#nosy anon asks game
theonepunkasshole · 6 months
Racism /hj
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nightmaretherabbit · 15 days
11: Best friend?
I have a lot of best friends!! At least I think they're my best friends. Here's the people that come to mind
@pyro-thon @firecurls-27 @zibiscusloon @hey-imma-fangirl @oleander-witch @springonmytraptillicomeback @chaos-ace @purplemang0z @two-vampires-kissing @/marshmallow-biscuit-blog @its-actually-ash
@zenitsufanwhoissilly and my girlfriend!! There's others but I don't know if they consider me a friend or best friend so yeah:>
[Ask Game links]
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rubeslovesthesmiths · 18 days
0, 32, 33 (for the nosy anons thing)
I'm 5'4 (if I round up)
Words that hurt me the most: you hurt me, I hate you, who would wanna be ur friend, you're a narcissistic bitch, we aren't best friends I just made you think that, you'll never make friends, you'll never get a best friend, everyone hates you, it's all your fault, you aren't enough for me, I just liked you as a joke, you're undeserving of love, go die, you can't draw or sing or act and all your passions will end in failure, you got a b+, you're a failure
Words that make me feel the bezt: you're one of my closest friends, we're best friends and it's okay that you asked it we were, *insert a compliment on my singing voice*, this is what you remind me of, I love you, it'll be okay, I wanna help you, I care about you, I git this cause it reminded me of you
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coldmori · 6 months
Nosy Anon Things:
Sunny & Omori & Hero & Kel 23
Everyone 27
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we used to get along.. but the recital came and then she.. left..?
i don't understand why she left.. or where she went..
maybe i wasn't good enough...
kel's always been my motivation to keep going, I don't think I would've made it without his help.
i've been striving to be more like kel, since he's always so happy all the time and he's a lot more fit than me
I thought that him leaving would mean ma and pa would pay more attention to me, but even when sally wasn't around they just.. didn't care?
I never had much skill in school, and though they congratulated me on my sports achievements it never sounded as excited as when hero did something science-y or math-y
I love hero, but it's hard to live up to him..
I missed him when he said he was leaving but now that I know my parents don't care about me, even after he leaves, I just wish he'd come back even more
at least he was someone to play mario kart with
sorry.. rambling
hero is great!
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don't... like anyone...
i dont dream about kissing anyone.. or cuddling anyone.. or hugging him.. or telling him i love him.. or borrowing his sweater.. or us living together.. mmm..
I don't really like anyone, but I would say that my type is...
i talk a lot so i'd like someone who was more like a listener, yeah?
and i think dark hair is nice...
like.. black hair..
and like, I guess like..
y'know kinda shorter, and-
I-I guess like very- very black aesthetic, like,
m-my, like, whole thing is very- i like bright colors and i think it would be fun if-if someome was just my opposite, y'know? opposites attract?
so like short and dark colors and a listener.. and short hair cause i have longer hair, for a boy.. and
and pale..
description: my girlfriend
this is just a ploy to get me to reveal my crush!
i-it's not gunna work! that secret is safe with me!
... haha.. secret... yeah..
please stop reminding me of her..
you already know the answer silly!
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0, 7, 8, 15, 21, 38, and 43 for the nosy asks?
Thanks! Nosy ask game
0: Height: 5’7
7: Have tattoos?: Nope. Want them though (and plan to. When I have more money lmao)
8: Want any tattoos?: Yup! Ao3 symbol atm and maybe a lightning bolt for Flash. We shall see
15: Favorite movie: Ummmmmmm *sweats nervously in Doesn’t Really Watch Movies Much Anymore* Probably Captain America Winter Soldier. I fucking adore that movie
21: What I love most about myself: My passion for the things I love. I love that I’m incapable of being Normal about things; it makes me happy :D
38: My childhood career choice: *whistles* I had. A Lot. But most notable are Paleontologist (dinosaur kid things) and spy (lol yeah)
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately: *laughs in asexual* but Hailee Steinfeld
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sportsthoughts · 3 months
Sorry if I missed this lore drop previously, but how'd you get into the Pens? I love your gifs and positivity that you bring to the lb!
Buckle up anon. I thought about one line answering this but I enjoy the phrase 'lore drop' so much I think you deserve the deep dive. It'll take a while to get to the pens but you asked for lore so...
I have been sportsthoughts on tumblr since 2015 ish - maybe slightly earlier - and this has always been a sportsblr/sports rpf-y type blog in various iterations.
This blog was originally used for liveblogging UK Premier League and La Liga football matches. I have always been a huge football fan (my childhood team is Arsenal - north London forever ❤️ etc etc) and when I moved away to university at 18 none of my new friends were into sports and I really missed watching games with my family.
Finding other likeminded fans online who were also watching games and liveblogging them was such a beautiful experience and I have amazing memories of 2015-2018ish when I was a very active football blog, spent a lot of the time in the Arsenal/FC Barcelona communities here and had some beautiful trips to Barca.
I do have a sideblog where I still dabble in that space but in truth I very rarely liveblog football anymore because nowadays it's returned to being something I watch with friends and family so I'm not on my phone during games.
Here's where the pens come in - sort of. I've scrolled back through my AO3 bookmarks and can see in 2015 I also got into sports RPF for the first time. There are some incredible football RPF fics out there (let me know if you'd like some recs!). Somehow - probably through raiding people's bookmarks - in early 2015 I ended up reading a Sid/Geno fic called And Never Been Kissed and I was absolutely hooked. At the time of reading this I had:
1. Never watched a game of hockey in my life (side note, I don't think I can understate how little hockey coverage there is in the UK. Even the most ardent sports fan would probably not be able to name a single NHL player or team. Not even Sid! Not even Gretzky!)
2. I had no idea, nor any desire to look up who these people actually were. It was just like reading really well written original fiction.
For the next 7 years I thoroughly enjoyed hockey RPF and created (in my mind) entire personalities and appearances for Sid and Geno, along with all the other 'characters I came across regularly in hockey fic. Sid, I got pretty close to the mark. Geno, not so much. One day I will try and find some reference pictures for what I thought they looked like because it’s quite hilarious. When I re-read fics I love from during that time I laugh because I remember my Sid and Geno and how different they were from reality.
So, hockey was sort of in my life from 2015 but exclusively in the form of fics. I would scroll through the actual hockey bits of works because I didn’t understand the rules and why every single fic was an AU where professional sports people were allowed to fight each other mid game.
At this point I’d left university, and because I no longer liveblogged football games, I found I really missed sports fandom. Another sport I grew up watching and loving was Formula 1 so when lockdown hit in March 2020 I started liveblogging F1 races to pass the time (and still do sometimes - now over on @vroomlive). I loved/still love F1blr, but it didn't quite fill my fandom itch because:
1. We joke about it, but F1 is a deeply unserious sport run by a dire organisation (Liberty Media). They change the rules every week and it's managed badly to the point of being comical. There have been a few major cock ups over the years (including the 2021 championship literally being taken away from the rightful winner and given to someone else. To put this in hockey terms: imagine a completely valid goal being overruled in the last 5 minutes of the Stanley Cup final and then the ref deciding to give the other team a 5 on 3 powerplay Just Because) all of this is quite disheartening for long term fans - and has resulted in quite a fractured and angsty fandom.
2. There are only about 20 F1 races a year - so it's just not a sport that's on regularly. I love sports, and I want to watch sports all the time - so a sport that only gave me content every third weekend or so just wasn't really enough for me.
At this point, when I was feeling rather sports fandom bankrupt, the wonderful work of Sid/Geno writers and the influence of the tumblr dashboard converged. I worked this out by scouring my AO3 bookmarks - in April 2021 I read a Sid/Geno fic called Game Plan that I fell head over heels for. I’m still not quite sure what about this fic grasped me so deeply but I started reading a lot more hockey RPF.
Around the same time an F1 blog I followed started posting about Mat Barzal All. The. Time. I had no interest in this man and did not know he was a hockey player but over the course of about a year I became vaguely exposed to hockey content on Tumblr through that blog, and at some point in early 2022, saw Sid on my dash for the first time. I don’t remember the exact post but I remember seeing the name, doing a double take and thinking oh Shit! That’s Sidney Crosby from fanfiction! I was flabbergasted because in my mind Sid was in his early 20s tops, so seeing this early thirties, bearded, fat bottomed man on my dash and realising that that was Sid was such a shock. 
My hockey lurker era lasted from mid 2022 to early 2023 and I spent a lot of time, um, lurking. That sounds so creepy. I suppose I had never thought about actively joining a fandom before because my fandom engagement (one direction > football > f1) had all happened really organically so actually choosing to join a space as an adult was quite an interesting process.
By summer of 2023 my husband’s job changed again meaning he works away from home most weeknights and suddenly my late nights were extremely free because I’d hang out with friends and then go home at 10/11 to an empty house which I hated. I really found myself wanting to make fandom friends and have an at home hobby I could do late at night before going to bed so taking on a sport that happened 12am-2am (timezones!) seemed like a good fit. 
Alongside this on a totally separate track was my longstanding interest in fandom - most of my professional work/research is pretty standard psychotherapy stuff but I’ve done a little bit of work over the last few years looking at sex therapy (not as sexy as it sounds) and I have a real interest in the role that fandom and especially shipping/fic plays in shaping and expressing sexuality. It’s a bit of a back burner research topic for now but I suppose over the years researching fic and expressions of sexuality via fandom and shipping has just made me fall in love with fandom itself a little bit.
Plus having lurked around the edges of hockeyblr for a while I was just like, yeah, I really want in on this, this seems like an awesome community. The reason why I chose the pens was pretty straightforward - I felt like I knew Sid and Geno and after exploring the real life hockey, I, like most of us, was quite struck by who Sid is as a person and was just completely enchanted. Another side note - hilariously, when my husband first saw a picture of Sid last year he immediately said “Oh, he looks like me!” - do with that information what you wish. 
I really eagerly awaited the start of the 2023 season and without sounding too soppy, had already fallen in love with you guys before I ever watched a live hockey game. Every fandom has its difficult corners (pensblr included!) but I can honestly say - especially after the chaos of spending my teenage years knee deep in 1D fandom and my early and mid twenties in various parts of sportsblr - being part of this space has been the most lovely, fun, friendly, lighthearted, positive and beautiful fandom experience I’ve ever had. I feel like it’s the goldilocks zone of all the previous fandoms I’ve been in and I love it.
So yeah! That is the extremely long winded answer to your question, anon. I hope this is the ‘lore drop’ you were looking for lol
TLDR: I stumbled my way through sportsblr until I accidentally ended up here and I’m never leaving.
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fishwithtitz · 8 months
Nosey anon!
7, 43, 44 😜
Thank you, anon! You're the tits.
7: Have tattoos?
I have a full color peacock feather on the top of my foot. I have plans for a dahlia piece and a greco/roman portrait.
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
Shit, just one? Because I immediately had flashes of Popia in the military jacket, Terzo with the spats, and Noah Sebastian. Or my fiance when he calls me 'good girl'
44: A random fact about anything Opossums have cloacas.
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Click for your own nosy anon list
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7 + 8 !!!
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
I honestly really really want spring lock scar tattoos… :,)
link to questions
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0m0-0m0 · 11 months
Why do you seem so apathetic?
Why are you so nosy?
If you keep asking the wrong questions, you might be met with some ū̴͖n̶̥̭̾̀ẁ̵̻̰̦͊̿a̸̞̮̽ň̶̨̳ͅt̷̎̈͜͠e̷̝̯͖̒̐̄d̵̥͒ answers.
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henrysglock · 9 months
AMA: 7, 8, 9 ,10. Want/have tats/piercings?
If you answered this already sry I didn't see it yet.
[7] -- Tattoos: I have two, one on each shoulder blade. One's a First Order insignia, and the other is a human transmutation circle from FMAB
[8] -- Wanted tattoos: I want to get more, absolutely!! I want to incorporate my current tattoos into a bigger back piece tbh, and I'd also like to get a hipbone tattoo.
[9] -- Piercings: I currently only wear the gay ear stud dfjsdkf, but I did have two sets of holes in my ears and a bellybutton piercing. I had to take the bellybutton one out because it wasn't healing properly :(
[10] -- Wanted piercings: None, honestly. I'm happy with just the one ear. If I could get my bellybutton to cooperate, I'd get it re-pierced, because I like looking like a little tart sometimes, but...egh. I dunno.
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theonepunkasshole · 6 months
... Tattoos are still a little... iffy for me...
... although, a Donnie logo tattoo would be kinda fun
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nightmaretherabbit · 15 days
36, 38, 44
36: Where I would like to live
Uhm idk. Wherever my girlfriend wants to go I'll go with her. <3
38: My childhood career choice
When I was 2 or 3 I said I wanted to be a Paleontologist
44: A random fact about anything
Did you know a group of bunnies is called a fluffle?
[Ask Game Link]
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ughgoaway · 7 months
(these asks are so cute omg!!)
ahh thank you my lovely!!! they were very fun to write :))
🌈 -what's the last 1975 song you listened to?
last song I listened to was me and you together song! getting inspo for a fic I'm doing :)
🌹-what are your favourite asks to receive/answer?
oh literally all of them, getting any ask makes me giddy!!! i just love interacting with y'all.
but I will give a proper answer, I love any asks about teacher reader concepts. they are just so fun to talk about and you all have such amazing ideas. I could talk about them all day!!!! I have like 9 asks that are all such good blurb material sitting in my inbox ready for me to scream over :)
(I also specifically love my bestie, bff anon. their asks make my day everytime, so funny and just so kind!!! LOVE you bff!!!!)
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coldmori · 6 months
For noisy anon game idk maybe 17 18 20 and 29 for Basil? There's no ulterior motives behind this :3
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hah... well
these certainly are some personal questions..
well, obviously I miss all my friends haha! and..
s-something I hate most! about myself, heh..
is that im so clumsy sometimes! haha
gotta hate that!
and uh..
reason i've...
to a friend...
w-well thank you for the questions but this anon is a bit too nosy for me! haha!
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Nosy anon 37 18 34
goddamn, okay let’s go
18. Traumatic experience
ok i don’t really wanna talk about what takes first place but in 2020 i got really really sick and it got better but also it might not… so i would say that fucked me up a decent amount lmao. i hope that i’m over the worst of it tho
34. What do you find attractive in women?
god what don’t i. if they’re taller/stronger than me, like i would love to be picked up and slammed into the counter. willing to put up with my insanity and loves cuddles. neck fetish. anyways-
37. Insecurities?
if there’s anyone out there who says they’ve never had a thing about their bodies they’re fucking lying lmao. i don’t really love my jawline or hairline but i love my figure so i guess i’m okay with that. i also feel the older i get the more i get weirder and normaler simultaneously. so.
thanks for the ask!! keep them coming please 🙏
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notesonartistry · 5 months
18, 19 and 20 :)
Hey Arshia! Thanks for asking.
18. Most traumatic experience.
I'm very lucky not to have had a lot of trauma in my life, so the first thing that springs to mind was losing my 'important' bag while travelling - passport, purse, camera and mp3 player (that dates it!). I ended up trapped in one country, having to wait 10 weeks for a new passport! Now, I'm paranoid about my passport - it gets constantly checked when I'm travelling!
19. A fact about your personality
Erm, I'm very bad at putting things off - e.g. I'll be driving towards a petrol station and think "oh, I need petrol", but then I'll keep going and not go until the light is on and it's absolutely required! In the meantime, I'll stress over the fact it needs done! It's something that I'm really working on this year - doing things when I think of them or at least earlier than I used to and saving myself the stress about it!
20. What I hate most about myself
I don't think I hate anything about myself - I am who I am and when I feel badly about something I try to think about how to change it, but sometimes I get frustrated about not being better at being open and vulnerable with people.
Actually, I'm gonna change my traumatic experience to answering question 20!
Nosy anons (or not anons!)
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