#nostalgia vibe ish idk idk
miichiyochin · 1 year
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that summer in California.
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years-n-feather · 8 months
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Is it this easy to make a 2000s nostalgia post?
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memyselfandmya · 1 month
Part 2 to my JWCT Analysis
Warning: spoiler and theories below; proceed with caution
In a later scene, where Darius is taking a picture of the computer screen, the background stood out to me a bit. It seems (somewhat) drastically different than the scenes we've seen so far with the brick/concrete wall.  Especially the picture in the back, it doesn't seem to fit the vibe of any of the other places/homes we've seen so far. My idea is that it's maybe Kenji's or Yaz's place.  Just because we haven't seen much of their hypothetical living situation yet. Maybe I'm looking too deeply into the artwork but these kinds of things give clues like with Sammy's home. Maybe it could be Sammy's room but I just don't get the vibes. Another theory I have is that it could be Brooklynn's place and the campers go there after her "death" to find information to help them. It seems kind of like her vibe, especially the vibrant picture. There's also another picture along the very edge. You can't see much but it looks like rocky terrain which could mean Kenji because we did see him rock climbing but it could also still be Brooklynn because of her history with travelling to cool places.
Some of the other scenes I won't say much on because they're more dinosaur centric and I don't know. a thing about dinosaurs. Everything I know comes from JW and JW alone. But when that trailer thing comes by with the dinosaur, am I crazy for thinking it's blind because it has a cloudy white eye.
There is that one scene where they're enclosed or something in something and Yaz grabs onto Sammy's shoulder which is adorable. Also the following scene where Yaz and Sammy are in the jeep(? idk it reminds me of a jeep) is so cute. They're definitely still together at some point in this show. Also this is the part where Yaz reminds me of Marinette.
Also just in general, the theme "chaos comes home" is just so interesting and cool to me because these characters spent so long trying to escape dinosaurs on Nublar and Mantah Corp Island only for dinosaurs to arrive on the mainland a couple years later. The trauma this will bring back up.
There's so many mysterious people and I want to know who they are.
Just Kenji punching a dinosaur. That's the analysis.
The way Yaz clings onto Ben in that one scene is just so wholesome to me. I love their relationship so much.
These new settings are just so interesting I'm excited to see the more urban look this show has.
The parallel with JW and Claire Dearing when Darius is running from the dinosaur
All in all, I'm very excited to see this. I'm definitely going to binge and rewatch the day it comes out. Expect many posts from me then. They were so right when they said this would be much darker. It's only the trailer and it's definitely giving the same darkness/heaviness of season three which I absolutely adore. I really want to see the characters suffer (I swear I love them) and I hope they highlight their trauma from the island. I'm content with the character designs, I think I am a little disappointed with how they don't reflect the characters as much and are a little more generic. At least for Yaz's character, mainly. I was surprised to not see her in some sort of athletic wear, maybe this demonstrates a shift in her life where she's no longer so driven about track and stuff, which if so makes the design more realistic. I'm sad that Kenji's VA is different just bc of nostalgia but the new VA seems really good and doesn't sound too different from the original. I'm excited to see the full(ish) cast, that was one of my main worries, that it'd only be Darius-centric. (No offense to Darius I just want to see all of my babies). I'm also sad about Brooklynn, she wasn't my favorite character but I still love her so it's sad to see her go, (if she really is dead). It makes sense to me why they "killed her off" both in the show and in terms of production and I do feel like the way they "killed" her off was fitting for her. The plot seems really good and I'm really intrigued which is always a good sign. I'm also really looking forward to seeing where these characters have lived, where they are now, and maybe how they got there. I'm so looking forward to May 24th and I am counting down the days.
Take everything I say with a grain of salt.
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ahappydnp · 9 months
i was originally obsessed with dnp from like 2015-2017 so maybe some nostalgia pics that were popular at the time? (or since i started getting back into their stuff recently like 2020 2021 ish maybe some pics i missed) (also just realized idk if we’re allowed to request specific pics soz if not)
awe fun!
classic era vibes
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things you might have missed
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7ndipity · 2 years
Demon Hoseok x Reader (feat. Jin)
Summary: A mysterious music box leads to some unsettling activity and dreams. But what happens when your dreams become reality?
Warnings: paranormal/horror themes, swearing, injuries, stalking/yandere-ish vibes(I mean he's a demon so yeah) nightmares? Idk, lmk if I missed something
A/N: ngl this one came out pretty creepy. Thank you all for the support you've shown for Spooktober, the final piece will be posted later this week.
Spooktober m.list
"Y/n, look at this!"
Jin was holding up an old cookoo clock, covered in tiny decorative leaves and swirling scrollwork. "It's cute, right?"
"Uh, it's not really my style." You said gently, trying not to offend him.
He was supposed to be helping you look for furniture for your new house, but so far, all he had done in every thift shop you two had gone into was get distracted by various knickknacks and old toys, leaving you to basically fend for yourself.
"Oh c'mon, you could hang it in the kitchen-"
You attention was pulled away from the conversation by a shelf of old music boxes. One in particular caught your eye, slightly smaller than the others, almost able to fit in one hand, with a simple diamond and checkerboard pattern carved into the surface.
Curious, you picked it up and gently wound the key, the gears stiff from age and lack of use. A soft twinkling melody began to play, causing a twinge of nostalgia to ring through you, but you didn't know why. The song sounded familiar, like an old forgotten memory come back to the surface, but you couldn't quite place it.
"-what do you think?"
"Hm?" You shook out of your revre, glancing up at your friend in confusion.
"Were you really not listening to me?" He pouted at you.
"I'm sorry, I don't what happened." You said absent-mindedly as you checked the box for a price sticker, but finding none. "I'll be right back."
You quickly made your way up to the counter, griped by a sudden need for the charming little box.
"How much is this?" You asked the lady at the register.
"Oh, that old thing?" She looked at it in surprise. "You can have it, no charge."
"Seriously?" You said in disbelief.
"Mh-hm." She nodded, "It's been here for ages, it doesn't even work."
"But, I just-" You were cut off by the sound of something crashing to the floor, making you both jump. Ducking back around a few shelves, you found Jin standing awkwardly over the busted remains of the cookoo clock.
"I'll take it!" He said, cheeks red in embarrassment.
. . .
You took the box home.
As you climbed into bed that night, you picked it up again, examining it carefully.
There were hinges along one side of the top, indicating that it could open, but the tiny lock on the front prevented you from doing so. You gave a small huff of frustration, about to give up, but then you remembered seeing a similar box in a movie once where the key for the music mechanism had also served as a key for the lock.
Turning the box over, you gave the key a gentle tug, it came free of its housing easily enough. Slipping it into the lock, you found to your delight that it turned and clicked.
Thrilled with your discovery, you gently lifted the lid and peered in. The inside was lined with a teal green velvet, in the center was a small spring that you suppose once held a figurine of some sort, but now stood empty, missing its miniature dancer.
Slightly disappointed, you closed it again and sat it in it's new home on your bedside table before shutting off the lights and going to sleep.
That night, your dreams were full of strange sights and sounds. Strange flashes of color. Someone was laughing, but the noise was foggy and muffled. Somewhere, distantly, you could hear the music box playing.
. . .
Over the next few weeks, you started to notice strange things around your new place. Creaking footstep-like sounds, doors that refused to stay open or closed, the scent of something like woodsmoke and rain that seemed to move about the house.
At first you tried to brush it off. It was an old house, old houses had weird noises and smells, right? You'd known that when you moved in. But then, there were more things that you couldn't find a logical explanation for.
Voices that seemed to echo down the hall from empty rooms. Shadows moving out the corner of you eye, peaking around doorways when your back was turned, catching sight of the flickering movement in the mirror while you were brushing your teeth or watching TV.
At night, it got worse. You were finding it increasingly difficult to sleep. When you did manged to drift off, you kept having the same recurring dreams of smokey figure slipping into your room through a crack in the window or under the door, the swirling and billowing mass drifting ever closer, watching you with eyes like burning coals.
Everything in your body said that you should be terrified, but for some reason, you weren't. In fact, you felt oddly serene as he gently reached out and took your hand, tugging you up out of bed and pulling you close, seeming to dance about the room with you. Everytime, you would wake up shaking and sweating.
. . .
"Y/n?" You jumped slightly at your name, looking across the table to see Jin eyeing you with concern.
"You alright?" Jin asked.
He'd noticed the recent changes in you and to say he was worried was an understatement. You were pale and jumpy, shadows under your eyes from lack of sleep.
You looked down, sighing. "I- I don't really know, Jin."
"What's wrong?"
"Promise you won't make fun of me?" You asked.
"I swear." He held up a hand in oath.
"I think my house is haunted." You started, half expecting he would think you were crazy. But if anyone was going to believe you, it would be Jin.
As you spoke, Jin had gone still and pale, his brow furrowed as he listened.
"And then, there's these." You pulled back your sleeve, revealing fingerprint like bruises littering your arms. They didn't hurt and they would fade almost as fast as they appeared, but you could still sense them, like invisible sootstains on your skin.
He swallowed hard, mouth pressed into a thin line
"Maybe we should call someone, like-"
Jin's voice faded out as you froze, staring out the glass front of the restaurant over his shoulder.
He was there, a faint, greyish figure, semi-transparent like a reflection, except that he standing outside on the sidewalk. He tilted his head slightly as he grinned at you.
"Y/n? What is it?" Jin turned to see what you staring at, looking back at you confused.
"He can't see me, Love, only you can." The figure mouthed, but it sounded like he was right next to you, sending a shiver up your spine.
"Nothing. It's nothing." Snapping your attention back to your friend, you spoke quickly, gathering your things. "Look, don't worry about it, I've got a handle on it." You turned to leave, but Jin grabbed your arm.
"'Got a handle on it?' Wait a minute, y/n, I don't get this. Are you scared or not?"
You stopped.
Were you? The same question had been plaguing you for days.
"I... don't know."
. . .
'It was a dark and stormy night.' You rolled your eyes at your own joke. It was Halloween night, rain pouring down outside with thunder and lightning as you finished washing up for bed. 'How cliché.'
As if to prove your point, there was a loud clap of thunder, and the room was plunged into darkness.
"Shit." You whispered, fumbling your way down the hall. Where the hell had you packed the flashlights?
Making it to your room, you stilled as you heard a soft twinkling melody floating through the air. The music box.
You were frozen, heart was pounding so loudly in you ear that it took you a several seconds to realize there was another set of breaths in the room.
Another flash of lightning illuminated a figure standing in the center of the room.
You fell back against the door as you let out a shrill scream.
"Don't be afraid." He spoke in a low, raspy voice. At that moment, the lights flickered back on, revealing the intruder.
He was tall, very slim, a mop of messy black waves partially covered dark eyes with deep shadows beneath them
"Please don't hurt me." You whimpered.
"Hurt you?" He tilted his head at you. "Why would I do that? You let me out."
"My box, you opened it." He let out a small laugh as he picked it up and pointed to you. "That was impressive, you know? Not everybody can do that."
"I don't-" You stopped as you realized.
You recognized that voice, the angular face, those eyes, though usually they had a different glow than the playful glint they held now.
"Oh my god." You whispered, slumping against the door again.
"Not quite." His lips quirked up in a smile.
"I'm going crazy." You ran a shaky hand through your hair.
"Crazy looks good on you then." He said, taking in your features more closely. You were cute, weren't you? 'Lucky me.' He thought, watching you fidget nervously. If he had to be indebted to human, at least it was someone fun.
"What are you?" You asked
"I've been called a lot of things," he said softly, Cheshire grin on his face as he crept closer. "but you can call me Jay."
Everything felt jumpy and distorted, like an old, fragmented movie reel. The closer he came, the worse it got.
"We had such a nice time before," he breathed, as his fingers brushed your arm. "Imagine how much nicer it would be now that I'm real, that I can actually touch you."
"I-" You pulled back slightly, but you it was a like you were a rabbit and a viper. You couldn't look away.
He cupped you face gently, everything feeling like it was in slow motion.
"What do you say to another dance?"
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clambuoyance · 2 years
Bc of you i really wanna get into Ninjago (/pos) but it's so, what's the word, much? Like intimidating there are so many season it seems like and so many character hhdhshah
Can i ask what your fave character is and why and howd you like describe the vibe of the show? Then I can know what to expect w energy of the show and the first question is just bc I'm curious aha
okay so this is gonna be long sorry.
i also thought the amount of seasons was intimidating but i actually find that it was really easy to get through? i think i binged it all in like a week 🧍🏻‍♀️(but uh, i did stay up a lot and usually multitasked) the seasons are very short(usually 10 eps) , and later on the episodes get short too.
there’s also new characters introduced every season, but it’s very centralized around the same cast of characters all through, which is like Lloyd, Nya, Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Wu, and later on Pixal. so it doesnt feel like a lot to me.
I also think i enjoy the show a little differently than other media? Like it’s just good fun for me to watch. there’s several factors.
1) It holds a lot of nostalgia for me, because i was superrr into this show as a kid, 2) the way i enjoy the show is much like playing with legos as a kid. you have all these legos and crazy ideas, and you spin it all in different ways into what is sometimes a nonsensical plot, but its fun, 3) it is aimed for kids, so it’s easy to find it lacking in areas, but my absolute favorite thing is watching the team dynamic between the main characters bc it feels like they actually like each other😂 it’s the main thing i watch it for tbh
It’s not for everyone obviously, but idk watching the storytelling and animation improve/change throughout the seasons is neat bc in s8 holllyyyy shit it gets a whole new aesthetic, and it’s also really fun to kind of take elements that the show presents and do some Thinking and Creating in my head
my favorites are Zane and Kai—Zane because i grew up connecting to his character a lot and he’ll always be special to me, and Kai bc he just sort of falls into my stereotypical type of favorite character 💀 . His characterization isn’t always the best and the writers sometimes miss opportunities with him but i just really like Thinking about him and the potential types of character development he could have 🤷🏻‍♀️
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So yeah theres the pilots which are really hard to find, but there’s a twitch link to them (pitched down)
Pilots 1/2, Pilots 3/4 (40 minutes in total)
Then the rest are on netflix(they’re separated into two titles tho), except the day of the departed special which isnt there fsr :P
S1-2 are fun and nostalgic to me even if they’re a bit uh, obviously at aimed kids. they were also meant to be the only seasons, but the audience liked it so it kept going. I feel like something shifted in the air around s6-ish though, and then again for s8 idk.
if youre really plot oriented or super into intense intricate world building, or not into shows that can be simple and aimed at kids, you might not enjoy it..? but if you just like seeing wacky plots w fun characters then you might like it ^_^
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Top seven of Arcaina Project + Tales Untold characters that Give! Me! Life!
You know those bitches that decide to make a top five of a mutual’s characters? Yes you do. Because I am bitches.
I was only going to do 5 but I ended up with 7 because… look, @nyxcharliechaos has a lot of babs and ITS HARD FOR ME TO CHOOSE ALREADY OK??? Also Tumblr started glitching as soon as I got to 7 images… that too.
Also, this is in no real order. It’s already hard to pick favourites, don’t make me rank them!
One more thing- admittedly this will be biased towards characters I know/remember more about. In case you haven’t caught on to how fucking unhinged this is going to be, it’s not going to be judging characters on quality. Anyways, y’all ready to be bitches with me?
1. Lucy
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See tall person in picture above
First, I think Lu was the first of Charlie’s characters I ever drew (I drew her looking like a hedgehog slurping noodles), so already some minor nostalgia vibes. I also like the one, emo-scene raccoon stripe hair piece she’s got. She’s actually got some low key late 2000s scene kid hair that’s kind of a vibe. The relationship between her and Nyx is extremely cute, and while I would have maybe made her look more muscular, you could argue that her… less than ideal eating habits would probably make it harder to develop muscle. Also she needs earrings. Don’t ask me why. She just does. I’m getting the vibe she needs earrings.
2. Nyx (shorter character in image above)
Probably the second character I ever tried to draw. Also a character that has appeared in various rps to commit various shenanigans. Given the backstory they’ve got, I do enjoy the puppet motif they’ve got in their design and powers a lot. I also think it’s neat that given how nobody else in the Arcaina Project looks like Nyx, no matter what colour their hair + eyes change to (and they change a lot) you can still tell that yeah, it’s Nyx and not some other bitch. Their deadpan reaction to more exuberant characters is a lot of fun, and overall it seems like they’ve got some pretty cool character arcs planned out
3. Molly
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Look, I’m someone who already tends to like characters like Molly, and based on RPs and arts and whatnot, Molly just seems like fun. I also love the clothing choices, and the overall craziness going on personality wise. Not much to say, admittedly, it’s just a case of “yeah, I like em”. Although I think Molly, being the mad hatter’s kid, should have a hat made out of Campbell’s Soup cans. Idk, I just think it’s a good idea.
4. Virgil
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Firstly, yes bitch, work that makeup. Now that’s out of the way, I do like the colour pallet of a bunch of dark colours then just one super bright pink that often gets used. Like with Nyx, since nobody else in Arcaina really has that going on with them, you can just slap hot pink next to a black and it’s like “oh yeah, fucking Virgin Creek, let’s go”. I think I like Virgil most based off of RPs he’s been in, and some of the stories he’s been in I’d say have been some of Charlie’s best, so… yeah. Also he eats cardboard. Automatic fav.
5. Odd
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Frankly, I think I just relate to Odd in an oddly specific way, pun intended. Like… I get the reason she sleeps a lot is bc health issues, but like…. Listen, if you’ve ever done ballet, you KNOW what it’s like to wake up the next morning feeling like you’ve been hit by a fucking truck. I nearly typed trucking fuck. Whatever. Anyways, I do like the design and this may sound… odd, but I like the eyes. I noticed during an art I did of Odd that her eyes are a neat mix of brown and green. Also she has ice cream hair.
…. I mean… am I wrong???
6. Rowan
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I think a lot of my enjoyment of Rowan comes from RPs, what with the shenanigans of them trying to hide that they’re part wolf and all. I also like that they have this kinda fancy, fantasy-ish cloak and hood that has this little red Diamond on it… then just clothes you’d find at the Gap. Idk, I just find it amusing for some reason. Also wolf canines are pretty neat, and I do like the hair… except when I’m doing an art with Rowan in it, and I actually have to draw it. Look, I normally don’t have anything against hair streaks, BUT…
Anyways tldr, I just think Rowan’s neat.
7. Lyric
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Ok so probably not best art to use since this is older Lyric but I couldn’t find one of current lyric without wifi going haha no. I know, much tragic. Anyways, I like the hair that’s like “no I’m never behaving what do you mean?”, I like a lot of the outfits Lyric gets drawn in (by Charlie. My wardrobe contributions are very much a hot take), I enjoy their interactions with characters like Nyx, and… yeah I just like them.
Was this just a list of me naming characters and being like Yeah I like them? Yes, yes it was.
Also this totally wasn’t based off of characters that I could actually explain why I like them because I like all the babs even if most of them are very sad, what are you talking about?
I don’t know how to end this at all.
Someone put a Jack o lantern in my bathtub.
Have a nice day.
- Spooky S Skeletons
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staghunters · 9 months
1, 7, 29 for the ask thing!
aaaaa sorry for getting back to this a bit late, had a busy weekend. BUT!!
1. Who was your first ever OC? Do you still “use” them? How have they evolved over time?
I think that still comes down to Melinoe, who started out as a self-insert when I first read PJatO and later found out that there actually was a child of Hades(debatable) and Persephone. She's changed a lot over the years with the historical stuff I accumulated overtime, both about her specifically and in regards to historical context/accuracy. I guess the design change shown here is evident of that.
7. What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!)
Okay SO For the original story Mel is a merry prankster to the protagonist, Chryso(themis). She aides in her escape but isn't always clear about her intentions/motives for helping. On the other side of that is Mel's sibling-ish rivalry with Athena, and some sort of (non)girl best friends/I know you only vaguely but am somewhat intrigued thing she has going on with Iris. It's in the early stages and Mel/Iris is intended as romantic but idk how much room it will take up in the eventual story.
29. What was your first fandom you were in? Did you make any art/fanfic for it?
I guess, embarassingly but few escape it, that was h**** p*****. I was a good reader for my age so I picked those books up when i was around 7/8 but only read them through once (at least from what I remember) and out of order lol. I wasn't really old enough to have a sense of fandom, but I did write sorta in-universe letters to characters on this old typewriter that my parents had in my attic bedroom. My cousin once wrote one in a similar way (which I still appreciate very much).
I don't have serious nostalgia for it. The setting kept coming back when I started reading books like Charlie Bone (which A Certain Author has accused of plagiarism? sorta? it's a good series but I only read the first two books because the rest didn't get translated), Miss Peregrine, Fablehaven (similar case to Charlie Bone, didn't get translated further on), Percy Jackson, and many more books that I somewhat remember but can't recall the title of (in english). For these I did make art. There's a crudely drawn map of Bloor Academy that I remember vividly (it did not make any architectural sense, but that's ten-year-olds for ya!). I might actually see if I can find the books somewhere and actually finish reading it. Regardless, A Certain Book Series was maybe my first step into a supernatural-elements-as-part-of-daily-life obsession, but not much more than that, in the end.
I think the first fandom I was active in in terms of art making was when Heathers got big on here. I vibed with both the movie and musical at the time. Grew out of it a bit, but it holds a good place in my heart. The musical maybe less than the movie, and I really have to revisit it again now that I'm sorta grown out of my own teen-angst days lol. It was a very fun time, for as long as it lasted. I still have some people pop up on my dash from those days. One of the authors of my fav Heathers fic actually has a wip in Yellowjackets. Time is a circle.
Thanks for the asks Ollie!
Writer/Artist asks
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faunabel · 1 year
um. i just had THE most disturbing dream of my life, i think. genuinely what the fuck was this dream. i'm going to write it down for documentation so uhh... if u read this, be aware it was like a horror movie with the intention of being as disturbing as possible. like... torture p*rn type stuff and the general Horrors of the world. i don't even watch this type of stuff so idk where the hell this dream came from... i feel sick and woke up panting lol but ANYWAY
so this dream started off with semi-lucid stuff i think? i won't get into all those details bc they're more foggy and confusing/disjointed and not as relevant to the horrifying part of this but BASICALLY i was in my childhood school but they'd completely remodeled it and it was now like a prison/military thing/propaganda factory. and the old classrooms still existed but were referred to as "the void" by a man over an intercom.
the vibes were just super... dictatorship-y? i went back there as an adult for something (possibly nostalgia) and i regretted it lol. the man in the classroom was explaining stuff and also had those vibes. the classrooms were remodeled to be way smaller than the old ones.
i was in there with one girl but we heard horrible screaming outside the classroom and left, and suddenly some guy was with us so whatever. ok now here's where the really fucked up part is.
so there was a person whose body was obscured to much to tell the gender, being dragged down the hall by long, thin(ish) tentacles, screaming, they were a pale, desaturated pink in color. and also u should know the sound of people vomiting is a severe trauma trigger for me, and that was there too. i think the guy was screaming to block out that sound once i noticed it, at first.
the person was dragged down the stairs(?). but the damage was done to the hallway. there was like... it wasn't quite blood i forget the color but it was just this weird Liquid all over the walls and floor? chunks of flesh? big chunks of flesh like the length of my arm, light pink and bumpy like a really big tongue, but also like... idk, other kinds of meat, with white bits and translucent bits. one of the people i was with picked a piece up to examine it.
i wanted to get the fuck OUT but i knew i would be... possibly killed if i left? or just really piss off the men in charge? so i had to go with them down the hall to investigate further.
further down the hall at the end of it, it was revealed the person was a woman, naked, being held by a sort of tentacle monster but the tentacles were actually TONGUES? and it had her bound and was force feeding her something, like some disgusting, thick-ish liquid with the tongues/tentacles stuffed in her mouth but she kept... rejecting it if u know what i mean, and since the sound of someone vomiting is a massive trigger for me i screaming nonstop to block out the door but my throat was starting to go weak and i had trouble screaming. the other two people were focused on investigating and didn't care about me, i think.
the actual visual details of the scene weren't that detailed (which i guess is good lol) but it was still so deeply disturbing from my emetophobia. i feel like i forgot a part of the scene so i wish i got to this part faster before i forgot :( i just remember something about it was absolutely horrific.
i think you could hear the slithering of the tongue tentacles, too? i don't remember hearing it but my brain keeps telling me that was a thing. the monster itself was this neverending pile of tentacles. you couldn't see where it's body was, it was just more and more tentacles looping around each other. they were like snakes in how they moved.
pretty sure the woman was also being fucked by them. u know how it goes... i guess the chunks of flesh in the hall were from here fighting back because it looked the same as the tongues did. nothing human.
idk basically it was tentacle p*rn but turn it from jap/ane/se k/ink to absolutely horrifying. malicious tongue tentacle entity set on torturing you for fun. eugh.
i still feel sick to my stomach :D i used to never really get nightmares but the past year i've gotten more nightmares than in my entire life put together... geez. and THIS ONE. WHAT. THE HELL. WAS THIS. my nightmares usually involve me being chased by something, NOT WHATEVER THIS WAS.
but the rest of my nightmares usually involve being trapped (or my emetophobia) so i guess it's not that weird. mostly what the fuck with the torture p*rn part. was that really necessary. it made it more disturbing than necessary.
oh now that i think about it, i think there was a man assisting the tentacles in dragging the woman. long, black hair like ai/za/wa from m/h/a lol.
anyway. bleh. HORRENDOUS start to my morning! when i tell u i woke up panting... it immediately started to calm after the first three big pants but they just become slower pants. but now i'm left feeling sick.
genuinely the gore part wasn't what disturbed me so much (but still absolutely insane), just the emetophobia part.
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cyberrrghost · 1 year
plot ideas for myself
tbh idk how to start this 😭.
my friend and i are trying so hard to make a story to roleplay/write and i was thinking 1980's vibes & like something about coming of age + shapeshifting? something that has to do with puberty/romance.
i still have no idea... but here r some ideas i had for myself (feel free to use these ideas for ur own story)
timeline: 1975-1990's
plot: teens find themselves in a freaky mansion at 12 in the night, & the moon turns them into shapeshifters? it's kinda gothic but 80's nostalgia vibes?
six kids, friend group-ish?
unique people
shapeshifting is a metaphor for growing pains, life struggles, puberty, women's issues, etc. coming of age, basically.
i wanna add a conflict- something that helps these chars bond in the story. no ideas so far!
issues controlling their shapeshifting
some romance, some drama, etc.
scooby doo type of vibes?
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slowjamastan · 2 years
#5 fifth one
the worse i make their situation the funnier it gets to me. ive done my research on zillow for LA beach houses and ive literally got their location down to The House. its 4 bed 4 bath (close enough to my criteria) and has a pool in the back. less than 10 minute walk to beach. multi million dollar home. it sounds great on paper but its actually kind of cramped very depressing and hyper suburban. and the pool is #trendy looking but tiny (glorified hot tub) and the surrounding landscape is like. evil vibes. ugly. far away enough from actual LA that you'd need a car to see anything cool. basically IMO funniest possible situation to show up at this house ready to be influencers and be like ...... oh........... its borderline sterile and simultaneously so ugly. very current year!
also by spending an afternoon writing in molossia ive realized that i really really love him and ive made basically an oc out of him and given him a big brother ish role. i love the dramaaaaa
but also every time i pull a character from my list of guys to work into the plot i realize that its not a small feat to do well and im reaching 10 main characters and its still climbing ohghguh
so either i rehash the plot or just take my minimum viable story way way down from original expectation... also since my writing skills are embarrassingly unpolished im seriously considering turning it all into 4koma formatted and styled like the old kitayume christmas events ... for selfish nostalgia reasons, like all of this is on some level. assuming its possible to do that on ao3 idk i assume so. but then i gotta do like...art. which is marginally harder
who is to say that im not gonna lose interest in this by next week! maybe i should stop writing in characters !!!
but MAN!!!!!!! i really want to get singapore and wales in there!!!! .... im willing to negotiate on latvia and tibet i Guess. and if i don't get luxembourg in there SOMEHOW i might cry i really want lux x liech to be more popular :(
actually i could negotiate on wales ... the only reasons i genuinely wanted him there is 1) he's just a little guy a little birthday boy 2) i already put work into his human alias 3) Wales Gets Trolled
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syubub · 3 years
Hey I'm not sure if readings are open now, so feel free to ignore if they're closed, but can you do what you think bts will do for their weddings? Like will it be big and formal or small and spir of the moment. Thank you I love ur blog and all your readings just feel right if that makes sense!💛
I love this so much???
Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes and not to be taken as fact! This is my interpretation~
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Sun and starseed.
Right off the bat it's gonna be lively and full of jokes and fun
Very light
Leaning a bit towards traditional
Maybe a bit...extravagant?
Like the outfits and decorations will be very cool
Probably a lighter color scheme or some fun pop of color!
Probably all the friends and family come so it big but not BIG
Probably a really fun reception with great food and I wouldn't be surprised if it was in a venue that has a nice outside?
Even outside tbh
I could definitely see it happen in the summer time!
Just so nice and inviting
Maybe on the beach
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Ace of cups, death, chariot and take a break
I pulled death and was like ??? Imma need some clarity on that
Now it makes sense
So cute and lovey and he probably wrote the most heartfelt, emotionally raw and beautiful vows known to man
Formally informal
The experience itself at the ceremony almost transports everyone to a whole new plane of existence lol
Like everyone in the room is 100% drawn into the intensity of the moment
The wedding might not happen in korea
Think destination wedding/ in a place that isn't korea
Very relaxing and just cozy, lovey and nice reception
Obviously lots of fun at the reception too but yoongi and his newly betrothed are just in a world of their own
A darker color scheme
I could see him and his betrothed both wearing black
Wouldn't suprise me
It's a bit untraditional but so very them
I wonder too if the ceremony itself might utilize a mesh of traditions?
You know the music would slap.
Definitely smaller and more intimate
(What if yoongi wrote a song to preform??? Or the members made a song without telling him and they suprise him???)
Maybe in an old building or something with a beautiful view.
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The lovers and align your self
So romantic
Like every cliché kinda romantic
He 100% cries
It would be very hobiesque?
Like its cliche and everything but in a hobi kinda way
Probably a romantic color scheme??
Twinkling lights and dreamy vibes
Pretty traditional and formal at the ceremony
Hobis reception would be so crazy fun
Infections laughter
Dumb childhood stories
Just so much happiness
It's the shit you would see in a movie
Probably a wedding hall or a "classic" wedding venue
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2 of wands, 2 of cups, queen of swords, council of light
All these came out together
2 of cups is romantic partnership so I think honestly it's so centered around him and his betrothed just being in love that they wouldn't care what the wedding was like?
Like I'm sure they'd care but it's the kind of, "I don't care as long as you're by my side" kinda thing
Very future oriented? So I think they get married simply bc the legality of it? Like by the time they get married, it's like they've practically been married for a long time before that
Maybe a bit spur of the moment
Very straightforward
Idk about where yall live but in America you can just go to the courthouse and be married
So... that might be a thing
Or just a very simple, no fanfare kinda wedding
Maybe a very natural color scheme?
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The star, two of coins and awakening
So jimims wedding is an EVENT
and I think it will be a blend between him and his partner you know?
Like, so extravagant
I feel like everyone would want an invitation
A lot of people but still exclusive
Big but exclusive
Not a cheap wedding at ALL
It's very much the most libra wedding the world could think of
Gold and black would be a good choice
It's very much something for people to look at but also very sweet and delicate too
Bold and delicate
Luxurious for sure
I wouldn't be surprised if jimin had 2 weddings?
Like one to actually be married and say the honest vows
And one for the experience and spectacle of having a fantastic wedding
It's extra and so so so fairytale meets bad and boujee
So charming too?
Like it is in no way obnoxious, it's just an experience!!
A cool ass venue or an absolutely decked out wedding hall
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Strength, play and the fountain
Everything you could ever dream of tbh
It's very beautiful and might even influence a new generation of wedding culture?
Like the wedding will be traditional ish but very... modern? Like morphing the beautiful traditions with some newer and unique things
So very tailored to him and his person
Probably a nice uplifting atmosphere
Very romantic and joyful
So. Much. Fun
Dancing and singing and the whole 9 yards
The fountain card is about oneness and being absolutely awake. It's not having to search anymore because you've found it
I honestly don't no what else to say
It's just a beautiful and perfect wedding
Probably not a million people but its full of the people that have been important to them in whatever way
Like, the people that are ment to witness it
Marriage is definitely something special and almost spiritual at this wedding.
Really nice
I would like to think its at a farm or a wedding hall
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Three of cups, four of cups and get grounded
Very chill
Definitely with family and friends and not many more people
Everyone is enjoying and celebrating and being themselves
The ceremony might be pretty traditional or formal but it's kinda like when jk had his school ceremony and he was all nervous but everyone was cheering him on
Could also be an informal "wedding" at a Vinyard
Very close and comfy and just love
Sharing an important moment with important people
Maybe sings a song
Maybe plays pop punk and edm at the reception lol
It's just so nice
Wouldn't be surprised if purple was in the color scheme
Definitely lots of drinks to go around as well!
Everyone cries
Maybe an outside reception or even an outdoor ceremony?
I think fall or spring would be the perfect time for his wedding!!
Very familial
Very nice
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vvanini · 3 years
whats your favorite obscure hc about each of the losers?
Fucking perfect thank you
1- Mike he reads books or articles like “how to understand woman”, “why women like jerks”, not because he wants to woo woman or is a nice guy or anything but just because he thinks it’s interesting
I don’t think he’d date anyone
Gives great dating advice tho
Reads manga Likes Junji Ito
“The manga/book was better” kind of guy
I don’t know why but I feel like he’d be this ENTP-ish dude who likes to gather information about a lot of useless things and likes to debate He likes film and game theories Watches MatPat for sure
Also he likes The Walking Dead and… zombies in general
Also I’m sorry but he likes Quentin Tarantino and Wes Anderson
He likes grindhouse movies and appreciates the gory details but is chill about it Likes cinematography in general
Watches video essays about movies
2- Richie
Unlike Mike, Richie isn’t chill about gory details and whenever someone gags while watching a movie he goes “You think that’s disgusting??? Lmaoooo that’s nothing.”
He’d be the type of guy who brags about being immune to disturbing shit
Google searches include “top ten disturbing movies of all time” “scariest movies ever” “movies worse than a serbian film”
Still likes pink guy and thinks Joji is a genius
Unironically loves the song “I Love Sex” by Pink Guy and listens to it at least once everyday
Uses Discord a lot
Always starts studying on the last day
I think he’d like history
Not like Mike tho, he just likes textbook history and world wars etc
Plays Hearts of Iron and League of Legends
Also :) he likes to code
he is a Linux >>>>>>>>>> Windows kinda guy
Likes breaking bad
And Rick and Morty
Understands politics really well
His music taste is… anime opening songs
Evangelion especially
Likes science fiction books
Pretends to be a flat-earther/conservative/anti-vax for the meme
3- Ben
and boy bands in general
he is old school and still carries an mp3 around
Doesn’t use spotify, he illegally downloads songs like a champ :D
Likes story rich games
Especially RPG’s. He really likes Planescape Torment and Baldur’s Gate
Kinda lame about women, like he hears Jordan Peterson say something like “the eternal image of the divine feminine” or some shit like that and he goes “wow poetic. agreed”
Doesn’t read “How to woo women” books like Mike but thinks about it a lot that’s for sure
Likes Audrey Hepburn
And Steinbeck
Saves different versions of the same song to his mp3. “The Less I Know The Better but you’re crying in a bathroom” “The Less I Know The Better Slowed & Reverb Listen With Headphones” “The Less I Know The Better Nightcore”
Shares playlists with Eddie
ALWAYS. ALWAYS waits for the person who’s tying their shoes
He notices if someone is walking behind the group alone and walks back to accompany them
If no one laughs at your joke, he does
Bleached his hair once and regretted it immediately Writes poetry in his free time and makes Stan proofread it
Into psychology
Hands always in pockets
Probably owned lots of lego sets as a kid
People go to him for dating advice because he is seen as this “romantic guy”, I mean he is but he gives terrible dating advice
He likes geography
Literally knows all the flags in the world and all the capitals
Blindfold him and give him a country name, he can show you exactly where it is on the map
Also he plays those google earth games where you get a random location and try to find out which country you’re in/ or try to find the nearest airport
Also I feel like he’d like planes a lot
Idk he just likes things that fly lol. Birds, planes etc.
Likes to read classics
LOVES H. P. Lovecraft
carries little poetry books with him everywhere and reads them he’s so cute
Dark academia is his aesthetic
Can play the piano
Likes to read Ben’s poetry :D
Dark humor
His ringtone is Le Festin :)
Has an instagram account but never posts, just watches people’s stories
Very photogenic tho.
He’s a man of culture. He likes visiting aquariums and museums
Hates zoos tho, thinks it’s evil to cage animals
Also I don’t know how to explain it but… He just likes to decorate his place? Like to the clubhouse he’ll bring stuff he likes and just quietly claims a corner as his own and make it as comfortable as he can
Has...beautiful hands
you know how some people cut the cothing labels because it irritates the back of their neck? Stan does that with everything he buys
5- Eddie
Likes Backstreet Boys because of Ben
Replies to texts immediately. Communication and social interaction gives him serotonin
I have no idea why but I feel like he’d have an obsession with Tekken and his favourite character is Ling Xiayou
Big fan of classic playstation games. Loves Spyro, Crash Bandicoot and Ratchet and Clank
He likes wearing long sleeves under t shirts
Listens to emo music, stares out the window and imagines scenarios matching the song he’s listening to
He considers MCR to be emo btw. Loves G note memes
Likes astrology
Can’t watch horror movies, and gets teased by Richie about it
However he likes media that is presented as funky/funny/happy but is actually depressing/disturbing
He likes courtroom dramas
Wears sunglasses indoors for no reason
Probably likes fallout and metro games
Has a collection of finger skateboards
#weirdcore #oddcore #nostalgia #grunge
buys and wears random college sweatshirts
Hates and loves study groups, hates it in the sense that he can’t focus on anything and just wants to hang out and talk, loves it in the sense that he CAN hang out with his friends and talk
Romanticizes everything
6- Bill
Has lots of taurus energy and is sleepy all the time
Has major Leonardo DiCaprio in The Basketball Diaries vibes
Dresses effortlessly
And likes basketball lol.
He just has… boy energy. If that makes sense. Boy next door
Likes to draw his friends
posts his drawings on Instagram
Has lots of OC’s but doesn’t know they’re called OC’s, just refers to them as “this character I created”
He likes being praised a lot ngl
His taste in memes is very similar to Richie’s
You know how they put a random word on top of a random image and it doesn’t make sense at all. He laughs at things like that. Like Richie sends him something like this:
[image of monkey]
and he thinks it’s funny and loses his shit im sorry
Like someone sends a picture of Keanu Reeves to the groupchat and texts “g” and he thinks it’s funny???? He sees a picture of a cow in the backrooms and starts choking
He memorized every line in Boneless Pizza and can quote it wihtout stuttering. Like he would be sitting alone talking to himself saying shit like “ya pizza. Watchu want. 2 liter machine broke we got one liter tho. fuck you mean B.”
Never answers calls? Doesn’t like talking on the phone. He just has “Don’t fucking call me when you can text!!” energy
phone is always on silent mode
doesn’t do anything but attracts people anyway
7- Bev
Likes musicals
Theatre kid
Chews gum a lot
And swallows them :(
Likes cottagecore
Buys notebooks with cute covers but can never fill them so she just gives them to bill who turns them into sketchbooks
I think she’d give advice or reaussure people in a way that sounds kinda rude but isn’t really? Like she tells it like it is. Blunt
Likes Avatar The Last Airbender
Sense of humor is:
[Picutre of the fox from Zootopia]
why is he hot help 😭😭😭
wears baggy clothing + long skirts
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fuck it. have the five page essay-ish thing i wrote on hoax.
it's so underrated and contains so many references to taylor's one great true love... that she lost.
(but there's also a bit about what the album cover means since i just think it adds to the evidence of something)
Let me take you on a journey, more specifically, the journey taylor’s music brought me to.
But fine for irl context, and disclaimer as well, I’m a new swiftie.
Yes, folklore was the one that really really pulled me in.
I’ve always loved her music, those that I knew of anyways, and she’s always held a special place in my heart and some part of me always knew that I was always going to explore her discography someday… and those days and months of exploring aforementioned music finally arrived.
So, for context, I’ll say that I mostly loved her bops. I always knew and loved her as that teenage girl feeling of wanderlust, and just wonder, and sweetness, and love…
That was what taylor was to me, the feeling of love.
It’s only when I very quite recently really really grew up and at the same time, taylor’s most popular music at the time, folklore, also happened to be really grown up, is when I realized and found out that taylor always had this depth to her.
So, for me, debut to speak now and half of red will always have that child-like wanderstruck look of awe and love vibe and feeling to me, cause nostalgia, it’s what I spent my life thinking of it and her as.
Also it’s been some time since I fully listened to those albums, so the journey/throughline narrative that I see from taylor’s discography is
Debut – young kid figuring it all out, emotional but sweet
Fearless – growth, ambition, dreams, complexity of wanting someone you know you’re not supposed to
Speak now – cinematic movie like quality of storytelling, these are fantasies, epics, novels all on their own, legend
Red – reckless abandon, intense extreme adult love, and also growth
1989 – true love, actual adulthood, scandal, gossip, hiding, protecting what’s important, dwindling mercurial highs
Rep - …
One thing that I started to notice only on 1989 and then it looked to be the case for the ff albums too, is that the latter half of one album oft bleeds onto the next one
So like the sound of I know places and even kinda wonderland to some extent, is very similar to reputation’s sound.
Then idk, new year’s day being a really sweet love song transitioning into lover
And then it’s nice to have a friend’s simple acoustic nostalgia & daylight’s nature imagery transitioning into folklore
And theeenn I’m betting the lakes as a positive song is a foreshadowing for the more softer positive outlook evermore is going to have, compared to folklore at least
But I honestly believe that if you look at the albums themselves, debut to speak now and red all seem to be about fleeting romances that pass and go
But 1989, that’s when things start to get real, and I believe, that’s when taylor really starts to get her muse…
Cause if you look at from 1989 to folklore evermore heck even to the rerelease of fearless and red…
These songs seem to be stemming from one relationship
A relationship that’s secret, that’s fragile and delicate, and complicated and complex
And correct me if I’m wrong, but…
Is king of my heart the first time taylor ever used the term, the one???
The one real thing you’ve ever known?? All too well
One touch you are in love??? One step one night
Point is, I think starting from 1989, most of the songs taylor wrote and sung about could all be attributed to just one person.
A tumultuous complex but nevertheless real and true love.
And I bring up the one connection because the one clearly parallels king of my heart
why would taylor write about losing someone that she thought she was the one if the person you think it’s about is still supposedly with her when she wrote it?
And finally, in taylor’s announcement of folklore, she wrote about an exiled man walking the bluffs of a land that isn’t his own, wondering how it all went so terribly, terribly wrong.
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And in its music video, you get the same imagery?
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You know where, … you… also… get… the same… exact… imagery…?
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The folklore album cover.
Where it’s taylor, walking, in the middle, so small in the grand vast bluffs of a land that wasn’t her own.
In every single music video for every folklore song, the only ONE, THE ONLY ONE, where you get the same imagery, the same color palette as the album cover, is exile.
Which is about someone, a man walking the bluffs of a land that isn’t his own.
So if taylor is the man, then she’s
I can see you standing, honey
With his arms around your body
Guess who she has a close relationship with, who betrayed her, who got married to someone else?
*regina george anger screaming*
Me is a breakup song.
Taylor rereleasing red second has so much more weight to it now.
“In the land of heartbreak, moments of strength, independence, and devil-may-care rebellion are intricately woven together with grief, paralyzing vulnerability and hopelessness.”
moments of strength, independence, and devil-may-care rebellion – me, I PROMISE THAT YOU’LL NEVER FIND ANOTHER LIKE ME.
grief, paralyzing vulnerability and hopelessness – FOLKLORE.
Then I guess, fine… we’ll get to why hoax is so fucking meaningful yet you don’t understand why it is.
Yes, my only one.
Smoking gun.
I saw someone call this a reference to the fire and ash in mtr, but I also think of this as someone being your one weakness…
Think about it like this, in reputation
And what if the one person who kept you alive through all that
Betrayed you too.
Taylor talks so deeply and passionately over how much this person matters, they were her smoking gun.
Because they were what kept her going through the death of her reputation.
When no one trusted her that one person did.
They were her smoking gun.
My eclipsed sun.
Lover ended with daylight.
Taylor called reputation as night time.
And now what once was daylight has now been eclipsed over, by betrayal grief sadness desolation.
(darling this was just as hard as when they pulled me apart, folklore is as dark as rep)
Winless fight – ma & thp, fight that someday we’re gonna win.
They or she didn’t.
Frozen ground brings me back to holy ground and to doht, my love had been frozen
The imagery of hoax’s lv, is of a cliffside overlooking an ocean
Which brings me back to gorgeous, of OCEAN blue eyes looking in mine, I feel like I might sink and drown and die
Screaming, similar to mtr’s I still talk to you when I’m screaming at the sky
(sidenote might not related to taylor references, but that line gives me hopelessness give me a reason to live vibes, and what with gorgeous’ line of sink and drown and die and this is me trying’s Pulled the car off the road to the lookout Could've followed my fears all the way down…
Anw… the sidenote is cause that feeling of hopelessness just really resonates with me personally, kind of the type screaming at the universe, at whatever’s out there why… sigh…)
Faithless love – false god
Hoax – illicit afairs
Blue… rep (delicate)
Best laid plan – dbatc, paper cut stings from our paper thin plans
Sleight of hand???
Five whole minutes pack us up leave me with it???
Could barren land also be bluffs of a land that isn’t his own?? Idk… *shruggie*
Ash from your fire mtr
New york, DBATC, 1989, false god, cornelia street
Hero died, remember when I said I’d die for you? False god
What’s the movie for, exile, I think I’ve seen this film before
You knew it still hurts underneath my scars from when they pulled me apart
Like I said, reputation… who was her saving grace/smoking gun from all that
Password let you in the door, I knew you’d come back to me, front porch light cardigan
What you did was just as dark, just as hard
Why wouldn’t it be?
They were the one she had throughout all that turmoil… yet they betrayed her too…
Kingdom come undone – komh, we rule the kingdome inside my room
Beaten my heart – KOMH, dbatc
The feeling of thinking you found the one, the one you’re going to spend the rest of your life with… the one you would throw away all of this for…
Don’t want no other shade of blue but you, no other sadness in the world would do
You don’t want anyone else but them if they were the one you were going to throw it all away for…
You don’t wanna say goodbye…
You just wanna keep feeling the pain, the love, the conflict that you had with them…
You don’t wanna say goodbye
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antifacountryfella · 2 years
before i write the rest of this post i want to make one (or two? maybe even 3 idk i didnt pull out my calculator or anything) things VERY clear; I LOVE this new(ish) crop of Springsteen-core bands (punk rock bands that either are directly influenced by the Boss or they cover many of the same things. i.e. driving on the highway while reflecting on our poor economic situation, working shitty jobs to barley pay rent while reflecting on our poor economic situation, being madly//hopelessly in love with someone very pretty while reflecting on our poor economic situation, etc.) I also LOVE Bruce Springsteen. his first SEVEN albums are all masterpieces.
ok. that being said:
recently Bruce appeared on the song "Chinatown" song by the band Bleachers. if you aren't familiar, it's like an electronic-y kinda song with heavy nostalgia vibes. lyrics include things like: "Get in my backseat, honeypie And I'll wear your sadness like it's mine" and "But a girl like you Could rip me out of my head Black tears on your cheek I want them in my bed I'll take you out of the city Honey, right into the shadow" and finally: "I wanna run I wanna run I love to chase every feeling I wanna run"
"okay Jewish Nick Miller" I hear you asking "what point are you making? all you've done is tell us that you like The Gaslight Anthem and then post some lyrics to a song that isn't even by that band" to which I would respond: you clearly need to go back and reread my post because I said I LOVE tGA. but ok, here is my point:
Chinatown by Bleachers is more of a descendant of Springsteen's music than the Gaslight Anthem, the Hold Steady, Titus Andronicus, or any other orgcore band (AGAIN, I love all these bands; they are all top ten bands EASILY) Why do I say this? Simple, it comes down to the style of music they play. Bruce played a mix of rock n roll, r&b, motown, soul, and occasionally folk. These are all genres with mainstream popularity at the time; (early 70's to mid 80's) in the case of motown and r&b they are also genres associated with a fun night out, dancing, etc. Now take the orgcore bands; the genres they pull from (punk rock, 60s/70s rock, pop punk, hardcore/melodic hardcore, soul, folk) are not popular in the mainstream.* They ARE generally associated with going to to drink and dance** and have a good time, but a random Tinder*** date would prolly be more interested in having a singalong to Sweet Caroline or Just a Friend than some hXc anthem about friendship and betrayal. anyways;
I can't speak for the rest of Bleachers catalog (the only other song i kno by them is a modern-rock-dance-electronic[???] kinda song, which doesn't bode well for my thesis if im being honest) but the song "Chinatown" does not have the problem the orgcore bands do. instrumentally the songs has more in common with electronica and hip hop than it does the Ramones and Lifetime. take a listen to top 40 from the past decade or so- our most popular pop songs take their instrumental cues from the same genres. Also, these are genres that people go out and party to. Now, this music on Chinatown is definitely more subdued and bleary-eyed than an LMFAO**** song or whatever, but that isn't the point. Bruce has soooo many songs like this- Lost in the Flood, Backstreets, Independence Day. But you already knew that, that last point there was just to answer the most pedantic person in the world. We've already covered the lyrical content, so bada bing bada boom. now you know why i think that Chinatown has more in common with Bruce Springsteen's heydey than org//springsteencore bands (59 Sound by The Gaslight Anthem, The Monitor by Titus Andronicus, Boys and Girls in America by the Hold Steady, Celebration Rock by Japandroids, On the Impossible Past by Menzingers. all fantastic albums. seriously some of my favorite albums of all fucking time right here)
yes i know, pop punk is popular. you know what i mean.
** slam dancing and skanking count as dancing!! its all i can do!
*** total tangent here but I ALWAYS think its spelled 'tindr'
**** christ, I'm old
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thelemoncoffee · 3 years
i have some snazzy little opinions, so let’s just go down the line: 
!!Really long post under cut!!
-Makoto is a basic bitch, always and forever, and we stan that -Taka looks like a Penguin and you cannot change my mind -Byakuya is just trying to look rich- -Mondo’s outfit is so extra i love it- he even added some probably temporary dye to his pompadour that was hard to see due to the lighting in the group pic -LEON! everyone was calling his fit ugly in the group pic and honestly i’m salty because he and i have the same sense of formal fashion. work it king! -Hifumi’s honestly suits him just fine, i was iffy when i saw it in the group pic but it doesn’t look too awful in full -Hiro..... buddy- i- i mean- what do i say??? it’s ugly as shit and really nice at the same time?? -Sayaka’s formal wear is a massive step up from the outfit she wears in her splash art- i never really liked that dress that much- even if it does have a cultural significance the design the picked felt cheap. But this one is really nice, and i dig it way more -Kirigiri looks pretty, it looked waaaay more purple in the group pic, but looking back the whole thing was over saturated for the lighting affects they did, so i shall forgive. she looks oddly nice in blue actually.  -AOI LOOKS LIKE A BETA FISH AND I’M LIVING FOR IT! GO QUEEN!! -Toko’s dress looks way better in full than i expected, because so much of it was covered up i kinda didn’t like it all that much in the group pic, but i’m really digging it now -QUEEN SAKURA! BEAUTIFUL!! A DAMN SUNSET OF A DRESS!!! i love seeing her indulge in being a gorgeous queen despite people’s remarks on her physique -Celeste! also beautiful, but girl are you a vampire?? the layers on that dress- and that’s a massive veil- she’s gotta be overheating in that thing.  -JUNKO! Fashionista know’s what’s up! it’s alot less gaudy than some of her casual outfits, but in a way that’s actually pretty good. i love the masquerade mask, it’s a nice touch -Chihiro....... Lucky Charms-
-Hajime’s outfit actually looks better in the group pic than here, i think it’s cause the yellow is more vibrant due to the saturation filter, so it stand out more -Nagito’s outfit is great honestly, i love how they put the shirt design on the sleeves, and i love the half-up hair, and the crooked bowtie- it’s great! -Twogami is a king, all he did was invert Byakua’s outfit and he just pulls it off so much better -Gundham’s is honestly underwhelming. This is Gundham Tanaka for fuck sake! Junko’s is more in character than this. where’s the drama sir???? -Kaz... buddy..... the colors look nice on your jumpsuit, but not an actual suit. I love the suspenders though -Teruteru’s outfit actually make him a bit cute. i’m about 80% sure the brown is suppose to be mud as to reference the fact that he’s characterized as a pig in more ways than one, but i’m choosing to call it a cola pattern ‘cause fuck you i’m going to be nice to him for once -Nekomaru’s suit is... it feels like a cursed amalgamation of a noir detective, a car sales men, a mobster, and a casino owner- and i just works so well on him -Fuyuhiko! i love it, fits him well, but the rolled up slacks are odd and kinda distracts me from the rest of the design- showing off some Bi pride there boss baby? -AKANE IS A DAMN QUEEN!! GOD PLEASE SHE COULD STRIKE ME DEAD IN THAT AND I’D THANK HER -Chiaki’s is simple, but it looks really nice on her -SONIA MY QUEEN! the oversaturation in the group pic did her dress dirty! i saw the blue originally and went “that isn’t her color”, but now seeing it without all the lighting crap she looks alot better.... and also a bit Elsa-ish -Hyoko’s in a lovely Kimono, but she’s always wearing pretty Kimonos, so it’s somewhat underwhelming compared to the rest -MAHIRU YOU SUMMER QUEEN! Mahiru has the best sense of fashion in the whole series imo, her wardrobe’s vibes make me so very happy. I grew up in a christian household (i’m not religious anymore btw) and use to be brought to services, and her dress gives me mad Easter Sunday Potluck nostalgia that i just can’t un-notice -Mikan looks too much like a hooker- i’m sorry, they really just went with the fan-service crap here and i don’t like it at all. Even if it wasn’t meant to be fan service, the dress looks tacky and has a shine on it that signifies it’s latex, so that’s just gotta be uncomfortable as hell- and for a clumsy character like her to try and survive a party in??? -IBUKI LOOKS LIKE FANCY RAVE COTTON CANDY!! THAT’S ALL!!! -Peko’s Kimono looks surprisingly nice on her, she wasn’t a character i’d assume to look good in a checker pattern but damn. i also appreciate how she still has the sword, bet- Fuyuhiko tired to convince her to leave it behind but failed
-Rantaro looks like a Used Car Salesmen. -KOKICHI MY BELOVED!!! i already voiced how much i adore his outfit when the group pic came out, so instead might i point out that he’s wearing high-water slacks and tall socks? it’s just as jarring as Fuyuhiko’s bi-slacks, but this is Kokichi so i feel like he did it on purpose. -Kiibo??? he dead ass changed his plating i-???? idk what i’m feeling towards it, but boy howdy am i feeling -GONTA!!! i love his suit, it’s out there in a good way, and i also love how he’s holding what looks like his casual coat. -Shuichi looks lovely in that suit, and i’ll never forgive everyone ever for saying he looked like a grandpa in it. It make him look a bit more Sherlock-esque and i love -3- -KORK IN A DRESS EVERYBODY MOVE!! i love how Androgynous his outfit is, both in gender and in time. like- is it feminine? masculine? modern? 1800′s england? who the fuck knows! -Ryoma looks good, but the fedora- who tf on the design staff decided to get cheeky?? eh- he’s vibing, doesn’t look too bad so long as you don’t hyperfixate on the pointy groin-stabber fedora -KAITO YOU SNAZZY GALAXY PATTERN SNORTING BASTARD! i swear he’s allergic to putting his right arm in it’s sleeve-. anywho, i love how even his dress jacket has a galaxy lining in it, i think it would have been funny if he was wearing galaxy dress shoes too but Maki would have chopped his dick off for that one -Kaede looks like her dress was inspired by one of those cinnamon peppermints- ya know the ones, they have the pink center and all that jazz? -Miu looks like she’s ready to hit up a casino in LA and honestly that’s such a good vibe! her skirt is a bit funky so it took me a hot sec to realize it was indeed a pencil skirt and not a fancy jumpsuit. -Tusmugi’s looks nice, i don’t have much else to say- kinda fitting considering her Plain Jane shtick -TENKO LOOKS LIKE SHE’S THIS CLOSE TO BREAKING OUT INTO A TAP DANCE AND I’M SO FUCKING HERE FOR IT!!! GO QUEEN!!!! -Kirumi is- well- i don’t go to Genshin Impact, but she looks like that one Genshin character, you know the one right? i think their name was a Starbucks drink size- they have a harp?? yeah -Maki’s dress is really pretty, it is a bit odd for her to wear that considering her character, but i can’t say she doesn’t rock it like the queen she is. -Himiko would be nicer without the transparent extra part- it make her looks like one of those half sphere popper things my friends terrorized me with in middle school. Other than that, you go you cute little magical girl you! -ANGIE OH MY FUCK!!! i love- i- dfj;adgad;jdgd!#2342nh;werkw??? i have no clue at this point what culture she’s suppose to be from, but that definitely looks like some traditional garb she’s got going on and holy crap is is pretty
Over all, i think the staff did a great job with this, i love a good lot of the outfits alot more than i though i would from the group pic. I do wish they would have added at least Komaru and Mukuro though- gimmy my queens yo!
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