#no scraping of content
bi-writes · 16 days
sorry im about to develop my own website for fanfic writers than has no fucking ads and will never, ever allow AI or anyone else to scrape stories or the content cause what is this shit
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myfandomrealitea · 6 months
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rhinestonesox · 1 month
do you think chilchuck lost his freckles because he spends so much time working in the dungeon that he doesn’t really get any sunlight?
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bakedbakermom · 2 months
they are all things (read on ao3)
post-ep for "all things" // T // 535 words tagging @today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr
Mulder stirs when Scully slips into bed beside him – a pleasant surprise, though not a wholly unexpected one. They’ve been slipping into each others’ beds for a little while now.
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 2 months
"Psychic Spectres intro" this, "Anime OP" that. Y'all are sleeping on the true king fr
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heywriters · 2 months
Do you know alternatives to Google Docs that include having the files online? I worry about my computer crashing and losing my local files. I looked into LibreOffice Online, but it doesn't seem like files get saved online.
I don't back up my files online, sorry, I use flashdrives and sometimes external harddrives. I'm sure someone out there has made a list of online resources they feel are trustworthy.
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just-null-cult · 6 months
Dear noritoshi cult leader!!!!!! I wanted to know if you have any recommendations for other artists or content creators that post for our boy noritoshi?
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my devout cult member!!!!!!
I don't know many artists who are still active or still draw Noritoshi stuff. I mostly get my content from pixiv or pinterest even if it's.... severely rare.... and even then, they've only drawn him once, and that's all but it's something!
btw when I say some aren't active, I mean they haven't posted in a while. fingers crossed they cOME BACK PLEASE GOD I MISS YOU.
My list is in no particular order unless you count who came to mind first?? nonetheless, here are some Noritoshi artists that I know of/taken inspiration from
kamo_sympathy [Twitter] haven't been active for a while, but I still enjoy the stuff they have there. Very good!!
getou_0203_ [Twitter] also semi inactive. they're a Getou, Gojo, and Choso enjoyer too. how they drew Noritoshi is smth I inject in my soul.
ohayo_akachan [Twitter] again... kinda inactive, but still. I enjoy their content a lot while I can't really understand what they're saying. DeepL my saving grace.. their style is v similar to the anime style, which I find super cool!!
Gotharcheologist or @/alegnace [Twitter and Tumblr] They're a chosonori shipper and active! I really like how they draw Noritoshi and Choso. how they draw blood is so good, how they draw faces is so good, THEIR ARTSTYLE IS SO FUCKING GOOD
magical_candy15 [Twitter] They didn't post a lot, nor are they active as of now, but the few scenarios were really good and fed me in my drought for a while. I love u..
rin5su0605 [Twitter] A Todo×Noritoshi account with some love to the rest of the Kyoto group too! This person was active as of June 2023, but I'm using copium. I really like how they draw.. and the color choices oh my fuck.
mecuru_MECU (?) [Twitter] I'm a bit iffy on this one. They look to not be doing jjk anymore, but they were once into Noritoshi if you go to their earlier posts. Their linework is beautiful, like their colors! there's something about their work I really like.
and that's all I have, I think? I know there are others out there that i don't know or don't remember, but I'll probably add them over time if i find more or if anyone else has someone in mind to recommend in the comments of this post!
yoshida_jyu [Twitter] They mainly post in a comic format! theres also some Megumi×Noritoshi shipping so if thats your thing, this dude's your dude. i have no idea what theyre saying but they draw cute expressions. also draws mainly Noritoshi, Kokichi, and Megumi
16shelter [Twitter} also a Megumi×Noritoshi shipper. Little warning: their art can be nsfw/suggestive at times, so be careful w that if its not your thing. Their anatomy is good AND POSING im grabbing my pen.. also, this person finds Arata cute, so theres some art with him too!
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gravegroves · 1 month
"Fuck you," I whisper as I put on another god-awful movie pecause it stars that one actor that I'm obsessed with right now for some reason, "Fuck you so much."
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rileys-battlecats · 14 days
i really gotta get better about listening to my own brain and needs when i'm making things. i've been working on a video and i'm almost finished (yippee!!), but drawing this One Specific Frame was giving me trouble. i could have just brute-forced my way through it and finalized the initial sketch, since it was relatively good enough. but instead i left it and took a day off from working on the project, let myself recharge, and came back to the sketch with fresh eyes today. and what do you know, my redrawn sketch today is WAY better! now, i can finalize that frame and be genuinely proud of it, instead of just powering through on something i was less than happy with.
i hadn't done any other art stuff that day when i couldn't get my sketches to look right, so letting myself stop and have a break from the project felt sort of "unearned" i guess. but it's just. what i needed! and the break did what i needed it to do; i was able to come back later and make something i could be proud of.
anyway i guess this is me saying that, if you're like me and have this weird morality-complex about letting yourself rest, it's ok to take breaks, even if you feel like you haven't "earned" one yet :)
#rye.txt#growing up i got very accustomed to ignoring my own needs and just 'powering through' when i wanted/needed to get something done#which worked out relatively ok for me in school (banging my head against a wall until my brain absorbed information leading to exhaustion)#but now that im doing work that is ostensibly for my own enjoyment#i have a hard time divorcing myself from that mindset#i feel guilty if im not constantly working#which is. not great! so im trying to unlearn that#trying to let myself think 'ok my brain isn't brain-ing right now. so i should stop and rest/do something else'#my actual job is Very Emotionally Draining so sometimes i just. can't find the energy to work on my art#which sucks!! cause i love making art!! and then i think to myself 'maybe making art will make you feel better'#but then when i try it's like scraping the bottom of a dry well. trying to find water#when what i need to do is rest and let the water well up from the ground itself#but resting is HARD when you tie your self-worth to how much you can work#ough ok this got a little vent-y sorry guys#I don't want to let myself fall into the 'content creation' mindset. cause I don't think i make 'content' i make ART#and art isn't something you can just pump out mindlessly#good art. art that i can be PROUD of. that takes time and intent and energy. and I can't make that if im just scraping the bottom of a well#vent in tags#this whole post is just 'riley vs the concept that taking breaks is a moral failing'
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lilcathsmith · 14 days
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Greg in every episode of CSI (51/328)
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amoebeau · 8 months
its actually very wild and surreal to me that faith game is like. actually pretty popular now? like i keep getting recommended videos on it and they have millions of views. when did that start happening
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twopplinatrenchcoat · 2 months
"paranormálno je většinou lidi v kostýmech," a "Tahle věc oprqvdu exustuje a nikdo to nedokáže vysvětlit," jsou výroky které my si neměly odporovat.
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its-just-ob · 6 months
Begging Loki fans to create more O.B content PLEASE I need CONTENT!!! EDITS! FANFICTIONS!! DRAWINGS!!! IM STARVING
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bakedbakermom · 2 months
Ouroboros (read on ao3)
rated G / 280 words / never again+cancer arc angst tagging @today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr
It was the first place Mulder ever really touched her.
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spinnysocks · 2 months
so i'm reading a TLG croc fic and
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yet another fic where kiburi shows at least a slither of care for his float! :) i love that this is a common theme in nearly all of the small amount of fics he's in
"Wow Kiburi, I didn't think you were this soft or sentimental" "Tell anyone what I just said and I will be sure to kill you myself." THE CHARACTERISATION IS SPOT ONNNN
the fic is here if anyone's interested, let me know if the link doesn't work! i honestly had no idea there were kiburi fics outside of ao3 but i am gathering ALL THE CRUMBS!! i'm only 13/40 chapters in but OOOO it is good :)
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beremy-from-trigun · 1 year
song: girls by girl in red
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