#no platform works for fandom
gydima · 1 year
The thing is...
I moved from LiveJournal to Tumblr over a decade ago, but I've never recovered the fandom mojo I had on LJ. I miss the way I could make real connections on LJ, and the way we could bounce ideas off each other in (what felt like) the insulated playground of comments on posts.
I can't form the same kind of connections here. Twitter ain't it for fandom (for me, anyway), and Discord is nice but not what I need.
I don't know if I'll ever be able to write like I could back when I was on LJ, because I don't have relationships with people who I feel comfortable playing with.
Fuck, I miss that shit. 😭
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frownyalfred · 1 year
the truth is…..so many new ao3 users want ao3 to be something it isn’t.
just use tumblr, babes. stop trying to blog and create “algorithms” on what is essentially a library catalog.
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insanitysilver · 2 years
I wish more fanartists would put their work on AO3. Just followed an artist who organizes their work by making a series for Fandom X, and within that, they have multi-chapter works for different ships & gen. Every new chapter is just their latest image for that subject.
It's been so delightful not to have to wade through social media algorithms and endless ads.
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jedi-starbird · 2 months
I don't care what the hatman says I firmly believe Ahsoka is not describing Anakin as anything other than the most cringefail jedi ever.
When she finds out Anakin is Darth Vader? The same Vader she's been fighting against for a decade? The same Vader who's crimes she's had a front row seat for in the rebellion? Who killed all the friends and family she grew up with and is now also killing the new friends and family she's managed to scrape together in the ashes of everything she ever knew? Who puppets around the 501st, her and Rex's brothers, the men who trusted him with their lives, as nothing more than mindless murderers? Ohoho she wants him dead sooo bad. She takes 3 business days to process then comes back with full murderous rage unlocked. She's outside his evil lair banging pots and pans together telling him to square the fuck up, Master. Her Cain instinct is fully activated. Move outta the way old man, Ahsoka's going to do what she must and she's actually going to follow through with her words.
Obi-Wan's got the cornerstone on depression, Ahsoka's got rage covered, together they almost form one healthy grief response. (I'm imagining them both living at the same rebel base post O66 and the twins going between them for wildly contrasting takes on their dad lmao)
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brights-place · 4 months
do you mind doing a Branch x rock troll reader?
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Branch dating an Rock troll! S/O
Pairings: Branch X Reader
Warnings: None
A/N: Sorry for the late post I've been kind of busy hon! anyways take the request! <33
- He met you when poppy introduced you to him since you were going to be helping him expand the structures of pop village - Branch would be confused at first when he realize he likes you - You slowly started to bond after awhile of hanging out and him learning about your genre as he told you about his back. - It's known pop Troll is extremely happy, strives happiness and seeks fun above all things which is so like them but its also true that they are prone to absolute panic when things go wrong, often overreacting in a comical way - But branch didn't have that atrribute well he had the panicking bit but the happy and fun part? that was... uhmmmm yeah no - Branch takes awhile to open up to you especially after well The Rock world tour - I mean come on! Barb was leading an world tour and all the crimes she has committed has changed his whole view of rock trolls though he is trying to welcome them slowly - This Dude Is Autism Coded you can’t change my mind! (I’m autistic) - Attempted world domination, Attempted cultural genocide, Hate crimes, Terrorism, Piracy, Malefic, War crimes, Crimes against trollkind, Mass invasion, Mass kidnapping, Serial grand larceny, Mass brainwashing, Unlawful imprisonment, Abuse of power, Conspiracy, Psychological abuse, Extortion, Minor arson, Assault and battery, Mass property destruction, Attempted mass slavery, Corruption, and Public endangerment! He has an whole list of crimes that were committed by barb
- Though after awhile of hanging around you he couldn’t help but feel relaxed and allowed you to touch stuff in his bunker
- He Let you meet Gary and you are the only one allowed to hold Gary and know everything about him. (Gary from trollstopia if you know)
- Branch enjoys how you listen to him when he rants about things
- You were so worried when he said he would drink his own sweat which you told him not too and is unhygienic
- After awhile he would notice subtle things about you and would learn more about you and your hobbies which poppy pointed out was kind of weird for branch since he never does that for other trolls a lot but him doing that for you? Poppy smirked - He fell for an ROCK TROLL! - This man was so confused and questioning himself as you were standing in front of him telling him about your new song that you wrote and were gonna preform with Petra, Romper and Rose - He was an pop troll... you were an rock troll you were different!
- Branch would listen to you about speaking about your genre and you listen about pop genre aswell - You two would do duet songs of rock songs and pop songs but if you could convince him to sing rock songs with you he would try... It turns out he’s good at it
- You teach him some Rock n Roll greetings and handshakes which he got used to
- He did the handshake infront of poppy doing the rock n roll greeting handshake with Riff and Barb who laughed and they told him where you were which made branch flustered
- Poppy stared at him with sparkling eyes squealing questioning if you two were dating which you weren’t… Yet!
- If Branch ever found something that would suite you for example some studded belts or leather braclets he would think of you and would buy it
- Whenever you meet up he would always have an gift that reminded him of you
- His love language is Acts of Service, Quality time and sometimes Gift giving
- Though he wouldn’t mind some affection from you since whenever you see him you hug him tightly
- Introvert X Extrovert type of bond!
- You are his opposite and that’s what he loves about you
- Your smile your laugh and yes you may be different genres but he loves you so much because of it.
- Your comfortable in your own shell and you help him to become comfortable with himself aswell!
- branch is thankful for you though you mainly come to his bunker then he comes to volcano rock city since he finds it hard to breathe due to well the lava and Asch along with the foggy presence
- Though he will visit if you can’t come if your sick or your doing an show
- He stared up at you when you were on stage signing while playing your guitar while maintaining eye contact with him
- After the show was done you rushed to him hugging him squealing excitedly glad he came to see your show
- He couldn’t help but stare at you with an spake in his eyes which you returned before leaning in kissing eachother with an smile on both your lips
- Barb coughed into your hand as you giggled while branch hid his face in your shoulder grumbling
- “Love you” Branch muttered as you smiled back “I love you too”
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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Hey #GreekMythology tumblr, I want ya’lls help on something :).
So, I’ve been thinking about starting this massive project. Like, would take years and years work of writing and research and sheerly finding the time and motivation for. And as I was thinking about the specifics, I thought: why not bring others into it as well? Because as much as I am interested in a lot of Greek Mythology, there are things that are simply not my interests and might cause writers block and my goal for the project would to be as fun as possible. So, here we are.
What is the project exactly? Well, hopefully, it’ll be a long Ao3 series/fic focusing on the individual perspectives of various figures/events in Greek Mythology arranged in (semi/good enough) chronological order. I personally intend to write for Poseidon in his/my version of the Titanomachy and (maybe) some events that follow, if you want a little bit of an idea on what I’m talking about.
The limits on this are almost completely free, all that I ask are that each of your submissions are one POV only (and by that I mean your main subject’s POV). Why do I say this? I say this because that is what I want this project to look like. It doesn’t matter if it’s First, Second, or Third POV along with all the other variants of those three, my main focus is on the individual experiences of these individuals. Kind of like character studies, if you know what I mean. I’m intending for it to be mostly formal but I will absolutely accept crack admissions that I will probably put into its own series to Separate the Vibes for whoever comes by :).
Ultimately, this is a completely open-ended project that has absolutely no deadline. I’m about to go to bed so I can’t go into too much detail, but if you want to DM me or send any asks, I am completely okay with that and we’ll all flesh out the specifics we go :).
What is my overall purpose? Not only is this project made for my own individual purposes of learning more about the gods and other Greek Mythology writers, but it’s also the chance to spread the word of other writers. I know how hard it is to get specific audiences, especially when you’re shy, so this is a chance for your work to be stumbled upon. Each post on the eventual Ao3 fic will include your socials, how to find you, and your other general works on either ao3, tumblr, wattpad, or other :)
Can you participate even without socials or a tumblr page? Yes you absolutely can :). My asks will always be open to anons and I will do my best to give credit when I eventually post everything :). If you want to post multiple submissions or simply just want a trackable (between works) name to your writing, just sign something at the end. It could be a name, it could be a potential username, I don’t mind at all :)).
How do I submit things? Well, the best way would be to DM me :). I have a personal writing email separate from most things that would be perfect to either share a google docs with or to just send a copy-and-pasted copy of it. Otherwise, I take asks. None of them will be posted unless asked or we’re ready to so it’ll be safe to just drop them off in! It’s also where I take questions :).
Any other things to note? I’d really appreciate some other moderators and editors :). There’d only be like two or three of each and we’d have to know each other decently well before officially starting, but some help would be appreciated! Also, I’d like to keep a working ‘spreadsheet’ of who’s working on what just for people to see what’s going on :). Maybe some people can collaborate or it’ll encourage those niche writers to write :). A third thing is that most questionable stuff is accepted. I’d personally rather not handle all those things other than posting it so it might be a while until I can officially accept (consensual and/or graphic) ✨spicy stuff✨ but, other than that, I’ll take any of it (also, it’s Greek Mythology, almost all of it already happened). If someone’s willing to take over the ✨spicy stuff✨ then please DM me so we can work out the details and see if it’s a nice fit :)
Honestly, that all should be it. The main point is that I’m trying to start up a long-term project on Tumblr and Ao3 about what is essentially Greek Mythology character studies that not only allows for mass communication across a wide audience, but also (hopefully) gets some recognition for the smaller writers :). Feel free to DM me or send me asks with questions but for now, I shall sleep
Tagging: @bluebellstudio @thirteen-deaths-later @0lympian-c0uncil @happyk44 @h0bg0blin-meat @sworeontheriverstyx @deathlessathanasia @gotstabbedbyapen. Sorry if I tagged you and you want nothing to do with it, I just wanted to get it out there /pos /gen
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kedreeva · 2 years
did you know the first "5 things" fic ever written is a smallville fic from 2001, with 9 comments, two of which are responses from the author? because I sure didn't
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100 days since a brand crossed Markiplier
(Be careful when reading the tags if you're sensitive to, albeit glancing, references to sexual assault/grooming)
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revoevokukil · 3 months
To mutuals & all: I guess some of you will be migrating off tumblr; where are you heading?
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solradguy · 3 months
For some reason when you said you were forking off from the Fandom GG wiki I thought you were censoring yourself. Erm, what the fork?
If you saw what I had to do to the CSS to un-spaghetti it, well... Let's just say it gets a little steamy... 😏
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fiveht · 10 months
Disarm You With a Smile - Chapter 3
Me: hey daddy 😈
Daddy: Oh no
Daddy: Hi baby
Me: what are you doing right now
Daddy: Proctoring an exam
Daddy: Sitting at a desk facing 14 of my students in a very quiet room
Me: how's your poker face?
Daddy: Excellent
Chapter 3 of Disarm You With a Smile, and it's 13k words, because brevity is the soul of wit and I am a potato.
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brights-place · 3 months
Branch x country rock troll
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Branch X Country Rock! S/O
Pairings: Branch X Reader
Warnings: Country Slang, Fluff, Angst, and Mild swearing
A/N: Sorry for the late post I've been kind of busy hon! anyways take the request! <33
- Branch was following poppy to help get the cows that they had lost from pop village and poppy new one perosn Delta Dawn who could help them! - That's when you two first met of course, The country architecture makes use of natural colors with patchwork fabrics, using of a lot of wood and natural structures like cactuses being in common use. Colors tend to be beige, with use of sandy colors like yellow, pale orange and brown as the air smelled like BBQ and an mix of smell of spring, wild flowers, primroses and bluebells, honeysuckle, and blackthorn. - Delta nodded listening to poppy as branch raised an brow when hearing Delta call behind her to an F/C Troll fitting with all the other trolls... Well to poppy (name) did but to branch he couldn't help but purse his lips - As soon as you now stood beside Delta Dawn you chuckled smirking tipping your cowboy hat towards Branch who froze staring at you - "It's darn good ta see some awful new folk!" you said laughing crossing your arms beside Delta who rolled her eyes playfully "Meet my friend (name) queen poppy... They are the best roper in our town" Delta said placing an hand on your shoulder as you chuckled "Done heard y'all fancy pop trolls need some help" poppy squealed as branch eyes you suspiciously
- Branch didn't trust you for a bit but he can't believe eyeing your figure. - You looked like the common Country Troll you had the basic troll body type from the waist upwards, save their choice of attire, with the lower half of their bodies being that of a horse, complete with hooves and tails.  - He noticed you have large front teeth at the front of their upper jaw and either rounded or pointy ears. Your hair was puffy, but does stick up. They tend to have a beigetone coloration. -Your Colors vary per individual and they either wear full-body outfits that cover everything but their head, hooves and tail, though some are seen wearing typical 10 gallon cowboy hats and trucker caps, or just a jacket or shirt around their chest area. Their legs are quite small, and their overall body tends to be the biggest part of their physical build, with a lot of it taken up by their centaur-like part. Their upper area often is comparable to other Trolls despite this, and isn't much different in size at all. Despite the differences, they physically stand about the same height as other Trolls from head to feet, though their overall size is smaller due to how they keep their hair. At first glance, they all appeared friendly but you? He couldn't help but pause - "Ain'tcha pretty as a peach" You said bending down towards him as his eyes wiened gone from his thoughts as he raises an brow as you chuckle lightly - When you three left to help Poppy asked you everything about yourself which you laughed an enjoyed unaware that Branch was noting all the information down... He didn't know why but he just did - But when poppy asked about your genre of country you told her you wrote country rock which branch was invested in asking you about it out of nowhere taking out an note book and pencil from his hair as you explained to him. - "Country rock is a style of music that fuses traditional country music with rock 'n' roll. While country rock bears close resemblance to some folk rock and rockabilly, it is considered a genre unto itself!" you explained with an smile as Branch nodded - After helping them out and he couldn't help but watch you easily lasso all the missing cows back towards the fenced area - He couldn't help but be fascinated about how you appreciate the simpler things in life like natural beauty and spending time with those you cared for.
- Would listen to your Country rock songs and how you were able to mix the two together - You told him how The Country Trolls love Country music, and their life is one big shindig. Although all of you appear friendly at first, these Trolls can be mistrusting towards strangers, especially towards Trolls of other Tribes, and can show aggression like before they made peace - You told him that Country Children might be expected to work from the moment they're born by their parents. The typical Country Troll is simple and laid-back, but can be highly-strung when angered or things go wrong. - He wanted to be one of those people he didn't know why but he needed. - They also have a strong sense of family and community, and value traditional values. - Dating you had given branch and small break of pop trolls as when he goes hanging out with you. - Branch soon started to hangout with you on the country side when he gets to sick of everybody - He likes to sit on this tree beside you as he talks about his interests and plans he had about safety that you listened to as you tuned your guitar
- You two would start visiting each other more then usual some times staying over at eachothers people starting to suspect your dating - Branch learns country slang and had gotten used to your accent was wheezing and laughing when you curse someone out who seemed rude - He fell first and you fell harder for him
- You two would confess to each other when you made an new country rock song - he's been tryiing to confess for awhile but gave up last minute so when he was lucky and relaxed he confessed. He's so romantic and would confess to you with an huge relaxed face as you turn into an flustered mess "Heavens To Betsy! Branch" You said laughing covering your face abit
- You too would officially date after like 5 dates
- when you two are together and your speaking in slanged words in annoyance or arguing with someone. Poppy and the other pop trolls have to turn to eachother then turn to branch who has to explain with an bored expression about teh slang words or go to other country trolls who were chuckling at the scene. - You love eachother so much and when he takes you to meet his family for the first time in ever... it was whoa... so much
- When he introduced you to his brothers your jaw dropped so fast your boyfriend was in the famous boy band but you didnt care and just kissed his cheek - You would call him by weird southern pet names like baby, sweetheart, precious, buttercup, princess, love bug. The list could go on. You loves how flustered he gets whenever you call him any of these names.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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rimouskis · 10 months
I do feel like I see more blogs these days without any identifying features or personal posts, only reblogs. It's really interesting to me! I wonder if these folks do their fandom socializing elsewhere (like Twitter or discord, maybe?) or if they're just here to reblog/lurk! I wonder if it was part of the Twitter migration? It's so interesting to see different, like, culture (subculture?) waves of fandom
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elekinetic · 1 month
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
when you have fanworks like fic and art that people made out of hard work and love for no compensation other than affection for a piece of media and some rando who supposedly loves that same media takes that art, strips off the credit and reposts it for, what, clout? likes? unearned attention?
that makes me furious
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ladyelainehilfur · 2 months
Goodnight to everyone but the people who profit off uncompensated, voluntary fan labor, not mentioning the CEO of Fandom by name or anything
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