#no you didnt see me place it wrong on the last two posts
skebbles · 5 months
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sleepybugeyes · 3 months
I read through all of Elias/Jonah's dialogue (as you do) plus some relistening and mentions of him, so here's a big list of some fun things and behaviors I noted!
I thought he made a lot of eye puns/jokes, but he only does it once in mag161, however he does enjoy making jokes. "Creativity never was their forte." from mag80, "You want my account? My sworn testimony? My statement?" from 82, "If you die, I’m afraid you probably won’t be able to claim your expenses." in 116 and "I only have two eyes, after all." in 120. no one ever laughs at his jokes only he finds them amusing
His last words telling Jon a sarcastic or mocking "good luck" are mirrored earlier as he also tells Basira good luck the last time he sees her, and Martin, as he's getting arrested
He loves gloating. "I forget how new you all are to this." from mag92, "Coffee is not as good for disguising tastes as you might think." in 98, "She’s hoping that even if I see it coming she’ll still be able to overpower me. She’s wrong, of course," in 102, "A masterpiece, isn’t it?" abt his panopticon in 158 and of course his whole monologue in 160
He does his budgeting on tuesdays and his scheduling on wednesdays
He also likes getting lost in work
in mag40 he makes up proper incompetency (said he didnt know how the fire system works, while he later admits he was actively waiting) just that once, but more so he acts like he doesnt get the full picture (doesnt know whats in the tunnels, whats strange about the institute) or acts too late and apologises (not stepping into jon's stalking behaviour). Which makes me think he is quite fine letting people think less of him but unless he has something to hide hes not actively looking to give the impression
in mag92 elias slides the papers for basira across his desk, but you don't hear him take them out before, meaning he prepared and got ready for this before he called the police
in general he's a very preparing man, Lukas steps in when Elias is arrested so has has control over who'd run it. in mag118 he says he prepared something to hurt martin (my speculation is that he likely has some trauma that could hurt you prepared for any person that could cross him, just in case he needs it). When he gets arrested he has something prepared so he doesnt get killed and ofc s1-4 is preparing Jon for his grand ritual
Elias admits the idea for his ritual kinda fell into place after Getrude didnt do anything about the people's church in march 2015. He shot Getrude and appointed Jon shortly after so "when you came to me already marked by the Web, I knew it had to be you." is pure dramatics as Jon was hired 4 years prior
also he got his ritual in 2018 so he managed to acomplish his life's goal in only 3 years, love his grindset 🔥
We never get a number for how many people Elias has killed in his ritual, the real life millbank has held over 1000 people at once, but id imagine his one panopticon held less than a whole complex
its really interesting to me in mag92 that hes SO sure they all know he's talking to them of his own free will. is he just that dead set on being in control or making sure they take no credit for his confession
there is a clock in Elias' office (but it's only heard in mag98)
He has killed people but Elias is very much not a blood thirsty person. Getrude and Peter are both surprised when he results to that. He's very much just ruthless and does not care, if to get his way he has to kill someone. It doesnt seem like he's ever happy to do so, maybe this is a quirk of being eye aligned and getting rid of any type of knowledge is painful (he does for example never want Tim to die at the Unknowing), or he just finds covering those murders up a hassle
for the Unknowing Elias books them all hotel rooms, how thoughtful
something cute to me that Jon was too good at the Eye that Elias couldnt meet him face to face post coma
In mag158 he implies that even Institute employees not in the archives are tied to it, at least enough that they could suffer or die if it burned down
between finding other people just as tools to watch and discard and saying empathy holds you back he was definitely a very very lonely man
He is a very breathy person. He sounds breathy when he talks. He takes deep breaths to ready himself and before he uses his powers. And he often breathes through his nose before speaking or during pauses
He has said Jon's name 62 times, only twice calling him "Jonathan" and called him archivist 25 times (24 in the mag120 statement, 1 in mag138 and 1 in mag161)(he also kinda calls him The Archive in 160)
other fun amount of words: know (65 times), see (42), martin (35), detective (20), eyes (20) and eye (9), afraid (9) and "bullshit" (1)
its still insane to me they added all of those sound effects of Elias' cuffs in prison, thats something fun to appreciate. It also means its canon he gestures quite a bit!
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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I didnt mean to rediscover how much I like brainstorming and world building stuff but here we are - this time it’s (mostly) pirate Neil and shark Andrew flavored!
@tell-me-your-vision had some very good tags on the last post like this so of course I started thinking harder about it lol, you all know by now that the best way to get me to draw more is to leave ideas and questions in your tags 😘 it’s very interesting figuring out what parts I want to be drawn directly from the source animal and what I want to have artistic liberty with! Sometimes you just gotta say “it’s this way because I decided it is” and offer no more explanation, not even to yourself.
That being said. If the snippet interested you, find more of the unfinished scene here :D (and if you want to leave a comment… 👀)
I don’t know how clear this image is going to end up being, so here’s the important notes typed up:
Does [Andrew’s] missing fin cause maneuverability problems? Yep. Fins keep the body stable and streamlined in the water. No fin/half detached fins means Andrew spends a lot more energy to be equally as efficient while swimming. (That’s part of why he had more upper body strength than most mers.)
Does jelly Neil feel pain like humans? Not at all. Pain vs nociception - the detection of averse stimulus. So Neil can sense and respond to ‘painful’ stimuli, and he does feel some pain like a person would in his upper half, but it’s mostly just a sensation that he responds to. (This is dangerous. Less pain means he doesn’t realize how dire a situation may be.)
A second eyelid - like a crocodile/etc; a clear secondary eyelid that closes horizontally beneath the primary eyelid, developed to keep the eye safe and clear underwater. Why jelly Neil rarely ‘actually’ blinks
Pirate Neil’s prosthesis. Most of it is always hidden under clothes; it’s made of leather, copper, rubber, and cumaru wood. It was given to him by Stuart as soon as the man found out that Neil had lost his leg, and Stuart had it custom made through his vast connections. At one point in the timeline, Neil angrily takes it off to show a wary and lashing-out sharkDrew that he has also once been on the wrong end of a ‘whaler’s’ knife.
The tiny two panel comic in the bottom right corner: pirate Neil says “stop trying to stab me in the leg” while sharkDrew was fairly certain he just took out this pirate’s kneecap with his sharp rock
The snippet:
“And it was terrified. It’s second eyelids fluttered, it’s eyes were hazy. It held the rough stone ready in case Neil tried to get close again. It still wasn’t breathing right. It was still bleeding.
“Okay,” Neil said softly. He held his own hands out a little to the side. “I’m not going to hurt you more.”
The shark snarled, though it’s mouth never opened.
“I didn’t hurt you in the first place. They’re still finning mers?”
Neil tried to step in, slowly, and was met with another vicious swing. He was ready this time, avoiding the sharp stone neatly.
“Hey, thing. Keep moving like that and you’ll bleed to death.”
Another attempt, and another swing. Neil looked at the place it’s fin had been, now a horrible, gaping wound on its back. He could see the meat beneath the blood. If he didn’t help soon, the shark would go into shock, if not simply die here on the rocks.
“Do you even realize what’s at stake for you?”
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deadricslover · 1 year
little admirer
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here's my masterlist!
a/n: I've been stuck for ideas I'm sorry I've been gone :/ but hopefully I will get back into the routine of posting! this is also shorter than usual but I didn't want to drag it out lol
summary: you always hated getting bombarded by 'fans' of Bruce and the paparazzi. You didn't think this encounter would be any different but you were wrong. It was actually one of the most wholesome ones and definitely your favourite.
warnings: this really isn't about Bruce but he's the boyfriend ok? so...ya. and scars I guess NOT PROOFREAD
pairings: bale!Bruce Wayne x gn!musician!eader
When you looked out the window and saw the crowds of people outside, your fear reached its pinnacle. The only thing you wanted was to spend your anniversary with Bruce alone, free from intrusions other than kisses, of course. Yet that was all wishful thinking. It was obvious that it would not occur. Given your animosity for the paparazzi, Bruce had made an effort to ease your fears, but in reality, you both knew you would just have to get through it. You might have thought you would get used to it since you were also a fairly well-known musician, but not as much as Bruce, the prince of Gotham. However, Bruce took your hand and urged you to break the habit of chewing your nails while staring at the crowd.
"how do they even know you're here?" to ask turning to him
he huffs and shakes his head in thought. "I don't know. maybe someone saw us walking in"
"can we not go to dinner in peace? I mean.." you were at a loss for words, you didn't know how people could be so invasive and inconsiderate.
"I know. I know" he soothes gently kissing your hand and stroking your opposite shoulder whilst his arm is around your back.
"do you want to just get it done?" he inquires and you knew it was the smart thing to do even though you didnt want to. at all.
"yeah sure" you reply turning away and grabbing some last minute things off the bed. On the way out of the elevator, Bruce gently yet firmly places his hand on your waist in order to keep you close. Cameras flash, questions are thrown as you try to make your way through the flood of people. Bruce usually liked to put away a minute or two for some real fans who just wanted a high five off of Bruce Wayne, but he wasn't so sure about right now. You encouraged him to do it, not to break tradition and said you would wait elsewhere. Usually people would recognise you, but Bruce Wayne was right there so of course nobody would pay attention to you...not that you were complaining. A couple people did ak for a photo and you kindly obliged as long as they were sincere about it. As you stood watching Bruce interact with kids and their parents, not paying any mind to reporters, you feel a little tap on your arm. You look around and notice a little girl standing next to you with loving eyes. You crouch down to the little girl thinking maybe she was lost.
"hi sweetie. Are you ok?" you ask the child glancing around to see if her parents were anywhere to be found.
"I'm very good." she replies cheerfully
"awh that's good. where are your parents?" you ask
"getting a photo with Bruce Wayne."
"ooohh. everyone wants to don't they? he's really famous" you emphasize trying to make conversation with the girl
"not as famous as you, though"
she knew who you were? that's so sweet "no no. Bruce is way way more famous than me. but thank you! what's your name?"
"Camilla. You're my favourite person, ever!" she jumps lightly squealing.
oh my- of your heart wasn't throbbing before. it sure is now. the smile on your face couldn't be bigger.
"awh that's so sweet! you're my favourite person too, Camilla!"
"can I tell you a secret" she whispers after a couple moments of silence
"of course you can" you tell her pretending to zip your lips and lock them. She rolls up her t-shirt a little to show you a scar on her tummy. Whatever caused that scar, you felt horrible, especially because she said it was a secret. your eyebrows draw together as a reaction to your reaction.
"I used to hate it and cry all the time because I thought it was weird. but then I found out that you had one too, and now I love it, because my favourite person in the whole wide world has the same thing as me!" she tells. you honestly could cry. A little girl hating something about her body ay such a young age is bad enough but also the fact that she grew to love it because you had one too?! your heart throbbed.
"I do have one. it's on my arm. But yours is so much more beautiful"
"I got mine from an operation when I was a baby" she informs you butchering the word operation as any child would.
"ooh interesting. see all those people asking Bruce for a photo? with all the cameras? well I got mine from them. one time I finished a show and was going home and they hurt me" you recall in simple terms
"my mommy and daddy hurt you?" she asks shocked
"no! not your parents. some others that don't work there anymore."
"that's sad" she replies
she looks off into the crowd for a second and waves to her parents before telling you she has to go now-- not before asking for a hugh though. you kindly oblige without a second thought and embrace the girl smiling. her parents walk over and thank you for being kind to her and watching her. you tell them it was no problem as they leave and you wave to the little girl. Right on queue the famous Bruce wayne walks over without you noticing
"she seemed to love you"
"tell me about it. I'm her favourite person ever in the whole wide world" you recall
"she's not the only one" he adds to taking your hand in his and starts walking
you smile lightly and nudge Bruce slightly "she showed me something too. she had this scar on her stomach from a surgery when she born and she used to always be insecure about it" you start
"that's horrible, she's only young" he butts in genuinely sorry for the girl
"yeah, but the nice part that she found out that I also had a scar the same shape as hers and because of that she grew to love it...all because I had one too!" you exclaim still in disbelief
"you're such an influence. that's so sweet" he responds continuing to walk. "it is isn't it?" you reply placing your head on his shoulder while strolling to the restaurant. Usually you hate the paparazzi, but this time was different, it was sincere and sweet. definitely your favourite so far.
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junhanner · 14 days
Ok, Hiii I just saw that you write for Xdinary so I immediately came here 😭.
The prompt I wanted to ask for is,
what/when was the moment that made the members realise that they love you, aka are in love with you.
Can I be 🎱 anon?? Tysm in advance, I thought your last 2 xdh posts were so cute, I loved it 🥹
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haaaaaiiiii!!!!! omg i get u😭😭😭 this app is lacking xdh writers and i said i should take this problem into my own hands and start a writing blog !! and ofc, you can be 🎱 anon, tysm!!! ^3^💜💜
ALSO THIS WAS LOWKEY RUSHED SORRYY i didnt want to make this anon wait anymore because this ask has been in my inbox for DECADES and i love villains so anything and everything for y’all🙏IGNORE ANY MISTAKES PLEEEEEAASSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
౨౿ when was the moment that made xdinary 𐄹 heroes realise that they are in love with you ౨౿ . xdh x gn!reader
✧ ꒰ঌ gun-il ໒꒱ : when you had your first deep conversation with eachother. to be honest, for gun-il deep conversations would be on another level of intimacy. trusting eachother just enough to comunicate your thoughts and feelings means lots to gun-il, after it or maybe even during it i think gun-il would realise he feels a strong emotional connection between the two of you, giving it a lot of thought before finally realising his real feelings for you.
“so i wasn’t wrong after all. i do like them..”
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✧ ꒰ঌ jungsu ໒꒱ : i think during a karaoke night out. maybe when covering his favourite song together. jungsu is one of the members that are most likely to take a good while to figure out his real feelings, he just needed to do the maths. he loves music, and he loves every single little thing about you. the moment of realisation is probably on the way home from the karaoke place you two went to.
“wait.. do i really like them? i can’t belive i didn’t realise this earlier”
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✧ ꒰ঌ o.de ໒꒱ : when watching a movie together at the cinema. comfortable silence between the two of you, while the credits of the movie were passing one by one on the massive screen. for o.de, it’s be a fifty-fifty situation. he realises his feelings fast, but it takes him some time to actually process them. with a small squeeze from his hand interwined with yours the second the two of you make eye contact he looks somewhere else so the pink tint on his cheeks isnt that painfully obvious. he knew from the start he felt some foreign sparks that he has never felt before with anyone else when you hungout the first time.
“oh shoot.. how didnt i know this earlier? am i really that slow??”
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✧ ꒰ঌ junhan ໒꒱ : when listening to your shared playlist together. just hearing you talk and talk about a creator you absolutely love when their song came up on shuffle and listening to him when he does the same makes him feel accepted and heard . he feels sparks of joy, and even something more than joy everytime the two of you hang out together but he always overthinks them. “are they really okay with this?” “are they gonna get mad??” “are they gonna stop being my friend??” “am i making this weird? ” (ho just shut up and kiss me already) but in the end he just asks himself
“is this how falling in love feels?”
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✧ ꒰ঌ gaon ໒꒱ : when hanging out at practice together. he would be so proud showing you all the new tricks he learned on the guitar and seeing that you actually care would be the cherry on top. a person who he considers really cool!?!1?1? listening and praising him for his new guitar tricks that he learned SPECIFICALLY to impress you!??!??! he probably almost died a little (/pos) at the way you giggled at him when you realised the way he turned into a tomato in maxium 10 seconds
“woah woah woah woah woah did i actually like them all this time and i didnt even realise??”
bonus: after that he would probably call his mom and say something like “mom i think i found my soulmate”
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✧ ꒰ঌ jooyeon ໒꒱ : when skipping practice together. would probably realise it when sneaking out of the building. (playing subway surfers irl except the members are chasing u two) after that you two would probably go out and eat something because after all that running who isnt hungry?? and while eating also listening to his random ass jokes he would crack when the silence is too loud. (he would 100% have brainrot humour you can’t convince me otherwise)
“did i actually fall for them just because they skipped practice with me? wow i’m insane”
another bonus: once the members find out he likes you they will make him serenade you as revenge for skipping practice
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yet ANOTHER a/n: IM SO SORRY THIS ASK TOOK YEARS TO ANSWER💔 i started with gun-il and then lost motivation, did jungsu and then ode and lost the draafttt and theeeen did them again and the other members. long story short this app sucks
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imaginecolby · 9 months
Friends with Benefits || Part Four - The Announcement
"y/n come on! they’re already waiting on us." colby called from the door.
"oh hush. i'm pregnant and am going to abuse the hell out of this card for as long as i can."
"yeah, you made that abundantly clear when you demanded i bring you a tub of ice cream last night."
"half of which you also ate, so don't give me that." you said, finally walking out into the living room. you and colby were on your way to take your anouncement photos. you agreed on the idea of a baby explorer, and the two of you were also dressed in xplr t-shirts.
you grabbed you purse and keys from the counter, finally ready to head out. you walked to the door, stopping in your tracks as colby didn't move.
"what? what's wrong?" you asked, looking up at him and noticing tears in his eyes.
"nothing, it's just," he took a deep breath to prevent himself from sobbing. "you're starting to show."
"oh, yeah!" you smiled, placing your hands under your belly. "that's your baby in there."
"our baby." he corrected, placing his hand above your belly button. you stood silently, allowing colby to take in the moment. "alright, let's get going." he said quietly, wiping his tears and following you out of the door.
you made your way to the park near your house where your photographer was meeting your for your shoot. fortunately, they'd just arrived, so you didnt feel bad about having kept them waiting.
you followed them to the spot they had picked out, amongst the trees that truly fit the exploration vibe you were going for. you were there for about an hour, and got some really amazing shots. once you were done, your photographer told you it would take a little bit for them you to edit the photos and send them to you. while you waited, you and colby went out for a bite to eat while you waited.
you both were beyond excited to finally share the news with your friends and extended family. you both had already shared with your parents, and they were all over the moon.
“y/n, you’re going to be a wonderful mother. you have such a nurturing and caring heart, i already know you’re going to spoil that baby with love.” your mom said to you over video chat.
“i get it from you.” you smiled.
“i can’t wait to come see you soon. until then, im gonna get started on planning your baby shower!” she cheered before you exchanged your goodbyes and hung up.
colby’s parents were just as excited to be getting their first grandbaby. they shared similar sentiments about their faith in you and colby being wonderful parents, and were overjoyed with the idea of having a new baby to spoil.
after sharing the news, you and colby were proud of yourselves for avoiding the topic of your relationship, and the truth of how you got to this point.
after your lunch, you and colby did a little bit of shopping before heading back home. upon your return, you checked your phone and saw your had a new email from your photographer; your announcement photos.
“ahh, they’re done!” you said, moving to sit with colby on the couch.
“open them, open them!” colby said excitedly as you tapped on the email notification.
you scrolled through the pictures, you on the verge of tears over how much you loved all the pictures. you and colby sat there forever, trying to decide on which ones to share. you ended up deciding on three pictures; one of the onesie lying in the ground with your ultrasound photo on top of it, one of you and colby holding the onesie between you and sharing a sweet smile, and the last one, a photo of you sitting on the ground with the onesie draped over your belly.
“there’s a new member coming soon to team xplr ✖️” you wrote for your caption. you hit post and set your phone down, taking a deep breath.
“and now we wait.” you said. after only a few minutes, both yours and colby’s phones began buzzing on the table. there were only a few people that knew about your pregnancy before this. your parents were the first to know, and of course colby immediately told sam. you both also shared with your siblings, but that was it. you wanted the news to be just yours for as long as you could keep it.
as more and more notifications came through, you snd colby finally began going through them. you checked your texts first, both of your extended families passing on their congratulations and well wishes. then, you took to instagram.
since moving to LA, most of your friends were also colby’s friends, ones that he’d made in the social media industry. you had friends of your own through your work too, but most everyone you knew, you’d met through colby. fortunately, they’d always been taken with you as an individual, and were friends with you for you, and not just who you knew.
you scrolled through the comments on your post, smiling at what everyone had to say.
yourphotographer: “congratulations again to you both! thank you so much for letting me be a part of this wonderful announcement!”
samgolbach: “so excited to have another member of xplr nation! you giys are gunna be great parents and i cant wait to be kiddo’s favorite uncle ♥️”
jakewebber9: “oh no way! this is so exciting!! congrats to you both!”
katrinastuartofficial: “@yourusername @colbybrock i cant believe THIS is how im finding out?? but im too excited to be angry! this is incredible, congratulations!”
yourbestfriend: “still so over the moon about this!! @yourusername youre going to be the most wonderful mama, im so happy and excited for you 💖”
kianlawley: “yes!! another baby on the way! i cant wait for coast and your little one to have playdates”
jccaylen: “this is crazy! congrats you two! we’re growing up so fast”
amberscholl: “oh my goodness, congratulations! i absolutely cannot wait to take you shopping for baby clothes and other goodies! ✨”
you continued reading all of the comments from your friends and other followers. youd gained quite a bit of a following for yourself since being attached to sam and colby, so your comments were also flooded with their fans sending you congratulations as well. you refreshed your notifications, watching a new comment pop up at the top.
colbybrock: “im so excited for us to be starting this journey with you. im also a bit scared and nervous, but i know with you by my side, we can accomplish anything. i love you. 🖤”
you smiled and pinned his comment to the top, typing an “i love you too” in response. as you watched more comments roll in, more and more people began to point out something else about you and colby.
“oh shit.” you said aloud.
“not only did we announce our pregnancy, we also announced our relationship.” you laughed.
“oh shit, youre right.” colby said, staring at your dumbfounded. “ive been thinking so much about the baby, i hadn't even thought that we hadn't told anyone about us yet.” he laughed
“you didnt tell sam? i figured you wouldve text him as soon as we talked.” you teased.
“i dont tell him everything,” he paused and you raised a brow at him. “that fast, at least.” he blushed.
“well, now it’s out there. im just glad it’s been a mostly positive response.” you said, nuzzling into colby’s side. he wrapped an arm around you and squeezed you tight.
“me too.” he said, kissing the top of your head. the two of you spent the rest of the evening at home, relaxing, watching movies with your dinner, and relishing in the happiness and support you felt radiating around your announcement. you were ecstatic, happier than youd ever been in your life.
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crypt-keepers-den · 11 months
Hey! I couldn't find any post saying if the requests were closed, so if they're feel free to say no. I loved your last two astarion fics, may I make a request? Something light and funny would do the Fandom good. How about a piece based on this interview (https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjrnuB4T/), where our dear vampire boi gets changed into a goose (did he lockpick the wrong chest? Pissed off the wrong magical entity/camp member? Was hit by a random spell during a fight? You tell me)? It can wear off in a little but just on that short period of time, the group learns why Goosetarion is a menace all on it's own >:)
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The camp was quiet. Karlach, gale and astarion having gone out to hunt down some deer for supper, your spend your time alone tidying you and astarion's shared tent, lifting tomes and parchment off the bed rolls and placing them neatly in the corner. You here karlach yell your name "Tav come quick!", you sprint out of the tent in a panic thinking something terrible had happened only to find Karlach wearing a grin "look what Mr shiny boots went and did to himself" you follow her thinking something bad had happened to Astarion, however your greeted with gale trying to corner a flailing goose, the goose makes eye contact with you before sprinting to hide behind you.
you raise an eyebrow at karlach and gale, she stifles a laugh motioning you to watch the scene unfold, gale reaches towards the hiding goose. The goose snaps at the sorcerer's hand, gale says "Astarion if you want turned back you have to work with me, not against me" Astarion? Your Astarion is the goose cowering behind your legs, you looked down at the goose behind your legs, the more you looked the more you could see Astarion's features, his crimson eyes, the small fangs that peaked out of his beak, the soft silver poof of feathers that sat on top of his head. "Astarion, my love is that you?" the goose cowers its head at you, almost as if hes embarrassed. You reach down to pet his head "whatever happened my darling?", karlach snorts "he got cocky tryin' to lock pick a cursed chest" gale nods "i did try to warn him tav but he didnt-" the goose flairs his wings up, hissing at the pair, gale steps back but karlach stands her ground laughing at him.
you promptly lift him, scooping him up into your arms, "and how long till it wears off" gale stops staring at the, clearly, pissed goose in your arms "um...should wear off during the night" you sigh, "alright 'starion, try and behave till this wears off"
the hours pass and your surprised that Astarion hadnt caused much trouble, despite snapping at Gale every time he comes near you, you finish stirring the stew that was bubbling away on the camp fire; noticing that astarion is no longer sulking near you, so you wander around the camp looking for your vampire goose.
"ASTARION GIVE THAT BACK" gale yells frantically as the white goose runs rampant with one of his scrolls, the goose flails his wings, showing off his dominance, you watch as gale manages to corner Astarion, he reaches for the scroll but astarion is quick to drop it and bite gale's hand, the wizard lets out a pained yelp, you decide its time to intervene. "Astarion! let go of gale" you scold your feathered lover, the goose studies you before letting go of poor gale's hand, the wizard cluthes it and disappears to nurse his bitten hand. You look down at him "astarion that wasnt very nice, you took his scrolls" however it seemed he wasnt listening, he waddled off back into your shared tent, you follow before screeching at him "ASTARION THATS MY SANDWICH!" you chase the goose around the camp before loosing your temper with him, "fine astarion keep the damn sandwich, it's not like i was hungry or anything, damn you" you throw your hands up in the air before disappearing back into your tent to sulk.
it was nightfall before you heard the pitter patter of his webbed feet, you pretend to be asleep, you sense him checking you over, perhaps he was wondering if you were awake, you feel the creature wiggle its way into your arms, you dont fight him, it lays its head under your chin, you listen as its breathing slows, you both fall asleep.
the morning comes, light peaks through the tent causing you to wake, however the lump next to you feels larger, warmer. you peak down, looking at astarion's sleeping face, you cant help but smile, you lean down and plant a soft kiss to the top of his head before whispering "your a menace my love" you feel him snuggle closer "im your menace my darling" you smile before huffing "you still owe me a sandwhich" you both break into soft giggles.
*im so sorry this took so long my start with uni went haywire and i needed some time to deal with that but im back now and im finishing my drafts, see you soon with more x readers*
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moth-p · 11 days
Huge spoilers obviously.
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How we feeling BDFI fans?
Well, you're about to find out what I am feeling so lets get into this nonsensical ramble since y'all seemed to like the last one for some reason
1. ONEE??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
Okay so ANY chance that One isn't a villan is uh. Dead and buried. And honestly it should stay that way I really enjoyed her this episode! BFDI was lacking a true villan
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I actually predicted their deal with Basketball in this episode a while ago soo yea (more about Basketball later, dont you worry)
What about Bell and Bomby (And now Needle and Barf Bag)? WHERE ARE THEY? Well, dear reader who probably does not care, I have a theory!
I think that they are in One's version of the EXIT
If my theory that the place TPOTs eliminated contestants is a "Two EXIT", is correct, it is likely that every algebralien has something like that.
Did One and Three interact like I hoped they would? No. Buut another thing that I really fucking liked in this episode is the confirmation of One's motives. And that, as you have seen is
Two's power. Why does she need it? We don't know. To free Three, to take over the world to do something else.. I honestly can't wait to find out
TLDR: I loved One in this episode bro
2. Yuri (cw basketbot if you dont like this ship scroll to point 3)
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"The best version of you is the one we have here" honest reaction
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This ship should be way more popular
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Okay basketbot ramble over
TLDR: lesbians
3. Eliminations and the rejoin
So I got a few things right in my tpot 13 predictiom post (i think) but I have been completly wrong with who will be eliminated
Barf bag: I was kinda expecting it..? I mean I'm still VERY sad about her elimination DONT GET ME WRONG but I kind of knew that her time was coming. But
NEEDLE?!: GUYS. GUYS COME ON. I THINK THE ONLY THING MORE SHOCKING THAN HER ELIMINATION WAS FIREAFY ANGST IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2024. I actually thought that she would EASILY be in top 3 but I guess she wasnt. But the whole thing with pen was so good rahshsggdhshs im still not over it
The double rejoin was a welcome suprise, even though I know it will have a huge impact on the story later. I voted for pencil because I wanted to see her interact with the alliance (and she did yippie), but LIY joining is also very good, she was eliminated way too early imo
I voted for pin because. Shes pin. I love pin (and I also think that Tree and Black Hole will get enough votes to stay no problem wait apollo what are you doing no put the dodgeball dow-)
I also voted for snowball! He was great in the last few episodes and i hope it will stay like that
TLDR: Needle deserved better
4. Random shit (this will be long)
2. Fireafy? In the year of our lord 2024? Am I repeating this joke? Maybe?
But seriously, their appearence was a huge suprise and seeing as Leafy (probably) got kidnapped by One, it will most likely turn out to be a sideplot (bonus points because the robot flower one ended)
3. Gatys paint falling off a bit. Idk why but that detail was so good rahdgsusghejs
4. Fanny and BH being friends is something I did not expect that much but its cool. (They are MLM WLW solidarity to me)
5. Im a bit dissapointed that Three didnt make an appearence in this episode but whatever. (They will appear in tpot 14 guys trust me)
6. Congrats to Pillow for actually doing something and not having your team be UFE again seriously I think it was like 3 times in a row
7. I know it was basically nothing. But seeing Price Tag and Book interact with each other makes me so happy you have no idea
9. Two sleeping was kinda funny (this also implies that algebraliens need sleep)
10. Four and X going on vacation. Thats it
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11. (II 16 SPOILERS!!!)
Someone (me) will draw Needle and Barf Bag getting deleted by mephone X
I think thats it if I will have the need to ramble about this episode more then it will be reblog time
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hannieehaee · 10 months
Idk if this is appropriate or not (feel free if this is something you don't want to answer) but as a casual kpop stan who really only stans seventeen and listens to other kpop artists on a somewhat frequent basis I just feel as though seventeen is reaching their peak in a way that's far from satisfying. Like idk if this makes sense but to me it seems as tho the members are struggling to keep out of "scandals" with mingyu's incident last year, minghao/seoksoon being labeled as fat phobic earlier this year over out of context clips and now with Joshua (he's not even close to being my favorite member but these rumors and pregnancy stories are honestly making me so upset rn) ...as a fan who feels a genuine attachment to these people it's hard for me to be happy because while Ik the boys deserve every good thing coming their way fame comes with a price and that price is what I'm worried about. Like I get that Pledis isn't SM and seventeen definitely see themselves as family unlike NCT who view themselves more as colleagues I'm so scared that Joshua will eventually leave like Lucas or heaven forbid anything more drastic happens. It's just that I always see these "we could never save them" posts but then the same people who post them also comment the worst things forgetting that idols are humans too. I'm super sorry for the long ask but I just read that jeonghan got hurt and that made me think of the rest of the members and everything else they've been going thru. I'm not even the type of person to get attached to people I barely know but with Seventeen it's like I'm really and honestly praying for their success because they seem that THAT genuine group of people who are just trying their best. Sorry for the rambling
i get what ur saying. dont worry abt sending a long ask! ur welcome to rant abt svt in my inbox whenever! honestly i havent stanned for too long so idk how things were before this past year but i do worry for them lately :/ theyre getting injured too often and they get no rest. i dont like how pledis/hybe are managing them at all. theyve been constantly touring japan very repeatedly for seemingly no good reason at all which has obviously tired them out (theyve been dropping like flies, LITERALLY). pledis had the opportunity to promote them in ways that didnt involve constant performances but have just chosen not to for some reason. i really hope they get to rest soon (unlikely tho since theyre likely gonna have a world tour next year).
about the joshua thing. i feel sosososo bad for him. idk and idc if hes really dating that girl honestly. i do feel like it was kinda dumb of her to consistently post herself in the same places/clothes as him if they really wanted to keep it a secret BUT neither of them deserved the hate/scrutiny they got for it. not even with the pregnancy thingy on her stories. i don't think joshua and lucas' situations are comparable whatsoever since joshua has not done anything wrong unlike lucas. im hoping pledis somehow protects him better but thats unlikely. i dont think any member of svt will ever leave bc as u said, theyre family. cant rlly compare to nct tho lol bc i only stan svt so idk any other groups' dynamics like that. i do get what ur saying tho i have friends who stan nct and svt and theyve said to me that they do see a drastic difference in dynamics between the two groups but thats neither here nor there.
lastly, i have the best hopes for svt. they keep saying theyll only go up from here and i believe that. idk how that will play out with military service in consideration or with what seems to be chronic incidents that keep happening to them (gyu, cheol, and han in the past few months) but i trust and hope they'll be okay. they have a very established fanbase and a rlly good support group with one another so i only see good things for them in the future. hope they get at least a month off soon though.
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sevaonpandora · 5 months
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. . .
being lost in an unknown forest so far from your clan that you meet an ometecaiya ☘️
warnings!!: sharp fangs, knife, blood/scrathes, slow burn ?
Note 📝- thank you guys for the support on the last post !! Also i wrote this at 1am..sorry if its rough 😓💗
neteyam x fem!reader
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹..
you were lost in a big, dangerous forest. And you had a couple of marks and scratches here and there. in your clan your known as the brave and risky one..but youll never admit that you're terrified right now. Everything looked the same, there were no paths just wild life. Night was setting and you can get attacked by anything anytime right now.. but then suddenly you hear someone or something stepping on a branch. You turn around quickly, holding your knife in your hand with heavy breathe.
oh eywa..
the creature reveals himself and- a boy? your instincts tell you to hiss at him so you do, tail flicking in a protective stance..but its just out of shock and fear. The boy dosent react and tilts his head to the side, probably wondering where you even came from. He notices your tail movements and your posture, you teeth were sharper than usual. You seemed a bit more animalistic than the other na'vi. This was ometecayia property, his hand was on his knife aswell just in case youll attack but..he was gentle with you because you guys looked the same age.
'..are you alright?' he asks, his voice curious but genuinely concerned when he sees your scars and blood
You dont answer just nod slowly ..
'where did you come from?' he asks, referring to your clan and how you got here. He was serious.
'.. tarayngi" you mumble..a bit embarrassed that you got lost, your ears pointing down
'im Neteyam, ometecayia.' he says with a small smile , he can tell your nervous and scared so hes trying to be easy on you but in reality hes just as shocked as you are.
'do you need help? '
'im alright.' you say, even tho you needed the help. You need food, water, shelter. A safe place.
It was silent for a second, but the boy didnt believe you one bit.
'you seem injured .'
You gulp.
'here, let me take you to our clan.' he softly grabs your hand..and you hesitate.
'please, trust me. i wont hurt you'
Your eyes stare into his..you nod. I mean what could go wrong? Hes just a boy that seems around the same age as you and is friendly.
You and neteyam enter the village and he brings you to his father.
'dad- sir i found a lost girl.' he says, switching the name he calls his own father (sorry yall☹️.)
After explaining what happened, Jake and Neytiri let you stay for a night and tomorrow they'll bring you back home. You felt relived that you didn't have to spend the night in a dangerous forest alone.
'do you need tsahik?' neteyam tilts his head at you with a soft look
'no- im fine..' you say, tail flicking a bit.
night finally comes, the sky getting dark but being brighten up with the millions of stars. You were excited for tomorrow, to go home..but theres one problem.
There arent any mauri or hammocks left.
'shit- uhm.' neteyam mumbles to himself
'..there arent any hammocks left.'
Your eyes widen slightly..
'oh' you stand there akwaradly, not sure what to say
Jake, neteyams father then walks in and looks at neteyam then you
'sorry but you two will have to sleep next to each other ' jake says, his voice calm..as if its not a big deal and then leaves.
what in mother eywa. I cant sleep next to someone i barely know. Neteyam turns his head to look at you
'hey, if youd like i can sleep on the floor' he says, he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable.
You wanted to say yes but you felt bad. Hes done so much for you just for him to sleep on a cold hard floor
'no- its alright. Youll get cold'
you say, your voice hoarse.
Neteyam smiles at you , finding you gesture generous
You both get in the hammock, luckily it was pretty big so it could fit two people. You bodies were akwaradly pretty close..you turn to the other side.
'goodnight, teyam.' you say..you already gave him a nickname. a smile creeps on his face at the name.
thats cute..
he thinks before replying
'goodnight.' he says back, turning to the other side
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cxyotl · 2 years
this shit with dream. honestly, i got a few thoughts about it. i’ve spent the last day or so reviewing the evidence and checking both sides. this might be a long post bear with me. also read the whole thing, or at least read my conclusion, before commenting.
-initial allegations:
i have decided to respect the alleged victim(s), and as dream’s only statement as of today, October 14, 2022 (MST 19:08), has been a whiney priv twitter thread, i’ve elected to place that dream has not made any real statements regarding the allegations. i will further explore his defense when he gets home and takes this seriously. i’m honestly disgusted by his initial response. if he makes no genuine response, i will assume he doesn’t take these matters seriously and that will be evidence enough for me to quit respecting him.
-faked or inefficient evidence:
i have seen plenty of evidence so far against the provided proof of the first victim, but at the same time i have seen other evidence in support or her proof. for example, her having the same story about this for two years. the bigger problem here is inefficient evidence. dream has not come out yet with any proof whether or not they did have communication. theres too little here for us to know definitively. the next part will continue.
-definition of grooming:
based on the released messages of the original poster, i see no real instances of grooming. i am seeing that he is being cringey with an overuse of heart eyed emojis. there is no coercion, no threats, and no power play going on in the provided proof. that being said, things like this can be one-sided and uncomfortable to experience. i would not define this as grooming, rather, a misreading of boundaries. this is still a problem, for a content creator and fan to have this misunderstanding, but it is not equivalent to grooming. historically, dream has had issues with understanding other people’s boundaries. the “16 is legal in the uk” joke thats going around is proof of that. thats an uncomfortable joke, and tommy obviously didnt like it, but its not solid proof of pedophilia. i’ve always believed, and will continue to believe, that he needs to work on this moving forward.
-racism, antiblackness, and antisemitism
with this being talked about, im seeing a lot of people talk about other things dream has done. i can only really speak on his comments about mexicans, but recognize that hes been in the wrong before by blocking people educating him on antiblackness, collaborating with notch, etc etc. personally i believe it is unfair for him and especially for the victims for this to be turned into a “look at All the shit hes done!” thing. the conversation should be focused on the stories of the victims right now. i encourage these callouts on him, especially with his lacking apologies, but now is not the time. i say this as a victim of sexual assault and grooming.
-“dream in these stories acts out of character”
you do not know him. parasocial relationships, although they are a joke now, are still serious as hell. i’ve watched dream since 2020 and i’ll admit, some of these things don’t add up to what we know about him. the biggest thing, being that he face revealed to this fan. that does not track with what we have seen about him. with that said, *we don’t know this guy*. the only people who will confirm if these actions are out of character are his friends, and that’s it. we cannot do that.
“believe victims always” and “believe victims first” are two different sayings, and neither should be the first thing to come to mind. always take things with a grain of salt. that being said, express empathy and RESPECT to the victims coming forward. to dream stans: do NOT jump to the conclusion now that dream is innocent, and do NOT say shitty things to or about the victims coming out. to antis: stop celebrating this shit. it’s disrespectful as fuck, strays the conversations, and makes it harder to find the evidence if its all buried under your shitty memes about it. i am choosing to not make any conclusions until it is confirmed OR denied by further evidence.
i have no problem unsubbing from dream if this is true— understand that i have basically abandoned his content out of boredom and literally not watched a single stream or video of his since like 2021 (aside from the face reveal). im by no means a dream stan. i watch and engage with dream smp content, and thats the extent to what i do concerning dream. i also don’t hate him. thats why i’m hoping this post is portrayed as neutral as possible.
if you are overwhelmed by this, i am also supporting you. my support and empathy does not end with the alleged victims. take care of yourself, stay off twitter, and know my dms are always open.
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windwardstar · 2 months
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[Image description: two photos showing my chest which has the double incisions and grafts from top surgery, and slightly newer scars from a revision The first photo is straight on, the other at an angle. End description]
My chest is finally flat! And healed enough to show off!
I didn't post a lot about getting top surgery last summer and that was because from the first few days it was very clear to me that I had been left with a lot of excess skin and tissue, that my surgeon hadn't made my chest flat. It caused a bunch of dysphoria and I had to consciously force myself to disengage from ruminating over how my chest still wasn't right. And then spent the past year dissociating from my chest to the same or greater degree than I had pre surgery. I also didn't want the mental health struggles I went through because of it or any photos to be used against others to convince them not to even have top surgery because look this person had surgery and it came out bad and didn't solve any of the problems and only made things worse.
But at the start of the month I was able to get my revision where the excess tissue and skin was removed. And it is something I love and no longer have to avoid thinking about, looking at, or touching.
So this post is for that. A (delayed) celebration of finally getting to feel comfortable in my own skin. Because the first time I had to deal with a lot of post-op depression, and this time I've not had any. (The only downside is that now I get distracted by how flat my chest is and doing happy dances and the have to rush to finish getting dressed so I'm not late to work)
And also to say, I was fortunate in knowing myself well enough to know that the problem wasn't that I regretted getting the surgery or that my failure to feel the joy wasn't because I made the wrong choice, but because i was still left with something that caused me dysphoria in the same way it had prior and that a revision to make my chest properly flat would fix it. I also got told by people that my chest looked fine that I didnt need to get a second surgery, but now post-revision everyone can see the difference and agrees it looks better. Don't let other people make you doubt yourself when it comes to pursuing revisions or top surgery in the first place.
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glitchbirds · 3 months
currently on day 4 post-top surgery
pain was bad first couple days but has mellowed out to the point where im mostly just uncomfortable, finally. i was a bit in a rush to stop taking the prescribed percocet/oxycodone because i didnt like the side effects, and tried to switch to plain acetaminophen the same day as surgery- horrendous mistake. dont do that. in some ways i felt worse on the first day post-op than i did the day of surgery, because of that. i switched do acetaminophen yesterday afternoon and that was a much better time for it, it definitely doesnt dull the pain As well as percocet but it works well enough
the drains make me deeply paranoid and i haaate that i have to wear them two extra days because my surgeon rescheduled my post-op a week before surgery. theyve consistently only drained small amounts (and less each day) and i keep freaking out over the idea that theyre either clogged somewhere where i cant see/reach, Or that ive accidentally pulled them partially out of place when stripping them as directed
surgical binder is arguably even more annoying to me than the drains- starting on day 3 it started hiking up my chest constantly and putting unnecessary excess pressure on wherever it folded onto. and every time i readjusted it it would just slip back into the wrong place the next time i stood up or sat down. i was finally able to readjust it today in a way that it hasnt gotten messed up again, so thats a relief
for the first couple nights sleeping or even just lying down was fucking horrible. oxycodone would make me drowsy under an hour after taking it, but lying down or sitting back up from a lying down position would cause a sharp pulling feeling in my right side. i used wedge pillows and stacked more pillows on top of that, which sometimes helped but usually just made me sleep fitfully because i was on top of an uneven lumpy pile (oxycodone made that worse- i would get vivid, half-dream half-hallucination visions and sensations and drift in and out of sleep every 5-10 minutes until it wore off). the day after surgery, the first time i tried to sleep in my own bed, i woke up a few hours later to take my next dose of pain meds and the pain from prying myself out of bed was So excruciating that i spent a full half hour sitting on the edge of my bed trying to will myself to lay back down again. i eventually limped my way to the living room couch and fell asleep sitting up with my back leaning on some pillows. i still woke up once or twice an hour that night but had no pain from getting up or lying down. the next night i slept better- woke up even less-, and last night i braved my own bed again and it was nowhere near as painful as that first time… thank god for that
in general i seem to have been more awake/lucid/active than most ppl at this stage of top surgery? esp the first couple days, i spent a lot of time restlessly pacing around the hotel room (and later the apartment). obviously still doing my best to limit upper body movements and not get complacent with my slowly improving range of motion and overextend myself. at least walking around has been good for me in terms of minimizing blood clots in my legs…? and hopefully me being bad at falling asleep hasnt caused any notable issues with the healing process. hopefully.
scotty has been a little angel of a cat, he already is very gentle and avoids stepping on people (and if he does you can barely feel it). binx on the other hand, historically, loves clambering on top of my chest and he has no concept of his own weight and it hurts like hell, so ive been rebuffing his affection a lot the past few days and having to stop him from putting his paws on my chest and climbing on. which he is heartbroken about. absolutely mournful yowling in the halls
oh also my surgeon sent me a bunch of documents with instructions around what to do but the document says that i was given “nipple sparing double incision mastectomy” and the document occasionally mentions nipple care, and i assume this is just like, a generic form and they dont have a specific version of this document for ppl who opt to have nipples removed entirely, but im just gonna say rn if they left nipples on me after the surgeon and multiple other doctors+ nurses asked me directly half an hour before surgery to confirm that i did not want nipples, im going to go fucking crazy. i cant tell through the bandages if i have them or not- i don’t think i feel anything but im reluctant to poke around there too much
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ok so...we all saw the flurry of Bandom Racism discussion happening. and i have...thoughts.
i know this is late, in theory because i wanted to get my thoughts together, but honestly mainly because i didnt know what to say, so part of me was annoyed that i felt obligated to say anything at all. bc im not nearly as active in bandom as my blog probably makes it look, i didnt learn 90% of the Lore until september and all of that i learned from mcrblr. im new! i dont know about any of this! much less about the racism. so...why am i expected to talk about it? what is there for me to say?
...and over the past few days, its slowly sunk in for me that thats exactly the point.
of COURSE i dont see the racism in the fandom, or know what to say about it. because either none of the other white liberal fans in my circle do, or we just... dont talk about it. and i think when we do know, we dont talk about it, because we feel like its not our place. we dont know what to say, and especially if we feel like we had any hand in it, we're... embarassed? i know i am. and like...i hesitate to list examples, because i dont want to come across as self flagellating. one, because its got to be annoying for people of color, and two, because...i dunno. i dont want to make other white people think thats whats required, to be anti racist? because i think thats one of the assumptions we're laboring under, like...we've created this environment of really aggressive Discourse, so when it comes to racism, and unpacking our own...we talk in really vague terms, we never get past the "UwU!!! Dont Be Racist!!!!" PSAs because naming our own transgressions means admitting to wrongdoing, which is embarassing at the best of times, but in the very spaces we've created, generally being found out as Doing Something Wrong means getting jumped on by other white people for the purpose of their own moral preening so no one will suspect them of the same. so...why willingly subject yourself to that? especially if whatever you have to say, whatever it is in your behaviour you want to discuss, may be triggering to people of color. simply not mentioning it feels like the better - and safer - option.
but...thats what leads to us not knowing enough about all this to feel confident talking about it in the first place.
i dunno. last week, im one of the people who looked right at that piece of art with franks rising sun tattoo, and went... "huh. hey, theres that tattoo he got covered up because it was offensive. i should look into that. ...anyway, cool art!" and hit reblog.
and like...once people started talking about it, (theres one specific post, forget who its by, someone talking about mcrs history with anti asian racism, great post thank you for making it) i felt...bad? but i also felt kinda defensive. in thinking back on it, i was like..."well, im glad to know that now. but dude im not familiar with his tattoos. i kind of assumed what i was looking at was the covered up version where its sort of peeking through. idk it was a watercolor it was kinda garbled. i wont blame myself for not thinking any harder than that."
and then i was like... okay but. if im honest with myself, thats still bad. because it doesnt matter, since i probably wouldve reblogged it anyway, just assuming it was for the sake of photo accuracy or what have you...because i still didnt fucking know or care what the rising sun flag was.
which was the whole point.
because if i HAD. if i HAD done my research when id first heard about it, months ago, i would have recognized that art for what it was and treated it with the wide berth it deserved and avoided it regardless of my knowledge of his stupid fucking tattoo. but i didnt, for a host of reasons. mainly executive dysfunction, general stress in my personal life (nunya bidness) and...if im being honest? i just didnt want to, because...i hate self teaching. i have adhd. i was homeschooled, it was really traumatic, i flunked all of highschool and had to get a GED. my reading comprehension and attention span are piss poor. so i didn't feel like looking into it. i didnt feel like giving myself a whole impromptu history lesson. i opened one wiki page and instantly got overwhelmed.
but thats also the point. because all those reasons for not doing my due diligence and reading up on why asian fans are so pressed about the rising sun tattoo? or why black fans want nothing to do with 21p? the same shit probably applies to them! they don't feel like doing it either, we just give them no choice until eventually they make giant ass posts, comprehensive, easy to digest, step by step posts, for the express purpose of doing what we all refuse to do.
and, again, theres that feeling of guilt. guilt and shame, because im admitting to this, and because i know how reading this is gonna make other white fans feel, because i just went through the exact same set of feelings, and its uncomfortable as hell. so i can only imagine how fans of color have felt.
im not making this to browbeat white fans, or to self flagellate to fans of color. this isnt a soap box or a confession booth. im just.. talking. so lets talk. im gonna be honest, i still havent done real research into the rising sun flag. im literally just now looking at the wikipedia page for imperial japan, which i just now opened, and i still feel just as overwhelmed. (does anyone have good material on learning about this? if i find any, ill post it in reblogs.)
but...yeah. this isnt an UwU!!! Dont Be Racist!!!! PSA. this is uhhhh...We're All A Little Racist, Lets Talk About It So We Wont Be. an open letter, i guess. cause we're doing and saying racist shit, intentionally or unintentionally, whether we realize it or admit it or not, and i think the majority of you who have read this far are, like me, mainly doing so through inaction. and i think the more we ignore that, the worse this feeling will get. so...lets stop ignoring it. i know we all just did exactly that, i saw it happen, i was part of it, i get the reasons why. but its delaying the inevitable, and more importantly, we're hurting other people because of it. so...lets just get it over with, it cant be any more embarassing than burying our heads in the sand.
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vesicapiscean · 6 months
long dream post
another really strange and way too lucid dream when I took a nap just now. EARLY in the dream, mom had used my yeast to make some bread but she did it soooo wrong but she was like made a million loaves of bread but with a lot of dough left over? and she was like dont touch anything in there!!! I was upset becasue I was planning on making a special loaf with it for the celebration this weekend. so i was like. then my sisters showed up and they were like “dude i’m pissed. its only 2 and all the adults are already drunk and i want to go home” so i was like talking to them and comforting them. One of them started popping a bottle of champagne and I was like are you crazy, thats what made you so upset the first time and no im not going to drink that. but then I felt bad for shooting her down so I had a glass.
Throughout the dream I had the feeling like I was in class and I had an assignment due (I fell asleep in the middle of doing homework). but I was in some highly collegiate professors house and I felt like i was being tested or a part of some sort of trial. the thing that made me think it was a test being put on by someone was because there was a guy who was older and i felt like he was one of my teachers, and he was asking me so many nonsensical and irrelevant questions it felt SO WEIRD like an interview for a job with some kind of strange backstory I didnt know about and he had this girl like a young sharp professional girl following him around and being one step ahead of him on everything. then something weird happened where he opened up this staircase that came down from the ceiling and was a lot like a climbing thing at a kids park like made of ropes. the girl followed him up there and then fell through it and landed on her face on the floor. so then i went to her and was like “are you okay? that was inappropriate and dangerous im sorry you had to go through that” and she left. then another girl came in with her family and they spoke another language or at least were from a foreign country and she seemed to replace the first girl and she was upset over something going on with her family so i was talking to her and comforting her.
then when she left a group of like 4 kids from a nonverbal tribal foreign place were there amongst a bunch of other kids. and they were confusing me and trying to ask me things and i was trying to be gentle with them but they were kinda crazy. and all the kids were fighting and blaming each other for stuff and i was trying to calm everyone down. while this was happening I got a text from a guy i used to know saying "hey when can we squeeze in a time to play one last game together" and before I got a chance to text back he was like "oh nevermind. I can see that youre going through something" or something along those lines.
back to the kids, I couldnt figure out how to comfort all of them at the same time, i ended up spraying everyone with a hose and being like OKAY. NOW EVERYONES WET. WHAT SHOULD WE DO. so i made sure that everyone had a towel and then i was like ok everyone. take your towel and dry up you face and hair really fast and crazy! and now stand up and dry off your body! great job!
this is the crazy part i just remembered. there were two adult disabled dudes living next door across a fence, cause all this was taking place in the professors back yard. and i was like do you guys know what's going on? and they were like yeah, hes always doing stuff like this. and i was like asking them more about it and one of them who had a really messed up face was like “do you want the embarrassing truth or what he usually tells people” AND THEN I WOKE UP
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fcknstar · 2 years
for the request.
My name is mia.
I want amazing spiderman 2 version of Harry.
Doesn’t have to go into much detail about appearance but if you do, I have brunette hair, with some blonde highlights, and I have green eyes.
I thought a nice cliche plot would be something like Harry meets my parents for the first time or something?
Thank you so much!
hi! i hope this its okay if i posted it like this! if youd like i can js reupload it as an annon request! this is shorter than intended so sorry, might do an extended ver. if able to.
,, the meeting "
harryosborn x fem!reader
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a.n : i love love this request. im vv sorry if i become less active. this year is a vv impt year for me, for those who live in sg, im currently taking my olvls this year. and its like a ntional exam and its like the start of my working journey technically. but i will post once in a while. im thinking abt making a taglist. anyone interested? and i will post updates on my igs cfl so if anyone would like, ycan go to my ig(same handle as this one) and probably can request for me to put you in my cfl. there will be polls and more interaction with me and my life.
warnings : none. js fluff.
** lowercase intended **
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when dating someone, you would think that the relationship would hardly last. how negatively vulnerable one can because of love. but with harry, you were sure that you didnt need to worry about that. youve often thought about letting your partner meet your parents and vice versa. so when your mother couldnt help but continuously pester you about meeting harry, you had to give in. youve been dating harry for at least a year and it about time to talk to him about it. when dinner time came, you internally itched, not knowing when the best time to start the said conversation. harry, on the other hand, sensed that something was wrong. 
“ you okay, mia? “ harry placed his used utensils down, looking at you. 
“ you dont look fine..something bothering you? “ harry continued when you didnt answer.
“ well, i uh..my parents wants to meet you..? “ it sounded more like a question to you. “ and im not sure whether you would want to agree to dinner with them..” you lifted your hed up to see harry smiling. sorry, not smiling but beaming with joy.
“ id like that. “ you nodded in response, letting his words sink in.
when the day came for you two to meet your parents, you saw how harry fidgeted. 
" you know we can arrange for another time? " you suggested. 
" no no, i want to meet them. im just excited.. and worried? i dont know how theyll react. " harry whispered. harry was always confident, he knew he was able to just impress everyone even if it was just him walking into the room. but with your parents, he felt worried. felt worried to mess up and make your parents disapprove you two together. because who knows how parents are like, especially yours. upon reaching the entrance door of your parents home, you rubbed harrys back comfortingly, receiving a kiss on the temple from him. 
knocking on the door, you were surprised to how quickly your parents answered the door with big smiles pasted on their faces.
" mia! oh my, ive missed you " your mother didnt wast anytime grabbing your face, planting kisses of affection. harry then stood behind you, bowing. 
" mrs and mr (last name). " acknowledging harry, your mother laughed. 
" just call us by our names, boy. " your father tapped harry on the shoulder. 
the dinner seemed to be going well. your parents interacting with your boyfriend relatively well. you would take notice to how harry would tense up when certain questions were asked, taking his hand and hold it under the table or rubbing his thigh comfortingly. 
after dinner, you four would sit in the living room, chatting more about work and life, having jokes passed around. it was surprising to see your father click so well with harry considering how cold your father can be. it was as if harry looked up to your father within hours of just meeting him. it warmed your heart seeing harry communicate with your father well, after seeing that harrys own biological father practically left him for some science fair experiment. 
" you guys should come again soon. we will miss you guys. " your father voiced out to you and harry. 
" drive safely! " you heard your mother from behind.
" we will, (m!name)! " harry replied for you, " its weird calling your parents by their first name.. " 
" youll get used to it, harry " you laughed. while walking back to the car. 
your parents watched you both drive away, smiling as if they won a trophy. 
" those kids were like us back in the day.. " your father laughed, side-hugging your mother while pressing a kiss onto her temple. 
" they are.. they are " your mother replied. she felt like she was whole again. she remembered those times where she would tell stories about her marrying your father and how magical it was, wishing itd happen to you. it was definitely hard to find the right one, when you know that love is not for everyone. 
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