#noah vents
kimbobbp · 2 years
fuck im losing focus
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lil-gae-disaster · 2 months
I hate cooking for people
I hate standing in the kitchen when other people could do that task equally well
Because it makes me feel not like me.
It makes me feel like I'm just used as the eldest daughter child. I don't even get acknowledged in the kitchen. It's just "oh yeah she's they're in the kitchen again"
It feels like I'm just the eldest daughter second parent. My father is away, so my mother took on the role of not doing anything. I have to stand in the kitchen. Where she should stand. At least on those days.
It feel like I'm just being reduced to that letter on my birth certificate.
I'm just the eldest daughter sister girl CHILD!
I'm not her.
I'm me.
I'm Noah.
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total-drama-brainrot · 6 months
Total Drama Psycho Noah AU, before Alejandro knew the truth, Noah would sometimes cuddle to the charmer while sleeping... Alejandro was amused and fond by this... But when Alejandro learns about Noah's true crazy colors and the sleeping Noah cuddles into Alejandro again, Alejandro is trying NOT to freak out! 😴
Wait no you're so right. Noah's sleep cuddling habit would've been seen as innocuous throughout the whole series, especially in World Tour when their sleeping arrangements were so cramped. Of course he'd always end up practically gluing himself to the nearest person in his sleep- who would usually ended up being Owen or sometimes Alejandro, as they were the two people Noah tolerated enough to spend most of his time with.
But as soon as everyone on the jet becomes aware that he's not nearly as harmless as he's portrayed himself to be? When he intentionally shows himself to be a threat to their safety/wellbeings?
Well, suddenly his "cute little quirk" has turned into a very volatile situation.
What is Alejandro supposed to do when he wakes up in the Economy cabin, not even twenty four hours after the London challenge, and finds everyone's fearful eyes trained on him. How is he supposed to react when he feels the familiar weight of the dangerous, downright vicious person they'd all watched snap someone's arms like uncooked spaghetti, draped over him like a blanket?
Especially when they all know that a Noah who's woken up before he's ready is cranky. And that was the Noah from before, who was apparently keeping a tight leash on his wilder instincts- now that he's given up on holding himself back, who knows how he'd respond to being woken up?
Oh wait. They all know how he'd respond- and it involves a lot of bloodshed.
He's trapped; waking up Noah is a guaranteed death sentence, and any movement could be enough to stir the other from his precarious slumber.
And the others know it too. Tyler and Duncan watch him like a hawk, their faces palid with pity and terror, though they thankfully remain just as muted as Alejandro himself. It's unnerving, being held under the terror-shrunk gazes of the two, but not nearly as unnerving as the soft steady breathing of the deranged bookworm sleeping on top of him.
For a moment, there's a tentative silence that hovers between the three of them like a sheet of ice over a frozen lake.
So of course, Owen's boisterous entrance to the cabin shatters it.
"Hey guys, Chef's serving breakfast in the-! Oh, did I interrupt something?"
Noah stirs from his sleep, and Alejandro's breath becomes an inmate in the prison of his lungs. He'd doomed.
"Wuzza'? Is it ch'llenge time?" The bookworm slurs, one hand wiping at his sleep-crusted eyes as the other finds purchase against Alejandro's shoulder. Noah pulls himself into a sitting position, his body subconsciously curling itself towards the nearest heat source- which just so happens to be Alejandro's terror stilled form- and the Spaniard in question internally prays to whatever God is listening that he'll somehow evade the psycho's inevitable ire when he realises that Alejandro is, in fact, not a pillow.
After a trepid second of inaction, Noah hums inquisitively against the warm mass beneath him, and blinks tired eyes up towards Alejandro's ashen face. A moment of incomprehension passes. Then another. And then realisation flickers over the bookworm's features like a dying ember.
Alejandro is so fucked.
Noah's face solidifies into something blank and unreadable- the complete lack of discernible emotion in is expression is almost eldritch in its uncanniness- and the latino doesn't know if its more or less unnerving than the unhinged, crooked smile he's graced the cast with yesterday. But then, unexpectedly, Noah wordlessly slides himself off of Alejandro's lap.
No broken arms. No stab wounds. Not even a threat against his person.
"Uh. Sorry for sleeping on you, I guess." The cynic says off-handedly, in his customary sardonic drawl, before he steps over to Owen and calmly asks what the blonde oaf was so excited about.
"It... is no problem, mi amigo." Alejandro chokes out, displacing the stationary air in his lungs.
Where is the vicious psychopath from last night? Why is Noah acting so... normal? Was his display of instability a fever dream or something?
No, both Tyler and Duncan shoot Alejandro matching looks of bewilderment from their seat on the adjacent bench. What happened last night was real, regardless of Noah's current docility.
Owen and Noah's conversation filters off into nothing, and the Archvillain spares a glance towards the pair. Only to find the both of them staring back at him, grinning; Owen's face scrunching up into his usual friendly smile, and Noah's smug smirk rapidly morphing into that same too-wide snarl he'd adorned on the bus- are those fucking fangs?!
"You make a pretty good pillow, Al."
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cannibal-nightmares · 7 months
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"It sounds like you have a lot of people in your life that mean a lot to you, maybe more than you ever really planned on, and it's hard to always hold space for everybody at the same time..."
"When the mouths of praise and blame start to sound the same And you've asked they please not come back around And yet they happen by, you can offer my reply: "There's tortoises all the way down." I'm not the only one who's got nowhere to run Cause everybody knows, son Everybody knows just what you've done While all hiding inside our painting-of-a-house-hung-up-inside-that Same-painted-house-which-ever-implies-another-painted-house-inside lives Serpent-in-the-sky-lives! Servants-of-the-least-high! Most-tortoiseless lives! Would you meet me sometime soon, son, down by the riverside? There's room enough in my paradise My empty little mind…"
[ x ]
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loadingbraincells · 2 months
yes, i am afab
yes, i identify as trans
no, i am not a trans man
yes, i am genderfluid
no, my pronouns do not regularly change
yes, i use he/they pronouns
yes, i dress in masc, femme and androgynous clothes
no, i do not want you to default to they/them for me all the time
yes, i use a typically masculine name
yes, i like girls
yes, i am sapphic
yes, i identify as a lesbian
yes, i am ace
yes, i am on the aromantic spectrum
no, i don't need to explain all of this as soon as i met someone
no, i am not trying to fit into a 'niche box'
yes, you don't need to have a large part of yourself and who you are connected to your gender and romantic attraction
but I do
but my gender is a big part of me, because people ininvertatly judge and make assumtions about me before they even know me
yes, it's okay if you don't understand
but please stop trying to make me fit your view of me
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I know that it ain't much, I know that it ain't cool Oh, you don't have to tell the other kids at school My dad will strike it rich, we'll be the big house on the block Someday I'm gonna be somebody people want
Come Over - Noah Kahan July 2023
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butchingdyke · 5 months
cant sleep having too many death related thoughts
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kassifieddocuments · 10 months
friendly reminder that you're allowed to enjoy a piece of media and hate the creators! :D
to me, an autistic person, it feels ableist as hell to say shit like "enjoying [media] = supporting [bad shit creators do/support]"
i cannot stop liking a piece of media that easily. i can stop doing things that could financially support those people. piracy exists. please shut the fuck up about "you like this therefore you like bad thing!!!"
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daffodilmornings · 11 months
If I showed you myself
If I bared my soul to you
Would you embrace it?
Would you nurture it and keep it warm?
Or would you shun it?
Leave me alone in the cold?
Can I trust you?
Should I trust you?
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hbosscreations · 2 months
I'm frustrated and the well for people willing to put up with me talking to them about comics in meatspace has run dry, so this feels like the perfect opportunity to shout to the void.
If you intend to write in an unfamiliar language and don't have a native speaker you can talk to, try googling the signs you're going to reference before you commit to anything. If Noah is using the signs 'going' and 'where' he needs both hands to make those signs using BSL.
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As a general rule, it seems strange to deliberately choose to have a character who speaks using SIGN LANGUAGE do things that PREVENT THEM FROM SIGNING. And it's deliberate, because just a few panels before, John is a dick to Noah about trying to speak.
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And if the creative team decides against letting the conversation happen where the signing character can use both hands and actually be a part of the conversation, maybe it's a stupid decision to position the character who is speaking with the signing character BEHIND HIM AND LOOKING AWAY FROM HIM where he PHYSICALLY CANNOT SEE THE SIGNS BEING MADE.
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I understand that comics are hard, I certainly can't do it, but I feel weird about these panels knowing that Noah NEEDS both hands to sign and that Noah needs the person he's speaking to, to be positioned at least partially in front of him to communicate.
You know what doesn't need either of those things?
While yes, texting and driving is bad, is it worse than looking behind yourself and taking both hands off the wheel of a double decker bus in the middle of the night?
And don't tell me John Constantine couldn't hypnotize someone to get some free phones, he hypnotized a whole ass bus away.
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the-total-drama-world · 3 months
okay so my dad is homophobic and my mother isn't but doesn't really support it, My brother (9) suspects me of being queer, he's also homophobic, Then there's my sister (11) she's a lesbian. Me (I'm not sharing my age but lets say I'm older than 12) I'm agender, panromantic, Asexual. the only person I'm out to at home is my sister. Anygays my brother made a queerphobic comment so i started to beat him up with insults and physical punches ( i am voilent when it comes to this...) and then he has the audacity to say "AT LEAST I'M NOT GAY" why, in front of my parents too. I'm litterly writing this inside a cupboard because I'm scared of what might happen next. I cant hide forever though- my school stereotype is "the gay kid"
Kill all queerphobics
drink water
dont die ( unless u are queerphobic)
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cuteanimalvidoe482 · 1 year
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cryptcunt · 8 months
save me depressed long haired man music save me
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helpimstuckinafandom · 9 months
Idk if I've posted about this in the past but I genuinely don't even like stranger things. I watched it because my friend said it was "so me" and it was a nightmare to get through. Too much and not enough at the same time. Changing characterization just to use them differently. I was here for select characters and was hating what they were doing with them. I am so amazed that it was/is the big pop culture moment like truly. Do i even post this or leave it in my drafts i'm just so fucking tired i hate it here
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me when there’s no light and all that is left is a dark room and a door and me
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