#non profit site
muffinlance · 1 year
Oh so the clown ads are over? Too late Tumblr I already cancelled ad free uninstalled your app and discovered the power of ublock in mobile FireFox. AND tags are editable in the web version?
There's no going back
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etchif · 4 months
Okay but genuinely. Why is Cats so severely hated on. I get the 2019 movie is largely what brought it back into the public conscience and thus strongly shaped the current generation's view of the show but there has to be more than that, people were hating on it even before the film came out. It almost feels like Cats (or god forbid LIKING Cats) is treated as somewhat of a musical theatre taboo. The One Show no one likes and you're not allowed to like because everyone will look at you funny, even folks who don't normally care much about musical theatre. Come on guys they're just kitty cats
Yadda yadda nice opinion did a youtuber give it to you try forming your own opinions on things without parroting other people's etc etc
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just saw a post claiming ao3 is run by zionists with no links, facts, articles, or anything else to support said claim
i'm having a really bad brain fog year and i feel like search engines are getting worse and worse so does anyone know where the fuck this came from and if there's anything to it
like links to anything substantial are preferable but if you can give me an idea of what the fuck to look up that would also work
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satyrn-exe · 4 months
i wish ao3 had a “main character” tag section and then a “side character/minor character” section
i find it tedious to find fanfics that focus on less popular characters in a given piece of media, since the same character tag is used regardless if they are in a minor/supporting role or the main one [in the fic].
(I know you can filter out *character i dont want*-centric, but i find that its not a common tag).
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avocadosockz · 1 year
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per this article
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demento · 6 months
just saw the most godawful take ive ever read. really .
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pawsitivevibe · 1 year
Aww I was excited about the prospect of free catered lunch at work today, that I forgot what always happens when there's "free food." We get the crappy leftovers that the office staff don't want. There was even a time when someone offered to buy pizza specifically for the barn staff, but it ended up being delivered to the main office. By the time it got to the barn office, there was not enough for all the barn staff.
I bring donuts for only the barn staff sometimes, because it's like a little thing that makes people happy. A good workplace does the occasional little thing to make employees happy ... Lol not ours, we gotta make our own. I hated my grocery store job, but damn if we didn't get a lot of gift cards and free lunches and staff parties and raffles and stuff.
They sure do treat us as a less-than after-thought at the barn, even in little ways like that. But who actually takes care of the horses, makes sure the lessons can run, etc? They treat us all like 14-year-olds who are here for the summer, when that's a very small percentage of who actually works in the barn ... If you treat everyone like that, that's all whose going to end up working here, and we can't run the barn with only 14-year-olds who are here for the summer ...
Anyhow, all I've learned from this is that if I ever do get an office job, I want to make sure the "lower" down employees are respected and appreciated and get to have the free food or whatever too.
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
hmmm....I'm researching potential grant opportunities for my mom's church belltower restoration project and am not thrilled by the sheer number of grants that are locked behind paywalled websites
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emcads · 1 year
ok everyone is talking about blaze and just to say, i dont really care if you blaze my posts lmao. don't do threads that's weird but it truly does not matter.
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
i think.... it would be so cute to have a welcome home zine for OCs exclusively.....................................
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jessiarts · 2 years
You ever have an idea that you feel is good and and you feel people would like/want it and you want to do it, but thinking about how much effort it would take to execute, and the resources you might need, and finding people to help because you can't do it alone, and about legality, and safety, and just... thinking about it zaps all your energy because you're just... you. And how could you possibly do it, let alone do it right?
I don't know. I'm having feelings.
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bornt-urnge · 10 months
⚠️ Fandom is Moving Forward with Generative AI ⚠️
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As of December 15, Fandom has announced their plans to continue using AI to "enhance" their articles.
In short, they claim to have primarily used AI to
Scan images for "appropriateness" (be that NSFW content or just fitting in with the theme of the show), which still involves scraping tons of images and comparing them to a potentially unethically sourced database. As with all machine learning using images, it is still wildly inaccurate.
Optimizing edits - something they admit is still severely lacking because it can't read tables or variants on simple things like "birthday"
Optimizing SEO - this is clearly what they care most about, since Google likes the "Quick Answers" - as shitty as they were - this means they can continue to dominate the search results and gain more ad revenue.
This is a good time to remember that Fandom is a for-profit company with inverstors, which means their end goal is always to make the most money possible. They don't care about "The Fans" (despite the lip service), and they don't care about the authenticity of user-generated content if they can figure out how to automate the process.
Indie Wiki Buddy is an extension that will redirect you to non-Fandom versions of wikis if it's in their database.
BreezeWiki displays all Fandom wikis in a clean, ad-free format with just the article content (no links to their forums, autoplay videos, etc)
If you must use Fandom, install UBlock Origin. It's available on all desktop browsers and Firefox Mobile. Hit them where it hurts. And encourage the wiki teams to leave Fandom if they can.
Also, be sure to support independent wikis! You can disable adblockers while on their sites, as they usually have much less obtrusive ads which directly fund server maintenance rather than CEO salaries. Change links on your posts/pages to direct to non-Fandom Wikis (even wiki.gg is better).
Keep information free from corporatization.
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humming-fly · 1 year
Every now and then I'm reminded Real People with Actual Jobs use tumblr and I've always been legitimately curious what all you weird adults are up to when you're not on this site and with tumblr's New Poll Feature I can finally get an answer! (or the closest approximation of an answer possible with only 10 available options h a)
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jessica-larson · 10 months
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Ignite compassion with our Swift Animal Rescue Plan—an expert blueprint for creating a haven for furry friends. Elevate your mission with a heartfelt and committed plan! 🐾✨
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steorran · 11 months
i think it would be cool if more websites were organized and operated as non-profits, but it seems to me that even a non-profit has operating costs and staff salaries.
what is the proposed framework for a non-profit social media website to cover those costs? donations? government funding? besties, i'm not sure we're gonna get a grant to post about hole....
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autism-corner · 1 year
augh if this listing of the lil falling rin kagamine 'figure' is still up in a week im getting it.....
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