#no seriously work in progress
messrmagpie · 1 year
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little preview of what I’m working on- it’s going to be a while before it’s done though I reckon, so hold on tight :)
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leier-coyol · 4 months
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Ruby basarios sneak peek
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catzgam3rz · 11 months
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PLEASE Take the best boy Chayanne! I love him so much.
(Hes based of a magpie which was inspired from @cloudster-the-clown 's design which is FANTASTIC)
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
Been brainrotting lately and now I present to you what I think is an underused story beat for Yuu. What if “Yuu” isn’t even the prefect’s real name?
Considering that Yuu’s first experience in Twisted Wonderland is waking up in a coffin, wandering around an obviously foreign place, and being questioned by a suspicious man in a crow mask surrounded by people in black hooded robes… I just think most people would not give their real name in such a sketchy situation.
Fast forward to when Yuu is more comfortable with the cast and there is both comedy and angst potential here. On one hand, the reactions to the deception could be pretty funny. (Cue a “woe is me” from Crowley. Of course he can’t find a way home for you when he doesn’t have your real name!) On the other, this could be a great way of exploring the prefect having a crisis. Yuu already lost so much in being taken to Twisted Wonderland, and now in a way even the prefect’s name has been taken.
What do you think?
waking up in a coffin, wandering around an obviously foreign place, and being questioned by a suspicious man in a crow mask surrounded by people in black hooded robes…
Annon, annon, annon, when you put it like that it sounds like Yuu woke up in the middle of a cult ritual of some sort. Which I suppose if you were an edgy Night Raven student idia you might argue that the enrollment ceremony totally is as an excuse not to go
But to be more serious, I have seen a few memes about this concept and I like it a lot σ( ̄、 ̄=) It's a fun character concept, it's not everyday you get a chance to re-invent yourself completely.
That being said, just based off of the few dialogue options Yuu has at the start, I think Yuu is implied to believe that they are dreaming:
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Which honestly doesn't make this idea any less valid. If you're dreaming about waking up in the middle of some weird necromancer's rite, why not give him a fake name? It's not meant to be serious anyway. Just go with the flow and hope things don't get too weird (and get offended when your dream doesn't give you magic powers) until it's too late and you realize everyone thinks your name really is that bad joke you made.
If you want to get darker, maybe Yuu really did think they died. A black carriage pulling a coffin really only goes to a funeral, and death has been depicted as an unmanned coach with black horses. Maybe Yuu is only just coming to grips with the fact that they really are alive when they see Riddle overblot and he hurts them. Maybe they now are sitting next to two people who have started to think about them as a friend, a really close one. Maybe they think Yuu is really brave because they charged headlong into danger without a second thought, and won, twice now. Maybe Yuu cries themselves to sleep that night because in a way... you died so yuu could live.
As for reactions, Crowley and the other staff members I think would be the most dramatic, followed by Adeuce and Grim. Jack I can see accepting your reasons and not thinking too hard about it, maybe even respecting your survival instincts, while Epel... well he says he's mad but mostly he's just concerned. He knows what it feels like to have two dueling parts of yourself and trying to find the middle ground. Ortho would be excited, you have a secret identity just like a magical girl/super sentai/anime idol/superhero take your pick really. He certainly doesn't mind getting to know you all over again.
Sebek screams at you for being a threat to Wakasama but it's clear to everyone who actually knows him that he's really just worried about the amount of stress you put on yourself. He would hate for you to have the same issues with self loathing he does. And Malleus? Well he lied to you about who he was because he was worried you would be afraid, even though you didn't know he existed. It would be very petty for him to hold a grudge against you for doing the same.
In general I think this would be something the others would have an easier time understanding as opposed to Yuu's sense of alienation or loneliness at not having magic. Identity issues are common themes in fiction, so I could see them actually seeing it as a problem as opposed to an abstract problem like no government papers (since these kids with one obvious exception don't do taxes.) But it would make for a great way to explore the prefect having a crisis just as you say, in a way it's the perfect example for every problem they might have with being in Twisted Wonderland.
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krasytoonz · 1 year
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POV you ugly as HELLLLL 😨😨😨😨🔥‼️😱😭😭😭⚠️ (work in progress)
this au is completely a joke
**I normally don’t draw in this style cuz cartoony style is goofier to draw hahajsn
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undertheopensky · 15 days
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag @gia-d! I’ve been wanting to do this one but executive dysfunction/autistic vampirism meant I needed an invitation 🙃
First, I’m only including my current fandoms in this list, so that’s Linked Universe and Four Swords (and maybe a tiny bit of general Legend of Zelda).
Second, PLEASE feel free to ask questions!!! I love talking about my fics!!!
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And finally, the fic that's so large it has its own Scrivener project yet somehow doesn't have a name: the Child!Wild AU!
I definitely don't know as many people as I have wips, let alone ones who write. No-pressure tags for the ones I do have: @zarvasace, @akchimp75, @oneweirdbookaddict, @uncleskyrule, @sister-dear, and anyone else who wants to play!
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autisticgayplushie · 1 year
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little sneaky peak of a wip for the colorful kitties, just for you :3 this is taffy the transgender kitty!!
earlier this year I fully intended to have the campaign ready to launch in june, which would have been fitting, but unfortunately we're still only about halfway there so it'll be a bit later in the year, most likely early August if things stay on track!! :D I am SO SO excited to share more of what I have in store, guest artists for the stickers, pins, and charms have been doing amazing work and the plush samples are coming out SO cute!! I'll keep posting a little more behind the scenes here as we get closer to the campaign :3c
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
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Kepler and Ahsoka haven't always...gotten along, to say the least. As initiates, Ahsoka was always very clearly miles ahead of everyone while he fell behind. Even if she didn't mean to, subconsciously she always considered him the lowest bar, she's obviously very talented cause she's nothing LIKE him.
Of course they grow to resent each other for this and butt heads, especially with their masters being best friends which means they're forced to be around each other a lot more 😅 but they don't realize how similar they really are! Eventually they're able to reconcile and become genuine friends, though! 💖
Taglist♡: @changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @star-whores69 @sunstar-of-the-north @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @me-myself-and-my-fos @squips-ship @in-true-blue-love @cassmeeks @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus @cherry-bomb-ships
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think-queer · 2 months
If you view any group of trans people as essentially "hysterical whiny women afabs who don't have any real problems and need to shut up" then please stay far far away from me
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wangxianficrecs · 7 months
💙 feel better love by Anonymous
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💙 feel better love
by Anonymous
T, WIP, 8k, Wangxian
Summary: When Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian had decided to pay alternate universe versions of themselves a visit, they had not expected to find a version of Wei Wuxian who is travelling all alone. Lan Wangji has something to say about this. (In which MDZS Lan Wangji is unhappy about some of his CQL counterpart's actions following the events at the Guanyin Temple) Kay's comments: One of my absolute favorite stories that I come back to read again and again, because it's like the perfect post-CQL story for those of us who were more than a little miffed by CQL Lan Wangji's performance at the end of the series and him becoming Chief Cultivator and not accompanying Wei Wuxian when he asked. Well, here we have MDZS!Wangxian arriving in the CQL-world and promptly adopting CQL-Wei Wuxian, while CQL Lan Wangji has to drink vinegar and I just have to say, this story is everything for me. I love the characterization and the subtle differences between the two versions of Wangxian and I love MDZS!Wangxian doting on CQL!Wei Wuxian. Excerpt: Lan Wangji is having a… bad day. He is having a lot of those, recently. For once, it isn’t his job that’s bothering him. It is hard to be the Chief Cultivator, to put up with so much whining and so many snide overtures from sect leader after sect leader, but he cannot complain about it. Lan Wangji has never been one to complain, but even if he was, who would he share this burden with? His brother is in seclusion, taking no visitors, and his uncle is already busy leading the sect— Lan Wangji can offer no help, as the Chief Cultivator cannot show favour to one sect over the others. The job is hard, but there is nothing new to be said about it. No, what bothers Lan Wangji currently is him. The other version of himself. Lan Wangji had always thought that the day Wei Ying would return to Gusu would be a joyous one. In his mind, Wei Ying would have travelled as he had wanted to— he could not travel with Wei Ying, not when he had to take up the mantle of Chief Cultivator, but he knew Wei Ying understood that— and returned one day, and perhaps Lan Wangji would buy him some Emperor’s Smile from Caiyi Town and take him to that Hunan restaurant he always talked about, and he would meet the juniors and he would smile at Lan Wangji like he always did. Instead, Wei Ying had not returned alone with his donkey. He had appeared with another version of Lan Wangji.
pov alternating, post-the untamed, post-canon, canon divergence, the untamed & mdzs crossover, crack treated seriously, jealous lan wangji, caring lan wangji, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, angst
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 7 months
“somehow shanks became aware that buggy's goals had changed” alright that is so FASCINATING! Most of theorists I saw had believe that Shanks was completely unaware of Buggy’s intention. That he just wanted him around (out of whatever feels) so asked about sailing together. I even saw Interpretations of them being co-captains.
I don’t think I ever saw anyone using the panel of “we should go separate ways”!
You truly made me more excited about where this relationship is going. How much Shanks knew about his friend inner thoughts??
You think Oda has some plans on writing sth about this relationships or in your opinion he would rather made them go “separate ways”? God, you good.
yeah, idk, maybe i’m reading into things too much?? i just don’t get the impression that shanks is the kind of person to ask a question he knows is gonna get an answer of “no way in hell!!” so i have to believe that either he forgot that buggy wanted to go his own way, or he thought buggy had changed his mind.
(and either of these scenarios also involves a shanks who has changed his mind. why. why do you want buggy on your ship, shanks? did he change, or your opinion of him?)
like i said in my tags on that post, i would really love to hear an explanation from shanks himself. i don’t think i’ll be fully satisfied by their arc without getting his perspective. i hope it’s coming! i’m not confident but i’m hopeful!
that said, i do 100% believe they’re going to run into each other during the hunt for the one piece. i just have no idea when. early on vs at laugh tale vs literally right in front of the treasure… my ideal conversation/confrontation would go totally differently in each context. (and this doesn’t even take into consideration whether luffy, bb, or other pirates are also present!)
as for your last question… god, i don’t know. what’s the purpose of the shanks & buggy relationship in this story? if it’s to serve as an example of how close relationships can go sour, then i think there are two endings that can serve that purpose.
they never become close again, to show the consequences for being too stubborn/too easygoing in a relationship
their relationship gets repaired right at the end of the story, to show it’s never too late to become friends again
so i really couldn’t say!
personally, i would love to see shanks and buggy wander off into the sunset, going on half-retired pirate adventures, but i feel like a lot would have to change for that to happen. i can’t really see buggy aboard the red force, or shanks at cross guild hq. maybe they go their separate ways, but stay in contact? (letters, snailphone calls, etc.) arranging to meet up for short trips a couple times a year… a compromise between permanently going their separate ways and always traveling together.
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messrmagpie · 1 year
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Decided to finally draw Evan (+ the other Slytherins) (wip btw)
Also if anyone’s got other suggestions for drawings or just general questions, just ask in me asks box 🫡
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kumamooko · 11 months
Kai's feeling a bit silly rn
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Do not steal !!
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babykittenteach · 5 months
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2023 in review! I made an effort to try more things and it worked mostly (at least for TV and movies). New things, new-to-me things, and new installments of old things all had characters to love even if I didn't necessarily feel fannish about them, and I'm hoping 2024 does, too.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 11 months
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yeah i'm fine it's cool<3
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nocturnal-impala · 6 months
Update info
The progress of episode 6 part1 is now 40%!
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