#no petunias for you
captain-amadeus · 1 year
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"Those vines are thornless, meaning it's a feeling of annoyance rather than malice. Or maybe he's restraining himself."
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l3irdl3rain · 5 months
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did i ever post Valentine’s “Sit On Wife” picture?
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doobledabbadoo · 17 days
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Pick your Character! (They may or may not die later on. Whoever you choose, their fate is in your hands.)
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Campfirey Alt:
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Work in Progress Pieces:
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2deadkat · 7 months
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Gonna catch me some tail
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sporeclan · 8 months
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Another one joins the club!
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sevilynne · 15 days
I don't get how people still hate Severus when Harry was the one who apparently experienced "trauma" from him, and Harry is Severus's #1 biggest defender now.
——— Start of Questions ———
"Snape bullied kids!"
And Minerva (And other professors) did too but you completely ignore them and focus on your prejudices with Severus. The fact that Severus threatened Neville into poisoning his toad and Minerva literally locked out a child from the Gryffindor common room when apparently there's a mass murderer inside of Hogwarts shows a huge difference. You justify Minerva's actions because you either like her or you don't hate her as much as you do with Severus.
Severus says Hermione is a know-it-all and Minerva degraded (and publicly humiliated) Neville saying that he'll never be able to transfigure a teapot.
Then here we have Hagrid disfiguring a child and insults his appearance because he hates his dad.
And the difference is, Severus would never disfigure a kid.
Madam Pince literally hexed Ginny and Harry's things. Mcgonagall sent four children into the forbidden forest with HAGRID, she knew what she was doing when she sent them with Hagrid. If Neville did that? He would serve detention with her.
She bent the "First Years aren’t allowed their own Broomsticks" for HARRY. That's favouritism and that's all because Slytherin was dominating the House Cup. Would Severus bend the "First Years aren’t allowed their own Broomsticks" for Draco just because he wants a medal sticking in his office? No.
Minerva let Severus bully the Golden Trio (Primarily Harry) through Years 1-6, why did she let that happen? Why didn't she tell her colleague off? Well, that would be hypocritical considering she also does that.
In Year 7, she allows DEs to torture students.
She was mad at Fake Professor Moody because he transfigured a student and not the fact that he was repeatedly banged a students head on the ground.
Minerva is just as bad as Severus, she gave them harsh punishments but you guys look in deep in Harry's biased point of view that you guys think Minerva is just strict and Severus bullied children.
And if Minerva was just "strict" to Harry, imagine what she did with other students? She practically bullied them.
Haha... But no. We should just look at Severus because he's the bad guy and not because the wizarding world's punishments are completely different from real life / muggle views. These type of stuff are normal (and controversial) in the wizarding world. SEVERUS WASN'T THE ONLY PERSON TO DO THIS.
Everyone did this as a professor, it's normal in the wizarding world. This is not to justify Severus's actions, but if you hate Severus and like other professors... Then you're a hypocritical person.
"Severus became a DE!"
He was in Slytherin, he was influenced by the Pure-Blood obsession that people in his house had. He simply became a DE because he was a curious child who wanted to learn about the dark arts.
Did Severus torture or kill people like death eaters like Barty and Bellatrix did? Haha...
To put my last post about this in summary:
Severus was neglected by his parents (And heavily implied that he was also abused), gets bullied by two boys resulting in 4v1 (This was because he wanted to go to Slytherin. He sneered back and James & Sirius wanted to bully Severus because they were two spoilt brats who cannot let "Snivellus" sneer back since they'll never get used to someone sneering at them [Since they always get away with it] They come from two rich pure-blood families, what did you expect?), almost gets killed and Remus nor Sirius gets any consequences about it, his life is worth a detention to Dumbledore. James flexes to Lily that he saved Severus's life (With a modified version of the prank since she'll know about Sirius were primarily involved in a negative way and it's his best friend right?) and Lily, his apparent best friend, BELIEVES HIS BULLY OVER HIM. This is what you call the only positive thing in his life? If this is what you call the only positive thing in his life, then his life is fucked up. Lily holding her smile and blushing while James does horrible things to her best friend, gets surprised and furious when Severus calls her a mudblood, then his private part being showed to the whole school.
I would be heavily embarrassed if I were Severus, no, I would honestly cry and drop out.
Severus got manipulated and heavily influenced by rich, pure-blooded Slytherins because he was given the respect that he never got in his life, he was influenced to have prejudiced thoughts when he never had those thoughts when Lily got her letter, infact, he comforted her. That says A LOT about this. Severus was invited into that DE cult because he wanted more of that respect—more of that power—more of the fame. He just wanted to feel respected. Because that was what he was not given at Hogwarts.
"Snape deserved the bullying, he bullied the Marauders in the train. / Someone had to do it."
Who threw the first direct insult? Sirius. Who threw the first indirect insult? James. What did Severus do? Sneer back. Did he deserve those years of bullying? No.
You literally take references from ATYD and other #severussnapeslander Wolfstar, Jily, Rosekiller, and Jegulus fics from AO3. Don't act like Sirius and James aren't worse.
When did he deserve to almost die? When did he deserve to get bullied every single day? When did he deserve to get sexually harassed?
How would you feel if it was you?
How would you feel if the people who bullied you were painted as heroes?
People who sexually assaulted and almost killed you?
The lack of empathy from Mstans just prove that they are vicious bullies bullying an eleven year old and calling the kid derogatory names doesn't make you less of an evil person as Severus is.
At least have the respect to call him by his last name.
"James and Draco aren't similar! James is better than Draco."
James literally sounds like the worst version of Draco Malfoy.
┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
"Imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?" - Draco Malfoy, Philosopher's Stone.
"Who wants to be in Slytherin? I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?" - James Potter, Deathly Hallows.
- Laughs at a muggle woman getting SA'd in Quidditch world cup, finds it funny, and makes a joke of Hermione getting SA'd. -
“Granger, they’re after Muggles,” said Malfoy. “D’you want to be showing off your knickers in midair? Because if you do, hang around . . . they’re moving this way, and it would give us all a laugh.”
- Sexually assaults Severus and finds it funny, uses it to impress Lily. -
There was another flash of light, and Snape was once again hanging upside-down in the air.
'Who wants to see me take off Snivelly's pants?'
— Both are rich purebloods —
- Draco saves Harry to make sure his family doesn't get in trouble -
"There's something there," he whispered. "it could be the scar, stretched tight.... Draco, come here, look properly! What do you think?"
Harry saw Draco's face up close now, right beside his father's.
"I don't know," he said, and he walked away toward the fireplace where his mother stood watching.
- James saves Severus to make sure his friends doesn't get in trouble -
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
We aren't even talking about James and Draco being bullies who have no empathy for their victims, sure, James isn't just one-dimensional and Draco is morally grey, but James was just caring around his friends, other than that? Not so much. He was stuck with his friendgroup being sycophants (Sirius because James loved him as a brother, Remus who didn't want to speak up about the bullying because James and Sirius picked him up even if he was a poor half-blood, and Peter who wants to fit in.) Draco was stuck with Slytherins being sycophants because he was a rich, high status pure-blood with friends he made as slaves.
Both were spoiled, arrogant, attention-hungry, and self-entitled, traits common among children of their background. Draco would bully the kind of people James befriended, while James would bully the kind of people Draco associated with.
If you're fine with calling Severus a derogatory name, you must be fine calling Luna "Loony" as well.
"Severus called Lily a mudblood."
Severus was a mudblood as well, you wouldn't care if people–of–colour use the N-word on others but you care if Severus does?
Severus also said that in the heat of moment, his best friend did literally NOTHING for the minutes of time he was getting assaulted and she was a prefect.
He said that for masculinity.
Lily didn't do anything for the period of while he was getting assaulted, instead, she held her smile.
Severus would've casted an unforgivable to James or Sirius or anyone who would've done that to Lily, but Lily did the opposite.
Instead, she stood there, blushing.
Severus apologized to her numerous of times, probably not even knowing what his best friend did.
Not justifiable, but still a very good argument.
"Lily was a good friend."
You call LILY a good friend? The one who would believe her best friend's bully over her best friend? The one who would laugh and blush while her best friend gets physically assaulted? The one who watched her best friend get assaulted AND she was a prefect.
Lily was NOT a good friend, she was a terrible one. I also will always held on that Lily secretly waited for the Mudblood incident to drop Severus off, you know, since Severus was a weirdo.
“They don’t use Dark Magic, though.” She dropped her voice. “And you’re being really ungrateful. I heard what happened the other night. You went sneaking down that tunnel by the Whomping Willow, and James Potter saved you from whatever’s down there—”
They don't use dark magic? It doesn't stop them from bullying kids. She doesn't even know the whole story and yet, she is judging.
- She lashes out on Severus instead of her sister -
"I don’t want to talk to you-" she said in a constricted voice. "Why not?" "Tuney h-hates me. Because we saw that letter from Dumbledore.”
It's basically Severus's fault because they got the letter and Petunia didn't? She blames Severus for getting the letter and not her sister for her jealousy?
Lily, whose furious expression had twiched for an instant as though she was going to smile said - let him down!
Ah... Yes, let's watch our best friend get assaulted infront of the whole school and let them be. That's a very nice best friend.
Now tell me, where was she a good friend? She was not an angel, she was terrible.
She also blames Severus for having Evan, Mulciber II, Avery, Wilkes, Rodolphus, and possibly having Narcissa, Lucius, Rabastan, and Regulus as well. Did she expect that she would only be Severus's friend considering he's in a house full of pure-bloods? It was an unspoken rule in Slytherin to basically have pure-blood friends. She doesn't get that, she doesn't understand him, because he is evil in her eyes.
She doesn't get the points that Severus makes, because Severus was already bad in her eyes.
He had questionable company, sure, but Severus wanted companions too like she did with other Gryffindors, so why can't he have friends in his house. She's friends with Gryffindors who basically despise him.
So if he was friends with people that would've called her a mudblood and she didn't like it, why is she inlove with a Gryffindor who bullied Severus anytime he got?
Severus called Lily a mudblood because he was being humiliated infront of the whole school, he didn't want her to see him being weak, so he lashed out.
He was a Slytherin, pretty common by now that his banquet of friends used that word pretty often, and there you have it. Severus never meant to hurt Lily, but it did slip out of his tongue.
Not justifying his actions here (Pretty obvious by my wording) but Lily was NOT innocent in terms here.
"Snape was obsessed with Lily."
Ahh... Yes. Severus was the one who forced Lily to go out with him, Severus was the person to bully her best friend, Severus told her to go out with him and he wouldn't bully his best friend anymore.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Because it's not him.
Severus grieved Lily the way Sirius grieved James, yet you don't call Sirius obsessed because he loved James as a brother, Severus's love for Lily was never proved to be romantic.
Aha! Now I made you think.
The same patronus means true love—not obsession. He stayed away from her marriage but still loved her from afar, when he realized the information he gave Voldemort could harm Lily, he offered his life to Dumbledore. He even asked Dumbledore to save James for the sake of Lily.
Sirius would've done the same for James.
After Lily's death, he was devastated, he wished he were dead, he became spy for Dumbledore, and all of that.
Severus and Lily were childhood best friends; Lily was Severus's only "true" friend.
His patronus was a doe, pure light magic (Hence most DEs can't perform a patronus). It wouldn't be affected by obsession.
I don't get why some people think Severus was purely obsessed with Lily, because there will always be a special person in someone's heart and Lily just happens to be Severus's special person.
Even Sirius and Remus who were capable of making such lies about Severus in order to hide everything from Harry, didn't say nothing about Severus stalking Lily or tried to persue her.
She dies and he feels suicidal.
Why do people think this is obsession? Severus had no one, the reason why Sirius could hold himself before he died is because he wanted to take care of Harry, to love him like he loved James. Severus couldn't because he's a death eater and he couldn't love himself, how can he love Harry when Harry looks exactly like his bully. And Severus can't take care of Harry legally anyway, Sirius could because he is his godson.
If Severus was obsessed with Lily, then Harry was obsessed with his dead dad : /
JK. Rowling even said that he wasn't obsessed, how are people so pressed about it?
I just don't get it, why would JK. Rowling write Severus's obsession with Lily and offering his whole life just to have s*x with her everyday on a CHILDREN'S BOOK?
Meanwhile James: - Doodled her initials in his OWL paper, publicly humiliated her friend just to make him look bad in front of her, tried to blackmail Lily into dating him, threatened to hex her and had a map that literally tracked down everybody's (including Lily's) movements. -
"Severus made sure Remus was gone from Hogwarts."
Yes after Remus endangered three children, he already got away with it the first time, he shouldn't in another time.
Remus was completely irresponsible and forgot to take Wolfsbane, sure, he was a good DADA professor, but almost killing three children?
I don't think the Grangers nor Weasleys would want to hear about this.
——— End Of Questions ———
Thank you for reading my paragraphs of how stupid Mstans can be.
Not everything is about defending Severus, but the double standards are crazy...
Yes, Severus told the prophecy, bullied children, etc. But he's a two-dimensional character who saved the Wizarding World, if Severus didn't apologize to Lily, you'd attack him too.
So... Stop using ATYD references and start adding braincells in your head.
Have a great day! 😓
(Add more if you want to.)
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moderndayamymarch · 1 month
one of my favorite things about the deathly hallows book is the revelation that snape and petunia knew each other. like if you asked someone in 1997, “hey which two characters from harry potter have longstanding childhood beef with each other”. I’m not sure anyone would’ve answered “harry’s bitchy muggle aunt and the mean potions teacher”. but it also makes total sense. like they are the two biggest haters.
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vossn · 1 year
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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 🏳️‍🌈 I made some unhinged pride flags for the discord, inspired by my love of eating magnolias off the tree and botany-related crimes.
Trans Flag/Magnolia, Nonbinary Flag/Iris, Asexual Flag/Petunia.
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foursaints · 3 months
do you think lily is more feminine or more like..slutty?
like does she wear lacey dresses and skirts and little pastel cardigans? mascara and blush and some lip gloss? loves hearts and heels and all the girly things? is she polite and soft spoken, her hands behind her back and a gentle smile? does she giggle and blush when barty compliments her?
or does she wear tight clothes? small tank tops and shorts that ride up her ass? some juicy sweats and a ragged bag to hold her cigarettes, wallet, and fireball shots? does she always have a cigarette hanging from her lips and a messy ponytail full of uncombed hair (so bad that barty is sitting her down and brushing her hair every weekend)? does she roll her eyes and give mean glares when barty flirts? does she speak blandly and sharply?
ive been thinking all day and i think only you, saints, would have the perfect answer
i don’t think that these things are necessarily mutually exclusive, but i love your language and imagery! i don’t see my lily as having that much… artifice? if that makes sense?
lily’s kind of beauty is like the summer camp counselor that everyone has a crush on. the pretty babysitter who painted your nails. she wears orange converse & fishtail braids & an ancient tube of expired drugstore mascara she bought with petunia. there’s a temporary tattoo of a butterfly peeling in gummy strips off her shoulder. she wears old t-shirts taken from boyfriends & mathletes tournaments & the spelling bee with levi jeans. her appearance is straightforward and practical and a little silly but when you see her LAUGH and her hair fan over her shoulders it doesn’t matter. she puts on sunscreen every morning. she’s written the name of every boy she’s ever kissed on her bedroom desk. her beauty stems completely from her authenticity.
the way i would describe lily evans: she’s wearing a faded unicorn t-shirt from goodwill with some old denim cutoffs from middle school. she has a hair-tie around her wrist, and bug-bites on her ankles, and she should probably look plain. but when you see lily evans wear denim shorts its like you’ve never seen them before in your life
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jegulily-stuff · 9 months
Lily Evans has the national record for illegal use of underage magic, the Ministry was just too busy with the war to bother stopping her
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l3irdl3rain · 6 months
I love the new baby's widdle face. She is the embodiment of ●^●
yes!! she's got great big eyes. i don't think the pictures really show it but she is TINY. little legs, little body. Skinny too, but hopefully we can put a little weight on her
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igamer12 · 3 months
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my htf humanizations \(^o^)/ girls and theys edition
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^^^ original sketches! still kinda proud of them but there have been many design changes and improvements since then hahahah (especially in regards to giggles and lammy)
anyways!! additional info :-3 this is kind of an au but also i don't want to do much with it other than design the characters so idk lol BUT: they're supposed to be like. vague college students age-wise. i like to think doing childish things in their universe is just socially acceptable. at least in my au. also: petunia goes by she/they, giggles and lammy go by she/her, and flaky goes by any but mostly they/she/he ^_^ petunia is bi (with a girl preference), giggles is pan, lammy is aroace and flaky is nonbinary and questioning. also petunia and flaky are autistic now. hi
might make more in the future btw hehe :-3 i already have some ideas for splendid cuddles and toothy so they may be next
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2deadkat · 9 months
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Just a pair of ol’ consensual workplace buddies
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egg2bones · 4 months
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here's my take on the evans sisters <3 obviously have to pay tribute to the other marauders sibling duo
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When it comes to some people headcanon about severus as a child or regarding children it becomes concerning...
Someone in the comments say: "severus Snape is obsessive creep, a racist incel who stalk her and hurt her sister"
Um...You do realize that you're speaking about a nine years old, right? You're accusing a nine years old, poor, abused child of those things, right?
Do you expect children to act "right" when someone belittle them or mock them? Of course they'll snap.
Petunia doesn't deserve to be belittled for who She's, and severus doesn't deserves to be mocked for his poverty, and what happens next is a reaction to the insult was nothing but an accidental magic.
Someone else would say: "if Harry was a girl, then severus would be obsessed with her"
For this idea to come into your mind and you treated it as a fact is in fact... sickening.
I used to see this headcanon treated as a fact in literally every YouTube video relating to HP and that made me avoid any video relating to severus, you know my favorite character...
I swear, people would write an amazing metas and make videos and once they get into severus, suddenly they loss their braincells.
I don’t say don’t headcanon these characters doing reprehensible things or consumed with bad thoughts, art is a way of healing.
I don't own your mind and you don't own mine, but learn to differeniate between what's in your head and what's outside of it.
You can hate a character as much as you want, but don't judge its fans over loving said character just because you have a sickening headcanon.
Someone else would say: "Snape was the worst fear of Neville"
And so was McGonagall to Hermione, you'll say that different: She's afraid of failure and she hold McGonagall in a high regard.
So the same doesn't go to severus? He's doesn't deserve respect? Or for Neville to treat him seriously?
I'll be honest, I'm so tired from hearing this, as if Neville supposed to be afraid of Bellatrix who, mind you, never met her before, even lupin explained the meaning of the boggart, it's what we think as our worst fear because it's recent.
Neville became a strong, brave man, who carve his way through the books, found the courage within himself, and killed the snake that killed his supposedly "worst fear" -heh, ironic-.
Severus Snape got nothing on Neville longbottom, especially if you'll use his fear as an excuse on hating severus instead of his treatment, because new flash, people aren't responsible about how we feel about them.
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personinthepalace · 17 days
My Lady Jane - Scooby Doo Where Are You Theme Song
Since the mlj soundtrack consists of all female artists, this version of the iconic theme song is sung by Velma Dinkley herself! Hope you enjoy it :)
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