#none of us want anything from papa
livwritesstuff · 7 months
“Papa has to put five dollars in the jar,” Hazel proudly announces the very moment she and Steve arrive home from her evening dance class.
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie groans his place at the stove where he’s cooking dinner, “What’d you do this time?”
The Jar is actually a repurposed animal crackers container – the big plastic kind shaped like a bear. Most people think it’s a swear jar which, honestly, Steve and Eddie are fine with because that’s probably better than the reality of the situation – that they (it’s mostly Steve, actually) need a system to keep in check the petty fights they get into with practically everyone they know.
“I just–” Steve starts, and then he rolls his eyes, “I don’t get why some people have kids if they clearly don’t want to be part of their kids’ lives.”
“Little pitchers,” Eddie reminds him – as in little pitchers have big ears, as in their children hear everything they say, whether they want them to or not.
Steve ignores him.
“So her class was about to wrap up – they had, like, five minutes left – and they all came out of the room looking all excited and they said they wanted to show us their recital dance so far because they’re almost done learning it.”
“Sure,” Eddie comments.
“And this one kid is, like, rushing to put her shoes and coat on over her little tutu thing because her mom’s waiting in the car outside, and she goes to get her, and then, like, five minutes later she comes back inside in tears because her mom didn’t want to come in.”
Eddie shakes his head, equally unimpressed.
“Anyways, they do their little routine and – Ed, they were so excited, and they tripped over each other the entire time and none of them know what they’re doing and it’s so fucking cute, man. I have no idea how anyone wouldn’t want to watch that.”
“Right,” Eddie said slowly, because he knows Steve well enough to start piecing together where The Jar might come into play. 
“So when it was over,” Steve continues, “I walked the kid to her mom’s car and I told her that she missed a good show and that her daughter very obviously wanted her there.”
“I really don’t think I did anything wrong,” Steve defended.
“Cough it up, big boy. Jar.”
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bluewolfangel01 · 3 months
How the brothers make sure you're safe in the Devildom: Older Bros edition
Papa Luci mode activated
He has to know where you are or where you're going if you want to go out
It doesn't matter to him that you have 7 of the most powerful demons under your command or that you're training under humanity's most power sorcerer
You are required to have someone with you when traveling anywhere in the Devildom
If he doesn't know where you are, for some reason, he while be doing everything he can just to figure out your location
Of course he isn't going to panic just yet mind you, he'll first ask his brothers if they know where you are
Ex. he makes Levi track your phone or asks Mammon to locate you via crow familiar
If none of them know, then he's going to ask the dateables and side characters
And if they don't know?
He (and the everybody else of course) are going to tear the Devildom apart to make sure that you're okay
And if you are not? May Father have mercy on whoever dared to lay a finger on you cause Lucifer won't
If he starts getting on your nerves about always having to know a general area of where you are, don't hold it against him to much
He just doesn't want you to get hurt, cause if you were you'd have a very said and pissed off Luci on your hands
Two words: Crow familiar
Around when you made a pact with him, he gave you a crow familiar
He claimed that it was to make sure he didn't have to deal with Lucifer's punishment if you ever died or even got hurt
Don't let him fool you, that man just wants to make sure you're safe cause he cares about you so much
He has so many crows he sadly can't keep track of ALL their names, so he let's you name yours
The crow will of course love you to bits and do things for you because of his connection to Mammon and cause you treat them so nice
Pls have some seeds on you, the crow will adore you even more if you do
Whenever your out the crow will follow and watch you from a distance or maybe even close by depending on how big the crowds are
If you're ever in trouble and can't handle it (or even if you can) the crow network is put into use to alert Mammon
The second he is told he drops whatever it is that he's doing and he's rushing to get to you no matter what
He'd take out the threat so fast, you blink and it's gone and in its place is Mammon
He's smiling at you and saying how he just so happened to be in the neighborhood
Whatever the threat was seems to have disappeared and Mammon leads you away saying how he wants to show you something he wants to buy nearby
But if you listen closely, you can hear a series of loud caws coming around the area you were just at
Although he doesn't go out of his room much, that doesn't mean that he can't protect you from the outside
Like previously mentioned, there's a tracker on your phone (all the brothers have the same on theirs, don't feel bad)
The only reason he checks it is either because Lucifer asked him or it's been a bit since he's seen or talked to you and wants to know that you're okay
The other way he protects you is checking online and keeping a lookout for any potential threats or nefarious plans against you
He won't intervene unless said people seem to be very serious or actually putting their plan into motion
If such a plan is in motion, he warns the rest of his brothers
No matter what arises if he either ends up stopping or warning the others about there's always the same result
Anything they want online, somehow they can't find it anywhere
They want to simply look about the internet? They best be prepared for all the pop up adds and bugs imaginable
Levi is making sure they never even think about hurting you ever again
This turned out longer then I originally thought it would be.... I promise to write about the other brothers!
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Post war/coma comic about Gai struggling with his recovery
Since tumblr hates long form comics, I have to split this into 2 bc its 36 images. This is the first part, part 2 i'll either do as a reblog or a separate post right after this, stay tuned! Links to support me in pinned post <3
tw: s*icidal thoughts, injury, a little blood
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Bisuke: Gai's Back!
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Kks: Im home Gai: Welcome back Kks: [wheels rolling] Hey,
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Kks: Ga-!? Gai: Im fine. The tile is cool on my face. Kks: Wanna go lay down in bed? Gai: I am so /sick/ of lying down. Kks: Ok. What do you want for supper?
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Gai: You're not going to comment? Kks: I already know what happened. You overdid it again. I should be able to keep up with chores, kakashi. Kks: You can. Just don' bull through it all in one go. Do you want to end up in the hospital again? Gai: Please don't. Kks: I know sitting still is hard for you, and "too much" is in your DNA, but you have to take this slow so you don't exacerbate your injuries, Gai. You went from hyper-aware to pretending your body limits dont exist. Gai: Like you haven't done the same.
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Gai: You've proved your point. Kks: It's not about that. And you've dragged me to bed and out of bed repeatedly when I needed it. You were burning alive from the inside. Tsunade told you your immune system is out of whack. You need to take it easy. /I/ know you're capable, but are you trying to prove to /yourself/ you are? Gai: You want me to admit my embarrassment? Kks: If something serioud happens, You'll be even more embarrassed then
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Gai: How could you possibly know how I FEEL?! How could you EVER KNOW HOW I FEEL?! Kks: I DON'T! But I've /been/ the one ouking and sobbing on your bathroom floor because I couldn't take living anymore! And I don't want that for YOU!
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Kks: I'm sorry, Gai. Gai: I'm sorry
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Kks: I can't stand knowing you're in pain, and I can't get you help. If there was a way, I'd do anything. Gai: You do so much to help me already.... And I yelled at you Kks: I've screamed at you so much, that was pretty tame. I wish I was like you with things like this. Not great with what to say...... But I can listen.
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Gai: I hate feeling so weak. I'm tired all the time, in constant pain, I can't even walk-..... I can tell tenten and the boys worry despite my efforts to appear positive. Kks: They're just not sure how to react. They know you hate being babied, but don't want to push you into hurting yourself. You hate being told you can't do something. They love you. You get stronger everyday, everyone is cheering you on.
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Gai: I know it's irrational, but... I feel like you gave up the Hokage position to take care of me. Kks: Haa!? I'm grateful if anything. I'd be retired too if I could. That'd be amazing. I'm dreading just helping Tsunade but as long as you're by my side, I'll be fine. We're still equals, rivals, friends, partners
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Gai: Even if I can't- Kks: /Always/ wil be, dickhead. Gai: You worry about me hurting myself? Kks: I know you think about it
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Kks: We're the same in that regard Gai: I would never act on this, please believe me, these thoughts are rare........... Kks: It's ok, Gai. Gai: Sometimes I think i should have just died. I feel so out of place on the streets I used to feel so at home at. I never asked to live. I didn't plan to. I just don't know how to-...
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Kks: I understand that. Though, dying didn't feel any better. Gai: I know I didn't fully pass like you did. I didn't see papa. Just for a moment, I wish I could have seen him.
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Kks: As much as I'm sure he wants to see you again, It's too soon. Dai'd slap the shit out of you for wanting to waste your youth just to see him. Gai: [chuckle] probably. Kks: I have those thoughts less and less now, but they're still there. "why am I the one who survives?" "Burden" "Gai will come to his senses eventually"
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Gai: FALSE!! None of my grief is with you! I love living here with you! My love for you only burns hotter each day! You're so lovely inside and out! Kks: Maa What did I do to deserve such praise from teh mouth of the hottest man in Konoha?? Gai: YOU STILL THINK I'M HOT?! Kks: YOU-! [CACKLE]
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Kks: Your bad taste is the only reason I had a chance before someone snatched you up. Gai: The worst. Kks: Thought we'd irritate eachother, but it's been pretty smooth. Even though you still get played by the dogs. Gai: You really wanna throw those stones?
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Gai: They play you just as easily. don't lie. Kks: My point is, whatever you need from me, you have it. No questions asked. Even if you yell and scream, i can take it. You held me together when I was unraveling, and I'll never forget it. Didn't trust anyone else to see me like that. Broken
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Gai: I never saw you as that. Kks: I'll never see you as that
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devoutekuna · 4 months
Getting woken up by his child
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
A/N- Toji's part is from my previous blog
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"Get out" Gripping the poor boy by his shoulders, only making him kick and squeak for you even more. He was sick and tired of his son coming to wake you up in the middle of the night. Especially when it wasn't anything important. He treasured his alone time with you, anywhere away from his offspring who did nothing but terrorizing him.
"Get off!" Trying to slap and kick his father, taking the boy out of the shared bedroom, dropping him onto the ground before closing the door on him. The pink haired man walked back to your sleeping body, smirking at the sound of his son's pleas.
"Why do you need mummy?" Rolling over to fair the fair haired toddler, who was climbing onto the bed, trying to use his legs as a handle bar. A giant grin appearing on his face as he saw his parent. "Papa!" Hands sticking out as he wanted to get on the bed. "Upsies" picking up the kid as he sat him on his chest. Gently pinching his cheek as he waited for a response. "Me hungry" pointing to himself as he expected food to appear. Sighing as he knew that he had to tend to his son's needs but didn't want to leave his beautiful wife. Sitting up as he slipped on some slippers, latching the kid onto his hip.
Hands wrapped around your waist as he held you close, his chest touching your back. Feeling the light taps of someone on his shoulders, glancing back to see who the culprit was. None other than his daughter. "Dad" tugging on his hair as it was the closest. "What is it sweetheart?" It had to be pretty important to disturb his sleep. "I wanna sleep in here." Not bothering to put up a fuss as he opened up the blanket towards her, quickly slipping under the covers with her toy. Letting out a puff of air as he felt the her body warmth rub against his back.
The feeling of hands slapping his face woke him up. The infamous grin of his son being the first sight to his day. "What the-" grabbing the child's hand as he inspected it, seeing the fresh colour of blue paint along his hand, knowing that it only meant that it was on his face. Sitting up as he grabbed the closest reflective item, seeing the blue paint adorning his face. His surroundings come to light as he scanned the room, hand prints falling upon nearly every surface he could reach. Knowing that you'd freak if you saw the mess he made. "Isn't blue your favourite colour daddy?" He knew exactly what he was doing with the teasing.
The feeling of the duvet being pulled off him as he felt a light weight crawl onto his chest, opening his eyes to see the little black haired girl crawling onto his chest, he onesie somehow falling off her. Watching as she fell off onto the bed, slowly making her way over to you, she didn't even notice that he father was awake.
Standing up as she tried to keep her balance, falling over each time till she made her way to you. Hands falling onto your covered face. Growing annoyed as he saw how you slept so peacefully only to be woken up to your needy daughter, especially since you needed the rest because you always took care of her whilst he worked.
"Leave ya' mother alone" dragging the small baby off you. Much to her dismay as she felt her chubby clothed legs being dragged away. "Ma-ma" crying for you already as she felt his calloused hands grab her. Throwing her onto his chest, holding her legs down to make sure she didn't try to escape. "What do you want?" More like an order to respond, knowing that she probably couldn't say it since she was around 14 months old.
"Mama" pointing to your sleeping body, pouting her lips as she really wanted you. Sighing in defeat since he'd have to leave the comfort of his bed.
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greycaelum · 6 months
Kidnapping of a Wife~
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's just basically just a drabble to get out of rusty era~
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It’s got to be those hips… those hips that filled up after three pregnancies, round and full against his palms every time he comes behind you and runs his hands to trace your enticing curves feeling your skin shiver against his callous hands and bite your lower lip with hazy eyes or maybe when he spanks your glorious bum cheeks and you gasp in surprise while he snickers and holds you against his body and your foreheads pressed against each other with that shit-eating grin he has that he knows never fails to get a rise out of you.
Satoru cleared his throat as he gazed at you playing with Saika on the couch, some kind of game about cats making soup or something.
Or maybe... it must be those heavy globes of yours that only grew more precious and milkier in his eyes, and let's not forget that tummy, good heavens, he's never found anything more fluffy and adorable to clutch and massage whenever his hands find your tummy… Motherhood only made you glow in his eyes.
“I win,” Kouki announces breaking the pattern of Satoru’s thoughts. His son’s white go stones capture his territory with no possible leeway to turn around.
“Lemme seeeee~” Satoru hums, as if trying to be seriously taking into account the game when for all the matter he knows he lost because he was too busy ogling at you than picking the right corner to place his go stones against his son.
“Mama, I won!” Kouki left him sitting on the mat and ran to you asking for the prize. A kiss!
Satoru pouted as you peppered his son’s face with kisses. He sighs. It’s no use arguing with his kids about wanting some lovin’ time with you. After they are his spawns, they’re bound to be glued to you just like he wants to stick around you too like a leech.
“What’s my consolation prize?” Satoru plops beside you and hugs you by the side, pouting with his chin on your shoulder.
“There’s a consolation prize?” You feigned innocence and asked your kids mooching you off with kisses and tickles.
“Nope.” Kouki shrugs.
“There’s none,” Saika added.
“Mama’s ours.” Kouki nodded and kissed your cheeks while Saika giggled and buried her face in your chest.
Satoru looked at you with a flat expression before sweeping you off your feet, hoisting you in his arms leaving the kids gaping on the floor, everything was too fast they couldn’t even hold on to your dress. His spawns are betraying him, bullying him.
“No husband has been jailed for kidnapping a wife from her clingy kids, yet.” Satoru stuck his tongue at his kids before running away with you in his arms and his two kids hot on his trails.
“Papa is a mommy kidnapper!”
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld @loml-riri @pelicanpizza @emichou-chan
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jrreigns · 1 month
Mama’s Garden
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It’s your birthday and your daughter wants to celebrate. Her father can do nothing but oblige.
A/N: My submission for Levi Month Day 21; Post-War: Children. ~1.3k words of pure angst.
Credit to @cafekitsune for the dividers!
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“Papa, do you think mama would like this?”
A single pebble. A shiny one at that. Levi gave it an expressionless glance and gave a firm nod.
“Mama would like anything you give her, Eden.”
Hardened eyes met soft bright ones, ones that broke out in innocent glee, ones that made Levi Ackerman’s heart swell. There was only one other person who had this effect on him.
The little girl chucked the pebble into a worn pouch, along with other things she wanted to give you. It was your birthday today and Levi had been up early—partly by his own choice, the other because of the giddy toddler who had been preparing for this day for weeks. It had been hard to put Eden down to bed yesterday and the bags under Levi’s eyes were a testament to that.
The day was sunny and so Levi moved forward with his child’s plans, a picnic for mama. Stowed inside a basket were fruit—the ones you and Eden liked—some sandwiches she helped him make, and leftover stew from yesterday’s meal.
“Mama doesn’t like stew,” Eden huffed, wrinkling her nose.
“Mama doesn’t like it, or you don’t like it?”
Eden gave it a seemingly deep thought.
“Neither of us.”
Dinner time had been a struggle yesterday, too. She turned out to be as picky of an eater as her father.
It was less of a struggle now though, compared to a couple of years ago.
Right. Eden was almost five. How quickly the time has passed.
Time, Levi reflected with a pang, time that he wished he had more of.
“Papa,” a little girl with his features, but your eyes, called to him, “let’s pick flowers for mama.” He nodded before his thoughts could ensnare him again.
“This red one, and this blue one, and this pink one…”
It amazed Levi how much she’s grown. She used to be so small, would fit right into his hands like a dainty little package. Now, she counted to ten and back, knew colors, helped him water your garden. She already knew so many things—Levi sometimes found it hard to keep up.
“Mama, you’re going to like my bucket, I promise,” Eden whispered into one of the bell-shaped flowers, a habit she had ever since Levi had told her that you’d hear her if she spoke into them.
“It’s bouquet, Eden,” he corrected her gently and turning to head back to the house when she stopped him.
“Won’t we water the flowers today?”
Levi paused, a twinge of guilt tightening in his chest. So Eden has noticed; Levi has tried not to let the approaching date affect him, but your garden hasn’t been tended to in a week now. The weeds were beginning to creep in, some flowers were wilted and some of the bush was growing wildly in some places.
“Yeah,” he finally answers, his voice softening, “go get the watering can.”
Eden giggled with delight, small shoes pattering around the corner as Levi watched her disappear momentarily. The minutes felt long; a familiar worry settled in his bones, a worry he couldn’t quite shake when his daughter was out of sight.
Levi let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding when Eden finally reappeared. Watering can in tow, they watered the garden together. Levi’s brows were furrowed in concentration, trying not to overwater like you’ve taught him before.
I’ll tend to this later, Levi silently promised as they left the small garden and headed back into the house. He watched as Eden said her goodbyes to each and every flower, exerting patience where there once was none.
With the small basket in tow and a giggling Eden following closely behind, Levi began the familiar trek to the fields to see you.
“Papa, how come you married mama?”
Your toddler exhibited such curiosity that could drive Levi mad at times, but nonetheless he ensured to give her the information she wanted.
“I loved your mama, so I married her.”
Words like love still felt foreign in the former captain’s mouth. Yet, with time, it was getting just a little easier to speak of it—to speak of you.
“So people marry for love?”
Not always.
Very rarely.
“Of course,” he answered, voice steady.
Soon, the cobblestone paths diverted into dirt walkways. The small patch of flowers that had been growing from the cracks of the stone brick now flowed wildly in this section of the road.
Past the willow tree and into the flower fields, alone and by a motionless lake, you were there.
This is where Levi let love in—where he let you in. This is where Levi proposed.
This is where you rested.
“Mama, happy birthday!” Eden exclaimed, her voice ringing out in the quiet air. She took a seat next to the familiar gravestone, pouch already open as she emptied out its contents on the patch of grass she sat on.
Levi watched her for a moment, the weight of the day finally pressing heavily on his heart. Finally, he set the basket down, hand brushing light over the cool stone.
“Here’s this pebble I found today. You can have it, I already have one like it in my room…”
Levi could feel his throat closing up as Eden continued speaking, explaining every single gift she’s brought and what it meant. The pebble, a pink bow she’d begged Levi to buy (a bow he thought was for her), a drawing of a big house and a family of three.
A family of three, Levi wished his family of two could be a family of three. So many nights he spent hoping you were alive somewhere, not just in his mind—those quiet hours when the house felt too empty, and the silence too heavy.
Emotion was getting harder to combat with age, but Levi tried with all his might to refrain from crying. No, today his daughter deserved a moment of happiness, even if you being gone was killing him inside. Even if being here was killing him inside.
But Levi couldn’t stop the tears even if he wanted to.
“Is papa crying?”
He quickly wiped them away with his sleeve.
“No, it’s water.”
“…There was water in papa’s eyes yesterday, too.”
Eden was just like you, always so annoyingly observant. Levi could feel his heart twist at her words.
The flowers swayed peacefully in this part of the field, their soft colors blending with the golden light of the afternoon. The wind blew against Levi’s hair, tickling his face as he watched Eden run and play. A small smile etched itself on his scarred face in this fleeting moment of calm.
When Eden finally tired, she helped her papa clean up and put everything back in the basket. The gifts would stay, except the drawing. Levi had to find a way to secretly take it back home.
“Can we come back soon,” Eden asked, a hint of sadness finally making its way through.
Levi gave a firm nod. “Of course.”
There was a silent pause, a moment of deliberation for the young girl.
“Papa, how come mama can’t be with us?”
She died at childbirth.
“She’s busy,” was Levi’s gruff response, before letting out a heavy sigh. “Mama’s taking care of us…from the sky.” Levi was weary of religion, but if it meant he could spare even a shred of innocence for his daughter for the time being, he’s taking it, no questions asked.
“Mama’s an angel?”
A silent pause.
“Yeah, sure kid.”
She grinned, curiosity quelled for a short minute, before another thought burst through her tiny mind.
“Will you also be an angel one day?”
Levi could feel his heart stop. He hoped so, if it meant he could see you one day. He missed you so much—he missed your smile, your laugh, your playful kisses despite his half-hearted protests. For a brief moment, he allowed himself the comfort of an afterlife with you.
“Yeah, one day,” he finally managed to say, his voice almost breaking.
Eden smiled, her small face lighting up with an innocence that tugged at Levi’s heart.
“Papa, I love you,” Eden says so suddenly, “Mama loves you, too.”
Levi’s breath hitches, a warmth spreading through his chest. His eyes soften, he breaks into a rare, tender smile, one that hadn’t come easily for years.
“I love the both of you, too.”
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shogunish · 6 months
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗼𝗷𝗼𝘀 & 𝗶. [𝟬𝟱]
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synopsis. megumi believes that the greatest stroke of serendipity is his dad and you tucking him into bed.
words. 1.4k
warnings. none!
note. living off of gojo crumbs these days..life is not gojo-ing the way it used to gojo 😔💔
previous || next || masterlist
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family tasted like honey. thick and sweet and easy to spread out, even though it was a pain to wipe the excess of it off the spoon.
megumi knew what honey tasted like, but it was too sweet for his tastes until the evening his dad tucked him into the sheets and the dim lights of the lamp dipped the room into golden hues. kuro and shiro were curled up at his little feet, keeping megumi warm and cozy like a cocoon of fur.
a teddy bear — one that satoru had won for him at a fair — was in megumi’s arms while he stared at his dad with eyes like that of a doe. innocent and pure, but a little sleepy around the edges. “where’s [name]?” megumi pouted, blinking his big eyes.
a look of surprise flashed across satoru’s features and yet..he wasn’t surprised at all. the kid was so attached to you, always wanting you in this little home and asking about your whereabouts. he had been devastated when satoru explained why you couldn’t come over because of your period and even wrote you a little card, wishing you a speedy recovery for your tummy aches.
“she’s washing the dishes, little man,” satoru explained calmly, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “you need anything from her?”
a beat of silence. then, megumi nodded his head once slowly. “yeah. it’s important.”
affectionately, satoru ruffled a hand through megumi’s messy locks and chuckled like he always did: so carefree and easy-going. “fine. i’ll get her. wait a sec, yeah?”
megumi eagerly waited in his bed with his black eyes round as the moon and shimmering like the night sky just outside his window when his dad came back with you in tow. the mattress dipped underneath your weight and some more as satoru took a seat right next to you on the edge of his bed.
this was the picture megumi wanted to see for so, so long.
his papa being next to his mama, tucking him in and wishing him a good night.
“papa told me you wanted to see me?” you asked with a gentle smile sitting upon your lips, voice soft as silk and warm as..honey.
yeah, maybe honey wasn’t too bad if you were there.
the innocent words of a mere child got stuck in megumi’s throat. dark eyes darted about the room, plump cheeks reddened like ripe apples on a warm summer day and for some reason, his heart was pounding under his ribs. instead of hurrying him, you waited patiently for megumi to find his words that had gotten lost in his throat.
“can you tell me another story?” megumi mumbled into his precious teddy bear with the fancy bow wrapped around the neck.
ah, how sweet of a kid megumi was. you swore your heart melted like ice-cream in the sun and turned into nothing but a puddle.
“you tell him bedtime stories?” satoru inquired. lips pulled into a warm smirk, he couldn’t help but feel curious what his son and the cute babysitter were up to when he way away for work.
“i do,” you confirmed, “every evening, i tell him a story until he falls asleep.”
satoru chuckled. “you’re lucky, buddy. [name] never tells me stories when it’s bedtime for me.”
at that, megumi giggled. “papa’s jealous.”
was this what family was like?
to have mama and papa sitting on the edge of his bed, tucking him in and being so playful with each other? to go on walks together and have mama tend to his scraped knee while papa was busy scolding the stones megumi had slipped on?
megumi never wanted to let go of that feeling. ever. not even homework could ruin the warm, fuzzy feeling of honey in his tummy.
nonchalantly, you waved a hand in front of satoru’s face, brushing his feelings of so-called jealousy off. “anyways,” you said, “let’s see what tonight’s story will be..”
behind you, you could feel satoru pouting at the way you dismissed him like he was nothing but a fly on your shoulder and maybe he even whispered to megumi how cruel women could be, but you paid his antics no mind.
“ah.” your face lit up when you came up with a little story. “a long, long time ago, there lived a princess far away from home. all she wanted to be was a child, but her big bad brother forced her to become the wife of a king of a culture foreign to her. but despite her hardships, she wasn’t alone. you know why?"
a gasp fell from megumi’s lips; the kid was obviously hooked from the very moment you opened your mouth. “tell me! what happened to the princess? did a prince rescue her?” he asked, wanting to know all the details about the world you had made up in your head just for him.
shaking your head, you smiled and leaned in like megumi’s excitement was rubbing off on you. “even better. she was gifted three dragon eggs that would eventually hatch and bring magic back to the world…”
while the princess was starting to conquer the world with her dragons and make a name for herself, megumi fell asleep. his little eyes felt like lead and all that could be heard were his soft snores and an occasional sniffle. the teddy bear was still held tightly by megumi though. not even an apocalypse could rip the plushie from his hands, you and satoru thought.
“so dragons and princesses? that’s what you’ve been telling my son about?” satoru inquired once he closed the door behind megumi’s bedroom and it was just the two of you on his couch, watching the last scenes of some mediocre rom-com play out.
“so you are jealous,” giggling, you nudged satoru playfully before relaxing back into the soft cushions with a sigh making it past your lips.
it was a little moment of peace before you’d go back to your own home. the more you were with the gojos, the more you noticed that your four walls lacked some life. sure, a couple of plants lived on your shelves and on the window sill, but they weren’t a little kid asking for cookies right before lunch or dogs barking in their sleep or satoru who’d keep you company on the couch.
home was nice, but this..this was family. life.
“maybe a little bit,” satoru joked and stretched his arm along the backrest, so close to your shoulders. how badly he wanted to just pull you in and relive the moment you snoozed away on him, but he refrained from doing so.
like there was an invisible line he didn’t want to cross.
satoru blamed the rapid beating of his heart on the way you handled megumi. how couldn’t he feel a little attracted to you when you got along with his son so well? it was just the hormones, he wanted to tell himself but the budding feeling in the soil of his heart spoke otherwise.
it wouldn’t be long until that sprout would grow roots and bloom into something that would fill the cavern of his chest; lungs, arteries, heart and veins. all of it would be in full bloom.
while satoru could rip out the budding something like it was weed, he chose not to.
“you know, there is a little party that my company holds and i thought it’d be nice if you became my plus one,” satoru spoke in soft tones before settling his sky blue gaze on your surprised face. he could watch the cogs in your head processing his words and then– ah, it clicked.
“..are you sure? i don’t think i’d fit in well.” furrowing your eyebrows, you immediately thought about all those men in suits from brands you couldn’t even pronounce and their curled mustaches, their wives draped in diamonds and everything fine.
it was a world you didn’t belong to and yet..
“let that worry be mine,” satoru assured you with an easy shrug of his shoulders and a smile on his lips which was so easy on the eyes. “you’re the only person who could make that evening interesting and there’s free food.”
“i’m in.” you immediately agreed.
satoru blinked in surprise.
so all it took for you to accompany him was the promise of free food.
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taglist. @torusmochi, @cinnamonmon, @risuola, @ayanominitrash, @lordbugs, @phoenix666stuff, @hotvinimon, @stevenknightmarc, @sukunasleftkneecap, @erigaur, @lu-lynds, @staryukis
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darlingbabyboo · 1 year
Hi, I’m mitsuyababygirl nice to meet you.
I just read your Fatherly Love and so sweet, I love it by the way.
I was wondering if you could do a request on this video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu7w6F-Ico0
like how would Mikey, Shinichiro, Izana and Draken, Mitsuya Takashi, Baji,Kazutora,reacting to that video I send you ?
Feel free to ignore this request if don’t to do the request, I will understand.
Why Can't I Marry Papa?
I'm in love with this request, the video was so cute! I split it up so this is Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, and Baji since they're Toman captains! I'll do the rest in another part. Reader is a woman.
Manjiro Sano
"We're getting a divorce."
"W-what." You're heard a lot of things during your marriage to Manjiro. After all the years you've been together, you like to think that you've gotten used to his ridiculous nature. Especially when it's so uncommon for him and sense to come together.
You never expected to hear something like this though. Never in a thousand years.
You drop your knife slowly on the countertop so you're not tempted to do anything irrational. You turn around and are met with your husband holding your sniffling daughter, Keina.
You look from your daughter to Manjiro to your daughter again and finally come to the realisation.
None of this makes sense.
Manjiro sighs, "I've found another woman!"
Your heart clenches. Tears begin to pool up in your eyes. This is your worst nightmare, Mikey, with all his looks and charisma and success, leaving you.
You swallow, trying to appear strong when all you want to do is collapse. "Who are you cheating on me with?" You're proud that you manage to let the words out at all, while on the inside you're screaming to get on your knees and beg him to stay.
Manjiro gives a heavy sigh like it's a chore to even begin trying to explain what's going on, like all of your years of marriage have meant nothing. He rocks Keina gently, "I'm sure this one can explain it to you."
You give your daughter a strange look, what does that mean? Had your daughter witnessed Manjiro with another woman, is that why she's been dragged into this?
You take a deep breath and pray that your tears won't fall, "sweetie, do you have something to tell me?"
Keina rubs her eyes with her pudgy hands.
"I-i wanna marry Papa but I can't 'cause you're with Papa!" She buries her face into her father's neck, trying to hide the fact that tears are flowing down her face. She's failing, horribly.
You look at Manjiro, and he gives you a toothy grin. You release the tension in your shoulders at that. Your heart starts to calm down, now you're overcome with love at your small family.
"Sorry hun," He rocks Keina, "I gotta pick my little girl over you."
You play along, shaking your head in faux sadness, "well, that's depressing, but that's just how life is sometimes." You walk over to your little girl and remove your ring. Suddenly, her tears ceases. She removes her head from her father's neck and she reaches for the gold band with wide twinkling eyes.
At the last minute, you pull back and she juts out her bottom lip. Once again, tears start to pool her eyes.
"But why Mama!" She yells.
You hum, "are you sure you want your Papa," You tease as you shake your ring in front of your eyes, enjoying how her eyes follow it.
She nods eagerly, "I do! I really do! 's not fair that you have him!"
Manjiro grins, ego stroked, "look, Keina knows what kind of catch I am."
You roll your eyes at his words then look at Keina again, who tries to reach for the jewelry with her small hands. You hold it back, "what about Mama?"
"Mama...?" Not understanding where you're getting at, she stares.
"Yep!" You pop, "mama's the one that makes all your delicious food, which includes your favourites: dorayaki and taiyaki!" You had learned to make it for Manjiro, when you two weren't dating and you wanted to impress him. It's to your luck that your daughter adores the snack almost as much as her father.
Your girl's eyes pop and she whips her head to her father, "Papa! I wanna marry Mama!"
You laugh and place the ring back on your finger. You give Manjiro a victorious smile as he tilts his head back and groans as Keina pesters him for his ring.
"You monster, you've turned her against me." He groans.
You place your hands on your hips and roll your eyes, "not my fault she loves her mama so much." Pettily you add, "guess I'll be the one leaving you for another woman."
Ken Ryuguji (Draken)
Despite what it looks like, Ken is the more domestic one of you two. That's not to say he's the best at it (you've got the burned meals to prove it), but his shops closer to home and more often then not, he's the one taking care of you daughter while you're at work.
Over the years, he's improved dramatically, so you're surprised to see Manami and Ken crying in the living room.
Manami is more dramatic, loud cries that you heard as soon as you opened the door (which means that, surely, your neighbours are going to have something to complain about later) but Ken's tears are less obvious, you only notice the small trail leaving his face as you get closer.
"What's the problem?" You question. Manami holds onto her father's leg, burying her face on his thigh. Ken looks up at you, like he hadn't heard the door open and your anxieties start to peak when you see how red his eye are.
"Yeah- um- no problem." Ken says, wiping away some of the tears on his face, which does nothing to make you feel better about the situation. "Don't worry at all."
"Of course I'm going to worry." You sit beside him on the couch, placing one hand on his shoulder and the other on Manami's back, soothing both of them. "There's a lot of crying going on right now, what's wrong?"
Ken sniffs, and rubs his eyes again, "I think this one could explain what's going on." He nudges his daughter gently who lifts up her face and trembles.
You pick her up, and your daughter shakes in your hold. "Baby, tell me what's going on?"
"Y-you're married t-to Daddy a-and thas' not fair!" She says between hiccups of breath.
You crock your head to the side, confused what she might mean, "baby, why's it not fair?"
"I-i-i-" She gently rock her as her cries become more dramatic. Patiently, you wait for her to calm down a bit and speak again.
"I wanna marry Daddy!"
You blink, and when you confirm that she's being serious you restrain a laugh. So this is what your big strong husband was crying about, his little girl wanting to marry him.
"Do you...?" You murmur, moving her around so you can cradle her in one hand and hold Ken's hand in the other. "Okay, then we can share!"
She blinks, not understanding what you're talking about. You wipe away the snot and tears on her face. "You can have him today, but he's still my husband, so I get to take him back when I want him." You wiggle her and she giggles in your hold, her sad mood seemingly vanishing.
You take off your ring and place them on her pudgy fingers, you have to place them on thumb so it doesn't fall off. She looks at the ring in wonder. While she's preoccupied, you turn to your husband, who's buried his head in your shoulders.
"So, turns out you're a big softie." You tease. "Couldn't handle that your little girl loved you so much she wanted to marry you?"
"Don't bully me." Ken mumbles, "I couldn't deal with her, she's just too adorable."
You stroke his thigh, "my big softie." You place a kiss on his forehead, "my wonderful big softie."
Takashi Mitsuya
It's not unusual to hear cries from your daughter's room. After starting kindergarten, she's been introduced to this new world and and she's still adjusting being thrown into it. It is strange to hear them when your husband is in the nursery with her. Your husband's great with children (years of domestic work with Luna and Mana had allowed him to ease into being a father easily). It's no secret how much of a daddy's girl your sweet daughter is.
You drop the laundry basket on yours and your husband's bed and hesitantly walk towards the nursery, unsure of what you might find.
"Takashi...is everything okay?" You question as you start to open the door. You expected a lot of things, but not to see your husband holding back a smile.
You raise an eyebrow as your husband motions you to him. He wraps an arm around your waist and you lay your head on his shoulder.
"What's-" The problem you want to ask, but Takashi has already pressed a finger to your lips and mouths the word watch.
With confused eyes, you watch as Takashi gently rocks your daughter's crib. "Hatsuko, do you want to tell Mommy what's wrong?"
Hatsuko sniffles, "no! I don't want to be a bad daughter."
"You won't be," Takashi says softly, "trust me, you'd never be a bad daughter. Mommy's gonna like what you said."
"Yeah," You're not sure what's going on, but you'd never be angry at your precious daughter. "Mommy really wants to know what you said, could you tell me?" Your curiosity is also peaked.
She looks at you, trying to compose herself, blinking away her tears and rubbing away the ones that have fallen down her face. You wait patiently, as she finally puts herself together.
"I wanna marry Daddy." She whispers, sinking into herself like she's sorry for saying it. The tears start to pool up in her eyes again, you feel bad for finding the situation so adorable. She's obviously distressed about her desires, but you think that it's so heartwarming how genuine and innocent her desires are.
You look at your husband, who was the same love filled look in his eyes.
"Daddy says that since he's married to you, he can't be married to me." Your daughter continues to explain, "I'm sorry Mommy, I don't want to be a bad person, 'm a bad daughter."
"It's okay honey." You reach over and pat her head, "you're not a bad person. In fact-" You remove your wedding ring, "you can be married to Daddy, give me your hand." She reaches her hand out and you place it on her ring finger. She looks at the band in awe.
Her eyes glow, "thank you Mommy!" She cheers.
"No problem." You say, wide smile on your face, "now why don't you go back to bed honey?"
She nods eagerly and Takashi moves so that he can tuck her in properly.
"Daddy, we're married." She whispers to him, waving the ring in front of him. Takashi smiles, and places a kiss on her ring finger and Hatsuko's forehead.
"I know, I'm so happy baby."
You both watch as she loses her fight with sleep, and curls in her crib.
"Can't believe you're gave me away so easily." Takashi teases. You smile, going towards him and wrapping your hands around his neck, his around your waist. You place a kiss on his lips, filled with so much love that you don't know how you're meant to function.
"Can't resist my babygirl." You defend, "besides, like you don't want to be married to our little angel."
He looks at the little angel in question, who's now softly snoring. He smiles, "definitely." He turns to you, so close that your noses brush against each other. "I'm so happy for what we have."
Definitely. You nod, sinking deeper into his arms.
Keisuke Baji
"So you're married to Mama?"
"For how long?"
"Since before you were born."
"And you're going to be married forever?"
"Of course we are."
"So you're never going to get married again?"
"And you can't be married to anyone else?"
"And you don't want to be."
"Definitely not."
"But what about me!"
"Um- what?" Keisuke pauses playing with his cats, which lets you know that this is a serious situation. Almost nothing could tear him apart from his precious pets.
Chieko crosses her arms, her determined face weakened from how adorable she looks.
"What about me Papa!" She protests, "won't you marry me!"
You hold in your laugh at the conflicted look on Keisuke's face. You'd expected something like this, over the past couple of days, you've seen how your daughter's eyes would linger on the band on your finger. She's definitely been asking more questions about marriage lately.
When preparing for parenthood, you had also heard about this phenomena, children wanting to get married to their fathers when they're too young to truly understand concept of marriage, only that it happens between two people in love.
Keisuke looks like he doesn't understand how to handle the situation, dealing with an entire division of delinquents in a fight, sure, that's reasonable, but saying no to his little girl never.
He looks at you for assistance, but you only respond with a smile, holding up your phone and recording the scene. This is pure gold.
Your daughter's eyes start to well up with tears, "Papa answer me! This isn't fair!"
"Well, it doesn't really work like that..." He scratches the back of his neck.
"Why not!"
And that's how you end up with an amazing video to show of your husband trying to explain marriage to your blubbering daughter, something that you definitely use on her wedding day.
"Dad! I was four!"
"Nope, you said you were going to marry me and I'm finally saying yes!"
"Dad, would it kill you to get along with my boyfriend!"
"I think it would."
"Mom stop recording and stop dad"
"Sorry hun, this is just too good!"
"You're all crazy!"
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Sorry for responding this so late! Some of these sound the same to me. I'll do better with variety when I drop part 2!
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reallyromealone · 4 months
Title: date night
Fandom: none
Characters: Kitsune, children characters
Fic type: nsfw fanfiction
Pairings: Kitsune x male reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, nsfw, OC fic, no name for OC, nsfw, smut, height difference, reader is a top, witch reader, Kitsune husband, blowjobs, they have children, the children are adorable, slice of life, cute, fluff,
Notes: to anyone new to this, I am writing like supernatural creatures/ fantasy creatures without them being an official character because I want too, I wrote a vampire and an orc already:)
(Name) Sipped his tea quietly as he took in the quiet morning, the witch reading the morning paper as the sound of pitter patters of feet could be heard as tiny Kitsune pups ran out into the livingroom "papa! It's morning!" One yelled excitedly and (name) smiled as his children crawled into their respective spots all but the youngest who waddled to his dad and lifted his arms up.
"Now, what should we have for breakfast" (name) set his tea and paper down before walking to the kitchen with his youngest of the four in his arms "bacon pancake" the seven year old mumbled sleepily and (name) chuckled before setting his kid down "why don't you guys go watch your cartoons and I'll make some yummy breakfast" (name) ushered the Kitsune halflings to the livingroom before starting on breakfast.
(Name) Was frying bacon when he felt two arms wrap around him, a nose nuzzling into his neck and a kiss at the nape "smells good..." His husband mumbled as he rested his hands (name)s hips "the children wanted bacon pancakes" (name) said simply as the Kitsune swayed them slowly, tail swishing lazily "sounds good" his voice low and husky as he looked at the bacon on the plate and as he reached for a piece, (name) gently smacked his clawed hand away "no, you can have some with breakfast" (name) gently scolded and the other pouted but pulled away when the little ones called for him.
The three older ones ate like their papa while the youngest always tried to copy (name) but very clumsily "so papa is gonna take you guys to school today and you are gonna hang out with papa and I at the store" (name) said as he ate his breakfast, the three kids excited that the Kitsune is taking them to school, that meant they got McDonald's for lunch.
"Now, behave and have fun" (name) said ushering the kids out the door as he carried his 2 year old into his arms and walked downstairs to the shop area and set the still sleepy pup in his play pen before opening the shop, getting everything ready and doing till count.
The couple owned a magic shop in the city, from arcane to alchemy to anything you could need.
They had it.
(Name) Came from a long line of mages, their home predating the city they lived in and when (name) inherited the house he turned the main floor into the store area and the upstairs into the house, the house large enough to move everything upstairs without problems and even using things like shelves and tables for merchandise.
"Alrighty! Pups at school, littlest pup napping and we are ready to go" (name)s large husband grinned as he stepped into the shop, (name) admiring him in his yukata, a casual looking one that the Kitsune wore between alternating clothes.
Kitsune were naturally bigger and stronger than mages like (name) so wearing clothes like that were easier though (name) did love it when his husband wore suits and turtlenecks, secretly he thought his husband looked fancy.
And he knew the Kitsune abused that when he could.
"What needs to be done pretty boy" his husband leaned over him, towering as his chin rested on (name)s shoulder as he looked at the to-do list that (name) put together "well, we have shipment from yesterday we have to put away and dusting and general cleaning and..." (Name) Went over the list as the other snuggled into him, (name)s voice was always soothing to him...
Customers came in and out as their little one was being a helper, following his parents around like a duckling instead of a fox as customers cooed at him "so helpful!" (Name) Cheered as his toddler handed him his own pen, smiling like he just did the most amazing thing.
When school was done, (name) collected them and brought them next door to their grandmother's, tot included.
As tonight was date night and they didn't need little ones ruining that.
"Wanna close the store early?" (Name) Asked as the store emptied and the fox grinned "my, is my goodie two shoes mate being... A rule breaker"
"Not a rule breaker if I make em" and make him he did as they closed up early and went upstairs, pulling out their secret snacks and turning on the adult tv shows that they have been watching when the littles aren't present, changing into comfy clothes and plopping on their bed "god we needed this" the Kitsune grumbled as the large man cuddled into his husband's chest, being the little spoon as they snacked and watched their shows.
"Wanna fuck?" (Name) Suddenly asked and the other immediately looked interested "we haven't properly had sex in four weeks with the pups raising hell" the Kitsune was already taking off their loose shirts and boxers as (name) looked at the others strong toned body, the two very different in size "you want me to top this time? You been working hard" (name) asked as they touched each other, (name) rubbing at the others nipples and pectorals "you sure...?" The Kitsune asked and (name) gently pushed him down onto the bed, it was a little funny as the Kitsune was a solid 6'7 and (name) was (shorter height) but the fox man was not complaining as his husband began sucking on his chest and stroking his large hard cock "lemme take care of you baby" (name) whispered as he licked around the others areola and sucked and bit on his nipple "god... Is it magic that you're so good?" (Name) Chuckled against his chest as his thumb rubbed and smeared the pre-cum against the others cock head before moving down and kissing across the scape of his muscles to his cock and mouthing up the base before kissing the top.
The Kitsune watched as (name) room the entire cock down his throat with ease, having sucked this cock enough times to be used to it as he began bobbing and looked focused, taking it up and down slowly and with as much suction as he could down to the others pelvic bone.
(Name) relished the sound of the other moaning and gripping the pillows as (name) used magic to lubricate his fingers, prodding at the others entrance with soft circular motions before pushing in, a tight heat that swallowed his finger as he thrusted it with his bobs, curling this finger against the others prostate before slowly adding another than another. Stretching and thrusting, the Kitsune let out low gutteral moans and even whines as (name) hit particular spots "what...?" He glared as (name) pulled away completely and looked at him with a grin "why don't you be a good pup and present?"
God did he love it when (name) used his lingo, immediately getting on his hands and knees, ass up head down as (name) kneeded his ass cheeks "god you have an ass sculpted by the gods...." And could you blame (name) as he layed a slap on those ass cheeks, watching them ripple ass he tugged on the others tail "fuck...!"
"Getting there, just wanna appreciate what I have been blessed with" he said before shoving his face between those cheeks and giving a lick, a feral grin on his face as he gave a bite to the others left cheek.
(Name)S husband always found it funny at how poised and reserved he was day to day but I private?
He was more of an animal then himself.
Mages were kinky fuckers after all, he knew if they weren't desperate that (name) would be using the toys.
He wasn't prepared when (name) pushed his cock in without warning, when did he even lube himself...?
Inch by inch (name) pushed in as the Kitsune moaned and eyes clenched shut in pleasure as (name) kissed his back, the height difference making it hard to get much higher but the arch of his back always made (name) smile slightly.
For a big tough Kitsune, he was awful sensitive.
Slow shallow thrusts were slowly shifted to long hard ones as (name) gripped the others hips, a grunt leaving his lips as he focused on the tight pleasure that surrounded him and the moans his husband produced "god... You're so fucking good... Such a good boy..." (Name) Gasped as his hips moved on their own, pressing against the others prostate with each thrust as the smell of sex was heavy in the air "wanna... Wanna... See you" the Kitsune gargled out and (name) chuckled before pulling out, flipping him with some assistance before putting the others legs over his shoulders and kissing just above the man's knee and pushing back in, watching the other carefully.
Eyes crossing slightly in pleasure and jaw hung one as (name) thrusted again "love you baby... God you're so fucking perfect!" (Name) Babbled as he folded the Kitsune in order to kiss him, teeth clashing and the Kitsunes fangs scraping against his lips as their tongues wrapped around one another.
Fuck he was so thankful that he and his husband took up yoga.
"Gonna cum.... Gonna cum!" (Name) Whined as the other kissed his neck, wrapping his arms around him as the Kitsune took every thrust "come on baby... Cum in me!" The Kitsune equally whiny said as he was about to burst.
Cum spilt out of the others ass and cum splattered between their chests as they rode their highs and caught their breaths, (name) looking at his husband and then realized that all four tails were out "came so hard you couldn't contain your shape shifting..." He chuckled at the others more kitsune features, sharper fangs and red tattoos "you look handsome..." (Name) Said love struck as the two kissed sweetly "god I love you"
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pinkmirth · 1 year
I think we need some headcanons of cowboy Reiner
— ( save a horse, ride a cowboy! )
༉‧₊˚. — synopsis: just a cluster of fluffy and smutty headcanons for none other than the love of my life, cowboy reiner!
༉‧₊˚. — contains: (2k words of…) cowboy!reiner x fem!reader, (black coded), fluff, nsfw/smut, modern au, southern setting, established relationship (married), fantasies of having a child, breeding kink (‘cause this is reiner we’re talking about duh!), mentions of pregnancy, bondage kink, oral (m!receiving/blowjob), cowgirl position, doggy-style, creampie, reiner calls himself “daddy”, use of the petnames (mama, sugar, darling, honey, cowgirl), reiner calls you “woman” once, lowercase intended, minors shoo!
༉‧₊˚. — mira’s note: oh absolutely, nonnie! here are some thoughts I have on cowboy rei-rei 💕 (check masterlist for other reiner fics!)
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this man is always covered head-to-toe in classic cowboy attire— embroidered cowboy boots, blue denim jeans with a lasso hanging from his belt loop, and a trusty old cowboy hat. he’s got the whole getup, and he looks even sexier in it every time you see him! though, his best look by far is the shirtless one. it’s the highlight of your day when whenever it gets too warm outside, because he’s soon to peel off his top. from across the farm, he can feel your eyes burning into his lightly-tanned skin as he does the most mundane chores. his muscles tense and flex with every move, pecs gleaming with sweat. he shoots you a smirk, folding his arms across his bare chest. “y’like what ya see, honey?” you pray the weather’s even hotter tomorrow.
it warms his heart whenever you come around to watch him do his daily chores around the farm. your presence motivates him to work harder, so he can continue to provide for you and sustain your comfortable lifestyle. you try not to be too much of a distraction, but you can’t help wanting to be closer to your husband; so you tug at his leather belt and pull him in for a kiss. that gets him giddy like nothing else. “ya know how much i love it when y’do that… gimme another,” he puckers his lips, and you giggle. “i don’t wanna keep you sidetracked for too long, rei. you were busy before i got here,” you caress his stubbled cheek and he pouts in response, leaning forward to receive another pillowy kiss. “jus’ one more, mama.”
cowboy reiner loves to cook and bake! he often goes on farmer’s market dates with you, walking hand in hand as you help him pick out the freshest ingredients and spices. you chat and laugh amongst one another, dropping carrots and apples into the hand-woven basket that reiner made for you. after arriving back home, he allows you to relax in yours and his shared bedroom while he whips together a hearty southern meal for the two of you. he shouts from across the house, adorned in nothing but a short pair of checkered boxers and a flimsy apron, “supper’s ready, darlin’! come on down ‘n eat!”
he’s great with animals! reiner cradles an adorable month-old horse in his strong arms, feeding milk to the baby with a soft smile. it’s just about the sweetest thing you could ever see! all the little foals follow him around the ranch because they love papa reiner just as much as you do <3 he’s built something of a connection between himself and his beloved herd, which is why he’s able to bring the horses over to their stables with no hassle whatsoever. this man could practically be a veterinarian with all the animal knowledge he has!
he’s a locally known rodeo champion! reiner wins the prize for longest bull-riding every single year. he should allow someone else a fighting chance, at least 😭 but he’s just effortlessly good at anything he puts his mind to! he skillfully rides the beast with such ease, leaving the crowd in awe. courtesy of his natural-born strength, he hardly ever gets tossed off. reiner’s got medals galore hanging on his wall from every competition.
as a southern man, he’s very family-oriented. his loved ones are of the utmost importance to him, and he’ll always put family first before anything else. he utterly adores you, and can’t wait to start a tiny lil family of his own with you <3 when I tell you this man cannot wait to be a papa, I mean it! there’s no denying that reiner would be an amazing father, considering that he’s so caring and attentive. he knows the best tickle spots to target, and the silliest faces to make to get a child cracking up (both of which he discovered through spending lots of time with gabi when she was small.) he constantly daydreams about dressing up his little one in tiny boots and overalls and carrying them up on his shoulders. (yes, I’m pushing the daddy rei-rei agenda on this fine weekend!)
cowboy reiner has manners like none other— the epitome of a true gentleman! he’s a great listener, is always so patient, opens doors for you, pays for your things without hesitation, gives frequent massages, carries you when you begin to feel tired; the list goes on! he’s just so kind and selfless, and never fails to show it. cowboy rei-rei is truly the perfect husband. “your feet hurt? well c’mere, sugar. i’ll carry you. it ain’t too much for me, y’know i can handle ya! jus’ hold onto me. i gotcha, okay?”
cowboy reiner is a grown man who can wholly appreciate your body and every striking detail about it. he scrutinizes the small dotted beauty marks scattered across your skin, your cutely patterned stretch marks, the curves and crevices of your soft tummy and thighs, and he fucking loves it all. makes it a habit to kiss up and down your body, just to give you a well-needed confidence boost. this man right here surely knows how to make a woman feel special! “listen t’me— you’re so fuckin’ gorgeous, y’know that?”
(nsfw) — reiner loves when you treat him to a surprise blowie during work. he’s up to the usual, arranging things around the barn and tending to the animals. you then make your entrance, wrapping your arms around his waist to hug him from behind. your plump lips curve into a sensual smile as you ask him, “can I steal you for a moment, baby? it won’t be for too long, I swear it.” in an instant, he's allowing you to pull him away from his duties, unknowing of where you’re taking him, but also uncaring because he’d allow you to do whatever you please. he follows you with the goofiest smile plastered on his charming face, because he knows that he’s about to receive the most knee-buckling blowjob of his entire goddamn life. you bring him into the hayloft, pushing him against the red-painted wall until he’s flat against it. you drop to your knees and bring his jeans down with you. “fuck, darlin’… kiss the tip ‘fa me.” he moans lowly. you do as he wishes, suckling on his cockhead with the most beautiful, glistening eyes. you’re so eager to please, and it makes him throb on your tongue. with a hand at the back of your head, he guides you further onto him until you’ve swallowed the entirety of his fat dick. reiner ruts his hips, fucking into your wet mouth. you always know just how to make him feel so good, so loved. he adores you like nothing else. “oh, that’s it, honey, right there… atta girl.”
(nsfw) — the bondage kink on this man is insane, I tell you! cowboy reiner loves to keep your hands tied behind your back and watch you squirm against the rope. “rei,” in a breathless whine, his name falls from your plush lips. you wiggle your ass in the air for him, anticipating his next move. he takes you from the back, raw-dogging your pussy with a merciless pace. you truly wonder where he gets all this unparalleled energy to drill you into the bed, especially considering all the hard work he puts into maintaining the farm every day. one large hand of his stays planted on your waist, hastily grabbing, while the other holds onto your tied hands for leverage. he delivers harsh, deep-reaching thrusts, with his firm hips sharply smacking against you from behind. your wrists struggle against the rope, and he can tell just how desperate you are to touch him. his gaze is fixated on your soft body; every jiggle of your ass and ripple of your thighs is more hypnotizing than the last. you mewl for him, stuttering out something along the lines of ‘t—too much!’ … reiner leans down until his chest grazes the arch of your back, so that he can say, “quit alla-that whinin’, woman.” he clicks his teeth, flooding your ears with that sexy southern drawl of his. “y’can take it all, you’ve done it before.”
(nsfw) — we all know it, the entire goddamn fandom knows it: cowboy reiner has a massive fucking breeding kink! he wants nothing more than to get you pregnant by stuffing your pliant womb with his thick loads of cum. giving you a creampie makes him go completely wild; he watches his seed drip down your slit with hitched breath. a sight such as that is enough to get him hard all over again. the lust takes over, and he’s thinking with his dick for the next three rounds. plowing into you and rubbing at your puffed clit with calloused fingertips, reiner asks, “want me to come inside you? hm?” he gently holds onto your chin, directing your gaze to him. you dazedly look at your husband, pulsing around his thick cock. seeing how fucked-out you are makes his chest swell with the utmost pride. his greatest achievement is being able to please you. “tell me how bad y’fuckin’ want it, baby.” he rasps. your pleading moans urge him to release for you. his warm, pearly arousal seeps into you for the nth time that night. all he wants is to fill you up until you’re walking funny, with your leg shaking from all the stimulation. or, at least until that little stick comes out positive one day. having you grow plump with his child is his ultimate fantasy. “you’d look so stunnin’ as a mama, carryin’ my baby… don’t’cha think so, sugar?”
(nsfw) — reiner likes to let you wear his cowboy hat while you ride him. mounting onto your husband with your legs on either side of his hips, you straddle him. your dainty hands are planted on his broad chest for balance. he pulls off his iconic hat, hair cutely tousled from wearing it all day, before sitting up to place it on your head. “since you’ll be the one ridin’ tonight. giddyup, cowgirl.” he teases with a slick grin. you tip the hat with a breathy laugh before sinking down on his fat dick, maintaining sharp eye contact with him as your throbbing cunt takes him in little by little, until your clit’s grounded and snug against the dark-blonde tufts of his happy trail. his warm palms rub along your body as you swivel your hips, slamming down on all nine girthy inches that he has to offer. he watches your tits bounce, one manicured hand of yours squeezing at your left boob while the other holds onto his hat that rests upon the crown of your head. you rock back and forth with fervor, and he swears he can feel every spongy ridge of your contracting pussy. he throws his head back onto the pillows and gazes at you with the prettiest set of honey-golden eyes, hooded and lust-blown. gravelly moans fall past his agape lips as he spurs you on, giving your ass a thorough smack, “bounce on it, jus’ like that— yeah, fuck daddy’s cock.”
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megalony · 5 months
Get Your Sea Legs
This is an Eddie x reader x Evan imagine, this is a little fluffy holiday imagine. I am currently taking requests for the holiday ideas/ imagines. I hope you will all like it, let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17 @zoeybennett
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Part 2
Summary: (Y/n), Evan and Eddie take their kids on a cruise on holiday, and they have a lot of family fun and antics along the way.
(Not related to S7, no spoilers)
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A cheesy, lopsided grin flooded Evan's face when he opened his eyes and took a look around.
God, he felt like a child.
He felt like the biggest kid in the room, flooded with adrenaline and wide awake despite only just waking up. He was always the same whenever he went on holiday and it didn't matter where he was or who he had gone away with. Despite his turbulent relationship with his parents, Evan had been flying high whenever they used to go on little family holidays.
He had been over the moon when he and Maddie used to go on little weekend trips together when he was a teen and she was in nursing school. He lived for the weekends where she would come down and take him to the beach. Or when he was in college and the pair of them saved up and took a trip abroad, without Doug.
Evan had never been in a steady relationship long enough to go away with a partner; not until he got together with Eddie and (Y/n).
The three of them had taken a short trip away not long after they all got together, just the three of them. It had been the only holiday they went on without any kids because not long after that, they had Lois. Since then, all their holidays had been family vacations and it was something Evan loved. He loved taking the kids away and spending time going on hikes or in the pool or sitting on the beach with them.
Evan loved his family more than anything and he loved being on holiday with them. And this was their first holiday with Tilly.
"Morning," He couldn't hide the giddiness from his voice and he tilted his head down to look at one of his partners.
Eddie was curled up into Evan's side, an arm draped over his waist and his head laid out in the middle of Evan's chest. Evan could feel his boyfriend's curls tickling his neck and chin and he felt Eddie grumble something incoherent into his chest.
He pressed a sloppy kiss to the top of Eddie's head and began smoothing his hand up and down Eddie's bare back. Both of them had gone to sleep in their boxers. The heat outside was stiffling and they had to turn the A/C right up so cold air was blasting through the room all night so none of them melted.
"Are we gonna get up?"
"Nope." Eddie grumbled back into Evan's chest, pressing a soft kiss there before he nuzzled back down. He didn't bother opening his eyes. He didn't want to get up yet.
"Papa, are we going up for breakfast now?"
A grin spread across Evan's lips again and he stretched his arm out to grab his phone from the side table. It was past nine. They didn't usually sleep in this late when they were on holiday. Especially not Eddie, even on his days off Eddie's body clock usually got him up around seven or earlier.
Evan looked around the room that was cast in a dim glow from the closed curtains. He looked across to the right side of the room where the bunk beds were.
The kids were starting to wake up. Lois was on the top bunk and she was laid with her head and arms on the railing and a wide grin on her features which crinkled her eyes. And when Evan looked down, he could see Chris starting to stir on the bottom bunk.
"Yep, we're getting breakfast, girlie. Babe, come on." Evan pressed another kiss to the top of Eddie's head and held onto him while he started to sit up, forcing Eddie to sit up too.
A groan burned at the back of Eddie's throat and he could feel his head spinning the moment he sat up. He flopped his head back on Evan's shoulder and tried to open his eyes, but he felt like going straight back to sleep for another day. Or two. Or three.
Eddie quietly whined when Evan kissed him and proceeded to get out of bed. He didn't want to get up yet.
Who's bright idea was it to go on a cruise?
Eddie never realised he had a problem with being on the sea until the boat started moving. They all boarded the boat just fine late on Monday afternoon, but when it began to move in the evening, Eddie didn't feel so great. Neither did (Y/n) when she laid in bed and could feel the room dipping from left to right.
Then in the morning, they had been on rough tides and things didn't go so well. Eddie got halfway down the hall and had to turn around, crawl back to the room and throw up. (Y/n) tried taking the kids for lunch on deck with Evan but halfway up the stairs, a mixture of vertigo and sickness washed over her and Evan had to catch her before she fell. He ended up carrying her the rest of the way up the stairs and carrying her back to the room like she was drunk.
Chris and Lois had been fine, they seemed to take after Evan and were happy running about as if the swaying boat was normal and it didn't affect them at all.
Ava started to feel queasy into the evening and Tilly, their youngest, was unsettled last night.
Evan took all four kids to dinner last night and when they came back into the cabin at seven o'clock, both Eddie and (Y/n) were fast asleep. So Evan took the kids out for a walk in the night sea air.
"Come on, get your sea legs. We're supposed to be going in the pool today." Evan stood up and stretched his arms above his head.
He laughed and glanced across his shoulder when he began to walk away from the bed and Eddie reached out to slap his behind. He advanced over to the bunk beds and waited patiently for Lois and Chris to climb out of bed before he helped them pick out some clothes.
Eddie rubbed his eyes with the base of his hand and stood up, but he only walked three paces over to the other double bed in the room. With a hefty sigh, he flopped down on his stomach on the other bed where (Y/n) and Ava were just beginning to stir.
They had Lois and Chris in the bunk beds, Tilly was in the cot beneath the window. And since there were two double beds, they all decided to switch between the beds each night, depending on how tired they were and where they flopped down at the end of the night. Last night Eddie distinctly remembered falling asleep in bed with (Y/n), but he'd passed out for the full twelve hours.
And he woke up with Evan instead, meaning (Y/n) got up at some point to tend to the kids and ended up in the other bed with Ava.
"How are you girls doing?" He gruffed quietly while he flopped his right arm out and draped it across (Y/n)'s waist.
He reeled her close and shimmied from his stomach to lay on his left side, with (Y/n)'s back pressed up against his chest. His hand slipped beneath her pyjama top and he started to dance his fingers across her bump while he tilted his head down to kiss the back of her head.
"Bit better… still feel queasy though." (Y/n) couldn't be sure whether she was really feeling sea sick or if she was experiencing prolonged morning sickness which the boat was making worse.
They hadn't exactly planned for (Y/n) to be twenty weeks pregnant when they booked this holiday. But (Y/n) was thrilled she wasn't any further along. She didn't have a massive bump yet and other than morning sickness, she was doing okay. She could still get in the pool with the kids and walk round and they could leave the boat and go on excursions. The timing had worked out rather well.
(Y/n) groggily opened her eyes and leaned back into Eddie when Evan leaned on the other side of the bed and hovered over them. She smiled as Evan planted his hands down on the bed, kissed the top of Ava's head and leaned over to kiss (Y/n)'s lips.
"Are you lot getting up, we're all hungry?"
"Bring us back something to eat… please?" Eddie added a quick please on the end when he watched Evan smirk.
"What can you actually stomach?"
Evan pressed another kiss to (Y/n)'s lips and a quick kiss to Eddie before he pushed up. He could see Ava was a bit too groggy to get up whereas he, Chris and Lois were all dressed and ready for breakfast. They could go and eat together and bring the rest of them back some fruit and a bit of toast. He knew by the time they got back, the rest of them would be up and ready.
When the bedroom door closed, they gave themselves another ten minutes to lie down and try to wake up before they bothered to get up and see how they felt.
Eddie dared to stand up and take a moment to see if his legs felt stronger and if his stomach felt more natural. He and (Y/n) had missed dinner last night which should have settled their systems. This would be their second day at sea, they should feel better by now and feel more acquainted at being on the waves.
He turned the music channel on the tv and moved to open the curtains, looking at the rolling waves actually made him feel a little better.
"Do you feel okay, mi amor?" Eddie held his hands out and carefully helped (Y/n) up. His hands moved to her waist and he held her close, pecking her lips when she smiled and nodded.
Twelve hours of sleep had done them both the world of good.
"A lot better… are we going swimming this morning?"
When Eddie nodded, (Y/n) knew they were both having the same idea. They may as well get dressed into their swim gear. No point taking the time to get dressed if all the kids were going to insist on going in the pool right after breakfast. They would probably spend the majority of the day in the pool; they all loved the pool and they were at sea today. The boat wouldn't port anywhere until tomorrow at midday.
"I've got the baby," He murmured against her lips and headed round to the cot where Tilly was beginning to stir. "Hi girlie,"
"Daddy," The two year old held her arms out expectingly and grinned when Eddie scooped her up and murmured 'Let's go get a shower' against her ruffled hair.
"Can we go in the pool now?" Chris swung his and Evan's entwined hands back and forth between them and stared up at his other dad. He smiled brightly when Evan grinned down at him as they walked down the stairs. He was letting Chris lead the way towards the room. The kids needed to remember and be able to find their way back to the cabin since they were going to be on this boat for almost two weeks.
"Sure, we'd better make sure everyone else is up and ready."
Evan cast his eyes down to his left where Lois was walking a step ahead of him. If she wasn't carrying a plate of fruit and toast, she would have been running down the corridor towards the room. But she had decided she wanted to bring the food back for her parents.
Evan knew the kids would be as desperate as he was to get in the pool today, they hadn't gone in yesterday. They had taken time to get used to where everything was on the boat. They'd done a quiz in one of the lounge rooms, played basketball while (Y/n) and Eddie sunbathed and felt seasick with Tilly. And then they watched a show until they all retired to bed.
Today was their day in the pool. Evan was already wearing his swim trunks, and so was Chris. And Lois was in her costume beneath her rainbow dress.
Reaching in his back pocket, Evan found the room keycard and swiped it over the door, letting the two of them walk in first.
A smile flooded Evan's face when he looked across at Ava. She had moved one of the chairs up next to the crib so she could stare out the window. Both her hands were pressed up against the glass along with her nose so she could stare out at the blue waves that rolled by and it made Evan's heart melt. None of the kids had been on a boat like this before.
All Ava could see was a mix of hazy turquoise blue with swirls of seaweed green which blended into the pastel blue colour of the sky. There were clouds rolling by in the distance, mingling with the mist in the far distance where a patch of rain was pulling in.
"Hungry, daddy?" Lois approached the bed Eddie was leaning over and placed the plate of fruit and toast beside him. She laid on her stomach on the bed and grinned when Eddie leaned across to kiss her temple. She could see he had gotten up and had a shower, his hair was still damp, he smelled of his usual leather scent shower gel. And he was now wearing his jet black swim trunks and a matching black vest.
"I am, thank you baby girl." He pinched a slice of toast and took a large bite before he looked down at Tilly with raised brows. The toddler was laid out on the bed on her back, sporadically kicking her legs out in front of her while Eddie tried to get her changed. "Alright cheeky, come on help me out."
Reaching down, Eddie scooped Tilly up and stood the two year old up in the middle of the bed once her legs were finally in her swim suit. He pulled the costume up and wrangled her arms into it, pulling it tight over her shoulders as Tilly started bouncing and bending her knees.
"Beautiful." He whispered softly and took the scrunchie off his wrist to gather Tilly's hair up in the middle of her head. Her thin wisps of hair gathered together and looked like an antenna spiked up, but it was an adorable look on her.
With a kiss to her cheek, Eddie handed her a slice of toast and set her down on the floor and he tossed an apple over to Ava. She needed to eat something before they got in the pool. Eddie took another bite of toast and slipped his sunglasses on top of his hair, but his lips quirked into a baiting smile when he watched (Y/n) walk out the bathroom.
And when Evan turned to the side and caught sight of her, he let out a low wolf-whistle and his lips formed into a wide smirk.
The teal blue two-piece (Y/n) had on was new; the boys hadn't seen her wearing it until now. It tied in a neat bow at the back of her neck and cut low down her chest. And the underwear that matched had a thin, string bow for decoration on each hip.
She was wearing a see through white swim shawl over the top. The material was paper thin but very soft, it hung just off her shoulders and stopped a few inches past her hips across her thighs.
(Y/n) leaned a hand on the wall so she could slip into her sandals, but her eyes looked herself up and down a few times. She wanted to bring her usual red and white swimsuit, but with her baby bump she wouldn't have been able to fit into it. And if she did, it would have been way too tight. The only option (Y/n) had was this two piece. And she wasn't sure about walking around showing off her stomach.
It was all well and normal to have the boy's hands and eyes lingering on her when she was pregnant, this was her fourth pregnancy. But (Y/n) was always self conscious when she was around strangers.
She wasn't used to going swimming when she was pregnant, but (Y/n) didn't want to be the only one not going in the pool. She could always sit in the shallow end with Tilly or even just sit on the edge and dip her legs in the pool.
"Will I do?" She murmured softly, gasping when Evan hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her closer.
"You look beautiful." He pressed a searing kiss to her lips and sank his teeth into her lower lip before he felt Chris tug on his shorts with a whine. The kids were rearing to go, they were starting to get impatient.
"Are we ready, troop?"
With a grin, Eddie tossed a banana across to (Y/n) so she would eat something before he looked around their family. He had Lois stood on his left, already holding his hand and swaying on his arm and he reached out onto the bed for the bag he had packed a few minutes ago. It had towels, Tilly's pull-ups and dummies and wipes in, a beaker for her, and space so they could keep their clothes dry while they were in the pool.
He hooked the bag on his shoulder and reached out for Ava who gladly took his other hand and moved towards the door.
"Come're baby," Evan reached down for Tilly when she tried to toddle after Eddie. He wasn't letting her walk around, she would get sidetracked and take her time and if she ran ahead of them she would definitely bump into people.
He smiled at the swimsuit Eddie had gotten Tilly changed into. She was wearing her lilac swim costume with blue and green flowers dotted around it and her cheeky smile was a match for Evan's.
"Pretty baby," He cooed when he picked her up and sat her high up on his chest so she could loop her arms around his neck.
(Y/n) rested her hand on Chris's shoulder and followed out after him, double-checking that both boys had a keycard each for the room so they didn't get locked out before they left. They headed down the corridor in a line and (Y/n) smiled as she and Chris moved ahead to catch up with Eddie.
Both Chris and Ava trotted ahead and waited at the bottom of the stairs for everyone else to catch them up. And when Eddie squeezed her hand, Lois ran ahead to follow the two of them. All the kids knew they could run ahead as long as they stayed within sight and were careful of other people passing by.
"Looking good." Eddie whispered with a grin and he moved his hand to rest on the small of (Y/n)'s back as they started to climb up the stairs.
"Thank you." (Y/n) grinned, poking her tongue between her teeth as she hooked her finger into Eddie's shorts and gave a sharp tug, letting the elastic snap back against his hips. She leaned her head back and looked up at Evan as they all ascended up the stairs.
"Least you two can walk today, although I'll carry you if you want me to." He leaned his cheek on top of Tilly's head, barely breaking a sweat as they climbed up four flights of stairs to get to the top deck. It was a relief to see Eddie and (Y/n) both climbing the stairs and not swaying to one side or looking like they were about to throw up. Clearly they were finally adjusting to being at sea.
Evan was the only one who had his sea legs from the moment they stepped on board. But he had always been a natural with water; he had tried out for the navy at one point too.
As soon as the three kids got to the top and ran out into the sunshine, they came to a stop and turned round. Ava had hold of Chris's hand, the five year old was always afraid of being left behind or becoming lost. And Chris never minded guiding his younger sister along and holding her hand to keep her safe.
"Which way?"
"Left, we're off to the outdoor pool."
It felt good to be out in the sunshine. They all knew if the weather had been stormy and raining, it would have dampened their day since they couldn't leave the ship. But standing out on deck with the sun blistering hot and a slight breeze cutting around them felt lovely.
(Y/n) felt Evan's hand move to her shoulder as they walked single-file, weaving between the plastic tables and chairs set out for breakfast.
They walked through a set of doors, passed through an indoor dining area and headed back out into the sunshine towards the pool.
There weren't as many people out here as Eddie expected. He figured some of the older people may have gone into one of the lounge bars, there were a lot of quizzes on throughout the day and music shows. Entertainment was a big thing since they weren't at any ports today.
"No running." Eddie's voice was loud and stern enough to stop all three kids in front of him. They came to an abrupt stop and glanced over their shoulders to watch Eddie arch a brow at them before he flipped his sunglasses down over his eyes. He didn't want them running round here. There was water everywhere from people getting in and out of the pool and from the boat swaying side to side, sloshing the chlorine about.
If the kids ran along here they would skid, and Chris didn't have his crutches which made him more unsteady on his feet. They didn't want any accidents on this holiday.
His lips curved into a grin and he looked to the left when he felt (Y/n)'s hand slip into his and she curled her free hand around his arm. She didn't want to slip either. Her head leaned on Eddie's shoulder and she pressed a soft kiss there while he followed over to the four deck chairs the kids had comandeered for them. Right in front of the pool.
"Pool!" Tilly bashed her hand down excitedly on Evan's shoulder and started to squirm when he peppered kisses against her cheek.
"Let's get ready, then."
Evan sat down on the end of one of the navy blue deck chairs and stood Tilly between his legs. He pinned his knees into her sides so she couldn't try and run off anywhere without him or else she would end up in the pool unsupervised.
He whipped off his shirt and tossed it over to Eddie since he had the bag and kicked his shoes beneath the deck chair.
(Y/n) slipped off her sandals and curled her legs beneath her on the chair, taking a moment to look around. There was a large screen just above the dining area, playing random eighties music videos. And there were a few other families with young children about which was good for the kids if they wanted to mingle. Not that many of them would, they were all too shy for that.
"Glasses please," (Y/n) held her hand out towards Chris and put his glasses on the small plastic table beside her chair. He didn't need to wear them when he was in the pool.
All the kids were eager to get in. Chris had taken off his shirt and shoes, Lois and Ava had stripped their dresses and tossed them at Eddie and Tilly was squealing. None of them wanted to wait.
"I'll take some pictures of you all."
"You not coming in yet?" Eddie took off his glasses and stood up just as Lois grabbed his hand, trying her best to direct him towards the pool.
"Not yet, I'll join you all in a bit." (Y/n) needed to wake up a little more first and the kids could burn some energy with Eddie and Evan first. Then (Y/n) would get in and probably stay in the shallow end with Tilly and stick to paddling with her for a while.
She smiled when Eddie leaned down to peck her lips and she felt Evan kiss the back of her head before they moved towards the pool.
"Ava, with me please baby." Evan held his hand out and shimmied Tilly higher up on his left hip. Ava couldn't swim well yet, she would need to stay in the shallow end with him and Tilly. Whereas Chris and Lois were fairly good and could go further in with Eddie.
Eddie sucked in a deep breath when he climbed down the steps. God, it was freezing. He tensed his shoulders and held his breath before he sank down and submerged under the water to get it over with. If he didn't the kids would splash him and shock his system. He could feel shakes rattling through him and he grinned when he broke through the surface and Lois climbed in, squealing at how cold it was.
He began doing laps with Chris while Lois followed alone doing backstrokes. Every now and then, Eddie looked across at the shallow end and he grinned. He and Evan were going to have to swap soon, it wasn't fair to leave Evan in the shallow end and Ava got clingy when she got nervous in the pool.
Evan knelt down on the bottom of the pool and held Tilly just above the surface so she was laid on his palms on her tummy. She was kicking her legs out and splashing her arms, grinning when Evan turned her in circles to make it seem like she was actually swimming.
"Come here then," He waved a hand out towards Ava, she had been swimming from one side of the shallow end to the other.
He watched with a grin as she held her head high and tried to swim over to him. He was still in the shallow end but he was more towards the middle since he had been swimming around in random patterns, weaving between the other people in here. There weren't many people in the middle.
As soon as she reached him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to his shoulders so tightly she almost pushed Evan under the surface.
"Papa- papa don't let go!"
"Ava, baby it's not deep." Evan cringed when Ava pressed her chest into his back and dug her arms tight around his neck. She would just about touch the floor if she put her legs down. She wasn't going to drown if she stayed around this level and didn't go any further.
He couldn't hold onto her and keep hold of Tilly at the same time, not without a struggle.
"Baby, come round here, I won't let go I promise."
He struggled to lean back and he tilted Tilly high up on his chest with her head on his shoulder while he curved his right arm behind him and held onto Ava. He weaved her round through the water and smiled when he had them both on his chest. That was better.
He lifted his legs up and took a deep breath, floating on his back to keep the girls in front of him and above the water.
Leaning forward, (Y/n) sighed and pulled the thin swim shawl over her head and laid it out behind her on the deck chair so people would know it was occupied. She smoothed her palm across her stomach, as if making sure the baby wasn't about to wake up and come alive, before she pushed up and slowly padded across towards the pool.
Her eyes landed on Eddie as he and Chris had a race back to the side of the pool. He was clearly hanging back to let Chris go ahead of him and the sight made (Y/n)'s heart melt.
She walked over to the edge of the pool and slowly sank down until she was sat on the side with her legs dangling in the water. She slowly kicked her legs back and forth, smiling when the boys swam over to her. Chris patted her thigh and beamed up at her when she dragged her fingers through his messy curls and pushed them away from his eyes.
"You're doing good, baby." She pecked his temple, but her attention turned back to Eddie when he swam over.
His hands immediately found her thighs and raked up towards her hips and he stood between her thighs, leaning up into her with a shark-tooth grin. His elbows pinned down on her thighs and (Y/n) could feel his fingers digging into her hips while he attached his lips to her stomach.
"Coming in yet?" He murmured against her stomach, smiling at the shiver that tore through (Y/n) while she ran her fingers through his hair.
All the water dripped onto (Y/n)'s legs and stuck to her stomach, but she didn't mind. She would get in the pool soon and join them.
"I will once I get a drink, you boys want one?"
"Nope; just you."
"Eddie-" She tried to warn him when she felt his hands rake down to grip her bum. But her arms deadlocked around his neck and she gasped when he pushed back and dragged her down off the side. Her legs hooked around his hips and she closed her eyes, feeling the water flip over them both like a tidal wave.
The cold water completely drenched her and had her body shaking as Eddie pushed up so she didn't completely submerge beneath the surface. He let her lean into his chest that rumbled as he laughed into her neck.
"You twat." She hissed in his ear but she couldn't hide her grin as she unlocked one arm from around him to push her soaked hair back on her head, away from her eyes.
Her hands moved to cup his face and she pulled him close, taking a deep kiss from his lips that she bit down on to make him groan. She grazed her foot down along his thigh so she could swat her foot against his bum in the water before she tried to stand up and uncurl from around him.
"I'm getting a drink."
The small smile on (Y/n)'s lips told Eddie she wasn't annoyed; she couldn't stop herself from smiling despite now being drenched from head to toe. With adrenaline shooting through her blood and the baby twisting and livening up in her stomach.
She kissed Lois's temple on her slow walk through the water towards her other man and the girls.
Her hands found Evan's shoulders and she attached her lips to the side of his neck, smiling at the girls. Tilly was sat in the shallow end, happily splashing her arms out in the water. And Ava was sat down a little further into the shallow water where Evan was knelt in front of her.
"Anyone need a drink?"
"Please- did you do a dive or something?" Evan dragged his eyes up and down (Y/n)'s frame while he curved an arm around her waist and reeled her into his chest. She didn't normally go straight in the deep end and she was drenched from head to toe like the rest of them.
"Daddy pulled mum in." Lois answered as she shook her head to get the water out her ears.
"Oh. I guess he woke someone up then?" His arm curved tighter around her waist so he could press his hand against her stomach where the baby was wriggling. He felt (Y/n) hum into his neck that she started to kiss before she looked back down at the girls.
"Ava, you and Tilly can come and get a drink with me… why don't you four play chicken?"
(Y/n) reached out for Tilly and hoisted her up. The two year old was starting to try and drink the water and if she did that she would make herself sick. She could have a break and get a drink and Ava could let Evan have a break since she had been clinging to him since the moment they got in the pool.
"Papa, can we?" Lois tugged on Evan's hand when he nodded. There weren't many people in the pool meaning they had the space for Eddie and Evan to have a kid on their shoulders to try and push each other into the water.
"Sure," He leaned down and held both Lois's hands, grinning madly as she screamed in delight when Evan effortlessly swung her up and sat her on his shoulders. The seven year old held his biceps to stay steady on his shoulders and she could hear Eddie shouting 'Oh no' as he moved to get Chris so they could gear up for a game.
(Y/n) sucked in a deep breath as she looked up at Evan, where Lois excitedly squealed "Get a video mummy!"
"I will baby, I promise." She pulled her lower lip between her teeth to obscure her smile when Evan pushed up from his knees to stand tall in the pool. Water poured off of him in gushes and the sun shone down on him and made his radiant smile beam and shine out. His eyes squinted from the combined water and bright rays of sun.
And stood there with his chest out, his arms tense and bulging and their eldest daughter on his shoulders, he made (Y/n)'s knees go weak.
She let him reach one hand out for her and hold her chin, tilting her head back enough so he could lean down for a kiss. He balanced Lois expertly on his shoulders so he could steal (Y/n)'s breath as he kissed her. His chest panted when he pulled back, but he started to laugh when Tilly reached out for him.
"Jealous bum," He mumbled as Tilly grabbed him a little roughly by the face, patting her hands on his cheeks as she pulled him close so she could have a kiss too. She was never one to be left out.
"Ava, come on sweetie."
(Y/n) set Tilly down on her feet and held her hand while she held her other hand out for Ava.
The three of them toddled towards the bar with (Y/n) slightly stooped over so she could keep hold of Tilly. The youngest girl was a menace and she would wander off wherever she wanted if someone didn't pick her up or hold her hand.
When they got to the bar, (Y/n) leaned down and scooped Tilly up so she could sit the toddler down on the bar. She nudged her nose against Tilly's cheek and gave her a kiss, arching her back out while her arms curved around her littlest girl.
"What are you having, sweetie?"
"Coke please… mummy they're playing." Ava tugged on (Y/n)'s arm and leaned up against her leg.
She moved her arms so they were wrapped around (Y/n)'s stomach and she gently kissed her tummy, causing her mum to smile down at her. She stayed leaning against her mum while her eyes focused on the pool.
Evan had Lois on his shoulders, Eddie was holding up Chris and both kids had locked hands and were currently pushing each other to try and knock the other into the pool. Ava let out a loud, excited squeal when she watched Lois give Chris a hard push and he and Eddie yelled as they toppled backwards and dunked under the surface.
"Papa and Lois won!"
Evan gave Lois's sides a squeeze and grinned up at her as she leaned down to kiss his temple.
They both watched Eddie and Chris resurface and Eddie shook his head, groaning as he tried to rid the water from his eyes and shake it loose from his eyes and his hair. He dragged his fingers through his hair as he swam closer until he was in front of them.
"Okay, next round is ours." Eddie tilted Evan's chin up so he could snatch a kiss and drag a finger across his jaw.
He shuffled back a few paces and hunched down so Chris could climb back onto his shoulders. "Come on, dad, we have to win."
"Mum, can I go record them?" Ava leaned back so she could look up at (Y/n) and she gently took the plastic cup of coke she was handed. She knew whenever they played games like this, someone always recorded them. And she knew both her dads would want to send the pictures and videos across to their auntie Hen and auntie Karen.
"Go on then."
Turning round, (Y/n) pressed a sloppy kiss to Tilly's cheek as she gently set the toddler down in front of her legs. She could see Ava trotting over to the deck chairs so she could find (Y/n)'s phone in her bag.
(Y/n) grabbed the tray of drinks and held them up high so she could see where Tilly was and keep an eye on her. She couldn't carry the drinks and Tilly and she couldn't put Tilly in the pool yet without supervision. She smiled when she saw Ava sat cross-legged on one of the chairs, drink in one hand and camera in the other as she recorded their family.
"Tilly, come here please." She kept her voice stern so Tilly would listen; all the kids listened whenever the boys talked in that tone of voice.
"Daddy, daddy." She paused for a moment and turned to look back at (Y/n) before she pointed ahead.
"He's in the pool. Wait for me."
She rounded the side of the deck chair and placed the tray of drinks down. It was easier to get all the kids and the boys a drink because (Y/n) knew once they got out, they would down a drink each and then climb straight back in. She could see Ava had downed most of her coke already.
"Tilly." (Y/n) hissed and weaved around the deck chair to hurry after her youngest who wasn't listening.
Her little eyes had locked on both her dads and her other two siblings and she was on a mission to get to them.
"Well, push." Eddie all but groaned as he looked up at Chris and urged him to move and put a little more effort into it. He needed to knock Lois over or she and Evan would have two games up on them. They needed to win at least one round before they switched partners and Eddie had Lois on his team.
He gave Chris's hips a squeeze and tried to stand up a bit taller to give Chris more of an advantage since he was taller than Lois. But Evan simply grinned and pushed up on his toes to make Lois that much higher in retaliation.
Eddie glanced his eyes to the left for a split second and his eyes landed on (Y/n) walking over with a few drinks. He smiled to himself and looked back at Evan who seemed determined to win another game.
But Eddie's stance froze and his eyes snapped to the left again when he heard Tilly scream.
A thunderous splash echoed through the air and made Eddie jolt. All he saw was a flash of purple and a wave of water splutter up and splash far enough to cascade across Evan's back.
She had fallen in.
She fell in the deep end.
"Fuck!" Eddie dug his fingers a little too harshly into Chris's waist, causing him to yelp as Eddie hoisted him up over his shoulders and held him out towards Evan.
Evan kept one hand on Lois while he grabbed Chris's arm with the other to make sure he could get himself settled and floating in the water. He couldn't move before Eddie was yelling "She's fell in!" as he pushed away and dove down into the water.
He hooked an arm around Chris's waist while he leaned back so Lois could slide off his shoulders and get into the water. She swam round his side and clung to his other arm and Evan moved both kids so they were in front of him. His arms stayed tight around them and he pushed forward, dragging them with him as he watched in panic.
He could just about see Eddie's black trunks beneath the water and his eyes locked onto (Y/n). She was knelt down on the edge, both hands gripping the side of the pool so tightly she was going to cut her palms. He could see the debate in her eyes but she didn't dive in.
Eddie had told her not to. He shook his head. He would get Tilly.
(Y/n) could feel Ava's hands on her shoulders and it made her realise that she was shaking.
She had been so close to Tilly, she was about to reach out for her when the toddler's foot slipped in a puddle and she toppled over. She wasn't a good swimmer. She loved being in the water and flapping about but she hadn't even started taking lessons yet. And as much as she didn't mind being splashed, she didn't like going underwater.
She could see all the other people in the nearby deckchairs had stood up and were all crowding round the edges of the pool. The few other people in the pool were getting closer and another man went under the surface to try and help. It only made (Y/n)'s stomach twist and made her sure she was going to throw up.
Everyone could of screamed when Eddie finally resurfaced again.
He coughed, spitting the little water he had inhaled while he blinked furiously to try and gather his senses and his surroundings. He took a deep breath and pushed onto his back, using his right arm to keep himself afloat while his left hand secured his youngest girl against his chest.
Tilly's head flopped back against his chest as she spewed water and grogged, trying to scream but she didn't quite have the air yet.
"I gotcha, baby girl. You're okay, daddy's got you."
Pushing forward, Eddie lifted Tilly higher up and swam to the side of the pool. He carefully handed her over to (Y/n) before he grabbed the edge and heaved himself up out of the water that suddenly felt dense and heavy like it was trying to drag him back under.
"Is she alright?" Evan hoisted Chris and Lois up out of the pool and clambered up too, following his partners as they quickly hurried over and sat down on a deck chair.
(Y/n) sat down with Ava and let Eddie lift Tilly back out of her arms. He sat down on the chair in front of her with Evan slumped down against him and Evan's chin perched on his shoulder. While Lois and Chris sat down with (Y/n) and Chris wrapped his arms around (Y/n)'s neck and leaned his cheek on her head.
"She's fine, she's breathing. Deep breaths, baby girl. That's it." Eddie kept his left hand on Tilly's chest and rubbed forceful circles along her back with his right hand. He patted her shoulders every few seconds until she coughed up all the water she had inhaled and she was finally back to screaming.
She flopped over Eddie's arm and coughed. Water dripped off them both and created a puddle on the chair and on the wooden floor beneath them, but it didn't matter.
"You should have waited for me." (Y/n) murmured softly, moving one hand to hold Chris's arm that was around her neck while she leaned over to kiss Tilly's head.
"You gave us a fright, baby." Evan rubbed his finger against Tilly's cheek while he kissed Eddie's neck, murmuring a soft "Well done," into his skin.
With a sigh, Eddie lifted Tilly up and turned her around so she was facing his chest. He slowly sank back against the chair, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of his drenched skin sticking to the burning hot chair. He tilted his head back and stretched his legs out, feeling the sun beaming down on them while he tried to catch his breath back.
His chest panted and heaved, especially with Tilly now weighing down on him, but he didn't care. He wrapped both arms tightly around her and let her curl up into his chest. Her face tucked into his neck as she began to cry, cough and whimper while Eddie pressed his lips to the top of her head and quietly shushed her.
"Okay baby, you're okay. No more swimming this morning, I don't need a heart attack just yet." Eddie smiled when he felt Evan kissing his temple.
Evan ran a hand through his hair and shook off a bit more water before he opened his arms when Lois and Ava shuffled across onto his deck chair. He sat each of them on his lap and moved to recline in the same manner as Eddie, hugging the two girls to his chest. While (Y/n) stayed sat up on her chair, clinging to Chris who was pressing down on her back and kissing her cheek.
"This holiday's off to a great start."
A grin spread across Eddie's lips and he poked his tongue between his teeth, smothering his laugh when he felt both Evan and (Y/n) reach out to slap his thighs.
"Don't you jinx us, Eddie."
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utytimeline · 7 months
I might make some people mad, but I'm gonna say it, anyway.
So, Ceroba's reason for choosing Chujin over Star was because she wanted someone more mature. At least, that's my understanding. Star was playing cowboy and role-playing with his friends while she wanted to settle down and raise a family.
And... yeah, Star had a lot of growing up to do. And he did almost none of it until Ceroba stopped him from shooting us.
Star's main character flaw is his ego, but it's even worse than just an ego. Half the reason he set up the Wild East was to help everyone else. He wanted to bring in money to help his family when the Swelterstone's effects caused a drought; he wanted monsters to get a taste of what the surface is like so they don't drown in despair; and he wanted to make Ceroba happy after she lost both her husband and her child. All of this on top of feeling like he was a "nobody farmer" that couldn't do anything or help anyone.
So Star's primary character flaw isn't as simple as just having a big ego. His primary character flaw is trying to fix others as a way of fixing himself.
Sometimes this is a good thing, tho. I often think of Star as the "papa" of the Feisty Five. He's the protective one, he's the one teaching them ethics (reminding Mooch that they're not supposed to be bandits, playing dead to teach Clover about the responsibility of potentially hurting someone), he takes care of the town, he's made ALL his own money from this town that he built himself (enough that Mooch wants his inheritance, so it's a sizeable amount), he even gave his posse a designated nap time, gave Ceroba a home (and possibly gave her his bed while he crashes on the couch), sews his own clothes, set up all the rules and regulations... and I could go on, but I think I've made my point. Star is not wholly irresponsible. He's not perfectly responsible- he, and the rest of the posse, have a habit of breaking and losing Blackjack's weapons, they're all loud and rowdy, and they have a tendency to forget to turn off their boulder machines out in the Dunes.
So, yeah, Star does still have some growing up to do. But he's got a good start.
As for... everything that went wrong... That was entirely due to Star's worship of humanity. Star fell in love with westerns and with the justice and overall sense of romance that they portrayed, so much so that he not only tried to make himself into one of his western heroes, but he then extended this worship to the first human to ever set foot in the Dunes- namely, Clover. And because of this, Star completely threw everything that was good about himself out the window. He sees a human an immediately decides "this is my deputy," without even really giving Clover a fair chance to see if they even are deputy material. He forgot the safety glasses, got so worked up he forgot how to pronounce "duel," became extremely temperamental, apparently forgot that Vengeful Virgil was scheduled for the train mission that day, locked up a Royal Guard against her will (arguably committing treason in doing so, I might add), and just generally began running over everyone's words and emotions, including Ceroba's.
So when it came down to the Showdown... Star blamed Clover. Star's not an idiot. He knows good and well it's not Clover's fault. It's Star's fault- or more precisely, it's his worship of humanity that is to blame. But the problem is, he's taken it upon himself to guard the feelings of other monsters, to make them feel hope and joy. And he just screwed up and stole all that from them. So he's conflicted, not willing to admit that he has done the exact opposite of everything he set out to do. And since it's his worship of humans that led him to this point, he decides to blame the human.
Hence, the Showdown.
But he doesn't want to do it. He says himself, "Monsterkind's Hero is a title soaked in blood." He loves humans. And he sees Clover as a friend. He doesn't want to kill them. He's not a killer, and he doesn't want to be one. He doesn't believe in it. Justice is one thing, but... how is it just to kill someone that did nothing wrong?
So. Here's where Ceroba comes in. Telling Star he needs to calm down and go back to who he used to be. And Star points out that she's changed, too. Even Ceroba says, before taking Clover to the Steamworks, that she doesn't know if she has room to tell Star to go back to the Starlo she used to know.
Ceroba, tho, is no different than Star (this is the part that I said might make some people mad). Ceroba worships Chujin just as much as Star worships humans.
Ok, look. Chujin was a great craftsman. He built so much- furniture for Dalv, his and Ceroba's house, the space heater at the Honeydew Resort, many other items in use throughout the Underground, Kanako's toys (even programmed a video game for her), and so much more. So much that even Star respects him for all that he did for everyone.
However, there is also much that indicates that Chujin wasn't the best at his job. His only award is "You Tried at Engineering," and it took 14 tries for him to build a working robot. In Chujin's defense, I will say that it is impressive that he did build a working, sentient robot without the use of a SOUL, which is how Alphys made both Mettaton and Mew Mew; however, if Chujin is really such a genius, why did it take 14 tries to get Axis to work, when it apparently only took 1 try for Guardener?
And then Chujin didn't just stop with robotics, but went on to SOUL research. Two completely different fields. (And before anyone starts commenting on Alphys, I just want to point out, yet again, that both of the robots she built did use SOUL power; so, realistically, Alphys never was a great robotics genius, but rather, everything she did was a part of SOUL research- hence, the reason Asgore hired her as the Royal Scientist). But Chujin decided to press on with his SOUL research, despite there being no indication anywhere that he had ever done any such research before.
Now, I'm not trying to say that Chujin wasn't remarkable or a genius. I'm just pointing out some things that indicate that maybe he wasn't quite the genius that Ceroba wanted to make him out to be. And... Ceroba's reaction to his "You Tried" award. She's proud of him. More pride than what is warranted by such an award.
Ceroba said she met Chujin when he pretty much rescued her after she twisted her ankle, fell into a ditch, and laid there for several hours, unable to move. She also said that she had considered dating Starlo before meeting Chujin. So... hate me for this if you want to, but I feel like she may not have the best judgement when it comes to guys. Now, that's not to say she picked losers or creeps. Both Chujin and Starlo were/are sweethearts that care deeply about everyone around them. But the fact remains that Ceroba left behind the guy that she'd known all her life for a guy she just met, just because he rescued her from a bad situation.
And I'm not even saying she made a bad choice! By all accounts- including Ceroba's, Martlet's, and even Starlo's- Chujin was a good, kind-hearted, hard-working monster, and a wonderful husband and father. But... he wasn't perfect. And I think Ceroba, even though they had to have been married at least 10 years, just always had stars in her eyes where he was concerned. He was her everything. She believed he could do no wrong. She believed it so strongly, she was willing to do... many horrible things.
Ceroba's drive to kill Clover started with her love for Chujin. She wanted to do anything to keep him alive in her own heart. And when their child begged and pleaded for a chance to help, Ceroba agreed, because Kanako woshipped her father, too. Ceroba's misguided belief in her husband guided her to do things she would never have done otherwise.
Thus the reason for her guilt. It's not just guilt over killing her own child. It's also guilt over knowing that it was her own misguided worship of a monster that wasn't as perfect as she thought he was, that this was what led her to kill, and to kill again.
Ceroba worshipped Chujin. Just as Starlo worshipped the ground Clover walked on, Ceroba worshipped the ground Chujin walked on.
So when people point to Ceroba's comment that Starlo didn't grow up... yeah. She's right. Starlo needed to grow up.
But so did Ceroba.
One of the hardest parts of growing up is realizing that the people you worship are just people. They make mistakes, and you, yourself, are mistaken for believing they can do no wrong.
So, anyway. There's as much Staroba (Starfox, I call them) hatred as there is love for the ship. I've seen both sides of the argument: Starlo isn't mature enough; Ceroba is insane. Yeah. You're both right. And that's why they're perfect for each other. They both made the mistake of changing everything they were in an effort to continue worshipping their idols. They both went nuts. They were both driven to kill. This is the inherent danger of idolatry, believing so much in something that isn't real, that you will do anything to make it stay real to you.
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bimbos-are-angels · 3 months
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Arthur Morgan x Fem. Reader
cw: Suggestive
A/N: First Fic, it'll be a two parter!
You closed your eyes and gazed at the view above, orange skies as far as the eye could see as the bright sun set behind the mountains. Nothing could ruin your mood, you were on top of the world. “Miss?” Startled, you rushed up to find the unknown source of the strange interruption. To your surprise, you set your eyes on a stranger getting off of his horse, rugged and eyes darkened from days of traveling. “Can I help you sir?” You asked.
Setting his eyes on you, you felt more comfortable glancing up and down his figure. Broad and bent, he stood slouched, probably from the ride to your family's farmhouse. You and your papa were known in town for being hermits, rarely coming into town and when you both did, only grabbing the essentials. “ ‘Pologies for comin’ at a time like this, is yer daddy around?” You must have given him a look that indicated some sort of panic, your father had a habit of taking loans from shady people, and you knew that this man wasn’t there to sweep you off your feet like the stories you had just finished reading about. His face twisted, “Ah, I didn’t mean to startle you, but your father has unfin-” You interrupted, “He’s not in town, he had to leave for business you see… He uh-” Shifting closer to your person, you knew that this rude stranger who had interrupted your tranquility and peace could practically smell the fear from miles away. He dipped down to your level, inches away from your face, “I see yer father in the window of yer house, darlin’”
Eyes widening, you flipped around to face your house and he was right, your father was watching the interaction go down with fear. “I uh- I forgot!” You sputtered. The stranger sighed, trudging off to the front of the house while grabbing something from his satchel. “Wait! Mister!” Picking up your skirt and running after him you continued, “Mister! Now don’t get hasty, what are you planning on doin'?” Huffing from the distance you ran up to catch up with him. Stopping to face you, the stranger pushed his dark hair out of his damp face and mumbled “Yer daddy owed a hell of a lot of money- and paid none of it back.” Hearing the frustration on his gruff voice, you ran in front of him and yelled “My daddy was gonna pay you back! He just needs time-” He pushed you aside so he could grab the door to your house. His hands, they’re so rough and bruised. You could only imagine how rough they’d feel on your skin. “Who the hell do you think you are, comin' into our farm and pushin' us around like cattle?!” Startled by your mini tantrum, he turned for a brief second to stare you down. He was different from the other debt collectors, he was more…alive… than the others. His cold blue eyes seemingly stared into the depths of your soul. You had been intimidated by these types of men before. Hell, you had been pushed around by these men in an attempt to scare your papa. He was different though, you weren’t scared, however. You were intrigued, you almost wanted to scream more to get his attention and his gaze again.
His heavy metal-toed boots hit the floor as he made his way towards your father with a piece of paper. Your poor father went pale at the intruder making his way toward him, and he stuttered “Take what you want! I can’t pay you back right now in money!” Shaking and gripping the chair he had gotten up from, he continued “Take anything! There's horses and cattle outside!” Ignoring his pleas, the stranger spoke “Sir, names’ Arthur Morgan, and you owe an outstanding debt. More than anyone’s ever owed us.” He chuckled at the complete absurdity of what was currently going down and the amount of money written down on the paper, the newly acquainted Mr. Morgan waited for your father's reply. Like a deer in headlights, your father was one wind gust away from falling over. “How bout’ this-” Mr. Morgan spoke “-How bout’ I take your daughter?” Your father somehow got even paler, and eyes even wider. The implication of his request made you blush as you came up with scenarios in your head.
“-For physical labor.” Arthur interrupted your thoughts. “Yes! Yes please just take her!” What? What did your papa-Your father-just say? You must have misheard. “Daddy?” You could just barely get out from your dry mouth. “Grab your shit girl, you heard him.” Staring at the figure in your house, you started to run towards your room and didn’t dare to disobey him. He was probably a killer- an outlaw who probably killed young women such as yourself. You suddenly get the same feeling you did when you met him, a fuzzy and blinding feeling that makes your legs shake and your head throb. What did this stranger mean by physical labor? Speak of the devil, he  happily leaned on your door frame and asked with a shit-eating grin: “Yalmost’ ready darlin?” 
Part 2 out now!
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ghostchems · 8 months
smoke break - papa emeritus iii & sibling of sin
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you find solace and a private place to smoke when you are caught by the new papa.
author's notes: cranked this out because i was feeling pretty similar to reader here! hence the teensy lil break from here and discord. good thing i could turn it into some 2k words of terzo sads :') there also be some weed smokin' and cuteness. ao3 link
The high, arched window is cracked and a cool breeze seeps into the secluded hall. You’re perched on the alcove with your knees up to your chest, a joint between your fingers that is carefully angled out the window crack. This is a deeply personal ritual of yours when life becomes too much: too much gossip, too many expectations and responsibilities, too much everything. A Satanic Ministry that is a firm promoter in personal freedom is not immune to drama and tension. You take a drag of the joint, filling your lungs with smoke before giving a shaky exhale, leaning your head against the wall. You love it here — you truly do. It’s the first place you’ve ever been able to be yourself. But even the most perfect of worlds can be exhausting.
Papa Emeritus the Third would be departing for his first tour in a few weeks and everyone was in a tizzy over it. Overworking themselves to ensure every aspect (the costumes, the lighting, the finances, etc.) of his debut are perfect and in turn, causing some ruffled feathers. You truly want to be involved but you don’t want to fight for a spot among those that have already asserted their place. So, you’ve drifted away from the rehearsals and the planning meetings, finding yourself in this particular alcove a few times a week to come down from the craziness of the day. Things are changing, so much potential for the ministry and it scares you. You’ve never been here for a transition like this and the influx of new recruits that usually followed. The idea of all this to do culminating in even more members that would change the make-up of the clergy you’ve grown so used to makes your head spin.
Your hazy eyes dart up from your lap and land on Papa’s face, his eyes narrowed with the paint around them dark and angled. He is scowling, holding his hand out for the joint. You scramble to hand it to him, your words catching in your throat as you shrink beneath his gaze. Papa is dressed in his robes and mitre, his stature tall and threatening. The sharp, golden nails on his glove prick your fingers as he takes the joint from you, examining it between two fingers. Your chest tightens, certain that you’re in trouble despite the usual lax rules when it comes the marijuana. You’ve never come face to face with the new papa before but if he is anything like Secondo you are expecting a fiery temper. Instead, he brings the joint to his lips and takes a long drag from it. Your jaw nearly drops. None of the higher ups typically indulge in such decadence in this casual a setting.
Papa sighs deeply and hops up onto the alcove, his feet dangling off the ground as he removes his mitre and sets it beside him. Your eyes are glued to how his raven hair spills out from it and he quickly smooths it back into place before taking another drag of the joint.
“What are you doing in this sequestered hall of the abbey, Sorella?” His voice is smooth and friendly, giving you uninterrupted eye contact even as he hands you back your joint. You feel the smoothness of his leather gloves this time, taking the joint back and forcing your body to relax.
“Just needed some space.” You murmur, averting your eyes away from his piercing gaze. Surely Papa has something better to do than speak to you, right?
“Mmm, I understand. Everyone seems to be on these days, don’t they?” He gives you a knowing look, his lips quirking into a grin. Ah, now you see it — his charms that have swept away your fellow siblings. And now you find yourself drifting off into his allure.
“Yes, Papa, and all for your tour debut.” He nearly winces at your words.
“Not for me — for the Ministry.” Papa’s eyes crinkle and there’s a hint of bitterness in his voice. Your brows knit together, confused by his response. Then you start to get a better look at him and notice how exhaustion seems to radiate from him despite his cracked paint hiding the bags beneath his eyes. You’ve always seen Papa Emeritus as some larger than life being but seeing the Third in such a light tugs at your heartstrings. He is probably being worked to death and the expectations for success are much more pressure on him rather than the siblings of sin who are fighting over supporting him. You take a quick rip and extend the joint back out for him to take. He hesitates, then takes it and brings it to his lips.
Of course, you could be reading into things too deeply but you are familiar with his particular look of weariness.
“I’ve sat in on a few rehearsals. I think it’s safe to say some of the excitement is because of you.”
Papa’s expression softens as he puts out the joint on the window sill and flicks it out into the grass. He leans his head against the wall just as you had done and closes his eyes for a moment. Oddly comfortable silence falls over the both of you.
“It’s, eh, quite something, isn’t it?” His head lolls and tilts toward you, a wide grin spreading across his face. “Still, there are times it is difficult to be… present.” It’s hard not to smile back at him, his change in expression infectious.
“Well, I come here to feel like myself again every so often. And to smoke.” You let your own feet dangle off the alcove and wiggle in closer to him. Your gaze falls to his robes, intricate gold designs along the soft black fabric and the bright purple sleeves poking out from beneath, the urge to touch it growing stronger and stronger.
“Go on, dolcezza.” Papa’s voice drops to a low whisper, his eyes taking in the details in your face. You are fully feeling the high now, immediately reaching your hand out so your fingers can brush along the lace details of his sleeves without a second thought. He inches in closer to you, extending his arm out so you can tough even more, his shoulder firm against yours. Papa’s eyes are glued to you as you start to grow more confident, touching the golden grucifixes on the front of his robes. A purr rumbles up his chest and you feel it beneath your fingers. You lift your head and your eyes meet, a breath catching in your throat. Papa leans forward and presses his forehead into yours, a quiet moment passing between you until…
You giggle. You watch his eyes crinkle with glee and he laughs along with you. It's such a surreal moment but a funny one, nonetheless. You can’t shake how boyish Papa looks when he laughs, a contrast to how deathly serious he usually looks in his paints. The laughter starts to peter off, back to slight giggles as you lean back to your side of the alcove. Papa gives an amused exhale, book ended by a few quiet giggles. He bunches up his robe at his waist and dips his hand into the pocket of his pants. Papa gives a quiet grunt and extends his legs, stretching out so he can actually get his hand into his pocket and your eyes dart to how his shirt underneath his robes ride up his stomach, exposing a dark happy trail. It feels sinful to see so much of Papa but you can’t look away, mesmerized by his bare skin. He ends up pulling a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket, seamlessly pulling one from the box and lighting it, setting the carton and lighter on the sill.
“I may have to steal this little ritual of yours, sorella.” He purrs with the cigarette between his lips, then takes a deep drag. “There aren’t many places for me to hide away from the eyes of Sister.” Papa’s eyes dart around the hall dramatically before giving another laugh.
“It’s all yours, Papa.” You don’t mind sharing, especially with him. It’s an odd feeling, to have your inhibitions completely stripped, overcome with a hazy high and buddying around with the most high-ranking member of the clergy. You’ve never exactly thought of a Papa being hip or spending much time with random siblings of sin **but the Third seems far more open to it. It makes you feel special. It makes you feel like he might be something special. “What will you do while on tour?”
“Oh, it is much easier to slip away when off premises.” His smile only widens. “In preparation for this role, I spent a lot of time traveling to different branches of the ministry, touring con il mio fratello… we got into a lot of trouble.” Papa chuckles as he gazes at his lit cigarette. “I could easily barricade myself in my hotel room if I truly need some me time.” You laugh, deep and hearty, and seeing his face light up from your response makes you blush. He’s charming. He’s funny. He’s loose. You can’t help but be more excited for his tenure as Papa now that you’ve seen exactly how he is. But even now, you can see his smile falter, his gaze falling back to the empty hallway.
“Papa!” Sister’s voice booms down the hall and he grits his teeth. It’s like he could sense her presence. He quickly taps out his cigarette and flicks it out the window, then jumps off the alcove.
“Eh, I guess I should not have dipped out of the budget meeting.” He shrugs with a weak smile, his robes falling perfectly back into place. You pick up his mitre for him, the weight of it heavy in your hands, handing it to him while your fingertips touch. The weariness is back in his eyes, the creases on his forehead and his frown lines more pronounced than before. You almost say something, your brain processing at a slower speed due to the weed, wanting to ask if he’s okay or needs help but you end up holding your tongue. Is it your place to ask him such things? You start to spiral in your own mind until he snaps you out of it with his smooth voice. “Until our next relaxation ritual.” He places his mitre atop his head and the transformation back to Papa Emeritus the Third is complete.
“D-don’t forget to take breaks, Papa. Everyone needs them.” You had to get it out and you almost regret saying it just from the way he eyes you after. He holds out his hand and takes yours, his thumb stroking the back of it.
“Call me Terzo, dolcezza.” But he says nothing of the breaks. And you know why — he can’t commit to taking them. Not now. Not when the weight of the ministry is on his shoulders. Not when he’s been preparing for this his entire life only for his individualism to be squashed by leadership.
Papa gives your hand a squeeze and then lets you go, his robes billowing behind him as he walks briskly to where Sister had been calling for him. So elegant yet so rushed. You look down beside you and realize he’s left his carton of cigarettes. He’s too far away now to get his attention, so you pick them up and examine them. You realize there is no discernible branding, the carton all black with some golden art deco lines. When you pop the lid open you find neatly packed rolls, obviously rolls he made himself.
You make a mental note to make sure you have them if you see him again at the alcove…
But something tells you you won’t.
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da-rulah · 11 months
hiii, hope you're doing well !!
i was wondering if i could request hcs of the papas (and cardi cause i wanna smooch this silly bitch) with an s/o who has them thick thighs :) been feeling a bit insecure and i feel the body dismorphia coming back... SFW or NSFW (or both!), i leave it up to you, also if you don't feel comfortable doing it that's completely fine !
take care <3
My darling, thick thighs save lives. And food, when you drop it into your lap, from hitting the floor. Enjoy them; they are beautiful and should be treated as such. (I too have thick-ass thighs and learning to love them was a process, but we here bbyg).
So I absolutely will do this for ya.
Also, there is a wonderful fic by @her-satanic-wiles about Terzo and his Thigh Fucking Agenda that is absolutely worth a read...
NSFW 18+ MDNI! Thick-thighed GN!Reader
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Primo is a well travelled, wise old man. He has experienced beauty in so many forms, and indulged in them too.
But there is none more beautiful that he can recall, than you.
He remembers the first time he'd seen your pretty little face in the Ministry, in the pews of the Chapel as he conducted Mass.
He remembers the way your thighs spilled from the slit in your habit against the bench. He'd found you hypnotising.
The first time he'd kissed you had been a passionate affair, one where he couldn't help but reach down and lift your thigh up to his hip; not simply for the friction of his groin against yours, but the feeling of those pillowy soft thighs in his hands and against his hip.
"Fiorellina, you are a wonder..."
Even now, he likes to lay his head in your lap of an evening. He doesn't have the long hair for you to play with anymore, no. But he still enjoys the soft tickle of your fingertips dancing across his head.
Secondo has told you many times he enjoys the thickness of your thighs, the expanse of flesh available to him.
"More of you to leave my mark on, dolcezza..."
And he does. With more flesh to work with, he gets to paint pretty bruises, hickies and scratches all over them.
He'll grab fistfuls of you as he's fucking into you too, loving how your thighs envelope his hips and pull him deeper into you.
Your favourite part of every encounter is the aftercare he gives you.
He peppers kisses all over the marks he's made, soothing the aches, the burns, the scratches he's made.
He's so tender with you after, a side of Secondo not many get to see. He reserves that for you, and you alone.
Whilst he loves every part of your gorgeously thick body, he has always gravitated towards your thighs more.
A lot of the time it's a comfort thing... After a long day he'll nuzzle into them and likely fall asleep there. Sometimes, however, this is a playful act to lull you into a false sense of security.
He'll nuzzle, roll his head away from you, and then out of nowhere, you'll feel a bite into your flesh that has you yelping not in pain, but in surprise.
There had been an occasion when he was about to fuck you, lining himself up with your ankles pressed together and raised to block your view of him, where he had slipped his cock between your thighs instead.
You'd thought he'd missed, too overexcited and simply fucked his angle up.
"No, tesoro... wanted to fuck these thighs for the longest time. You don't mind, eh?"
You certainly did not mind.
Copia (Cardinal)
One of the Cardinal's favourite things to do for you, was oral sex.
He always just wanted to please you, he needed to know you were enjoying yourself, that he was being useful. It was never just about him.
He'd never voiced it with anything other than a deep groan, but the way your thighs would enclose around his head only ever aroused him more.
He'd seen those videos on the internet of people squishing watermelons with their powerful thighs - he wondered if you could do that to him. He was sure you could.
The first time he'd told you to sit on his face terrified you.
"But I don't want to hurt you..." you'd worried, but he scoffed and hovered his lips above yours, demanding eye contact with a finger under your chin.
"Cara mio, I don't want you to hover. I don't want you to lean. I want you to sit. I want to feel the weight of your body and the crush of your magnificare thighs around me. Fucking. Sit. On. My. Face."
You did as he asked, so unbelievably turned on and he'd loved every second of it.
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cityofmeliora · 2 days
notes / thoughts on the Papas' (lack of) involvement in the songwriting process and their connections to the concepts / themes of their albums
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thanks for the kind words and thanks for the ask! these were great questions and really enjoyed writing this response. your questions really made me think! (and when i start thinking i always think too hard and take forever to answer– sorry this took so long!)
i'm putting these questions together because i feel they are closely related. this is a topic i've recently been thinking about a lot, actually.
A Ghoul Writer was first mentioned in that 2010 interview with Primo. the Ghoul Writer is Special Ghoul, the Nameless Ghoul character who gave interviews in Eras 2 and 3. in interviews with him, either he himself or the interviewers would usually mention he's the Writer. i'm not linking anything specific here because you can find this happening in pretty much any Era 2 / 3 interview. (though there's one Era 2 Nameless Ghoul interview that refers to the Writer as a separate character.)
the only Papa who wrote his own music was Nihil. the music video for The Future Is A Foreign Land shows that he and his Nameless Ghouls wrote the song together, and he's credited as a writer on Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic. (pic: back of the SIOSP record)
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after Nihil, none of the Papas were involved in the songwriting process. everything after Nihil was written by A Ghoul Writer.
PITCHFORK: On the new album, the songs/lyrics are credited to "A Ghoul Writer." Are you this "Ghoul Writer"? If so, what inspired the words? PAPA EMERITUS: I am not the Ghoul Writer. Pitchfork (April 2013)
Does Papa contribute to the composing process? NAMELESS GHOUL: No, Papa doesn’t contribute to the song-writing. Metal Paths (August 2015)
so the later Papas were interpreters of the music, not writers.
as for the question of whether the Papas embody the sins of society or criticize the sins of society by parodying them, i think it's a bit of both– and i think it depends on which perspective we're looking from.
obviously from a real-world perspective, Ghost as a whole is meant to criticize and parody the issues the music is about, and the personality and characterization of each Papa is closely tied to the themes of his album.
from an in-universe lore perspective, as interpreters of the music, each Papa has his own relationship with the themes of his album. i think the Ghoul Writer writes each album for / about the Papa who's going to perform it. however, this is not necessarily a positive gesture.
here are my notes / thoughts on how each Papa relates to the themes of his album:
(trigger warning for mentions of misogynistic violence / rape / forced pregnancy)
Opus Eponymous and Primo: Primo refuses to comment on his interpretation of Opus Eponymous, but it's pretty clear what he thinks. Primo is a misanthrope who believes humans are “vermin” that have doomed themselves due to their “intellectual decline”. in his eyes, humanity is unworthy of life and will eventually be destroyed. Opus Eponymous has been described as an "orthodox devil-worshipping" album, and it is a very violent album, which is great for Primo because he's an orthodox devil worshiper and he loves violence and murder and wants everyone to die. 'Elizabeth' celebrates an alleged serial killer who is said to have killed hundreds of women / girls. 'Stand By Him' is about a woman being raped by a priest, who then accuses her of witchcraft and has her burned at the stake in order to cover up the assault. and the overall narrative of Opus Eponymous is about a woman being raped and forced to carry + birth the Antichrist, which will eventually kill her. this is something Primo thinks is good and anticipates happening because he believes in the cult very literally and agrees with its message / mission of human extinction. Primo is definitely a villain.
Infestissumam and Secondo: interestingly, there is actually an instance of Papa telling us about his interpretation of this album. in Secondo's own words, "the new album is about the presence of the Devil. The title, Infestissumam, means 'the biggest threat' and refers literally to the arrival of the Antichrist, but what it is also is about is what man has traditionally regarded as diabolical presence– namely female form and swagger." Infestissumam is about how humanity can connect to the presence of the Devil, both physically and spiritually. i think this theme really shows through Secondo. to him, all the things traditionally regarded as sin –especially sexuality– are good things. to him, Satan is the way to freedom and enlightenment. on the flipside, all the things promoted by christianity –holiness and virtue and repression– are stupid and stifling. Secondo is a jerk and he loves to have sex and party and he just doesn't care. Secondo, more than any other Papa, is dedicated to indulging in sin and saying "fuck you" to christianity.
Meliora and Terzo: it's complicated. i don't want to give a detailed explanation right now because i already have a separate post in my drafts about my analysis of Terzo's relationship with the themes of Meliora (it will be long). for now, this is what i'll say: Meliora is about the absence of god, and it's described as futuristic and "pre-apocalyptic." the title "Meliora" means "for the pursuit of better", but it's meant to be ironic. it's about the mistakes people make / the bad things people do in pursuit of better. so as your ask states, it criticizes ambition, greed, and abuse of power. i think Terzo wants to criticize those sins. but i think that he also embodies them, to a certain extent, and i think Meliora is also criticizing him.
Prequelle and Cardinal Copia: we don't really have any canon material that indicates Cardi's personal opinions on the album, but there is certainly a connection between the character and the concept / themes of the album. Prequelle is described as a "positive" album about the plague. it's an album about society falling apart during the apocalypse. it's also an album about celebration and survival in spite of being faced with the inevitability of death. i think Cardi certainly embodies this. Cardi is surrounded by death. Prequelle Era begins with Papas I, II, and III being murdered in order to promote Cardi's success, and it ends with Papa Nihil dying, which allows Cardi to ascend and become Papa IV. in a way, Cardi is both a plague rat and a survivor. it's not his fault they died. he didn't ask for them to be killed, and he was not their killer. but he is the herald and the carrier of the true killer, the actual driving force behind everything (Sister Imperator). through all this, Cardi is having a good time! he's dancing the night away! he's glad everyone standing in his way has dropped dead! he is a rising star and he feels invincible! and he is certain he will survive this.
IMPERA and Papa Emeritus IV: the main themes of IMPERA are "spiritual annihilation", reactionary sentiment, and regression. it's about how people who fear progress are afraid of losing their sense of meaning / purpose and their place in the world, so they turn to misogyny, violence, religious dogma, and fascism. they cling to the idea of having a cause to fight for. i think Cardi is certainly criticizing these issues. he doesn't agree with any of this at all. however, there's still a connection between the narrative of IMPERA and Cardi's character arc in this Era. narratively, IMPERA is a concentrated / condensed version of the apocalyptic narrative that plays out through the first 4 albums. it's about the cyclical nature of the rise and fall of empires. IMPERA Era begins with Cardi ascending to the title of Papa. but after the feeling of triumph wore off, Cardi became very aware of and very fearful of his own inevitable end. he knew that no matter how great his achievements were, he would be forced to step down so his successor could take his place, just like his predecessors had for him. Rite Here Rite Now is about Cardi struggling to make peace with this idea. as a side note: i really like the irony of the fact that Cardi was never actually the leader of his own empire– he was a puppet emperor who got his marching orders from his mother. it connects to IMPERA's theme of political manipulation.
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