#normally im not this proud of my stuff ( i try to always be a little proud) but this? I fucking naield this
gardenwolf-arts · 1 year
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This is your SOUL,The very culmination of your being! It is an arcane force that is generated from bugs and is the substance that animates their bodies. All good things have a soul.
A Disco Elysium Styled portrait of my own Psyche stat, SOUL. She’s the Heart, metaphorically. More soon.
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wileys-russo · 5 months
washing machine malfunction II m.earps x reader
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based on this request here washing machine malfunction II m.earps
"taking footage to scout with are you?" your best friend teased as you filmed a clip of the game, smacking her knee and sending her a playful glare. "no! proving to mary i sat through the entire game." you quipped back, sending the video to your girlfriend and pocketing your phone.
"oh sorry are we not up to your standards? do you only watch games at old trafford or wembley now?" your best friend cooed pinching your cheek sharply. "yes actually, or at least where they have actual toilet blocks and not portaloos." your face scrunched up with disgust.
"hey if you'd like to donate some money toward that we'd be very grateful, not every womens team gets funding you know." your best friend huffed as you frowned and squeezed her knee.
"i'm only teasing. you know i'm happy to be here, just wish i was watching you yell at people on the pitch and not at me for once!" you sighed as the girl scoffed and smacked you, she was normally the captain but was out in a boot having sprained her ankle last week.
"so where are you coming on the table?" you clarified, eyes set back on the match unfolding in front of you. "third, but its only the fourth round of the season. lots can change!" the brunette admitted as the two of you fell into a comfortable silence.
"okay no offence to you and your entire team but your keeper kept you all alive this game, it should be 5-0." you whistled as the second half started to wind down.
"of course you favour the keeper, what a shock!" your best friend drawled sarcastically with a roll of her eyes as the whistle blew for full time and a 0-0 draw.
"hey just because my girlfriend is a golden glove holding, bbc sports personality of the year winning, world cup finalist and champion of europe with a tram named after her doesn't mean im bias to keepers!" you grinned holding your hands up as your best friend rolled your eyes.
"oh but you don't brag about her right." the girl mocked with a pout as your grin grew. "only to those who have no choice but to listen, i'd like to see you try and run away from me." you gently nudged your toe against her moon boot as she shoved you.
"you know you could always play with us next season! reallyyy make the girlfriend proud, i can see mary being a very loyal wag." the girl teased as you laughed sarcastically. "you couldn't afford my salary." you shrugged with a click of your tongue.
"more like we couldn't afford your two left feet and lack of hand eye coordination." the girl snickered gesturing for you to help her up. "yeah that too." you had no choice but to agree with a grimace, tugging her up and carefully helping her down toward the barrier.
you stood by as she gave a speech, commending the girls on their efforts as your phone buzzed and you looked down with a smile seeing it was a few messages from your girlfriend.
"god you're so in love its disgusting, get a grip!" you glanced back up and pocketed your phone, playfully punching your best friend in the arm as you waited for her to finish speaking with some of her team, having driven her to the game.
"you can tell us all about what we did wrong at training! stop making your poor mate wait around for you to run your mouth." the keeper from the game warned with a grin as she joined the small huddle you were in.
"you were perfect as per usual, only feedback is maybe score from the box next time? make the game a little spicy!" your best friend teased the taller girl who rolled her eyes. "no seriously you played great! that dive in injury time was textbook and that penalty save? world cup stuff." you complimented with a wide smile.
"and she'd know, her girlfriends played in one so thats high praise." your best friend interjected shoving your head playfully. "wait seriously? talk about a dream!" the girl exhaled with a whistle and a grin.
"well then since you clearly have a good eye for talent-" the girl paused to tug off her jersey, handing it to you with a grin before hugging the girls goodbye and heading off. "we best be off to, i'll see you all monday. i'll bring my whistle!" your best friend teased as the girls groaned, you waving goodbye as the two of you headed off to your car.
"i'd be leaving that in the car if you know whats good for you." your best friend nodded to the jersey on your back seat as you pulled a face and started up the car. "what! why?" you laughed as you drove off.
"umm because your girlfriend is a world class keeper and you just took a keepers jersey from someone else." your best friend hinted. "mary won't care! she's all for more girls wanting to be keepers and she loves the womens game." you rolled your eyes as your best friend only hummed, swiftly changing topics.
"maz? baby i'm home!" you called out as you let yourself in, unwrapping your scarf and hanging it up on the hook. "two seconds love!" you heard your girlfriend call out from the laundry as you took off your shoes.
"hello beautiful!" the brunette appeared with a grin, placing down a basket of clean laundry on the sofa and opening her arms as you melted into them. "you smell nice." you mumbled into her shoulder making the taller girl laugh.
"ah yes the wonders of soap and shampoo!" the keeper teased, kissing you hello before pulling away. "and she's doing laundry? house wife in the making over here!" you teased, smacking her playfully on the bum with a wink.
"oi! watch it cheeky." mary warned with a point, sitting down on the sofa as you leant over the back of it to peck her lips several times. "whats that babe?" mary noticed the jersey tucked into the back of your pants as you walked into the kitchen.
"oh! well the keeper of saf's team is like insane for the league level they play. i'm serious it could have been like twenty to nothing if she wasn't on her game. we were talking after the game and she gave me her jersey!" you shrugged, dropping the item onto the counter as you rummaged through the fridge, missing the look which crossed your girlfriends face.
"oh? thats nice." mary replied bluntly as you glanced at her with a small frown. "yeah it was." you shrugged it off, grabbing it and tossing it into the dirty basket of laundry.
"how was your afternoon?" you changed topics, grabbing out the stuff to make you and mary a cup of tea. "yeah fine, went shopping with tooney and had to make a last minute excuse to leave because she takes forever! so on the rare chance she asks, you're deathly ill and needed me back home." mary groaned dramatically, head thumping back against the sofa.
"like worse than you and thats saying something!" mary tutted as you made a noise of offence. "hey! if i have to sit in a sports store for two hours while you try on every fucking pair of gloves known to man and then buy none of them, you can carry my bags and sit on a comfy little waiting chair while i try a few outfits." you warned seriously as your girlfriend held her hands up in surrender.
"especially when some of those 'outfits' i spend hours trying on are for you." you hinted, handing her the mug of tea as a smug smile settled on the keepers lips.
"mm yeah we haven't been that sort of shopping for awhile, you free tomorrow baby?" mary grinned wolfishly as you flipped her off and settled into the section of the sofa that wasn't covered in laundry and flicking on the tv.
"change, put this on please babe." mary tugged on the bottom of your shirt, dropping a new item of clothing onto your head. "urgh mary!" you huffed, pulling it off and sending her a glare as she grinned at you with a mouthful of toothpaste.
"why do i need to change?" you noticed what she'd given you and asked with a knowing smile. "i don't like that shirt." mary shrugged pointing to your current top with her foot as she sat up on the counter brushing her teeth.
"its your shirt!" you laughed with a shake of your head. "then i want it back, so change." mary ordered, leaning over the sink and spitting. "what if i don't want to wear this?" you egged her on, holding up the jersey inbetween your fingers like it disgusted you.
"then go pick another one, theres about twenty or so in there you can choose from." mary shrugged nodding to her side of the closet where the jerseys she'd chosen to keep over the years hung proudly, rinsing out her mouth and stepping out of the bathroom.
"mmm i actually think i might go put on that jersey from today, saf's team just played so well." you stripped off your top and took a few steps back, watching your girlfriends eyes drop immediately to your chest.
"you know on second thoughts love i actually don't think you need to wear anything at all." you laughed as mary tackled you to the bed, attacking your face with kisses as you squealed and pushed her off. "you hate that i took that girls jersey today don't you?" you moved to sit on top of her with a grin.
"no!" mary rolled her eyes, reaching out for you as you grabbed her hands and pressed them into the mattress. "yes you are, admit it. you hate it, the thought of me wearing someone elses kit!" you teased with a smirk, pressing down her hands harder.
"okay well can you blame me? you're my girlfriend and you wear my jersey. nobody elses!" mary huffed with a frown as you smiled and leant down to kiss away her pout. "you're such a baby, its adorable." you mumbled against her lips.
"i am not! god you're such a wind up." mary pulled her hands free and flipped the two of you, hovering over you now as she ducked her head and started to gently kiss at your neck.
"and tomorrow the washing machine is going to malfunction and that girls jersey will sadly be gone."
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redr0sewrites · 3 months
I’m obsessed with your hazbin stuff rn it’s incredible
idk how much you could write for this but you write a bit about sub vox after you finish fucking him. so basically just vox aftercare. I don’t think he’d be super into non-sexual touch but I think while in subspace/while coming out of it he would be super clingy and touchy.
I’ve been thinking about taking care of a fucked out vox for a while and I’m obsessed with the image.
thank you in advance and have a nice day <33
YESSSSS!!!! im a huge sucker for aftercare ♥️
🥀Cw: fluff, aftercare, mentions of smut but nothing explicit, bathing
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listen, no matter what type of sex yall are having, whether its rough and fast or slow and soft, vox always ends up exhausted
after subbing vox is always clingier than usual, but he's also a lot more emotional than usual
wipe off his tears, wait for him to calm down and just let him cling to you before even starting the aftercare process
vox just needs to be held for a few minutes as he slowly begins to become slightly coherent
i don't see him as the type to want to talk much after sex, he'll mumble a little request or an "i love you" here and there but thats about it
vox pretty much melts into your touch, and he wants you to take care of him
he very rarely feels taken care of, and hes so stressed out most of the time that it just feels very foreign to him
when it comes to actually cleaning up after sex, vox is normally still too deep into subspace to do much
hes always overstimulated, and will def glitch out when you wipe off his thighs and clean him up
vox loves the intimacy of just laying back while you wash the slick off his thighs with a warm towel, pressing soft kisses to his screen and praising him as he comes out of subspace
he needs your praise and reassurance, especially when you were rough or mean to him
he'll try to be nonchalant and ask you if you really meant all the degrading things you said, but you can tell that vox's genuinely insecure about what you think of him
praise him and tell him you're so proud of him, tell him how he took you so well and how he's your good bot
vox is too incoherent and embarassed to reply but he clings a little closer to you and his screen flushes to a warmer pink
a lot of the time vox's claws will rip up the sheets and blankets, he feels bad about it but he can't control it in the moment so he'll try to help you out with setting the bed even though his legs are shaking and he's still barely coherent
PLEASE just shush him and tell him you can handle it, then run him a warm bath
considering vox is rich af ur bathtub is def big enough for the both of you, and he enjoys just laying with you in the warm water
he likes to admire all the marks you give him in the mirror, he adores seeing the hickeys and scratches on his skin
like i said he's not much of a talker after sex but he doesn't mind listening
he'll play with your fingers or trail his hand up and down your arm as you talk to him about your day
when you're both all cleaned up and relaxed, i think he'd (secretly) like it if you dressed him
theres something so intimate about you buttoning up his night shirt, giggling and pressing kisses to his screen as he pouts at you
vox pulls you on top of him when you guys are cuddling so that he can wrap his arms around you!
by this point he's def more coherent and out of subspace so he's not as clingy, but still wants your touch (if that makes sense lmao)
like he's too prideful to cling to you or ask you to hold him but really wants to be held
he'll pout when you spoon him but the fact that he practically melts into your touch betrays his true feelings
vox sleeps like the dead after being fucked and mornings after sex are the few mornings he actually sleeps in
overall, post sex vox is a side thats much softer than usual, and truly shows how much he loves and trusts you
pushing through these long ass work days yall- tmrws my last day so i'll be posting more next week!!!!!!! i need to write more fluffy stuff w vox its come to my attention that i literally only write nsfw for him 😭
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enby-iggy · 9 months
Im going to try and explain my gender to the 0 people who are paying attention to this blog, because I deserve to ramble a little bit I think
For context I'm afab. I've pretty much always known I wasn't a man, which is a big part of why it took me so long to question my gender at all. I specifically remember seeing the term transmasc online when I was first discovering queer terms and being like "hmm I wonder if that could be me" and then looking it up and seeing it listed as a synonym for trans man and just being like "oh ok then guess im still cis". I didn't start seriously questioning until like. April of this year I think
I don't know why it took me so long to consider the idea of being nonbinary, but it was actually a conversation with some of my trans friends that made me consider it. I remember saying something like "I may be cis but I'd trade my female body for a completely neutral one in a heartbeat" and one of my friends was like "r u sure ur cis lmao". Silly stuff. My whole thing was like, I want a body that looks like nothing, that I can make look like anything. If I want to wear mens' clothes I don't want boobs that get in the way of that. But I want to be able to wear a dress and not have like, idk body hair and a dick getting in the way of that. And I said stuff to my friends like, I don't rly want hormones but Id wear a binder to look more neutral, Id voice train and get my voice deeper, that makes sense right
My biggest hangup was on pronouns, because I was REALLY proud of being a she/her. But I decided, hey I can't knock they/them until I try it right? So I proposed a they/them test for a week, and never looked back lmao. I went through a phase of absolutely despising she/her for a month or two, but I've since made up with the pronoun set as you can see in my bio. She/her and I are good friends now we've settled our differences <3
Putting the rest under a cut for the sake of my 2 followers' TLs not being flooded because I still have much to say
My gender is very multifaceted, but in the physical realm you could call me transmasc. It took me a while to realize but I hate my boobs (or rather, took me a while to realize that disliking your boobs is not normal lmfao), to the point where I very quickly went from "eh I might get a binder for some outfits" to "I NEED to get top surgery". I'm also not a fan of my hips and ass, never have been but I don't think there's much I can do about that one. I also have solid evidence for vocal dysphoria, in that I can remember a specific time as a kid where I learned that your voice sounds deeper to you than it does to other people because of the way you hear it through your skull. This disappointed me GREATLY because I always prided myself on the idea that I had a boyish voice. I do think I'd like to train my voice lower, if possible. Lastly for physical dysphoria I've always had a thing about my height, but I mostly learned to ignore it since boys LOVE to make fun of girls (and other boys I suppose) for their height. I learned to shut it out and make fun of myself as well as a coping mechanism, because it really did and always has bugged me. But what can I do, I've 5 foot even at 19 years old and it doesn't seem to be changing any time soon.
As for my internal experience of gender...I think this low-quality ms paint chart will explain it best.
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Basically my gender exists on two simultaneous sliding scales--one of them a distinctly gendered outside-of-binary gender that I'm choosing to call neutrois, because it's an existing term that works for what I'm talking about. The other gender is a female-aligned gender that is distinct from cisgender femininity but is still feminine in nature, which I am choosing to call femme because I hate the words woman and girl and female in relation to my own gender. I can experience both of these scales at maximum intensity--bigendered as both neutrois and femme at the same time--or minimum intensity--essentially agendered, no distinct experience of gender either way--OR I can be some strange combination of these, such as minimum femme and maximum neutrois or half neutrois and full femme, etc. I've found that the strength of ANY gender fluctuates over longer periods of time, in that I tend to feel low amounts of gender for a period of about two weeks, followed by higher feelings of gender for about two weeks, during which the relation of femme to neutrois fluctuates on a daily basis.
As for labels, the best way I can think to describe this is bigenderflux, and also demigirl (or demifemme, as I prefer to call it). But for obvious reasons I usually just call myself nonbinary. I also like terms like librafemme, describing the property of being both agender and feminine, and juxera, describing the property of being feminine aligned in a way that is different from the way cis women are feminine. But it's...hard to label.
The funny thing about this is that it doesn't really line up with my gender expression much at all. There are days that I'm feeling fully agender or fully neutrois, and am strangely in the mood to wear a dress. Or days that I'm feeling mostly femme and want to present like a boy. So realistically my gender doesn't really have any bearing on anything at all. But I like charting it, because a few months ago if I'd woken up feeling feminine I would have spiraled into a panic about how I must be faking being trans. But this allows me to understand myself and predict how I'll feel so I know that when I feel a certain way, that's normal and part of who I am.
I feel like I had more to say in this post but I guess this is purely a gender summary. Now you know I guess
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lefthandedhotch · 10 months
hiiiiii linnnn🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 i luv uuuuuu so muchhh🥰🥰🥰 it's been a lil bit since ive sent you an ask 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 so im back!!!!!! with such a silly college!hotch ask inspired by this tweet i saw🤭🤭🤭 and also this CUUUUUTE piece from @ddejavvu <33333 just thinking about college!hotch <333 he's soooooo sweet and silly and a lil bit smug i luv him sm🤭🤭🤭🤭💞💞💞
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you're at a frat party, having already had a couple of drinks when you find a cat!!!!! he's a cute furry little guy, swiping at a balled up paper towel by the stairs🥰🐈‍⬛ you're a bit tipsy when you coo and scoop him up, so the little bit of alcohol in your system is shielding you from his little claws as he tries to wiggle away akdmskdkkskf but after some pets and kisses and sweet words, he seems to understand you're no threat and settles in your arms enjoying the love you're giving him, both of you getting very comfortable on the hard stairs of this sticky, musty and loud frat house🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰 you're lost in dishing out kisses and murmurs to the kitty cat you've found that you dont realize someone's trying to get your attention until the cat starts to wiggle away towards his owner☹️☹️☹️ a very handsome guy with floppy black hair and a very smug grin on his lips as the cat brushes up against his leg🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 you frown (ignoring all the butterflies you're getting from his smug grin🥰🤭🙄) at him as he says "sorry, i didnt mean to interupt, just wanted to make sure he was alright🤭" you sigh and tell him that he was Very alright and so were you until he came over to claim his cat back🙄🤚 he snorts as he scoops up the furry guy and scoots next to you on the steps and offers you access to petting the cat again <3 normally, if some random guy you didnt know stuck himself next to you, sort of trapping you between himself and the wall, you'd get out as fast as you could, but with this guy (who tells you his name is aaron, you tell him it's a nice name, making him blush🤭) you dont get any outright reasons to not trust him so you of courseeeee pet his cat to your heart's content and soak up all of the purrs he's giving off <333 you and aaron chat a little bit and talk about uni stuff professors you two have in common and the cat of course <3 he tells you that he found him earlier that year digging around in the frat's trash cans (you're in awe that he's a part of this fraternity because you always imagined frat bros were total jerks and he's very much not hehehehe) and from there, the cat became their unofficial mascot🤭🤭🤭🤭 he definitely uses the cat as a reason to ask you out and you tease "i might take back what i said about frat guys, i cant believe you're using this cat as a wingman😔💔" you two get a good chuckle out of that and aaron's wingman runs off at the sight of a slice of pepproni falling to the floor (aaron grumbles "he acts as if we never feed him🙄🤔" and when you laugh, he looks soooooo proud of himself, silly smug grin on his lips again🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞🤭🤭🤭) a couple desperately trying to find an unoccupied room squishes past you and aaron up the stairs and when he leans over to let them by, he's pressed soooooo close to you and it makes your heart all fluttery and crazy and the alcohol you drank earlier spurs you on to lean up and kiss him💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 he pulls away and makes a silly stupid comment about giving his cat an extra serving of food tomorrow before you two kiss and kiss and kiss again <333333 EEK college!hotch and his wingman kitty🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛
hehehehehe hiiiiiiiiiiiiii jess-jess 🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞🥹🥹🥹✨✨✨💗💗💗💗💗 i luv YOU! sooooooo much!!!!!! hehehe welcome baaaaaaaack 🥰 i’ve missed my jess thoughts and cutie aaron asks sm!!!!! 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
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you were most definitely Not looking forward to this silly frat party that your friend was dragging you to because the person she has a crush on was supposed to be there but as soon as you see the cute lil kitty slinking his way around the party you’re soooooo happy to be there 🥰🥰🥰😌😌😌😌 hehehe AND even though you’re Irritated that your new little friend was so rudely stolen away from you, the very handsome arms leading up to a handsome torso with a VERY handsome head attached makes your heart pitter patter like crazy and makes you even happier to be there too 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ aaron was Very Very irritated to learn that his frat brothers were throwing a party because he has some big papers to be working on for his difficult law classes but once they got a couple of beers into him he was all loosey goosey and ready to Partayyyyyyyy! hehehehehe he notices you pretty early on into the night when he’s playing beer pong and spots you across the dirty sticky living room 🤭 but after he’s done with the game he looks around and he can’t find you :((((( and he’s really worried you left before he could even talk to you :((((( and he can’t find his cat either 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧 but!!!!! then he finds you both Together!!!!!!!! and seeing you press sooooooo many kissies to his lil kitty’s head and coo some sweet words to him makes aaron’s heart get all skippy and stuttery in a way he’s never felt before 🥺 and after some silly sweet (tipsyyyyyyy) flirting when you lean up and press a sweet soft lil kiss to his lips he literally can’t stop grinning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially when he hears your cute laugh when he jokes about the cat getting an extra treat for being the very best wingman ever and then he gets giggly extra kiss kiss kisses from you too 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 when your friend comes to find you so you guys can head home, you and aaron are soooooo sad to see each other go :( you can’t help but feel like you guys have such a connection already :( but!!!!! before you can slip away from him, aaron somehow produces a pen out of thin air and you write your number (and a lil heart hehehe) on the back of his hand so tomorrow when hes more sober and thinking about you, he has your number so he can call you!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 and sure enough when your phone rings the next day you can’t help but squeal thinking about talking to him and his cute face and his cute kitty again 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🤧🤧🤧🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹💗💗💗💗💗💗💗🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞💞🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
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caterkinnie · 2 years
Vil, idia and jamil with an s/o who likes to draw ship art of him and themself a lot?
How do they react to ship art of you and him...? (Vil, Idia, Jamil)
summary: oh yes, let's be realistic, you're into fandoms, a lot. And you're pretty good at drawing too! Which means... You could draw yourself and your boyfriend doing cheesy couple things!
genre: fluff, romantic
warnings: not proofread. im sleepy
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Vil is aware that some of his fans… write and draw things about him.
He knows about fanfiction, and while it isn't as common as self-ship art of him — he has seen it before.
He's pretty neutral about it, as long as it doesn't go too far it's fine by him!
Vil knew you liked to draw, sometimes he liked to stare at you wondering what you were drawing. Admiring your beauty as you moved your pencil along the paper, but you always seemed to shy away whenever he tried to take a look at your drawings.
One day, you were showing him a little doodle that you were proud of. Vil picked your sketchbook to see it upclose — and to also take his chance to finally see what you hid in those pages.
And when he saw… well you've never seen him smirk so brightly. Oh, stop feeding his already big ego please, how is it possible that someone with SO MUCH pride like him could get even worse? Well, you somehow did it!
'Oh, my~ Why would you try to hide this from me, darling? I don't think someone has ever drawn me the way you do. Hm..? Why would I not like it? Your art is beautiful, just like you.'
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Oh… Self-shipping… Idia's guilty pleasure….
He acts like Oh No That's Cringe but deep down he's a shameless self-shipper. There's nothing he wanted more than his favorite character to tuck him in bed and give him a kiss on the forehead.
And actually… He felt like that for you for a long time– No, he does still feel that way!
He has a bit of experience drawing, so Idia actually drew a picture of you and him holding hands. But he blushed so hard he impulsively burnt it.
One day, after a long day of gaming, you were sleeping on his bed and he decided to stay up a bit more to get some levels. — it was late, almost 2 am. And Idia finally decided to join you for sleep.
But your sketchbook was laying on the table, earlier you showed him a doodle of one of your favorite characters and forgot to pick it.
It took everything from Idia to not open it and see what you hid in there, and even then it wasn't enough.
With the lights of the computer that slightly illuminated his room, he decided to take a peek through the pages.
At first it was just normal drawings and fanart, nothing weird — until he saw a drawing of him, which made him even more curious. He kept going until he saw a drawing of him kissing your cheek and Idia almost dropped your sketchbook.
He put it in your backpack and sat on his bed, muttering about something — Idia almost didn't notice when you woke up and called his name in a worried tone.
Idia was so incredibly happy and it made his heart almost combust but– gosh he will never tell you about it.
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'Oh god how is my partner so good at drawing and why is it so cute why do I look so good in here does s/o think I look like this IRL ahhh I want to see it again but i shouldn't–'
Jamil, unlike the other two, does NOT understand fandom culture at all.
He has seen Idia once or twice muttering about idols or manga but he personally does not understand the obsession behind it. I can see him being the kind of guy to enjoy reading as a solitary hobby, but that's it.
That means, he doesn't know about shipping.
But Jamil knows you DO know about this stuff, and he'll let you info-dump about whatever you want.
He has seen you making fanart once or twice, and he really does love looking at your drawings!
But, every time he asks if he can see your whole sketchbook, you say no — and he doesn't understand why.
He lets you be… At first, since he likes his privacy a lot. But… Jamil can't help but feel a tiiiny bit curious.
His master plan to see what you hide is that whenever you show him some of your art, he'll ask you to search for another drawing you made before. In hopes that whatever you're hiding will appear "accidentally".
And wow… he wished he could tease you about it but… it's such a cute drawing of you hugging him and you both are smiling and the drawing is so good–
Oh gosh his ears are burning, and why are his cheeks so warm?
He doesn't know what to say, you broke him.
'A–Ah… No! I do… I do like it a lot– It's just… You should… If you want… I'd like to see more of this, if you'd like to show me. You're… really good at drawing.
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Reblogs are appreciated!
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p-pamda · 5 months
2023 I start, 2024 slowly, but steady, hopefully.🐌 (long)
Muy buenas, im not sure how these year's reviews are done but I wanted to give it a go. I'll try to make it brief at least.
This year's been pretty big for a lot of reasons. Mostly personal reasons, but ill start with art cause the personal ones are moppy and bland as a sponge and we're here for art huehue >:')!!!
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I did talksprites for Maples Maid Service! Its a very cute cozy game i was very fortunate to lend a hand on. Peti and Bleak-Creep did and are still doing an amazing job with it. Always updating. Did you know that you can play it now on CoolMathGames? I thought that was cool
I did Manon's talksprites for Loveweb (i love loveweb and doing talksprites hehe) I loved the series since the beginning so i was pretty happy when knowing i was able to help @shadokwastaken a little, since this 2 part video was a lot of work!
Check all Loveweb!
I did my first long comic (dont check it! its messy to understand and im embarrased, im proud of finishing it tho!)
I learned a lot, and i hope i can still make comics.
Apart from these... I honestly haven't done something real GRAND or MIRACULOUS this year related to art.
i promised myself to draw for myself and draw what i want at the moment, or what makes me happy. So I've been drawing a lot of my characters or comics only for meee, or practicing anatomy-skulls, or gifts for people.
Im gonna keep it that way, thanks a lot for the people who hangs in there with me even if i do this. BUT IM SORRY!!! ill make something cool one day.
I'm focusing on working on comic stuff, i wanna do my own one day. And a year resolution i have its to finish this year the history things to start this year or the next one. I hope everyone is still here to walk with me that bumpy road haha
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And the sponge stuff
I'm not going to get much into it, but this year I started being like, a normal person my age. I mean. I'm still not fully there. and still have a long road there. But I've done some stuff I was terrified all my life of because of -things-
I got my first job, and I had to interact with people. Now a 1 year one with coworkers even. And they laugh with me and treat me nicely, even if im just being awkward. Its pretty mindblowing and still can't believe it sometimes.
Its kinda embarrassing, but it gives me a little hope that i can be out there and it'll be ok. And that i can be me and people will tolerate it.
I've been trapped scared, so much that i haven't been living at all. I got to one of those, things when people invite you to go somewhere? just because? ive never done that! i hate going outside but it was so cool aaa we went to watch a movie!!! i still have the tickets!!!
Maybe its because i haven't done anything never, and im really, not the brightest. But ive learned a lot this year. Ive been feeling very hopeful and happy.
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Hope you all have a smooth new year. Wishing the best
Lets keep walking, Slowly but steady 🐌
Thanks for reading and for everything 💚
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wasyago · 2 years
God I am brainrotting SO HARD over bdubs and impulse I am going feral over them. THEY ARE HAPPILY MARRIED. THEY WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW. ren said he saw them holding hands and making out in the woods
SAME they're so gay and so in love and so sweet it makes my teeth hurt. i just love how they immediately jumped on the whole "we are now married" thing, how impulse keeps saying "this is us now", how bdubs calls him "honey" and "my love" and this whole thing with "i was on full hearts since i knew you were my soulmate"- OUGH THEY'RE SOOO
and don't get me started on this gentle music playing in the background of impulse's video, i am not normal about it. and how impulse proposed with the clock and everything... how bdubs always chooses one person to stick by and how he is loyal to the one he cares about... and how now this person is his soulmate that cares about him too... they're so gentle i think im gonna die just thinking about them. how they discuss all the daily stuff and what style their (their) house is going to be, and what farms they should make, what stuff they should hide. impulse saying he will need to make a safe pool in case bdubs falls while building. bdubs remembering that impulse wanted the brown mushroom and trying to get it as soon as he gets the opportunity, even when Impulse himself forgot. impulse saying he learns a lot of new stuff about bdubs that day. bdubs constantly complimenting impulse on his skills and knowledge. bdubs remembering impulse doesn't like the sound of horns and joking that impulse will leave him because of it.
and god at the very start when there were four of them, bdubs noticed that he took damage as soon as Impulse did, but he didn't push the topic until they found out later. maybe he didn't want to assume things, maybe he didn't want to be hopeful, maybe he had other things on his mind to care about. but after they figured it out ouuugh man, yes they found out they were soulmates just a few seconds ago, yes they are now married for life, yes they are now in love and they are proud and they are going to tell the world about it. and they put their minecraft beds together and everything. also jeez ren, leave the men some privacy! maybe they want to make out in the woods and there's nothing wrong about it, keep ya nose out of their business!
also i for some reason really want to compare them to scar and grian. because scar didn't care about finding his soulmate, he would've never did it if grian didn't come to pick him up. they both spent this whole session struggling. and their both reactions to finding out were "NOOOOO" and "oh my god...". they don't care, but they do care, they have to care, at least grian does, because otherwise scar is going to kill them both. and in contrast bdubs and impulse, who cared from the very start. they cared, and they protected each other, and they were one of the first ones to find their pare and they spent most of this session together planning and protecting. true love is real or something. they're just. so lucky? they found each other and they love each other and they're comfortable with each other? while others are struggling and suffering to find their pair, or to keep them alive, or they don't want their pair at all and they're finding someone else, or they're abandoned by their soulmate aka the only person who should really care and are now trully and utterly alone? i would maybe go out of my way and say that some people could be jealous of what bdubs and impulse has going on, because they got everything so easy. but i doubt it, at least for now, because people have things to deal with other than caring about other's relationships. might be worth it to take a mental note of this stuff for the future though! when someone is on red and they can hit a pair of soulmates where it would really hurt--
woooow okaaaay i maybe got a little carried away there. very normal about bdubs and impulse as you can see. clearly. uh huh
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mag200 · 1 year
my expectations of taylor when it comes to saying shit abt politics have always been incredibly low, but i really did half believe that she might say/do something during her nashville gigs to voice her opposition to the drag ban/anti trans legislation stuff there.
Lizzo & hayley kiyoko both brought drag queens out to perform with them on stage during shows right before taylor's tour dates, like hayley kiyoko literally had the cops showing up to her rehearsals telling her to stop & she still stood her ground, yet taylor can't even say a few words or something. She was literally in the perfect position to say a little statement on the matter. She started out in nashville so her opinion as a semi-local girl with country music roots would hold more weight than like... ariana grande or something, but she also isn't in that scene anymore and she's one of the biggest celebrities on the planet so its unlikely she would face any real repercussions for speaking out.
I genuinely don't mind if celebrities don't really talk about their politics bc like, what do the opinions of billionaires have to do with normal people. However if you're going to pay a documentary crew to film you saying you're ready to take A Stand and then do nothing apart from sing your gay rights song and post a solitary black square, while associating yourself with shitty people of every flavour, then actually put your money where your mouth is and do it.
yeah when hayley was posting about that and she was crying and i was crying it was so so brutal but i was so proud of her for standing up for her drag performers even when they told her she couldnt. i didnt know lizzo did this too but holy shit.
all of this with taylor is hugely disappointing. i saw people saying “she cant say anything against the drag bill its unsafe for her!!!” and its like. its unsafe for all of us lol but she has so much more protection. and i dont think she HAS to do it is the thing, but man it does make it feel like her trying to rebrand as an activist back in 2019 was just to sell more copies of lover. you’re so right its like why make a whole big deal about how you’re going to Take A Stand and then just….. not. i also have always had low expectations from her in this regard bc she really did lean so hard into the good girl quiet girl narrative but when she made a point of lashing out against that i was like oh wait maybe she’s actually gonna do better… boo boo the fool is me i guess.
like i do not understand what happened. but since summer 2020 i have not been able to engage w her in the same way as before. and now with everything coming out about matty healy it is another huge fucking blow. i never blamed anyone who was done before this and i dont blame anyone who’s distancing themself from her now. i dont normally give a shit about her relationships but like how can you associate with someone so openly fucking racist? and think it wont hurt people??
all my love is going out rn to bipoc swifties. this sucks so fucking much im so sorry.
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strawberrycircuits · 11 months
tell us about this npc...
sam localvoidcat i owe you my LIFE!!! i have a lot of meta analysis thoughts about her but i said pretty much all of it like 4 days ago for a bingo card ask game so uh. heres all of that. tldr: malon has a lot of potential as a character and theres something v interesting with her in that her and links storys run parallel which is sooo compelling but nintendo and the loz/oot fandom tends to reduce her to Link's Wife and nothing else (as for why they do that uuuh. twilight princess link is canonically the link from ocarina of time's descendant, which implies time had kids after majoras mask. tp link is a rancher (like malon) and knows eponas song at the start of the game without it having to be taught to them (eponas song was written by malons mother + malon teaches it to time + malon sings it in oot). insert its always sunny conspiracy board meme here. i was already fixated on her when i was little and i thought the malink thing was a lame theory for a while but then i thought abt them both a little too hard and now im here ig)
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ok time for me to go crazy insane. im gnna use this post to talk abt canon stuff and then im gnna use libras ask to talk abt my own headcanons LO)L!!!!
-shes described as very headstrong and driven and she very strongly believes in doing whats necessary even when its not what you want (which. the parallels man. vaguely gestures to all of the links) which conflicts with her father who doesnt rlly care as much as he should. and so shes kinda left to pick up all of the slack which is RIDICULOUS becauses shes LIKE 9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a child should not have to run a fucking farm and she def shouldnt be left alone in CASTLE TOWN to worry to death abt her father (bc she had to DRAG HIM there to do smthn he shouldve taken care of anyway)!!!!!! what the hell !!!!! me when the game about adults failing children contains adults failing children
-^and like. she is acutely aware that this is not normal. she is so overworked that she does not get to have friends her age (iirc she refers to epona being her "best friend" and epona is. a horse). where oot link is kind of like "woohoo adventure !!" up until zelda gets kidnapped and she pulls the sword (but theres inklings there before that. like having to leave kokiri forest and watching her dad die), malon Knows this isnt normal and that she is missing out on her own childhood. and YET!! she holds no contempt for her father. she knows that he is failing her and she loves him anyway. WHAT THE HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-its also greatly suggested shes extremely isolated bc she works all the time and doesnt have time to play or be around people her age. + it doesnt help lon lon ranch is far from hyrule castle town + hyrule field is Fucking Dangerous so its not like she can easily cross it herself. Why did they mess up this girls life so bad!!!!!! (the answer is to parallel link. im insane)
-she had a trophy in one of the smash games that uses her 3DS model im so proud of her. sorry i love when nintendo acknowledges her even tangentially lol ⬇️ also she was referenced in smash ultimate i think idk
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-shes not just in ocarina of time!!! shes also present in the minish cap, oracles, and four swords adventures!!!!! why did she have multiple incarnations? who knows ! also i think she can die in fsa. sad
-shes in the manga and she gets kidnapped in like the 1st chapter and when link comes to save her shes like umm no youre ugly go away and meanwhile links like IM LITERALLY TRYING TO HELP YOU YOU ARE IN FUCKING DANGER!!!!!!!
-she also proceeds to fall in and out of love with link in the span of two pages. the manga is not very good sometimes i think. himekawa saw the dialogue line abt malon secretly waiting on a "knight in shining armor" to save her and ignored everything else abt her which sucks ass but is also very predictable for how himekawa writes. i will probably still redraw one of the panels from it anyway lol
-^btw the knight in shining armor thing is an interesting thing to note bc thats something she (malon) seems to be, like, ashamed of? maybe?? which imo feeds back into her whole thing of overworking herself while also understanding that its not okay or normal for her to be doing so. like. "no you cannot want for other things you have responsibilities (even though you undeniably do already)" but omg girl youre nine. except for seven years later when youre sixteen and even still. please take care of yourself please let urself relax and CONSIDER happiness i am begging yuo
-malon is so funny shes just a massive mario reference in game. when u go to the ranch u find Talon and Ingo respectively (talon is her dad ingo just works there) and they look like this. also she has a bowser pendant ?? literally whyd they do this lmao
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-one of oots minigames involves beating the horseriding record at lon lon ranch (set by malon at 50secs) and when u win she gives u a cow which she puts in ur house. the thing is that 1. links house is in kokiri forest and 2. links house is a treehouse with a ladder. which implies she SURVIVED THE LOST FUCKING WOODS (WHICH MOST EVERYONE CANNOT) and carried a goddamn COW up a LADDER. how fucking strong is she i love her
-shes gives u an item called the Weird Egg 🕺
-in BOTW you can find the ruins of lon lon ranch where she lived!!!!! :] its called "ranch ruins" on the map :P you can easily find more comparisons but believe me when i say they, like. put a weird amount of effort into getting this one as close to how it looked in oot as possible
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-shes also a reference to marin from links awakening but i did not play that so i cant speak on it </3
-its implied she never actually bothers to learn links name in the games. she only ever calls her fairy boy and thats it
-iirc during the child segments of the game she's taller than link but during the adult segments shes shorter. rip
-there is a single piece of dialogue that implies young link has a crush on her which is cute lmao
-so in oot she sings in the lon lon ranch theme (but its the n64 so it like. it sounds like a human voice but also not.) and twilight princess's hyrule field (night) theme uses the same singing effect which i am incredibly normal about forever and ever
-after the 7 year time skip, ingo gets the farm via ganondorf giving it to him (which he can do. apparently. this is a n64 game man leave me alone) and he kicks talon out. malon stays even though everything is considerably worse solely bc she wants to protect the animals, which is also why she was so insistent on keeping the farm running as a kid too.
-generally speaking malon is a very kindhearted and overwhelmingly understanding character and those traits are almost always at her own expense. she knows her dad is the reason shes as alone and stressed as she is, but she loves him anyway. she knows itd be best if she just left the farm once ingo takes over, but shes scared for what will happen to the animals so she stays somewhere that makes her sad and miserable instead. she wants to have friends her own age, but she understands how important keeping the ranch running is so she doesnt pursue it at either of the points in which we see her.
-i like to think things considerably change for her after ganondorf is neutralized prior/after majoras mask
-but thats for the headcanons post
so u may be thinking. Wow strawb this is kind of, like, nothing. why do you like this character. and you would be correct,
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blazesartbloglmao · 8 months
call them brothers
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okay so prefacing this by saying i really have no interest in dsmp stuff anymore, ive moved on to other stuff. like, i still keep track of some of the stuff going on in mcyt but beyond that, im working on my own projects. that being said, this particular piece has been a bit of a sore spot with me.
i started working on this back when doomsday happened on january 6th of 2021, with every intention of finishing it. at the time though, it felt like nothing looked right. not the shading, not the characters...everything felt clunky and wrong and i just couldnt force myself to finish it. so there it languished in my WIPs folder, collecting dust as i worked on other stuff and eventually moved on.
then of course, as we all know, technoblade died and i felt like id been punched in the gut even harder. id only gotten into his videos because of dsmp but i loved everything he put out. listening to his streams was of great comfort to me while working on other things and i used to put him on when i was upset about something. i knew he liked to look through fanart the community made, and id originally started this thinking "maybe techno will see it!" of course, as we all know, he never did.
i still finished it though, back in november of last year. i had better designs for the characters, a better understanding of how csp worked and felt it was more up to the task of finishing this than medibang had ever been. this thing actually almost killed my laptop! it was insane lmao it didnt even have that many layers at the end.
and im proud to see it done. im glad to see it finished because even if technoblade cannot enjoy it, you all can and i can, and that's worth it in the end, i think.
sorry for the long tirade. i normally try not to get so personal on this blog (or any blog really) because this is the internet and beyond sharing what i make, i dont really like sharing things about me. but this little story felt too important not to share alongside the art. theyre intrinsically linked to each other and to only share one would feel disingenuous to me.
hopefully, you all enjoy :) blood for the blood god, always
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piescornerstore · 11 months
HELLO i noticed you are a spamblue shipper mm yes this the GOOD shit ok so. i mentioned in a reply that i used to ship this hardcore and i have a ton of old dusty headcanons for their relationship and history together and i wanna hear yours
Oh I'd love to share, thanks for asking!
This is gonna be an incomprehensive unorganized list so. I'm gonna put it under a read more
Also a lot of this stuff I'm kinda just pulling from a fic I'm still trucking through, so go check that out if you'd like, it's long though
(btw im using he/it for spamton and they/them for blue. another name for blue is cerulean but im just gonna use blue here)
Spamton and blue always Kinda Liked each other, but they'd always been pretty good friends ever since they met
Blue was always nicer to Spamton than the other Addisons; that's what made Spamton like them so much in the first place
The others always just sorta let him entertain them as some funny little inconsequential guy that they let hang around with them, but Blue really did genuinely enjoy Spamton's company
Blue wasn't exactly too much better than the others, though. They prided themselves on being the nice one when being nice isn't exactly the same as being kind. They do grow to be kinder throughout their relationship with Spamton, though
When Spamton does finally fall for them, he completely disregards any faults Blue has and focuses only on the fact that they're nicer to him than they have to be. It's the type that when anything positive happens in its life, even the slightest thing that makes its life feel less awful, it clings to that
After getting feelings for them though Spamton is just absolutely zonked. Like it's gone. The guy is an absolute pathetic loser girlfailure who follows Blue around like a lost puppy
It like. Wants to do something meaningful for them but 1: it absolutely doesn't have the courage to and 2: it doesn't even have the money to try
And Blue is SO generous to him even though he doesn't quite understand why. He wants to swallow his pride and let them spend all their money on him but he ALSO doesn't want to feel like he's taking advantage of their kindness which. he also really wants to do
One of the things Blue does for it is make cookies! Like website cookies. They're an amazing cook too and cookies bring a lot of Addison-specific nutrition so Spamton really can't say no
Blue doesn't even know exactly why they feel like improving their demeanor towards Spamton and they aren't quite exactly the person to look inwards but they do it anyway because that's waht they feel like doing!
Blue realizes their feelings much later on and while they can tell that Spamton isn't Normal about them either they just. Feel so nervous about making a move
When they do Finally date Blue makes every excuse to spoil Spamton with as much love and affection as they can. They feel bad about having gone along with all the teasing and mocking that the other Addisons did, even though they didn't actively participate in it. And Spamton is just happy it got this far
Spamton likes taking Blue out on fun little novelty dates, like bowling or vintage shopping! Blue likes more sophisticated dates, like museums or concerts
And of course. Once Spamton starts getting money he turns the tables on Blue and buys them everything they could possibly want or need and more
Once he's on his way to big shot status, Spamton feels like he has to really prove he loves Blue, not just to Blue, but to himself, so he makes sure to flaunt his accomplishments in front of them. Isn't that what a proper Addison does?
Blue of course is so, so proud of it. They were with Spamton every step of the way and they're glad to see all of its hard work finally pay off
So like they're both in a generally content place at this point. For now
Aaaanyway thanks for liking my stuff! As you can see I am still amidst the vicious throes of this ship so it's nice to find somebody that Understands
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deathclassic · 1 year
i was tagged by @you-are-so-much-better-than-that​​ and @mikhailoisbaby​​ to do this fic writer/artist tag! ive never seen an artist version of this so this is exciting :D
1. Do you post on Ao3? If so, how many works do you have on AO3? If not, where do you post?
i dont post art on ao3 but i post fics there,,,,not gonna say my username though
2. What is your total art count?
we gotta be like 500+ by now
3. What are your top 5 pieces by likes/kudos?
they’re all dan and phil surprise surprise i was surprised that the first one has 12k notes for some reason. im just going to link them
spooky week sketches  amazingphil shop spon PHIL QUIFF DEBUT!!! black ‘n’ white dan phil is not on fire collection
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to but sometimes i forget and i also dont have notifcations on any social media turned on so i miss a lot of things
5. What is your current fandom, and what was the first fandom you drew for?
currently drawing for umbrella academy, shameless and stranger things. first fandom i properly drew for was one direction but i was drawing stuff for like panic at the disco and powerpuff girls and my little pony and my chemical romance when i was like 7
6. Have you ever received hate on any art?
tonnes lol, i’d say every 2-3 pieces i draw gets some kind of negative attention. recently there’s been an asshole in my asks accusing me of fetishising ian and mickey so thats something to look forward to every time i pose 
7. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t drawn for yet but want to?
i want to go back to shows i watched as a kid like total drama island and draw the characters in my art style, i did it with the winx club earlier this year and it was fun. i want to draw harringrove but im not mentally prepared to be like,,,sent death threats atm
8. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
i dont know tbh ian and mickey are up there i guess
9. Do you draw outside of fandom?
yeah im a graphic designer so i draw a lot of shit 
10. What’s the an art piece you’ve drawn that came out completely differently than you expected?
this one actually
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11. Do you draw smut?
12. Have you ever had any of your art stolen or copied?
yeah of course, someone sells my shit on redbubble and i have to keep reporting them
13. Have you ever collaborated on a piece?
yes! @mishervellous​ and i did that amazing comic together for gallacrafts and im so proud of that! also collaborated with a lot of dan and phil artists to make a calendar, a phil is not on fire poster and some general collabs for fun (if anyone wants to collab hmu bc im down)
14. What’s an idea you have that you have yet to draw?
i really want to draw drummer mickey for some reason
15. What are your drawing strengths?
people i guess, maybe like details on clothes and stuff?
16. What are your drawing weaknesses?
hands and feet lol
17. What’s your favorite art piece you’ve drawn?
im so proud of this drawing even though no one really liked it, like looking at it makes me so happy
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18. What is one thing you’d like to tell people about your art that they might not know?
like harvey said haha i also use the same colour palette especially skin tones and hair colours also i sketch a lot of the drawings traditionally and then trace over it on photoshop
19. What inspires or motivates you to create for fandom?
myself. i would still be drawing even if no one notices it. heck i draw so much stranger things stuff only for a top of 10 people across instagram, twitter and tumblr to interact with it. 
20. And finally, can you describe your process a little? Do you have a favourite place to draw? Do you play something in the background? Do you do research or just go for it? Give us a little insight
i sit at my desk and use a wacom tablet and my laptop. I have my other laptop open and im normally listening to a tv show that ive seen so i dont have to pay attention or a play through of a game or some creepy stories. sometimes i listen to music on my record player. i always spend ages looking at pose references and rage quitting when i dont draw it right the first time before coming back to it a few hours later. i draw mostly in the evenings, after dinner. sometimes i drink a hot chocolate if its late enough lol. 
im gonna tag @mishervellous​ @doodlevich​ @heymrspatel​ @adakechi​ 
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alcorian · 2 years
can people with dyscalculia help? im 18, autistic, and trying to figure out if i have it. it would be really nice if some people who know they have it could read this and give their opinion on whether i should try to get evaluated.
i’ve always hated math and struggled with it, and yet i was in advanced classes in middle school..... which i HATED. then, in high school, i got mistakenly put in the intermediate class for kids who struggle with math, and saw...... little to no change in how challenging it was. i did get bored with how slowly we were introduced to concepts, but my ability to complete the homework in a timely manner never improved. and i tend to do math slower than my peers--i even requested a time extension on my ACT because i finished all the other sections with great scores every time, but could only get like halfway through the math section at best. the one time i remember finishing a test first in class, i was proud but surprised. but looking back i think that test had a lot of questions about the concepts we were being taught rather than arithmetic, which also surprised me because in my experience math tests are mostly solving problems, not answering questions about math concepts. there have also been times that i’ve finished my classwork before anyone else, but also looking back this usually happened because i was working while the teacher was talking instead of taking notes. (my thoughts are very very fast and unfortunately my teacher does not talk as fast as my thoughts, so in pretty much all my classes, i just end up working ahead while listening to the lecture so i can pay attention and not get distracted)
i understand the abstract concepts behind math just fine, and even like them, but i kind of struggle with it at the same time. i do things like addition slowly and multiple times to make sure i got it right, sometimes counting on my fingers. i cannot memorize my times tables, ive completely given up on that. i still count on my fingers at 18, which i didnt realize wasnt normal because im completely unobservant. i hate mental math and calculators are my saving grace. i dont trust myself to do mental math correctly. i struggle to hold numbers in my head, especially long strings like phone numbers or addresses, which is part of what makes mental math so hard for me (and thats why i use my fingers or write it down). i forget things like phone numbers instantly. im not very good at reading analog clocks, but that might be because we’re moving more towards digital clocks everywhere. i also heard that dyscalculia can be associated with difficulty telling right from left, and thats a really embarrassing thing ive always struggled with--i need to hold up my hands to remember (left hand makes an L) and if i cant do that i have to imagine writing something and hope im imagining the correct hand doing the writing, lol.
but despite all this-- i feel like maybe i dont have it. maybe im just looking for an excuse to explain why i suck so much at math. theres also the possibility that im just overly anxious about getting a wrong answer and thats why i do everything so slowly and count on my fingers and stuff--so i can be sure im not getting it wrong. i do understand how numbers correlate to amounts, and its not like im totally incapable of mental math. i can do it, i just struggle with it, especially if i have to hold a number in my head for any reason. like, while writing this post i went and did basic multiplication problems in my head (from a website) and got hung up on 7 x 6. and then i got it wrong. this is the part where i’d normally make excuses like “oh im tired, oh its the end of summer so i havent practiced,” but honestly, im pretty sure most people my age should be able to do simple multiplication like that no matter the time of year. so. i dunno. also, i was able to get the other problems correct, but im pretty sure i was taking longer to do them than an 18 year old should. and i was counting on my fingers again.
and like. i think i like math in theory. algebra looks logical and satisfying, and it IS, except when i have to actually divide, add, and subtract, then i can practically feel my brain beginning to overheat like an overworked computer.
moving things from one side to the other to isolate a variable? yes. good shit.
havint to do subtraction to get there? now its not so fun. i think this is the part that actually gives me a headache. i never really thought about which part of algebra was frustrating me, but now that i know dyscalculia is a thing, im starting to think about the arithmetic vs the abstract concept behind it.
anyways, if i have dyscalculia its probably more mild seeing as i can still do mental math and i can still do arithmetic, its just unreasonably hard for me for no discernable reason.
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svankmajerbaby · 1 year
!! thank u so much for the ask. i love talking about writing......
✨ What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
-hmm theres a point in which i have to tell myself not to worry about likes or comments bc what really matters is me getting the practise and exercising my writing muscles and having fun with it... But. i do wish i could get more ppl into my toy story fic. its got a whole bunch of wonderful comments and kudos and stuff, i just feel so proud of it and writing it came so easy and i poured so much of my love into it, i really really wish anyone who loves these characters would read it too.
🎀 give yourself a compliment about your own writing
-english is not my first language so grammar isnt often The Best, but i take a lot of care with using words and expressions as correctly as possible, and I try to always spell words right (i dont think ive ever confused loose and lose, for example, which ive seen confused a few times). some descriptions of spaces are particularly well done, at least to my own criteria, and the song choices are fun (or at least fun to write and picture in my head).
🎈 describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
- honestly, ive no idea. i think i get verbose, and i write long dialogue scenes. i overuse the — to lead into another thought, because thats kind of like how my mind works. i try to be "cinematic" in my writing and always start a scene with a description of a place, its lighting and its sounds, like im used to when writing scripts. and i got the sense that usually the characters often ramble and go on long discussions about stuff that maybe normal people wouldnt just start out discussing so strongly. but honestly id much rather someone else outside my own perspective told me what my writing is like, i would trust them more than my own opinion.
💞 what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
-the characters!! everything is important, and stuff like grammar often jumps out first for me... but i need to enjoy how the characters are written, and feel like theyre real people with genuine motivations and interactions. i dont mind too much if theyre not super alike to canon, as long as they feel true to the core of their personality and values.
💝 what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
-i was surprised to even get comments on my barbie frankenstein one. i loved writing it and it came through so easily and comfortably, but even though i had used that moderately popular meme of reimagining barbie as a gothic protagonist as inspiration i didnt really think it would be anything but something i liked to picture existing. i was so happy to see people enjoyed it too.
🕯️(there are two questions with this candle emoji symbol? i chose the first one, idk why theres two) was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
-the tiff fic :'^) ive always liked writing sorta dark stuff, ever since i was little, but this was on another level. sometimes i felt (and still do) feel a bit awkward bc i really do push myself to write stuff i feel a bit embarrassed or shocked by, but i do think that if i want to be a better writer it does me good to make an effort to depict stuff that makes me uncomfortable and seek to write it in a sense of finding a way to both make if effective and relatively tasteful (or at the very least in-character).
🎙️which one of your fics would you like someone to make a pod-fic of?
- i have never heard about pod-fic before, but i guess i can imagine what it is (wonder if its like an audiobook, or if it has sound effects and the like??). i would love to listen to an audiobook of the barbie frankenstein fic mostly bc i would love so so much to hear the dramatic literary dialogue ive written in kelly sheridans barbie voice. also now that i think about it i have no idea what the creature would even sound like... that would be an interesting challenge.
🤲 what do YOU get out of writing?
-practise writing in english, a sense of accomplishment (when i get to finish something!!) and every once in a while some strong validation in the form of ppl liking what i write... all of it is super valuable to me, especially practise and the push and drive to finish stuff to upload, but the validation in particular just really hits that dopamine in my brain i guess
💌 share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
-its from the glen and glenda fic im halfway planning! i got a few dialogues written and some scenes sketched out, but its still a long way to go. im very excited about it tho! ive grown to really love the versions of the twins ive made in my head. hopefully theyre faithful to their screen depictions while also adding a bit more depth and character building ive wanted to take them through.
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
✨Galaxy Anon ✨ here!
Haha you forget viví? Friends also have to tease each other until they scream for mercy hehehe suffer pfft. Let me think about it….No.
But I still feel bad viví! Just talking with you is enough for me! It shows you care that you even respond to me and call me a friend! I probably wouldn’t take it until I really want something, I will feel bad and hate spending others money unless it was for food…then spend that money since I love food lol. Well at least you have lots of guts but I know I would feel embarrassed still since my stuff can either be normal to my god what the hell why do you like that?! Not to mention alot of stuff I’m into I really have no one to talk to about most of it since usually they aren’t into it or I’m afraid they judge me. Mostly the latter. So I’m grateful you even care about me so thanks for that.
It does I mean I get whey we use it but damn does it suck. Oh makes sense so like a discount basically. Yeah I get that I mean it’s already stressful keeping your grades up in class but having the pressure so you have a easier way to college? Nerve wracking and stress inducing.
At least you care since unfortunately a lot of siblings don’t care enough or put down there siblings. I think your doing a lot now since you worrying about that and even some parents don’t give two shits about it or claim it’s too hard to understand now. I’m sure you are, more than you think. Your amazing seeing how sweet you are viví.
Yes unfortunately especially now it can cost your life being a Good Samaritan on the road if someone needs help and they can rob or even worse kill you. And all people you wanted to be a good person.
Yeah I knew I made a good call. I maybe would’ve have either freaked out or get very aggressive then, mostly the latter if I wasn’t emotional more prepared than how I first started out when first working there. And for sure I don’t want to also get aggressive to some other customers for one lady attitude and they had nothing to do with it. I have done it before and I’m not proud of it since they shouldn’t have gotten my anger.
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Pppfffttt moving on! This isn't bully vi hours for their questionable tastes.
IM THE SAME WAY AND IT DRIVES MY FAMILY WILD. I'm always getting them things and when they go "Hey want something?" I just tell them nah I'm good. Then I get asked, "how come you don't let me get things for you." Because I feel bad taking other people's hard-earned money!!!
Not to be too straightforward, but I would love to hear about your fandoms. It's one of my favorite subjects, and who knows we might have some in common! (Lowkey I miss the hoodie ugh I keep looking at the picture).
It really is though, and the fact that I have to take harder math classes lowkey scares me. I am having a blast with Philosophy, sociology, and psychology. I was having fun with composition until this professor. My last one was cool and even sent pictures of his dogs with every assignment.
Aww making my blush
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I'm just trying my best. I even had a little evening outing with them. Did some gift card shopping then just rode around and sang our hearts out.
God going for a walk or jog could get you unalived these days. Which always scares the shit out of me since it's in my exercise routine. So I never go alone or without pepper spray. I also trust no one. I'm polite I say good morning, but I'm always keeping am ear open.
Hey at least you learned from that and made yourself better! Might I also add I have so much respect for you for being able to handle that on the daily. People are just getting meaner for no reason, and you don't deserve it.
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