#no this isnt my self insert. why do you say that. looks away
mechagender · 7 months
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another oc but this time from a different AU. name TBD!!
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snekdood · 28 days
idk why ppl think you wanting a different body, or in this case specifically, weight, somehow has something to do with them or you judging them? like i've worked through the fatphobia i grew up with and was used against me, idgaf what other people do and im also not repelled by or somehow grossed out by fat people given i tend to date fat people (not seeking them out, it just happens)-- if this is the case, how can you say that im somehow demanding you change in someway because I want to change myself? maybe stop seeing other people as extensions of you and this wouldnt be an issue..?
#unfortunately im never going to be satisfied with my body being a certain level of chubby. i can accept it but it wont satisfy me.#i'll always be longing for something else as much as i try to ignore it or deny it or whatever#trust me. i've tried. i've even fallen in love with my body type its... just.... not *me*#which is why i often draw it on my other non-self insert ocs bc i still love my body type its just. not me. thats just not me man idk🤷#an entirely different person as far as im concerned. when i look like that i look like a stranger to myself.#also like. idk why me still deciding i want to look different in spite of working through the fatphobia means i 'didnt actually work throug#it'. like im sorry babe but my dysphoria is heavily linked to my weight given my body fat loves to distribute in *ways* i dont like.#ive literally TRIED to be fine with it but i cant. im sorry. idk what to tell you. theres nothing that can be done. sue me.#me wanting to look different bc of the way my body fat distributes isnt me saying 'you have to look a certain way to pass'#its me going 'i will never feel like myself so long as im shaped like this'#it quite frankly has nothing to do with you so stop inserting yourself into my situation#if anything it seems like my desire to change my weight is more or less a trigger for you and thats not reason enough to try to change#my behavior. simply walk away. look somewhere else. dont interact with me if you cant handle that. i get it but like. its not#gonna change over here bud#some people you're not meant to always get along with and be friends with and thats okay. doesnt mean we try to come up with#'moral' reasons to justify our dislike.#bc to me you're doing nothing different from trans people who shame you for wanting to look more cis. thats always going to be the#case for me. im ALWAYS going to wish i was born a cis guy.
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just-a-floofy-catt · 11 months
Im not a writer, like, AT ALL, so this is probably pretty bad lmao
But i had the urge to still post it sooo here it is ✨️
(Its written about my self insert, Avery, but you can totally see it as yourself or your oc or whatever! ^^ )
Avery is an insomniac.
Moon is easily frustrated and becomes very aggressive when people dont get adequate sleep when they're supposed to.
Can't imagine how that could go wrong💀
Oh for fucks sake.
The lights were out, having suddenly plunged you into darkness.
You were just starting to get used to Sun over your past few shifts after finally meeting him, and now you were presumably going to have to face Moon unprepared.
With the stories people told about him and why to avoid him, you were immediately on edge, skin prickling with anticipation and senses feeling heightened and sensitive with your newfound lack of sight.
You cursed and fumbled for your flashlight, shaking slightly and almost dropping it with your anxious hands.
Despite not being able to see, or even hear, anything, you could feel his eyes baring into you pointedly, making you feel like prey being stalked. You would say it felt similar to the eerieness of being observed by Sun, but no. This felt much scarier - Darker, almost. Not just unsettling.
Your fingers press into the flashlights button desperately, other hand tightly fisted by your side, painted nails digging into the fabric of your glove.
The white cone of light immediately illuminates the area at your feet, and you quickly sweep it up to look fully at the area in front of you.
Just a dark, empty playplace.
No attendant to be seen.
You will yourself to look harder and scan each inch of space before you diligently, squinting into the void.
A light jingle of bells and a raspy snicker sound behind you all too late.
Before you can so much as turn around, cold metal and silicone hands slam you against the security desk, your wrists held behind you in a bruising, clawed grasp and the side of your face forced to press harshly against the surface of the desktop.
The solid body of what you could only assume to be Moon was bent over you, caging you in.
He relaxed rather quickly, almost releasing you as a gentle yet devious laugh left him. It seemed to reverberate through the whole of his casing, rumbling and edged.
"Someonessssss up past their bedtime~"
He leaned in closer to your ear, taking his hands fully off of you now.
"This isnt your shift. You need to sleep. Otherwise, thats breaking the rules for when im hereeeee"
His voice sounded dangerous, the low growl of it making you shiver.
You tried to gather some courage, and twisted your body fully to stand face to face with him.
"They needed me to fill in the nightshift here tonight."
You tried to keep your voice steady, watching him carefully as he took a few steps away from you, still keeping narrowed eye contact with those glaring red LEDs.
"Anyways... i dont think we've met before, Moon, since im pretty much always doing dayshifts here. Im-"
"I know veryyyy well who you are, little lamb. The sunny idiot has told me alllllll about you~"
His growling voice sounded lulling as he began to prowl before you, crouched like a
slinking predator in wait as he continued boring into you intently.
"...Including how you always seem tired during your shiftsss, and almost fall to sleep constantlyyyyy..."
You swallowed thickly.
You pressed your back to the solid security desk and followed his movements very cautiously.
"Well, regardless, im working as nightshift staff tonight. Which, if i know correctly, means you should not be trying to put me to bed. You know the nightshift staff have different sleep schedules."
That was indeed true, from what youd been told.
Moon was apparently stern with kids, but could be downright aggressive with adults, especially if they broke rules.
He knew the night staff were here to do their jobs. It didnt stop him from acting irritable towards them, but it still meant he didnt interfere with them unless they did something wrong.
He should not be trying to get you to go to sleep or whatever the fuck sort of bullshit he was trying to pull.
His low growl trilled its way into the empty air again,
"How cleverrr~"
He rumbled out a subtle sarcastic huff.
"But unlikeeee the regular night staff, you also worked here today. A little yellow birdie told me as much..."
He began to round over to your side. You followed him with the angle of your body, always facing him.
Having your back no longer at the desk made you feel much more exposed.
"So youve probably not slept at alllll, sweet little starrr. And i dont take too kindly to naughty boys who refuse to go to sleep when they should. Especially when it seems to be such a reoccurring misbehaviourrrr~"
You could feel your heart start to race as he crept steadily closer to you.
You backed away from him at the same pace. You felt if you tried to run away, youd merely be caught and dealt with, like falling victim to the prey drive of a predator.
"Um-M-my sleep schedule is of no concern to you. I need to do my damn job, Moon. S-stop trying to intimidate me!"
Your lips quivered relentlessly and your throat caught on every breath of air, making it hard to form the words properly.
He simply rasped out an eerie chuckle, a sound that bled into a much darker growl as he took yet another creeping step.
His eyes were still completely and utterly fixated on you.
"Im afraid i cant let this slideeeee, little lambbb~"
You heard the chilling tap of his claws on the edge of the desk as he continued to slink towards you, vaguely menacing.
"If you wont sleep on your own time like a f*c#i^nG adult, then i have no choiceeee but to put you down for a nap here like the naughty little boy youre actingggg likeeee"
You were starting to get frustrated with his bullshit and it mixed dangerously with your adrenaline and fear in your chest.
Your breath stilled suddenly as you realized what a dangerous game youd just accidentally played into.
Silence fell for a moment.
"My, my.... i think that requires a punishmenttttt for such a rude responseee~"
His voice was threateningly quiet.
"Now you better hope you can tire yourself out enough to fall to sleep like you shoulddddd so that i dont have to make it too harsh, little rulebreakerrrr~"
The word 'little' felt all too right as the giant animatronic loomed over you.
Agreeing to this had been the worst fucking mistake of your life.
A fear filled moment of shock held you in place for a hearbeat.
Then, when your feet finally shifted, you took off sharply towards the play structure.
A vicious snarling noise left his voice box, followed almost immediately by a borderline manic laugh.
--------- (ill write the chase scene eventually. Probably.)-----------
You knew he was directly behind you.
The blood rushed in your ears.
Tears gathered and burned in your eyes.
A shriek gathered in your chest
But was unable to rip out of it as a large, chilled hand curled tightly over the bottom half of your face.
"I winnnnnn~"
His voice distracted you briefly as you snapped your head towards the rasp, only for you to be dragged unceremoniously from the play structure and hoisted into his tight grasp.
You struggled, panicking for a moment, but it was futile in his mechanical hold.
As you settled, you realized it was oddly comfortable, much gentler than his harsh strangle-hold from earlier.
"You got caughtttt, you little S#i*. That means youre going to sleeppp. Right. Now."
He hissed it out, almost spitting put the first sentence with his still very clear annoyance.
You were still so confused.
What the fuck had just happened?
The adrenaline from being practically hunted down, by what was honestly a very intimidating and presumably dangerous robot, was quickly falling away due to your extreme exhaustion. You felt like you were going to pass out, between your sleeplessness and having just had a (possibly) near-death, exhausting experience.
Your head was too fuzzy to comprehend where he may be taking you.
Suddenly, you were whisked into the air, and high into the still-darkness
You jolted and instinctively clung to Moon with an iron hold.
He merely grumbled out a sound of amusement as his feet touched something solid again and he continued walking, parting what you assumed was a curtain.
Being carried through the pitch-black by a possibly-killer animatronic that just stalked you like you were his next victim had your fried, tired nerves still on end. But what else could you do other than hold on and hope for the best? And you would be lying if you said you hadnt had atleast a little faith that he wasnt as bad as everyone told you.
The room you entered was lined with fairy lights, making it possible to finally see again.
Unfortunately, as you looked up, you saw that Moon looked no less imposing in better lighting.
You were subsequently set down far gentler than you wouldve expected onto a soft collection of pillows and plushies in the corner. He promptly tucked you in with a blanket. You merely remained frozen, still immensely confused and exhausted.
Moon muttered as he stepped back slightly from your resting place
"If you wouldveeee cooperated in the beginning like a goooooodddd boyyyy i wouldn't have had to chase you..."
"I need to make sure the children are well restedddd and sleeping when they shouldddd.... and this also happens to apply to the adult staff too."
He growled for emphasis on his serious point.
You still felt faintly as if he were going to jump you.
The switch to this calmer, gentler persona had felt pretty jarring when he caught you.
It was clear to see that he just took his job very seriously and got easily riled up, but that didnt change the fact that he had scared the shit out of you.
You chose your words carefully, still cautious.
"Im.. sorry... Moon. You scared the hell out of me"
You couldnt tell if you were actually sorry or not, but you thought it best to try and get on his good side.
He rumbled out a hum in respose.
"How elsseeee am i supposed to get people to follow the rulesssss?"
You blinked at him, not responding.
"If you just agreeeeddd to go to sleep from the very beginning and apologised, we wouldnt have had a problemmm~"
He said it with an air of unbothered nonchalance.
You looked at him almost incredulously.
You had your job to do!
You couldn't have just agreed and gone home to sleep!!
He was a whole new breed of stubborn to assume that doing that was okay just because *he* wanted you to.
"You chased me!"
You blurted out.
Curse your anxious oversharing that kept getting you in more trouble.
"Onlyyyyy because you took off instead of listeningggg and going to sleep."
You huffed.
You know you shouldnt have, incase he got provoked again, but you couldnt help it.
Atleast you hadnt spoken about any of the other points you ought to bring up.
He seemed unamused.
"Nowww go the f*U#k to sleep."
He spat out, growling once again.
You thought better than to challenge Moon again, and closed your eyes.
Your insomnia and lingering adrenaline fought you, but as you heard a gentle music box accompanied by a soothing hum, your exhaustion prevailed and allowed you to fall into sleep.
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frostythefrostedfox · 4 months
I can't really see sonamy working out in the long run, either one of or both characters would have to be ooc if they were a couple, I can only see it as alot of giving and sacrificing mostly from Sonic's end, because so far shown in the games canon, Amy hasnt had alot of patience with him and wants a more typical kind of relationship with sonic with dating and all that, which sonic just isnt all that in to.
Considering how much the average sonamy fanbrat clings for dear life to two tposing models in a leaked screenshot and one out of context leftover line, it has always seem like they are looking for validation rather than consensus, they tend to turn any conversation from "exposition of motives" to "explaining why i am right", and you cant win that one, you never will.
The reason why so much sonamy related stuff feels so OOC for both of themy care very little about representing the actual characters and more about representing what they want these characters to be, usually turning them into mouthpieces for whatever bias or story they want to tell, which in turn explains a lot of their love for other OOC representations of their pairing, like Prime Sonic and Thorn, or IDW Sonamy. Their story reads great if you read it in a vacuum, but as soon as you contrast whatever they wrote with the writing in the games, it becomes apparent that these are not the same characters, replacing Sonic with Domingo, by writing him to be, usually, a self centered prick that has to learn the value of *insert positive trait here*, or a little penis man that trips on his balls everytime he takes a step and needs someone to believe in him so he can do this with the power of love and friendship; and replacing Amy with Consuela, this lovey dovey perfect girl that has never ever done anything wrong, has never made Sonic feel uncomfortable, has never stalked him and has never ever in the history of ever tried to force her views and herself into sonic's lifestyle.
For some this shit was never about "why would these two character become better by being with each other" and more of "Me and my pookie". For a while several depictions of sonamy (i would call it fanon, but that would imply there is a canon counterpart, and guess what!) have always struck me as some weird self insert, and it usually reads in one of two ways
First: Self inserting as Sonic, the one being chased, the thing gets morphed into some early 2000s romcom plot, "she is annoying but i care about her", where, at the end, the pursued reveals that they have always had an interest in the pursuer and that trying to get away was their way to try and fool themselves. Usually this goes with the motif of "I wish that were me"
Second: Self inserting as Amy, this is the toxic and problematic one, because more often than not the author ends up agreeing with the concept of "Love as a transaction", where their interest must always be reciprocated because they did these many things, they have been around for this long or they have met this set of arbitrary requisites.
I really don't wanna be that person, but to me these behaviours tends to speak a lot more about its poster than about the subject of the post, and the fact that you're usually met with such defensive, offensive and sometimes aggresive behaviours (because the shit that some of them say is really eyebrow raising and I wanna believe is just a passing comment that does not represents their actual views on said topics and issues) from the fanbrats upon mentioning it, hinting at it or bringing it up, makes me believe it
If you have to change two characters so much before they can be compatible with each other, maybe they don't belong together, and maybe, just maybe, you're just looking way to deep into something that holds absolutely no meaning for validation of your ideas that you yourself made believe were real, and acting the way that some do whenever the topic aint "how great sonamy is" kinda points in the direction of "I know it but im afraid to admit it"
At the end of the day people can like whatever they want and I'm sure that most sonamy fans are normal people, but if you're one of the fanbrats that just gotta be so vocal and loud about it, don't act all offended when the others complain, or worse, do the same
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princesspuffle8 · 6 months
Tom Riddle Fanfiction?
So this is a prelude story that I thought of and I wanna know what you guys think? Yes Tom Riddle is a horrible man and a horrible person, but I love what if scenarios and what if things were different so I wrote this as a prelude to a story. Its not a self insert but let me know if you guys think it should be. My writing is a bit rusty so be kind, that being said let me know what you guys think. Do you think I should continue this series? Or would you like a more insight into the main characters (since Tom isnt the only star of this show)? Without further ado here is the fanfiction:
It’s been years since my defeat as the dark lord, of lord Voldemort and time has moved greatly in the mortal plain but has stayed stagnant here. I have come to know that the place that I reside in is purgatory and even after my sentence in purgatory, I will probably not be seeing the pearly gates anytime soon. Which was expected in a way after all I did. From here I have watched generations come and pass, each boarding the train in the afterlife moving on to a new plane of existence… a new beginning. Except for me, forever stuck in purgatory for the sins of violating the natural order. A fragmented existence who found its dwelling underneath a bench in the realm of the dead.
“Found you,” a girl sang as she peaked under the bench and she stared at me with solemn eyes that seemed to pierce what was left of my conscious. It was a pitiful look, the look of someone who pitied me, the man who had lost everything and all that remained was this grotesque degrading child-like figure, a husk of the great wizard I was, a shell meant to remain trapped in purgatory for my sins.  
“Go away,” I needlessly thought as I managed to hiss at her as if I couldn't speak and had become a feral being. Despite dying and splitting my soul to the point where it may or may not have existed at all, I still managed to keep my intellect from my previous life. Everything I knew about magic, everything I knew about the known mortal world was intact. Which in a way was a punishment on its own, after all why does having knowledge even matter when you're trapped in the land of the damned with no respite, knowledge means nothing here… words mean nothing here… not for the damned at least. 
And in spite of this treatment, the young girl, who looked no older than say the mere age of nine, sat on top of the bench and ignored my complaints, as if I did not exist and wasn't curled up beneath this bench. The nerve! Can’t she see that this place is being occupied! Doesn’t she have a train to catch… the train in the afterlife that leads to who knows where but anywhere would be better than her lounging around here.
“You know I’ve been looking for you for a long time now. Do you remember me,” she asked me, as I watched her legs swing back and forth without a care in the world. Ah to be young and naive.
“If you have nothing better to do than to pester an old man in pain, then leave,” I stressed my voice coming off as hoarse and not at all intimating like I would have liked it to be. 
“Geez you never got rid of that bad habit of tellin’ people what to do, did you?”
“What an impertinent brat. Do you know who I am?! I am the great dark lord, the Lord Volde…” 
“I know who you are. The others told me such sad stories about what you did, I know exactly who you are. And yet I had to see if it was true for myself because my Tommy could never… would never do such horrible things to others… not without a just reason,” she responded as my words got caught in my throat. There were very few people who knew that my given birth name was Tom, the muggle name that I loathed and discarded. There were even less people who knew the nicknames that I had growing up, as all of them had passed away early on and none of my followers would even dare to call me out of my title. 
“Who… who are you,” I asked, the thought escaping my mouth before could bite me tongue and swallow the intruding thought whole. I didn't want to know. I didn't need to know who they were, I just needed them to leave. To let me suffer my punishment in peace and isolation, to not see me for what I really was.
“You really don’t remember who I am, Tommy,” she sang again in that teasing voice that pulled on the recesses of memories that I had buried deep deep down in my conscious, so deep that I had forgotten that they were there, or so I thought. 
“Please… just leave…”
“Over the King’s dead body, I finally found you so I think Imma stay right here, I’ve waited a long time after all,” she said as her legs stopped swinging and the air around her changed from playful to serious, “You know I cant say that I’m not mad or not disappointed in you, you’re so much better than that… or least you could have been. And while that’s all in the past and water under the bridge, over the years I’ve come to realize that it must have been too painful for you to bear, my leaving that is. So what I’m trying to say is that I’m sorry I left you so soon, Tommy.”
A moment of silence swallowed us as the realization of who she was hit me square on like a dump truck and I could feel the husk of this stomach drop. She was the last person I wanted to see. Gritting my teeth, I doubled down on trying to get her to leave. After all if she knew what was good for her… no good for both of us, she would leave immediately. 
“Don’t call me that.”
“What? Your name? You’ll always be Tommy to me…”
“Don’t call me that! That’s not my name! That person… that child is long dead… he died when you,” I nearly shouted unable to finish my sentence as a spurt of energy coursed through this husk of burnt skeletal body and I grabbed her ankle, sinking my long unnatural nails in her mahogany skin, deep enough to draw blood from if we weren't both already in the afterlife. 
“Ah so you do remember who I am, Tommy.”
“Please… I’m begging you… leave,” I protested, my hoarse voice barely above a whisper as I let go of her ankle and shrink further underneath the bench. Of all the people to find me in the after life and to visit me, it had to be her. Anyone, anyone at all would have been better than it being her, why did it have to be her. 
“I’m not goin anywhere so soon, so stop yappin about pointless things, its annoying,” I heard her huff as I watched her get up from the bench and get down on her knees only to stare at me in the eyes once again. My deep brown ones looking at her green hazel ones with little gold flecks in them, the irises of the one person I didn't want to see me like this no matter what.
“Geez you look absolutely horrid.”
“Am I supposed to thank you? If I look so repulsive then le…”
“But your eyes are still the same. The brown eyes that I love. Say, do you remember when we used to run around London and do all those gigs around town. You, me, Saoirse, Baron, Clyde, and Mildred; the six of us would rule the streets of London and…”
“Are you here to torment me,” I asked in earnest, didn’t the gods think I suffered enough, if there was any god out there why would they send her to me, why now of all times. 
“Do our shared memories pain you that much,” she asked me as if she didn't already know. Of course they pained me, her very existence being here pained me, she was my one flaw… the chink in my armor that I never let show. The memories, both the good and the bad, were all coming back as if they were seared into my very soul… which ironically I guess they were since that was all that was left of me at this point. 
“I see… that's unfortunate. Say, if you could turn back time what would you do?”
“I’m dead. You’re dead. It doesn't matter what I would do even if I could turn back time,” I scoffed at the idea. Did she think I hadn't thought of that when I was alive? The consequences were too great, the most any wizard ever achieved in turning back time was a couple days or months and even then that was at the cost of their mental sanity and they were never the same again. 
“Entertain me then since we are both dead and not going anywhere soon, what would you do if you could turn back time,” she asked again daring me to answer. 
Frowning, I opened my mouth to attempt to explain to the child that I would correct my mistakes in the magical world. Build a bigger following with a bigger backing. Eliminate the threats like Dumbledore early on, perfect the horcruxes and choose ones which were harder to detect, I would achieve my dream of a perfect pure blood magical world! I began to say all those things, but it all fell silent on my lips as I looked into her eyes. Her eyes with the shimmering flecks of gold that used to twinkle in the dark nights of the orphanage when we were starving and there was nothing to eat but scraps of moldy bread and weeds we found in the outskirts of town or at the parks. Her eyes that lit up when we sang merry songs to distract us from our stinging fingers that were exposed to the frigid cold while the six of us huddled together for warmth. Her eyes that were tear stained as she took her last breath and died in my arms. Looking into her eyes, I felt my ambitions die as I remembered why I had turned to the dark arts in the first place. It was for them, the three who shouldn’t have died, I wanted to bring them back… to have them back with me. 
“If I could turn back time, I would save you. All of you, you wouldn't have had to die like you all did. I would find a way to prevent it and then we could all be together again, just like before…” I trailed off. It was a naive wishful thinking of a child, the child I long thought I had killed and buried but here they were, confessing my true desires to someone I never thought I would see again. 
“All six of us together again, I like the sound of that. It sounds like a good dream Tommy.”
“Heh, yeah… a dream…”
It all started with that dream, huh. How did it get so distorted… where did it go all wrong?! Was it because they were muggles? Or was it my fault since I had magic and they didn’t. If they had magic too would we have all been able to be happy together? As these questions began to flow into my subconscious mind, I heard the sounds of the train horn honking as if it was coming closer to where the bench lied. 
Ah, someone else must be coming to be picked up to move on to wherever they go in the afterlife, I inwardly noted feeling a bit bitter and resentful that I couldn't get on that train and see what was beyond the confines of living like a troll under a bridge. 
“Hearing that makes me really happy Tommy. It proves that I was right all along and that my Tommy is still in there, despite all that happened,” she said to me as I watched her sigh in relief and take something out of her pocket that she placed in front of me. A small red bud of some type of flower was land down in front of me, as if she was asking me to make it bloom like I used to do when we were younger… even though I could no longer use my magic anymore, not here in this place at least. 
“What’s this?”
“A gift from the others and me. They wanted to come too but I wanted to deliver it alone personally… I have to go back now, the train is about to leave.”
“Please stay,” I found myself saying without a second thought as she gave me a sad smile but stood up nonetheless. 
“What is this, after all that cursing at me to leave you alone, you’ve finally admitted your true feelings Tommy,” she said trying to sound playful even though it was clear that her voice strained as if she was holding back tears as I dragged my injured body which housed my damaged soul out from under the bench to see her walking away from me, her back facing the train as she did so, watching me as she took a step and then another and another away from the bench which I had laid.
“I was wrong! I didn't mean it, I’ll be honest now so please don't go!”
“If I could stay, I would… but I cant. You’ll have to decide what you want to do from here on out, Tom Riddle. I hope you choose more wisely this time, because there wont be a second chance,” she said, all playfulness gone from her voice as she turned her back towards me and began to board the train. 
“No! Don’t leave me again… I don't want to be alone again… please. I’ll do anything so please don't leave me again… please,” I pleaded even though I knew it was no use, the train she had boarded was already taking off from the misty afterlife kings cross station, leaving me behind as usual. Only this time things were different, this time she was in that train as well. Traveling far far away from me once again, leaving me behind as always. 
Scuttling back to under the bench, I spotted the red flower bud that she left behind and honestly felt the urge to chuck it. What was the use of coming to visit if you’re gonna leave your garbage behind, the thought reverberated in the back of my head as I reached my hand towards the bud and touched the tip of the lower. Which almost immediately bloomed upon contact into a beautiful red lotus, a symbol of love. Only in this case it was a love that would I had lost so many years ago.
“You always did love irony didn't you, Iola…”  mumbled as I stared at the multi petal flower, only to notice too late that it was glowing and releasing some type of magic. Not that I could do anything since this place restricted my magic, the only thing I could do was just watch as the light engulfed me and my conscious faded once more. 
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Skybound 7-8

Okay by why is Dareth out of everyone helping Nya, Cole, and Lloyd save Jay
Are Kevin and Dan self inserts-
Lloyd: who are they? Retrieval experts?
Dareth: better! Screenwriters.
I also saw these two random dudes in the jail and they were given lines and everything istg these are self inserts 💀
Also theyre voices sound abnormally normal
Everyone else in the show has a sort of distinctive or exaggerated voice
Not to mention how normal their outfits are. something I would actually wear in real life.
These are just some guys
The plan to recreate the sky pirates airship to blend in is actually a good idea
Lloyd: Ar! Yee.. matey, we be be, becoming pirates!
Dan and kevin:…
Kevin: okaaay thinking on the fly, the green one wont do dialects.
Dan: the mute pirate!
The dialect teacher: (teaching Cole and Nya)
Lloyd: (following their movement and swaying but not saying anything with a smile on his face)
I bet Lloyd loved pirates when he was little
This must be so fun for him :)
The airjitzu master after nadakhan stole him and his temple: This is me and my pupils home! You cant take it!
Nadakhan: And get rid of those peaky ghosts as well 🙄 theyre so last season
The way Nya and Cole are hoping Jays okay 🥺
Jay sounds so pained :(
God I really wish Ninjago had like, a cartoon style like she-ra or spiderverse. Coles helping Jay stand and Jays voice actor is doing such a good job in sounding in pain but this would hurt so much more if we could SEE it.
They apologized to each other 🥹
Clancy (looking away): now here are the rules you need to follow new crewmates!-
Lloyd: (trying his fucking best as the mute pirate to mime to Nya that her mustache is falling)
Nya: 🤨
Lloyd: your mustache…
Clancy: hey! I thought you were mute
Lloyd: its a fucking miracle!
Huh, okay. So not only can the ninja not summon their dragons if they’re fearful, but they cant if they’re too drained or exhausted.
That makes a lot of sense actually
I love when powers come hand in hand with like health and stuff
They all got captured 😐
I hate that Nyas alone with Nadakhan
Jay: Thanks for trying to save me but maybe it would’ve been better if you guys never came…
God Nadakhans so creepy…
Cole: Nya! Dont do it! Itll make Nadakhan all powerful-
Nadakhan: The black one goes first.
ik Coles the black ninja but the poc Cole headcanon has made me double take and go “🤨” to a few lines
If I had a nickel for everytime an ancient item could collect elemental masters powers, id have two nickels, which isnt a lot but its weird it happened twice right?
Lloyd: We have to be wiser for what we wish for!
Coles getting his wishes twisted
Lloyds trying to think this through
And Nyas just wasting wishes💀
Like girl its not that hard to just NOT say ‘wish’
LLOYDS OLD?!?!?! 😭bfjdjfnfjsnt
Its so funny that the youngest became the oldest
Thats also scary though
Imagine the kid you swore to take care of turned 90 in a second
Lloyd: i see beyond the now..! Youll need your wish when its said from the heart
Love when age and wisdom gives you future vision
How does that even work though
An electric and water dragon should be killing both Nya AND jay.
Wait so Cole and Lloyd used all their wishes. How is nadakhan gonna trap them in his sword now?
Clancyyy :(
Nya riding the dragon while Jays sitting behind her is giving me movie Nya and her motorcycle vibes
so its just Nya and Jay now
And the whole police force I guess.
But what were they ever good for.
Oooooo a safe house
Wonder where it is.
Zanes dad’s lighthouse!!!
Jay: No no, let me row the boat, you saved me last time, let me do this for you :)
Awww thats sweet
Jay: Either way, a gentlemen NEVER lets a lady row.
Aaaand you ruined it.
Flintlockes getting reaaal suspicious of Nadakhan…
that was kinda pathetic…
Jay: (venting his heart out about how this is all his fault)
Nya: Jay-
Jay: (continues venting)
Nya: JAY. Shut up. 😀
Jay: I know I know, you dont wanna hear it-
Nya: No- JAY. we’re not alone.
Jay: (cowering behind Nya)
Nya: I thought you were supposed to be protecting me?!?
Jay: I thought you were over that!
Does anyone have any fic recs where Jay and Nya take echo with them????? Bc ik they leave with echo but we never see him again.
Clancy deserves better :(
Its actually kinda sweet how Jay wants to protect Nya
Little robot: (steals echos chess piece)
The seagulls: (trying to alert echo of what little robot just did)
Echo (looks back): Wait… How did you..?
Little robot: 🤷
Echos so cute 😭
I love Jay and Nya 🥺 theyre so sweet and it makes me genuinely like their relationship when they aren’t fighting
Nya fixed up Echo!!!
Nya: Its nothing… its just, both of you seem so convinced you have a future with me.
Nya: what voice do I have in all this? All my life , my identities been defined by someone else. First I was Kais sister, then I was your horrible girlfriend!
Nya: Even when I wanted to be Samurai X sensei told me no…
Nya: I just want the choice to be who I wanna be.
I feel so bad for her.
See THIS is why shes my favorite. I literally love her sm.
Her character is just so dynamic and well written
I really hope the ninjago writers dont tear down her characterization and make her bland in newer seasons
Fuck theyre here.
Nya: Lights, camera, ACTION! (flash-bombs nadakhans crew)
Dogshank: OW! You pulled my hair?!??! WHAT KIND OF WARRIOR PULLS HAIR???
Nya: One that is woefully undersized!!!
Fuck this being about Jay. This is Nyas season.
Jay: Whatever you do! Dont pull that lever!
Doubloon: ? (looks at the lever) 😈 (pulls lever)
Jay (falls through escape trap door): Thanks! :D
Aw echo :(
Nya: (pouring her heart out and confessing she’s always loved him and wants to protect him and for him to go through the travelers portal)
Jay: (goes for a kiss)
Nya: (fucking shoves him in the portal)
Nya. Girl. Ik this was like, an act of love. But if you marry the djinn, hes gonna be all powerful.
Like, its great that you believe Jay can save you later and stop the wedding. But you could have just left. If Jay got captured he’d still be able to make the ‘i wish you were never a djinn’ wish.
Nadakhans so creepy. I hate him and hope he dies.
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loser-jpg · 1 year
guess who came up with an entire new thought out story idea bc they were listening to music then info dumped to their friend only for the friend to tell them that coming up with that much detail in like an hour is not normal :D.
anyway heres idea:
so its set before normal tech basically renaissance era but not really bc i dont feel like drawing fancy dresses
so the main character (guy 1) is like the heir to this noble family and bc of that a lot of ppl want to kill him, so this one prestigious college (not really bc characters are like 22-28) has a good security system so he decides to go there and he has a girlfriend there but the girlfriend he notices is always paying attention to this one guy who never talks to ppl much (guy 2)
so guy 1 hates him obvi but recently the main guard of the security system retires so the security goes to shit and one night guy 1 is walking when this girl shows up behind him and trys to kill him but then guy 2 shows up and just fucking bashes the girls head in. like she didnt have a second to do anything before shes bleeding out on the ground.
so guy 1 and guy 2 are just staring at eachother in shock as guy 2 is absolutely covered in blood and then runs away like "oh shit i fucked up" but guy 1 is standing there w 3 things going through his head "oh fuck that was kinda hot", "i could so use this/him (for evil schemes >:3)", and just insane obsession cuz this guy just shows up outa nowhere and kills someone for him no hesitation.
so for a while after this guy 2 is freaking out because if someone tells he doesnt think hes going to get out of it even for self defense because the girls family had donated a ton of money to the school and he thinks guy 1 hates him so hes like "well im fucked" but through this time guy 1 is silently being nice to him. everyone else still thinks they hate eachother. also the school finds the body so ppl are on edge bc they dont know what happened
eventually they end up alone and guy 2 confronts him and is like "i thought you hated me?" "i did" "so why didnt you tell anyone" "you saved me, why would i tell anyone? though im suprised you didnt say anything yourself" "i knew her, she sat next to me in class, her family was well respected at school. if i said anything no one would believe me. her name was anne." "Forenich. Her family spent the past few months donating money to the school. her grades were disastrous and her familys reputation was even worse. the only reason her family did a thing was probably to get her in the school long enough to try to kill me." "and why that? what if it was just a spur of the moment thing?" "unlikely, i happened to look at her file, she handed the paperwork to drop out just a week ago, and to do this right as the head guard resigned?" "how did you even see her file?" "a family name goes a long way here" "huh?" "...you have no clue who you go to school with do you. I am the HEIR to the *insert family name here*. I am the MOST important person at this school. I deal with assasination attempts on a typical tuesday. And seeing as this school has become unfit to protect me, and you have no hesitation to kill for me im going to offer you a position, for my permanent time at this school or until it becomes safe for me to live here again, you will be my personal guard. of course your studies will come first as i cant be protected by someone incompetent."
and so guy 2 is just like "WHAT JUST HAPPENED MAN" but isnt complaining cuz if some hot guys gonna be ordering him to be around him he aint gonna complain.
the majority of the story is just going to be guy 2 liking guy 1 thinking guy 1 doesnt know but guy 1 knowing and also liking guy 2 but slightly more insanely obsessed. guy 1 is way more cunning and manipulative than guy 2 and guy 2 is kinda just along for the ride ready to kill if guy 1 says to.
i only have like one actual plot point/arc but its gonna take more time to write out and my fingers are tired of typing so ill write it later.
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slashersangel · 3 years
Ploy!Lost boys x sweet and shy reader
this is sort of a self insert
my toxic trait is believing that every slasher/monster deserved a tooth rotting sweet angel person to love them forever, and my other toxic trait is believing i’m that person<3
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also, adding a header so my posts aren’t plain (picture isnt mine:)
• David couldn’t put together how someone so sweet and caring would ever hang around him and his boys, being as sweet and naive as you were, you didn’t even notice how scary or intimidating they looked, that or you just didn’t care
• but what you couldn’t believe is how boys so cool could possibly be friends with you. How they praise you after doing the simplest thing like bringing them flowers you find or wearing new shoes, leaves you blushing
• but they couldn’t help it, everything you did was so cute to them, the way you smiled or did your hair, the way you blushed at the slightest compliment or whenever they teased you for staring at Dwayne’s shirtless chest
• it took a while for them to know if you liked them romantically or just ask friends, since you were basically as friendly with them as you were your other friends, but they all decided to go for it one night, and if you weren’t in for it, well, they had all the time in the world to wait, didn’t they?
• so one night, the five of you were at the boardwalk and David pulled you aside to go for a walk, you were a little confused as to why, but you went with it.
• it started with a nice walk along the beach, then David stopped you and sort of confessed that he and the boys liked you, which lead you to say you liked them too, completely meaning as a platonically. And David tried, he tried to beat around the bush and hint at it but then he just ended up saying it, annoyed with how you just weren’t getting it
• the both of you were quiet, just staring at each other. “Well, you could have just said so.” You cross your arms at how rudely he shouted. David just sighed and asked if you felt the same. You smiled at him and nodded.
• the two of you walked back to the boys. “So… you all like like me?” You ask a bit dumbfounded. David sighs and has to hold himself back from running a hand down his face before they all answered yes.
• from there on, the five of you have been dating. They all would give you the sweetest compliments, but Paul would flirt like you weren’t together, and it would make you blush every single time, it was his main goal to get you flustered because you would hide your face when you did, either in your hands or in one of their chests, and it was the cutest thing in the world to him. Since you were so sweet, people took advantage of that, but not anymore because Marko would beat the living hell out of them so they never messed with you cause that’s what a loving boyfriend does, also helps Paul in teasing you, he loves it when you bury your face in his chest. With Dwayne, he’s great whenever you’re feeling shy, or just don’t want to talk, so he’ll just sit with you if you wanted, let you read the book he’s reading, and maybe just maybe, if it’s only you two, he’d read to you. And with David, he’d try and push you out of your comfort zone as safely as possible and if you don’t want to do it, he won’t force you, after all, you’ll soon have all the time in the world to get through it. He’d also teach you to stick up for yourself more and if you don’t want to, if you just want to be that sweet innocent angel for a while longer, than he’s fine with it, but you’ll need to learn to at least defend yourself because for that little while, while you can still walk in the day, they won’t be there to protect you, and that worries all of them to no end.
• when you meet Max, it’s not the best scenario, you were in the video store when Max came up to you. You smiled, trying to be nice, but to be honest, he always gave you the creeps. He tried making conversation and no matter how nice you were, you just tried making yourself smaller until he went away, and he didn’t. It wasn’t until he said, “Yes, you’ll be perfect for the boys.” is when you excused yourself, all but running from the video shop.
• you ran into David who was entering the shop and wrapped your arms around him. He asked what was wrong and you just dragged him and the boys away. You explained to them later that night that Max creeped you the hell out (that was also the first time they heard you cuss.
• the boys promised you that you’d never have to talk to him again and David had a little talk with Max
• the boys (much to probably popular belief) love your wardrobe, the soft pastels and florals that you wear and you’re almost always in heels. It suits you so well and they like the contrast between you and the four of them.
• it’ll take a while for them to say ‘I love you’ but that’s just in general, they’d want to wait until you say it first in case this was just a small fling for you (which lets be honest, it was never even a thought in your mind). When you do eventually say it, they’d be so happy, and it’ll cement the fact that you won’t leave them once you find out their secret, and when they tell you their secret, they’ll tell you they love you just to calm you down if you freak out. If you don’t freak out then it’s just a winwin!
• all in all, they’d absolutely love you and your personality no matter how much they’d tease you. and they’d try to keep you your same innocent (slightly naive) self throughout the transition of become one of them.
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shkspr · 3 years
hi. on your post where you may or may not have ended on 'moffat is either your angel or your devil' did you have maybe an elaboration on that somewhere that i could possibly hear about. i'm very much a capaldi era stan and i've never tried to defend the matt smith era even though it had delightful moments sometimes so i wonder where that puts me. i'd love to hear your perspective on moffat as a person with your political perspective. -nicole
hi ok sorry i took so long to respond to this but i dont think you know how LOADED this question is for me but i am so happy to elaborate on that for you. first a few grains of salt to flavor your understanding of the whole situation: a. im unfairly biased against moffat bc im a davies stan and a tennant stan; b. i still very much enjoy and appreciate moffat era who for many reasons; and c. i hate moffat on a personal level far more than i could ever hate his work.
the thing is that its all always gonna be a bit mixed up bc i have to say a bunch of seemingly contradictory things in a row. for instance, a few moffat episodes are some of my absolute favorites of the rtd era, AND the show went way downhill when moffat took over, AND the really good episodes he wrote during the rtd era contained the seeds of his destruction.
like i made that post about the empty child/the doctor dances and it holds true for blink and thats about it bc the girl in the fireplace and silence in the library/forest of the dead are good but not nearly on the same level, and despite the fact that i like them at least nominally, they are also great examples of everything i hate about moffat and how he approached dw as a whole.
basically. doctor who is about people. there are many things about moffats tenure as showrunner that i think are a step up from rtd era who! actual gay people, for one! but i think that can likely be attributed mostly to an evolving Society as opposed to something inherent to him and his work, seeing as rtd is literally gay, and the existence of queer characters in moffats work doesnt mean the existence of good queer characters (ill give him bill but thats it!)
i have a few Primary Grievances with moffat and how he ran dw. all of them are things that got better with capaldi, but didnt go away. they are as follows:
moffat projects his own god complex onto the doctor
rtd era who had a doctor with a god complex. you cant ever be the doctor and not have a god complex. the problem with moffats era specifically is that the god complex was constant and unrepentant and was seen as a fundamental personality trait of the doctor rather than a demon he has to fight. he has the Momence where you feel bad for him, the Momence where he shows his humility or whatever and youre reminded that he doesnt want to be the lonely god, but those are just. moments. in a story where the doctor thinks hes the main character. rtd era doctor was aware that he wasnt the main character. he had to be an authority sometimes and he had to be the loner and he had to be sad about it, but he ultimately understood that he was expendable in a narrative sense.
this is how you get lines like “were the thin fat gay married anglican marines, why would we need names as well?” from the same show that gave you the gut punch moment at the end of midnight when they realize that nobody asked the hostess for her name. and on the one hand, thats a small sticking point, but on the other hand, its just one small example of the simple disregard that moffat has for humanity.
incidentally, this is a huge part of why sherlock sucked so bad: moffats main characters are special bc theyre so much bigger and better than all the normal people, and thats his downfall as a showrunner. he thinks that his audience wants fucking sheldon cooper when what they want is people.
like, ok. think of how many fantastic rtd era eps are based in the scenario “what if the doctor wasnt there? what if he was just out of commission for a bit?” and how those eps are the heart of the show!! bc theyre about people being people!! the thing is that all of the rtd era companions would have died for the doctor but he understood and the story understood that it wasnt about him.
this is like. nine sending rose home to save her life and sacrifice his own vs clara literally metaphysically entwining her existence w the doctor. ten also sending rose with her family to save her life vs river being raised from infancy to be obsessed w the doctor and then falling in love w him. martha leaving bc she values herself enough to make that decision vs amy being treated like a piece of meat.
and this is simultaneously a great callback to when i said that moffats episodes during the rtd era sometimes had the same problems as his show running (bc girl in the fireplace reeks of this), and a great segue into the next grievance.
moffat hates women
he hates women so fucking much. g-d, does steven moffat ever hate women. holy shit, he hates women. especially normal human women who prioritize their normal human lives on an equal or higher level than the doctor. moffat hated rose bc she wasnt special by his standards. the empty child/the doctor dances is the nicest he ever treated her, and she really didnt do much in those eps beyond a fuck ton of flirting.
girl in the fireplace is another shining example of this. youve got rose (who once again has another man to keep her busy, bc moffat doesnt think shes good enough for the doctor) sidelined for no reason only to be saved by the doctor at the last second or whatever. and then youve got reinette, who is pretty and powerful and special!
its just. moffat thinks that the doctor is as shallow and selfish as he is. thats why he thinks the doctor would stay in one place with reinette and not with rose. bc moffat is shallow and sees himself in the doctor and doesnt think he should have to settle for someone boring and normal.
not to mention rose met the doctor as an adult and chose to stay with him whereas reinette is. hm. introduced to the doctor as a child and grows up obsessed with him.
does that sound familiar? it should! bc it is also true of amy and river. and all of them are treated as viable romantic pairings. bc the only women who deserve the doctor are the ones whose entire existence revolves around him. which includes clara as well.
genuinely i think that at least on some level, not even necessarily consciously, that bill was a lesbian in part bc capaldi was too old to appeal to mainstream shippers. like twelve/clara is still a thing but not as universally appealing as eleven/clara but i am just spitballing. but i think they weighed the pros and cons of appealing to the woke crowd over the het shippers and found that gay companion was more profitable. anyway the point is to segue into the next point, which is that moffat hates permanent consequences.
moffat hates permanent consequences
steven moffat does not know how to kill a character. honestly it feels like hes doing it on purpose after a certain point, like he knows he has this habit and hes trying to riff on it to meme his own shit, but it doesnt work. it isnt funny and it isnt harmless, its bad writing.
the end of the doctor dances is so poignant and so meaningful and so fucking good bc its just this once! everybody lives, just this once! and then he does p much the same thing in forest of the dead - this one i could forgive, bc i do think that preserving those peoples consciousnesses did something for the doctor as a character, it wasnt completely meaningless. but everything after that kinda was.
rory died so many times its like. get a hobby lol. amy died at least once iirc but it was all a dream or something. clara died and was erased from the doctors memory. river was in prison and also died. bill? died. all of them sugarcoated or undone or ignored by the narrative to the point of having effectively no impact on the story. the point of a major character death is that its supposed to have a point. and you could argue that a piece of art could be making a point with a pointless death, ie. to put perspective on it and remind you that bad shit just happens, but with moffat the underlying message is always “i can do whatever i want, nothing is permanent or has lasting impact ever.”
basically, with moffat, tragedy exists to be undone. and this was a really brilliant, really wonderful thing in the doctor dances specifically bc it was the doctor clearly having seen his fair share of tragedy that couldnt be helped, now looking on his One Win with pride and delight bc he doesnt get wins like this! and then moffat proceeded to give him the same win over and over and over and over. nobody is ever dead. nobody is ever unable to be saved. and if they are, really truly dead and/or gone, then thats okay bc moffat has decided that [insert mitigating factor here]*
*the mitigating factor is usually some sort of computerized database of souls.
i can hear the moffat stans falling over themselves to remind me that amy and rory definitely died, and they did - after a long and happy life together, they died of old age. i dont consider that a character death any more than any other character choosing to permanently leave the tardis.
and its not just character deaths either, its like, everything. the destruction of gallifrey? never mind lol! character development? scrapped! the same episode four times? lets give it a fifth try and hope nobody notices. bc he doesnt know how to not make the doctor either an omnipotent savior or a self-pitying failure.
it is in nature of doctor who, i believe, for the doctor to win most of the time. like, it wouldnt be a very good show if he didnt win most of the time. but it also wouldnt be a very good show if he won all of the time. my point is that moffats doctor wins too often, and when he doesnt win, it feels empty and hollow rather than genuinely humbling, and you know hes not gonna grow from it pretty much at all.
so like. again, i like all of doctor who i enjoy all of it very much. i just think that steven moffat is a bad show runner and a decent writer at times. and it is frustrating. and im not here to convince or convert anyone im just living my truth. thank you for listening.
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hobilluvvr · 3 years
lost ocean troubles | 2
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college au! sub!armin x dom!reader
words - 2.7k
warnings - vomit, blood, mentions of abuse , injuries
parts - |
so incredibly sorry for this late update but testing season is approaching and I need to study sadly :/ this part is very rough with spelling errors and grammar but will be revised later !
please enjoy this update and constructive criticism is always welcomed :D . If you want to be added to the tag list please don’t hesitate to ask !
taglist - @haikyoonn @kenmas-nintendoswitch
The flowers had this magnificent pale blue color to them, the sun hitting them just at the right angle and the sage leaves accented the stem, the weight of the beautiful petals making the stem slightly wilt downwards .
this piqued armins interest, so much so that he walked towards them , feet trudding against the soft sand. As he comes close the overwhelming smell of coconut with a hint of sea saltseasalt overwhelmes his senses, his nose srunching up in question, the scent resembling of clean linen,a quite odd observation , even more so for a flower .
Just as he reaches to pick the flower up, the sun all of the sudden blazes furiously, the rays bouncing everywhere and blinding armin, now groaning as he squirms in abrupt discomfort. His feet dig at the sand … or what was the sand… the feeling of plush fabric instead meeting his skin, surrounding his body in comfort and warmth.
Snuggling further into this random source of heat, the sudden realization hits him. His eyes open the tiniest bit and he stops for a moment … this isnt the beach… in fact he’s laying on a bed… an unknown bed
At this his body jolts upward and armin frantically looks around his surroundings, the white pillows and the grey blanket not correlating in his mind as his. ‘This isnt my room’ the panic quickly sets in, quickly throwing the blanket aside and standing up abruptly which proves to be a grave mistake as a headache and the urge to vomit surges up his throat.
He clutches his stomach as he runs to the bathroom ,quickly kneeling over the toilet, emptying the contents of his stomach, the acidity already making his throat burn angrily. The sound of quick footsteps echo the walls and he goes to turn his head towards the door when the second round of bile threatens to escape his throat.
His ingers clutch the toilet ,violently puking when a second presence is felt . armin feels someone kneel next to him and gently rub at his back
“Its okay , its okay ,let it all out “ you push his bangs away from his face while the other hand rubs at his back . armin lifts his head up ,groaning as he moves away from the toilet feeling his head throb way too violently.
You hand him the cup of water and pain killer you set down when you entered the bathroom
“Here take this, dont move too much . your head is most likely killing you” he takes the items and pops the pill in his mouth quickly downing it with the water. When he sets the cup down he looks at you ,eyes squinting, clearly confused
“Where am i ?”
You chuckle lightly, standing up and lean against the counter “you dont remember anything do you huh?” the boy sitting on the floor thinking ...
Suddenly armin visibly stiffens, his cheeks flushing “uh w-ww di-idnt do i-it ,rig-ght?” his eyes all of the sudden finding great interest on the floor tiles .
You give him a light smile and laugh even louder this time “no, no we didnt ,dont worry about that. Here cmon” you reach out a hand to lift him up off the floor
He takes your hand sheepishly ,shoulders relaxing in relief, his red cheeks calming down “ then what happened? Why am i here ?” he asks following you out of the bathroom and into the room.
You cringe at the events that happened the previous night and you wonder if you should tell him everything. You head over to your drawers and open them, turning your back to the stumbling boy “well you got extremely wasted and this creep saw that you were alone and he tried messing with you but i took care of it”
your hands clench harshly at the shirt you were holding thinking about the old fuck. God humans can be pieces of shit
“Oh.” armins bit his lip and he desperately tried to remember exactly what happened , your answer being quite vague , but this did nothing but make his head throb once again . wincing in pain he goes to lifts his hand up to hold his head when he notices the bandages around his wrists ‘what happened ?did i get injured ?’
After picking out what you needed , you turned to face him and you catch his line of sight , looking at his wrists . as if you heard what his thoughts you say “ the perv was being really aggressive towards you and he injured you quite badly but i brought you up to my apartment and fixed you up a bit “giving him a warm smile you hold out the clothes you had previously searched for
“ here , take this and clean your self up a bit then i can take you home, yeah ? you got a little bit of a stain forming on you “ you chuckle, head nodding towards the vomit on the shirt before walking out ,leaving him in the room alone
His eyes widen at your comment immediately rushing to the bathroom and sure enough his vomit is all over the shirt , the mirror reminding him of his earlier commotion . armin sighs in embarrassment ,blue eyes scanning his appearance, finally now knowing how much of a hot mess he looks like . he notices another bandage on his face, his cheek specifically , a bit of blood staining the white bandage along with another few scratches all over his face.
His finger traces around his facial injuries ‘wow, what exaclty happened last night ?’
He shakes his head , not wanting his head to pound again, instead just focusing his attention on the shirt you gave him noticing that it looks similar to the dirty one he is wearing currently.
‘Oh god …..dont tell me …. Im wearing her clothes ‘ the realization hits him and his ears turn an angry shade of red. ‘God how much more of a burden can he be to you ?’ he groans before closing the bathroom door
As soon as you close the door , your eyes land on a very dishevled eren leaving his room , hand shielding his squinting eyes away from the harsh sunlight “what happened ? i heard what sounded like someone vomiting” his morning voice rasping out, following you to the kitchen and sitting down on the kitchen bar stool
“Oh he woke up and well... , you know how hangovers are like “ you open the fridge , scanning the interior “wait why is the fridge empty ? i thought i told you it was your turn to go grocery shopping this time ? what happened ? “ you frown turning towards him, crossing your arms
Eren only yawns and stretches his body, not seeming to mind that you were glaring holes at him “dont you remember ? i couldnt go so you said we’d go together after we ate something yesterday but then you got too caught up fighting someone if i recall correctly ” he confidently said, fingers tapping at his chin , eyes meeting yours, glaring back.
You sigh giving up “ ahh yeah i remember now….” you take a quick glance around the kitchen and see nothing of nutritional value “ the hell are we going to eat then ? and why didnt you clean up the medical supplies from last night ?” you badger him looking at the medical supplies messily strewn all over the counter
Eren scrunches his face , hand running through his bedhair, still groggy from just waking up a few minutes ago “ we can always just doordash something” he picks up the bottle of rubbing alcohol remebering how you carried armin into the apartment when he passed out and set him on the couch leaving eren to tend to his wounds.
Just as armin was falling , passing out after just vomiting all over you , you quickly grab at his waist and preventing him from hitting his head on the floor . the stench of the vomit was awfully intense and you scrunch your nose trying to stop the smell from affecting you “ can you be any faster over there ? you tease seeing him struggle with the keys , his fumbling being weirdly endearing somehow
“Im trying , im trying. I swear this cold is messing me up or something “ he puffs out now fumbling with inserting the key right . you roll your eyes upon seeing this , giving a light chuckle before reaching a hand underneath the blonde boys legs and bringing them towards your chest, effectively lifting him up bridal style.
You walk into the apartment and set the boy softly onto the couch before looking down to the mess that your clothes are in , heading towards the bathroom “ hey eren could you patch him up for me ? i have to clean myself up before he’s not the only one with body fluids all over the floor.” you smirk
Eren scoffs “dont you go throwing up on me , you hear ? i just mopped the floors yesterday and im sure as hell not letting you mess my hard work up “ he hears your distant laugh down the hallway , before the sound of boots fade, leaving him alone with the boy
Eren looks at the boy slowly sliding down on the couch and ultimately sighs before going to the cabinet where all the medical supplies are stored. He opens it while lowly muttering “just cause my dad was a doctor and he taught me a few things doesnt mean i have to tend to everyones wounds “
Grabbing a few bandages and bandaids, and rubbing alcohol, he grabs a stool and places it in front of the boy. ‘Your injuries shouldnt be that bad ‘ he thinks before he lifts the boy and positions him upright. Immediately the sight of scarce blood and vomit greets erens eyes . eren winces in slight sympathy and disgust before he wipes armins face clean with the cloth he has in hand and disinfecting the wounds next
The rubbing alcohol stirred a reaction out of the blonde boy seeing as he squirmed in discomfort , the position he was put in faltering, falling into the nearest thing, which so happened to be erens chest, more specifically his neck
Eren was flustered ,not knowing what to do he freezes , his ears turning red upon feeling the shallow breath of the boy on, his sensitive neck . Eren looks down and he admires the peaceful features on the petite boy .’he looks so peaceful, pretty even ‘ eren stares for a bit before he snaps out of it and pushes the boy off his chest , tending to his wounds , doing what he first came to do.
“ i left the supplies out because i knew i would have to tend to your wounds too “ he gets up , walking to the other side of the bar, heading where you are
You squint your eyes in visible confusion “ my wounds ? what are you talking about ?” he scoffs rolling his eyes, “dont play dumb with me , you beat up someone to a bloody pulp and dont expect any damage to your hands, more specifically your damn knuckles ? “
He reaches down, grabbing your hand and lifting them up as to make a point “look at this “ you look down towards your hand and the sight of multi colored bruises,blood and even some open skin greets you.
“ you didnt let me tend to them yesterday so let me do it now “ you meet eyes and his are practically pleading you, but before you get to open your mouth to say anything, you hear rustling and you look behind eren to see what it is .
Armin is awkwardly standing there in the living room, the clean shirt you gave him reaching his knees , and the sweatpants a bit too baggy . you have to physically stop yourself from cooing , the sight being way too adorable for you to handle this early in the morning
Eren senses his presence as well , turning around , both of you guys forgetting about your previous conversation . you clear your throat, sensing some sort of tension in the room “ hey youre finally out ! i was going to make you something to eat but turns out the fridge is empty “ you rub your neck sheepishly , making a mental note to go grocery shopping asap .
Armins eyes widen at this , his hands extending and quickly shaking “ oh no no , please you dont have to, i dont want to be more of a bother than i already am ,” he shyly looks down at the floor , swinging his body , slightly nervous
You smile seeing his cute habit of not making eye contact, fetching your car keys off the wall “ well i bet youre missing your home right ? i can drive you home now if you want “ you also grab the plastic bag off the floor by the corridor
Armin seems to stiffen again , eren now chuckling , his hands stuffed in his sweatpants , noticing how the blonde boy seems way to nervous around you guys . armin looks at eren momentarily before he looks at the floor again ‘ how the hell do you guys look so good this early in the morning ‘ he thinks ‘ meanwhile here he is looking all messed up ‘
“I actually dont live too far away, i can walk home by myself “ armin lies straight out of his teeth , clearly not doing it well judging by the look of your face . youre not convinced seeing as the whole reason why he’s here in the first place was because he was wandering alone.
“ id feel much better knowing that someone is walking you home , i dont want a repeat of what happened yesterday .” you bite your lip, now staring more intensely at the boy in front of you
Armin mentally groans ‘ damn you and your kindness, why cant you get the hint that he doesnt want to hassle you any longer ?’
“Well um … “ he pauses, intensely thinking of a solution that doesnt involve him burdening you guys any further when he hears some shuffling and then someone handing a phone to him. Armin looks up and green eyes stare back at him
“Do you have anyone you can call ? a friend maybe to come pick you up ? “ eren suggests , reading right through the boy
“ o-oh y-yes i do umm thank you , for your phone i mean “ armin scrambles to take the phone and calls his roommate , knowing for sure she is freaking out about his whereabouts
He hands the phone back to eren and shuffles his feet “ luckily she is around the area and can pick me up in 5 minutes , i can wait outside …” you ponder for a second at this suggestions , before ultimately nodding
“Yeah sounds like a solid plan , okay , here take this bag before you head out “ you hand it over and armin looks at you and tilts his head slightly “ its your clothes from last night , i washed them and folded them , oh and your bag is also inside “ you explain while he peeks at the contents inside grief striking his face
‘How much exaclty did you do for him , he’s the worst guest ever in history , throwing up all over your bathroom ‘ he cringes at the thought. He's definitely gonna think about this experience at night,when he reminisces about all the embarrassing moments he's had in his lifetime
“Thank you guys so much for all youve done , i really do appreciate it “ armin rubs at his nape laughing out softly “ well i should get going “ he goes to the entrance, hand on the knob
“Yeah absolutely no problem , take care pretty boy ! “ you say waving , smiling brightly when you see his cheeks flush once more , eren just nodding goodbye . he waves a small goodbye before leaving , closing the door gently . sighing in relief when he got out.
Armin walks out into the street and sure enough there is his roommate , waiting and the look on her face looks not so pleasantly happy .he knows what is going to happen. he opens the car door ready to hear her badgering soon enough
“Look , mikasa , i can ex-” not so shortly as he begins his sentence, she yells out
“WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOUVE BEEN ? DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED SICK I WAS WHEN YOU DIDNT PICK UP MY MANY PHONE CALLS ? ARE THOSE BANDAGES IM SEEING? “ armin winced at her reprimations, slowly sinking further into the passenger seat as she kept rambling, knowing that he has to face her wrath for the whole drive home .
he still has no clue as to what exactly happened last night, the only thing he can do is hope his memories would come back soon and clear up his many questions
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. Are death gods like a class lower than Olympian gods? Minthe says that Hades can buy all the suits in the world and still stink of death and Apollo refers to Thanatos as Poor Man’s Heremes and also reeks of death. Do they smell bad, or do people just hate them for existing? You’d think they’d be a little more fear controlling death/underworld
2. for the person saying "come on, persephone being a self insert isn't bad" completely misses the point.  As a young writer I used to have self inserts until I realized that my favoritism overshadowed the narrative and didn't allow for my characters to experience consequences or be in the wrong.  This is how creator's pets get made, and no one likes those because they ruin the story and take away attention from other (more interesting) characters!  (1/2) 
We are clearly seeing this in LO.  Persephone is essentially a perfect little goddess who keeps getting powers, is probably going to be revealed as one of the strongest goddesses, and her issues (sans the two giant ones we know what it is) almost never personally affect her.  No one gets angry at her in a meaningful way unless the narrative wants us to demonize them, and when they suddenly "see the light" and go to her side, they're rewarded!  THAT'S why persephone as a S.I is bad
3. Ok. I think Daphene and Thanatos are the best ship. I would read this story...also,Thanatos is the grim reaper...how metal would be if he take down LO Apollo and LO Hades? Yes, I'm aware this would be impossible in the.original myths but HEY why not? RS is not caring for the source material
4. RS’s writing is such a mess of contradictions between actuality and intent it’s hilarious: 1) Hades is supposed to be seen as a good guy yet is portrayed as a tyrant who somehow still manages to be a Gary Stu. 2) Persephone is simultaneously overpowered (fertility goddess powers) and powerless (is just a college kid) to the point where she’s viewed as a spoiled rich brat living consequence-free and destitute young woman left with no options but to marry to get out of trouble 
3) Artemis is supposed to represent a separatist feminist yet is depicted as foolish, British and out of the loop for humorous effect by the poss poor excuse of a comic which calls itself ‘a feminist feeling’. 4) The lack of time skips coupled with RS’s need to give HxP as many ‘cute’ moments as possible makes the comic’s progress feel slow for the reader when it’s actually progressing at breakneck speed if you go by the character’s timeframe. 
5) Wants to treat SA with nuance and sensitivity (RS almost manages to do it at first) but then uses Persephone’s rape as trauma porn, a means for pushing her closer to Hades while reminding the reader of his differences from Apollo and a means of furthering the side plots (Artemis’s descent into depressed confusion, Eros and Psyche’s romance, Hera’s quest to get the mains together).
5. i genuinely do not want to see whatever reason rachel thinks up to have zeus and demeter not like each other because it's either going to be a "shock" incest twist (unlikely) or it's going to be something akin to how she made apollo to persephone and maybe zeus stole her "fertility" and thats why she couldnt have persephone naturally and why demeter isnt a fertility goddess but persephone is. like no writing choice is good in this so i guess brace for the worst from her in this regard.
6. i honestly get sad looking at old LO art because not only is all the charm gone, but the colors also got way worse. hades used to be this subdued, rich dark blue with icy blue hair while persephone was a nice shade of pastel pink with magenta hair, but now theyre all one shade of neon. there used to be choices put into the art but now its just lazy. like hades looks like a blue highlighter, and persephone like her personality is only one nauseatingly bright shade and thats it 😞
7. i feel like if at least the writing in LO was good the art would excusable, you know what i mean? and the same can be said in reverse, but both are just so bad (or was never good to begin with) that it just seems inexcusable? like at least put effort into one, not half assing at best for both.
8. i mean for all we know bc thats how how psyche normally looks the braids are just a nymph disguise that basically pops away once shes human looking again. regardless the whole thing is nasty once you think about it and idk what we expected from a white woman to begin with. she thinks persephone revolving her whole world and being dependent on hades is feminist and making a canon bi god a r//pist is groundbreaking too like ....
9. lets add to the psyche is black-coded discourse: anyone want to mention how nasty it is she was literally sold off to a WHITE MAN for eros to save her from (ignoring the fact he proceeded to lie to her while having a sexual relationship), made her loving parents into abusive assholes, and psyche just happens to be the only character who is illiterate despite being a princess? the whole thing reeks of internalized racism on rachel's part, and her now giving her braids kinda makes it worse, tbh. 
-----FP Spoilers-----
10. Is it me? Or in the fast past episode were they showed one of the muses Polymnia (or Polyhymnia)  they mixed her with Clio??? Because Zeus calls her "the goddess/muse of history" but Polymnia is acutally the muse of hymns, CLIO is the muse of history, how did they get that wrong? Her name literally means "a lot of hymns"! And why is there a muse in this??? Even she says that she shouldn't be there because she doesn't work in anything similar to law, did Zeus really asked her to make a POEM in a TRAIAL??? For what exactly? Make Persephone look bad?
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rwby-sk · 3 years
... I kinda wanna hear your rant on over-sexualization of characters... specifically your thoughts on RWBY characters both in canon and fanon.
Canon -
Pretty solid? Compared to some other anime it's pretty tame. I've never seen an up-skirt shot and the only awkward cleavage angle I can think of was from volume 1, so...
All of the characters have their own agency when it comes to their outfit choices and nothing is overly suggestive. By the show
Fans can look at Neo's exposed hips or Sun's abs and go wild. That's on them. As for the characters, everything is fashion and aesthetic
Sometimes, when you're making your first appearance to the world after hundreds of years and about to see your immortal ex again, you need a new dress with a better titty window. I get it
Fanon -
I hate fanon. I hate it so much
This is a Jaune x Neo account. Of course I hate fanon over-sexualization
I'm not here to kink shame anyone. If you're making a fic and want to put a certain thing in it, I'm not here to tell you youre gross, okay? I'm just here to explain some things I personally have issues with that I see all of the time
People saying faunus go 'into heat' as a means to over sexualize the quiet loner girls (Velvet and Blake. I've never seen it attributed to male faunus)
People giving certain characters hyper sexualized personalities just because their outfits don't cover their whole bodies (Yang and Neo especially. I've seen so many fics where these two will flirt and jump on the main character instantly)
I won't even start on the whole "Jaune as an overpowered self-insert for the male audience" thing. I don't know how people twisted sweet and kind himbo Jaune into his fanon personality but wow
I'm not trying to say all smut is evil. You do you. I've written my fair share (That's a lie I've written exactly 1 scene)
I'm trying to say, maybe analyze why these trends are so popular? And look at why making these characters act this way is seen as fan determined accuracy
This is a show with like, maybe a dozen male characters in the main cast? And way way more women and girls trying to save the world by questioning the status quo, going against military fascism, and making friends
So maybe over sexualizing these women to take away their canon personalities isnt really the best thing?
And I don't even mean this in a "heres my sexy adult AU" kind of way
I mean this in the "I know people who believe that these characters act this way in canon, that these are their canon attributes, and that anyone else asserting otherwise is wrong" kind of way
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sadhaa · 4 years
ok. okay. Okay. OKAY. THOUGHT
Fic idea: Death Song of Uther Pendragon. BUT REVOLVING AROUND MERLIN.
Like the potential for this is amazing. ANGST. ROMANCE. MAGIC REVEAL. IDIOTS IN LOVE. WE HAVE IT ALL(Note: I had this thought in the shower where all great thoughts come from. dont judge)
Ok lets set the scene:
1. Lancelot is alive bc yes
2. Arthur let Gwen go to be with Lance bc he realizes it was mean of him to hold her back from someone she loved. 
3. Arthur has feelings for Merlin. Like love. yike. scary. 
4. Merlin over the years has a few pieces of parchment where he has written down all his “crimes”, or times he uses magic. He has another piece of parchment where he writes a letter to Arthur about why he didnt tell him and how sorry he was. Merlin did this cause he felt guilty and needed to find someway to cope. 
So, beginning starts the same with the almost burning and getting the horn. check. done. 
They go back, Arthur broods, hides the idea from Merlin.
they go off on their little adventure, he talks to Uther
Uther knows about Merlin’s magic bc he sees everything over Camelot right? He knew about the knights (and in canon he knew about Gwen) So this man has to know about Merlin’s magic considering this dumb little magic twink has ZERO self preservation instinct. and Uther. is. pissed.
So he says “you let common men become knights, there is magic in the heart of Camelot!” much angry. very dick. so Uther.  
Arthur: shock and sad. Who could it be?
commence the looking back and shit show that Arthur is about to cause.
CAMPING SCENE! but Arthur doesn’t tell Merlin about the magic comment bc he doesn’t want Merlin to worry and if Merlin found out, he may become a target.
Back in Camelot everything is fine until it isnt. cause its Camelot. and nothing is ever fine there.
the ghosting that Uther is doing is now solely directed at Merlin.
candelabra doesnt fall on the table. It fucking gets yeeted at Merlin. M nearly gets crushed under that thing and the knights all freak out.
cause we all know that the knights adopted Merlin at this point
M gets taken to Gaius and he concludes that M is bruised and lightly concussed. (i dont want my boy too hurt)
Next the axe. M helps some of the knights with their armor and as he is the last one, he cleans up a bit. suddenly axe yeets itself and M gets a scratch all down his arm
sad and in pain Merlin
Now, M thinks A did something sus
u can tell I played alot of Among Us lately
also how does one spell suspicicious?
he confronts him, A brushes him off. bc he love his daddy. But A looks kinda like longingly and concerned for M bc he knows that M gets hurt quite a bit, but never like this.
M leaves and cue the torches and fire sequence.
*insert pic of Edna with fire in her goggles* *Uther is Edna, but more evil*
Gwen is walking down the hall when she notices the smoke and call for help.
our OG6 come running and find M, unconscious, bleeding and suffocating.
A freaks the hell out. 
M’s room: he is on the bed and everyone, including OG6 and Gwen are in there with Gaius and M.
Main Q: Why would Uther try to kill M when he appointed M in the first place!
Gaius realizes. Lance realizes. oh shit. He knows
Lance and Gaius tell them and there are some mixed reactions.
Leon, kinda suspected it from the beginning but he didn’t have enough evidence to back it up
Absolute shock to Gwaine, Elyan, Percival and Gwen
ARTHUR IS FUCKING DEVASTATED. He has been lied to and cue the betrayal and manpain.
Suddenly the attacks on M make more sense
candelabra: being buried alive, asphyxiation.
ok i am borrowing this idea from the author of the amazing fic These Breaths We Breathe series where Uther finds out about M and buries him alive
yall should read it. 
author is kayura_sanada
Axe: beheading
torches: the pyre
the symbolism here is prob the smartest thing I have ever done. like y couldn’t i think of this back in soph year english? 
Uther was threatening M and trying to kill him
Arthur is conflicted so Gaius gives him Merlin’s list of “crimes” and the letter. All of the others leave and Gwaine implies that he would fight A for M. 
Cue emotional transformation and realization.
Arthur flashes back to Isolde and Tristan and realizes that letting Gwen go wasn’t that bad, but losing M? that would fucking kill him. He can imagine a future without Gwen. But M? Nah man. They are two sides of the same coin. two halves of a whole idiot. two braincells of the same dumbass brain. they love each other. A needs M. A loves M.
So he plans to confront his father
he gets the gang and they all set out to find Uther. 
They all tell him how they are accepting of M and why and that A should tell M he loves him when this is over.
A is touched and is glad that M has this family who loves him so much
now fighting Uther
right before he blows the horn, Uther says “Merlin has Magic!” and A goes “Yeah, I know and I love him” and yeets him back to Narnia (or where ever these ghost people go) 
M wakes up to everyone knowing, breaksdown crying and feels loved
jump ahead a week: A hasn’t told M how he feels. He is doing something else instead and it is a surprise.
Leon walks in during that week and asks what hes doing. Arthur freaks out, hides the thing and blurts out “I’m writing Poetry”
Leon has never heard such bs in his life. But he gives up and walks away.
2 weeks later, A tells M he loves him by repealing Magic ban. and they live happily ever after.
Can someone write this pls? Like im still planning to write the long fic idea i had from my last post, but can someone write this? I would love them forever. 
Bonus: Ygraine freaking WHOOPS Uther’s ass and loves M alot.
tl;dr: death song of U Pendragon with M, magic reveal, angst and Leon deserving a raise.
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foryouthegays · 4 years
techno liveblog w timestamps lets go for ‘a new home (dream SMP)’ stream
good laugh times: 00:13:50, 00:14:55, 1:38:45, ik it doesnt look like a lot but like u should watch the stream anyway bc philzas there and his laugh is amazing and they just go so well together
times techno calls phil his friend: 00:6:00 00:37:00, 00:45:17, 0:1:09:30, 01:11:15, 01:26:35, 01:50:05, 2:35:00
i like how, when faced with Leaving Youtube, techno would choose to be an author. i want a book by techno. reblog this if u want a book by techno (with an audiobook by him as well) /hj. 00:1:33
i love how he says ehhhhhh so much lskjhdfas (abt 2 mins in) 
who the FUCK just remembers that the word fortuitous exists wtf 00:5:17
00:8:55 tommy time :/
i love how much philza laughs at technos jokes bc pretty much everything he says IS a joke he just says it in such a serious voice that p much everyone else is like,,,yeah,,,,yup,,,,and phil just knows when hes joking and his laugh is so good with technos voice. sbi? whos that? i only know philza and technoblade
00:19:30 ghostbur joins! this is my first time hearin ghostbur btw
00:19:40 haha string axe technos so bad at crafting what a fool /j
00:21:07 ghostbur: “Even I remember how to make a fishing rod!” ghostbur u just MURDERED technoblade oh my god im gonna scream hgjdfksla i love ghostbur so much
00:23:55: GHOSTBUR NO!! DON’T DIE YOU’LL BECOME A DOUBLE GHOST!!!! -technoblade 2020
00:24:55 technoblade neva lies -guys he almost did the technoblade neva dies ahh!!!!!
i havent heard anyone talk about this but techno has a dedicated roleplay voice. like listen to him talk to tommy at 00:25:08. his voice gets more even, he uses names a lot more often (seriously, listen to his theseus speech. he says tommy so often, its incredible.), and his voice gets,,,,deeper? not deeper but smoother, in a way, and he repeats what he says for emphasis instead of humor. and his voice is louder, and he seems more assertive. 
00:27:30 philza: where we goin, by the way? techno: to our- to my new home. 
techno cmon let phil live w u wed get so much more content cmonn
00:28:50 the fact that he calls the manhunt theme “dream music” makes me laugh so hard. and then his version of it,,,,,m love he (also he sings it here and at  01:14:20)
00:35:10 why is ranboo so cryptic im-
why does he just casually know the word sentry wh at i hate him 00:39:45
this is the worst sentence (structurally) ive ever heard techno say im gonna cry 00:49:33 ‘im too busy thinkin of new ideas to sleep so i could actually execute them’ and tubbos *oh?* after is just hdsfgkjlka
Tumblr media
LKSJDHFJK 00:51:49
techno: thats one of dreams powers, he can just stop the rain
tubbo, quietly: like jesus!
i love them sm dsfhkjla they kept going but i jus gdfhjksa jesus has op
techno @ being the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans: haha funnie!!
techno @ having fun w religious stuff: i wILL BE CANCELLED NO-
00:58:10 “hey if ur [ghostbur]  a ghost, do instant damage potions heal you now?” “...no,, they hurt me still :(” DSIULZKJHFSLKFJH 
01:04:00 his brother named the cow bob im- aww 
also he has a fanart wall again!!!
01:09:30 “phil, you’re the only friend i have left in this world.” aWWWWW HE GAVE HIM THE COMPASS 
“dont smoke, it’s a joke” -technoblade 01:14:15
ROLEPLAY SPEECH VOICE IS BACK AT 1:16:10 “they pillage my base for everything i’m worth, they use me for the revolution, but oooOOOoo i took a pickaxe with his consent? oOOOooOo i’m a thief!”
holy shit 01:17:15 “you know what, phil? for you, the world, alright? it’s fine.” oH MY GOD HHHHGHG (context, right before they were arguing bc phil took some blocks from his base and techno thought that when he said phil could take anything he meant from the chests)
the COMIDY of that villager coming in and sleeping while techno was readin donos at 01:22:05 RIGHT AFTER phil freaked out abt inturruptin his dono readin im SFDHKJLA:
techno talkin bout the winstreak and how he wont be able to live up to that sort of playin at 01:22:30ish is super important and ill transcribe it tomorrow, but if u can id highly rec watchin it. 
01:24:20 “[readin dono] what’s your favorite movie? uh, the princess bride is pretty good” techno ily that movie rocks also he said it so fast like hes ashamed of it noo
techno says no to canon ranboo son btw! 01:25:30
01:25:55 “i wasnt in that story, therefore it doesnt matter” all of technoblr be like 
01:37:49 is great lemmie transcribe
“how have you still not gotten a second monitor?? holy shit.”
“let me tell you something. and im only telling you this because i know that so many people in the chat are gonna be furious. so i recently realized- i think the second monitor can just be any ol’ monitor, right? you literally just plug it in, and its set up? well i mean you have to turn on some settings, but like, thats it, or something?”
“yeah,,,,, uh techno you fuckin destroyed my chat, by the way, oh my god, [earlier techno told his viewers to twitch prime philza] there has been like 40 primes just flying through”
“yeahhh twitch prime!!! twitch prime philza yeahh!!! so anyways the other day, i like, i looked to my left, and realized that my old monitor has been like, five feet away from where i sit and stream for the last three years?”
“oh my god...”
“so i- i literally do not have to leave my room to set up a second monitor and i havent. and i’m still usin my laptop for this stream.
“is this gonna be one of those situations where you like, you have a thing, you just refuse to do the thing?”
“listen, my desk is-
“bruhhhhh [philza laughs] thats FREE VIEWS what are you doing??”
“ill open it at 8 mil :/.”
“you could LITERALLY make a video of you just like, throwing it off a wall, and then thumbing up, like doing a thumbs up, and then that would be it. 10 seconds. ten seconds. thumb and elbow in shot. [laughs]”
techno is such a disaster i love him
01:34:18 the way techno says “tommy, that statement has NEVER been true” i dont like sayin i simp for block men but GOD sometimes his voice is nicer than usual hhhgn
“man i sure wish tommyinnit was in this stream” -nobody ever (just after previous timestamp)
01:40:15 is fuckin hilarious and im actually crying oh my god techno just says things and says them well with a completely straight face how does he do it
i cannot WAIT until theres a president w the last/first name andy so we can say president andy and think abt technoblade
i love when techno talks abt his vids. like u can tell he puts a lot of thought into the vids (esp these ones) and like at 01:47:00 he talks abt the “I DIDNT PUT DEAPTH STRIDER ON THOSE BOOTS, FUNDY!” and how its just that creepin realization that you were doomed from the start and how he made the armor, he isnt intimidated by the netherite bc he didnt enchant it all the way and only he knows that,,, and i just,,,hgg he
he reveals that hes writin the next arc at 01:48:00: “oh, speakin of arcs, chat, i’m writing the next arc. so, you know. hope nothin bad happens in two weeks, chat!” IM SO EXCITED like he clearly has his character fleshed out and is SO good at writing and retellin history im so so excited to see where he takes it AHHHH and also taht means he might stream more bc he might make his character more important (keep in mind this is the guy who wrote self insert hypixel fanfics. he has no shame in puttin himself first and i respect him so much for it) 
01:51:20 “they’re tryin to get a second customer but they’re riskin their first” is lowkey a good line
has anyone else noticed that techno says wise a lot? like at 01:55:10 he literally says “wise dragon armor” as a joke but like i think he says wise so much BECAUSE of skyblock like hjkfdsla
01:57:30 techno plea se eat 
ok 1:58:45 is hilarious and all but at the end of his ramble he says “come back, i miss you” and lowkey im crying 
techno needs to stop knowing his audience more than we know ourselves im hsfkjda 02:05:25 “the chat’s spammin ‘eat technoblade, eat!’ like they’re not gonna start, like, theyre not gonna get super sad if i ended the stream right now, like theyre not gonna all cry ‘i miss technoblade *sniffs* why- whyd he leave to eat food, why did he listen to our advice noooo’”
02:17:40 “i could start a potato farm out here to show how much ive changed” techno last time u made a potato farm u started an entire war that lasted a year that does NOT say calm and retired to me lskgdfjagsldj
02:23:00 why does techno just reference greek mythology so much. makin me scared for his arc. 
also he talks abt smp earth a lot in this stream i love it so much
i also just. love?? how much sbi respect tommy like they bully him but when talkin bout him they just have so much respect for how much work he puts into youtube and i just,,,,hgnn they r friends 
02:33:13 sbi streamer house lets go cmon
02:34:15 “i think if i streamed every day i could keep up” on one hand YE S  but on the ohter oh god techno no we have to keep up tho
hearing techno say “violence isnt the answer” is so scary  02:35:40
02:37:30 technosneeze 
hiS BROTHER SENT HIM 46 DISCORD MESSAGES SFKDJLFLKASF 2:49:25 i love his end screen so much hes just sadness,,,,retirement,,,t,echnoblade,,,the government is going to fall on its own due to lack of organization and ideals,,,,,,subscribe,,,,,sadness,,,,,also 2:50:45 is making me laugh so hard its just sad music and technos like??? whys phil in my house drinking milk????? 
overall, fantastic stream, if ya want some chill techno philza content i highly recommend. 
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copias-thrall · 4 years
I’ve heard from some people that when they first have sex, it isn’t what they expected. Like it isn’t really good as people say and then others say “When you find the right person, then it’s a lot better” (or they have the right one it’s just cause it was the first time and thats nerve wracking) The request I’m trying to make is what if Papa III and Copia (Separate) had a Female s/o like that? That sex just seemed disappointing to her from her last partner that she isnt sure about it?
Hi nonny! I hope you find this fill to your liking!
Papa III: 
This isn’t something that happens to those who’ve grown in the Church and have had comprehensive sex education and just been in the general atmosphere of sex positivity—but unfortunately Papa III knows it happens frequently with Initiates from the outside. So, he’s familiar with how this affects his lovers. Now he just wants to make sure your next experience is ah-mazing. This is not a time for kinks or play—he just wants to make sure you feel comfortable with your body and him. 
When you’d confided in him about how … unsatisfying … your previous experience had been, he’d just frowned and tsked. Days later, you’d been a little embarrassed when he’d gifted you with a full set of sex toys and a pump bottle of lube. He’d stretched out on your bed, caressing one of the dildos as he explained to you how to use them.
“Get comfy with yourself, cara. Burn a little incense, light a few candles, yes? Perhaps a lavender bath?” He’d started trailing the object up and down his thigh. "A little teasing before the main event, hmm?”
You’d sat there, face hot, as he’d then gone into more graphic detail on use of the varied set, but he’d just patted your hand.
“No need for such embarrassment, little one. How can I be pleasing you if you don’t know what you like. You do a little self-exploration—” he’d waggled his eyebrows “—and come back to me for a good time, eh?”
It’s a slow process, but you explore the gift basket.
You completely bypass the buttplug/beads and the rabbit dildo with rotating pearls, and start off with the tiny bullet. That feels good, but is a pain to keep in place.
Next you go for the magic wand, which is … nice. You even tentatively insert one of your fingers—but it doesn’t do much for you.
Papa suggested using the bullet on your nipples in tandem with the wand on your clit. And that’s very nice, if a bit complicated in the moment. When you check in with Papa III, he offers to come by and help you out.
After kissing you silly—now that you’re flushed and breathless—he asks, “Now, pet—will I be holding the wand or the bullet?”
Buzzed with arousal, you eagerly hand him the bullet—which he turns on as you wiggle around to take off your moist panties and position yourself comfortably. Clicking the wand to your preferred settings, you pull up your slip and position the toy to your liking—already gasping at the way it makes your clit swell. Papa—on his side next to you—props himself up on one arm, then starts trailing the bullet over your nipples.
And it is nice to only have to worry about one toy. 
You close your eyes as you writhe and moan on the bed, pushing your chest into Papa III’s touch and rocking your pussy into the head of the wand. When you’re by yourself, you get close to orgasm pretty quickly … but with Papa here, you get a little shy—and after a slow climb, your wrist starts to ache.
"Would you like to switch, little one?” he asks softly.
“Yes, Papa,” you say as you catch his eyes and offer him the wand.
There’s a quick exchange of toys, and then Papa—slacks tented with his own arousal—is kneeing down your bed so he can settle in between your legs as you resume running the bullet over your nipples.
“Ah! So beautiful!” he exclaims, his eyes locked on to where your flushed labia is spread open. “May I?” He waggles his fingers, and—when you nod in assent—he yanks off the glove with his teeth, spitting it hastily to the side.
He leans forward—the wand still grasped in his gloved hand—and carefully, carefully eases his middle finger into your hole, all the while looking up at your face or any signs of distress. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in, and start to relax back onto the bed. Papa III’s gaze is still on you as he wiggles his finger around until … Ah!—
Your back arches off the bed as the pad of his finger presses into your G-spot, and he rumbles in pleasure.
“X marks the spot.”
You glare at him, but he just chuckles before placing the wand to rest lightly on your lips. Your clit bubbles and you gasp, thrashing a little and clenching your walls as the vibrations stimulate your clit. You try—you really do—to hold onto the bullet, but when Papa starts swirling the wand in circles, your arms fly out to grasp at your sheets.
“That’s it, cara. Can you cum for me? Cum for your Papa, little one!”
Your heart pumps full of adrenaline—jumpstarting your orgasm—and you cry out as your pussy tightens and pulsates, hips bucking as you let the vibrations and the press of his finger carry you through the waves of your climax.
Once you’re finished riding it out, you twitch away the wand—now uncomfortable on your oversensitive clit—and Papa III clicks it off before carefully extracting his finger from you. You watch as he sucks it into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it and letting out an Mmm. Then, he slides his hand down his chest until he reaches the bulge in his pants.
“Would you mind, little one?” he asks as he palms the outline of cock.
“Please, Papa,” you urge.
He fumbles at opening his slacks—his intense gaze never leaving yours—until he pulls out his hard cock. Reaching over, he takes a few generous pumps of lube—his eyes finally leaving yours when they roll back as he liberally coats himself … but then they’re locked back on you as he starts quickly jacking himself. There’s a clink of metal on metal, but you can’t tell what on him is making the sound. It’s not long before his eyes start to glaze and his chest heaves.
“Touch yourself,” he pants—more of a plea than a command.
With one hand you squeeze a tit and with the other you run a finger through your slit. At that, Papa’s mouth drops open and he starts breathing hard; his eyes unfocus, and he wobbles unsteadily right before he grabs the base of his dick. He lets out a breathy gasp as the first squirt of his cum shoots out to land on your slip. Head tipped back, he moans elegantly as his hand starts flying again, and more spurts are expelled in sticky stings onto you. 
When he’s done, he slumps down onto his haunches. As he’s trying to catch his breath, he looks down at his cum-covered hand before casting about for anything to clean it off. You offer up the end of your slip since it’s already soiled.
“Ah—sorry, little one,” he says (though by the smirk on his face you don’t think he’s sorry at all) as he leans forward to make use of the hem. “It was for a good cause, eh? Papa will buy you new lingerie.”
Though satisfied, Papa III points out you still have toys yet to try.
The next toy you experiment with is a simple vibrating dildo that's not as intimidating as the rabbit … but it’s just. Not. Your thing.
When you tell him about the dildo, Papa suggests the hands-free, dual-action vibrator (“I got you one with suction,” he purrs before making fish lips at you). You have a few false starts and a little trouble with positioning … but once you get it on and going—and after some squirming around trying to get used to the end that’s inserted—it’s a fucking revelation. Sweet Lucifer below.
But still: you don’t think you’re going to be using it on a daily basis.
Despite all your experimenting, you’re still a little dubious about Papa’s cock—it doesn’t even vibrate. When you tell Papa your thoughts, he just brings your hands up to kiss.
“Don’t you worry, cara—I’m more than capable of fucking you with my mouth and fingers. You will return the favor, yes?”
When you tell him of course, he playfully tangles his hand in your veil and gives a little downward yank.
“Care to seal the deal?”
He’s very patient with you, never pushing for more than you’re willing to do. He didn’t get to where he is today by being unable to control his urges. Give him a fresh pair or your panties to jerk off to every couple of days, and the man will be more than satisfied.
He checks in with you when the two of you are making out—which does get your motor going; the throb between your legs is distinct, and you always get wet enough that you leave your panties with Copia for his extracurriculars.
One night halfway through some heavy petting, you break down—crying in frustration at letting him down. He gathers you up into his arms and kisses your tears away, shushing you when you sob that you're “broken.”
“Shh, mia dolce. None of that now. You are perfect for me.”
He holds you tight in his embrace, big spooning you until you fall asleep.
You feel absolutely miserable the next day despite the breakfast in bed he’d had sent via Ghoul post. You’re not expecting anything good when he summons you to his quarters that night—which is why you’re surprised to find his rooms outfitted with electric tea candles.
“Cop-Copia … what’s this?”
He’s in his monogrammed, burgundy pjs, and he holds out his hand to you.
“Come here, pet.”
You take his hand, and he pulls you into an embrace, his cheek pressing into the top of your head.
“I wish to show you how pleasurable sex can be.”
When you tense, he pulls away so that his mismatched gaze can meet yours.
“Can you trust me?”
You gulp, but nod.
He leads you into his bedchambers, and the two of you climb onto his bed, facing each other. His hands creep under your veil, pushing it down so that he can tangle his fingers in your hair to guide your mouth to his, and you’re more than happy to meet his lips and deepen his kiss. Your arms wrap around him, and you rub your hands up and down his back.
By the time his hands start to wander down, you’re already aroused, and you can feel the line of his erection on your hip. He gathers the fabric of your habit in his fingers, rucking it up until your shift is exposed. His palms come down to cover your breasts, rolling them in his hands before swiping the pads of his thumbs over your now-hard nipples. It makes your mouth water.
Your hands travel down to grab at his bubble butt, and he grunts into your mouth. You continue to knead his ass as his kisses become sloppy. His thumbs swipe faster, and you start squeezing your thighs together to stoke the feeling now burgeoning between them
Panting, Copia sits up suddenly—first fumbling with the buttons on his shirt before yanking it over his head. You pull off your habit, but he tugs insistently at your shift as well. When you’re both bare chested, he brings his head down so that he can suck your nipples into his mouth. The feeling goes straight between your legs, and you grab his hair for purchase, gasping
His free hand travels slowly down your naked stomach, then over your cotton panties where his fingers lightly stroke over your clothed folds … just enough to fan the flames, but not enough to fuel the fire. When you moan in frustration, Copia looks up at you with intent before going back to laving and pinching at your nipples.
Your panties are sticking to you when he stops even the barely-there stroking over your labia. You whine in consternation, but he slips in his thigh for you to ride so he can replace his mouth with his other hand. You clamp your thighs around his, pressing and rocking into him as he gently ruts into your hip.
As he swipes and then pinches at your nipples, his mouth finds yours again, and he breathes a question into it: “Can you cum like this, mia dolce? Just like this for me?”
You mash into his thigh—your slick lips sliding against each other—and you moan in response. He grunts as he presses his cock harder into you, his lips capturing yours again. You’re sucking on his tongue, your hands squeezing his ass as you undulate on his thigh while his fingers work at your nipples.
Your clit is buzzing, and you know if you keep rocking in time, you’re going to cum. You can’t help but speed up as your head falls back, and you detach from Copia’s mouth. He angles his head so that he can suck at the hinge of your jaw, and then work his way down your neck—each moist kiss amplifying the throb of your swollen clit.
“Oh! Don’t stop,” you cry out.
Copia sucks at your neck and rolls your nipples, and then the blood quickens into your cunt and you’re jerking and moaning as your orgasm breaks, your pussy popping and clenching. He doesn’t even wait for you to come down before his hand is slipping under the waistband of your panties, a finger slipping easily into your slit to press at your pulsating clit.
Your jerk and twist at the sensation, but you don’t pull away.
“Touch me, please!” Copia pleads, breathily.
You detach one of your hands from his ass and work your way into his pants to grab his hard cock. There’s a moist, sticky patch on his paunch where his precum has drooled; you swipe through it, and he stutters—his hand on you pausing momentarily—as your slick fingers twist around his drooling tip.
“Yes,” he hisses as he thrusts into your fist.
As you go about stroking and twisting your fist around his cockhead, Copia sets to work tapping, circling, and pressing at your nub. He doesn’t go near your entrance, and you don’t ask him to. 
When you moan at the way his clever fingers manipulate you, his cock pulsates in response. The feeling of him heavy and throbbing in your hand causes your arousal to spike again, and you squeeze his shaft in your ecstasy.
“Ah!” Copia cries out at the sensation.
His finger starts to really rub your sensitive clit, and you start to jack his cock in earnest as the two of you suck at each other’s mouths. He’s been thrusting into the tight circle of your fist, and the more you moan and buck into him, the faster his hips work. Suddenly he locks up, letting out a whine like a balloon losing air, and you feel a sticky burst on your fist before he’s panting and jerking as he empties onto your fist and his own stomach.
The fingers rubbing at you suddenly withdraws to clasp around your wrist, and he brings your hand up to your lips.
“Lick,” he commands in a husky tone, and—keeping your eyes locked on his—you roll out your tongue to lap up his cum in great sweeps.
You’re barely even done with cleanup when he wiggles down your body and starts to peel off your panties. He tugs at them impatiently as you kick your legs to help remove them. They’re barely off both ankles when his head insinuates itself between your thighs—which are tacky with your slick—and his mouth presses eagerly to the lips of your cunt.
As his tongue lightly traces your seam, your cry out, hands flying down to grasp into the roots of his hair. Despite the way you twitch and tug at his head, Copia keeps his own pace—his tongue trailing against your swollen lips until his good and ready to plunge the pointed tip in to swirl slowly around your engorged bundle.
“Oh! Copia!” you gasp.
Your hips jerk and buck, but his mouth never leaves your folds; there’s no escape from his willing, eager tongue as he wiggles it across and taps at your pulsing clit. Clamping your thighs against his head, you rock yourself into his mouth, and soon you’re cresting again—your pussy popping and walls clenching.
Copia waits until you relax back into the bed before he’s crawling up your body to mouth at your jaw.
“Please, amore. Amore, please—I can Use your thighs, yes?”
You lethargically nod your head, and Copia scrambles to push his pants down before he slips his cock in between your wet, slippery thighs. His head tips back, and his eyes roll as he lets out a long Ahhhhh. Then, gripping at your hips, he begins to thrust—long and slow at first, then shorter pumps as he really gets going.
You run your fingers through his hair and caress down his face as he lets out little breathy pants. He’s been going at a good clip for a while when he starts to stutter and tense. Stutter and tense. And then suddenly his head snaps forward, his mouth latching onto yours. You’re still not accustomed to the taste of yourself, but you allow him to suck on your tongue as he jolts and jerks, his cock kicking as his cum spurts out hot and sticky for the second time.
As he pants and gulps, you run your hands up and down his sweaty back. Finally he looks up at you owlishly.
“Mmm,” he rumbles as he pecks at your lips. “Thank you, mia dolce.” His hands stroke at you. “A bath then, sí?”
You furrow your brows at him.
“But I … didn’t you say …?”
“Hmm, amore?”
“I thought we were going to have sex.”
He puts his hand to your cheek and gives you an indulgent look.
“But see, amore—we did. And it was pleasurable, no? We are both satisfied, yes?”
Your brows knit further.
“Oh, you are not satisfied?” he quips, his white eye twinkling. He heaves a very heavy, mock sigh. “I guess we can go for one more round, eh?”
And then his hand is traveling down again.
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
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Before i continue let me just explain..this is NOT a romance story. This is if anything a dad pro hero izuku story
This is also a self insert story cause I kinda wanna just write about my new oc 👉👈 don't judge me
That's what kiseichū looks like if y'all wanted to know and again I know this isnt everyone's tea I just wanted to write it.
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Izuku wasn't sure how he felt about kids, he was always comfortable around them though as far as taking care of them he wasn't the best. As got older he learned to understand children a lot better he's not sure how he got into this situation he has though. He found kiseichū half dead in some alleyway so he did what any hero would do and got him help, when he heard that the boy didnt have any family and was going to get sent to foster care something parental stirred within him. He wasn't sure what it was but the next day he returned ready to discharge him from the hospital and take him home.
His name was Kiseichū and if having a name that literally meant parasite wasn't sad enough he had some sort of leech quirk where he absorbed the life of others to gain their attributes and even a weak version of their quirk, though he was sickly. If kiseichū didn't absorb something living every few hours bad shit happens. Izuku remembered when he first found out about his quirk, he returned home to find the kid half dead desperately reaching for a potted plant he kept near the windowsill. After a two hour cry filled scolding the two promised to better communicate their needs to each other.
" Kise, I'm home! " izuku shouted expecting to see the boy come rushing to him to see what he brought like always but this time the house was eeriely silent and he wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. Izuku looked at the time before his eyes widened and he quickly walked to his own bedroom only to open the door and see kise laying in bed wheezing and coughing, the sight was utterly terrifying. Izuku dropped the small bag he had in his hand before opening it op and showing the boy a small brown rat, he watched him grab it before slowly sitting up the creature squeaking and soon turning into a black inky mush in kise's hands. "...welcome home deku" kise spoke in a soft and deadpan tone as he stared at the hero who looked like he was going to have a heart attack. Izuku reached out roughly yanking the boy's cheeks stretching them with a panicked yet annoyed huff, this kid was going to kill him! "What did we promise?! You scared me half to death kise! You can't keep doing this!" Izuku whined in a panicked tone only for kise to wince lightly.
"deku that hurts.. you're pulling too hard" izuku let go before resting his head in the boy's lap with a low groan. Maybe they needed a better way to communicate? Izuku wasn't sure but he always felt scared to leave him alone but taking him with him wasn't a good idea.
"kise, you're six years old it's okay to ask me for things y'know I bought you a phone for thst reason" izuku glanced up at the boy only to see his light blue eyes staring back at him before an idea popped into his head and he shot up with a soarkle in his eyes. "Hey! Wanna come with me to work tommorow? You get to meet my friends and hang around the agency, plus it's still too dangerous to send you to school so this is perfect" izuku clearly seemed excited for this and for even more excited when the boy gave a soft nod.
"can I wash my hands now?" His question confused the hero until he realized the black slime like liquid was still in his hands and dripping down his arms, izuku panicked and gasped before rushing to the bathroom before running the bathtub.
"bath time! You're getting it all over the floor!"
After the two took a bath kise sat on the bed while izuku hummed blow-drying his hair, izuku loved kise's hair it was a curly mess and the colors were beautiful though detangling it was a workout in its own. "Deku..?" Izuku stopped with a small hum when he heard the boy before watching him turn around to face him. "When are you sending me away?" Izuku nearly choked at such a question before dropping the blow dryer in his hands now panicked as to why he would thing such a thing. "W-what?! Why would you say that? Did I say something bad?! Huh?!" Izuku frantically so using big hand motions as he tried to remember anything he said wrong that would make kise think he was being given away.
"no one has ever kept me for this long...I don't think. I'm a handful, I have to always wear gloves which is annoying" Kise looked down as he spoke and gazed at the black mittens he had on to prevent his quirk from activating. Izuku paused as he watched the boy and noticed his hands were shaking, was he scared? It's only been a week but izuku knew he was getting used to being here and clearly didn't want to go. The hero reached out ruffling kise's hair softly with a soft smile on his face "you aren't going anywhere kise, you can stay here for as long as you want." The two locked eyes and it was silent for a few moments before kise spoke up
"..... you're crying."
"h-huh?! I am?!" Izuku touched his face only to feel that he actually wasn't, kise crawled into his side of the bed before giving a small smile before planting his head on the pillow and sticking his tongue out at the fuming pro hero who laid next to him and faced him.
"that wasn't funny!"
"...yeah it was.."
Izuku cracked a smile before reaching out and softly flicking lose on the nose playfully before turning away from the boy. "Don't worry in a few days I'll get your room set up so you can sleep in your own ro-" izuku felt the boy softly grab his shirt and hold it softly. "I don't want my own room..I don't want to sleep alone.."
Izuku turned back to kise before flashing a bright smile to the boy "you don't have to then I guess" with that kise let go and closed his eyes with a gentle relaxed sigh
"goodnight, deku..."
"goodnight, kiseichū.."
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