them not wanting to live the lifestyle of a traveling circus 
sure it sounded cool as fuck, but while they were somewhat willing to live with those conditions, they weren’t willing enough
so the next best thing for them would be to start their own circus
of course, how do you tell your parents that what you want to be when you grow up is a circus performer?
the answer: you don’t 
whenever they were asked things likes “oh what do you want to do in college?” they all just kinda passed it off as they didn’t know, but in reality they didn’t really have any desire to go to college
you don’t need a degree to start a circus, so they didn’t really want to
once mingi and san graduated, they immediately started looking for affordable apartments where they could do their thing - start their circus
in all honesty they started looking before they graduated too, partially since they would be moving out after hs but also because they just felt better about not living with their parents 
they had seen the pink palace in the newspaper a lot with a vacant attic apartment, and basically since they found out about it they were sold on it
a weird place in the middle of nowhere run by a woman who doesn’t mind housing younger people? perfect
they actually met her before they graduated so they could see about renting the apartment sooner or later
grandma all but told them it was there’s once she met the boys, and she understands that when they are finally able to start living there they will be pretty tight on money, so she doesn’t even make them pay the down payment - she does that herself and holds the apartment for them
because let’s face it: the pink palace isn’t very big,, it already has a good amount of people living there,,, how many people are actually gonna consider moving to the middle of nowhere to actually live there?
plus she likes these three boys, so she wants to help them as much as she can
so yeah once mingi and san graduate, they are basically ready to move into the pink palace
but this is technically after that boy went missing and after the case turned cold, so grandma doesn’t want to rent to anyone new
but she already assured the boys that the attic was theirs, and she’s not about to break that promise
so before giving the boys the keys she gives them the lowdown of what’s been going on and what will happen in the future
they know the boy went missing, but she explains to them all that happened and that it gives the pink palace a bad rap (even though she hardly cares about that), so she wouldn’t normally be doing something like this but they will be the last people she lets rent from her
and they don’t completely understand because they have no idea what this has been doing to the poor old woman, but they understand enough and are grateful for her that she’s still letting them live there
they decide then that it would be better for jongho to start living with them now even before he’s graduated just so it’s less of a change for grandma in the future
which jongho is totally okay with because he honestly would rather live with them anyway
but uh yeah mingi, san, and jongho are the last ones to start renting at the pink palace for a long while
they split rent three ways so that it’s less burdensome on them, and they all have jobs so that they can afford it
mingi and san work full time while jongho has a part time job while he finishes school
but full time they are all preparing and planning their circus!!
takes a lot of throat training for mingi 😏 since he is literally putting swords down his throat, and he started this basically right when they decided their circus was going to be real
san and jongho have advantages because they already have some skill in their areas, but that doesn’t mean they don’t train
san still takes martial arts and dance, and he’s even signed up for gymnastics to help him with his flexibility
jongho basically spends all of his spare times working out (mostly lifting weights) so that he can really be strong
but also jongho has a thing for rats/mice and is like “hey,, why don’t we use them for something so that it’s not just us?”
and the boys lowkey are like wtf dude why but then again who are they to shut down his ideas when they are literally starting a circus?
so they’re like fine but that’s on you to decide how to do that and to plan the act
jongho: yessss ratssss
also jongho: NO they’re not RATS they’re MICE these are MICE THANK YOU
this is the “jumping mice” aspect of the coraline movie with bobinsky just fyi
a lot of jongho’s time in school is spent in the science and psychology departments talking to teachers about animals (specifically rats/mice) and how to train and work with them
the teachers are all kinda like… what? but also they are just happy that jongho is interested in something enough to come to the teachers and ask questions and apply himself
lmao it’s not for school tho
so he learns a lot of this information at school and honestly this might be the only thing he learns at school because soon enough he’s graduating with a bunch of knowledge on how to work with and train animals
once out of high school he starts working full time too so that money and rent is even easier
all of their extra money that isn’t toward rent and bills and groceries go to their circus
they hardly ever buy new clothes unless it’s something for their circus
also the boys had to go to grandma to ask if they could house mice in their apartment, and while it was a hard no (unless they were trained and wouldn’t cause trouble), jongho still smuggled them in
grandma knows about it too (bc she knows everything that goes on for the most part lmao) but she doesn’t say anything because they don’t cause trouble and she likes the boys
the day one of them gets loose and starts terrorizing and infesting the pink palace is the day she intervenes and tells them to get rid of them
but jongho is actually really good at training the mice so it’s fine
my point surrounding all of this is to say that mingi, san, and jongho are in the long and arduous stage of their lives and their circus of planning and preparing everything
they only make so much money and have so many resources that setting up their circus and doing everything to prepare is going to take a long time before they can actually open and show people what they’ve been working on
they’ve been doing it for a few years now and they’ve still hardly made a dent
they have to train and perfect their acts sure, but they also have to do all of the logistical stuff like advertising, selling tickets, finding venues, paying for safety and legal stuff, etc.
and these boys are only in their early 20s, so it’s gonna take a while before they can actually open their circus
but they are determined and passionate, so if this is what they have to do then they will happily do it
Yunho ~ The Ghost Children
oh god this is gonna start getting serious i’m sorry
in case you can’t tell, yunho is the boy that goes missing from the pink palace
he and his family lived in the pink palace from when he was pretty young until he was in high school
he was also really good friends with wooyoung and yeosang because they were all the same age
however he was... not happy
he always worked his ass off dancing because that’s what he wanted to do, but it meant his grades in school tanked
this would obviously be worrying to some parents, and his gave him an ultimatum
either get your grades up and start taking school seriously, or you’re not going to be allowed to continue your dance lessons
the answer was clear to yunho, so he told his dance teacher that he would be taking a break for a bit so he can focus on school
everything was fine until he realized his parents had zero intentions of letting him go back anyway
he didn’t understand,, his grades were getting better so why couldn’t he go back?
to put it plainly, his parents said this:
“what kind of career could you make out of dance? you’ll never succeed”
it was crushing
it was then that yunho realized that his own parents didn’t care about what he wanted and was passionate about
he didn’t think they ever would either, so he just sort of... stopped believing in them
it wasn’t all bad because he had his closest friends and grandma (who treated him like her own grandson)
but he had some pretty bad days that made the happy and energetic boy almost completely unrecognizable
he would look at wooyoung and yeosang and see how successful they were despite still being in school
he would see how their talent was rightfully recognized and sought after
and he would get down on himself, thinking how he wanted the same thing but fearing no one would see him
that’s why he worked hard at everything he did, why his motivation plummeted, and why he nearly wore himself out before even graduating
but one day he started acting strange
everyone noticed how a switch seemed to flip in him
that excited glimmer was back in his eyes, and no one knew why
don’t get me wrong, everyone was so happy to see the smiley yunho was back, but everyone wanted to know what happened
but he hardly made any sense when he told them
he supposedly found a place in the pink palace where he could do what he wanted, but whenever he tried showing anyone he couldn’t? the door was bricked up
everyone started thinking he made it up, that the stress was finally getting to him and he dreamt up a place like this so he wouldn’t lose his mind
that glimmer was gone again, and he stopped trying to talk to people
in fact, he closed himself off from everyone 
the day he went missing was the scariest day for everyone in the pink palace
everyone was devastated, but it completely changed his parents
grandma advised them to move out while the police investigated, but they refused despite how hard it was
but after a year the case became cold
no one could find yunho nor could anyone figure out what happened to him
he just disappeared without a trace
his parents still tried to stay though because they needed to find out what happened to their son
but they couldn’t. no one could
it wasn’t long before they too found it best that they move out of the pink palace
it was just too painful
that was the last time grandma ever rented to anyone new, so the apartment became completely vacant for years
even after they left, no one was able to figure out what happened to yunho
Seonghwa ~ The Black Cat
geomeun goyangi nero nero nero
uhhhh yeah seonghwa’s a cat lmao
he’s not owned by anyone and doesn’t have a collar or anything
he’s a stray that has been around for a while
he showed up pretty soon after yunho started distancing himself from people, but not soon enough for people to think that he’s an omen or something
and he’s not exactly
idk really how to explain it so i won’t lmao
he just sort of became the pink palace’s cat???
grandma takes responsibility for him though and makes sure he’s fed and has a place to rest and play if he ever feels like it
which is nice and all but he doesn’t?? do any of those things?
he comes and goes a lot sure,,, no one really knows where he goes but they know he’ll be back
but when he hangs out around the pink palace? he just... wanders?
it’s hard to explain but it’s almost like he is surveying the domain, like he’s searching for something wrong
he’s a weird cat
not only that though, but he doesn’t eat? or sleep? at all???
at least no one ever sees him sleeping or eating
he’s always getting into shit tho, like he’s always there when you don’t want him to be
there have been many times wooyoung has kicked him out of the apartment because the dogs hate him
mingi and san also try to keep him out because of jongho and his rats mice, but honestly jongho is pretty cool with him
because he doesn’t do anything to the mice? he literally just sits there and watches with wide and curious eyes
sure jongho worries about hwa one day stealing one of his mice for grandma to see so that she can make him get rid of them or kick them out but that’s not going to happen right?
hwa is chill tho, so jongho is chill
the cat would follow yunho around a lot, and a lot of times they were seen curled up together
yunho would be taking a nap the poor boy but hwa wouldn’t
he would just be there to comfort him :(
honestly he liked yunho and his best friend the most and everyone could tell jongho was a close second tho
they all came to start calling him mars instead of The Cat™ since they didn’t know his name
they still call him The Cat™ when he pisses them off but i digress
despite how fucking weird he is though, everyone at the pink palace basically loves him
he’s just Their Cat™ ok?
sure he might be annoying and shifty, or he might be haunted, or he might even be immortal
he’s a really weird cat dude
but he’s part of the family,, they gotta love him
Hongjoong ~ Coraline
curtesy of inception era hongjoong 
so joong is our main man here
at first he had no relation to the pink palace whatsoever,, he had never even heard of it
he lived with a friend in a fairly large city before and it was fine and all but WOW was it expensive
and it was honestly very stifling to hongjoong,,, he couldn’t really do everything he wanted to do there
he found the pink palace by accident
he was searching up affordable apartments to live in places that have good weather and conditions for gardening
let me explain though
hongjoong is in his downward stretch of college for a journalism degree, but he’s taking online classes with his move so that he can focus on that and working
he wants to work in gardening and writing, but he also really just wants to make stuff
his realistic plan is to work in journalism and write for like a gardening magazine or journal while gardening as a “side project” or something (like coraline’s parents do)
did somebody say florist joong? because i did
the dream job though would be to work in song writing or fashion or something artistic like that
he likes painting and making/customizing clothes so he would like to be able to make a career out of that
his goal is to eventually make his own business or store where he makes and sells affordable and sustainable clothes and accessories
he’s going for a degree in journalism with a minor in business, but he has been struggling with both so he has been debating dropping business
arguably it would be better for him to stick with business but most people in his life have told him he’s better in journalism and so he keeps at that mostly 
he feels unfulfilled - he wants to plant a garden, he wants to make and alter clothes customly, he wants to make music
but he isn’t able to do any of that because what are the odds any of that ends up working as a career? 
it might work for a little while but in the future he would technically be a small business, and maintaining a small business is difficult
at least with writing and working for a magazine/journal is stable
however it’s not what he’s most passionate about, thus he finds it hard to have motivation to work
he feels like a zombie going through his days the same as the last, just trying to get through school before he gets a 9-5 job that he’ll hate within a year (if that) doing something he doesn’t want to do
but hey, that’s adult life, isn’t it? 
he doesn’t like to complain and feels guilty when he is ungrateful for his circumstances because he knows plenty of people (his parents included) that went down this route who ended up fine, which means he will too
the one person who always told him to go after what he wanted was his mom even though she technically “settled” in life
holy shit did i digress
but yeah in his search for an affordable place to live with good weather, there wasn’t a lot 
but he also wanted a drastic change from what he was used to, and that was the pink palace
it was practically in the middle of nowhere, and the pictures (while pretty dull) showed potential for a great garden
it was perfect
it was a hard no from grandma when he called about possibly renting, so he wasn’t expecting her to call him back at all
grandma didn’t want to risk anything because of what happened with yunho
but with some convincing, she realized that she couldn’t keep holding on
while what happened was horrible, there was nothing that could be done as sad as it was
so she called hongjoong back about when the best time to come look at the pink palace would be
and the rest is history
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