#not a judgement btw just an observation
belovedgamers · 1 year
Empires s1 has been over for over a year but I’m still BAFFLED that Sausage/Jimmy or fWhip/Jimmy weren’t bigger ships
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tezzbot · 1 year
Impulse includes so much more of his interactions with others in his episodes it's sooo nice and really interesting to see how much gets cut out from other's episodes in comparison esp with the Boatem episodes I've been watching it's so interesting to see what each Hermit thinks of as necessary to the video that other's don't.
Like there's a lot of instances of Hermits cutting down or sort of "refining" their own sentences and stuff where in other's episodes they'll leave in the little fumbles and stuff because to them it's nbd.
I feel like Scar and Impulse are on opposite ends of the interactions included per episode spectrum in how much I've seen of s8 so far
I feel like in Scar's episodes he edits interactions with other Hermits to be short and sweet and his edits make himself look smooth and everything he says is intentional, but you see him from literally any other perspective he's literally just Saying What Ever and falling and dying 5 times in 2 minutes, there's that one clip from one of Cub's videos where Cub is watching him fly around his base several times and Cub just knows he's repeatedly trying to do an intro to a video, Scar's perfectionism is on like full display in his videos which I think is cool
And then on the other hand you have Impulse who leaves in Sooo much of a conversation that you'd normally miss from other Hermits, like he'll keep some kinda Casual Chats he has with his fellow Hermits and its very sweet and chill and like there are some funny little moments that generally you'd miss if you watched other Hermits
It was really highlighted to me when I watched the second Boatem meeting the one with the explosives from each of their perspectives, there was a lot that I hadn't seen before on Impulse's side, vs Scar included like 3 quick quips that he made during the meeting and that was pretty much all you see on his end
Idk it's just so interesting to see what is deemed important enough to keep and what isn't by whoever it is I'm watching
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imagine-nerd · 4 months
The fucking disconnect is so real.
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#theo's thoughts#Story time for the people who love reading tags bc I love sharing things in the tags#So I work at a therapeutic day school and this past school year like four school days before Thanksgiving break I was asked a question#The question was if I would be willing to step up and be a long term sub in a middle school classroom#To me this was less of a question and more of a hey we need someone to do this and you're who the assistant teacher asked for#Which cool yeah fine I'll give it a go I really like that person (the assistant teacher who asked for me) and I trust her judgement on this#I was asked and accepted on Thursday. Friday‚ Monday‚ and Tuesday happen. Then three day Thanksgiving break#When we got back from break I was the teacher and it was rough at first and it sure as hell was never easy but I enjoyed it#My formal teacher observation was my boss basically going like so I see you doing all the things and the basis is there#But it's not being followed through on because of behaviors from the most unmedicated classroom I've seen in all my years working education#And now for the summer they're changing 2/3 staff that were in the room and who even knows who the teacher will be (a new hire? Maybe?)#If there truly is a new hire coming in (fed to the wolves immediately btw what a dick move) but that new hire will be the fourth teacher#These kids have had in a year? A year and a half max. The fourth. After the only thing I've been repeatedly told by admin for months#Is that we need to be stable and consistent because we may be these kids' only reliable source of that consistency and stability?#So you're going to have me come in and tell me I've done such a great job and then tell me you're moving me to 'give me a break'#Trauma informed care my fucking ass. I hope those kids raise fucking hell over it.#The brutal satisfaction of watching your own crops burn and knowing that the invaders will starve is great and all but these are kids!#They're barely just about to be teenagers (11 at the youngest and 14 at the oldest) and this is what you're going to do to them?#Yes they can be complete assholes and are often dicks to one another but they're in our school for a fucking reason? I don't get it.#Then two hours later after being told abt the change‚ the clinical director puts me as one of the three main recipients in an email#Saying that there's going to be a new student starting in that room in the summer and the real icing on the cake?#This all happens on last day before summer break. we're out of session for two weeks now and you're just dropping these changes on us now?#God I'm so fucking tired
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girlbob-boypants · 9 months
Not sure if it's just the kind of drag that gets promoted or if it's *actually* as common as it seems, but I've noticed drag king makeup tends to be a lot more "weird"/extreme than your average drag queen makeup.
It gives the same vibe as what's now considered classic / old school / texan drag but pushed further.
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finalrestingplace · 2 years
that's a new one....... (didn't happen to me lol, i have just witnessed... Something. it sure is something.)
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midnightsunnyday · 2 months
Whips, Cuffs, And Edible Thongs? (Final) '*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
Part One
Warnings: obviously NSFW and MDNI. Mentions of various kinks, sex toys, and cursing. MC is in a polyamorous relationship with all the brothers btw. Definitely a crack headcanon.
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Belphegor, holding up a large, biologically improbable dildo: hey MC, you should buy this.
MC: Absolutely not.
Mammon, holding up a pink studded collar: Yo MC, you ever tried...something like this?
MC: Well, it is cute, but I'm not so sure it's my style.
Belphegor: hey MC, you should buy this.
MC: Uh, I'm pretty sure human organs can't stretch that far.
Belphegor: Not with that attitude.
Mammon: What the heck even is that thing, anyway?
Mynx: That's the Orfficinator 2000. For those with more...extreme tastes. Revs 850 thrusts per minutes with 15 different vibration settings. And at a whoping 12 inches in length and 5.5 in width. It'll turn even the most adamant of lovers into a weeping, begging mess.
Belphegor: a begging mess, huh?
MC: I think I felt my insides clench.
MC: You know, Satan. Even I think this cat obsession is going a bit too far.
Satan: What? I'm only observing it *poke*
Mynx: That's the Kitty Whisperer. Very popular with the ladies. Comes in both pink and purple.
Satan: So I see.
Mynx: But you know, not everyone who buys it is a lady, if you catch my drift.
Satan: Is...that right?
Mynx: ...
Satan: ...
MC: Really?
Satan: *blushing madly* Just let me be, alright?
MC: So...um...what kinda stuff are you guys into?
Mammon: Stuff?
MC: you know, like...kinks?
Beelzebub: oh, those? Sometimes I get them when I don't properly stretch before a workout.
Belphegor: Not those kinds of kinks, Beel.
Asmodeus: well, I don't mind sharing mine. Frankly, there are just so many to choose from. Spanking, overstimulation, bondage, wax play. Now for the more extreme ones--
Leviathan: --Enough! Enough! Otherwise, I think I might be scared for life.
Asmodeus: ok then, Levi. How about you tell us your kinks?
Leviathan: uh...reverse Uno.
Asmodeus: We're not playing Uno. Besides, then it'll just go back to me and you know what that means?
Leviathan: ah! Then it was Mammon by the bondage gear holding a pair of handcuffs!
Mammon: hey!
Satan: No need to say it, Mammon. After all, we already know the answer.
Manmon: I got no idea what you're talking about.
Leviathan: please. I bet you want MC to buy that collar you showed them so they can put it on you.
Mammon: Whhaaaat? Pfft. No.
Leviathan: Liar.
Mammon: So then what about you Mr. "I like it when you yell at me and call me worthless?"
Leviathan: I can't help it ok? It's very stimulating.
Mammon: Fine. I'll tell. I ain't chicken! So um...you know how you're getting dressed and you accidently pull your tie a little too tight--
Leviathan: --no one does that--
Mammon: --Let me finish, you ass! Anyway, it's kinda like that. So...yeah.
Satan: Interesting.
Mammon: Alright then. Tell us some of yours.
Satan: *clears throat* I'm not really...into extreme things. Or things that hurt. So, vanilla. Definitely.
Mammon: Huh. Coulda fooled me.
Asmodeus: how about you, Belphie?
Belphegor, smiles darkly: You sure you wanna know?
Satan: Why does that sound so threatening?
Beelzebub: Hmmm. Can food be kinks?
Asmodeus: Oh, you sweet summer child.
Leviathan: Maybe we should just skip on to MC.
MC: Eh. I don't know if I should share. It's kind of... intense.
Asmodeus: go on darling. This is a judgement free zone.
Beelzebub: Asmo's right. Craving and engaging in physical intimacy should not bring shame or discomfort, but breathe life and newfound sexual expression into those who practice safely and with consent.
*stunned silence*
Beelzebub: What? You know, gluttony is no further from lust as it is to greed. You should really learn your sins.
Belphegor: yeah, learn your sins.
MC: Well...sometimes I like to imagine standing over a powerful man and telling him how worthless and pathetic he is. How despite his power, he's at my feet, where he belongs. Then as he begs me to ride him, I'll laugh in his face as he watches me pleasure myself, saying he'll never be able to satisfy me better than my own hand, his erection weeping and painful. Then when I'm done, I'll push him onto his back and grind against him, denying him over and over until he's crying for release. But there will be no release. Not until his master, me, is satisfied *clears throat* So essentially, I really like the thought of being a dom.
*further stunned silence*
Belphegor: ...God, I'd let you destroy me.
MC: I know you would.
Mynx: Can one of you please stop your brother from eating all my edible undies and oils? I've tried hitting him with my pipe, but it's like a love tap to this man!
Satan: Beel, the point of those is to eat them off your partner, not eat them yourself.
Beelzebub: I...don't think I trust myself doing that. I might get...too excited.
Mammon: Oof. That's an ugly picture.
Mynx: Yep. A big boy like that would definitely eat more than his fair share.
Asmodeus: Oh wow, these lollipops are shaped like a--
Beelzebub: *crunch* mmmm. They have a creamy center.
Asmodeus: ...
Beelzebub: What?
Mammon, dressed in a sexy cop uniform: alright, Belphie, its the end of the line!
Leviathan, dressed as an equally sexy cop: that's right, punk! You're going away for a long time.
Belphegor, somehow talked into this and wearing a skimpy prison outfit: you pigs ain't got nothing on me! Nothing I say!
Mammon: Your partner spilled the beans, Belphie. You're looking at 40-80 years tops.
Leviathan: Now, hands where we can see em! Or this might get messy.
*Belphie, holding the Orfficinator 2000*
Mammon: He's got an automatic!
Belphegor: I'm not going back to jail!
Leviathan: Take the fucking shot!
MC: *Places item on register*
Everyone: Ooooh.
MC: *Places another item on register*
Everyone: Aaaah.
MC: *yet another item*
Everyone: Woah!
MC: You guys are way too dramatic.
Satan: *Places item on counter*
MC: Oh. Good for you, Satan.
Satan: Enough.
Mynx: Thanks, hun. It was a pleasure doing business with ya.
MC: Thanks, Mynx. Actually, you made this whole thing a lot easier.
Mynx: It's what I do. Come back any time. Alone, preferably.
MC: Will do. Or at least will attempt to.
Asmodeus: bye, Mynxie.
Mynx: just so you all know, I'm still considering banning you all from my store.
Lucifer: There you all are. I was wondering why the house was so quiet. I was enjoying it, actually. Though I suppose nothing good lasts long.
MC: Love you too, Lucifer.
Satan: Debatable. And anyway, why are you even here?
Lucifer: You mean why am I here in the house that I pay for you to eat, sleep, and run amok through? Reading, obviously.
MC: What Satan means is--calm down, dear--aren't you suppose to be at Diavolo's fancy party?
Lucifer: Right, that. Unfortunately, the party ended abruptly when one of the Little Ds accidently set fire to King Idaman's robes.
MC: Oh.
Lucifer: Which in turn startled Prince Isa's horse, which caused a chain reaction and set everything else ablaze. It was truly a sight.
Mammon: Sounds like it all right.
Lucifer: after having to clean up such a mess, I found it best to call it a night.  So, what did you all do today? I see bags.
Beelzebub: We went to Cl--ow! I mean, we went close by.
Lucifer: Is that right?
Leviathan: Yep. We bought...all the things that shops tend to have.
Lucifer: I would assume so, yes.
Asmodeus: And now we're going to take those things to our rooms, isn't that right, Satan?
Satan: oh, yes, our rooms. Where we have nothing of interest at all.
Everyone: *runs off*
Lucifer: well, that was weird. Oh, and MC. May I have a moment?
MC: Sure.
Lucifer: a little bat told me that you all had quite the experience today.
MC: How...how is it that you know everything?
Lucifer: *laughs* it isn't complicated considering you all are horrible at hiding things, like just now. Though more importantly...*leans in closer* Devildom toys aren't exactly made for humans. You could hurt yourself.  In fact, I may need to...teach you how to properly use them. For safety reasons, naturally.
MC: is that right?
Lucifer: it is.
MC: ...
Lucifer: ...
MC: ...so...how soon are you available?
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theladybrownstarot · 11 months
YOUR VIBES ~•☆°○•°○°
Pick a card reading~
♡》Hi everyone I'm brown ♡ and back with an another pac to amaze and hype you with!
♡》Do support Me by comment/like/reblog/follow to help me grow here ♡🤍🖤♡!
♡》Love you bye bye so let's begin with your reading ~ so choose a pile(s) you feel drawn to most ~♡
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Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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Pile 1.
🖤 okay , i see that your vibes are giving like as of rise of Phoenix or wake up or glow up or the rise of great✨️ .
🤍 pile 1 . people think you as someone who is now rising or we say they think and feel that it's your time now to shine and do great 😆. People used to think that you won't show up or have something inside you so great but now you have realized that what you have got and what do you want and need to do 😃😎. People think that you are kinda someone who gifts themselves a lot like such things which are your requirements only 📦 🎁. You keep your plans to yourself but you are open to talk to people and guide them too . You don't show a lot of facial expression plus your face gives the vibe of someone mature also . you people are grounded too~ and must have big 3s in earth sign also.
🖤 People get that clear ,concise , straight forward and to the point kind of person 📈. People feel your vibes as of someone who is fast and knows what to do and how to do now like you aren't indecisive at all ; you know how to make clear decisions and give good judgements . You see more deep , you are curious and tries to know more . People wanna approach you and ask you that how did you do it ? 😏
🤍 They think of you who doesn't rush into things and work🌱 . you take things slowly and calmly for sure and try to maintain your consistency by making little-little steps 🍂also that you must be observant and someone who is cautious just to make sure you aren't taking risks at all in your work .
🖤 You people vibe as a dry to green tree🍁 . You are a home person and travels less also . Might like village areas far from city . You people are workaholics but at times you get kind a away from your path maybe because of of health issues also 😯.
🤍you people are mysterious and have high patience and endurance of things . You might day dream a lot also . People get the vibes from you as like this person is fated to be great now ! btw get an evil eye protection charm for yourself😇 .
🖤 You people have learnt to take control on your pessimistic thoughts and life too ~ you have the blessings from your god and if you are an indian don't worry take the name of lord ganesha🙏🇮🇳 to remove obstacles. people you are clear and strong minded -it's hard to defeat you but i sense some people are still in the progress to make themselves up ! just leave your past and face your fears ~!🫰🏼💪
Pile 2 .
🤍 Hi pile no. 2 ! hru ? enjoying your life or every moment of it ?! yess ! that's what i'm getting from you my sunshine, you shine like sun ,star and moon ~ 🌚☀️⭐️
🖤 you know people get that vibe of you who is jovial in nature wise, likes to enjoy every second of life or trying to enjoy the present with gratitude and happiness rather than being sad oho people you know your shine sometimes makes people jealous of you too😃😊😏🫰🏽 ~ but don't mind them because you are a good person who isn't interested to take hurt and take advantage of others 🫂 knowing that in this world of harshness and darkness people struggle to come as happy individual too ~ you are a beauty with with brain , someone who is motherly , caring or your face could be motherly , who is a marriage material , dream person , a lot feminine and romantic ❤️ .
🤍 I sense that you spread kindness , compassion to others rather than hate and grief alas i hope people may get the shine like you people do ! also that you are someone who is a lot recognized by higher people and authorities also that you could be authoritative and strong headed . You are transparent also someone who is ready to give their hand to people to come up . I love you pile 2 . you are humanitarian! you are selfless ♡.
🖤 People vibe with you with rose and sun flowers and also that you like taking pics with flowers for sure . you love flowers and like to live around nature too ~ 😃😯🌹🌻
🤍 People think of you also as a prankster , someone who is bit lazy😆 to take responsibilities and someone who gets blamed also mostly🥲 . People are jealous and angry because they think you aren't serious but reality is something else pile 2 . isn't it ?;)
Possible that you don't take nonsense from other and can handle a lot of people at once! 💪🏼
🖤 You could be in a certain community , group or club that has people like you or in the community , place or work you are mostly loved and given attention to most as you could be a lot vocal and expressive too . You people must be into law of ♡♡ manifestations a lot i see and believe in universe so much that it has helped you to take your burden off also .
Pile 3 .
🤍 People think of you as someone who isn't judgmental regarding anyone . They feel comfortable around you because you are those type of people who doesn't make people feel like outsiders . You like to share your happiness with others irrespective of age , color , gender or caste vice-versa 🫂🫰🏽. You believe in sharing of things . People might feel that you are the center of attention and you give attention to everyone equally ⭐️. you present yourself as a good and gentle being. You people and grounded and strong - which makes people think that they can't defeat you 💪🏼.
🖤 You are a person who has a lot of achievements - not especially some awards or medals but achievements of your own that you made in your life by yourself😌. You people take life in a flow not in a hurry or mess 🌬🌊. You people can even enjoy alone like you can dance at any place , you can start speaking like a politician or a debater at any place without thinking much of people 😆😃. You give yourself chance first or keep yourself as a priority like you have your own voice and opinion in things 🫰🏽.
🤍 You people might me psychics like tarot card readers , astrologers, intuitive or you can a strong 6th sense 🔮 . People think that you have the answer for everything 🤓 . Some people think and vibe with you as their random guide at any point of time 😁 . Your feelings and gut are strong for sure plus i can see that you are spiritual and read a lot of text and holy books and can practicse mindfulness for sure 🙏🫰🏼🌱.
🖤 People might feel that until and unless they don't approach you , you won't approach them 🫡🤐😑 . People might vibe you with a tree - mature , silent , helpful ,selfless , knowledgeable and someone with extras , you might keep a bunch of things with you in your bag let's say i carry medicine , face wash and cucumber water when i go outside ; people think me as someone who is full and got everything that they need and wish for so goes same for you 🫂.
🤍 People think that you will be a great personality in coming time or in near future because you are developing and growing yourself by hiding from the world. I think you love peace and unity among everyone .🤫 🧿
🖤 You people are a warrior like you have experienced few major events in life and a great lover too ~ You will have great options in terms of love soon . You people are perceived as someone beautiful and graceful for sure . Don't be insecure regarding your looks because what matters is the personality and inner-self 😊🌹 .
End of the pac☆°○••°
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sleepynxri · 7 months
“In hindsight, I should have looked at the instructions"
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A/N: THE DEMO IS FINALLY OUT OMG!! Congrats to the devs and the whole team for releasing the demo!! I love it so much to the point I think I'm the first one to make an x reader of it lol. But I chose my favorite (for now)Vince!! And a certain person might like it as much as I do hehe. I might not get his full personality right since it is still the demo and the characters might change their personalities depending the route you pick on the official release, but do enjoy everyone! And requests will be open until further notice. And of course spoilers for the demo!!
P. S. The reader is demisexual! If you don't know what it is it means a person who feels sexually attracted to someone after creating a close bond with them! It made sense to me since in the demo the mc was a bit rude and judgemental in their thoughts regarding their interactions with the different love interests. But hey! If you don't like it then just ignore this part! Enjoy it however you like hatchlings!
Pairing: Vince Matador x gn! reader
Warnings: curses, no use of Y/N only You/I
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What did I get myself into?
A sigh of exhaustion released itself from your mouth as you headed out from the diner where you now currently work at.
Who knew that you had to use the first few weeks of your summer in an unknown town after your car suddenly broke down in the middle of nowhere?
Fuck Fate and itself.
You started on walking around the streets of the said town, it was interesting to say the least. Almost everyone in this vicinity at least knew each other if they were a neighbour or a regular. You felt out of place whenever someone pointed out or asked if you were new around.
The only thing that wavered your mind was the interaction inside Cup o Jo Mama. The new part-time job you’ll be doing until you’re able to pay for both the hostel you were staying in and the repairs of your broken down car. (Srsly how did I should have checked it out before going on a long ass fucking road trip??)
Chris was quite a timid character to have as a co-worker, but I am quite the observing person to see how he changes personalities so directly. It concerns me sometimes but it wasn't my business to get into anyone’s personal lives.
And that Wyatt fellow…. Can’t say that the headlines were wrong about his looks. He was attractive, but his personality is that of a stereotypical rich people lifestyle. It's best to not not meddle myself into his work and business, if he was staying in Brine Bay in the meantime.
Placing your headphones over your ears, you started to tune out the noises, you needed some alone time after all the shit that just happened. Familiarising your steps to avoid on getting lost - (Fuck you btw Dante) again.
Clicking your tongue slightly in annoyance after remembering a certain front desk employee who didn't tell you the actual direction towards the diner you were supposed to go in.
Without you knowing, a familiar sheriff and an unknown male suddenly were seen in the corner of your eyes. Jean looked optimistic as ever, but to your surprise- he was with someone else who looked like the opposite of him.
Why not see what they’re up to?
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So… . The guy’s name is Vince. Jean momentarily left you both together to help with the white haired males socialising skills. You didn't mind, but you did feel guilty for forcing him to be with you. So you thanked him for staying with you.
You didn't expect the male to give you a half- smile. It almost caught you off guard. It was so pretty…
You shook your thoughts away and gave your own warm smile. Vince was a nice fellow, since he didn't know what to show you, you suggested that he showed the areas where he likes to stay at. You bonded with him with his different favorite places in Brine Bay. You were touched on how he could trust you to these places. You knew it held something for him to show you these areas.
Then you met Kevin….
You almost laughed loudly after hearing the nickname Vince gave him.
A fucking highlighter? You didn't think the male held so much humor. (Or your humor is just broken)
Kevin was a nice fellow. A bit flirty (then again who isn't? Almost everyone - not Dante- has started flirting with you before you could even muster a response to any of their introductions) but a passionate theatre kid.
‘pre’?? Is that a word or a different language? You’ll probably ask the next time you interact with him.
After saying goodbye to the green haired male. You and Vince were left alone together again. You pointed out how it was getting late so you and him started your way back to your hostel.
“Are you enjoying yourself? “ You paused after hearing Vince’s words. You… didn't expect someone would ask this question towards you. I mean it is technically your first day here after all.
You can feel the stare of Vince from the corner of your face as you racked up an answer for him.
“I… . Can't say much. My car broke down, Jean found me, he drove me here, I met a lot of people, found a part time job… . It's overwhelming to say the least” a flash of worry crossed the eyes of Vince as he tried to find the right words to reply.
But you beat him to it.
" But… I am enjoying it. I never expected to have an adventure while on summer break. It's new…. But not unwelcoming" a chuckle escaped your lips as you watched the sky growing darker.
“That's… . Good to hear” Vince relaxed his shoulders with another pretty smile he has. Your heart flutters after seeing it again. This was the second time you’ve seen it but you already knew you’ll always remember that smile he has.
Exchanging numbers with him was… eventful. It was cute to see him flustered while nervously asking if you wanted his contact number (who wouldn't accept his advances?)
You knew you had to take your chances and placed “Vimpire" as the contact name for Vince. (He’ll probably be disappointed but who’s to say he’ll just chuckle after you have him a silly nickname)
You told him your farewells and headed back to your temporary room. Doing your nightly routine and wearing your night wear.
You decided to call someone before heading off to sleep. The first person that popped up from the idea was Vince.
“Ah.. who is it?"
“You forgot about me already?" You teased slightly with a small chuckle as you looked outside the windows while watching the luminescent sky radiating from them.
“It's you… . I-i didn't expect that you would be calling me already” you wanted to tease him more but you asked him first if he arrived home already. He was still walking from home and you both decided to stay in the call for a while.
“Can I ask… why the sudden call? “
Fuck it.
" Is it bad that I wanted to hear your voice before I head to sleep? “
A pause could be heard from the other line. You grew worried when the call suddenly hung up and you panicked. You tried texting him but he suddenly beat you to it with a call.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I panicked!" A rush of apologies came after you answered the call. It was a relief to hear that you weren't stepping over boundaries and you asked him if everything was alright.
He reassured you, telling you that he just took time to process on what you said before. You couldn't see it but he was smiling on the other side of the phone (if Jean saw this he would be supportive yet teasing the poor boy).
“Hey uhm… if you have time after your shift ends… I could show you more around town? “
You were shocked again after hearing his words. This is the second time you got shocked by this man alone. You wonder what he got plans for you next.
" I would like that” you smiled warmly from the invitation. As you both continued chatting until you both shared your farewells.
You yawned and stretched your body and headed off to sleep.
You hope you can see Vince’s smiling face again.
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Threads of You: Beyond the Bay
Lavendeer Studio Discord Server
Disclaimer: I am not part of the Lavendeer Studio team, I'm just placing the links here to whoever wants to play the game or wants to join the server for more updates and upcoming events!!
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slaaverin · 1 month
You belive in tarot right? I have read some tarots who implies they're not in any kind of romantic relationship as in cause those tarot readings are done of their s/o. Yes they have great bond, chemistry and they care for eachother but idt there's any romantic feel to it. I remember this one tarot reading someone had linked and it's from that kpopreading acct who's most of all readings are right and ig in one of the readings (ig ppl asked her about rs btw him and xyz members you know could be shippers) she said that it has happened two times now that she's got some card in both tae and jk's readings and that card indicates both of them are heterosexual. She is professional and doesn't really do what shippers expects from those readings though cause she keeps it till friendships and doens't really dwell into the romantic rs of members with eachother but yeah she's said it. I remember her readings of jm comics true as well.
Do you believe jkk are dating or have/had romantic feelings for eachother?
Thank you for your ask.
Personally I tend to look at readings from only one person. When you see readings from many different people it can depend so much on the reader. The cards themselves don't really lie but from one reader to the next the interpretation can really be vastly different and so it can get all muddled up.
I personally only read bluemoonpunch's readings. I've always had an intuitive pull towards hers, and she read for me privately as well, so I have no doubts on her capabilities. Her readings always confirmed as well my own observations about BTS, like she says stuff I intuitively already know.
That's why - even if I absolutely love tarot readings - I do not look up other readings for BTS. It's like when you do a personal reading for yourself, if you do not like the cards you get, you're not supposed to start over to get other cards, what you get is what you get and that's it.
Absolutely no judgement to you or anyone that does this, but to me people who look up many different readings are more close to prying into BTS than anything else. There's a fine line between being interested to learn and violation of privacy. (I get it, we are all curious).
That's only my perspective and opinion, but to me it's best if you stick to one reader you absolutely trust and resonate with, and draw your own conclusions from it.
As for your second question.
Yes I personally believe jikook are in a romantic relationship. Is it a classical one? An open one? An ungoing one? Or however you may classify, I don't know. That is their business.
I don't believe this because tarot cards told me (bluemoonpunch never said they are in a romantic relationship, even if you can read between lines of course).
I believe this from my own observations, after watching all the BTS content that exists.
It is not one single thing that makes me believe those two have romantic feelings, it's thousands of moments and things and words put together.
I believe it so much so, that to me the contrary would be more impossible.
And I know it's a strong word to use - but it's true.
I'm in disbelief many people don't see it already, when it is so in your face and plain as day. Because what would be the alternative?
A relationship like theirs, with so much romantic connotation, that is simply friendship? It doesn't exist. Like people in real life they don't do it, it's too weird. However you turn it and make it make sense in your head, it just doesn't make sense.
There is no alternative to me.
The playfulness, the skinship, the closeness, the flirting, all of it could still be explained with a deep friendship, alright.
But what about the sexual undertones?
How can two friends have that much sexual tension? Sexual jokes? How can a friend be such a shaved legs enthusiast? And butt? Why a friend would pull up his tongue in such a sexual manner to tease A FRIEND? Why make jokes about them tying each other up?
You can't make that shit up.
The sexual undertones of their relationship makes it romantic to me.
Because everything else you can pass it up as very close friendship at best, if you squint and wanna be blind.
But the way Jungkook wants to devour Jimin it's not something a friend would do.
And I know that's so little examples from me, sorry for my shit memory, but there are tons and tons of sexual moments between them, so this plus EVERYTHING ELSE. I MEAN????
What more do you want from them? To kiss on stage?
Jungkook already SUCKED JIMIN'S EAR. That's somewhat even worse because what kind of intimacy you need to do this? Even with my boyfriend of 9+ year it's not something that would come to mind.
You need to be really. fucking. close. to do this.
Ahhh I don't know what people want anymore.
Everything they say or do screams couple. To me saying it now out loud would be like? useless. WE ALREADY KNOW.
Anyway I went on a tengeant but I hope you get my point.
To me they are indeed in a romantic relationship and the recent travel show only confirms it even more (i didn't think it was possible??). I'll make posts about the travel show when I will have settled into my thoughts.
But I can't tell you what to think anon, you need to make your own mind about this.
Take care 💜
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slushiecookie · 8 months
Tw: Badly drawn gun in 4th & 5th images!
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Hi y'all! So I've been developing my story SYMMETRY a bit, and I finally made some designs for these guys! I was just kinda playing around with it and ended up having each of them holding an object for cohesion's sake lol
Anyways, first off is Fowl Feather, the wealthy owner of a successful makeup company; he's prim and proper, as well as charming, but easily overlooks details of things. He's not good at blackmail or likes to do anything that would get "blood on his hands," so he uses his charm and money to manipulate others; only sparingly, though. Going with this, he's also very wimpy and is not physically fit, so he tries to make his appearance as confident and elegant as possible in hopes of deterring anyone from getting physical with him
Next up, French Toast, an ex-cop who now lives his life in blissful solitude as a mechanic; he's collected and quiet but is very stubborn and judgemental. He worked in a station filled with corrupt police and seeing all that injustice changed his mind on all cops. He's got an injury from an explosion that happened on a case and is half-blind, but that doesn't stop him from living his life. The only cop he even lets within a mile-radius is Kiwi, who he despises (in a childhood friend kind of way)
Lastly, Kiwi, a cop who loves to make the world a better place and stop criminals; he's very observant and determined, but can easily act reckless and let his emotion cloud his judgement. Both him and French Toast aspired to become officers, but while French Toast quit, Kiwi was determined to not let the corrupt nature of his coworkers dictate what he believed was right. He firmly believes that criminals should have their rights stripped like they did to others, which has gotten him in a bit of trouble with the law and his higher-ups; however, he's a vital asset because of his agility and small size, what he lacks in physical strength he makes up in swiftness and quick-thinking.
There's what I have of these guys so far! ^^ I'm gonna try to avoid saying any spoilers! So these descriptions are intentionally very vague, I hope to have more to show you guys about the story soon! <D
(All this stuff is subject to change btw, since it's very early in development for the story ^^')
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theonemeathead · 7 months
Spy x Reader, "Lovers Rock"
angsty songfic because i lauve tv girl so much. sorry for the lack of posts btw! tws for throw up, drinking. reader is gender neutral, enjoy! :3
Awkward, is how you would describe the circumstance.
Another victory, celebrated at a local bar full of cheap booze and loud music. And, normally, you would be there too, laughing and dancing the night away with the rest of your rowdy, drunken friends. Yet, you craved the quietness of an isolated night, and what better opportunity than to have the whole base to yourself until the return of the rising sun when the morning, unfortunately, returns?
Are you sick of me?
And just as you were beginning to get settled in for the night, the ringing of a wall-phone echoed through the empty halls. Sighing, you stare, contemplating for a second. Against your better judgement, you answer it, the bustling atmosphere immediately overwhelming your senses as you reluctantly raised the phone to your ear.
"Yo, it's Scout. Listen, ya need'a get here ASAP. If Spy stays any longer, it's not gonna be pretty, I can guarantee ya that."
Would you like to be?
The clicking of his line ended with a low beep, leaving you with no choice but to give up your chance at a peaceful night to, yet again, babysit a grown man. You hung up, frustrated, quickly throwing on some clothes and grabbing the keys to a spare breadtruck.
Which leads you to your current situation.
It had been a pain in the ass, getting Spy into the vehicle. He repeated that he was fine, that he was 'an adult' and could 'make his own decisions'. Yet, the slurring of his speech, the way his pupils dilated, it was apparent he was one drink away from ruining his suit.
"I promise you, I am... okay?" he sounded unsure, as if he couldn't remember the correct words to piece together. Spy hardly ever got tipsy, let alone where he's at now. It was concerning.
I'm trying to tell you something.
"No, we're going back to base," you insisted, pressing your foot on the brake as you slowed to a stop. You looked over, observing how he had taken his overcoat off and folded it over his leg, his tie messily hanging undone around the collar of his dress shirt, a few of the buttons undone revealing greying chest hair. He looked so handsome in the illuminating redness of the stoplight.
"I don't need you to take care of me, I am able to do it myself." He shifted in the uncomfortable leather of the truck, bracing as the car started moving when the light flickered green.
Something that I already said.
"Spy, you're very clearly far from sober. You couldn't walk in a straight line, let alone stand up on your own—" You started, punctuating your words with a tone of agitation. "—What's the matter? Nobody's ever.... Well, I've never seen you like this."
The air hung heavy. He stayed silent, opting to try and force the conversation to end. You shook your head. One night, alone, and now you were stuck in a car with the most arrogant asshole on the team. You took a deep breathe, speaking up again.
You like a pretty boy.
"I just— I want you to know I worry about you, Spy, okay? I don't care how naïve that sounds, but if you needed me to ever pick you up and take you home again, I would," your voice was small, almost meek. You glanced over, noticing how his steel eyes scanned you for insincerity, as if he was deciphering if you were lying or not. Your eyes briefly locked, causing you to avert your attention back to the road, encased by the darkness of the night.
"Je ne comprends pas—"
"In English, please."
"Ah, forgive me. I am afraid I don't understand you, mon chér." His accent was heavy, almost indecipherable. The roughness of his voice was therapeutic, in a way. There was an almost hoarsness to it, even though he sounded oh so sweet. One of the many things that you couldn't seem to get out of your head.
With a pretty voice.
"I don't understand you either. I wish I did." You and Spy had been close, the closest he had been to someone since his last wife, over two decades ago. Yet, one day, after sharing a glass of wine, he flinched away. Something changed. He shrouded himself in a cloak of mystery, once again. Except, this time, it wasn't alluring or intriguing, it was frustrating and so very painful. He had convinced you that there could be something more, a burning spark of something gentle and fleeting. Yet, he refused. "You really hurt me that one night, Spy. I'm sure you know that, too."
"I've hurt a lot of people, chér. That's what I do."
"But it doesn't have to be that way. We could've—" you stopped yourself, feeling a familiar sting beginning to form in your throat. The last thing you needed was to cry. You stopped talking altogether, opting to turn the radio up instead. Old love songs looped on the radio in an endless, hellish loop that seemed to be designed to torment you and only you.
Who's trying to sell you something.
Veering left, you drove slowly through the blanket of fake landscape, pulling into makeshift garage. You turned the car off, the engine coughing as it finally keeled, the damn thing wasn't worth a crap anyways. You slid out, walking over to the passenger side. Spy had already gotten out and had upchucked in the nearest trashcan. Good thing he had leaned forward. You saddled up beside the older man, wrapping one of his long, skinny arms around your neck and supporting him with a firm hand around his waist.
Something that you already have.
You pushed open the heavy, steel doors, the coldness of the metal searing at the soft and warmth of your flesh. Spy had almost fallen over twice now and you had barely walked 5 feet altogether. You sat him on the couch of the living room, watching as he seemed dazed about his whereabouts.
"Stay here, I'm going to grab you a glass of water," you gently told him. He seemed to get it, nodding his head slowly to answer you. You took a glass from the cupboards. The material felt heavy in your hands, as if no other cup had held as much weight as this one. The reality of the situation hit you. You would pick him up, bring him home, take care of him, make sure he was okay... but would he do the same for you? Would Spy, a trained assassin with over 20 years of experience, be able to get over himself to be tender with you—for you?
But if you're too drunk to drive.
You returned, handing him the glass. You watched as he clumsily brought it to his lips, getting more liquid on himself, rather than drinking it properly. Sighing, you opt to hold his head back, using a steady hand to aid him in drinking. It was almost silly, the sight. He was in his late 40s, struggling to do something as simple as take a sip of water.
And the music is right.
You hooked yourself around him again, this time escorting him to his quarters. You had to venture through his smoking room, a place you had come to resent since that night he pushed you out and away. You felt a painful ache as you watched the lone record player in the corner; The record player you would both listen to Paul Anka and Frank Sinatra on. You had reached the large, mahogany door that led to his sleeping arrangement, along with a personal bathroom that he had paid Miss Pauling under the table to implement.
She might let you stay.
You sat him on the silken linen of his bed, watching as he seemed to embrace the soft fabric of the sheets. You kneeled, taking his shoes off. And slowly but surely, you had gotten him down to just a pair of briefs. He seemed too buzzed to care, or, perhaps, this was an act of trueting you, otherwise you were sure this act would be filled with French protest and various other quips. You had folded his suit and put it away, sitting the dirty clothes on a near-by chair. You, gingerly, took a white wifebeater and a pair of red-striped pants and slid them over his thin body. You traced every scar the Respawn machine never seemed to fully mend, taking the time to admire how he turned and twisted beneath the tenderness of your hand.
But just for the night.
Lastly, you pulled at his mask. He seemed to have sobered up in milliseconds, a hand flying to grab your wrist. He didn't have a furrowed brow or anything scornful, but something that threw you off completely; Fear. He had been sober enough this whole time to realize what you were doing, sober enough to stop you if he wanted to, yet he didn't. You pawed at it, yet again, his grip loosening slightly. Spy lifted his head up, allowing you to pull it off with more ease. You gently tucked the fabric into the bedside table, where he kept a spare revolver just in case; 'The Ambassador', he called it.
And if she grabs for your hand.
You sat on the edge of the bed as he laid behind you. You turned slightly, your body facing him now. Reaching a hand up to place it against the bristles of his clean shaven face, you stroked at the aged skin. His cheek bones, high and defined, sat nicely against his long face. You gently trailed your fingers up to his forehead, subconsciously counting the wrinkles that had formed over the years. Your hands traced down the hook of his nose, sloping down fully until your fingers rested against his chapped lips, which were normally soft. You had both been uncharacteristically silent through this whole ordeal and it was apparent the reason why; You both knew what would happen. That dwindling spark that lasted for even months after was still there. You felt it and you know he did too.
And drags you along.
"Mon cœur—" he broke the silence, gaining your attention. "Every night, I regret it. I miss our talks, our secrets."
Immediately, you felt a wave of nausea and anxiety. He looked up at you, taking your hand from his face and holding it in his own boney one. He rubbed gentle circles across the back of your hand, squeezing your fingers slightly as if he were going to lose you if he let go.
She might want a kiss.
"What did I do wrong?" The way you said it broke his heart. Your voice shook with so much emotion, it could've rattled the Earth to its core. The way your eyes had grown glossy from approaching tears, your lip quivering slightly to hold back a waterfall of sobs.
"Nothing, ma petit chou. I was..." He hesitated. Still under the influence, he marched forward, vulnerable and, for the first time in years, nervous. "I was afraid."
Before the end of this song.
"I loved you, Spy. I love you, still." You blinked, a couple of tears spilling down your warm cheeks. He clicked his tongue, taking his free hand and wiping them away as he sat up to face you. He brought you closer, pulling you forward and resting your head upon his chest. His heart was beating fast and erratic, from nerves or liquor you couldn't tell.
Because love can burn like a cigarette.
"I... I love you too. Please, stay with me tonight." It sounded pathetic coming from him. But, yet, you slid your shoes off and you turned the lamp off. You laid against him, hearts thrumming in rythm as he finally drifted off into what was some of the heaviest sleep he'd ever had. You had gotten past those walls, once again. Thankful was an understatement for how you felt. You knew Spy was complicated, someone who couldn't allow slip-ups or complications, it could cost him as much as his life.
And when he awoke the next morning, groggy with a pounding headache, with you clutching onto him as if he would leave in the middle of the night, Spy knew he had done at least one thing right in his drunken stupor. All he hoped for, now, was your forgiveness.
And leave you alone with nothing,
And leave you alone with nothing.
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justrandomthoughs · 2 years
Obsessed with Jace and a dragon like reader who’s feral for him. Him sneaking into her room and sleeping on her bed. She confronts him about it and he’s horrified. “How’d you know?” She just looks at him and goes “my room reeks like you. It smells like we’ve mated.”
Yan! Jacaerys x Dragon! Reader - Perv! Jace is found out
TW: Swearing (by me—sorry), Sexual content, Unhealthy behavior
I know it's so implausible in the story for, like, a viable dragon-human hybrid (but thats also another story, I've been listening to too many Alt Shwift X/Alt Shift X videos lol) but I fucking LOVE the premise. Grrr, ruff ruff. Absolutely rabid for it. Y'all know Targaryen's ride dragons, so I'm enjoying connecting the dots between that and dragon reader smut lol.
Oooo, so the well-known, community wide, factual about Jace is that he's a lil' fucking pervert (but he tries not to give in to his impulsive and continual desires). So, I see him smelling your used clothes, pillows, towels, etc. Also he'd be doing it in your room, just hoping that he can do it quickly and sneakily enough that you don't catch him.
He will be raging the guiltiest, most perverse, boner and he will be PALMING that MF so hard. He might try to use what he swiped to jerk himself off, but it would only be for a moment since he doesn't want to leave any 'real' (to humans) evidence. He'd probably have a little hand towel or something with him to clean up and he'd bring it back with him so he doesn't leave any hard tracks (Oh god I just realized I picture Jace as a closet pervert... Idk y'all how do we feel about that lol. I like it since I clearly am inclined by virtue of my writing, lol, but I want to hear opinionsss!!!).
If you were for sure going to be out of the Red Keep or Dragonstone, I think he'd, at least once, lie on your bed and maybe fantasizes about talking, waking up, cuddling, fucking you on it. He just love anything that has to do with you, so he fantasizes about it for a bit. Probably also jerks himself off, turned on by the 'closeness' of the act because he's in your room. It's just filled with the essence of you, and he's drunk off it.
Dudes, when you fucking confront him he feels that HOT-ASS WHITE DREAD. He tried being really careful but I think that the high of doing something so improper and taboo like invading your personal area—and even jerking off in there—clouded his best judgement/intelligence. If it wasn't for the carnal desire, and the irrationality that stems from it, fucking up his rationality I think he'd have been smart enough to realize before he indulged that you would be able to tell. He probably had a lot of morality debates with himself, lol, but that bad side caved his will in. It would plague his mind for weeks though before he acts.
I think he might fuck up and say "How do you know?". FUCKING DEAD GIVE AWAY BRO. Deceased, but could still see it, perhaps if you teased him a lot before you revealed what you know. His brain would be too overloaded/lacking blood—it's all in his dick lol—that his self-preservation is out the goddamn window.
I think he could also say "What do you mean?" trying to be as vague as possible on his end but still probing into how damning the evidence you have against him is. BTW. By the FUCKING way. He'd be so red in the face. Stutters abound, light fidgeting (noticeable to you because dragon-observant [it just works] and also you are keeping your cool unlike him lol.), and not maintaining prolonged eye contact. Frequently breaks it to look at his feet or hands.
When you brought up the fact the the air smells like y'all mated, bro would be SO god damn dead. First off, he loves the fact that you made a comment on the possibility/result of the two of you having sex. Saying that it smells like the two of you having coupled, it makes him wonder about what it would actually smell like. Secondly, the fact that you said mated instead of fucked, had sex, or made love, gives your statement extra connotation. (What is the purpose of mating—the production of another life form, creation of life. Unlike fucked, sex, made love, the word mating indicates a direct effort to produce offspring). I think his mind might try to grab at straws and think that since you had the word mating come to your mind before fucking, etc, means that you've thought about mating with him. Starting a family with him. Being mated for life to each other. Clearly he has done the same for you. But oh god I could talk about this for longer but this is getting a bit long lol
Mind you this is all within about 1-5 mins before Dragon! Reader shows Jacaerys what the FUCK is up. This time the dragon will be riding the Targaryen....... OOOOOFFFF.
I love asks/requests/thoughts. Send them in, a bitch will talk about it (me)
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etherealspacejelly · 8 months
hiya dad. I've done research and taken some online screening tests and I'm fairly sure I'm somewhere on the autism spectrum, but I don't know if my symptoms are "severe enough" to qualify for a diagnosis. and I don't know how much of it is the autism and how much of it is other stuff. so idk what to do and I suppose you could say I've got some pretty strong imposter syndrome going on. any advice would be quite appreciated
if you haven't already, i would suggest taking the RAADS-R test. it is a screening tool used by professionals when diagnosing autism. it is not equivalent to a diagnosis, but it can help with that pesky impostor syndrome!
also, the autism spectrum is not a straight line from mild to severe. there's no such thing as mild or severe autism. autism is a collection of traits, and the spectrum represents how much each of those traits presents in you.
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here is an example from i screening test i took a while ago (this is not the RAADS-R btw). because i dont have too much difficulty with eye contact, social interaction, or abnormal speaking patterns, i might seem like a 'mild' autistic to a casual observer. however, i really struggle with overstimulation in public places, and can have internal meltdowns because of this. i get obsessed with my interests to the point where i struggle to think about anything else, which impacts my schoolwork.
oftentimes words like 'mild' and 'severe' are used to refer to how much an autistic person inconveniences those around them, rather than how much they are struggling internally. no one is more autistic than anyone else. we all have our own unique struggles and strengths, because we are people, and thats just how people are! there is no way to be a 'little bit autistic'. you either are or you aren't. spectrum =/= sliding scale!!!
and yes, symptoms can overlap a lot between diagnoses. i think there should be less emphasis on "Do the things i struggle with align perfectly with the way people with this condition struggle?" and more on "Will the techniques designed to help these people make my life more bearable?" and if the answer is yes then use them!!!
you dont need a diagnosis to wear sunglasses indoors or use fidget toys or noise cancelling headphones/earplugs. there is no such thing as being 'disabled enough' for accommodations. if they make your life easier or less painful/uncomfortable, then do it!!! and this goes for other mental disabilities and physical disabilities too! and even non-disabled people!
i think as a society we have placed so much judgement on disabled people that it is seen as a personal failure to need accommodations. using a cane or walker is seen as 'giving up', when it can actually be a preventative measure for many physical conditions!
if something makes your life easier, then do it. regardless of whether you have the 'correct' or 'severe enough' disability for it. suffering is not noble.
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rvlsdlcrx · 1 year
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PRAYERS 【#001.】-HLS.
ATSV x Child!Reader
ㅤㅤ(Some comedy to warm yall up in the next😋)
【#000.】 <-Chapter one
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ【TW!! Usage of vulgar/foul language, acts of violence, choking and cringe yet realistic events. Please proceed with tender caution for young audiences, thank you.】
Reminders; This will have parts so be patient, it'll be worth it I promise you<33 enjoooyy
English IS my first language, but I've spent majority of my life speaking my native language, so pardon my punctuation, grammar, spelling and error.
Reader is 12 years old so don't even think about it.
Constant editing btw😭
Btw please checkout my playlist I made for the reader and some ocs that'll be shown in the near future
PLYSLST!!! (I'm not good at making playlist sorry😭)
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ✧. ┊ 𝚁𝙸𝚅𝙾𝙻𝚄𝚂 𝙳𝙴 𝙻𝙰 𝙲𝚁𝙾𝙸𝚇
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤWRITTEN BY ©𝙍𝙑𝙇𝙎𝘿𝙇𝘾𝙍𝙓
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【#001.】 -HLS.
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-The heavy gravity that pulled you somewhere unknown made you confused, maybe even somewhere beyond confusion. You hated the way how you're experiencing this, you were raised in a fucking laboratory for God's sake, a laboratory where everything horrible to you was explained, and the idea of confusion scares you. 
You realise you've been on your head for too long, you have to curse the philosophical, existential crisis coping mechanism that constantly makes you airheaded. You looked at your surroundings to see a white void filled with… holes? You looked under your feet and noticed you were floating in 0 gravity. Your mind immediately jumps to conclusions.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"I'm in space!?" You yelled, and surely, your voice didn't echo inside the void. As far as you know-or you know you did, a void where 0 gravity exists, possibilities there will be no oxygen. Uh oh…
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"Feeling breathless?" A tone asked you, appearing from a black hole beside you. You questioned… Why, where, what, when and how are you present in this space. And looking at the questioning figure beside you, yeah… He didn't have a face.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"Creepy." You said nonchalantly to the 'person' who was popping out of the hole. When you've stated your opinion to him, he took this as an offence as he gasped then placed his hand on his chest. 
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"Excuse me!? It wasn't my fault I turned out like this!" He yelled with him floating-yeah… floating-right in front of you, getting out of that black hole where he was previously. The sight of it? You found it rather disturbing, he was a completely white man. Like literally white, no face or ears, he was naked but his parts which were kept private weren't weren't there? You looked at him suspiciously and observed him, which he found more offending as he spoke to break the awkward silence.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"Hey- Kid? Checking people out is rude." The white… man..? Yeah no, let's not call him a man just because he's similar to one. So it's safe to say that he's an individual. He was there snapping his fingers at you to get your attention, you ABSOLUTELY know that you're looking at him with visible judgement. But who is he to say you're checking him out? You almost laughed at his accusations as you spoke.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"Checking you out? Please, I'm not even interested in… an abomination such as you." Did you have regrets saying that? No, did you have shame? Not at all either. Your cocky attitude may or may not mare him pissed off as he's on his way towards you, you suddenly felt that black hole appear behind you as he looked-is possible-immediately grabb ed your neck. His grip was tight but something made you feel like you're suffocating.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"You're just like him…" His tone definitely reeked frustration and realization. Hearing upon his statement made you confused, which again made you hate it so you groaned in frustration. Heck, you absolutely don't have a mind what was going on, and your annoyed confusion leads you to deadly curiosity. You raised your brow at him while you asked with that deadly curiosity that lingered your mindless brain.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"What the heck do you even mean-"
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"You know exactly what I mean." You were cut off by him with an intimidating voice, and you were sure without a single doubt. It definitely sounds like him. Shivers travelled down your spine frantically, and this worried you a lot. You're unable to stare at him, but he was able to look at you despite not having eyes to see. But you know that he's looking at you. 
Your eyelids widened at that realization, your senses reacted in such a way that made you feel a piercing pain on your head. You hissed at sudden pain and the highly sensitive reaction your senses told you. You were immediately pushed into the black hole with that guy's fingers wrapping around your throat, you grabbed his wrist as you furrowed your gaze at him. It was a hard glare of growing hatred. 
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"Who are you anyways!?" And his response was a chuckle. A chuckle of growing confidence. This attitude somewhat made you disgusted at him with his cockiness.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"I am the Spot." He introduced, you could've sworn the name he called himself was already a circus itself-if not a circus then an industry of a god damn joke. 
With his dumb introduction, your back immediately met the hard concrete ground-surprisingly-! It didn't hurt, you sighed with vivid relief. But now… You found yourself in an unfamiliar place, it was dimly lit with the only source of light being a deep purple ambience. You grunted and so did he. You stood up and facing him with furrowed eyes, he looked at you as he made some holes appear behind him and some surrounding you. You clicked your tongue in response as you said.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"Portals, huh?" A hand was placed on your hip as you asked with a little smirk, Spot then charged at you while he answered in agreement. His attack was too easy to read as you jumped above him and landed with your back facing his. In a blink of an eye, you webbed him to grab him by the back of his neck as you whispered.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"You better get me home… Spot." You commanded. This made Spot laugh at you, and sure as hell this made you annoyed as your father. The pressure and embarrassment you felt randomly when he did this to you made you return the choke with a deadly grip. You furrowed your brows as you repeated.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"I said… Take me back home, Spot." Again you said, and the only response to you was sending you to another hole and appearing in an apartment. Your grip was still with him, but what you did was to send a kick on his throat and slide yourself backwards to distance yourself from this abomination.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"Oh no… I won't do that." Spot answered with him getting up from your attack, running up to you again with a slow pace. Looking at him trying to run and show an intimidating visual by laughing, you just know-what he's doing is highly embarrassing. He was running towards you like a coward, you couldn't help but slap your palm to your face and rub it downwards until grabbing your lips and groaned with embarrassment and annoyance for this grown ass adult.
Honestly-"What the fuck." Is your response, just when he's so close to you. He slipped to his own own hole-or portal, whatever the fuck you even call it-as he screamed with a cut off. 
You only looked at where he fell and stood there awkwardly, trying to collect what happened this day. Confused as you were, you shifted your position to look at the apartment you're in. You then let out a confused yet doomed-
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤEND OF CHAPTER.
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-✧..:*☆ 「TAG SECTION!!」
For my bb: @otaku-degenarate <3333 here u go(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
Episode 3 of Bocchi The Rock! is like buying a TCG expansion pack for creative animation and having every card be a rare, its amazing. If you are fan you have definitely seen the screenshots; Bocchi’s panic over peer judgements done with paper cut-outs on puppet sticks:
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Her sanity hitting a breaking point being a live action exploding balloon:
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And her improv-folk-ditty about her failed friendship attempt being set to a 2000′s-era indie music video backing of scanning landscape shots
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The production team released some adorable behind-the-scenes footage of some of these, btw:
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Those shots really emphasize the necessity-as-mother-of-invention dynamic - if your team is *already* creative and has multimedia approaches down, filming a balloon pop is way less work than animating it and is more importantly working *different* staff members, so your animators can focus on making the other scenes look good. Bocchi is a small production and they are stretching their resources to the limit, with great results.
(The budget-saving facts reminded me of the much-more-troubled but equally creative production of Kare Kano, whose Episode 19 is famously paper cut-outs filmed live:)
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(This episode is also Studio Trigger founder Hiroyuki Imaishi’s episode directorial debut, fun fact)
Now these scenes do not need a ‘reason’ to be animated in such creative ways; you can just have fun, Bocchi is a light comedy, art for arts sake is great actually. But I am impressed by how much thought has gone into aligning the aesthetic choices with the narrative & character. To go in order:
Paper cut-outs: Bocchi is entertaining an elaborately ridiculous fantasy that joining a conversation her peers were having would result in complete social castration; how unrealistic such a response would be is emphasized by the unrealism of their bobbing stick movements and how they clash with the ‘real’ Bocchi (who is drawn traditionally)
Balloon Pop: A simple one, her ‘reality break’ is extremely sudden and its really hard for animation to approximate the sharp speed of an actual balloon explosion, combined with (not observable in a still) an extremely silly, non-explosive spoken sound effect to emphasize the triviality of the stakes.
Landscape Music Video: My personal favourite, the ‘depressed romantic indie musician’ is such a specific vibe, a style we often laugh at today for its pretentiousness, and the way Bocchi is romanticizing and catastrophizing the extremely mundane struggles she is going through is exactly that energy, the joke just doesn’t work without this reference.
Almost every time they stretch the scope of the definition of ‘animation’ they also enhance the characterization & story, which imbues a lot more life into scenes that could otherwise come off as simply zany. 
The team is really nailing it - and its led by first-time director Keiichirou Saito at Cloverworks. He can’t take all the credit for the ideas; Episode 3 was directed by series assistant director Yusuke Yamamoto, and we know he was directly responsible for the landscape photography music video sequence. But Saito’s credits put him working as an animator on Wonder Egg Priority, Heiki Monogatari, Sonny Boy, Flip Flappers...never as a huge role, just a key animator, but still I think it demonstrates an interest in pushing the envelope on style and direction. I hope these productions continue to beget new creatives who take the spirit on to new projects.
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thescorpionmonarch · 1 year
Astro forecast
Did you all know that Friday the 13th and a solar eclipse in Libra are next to each other this month? (Oct 14th)
Yeah, this weekend has very strong energy influences.
To start new stuff, projects, or relatonships under this transit is huge. Big lessons here. Or big goals being set. Huge cleanse needed before you can start something new.
Like grieving over a very recent loss and celebrating the lottery 24 hrs apart. Emotion ranging from very low points to very high points swiftly.
People who deal with hypomania or mania (Bipolar) need to be cautious and on point with the self care.
2 polar opposites becoming one. In businesses, platonic bonds, family, and relationships
Gonna see people and groups getting along when you don't expect it. They found something in common that was birthed through their union. Many will be curious observers or judgemental about it. Many will be inspired by it. You'll love whom you thought you couldn't love or you will observe or hear stories about it. You can team up with anybody you want regardless of self doubt or naysayers.
Weird stuff in politics with these themes will come up too. Many groups joining over political motivations and human rights as well as environmental protection.
Many bonds that were expected to fail or separate or dissolve contracts will do a 180. They recommit to old contracts that they used to doubt or they sign new ones with the same people.
Some of you have twinflames that have a story or upcoming story like this.
--- Not all twinflames have to be romantic BTW.
Seeing therapy based on relationship or group therapy being suggested or followed through. Some may have a healing specialty in this topic from a psychology or spritual/intuitive point of view.
I hear animals are a good example of those whom you wouldn't expect to get along are getting along.
"They got married to who?"
"You signed a contract with who?"
"When did that happen and how?"
"I did not see that coming."
"I thought you hated each other (or hated that group"
"You converted to what?"
"You made a deal with whom?"
"Diverse networking"
"Can I get a amen?"
"You just like to pull success out of your ass?"
"Tell me your story"
Movie sugestion. "Ernest and Celestine". Really good movie. Very cute and very emotional. Also has a strong political element. Original is in French, but they do have a dub.
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