#tw: graphic depictions of violence
gallifreyanhotfive · 6 months
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whatlovelybones-if · 1 year
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⚠️ CONTENT WARNINGS: insinuation of child abuse ⚠️
create your friendly neighbourhood killer surgeon.
meet a characters that plays a huge role in the MCs life.
live through a childhood filled with sinister figure(s).
meet a new friend and lose them.
get a glimpse of what has shaped the surgeon’s past.
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⚠️ CONTENT WARNINGS: murder, violence, gore & body horror ⚠️
a missing report. a murder. a youngblood cop. surely nothing can go wrong, right?
settle into your quite extraordinary life in helmsford.
deal with a pesky voice in your head.
meet vivienne, the kind psychiatrist, who wants nothing but to help you. it’s for you to decide how you feel about that.
what are you hiding, doctor?
what will you do when someone stumbles on the skeletons you hide in your closet, or should i say, basement.
A/N: a reminder that i have quite a lot of issues to fix in this update so i appreciate all the feedback i’ll get. they will all get fixed and major changes will be implemented with the update of chapter 2, including adding trans options, tattoo options and the touch-averse option.
fair warning that the graphic contents of this story will get worse, the prologue and chapter one were just the tip of the iceberg. if you get easily disturbed by these scenes, i’ll start implementing the auto-skip option from the next update to avoid the gruesome scenes.
acknowledgements: special thanks to fish (any pronouns) for helping me immensely with the coding aspect and @nikkefort (they/them) for providing a great design to all my imaginations. i have huge respect for coders cause i can’t do it properly even if my life depended on it. without these two superstars, this game would take years to complete so a huge shoutout to them!
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fantasyinallforms · 14 days
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New Scars, Old Wounds
Summary: {M, 10.7K)
The company is chased from the goblin tunnels and into trees, where they are forced to make their last stand against Azog. Thorin charges his old foe, and Bilbo comes to his aid. Only this time, when the eagles come to save them, they are unable to reach the king and burglar who are left to Azog's mercy.
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zach-m-kelvin · 9 months
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Some more yanclock related stuff
Icecube has blood because I said so
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allykatsart · 2 months
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I wish I could add just one more image for a trigger warning, but I hit 10 images and that's the max. So a community warning/tags will have to do! This comic wraps up this arc and bridges to the next! I hope it makes sense why I put Peccantum's deal after this lmao.
There will be consequences for this, don't worry, Peccantum doesn't get off scott free. And Vox isn't bad at what he does, Peccantum just caught him a little off guard!
Who is Peccantum?
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iamnotthere-idonotdie · 7 months
dream of me
part four
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synopsis: reader and bruce have moved in together and their relationship is going well. but a new gotham criminal kidnaps reader and they face sudden death, as well as a secret bruce has been keeping.
content: batman/bruce wayne x reader, cursing, no smut, violence, torture, death, blood, breaking/broken bones, kidnapping, brutality, guns, knives, vomit, graphic descriptions of violence and injuries
a/n: okay so this one took a dark turn, and i’m very surprised i was able to finish it so fast. i knew how i wanted this to play out but i wasn’t expecting it to get as graphic as it did so i do apologize for that honestly. i think what im learning is that as i write, i sort of envision it as a movie playing out in my head so sometimes it can feel more like a script than a story. also sorry if there are some wrong medical terminology and stuff in here, and sorry for any typos as well!
edit: also— i think i was kind of envisioning the joker here as seen in something like the killing joke (movie). honestly i just kind of read this joker with mark hamill’s voice altogether.
“good morning, sleep well, i hope?”
“good morning, alfred. yes i did, thank you.”
you pour yourself a cup of coffee in the kitchen as alfred makes breakfast. you grab a mug for bruce and pour his as well.
“bruce still out?”
“yes, he called and informed me that he’ll be back soon from his workout.” alfred says as he flips the omelette in the pan.
“these workouts have been getting longer and longer.”
“he does like to keep active.”
“right, he just seems to get up so early for them. the other day i woke up in the middle of the night and he was gone, it wasn’t even 4am yet.”
“he finds the 24-hour gym is less crowded in the early hours.”
alfred slides the omelette onto a plate and sets it on the small table for you.
“thank you alfred. i just worry he’s not getting enough sleep.”
“oh, i’ve been worrying about his sleep for years.”
“i sleep plenty.” bruce enters the kitchen. “morning alfred.”
“good morning, sir.”
bruce walks over to the table and kisses you.
“good morning.” you say as you hand him his coffee.
bruce sits and alfred sets a plate of breakfast in front of him too.
“thanks alfred.”
“i just hope you’re sleeping enough is all. it seems like lately it’s been less and less.” you take a sip of your coffee and look at bruce. you don’t want to be a nag, but you do worry.
he takes a sip too and looks back at you.
“i’m fine, really.”
you smile unconvincingly at him and continue eating.
the rest of breakfast is quiet, but you don’t mind the still silence. this morning routine has brought you comfort over the last few months since you moved in. alfred set up your own room when you first came, but you and bruce quickly realized you both prefer sleeping in the same bed. that is, when he’s actually sleeping in it.
you finish breakfast and bruce takes your plates and puts them in the sink, alfred already turning on the tap.
you and bruce go back upstairs and you start getting dressed for work. he doesn’t always go in, but even on days like today when his work is to be completed at home, he still drives you. he told you early on that you could work hybrid as well, that you two could work together at home on his off days. but you enjoy working at the desk. and with this new outreach project you’ve been working on, you prefer having the team in person to collaborate.
as you button your top, bruce comes up behind and wraps his arms around you, stopping you from finishing.
“bruce…” he cuts you off by kissing your neck. you leave your shirt half open as you turn around and put your arms around his neck. you kiss, letting yourself forget about work. he slides his hands down your back and pulls you in tighter. you won’t ever get enough of this.
your phone’s alarm sings to tell you it’s time to leave. bruce pulls it out of your pocket and silences it, tossing it on the bed with a smile.
“i really should go today.”
“i think you should stay.”
“i don’t know…”
“it’s not like you’ll get fired, i’m your boss.”
you laugh lightly.
“maybe i should fire you, would mean you’d get to stay home all the time.”
you laugh again and kiss him.
“well maybe i could take a sick day today.”
“don’t worry, i wont tell anyone.”
he smiles and kisses you again. all that time getting dressed was for nothing as bruce unbuttons the rest of your shirt and you slide your pants off. while this isn’t a usual part of the morning routine you’ve established, you welcome the variation.
you run your hands through bruce’s hair and watch his chest rhythmically rise and fall as he sleeps. you let him sleep as long as he seems to need to, which is much longer than you thought it’d be. you eventually drift off too, the sound of his quiet snoring lulling your eyes closed.
it’s not until late afternoon when you both wake up again, the thick curtains unable to hide the sliver of sunlight peering in.
“you let me sleep so late.” bruce sits up in bed.
“you seemed like you needed it.”
he leans down and kisses you then gets up and starts getting dressed.
“the weather is supposed to be nice today.” you sit up. “maybe we could go to the park.”
he looks at you and smiles.
“that would be nice.”
you get up and get dressed too.
“i’ll go ask alfred to pack us some lunch.”
“okay, sounds great.”
he gives you one more kiss before heading downstairs. you finish getting ready and grab your phone off the floor. a text from tim, your former coworker in california, sits in your notifications. he and his husband have adopted a young girl. you smile at the family photo he sent and reply with your congratulations. as you look at the message, you let your mind wander and start to think about the prospect. of course you know bruce would be an amazing parent. but you’re not sure if you’d be. or if that’s even what you want. your life is so perfect now and you don’t think you want any of it to change. at least not for a while.
you go downstairs and find bruce packing some sandwiches into a bag. he zips it up and looks at you.
“ready?” he asks.
you decide to walk to the park since it’s only a few blocks away. the sun sits on your skin like a warm blanket as you and bruce walk. the two of you sit by the pond under an oak and eat your late lunch. the sound of birds and ducks paired with the cool breeze rushing through the tree leaves make for a perfect spot. you and bruce lay down in the grass and kiss, your picnic site offering enough privacy that you don’t have to worry about people seeing you. it’s not as if either of you care anyway, really. you’re not trying to hide your relationship, and with bruce’s status it’d be nearly impossible to try. but you still try to avoid paparazzi when you can. you and bruce lie there in the park together until the sun sets slowly behind the hill.
“we should get going before it gets too dark.” bruce sits up.
“i suppose we should.”
bruce grabs the bag and holds your hand as you make your way back home. night falls quickly as you walk. with only a couple blocks to go, you hear a commotion up ahead in an alleyway. sounds of a fight echo down the street. bruce stops walking and lets go of your hand.
“stay here a second.” he hands the bag to you and starts walking toward the source of the sounds.
“wait, shouldn’t we call the police or something first? or maybe we just wait for the batman to come and take care of it. you shouldn’t go down there by yourself.”
“you can call the police.” he continues.
you let out an exasperated sigh and watch bruce turn the corner. you press the numbers 911 into your phone. you finger is just about to click the green button when a strong hand covers your mouth and drags you backwards. you scream into the glove as loud as you can but the fight drowns out your attempts at getting bruce’s attention. all you can do is move around as much as possible to try and shake this person off you but they tighten their grip and then you’re being pushed into the back of a van.
three other people are inside and they grab you. you feel the rope burn your wrists as they tie your hands together behind your back. your throat already feels like it’s being torn apart from screaming. one person spreads a strip of duct tape over your open mouth but you still try to scream for bruce. suddenly a sharp pain strikes the back of your head. the tears have been blurring your vision but now everything is even fuzzier. you let out one more sob before the pipe hits you again and everything goes black.
that’s the first thing you feel when you finally come to. that’s the only thing you feel. a throbbing, deep pain throughout your entire body like you were just spit out of a cement mixer. you’re hands are still tied behind you and your ankles are stuck to the legs of a metal chair.
you force your eyes open, but everything is still dark. have you gone blind? is your sight gone? where are you? who took you? why can’t you move? you cant see you can’t move you can’t breathe you can’t hear you’re hurting you’re crying you’re screaming you’re shaking you—
the sound of a heavy door swinging open makes you freeze. strong footsteps slowly get louder and louder, closer and closer. the footsteps stop behind you and then you’re assaulted by a harsh bright light. it was a hood over your head, and the figure has now taken it off. the footsteps make their way around you and he stops in front of the chair you’re tied to, his back toward you. your breath shakes as he just stands there, staring straight ahead.
then he starts… crying? his shoulders shake and he gets louder. no… he’s laughing. he slowly turns around to face you, his red painted on smile sending a chill down your spine.
he bends down so his face is level with yours, your noses so close they nearly touch.
“good morning sweetheart.”
the tears continue streaming down your face as he straitens back up and turns, walking toward a table against the wall in front of you. he stops at it and slowly picks up an almost comically large knife.
you sob at the sight of the weapon, knowing it’s intended for you.
“i have a problem.”
he sets the knife back on the table and turns, walking towards you. the door opens again and you see a man in a clown mask rush by and place a camera on a tripod in front of you. he presses a button and a red light comes on and flashes at you.
“a problem that can only be solved by you.”
you somehow find the strength to open your mouth and speak, the words coming out hoarse and quiet.
“yes. i am in need of some… capital. some dineros, some cold. hard. cash. now i know you’re dating ol’ brucie and i know he has some access to just a bit of money.” he walks around you and stands behind the chair. “so, brucie boy, from your friendly neighborhood joker, deposit some dolores for me in a safe and lock it up real tight. bring it to the chaplain bridge, in person, at midnight tonight along with the key and you’ll get to see your precious little babe once again.” he grabs your face and squishes your cheeks together.
“oh, silly me, i forgot to tell you how much! let’s see, oh, how about, $50 million. that seems fair enough, don’t ya think?!”
he bends down so his face is next to yours.
“isn’t 50 million enough to save the life of your dearly beloved?”
he pulls something out of his pocket. you feel the cold barrel of a gun press against your temple and let out a sob.
he pulls the gun off your head, still pointing it at you.
you scream and jolt away. terror runs through your body like electricity.
you look over and he’s still staring at you with the gun pointed in your direction. out of the barrel popped out a banner, with the word BANG! on it. he turns back to the camera and waves.
“see ya tonight.” his tone is sinister and he laughs again.
the man in the mask flips the camera off. he tosses the gun behind his back and it clacks as it hits the concrete. he claps his hands together.
“so! now’s all that’s left to do is sit by, hang tight, let loose, and wait for midnight!” he laughs again and he and the other man leave the room with the camera. the clang of the door closing echoes throughout the room as you sit there alone.
you let out an ear-piercing, guttural scream and continue sobbing. all you want is bruce. you call for him, over and over, hoping by some miracle he’ll hear you through the thick concrete walls. you keep screaming, so hard and so loud that you vomit. now bile covers the front of your shirt and tears cover your face.
the echo of the door rings through the room again and fast footsteps approach. another man in a clown mask with a syringe in his hand unties your arms. before you let him stab the needle in, you punch him in the throat as hard as you can muster. he gags at the blow at stumbles backwards, dropping the syringe. you lean to try and grab it and the chair you’re tied to tips over onto the floor. your face slams into the concrete and you hear a crunch in your nose. you cry out and now all you see is red. you fight through the pain and reach for the syringe. it’s right there, just centimeters away, when a large boot stomps on your hand, surely breaking multiple bones. you scream in pain as the chair is reset upright. you scream and sob as the men grab your arm and stab the now-dirty needle in your vein. you keep crying, but as the seconds go by, you hear yourself getting quieter. the room around you spins in slow motion as your eyelids get heavy. the last thing you see is the joker’s white face and red smile.
your eyes slowly flutter open again. you didn’t know this was even possible, but somehow you wake up in even more pain than before. the joker is still standing there in front of you. smiling. laughing.
“you’re spunky. i like you.”
you all but growl at him as he walks toward that table in the corner, picking the knife up again.
“i thought you’d be asleep until our appointment with good ol’ bruce but the tranq must have been watered down!” he turns to you and laughs.
he carries the knife as he walks toward you.
“at least now we can have a little fun!” he takes the knife and you close your eyes, preparing yourself for the pain. but instead you feel the rope around your wrists and ankles fall.
“what’s say we play a game, hmm? i’m gonna bring in three of my best boys. and the longer you can stay upright and fighting, the more likely i’ll be to not kill you and your dear dear bruce tonight.”
the door opens again and three sets of footsteps walk in behind you.
you just stay sitting in the chair. how are you supposed to fight these huge men?
the joker sighs.
“if you’re gonna be a party pooper, then i guess we’ll have to find another game to play. maybe… target practice?” he throws the knife above your head and it hits one of the three men square in the chest. he falls backwards. dead.
you gasp and try to hold back tears as the joker just laughs.
“guess i do need some practice… i was aiming for his head! haha!” he buckles over in laughter again as you try to catch your breath.
“well good news now is you only have to outlast two goons!”
you slowly stand up, not wanting the next knife to land in your sternum. one of the men walk over to you. the joker takes the gun from before out of his pocket and holds it up above his head.
“ready? fight!” he pulls the trigger with a click.
a huge fist comes flying at your face and makes contact with your cheek. you fall to the ground in pain. he kicks you in the stomach and you just stay there, laying on the ground. he stomps on your chest, your stomach, your head. all you feel is blow after blow. the joker is just laughing at your misery.
you feel a rush of adrenaline run through you and you growl in anger. when the next stomp comes toward you, you grab the booted foot and yank as hard as you can, bringing the man to the ground. you’re surprised you had the strength to do that. you quickly stand back up and kick him in the face, breaking his nose too. you kick him in the crotch and he screams. you sit on top of his chest and punch him with your unbroken hand. over and over and over. all you hear is the sound of the joker’s maniacal laugh and your own grunts as you beat the guy’s face in until he no longer resembles even a man. finally you stop, feeling proud of your strength but guilty for your brutality.
before you can get up from sitting on him, the other man is picking you up and slamming you into the concrete. your shoulder hits the ground hard and you scream. he picks you up again and throws you back first, your head colliding with the concrete so hard you’re sure they’ve both cracked. he grabs the front of your shirt and lifts you up. your body goes limp from exhaustion and he forcefully sits you back on the chair. he punches your face. one. two. three. four. five. six. times then he finally walks away. your vision is blurred and you’re seeing colorful stars flash all around you. you look down and see blood dripping down from your face and onto your lap. the joker just laughs again.
“well, you fought off one! bravo! of course that means only one of you will die tonight. shame. lovers dying together is the sweetest ending of all. romeo and juliet… swan lake… the notebook...” he pretends to wipe a tear. “but oh well. at least now you get to pick who dies! haha!”
“me.” you immediately answer. “kill me. not him.”
“awww how noble! sacrificing yourself for the love of your life, it’s a beautiful thing! very well. you’ll be the one to die.” he takes out a pocket watch. “my oh my look at that! it’s showtime, baby!”
you get tied up again and dragged out of the room. the hood is placed back on your head before exiting, and you’re thrown back into a van. the drive is longer than you expected. how far out of town were you?
the van stops after what you guess was about a half hour long drive.
you’re dragged back out of the van and onto the street. the hood is removed and the joker is gripping your neck and leading you onto the bridge.
you make it to the middle and he shoves you to the ground. you only now notice the gun in his hand.
“oh bru-uce! show me the money, baby!”
his voice echos across the water under the bridge and you wait. you hope he doesn’t come. you hope he’s decided to let the police handle it. you hope he didn’t choose to risk his life for you. because although the joker assured you that you’d be the one to die, you obviously can’t trust that he won’t pull the trigger on bruce too.
“come out come out, wherever you are!” the joker yells in a singsongy voice. “well isn’t this a disappointment! at least it was gonna be fun to kill you. now i almost can’t even enjoy it.” he points the gun in the center of your forehead. you close your eyes and let yourself cry.
you picture bruce’s face. flashbacks of when you first met him come to mind and you go through it all. you think of his smile, how it was crooked and always made you smile back. you think of his hair, how it was always just a little tussled and never quite laid flat. you think of his skin, how it was warm and how it felt against yours. you think of his laugh, how it can at times feel rare but when you hear it, it’s like the world stops. you think of his eyes, how they’d glow like warm honey when the sunlight hit them just right. tears stream as you think of every part of him. how you wish you’d spent more time memorizing him.
you hear the cocking of the gun and you gasp. you only now realize how afraid you are to die.
suddenly a loud clang behind you startles your eyes open and the joker stumbles backward. a large, dark figure comes swooping in and tackles the joker to the ground. the gun is kicked away and you watch as the batman punches the joker in the face, repeatedly. the men from the van come rushing in and the batman takes each one down with little effort.
soon, he’s standing in the lowlight of the bridge, looming over the bodies of his victims of vengeance. he walks back over to the joker and picks him up by his collar and holds him over the bridge above the water. the joker laughs.
“well then what’s it gonna be batty-boy?! you gonna kill me?! do it!”
the batman hesitates to drop him into the rough rushing river water below.
“do it!” the joker laughs in his face again.
you see the shine of red and blue lights flashing behind you and hear sirens. the sound of many footsteps come rushing onto the bridge as officers take the bodies off the ground and into custody. a few more train their guns at the batman and instruct him to let the joker go. after some time, he flings the joker back over the railing and slams him onto the ground. the officers rush to handcuff the joker and the batman walks away, back toward you.
“this isn’t over, batman! it’ll never be over!” the joker laughs again as he’s dragged away by the officers.
the batman bends down behind you and unties the ropes around your wrists.
“are you okay?” he asks, quietly. his low, gravely voice tinges with familiarity.
you just nod and he scoops you up and carries you to the ambulance. he gently sits you on the gurney and the paramedics begin treating your wounds and setting up an iv. the batman just stands there and watches, as if to make sure you’ll really be okay. you stare back at him, trying to place this strange gut feeling. the medics walk away for a moment to grab something else, leaving you and the batman there, just looking at each other.
the medics come back and start to bring you into the ambulance. up until the moment the doors close, you and the batman just continue staring. the medicine you’ve been given starts to work as you feel your eyelids get heavy. your last thought before passing out is of bruce.
the tubes in your nose and the cast on your arm are the first things you notice when you awake. your eyes adjust to the light of the hospital room and you look around, your eyes landing on an unexpected face.
tim is there, sitting by the window sleeping. alfred is in a chair next to him. he notices you’re awake and presses the alert for the nurse.
“hello, dear.”
“i’ve called for the nurse. just relax.”
“…where’s bruce.”
“he… had to go to the police station. to finish up the case.”
“but he’s okay?”
“physically, yes. but i don’t think i’ve ever seen him so distraught. i’ll call him now and tell him you’re awake. he’ll want to see you.” alfred leaves the room and you see him dial his phone.
the nurse comes in and checks your vitals, making sure you’re getting enough medicine. you have a concussion, a broken hand, your shoulder was out of socket, and your nose had to be realigned. apparently it’s been days since the incident.
the joker is in custody at arkham, but that’s doesn’t give you much reassurance since he apparently has broken out of there before.
tim wakes up and walks over to you with tears streaming down his face.
“are you okay?” he asks.
“just peachy.”
he laughs lightly and wipes a tear away.
“i was so scared.”
“me too.”
“but you’re gonna be okay now. you’re okay now.” he reassures himself. you didn’t know you meant so much to him.
“thank you tim.”
he smiles softly.
“i should go call chris and let him know you’re okay.“
tim walks out of the room as alfred comes back in.
“bruce will be here soon.”
“thank you. i’m glad you’re here alfred.”
“of course, love.”
tim comes back in and says that chris sends his regards.
“he’s been worried sick, watching the news while also taking care of the baby.”
“if you need to go tim, go. i understand.”
“im sorry i can’t stay.”
“really tim, it’s okay. thank you for being here.”
tim smiles and holds your good hand.
“i’m just so glad you’re okay.”
“thank you.” you smile back at him and he leaves.
alfred moves the chair to be closer to your bed and he holds your hand as you wait in silence for bruce.
bruce comes rushing in wet from the rain with tears in his eyes. alfred gets up from the chair and gives it to bruce. bruce sits in the chair, holding your hand, and the two of you just sit there together.
you’ve never felt fear like that before. of course you were afraid when your mother died, but you were so young. and your father was sick for a long time before he passed, so this crippling feeling of terror was something you’ve never had to experience before and something you hope you’ll never experience again.
“i’m so sorry.” bruce fights back tears. “i should’ve never left you alone. i should’ve known better. i thought i was protecting you but really i just put you in danger. this is all my fault.”
“no it’s not.”
“it is.”
“no, bruce. it’s not.”
“i was just so… angry. at him. i still am. i really thought i was going to kill him.”
you furrow your brows in confusion.
“you mean… like… if you’d have been there? at the bridge?”
you notice alfred looks up at bruce with a curious look on his face. bruce turns his head to look back at him. alfred just nods.
you look at both of them, perplexed by this silent agreement between them.
“what’s going on?”
“there’s something you need to know… about me.”
“i… i’ll show you when we get back home.”
bruce and alfred clear you with the doctor and confirm that you’re ready to leave so you get in the car to go home. you just lay in the backseat with your head on bruce’s lap. he runs his hand through your hair as alfred drives you all home.
the press is already there, ready to get a statement from you and bruce about the whole ordeal. of course you and bruce don’t say a word as he carries you inside.
he sets you down on the couch and lights a fire. alfred goes to the kitchen to make you something to eat. you lay on bruce’s chest on the sofa, watching the flames rise and fall. the heat of the fire brings you comfort, but bruce’s warm touch makes you feel at peace for the first time since that day at the park.
hours go by, the fire has become just a few orange embers, and you and bruce have eaten dinner. you suddenly remember what bruce said back at the hospital.
“what is it you wanted to tell me?”
bruce sighs and helps you up off the couch.
“i need to show you something.”
you slowly walk hand in hand to the library down the hall. you don’t come in here much but you know bruce and alfred do.
bruce goes to a wall in the back and pulls a book off the shelf. you hear a click and he pulls the wall out, revealing it’s a door to an elevator.
“what the fuck…”
bruce opens the elevator door and leads you inside.
“what is this?”
“something you need to see.”
the elevator slowly brings you down to a lower level you didn’t even know existed. bruce opens the door and leads you out of the elevator and into a basement. or at least what you think is a basement. inside, you see computers, televisions, and other tech items around. a motorcycle sits there too… along with a familiar-looking car. bruce lets you wander through the area. you try to absorb what this all is.
“what exactly am i looking at here, bruce?”
he walks over to a door and opens it to a closet. what’s inside, sitting on the shelf, makes you gasp. you slowly pick up the mask.
“i’m sorry i didn’t tell you.”
“why… how…”
“i’ve been doing this for years now. i just… this is how im able to try and help. only alfred knows.”
“and you couldn’t tell me? why?”
“everyone who knows about this is in danger. i couldn’t knowingly do that to you. but you deserve to know.”
“i… don’t even know what to say.”
bruce closes the closet door.
“i come down here every night. that’s why i’ve been gone so early in the morning. i’ve known about joker for a while and have been trying to track his whereabouts.”
“but now, he’s locked up. he’s gone.”
“as long as he’s alive, he’s a danger. and it’s not just him. you’ve lived here your whole life. you know what these streets are like.”
you just nod.
“so… this is what you do every night. you go out, after i fall asleep then return before i wake up.”
“i try. but some nights are longer than others.” bruce walks up to you and holds your hand. “but now you know.”
you just nod again, not quite knowing what to say.
“i will never forgive myself for leaving you alone that night, and i will spend the rest of my life trying to make up for it.”
you look up at him. a tear rolls down his cheek and you wipe it away, leaving your hand on his face.
“i was so afraid of losing you.” he speaks barely above a whisper.
“you’re not gonna lose me. i’m here. i’ll always be here.”
he kisses you. in this room, this room that’s been kept a secret from you. this other side of bruce that’s been kept a secret from you. you want to be angry, but all you feel now is peace as he holds you in his arms.
whatever future may come, whatever troubles you will inevitably be forced to face, you know that you’ll now be able to do it together.
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paledarklight · 4 months
Emily Kinney said Beth was 18 I think by the time the prison fell, that she was about 17 on the farm. She was quite adamant Beth was an adult by this point in all ways. Also Daryl I feel is immature for his age perhaps in relation to having to grow up really fast as a child in order to survive the harsh lifestyle and abuse. Like with the way he lashes out when he's upset like a child who doesn't know how to process their emotions.
I think Beth has an old head on her by season 4 she's not that girl on the farm, she's raising a child etc. it took the prison to fall to really show this properly as she is still percieved as weak/childlike like Carol who asks Daryl if he saved Beth and Maggie just giving up writing Beth off as dead. I think that's what the writers did with Maggie they just had her go Beth went back for Judith, prison fell, she's dead not being because the prison fell but because she is weak. Glenn she thought had got out on the bus then found he hadn't but she kept looking for him cos he's strong/not weak even if it looked like he was at prison. Beth versus Glenn at prison pretty much shows that everyone sees beth as weak and liability - except maybe rick who seemed to care about her platonically and because he loved Hershel too. He carries lot of guilt for Beth. But Daryl truly seen Beth what she was and became
I think season 4 she and Daryl are on the same page maturity wise
I find it odd people seem to be making her younger than she is in season 4 period particularly as if to go ewwww gross like she's not 16
And just random like I'm sad Beth died without knowing Judith was alive and safe even though I'm really sure she had faith that she was. But there must be dark hours where she thought Judith had ended up like the children on the tracks. That's what led to her being separated by going back for Judith and then being told to go by Daryl she's been running around with the gun trying to find the baby and it's gone seemingly so that's why she goes with him cos if not she would have fought Daryl to make sure.
First, agree agree agree. Everything that you say I agree with , 💯💯💯💯
Whew okay now buckle up kids momma is going to get real for a minute, TW: mentioning of grape, sa.
I've said this before but I'm saying it again for the sake of this point..
Beth was sexually mature 👏 when it was convenient 👏
Even if she were 16-17, her being sexually mature was a plot decision that was used , for people to cherry pick if Beth was a adult or not
She was adult enough to baby sit Judith, to wash clothes, to put a weapon in her hand and use it.
She was adult enough to be thought of as conceiving a child (Sasha , prison era)
She was adult enough when she was hit on by Axel
She was adult enough to be shown on TV being sexually molested and potentially graped , on tv
So when it was against her consent, she was exploited
When it was for shock value she was shown in very adult positions.
If she's sexually active and wants to be with a man she chooses by her consent, who she feels safe and trusts, suddenly she's a child.
HER FATHER, who even though he has good intentions, tries to control her sexuality. He mentioned to Maggie he chases her and Jimmy around making sure they're not having sex
Regardless of if she was or not, again her sexuality was not her choice.
It was held captive by the men in her life and used against her like a bargaining chip
There was a dropped plot idea where at the prison she was supposed to be graped and murdered by Axel, he was supposed to be a convicted Grapist and Rick finds some papers in the office on him and that's how we as the audience finds out ,but it was dropped.
So the show has no problem showing what they perceived as "children" being sexually taken advantage of (Carl for example)
Remember "real young and real cute"
The show isn't above children or young adults being sexually taken advantage of
Just not when it's their choice and not when it's in a safe sane consensual environment
I'm tagging a few people cause I wanted them to correct me about the Axel thing @twdmusicboxmystery @sasusc
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odysseussolar · 8 months
I caved.
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Writing it right now, the first chapter has zero gore but that will be changing in the next few chapters, trust 🙏🏾
I did link the post by tooncraze on the fic
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silverutahraptor · 8 months
Asian Drama Tropes 2024—January
For the @asian-drama-tropes event 2024. I’ll be publishing one true drabble (100 words exactly) per month for the event :)
January | Prompt: Blood sworn siblings
“From this day on, we shall be as sisters. Our goal is to find peace between our Clans, and though we are not born on the same day, we hope to die on the same day. This we swear.” The words ring hollow in Madara’s mind as she chokes on blood. The sword piercing her chest feels like it’s burning. She, at least, had not come expecting to survive this fight. It seems Hashirama has forgotten even their oath, though; her face for once rivals her cursed brother’s in coldness. “Liar,” Madara sighs, and prays for the gods’ wrath on her friend.
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Hate, hate, hate
READ THE TAGS! This one is ugly :3
This needs cleaning up but honestly for something I whipped out in like an hour? I'm pretty happy with it. This kind of stuff... maybe I have a little too much fun writing it.
Arsioly stalked towards the old, rotten house. It was half-collapsed, covered in moss and plants, but looked just sturdy enough that a soldier could be hiding in there. The door refused to move much, and he had to squeeze himself through the opening, ducking his head under the bowed doorframe, watching and listening for any sign of a threat. All he saw was a weasel scurrying away through a hole in the sagging wall. Every one of his breaths, every rustle of leaves in the wind, every chirp of a bird had him on edge. A few more steps inside the humid shack, and he checked behind the door. All clear. 
He sighed, lowering his knife and wiping his brow with the back of his wrist. Mildewy air clogged his nose, wood straining and creaking under his feet as he made his way back out, glancing around for any sign of his team, though he knew he was unlikely to see them until he went back to the rendezvous. This was a bigger area than they normally covered in one mission.
A click behind him got his attention.
Just as he turned and locked eyes with an imperialist not five paces away, a bullet zipped past his head. Heart pounding, he raised his knife again and launched at the lone soldier before they could get another shot in. He smashed his shoulder into their chest, forcing them tighter against the wall they’d been pressing themself up to to hide, rotten wood cracking under the force.
The soldier grunted and tried to get an angle for a shot, but Arsioly twisted and knocked the gun out of their grip. A flat palm slammed into the side of his face, and he stumbled back, a kick hitting his stomach before he could react. 
Wheezing, he backpedaled, tensing against the onslaught of hits and lashing out with his own.
“Fuck–” the soldier hissed, glancing at the gash Arsioly had managed to make in their forearm. 
He rushed at them, a glint of silver catching in his eye too late. Their uninjured arm had drawn their dagger, and now blood slicked the silver blade, and pain cracked along Arsioly’s side.
The forest was too quiet, his cry of pain and the heavy breathing of the imperialist lonely in the silence. Arsioly was used to fights where any of his squadmates could come and help him finish off something like this without breaking a sweat, but none of them were here now. He was on his own.
Full of fresh, sharp fear, Arsioly tackled the soldier to the ground in a thrashing mess of limbs, wrapping his hands around their neck and pressing his thumbs as hard as he could into their throat, hate and disgust rising up in his throat like vomit. He knew he should grab his knife and end them quickly. But he didn’t want to. Their nails dug into his arms, leaving tracks of blood. Hiccuping gasps left their parted lips as they tried to breathe, eyes wide and frenzied. They deserved this. For everything the imperialists had done, this was just a fraction of what Arsioly should put them through. He felt a rush of satisfaction. It ended quickly.
A flailing hand grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked him down. He managed to keep his hold on their neck while his forehead met the collar of a uniform coat. 
A burning pain seared across the right side of his head, accompanied by a sick noise of ripping and crunching.
He yanked his head back with a scream and let go of their neck, staring down at the chunk of flesh in their mouth. The pointed tip of his ear, his blood and cartilage trapped between the teeth of this scum. His hands were numb and cold. His ears rang. The soldier looked like they were in shock themself, sputtering and coughing blood onto the front of Arsioly’s shirt. 
As soon as what had happened to him registered, he snarled, grabbing the front of their hair and bashing their head against the ground repeatedly. He wasn’t sure which one of them was screaming now, or if it was both. Blood rained around them, cries and sobs mingling with the crack of bone and the calls of birds fleeing the trees around them. 
“Arsioly! Holy shit! Stop it, you got them, you got them!”
The world shifted as he was lugged off the twitching body. He blindly thrashed, trying to get back to it, and two sets of hands held him to the ground. They were talking to him. He didn’t care. 
He wasn’t breathing right. He panted and coughed, gritting his teeth against the pain throbbing in his body, looking down, watching his chest rise and fall like a rabbit’s. 
His eyes, stinging and fuzzy, looked from his hands, bits of hair and flesh and blood plastered to them, to the body laying in a position that mocked the one his teammates were holding him in. The top of their head was caved, sloughing in like the walls of the wrecked shack in the background. Blood and brain matter clung to the foliage around them. Arsioly turned his head just in time to retch onto the grass instead of himself.
There was a third set of hands now, familiar and grounding, cupping his cheeks. A shaking palm wiped his mouth for him, then held his head steady to inspect the damage to his ear.
“Visra,” he whined, “how bad is it?”
“It’s okay. You’ll be okay. Calm down.”
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Born to Break
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Word Count: 2,454
Rating: Explicit
Characters: Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks, Benn Beckman, Yasopp, Lucky Roux, Eustass Kid, Killer, Heat, Wire, Original Male Character
Warnings: Blood, Gore, Injury, Amputation, Hysteria, Canon Compliant Violence, Vomiting, Waterboarding, Attepmted Drowning, Angst,
Author's Notes: For @febuwhump 2024 Day 3: Bite Down On This.
PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE WARNINGS. This gets gnarly. And it's canon-compliant, taking place during the two year timeskip in which Eustass went in with two arms and came out with one. Thanks, Beckmann. With a healthy dash of KidKiller because i love them.
Oh, right. Do y'all remember that scene in episode 67 of the original Naruto series where Gaara is screaming hysterically during the exams about his blood?
Yeah. Keep that in mind for me, will you? You'll know when it comes into play.
You can also find this on my Archive.
“Captain!” Heat called from behind them. They’d covered them in water- had splashed them once, twice, three times before ducking his head under the water of the river. Waterboarding him, drowning him, snuffing out the fire that they spewed regularly. That’s why he couldn’t help, Killer thought as Shanks relented, stepping away, blade pulling free of his throat. “Captain, get up!” Heat called out once more. “What did you do?” Killer whispered as sat up slowly, body screaming in anguish. His ribs were certainly broken; how many? He couldn’t tell, but breathing hurt, moving hurt, his arm was bloodied and oh, god, was that blood surrounding Eustass? “What did you DO?!” He howled, launching himself to his feet only to be met with the muzzle of that damned sawed off shotgun that Beckmann used.
Sometimes, you really underestimate how things will go.
The sound of footsteps was loud in the silence that followed after the clash. The movement caught Killer’s attention first; he glanced up towards Shanks, who watched with an almost smug expression. That spiked something in him, some dormant fear that prickled with anxiety, that had his hands sweating, had his heart racing in his chest. He shifted, attention turning towards where his Captain should have been. The ground was dry, too dry; dust was kicked up with every small movement. With the blood and sweat that was in his own eyes, it was hard to see, hard to make out what he was seeing.
Beckmann was walking away- no, walking towards him. That’s why Shanks was so smug, pinning him with his foot on his skull, his blade at his throat. Anytime he swallowed, the steel dug in a little more, drawing forth scarlet that trickled slowly down the length of it. His breath caught in his throat as the dust finally cleared away, giving way to… Kidd? Why was he on the ground? “What-” he croaked out, only to groan as Shanks pressed his weight into his foot. The pain was excruciating, his jaw clenching as a yell pulled free from somewhere deep within him.
“Captain!” Heat called from behind them. They’d covered them in water- had splashed them once, twice, three times before ducking his head under the water of the river. Waterboarding him, drowning him, snuffing out the fire that they spewed regularly. That’s why he couldn’t help, Killer thought as Shanks relented, stepping away, blade pulling free of his throat. “Captain, get up!” Heat called out once more.
“What did you do?” Killer whispered as sat up slowly, body screaming in anguish. His ribs were certainly broken; how many? He couldn’t tell, but breathing hurt, moving hurt, his arm was bloodied and oh, god, was that blood surrounding Eustass? “What did you DO?!” He howled, launching himself to his feet only to be met with the muzzle of that damned sawed off shotgun that Beckmann used.
His finger was on the trigger.
His arm was black; coated in Haki. Haki- Beckmann had Haki?
Shit. Killer blinked hard beneath the mask, trying to clear his vision. “Heat, what do you see?” He asked their third mate, who was silent. Silence was never a good answer. “Heat, answer.”
“I uh…” The waver in their voice was enough to set them all on edge. “I don’t think-”
“An arm for an arm, though your captain wasn’t the one to cost me mine.” Shanks answers in a near-chipper manner from behind him. “What will he do now? The Captain of the Kidd Pirates, beaten like a bad dog. But that’s what you all are, aren’t you?” The chuckle that escapes from Shanks is nothing short of sinister. “You come here to challenge us, to challenge me… For what reason? I have nothing to give you.”
An arm. Beckmann took Kidd’s arm.
“I-” Killer began to retaliate verbally before a sound caught their attention.
It started softly. Like a pained whine from a dog, high and reedy and nerve-grating. “My arm,” Kidd whispered, his gaze trained on the limb sitting on the ground three feet in front of him. It bled, oozing garnet onto ivory sand. He could see the bone standing out; shattered mid-way, nothing near a clean break. This wasn’t a break. That was his arm. Those were his fingers, painted black. Those were his rings.
That was his arm.
His arm.
“My arm.” His voice was barely above a whisper as he blinked once, hard. His heart was hammering in his chest so hard, he could see the remnants of his shirt moving with each beat. “My arm.” He repeated, dazedly. Adrenaline was starting to leave his bloodstream, sweating out through his pores. The pain was odd. He could feel his arm, still- no, no, he can’t. That’s only his mind thinking that he can feel it, that he can feel the sensation of his fingers twitching, of the nerves dying, of his hand growing numb and cold because the blood isn’t returning, it’s leaking out on the ground and oh, gods, that’s his FUCKING ARM. “MY ARM!” He screamed as reality set in. He reached over to the freely bleeding stump, fingers meeting torn flesh and muscle and fatty tissue that just hung limply, and shattered bone that pricked at his fingertips. “MY ARM! YOU TOOK MY ARM! MY ARM! MY ARM! MY ARM!”
“Ah, the hysterics.” Shanks hums, cleaning Gryphon on the edge of his trousers. The steel hissed as it returned to its home within the sheath.
Wire was stilled in the grasp of Lucky Roux, blood trickling down his forehead as he stared at Eustass. They took his arm? His arm ripped clean off. How the fuck did Beckmann do that? Did he have a devil fruit? Haki? He felt sick to his stomach, turning in Roux’s grasp to gag once, twice, before the bigger man released him to allow him to spill the contents of his stomach.
“I could finish him off,” Shanks offered Killer, reaching out to settle his arm around his shoulders, pulling him back against himself as if he were some friend, some companion. “What do ye say, lad? I finish off yer Captain, you lot come an’ join me and my crew?”
“Fuck you.” Killer spat, shaking in his grasp. “Fuck you.”
“Not my type.”
Beckmann snorts as he turns the gun, aiming now at Kidd. “One shot to the head, all it takes.”
“NO!” Heat screamed, pulling himself free from Yasopp, rushing forward to stand between Beckmann and his Captain, who was muttering under his breath about his arm. Hysterical; they couldn’t blame him. “Please- spare him. Spare us.” They pleaded, falling to their knees before the two men. “We won’t come after either of ye again. Just- spare him, spare his life. Please.”
Shanks and Benn study one another; a silent conversation between Captain and First Mate, something Killer was familiar with. He and Kidd did that often, knowing the other well enough to not have to use verbal language. “Fine.” Shanks shrugged, grinning as he released Killer, and stepped back. “I’m tired of this anyway. Find us in the New World, if yer Captain survives. I’d like a rematch, there. Get stronger.” Brown gaze settled upon Kidd, taking in the damage Beckmann had dealt. “You’re in the big leagues, now.”
And just like that, it was over.
Killer rushed forward, falling to his knees in the blood soaked sand before Kidd. “Eustass?” He whispered, reaching up to cup his cheeks, dragging his head up. His pupils were blown; his skin was pale with blood loss and shock. “We gotta get you up. It’s gonna hurt.”
“The arm-” Eustass tried to argue.
Killer shook his head. He didn’t argue as Heat came round the other side. It took a moment of figuring out where hands could rest before they had him up and balanced between themselves. Wire did grab the arm, wrapped it up in his jacket. The Red Haired Pirates went back towards the beach; they retreated to the town.
Eustass Kidd passed out two minutes into the walk, much to the alarm of his crew.
The next time he came to, he was laying down on a cot in what he assumed to be a doctor’s office. He blinked hard, eyes squeezing shut. Everything felt dulled; his head lulled to the right, meeting with a white wall. Huh. To the left, then. Ah, that’s better. A room! Killer is standing, talking to some dude in a white coat. Doctor, he hopes and assumes. Wire is sitting across from him in some chairs; Heat is slumped against his shoulder, their eyes closed, breathing even. Sleepy, sleepy Heat.
Eustass looks down to his torso. Bruising already beginning to bloom; he can feel a cracked rib or two, certainly. Drip, drip, drip. What was dripping? Did someone leave a faucet on? He huffed, going to sit up, only to find himself suddenly unable to. Something was holding him down. What? He frowned at the black straps that held his shoulders and chest. Why was he pinned?
“Hey, doccccc,” he drawled out, slurring his words like a drunkard. “Wha’s happenin’? Why cannae I… Shite.” He winced at the sudden flare of pain. What the fuck? “Wiiiire?”
“Eustass-” Killer began, stepping over as Wire shook his head. Heat woke up, then. Rubbed at their eyes, smearing their eye black. “You need to stay still.”
“Why?” He didn’t WANT to stay still. He needed to piss. “I need t’tae a leak.”
“You-” Killed glanced back. Wait, where was Killer’s mask? Why could he see his pretty blue eyes so clearly? Why was his lip split open? What-
The fight.
It all rushed back suddenly, playing out in the forefront of his mind. Eustass reels from the memory, from the pain that also returns in a weird, dulled form. “My arm,” he whined, head lifting to look at the bloodied bandages that covered the stump. “He took my arm!”
“I’m afraid there’s still work t’be done, lad,” the doctor murmured, coming to stand by his head. Eustass looked up, ruby gaze frantic as he searches this strange doctor’s face. His eyes were lighter than Killer’s, hair a mousy brown. “I’ve got to close you up.”
“You can’t reattach it?”
“No, laddie. I cannae.”
Oh. Kidd swallowed roughly, looked to Killer who reached up, cupped his cheek. “I’m not leaving the room.”
“Bite down on this.” The doctor placed a block in his mouth. Wood, thick, slotted between his jaws to allow his teeth to clench down onto, grind into.
His breath started coming quickly, then. Chest rising and falling rapidly as Killer was forced to move, to stand at his head while the doctor moved further down. He couldn’t watch, didn’t want to watch, squeezed his eyes shut as Killer settled his hands on his shoulders.
Killer watched, instead.
He’d seen his fair share of amputations over the years. Things got bad back home; sometimes, you do what you must to survive, even if that means sawing through your own leg because it’d grown necrotic. That was the fear, here, that Kidd’s stump would grow necrotic. Stump. That’s what it was, Killer realized as the doctor- a man named Ronan- removed the wraps. Already soaked through, a small puddle on the floor had formed. The bandages landed with a harsh splat on the ground. He looked beyond, gaze settling upon the bone saw that sat on the table.
They should have called Law.
But Trafalgar was Gods know where, now. A hundred meters under the water, probably. Or less. Or more, Killer didn’t know how that weird ass yellow submarine worked.
Ronan sprayed the stump with water. Kidd hissed, whined, whimpered, wheezed at the sensation.
“Can’t we knock him out?” Heat asked from the side.
“I did. He woke up.”
“Killer?” Heat pleaded, and Killer shook his head.
“The pain will knock him out in a minute,” Ronan added as he grabbed hold of the bonesaw. “Or the shock.”
“Are you sure you’re a doctor?”
“As sure as you are that you’re a pirate.”
Killer shut up, then. Lips pressed tightly together, the bolt of pain like lightning from his split lip. His helmet had been cracked in more than one place; it would need to be repaired, eventually. But not right now. Not now. No, now-
He felt like he would puke.
The saw settled on the exposed bone. At least three inches of bone was still exposed after Ronan had cut away the “skin flaps”, as he’d referred to the loose skin. Eustass had been under for that. Ronan began to move his arm back, forth, back, forth.
The scream that escaped Eustass had every hair on Killer’s body standing on end. It warbled, high and pained and oh, Gods, he wished he would just pass out. Just pass out, pass out, pass out now. Please, Gods, please! Eustrass tried to pull away, but Killer held him in place.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Killer whispered over and over as Eustass sobbed, tears rolling from his eyes. “I’m so sorry, Captain.”
Eustass fell limp. For a brief moment, Killer assumed he’d just died. No- no, he was still breathing. It was a relief, then. He wouldn’t be able to feel any of this. The bone was cracking beneath the saw, falling away after ten minutes of consistent sawing. Ronan worked quickly, suturing and cleaning and doing things that Killer wasn’t really sure of, but the bleeding had slowed, and if Kidd died, he knew where to find this doctor.
It was dark when Kidd woke again. His mouth felt like it was full of cotton, his head felt just as heavy. The bed beneath him was soft, though; it didn’t rock with the movements of waves, meaning he was ashore. He groaned softly as pain rocked through him. “Shite,” he hissed, reaching up to rub at his face.
His arm didn’t move. His left arm didn’t move.
He looked down in confusion and saw empty space and blood speckled bandages instead. That’s right- he’d lost the arm. Beckmann had ripped it off of his body. Movement drew his gaze up, watching as Killer stepped in. Maskless, bandaged, hair tied up in a messy bun. “Eus?”
“‘M awake.” He grumbled, rising up with a hiss and far more effort than it should normally take. His back settled against the headboard. “Where are we?”
“Same island we’ve been on. It’s-... It’s been a week.”
“A week?”
“Kept you loaded up on pain killers. You uh…” Killer rubbed the back of his head. He had been asleep in the other room. “You needed them.”
Eustass frowned as he stared at his partner. Killer shifted his weight. “C’mere. Bed’s cold.” He huffed, watching Killer carefully climb into the right side. He didn’t wait for him to settle, leaning in against him heavily. “Beckmann ripped off my arm.”
“He did.”
“I’m gonna kill him.”
“We are.”
“We are gonna wipe those shitty little rodents off the map.” Eustass muttered, eyes closing. His breath started to grow uneven; the hint of a sob escaping. “I’m gonna fuckin’ kill them all.”
Killer didn’t speak as he wound his arms around Eustass, pulling him close, lips pressing to his temple as Kidd broke down. Yes, they would kill Shanks, and Beckmann, and Yasopp, and Lucky Roux. They would all die for what they did to Eustass. To his Captain. His partner. His world.
Killer would make sure of it.
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aftgficrec · 1 month
Hi! Thanks so much for doing this i have wanting to catch you open for so long!! How are you? I hope you have a good day!
I was wondering if there were any fics focused on neil and mary/neil and Nathan? Like his emotions, thoughts, etc, and the things he went through bcs of them/how they still affect him even now? Thank you so much in advance!
Our poor traumatized Neil! Yes, there is much to explore on this topic. -A
most previous asks lead to more recs:
angsty bad days for Neil here
Neil with ptsd here
more Neil with DID here
Neil cries, comforted by Andrew/foxes here
Neil says ‘it’s fine I’ve had worse’ here
Neil’s scars 2 here
scars and healing here
Neil goes to therapy here 
Neil attempts suicide here
‘You're Wonderful’ here
‘Hold My Hand?,’ ‘I'll Still Solve You,’ and ‘Fear (but not of you)’ here
‘The Books of Baltimore’ series: ‘Ghost of You’ here, ‘Run to You’ here
‘the upswing’ (completed), ‘please (don't bite),’ ‘Will you love me for who I am…’ ‘To be safe,’ ‘Safe with him,’ and ‘i called your name ‘til the fever broke’ here 
‘my friends and I…,’ ‘Pasts Intertwined,’ ‘My Stomach is a Wasteland,’ ‘side effects may vary’ ‘Bad Apple,’ and ‘You Are So Much More Than Your Father's Son’ here 
‘Medicated rabbits don't run as fast’ here
‘Broken Symmetries’ and ‘No More Fucks To Give’ (updated) here
‘24 Floors’ here
‘A Quiet Little Seedling,’ ‘If I Knew You,’ and ‘Step By Step’ here
‘slow down (you crazy child),’ ‘Make a Home’ (updated), and ‘make me a promise’ here
‘Dreamed in red’ here
‘...Just Us, and Y(our) Friend Kevin’ here 
‘Nothing Mattered Until You’ here (jeanneil)
amputation or permanent leg damage:
Neil's legs (the fucked up edition) here and here
Neil dies/amputations in Baltimore here
‘La jetée n'est plus loin’ here
‘I’m More Than This Body of Mine’ here (completed)
‘Next to You’ here
‘Rare pair hell series’ part 9 here
‘Live for you / Stay for me’ here 
‘“I pick up daddies at the playground.”’ here
‘lie to me (for i do not wish to live the truth)’ here
‘White Hands’ and ‘If Neil, Then Fox’ here
‘(don’t fear) the reaper’ here
‘Under the kitchen lights…’ here
‘Point Nemo’ here
‘Lifelines’ here
‘does the dog die at the end’ here
you may also like:
Neil runs after joining the foxes 2 here
andreil on the run from the mafia here
soulmates who feel each other's pain here
Mary/Nathan's people come back here
Mary tries to take Neil from the foxes here
Neil kills Nathan here
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It's a punch and a kiss, I'm trying to remember by beckdarkthrone [Not Rated, 18604 Words, Incomplete, Updated June 2024]
He has a hold on himself as Neil, as Abram, as Nathaniel.. Until he doesn't.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: dissociative disorder, tw: blood, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: internalized homphobia
NB: this author has a podcast with aftg-centric episodes; check out ‘So You Think You Like’ on spotify.
We're all Monsters Here by serene_chaos [Not Rated, 892 Words, Complete, 2022]
"I am part of the slaughter house. I feel that makes me more of a monster than you.” “Don’t look at me to absolve you.” Andrew flicks his cigarette towards Neil. Sparks landing inches from Neil’s hand. OR Neil doesn't think Andrew is a monster, but thinks he might be.
tw: childhood trauma, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture
Who Am I to You? by serene_chaos [Rated M, 91907 Words, Incomplete, Updated April 2024]
Neil Josten was born with violence in his blood and raised as a weapon to hide in plain sight. And then he finds himself surrounded by foxes and his usual survival tactics ruined by a five foot goalie. The whole mobster mafia problem isn’t helping either. -- Cue a Neil who cares a little less, a past raven, and potentially a little something more to live for.
tw: attempted rape, tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: murder, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: attempted nonconsensual drug use, tw: panic attacks, tw: flashbacks, tw: homophobia, tw: alcohol abuse/alcoholism, tw: animal abuse, tw: implied/referenced self harm 
you will always be my favorite form of loving by something_boring [Rated T, 15831 Words, Complete, 2024]
5 times the Foxes tried to take care of Neil and 1 time they didn't have to.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: panic attacks, tw: nightmares, tw: alcohol abuse, tw: blood, tw: vomit, tw: violence, tw: bullying
pain our brain has made by pipedreamaddy [Rated M, 16052 Words, Incomplete, Updated July 2024]
Neil and his discovery that he has trauma-induced migraines because we all know how he neglects his health. Between everything else going on with him, a migraine seemed very minor to him. But now that he is in a healthy, safe, and loving environment where he is thriving, he can take care of himself—theoretically speaking, at least. Or the fic where Neil finally gets the healing that he needs.
tw: needles, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: childhood trauma, tw: implied/referenced torture,  tw: flashbacks, tw: ptsd, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced murder
Keep Your Head Down and Don't Look Back by Capheira [Rated G, 775 Words, Complete, 2024]
Neil has spent most of his life running from his past but perhaps this time he was a little too efficient.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: panic attacks
Scars Like Stars by Kory_Rory [Rated T, 3429 Words, Incomplete, Updated June 2024]
Neil deals with his trauma by biting himself while being completely oblivious to the harm he's putting himself through. But it's okay cause the foxes are there to help him :)
tw: self harm, tw: body dysmorphia, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: negative self talk, tw: flashbacks 
I’m not used to all this water, love (it’s true) by niicowo [Rated T, 1415 Words, Complete, 2024]
Neil never thought anyone could ever love him. His parents never made him feel loved. But then again, what did he know about love? Nothing, he guessed. But one thing he did know was that Andrew loved him. And he just may love him too.
tw: past suicidal ideation, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
Razor’s Edge by godless_writer [Rated T, 2178 Words, Complete, 2023]
Neil Josten, a caring, shit-talking, striker for the Palmetto State Foxes. Nathaniel Wesninski, a runner, and the son of The Butcher of Baltimore. When Neil thinks that Andrew is in danger after he walks into Kevin and Andrew fighting, his world turns red and those lines become blurred.
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: dissociation
Don't let me be by Cutie_Wan [Not Rated, 1983 Words, Complete, 2023]
Neil suffers a major dissociation episode in front of the Foxes.
tw: dissociation, tw: self harm, tw: violence
grin and bear it by wlwmlmsolidarity [Rated G, 1221 Words, Complete, 2024]
neil has chronic pain due to lola and tries to just ignore it and push through on a bad pain day, andrew forcefully makes him relax and accept help
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: chronic pain
NB: includes fanart by @clementinecloudz
scream and yell but i feel speechless by DepressedTerrestrial [Not Rated, 6770 Words, Complete, 2023]
Neil had some unnecessary surgery done when he was younger. No one (including Neil) knows how to handle this except for Andrew (kind of).
tw: past medical abuse, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture
Isn't he the monster by DarkD [Not Rated, 16033 Words, Complete, 2021]
On a day when Neil "wakes up" in a particularly bad mood, hearing anyone being cruel to Andrew becomes unbearable to the point that he is on the verge of an explosion.
tw: violence, tw: blood, tw: self harm, tw: dissociation, tw: panic attacks, tw: child abuse
Day 19: bullet and Day 4: stitches art by @thefluffiestbird
Nathan was known for his extravagant parties and incredible entertainment art by @mac-monsters; twitter
Neil & Mary on the run edit by @romanovass
These ouches feel a little rough for a child on the run. comic by @softerstorms
“Don’t you dare be more afraid of me than you are of Andrew” art by @rainbowd00dles 
There’s nowhere to run art by @/tryashaa on instagram
“I’m fine” - *literally dying* art by @/koldangrey_art on instagram
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your-daily-snl · 6 months
Wake Up And Smile, starring two news anchors (Will Ferrell, Nancy Walls) whose day goes awry when the teleprompter breaks.
Original Air Date: 1995
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monsterfluffersrus · 1 year
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Take Enough Soul
Author: hollyblue2 (@envydean)
Artist: lmrb19 (@spn-fanfic-reblog-writes)
Pairings: Dean/Castiel. Side pairings: Benny/Jimmy Novak (minor), implied Sam/Rowena, Sam/Unnamed female character (minor)
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depiction of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Tags: Demon!Dean/Human!Cas, alternate universe, summoning demons, selling of souls, one sided love, angst, hurt/very little comfort, cock bulging, bottom!Cas, slight body horror, ambiguously happy ending, temporary major character death
Summary: Dean is summoned to an old cabin in the middle of the woods by a man who has lost his brother. After making sure Castiel’s soul is worth the bargain, Dean goes in search of Castiel’s brother only to find that he’s not on Earth, but in Hell.
Unfortunately for Castiel, deals are addictive and once he’s made one, he finds he has Dean wrapped around his finger.
Link to fic | Link to art
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ebonyslasher · 11 months
Gut Spill
This is absolutely so late, lol. I wanted this to be put up by Friday the 13th but oh well.
Goretober Prompt: Gut Spill
Character: Jason Voorhees
Graphis Depictions of Violence, blood, and gore
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The heat from the sun bared down onto the lands of Crystal Lake.
Throughout the years, working adults have realized that summer is the shittiest season, often retreating inside to hibernate across their air conditioning. Children and immature undergrad college students were the only ones who took the season in stride. Not because of the heat and sunny days. Because they were on school break. 
The representation of summer meant no responsibilities, everlasting fun with friends, and a time to relax. Through Jason's eyes it meant frustration, drugs, and premarital sex. Godless humans who have the audaciousness to enjoy life. Jason will always protect the sanctity of these grounds by sending them to eternal damnation.
A white, beat up Jeep Wrangler hobbled through the woods around 12:30 pm. 5 young adults jumped out of the vehicle, confident and boisterous at 12:36 pm. It was a Friday. The 13th day of the month. Jason observed from afar, using a thick tree to hide his hulking body.
These young adults….looked no different than the ones that usually come here. Same style of boring clothing. Same skin tone. The same rotation of Greek lettering that always confuses him. Whatever they were, they were always obnoxious.
It was currently 12:50 pm as Jason observed his upcoming victims. They were bringing in personal belongings and beer cases, cheering as they did so. 
The sun would set around 7:40 pm. Jason would spring into action then. 
They drink alcohol in copious amounts. Jason prepares. They peel their clothes off and jump into the lake, bare. He sneaks to set up his traps throughout the woods near the cabin. They have lust in their eyes as they watch and play with one another. The music they play is loud and vulgar. 
Some kiss and let their hands wander already. He is in his basement, gathering tools. His hammer, bow and arrow, and his machete. In the cabin, they drink some more. And not only do they drink, but they pull out a white substance to snort and share. He gets his bag and stuff it with what he needs. One couple, too busy to consume the powder, slink into a random room upstairs. They begin to have sex. 
Finally, Jason is ready. He decides that the machete will be his first weapon. 
In 10 minutes, he approaches the cabin. Jason observes the scene to take in the surroundings. He hears laughing and chatter with a mix of moans as he stands near. The moans catch his attention immediately. It was coming from the window on the second floor, which was slightly open. Using a propped ladder, Jason mysteriously climbs up to the window silently and puts his mask into full view of the couple. The girl inside, crudely riding her temporary lover, glances at the window. Jason quickly moves out of view. She screams, jolting off to the side and alerted the other. The man darts over to the window and opens it to investigate. But he sees nothing.
Jason teleported to one of the front windows downstairs, where the drugged up adults were dancing and leaning about. One sees Jason and points. However, the others only see the unchanging view of the trees. They laugh, telling them to calm down, saying that they were just too high. 
Jason slinks to the generator at the back of the cabin and smashes it. This causes the power to go out. It spooks the prey inside who, of course, offers the first sacrifice to investigate. It was the young male lover, shirtless with cargo shorts on. His dirty blonde hair was disheveled and facial expression showed frustration. 
It was time for action. 
As the frat brat begins to inspect the clearly smashed generator, Jason stomps up to him. The man jolts around at the timed crunch of the branch near his form. Jason revels as his victims’ violet blue eyes bulge in fear.
Jason quickly extends his machete and slash at the man’s mid torso. He staggers back, looking down at the clean slice, his brain not registering that it was there. Blood bubbles out of the first few layers of skin, covering the thin layer of fat that now could not protect his insides. Parts of his small intestine start to peek out of the cut. 
Not satisfied, Jason slashes down on the nearest side, extending the cut into an open flap. The large and small intestines ooze out to the side, with the mix of blood and body slime dripping onto the ground. More of the fat extends, yellow as dehydrated urine, as the pressure inside his torso changes pushing the innards forward. It was a mess of what looked like filled sausage casings. The young man groans in extreme pain. He could hardly react to everything that was happening, but he wished for it to be over with. Jason grabs the hanging intestines with his gloved hand and yanks them out. His kidneys the size of enlarged pinto beans, pancreas, and the lower half of his stomach sac come out with the jumbled mess. The force of the yank causes the stomach to pop, leaking stomach acid down onto the other organs, which causes them to burn and corrode.
 Satisfied with the brats’ suffering, Jason stalks forward to add another victim to his growing list. 
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midnightmare-fics · 1 year
I Promise I'll Save You
Ship: Mungrove (Eddie Munson/Billy Hargrove)
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,767
Warnings: DEAD DOVE, graphic descriptions of violence and blood and injuries and vomit, sword-fucking, Vecna/Billy non-con, Vecna uses Billy as a puppet to gain the Shadow Monster's powers, Eddie will stop at nothing to save Billy, established Mungrove, emaciated Billy, victim Billy, savior Eddie, heavy angst/hurt-comfort, happy ending (I PROMISE)
Eddie's laid his life on the line for his friends, accepted his fate, and hoped with this he could be reunited with his lost lover. Nothing goes according to plan... Well, mostly nothing. Wandering the Upside Down lost and injured, Eddie finds a (semi) familiar face: Billy, the love of his life. Except Billy looks nothing like himself, he's wasting away as Vecna's puppet, but Eddie doesn't care. He will do anything to save his love.
@mungroveweek - Day 1, Upside Down
@harringroveson-bingo - Card Three, Prompt B3 - "It's giving me the heebie-jeebies."
@billyhargrovebingo - Card One, Prompt C1 - Sword Fucking
@eddiemunsonbingo - Card One, Prompt B1 - Numb
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