#non graphic death
polyhexianbirb · 4 months
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Tw: implied abuse, character death
Text inspired by Spamton from Deltarune. My special design of Vox, also my reaction for his death! Crushed by a big TV after being shoved by a work associate.
I don't think that Vox killed people, I think he was just a capitalist.
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stardust948 · 7 months
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Very rough sketch of Dragon AU angst because I'm still sad
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lol-draws · 2 years
Just a healthy amount of angst…
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snaill-dragon · 2 years
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Part 2 to my old fan clan warrior cat designs! Part 1 can be found here!
The two elders of the clan, a grumpy, strict old white and black Tom named Dappledfang. Along with the heavily scarred, polite, and wise Riverstem.
This ended up being a small scene, where Riverstem is offering to have lunch with her friend!
If anyone is wondering, Riverstem got her scars after badly losing a battle to a fox.
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salchica · 25 days
tender love is blind
In which Eddie dies, Steve lives, and the two of them finally get their happily ever after. -- For the Steddie ABO Valentine's Day Exchange!
Published: 02/08/2024 | Words: 5,462 | Rating: Mature | Link: x
Eddie doesn’t believe in the afterlife, not really. 
Years ago when the paramedics wheeled his mom’s body away, Eddie had sat at the window in their shitty little apartment building and stared up at the night sky. He didn’t even know what he was looking for-- a sign maybe, like a shooting star. Something to let him know that the heroin was worth it and Josie Munson was in a better place. 
There wasn’t anything, of course. Eddie’s Dad had stumbled into the apartment high off his ass, like the solution to his wife’s overdose was to follow in her footsteps. He shoved Eddie into a car and somehow got him to Hawkins in one piece. In hindsight maybe that was the sign, his mama’s way of doing him one last solid from the beyond. Wayne is the best thing that’s ever happened to Eddie, and if the grizzled Beta could be believed Eddie was the best thing to ever happen to him, too. He thanks a god he only sorta believes in that Wayne is safe in Normal Hawkins, that none of this shit will ever touch him. Eddie tries to smile, but then he remembers that he’s dying. 
“Please, Eddie--”  That’s Steve, fuck. He hadn’t wanted Stevie to see him like this. He tries to talk, but instead of ‘I love you’, iron and copper flood his throat. 
Eddie regrets a lot, but right now not mating Steve is the biggest one. Eddie had wanted to wait-- until he’d graduated, until he'd saved enough money, until until until. He regrets not taking his chance at happiness when he could. Steve had wanted Eddie’s bite, had made that abundantly clear every heat and rut they’d spent together over the last year. It had been Eddie that got hung up on wanting to give his Omega the best start at their life together… and now he’ll never get the chance. 
“He’s gone, Steve, we gotta go--” That’s Nancy, probably. She seems like the type to compartmentalize. 
“Eds, you can’t leave me, please baby get up. It’s your year, remember? You gotta just get up for me, just sit up--” Steve is spiraling. Normally Eddie would distract him, would have already pulled Steve into a hug and probably scented him a little. Make them both smell like clove-honey, cinnamon-vanilla. 
“Wakeupwakeupwakeup,” There’s pressure on his chest, but it keeps sliding off because from what Eddie remembers he doesn’t really have much of a chest anymore. He feels a mouth on his, realizes that Stevie is giving him CPR. “Nancy you gotta do something!” That’s Buckley. Killing Vecna must have gone well then, if all three of them are here and alive.  
“Shit,” Nancy says. And then she growls, “Steve, let’s go.”  All Alpha, a tone Eddie’s only used on Steve to snap him out of a panic attack. Usually Steve is thankful, but this time he makes a sound Eddie’s never heard before; a high, keening wail that breaks what’s left of Eddie’s heart. He hears a scuffle, like Steve is being dragged away. The wail doesn’t stop. 
Eddie really  hopes there’s an afterlife, if only so he can see Stevie again. He imagines them meeting in Heaven; Steve will be like 98 with crow’s feet and gray hair that’s full but maybe a little shorter and he’s been happy and they can dance and kiss, even though Eddie is frozen at 21. It’s a nice dream. Eddie really wishes he could smile. 
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Robin holds Steve, after everything. 
She’s the only thing keeping him together when his body threatens to shake apart, and now that Steve is almost officially out of secrets he feels numb. The entire Party witnessed him trying to claw his way back into the Upside Down, screaming for Eddie to come back. They’d known he was an Omega-- it was hard to hide, after Starcourt and the Russian drugs-- but they hadn’t know about SteveandEddie. 
Eddie had thought it was funny, to keep them a secret. Dustin kept pestering them about meeting each other, and the kid was insufferable on a good day.  They’d wanted a big reveal; something to give the kid a heart attack when they finally told everyone they’d been dating for a year. Besides Robin and Uncle Wayne, no one had known, and now everyone’s found out in the worst way possible. In hindsight, Max probably knew the whole time. She’s a smart kid, and if the whole Vecna thing is any proof, really good at keeping secrets. 
Over the next few days the Party curls up in the pack nest in the Harrington living room, everyone filtering in and out in shifts so Steve and Robin are  never alone. Robin only gets up to make food and use the restroom; she pumps out a constant stream of calm and steady pheromones even though Steve can tell that she’s grieving, too. Steve hasn’t taken off his scent patches since before Vecna. They make his neck and wrists itch, and he knows wearing them this long isn’t healthy but there’s so much he’s not ready to face. 
Everyone talks to him, even though he can’t bring himself to respond. Max has a broken leg, but she’s fine. Dustin has a sprained ankle, but he’s fine too, at least physically. Hopper was never dead, just held captive by Russians. Eleven has her powers back. Erica and Lucas are rattled, Mike and Will are being awkward, and Jonathan has a new friend named Argyle. Nancy is busy as always, running around helping with the town’s relief efforts. 
They all pepper Robin with questions whenever they think Steve is out of earshot. 
“He smells like my aunt after my uncle died,” Mike asks. “He smells like a widow. Were they--  I mean I don’t see a bite mark, but… were they mated?” 
“No,” Robin says. “Eddie wanted to wait until graduation.” 
“Oh. ‘86 was going to be his year.” Mike makes a punched out noise, like it just dawns on him. 
That night, Steve burrows into Robin’s side. Her scent is lavender and lemon, soothing yet sharp. Steve knows he’s not going to like what she has to say when she starts smelling nervous. “Babe, look at me for a second,” She says. She pats his hair until Steve looks up. “Dustin said he saw Wayne putting up posters at the school, looking for Eddie. Looking for the both of you, actually. Someone has to tell him.” 
Steve closes his eyes against a wave of despair. It threatens to crush him, to pull him under until he can’t tell up from down. “I can’t, Robbie,” Steve says. He’s never been more at war with himself; his Omega feels far away, only mildly distressed even though Steve has never felt further from peace. “I can’t stand there and tell him I couldn’t bring Eddie home.” 
“I know for a fact Uncle Wayne would never blame you,” Robin tries. Steve doesn't answer, just wraps an arm around his stomach. Robin sighs. 
“I’ll ask Joyce, or Nancy.” Robin says finally. 
He nods. He shuts his eyes. He quietly wishes to float away and never come back. 
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Steve has only been to two funerals in his life. One when he was eleven;  his Grandpa Otis passed away, and the Harringtons had thrown a memorial fit for a small-town king. The coffin was shiny, the food was catered, and the choir was hand-picked from among local unpresented pups. The ceremony was gorgeous, and at the end of it people came out of the woodwork to shake hands with Steve’s parents and tell them how much of a pillar of the community Grandpa Otis was. Little Steve had fixated on the flowers-- even though he was an alpha, Grandpa Otis always loved roses, and had had a huge plot for them in his backyard. He’d said they reminded him of Steve’s grandma, a society Omega that always smelled like roses and rainwater. Otis had taught Steve how to weed and pluck and prune his rose bushes, but at his funeral, there were only hydrangeas and gardenias.
“Where are the roses?” Steve’d asked his mom. 
Vivian Harrington rolled her eyes, “Roses are so… common.” She sniffs at the word, her perfect face wrinkling in disgust. “Don’t you want everyone to know how much we loved Grandpa Otis?” 
Even then, Little Steve had known to read between the lines, that what his mother was really saying was Don’t you want everyone to see how much money we have? He’d bitten his tongue, but later when his parents were away on another business trip Steve snuck into the cemetery with a handful of roses and spent the night curled up by Grandpa Otis’ headstone. 
The second funeral Steve had gone to was for Dustin’s cat, Mews. It was actually more like a candlelight vigil, and Mrs. Henderson had bawled, clutching at a guilty Dustin who’d  given a very heartfelt speech. It was all very moving if not a little uncomfortable, but Steve can’t imagine that Mews actually gave a fuck that in lieu of a body they’d buried a can of his favorite food. 
Both instances cemented one thing in Steve’s mind; funerals, they’re for the living. 
So when Wayne tracks Steve down two weeks after Vecna and asks if Steve will come with him down to the church to plan Eddie’s service, Steve can’t help but think of the way Wayne welcomed him into his home with open arms; the grizzled Beta rarely asked for anything, but gave Eddie and Steve everything in return. Of course Steve says yes. 
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Wayne’s truck squeals as they pull into the church parking lot. His fingers grip the steering wheel, the white of his knuckles the only thing giving away his nerves. Like Steve, Wayne is wearing a scent patch-- Steve can’t pick out any of Wayne’s emotions, only catching  hints of tobacco and orange. 
Hawkins only has one church still standing, and it’s unfortunately been run by the Carver family for the last 70 years. Pastor and Mrs. Carver had gone on the morning news and invited all of Hawkins to use their church to say goodbye to their loved ones that died in the “earthquakes”. They were the picture of the perfect alpha omega couple, eyes red-rimmed and mouths spouting bullshit like ‘it’s what Jason would have wanted’. As if their kid hadn't died during a manhunt for an innocent person. Steve knows this whole thing is useless, but he respects Wayne for trying anyway. 
He thinks that if Eddie were here he probably would have insisted on the church, actually,  if only to scandalize the ‘fine upstanding hypocrites of Hawkins, Indiana’. Steve lets himself imagine it-- instead of hymns, they’d shake the walls with Metallica. The Party would all wear their Hellfire shirts, and Steve would wear the cropped prototype Eddie had made for him, even though it was cut right under Steve’s nipples and entirely inappropriate. Eddie had always loved Steve in that shirt and would always cut it incrementally shorter, and Steve would pretend not to notice. Maybe his ghost would appreciate the show. 
Wayne doesn’t move to get out of the car. The silence weighs down on Steve, this heavy thing that isn’t even being offset by the mellow croon of Dolly Parton on the radio. Wayne turns towards Steve, his mustache twitching oddly above his lip. 
“Steve--” Wayne starts. 
“I’m sorry,” Steve blurts out. “If I hadn’t… after Starcourt, if Eddie hadn’t found me, and then with Vecna it was Eddie’s first time with the Upside Down and if I hadn’t left Eddie and Dustin alone--” Steve hasn’t been able to stop crying in two weeks, and this time isn’t any different. It’s like he gets three seconds of peace before the fact that Eddie is gone slams into his chest and sets him off again.
Steve fists his hands in his sweater, rubbing harshly at the fat tears rolling down his face. His stomach somersaults but he holds back the nausea, not looking Wayne in the eyes. 
“Harrington,” Wayne says again. He clears his throat when Steve flinches at the use of his last name-- “Steve, please, can you look at me, son?” 
“You don’t have to say anything, Wayne, I know it’s my fault--” 
“Steve, I don’t blame you,” Wayne says. 
“You should,” Steve scoffs. 
It’s true; he’d had a bad feeling about their plan but he’d let everyone go through with it anyway. A not-small part of Steve was convinced that if Eddie had never met him, the Upside Down would have never come into the Munson family's lives. It’s like the Upside Down was a disease; once you’re a part of it, anything and everyone you get close gets infected. 
“You should hate me,” Steve says. 
“I don’t,” Wayne says. “I can’t.” 
Even though Wayne isn’t a man of many words, the Beta has always been kind to Steve. He’s never given Steve  a shovel talk, not even when he caught Eddie  sneaking Steve out of the Munson trailer more than once in the early hours of the morning. And when they were officially introduced around a dinner of pizza and Coke,  he’d welcomed Steve into their family with open arms even though he’d had no reason to trust a Harrington. Even when he seemed confused that Steve seemed to be sticking around.
“You should hate me,” Steve says again. 
With a frustrated growl, Wayne lifts his scent patch. The truck is a three-seater, so it doesn’t take long for his scent to flood the carriage with the expected citrus-tobacco-grief.  But underneath that… love-protectiveness-affection. Steve’s nose twitches, heart stuttering. 
“You made my boy the happiest I’ve ever seen him. The way Dustin Henderson tells it, Eddie went out a hero. Protecting one of those pups you care about so much.”   
“Yeah, yes,” Steve is quick to agree. “He was a hero.” 
Wayne nods and takes a deep breath. 
“Eddie is… Eddie was  used to people leaving,” Wayne says. “His mama, his daddy-- that boy was accustomed to giving people his heart and then watching as they stomped all over it. I knew as soon as I saw you two together that you weren’t like that.” He sniffs and clears his throat. 
“I knew that boy like the back of my hand, and I don’t know if I would have been able to put him back together, if he had lost you. I know you weren’t mated, but you’re still family.” 
Steve realizes, then, that Wayne probably understood. Mike was right-- Steve, when he lets himself take off his scent patches, smells like he’s been widowed. Eddie wasn’t Wayne’s kid, and he wasn’t Steve’s mate, but he still held those places in both of their hearts. 
“Thank you,” Steve chokes out. 
Wayne gives Steve a pat on the shoulder, rubbing his wrist against Steve’s arms before sticking his scent patch back into place. “You might be family, but I’ll thump you if you ever make me talk that much again,” Wayne laughs wetly. “Now let’s go.” 
In the Upside Down, Eddie Munson  opens his eyes. 
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The line for the church moves agonizingly slowly because people keep jostling in front of them once they recognize Wayne. People shove past with barely concealed snarls, and Steve’s glad his scent patches are on; the scent of distress-anger-omega would have probably made the situation worse. 
As it was Steve already had to breathe through his mouth so he wouldn’t be able to smell the shock-disgust-confusion radiating off of the people of Hawkins as they wondered at Wayne’s audacity. Even though the government big-wigs had swooped in and cleared Eddie’s name, it wasn’t enough when people had already decided that Eddie had invited evil into Hawkins by simply existing. 
“Won’t be long now,” Wayne says.
Two hours pass. Wayne keeps his eyes forward, his scent never wavering beyond his stoic citrus. All the different scents layering over each other give Steve a headache. It bursts into existence from behind his eyes, and Steve isn’t sure if it’s a result of repeated head trauma or… well, something else.  
After that everything is blurry. 
Steve knows they get to the front of the line, remembers Pastor Carver baring his fangs and yanking the ‘Funeral Request Form’ out of Wayne’s hands. He remembers laughing, humorless; for all that Jason Carver Sr. preached about religion putting him ‘above his base instincts’, he was halfway feral at the very sight of Wayne Munson. 
Steve remembers Wayne tilting his head, submitting, and  snatches of a conversation-- 
 “I figured you know what it’s like, losing a son,” Wayne had said. “I’d like to bury mine, please. Near his mama, if that’s alright with you.” 
He remembers Carver Sr.’s fangs extending, eyes shifting into a bloody, Alpha red— 
“My son,” Pastor Carver spat, “was not a murderer.” 
“Neither was mine,” Wayne growls.
Steve remembers letting out a whine as a sharp pain shot through his stomach, accompanying the one in his head,  Wayne turning, looking at him with concern-- “Steve, are you okay?” 
And then, nothing. 
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Eddie can’t tell if he’s in Hell or the Upside Down. 
He also hasn’t decided if he’s dead or not, but that seems like a secondary concern, honestly. He kind of hopes he’s in Hell, because at least then there’s bound to be other Damned souls hanging around if he looks hard enough. But if it’s the Upside Down that means that his friends left him. And if they left him, that means they didn’t think he needed a way out in the first place. 
Of course, there’s the possibility Hell only looks like the Upside Down because that’s where Eddie beefed it… he doesn’t know. Everything’s all jumbled together, and to be fair maybe-dying hasn’t left him a lot of time to parse through the maybe-Afterlife logically. 
Fact: He’d woken up surrounded by dead demobats. Their bodies were all twisted and broken, like they’d fallen mid-flight instead of landing. Point for the Upside Down. 
Fact: Eddie’s room in Wayne’s trailer is still stuck in 1983. It’s almost hard to notice-- Eddie has always been in the habit of adding more things to his room, layering posters on top of each other. Stevie used to joke that if Eddie added any more layers, he’d be boxing himself in.  The biggest difference, though, is the absence of Steve’s nest. It makes his Alpha panic, actually;  his instincts are screaming for him to find his Omega and make sure Stevie’s safe. 
Fact: He’s hungry. He feels like Tantalus, hunger fogging his mind until he can’t even fucking think. His fangs are longer than they’ve ever been, even for an Alpha, and combined everything is pointing to something Eddie doesn’t even want to think about. 
So he’s decided that he’s probably haunting a parallel dimension. Maybe. It’s still unclear. 
He’s doomed to live out his afterlife in a parallel dimension because he saved a fucking freshman. Not that he regrets it-- Dustin was Eddie’s favorite, and Steve’s favorite even though Steve claimed not to have any-- but Eddie can’t help but relive the moment he died over and over again. He can’t help thinking that instead of cutting the rope and trapping Dustin in the Rightside Up, he could’ve jumped down with him. Instead of standing on top of his trailer and playing Master of Puppets, he could’ve hooked his radio up to his amp and fucking blasted it. 
Luckily he has time, an eternity even, to really think about all the ways he’s fucked up. 
At some point, Eddie adopts a demobat. It’s rare to find one that’s alive -- all the ones that used him as his last meal were 100% dead, thankfully -- but this one’s a baby. He’s calling it Dustin II, because it’s annoying in a cute way, using its feet to bop along and walk behind Eddie instead of flying.  As the only other thing Eddie’s seen alive, he’s kind of attached to the little guy. 
“Never let society tell you that drug dealing isn’t good,” Eddie says. Dustin II flaps his ears, and Eddie takes that as a nod. “Nothing can be that bad, especially not when it introduces you to the love of your life,” Eddie says. 
“Stevie called me one day, just like super out of it. He said he got roofied by Russians. I thought he was kidding, but now I know he was most definitely not--” 
Eddie’s in Melvad’s, trying to find food he won’t throw up. He’s gone through cans of beans, cans of vegetables, bags of chips… nothing sates his hunger, and even though Eddie thinks it might help, he avoids the meat section entirely. It’s probably all spoiled anyway. He ignores the fact that it still sounds delicious.  
“He calls me over to get some strong painkillers, and asks me to stay with him in case he freaks out. Of course I do it-- King Steve calling me? I’ve been half in love with the guy ever since he was a fucking freshman, of course went over immediately. I show up with drugs, he actually does freak out. I talk him down, and as the kids say, the rest is history.” 
Eddie picks up an apple. It’s more than rotted, it’s practically mummified. He considers it, weighing it in his hand. His stomach revolts-- this won’t do him any good. Eddie shakes his head and throws it away. 
Dustin II chitters. “I know, man,” Eddie nods. “Finding out King Steve was actually Stevie, that he’s a good guy who takes care of a gaggle of kids and likes fucking ABBA-- it rocked my fucking world. Falling in love with him probably goes against the natural order, but I dare you to find anyone that wouldn’t love that man.”  
Somewhere an aisle over, there’s a crash. Eddie flinches and ducks into a crouch. He was stupid to think that Dustin II was the only thing to survive in the Upside Down-- what if it’s a Demogorgon or a Demo-something else… Eddie’s too hungry, he’s too tired, he can’t do this… 
He creeps up the aisle, peeking around the corner. He jumps out with a yell, claws and fangs hyperextended-- 
--There, in front of Dustin II, is a thick, reddish membrane.  Dustin II chitters again. If Eddie didn’t know any better, the thing would look fucking smug. “Holy shit.” 
The first thing Steve sees when he wakes up is Robin’s worried face. It immediately shifts to relief, and she goes to punch his arm before she hesitates, her hand spasming before she rubs his shoulder instead. She holds a glass of water up to his lips and he sucks it down, greedily. “What happened?” Steve says. 
“You passed out at the church, dingus. Apparently Wayne had to actually catch you before you got another concussion.” 
“Steve… They called the ambulance. The EMTs took off your scent patches.” 
“Yeah,” Robin says. She brushes her wrists over Steve’s neck, his sides, filling his nose with lavender. “Everyone’s waiting downstairs.” 
Steve Harrington is officially out of secrets. 
The thing is, Steve never planned on saying anything. When the pregnancy test came back positive, Steve had immediately gotten into his car and driven out of Hawkins. Not even twenty minutes later he’d had to pull over and throw up his lunch. 
His Omega wasn’t happy-- he could feel his instincts rebelling against his very human, very urgent need to get the fuck out of Hawkins, Indiana. Steve had looked down the highway, eyes roving over the Welcome to Hawkins sign. It mocked him in happy yellow letters, like Hawkins wasn’t a hellmouth that’s already taken everything from him. He’d leaned back against the cool metal of his car, letting the soft rumble of the idling engine sooth his sour stomach. Eddie’s battle jacket was warm around his shoulders, and Steve had stuck his nose in it letting Eddie’s clove-honey scent soothe and calm him down the rest of the way. His hands had passed over his stomach as he got back into the front seat. 
He makes a U-Turn and drives back the way he came. 
Steve walks downstairs.
As one, all eyes turn to him. Everyone’s there-- all the kids, Hopper, Joyce, Murray. Even Wayne. Steve turns to him, first. He doesn’t care if everyone hears, he needs to make Wayne understand. 
“I’m sorry,” Steve says. “I wanted to tell you, but I figured you’d eventually want to leave Hawkins and I can’t be the reason you’re stuck here. This whole place, no matter how much they hated Eddie and the way Eddie hated them… He’s just, he’s all over Hawkins, and I can’t leave him when he’s here or in some version of here, and I know you don’t owe me anything because we weren’t bonded, not really, and we’d just talked about it--” 
“You’re carrying my grandpup,” Wane interrupts. His eyes are misty. 
“Yeah,” Steve says weakly. Wayne crosses the room and pulls Steve into a hug, passing his wrists all over Steve in a way more intimate scenting than they’d had in the parking lot of the church. This time it’s more than a light touch; it’s borderline parental, in a way Steve’s parents never were. 
He sees the happiness in Wayne’s eyes, his joy at having a piece of Eddie that isn’t locked behind the gate to a hell dimension. Wayne has said a million times over that he sees Steve as his own kid, but this is the first time Steve actively lets himself feel it. Wayne finally lets Steve go but hovers at his side as he turns and faces the rest of the kids. 
“So yeah,” Steve smiles sadly. “I’m having a baby.” The room erupts into cheers. 
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Eddie Munson laughs as he bursts into the Rightside Up, taking huge gulps of fresh air. “YES! ‘86, baby, what did I say! It’s my fucking year!!!” At his side, Dustin II screeches, feeding off Eddie’s energy. 
Fact: Eddie Munson is a vampire. 
It’s the only explanation, really-- he survived for weeks in the Upside Down without food, raw meat is the only thing that sounds even remotely edible, and his fangs are so long they probably belong in a record book somewhere. His first instinct is to find Steve, to claim him right then, to make up for all the time he wasted. He lets himself imagines it: 
It’s the afterglow of Steve’s heat and they’re sweaty and practically glued together-- 
Steve looks at him, his face breaking into a smile that makes Eddie’s favorite moles scrunch together, practically touching, and Eddie will lick his lips, he’d be nervous, probably-- 
It’d be evening, hopefully sunset, so the sun can outline Steve in a halo of yellow light. He’ll look angelic and fucked-out. His blush’ll spread down his chest and over the sharp planes of his stomach, and Eddie will take his hand in his jaw and he’ll nuzzle at Steve’s throat, popping out his fangs--  
Sticky blood runs down his fingers, and he’s trying to prop Steve up and Steve’s eyes go from trusting to horrified and it’s too late and he can’t move and nothing he’s pressing his fingers to Steve’s neck but the blood won’t stop but instead of being horrified… His knot expands, pushing at Steve’s belly from the inside and he’s killing him and he wants to stop and he can’t, and he wants to save Steve but he can’t, and then. And Steve is lifeless,  a broken, bloody thing, contorted and dead in their nest.
Eddie shakes himself out of it. That can’t happen, that won’t happen. His laughs peter off into sobs… 
He doesn’t think he  can ever see Steve again. 
Steve’s Omega wakes him up that night. 
He shimmies out of Robin’s hold, steps over the pups and out of the backdoor of his house before he’s even fully shaken off the haze of sleep. He walks into the first behind his house, following the scent of clove and honey. Steve thinks it’s his mind playing tricks on him. It’s Eddie’s scent but something more piggybacking on it, something that smells like blood, an undercurrent of iron.  
He feels stupid, but-- “Eddie?” The trees in front of him rustle. 
Steve whips around, tiny fangs bared and hand hovering protectively over his stomach.“Stop,” The shadow growls. Steve can feel a whine in the back of his throat. His Alpha is ordering him away, doesn’t Eddie want him anymore? Logic is gone, there’s just sadness. 
“Eddie, is that you?”  Steve’s shaking, he’s unraveling, he’s coming apart why can’t his Alpha see that. “Eds, talk to me please.”
“Don’t come any closer,” He says, but his voice cracks on the command. Steve has fallen asleep to that voice too many times to not recognize it.  For the first time since Vecna his Omega and his heart are on the same page. Steve feels despair, but more than that he’s angry.  
The shadow moves further into the forest. Historically it’s the Alpha that chases an Omega, but Steve’s nose isn’t lying to him, his heart isn’t lying to him. He holds his hand over his stomach, the barely-there swell comforting him. He’s about to do something so fucking stupid-- 
Steve runs. 
The shadow is impossibly fast, almost teleporting through the trees, but Steve is determined. He ignores that he’s barefoot, even though the ache in his feet is already catching up to him. Maybe-Eddie might be fast, but Steve grew up in these woods, mapping them every summer since he was old enough to walk. Steve sniffs-- smells iron and blood, clove and honey-- there. 
He launches himself at the shadow, and they tumble to the ground in a tangle of limbs. Steve’s legs wrap around Eddie’s waist, pinning him to the ground in between his knees. It’s Eddie, but… the first thing Steve notices is that Eddie’s fingers are different, long and skinny and pitch black at the tips. Steve thinks it’s a trick of the light until they move to cover Eddie’s face. 
“Alpha, how are you here?” Steve says. 
“Surprise,” Eddie says. He moves his hands, finally, and Steve tries to catalog every change in his face. He’s skinnier, gaunt almost, the circles under his eyes making them look impossibly wide and dark. Steve brings his hands up to Eddie’s face, cradling it. They’re both crying. Salty tears drip down Steve’s nose and onto Eddie. “Why did you run from me?” 
“Stevie, you saw me die,” Eddie says. “You saw me die, and then I came back wrong.” Eddie’s shaking. Steve holds him tighter. “Nothing about you could ever be wrong, Eds,” Steve says. 
“Yeah, well, I’m pretty sure I’m a vampire now.” 
That gives Steve’s pause. But… it’s Eddie, impossibly kind, impossibly wonderful Eddie. The guy who takes spiders out in his palms even when it would be easier to kill them. Again, Steve and his Omega are on the same page. 
“Okay, so you’re a vampire. There is a literal child with superpowers in my nest as we speak,” Steve says. “I know you, Eddie. You’d never hurt me, and you’d die before hurting our baby.” 
A beat. Steve is just so happy now, and it bubbles out of him as he laughs at Eddie’s dumbstruck expression. “Wait, huh,” Eddie says. “Come again?”  
“You, Eddie Munson, would never hurt me or our baby,” Steve giggles. “I was thinking Winnie, if it’s a girl, and maybe Otis for a boy. What do you think?” 
“We’re having a baby?” Steve is right; even through all the changes, Eddie is Eddie. His hands flutter over Steve’s stomach, eyes searching Steve’s in the dim moonlight. Steve nods, grabbing Eddie’s hands and placing them over his belly. There’s nothing to feel, not yet, but  Eddie’s eyes are wide with wonder anyway. 
“You’re gonna be a daddy,” Steve says. Between one blink and the next, Eddie growls and pulls Steve down on top of him. They come together in a crash of teeth and tongues. Steve whines, a small thing in his chest that gets louder as Eddie’s attention shifts to Steve’s neck and chest, sucking and biting everywhere but where Steve wants him. 
Later, Eleven will go through Eddie’s mind and confirm what Steve already knew, that Eddie is still himself even if he needs a little blood once and a while. 
Later, they’ll welcome their baby girl, a sweet little thing with Eddie’s curls and Steve’s moles. They’ll give Wayne his ‘worlds best grandpa’ mug and he’ll get tears all over all of them. 
But right now, under the moonlight, they have all the time in the world. 
Notes: Dividers by @strangergraphics
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yearningaces · 8 months
Hear me out: What if. Nyx being hunted is how him and his partner met. Eh? Ehhhhh???
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You. I like you
Labored breaths, racing hearts, adrenaline pushing both creatures on as they raced through the dense forest.
Nyx was certain this was the fastest he'd ever run before, and with his life on the line he wasn't thinking about much else.
The fox hybrid lunged and snapped at the air where Nyx's brown and white furred ears had only just been.
The bunny boy could feel his heart lurching out of his chest as he leaped over a fallen tree, hoping to take a higher ground to deter the fox from following.
But with a harsh sound of the tree being jumped on, and then the cracking of something lunging forward off of the tree, Nyx was running out of ideas.
His ears briefly perked, hearing the sound of wind from how fast he was running, but in the distance, a voice. One that sent a chill through him
Whatever was making noise was a human, and humans are the riskiest predators to tamper with. Some are kind and might take a picture, some try and offer food, some have small contraptions that explode in fire and metal, a quick death but a death none the less.
With the fox gaining on Nyx, he could either be worn down and face an early death, or take that risk and hope whatever human he was running straight towards would be merciful in any capacity.
Nyx sprang towards the treeline- mentally cheering when he caught wind of the foxes sudden hesitation.
Any victory was stalled as the bunny boy landed in the clearing, feeling the sun on his skin as he landed on the ground, hunched slightly for his body to absorb the shock of the landing and he simply froze
Because you were now staring directly at him, tall and proud and human. Looking tense as if preparing for anything.
You stare at each other for a few moments, analyzing.
If Nyx wasn't overwhelmed with seeing a human for the first time and being chased to become a fox hybrids supper, he might notice just how handsome you appear. How strong and capable you are, and how unnervingly focused your gaze is directly on him.
But with a snap of a branch behind the bunny boy, the moment is over and his small form darts towards you- off all things! He easily drifts through the dirt and grass to position himself hunkered low to the ground and directly behind your legs. His ears perked and staring towards the treeline. Tensed like a coiled spring ready to bolt in an instant but taking a breath while it's granted to him.
"What-" Your voice starts to ring out- to question this rabbit hybrid that's just jumped out of nowhere and is hiding behind you, but you don't get a chance. Another hybrid arrives, this one slightly larger and far more noticable than the last.
A fox.
Springing into the open field and skidding to a stop, staring up at you with a haunted expression. But he must be desperate or dumb enough to attempt to get closer with a smooth and charming tone. "Excuse me, traveler. I believe you have something that belongs to me?" The fox points to the bunny boy hiding behind you, brown and white fur, matching hair, and absolutely frozen in place.
You glance down slightly, catching sight of the bunny boy once more. After a moment your gaze rises to the fox. "Doesn't look like he's yours. Matter of fact, it looks like he's mine."
Nyx feels his heart racing as he's hunkered low in the far too open field for his comfort. His ears perk and he feels a shiver creeping up his spine at just how easily you've denied a predator anything. As casually as if you were saying the sky is blue, or the grass is green, the rabbit is yours.
The fox however, hesitates, his charming grin fading slightly.
Nyx can feel the tension from your form, the foxes own muscles tightening as if he's prepared to lunge. Two predators ready to fight for the sake of one rabbit. One wants to eat him, and Nyx isn't quite sure what you're wanting- but he's certainly willing to take the chances.
When the fox lunges, it's too quick for Nyx to think to spring away- and all he can do is watch the moment pass by like a speeding bullet.
The fox lunges, you cross an arm over your chest, something in hand, and when the fox is just close enough your hand swiped towards its head, the motion sending the fox flying sideways into a far too silent and still heep of red fur and skin and bones.
Nyx is frozen, wide eyed as he catches the scent of blood, and peers up to spot what was in your hand. A jagged stone, flecks of blood on it and your fingertips.
The bunny boy tenses even further- wondering if now is the best time to spring away if you were fast enough to strike down such a tricky fox.
He decides against everything when you turn to peer down at him. Nyx can feel a chill seeping into his very bones at how calm you appeared.
Your entire demeanor seemed to drop once the stone dropped from your hand, and you're crouching down in front of him, intentionally lowering yourself to be closer to his height. "Hey, hey, it's over now. Are you alright? He didn't get a hold of you did he?"
Nyx spies your extended hand, palm open to him. His eyes never leave yours as he places his hand in your blood stained one. And his mind is reeling, because you're a human. And you went from the epitomy of an apex predator who'd just killed another predator, to an almost harmless, gentle, and softened demeanor. "He didn't get me. We were just talking, and I thought he was nice, and then he tried to bite me." Poor Nyx can't keep the temple out of his tone.
The predator he thought was safe wanted nothing more than to eat him, and this one that appeared terrifying and sent chills up his spine was choosing to be gentle, choosing to be kind. "I... I thought he was gonna eat me-" it's a pitiful sob the bunny boy lets out and the next thing he knows, this predator kneeling with him has him wrapped up and held close.
Your voice is soft and quiet, trying to ease his nerves as best you can. "Shh, it's all over now. You're safe. I've got you, bunny." Your hand smoothes down the unkempt fur of his floppy ears, and his wild hair. And all Nyx can do is nuzzle his face into your chest, clinging to this unexpected comfort.
Humans are predators. Horrifying, powerful, dangerous predators.
But some humans are also kind and gentle, you are.
And that's everything Nyx could have hoped for, and more.
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web-novel-polls · 2 months
(These are just the characters I've seen called homophobic the most. Don’t take this too seriously. Or do - Just don't be a dick)
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mifflebat · 1 month
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“ knell “
guess who’s back (and with some detailed line time???)
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nectardaddy · 3 months
Pushing Daisies - Kamo Choso
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content warning: mdni, death, blood, graphic details/imagery, dark humor (about death and dying), dark comedy, language [check each chapter for tags/warnings , these are just the overall ones]
pairing: kamo choso x reader, gender neutral, non curse au
series synopsis: over and over, again and again you'll kill each other until the end of your days. was there a way to end to end this cycle, or would you be perpetually locked in a state of déjà vu?
notes: soulmates destined to kill each other, request by @hideandgopeep og ask here, I changed up the scenario just a smidge but the idea is still the same, this was too good not to make it into a series
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melloneah · 6 months
chapter 2 of SMOKESCREEN is out!!! so here, have sum smokescreen matt:***
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for the high quality graphic -> click here
to read chap 2 -> click here
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willedeservesbetter · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Young Royals (TV 2021) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Simon Eriksson/Wilhelm Additional Tags: Inspired by Interview With the Vampire, but it does not take place in the world of IWTV, please read the archive warnings, they all apply, Vampires, Dark fic, i am repeating myself: this is a dark fic, Major character death - Freeform, but not really, this is the beginning of a twisted love story Series: Part 1 of They Own the Night (The Young Royals Vampire Chronicles ) Summary:
The boy before him is close to death, Wilhelm begrudgingly notices. The pulse slowed down quite a while ago, the heart is beating weakly, and the skin is white despite the usually darker complexion.
Well, being drained of your blood for hours and hours and hours certainly leaves a mark, Wilhelm thinks smugly, and it is all because of him. What a shame it is the boy must die soon and cannot be kept around like a picnic basket, always ready and full and promising the best flavors of his blood.
This will be a night he will remember for a long time.
- or -
Wilhelm is a very powerful and old vampire who is having a great night with his newest victim. Simon disagrees. Kind of.
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clockworkcheetah · 10 months
Yashita - 1.7k - rated M
hello 5 other people in the death mark fandom have some yashita
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samanddean76 · 7 days
Be Good (HozierNatural 2024)
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Hozier Song: It Will Come Back
Author: SamandDean76
Beta: jdl71
Artist: i-already-know-im-going-2-hell
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 12,210
Pairing/s: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Sam Winchester/Rory Gilmore
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Dean Forester, Rory Gilmore, Bobby Singer, John Winchester, Barbara Forester, Lorelai Gilmore, Original Characters
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Additional Tags: Pre-Series Sam Winchester, Pre-Series Dean Winchester, Emotionally Hurt Sam Winchester, Protective Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester Is Not Okay, Minor Character Death, First Time
Summary: John leaves Sam and Dean at a motel to go on a hunt. After spending a week alone, the owner calls CPS and the boys are taken into custody. The last thing Dean tells 8-year-old Sam is to ‘be good’, and once separated Sam does his best to do just that. But once Sam realizes that he won’t be going back to either John or Dean ever again, his stubborn streak kicks in and he will only answer to the name Dean. Sam gets adopted by the Foresters, who move to Chicago and then Stars Hollow. Where he meets Rory Gilmore.
Dean is left to rot in the system, after being deemed too violent, and eventually ages out. He tries to find Sam but fails as Sam Winchester no longer exists. Dean seeks out Bobby, and ends up moving in with the hunter, working as a mechanic in between searching for Sam.
A lucky break results in Dean finding a small-town newspaper that features the MVP of the Stars Hollow High School hockey team, who bears a striking resemblance to Sam. Dean heads out to Connecticut and finds Sam, safe and sound, but thoroughly humiliated by his crush. Before they leave, they seek the revenge that soothes Sam’s soul. And leaves Dean wondering what the hell happened to the innocent little boy he used to know.
Link to Fic | Link to Art
I would like to give a great big thank you to @i-already-know-im-going-2-hell for creating such amazing art for the story! It was a real treat to be able to work with them! And thanks to jdl71 for being an awesome beta! I also want to thank the mods who ran the @hoziernaturalevents bang this year! They kept everything in order and made a warm and welcoming atmosphere for everyone to enjoy!
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captainhysunstuff · 2 months
The Chain - Consummation Transcript
The Chain - Consummation comic (Tumblr-safe mature)
The Chain - Consummation comic (super abridged)
Light and L are in a hotel room stripping each other and leering into each others' faces.
Light: *grinning and taking off L's jacket* I'm burning this jacket. It's hideous.
L: *pulling at Light's coat* Then I'll burn your coat. Too many buttons.
Light: Don't you dare. (There're only three!)
L: A zipper, too? You must get cold easily~. *grins* Kira's such a delicate flower, isn't he? Must I treat him as such--
Light: *grasps L's chin* I'll show you "delicate."
They start making out more. Continuing on the bed, Light ends up shirtless and L naked.
Light: I wanna go down on you. That okay?
L: Y-yeah.
Light starts performing oral on L. He's doing well at first, but then...
L: *has a startled expression* NGH!! *sits up and puts his hand on Light's shoulder*
Light: Wha--
L: *shaken* Your teeth.
Light: *mortified* Oh, shit! Sorry! *apologetically kisses L's inner thigh* I'm kind of new at this. I'll be more careful.
He continues more carefully.
They resume smooching. Light then performs a maneuver so that L is straddling him.
L: Wha--?
Light: I want you to fuck me first. Show me what you planned to do with Kira once you found him~.
They smooch again. While L's kissing Light's neck...
Light: Ah, right. I should probably mention...
L: Hm?
Light: I've... never actually done this before.
L: ...
Light: I mean, not with a guy. I've fooled around with some girls, sure, but not... y'know. All the way.
L: *sits up looking down at him* So, you've never...?
Light: *shakes head and looks demure* Never. You'll be the first, so... Y'know. Don't be too rough with me~. ♥
L rushes off.
Light: *a little startled* I know I talked a big game before, but-- huh?
L has retrieved his phone and is rapidly tapping something on it. Light crawls over.
Light: *looks over L's shoulder* What are you...?
Light sees L texting a message to Aiber.
Aiber Chat:
L: *message cut off by the the phone's screen* all of their $.
Aiber: Have fun ;^) 🍆💦🍑
L: Shut up.
L: *message L is currently typing* ANSWER ASAP How do I have homosexua
Light: EHHH?!! *snatches the phone away from L* WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!
L: But I'm a virgin, and you've never had sex with men--
L: Why not? We're inexperienced, and I know that he's had homosexual relations. I trust his judgement.
Light: *shrugs and tries to grin nonchalantly* We don't need him. I'm sure we can figure it out--
L: *puts hands on Light's shoulders* Light. You don't understand.
Light: ?
L: My knowledge on sexual matters may be lacking, but even I know that you could be seriously injured if this isn't performed correctly. I refuse to hurt you in such a way.
Light: *blushes and looks away, touched* ...Whatever. Just don't ask your conman.
L: *looks away sheepishly* I guess it would be a little awkward. I just...
Light: *holds phone up* Look. Let's just look it up on the Internet. Okay?
L: *nods* Hm.
After some much-needed research, they figure it out and get to it~. Immodest noises come from behind a closed door.
L: *panting* Fuck... Kira~.... Nng~
Light: *moaning* Ahn~! L... Mmm~. Right there~!! *laughs*
Housekeeping lady: *walking by with an exasperated look, thinking* Damned role players.
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yearningaces · 11 months
I bet you thought this blog was gonna be about asexuality only... Heh
But the only barriers are the ones I've placed for myself and thematic gore falls into the category of 'allowed' and I've been thinking about Eldritch monsters falling in love with a fragile little human and expressing it in a very different way also this is unedited and I haven't read through it so have fun
Do you know how twisted the concept of love is per species? For humans it can be soft and warm and comforting, like a hearth in the home, warming your bones.
For a creature like Acherus, it's different.
Because Acherus doesn't even have a name produced by the human tongue. The creature simply heard themselves referred to as such one day and decided it was good enough.
But when they saw you creeping through their domain? They watched you from every shadow of every tree. Every animals eyes followed you with a glossy haze in their eye as if something was wrong. And it was one of the first signs of many that went unnoticed.
You fascinated the creature, now you must deal with the consequences.
For starters you were allowed to traverse their domain safely. Predators would either never reach you or drop dead the moment you were at risk. Trees and bushes would move out of your way as you went deeper into the heart of this domain. But they would try to block your way on the way out, as if not wanting you to leave.
When you would leave and return home, you brought with you famine. Wherever you went the entire area would die but only what was around you would prosper. The life draining from the land only to regrow wherever you were and only there as if to ensure only you had a steady supply of food.
The food from these events tasted like nothing. You'd take a bite and there wasn't even a texture, it would simply dissolve away in moments and leave you feeling full.
Animals began to avoid you. As if sensing something just a breath behind you at all times, they'd run. Even the trickiest fox and the smartest raven knew it was safer this way.
Deer adored you, they would flock to you as if called for. When they followed you, they could be killed for a meal but the others would continue to stand there, walk past their deceased herd member, and follow you like happy children. Whitetail, fallow, originally just deer. But then you noticed a pattern. If you traveled to where the deer cannot go, or if they perished on the way, a group of elk would arrive when the weather was frozen. Otherwise moose, otherwise caribou. Then deer once more. They followed you without care of what would happen to them as if drawn in by some power and lure.
It only progressed. You could be in the middle of a harsh storm that should sweep you and your endless herd away. But the rain and the wind always avoided you, as if there was a shield that couldn't be seen or felt always right there around you. Not even a stray drop landed on your skin.
You could go to the water, dive into it and you could feel your very body morphing to accommodate. The feeling of your neck being split open multiple times and connecting those slots to your lungs where salt water could pour in was horrific. But you could breathe underwater with a new pair of gills.
The moment you were dry they were gone.
You could go to the coldest mountaintop, watch your fingers and toes rot off one by one in the freezing temperatures, feel the flesh decay and fall off of your bones, and it would simply regrow.
You could throw yourself into fire and feel the flames eating you alive but as quickly as you burned away your parts grew back as if replaced and the continuous cycle of flesh and viscera turning to ash and new growth taking its place endlessly would continue.
By this point the worst began to occur. The fact that sealed the fates of all. Your own kind began to reject you. After seeing these horrifying feats one village after another would cast you out, some trying to kill you in the process but every time their own weapons would horrifically turn against them. The hunter who's arrow was hit by a burst of wind and was turned around to land through his soft eye and into his brain. The group of soldiers moments away from striking you dead who went mad, screaming in fear and tearing each other apart. It never ended well.
And one day, you sat down in an empty field. Sitting with your herd of listless deer and one elk from the last group, and you cried.
It was a justifiable response, of course. You had been through so much unexplained heartache that even if it aided you, horrified your fellow man and led to you being shunned.
But you should have paid attention to what happened as you cried. The deer grew anxious. Pacing back and fourth in a way they've never reacted before.
There is a low hum in the air and mother nature holds her breath as you cry softly and quietly. Quiet enough you can hear a voice call out and look up.
One of the Deer is staring at you. It steps closer. It's mouth moving in an unnatural way, leaving the creatures jaw trembling. "Why do you cry?" It ask in a voice that sounds like what falling mountains sounds like. The deers eyes are milky white.
You stare at the deer for a good time before realizing it's unblinking stare remains and you have to respond. "I feel alone and abandoned by my own kind. I am afraid of these things that have been happening around me, I don't know what to do."
The deer stagnates. Its heart races faster and faster as if taking a great strain and effort while the voice returns from the deers trembling mouth. "You are unhappy with your gifts? You are alone?" The deer stops talking, its head dropping lower as if exhausted but it's eyes remain lifeless and you wonder if it was ever alive at all. It speaks again. "Your kind slander you. They hurt you. I will ensure they never do so again." *With that final word the deer drops to the ground, cold and stiff. You look to the rest of the listless herd wondering if they're the same way. Moments from death if not living corpses at this point.
You try to ignore the horrific sight and find camp for the night. Sleep is fitful and difficult but it does find you eventually.
And your dreams are the dreams of a madman. Trees of pulsating flesh surround you in a forest as the ground beneath you beats like a heart, featherless birds fly with listless and lifeless eyes, humans that pass by pass by on all fours and just look... Exaggerated in limbs. Then the scene speeds up. The creatures around you run away quicker and quicker darkness has arrived it fills your vision as a wall of shadow taller than mountains approaches you should run you should run before it's too late-
But it's been too late for a long time now.
The darkness consumes you and it is silent.
And you wake.
And the sky is red. You look to where the sun is to see it flickering like a candle flame about to be blown out.
You see something next to it in the sky, reveal itself. It looks like the moon. Then it moves. It looks down at you. And blinks.
And the sun goes out.
Darkness consumes everything instantly. Your world is doomed but you can see distant lights of villages making fires to panic and try to do something.
You approach wondering why they're so scared of the dark when we must all grow accustomed to it now. But then you see it.
One person's torch extinguished and they didn't have time to let out a cry for help before the darkness enveloped them, consuming them and leaving nothing but a burnt torch behind.
But then why could you traverse the dark?
You didn't think it safe to try again and you remained with the light of the villages.
This only made things escalate. For your sake, it was every other village first, consumed by madness and darkness until it was your small group left. And someone slipped up. They dropped their lantern onto a dried pile of hay, the fire caught quickly and spread, forcing everyone from the barn into the dark of the outside again. Your deer nowhere to be found but you still felt watched the moment you were outside.
And a bright red like appeared in the sky.
And an impossible amount of hands reached through it to force it open. What came out would be remembered as the devourer of worlds. It's eye the size of the moon, it's taloned hands the size of countries. But it still saw you.
It moved closer, the fang filled muzzle lowering through the clouds of the dark endless night sky and directly over you. It's maw was large enough to bite your entire village as if it were a crumb. But it found you still.
One by one those around you began screaming, foaming at the mouth, running in circles until their hearts gave out, bashing their heads against the ground until their brains splattered against the dirt.
But you were safe?
The bodies absorbed into the ground as if water. And a massive paw reached out, grasping the earth you were standing on. Lifting the entire forest in it's hand with you in the center of a ruined village but it had you now.
You couldn't take in this beings appearance entirely but the antlers were definitive. Everything else seemed to morph endlessly. The being lifted you up through your planets atmosphere and you felt like your lungs were shriveling. The being let out a low sound that made your head hurt but it seemed saddened. You gripped your throat, watching it raise it's other hand and dig it's claws into its form without blinking. You watched the blood of this creature spill as it tore open it's chest, flinging viscera out of the way before gingerly lifting you from its palm and placing you inside. As soon as you were in the creatures form you didn't need to breathe and as such relief was palpable. You could only watch as the creatures body sewed itself back together... Much like how your body did recently.
For now exaustion gripped you and dragged you to lay in the soft sinewy flesh of the creature and to rest. It was warm, it was as safe as you could be as your planet was now dead and you had no where to go.
One of these days you'd find your words and scold this being for all it's worth. But until then you listen to a strange thumping rhythm deciding it must be the beings heart and unwillingly you fall asleep.
For who knows how long.
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rainbowcarousels · 1 year
Armand/Daniel: "Daniel tugged at the strands of his hair, threatening to tear them from his scalp and said, 'That's not how it works.'"
I know it's several days late, but hopefully you will enjoy it nonetheless!
Daniel tugged at the strands of his hair, threatening to tear them from his scalp and said, "That's not how it works."
One of these days, Daniel was going to learn not to leave Armand in front of the television for too long.
The enormous box had been dumped into their living space with no regard for the fact it was too big to go in there and now Daniel had to climb over the contraption within any time he wanted to go to his little galley kitchen or to bed. Armand's solution to pick him up and place him on the other side wasn't sustainable, even if it kept Armand's hands on him and thus, Daniel only complained the minimum amount about having a treadmill thrust on him.
You'd think someone with vampiric strength would have just considered moving it somewhere more convenient, but Daniel wasn't about to point it out.
What he had brought up was that Armand was a vampire, his body would never age nor change, what need did he have of a treadmill? It turned out that he just stood on it till he was pushed off the end of the platform. Daniel had watched him do it ten times before wondering what sort of advertisement he'd seen if this is how he thought it was to be used. Either that or it was bait.
"I'm not getting on that," Daniel grumbled. Too little sleep and the stale taste of cigarette ends left him feeling unwilling to engage this particular farce. "You know how it works, I know you do."
Armand just contined on. "They were used as torturous implements in prisons," he said suddenly. "The mortal ability to turn something once used to inflict an undesirable punishment into some sort of fashionable statement of wealth and health remains a mystery."
Daniel hadn't had nearly enough coffee for this. There wasn't enough coffee in the world for when Armand started placing the neighbourhood rats on nor the bloody aftermath ir produced when they couldn't run fast enough. "You know that's a sign of a serial killer, don't you?"
Armand looked at him, cocking his head ever so slightly before he answered. "I am a serial killer, Daniel."
"The way you kill my patience, I can tell."
It was strange to think about it, but it's true - vampires were the longest running serial killers in history. Maybe the ones who were never caught were secretly vampires. Jack the Ripper. The Zodiac Killer. There'd even been one not far from where he used to live, even though he'd been running around the world at that point.
Armand would know, wouldn't he? Maybe if he could get Armand in a good enough mood, he could ask.
"If you try out the machine, I'll be in an excellent mood."
Right. Of course. No thought remained private around Armand, but curiousity was stoked now and once Daniel got an idea in his head, he couldn't let it go.
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