#and im so nosy i love all the answers
ughgoaway · 8 months
(these asks are so cute omg!!)
ahh thank you my lovely!!! they were very fun to write :))
🌈 -what's the last 1975 song you listened to?
last song I listened to was me and you together song! getting inspo for a fic I'm doing :)
🌹-what are your favourite asks to receive/answer?
oh literally all of them, getting any ask makes me giddy!!! i just love interacting with y'all.
but I will give a proper answer, I love any asks about teacher reader concepts. they are just so fun to talk about and you all have such amazing ideas. I could talk about them all day!!!! I have like 9 asks that are all such good blurb material sitting in my inbox ready for me to scream over :)
(I also specifically love my bestie, bff anon. their asks make my day everytime, so funny and just so kind!!! LOVE you bff!!!!)
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
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I figured she was the one to get in touch first based on Jo knowing she wanted to see her son, but I have SO many questions about that... how does she know her son survived... how does she know Ichiban was her son and not Aoki... how does she know who Jo is and how to contact Jo... (<- tearing my hair out as we speak)
Anyway when you have the opportunity please view the gameplay footage...
obsessed how its addressed to Mr. Jo Sawashiro i dont know why that detail tickles me... thats cute..
chicken-and-egg kinda deal with Who Contacted Who first. like id ASSUME sawashiro'd get in contact with her first if he was feeling guilty enough about The Whole Situation and was willing to dig into arakawa's past imo, esp since akane wouldn't have any reason (or ability to) know who he was until after he joins the yakuza.. and i mean.. shes long gone by then.. tho that's assuming they got in contact early on and they didnt JUST start communicating within the past few years.
BUT EITHER WAY just gotta wait and see for it all to play out.. in three months <- still cant believe its coming out january 26th 👁️💋👁️
IM OBSESSED WITH THE GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE im soooo glad i was right in how they were going to handle the style change aspect (though i guess it wasnt a hard thing to predict but still..). I LOVE HOW KIRYU CAN ACTUALLY ROAM FREE THAT'S SO COOL i remember people kept speculating on how the gameplay was gonna go with how different ichi and kiryu's playstyles are and this is SUUCH a rad way to answer that question. my excitement is immeasurable and im gonna throw up
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kenananamin · 8 months
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Where did Nanami go?
a small collection of events where the people around nanami wonder if he's been abducted by aliens where they switched his brain after seeing how different he is with you (but they love it and keep hoping to see more) fluff, nanami being the best boyfriend, fluff literally just typed this all in one go and did not edit. lol enjoy!
nanami is the 'i'm not reading all that, im happy for you or im sorry that happened' person to gojo. but you send one long long message to nanami and gojo glaces to nanami's phone and just sees his whole screen covered in one long blue bubble. he asks if you're ok or if he needs to step away to call you but all nanami says is no and starts reading the message. gojo sees nanami read a bit, then types a small reply, presses enter for the next line, reads some more, then another small reply, and repeat. is he replying to every single sentence in your message?!
gojo gets curious so he leans a bit closer to actually see the message. it was not an emergency... but your review and interpretation of the 2009 movie Mother?!
gojo leans back shocked. nanami would never reply to such long messages he'd send. if the message was longer than 4 lines, then nanami might never even reply to it. but he's carefully reading your message as if it was the latest report that would be the difference between life and death in the next fight. he's replying to every single point you're making and are those emojis?!
gojo is floored, truly baffled and entirely speechless.
gojo wonders, what movie can i watch that might interest nanami and get him to reply to me in a message longer than a sentence?
gojo and itadori walk out of the school with nanami. it's time for nanami to clock out but gojo and itadori are heading out to try a new restaurant that evening. nanami gets a call at 6:01pm while he's still walking with them and stays back a few steps to answer your call. nosy gojo perks up his ear to listen if nanami's voice changes when he answers your call. it's not too different but gojo swears it did change a bit as if there was a little smile on his face. there was.
you ask nanami if he'd like to join you for dinner at a restaurant after work and nanami just asks for the address and says he's on his way. he excuses himself from the guys and gojo wiggles his eyebrows as nanami says he's got somewhere to be. yuji continues to talk about the last movie he saw that he loved but megumi kept rolling his eyes at.
gojo and yuji get to the restaurant after their leisurely walk and see nanami - wait! nanami setting the table?! they're both shocked bc even though their steps were unhurried, it's not like they took a long time to get to the place. you walk into the restaurant and spot nanami wiping what would be your side of the table with his hand, wiping anything that might have been missed by the cleaning cloth.
"kento!" you smile and jog to the table. he looks up and smiles when he sees you, but the smile drops when he spots the open mouthed gojo and yuji you just passed by. you stop walking and turn to see who or what he's looking at.
gojo snaps out of it and goes to introduce himself to you before leading the group of three to the table that nanami is now standing next to. he had heard about you because he pestered nanami enough to tell him about your existence and your name, and that's really all gojo knew. he asks nanami how he got to the restaurant so quick and nanami blandly replies that you work nearby and he wanted to get there first aka he lightly jogged but gojo didn't need to know that.
nanami was kind of expecting it but it still surprised him a bit when you extend a courteous invitation to gojo and yuji if they'd like to join you both for dinner. what was not a surprise was that gojo immediately sat down. yuji hesitates a bit but you tell the young man to sit and assure it's ok. nanami sighs but decides to just roll with it and goes to slide out your chair so you can sit. gojo and yuji give a quiet 'ooooohh' to the action and nanami just shushes them and sits next to you.
nanami is stiff at first and you notice so you slide your hand to hold his under the table. gojo notices the action though and feels like giggling and kicking his feet for his friend. it still takes a while for nanami to relax a bit but he eventually slumps a bit in his seat and smiles a lot easier after a few drinks w you. gojo and yuji stick to their sodas and nanami is happy to order wine for you both.
gojo and yuji make easy conversation and everyone genuinely has a nice dinner. nanami is ready to say bye to the guys as you finish a conversation with yuji about a show. gojo and yuji excitedly watch you both walk away as nanami keeps a hand on your lower back to lead you down the street then moves to hold your hand. they start giggling out loud, a little too loud, when you step even closer to hold his arm with your other hand and lean your head on his shoulder as you walk back home.
yuji excitedly goes to nanami to ask if he can join you guys after work. nanami is confused but yuji tells him to check his phone. you had asked if he wanted to visit an ice cream parlor and bakery with you and that you had asked yuji for the name since he brought up the place at dinner.
“we were talking about the show hannibal and she recommended a movie if i liked that show so i did the same and recommended something. she said she'd let me know what she thought the next time she saw me but i didn't know when that'd be and i think she read my mind so we exchanged emails,” yuji rambles nonchalantly about exchanging information with his girlfriend.
"nanamin, i thought you didn't like sweets?" nanami confirms that he does not care for them but you like them and he always finds another bread or alternative to eat as you eat your sugar-filled dessert.
yuji gives a thumbs up and that the man has his respect. nanami tries to ignore the comment… but the compliment feels nice. what didn’t feel so nice was two other kids attaching themselves to yuji and nanami for the ice cream.
he gets in the car and looks back at nobara, yuji, and megumi through the rearview mirror and hopes you don’t mind these kids attaching themselves like leeches on your date. and you don’t mind, it was nice to finally meet some of the people he’s talk so much about and you liked hearing new stories about him.
you’re getting a couple samples and pass them to nanami once you’ve tasted a bit. he wouldn’t get a full ice cream for himself but he could do samples... and indirect kisses. you read his mind (bc you were thinking the same) and try to flirt and raise your eyebrows at nanami seductively but shy away and start to laugh instead. nanami know what you were trying to do yet again and he finds it endearing every time you do it. he pulls you in from your waist and leans down to kiss your bare shoulder thinking the kids are too busy looking for their own desserts to notice. they were not busy, they were looking and saw it all.
the kids are shocked, nobara is taking notes bc she wants that romantic gesture, yuji wants to cheer him on, and megumi's eyes widen but he wonders just how long nanami's been hiding this side of himiself. all in all, all three kids want to see this side more and start planning ways to go out with you both again.
nobara and maki go shopping for some spring clothes and as nobara is talking about a store she saw while maki got an iced coffee she stops in her tracks. nanami is inside the store they were about to pass and he's standing as still as a statue... holding a couple shopping bags in one hand and a purse on his shoulder. maki follows nobara's gaze and chuckles but prepares to walk away. nobara grabs her arm and pulls her into the store but hides behind a rack to keep watching nanami.
you come out of the dressing room in the perfect little black dress and nobara and maki can't help but stare in appreciation and awe. they were impressed by how you looked but even more impressed when nanami took out his phone and took a picture. even from afar, they could tell it was a damn good picture and that that man knew your angles.
gojo wants to go to a club. he knows nanami will say no straight up so he starts the conversation with, "hey you know what y/n might like?" gojo tries to sell the club the best he can but nanami just says ok and walks away.
gojo texts nanami later that night to ask (plead) him if he'd want to go and all nanami says is that you both will meet him there. gojo hums as he gets ready and arrives to the club. he sees you and nanami walk into the dark and loud room but immediately notices nanami's black button-up that has the top few buttons opened and no tie, and your little black dress. it's shorter (and honestly sexier) than what gojo imagined you'd wear in an outing with nanami but he has to admit that his pair of friends were a damn wonder to look at. he discreetly takes a photo of you two and sends it to nanami. it becomes nanami's favorite photo.
gojo compliments both of you and you thank him saying you had told nanami he'd look great with that simple button-up and gojo agrees. nanami blushes a bit at your compliment. gojo asks about your dress and you laugh recalling when you were getting ready. you had asked nanami if you could wear the dress since you weren't sure if it was too short and he just nodded and basically said 'dress slutty, i can fight' (not in those exact words but that's how you registered it and you fell even more in love with the man). nanami really did not care about what you wore, he would definitely voice if something was not appropriate but he has not said anything about any of your clothes since you've met. gojo couldn't even laugh at nanami's response to your question, he was impressed and turns to nanami to give a thumbs up (and writes that down to use later).
all the students sit with nanami and gojo in the cafeteria. they're sitting around waiting for their meal after their mission when nanami remembers that he promised to call you after he was done. he had accidentally let it slip that the mission seemed dangerous and you asked if he could spare a moment after the mission to call or text you to make sure he was fine.
he excuses himself and gojo faintly hears your voice before his friend fully walks out of the cafeteria for his call. immediately after nanami leaves, the students huddle closer to the table and start talking about you. gojo is kind of shocked by the student's reactions but they all look at him and in their own way talk about how much they like you for nanami. a cold and serious man has the embodiment of bubblegum on his arm and they loved it. gojo joins his giggling students and nanami waits a moment outside the cafeteria door to listen to his team rave about you before walking back in with a light blush on his cheeks.
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pawfrill · 1 month
• r/AmItheAsshole / 16.4M Members.
my girlfriend (28f) and i (27m) have been dating for 4 months, we met through mutual friends and have been seeing each other since.
she wanted me to meet her family two months into our relationship, although i felt like our relationship was moving to fast i didn’t saying anything, i just agreed not wanting to cause issues.
A week later im meeting her family at her parents house. her sister (23f) is the opposite of her; sweet, outgoing and puppy like. she's such a beautiful girl, ever since that night, i couldn't stop thinking about her. the way she speaks , her laugh and the way she looks at me. i know i sound like a bad boyfriend but the reason why, i'm with my current girlfriend is because she kept begging to sleep with me, i never liked her.
fast-forward to 3 months later, me and her sister grow closer and my partner starts to question it but i brush it off and call her crazy...after a while she lets it go. a few weeks ago, i got a phone call from her little sister asking for me to pick her up from a party because her friends bailed on her, i said yes because i couldn't leave her stranded.
when i pick her up the first thing i’d notice is the outfit she is wearing, a short short pink mini skirt with a black off the shoulder top. i could see the underside of her ass when she slid into the passenger seat of my car and after that one thing led to another and i ended up fucking her in the passenger seat of my car. After that night we continued to hookup and eventually my girlfriend asked me what is going on between me and her sister, i told her nothing and that she was overreacting... but it wasn't nothing because in the middle of our conversation, i was thinking about her sister.
read comments.
curseatter • 12mins ago : not to be nosy . . but this story sounds like satoru... but to answer your question, yes you are the asshole.
original poster: ? and to be fair i only got with my girlfriend to get with her sister.
kentonah • 3secs ago : yes.
original poster: whatever.
bloodbro • 10mins ago : ngl.. i think u have a perfect vaild reason to do what you did, its called mental illness.
original poster: i’m not mentally ill, im just deeply in love with my girlfriend’s ( now ex ) sister.
whatever. i think my reason was perfectly reasonable, i don’t need to take unsolicited advice from strangers on the internet especially those on fucking reddit of all places; but i did anyways.
satoru knows he is wrong but honestly, he doesn’t care. how could he when all he can think about is the feeling of your warm walls wrapping around him so tightly, or how you came instantly when u sunk down on him in the driver seat of his car that night.
he misses the way you would grip his hair so rashly because you were so eager for more, or it could be because you like the way his tongue felt against yours; whatever it was it had both of you comes back for more. — his cock is straining against his pants remembering all the close calls nd rushed moments with you, those are the ones he enjoys most.
he enjoys hearing you muffle your cries into your pink rose cover bedsheets, he enjoys it because he can see the white creamy ring you leave behind when he is pounding from behind.
so, no. in the end satoru isn’t the asshole in this situation, but your sister is because she has been selfishly keeping satoru away from you.
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hitmewithsomebooks · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic Jan 29 - fancy
Cowboy James au 🤠
1012 words 🙈
This will be a multi-part :)
"Now, I demand that—"
"Whoa there, fancy-pants, what seems t’ be the trouble?" James drawled, placing a hand on the fuming man's chest. He was small, slight, with a head of perfect dark curls and silver eyes, and he shot James a withering look.
"This doesn't concern you." The man snapped, eyeing James before returning to the bartender. "I swear to god, if you don't give it right now, I will knock your fucking lights out—"
"Okay, okay." James intervened again, despite the man's dismissal. Or maybe because of it.
"Now, th’rs no need t’ talk t’ mah friend like that."
The smaller man glared at him.
"Your friend just so happens to be my brother. Who has taken away my fucking phone, because he's a dick." The man spat, directing a glare towards Sirius.
"Well, tha’s not very nice." James admonished, giving him a little pout.
"And who exactly are you?" The man asked James, turning to properly face him, an expression of annoyance and disdain on his face. Here, Sirius cut in.
"Regulus, this is James. My friend. James, this is Regulus, my menace of a little brother." Sirius introduced.
"Regulus." James repeated, grinning, and stuck out a hand. "Lovely t’ meet ya."
"Can't say the same for you, given you're so nosy." Regulus sniffed, but shook his hand anyway. James squeezed his hand a little, then let go.
"Well, since ah’m so nosy, ah’m gonna ask why exactly Sirius took your phone. Cuz ah gotta feelin' he might have a good reason." Regulus opened his mouth to protest, but Sirius cut him off.
"He won't stop texting an arsehole who broke his heart and stole his job." James's eyebrows raised.
"Well that just won' do." He frowned, looking down at Regulus. "Why're you still textin' ‘im ?"
Regulus looked, for just a moment, vulnerable. Then, he put his chin up, and a mask with it.
"He has a really big cock." He replied, granting James and Sirius a sharp, self-satisfied grin. Sirius rolled his eyes, and James laughed.
"Good to know whatcha like, sugar." James murmured, and Regulus's eyes widened minutely. Sirius, luckily, had been distracted by another customer, and hadn't heard James's remark.
James had left the bar only a few minutes after they'd met, needing to help out a friend with something. He promised he'd be back later, and Regulus was anticipating it more than he'd like.
"How come you didn't tell me you'd befriended a tall, smooth, hot-as-fuck cowboy??" Regulus asked Sirius, tone incredulous and annoyed.
"Because I knew you'd jump him, and I didn't want him to be your rebound." Sirius answered, giving him a pointed look.
"Oh, please." Regulus scoffed, downing his shot. "That man doesn't seem like he'd be at all phased by a little rebound." Sirius frowned at him.
"He may seem like a confident, smooth-talking cowboy, but he's also quite kind. Considerate. I don't want you breaking him." Sirius answered, and Regulus scowled.
"In case you don't recall, my last relationship ended with me breaking down sobbing in your arms and sleeping on your couch for a month." Regulus said pointedly.
"I do, thank you. But I also remember how you ended it with Will, who was really decent. Bloke texted me for  weeks asking why you'd done it like that. You fucked him up, Reg."
"He's fine. His fragile masculinity will survive." Regulus waved it off, playing with his glass. "But come on, Sirius, did you see James?? He's exactly my type. I mean, the curls, the eyes, and, lord, those thighs in tight fucking jeans? Send me straight to hell because I. Want. To. Sin." Regulus groaned, pleading to Sirius.
"No." His brother replied shortly, before going to tend to another customer.
It was only two hours later when James returned to the bar, but now the place was bustling, as it was 8:30. Music was booming throughout the place, full of happily buzzed people dancing around and on one another. Regulus was sat at the bar, glowering at his phone still in Sirius's back pocket. He didn't even care about Barty anymore, he was just bored. Or so he told himself.
"Hey there, fancy-pants." A voice rumbled in his ear, and Regulus startled. Then, he turned, meeting warm hazel eyes.
"Well hello, nosy." Regulus replied, fondly. He was pleasantly tipsy, just on the edge of drunk, his usual wall-like inhibitions lowered. James flashed him a pleased smile.
"Sirius still got your phone?" James asked, glancing at the busy bartender.
"Yes, the cunt." Regulus groused, his tongue also even sharper when he was tipsy.
"Y'know, fer such a pretty thing, y’ve got a filthy mouth." James commented, but it wasn't an admonishment. A wicked smile played his lips as he said it.
"Yeah? Well, what are you going to do about it, Mr. Morality?" Regular sneered, taking another sip of his drink.
"Ah’m gonna ask you to dance, sugar." James replied, and a pleasant shiver went through Regulus's body at the nickname.
"Sorry, but I don't dance." Regulus hummed, partly to make it harder for the man and partly because he really wasn't too confident in his dance moves.
"Mmm, ah think you do. Jus' has to be with the right person." James smirked. Regulus gave him an amused look.
"And you think that's you, do you?" He asked, swirling his drink around his glass.
“Ah think that you really want that phone back, and if y’ dance with me, I’ll get it for you." James rumbled, and Regulus's eyebrows raised.
"Is that so?"
"Yes sir." James grinned, and Regulus shivered again.
"How will you get it?" He asked, wondering how far he could push this man.
"D'you see him? His attention's on nothin' but the customer's drinks. Ah could easily tell him ah’m slippin' out, pat him on the back, and swipe your phone. He prob'ly wouldn't even hear me." James drawled, and Regulus looked at him contemplatively.
"Okay." He sighed, pulling himself away from the bar. "I'll dance with you."
Next part
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blindmagdalena · 4 months
hi!!! hope you're doing well! i wanted to pop in bc this thought has been rattling around my brain all day, and im not sure if u've answered something similar already, but if u have u can just ignore this!
i wanted to know how you think homelander would react to the person he's with sayinv "i love you" first. say its only been a few months, and i feel like it would be somewhat unexpected, but nonetheless sincere.
in this scenario, i picture that he definitely feels the same way, but he's always wanted to say it first so i think that would annoy him just a tad. and love has always been such a conditional thing for him... anyways, i would love to hear your input on this!
a few months? bold of you to assume he hasn't already proposed.
Homelander is a lovebomber. he's buying gifts, flowers, he's snooping through their life to figure out what makes them tick so that he can keep his finger tightly on the pulse of it. he's intensely nosy in general, but he absolutely frames it as being for their benefit.
now, theoretically, let's say he's under the impression that he shouldn't say it, so he's holding off. i still can't imagine any scenario where he's bothered by his lover taking that kind of initiative.
Homelander is notoriously the one doing all the chasing. he's pursuing, instigating. progressing. he wants it so badly that he can't help but sink his teeth into it and hold precisely because it has been so much of a bartering chip in his life.
frankly if you managed to catch him off-guard with the first 'i love you,' he'd be fighting back tears, and you'd be hearing it echoed back to you for the rest of the night.
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sugar-omi · 4 months
Hello ! I was mentally torturing myself and I thought that I could share my heart wrenching thoughts. (No I'm not utterly traumatized, in a good way I promise, by the cheating on Cove with Baxter fic.)
Buuut... in step 3, if we like Cove and didn't confess he does. It's an adorable moment however, Cliff's reaction about our new baby couple left me wondering. He says that MC and Cove's relationship will either end up with the breakup of a lifetime or a marriage. Even if, it is meant to be a lighearted comment, it says a lot. So don't you think that MC's could feel pressured (by their family) to date Cove, even if they like him ? MC could be in love while also being so confuse about their feelings for him and being unable to say if they're just trying to fulfill their families wishes.
That was a lot, so feel free to answer or not. Sorry for my English and have a good day ! :p
no bc i think about this a lot, but in the way of how would i act if this was actually my life? n i also think about loving cove so much, it feels like an obsession, loving him so much that it chokes you up.. i just get this so much n im really glad you brought this up bc i wasn't sure how to bring it up myself!!!
tags : Angst / Hurt/Comfort, ramble. a very big ramble.
synopsis : MC is very overwhelmed by their feelings for cove, and the expectations of others.
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your whole life has been this small town, this sleepy street out of an even sleepier town. the most excitement and life you get is from your neighbor, someone who has always been there since life began to matter.
and even if you have a bunch of friends from school, there's a big difference between them and someone you see every morning and before bed.
you have to find opportunities to see them, to see derek, to see lee, but seeing cove tomorrow is always guaranteed.
so it's obvious you'll catch feelings for him, and if those feelings turn to love, it's such a strong feeling for someone so young. it's a feeling that'll drown you, choke you up, it keeps you up at night and you feel like you could cry because everything about cove is so perfect, he's so lovely and kind and he turns what could be a nightmare into a dream.
but it's such a fragile feeling, and it takes something so small to break it.
even if it's obvious, so obvious that cove loves you back, especially when he asks you on a date. but just like he's worried about, what if this feeling between you is just because of how small this town is, and the even smaller distance between you and him.
and that your families are only so close because your parents have been conspiring on you two since before you even knew of each others existence.
and that you have only had this many opportunities to fall in love because his dad bribed you to be his son's friend, your parents urging you to be kind to the new neighbor, your sisters insistent teasing about your 'baby boyfriend', lee asking about the obvious tension between you when you're 13 and can't even breathe the same air without blushing.
even derek asking if you like anyone, and you can't forget baxter asking how long you and cove have been living together...
there's no way that the nosy neighbors and passerby's haven't made comments about you and cove. i won't even bring up your school mates, who are probably relentless about how close you are.
someone definitely tells you that cove likes you. and tells cove that you like him.
as if you didn't know, as if it wasn't so obvious there was something.
so many people dangling this tension in front of your face, teasing you, prodding you. so many people, especially the older folk, anticipating the obvious. or what they think is an obvious ending to the story of two neighbors.
it's scary. because what if this feeling is just anxiety? what if this feeling is just built off all the nights you fantasized about him? built off all the times your sister visualized your wedding to cove over dinner.
what if the heat in your cheeks is just because your classmates are yelling across the hall about you liking cove, or cove liking you.
what if it's just because the teacher is telling you two to "get a room" or "you can makeout later, get to class!"
and god the way cove looks at you. the way he acts around you, the things he does for you.. it just makes your heart flutter more. so much more
but it also scares you. what if you disappoint him? ruin what you have? it terrifies you. and your feelings terrify you even more.
you're so in love with him you feel like you could fly. you would give him the world, sun, moon, and stars. you'd hand it all over to him on a silver platter, and still give him more.
it's all scary.
such intense feelings, and so many expectations. all that combined with your overthinking, your fears that eat you up in the night.
you can't be at fault for not confessing, or rejecting cove. but why does it hurt so much?
it haunts you for a long time, the guilt, the look on cove's face, trying to avoid why there's awkward tension between you... but i hope you get over it. even if you don't, i hope you realize why you did it
it was easier to dissect your emotions from everything else once you've had a chance to grow and experience life outside sunset bird.
and your and cove's worries about your relationship and feelings only being true and sturdy because of all the adults around you urging you together, is easily found false (to an extent, everyone still brags about setting up certain events to get you two close) when you two are still a thick as thieves
so if you or cove confess in between step 3-4, or you or him confess in step 4, i hope you feel comfortable accepting it now that you don't feel as much pressure having a happy ending with cove
and even if you do, you're the only one cove will want, so take your time, and maybe this time, you can get through your fears with a little communication this time?...
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raainberry · 4 months
Chocolate Heart
« A strong, sweet love. »
Dahyun x gn!reader
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synopsis - confessing to your crush on valentines day very rarely goes as planned anyway
wordcount - 3K
T/W - Food, young love, crushes all that good valentine’s stuff, soft cuss word
A/N - shoutout @saiiidahyunee its as long as it took for me to write about Dahyun im so sorry💀
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The cheerful word caused you nothing but chills and fright. You blinked at the two class presidents standing before you, grinning as though disturbing your nap was the most fun thing in the world.
“For what?” You mumbled half asleep. Unless you were out for months, it wasn’t your birthday yet. Neither had you accomplished anything worth celebrating.
“For possibly going on a date in the next few weeks!” One of them cheered once more while the other revealed a pen and paper from behind her back.
The girl ignored the utter confusion on your face and shoved the pen into your hand before sliding the paper accross the table you were so comfortably napping on a minute ago.
“Do you have a crush?” Her co-president asked, and you could tell his tone went beyond the required professionalism. Just plain nosy.
You sighed as you finally realized what this ambush was about: the whole Valentines Day love campaign your school loved to put up every year in order to help fund whatever was in need.
The concept itself was fun and harmless: class presidents chasing their classmates down the halls, offering to confess to your crush for you in exchange of a couple bucks.
Deal of the year for a lot of high-schoolers, and it wasn’t even done badly. The whole thing was cute; a fresh, red rose they delivered anonymously on your behalf on D-Day. While they filled the school’s pockets, you got to see your crush smile at least once thanks to you. To a young teenager foolishly in love, the sight was priceless.
Even if you drew the shortest end of the deal—a.k.a your crush not giving a damn—they’d never know who it was from anyway. Saved you a lot of embarrassment, which in all honesty was just as priceless.
“No, I don’t have a crush.” You answered him, and the way his features noticeably fell was particularly satisfying.
“Do you now? Don’t you think we’re a little too old not to notice these things?” The girl wiped the small smirk off your lips and you blinked. “We’ve been in the same classroom all week for four years, we’ve seen the way you treat the new girl.”
The seat suddenly felt uncomfortable underneath your legs. “What does that even mean—I don’t treat her any different than I do you guys.” You chuckled, nerves unfortunately too clear for the guy not to revive his own hope.
“Sure you don’t.” The girl smiled, the pull at her lips borderline fake. “But you haven’t walked any of us home yet, have you?”
You shifted in your seat once more. “We happen to live in the same neighborhood. If you’re jealous just say that.”
The girl’s smile seemed to falter for a second, dropping only to stretch itself wider and brighter than before. You caught her clutching the small stack of paper tighter against her chest, causing you to knit your eyebrows together.
You weren’t oblivious. At least not more than she claimed herself to be. You had your fair share of secret admirers across the years, a few roses sent your way; but it was no secret that you never pulled on any of the strings thrown your way by the bravest of them.
“As if.” She shrugged off and you nodded, appreciating how she stuck to her role.
There was never any want nor need on your end. A relationship was never an idea on your mind, but it doesn’t mean you couldn’t and didn’t have a harmless thing for someone here and there.
All unrequited, as per the majority of high-school love, but you managed to find the fun of it. Silly jokes and random eye-contact rushes were satisfying enough.
Until she came along.
“So do you like her or not?” The boy cut her off, saving you both from an uncomfortable moment only to send the three of you into a silence of that same nature.
You hoped your lack of answers would get them off your back, but the longer it lasted, the more it proved their suspicions to be right.
You could see the delight on the boy’s features grow as much as the frown on the girl’s. You ignored the latter for as long as it took for her to cover it up before she tapped the paper in front of you.
“It’s our last year.” She spoke up. Her voice was softer than you were used to. It caught you off guard. “You might regret not participating at least once.”
Whatever, you thought, looking down at all the names already written down. Might as well, she won’t know anyway.
You gripped the pen, following your hand as your fingers painted the name of the girl you’d come to care so much about.
Kim Dahyun - Senior Class B
“Here.” You slammed the pen against the table. “Happy?”
“The two dollars.”
You looked up at them and sighed once more.
“Kind of a scam but okay…” You mumbled, reaching into your pockets for the remaining change of your allowance.
The bill was inconvenient. Sure it wasn’t much, but when you’ve been cut off for the next two months because of a silly prank… Might as well say you’d bet your whole fortune on this crush. It sounded cool anyway. Your grandkids would eat this up.
Valentine came around quick, and you spent all day watching people receive roses in all corners of the school.
Young love filled the air, time was nothing if not stuck in this carefree atmosphere roaming with still naive and hopeful spirits. As much as you would have liked to be cool about it all, you weren’t an exception. You couldn’t help but wonder whether Dahyun had received hers or not.
Maybe in sixty years you’ll probably laugh at the memory, but in the moment it didn’t feel half as funny.
From eight in the morning, all you could do was stress over whether she’d accept it or not. Would she even like it? If she had, did she smile as brightly as you wanted her to? Had it made her as happy as you hoped? Granted she wouldn’t know who it was from, but you hoped the gesture would actually make her smile. Your heart couldn’t stay still in your chest, eager yet nervous to see her.
You waited all day to see her, looking out at every corner of each room and hallway you walked in for a glimpse of her pretty, dark and long hair, fair skin, and cute nose appreciating whatever scent was left of that cheap flower.
By 4pm, she was still nowhere to be seen. Was she avoiding you? Did she even get that dang flower?
The bell rung the end of your last classes for the day, and you took out your frustrations out on your poor locker. You hadn’t opened its door this aggressively since you got detention for sleeping in class. Something very infuriating in failing at what you usually master.
Whatever, at least you helped the school.
You got your bag off your shoulder, glancing inside the locker for your books only to find… a rose? Had she sent it back to you?
You winced at the thought, the pinch in your heart taking you by surprise.
So this is heartbreak…, you sighed reaching for the flower. If that wasn’t painful enough, one of the thorns poked your finger and you almost laughed at life’s comedic timing.
You watched the small wound on your skin as it reddened slowly. It’ll heal fast enough. Couldn’t say the same for the one in your chest though.
This was the stupidest idea ever, why did you even give in to their pressure…
You wiped your finger on your shirt, a small stain you’d come to regret later but held very little importance in your eyes when a small card fell to the ground.
The book you’d grabbed felt heavier with each second you took to identify where it had come from. The only logical answer was your locker, but how had you not noticed it?
Shoving the homework material in your bag, you bent down to pick it up before closing your locker. Your eyes were glued to the writing on the folded paper, widening as all sense suddenly hit you.
Your name… the careful and precise calligraphy… The rose… It was her.
Maybe she hadn’t given the flower back to you. Or maybe she did, but her gesture meant something entirely different.
Your fingers were hesitant on the card’s edges, grazing and ghosting papercuts as you gathered enough strength and composure to open it.
You pulled out what you had rightly guessed as a letter, handwritten by the cutest of them all. Your eyes were eager at the thought of unveiling her thoughts, brushing past every single one of her words before finding the ones you wanted to see the most.
« I hope you actually like me, Y/n. You’ll regret it if you don’t. »
Okay, maybe this wasn’t the way you’d wanted them, but it was enough to pull a giggle out of you. It was a running joke, it was known across the school how no one should mess with her. Rumors of her song at the talent show being about an ex, those did a great job at spreading the word. Whether or not they were true, her songwriting was good enough of a threat for anyone who might have dared to.
Judging on the speed of your heart alone, she had nothing to worry about in that regard. Her written confession had you a mess, you couldn’t wait to meet her for more.
You wanted to hear her say all those things to you. How she liked your eyes whenever they were on her. How she liked your smile whenever you tried to see hers. How she liked your laugh whenever you tried to hear hers. How she fell for you and could only hope you’d catch her.
You were soon running through the streets, rose in hand as you ran past people, leaving bits and pieces of that love and hope behind for the nosiest of them.
You sprinted to the nearest park, the one you usually parted ways at on your way home from school. Why didn’t she wait for you today? It would have saved you the extra gym class.
“Dahyun!” You yelled, way too loud for the remaining distance separating you from her, but at least you caught her attention.
The way she turned around… You could have tripped at how beautiful it all was; the scenery that drew itself around her.
The grass looked beautiful, fresh and green at her feet as if her standing there only did the opposite of killing it. The sky, the clouds, the sun all indecisive over the weather, like her presence was enough to throw them off balance. Only the wind seemed to stand its ground, carrying those dark strands of hers as gently as it could. A present for you, offering you a chance to picture her perfect charm in your mind.
It was an instant, she turned to answer your call and faced you with eyes as sweet as ever while your lungs fought to keep themselves and yourself alive a little longer. Breathtaking had just taken a whole new meaning.
You could only hope it felt as cinematic on her end, but the way she laughed into the wind, carrying the sound all the way to your ears as you ran towards her significantly reduced that hope by at least 50%.
Oh, well. At least you made her smile.
“Is this yours?” You asked, holding up the rose as you slowed down, finally close enough to her.
You waited for her answer, breathless as you took great care in stopping before bumping into her. You made sure to leave enough space in between the two of you, but the air that filled it was suddenly heavy with anticipation.
Your breath hitched in your throat. There went that pinch in your chest again. This wasn’t something you wanted to get used to. “What?”
“I think it’s yours.” She said, pulling out another one from her back. “This one’s mine.”
“Wh—Huh?” You grimaced, eyebrows furrowing together as you glanced back and forth between the two roses. “Then what’s this?”
“I guess someone has a crush on you.” She said, her voice soft. You barely heard it, but the slight loss of light in her eyes was enough to make you piece it together.
She wasn’t joking around. She really wasn’t the one who’d put that rose your locker.
“Oh.” A nervous chuckle escaped you as you glanced at the rose. You had an idea as to who it was from, but you couldn’t care less at the moment. You weren’t going to let this ugly miscommunication ruin your chances. “Well, here. Two for one.”
You handed her the rose in hopes of bringing back the glow that suited her features so well. It was never too long until you managed to do so, and this time was no exception.
“Are you seriously recycling someone’s love right now?” She chuckled and you shrugged. You actually were thinking of it as a proof of only having eyes for her, but alas…
“You’re never too green for the planet.” You joked out of habit. “It’s the least I can do to thank her for these beautiful flowers.”
“For the planet.” She nodded, grabbing the stem carefully as to not hit any of its thorns. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” You smiled, and the heavy air turned awkward.
You eyed the space in between, making out every single unspoken word in the short yet frightening distance. Both of you were aware of them now, yet neither dared to cross it.
“Why didn’t you buy me one?” You asked, suddenly curious. If she had planned to confess today of all days, it only seemed logical for her to do so.
“I did. Just not the ones from school.” She said, bringing up the small gift bag she’d been holding on all this time.
Your face lit up and you stepped forward to look inside, something that made Dahyun’s heart pick up the pace. “Oh my gosh, you did!”
How lovely was your smile from up close. Overwhelmingly so. “I made you some chocolates too.” She mumbled as you struggled to keep still.
“No way!” You held onto the baby sized rose in your hand, digging inside the bag with the other to pull the small box at the bottom. “You didn’t…”
Dahyun only nodded, hiding herself behind the sudden need to tell you all about the day she’d spent planning her small confession.
You smiled all the way down to your heart, listening to every one of her words. She’d spent a whole afternoon in the kitchen to make sure everything came out perfect. Her evening was spent writing out her feelings for you, erasing and rewriting every word as she tried to find the right ones only to spend her night tossing and turning in her sheets, nervous and excited about sharing it all with you today.
“Dahyun they’re so good, thank you so much.” You hummed as you tasted one of her chocolates. “Did you have some?”
Dahyun only giggled, glancing down at the ground to avoid your playful ones. It never lasted too long though, only a second as she couldn’t fight the way her eyes were so easily drawn to you.
“Here have one.” You offered, holding what seemed to be a dark chocolate one to her lips. “Come on.” You insisted when you noticed she was hesitant, which only lead you to a playful fight as she resisted you trying to feed it to her. “Please enjoy it! You did all this for me, and I only got you a cheap flower, how does that make me look?”
“I don’t know.” She laughed as your hold on her loosened, defeated. “I mean…”
You cleared your throat at the sudden feeling of your arm around her waist.
“Right now you’re looking very pretty.”
Maybe it was the proximity that reassured her; that gave her enough confidence to confess those thoughts of you. How close you were to her, it felt as though you could only catch her if she jumped that distance.
So she did. She jumped, but failed to close it. Her lips were still and shy near your own, so you brought a hand up to her chin, guiding her towards the smile she’d caused.
Again, it was only an instant. A soft press of your lips, capturing each other’s in a gentle and warm feeling you discovered for the first time together.
It was funny, how she could taste the sweet chocolate on your lips despite herself. And not to pat her own back, but she did a great job.
It was addicting.
Or was it your lips? She couldn’t quite tell just yet, but surely she’ll have time to figure that out.
“So you knew?” You grinned, unable to hold back the happiness you felt.
Dahyun nodded, pressing her lips together as a sign of nerves still high. “Did you know too? About me?”
“Well, I definitely do now.” You chuckled, pulling away to hold her card up, still smiling at the words it contained. She blushed at the same thoughts. “You’re a very talented writer, Dahyun. You make me sound much better than I actually am.”
You joked yet again, suddenly remembering your beloved “class-clown” title. You weren’t exactly proud of it, but you did take pride in bringing joy into this class. That’s what made you so popular, what allowed you to break out of your own shell and make friends with about anyone.
“No. That’s just how good you are to me.”
You took care in making sure no one was ever left behind, especially the quiet and smart ones like Dahyun—often despite themselves—by pulling everyone and anyone into your banter.
As the new kid, Dahyun purposely sought a lack of attention. She kept to herself, but you caught her laughing along with everyone. Maybe that’s exactly what caught your attention at first, and you were surprised she didn’t push you away the first time you approached her.
That’s what usually happens when an academic ace and a class clown are paired together.
“Glad my efforts didn’t go unnoticed.”
“I mean, it was hard not to notice them…”
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sweetlves · 1 year
pov: daddy issues…
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synopsis. for some reason you can’t fathom this strange feeling towards your teacher gojo satoru.
characters/pairings. gojo satoru x fem! student reader (platonic)
genre. fluffy fluff, angst
tw. implied past sa, thoughts of illegal relationship
a/n. *cue daddy issues playing*, ngl this was kinda lazy…also was inspired by me having crushes on random dilfs i see in public…
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the snow looks as beautiful as ever.
it reminds you of a special someone. specifically your teacher. the worlds strongest jujutsu sorcerer.
walking down the campus, trailing behind your classmates. thoughts cloud your mind.
gojo satoru.
what is gojo to you? you don’t know yourself. he’s your teacher at jujutsu high. a strong man who wouldn’t hesitate to side with you, even if it means going against the jujutsu world.
but something is off. you can’t quite put your finger on it. just on the tip of your brain, getting you frustrated as time passes.
looking ahead you realized you had stopped walking. everyone is already far ahead. and suddenly a deep familiar voice speaks up from behind you.
“hey y/n, what’s up? something on your mind?” yes actually, specifically him.
“oh uh- well… yeah i guess….” you sigh out, slightly taken aback from his sudden appearance.
“wanna share? i promise i’m not that bad of a support system!”
“ah…it’s alright, you know, it’s… personal,” fiddling with your thumbs under the sleeves of your sweater.
“no problem, you can tell me if you feel the need to though. you’re my responsibility after all.” he says with his usual smile.
after being escorted back to your dorm room by gojo. you flop on your bed, head still puzzled with the thought of gojo. why can’t you stop thinking of him?? why is he so sweet?? why do you feel this strange feeling towards him???
is it normal to feel this way? for some reason he brings out this feeling in your heart, it’s suffocating yet warm and very hesitant. like it’s wrong to feel this way but another side of your heart makes it feel so right. is this love? or simply something platonic?
for some reason, you can’t tell. he is attractive. but would you date him? you don’t know? after all he’s your teacher; an adult and you’re still a minor. is it wrong to think like this??
there’s so many questions you want to ask yourself, but can’t answer.
you’ve been cooped up under your blankets, feeling like you’re going crazy from all this confusion. romantic and platonic racing across your head like a never ending war. why is it suddenly so hard to tell the difference?
you’ve never felt this way with itadori or fushiguro. why gojo, out of everyone why did it have to be him? a dark feeling of disgust and shame with yourself forms in the pit of your stomach. guilt being stuck in the middle of your throat, feeling like it’s suffocating and burning.
suddenly a knock interrupts your thoughts from spiraling even further. while taking deep breaths, trying to compose yourself, you get up and open the door.
and low and behold, it’s satoru gojo. the very man who has been driving you crazy for the past few weeks. he surely has felt your cursed energy going crazy from where ever he was earlier. that’s probably why he’s here.
“hey y/n”
“oh, hi gojo-sensei” you say meekly, trying to hide the obvious emotions displayed on your face.
“not to be nosy or anything, but i sensed your cured energy from the building over. just wanted to check up on you.” he says in his casual tone, a slight concern showing.
“mm, thank you, im okay though”
“your cursed energy says very different…” he pauses and his voice becomes softer, “you know you can talk to me about anything right? I promise. even though i may act childish, im still an adult at the end of the day…I’m always gonna be here for you.” you can feel his caring gaze through his blindfold. it feels almost piercing.
your mind pauses for a second. suddenly a warm flush spreads over your heart. it skips a beat. you stand there just staring at gojo, confused at how his words affected you so much.
“I…uhm…” you struggle to find the words on how you would even explain this situation to him.
“mhm, it’s alright..go ahead…” he ushers you on gently.
“uhm…” you feel claustrophobic, chest feeling tight and hard to breathe.
“can we go outside first…?” you sigh out a breath you were unconsciously holding.
“of course!”
you rub your hands against each other under the sleeves of your sweater. gojo and you are currently outside on campus, no one else around. you both settle on a bench in a small isolated, yet beautiful area.
“you alright?” he looks to his side at you.
“yeah thanks..” you look down and hold and rub your hands in an attempt to get used to the sudden cold temperature.
“cold huh?”
“c’mere, I could try to warm you up”
you face him in curiosity. he softly grabs both of your hands and rubs them in his own. they are much bigger than yours, envolping you whole. so strong looking and manly yet gentle and soft to the touch.
he brings your hands up to his mouth and cups them while he huffs out his warm breath.
“warmer now?”
“y-yeah…” if only he knew what that would do to you. your heart is racing. an indescribable feeling overcomes your whole body, it’s so warm and exciting, like fireworks. is this love or are you being delusional??
“..so…what is it you wanted to tell me?” he starts curiously, sitting back in his usual position.
“oh yeah…” you pause and sigh out in preparation for his reaction.
he leans back on the bench with his arm along the topside of it behind you. his fingers slightly grazing you. that small touch makes your body feels like it’s burning up.
“I uhm…have this weird feeling…” you shift in your spot slightly.
“mhm…” he nods along. judging by his silence and body language, you can tell he’s furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.
“i mean, i don’t know how to explain it….”
“well, what’s this feeling of yours?”
“it’s about…you….” you say the last part hesitantly. you can feel his arm behind you move slightly. he shifts in his seat in anticipation.
“hm…about me huh…?”
“yeah…” you look at the ground and curl your body to yourself.
“why specifically me?” he slightly tilts his head, still looking straight at you.
“i don’t know….” you say in a small voice.
“alright…then what about this feeling you have..?” he asks inquisitively.
“that’s the problem…i don’t understand it.”
“well, is it…hate?”
“oh, no no. it’s nothing like that.” you counter him, worried about the misunderstanding.
“oh that’s good then!” he says in a giddy voice then pauses, “so? if it’s not that then what is it?”
“…uhm, before i say it, promise you won’t be mad?” you fidget with your fingers, staring at the ground.
“i promise y/n, there’s nothing i could be mad at you for.”
“mm…i…i think…” he shifts up in his seat more.
“i think…i like you…” you say flushed and with hesitation in your voice. you feel his arm pull away from you and retreat back to himself.
you immediately regret the words that came out of your mouth. a hot, suffocating guilt piling up in your throat again.
there’s silence for a couple of seconds but you don’t dare look at him. not after what you just said. what does he think of you? he must think you’re disgusting, or some girl with crazy daddy issues. awful thoughts fly through your mind. you can feel the shame of tears threatening to pour out of your eyes.
“i-im..i’m so sorry…” you say quietly with shame in your voice. you try to swallow the intense emotions blocking your airway.
“y-you must think i’m disgusting…i’m so sorry…” you can feel your heart and voice crumpling down. you cover your face on the verge of completely breaking down from shame and embarrassment.
you feel a big hand wrap around your wrist and gently pull it down.
you glance at him. he took his blindfold off. his bright blues stare right back into yours. but his beautiful eyes are filled with…a sad expression? why does he look sad??
“…i told you i won’t be mad…and I’m not. just..a little shocked…”
“…no no, it’s not ok…I’m disgusting for thinking like this…im so sorry…”
“y/n” he says firmly, “you’re not disgusting. you’re a beautiful, strong, ambitious young lady. there’s nothing to be ashamed about with these feelings. it’s not your fault, don’t you ever blame yourself.”
you feeling tears running down your face. he brings his hand up to your cheek and wipes away the tears gently.
lifting up your chin to look at him, he says, “and don’t you ever apologize for something that’s not your fault…”
those words were all it took for you to completely break down. you sigh out sharply from the pain of all the emotions in your chest.
gojo pulls you into his chest and holds you full of care. you cry into his shoulder and neck clinging onto him as if you’ll die the second you let go.
the noises and cries of agony and shame you held for years, come pouring out all at once. he never loosened his grip around you for even a second. rubbing small, reassuring circles in your back.
after almost half an hour of sobbing, you pass out with your face nuzzled in his soaked, tear stained neck.
he gently picks you up princess style and carries you all the way back to your dorm. even in your sleep you clinged to him like there’s no tomorrow.
he sets you on your bed and takes of your shoes and sweater. after tucking you in, he chuckles quietly, seeing you hug your pillow peacefully.
he moves your hair out of your face and squeezes your arm affectionately. he leaves your room, sauntering down the hall with a genuine smile on his face. you’re the first person who’s ever needed him before in way he’s never had been before. he has to admit, it's a nice feeling.
he could get used to taking care of his new found favorite student.
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© sweetlves 2023. all works belong to me, please do not copy, translate, and repost on other social media platforms.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 months
quil fee free to answer this in private i'm just curious but what the FUCK is going on in the kotlc fandom because i'm looking through the tags and either i've blocked exactly the right ppl or it's all a lot of wind for nothing?? i'm confused and nosy
Ah yeah, looking through the tag isn't a great sample of what I was commenting on, because it's more an ongoing thing the past few months.
Essentially, keepblr has gotten a recent influx of people, which as always, means an adjustment period. This one is just taking its sweet time to work out, which is going a little rougher because some keefe/fitz and love triangle drama has started to seep into the fandom along with it. it's exacerbated in part by confession blogs and unraveled's existence
There's just been consistent things popping up like clockwork every time it feels like we get past another. There's ongoing keefe/fitz arguments, sokeefe/sophitz arguments, keefe taking over the narrative, some spamming, disagreement about ship names (which is quite ridiculous in my opinion. so much so im not even gonna bother anymore), a few convos about race here and there, etc.
Just an overall trend towards negativity that's been going on for a while. And at first its like yeah, bumps in the road, it happens. but it's been long enough i'm a little like. are we seriously still on this. we are NOT letting this be our new normal this SUCKS. you know?
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nectar-cellar · 9 months
people you'd like to get to know better
thank you for tagging me @happy-lemon i feel like i've missed a few tags lately i'm sorry!! i always see them on my phone and i mean to do them on my computer later and then i forget 😭
last song: this extended mix of rain on me by lady gaga and ariana grande has been on repeat because the original song wasn't nearly long enough. 🗣 I HEAR THE THUNDER COMING DOWN WON'T YOU RAIN ON ME ‼‼‼
favorite color: PUSSY pink
currently watching: not watching anything rn. do sims stories count as tv shows 😌
last movie: i havent sat down to watch a movie in a very long time
currently reading: last thing i read was the wikipedia summary for "my year of rest and relaxation" i was curious about reading a new book. i was not at all expecting the plot. i thought it was going to be some feel-good live love laugh story... well okay! also i went to a used bookstore several weeks ago & i have some books waiting to be opened lol *starts sweating*
Sweet/spicy/savory: savory
last thing I googled: "ask polly the cut" i wanted to read some of the ask polly advice column answers again last night 💔
current obsession: starbucks iced apple crisp oat milk shaken espresso these are so fucking good esp when they're made by GAY baristas
currently working on: i have a bunch of wip cc in my drafts and im trying to think of what to do for simblreen. also working on some random writing in my google drive.
i am nosy i want to know what youve been up to @holocene-sims @bastardtrait @pixelbots @plant-sim @sourlemonsimblr @wannabecatwriter @frostedshore @ares-in-a-jar @thegloomiestwhim @djservo @auroraeternal @streetlites @zosa95 @charmfamily
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loserdiaz · 3 months
summarizing my WIPs poorly
tagged by the lovelies @tizniz and @spotsandsocks
buddie are so in love and domestic and grocery shopping and then BOOM buck gets taken hostage and maybe shot idk
somebody come get him, he's dancing like a stripper!!
im his lawyer, your honor, and i say he is gay and should suck my dick
buck is a menace to society but especially to eddie
there was only one bed and they fucked nasty
nosy gossipy neighbors dont know shit about us
single dad buck makes eddie sick with love. so much love
the thing about buck
dead buck! but oh wait! he came back to life with an important revelation!!
dead buck and he really is dead
hockey players are very gay for each other, actually
buck owns the rage room and eddie has issues. but he also has a crush!!
buck is a yoga instructor and eddie has a gay awakening (he is horny af)
divorced eddie tries grindr and buck is more than happy to guide him through it
actor buck is a hopeless romantic and eddie is weak when it comes to him
chimney can't keep a secret
eddie is horny for construction worker buck
buck for president !!! new law is eddie should go down on him
s7 spec jealous buck !!!
the last one i JUST started like five seconds ago lmao.
feel free to send me asks to get more info about any of the above but i cant promise if i can offer answers for all of these
tagging with no pressure; @hoodie-buck @monsterrae1 @underwater-ninja-13 @bigfootsmom @honestlydarkprincess @buddierights @devirnis @father-salmon @giddyupbuck @loveyouanyway @hippolotamus @athenagranted @wildlife4life @wikiangela @disasterbuckdiaz @eddiebabygirldiaz @exhuastedpigeon @the-likesofus and anyone else who wants to do this <33
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cocozydiaries · 3 months
haii! i love ur qotds they're so fun,, even if i personally don't answer them i love reading everyone's responses :]
anywho i was wondering if u make/have physical scripts? if so do u use a specific app or anything for them? i see a lot of ppl using notion and tbh i have no idea how that works and i can never find any templates 😭
hello!! tysm! im glad you find the replies fun! same honestly they’re all so amazingly interesting
tbh even if you don’t answer my questions you can always answer them to urself if that’s helpful to you! although hopefully one day you might🤭 (srry im nosy about people’s drs)
as for the apps i just use the Lifa app. It has a basic built in template but you can add whatever extra info you want.
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this is the sort of template they give you but you can add or take away whatever you want
it also has places to script ur relationships, appearance, wardrobe, bank stuff blah blah
basically it had a lot. there are other apps but this is the easiest for me personally :)
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blamemma · 4 months
Can I just say I have a massive massive respect for you for putting your foot down on things with its going to be a negative pile-on. I remember you doing that with asks about Lanod and said look I'm not posting them but I agree with that post. I didn't understand it at the time but I do now. I'm nosy so I look at those hard-core lestappen pages on here to see what they're saying and recently its turned into a pile-on hate page about Daniel and its become a free-for-all hate about him. And now I get that's not what you wanted for your page, to be surrounded with bad energy. I adore your blog and danlusional and love here xx
been cherishing this one since u sent it a couple of days ago anon cause this is actually terribly sweet and made my bottom lip jut out!! circa 2022 and maybe beginning of 2023(i dont even think so tbh) u definitely would have seen me being a hater on main cause there was just soooo much to br angry about but then i kinda realised it wasn't actually conducive to my enjoyment of the sport and i wanted my blog to just be a fun place that people could come to for daniel and max shit and i wanted to put my time and effort into it being that as well!! dont get me wrong, im still a hater in the dms on the regular, but it honestly became exhausting opening up my inbox everyday and having another ask about lando or lestappen again who i simply didnt care about....i much prefer answering asks about max & daniel!! it baffles me when people are a "hater" of something or someone and yet seemingly post about them regularly and have them swimming around their heads at all times. i just don't really think about lando or lestappen or pierre or whoever or whatever that may be on a regular occurrence because i simply do not give a shit about them ??
im simply always striving for the vibes on blamemma dot tumblr dot com to be
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10-honglazia-24 · 11 months
Just some fun procrastination until I finish “Thoughtless…” I call this one…
“Let’s Stay In Tonight”
TW; violence. assault. mentions of blood. nothing too graphic, just a hungry thug.
A/N: NOT Proofread but working on it.
“Stay in? Stay in where?” You quirked a brow, looking to your- Well you weren’t sure what to call him. He was a guy you’d known for few months and in those few months you had dated for only one of them.
Never would you have ever thought you’d end up dating a model. Especially Choi San.
“Stay in at my place.” He answers so casually and your mouth opens, yet without words.
Usually that meant one of every few things. That and well, you knew he was pretty rich…You’d feel out of place probably walking into some lavish geometric abode, compared to your modest studio apartment.
In that moment it had felt like time had gone by so fast. As if the both of you had been dating for longer than it was already. You’d only been on four dates with him and it wasn’t exactly off to a very romantic start…At least not in the beginning.
One month ago…
You had just begun your shift at a modest little cafe run by a single owner and where their were only two other workers, including yourself. It was a small business, but very popular. It got business very quickly so learning all the proper procedures and recipes was done from staying on your toes. But you had a knack for the barista life and loved your little job at the cafe. That was until…
“Hello! Welcome!”
You heard the bell above the door ring as it opened. Though you never looked up to see them as you were still wiping off the counter, getting ready to finish opening.
“I’m sorry, you came a bit early, so we’re still getting opened up so it might be a bit of a-“
You went to apologize as you heard the man approach the counter, but before you could finish, he speaks.
“Ah, it’s fine. I’ve got time. Especially if you’re the one I’m waiting for.”
You stop mid swipe of the towel across the counter- His words were smooth and you could hear the smile in them. You had to admit, they did make your cheeks a little warm but at the same time- It was too early in the morning for this.
“Sir-“ You finally look up to see the man and fuck- Why was he already annoying AND gorgeous?
“Hm?” He gives a totally intrigued look, obviously expecting something but in his defense you were staring…
“U-uhm…Just give me your order sir, and I’ll make sure you’re served first when everything is prepared.” You answered, in a somewhat forced cheery tone. Obviously annoyed.
He tilts his head a bit giving you a confused look for some reason. As if he expected you to say something else. You raise a brow at him. “Your order?”
He shakes his head and clears his throat. “Of course. Im going to try your macchiato. Hot, caramel please, add a extra shot.”
As the man spoke, digging about to take out his wallet, and eyeing the bakery selection, you did notice a few things. He was very well-kept. Dressed in all black, but you’re pretty sure in a brand that most people you knew couldn’t afford. His jawline was damn near perfect, he hair was coiffed and slicked without a single stray except the strands that were left to frame. You also noticed his wallet. Also very expensive.
To be honest, he seemed very out of place to you now to be in your little cafe, and it made you curious- But he had an ego you didn’t want to prod at. So you kept to your own thought’s until he added a strawberry scone to his to order, and passed you the money.
You thanked him, and finished wiping the counter, now turning around to see what else needed to be done- But instead you were met by two pairs of eyes, peeking over the little island in the cages kitchen. It was your other two co-workers, also your best friends, crouched down and being nosy.
“What the heck?” You stopped, giving them a look.
“Do you have any idea who that was!?” One of them whispers loudly.
“Do you!?” The other girl follows up.
“N…No? H- hey be careful!” Your friends had come from behind the island so quickly and rushed you, making you turn around to the man’s direction. He was now sitting at the furthest corner by the window, piddling around on his phone.
“That’s Choi San!” The girl whispered loudly.
“THE Choi San!” Your other friend followed up.
“Okay? The Choi San who?” You asked, intrigued since the name meant absolutely nothing to you.
Your friends gasped and you rolled your eyes. They were literally so dramatic.
“Don’t you read?! Watch television, look at magazines?!” On of the girls rambled.
“He’s a model! From that really big agency that just signed that soloist you like! And he’s about to be in a new drama.”
“His acting is soooo good!”
Meanwhile as your friends ranted on, you had to admit it made you even more curious. What was a guy like that doing in a little nook of a cafe like this?
“Okay, okay! Well we’ll talk about it after work, come on guys he actually has an order we need to get ready! Other customers will be here soon.” You turn around making your friends do the same, and shoving them along to their duties.
Meanwhile, what none of you had known, was that SAN’s phone wasn’t even on. And he was taking his fingers around on the dark screen, just entertaining himself with everything you and your friends were saying.
A week later…
Ever since then- Ever since, “the” Choi San had decided to visit that cafe, every single day. He would always come in at the buttcrack of opening, and right before closing. He hadn’t missed a single day or opportunity to get on your nerves. His empty little flirting that irritated you and nosy little questions. Though he did make you smile a time or two…Or three. Maybe four. You didn’t want to feed his ego. Guys like him weren’t really your type and you’re pretty sure he was just after one thing. But you had gotten used to the routine and he wasn’t a TOTAL jerk at least…You occasionally had to curse yourself for finding excuses for him because there was no way he could look that good, and NOT be the egotistic stereotype. Your friends constantly drooled over him and that’s the types they usually went for. So you couldn’t be wrong.
Later that evening though…
You and your friends were closing up. All that was left was some little cleaning and waste, so you let your friends leave early.
“I can’t believe he didn’t show…” One of your friends posted as she shuffled around the counter, hugging her bag, coat draped over her shoulder.
“Me either- He probably gave up and ran off thanks to that hard ass over there.” Your other friend added and you looked up to see both of them giving you an evil.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “If he’s gone because he didn’t get something he wanted like that-? That’s not a problem for me. Now go on, get home.”
Jokingly one of your friends gives you a nasty look up and a down while the other clicks her tongue.
“We worked closing today, it’s only 9! We’re going to the club. When your done meet us, huh?”
You stopped what you were doing, bringing a finger to your chin and giving a hum as you pretended to think. “Mmm, I don’t know…My friends were really upset with me-“
“Oh you whore, just come!” She stamped her and foot and you laughed. She knew very well you’d there.
You shooed them out and told them that your all meet up in about an hour to head out. Though a few minutes later, you heard the bells from the door chime.
“What did you forget?” You asked without turning around to see them as you were counting the bakery waste for the day.
“Ah- Nothing actually I was waiting.”
You hear a familiar voice and whip around to see none other than Choi San. This time dressed a little more casually. A simple blazer with some slacks, all black of course, Eleuthera a rather form fitting black shirt.
“Well hello- Your fan base just left really pissy you didn’t show up today.” You joked, and getting his little chuckle after that was kinda worth it.
“Mm- I’ll make it up to them later.” He shoves his hands in his pockets as he saunters up to the counter. “I actually was waiting to see you…Alone.” He admits, and you tilt your head to the side.
“Me? Alone?” You look around as if you’re going to find another person inside the cafe. “Me for what?”
“Well I-…I-“ He starts- Then begins to look a bit confused. Hands digging into his pockets and fricking himself at this point. “Shit- Hold on.”
You couldn’t help but find it a bit amusing, watching him run out of the store. Watching mister perfect finally having an everyday normal persons malfunction- Thiugh you weren’t sure his issue was, you went on o back counting waste until he returned.
You heard the bell.
“Well that was quick. What’d you go do?”
There was no answer.
“Well?” You turned around to face him, but only saw another man standing inside as well. He looked absolutely deshovled. Really rough, and he HONESLTY reeked of alcohol. “I’m sorry sir…but we’re uh, we’re closed…”
“Please ma’am I’m just hungry- I’ll take anything, just please before you out it in the trash?”
“Sir, I-“ You stop and sigh. You were usually told not to do things like this, but you could tell the man seemed like he really needed a meal. All you had were desserts but at least it was something. “I can bag you up a few things, just- Wait right there.” Yo turned back to the waste you were counting, picking what you had left that was still considerably fresh, so the man wouldn’t be given anything stale.
Of course, it was all in vain…
All of a sudden, a strong hand grips you by the hair, causing you to scream as he snatches you back. Your hands reach up to try and grab his.
“Stop it, let me go! Stop!”
The man had such a tight grip on your hair, you could feel his dirty fingernails digging into your scalp, and you screamed again. He was dragging you out to the floor where he threw you down onto a corner. You held your hand over the pain as you tried to scuffle back, and he grabs you by your leg, dragging you back towards him. You kicked and flailed and you could feel your blowsnlanding but this guy didn’t seem to car. The poor old man was suddenly some freak with a crazed look in his eyes and a sick smile on his face.
He simply licks the blood from his bottom lip and fights you down to the floor, trying to get on top of you. But he’s never get it. You may have been scared but you still screamed and fought and managed to keep him off of you long enough until…
Suddenly the man’s entire weight was gone, you quickly scuffling back into the corner to see San- Lifting the man up by the back of his clothes, and throwing him over the counter. As the man hit the floor, he quickly made an attempt to scurry up and make a run for the door.
“So you like to hurt women?! Look at her!” Just as the man had grabbed you by your hair, San had taken and handful of his and dragged him back to face in your direction. You weren’t sure what wa s happening now and you looked between San and the filthy man that had cursed him.
Without a word, he slams the man’s head down onto the counter. “Apologize. You should apologize after doing something wrong.”
It was literally only a few seconds after San spoke that he slams the man’s face into the counter again. “I said apologize!”
“I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” The man finally pleads and San looks to you.
“Are you hurting? Does it still hurt?” He asks you as you finally lift yourself up off the floor, wincing a bit as you touched the back of your head, bringing your fingers around to see blood on them.
That was an answer enough for San. He slams the man’s face against the counter once more, before father him up by his clothes again, and throwing him over one of the tables in the cafe. The man backing himself into the corner, much like you had done earlier trying to escape. You heard him pleading for whatever mercy he thought hed be shown, and was only met with a heel to his head, officially knocking him unconscious.
“Did you jsut kill him ?!”
“No? But I can?” He looks over his shoulder and says it to you as if it’s nothing. “Just call the police. We’ll wait for them to come get this guy.”
You gave San a look, watching th way he was watching the man on the ground. Did the guys deserve it? Yeah he sure as shit did. But yeah no way was murder an option. After you made the call and explained everything that happened, the police were on their way along with an ambulance. Taking your statement and arresting the man, while the treated your wound. Even San’s manager had rushed to the scene and wasn’t happy about his Anne being all over the news now with an incident like this, but he insisted that he was helping a ‘friend.’
A friend ?
Were you friends?
It felt odd to call him your friend but it also felt a bit odd to call him anything less than that…
“Well the medic said you shouldn’t drive home with that head injury. So I’ll take you home.” After everything was done and the scene was clear, San was offering you a ride home.
“Ah- I don’t need one I take the bus home it’s fine. But thank you-“
“Im driving. You home. Your hurt, and I jsut want to make sure you get home safe.”
You sighed, giving the man a defeated look. After all of that and well- Him most likely saving your life, you really couldn’t say no.
“Alright…Alright, fine where’s your car?”
“The blue one there.” He points to the only blue car on the block, and it was reflecting under the street lights in all its steely glory.
He walks you over to the car and you stop before you even approach it. It was a steel blue, Genesis G90.
“I-it’s…It’s so nice.” You gawk at the vehicle, slowly tipping around to the passenger side as he opened the door for you.
“I’m glad you like it. Because I hate it” He smiles as you climb in, giving him a dumbfounded look.
After he finally gets in, you look him as is if he’s lost his mind.
“How could you hate a car like this?! It’s so pretty! Oh, and it’s so comfortable!” You let yourself melt into the seat, resting your sore head back against the cushion. “I want to die right here. It’s perfect.”
The man couldn’t help but laugh at your reaction. Of course he wasn’t going to say it then, but im he found it all too cute. But he was glad to see that you weren’t so shaken up anymore after everything that happened.
“Well there’s a difference between trying to be pretty and trying to show off. I didn’t even get to choose it. My manager makes me drive it. My company bought it.” He admits after fastening his seat belt and then starting the vehicle.
You give him a curious look as the car begins to move. The ride really is so smooth you can’t even tell it’s running.
“So you don’t…Like all these things?” You ask him as you run your fingers along the sleek dash of the interior.
“I like having nice things. But I don’t like boasting…That’s not exactly me.” He says as his eyes are focused on the road.
You hum to yourself wanting to ask more questions, but you keep to your thoughts for now. Seems San may not have been the stereotype you thought he was.
Ring ring !
Suddenly your phones rings and you pull it out of your bag to see who’s calling.
“Oh no! Hello-!” You answer the phone quickly to see it’s your friends. Hearing the loud music in the background as you answer.
“Where are you? Did you forget ?!”
You groan rubbing your forehead. “No I’m sorry there was some mess at work and I think I’m gonna stay in for tonight.”
“Trouble? What happened?”
“Uhm- Well- “ you didn’t want your friends to worry and rush over to your house but you also don’t want to lie to them.
“Y/n!? What happened?”
Before you could open your mouth to say anything else, San take your phone from you.
“Hello? This is San- Yes, your regular. I wasn’t able to come see you girls on time, but I did show up in time to see your friend had a pretty bad fall and hit her head. She can’t drive and I just want to make sure she’s home safe…Yes- Of course- Ahh, you girls have fun- Oh? You want me to come over after? Well just give me the name and we’ll see~. Thank you~.” He hangs up abruptly and then holds your phone out to you…And you snatch it from him.
“You really have to stop and make DATE plans with my friends on top of that excuse too?”
He gives you a surprised look. “Well you seemed like you were struggling and they know you’re okay. Problem solved.”
“You LITERALLY just made a date with the two of them.”
San shook his head with a sigh. “It’s not a date, I was invited. If you want, I can tell them everything when I see them.”
“Oh so you are going to see them.” You grumble turning to face the window. Arms folded.
“I-“ Sam glances at you. “Y/n?” You didn’t answer him and he turns his attention back to the road. “Are you jealous?”
You scoffed, letting out a chortle as you spoke. “Jealous? I’m not jealous, jealous for what?”
“Well then why do you care so much?”
“I don’t.”
“You obviously do.”
“Do whatever you want.”
“I already do.”
“Okay, good!”
Suddenly the car stops, and you look forward to see that you’re at a red light. The silence is suddenly heavy in the car, and you take your attention back out to the window. You hear San fiddling around but you don’t pay him anymore kind than that. After which, you feel something touch you. On your lap. And the car is in motion again. You look down to see a small, flat square box on your lap.
“What?” Is all you say as you look down at the box.
“I wanted to go on a date with you.”
Your eyes widen a bit before your brows are knotted in confusion. “What?!”
“When I left you alone in the cafe. I was going back to find where I had left that in the car. I waited for your friends to leave so I could ask you to dinner one on one…Then everything else happened.”
As you listened on to his little confession, you carefully picked up the little black box in your hand, and slowly lifted open the lid. You noticed the design of a velvet choker adorned with a hanging bow made of Swarovski crystals and a set of teardrop pearls dangling at the ends of the bow shape crystals. After that you noticed the brand name on the inside of the box, “Joomi Lim”. You gasped and quickly shit the box.
“This is expensive! This isn’t how you ask someone on a date!”
“Well I noticed the kind of things you wear and I thought it would suit your style.” Is all he says before adding. “And it isn’t really all that expensive.”
“Maybe not for you!” You scoff before looking down at the box in your lap. It REALLY was your style. But it was also REALLY something that was too expensive for just asking someone on a date.
Soon, the car stopped and he’s looking up at your apartment.
“So this is your place?” He asks as he puts his vehicle into park.
You didn’t say anything to him and climbed out of his car so fast. San looking confused and quickly climbing out after you.
“Hey- Hey!” He calls to you as you make your way to the door of your apartment.
Before you go inside, you stop abruptly and turn quickly to face him. Holding the box out towards him.
“I can’t accept this. Not for a date.”
“I…” The look on his face is so defeated, but he slowly take the box from your hands.
“My friends my be all googly eyes at your sparkly gifts but that’s not going to win me over. I really am thankful you saved me tonight, but don’t spend your money like that on a girl you barely know.”
“Then jsut go out with me/“
“One date! One date and let me get to know the girl so maybe she’ll accept my gifts…I don’t want your eyes to sparkle at my gifts, but at me.” He admits and there’s something in the look on his face that just leave you dumbfounded, staring at him even though he’s waiting for an answer from you.
You move your mouth to speak, but there’s no words. Your phone begins to buzz constantly in your pocket, but as soon as you take it out of your pocket, he’s taken it from your hands again.
“Let’s exchange numbers. You’ll text me when you’re feeling better or if you need anything.” He says all while ignoring the mass of texts from your friends, before holding your phone back out to you.
You give him a soft glare before snatching it from him. “Thank you for helping me…But I think I’ll be okay from here. Goodnight, San.”
With that, you make your way into your apartment. Quickly going up to your floor, punching in your code, and slumping against your door with a heavy sigh. You took your phone into your hands seeing all the mass texts from your friends trying to probe you about San. You sighed, ignoring them for a moment and going to look at SAN’s name in your contacts. Moments later as if he knew, you saw that he had started typing.
I’m sorry
But I don’t want to date your friends
Consider going out with me
Sleep on it, and sleep well
Goodnight 💤
After getting his little string of messages, you move about your little apartment quickly, running over to your bedroom, now peering out the window where you could see him finally climbing into his car. You bite your lip, thinking for a moment before sending him a simple message to drive safe. You can see him checking his phone from the driver seat before he’s peering up to finally see you at your window. Giving you the biggest smile before obnoxiously revving his engine, and speeding away.
“Freak.” You can’t help but laugh to yourself, now slumping down onto your bed.
A date with Choi San.
Definitely worth being considered.
The following weekend…
The weekend had finally arrived. You enjoyed four days off from work recovering from your injury and getting a little pampering for yourself with the help of your friends and…Then some. You were able to enjoy a good time at the club yesterday in now today… You clipped on a simple pair of crystal earrings. They weren’t anything too flashy but they suited you well. You looked over your hair, your makeup, and the black, draped, satin split thigh cami dress that you still had in your closet from a dinner party last year. It was for a different friends wedding and was probably one of the most elegant things you owned. Thank God it was perfect for the current occasion and you wouldn’t have buy another one.
You went back into your bedroom, slipping on your heels. Just as you had gotten the second one settled on, you heard a car horn outside. You smiled. A big grin across your lips- Before shaking your head and catching yourself. Wondering why you were so excited, no way were you going to be that excited. It wasn’t anything to be grinning so big about- It was just- Him.
Hearing the car horn again you roll your eyes this time quickly grabbing your bag and making your way downstairs and out of your apartment. As you did, he was standing there waiting for you, at this car, passenger door already being opened for you.
Choi San. Choi San and your first date.
You saw the look on his face and his eyes were literally, all over you. He looked surprised and at the same time there was something else behind his eyes that he just couldn’t help. He was only a man after all.
“Well, when you told me where you made the reservation, I had to look the part- Like what you see?” You teased, giving him a slow spin, to let him have a full view. The big smile you had tried so hard to get rid was right back on your face when you looked at him.
“You really wanna know?” He says in a certain tone that his him eyeing you up and down and you only shake your head before climbing into his car. He shuts the door and quickly makes his way around to pile into the drivers seat.
You would’ve freely ogled him as well, but…There was something about his eyes. Something in them that you liked to see when he looked at you. It felt good. You only knew the guy for a couple weeks but he looked at you…Genuinely. Not just the hungry eyes of a man on a mission, but a genuine, curious gaze. Almost puppy like sometimes.
“Hey? Did you hear me?”
San’s voice finally snapped you out of your thoughts and you looked over to him. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
He laughed before he spoke again. “I asked if you’ve ever been to the restaurant before? Since you picked a dress for the place.”
“Ah- I haven’t been to that one, but I went to another similar one for a wedding dinner party. So I know a thing or two about boujee eateries.” You said with a little shimmy of your shoulders.
“Well aren’t you in a good mood- Your head is all better, yeah?” He asks, and as he does you feel a hand gently caressing the back of your head. Careful not to hurt you? Carefully not to mess up your hair?
Whatever it was, it sent a shiver down your spine, especially when warm fingertips danced down your nap before he pulled his hand away.
“I- Uhm.” You swallowed. “Yeah it’s fine- It’s fine uh, completely healed. It wasn’t that bad. You know.” You were fiddling with your bag in your lap now.
“I’m sorry, thinking about it- You probably don’t wanna talk about it right now.” He says and you shake your head.
It’s not the situation at all, it’s the way your whole body started screaming because of his fingertips. Fucking fingertips. Seriously what were you a giddy girl in junior high all over again. You scolded yourself before looking to him.
“I don’t mind talking about it you just- Ask about me a lot, but I’m really okay. You jsut seem a lot more bothered by it than I am?” You lean a bit to see his face, teasing but the way he exhales tells you something else. “San?”
“I have a sister. She was getting off of work late and was trying to get home and she was attacked kind of like you were. He was one of our own employees at the office. She took a pretty big blow to the head and when she was resting at the hospital…Well, it was a month later until my sister finally opened her eyes again.”
“Oh…Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” A frown graces your expression now but for some reason he smile.
“Oh she’s absolutely fine now- And it’s okay how would you know?” He asks, glancing over to you for a moment.
“I guess you’re right.” You still couldn’t help but feel a bit mopey about the whole thing.
“Hey.” He takes a hand from the steering wheel, holding it out obviously wanting yours. You out your hand in his, and he brings it to his lips, your entire face matching the red lights in the distance you’re sure. “That’s what tonight is for. To get to know each other better.”
And for the rest of the drive, that’s where your hand was. In his. Fingers intertwined. His thumb occasionally rubbing over yours. Talking and going about it all so casually as if he was so comfortable. It’s not that you were uncomfortable, but you didn’t expect the little things to be having such a big affect. I guess you might have to admit it…You might have a thing for Choi San.
After you got to the restaurant, which was a little more than you had thought- Two valets approached his car, opening the doors for you both, and taking his keys. Leaving you to turn around to him looking a bit appalled.
“Okay so is this dinner or an event because I feel like a Disney Princess-“ You ask him as you look at the small line of people and a man with a GUEST list at the front of the entrance.
He laughed. “It’s just a pretty restaurant like any other. Except it has dinner and dancing.”
“Dancing? What- You didn’t- You didn’t say anything about dancing I-“ You laughed nervously looking all around as if there was anywhere to run.
“Y/n-“ He places his hands on your shoulders. “You don’t have to dance if you don’t want to. It’s just a theme. Not some stuck up ballroom gig. Now turn around and close your eyes.”
“Excuse me?”
He rolls his eyes and turns your around himself. Opening your mouth to bicker you only huff and mutter something under your breathe. Now feeling something soft and a bit snug around your neck and his fingers fiddling with a clasp.
“You didn’t-“
“I knew you’d end up wearing something to suit it, so yes I did. If you want to give it back after the date that’s fine, but I want to see you wear it. At least once.” He admits and you sigh.
It was indeed the same choker that you had returned to him a few days prior, the night everything else had happened.
“Fine. I mean- It suits me anyway right?” You going your fingers up to plays with the dangling crystals.
And with that, he offers you his arm, leading you inside. The man didn’t even bother checking the guest list, simply smiling and nodding at San as the two of you skipped the line, and went straight inside. Definitely not what you were expecting, but you couldn’t help but appreciate the privilege. You were starting to feel more like San was a prince and not some model and actor.
“My fathers a politician.” He whispers to you suddenly as he brings you closer, keeping you close to him as you move through the other tables to get to your own.
“Ah…Was I thinking that loud?” You joke and he puts a smile on his face.
“Your face said it all.”
After getting to your table, which appeared to be a nice little private are. With maybe 6 other tables in the room and an open area for dancing, the place looked gorgeous. Definitely not an aesthetic you expected to see a lot of in Korea, but it was nonetheless eye catching. The waiters pulled out your chairs for you, and already had a bottle of wine waiting at your table. They gave you your menus, and promised to be back with you momentarily. As you opened the menu you immediately shut it.
“San- Oh my god, what are they charging you for the whole crop !?” You whisper at him loudly.
“Don’t worry about the price, I don’t even pay for anything when I come here. And I’ve never been here.” He glances up above his menu giving you a look.
“What do you mean?”
“Well” He starts, flipping through the menu. “My father and some friends invest in the place. So my dad pays for my visits. But I’ve never actually come here.”
“But I thought you’d have been on lots of dates before…?” You ask now slowly opening the menu.
“I have.” He answers. “But not with girls that I would bring to a place like this. Not with girls I really liked.”
He says that and your eyes are wide, staring at him over the menu. His gaze meets yours and you can tell he’s smiling so big, quickly hiding back behind your menu.
After finally ordering and still unable to shake the feeling that this was going to dig a pretty steep ditch in someone’s wallet, you tried to focus on actually enjoying your meal, which was delicious, and your date, who was…Probably the most amazing guy you’ve actually met. Despite his lifestyle. You had asked you more questions than you were able to ask him. He was genuinely curious about you and all the thing you liked, where you wanted to go, your even shared a few stories about your childhood and your worst dates. The man you were sitting at the table with didn’t seem anything like the guy you would see when he was around your friends or other girls. Why, your friends had even met a bet that he was going to talk about himself the entire date or try to take you home. So far most of the conversation was about…You.
And now, you were in his arms, completely sharing your personal space with this man on the dance floor. You weren’t really a slow dancing or waltz kind of girl, but you knew how to. And the way he looked down at you was almost overwhelming. His eyes were reading your mind you were sure, and you were surprised with how warm and fuzzy your head was getting, you weren’t tripping over yourself. But something in his smile told you he knew the affecting he was having.
“You know I won’t bite, right?”
“Shut up, I didn’t say anything.” You counter, clearing your throat.
“You’re a really good dance though? A little stuff but, we can work on that.” He says before sending you out for a twirl and bringing you back in to be met with a scoff.
“Oh, so what’s that supposed to mean?” You ask, tilting your head a bit.
“What do you think it means?” He quirks a brow, that annoying but sexy smirk tugging at his lips.
“I think it sounds like someone assuming he’s getting another date?” You question, your hand that was at his shoulder now playing taking your fingers down to tease his chest.
“Well..I-“ This time he clears his throat, and looks away from with the most wounded expression and you can’t help but laugh, hiding your face in his chest to muffle the cackle.
“Yeah, how does it feel?” You tease looking back up at him with the biggest grin and you could see him failing to hide a smile.
“Oh shut up.”
“It’s okay.” You laugh. “We can go out again, for sure but maybe…Tone it down like 50 notches?”
He nods, giving you a sigh. “Agreed. To be honest I had no idea where I was going, I just started following the stuff that came to me in time before I embarrassed myself.”
This time you’re throwing a hand over your mouth to contain your laughter. This time he didn’t complain or tell you to shut up but he only smiled. Watching you get it all out of your system through a mess of laughing apologies.
“Glad to see you’re having so much fun then.”
“I’m sorry! I-I am I just- You’re really- You’re really a different guy than what I had started to think.” You finally calm yourself down, looking up to him with a smile. At this point your body was completely comfortable against his, and you’re sure you were mostly swaying at this point than slow dancing, but you didn’t really care. You had a feeling he didn’t either.
“Well I meant it. I’m glad you’re having fun. I’ve never had- A real first date like this. Definitely not one that was actually more talking and less- Well I think you get it.”
“I think I do.” you move your arms now to wrap them around his shoulders completely and you see the hues of pink rise in his cheeks and the goofiest grin on his face making you laugh again. “But this floor is killing my feet and I’m sure it’s way past midnight, so why don’t we call it a night, huh?”
“Ah- Shit..” he mutters. “I forgot you opened in the morning. I shouldn’t have-“
You press a finger to his lips. “It’s seriously okay. I had fun.”
After that, the two of you had gathered your things from the table. Leaving a tip for the waiter, the musicians, and the valet on your way out, and were back inside his car and on your way back to the apartment. Your face had never hurt so much from so much smiling and laughing. The two of you never stopped talking and the way San told his stories about some of his friends when he was in his element, probably would have had you on the floor. The two of you even turned on the radio and sang and danced along to most of the songs that came on. Even a few rap titles. He was actually so silly, and pretty sweet. Such the opposite of whatever stereotype you originally pegged him with…But in the back of your mind you didn’t want to let yourself get too deep. Unfortunately, that was too late.
As you reached your apartment, you looked up to your floor with a sigh. It was 1:30AM and you had work at 6AM. But nonetheless you still had such a good time, and honestly didn’t even feel that exhausted anymore now that you were here.
As he usually had in any other case, San comes around to open your door for you, helping you out of the car.
“Ill see you in the morning?” He asks you as he clothes the door to the passenger seat.
You sigh, now leaning back against his car for a moment. Looking up to him with a certain look. “I guess I’ll see you in the morning…I really did have a lot of fun tonight.”
“I did too. Definitely the best date I’ve ever had.”
After saying this, he moves to take your hand in his, raising it to his lips, and placing a kiss over your fingers. You feel that same feeling once again that you had when he had done the same thing in the car but…Something else.
“Is that all?”
You ask suddenly, surprising yourself for a moment as you didn’t actually mean to say the words the way you did. San now giving you a mirroring look. You swallowed. You didn’t want to say it. You knew exactly what you wanted it but you couldn’t verbally admit it. Your pride was already hurting from the surely pleading and desperate look you were giving the man. His eyes were glued to yours and he was in your space all over agains. Hands coming up in mere second to cup your face before his lips are on yours. Your body pressed back against his car and your arms thrown around his shoulders again. Making him move his hands from your face to grip at your waist. It was a bit rough, but the longing and passion was definitely reciprocated. He kissed you like he was hungry and you did the same, humming into his mouth the moment you felt a tongue slip past your lips. You didn’t bother challenging him this time, and comply let your tongues dance, letting him claim your mouth, tasting the delectable flavor that was Choi San now definitely stuck in your senses.
Yeah. You definitely had a thing for Choi San.
The next few weeks that passed, were almost perfect. San would come to see you every morning when he could and every night when he could. You would spend time with him on your days off, not full blown dates, but lazing around a park, going for a driven, and even spending time at your apartment. Cooking, cleaning, watching dramas, even taking a nap together. And not once had he tried to anything well, frisky. It was amazing. Even with his schedules keeping him away from you from time to time. Yet- Nothing was more miserable than this week. You wouldn’t be seeing San at all. He wouldn’t even be in the country. He had to fly out for work and it wouldn’t be back from finishing his scenes for an entire week. He called you of course. Had lunch sent to your work, and you FaceTimed. But it just made you want even more. You missed his smile everytime he saw you, hearing laugh right there next you, his hands, his lips, the way you could see his eyes shine when he looked at you. Everything that was Choi San. Was now thousands of miles away and you wanted to melt into the ground.
I’ll be back on the first flight tonight, so you’ll see me tomorrow morning
You click your tongue letting out an obnoxious sigh. “That’s still way too long you just don’t want to see me.”
Come on now-
“Probably posted up with one of your foreign side pieces.” You tease with a smile on your face.
You are the most unfunniest person I have ever met
You could hear the deadpan in his voice and couldn’t help but laugh. “Im sorry, I had to.”
Uh huh. What are you doing anyway.
“Well- I was, going to the club with my friends. This new place that just opened with an indoor pool, like what?! But then they flaked on me. So now-“ You paused as you were going to dig around for your pajamas. “Im getting changed, and gonna post up.”
Oh? That’s too bad. I really liked your dress.
“Yeah, we’ll-“ You paused for a moment. “Wait what?”
The sexy little red number you have on.
You furrow your brows for a moment before looking around your apartment- Then darting to your bedroom window. Now looking out to see San, leaning against his car and looking up at you with grin. You squeal, hanging your phone up immediately and you have never moved so fast down a flight of stairs. The moment you hit the pavement he was moving to meet you halfway, taking you up in his arms at you threw your arms around his shoulders and your legs around his waist. Peppering him with kisses.
“You ass, why didn’t you just say you were home?!”
He laughed against your lips, before pulling away, gently setting you back on the ground. “I wanted to surprise you. I may or may not have told your friends to do my a little favor…”
You smiled even bigger knowing what he meant, and couldn’t have been happier. Though you still really wanted to check out the club, this was still something you’d take any day.
“You wanna come inside? When did you even get back you must be exhausted.” You take his arms from around you now to hold his hands in yours, intertwining your fingers, and of course he’s raising your hands to his lips.
“I was thinking maybe we could have another date night.” He says, still taking his time place a kiss across each of your fingers.
“Oh? And where did you have in mind?”
“I thought maybe we’d stay in-“
“Stay in? Stay in where?” You quirked a brow, looking up to him. “Oh, you-…You want to stay another night at my place?”
“Stay in at my place.” He answers so casually and your mouth opens, yet without words.
Usually that meant one of every few things. That and well, you knew he was probably pretty rich at this point…You’d feel out of place probably walking into some lavish geometric abode, compared to your modest studio apartment.
“Unless you don’t want to?” He suddenly asks, you didn’t even realize how long you took to respond.
“Oh-! No, no I’d love to see your place.” You say with a pout before wrapping your arms around his waist, now smiling up at him.
He smiles at you, now cupping your cheeks before planting a kiss on your lips. “Good. Don’t change. Keep your swimsuit and pack an overnight bag.”
After that, he lets you go and quickly runs around to the driver side of his car.
“Wait- Wait! An overnight bag?! Hey!? Hey!”
He didn’t answer you, only blasting some super loud love song, now rolling down the window and singing the song at the top of his lungs and point to you as he danced in his seat to the lyrics. You couldn’t help the smile on your lips and shook your head before running back inside. Quickly packing an overnight bag before running downstairs and climbing into his car. Throwing the bag into the backseat. The entire drive, you couldn’t keep your hands off him. His hand playing up your thigh from time to time, and yours playing in his hair- Teasing up his thigh- playing with his ears. Just playful little touches while the both of you talked about his trip for his movie. You didn’t even realize how much later it had already begun to get while he was driving. A good hour and then some had passed. You had eventually decided on taking a nap, leaning your head up against the window. By the time you had opened your eyes again, you were looking on a luxurious structure. Like one of the houses you’d see one of the rich characters in a k-drama living in.
“Am I…Am I still asleep…?” You murmur, squinting your eyes a bit as you looked out through the window, taking in a view.
San chuckles as he shuts off the car. “No, we’re finally here. It’s one of my dads places.”
“ONE of?” You look to him making sure you heard him correctly.
“We have his actually home- A property where his does business, then there’s my place annnnd after that there’s this house.” He says as he climbs out of the car, now reaching into the backseat to grab your overnight bag.
“And what’s this one for?” You ask, finally getting out of the car with him, eyes still glued to the house.
“This one is for uhhh-“ He stalled a bit. “Recreation.”
“Recreation, huh?” You turn around to give him a certain look, watching the smile spread on his face as he comes around the car to you. Snaking an arm around your waist.
“Just get inside you pervert.” He says before tugging you along with him.
To be honest the house is beautiful. But it didn’t have that ‘lived in’ feeling so you assumed it was very rarely used, if used at all. You mostly followed him around, getting a quick tour on your way to- Well, your way to the main bedroom. He introduced you to all the features in mundane color scheme, not that you really minded, but he didn’t seem as intrigued.
“You don’t seem too excited about the place- You must’ve been here often?” You ask him suddenly, watching as he plops down on the edge of the bed with a sigh.
“I’ve actually never been here. I just thought you would like it and well- My house is still full of movie set equipment and I don’t think you’re quite ready to meet my family yet.” He chuckles.
You give him a playful pout, shuffling over to stand in front of him as he sat on the edge of the bed. Draping your arms over his shoulders and his hands now coming to your waist.
“Awh- I’m not good enough to meet your family?” You tilt your head to the side before he shakes his head at you.
“Don’t want my family to scare you off.” He admits before spreading his legs so he can pull you closer, now nuzzling against your stomach.
You give a soft chuckle, at his actions, and he doesn’t respond with much. His hands moving from your sides now to slowly play his fingertips underneath the netting of shirt you were wearing over your swimsuit. You closed your eyes with a hum, feeling his fingertips against your skin and tilting your head a bit more. As your shirt was brought up more, it was more than his hands over your skin. His lips, pressing slow kisses against your stomach…Slow and sweet before they were wet and hungrier. Your hands gripping his shoulders now as you felt his teeth from time to time. Letting his name fall out in a sigh from your lips. You weren’t sure where this was going, but you didn’t want to think right now. Just enjoy the sensations he was giving you right now. The moment you felt his hands on your breasts, you whimpered finally opening your eyes, but only to pull off the netting off a shirt and toss it to the side. The only thing stopping his actions, as he pulls you closer to straddle his lap. You could feel the erection in his jeans and there was a look in his eyes that made you want to just give in and give him everything. For that moment that you were absently rolling your hips against him, your soft pants loud in the emptiness of the room- He changes your positions, putting you on your back and hovering over you now. Evident lust in his eyes as he leans down to whisper in your ear….
“Get ready for the pool~”
And with that you see the biggest grin on his face as pulls away from you, now going over the dresser, to pull out a random pair of black swim shorts. You prop up on your elbows with an utter look of disbelief on your face.
“You’re kidding me?”
“What? You don’t wanna swim?” He says giving you the most innocent look and you’re grabbing a pillow of the bed to fling it at him. Watching him laugh before he runs out of the room and you only chase after him with the other pillow.
Some time had passed with your little playful game of cat and mouse around the house before you were actually settled into proper swimwear. You only having to take off your shorts. And after the embarrassing conversation since you failed to mention you couldn’t really swim- You were just fine watching your shirtless boyfriend swim around and splash at you from the pool while you two just passed the Tim until the stars hung so high. You’re sure it was much closer to midnight, but you didn’t care. But your mind had begun to wander. So much that you guess the look on your face made San worried as he swam closer to you with a concerned expression.
“What’s wrong? What’s the look for?”
You sigh shaking your head before speaking.
“It’s really just…We’ve been dating for like a month…I didn’t know you were- rich rich and I mean I just- It’s embarrassing that I didn’t even know who you were when we met…”
You hear the chuckle come from his lips and the splash of the water as he moves over to edge of the pool where you sat.
“Don’t be- That’s kind of what made me attracted to you. I don’t get to meet a lot of people that just- Be themselves around me you know?” He looks up at you with the most sincere gaze and your heart does a dangerous thing.
“Ah, well…I was kind of bitch when we met-“
“You have a strong sense of self.”
“I called you an asshole.”
“And my manager took your coffee and your parking spot.”
You both laugh as you reiterate the story. The moment felt so long ago, yet the two of you had only been about on 4 dates for the one month that you’d known him more intimately. You were a headstrong, struggling waitress and he was a silver spoon model. You had never really paid attention to his types before but- Well San was something a little different.
As you had caught yourself gazing out at the stars, you hadn’t realized how close he’d gotten until you felt his hands on your knees…Slowly spread your legs apart to put himself even closer to you. And as if he read your mind he asks you-
“What about you? What made you go on a date with me in the first place?” He asks you, wet hands rubbing up and down along your thighs.
“W-well uhm- Well I talked to my friends about you a lot. Complaining mostly- And uh- uhm they said that- They were making a bet that you’d probably spend half the date talking about yourself and…Trying to get into my pants.” You admitted a bit shamefully now and obviously distracted.
The laugh that came out of him honestly didn’t help and made your cheeks heat up even more. Kicking your legs at him but not really doing much good with him just cozy between them in the pool and you still plopped on the edge.
“I’m sorry- I’m sorry that’s just funny. I don’t sleep with anyone on the first date. It’s usually the girls that I go out with that try. But I had a feeling you weren’t like that. Of course that just made me want you more…” He admits, and you watch his gaze leave yours trailing down to somewhere else…
“W…What do you mean by that?”
“Well- You’re very independent. You gave the necklace back when I genuinely thought it might be something that suited you- I’m so used to girls that are bending over backwards for my attention…But you make me want to beg for yours.” Again, finally his eyes were back to lock with yours. Your words were stuck at your throat, especially with his curious hands working towards the obvious.
“My attention...huh?” You tried to sound confident but you’re sure he heard the tremble in your voice.
“Yes. Your attention. I was groomed and raised to be this- Perfect gentleman. Then when I got to the agency- I was given this stuck persona.” He shakes his head, now biting his lips, eyes trailing back down to the area between your legs. “But…”
“But…?” You question, swallowing the imaginary lump in your throat.
“But you make me wanna abandon all the proper gentlemen and smug model stuff. I just wanna be greedy…” His hands slowly slide back up to the strings of your bikini that were already loosely tied at your hips. “With my woman. I want you to be obsessed with me, and only me.”
You closed your eyes letting your head tilt back just a little. Trying to even out your breath as you felt him pull on the strings of your swim bottoms, untying them and taking a wet thumb already to rub between your folds, massaging over your clit.
“I know I’ve said I don’t sleep with girls on the first date…But the more time I spend with you the more I want you like this. But…It I do it then it’s just me. Only me. Even if you just wanna stick to fucking me after I’m gonna be the only guy you’re fucking.”
Your brows came together, and you whimpered just hearing his words. A chuckle coming from his lips and the motions of his thumb getting rougher, making your thighs tremble for a moment.
“I-I’m good with that…”
“Oh?” He quirks a brow. “So you just wanna fuck me huh?”
“N-no! I mean…If you wanna be the only guy-…” You bite your lip, tilting your head back even further. Not even getting to finish your sentence as he’s slowly plunging his middle finger inside you, and working his thumb back over your clit.
“Go on now, what were you saying?” He encourages, moving his finger in and out of you more suddenly as if that was his hurrying motion. Your words came out in a mess of soft moans.
“I want you, you can have me- I want you to fuck me.” You hum out not caring how it all looked or sounded right now.
Meanwhile, his eyes were on you, gawked, watching every little move you made. You miss the scene, but he licks his lips and slowly pulls his finger out of you. Then, you look back down at him with a disappointed whine, but not for long. The moment your eyes are on him, you’re watching him spread your thighs further on the pool edge, and lean in to swipe his tongue between your folds. Your grip the edges of the pool, sucking in a gasp with your jaw hanging for more moans to make their way out.
He’s teasing, slowly dragging his tongue between your folds, again and again, hands braced on your thighs. You’re moaning a lot more than you’d like to admit, but the ‘date�� was going along a lot better than you expected. Feeling his lips around your clit, sucking at the nub, your thighs jerk, closing slightly and you have a hand tangle in his wet locks. His name slips for your lips and his assault on your clit suddenly stops, and he’s slipping a greedy tongue inside you.
Both of your hands are in his hair now, back arching against nothing and sending your moans out to the stars. It’s only when you feel him lifting your legs to prop your knees over his shoulders that you have to topple back. Now propped on one hand as you catch yourself from falling on the stone. Your hips rolling now to meet the motions of his tongue- And his actions only seem to get hungrier. Chanting his name in high moans as your chest heaves, breathing becoming so frantic in the end- Your legs shake, you’re gritting your teeth and letting out a wordless cry as you release all into the mans mouth.
Panting heavily as you look down with erratic breathes, watching him pull his tongue away from you. A string of your juices still connecting his tongue to your cunt. Your eyes are teary, and you finally realize how tight you’re gripping his hair before slowly loosening your grip.
“I-I’m sorry…” You breathe out, catching your breathe finally as you move your hand from his hair, to take your fingers through yours.
For a moment you’re just there- Eyes closed trying to come down from your eyes. San’s tongue still teasing at your thighs and your pussy. Lapping up your juices, and suckling from time to time. Your body twitched from time to time before you finally grabbed him by his hair again with a groan.
“Come on, anymore of your mouth and you’re gonna dry me out.” You huff before hearing a hum come from him, hands now slowly lifting your legs from his shoulders to place them back into the water fully.
“Well- Time to get to that other part we discussed.” He says as he licks you off is his lips, hands massaging your thighs still, seeming to enjoy your trembling under his fingertips.
“O-other part?”
“Being the only guy you’re fucking part.”
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archie-sunshine · 6 months
top five fave tf characters?
BIIG QUESTION!! God its so hard to decide, ack-
If we're going.... mtmte 1. Tailgate- He's perfect, idk what to say. every time he appeared in the comic he was nothing short of an absolute delight, his character arc was perfect, his romance with cyclonus was earthshattering, what more is there to say. I adore him.
2. Rodimus- I think this should be pretty obvious if you've followed my blog for any amount of time. I've made it my job to bully the everliving shit out of rodimus in every fanfic I write, its my favourite thing to do. I think as a character he lends himself perfectly to a fandom as creative as mtmte's is. and I love to create, so he gets used a lot for me!
3. Whirl- WHIRL. God im writing a whole fanfiction specifically about Whirl and his character, i feel like this is an obvious answer as well. I love the way he is. His comedy is SO perfect but his character is so well rounded and tragic in all of my favourite ways. He's also fun to draw once you get good at drawing him hehe
4. Drift- SO THIS ONE HAS SPIKED UP THE RANKS VERY FAST. I've been hanging out with my good friend Jelly recently, who hardcore ships driftrod, and before that I finally got around to reading Drift: Empire of Stone, and its just fucking fantastic. Drift is a perfect character to me. I love him to death, he brings me so much joy, hes also fun to draw and he looks like a gay little cat. how can u not love this guy!
5. Cyclonus- YES yes i feel bad putting him low, but come on. I love a regal type like cyclonus. I love how devoted he is. Good god the way he loves is so perfect to his character. AND! i also love a poetic, romantic type like him, even if he'd deny he was a romantic to his grave (or until he fell in love with tailgate)
Honorable mentions: SWERVE! love him, Ultra Magnus/Minimus(i have a soft spot for itty bitty boys), chromedome and rewind have my heart, and MEGS i love megatron.
[THANKS FOR ASKING!!!! <3 Any nosy askers can shoot me a question in my inbox!!]
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