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Title: Vi Moxt Miirik (Chapter Two - Also on AO3)
Prompt: Wuv: giving gifts
Pairing: Geralt & Jaskier
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Our favorite lovable Bard is a little more than he let's Geralt know. Follow them through the years as he learns to let down his walls and show Geralt how beautiful he really is.
Chapter Two
Jaskier had never felt like this before. Following after a Witcher had been the best decision of his life. It had been five years and every day he felt he learned something new about Geralt. The compassion he showed to Filavandrel's elves was only the beginning. Since then, Jaskier had witnessed Geralt taking 'contracts' on a pair of godlings, a succubus, and a handful of trolls. Every time, without fail, he convinced the 'monster' to leave the area without harming them. The godlings had just been causing mischief, the succubus was very careful with her meals, and the trolls just needed to move further into the mountains away from people. Geralt had even helped them find a suitable cave to move into.
He was, without a doubt, the most compassionate person Jaskier had ever met.
Which is why Jaskier was here, agonizing over the small bracelet in his hands. A small silver scale sat in the middle, a little smaller than the size of his palm, with thin silver wire holding it in place in an elaborate design. It was open on the back, to be able to be cuff onto Geralt's wrist, and a small bright blue gem set directly in the middle of the scale.
It was beautiful. It was powerful; Jaskier could feel it even now, a small spot of his attention drawn directly onto the bracelet. And his Mother will absolutely murder him when she finds out he's done this. Doubly so when she finds out he's given this to a Witcher, of all creatures. But he couldn't help it, honestly, and she should know better by now how impulsive he is. For once, he's actually taking things slow!!! She should be proud of him!
...He might not even give it to Geralt. Not yet, at least. Maybe he should wait another year or two...
Maybe he could stand the uncertainty of not knowing if Geralt was okay for another year... Of having to hunt him down over the vastness that is the Continent. Yeah. Of course.
Which is why, the moment Jaskier spotted Geralt walking up the road into Ard Carraigh, he knew that it could not wait. He was in the middle of a set with a decent enough crowd that meant he could not stop playing and fling himself into his Witcher's arms. More's the shame because he actually looked clean at this moment. Finally, about half an hour later, he finished his set.
"I'll be at the Hen Evall tonight and tomorrow, if you wish to hear more of my amazing tales!" He called out to the crowd, getting a hearty cheer back from the small crowd. 
With a smile and a flourishing bow, he picked up his hat and lute case from the ground and approached the Witcher, who was hiding off to the side of a building, petting Roach gently as he kept his sharp golden gaze roaming on alert. 
"I do hope you haven't gotten a room yet." Jaskier said as he fell into step beside Geralt, leading him deeper into the city towards the inn.
"Hm..." Geralt just hummed and let Jaskier lead them to the inn. Jaskier, of course, nervous beyond measure, chattered away the entire time about nothing and everything that came to his mind.
Jaskier escorted his Witcher up to his rented room after he settled Roachie in at the stables, and immediately set about straightening up his belongings. It was his worst habit, tossing clothing anywhere and everywhere when he settled into a place for more than a day or two.
"Oh! I almost forgot!" Jaskier exclaimed, schooling his voice into something casual instead of nervous. He dug into his satchel and pulled out the bracelet, sending a small prayer up to whatever goddesses that look out for bards and Witchers, turning around with a charming smile fixed into place as Geralt gave him a questioning look. "I found this at Oxenfurt for you."
"What is it?" Geralt asked, taking the cuff from him with no hesitation. A chill went up his spine as Geralt gently examined it. It looked delicate in his hands, even more so than it did in Jaskier's, and he suddenly worried that Geralt wouldn't like it.
"The woman who sold it to me said it was a good luck charm, to keep people from stealing from you." Jaskier explained with a wave, downplaying it. If there was anything Jaskier was great at, it was redirecting. "After that mess with the bandits last year, I thought you needed some better luck."
"It reeks of magic." He just grunted back. Jaskier raised his eyebrows in feigned shock. Of course it smelled like magic, he did not say; it smelled like Jaskier's magic. It had taken a lot of effort to imbue it with all the necessary properties.
"Really?" Jaskier asked instead, playing along.
"Probably a scale from a wyvern or a slyzard. Nothing worth claiming it would be good luck." Geralt grumbled out, his inspection of the cuff apparently complete. Jaskier bit his lip, hard, to keep from screeching at the man. How dare he compare that scale to something so commonplace as a wyvern? His eyes darted to the cuff where Geralt was now trying to hand it back, and that... hurt. He blinked a few times, trying to blink back the tears that were now threatening to fall. 
Of course Geralt couldn't be blamed for not wanting it. He didn't even understand what he was rejecting, which was solely Jaskier's fault, he fully realized. But it still hurt.
He heard Geralt sigh loudly before a bare wrist was shoved forward, breaking his staring contest with the floor. Jaskier glanced up hopefully, and saw a small smile tugging at the edges of Geralt's lip.
"Really?" He asked, just to be sure. Geralt nodded and Jaskier smiled, his genuine one, not the performative one. He stepped a little closer to Geralt, and with a smooth motion he slipped the cuff onto Geralt's left wrist.
He felt the magic take hold, wrapping itself around Geralt's being, tying him to Jaskier. It was warm and comforting, and Jaskier felt relief at last. He would always be able to find Geralt, now, and know with certainty that he was okay. The cuff transformed as the magic settled, and Geralt just inspected it again, eyes a little wide but no signs yet of rejecting it. The cuff was now a simple silver band, resting completely comfortably against his wrist.
"Is it supposed to do that?" Jaskier asked, curious if Geralt now recognized what it was.
"Hm..." Geralt just hummed, and played with the band a little before letting it settle. As long as the stubborn man kept it on, Jaskier would always be able to find him, eventually. It would lead him, like a homing beacon. It would also give him some protection against magic, boosting his already high resistance to mind control and the like, and ward against theft. It really was because they had nearly been robbed blind by bandits the year before, or at least that's what inspired Jaskier to create this unique gift.
"I guess it was worth the coin you spent on it, at least." Jaskier couldn't help but beam at his ridiculous Witcher.
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hngryazn · 2 months
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Trying my best to get back into traditional.. As a treat please accept some non-human Jaskier 😌
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thedemonofcat · 29 days
Here's the thing: Geralt is nearly certain that Jaskier isn’t fully human. The problem is, he can’t quite figure out what Jaskier is. Since all bards are somewhat unconventional, it’s even harder to tell.
Geralt has begun keeping two lists:
1. General Bard Weirdness
2. Jaskier-Specific Weirdness
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Jaskier is a vampire who doesn't want to kill humans so he goes for Geralt as he knows the witcher would survive and heal well
Geralt is a witcher being followed by a fledgeling vampire and very exasperated but unwilling to kill the man for trying to be good
What follows are a lot of fun adventures, Jaskier constantly trying to have a little nibble, Geralt pushing him away like he's Roach looking for a treat in his pockets, friendship, music, and confused other witchers who are unsure why Geralt hasn't gotten rid of the vampire in some way, yet. (Because Geralt is NOT AT ALL fond of his little bat, clearly.)
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i think it would be so cool if this prophecy was about jaskier just a little neat
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
Witcher thoughts
Sorcerer Jaskier / Yennefer (version one)
Just after the mountain drama
jaskier get blinded by a bruxa on his way down the mountain.
So he decides fuck it he’s had enough with people for the next decade
He dyes his hair and becomes a pseudo- hermit, throwing himself into perfecting his magic
He starts going by Julian again
Yennefer hears about this mysterious sorcerer living in the mountains who helps the local village and goes to investigate
Lo and behold it’s jaskier
She shocked, confused, but not angry. She can’t bring herself to be. Not when he invites her into his cottage for tea
She very quickly becomes angry, but not at jaskier, no her fury is solely on geralt for leaving jask alone
Winter falls and jask asks yenn to stay with him
They start getting close and before they realize it, they’ve fallen in love
They decide to wed for real
Rip geralt he’s got two angry sorcerer newlyweds to deal with now
Witcher jaskier
Do y’all watch the Witcher George on YouTube? You should. Go watch the school of the leshen video! I’ll wait.
School of the leshen Jaskier.
His dad, Alfred, is also a Witcher of the same school, he had jask before undergoing the mutations.
A 22 year old newly minted Witcher Alfred is out on a contract in lettenhove and runs into the woman he had a one night stand with, and surprise, he’s a father.
She gives a rather neglected 5 year old Julian to his father.
Panicking about his new status as a father, he takes his son back to the elder keep and raises Julian as a Witcher.
 Julian has a surprising affinity for signs, Axii in particular, which he learned to incorporate into his voice. Earning him the nickname ‘siren in the wood’
{oc time} the Witcher Berek Ebonstone is roughy around Julian’s age and the two become quick friends. Even traveling together when they become full witchers
Jul gets sent to study at oxenfurt and bring new information back the the school, where he takes up his infamous persona of Jaskier the bard
Julian is out on a contract in Posada, having just completed it when he meets geralt.
Now Julian, ever the little shit, decides he wants to see what all the fuss over the white wolf is about.
Things play out as normal, albeit with jaskier always seems to have more coin when geralt comes back from a contract than when he left, there always seems to be one less contact too. He’s sure it’s nothing though.
It’s not until the infamous break up that things really change.
Jaskier seemingly drops off the face of the earth.
Berek and Julian are once again hunting together regularly, occasionally interacting with the other wolves but, blessedly, never running into geralt.
Julian knows his luck won’t hold, and he’ll have to face geralt eventually and tell him the truth. But he going to wait until he has no other choice.
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could-be-gayer · 9 months
Chaotic Fanfic Recommendation <3
Do you wanna read about a bard with no self preservation skills with a band of emotionally constipated wolf guys? What about platonic relationships that melt you to your absolute core? Screaming at your phone cause God will you please kiss and tell each other your big emotions?
Then I have an amazing fanfic for you, my guy. This "the way in which you talk to me (have me wishing I were gone)" by Livesinbooks. This a story of non-human Jaskier making up with Geralt after you know that and taking him to Kaer Morhen and meeting all the witchers. Then, it builds apon these relationships in stuff a fun way for the characters and the dynamics, my god the dynamics. This is such a fun story that grows and keeps you wanting more. This is about finding love in all its different forms and how to communicate in these relationships. If you have a general understand of The Witcher then you will love this canon divergence. The Geraskier is so yummy, finger licking good yummy. Jaskier is especially is most chaotic and brings everyone down with him and they find out they love his company and want geralt to lock this shit down cause Jaskier is so fluffy and good. With Ciri in this, Jaskier is already making himself #1 dad and Ciri loves it. Then, Yennefer is her badass self. The plot was not put to the side, and it entwines nicely with the characters and helps with the growth of their relationships. It feels like the author loves these characters and wants the best for them, so you. Should. Read. This. Please
Now Bob with the stats:
This fic comes in at 41,950 words with 4 chapters. It has 152 comments with 1,530 kudos. It sits at a nice 284 bookmarks and 16,766 hits
My note on the fic was:
Jaskier, non human being: I will just live my life singing and enjoying nice people
Geralt, a man that hunts non human beings and is not nice: *exists*
Jaskier: look at that the love of my life
Summary and Tags:
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galaxygalthemess · 2 months
Witcher au where jaskier is a mermaid, but like how it works in H2O just add water
maybe valdo and pricilla are aswell, just for the heck of it
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islenthatur · 1 year
"GERALT!" Jaskiers voice ripped across the battlefield, high-pitched and terrified.
Geralt pushed forward, sword cutting down any soldier between him and his Bard. The Squirrels that fought with them moved out of his way after a glance, clearing a path with the Song of the Seven on their lips. He had just got Jaskier back, and he finally felt the sweet feel of life on those lips... Geralt will not let anything take it from him now.
"GERALT!!" His name was like a whip, called from many directions as the song picked up with fervour the closer he got to Jaskier. His medallion rippled violently on his armour, the sheer taste of chaos in the air near suffocating.
A glimpse of red between fighting Nilfgaards had his heart squeezing, close, so very close.
"NO!" The word was violently ripped from his throat, bringing agony and blood as he saw the sword pierce through Jaskier just as a portal ripped open and swallowed him whole. The last thing he saw of Jask, his Lark, was terrified eyes and his name spilling from those lips with blood.
Rage ingulfed him, fury he hadn't felt the likes of in a very long time. His swords swung, cutting a path towards where his Lark once stood and he let go. He let go of the humanity that Jaskier had brought back, fought tooth and nail to keep front and centre. Let Nilfgaard see the Butcher.
Time lost all meaning.
"Geralt!" His name was called, high and panicked, not the voice he wanted but one he knew.
"Yen." The word, guttural and sharp. The battle still raged around him, but none dared grow close to the Butcher and the Witch.
Purple eyes glanced around, over him, behind him. "Did you find him?"
A snarl ripped from his throat, pushing Geralt back into the depths of his mind. "Someone ran him through with a sword, a mortal wound, and a portal ripped him from me!"
Yen let out a sharp inhale, her eyes scanning the field for the bard she has come to call friend. There was nothing, no sign on him, only the thick, cloying air of chaos. A powerful amount of chaos. She turned back to Geralt to see his face twisted in a snarl, hands snapping the neck of a brave soldier, teeth gleaming like rubies.
She had never felt afraid of Geralt, not till now.
In one blink and the next, the ground vibrated heavily, the air buzzing and all around began to slow as something ripped across the field with a resounding crack. Silence on a battlefield was unusual, something to cause hundreds to still was...
"The fuck?" Lamberts voice was heard from the left, drawing her eyes to the figure he was staring at.
It was the bard, Jaskier the likes they've never seen. Tall and broad, clad in black leather, two swords on his back and a hammer in his hand. But his face, his face was marred with a vicious smile, black eyes of the void... witcher eyes...
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thewitcherslair · 1 year
Dear Witcher fandom, please help me find fics!
I'm currently looking for fics that contain
Non-human Jaskier having to reveal that he's not human due to some reason, maybe saving Geralt and then being terrified/scared or sad because he thinks Geralt will kill him now as he's a monster hunter.
Can contain Geralt contemplating..
Kind of angst with a happy ending vibes, shipping or no shipping idc
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lana-1526 · 2 years
ok but like taking liberties in fae(ry) mytholology. I really like the idea where jaskier is a fae because let’s be honest, boi doesn’t age normally. I’ve read a fic where he is essentially like the personification of spring and his powers are strongest when in spring and yes pls that is so good??? i’ve also seen fanart of @spielzeugkaiser‘s fae!jaskier where jaskier has sisters. now combine those two and like have jaskier’s siblings be the fae representing the other seasons. I like to think that they hold like a little meeting once every year and they discuss how the year’s seasons will go and that they trade off the season with either singing or just be like “eyyo yer turn lmao”. if it is singing i would think that the more intense a song is (like horror and the wild) the harsher the season is, especially if it’s winter. I have no idea if this makes any sense but this has been living in my mind rent free for weeks now and i haven’t written anything besides school work for years now but i just wanted it out there so here we go askdghjdf
not me expanding this even more Part 2, Part 3
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spilledbutter · 1 year
it's not jaskier as a merman if he's not tempting unwitting sailors to trip and fall into the ocean by flashing his tits
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thedemonofcat · 3 months
The next time Geralt sees Jaskier after the mountain, he learns that the bard is gravely ill and may not have long to live.
Geralt is heartbroken as he spends time near what will be Jaskier's deathbed. In all their time together, Geralt had always been able to save and protect Jaskier, but not this time. There's no monster fight, just human sickness.
After Geralt reaches out to Yennefer in a desperate plea for her to save Jaskier, she points out that Jaskier isn't fully human as he doesn't seem to age. Therefore, no normal illness should kill him.
Then Geralt finds, right under the bed, a hex bag.
Someone has cursed Jaskier
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Geralt hasn't stuck around a human for this long before, so at first he thinks nothing of it when Jaskier comes back to him year after year, looking just the same. And when he doesn't die even after he must've passed sixty in age, Geralt chalks it up to the fact that any human would live past the expected when protected by a Witcher. He does get a little suspicious when Jaskier still looks the same after a century on the path together.
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letshareapapou · 2 years
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crispyjenkins · 5 months
geraskefer "crispy has lost control of their life again" celebration sneak peek
this fic is really really heavy, in ways none of my other works are, so please read the following warnings closely even though i don't actually talk about any of those heavy things in this excerpt this is, however, a story that's very near and dear to me and i really love the world building i've done with it so far, and am actually almost done writing it but it's over 40,000 words and just wanna talk about it 😭
inspired by of music and motion and love (and it’s companion piece) by writethroughthenight on ao3.
warnings/tags: implied/referenced/off-screen sexual assault, canon-typical violence (non-sexual tho), stregobor-typical human experimentation, implied and canon-typical fantastical racism, implied/referenced torture (like it’s not really torture but it’s not NOT torture y'feel?), jaskier whump, no post-mountain geralt vilification, poly-heavy like this is very much a poly fic, minor mind/body control but no outright possession, good valdo marx, jaskier is the sandpiper, angsty but very much with a HAPPY ENDING
 She sighs and lets him kiss his cheek before ushering their strange little party out the door and down a servants’ passageway to the stables. To his relief, it’s just their means of escape, and they don’t actually have to deal with smuggling a horse or two; despite knowing she’ll be back the next time Geralt buys a chestnut mare, Jaskier still mourns whatever current Roach Geralt had to have left behind somewhere between Cintra and Temeria. 
  Also in their favour is the fact that everyone here is quite used to sneaking and hiding for their lives, so it’s quick work to move through Wyzima’s dark streets towards Dandelion. Any time Jaskier has to do something Geralt or Yennefer don’t expect (paying off a watchman here, steering them around patrols there, and even whistling a short code to one of the side business’ other Birds to allow them through a locked gate to cut through someone’s garden), Jaskier feels their curious and considering stares at his back, Yennefer’s with grudging admiration, and Geralt’s with slightly-accusatory guilt. 
  Whatever, Jaskier doesn’t owe Geralt anything, least of all an explanation for his unexplainable skills.
  Luckily, he only has to kill one person during the trek, one of Foltest’s soldiers that recognises Geralt as they pass, and Jaskier doesn’t have time to hesitate, flicking a terribly-thin throwing dagger from his left sleeve with enough force to stick it through the soldier’s throat to the hilt. After he retrieves his dagger, Geralt is back to not looking at him at all.
  They reach Dandelion in just over an hour thanks to shortcuts and an old smuggling tunnel, arriving at a small two-storey cottage in a relatively nice area of the city, with no distinguishing features except a single paper Dandelion in a vase in the curtained front window. Jaskier leads them around to the back (the front doors of all the safehouses are sealed and barred, with magic and wooden slats both), and uses a small burst of his own magic to unlock the door to the cellar.
  He makes sure everyone enters ahead of him, closing and relocking everything with the same touch of chaos that has Yennefer’s nose twitching, then ushers Destiny’s Trio up into the cottage properly.
  It’s sparsely decorated, it’s not exactly meant to house anyone for more than a night at most, but the warm wood furniture and whitewashed walls are actually quite cozy, if Jaskier says so himself. Amused, he watches understanding dawn on everyone’s faces when they see the collection of paper dandelions tied together on the kitchen table.
  Yennefer turns to Jaskier. “Dandelion is the safehouse?”
  “Of course, my dear witch!” Flouncing into the kitchen, he quickly —though not quite painlessly— unslings his satchel to drop it onto the table next to the dandelions. “So are Buttercup, and Chamomile, though in your defense Poppy is very much a person.”
  He winces, taking a deep breath before finally meeting Geralt’s golden eyes for the first time since he’d burst into Triss’ infirmary. Do Cirilla and Yennefer realise just how much emotion their stoic witcher is showing right then? Pain in the clench of his jaw, confusion and the fear of that confusion held in the tension of his shoulders, worry in the lines of his pursed lips?
  Fuck, this is why Jaskier never wanted to see Geralt again, because he remembers when Geralt used to look at him with that much emotion all the time, back before Yennefer fucked her way into both their lives, back before Geralt had lost them both.
  “Geralt,” he murmurs tiredly, sagging to lean on the back of the chair.  “Why do you have multiple safehouses?” The ‘Why do you need multiple safehouses?’ goes unsaid.
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